[1997] Tulsa Family News, October 1997; Volume4, Issue 11


[1997] Tulsa Family News, October 1997; Volume4, Issue 11


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


October 1997


Mac Guru
James Christjohn
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Lamont Linstrom
Judy McCormick
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, September 1997; Volume 4, Issue 10


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


White House Meeting on
Hate Crimes Set for Nov.
COLORADOSPRINGS, Colo. (AP)-Inameeting that
will bring together the victims of hate crimes, law
enforcement officials, educators and commlmity and
religions leaders, President Clinton in November will
convene the first White House Conference on Hate
Crimes. Clinton announced his plans in a videOtaped
message for the annual meeting of the Northwest Coalition
Against Malicions Harassment, a six-state organization
that promotes equality and justice.
’q’hanks for the work you do to overcome the forces
ofhatredand division that are still at large inour society.
In America, we are manypeople, but one nation, bound
together by shared values. As we become an increasingly
diverse society, our yery future depends upon
finding new ways to come together across the lines that
divide us," Clinton said. "Because I share your commltment,
on Nov. 10, I’m convening the first ever White
HomeConferenceonHate Crimes," thepresidentadded.
The Seattle-based coalition monitors snspected hate
groups in Washington, Idaho, Montana., Colorado,
Wyoming and Oregon. The group’s 1 lth annual meeting,
billed as "Facing the Fear Together," included
keynote speakers Democratic Partystrategist Celinda
Lake, Columbia University African-American scholar
Manning Marable, and-Mexican-American feminist
and lesbian walter Gloria Anzaldua. see Confpage 3
Catholic Bishops Advise
Support for Gay Kids
NEW YORK (AP) - U.S. Catholic bishops are advisin~
parents of gay children to put love and support for their
sons and daughters before church doctrine that condemns
homosexual activity. In a groundbreaking pastoral
letter, the bishops say homosexual orientation is not
freely chosen and parents must not reject their .gay
children in a society full ofrejection anddiscrimination.
"All in all, it is essential to recall one basic truth. God
loves every person as a umque individual. Sexual identity
helps to define the unique person we are," the
bishops say. "God does not love someone any less
simply because he or she is homosexual."
The document, tided "Always Our Children," was
approved by the Administrative Board of the National
Conference of CatholicBishops. Themounting turmoil
and pain felt by Catholics tom between church teaching
and love for their gay children prompted several bishops
to request guidance from the bishops’ Committee
on Marriage and Family. The committee began studying
the conflict in 1992. Five years later, the bishops in
their letter describe parents who suffer guilt, shame and
loneliness because their children are gay and report that
"a shocking number" of homosexual youth are rejected
by their families and end up on the streets. The parental
rejection, along with the other pressures facedby young
gays and lesbians, place them at greater risk of drug
abuse and suicide, the bishops said. see Bishops, p. 3
i Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation CommunityPaperAvailable In More Than 65 City Location.~
Interview: NGLTF’s Lobel i NGLTE TOHR o.tai
¯ .... to Hold Me,ebng
on Hate Cr mes
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force ex-
: ecutive director Kerry Lobel says that one
¯ of the best tools she brought to DC isthe ~
: "Arkansas test." That is~she asks her staff::
¯ to see their efforts will really work well for
: people in places like Oklahoma- and like
¯ Arkansast where Lobel spent more than a
: decade at The Womens’ Project which
¯ focnsedonissues ofrace, genderand sexual
: orientation. Lobel came to the South from
¯ So. California (where she was the first open Lesbian to run for
: office in Santa Monica) because of her-. admiration. -for- the
: remarkable women working in the Southern civil rights move-
, ment. Part of the perspective she brings to IX2 is the experience i of.d.oing good work,but of being ignored or undervalued by East
or westlcoast organizations,which she suggests is not an experi-
¯ ence umque to Arkansas.
: . ,Ask~ed abe,ut where she perceives the national Gay community
." to oe xrom tier current, Lebel says that the "center of gravity’s
¯. shifted" from the national increasingly to state and local - and
.. that’s why NGLTF’s coming to Tulsa. Lobel adds, however, that
¯ even’in DC also there is an unprecedented level of cooperation.
