[2001] Tulsa Family News, January 2001; Volume 8, Issue 1


[2001] Tulsa Family News, January 2001; Volume 8, Issue 1


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


January 2001


James Christjohn
Karin Gregory
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Hughston Walkinshaw


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, December 2000; Volume 7, Issue 12


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Lesbian To BeExecuted- i
Would Be First Woman Killed In Oklahoma :
DENVER(AP)-A womanwhois scheduled,tobecome :
the first female executed in~i°fOklalioma has ¯
filed~ an emergency appeal ~’_~10th U.S. Circuit :
Court of Appeals. ’, -~-_..........
~ .Wanda Jean Allen wants all 10judges-of the court to :
stop her scheduled Jan. 11 execution, even after athree- "
judge panel from the court-reftmed to overturn her :
sentence in January. The U.S. Supreme Court~efusedtO -:
consider her case and she was:denied clemency earlie~ ¯
this month. Alien maintains- as she has throughout_her
previous appeals - that her prior counsel was deficient: ."
AsSistant Attorney General Sandra Howard said her "
office will oppose Alien’s request. :
Allen was convicted of the: 1988 murder of Gloria "
Leathers, her lover, outside The Village police station. "
Tulsa Family NewsAdded
State HistoPical Archives
Allen had earlier been convicted Ofinanslaught~r. :
Oklahoma’s Catholic, Episcopal andMethodist bishops
have called on Gov. Frank Keating to establi.sb~a
moratorium on all executions in the state....
¯ commentary by TomNeal, editor &publisher " "
OKLAHOMA CITY/TULSA - You would have thought it was
: .simple to do a little "historical" research. Just as in elementary
¯ school, you go down to the Central Library and look up the
¯ . material. After a friend.mentioned some stories in The Gayly
: Oklahoman that were published before this.newspaper existed, I
: tried to dojust that, only to fmd thai’our library threw out its Gay
¯. publications after six months - so much for minority history!
¯ . Ha¢ing donated seven years of copies of TFN thinking that a
: -portion of Tulsa’s LGBT history was being perserved, I was
~ : concerned. Suppression of Tulsa’s minority history_is hardly
¯ new. Tulsa’s Centennial celebration and book deliberately
excluded any mention of the existence of Gay people, and Tulsa
covered up some events, like the Rathe Riots of 1921, for years.
Tulsa City County Library System (TCCLS) had reasonable
excuses: they don’t have space to archive hard copies, they need
to have the materials on microfilm, etc. True enough. Large
newspapers, like The Tulsa Worm and The Daily Oklahoman,
monopoly dailies with huge profits, of course can and do pay for
their own filming. Those film rolls are then purchased-by
TCCLS. However, small minority publications dearly don’t
have those sorts of resources.
However, The Oklahoma Eagle is in the TCCLS archives.
How so? The Oklahoma Historical Society is committed to
preserving more than just Oklahoma’s "mainstream" history.
And in contrast to Tulsa’s usual response to its minority
citizens (give us your tax dollars, keep your mouth shut andjust
don’t getuppity), theOklahoma Historical Society was delighted
to add Tulsa Family News to its collection including microfilming
the new~paper so that OHS (and TCCLS we hope) can better
reflect minority as well as majority history.
¯ With the interest of preserving as much of Oklahoma’s LGBT
: historyas possible, I left amessagefor Paula Hand Brown of The
¯ Gayly Oklahoman to encourage them to provide theirback issues
¯ to the Oklahoma Historical Society. seeOHS, p. 10
NGLTF .Lesbian and-.. Gay Democrats-Concerned About
Journal,sin Scholarships i AsbcroR as Attorney General
WASHINGTON, DC-The National Gay and Lesbian : WASHINGTON (AP) - Several influential Democrats said
¯ So.ulforc,e-OK to Host
:Noted B,ble Scholar ¯
Prof. Scott to Address.Bible Passages, +
Soulforce .Goes to Rome~ MLK Parade
¯ TULSA - Dr. Brandon Scott will givea lecture this
¯¯ month based the passages in the Bible that are regularly
used to attack Gay and Lesbian.people. These
¯ are the so-called "clobber" passages seen as con-
¯" demning homosexuality.
Dr,~Scott is a well known New TestameiR scholar,
-" a Jesus Scholar and teaches at Phillips Theological
¯ Seminaryin Tulsa. The event is open to thepublicand
¯ will be held the January 22nd Soulforce in Oklahoma
¯ meeting from 6 - 8pro at TheGay Community Ser- ¯
vices Center, 2114 S. Memorial.
¯ This event will.begin the education and training for
¯ local actions to take place, in Tulsa along with a
"¯ interdenominational panel discussion on February ¯
26th also at the Center at 6pro, to understand where
: different denominations stand regarding this issue.
¯ Soulforce is an informal network of volunteers
: -committed to teach, and apply the principles of non-
" violence as taughtby Gandhi and Martin Luther King
." on behalf of sexual and gender minorities. Sodforce
¯ was founded in 1998 by the Rev. Mel White, author ¯
of Stranger at the Gate and his partner, Gary Nixon.
." Thewebsiteis www.soulforce.org. Innortbeast Okla-
¯ homa, contacts are KarenWeldin"Karen@cwis.net"
¯ and Susan Knanse "knalig@worldnet.att.net" ¯
"Soulforce believes that religion has become the
~ primary source of false and inflammatory misinfor-
." mationaboutLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, andTransgender
¯ people," says Sue Knause, Soulforce in Oklahoma
volunteer. "Fundamentalist Christians teach that we
¯ are ’sick’ and ’sinful.’ Liberal Christian denomina-
¯ tions teach that we are "incompatible with Christian ¯
teaching." Most conservative and liberal denomina-
¯ tions re_fuse to marry us or ordain us for ministry. The
Roman Catholic Church teaches that our orientation
is ’objectively disordered’ and our acts of intimacy
’intrinsically evil.’ They teach that we should not
¯ marry, adopt, co-parent, teach children,, coach youth
TaskForcerecentlyannouneedaFeb, 15,2000deadline
to submit applications for the.NGLTF Messenger:
Anderson Scholarships. The NGLTFMessenger-Anderson.
Scholarship Program next year will award four
$5,000 scholarships to high school seniors or undergraduatecollege
students whoplantopursue abachelor’s
degr,.ee in journalism at an accredited four-year college
¯or umverslty.
The NGLTF Messenger-Anderson Scholarship was
established by Larry Messenger and Jim Anderson in
memory of Lawrence and Sdina Messenger. "The
Messengers believed that there is a pressing need to
encourage Gay and lesbian people to become more
involvedinshapingmediaeoverage,?-’- e,,x,plainedNGLTF
.Execufi.ve Director ElizabethTolbxlo.. ’Fair coverage of
ISSUes important to the Gay,. Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgendercommunity depend~uponthebasiepremise
that all of us are created equally. But media coverage
foday often begins with thediscriminatory notion that
equality for GLBT people is somehow a matter for
debate. By encouraging GLBT students to pursuejournalism
andby assisting them with their Studies, theTask
:Force hopes, to improve the way the GLBT comrnttulfies,
..a~_d moyemen.t are. covered.’"
see. Scholarship,p. 3
DIRECTORY ...... P.2
: Sund~t.y that they .are distressed by President-elect Bush’ s cabinet
, choices to date, mentioning .attorney general-designate John
: Asheroft as. a particular problem, because.of his. opposition_to
: abortion, gU~.¢ontrol measures, and anti,Gay positions,
¯ Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., called-Asheroftrs prospects at
: Senate..confirmation for at[orney general "hardly a done deal’r
: and said he is "truly worried" that Asheroft.would not.enforce
¯ federal laws. bannitlg violence against abortion clinics ~or laws
: that restrict gun. ownership. In fact, Schumer commented that
~ Asheroft would work to repeal those~laws. "He is far and away
¯ the most troubling choice," Schumer said on-ABC’s-’-’TMs
: Week." *’The questionis will Senator Asheroft enforce.thelaw of
." .the land on things thathe’s morally opposed to."
: HoweveL Sen..,Orrin Hatch, R~Utah, appearing,,on the. same
¯ program, said he would be surprised if the Senate does not
: confirm Asheroft,-the outgoing senatorfrom Missouri who has
: served~that state’sattorney general and governor. "Heis aman
: ofintegrity. Heis amanof great experience:’ Hatch said. "I have
¯" no-doubt, as a former attorney~ general and hopefully as-this
¯ attorney general, he will enforce the laW~.regardless of whether
: he agrees with it or not"
: Senate Minority ’Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D, also expressed
¯ concerns about Asheroft, saying that he and other DemoL’rats ¯
intend to ask.him tough questions during hi~s confiymation
¯ hearings~,sp~cificallYwhether he intends to enforce civil rights
¯ laws that pr,o,tect~minorities and statutes protecting equal rights
: for women: -He has-to convincea i0tbf his eoliehgU~s~d fflrt
: of those who are concerned.., that he Can do that," Daschle told
: NBC’s "Meet the PressY
¯ Senate Republican Whip Don Nickles.of Oklahoma said he
: doesn’t understand-why Ashcroft’s critics are "taking-these
unfair cracks at him:" "I think some people are .... lookingfor an ¯ issue. They’re looking for a fight,"Nickles told NBC.. "They
: .want to ha~ea big divisive battle. " see Ashcroft, p. 11
¯ or serve in the military. Our goal is to. confront and
: eventually replace these tragic untruths with the truth
thatwe are God’s children, too, created, loved, and
¯ accepted.-by God exactly as weare," Knanse adds.
¯ During-the past summer Soulforce launched the
; "first stage" in their campaign to STOP SPIRITUAL
¯ .VIOI~ENCE noted Karen Weldin, Sodforee volun-
," teer. "We trained 1,000 volunteers on site at the
: national conventions of the United Methodist, South-
¯" ern Baptist, Presbyterian, and Episcopal Churches.
After silent, candlelight vigils, more than 500 of us
: were arrested in carefully planned acts of nonviolent
: dissent. On November 12-14, 2000 we conducted
¯ similar vigils and protests at the National Conference
~ of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC."
¯ Mel Whitehas announced Soulf0rce,s plans to take
: thenonviolentcampaignagainst centuries ofspiritual
¯ violence and anti-Gayteachings oftheRoman Catho-
¯ lic Church to the Vatican on January 5-6, 2001.
¯ Supporters of Soulforce and Dignity/USA plan to
: place their specific demands for inclusion for all
; peoplein the Church on the doors of the Vatican, in
¯ amoveechoing that of Martin Lutherat thebeginning
of the Reformation.
¯: Soulforee in Oklahoma is als0 joining PFLAG,
HRC-Oklahoma, and TOHR in the annual Martin
: Luther King Memorial Parade .on Monday, January
¯ 15th¢2001. The Parade starts atCincinnati and Pine
at 1 tam and ends in the Greenwood district. March-
¯ ers are asked to arrive 30 minutes early and look for
: the Rainbow-colored banners. Parking is very limited,
marchers are encouraged to share a ride if
¯ possible. Formore information, Call the Commuuity
Centerat743-4297between 6-9pm,Monday through
¯ Friday.. . ~,--.-..
Tulsa C[0b~"& Restaurants " -~lS.583.I248,:fax:!583.,461~!-~,i. ,, , :!! -~......: ""
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33 712--2324 " POB 4140, Tulsa, OK’Tzt159. e-mail TulsaNews@earthiinlcnet ...... "
*CW’s, i737S.’NIriiiofial ": 6i0-g3"~3 " Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal . " ~ " . 2.2
*Club che~:136mb~1926 E. Pine " -: -: 58~22~1~9 "" .~iii~rs’~- ~oniiibut~rs’: ~ames Chris-tjohli, Kaiin Grgg~Si%~Barr3) .
