Browse Items (22 total)
- Tags: Gay marriage
[2010] Rex Ball Obituary
Tags: 2010, AIA, AIA Tulsa, American Institute of Architects, American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Institute of Architects Tulsa, architect, art deco, Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Brent Ortolani, Chamber of Commerce Oklahoma City, Chamber of Commerce Tulsa, Commission of Fine Arts, Dwight Kealiher, Gay marriage, gay marriage in Oklahoma, HTB, HTB Inc, HTB Inc., HTB Inc. Tulsa, HTB Tulsa, in memoriam, Kemper Military School, Margie Crowley Ball, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), memoriam, Mike Tedrick, MIT, Ninde Brookside Funeral Home, Ninde Funeral & Cremation, Ninde Funeral and Cremation, Ninde Funeral Home, Obituaries, Obituary, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma State Council, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma State University (OSU), OSU, OU, Rex Ball, Stephen Edwards, Steve Aberson, TCC, Tulsa Art Deco, Tulsa Art Deco Society, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, Tulsa Community College, Tulsa Community College (TCC), Tulsa Historic Preservation, Tulsa Historic Preservation Commission, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, United Methodist Church, United States Commission of Fine Arts, University of Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma (OU), US Commission of Fine Arts, World Congress on Art Deco
[2014] Estimating the Economic Boost of Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in Oklahoma
Tags: 2014, Christy Mallory, Gay marriage, gay marriage in Oklahoma, Justin M. O'Neill, Justin O'Neill, legalization of same sex marriage, LGBT marriage, M. V. Lee Badgett, marriage, marriage equality, Oklahoma gay marriage, Oklahoma same sex marriage, same sex marriage, same sex marriage in Oklahoma, same-sex marriage, state revenue, Taxes, The Williams Institute, UCLA, UCLA School of Law, University of California, University of California Los Angeles, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California Los Angeles School of Law, University of California School of Law, Williams Institute
[2015] List of Oklahoma Counties that Issued Same-Sex Marriage Licenses within a Year of it Becoming Legal
Tags: 2015, Gay marriage, gay marriage in Oklahoma, legalization of same sex marriage, LGBT marriage, marriage, marriage equality, marriage licence, marriage licences, Oklahoma counties, Oklahoma gay marriage, Oklahoma same sex marriage, same sex marriage, same sex marriage in Oklahoma, same-sex marriage
[1995-1996] NGLTF - Media Releases
Tags: 1995, 1996, 1996 Creating Change Conference, 1st Annual Vito Russo Memorial Lecture, 9th Annual Creating Change Conference, arson, Attorney General Janet Reno, Barney Frank, Carmen Vasquez, church, Church Arson Prevention Act, Church Arson Prevention Act 1996, Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996, churches, conference, Congress, Creating Change, Creating Change Conference, Creating Change Conference 1996, Defense of Marriage Act, First Annual Vito Russo Memorial Lecture, Gay marriage, gay marriage ban, hate crime, hate crime bill, Hate crime legislation, Hate Crime Statistics Act, Hate Crime Statistics Act (HCSA), HCSA, Janet Reno, John D'Emilio, Julianne Williams, Julie Williams, June Jordan, Laura Winans, LGBT marriage, Lollie Winans, marriage equality, Melinda Paras, Murder, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), NGLTF, NGLTF Creating Change Conference, Ninth Annual Creating Change Conference, press release, same sex marriage, same-sex marriage, Shenandoah National Park, Shenandoah National Park murders, Sue Hyde, Tracey Conaty, Vito Russo Memorial Lecture, Vito Russo Memorial Lecture on Art and Politics
[2004] "Vote No" Sign
[2013] EBA Members Invitation to OKEQ Marriage Fair
Tags: 2013, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, EBA, Equality Business Alliance, Equality Business Alliance (EBA), Equality Center, Gay marriage, marriage equality, Marriage Equality Week, Mary Jones, OkEq, OKEQ EBA, OKEQ Equality Business Alliance, OkEq Equality Center, OKEQ Marriage Equality Week, Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ)
[2017] Edith Windsor Obituary
[2001] Tulsa Family News, May 2001; Volume 8, Issue 5
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, AIDS, AIDS vaccine, American Civil Liberties Union, anti-bullying, arts and entertainment, businesses, churches, civil rights, civil unions, Council Oak Men's Chorale, Diversity celebration, Gay marriage, hate crimes, HIV, HIV testing, housing, Lamont Lindstrom, marriage equality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Lesbian and Gay Community Funding Partnership, Openarms Youth Project, Partner Benefits, Pride, Pride 2001, pride Parade, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, Tulsa Community Foundation, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Library, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Wesleyan University
[2001] Tulsa Family News, February 2001; Volume 8, Issue 2