PFLAG Joins No Hate Coalit!on
i Tulsa Pol,ce NoW Reporting
: Hate Crimes; Incidents on Rise
..TULS_A. ~At the last quarterly meeting(Sept. 22) ofTulsa’s Say
No to Hate Coalition, Lesbian and Gay advocates both gained
¯ allies and made progress in getting the Coalition to recognize the
¯ seriousness of hate crimes against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
¯ Transgendered persons. PFLAG, represented by national board
: members, Nancy McDonald and Kelly Kirby, and Tulsa chapter
board member, Tim Gillean, joined Tulsa Oklahomans for Hu-
: man Rights (TOHR) as members of the Coalition.
: . A TOHR spokesperson noted that PFLAG’s particilmtion had
¯ immediate benefit to.Gay issues. In prior meetings;Coalition
: members had exhibited significant reluctanceto include the
; phrase; sexual 6rientafion in Coalition brochureS, see Hate~p: 13
¯ AIDS Walk- O tob r 26th-
: TULSA - Veteran’s Park will again~ the site for this year’s
¯ AIDS Walk. The fifthWalk for Life to:be held will begin at noon
¯ on. Sun.,Oct.26thattheparkat21stStreet&Boulder. Theevent
¯ rinses funds that go organizations and= agencies that provide
direct care and education about HIV/AIDS issues. Walkers are
¯ encouraged to picnic before the event begins at lpm.
: Funds from this year’s event will go to the Tulsa Community
¯ AIDS. Partnership which means that. all that is raised will be
: increased by 50% with matching dollars from the NationalAIDS
: Fund. Walkers raise funds by asking..fliends, neighbors and
¯ others to pledge a donation for those who participate.
¯ Co-chair Michael Brungardt notes, ,this truly is a grassroots
: event.., by walking.... we are making a change in the lives of
¯¯ . .. people affected by this disease." Walk for Life’s organizers
also note that the effort is run entirelyby volunteers and thus there
: areno administrative costs. For moreinformation, call 579-9583.
NOW State Conference ¯ The Tulsa Chapter of the National Organization for Women
¯ will host the Oklahoma State NOW Convention, The Future is ¯
¯ NOW on Saturday, November 1st from 10 - 7pm at All Souls
Unitarian Church, 2965 S. Peoria in Tulsa.
¯" At least 100 feminist activists out of the 600 state NOW
: members from across the Oklahoma are expected to attend this
¯ annual event. Twelve hour-long workshops on feminist thought
: and action will be offered, in the areas., of domestic violence,
: getting women elected to public office~._AiDS awareness, semi-
¯ tivity trainingforhealingracial tension, women’s spirituality and
¯ eco-feminism among others.
: The Silkwood Award for outstanding feminist action will be
: presented to one or more courageous Oklahomans.
¯ Fabulons prizes will begiven away at the conference. Booths/
: tables will be available for rent @ $10for.allied organizations or
: $20 for businesses. A silent auction will be held. If you have a
¯ product or service you could donate, call 365-5658. ¯
The price to attend the day-long ~vent will be $30, pre-paid, or
: $35 at the door. Lunch is included. Any interested person is
: welco.m~e to join us for this inspiring and informative event. For
¯ more information: call 365-5658.
¯ TULSA, OK - Tulsa has been selected as one of
: severalsitesinthecenteroftheUS fora"townhall"
¯ meeting on hate crimes by the National Gay &
: Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), one0f the oldest
¯ andlargestnational community organizations. The ¯
meeting will be held in the Gallery of the Alan
o." Chapman Activity Center at the University ofTulsa,
: 5th Place & Gary at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, Oct. 21.
¯ Information gathered at the town hall will be
: taken by NGLTF to the first national summit on
¯" hate crimes which Pres. Clinton will convene in
: November in Washington, DC.
¯ Executive director Kerry Lobel will come to
Tulsaafter holding similar events in Kansas and in
: Oklahoma City before ending in Little Rock. Tulsa
"¯ Oklahomans for Human Rights was contacted by
NGLTF to initiate the Oklahoma visit and on the
: recommendationofTOHR, NGLTFaddedanOlda_
¯" homa City event to the schedule.
