[2000] Tulsa Family News, February 2000; Volume 7, Issue 2


[2000] Tulsa Family News, February 2000; Volume 7, Issue 2


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


February 2000


James Christjohn
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, January 2000; Volume 7, Issue 6


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Bishop.Spong Retires
TEANECK, N.J. (AP) - Bishop John Spong, an
outspoken supporter of the ordination of Gays and
women, and blessings of same-sex unions in the
Episcopal church, retired in January as head of the
Diocese of Newark. Spong, 68, celebrated one of his
final services as bishop at the Glenpointe Marriott
ballroom before hundreds of guests. His successor will
be John Croneberger.
Since his elevation to bishop in 1976, Spong has
raised eyebrows and blood pressures for his beliefs_
ranging from women becoming priests to supporting
same-sex marriages to the ordination of openly Gay
ministers. ButSpong, a native of Charlotte, N.C. who
speaks with the slightest ac~ut, left the diocese with
few words of controversy. "It’sjust the next stage ofmy
life," said Spong. .’,.
"Basically, I’ve been a bishop, but also an author and
lecturer," he said. "But in all ofmy ordained life, it was
participating in movements of people who’ve been
diminished in society, like people of color and Gays,
that the church has diminished where I’ve worked."
Among those present at Friday’s 126th annual
convention of the Diocese of Newark were the Rev.
Richard HollowayofEdinburgh; ~.-~- - See Spong~.p.lO
Southwest Air Adds, Non-
Discrimination Policies
DALLAS - Southwest Airlines has amended its nondiscrimination
and anti-harassment policies to include
sexual orientation, according to Chief Executive Herb
The move, announced Jan. 24, came after a spate of
alleged anti-Gay harassment at the airline, which led
some Southwest employees to raise safety concerns.
The tensions boiled over when Southwest Airlines’
Pilots’ Associationpublished ahomophobicletterfrom
one of its members in its December newsletter.
The letter, by Capt. Gary S. Ward, urged Kelleher to
reject calls for the airline to provide domestic partner
benefits saying, ’Will therebeaneedto hireadepartment
to check on who is shackin..e, t~p with whom?" The
newsletterinstructedpilots to write theirownlettersand
deliverthemto their SWAPArepresentativefordeftvcry
to Kelleher.
Dean Hervochon, vice president of the Transport
Workers Union Local 556 representing Southwest’s
flight attendants, said the publication "institutionalized
homophobia" and created a hostile work environment
that "could jeopardize the safety of all persons on the
aircraft." "If the front doesn’t talk to the back of the
airplane, you’ve got a problem," Hervochon told
Kelleher and leaders of sWAPA and TWU met Jan.
17 to discuss how to respond.TWUrepresentatives also
pressed Kelleher to add sexual orientation to the antiharassment
andnon-discriminationpolicies. Meanwhile,
the vice presidents for flight operations and in-flight
services along with SWAPA and TWU officials sent a
letter Jan. 20 to flight attendants and pilots attempting to
defusethe situation. Howcver, Gayemployees criticized
the letter as inadequate and for using objectionable
language, such as "lifestyle choices."
Then Kelleher announced the change in company
policy in a letter to all Southwest Airlines employees.
"Forsomeyears, I have explidfly declined toamendour
anti-harassment and see SWAir, p. 10
" Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families .+ Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation CommunityP~perA~vailable In More Than 75. City Locations
!Teachers Credit Union: No
:-Loan for Lesbians as Couple
: Credit Union AskedAuto Dealer If They Were Gay
¯ TULSA- WhenTheresaandJoanWrightwenttoTulsaTeachers
" Credit Union, they just wanted a car loan. The women are
: expecting their second child and had found a van.at a local auto
: collection. And since they have shared checking and savings
accounts at Tulsa Teachers Credit Union, and good credit, they
: naturally went there, expecting that getting a loan would be
: relafivd~ painless. "
.i.~ ~Wlmt they experienced they say, however, was hurtful and
~; dUenmioenan(riInTgC. U,A)c, cnoortdoinnlgytroeftuhseedWtoriegvhatlsu,aTteutlhsaemTeaascahceoruspCler,eid.ei.t
: basing alOan!on their combined income but someone from the
: creditunion evencalled theauto dealershipaskingifthedealership
: staff"knew they were Gay?"
¯ And the Wrights characterized the behavior of their loan
officer, Sandy Roth as very rude, particularly about the issue of
: evaluating their joint income for loan purpose. Roth refused to
¯ look at their joint income saying it was because they are not
". married.
In contrast to Tulsa Teachers Credit Union, a loan officer at
i Tulsa Municipal Employees Credit Union stated that they accept
¯ unmarried couples withcombinedhouseholds as loan applicants,
: noting that she’d assisted at least two Lesbian and two Gay
: couples with loans.
¯ Bank of Oklahoma stated that they had not always accepted
: couples whose relationships were not legally recognized but that
: they now do so. And a senior officer at Spirit Bank encouraged
¯ Lesbian.and Gay couples to apply with her bank, noting that
: Spirit Bank would not tolerate anti-Lesbian or Gay bias.
." Theresa Wright noted that Ms. Roth refused even to look her
: in the eye when she went in to sign the loan papers. The Wrights
: noted that the dealership, in contrast to the credit union, was very
¯ nice, and that irwas the manager assisting them in purchasing
¯ their new vehicle, who said, "I’m just going to say something.
: Your bank called and wanted to know the nature of .your
: re!ationship-are they Gay?" Heassuredthemthathis organization
¯¯ welcomed everyone and also had Gay people working for it. Ms. Rpth’s su_l~’visor-at TI’CU, David Snyder refused to
comm~h~ and ref~ed’~ to Chuck Reed, ~ see Credit,p. 10
¯ TulsaPFLAG & TOHRmembersmarchedfor thefirst time in the ¯
Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Parade in January.
TOHR Receives a. $10k Grant
i TULSA-Inmid-December, TulsaOklahomasforHumanRights
¯ (TOHR) received a $10,000 grant from the Colin Higgius
: Foundation. Thegrantis for the Tnlsa Gay Community Services
: Center programming, marketing and development expansion
¯ project. Specific goals of the project include the production and
: distribution of a €ommttnity referral guide, the enhancement of
_" Lesbian Connection- a program that encourages increased
: involvementfromthewomenofourcommunity, and anexpanded
¯¯ Pride 2000 Festival.
The marketing and development aspects of the project will
focus on enhanced communication and media inaterial as well as
¯ increased membership and volunteer involvement.
: The Colin Higgins Foundation is based in San Francisco,
: California. Colin Higgins,screenwriter, director and producer,
: established the Foundation in 1986. Mr. Higgins is remembered
¯ for his remarkable human comedies, including Harold and
: Maude, Silverstreak, Foul Play and Nine To Five.
: He created the Foundation in order to further his humanitarian
: goals. OneoftheFoundation’smainprioritiesistoempowerGay
menand Lesbiansby supporting community-based organizations
: that combat homophobia and foster leadership.
: TOHRdirectors indicated thatitis honored to receive thegrant
: and that they have ambitious goals for 2000 and beyond.
New Pastor Leads at
Tulsa’s MCC-United
¯ TULSA - After a number of months with an
¯ interim pastor, Oklahoma’s oldest extant Lesbian
¯ andGayorganization, theMetropolitanCommunity
¯ Church United (MCCU), has a new pastor, the
¯ ReverendCathy l~liott, whojoinedthecongregation
¯ at theend of 1’999.
¯ Elliott,grewupin themidwest, butcame toTulsa
¯ from Florida where she was invoIved with two
: Metropolitan Community Churches in the MCC
Fellowship. However, prior to working in Florida,
¯ she served a Congregation in-Rochester, New York
¯ and some years ago, was associated with the MCC
¯ in Little Rock.
Like many MCC pastors, Elliott came to the
¯ MCC Fellowship through a winding path, having
¯ become more serious about her faith while at
university. There, she joined a church that was
¯ theologically evangelical, but after a fe~v years, as
¯ sheacknowledgedbring Lesbian, she foundherself
¯ becoming involved in an MCC that was about 40
miles away. Anditwas fromthis initial association,
: that her calling to the ministry came.
¯ In a recent interview with TFN, Elliott praised
¯ theworkhernew congregationhaddoneinmerging
¯ the formerly two separate churches, MCC-Greater
¯ Tulsa and Family of Faith MCC. As she and they
¯ havebeguntobecomeacquainled, thecongregation
¯ is looking at how they will grow, spiritually and
¯ Some members of the congregation .have also
¯ become involved in a serious social action
¯ organization, called Soul Force. The group was
¯ founded by MCC pastor and writer, the Reverend
¯ Mel White. White, who once wrote for anti-Gay
¯ evangelical such as Jerry. Falwell, modeled Soul
¯ Force on the theories of non-violent confrontation
" for social .change of Martin Luther King, Jr. and
¯ MahatmaoGhandi.
see Elliott, p. 11.
