[2001] Tulsa Family News, April 2001; Volume 8, Issue 4


[2001] Tulsa Family News, April 2001; Volume 8, Issue 4


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


April 2001


James Christjohn
Karin Gregory
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Hughston Walkinshaw


Tom Neal
Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, March 2001; Volume 8, Issue 4Image


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Arkansas; Ant|- ay. Law
Ru|cO ! nconst|t t|on
LI~LE.ROC~ ~AP)- ~ A ~dg~~out
out Gays, for ~os~u~o~ ~oug~ no-onv.~.
pros~ut~.~d~~ 19.~:law, seven~ple-who s~d
¯ey w~e Gay told~€~~eyf~~ing
~nvict~~dlosing~rjo~ orprof~sio~ H~scs.
~Co~ty Circ~t Judge David ~g~d s~d
sex~ acdvid~ ~ong ~ple of ~
gend~. ~e state~~ aJ~hc~g ~t
gov~t~~ int~t in~i~g~vior
~tmost of i~~wo~d findmolly~o~-
ate; but Bog~d&s~.
’~€~plc of~k~~ve ~eright to le~slateon
issu~ involv~g mo~s. but homosex~ is not o~y
a question of mor~s," Bog~d s~d. Citing a 1~2
fromWis~. Bog~d s~d a way offife ’~t is ~d
or ev~ ~afic" see So.my, p~ 2
Iowa Study: Tolerance of
Gays May Be Growing
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -Thereason thatmoreAmericans
are reporting homosexual encounters thana decade
ago may bethe increasing tolerance of Gays and
Lesbians, a University of Iowa study says. "Declining
social, legal and economic sanctions against samegender
sexual behavior in recent years and more positive
images of Gay men and Lesbians in the media may
have made it easier for people to recognize their samegender
sexual interest and act on it," said Amy Buffer,
the study’s author.
Butler, an associate professor in the University of
Iowa’ s School of Social Work, used data collected for
the General Social Surveys conducted by the National
Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.
Her study, published in November in the Journal of
Sex Research, shows that between 1988 and 1998 the
number ofwomenwhosaid theyhad a sexual encounterwith
another woman in the previous year went from
0.2% of respondents to 2.8%, a 14-fold increase. For
men, the number who said they had a homosexual
experience jumped from 1.7% of respondents to 4.1%.
Whethermorepositivemediaportrayals play arole in
the increasing reports of homosexual activity is hard to
determine, Butler said. For certain, the media wouldn’ t
mt shows on television or produce movies that portray
~ositive Gay lives see Tolerance, p. 2
US & woRLD, NEWS P. 4~
" Serving Lesbian, Gay; Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsens, Our Families + Friends
"Embrace Diversity"_
2001 Parade + Fesbval
". TULSA (TFN) - Oklahoma’s biggest celebration of its kind,
." Tulsa" s "Diversity Celebration", is shaping up to be the biggest
¯ to date. A full week of events, designed to educate the general
¯" public oncivil rights issues and the need for equality for the Gay/
." Lesbian/Bisexual and Trmmgendered (GLBT) community are
: planned for the city of Tulsa and the Midwest region.
¯ "Fmbrace Diversity" is Tulsa’ s"21st celebration of the beginning
of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender civil rights
." movement. Begun as the Tulsa Pride Picnic in 1980, "Diversity
" Celebration"has grown over the pastfew years to become oneof
-" Tulsa’s largest events. The past two celebrations have garnered
~" national attentionfrom Los Angeles to New York with coverage
: by PlanetOut, Genre and Curve, as well as local GLBT and
: heterosexually oriented television, print and.ele.ctro~ic, media.
1999~saw Tulsa,welcome United States Rep. Barney Frank (D-
: Mass..)~as,the OrandMarshal of Tulsa" s first full fledgedparade.
¯ Last y~t:, the city welcomed Greta Cammermeyer and Greg
Loug~,s as they hhared their personal stories of triumph over
adversi~ and whoserved as Grand Marshals for the Parade.
¯ Featured this year are allies outside the GLBT community -
: the families of GLBT individuals. Traveling from across the
¯ nation,, these brave families come to Tulsa to educate and share
¯" their stories of loved ones as we honor them as Grand Marshals
: of Tulsa’s 3rd GLBT Parade (Pride Parade).
: TulsaOklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), the presenting
¯ sponsor of "Diversity Celebration 2001", has released the fol-
: lowing schedule of events:
Saturday, June 2, 2001
TOHR Foifies 2001
Presented by TOHR
’Trom Here to Eternity"Avondale Studio & Theatre
¯ (the old Delaware Playhouse), 1511 So. Delaware Ave., 8pm
see Diversity, p. 3
¯ HIV and Young Black Gay Men
¯ by Margie Mason, Associated Press Writer
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - In the wake of soaring HIV statistics
" surrounding the nation’s Gay Black men, a panel of educators
- came together at the end of March to admit their failures and
: discuss strategies to help curb the rate of contraction.
¯ ’These people are coming to us to get HIV testing or to get
¯ screened for (sexually transmitted diseases)," said Lucia Torian,
¯ from the New York City Department of Health. ’They are in our
" offices. They’re in our clinics. We are even counseling them.
¯ What’s going on7"
¯ Torian spoke to a packed conference room as part of. the 13th
." NationalHIV/AIDS UlxlateConference.ShesaidarecentYoung
Men’ s Survey inNew York showed one in every three Blackmen
¯ sampled were HIV positive, even though they had less sexual
" partners th~n white men ages 23 to 29.
¯ Torian said Gay Blackmen as a group held the highest rates of
¯ infection from 1989-1999. ’This is an incidence rate in men who
" have sex with men that wehave not seen since the late 1980s.-So
: we have our work cut out for us," Torian said. "’And we may be
¯ on the leading edge of the epidemic."
San Francisco’s Gay Black HIV prevalence rates are compa-
: rable with an estimated 54.6% of the population spanning all age
: groups, said Willi McFarland from the San Francisco Depart-
¯ ment of Public Health.
"It’ s an astonishing figure, and we’re not entirely sure how to
¯ answer it," he said. ’’It’s one of the highest for any group in the
¯ city." Black transgender men in San Francisco have a 60% to
: 65% prevalence rate, McFarland said.
¯¯ SusanKegeles, of theUniversity ofSan Francisco’ s Center for
AIDS Prevention Studies, spoke on the panel about ideas for a
¯ program to attract the troubled demographic. She heads the
¯ Mpowerment Project, hailed by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention as the only effective intervention program for
¯ youngGay and bisexual men, which uses peer groups in various
¯ cities to,create a dialogue and. a safe place for men to talk about
¯ SeX.
see African, p. lO
City Human Rights Group
Wants to Talk to Gays
TULSA (TFN) - About seven years after record
numbers of citizens attended public hearings on
amending Tulsa’ s human rights ordinance to include
"sexual orientation," at leastone staffperson with the
City of Tulsa Human Rights Commission/Department
says she wants to know the issues and concerns
of Tulsa’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
(GLBT) community.
University ofTulsaintemAngieJohann_esen, asked
to do an internship for her sociology degree with the
City’ s HumanRights Commlssion. Atherinstigation
the’ Commission is currently developing a series of
focus groups with individuals in the GLBT community.
Thefocus groups will takeplace later this spring.
However, before any specific dates are set, the Human
Rights Commission wants~to gauge the number
of persons who would be willing to participate.
Johaunesen contac~ted TulsaOldahomam for Human
Rights, (TOHR) and TUlsa Family News to let
GLBTpeopleknow about the effort and to encourage
them to participate in the focus groups. Johannesen
promises that individuals’ privacy will be respected..
Johaunesen noted that one goal of the Commission
was to create a resource manual of LGBT groups,
similar to lists which TOHR and TFN already have
developed. Another goal is to provide support to Gay
students in Tulsa Public Schools some ofwhomhave
contacted the Commission about harassment in
Those willing to participate should contact Angie
Johannesen at the Human Rights Commission, 596-
7837, orby e-mail at angela-johannesen@umlsa.edu.
TOHR also encourages those with any questions to
contact them at 743-4297 or by e:mail at
tobrl0@hotmail.com, see editorial, p. 3.
Gay Man Severely Beaten
In Attempted Murder
MiDDLEBURG, Pa, (AP) - Two brothers were ordered
to stand trial in Snyder County Court, accused
of stomping and punching a man who is now in a
coma; one ofthem allegedly told police that the attack
was provoked by a homosexual advance.
Todd J. Clinger, 18, and Troy L. Clinger, 20, both
of Middleburg are charged with attempted murder in
the March 6 attack on Michael Auker. Hc was then
carried to his trailer, where he was found two days
later in a comatose state.
"Wefoundhimunconscious and bleedingfrom the
head. Every bone in his face was broken," state
trooper Frederick Dyroff testified in a preliminary
Dyroff testified that Todd Clinger said the assault
on Auker was the result ofa sexual advance byAuker.
Both ofthe brothers and Auker were drinking atTodd
Clinger’ s trailer prior to the incident, police said.
Auker remains in what Snyder County District
Attorney Mike Sholley called a "permanenvcomatose"
at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville.
Nicki Lee White, Troy Clinger’s fiance, said the
brothers planned to lure Auker out to their deck so
they could "beat him up, kill him."
"He (Auker) was trying to cover his face," White
said. "I’hat’s when Todd started stomping on him,
stomping on his face?’
Bothofthe brothers’ parents face charges related tc
their role following the incident. Their father, Gary
Clinger~ 37, accused of helping the brothers move
Auker to his-trailer, was charged with criminal trespass,
burglary., and. endangering another person.