¯ Lobel will speak about the state of the nation
¯ regarding hate crimes, local attorney and activist, i Bill I-tinkle, will speak about the issues from his
perspectiveas co-president ofPFLAG,Tulsa chap-
" ter and as amember oftheAmerican Civil Liberties
: Union (ACLU) national board of directors and the
: Oklahoma board of directors:They will be joined
¯ by a representative of the National Organization
: for Women, Tulsa chapter. TOHR president, Tom
: Neal, will introduce and moderate the event, and
: the Reverend William Chester McCall, III, Church
¯ of the Restoration and TOHR board member will
: provide the invocation.
¯ Other community organizations which have i joinedTOHRin sponsoring Or assisting with these
events are: ........
All Souls Unitarian Church, see NGLTF, page 13
: Names Project Quilt.
¯ THENAMES PROJECT will again bring to Tulsa
: apordon ofthe AIDS Memorial Quilt. The display,
¯ Together We Remember, will at Expo Square Pa- ¯
vilion on the Tulsa Fairgrounds from Oct. 17 to
¯ Oct. 20. Opening ceremonies will be at 7 pm on
¯ Oct. 17th.Oct. 18, hours are 10to7pmandon Sun.,
: from 11 to 8 pro. Closing ceremonies will be held
¯ on Sunday at 7:30 pm. However, the display will
¯ remain up on OCt. 2Oso that school and private
: tours can be accommodated. Volunteers are still
¯ needed. For more information, call 748-3111.
i Coming Soon
¯ Ahalaya Benefit,
: Our House Bazaar
Diilard Sings for
RAIN, Getting on.
With ¥ ur Life +
Mixner in OKC
¯ Book signings willbeheldto benefit the Ahalaya
: Project, a Native American HIV/AIDS care orga-
: nization on OCt. 6, Novel Idea 71st, from 6-Spm
: and on Oct. 7, from 3:30-6pm, at D.J.’s, "the
.. world’s smallest department store" at 1105 So.
¯ Peoria, according to Jaequeline Triplett-Lund of
: Ahalaya
: The book, "Spider Spins a Story" features leg-
, ends and stories from a wide variety of Native
: Americantraditions in which aspideris areoccuring
: theme. Cherokee, Navajo, see Soon, page 3
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Blue Room, 606 S. Elgin
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*JJ’ S Country &Western Dance Club, 6328 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth 585-2221 :
*Silver-Star Saloon, t565 Sheridan ..... 834-4234 ¯
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main 585-3405 ’.
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial 66020856
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584q308
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston 585-3134 .
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals- --
Advanced Wireless .& PCS, Digital Cellular 74%:1.~)8 "
*Affinity News,8120 E.i21 610-85!10
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor
*Assoc. in Med. & Men~ Health, 2325 S. Harvard
Kent Balch & Associai~es, Health & Life Insurance
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
Body Piercing by Ni~,2ile; 2722 E. 15
*Bo~ders Books & MUSIC, 2740 E. 21
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria
*CD Warehouse, 3807~ S. Peoria
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, FOB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
o-mail: TulsaNews@earthlink.net
wobsite: hOp://users, aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publishor + Editor: Tom Neal
Entsrtainrn~nt Writer + Mac Guru: James Christj0hn
Writors + eontributore: Leanne~-ross, Barry Hensley, Jean-Pierre
Legrandbouche, Lamont Lin~gom, Judy McCormick
Msmbor o! The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
~,w, blication are protected by US copyright 1997 by Td~ F,~,9
and ma.Y n.0t be reproduced either in whole or in part withodt
Writtenpenmss]on from the publisher. Publication of a nameor
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless~otherw~se noted~rpUst
be signed & becomes the sole property of TJ~/:~.’. N~,,
~ach reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at dishibution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
746~20 ’
743~t000 ’:’.:i. Democratic Headquarters,, 3930.E. 31 742-2457
747~9506..! ~:Dignity/IntegrityrLesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
250~4 ::~.~ *Familyof Faith MCC, 545!-ESo. Mingo 622-1441
712~ii122 ~ :~ *Fellowship C_o~__~_._e,g. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
712--9955 *FreeSpiritWon~en sCentericallforlo~ation&info: 587-4669
743-5272 Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
746~13 .’.~ Fdends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
622-3636 .~.... HOPE 07OHR), HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
665~6595 1307 E. 38, 2rid ft. 712-1600, HOPE/TOHR Anonymous
Carbon Copy
PFLAG’s McDonald to The Blade
I want to thank The Washington Blade
for its interest in a recent meeting of the
Parents, Families and Friends ofLesbians
and Gays (PFLAG) national board of directors.