¯ Marriage Is Civil-Rights
"Issue Says Vermonter
: MONTPELIER,Vt. (AP)-One ofthemostpainful
: things about figuring out he was Gay as a teen-ager
¯ was coming to the realization that he would never
: get married and have a family. Ed Flanagan came
¯ from an Irish-Catholic family, one of five kids,
: "four straight and one Gay," he says. His fatherhad
: an alcohol problem and"the end resnlt was that we
¯ childrenwerevery, very closein terms ofsupporting
: each other to get through that environment." His
: relationships with his brother and three sisters
: "have been very crucial in terms of all of the five of
: us surviving and flourishing," Flanagan said. "It’s
¯ a very strong presence that we all feel with one
: another and a source of important emotional
¯ support."
Trying to find a place within the Gay comrmmity
: ofthe 1960s and ’70s wasn’t easy for someone with
: such strong family ties. "That culture back then did
¯ not accommodate the id_ea,,o,f family," he said in an
interview this past week. In the midst of the Gay
: culture I felt Very alien, for that reason and others."
: Now that culture is changing, it’s "becoming more
¯ family-oriented, and longer-term relationships are
¯" becoming more prevalent," Flanagan said. And
¯ state law appears to be changing, too.
¯ Today, Flanagan sees a future in which getting
married, perhaps even being aparent, may become
: options forhimandotherGaysandLesbians. There
." may be an oasis on the horizon for people who have
¯ wandered much of their lives in an emotional
: desert. And as the first and still only openly Gay
¯ man in the country to hold a statewide elective
: office, Flanagan believes he might be in the right
¯ time- the dawn of a new millennium - and place -
". Vermont - to help bring that future about. ’~l’his is
: the course ofhistory inVermont. Here it is andhere
: I am," he said.
Fromthe windows oftheoffice 6fstate auditorof
: accounts, see Ed, p. 11
Tulaa Cluba & Reataumnta
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33
*CTg’s, 1737S. Memorial
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
-*The Mix, 2630 E. 15th
712-2324 :
610-5323 :
749-4511 :.
749-1563 ~
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square 744-4280 ¯
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st- 745-9998
*Silver Star. Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
~The Storm, 21,82S, Sheridan
*Renegades/iRainbowRoom, 1649 S: Main-
.~Tdrl-’ BOX, 1338~13.>3ra ~° : :: : :: :’"~84~ l~3"0g "
~ ~ ’:r ,TUl~a BUsinesses, Services, & Professionals ~:
Advanced WireleSs & PCS, Digital Cellular- .. 74%1508
*Assoc. in Med. &Mental Health, 2325 S.Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health& Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes &Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 523 1 E. 41
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
. 712=1122.
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale -
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria .
Cherry St Psy_cho~eralff, 1,51~5 S,. Lew*s .581-trot
Community Cleamng, heruy tsager ;,~....., onK-~-~
Tim Daniel, Attorney 33z-~tr*, ~....-~
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady
584-0337, 7i2-9379
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books & Videos; 821 S. Sheridan
*Ross Edward Salon
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th PI.
Cathy Fmlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr.
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
I_eanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy~ 2865 E. Skelly
*International Toms ¯
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 151h
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kdly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo
*The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor
Rainbowz on the River B+B,POB 696,74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
744-9595 ¯
610-0880 -
628-3709 :
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard ~
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding
*Wherehouse Music, 5150 S. Sheridan
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101
All Sods Unitarian Chmch~ 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 "
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
~Chapman Student:Ctr.; University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*Church of the Resto~ationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
,C.-ommunity ofHopeUnitedMethodist, 2545 S" Yale 747-6300
,CommunityUnitafian-Universalist Congregation
Council Oak Men’s Chorale
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475
*Fellowship Congre,g. _Church, info" 58%4669
*Free SpiritWomen s Center, cm " 747-6827
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlink.net
Publisher + Editor: " "
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Barry H~nsley, J.-P. Legrandbouche,
Lamont Lindstrom, .Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers ~..
Member of The Associated Press :
Issued on or before’the 1st~af,cach~m0nth,-the enUre~contents.;
of this publication: ar6 ptrt~t&l?l~tda:~yrightl~~
T~€( F~,~ N~€~ ~fid may ~6t~ ~q~oducetl’,~ ~:
wholeorin partwithoutwritten~Ssionfromth~publisli&:.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate a person’s
sexual orientation. Correspondence is, assumed to be. for
publication unless otherwise noted, must be signed& becomes
the sole property of T~J.~~Nc~u÷ ~acli reader
is entitled to 4 copies of each edidon at ,distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
" Gay Pro Lifers March On
¯ Onjanuary24,2000,about20members
:of the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays .and
: Leshi.ans. (PLAGAL). did an am.P_y~ng
:,~ at the annual Marcia ior Lit-e protesung
:. the Roe vs. Wade decision on its
i nnniversary despite being .tl~¯cate_n.e.d
.: March told PLAGAL that they~.~uta no_
¯ march, s~n,,c~_, they. ,,w,ere Gay.-Now, if
:. PLAGAL closet’ed themsd~ andjust
....~9A%~e’Righ.t to t~te MarCH, an
oth groups,_w, eaUow t0.ma@be,. hind
~: b:~nners- refl~tingtheir various eiamcnes,
: organizations or states but if.PLAGA~
¯ m~mbers carried its banner, they woma
". be arrested and thrown in jail.
¯¯ This being known at the annual
" members decided to risk being arrested.
"_ After all, they reasoned it would be
hypocritical ffPLAGALhid at the March
,FHufiieVndEsRinCUennitteyr,S4o1c3ia8lCOhrags.,.PPaOgBeB85lv4~2a, 174101 - -558832--60641318 .:~ .fhoarrdLtiofebewinhcelnudfoerdoypeearnslytihnepyrifdoeuegvhetnstos
:Tulsa C.A.R:E.S., 3507 E. Admi
834Z4194 : ~-indparadeswithinitsowncommunity.in
Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st " 481-1111 ." addition, if PLAGAL bowed to the
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention,.E~_u__ca~on _ 83~8378 : 0ressmesimposedbytheorganizers, they
*House of the Holy Spirit Miustries, 3?~l,0e,,S,~%Nff~rw~oo~ 2437 .. : ~do the Gay ~)mmunity no, g.oqd..
lnt,~fslth IDSMinistries ’ ~..~6-/~-I,DI, OUU-~.~’I-z¢’~, ... By.not marching, they would be
~’l~"~mA’ted,i623 N, Maplewood - .: g ~8-~~ ~
ac~nowiedging that is was fight t~o hate
I~AMES Project,3507 E. Ad_mi,ml_ ~PI,: ..... ~, ~,~a~_~.~ ¯ and this would be a backward step.
NOW, Nat’lOrg. forWomen~POB lqotas, t,H3y :)to-o,, :. PLAGAL members do not want to be
OK Spokes Club ~cyding), FOB 9i65, 74157 . excluded from the Gay community just
*OSU-Tulsa . "
PFLAG, FOB 52800, 74152
749-4901 -
*Harmed parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 58%7674 :
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
~ 749-4195
*Red Rock Mental.Center, 1724 E. 8
584-2325 ."
.O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults :
O’RYAN, ~r. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth "
St. Aid,art’s Episcopal Chinch, 4045N. Cincinnati 425-7882
S,, r~,,-~tan’s EniScoval, 5635 E. 71st
492-7140 "
~t.Jer~--~me’s P~arish ~hurch, 205 W. King 582-3088 "
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
*TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
?ulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thmsdays only
Tulsa Olda. for HumanRights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc.
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*~ulsa Gay Comn;unity Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105 743-4297
Unity Churchof Christianity,3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information:
*Tahlequah Unitarian-UniversalistChinch
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001N. Grand
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
Autumn Breeze Restamant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restamant, 5 Center St.
Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
Geek to Go!,~ PC Specialist, FOB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
White Light, 1 Center St.
*Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
501-253-7734 "
501-253-7457 "
501-253-6807 ¯
501-253-2776 "
501-624-6646 ¯
501-253-6001 "
501-253-4074 "
* is where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay-owned butallare Gay-frlendly.
becameoftheirpro-lifebeliefs andvalues, ~okmewise, they do want to be excluded
the pro-life communityjustbecause
they are Lesbian and Gay. Therefore,
despite the threats, PLAGALappegr,ex]_at
. them. PLAGAL .members maneuvered.
around the police and entered the parade
further up the street marching under their
banner with the word "censored" taped
across so everyone would know what the
vords were underneath. Their decision to
was noted in The Washington Post, The
Washington Times, and several others
news publications throughoutthe counlry.
Themajority ofGays and Lesbians may
not share the briefs ofPLAGAL,but the~
shouldbeproud ofthis small group within
its community. PLAGAL’s presence was
a step toward bridging the gap between
those individuals and the Gay community
as a whole.
At the end of the march, members of
FemtmstforLife , Colleg~ates for Life ,
Catholic priests and bishops, and others
from all walks of life and religions
congratulated and thanked PLAGAL.
see Letters, p.8
An nouncements Policy
Tulsa Family News will provide space
for holy union ceremony, marriage
ceremony, birth, adoption~ .and death
announcements ona space availablebasis.
Photos are welcome, though we cannot
promise placement o~r ,re~ttEn ~e~, so
please send copies to I utsa ~ amtty ~vews,
POB 4140, Tulsa 74159. ~
¯ ~. Letters Policy :~’
i" Tulk~’Fam@ News welcomes letters
0~ issfi~:,which we’ve covered or~on
issues you think need to be considered.
