[1997] Tulsa Family News, September 1997; Volume 4, Issue 10


[1997] Tulsa Family News, September 1997; Volume 4, Issue 10


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


August 1997


Mac Guru
James Chirstjohn
Dr. Mike Gorman
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Noted Attorney to Speak
to Oklahoma Gay Lawyers
TULSA - Local organizer for the Oklahoma Lesbian
andGayLawyersAssociation (OLGLA),attorney Kerry
Lewis has announcedthatOLGLA will present a speech
by Ruth Harlow, a nationally respected attorney for
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, one of the
oldest Lesbian and Gay advocacy organizations in the
US. Harlow is scheduled to speak on Nov. 6 in Tulsa,
either at the annual convention of the Oklahoma Bar
Association or at an independent event held in conjunction
with the convention.
Lambda is heavily involved in helping to litigate the
Hawaii same gender marriage court cases and has been
involved in most major US legal batdes involving
Lesbian and Gay civil rights issues, ranging from
parenting to military to employment and housing cases.
OLGLA which began this summerinOklahoma City,
is beginning a membership drive in Tulsa scheduled to
start in September, and is promoting continuing legal
~ducatton programs (CLE) on issues concerning Lesbians
and Gay men and their families, and hopes to
conduct.a survey ofTulsa and Oklahoma City law firms
concermng their non-discrimination and employment
practices, among other goals..Its mission i~ Iopr_o.mo.te
equality in and through the legal p~of~s]on and ~ur
society. For more information, contact Kerry Lewis at
~RT-1 17X or C)l ~r .A at ~-TffD-| 9157
Tulsa Centennial Invites
Notorious Anti-Gay Bigot
TULSA-TulsaOklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)
formally protested to Tulsa Centennial orgamzers the
inclusion of Anita Bryant in Tulsa’s Centennial entertainment
Ms. Bryant, a former Tulsan, became notorious
world-wide for her successful campaign against a
Florida civil rights protection ordinance. TOHR expressed
in a letter to Centennial coordinator, Paula
Hale, the offensiveness of Ms. Bryant’s selection to
TOHR’s Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgendered constituency.
A TOHR spokesperson suggested that inviting
Bryant. was offensive in the same manner that inviting
David Duke (born in Tulsa) to participate would have
been particularly offensive to Tulsa’s African-Amencan
and Jewish communities. TOHR did not~k for the
cancellation of the Bryant concert but merely .for an
acknowledgment of the organization’s concerns.
And in a letter of 8/19 , Centennial chairperson,
Sharon King Davis, and Hale state, "it was ne~ter the
intention of the planners of this Homecoming ~vent to
to anything that would be disrespectful. Indeeditis one
of the goals.., to involve all segments of our commamty...
Please accept this letter in the spirit in which it
is offered. We hope to makeamends and to fostera
continuing good relationship with TOHR."
TOHR’s spokesperson expressed the thanksto the
Centennial Committeeforrecognizing the organization’s
conceras, andnoted thatTOHRintened to participate in
the Homecoming Parade on Sept. 20.
mm H~LTH NE~ P. 6
¯ Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
¯¯" ~ Tulsa’s. Laroest Circulation Community Pa_nerAvailable In More Than 60 City !_ocatio(~.--
PFLAG Regional Directors Call for Executive
Director to Resi ln; Some Also Seek Pres.
¯ McDonald’s Res,gnation; Deficit Also Cited
¯ by Kai Wright directors (there are two open seats on the council).
¯ reprinted with permissionfrom The Washington Blade An attachment to the grievance, signed by only
¯ WASHINGTON, D.C. - A recent study of the "organizational three of the 13 regional directors, called for the
climate" at the national level removal of Board ¯ of the Parents, Family and
¯ Friends ofLesbians andGays
found the organization to be
"in a state of crisis?’ The in-
" dependent study was com-
. missioned by PFLAG’s
Board of Directors and presentedatlastweekend’
s board
meeting inWashington, D.C.
¯ Along with that study, the ¯
board discussed an official
¯ grievance from the group’s
¯ Regional Directors Council
¯ (RDC) - a 15-member body
which oversees the develop-
" ment of local affiliates and
¯ acts as aliaisonbetween those
¯ affiliates and the national of-
" rice. That complaint charged
." the national-office with fi-
¯ nancialmismanagement, vio- ¯
lation of organizational by-
Lowenthal [former board member]
said McDonald and Gillis have
reacted to the eomplalnts with
intransigence and have sought to
hide the loeal-level dlseontent from
both those outside the organization
and board members¯ She charges
that they have done so by attempting
to intimidate board members who
speak out ... McDonald and Gillis
barred a Blade reporter from cover
ing... [the board] meeting¯
laws, and failure to provide support for the organization’s local " board president.
President Nancy
In addition, a number
of former board
members and regional
directors, cur,
rent chapter presi-:
dents, and donors
lodged individual
complaints at the twoday
meeting. Those
complaints also criticized
the national ofrice
for not offering
adequate support to
the local affiliates and
questioned its financial
priorities. Several
of those complaints
also called for the removal
of the executive
director and
affiliates. It also called for the removal of executive director ¯ But after two days of debate on the issues raised
Sandra Gillis. And it was signed by all 13 active regional " in these complaints see PFLAG, page12
¯ choices in their lives and we’re trying to
give them choice and control’ says
" Oaudette:Pet(tson ’ofthe philosophybf
¯ the newly opened Food Pantry of the
HIV Resource Consortium. Peterson
: who’s "known to many in Tulsa for her
¯ work as former director of prevention
¯ programs for Tulsa Oklahomans for
¯ Human Rights,is Pantry Coordinator- a
¯ role Peterson is performing for no pay.
In fact, the budget for the project is
¯ limited withinitial funding coming from
a grant from the TulsaArea United Way.
Accordingly, atleast initially, the Pantry
¯ will probably serve only al;out 30 indi-
." viduals. Peterson. notes that to ~nsure
: fairest possible access to this resource, clients will be chosen
.. through alottery system that draws from the eligible clients from
o the HIV RC and from other agencies that serve PLWA’s, such as
¯ Shanti, Our House, etc.
¯ The Tulsa HIViAIDS communities have been served for a
HIV Resource Consortium Opens Food Pantry
TULSA - "People with HIV lose a lot of
i Library Drops.Distribution of
Free Commun,ty Newspapers
Dueto Space Limitations or to Anti-Gay Bias?
¯ TULSA - After almost four years of conflict over allowing a
multiple copies of Lesbian and Gay newspaper to be distributed
: at Tulsa City-County Library System (TCCLS) locations, the
: Library Commission has resolved the matter by banning the
¯ distribution of all community newspapers and magazines.
The dispute began when Tulsa Family News (TFN) publisher,
¯ Tom Neal, approachedTCCLS on behalf of a Kansas Gay paper.
¯: The Commission promptly changed the rules to ban non-local
¯ papers. TFN was allowed distribution briefly but then was told
TFNdidnotfitthethenfles.Overseveral years,TFNdocumented
: regularandsystematicdifferentialtreatmentofnon_Gaypublica_ ¯ tions and TFN in the application of those rules. TFN attorneys ¯
determined that there were likely repeated First Amendment
¯ violatious involved inTCCLS,s actions. In respouse to threats of a lawsuit, one Commissioner said that the result would likely be
¯ the removal of all publications. And this June, the commission
voted toremove all publications, claiminglack of space. Interestingl,
y, a visual inspection ofcentral and regional libraries appears
to snow aaequate space for many publications.
Scott Reno, Janice Nicklas, Sharon Thoele,
Claudette Peterson, and Gina Germany celebrate
the opening ofthe. HIVC’s Food Pantry.
~ Food for the service comes in part from the Tulsa
~ Community.Food Bank (TCFB) which works with
: a national program, Second Harvest, to make all
¯ manner of surplus foodstuffs available to people in
¯ . need. see Pantry, ~a~e .?
¯ Com!ng Soon Drag D,vas’ Carwash
¯- PFLAG - Tulsa lOy. Anniv.
¯ TOHR/HOPE/Pride. Ctr.
i Community of. Hope
Tahlequah HIV.Tesbng Ctr.
Lambda Bowl,rig League
: Concessions and the Brookside Divas are hold-
: ing a first ever Drag Car Wash on Saturday, Sep-
¯ tember 13thfrom 11 am to 3 pro. The car wash~vill
¯¯ be held in the parkinglot befiind the club (3340 S.
Peoria). All proceeds will benefit area Aids Charii
¯ The Concessions Drag Queens along with some
¯ ~omother.,c,l,ubs,a~fl a f~ew surpriseCelebrity Drag
¯ tdueens wm oe doing the washing of the cars. Those scheduled to wash are:
.see Soon, page 3
number of years by a food
pantry run by Shanti and
Pet~rson ~tates that this
service ~s not intended toreplace
but to work with
other groups. In fact, one
ofherkey vohmteersl Scott
Rent,had worked with the
Shanti Storehouse extensively.
Whensetting up the
procedures for the Food
Pantry, this experience was
supplementedby feedback
from aPLWAfocus group
of about 20 persons in order
how best to serve the
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E..Pine 832-1269 ¯
*Blue Room, 606 S. Elgin 592-2583
*City Bites, 3348 S. Peoria 748-9600 "
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896 ",
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria 749-4511
*JJ’s Country & Western Dance Club, 6328 S. Peoria 712-2119 "
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th 749-1563 "
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st 745-9899 ",
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st 745-9998 ¯
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth 585-2221 "
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*TNT’s, 2114 S..Memorial 660-0856 - -"
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston 585-3134
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
.Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole; 2722 E. 15 712=1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746~0313
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S: Memorial 622-3636
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 461h & Memorial 665-6595
CherrySt:Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902,743-4117
Communitycleaning,:Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco tO Disco,:3212E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’S Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311. S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books &Videos, 821 S..,Sheridan 838~8503
*Ros.s Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Leanne M. Gross, Southwest Financial Planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*SandraL Hill,MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-.,1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox .Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
David Kauskey; Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599~8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Langley Agency, 1104 S. Victor 592-1800
Laredo Crossing, !519 E. 15 585-1555
Susan McBay, MSW: Earth-Centered Counseling "592-1260
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584~3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 .663:5934
*M~hawk ~usic, 6157 E 51Place .664-2951
*Novelldea Bookstore, 51st& Harvard 747~6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
ZiRita Parish, Indoor/Outdoor Co. Home Remodel’g 587=6717
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, .1401 E. 15 583-1090
Pet Pride, Dog&Cat Grooming 584-7554
The Pride Storei 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II; 1 lth & Mingo 838-7626
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christoph,er Spradling, attorney, 616 ~S. Main, #308
*Scribner s Bookstore, 1942 Utica ~quare 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Sophronia’s Antiques, 1515 E. 15 592-2887
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071,74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce, 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chaoman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*Con~mlmity ofHope United Methodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
*Commumty Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Church of the Restoration, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
.Dignity/integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-maih TulsaNews@earthlinlc net
website: http://users.aol.comlTulsaNewsl
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertain ment Writer + Mac Guru: James Chdstjohn
Writers + contributors: Dr. Mike Gorman, Leanne Gross, Barry
Hensley & Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of
this publication are protected by US copyright 1997 by
T~ {:~.’. N~and may not be reprrduced either in whole
or in part witliout written permission from the 15ublisher.
Publication of a name or phbto does not indicate a person’s
sexual orientation, t.;orrespondence is assumed to be for
publication unless otherwise noted, must be signed & becomes
the sole property of Td~u~/:...~9~ Nt.J¢. Each reader is. e,n.~tled
to four free copies of each edition at distribution points. AOO~-
ti0nal copies are available by calling 583-1248.
