[2000] Tulsa Family News, January 2000; Volume 7, Issue 1
[2000] Tulsa Family News, January 2000; Volume 7, Issue 1
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
January 2000
James Christjohn
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Bob Rounsavell
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Bob Rounsavell
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, December 1999; Volume 6, Issue 12
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Friends RallyAround
Accused Musician
District Attorney Suspected of Bias
by Tom Neal, editor &publisher
Around Tulsa’ s Gay community, the reaction is one
of dismay and disbelief at the allegations of indecent
exposure made against musician and chorale leader,
Rick Fortner.
According to a Dec. 3rd Tulsa Worm story, a 16 year
old man has accused Former of masturbating in front of
him in a sauna of All-American Fitness Center in
Broken Arrow. A spokesperson for the Broken Arrow
p01icenoted that themanand Former were the only ones
in the sauna.
Friends and acquaintances notethat F,grmermaintains
his innocence, and have stated their suplJort for Former.
Mitchell Savage, spokesperson for the Council Oak
Mens Chorale (COMC) for which Former is music
director, said that the board of directors of the
organization has voted to express its support for Former
and their belief that his innocence will be established.
- TheCOMCboardposition was endorsedby the group’ s
general membership also. Savage added that he has
been acquainted for 15 years see Fortner, p. 10
Anti-Gay Harassment
Alleged in Public Schools
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
V rmont Marriage Victory
SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) - By the time Nina Beck and " previously said he would support Gay mamage,
¯ Stacy Jolles got the news, it seemed like everyone already knew:
¯¯ The Vermont Supreme Court had issued its long-awaited ruling
on Gay marriage. They had won.
The court ruled unanimously that Gay and Lesbian couples in
¯ Vermont should enjoy all benefits and privileges afforded to
¯ heterosexual couples who can legally marry. It is the first court
: in the nation to make such a sweeping ruling on the question.
’ But the justices split on whether it should amount to marriage.
¯ Onejustice splitfrom themajority’ s view that the state Legislature
¯ should decide whether Gays and’Lesbians should actually be ¯
allbwed to marry or shouldbe given domesticpartnership benefits
¯ equivalent to heterosexual marriage.
The split was of no immediate concern to Beck and Jolles and
¯ the other two couples who sued in 1997 when their town clerks
denied them marriage licenses. "It’s just fantastic this decision
¯" could come following his birth," Beck said as Jolles stood
¯ alongside her holding their month-old son Seth.
The issue now will be the subject of debate before the
: Legislature, which convenes on Janl 4. "I think the court has
¯ broken all barriers by dearly riding that we have a class of
¯ individuals in Vermont who are being denied their rights and I
thinkit is the Legislature’ s responsibility to correct that injustice ,"
said Peter Shumlin, Senate president pro tern.
¯ But the question will be how. Should Vermont statutes be
¯ amended to permit two men or two women to marry? Should a
¯ domestic partners registry be established for Gay couples to
¯ record their relationships and therefore qualify for the benefits
¯ now accorded heterosexual mamed couples?
¯ "I think it’ s going to take a couple ofweeks, anyway, forpeople ¯
tounderstand what this means," said Rep. Thomas Little, chairman
¯ of the House Judiciary Committee. "Everyone wants to have a
: virtually immediate informed reaction to it, but I think it takes
¯ longer than.that."
: Gov. Howard Dean said same-sex marriage "makes me
¯ uncomfortable, the same as anybody else." He predicted the
¯ Legislature would comply with the court decision by enacting a
¯ domestic partners law rather than making marriage legal for
: same-sex couples. House Speaker~Michael Obuchowski, who
¯ Evergreen Awards Recognize
i Beal, Campbell, and Others
TULSA -Allegations of anti-Gay harassment have
risen at two Tulsa high schools. On two campuses,
teachers contend that they and some students have been
singled out for inappropriate attention.
While Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) does have a nondiscrimination
policywhich TPS’s attorney interprets
as protecting Gay teachers, staff and students from
discrimination, that policy does not explicitly ban
discrimination based on sexual orientation. It
"The Board is committed-to-the concept of
nondiscrimination in relation to race, religion, sex, age
national origin, handicap and other human differences.
This policy will prevail in al matter concermng staff,
students and the public." However, in the interests of
protecting these teachers from possible further
harassment, their names are being withheld.
One teacher, who is active in a local Gay mens’
singing group, was called into his principal’ s oftrme and
was shown a copy of the group’ s concert program. His
participation in the group was highlighted with a
- comment, -*’is -this~ legal .w’ Another teacherwhohelps,
With a support group for Gay kids. had a self-identified
"Christian" fundamentalist teack-zr attending support
group meetings andthe teacher whodoes notidentify as
Gay but as Gay-friendly felt there was an intent to
identify her as Gay and therefore to threaten her job.
Andatonecampus;twoyoungwomenwere suspended
for a public display of affectkm. A Gay teacher and
other students whb were familiar with the incident
claim that the two women were not behaving with any
less discretion than heterosexual students use in the
same circumstances, They do claim that the
administration response w~:much more harsh than for
heterosexuals. However,~ TPS spokesperson, Tiffany.
Bruton responded to TFN inquiries, saying that the
students’ conduct was well beyond socially acceptable
behavior even for heterosexuals. The students involved
did not respond to TFN requests for an interview.
TULSA - The 1999 Evergreen Awards recognized the work of
a number of Tulsans involved in HIV/AIDS issues. Prominent
among these were Dr. Jeffrey Beal and his parmer Ted Campbell
for their years of service as Tulsa’s principal physician treating
HIV and AIDS related illness and for Campbell’s mental health
practice around those issues.
The lunch ceremony was held at the offices of the Community
Service Council (CSC) on Dec. 7th, and opened with a remarks
Ted Campbell & Dr. Jeffrey Beal
by ~chael Conley of Tulsa CARF~, Melanie Speetor of Tulsa
’County Health Dept. and John Hawk Cocke of Indian Health
Presenters and the recipients of the awards included many of
Tulsa’ s most prominent activist/workers around HIV/AIDS care
and prevention. Sharon Thoele, exeentive director of Tulsa
CARES, Erie Ramirez of Planned Parenthood, Kathy Bird of
RegionalAIDS Interfaith Network, Tulsa officewere afew of the
presenters andrecipients included videographerAllisonCosslett,
Wendy Weisberg, Audra Sommers for her fundraising work,
Kay Rollins for NAMES PROJEC~ leadership, and Jeremy
Simmons for prevention education.
The Evergreen Awards are presented by the Tulsa AIDS
Coalition which was introduced at this event by Tim Gillean and
represented by CSC staffer, Janice Nicklas.
: said politics might prevent that. "What I’m hearing
¯ from my colleagues is that they’re saying that ¯ domestic partnership is amorepolitically attainable
situation and I think I’d have to agree with that
¯ analysis,"saidObuchowski,aDemocratlikeDean.
¯ Thoughthey were ecstatic, the three couples who
sued will hold off on their celebrations until they
¯ get an opportunity actually to say their vows in a ¯ wedding ceremony. "I think the acttml celebration
¯ will be when we get married," said Stan Baker,
standing withhis armaround partner Peter Harrigan.
Winnie Stachelberg, Political Director with the
¯ Human Rights Campaign, one national Gay
¯ organization noted,"we are thrilled that the Vermont
¯ Supreme Court had the wisdom and courage to
hand down this historic, landmark decision. There
¯ has never been a logical or justifiable reason to
exclude same-sex couples from marrying, and
¯ decision validates the unfairness of exclusion. This ¯
is a tremendous victory forGay and Lesbian couples
¯ in Vermont who are now one-step closer to being
¯ considered equal in the eyes of the law."
¯ Paula Ettelbrick, attorney and Family Policy Director at the National Gay and Lesbian Task
¯: Force Policy Institute said, "the court’s decision is
unique in that it commands that the state give samesex
couples every benefit and protection that
: currently provides to married couples."
¯ "However, bystopping short offully recognizing
: the freedom to marry, the court has opened the door
¯ to complete equality but has not constitutionally
¯ guaranteed it. Now the batde progresses to the
: Vermont Legislature," Ettelbrick continued. "We
¯ have the opportunity as a community to convince
lawmakers to provide the full badge of citizenship
¯ by recognizing the freedom to marry."
¯ Ettelbrick noted that Vermont is a logical state to
¯ become the first see Vermont, p. 12
New Leather Contest
TULSA- Ric Poston, Oklahoma Mr Leather 1999
and his partner James Murray _Mr Tulsa Leather
1997 have announced they are producing a new
leather contest, Mr. Sooner State Leather. The
contest will be a preliminary event to the StateTitle
of "Oklahoma Mr Leather" and is open to any
Oklahoma resident.
This first event will be held in Oklahoma City on
the weekend of April 21 - 23, 2000 and any profits
from the contest will benefit the Leather Archives
and Museum in Chicago.. The event will provide
education and information about the community,
"demonstrations," opportunities for brotherhood, a
brunchonSunday,andthe contestitselfon Saturday
night April 22, 2000.
Judges for the contest .will be Dave Rhodes,
owner and editor of The Leather Journal, Terrell
Brown, Oklahoma Mr Leather 2000, Oklahoma
Drummer2000 (to be announcedin February 2000),
and Michael Vrooman, the current International
Miss Gay Rodeo and a former International Mr ~sayRodeo,MarkMalonInternational Mr. Leather,
tRunnerUp-t997;and alternatejudge, Ed Smith
who is an avid supportor of local and nadonal
Leather and Drummer events.
The contest will be held at the Habana Inn,
Oklahoma’s all Gay hotel and bar complex. For
reservations (be sure to mention the contest for
special rates), contact the Habana Inn, 2200
Northwest39thExpressway, OklahomaCity,73112
1-800-988-2221, www.habanainn.com. For any
furtherinformation about the contest, applications,
and weekend packages contact:
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33
*CW’s, 1737 S. Memorial
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*The Mix, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s .Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*The Storm, 2182 S. Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S..Memorial 660-0856
*Tool Box,. 1338. E, .3rd o 584-1308
Tulsa Businesses, Services, &:Pr~fe~si6nais
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
*Barnes &Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41.
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria
743-1000 :
747:9506 :
665-4580 ¯
712-1122 "
712-9955" 2
494-2665 ~
743-5272 ¯
746,0313 :
Cherry St: Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby..Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
*Ross Edward Salon ,~,: 584-0337,
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1.
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr.
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
Learme M: Gross, Insurance & financial planning
Mark T: Hamby,.At.tomey ¯ ..
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skelly
*International Tours
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th_
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kanskey, Country Club Barbering
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210
*Living Al"tSpace, 19 E. Brady
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo
*The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
838-8503 -
743- 1733
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Wherehouse Music, 5150 S. Sheridan
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies~ Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 741-0L .... 579-9593
All Sods Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616-S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman. Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
Council Oak Men’s Chorale 748-3888
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters,3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74!70-1475 355-3 t40
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’ s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal " "
Writers + contributors: ¯
James Christjohn, Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lament "
Lindstrom, Bob Rounsavell, Esther Rothblum. Mary Schepers
~dember o! The AssociatedPress ...........
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents -"
:of this publication are protected by :US copyright 1998 by
Nta, and may not be repr-oduced either.in :
whole orinpar~withoutwrittenpermission from thepublisher.
Publicationof a name or photo does not indicate a pers0n’s .
.sexual orientation. Correspondence is assumed to be for :
publication unless otherwise noted, must be signed’& be: "
comes:the ~ole property ofT,J Eachreaaer "
~s entitled :to 4 copies of each editton at distribution ",
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542,74101 582-0438 ¯
¯HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
¯Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 "
¯Holland Hall School,5666 E. 81st 481-1111 :
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378 ¯
¯House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood :
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438=2437, 800-284-2437 "
¯MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 ."
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111 ¯
NOW, Nat’lOrg. for Women; POB 14068,74159 365-5658 "
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
¯OSU-TUlsa °
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 ¯
¯Planned Parenthood~ 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674 ’
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
.*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
¯Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 " 584,2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults :
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N.Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140 "
¯St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088 "
¯Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583=7171
¯TNAAPP (Native AmeriCan men), Indian Health Care 582-7225 "
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105 :
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only :
TulsaOkla.forHumanRights,c/oThePrideCenter 743-4297 :
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827 ¯
¯Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯Tulsa Community College Campuses ,"
¯TulsaGay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105 743-4297
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
¯Bardesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337=5353 ¯
¯Borders Books &Music, 3209 NWExpressway 405-848-2667 -"
¯Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907 ¯
¯Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456=7900 "
¯Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900 :
¯Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360 :
¯ NS.U School of Optometry, 1001.N, Grand.........:
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates "
Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. ¯
¯ Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
: Geekto Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery ¯
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
: White Light, 1 Center St.
¯ *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
* is where you can find TFN. Not all are Gay-owned butall are Gay-friendly.
501-253-7734 ,"
501-253-7457 ¯
501-253-6807 ¯
501-253-5445 "
501-253-9337 "
501-253-2776 "
501-253-5332 ¯
501-624-6646 "
501-253-6001 -’.
501-253-4074 "
417-623-4696 "
It’s Elementary + more...
December 22, 1999
On the heels of a tremendously
successful campaign togetIt "sElementary
aired on public television, we are thrilled~
to announce our new media series for
kids. We are writing to you today to tell
you a little about the project and to ask for
yo~help: .W.e.hopeyo.u’!l eonside.rm.~king
a year-end contribution toward its
completion and distribution.
We’ve been asked repeatedly by It’s
Elementaryfans, "When are you going to
make sombthing we can show to kids?""
.Finally wehave an answer -- THAT’S A.
FAMILY! -- a video for elementary
school children about family diversity.
To learn more about THAT’S A
FAMILY! and to make a donation to
ensure its successful completion, please
read the rest of this email, or go to:
on the internet.
THAT’S A FAMILY! is the first video
in our. long-awaited media series for
children, "Respect for All." THAT’S A
FAMILY! introduces children to different
kinds of families, while the second and
third videos~in the series center on
dispelling Gay and Lesbian stereotypes
and confronting anti-Gay name-calling.
In THAT’S.A FAMILY! you’ll meet
children’ who were adopted; are
multiracial; haveparents whoare divorced;
are being raised by step-parents, single
morns or dads, or by grandparents and
guardians. There also are children with
Gay dads or Lesbian morns, and their
stories are intertwined with those of the
other families.
THAT’S A FAMILY! is scheduled for
release in the spring of 2000. It has the
potential to reach hundreds of thousands
of children, giving elementary schools a
truly inclusive, respectful teaching tool
that children will love to watch. Wehave
no doubt that the long-term impact of this
project will be tremendous. Giving
elementary school students the opportunity
to hear the words "Gay" and "Lesbian"
described in a matter-of-fact way by their
peers, and experience Gay and Lesbian
families inthe contextofsuchanincredibly
diverse group of other families, could
have a profound effect on their values and
behavior for the rest of their lives.
To kick off this ambitious media series
for children, we need your help. We need
to raise additional funds to finishTHAT’S
A FAMILY! this winter and to launch its
distribution. Our work is not commissioned-
instead we independently
produceand distribute ourmediaprojects.
see It’s... p. 14
Announcements Policy
Tulsa Family Newswitl provide-space
for holy union ceremony, marriage
ceremony, birth, adoption and death
announcements onaspace availablebasis.
Photos are welcome, though we cannot
promise placement or return them, so
please send copies to Tulsa Family News,
POB 4140, Tulsa 74159.
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters
on issues which we’ve covered or on
issues you think need to be considered.
You may request that your name be withheld
but letters must be signed & have
phonenumbers, or behand delivered. 200
word letters are preferred. Letters to other
publications will be re-printed as is
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher
January is National Volunteer BloodDonor Month and
most newspapers in the city have received press releases
exhorting Tulsans to donate blood.
According to Tulsa’s chapter of the American Red
Cross’ communications manager, Maggie Jewell, "the
winter time is a crucial time for blood donations and that
many new donors are needed to help meet patient needs
in local hospitals...many donors who regularly give find
that they cannot during the winter months because of a
cold or the flu.., the nation’ sblood supply... [is] just a
few hours aheadofdemand. Asit stands today, ifeveryone
stopped donating blood, our nation’s supply would
disappear within only two days..."
So you’d think that the Red Cross would welcome all
donors. In the Red Cross" press releases, they state, "to
donate, one must be 17 years or older, weigh at least 110
pounds, and be feeling wall the day of the donation..."
What they don’t say is that ffyou are Gay, you don’ t lie
about it, and you give blood, they throw your blood away
- even though ALL blood is tested for HIV antibodies
anyway! Anyone who’s had sex with someone of the
samegender since,ifmemory serves me, 1984, is banned.
To reframe a 19th century prejudice: "Irish need not
apply" becomes "Faggots need not apply."
The local Red Cross shrugs off responsibility, saying
it’s a national policy. The national Red Cross places the
blame on the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). They
all know that thisis bad science. "
Once one might have presumed-a tight correlation
between sexual orientation/behavior and HIV status.
Today, those exposed to the HIV virus can just as easily
be heterosexual. Infact, one of the parts ofour population
whichhas disproportionately highinfectionrates is young
Mrican-Americans. Does anyone think we’d see the Red
Cross or FDA saying, "Young Blacks need not apply"?
The reality is that this discrimination is socially wrong
as well as bad public health policy. TulsaArea Red Cross
can’ t:change it by itsdf but its Board of Directors can go
on record to call for a change in the policy (it wouldn’t
hurt if they added a non-discrimination pohcy too). And
it can stop trying to sweep this prejudice under the rug.
Until it and the FDA change their policies, its press
releases should read, "to donate, one must be 17 years or
older, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be feeling well the
day of the donation.., andnot be aGay or Bisexual man."
by Tom Neal, editor/publisher
Early on the morning of Dec. 3rd, like many others, I
was shocked to see the face of a friend, someone whom.
I respectandlike, inTheWorld accused ofa vcry unlikely
Reading the article and knowing the man, my first
reaction was to wonder that the charges had been brought
at all. It is a classic, "he said, she said" recast as "the
straight ’boy’ said, the Gay man said."
According to comments made to the Tulsa World by
Broken Arrow police, the
only persons present at the
allegedactwere RickFortner
and themanwhohas accused
him of lewd behavior (I say
man who accused because at
16 if he were a murderer,
he’d be considered an adult
and 16maynotbevery wise,
but it’s hardly a child in this
day and age).
I then wondered at
possible motivations for his
accuser. Was this the sick
behavior of a young man struggling with his own
homosexuality andprojecting his self-hatred onto another
Or is he yet another young American man warped into
mindless hatred Of men who love other men by a society
whose need for some hated "other’ dates back to before
the Republic was founded (let me see: we Americans
havehated Indians in the East, we’ ve hated Blacks, we’ve
hated Jews, we’ve hated Germans, we especially hated
the Irish, we’ve hated Catholics, and Poles, and again
Indians in the West, and Asians: Chinese, Japanese, Fast
Indians, we’ve hated Commumsts, Socialists, Unionists,
women who dared to vote -or merely not be endless
baby-factories, hell, we’ ve even hated some Republicans
- I personally have thought that Ronnie Reagan was one
of the most profoundly and blandly evil men of our time
but I digress).
Former says he is innocent and I believe him as do his
friends and colleagues at his work, All Souls Unitarian
ChurchandinCouncil Oaks Mens Chorale whichFortner
founded and leads, and I hear his family, thank God.
But even when his innocence is proven, and these
charges likely are shown to be shameless political
opportunism by Tulsa County District Attorney Tim
Harris, Fortuer remains victimized by the accusation. His
reputation has been called into question and defending
" Fortner says he is innocent and I
believe him... But even when his
innocence is proven, and these
charges likely are shown to be
shameless politlea! opportunism by
Tulsa County District Attorney
Tim Harris, Fortner remains
victimized by the accusation...."
himself can 0nly be costly even if the charges are without
So why is this haptmning? Political and other observers
have known for some dme that Tulsa District Attorney
Tim Harris is closely associated with right wing political
extremists who call themselves "Christian."
Tulsa’s DA’s earlier demonstrated their willingness to
abuse the powers of the office to promote a ultra rightwing
agenda when they failed to prosecute seriously the
brutal hate assault against Tony Orr and Tim Beauchamp
until after prim media had
written about the DA’s bias,
failing even to get them
victim’s compensation for
their medical injuries as the
DA’s office does for other
crime victims.
Local attorney and
TOHRboard member Kerry
Lewis suggests that Harris is
shamelessly using this
accusation to appeal to the
part ofhis electoratewho are
rabidly prejudiced, to appear
as though Hams is "fighting crime" andjust incidentally
destroying Rick Fortner’s lifein the process.
We can likely anticipate that much of our District
Attorney’ s strategy, if they have the nerve to push such a
seemingly meritless case so far, is going to be to engage
in blatant legal "Gay-bashing." It will be suggested that,
ipso facto, Rick’s a"homo" and therefore capable of any
evil, and that any accusation by a red-blooded, all-
American boy is, of course, God’s own Truth!
But what’s really on trial here, is American justice
itself. As has played out generation after generation, with
minority after minority, the reality has been that our
justice, at its best- is uneven, and more often than not is
wildly unfair, favoring wealth, whiteness and heteromaleness.
And all the problem is not in the DA’s office. Some
Tulsa police, year after year, engage in varieties of anti-
Gay bias, including breaking the very law, with no
restriction nor anti-bias training from Chief Palmer nor
the elected official to whom he answers, Mayor Savage.
But right now, what matter is that Rick Former is
treated fairly. I don’ tknow if he’ s got alegal defense fund
set up but he may need it.
I’d suggest that any help readers might give, be sent to
the Rev. Suzanne Meyers at All Souls Unitarian Church.
They’re in the book.
by Dave Fleischer
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
Ask voters a question - then listen to their answers -
and you get what Lily Tomlin calls a "goosebump
experience." Why the adrenaline rush? Because you
challenge not only your cherished ideas about the voters,
but also what you believe about yourself.
I was reminded of this while campaigning in Carol
City, an African-American, working-class Miami
neighborhood. I was with a team of volunteers from
SAVE Dade, the group preparing to defend their county
Human Rights Ordinance.
Scene: short, bald, Jewish me at.the door, talking to a
voter: "The Ordinance protects all of us from
discrimination, whether we’~re aman or woman, black or
white, Gay or non-Gay. The newest part of the law is the
part that includes Gay people. Some people want to take
the law .apart and remove Gay people from it. But we
think that s wrong-wethink everyone ought to be treated
with dignity and respect. What do you think?"
,,W,_ith barely a pause, the voter began "My church says.
¯. Oy ray. I figured I knew where we were headed, and
it wasn’t the promised land. "My church says--Jesus
loves everybody. Diseriminadon is always wrong." She
and I had a brief, affirming discussion.
I went to door #2, said my piece, and the voter
immediately began,"My church says..." I listened. "My
church says homosexuality is a sin. It’s wrong. Read
your Bible, and you’ll see the Lord has a plan for a better
life for you." As he amplified his point of view, I was
: trying to decide how quickly to exit. When he stopped
: talking, we paused and looked at each other. Then I said,
"Well, I’m Gay. I likemylife, and if IYm doing a goodjob
at myjob, do you think my boss should be able to fire me
¯ just because I’m Gay?"