You may request that your name be withheld
but letters must be signed & have
phonenumbers, or be hand ddivered. 200
word letters are preferred. Letters to other
publications will be re-printed as is
byChristoptterGraff " ~ Solawmakers arefaced withadivision thatis widening
¯ !dONTPF.l.lP.R, Vt,(AP)-DonnaLescoeofStarksb°r° ¯ atatime they are looking for .~...useus~s_;ReP.- T~o~. Little,
: had a simple message for legislators when she testified the chairman of the.HouseJudidary COmm;ttee, ls aman
,,onGaymmriage."Beheroes~" ~ who has a keen ability to fmd commonground and to
lawmakers tohavethe courage toextendi¯ stitch together=. divisions, He Js -a Repubfican who : the nmrriage laws tOincludeGays¯ and Lesbians. , commandS’.re.speCt.from-b.oth par.fies~:~But he seetmhaend
,r :, -~ ,,,~h, SO simule It is hard to be a hero , frustrated this past. week by the w~demng rather
bv Tom Neal, puoltflg,r & eaztor .... . u ~t ~,~,. ,~ v _:.. ..... ¯ ¯ . ohab y most non-Gry O @Oma : i .".es,the o ti=.rew.lawmakers
they had no Lesbian orGcoa:ynstfl.uents.. wmlesomeoi *_..m°nmemlle’mmma-,em. vm,.~°~-nsare.s°ucmP.".........
_,. mp ..-...~
. " w~’lling to casts: vote that
them aresimply bigots, many of them know that they- . looked _li~..e .anything bu.~....... . €ouldbothdrlast.Nomatter
oughtto:~be mpportive of basic.civil fights for Gay "- heroe~ folio.wt~.g a re~,,.m " ’~f’k,, ~-~..!. f~ogn6 lavcmaker~ ~. - l~nw stron~ the evidence that
........ " " " ¯ Ilk UUIIC aaa,o ..~.~ .~--~- .~
~aUzens.’But they are scared that,treating Gay people Tuesday__ mg P, . _ _
¯ ,. " . ¯ " ’, , . " " ¯ " .. " * "
~..,faidy. ..w..a.l.l so, mc,e,nse. othvegr te:rs~.. that they., are=oft.m__:..., _h-.~,g~!tgo~-a.~a-~.t ....... not ea@-. It ~s nothln~ less dmiedthdr dviln~ghts;~t~s
~.~lhdistta~ttishfibt~ fr0in Oldalaoma R~publicans. ,,-~ ~ ~ ....shell’sn,°q~cm-a~Y-~ ~ : ~ ./ !* ..../ ....L .... - t...a f~ra leoislator to cast a
¯will be~ deaded 0n TU~da.y;Match 14th. Some 0f,the " them9bPere:!lapfs noeverr e. o[ Freedomand Unlt-~. firestormot races are dfeetivdy settled (Brady Pringledoes~have a i have .1..~0,l~.!e att_~dyd
Democratic oppon~eatbut in thai~ heavily Republican . a pum~c nearing at me " How to ~ve Gays and Lesbians :polls in November.
district, it likely doesn’t matter), but others ~ar~.. still : Statehouse.Andthenumber
unsettled. " - ~ ¯ ~ " : ¯ would have been thousands
Of particular interestto TulSa’s Lesbian and Gay - moreifasnowstormhadnot
commlmities is Cound! District 4 .for which former ~ kept many away.
.~ Yes, eye.one who spoke
And even if lawmakers
tl~elr ~xlom an~l yet preserve tl~e craft a package extending to
unity at the state~
Gays and Lesbians benefits
such as having a say in the
It is the stm~ heroes are madeo[." medical decisions of, their
incumbent Gary W~tts ischallengingcurrentincumbent parmers;theyknow therewill
Anna Falling. While _.Gay and ~tiian households a~ - wascivil.Butthecivilitydid
foundthroughont thedty~-thisdistri¢t,mosflyMidtown, ; not mask the passion: Or the division. The tremors in " be a vote on the.floor on same-sex marriage - and that
is. easily the most. heavily Gaylone.of the..dt~ For_ ~ people’s voices, a mixture of nerves .and emotion, spoke - tally, no matter what the outcome, will beused in .the fall
examp!e,jnstonornextttlny_v~;shortbloek~thereare " volumes about-the depths of feeling.~ What became " elections. " Following .the hearing it seemed m the
at least six Gay families2 . i-.~~ ~. - ,.. -. :. apparent’at theheming is thatthe two sides are moving : Statehouse timt lawmakers would like to f’md a way to
. One could argue, of course, that- Ms~ Fallingrs very -- fresher aparL - avoidany voteonthis issue this year.Theideaofcreating
nubile lan.qe., in oood iudoment onnon-Gav issues (win ~-" WhentheSupr_em~eC.o.urtissuedi~.~be.r.idec.i.’s.ion :.a special com~!ssio.n .to .craft. a solu~o~n ,~an~d .rgel~O~ht;o~ r..::-:~.,r.:-- ,, < .,r-~-.,. ..... : ~. nsband~s~ -_ sa g Gays and Lesbians are eg.~fled tP the rights,. ". law.n~Kersnex[yearmt~mgatscus.ssa.tmt _P~r.napsua~ her recycling program pu.bfic or private, her h ...... ym ¯ ¯ ¯ - - ...... . o t the
¯ n,mmdfi~oroaniTatlon arml~n~f0~nUbficfundson.which ¯ bendits and protecuons gtvenroamedcouples, e_veryone ¯ ~sjustamo.m~entar~. ,.a.nd, ex.p.ected hesitancy foil w ng
~.~’~l"~.---e7------rr:~--~, r , i . - . ,~ " .t,d--.A ~,~,~teww P,,-a~e and I ~=~h~rt~ ~.q e coul"t -" na~sion80t tile DUDIIC lleallnl~.
.snewastovote),areenoughtopersuaaeLesmananatJay - ’-~..’2p~. ""~"*,?." ""~ .’~"..~"~’.’.’-:...l.~a~s.ed the.. .
~_~__,= _r.t.~_.,~,,t,.nm,~tttiiiX~endnnhowthedebateis
_ " ~.F2.-............¯,.;~.l,~.t~.i .r~v.r,~--..,~.t.~.n.f.~..e.-~_e.x. mam__aaoge al80 rimmed ¯ frmned m the comm~_ weeks. Opponents ll,ge me. m. p ,L. arg.en.t a.n.dl.na.ol.e .sul.tra.-e.xtr.em.e.re.ng.to.-po.n.u.co.s,.a.no..-..~,¯ .t.~, b~" ause the court di¯d not stri¯ke down the state,s .¯ are seeki"ng to" portray the Supreme Court deeimon as
her rtosuu[y Io OUr t’I1oe evenls, it s Cl~ar Inat amlost . ,a,.~..j . . . .
. . .
,,~....,,1,1 h~ ~,~tt,~ ¯ mamage laws~ Bishop Kenneth Angell calle~_, the court . some_ra.di.’.ca.l, andug,com.ttm.~fio.na).mo.ye ,F~Ve.nnon.t.ers,
~:................ -
ruling aadecisivevictoryfor.tradifionalmamage."
¯ thoughdtlshardtotmagrnet~meIJusuceJenreyAmestoY, Thatbringsus toGaryWatts. Gary,likesomeOklahoma -
Democrats is not particularly prejudiced. Like those : R seemed at that moment that legislation creating
same Democrats, he’s not shown much leadership, He : dthormouegshti.cBpuatritnnetrhsehmiposnftohrsGinacyestahneddeLceissbioianntshewtowuolds.l~ose~s
and they don’t haleus - theyjust don’.t want to deal with -
our issues. have’ staked out positions worlds aparL
,But sOi~eone"s got to.start, kno@ing that.we’ll lose the
first or five engagements but that.each time our issues,
like a city non-discrimination ordinance, or equal
compensation (full benefits for our familiesas well as
equal wages)for Gay cityemployees, or a city domestic
partners registry, are debated,the public learns. I believe
that-Oklahomans are basically fair and eventually will
respond to a reasoned argument.
And in the meantime, a fair-minded city councilor
could push for administrative changes, like getting the
"diversity" training forourpolice departmentto deal with
more than just race. After all, it’s our city too.
: Bishop An,g,ell recently-condemned domestic
: partnerships as steponetowardfullacceptanceofsame- "
¯ sex marriage" and has evenchallenged ~evalidity ofthe
¯ Supreme C,o.~_~ ruling itseLf, saying ~.his~t.o ,arms,to .
Catholics, q~ere are many sound legm minus WhO .
¯ question the Supreme Court’s authority to even issue "
¯ such mandates to the legislature.’"
: At the same time, Gays and Lesbians are saying a ¯
system of domestic partnerships is insufficient to meet "
the spiritofthe Supreme Courtrtding. Adomesticpartner "
sounds like someone who cleans the house, Jonathan
Radigan told lawmakers.
: amuchbeloved andeminentlyrespectedpersonwhois as
: moderate and generally as cautious as they come, doing
¯ something radical or unconstitutional. It was Amestoy
: who wrote the court rnling.
: Andthe hearingdidmuchtoeducatenotju~tlawmnkers,
but also the public at large. ~Vermont Public Radio did a
great service by broadcasting the hearing statewide.
