[2000] Tulsa Family News, May 2000; Volume 7, Issue 5


[2000] Tulsa Family News, May 2000; Volume 7, Issue 5


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


May 2000


James Christjohn
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, April 2000; Volume 7, Issue 4


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Brief for Dale v. BOy Scouts
by Tim Talley, Associated Press ~rite~ -
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - Some state lawmakers
demanded in mid-April that Oklahoma Attorney General
Drew Edmondson withdraw from participating in a
U:S. Supreme Court case on whether to allow Gay boys
and men in the Boy Scouts of America. Resolutions
were f’ded in the state House and~ Senate opposing a
friend-of-the-court briefEdmondson filed supporting a
New Jersey court decision that ordered the Boy Scouts
to reinstate a homosexual scout leader.
"I think it is a dark day for Oklahoma that we have
taken this stand, by and through our attorney general, in
favor of Gay rights and against the Boy Scouts," said
Rep. Frank Davis, R-Guthrie, a former scout master
by the Senate says Edmondson’s position "is in dramarie
opposition to the moral ideals of.our state and is
inappropriate in this case of first impression before the
United State Supreme Court."
In a statement, Edmondson saidhe respects the views
of lawmakers who oppose his action. But the attorney
general said the state’ s position see Attorney; p. 2
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
: ,~. Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
¯ Co!legeHill Presbyterian
::Church Welcomes Gays
TULSA - This last Palm Sunday, the Session (the board of
directors) of College Hill Presbyterian Church, one of Tulsa’ s
older"mainline" congregations, voted 13 yes, zero no’ s with one
abstention to become officially a member of"More Light Presbyterians."
College Hill, located a block west of the University of
Tulsa is the first Presbyterian congregation in Eastern Oklahoma
(o. take the position of welcoming
all to attend and serve
the church regardless of
sexual orientation.
More Light Presbyterians
is a national network of
churches and individuals
working for justice, love and
the full embrace and inclusion
of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
and Transgendered
persons and their families.
The name is taken from the
words of the Rev. John
Robinson (c. 1620),"we limit
not the truth of God to our
poor reach of mind - by notions
of our day and sect - crude, partial and confined. No, let a
new and better hope within our hearts be stirred, for Godhath yet
more light and truth to break forth from the Word."
The decision for College Hill came after more than 14 months
ofprayer, study and discussion. Acongregational voteon several
statements and positions, one affirming open inclusion, another
reaffirming the mission statement of More Light Presbyterians,
and for becoming a More Light congregation passed, 87%, 90%
and 80% respectively. .
Pastor Radford Rader noted, "College Hill has long been a
congregation which has stood for jnstice issues and with groups
of people who others ignore or exclude.., we cannot remain in
the closet, but want to rejoice in who we are as a family of faith.
¯ .we are blessed by our Gay and Lesbian members."
College Hill’ s history is one of s0cialjttstice, seeChurch,p.11
College Hill Presbyterian
GI,s Mom Suing Arm i- Supreme Court Hears Gay Civil
WASHINGTON(AP)-Them°ther°fas°ldiermur- " R|ghts Case: Dale vs. BSA dered in his barracks believes the Army’s attitude ,
toward Gays created the atmosphere that led to the
killing. Patricia Kutteles of Kansas City, Mo., said she
would file a claim with the Army, seeking roughly $1.8
million in damages for the death of her son, Pfc. Barry
Wincbell,21. Shesaidfellow soldiers believed Winchell
was Gay and harassed him for months before he was
beaten to death while sleeping in his cot last July at Fort
Campbell, Ky. The Army knew about the harassment
but did nothing to stop it, she said. "We want theArmy
to be held accountable," Kutteles said.
Pvt. Calvin Glover, 19, of Sulphur, Okla., was convicted
of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in
prison for the attack. Another soldier was givena 12.5-
year sentence for lying to investigators and obstructing
justice. Thekillingprompted criticism ofthePentagon’ s
policy onhomosexuals in the military. Under the policy
known as "don’t ask, don’t teli.;’:~,Gay-members of the
military can continue to serve.as Ibng as they keep their
sexual orientation to themselves.
Kutteles’ attorney,Adam Pachter, saidheplans to file
under a federal law that allows people to seek reimbursement
from the military for injury or death. The
claim will be sent toMaj. Gen. Robert T. Clark, the
commander of Fort Campbell, but Army Secretary
Louis CaldemprobAbly’will make thef’mal decision on
whether to pay, Pachter said. Kutteles’ claim also alleges
Fort Campbell officials ignored underage drinking
on the base and did not provide a way for soldiers to
call 911 from the barracks.:Glover has said he had been
drinking prior to theattack~ Maj. Pamela Hart, an Army
spokeswoman, declined to comment on the claim but
said soldiers cannow reach 911 from their barracks. She
also said soldiers hadreceived additional training about
the military’ s policy on Gays.
Kutteles said her goal is to get the Army to admit
wrongdoing and take corrective action. "I don’t think
you~put aprice on your child’ s life,’.’ she said. "Your
world is changed if you lose a child. Nothing caa ever
rip3at it."
¯ WASHINGTON, D.C. - Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is not
¯ entitled to expel an exemplary member who is openly Gay from
¯ its ranks, the National Gay and LesbianTask Force said at the end
¯ ofApril as theU.S. SupremeCourtwas hearingargumentsinBoy
Scouts of America v. Dale. The ruling on the case will likely be
: issued before the term ends in early summer.
: ’q’he Boy Scouts’ mission is to promote model citizenship and
¯ integrity," said Panla Ettdbrick, NGLTFFamily Policy Director.
: "It is ridiculous and wrong to exclude a man whose outstanding
¯ personal character fulfills this mission simPlY because he is
¯ Gay."
-" "The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on appeal by the
¯ BSA after the August 1999 unanimous decision of the New
¯¯ Jersey,Supreme Court. The court found that the BSA falls under
New Jersey’ s anti-discrimination law and cannot deny any per-
" son "accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges"
: because of sexual orientation.
¯ Because the Scouts do not organize for a specific anti-Gay
¯ message; the New Jersey Supreme Court also found that the
¯ inclusion of openly Gay assistant scoutmasterJames Dale would
¯ not violate the BSA’ s First Amendment rights offree association
¯ and free speech.
." ~€I’llis case represents a classic struggle in our country?s ever-
" evolving democracy," said Ettelbrick, a veteran attorney and
: national expertLon legal-issues facing.the Ga~y~ lesbian~ bisexual
¯ and transgender community. "It is the stragglebetween agroup’ s ¯
right to establish its own values and the government’ s obligation
¯ to ensure that the law does not give effect to those private biases
when they are used to inhibit equality." .. . ~
: Ettelbrick praised the Lambda Legal Defense and Education
Fund, which has served as lead counsel for James Dale and has
¯ assembled a broad collection of groups to sign friend-of-the-
. court briefs. Those groups range from NGLTF and the National
¯ Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
: to the attorneys-general of 10 states, including Oklahoma Attor-
: ney General Drew Edmondson (see related story this page).
¯ NGLTF’ S brief can be found online via I..ambda’ s website at
: http:/Iwww.lldef.org/sectionslseetionsldalepresskit/
: amicusaclu.html.
Vermont Governor
Signs Gay Union Bill
by Ross Sneyd, Associated Press Writer
¯ MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Gov. Howard Dean ¯
signed into law on Wednesday, April 26, 2000, a
¯ bill making Vermont the first state to give Gay and
’ Lesbian couples all the rights and benefits of mar-
¯ riage - without legally declaring it a marriage. ¯
"I think the powerful message is that in Vermont,
¯ we tend to value people for who they are, not what
¯ they are," the Democratic governor said after the
House gave the measure final approval Tuesday.
° The bill, which House members supported 79-68,
¯ arrived at the governor’ s deskjust before lunch and
¯ was signed quietly prior to a2pmnews confe~e,nce, ¯
Vermont lawmakers didn’t use the term mar-
" riage to describe the official state sanction. Instead
¯ they set up aparallel track of"civil tmions," which
¯ would give Gay and Lesbian partners the property
and other legal fights of spouses. Such unions
¯ would become legal July 1. No state has ever gone
¯ so far in recognizing the relationships that Gay and
"- Lesbian couples form.
." Three couples and the lawyers who sued in 1997
¯ when they were denied marriage licenses watched
in the crowded Housechamber as the final roll was
¯ called and House representatives agreed to minor
." changes made by their colleagues in the Senate.
¯ Stacy Jolles and Nina Beck stood cradling their 5-
¯ month-old son, Seth. PeterHarrigan stood embracing
Stan Baker, who held a small necklace from
¯ which his parents’ wedding rings dangled. And
¯ Holly Puterbaugh held hands as Lois Famham
¯ wiped tears fromher eyes. "This isn’ tmarriage, but
it’ s ahuge and powerful bundle ofrights that we’ ve
¯ finally gotten," Baker said moments after the vote.
¯ After the vote, Rosana Vestuti, 41, of Montpelier,
sat on a window seat as legislators, Gay and
." Lesbian couples and thepress milled about. "It’ s so
¯ nice. I have all this in my eyes," see Vermont, p. 7
¯ OKC Gay Group Meets
With Daily Oklahoman
OKLAHOMACITY -Leaders in OklahomaCity’ s
are hailing an early April meeting with Sue Hale,
: the new executive editor of the Daily Oklahoman.
¯ The Daily Oklahoman which was characterized in ¯
the Columbia Journalism Review as "the worst
: newspaper in America" has been known for its
¯ unfair treatment of Lesbian and Gay issues, not ¯
only on the editorial pages but in regular, "objec-
¯ five" newscoverage.
¯ Those who met with Hale are participants in a
¯ new speakers bureau. "Speakers for Gay and Les-
¯ bian Issues" was organized with the goal of reach-
¯ ing out to the straight commtmity to facilitate ¯
¯ understanding of the realities of.being Gay and
Lesbian. Karen Pars0ns,Nathaniel Batchelder, Paul
¯ Thompson, and Rob Abiera attended the meeting
¯ with Hale, a thirty-year veteran of the Daily Okla-
" homan.
Hale was chosen to be the successor to Stan
¯ Tiner, who left the Daily Oklahoman after several
¯ months of working to remold the paper into a more
¯ progressive, contemporary medium which would
¯ more accurately reflect the diversity of Oklahoma
." City.