PFLAG is very proud ofitstremendons
success in the last four years. Our membership
has quadrupled to 70,000, the
number of local chapters has doubled and
our annual budget has more than doubled.
It is no surprise that the board has-reaf-.
f’mned its support of PFLAG’ s executive
director, Sandra Gillis, given the
organization’ s exceptional performance.
¯ Iwantto share withyouthesuccesses in
: the last year alone, of which we are most
: proud:
¯ * Our Project Open Mind has changed
sixcommunities forever. ImagineaCatholic
school auditorium filled frith students
andfaculty1istening toPFLAGtalkabout
¯ the devasiating effects of hate speech on
i ga,y youth;
PFLAG’ s action at the local and na-
: tional levds has prompted the first-ever
¯i in schools under the auspicesofTitle IX; federal investigation of anti-gay violence
¯ PFLAG was the only Gay-identified
CherrySt. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis
Community Cleaning,~drby Baker
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th .
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742~9468 i *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Map!ewood
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 74923620 *HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611 r NAMES P,R,OJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Doghouse on Brookside; 3311 S. Peoria 744-S~56 : NOW, Nat 10rg. for Women, POB 14068, 74159
*Elite Books & Videos~821 S. Sheridan 838:8503 : OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447E. 15th 584-0337,712-.9379 : *OurHouse, 1114S. ~al~er
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595 ~. PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152
*Gloria Jean’ s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 74221460 . -~Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria
Leanne M. Gross, Southwest Financial Planning 459293-49 ..’,. ~The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor, 74105
Mark T. Hamby, Attorngy 74427440 .’. Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152.
581-0902, 743-4117 ". HIV Testing Site, Mon/Thurs. eve. 7-gpm, call 742-2927
622~0,700 .’. TNAAPP(NativeAmerieanmen),IndianHealthCare 582-7225
746-0440 .... Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*Sandra J,.HillMS, ~syehotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*International Tour~ :i.:.:. .....
JacoX ~mal Clinic, 2~32 E. 15th
*Jared isAntiques, 1602:E. 15th
745-!.:111, ,: *R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
341~i.6" 866 i: Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
71222750 ~ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724E. 8
: group represented at President Clinton’ s
¯- Summit for America’ s Future, The invi-
: tation speaks to PFLAG’ s coming of age
: as a national family voice.
PFLAGappreciates the dedicated mem-
¯ bers of the 400 chapters who are on the ¯
front lines - changing their communities.
We, who are devoted to advancing social
." change, face a daunting task, It’s often
¯ hard to reflect on our success when there
: is so much more to do.
". Last week, The Blade reported on a
¯ PFLAG board meeting where difficult
¯ issues were deliberated. A few people
: decided tomake selectedportions ofthose
: deliberations public.
David Kauskey, CountryClub Barbering
*Ken’S Flowe’r~, 1635.E. i5
Kelly Kirby, CPA, ~B 14011, 74159
langley Agency & S~n, 1316 E. 36th PI.
Laredo CrOssing, 1519E.115th
*Living ArtSpace, 19E.I Brady
*Midtown Tlieate~, 3 i~"E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers~.9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 615~.E 51 Place
*Novel Idea Bookstore,.51st & Harvard
David A. Paddock, CP~; 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15
The Pride Store, 1307E. 38, 2rid floor
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo
Rainbowz on the River B÷B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning
582-~018 :~.: O~RYAN, support group for 18-24LGBT young adults : For example, The Blade reported on an
74%0236 "~.~~ O RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth .....independent study" commissioned by
599~g070 ;"St.Aidan’sEpiscop~lChurch,4045N.Cincinnati 425-7882 : the board. At the meeting~ PFLAG’s
747;5466 ::::St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 3841 S. Peoria 742-6227 ¯ board deemed the study biased and its
749-.5533 : i~ *Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 74%7898
585~355 :~" Trinity Episcopal Chuich, 501 S. Cincinnati 582-4i28
585~i:-234 . Tulsa County Health Department,4616 E. 15 595-4105
58423112 ~ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays ouly
663-5934 ,: Tulsa Olda. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
664~2951 ¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses
¯ *Rogers University (formerly UCT)
¯ *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone
¯ results meaningless.
: In addition, saying that PFLAG chap-
: ters are Withholding dues in"protest is a
¯ gross distorlion. Sixtypercentofchapters
¯ responded to the first invoice for dues.