Polo Gfi11’~’2038 UtiCa Square . -. - 7~-4280 i~.I ~ Rotl~blum.,Mar~ Scl~epets Hiaghston.Wall~inshaw
*St. Michilel’~ Aii~ Restaurant, 3324-L E’:-31st 745£9998 -- ° ................. .
*TNT’-~,~2:i-~:4N-i’l~iein0rial : : - i" ;~°
660~9856~,~" !.ssued.aroundthe’lstofeachmonth~tlieenfireconti~ms~ofdliz:i "’~
*Tool Brk; :f338 E~’3rd " " ’- i584-]308..~
p_ubli~cation are prot._eqted.~ by US cop.yEi..’ght 2001-,b~ Tulga~
*The YelliS~: Bi:i(KR0ad Pub; 263OE; 15th’ "~4~f5~~’d "v~’am~lY New~andmaynotbereprdduc~’eittle~in.ffholerri~n,
TulsitBU~’~n~Ss~s, Services, &Profession~l~;..... .L.o~ p~..without.writtenpeimi~ion-frbm-.the.pi~titisher;.Publica4. ,;
Assoc. in_. M._ed, ,&~ Mental Health, 2325 S. ~Arvard 7~43:~00.0; " tion of a name’or-photo:doesnot indieate, apei:son:S.~extml:
Barnes & Ng-b"!e;B0oksellers, 8620 E 71 - 250,50- 3"" 4 "~6iqetltafion. Correspondence is, assumedto,befor-pabiicaiion;. "
Barnes & NOble~Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 .... 665:4580-- :.’: ~.q~!eS.~S, othem¢se’note&must b~3ighed &,lSe~omes.~t~e gole- Body Piet~i.-ng~) Nicole, 2722 E. 15 ..... property oP~’ut~t~amity’New’s.: Eaeh.r~a~ter-is,entitted to ~.,, i. ’.. 21.22-!A22~ ~, copies of each edition atdiskribiafionp0iia’ts. : i,,,..:: *BorderS-B~ol~s:~&:~)[usic, 2740 E. 21 ......... 712-.9955 .o
*Borderal~ooks:&’Music, 8015 S. Yale : "::. 494~266~ ~: Ad~fi0nal copies-are’available by calling-583d:248.. ........... ~-,
*CD Warel~;il~i-3807c S. Peoria
*Cheap ThTi!ls~26z}0 E. 1 lth ..... 295-58ff80" ! IMgnity/InteN~)idf Tiiisa -:Lesbiiln& Ga~ Cafll61i~~& . ......
Cherry S.t; psyc.hQ..therapy, 1515 S. Lewis "-581-0902, 743,4t17~ .;. : _Ep.~.scopali~; ’P.’.~17~0i?~75,7~170-1:4"~5 .? ,:’ :. 355:3140:" :
Commt~ty.~leaning, KerbyBaker " i." 622-0700., : *Fellows.hipCo~gr,e.,g..ChN.ch,2.90~)’~.H~iffd’:;......747:7777 ¯
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352:9504, 800-742-9468 ’."~*’FreeSpifitWomen sCenter:,-cdl’[~’orlb~iirh&ifif0: 587-4669! ;
Doghouse on Brookside; 3311 S. Peoria>".’ 2’ 744-555.6~ : Friend~ in Urfi~ g0diai’Orgi,POB 8542~74101 ..... . 582;0438: :
*Elite Books & Videos, 821S. Sheridan " . 838:8503~ -~.: HIV-ER Centbr, 4-138 Chiis. Page Blvd. . ’ " 583-661I’ ¯
Encompass Travel, 13161H N. Memorial 369,8555 :- *TUlsa.TC.AIR:E.S.:;~ 3507~.~.E. iAdmiial ....... ’ ....: 834-419z[ -"
Ross Edward Salon 584-0337, 712-9379 ." HOPE, HIV Outreach,Preventi0n; EduCatldti . " i 834-8378 ~
Events’Unlimited, 507 S. Main " 592,0460: : *HousepftheH0iySpiriiMin;tri~s,il,~!JS.Mgmorial 224_-4754 :
Floral Design Studio, 3404. S. Peoria ..... 7/1:4-9595 ¯ *MCC United, 1~52) N. MapleW06Ll
838-1715 ¯
Four Star Import Automotive, 990.6 E. 55th Pl. 610,0880 :_ NAMES ProJect, 3507 E. Admiral H. 748-3111 :
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica S~. Med;.ctr. 628:3709 : NOW, Nat’.l:Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159" 365-5658 .
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026 " OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9!~:~2~~5~ " ¯
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460 ¯ *OSU-Tulsa ......
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial p!apping 459:93;49: :-PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 " - .......... /749-4901
Mark T: Hamby, Attorney 744:7440~ " *Hanned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria .....587:7674"-
*Sandra J, Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E." Skelly 745~-’1111 ¯ Prime-Timers, P.O~ BoX 52118, 74152
*International Tours ’ 341-6866 ¯ ’-R~.A.I:N:; Regional~AIDS InterfaithN&~v0rk . 749:41,95 ; Youhaveanopportunity, too, toreachout
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 71252750 ; *Red-.Rock Mental~Center, 1724 E. 8 . ..... - ~ 384-2325 - : and listen to the concerns of Gay, Lesbian,
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th - 582:3018 ~ ’St’. Aidan’s~scopalChurch,4045N.Cincinnafi ."425-7882 : BisexualandTransgenderedAmericansand
David Kanskey; Country Club Barbering 747-0236 St. Dufistan S Episcopal, 5635 E. 7tst ............ 492-7140 ¯
their parents, families, friends and allies. It
The K,eepers, Housekeeping & Gardening --- 582-8460 -. *St.Jerome’s ParisliChurch, 205W. King _ . ’582-3088 ; is saidthatoneinfourfamilieshaveafarnily
*Ken s Nowers, 1635 E. 15 ...... 599~8070 , : -Soulforce-OK; Rt.4,# 3534, SfiglerT~2 58713248~452-2761 " member who is Gay or Lesbian~ Weare sick Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747:32166- : : ,Tulsa-Area united Wa~y, 1430-s:Bgiiider....583-717i . ’and fir.ed of fighting thosewho would.prefer . that we all go back in the closet- and;itrp
*LivingArtSpace, 308 South Kenosha ....~ 585:1234 ¯ ’*:Tlq~,7iPP (Native American men),’IndiatIHeath Care" ’ 582-7225 *Midto~i,nTheater~319E..3rd ...... 584:3112 ¯¯ ...........:..... ,:,.~ - : _~,............... ¯ seekingjustice, safety and respect for those ~utsat~ountyt-teatmJJepartment,-4o~b,e. ta........ ’,a:~a.-4tua ; welo~eThatfs ev " " -- "
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720cE. 31 ..... 663-5934 : ...... .................. -........ ; .... - " ’ ’ ..... ~~ :~ " ’- " . . ,..’, ~.~
*MohaWk MusiC, 6157 E 51 Place........ 664~-2951 :~ ; ’ 297-" : : e~Pv,°.~Ussb~Y~t.°~isakexet~fa~f~.-~cel.,n.
Puppy PauselI, 1060 S. Mingo ....... 83857626 . :-T:U-,L:.S.A:.Tnlsa~Uniform/Leath~rSed~i-s A~rC "298~827. :-"- ~, !Y’~’~Y’ ¯ ’ _ ~ " " " ¯ genQerco/Mllerlcans are trcaieo. *The Pride Store - -- " ..... 743’:z~297 : ’*Tulda ChyH-~lt;rrotmd FloorVestibnle ’"~ ......:...... ~ .
Rainbowzon the River B÷B,POB 696, 74101 " 747-’5932 : *Tnl~ii~cism’ifi~Unii) CollegeCampu~es ..... "........ : ................. ~ ~ Nowli~kE is this more important thatt in
Richard’s CarpetCleaning ~-- 834-06q7 : ~*TulsaG~Coi~fiiimii3iC~ter;2/st&Memorial .. :1743-4297 ¯ ..our s~hools. I have been struck by .your
TeriSchutt, Rex’ Realtors 834-7921,74’7.~746 :-Unity~hur.chof(2hti~tiAnit~;3355S:.Janies-trWn ¯ -.749-8833 -’:P.assjOn fOr excellence in the educati°n we
Scribner’s -Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square; ...... 74-%6301 BAFITLE~VIt2LE .................................... ... give Our youth. I share that passion.’l~Ut I
Paul Tay, Car Salesman. " " 260-7829 i’ iBm’tlesvillePublic.Librai’y,600 S~ Jolma0nd ~i 918~3~7-53531~ i mfalStl°loe’l~~rt.t.Os:~~W’.~eotohlas,t’"~ulnelveessns othuear cbhesiltdftreeancehersa,nd
*TnlsaComedyClnb,.6906S. Lewis "
8.4~.~55~38 : TAHLg:QI.JAH _ ¯ the be’t:’fi~terials will not make the differ=
Venus Salon; 1247 S. Harvard °2 .- : ~:l’7~q 7 : :.Stonewall League, call for information .... 918-456-7900 ~ ence they should. We know that: Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling _._-.o___ : - . ......
" " " " - 66522222 :." Tahl.-eq-ualrUmtanan-,Umversallst Church .... 918-456-7900 ¯ * Virtually all students in public schools
*Wherehouse:Musi¢; 5150 S. Sheridan
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592 0767 ~ Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 ~ ....."918-453-9360 " regularly report heating anti-Gay remarks www.gaymlsa:0rg .... website forTulsaGays &Les-bians- ": EU" RFKA SPRIHG" ~, ARKANSAS - " " "¯ fMroamsspaceheurss(eett.sg.G,9o7v%erinnoar1is9C93oRmempiossritoonfthone
Tulsa Aoenei si Churches, Sehools&0niver iiiO " "Autunm Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734 " Gay and LesBian Youth; and a March 1997
AIDS Walk Tulga’, POB 4337,q4101 ...... 579-9593 " Jim &Brent’s’Bistro, 173 S. Main. 501-253~7457 ¯
All Souls:UnitariaWChureh, 2952 S: Peoria - - ........743-2-363 " DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center.St. - ¯ ¯ .’..
~ 501,253-6807- :. :smdYby’hi"ghsch°o1 studentsinDesM°ines"
Black & White, Inc: POB 14001 Tulsa 74159 587-7314 ¯ Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring-St. " - 501-253-5445 ." Iowa, found that students reported heating
, ¯ anti-Gay epithets 25 times a day).
Bless The Lord atAll Times Christian Center.2207 E. 6 583-7815 MCC of the Living. Spring 501-253-9337 " * Harassment of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 583-9780 " Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776 ¯
or Transgendered youth often goes well
Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201 " Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332 : beyond verbal harassment to physical as-
*Chapman S_tudent Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th Pl. & Florence " Positive lde;a Marketing Plans 501~624-6646
ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314 " Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East ........ 501:253-6001 : sanlts. All too many of our PFLAG parents
" have been devastated by the physical and
*Community of Hope Church, 2545 S: Yale 747-6300 " White Light, 1 Center St. - 501-253-’4074 ¯ emotional harm done to their children by
*Commtm~_’ty Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595 " dOPLIN, MISSOURI "- their peers - unchecked by administrators
Council Oak Men’s Chorale 748-3888 ¯ Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 417-623-4696 " and teachers.