¯ Halewas approached after reports.began to surface
of her interest in "social justice" issues. And
¯ though homophobic diatribes continue to grace the
editorial page - still under the firm control of
¯ Patrick McGuigan - the rest of the paper was ¯
showing signs of neutrality, if not being outright
; Gay-friendly.
¯ One place where the paper was showing signs of
¯ openness has been in the movie reviews. Kathryn
; Jenson White had come from the Oklahoma Ga-
: zette (OKC’ s alternative weekly) and had always
¯ been of decidedly liberal persuasion. It did not take
¯" long after Tiner’ s departure to see that she would
: continue to be so, and when two GLBT-themed
: Oscar coatenders see Daily, p. 11
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33
*CW’ s, 1737 S. Memorial
Full Moon Care, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Sqtmre
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*The Star, 1565 Sheridan
*The Storm, 2182 S. Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainb0w Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114’S: Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E: 3rd
*The Yellow-Bri~k-Road.Pub,~-2630,E...1$th, ........ ;749~1563
Tal~a~BtlstPiesse~Set~ices, &: Pcofe~s~o~als~.~.; :
Advanced Wireleg~&::P~,S~ Di~ithl Cellulhi ~ ~ ~ i.tJ ~ q47:q508’
*Assdd ih~19I~d!&:M~fi¢~l ~da]ttl)2325 8’: H~ii~c~a~ 74g-’~i000’,
Kent Balch &Assr(~htes, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & N~bl~’ B66ksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes &N0bl~Broksellers, 5231 E. 41
Body Piefdfigby Nicole, 2722 E. 15
*Borders Books & MUsic, 2740 E. 21
*Borders BOoks’ &MUsic, 8015 S. Yale
Brooksid~ J~w~lfy,4649 S. Peoria
*CD War~hogs~,’3807c S. Peoria
*Cheap Thrills~ 2640 E. 1 lth
Cherry Stl Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis
712-q 122
581-0902, 743-4H7
Community Cleani~ag, Kerby Baker
Tim Daniel, Attorney
*Deco to Dfsco, 3212 E. 15th
DoghouSe oti:Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books &Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
*Ross Edward Salon ~"58420337,
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main ,., " ’-.
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th PI:
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med: Ctr.
.Gay & Lesbian-Affordable Daycare
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
Learme M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney
*Sandra’ J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*International Tours
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th
*Jared’ s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening
*Kerfs Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210
*Living ArtSpace, 308 South Kenosha
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo
*The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696,74101
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning
Teri Schutt Rex Realtors 834-7921,
Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Wherehouse Music, 5150 S. Sheridan
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
352:9504, 800-742-9468
743 -4297
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc.POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 -587-7314o
Bless Ttl~ LO~d at~All Tirn~ -Chflstian Ce-n’tdr/2207 E. 6 58327815-
*B/LiG/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*Churchof:the RestorafionUU., t3t:4N:Greenwood 587-1314"
*CommtmityofHopeUnitedMethodist,2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Comrmmity Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
Council Oak Men’ s Chorale 748-3888
*DelawarePlayhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’ s Center, call for location&info: 587-4669
Friend ForA Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlinlc net
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche,
Lamont Lindstrom Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1 st of each month, the enttre contents
hi" this ubli t~on e protecte~l bv US copyright 1998 8y
~/~ ~ :ahd~may~hd~,be~ep~oduoed e~tlaer m
~ w,hol¢ort~p.a~_ ~’~l~OUt w~atte~a p~.r0~SSlQ~~ro~ ~publisheir. ~
Publication of a name or photo does not.indicate a person’ s
sexual orientation. Corr~spbndeii~ i~assumed to be for.
publication" unlessootherwis~noted,, must be signed & becomes.
the ao_l¢ property ofr~ ~€’~.’. Nt,w4 Eachreader
is entitled to 4 copiesof each editt0n at distribution
pointsJ Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
: Interfaith AIDS Ministries
: Dear friends,
¯ The present realities of HIV/AIDS and
: decreased focus on and interest in HIV-
: related issues have made providing HIV/
: AIDS servicesadifficnltifnotimpossible
r task. This is true on a national as well as
: local level, Late last fall Interfaith AIDS
: Ministries (IAM) received a letter from
: AIDS National InterfaithNetwork (ANIN)
that itwas closing its doors," as a result of
: financial difficulties which cumulatively
¯ .v". und" e,.r~l",nc.d ~I ’ ~ Vl"l~b,"l i "
: reaht~l~s ~a~e~t ~n~pq~s~ble,. ~o ttmcgqq
¯ :..is With deep r~gret that I must announce
: that the boardof Interfaith AIDS Minis-
¯" ’tries has’made the decision to discontinue
: client services.
: I have for srme time continued as the
¯ directorona.volunteerbasis at the board"g ¯ reques ; L’.am no longer able to d.o
¯ Work-~.~,~.~ and personal responslbl,~i,7
582-0~38 ties maKeit impossible forme to continue
¯ Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st. 481-1111 ¯
HOPEI HiV-.Outredch,Pi?~vefifibn:,Edt~cafion 834-8378
: .*H0us.e. O~ the Holy Spitff ~_~nstri¢s,.32!0~ s~~. ’Nb~wood .......
:::-iii~e~ ~iDS MJnislii~s/~ ...... 4381~437, 800-284-2437 ."
:."¥~C~~ United~-i623 :N. Mapi~w00d~: " ~ 838-i715
¯ NAMESPr0ject,.3507 E. Admiral- PlY . 748-3111 . ¯
NO.W, Nat’l Or.g for Womeri;"POBlZ!0.68174159 365-5658
¯ OK Spokes Club (bic~clifig), POB 916~,-.74157 " .
¯ *OSU-TUiSa ’ " ’ ¯
¯ ..PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 :
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674 "
¯ Prime-Timer~P.O. Box 52118, 74152 "
¯ R.A.I:N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network~ ........ 749-4195 ¯
¯Red Ro~k Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 ..... 584~2325 ¯
; O’ RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth "
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882 ¯
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’ s Parish Church, 205 W. King .582-3088 "
¯" *Tulsa,~ea United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171 ¯
¯TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225 ¯ ¯
Tulsa County HealthDepartment, 4616 E. 15 595-4105 :
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only "
¯ TulsaOkla. for HumanRights, c/o The PrideCenter 743:4297
¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform!Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule ¯
: *Tulsa Community College Campuses "
¯ *TulsaGay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105 743-4297 ¯ ¯
Unity Church of Christianity,3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833 ¯
Friead~,..in ~nity Social Org., i~i3 8~2~ 7..4 !.0. !
HIV~.~ente~2~i’38Chas’. Page Blvd. " -- 583-6611 : to do thejob rrsponsibly. It requires more ........
*Tulsa C.A.R:E.S., 3507 E. Admiral- 834-4i94~. time and energy than I am now able to
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
Borders Books & Music, 3209 NW Expressway 405-848-2667
Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
Stonewall League, call for information: 918~456-7900
¯ *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
¯ Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
¯ NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
"~ Auttmm’ Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’ s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’ s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St,
: MCC:0f the Living Spring
: Geek to Go!,TC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’ s, Hwy. 62 East
: White Light, 1 Center St.
*Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 417-623-4696
501-253-7734 "
501-253-7457 :
501-253-6807 "
501-253-5445 ¯
501-253-9337 :
501-253-2776 "
501-253-5332 .
501-624-6646 "
501-253-6001 "
* is where you can find TFN. Not allare Gay-owned but allare Gay-friendly.
commiLAnd there is no one wilting and
able to take my place.
The bisard has made the decision t~
continue IAM’s existence, at this time.
IAM’s board will continue to meet periodicallyand
monitor the changing reali:°
ties of HIV/AIDS, its effect on our community
and any future role IAM may play
inmeeting needs. It is the ministry’ s hope,
of course, that the future will bring a cure.’.
that some day gatherings will be in remembrance
The board and I wish to express our
deepest appreciation for you support of
the work of this ministry over the many
years of its existence. Without that support
IAM would not have been able to
serve the hundreds of individuals which it
has assisted withpractical, emotional, and
spiritual support. Thank you on behalf of
thosewehave served for themany gifts of
your time, your talents, and your support.
I appreciate the opporttmity the ministry
has provided me to serve those affected
by HIV/AIDS and to get to know
and work with all of you. It has been very
hard for me to step away from this work
knowing there is so much more to be
done. However, I know I have reached
that place where, even though there is alot
more I would have liked to have done, I
have done all I can do for now. I would ask
that you continue your prayers of those
living:~ith and affected by HIV/A~DS
and fofthOse who minister to them, for a
cure for this,devastating disease, and frr
those who have served Interfaith AIDS
Ministries. Thank you and God bless you.
- Chaplain Diane Zike, Director
"focused on the issue of state’s rights"
and that the high court’, s ruling in the case.
"will have no direct effect in Oklahoma."
"Oklahoma does not have the same antidiscrimination
law as New Jersey,"
Edmondson said. "For me and my office,
this matter was soldy decided on the
advancement of states’ rights."
Theissue ofstates’ rights involves powers
reserved to the states under the 10th
Amendment and immunity from lawsuits
under the 1 lth Amendment.
Edmondson, a former Boy Scout and
see Attorney, p.7
by Christopher Graft, Associated Press Writer
On the day Unilever bought Slim-Fast for $2.3 billion
and Ben & Jerry’s for $326 million, it was the smaller
purchase that captured the headlines and attentionnationwide.
TheNew York Times, The Washington Postand The
Associated Press were among the major news organizations
that focused on the purchase of the tiny ice cream
company, mentioning the acquisition of the much-larger
Slim-Fast only to savor the unusual pairing of the fatten,
ing and dieting duo.
ceutical industry or whoever is his enemy of the moment.
It is remarkable, actually, that Vermont gets as much
attention as it does - through Ben, Jerry, and Bernie, and
through U.S. Sens. Pat Leahy and Jim Jeffords and Gov.
