[2001] Tulsa Family News, March 2001; Volume 8, Issue 3


[2001] Tulsa Family News, March 2001; Volume 8, Issue 3


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


March 2001


James Christjohn
Karin Gregory
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
MAry Schepers
Highston Walkinshaw


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, February 2001; Volume 8, Issue 3


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Tulsa .Red Cross
Pledges to Diversity
TULSA (TFN)- In a recent interview with chief executive
officer Roger Dahl, Polly Bowen, chief administrati,~
e officer, Melissa Ramirez, public relations officer,
and new diversity co-ordinator Dannette McIntosh, the
Tulsa Chapter of the American Red Cross (non-blood
services) discussed their new "diversity" policy.
The policy, which applies to paid staff and volunteers,
recognizes explicitly "sexual orientation" as well
as statuses which traditionally have legal recognition.
The written policy states the intent for the "American
Red Cross to be an inclusive community, free from
discrimination and prejudice." The statement includes
a signature line which volunteers or staff must sign.
According to Dahl and McIntosh, the change is in
keeping with traditional Red Cross goals~vhich strove
to provide services to all based only on need. But in a
recent organizational review, see Cross, p. 10
Transgendered Cop to
Speak at TOHR Meeting
TULSA (TFN) - On March 13, Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights (TOHR) will its monthly membership
meeting. In addition tO a social period beginning at 6:30
with soft drinks, and organizational business at 7:30, the
meeting will feature a speaker whois opeul.y transgendered
and who is an Oklahoma City police officer. The
speaker is knowledgable in self-defense techniques.
Other business will include budget and other announcements
about this summer’s Diversity Fest and Parade.
Later in the month,TOHR will host the second of the
Gill Foundation fundraising seminars. Some 21 groups
have joined TOHR in this training, most of whom are
not Lesbian or Gay groups. They include Tulsa Opera,
Tulsa Philharmonic, NARAL, the Tulsa Boys Home,
Neighbors on the Line, the League ofWomenVoters, as
well as Council Oak Men’s Chorale, HOPE, Tulsa
On March 24, at 7pro, TOHR wil! host a pot-luck
dinner at the Center. Also, TOHR and Red Rock Behavioral
Health Services are implementing two new
programs. The first is a Coming Out group. This program
is designed to assist persons who are in the initial
stages of dealing with their sexuality. The program is
open to women and men. Meetings will take place at the
Community Center each Tuesday night at 7pm.
see TOHR, p. 11
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans,
Jenks Senior S.tarts
Gay/Straight Alliance
JENKS, AMERICA (TFN) - When right wing Utah US Senator
Orrin Hatch created an equal access bill to allow student religious
groups to use public school facilities, he probably never dreamed
he was also making it possible for Gay and Gay-friendly high
school students to start Gay/Straight Alliances - even in conservative
But in Jenks, one ofTulsa’ s suburbs (which like Broken Arrow
grew from a small farm town in the 60’s and 70’ s as Tulsa whites
fled integration in Tulsa Public Schools), an 18 year old senior
did his homework, knew the law, bucked the system, got some
help and got a Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) started.
Kevin Barker said he once didn’t think he’d be the one to start
a GSA. He is friends with Will Allen and Kent Doss, other young
Gay activists and knew Allen had helped start a GSA at Tulsa’s
Washington High. Doss encouraged Barker to take the initiative
but Barker characterized himself as one who once considered the
DC based Human Rights Campaign as "too radical." But as he
went through his "coming out" process, opening up to his friends
and school community - and generally being accepted, he reconsidered.
And that’s when he started researching equal access
laws, and looking at other resources.
By the middle of last fall, he was ready and went to Jenks High
School administrators and, not surprisingly, started to get therunaround.
Perhaps school officials thought they could stall or bluff
him enough that he’d give up. But Barker called for help and
contacted the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network’s newest
chapter in Oklahoma City.
OKC GLSEN co-chair Rhouda Rudd received an e-mail from
Barker and forwarded his letter to other members of the chapter.
Chapter members Rob Abiera and Joe Quigley suggested that
Barker contact Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR).
Qnigley, oneofthefoundingmembers ofOklahomaCityGLSEN
and a teacher of several years’ experience, also sent a list of
contacts, see Jenks, p. 2
In Or Out: Effects of the Closet
TULSA ~TFN) - What are the psychological effects of being in
or out of the closet for GLBT’s will be the subject of the next
Sou!force In Oklahoma at a Tulsa meeting on Monday, March
19th. Dr. Shirley Hunter, fromOklahoma City, who is a Licensed
Professional Coun.selor and a Licensed Marital and Family
Therapist, will be the guest speaker.
According to Soulforce In Oklahoma, religious groups often
covertly or overtly encourage Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender
persons to remain silent within churches about their sexuality or
risk the possibility of rejection. Many faith groups advocate a
"don’t ask -.don~t tell" policy for their congregants and ministers.
As a consequence, GLBT folks struggle with the decision
whether or not to come out. Dr. Hunter will speak on the subject
of coming out and lead a discussion for audience participation.
The meeting will be from 6-8pm at the Tulsa Gay/Lesbian/
Bisexual/Transgender Services Center. The center is located at
2114 S. Memorial, Tulsa. (918-743-4297).
Shirley Hunter started her private practice in psychotherapy in
Oklahoma,City in 1978. The focus of her practice has been for
Gays, Lesbians and their families. Dr. Hunter was instrumental
in establishing the first Gay help line in Oklahoma City in the
early 80’s. She was also a participant in the first homosexual
hearings of the United Methodist Church, and served on the task
force for homosexuality at Church of the Servant, one of the
state’s largest Methodist churches. Dr. Hunter has spoken to
groups throughout the stateinduding university groups, community
groups, and professional groups concerning Gay, Lesbian
andHIVissues. Dr. Hunter and herpartner, Jan Tipton, have been
together for almost 23 years, and they reside in OKC.
In Tulsa, the group meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each
month and is a grassroots movement ofGLBT and allied people,
from diverse rdigious traditions who are dedicated to bringing
about justice for the GLBT community. For more information
visit the Soulforce National website at "www.soulforce.org" or
contact local members: Karen at "karen@cwis.net", 918-452-
2761, Sue at "knalig@worldnet.att.net", 587-3248, or Femando
at "Pandafe477@cs.com", 295-0030.
Our Families + Friends
Presbyterians Hold
Gay Spirituality Event
TULSA (TFN) - Tulsa’s College Hill Presbyterian
Church, 10ng knownas theprogressive church among
local congregations is sponsoring a weekend retreat
for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender persons.
The event called, "Re-Connecting Body and Spirit"
will be on March 16-18 at the historic Presbyterian
camp Dwight Mission near Muskogee.
It’s billed as "A Weekend Retreat about Spirituality,
Sexuality and Building Relationships to Last A
Lifetime..." and features as facilitator, the Reverend
Laurene M. Lafontaine. Lafontaine is an out Lesbian
and an alumnae of Princeton Theological Seminary,
and serves as "pulpit supply" (floating minister) for
Denver area churches. Lafontaine also teaches and
coaches at Saint Mary’s Academy in Englewood,
"Re-Connecting Body and Spirit" seeks to help
individuals marginalized by repressive church policies
around matters of sexuality. The retreat hopes to
help individuals to re-connect spirituality with identity
to help build an inclusive faith community. Organizers
say that the retreat’will offer opportunities for
worship, discussion, recreation, bonding, and alliance
building. The goal is to build a church for
The event will start after 6pm on Friday evening as
participants arrive. That evening will be a get acquainted
time with no formal programs except for a
Vespers service at 10pm. Saturday will combine
fellowship at meals with workshops from "Religion
and Spirituality: Our Images of God," to "Discovering
and Making the Connections between Sexuality
and Spirituality." Sunday momingworship follows
breakfast, see Retreat, p. 11
Presbyterians Vote On
Anti-Gay Amendment
¯ US/TULSA (AP/TFN) -Around the United States,
¯ regional governing bodies for the Presbyterian Church,
¯ U.S.A. are voting on a measure called "Amendment
O."The amendment is another product of the30-year
¯ struggle over homosexuality, that has gripped the 2.6
¯ million-member Presbyterianchurchand othermain- ¯
line Protestant denominations. The proposed amend-
" ment, passed by the national governing body of the
¯ denominationin2000,wouldruleoutinvoking"God’s ¯
blessing.., on any relationship that is inconsistent
¯ with" the view that people should live "in fidelity
¯ within the covenant of marriage between a man and
¯ a woman or in chasti,ty in singleness."
~ The proposed amerldment would insert an instruc-
~ tion in the church’s governing Book of Order that
¯ Presbyterian churches and clergymust not approve or ¯
invoke God’s blessing on any relationship but those.
¯ For some Presbyterians, that raised the specter of
¯ babies-denied baptism if born out of wedlock, or
refusing marriage to couples who had lived together
~ for years.