Vermonters of all political and social back_groun.ds .got a
chance to hear the scripture readings, the pasmon, the
division. They also got to hearfrom the real.people whose
lives will be most affected by the legislative action.
The task facing lawmakers is noteasy. It is nothing less
than living up to the state’s motto of "’Freedom and
Unity." How to giveGays andLesbians theirfreedomand
yet preserve the unity of the state?
It is the stuff heroes are made of.
by Dave Fleischer, Senior Fellow Policy Institute
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
We love coming out - except when we hate it.
Welovereminiscing onand celebrating ourpast acts of
daring. Comingoutishow wediscoveredbothcommunity
and freedom. It’s how we found both love and a life.
But it’s hard to snmmon the energy and courage to
come out 24/7 - to ask, tell, and pursue on a daily basis.
That’s why campaigns sidestep the "G" word. When
we say~ person-to-person, "What do you think ,a,b~,ut tl~."s
anti-Gay ballot measure?", we are also asking, "What do
you think about me? Do you see me as a human being,
although I’m Gay and you probably aren’tT’
’. Most campaigns avoid coming out, way out_ They
rarely engage voters .perso.n-to-person, and of,te~, av~oid
mentioning sexual on~mtataon. Recent research oy ls.en
~eager (himself an openly-~ay candidate for office)
~uggests that57% of candidate’~ who think of themselves
as "openly Gay" don’t actually disclose their sexual
orientation to voters before the election.
Likewise, many campaigns to defeat anti-Gay ballot
measures twist themselves into p~etzels to avoid the
words "Gay", "Lesbian", or that new scare word
(rarely so clearly):
Thd challengeofbeing outhas turned us inward before.
: Look around our community. Most of our organizations
: are refuges -"safe space"- safe from meaningful
¯ encounters with straight people. We draw 200,000 to a
: pride parade to celebrate, yet only a relative handful to
¯ political campaigns to safeguard our fights.
¯ But relying onrefuges is a risky strategy. It suggests to
: our opponents that the rest of the world is theirs, and it
¯ leaves us vulnerable topolitical attack. Soplease consider
¯ afew specificcoming-outactionsthatbuildourcollective ¯
power and don’t unduly disrupt your everyday life.
¯ 1. Join acampaign where you get to ask voters one-on-
: one, preferably face-to-face, if we can count-on their
¯ votes.
In 2000, California, Miami-Dade County, Florida,
¯ Maine, and possibly Oregon face ballot measures that
¯ affect your rights. If you live in one of these places, join ¯
your local campaign.
If you used to live in one, make a list of everyone you
; know in your old hometown. Dig out your old address
book or high school yearbook. Ask your siblings or
parents to jog your memory. I’ll bet you know at least 50
¯ people you can call. Whea you reach them, explain the
and ask if we can count on
: "Hometown Project", because it builds on the power of
¯ our relationships with family and friends, even when
; we’ve been out of touch.
: If you have never lived in the hot-spots du jour, don’t
¯ feel neglected. Make a list of everyone you know who
does live in one. You must know 20 people. Send them
¯ this colnmn. Follow uponthephone.Weneedevery vote,
¯ and you will help create a new habit of doing the one-on-
" one ask.
~ 2. Host a house party to raise money for one of the
communities under attack. Invite 120 friends and
." acquaintances to your home to hear about this new wave
¯ of ballot measures. Call all 120 personally and ask each
¯ to come. You will bring together 40 people, raise a ¯
minimum of $1000, and f’md at, least six new volunteers.
¯ 3. Get training. If face-to-face voter contact sounds
: intimidating, seek out training, At the¯National Gay &
¯ Lesbian Task Force Creating Change conference ¯
November 10-14, we taught the nuts and bolts, went
¯ door-to-door talking with Oakland voters about the anti-
-¯ Gay-marriage Knight Initiative. In one evening, we will
identified hundreds of our supporters, and educated
undecided, voters.
,. rput up the periscooI~..~::~t~sgreat that our community
- but reality
In some cases, the registry document can provide
further legal proof of a relationship, Roche said. It
could come into play, for exhmple, when a Gay couple
with jointly owned assets separates.
The registry stirred relatively little opposition in
Ashland, where it was approvea by a 4-1 vote of the
City Council, Roche said. Nationally, registries have
spurred voter initiatives and lawsuits. Courts validated
Atlanta’s registry but overturned a registry in
Minneapolis, according to the Lmnbda Legal Defense
and Education Fund. The registries can be designed !o
~PP!~ ~ both Gays and t~f~rosextml~i~,as Seattle s
i~,i[~i~ ~bepurely ;~.~ml~6iic o{’~iV~ sp~i~...d
tl~e-~ ’~ :: ~ :": " ~. -" ’ .~
i .Reform
:Same-Gender Rituals
NEW YORK (AP).=-Two years after they postponed
a contentious showdown over same-sex blessing
rituals, the rabbis ofJudaism"S liberal Reform branch
will face a decision on the issue at this year’s
convention. Leaders of the 200-member Women’s
Rabbinic Network have agreed to force the issue by
submitting a resolution sanctioning such ceremonies
to the Central Conference OfAmerican Rabbis, which
holds-*its national convention, March 26-29 in
Greensboro, North Carolina.
The coqeaders of the women’s network, Rabbis
Shira Stem and Susan-Stone, said the resolution
agreed" to’recently will differ only slightly from a
proposed text the same group published in January.
" That text said: "The relationship of a Jewish, samegender
couple is worthy ofaffirmation through
appropriate Jewish ritual and. :-: .each rabbi should
decide ab0ut-0l’ficiafio-n- a~,Ysfdin-g-t6 hig/her"own
rabbinic conscience." The conference’s top two
officials had signed a January declaration urging all
American tdig~ons to normalize same-sex couples.
And a conference Sexuality study committee in 1998
.. endorSed recognition rituals for such couples.
The women’s net~brk cffes the sexuality
i C~mtifittee’s view that Judaism’s historic opposition
¯ to homosexual behavior no longer applies.
But there is division within Reform rabbinic ranks.
: The conference’s "responsa comnuttee,’,whose
¯¯ rulings guide the practices of Reformrabbis, opposed
committee majority, .Rabbi .:Jeffrey Salkin of Port
Washington,NewYork, saidReformrabbis arealready
free to conduct same-sex rituals if they want. But
Salkin fears that officially approving the practice
would"tearrdati,onships apart" amongReformrabbis,
and hurt Reform s relations ~ith otl~[r branches and
its hopes-.~fot full a-cce~tance.in {g~el?-Whatevet
happens, Salkin said; ~’We:are looking at something
that will ha¢e massive historical iml~pr~ce." ~ "-
¯ Me,mawhile, the Episcopal’Churchig~s to release
a proposal on same-same rituals within a weekortwo
Conventions ofthe Presb~[6ri~m Ch~Ch (U,S.~.) an~
United Methodist Church will also deb~!le the issue
this year. .:. ~- " ~
Gay Club Embraced at
Catholic College
United in
God’s Love
Reverend Cathg.E~liot
Pastor ~)
Sunday Worship
11:00 am
1623 N. Maplewood 918/838~715
~.~,~ ~ "7.-
Community Unitarian Universalist
at Community ofHope
2545 South Yale, Sundays at llam, 749-0595
A Welcoming Congregation
Sun. Worship, 10:45 am, Sunday School, 9:30 am
.................. Wgd_._Bible- Study, ~7 pm
3210b S. Norwood, Info: 224-4754, Chris or Sharon
Sandra Hill M.s.
Licensed Professional & National Certified
Counselor, Certified Hypnotherapist
Psychotherapy & Clinical Consultation
After Hours Appointments Available
2865 E. Skelly DriSe, Suite 215,745-1111
Red Rock Tulsa- O’RYAN
Oklahoma Rainbow Y0hng Adult Network i~’
Outreach Prografn Thurs: Nights
Meet Others in a Safe Enviroment ~. .:
Call for.mee.ting tinies ~ind place: ~
Mingo Valley Flowers
Court UpholdsPortl and
Civil Rights Ordinance
SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Gay rights advocates have won
a round as the Oregon Court of Appeals upheld a
Portland ordinance against discrimination based on
sexual orientation. The court, in a 9-1 ruling reversing
a lower court, said the city had the power to give
citizens the right to go to state courts to enforce the
anti-discrimination ordinance.
Even some,of,the appealsjudges in the.majority,
tho~.igtr, ~orried-@ati tl~e~c0~ ~.i,,hav~ V~iatut~d
roofs, toward giving private partigs new..avenues
sUeiffSeateeo.ur~s overlocaHa~sx.The rightto sue-was
tthet~yi~su~-,N~bod~:oIai,m~4ltmt!hecity1aek~ ~he
~weri lx~:iid0pt~:~e-ordinanee.in~t991., that bars
disNNmati~n, i~ eniployment, housing, and public
accommodations.. ,S~te.taws against employment
discrimination don’t include sexual orientation. The
city ordinance also outlaws discrimination based on
sources of income, which is aimed at protecting
welfare recipients.
"This is a great day for civil rights in Oregon,P said
PortlandMayor Vera¯ Katz..Port.land ~.s once.agatn a
leaderin efforts to protecttherights ofall our citizens."