Theirmother~ConnieLynnCringers40, wascharged
with criminal solicitation.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*CW’ s, 1737 S. Memorial
*Play-Mot, 424 S. Memorial
Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Schatzi’ s, 2619 S. Memorial
*The Star, 1565 Sheridan
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box II, 1338 E. 3rd
*Vortex, 2182 S. Sheridan
*The Yellow Brick Road Pub, 2630 E. 15th
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Assoc. in Med: & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 IE. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books &Music, 2740 E. 21 . 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 80i5 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry,.4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
*Cheap Thrills, 2640 E. 1 lth 295-5868
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Encompass Travel, 13161H N. Memorial 369-8555
Ross Edward Salon 584-0337, 712-9379
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main 592-0460
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 990,6 E. 55th P1. 610-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica S~i. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J: Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening 582-8460
*Kerfs Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 308 South Kenosha 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*The Pride Store 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Ellen & Co. 834-7921, 748-0224
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S~ Lewis 481-0558
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835-5563
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding 743-1733
*Wherehouse Music, 5150 S. Sheridan 665-2222
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
www.gaytulsa.org - website for Tulsa Gays & Lesbians
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
"Black&White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140. Tulsa, OK 74159, e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlinEnet
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Writers + contributors: James Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Barry
Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lament Lindstrom, Esther
Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Hughston Walkinshaw
Member of The Associated Press
Issued around the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
publication are protected by US copyright 2001 by Tulsa
Family News and may not be reproduced eitherin whole or in
part without written permission from the publisher. Publication
of a name or photo does not indicate a person’ s sexual
orientation. Correspondence is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted, must be signed& becomes the sole
property of Tulsa Family News. Each reader is entitled to ~4,
copies of each edition at distribution point.
Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248,
BILiG/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 583-9780
Ch~lpFri~q~,,Conunerce,.Bldg,.;,~616~.S.:B_Oston. :...585-.120! ~ :. ~Ol~,:J~h,°~u~e~gn’_lP~anM~ntg°mery - 5500~-6225]~65~
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 :’~ 742-2457’ " "-
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & GayCatholics & ,
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140 "_
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777 ¯
*Free Spirit Women’ s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834~8378
*HouseoftheHoly SpiritMinstries,1517S. Memorial 224-4754
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Dlmstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’ s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
Soulforce-OK, Rt.4, # 3534, Stigler74462 587-3248,452-2761
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
*TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, Gay Comm. Center 743-4297
TUL-PAC, PositiveAdvocacy Coalition,POB2687,Tulsa 74101
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform]Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Tulsa Gay Community Center, 21 st &Memorial 743-4297
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
Bartlesville Public library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
Autunm Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 50 1-253-6807
Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spring 50 1-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
could not be condemned just because it is
¯ different.
"Perhaps it is repugnant to heterosexuals
¯ to contemplate persons of the same sex
¯ engaging privately in oral or anal sex; how-
, ever, to enact a law in Arkansas which
¯ criminalizes such conductbetween consent-
¯ ing adults violates the Arkansas constitution,"
the judge wrote.
¯ Ruth Harlow,legal director oftheLambda
¯ Legal Defense and Education Fund in New
¯ York, whichrepresented the group, said that
¯" even though no one was prosecuted, its
¯ members did notlikebeing branded as crimi-
: nals. "The law hangs over their heads and
¯ treats them like second-class citizens," she ¯
said. ’~It says it’ s illegal:when yogi do it but
¯_" not whenyourneighbordoes, as king as they
¯ are heterosexual?~- .:,~r:. ~,:
~2 Darrin-W,illiams;cNef"of staff£or Arkansas
Attorney General" Mark Pryor; said the
office would decide on an appeal later. The
Arkansas law carried a $1,000 fine andup to
a year in jail.
Bogard said his opinion was not an endorsement
ofhomosexuality nor a critidism.
’‘This court’ s opinion today should not in
any way be deemed to condone or condemn
any particular lifestyle or the moral behavior
associated therewith," he said. Kansas,
Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah have
similar laws.
if the public wasn’ t willing to accept it, she
Her study says the way Gays and Lesbians
appear in the media may make some
people more comfortable acting on homosexual
Buffer said that thepercentage of people
who reported having had these experiences
is small. ’Tmnot documenting a full-blown
revolution," she said.
In 1988, 74.9% of respondents said that
sex between two people of the same sex is
always wrong. By 1998 that number had
dropped to 54.6%, according to the General
Social Surveys.
Buffer. said the findings will have critics
and supporters. The religious right, for example,
might use the study to show how
America has become too tolerant of homosexuality,
she said. Gay and Lesbian actiV-
: ists might beupsetby her suggestion that the
¯ data indicate sexuality is, at least in some
: cases; cultttrally constructedrather thanbio-
¯ logically determined. ¯
Butler speculated that there may b~ sev-
~ eral reasons tolerance has increased, such as
: declassifying homosexuality as a psychiat-
¯ ric diseasein the 1970s and the growth ofthe
Gay Pride movement. The latter, she said,
¯ may have forced people to question their
¯ long-held beliefs. "But there is still a lot of
¯ intolerance," she said.
Federal Hate Crimes Bill Reintroduced
Bipartisan Bill Will Expand Federal Law to Include Gender, Sexual
Orientation, and Disability; Expands Enforcement Powers
WASHINGTON, D.C.- Senators Gordon "
Smith (R-OR) and Edward Kennedy (DMA)
with Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA),
Congresswoman Connie Morella (R-MD) "
and Democratic colleagues re-introduced ¯
federal hate crimes legislationin Congress
today, advancing an important policy dis- ¯
cussion onbias-related violence across the ¯
The Local Law Enforcement Enhance- ."
merit Act of 2001 is a bipartisan bill which "
wo.uld extend existing federal hate crimes ¯
laws to include gender, disability, and
sexual, orientation. Thebill has 51 cospon- "
sors m the Senate and 180 in the House. "
"A government’s first duty is topmtect ¯
and defend its citizens. Ourlaws~shoulddo ¯
that by reflegting oat.highest values, .not "
by sheltering ourlowestfears~’7 said Smith.
’XDver the past several years~ .Americans
have been listening with their hearts, not
just their ears, and they are ready for a hate "
crimes bill. I am confident that Congress ¯
will Pass legislation this year so that the ¯
potential victims of hate crimes know that
the federal government is on their side."
Senator Smith first sponsored.the bill ¯
with Senator Kennedy in 1999 and intro- :
ducedit as an amendment to legislationin "-
as voting. In addition to the newcategories,
the Local Law EnforcementEnhancement
Act will broaden federal jurisdiction
to include hate crimes that cause death or
bodily injury.
The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement
Act would give federal prosecutors
the discretion, under the direction of the
Attorney General, to ’prosecute violent
crimes against individuals based on their
actual or perceived race, color, religion,
and national origin.
The bill also gives power to the Attorney
General to determine, on a case by
case basis, wla~ther interstate.commerce
was affected or involvedln violent crimes
against individuals Od. the basis oftheir
real or perceived gender, disability or
sexual orientation, and federalize such
prosecutions as well. The bill also gives
the Department of Justice the ability to
provide needed federal technical and financial
assistance to state and local authorities
upon request for local investigation
or prosecution of bias-related crimes.
Rich Tafel, executive director of Log
Cabin Republicans, a Gay political group,
noted, ’Xve applaud Senator Smith, Senator
Specter, Congresswoman Morella and
both 1999 and 2000. Currently;.federal
law only "permits prosecution, of a hate
crimeifthe crime prevents the victimfrom i C°ngresS and for our country."
exercising afederallyprotectedright, suCh.,~., .. - ’~
Reception immediately following.
Tickets: $15.00, At the Door: $20.00
" The Pride Store @ Tulsa GLBT
Community Center; 2114 S Memorial
orby calling 918.743.4297 or toll
free (outside Tulsa)-at 866.335.9074
Sunday, Jund 3, 2001
Tulsa Interfaith Service
Sponsored by TU BLGT Alliance
Sharp Chapel, TU, 3pro
Monday, June 4, 2001
Council Oak Men’s Chorale Concert
Presented by Tulsa City/County.Library
"Diversity in Song"
Aaronson Auditorium, Central Library
3rd and Denver, 7pro
Monday, June 4, 2001
Family Law Panel
Presented by Tulsa City/County Library
Professor Linda Lacey; TU Law School
and a panel of family law experts.
Helmerich Library; 91St and Yale, 7pro
Tuesday, June 5, 2001
Art :Exhibit: "Embracing Art"
¯All- Souls Unitarian Church
2952 S: Peoria Avenue, 6-9pro"
Thursday, June 7, 2001
. GLBT Film.Festivai
Sponsored by Tulsa City/County Library
’‘Diversity in Film"
Aaronson Auditorium, Central Library-
3rd and Denver, 7pro
: .the Republican sponsors of thislegislation
¯ for leading a crucial policy.discussion in
¯ Friday, June 8, 2001
¯ TOHR Diversity Gala
; .....Benefiting TOHR and
Diversily Celebration 2001
¯ "Death Be Notpr0ud"
". Speakers and Parade Grand Marshalls:
: Ms. Gabi Clayton, Olympia, WA
¯ Ms. Dorothy Hajdys
Ms. Nancy Rodrigues; Houston, TX
Ms. Carolyn Wagner, Little Rock, AR
"Community HerO" Awards presentation
honoring those in the local GLBT
community who educate the public
through their everyday actions and lives.
Tulsa Country Club, 701 N. Yukon Dr.
7pro, reception & silent auction
8pro dinner,.$100/ea. $1,000table of
eight. Sponsorships available.
Reserved seating available by calling
918.743.4297 or 866.335.9074
Saturday, June 9, 2001
The Pride Parade
Cherry Street (15th Street) to
BoSton Avenue to 18th Street to
Veterans Park
Start at 3pm, Hoat/marchers begin
assembling at lpm.