¯¯ The voter looked astonished: "Wall of course, no one
should fire you for that." That started a back-and-forth
¯ that surprised both of us. Wedisagreed about why people
are Gay. We agreed that discrimination against G.ays is
¯ unacceptable. After a fewminutes, as hewas prepanng to ¯
read tomefrom the Bible, I called ahalt, thanked him, and
¯ moved to the next door.
: What I learned about myself was how hard itis to ask
: a question and hear the answer. Both times, it only took
: three words before I thought I knew what was coming.
¯ Both times, I was Wrong but I realized why asking
~¯ questions is uncomfortable.Whenwe ask a question, and
really wait to hear the answer, we are not Controlling the
¯ situation. We are sharing control with the other person.
American culture teaches us all to like control. To
¯ celebrate our individuality - to believe that one pe.rson
¯ can make a difference - to have it our way--is as
¯ American as a.microwaved Mcwhopper.
But growing up Gay raises the stakes. Many of us
realize early on that we’ re different, subject to ridicule or
hurt. So we crave control as a way to protect ourselves,
¯ and to survive. We pump up our talent for isolated
¯ individual achievement, sometimes neglecting team-
" building and our curiosity about others.
: Our life becomes a search for refuge. To protect
ourselves, we build communities and organizations
¯ designed to shelter us. Butwe thenmiss genuine, reciprocal
¯ connectionwithotherpeople, especially thosewho aren’ t
just like us. Werarely ask them what they think ofus. We
assume we know.
¯ When we don’ t ask real questions - like "What do you
think?"- we rely on Our past experience. No wonder that
we hold onto ahigh level of paranoia. We can’ t forget the
¯ feelings we knew when we were young. We can’t miss
¯ the hostility expressed by right-wing extremists now. that
¯ we are older. ¯
But, guess what? Neither has much to do with where
¯ most Americans stand today. When we lack confidence
¯ in other people, it is no wonderwe struggle in campaigns. ¯
Ourlifeis a niche, but in elections we need50% + 1 of the
¯ participating voters on our side.
¯ It is understandably scary to put aside our past hurts to
test the possibilities in the present. It’s easier to avoid
person-to-person campaigning; it’s tempting instead to
¯ rely on every other possible form of communication, all
of which have at least some value. But what price do we
[ pay for our lack of curiosity, our unwillingness to risk
: authentic exchange? Are we, without meaning to, buying
¯ intothelargerculture’stoleranceofstereotypicalthinking?
~ Who is most imperiled when it’ s a deviant act to ask a
¯ question - or to question a stereotype? Let’s rescue ¯ ourselves. Goosebumps are ours, for the asking.
Dave Fleischer is a seniorfellow at the Policy Institute
ofthe National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Nationwide Insurance : Allen said. Allen said much of the group’s time is
Adds Partners’ Benefits:¯ teachers can ha,,v.e a tough time discussing even with
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Nationwide Insurance those~who don t have a disability.
Company has just begun to offer employees a new : The Arc, formerly known as th.e .Associatio~
benefits package that will recognize same-sex : Retarded Citizens, adopt,e~,.. a posmon paper mr
d0mestic partners. The plan also .will cover relatives " " year~ ago affirmin_g that. indiv]~du,~.s with m~enn~
_ including extended family members~uch as : retardationarepe°plew~tlasexualIeel.mgs’~nhee~n~}
’grandparents - roommates and unmarriedpartners
~vho live w,ith the .employees, Donna. James; [ the 7:2 million people with,,mental retardation in the
Nationwide s senior vice president :of ihuman ¯ United States, s~ys people have fundamental ri,g,h,ts
resources, told The Outlook, an iaiiependent [ as individuals to have privacy, love and be loved.
¯ eater Columbus Ga,c community. ~ Sfill,. Gay people with mental disabilities are often
newsPaper°f,thegr.: - . . .,’.= ~,-~-’--,=-1= ¯ o,;~,~: "zed somefimesb arents,orcaretakers-the
Those co,v:_cream.u..~si tt~. a:.e.,p-enaoe.n..t.o. nm. e~’~auP~..’u~ . o~,~att_ ,,
em lo eeforsupp0rtorsnarelmanclalrespOn~t°mq¢ v~"v *~ a r
P Y. ........... .... .
.... ’ r-All of Nationwide s 28,000 .
¯ . ¯ _ . .’. .--. ¯ wem~pthlotyheeewsaorere.klig.eib..!.e..f0rth-,ep~ lan.Byear: ly~’mber"’ ¯ ’. " W : ~lrglfllfl CoHrt to lalevle
A recentForbesMagazine sur~ey, mo!area:
unmarried parmers .are ovyr~..byh~e’~l~9.ben,efitS ~ :: ’ ROANOKE, Va. (AP)-A Virginia.appe~s court,has
10% of .the businesses with :at least zoo em~toy~.. : agreed"to review the constitutionality oI a state taw
Companies that.pr0vide.same-sex P.-aFtner~e3Its .: tl~t ~nalizes oral sex between consenting adults.
indtide:Lotus!.De~vd0pment Corp.,MicrosoRtsorp:, .. The.Virginia Court of Appeals agreed to ~ear. the
-IBM, Walt Disney Co.,Honeywell and Xerox. ¯ ~i~s ~)f nine men convicted of soliciting sodomy
¯ " " e : from undercover police posing as Gay me~... .
McCam, Forbes:Endors : The case will test alaw that some autho~taes say ~
a legitimate way to deter public sex acts. opponen ’Don’t Ask, DOn’t-Tell’- ": 0fthelawarguethatit’sanarchaicinvasionofprivacy
.... .........si .that targets homosexu~,,s. The law, referred to as
polieybarfing0penh0mosex.ual~sfro,m,..military~e_ ; ,crimes against nature, applies to all consenting
~vorksandshouldbepreserYed,Kepumtcancanoauate~ ’" adults, homosexual and heterosexual, who engagem
" oral sex in public or private. Violating the law is a
Sen. JohnMcCainanffSteveForbes s~din Decem~ber;
¯ McCain~ a former naval officer and prisoner oI war felony, plmishable ,by up to five years in prison.
inVietnam, Saiahewo,~dhave sen.1.°r o,f.fieer,s,re,v]ew
Those who say it s time for Virginia to join the list
the p0ffcy, but ad,d,ed, I support me poncy, i oeueve
of states that have abolished their alifi-sodgmy laws
that it;s working. ’ ,, , "
i are. encouraged that the appeals court has agr.e.e,d to
On"Fox Ne~s Sunday, Forbes said: ’The military
¯ hear the case. The sodomy law also was invokedmthe
is not an institution for socialengineering. It has. a
¯ case of Sharon Bottoms, a Richmond-area woman
~:ery real,role of protectingus. It... operates in very
" who lost custody of her son in 1993 when ajudge said
speJzial circumstance§, and theref0reapresident must
" she was an linfit mother because she and her female
take heed of leaders such as Gen. Powell and G.en.
¯ lo~er engaged in oral sex.
Scfiwarzkopf Who s,a,y that you cannot have open
inhispetitiontothe.appealscourt, Garrison said,,,the
Gays in the military.. The Repu.bh,ca~,~ fro,nt-ru~n~ar~
’ : case is not just a Gay issue, but one that affects me
ri ht to 4 5 million adult Virginians to be
Texas Gov George W.-Bush, also nas. enaorseu
Clinton policy. "
The position of Vice President A1 Gore, a,Viemam
they have a reasonable expectataon to privacy, t ne
veterat~, and.his Democratic Opponent Bill Bradle~ is
appeal attacks the law from several angles: that it
that people who.can be firefighters, police officers
¯ violates privacy rights guaranteed by both state and
andmembe~s,ofColigress shouldhaVeopenaccess to
federal Constitutions; that it is based on religious
.military service as wall. Gay civilrights activists who ¯
met with Clinton ¯last week said the president¯ told "
them the ~’don’.t ask, dOn~t.tell’’ policy was a failure..
R.., ,rded-Gays and ¯
Lesb"ia"ns" "Find Support.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)- For decades, the ¯
sexuality of people with mental, dis~abi!i_ti_e_s,^W_~e]~ ¯
taboo a subject that parents ann prolesslonm~ ,o~ ~
acknowledged its ..ex~stence. The disabl.ed were o~ften ¯
treatedas if they Were eternal children; immune irom
desire. Bu,t as people with mental disabilities come of :
age in a more accepting’atmosphere, they are’:
grounds and thus violates the separation ofchurch and
state; and that its potential five-year prison sentence
subjects defendants to cruel find unusual punishment.
Eighteen men were charged under the law-in the
Roanoke Police Depfirtment;s sting. The biggest
challenge for those appealing .their convictions may
be convincing the appealS.court that they have legal
standing to overturn a’law that affects not just them,
but all adult Virgimans. In 1979 - the-last’ time a
higtier state court heard a challenge of the sodomy_.
law, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that a man
arrested in Richmond had no such standing2 ’
Since then, several states have recoglfized that
defendants arrested for alleg.ed public ~.ex acts are
entitled to fight the law not just as it was applied to
them, but as it potentially co~d be applied to bthers.i
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experiencing an open discussion abom relationships ¯ Mingo Valley Flowers
an~’s~x ~and for Some, acknowledging that .they may Thirty years ago, all 50 states had laws that forbade
be homosexual.. " f eo le witl~ " consensual oral sex. Today, Virginia is one of. 17
For the past.year, a small group’o P P : statesthat’stillhassu~halaw- ’
mental disabilities has be~n ga~hexqng ~- transported ¯ ¯ - 9413 E, 31st St., Tulsa 74145
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.byth~ircareta~ers+-to,djs~us~the~-r¢-d[c~’ue~nt°fn°~t~ :
Court Bars Child
o~y beingmenta~iy ~a~d~ea~i~ed, but being Gay ~or ¯ Visitation, Rights milr
On a monthly basis, ~ey meet a~ a group with a : CHICAGO (AP) ~ Shelived withher Lesbian parme,r- . .
advocates for:the disabled say:more’ " n . ,-., . ~nva"cy¯ .-.~.-~.-.~..,~..ri.~.r.ti.i .".~.a.t.e.l.us; .t.no.t.c.o.ve.r.e.d.u.nd.e.r.a. state law-governing Visitaaon rights. ~ne oec,slon
NewHaven group:~d the meetings are niSt a dating ":
service. Ratl~er;the sessions’are an opporttmity for a~. upjhue~ud.~j:~a~il~r CH’~u~ntaCn:~l~ul.~gg:eopinionii~t~d
¯segment of the populati°n that is d°ubl:y ils°)ated.t°, : th~illin0islaw.~pecifi~i~]iame~i~i~?eS.’~.~e~ : l,li-,~ , 12~21’.S~uttlCo~umbialSuRe420 ,~
~lk oper~y about feelings, ,pressures,~ana" socm~ ¯
situations. Left.unaddressed; ~exu~iiy in.,a person :’ as.fotmerspous~sandgran.dparen ~,. -~ i ~i. ~;.’
With a m~nL~i :disability can ,manifeSt itself in : to Visitation rights with children. If.is silent fin me ~’’~
inappropriate, and...s0metimes,, ,s~lf-destructive. ,ways; : issue of former same-sex p.armer~,:
Child.i Family, IndividualA.,Couple Psychother~
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The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
Amanda met her partner, "Helen," in 1984 when
they were living in Georgia. Helen was artificially
inseminated in 1993 and gave birth to a daughter that
December. Amanda was involved in the preparations
for the birth and helped take care of the little girl for
a year and a half. The relationship ended in 1995. The
next year, Helenmoved to Chicago with her daughter
and has refused to allow Amanda any contact with the
child since 1997, the court said. Amanda’s suitargued
that even though she was not married to Helen, She
Should have the same rights parents have under
common law. Sawyer, an attorney for the Eainbda
Legal Foundation, said a decision would be made
later on. whether to appeal to the Illinois Supreme
Helen’s attorney, Leon Finkel, noted that Illinois
does not recognize common law in such cases’~ He
said boyfriends, aunts and uncles and in some cases
even stepparents are among those whoare not entitled
to visitation rights under Illinois law.
Finkel also said limiting the list was a good idea.
because parents should only m special instances be
forced to give up the power to determine who is
allowed to visit their children.
He added that while Illinois doesn’t recognize
same-sex marriages, it does recognize same-sex
adoptions. Had Amanda legally adopted the girl, she
would have had visitation rights and the dispute
would never have taken place, he said.
Study Says Marriage Ban
Would Hurt Children
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - At least 40,000
children living with Gay couples and 100,000 more
with Gay single parents would be affected by a
proposed state ban on same-sex marriages, according
to a new study. Those children could feel ostracized
by. society if their parents’ Unions were considered
invalid, concludes the review by Michael Wald, a
Stanford University law professor who specializes in
public policy’s effect on children. Proposition 22
would let California recognize only marriages
performed between a man and a woman. It will be
voted on in March.
’q’his alleged study, which promotes homosexual
marriages, is nothing more than a bogus political
campaign hit piece against Proposition 22 and the
institution of marriage," said Robert Glazier, a
spokesman for the Yes on Proposition 22 campaign.
Wald’s review used findings by the American
Psychological Association and several research studies
on same-sex parents. "By all reports, these families
are doing very wall," Wald said. "It is different,
obviously, growingup in afamily with two parents of
the same sex, but children adjust to it." Studies have
shown that the children of Gay parents are welladjusted
and do wall in school, but often face
intolerance, he said.
The report drew criticism from David Orgon
Coolidge, director of the Marriage Law Project atThe
Catholic University ofAmerica inWashington, D.C.,
who called it "an attempt to mislead voters." "prop 22
is not about same-sex couples," Coolidge said in a
written statement. "Prop 22 is about whether
Californians will be allowed to decide for themselves
how marriage will be defined in this state."
Colorado Anti-Marriage
Amendment Progresses
DENVER (AP) - A proposed constitutional
amendmentto restrict same-sexmarriages in Colorado
has been approved by the .secretary of state’s office
and now advances to a 30-day challenge period, ifapproved
by voters, the measure would recognize
only marriages between, a man and a woman and
would make same-sex marriages performed in other
states invalid in Colorado.
Themeasure, which cleared the secretary of state’s
ritle-setting board in December, will face opposition.
"As a statewide agency,we are eommitted to fighting
this every step of the way," said LoriAnn Girvan,
executive director of Equality Colorado. "We feel
that the taxpayers of Colorado don’t need another
anti-Gay ballotinitiative that will re-ignite our state’s
reputation as a place of intolerance."
Candace McCune, an Englewood lawyer
representing proponents of the measure who formed
the group Coloradans for Traditional Marriage, said
the measure would close a loophole in the state
Constitution. The Legislaturelast year rejected an
attempt by Sen. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Fort Morgan,
to pass a statute similar to the proposed amendment.
Opponents oftheinitiativehave 30 days to challenge
it. Ifit survives, signatures ofnearly 64,000 registered
voters. W~ould have to be collected tO.l~m the ~easure
off ~1i~ ~6all0t. Coloradatis- for Tradiu6nal" Marriage
also withdrew a proposal to ban same-sex marriages.
Hank Aaron Slams
Pitcher’s Comments
ATLANTA (AP)- Hall of Famer Hank Aaronjoined
thebarrage ofcriticism against AtlantaBraves pitcher
Johp_ Rocker, despite his apology for making
derogatory comments about Gays and minorities.
Aaron said he was "very sick and disgusted about
the whole situation" and questioned how Rocker
could continue in baseball. "I have no place in my
heart for peoplewhofeel that way," the all-time home
run king, who is the Braves’ senior vice president,
told syndicated radio host Jay Mariotti.
About 15 activists protested outside Turner Field,
urging the Braves to fire Rocker for the comments,
which were published i~n a recent Sports Illustrated.
"There may be some room for redemption, but not
as anAtlantaBrave," said Michael Langford, president
of the United Youth-Adult Conference. "We
encourage him to enter his resignation right now and
go into an early retirement."
Rocker told Sports Illustrated he would never play
for a New York team because he didn’t want to ride
a subway train "next to some queer with AIDS." He
also bashed immigrants, saying, "I’m not a very big
fan of foreigners... How the hell did they get in this
country?" While driving in Atlanta during the
interview, Rocker criticized Asian women: Look.
Look at this idiot," he said of another driver. "I
guarantee you she’s a Japanese woman. How bad are
Asianwomenatdriving?" Healso calledan overweighl
black teammate "a fat monkey."
Rocker apologized in a ffritten statement, saying he
was carried away by his "competitive zeal" against
New York Mets fans. He said heis not a racist mad the
comments do not reflect his true feelings.
Civic groups and a member of the Atlanta city
Council delivered aletter to Braves owner TedTurner
and general manager John Schuerholz demanding
Rocker’s immediate firing. "We would have hoped
there would havebeen amore scathing condemnation
of these comments," said Councilman Derrick
Boazman. "This was more thanjust rhetoric. This was
hate." There was no answer at Turner’ s office, and his
publicist did pot return a telephone call.
Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig called Rocker’s
remarks "inappropriate and offensive." He said
baseball is reviewing the matter and would take
"appropriate action." There is precedent: Former
Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott was suspended
from baseball for the 1993 season for her use of racial
and ethnic slurs.
¯ Pentagon .Seeks Tougher
: Stand Aga,nst Harassers
¯ WASH!NGTON(AP)-The U.S. Defense Department
¯ is piessing armed services leaders to re-emphasize to
¯¯ commanders that harassment of troops based on their
sexual orientation will notbe tolerated. The Pentagon
: has drawn fire recently for its "don’t ask, don’t tell"
: policy. Critics say an increasing number ofGay and
Lesbian servicemembers arebeingharassed, contrary
: to the stated policy ofpermitting them to serve so long
: as they do not declare their sexual orientation.
: The criticism sharpened after a court-martial in
¯ which anArmyprivate was convicted of murdering a
Gay ,soldier harassed with the knowledge of his
¯ superiors. PresidentBill Clinton said earlier lastmonth
¯ that the Pentagon’s policy on Gays was "out of ¯
". see Briefs, p. 14
Older Americans
With HIV Increasing
HOUSTON (AP) - An aging population,
life-extending treatments, and a
misperception that AIDS is a disease of
the young have fostered an increase in
AIDS infections among older Americans,
the Houston Chronicle reported recently.
Nationally, about 11% of reported AIDS :
cases are in people 50 or older, the
newspaper reported.
Seniors are the age group with the
fastest-growing AIDS rates - up 22%
between 1991 and 1996, compared with a
9% increase among people age 13-49,
according to the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
However, health officials warned that
the increases seem dramatic because the
numbers are small. A 106% increase in
the number of older women infected
through sex, for example, is based on an
increase from 340 eases to 700 eases.
"’At this point, the numbers are so small
that they really have notbeen perceived as
a problem," said Dr. Rose Brownridge,
acting bureau chief of the Texas
Department:of Health division that deals
with AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases. She added, however, that the
issue needs further study.
About 72,000 .americans age 50 and
over and about 4,50(3 Texans have been.
diagnosedwithAIDS. N~gneknows how
many seniors are infected with HIV, the
virus that causes AIDS, because not all
states require HIV reporting and because
older people arethought to be tested far
less often than their younger counterparts.
According to the CDC, slightly more than
one-third of older people with AIDS are
Gay or Bisexual men. About one of five
was infected by using a dirty needle to
inject drugs.
While popular attention has been
focusedon declining infection rotes among
children, AIDS among seniors has been
virtually ignored. That must change, said
Marcia try, chief of social science
research on aging at the National Institute
onAging. "The pointis that society cannot
ignore AIDS in that pediatric population,
in the young adult population or the older
population," Ms. try said. "For people
living longer or getting infected at_ an
older age, these people are incredibly
isolated, and they may not getthe treatment
they need."
That is likely to change with the
onslaught of baby boomers nearing
retirement age, said Kathy Nokes, a New
Yorknursewho works withinfected older
patients and editor of a book on seniors
with AIDS. "Baby boomers talk about
everything, try everything, demand
everything," she said. "To a 60- or 70-
year-old, that’s not polite."
Ironically, the drug Viagra that has
allowedmanyoldermento revive dormant
sex lives also has heightened concern
aboutthe spread ofAIDS. "They are pretty
AIDS-unaware as they venture out into
the world of sexual activity," said Sara
Selber, executive director of AIDS
Foundation Houston. "AIDS wasn’ treally
on their screen at the time they were
(previously) sextmlly active."
Fish Gene Key to
Immune System
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A gene discovered
in puffer fish - which have immune
systems similar to humans - may hold
secrets to learning more about diseases
that affect the human immune system,
such as AIDS, medical researchers say.
~esearchers doing work at St.
Petersburg’s All Children’s Hospital
published their findings in this week’s
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, an academic journal.
Despite the finding, researchers do not
know what the newly found gene does,
said Gary Litman, the University of South
qoridaimmunologistwholedthe research
However, they do know the gene plays
amajor role in theimmune systembecause
of its complex structure.
In addition to the puffer fish, the
~mportant gene is found in other bony
fish, including zebra fish and sharks.
"The hunt is on for this gene in man,"
said Litman, who is working with eight
other researchers in Florida and in
California and Massachusetts. "Now we
know where to look."
Researchers are using computers .to
search human DNA for the identical or
similar sequence of 114,000 amino acids
found in the fish DNA. There are about 3
million amino acids in the human body.
Discoveries about the immune system
can affectnew developments in treatments
for diseases ranging from common
allergies to cancer and Alzheimer’s
Litman said thenew gene mightprovide
clues to an additional type of immunity
that doctors might not have realized.
Important Story
discovery of and ongoing efforts to treat
and find a cure for AIDS was the top story
of the century, according to a survey of a
group ofhigh school history students. The
students surveyed by The Hutchinson
News otherwise generally agreed with
adult readers surveyed by the newspaper,
but, adults gave AIDS barely a mention.
’ It had such a high impact on what they
thought about their own mortality," said
Susan Smith, a teacher atHutchinsonHigh
School. "They didn’t think they could die,
and they certainly didn’t think having sex
could make them die."
Lindsey Derr, 16, saidnews aboutAIDS
is evenmoreimportantnow that the disease
is generally understood by experts and
millions of people have been identified as
AIDS,positive. Jacqui Faber, 16, said a
lot of people still don’t know enough
about where and how to get tested.
Some issues identified by students as
mostimportant occurred long before their
lifetimes, such as womengaining theright
to vote in America. Other issues that are
again xn the news, such as the Scopes
"Monkey" trial pitting evolutionary theory
against creationism, weren’t seen as
Other stories that were big during their
lifetimes, such as the explosion of the
space shuttle Challengerandthemeltdown
¯of the Russian nuclear power plant at
Cheruobyl, were neat the bottom of the
high-school list.
Thebombing ofPearl Harbor that led to
U.S. entry into World War II, top of the
general readership’ s list,was infifthplace
among the students.
A high-ranking story on the students’
list that ranked low among the gener~
readership was the "I Have a Dream
speech given by the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. Talesha Brassield, a 16-year-old
junior, said King’s speech was still a
reminder that Americans have a lot to
learn about respecting each other. "There
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are still people that believe people have to
think the same, look the same and believe
the same things," Talesha said.