¯ At press time, theproposedban on same-sex unions
was failing nationally, 39 to 67, according to an
unofficial count on Presbyweb, one of several independent
church groups posting running vote totals on
¯ the Interact. However, all sides expected the margin
to tighten by the May 25 deadline.
South Louisiana Presbyterians voted to reject
Amendment O. The vote marked the first time that a
majority of the leaders for the more than 13,000
¯ Presbyterians in the southern part of Louisiana have
granted a victory to Gay Presbyterians. It remained
unclear, however, if the vote meant they approve of
¯ Gay marriage.
Some commissioners of the Presbytery of South
Louisiana, see Vote, p. 2
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*CW’s, 1737 S. Memorial
*Play-Mor, 424 S. Memorial
Pol6 Grill, 2038 Utica Square
832-1269 "-
610-5323 :
838-9792 ."
744-4280 ¯
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main 585-3405 "
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st 745-9998 "
*Schatzi’s, 2619 S. Memorial 280-1316 :
*The Star, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234 ¯
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856 "
*Tool Box II, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308 "
*Vortex, 2182 S. Sheridan 835-2376 :
*The Yellow Brick Road Pub, 2630 E. 15th 749-1563 ¯
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals "
Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 :
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 "
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 .
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 "
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria ",
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria
*Cheap Thrills, 2640 E. 1 lth "
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis ."
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 "
581-0902, 743-4117
584-0337, 712-9379
834-7921, 748-0224
www.gaytulsa.org - website for Tulsa Gays &Lesbians
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
Encompass Travel, 13161H N. Memorial
Ross Edward Salon
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Mmn
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. P~,o.ria
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1.
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr.
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
Learme M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*International Tours
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210
*Living ArtSpace, 308 South Kenosha
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo
*The Pride Store
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
Teri Schutt, Ellen & Co.
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Wherehouse Music, 5150 S. Sheridan
- *Whittier News Stand, 1 N Lewis
& Florence
,M1 Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI.
Church of the Restoration UU; 1314N.Greenwood
*Community of Hope Church, 2545 S. Yale
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation
Council Oak Men’s Chorale
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159, e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlink.net
PubLisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Writers + contributors: James Christjohn, Kati~egory, Barry
Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom,-Esther
Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Hughston Walkinshaw~ -.
Member of The Associated Press --~_~ _
Issued around the 1 st of each month, the entire conte~s of this
publication are protected by US copyright 2001 by Tulsa
Family News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in
part without written permission from the publisher. Publication
of a name or photo does not indicate a person’s sexual
orientation. Correspondence is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted, must be signed & becomes the sole
property of Tulsa Family News. Eachxeader is entitled to 4
copies of each edition at distribution poi~.~:-~_-
Additional copies are available by calling 58~3~.
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E.-31~-~., 742-2457 ¯
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catl:~oliEs & ¯
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 -- 355:T140 ,
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827 "
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438 "
*Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
¯ HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
*HouseoftheHoly SpiritMinstrie~, 1517 S. Memorial 224-4754
¯ *MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Adunr~tal P1. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
¯ OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
¯ *OSU-Tulsa
¯ PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118.74152
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cindnnati 425-7882
¯ St Dunstan’s E iscopal, 5635 E 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
¯ Soulforce-OK, Rt.4,#3534,Stigler74462 587-3248,452-2761
¯ *Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
¯ *TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
¯ Tulsa County Health Department, 4616E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, Gay Comm. Center 743-4297
¯ TUL-PAC, PositiveAdvocacyCoalition, POB2687,Tulsa 74101
¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform]Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses
¯ *Tul sa Gay Commumty Center, 21 st &Memorial 743-4297
¯ Unity Churchof Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
Bartlesville Public Library,600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
’ k Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
¯ Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
: MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans " 501-624-6646
White Light, 1 Center St. 501-253-4074
¯ Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 41%623-4696
¯¯ aregional grouping of71 local Presbyterian
churches, said they were voting against a
¯ national proposal to ban same-sex unions ¯
because it seemed incidentally to ban much
else, such as baptizing children of single
¯ mothers. Commissioners defeated the proposal
77-63, sending their vote to headquar-
ters of the Presbyterian Church in Louis-
¯ ville, Ky., where the votes of the nation’s
¯ other 172 presbyteries are being tallied.
: The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta which
~- represents 110 churches voteddownAmend-
" merit O, while its counterpart in northeast
¯ Georgia voted the other way. The 256-225
Atlanta vote agmnst the amendment came
~ by paper ballot after an hour’s discussion.
: The Northeast Georgia Presbytery voted in
¯ favor of the amendment 65-61. "We had a
~ very spiritual, pastorally sensitive and open
¯ debateeven thoughour votewas very close,"
said the Rev. Keyon Meeks Jr., executive of
the presbytery.
Currently, according to a ruling last year
by the denomination’s highest court, ministers
in the denominationmay perform samesex
blessing services as long as they are not
c.o.nsidered the same as marriage ceremorues.
The Presbytery of Eastern Oklahoma is
scheduled to vote on Amendment O, along
with a number of other proposed amendments
on Tuesday, March 6 at John Knox
Presbyterian Church.
¯ TOHR’s president Kerry Lewis (who is
an attorney) and the Oklahoma chapter of
¯ the American Civil Liberties Union pro-
" vided him with legal advice on how to deal
¯ withresistance on the part of the principal at
¯ Jenks High School.
: Barker’s experience with his principal’s
¯ stalling might now seem funny. He was
¯ asked to give them more time, told that they
¯ had to talk with the school attorney whojust
: happened not to be available, etc. but who
¯ suddenly became much more accessible af-
¯ ter Barker called local mainstream media: ¯ Apparently shortly afterreceiving calls from
: TV and Tulsa World reporters, inducting
¯ Ch. 8’s Glenda Silvey, Barker was called ¯
into the principal’s office where he received
", something that resembled an apology.
¯ However, since receiving approval for the
¯ group, the GSA has continued to struggle to
¯ receive equal access to school resources
," which other groups take for granted. This
: harassmentranges from the sudden enforce-
¯ mentonrules abouthanding out flyers (rules
that had never been enforced recently) to
¯ having their group announcements in the
school bulletin printed in miniscule type.
¯ Despite the struggle, Jenks GSA had a ¯
successful first meeting with 40 people at-
" tending, about 30 of whom were not Gay.
¯ And the success in Jenks appears to have
¯ inspired the formation of groups at Tulsa
¯ Rogers, Union High and in Broken Arrow.
¯ As Barker notes, if it can happen at Jenks,
¯ then it can happen anywhere, and he stated
¯ in an e-mail to his allies, "the law, and God
" was on our side for this one, and we did it!.
¯ .do not be discouraged, the world will
iswhereyoucanffmdTl~N.NotallareGay.ownedba,,a~.~o.,.,IH~my~"~’~ ¯ change, even if it is one person at a timeF’ ,....
by Elizabeth Birch, executive director
WASHINGTON (Feb.2 !) - As we begin a new political reality with Georg~W. Bush as
our nation’s 43rd president and Republicans in charge of Congress and the White House
for the first time in four decades, supporters ofGay equality have expressed apprehension
about what this political moment portends for Gay issues.
While the question remains largely unanswered, we can gain some comfort in noting
that we are also living in a reality of growing public distaste for anti-Gay behavior,
whether by self-righteous radio hosts or misguided office seekers. In the marketplace of
ideas, anti-Gay positions are finding fewer and fewer takers - a point not lost on our new
"... we can gain some comfoit
in noting that we are
also living in a reality of
growing public distaste for
anti-Gay behavlor, whether
by self-rlghteous radio host,-
or misguided office seekers.
In the marketplace of ideas,
anti-Gay positions are
finding fewer and fewer
takers - a point not lost on
our new president.. ¯."
1992, by the Gallup organization whether Gays should have equaljob opportunities, 71%
Of those polled said "yes." By 1999, 83% said "yes." When asked by Gallup whether
homosexuality should be an acceptable lifestyle, in 1992, 38% said"yes." By 1999, 52%
had said"yes." In 1995, apoll conducted by Lake Snell Perry showed Independents, akey
Bush constituency, when asked whether they thought Gay rights were equal rights or
special rights, 41% said "equal." By 1998, that number jumped to 55%.
This data underscores an increasingly supportive electorate that will provide a firm
foundation on which we can build relationships with thenew administration. The lessons
we have learned since 1994 when Republicans took over the Senate and the House of
Representatives, is that public opinion has provided us with vital leverage. Working with
allies inside and outside of Congress we have been able to stop every anti-Gay legislative
attack, and there were many, except one, the Defense of Marriage Act. During this period,
the Employment Non Discrimination Act came within one of vote of passing the Senate
and though it has yet to become law, the Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed the Senate
by a wide margin and the House passed a non-binding resolution supporting the measure.
Our progress does not rest with any one individtml, political party or component of
government. It comes from making our case to the American people, who at the end of
day, will be the final arbiters of judgment regarding our nation’s leaders.