" During the first year of this publication,
: in May of 1994, this newspaper covered
¯ three raucous , packed publichearings about
¯ a proposal to add sexual orientation to the
City of Tulsa’s largely meaningless hu-
¯ man rights ordinance.
I say meaningless because violating the
: ordinance zs only a misdemeanor. Any
: r_eal backing for civil rights for citizens
¯ comes from federal laws which.don’t in-
" elude "sexual orientation," and therefore
¯ don’t cover Gay people. (For the record,
¯¯ they don’t cover straight people either but
we’ve hardly seen that that’s a problem.)
: The hearing brought out the best in
.. some but the worst in many. Some who
had not really seen the need for including
¯ sexual orientation saw the need just by
¯ listening to the bigotry expressed at the
: meetings.
¯ Now this many years later, the City’s
: Human Rights Commission/Dept. is look-
" ing at these issues again, thanks it seems,
¯ solely to one TU student’ s efforts and just
¯ because she cares about justice -since
¯ she’s, as they put it, "straight but not
¯ narrow." What they’re doing is holding
_. "focus groups" which is all well and good
¯ but it~ s much like writing another report as
¯ the last group who looked at these issues
¯ did back in ’93/94. It will take up time and
¯ energy but accomplish little especially ¯
since what’ s needed really hasn’ t changed.
." since’94,norhas it changedfrom theearly
¯ ’80’ s when a similar effort was attempted
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
people need to have the same fund
mental civil rights protections which other
minorities have by law and which the
majority has by dominance. This includes
equal opportunity in housing and employment
and benefits.
This means that if landlords or home
sellers cannot refuse someone because of
their race or religion, they should not be
allowed to do so because of sexual orientation.
Ditto for job hiring, advancement
and equal pay/benefits for equal work.
Ditto, ditto for eqnal legal protection for
spouses and families, regardless of whether
these are menand women, men and men or
women and women;
But for it to go anywhere, it will require
themayor and some city councilors to give
a damn. For at least 7 years, MayOr Savage
could, and has been asked to, di:rect the
Tulsa Police to includemo~e than just race
and religion in their "diversity" training.
While rumor has it that this trivial change
may soon happen, why has she waited so
long? And while some city councilors
know what’ s right, none have the courage
to work for civil rights. They all want to
wait till it’ s safe for them to vote ’~yes," fill
there’s a majority. But every earlier civil
rights struggle lost batdesbefore prevailing.
We can’t get anywhere when our
"leaders" won’t talk about our issues.
Focus groups, are nice. But we already
know whatis needed. Wejustneed Savage
under the city commission form of gov- :. mid Watts and Williams and Turner to do
eminent. -" it~. - Tom Neal,. editor & publisher
Rights Bills.Go Forward in 3 .States
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights "- now heads to the Senate, and Gov. Ruth
Campaign (HRC) late in March praised. ¯ .Ann Minner has pledged she will sign the
activists in Maryland, Delaware, and Illi- " bill if she gets the opportunity.
nois for advancing bills in their respective
legislatures that would prohibit discrimi~
nation based on sexual orientation.
’q’his Was aweekthat saw greatprogress
due to the outstanding efforts of activists
in Illinois; Maryland and Delaware," said
HRC Field Director Seth Kilbourn.
know it will be a tough road, but we hope
thattheselegislatures will continue to stand
up for equality and vote these bills into
The Illinois House of Representatives
approved ameasure that would add sexual
orientation to a state law that bans diserimination
against people forjobs, housing,
public accommodations or credit. It
now heads to the more conservative Senate.
But supporters of the bill got a boost
when Senate PresidentJames "Pate"Philip
said he plans to givethe issue a committee
" No.entries after-2:45pra hearing instead of delaying it. ’I want .to
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the Honse for their support," said Illinois’
only opehly Gay staterepresentative, Larry
McKeon, (D) who sponsored the bill. "I
strongly encourage the Senate leadership
to allow the bill to be moved tothe Senate
floor for a vote by its leaders."
The Delaware House of Representafives
also passed a similar bill that would
ban discrimination based on real or perceived
sexual orientation in employment,
housing, public works contracting, public
accommodations and insurance.. The bill
¯ ’~-Iopefully today brings us closer to a
¯ time when our differences are not seen as
" reasons for division and strife, but as op-
: portunities for educafionand celebration,"
¯ said Peter Medwick, state coordinator,
: Delaware ACLU Lesbian and Gay Civil
¯ Rights Project. If these bills become laws,
¯ these states wouldjoin Hawaii, California,
: Vermont, New Hampshire, Wisconsin,
: Minnesota, New Jersey, Rhode Island,
: Massachusetts, Connecticut and Nevada
¯ as states that already outlaw this type of
: discrimination.
:. Marylandhas the best chance ofbecom-
: ing the twelfth state to ban anti-Gay dis-
, crimination. The state Senate voted for a
~ measure to prohibit discrimination based
¯ on sexual orientation in honsing, public
: accommodafions and employment (see
: related story, p. 5).
¯ With ctn’tinued lobbying from the Gay
: civil rights group,_F_ree StateJustice, the
¯ House is also expected to pass the bill. ¯
Gov. Pan’is Glendening, amajor advocate
: of the Anti-Discrimination Act of 2001,
¯ will sign the bill into law if it reaches his ¯
desk. ’q’he Senate vote makes this a his-
: toric day for civil rights," said Blake
: ~umphrey, __m,_,a~a,_,,_,gin~,.gdirectorofFree Srate
Jnstiee, the state s Gay civil rights-lobby.
: "Maryland senators listened to their con-
~ stituents and’voted to end discrimination.
: In voting by such a wide margin, senators
¯ also sent amessage that bias and hate will ¯
not be tolerated in the Free State."
Lutherans Don’t Kick Out
Gay Friendly Church
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. (AP) ~- A Lutheran church
official has decided not to ejec~ a Kansas City congregation
that installed a Lesbian pastor who refused to
commit to a lifetime of celibacy. The pastor, Donna
Simon, found out that Abiding Peace Lutheran Church
will not be ejected from the membership roster of the
Evangdical Lutheran.Church in America. "For now, ¯
we’ve inherited eternal life,, a jubilant Simon said. "
Last October, the nearly 40 members of Abiding "
Peace, a predominantly Gay church in Kansas City, ¯
chose to defy the rules of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church by installing Simon. Simon’s sexual orienta- "
tion was not the issue. The Evangelical Lutheran ¯
Church in America, with about 5 million members ¯
nationwide, allows Gays~and Lesbians to be ordained ".
as minister~~if they pr0iiiise’lifelong celibacy.
Simon, 35, refused to make sucli-apromisei Because
of thhtTthe EVaii~dicdl~Eutheran~urch in, Ameri~ ¯
neveriofficially:approved~her for 6~dinafion " " ,"
When,o~rO~t.28~ AbidingPeace otdained her :,
anyway, it Committed ~in act of "eccleSiastic disobedience."
Thelast churches to ordain noncelibate Gay and
Lesbian pastors - St. Francis Lutheran Church and
First United.Lutheran Church, both in San Franciscowere
suspended in 1990 and ejected in 1995 from the
membership roster of the Lutheran Church.
However, after months of contemplation and discussion,
Bishop Charles Maahs, head of the Lutheran
synod in Missouri and Kansas, recommended the
Church be censured and admonished. That action bars
Abiding Peace’s members from taking part in a select
number of church committees. Abiding Peace, however,
will continue to be amemberofthe greaterfamily
of Lutheran Churches.-
Maahs said one reason his punishment was light is
that he believes it. is time to foster more discussion on
the question of Gay and Lesbian pastors. ’The ELCA
encourages this dialogue," Maahs said. "I know the
chief purpose of their calling and ordaining this pastor
is really to be in mission and ministering. The thing
that is important in all of this is that they have Shown
themselves to be people of good faith."
Colorado Senator Praises
¯ Scouts for Being Anti-Gay
DENVER (AP)-Aresolution praising the Boy Scouts
that succumbed to criticism this week was unfairly
branded as anti-Gay, its sponsor said. Senate Minority
Leader John Andrews, R-Lakewood, let his resolution
die rather than renew a fight that flared when the
measure was first considered by the Senate.
The resolution praised the Boy Scouts for standing
up for freedom of speech when they oppo_sed Gay
members. "It was framed as if it were an anti-Gay
resolution," Andrews said. "It was not. All itwas doing
was observing the Supreme Court has said private
organizations can be private." "America has gotten
very permissive about its morals and laws as far as
sexuality goes," Andrews added. The commendation
was part of Andrews’ resolution to create "Scouting
Week in Colorado."
A Minnesota United Way
Cuts Off Boy Scouts
WINONA, Minn. (AP) - The United Way of Greater
Winona plans to cut off funding to a pair of local Boy
Scout councils that refused to sign an agreement not to
discriminate againstGays. PeterWalsh, the local United
Way-president, said that his group won’t fund any
groups thatrefuse to sign thenondiscriminationpledge.
The U.S. Supreme Court last year ruled that the Boy
Scouts could refuse to allow Gay leaders. Since then
someUnited Way organizations have decided to stop
funding their local Boy Scout councils.
The Winona United Way currently funds the
Gamehaven Council, basedin Rochester, and the Gate-
" way Area Council, basedin LaCrosse, Wis. Duringthe
¯ currentbudgetyear, whichendsJune30,theGamehaven
Council received $16,473 and theGateway AreaCoun-
cil received $2,108, said Beth Forkner Moe, the United
¯ Way chapter’s executive director.
Mike Diamond, executive director of the Gateway
Area Council, said the local scout organizations were
not free to sign. ’q’here are clauses in the agreement
that go against the policies of the Boy Scouts of
America nationally," he said.