: The final deadline for dues is September
¯ 30, 1997.
¯" To clarify, PFLAG strives tO represent
¯ its membership on theboard. One third of
¯ the board are regional directors. Of the
: remaining fourteen members, ten are ac-
: tive members of their local chapters. In
¯ addition to direct participation at thelocal ¯
level, the board devotes significant time
~ to hearing from members at their quar-
¯ terly meetings.
¯ We know that many people have had
". contact with PFLAG members and lead-
" ers in their local communities. This out-
" reach and the lives we’ ve touched are the
¯ heart and soul of PFLAG. Our record ¯
over the last four years speaks for itself.
". - Nancy McDonald, president
¯ Parents. Families and Friends ¯
ofLesbians and Gays, Inc.
Scott Robison’ s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
ChristopherSpradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona H~alth-Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Sophronia’ s Antiques, 1515 E. 15 592-2887
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tlizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware . 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & U niversities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071,74101-1071 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman.Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2rid 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
¯ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
¯ *Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
: *Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
¯ *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
." *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-458-0467
¯ NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
¯ HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
¯ *Jim & Brent’ s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. ¯
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
." MCC of the Living Spring
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 ¯
¯ Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way Positive Idea Marketing Plans
¯ Sparky’ s, Hwy. 62 East
¯ *Edna’ s, 9 S. School Ave.
* indicates a distribution point. Listed businesses are not all Gay-owned
but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi & Trans communities.
¯ Letters Policy
¯ Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
¯ issues which we’ ve covered or on issues
." you think need to be considered. Youmay
~ request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters must be signed&have phonenum-
¯ bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
"- ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
TFN Community eaders TFN CommunityLeaders TFN Community Leaders
Family OfFaith~ Metropolitan Community "Church of Even rain Could not stop Tulsh* Urag D~,d~ fr~m their~, ~: ~HOPEstaffthanked Concessio~ owners Kirk and Tbrry
Tulsa celebrated its fifth anniversary last month. Pic- fundraising efforts for Tulsa Oklahomans for Human attheCarwash.DivasincludedCourtneyFarrell, Porsche
tured here are some Family ofFaith’s members. Rights" HOPE&Pride Centerprograms andOurHouse. Lynn, VeronicaDevore, StacyMarieandKellyMcKinzie.
by Tom Neal, editor andpublisher
As the only Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgendered publication
that serves specifically Tulsa (as opposed to
those with regional aspirations), Tulsa Family News
typically limits our editorial comments to issues more
directly relevant to our communities. However, the Tulsa
Project dection, scheduled for Oct. 14, merits some
comment. The Tulsa Project, if somehow you’ve missed
the media saturation campaign is a plan to raise taxes to
build sports facilities, and more parking and some housing
in downtown Tulsa.
Some of you may know that I have a degrees in art
histoxy as well as architecture and was employed in
architectural practices for a number Of years, in Los
Angeles, Tulsa and Dallas. And given that background, I
am inclined to support urban redevelopment plans like
the Tulsa Project - reinvestmentin our future is necessary.
And there are parts of the Tulsa Project which seem
to make a lot of sense.
But the troubling aspects ofTheTulsa Project arereal[y
an echo of the profound problems with our city’s leadership.
Those promoting this project are the usual smug and
somewhat smarmy, self-appointed rite where, to steal an
old phrase, the Savages talkonly to Lortons, who talkonly
to Helmerichs - who, of course, talk only to God. Tl~s
rite are the people who talk about how Tulsa is such a
wonderful place (whichitis for peoplelike them) butwho
really have not done what they could to address Tulsa’s
problems withhostility to its minority citizens, especially
around issues of race, class & sexual orientation.
The misgivings about the Tulsa Project have as much
to do with questions about the trustworthiness of the
people promoting it as it does with the Project’s own
merits. Nor does it help that the Tulsa Project has yet to
receive really fair and even-handed examination of its
merits, and possible faults, in the mainstream press. The
Tulsa Wormhas now written a few articles that could be
called balanced but.much ofits coverage has been shame,
lessly promotional.