When the new President Bush nominated former Missouri Sen. John Ashcroft to be
attorney general the conventional wisdom among most Gay advocates was that the
President would have had a tough time picking someone anti-Gay. The fact that the
attorney general can have a direct, dramatic impact on the lives of Gay people only
exacerbated the apprehension surrounding the nomination. What transpired during the
confirmation process was unexpected. Sen. Ashcroft felt the political need to state
unequivocally under oath thathewouldnot discriminateonthebasis of sexual orientation,
apositionhe never took (orhad to take) until coming before the full body ofpublic opinion
represented by the entire Senate. Of course, we will judge him by his actions, not his
After eight years of the Clinton Administration, our community, its orgamzations and
leaders are looking at what lies ahead in this new, more ambiguous environment. Not all
will come to the same conclusions and not all will be driven by the same priorities, but
most are motivated by the goal of equality for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgendered
Americans. At the Human Rights Campaign, we campaigned vigorously for A1
Goreforpresident.Wethoughtherepresented the besthopefor ourcommumty and would
offer the best environment to move our issues forward.
That did not come to pass. The campaign is over. It is time to govern. Thenew president
has completed his transition from campaign to governing. So too does HRC move from
campaigning to making sure the new administration governs fairly and inclusively. We
will accomplish this by using political acumen, relationships with Congress, the moral
imperative and the growing support of public opinion.
The Washington, D.C. based Human Rights Campaign is the largest US civil rights
organization focused On Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered issues. HRC engages
in education and lobbying at thefederal level. Call HRC-Tulsa at 582-4673.
President Bush has largely tried to
sidestep Gay issues throughout his public
career. When he has been pinned
down on issues, he mosdy tries to balance
his positions by trying not to appear
intolerant, yet not alienating his
socially conservativebase. Hehas commendably
stated he will not discriminate
based on sexual orientation. However,
his statements have consistently
been tempered with implications that
homosexuality is a private matter underscoring
the inequity contrasted by
heterosexuality being an obvious public
matter. Despite his strategy ofavoidance,
President Bush has taken a few
positions as governor and during, his
campaign that are not Gay-supportave,
most notably his support in the spring of
1999 for a law that would ban Gay
people from adopting children.
The public has come along way over
the course of the last eight years toward
support of Gay issues. When asked in
by Christian Grantham
The first time I heard songs from the Marshal Mather’s LP by tapper Eminem was on
MTV. The music didn’t seem all that different from everything else the network played,
: and I didn’t pay too much attention. It wasn’t undl the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) publicly critiqued the album and led protests at the MTV Music
~ Awards against the artist that I gave it another listen.
¯ The questionable content that concernedGLAAD was lyrical prose depicting violence
" against Gays and women. The lyrics were a perfect vehicle for the organization to
] demonstrate how homophobia has permeated our culture. Like a predictable,virus, the
controversy acted as a host and propdled the artist’s content into the spotlight whe4e art’ s
¯ success i s often measured.
¯ The lyrical content is disturbing. But "disturbing" can describe pretty much any
¯ provocative art. What’s great about the album is F,minem’s presentation: it’s angry, it’s
raw and it’s real. It’s so real, in fact, that Eminem took criticism from Gay and Lesbian
leaders and publications for somehow inspiring society’s homophobia.
Supporters like Madonna, Stevie Wonder and Elton John came to his defense reminding
us that blaming, the artist for society’s ills cuts both ways. Who knows how many
unwanted pregnancies in the 80s Madonna is responsible for, right? It wasn’t until Elton
John agreed to perform with the controversial tapper at the Grammy’s that the shit hit the
"fans," so to speak.
"... The lyrical content is
disturbing. But "disturbing" can
describe pretty much any
provocative art. ~/hat’s great about
the album is Emlnem’s presentation:
it’s angry~ it’s raw and it’s real ..."
Caught off guard, GLAAD quickly
urged Elton John to live up to the standards
for which he was presented
GLAAD’s Vito Russo Award the previous
year for outstanding work with the
Gay and Lesbian commumty. Activist
Robin Tyler said in an open letter to
Elton John that he was "spitting on the
grave ofMatthew Shepard." Gay.corn’s
Michael Signorile wrote that it was "arrogant
of Elton John to use his power in
a way that undercuts an entire movement" unless he got a permission slip from the
executive directors of the Gay and Lesbian movement. GLAAD’s Executive Director,
Joan Gerry, implored Elton John to "not perform with Eminem at the Grammy Awards."
Dr. Dre’s protOg6 learned from the best and rode it all the way to the bank.
Gay and Lesbian attacks on tapper Eminem scapegoated the artist and a marginalized
medium for society’s homophobia. The tactic was long popular with religious political
extremists to blame Gays and Lesbians for everything from child molestation to broad
declines of morality. Gay and Lesbian activists argued Eminem was scapegoating Gays
and women inhis prose. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
If anything, our movement s duet w~ Eminem exposes our own occasional reliance
on questionable tactics. It also highlights whata willing danceparmerwemake for people,
such as Eminem, by rushing headlong ires giving them the attention they so desire.
What’s worsemour apparent role as "art critic" is the pressure of political expectations
placed on artists we ceremoniously award. Elton Johnis an entertainer who owes creative
control to no one but himself. If he wishes to play the"Uncle Tom," as letters to the editor
describe him, let’s pick up Elton’s depiction and talk about the Uncle Toms in our
commtmi.ty. Or is this a sore spot for folks? If the duet is about homophobia in your face,
let’s address what we’re doing about it and not "who should and shouldn’t artistically
represent it and why."
Elton John isn’t the only artist to experience this from our community. In a discussion
I had on GayBC with Queer As Folk’s Executive Producer, Ron Cowen, he balked at
activist demands that QAF’s story line represent diversity, as though it’s his job to be
social engineer. If art reflects a less than politically correct reality, we all have short
comings to address.
Charles L. Mackay, LL.D, once wrote in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the
Madness of Crowds that people "think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds,
while they only recover their senses slowly; and one by one." Our movement’s reaction
to Eminem and Elton John show Gays and Lesbians aren’t immune to being apt hosts.
Many of those who attack F.minem hide behind claims that his rap is not art and is a true
confession. The last I recall we left deciding what is and isn’t art to Congressman Jesse
Helms and NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Madness makes strange bedfellows of foes. I
wonder what our friends must be thinking?
Madonna, no stranger to the controversy herself, said in the L~A. Times that Eminem is
simply’~reflecdng what s going onin society right now and That is what art ~s supposed
to do." Stevie Wonder also pointed out that "art is a reflection of our society, and people
don’t like to confront the realities in society." As long as Gay and Lesbian leaders dodge
the"realitiesmsoc|ety ln favor of lynching homophobla smessenger, allwe refunding
is an endless game of"whack the mole." I’d settle, however, for old fashion activism over
playing art critic any day. In the least case, it would be great to get a heads up on when
it will be Howard Stem, David Geffen or Ru Paul’s turn.
William S. Burroughs, a founder of the Beat Generation, himself Gay and brought to
court over the questionable content of his novels, once said "The next revolution will be
iwgnOrin~ others out of existence." I have to wonder someumes if the free market of ideas
ould l~ave left Eminem at the bottom had we not lifted it up as a pet example rather than
focusing on society’s ills his art reflects. Enough about Eminem.
Christian Grantham has a talk show on GayBC Radio Network. www.gaybc.com
School Board to Consider
Advocate for Gay Kids
MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Appointment of a full-time
advocate for Gay.and Lesbian students is desperatdy
needed in Madison to combat harassment, ignorance
and indifference such students face, supporters of the
proposal say. "The level of despair, the level of crisis,
is often quite severe," said Michael Apple, an education
professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madi-
S°~o specificjob description exists yet, but a preliminary
proposal Calls for the advocate to work with
district departments to make them more inclusive and
help Gay and Lesbian students with their studies and
probiems. The position could be filledby the end of the
year pending board approval.
Dr. Paul Grossberg of University Health Services
said a presidential task force found about one of every
three youth suicides involv,e~, teen-agers struggling
with tt]eir sexual orientation. It is unconscionable for
usas acommtmity tobesllentaboutthislssue, hesmd.
The Madison district has similar full-time teachers
that work with Southeast Asian, Hispanic and American
Indian students. Only eight other districts in the
country areknown to have full-time advocates for Gay
students, according to the n T h e
proposal has drawn several opposing letters to area .
newspapers. .
Gay+Military Stepfamilies "
Face Challenges
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Beyond the basic complexities
confronting most stepfamilies, those in the mil!-
tary and those headed by same-sex couples face additional
daunting challenges, experts told a U.S. conference
at the end of February.
For military stepfamilies, temporary overseas deployment
of a spouse may leave a.stepparent alone
with children who have yet to accept a new authority
figure. Same-sex couples may have to cope withprejudices,
and their children may struggle in explaiuing the
family structure to others. The issues were raised at the
National Conference of Stepfamilies, a first-of-itskind
symposium bringing together experts from a
variety offields to consider ways ofimproving support
for stepfamilies.