FBI Liason Needed to
¯ Lesbian& Gay Community
¯¯ I have come to believe that often times
there is opportunity in many of the crises
¯ in our lives. Crises can motivate us,to
¯ change the way we view our world, or
¯ evenmore, to change the world. Recenfl.y ¯
the gay and lesbian community expert-
¯ enced a crisis, as Andrew Cunanan be-
-¯ . came one of the most"wanted people in
America. I thinkwehandled this situation
¯ fairly well, but many, including the FBI,
have stated that the FBI could.have done
more during its investigation to reach out
! to our community. Such a public admis-
sion by the FBI is unusual, and perhaps
¯ indicative of the changes in the FBI and in
¯ their relationship with:us. ¯
As a gay manand career FBI agent, I
¯ can attest to recent changes in the FBI
¯ regarding the gays and!esbians. The FBI
; now has .a number, ofopenly gay and
; lesbian ~gents and support .personnel
¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437,’800:284-2437
¯ ’ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 :
¯" *HIV Resource Ctr.~4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194 ;
¯ NAMES P,R,OJECT; 4.154’S; Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748~311.1 ¯
~ NOW, Nat 1Org forW0men, POB 14068,74159 365-5658 -"
: OK S~okes CI~ (l~icycling), POB 9165, 74157 "
*Our House, 1114 S. Quakrr 584-7960 "
PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152
*Planned Parenthood; 1007 S. Peoria
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105
Prime-Timers, P.O. BOX 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
*Red Rock Mental-Center, 1724 E. 8
O’RYAN, support groupfor 18-24 LGBT young adults
749-4901 ¯
743-4297 "
~ght hdp all of us in the future.
~his is an opportunity for us to take the
initiative.and reach out to the FBI with our
ideas, recommendations, or complaints.
Request that the agent in charge of your
city!s FBI office appoint a permanent liaison
to our community. Contact FBI Director
Louis J. Freeh at FBI Headquarters
in Washington, D.C., and request that he
adopt thisliaison program nationwideand
undertake other measures to improve the
.FBI’s relationship with us. This moment
in time affords us an excellent opportunity
totake thelead and create positive
changes. Our commumty, the FBI, and
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. sunnort-grout~ for 14-17 LGBT. youth ", . . , ¯ ¯ -
: St. Aidan’s,Episcol~l Ch~ch: 4045 N. Cincinnati 4_~_5-~_8~2_ ¯ ~c~.oennstt.re_co~uW))~n~?~fe°gn~ ~u~
~ St Jerome s Parish Church 3841 S Peoria 742-022v ~ :.. _-~o .....
! *~hanti Hotline &HIV/AII~S Servic~ 749-78981 : ]:led ;Rock re" O’RYAN Article
¯ Trini EoiscooalChu~ch,~01 S. Cincinnati 582-4128 ; ’~,, . ~-’~ ; . .--
: Tuls~tYco~mty ~Iealtfi Department, 4616 E. 15 " .595~4i05 :¯.- i07t~e~€~er~ge°CthKa~r~t~Pa~P.~c!~ Y ~
i ’ Confidential HIV TeSting - by appt. on Thursdays only " has givea :to our services. However, the
." Tulsa:Okla. for HumanRights, c/oThe Pride Center 743-4297 . article in the "AuguSt edition about
: T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222 , O’RYAN,aRedRocksupportandeduca-
,¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule " tional group, did ratse one concern. AI-
*Tulsa Community College Campuses " though we recently did move out of the ¯ *Rogers University (formerly UCT) ~ Youth Services of Tulsa building, this
: BARTLESVILLE ." was not done because of any conflict that
: *Barflesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353 ¯ we have had with the organization, but
¯ NORMAN ." instead it was to allow us more¯ room for ¯
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573,4907 ¯ expansion. In fact, Red Rock’s outreach
¯ OKLAHOMA CITY program would not exist today if it were
¯ *BordersBooks&Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667 "¯ not for the pioneering efforts of YST. ¯ WhileRedRockandYST’s programs are TAHLEQUAH : umqudydifferent,bothhaveworkedcon-
¯ *Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900 " jtmctively to better serve the community.
¯ *Tahlequah Unltarian-UnlversalistChurch 918-456-7900 ¯ We completely support and value YST’s
¯ *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-458-0467 services as they have been supportive of ¯
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand ¯ our services.
HIVevery other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date : Again, we wish to thank Tulsa Family
: EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS ." News forits publicizing of our programs,
¯Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457 , as well as its dealing with important com-
" DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807 ¯ munity issues, cc: YouthServices ofTulsa
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 All2 Spring St. 501-253-5445 : - Allyn S. Friedman, Exec: Director
: MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337 ; - Betsy Murphy, Tulsa Prog.Co-ordin~
¯ Geekto Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776 ¯
¯ Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way 800-231-1442 ." Letters policy: TFN welcomes letters
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646 " on issues which we’ve covered or on is-
" Sparky’s; Hwy. 62 East 501-253.-6001 ¯ sues you think,need to be considered. You
"¯ " may request that your name be withheld
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ¯ but letters must be signed & have phone
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845 , no.s, or be hand delivered. 200 wordlet-
¯Ron’s Place, 523 W. Poplar 501-442~3052 : ters are preferred. Letters to other p.ubli-
; * indicates a distribution point. Listed businesses are not all Gay-owned ; cations will be printed as is appropriate. ¯ but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi & Trans conununities.
TFN Community Leaders
Kathy Dales recently became staffcoordinatorfor Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights’HOPE: HIV Outreach,
Prevention & Education programs. Kathy whoformerly
served on the TOHR board, also volunteers as Volunteer
Co-ordinatorfor The Pride Center.
Courtney Farrell - Concessions Show Director;
Veronica Devore - Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA;
Katia Lee Love - Miss Gay Oklahoma America;
Porsha Lynn - Miss Gay Oklahoma US0fA at Large;
Mr. Kenny phillips - Miss Gay NE Oklahoma;
Kris Kohl; Paris Gray; and others.
Come out and support these charities and you never
-know what Tulsan you might find washing your car in
Tulsa Oklahoma.as for Human Rights (TOHR) is
seeking volunteers for several of its programs: HOPE:
HIV Outreach, Prevention and Education and for The
Pride Center.
TOHR/I-IOPE is seeking volunteers to assist at its
HIV Testing Clinic. The opportunities ~ndude answering
.phones, assisting with paperwork, sorting condoms, greetlng
clients and even testing and counseling after receiving
training by the Oklahoma State Dept. of Health.
Clinic volunteers are needed during weekdays and during
walk-in clinic hours on Mon. andThurs, evemngs..
Pride Center volunteers are needed to answer phones,
and to staff the Center during weekday evenings 6-10 pm
and on weekends. For information about volunteering for
the clinic, call 742-2927 aud for The Pride Center, call
712-1600 from 9-5 pm.
PFLAG - Tulsa is expanding its PFLAG 101 support
group to include a second meeting each month on the 4th
Monday. The group will meet at Fellowship Congregational
Church from 6:30 - 8:30.
Also,PFLAG - Tulsa wilt celebrate its 10 Anniversary
on September 7th from 5-7 pm. This private event will be
held at the home of Steve Wright. Kudos to founders Joe
& Nancy McDonald and current co-presidents Kathy &
Bill Hinkle and their board of directors!
Also, TOI-IR is continuing to take reports of anti-GaU
Lesbian/Bi or Trans discrimina~,on or of hate-crimes.
Reports may be made anonymousl~ or not and volunteers
may be able to refer victims to agencies or people who can
help. Help them try to help you. Call 743-4297 and leave
a message or call from 6-10pm. The TOHR Helpline is
usually staffed by volunteers seven nights a week.
Community of Hope is full of activmes as summer
ends and fall begins. From Sept. 3 - Oct. 22 from 6-8 pm,
a professional family therapist will lead a parenting skills
class that has been designed for the "multicultural and
diverse family situations" that are found at Coll.
Phillips Seminary professor Brandon Scott will lead a
study group on the Hebrew Scriptures on Sept. 18 & 25,
Oct. 2 & 9 from7-8:30 pm. Local therapistTed Campbell
is organizing a skills-building group, Healthy Gay Relationships,
Sept.23-Nov. 11,6-8 pm. The group is singles,
couples or one party of a couple with a focus on the
special challenges of Gay relationships in a non-supportive
Laterin thefall, Coil will offer a griefsupport group for
those dealing with loss during the holidays. For more
information about any of these programs, call 585-1800.
Over in Tahleqtmh, the Green Country AIDS Coalition
will provides confidential HIV testing on alternating
Tuesday evenings from 5:30 - 8:30 at 1001 No. Grand
Avenue (please use the Clinic entrance), in the Northeastem
State University College of Optometry. The dates are
9/2,16,&30,10/14 &28, 11/11 &25,and 12/9 &23. For
information, call Sara at 458-0467 or Ron at 458-9173.
Afew years ago, Shortly aft~r~I ~iurned to Tulsa, I had
a conversation with an acquaintance about The Tulsa
World. This individua!, a top level executive at The
Dallas Morning News said of The World, "’you know, it’s
just not a very good paper..." And frankly,, it is at times
parochial and unprofessional in its coverage. It’s just that
with the only other major daily paper in the state being the
neo-fascist Daily Oklahoman,
anything winds
up looking better.
Granted there is hope
with its newer management,
and some days, its
editorial board surprises
me. Some of its writers’
work I admire greatly
(like the witty and distinctly
youngThomas Connerwhosemusicreviews
worthreading regardless
of whether you have any
: the truth when the incident occurred. However since that
time The Worm has attempted to re-write Hemdon’s
~ history by publishing the 8/26 brief and several similar
: stories that portray Herudon’s problems as just being
¯ drug rdated- with no mention of his same gender sexual
¯ conduct.
: It appears that The Tulsa World’s entertainment editors
¯ . . a top level exeeutlve at
The Dallas Morrdn News said of
The World, "you know, it’s just not a
very goodpaper..."... It’s jiast that with
the only other major daffy paper in the
state being the neo-fJ,selst Da;ly
Ohlahoman, anything winds up
looking better...
think that it’s better for
Hemdon .to be. a~ drug
addict than. to have
sought sex with another
man, or possibly even to
be bisexual!I mean; even
under the influence of
"speed," how likdy is it
that Herndon would just
accidentally and unknowingly
be in aknown
"cruise" park in the
bushes with his genitalia
poking out of his pants
fly? I’m hardly an expert
interest in the CD’s or bands).
However, every so often The WorMforgetsjoun.~a!.istic
standards and slips into propaganda mode. Much of its
coverage of The Tulsa Project qualifies. While generally
I support community reinvestment in our city center, it
would be nice if The WorM’s news coverage at least
pretended to be balanced. But the stories thus far have
been shamelessly promotional which is not surprising
considering one of The Tulsa Project chief promoters is
a member of th~ Lorton family - the owners of The Tulsa
And in a great example of telling a lie over and over
again, on August 26, The World’s propaganda machinery
was working overtime. Back in June of 1995, country
singer Ty Herndon was arrested in a Fort Worth park for
waving his penis at another man. That other man just
happened to be an undercover cop. Herudon was arrested
and taken to jail where he was then found to be in
possession of methamphetamine.
However, after Herndon’s celebrity status became
known (he in fact was scheduled to perform later that
same day at a convention of sheriffs and peace officers),
he was conveniently not charged with lewd conduct or
so¯ licitation, but with drug possession.
The Tulsa World ran Associated Press articles that told
Last but not least, the Lambda Bowling League has
begun the first of its 18 week seasons. The League meets
each Monday at 8:45 pm at Sheridan Lanes, 3121 So.
Sheridan. At current time there are about 14 teams and
there are opporttmities for individuals to fill in for teams
that are Still short amemberor whojust have someoneout
sick that evening. It’s more guys than gals but notso much
as to be uncomfortable. The fee is $9/night. Call Brenda
at 627-2728 for more information.
The Food Pantry has to pay overhead and shipping for
TCFB goods but is able to provide the food for much less
than if would cost if clients had to go purchase the items.