The case decided involved employment. A
MultuomahCounty temporaryjudge, MonteBricker,
~n .1.997 ruled against David Sims, who claimed he
was fired as a cook at Besaw’s Cafe in .Portland
because he is Gay. Owners of the business denied the
accusations and have not made a decision-on whether
to appeal to the oregon Supreme Court.
Bricker said the city couldn’t givepeopleapathway
to state courts to seek enforcement of rights under a
local law. But the appeals court said the city didn’t
exceedits authority, giving Sims the chance to continue
............with hislav~sttitin_which he.~6"nght either damages or
Basic Rights Oregon, a leading Gay civil rights
advocacy organization, also praised the decision.
"We’re very pleased to hear that the court has upheld
employees’ access to fight discrimination at the state
courtle el, : stud spokeswoman Maura Roche.
More than one appealsjudge hadmixed feelingson
thecase, which had been before the~cottrt since fall of
1998. Only Judge Walter Edmonds Jr. dissented
entirely. But four others, including Chief Judge Mary
Deits, said while they agreed with the outcome, the
court went further than necessary. The decision
"sweeps too broadly" in deciding that cities can
broaden the "duties and liabilities of private parties,"
Judge Virginia Linder wrote in a separate concurring
opinion. Edmonds said the decision violated the
concept of state sovereignty over local governments.
Oregon City/Count,y May
Try-Partners R gistry
RTL N , Or . eit: of t’ortland and
Multnomah County are ~nsiderir~ theadopdon of a
domesdcpartuefship registry as away~’prGay couples
t6 Officially iog thdr ~;~i~onships, A jOint ~registry
wotfld be ihe second ,~.::~gon ,ag_.d~ong three
dozen nationwide. In Oc~be~AsKihhd approved a
registry for s/tree-sex couples 18:or older. So did
California. Seattle has had one since 1994. And New
Orleans, Boston, New York and Iowa City, Iowa also
have them.
The registries stop far short of conferring marriage
s-tatus- on- Gay -couples= "~Bul~, it’s~ ,still-. an
acknowledgment of. a relationship that two people
who are committed to one another have," said Maura
Roche, spokeswoman for Basic Rights Oregon. "And
it’~ s away~to aeknoWiedge i-t in:a pt~bli~.forum~ which
hopefally Wi~,leadito. ~g~puh!ie: understanding
¯~at~drmi~icaneedi:BotmJ~T~] cxec~ti:ve director Of
She.-said the~Ialks are;.~.~st~p)i’~-thffright direction
becaus,e a registry represent§ a chatNejn family.
That s oae o~ the mNn..eoiicerns of Lou Bores
exec~utive ~r...e.rgtor ~:;ffae:C~eg0ii chapter of the
:.~)::: :~ais in Po~ilanO;and the na~9~’~, heL~aid:Beres added
that he would try to organize h:pmtegt~a~ainst Katz
and Naito if registries were e~(tended io homosexual
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) - When Dan Neuville
started classes as a freshman at Saint Joseph’s College
in Standish last year~ the Gay man felt very lonely.
Considering the church’s stance on homosexuality,
Neuville wasn’t suq:rrised that there was no Lesbian-
¯ Gay studentorganizationlike.~ose at-secular colleges.
"Tl~ere was-novd~ere form~to go.on,campus," Neuville
Now Newzille has creati~d ~dmewhere to go.,~qaough
Catholic ze~cNag bars ~homosex~mt¢ from tam’Gage
and sexual activity, &e State’[ only Roman Cail~olic
college has:f0~-med a stude~tdub where heterosexual
and homosesua! smdcms
The Gay/St~ight
stat~ff "as
Jennifer B@iiton;pres~d~nt~of: the student.senate;
9413 K 31st St., Tulsa 74145
918-663-5934, fax: 663-5834, 800-444-5934
Family Owned& Operated
- - - - -- ~" ~- --7--- - - -
1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor
Tulsa Gay Commtmity Sen,ices Center
743-GAYS (743-4297)
6=~pm, Sunday - Friday..
"12-9~m, Saturday; all sales.benefit’the Center/~-.i.
Keller ~Willgams Rea!ty
2651 East 21st Street, Ste. 100, Tulsa 74114
An Independent Member Broker
Saint Aidan ,<. .Saint Dunstan
4045 N. Cincinnali,i~7882 .ii~~East 71st 492~7140
Saint John :......Td~ty - "
4200 S. Atlanta Pla~.~/42-7381 .,501: $.: Cincinnati, 582-4128
Welcomes You.
said the ~cp.llege’s administrators, staff and students
have received the new group well. "On our campus,
iwe’re open to all issues, and as students we’re
encouraged to discuss issues in society. Gay issues
are one of those," she said.
Thealliancehasmoreheterosexual than homosexual
members and is not intended to compel anyone to
endorse homosexuality, Neuville said. "We’re not a
.. ~ mili~antgroup. We’renotprotesting,pickefn,g, saying,
"Damn it, we want you to accept us,"" he said.
Gay on
.to talk andleam tissues
andbias against l
to make Of troths
For the
¯ whether homosexuality is a choice or biological is
." irrelevant. "Gay and Lesbian people are not treated
." equally in many respects,’" sa~d Jane Marquardt, an
¯ attorney who donated to the Shepard scholarship
." fund. The scholarship is meant "to help a particular
." Gay student develop leadership skills, than people
¯ can realize Gay people are no different than anyone
." else," Marquardt said.
:: Gay Student Sues School
RENO. Nev._ (AP) - A former Washoe County high
i School studentclaimsWashoeCounty school officials
: failed t0 stopverbal andphysica!harassmentinflicted
i-liy classmates becaus~ h~,is.Gay... In afederal lawsuit
:. fded recendy, Derek Henkle ailcges school officials
1 : denied him~i:~te~:~.~.elofhls sexual
.. ofientation:~d ,d~died,’:.~ fr~:, ~li:rigllts by;
’: allegedly urging him tohide being ~ay. Tl~_e suit als0~
.. maizes claimsofnegfigenceandinfliclionofemolional.
¯" distress. " ’" ...... :’=. .....
: I-Ienkle:~suit is .being h~ndled.~by me:Lamb~a
: Legal Defense and Eduction Fund, a New York-
¯ : : based Gay rights.o~ganiza~on, it seeks unspecified
t .::damages, Namedas defendan.ts are prindpals;a vice
: prin~pal, a.teache~, and ~pus poSce officers.
: School district offi~:ials had no iimnediate comment.
¯ "we haven’t been served with anythin$ yet and unSl
" wedo,obvionsly we~m’tcommenton thespedfi~,"
district Spokesman~Steve Mulvenon said.
.~"It’s not a conditiOn
who is
But the Catholics,
: shouidbe~
,Derek thandled I
at:the-hands .of
said. call: :.Henkle
clearly what :the stated
-.Gay Scho|ershi
including students ~and faculty at
University have raised more than $50
~e. Matthew Shepard Scholarship
enaowment wil!.pro~ide $2,000 a year
Bisexual ortransg~
grade point average,.=
"I think it makes":us a,
Hinds,. a Weber: State staff member who
: a highway~
" administrators ~
At Washoe
! relatedlY
: students to
said his complaints to
lot while two campus
Davidson said the p_ri’ncipal
pcople hewas Gay.
students who
tell Lesbians and Gay
closet," Davidson said.
¯Gay Pride to.
Happen pite vatican
--~, Wyo., ROME (AP) - A Gay Pride week that comes smack
.: college studentwho was Severely pistol ’ i iirnktehdetmheidVdalteicoafnt,hbeuRt Roommane,CsmatahyoolircinHsoislytedYtehaarththaes.
left to die. The -
¯ " laws across the nation. :
."_.-i .Scho!arshiplapplieants must be a sophQ~ or :: aelvoenngtwwiiltlhbethalelo.Gw,,ae~ydptoritdaekeepvleancte,."bYutoiutmwioguhltdnobtegoa
: higher level, t~king 12 credit hours per s~es~er. A : mistake to ban it, Mayor Francesco Rutelli said.
500 to 750 word essay, the World Pride Roma 2000 is expected to bring
needs, academicperformance .: hundredsofthonsandsofGaysandLeshianstoRome
with or service to the pay, Lesbian,
Organizers are working to finalize
scholarship endowment with the
there are no applications.
"There are sexnal m~inorifies.Andthis is
"there’s a scliolarship here,"’ said
said Weber State student Niki
with culture
¯ at the same fire,the eityis overflowing with religions
: pilgrims eomingto th~Jubileemillenniumcelebrations
: calledby PopeJ0hnPaul II."Romehas amillenninm-
: old code of welcome~.and respect that won’t change in
¯ 2000." RutelEtold a city council meeting on Holy
: Year issues:,~:The. ~Vatican, which condemns
: homosexual acts but.not homosexuality itself, had no
official comment ~the July 1-9 event. Vatican
Officials denied~.~.~ that the Holy See had tried to
÷:: cgoent diitticoanncoelfe~a.-,.n~iio;~[n~,~~ti_.,thae lsooffaiccikanlso,wwlehdogeSdptohkaet tohne
Vafica was irritate, by the fact that the gathering
t~mes ~:J~ee yeax.
seeNews,p. 10
Better.Drugs i Oral Sex Not As
Equal Fewer Pills i Safe As Thought
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Powerful new ¯
AIDS drugs in development should help
relieve one of the biggest problems of
treatment - the pill burden. Over the past
four years, new treatment combinations
have revolutionized AIDS care, changing
HIV infection from a death sentence to a
disease that is treatable, if not curable.