Francesca Adler-Baeder, a parent education specialist
affiliated withComell University, discuss.edher
work with the U.S. Defense Department, trying to
identify the problems posed by stepfamilies in the
military. About 55% of all service members are marfled,
and at least one-fifth of them are estimated to be "
in stepfamilies, she said. ¯
Anne Bernstein, a family therapist and professor at ~
the University of California-Berkeley, discussed the
distinctive challengesfacing same-sex couplesincases ¯
where one ofthem has custody of one °rm°rechildren
at the time the adults become partners. "Even more
than other stepfnmilies, these fnmilies are at variance
with the models in our dominant culture," Bemstein
said. "These people can fed invisible or rejected as a
She said members of such families may have difficulty
finding the right terms foreach other; a child
,,n~,~ht fumble for a replywhen asked by a teach,e,r,~
~-ho is this person who picks you up from school?
..Bemstein said most of the same=sex Couples she
works with are Lesbians, but she has detected particular
problems faced by some Gay men thrust.into
stepfather roles. "For Gay men, being a parent is often
not what one expected to include in one’s-life story,
she said. "Being a stepparent is a very different
Bernstein said her home town of Berkeley, California,
is rdatively tolerant, but noted that some same-sex
couples with childrenin other areas fear stigmatization
- or possibly even losing custody of the children - if
their sexual identity, becomes public. "These issues are
not easy, especially when youhave children," she said.
The final full session of the conference ended with a
~leaby organizers for more energetic lobbying in state
legislatures on behalf of stepfamilies. "State laws give
almost no lega~ recogniuon to the residential stepparent,’.’
said Margorie Engel, president of the Stepfamily
Association of America. "Thelegal system focuses too
exclusively on bloodlines."
Tolerance Curriculum
Criticized in Santa Fe
SANTA FE (AP) - A minister and a parent say the
tolerance curriculum approved by the Santa Fe school
board for middle and high school students needs to be
redone.. The school board last week approved the
curriculum, which recognizes homophobia as s~xual
violence. The Project Glyph Anti-Homophobia, Prejudice-
Reduction Curriculum is optional for teachers to
use, and parents will be notified before the lessons in
case they want to excuse their children.
Michdle Parker, parent of an elementary school
child, said she stopped reading the curricuium after the
glossary, which includes definitions for transsexual,
transvestite and transgender. Bisexuality and homosexuality
are listed as normal behavior -definitions the
:urriculum attributes to the American Psychiatric ,A.~s-
~ociation. Parker said the definition of homosexumxty
~ontradicts the teachings of theRoman Catholic Church.
"We believe it is not a normal state of being, she sa~ .
Pa~ker saidhomosexuals should be treated with respect,
but that the school district should throw out the,
project and start over.
The Rev. Canon Dale Coleman of the Church of the
Holy Faith Episcopal, who has two children in the
t-~ublic schools, also said the curricu" lumne.e...ds resvaiisdi,n,Ag. "I wouldbeall for atolerance curnculum, he ¯
Christian cannot support prejudice or violence against
kids." However, he said Project Glyph takes "axi extreme
position" in labeling as normal various kinds of
sexual lifestyles. Curriculum advocates say the lessons
are necessary because teen-agers are confronted with
derogatory slang about homosexuals and song lyrics
about beating up homosexuals and that some students
are ridiculed in school.
The project was created by the Santa Fe Rape Crisis
CentJer. Some.. ministers spoke,,out against the curricu-,,
lum, feanng xt would promote ahomosexual agenda.
But the Santa Fe Ministerial Alliance said lastApril it
stood behind the tolerance-based project. The curriculum
covers sexual orientation and gender identity;
homophobia and how it affects everyone; and how to
be an ally to people of all orientations and help stop
The four school board members at the meeting
supported the curriculum. Supenntendent Vero_ni.’ca .C.
Garcia also spoke favorably of the program, calling ~ts
subject a "human rights issue." Mayor Larry Delgado
has endorsed the program, too.
Project Glyph, part of the Santa-Fe Rape Crisis
Center, first approached the board in Novemberi999
with its effort to make Santa Fe safe and inclusive for
all youth, especially Lesbian, Gay, bisexual and
transgender children.
Some Santa Fe ministers then spoke out against the
curriculum, fearing it would promote the homosexual
lobby’s agenda. But the Santa Fe Ministerial ,Alliance
said in a letter last April iLstood behind the tolerancebased
project. The curriculum covers sexual orientation
and gender identity; homophobia and how it
affects everyone; and how to be an ally to people of all
orientations and help slop violence.
Project Glyph staff plan to make presentations to
students next week. The curriculum will be modified
for middle school students. In a class of30, on average,
there are three to eight students who identify or might
someday identify themselves as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual,
the curriculum states.
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Wed. Bible Study, 7 pm; Sunday Eve. Service, 6pm
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The Open Arms Project
Young Adult Support Group
Outreach Program Thurs. Nights
Meet Others in a Safe Enviroment
Call for meeting times and place:
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Walk-in Clinics
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Daytime appointments available.
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American Red Cross
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Dannette McIntosh
Saint Aidan
4045 N. Cincinnati, 425-7882
Saint John
4200 S. Atlanta Place, 742-7381
Saint Dunstan
5635 East 71st, 492-7140
501 S. Cincinnati, 582-4128
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
School board member Donita Sena said she was
alarmed after reading the results of the district’s recent
Quality of Education Survey. Only 47% of Santa Fe
high school students believed students at their schools
were treated equally regardless of sexual orientation,
while 71% of high school staff believed students were
treated equally. "The kids are saying something obviously
different," Sena said. "If this curriculum is going
to help teachers, we need to do it."
Partners Health Benefits
SCOTI’SDALE, Ariz. (AP) - The Scottsdale City
Council is considering extending health care benefits
to the domestic partners of city employees, including
same-sex partners. The city’s proposed health care
plan’was devised in part to bolster Scottsdale’s efforts
inrecruiting andretaining workers in a competitivejob
The number ofjob applications for openpositions is
down, as is the overall quality of candidates, said Neal
Shearer, the city’s human resources administrator.
"We want to eliminate whatever barriers we can that
impede our ability to attract and retain the talent we
need to get thejob done," Shearer said. City employees
have also begun requesting the benefits, and officials
hope to extend the policy to avoid any perception of
discrimination, he said. Eligibility requirements still
are being determined.
Gay civil-rights activists see Scottsdale’s benefits
proposal as part of a trend, said Steve Brandwein, a
board member forthe Arizona Human Rights Fund, a
Gay civil-rights advocacy group. "City councils and
city human resources departments are learning just
like corporations are that in order to remain competitive
this is very sensible business," Brandwein said. In
the state, Phoenix, Tempe, and Tucson also offer
benefits to domestic partners.
But an attorney with a history of challenging domestic
partner policies nationally said the benefits would
weaken morality. "One of the strongest reasons we
oppose any attempts to broaden public support for
alternative lifestyles such as the (domestic partner)
ordinances or city actions do, is that they really do
weaken the value of marriage," said Alan Sears, president
and general counsel of the Alliance Defense
Suspects in Gay’s Murder
To Be Clinically Evaluated
FAIRMONT, W.Va. (AP) - The trials of two teenagers
charged in the murder of a Gay Black man from
Marion County could be delayed by requests for psychiatric
reviews. Special Prosecutors Scott Smith of
Wheeling and Stephen Keuney of Charleston have
asked Circuit Judge David Janes to have both teenagers
reviewed by a psychiatrist.
David Allen Parker, 18, is tentatively set to stand
,trial in Beckley on March.26, while co-defendant Jared
Matthew Wilson is scheduled to appear in a Wheeling
courtroom on May 29.
The teen-agers are charged with first-degree murder
and could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted of
beating 26-year-old Arthur "J.R." Warren to death in
Grant Town in July. Their trials are expected to last
about a week.
The teens have been interviewed by a psychologist,
but neither has been examined by a psychiatrist, the
prosecutors said in a filing with the court. Forensic
psychologist Dr. William Fremouw has found both
defendants mentally competentto stand trial andcriminally
responsible at the time of their alleged attack on
Warren, according to court documents. Still, Parker’s
lawyers have indicated they may pursue a diminished
capacity defense.
The beating of Warren began early July 4 when
Parker became angry with the victim for telling others
about a sexual relationship the two had. After drinking
beer and snorting a crushed tranquilizer, Parker allegedly
starting hitting Warren with his fists and stomping
on him with steel-toed boots.
In his statement, Wilson told investigators he participated
briefly in the beating for fear Parker’s rage
would turn on him. The then-17-year-olds are also
accused of taking Warren’s body to a rural road and
driving over him four times with a Camaro in a failed
effort to stage a hit-and-run.
College Claims Adequate
Response to Hate Crimes
LYNDON, Vt. (AP) - Lyndon State College officials
have denied accusations that the college is ignoring
hate crimes on campus. Officials responded to claims
made last week by a sophomore student who said
college administrators retaliated against him because
of his Web site, http://lyndonsucks.homestead.com.
The site by Jacob Fortes, of Lowell, Mass., who is
not Gay,accuses officials ofignoring student concerns
about hate crimes, and mentions alleged hate crimes
that target Gays at LSC.