However, the Pantry does look like a mini-store and is
designed so that clients can browse and select the items
that suit their dietary needs best and often in large, or
smaller quantities as needed. NO money changes hands
but regular clients (at this point one of the 30) do receive
$50/month credit.
The Pantry also stocks cleaning items, paper goods and
personal hygiene items. Peterson notes that these can be
especially important since many clients may also be on
food stamps which can only be used for edible items.
However, the Pantry will not stock vitamin supplements
though these are often recommended because of
possible complications or conflicts with other medicines
that clients may be taking. A notice posted suggests that
such supplements should be taken only under strict physician
This Pantry also is designed to serve as an emergency,
supplemental resource for persons living with HIV &
AIDS who may not have been selected in the lottery but
who have an emergency need. That access is available up
to three times a year.
" in illicit drug use but I think it’s highly unlikely that
. Herndon was using his penis ~to..ingest methamphet¯
In the general scheme of things, this, of course, is not
: that important an issue. But it is galling to see The World
contradict its own coverage and in the service of obvious
¯ homophobia/heterosexism.
" It is also particularly shameful when The Tulsa World
still continues the practice of printing the names of Tulsa
" men who have been arrested for doing the same thing that
Hemdon did. The Worlddoesn’t hesitate to ruin the lives
." of ordinary men, even prior to being tried and convicted,
but goes out ofits way to rewrite the troth for the celebrity
Herndon. !t’s shameful hypocrisy and terrible journal-
" ism. But it is in keeping with the owners bias of which
¯ their anti-Gay advertising policies giv,e proof.
¯ Let’s hope that with time 7he World.will get better and
hey, maybe even Herudon will cofiae out. We’d just
advise him that his dating opportunities would be better
- and safer, if he’d try to pick up men at The Silver Star
¯ or at Concessions instead of in a park - and the rubbers
there are free, too. - Tom Neal, editor/publisher
¯ Editor’s note: The Tulsa World’s Entertainment Edi-
¯ - tor Rusty Lang was invited to comment on this matter but
¯ did not return TFN calls.
. Peterson hopes that people in the community will
¯ volunteer to help with the Food Pantry. Tasks vary from
helping "shop" - which usually involves lifting at the
¯ TCFB or a local market, to assisting clients who are
selecting their items. Some clients want to make their
own selections but some, depending on their health, may
~ want help carrying the small shopping baskets. Peterson
: also hopes community orgamzations like churches or
¯ care teams, etc. may adopt a client by donating $50/ ¯
month (or less - any amount is welcome). $50/month
¯ would allow another client to move in from the waiting
list via the lottery. Peterson notes that the client mix is
" fairly diverse with women as well as men, individuals
and families, both from Tulsa and from outlying areas.
; For more information about how you might help or to
¯ determine eligibility to access Food Pantry services, call ¯
712-7425. The Pantry is open at this time from 9-5, M-F.
" Later hours for Tuesday are being considered.
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Chicago Honors Gay
CHICAGO (AP) - The renovation of a street in a
neighborhood that is home to a large gay and lesbian
community will include two gateways to mark the
area as friendly to gays. The gateways, along with 22
steel pylons along Halsted Street on Chicago’ s North
Side, will include a rainbow ring of lights, reflecting
the colors in the gay pride flag. The project, costing
$3.2 million, includes planting 180 trees and widening
It is the city’ s second majorinitiativeinfivemonths
to recognize its gay community. In March, the City
Council extended health insurance benefits to the
live-in partners of gay and lesbian city employees.
The gateways will be located nearly a mile apart on
Halsted Street, giving a dear message that it is a
special area for gays. "If I were coming from out of
town, (as a lesbian) I would identify this as a neighborhood
that is friendly to gays," said Mary Morten,
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s .liaison to the gay
and. lesbian community. "The overarching theme is
that this is adlverse community. It’ S not aboutitbeing
only a gay hub."
City government designating a neighborhood as
gay-friendly is unprecedented. "Chicago is definitely
a first," said Mark Johnson, spokesman for the National
Gay & Lesbian Task Force. "But I don’t think
it will be the last time you’ll see it. It’ll be trendsetting
for other areas as well."
The city wanted to acknowledge the contributions
of the gay and lesbian community, said Greg Harris,
a community activist involved in the plan. Business
owners along the street have not objected to the effort.
"It’ s always been a liberal street, ahead of its time,"
said-Marshall Homick, ownerofChicago Diner. "It’ s
half gay, half straight. Who cares.’?"
APA: Gays Don’t Need
’Reparative’ Therapy
CHICAGO (AP) - Homosextmlity is not a mental
disorder and doesn’t need treatment, the nation’s
largest group of psychologists has declared in an
attempt to quell controversy over so-called reparative
therapy. The American Psychological Ass0ciati0fi,
by a vote of its major policy-setting board Thursday;
also called on mental health professionals to "take the
lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has
long been associated with homosexual orientation."
The association first declared in 1975 that homosexuality
isn’t a mental disorder, saying it supported
the American Psychiatric Association in removing it
from the official list of mental and emotional disorders.
The newest resolution said lack of information,
ignorance and prejudice puts some "gay, les,,bian,
bisexual and questioning indlvidtmls at risk for
seeking "conversion" or "reparative" therapy, which
is aimed at reducing or eliminating homosexuality.
There have been no well-designed scientific studies
to test guch therapy, the association said in a
statement. But it hasn’t been conclusively shown to
be harmful, "extensive clinical experience suggests
that such therapy feeds upon society’ s anti-gay prejudices
and is likely to exacerbate the client’s issues of
poor self-esteem," the association’s office said.
Kim Mills, a representative of the Human Rights
Campaign, a lesbian and gay political group, said the
resolution "reaffirms the fact that since there is nothing
wrong with homosexuality, there is no reason that
gay, lesbian or bisexual people should try to change.’"
Robert H. Knight, director of cultural studies for
the conservative Family Research Council, said ’~omosexual
behavior entails inevitable physic~ and
psychologicalrisks" and maintained that homosexuals
have been successfully treated for for decades.
"Homosexuals can change," he said.
US West to Give
Partners’ Benefits
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) - US West on Friday
became the latest company to extend health benefits
to the same-sex partners of its employees. The new
health plan also will cover dependents of same-sex
Couples, but does not extend to unmarried oppositesex
partners "since they have the option of becoming
eligible through legal marriage.’"
The company’ s 1,664 emplyees of US -West Communications
in New Mexico...~ge,also eligible for the
Toni Ozeroff, US West vice president for human
resources, said the change will help the company
attract and keep qualified employees. "Having a
diverse workforce is one of the keys to building
customer loyalty and successfully serving a diverse
marketplace," she said.
Thecosts, Ozeroffadded, are insignificant. "We’ ve
looked at other companies’ experiences and confirmed
that the costs of providing domestic partner
health-benefits, and the additional effort required to
administer those benefits, are both minimal," said
Withits announcement, US Westjoins anumber of
major companies includingAmericanExpress, Coors
Brewing, Disney and MicroSoft, that extend health
benefits to same-sex couples.... :.f~.=
"As competition forthebestqualifiedpeopleinten5 ::
Sifies, more and more empldyers.are:exi~an~ng their-:~-.
benefits to include same-sex partner~Y-, said A~drew ¯
Sherman, vice president of the Segal Co., anational!y
recognized human resources and empl.oyee~ben-efits --
consulting firm. -~ .~ .
The change at US West applies to,all empltyees,.
including those at US West Communicationsand US
West Media Group. Medical, dental and visioncare
options ar included in an enrollment packagethatwill
be mailed to employees beginning in September. The
coverage will take effect in January.
US West employees who want to take advantage of
same-sex partner benefits must complete an affidavit
confirming that their relationship is long-term -:essentially
the equivalent of marriage.
Gay Book Held .Hostage.
BELMONT, Calif. (AP) - A library patron has refused
to return a book on gay sex which she says
"doesn’ t meet the standards set forth by society."
Linda ~lcGeogh, who requested "The Ne~v Joy of
Gay Sex’ be banned from the Belmont Library, had
a friend check out the book and put it in a storage
locker after waiting for the library to.act. "’We’ re not
going to bring it back," ’said McGeogh, 38, who
contends the book’s gay content has nothing to do
with her request. "It’s something that should be kept
in a bedside table;not in a public library."
But librarians andbook lovers say abanviolates the
First Amendment by limiting the public’s access.
’~re believe very firmly that everybody should have
acces s to what the library has and nobody should have
to ask for it," said San Mateo County librarian Nancy
Lewis. "For us, it’s a First Amendment issue."
McGeoghasked the library to dump their only copy
of thebook after she came across iton aJune visit with
her 8-year-old daughter, 7-year-old son and a friend.
"I went through it and was absolutely shocked,"
McGeogh said.
Lewis said she will appoint a panel to make a
recommendation. But she has final say in the matter.
The book has been overdue since June 11. McGeogh
will be billed for a $6 overdue fine and the cost for a
replacement copy if she doesn’t return the original,
library officials said.
Ultra Right Group
Co-Founder Apologizes
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - A man who
calls himself a co-founder of Focus on the Family
publicly apologized to women, ethnic minorities,
gays and lesbians, religious groups and the media
during a blitz Friday to promote his book. Gil
Alexander-Moegefle claims he was one of seven
people who co-founded Focus on the Family, a $100
million-a-year Christian organization that counsels
people seeking adviceindealing withfamily struggles.
In his book "James Dobson’s War on America,"
Alexander-Moegerle criticizes the group’s wellknown
leader and his followers, accusing them:of
veering from their original mission of helping peopl9.
raise their children and preserve their~a~s.
author believes Focus has become too pofificaiand ~
on the R, er
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said Dobson has made "a harmful foray into big-time
"I am ashamed of my former colleagues for their
attacks on you and for their pattern of slamming the
doors of reasonable access in your face," Alexander-
Moegerle said in a written statement. "I encourage
you to bang those doors down, to investigate and to
report the truth about the threat James Dobson and
other religious extremists pose to the American tradition
of tolerance, indusivity and the separation of
church and state," he added.
Alexander-Moegefle, who lives in Los .Angeles,
made the comments in a news release prior to his
appearance at the Colorado springs offices .of the gay
and lesbian activist group Ground Zero. He said his
bookis thefirst insider critique of"the character, s tyle
and political agenda" of James Dobson, who cofounded
Focus on the Family in Arcadia, CA, in
Paul Hetrick, a Focus on the Family spokesman,
denied Alexander-Moegerle hdped found the nonprofit
organization, saying the author worked for a
Chicago advertising agency and served only as a
consultant before becoming an employee in 1980.
Hetrick speculated that Alexander-Moege_rle was
still angry over a lawsuit he lost in Pomona" (Calif.)
Superior Court in which he sued Focus on the Family
for allegedly firing him inappropriately after seven
years. Hetrick said Alexander-Moegerle voluntarily
resigned from the organization after divorcing his
wife and marrying his secretary. Hetrick said
Alexander-Moegerle accused Dobson of interfering
with his personal life after Dobson suggested he and
his first wife avoid divorce by getting counseling.
"We just disagree on these matters. But that’s not
fueling Gil’ s fury. What’ s fueling his fury is that he
failed to achieve what he wanted ... which was to be
able to divorce his wife, marry his secretary and
continue to be employed at Focus," Hetrick said.
The spokesman also denied any allegations that
Focus on the Family is a sexist, racist and homophobic
organization or has changed its focus on preservxng
families since its inception: "That’ s utter nonsense,"
Hetrick said. "This group has not changedits mission,
xts purpose or its emphasis since it was founded."
An estimated 5 million Americans tm]e in to
Dobson’s weekly radio pro~am "Family News in
Focus," which is broadcast bv more than 2,500 stations
arotmd the world. Abou~ 8,000 letters pour into
the Colorado Springs Focus on the Family offices
daily Hundreds of employees field 3,400 telephone
calls a day. Many people seek advice, comfort and
prayer in dealing with family straggles like alcohol
abuse, sexual problems and marital difficulties.