Richard Good, executive director of the Gamehaven
Council, read from the Scouts’ official position: "We
believe open homosexuals should not provide a role
model for Scouts that is inconsistent with the Scout
Oath and t_~w. The Boy Scouts of Americardoes not
accept avowed homosexuals as members or leaders."
The loss of funds will definitely be felt. Goc~!~. :said
UnitedWayfunding accounts for about halftheadministrative
budget for the 22 troops and 1,100 Scouts in
Winona County.
¯ But for the Scout leaders, it’s a matter of principle.
’’We are a private organization with the right to maintain
our own standards ofleadership and decide who is
appropriate and not appropriate as adult leaders, x,n -
mond said.
Police InvestigateAlleged
Hate Crime at URI
SOLrI’H KINGSTOWN, R.I. (AP) - An assault on a
Gay University of Rhode Island graduate student will
be investigated as a hate crime, police said.
Kevin Bliven-Baker, 36, said three men confronted
him after he left a campus meeting of the Gay, Lesbian
and Straight Society. Bliven-Baker said one of the
attackers bumped.himwith his shoulder, knockinghim
into a snowbank, while another called him faggot. URI
President Robert Carothers.called the alleged assault
~ Bliven-Baker reported the March 8 confrontation to
campus police this week, The Providence Journal
reported. "I used to feel really safe on this campus, and
¯ I know I have to watch myself now," Bliven-Baker
¯ said. URI Police Capt. Brian Cummings said he believes
the suspects were students. No arrests havebeen
¯ KC Synagogue Opposes
Boy Scout Bias
." KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - A synagogue that spon-
¯ sots one of the city’s oldest Boy Scout troops has
: decided to oppose the national Boy Scouts’ ban on
. Gays. The executive board at Congregation Beth Shalom
in Kansas City, which sponsors Troop 61, plans to
: send aletter requesting that the organization rescindits
¯ ban on Gays from its youth membership and adult
leadership ranks. ’’We are inclusive; we will not discriminate,"
Beth Shalom Rabbi Alan Cohen said.
¯ Troop 61 Was founded in 1925 and has seen 300 of
its 1,500 or so boys become Eagle Scouts, including its
." current scoutmaster, RonFredman. Fredmandisagrees
¯ with the ban on Gays, but he is not willing to disobey ¯
the national organization - a move that has cost other
troops their charters. "I don._’t want to be put in a
¯ position that could.lead to the death of (Troop) 61,"
¯ Fredman said. "I don’twant anything to get in the way
of this troop’s mission, which is to turn boys into
~ leaders."
~ TheTroop 61 will receive a copy of the letter that the
¯ synagogueis sending to the national council. Fredman
¯ said Troop 61 leaders will prepare a response to Beth
¯ Shalom’s position. Cohen pointed out that the letter is
aimed at the no-Gays policy and should not be perceived
as a criticism of Troop 61.
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The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
National Boy Scout leaders defend the policy, saying
homosexuals are not good role models. Several
groups nationwide, have since pulled sponsorship of
Scout troops and barred troops from longtime meeting
places and some Eagle Scouts have returned their
badges in protest.
Houston Chapel Ends
Anti-Gay Discrimination
HOUSTON (AP) - A I-Iouston chapel known as a
refuge for human rights supporters has reversed a 30-
year-old policy banning same-sex union ceremonies
from being performed there. The Rothko Chapel was
founded by philanthropists John and Dominique de
Menil in 1971 as a sanctuary for people ofall faiths and
those committed to human rights.
About 20 wedding ceremonies are pe.,.~rformed at the
chapel eaCh.year. Thepolicy excluding Same=sexumons
was imposed when it-opened as per the wishes of
Domini.qiiede Menil;whodied in 1997at theageof89.
The’C~ap.el’s board of directors decided thi~ monthto
start all0~ving same-sex unions at the chapel. "It was"
a decision of Mrs. de Menil after consultation, with
different religions,’" said Nabila Drooby, former executive
director of the chapel who helped recommendthe
change. "It was takenby the board, too. Itwas
not hers alone. But times have changed."
Clarence Bagby of HoUston, a board member of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said he was
thrilled with the switch. Bagby had criticized the
chapel know.n for opposing discrimination for banning
same-sex umons.
Chapel.presidentFrances Farenthold saidthe change
came after a yearlong study. "It was a concern ofmine
when I first heard about it," she told the Houston
Chronicle in Thursday’s editions. ’’I’ve always identified
with the Gay community in this city. I believe in
inclusivity." Same-sex unions would be strictly ceremonial
and are not recognized in Texas.
Transsexual Dancers
Allege Discrimination
NEW YORK (AP) - Two transsexual dancers have
filed a sextml discrimination suit against a trendy
nightclub after they say they were fired because the
club wanted to hire "real girl" dancers.
Amanda Lepore and Sophia LaMar, have filed a
$100,000 discrimination suit against Twilo, charging
they were wrongfully terminated simply because they
had once been men. "What are we supposed to have a
baby while go-go dancing or something?" Lapore
asked The New York Post.
The two women said they were fired last February
after several years working atthe club. "They’re worldclass
entertainers an~d they hadneverbeenreprimanded
by the club in any way," said the pair’s lawyer Tom
Shanahan. The club’s lawyer, Peter Sullivan, called
the suit "unfortunate," and insisted that the two. were
¯not fired as the result of discrimination. "Iqais is the
place that’s probably the most sensitive to the transsexual
community in New York. This is not an establishment
that discriminates against Gays or transsexuals,"
Sullivan said.
Lepore and LaMar, who work at a number of other
clubs around the city, say they are pursuing the suit
because "we need to protect other transsexuals."
Vatican Denies Sexual
Abuse of Nuns by Prtests
VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican denied a report
in the National Catholic Reporter that says sexual
abuse of nuns by priests, especially in AIDS-ravaged
Africa, is a serious problem.
The article is based on five reports by senior mere-
¯ bers of women’s religious orders and a priest going
¯¯ back to 1994. The National Catholic Reporter said the
reports have been discussed at top Vatican levels.
¯ Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls acknowl-
¯ edged there were isolated cases of priests sexually ¯
abusing nuns, but said the problem is "restricted to a
limited geographic area." Navarro-Valls said the
¯ Vatican was working with the leaders of religious
orders and he stressed the ’~aeroic" work of many
priests and nuns.
According to the National Catholic Reporter, priests
afraid of contracting AIDS sometimes ulrn to young
nuns, who are seen as "safe" sexual partners. "In a few
extreme instances, according to the documentation,
priests have impregnated nuns, then encouraged them
to have abortions," the magazine said.
In one case reported by Sister Maura O’Donohue, a
physician and member of the Medical Missionary of
Mary, a priest impreg~at.e~ a.~.~.t~n..,;then arr,m!ged fo~ an
abortion. She died :d~ng the al~0rtion and.he 0ff~CiatedatherftmeralMkSs,.
:i’ ".~ " "~ : .-
Therepolt.scite&!~~ ~eN.a~ofial c.ath0!i~ Reporier
also say that nuns i~h0-b~meil~eg~fifi~i ~.e. often
forced to leave their.rrders, While 0ae pfieSt~.invol,~ed
are allowed to contiiiue their minisixies.Th~ Vatican
statement was issued after the Italian media rehashed
the article. The Vatican had refused comment to the
National Catholic Reporter.
The National Catholic Reporter said there are no
comprehensive statistics on the sexual abuse of nuns,
¯ but the "frequency and consistency of the reports...
¯ point to a problem that needs to be addressed." The
reports citedby the National Catholic Reporter link the
¯ problem to cultumlattitudes toward celibacy as well as
to the fear ofAIDS and to traditions of female subser-
: vience.
Civil Rights Bill Appro.ved
by Maryland Commtttee
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Legislation to ban discrimination
against Gays cleared its biggest hurdle at
the end of March, winning narrow approval in a Senate
committee where it had died the last two years.
Gay civil rights activists, some choking back tears,
embraced and shookhands in a quiet celebration of the
victory they had won with strong backing from Gov.
Parris Glendening, who. made the bill on~ of his top
priorities this year. The 6-5 vote in the Judicial Proceedings
Committee will send thebill to thefloor of the.
Senate for debate.
Nancy Meyer, co-chairperson of Free State Justice,
which lobbied for the bill, said she is confident there
are enough votes in the Senate and House of Delegates
to pass it. But supporters have less than three weeks to
get the proposal through the Senate,-the House Judiciary
Committee and the House of Delegates. The
biggest danger would be a possible filibuster in the
Senate. Supporters of the bill werejust happy they had
finally gotten it out of the committee.
In a news conference minutes after the vote,
Glendening hailed the decision as "a tremendous victory
for justice and fairness and inclusion in Maryland."
"We cannot legislate acceptance. We cannot
wash out hatred out of cruel and callous hearts," he
said. But the governor said passage of the law would
protect Gays and Lesbians from discrimination on the
job and in housing.
Abouthalf of the people in Maryland are covered by
local Gay rights laws in Baltimore city and in Howard,
Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties.
Glendening’s bill would extend protections to the rest
of the state by adding sexual orientation to a law that
prohibits discrimination based on factors such as race,
religion and gender.
Thebill was.approved in cornmi tree afterabout three
hours of discussion spread over two days.
Gay Health Issues
More Than AIDS
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Vickie Smith said :
she was 30 before she found a gynecologist
in whom she could comfortably confide
that she was a Lesbian. "I certainly ~
hadn’t had anyone who didn’t, like, make ¯
aface," Smith said about thedoctors she’d -"
seen before .visiting Dr. Fe Mondragon. :
Often, she said, male gynecologists told
her, "You don’t seem to be sexually active
. . . Someone your age should be very
active." "
Fears of doctors giving moral lessonsor
simply not understanding the mechanics
of non-heterosexual practices can lead -"
patients to avoid discussing intimate de- ,"
tails withhealth professionals, or worse, to °
steer dear of health care altogether.
