Browse Items (13 total)
- Tags: 2001
[2001] Pyramid Project Email and Fundraiser RSVP Card
Tags: 2001, David Hoot, email, Fernando Este, Fundraiser, fundraisers, fundraising, Howard Nix, invitation, Kerry Lewis, Marc Frieden, Mark Bonney, Pyramid Project, Pyramid Project Committee, Pyramid Project Committee meeting, Pyramid Project fundraising, Pyramid Project planning, Sue Welch, Theresa Bernard, Tulsa GLBT Community Center, Vance Reed
[2001] Schnake Turnbo Frank Memo
[2001] Phil Cyr with Pride Marshals
[2001] Tulsa Chamber of Commerce
[1988-Present] Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers Association (T.U.L.S.A.)
Tags: 1990-2013, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, Aaron's, Aaron's Flowers and Gifts, Arnie Holder, Bamboo Lounge, Bars, BearHide Creations, Black and Blue Ball, Brad Gemeinhart, Bruce Crouch, Bryon Dawkins, Chance Stettenbenz, Channel 13 Visuals, Charles Johnston, Charlie Roberts, Chris McGill, Club Maverick, Craig Poos, CW's, Dan Bastian, Dan Noel, DanAzevedo, Danny Fort, Dante Artadi, Dave Shook, David Howell, Denis Jacobs, Dreamland Video, Driller Bears, Elite Books and Videos, Fetish, Finish Line, Gene West, Glenpool Flowers and Gifts, Green Country Cloggers, Greg Rose, Gregory Rose, Gusher's Restaurant, Habana Inn, Hawthorn Suites, International Mr. Leather, Ira C. Smith, Ira. C. Smith, James Eldridge, James Hollingwood, Jason Pelky, Jerry Straley, Jessie Penley, Jim Scudder, Jim Stout, Jungle Red, K.E.C., KC Leather University, Keith Hunt, Kelly Kirby, Kenneth E. Cowhick, Kevin B., Kevin Eddings, Kevin Young, Larry Everett, Leather, Leather Network, Leather's West, Leathers West, Lee Pruitt, Leonard Williams, Levi's, Lloyd Samuels, Lynette Hadlock, Mark Frasier, Mark Frazier, Mason Alexander, Metro Diner, Mike Miller, Mike Siemer, Mike Taylor, Mr. Oklahoma Leather, Mr. Ozarks Leather, Mr. Tulsa Leather, Nate Benner, National Leather Association, New Age Renegade, Nightlife, Oklahoma Mr. Drummer, Oklahoma Mr. Leather, Olivier Pratt, Ozark Mountain Men, Pat Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, People Exchanging Power Oklahoma (P.E.P.), Play-Mor, Play-Mor Lounge, Randal Kinnear, Randy Wheeler, Reba Lynn, Restraints Etc., Ric Poston, Richie Johnson, Roger McConnell, Ron Greenwood, Ron Harwood, Sam Sampson, Schatzi's, Scott Roewer, Social Clubs, Sooner State Leather, Steven Fendt, Team OK USA, Teresa Ramadan, Terrell Brown, Terry Gatewood, Terry Nutter, The Bamboo Lounge, The Copa, The Curiosity Shoppe, The Ledo Cabaret and Lounge, The Metro Diner, The Silver Star, Thom Dombkowski, TNT's, Tony B., Toolbox, Tulsa Dungeon Society, Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Community Center, Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers Association (T.U.L.S.A.), Uniform, Vi Reyes, Vic Reyes, Whittier News, Wolf Trucking, Yellow Brick Road
[2001] Tulsa Family News, July 2001; Volume 8, Issue 7
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, AIDS, arts, Atlanta, Berlin, businesses, censorship, Census, Chicago, China, churches, Council Oak Men's Chorale, Diversity celebration, Eastern Europe, entertainment, flag burning, gay clergy, Hair Ball, hate crimes, HIV, HIV testing, kidnapping, Netherlands, New York City, Ohio, Omaha, Openarms Youth Project, Paris, police abuse, pornography, Pride, pride Parade, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, Russia, San Francisco, stigma, Tulsa CARES, Tulsa County Jail, Tulsa Family News, United Methodist Church
[2001] Tulsa Family News, June 2001; Volume 8, Issue 6
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, adult adoption, AIDS, AIDS Colin Powell, AIDS drugs, anti-discrimination bill, arts and entertainment, bias, bullying, businesses, censorship, Christianity, churches, civil unions, Disciples Church, Disney, Diversity celebration, Dyke Divine, Fred Phelps, gay veterans, Gill Foundation, Glaxo SmithKline, grants, Hair Ball, hate crimes bill, health, HIV, HIV testing, Lutheran Church, military, military inclusion, military recruiting, Openarms Youth Project, outreach, Partner Benefits, Pride 2001, pride Parade, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, sex education, sodomy laws, testing, Tulsa CARES, Tulsa City County Library, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rigts, Westboro Baptist Church
[2001] Tulsa Family News, May 2001; Volume 8, Issue 5