Anti-Gay Effort May Fail
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) With less than a month
left, organizers of a petition drive to stop a gay-rights
bill from becoming law in Maine have gathered only
a fraction of the signatures they need. Leaders of the
drive to force a statewide election on the bill said
Supporters of the gay rights bill didn’ t give Heath
much of chance. "I mean, they’ve had quite a bit of
time to do it, not a lot. But when you’re not even 20
percent there at this point, I would say it’s an uphill
battle," said state Sen. Jot Abromson, R-Portland,
the bill’ s prime sponsor.
Just slightly more than half the people who promised
to circulate petitions have followed through,
Heath said. Besides a 60-second radio commercial
produced by Focus on the Family and some advice,
national organizations have given little support, he
said. " ........ " "
Signature gatherers- who are all Volunteers =-have
had to. contiont several .obstacles; ineluding~nearperfect
summer, weather; nd dections where they
could gather signatures at polls and the lack of a vocal
oppositionto keep the issuein the news. "Frankly, our
goal was not to provide Mr. Heath with free publicity,"
said Patricia Peard, chair of the executive committee
of Maine Won’ t Discriminate.
Heath, insisting "thousands of signatures are on
their way to our office," remained undeterred. "Hundreds
of people have made tremendous sacrifices
over the summer to get us to where we are," he said.
Provincetown Schools
Attack All Prejudices
PROVINCETOWN, Mass. (AP) - A proposed antibias
curriculum in the Provincetown schools has
sparked national controversy fro.m critics who say it
promotes homosexuality. But school officials say the
curriculum is merely an attempt..t9 stan~p out prejudice.
"We’ve d,e,cided we’re going ~take the ~ainbow
perspective~ Provincetown SchOol Superintendent
Susan N Fleming told the Boston Herald. "We’re
going to look at color, we’re going to look at race,
we’re going to look at gender and Sexual orientation
is one of those things."
The school committee voted to review the curriculum
from kindergarten through grade 12 to eliminate
bias, and to encourage teachers to be open to all
lifestyles in classroom discussions.
Provincetown has a large gay community, and
signs of affection between same-sex couples are a
- common sight. Town Manager Keith Bergman was
among those who pushed for the changes: He. said the
change was needed because Provincetown is more
diverse than most towns in Massachusetts.
"Not all of our students are white, not all of our
students are straight," said Bergman, who is married
and has two daughters in the public schools. "In this
commtmity it’ s not going to come as a revelation that
we have gay and lesbian parents."
Bergman said there have been many,inquiries from
the media since an article appeared in theWashington
Times. "Unfortunately the media has zeroed m on
issues dealing with sexual orientation, when the antibias
program is about equipping the community with
tools to fight racism, sexism, classism, bias against
Friday they areff t giving UP and will continue work- people with disabilities and homophobia," he told
ing until the Sept. 18 deadline set by the secretary of
The Boston Globe. The school committee will hold a
state s office. The petition tilers were given 90 days public hearing Wednesday so residents can discuss
to gather a minimum of 51,131 signatures.
the proposed changes.
"We’re concerned,,anybody would be, but we ve
gotthreeweekstogo,’ said Michael Heath, execufij9 . Lesbian Adoption Case director of th~ Christi&n Civic League 6f Maine. A
lot can happen in three weeks." LEDYARD, Conn. (AP) - A trial referee~ s decision
The bill, approved last spring by the Legislature
and signed by Gov. Angus King, prohibits discrimination
against homosexuals and lesbians in housing,
public accommodations, credh and employment. The
league had establisheditS :oWn first deadline of Aug.
22f0r turning in petitions. On Friday, Heath said his
0fficSe"had petitions with abo~at 12,000 to 13,000
signatures certified by town clerks, and he estimated
at least that many signatures Were still to be delivered.
Heath said organizers had hoped for a stronger
showingby Friday, buthe emphasized "the reason we
set "the Aug. 22 deadline was so we could deal with
this if it came to this." The league and its partner, the
Christian Coalition of Maine, are now going to work
on getting more staff into the field to organize and
motivate petition collectors. Heath said.
in a Lesbian adoption case was published this month
in the Connecticut Law Journal, but was actually
issued over ayear ago._Superior Court,RefereeHadley
W. Austin ruled that ,the state,Adoption Re¢iew~
Board could consider.a Lesbian’ s petition:to adopt
the 5-year-old son of her partner. The ruling overtumed
a Probate Court;deci~i~n~b~gcA~e ~f confidentiality
requiretfiefit~ ]the ~ct~J~ibn K~d~i~w Board
said it could no~discnss the status of the case.
Laser Can Find
HIV in Blood
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - A new handheld
laser that can quickly reveal bloodborne
disorders and diseases such as the
AIDS virus has been patented by scientists
at SandiaNational Laboratories. "It’s
possible to take a blood sample containing
millions of cells and extract information
about each cell in a few minutes,"
said Paul Gourley, project manager at
Sandia. "The results are quantifiable."
The lab said Friday the device uses
millions of tiny lasers to detect blood
problems. Gourley said the laser has important
applications in detecting cancerous
cells. "ff no cell is cancerous, we get
a.standard light signal. A cancerous cell
gaves a bright flash at different wavelengths,"
he said.
The laser was developed by Sandia
technician Anthony McDonald, Gourley
and his brother, Dr. Mark Gourley, who
works at the Washington HospitalCenter
and National Institute of Health, both located
in Washington, D.C. The Gourleys
collaborated onthe project working crosscountry.
The patent is on a prototype laser scanner
that could be used economically in the
field as well as in hospitals and clinics, the
laboratory said. The patent is jointly held
by the National Institutes ofHealth, which
helped Sandia develop it.
Companies that analyze blood and cells
have expressed interest in the laser, Paul
Gourley said. The work on the laser began
as part of a U.S. Department of Energy
plan to deal with the threat of terrorists.
The DOE funded the work and Sandia
developed the technology to help militaD.-
and civilian victims of terrorist biolo~cal
or chemical attack because of the rapid
ability of the laser to help make a definitive
blood diagnosis.
"The transportable m-fit is expected to
greatly reduce the time needed to analyze
dangerous materials invading the bloodstream,"
Paul Gourley said. "Diagnosis
could be made on the spot, thus facilitating
treatment when speed is crucial.’"
For the same reason, the device could
dramatically speed up ordinary, blood
analysis for hospitalized patients, especially
in emergency-room situations. Lab
officials said it also could reduce medical
diagnostic costs.
Paul Gourley estimated that a portable
field version of the unit linked to a !aptop
computer wouldcost between $5,000 and
$15,000 and a comprehensive unit for a
hospital laboratory would run $70,000.
Arkansas Resource
Center to Close
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) - People
suffering from AIDS in Washington
County soon won’t be able to go to the
AIDS Resource Center here for help. But
people living with AIDS won’t be left
without assistance, as other agencies now
offer AIDS services. That’s a big change
from when the resource center -7 formerly
known as the Washington County AIDS
Task Force - opened up in 1987.
"When we started, we were the only
show in town," said Judie Frick of
Fayetteville, secretary of the resource
center’s board. "Now, a lot of what we
were .doing has been taken over by other
The center’s board voted earlier this
month to shutdownthe center on Aug. 31.
Ms. Frick" cited financial considerations
and the overlap 6f servlces, with other
agencies as big factors in the decision.
The center, she said, was "having a ha~d~ .....
time generating money to support the
whole thing."
Laura Patterson, director of the AIDS
Resource Center, said she and an assistant
hoped to get on with another non-profit
.organization so they can continue to work
m the area to provide emergency housing
assistance for HIV-positive patients.
Ms. Patterson said she was surprised to
learnthe center would close. "We’d just
gotten this big grant," she said. "We
thought things were looking up." The
grant to which she referred, from the federal
Housing and Urban Development
Department, was furmeled through another
The AIDS Resource Center currently
pays for housing and some utilities for 45
homeless HIV-positive patients. Ms
Patterson said a decision would be made
in the upcoming week about whether she
will be taken on by another agency.
NY Businessman
Donates $1M for
Needle Exchange
NEW YORK (AP) - Financier George
Sorts said he will donate $1 million to
buy clean hypodermic needles for drug
addicts nationwide who risk contracting
Sorts challenged government leaders
to "respect the scientific evidence" that
needle exchange programs curb the spread
of HIV, the virus that canses AIDS. Critics
say the programs encourage drug use.
"’Needle exchange programs are scientifically
proven to save lives, do not encourage
drug use, and are supported by a
majority of the American public," Sorts
said in a statement Sunday.
The federal Centers for Disease Control
estimated last year that intravenous
drug users, their children and sex partners
accounted for over one-third of the new
cases of HIV infection.
Sorts told The New York Times in an
interview published Sunday that he does
not support legalizing drugs. But he said
they were practically impossible to outlaw,
so he proposed trying to reduce the
harm that drug users cause themselves.,
Sorts, whose philanthropy has supported
democratic movements in Eastern
Europe and Asia, also funded ballot ini:
tiatives last year that let California and
Arizona voters approve the medicinal use
of marijuana. Sorts said he has spent
more than $15 million in the past few
years trying to foster a public dialogue on
drug policy.
Opponents of needle exchange programs
said Sorts’ message is wrongheaded.
"I think he needs to be very careful
about promoting drug use, which is
what he’s doing," Robert L. Maginnis of
the Family Research Council told the
sorts said he will give his new gift to
the Tides Foundation, a San Franciscobased
grants program that will distribute
the money to needle exchange programs
around the country.
AIDS Prevention
Program for Youth
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Outreach
worker Jim Radford has a tough time
convincing teens they should get tested
forAIDS. Some say they don’t trust adults
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Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
Kelly Kirby
Certified Public Accountant
a professional corpora~on
¯ Lesbians and Gay men face
many special tax situations
whether single or as couples.
¯ Thank youfor giving us our
most successful tc~x season.
¯ Call us for help with your
year round tax need~
4021 S. Harvard, Suite 210
Tulsa 74135
What’s happening in the community?
What services are available?
LoOking for a Rainbow Sticker or
Commtmity Newspapers?
Need a Coming Out Support Group?
Need to get tested for HIV?
Want to get involved and help?
Call 743-GAYS
Your Community Center
the Pride Center
1308 E. 38th at Peoria
Church of the
will the
person who is
still paying
too much for
please call
Kent Balch &
to ke~p test results co,~dential. Others
feel hopeless and don t want to bother.
Still others believeAIDS can’taffect them.
As a result, young adults infected with
the AIDS virus often don’t seek help until
the advanced stages of the disease. A
Providence commuaity group and area
hospitals havelaunchedaprogram to bring
teens into treatment sooner.
Miriam and Hasbro Children’s Hospitals
and the AIDS group F.A.C.T.S. have
opened theADAMS Clinic to offer young
people confidential testing and find them
appropriate treatment. "I think there has
been this attitude that adolescents can fit
into an adult program," P~dfOrd said.
i’You’re bringing up so many different
issues - sexuality, homosexuality. They
need a special program."
Like adults,mostteens becomeinfected
through sexual contact or drug use. But
the number of Rhode Islanders ages 15 to
19 diagnosed with the disease is lowbecause
so few get tested, Radford said.
"I’ve been to clinics where they told me
they asked adolescents if they wanted to
be testedand they refused. I’ve done some
street outreach where some of the kids
don’t care. Outside of Providence, they
say ’It can’t happen here,’ "Radford said.
Dr. Tim Hanagan, a Miriam Hospital
physician and AIDS researcher, said misinformed
teens often believe there is kno
hope for those infected with HIV. "Our
treatments really work," Flanagan said.
"Now, most young adults, most adolescents,
don’t know it.’"
~lqae clinic will be open Mondays at
Miriam and F.A.C.T.S. will offer testing
at another Providence site separately,
Radford said. The program has received a
$364,000 feder~ grant, U.S. Sen. Jack
Reed, D-R.I., announced.