College President Carol Moore said Fortes made
"outrageous claims." "I think we’ve done a good job
and have responded quickly to some of the concerns
about the homosexual climate on campus." Moore
said. "We feel we have enough data to show that we
have tried to set up programs to protect our Gay and
Lesbian students." Moore said the school has pursued
every incident of harassment that has been reported.
As well, the college has increased efforts to raise
awareness on the campus about Gay and Lesbian
concerns, she said, including holding open forums
attended for students and faculty members. Of the
nearly 1,100 full-time students at LSC, about 25 arein
the Gay and Lesbian Alliance, though not all are Gay
or Lesbian, she said.
Moore confirmed reports that a Gay student left the
campus last year because he was uncomfortable. "The
studentfelt he was injeopardy physically and we could
not guarantee round-the-clock protection for him," she
said. The situation reflects society and LSC ]s not
umque in dealing with these issues, Moore said. "You
can educate but sometimes it just doesn’t take," she
Ex-United Way Staffer
Attacks BSA Funding
NEPTUNE, N:J. (AP) - A former finance director for
the United Way of Monmouth County has filed a
complaint to try to stop the nonprofitfromfunding Boy
Scout troops. Maureen Glover’s complaint with the
state Division of Civil Rights charges that she was
subject to a hostile work environment because the
agency funded the Scouts. She worked for the charitable
umbrella organization from last June until she
resigned in January.
Glover, 45, told the Asbury Park Press of Neptune
that on her first day of work, she was happy to sign an
ethics code that prohibited discrimination on the basis
of race, creed, age, sex or sexual orientation. Days
later, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts
".of America could bar Gays from leadership positions
m a case that originated in Monmouth County.
Glover accused her employer of violating its own
ethics code. She said it was particularly distressing to
find herself as finance director writing checks to the
same Boy Scout council that ejected James Dale as
scouunaster after learning he was Gay, an action that
led to the Supreme Court case.
Jim Borque, executive director of the Monmouth
County United Way, said he disagreed with Glover’s
charges, but declined to elaborate, citing the pending
California Men’s
Syphilis Rate Rising
ATLANTA (AP) - An outbreak of syphilis
in Southern California last year has
provided alarming new evidence that Gay
and Bisexual me~ are lowering their guard
against AIDS, the government said.
More than half of the syphilis cases in a
four-county area during the first half of
2000 were in men who reported having
had at least one male sex partner- up from
26% a year earlier.
Health officials said that the numbers
are a signal that Gay and Bisexual men,
encouraged by news of powerfully effective
drug cocktails andlonger lifespans for
AIDS patients, are wonying less about
HIV. Both HIV and syphilis are sexually
transmitted; condoms can protect against
their spread.
HIV "is no longer perceived to bethe
threat that it once was," said Dr. Ronald
Valdiserri, deputy director of the National
Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention,
which is part of the Centers for .Disease
Control and Prevention. ’q’hese are very
serious findings."
The Southern California cases and similar
outbreaks in other major cities came
after the national syphilis rate dropped in
1999 to its lowest level on record. Just
6,657 cases were reported in 1999, the last
year for which national figures are available,
or about one case per 40,000 people.
Syphilis outbreaks inmajor cities"show
that the disease can make a comeback,"
said Ken August, spokesman for~CaliforniaDepartmentofHealth
Services. ’tit’ s
important for health-care providers to ask
patients about theirbehavior and to deliver
a strong prevention message."
In four California counties - Los Angeles,
San Diego, Orange and Riverside- 66
of 130 syphilis cases from January to July
2000 were in Gay or Bisexual men, compared
with 26 of 100 cases in the same
period in 1999.
Of the 66 cases in 2000, 33 reported they
had had anonymous sex, and 17 said they
had met sex partners in bathhouses. Only
oneinfivereported using acondomduring
his most recent sexual encounter, and two
in five reportedusing illegal drugs. ’¢rhese
men were engaging m high-risk sexual
behavior," Valdiserri said. "When we see
reports of increasing risk behaviors, that’s
when we take action. We don’t wait till we
see the spike nationally" in HIV.
Thirty-four of the 66 men reported they
were HIV-positive, and nine said they did
not know their HIV status. "You’ve got
people who are doing well on the (HIV)
drugs andbelieve then that they don’thave
to worry about infection," said John
Schtinlaoff, chief of public health operations
for Los Angeles County. "Some
people argue that there is burnout. They
get weary of being protective." The CDC
recommended a search for new, innovative
ways to get the safe-sex message to
Gay and Bisexual men in large cities.
Syphilis infections in 1999 remained
concentrated in the South, with roughly
one case per 22,000 people. Three-quarters
of syphilis victims nationwide were
black. About 300 syphilis cases were reported
in 2000 in California.
Agency to Offer
Free AIDS Drugs
BOMBAY, India (AP) - An international
aid agency said Friday it will distribute an
anti-AIDS drug purchsed from an h~dian
company free of charge in 10 countries.
Doctors Without Borders - or Medecins
sans Frontieres - will buy the anti-AIDS
cocktail from the Indian company Cipla
"In general, wherethe Cipladrug will be
used, it will be supplied free of cost. Wherever
it is purchased by governments, it
would be sold at reduced prices," Daniel
Berman of the agency’s Access to Essential
Medicines campaign told The Associated
Press. Berman said the agency will
begin distributing the drugs "over the next
couple of months."
On Feb. 7, Cipla offered to sell a threedrug
anti-retroviral cocktail to Doctors
Without Borders t’or $350 per person, per
year, if the aid agency agreed to distribute
it for free and took care of the legalities of
importing it. Cipla also offered to sell the
triple-combination therapy drugs to governments
for $600 per patient instead of
the $10,000 to $15,000 charged in the
United States and Europe.
The Bombay-based company says it
could manufacture the drugs cheaply becauseproduction
costs arelow in Indiaand
it makes the raw materials.
Berman along with Madrid-based pharmacist
Carmen Perez met three top Cipla
officials inBombay and said the aid agency
would integrate some of the Cipla drugs
into antiretroviral pilot programs in-10
countries. "We will be using these drugs in
thesepilotprograms."Hedeclined toname
the 10 countries, but said the program had
already begun in Thailand and Cameroon. -
Berman said drug authorities from the
United States, Australia, South Africa and
Germany had visited the Cipla plant and
certified standards.
A joint statement by Doctors Without
Bordersand Cipla said: "Governments of
developing countries canimmediately take
advantage of the offer... This offer is
available without restrictions in time, geography
or quantity."
The Cipla offer raised concerns Lhat
patent laws may be breached in some
countries. In South Africa, 42 pharmaceutical
comparfies have filed a lawsuit to
prevent the government from distributing
genericAIDS drugs becuase it~nay violate
World Trade Organization rules.
Under theWTOrules, governments can
issue compulsory licenses that allow genetic
drugs to be manufactured if they
declare a national health emergency.
The AIDS cocktail on offer consists of
two 40 milligram tablets of stavudine, two
150 milligram tablets of lamivudine and
two 200 milligram tablets of nevirapine.
: GlaxoSmithKline of Britain developed
: lamivudine, also known as Heptovir, ~ihd
: Boehringer Ingelheim of Germany holds
¯ the rights to nevirapine under the name
¯" Viramune. Bristol-Myers Squibb holds the
~ international patent on siavudine.
The companies have been negotiating
deals with individual governments to lower
prices. Boehringerrecentlylowered prices
by 80%. GlaxoSmithKline announced that
¯ it wouldlowerprices by 90%for nonprofit
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No More Tithes, Offerings, or Special
Gifts Until Churches End Their False
Teachings Against God’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Children
Make Every Sunday Your
"Faithful Dissenter Sunday"
VIOLENCE Withholding support (for even one Sunday) will
empower you and help bring truth to your
church or denomination.
Consider your situation:
(1) If your local congregation is not. fully welcoming~ fill in the blanks below and
drop it into the offering plate. Send your donation instead to the church or
organization of your choice.
(2) If your congregation is fully welcoming, but your denomination is not, withhold
the percentage (10% to 15%) that goes to your denomination.
(3) Ifyou have left a church that is not fully welcoming, consider a one-time return
visit to drop a card in the offering plate with a note explaining why.
Write a note on the back or add a letter to explain your actions-lovingly.
Do lustice. See your spirit renewed and your church transformed.
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Send your name or initials with a brief account to: HonorRoll@sou]force.org
For centuries, anti-homosexual religious teachings have led to
suicide, wasted lives,-discrimination and violence.
I am withholding my gifts until God’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and
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This bulletin insert is provided by Soulforce as part of its
"Stop Spiritual Violence" campaign.
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agencies - effectively matching the Cipla
Cipla Chairman Yusuf Hamied said he
welcomed moves by multinational companies
to slash prices. "Since our initial
outburst, things are moving in a positive
direction. That is very satisfying,"Hamied
said in an interview over the phone.