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware ..... 712-1511 " * iswhereyoucanfindTFN.NotallareGaY-0w.nedb.utallareGay-frieadly. ¯ see PFLAG, p. 11 "
An Open Letter to
President-Elect George W. Bush
Congratulations on being elected to th~
office of- President of the United States:of:.:
America. Like you, I am a patriotic An~¢ii~
can and a.person of deep faith. But I am also
the motherlof a Gay son and the Executive
.Dire~to_r~0f Parents, Families and Fri~ids ~f.:
._Lesbi.aas.,,.and Gays. (PF:I~.G)~ Through~o,. ¯
-lifetimegf,,working for equal justice~J have,
foun~d~that di.vision catmotbe solved without ..
compassion and inclusion. I h6pe that
vision and values of "compassionat.e;eon.:.
serv.a.tism"have taught you the sam~:_ .:
In.yo0r .acceptance remarks, you_.men--.
tioned then.eed"to address some ofsociet~yis.,
¯ deeper:problems one person at a time~.by,.
eneotlr~ggi~tg andempowering thegoodhe,art~_.
and ~j~!i~i,orks of theAmerican people.!T!n
esse~€¢i: this is what PFLAG does. We are..
peopi,,a~cro~s this country who reacho~i.in.
lovg.tO~ those who differ from us, and.come.
to u~.d¢~rstand and appreciate them..........
P.~.FL~..G_members share with you.~de..:
sireAQ protect the rights and ens_ure
potential, of all Americans. Youhave-a great
opportunity to assure that all claims ~ that
anyone was turned away from the polls ,or
discouraged from voting because .of their
race or ethnic origin are rigorously.and
sympathetically investigated and pur.s.ued
by your administration. As anationwemust
face up to the continuing existence ofracism
in our country and do everything we can to
eradicate unfair treatment because of race.
¯" Otherwise we will not be able to reap the
:.o.¯ benefits o~ourproudcommitment to liberty
¯ and.justice for all....
Thompson, HHS &
An LGBT Agenda
by Elizabeth Toledo, Executive Director
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Thefirst time I picketedinfront0fthe Reagan Building
in Washington, D:C. was in protest of ii visit by Wisconsin
Gov. Tommy Thompson. He had signed some 0f the
most misogynist legislation in the country, includingthe
most restrictive atiti-abortion legislation implemented "
since the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade recognized
abortion as a constitutional right in 1973. He also: engineered
Wisconsin’s onerous wdfare law, which kicked
off the trend that resulted in punitive measures at the
federal level - measures that made scapegoats of many
lower-income people who lacked access to educational
opportunities, job training and affordable child care.
Imagine then my surprise to pick:up,several publications
that serve the gay, lesbian, bisexti,~l:~dtransgender
community and read an uncritical analysi~ofThompson~
whom President-designate George W. Bush has nominated
to .be Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Replace Donna Shalala with Tommy Thompson? The
dismal reality of the presidential dection has begun to
sink in. Thequestion arises, what vision and leadership
will we in the GLBT movement provide over the course
TFN: Beginning
by Tom Neal, editor &publisher
I usually write this editorial late in November because
: we published our first issue midway through December in
." 1993. At the time, I’d been writing andlaying out the Tulsa
section of a now defunct Kansas-based rag. Eighty-four
issues have now been printed, documenting - ,,
the life.and issues of our commumty, if not . . . Eighty-t~our issue~
perfectly, then better than has ever been
Certaiul.y, The Gayly Oklah~man, our
sister, and elder, publicationhas been around
¯ longer but as Tulsans havelong complained,
: their coverage of our city has iaever been as
¯ thorough. We’ve long argued that you can-
:. not successfully provide newscoverage for
¯ a town in which you don’t live.
Unlike many .LGBT, let us say, Gay, for
_" brevity, newspapers, Tulsa Family News is
: available in a number of mainstream ven-
¯ ues: Tulsa City Hall, Tulsa City-County ¯
Library System, Barnes & Noble, Borders
¯ Books &Music, anumberofTulsachurches,
." as well as at some" Tulsa dubs, and other
¯ venues where Gay papers have been longer
have now been printed,
documenting the life
and issues d our
community, if not
perfectly, then better
than has ever been
done.., it has been a
labor of love, not
money. Tulsa seems
full of people who
think that there are hig
welcome. This easier access Should hardly buel~s to be-made in
Our Eighth. Year ¯
day-out. But you find in minority communities, a mentality
that we should not hold our leaders and programs or
: others up to a public standard. . Clearly we disagree.
¯ Anewspaper (unlikelocal community magazines which
." seek to highlight "good things" about Tulsa and to sell
advertising) exists to seek the truth and to
publish it. Sometimes that is "good stuff"
and sometimes, alas more often, it’s bad.
Tulsa Family News seeks to be fair in
our reporting and dear in our editorial
Writing. Sometimes we have not been either
which we regret. For example, we
wrote in last month’s editorial that there
are groups involved in Tulsa Metropolitan
Ministry who oppose civil rights for Lesbians
and Gay men. I regret that my writing
was not dear. As written, it appears
that I attribute that position to the ministry
itself rather than constituent groups.
But as I pointed out to one TMM staff
person, our editorial pages are open to
other points of view and that we have
published letters to the editor, even when
they are extremely critical of this newspaper
and its writers. I am disappointed that
of thenexftour. years9eIns iot u.,ghtosay that Tommy ," be taken for grantewd- therhe waes timne. .. local publlshi,n~. TMM’s. staff decided not to write with
Thompson is not as bad an appointment as-Bush could ~ the only place Y0U.could find a Gay paper ~,, ~ .... . ,, their concerns. .
have made~-Is itenough to say that the nomination ofSen ? ¯ ¯ v~as in a sexually oriented bookstore, or in l"lease think .again.... So with seven years down, and more to
John ’.A~h~0ft to be attorney general is somehow miti" i ." adub- v~fiue~ ff~ch sofii~ifiay.bg.ungom~ " i~ ~ " . i " go~ God, advertisers, printers and writers
oated’bvth~nominafionofthenrO-choiceandnro-GLBT :" fortablefr~iu~ti~g,o~ttherS,thoseunder21 for example, " "’.i~illing~wewillcontinuetodowhatwedo, hopefully with
New Jersey Guy. Chi~stine Whitman~to :be head of the " may not always tiavea.c_cess. . ........... ¯ .~feweramstakes and maybe even more ads. .
Environmental Protection Agency9 " ’: - :.~ ¯ :/" ’* And unlike many Gaypapers, TFN has~always limited. ::..i Particularthaiaksis~luetoourwriters,mostparticularly,
Let’s give credit where it. is du~: As-Ch~afr of "the" :"the sex~tiall~ oi:itlii.".~. ~~.~i9~f.,0.urp.ag~:~¢a~e not aiiti-~ .’. myfrt~fid, form~rc0mpanion, and still neighbor, ,entercommitteethatdraftedtheRepublican’Partyplafformlast
: sexbutd0t~ffni~etllaipageafterpageof-explicitpht~tos ¯ tainmentcriticJamesChristjohn.He’sbeentherefromthe
summer, Th0mnson did lead the effort tO remove some ~ ¯ and personals may be profitable but push ~e llnaits of the ;i.~b’eginiiing and h/is put up with much along the way. Also,
not alF:~ Of th6 ~OP’s anti-GLBT language (A measure :-:..~’:mainstream" community’s’t3feranc~",.W,e~O.ra~..e.r,g~.t.:the. :;~.’deser~,~ng of th~ a~e writers Barry Hensley, Lamont
condemning recognition of same-sex Tel~ ~atioushi~s re- : hews to all, eveni~f ,i.t,’ ,c0’..s,t~ .u~.i~o,’ ~,~"~i’-; ...... . ..... :, Lindsttom, Mary Sch¢ppers, Jean-Pierre LeGrandbouche
mained in Thomt~son’s draft and other~disciiminatorw ~ ¯ Which brings us-to this: it ]ias.]~,en.~a:i~biJi 0Yl0ve, nut’s. ~ (~ho t~ally, really is not me!), Karin Gregory, long-time
measurea~Were later olaced back in the’platform after ¯ .~oney. Tulsa seems trUli oF people.who.thmk that thergare ;. ,advertasers Kelly Kirby, Tim Darnel, Vanessa Welch, St.
religious fi~ht activist~wresfled the dotuineiit away fro~~’~:7’big bucks to be,made, in loCa!...pub!is.h~ Pl,,eAs~..e tlfink ¯ ." .Michad’s Alley, TOHR, MCC United, David. Kauskey
theVvV~scon~in ~overnor) ............. ,, .’i~:L~ain. 1-iSi:6iiiiseyoutha~it~Xl0t,s~.The~¢i~areas0n that i. ~.madt]~e.bthers who make it possible to print thisnewspa-
Thomp~iJn al~o has b~n a positive advo~ate for AIl~g,." 7 Lhave anothgr,j~b ~, ~,e,ll as pubii a this, fiJ paper .per~ And I must add particular thanks to our printer (and
fundin~"He~stron~lv suooorted the R~an-White Care Act. : .-, Of€ourse, it wg~lfidn thur(ifinbi:etfTulsa s Gayxxwncd ;..hi.sogo,ood and patient staff), who despite beingafaithful
andh~litMe~,aid~aiversforHiV_~p0sitivepeople,,. :_, i~us~iiesses"a~.~.i~Tg,~_~:i,~tio~ ~ere supporting,..u~., ,!~ can :, ,~.uth~..rn Baptist, s~d we had a right to get .our,news
who are"~i~t-normallv elioible for Medi~d until they:." ""thinkofadoge~i’~sdwhocould~doso.,Graatcdi~ma.’ghtnot ": printedaudhasdone~0f°rmostofoursevenyear*,71oour
have dev~’iooed AID~ s~toms. : : . ..... ~ ~’~: :. ~:ltfin~-thefii2as much beaef~t. ,~. ~ ~a~:W~.r!~d..gr.~ban : ::~adei:’s,-Ialsoaddmythanks foryourinterestand.ev,eryonce
That’s two marks m favor of Thomp~qn - and in ....:l:ulsaa~tbut~t,als0.,w..o0!~...t,,,eg,~s~t,a t,eg~th.~f.:pne percent as ., m,a while, your feedback..........
oppos~ih~Tli6mpson’s nomination as Secre.,.ta:rY of Health. i~ much. ~Atld ~e,,r,e,, ~i~s;~,s0.m..._e.._.~.’n_go to_ .~e. zaid~;f,o.r, su.pporti.n.,g ; .7 ~.Las.t,:I..ran pr,oud to, n.ote th~at~, Tu~,a F,amily~,N¢.e~v~s ~.h~
nndlffii~t~h’.q~rviee~ the National Ga~aJ~sbianTask "~ your own,.as wett as not,justsupporlingguDncattons wtm ~ ¯ ,o.e,eu 0a.Oed to me arcmves oI me uraanoma rUs.totacat
FoBrcuetadtogersii~~ointlterldvlaanl~dzte~rtohgeriersismivepoGrLtBanTcYen.i.tfvement for _¯. acnotm~-mGuanyithyl,stwoenreesalt~L,yi~~ol~ons¢,tl-iskuep,.tph0er.tWe~~,cL.Od,,,o.,a~0e,d~.~Le~.!r7.,y.~E.;,.e~sn;,.a :o:. -~:~m.9e9pxea.pt~erTwh,em.Sc,nocm~,eetyn w.~~itlu!saals~t~o,tbye~t_m.olcurnotfyil~L.mtoi,r’angtT,c,o~~py~s¢t8,eomf
soclal~ustace must demandbetter....................... ¯ ,"¯ ¯ .N.o.w.su.ing.,w.il.l ~a.y. t;h.a..t..s.b..e.c..au:s..e..w...e..w.._.n..t.e.t.h.i.ngs which .o .¯ w-ill b. e ,abl to add to their permanent collex~ta¯ on¯ T¯ ulsa
As ~’Cb~ia scott Kin~ recently noted at NGLTF’~-~:_,o_anger p.~0pl,g (.o,.r.00W t.c~ver things ,,vhich-anger~ some.¯ ,.,Faintly.News al_~_O ~c,alled and encouraged the.Gayly Oklarecen(
ci(eatino Chanoe ~,onferen~e:~n~’~f the stories ¯ others). We have pubiiSl~l’e~/ti{als,critical of ctmml~- : : , ho~aan to donate €opies of their productionto.th¢.OHSso
behind’th’e~No~en~ger ~{~00 election is~l~3~recedented : nity leaders, articles which, were. ~’n’~l-c,hl .0f. I=I!Vii.A_ifi.s : :, ~eof Oklahoi~a’s Lesbian and Gay.history,win be
coalition’-buildin~ "In a way we hav~t~s~id an object ’: i~o~bans, eVoi~fiti’~tl ofL~sbianown,ex!r.estaurants,local ¯ ¯ preserved.TFN will alsobe donating our copies ofdefunct
lesson in’t~e nower of coalition unity:’~Mrs Kin~ said "I " and nanonal theatrical producuons, and-more; .-.That ,s, of ¯. Oklahoma LGBT pubhcattons to the OHS as w~ell..
think we havre just seen.the future~ Am~fican°dem~€: : course; precisely what.,The.Tul~a:Wor~d doe~ daydn_aiid : .. Here’s to a good year in 2001 for you and for us.
racy flash before our eyes last Tuesday (Nov. 7). The "
coalition.that gave AI Gore a popular majority can surely
be as powerful as theNew Deal coalition that transformed
America in an earlier era."