Howard Dean, all of whom have images of straight
talkers in a business full of bluster. I suspect the nation’ s
high interest in things Vermont has something to do with
"... More and more in recent years Vetmont
has been out front in tackling tough Why? Why does a $326 million purchase gain more
attcntionthatva$2.3~billionone?Qu~fle-simplybecauseno ¯ probl.ems. There is something about the
one ldab~s 6r~ cares ~h6 !o~vns Shn~-Fast." ~ . , ~ ¯ . ¯
Butdle k~d~Be~duidflie ’ldid,& J " ~’" ""~ ~ ,.small ~s~ze of the state that allows exper~-
¯ ! y ,, ! , y.:,. . ’. erry. mlamey care . .... ¯ ¯ : ¯
who owns th~s’c0mpa@.~ h~;ce ~dffay~ b~fi ~ttnazed’l~ ~. :nlentat~i0ii. Aiad ther is something a~ well
the wide interest in Ben & Jerry’ s. By the news media.
And by peo_p,te in general. Because, to be blunt about it,
Ben & Jerry s is a tiny company, with an insignificant
share of the ice cream market. The appeal, though, stems
from the fact there are two real guys at the heart of this
company; two guys who want t6~do good.
No faceless multinational ctlialj._"~,y with layers of
bureau...cracy. This xs Ben and Je~’.~,~-stlll doing a little
scooping here and there, and always keeping their eyes on
social concerns. And that strikes a nerve with the publicl
Twoguys who want to do good. Helping out the little guy
by earmarking 7.5% of the pretax p.r.ofits for charity and
running campaigns to help children and savethe family
farm. Two guYS. Doing good.
Bernie Sanders strikes that same nerve. This past week
found him gushingly profiled in the New York Times and
prominently featured in the Boston Globe, the National
Journal.and on Nagonal Public Radio. H~ is just one of
435 members of the U.S. House - and ye’~ he reaps far
more than his share of publicity - just like Ben and Jerry
do. Why? Because he, too, strikes a nerve. Bernie is the
fighter for the little guy, taking on the powerful pharma-
" about the attitude of its polltieal leaders
¯ and people, an attitude that champions eivll
r~ghts and foeuse~ on the little guy.
: As difficult as it seems for some people,
the debate this year over extending
benefits to Gay and Le~hian couples
is part of that tradition..."
: theseindi~iduals, but it als0 has s0me~ng to do with the
state, its people and its heritage.
¯ In a time when many people feel disconnected from
~ their communities, when they feel overwhelmed by the
¯ stresses and strains of everyday life, Vermont seems to
¯ offer an anchor and a hope. Vermont is small enough.to
retain the seBs¢ of community lost elsewhere, and is
¯ unafraid to try the unconventional - to stand up for the
¯ litde guy. ¯
Ben, Jerry, Bernie and the others are not creating a new
image for Vermont: They are simply building on what
Editor’s note: the following are remarks made by new
NGLTF Executive Director Elizabeth Toledo at the National
Press Club at apress conference held on April.25.
"Good morning. I am here this morning to discuss the
state of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
movement (GLBT) for equality in the United States.
As many state legislatures across the land wrap tip their
work and adjourn, we are seeing a frenzied pace of
legislative activity surrounding GLBT issues. For only
the second year in our movement’ s history, we have seen
bills favorable to our community outnumber unfavorable
bills - and the ratio is rapidly increasing.
So far this year, the National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force has tracked 466 bills, of which 288 are favorable
and 178 are unfavorable. By comparison, last year, we
tracked 269 favorable bills and 205 unfavorable bills.
A trend has emerged which shows that although the
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender population remains
under fierce attack, the movement toward civil
rights for all is steadily gaining strength.
Today the Vermont House of Representatives is poised
to give final approval to a bill that would allow same-sex
couples the right to enter into official civil unions sanctioned
by the state. If approved and signed into law, the
Vermont bill will do what no state has ever done before
- it will pr0~ide same~s,¢x couples wi~ al! of the fights,
benefits iitid ~i~0fi-iilsNties Of niarfiag~ thai a state can
Vermont has garnered a lot of attention, and rightfully
so. But did_you know_ about Georgia? Indiana? Mai_ne?
Alabama?’GeOrgia this Tear foi~ ,the firs:t!time ever: has
passed and enacted a hate crimes law. Indiana has passed
and enacted a hate crimes data collection law. While not
a full-blown hate crimes law, it represents the first rime
hidianalegislators have everreacted favorably to aGLBT
issue. Maine has passed and forwarded to the voters a
full-scale civil rights law that includes sexual orientation.
In Alabama, the House has passed an historic bill adding
.sexual orientation to the existing hate crimes law. Thebill
is scheduled to come up for a heating in the Senate
Five states - Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire,
New Mexico, Wisconsin - have defeated attempts to
either pass or strengthen anti-same-sex marriage laws.
The pace of activity this year continues a trend we first
¯ noticed in 1999, a breakthrough year for the GLBT
; .- movement. Last year’ s legislative victories included his-
" toric advances in such disparate states as California,
: Kentucky, New Hampshire and Nevada. In California,
legislators passed and the governor signed a trio of bills
: "...Vermont has garnered a lot of
: attention, and ghtf lly But did
you know about Georgla.9
Indlana.~ Maine.9 Alabama?
Georgia this year for the first time ever
has passed and enacted a hate erlmes
law. Indiana has passed and enacted a
hate cr~mes data collection law..."
that established a statewide registry for same-sex couples,
added sexual orientation to thenondiscrimination clauses
under the state Fair Employment and Housing Act and
offered public school students some protection against
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
In Kentucky, tWO cities..and two_ 9oun.ties ad~pted, pro-
GLBT civil rights measures. In New Hampshire, a law ¯
preventing same-sex couples from adopting children was
repealed. And Nevada became the 1 lth state to ban job
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
~While we hav~ l~geiy ~picked-ul~iii flJ~ ~e’a~’2000 -
where we left off, the news is not all good. Two states -
Utah and Mississippi -have passed bills preventing "
same-sex couples from adopting children. Two state "
legislatures - Colorado and West Virginia- passed laws
preventing same-sex couples from marrying, and Call- "
fornia voters approved a measure banning the state from "
recognizing same-sex marriages in other states. The "
number of states that have explicitly passed laws banning
same-sexmamagewill reach 33 ifthe Colorado governor ,’.
signs that statefs legislation. :
Such activity reflects the unfortunate reality of our ,"
movement. There is a checkerboard quality to the legal ¯
and cultural victories for the LGBT movement, and too "
¯ was there. This state has always been seen as a bastion of
¯ common sense and a breeder of courageous people.
Yes, Vermont’ s pastoral image is of a bygone era of
¯ village squares and hillside farms. But its political image,
its heritage, in fact, is of courage, of caring, of going
¯ where others fear to tread.
Ralph Flanders was about as conservative as they
~ come. But he had the courage to stand up in the U.S.
¯ Senate and call for an end to Joe McCarthy’ s red-baiting,
¯ taking a stand that for Flanders was steeled in the values ¯
in the Bill of Rights. And so it was for George Aiken,
¯ fighting against :the banks, the rai!roadS, and~ flae marble
¯ and:~~ani,t.~i,n~t.u.stries in the ’3Os~ and spegaki~g up yche,It
¯¯ - others,would not .about the~ ,folly’,.of,Vietnam. :, . . . ..
More and mpre in. recent ~ears V,e.rmont:has been out
¯ front in tackling tough problems. There is something
: about the small size of the state that allows experimenta-
¯ tion. And there is something as well about the attitude of
¯ its political leaders and people, an attitude that champions
¯ civil rights and focuses on the little guy.
¯ As difficult as it seems for somepeople, the debate this
¯ year over extending benefits to Gay and Lesbian couples
¯ .is part of that tradition. Again the eyes of the nation are on
~ the state. Certainly there is apprehension and even oppo-
¯ sition, but it is reassuring and pleasing to see how much
: applause thereis. A South Carolinanewspaper writes that
¯ "Vermont has offered a sensible model for secular civil
¯ unions;" theArizonaDaily Star says "this is probably the ¯
¯ best solution possible to an emotional, important debate
that strains the bounds of Americans’ tolerance and
¯ respect for each other," and the Concord (N.H.) Monitor
; says Vermont has "passed what was a test of conscience."
¯ A tourist promotion campaigns a few decades back
¯ proclaimed that Vermont is what America was. It is more
¯ accurate today to say that Vermont is what America
¯ wants to be.
often the difference between legitimacy and illegitimacy
in the eyes of society may rest on something as arbitrary
as a state boundary. Many residents of thiS country
assume that the great strides of the civil rights movement
have afforded broad protection against discrimination for "
all. In fact the legal reality is that those of us in same sex
relationships have notbeen fully protectedfrom discrimination
in housing,jobs, family law, education - virtually
every aspect of our lives is subject to discrimination and
sadl y, hate violence or harassment remains a reality in
every state in the nation.
Too often the cultural strides that are made in the
media, in places or worship, in schools and universities
and in the workplace are misinterpreted as a sign that
equality has been won.
I’ll give you an example. The National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force frequently receives phone calls from
same-sex couples asking for alist of states in which they
can legally marry. These individuals see shows like Will
and Grace or Dawson’ s Creek. They worship in churches
or synagogues that welcome them. They are out in the
workplace or at school. They just assume, like many
heterosexual Americans, that the barriers of discrimination
have been eradicated.
The reality, of course, is quite different¯ Not a single
state allows same.sex mamage. 39 states allow Gay,
"Lesbian, Bisexual:and Transgender employees.to be fired
from ourjobs. 28 states lack hate crimes law s that include
sexual orientation. 18 states criminalize loving, same-sex
.~ " T~day the GLBT movement i~ at a crossroads We.are
under open assault by those who would deny us basic
.human rights., and at the same time the nation.is witnessing
a surge in support for our cause. Ourtives, our
liberty, our pursuit of happiness depend upon our ability
to build strong political infrastructure and organize on the
state and local level.
Local orgamzing has always been the trademark of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Fortunately, we
are not alone. Today, the state and local political infrastructure
of the GLBT movement in the United States is
stronger than it has ever been before.
In 1996, NGLTFhelped found the Federation of Statewide
LGBT Political Organizations. see NGLTF, p. 11
College Course to Focus
On Net Hate Groups
BOSTON (AP) - One shows an image of a slain Gay
man burning in hell Another claims the FBI has
declared war on white Christians. A third pretends to
pay homage to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., then
suggests the civil rights leader was a sex fiend, a
communist and a "plastic god." They ~e radical,
hate-driven Internet sites and they are increasing
rapidly. This fall, they also will be the basis for a
communications class at Emerson College called
Hate.com. Robert Hilliard, an Emerson communications
prof~e,ssor, vlans to use ,the sites to examine how
radical gxpups use fi!e Internet to recrmt new members.