Merck Begins
Vaccine Trials
NEW YORK (AP) - Pharmaceutical
manufacturer Merck & Co. has begun a
small-scale human trial of a new experimental
HIV vaccine, TheWall StreetJournal
reported at the end of February.
The new vaccine has been able to prevent
laboratory monkeys exposed to an
extremely vindent strain of the disease
from contracting it, sources close to the
trials told the Journal. This has AIDS scientists
watching the results of the trials
very dosdy. The company would not discuss
the details of the laboratory trials, but
did say it began testing the vaccine in
healthy, uninfected volunteers last week.
The drug is not the firstpossible vaccine
to go into human trials. At least a d~iten
.other companies are currently experimenting
with a possible vaccine, but scientists
familiar with the Merck trials say that their
drug is among the most promismg.
Merck official said they were reluctant
to release any details regarding the trials
before making a.formal presentation at a
scientific forum in April, lest publicity
raise false hopes.
Priest Challenges
Drug Companies
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Expanding an
international campaign to make AIDS
drugs affordable in the poorest nations, an
American priest who works with HIVpositive
orphans in Kenya said he planned
to import cheap, generic medicines from
Importing the drugs, which are the
equivalents of patented medicines, is_illegal
in Kenya. However, the bigger fight
for the Rev. Angelo D’Agostino could
comefrom pharmaceutical companies who
own patents on the drugs.
What D’Agostino fears is a lawsuit in
Kenyalike the one42pharmaceutical companies
filed in South Africa to prevent that
government from distributing generic
AIDS drugs. "I am sick and tired of doing
funerals," said D’Agostino, who rims-the
Nyumbani Orphanage, home to 70 HIVpositive
orphans. He also treats 150 to 200
children living nearby.
The orphanage recently received private
donations to buy drugs, but brandname
medications cost $500 a month per
child, D’Agostino said. A generic equivalent
offered by the Bombay, India-based
Cipla Ltd. would cost the orphanage $20 a
month per child.
There are legal loopholes D’Agostino
could use to bring the drugs into Kenya,
but they only provide for a small amount.
And besides, his plan to go to India, buy
the drugs and bring them back for his
orphans seems feasible. Kenya’s minister
for public health, Dr. Sam Ongeri, said he
doesn’t expect the government to stop
D’Agostino. Also, Ongeri noted, the government
is expected to pass a bill in parliament
next month that would allow aid
agencies to legally import generic drugs.
The obstacle, Ongeri said, will likely be
the drug companies. "The pharmaceutical
industry should rise to the occasion and
drop their prices in good time before we
getto a level of (political) crisis," he said.
One in eight Kenyans between the ages
of 15and 49 are HIV positive, Ongeri said.
Providing them with the patented drugs
wouldcostbetween $141 millionand $167
million - more than the country’s entire
annual health budget of $115 million.
Cipla offered to sdl Doctors Without
Borders the anti-AIDS cocktailifthe group
agreed to distribute itforfreeandtook care
of the legalities of importing it. The group
has agreed to help D’Agostino obtain the
GlaxoSmithYdine declined to comment
on D’Agostino’s plan. However, in announcing
the company’s earnings,
GlaxoSmithKline chief executive Jean-
Pierre Gamier said patents are not the
obstacle to supplying developing countries
with medicines - poverty and weak
health care systems are.
Requests for commentfrom Boehringer
and Bristol-Myers Squibb were not answered.
However, a Boehringer spokesman
asked about Cipla earlier this month
said "intellectual property rights should be
Has 13% Profit Rise
LONDON (AP) - Strong sales for its respiratory,
antiviral andcentral-nervous-system
drugs helped boost GlaxoSmithKline
PLCprofits by 13%last year, thecompany
announced recently. Pretax profit for the
year ending Dec. 31 was 5.33 billion
pounds ($7.73 billion).
Theresults "demonstrate that in the new
company, we have underlying strength
which wasn’t slowed by the long preg~
nancy pause of the merger," said CEO
Jean-Pierre Gamier.
Antivirals - including the company’s
HIV treatments - rose 15%. Sales of the
firm’s HIV drugs grew 14%.
Pfizer Distributing
Free AIDS Drug
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) -
TheU.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Corp.
said Wednesday it will soon begin distributing
the drug Diflucan free to HIV and
AIDS patients at government hospitals
and clinics. Distribution of the drug will
begin "within the next few weeks," ajoint
statement from the health department and
Pfizer said.
The departr~ent removed a roadblock to
the distribution by approving Diflucan for
the treatment of esophageal candidiasis, a
fungal infection of the throat that occurs in
¯ up_to~4-0% of AIDS patients. The drug,
genetically known as Fluconazole, is already
used in South Africa as treatment for
cryptococcal meningitis, an infection of
the brain that occurs in 10% of AIDS
by Jim Christjohn, entertainment editor
Happy Spring Equinox! -Also known as
Easter, takenfrom thenameof aPhoenician
goddess offertility,Oestre or Ostara, from
whence we get the imagery of bunnies and
eggs. The hare was an animal sacred to
many goddesses, and the egg was symbolic
of the cycles of life, ~e cosmos, as
wellas eternity. Inmany
prechristian cultures,
this was also the time
for the rebirth of the solar
god, of which the
latest was Jesus. This is
the time many scholars
say he was" actually
born. Sothere’ s the little
bit of learning channel
info for the month - let
it never be said that this
column is not educational.
Well, Tannhauser
was certainly an event
not to be missed. Lovely
voices, deeply symbolic
staging and sets, and
some laughable and
fabulous costumes. And
that was just the audience! Actually,
Wagner’s 3+ hour long gnashing of teeth
and clLristian guilffest was agonizing in
terms of plot, but beautiful in terfns of the
caliber of talent and voice.
Oh, and pity the fella that dates someone
who wants to major in costume design, all
you’ll hear about is how people look, what
they wore, and why they shouldn’t wear it.
It was a toss up between who was more
superficial - the characters onstage or the
one critiquing everyone else’s superficialities.
I mean, who the hell cares whether
apatron wore a dress that was too big in the
bosom for the equipment she had to put in
- it? Itmay be it’s a dress a friend loanedher
since she couldn’t afford a dress of her
own and she had to make do! Certainly not
worth a 30 minute diatribe on the evils of
wearing a dress too big for your bust.
Oh, and I love attending cultural events
in Tulsa - where the woman next to me
kept sniffing- wetly andnoisily- throughout
the show. I cut slack for that- and her
hOrrifically noisy nose-blowing-because
if you’re sick, you’re sick. BUT STAY
HOME! However, when she started chewing
gum with her mouth open and smacking
like a cannon, I’d had enough. They
left after the second act, I don’tknow why.
.. Andthen there was the3 year oldbehind
~ us - who was incessantly noisy and irkstme,
simply because she could be. The
child was driving both I and my companion
to distraction Finally, she started smacking
On candy - loudly, noisily, and obnoxiously.
I spoke to theparents, who thenhad
a heated exchange in a foreign language.
They too left after the second act. It is very
interesting that an event can be so easily
eclipsed by the actions of inconsiderate
audience members.
Stomp, on the other hand, was a wonderfully
engaging and humorously magi.’-
cal romp wherein the cast created.musac
from the most unlikely of objects. I will
¯ never look at aplastic bag again as merely
¯ abag. The cast was amazingly diverse, and
¯ immensely handsomeandbeautiful in their
¯¯ ownways. Infact, itwas ashow where one
would expect a bunch of athletic dancers,
¯ and the people in the cast were refresh-
- ingly real - and hll the more beautiful for
¯ it. And it was a rousing evening, marred
only by the occurrence
several times of
people’s cell phones -
not part of the act - and
some who amazingly,
held conversations
while the show was going
on. Lovely invention,
the cell phone. Allows
for intrusive rudeness
at an unprecedented
level on a massive
scale. The inventor,
as well as the users,
should all be burnt at
the stake. But that’s just
my opinion. Apparently
these people have not
the intelligence to figure
out what the OFF
button is for; or don’t
¯ have the basic intelligence to leave the
~ danm thing in the car, if you can’t figure
¯ out how to work it.
¯ Cirque De Soleil (CDC), the utterly
¯ amazing acrobatic troupe, has put some of
its acts together with a story, and created
" "Journey Of Man," an IMAX 3D film
¯ opening in Tulsa March 9. The film fol-
¯ lows the stages of human development
¯ from birth to maturity celebrating the hu- ¯
man spirit. The film was recently honored
¯ by the Giant Screen Theatre Association
¯ as the Best Film of 200; and if you’ve
¯ never.seen Cirque De Soleil, I can’t urge
; you enough to take in this flick. You will
¯ be amazed at what some of the folks can
do. I look forward to seeing this film, as it
¯ promises to be the next best thing to actually
being at a CDC performance.
If you love tap dance and beautiful men,
¯ then Tap Dogs is well worth the price of
: the DVD or Video. About the same vin-
¯ tage as Stomp,it is a festival of percussion
¯ and music featuring tap dance, and would
¯ be well worth seeing just to marvel and ¯
what these dancers can do.