Quotingtheimmortal words ofherhusband, Mrs. King ¯
said, "We -are~all ~tied together in a: single garment of. ~.!
destiny...An inescapable network of mutuality...I can
never be what I ought to be until you are allowed to be
what you ought to be." "
So in envisioning abroad-based, progressive coalition,
I think we must think of those who have suffered and will "
suffer under a Bush-Tommy Thompson agenda. Based "
on his record, how would we expect Thompson to treat ."
poor GLBT people who need social services? If he ¯
punishes poorwomenfor having too many children, how "
do we think he’s going to treat GLBT parents who need
hdp providing for their kids? How will his support for a ."
During each year of the program’s duration, four Messen-
.gerzAnderson scholarships .will be available at a rate of
$5,000 the first year, renewable at $2,500 the next two
years for a possible total award of$10,000.
Winners are required to.participate ,in a paid Messenger-
Anderson Scholarship Intern Program atNGLTFoffices in
Washington, D.C. or New York City during the summer of
2001. To download scholarship guidelines and an application,.
please visit www.nglff.org/about/messenger.htm. For
questions about the scholarship, email delliot@ngltf.org.
No phone calls, please. ."
Applications fortheNGLTFMessenger-Anderson Schol- :
arship .Fund must be postmarked by Feb. 15, 2001¯ Win- .
pro-heterosexual-marriage agenda in wdfare policies : ners will be announced this spring, and the awards, will be
impactOUt:eoramunity?., ~,, ~., ., -,.’." .;. see .NGLTF,,p, 11, ,.:- ~distributed~’in~August.-~200~l,:, .’A, committee ,of, working ~
: journalists, communications specialists and GLBT activ-
¯ ists will select the .winners.. The scholarship competition
¯ is only open to undergraduate college students and to
: graduatinghigh school seniors. Applicants mustbepursu-
¯ ’ing a bachdor’s degree in journalism. In instances,where
¯ colleges or universities do not offer such a degree, appli-
: cants must be able to.demonstrate that they are pursuing a
: career in either journalism or commtmications advocacy,
¯ Foundedin 1973, NGLTFworks to eliminate prejudice,
violence and injustice against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
-Transgendered people at the local, state and national level.
As part of a broader social justice moyement for freedom,
justice and equality, NGLTF is creating a world that
¯ respects the diversity of human expression and identity
,.where all people ,may.fully participate in society: .........
Anti-Gay Petition Filed ¯
SALEM; Ore. (AP) - Just weeks after Oregon voters
defeated an anti-Gay rights measure, Lon Mabon and
his Oregon Citizens Alliance have filed-a similar
initiative petition for the 2002 ballot. Mabonfiled the
initiative, dubbedthe Student Protection Act II, with
Federal and-state constitutions forbid s~hools from
banniug books because officials disapprove of their
Enterline said she ordered the books over the summer
because the library lacked biographies and she
wanted students to havethe chance to learn about Gay
the secretary of staters office. If it qualifies for the andLesbianrolemodels.’qThebooksarenotaboutsex.
ballot, it would .be the OCA’s fourth anti-Gay civil ".. They are just about people, who have ledlnteresting,
rights ballot measure.. Voters rejected measures in i producti. ve-lives. an,dal.so.ha.pp.e.n¯.to.b.e Gay,"_ .s.a.i.dTom
1992 and 1994. " .... Kovac; the school s hbrary- technician.
Measure" 9 would have prohibited instruction in ¯ It isn’t the first time the district bahned booKS’. TWO
public gchools~aat "encourages, promotes or sanctions"
behaviors related to homosexuality and bisexuahty.
Th~new xmttattve says sexual onentatton shal
notbe taught inOregon public schools in iimauner that
would express approval of, promote or endorse homosexual
ot bisexual behaviors." Sexual orientation and
homosexuality are defined as yielding, whether x
thought of deM,_respectivdy, to urges fr~iiaptations
to en~a~eifl sexu~ activity with members of the same
gender. :~ :~’ -:’ :~ ’
In th~ fall ~afiapaign, lV!easure 9 oppoif~n(s said the
meastii~~fifil(ed ~Children s health beCMii~’ it wou~!
limitAIDS;edt~ation in schools and le~d (6 increased
teen suicide. 7 ~ "
The iie~¢’initiative says.the,,propos~AiS~te sh.o.u!,d
not be~ci)fi~i,e,d,,ias limiting: age-appt.o.p~ate, ot~jective,~"
dt’aetual ’AIDS educati,o,n, in~ii-ii~fi’bn reg~d~
ing hum~iii ~exuality, t~aching affi~.")i~"~the hnniim
wortli~Of"alI~st~dents,’ or suicide consoling. The
statute al~0 ~hould not cause the firing!.ofbpenly Gay
teachers, the proposal says.
Ellen L0we, who worked on the Nd 6n 9campai~i,
said the new effort would not persuad~ :~;0ters WI~
rejected the measure to switch side~. "I sense that
people really dounderstandthe motive~,0fLonMabon.
I don’t know that they are going to be fooled," Lowe
In a fund-raising letter dated Dec. 18, Mabon, the
OCA~s executive director, told supporters that ~e
antt-"Measure 9. campaign "spent close, to- a million
dollars, promoting this lie" about A!DS educataon:
"We must file right away to keep the homosexual
activists in our schools from:taking more license w!~
our innocent children," the letter said.
School Charged With.
Censorship of Gay Bios
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) - Two students sued the
Anaheim Union High School District for removing 10
biographies on homosexuals from their school library
in what they contend is a violation of constitutional
free-speech rights.
The Orangeview Junior High School students.said
in the U.S. District Court lawsuit that the district
censored a book series called "Lives of Notable Gay
Men and Lesbians." Thebooks include biographies on
tennis player Martina Navratilova, economist John
Maynard Keynes, and writers Willa Cather and James
Baldwin. "
The American Civil Liberties Union, whichfiled the
suit oi~ behalf-of the two unidentified students, demanded
that the district immediately return the books
to the library shelves. "We all know why these books
havebeenbanned;" ACLU attorney MarthaMatthews
said. "The books were banned because they had a
. positive statement to make to kids about Gay and
Lesbian people.. ¢Fhe books were banned because of
deep-seated prejudice."
Principal Barbara Smith removed the books and
took them to the district office in September, the suit
said. No reason was given by administrators,
Orangeview library teacher Chris Enterline said. "In
my heart, I know it’s because they. are about Gays and
Lesbians, and it says so on the front of the book,"
Enterline said.
Telephone calls to Smith weren’t returned.
: years ago, the district removed the Pulitzer Prize-
: wiariinghoog,~"Beloved;r$~-f~y Toni M0rrison;.because
¯ of complaints that it was too graphic in its descriptions
of a strivewho kiils l~er daughte~ instead 0f-ha4ing her
~ live as a slave. ,.;..........
: Gays,,ThenGets Arrested
B’ALTI~(~RE’(AP)" ~-’The ~city s ~housing .~,-~-
ii sioner was arre,sted after refusing tO lea~i~-a b~, ~vhere
~ h~b~htter’eomplained-~the commissioner made repeh~
ed-disparaging remarks~ab0utp.atrons h~ Su~spect~,,ed
! ~ff being Gay. "You "gttys° are fags;~ and-"-ttfi~ whole
: ~ra~ i~’friil’ 6f fags"~were’amofig the r~maik~:~ ph~flT.
GT~fii~6 ~lS~t~dlym.ade, a,€~ording
,fil~d, b,~Offi~r E~cert ~Lutadeju.
:" Gr’a~iano,47,:~cas arre~t&l ~Bertha
and restaurant in the historic Fells Point waterfront
: diSLri~fi~p6li~e~pokeawomar~Ragina A~erdl’a ~Sitid.
.i :Afi~r t~in~’t~i~nore~ the~remarks, the t~V~i:~at~fns,
i~ Jason E~w~rd, 2~, and Prasad Narasimhff Ki~duvhlli,
; 33, asked the bartender to ask Grazi.ano to leave, the
¯ "Police v~eiie ~alled because Mr. Graziano hadb~n
-~isked,to leave and refus~.ed~ to dO :so; , Averell~-s~tt~~.
¯ "P61iC~ were called to.the sceneandheSfill refli~ed’~o
¯ leave~ .and- he-was ptaced..under arrest. The officer.
.advised the-suspecii repeatedly, to leave;and arrested,,
Gra~iimo after he Said ,I don’4 have to go anyw.here~I
the report said. Graziano, who was initially, charged
with disorderly conduct, was released from the-city
detention center later the morning of his arrest, the
police spokeswoman .said.
Gtaziano, a senior adviser and former general manager
of theNew York City. Housing. Authority,. ,was
appointedinOctober afterformercommissionerPatricia
Hayne resigned following disagreement with Mayor
Martin O’Malley over.how to run the department.
¯ Graziano will notbe prosecuted, said Deputy State’s
¯ Attorney HavenKodeck. "Based on our guidelines, we
¯ determined that prosecution was not warranted,"
: Kodeck said. "The situation was abated by Mr.
¯ Graziano’s arrest and removal from the situation;" A
¯ telephone call by The Associated Press to OrMalley’s
¯ office was not returned.
" Conneetieut Scouts Try
to Explain Anti-GayViews
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Connecticut Boy Scfut
." officials have distributed more than 25,000 copies of a
¯ pamphlet explaining the national organization’s tea-
-" son~ for not accepting openly Gay members or adult
¯ leaders. "It is a statement of who we are and what our
_" belief system is," said Douglas Ktofina, executive
¯ director of the Yankee Council, based in Milford.
¯ The pamphlet, called "In Support of Values: A
Communication Tool for Parents, Leaders and Friends
¯ of Scouting," outlines the policy that was narrowly
up,h~eld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
¯" "I’his is a complicated issue, but our critics are
jumping up and down saying we discriminate," said
! Krofina, whose council serves 25,000 youths in most
¯ of New Haven and Fairfield counties.
