Browse Items (6 total)

Pyramid Project Email and Fundraiser RSVP Card.pdf
1 page printed copy of a forwarded email from Sue Welch on April 20, 2001, forwarded on April 26, 2001, regarding an upcoming Pyramid Project Committee meeting and topics to discuss with some handwritten notes, and 1 page of an invitation to a…

Schnake Turnbo Frank Memo.pdf
1 page of a memorandum sent on September 10, 2001, from Steve Turnbo and Russ Florence of Schnake Turnbo Frank, Inc. as Public Relations Consultants reviewing the Pyramid Project's marketing materials. They advise to make their marketing brochure…

Preliminary Space Programming.pdf
2 pages of a chart calculating the total square feet space required for the new building per the Tulsa GLBT Community Center Campaign, also known as the Pyramid Project, led by Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR).

Capital Campaign Notes.pdf
2 pages of Capital Campaign notes for fundraising a permanent facility for Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), featuring the slogan "Building a Home... Funding the Future". The plan is split into 5 phases, with the first phase lasting from May…

Approximate Existing Spaces.pdf
1 page of a chart estimating the total square feet space required for the new building per the Tulsa GLBT Community Center Campaign, also known as the Pyramid Project, led by Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR).
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