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- Tags: Tulsa World
[2006] Bob Cisar Obituary
Tags: 2006, Bob Cisar, Cisar Holt Inc, Cisar-Holt Inc., in memoriam, Kirk Holt, memoriam, Obituaries, Obituary, Pyramid Project, Pyramid Project fundraising, Robert S Cisar, Robert S Cisar Jr, Robert S. Cisar, Robert S. Cisar Jr., Stanley's Funeral and Cremation, Stanleys Funeral and Cremation Service, TOHR, TOHR Pyramid Project, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), Tulsa World
[2007] Diversity Gala Tulsa World May 23, 2007
Tags: 2007, 2007 Diversity Dinner, 2007 Gala, Cyber Center, CyberCenter, Dennis Neill, Dennis R. Neill, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Diversity Gala, Equality Center, fundraisers, fundraising, gala, history project, Lifetime Achievement Award, Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library, newspaper, OkEq, OKEQ Capital Campaign, Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), Pyramid Project, Pyramid Project campaign, Pyramid Project Capital Campaign, Sponsors, Tulsa World
[1992-1997] Rural Gay Men Outreach
Tags: 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, AIDS, AIDS testing, AIDS/HIV, AIDS/HIV education, AIDS/HIV fundraising, AIDS/HIV prevention, AIDS/HIV reporting, AIDS/HIV research, Bobby Davis, Bobby R. Davis, Brian Jackson, Brian S. Koons, budget, Claudette Peterson, contract, Financial, grant proposal, grants, Heatherington & Fields, Heatherington and Fields, HIV, HIV Education, HIV Outreach Education Program, HIV Outreach Education Program (HOPE), HIV prevention, HIV testing, HIV/AIDs, HIV/AIDS research, HIV/STD Division, HOPE, HOPE mobile testing, HOPE Testing, invoice, invoices, map, mobile HIV testing, mobile testing, newspaper, Oklahoma, Oklahoma map, Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), Oklahoma State Department of Health HIV/STD Division, Oklahoma state map, OSDH, OSDH grant, OSDH HIV/STD Division, outreach, Red Rock Mental Health Center, rural, rural outreach, TCAP, TOHR, Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership, Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership (TCAP), Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), Tulsa World
[2005] Diversity Gala Photos
Tags: 2005, 2005 Diversity Gala, 2005 Gala, auction, brochure, Community Hero Award, Dennis Neill, Dennis R Neill, Dennis R. Neill, Diversity Gala, Diversity Gala 2005, Dr. Lynne Moyers, Equality Gala, gala, Greg Gatewood, Janice Niklas, Karen Keith, Ken Neal, Laura Belmonte, Lifetime Achievement Award, live auction, Lynne Moyers, Michael Shackelford, Nancy McDonald, Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), PFLAG, PFLAG president Sam Thoron, Sam Thoron, Tim Palmer, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) 25th anniversary, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights 25th anniversary, Tulsa World
[2000] Tulsa Family News, June 2000; Volume 7, Issue 6
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 2000, African Americans, AIDS, AIDS drugs, AIDS vaccine, aMUSEments, arts and entertainment, Bars, Boy Scouts, bullying, businesses, churches, civil unions, Democratic party, Diversity celebration, Gay marriage, gay parents, Gay Studies, hate groups, HIV, homophobia, inequality, Jim Christjohn, Karin Gregory, Lamont Lindstrom, marriage equality, Native Americans, OK Spoke Club, performing arts, PFLAG, Pride, Raging Lesbian, Read All About It, restaurants, Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa World, Two-Spirited Indian Men's Support Group
[1997] Tulsa Family News, September 1997; Volume 4, Issue 10
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR,…
Tags: 1997, Adam West, adoption, AIDS/HIV, AIDS/HIV education, AIDS/HIV prevention, AIDS/HIV research, AIDS/HIV testing, American Psychological Association, Anita Bryant, arts and entertainment, attorneys, Barry Hensley, Bars, businesses, censorship, churches, civil rights, Community Center, conversion therapy, Dave Fleischer, Do-It-Yourself Dyke, Dyke Psyche, Entertainment Notes, Eric Marcus, Esther Rothblum, Focus on the Family, gay neighborhoods, Greetings from the Garden, HIV Resource Consortium (HIVRC), homophobia, HOPE Testing, James Christjohn, Jean-Pierre La Grandbouche, Judy McCormick, Mary Schepers, Nancy McDonald, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Native Americans, needle exchange, O'RYAN, Partner Benefits, performing arts, PFLAG, Read All About It, Red Rock, restaurants, Rudy Galindo, Sandra Gillis, Tom Neal, Tulsa Centennial, Tulsa City County Library, Tulsa Family News, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Tulsa Two-Spirited Indian Men's Support Group, Tulsa World, youth