Thais Protest US
Drug Monopoly
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Some 120
Thai activists and HIV-AIDS patients
camped Wednesday outside the Health
Ministry demanding an end to a U.S.
pharmaceutical monopoly thatmakes antiviral
drugs too expensive for most in
Thailand. They want theThai government
to enforce a patent act to legalize local
manufacture of Didanosine or DDI, a
medicine that suppresses the deadly HIV
virus in a patient’s blood, delaying the
onset of AIDS.
Few. of the more than 1 million HIV
postive individuals in Thailand, a country
of 62 million people, can afford drugs
such as DDI and AZT, imported to
DDI,manufacturedby U.S. ftrmBristol-
Myers Squibb, is sold at50 baht ($1.25) a
tablet in Thai hospitals. Patients need at
least fourtablets aday, costingin all about
6,000 baht-10,000 baht ($160-250) a
month. A Thai office worker earns about
4,400 baht($110) amonth. Thedrugprice
would be halved if Thailand produce it
Last month, Medecins Sans Frontieres,
the Nobel Peace Prize-winnlngemergency
healthcare group, said U.S. trade pressure
has made proper health care for H!V/
AIDS patients nnaffordable in Thailand
and other less developed countries.
Activists said access to DDI, used by
around 5% of people living with HIV in
1997, declined over the past two years due
to Thailand’s economic recession. Since
theHIV epidemicbeganin the early 1990s,
more than 260,000 Thais have contracted
full-blown AIDS.
’q’he government has full legislation to
enforce the act butit fears the U.S. will be
angry andit mightlead to trade sanctions,"
said Paisal Tan-ud, spokesmanoftheThai
Network For People Living With HIVAIDS.
The activists plan to camp outside
the ministly in Bangkok until they get an
answer from the government.
Earlier this year, campaigners succeeded
in demanding local manufacture of
Diflu.can, a drug used to treat cryptococcat
memngitis, a fungal infection of the brain
which occurs in HIV-AIDS patients.
The government has allowed two local
pharmaceutical compames to produce the
drug, originally manufactured by the U.S.
drug company Pfizer.
Girl + Grandmother
Tell Their Story
WOODBRIDGE, Va. - When Annisha
Wilbum was 4 years old, she went to live
with her grandmother, Valerie Reeder-
Bey, who is HIV-positive. Reeder-Bey
knew she had to talk about her condition
with her granddaughter. The hard part
was finding a way to do it without
frightening her or delving into
uncomfortable details. "I was living in
fear that anything could happen," said
Reeder-Bey,46,wholives inWoodbridge.
"I wanted to tell her. I just really had to
find the way without being graphic."
She started by jotting down things that
Annisha shouldn’tworry about: "It’ s okay
to hug," she wrote. "It’s okay to hold
hands." As the girl got older, she started
making her own contributions to the list.
¯ Talking on the telephone with her
: grandmother was OK, Annisha pointed
¯ out, or going rollerblading together.
¯ Thus was born "My Grandma Has
: AIDS: Annisha’s Story," a 14-page
¯ illustrated children’s book that was
¯ published this year by a pharmaceutical "
¯ company and distributed at the U.S.
Conference on AIDS in Denver and a
World AIDS Day commemoration in
¯ Boston.
"- Annisha and her grandmotherare both
¯ listed as authors, but thebookis writtenin
¯¯ Annisha’s voice. "Hi. My name is
Annisha. This is a story about my
grandma," the book begins. "She is real
: special to me. Mygrandmaisjustlikeany
¯ other grandma. My grandma has AIDS."
The book goes on to describe the various
things they do together. "I know that ifmy
friendhas AIDS, I cannotcatch itbybeing
~ their friend," Annisha says in the book.
~ Reeder-Bey, who also lives with her
¯ husband, Tommy, is excited about the
: book’s distributionandhopes parents will
¯" use it to introduce the subject of AIDS to
i¯ tHheeairvcehniilndrVenie.wS,haeniosnaplrsoofitthtehafotpurnodveirdeosf
: health counseling and support groups for
¯ people living with AIDS. "I would love
¯ forit to be in ev,,e~y household. That’s ~e
ultimate dream,’ she said. "Even if it s
¯ not in every household, I want everyone
~ to know about it."
: The road to "My Grandma Has-AIDS:
¯ Annisha’s Story"was along one. It began ¯
¯ whenReeder-Beywent toherownmother,
looking for solace after she learned she
¯" was HIV-positive. Reeder-Bey said she
¯ spent 22 years as an alcoholic and drug
¯ addict. Her mother could not accept the
: diagnosis and sent her daughter away, she
: said: "I forgive my mother now, but then,
¯ I couldn’t take it," she recalled.
¯ Six years later, Reeder-Beywas alcohol-
. and drug-free andembarking onanew life
¯ as an AIDS activist and drug counselor.
¯ Then her daughter, who has had her own
: struggles with addiction, asked her to take
in Annisha. "Wehad already spent a lot of
." time together," Reeder-Bey said of
¯ Annisha. "She just became a part of my
: life."
When Annisha was 6, Reeder-Bey
¯ thought the two of them had a book worth
¯ sharing. She went to several well-known
: children’s book publishers, who told her
¯ that the subject matter was inappropriate
¯ or didn’t fit their needs.
¯ Butthebookdidcatch the eye ofofficials
." at Agouron Pharmaceuticals, a La Jolla,
." Calif.-based company that makes the
." AIDS drug Viracept, and Agouron
¯ published it. Agouron has an active
: outreachprogramthatfocuses particularly
¯" on minority communities, and the book
¯ worked well with that program, said Joy
¯ Schmitt, a company spokeswoman.
: Reeder-Bey also made sure that Prince
¯ WilliamCounty school administrators got
: a copy of"Annisha’s Story." Annishais a
¯ third-grader at Featherstone Elementary.
¯ Agouron said it plans to distribute the
~ book at otherAIDS conferences, with the
¯ authors’ permission. In the meantime, ¯
Reeder-Bey is a one-woman distribution
¯ machine, bringing books to her doctor’s
¯ office, to work, to wherever she thinks
¯ someone would pick one up. "I want
: people to open up and start talking to kids
: about it. Kids want you to be open with
: them," Reeder-Bey said.
¯ And Annisha said she plans to keep
writing. She has advice for other would-
~ be authors: "I think they should write
¯ what’s in their imagination, and write
: what’sin their heart."
Happy New Year and Century to " hit Broadway, running for 2 years. This
everyone! "If you’re with me, next year : ground breaking drama about 9 Gay men
willbe... The perfect year!" Sorry, Petula ¯ gathering for a birthday party with catty,
left a little Norma Desmond behind. (The ¯ emotionally trying results spawned a film
line is from a song that features ~ -by William Friedldn (who went on to
prominentlyinthemusical, direct "the Exorcist", and
"Sunset Boulevard".)
Actually, there were afew
days I couldn’ t tell the two
apart. What, me catty? I
don’t know what you
mean. . . (Eyes bat
iunocenfly. Well, as close
as I can get... Shaddup!
Stop snickering amongst
January at the PAC: Ben
E. King performs with the
Tulsa philharmonic the 7
&8. The armchair traveler
goes to France on the 10;
and the All State Music
Festival happens onthe 15.
"Gaelic Storm," the Irish
band that played in the 3rd
class steerage section of
the Titanic appears at the
PACJanuary 19 &20. Leo
danced a jig to their tunes
in the film. Latin music is played by
Scarles, Allen and River on the 22, and a
concurrent concert hapl~L’ns with Janina
Fialkowska at the piano. On the 23, Das
Puppenspeil (I love that name!) puppet
theatre performs with the Philharmonic,
and the month closes with "Buddy," the
Buddy Holly musical from the 25 through
the 30. "Crossing Delancy" opens on the
28. More info on these artists to come. If
~ou lust can’t wait, you can always call
e f~iendly folks at the PAC ticket office
at 596-7111.
Forthose abitmoreventuresome, Dallas
seems to be the place of interest in
upcoming months. GeorgeWinstonplays
Majestic Theatre Jan 7; and for those who
recall a rather large member of the Rocky
Horror Picture Show cast, Meat Loaf
performs at McFarlin Auditorium Jan 16.
My, they’re really bringing in the class
acts now, aren’t they?
For the more modem crown, Counting
Crows plays the Bronco bowl Jan 25, and
Beck plays there Jail 26. Kids in the Hall,
the all male cross dressing comedy troupe
of some fame in the mid-90’s plays the
Bronco bowl Feb 3. The Pretenders, with
opening act "Gay Dad", perform at the
Bronco Bowl Feb 6. The Chieftains, for
those who like their Irish music Irish, are
at the Fort Worth Bass Performance Hall
Feb 6. Back in Dallas, Diana Krall plays
the Majestic Theatre Feb 18. And for
those into boy bands, Backstreet Boys
(almost has-beenS) are at Reunion Arena
March3-4. For themorefolksy set, Crosby,
Stills, Nash and Young are playing
Reunion Arena March 7th.
For thosepining for somedecent theatre
- and I know many of you are, even if you
don’t attend it- Mort Crowley’ s seminal
work, "The Boys in the Band", runs
through January 29 at the Fort Worth
Theatre (817-921-5300). It rated a full
page storyin theFortWorthStarTelegram.
Apparently, Fort Worth has become a
progressive town, in that one of its oldest
and mostprestigious theatres has started a
series of Gay plays called the "Labor of
Love" series. They have sold out.
Hello, Theatre Tulsa!
"Boys" opened in April 1968, and was
one of’the first, if not the first, Gay play to
"Sorcerer") and nnhinged
the closet door that held
Gay theater locked inside
and blew it down the
. FortWorthTheatrehas
already produced two
shows this season thathad
to do with some aspect of
"Seducing Sally" and
"The SantalandDiaries".
Folks, this is a city
nicknamed "Cowtown".
Hello? It’ s about the size
of Tulsa. They have 3
theatres there that are
unafraid to try something
new -CircleTheatre, Stage
West, and now, the most
staid of the Fort Worth
We have Heller, and
: sometimes TU, and the quality of theatre
¯ in this town is very hit and miss. I know
: that’ll tick some folks off, but it’s true.
¯ And more often than not, it’s missing.
: Let’s work on that, shall we? I mean,
¯ Cowtown, really!
Tickets are $10 - $12 dollars, and a
¯ percentage of ticket sales goes to AIDS
~ Resources of Rural Texas. And from the
: pics of the cast, it looks like it would be a
¯ handsome evening, indeed. Thanks to
: Mark Lowry of the Fort Worth Star
Telegram for some of the info used in this
: tern.
Usually, when I write of an album
wherein the songs, music and lyrics, tend
to eerily reflect events in my own time
space, it’ s a safe bet that I’m writing about
Stevie Nicks. Shejust does thht sort thing.
I got walloped this last week by an album
my best friend Karin (who’ s straight, by
the way) mademelisten to. She started off
by saying some of the songs reminded her
of me and one of my last major romantic
entanglements. Then she started playing
it, and I was just about knocked out of the
car. The album is by an artist I never gave
much ~hought to, except to wish that I’ d
never hear the phrase "I Wanna Come
Over" again. Yes, I was ~,valloped by a
Lesbian MdissaEtheridge slat~stalbum,
"Breakdown" (an ironic rifle, given the
album’ s previously stated significance) is
a treasure trove of powerful lyrics and
dynamite music.
The song "Stronger Than Me" is one of
the ones my best friend Karin related to
: my experience from her viewpoint. The
~ lyrics are dark and intense, and the music
; echoes their intent. "I don’t know how
: you can take it / invest your heart and then
¯ youbreakit / I don’ tknow how youcan set
: it free / you must be stronger than me"
: certainly sums up my somewhat
¯ overoptimistic romantic enthusiasms
according to Karin.
"Breakdown" is a power ballad about a
~ love gone so wrong one has left, but the
¯ other p~rson keeps pulling you back like
~ a pit of quicksand. "I’m coming to your
~ breakdowntonight.""Enough ofMe" was
¯ another sock to the stomach in its eerie
: capturing of what the last year of my last
; majorrelationship was like. see Jirn,p. 14
The Tulsa Phiharmonicpresents
Janina Fialkowska
the third concert in the,
Masterworks Series
Saturday, January 22, 8pm
Tulsa Performing-Arts Center
Debussy, Prelude a l’apres midi d’une faune
Grieg, Piano Concerto in A minor, op. 16
Wagner, selections from
Der Ring des Nibelungen
Tickets: 747-PHIL or 596-7111
earles, Allen & Rive.ra
Long before multi-million dollar book deals -
were the fashion, Alexandre Dumas’ son
(yes, the "The Three Musketeers" author)
converted his torrid:turned-terminal love affair
into a best seller. From there, composer
Guiseppe Verdi adapted the story for opera
(hello, "La Traviata"). Today, choreographer
Val Canipamli finished the iob of turning
"La Traviata" into dance. Using drama,
not melodrama. For understatement
underscored. A full-length love story.
"You don’t have
to knew ballet
to love ballet.
You just have
to try it."
ABC Music
Order tickets by calling The Tulsa BaJlet Ticket Offica: 749-600|
4512 S. Peoria Ava. , Tulsa, OK 74105-4563 ¯ VisH
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595 (Welcoming)
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United
Service, llam, 1623 North Maplew00d, Info! 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1lain, 205 W. King (east of N. Denver), Info: 582-3088
Unity. Church of Christianity
Services: 9:15 & 11:00 am, 3355 S. Jamestown,749-8833
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gayfrransgendercd Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the United Ministry Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378)3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals - call for times, info: 748-3888.
Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pro, 2545 S. Yale
Multienltural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center. 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’ s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1 st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 298-0827
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group
Call for info: Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long rides & short rides from
Zeigler Park. Long & short tides from Tulsa Gay Community Center. Write for info:
POB 9165, Tulsa, OK 74157
Mixed Volleyball, non-active in winter, call Shawn at 243-5190 for spring activities.
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Here are a couple of new books at the
library that you shouldn’t miss! A few
years ago, author Rik Isensee wrote an
men, rifled "Reclaiming
Your Life: The Gay
Man’s Guide to Love,
Self-Acceptance and
Trust." He’s back with a
new winner for those of
us in our, ahem, late
thirties (and on up), "Are
You Ready?"
The time has come for
the community to
understand that Gay life
doesn’t end simply
because you remember
Watergilte. This book
helps you learn to
celebraie i the positive
things about aging
(flexibility, " greater
"One d Isensee’s
primary tasks is to
help Gay males
reach closure with a
youtlt~l identity¯
The key to this is
learning to stop
living for the
moment¯ For a
¯ reclaim youthful ambitions. This tendency
: can be compared to the stage of
¯¯ ’bargaining’ in grief reactions. If only I’d just work harder, exercise more, go to
¯ bars, get a facelift, get a tattoo- I’ll be all ¯
One of the suggested
steps toward stabilizing
your life is to get in a long
term relationship. Just
because it didn’t work
foolish doesn’t mean it
won’t work now! There
is a good section that
provides some basic
guidance toward finding
a rdationship, including
"what are you looking
for?," "distinguish
_between desirables.and
necessary qualities," and
variety of reasons, "be open to men who
" don’tfityouinsual type." we are living longer. _There are alsosomegood
tolerances, self ann " 1- ....
" ~ d nav" ate neell to remmn
acceptance) an lgate~_____-~_~.
the negatives (dis-eti~ vital and involved.
over physical aging,
d i s i 11Usi onm e n t,--It Is very Important
examples of how
depressio,and lethargy).
One of Isensee’s to-not waste time
primary tasks is to help re]ivln6 -
Gay males reach closure
with a youthful identity, the past..
The key to this is learning
to stoplivingfor themoment. Fora variety
of re~ons~ we are living long~-and need
to remain vital and involved. It is very
important to not waste time reliving the
As Isensee explains, "During this
uncertain time, when we’ ve lost our way,
there may be a sense of not having
accomplished anything. Itmay be difficult
to remember earlier goals or to ascribe
any significance to them. It’s also hard to
imagine what else we would like to do.
Rather than tolerating the anxiety of not
knowing, some men are tempted to make
up for lost time - through some radical
change for its own sake, or a mad dash to
with Former and does not believe the
accusation to be credible.
Attorney Kerry Lewis, who is also a
board member of Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights suggested that anti-Gay
bias and political opportunism on the part
of Tulsa County District Attorney Tim
Harris and his staff may be behind this
Lewis noted that such a case would
have appeal for Republican Harris whose
voter bast is tied to religious extremist
elements in the Republican Party. Lewis
also said that given the level of anti-Gay
prejudice in the area’s jury pool; Harris
maybecalculating thatheneednotactually
prove Former guilty, that is that merely
being a Gay man accused by a younger
man will be taken as proof of guilt in a
legal system. that is hostile to minority
DrumwrightattorneyTimDaniel whose
practice~has’included defending Gaymen
relationships change over
the years. No, thesethi~gs
are not easy, but the hard
work will pay off in. the
Another new book is,
’q’he Book of Gay and
Lesbian Quotations."
This is a fun compilation
of quotes by Gays and
¯ Lesbians; and Gay-friendly peopleas well,
¯ from ancient times to the present. It is a
." simple reference book broken down into
¯ broad subjects: solitude, morality, hope,
¯ etc.
: Some of the better quotes are: "a waist
¯ is terrible thing to mind," "anyone who
¯ says that softball is a boring game to
. watch isn’t looking at the right things!,"
: and "the only way of getting dd of
temptation is to yield to it." This is a super
: book for one liners.
: Check for these and other fun books at
¯ your local branch library, or call the ¯
Readers ServicesdepartmentattheCentral
: Library at 596-7966.
: who say they were entrapped by Tulsa
¯ Police, believes that the Tulsa County
¯ DistrictAttorney uses anti-Gay bias in the legal system to plea bargain cases,
: knowing that accused Gay men, even if
¯ they are not guilty, or even if the police ¯
engaged in illegal conduct themselves in
¯ order to make an arrest, will accept a
~ "deal" rather than risk having a hostile
¯ jury and even more serious charges and
¯ punishment.
: Anti-Gay hate crime victims, Tony Orr
¯ &TimBeauchamp, also have pointed out ¯
that Hams’ office failed to assist them in
: getting normal compensation for their
: medical expenses due to the assault on
¯ them, and that the DA’s office did not
¯ even prosecute seriously their assailants ¯ until after The Tulsa World wrote a story
: about the DA’s inaction.
¯ Fortner did return a call to TulsaFami!y
: Newsbutonadviceofhis attorney declined
; to comment onthe allegations. Calls to
: Former’s attorney were not returned.
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by Mary Schepers . - I will respect electrical energy and will
TFNdo-it-yourself-dyke extraordinaire ¯ notwireanyfixture, outletorswitch’hot."
The holidays are over, the mistletoe " - I resolve to keep saw blades sharp and
delightfullynsed, abusedandrefused.The ¯ clean. I will unplug power saws before
long nights and short days of winter seem ¯ removing the blade.
to stretch on forever. It is - I resolve to use trendy
the time to dreamoffuture
projects that will not be
started until spring time
comes. And it is time for
making all of those godawful
New Year’s resolutions
that endurebutfor
a mere matter of days.
Why not combine home
projects with good
intentions andmake some
resolutions you’ll actually
Inall modesty, and with
absolutely no sense of
overstepping boundaries,
your DIYD gently offers
her own suggestions for
your approval and
for a millennium of
satisfying home projects.
Or consider it your DIYD
telling you what to do -
again. And always. Why
should this century be any
different than the. last?
You love it, ducklings,
you know you do! Now,
repeat after me
- I resolve to always work
safely! I will read and follow direction~
and will not by-pass guards or safety
devices. I will use personal protection
(safety glasses, earplugs, etc.), and ask for
help if I need it.
-I will measure twice (minimum!) and
cut once. Woodis expensive and screwing
up makesmecranky and unbearable. Let’ s
avoid that this year.
-I will not swear to the extent and/or
noise level that the dog or cat needs deep
-I will always involve my partner (if
applicable) inhome repair and decoration
decisions. Even if they say they "don’t
care" - trust me, cupcake, theydo!
- I resolve to take good care of my tools.
I will keep them clean, organized and in
good repair. I will thereby not waste
precious project time obsessing about the
mystery location of the screwdriver or
paint roller.
- I resolve not to treat any ofmy partner’ s
questions as stupid - no matter how
glaringly obvious the answer or solution.
- Iwill not loan out tools I care about to
people who abuse them or do not return
them, I will acknowledge my emotional/
psychological bond with my tools,
especially thoserequiring apower supply,
- I will buy that leather tool bdtas soon as
I can. And I will use it (silk boxers
- I resolve to always set my ladder up on
a stable, even surface and to havesomeone
watching out for me nearby. That
especially applies if I am on the roof. The
dog does not count as my ’safety buddy.’
-I resolve to overcome my fear and
loathing of spiders and slugs long enough
to enter the crawl space and make that
minorplumbingrepair to thebathtub drain.
Other-wise, I will overcome my aversion
to paying a plumber to do the same.
"In all modesty, and
with absolutely no
sense of overstepping
boundaries, your
DIYD gently offers
her suggestions for
your approval . . .
Consider it your
blueprint for a
millennium of
satisfying home
Or consider it your
DIYD telling you
what to do - again.
And always.
Why should this
century be any
than the last?"
colors and designs in my
home sparingly, remembering
fullyhow appalled
I was by the ’50’s Peptopink
bathroom walls, tile
and tub. I am leaving a
legacy! (this does not
apply if you wish vengeance
on your heirs)
- I will always get three
quotes for any contract
labor, as well as
- I resolve to be more
respectful for the people
wor.king atmylocal home
repatr palace, even thal
patronizing boob in
plumbing. Fantasize
about replumbing his
fixtures, butdon’tactually
threaten to do it this time.
-I resolve to buy very
good paint brushes and
keep them clean and
properly stored for a
lifetime of painting
-I will not tell friends,
family or relative
strangers how they
screwed up their latest
project and what I wouldhavedonebetter.
Do give them a stack ofDIYD columns as
a form of gentle guidance.
- I resolve to do one project this year, no
matter how small, to improve the
aesthetics, efficiency or value ofmyhome.
- I resolve tomakemy DIYD that cocktail
- a Manhattan with two cherries - as a
small token of the gratitude I bear her for
enlightening my life and improving my
And your DIYD resolves to be back
next month to help you make good on
some of these intentions.
PS: Your DIYD doesn’ t waste precious
energy tying cherry stems into knots with
her tongue when it is better applied to
practical projects!
By the time ~this song played, I was
¯ becoming a fan. So much so, I bought the
If ’ ,
: you ve been depressed, and couldn t
¯ explain how debilitating a state it really
¯ can be, "Into The Dark" is one of those
¯¯ songs you play for people to make them
understand what the dark night of the soul
¯ is all about. One ofthemore powerful and
dark songs on thi~ album, it leaves you
." haunted. It’ s a ditty about going "into the
¯ soullinto the heart/into the dark", and
: realizing that one’s been spinning one’s
wheels keeping a dead relationship alive,
¯ not that Iwouldknowanythingabout that.