I also have to wonder if the all or nothing approach
imposed on the voters was the best choice - as opposed
to trusting voters to pick and chose the best parts of the
program. Especially, as a designer and student of architecture/
urban planning, I have to question the absence of
any serious discussion about public transit as part of an
urban redevelopment plan. ,
Of course, public transit is hardly of interest, to Tulsa s
ruling rite or the likely mostly middle-class users of the
new facilities. In fact, I was quite shocked to learn from
a prominent member of our city government that Tulsa
could have a 24 hour, "grid" public transit system for
about what the city contributes to the TulSa Zoo. Although
a zoo is worthy enough, it speaks poorly of a city
that it Values ahandful ofexotic animals morehighly than
providing its poorer, disabled, or elderly citizens with
adequate means of getting to services and jobs. But then
bus riders don~t have wealthypatrons donating large
sums - I guess the Helmerich bus or bus stopjnst doesn’t
have the same cachet as a zoo building.
As editor of Tulsa Family News, I cannot recommend
for, or against, The Tulsa Project but I do encourage
Lesbian and Gay citizens to consider the issue carefully,
and to vote. I’ll probably decide at the polling place.
Organizers saiditwas heldin Coloradobecausemembers
have seen a growth in the number of.hate groups in the
"More than ever, we know we’ll be strengthened when
wehonor the.dignity and use the talents of all our people,
regardless of race, or religious faith, national origin or
sexual orientation, gender or disability," Clinton told the
coalition in his taped message. "We know that thousands
of hate crimes are still committed each year... As a
nation, we must stand against all crimes of hate. Wemust
move closer to the day when acts of bigotry and injustice
areno longer a stain onour community or our conscience.
We must fight the fear together and I thank you for your
courage and your commitment," Clinton said.
¯ Cheyenne, Ki~,.w.ar_Achomawi, !_~kota, Hopi, Zuui, and
others are represented in the 14Stories collected and
¯ edited under the pseudonym, Joe Max. Editors, Kelly
¯ Bennett & Ronia Davidson will sign the books. The
books sell for $16.95 and all sales will benefit Ahalaya.
: The book also showcases a number of Tulsa and
¯ Eastern Oklahoma storytellers, writers and artists. Benjzmin
Harjoe created the illustrations and Wilburn Hill
whois Muscogee Creek, Archie Mason, Jr. who is Osage,
~ Robert Annesley and Shan Goshorn are among the con-
" tributors.
¯ TheAhalaya Project is aNativeAmerican agency that
provides case management for Native Americans living
¯ with HIV or AIDS in state of Oklahoma. Ahalaya is part
¯ of a national Native American network of I-IIV/AIDS
: service organizations that grew out of Ahalaya. Ahalaya
¯ began in 1991, and in 1994 spread to other states. For
: more information,.call the Ahalaya Project at 742-8136.
¯ Our House, a drop-in center for PLWA’s will hold a
: BaTzar fnndraiser at 1114 S. Quaker, Info: 584-7960.
~ Ernestine Dillard, the diva who caught .the nation’s
¯ attention when she sang at the OKC bombing memorial
¯ service will perform to benefit RAIN, Regional Inter-
" faith AIDS Network. RAIN teams, typically from local
: churches, provide critical care for PLWA’s. The 6:30pro
¯ concert is free on Oct. 19th at All Soul’s Church at 30th
¯ & Peoria but donations are welcomed. Info: 749-4195. ¯
The HIV Resource Consortium, Legal Services of
¯ Eastern Oklahoma andOurHouse will present Getting
¯ on With Your Life - a Back to Work and School Work-
" shop from 10- 3pro at theTulsaCounty BarAssociation, ¯
1446 So. Boston on Tues. Oct. 28th, RSVP: 584-4259
~ and if transportation is needed, call 741-3596. This is
¯ made possible through a grant from Tulsa Community ¯
¯ AIDS Partnership. Lunch is provided. Last butnotleast, Cimarron Alli~mce Group, with the
¯. Victory Fund, will present David Mixner, "friend of
¯ Bill’s" and former political advisor to the President, on
"- Oct. 18thinOklahomaCity.Mixnerwilldobooksignings ¯ atBames &Nobleat 12:30andatBordersat2 pro. Hewill
¯ also attend a private cocktail party for members of The
¯ Victory Fund and Cimarron as well as a dinner. Those
: interested in attending the dinner may call Cimarron at
: 405-840-2223. Cimarron Alliance Group is an Okla-
¯ homa political action committee focused on equal rights
: for all. The Victory Fund helps to elect I_g,sbian and Gay
: candidates in state and local elections across the US.