~ ’q~he court said we have a First Amendment fight to
II "-
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associate with whom we choose," he said. "Professed " The husband looks at the wife and says, ’did you see
athei"stscan_’ t-beScout~leadersormembers el"thex:Had....-.¯.. ~who he called honey-?’ They were uncomfortable and
the atheists been more organized, they would have ° we were,uncomfortable. If you eliminate that factor, it
reached the Supreme Court first, and the court would
-have-niled the same. way,"
..... The naiion’h highest court ruled in July thatothe Boy
Scouts may bar Gay.s.,from:servmg as troop,leaders,
6oncluding that forcing the Scouts to accept Gay
)..eaters w~dyiolate~eo~ganization’.s First ~anendment
right of free’expression. ~ .
The .a~pplieation. for adult leaders does not ask.a
candidate’s sexuall orientaffon, and Scouting has-~an
unofficial "don’t ask, don’t tellY.policy similar to the
militm-y. ’.s,;Krofina said....
Charlotte Begins: Gay.
. Center Fundraisers
CHARLOTI’E, N.C. (AP) - Backers of a proposed
communitycenter for Gays in the Charlotte area have
be.g}m a campaign to generate financial support for the
project. The center would serve the region’s Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender population with
child care, sporting events, support groups and educational
The center’s soon-to-be-announced board of trustees
plans to begin a fund-raising campaign to buy a
site. "We are looking for a place that is going to be
accessible tomost ofthe community," saidDanKJ!’.sch,
a member of a committee putting together the fundraising
campaign. Kirsch said the center also will
welcome memberships from Charlotte’s non-Gay
Depending on the success of the fund-raising cam,
paign, supporters expect a centerloeation to be secured
in two or three years.
Lone ,Star Living: Gay
Camping Near Waco
WACO,Texas - Located off.a bumpy~.gravelled road,
with an inconspicuous sign and a line of trees blockin,g
the ,scenic lakeside view, ,it might be said that the
Rainbow Ranch has been in the,closet for the past five
years..The Gay and Lesbian campground, whichisjust
outside Groesbeck, has become one of Central Texas’
best kept secrets, said Nell Johnsen, a guest turned
ranch manager. "We, are. remotely located, and not
highlypublicized, so alot ofpeople don’rknowthat we
are out here," Johnsen said."
Even’Jolmsen and his partner, Kelvin.Winn~. wlao
manage, the campgrbtmds~, stumbled upon .the xanch
accidentally while taking a.two~year, trip .around the
United States. "We ca~e here almost by mishap,"
J6tmsensm"d. "I found theWeb page while we were in
Arizona, and we decided to stop in and. see..It-was
going to be a two-week stop, but we’ve been here £or
the past nine.months."
Theserenity Of the location, with campgrounds
overlooking Lake Limestone and a small forest teeming’with
wildlife, helps to draw many regulars to the
ranch from major cities through0tit Texas and"the
entire country. But it’s reallypriyacy and.the comfort
of being able to spend time out in the open with their
partners that keeps couples coming back.
~ "It’sjustthe simple things,like holding your partner’s
hand as you walk through the wood~," Johnsenaaid. "It
can’be uiieasy for f01kswith a partner of the same sex
’t6be thi~m~elves af.othef campgrounds’; so the comfort
factor is areal draw here." "
Sinc~ beginning theif travels at their li0ni~
Vmi~ouver, Wash’,, J0hii~en mid Wimi li~tg~ experiefi~
d theanxiety Of Staying’ el’s’ewhere: ................
°°’W~wetestaymg.ata’ very niceRV park, and I was
OUtsx" de gn"lfi"ng,"’ JOlms’ en sai"d. ’~I stu" d"s’~om’".e..t.hi*n’ g""~s"
basic as; ’Honey, can you pasgm8 ~li~’tong~?’ ~d you
couldjiist f~ei th~i00ksfftfi~ the 8"6iipi~in th~ext’R~(
¯ makes [t;aiot easier to have a good .’.time."
: To ensure that that sense of security is maintained at
.." -all times, owner Peggy Thomas does not allow hetero-
.¯...sexuals to c,amp by themselves at the xanch. "I will
allow tffemili~ey come with Gay,campers, but not if
¯ -they come by themselves," Thomas .said.."I think it’s
." important to have a place where you can. be yi)urself,
._ hereyoudon t have to have strmgkt,peoplestarlng at
.you. I opgned it because I liked Caml~i,ng and i didn’t
: like being stared at." -.....
." Thomas said she picked out the location near
Groesbeck because the land was cheaper than in other
areas..Another nice aspect, she said, was. a tree line
separadngmost of the grounds from the road outside,
." affording campers a little more privacy. That barrier
¯ makes campers feel more comfortable about being ¯
near such arural town, said Winn, althoughhe says the
¯ people of Groesbeck have been nice to them.
¯ Although the camp hasn’t had any trouble with the
.. residents of Groesbeck or any other local people, the
¯ camp’sWebsite did experience asetbacklately. While
tryi~,g to locate the camp’s site on several search
; engines, Johnsen found out that it had been kicked off
¯ most of them - an act that requires some kind of
complaint lodged against the business.
; Becausemost of the camp’s business is generated by
Internet searchers, thathurt camp attendance, he said.
e found outpurelyby accident thatwe weredropped
from the search engines," Johnsen said. "But werereg-
: istered with all of them, and in 8 months we have had
.. over 10,000 visits, and business has picked up."
¯ "It really amazes me, the perceptions that still exist
." that we are out here doing something strange, but it is
: really just like a typical campground," Johnsen said.
¯ "Our sexual identity is just a part of us, but this is a
place where thatis not anissue andwecan do the things
we enjoy, whether it be fishing or boating or hiking.
There’s just really something for everyone here."
¯ Group Asks Mormonsto
¯ Change Anti-Gay Policy
¯ SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A group of more than 300
¯ Gay and Lesbian Mormons and their family is asking
¯ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to
¯ change its stance on homosexuality. The loosely knit ¯
group "Mormon Advocates for Further .Light and
¯ Knowledge" ran an advertisement with a petition in
; The Salt LakeTribune late in December.
¯ : The document.calleduponMormon general authori- ¯
taes to repudiate church statements about homosexual_
; ity that are false and misleading. The petition said that
7 would include the church’s position that "same-sex
.. attraction is an undesirable and unnatural emotion,
¯ Which, whenacted upon results in sinful, Satan-in-
] spired behavior." Church spokesman Dale Bills said it
~ is too early to respond to the petition, but that "President
Gordon B. Hinckley has repeatedly expressed the
¯ .Church’s. compassion toward homosexuals."
¯ The.petition’s author, MacMadsen, said the petition
¯ is a last-ditch appeal to church leaders for meaningful
i -dialogue about homosexuality. He said he has pleaded
¯ for two years with church leaders to hear them out. The
¯ .former Weber_State University healthy-lifestyles pro-
: fessorandmen’s golf coach saidhemailedthepetition
¯ to churchleaders more than a year a.g0 _.a0~d he_r~eg.ei.v_ed
¯no response..
] Madsen originally planned to run the ad during the
¯ Church’s Octo.~berGeneral Conference, butlackedfunds.
Nonames appear due to space constraints;but Madsen
said more than 300 individuals from 12,countries and
,most states,.backed it. Madsen initially, hesitated to
have his name.printed, hoping to protecLhis daughter,
, .who is a LeSbian. But, he said, "thereis~nothing in the
:petition that I’m ashamed of or that’s inaccurate."
Gay, Black And
Positive in Chicago
CHICAGO (AP) - Harsh is a word that
could describe the streets of Chicago’s
struggling Austin neighborhood, where ¯
trust is scarce- and twomenwalking hand "
in hand might fear for their lives. :
It’s the sortofplace whereDerrickHicks,
whois openly GayandHIV-positive, could "
wither away unnoti.ced, another statistic ¯
for a dusty filing cabinet. And withering ¯
away he is - though he is hardly going ."
quietly. Even as he struggles to lift his "
increasingly thin frame out of bed each."
morning, Hicks is still one of Chicago’s
most vocal advocates for the U.S. popula- ¯
tion hardest-hit by the AIDS-epidemic: "
poor Blacks. :
So when Frank Oldham Jr. - a bigshot ¯
AIDS administrator who’s run programs
in New York and the District of Columbia ¯
- came to town two years ago, it surprised ¯
no one when Hicks welcomed Chicago’s "
new AIDS czar with a friendly warning. "
"Hi, my name is Derrick Hicks," he "
said, shaking Oldham’s hand."And I’m ¯
going to be your worst nightmare." Qui- ¯
etly, however, Hicks was hopeful. He al- "
ready knew that he and Oldham had some
things in common. Oldham, too, was a ¯
Black, Gaymanin a city where the combi- "
nation of thoselabels canmake for aheavy "
load. "
In June, Oldham made another public
revelation. "I... too, am a face of AIDS,"
the 51-year-old New Yorker said’,-revealing
his HIV-positive status in a speech at a
conference for Midwest AIDS agencies.
SomeofOldham’ s owncolleagues were
stunned, but not Hicks. By that time, the
two men had forged a friendship, a bond
that has supported their respective fights
against a virus that is sapping theii very
lifeblood. "Heknows moreaboutmyhealth
thanmy ownmother," said Hicks, whohas
fended ~off three bouts of pneumonia in
2000 aloneand often directs theWest Sid~
neighborhood health services agency he
foundedfrom home. "To have one likeme
there," he say~ of Oldham, "’has made all
the differenc~,"~
Though:..th.eir~openness is rare, Hicks
andOld_arefarfromalone. Whilethe~
make up abgut !3%of~the nation s pop -
iation, BlaCk .p~op!e represent about 37%
of thenearly ~05,-.000AIDS cases report~
nationwi,d.~ through Dee. 1999. And
the n.umber; Qf ,those who’ve develop~
full-blo_wnl .AIDSI .or-died from it la~is
dropped .dr~matica!ly in som.e ~.uarter.s,
the drop.~h~...beenmuch less stgnilicant
the Hispanic..an~, particularly, Black communities,
~ ~ ...... ;
"A lotldf i~{r.ei~tes to lack of access to
health .cax¢~’~:~.s~y.s~ Victor Barnes, deP_U.tY
director .f~ov~g.. ~,DC’s !-IIV prevention
,unit:But_~e.~ad:d.~_ that~Blaek people who
,are:HIV_~po.si,_ti~ve, o£te,~.~ seek ~reatment in
the later-~Lgtg¢S: of .the illness. "And that
often has.~Q, d9, .W!.~ stigma - and dem ,
Barnes:said~ In.~.,cago alone,3,670blaek
residents; or 57%,of the total cases, were
living with AIDS at the end of June 2000.
That compares:with 27% for whites and
15% for Hispanics.
Meanwhile, the number of deaths in
major cities nationwidehave helped make
AIDS the leading illness-related killer of
the nation’s black men, ages 25 to 44,
according to the federal Centers for Disease
And still, there is a hesitance to address
it openly, even in the black community
itsdf. "Evennow when someone dies with
AIDS, people will say it was pneumonia,"
says the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who is among
a growing number of black church leaders
who are preaching about AIDS from their
pulpits andpublicly getting testedforHIV.
They hope to raise the comfort level
among black followers who are worried
aboutbeing tied to themostcommonforms
of transmission - namely Gay male sex
and intravenous, drug use.
It is no easy task. In 1998, employees for
Howard Brown Health Center, a Chicago
clinic long known for its care of AIDS
patients, carried a banner in the annual
Bud Billikenparade-ahuge event founded
by the city’s most prominent black newspaper
publisher - and recall being met
with hushed stares. The following year,
officials at the nonprofit agency filed a
complaint with the city Commission on
Human Relations, claiming that a South
Side Chicago realtor told themhe couldn’t
rent them a space for a new clinic for fear
of losing other.tenants. They have since
found a space elsewhere in the neighborhood.