"Unfortunately, most treatment centers
do not address the unique physical and
psychological needs of these young adults
with AIDS-or the HIV virus," Reed said.
"The ADAMS Clirac was designed to
provideamoreyouth-friendly almosphere
where teens and yotmg adults can talk
freely about testing and treatment."
Denver is Test Site
for AIDS Vaccine
DENVER (AP) -- Denver is one of 14
national public health sites testing the
safety and effectiveness of two new experimental
vaccines against the AIDScausing
virus HIV. "We’re beginning to
get back on track" in the search for vaccines
againstAIDS, said Dr. FrankJudson,
director of Denver Public Health. The
new study is sponsored by the National
Institutes of Health.
The Denver trial will last 18 months
and include 30 gay or bi-sexual men who
tested negative for HIV. All the Denver
participants are considered healthy but
high-risk males. Nationally, there are 420
people in the trial. Denver was chosen
because of its previous work reaching out
to people at high risk for AIDS and previous
studies on the spread of Hepatitis-B
and other diseases. The thrust of this new
study is combining two new vaccines.
One of the vaccines encourages the
body to develop more antibodies to fight
HIV if it is introduced into the body, but
not yet into the cells. Judson said the
antibodies help stop the virus before it
gets established and acts to neutralize it.
The second vaccine works to stimulate
the body’s own immune system to kill the
HIV that has made its way past the first
¯ line of defense and into the cells. Re-
: searchers say that neither of the vaccines
¯¯ in the study can infect someone with the
AIDS virus. After the study is completed,
." a larger national test of 3,000 to 5,000
¯ people is planned.
2nd Gene Hinders
HIV Infection
: WASHINGTON (AP) - A second gene
¯ mutation that slows the progression of
¯ HIV, the virus that causesAIDS,has been ¯
found by researchers who studied s_peci-
¯ mens from 3,000 people,~ according to a
¯ study published recently. Scientists at the
National Canc~ Institute said the altered
: gene or a similar one discovered earlier
¯ are present in about 30 percent of the
¯ long-term survivors ofHIVinfection. The
¯ researchers said still other gene mutations
: thatprotect against HIV may yet befound.
: The study on discovery of the gene muta-
~ tion was published in thejournal Science.
¯ The mutation, in a gene called CCR2,
¯ tends to protect people infected with HIV
¯ frora rapid deterioration into AIDS. An
earlier study identified a protective muta-
¯ tion in a gene called CCRS. "These gene
: alterations tell us that nature already has
: devised a therapy that works without sig-
¯ nificant side effects," said Stephen
O’Bden, a doctoral researcher at the can-
. cerinstitute and~Senior author ofthe study.
~ "If we can piiipoint how these altered
¯ genes contain HIV, it may be possible to
¯ use this knowledge to develop treatments
¯ that help people delay the onset ofAIDS."
¯ Both CCR2 and CCR5 are genes that
¯ produce chemolOne receptors, a group of
¯ proteins found On the surface of immune-
" systera blood cells. Studies last year
¯ showed that people lacking both normal
¯ copies of the CCR5 gene do not become
¯ infected with HIV despite repeated exposure:-
Those with one missing copy of the
¯ CCR5 gene can become infected but take
years longer to develop AIDS.
_" Earlierlaboratory studies suggested that
¯ a CCR2 mutation also retarded HIV in-
¯ fection, but the new study is the first to
confirm this in actual clinical studies. The
: study shows that patients with the CCR2
: mutation develop AIDS up to four years
¯ later than patients who have the normal
: CCR2 gene. The researchers said the
: CCR2 mutation apparently is present in
: 20 percent to 25 percent of Americans, in
¯ about the same proportion in all races.
Scientists said they are still searching
¯ for other mutations to hobble the HIV
¯ infection. "There’ s bound tobeothergene
¯ alterations present in thehuman genepool that influence HIV’s ability to infect immune
cells andcauseAIDS," sat" dMi¯chael
Smith, also a researcher at NCI and the
study’s lead author. "Wejust have to find
Founder of NYC
Gay Center Dies
¯ NEW YORK (AP) - Irving Cooperberg,
¯ who founded NYC’s Lesbian and Gay
Community Services Center and later
: served as its president, has died at age 65.
¯ Cooperberg died of AIDS-rela,ted cancer
said Richard Bums, the center s director.
: He helped found the center in the early
: 1980s, andit soonbecame ahub oflesbian
¯ and gay life in the city, holding meetings,
¯ counseling sessions, conferences, dances
¯ and performances. He also was active in
.Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, serv-
,ng on ~ts board of,directors.
Well , folks, it’softicial:FleetwoodMac " wayhistorycapturesthehopesanddreams
plays Dallas on 11/4, and tickets go on : of a group of young dancers with one
sale through Ticketmaster on 9/6. They ¯ singular sensation after another: "’I Can
are back and sound great! ’q’he Dance" is Do That," "Dance: Ten; Looks: Three,"
available in abbreviated "One" and "What I Did For
form on CD and in full Among the paint- Love."I find it ironic that
length format on VHS tape. the addlepated and not very
The DVD & Laserdisc of in~s, you w~ll ~ncl Gay-friendly Celebrity Attheir
MTV "Unplugged "
concert will be available in the art of Andy tractions (and this manis in
show business.’? Is there
October. Warhol and Geor- something wrong with this
For those who like their picture?Notthebusiness to
art to remain stationary, ~ia O’Keefe, to go into if you’re homophocheck
out the exhibit,
few of the bit.) is bringing in a show
"American Still Life and lla~tlle a
with a major gay character
Interiors, 1915-1994: from n a m e - b r a n d and subplot in it. Can you
Metropolitan Museum of say "contradiction"?Not to
:Art," at the Philbrook Mu- (sorry, ]~ut with mention that the company
with ~€’arhol, it will-°most likely visit The
11/9/97. Among the paint- SilverStarorordoanAIDs
ings, you will find the art of wa~ a plan too ]lad benefit thing. Or, as in the
Andy Warhol and Georgia
O’Keefe, to name a few of to~up) artists
case of the ever familyfriendly
Carol Channing
the name-brand (sorry, but ... On Oeto]~er 9, during Hello Dolly, have
with with Warhol, it was a
pun too bad to pass up) art- at 5:30 pro, Tulsa
the actors collect donations
¯ forBroadway Cares/Equity
lsts whose work is on dis- easily most ae- Fights AIDs. Not to menplay.
Youcan cal1748-5316 don the fact that the best
for more info. On October elalmed artist and audience for musicals are -
9, at 5:30 p.m., Tulsa easily
community arts
gasp - Gay folk! OK, I’m
most acclaimed artist and off my rantbox.
community arts supporter, supporter, P.S. CarolandFriends:Cel-
P.S. Gordon, will share his
Gordon, will share
ebrating Great Moments in
perspective on the fall ex- Grand Opera plays Tueshibit
as an acknowledged
m~ster of the contemporary
his perspective on day, September 9, S p.m. , at
the Chapman Music Hall.
still life genre, the fall exhibit as Friends old and new join
And in the performing aeknowledSed Artistic Director Carol I.
arts, it’s just a season to die an
Crawford for an evening of
for. More culture than we master of the magnificent voices percould
ever hope to see will
be occurring, from high- eontemporarystill forming grand opera arias
and ensembles with special
brow to lowdown. Anita
life Senre. guest, the Metropolitan
Bryant is about as low as Opera’s incomparable
you can go, folks, mezzo-soprano, Marilyn Horne. Ms.
Getoutthosepies, becauseAnitaBryant ¯ Crawford and Ms. Home will host a senwill
be in town for the Tulsa Centennial " sational line-up of opera singers, many of
celebration, performing a concert. For " whom are returning to the Tulsa stage
those too young to know (I, of course, ¯ after previously performing in popular
only heard about this secondhand my- ¯ Tulsa Opera productions.
self), Miss not-so-’Nita was on her anti- " The musical program for the evening
Gay tear and hawking orange jmce in ¯ includes arias and ensembles from grand
Florida when a family member, armed ~ opera: Donizett’s Luciadi Lammermoor,
with a pie, let fly. Start practicing - we ¯ Bellini’s Norma, Verdi’s I1Trovatoreand
have a reputation to live up to! We could ¯ Massenet’s Manon, Bernstein’s Candide,
makeannualtripstohertheaterinBranson. Wagner’s Tristan und lsolde and
I hear they have pie throwing contests ¯ Tannhauser, plus many more.
instead of pie eating contests there. Rasp- ; Gala packages include dinner at the
berry pie, anyone? ¯ Summit Tower at 6:30 p.m., the gala con-
Here are some of the things coming up: " cert, and a champagne reception with
Sept. 4, Linda Roark-Strummer & Pe- ¯ Marilyn Home, gala artists and Tulsa
ter Strummer perform a vocal duo recital ¯ Opera’s former General Director, Edward
at Sharp Chapel - University of Tulsa. " C. Purrington, currently the Washington
918/631-2262 " Opera’s Artistic Administrator. Recep-
Sept. 5, Laughing Matter Improv - in- ° tion occurs immediately following the
teractive comedy with audience partici- ¯ performance. Individual tickets for the
pation at Heller Theatre. 918/746-5065.. concert range from $25 to $100.
Watch the actors sweat to create a scene! " The Philharmonic opens its Pops series
Nothing like stress on the run, watching ° with Bravo Broadway Friday, September
folks try to create lines while speaking ° 26, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, September 27, 8
them at the same time! Seriously, there is . p.m. in the Chapman Music Hall. Bravo
nothing better than an improvisation well " Broad.way is comprised of three awarddone,
and nothing more entertaining than ¯ wmmng Broadw ay stars. Keith
watching the creative process at work. " Bute.rba.ugh, who sang with the Philhar-
Support your local actors or at least buy : momc m October, played the Phantom
them dinner. ° and Raoul in The Phantom of the Opera.
A Chorus Line runs Tuesday, Septem- ¯ Jan Horvath starred as Christine and
ber 2, 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 3, 8 " Carlotta in the original Broadway cast of
p.m. Thursday, September 4, 8 p.m. Fri- " The Phantom of the Opera, and Michael
day, September 5, 8 p.m. Saturday, Sep- : MagnireisaTony award-winnerfromthe
tember 6, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday, :. originalBroadwaycastofLesMiserables.
September 7, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the They will perform the music of Andrew
Chapman Music Hall. " Lloyd Webber and Rodgers &
Presented at Philbrook by The John steele Zink Foundation, ~ounders of Doctors’
Art and the Amedcan Federation of Ads. Made possible by Metropolitan Ufe Foundation
with support by the Nationa~ Patrons 0f the AFA.
Michael Maguire Jan Horvath Randal Keith
Bravo Broadway!
Sept. 26 & 27, 8 pm
Chapman Music Hall
Call 747-PHIL (7445)
A Tribute to the Music of
Andrew Lloyd Webber and
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A symphony of Broadway
favorites sung by original
cast members. Songs from
The Phantom of the Opera,
Cats, Oklahoma, Evita, The
King & I, Carousel, Sunset
Boulevard and South Pacific.
will the person who is still
paying too much for
life insurance
please call
Kent Balch & Associates
Spiritual love.
Physical attraction.
~me m experience timeless love once again. The Oklahoma premiere of
Michael Smuin’s Emmy award-winning Romeo & Juliet is the centerpiece
for Tulsa~ centennial homecom*ng-weekend celebration. Magnificent costumes
and choreography. Live, razor-sharp blades during the spectacular sword fights.
Plus a story that never grows old, never told with more empathy.