To help solve these problems, the Em- "
pire State Pride Agenda lobbied state leg- "
islators for $5 million to educate health ¯
professionals and provide support and re- ;
sources for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered people. In the past three ;
years, the Pride Agenda successfully lobbied
for a total of about $5.5 million in
state money for similar projects. "We’re ".
kind of the last ones left in terms of
underserved communities," said Sheila
Healey, Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation
program director.
Between 5% and 12% of nursing students
questioned in a 1998 study said they -"
despised Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual :
people, according to a study in the Journal :
of Nursing Education. More than half of -
the Black people who answered a 1999 .
Kaiser Family Foundation survey said that
they felt health care professionals treat ;
people unfairly based on race or ethnicity ,.
either very often or somewhat often. 62%
of Latinos said the same thing.
Mondragon, Smith’s gynecologist, does
not advertise any attempt to attract Lesbians
-or any specific group. One wall inher
office is filled with photos of babies she’s
delivered-mostly to heterosexual couples.
She also has helped Lesbians start families.
And Mondragondoes not ask patients to
reveal their sexual habits, or lack thereof,
but takes care not to assume the patient’s
sexuality. ’’We don’t ask, ’Do you need
contraceptives?’" said Mondragon. ’’We
ask, ’Do you have a need for birth control?’
We try to eliminate any kind of
assumptions." "If youbill yourselfas (providing)
women’s health services," she said,
’~hy shouldn’t that include the knowl-
.edge of what Lesbians do or what they
Pot Club At US
Supreme Court
vent marijuana from being given to seriously
ill patients for pain relief.
The cooperativd is a distribution club
operating under California’s Proposition
215, the voter-approved law that allows
the possession and use of marijuana for
medical purposes on a doctor’s recommendation.
That’s where Alcalay used to
get his marijuana. But he’s had to look
elsewhere since the federal government
sued the cooperative and five other California
pot clubs in 1998 to prevent them
from distributing the drug. Afederal judge
sided with the government. But last year,
the 9th U.S. Circuit Court ofAppeals ruled
that "medical necessity" is alegal defense.
California officials, including Attorney
General Bill Lockyer, argue that the state
has the right to enforceqts medical marijuana
law, which was approvedby voters
in 1996. Distribution dubs sprang up because
Proposition 215 iS~silent on how
patients will get marijuana, outside of
growing and harvesting it themselves.
The Supreme Court is not looking directly
at Proposition 215, but rather at
whether medical necessity may be used as
a defense against federal drug bans. It’s
unclear whether *he justices will rule on
that general issue or rulemorenarrowly on
how lower courts have handled this case.
If the court says "Yes" to the necessity
defense, it could make it easier to distribute
medical marijuana in California and
the eight other states with similar laws -
Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington,
Arizona, Maine, Nevada and Colorado.
Justice Department lawyers declined to
comment on the case. They have argued
that allowing dubs to hand out marijuana
compromises the government’s ability to
enforce federal drug laws.
Advocates say marijuana is a reliable
and nontoxic therapy that in some cases is
the only relief for suffering people. That
point of view was endorsed recentlyby the
Institute of Medicine. The institute, which
was asked to examine the issue by the
White House drug policy office, said that
because the chemicals in m~ijuana ease
anxiety, stimulate appetite, ease pain and
reduce nausea and vomiting, they can be
helpful for people undergoing chemotherapy
and people with AIDS.
Alcalay, a 59-year-old physician who
serves as theclub’ s medical director, started
using marijuana to keep down his medication
after he was diagnosed with HIV in
the 1980s. HIV turned into AIDS and in
the mid-1990s Alcalay almost died from
an intestinal illness that ran roughshod
over his wedkened immune system. He
credits marijuana with keeping him alive
until the advent of drugs that boosted his
immune system and wiped out the inteStinal
Alcalay didn’t make it into the book
about dying. Recently, he ran into the
author. "He was surprised to see me,"
Alcalay said. -
On the Net: Oakland Cannabis Coop:
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - A few years
ago, an author writing about death asked
ailing AIDS patient Michael Alcalay how
hewas accepting, dying. "I’m not accepting
it," Alcalay retorted. Alcalay is alive
today~thanks.in ~part~ he believes,~.to doses
of marijuana~that :heiped him j.keep hiS~,~:- 1 In 9SouthAfriCans
m~eines::do~ ana~. iippetite.’~p as-lie. :,, AreHIV. Positive/" foughtthcdisease.. ~:~..... ~ :’ ~:,........ - ¯ ’
Alcalay was in the audience as~.lawyerg,~-~’ ~- PRETORIA, -Sonth Africa (AP).#.One.in~i;~
try to~convtnee :the U~.S.---,Supreme:,Court~ -:: rune South Mn~.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c:am ~s. HI.V-posm~e~,~e:,
that federal anti-drug,laws ShOuldg’t pre~-7~ government sa~d, more than prev~ousty,
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thought in a country that already has the
world’s largest population of infected
people. In the hard-hit eastern prbvince of
KwaZulu-Natal, the infection rate was
greater than one in every three people, a
government study said.
The study conducted at 400 clinics nationwide
concluded that about 4.7 million
In South Africa, leading drug companies
went to court this monthto blockalaw
that would let South Africa both import
generic drugs andmake its own. But as the
West pays more attention to demands for
affordable HIV drugs for sub-Saharan
Africa, theimpoverished regionwithmore
than two-thirds of the world’s HIV-posi-
South Africans were HIV-positive as of : tiv¢ people, drug.makers simultaneously
the end of 2000. Previous government " announced a rapid-fire Series of concesestimates
had put the figure at 4.2 million,
or one in 10. About 24.5% of women
attending public postnatal clinics were infected,
up from 22.4% in 1999, the study
based on a sampling of 16,000 pregnant
women found.
Health Minister MantO Tshabalala-
Msimang said the figur.e.s represented a
leveling off from th~’St~iJ rise in theearly
to mid- 1990s, but said the pattern ofinfection
suggested that prevention efforts
needed to target those who were in stable
relationships and might have thought they
were less vulnerable.
Most HIV-positive South Africans cannot
afford the drugs that could prolong
their lives. Last week, President Thabo
Mbeki rejected calls to declare a state of
emergency to allow .the nation to import
cheaper generic drugs to deal with its
AIDS crisis. Declaring a state of emergency
would allow South Africa to produce
the generic drugs without breaking
World Trade Organization rules on bypassing
patent laws.
Mbeki told parliament a state of emergency
was not needed because South Africa
has its own law permitting both importation
and production of generic drugs
-althoughimplementation has been stalled
by a. lawsuit brought by major drug compames.
Africa Fighting
High Drug Costs
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) - Far from
the big courtroom battle over HIV-drug
patents in South Africa, the West African
nation of Ivory Coast quietly imports
knockoff generic HIV drugs as it has for
years - without fuss, patent payments or
"Believe me, I don’t care," Kassim
Sidibe, director of Ivory Ctast’s AIDS
program, said of patent rights. ’XDur concern
is what we can do for our people,"
said Sidibe, who runs the national program
out of a dusty concrete compound in
a workifig-dass Abidjan neighborhood.
"The lower the prices are for us, the better
for our people."
With that attitude, Ivory Coast has become
one of the first African nations to
negotiate at-cost deals for leading HIV
drugs. And now the country has reached a
new deal that is expected to bringdownthe
cost of amonth’ s HIV dru~treatment from
$410 this year to $88 to-$112 next year.
Senegal, Rwanda and Uganda announced ."
similar deals with drug makers this month.
In the West, a month’s HIV treatment -
wo.ul,d cost about $1 ~000.......
~ It s anexampleoftheWes~tiretheWes~ -
big drngmake,are f~ci.~g(~ generics€"
.’Wefeel drugm~kersshould~|kel~mfi~,
mEm’opeandNorthAmerica,, stud !dibe.
¯ sions in receht weeks.
¯ Most have been price cuts for Africa, to
: production cost or even below. Bristol-
: Myers Squibb wenteven further last week,
¯ saying it would make its patent for the
drug Zerit available in South Africa at no
: cost- effectively opening the market to its
¯ generic competitors. Bristol-Myers
. stressed it would stickwith the drug corn-
: panies’ lawsuit in SouthAfrica, however-
] portraying the case as a broad defense of
¯ patent rights fbr all its drugs.
¯ It’s a different story in the rest.of sub-
Saharan Africa, where Bristol2Myers says
:- it holds no patents for its HIV drugs. So
when it comes to acquiring HIV drugs
there, it’s a little more like the Wild West.
° In Ivory Coast, the government gets the
HIV drugs it wants by taking bids for them
worldwide. When two of the bids for 2001
came back for knockoff drugs at what
Ivory Coast deemed the lowest and best
offer, Ivory Coast took them.
The national AIDS program shipped in
AZT .and stavudine from a Bombay-based
generic company, Cipla Ltd., bypassing
their brand-name makers, GlaxoSmith-
Kline and Bristol-Myers. Bristol-Myers
markets stavudine as Zerit. The result was
"- a 20% savings in the average monthly
therapy- down to $410 from nearly $500,
said Makan Coulabily, an official with the
.AIDS program.
Sidibe, thenational AIDS director, didn’t
bother to determine whether there were
patent rights at issue or not. "We bargain
until we get the minimum price," he said.
Yale: Undue Profits
From .AIDS Drug?