Oldham has had challenges ofhis own -
namely trying to unite nonprofits that,
before his arriv~al, were warring over limited
funding while dealing with a growing
number of HIV-positive people who were
surviving, but still in dire need ofsei’vices.
Gay vs. straight~ black vs. white vs.
Hispanic, rich vs, poor - the divisions
: -were deep in a city WhereMayor Richard
-. Daley was sometimes,booed,and even
: pelted with .condoms, over. the way- his
:¯. administration had handled the.epidemic
¯ in the early to mid:i1990S. ~Even...now, ¯ Oldham- has, about$20 millionin funding
" , to dole, out~ to AIDS,agencies: thathe says
: could easily put; te~ times that much-.to
¯ good use.,~ ~ ¯ ~ -.~
¯ Still, though it hasn’t alivayS been~easy
: ’ ~or thisadmi_’tted!yprivate man.to shat’~ his
: ,story, Oldham*is wetl’-versedinadversRy.
,-A rising:star in-.the~.administrations-’of
~i -,former ~lqew. York,m~yors-Ed Koch-and
~" David Dinkins,. Oldha~ t’6ok a~,leave,,in
:1 1994 tO run. ~the Di.st.ri.ct.o.f:.C.ol.um.b.ia., s
- ¯~A,IDSprogramTsho~yafterRudyGinliani
~" ,~became ,New Y~rk. s,mayor: .:Frustrated
;: -with the,sloiw,pace,of, progress in.Wash-
: °ington, Oldhammo~cedba~k to N~w York
¯ afterjustsix months; inpart; to care for.his
i -elderly,parenW-who"were,-slippi,ng into
~i : senility~fid.someiimes’forgetfing’me~very
¯ face of their.0nly ekild.-
: In the months that followed, he began
;what he~c~.l,e~.~:~a’~Mp,w~n.~arii ~pjrtfl~7~He
~lso d~id~ i~ ~t test~xt for HIV- to
¯ .finally ’~tiifiTfiii wha~:lle’d already:, sus-
¯~tea ’~tti F~rlil~e~ ~".oujust~vant-to
-the road runs butandyoufall’0ff the rift,’
~Oldham Says: of:thai period inhis-life:-
" It was hardy th~ life lie hadenvisioned
¯ in the early 1980s.H~was h jazz Singer
: who took acting class’€s-on the Side and
¯ dreamed ofmaking ’CDs. Butwhennearly ¯
20 ofhis frleiids-ineludingthebest friend
: who was also his composer Lbegan dying
: ofamystefious, ruthless ldllerCalledAIDS,
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Lesbians and Gay men face many special
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Electronic filing is available for fastei:refunds:
4021 South HarvardAv hue; Suite 210, Tulsa 74t35
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more pressing matters took over¯
Nearly two decades later, Oldham saw
Chicago as a chance to start the fight anew.
To do it, he quickly enlisted help from
everyonefrom political types and activists
like Hicks to South Side pastors and anyone
hooked into the city’s Gay club scene.
The CDC’s Barnes calls therelationship
that Oldham has built between grassroots
AIDS organizers and his agency, the Chi-
. cago Department of Public Health, "a national
Others agree. "Frank has brought us
some sense of civility and diversity and
commonpurpose," saysGregHarr"is,chi"ef
of staff for Chicago Alderman Mary Anne
Smith, whose Ward includes Chicago’s
largest Gay neighborhood. That neighborhoodis
filled with trendy shops and restaurants
on a main drag lined with rainbow
columns that mark it as Chicago’s "official"
Gay neighborhood¯
It is a stark contrast to Hickg’ side of
town, where his own agency tries hard to
blend in. There are no rainbow flags and
the word "Gay" is hardly uttered. "To lay
with another man is a sin; a lot of 0eople
would like to say that just doesn’t happen,"
Hicks says, describing what he calls
the general attitude in the black community.
"It’s not talked about."
So even his organization, which serves
Gay, Bisexual and Black clients, has a
nondescript name: the Greater Chicago
Committee. And when they come to his
agency’s food pantry or clothing bank, he
asks whether they are "sexually active"
and encourages them to get tested.
"You have to meet them where they
are," Hicks says. Oldhamagrees "Ifyou’re
African American,_ you’re fighting racism.;
if’ you:re African- American, you’re
probably fighting poverty.. Sonow in your
own community-,, you’re .going .to fight
homophobia?" Oldham says. "You’dhave
.to b~n awfully strong individual with a
lot of support to come, up .and-say, ’I’m
African American and I’m v~r~.proud to
be Gay, very proud to .be Lesbian and this
¯ is .my partner,~ ?2
~Thete are.days when:taking:the lead on
all of thosefrontstakesitstotl,onOldham.
But~’even~ when?ressed~ he.talks more
.about-the health o£those around him than
his-0~n.~ Still, ,Hick~. says.ilie~ liears the
fatigue.ifi" his friend’S xoice,-, especially
wh,,e,~n,’they charon the phone.late a,t night.
." Wefietoeaeh~the~,.:. but~we reb~
.starting- to- feel, our, a£gand, Our.,illness ;’
.:sa~* Hicks,, ~,ho:dedines.to. giY.e his own
age~buLpredicts his own death in. the next
five year.s.’~ut-not before-he.gets more
~ markdone.,, t,have a,mission,’LHicks says.
"And it’s not my
Teens: orailsn,t Sex
MESA, Ariz.. (AP).r.,~t,d,~,,zP,.n.,a. ,19,ealth expertsLare..,
c9,~cerned abou[reSults of a’ na-
:.ti0nal. s~dY. s.h.~)wi~g ~’~ ~ies~nts believe
sexually, transmi [ted diseases can
only.be ,contracted through .sexual intercourse,
and not other .typ~s. Of. physical
contact. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevehtion study Shows that 15% to
20% of young men and .women will be-.
come infected with herpes by.the time they
reach adulthood.
Doug Hauth, public information officer
¯ for the Maricopa County Department of
: Public Health, said that this year alone
¯ more than 1,700 girls between the ages of ¯
13 and 18 have been diagnosed with
: chiamydia in Maricopa County, "and the
¯ numbers don’t include everybody," Hauth
: said.
¯ Judy Crider, program manager .at the
¯ Scottsdale Prevention Institute, said she
believes there is no disparity between the
: national Survey and local teens. "Unfortu-
¯ nately, there’s a myth out there that if you
: have oral intercourse, you’re not going to
¯ getdiseases,"Cridersaid.Cridersaidteens
¯ unfortunately internalized one of the argu-
¯ ments used by President Clinton when he
¯ defended his affair with intern Monica
: Lewinsky by proclaiming that oral sex is
¯ notsex.ThehugepushinAIDS awareness ¯
education, meanwhile, leads kids to be-
" lieve they can only get the disease from
¯ traditional intercourse, she said.
Diaphragms May
Reduce STD Risk
¯ EUGENE, Ore. (AP) - A University of
: Oregon researcher plans to study whether
: women are willing to use a diaphragm not
: just to prevent pregnancy but also to pro-
. tect them from sexually transmitted dis-
. eases. The National Institutes of Health
: has awarded a $1 million grant to the
¯ three-year project, which will interview
¯ current and former diaphragm users and
.try to get young women at risk of contract-
: ~ng STDs to use the device.
: It is estimated that today just 2% of
¯ contraceptive users rely on the small,disc-
" shaped cap that a woman fits over her
cervix, creating a physical barrier to preg-
¯ nancy. When used correctly, diaphragms
: ,arejust as effective as condoms inprevent-
¯ mg pregnancy. They are’also known to
¯ prevent some STDs, such as gonorrhea
i and chlamydia, although it’s not known if
" flaey guard against HIV, the virus that can
Iead to AIDS. Currently, reSearCh is underway
on new methods for "preventing
the spread of STDS‘ such as miCrobicides.
¯ But Marie Harvey, research director at
¯: the UO’s Center for the Study of Women
fn Society, said diaphragms mayheldfill a
i niche for women at rihk o,f getting STDs
.": ~tntil new methods are proven.
-" Harvey is conduc~t~.g the ’study,, along
i with co-researcher Sher~[ Bird. If the
diaphragm protects against (some) STDs
~agnd pregnancy, and might ,offer prbtection
against HIV, it ,co,.uld ~.-h.’. Wonderful op-
, tion for women~ Harveysai& -.
.~ Harvey got the idea-0fstadying the
’_ -~ffectiveness of diaplir~igms>~use of
~ another study she’s doing that shows high-
. risk couples how to ~)i?ote~t :themselves
: :during sex, primarilythrdugh ~the use of a
¯-~ondom. It’s clear the’ d6iidttm protects
: against STDs, but~it~ md4~S C~fil~Olled~by
¯ -the male-and some.atien~,gcOn!t~uste them,
¯ she said. The benefits of the diaphragm is
¯ that it can be iusert~t ~p’to’"two hours
"before sex, is not vislbl’e"and the man
[ doesn’t have to know thewoman is using
it, Harvey said. " .......
Harvey believes the diaphragmis avaluable
tool for women. "I.fWOmen can’t get
a man to use a condom, the diaphragm is a
good option, period," she said, "even if we
don’t find out it protects against HIV."
2~2 ¯ -and’performingin Houston.
.. Happy Ne~ year! H~d to believe it’s
~2001. I hop~:iihelnew~iyear brings your " .was .beyond,my reach at the, time,, or I
hopes and d~anS’~fi~tion, would have .been the~e. I read of a few
.:.Great nev~!~ern2iidette Peters returns : moreperformances,maiulyatPoorDavid’s
::tO~ Tulsa Jan ~i.an.d~6~-.th for a~, evening of : Pub.in Dallas, but usually ! learned of the
,showtunes ~ao,.d;gl~am~our! S~e s one of the ¯ performanceafter.thefact.~d~inceithas
:fewpeopleI~es~performherethatcan : become a t~adition fin tliis column, she
~rap an entire audience .
performed a Stevie
¯ arot~nd her fi~igerwith " everyone should },Iicks song from the
s~emingly, eff0rtle~s~ ~ "" ~ - . ~ . " 1981Steviealbum, Belease.
Sheperform~vith her show, espeeaally just to ladonna 2 "The High-
.thePhil, andifyouwant see ff she performs wayman." I really wish
I’d been there for that!
Unforttmatdy, the price of the benefit
to see a true star, then
don’t miss her concert!
For tickets, call
I really think that everyone
should see her
show, especially just to
see if she performs
"Making Love Alone" again. (I heard the
song on her "Sondheim, etc.: Live at
Carnegie Hall" CD, a recording of a benefit
she did for Gay Men’s Health Crisis.
And yes, it is about what you might think,
and she wasn’t going to perform it last
time she was here due to the rep Tulsa has
of being, well, prudish. Can’t imagine
why, what with the preying hands and all.
Happily, Robert Reed, then artistic director
of the Phil talked her into it, and the
audience loved it. I was able to thank her
for including it after the show. Shffs,. a
lovely woman, and so tiny! You’d never
think so to see her onstage, since she
projects such a larger, than life persona.
Andnever underestimate the power of big
hair! Again, this will be the don’t miss
event of the Phil’s season. So don’tmiss it!
I am pleased to announce the new CD
"Love Decides", Jane Oliver’s new recording
is one of the most rewarding listens
I’ve had in a long time. For those who
haven’t heard her name, she was a cabaret
diva and recording artist of the 70’s an~
80’ s. No one can beat her whenit comes to’
wringing every bit of emotion out of a
lyricl Her phrasing is impeccable, and her
voice is angelic. She made four successful
recordings from 1976 to 1982, which are
still in print. She was rumored to have died
of cancer at one point, since she never
recorded anyCDsafter 1982’s"Jane Olivor
in Concert". (Fhe other albums are "Jane
Olivor - First Night" 1976; "Jane Olivor -
Chasing Rainbows".1977; "Jane Olivor -
Stay the Night" 1978; and "Jane Olivor -
Best Side of Goodbye" 1980. All are well
worth a listen. Her version of "Vincent"
and "Some Enchanted Evening" are the
definitive recordings of both songs.)