However,patientsmustadhereto atedious
and exacting sehedule of downing pills,
.often more than 20 a day.
Now, drugmakers are working on new
drugs that require m~ch smaller doses as
wall as better versions of the old standbys
that can be taken less frequently.
Experts say that if all goes well, overthe
next two or so years it may be possible to
reduce the .pill burden to just four tablets
taken once a day. "Most drugs are dosed
twice or three times a day for a reason.
Once a day is not enough. The Holy Grail
would be to take all your medicines once
aday with as few capsules as possible. We
are not so far from that, maybe in the next
couple of years," said Dr. Eugene Sun,
head of antiviral drug research at Abbott
About half of all patients who initially
respond to treatment eventually find their
virus levels rebounding, and the most
common reason for this is failure to stick
to apill schedule. Thepill-taking schedule
is more than just a nuisance. 71~ose who
miss even a few doses risk losing control
overtheir virus. Withoutenoughmedicine
in the bloodstream, HIV comes roaring
back, often generating mutant versions
that are resistant to the drugs.
Akeyingredient of mostdrug regimens
is a class of medicines called protease
inhibitors. They are often combined with
two or three older kinds of drugs, such as
ddI and AZT.
At last month’s 7th Conference on
Retroviruses andOpportunistic Infections
in SanFrancisco, doctors describedresults
of testing with new varieties of prot.ease
inhihibors. Some of these medicines are
10 times more powerful than the ones that
transformed AIDS treatment. Protease
inhibitors are by far the biggest lump in
the pill burden. Typically patients must
take three of them three times a day - a
total of nine pills -often on an empty
In the works areproteaseinhibitors that
doctors hope will need to be taken twice
or even just once a day. One of these is
Bristol-Myers Squibb’s drugcode-named
BMS-232632. In preliminary testing
directed by Sanne, it appears that one or
two ofthese pills once aday is as effective
at suppressing HIV as the standard dose
of nelfinavir, an older protease inhibitor.
Abbottpresentedpromising results with
its experimental protease inhibitor ABT-
378, showing it Seems to work against
strains of virus that are already resistant to
men consider oral sex a safer alternative
to intercourse, but a new study finds it
carries a real risk of spreading AIDS.
Even without condoms, oral sex is
widelyregardedtobe safe sex, eventhough
: health agencies have never officially
: conceded that. A new study conducted in
San Francisco shows that frequent
unprotected oral sex can also be risky,
." though certainly not as much as anal sex.
: "The message is not that everyone will
¯ get infected through oral sex," said Dr.
-" FrederickHechtofSanFrancisco General
." Hospital, a coauthor of the study. In fact,
¯ analintercoursecouldbe 100timesriskier.
¯ Because of declines in unprotected anal
: intercourse, therehas beenabigreduction
." in high-risk exposure, I-Iecht said. But
~ -~._~ere is still plenty of low-risk exposure
¯ tl~ough oral sex without condoms, "and
." that low risk adds up." His study found
: that oral sex was probably the cause of8%
¯¯ of recent HIV infections among a group
of homosexual men examined in S~m
~ Francisco.
¯ In the past, there have been occasional
¯ reports ofpeopleapparently catching HIV
orally. But health investigators have had
¯ difficulty being certain, since Gay men
¯ who have do oral sex also may engage in ¯
¯ other, riskier sex practices, such as anal
¯ Now diagnostic tests allow doctors to
¯ narrow downthe timing ofHIV infections.
¯ They were used in the latest study,
." described as the most definitive on the
subject to date. The work, conducted with
¯ the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
¯ Prevention, was presented in San
¯ Francisco at the 7th Conference on
¯ Retrovirases and Opporttmistic Infectious.
¯ "’Wlfile oral sex may still be safer than
." anal intercourse or vaginal intercourse, it
¯ is not without risk and perhaps has higher
¯ risk than we would have expected
¯ otherwise," said Dr. Helene Gayle, the
CDC’s AIDS chief.
" The researchers sought to learn the
¯ meaus ofinfectionin 102 GayandBisexual
¯ men who had recently caught HIV. When
¯ all other possible means of infection were
¯ ruled out, oral sex turnedout to be the only
¯ risk behavior in eight of these men. Most
0 said they thought- oral sex had little or no
° risk.
° Because o~ the strict criteria used, the
: real number of cases resulting from oral °
sex may actually have been higher. For
° instance, two men said they had oral sex
-" but not anal sex. But they also said they
o had blacked out once and could not be °
sure what had happened, so they were
¯ excluded from the total.
. All of the men apparently caught the
¯ virus by giving oral sex, rather than
receiving it, and none used condoms.
¯ "We know that the only safe sex is total
other drugs. The drug will be combined 0 abstinence or sex with a mutually
smaller doses~ wel!..... ~ ~
.~’ Ufie~p~.cteff~ide et~l~b.cts can quickly
derail deq~loptuent of these drugs -MerCk
Research Laboratories was scheduled to
presentresultS ofits new protease inhibitor
at the meeting. But two weeks ago, it
suspended human testing of the drug after
rat experiments turnedup possible kidney
damage. Themedicine, called MK-944A,
is acombination ofanew protease inhibitor
and an older one, called indinavir, into a
single pill that would be taken once or
Timothy W. Daniel
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withritonavir, another protease inhibitor, o monogamous,non-HIV-infectedparmer,"
into pills that willbo-taken three at a time, : ’~ Gayle said. "Everything else has some
twic~:~a day. The comp.,.a~y?~.s working on ° degree of risk. The sense that oral sex is
safe sex may have been an unfortunate
Gayle said she a~sumes that the risk of
oral sex when properly using a condom is
close to zero. She also .said that if oral sex
alone has played a large role in the spread
ofAIDS, that wouldalready havebecome
obvious during the 20 years.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, head ofthe National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, noted that some Gaymenturned
to frequent unprotected oral sex after
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giving up anal intercourse.
"A lot of us in the public health field
havebeen saying all along to be careful of
~akrottehceteridskfieslllaotwio,,"buhtewshaaitd.s l"oPwe?o"ple
AIDS Virus First
Emerged in 1930
SANFRANCISCO (AP)-Theworldwide
AIDS pandemic has beentraced to asingle
viral ancestor who emerged perhaps
around 1930. Earlier research had ¯
suggested that the ol~tbreak began in the ¯
first half of the 20th century, but the latest :
analysis, doneat the Los Alamos National ."
Lab in New Mexico, appears to be the ¯
most definitive so far. -"
Bette Korber, who keeps a’database of
HIV genetic, information at the lab,
calculatedHIV’s family treebylooking at
the rate the virus mutates over time. She
assumed these genetic changes happen at
a constant rate and used a supercomputer
to clock the mutations back through time
tO a common ancestor.
Korber estimates that the current
pandemic goes back to one or a small
group of infected humans around 1930,
though this ancestor virus could have
emerged as early-as 1910 or as late as
1950. From this single source, she
suggests, came the virus that now infects
roughly 40 million people all over the
.world. ’This offers a small piece in a
larger puzzle concermng the origins of
HIV," she said.
Experts believe that HIV’s ancestor is a
virus that ordinarily infects chimpanzees.
Somehow it spread to people - .perhaps
thirough abite or hunting mishap -~n west
equatorial Africa. Justwhenthis happened,
though, is .still a mystery, Korber Said.
The leap from chimp to man could have
beenaround 1930. Oritmayhaveoccurred
much earlier and the virus stayed within a
small group of humans.
Theworkchallenges atheory thatAIDs
actually began in the 1950s, when HIV
was accidentally mixed with the polio
vaccine. In last year’s book ’¢Fhe River,"
Edward Hopper theorizes that HIV
contaminated batches of the vaccine that
were grown in chimp dssue. This then
spread when the vaccine was tested in the
Belgian Congo. Korber said this is highly
unlikely, since it would require the
introduction of at least 10 genetically
separate strains ofthe virus into the vaccine
from different chimps.
Dr. Steven Wolinsky of Northwestern
University called Korber’s project "a
computational tour de force." Korber
based her work on the genetic codes of
160 different copies of the AIDS virus.
She analyzed them on a Los Alamos
supercomputer, called Nirvana, that can
perform l trillion computations per
second. The earliest existing sample of
HIV was found in a blood specimen
obtained in Leopoldville - now Kinshasa
- in 1959.
Virus Testing Helps
AIDS Treatments
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Doctors say
they can improve the chance of
successfully treating AIDS by measuring
how each patient’s virus stands up to the
drugs intended to kill HIV.
Through evolution, HIV can grow
resistant to any of the standard AIDS
drugs, andoftenitis invulnerable to several
at once. The specific combination of viral
resistance varies from patient to patient.
In theory, doctors can brew up the most
potent AIDS drug cocktails for their
patients if they know the strengths and
vulnerabilities of the viruses they carry.
In the past, doctors have attempted to
dothisbychecking the virus forthegenefc
mutations that make it impervious to
various drugs. However, complex mixes
of mutations are sometimes hard to
translate into drug treatment plans.’