" "
Hilliard became interested in extremists~ when.he’
stumbled across a far-right talk radio show, and later
wrote abookonthe topic withBoston College professor
Michael Keith. "We began to listen and we said,
’Here we were, communications professionals and
we didn" t know about these people,’" Hilliard said.
"People have got to know what these people are
saying." Their book, "Waves of Rancor: Tuning in
the Radical RighC’ was well-received and ended up
onPresident Clinton’ s summerreading list. Hilliard’ s
says his class will .examine how the groups target
xmpressionable youth, how they multiply and how
they foment rage¯
More than 300 extremistWeb sites are on the
Internet today, ranging from neo-Nazi alliances to
Gay and Lesbian haters to Holocaust denials sites,
according to the watchdog Southern Poverty Law
Center¯ In 1998, the group counted 254 such Web
sites, up from 163 in 1997.
Experts say extremists are careful’not to urea away
viewers with upfront, inflammatory statements or
epithets. Instead, rock music and games draw in new
members gradually. OneNeo-Nazi site features bands
like RaHoWar, which stands for Racial Holy War.
"Others attract viewers with seemingly mainstream
articles, but the articles can lead to racist and conspiratorial
theories bolstered with passages from the
Bible and alternative historians.
Hilliard plans toinvite some hate site creators to the
class, giving them a chance to defend their work. One
rote creator satdhe s open to such challenges. I thi
the media is extremely biased against my point of
view and I want to provide an alternative to their
news," said Don Black, creator of Stormfront, one of
o.. the Web’ s oldest white nationalist sites.
Hilliard and others emphasize that extremist sites
are fully protectedby the First Amendment and stress
they are not calling for their removal. However,
Hilliardmakes no bones abouthis hopes that students
work to combat them. ’q?hese are people saying’We
must arm ourselves for a holy war to rid the world of
those who are not white, Aryan Christians or those
who disagree with our points of view,’" he said.
Idaho Public TV Faces
Program Challenges
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho. (AP) :-Adding adisclaimer to
.controversial programming on Idaho Public Television
may pacify prograrnm~ug restrictions from the
.Legislature while allowing the stationto keep federal
Idaho Board Of Education member Curtis ’Eaton
¯ proposed.Friday the board require PublieTelevision
tO air a disclaimer stating the station does not sanction
acts or events depicted in programming. In a letter
dated,April 13, Eaton asked.the ¯board to consider the
option-as a way torectncile what he describes aft
contradictory statements in recent.legislation that
require theboard to regulateprogramming deemed to
promote acts illegal in Idaho.
The controversy over programming began last.
spring, when Idaho Public Television General Manager
Peter Morrill decided to air"It’ s Elementary," an
hour-long documentary abouthow five public school
districts across the country dealt with teaching kids
about homosexuality. Christian conservatives lobbied
the board to veto the program, but in June 1999
the board voted unanimously not to interfere with
Morrill’ s programming decision.
But the Legislature got involved this spring by
including restrictions in a funding package for the
network that reouire the board to monitor and reject
programming that "promotes, supports or encourages
the violation of Idaho criminal statutes." Because
sodomy is illegal in Idaho, the bill could be interpreted
tomeanprograms like"It’ s Elementary" should
be cut. Or, because robbery is an Idaho felony, documentaries
about legendary thieves Bonme and Clyde
mightbebarred. ButboardmemberHarold Davis said
he agreed with the restrictions and felt "It’ s Elementary’
crossed the line iiito promoting "the Gay
lifestyle." Heopposed Eaton’ s proposal, saying itwas
not sufficient to meet Legislative demands for new
Methodists Callings,For:+
Investigation of Bishop
SACRAMENTO (AP) - Some parishioners want
religious leaders to investigate the United Methodist
Church bishop who decided not to charge 68 ministers
who attended and endorsed a Lesbian wedding.
The western region of the United Methodist Church’ s
College of ~3ishops received two letters from parishioners,
asking for aninvestigationinto whether Bishop
Melvin Talbert disregarded church laws, including
one banning same-sex unions. Bishop Elias Galvan of
Seattle, a member of the religious body, said the o
letters would be reviewed to see if they merit complaint
John Stumbo, a Fort Valley, Ga., lawyer and member
of the Coalition for United Methbdist Accountability,
said the complaints centered around comments
Talbert made when he announced that there
was no basis f01~ a trial. At the time, Talbert said it was
more important for the church to be all-inclusive than
to puuish someone for blessing a union not officially
sanctioned by the churcJa; But Stumbo said Talbert
and the church’ s investigative committee disregarded
a church law against homosexual, marriage in reaching
their decision,
If the-College of Bishops finds grounds for complaint,
a separate committee wouldinvestigate whether
Talbert should be tried in a church court, which would
have the power to impose a number of penalties,
including expulsion. Talbert’ s secretary said thebishop
was travding and could not be reached for comment.
The Rev. Don Fado of St..Mark’ s United Methodist
Church in Sacramento performed the January 1999
ceremony for churchmembers Ellie Charlton, 64,and.
Jeanne BametL 69. He and 67 other ministers offiCiated
en masse at the ceremony.
University Denial of
Benefits Ruled Legal
P1TTSBU-RGH (AP) - The University of Pittsburgh
has-legally denied health benefits to same-sex partners
of employees, an AlleghenyCounty judge ruled.
Judge Robert Gallo said that Pitt’ s policy is neutral
because health benefits are offered to all employees
regardless of sexual orientation, and Pitt also denies
benefits to unmarried partners of heterosexual employees.
"This ruling dearly iupholds what has been
the university’ s .position, thr0~ghout these proem,dings
- namely that the universityhealth benefits plan
is legal and nondiscriminatory," Pitt spokesman Ken
Service said.
But. Deborah Henso~, ia’former Pittinstn~ctorWho-’
sued when the university denied benefits to her Le~.-
bian partner, said she’would appeal to Common~
wealth Court. ’~Fhis is.important in terms of fairness.,,
and equality," Hens,on s~d.."pitt has .l~e~¯ ~gh~ng
tooih and nail, inmy opiuion,tojus,tff,y~ disenmina~tton
against Gay and Lesbi~in persons. Henson and six
others were plaintiffs in a lawsuit alleging that Pitt
violated a city ordinance banning discrimination
against Gay~ and Lesbians. I-Ienson’ s attorneys had
wanted the case to be heard by the Pittsburgh CommissiononHumanRelations,
whichhears complaints
about violations of the city ordinance.
Ga!lo said the commission has nojurisdiction over
Pitt. In November, Gov. Tom Ridge signed a law
exempting state universities and colleges from being
forced by city anti-discrimination laws to provide
same-sex benefits. Pitt is a state-affiliated institution.
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, ~ An Ind@endg~t Member ~roher
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4200 S. Atlanta Place, 742-7381 501 S. Cincinnati, 582-4128
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
"Recognizing that Pitt’ s health care contract on its
face prohibits Pitt from providing benefits to both
same sex and heterosexual unmarried couples, making
n~ distinction between the two, it is dear that the
commi ssion would be precluded from finding that an
unlawful practice hadbeen committedbyPitt," Gallo’ s
written ruling said.
Other universities in Pennsylvania that offer samesex
benefit~ include the University of Pennsylvania,
Swarthmore College and DickinsfnCollege. C.amegie
MdlonUniversity.faculty earlier this monthaccepted
a recommendation-that the:,.university ,provide samesex
benefits as wall..CMU’ s board of trustees must
approve the recommendation as well before samesex
benefits will be extended, according to university
spokesman Don Hale.
on Vermont Civil Unions
¯ Clark delivered opening and dosing arguments ¯
while Richard Van Wagoner, another Salt Lake City
¯ lawyer, grilled Seidel on her decision to disqualify
¯ PRISM but sanction the Polynesian Club and the
¯ Odyssey of the Mind Club. ’Seidel also nixed a
¯ women’ s literature club, saying she had suggested a
¯ genderless literature club instead. Campbell seemed
¯ particularly interested in that decision a~d asked for
¯ district records on it. ~ "....
." The judge frequently turned oia Dan: Larsen, an
¯ assistant Utah state attorney general d~fending the
¯ school district, attacking his argiamentsand declaring
school administrators were not hb~v~:the law. Dis-
- trict Superintendent Darlene Roblds: who was in the
¯ courtroom but did not testify, S~iid tti~ school board
¯ "wasla:t tr~_’0g to violate studen[s" ~F,ifst Amendment
¯ ~nghk~ and welcomed any ~]anfi~ohC ~ ll~ear~
"bring on, the m~tte~r~ ,
TEMPLE,Texas (AP)-Republican presidential candidate
George W. Bush refused to be drawn into
comment on Vermont’s civil unions, which would
grant to same~sex couples some 300 state benefits of
marriage, including medical decision-making, tax
breaks and inheritance. Bush has opposed recognizing
same-sex unions in Texas. "They have a right to
pass a law," Bush said. "It’ s the right of the state to
.make that decision just like it’s the right of the state
of South Carolina to make the decision on the flag."
Bush also met with a group ofGay Republicans last
week in Austin and said he was "a better person" for
heating their stories but still disagreed with them on
Gay marriage. The Texas governor answered questions
after making an elementary school appearance
to_~,r.omote "character education" on the anni .v.ersary
of the Columbine shootings.
School District InC0urt
Fi0r Rejecting Gay Club
SALT Li~KE CITY (AP) - A fede~r,al judge recently
shai~ly questioned a’s~hoor distiict s refuSai.to’sanctibia’
"d" ’ ~~d:¢rff ~ dub ’ that would-focus:,on:Gay "~-:
IJYe:sbjan~ssu¢si"’~ust (~ecaus~ yo~gof6"safi’6ol’d~i
m~y~.~0!~ -th~ii,~’~iis~ Aiii~iidifiefi{iights; U..S,"
Di~ft Jildg~ Teiah’ chmp~~tttold’.a lawyer for’the
S~,t-~ .city’s~tiool ~’~&:Campbell made.no
d~Li~ionlasr m’or~,...B.~t.~:.i.s e.x_pected’t0 nile ~60n
o..n~a’reqye~ by stud~,nt org~:z~r~’i6b~c~ia~lVadnfiil:
is~t6r~ find .~_~ "PRrSM~’Peoi~l~ R~spectingIm~
pdrt~t s~iAl Mov-&ia~nt~= ter@o:rary school privileges.