Well, I later found.she never had died.
.(Good it~gii,~’!:el~e:~e new CD would
: .definitely~i~fi,~L~K~ so. y0~~expected
.2iiie to 16~ti~i-:’0~portunity~;~ass by?
~Puhleeze.) She,had.retired from recording
due to being gyppedby the record company
she had~recorde~&the albums for. Left
with a bitter taste in her mouth from the
,,experience, she :p.efformed live at small
..,.venues. To,.my ~s~e, she was practically
in my!ba~k.;y~d?~I was living in Fort
~-Worth when,I,read sh~ was to perform at
.~ an AIDS benefit in:Dallas, and was living
"Makln, Love Alone"
a~aln ....
And yes, it is about what
you might think... "
"Love Decides"
is her first album
in 18 years, and if you
have a lover, it’s the
perfect Valentine’ s gift,
and if you don’t have a
lover, get it for your-
." self. Her voice wraps around you like an
¯ old friend’s hug, and can make the hardest
" bitterest heart melt to mushy goo in no
¯ time flat. And yes, I speak from experi-
: -ence. The tide track, "LoveDecides".is an
¯¯ . ode to thefact that sometimes, feelings can
take youby smprise, tuming somcone you
¯ wouldn’t ordinarily be attracted to into the
: love of your life, and you will have no
¯ choice in the matter. So enjoy it. My other
; favorite is "Night Song", telling the story
: of realizing someone that you’ve grown
." fond of could be apotential love. She does
¯ a great cover of October Project’s "Bury ¯
MyLovely" - no not about murder. More
¯ a song of how you are wrong for this
¯ person, and basically they should forget
¯ you. The song I identify with~0stis "I ¯
had A Man." Get out of the gutter. More
¯ like, "Well, I could’ve done this or that,
¯ but... I had aman. So I didn’t. Now he’s
¯ gone, and I’m stuck here, with thelife I’ve
: created. Damn, I should’ve done it!"
: "Could’ve been we,~ffing rubies, Could’re
¯ been takin’ bows... Could’re been high ¯
society,-~could’ve been someone
¯ proud...Should’ve had my silver spun,
; weaver that I am.., Should’ve been getting
¯ my work done - but I had this.., man.7 So,
: not all treacle and sweetness. "In The
¯ Moment" isa lovely upbeat rune, about
¯ living in the now, and loving in the now.
¯ So,it’s amanic depressive’s dreamCD. "I ¯
Believe in You" is a lovely ode to friend-
" ship and support; and Jane covers "Colors
_" of the Wind" with a magical quality that
¯ Vanessa Williams could only hope to
¯ achieve. ’Tll be Hei’e" wraps you up in a
¯ warm blanket, a perfect song for those
.. down moments that crop up every, so of-
. ten.
: Jane has an intimate quality that makes
it seem she’s singingjust for you, an amaz¯
ing thing to achieve on a studio recording.
I would love to see her at the PAC - she,
like Jim Brickman, could make that hall
¯ seem like her living room, and make you ¯
fe~i like a gues~t in h.e.r li.,v~ng ~Q~om bythe
fire. Best Buy has the be,stprice On theCD
: at $12.99,, andfor theperfe~t r0manfic gift,
.you can t go wrong with any of Jane
¯ Olivor’s recordings, Ha.ve I ever.steered
you wrong? Sodi~.the, ~igh~s,:!ight the
¯ candles, .se_elaMuse p. 9
Featuring Ellen Kushner
Hostof Public RadiO’s Sound& Spirit
as heard on KWGS 89.5
Saturd~y,Janl 27th, 7:30pm, Tickets $5
1719 So. Owasso Avenue, Info: 583-7699
and be
Saturday, January 13, 2001 . 8pro
Tulsa P~rjbrmingArts Center
Ed~oin O~t~oater, conductor
Jennlfer Koh, ~iolin
Thea Musgrave Rainbo~o-
Mozart Violin Concerto No. 4
Dvo~Lk Symphony No~ 7 .
Otfi’-january Masterworks.e+en~: features the stunning
ariimT ofviolinist Jennifer Koh in Mozart’s beloved
ViolinConcerto No. 4. Special guest conductor Edwha
Outwa[er joins her on stage for thishighly anticipated
performance, also featuring the haunting beauty of I)vo~ik’s
Symphony No. 7. Tickets MO to $45
by Karin Gregory
Oh.-: .My...God! I think I should revise
Melissa Etheridge’s lyrics.slightly to read:
"Wake me up when we hit 2005!" For the
new millennium (we all know it-begins
THIS year) Imade a wish list that includes
open:minde&Iess acrossthe board.However
with our new administration, we can
kiss that wish goodbye for
at least four years, Now
(I’just break’them
before I start); but I added
today "hope chest" while
-the restof the~ountiy was
drinking to forget the past
few months~andespecially
the outcome!
-~ ° In the spi:rit of the Season
"..._Maybe we’re so
erltleal of the other
bemuse we’re all tryln$
so desperately to llve
normal lives when the
rest O~’~e{ety views us
as abnormal.., to
:just ~ast, I’.m~fediiigOpfi- present a eampaiSn for
:misfic"despite’ ’geeiiag the " equal ~$,}at~s, we need to
~l~ngs-~f"the Reli:gious
’:Right piippet-masters ’en- show the rest
twining OurgM£ W. (and ’I Amerlea tlmt we
-Ollircmvfevenrmnmngme ¯
word -busk.-anymo~;e!). :, a* e~luals. , .
: Being a’child of~eSixties," " "
I~,s.tillllave a hope’ that Our country will:
"" ~. ) Adopt i Ve~ont .s. generosxty. The
least theotherstates ’cafa dois to feel for it "
/by taking,some of flue. weight off the "
q’e~slat~e s Shoulders. After all, I’m sure
:~;&~ran:re~idents in this tiny state are still ¯
tottering over th~ de~lslon to make"those "
Gay bobs" equal; steeling themselves for ¯
. ~¢hat they must thinkwillbe Gay bars hti~ "
dildo stores on every comer. "
2) Put education"a~’ the top of the list.
O,K, as a teacher I think this was a given for ¯
m~. But if you really look at the serious- .
hess of ignorance(and many of you have ¯
first hand experience of this that I can only ¯
imagine), you’ll agree tliat theONLY Way ,
we can stop homophobia is by educating. ’
My goodness, I ~nkI just putmy butt on ¯
the line by promising to actually do some- ¯
thing besides rage against a seemingly "
unforgiving God. Only through spreading "
the word, 10iidly but not angrily, can we ;
change v~ews. Look at what happened to ¯
the Dr. I.aura campaign. If you’re asking, ."
"Dr. Who?" -then the campaign suc- "
ceeded! ¯
3) Become a true democracy. Yes, I ¯
know this is autopian ideal. Homosexuals "
have never been anyone’s favorite, but we "
were always pushed to thebackbeeause of ¯
the Native Americans, the Irish, the Jew- "
ish, African Americans, Hispanic,s, Japa- :
nese-Ameficans, etc. Now we’re in the ¯
limelightbecauseracial andreligious preju- ¯
dice have (finally0 become socially unac- ¯
ceptable. And look who S left standing in :
line to be hated! Ratherthan certain gov- :
emmentofficials complaining thatwewant ¯
"special rights", my hope is for them to "
take a look back over the past two centu- ~
ries to see that all anyonehas every wanted :
are EQUALrights !
4) See a united Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/ :
Transgendered community. I know I’m :
new to this so I should quitgriping and get ¯
offmy duff to help unite. What I see in the "
community makes me understand that the "
war won’t get wonunless we conquer this :
battle in front of us: accepting each other ¯
as a community of equals, rather than
¯ "dyke", "fog", "traitor", "freak." I’ve got
¯ Lesbian friends who Wonder why I have
: Gay-male friends. I know a few. who
: wouldn’t let a man into their’lives even if
¯ he’s a doctor, lawyer; veterinarian. Then
: there are the Gay male friends who gripe
: about Lesbians asifth~y’ve only seen the
stereotypes on TV, rather
than getting to know us.
I’ve heard from some :of
th~ cfmmunlty that t~iseximls
are just Gay men
who cxm’t get off the fence
(and the-inevitable jokes
about that!). I don’t knfw
how my friends feel about
Tr~insgend,ered people, but
I do k~ow’ :the topic never
comes UP."
Maybe w&re so cridcal
of the Other because we’re
all trying so desperately to
live normal lives when the
rest of society views us as
abnormal~ In other words,
to present’a campaign for
equal’ tights, ’we need to
: show therest of Americathatwe consider
¯ each other in the community as equals.
Look what it’s done for the Religious
Right. They may have their squabbles, but
we the public don’t get to see it. They
present a united front, bigoted though it
may be, and have a President to play with
for the next four years. That’s power! I
realize we’re talking about a basic belief
system and moral code as opposed to
MANY belief systems with many other
moral codes, but you learn from the enemy.
If the only tip we want to take from
the Religious Right is unity, then we need
to study them. And finally...
5) Above all, respect us as valuable,
irreplaceable, andEQUALhuman beings.
Hell, in Texas I’d sometimes just wish we
were considered HUMAN! But we can’t
settle. With TV exposure of Gays and
Lesbians at its highest (thank you NBC
and Showtime!), you’d think we’d have it
made. And that soon, in part due to the
public’s viewing of such shows as "Queer
As Folk" and other programs, we can soon
hold hands and kiss in public without fear
of being arrested, being stared at, and
sacrificing everything. Maybeone day soon
we’ll be stared at just because someone
else wants the relationship we have, and
for no other reason. Hey, I told you I was
optimistic. My evil twin will return next
month. Happy New Year!
draw a warm bath, put this CD on, and
invite someon, over. Or, make love alone.
With Jane singing, you can’t lose either
As for events around here, Theater Club
presents "The Vagina Monologues" (God
they can talk, too?) Jan 11-27. Call 857-
9154 for ticket info and location. Heller
Theatre presents Steve Martin’s "Pieasso
at theLapin Agile," the story of a fictional
meeting between Picasso and Einstein.
746-5056. see amuse, p. 10
"Christ-Like" by Emanuel Xavier ¯ become his f.,,a~}ly. Membe.rs of me gangs,
reviewed by Barry Hensley " form "houses to protect tlaemselves anti
Tulsa City-County Library
" each other andin every way fulfill the role
Where does onestart when reviewing a ] of family to Mikey. His good. look.s and
violent and disturbing novel about brutal, ~ shrewdness allow him to get rata me reyoung,
Gay, Hispam’c gangs
whoselives revolve around
carefully crafted sets of,
rules and, at the same time,
no rules at all?
These arecharacters from
ferocious families Who understandnothing
but deceit,
confusionanddrug induced
brutality. The easiest thing
to say is that Christ-Like is
simply a Dennis Coopernovel
set among Gay,
Latino gangs in New York
Our protagonist, Mikey,
is born into an incredibly~
dysfunctional family in a
distressed neighborhood,
where Mikey’s role model
" These are 0 o ¯
ekaraeters from feroelous
~amilles who
understand nothln~ but
deedt, eonfuslon and
dru¢ induced brutality
... It’s hard to understand
why the reader
would eare about this
arrogant, mls~uided and
eontemptlble youth, but
I couldn’t put this
book do~..."
is a neighbor, yelling up
from the street, Come on Mmam. I don t
wanna come up thestairs! Just throw tl},,e,
baby outthewindow! I’ll catchit! I swear!’