"There was tire/therewas death/there was
¯ lyingonyourbreath/Itumedaway/Iwould
¯ pretend/but the fire never ends/I’ve been
here sleeping all these years. "
_" Lest you think it’s all doom a~ad gloom,
: JulieCypher, Melissa’s longtimepartner,
¯ requested a more upbeat song for fear her
to recognize same-sex civil marriage. It
was thefirst state to offer domesticpartner
benefits to state workers, one of the first
states to recognize second-parent
adoptions and one ofthe first states to ban.
discriminationbasedonsexual orientation.
-The Mormon church, which has
campaigned.-against Gay marriage in
Vermont, Hawaii and California, issued a
brief statement repeating its position and
¯ saying,"As the legislative process moves
forward, The ChUrch of Jesus Cqh-’ist of
Latter-day Saints urges the citizens of
Vermont and their elected representatives
to protect the uniqueness and sanctity of
traditional marriage and to preserve the
family ~ the basic unit of society."
Next Door In New Hampshire
A statelawmakeris trying to make sure
Gay New Hampshire couples do riot take
advantage of the Vermont ruling. Rep.
Gary Torressen, R-Center Harbor, says
he was disappointed by the decision that
Gay couples are entitled to the same
benefits and protections as husbands and
wives. Torressen said he filed., his bill,
which would prevent New Hampshire
from recognizing same-sex marriages
contracted out of state, in anticipation of
the Vermont court’s decision.
The Legislature repealed a ban on Gay
foster parents and Gay adoptions. The
state also has a law that protects Gays and
Lesbiansfrom discrimination in housing,
employmentand access topublicfacilities.
State Sen. Rick Trombly, a Boscawen
Democrat who is Gay, said New
Hampshire shouldgo further and set upits
own domestic partnership system. Rep.
Martha Fuller Clark, D-Portsmouth, has
filed a bill that would extend medical
benefits to domestic partners, andrecently,
trustees for the state university system
approved domestic partner benefits for
employees. But Gays and Lesbians still
lackfull acess to the samehealthinsurance,
disability benefits, tax breaks and
inheritance protections that married
couples enjoy.
Trombly believes New Hampshire
lawmakers would support a domestic
partnership system as a fundamental
affirmation of equal rights. But he does
not believe they would support Gay
marriage, because many believe
heterosexual marriage has a religious
State Sen. Pat Krueger, a conservative
Republican from Manchester, said
Tuesday she had Gay friends whose lives
were complicated by their lack of legal
protections, and she would consider
supporting domestic partnerships. A
spokeswoman for Gov. Jeanne Shaheen
said the governorremains opposed to Gay
marriage. Spokeswoman Pamela Walsh
declined:comment on Shaheen’ s .view of
domesticpartnership.legislation, sayingit
was premature.
Excerpts from the Supreme
Court decision on marriages:
Maythe stateofVermontexclude samesex
couples from the benefits and
protections that its laws provide to
opposite-sex married couples? That is the
fundamental question we address in this
appeal, aquestionthatthecourtwellknows
arouses deeply-felt religious, moral, and
political beliefs. Our constitutional
responsibility to consider the legal merits
of issues properly before us provides no
exception for the controversial case. The
issue before the court, moreover, does not
turnon the religious-or moral debate over
inlimate same-sex relationships, butrather
¯ on the statutory and constitutionai basis
for the exclusion of same-sex couples
: from the secular benefits and protections
: offered married couples.
¯ We conclude that under the Common
Benefits Clause of the Vermont
Constitution, which, in pertinent part,
e,ads, that government ~s, or ought to be,
instituted for the common benefit,
¯¯ protection, and security of the people,.
¯ nation, or community, and not for the
particular emolument or advantage ofany
i single person, family, or set of persons,
¯ who are a part only of that community,"
plaintiffs may not be deprived of the
: statutory benefits andprotections afforded
¯ persons of the opposite sex who choose to
~ marry. We hold that the state is
¯ constitutionally required to extend to ¯ same-sex couples the common benefits
: and protections that flow from marriage
under Vermont law.
". (and)
¯ While the laws relating to marriage
¯ have undergone many changes during the
¯ last century, largely toward the goal of ¯
equalizing the status of husbands and
¯ wives, the benefits of marriage have not
¯ diminished in value. On the contrary, the
¯ =benefits and protections incident to a
: marriagelicense under Vermontlaw have
: never been greater.
¯ (andfrom Justice Denise Johnson)
¯ This case is undoubtedly one of the
¯ most controversial ever to come before
¯ this court. Newspaper, radio andtelevision
¯ media have disclosed widespread public
¯ interest in its outcome, as well as the full
¯ spectrum of opinion as to what that
¯ outcome should be and what its
¯ ramifications may be for our society as a ¯
.One line of opinion contends that this is
¯ an issue that ought to be decided only by
¯ the most broadly democratic of our
¯ governmental institutions, theLegislature; ¯ and thatthe small group ofmenandwomen
: comprising this court has no business
deciding an issue of such enormous
¯ moment.
: For better or worse, however, this is
¯ simply not So. This case came before us
¯ because citizens of the state invoked their
¯ constitutional right to seekredress through the judicial process of a perceived
¯ deprivation under state law. The Vermont
¯ Constitution does not permit the courts to decline to adjudicate a matter because its
¯ subject is controverslal, or because the
¯ outcome may be deeply offense to the
Strongly held beliefs of many of our
¯ citizens.
¯ We do not have, as does the Supreme
¯ Court of the United States, certiorari
-’ jurisdiction, which allows thatcourt, inits
¯ sole discretion, to decline to hear almost
¯ any case. To the contrary, if a case has
¯ been brought before us, and if the
¯ established procedures have been
¯ followed, as they were here, we must hear
¯ and decide it.
: Moreover, we must decide the case on
¯ legal grounds. However much history,
: sociology, religious belief, personal
¯ experienceor other considerations may ¯
inform our individual or collective
: deliberations, we must decide this case,
¯ and all cases, on the basis of our
¯ understanding of the law, and the law
¯ alone.
¯" Thismustbethe trueandconstant effort
¯ of every member of the judiciary. That
¯ effort, needless to say, is not a guarantee
of infallibility, nor even an assurance of
¯ wisdom. It is, however, the fulfillment of
.. our pledge of office.
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by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D. ¯ into gender patterns as soon as they are
One of my students owns 189 pairs of ~ born, wrapping them in blue or pink
athletic shoes. Not quite Imelda Marcos, ~ blankets. Walk into any toy store and you
butgettingthere.Anthonyisjust20years ¯ knowwhenyou’veenteredthegirls’aisle.
old and already he is a sophisticated ¯ Everything suddenly has turned pink.
collector. Collecting things is oddly ¯ Several of my friends with young sons
importantformany ofus.
I have other friends who
accumulate Native
American artifacts. And
books. And jazz vinyl
recordings. And Cacti.
And uniforms.
Most of us collect
some-thing evenif this is
only string or a draw full
Of condoms. Our houses
are museums. One ofmy
professors saved sheets
of toilet paper from bathrooms
around the world.
Me, I have.a stupendous
collection of refrigerator
We buy stuff; we give
it away; we receive it;
andwe curateit: Think of
all those shoeboxes lined
UP in Anthony’s bedroom.
Things, clearly,are
important for reasons
beyond the utilitarian.
Evenwearing themevery
second until the day he
dies, Anthony will never
use up all his Shoes. He
buys themto ownandnot
particularly to wear. They
helpmake sense ofwhom
he is - or at least who he
thinks he wants to be.
Because ofthiS, ormaybe
it’s their smell(they give
him a buzz.
Having just survived
the holiday season, we
know the pleasures and
pains of stuff. Did you
get what you want for the
holidays? Did you make
a list? Did you check it
Everyone grumbles
about the materialism of
a onetime religious
celebration. But complain
away, I sure had a
lot of desperate company
last month when I went
foraging for things in the
bleak shopping expanses
of Walmart.
"We slot our
ehildren into gender
patterns as soon as
they are born,
them in blue or
pink blankets.
Walk into any toy
store and you know
when you’ve entered
the girls’ aisle...
Several of my
friends w~th young
sons complain that
it is difficult to find
gender-neutral toys.
’One two-year old
boy loves to play
with brooms and
vacuunl cleaners.
His morn, of course,
has to go to the
girlS’ side to find
toy household
eleanlng equipment.
And, worse, the kid
likes to play with
dolls. His father
nervously protests
his son’s
babydoll games.
" Je~z! Can’t you buy
the boy atru~k?"
This connection Of stuff and identity is
characteristically American. We learn
early on to~ define ourselves in terms of
things, We_+play a:game with children
called "favorites." Weinsist that kids tell
us their favorite"color~ music, television
show, make of car,.or ice-cream. Evenif
complain that it is difficult
to find gender-neutral
toys: One two-ye~ old
boy loves to play with.
brooms and vacuum
cleaners. His ~m0m+ of
course, has to go to the
girls’ side to find toy
household cleaning
equipment. And, worse,
the kid likes to play with
dolls. His father nervously
protests his son’s.
babydoll games. Jeez!
Can’t you buy the boy a
This paternal nervousness
signals the symbolic
strength of the connections
we draw between
things and identity, ff doll
equals girl, thenboy-whoplays
-with-doll equals
girlish, perhaps even Gay.
Our use of particular
things sends messages,
accurate or not, aboutwho.
we might be. We know
that both men and women
need to.practice nurturing.
Butthe doll-loving boy,
like the toy gun-toting girl,
violates the cultural code
of consumption that attributes
gender to things.
And, who knows? Maybe
the Kid really just likes
dolls. Or maybe he has
already figured out our
consumption code and he
likes dolls on purpose in
order to Send dad a
My daughters, too’old
for dolls, and also,too old
for Pokemon, this year
wrote Gameboy camera
on their Christmas lists.
They didn’ t seem worried
about the name. Why
Gameboy and not
Gamegirl? In hierarchical
systems, it is easier to
"ups,h,ift" than "dowm
Shifi. Gifts wear pants.
Not .too many boys wear
¯ dresses. Women become d0ctors; not too
¯ many mendreamaboutbecominganurse.
" Except, perhaps+ some of those sweet,
¯ doff-loving boys of course
~When I was a kid, Barbie dolls didn’t
:~ last long in my neighborhood. We’ d steal
¯ themfromour sisters .and use thbm cruelly.
we aetuallyhave,nofavorites-~ this question ¯ They,w~ould.’be J..gan of Arc atthe stake,
puslies~s tomeasureandsztuateoursel~es: . andWor~.~ If ~eh~d any ~ense, w~ W~~d
svi_thin the w0dd of goods.. So goes .,".ha’ve,ca~-~f~illyst6i?&l them away intheig
American.inff!~iduality:;~and.so..goe~rour..: ." boxes to’become’rich by selling them to
_economy:as well....... ~ , - ....... " ........ ., today’s fanatic Barbie ¢_ollectors: I can
Favorites make less senseintta.ditional~ ~ recommend a great website with-pictures
societies where individuality is ,muted~ ." of.Ken, from 1961 to 2000: Check out
and where the range of goods is.litfiited. ¯ www.manbehindthedoll.com. This guy
But even in ¯simpler societies,¯ things: ." ~ really likes,his boy dol|s.J’m suggesting
differentiate gender.. Women wear : to Anthony thathe build a similar Shrine
differentarticles of clothing than do men~ : to his boy shoes :’ . z
They oftent~s~different tO~Is~ The)~ may .~ Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.’D,~ ~teaChes
noteatihesamefoods~.W,eslotourchi.’l.dren. "- anthropology, at .t:he.~University of Tulsa,
We dedicate an enormous mount of
resources to outreach, networking,
building allies and forging ties with
advocacy, educational and religious
organizations. Even when distribution
goes well, though, it hardly covers our
costs. To do this kind of media work, we
rely on outside support from our friends
who share our goals and understand the
unique role films like IT’ S
and violence.
Pleasehelp us keep thehugemomentum
IT’S ELEMENTARY generated going
strong. Help us welcome the millennium
by getting THAT’S A FAMILY! out of
our editing room and into elementary
school classrooms all across the country.
Please send your tax-deductible
donations toWomen’ s Educational Media,
2180 Bryant Street, Suite 203, San
Francisco,CA94110. Orgo to this interuet
address to makea secure on-line donation
with your visa or mastercard:
Donations of any size will be of great
help. With warm regards and deep
appreciation for your generous support,
- Debra Chasnoffand Helen S. Cohen
P.S. We are honored to let you know
that IT’S ELEMENTARY just won the
1999 Multicultural Education Media
Award,givenby th6National Association
for Multicultural Education (N.A.M.E.).
Weknow this award -- the first N.A.M.E.
has ever given to anything Gay-related
will help us build even better alliances
with educators who are committed to
addressing diversity !ssues. Please help
ustoday to get THAT S A FAMILY! out
where it can be put to good use.
Women’s Educational Media
2180 Bryant Sreet Suite 203
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 641-4616, (415) 641-4632 fax
Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon
said thatRudyde Leon, the under secretary
of defense for personnel, and Douglas
Dw0rkin, the acting general counsel,raised
the matter in a Dec. 18 memorandum to
service leaders. "It is important that the
leadership of each of the services issue a
strong statement to the field that
harassment~of service members for any
reason, to include alleged or perceived
homosexuality, will not be tolerated,"
according to thememo,releasedThursday
by the Defense Department.
Bacon said it had not been made
sufficiently clear to commanders that a
service member’ s complaint about being
harassed for alleged homosexuality is not
grotmds forinvestigating the complainant.
Instead it should be the basis for
investigating the harassers, he said.
image would be one see Jim, p. 14
of a liorrible drago,n,, given the tone of the
oth~"rdationship songs. Melissa asked
her~f,"How much do I love Juiie? I love
her~uchthat I would want to die in her
ar~ Quite a wonderful thing to say
aboi~.’ anyone’s lover, male or female.
"S!O~p" was the answer to the question, a
lovely song about getting away from the
noise ofthe world and snuggling into your
¯¯ lover’s arms and listening to him/her
breathing, and feeling trusting and
comfortable enough with another person
: to be able to sleep. It’s a lovely song of
¯ quiet comfort.
And then there’s issues of equality.
: "Truth of the Heart"is a wonderful ballad
¯ to the truth that "We all begin this race at
: the start" and about how "deep down
: inside we’re all the same / try not tojudge
¯ someone / and never shame." Partnered
for almost 11 years now, the two have two
¯ children of their own. Melissa wrote this
¯ song to explain to their children about ¯
how to deal with life. Words to live by. In
: "MamaI’m Strange", thejoys of growing
¯ up Gay - or just different - is artfully
: explored, with just the fight amountof
¯ angst to remind us where we came from
and how hard the struggle could be at
¯ times~
¯ The single most striking song is called
: "S~carecrow", and it’s about Matthew
¯ Sheppard. She said she hadlots of trouble
," w~riting that because here she was also
¯ writing ’’Truth of the Heart" as well and
felt she couldn’t be writing about people
: being good in one song and denounce
¯ them in another. So the end of the song is
". her way of forgiving (but not forgetting)
the second attacker (I think he was going
¯ to trial or prison at that time). It has to be
: heard to be experienced. If you aren’t
¯ crying and angry after hearing it, you’re
¯ There are two versions of this CD, one
¯ of which is already hard to find. It has ¯
three extra songs, "Touch and Go",
: "Cherry Avenue" (where she mentions
the name of one-of the Lesbian bars in
¯ which she sang for about 4 years before
being discovered -Que Sera), and "My
¯ Beloved", and is released in a cardboard
¯" case. The regular version has 11 songs in
theusual plasticjewel box; Whichincludes
: the lovely ode tounrequitedlove, ’"’Angels
¯ Will Fall". That’ s the one most folks are
¯ going to be familiar with at this point. ¯
For you men out there: I know that in
¯ some-minds, there’s a big chasm between
¯ Gay men and Lesbians, and this extends
¯ to performer preferences. I’ve heard the
¯ nasty comments - from both sides. All I
¯ can say is, get over your prejudices, and
¯ get this CD. It’s well worth it, and
¯ incredible in its beauty and reflection of
life. And, Melissa, you have a new fan.
Thank you Karin, for your contributions
¯ to widening my musical horizons and the
infolmation contained in the above article
about the backgrbund of the songs. Seems
¯ ironic that I’ mbeing tutoredinGay culture
¯ and musical icons by a straight woman, ¯
but suchis life. I feel like I shouldknow all
this alrcady!
." There’s a few things Karin said that I
¯ think bear repeating, for both Melissa
fans, and more importandy, for us all: "I
am so happy that I could bring a singer
¯ into your life who writes and sings from ¯
¯ the heart. VH1 is rertmmng her "Behind
the Music" next week, and I’m going to
tape it for you You’ll like it. It’ s the only
¯ oneI veseenwheretheartmtlsn thit~hing ¯
about something. Someofthemjustwhine
endlessly. ’I love Shania Twain, but her
¯ BTM special was one endless bitch and
¯ whine.
¯ Stevie Nicks doesn’t bitch, but she’s
: had such lousy things happen, to her, by
: her own hand, that it just sounds so
¯ depressing. You know Melissa has been
¯ depressed, butthere’s somuchshedoesn’t
say. I saw John Mellencamp’s BTM
¯ (Behind the Music), I’ve sc~en Cherts
¯ dozens of times, along with Madonna’ s,
and Melissa’ s just seems so upbeat that
Timothy Daniel
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see Jim, p. 15
she seems to have had a great life. Like I
said before, growing up Gay anywhere, I
know from you, is awful, but growing up
Gay in Leavenworth, Kaus~ must be the
pits. She doesn’t make much of anything
depressing. I was veryimpressed. Thanks
for the remark to the Gay men to listen to
Lesbians. I think they shodd each take
heed of that.
And remember, she’s the only one I
know of getting the word out to the
.mainstream crowd. P,e~,,ple like her so
much that they tend to. forget" (or tryto
...forget) that she’s Gay. She doesn’t let
them. ("Someone’s spitting blood/face
downinthe dirt/someone’ s thinking about
~ a gun/to try and stop the hurt/someone
drew conclusious/on the wail of destiny/
someone’s getting louder/and that
someone would be me.") That should be
importanttous ail."- Miss KarinGregory.
And I agree.
Janis Ianis performing Saturday March
4 in Dallas, TX at a club called Uncle
Caivin’s with Buddy Mondlock. And
ladies, as aiways, if you have something
to contribute or would like to see in this
column, please let me know care ofTFN,
or email me at tfnentritr@aol.com.
I wouldn’ twantto disappointthe diehard
readers of this column, so now it’s time
for... The Stevie Nicks mention. She has
a featured track on the new Sheryl Crow
and FriendsCDand video. The song is the
venerable Gold Dust Woman, and she’s
never sounded better! The CD’ s out now,
video to follow. Sarah. McLachlan,
Chrissie Hynde, the Dixie Chicks and
others aiso sing with Sheryl. And Stevie
still has a few shows left to do in Las
Vegas at the house of Blues this month.
Hernew album, first duein October oflast
year, now set for sometime this year,
maybe, is being produced by one of the
better known producers of hip hop and
rap. I’d mention the name, but I caff t
rememberit. Shery! Crow was producing,
which wouldhavemadefor an interesting
aibum - she did the excellent jobs of
producing the Stevie songs forthe Practical
Magic soundtrack. Stevie and rap... That
will be interesting as well, aithough I fear
for different ~easous. We shall see.., or
The ever handsome pianist Jim
Brickman performed at the PAC on
December 10, 1999, along with the very
talented John Trones and the beautiful
Anne Cochran. The show was lovely, an
eveningofromance and seasonal favorites,
and as Mr. Brickman described the
evening, much like a gathering of friends
round the piano. Okay, if the friends had
areally large living room, and reaily good
- moodlighting. Andamplifiers. Thegroup
.i did a swell job ofmaking a cavern into an
intimate cabaret. Mx. Brickman has a
charming sense ofhumor and intelligence
.to complementhis goodlooks. (Evenbetter
m person and up close. I love my job...)
He seemed very relaxed, and it was like
meeting an old friend for the first dine.
His playing can certainly set amood, from
exuberant to melancholy and romantic all
at the same time; and has a warmth to it
thatis reminiscentof spending the evening
with a loved one by a fire.
Or, if you’ re .single, as I am, curledup in
a comforter with a good book and cup, of
cocoa. Now that weknow how I spendmy
evenings... What? Have I said too much?
Mr. Brickman is a prolific songwriter as
well, setting words to music that is lovely
: to hear and unabashedly sentimental in
: Anne Cochran, who met Mr. Brickman
¯ inhigh school, where they formed aband,
: has one of the most incredible voices I’ve
: heard. And her phrasing with a song is
: immaculate. Shecaptured thewarmthand
joy of the compositions she performed
withexpertease, andhas alovely, energetic
yet relaxed stage presence that also added
to the ambiance of the evening. She has a
new CD out called "Lucky Girl’_’, which I
would highly recommend for a gift based
on whatI heard that evening. Iwould have
one in my hot little hands right now had
they not been sold out. She isa name you
might be familiar with, she has had a top
¯ 5 hit with Jim Bfickman on the song
: -"After All These Years" which has been
: reed by skater Rosalyun:Summers, both
: live and recorded. It was also the song
¯ used on the final episode of "Home
: Improvement", andshe will be featured in
:- the Lifetime television speciai"A Golden
Moment". Definitely worth checking out.
You can order her CD at
John Trones (pronounced ~tro-ness’),
who is as nice and gorgeous as he is
.talented (what a voice! whata smile! what
a chest! what a pleasant man!), was a
delight to listen to as well.
With a million dollar smile that shines
like a searchlight, and a voice that has
incrediblerange and expressiOn,hejoined
Anne on several numbers and had some
lovely solos. His singing soared through
the Chapman theatre and could melt the
most hardened heart. He has an aibum of
standards and ballads out called
"Forward", which I was able to snag and
most definitely would make a great
Valentine’s girlie for the special man on
your list. He can melt the ice off the fiorth
Pole with that voice, and his phrasing and
reading of the standards is right on target.
A pity he’s in Minneapolis, I would love
to see more of him. He does Cabaret there
at Blanche’s, and has performed in a
number of Gay plays, listed on his web
site, www.JohnTrones.com, which is
worth a look. You can also order his CD
After listening to several review CDs of
dubious quality sent to TFN, put out by
Gay artists of dubious talent, attempting
to sing standards and not succeeding very
well at anything other than murdering the
music, I am glad to say that his would be
the one I would, and did, purchase.
They were joined by Tracy Silverman
on electric violin, and he did quite an
interesting variationonthe Beade’ s"Here
Comes The Sun". His playing added an
interesting embellishment to Mr.
Brickman’s piano. I will say he had the
most lovely and LONG hair I’ ve seen on
aman in along time. He has an album out
on Windham Hill records. If you get the
chance to catch any or all of these artists
should they make a return appearance,
DO SO! You won’t regret it. Just make
sure you have a date, and one that won’t
stand you up.
I was looking forward to Peter Buffett’ s
"Spirit: A Journey in Dance, Drum, and
Song"aunique blend of Native American
and contemporary music, dance, and
storytelling, to have been held January 3
and 4th, 2000 at the Brady Theatre.