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: About Town, adoption, AIDS, arts and entertainment, Boy Scouts, businesses, churches, civil rights, civil unions, Council Oak Men's Chorale, fake AIDS drug, gay bashing, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, HIV, HIV drug study, HIV testing, James Hormel, Lamont Lindstrom, legal protection, marriage equality, Martin Luther King Jr. Parade, Openarms Youth Project, performing arts, public sex, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, services, Soulforce, Sound and Spirit, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, vandalism, Wild Hearts Ball
[2000] Tulsa Family News, October 2000; Volume 7, Issue 10
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: AIDS, Al Gore, aMUSEments, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, arts and entertainment, Bars, Boy Scouts, businesses, Catholic Church, censorship, churches, Community Center, contraception, Families, gay bashing, Gay Games 2002, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, healthcare, HIV prevention, HIV testing, homelessness, Human Rights Campaign, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, Log Cabin Republicans, marriage equality, Murder, Openarms Youth Project, Parents, Partner Benefits, partner rights, performing arts, PFLAG, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, Rich Tafel, Tom Neal, Tulsa AIDS Walk, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Police Department
[2000] Tulsa Family News, September 2000; Volume 7, Issue 9
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2000, AIDS, AIDS drugs, AIDS research, AIDs Walk, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, asylum, Bars, Boy Scouts, businesses, churches, Community Center, discrimination bans, gay bashing, Gay marriage, gay parents, Gay Studies, hate crimes, hate crimes bill, HIV testing, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, lawsuit, malpractice, marriage equality, medical marijuanan, Murder, Olympics, Openarms Youth Project, Partner Benefits, performing arts, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, San Antonio Lesbian and Gay Media Project, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, VAN, Walk for Life
[2000] Tulsa Family News, August 2000; Volume 7, Issue 8
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2000, African Americans, AIDS, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Bars, Boy Scouts, businesses, churches, civil unions, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, gay bashing, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, hate crimes, HIV, homophobia, Jim Christjohn, journalism, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, Marie Mohler, marriage equality, military inclusion, Murder, Native Americans, performing arts, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, Republican Party, restaurants, support groups, Tammy Faye Messner, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News
[2000] Tulsa Family News, June 2000; Volume 7, Issue 6
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2000, African Americans, AIDS, AIDS drugs, AIDS vaccine, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Bars, Boy Scouts, bullying, businesses, churches, civil unions, Democratic party, Diversity celebration, Gay marriage, gay parents, Gay Studies, hate groups, HIV, homophobia, inequality, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, marriage equality, Native Americans, OK Spoke Club, performing arts, PFLAG, Pride, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, restaurants, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa World, Two-Spirited Indian Men's Support Group
[2000] Tulsa Family News, May 2000; Volume 7, Issue 5
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2000, AIDS, AIDS Quilt, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Barry Hensley, Bars, Boy Scouts, businesses, churches, civil unions, Daily Oklahoman, Diversity celebration, Elizabeth Toledo, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, George W. Bush, harassment, hate groups, HIV, HIV prevention, homophobia, housing, Idaho Public Television, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, marriage equality, military inclusion, Murder, NAMES Project, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, NGLTF, Partner Benefits, performing arts, Pride, prison, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, restaurants, slurs, Supreme Court, Tom Neal, tuberculosis, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Zoo, United Methodist Church, universities, University of Pitsburgh
[2000] Tulsa Family News, April 2000; Volume 7, Issue 4
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: "Operation Montreal", 2000, adoption, AIDS, AIDS Quilt, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Audra Sommers, Bars, Blood Donation, businesses, Census, Christian Coalition, churches, civil unions, Council Oak Men's Chorale, Diversity celebration, Dr. Grethe Cammermeyer, Dr. Laura, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, Greg Louganis, Harmonic Diversity, hate crime bill, HIV, holocaust, homophobia, Human Rights Campaign, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, Liberation Publications, Living ArtSpace, marriage equality, military inclusion, NAMES Project, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, OK Spoke Club, Partner Benefits, performing arts, PlanetOut Inc, Pride, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, restaurants, Soulforce, Texas Lesbian Conference, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Repertory Theatre