....’Not-from us; We don~t have anythingy. ~ -returned.requests for comment~.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Some 600
researchers have signed a petition calling
on Yale to help make a university-owned
AIDS drug more available in developing
nations. The petition drive was launched
lastmonth,justafter Bristol-Myers Squibb,
whichmanufacturers the drug d4T, pledged
to cut the price in South Africa and not
contest if generic drugs are distributed,
The seeds of the protest were planted
when Yale licensed the drug, known commercially
as Zerit, developed on campus
in 1987, to Bristol-Myers Squibb. It was a
relativelycommonagreement thatallowed
the university to retain the drug’s patent
and receive royalties while its research
was distributed to millions. In turn, the
company conlrolled manufacturing and
distribution strategies.
"I became a scientist because I wanted
to helpcreatenew cures for diseases around
the world," said Fran Balamuth, a :Yale,.
immtmobiologist who circulated the petition.
:~’Now.Lfind ttmtiY~!,e.is:.turning
results of pdblicly funded research;into.,
Ne_ither ¥~,no~ Bri~tol-My~s Sqifibb.
by Jim Christjohn, entertainment editor
"My music often unfolds like the book ¯
of my life," says Stevie Nicks. And that "
being said, ’Trouble in Shangri-La," is an
excellent read as well as a listen. It’ll be "
nice to hear some New Stevie on the radio ¯
- and the New Stevie is fabulous! ¯
Hernew album (heardmpromo form) is ¯
a winner. Her voice is
dearerand strongerthan
before. "Haunting" is a
word I would apply to
this album as a wholeit
S te~ile’; " ~XiSre~~d
some’: d6ubi
abiliii\~!~it.: o~e p~,
aslCJn~iTo~n eeff~~ to
work with her on some
songs. Andhe said, ’~No
... You don’ tneed anyone
to help you with
your songs. Do it Yourself."
And so she has,
and done an excellent
job at that. In fact, that
story became a song itself,
"That Made Me
Stevie does country proud i~ her ’Too
Far From Texas," which I loved, though.
I’m not too partial to country. DiXie Chick
Natalie Maines guests on this track. Stevie
couldeasily cross over, andifwise,Wamer-
Reprise Records will’ capitalize on that.
Another track, ~andlebnght, h circulated
widely in demo form, being from
the early 70’ s, and is wonderful to hear in
finished form, with the.edge of experience
that Stevienow has in her voice. "Bombay
Sapphires," with Macy Gray guesting, is
another track that has a driving beat with
that lost quality of regret and lost love.
"Fall From Grace" is a rocker, good for
that day-after-being-dumped-angry moments.
According to Stevie, it will be
included On the tdur. ’~t’ s the perfect balance
to ’Edge of 17,’ in terms of energy.
It’ s a great song to rock out to"
Lestyou thinkit all:recrimination songs,
there are a couple of hopeful songs about
love gone right (although no one does.
anger like Stevie). ’~Love Is," a closing
epiphany, with Sarah McLachlan onpiano
and guitar and background vocals, is an
ode to what one does for love, and that
even in the brightness of theflame, thereis
darkness, and vice versa.
The TroubleInShangn-La albumwas
started before the 1997 Fleetwood Mac
"Dance" album and tour, and has been
well worth thewait. It is as strong analbum
as her "Belladonna,"and anequal for ’The
Wild Heart."
No outdated Stevie here, she has successfully
reinvented herself for the new
millennium. "To not grow is to die," She
asserts, "ofcourse, youwantto workwithin
a framework that best suits your talent and
style. But you also want to continually
shake things up.
’Trouble in Shangri-La" has a spare
acoustic sound, and in spite of the fact
there are many producers,has a sound that
carries all the way through, much like a
narrative. The songs stand on their own,
yet work exceptionally wall ~ a collection.
Noother artist seems to have that gift for
writing songs that can touch on such universal
themes thatonecaneasily see events
in one’ s ownlife mirrored in the music and
lyrics of an artist. And
that is the magic of
Stevie Nicks;friends for
tracks or sent these lyrics
(an’d those of past
albums) are astounded
by just how close they
come to describing
these events with amaz=~ "
ing details. And that is
the connection and why
I have always looked
~orwardtoanew release
by this artist.
Fleetwood Mac is
confirmed to be going
back into the studio in
September to record a
new album after
Stevie’s tour for
: ’Trouble." The big question on that is
¯ whether Christine McVie can be lured out
of retirement to participate. She’s quite
happy puttering around her manse in En-
: glandanddoesn’t wanttobebotheredwith
¯¯ musicmaking; it seems.
More likely, her arthritis is.so bad that
playing keyboards is simply too painful;
along with the fact that she hates touring;
and the attitude I noticed when The Mac
: toured for the Dance album in 97. Shejust
: seemed to be so bored up there, staring
¯ listlessly at the crowd and mouthing along
¯ with Stevie and Lindsey’s songs during
the lead vocals.
¯ Personally, I dbethrilled,butthen, that s
¯ me. Hey, I’ll put on a blonde wig, and we
¯" sing in the same key... And I can fake the
piano, with the backup keyboardists like
: she had on the Dance tout.
¯ If you caught the Judy garland biopic
: last month, you were lucky. The perfor-
~ mances were top notch, and the actors to a
: tee were so on target with the mannerisms
~ and voices that it was downright eerie. I
¯ hadan ardent interest in Judy’ s musiclong
before I knew I was supposed to.
¯ Thebestintroduction to her workcanbe
: :found in the "Judy: The Complete Decca
Masters"box set, well worth theprice. Her
¯ earliest works are there, along with some
¯ gems that were overlooked. Her career
¯ spanned two periods, really - the MGM
years, and then the concert years. ’The
¯ London Sessions" hard to find but still in
: print, is a good survey of the latter.
¯ The recently remastered "Judy At
Carnegie hall" is a "must have," as the
¯ sound onit is incredible andit really is like
¯ you are there. It’s a wonderful document ¯
of the power of her live performances.
During my aforementioned phase of
: "Judy beforelknew I was supposed tolike
¯ her"-ness, I really only liked the MGM
: stuff; the countess soundtracks to gems
¯ like ’%Vizard of Oz," see Amuse, p. 9
Stevie Nicks
Underwritten by
The John Steele Zink Foundation
April 21, 27, 29, 2001
TulH I~urftcmlnl Arts Cent~r
Call 587-4811
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"Meet Me In St. Louis,"-"Easter Parade,"
and so on from 1937 to 1950 or so
when MGM fired her. Only after the
miniseries aired have I really listened to
the post MGM stuff, and discovered how
good it really was.
Dorothy’s voice is
a bit older, but also
wiser, and a bit more
technically refined.
For an example of
this, rent "Wizard of
OZ" and then watch
1954’s "A Star Is ¯
Born." Judy’ s transformationfrom
star to actress is fully
evident in these two
And she was vastly’underrated as an actress.
For example, her performance in
"The Clock" is classic, and it’ s a film that,
while ab-grademelodramaoflost loves, is
elevated to high art by her first, and only,
non-singing dramatic performance.
My friend Karin, of the "raging Lesbian"
column, adds this caveat: "The only
thing I would add is after the bit about
’The Clock "- you NEED to mention that
she also was nominated for Best Supporting
Actress for "Judgment at Nuremburg"
or you’ll have queens descending from
places you didn’ t think existed in Tulsa! It
was an excellent performance. VERY
small, but very effective."
Judy was nominated for an Oscar for "A
Star is Born," which she should have won,
but didn’ t due to politics. As for the queens
coming from places I didn’ t know existed
descending upon me, well, that doesn’t
really sound so bad...
Listening to her music made from 1936
to 1968, I am struck by how much of it is
so deceptively simple and eminently
hummable. When’ s the last lime a tune on
the radio had you humming along because
the melody was so infectious it stayed in
your head?
And intelligent lyrics that sdl the song
arefew and far between these days as wall.
Songs like ’~Zing! Went the Strings of My
Heart" were and are really wall written and
fun songs - to listen to and to sing. If
you’ ve never heard of these songs or heard
them at all, go grab a Judy Anthology -
there’ s lots of them that feature the early
stuff- and take a listen. You’ll be glad you
did. Rumor has it that Capitol, which was
her recording label from 1955 until her
death, might reissue all the albums she did
for them as a complete set, along with
outtakes and unreleased songs. Hopefully,
this will happen, while her star is again
making a comeback. Its a damn shame she
isn’t still here to see it.
By the way, for those too young to
know, the anniversary of the Stonewall.
Riots, June 22, when drag queens and their
friends fought back after one too many
police raids and harassment occurred in
New York, heralding the beginnings of
contemporary activism for equal rights for
Gay and Lesbian folk, happened the day of
Judy Garland’s funeral.
According to mythopoetic interpreta-
"... No other artist seems
to have that fft for writson
s that can touch
on such universal themes
that one can easily see
events in one’s own llfe
m~rrorecl m the mus,e
lyrles of an artist....
: tions of that days events, many linked thc
¯ two events together, even though there’ ~
¯ no hard evidence to support it. And upon
: such things are miniseries made of, and
¯ based on.
¯¯ If you get the chance to rent or buy
"Broken Hearts Club," do. It’s a good
¯ addition to theGay moviecollection we all
have. Featuring the
ever-hunky Dean
Cain "Lois and
Clark: The New Adventures
of Superman";
and the father
from "Frasier," John
Mahoney; along with
Andrew Keegan "10
things I Hate About
You"; MattMcGrath
"Boys Don’t Cry";
Mary McCo~,.mick
’a:’ri~ate Parts. :, and
¯ Nia Long "Soul Food," written and di-
¯ rected by Greg Berlanit, co-executiveproducer
of "Dawson’ s Creek."
: The plot, as such, is simple - a slice of
¯ life in the Gay (can’tcall it90’s anymore,
¯ what do we call it? The Gay thousands?)