According to the latest info, ail spring
dates have been put onhold. According to
my sources, a late spring tour is in the
James Christjohn serves as TFN
Entertainment editor with emphasis on
the performing arts.
Accused Musician
District Attorney Suspected of Bias
by Tom Neal, editor &publisher
Around Tulsa’ s Gay community, the reaction is one
of dismay and disbelief at the allegations of indecent
exposure made against musician and chorale leader,
Rick Fortner.
According to a Dec. 3rd Tulsa Worm story, a 16 year
old man has accused Former of masturbating in front of
him in a sauna of All-American Fitness Center in
Broken Arrow. A spokesperson for the Broken Arrow
p01icenoted that themanand Former were the only ones
in the sauna.
Friends and acquaintances notethat F,grmermaintains
his innocence, and have stated their suplJort for Former.
Mitchell Savage, spokesperson for the Council Oak
Mens Chorale (COMC) for which Former is music
director, said that the board of directors of the
organization has voted to express its support for Former
and their belief that his innocence will be established.
- TheCOMCboardposition was endorsedby the group’ s
general membership also. Savage added that he has
been acquainted for 15 years see Fortner, p. 10
Anti-Gay Harassment
Alleged in Public Schools
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
V rmont Marriage Victory
SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) - By the time Nina Beck and " previously said he would support Gay mamage,
¯ Stacy Jolles got the news, it seemed like everyone already knew:
¯¯ The Vermont Supreme Court had issued its long-awaited ruling
on Gay marriage. They had won.
The court ruled unanimously that Gay and Lesbian couples in
¯ Vermont should enjoy all benefits and privileges afforded to
¯ heterosexual couples who can legally marry. It is the first court
: in the nation to make such a sweeping ruling on the question.
’ But the justices split on whether it should amount to marriage.
¯ Onejustice splitfrom themajority’ s view that the state Legislature
¯ should decide whether Gays and’Lesbians should actually be ¯
allbwed to marry or shouldbe given domesticpartnership benefits
¯ equivalent to heterosexual marriage.
The split was of no immediate concern to Beck and Jolles and
¯ the other two couples who sued in 1997 when their town clerks
denied them marriage licenses. "It’s just fantastic this decision
¯" could come following his birth," Beck said as Jolles stood
¯ alongside her holding their month-old son Seth.
The issue now will be the subject of debate before the
: Legislature, which convenes on Janl 4. "I think the court has
¯ broken all barriers by dearly riding that we have a class of
¯ individuals in Vermont who are being denied their rights and I
thinkit is the Legislature’ s responsibility to correct that injustice ,"
said Peter Shumlin, Senate president pro tern.
¯ But the question will be how. Should Vermont statutes be
¯ amended to permit two men or two women to marry? Should a
¯ domestic partners registry be established for Gay couples to
¯ record their relationships and therefore qualify for the benefits
¯ now accorded heterosexual mamed couples?
¯ "I think it’ s going to take a couple ofweeks, anyway, forpeople ¯
tounderstand what this means," said Rep. Thomas Little, chairman
¯ of the House Judiciary Committee. "Everyone wants to have a
: virtually immediate informed reaction to it, but I think it takes
¯ longer than.that."
: Gov. Howard Dean said same-sex marriage "makes me
¯ uncomfortable, the same as anybody else." He predicted the
¯ Legislature would comply with the court decision by enacting a
¯ domestic partners law rather than making marriage legal for
: same-sex couples. House Speaker~Michael Obuchowski, who
¯ Evergreen Awards Recognize
i Beal, Campbell, and Others
TULSA -Allegations of anti-Gay harassment have
risen at two Tulsa high schools. On two campuses,
teachers contend that they and some students have been
singled out for inappropriate attention.
While Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) does have a nondiscrimination
policywhich TPS’s attorney interprets
as protecting Gay teachers, staff and students from
discrimination, that policy does not explicitly ban
discrimination based on sexual orientation. It
"The Board is committed-to-the concept of
nondiscrimination in relation to race, religion, sex, age
national origin, handicap and other human differences.
This policy will prevail in al matter concermng staff,
students and the public." However, in the interests of
protecting these teachers from possible further
harassment, their names are being withheld.
One teacher, who is active in a local Gay mens’
singing group, was called into his principal’ s oftrme and
was shown a copy of the group’ s concert program. His
participation in the group was highlighted with a
- comment, -*’is -this~ legal .w’ Another teacherwhohelps,
With a support group for Gay kids. had a self-identified
"Christian" fundamentalist teack-zr attending support
group meetings andthe teacher whodoes notidentify as
Gay but as Gay-friendly felt there was an intent to
identify her as Gay and therefore to threaten her job.
Andatonecampus;twoyoungwomenwere suspended
for a public display of affectkm. A Gay teacher and
other students whb were familiar with the incident
claim that the two women were not behaving with any
less discretion than heterosexual students use in the
same circumstances, They do claim that the
administration response w~:much more harsh than for
heterosexuals. However,~ TPS spokesperson, Tiffany.
Bruton responded to TFN inquiries, saying that the
students’ conduct was well beyond socially acceptable
behavior even for heterosexuals. The students involved
did not respond to TFN requests for an interview.
TULSA - The 1999 Evergreen Awards recognized the work of
a number of Tulsans involved in HIV/AIDS issues. Prominent
among these were Dr. Jeffrey Beal and his parmer Ted Campbell
for their years of service as Tulsa’s principal physician treating
HIV and AIDS related illness and for Campbell’s mental health
practice around those issues.
The lunch ceremony was held at the offices of the Community
Service Council (CSC) on Dec. 7th, and opened with a remarks
Ted Campbell & Dr. Jeffrey Beal
by ~chael Conley of Tulsa CARF~, Melanie Speetor of Tulsa
’County Health Dept. and John Hawk Cocke of Indian Health
Presenters and the recipients of the awards included many of
Tulsa’ s most prominent activist/workers around HIV/AIDS care
and prevention. Sharon Thoele, exeentive director of Tulsa
CARES, Erie Ramirez of Planned Parenthood, Kathy Bird of
RegionalAIDS Interfaith Network, Tulsa officewere afew of the
presenters andrecipients included videographerAllisonCosslett,
Wendy Weisberg, Audra Sommers for her fundraising work,
Kay Rollins for NAMES PROJEC~ leadership, and Jeremy
Simmons for prevention education.
The Evergreen Awards are presented by the Tulsa AIDS
Coalition which was introduced at this event by Tim Gillean and
represented by CSC staffer, Janice Nicklas.
: said politics might prevent that. "What I’m hearing
¯ from my colleagues is that they’re saying that ¯ domestic partnership is amorepolitically attainable
situation and I think I’d have to agree with that
¯ analysis,"saidObuchowski,aDemocratlikeDean.
¯ Thoughthey were ecstatic, the three couples who
sued will hold off on their celebrations until they
¯ get an opportunity actually to say their vows in a ¯ wedding ceremony. "I think the acttml celebration
¯ will be when we get married," said Stan Baker,
standing withhis armaround partner Peter Harrigan.
Winnie Stachelberg, Political Director with the
¯ Human Rights Campaign, one national Gay
¯ organization noted,"we are thrilled that the Vermont
¯ Supreme Court had the wisdom and courage to
hand down this historic, landmark decision. There
¯ has never been a logical or justifiable reason to
exclude same-sex couples from marrying, and
¯ decision validates the unfairness of exclusion. This ¯
is a tremendous victory forGay and Lesbian couples
¯ in Vermont who are now one-step closer to being
¯ considered equal in the eyes of the law."
¯ Paula Ettelbrick, attorney and Family Policy Director at the National Gay and Lesbian Task
¯: Force Policy Institute said, "the court’s decision is
unique in that it commands that the state give samesex
couples every benefit and protection that
: currently provides to married couples."
¯ "However, bystopping short offully recognizing
: the freedom to marry, the court has opened the door
¯ to complete equality but has not constitutionally
¯ guaranteed it. Now the batde progresses to the
: Vermont Legislature," Ettelbrick continued. "We
¯ have the opportunity as a community to convince
lawmakers to provide the full badge of citizenship
¯ by recognizing the freedom to marry."
¯ Ettelbrick noted that Vermont is a logical state to
¯ become the first see Vermont, p. 12
New Leather Contest
TULSA- Ric Poston, Oklahoma Mr Leather 1999
and his partner James Murray _Mr Tulsa Leather
1997 have announced they are producing a new
leather contest, Mr. Sooner State Leather. The
contest will be a preliminary event to the StateTitle
of "Oklahoma Mr Leather" and is open to any
Oklahoma resident.
This first event will be held in Oklahoma City on
the weekend of April 21 - 23, 2000 and any profits
from the contest will benefit the Leather Archives
and Museum in Chicago.. The event will provide
education and information about the community,
"demonstrations," opportunities for brotherhood, a
brunchonSunday,andthe contestitselfon Saturday
night April 22, 2000.
Judges for the contest .will be Dave Rhodes,
owner and editor of The Leather Journal, Terrell
Brown, Oklahoma Mr Leather 2000, Oklahoma
Drummer2000 (to be announcedin February 2000),
and Michael Vrooman, the current International
Miss Gay Rodeo and a former International Mr ~sayRodeo,MarkMalonInternational Mr. Leather,
tRunnerUp-t997;and alternatejudge, Ed Smith
who is an avid supportor of local and nadonal
Leather and Drummer events.
The contest will be held at the Habana Inn,
Oklahoma’s all Gay hotel and bar complex. For
reservations (be sure to mention the contest for
special rates), contact the Habana Inn, 2200
Northwest39thExpressway, OklahomaCity,73112
1-800-988-2221, www.habanainn.com. For any
furtherinformation about the contest, applications,
and weekend packages contact:
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33
*CW’s, 1737 S. Memorial
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*The Mix, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s .Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*The Storm, 2182 S. Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S..Memorial 660-0856
*Tool Box,. 1338. E, .3rd o 584-1308
Tulsa Businesses, Services, &:Pr~fe~si6nais
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
*Barnes &Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41.
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria
743-1000 :
747:9506 :
665-4580 ¯
712-1122 "
712-9955" 2
494-2665 ~
743-5272 ¯
746,0313 :
Cherry St: Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby..Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
*Ross Edward Salon ,~,: 584-0337,
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1.
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr.
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
Learme M: Gross, Insurance & financial planning
Mark T: Hamby,.At.tomey ¯ ..
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skelly
*International Tours
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th_
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kanskey, Country Club Barbering
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210
*Living Al"tSpace, 19 E. Brady
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo
*The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
838-8503 -
743- 1733
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Wherehouse Music, 5150 S. Sheridan
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies~ Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 741-0L .... 579-9593
All Sods Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616-S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman. Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
Council Oak Men’s Chorale 748-3888
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters,3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74!70-1475 355-3 t40
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’ s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal " "
Writers + contributors: ¯
James Christjohn, Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lament "
Lindstrom, Bob Rounsavell, Esther Rothblum. Mary Schepers
~dember o! The AssociatedPress ...........
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents -"
:of this publication are protected by :US copyright 1998 by
Nta, and may not be repr-oduced either.in :
whole orinpar~withoutwrittenpermission from thepublisher.
Publicationof a name or photo does not indicate a pers0n’s .
.sexual orientation. Correspondence is assumed to be for :
publication unless otherwise noted, must be signed’& be: "
comes:the ~ole property ofT,J Eachreaaer "
~s entitled :to 4 copies of each editton at distribution ",
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542,74101 582-0438 ¯
¯HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
¯Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 "
¯Holland Hall School,5666 E. 81st 481-1111 :
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378 ¯
¯House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood :
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438=2437, 800-284-2437 "
¯MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 ."
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111 ¯
NOW, Nat’lOrg. for Women; POB 14068,74159 365-5658 "
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
¯OSU-TUlsa °
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 ¯
¯Planned Parenthood~ 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674 ’
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
.*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
¯Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 " 584,2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults :
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N.Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140 "
¯St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088 "
¯Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583=7171
¯TNAAPP (Native AmeriCan men), Indian Health Care 582-7225 "
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105 :
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only :
TulsaOkla.forHumanRights,c/oThePrideCenter 743-4297 :
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827 ¯
¯Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯Tulsa Community College Campuses ,"
¯TulsaGay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105 743-4297
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
¯Bardesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337=5353 ¯
¯Borders Books &Music, 3209 NWExpressway 405-848-2667 -"
¯Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907 ¯
¯Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456=7900 "
¯Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900 :
¯Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360 :
¯ NS.U School of Optometry, 1001.N, Grand.........:
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates "
Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. ¯
¯ Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
: Geekto Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery ¯
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
: White Light, 1 Center St.
¯ *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
* is where you can find TFN. Not all are Gay-owned butall are Gay-friendly.
501-253-7734 ,"
501-253-7457 ¯
501-253-6807 ¯
501-253-5445 "
501-253-9337 "
501-253-2776 "
501-253-5332 ¯
501-624-6646 "
501-253-6001 -’.
501-253-4074 "
417-623-4696 "
It’s Elementary + more...
December 22, 1999
On the heels of a tremendously
successful campaign togetIt "sElementary
aired on public television, we are thrilled~
to announce our new media series for
kids. We are writing to you today to tell
you a little about the project and to ask for
yo~help: .W.e.hopeyo.u’!l eonside.rm.~king
a year-end contribution toward its
completion and distribution.
We’ve been asked repeatedly by It’s
Elementaryfans, "When are you going to
make sombthing we can show to kids?""
.Finally wehave an answer -- THAT’S A.
FAMILY! -- a video for elementary
school children about family diversity.
To learn more about THAT’S A
FAMILY! and to make a donation to
ensure its successful completion, please
read the rest of this email, or go to:
on the internet.
THAT’S A FAMILY! is the first video
in our. long-awaited media series for
children, "Respect for All." THAT’S A
FAMILY! introduces children to different
kinds of families, while the second and
third videos~in the series center on
dispelling Gay and Lesbian stereotypes
and confronting anti-Gay name-calling.
In THAT’S.A FAMILY! you’ll meet
children’ who were adopted; are
multiracial; haveparents whoare divorced;
are being raised by step-parents, single
morns or dads, or by grandparents and
guardians. There also are children with
Gay dads or Lesbian morns, and their
stories are intertwined with those of the
other families.
THAT’S A FAMILY! is scheduled for
release in the spring of 2000. It has the
potential to reach hundreds of thousands
of children, giving elementary schools a
truly inclusive, respectful teaching tool
that children will love to watch. Wehave
no doubt that the long-term impact of this
project will be tremendous. Giving
elementary school students the opportunity
to hear the words "Gay" and "Lesbian"
described in a matter-of-fact way by their
peers, and experience Gay and Lesbian
families inthe contextofsuchanincredibly
diverse group of other families, could
have a profound effect on their values and
behavior for the rest of their lives.
To kick off this ambitious media series
for children, we need your help. We need
to raise additional funds to finishTHAT’S
A FAMILY! this winter and to launch its
distribution. Our work is not commissioned-
instead we independently
produceand distribute ourmediaprojects.
see It’s... p. 14
Announcements Policy
Tulsa Family Newswitl provide-space
for holy union ceremony, marriage
ceremony, birth, adoption and death
announcements onaspace availablebasis.
Photos are welcome, though we cannot
promise placement or return them, so
please send copies to Tulsa Family News,
POB 4140, Tulsa 74159.
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters
on issues which we’ve covered or on
issues you think need to be considered.
You may request that your name be withheld
but letters must be signed & have
phonenumbers, or behand delivered. 200
word letters are preferred. Letters to other
publications will be re-printed as is
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher
January is National Volunteer BloodDonor Month and
most newspapers in the city have received press releases
exhorting Tulsans to donate blood.
According to Tulsa’s chapter of the American Red
Cross’ communications manager, Maggie Jewell, "the
winter time is a crucial time for blood donations and that
many new donors are needed to help meet patient needs
in local hospitals...many donors who regularly give find
that they cannot during the winter months because of a
cold or the flu.., the nation’ sblood supply... [is] just a
few hours aheadofdemand. Asit stands today, ifeveryone
stopped donating blood, our nation’s supply would
disappear within only two days..."
So you’d think that the Red Cross would welcome all
donors. In the Red Cross" press releases, they state, "to
donate, one must be 17 years or older, weigh at least 110
pounds, and be feeling wall the day of the donation..."
What they don’t say is that ffyou are Gay, you don’ t lie
about it, and you give blood, they throw your blood away
- even though ALL blood is tested for HIV antibodies
anyway! Anyone who’s had sex with someone of the
samegender since,ifmemory serves me, 1984, is banned.
To reframe a 19th century prejudice: "Irish need not
apply" becomes "Faggots need not apply."
The local Red Cross shrugs off responsibility, saying
it’s a national policy. The national Red Cross places the
blame on the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). They
all know that thisis bad science. "
Once one might have presumed-a tight correlation
between sexual orientation/behavior and HIV status.
Today, those exposed to the HIV virus can just as easily
be heterosexual. Infact, one of the parts ofour population
whichhas disproportionately highinfectionrates is young
Mrican-Americans. Does anyone think we’d see the Red
Cross or FDA saying, "Young Blacks need not apply"?
The reality is that this discrimination is socially wrong
as well as bad public health policy. TulsaArea Red Cross
can’ t:change it by itsdf but its Board of Directors can go
on record to call for a change in the policy (it wouldn’t
hurt if they added a non-discrimination pohcy too). And
it can stop trying to sweep this prejudice under the rug.
Until it and the FDA change their policies, its press
releases should read, "to donate, one must be 17 years or
older, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be feeling well the
day of the donation.., andnot be aGay or Bisexual man."
by Tom Neal, editor/publisher
Early on the morning of Dec. 3rd, like many others, I
was shocked to see the face of a friend, someone whom.
I respectandlike, inTheWorld accused ofa vcry unlikely
Reading the article and knowing the man, my first
reaction was to wonder that the charges had been brought
at all. It is a classic, "he said, she said" recast as "the
straight ’boy’ said, the Gay man said."
According to comments made to the Tulsa World by
Broken Arrow police, the
only persons present at the
allegedactwere RickFortner
and themanwhohas accused
him of lewd behavior (I say
man who accused because at
16 if he were a murderer,
he’d be considered an adult
and 16maynotbevery wise,
but it’s hardly a child in this
day and age).
I then wondered at
possible motivations for his
accuser. Was this the sick
behavior of a young man struggling with his own
homosexuality andprojecting his self-hatred onto another
Or is he yet another young American man warped into
mindless hatred Of men who love other men by a society
whose need for some hated "other’ dates back to before
the Republic was founded (let me see: we Americans
havehated Indians in the East, we’ ve hated Blacks, we’ve
hated Jews, we’ve hated Germans, we especially hated
the Irish, we’ve hated Catholics, and Poles, and again
Indians in the West, and Asians: Chinese, Japanese, Fast
Indians, we’ve hated Commumsts, Socialists, Unionists,
women who dared to vote -or merely not be endless
baby-factories, hell, we’ ve even hated some Republicans
- I personally have thought that Ronnie Reagan was one
of the most profoundly and blandly evil men of our time
but I digress).
Former says he is innocent and I believe him as do his
friends and colleagues at his work, All Souls Unitarian
ChurchandinCouncil Oaks Mens Chorale whichFortner
founded and leads, and I hear his family, thank God.
But even when his innocence is proven, and these
charges likely are shown to be shameless political
opportunism by Tulsa County District Attorney Tim
Harris, Fortuer remains victimized by the accusation. His
reputation has been called into question and defending
" Fortner says he is innocent and I
believe him... But even when his
innocence is proven, and these
charges likely are shown to be
shameless politlea! opportunism by
Tulsa County District Attorney
Tim Harris, Fortner remains
victimized by the accusation...."
himself can 0nly be costly even if the charges are without
So why is this haptmning? Political and other observers
have known for some dme that Tulsa District Attorney
Tim Harris is closely associated with right wing political
extremists who call themselves "Christian."
Tulsa’s DA’s earlier demonstrated their willingness to
abuse the powers of the office to promote a ultra rightwing
agenda when they failed to prosecute seriously the
brutal hate assault against Tony Orr and Tim Beauchamp
until after prim media had
written about the DA’s bias,
failing even to get them
victim’s compensation for
their medical injuries as the
DA’s office does for other
crime victims.
Local attorney and
TOHRboard member Kerry
Lewis suggests that Harris is
shamelessly using this
accusation to appeal to the
part ofhis electoratewho are
rabidly prejudiced, to appear
as though Hams is "fighting crime" andjust incidentally
destroying Rick Fortner’s lifein the process.
We can likely anticipate that much of our District
Attorney’ s strategy, if they have the nerve to push such a
seemingly meritless case so far, is going to be to engage
in blatant legal "Gay-bashing." It will be suggested that,
ipso facto, Rick’s a"homo" and therefore capable of any
evil, and that any accusation by a red-blooded, all-
American boy is, of course, God’s own Truth!
But what’s really on trial here, is American justice
itself. As has played out generation after generation, with
minority after minority, the reality has been that our
justice, at its best- is uneven, and more often than not is
wildly unfair, favoring wealth, whiteness and heteromaleness.
And all the problem is not in the DA’s office. Some
Tulsa police, year after year, engage in varieties of anti-
Gay bias, including breaking the very law, with no
restriction nor anti-bias training from Chief Palmer nor
the elected official to whom he answers, Mayor Savage.
But right now, what matter is that Rick Former is
treated fairly. I don’ tknow if he’ s got alegal defense fund
set up but he may need it.
I’d suggest that any help readers might give, be sent to
the Rev. Suzanne Meyers at All Souls Unitarian Church.
They’re in the book.
by Dave Fleischer
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
Ask voters a question - then listen to their answers -
and you get what Lily Tomlin calls a "goosebump
experience." Why the adrenaline rush? Because you
challenge not only your cherished ideas about the voters,
but also what you believe about yourself.
I was reminded of this while campaigning in Carol
City, an African-American, working-class Miami
neighborhood. I was with a team of volunteers from
SAVE Dade, the group preparing to defend their county
Human Rights Ordinance.
Scene: short, bald, Jewish me at.the door, talking to a
voter: "The Ordinance protects all of us from
discrimination, whether we’~re aman or woman, black or
white, Gay or non-Gay. The newest part of the law is the
part that includes Gay people. Some people want to take
the law .apart and remove Gay people from it. But we
think that s wrong-wethink everyone ought to be treated
with dignity and respect. What do you think?"
,,W,_ith barely a pause, the voter began "My church says.
¯. Oy ray. I figured I knew where we were headed, and
it wasn’t the promised land. "My church says--Jesus
loves everybody. Diseriminadon is always wrong." She
and I had a brief, affirming discussion.
I went to door #2, said my piece, and the voter
immediately began,"My church says..." I listened. "My
church says homosexuality is a sin. It’s wrong. Read
your Bible, and you’ll see the Lord has a plan for a better
life for you." As he amplified his point of view, I was
: trying to decide how quickly to exit. When he stopped
: talking, we paused and looked at each other. Then I said,
"Well, I’m Gay. I likemylife, and if IYm doing a goodjob
at myjob, do you think my boss should be able to fire me
¯ just because I’m Gay?"