Campbell will then’decide the crux of the case:
w3aether schoql 9ffici~s violated the First Amendmeat
or their own-policy in sh~bb~ag., PRISM:Tot-?
merly the Gay-Straight Alliaiice and_now, reconsti-.
ttitM M’ii~i" aii ac~id’6G~i~ ib~ar to satisfy new district:
c[abrules, -
_ .Cynthia ~¢i_.dd i. the_Oi,S_tri’~? s._as~istani,~upe~nten-:
¯ dent, struggled on the stand Tliurs~y.~0¢xplaii~ why.,
PRISM didn’ t.qualify as, an academic_club;.contend:
ing,it represents a~ narrow..viewpoi~ o.n ~.~.erican
hist6ry and sociology In 1996, the school districi
el.i_nu,’na,ted all nonacademicdubs’i:aiher.than idlow
Qay .dubat East RighS&ooL ambve.that ,was
in~federat court..... .....",.. ~ .... ~, , ,.
,,7i?ne,G~y,~cltlb ~, 0n!y .n~et ~t’e~ ,h~ ~s
qo~.l~.u~:~.g,rpup. thin, must ~efi( siJa~e aiii£.~hy
insurance~ Th~~i~a’l~ ;sn ’t~16~l t6 liand ~tU~t t’l,y..¢~ oL
c~uh ~ha~e.t0~ay.fQr~ :,es si Coh~:saia’.’C6iien ~’d:
i~qrpos; ,oLtll.e .cfii~ is tbi~i~ss history"f~bifi:the
pcrsp.e.,,~tive~ of’G~y~ a~a)’?!;~in~."Seida ti~Z them
~O~i~ :Uec~U~ ~e’d0ii~t t~ch c,,urri~ulum from the
viewpini:dfGays and Legblans. ’. .
Stephen.Clark, l¢.gal director for the American
Civil ,Liberties, U,ni"on of Utah, argued that the denial
was a straighff0.r~v)ffd First Amendment v,iolation.
Clark also contends the district manipulated its own
club policy and sealed its decision against PRISM
with a new, still unwritten rule disqualifying clubs
advocating an "exclusive viewpoint" of subjects.
Lesbian Housing Rights
NEW YORK (AP) - A lawyer for a Lesbian medical
student asked a state appeals court to order Yeshiva
University to let the woman and her domestic partner
live together in school-subsidized housing.
James Esseks told a five-judge panel of the New
York State Supreme Court’ s Appellate Division that
Yeshiva’ s policy discriminates on the basis of marital
status and sexual orientation in violation of city and
state law. Esseks said the university pern-ts married
students to live in school housing only with spouses
and children. Because Gay couples cannot legally
marry, the policy has a disparate, discriminatory
impact on them, he said. Esseks represents Sara
Levin, 28, of San Francisco, a fourth-year student at
Yeshiva’ s Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Yeshiva
University is the oldest andlargest institution of
higher education under Jewish auspices in the United
University Members
Protest Anti-GaY Slurs
GORHAM, "{~/Iaine (AP) - Abou(.125.~t_udent~, staff
and administrators attended ameeting following three
incidents o£ anti-Gay bias at the University of Southern
Maine. One student and two others were arrested
_ by GorhamandUSMpolicein connection with one of
" the three_’in.cidents, all of which took place during a
¯ one-week period earlier this spring. President Rich-
- : ard Pattenande assured participants.at Wednesday’ s
:Tmeeting that anti-Gay acts will not be tolerated.
:’ "USM stands unflinchingly for equality~. -. homophobid
has.no place at USM," Pattenande said..
The incidents began on the weekend of April 8-9
when anti.Gay graffiti was foundin Woodward Hall.
The graffiti referred to a resideatadvisor. The next
incidenthappened on April 13 when the same
Woodward resident advisor and anotheradvisor intervenedin
an out-of-control party. Both were taunted
~ with violent, anti-Gay threats. Last Saturday, another
¯ dormitory.staff workerfoundawritten-anti-Gay death
threat had been slipped under her’dtbr~" .......
’ Alhb:ama Hate:i::Cii :i:mes
Law Revision In:Trouble
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - At:i~n-danc~..at. a Senate
comfifittee meeting could determine the fate Of
lcgist~tif~;to ~;po,laxkA!.~b._a~a,~’.A~h~.qrim,es !~w to
indud~NXnald~r~e~a~:.ti...on.!.7~.e.t)i:!$ pa~red~R~
49-39:on.April 6..George, Olssom Mbntgomery .area
coordinator for-the Gay and Le~ian,Al!iartc,e .of
Alabama~,s~d ’.~e ,J~c!~ci_ary _Co~t.t~~: sharply
which commi.B~me,_~a~bcrs shoN,upat tlag~tiil~eting.
Committee, cL~irman.:Rodger,:,Smi,ih~ianan, a
supporter Of the bill, agreed thdco~tteeii spfit 50-
50 and,attendance,could determine t!~.outcome.
Alabama law already mandates, mini.mm:n prison
terms that felons must serve for crimes motiyated by
race, color, religion, national origin, :ethnicity or
physical or mental disability. For instance,, if a person
committed a crime that is normally punishable by one
to 10 years in prison, the hate crimes law mandates the
person must serve at least two years in prison.
TB Spreading In
Transgender Group
ATLANTA (AP) - A tuberculosis outbreak
in the Transgender commtulities of
Baltimore and New York City may be
spreading to 0ther:cities, the government
said recently. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention confirmed 26 active
cases and 37 dormant cases of tuberculosis,
most of them connected to members
of the transgender community inthe
two cities.
The’ CD~,, ~s~ th~t~m~ig~asgender to:
encbn~Ss~"cro~-~dr~ss~dr~,~ those who
and indi~id~Jai~ ~tio ~re’plafining to un~
dergo sex-change operations. All of the
cases in Baltimore were men except for
fourwomenwho w’ere eitherfamilymembers
of the men or health care workers
who treated them. Many had a strain of
TB treated with common antibiotics. The
government said 62% of the tuberculosis
patients tested positive for HIV, the virus
that causes AIDS. People with HIV are
susceptible to tuberculosis and could die
if not treated.
Transgenders often travd to many cities
frequenting social clubs and participaring
in fashion and dance competitions.
"Frequent travel and social network links
identified among the Baltimore andNYC
cases have raised concern that thi~ strain
¯ . may be circulating in other’~ities
among young, mobile transgender persons
withHIV infection," theCDCsaid in
a report¯
The CDC is checking for additional
cases linked to the same strain in Atlanta,
"Baltimore, Boston,NewYorkCity, Philadelphia
and Washington, D.C.
Actor Bruce Willis
Donating to Charity
LOS ANGELES (AP) - There’ s more to
theBruceWillis appearances on"Friends"
than a potential ratings boost. The actor,
who agreed to be a guest star on NBC’ s
"Friends" for three episodes during the
May ratings "sweeps," is donating earnings
from the show to five charities. The
amount of money wasn’ t disclosed.
The American Foundation for AIDS
Research, AIDS Project Los Angeles, the
Elizabeth Glaser PediatricAIDS Foundation,
the Rape Treatment Center and
UCLAUnicamp for underprivileged children
will share the money, Willis publicist
Paul Bloch said.
On "Friends," Willis plays the widowedfather
ofRoss’ new girlfriend. Willis
became friendly with "Friends" actor
Matthew Perry when they both starred in
the movie "The Whole Nine Yards."
Study on Prison
Sex in Kentucky
MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) - A Morehead
State University professor is conducting a
study on prison sexuality, a topic he says
has been shrouded in silence but must be
dealt with. The information could be used
to combat the spread of AIDS and improve
prison safety. Christopher Hensley,
a sociology professor who directs
Morehead’s Institute for Correctional
Research and Training, said the survey is
the first of its kind in Kentucky.
Hensley studied prison sex in Oklahoma
and found that nearly one in four
male prisoners had engaged in sexual
activities with fellow inmates. Overall.
13.8% of all prisoners said they had been
: "threatened sextmlly" by other inmates
: and 1.1% said they had been raped.
". If they have AIDS or another sex~mlly
¯ transmitted disease, they’ll be spreading
: it to their partners, he said. "These people
: are g,oing to be getting out of prison and
¯¯ they re going to be having sex with their
wives or husbands," Hemley said.
: The sweeping 46-question survey .,asks
¯ about jailhouse consensual sex,
: autoeroticism and rape. About 3,600 of
: Kentucky’ s 15.300 prisoners have been
¯ asked to participate. The survey is volun-
!, ~tary and_anonymouL Funded in part b~ a
.: ~$1,600 ~ant from ’Morehe~id~State,! the ":~i ~ques~i~res have~n ~ent to i.m~tes
¯ ’. dt three Of the state’ s .12 male prisons and
: toinmatesatthestate’sonlyfemaleprison.
¯ Results will be released this fall.
Hensley’ s research has "extraordinary
value," said Cindy Stmckman-Johuson, a
professor of psychology at the University
of South Dakota. But~topic is so taboo
that few scholars focus on it, she said.
"We should have hundreds of people
studying it," Struckman-Johnson said.
"Sex inprisonis amajor cause ofviolence
... of upset and turmoil, a major cause of
Prisoners’ rights advocates also say the
sexuality data could be useful. "Prison is
a very violent place and ff (officials) can
get a better idea about the reality ofprison
rape and what’ s going on, hopefully they
caTu be more prepared to deal with that
issue," said Kara Gotsch, a public policy
coordinator with the Washington, D.C.-
based National Prison Project of the
American Civil Liberties Union.
Struckman-Jotmson said some prison
administrators try to quash these kinds of
studies out of concern about negativepublicity.
But Morehead State administrators
and Kentucky prison officials approved
Hensley’ s study.
Hensley also has co-written an article
on conjugal visitation in Mississippi, and
his study on consensual homosexual activity
in male prisons in Oklahoma is
scheduled for publication in December in
a prison-related academic journal.
Russian Prison
For HIV+ Inmates
MOSCOW (AP) - Authorities in a Siberian
region plan to open a separate prison
for inmates infected with HIV, the virus
that causes AIDS, a news report said last
About 600 HIV-positive convicts are
serving time in prisons of the Irkutsk
region, and another 300 infected people
are held in pre-trial detention, said Boris
Gronik, chief of the regional Justice Ministry
branch in charge of prison administration.