Mikey’s mother soon has an abusive boy~,,.
friend, and a heartless relative, teenag,e
Chino, stays with them, sharing Mikey s
roomwhile secretly abusing theboy, physically
and emotionally .....
As he grows upin. thischaotic, environment,
Mikey, of €ourse, has no idea ~.at
n0t all families arelil~e thls and, despite b-is
intelligence and basi~gbodness, starts
down the wrong path. And what a path it
is! Unable to understand healthy relationships,
hebecomeS-se~ua!!y active and abusive
with almost anyQne,.and starts busfling
on the Westsidei~i~L He discovers
drugs and the in~bnd~ ~that comes with
dealing. He tougi~e.nS ~p ahd picks fights
so he can rob afidinj~.e, i(often i_nnoce.n.t)
people. He beans t0 ~ pride in ms
viciousness wi~’d~iii~.~i’_~lee. V~nen he
hits adolescen~;:it~ ~er kicks him
out, not becans~ i~f~fiiS~ess behgvio,r,
but because he’i~iG~@~,~d~suddeulY he s
onhis own. ;~ ~.o~; ,b,’ ~ ~. In Mikey’s bi~’~ reality, the underground
subcul~e,of homeless hustlers
stricted clubs where sex,
drugs and competitiveness
flow freely. This club scene
is particularly dangerous.
Aguy bumps you accidentally?
NO problem! Just
stab himright there or wait
until later and beat him
withabaseball bat! Hehad
it comin’ to ’ir!! It’s hard
to understand why the
reader would care about
this arrogant, misguided
and contemptible youth,
butI couldn’tputthisbook
Perhaps because we
know that Mikey is, deep
down, a good kid shaped
by his environment, we
want him to be able to rise
above being a monstrous criminal ~and
realize that there isanother, world out
there. But, whenev~er.h~ s.tax~tS a ~ewreia:’
tionship, we know it will end in chaos..
When he quits ~d~gs, we ~.kn~v~ h¢’!l~,, ~
start using again. Whenhe gets beaten,.w.e
know it iS what he ~:~pected. ~rying p~sages to quote ff,0~
exiilain his predicament proved diffiCultL
The Tulsa Philhi~monic pfesents a mati;
nee performan~rf ,Peter and The Wolf
with the Magic Circle Mime Companyon
the 14th. 747-7445.
For the artsy.craftsy~crowd, Mayf6st is
seeking artists and artistes tO display their
wares and worksat the 2001 Mayfest. Jan
12 is the deadline to apply for space. Musical
types have to apply’the 5th.
"’If I were a rieh.m~ ~.~diddle deedle
dicdle diddle dee: .or, as tti~ Southern version
would haveit; "Eiddle dee dee.""Fiddlcr
on the.Roof’~ ~illbe appearing overhead
at the PAC fiom the 16-21 with
Theodore Bikel as Teyve. Yes, this is the
show Bette Midler got her start on Broadwayin
the 70’s, as a chorus girl. I don’t
Timothy Daniel
Attorney at Law .
An Attorney. who will fightfor justice
& equality for Gays & LeSbians
Domestic-Partnership Planning,
Personal Injury; Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
128 East Broad~.~i,~i)promrigh!:OklahOma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
¯ the copies we have.of the miscelleneous
¯¯ defimctpublications whichTulsa’sseenat
¯ one time or another. Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights also published a news-
" letter, TheTOHRReporter, formuch ofits
¯, 20 year history which documents much of
¯ Tulsa’s Lesbian and Gay history.
virtually~every paragaph is,pepp~,r,e~,
over,ly colorful l’an~ge Sr events.
It s haid for a whit~--i3r~ad reYi’~ei ~Vi~o
In addition, Tulsa Family News will send
..... .NeW Year
.....:, .NewCareer
Get a iaeM Siatt,bi~ ~your New Yearsresolution
If you~are responsible and self’ifi*ofivated
ar~dhave:a posfive .attitude.
We.ii;iii’:N~!’p’)~u fulfill, ~our resolution.
~P’A- R T-Y:
Country Club Barbering
Custom Styling for Men & Women
David Kauskey
3310 E. 51st, 747-0236, Tues.-Fri., 8-5:30, Sat: 8-5pm
Tulsa’s only
........ Co![egg Hill
Presbyterian Church
In-response to God’s Love,
College Hill Presbyterian Church
is a communit¯.y of God’s pe_ople
called tO tell others the
Gospel of Jesus Christ
" " ’~" - tiirough
service; and evangelism.
To nurtureour faith, we gather for
"worship, prayer, .
.... StUdy andfeilowship~
Trusting i~i a living, loving God,
we.seek to become a compassionate
voice.f6r:pea~ce and justice.
Our congregation" wdcomes all
persons who respond in trust and
obedience to God’s grace . -
in Jesus Christ, and desire to become
part of the membership and ministry
of Christ’s church.
Membership is open to all people
regardless of race, ethnic origin,
worldly condition, marital status, or
sexual orientation.
Sunday Worship 1 lam
712 S. Columbia Ave., 592-5800
(One block west of Delaware and the
University of Tulsa Campus)
L,.i teach our students that we will reach our
full potential individually_and collectively............
¯ only when we learn to appreciate our diversity.
We need to. do’::a better job of
How will his Support for privatization of ." teaching our youth- our couittryfs proud
ourpublie~cho0i~act~e:employment ¯ history of welcomi~!p~le~f different
rightsofO~B~i~ch~tpri~)ateschool~9" ;’ religions, racial and ~,~ offgins, gen-"
Or)the fight’of. :GLl~;f~ids not to gei "’." ders and opinions. Ithasnff been easy and
harassed and kicked out Of those schools? " we donft always do it well, but Welcoming
,On the issue ofabortion, whaf will it ¯ diversity is at the h~gf-what has made
n~ to*h~Eq.~.,(Ol~-h.ea3.~[h and human ! ournafion great. Thi~i~’whatean unite
ser~ices0ffic~,r.eJi~t~!ie~un.damen~right ’. now and in’the future! We"~oW need
to privaey?If lldh~s ~e rightt0 interfere : national.effort to realiz¢ihat:o’~’lives:
in a deci’sion’t~~trbi~6u~reproductive ; be-enriched as individu~!~.;:a~~familie~(as ~
de~siom~~.h’&dsec~n =and frill-he do..-- communities, and asia ~atibn if We em-"
to’ &ntrofOiil fii~es~..-.:........... .-
.i[.:b.e.he.ve.fil..e..G..L...B...T.. community ought to" "~i "Bbirsaecex,uarlatahnerdtThraannsfegaern,d6e~r-eGdi~byro;tLheerssbiaannd,
co.n~sider.issue~;~iik~~ reproductive heaith~ ¯ sisters, r ’~
an~pov~rty aceii,tr~il p~rfof our concerns : You have an awesom~ 0p~i~ty and
f6r~any~,~,:~~-i~ ~er’all;’a~ignificani~i’ ; responsibility ahead of!yoi£’ We wiint to
Portion of our c0.~m~,,ttt~~ty .grapples witlE q,~ work by your side to make-b~~€laools and
9e e issu~ in @e~ personal lives. And ¯ our country healthier. We .~all on you to
mere are homophone policies and prae- ’: keep us - all of us who love, admire and
ti~ in @.e.,i~.sf!~mtioos"that control these,;._ care about someone wh6 is Gay, Lesbian,
serwces. :" ............... . . ¯ Bisexual and Transgendered - in mind in
E{ut ev~ri’fdr’th~S~’~,BT activists who" ~ the days ahead.
rejectamoteindii~i~,~’agenda, thereoug,ht " - Kirsten Kingdon, executive director
to lit least be a mention of Thompson s "
re~rd on.’~ese.spcialjs~sues. Does anyone :
really beh’~ve t~at a politician who treats ,.
women andpoor people lwith, such disre- :
spect will hold our cximmunity in esteem? "’ I think they’re picking on the wrong per-
A movement must have a set of values - ¯ son with John Ashcroft."
°therwisewearejustadisconnectedgroup :- Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., told CBS’
of people who are outside the norms of " "Face the Nation" he believes Ashcroft
heterosexuality. i urgeus to embrace a set : will eventually be confirmed, but not beof
values that represents the struggles of - fore he is thoroughly questioned by skepevery
segment of our community. Let’s ." tical Democratic senators. Likewise, Sen.
thank Tommy Thompson appropriately ." Harry Reid, D-Nev., told"Fox News Sunfor
his few gestures of support. But let’s ¯ day" he knows of no reason why Ashcroft
reserve "praise" for a nominee who has ¯ would be rejected outright.
¯ exwn.ed it........ ¯ While Ashcroft’s nomination brought
Founded in 1973, the National Gay & ; some criticism, Bush seemed less willing
I2sbian Task Force works to eliminate ~ to join an ideological fight over whether
prejudice; violence and.injustice against ¯ Gays may serve in the military. Former
ga~, .lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered " Indiana Sen. Dan Coats, a candidate for
People at the local, state,and nati0-nal level. " secretary of defense, lost out on the job
" whenhereportedly told Bushhe warned to
¯ scale back accommodations made to
: womenandGays in the service, Newsweek
: reported, quoting an unnamed source.
AnotherBushCabinet choice thatraised
harass, bully and assault our youth be- : questions was former Colorado attorney
cause of thdr sexual orientation or gender general Gale Norton, nominated for Seeexpression
do nbt fit the stereotype of : retary of the Interior. She has expressed
hate-filled extremists, but are average ¯ support for oil exploration in the Arctic
youngpeoplewho~ftens.eenothingwrong ¯ National Wildlife RefUge, an idea that
with their behavior. ~ Bush favors and many Democratic sena-
~-Anti-Gay harassment - as well as ha- ~- tors oppose. Norton as Colorado attorney
rassment based on religion, race, ethnic , general defended Colorado’s anti-Gay
origin, or any other prejudice - destabi- : Amendment 2 which was ruled unconstilizes
the learning environment for all stu- " tutional.
dents. No child can learn well when they " The bigger question, Democrats said, is
are scared. No child should be afraid that ¯ whether Bush can work with a Senate that
they will be harassed because of who they ; ~s split evenly between Democrats and
are. We need to do a much better job of " .Republicans. "He’s going to have to show
teaching respect for all in our schools and : m programs and policies a willingness to
in ending the toxic atmosphere that exists ¯ work with Democrats, to work out comin
all too many of our schools today. We : promises with us..." he said.
needyourleadershipatthefederallevelto Hatch said ~ush’s stated intention to
send the message that anti-Gay harass- reach out and work with Democrats is
ment is wrong, genuine.
We particularly ask you to Keep us in
mind as you appoint a Secretary of Education.
Wewill be watching - and hoping - to
see if that is someone who is dedicated to
an excellent and safe education for all our
There is so much to be done. We need to
The majority of young .people who
Saturday,~ February ,. ....... Midnight
The"Brad~.Mansion.,~ 6.20~~N. .orth~~De~nver
DJ, Hors res:, ~. h,~Bar,
Live Ente~ai~me~ Dr, ;~ ~Mild to Wild
.Door prizes for Dressed
Tickets: .....~-or $20 a~)! the door
"~-~ ~va~lable
The TU~;~ GLBT CommunityCenter
211~ S~!t3th~!~e~fi~i~ Drive 918~743.4297
and select~Ven-dors listed on the website.
Proceeds benefit The Pyramid Project
"Building a Home- Funding the Future,
for the Tulsa GLBT Community Center."
Made Possible by Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), www.PyramidProject.org

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[2001] Tulsa Family News, January 2001; Volume 8, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/608.