¯ Andin the latest on the wonderful world
¯ of Nicksiana,. Stevie’s album has been
pushed back to early May alas. "Singles
should start appearing on radio in April,
though, and the new album is generating
rave reviews. Lending voices to the album
are Sarah McLachlan, Macy Gray (that
should be interesting), one of the Dixie
Chicks, and Sheryl Crow. I still think she
and Melissa Etheridge should do a duet; I
would be incredibly powerful. Oh well,
next album...
Thefinal concertofthe 2000-2001 Tulsa
Philharmonic Lollipops Scries will bepresented
Sunday, March 18, 2001, at 2pro in
theWalter Arts Center atThe Holland Hall
School. Maestro Edwin Outwater has
planned a concert entitled "Music on the
Move," with music depicting all forms of
movement see Amuse, p. 9
"...Well, Tannhauser was
certainly an event not to be
missed. Lovely voices, deeply
symbolle sta~in~ and sets,
and some laughable and
fabulous costumes. And that
was just the audlenee!
Actually, Wagner’s 3+ hour
lon~ ~nashln~ of teeth and
Christian guiltfest was
a~onlzln~ in terms of plot,
but beautiful in terms
of the eallber of
talent and volee...."
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney who will fight for justice
& equality for Gays & Lesbians
Domestic Partnership Planning,
Personal Injury, Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointmenls are available.
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PC
.Certified Public Accountant
a professional corporation
Lesbians and Gay men face many special
tax situations whether ,single or as couples.
Electronic filing is available for faster refunds.
747 - 5466
4021 South Harvard Avenue, Suite 210, Tulsa 74135
The University of Tulsa
Gay/Transgendered Alliance
presents their
Annual Film Festival
Evenings on April 6 & 7
Sunday afternoon, April 8
TU Campus, 6th& Delaware
Selected titles:
Westler, Summer in-My Veins,
High Art and more.
Exact times and auditoriums to be announced in next
issueand will be available at the Community Center.
"Plastic Jesus" by Poppy Z. Brite the record charts and the covers of
reviewed by Barry Hensley : teenybopper magazines as the rock group
What would happen if a cutting edge " The Kydds.
author wrote a fictional account of the ¯ WhenHaroldismurderedbyroughtrade,
loving, sexual relationship between Elvis " Seth and Peyton begin their inevitable,
and Colonel Tom Parker? I’ll bet there " loving, sexual relationship. A couple of
would be charges of
blasphemy, calls for
boycotts against the
publisher and death
threats to the author.
Fortunately, author
Poppy Z. Brite has
chosen, notElvis, but
the Beatles to take
down the lavender
road, and their fans
seem to be much
more understanding,
since not a peep of
protest has been heard about this fanciful
romance between the icons we know as
Paul and John.
Ourstory starts, surprise(!), with a shooting
onacoldNew Yorknight. Seth Grealy,
fading rock star, hits the sidewalk in a
spreading pool of blood. A woman in the
horrified crowd recognizes him and takes
the opportunity to scoop up ablood soaked
piece of paper, quickly running away with
the priceless souvenir. The murderer turns
out to be a Christian Fundamentalist who
assumed Seth was spreading AIDS.
Looking back on Seth’s early years in
rural England, we discover him jamming
at a local club with friends, particularly
guitarist Peyton Masters. They are being
closely observed by Gay record manager
Harold Loomis. Well, you guessed it!
UnderHarold’s careful guidance, the boys,
plus two friends, quickly rise to the top of
and transportation. The concert begins at
2pm with pre-performance activities, Including
a musical petting zoo and other
special surprises, beginning at 1:15pro. In
this gravity-defying concert, Maestro
Outwater and the Tulsa Philharmonic will
present music that’ s really "going places,"
including Leroy Anderson’s Horse and
Buggy, Johann Strauss, Pleasure Train
Polka, Eduard Strauss, Skater’s Waltz,
and Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov,s Flight of
the Bumblebee. With the help of a special
conductor’s assistant giving introductions
to each of the orchestra’s instrument families,
this concert combines the best of
entertainment and education.
With combined sales approaching the
300,000 mark, Robin Spielberg is one of
today’s most popular and prolific contemporary
pianist/composers. On March 25,
2001, she will perform what promises to
be amost memorable evening Of her spellbinding
compositions on the Steinway piano
at The Tulsa Performing Arts Center.
The evening will include Ms. Spielberg’s
compelling and oftenhumorous story-telling
and feature new works from her latest
CD, Dreaming of Summer. The concert
will begin at 3pro Ms. Spielberg will
autographCDs and sheet music following
the performance. Theconcert is madepossible
in part by a grant from the Tulsa
"...What would-happen if a
euttlng edge author wrote a
fietlonal aee0unt of the loving,
sexual relationship between
Elvis and_Colonel Tom
Parker? . . . Fortunately,
author...Brlte has chosen,
not Elvis, but the Beatles..."
years later, in 1969,
the Stonewall riots in
New York City inspire
Sethand Pe.yton
to wander rnto
Greenwich Village,
giving interviews revealing
their relationship.
A Newsweek
cover, chronicling
their love for each
other, soon follows,
as does a marriage
ceremony in Holland.
The boys have conveniently forgotten
to tell their bandmates about all of this
and The Kydds are soon history. Fame
proves exhausting, and Seth and Peyton
soon slip into semi,retirement until Seth’s
untimely murder.
HOW different things might have been if
Paul and John had really followed this
path! In the author’s afterword, Brite comments,
"I have always believed the world
would be a better place today if John and
Paul had been lovers. Yes, I know they
weren’t Gay. That has nothing to do with
it. This is fantasy." But what an intriguing
fantasy it is t ffyou enjoy wishful thinking,
check out Plastic Jesus and find out what
might have been.
Check for Plastic Jesus at your local
library, or call 596-7966 to get a copy.
Barry Hensley is a librarian with Tulsa
City-County Library System.
Performing Arts Center Trust Ms.
Spielberg has recorded nine CDs, performed
two sold-outconcerts at Weill Hall
at Carnegie Hall, toured the country an
concert and has made numerous television
appearances, including features/interviews
and performances on "CBS-This Morning"
and "LifeTime Live," and "ABC
News." Spielberg’s music has also been
featured on scores of radio programs, and
her work in music & healing has received
attention in Parenting magazine, The New
York Times, and The Washington Post.
Robin Spielberg-will perform at Tulsa
Performing Arts Center on March25,2001
at 3pro. Tickets can be purchased by calling
918/596-7111. Tickets are $12, and
$10 for seniors & students. More information
on Robin Spielberg and her recordings,
can be found on the world wide web
at www.robinspielberg.com
The2000-2001 Tulsa Philharmonic Pops
Series-continues with guest star Roger
Williams on Friday, March 9, 2001, and
Saturday, M~ch 10, 2001. This consummate
entertainer conducts and performs
on this memorableprogram. Performances
will be presented at 8pm in the Chapman
Music Hall of the Tulsa Performing Arts
Center. Playing the music that has served
as the soundtrack of three generations,
Williams will tickle the ivories with such
favorites as Autumn Leaves, Talk to the
Animals, From a Distance, and a medley
including Feelings and Chariots of Fire.
Gay Studies: Pilgrimage
by Lament Lindstrom
"Nasir," I once asked my Gay Malaysian
friend, "are you ever going on the hadj?"
This is the fifth pillar of Islam - the duty of
all good Muslims to worship
in Mecca at least once
in life. "Maybe," he said,
"when I’m older. But noW"
I’m having too much fun as
a Gay pilgrim in America."
Gay pilgrims came to
mind last month when I
walked down Ocean Drive
in South Beach. There, up
ahead, shining brightly in
the Miami sunshine was
Gianni Versace’s weddingcake
mansion sporting a
modestly phallic observatory
dome. Andthere, at the
footofthosefamously once
bloodstained steps, were the
Gay pilgrims fervently
snapping pictures. Some of
these, no doubt, were fash-
¯ studied- still demand that devotees make
: weekly pilgrimages down to the coastal
¯ village where the Movement is headquar-
¯ tered. There, these pilgrims worship at the
¯¯ Movement’s spiritual center, their physical
presence a marker of
their fidelity.
Thepilgrimage- sacred
traveling - knots together
identity and place. Sacred
travd reminds us of who,
what, and why we are.
Today’s nation-states,
which in part modeled
themselves on medieval
religious institutions, borrowed
rituals of pilgrimage.
The U.S., for example,
is splattered with large
numbers of National
Monuments and National
Historic Sites that we
should visit in order to
learn about ourselves. The
Alamo, Mount Vernon,
Gettysburg, the Arizona Memorial, and
many more. These places are all much like
church. Any rude chatter, hoofing, or
hollering will quickly attract shushing
guardians, of these politically sacred pilgrimage
Most of these places, of course, commemorate
mainstream, white-bread
America. Still, multicultural politics have
boosted the visibility, nowadays, of minority
histories. African-Americans tour
the birthplace of George Washington
Carver in Diamond, Missouri. Japanese-
Americans pilgrims drive out to Tule Lake
in Modoc County, California, site of a
WW2 internment camp. Jewish-Americans
visit the monument to Revolutionary
War financier Haym Solomon in Queens,
New York. Feminists pay homage at the
Suffragette Memorial inWashington, DC.