In a new approach called phenotypic
resistance tesdng, doctors can check the
virus against all of the standard drugs to
see which ones can kill it, then .use~the
results to tailor their strategy. "With this
information, you can make better
decisions," said Dr. Calvin Cohen.
Understanding virus resistance is
especiallyimportantwhenputting together
new drug combinations after the initial
drug cocktail fails to wipe out all visible
signs of the virus. Doctors have 15 AIDS
drugs to pick from, and the choice often
amounts to an educated guess.
Cohen and colleagues studied
phenotypic testing at the Community
Research Initiative of New England, an
independent AIDS research organization
in Brookline, Mass. He described the
results Monday, in San Francisco at the
7th Conference on Retroviruses and
Opportunistic Infections.
. The test was developed by Virco N.M.,
a European biotechnology company that
financed the study with Glaxo Wellcome
Inc., the pharmaceutical company.
Doctors say anadvantage ofp,henotypic
testing is the simplicity of ~lle results.
"The person’s virus is grown in a culture
and then ,put into a test tube with each
antiviral drug," Cohen said. "We monitor
to seehow wellitgrows. Ifitstops growing,
.that drug works. It’s that simple."
The new test costs $800 per patient.
Screening the geneticmutations inHIV to
figure outdrug resistance has beenaround
longer and cOsts about $400 to $500 per
Doctors say that trying to understand
how well drugs will work by analyzing
viral genes can be daunting when the
virus is resistant to several drugs.
Sometimes resistance to one pill can help
the virus withstand another, even though
it does not specifically have resistance to
that medicine. "Phenotypic resistance
testing will be attractive because it is so
mucheasier to interpret," said Dr. Douglas
D. Richmanofthe University ofCalifornia
at San Diego.
To check the test’s value, Cohen’s team
studied 274 patients who had failed to
respond to an initial round ofAIDS drugs.
Half were randomly assigned to receive
phenotypic testing, while the rest got
standard care without testing.
After 16 weeks, 58% of the patients
getting phenotypic-testing had responded
so well to their new combination of drugs
that the virus hadfallentoolow tomeasure.
By comparison, 37% of those without
testing did this wall. "Until this study, all
of this was reasonable but unproven,"
Cohen said. "Now we can prove it."
~:~":Wa~ to get involved?
Need to.get tested for HI~ or a
Coming Out Support Group?
Call 743-GAYS (4297)
Tulsa Gay
Services Center
1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor
~ J. Christjohn
Happy Imbolc,
Time for
for some~
list of events
and. relevance.
~ At thispoint, I
or film and,
: On with the
." good month for staying in and riding out
¯ winter storms. Orgiving into spring fever
y ." when possible.
when ¯ Now for those thirty-somethings that
: recall growing up to the sounds of the
Partridge Family. with
"As you may fondness, David ~sidy
notice, I’ve’-~: Dog, .Ne~ T~ck."
so. it’s ok,
else, an
Of -interest
v URL:
of the~ show that
on tS~ Partrid
childhood favorites in col~.
Back to.the present..
VALENTINE’S DAYis 9oming!~Gift
idea?i,.The ever handso.m~,<~piani~t’.:Jim
Bric~provide~ lovely~usic p~ect
for,~elight dinners, an~ohn T,rones
croo~,the perfect ballads t6~t]hem0od
for ..~gh romance on [h~ir-~CDs,
restively. ThelIX~rfect m~ic.to ~t the
moodfor a romanticev~....
Ok,themomentyou :reall-~n atting
for. TheStevie Nicks mentioa.She’s back
¯" in the Studio working onthe~W CDafter
". the performing break i~’Vegas and
Cafifomia. SherylCrow isagamproducing
- no mention of what happened to Mr.
." Hip-Hop producer. Thank G~oddess!
, m,~chers
¯ wereGay or straight, what mattered was
i the sl~ed.belief of those ~ching that
day. ~dnow those Right to’Life March
org~fi have Somethingto. think h!~out
¯ for n~t ye,ar,
: o~~. . .::~. .Ch~,..’.rman-oMfPicLhAaGelAFLeP~A¢.nCs
: -~lie ~4~li~al Action Committ~for ~.- i~: " .~.=~Lffe Lesbians and~ays
. . :.::~.
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Guisep.,pe Ve~: ~dpted. ~8r story for o~ra
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Val Canipamli flni~edthe job of turning.
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Tulsa Performing ~rfs
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¯-Si~0ns~rs: O.klah~ma Arts ~:.:ur~i~,..Urban T.u!sa
ooooo o~60~oo o oo oo~.~_O~O oo~o o o o oo out o-o’o o~ooo o
5:30 - 8:00 PM
~Ble~qs the Lord At All Times Christian Center,
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 5837815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
S~rvice - i 1am, 2~5~.~5 &Yale, 749-05~ (WeicQ~ing) - : " "
Church of theRestoration Unitarian Universaiist
ropo ommumty C
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lain, 205 W. King (east of N. Denver), Info: 582-3088
Unity Church of Christianity
ServiceS: 9:15 & 11:00 am, 3355 S. Jamestown, 749-8833
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
~6:30 pm, Meets at the United Minis,try Cir., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
lilY Testing Clinic, Fr~ & anonTmous testing. No appoinl~¢n[ r~zluired.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (~st o~ Hazard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Ceater
7:30pro, 220"7 E. 6th, 583-78t5
PFLAG, Parents., Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mo~/~ach too. 6:30pro,Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AB)S Committee, call ~or meeting date, aoon, 585-5551
Council Oak Meu’s Chorale, rehearsals - ca]! for times, imfo: 748-3888.
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call, ~or ne×t.m~ting date. 1430 S. BouJder, 585-5551
~!~e=~d Let Liye, CommlmitT o~ ~0pe ~nitedMethodist, 7:~, 2,~5 S. ~ale
IYlultieultural ~I])S Coalitiou, call for ne×t m~ting date.
~rban L~ague, 240 E~st Apache, 584;0001
PrimeTimers, meus group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/IIOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pro, Pride Genter, 1307 E: 38th, irffo: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b~o. Norwood
Tulsa-Native American Mens Support Group, more informatidJL. ~call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call fo_r..info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft. - -. ......
H~PE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Edu~(ion "~:;~)~": _
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing:,~ ~ 8:313pm 834-83.-7~ 3507’E. Ad~niral " ~
O~lahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’.RYAN) " -
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health a~ 584-2325 ....
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, [nfo: 834-4194
Safe Haven,~iotm~AduJts Sc;ci~d Group, l st Eft/each ~no. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
out-of their h0mes~ ! can’t i~..gin~e
throwing my Child out of;the hbu~e: ;
TheS~~mby Holloway, ~as
¯S~tan,wh0:cam¢.~s’s am~’Who
’ had been r6b~andiron on the road.
In the story, the priest, afraid of being
deemed unclean, passes by. But the
Samaritan stoppedtocarefortheunknown
"The point of the parable is that good
refiglon, following, traditions in these
Scotland, dozeus of prints, and Spong’s -" anti-discrimination policies, to. include
second:wife; ChriSti~i~. ’When In~arried ," specifically :sexual- orienta’tion::~ Why?:
Jack, I knew. what was ahead," said
Christ.i.ne.,.w.,h..o..m..a..m..e.A. Spong. m..19.9.0......nc.e.xl.ed. Kelleher wrote ’Perha " was
’When ~ou:-~up. (forGays)~,you~r¢~ =/Wrong
going to ge~:hit. ?You cannot know Gay ." _ think so, at least with restart to theVast
imd Lesbian people without wanting to .. maioriW of oar nconle." kelleher addrd
hugthcm.Someofthcmhavebeenthr~wn ." he was modifying the pohcy to include
¯.. o~rsmagnex;iewthyatmcivgehrtuhncaevretaeixnits~t,e-dam-boingutihtiys
." score."
_" ’WVhat happened at. Southwdst is an
¯ example
-" well-mcnningexecutives simplyto donor
_" give sexual orientation issues in the
workplace the consideration they
deserve, stud Kim I. Mills, HRC s
." education director. "We applaud
." Southwest Airlines for taking this_stcp
developed systems, can now get in the toward creating an inclusive work
.,w.a.y. ofus g~tting t,o~:~ saidI~oll0way..~ environmont~ for ih~ OayandLesbian
e~. of us arc, w_all~g on the road to i amployees., While Southwest has added
along the s~d¢ of the road...... .’. offer dom=sticParm~r~:healthbenefits.
priestandmothcr,stoodnexttoSpongas policies and e~pects
a sign language interpreter. "He will be :: announc=ment nO later the,, June. "
sord~ missed,." saidDeats, whowas first ,." _ _ " .............
ago.~Imayn0tagreewithevcrythingh¢ ! [~]l=-Ie.ll -....- I
says; but I truly minfi..~’re and respect him . .
for stan,.d~n.gup,f0r~hat he believ~ in." ._. vice president orlon"di.ng, andI_~s Rector,
Deats said she believed in more ." president, neither of.whom had returned
traditional routines of-prayer. "It can be ¯ calls by press time. Dr. Jerry. Carr611,
boring, I know. And I’m not saying the -" chairperson of the TTCU board of
bisho~ does.n’t pray, bu~ I believe ~-nore ." directors,andpr0vostatOSU-Oldahoma
.stronglyin themystical practices ofprayer
in the ~hurch," said De~ts.