: 2000,withaseries ofvignettesintertwined
by the theme of friendship among Gay
¯ men.
¯ We meet Dennis on the eve of his 28th ¯
birthday, who is whining about his dys-
¯ functional family of friends, indecisive as
_. to whether they’re the best or worst thing
¯ that ever happened to him. ¯
There’ s Benji, the youngestgroupmem- "
¯ ber, a punk wannabe witha penchant for
¯ gym bunnies; Howie, the psych student
¯ who thinks too much andlives to little (no,
¯ that character was not based on yours
¯ truly...); Cole, the actor bunnyboy who
¯ candono wrong, lovin’emandleaving’em
¯ as fast as you can say revolving door who
also "accidentally" keeps stealing every-
" one else’s guy; Patrick, the cynical quip-
. ster (now, that’ s based on yours tntly); and
¯ Taylor, resident drama queen (no com-
" merit), who, until recently, prided himself
¯ on his long term relationship. Rounding
.. out the cast is Jack, the patriarchal force of
¯ the group. ¯ Andof course, everyone ends up at each
¯ others’ throat after tragedy strikes, and
with aMickey Rooney/Judy garland wrap-
" up, ends up friends again. The plot, as
¯ such, is somewhat scattered, not really
¯ sure where to focus; and of course, we’re
¯ dealing with "types" here, but the actors
turn in fine performances all, and the film
¯ is enjoyable and does provide afew laughs
¯ and insights. 3 & 1/2 out of 5 stars. ¯
¯ It’s a fun film, and fairly accurate in its
portrayals - we all.know people like this -
¯ Ijust wish there were morefocus. The film
¯ simply tries to come at the issues it raises ¯
from everyone’s perspective, and it left
~ me thinking that if the director and writer
¯ had chosen maybe two.or three, it would
.. have been more cohesive and a tighterfilm
¯ with more intensity and character development.
." Locally The TU Gay and L~sbian Film
¯ Festival runs April 5-7, starting at 7pm on ¯
the 5th and 6th and 2pm on the 7th in the
." Business Administration Hall. Films to be
shown include Salut Victor, Orlando,
¯ Westler, Homoteens, seeAmuse, p. 10
by Lamont Lindstrom
Enthusiastic pornographers now flood
my. m,ailbox wi0a catalogs.. (And let me
pause here to thank whichever magazine
sold its lnailing list.) I was picking through
one ofthesefour-colorbrochures
recently, eyeballing
lurid blurbs for videos an.~
DVDs. "Raw" sex,
seems, is a major selling
point. Hot condomless
pornos must either date
back to an era before the
HIV epidemic or are new
productions that cater to a
pow,e.rf,ul,, emerging s;e,.xual
fetish: "oatebacking.
Public healthofficials
and HIV prevention workers
ate anguished, although
probably not surprised, to
find that the prohibited has
become the desired. But
there ismore to the story of
why barebacking, nowadays,
sells pornographic
videos. True enough, we
often want_what others say
we should not have. But
our desires also reflect our
worldview - or what might be called our
culture’s mythic tmderstandings.
Thumbing throughthat catalog,notthose
fleshy photos, it was text that caught my
eye. Several pithy terms have sprung
quickly into use to describe unprotected
sex. These same-few words appear again
and again in video advertisements~ in personal
adsi and_in website mission state-.
merits such as for this Yahoo! Group: ’The
world’s largest bareback list. THE list for
menwholove their sex condom:free, guilt: ."
free, hot, and spermy."
Barebackers are gay men who e~tjoy ..
raw, skin-to-skin, n~atural sex with other :
men." So condom-free is now bareback; :
it’s skin=to-skin; it’s natural; it’s raw. ¯
~ "Skin-to-skin;" yes. And! get "natural;"
and also the cleverness of ’*oarebackingy
But why "’raw?" Straight away comes to
mind a Classic 1960s analysis by the celebrated
French anthropologist Claude
Levi-Strauss. LevbStrauss’ ’~ntroduction
to the sc~en,ce of. mythology" was published
in English, in 1969, as The Rawand
theCooked. Asa strncturalist, Levi-Stratus
believed he could locate the essential architectural
elements, underlying any cultural
productionbe this marriage customs,
or totemic taboos, or myth. He claimed
that the human brain is.neur01ogically
Structured to think in dualisms, binaries,
and oppositious. We:define One thing in
terms of another, and vice versa:
. A principal,dualism, that I_~vi-Strauss
discovered in his South American Indian
myths is an opposition betweennature and
Culture. Nattir~iis nature.While Culture iS
anything that people create: Level-Strauss
argued that htima~s think mosfly in. concrete
terms rather than abstract. Outmyths
: v~hile fundamentally playing with an
intangible opposition between nature and
culture ~ rephrasethis: abstract concern
concretely as a matter of raw food versus
cookedfood.Themwis natural; the cooked
.. cultural-; and cookingis any sort of techno-
: logical process (condoms, say) that trans-
¯ forms nature into culture.
Americans share with many people
¯ around the world the symbolic predilec-
"... Americans slmre
with many people
around the world the
symbolle predileetlon for
equatln~ food and body,
eatln~ and havln~ sex.
(Keep thls in mind next
time some drunk
hollers out ’Eat me!’)
This sort of symbolism
is ’iconic’ ... insofar as
it ,naturally eehaes the
realness of bodie~:
Our multipurpose
mouths do more than
tion for equating food and
body, eating and having
sex. (Keep this inmindnext
time some drunk hollers out
"Eat me!") This sort of
symbolism is "iconic" (in
the language of American
semioticianCharles Pierce)
insofar as it naturally echoes
the realness of bodies:
Our multipurpose mouths
do more thanjust food-processing.
We use food
(twinkles, chocolate; vanilla)
and its qualities (hot,
sweet, hunky) as alanguage
in which- to talk about sex.
Food is either raw or
cooked and so, we imagine,
is sex. Skin-to-skin sex
is natural andtherefore uncooked-
orraw. Condoms,
conversely, cook the expejust
food-proeessln~. " rience. Barebacking, also,
’ ’ is natural in that one rides
¯ the horse without a saddle (a device that
¯ cultures, or cooks the ride). The symbolic
: connections, here, are even clearer in
: Frenchwhereddingahorsewithn0 saddle
¯ is "monter crn," which translates as "ride -
¯ raw." Or;in an.English parallel, "to sleep
¯~ in the raw"me,arts to sleep naked- without
:- any transformingpajamas. - : ’.~-
¯ Raw. sex sdls videos not only because it
¯ is forbidden and therefore guiltily tempting.
It sells videos because it is natural and
therefore desirable. Whichis better? Natural
foods or processed foods? Sincere
emotion or social pretense? The untamed
forest orthe zoo?
But things aren’t so simple or so one~
sided. Now which is. better? Bloody cow
flesh or steak? Dank caves or cathedrals?
: HIV or medicine? Humans always value
¯ culture - cooking - as much as we do
: nature: Culture’s devices that transform
: the world make us human. Cooking draws
¯ the line between humanity and animal
: nature. This is the message that Levi-
: Strauss read in his myths.
¯¯ Raw sex may be.good because it is
natural, but condomed sex might similarly
." be appreciated justhxcause irishin fact,
¯ cooked - that is to say, it is refined., civi- ¯
lized, and technological. Gay men in par-
: titular should appreciatethis distinction.
¯ Many. mythologies - yet another dual-
" ism - position women as.natural in coun-
: t.erpoint to cultured men. Raw sexis feral-
¯ rune (thatis, natural, and perhaps hetero-
: sexual)while cooked sex is masculine
: (cultured, homosexual). H-IV prevention
¯ efforts ~have attempted to play up the ur-
¯ bane sophistication of condoms - their
¯ colors; textures, tastes, and playful meth-
¯ ods of use. They could,no doubt, domore. ¯
Condomsl- as a mode of cooking - can
: make things hotter.
: Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D. teaches an-
. thropology at ihe University of Tulsa.
program that targets and attracts the Black ."
Gay community. "Fhere’s an enormous -
complacency about contracting HIV," "
Kegeles said. "It’s not a big issue any- "
more. People still remain healthy and ¯
strong: They think they can take two pills
in the morning and two pills at night."
Kegeles said the Gay black commumty
hasn’t been studied sufficiently, and :it
needs to be examined more closely because
Gay Black men do not necessarily
frequent mainstream Gay bars and other "
venues. In addition, she said there’s a ¯
larger stigmaattaehedtoBlackGays. Many ¯
~ do not even admit they have sex with other "
men, Kegeles explained.
Leniere Miley, assistant coordinator at
the House of Latex Project in New York, ¯
said it’s important to seek out Black Gay
men and educate them about the risks of "
unsafe sex in a message that appeals to ¯
them. He said it’ s a toughjob that goes far
beyond simply sponsoringhip-hop dances
and posters depicting Black culture.
’~eople have different ways ofcommu:
nicating and hearing things," Miley said.
"Maybe the people in the .Black community
couldn’ t hear it. Ithas to be tailored to
the communities they’re going to."
On the Net: www.amfar.org
To report hate sp~-ch or I
violence, call the Gay " Community Center: 743-4297 I
Summer in my Veins, High Art, Poduck
andPassion, and To My Women Friehds.
The Bonnie Rideout Scottish Trio finishes
outthe PerformingArtCenterTrust’ s
Celtic Music Series. It should be a good
¯ time for all, especially if yon,re a fan of ¯
traditional. Celtic fiddling. April 6-7, 596-
¯ 7111.