¯¯ The voter looked astonished: "Wall of course, no one
should fire you for that." That started a back-and-forth
¯ that surprised both of us. Wedisagreed about why people
are Gay. We agreed that discrimination against G.ays is
¯ unacceptable. After a fewminutes, as hewas prepanng to ¯
read tomefrom the Bible, I called ahalt, thanked him, and
¯ moved to the next door.
: What I learned about myself was how hard itis to ask
: a question and hear the answer. Both times, it only took
: three words before I thought I knew what was coming.
¯ Both times, I was Wrong but I realized why asking
~¯ questions is uncomfortable.Whenwe ask a question, and
really wait to hear the answer, we are not Controlling the
¯ situation. We are sharing control with the other person.
American culture teaches us all to like control. To
¯ celebrate our individuality - to believe that one pe.rson
¯ can make a difference - to have it our way--is as
¯ American as a.microwaved Mcwhopper.
But growing up Gay raises the stakes. Many of us
realize early on that we’ re different, subject to ridicule or
hurt. So we crave control as a way to protect ourselves,
¯ and to survive. We pump up our talent for isolated
¯ individual achievement, sometimes neglecting team-
" building and our curiosity about others.
: Our life becomes a search for refuge. To protect
ourselves, we build communities and organizations
¯ designed to shelter us. Butwe thenmiss genuine, reciprocal
¯ connectionwithotherpeople, especially thosewho aren’ t
just like us. Werarely ask them what they think ofus. We
assume we know.
¯ When we don’ t ask real questions - like "What do you
think?"- we rely on Our past experience. No wonder that
we hold onto ahigh level of paranoia. We can’ t forget the
¯ feelings we knew when we were young. We can’t miss
¯ the hostility expressed by right-wing extremists now. that
¯ we are older. ¯
But, guess what? Neither has much to do with where
¯ most Americans stand today. When we lack confidence
¯ in other people, it is no wonderwe struggle in campaigns. ¯
Ourlifeis a niche, but in elections we need50% + 1 of the
¯ participating voters on our side.
¯ It is understandably scary to put aside our past hurts to
test the possibilities in the present. It’s easier to avoid
person-to-person campaigning; it’s tempting instead to
¯ rely on every other possible form of communication, all
of which have at least some value. But what price do we
[ pay for our lack of curiosity, our unwillingness to risk
: authentic exchange? Are we, without meaning to, buying
¯ intothelargerculture’stoleranceofstereotypicalthinking?
~ Who is most imperiled when it’ s a deviant act to ask a
¯ question - or to question a stereotype? Let’s rescue ¯ ourselves. Goosebumps are ours, for the asking.
Dave Fleischer is a seniorfellow at the Policy Institute
ofthe National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Nationwide Insurance : Allen said. Allen said much of the group’s time is
Adds Partners’ Benefits:¯ teachers can ha,,v.e a tough time discussing even with
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Nationwide Insurance those~who don t have a disability.
Company has just begun to offer employees a new : The Arc, formerly known as th.e .Associatio~
benefits package that will recognize same-sex : Retarded Citizens, adopt,e~,.. a posmon paper mr
d0mestic partners. The plan also .will cover relatives " " year~ ago affirmin_g that. indiv]~du,~.s with m~enn~
_ including extended family members~uch as : retardationarepe°plew~tlasexualIeel.mgs’~nhee~n~}
’grandparents - roommates and unmarriedpartners
~vho live w,ith the .employees, Donna. James; [ the 7:2 million people with,,mental retardation in the
Nationwide s senior vice president :of ihuman ¯ United States, s~ys people have fundamental ri,g,h,ts
resources, told The Outlook, an iaiiependent [ as individuals to have privacy, love and be loved.
¯ eater Columbus Ga,c community. ~ Sfill,. Gay people with mental disabilities are often
newsPaper°f,thegr.: - . . .,’.= ~,-~-’--,=-1= ¯ o,;~,~: "zed somefimesb arents,orcaretakers-the
Those co,v:_cream.u..~si tt~. a:.e.,p-enaoe.n..t.o. nm. e~’~auP~..’u~ . o~,~att_ ,,
em lo eeforsupp0rtorsnarelmanclalrespOn~t°mq¢ v~"v *~ a r
P Y. ........... .... .
.... ’ r-All of Nationwide s 28,000 .
¯ . ¯ _ . .’. .--. ¯ wem~pthlotyheeewsaorere.klig.eib..!.e..f0rth-,ep~ lan.Byear: ly~’mber"’ ¯ ’. " W : ~lrglfllfl CoHrt to lalevle
A recentForbesMagazine sur~ey, mo!area:
unmarried parmers .are ovyr~..byh~e’~l~9.ben,efitS ~ :: ’ ROANOKE, Va. (AP)-A Virginia.appe~s court,has
10% of .the businesses with :at least zoo em~toy~.. : agreed"to review the constitutionality oI a state taw
Companies that.pr0vide.same-sex P.-aFtner~e3Its .: tl~t ~nalizes oral sex between consenting adults.
indtide:Lotus!.De~vd0pment Corp.,MicrosoRtsorp:, .. The.Virginia Court of Appeals agreed to ~ear. the
-IBM, Walt Disney Co.,Honeywell and Xerox. ¯ ~i~s ~)f nine men convicted of soliciting sodomy
¯ " " e : from undercover police posing as Gay me~... .
McCam, Forbes:Endors : The case will test alaw that some autho~taes say ~
a legitimate way to deter public sex acts. opponen ’Don’t Ask, DOn’t-Tell’- ": 0fthelawarguethatit’sanarchaicinvasionofprivacy
.... .........si .that targets homosexu~,,s. The law, referred to as
polieybarfing0penh0mosex.ual~sfro,m,..military~e_ ; ,crimes against nature, applies to all consenting
~vorksandshouldbepreserYed,Kepumtcancanoauate~ ’" adults, homosexual and heterosexual, who engagem
" oral sex in public or private. Violating the law is a
Sen. JohnMcCainanffSteveForbes s~din Decem~ber;
¯ McCain~ a former naval officer and prisoner oI war felony, plmishable ,by up to five years in prison.
inVietnam, Saiahewo,~dhave sen.1.°r o,f.fieer,s,re,v]ew
Those who say it s time for Virginia to join the list
the p0ffcy, but ad,d,ed, I support me poncy, i oeueve
of states that have abolished their alifi-sodgmy laws
that it;s working. ’ ,, , "
i are. encouraged that the appeals court has agr.e.e,d to
On"Fox Ne~s Sunday, Forbes said: ’The military
¯ hear the case. The sodomy law also was invokedmthe
is not an institution for socialengineering. It has. a
¯ case of Sharon Bottoms, a Richmond-area woman
~:ery real,role of protectingus. It... operates in very
" who lost custody of her son in 1993 when ajudge said
speJzial circumstance§, and theref0reapresident must
" she was an linfit mother because she and her female
take heed of leaders such as Gen. Powell and G.en.
¯ lo~er engaged in oral sex.
Scfiwarzkopf Who s,a,y that you cannot have open
inhispetitiontothe.appealscourt, Garrison said,,,the
Gays in the military.. The Repu.bh,ca~,~ fro,nt-ru~n~ar~
’ : case is not just a Gay issue, but one that affects me
ri ht to 4 5 million adult Virginians to be
Texas Gov George W.-Bush, also nas. enaorseu
Clinton policy. "
The position of Vice President A1 Gore, a,Viemam
they have a reasonable expectataon to privacy, t ne
veterat~, and.his Democratic Opponent Bill Bradle~ is
appeal attacks the law from several angles: that it
that people who.can be firefighters, police officers
¯ violates privacy rights guaranteed by both state and
andmembe~s,ofColigress shouldhaVeopenaccess to
federal Constitutions; that it is based on religious
.military service as wall. Gay civilrights activists who ¯
met with Clinton ¯last week said the president¯ told "
them the ~’don’.t ask, dOn~t.tell’’ policy was a failure..
R.., ,rded-Gays and ¯
Lesb"ia"ns" "Find Support.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)- For decades, the ¯
sexuality of people with mental, dis~abi!i_ti_e_s,^W_~e]~ ¯
taboo a subject that parents ann prolesslonm~ ,o~ ~
acknowledged its ..ex~stence. The disabl.ed were o~ften ¯
treatedas if they Were eternal children; immune irom
desire. Bu,t as people with mental disabilities come of :
age in a more accepting’atmosphere, they are’:
grounds and thus violates the separation ofchurch and
state; and that its potential five-year prison sentence
subjects defendants to cruel find unusual punishment.
Eighteen men were charged under the law-in the
Roanoke Police Depfirtment;s sting. The biggest
challenge for those appealing .their convictions may
be convincing the appealS.court that they have legal
standing to overturn a’law that affects not just them,
but all adult Virgimans. In 1979 - the-last’ time a
higtier state court heard a challenge of the sodomy_.
law, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that a man
arrested in Richmond had no such standing2 ’
Since then, several states have recoglfized that
defendants arrested for alleg.ed public ~.ex acts are
entitled to fight the law not just as it was applied to
them, but as it potentially co~d be applied to bthers.i
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experiencing an open discussion abom relationships ¯ Mingo Valley Flowers
an~’s~x ~and for Some, acknowledging that .they may Thirty years ago, all 50 states had laws that forbade
be homosexual.. " f eo le witl~ " consensual oral sex. Today, Virginia is one of. 17
For the past.year, a small group’o P P : statesthat’stillhassu~halaw- ’
mental disabilities has be~n ga~hexqng ~- transported ¯ ¯ - 9413 E, 31st St., Tulsa 74145
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.byth~ircareta~ers+-to,djs~us~the~-r¢-d[c~’ue~nt°fn°~t~ :
Court Bars Child
o~y beingmenta~iy ~a~d~ea~i~ed, but being Gay ~or ¯ Visitation, Rights milr
On a monthly basis, ~ey meet a~ a group with a : CHICAGO (AP) ~ Shelived withher Lesbian parme,r- . .
advocates for:the disabled say:more’ " n . ,-., . ~nva"cy¯ .-.~.-~.-.~..,~..ri.~.r.ti.i .".~.a.t.e.l.us; .t.no.t.c.o.ve.r.e.d.u.nd.e.r.a. state law-governing Visitaaon rights. ~ne oec,slon
NewHaven group:~d the meetings are niSt a dating ":
service. Ratl~er;the sessions’are an opporttmity for a~. upjhue~ud.~j:~a~il~r CH’~u~ntaCn:~l~ul.~gg:eopinionii~t~d
¯segment of the populati°n that is d°ubl:y ils°)ated.t°, : th~illin0islaw.~pecifi~i~]iame~i~i~?eS.’~.~e~ : l,li-,~ , 12~21’.S~uttlCo~umbialSuRe420 ,~
~lk oper~y about feelings, ,pressures,~ana" socm~ ¯
situations. Left.unaddressed; ~exu~iiy in.,a person :’ as.fotmerspous~sandgran.dparen ~,. -~ i ~i. ~;.’
With a m~nL~i :disability can ,manifeSt itself in : to Visitation rights with children. If.is silent fin me ~’’~
inappropriate, and...s0metimes,, ,s~lf-destructive. ,ways; : issue of former same-sex p.armer~,:
Child.i Family, IndividualA.,Couple Psychother~
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The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
Amanda met her partner, "Helen," in 1984 when
they were living in Georgia. Helen was artificially
inseminated in 1993 and gave birth to a daughter that
December. Amanda was involved in the preparations
for the birth and helped take care of the little girl for
a year and a half. The relationship ended in 1995. The
next year, Helenmoved to Chicago with her daughter
and has refused to allow Amanda any contact with the
child since 1997, the court said. Amanda’s suitargued
that even though she was not married to Helen, She
Should have the same rights parents have under
common law. Sawyer, an attorney for the Eainbda
Legal Foundation, said a decision would be made
later on. whether to appeal to the Illinois Supreme
Helen’s attorney, Leon Finkel, noted that Illinois
does not recognize common law in such cases’~ He
said boyfriends, aunts and uncles and in some cases
even stepparents are among those whoare not entitled
to visitation rights under Illinois law.
Finkel also said limiting the list was a good idea.
because parents should only m special instances be
forced to give up the power to determine who is
allowed to visit their children.
He added that while Illinois doesn’t recognize
same-sex marriages, it does recognize same-sex
adoptions. Had Amanda legally adopted the girl, she
would have had visitation rights and the dispute
would never have taken place, he said.
Study Says Marriage Ban
Would Hurt Children
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - At least 40,000
children living with Gay couples and 100,000 more
with Gay single parents would be affected by a
proposed state ban on same-sex marriages, according
to a new study. Those children could feel ostracized
by. society if their parents’ Unions were considered
invalid, concludes the review by Michael Wald, a
Stanford University law professor who specializes in
public policy’s effect on children. Proposition 22
would let California recognize only marriages
performed between a man and a woman. It will be
voted on in March.
’q’his alleged study, which promotes homosexual
marriages, is nothing more than a bogus political
campaign hit piece against Proposition 22 and the
institution of marriage," said Robert Glazier, a
spokesman for the Yes on Proposition 22 campaign.
Wald’s review used findings by the American
Psychological Association and several research studies
on same-sex parents. "By all reports, these families
are doing very wall," Wald said. "It is different,
obviously, growingup in afamily with two parents of
the same sex, but children adjust to it." Studies have
shown that the children of Gay parents are welladjusted
and do wall in school, but often face
intolerance, he said.
The report drew criticism from David Orgon
Coolidge, director of the Marriage Law Project atThe
Catholic University ofAmerica inWashington, D.C.,
who called it "an attempt to mislead voters." "prop 22
is not about same-sex couples," Coolidge said in a
written statement. "Prop 22 is about whether
Californians will be allowed to decide for themselves
how marriage will be defined in this state."
Colorado Anti-Marriage
Amendment Progresses
DENVER (AP) - A proposed constitutional
amendmentto restrict same-sexmarriages in Colorado
has been approved by the .secretary of state’s office
and now advances to a 30-day challenge period, ifapproved
by voters, the measure would recognize
only marriages between, a man and a woman and
would make same-sex marriages performed in other
states invalid in Colorado.
Themeasure, which cleared the secretary of state’s
ritle-setting board in December, will face opposition.
"As a statewide agency,we are eommitted to fighting
this every step of the way," said LoriAnn Girvan,
executive director of Equality Colorado. "We feel
that the taxpayers of Colorado don’t need another
anti-Gay ballotinitiative that will re-ignite our state’s
reputation as a place of intolerance."
Candace McCune, an Englewood lawyer
representing proponents of the measure who formed
the group Coloradans for Traditional Marriage, said
the measure would close a loophole in the state
Constitution. The Legislaturelast year rejected an
attempt by Sen. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Fort Morgan,
to pass a statute similar to the proposed amendment.
Opponents oftheinitiativehave 30 days to challenge
it. Ifit survives, signatures ofnearly 64,000 registered
voters. W~ould have to be collected tO.l~m the ~easure
off ~1i~ ~6all0t. Coloradatis- for Tradiu6nal" Marriage
also withdrew a proposal to ban same-sex marriages.
Hank Aaron Slams
Pitcher’s Comments
ATLANTA (AP)- Hall of Famer Hank Aaronjoined
thebarrage ofcriticism against AtlantaBraves pitcher
Johp_ Rocker, despite his apology for making
derogatory comments about Gays and minorities.
Aaron said he was "very sick and disgusted about
the whole situation" and questioned how Rocker
could continue in baseball. "I have no place in my
heart for peoplewhofeel that way," the all-time home
run king, who is the Braves’ senior vice president,
told syndicated radio host Jay Mariotti.
About 15 activists protested outside Turner Field,
urging the Braves to fire Rocker for the comments,
which were published i~n a recent Sports Illustrated.
"There may be some room for redemption, but not
as anAtlantaBrave," said Michael Langford, president
of the United Youth-Adult Conference. "We
encourage him to enter his resignation right now and
go into an early retirement."
Rocker told Sports Illustrated he would never play
for a New York team because he didn’t want to ride
a subway train "next to some queer with AIDS." He
also bashed immigrants, saying, "I’m not a very big
fan of foreigners... How the hell did they get in this
country?" While driving in Atlanta during the
interview, Rocker criticized Asian women: Look.
Look at this idiot," he said of another driver. "I
guarantee you she’s a Japanese woman. How bad are
Asianwomenatdriving?" Healso calledan overweighl
black teammate "a fat monkey."
Rocker apologized in a ffritten statement, saying he
was carried away by his "competitive zeal" against
New York Mets fans. He said heis not a racist mad the
comments do not reflect his true feelings.
Civic groups and a member of the Atlanta city
Council delivered aletter to Braves owner TedTurner
and general manager John Schuerholz demanding
Rocker’s immediate firing. "We would have hoped
there would havebeen amore scathing condemnation
of these comments," said Councilman Derrick
Boazman. "This was more thanjust rhetoric. This was
hate." There was no answer at Turner’ s office, and his
publicist did pot return a telephone call.
Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig called Rocker’s
remarks "inappropriate and offensive." He said
baseball is reviewing the matter and would take
"appropriate action." There is precedent: Former
Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott was suspended
from baseball for the 1993 season for her use of racial
and ethnic slurs.
¯ Pentagon .Seeks Tougher
: Stand Aga,nst Harassers
¯ WASH!NGTON(AP)-The U.S. Defense Department
¯ is piessing armed services leaders to re-emphasize to
¯¯ commanders that harassment of troops based on their
sexual orientation will notbe tolerated. The Pentagon
: has drawn fire recently for its "don’t ask, don’t tell"
: policy. Critics say an increasing number ofGay and
Lesbian servicemembers arebeingharassed, contrary
: to the stated policy ofpermitting them to serve so long
: as they do not declare their sexual orientation.
: The criticism sharpened after a court-martial in
¯ which anArmyprivate was convicted of murdering a
Gay ,soldier harassed with the knowledge of his
¯ superiors. PresidentBill Clinton said earlier lastmonth
¯ that the Pentagon’s policy on Gays was "out of ¯
". see Briefs, p. 14
Older Americans
With HIV Increasing
HOUSTON (AP) - An aging population,
life-extending treatments, and a
misperception that AIDS is a disease of
the young have fostered an increase in
AIDS infections among older Americans,
the Houston Chronicle reported recently.
Nationally, about 11% of reported AIDS :
cases are in people 50 or older, the
newspaper reported.
Seniors are the age group with the
fastest-growing AIDS rates - up 22%
between 1991 and 1996, compared with a
9% increase among people age 13-49,
according to the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
However, health officials warned that
the increases seem dramatic because the
numbers are small. A 106% increase in
the number of older women infected
through sex, for example, is based on an
increase from 340 eases to 700 eases.
"’At this point, the numbers are so small
that they really have notbeen perceived as
a problem," said Dr. Rose Brownridge,
acting bureau chief of the Texas
Department:of Health division that deals
with AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases. She added, however, that the
issue needs further study.
About 72,000 .americans age 50 and
over and about 4,50(3 Texans have been.
diagnosedwithAIDS. N~gneknows how
many seniors are infected with HIV, the
virus that causes AIDS, because not all
states require HIV reporting and because
older people arethought to be tested far
less often than their younger counterparts.
According to the CDC, slightly more than
one-third of older people with AIDS are
Gay or Bisexual men. About one of five
was infected by using a dirty needle to
inject drugs.
While popular attention has been
focusedon declining infection rotes among
children, AIDS among seniors has been
virtually ignored. That must change, said
Marcia try, chief of social science
research on aging at the National Institute
onAging. "The pointis that society cannot
ignore AIDS in that pediatric population,
in the young adult population or the older
population," Ms. try said. "For people
living longer or getting infected at_ an
older age, these people are incredibly
isolated, and they may not getthe treatment
they need."
That is likely to change with the
onslaught of baby boomers nearing
retirement age, said Kathy Nokes, a New
Yorknursewho works withinfected older
patients and editor of a book on seniors
with AIDS. "Baby boomers talk about
everything, try everything, demand
everything," she said. "To a 60- or 70-
year-old, that’s not polite."
Ironically, the drug Viagra that has
allowedmanyoldermento revive dormant
sex lives also has heightened concern
aboutthe spread ofAIDS. "They are pretty
AIDS-unaware as they venture out into
the world of sexual activity," said Sara
Selber, executive director of AIDS
Foundation Houston. "AIDS wasn’ treally
on their screen at the time they were
(previously) sextmlly active."
Fish Gene Key to
Immune System
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A gene discovered
in puffer fish - which have immune
systems similar to humans - may hold
secrets to learning more about diseases
that affect the human immune system,
such as AIDS, medical researchers say.
~esearchers doing work at St.
Petersburg’s All Children’s Hospital
published their findings in this week’s
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, an academic journal.
Despite the finding, researchers do not
know what the newly found gene does,
said Gary Litman, the University of South
qoridaimmunologistwholedthe research
However, they do know the gene plays
amajor role in theimmune systembecause
of its complex structure.
In addition to the puffer fish, the
~mportant gene is found in other bony
fish, including zebra fish and sharks.
"The hunt is on for this gene in man,"
said Litman, who is working with eight
other researchers in Florida and in
California and Massachusetts. "Now we
know where to look."
Researchers are using computers .to
search human DNA for the identical or
similar sequence of 114,000 amino acids
found in the fish DNA. There are about 3
million amino acids in the human body.
Discoveries about the immune system
can affectnew developments in treatments
for diseases ranging from common
allergies to cancer and Alzheimer’s
Litman said thenew gene mightprovide
clues to an additional type of immunity
that doctors might not have realized.
Important Story
discovery of and ongoing efforts to treat
and find a cure for AIDS was the top story
of the century, according to a survey of a
group ofhigh school history students. The
students surveyed by The Hutchinson
News otherwise generally agreed with
adult readers surveyed by the newspaper,
but, adults gave AIDS barely a mention.
’ It had such a high impact on what they
thought about their own mortality," said
Susan Smith, a teacher atHutchinsonHigh
School. "They didn’t think they could die,
and they certainly didn’t think having sex
could make them die."
Lindsey Derr, 16, saidnews aboutAIDS
is evenmoreimportantnow that the disease
is generally understood by experts and
millions of people have been identified as
AIDS,positive. Jacqui Faber, 16, said a
lot of people still don’t know enough
about where and how to get tested.
Some issues identified by students as
mostimportant occurred long before their
lifetimes, such as womengaining theright
to vote in America. Other issues that are
again xn the news, such as the Scopes
"Monkey" trial pitting evolutionary theory
against creationism, weren’t seen as
Other stories that were big during their
lifetimes, such as the explosion of the
space shuttle Challengerandthemeltdown
¯of the Russian nuclear power plant at
Cheruobyl, were neat the bottom of the
high-school list.
Thebombing ofPearl Harbor that led to
U.S. entry into World War II, top of the
general readership’ s list,was infifthplace
among the students.
A high-ranking story on the students’
list that ranked low among the gener~
readership was the "I Have a Dream
speech given by the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. Talesha Brassield, a 16-year-old
junior, said King’s speech was still a
reminder that Americans have a lot to
learn about respecting each other. "There
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are still people that believe people have to
think the same, look the same and believe
the same things," Talesha said.