Croneberger was rector of the Church
of the Atonement in Tenafiy for i8 years,
and a priest for more thsn 34 years.
Croneberger~60,was oneofsix candidates
- all ofwhomfavor ordaining noncelibate
Gays and blessing same-sex unions - in a
field that included the Rev. Canon Gene
becoming the first openly Gay Episcopal
bishop in the nation by several votes.
Asfor Spong, he willlecture at Harvard
University starting next month, buthas no
plans to move from Morris County. His
latest book, "Here I Stand," was published
this year.
Spong, father of three daughters, said
he found talking to students a great
pleasure, Last week, Spong lectured at
Lewis & Clark University in Portland,
Ore.- "I love the minds of 18- to 23-yearolds,"
Spong said. "Nothing is sacred and
they asked all kinds of questions."
There were no,,questions asked here
duringthe service, buttherewas amomen!
of fear when the Rev. Dana Rose slipped
off the back of the riser as Spong and
others wereblessing breadandwine. Rose
was helped to his feeti and Spong quickly
gave him the sign of the cross.
Rose, a Gay priest who’s also black,
was ordainedfirstas adeaconby Spongin
May 1998. "People say, ’You’re a priest
and you’re GayT" said l~ose, who works
for the Gay and Lesbian ministry in the
diocesez "Now, there are ;many, priests
who are Gay, but black? I believe in
inclusion of all people, like me, into .the
church, just like the bishop."
City, did callback andsaid he thought
and that the "professional loan officers
would not do that [make inquiri~,into.
loan applica=s sex~.orientation]~. .-
as saying that the Vatican "expects from
the premier a gesture ofcommon sense,"
anapparentcallforthe Italiangovernment
to intervene to cancel the Gay event.
Sodano also was quoted as saying the
controversy "puts into question" the
concordat, adocumentregulalingrelafions
. between Rome and the Vatican that was
first signed in 1929 and was revised in the
1980s. A pro-Vatican member of
parliament, Mario Baccini, called the
mayor’s decision’a "moral and material
slap" in the face of the Holy See. Vatican
officials said theHoly See was displeased
by the city’s cooperation with the
organizers, including allocation of
$180,000 to cover municipal costs like
Rutdli has been a big Jubilee booster,
shepherding the city through major
garage-to spruce itupforan estimated30
million pilgrims.
Gays have criticized the pope’s
teachings on homosexuality, but Italian
Gay leaders denied any disrespect is
intended by holding World Pride during
theJubilee. "It’s not an anti-Jubilee event
nor an event against the pope," said
Francesco Falsetta, an official oftheMario
Mieli Homosexual Cultural Association,
one of the organizing groups. World
Pride’s main event will be a July 8 march
through the city. Organizers say it will
also feature conferences, sporting events
and parties..
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~guys you like
" be," he added. "’It’s been this norm that
.: they grew up with: Andin so many. ways,
: pamcularlym~nt, we vebeen, ery
Do something that brings yoUlhto serio~s°. sensitized to~~ity,humannghts,
conversation with people who-aren’t just : but.there’.s~i~sg~.,a~i,’ng,.darke,,xception
likeyou. : tot~tw~thGaY~i:~Lesbiaus._ ..
For some of you, this will feel like a : ~ Whenlegis~,’~kFl.a~gan wl~.t.he
leap of faith-l~rhaps in God, orat least ; thinks.ofa~ys~d!domest=cparm..ershi.ps
in other people. ",- ..... . as an alternafi~t0same-sex mamage, ne ¯
Maybe this runs counter’ to all the : tells them "it~a~t tap into all of the
cultural conditioning you’ve received ¯ wonde_r,,ful, ~fic and em~o.tion.al
about self-sufficiencyi abouthow wrong ! impacts that~conveys. ~nenlze
itistoaskforhelp.MaybethiSchaHeages . asksaqu~..fio.n~."~~:t~te, isabl~.°ffi~ally
prized coph~g m~l~nisms ~t Ser~_e you : t.o rec0~ila..~i’~,s,e,.p~nng re,a,
well whenexcepti-o~d individualeffortis , domesf!_c-p~.e~!:aw;.-wny men wgmu
enough..... " ;-y0ufeelgt~fig~ed:t.0makeit’diff~emtrom
¯Bu~aoindividualwinsanelection;alone i ~ theCivil m~a~e’ 6flexed to ~ght
If!we don’t engage oth~r humanb~ings, ; VermonterS?" ~ " ¯ ~.
we remain tempting targets to-the :bullies : Hanagan said :he believes there’s an
ontheright:IfwewanttoendGay-baiting " analogy to be drawn from the experience
in public life, we have ~o use what we
know: the power of one h,man being
talkln£ to another human berg about
what matters.
We need to be outward bound, despite
the discomfort. Because, in elections, the
greatest thing wehave to fearis fearitself.
Hanagan can see diagonally across-State
Street to the Statehouse, where the
Vermont Legislature this year is crafting
a response to ahistofic decision from the
.stat~-~ i :~Supreme " ~ i ,:.~.Court.
That decision said i~"~iola~d the
VermontConstitution todeny~tted
Gay-and Lesbian couples the~i~health
of other benefits heterosexuaV~ed
couples take for granted. .=.!i!:."ii(
Hanagan, 49, is in his fourthi~year
term as ~mditor and long has beea.,kn~_w,.n_
to harbor loftier potitical ambiO~,He s
~md~,ttaking 0ae long-expected:~i~tfo_r
higher office this year, and has.raised
morethan$400,000" alotforachallenger
inVermont- so farinhis campaignfor the
Democratic U.S.. Senate nomination.
He’s been able to raise money around
the country from supporters of Gay men
and Lesbians, but even more so from
former Harvard Law School classmates
who have found themselves in lucrative
careers and can afford to be generous.
Flanagan took a risk five years ago
when he acknowledged for the first time
publicly that he was Gay, and he’s taking
arisk now in being such a strong advocate
for same-sex marriage. "I assume any
professional political consultant would
advise against it," he said. "But some
issues are so compelling and so pure that
political considerations becometrivialand
inappropriate. This is at the core of my
beliefs. I’mnot going to equivocate in the
slightest and I hope Vermonters will
respectmycommitmentto prmcipl,,e, even
if they may not thoroughly agree.
More often than the campaign trail,
Flanagan is drawn these days to the
Statehouse, because he senses history in
the making, because he relishes and is
fascinated by legislative deliberation and
because he knows that, for many
lawmakers, he can put ahumanface on an
abstract set of issues. As he’s walked the
Statehousehalls lately, Flanagan sm.’dhe’ s
noticed "people tend to move ~n my
direction more often than normal. I’m a
person they know and most often like
quite a bi~ and relate to. I’m real. I have a
real personality that they’re familiar with,
so there isn’t that fear component of
something foreign.
"I don’t think often people are as
homophobic as they think they should
"For me,
some time tc
come when
many Gays and’ Lesbians had coming to
grips with themselves 20 or 30 years ago,
to the straggle many straight people are
having now When thinking about
somethinglike same-’sexmarriage. "When
you foste~ real bigotry againast iso.mdeonoef
he said.
"That’s-the of bigotry.. It
years, but
and "one’s private life will be put back
into its private place."
Flanagan, who said he has "a great
capacity tolove," also offered a glimpse
into whatapersonal heavenonearthmight
look like. "I would love to be a dad. I’ve
always cherished the idea of being a dad
and I think I would be a good dad?’
Locally, members ofMCCUnited have
created a chapter of Soul Force and at
least one member joined White and 200
other Gay and Lesbian (or friendly)
Christians in a meeting with FalWell.
Elliott has as a personal goal, the
development of the Community of the
church, not the building or the number of
members as much as the network of
support for the members - much like the
model of the earliest Christian
However, Elliott and other
congregational leaders do discuss the
possibilities of physical change for the
group. Acknowledging the s~ ,newhat
isolated location of the church build~ z
(off major streets in a ver) q~
neighborhOod)~, they consider that t
tufty-sell this building and find a more
visible .and central location. But Elliott
emphasizesthat these things are ouly just
possibilities and are not anything which
will happen soon. The spiritual life comes
first and the rest will follow as the Spirit
calls MCC-United to be.
For more information about the
Metropolitan Community Church United
or about the Soul Force efforts, call 838-
The Eight Annual
Saturday, March 4
Cocktails, 7pm, Dinner, 8:15
Myriad Convention Center, Grand Ballroom
Auction & Dancing, Blacl( or Red Tie
to benefit the
Oklahoma AIDS Care Fund
1999 Beneficiaries:
AIDS Support Program, Inc.
American Red Cross,
Oklahoma County Chapter
CarePoint, Inc.
Cimarron Alliance Foundation
LegalAi6ofWestem Oklahoma, Inc.
Northern Lights Altematives
Oklahoma AIDS Care Fund,
Individual Assistance Fund
Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation
Oklahoma Medical
Research Foundation
Oklahoma Mental Health Council -
RedRockBehavioral Health Service
Other Options, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of
Central Oklahoma
Regional AIDS Interfaith
Network (RAIN)
Tulsa CommunityAIDS Partnership

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[2000] Tulsa Family News, February 2000; Volume 7, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/597.