Gronik said afflicted inmates
present a danger to other prisoners, and
need to be removed; the ITAR=Tass news
agency reported. "Unless they are all gathered
in one place, the situationmayget out
of control," Gronik was quoted as saying.
Russia already has one special prison
for HIV-positive convicts, ITAR-Tass
said. The jail is located in the Baltic Sea
enclave of Kaliningrad, which has one of
the highest concentrations of AIDS cases
in Russia.
In a separate development, authorities
in the southern Siberian republic of
Buryafia, next door to lrkutsk, said 101
HIV cases have been registered in the
republic, up from 24 at the start of the
year, ITAR-Tass reported.
HIV has been spreading fast in Russia
and more than 30,000 registered cases
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reviewed by Barry Hensley . In the mid 1960’ s, Garlandstarted re-
Tulsa City-County Library ¯ cording her memories and feelings on a
Judy Garland’ s fascinating and tumul- " reel to reel tape recorder. Theoretically, it
tuous.life has become the subject of yet ¯ was to be a verbal, and hopefully moneyanothercontroversialbiography,
thistime " making autobiography, butinreality,forby
Gerald Clarke, author tifiedbyherfavoritewine,
of "Capote." Goddess of "Extraordinarily Blue Nun, it became a ti-
Gay men of a certain age, . oor, at~ ehoosln , . ~ade.ag~in~t~pe°p!eand
Judy died inlJun~iof. 196~,~ ¯-P. .... ~,~ :- ¯ ~ .; cbmpafli~s~ "who"~ had a week. before’thei tone.-" .... hn,s t~ d.s",,,:the ""~ ’.wronged her. C~arlde
wall rio.t in York,
her 77 ..... "s. ems especially proud
which started the modem that he had access to these
Gay rights, movement.
From Dorothy in "The
Wizard of Oz," through a
series of film successes, to
someembarrassing television
performances, and, fin.
ally., to aging songstress
staging substandard tunes
written by her lover, Judy
Garland’s career was a
rollercoaster ride unparalleled
in showbiz history.
. .Through thenewspapers, radio and television,
the public eagerly watched her
career rise and fall many times over a
thirty year period. Each triumphant performance
was soon followedby some sort
of disaster. Extraordinarily poor at choosing
husbands, the public followed her
volatile personal life as well, although
they were probably unaware of a few
Lesbian encounters that are mentioned in
Get Happy. Cycling down to an untimely
an-d-litigation filled end, Judy’s stormy
life finally exhausted and frustrated her
friends, fans and family. Her story is one
of the greatest indictments against the
excessive use of drugs and alcohol that
American popular culture has produced.
After ten years of interviews and meticulous
investigation, Clarke has written
ahuge tome, second only to GeroldFrank’ s
700 page biography, "Judy," in 1975.
Clarke had access to the personal diary of
Dottle Ponedel, Judy’ s longfime makeup
woman, who apparently found that Judy
was the most interesting thing in her life.
Clarke also interviewed many of Judy’ s
costars, friends, directors and conductors,
including Arfie Shaw, Lena Home, and
Judy’ s mostinfluential husband, SidLuft.
she said, wiping the tears and gesturing at
the joyous chaos on the House floor.
Their jubilahon was matched by anger
among opponents, who have complained
that lawmakers weren’ t listening to their
concerns. "The people of the state of Vermont
will be back in November and this
legislation will be repealed," said John
Nelson, a 70-year-old retired salesman.
The state Supreme Court unammously
ruled in December that the couples were
being unconstitutionally denied therights
and benefits of mamage. The legislature
decided to establish a parallel system for
Gays rather than broaden marriage statues
to include Gays and Lesbians.
The civil unions essentially duplicate
marriage, but are not recognized under
federal law denying Gay couples benefits
such as Social Security andirmnigrafion.
Under the law, Gay ~ouples will be
able to go to their town clerks and have
their unions certified by a judge or by a
member of the clergy. Breakups will be
handled in Family Court.
volatile personal life
as wall, although
they were probably
naware d a few
Lesbian encounters
that are mentioned in
~et Happy’..."
tapes, although at leastone
other Garland biography
has utilized them. Thecontent
of the tapes is very
interesting, although painfully
sad, as she lashes out
at the people who .made
millions off of her name
but left her penniless.
With the exception of
some films and her celebrated
Carnegie Hall concert,
Clarkelargely ignores Garland’ s professional
life, preferring to give us lurid
gossip and personal problems instead of
analyzing her varied career. In fact, of the
almost 500 pages in this book, only four
are dedicated to’q’heJudy GarlandShow,"
the 1963 CBS series that was the last,
sustained effort of her career (and which
is currently available on DVD.)
Reviewers and fans seem intensely polarized
about their opinions of this book.
(Check out the Amazon.corn reviews!)
While listing over 50 pages of notes and
acknowledgements, Clarke often relies
on unverifiable comments, some of them
quite ugly. He also seems obsessed with
Judy’s sex life, a topic well covered in
Judy Garland: The SecretLife ofanAmerican
Legend, by David Shipman. However,
his decade ofresearch pays off occasionally,
with someinteresting stories and
comments, although we must be aware
that what we are reading is quite probably
as much a juicy novel as it is a serious
biography. Either way, it’ s an intriguing
Check out Get Happy, as well as many
of Garland’ s films or music at any branch
Library, or call Central at 596-7977.
the parent of a former Boy Scout, said
there have been 255 requests for the state
to join friend-of-the-court briefs since he
became attorney general in 1995. The
state has signed on to 111 of them, 68
dealing with states’ rights. "In making
those decisions, we have always tried to
focus on the legal issues rather than the
political ones," he said.
But lawmakers said Edmondson’s action
makes ~*. appear the state opposes the
right of the Boy Scouts to choose their
own leaders.
"’Drew Edmondson has put Oklahoma
on record in the highest court in the land
as being in favor ofthe homosexual movement
against the Boy Scouts," said Rep.
Bill Graves, R-OKC,-an outspoken opponent
of civil rights for Gay people. "I
thought the decision by the New Jersey
Supreme Court was an outrage," Graves
Editor’s note: the switchboardfor the
Oklahoma House of Representatives is
Editor’s lugte: due to gremh’nesqueglitches
tn the e-mail, our regular "Amusements"
column byJim Christjohn never got to the
editorial desk. Unfortunately this came to
light at first::lighr’the mormng before
going to’.press, andbeing brave, but northat
brave, :I dtdt no:t invoke the wrath of
the dembn~ by Waking him at 5:30am.
Future issues.~willfeature interviews by
Christjohn: with members of the cast of
cal, will be at the
Tulsa Performing
Arts Centerbeginning
May 30 thro’
June 4th. As the
promoters, the
Tnlsa-based Celebrity
note interest
in the ill-fated
ship has been _ ~om Sesma
great, resulting in
televisionprograms, a"major motion picture,"
novels and "even a cookbook."
The show was written by Peter StOne,
known for other shows: 1776, T~e Will
Rogers Follies, My One & Orii~, and
music and lyrics are by Maury Yeston ..
(Nine, Grand Hotel).
Titanic wonmultiple’q’ony" awards~in
1997 and New York Observer critic, Rex
Reed claims, " you will never see anyder
of wonders, to TULSA! This Pulitzer
and Tony award winning work by the late
Jonathan Larson-was introduced to Tulsa
theatre and media, folk at a.recent PAC
Coordinated by the ever gracious and
lovely Tracey Norvell, fed a grea~ llmch
by the Polo GrilF s Tal.madge Powell, and
wowed by perfomances by two .current
Broadway casrmembers flown into Tulsa
forithe; ~vent.,~’sa~_~ hear,~d.: the veff~ .era
ergetie,(~md:cute-)-p~.~l~!ce~, Jeffre~ ~€!1€~
deseribethe off-off
Broadway .and
shaky origins of
Rent, as well as the
tragic death of an
aeortic aneurysm
of composer/
writer Jonathan
Larson on the very
eve of the show’s
successful opening.
Larson drew
inspiration for
Rent from Puccini’s La Boheme but set
his work in New York’ s East Village and
with people living with HIV (rather than
TB), Lesbian lawyers, drag queens instead
of Parisian poets and painters.
The music draws on!the traditions of
American gospel and in the words of.the
Houston Chronicle~ "Rent .is that rare.
musical whose content and style areo£the
present rather than the past..
words of pro.d.ucer Jeffr,y Sellers~ tradithing
this impressive anywhere elser on’ tional :upt wn . t_h_eatre;,t.e..Broadway,
Broadway." Certainly,Titanic seems cer~ .... was not-:~’our.characters ;,our stories, our
tain t0 pl~hse the target audience ofCelebi; "" music, i. 2;.S~1~8 addecL that ,The.New
rity Attractions and to bring in any nlmi: "~ York Ti~oa~.s,:q,a~:.,ed ;~e~t~Ya, shimm~
ber ofcharter buses full of traditional ~ea~ ¯ choonpceufrowr-i~ffei h~iAm.mmeri~_d.c’w~n.-ith th~Pe~q~ng
theatr~igoers. ~ ....
Theatre Tulsa Goes Gay!?!_,-. ~ Arts Center’s..director~-.33lm~e~i~ iii~t
.......for T~s.a.;:R.¢.n.tj~!O~ag0~erdue!
Tulsa Family News is delighted to re.:., Rent 9Li.t.lbe ip:Tulsa, f,om Augusi 29Rt
ceive notice that
TheatreZul~a’ S final
Together, Teeih
It Will run April
28, 29, and May3-
6 at8,l~.~,; ~e~e_w.ill
be a:~ma~lee
PAC Jolm~H.
............Io tP+~9..Pt., 3rd :~ith
-I ev.~i~n.g and marl:
Tickets, range, be:..
$25 to.$55
,a~..dgQ:on ~.ale on
June 12. Call 596-
~731I. or go to
Willidins :Tkeatre.’ ..... :
Veto S~fanic~directs this "adult sitmi:"
tion" drama:~dae elegant beach house "
on Fi~I~taii~i:~;brother and sister and
their i(d~tig~e~pouses attempt to cel-:
ebrat~i=tll~-~t~6~li:0f July. Surrounded 6if:
bo.th s[d~Tb,~]~e~ii~ve h~ses~Ga~.~i~ieff:~ "
me" two sfi~:~i~t ~codpqeg’exi~Xa*
own!ives ~[li~it;sorrow, and agnawmgup.,,~
t~my~!~es their‘ affluen! hab’-’
it~ hfid]SeR~ pi~jii~li~s ~i~zle~n the:sum:~
,"~l)~:" ~" ?’Q *~ "~ .... - ;....