Romeo & Juliet, Friday & Saturday, September 19 & 20, 8pm
Sunday, September 21, 3pro
or Me PAC: 1-800-364-7111, 596-7111; Carson Attractions: 584-2000
All.shows at ~e Pe~f~ming Arts Center,
3ra and Cincinnati
._C_omlng A~tt~ctlons~ call for tlck~lus fl~st ~ol~e dates and seats:
Tm~ Q~e, Concerto Barocco, Prawn Watching: October 17-19
The Nut~-aeke~, December 19-28
©armlna Eurana~ Tarantella: February 13-15
The T~ee Musketeers, April 3-5
St. Michael’s
Salkeys Foundation
Steaks, Seafood,
Chicken, Pasta,
Soups, Espresso,
and Chall~board
Monday- Thursday
11am- 10pm
Friday - Saturday
11am- 11pm
Sunday Brunch
11am - 2pro
3324-L East 31st
Northeast side of
Ranch Acres
Established 1960
Bu ine Guild
Seleetlve Advertising:
Targeting Lesbi.a.n &
Gay Communities
IOTA member
Blue Moon Ca[e
Cherry Street
Sept. 23, 7pro
Dinner & Meeting
Info./RSVP: 665-5174
POB 4106, Tul~ 74159
Call 341.6866
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lam, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service- Ilam, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-I314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church of GreaterlTulsa .
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
University of Tulsa BisexuaULesbian/Gayfrransgendered Alliance
Sundays at 6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussion Group~ Borders Bookstore
1st Mon/ea. too., 7:30pro, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Sept: Gm’y Reed’s Pryor Rendering, October to be announced
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pm, ttelmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 587-6557
Unity Lambda Al-anon, 7:30pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HIV+ Support Group, ttIV Resource Consortium 1:30 pm ~...
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIV/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pm, Locations, call: 749-7898
Rainbow Business Guild
Business & professional networking group, 9/23, 7 pro, Blue Moon:Care, Cherry St.
Social group for men, last Tuesieaeh mo. 7:30 pro, Pride Center~ 1307 E. 38th
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Gay Youth Speak Out - members of local youth organizations share their views!
9/30, 7 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaithMCCPraise/Prayer-6:30pm, Choir-7:30,5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for scheduled events
Info: 631-7632 or Jeremy at 712-1600
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing,.Testing: 7 - 8:30pro, Results: 7 - 9pro, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pm, Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each too. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS 4154 S. Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, Info: 749-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1st Fri/each too. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
SENSES, Society for Exploring New Sensations, Educating & Socializing
July 19, 6-8pm, Info, call Kathy at 743-4297
T.U.LS.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long and short rides.
Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157 All rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center
3903 W. 4th St. Long and short rides are organized
Ifyour event or organization is not listed, please let us know.
Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Read All About It
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Another in the constantly expanding
areaof gay heroes,Rudy Galindo emerged
from his poor, Mexican-American roots
to hit the top of the professional ice skating
world. In 1996, he won the U.S. Figure
Skating Championship, against the
odds. How he rose to this position
makes a most interestingjoumey
in his new autobiography,
Born in 1969 and growing
up in a trailer park on the blue
collar side of San Jose, California,
Galindo was surrounded
by gangs and drugs.
When he was two, his mother
had a nervous breakdown and
was later diagnosed with
manic depression. Galindo’s
father sent Rudy and his siblings
away to live with an aunt.
Growing up in anything but a
stable environment, he would
also have to endure the ,death
of his older brother from
At the age;of six, Galindo~
was influenced by watching
his sister ice, skate. His dad, a
rugged cowboy, was initially
embarrassed when young
Rudy would-go to the skate
rental counter, only to be mistaken
for a girl and given"girl
shoes." Rudy states that "It’s
not that I tried to be feminine.
That’s just how I was." His
father’s attitude slowly began
to change, however, once Rudy began
winning competitions.
By junior high school, he was learning
to turn his aggressive nature into positive
energy, and he soon met and started skating
with a new friend, Kristi Yamaguchi.
Born in 1969 and
growing up in a
trailer park on the
blue collar side of
San Jose, California,
Galindo was
surrounded by
gangs and drugs.
When he was two,
his mother had a
nervous breakdown
and was later diagnosed
with manic
depression... Growing
up in anything
but a stable envlronment;
he would
also have to endure
the death ofhls older
brother from AIDS.
’Sometime in September, we will have :
that firstcool spell. Theone that definitely .
has the feel and even
the smell of autumn.
You are thinking
about it right now,
aren’t you? That will
be agoodtime to sow
your grass seed. The
.ground temperature
is very warm but the
worst of the hot
weather is gone for
this year. Rough up
the ground, sow the
seed, then go bank in
and lightly rake the seed into the top of the
soil. Water lightly twice aday till the seed
germinates. Once you have a good germination,
you can pull back to once a day for
a week to ten days. The stage right after
germinationis very critical. Don’tneglect
that little green hair, it is very sensitive.
When the blades of grass get broader, you
.can go back to your old hap-hazard ways.
You can put a well balanced fertilizer on
the ground right before you sow the seed
and water both.
You will be s.eeing fall bulbs all over
¯¯ They went on to be a tremendously suc- cessful team until she decided to strikeout
: as a solo skater in 1990, leaving Rudy
¯ heartbroken and unsure if he wanted to ¯
continue on his own. Soon, Rudy’s be-
" loved coach was also struck withAIDS,
¯ Then his father had a stroke, and then a
¯ fatal heart attack. Can this get any worse.’?
: You bet! In 1993, Galindo became involved
with aguy whohooked
him on speed, which almost
mined every part of his life.
Unwilling to live athome with
his dysfunctional family, Rudy
movedinwithfriends, a stable,
older, gay couple. Refusing to
allow Rudy to destroy himself,
the couple took charge of
his life and convincedhim that
his career was on the road to
rain, and that the druggie boyfriend
had to go. From there,
Galindo’s careerfinally soared
and he ended up winning the
coveted Championship in
1996, in a dramatic performance
in front ofahome town
crowd in San Jose.
Galindo is refreshingly matter-
of-fact about his gayness.
He insists that he is a skater
who happens to be gay and
only realized the importance
of his position as a gay role
model after reading Greg
Louganis’ autobiography.
Galindo’s book is sanitized,
light reading, There is no sex
and scarcely anything that
would offend prim sensibilities.
It’s hard to believe that.
given Galindo’s background, there are
hardly even any four letter words! However,
it is still an interesting and impressive
story and by the timethe theatrical
ending finally hits, you’ll be cheering for
Rudy along with the home town crowd.
Per.sonafly, I ] iek
a date m December and
set an appointment with
myselfio plant bulbs.
Also, don’t store these
bulbs in pl tie bags,
or they 11 rot.
Paper is just the ticket.
town very soon. Y0u ~an get a great selec:
tionin the early fall- just don’tplantthem
until atleastNovem:
ber. I you plant them
too soon in Oklahoma
when it is still
warm, the poor little
bulbs think that it is
spring and they
sprout and then the
cold kills them. You
want to plant them
when you know for
sure they will stay
asleep. Now, here is
the problem about
that, you might forget about them and end
up not planting them at all. Personally, I
pick a date in December and set an appointment
with myself to plant bulbs.
Also, don’t store these bulbs in plastic
bags, or th.e,y’ll rot. Paper is just the ticket.
I know it s alittle early for this stuff, but
I’m bored with summer now, and I don’t
want to talk about it anymore! Go ye forth
and sow!
JudyMcCormickformerly ownedandran
Cox Nursery. This article was reprinted
with the author’s permission.
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Welcomes You
Puppy Pause II
Allanna Davenport
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Breed Grooming
1060-N South Mingo
Tulsa 74128
TheatreTulsapresents TheOdd Couple
by Neil Simon, September 19 - 27 at the
John H. Williams Theatre, PAC. When a
neat and meticulous divorcee and a slob
bachelor room together, the results are
non-stop hilarity! Neil Simon’s greatest
hit returns (and returns and returns and
returns...) to the stage, delighting
audiences in only the way
Simon can. Ah yes, Theatre
Tulsa goes out on a limb with
this daring innovative show.
Personally, I think the neat
and meticulous divorcee
shouid finally stop shuffling
around the items in the closet
and come out to the slob bachelor
who’s been wanting him
for lo these many years. We
could update it by giving Oscar
and Felix the relationship
we all suspected they really
had or wanted all along and
making the Pigeon sisters the
lesbians from next door. And
the pokergamecould be turned
into a rousing roundof"Name
that Show tune", which would
allow a few musical numbers
and drag queens to occur. Ya
know spice it up, just a little.
Seeifthebluehairs notice anything
Ready for romance? The
Tulsa Ballet is presenting
"Romeo &Juliet". Personally,
I always thought the real romance
was with Romeo &
Mercutio, but no one asks tne
Theatre Tulsa
The Odd Couple
¯ . . When a neat
and metlenlous
divorcee and a
slob l=chelor
room together,
the results are
non-stop hilarity!
Nell Simon’s
greatest hit
(and returns and
returns and
to the stage,
del~ghtlng audiences
~n only the
way Simon can.
Ah yes~ Theatre
Tulsa goes out
on a llmb with
this daring,
innovative show.
my opinion, so I keep it to myself. Actually,
it would make the rivalD, with Tybalt
much more interesting. Ah, if only
Shakespeare were here to rewrite! Personally,
an all male version ("Romeo &
Julien"?) should rotate with an all female
version. Then everybody’s happy. Anyway,
the Tulsa Ballet-is presenting the
EmmyAwardwinning premier ofMichael
Smuin’s version. The sets and costumes
arefrom the SanFrancisco Ballet. Hmmm.
Do I detect a theme here? And, they are
using real swords to get their point across
in the battle scenes. Tybalt spearing
Mercutio, impaling him on his long thin
sword? Hmmm I’d better stop before I
am unable to continue writing this column.
Which would make my rather short
tempered editor wish hehad something to
impale me with. Did I write that? I can’t
believe I wrote that! The spirit of Bette
Midler (The previous version, not the
new, improved, tasteful version) must be
possessingme! Anyway, back to Romeo...
Wherefore art thou? Hewill be at thePAC
Friday September 19 through Sunday, the
21st. Which, is also the fall equinox, for
those running on the Pagan calendar.
Sept. 18-20, 25-27,"Five Tellers Dancing
in the Rain" by Mark Dunn. Comedy
ofbank tellers in Mississippi. Heller Theatre.
918/746-5065Hmm. Not much to go
on, there. Could be interesting.
And the ballet I can’t wait to see is
"Troy Game," comtng in October. A
tongue in cheek look at male hyper-masculinity
in times of conflict, the advert
features a nearly naked rather beautiful
man with several more of the same in the
background. Andjusthow farin the cheek
is that tongue? Oh, I didn’t mean it that
way Get yourminds upabove the level of
you belt! And they have an all girl thing,
" too, called "Concerto Barocco." Maybe
¯ somebody is listening to me after all.
If you’re in a trancy dancy mood, I
¯ wouldrecommendaband!person/machine
~ (so hard to tell anymore) by the name of
¯ "Delirium." And no, it’s a music thing,
not something I’m suffering from. Anyway,
it is gothically beautiful and ethereal
electronic music with a beat. Enough beat
to be hip, enough melody to appeal to folk
like me, and is perfect background for
dark and stormy days, or just that time of
the month, ~vhiehever the case
may be. Personally, I don’t
find them to be much different.
The new CD is Karma,
and features guest vocals by
Sarah McLachlan (Solo albums:
"Surfacing", "Fumbling
Towards Ecstasy," Solace",
"Touch") and other fine
vocalists. Ijust picked up their
first CD, and haven’t gotten to
listen yet, but am looking forward
to it.
Theatre North presents
"Two Trains Running," Friday,
October 3 Saturday, October
4 at the PAC. This is the
1960’s chapter of the Pulitzer
Prize winning author August
Wilson’s decade by decade
saga of the lives of ordinary
African Americans in the turbulent
century. The play takes
place in Memphis Lee’s coffee
shop located in Pittsburgh.
The neighborhood is on the
brink of economic development,
probably at the expense
of its current inhabitants. This
brilliant and funny play will
feature actors from Dallas.
Other events around town:
"Moon Over Buffalo," October 24 - November
1, at John H. Williams Theatre,
PAC. From the author of Crazy For You
aqd Lend Me a Tenor comes a new farcical
comedy, MoonOverBuffalo. It’s 1953
and television has captivated the nation.