But what of Gay and Lesbian pilgrims?
Where might we go?
" ’Naslr,’
I once asked . . . ’are
you ever going
on the bade’. ,.
- the duty of all good
Muslims to
worship in Mecca at
least once in life.
’Maybes’ he said, ’when
I’m older. But now I’m
having too much fun
as a Gay pilgrim
in Amerlea.’ "
ion pilgrims. But others, like me, were
there in reverence of the lingering spectacle
of Versace’s and Cunanan’s deadly
homosexual encounter.
Pilgrims. The word derives from old
Latin roots meaning "across the field"
which came to refer to traveling in fol:,eigu
parts. Organized religions have profited
by regularizing the pilgrimage. Besides
the Islamic ’hadj,’- Roman Catholic Popes
beginning in 1300 have declared Jubilee
years, inostly recently Armo Santo 2000,
during which visitors to Rome may rack
up spintual blessing points:
In pre-industrial and pre-literate social
orders, communication between religious
leaders and followers demanded physical
mobility. There was no TV, no radio, no
newspapers. Instead, one had to travel to
the source to hear and see in person. Leaders
of the John Frum Movement- ahomegrown
South Pacific religion that I once
the Tulsa chapter has identified a number
of areas in which to improve. These range
from adding more Spanish speaking staff
or volunteers to help in disaster relief to a
new program in development to create a
diversity curriculum in area high schools
to address the challenges Lesbian~and Gay
young people face. The group has offered
a tolerance curriculum for some time but
this new program which is being developed
with a local Unitarian church, and
With input from Youth Services of Tulsa
and PFLAG, is explicit in addressing anti-
Gay attitudes, noted Bowen. Dahl added
thatthenew program specifically has board
Dahl and his colleagues expressed frustration
at the negative reputation which
their part oftheRed Cross has for anti-Gay
bias based on the ban on blood donations
by any man who has had sex with another
man since 1980. Many are not awar9 that
the American Red Cross Blood Services
have a separate director and board even
though they share theirname and building.
The policy is not set by the Red Cross but
by theFederal Drug Administration (FDA)
which recently reviewed the ban and reendorsed
it. Gay civil rights activists have
argued that a ban based on group status
rather than on risk factors is biased and
while might have beenappropriate in the
earliest years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic,
is no longer good science.
However, Dahl acknowledged that the
Red Cross might be more active in challenging
the policy, and noted that individual
chapters may sponsorresolutions at
their national meetings. The Tulsa chapter
has a resolution addressing bias against
the Jewish equivalent of the Red Cross
which has yet to be accorded equal status
as Muslim and other groups. Dalai indicated
that the Tulsa chapter might address
the blood donation restrictions issue in a
similar fashion.
For more information about volunteering
Or American Red Cross diversity efforts,
contact Dannette Mclntosh, Tulsa
Area Chapter diversity coordinator, 918-
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by Karin Gregory
Super Bowl Sunday is way behind us,
butmy heart feels like the football: kicked,
stomped, beaten, thrown, punted. Oh, and
abandoned. We must never forget abandoned.
So abandoned that I spent
Valentine’ s Day withmyroommate’ s dog.
And I thought the Irish had luck! Oh, right
- I confused that withmy father tellingme
that everything a Gregory touches turns to.
.. to.., well, it certainly ain’t gold. After
44 years of running from love in all shapes
and forms, I smacked dead into it with the
arrival of a woman who, apparently,
thought I was just a novelty.
OK, you’re saying, "But what did the
raging Lesbian expect?" With all my Gay
male friends falling in and out of love as
quickly as they change their clothes, you’d
think I’d have learned, at least by proxy.
But nooooo - I believed that women were
different from men.
So I plunged in with eyes wide shut,
listening to a voice from God telling me
things no MAN had ever said. Or maybe I
just wasn’t interested enough to listen until
now. She said she was a very physical
person, and the woman involved with her
had to love sexas much as she. Saying a
silent, "Thank you, God!", I watched her
beautiful eyes look back at me and all I
could do (since by now my blood had
rushed DOWN from my head) was to
wonder, "Whatdoes she see inme?"Maybe
because I’m a newbie, or maybe because
I’ve been around the Gay community for
so long, I have no problem showing affection.
Holding hands in the open, arms
around each other, kissing on a public
residential street in Dallas felt, for the first
time in my life, natural. When she told me
she wanted me to spend a weekend with
her after we’djust met a few hours before,
did I balk? Hell, no! And that IS a first for
I know it was hormonal in the beginning.
When I tried to be straight for so
many years, I found kissing a man to be
extremely strange. Atfirstteethuponteeth,
inadequacy on my part, as well as detachment,
until it degenerated into making my
grocery list in my head while his tongue
was in my throat. Blech! But this! I just
assumed I never got it- the fireworks, etc.
That first night on the street with her, I felt
the full light show, complete with thunder
andearth-shattering enlightenment I should
have felt about 20 years ago. I must confess
that kiss was so powerful that I gave
$5 to a panhandler on my way home. He
probably sits at that exact corner every
night waiting to catch happy Lesbians on
their way home.
Although I knew it was Lesbian lust, I
trudged blindly ahead, not knowing or
caring what the future held, but damned
determined to enjoy every minute of it.
And enjgy I did in October with this same
woman in South Texas who spoke to me
romantically. I left with a VERY healthy
ego, and got a hint of what it must be like
to be a straight man. I also left with the
promise of another weekend the next
month, this time at my place. She kept up
this farce, even singing to me on my birthday.
Then the phone calls stopped, emails
became fewer and fewer, you know the
drill. At last came the inevitable -the
"Dear Jane" letter. You know that one -
the one that says she hopes wE’ll be friends
for a long time to come. Theone that’s the
very LAST message she sends. I’m sure
you’ve seen wildlife shows with the charging
rhino who suddenly forgets the target
he’s charging. Well, consider this woman
a charging rhino. Or maybe I’m that forgettable.
Or maybe she’s just a bitch.
My astute friend Jim tells me, after I’ve
called, written, and emailed to no avail,
that silence is my .answer. I like that - as
applied toANYONEelse but me! MyGay
male roommate says, "She just wanted to
get you into bed." Men - you can’t live
with ’em... pass the beer nuts!
Now I understand my friends who just
can’t seem to get over that relationship that
everyone around them knew was doomed
frbm the beginning. All my "forget about
him/hers" sound even emptier than they
must have to my friends. You know, it
hurts to remember; but it hurts more to
Have there been others since my experience?
There’ s the olderwomanwhobought
my dining room table and chairs. She got
into some financial trouble shortly afterward
and I "loaned" her the same amount.
She got more than that, too, one night
shortly afterward. Have I heard from her
since? Oh, why don’t you decide? Doesit
seem that I have a sign across my forehead
saying,"Horny Lesbian- Will Apparendy
Do Anything For Sex. PLEASE Fold,
Spindle, And Mutilate When Finished"?
But even after spending my twentysixth
Valentine’s Day in arow listening to
Janis Ian’s "At Seventeen", I still believe
in the romantic future. And in the luck of
the Irish. And that there really IS a pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow. Maybe this
Gregory will be lucky enough, come St.
Paddy’s Day, to believe that what she
touches can turn to gold. or at least believe
in love again. THAT would be lucky.
Karin Gregory is a Fort Worth-based
organizers note that the $50 fee will
cover bunk-room style lodging, meals on
Saturday and Sunday breakfast but that
some financial assistance is available for
those for whom the fee is too much. However,
they do emphasize that the deadline
is March 1 lth.
For more information, contact College
Hill Presbyterian Church, 712 S. Columbia,
Tulsa 74104, or call 592-5800.
Men’s Group. This program is d~signed
to assist men to learn ~t~m safe sex practices,
relationships, ~dotl~erissues. Meetings
will take place_~..~a~ Thursday night
at 7pm. :. _ .
Lig ht
March 16-18 at the historic and.
beautifully wooded Dwight Mission.
A Weekend Retreat about
Spirituality, Sexuality and
Building Relationships to Last A Lifetime...
This LGBT specific event seeks to help individuals marginalized by repressive church policies around matters
of sexuality. The event seeks to re-connect spirituality with identity to help build an inclusive faith community.
Friday evening will be a get acquainted time. Saturday will combine fellowship at meals with workshops from
"Religion and Spirituality: Our Images of God," to "Discovering and Making the Connections between Sexuality
and Spirituality." Sunday morning worship follows breakfast. The $50 fee will cover bunk-room style lodging,
meals on Saturday and Sunday breakfast. Financial assistance is available.
The deadline is March 11th.
College Hill Presbyterian Church, 712 S. Columbia, Tulsa 74104, 592-5800

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[2001] Tulsa Family News, March 2001; Volume 8, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/610.