~’;" ~i’¢ " ~ "
Tl~eT~fl:aa 1§’one~,~(e!,ty-~Ndest
arts ,0.~g. a~!..~a,tlons ..and -ael~owle~t~mg
Gay~i~ ,th~"th~iff~ is ’a big step, n~ot t6 ¯
me~tidff~cNali~ is one Of
temporary pla~fights so check this production
out, W~:don’t get that many ¯
chances trsee theatre in Tulsa which
acknowledges-the eXistence ofGaypeople: "
525,600 Minutes :
Having said that, the extraordinary new
Ameficanmusical, Rent, is coming, won- "
;~ Do, you got:Hope? ~
Fran~_.~,C.~thy Kc~ting’, sfavodte~ulsa
designer_ ,~gd..H!.V/AtDS .. fund.raise-~,~
Charles-Faudree,-once again has, o~ga;
nized theHopeCafid~eli.~ht~0urforea~!y,
June. TI~.,"~,eve~t not,rnly,heips i~aise f~d~i
groups;p~c~yide~car~, toW-opl,e liv~:ii~
see some6fTulsa s mostbeau~i~f~@~,
rated, homes.- ......... -,.:~....
The pub!ic:tour on SituMay, i~; 3rd
and Sunday~ Jun¢.4th i%~tures fiv~ l~0mes
for a donation ofonly $10. Ticke,ts fi3r tliis
tour may be obtainld a~ each..home ¯
There is also a donor tourfeaturing four
more homes on Iune 1 for those who
donate $125. And patrons (donations of
more than $450) will gather at Doug &
Susan Pielsticker on June 10th.
For more information, call Charles
Faudree, Inc. at 747-9706.
to benefit Saint Joseph Residence +
Regional AIDS Interfaith.Network
Saturday, June 3rd, 10-5, + Sunday, June 4th, 1-5
$10 donation at the door or in advance.
David Daniel, 1603 S. Carson
Wiley Parsons, 1601 S. Carson
Monty + Jane Butts, 240 E. Woodward Blvd.
Brett + Maricarolyn Swab, 2112 S. Norfolk Ave.
Dr. Robert & Dena Hudson, 2707 S. Rockford Rd.
Tickets for this~,t~Jr may be obtaL"gd at each home.
For more intormation, call Charles Faudree, Inc, at 747-9706.
April 29, May 5 & 7, 2000
Prices Start. at Just $15!
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A Central and South West Company
by Busaba Sivasoboom
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - They
giggled like girls and limp-wristed their
high-fives, but when these players spiked
a volleyball, opponents knew they were
facing some of the meanest men on a Thai
Bacldin 1996, a transvestite volleyball
team with a woman coach overcame an
anti-homosexual campaign to keep them
out and competed!ha meffs national club
volleyball championship They wonboth
the tournamentandthehearts.of the crowd.
Now; their tale has been turned into a
movie titled "Satree-lek," or "Iron Ladies,"
and it’ s quickly turning into one of
the biggest box office hits in Thai history
- while spotlighting the country’s ambiguous
feelings about transvestites and
DirectorYongyootThongkongtoon said
that on the surface, Thai society is open
and tolerant of transvestites and homosexuality.
The two are often equated in the
popular mind, though not all transvestites
are homosexuals, or vice versa.
Transvestite cabarets are popular with
tourists and several television shows feature
transvestites-prompting an edict last
year by the government to broadcasters to
tone it down. The order, however, has
widely been ignored.
that transvestism was a lifestyle far removed
from that led by most Thais, and
his debut film takes a look at how other
people : react to having transvestites as
neighbors, rivals and colleagues.
In the movie, the team was insulted by
words and gestures at the beginning of the
tournament. However, when they showed
they could play as well, and better- than
their rivals, they gradually gained respect
from fans and other players.
"I chose to present it as a comedy,
because I thought a drama might be boring,"
said Yongyoot, who formerly directed
TV commercials. "An audience is
more easily attracted by a comedy film."
When the movie began showing nationwide
in March, it became an instant
hit and pulled in more thaii 100 million
baht ($2.7 million) in thefirst month, 10
times what it cost to make.
That already makes it second Thai film
in all-rime box office receipts behind the
A walk-through butterfly exhibit at the
Tulsa Zoo and Living Mus~umwil! open
onMay 6 and will continue through October
8. The exhibit is open from 10am -
5pmand visitors canexperiencehundreds
ofnative butterflies up-el0seand in flight.
Nearly 30 species of North American
butt.efflies.and ~ few s,p~..’es ofmoths will
be represented itl an enel6~&l garden setring,
near the Animal Kingdom Building
and features a variety offlowering plants.
This exlfibit is free wi~ the ~regular Zoo
Wings ofWonderis set withina30x 96’
greenhouse covered with a light mesh to
contain the animals. The exhibit features
a "chrysalis house" where visitors can
watch as each butterfly emerges from its
chrysalis or pupa and prepares for flight.
Winding stone pathways, a water feature,
benches, andeducational exhibits enhance
the exhibit area.
Wings of Wonder is dedicated to increasing
visitor knowledge and appreciation
of butterflies which are signature
150 million baht (dlrs 4 million) earned
by "Nang Nak," last year’ s arty retelling
of an old ghost legend that is credited with
giving a new breath of life to the moribund
Thai film industry.
Pakorn Pimton, a transvestite and coordinator
of the Gays Against AIDS group,
said he was unsurprised by the success of
the movie and he hoped it would open
useful debate. Gays are accepted as entertainers,
Pakom said, because Thais d(,
see movie stars and television program
hosts as serious. ,~ -
"Howe~,ifthey go beyond’that line to
be a doct~,~polifiCi~, banker Or top~nfili,~
tary official - I guess the answer is no,
Pakorn said. "We still use a two-tier measure
for members of our society." Violence
against homosexuals is rare in Thailand,
Pakorn said, but many barriers remain
against open homosexuals. The Gay
rights movement is weak. His group regularly
receives calls fromhomosexuals who
-fear coming out of the closet because they
risk their jobs or status.
Kitikorn Meesapya, senior psychologist
at the Department of Mental Health’ s,
said that Thais can accept homosexuals
that keep a low profile. Homosexuals in
Parliament and the military are well treated
until their lifestyles are publicly exposed
- a fairly rare occurence. "But then they
will fac~ harsh criticism from society,"
Kitikorn said, expressing hope that
"Satree-lek" might encourage more tolerance
and help some people to express
themselves as homosexuals.
For Kongrith Singnukote, one of the
1996 champion players, the film’ s strongest
pointis that it’*talks about peacefully
living together in society by accepting the
differences of each person." Kongrith
works as a bank teller. He goes to work in
men’s clothes, but wears makeup and
¯" speaks in a girlie voice. All his colleagues
¯ know he is a transvestite. Kongrith says
: he gets teased a bit, but no one has ever
¯ shown violence toward him. He says he is
: grateful that his family accepts him as he
: is.
: Being the subject of a hit movie hash~ t
¯ raised.his celebrity ambitions,however,
and he doesn’t see a career for himself
: beyondretail service. "I know that thereis
¯¯ a barrier for us," he says. "For now, I’m
satisfied at being what I am."
¯ species for conservation. By fostering a
greaterunderstanding of theneeds and the
¯ life,cycle of butterflies we can hdp con-
" serve these delicate creatures.
-" In addition tothe butterfly enclosure,
: knownas"Butterfly Landing," the grounds
¯ aroundtheexhibithavebeen planted with
: butterfly-attracting plants to encourage
v~s~tataon by someof our natt,~e butterfly
residents. Thebutterflies exhibited inside
¯ Butterfly Landing have not been taken
~ from:the wild but are procured through
¯ certified butterfly suppliers. ¯
¯ Exhibits describing the lifecycle of the
butterfly, the differences between moths
¯ and butterflies, common butterflies of
¯ Oklahoma, chrysalis and butterfly !dent!-
: fication, and about attracting butterflies
to yards will be included in the exhibit.
¯ Also planned for this summer is a vision
¯ exhibit that will enable visitors to see like
: a butterfly. The Animal Kingdom Build-
. ing will also house agift cart specializing
¯ in butterfly-related books, souvenirs, and
gifts. Info: 669-6600 orwww.tulsazoo.org
by Lament.. Lindstrom, Ph.D.
What do you call a dead Blond in a
- a 1964 hide and seek champion!
The recent flush of
Blendjokes is an interesting
cultural phenomenon.
Jokes are more than just
funny. They are also dangerous
because they are
polilical. Overthepastfew
decad~s~: change~ iri
Amefi’~t"~ ~olitib~[ arena
have affectedboth the content
and practice Ofjoking.
Itis alittleless easy than
it used to be to joke about
ethnic and religious
groups, handicap, gender,
or gender-orientation.
Blonds have emerged as a
safe target in politically
conscious, if not always politically correct,
America. Andmanyjokes that previously
featured Jews- or Blacks or Gays
have been reworked into Blond jokes.
This is not to say that offensive joking
has disappeared. Rather, it is just a little
less public. American politeness conventions
demand that I should not tell a joke
whose "butt" is in my audience, unless I,
too, am in the targeted category, or unless
I already have a close relationship’~vith
those I potentially offend. But I can joke
all I want as long as the butt can’ t hear me,
or if I do indeed intend to offend.
Thewebsite, www.whitepride.com, for
example, offers along list of by now very
stale Jewish, Black, and "faggot" jokes.
Here’ s a sample groaner from the"white
pride" boys:
Why was the faggot fired from his
job at the sperm back?
- for drinking on the job!
Jokesters sometimes complain about
the "political correctness" that has narrowed
the contexts in which they can
safely perform. "Come on, it’s only a
joke!" But of course jokes aren’t just
jokes. They are also assertions about the
world, or at least one particular view of
the world. The lines that jokes ckaw between
the funny and the unfunny reflect
local understandings of normality. Jokes
are potent oral texts that, retold over and
over again, maintain certain ways ofthinking
about people and behavior.
Why do brides wear white?