The husband-and-wife team of George
and Charlotte Hay realize that their careers
in theater will be adversely affected
by the new popular, medium. As the curtain
rises, George has disappeared and
¯ Frank Caprais onhis way to audition the
¯ couple to replace Ronald Coleman and
: Greer Garson in his next film. The result-
." ing race to findGeorge andmake themost
." of this last chance for stardom makes for
knee-slapping comedy.
." And I know this is advance notice to a
: ridiculous degree, but given the absolute
: lack of community support for the free
¯ series of one acts that supported Gay
: themes last year, I wanted youtomarkthis
¯ on your calendars: TU Theatre: "Falset-
¯ tos"; 12/4/97 - 12/7/97. Curtain times: 8
¯ pm on Dec. 4-6 and 2 pm on Dec. 6-7.
¯ The kids in the theater department have
¯ lobbied long and hard - since 1995 and
¯¯ before - to get this show produced here.
The faculty apparently got fired of the
whining, and so TU is taking a progres-
: s~ve step towards producing an award¯
winning play about a Gay man, his lover,
his wife, and his child. Yes, it covers
¯ everything, with somethingforeverybody.
¯ GO SEE IT! Show them we are here and
¯ appreciate and support gay theater! It’s
: cheap[ And they’re good!
andin the organizational survey,PFLAG’s
board voted Sunday to renew its contract
with executive director Sandra Gillis.
A Blade reporter was not allowed into
the meeting, and Board President
McDonald declined to discuss details of
the vote or the discussion.
An e-mail message from Gillis, sent at
4:15 p.m. Monday to 17 board members
with e-mall addresses, provided them with
"the statement, ~S refined, that you can
use i~ questioned by reporters: about the
Boardmeeting." Concerningissues raised
by the study, the Regional Directors, and
others, the statement said: "The Board is
unanimous in its expression of full confidence
in its President Nancy McDonald,
Executive Director Sandra Gillis, and its
volunteer leadership and staff." At 4:33
that afternoon, Gillis sent another e-mail
to the .same list, noting that, since two
members weren’t at the meeting, the statement
could say only that "The Board
expressed its confidence in..."
But board, member Carolyn Golojuch
said there was more to the vote Sunday [8/
17] than this statement implies. Golojuch
said she abstained from the vote, making
her the only board member present at the
meeting not to approve the action. Of the
21 board member.s, the two who were
absent during the,vote were: RDC Chair
Sally Morse, who said she left in fi-ustration
before Sunday’s vote, and Nancy
-Otto, who did not. attend the weekend
Golojuch said that, in conjunction with
the renewal, of Gilffs s contract, the board
ruled that Gillis mnst receive training in
areas related to interpersonal communication
and management. The board did
not decide on the details of that training,
she said.
Golojuch and other boardmembers also
confirmed that the board implemented a
committee to monitor the development of
the national office’s relationship with local
"I hope that the membership sees that
this was not a clear endorsement of her
contract. That there are stlpulalaons, commented
Golojuch, who is president of the
Hawaii PFLAG chapter. Golojuch, in
speaking with the Blade, said she was
doing so as an individual and not as a
representative of the board.
"The battle’s not over," said Golojuch.
"If the problem persists, it has to be resurrected
all over again. And having these
stipulations in her contract, now we have
some sort of vehicle through which we
can evaluate."
Seven of the 13 regional directors who
signed theRDCgrievance sit on theboard
and, except for RDC Chair Morse, apparendy
votedfor the contractrenewal. Asked
if those votes m support of Gillis’s contract
indicate that the concerns ofthose six
RDC members were addressed, regional
director and board member Carolyn Griffin
said it me,arts they will have to wait and
see. Griffin,~. Who said she did vote to
renew Gillis’s contracL said sheiswilhng
to wait and see because she did not want
to,s,~ au.0rganization:~heloves destroyed.
ohe ~f the;concerlis I. have is. that
there’s a lot of parents out there and a lot
ofGays and Lesbians having trouble with
their parents that need us. And that need is
being met extremely well by the chapters,"
said Griffin. She said she worries
that too much internal struggle at the
natmnaHevel couldjeopardize those chapters’
"I don’t want to lose that," said Griffin.
"I don’t want the situation at the national
level to interfere with that."
Griffin’ s comments typify abelieffound
in all the complaints which appears to be
at the heart of increasing tension between
the local and national levels of the organization.
That belief is that PFLAG’s national
office has moved away from the
organization’s mission of providing direct
support to parents and families of
Gays toward one of more political advocacy.
But this was not the only tension
facing board members meeting last weekend.
There was also.tension over the
organization’ s budget and how it is being
Deficit Lingers
The weekend’s board vote came at a
time when the national office is working
to overcome financial problems. According
to PFLAG’s audit for FY 96 (Oct. 1,
1995 through Sept. 30, 1996), the group
had a "net operating loss" oi~ $345,192.
The audit showed the organization took in
$1,734,539 during FY 96 and spent
In her e-mail message to board members
Monday, Gillis advised that members
telling the press about the budget say
only: "The national organization’s budget
was funded at more than S 1.7 million
dollars this year."
Board Treasurer Kelly Kirby said the
financial problems have not been as grave
as they may seem. He said the operating
loss in FY 96 was exaggerated by a 1994
change in Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) guidelines. (The FASB is
a private, independent body which establishes
accounting guidelines for the private
sector.) The new guidelines changed
the accounting procedures for listing income
taken in during one year that is
earmarked for spending in an upcoming
fiscal year. The FASB said non-profits
should begin reporting such income in the
year in which it is received rather than in
the year in which it is spent. Kirby said
this change accounts for $258.332 of the
$345,192 deficit on theFY 96 audit. Thus,
he said, the actual operating loss forFY 96
was $86,860.
Kirby added that those numbers have
improved during the current fiscal year.
The income for FY 97 to date, said Kirby,
referring to unaudited numbers, has been
$1,530,617 and expenditures have been
$1;457,792. But, he acknowledged that
theincomereflects a $1013,000 loan which
has to be paid back. Therefore, the true
income thus far for FY 97 is $1,430,617-
still leaving a $27,175 deficit.
Kirby said FY 96’s S86,860 deficit is a
result of the organization’s decision to
expand ProjectOpen Mind into thrccmore
cities than originally planned.
Board President McDonald and F~ecutive
Director Gillis said they do not regret
extending the organization’s resources on
the expansion of this project. They argue
that such advocacy campaxgns are key to
achieving PFLAG’s mission and defend
against critics inside the organization who
say it represents a departure from the
grassroots activities of local affiliates.
"Before, PFLAG was getting parents
who found out their kid was Gay. az~..d
didn’tknow what to do," explained Gillis,
saying high-profile Gay-bashingby rightwing
figures after the 1992 presidential
campaign changed the political landscape.
"PFLAG shifted to getting people that
said ’I’m over it and I want to do something.
I want to take action.’ So the people
who needed support felt like they weren’t
at the center of attention any longer." She
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said that shift expanded the focus of the
organization, which was founded in 1981.
"The perception might have been that
the organization shifted away from support,
but that’s not the reality," said Gillis.
"PFLAG support takes a lot of different
Local Clamor
But local chapters apparently feel that
the national office of PFLAG does not
provide the support the chapters need.
’ . RDC Char Morse said she. decided to
support the RDC’s grievance document
after.receiving hundreds of unsolicited
complaints frown affiliates aroundthe coun-
¯ try. (Morse,~too, saidshe was speaking to
the Blade as.anindividUal, not as a representative
6f file RDC~0r. the board.)She
has been:!Savirig those complaints since
December 1996 and has compiled a fourinch:
thick binder.
"l Morse said the complaints chronicle
incidents in which the national office has
continually ignored the concerns of the
field affiliaies,’refusing t0 offer resources
and money. A typical complaint involves
thenationhl offiCiO s refusal to helppay for
educational materials. She said the affiliates,
many of which prefer to distribute
such materials to parents for free, can’t
afford to buy them from the national ofrice.
But the national office insists that-the
local affiliates charge for educational
materials to shoulder the costs.
Asked about this complaint, McDonald
responded, "Wouldn’t it be wonderful if
we could give all of our materials away?
But there’s a cost to that. This isa business.
McDonald said the office has decided
to make advocacy campaigns a prionty.
"[The educational materials] are very valuable.
But Project Open Mind was also a
success because it enabled us to develop.
additional strategies and materials. But
there’s a cost to that, for all of us."
But Morse and other critics say that cost
is too high.
"The field doesn’t get attention," said
Morse. "What gets attention are the big
events that they do. It’s not talking to your
mother. It’s not talking to your father.’"
Board members Morse, Golojuch, and
Griffin also noted that more than 50 percent
of PFLAG’s 405 affiliates have
stopped paying national dues.
The RDC grievance document, dated
July 27~ refers to a 59 percent turnover
rate for national staff since January 1997,
stating, "It is clear that something other
than what might be considered normal
events is causing this condition."
In January, the national office had 16
employees, according to national PFLAG
spokesperson Janice Hughes. Since then,
nine (56 percent) have left for various
reasons. Currently, said Hughes, the national
office has a staff of 17.
The RDC grievance also voiced concern
about the financial priorities of the
national office. The document: charges
the national office with failure to pay
vendors and reimburse expenditures by
volunteer regional directors, notes "high
fees associated with the annual conference"
that prevent members frotu
attending, . objects to the organization’s
acceptance of a $100,000 loan and,
objects to the lack of a "deafly defined
. ibudget" for a Field Services~Office of~thenational
office. " -
¯ raised in the RDC grievance. But she
" declined to comment in detail about the
¯ complaint,~.
’.’That document was very helpful in
¯" "~it enables us to have information. I believe that all ofus valued that, respected
¯ that, and took it very seriously," said ¯
McDonald. "It enabled us to look at the
: operation, to fine-tune it if we needed to."
She said thenumberofemployees dedi-
¯ cated to Field Services was expanded in
¯ May from one to four staff members to
better serve the needs of the local affili-
¯ ates. --
¯ The "Organizational Climate Survey"
¯ results which were presented to the board
: this weekend added to the picture of dis-
" content withthenationaloffice. This document
was also obtained by the Blade. To
conduct the survey, questionnaires were
~ sent.to 62 pas.t and present board members;
r~gi0hai directors, mid employees;
42 of those ~olicited sent backaresponse.
The survey.results concluded,
"There is a lack of confidence in
the Natlonal Offlee Management
~roup at all levels of the
or~anlzatlon." It identified four
"major issues" eon~rontln~ the
orSanizatlon. They ~¢ere:
¯ Poor supervisory and
management praetiees,
¯ Operational procedures that
donot support effeetive
¯ An abusive environment with
disruptive and dysfunetlonal
relationships, and
¯ The lack of 4onelse operational
$oals that promote
unified support ofPFLAG’s
The survey results concluded,"There is
alack ofconfidence in the National Office
Management group at all levels of the
organization." It identified four "major
issues"confronting the organization. They
were: "Poor supervisory andmanagement
practices." "Operational procedures that
do not support effective management."
"An abusive environment with disruptive
and dysfunctional relationships." And,
"The lack of concise operational goals
that promote unified support ofPFLAG’s
Discontent Was Growing
This weekend’s complaints were not
the first official grievances brought to the
board:s attention. In September 1995,
.Robert Berustein, a nationally known and
from the board after having served on the
selection committee which nominated
Gillis in 1993: Beforeresignmg, Bernstein
submitted a petition expressing "serious
and urgent concern about what we perceive
to be a threat to the fulfillment of
PFLAG’s mission at the national level."
That petition charged that the national
office staff did not ’;reflect the nature of
either PFLAG’s organi~tional constituency
orits mainstream target audience" in
that staffmembers were~t family mem-
.’- bers of Gays and Lesbi.a!ts. It went onto
: state that the signers felt~SI~s~ep~cv *
Me,Donald said the "board~ in-renewing : prevented: the nataonal ~,ce staff frolh ’°
Gillis s contract, considered.the-issues ~ understanding the con~s .of-that con-
¯ McDonald declined to comment on the
peUtlon because it deals with personnel.