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, AIDS, AIDS vaccine, American Civil Liberties Union, anti-bullying, arts and entertainment, businesses, churches, civil rights, civil unions, Council Oak Men's Chorale, Diversity celebration, Gay marriage, hate crimes, HIV, HIV testing, housing, Lamont Lindstrom, marriage equality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Lesbian and Gay Community Funding Partnership, Openarms Youth Project, Partner Benefits, Pride, Pride 2001, pride Parade, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, Tulsa Community Foundation, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Library, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Wesleyan University
[2001] Tulsa Family News, April 2001; Volume 8, Issue 4
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, advocacy, AIDS, AIDS drugs, arts and entertainment, Boy Scouts, businesses, churches, College Hill Presbyterian Church, discrimination, Elton John, Eminem, gay bashing, Gay/Straight Alliance, George W. Bush, Glaxo SmithKline, hate crimes, HIV, HIV testing, Karen Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, LGBT police, Merck and Co., military inclusion, Murder, Openarms Youth Project, Partner Benefits, performing arts, Pfizer, Presbyterian Church, Ragin Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, Soulforce, STDs, the closet, tolerance curriculum, Tom Neal, TU Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, United Way
[2001] Tulsa Family News, March 2001; Volume 8, Issue 3
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, advocacy, AIDS, AIDS drugs, arts and entertainment, Boy Scouts, businesses, churches, College Hill Presbyterian Church, discrimination, Elton John, Eminem, gay bashing, Gay/Straight Alliance, George W. Bush, Glaxo SmithKline, hate crimes, HIV, HIV testing, Karen Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, LGBT police, Merck and Co., military inclusion, Murder, Openarms Youth Project, Partner Benefits, performing arts, Pfizer, Presbyterian Church, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, restaurants, Soulforce, STDs, the closet, tolerance curriculum, Tom Neal, TU Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, United Way
[2001] Tulsa Family News, January 2001; Volume 8, Issue 1
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2001, AIDS, anti-gay activism, arts and entertainment, Barry Hensley, Black and LGBTQ, Boy Scouts, businesses, censorship, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, churches, Community Center, contraception, Elizabeth Toledo, execution, George W. Bush, HIV testing, homophobia, Jim Christjohn, John Ashcroft, Karin Gregory, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Native Americans, Openarms Youth Project, performing arts, Raging Lesbian, Red Cross, Red Rock Tulsa, representation, restaurants, sex, Soulforce, STDs, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project, Wild Hearts Ball
[2001] Hope Haven Email
Tags: 2001, American Red Cross, Barney Frank, Boston Alliance of Gay and Lesbian Youth, Bridges Project, Constitutional Rights, Dannette McIntosh, Delta Youth Alliance, Doe Lockwood, Equal Access Laws, Gary Blaine, Gay Rights, Gay Rights Laws, hate crime laws, Hate crime legislation, Hetrick Martin Institute, Hetrick-Martin Institute, HIV testing, Hope Haven, Kay Stauss, Kerry Lewis, Lisa Potoroff, Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library, National Youth Advocacy Coalition, Open Arms, Open Arms Project, Open Arms Youth Project, Open Arms Youth Project (OYP), OpenArms, OpenArms Project, Openarms Youth Project, Openarms Youth Project (OYP), OYP, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Patty Jones, PFLAG, Phil Gill Foundation, Pride Center, Rainbow Library, Red Cross, Red Rock, Red Rock Behavioral Health Services, Sarah Allison, Title IX, TOHR, tort laws, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), United Way, Youth Services of Tulsa, Youth Services of Tulsa (YST), YST
[2002-2004] History of the Pyramid Project
Tags: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, Brent Ortolani, Dee Beasley, Dennis Neill, Dennis R. Neill, Dwight Kealiher, Gill Foundation, Janice Walker, Kerry Lewis, Mark Bonney, Marty Newman, Michael Smith, Mitchell Savage, Mona Pittenger, Nancy McDonald, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), PFLAG, Pyramid Project, Pyramid Project Advisory Board, Pyramid Project Board of Directors, Pyramid Project campaign, Pyramid Project Capital Campaign, Pyramid Project Capital Campaign Committee, Pyramid Project Committee, Pyramid Project donors, Pyramid Project fundraising, Rick Phillips, Sue Welch, Tim Williams, TOHR, TOHR Board of Directors, TOHR capital campaign, TOHR Pyramid Project, Tulsa Community Foundation, Tulsa GLBT Community Center, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights Board of Directors, Tulsa Opera, Wild Hearts Ball