- so they will match the other
domestic appliances!
.Even ironic jokes, such as this, refresh
established ways of thinking about men,
women, and the gendered division of labor.
In particular, the swarm of jrke~
flying constantly around a community
protects existing systems of inequality.
People joke "downwards" more than
they do upwards.~ :People joke far more
often about the powerless than they
about the powerful. There are far more
jokes about women than there are about
men. "More jokes about ethnic and religious
minorities thanthe white-bread Protestant
mainstream. More jokes about the
handicapped than about the able. More
jokes about the old than the young. More
jokes about Oklahoma than about California.
Do you know what an Oklahoma
divorce and a Texas tornado have
in common? - in both cases
¯ somebody is gonna
¯ lose a trailer house!
And there are many more jokes about
being Gay than about being
Straight. We usually
"~V’hy is it so hard abide by the politeness
constraints ofjoke-telli~,
for women to find in fact, because we realize
that jokes (even "just-amen
that are jok~sT’) have this political
" weight. ,Th..o~sewhofeel tSe
sensitive, earing,, ~ ’ Sfing~hidd~n ’within the
.a.n..d ’geed-look"m
- because those guys
already have
ho rlends!?’
laughter sometimes protest
when etiquette breaks
GLAAD, the Gay &
Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, for example,
has attempted to police the
telling ofcertainGayjokes
in the m~ss media, notably
on a number of morning radio shows
whose sleazy hosts are keen to boost their
market share. Such policing, of course, if
successful merely shrinks the arenas in
which Faggot jokes are safely told. They
still circulate freely in less public Spaces.
Each time I teach Cultural Anthropology,
I have my students as a group collect
jokes from their friends. I figure that these
joke archives provide good evidence about
which of the joints of American society
currently ache the most.
Last week, the students broughtin about
150 jokes. For the first time in years, none
ofthese was a"faggot"joke. And the only
ethnic joke was turned in by a clueless
Japanese woman, happily ignorant of the
American politics of public joking. Instead,
nearly half the collection consisted
of Blond jokes. Blonds, poor things, are
nowadays the butt of choice when American
jokesters are nervous and unsure of
our audience.
What do Blonds put behind their
ears to attract boyfriends?
- their ankles!
Our collection also included several
"counter-jokes" whose butt is strategically
reversed. There are, for example,
Brunette jokes - the futile ripostes of oppressed
Blonds. There are also "stupid
men jokes" - invented jokes that attempt
to counteract the dominant targeting of
women within the’universe of American
Why did God create man?
- because a vibrator can’t
mow the lawn!
While these attempts to resist inequality
by shifting a joke’s target upwards
may have only limitie~." politigal,fimpact, it
sfillfecls"goodtolaflgh.: ~:: ~ -~’~
Why is it so hard for women to
find men that are sensitive,
caring, and go~dqo~king? -~
because those guys _~
already have boyfriends!
LamontLindstrom teaches anthopology
at the University of Tulsa.
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"All About MyMother" and"Boys Don’ t
Meet Local
Guys for
Hot Ti
Cry" - actually showed up in OKC, she
madeit abundantly clear that shehad been
completely won overby them and was not
about to be shy about saying so in print.
Sympathy towards GLBT issues might
be expected from someone like White,
but it was definitely a surprise to see the
much nibre conservative reviewer, Jerry
Shottefi~irk, being taken in by the Ma-
.donna:Rupert Everett"Next BgstThing."
¯ election - and what could be the most
¯ importantelectionofourgeneration. The
: GLBT voting bloc has proven to be one of
¯¯ the most powerful constituencies in the
country in recent election cycles. If our
¯ voters are motivated to the polls and elect
¯ supportive leaders, we could have the ¯
opportunity to shape groundbrealdng le-
: gal protection. If the nation elects leaders
¯ who are hostile to all that NGLTF stands ¯
for, we could witness a serious backlash
¯ to our h~rd-won gains.
¯ Dr. Martin Luther King. once said the ¯
moral arc of the universeis long but bends
Surprises were cropping up in the rest .: toward justice. Dr. King was right - but
!~f th~ p,gper ~. W~I!, indu~g the busi- ¯ with our continued o!;gahi~gg g~ad motif
~es .,~..; o ~ .w~i~ g~ ~)le on .~_~o ~,~ ~jzatmn, we~make ~at,ii~.~;0’~,.~
:~est~c p~mership~ p,6ilc~es..a~.ong OkI’fi- ¯ much more qmckly
fioma compames- mcludiffg qu,otes from: $~,,-.~oundectir~1973, ttie
~Lucent’s I~aren Par~ons w~o is involved : Lesbian Tbsk Force W~’l?s to~iiniinate
inLuqent~sLesbianandGayemployees’ ¯ prejudice, uiolence andiwustice against
;brgani’zafion, EQUAL!. :- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexualgtn~l T~ransgen-
: Striking, 5wey r, was.a group of :. &red people at the local, state dnd naarticles;
oii 1~hate crimes in the Sun- ¯ tional level. As part ofdbrOaddr ~Ocial
iday, March 20 issue. Mostof these ar- : justicemovementforfreOdom;]usticeand
titles appeared in ~€ Community see- : equality, NGLTF is creattYg d Worm that
fion, Milch w’as’d~_i’ilh~lPdedia.the late : ~respects and celebrates_ ttie’diversity of
~F,dition ’on Stmday’. The~e, in b!a~k and .’. ’human expression and identity where all
White, was the opeii as~ertidii.’.tiia~ Okla- i .people mayfully participate in society.
h°ma City"s Human Rights CASmmlssi°n i
I ] .Was abolished by(the City Council bemuse
they iesent&!havingt.6 deal with
the issue. 0fiG@’Ri~h?s, cbml~iete, with
~uote by c.ottt~,¢ilmenqbi~r~Je@ Fo~hee: " During WWII, the church Sheltered.Japa-
.-.; "The councilis tiredof.th6is~ue’hlways ; nese-American students who were given
being b~ought forward, and flae vehicle the opportunity to study atTU ratherth~a,n,,,
that is alWays brin~g.i’.t forward is the " beincarceratedinAmerican"internment
human rights comm, ss~on...~ If the vehicle
is bringing you dompany that you
don’ t want ... then you do away with the
In meeting with Hale, Speakers for Gay
and Lesbian Issues hoped that they would
open a dialog between the Daily Oklahoman
and the Gay and Lesbian community
of Oklahoma City. According to Speakers,
Hale provided them with many opportunities
by asking many questions
about Gay and Lesbian issues. Speakers
for Gay and Lesbian Issues noted the
positive trend in the paper’ s coverage of
Gay issues.
Hale revealed that those changes had
come at a price: while the articles on hate
crimes had generated both positive and
negative responses fromreaders, some of
the negative responses had been vicious
and involved actual threats. But, Hale also
said she was not going to let that stop her
from continuing to cover controversial
issues. She said that when a story generates
strong reactions on both sides, she
knows she’ s doing her job right.
This federation consists ofpolitical groups
that fight for equality. In just four years’
time, the Federation has grown to represent
members in every state in the union,
gro,wthinsuch ashort
period of time.
With the Federation’s help, last year
NGLTF was able to produce the largest
:~ grassroots mob~fion:inputmoyem~ntfs
history. We helped organize some 350
rallies and other events in all 50 state
capitols, plus D.C. and Puerto Rico, during
a one-week period. Our campaign -
called Equality Begins at Home- and the
work of the Federation paved the way for
the wonderful successes we have seen in
the past year.
Now many state legislatures are wrapping
up their business and adjourning.
Attention will soon shift to the November
camps. Later the church was involved in
the "Sanctuary" movement which offered
relocation of Central American political
refugees, both documented and-undocumented.
Aletter issued tomembers ofthe church,
signed by Rader and Clerk of the Session,
Kathy Evanson, notes, "None of these
actions changes who we are as a congregation;
but, they declare who we area and
what we want to be in our relationships
with one another. We are still a loyal,
supporting congregation of the Presbyterian
Church,U.S.A. We have done nothing
improper according to our
denomination’ s constitution. We are not
changing any signage, letterhead, preaching
or program. We are declaring inclusion
and affirmation of all our members
and our openness to a group of people
long rejected and stigmatized by society,
and within the Christian commtmity...
College Hill is a majority "straight"
church but with visible and welcome Lesbian
and Gay families.
Editor’s note: Tulsa Family Newspublisher
and editor, Tom Neal is a member
of College Hill Presbyterian Church.
An Evening With
The Quilt
On Thursday evening, May 25, the
NAMES Project Tulsa Area Chapter of
the AIDS Memorial Quilt will sponsor an
evening of meditation and remembrance
at Fellowship Congregational Church,
2900 So. Harvard in Tulsa, from 7-9 pm.
You. are invited to drop in anytime
during this time period to meditate, pray,
or simply view the Quilt. Feel free to stay
just afew minutes, or as long as you wish.
The NAMES Project Tulsa Area Chapter
invites everyonewhohas been touchedby
the AIDS pandemic to take a moment
from their evening to remember and reflect.
For more information, please contact
the NAMES Project Tulsa at (918)
748-3111 or TulsaQnilt@usa.net
Humanity Unites
f’or Hu’man Rights
Diversity .Celebration 2000
Grand Marshalls for the Millennium Parade
Dr. Grethe Cammermeyer
Distinguished Veteran of the United States Armed Forces
Gre£! Lou~lanis
US Olympic Champion
Pride Week Events,
.Interfaith Worship Service
The Tulsa Performin£l Arts Center
Speaker: the Reverend Dr. Mel
W.hite, author and activist
Friday, June 2, from 7pro (free)
TOHR Folbes.
1OO Years of Broadway
Saturday, June 8, 8pm, $15
PAC Doenges Theatre
Black Tie Optional Dinner
~i:Featuri~ 6re~q Louganis
The Summit Club
Friday, June 9th, $75 person
VIP reception at $50 person.
Benefitin~l Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Ri/thts, the parent
or~Ianization of the
Gay Community Center
Millennium Pa~de 2000
Saturday, June IO, llam
Beginning at the Gay Community
Center at 87th and Peoria and
endin~i at Veterans Park
at 18th and BouIder
The Pride Festival
Veterans Park, llam 8pro
For more information about these
events, caIl 748-4297 (gays).

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[2000] Tulsa Family News, May 2000; Volume 7, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/600.