Thais Protest US
Drug Monopoly
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Some 120
Thai activists and HIV-AIDS patients
camped Wednesday outside the Health
Ministry demanding an end to a U.S.
pharmaceutical monopoly thatmakes antiviral
drugs too expensive for most in
Thailand. They want theThai government
to enforce a patent act to legalize local
manufacture of Didanosine or DDI, a
medicine that suppresses the deadly HIV
virus in a patient’s blood, delaying the
onset of AIDS.
Few. of the more than 1 million HIV
postive individuals in Thailand, a country
of 62 million people, can afford drugs
such as DDI and AZT, imported to
DDI,manufacturedby U.S. ftrmBristol-
Myers Squibb, is sold at50 baht ($1.25) a
tablet in Thai hospitals. Patients need at
least fourtablets aday, costingin all about
6,000 baht-10,000 baht ($160-250) a
month. A Thai office worker earns about
4,400 baht($110) amonth. Thedrugprice
would be halved if Thailand produce it
Last month, Medecins Sans Frontieres,
the Nobel Peace Prize-winnlngemergency
healthcare group, said U.S. trade pressure
has made proper health care for H!V/
AIDS patients nnaffordable in Thailand
and other less developed countries.
Activists said access to DDI, used by
around 5% of people living with HIV in
1997, declined over the past two years due
to Thailand’s economic recession. Since
theHIV epidemicbeganin the early 1990s,
more than 260,000 Thais have contracted
full-blown AIDS.
’q’he government has full legislation to
enforce the act butit fears the U.S. will be
angry andit mightlead to trade sanctions,"
said Paisal Tan-ud, spokesmanoftheThai
Network For People Living With HIVAIDS.
The activists plan to camp outside
the ministly in Bangkok until they get an
answer from the government.
Earlier this year, campaigners succeeded
in demanding local manufacture of
Diflu.can, a drug used to treat cryptococcat
memngitis, a fungal infection of the brain
which occurs in HIV-AIDS patients.
The government has allowed two local
pharmaceutical compames to produce the
drug, originally manufactured by the U.S.
drug company Pfizer.
Girl + Grandmother
Tell Their Story
WOODBRIDGE, Va. - When Annisha
Wilbum was 4 years old, she went to live
with her grandmother, Valerie Reeder-
Bey, who is HIV-positive. Reeder-Bey
knew she had to talk about her condition
with her granddaughter. The hard part
was finding a way to do it without
frightening her or delving into
uncomfortable details. "I was living in
fear that anything could happen," said
Reeder-Bey,46,wholives inWoodbridge.
"I wanted to tell her. I just really had to
find the way without being graphic."
She started by jotting down things that
Annisha shouldn’tworry about: "It’ s okay
to hug," she wrote. "It’s okay to hold
hands." As the girl got older, she started
making her own contributions to the list.
¯ Talking on the telephone with her
: grandmother was OK, Annisha pointed
¯ out, or going rollerblading together.
¯ Thus was born "My Grandma Has
: AIDS: Annisha’s Story," a 14-page
¯ illustrated children’s book that was
¯ published this year by a pharmaceutical "
¯ company and distributed at the U.S.
Conference on AIDS in Denver and a
World AIDS Day commemoration in
¯ Boston.
"- Annisha and her grandmotherare both
¯ listed as authors, but thebookis writtenin
¯¯ Annisha’s voice. "Hi. My name is
Annisha. This is a story about my
grandma," the book begins. "She is real
: special to me. Mygrandmaisjustlikeany
¯ other grandma. My grandma has AIDS."
The book goes on to describe the various
things they do together. "I know that ifmy
friendhas AIDS, I cannotcatch itbybeing
~ their friend," Annisha says in the book.
~ Reeder-Bey, who also lives with her
¯ husband, Tommy, is excited about the
: book’s distributionandhopes parents will
¯" use it to introduce the subject of AIDS to
i¯ tHheeairvcehniilndrVenie.wS,haeniosnaplrsoofitthtehafotpurnodveirdeosf
: health counseling and support groups for
¯ people living with AIDS. "I would love
¯ forit to be in ev,,e~y household. That’s ~e
ultimate dream,’ she said. "Even if it s
¯ not in every household, I want everyone
~ to know about it."
: The road to "My Grandma Has-AIDS:
¯ Annisha’s Story"was along one. It began ¯
¯ whenReeder-Beywent toherownmother,
looking for solace after she learned she
¯" was HIV-positive. Reeder-Bey said she
¯ spent 22 years as an alcoholic and drug
¯ addict. Her mother could not accept the
: diagnosis and sent her daughter away, she
: said: "I forgive my mother now, but then,
¯ I couldn’t take it," she recalled.
¯ Six years later, Reeder-Beywas alcohol-
. and drug-free andembarking onanew life
¯ as an AIDS activist and drug counselor.
¯ Then her daughter, who has had her own
: struggles with addiction, asked her to take
in Annisha. "Wehad already spent a lot of
." time together," Reeder-Bey said of
¯ Annisha. "She just became a part of my
: life."
When Annisha was 6, Reeder-Bey
¯ thought the two of them had a book worth
¯ sharing. She went to several well-known
: children’s book publishers, who told her
¯ that the subject matter was inappropriate
¯ or didn’t fit their needs.
¯ Butthebookdidcatch the eye ofofficials
." at Agouron Pharmaceuticals, a La Jolla,
." Calif.-based company that makes the
." AIDS drug Viracept, and Agouron
¯ published it. Agouron has an active
: outreachprogramthatfocuses particularly
¯" on minority communities, and the book
¯ worked well with that program, said Joy
¯ Schmitt, a company spokeswoman.
: Reeder-Bey also made sure that Prince
¯ WilliamCounty school administrators got
: a copy of"Annisha’s Story." Annishais a
¯ third-grader at Featherstone Elementary.
¯ Agouron said it plans to distribute the
~ book at otherAIDS conferences, with the
¯ authors’ permission. In the meantime, ¯
Reeder-Bey is a one-woman distribution
¯ machine, bringing books to her doctor’s
¯ office, to work, to wherever she thinks
¯ someone would pick one up. "I want
: people to open up and start talking to kids
: about it. Kids want you to be open with
: them," Reeder-Bey said.
¯ And Annisha said she plans to keep
writing. She has advice for other would-
~ be authors: "I think they should write
¯ what’s in their imagination, and write
: what’sin their heart."
Happy New Year and Century to " hit Broadway, running for 2 years. This
everyone! "If you’re with me, next year : ground breaking drama about 9 Gay men
willbe... The perfect year!" Sorry, Petula ¯ gathering for a birthday party with catty,
left a little Norma Desmond behind. (The ¯ emotionally trying results spawned a film
line is from a song that features ~ -by William Friedldn (who went on to
prominentlyinthemusical, direct "the Exorcist", and
"Sunset Boulevard".)
Actually, there were afew
days I couldn’ t tell the two
apart. What, me catty? I
don’t know what you
mean. . . (Eyes bat
iunocenfly. Well, as close
as I can get... Shaddup!
Stop snickering amongst
January at the PAC: Ben
E. King performs with the
Tulsa philharmonic the 7
&8. The armchair traveler
goes to France on the 10;
and the All State Music
Festival happens onthe 15.
"Gaelic Storm," the Irish
band that played in the 3rd
class steerage section of
the Titanic appears at the
PACJanuary 19 &20. Leo
danced a jig to their tunes
in the film. Latin music is played by
Scarles, Allen and River on the 22, and a
concurrent concert hapl~L’ns with Janina
Fialkowska at the piano. On the 23, Das
Puppenspeil (I love that name!) puppet
theatre performs with the Philharmonic,
and the month closes with "Buddy," the
Buddy Holly musical from the 25 through
the 30. "Crossing Delancy" opens on the
28. More info on these artists to come. If
~ou lust can’t wait, you can always call
e f~iendly folks at the PAC ticket office
at 596-7111.
Forthose abitmoreventuresome, Dallas
seems to be the place of interest in
upcoming months. GeorgeWinstonplays
Majestic Theatre Jan 7; and for those who
recall a rather large member of the Rocky
Horror Picture Show cast, Meat Loaf
performs at McFarlin Auditorium Jan 16.
My, they’re really bringing in the class
acts now, aren’t they?
For the more modem crown, Counting
Crows plays the Bronco bowl Jan 25, and
Beck plays there Jail 26. Kids in the Hall,
the all male cross dressing comedy troupe
of some fame in the mid-90’s plays the
Bronco bowl Feb 3. The Pretenders, with
opening act "Gay Dad", perform at the
Bronco Bowl Feb 6. The Chieftains, for
those who like their Irish music Irish, are
at the Fort Worth Bass Performance Hall
Feb 6. Back in Dallas, Diana Krall plays
the Majestic Theatre Feb 18. And for
those into boy bands, Backstreet Boys
(almost has-beenS) are at Reunion Arena
March3-4. For themorefolksy set, Crosby,
Stills, Nash and Young are playing
Reunion Arena March 7th.
For thosepining for somedecent theatre
- and I know many of you are, even if you
don’t attend it- Mort Crowley’ s seminal
work, "The Boys in the Band", runs
through January 29 at the Fort Worth
Theatre (817-921-5300). It rated a full
page storyin theFortWorthStarTelegram.
Apparently, Fort Worth has become a
progressive town, in that one of its oldest
and mostprestigious theatres has started a
series of Gay plays called the "Labor of
Love" series. They have sold out.
Hello, Theatre Tulsa!
"Boys" opened in April 1968, and was
one of’the first, if not the first, Gay play to
"Sorcerer") and nnhinged
the closet door that held
Gay theater locked inside
and blew it down the
. FortWorthTheatrehas
already produced two
shows this season thathad
to do with some aspect of
"Seducing Sally" and
"The SantalandDiaries".
Folks, this is a city
nicknamed "Cowtown".
Hello? It’ s about the size
of Tulsa. They have 3
theatres there that are
unafraid to try something
new -CircleTheatre, Stage
West, and now, the most
staid of the Fort Worth
We have Heller, and
: sometimes TU, and the quality of theatre
¯ in this town is very hit and miss. I know
: that’ll tick some folks off, but it’s true.
¯ And more often than not, it’s missing.
: Let’s work on that, shall we? I mean,
¯ Cowtown, really!
Tickets are $10 - $12 dollars, and a
¯ percentage of ticket sales goes to AIDS
~ Resources of Rural Texas. And from the
: pics of the cast, it looks like it would be a
¯ handsome evening, indeed. Thanks to
: Mark Lowry of the Fort Worth Star
Telegram for some of the info used in this
: tern.
Usually, when I write of an album
wherein the songs, music and lyrics, tend
to eerily reflect events in my own time
space, it’ s a safe bet that I’m writing about
Stevie Nicks. Shejust does thht sort thing.
I got walloped this last week by an album
my best friend Karin (who’ s straight, by
the way) mademelisten to. She started off
by saying some of the songs reminded her
of me and one of my last major romantic
entanglements. Then she started playing
it, and I was just about knocked out of the
car. The album is by an artist I never gave
much ~hought to, except to wish that I’ d
never hear the phrase "I Wanna Come
Over" again. Yes, I was ~,valloped by a
Lesbian MdissaEtheridge slat~stalbum,
"Breakdown" (an ironic rifle, given the
album’ s previously stated significance) is
a treasure trove of powerful lyrics and
dynamite music.
The song "Stronger Than Me" is one of
the ones my best friend Karin related to
: my experience from her viewpoint. The
~ lyrics are dark and intense, and the music
; echoes their intent. "I don’t know how
: you can take it / invest your heart and then
¯ youbreakit / I don’ tknow how youcan set
: it free / you must be stronger than me"
: certainly sums up my somewhat
¯ overoptimistic romantic enthusiasms
according to Karin.
"Breakdown" is a power ballad about a
~ love gone so wrong one has left, but the
¯ other p~rson keeps pulling you back like
~ a pit of quicksand. "I’m coming to your
~ breakdowntonight.""Enough ofMe" was
¯ another sock to the stomach in its eerie
: capturing of what the last year of my last
; majorrelationship was like. see Jirn,p. 14
The Tulsa Phiharmonicpresents
Janina Fialkowska
the third concert in the,
Masterworks Series
Saturday, January 22, 8pm
Tulsa Performing-Arts Center
Debussy, Prelude a l’apres midi d’une faune
Grieg, Piano Concerto in A minor, op. 16
Wagner, selections from
Der Ring des Nibelungen
Tickets: 747-PHIL or 596-7111
earles, Allen & Rive.ra
Long before multi-million dollar book deals -
were the fashion, Alexandre Dumas’ son
(yes, the "The Three Musketeers" author)
converted his torrid:turned-terminal love affair
into a best seller. From there, composer
Guiseppe Verdi adapted the story for opera
(hello, "La Traviata"). Today, choreographer
Val Canipamli finished the iob of turning
"La Traviata" into dance. Using drama,
not melodrama. For understatement
underscored. A full-length love story.
"You don’t have
to knew ballet
to love ballet.
You just have
to try it."
ABC Music
Order tickets by calling The Tulsa BaJlet Ticket Offica: 749-600|
4512 S. Peoria Ava. , Tulsa, OK 74105-4563 ¯ VisH
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595 (Welcoming)
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United
Service, llam, 1623 North Maplew00d, Info! 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1lain, 205 W. King (east of N. Denver), Info: 582-3088
Unity. Church of Christianity
Services: 9:15 & 11:00 am, 3355 S. Jamestown,749-8833
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gayfrransgendercd Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the United Ministry Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378)3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals - call for times, info: 748-3888.
Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pro, 2545 S. Yale
Multienltural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center. 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’ s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1 st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 298-0827
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group
Call for info: Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long rides & short rides from
Zeigler Park. Long & short tides from Tulsa Gay Community Center. Write for info:
POB 9165, Tulsa, OK 74157
Mixed Volleyball, non-active in winter, call Shawn at 243-5190 for spring activities.
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Here are a couple of new books at the
library that you shouldn’t miss! A few
years ago, author Rik Isensee wrote an
men, rifled "Reclaiming
Your Life: The Gay
Man’s Guide to Love,
Self-Acceptance and
Trust." He’s back with a
new winner for those of
us in our, ahem, late
thirties (and on up), "Are
You Ready?"
The time has come for
the community to
understand that Gay life
doesn’t end simply
because you remember
Watergilte. This book
helps you learn to
celebraie i the positive
things about aging
(flexibility, " greater
"One d Isensee’s
primary tasks is to
help Gay males
reach closure with a
youtlt~l identity¯
The key to this is
learning to stop
living for the
moment¯ For a
¯ reclaim youthful ambitions. This tendency
: can be compared to the stage of
¯¯ ’bargaining’ in grief reactions. If only I’d just work harder, exercise more, go to
¯ bars, get a facelift, get a tattoo- I’ll be all ¯
One of the suggested
steps toward stabilizing
your life is to get in a long
term relationship. Just
because it didn’t work
foolish doesn’t mean it
won’t work now! There
is a good section that
provides some basic
guidance toward finding
a rdationship, including
"what are you looking
for?," "distinguish
_between desirables.and
necessary qualities," and
variety of reasons, "be open to men who
" don’tfityouinsual type." we are living longer. _There are alsosomegood
tolerances, self ann " 1- ....
" ~ d nav" ate neell to remmn
acceptance) an lgate~_____-~_~.
the negatives (dis-eti~ vital and involved.
over physical aging,
d i s i 11Usi onm e n t,--It Is very Important
examples of how
depressio,and lethargy).
One of Isensee’s to-not waste time
primary tasks is to help re]ivln6 -
Gay males reach closure
with a youthful identity, the past..
The key to this is learning
to stoplivingfor themoment. Fora variety
of re~ons~ we are living long~-and need
to remain vital and involved. It is very
important to not waste time reliving the
As Isensee explains, "During this
uncertain time, when we’ ve lost our way,
there may be a sense of not having
accomplished anything. Itmay be difficult
to remember earlier goals or to ascribe
any significance to them. It’s also hard to
imagine what else we would like to do.
Rather than tolerating the anxiety of not
knowing, some men are tempted to make
up for lost time - through some radical
change for its own sake, or a mad dash to
with Former and does not believe the
accusation to be credible.
Attorney Kerry Lewis, who is also a
board member of Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights suggested that anti-Gay
bias and political opportunism on the part
of Tulsa County District Attorney Tim
Harris and his staff may be behind this
Lewis noted that such a case would
have appeal for Republican Harris whose
voter bast is tied to religious extremist
elements in the Republican Party. Lewis
also said that given the level of anti-Gay
prejudice in the area’s jury pool; Harris
maybecalculating thatheneednotactually
prove Former guilty, that is that merely
being a Gay man accused by a younger
man will be taken as proof of guilt in a
legal system. that is hostile to minority
DrumwrightattorneyTimDaniel whose
practice~has’included defending Gaymen
relationships change over
the years. No, thesethi~gs
are not easy, but the hard
work will pay off in. the
Another new book is,
’q’he Book of Gay and
Lesbian Quotations."
This is a fun compilation
of quotes by Gays and
¯ Lesbians; and Gay-friendly peopleas well,
¯ from ancient times to the present. It is a
." simple reference book broken down into
¯ broad subjects: solitude, morality, hope,
¯ etc.
: Some of the better quotes are: "a waist
¯ is terrible thing to mind," "anyone who
¯ says that softball is a boring game to
. watch isn’t looking at the right things!,"
: and "the only way of getting dd of
temptation is to yield to it." This is a super
: book for one liners.
: Check for these and other fun books at
¯ your local branch library, or call the ¯
Readers ServicesdepartmentattheCentral
: Library at 596-7966.
: who say they were entrapped by Tulsa
¯ Police, believes that the Tulsa County
¯ DistrictAttorney uses anti-Gay bias in the legal system to plea bargain cases,
: knowing that accused Gay men, even if
¯ they are not guilty, or even if the police ¯
engaged in illegal conduct themselves in
¯ order to make an arrest, will accept a
~ "deal" rather than risk having a hostile
¯ jury and even more serious charges and
¯ punishment.
: Anti-Gay hate crime victims, Tony Orr
¯ &TimBeauchamp, also have pointed out ¯
that Hams’ office failed to assist them in
: getting normal compensation for their
: medical expenses due to the assault on
¯ them, and that the DA’s office did not
¯ even prosecute seriously their assailants ¯ until after The Tulsa World wrote a story
: about the DA’s inaction.
¯ Fortner did return a call to TulsaFami!y
: Newsbutonadviceofhis attorney declined
; to comment onthe allegations. Calls to
: Former’s attorney were not returned.
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by Mary Schepers . - I will respect electrical energy and will
TFNdo-it-yourself-dyke extraordinaire ¯ notwireanyfixture, outletorswitch’hot."
The holidays are over, the mistletoe " - I resolve to keep saw blades sharp and
delightfullynsed, abusedandrefused.The ¯ clean. I will unplug power saws before
long nights and short days of winter seem ¯ removing the blade.
to stretch on forever. It is - I resolve to use trendy
the time to dreamoffuture
projects that will not be
started until spring time
comes. And it is time for
making all of those godawful
New Year’s resolutions
that endurebutfor
a mere matter of days.
Why not combine home
projects with good
intentions andmake some
resolutions you’ll actually
Inall modesty, and with
absolutely no sense of
overstepping boundaries,
your DIYD gently offers
her own suggestions for
your approval and
for a millennium of
satisfying home projects.
Or consider it your DIYD
telling you what to do -
again. And always. Why
should this century be any
different than the. last?
You love it, ducklings,
you know you do! Now,
repeat after me
- I resolve to always work
safely! I will read and follow direction~
and will not by-pass guards or safety
devices. I will use personal protection
(safety glasses, earplugs, etc.), and ask for
help if I need it.
-I will measure twice (minimum!) and
cut once. Woodis expensive and screwing
up makesmecranky and unbearable. Let’ s
avoid that this year.
-I will not swear to the extent and/or
noise level that the dog or cat needs deep
-I will always involve my partner (if
applicable) inhome repair and decoration
decisions. Even if they say they "don’t
care" - trust me, cupcake, theydo!
- I resolve to take good care of my tools.
I will keep them clean, organized and in
good repair. I will thereby not waste
precious project time obsessing about the
mystery location of the screwdriver or
paint roller.
- I resolve not to treat any ofmy partner’ s
questions as stupid - no matter how
glaringly obvious the answer or solution.
- Iwill not loan out tools I care about to
people who abuse them or do not return
them, I will acknowledge my emotional/
psychological bond with my tools,
especially thoserequiring apower supply,
- I will buy that leather tool bdtas soon as
I can. And I will use it (silk boxers
- I resolve to always set my ladder up on
a stable, even surface and to havesomeone
watching out for me nearby. That
especially applies if I am on the roof. The
dog does not count as my ’safety buddy.’
-I resolve to overcome my fear and
loathing of spiders and slugs long enough
to enter the crawl space and make that
minorplumbingrepair to thebathtub drain.
Other-wise, I will overcome my aversion
to paying a plumber to do the same.
"In all modesty, and
with absolutely no
sense of overstepping
boundaries, your
DIYD gently offers
her suggestions for
your approval . . .
Consider it your
blueprint for a
millennium of
satisfying home
Or consider it your
DIYD telling you
what to do - again.
And always.
Why should this
century be any
than the last?"
colors and designs in my
home sparingly, remembering
fullyhow appalled
I was by the ’50’s Peptopink
bathroom walls, tile
and tub. I am leaving a
legacy! (this does not
apply if you wish vengeance
on your heirs)
- I will always get three
quotes for any contract
labor, as well as
- I resolve to be more
respectful for the people
wor.king atmylocal home
repatr palace, even thal
patronizing boob in
plumbing. Fantasize
about replumbing his
fixtures, butdon’tactually
threaten to do it this time.
-I resolve to buy very
good paint brushes and
keep them clean and
properly stored for a
lifetime of painting
-I will not tell friends,
family or relative
strangers how they
screwed up their latest
project and what I wouldhavedonebetter.
Do give them a stack ofDIYD columns as
a form of gentle guidance.
- I resolve to do one project this year, no
matter how small, to improve the
aesthetics, efficiency or value ofmyhome.
- I resolve tomakemy DIYD that cocktail
- a Manhattan with two cherries - as a
small token of the gratitude I bear her for
enlightening my life and improving my
And your DIYD resolves to be back
next month to help you make good on
some of these intentions.
PS: Your DIYD doesn’ t waste precious
energy tying cherry stems into knots with
her tongue when it is better applied to
practical projects!
By the time ~this song played, I was
¯ becoming a fan. So much so, I bought the
If ’ ,
: you ve been depressed, and couldn t
¯ explain how debilitating a state it really
¯ can be, "Into The Dark" is one of those
¯¯ songs you play for people to make them
understand what the dark night of the soul
¯ is all about. One ofthemore powerful and
dark songs on thi~ album, it leaves you
." haunted. It’ s a ditty about going "into the
¯ soullinto the heart/into the dark", and
: realizing that one’s been spinning one’s
wheels keeping a dead relationship alive,
¯ not that Iwouldknowanythingabout that.
"There was tire/therewas death/there was
¯ lyingonyourbreath/Itumedaway/Iwould
¯ pretend/but the fire never ends/I’ve been
here sleeping all these years. "
_" Lest you think it’s all doom a~ad gloom,
: JulieCypher, Melissa’s longtimepartner,
¯ requested a more upbeat song for fear her
to recognize same-sex civil marriage. It
was thefirst state to offer domesticpartner
benefits to state workers, one of the first
states to recognize second-parent
adoptions and one ofthe first states to ban.
discriminationbasedonsexual orientation.