¯ The petition contained 150 signatures
of current and former PFLAG leaders,
¯ including: all prior PFLAG presidents. 22
¯ former board members, seven PFLAG ¯
founders, and several affiliate founders,
: presidents, andboard members. Berustein
¯ said thatGillis assured him at the time that
¯ theproblems would be addressed. He told ¯
the board last weekend that he felt they
¯ had not done so and that"those problems
¯" have grown considerably .worse."
"[The chapters] are just.fired of trying
to (york with na-tiona~, arid get support
¯ from national," lamented Bernstein, au-.
¯ thor of Straight Pai:ents,:Gay Children.
¯ "The chapters~ are doinff:the work of
PFLAG and doing a-maiwelon~s job, but
¯ they’re-not doing i’t ~ith the help of the
¯ nafionaloffice."-~:-... "
¯ JanetLowenthal,. another former board ¯
member who.signed Bernstein’s petition,
." agreed, saying-the reapproval of Gfllis’s
¯ contract represents a further rejection of
¯ the affiliates’ concerns, Lowenthal said
¯ she resigned ft0mthe board in fru~tratibn
¯ in 1995 after having served on the planning
committee for ProjectOpen
Lowenthal said McDonal4 and Gillis
¯ have reacted to the complaints with in-
, transigence and have .sought to hide the
¯ local-level discontent from both those ¯
outside the organization and board mere-
¯ bers. She charges that they have done so
¯ by attempting to intimidate board members
who speak out.
," "There is a very conscious and deliber-
," ate effort to obfuscate or otherwise shroud
facts that would hurt Gfllis s case - that
would make her appear incompetent,"
charged Lowenthal. "She doesn’t want to
do thekinds of things PFLAG is supposed
to do. She wants to build as large of a
Washington office as possible for its own
McDonald and Gillis barred a Blade
reporter from covering last weekend’s
meeting. According tO board member
Golojuch, the board later voted, 10 tO 9, to
keep the meeting closed tothe press.
When several board members were
asked for comment during breaks and
after the meeting, they said board president
McDonald made it dear they could
not speak with the press.
McDonald characterized the ongoing
debate at the meeting as "healthy," explaining,"
PFLAG’ s boardis a Very handson
board of directors. Very engaged. I
; think the reason that is the way it is is
," because the organization, in developing
," and mobilizing the grassroots, recognized
¯ the incredible value Of having members
¯ involved."
¯ Golojuch agrees that the debate is
¯ .healthy, but she said that it has happened
¯ ~n spite of the national office leadership.
¯ And she said that, while the weekendbore
: some frni.t, the issue is not closed.
¯ "Part of me says we did a lot. But we ¯
didn’t do enougl~ for the membership,"
: saidGolojuch."Be’mgelected tothatboard
: is important to me, because Fm supposed
¯ .~ represent the ~. I will not
," ~i.o~me a decide to ¯ I will go with
~ ofThe Washington
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I’minterested in guys who are college
educated or are in college now. I like
travel, music, concerts and more. I like the
clubs now and then but don’t want to meet
someone who hangs out there. (Tulsa)
NATIVE NEEDS Good looking, Native
Amb~ican, 23, seeks a man, 18 to 30. I’m
open to good times, friendship, or a
relationship. I’m particularly interested in a
biracial guyl (Tulsa) =3883
MAN? Hungry-man, 21,5’11, 1701bs,
with’Blond hair and Blue eyes, seeks hot,
strong men for good times. (Tulsa)
good looking, discreet, White male, 6’2,
1751bs, with a sexy, deep voice, seeks fun
loving men for great times. I’m a dark
haired, Blue eyed, hairy, well defined,
man, hungry for action. Call for a quality
friendship. (Tulsa) =2776
WILD MAN I wanna get wild and crazy
with a young, smooth, muscular, White
male. I’m a buffed, 39 year old, Bi, White
male, 6fl, 1671bs, with Brown hair, Blue
eyes, and a hairy body. Call soon.(Tulsa)
BANANARAMA Fm good looking, 6’1,
1751bs, with Blond hair, Green eyes, a
great tan, hairy build,
Call now. (Tulsa) =2640
THiS STOCK WlII RISE I’m a friendly,
19 year old, White male, 5’10, 1351bs,
with Brown hair and Hazel eyes. Right
now I’m just looking for friends but who
knows what the future might bring? Call
me. (Tulsa) =!975
QUICK DRAW I’d like to get to know
some other guys who like to have fun. I’m
a well built, White male, 6’2, 1901bs. I
enjoy drawing and music, especially
alternative and industrial music. If you’d
like to make a new. friend, give me a call.
(Tulsa) =2038
free, smoke free, alcohol free, Gay, White
male, 25, 5!8, with Brown hair and Hazel
eyes, seeks a similar man, 21 to 30, for a
life together. I’m a nice, caring person with
a good sense of humor. I enjoy all music,
movies, dancing~ and quiet nights at
home. (Tulsa) =!896
old, White male, 5’9, 1401bs, is looking
for a sentimental guy, over 25, with whom
to share romantic evenings, cooking,
family, music, and more. (Tulsa) =!350
COUNTRY LOVE I was brought up on a
farm south of Dallas so I love country life.
I’m a good looking, 31 year old, White
male, 6’3, with Brown hair and eyes. I’m
easy going, caring, and loving and I’m
looking for the love of my life. I like young
cowboys, 18 to 25. I’m into rodeo, and
most music. (Tulsa) =! 716
sexy, Gay, White couple, 25 and 26.
We’re looking for steamy sessions with
other masculine guys. Call right away.
(Tulsa) =33378
I DESERVE IT I’ve decided that I
deserve to meet the man of my dreams.
I’m an honest, professional, Gay, White
male, 38, 5’9, 1551bs, with Brown hair,
Blue eyes, a beard, and hairy body. I’m
very energetic, and get pleasure from
road trips, movies, dining out, and home
life. (Tulsa) =33882
go out and do fun stuff with some new
friends, i~m a good looking, Gay,
Cherokee Indian male, 5’8, 1451bs, with
Black hair and Brown eyes. I’m into all
kinds of things. I like to swim, work out,
play basketball and tennis, and enjoy
the company of my friends. I’m most
attracted toBIond haired, Blue eyed,
guys hYt ~ould like to meet all. (Tulsa)
FALCON VIDEO STAR I’m the star of
se.veral l~0t videos by Falcon and other
~tudi0~ii’i~mvisiting relatives and am
bored stiff. The natives want me to go
fishing but I’ve got other things on my
mind. I’m 29, 6’1, 1901bs, with dirty
Blond hair, Green eyes, and savage tan.
I’m ingreat Shape and have a huge
personality: Got any ideas on how I
should~Pend my time? (Tulsa)
BRONCO RIDER I’m a 21 year old,
masculine, cowboy, seeking a soulmate.
I’m 5’11, 1451bs, with short Brown hair,
Blue eyes, and a fit body. I love rodeos,
hunting, fishing, sports, country music,
and the0utdoors. (Tulsa) =32884
NEWFACES :I’m a good looking,
horny, White male, 6ft, 1701bs, with
Brown hair.and eyes. I go to school
during the day and wonder what’s going
on at ~igFit..~how me. (Tulsa) =32.0_79
IN TRANSITION I want to build a
relation*ship with another good looking,
Gay, M~le Transvestite.i’m 26, 5’9. with
Brown hoirandBlue eyes. You should be
cleon, nice, and fun. I hope we can have
a long term relationship. (Tulsa)
FRIEND INDEED This very attractive,
21 year old, 8lack male, 5’11, 1801bs,
with light Brown eyes, seeks other Black
men to hang out with. I’m new to the
scene and want to make some good
friends. (Tulsa) =30941
A WOMAN’S TOUCH Do you need a
woman’s touch? I’m a 40 year old,
Transgender, h~ping to someday
become a complete woman. I love to
play the feminine role and give pleasure
to men, over 40, in every way. Race is
unimportant. (Tulsa) =10195
GET CLOSER Togetherness with another
womvn is what I’m afler. This Gay., White
female, 34, 5’6, ~ith Olive skin, ~lark hair
and eyes loves reading, watch!ng softball,
ong wa ks, and having fen:(Tulsa-) =3145
BACK TO SCHOOL ~’m into s.~.rts,
movies, and the outdoors and.l’~] like to meet
", similar worn~.. I’m a White female, 25
5’6, 1701bs, with sho?t Brown hair and
~rown eyes. I have a college degree but am
about to .qo back to scha6rto .q~t another.
You shourd be between 25 an(3 35, and fun
loving. (Tulsa) =1456
I1JLSA TEMPTRESS This 26 year old,
Vhite female, seeks an outg#ing,~
~inded, Single, Bi female, ~I to 38, for a
ossible live in relationship, i’m especial.iy
~terested in a w.omyn with Red hair and Blue
eyes. I love to play. i~l., dance, bowl, go to.
movies, malls, and parks: (!"~lso) =34531
SPARE TIME I’m a Married, Bi femab. My
husband is an execuSve so be is out o~ town
most of the time. I want to meet a womynto
have fun with. I en oy .qoing out ~kmcing,
dining, and traveling. (’Tulsa) =31086
SEXY SWEETHEART Hey, you sexy sweethearts,
I want to meet a ver/s.E~:,ciaJ lady
wha’dlike to hove a wonc~rf~l time. I% a Bi
female with a lot to give. (Tulsa) =30318
IIJLSA TWOSOME This 35 year old sporl
enthusiast, is interested in meeting other
w.o~nyn who en oy the outdoors, movies, an(
embracing, life. Let’s .qet to know one
another. (Tulso) =2~624
FRIENDS FIRST I need a wornyn’s touch.
This 35 year old Lesbian, en oys the
outdoors, sporls, and movies. I’d like to share
them with another Lesbian that is relationship
oriented. (Tulsa) =27469
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it here)
the Pr ide Center
A Home for Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Transgendered Community Continues
Pledge ’97
The.dream of a Community Center is a reality ! You can help it continue and
grow. The Pride Center has provided a meeting place for the Prime Timers,
Friends in Unity Social Organization (FUSO) , Safe Haven, Rainbow
Business Guild, the Parish Church of Saint Jerome, Mothers Support Group,
Poetry/Arts Coffee House, SENSES, Lesbian and Gay-oriented substance
abuse support groups, Community Unitarian,Universalist Congregation,
TOHR, HOPE, Americorp, HIV training seminars and others. Your mere
bership and/or pledge helps to keep the doors open.
I want to join/rejoin.
-Individual @ $20/year
Household/org @ $35/year
Sustaining @ $100/year
Ltd. income/student @ $10/year
I want to pledge. Please send me/us a pledge book for
per month. Suggested pledge: $5 - 20/month.
Address: City, state, zipcode:
Day phone: Eve. phone:
The Pride Center is open.6 days a week. HOPE offices are open Monday -
Friday, 9 - 5pro. Volunteers staff The Pride Center on Tuesday - Friday nights
from 6-10, and Sat. 12-10pro. Volunteers are always welcome.
The Pride Store is open Wed. - Friday, 2 - 6pm and Sat. 12 - 6pm.
Please return this form to: 1307 East 38th, 2rid ft. Tulsa 74105, 918-743-4297
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Pick up Entry Forms Today!
Look for
at your
Oklahoma Rainbow
Young Adult Network
A support & educational group for
14.24 year old Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
Questioning and Transgendered Tulsans
Needs Your Help;
Donation Wish List
Plants ~
Steroe ~
Gay Video Librm-y
Bean Bags ~
Wall Art
Pop Machine
Throw Pillows
1724 East Eighth Street, 584.2325

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, September 1997; Volume 4, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 11, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/539.