¯ "AnAll-AmericanEvening"is theTulsa
¯ Ballet’S tribute to American choreogra-
¯ phers. Featuring the Oklahoma premiere
’of Balanchine’s "Who Cares?" with
Gershwinmusic, Paul Taylor’ s ’~2ompany
B"withAndrews Sisters, music,andAgnes
DeMille,s "Rodeo", (usually featuring a
nearly naked cowboy, but given the ads
I’ ve seen for this production, it looks like
no such treat is in store). April 6-8, PAC,
For country queens, three of country’s
queens will be performing April 7 at the
¯ MaxwellConventionCenter~.JanieFricke,
:. Lacie J Dalton, and Juice Newton will be
: a-hootin, and a-hollefin.584-2000.
¯ For queens of the Garden, it,s time for
¯ Tulsa’s Spring Garden Mart from the 13-
: 14 at Tulsa Garden Center; 746-5125.-
: April 19-28, Heller Theatre presents
¯ ’WitalSigus"; by Jane Martin, featuring
: monologues by some of Tulsa’s most tal-
:. ented actresses, 746-5065.
¯ And last but hardly least, Tulsa Opera
: presents "The Marriage of Figaro" by
" Mozart April 21, 27 and 29. 587-4811.
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by Karin Gregory ¯
Do you ever feel like your life is a .
Broadway play, a Hollywood movie, or a "
television sitcom? Of course you do -
you’re Gay! Some of you even think your "
life is a 1930’s Hollywood musical, or La ¯
Boheme, or Rent, but we’re talking here ¯
about a Gay couple. No, not that kind of "
couple- not the butch/femme, but the Gay
man/Lesbian couple. The kind of couple ¯
that doesn’t require a lawyer if things "
don’t work out. Fm in a Will And Grace "
situation, but we’re both Gay. So we’d ¯
comemoreunder the heading ofthat Broad- "
way play/Hollywood movie/television .
sitcom, The Odd’Cmiplb’. One guess as to "
which one of us is Felix! ¯
As you recall from the play/movie/TV ¯
show, Felix, the neamik, was kicked out of "
his house by his wife and comes to live "
with his sloppy friend, Oscar. Things were ¯
a tad different withus- Lesbian Oscar was "
takeninbyGay Felix, butwewon’ tquibble
over little things. Both characters had ex- ¯
spouses, and I suppose you can’t get more ¯
NAMED. When I first moved in, Gay "
Felix had just met ’~the one." Yeah, right.
When ’~he one" treated him much like I ¯
had been treated (except ’~&e one" actually
communicated!), who was here to "
hold him, talk him down from varioul
ceilings in the apartment, and generally ¯
offer comfort and support?Lesbian Oscar "
of course. "
Being withGay Felix guarantees there’ s ¯
always drama in the place. Whether it
deals with "the one" of the week, our dog "
Roxie and her many weirdnesses, or just
mundane money problems, it is NEVER a ¯
dull life. Simple problems are always "
turned up twelve notches with us. If we "
have a problem with the apartment corn- °
plex, we decide to move! The fact that we ¯
can’t afford to break the lease doesn’t "
occur to us at the time. You have a mad "
queenand apissed-offdyke on yourhands. ¯
We should have a sign above the door that ¯
reads, "Abandon logic, all ye who enter." "
And I’m now walking a dog, like a true "
Lesbian. Gay Felix came in one night, ¯
laughing, because the dog now lifts her ¯
leg. Who was blamed? Lesbian Oscar, "
who oftenplays her favoritemusician (and "
we all know who she is by this time, don’t
we?) while the dog sits on the bed listen- ."
ing. So when she lifted her leg when I "
walked her, I praised her, calling her Me- "
lissa and Butch. ¯
I have to say that I’ve never known any ¯
one person, even Felix Unger from the
play/movie/TV show, to wash so much
clothing. Gay Felix doesn’ townthatmany ¯
clothes, butdanm if I don’ thear the washer
and dryer going on and on each night and ¯
morning. Maybe some of you Gay men :
can enlighten me on this subject. I’m at a
total loss. Gay Felix even remarked early °
on in our nightly, daily, aftemoonly, etc., °
clothes washings, "I never thought I’ d see ¯
bras h..a~.ging fr~o~ MYlauladry area. tsut
~ foldpanties, anddehl wlthvanous women s "
:issues as best he can. " . ¯
Like Fehx Unger from the play/movie/ ¯
" TV siio v;Gay Felix t3 c3oL "
does so on occasion. He makes the most
seemingly plain dinners gourmet feasts.
And he’s even started us on an exercise
program. Gay Felix plays Mr. Motivator
.to Lesbian Oscar’ s couch potato. No grass
grows under a queen’s feet, I’ve come to
Because most Gay men believe Lesbians
have no decorating taste 01mph!), the
very few things I have in our living room
I’ve had to fight for. My room has been a
work in progress for almost three months
now. But at least the boxes are off the
middle of the floor. I now have carpet! I
never knew since I moved in that I had
carpet. And you know how important carpet
i~ for Lesbians.t I couldn’t hide my
sexual preference even if I wanted to. The
reason? Gay Felix introduces me t0’each
and every one of his friends: as "my Lesbian
Another thing that’s similar to the play/
movie/TV show is that we do things together.
Like going to Gay clubs in Dallas
(would we go anywhere else at night?).
True, Gay Felix is 24 years old as opposed
tomy45 years of age, and I’msure it looks
like I’m takingmy son to Gay bars. People
must wonder just what kind of mother I
am! I’ve seen more dnmken people in the
past few months than I did when I was in
my twenties and drank myself. I’ve also
met more people in the Gay comlnunity of
Dallas than I ever have before. Too bad
they’re all drunk at the time. I have to
reintroduce myselfeach time. It’ s funny to
see Gay Felix at the bars. ¥ou hear various
things as he walks by, like, "Oh, is he
hot!"; "Girl, look at that!"; and ’Td take
him home!" He’s one of the cutest men
I’ve met, yet he doesn’t think so.
The inevitable question about how the
roommate handles the boyfriend situation
comes up here as well. I’m introduced as
the Lesbian Roommate (I almost think
that’ s my name now), and we start talking.
Imagine, a twenty-something man talking
to me instead of jumping into bed right
away. I don’t know if I’d do the same
thing. But I think Gay Felix wants my
views on the guys he brings home - a
woman’ s perspective,ifyou will. Hell, we
all know how easy ! am. If the guy’ s nice
to me, I tell Gay Felix to keep him!
And Lesbian Oscar, Mespite her best
intentions, is slowly .becoming domesticated.
You heard me, grrls! Some things
that I would never have bothered about
beforejump out atmenow. Duston theTV
screen comes to mind. I wipe the kitchen
counter every time I’mfinished with something
in there. I now have places to put my
things, and most of the time I actually
manage t.o putmy things backin the proper
If you’re wondering if a relationship
like this can work, I’m telling you it can.
We don’t fight, and when I do get bitchy
(who, me?), Gay Fclix knows exactly what
to say to snapme back and makeme lau~gh.
Wouldthis work wlthjU~t
tole$,anc.¢, !evel, for a ragLng Lesbian
higii .~ ~ s!~yScraper. No~:~i~-iy:~y~r~"
you, f~.d are like thaL Tiffs is or~e m~ I:
want~0 live witli
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
ration 2 1
Saturday, June 2, 2001
TOHR Follies 2001
"From Here to Eternity"
Avondale Studio & Theatre (the old Delaware Playhouse)
1511 So. Delaware Ave., 8pm
Reception immediately following.
Tickets: $15.00, At the Door: $20.00
The PriMe Store @ Tulsa GLBT
Community Center; 2114 S Memorial
or by calling ~918.743.4297 or toll
free (outside Tulsa) at 866.335.9074
Sunday, June 3, 2001
Tulsa Interfaith Service
Sponsored by TU BLGTAlliance, Sharp Chapel~ TU, 3pm
Monday, June 4, 2001
Council Oak Men’s Chorale Concert
Presented by Tulsa City/County Library
"Diversity in Song"
Aaronson Auditorium, Central Libmrym 3rd & Denver, 7pm
Monday, June4, 2001
Family Law Panel
Presented by Tulsa City/County Library
Professor Linda Lacey, TU Law School
and a panel of family law experts.
Helmedch Library, 91st and Yale, 7pm
Tuesday, June 5, 2001
Art Exhibit: "Embracing Art"
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria Avenue, 6-9pm
Thursday, June 7, 2001
GLBT Film Festival
Sponsored by Tulsa City/County Library
Aaronson Auditorium, Central Library, 3rd and Denver, 7pm
Friday, June 8, 2001
TOHR Diversity Gala
Benefiting TOHR and Diversity Celebration 2001
"Death Be Not Proud"
Speakers and Parade Grand Marshalls:
Ms. Gabi Clayton, Olympia, WA, Ms. Dorothy Hajdys
Ms. Nancy Rodrigues, Houston, TX, Ms. Carolyn Wagner,
Little Rock, AR
"Community. Hero" Awards presentation honoring those .in
the local GLBT community.
Tulsa Country Club, 701 N. Yukon Dr., 7pm, reception&
silent auction, 8pm dinner, $100/ea. $1,000 table of eight.
Sponsorships available. Reserved seating available by calling
918.743.4297 or 866.335.9074
Saturday, June 9, 2001
The Pride Parade
Cherry Street (15th Street) to Boston Avenue to
18th Street to Veterans Park
Starts at 3pm, Float/marchers begin assembling at lpm.
No entries after 2:45pm
Featuring:Entries from across Oklahoma and
the Midwest Region
Community Heroes
Oklahoma’s largest Pride Flag
Diversity Festival
Sponsored by: Bud Light & Eastern Oklahoma Beverages
Veterans’~ark, 1875 So. Boulder Ave., 3pm
Featuring~Entertai:nment, Speakers, and more.

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[2001] Tulsa Family News, April 2001; Volume 8, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 9, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/611.