-The Mormon church, which has
campaigned.-against Gay marriage in
Vermont, Hawaii and California, issued a
brief statement repeating its position and
¯ saying,"As the legislative process moves
forward, The ChUrch of Jesus Cqh-’ist of
Latter-day Saints urges the citizens of
Vermont and their elected representatives
to protect the uniqueness and sanctity of
traditional marriage and to preserve the
family ~ the basic unit of society."
Next Door In New Hampshire
A statelawmakeris trying to make sure
Gay New Hampshire couples do riot take
advantage of the Vermont ruling. Rep.
Gary Torressen, R-Center Harbor, says
he was disappointed by the decision that
Gay couples are entitled to the same
benefits and protections as husbands and
wives. Torressen said he filed., his bill,
which would prevent New Hampshire
from recognizing same-sex marriages
contracted out of state, in anticipation of
the Vermont court’s decision.
The Legislature repealed a ban on Gay
foster parents and Gay adoptions. The
state also has a law that protects Gays and
Lesbiansfrom discrimination in housing,
employmentand access topublicfacilities.
State Sen. Rick Trombly, a Boscawen
Democrat who is Gay, said New
Hampshire shouldgo further and set upits
own domestic partnership system. Rep.
Martha Fuller Clark, D-Portsmouth, has
filed a bill that would extend medical
benefits to domestic partners, andrecently,
trustees for the state university system
approved domestic partner benefits for
employees. But Gays and Lesbians still
lackfull acess to the samehealthinsurance,
disability benefits, tax breaks and
inheritance protections that married
couples enjoy.
Trombly believes New Hampshire
lawmakers would support a domestic
partnership system as a fundamental
affirmation of equal rights. But he does
not believe they would support Gay
marriage, because many believe
heterosexual marriage has a religious
State Sen. Pat Krueger, a conservative
Republican from Manchester, said
Tuesday she had Gay friends whose lives
were complicated by their lack of legal
protections, and she would consider
supporting domestic partnerships. A
spokeswoman for Gov. Jeanne Shaheen
said the governorremains opposed to Gay
marriage. Spokeswoman Pamela Walsh
declined:comment on Shaheen’ s .view of
domesticpartnership.legislation, sayingit
was premature.
Excerpts from the Supreme
Court decision on marriages:
Maythe stateofVermontexclude samesex
couples from the benefits and
protections that its laws provide to
opposite-sex married couples? That is the
fundamental question we address in this
appeal, aquestionthatthecourtwellknows
arouses deeply-felt religious, moral, and
political beliefs. Our constitutional
responsibility to consider the legal merits
of issues properly before us provides no
exception for the controversial case. The
issue before the court, moreover, does not
turnon the religious-or moral debate over
inlimate same-sex relationships, butrather
¯ on the statutory and constitutionai basis
for the exclusion of same-sex couples
: from the secular benefits and protections
: offered married couples.
¯ We conclude that under the Common
Benefits Clause of the Vermont
Constitution, which, in pertinent part,
e,ads, that government ~s, or ought to be,
instituted for the common benefit,
¯¯ protection, and security of the people,.
¯ nation, or community, and not for the
particular emolument or advantage ofany
i single person, family, or set of persons,
¯ who are a part only of that community,"
plaintiffs may not be deprived of the
: statutory benefits andprotections afforded
¯ persons of the opposite sex who choose to
~ marry. We hold that the state is
¯ constitutionally required to extend to ¯ same-sex couples the common benefits
: and protections that flow from marriage
under Vermont law.
". (and)
¯ While the laws relating to marriage
¯ have undergone many changes during the
¯ last century, largely toward the goal of ¯
equalizing the status of husbands and
¯ wives, the benefits of marriage have not
¯ diminished in value. On the contrary, the
¯ =benefits and protections incident to a
: marriagelicense under Vermontlaw have
: never been greater.
¯ (andfrom Justice Denise Johnson)
¯ This case is undoubtedly one of the
¯ most controversial ever to come before
¯ this court. Newspaper, radio andtelevision
¯ media have disclosed widespread public
¯ interest in its outcome, as well as the full
¯ spectrum of opinion as to what that
¯ outcome should be and what its
¯ ramifications may be for our society as a ¯
.One line of opinion contends that this is
¯ an issue that ought to be decided only by
¯ the most broadly democratic of our
¯ governmental institutions, theLegislature; ¯ and thatthe small group ofmenandwomen
: comprising this court has no business
deciding an issue of such enormous
¯ moment.
: For better or worse, however, this is
¯ simply not So. This case came before us
¯ because citizens of the state invoked their
¯ constitutional right to seekredress through the judicial process of a perceived
¯ deprivation under state law. The Vermont
¯ Constitution does not permit the courts to decline to adjudicate a matter because its
¯ subject is controverslal, or because the
¯ outcome may be deeply offense to the
Strongly held beliefs of many of our
¯ citizens.
¯ We do not have, as does the Supreme
¯ Court of the United States, certiorari
-’ jurisdiction, which allows thatcourt, inits
¯ sole discretion, to decline to hear almost
¯ any case. To the contrary, if a case has
¯ been brought before us, and if the
¯ established procedures have been
¯ followed, as they were here, we must hear
¯ and decide it.
: Moreover, we must decide the case on
¯ legal grounds. However much history,
: sociology, religious belief, personal
¯ experienceor other considerations may ¯
inform our individual or collective
: deliberations, we must decide this case,
¯ and all cases, on the basis of our
¯ understanding of the law, and the law
¯ alone.
¯" Thismustbethe trueandconstant effort
¯ of every member of the judiciary. That
¯ effort, needless to say, is not a guarantee
of infallibility, nor even an assurance of
¯ wisdom. It is, however, the fulfillment of
.. our pledge of office.
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by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D. ¯ into gender patterns as soon as they are
One of my students owns 189 pairs of ~ born, wrapping them in blue or pink
athletic shoes. Not quite Imelda Marcos, ~ blankets. Walk into any toy store and you
butgettingthere.Anthonyisjust20years ¯ knowwhenyou’veenteredthegirls’aisle.
old and already he is a sophisticated ¯ Everything suddenly has turned pink.
collector. Collecting things is oddly ¯ Several of my friends with young sons
importantformany ofus.
I have other friends who
accumulate Native
American artifacts. And
books. And jazz vinyl
recordings. And Cacti.
And uniforms.
Most of us collect
some-thing evenif this is
only string or a draw full
Of condoms. Our houses
are museums. One ofmy
professors saved sheets
of toilet paper from bathrooms
around the world.
Me, I have.a stupendous
collection of refrigerator
We buy stuff; we give
it away; we receive it;
andwe curateit: Think of
all those shoeboxes lined
UP in Anthony’s bedroom.
Things, clearly,are
important for reasons
beyond the utilitarian.
Evenwearing themevery
second until the day he
dies, Anthony will never
use up all his Shoes. He
buys themto ownandnot
particularly to wear. They
helpmake sense ofwhom
he is - or at least who he
thinks he wants to be.
Because ofthiS, ormaybe
it’s their smell(they give
him a buzz.
Having just survived
the holiday season, we
know the pleasures and
pains of stuff. Did you
get what you want for the
holidays? Did you make
a list? Did you check it
Everyone grumbles
about the materialism of
a onetime religious
celebration. But complain
away, I sure had a
lot of desperate company
last month when I went
foraging for things in the
bleak shopping expanses
of Walmart.
"We slot our
ehildren into gender
patterns as soon as
they are born,
them in blue or
pink blankets.
Walk into any toy
store and you know
when you’ve entered
the girls’ aisle...
Several of my
friends w~th young
sons complain that
it is difficult to find
gender-neutral toys.
’One two-year old
boy loves to play
with brooms and
vacuunl cleaners.
His morn, of course,
has to go to the
girlS’ side to find
toy household
eleanlng equipment.
And, worse, the kid
likes to play with
dolls. His father
nervously protests
his son’s
babydoll games.
" Je~z! Can’t you buy
the boy atru~k?"
This connection Of stuff and identity is
characteristically American. We learn
early on to~ define ourselves in terms of
things, We_+play a:game with children
called "favorites." Weinsist that kids tell
us their favorite"color~ music, television
show, make of car,.or ice-cream. Evenif
complain that it is difficult
to find gender-neutral
toys: One two-ye~ old
boy loves to play with.
brooms and vacuum
cleaners. His ~m0m+ of
course, has to go to the
girls’ side to find toy
household cleaning
equipment. And, worse,
the kid likes to play with
dolls. His father nervously
protests his son’s.
babydoll games. Jeez!
Can’t you buy the boy a
This paternal nervousness
signals the symbolic
strength of the connections
we draw between
things and identity, ff doll
equals girl, thenboy-whoplays
-with-doll equals
girlish, perhaps even Gay.
Our use of particular
things sends messages,
accurate or not, aboutwho.
we might be. We know
that both men and women
need to.practice nurturing.
Butthe doll-loving boy,
like the toy gun-toting girl,
violates the cultural code
of consumption that attributes
gender to things.
And, who knows? Maybe
the Kid really just likes
dolls. Or maybe he has
already figured out our
consumption code and he
likes dolls on purpose in
order to Send dad a
My daughters, too’old
for dolls, and also,too old
for Pokemon, this year
wrote Gameboy camera
on their Christmas lists.
They didn’ t seem worried
about the name. Why
Gameboy and not
Gamegirl? In hierarchical
systems, it is easier to
"ups,h,ift" than "dowm
Shifi. Gifts wear pants.
Not .too many boys wear
¯ dresses. Women become d0ctors; not too
¯ many mendreamaboutbecominganurse.
" Except, perhaps+ some of those sweet,
¯ doff-loving boys of course
~When I was a kid, Barbie dolls didn’t
:~ last long in my neighborhood. We’ d steal
¯ themfromour sisters .and use thbm cruelly.
we aetuallyhave,nofavorites-~ this question ¯ They,w~ould.’be J..gan of Arc atthe stake,
puslies~s tomeasureandsztuateoursel~es: . andWor~.~ If ~eh~d any ~ense, w~ W~~d
svi_thin the w0dd of goods.. So goes .,".ha’ve,ca~-~f~illyst6i?&l them away intheig
American.inff!~iduality:;~and.so..goe~rour..: ." boxes to’become’rich by selling them to
_economy:as well....... ~ , - ....... " ........ ., today’s fanatic Barbie ¢_ollectors: I can
Favorites make less senseintta.ditional~ ~ recommend a great website with-pictures
societies where individuality is ,muted~ ." of.Ken, from 1961 to 2000: Check out
and where the range of goods is.litfiited. ¯ www.manbehindthedoll.com. This guy
But even in ¯simpler societies,¯ things: ." ~ really likes,his boy dol|s.J’m suggesting
differentiate gender.. Women wear : to Anthony thathe build a similar Shrine
differentarticles of clothing than do men~ : to his boy shoes :’ . z
They oftent~s~different tO~Is~ The)~ may .~ Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.’D,~ ~teaChes
noteatihesamefoods~.W,eslotourchi.’l.dren. "- anthropology, at .t:he.~University of Tulsa,
We dedicate an enormous mount of
resources to outreach, networking,
building allies and forging ties with
advocacy, educational and religious
organizations. Even when distribution
goes well, though, it hardly covers our
costs. To do this kind of media work, we
rely on outside support from our friends
who share our goals and understand the
unique role films like IT’ S
and violence.
Pleasehelp us keep thehugemomentum
IT’S ELEMENTARY generated going
strong. Help us welcome the millennium
by getting THAT’S A FAMILY! out of
our editing room and into elementary
school classrooms all across the country.
Please send your tax-deductible
donations toWomen’ s Educational Media,
2180 Bryant Street, Suite 203, San
Francisco,CA94110. Orgo to this interuet
address to makea secure on-line donation
with your visa or mastercard:
Donations of any size will be of great
help. With warm regards and deep
appreciation for your generous support,
- Debra Chasnoffand Helen S. Cohen
P.S. We are honored to let you know
that IT’S ELEMENTARY just won the
1999 Multicultural Education Media
Award,givenby th6National Association
for Multicultural Education (N.A.M.E.).
Weknow this award -- the first N.A.M.E.
has ever given to anything Gay-related
will help us build even better alliances
with educators who are committed to
addressing diversity !ssues. Please help
ustoday to get THAT S A FAMILY! out
where it can be put to good use.
Women’s Educational Media
2180 Bryant Sreet Suite 203
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 641-4616, (415) 641-4632 fax
Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon
said thatRudyde Leon, the under secretary
of defense for personnel, and Douglas
Dw0rkin, the acting general counsel,raised
the matter in a Dec. 18 memorandum to
service leaders. "It is important that the
leadership of each of the services issue a
strong statement to the field that
harassment~of service members for any
reason, to include alleged or perceived
homosexuality, will not be tolerated,"
according to thememo,releasedThursday
by the Defense Department.
Bacon said it had not been made
sufficiently clear to commanders that a
service member’ s complaint about being
harassed for alleged homosexuality is not
grotmds forinvestigating the complainant.
Instead it should be the basis for
investigating the harassers, he said.
image would be one see Jim, p. 14
of a liorrible drago,n,, given the tone of the
oth~"rdationship songs. Melissa asked
her~f,"How much do I love Juiie? I love
her~uchthat I would want to die in her
ar~ Quite a wonderful thing to say
aboi~.’ anyone’s lover, male or female.
"S!O~p" was the answer to the question, a
lovely song about getting away from the
noise ofthe world and snuggling into your
¯¯ lover’s arms and listening to him/her
breathing, and feeling trusting and
comfortable enough with another person
: to be able to sleep. It’s a lovely song of
¯ quiet comfort.
And then there’s issues of equality.
: "Truth of the Heart"is a wonderful ballad
¯ to the truth that "We all begin this race at
: the start" and about how "deep down
: inside we’re all the same / try not tojudge
¯ someone / and never shame." Partnered
for almost 11 years now, the two have two
¯ children of their own. Melissa wrote this
¯ song to explain to their children about ¯
how to deal with life. Words to live by. In
: "MamaI’m Strange", thejoys of growing
¯ up Gay - or just different - is artfully
: explored, with just the fight amountof
¯ angst to remind us where we came from
and how hard the struggle could be at
¯ times~
¯ The single most striking song is called
: "S~carecrow", and it’s about Matthew
¯ Sheppard. She said she hadlots of trouble
," w~riting that because here she was also
¯ writing ’’Truth of the Heart" as well and
felt she couldn’t be writing about people
: being good in one song and denounce
¯ them in another. So the end of the song is
". her way of forgiving (but not forgetting)
the second attacker (I think he was going
¯ to trial or prison at that time). It has to be
: heard to be experienced. If you aren’t
¯ crying and angry after hearing it, you’re
¯ There are two versions of this CD, one
¯ of which is already hard to find. It has ¯
three extra songs, "Touch and Go",
: "Cherry Avenue" (where she mentions
the name of one-of the Lesbian bars in
¯ which she sang for about 4 years before
being discovered -Que Sera), and "My
¯ Beloved", and is released in a cardboard
¯" case. The regular version has 11 songs in
theusual plasticjewel box; Whichincludes
: the lovely ode tounrequitedlove, ’"’Angels
¯ Will Fall". That’ s the one most folks are
¯ going to be familiar with at this point. ¯
For you men out there: I know that in
¯ some-minds, there’s a big chasm between
¯ Gay men and Lesbians, and this extends
¯ to performer preferences. I’ve heard the
¯ nasty comments - from both sides. All I
¯ can say is, get over your prejudices, and
¯ get this CD. It’s well worth it, and
¯ incredible in its beauty and reflection of
life. And, Melissa, you have a new fan.
Thank you Karin, for your contributions
¯ to widening my musical horizons and the
infolmation contained in the above article
about the backgrbund of the songs. Seems
¯ ironic that I’ mbeing tutoredinGay culture
¯ and musical icons by a straight woman, ¯
but suchis life. I feel like I shouldknow all
this alrcady!
." There’s a few things Karin said that I
¯ think bear repeating, for both Melissa
fans, and more importandy, for us all: "I
am so happy that I could bring a singer
¯ into your life who writes and sings from ¯
¯ the heart. VH1 is rertmmng her "Behind
the Music" next week, and I’m going to
tape it for you You’ll like it. It’ s the only
¯ oneI veseenwheretheartmtlsn thit~hing ¯
about something. Someofthemjustwhine
endlessly. ’I love Shania Twain, but her
¯ BTM special was one endless bitch and
¯ whine.
¯ Stevie Nicks doesn’t bitch, but she’s
: had such lousy things happen, to her, by
: her own hand, that it just sounds so
¯ depressing. You know Melissa has been
¯ depressed, butthere’s somuchshedoesn’t
say. I saw John Mellencamp’s BTM
¯ (Behind the Music), I’ve sc~en Cherts
¯ dozens of times, along with Madonna’ s,
and Melissa’ s just seems so upbeat that
Timothy Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney who will fightfor
justice & equality for
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see Jim, p. 15
she seems to have had a great life. Like I
said before, growing up Gay anywhere, I
know from you, is awful, but growing up
Gay in Leavenworth, Kaus~ must be the
pits. She doesn’t make much of anything
depressing. I was veryimpressed. Thanks
for the remark to the Gay men to listen to
Lesbians. I think they shodd each take
heed of that.
And remember, she’s the only one I
know of getting the word out to the
.mainstream crowd. P,e~,,ple like her so
much that they tend to. forget" (or tryto
...forget) that she’s Gay. She doesn’t let
them. ("Someone’s spitting blood/face
downinthe dirt/someone’ s thinking about
~ a gun/to try and stop the hurt/someone
drew conclusious/on the wail of destiny/
someone’s getting louder/and that
someone would be me.") That should be
importanttous ail."- Miss KarinGregory.
And I agree.
Janis Ianis performing Saturday March
4 in Dallas, TX at a club called Uncle
Caivin’s with Buddy Mondlock. And
ladies, as aiways, if you have something
to contribute or would like to see in this
column, please let me know care ofTFN,
or email me at tfnentritr@aol.com.
I wouldn’ twantto disappointthe diehard
readers of this column, so now it’s time
for... The Stevie Nicks mention. She has
a featured track on the new Sheryl Crow
and FriendsCDand video. The song is the
venerable Gold Dust Woman, and she’s
never sounded better! The CD’ s out now,
video to follow. Sarah. McLachlan,
Chrissie Hynde, the Dixie Chicks and
others aiso sing with Sheryl. And Stevie
still has a few shows left to do in Las
Vegas at the house of Blues this month.
Hernew album, first duein October oflast
year, now set for sometime this year,
maybe, is being produced by one of the
better known producers of hip hop and
rap. I’d mention the name, but I caff t
rememberit. Shery! Crow was producing,
which wouldhavemadefor an interesting
aibum - she did the excellent jobs of
producing the Stevie songs forthe Practical
Magic soundtrack. Stevie and rap... That
will be interesting as well, aithough I fear
for different ~easous. We shall see.., or
The ever handsome pianist Jim
Brickman performed at the PAC on
December 10, 1999, along with the very
talented John Trones and the beautiful
Anne Cochran. The show was lovely, an
eveningofromance and seasonal favorites,
and as Mr. Brickman described the
evening, much like a gathering of friends
round the piano. Okay, if the friends had
areally large living room, and reaily good
- moodlighting. Andamplifiers. Thegroup
.i did a swell job ofmaking a cavern into an
intimate cabaret. Mx. Brickman has a
charming sense ofhumor and intelligence
.to complementhis goodlooks. (Evenbetter
m person and up close. I love my job...)
He seemed very relaxed, and it was like
meeting an old friend for the first dine.
His playing can certainly set amood, from
exuberant to melancholy and romantic all
at the same time; and has a warmth to it
thatis reminiscentof spending the evening
with a loved one by a fire.
Or, if you’ re .single, as I am, curledup in
a comforter with a good book and cup, of
cocoa. Now that weknow how I spendmy
evenings... What? Have I said too much?
Mr. Brickman is a prolific songwriter as
well, setting words to music that is lovely
: to hear and unabashedly sentimental in
: Anne Cochran, who met Mr. Brickman
¯ inhigh school, where they formed aband,
: has one of the most incredible voices I’ve
: heard. And her phrasing with a song is
: immaculate. Shecaptured thewarmthand
joy of the compositions she performed
withexpertease, andhas alovely, energetic
yet relaxed stage presence that also added
to the ambiance of the evening. She has a
new CD out called "Lucky Girl’_’, which I
would highly recommend for a gift based
on whatI heard that evening. Iwould have
one in my hot little hands right now had
they not been sold out. She isa name you
might be familiar with, she has had a top
¯ 5 hit with Jim Bfickman on the song
: -"After All These Years" which has been
: reed by skater Rosalyun:Summers, both
: live and recorded. It was also the song
¯ used on the final episode of "Home
: Improvement", andshe will be featured in
:- the Lifetime television speciai"A Golden
Moment". Definitely worth checking out.
You can order her CD at
John Trones (pronounced ~tro-ness’),
who is as nice and gorgeous as he is
.talented (what a voice! whata smile! what
a chest! what a pleasant man!), was a
delight to listen to as well.
With a million dollar smile that shines
like a searchlight, and a voice that has
incrediblerange and expressiOn,hejoined
Anne on several numbers and had some
lovely solos. His singing soared through
the Chapman theatre and could melt the
most hardened heart. He has an aibum of
standards and ballads out called
"Forward", which I was able to snag and
most definitely would make a great
Valentine’s girlie for the special man on
your list. He can melt the ice off the fiorth
Pole with that voice, and his phrasing and
reading of the standards is right on target.
A pity he’s in Minneapolis, I would love
to see more of him. He does Cabaret there
at Blanche’s, and has performed in a
number of Gay plays, listed on his web
site, www.JohnTrones.com, which is
worth a look. You can also order his CD
After listening to several review CDs of
dubious quality sent to TFN, put out by
Gay artists of dubious talent, attempting
to sing standards and not succeeding very
well at anything other than murdering the
music, I am glad to say that his would be
the one I would, and did, purchase.
They were joined by Tracy Silverman
on electric violin, and he did quite an
interesting variationonthe Beade’ s"Here
Comes The Sun". His playing added an
interesting embellishment to Mr.
Brickman’s piano. I will say he had the
most lovely and LONG hair I’ ve seen on
aman in along time. He has an album out
on Windham Hill records. If you get the
chance to catch any or all of these artists
should they make a return appearance,
DO SO! You won’t regret it. Just make
sure you have a date, and one that won’t
stand you up.
I was looking forward to Peter Buffett’ s
"Spirit: A Journey in Dance, Drum, and
Song"aunique blend of Native American
and contemporary music, dance, and
storytelling, to have been held January 3
and 4th, 2000 at the Brady Theatre.
According to the latest info, ail spring
dates have been put onhold. According to
my sources, a late spring tour is in the
James Christjohn serves as TFN
Entertainment editor with emphasis on
the performing arts.
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[2000] Tulsa Family News, January 2000; Volume 7, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/596.