[2000] Tulsa Family News, March 2000; Volume 7, Issue 3
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: adoption, AIDS, AIDS research, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Barry Hensley, Bars, Bill Clinton, businesses, churches, civil unions, Community Center, Council Oak Men's Chorale, Dave Fleischer, Diversity celebration, Do-It-Yourself-Dyke, domestic partners, Gay marriage, gay politicians, Gay Studies, Greg Louganis, Harmonic Diversity, hate crimes bill, HIV, HIV testing, homophobia, injection site, Jesse Jackson, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, lesbian survey, marriage equality, Mary Schepers, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, performing arts, PFLAG, Pride, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, restaurants, The Laramie Project, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, violence, youth
[2000] Tulsa Family News, February 2000; Volume 7, Issue 2
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: AIDS, AIDS drugs, AIDS research, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Bars, businesses, Chatholic Church, churches, civil rights, Colin Higgins Foundation, community, Dave Fleischer, Episcopal Church, Gary Watts, Gay marriage, HIV, homophobia, Jim Christjohn, Judaism, Karin Gregory, lawsuits, marriage equality, Metro Communtiy Church Unted, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, non-discrimination policies, Partner Benefits, partners registry, performing arts, Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, restaurants, Saint Joseph's College, scholarships, Soulforce, Southwest Airlines, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Teacher's Credit Union, Vatican
[2000] Tulsa Family News, January 2000; Volume 7, Issue 1
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2000, AIDS, AIDS drugs, AIDS research, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Bars, Blood Donation, bullying, businesses, children, churches, Department of Defense, Do-It-Yourself Dyke, Domestic Partner Benefits, Don't Ask Don't Tell, Dr. Jeffrey Beal, Evergreen Awards, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, HIV, homophobia, homphobia, It's Elementary, Jim Christjohn, John McCain, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, Leather, marriage equality, Mary Schepers, mental disabilities, military, military inclusion, Mr. Sooner State Leather, NAMES Project, Nationwide Insurance, Oklahoma Mr. Leather, performing arts, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, Red Cross, restaurants, Ric Poston, Rick Fortner, Rik Isensee, sexual assault, sodomy laws, Steve Forbes, Ted Campbell, That's A Family, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Public Schools, Vemont, Vermont, visitation rights
[1999] Tulsa Family News, December 1999; Volume 6, Issue 12
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 'All About My Mother', 1999, ACT-UP, adoption, AIDS, aMUSEments, anti-gay legislation, arts and entertainment, Audra Sommers, Bars, Boy Scouts, businesses, California, China, churches, couple recognition, Dave Fleischer, divorce, Don't Ask Don't Tell, Dr. Jeffrey Beal, Dr. McCutchen, Dyke Psyche, E. Annie Prouix, Entertainment Notes, Ernestine Dillard, Esther Rothblum, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, Germany, hate crimes, hate crimes bill, Hillary Clinton, HIV, homophobia, James Christjohn, Jim Christjohn, Lamont Lindstrom, marriage, Matthew Shephard, military, military inclusion, Mount Zion Baptist Church, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Partner Benefits, performing arts, Quentin Crisp, Read All About It, restaurants, South Africa, Southern Baptist Church, Susan Savage, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, United Methodist Church, Vermont, World AIDS day
[1999] Tulsa Family News, August 1999; Volume 6, issue 8
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: adoption, AIDS deaths, AIDS testing, AIDs Walk, Anti-hate crime legislation, arts and entertainment, attorneys, Barry Hensley, Bars, businesses, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, churches, civil rights, Civil Rights Act, Community Center, conversion therapy, Council Oak Men's Chorale, Dave Fleischer, discrimination, divorce, Dyke Psyche, Entertainment Notes, Esther Rothblum, Exodus International, Feast with Friends, Fred Phelps, Gary Indiana, gay bashing, Gay marriage, Gay Studies, Gay-Straight Alliance, Greg Gatewood, HIV/AIDs, HIV/AIDS research, homophobia, Human Rights Campaign, James Christjohn, Lamont Lindstrom, lawsuits, Malawi, marriage, marriage equality, Murder, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Native Americans, Parish Church of Saint Jerome, Paul M. Barby, Paula Ettelbrick, performing arts, Phillip Morris, Read All About It, religious liberty, restaurants, Steve Horn, Three Month Fever, Tom Neal, Tulsa CARES, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Metropolitan Ara Planning Commission, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Two-Spirited Indian Men's Support Group, Westboro Baptist Church