Why the form of a pastoral letter from the church’s
spiritual leaders?"Primarily to get them to accept the fact
that their son or daughter is gay or lesbian, and that their
child was not damned forever," Bishop Joseph Imesch of
Joliet, 111., chairman of the Committee on Pastoral Pracflees,
said. The U.S. bishops’ letter in no way abandons
traditional Catholic doctrine. It states that genital sexual
activity between same-sex partners is "immoral" and that
the letter is not tobe understood "as an endorsement of
what some would call a homosexual lifestyle."
The bishops urge parents to "do everything possible to
continue demonstrating love for your~ child." That includes
remaining open to the possibility that even after
counseling, a child may still be "struggling to... accept a
basic homosexual orientation." The doiSument also encourages
priests to welcome homosexuhls into parishes,
to help establish or promote support groups forparents of
gay children and to let people know from the pnlpit and
elsewhere that they are willing to talk about homosexual
issues. When they lead chaste lives, homosexuals should
be given leadership opportunities in the chu~.ch, the
bishops, said. -
"Generally, homosexual orientation is e,x,i~r]en~ as
a given, not as something freely~chosen," th~ bi~liops
said. "By itself, therefore, a homosexual orien.tation cani
not be considered sinful, for morality presume~ the free-
. dom to choose?’ Imesch, head of the Past0rai’-l:~adtices
~ committee, said the churchis nowhere near even disenss-
¯ ing whether it could ever consider homosexual acts
: morally acee,,,ptable. In the meantime, however,, gay men
¯ andlesbians ’stillneedtobeacceptedaspeople;"h~ said.
: ’q~,¢e judgment part is left to the Lord,"
q’his is another milestone on America’s journey ~o-
] wardcommonground wherefaith, family andfairness go
~ together," Elizabeth Birch, Executive Director of the
¯ national Gay organization, theHuman Rights Campaign,
¯ said in response. Birch noted HRC’s disagreement with
¯ some aspects of the letter -- most notably its unrealistic
_" call for celibacy; she said that gay people should be able
: to live-full and complete lives. "This is yet another
¯ expression fromreligious leaders that faith asks fairness ¯
of us all. Whatever their disagreements over other gay
¯ issues, they are recognizing that discrimination against
¯ gay people is fundamentally un-Christian," said Birch.
: Kerry Lobel of the National Gay &LesbianTask Force
: (NGLTF) also commented, "I welcome the open
: acknowledgement by the Bishops that a person’s ~exual
¯ orientation should not be the basis of discrimination or
¯ injustice... I reject their notion, however, that our
¯ behavior is immoral. We call on the Church to end its
¯ mixed message and recognize and affirm the loving
: relationships we have which cannot be separated from
: sexual expression."
¯ Charles Cox, Executive Director of Dignity/USA, an
organization for Lesbian and Gay Catholics echoed
NGLTF’s message, saying, "This pastoral letter is a
: positive step and we commend the bishops for their
¯ improved sensitivity to the issues whi ch confront parents
: and their lesbian and gay children, but all is not perfect.
¯ .. The-most serious fault we find with the letter is the ¯
incomplete explanation and view it provides regarding
: chastity. Dignity believes that expressions of love, in-
. cluding sexual intimacy between two individuals of the
: same sex, can be morally acceptable."
Clinton to Speak to HRC
WASHINGTON (AP)- President Clinton will be the
keynote speaker Nov. 8 at a gal~t dinner of the Human
Rights Campaign, the largestnational gay and lesbian
political organization, officials said today. "President
Clinton’s participation at this event will be historic,"
said Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the organization.
"The president’s attendance will mark the
first time a sitting president has participated at a gay
and lesbian civil rights event."
WhiteHouseofficials confmnedthatClintonwould
attend. The dinner, in Washington, falls two days
before a White House conference on hate crimes.
Clinton spoke at a Human Rights Campaign event in
May 1992 before he was elected president. Last year
he provided a videotaped me.ssage a Human Rights
.Campaign convention designed tO promote volunteer
involvement on behalf of candidates supportive of
equal rights for gays and lesbians
Was Goethe Gay?
BERLIN (AP) - He celebrated the feminine in verse
and courted some ofEurope’ s mostbeautiful women.
But was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, one of the
giants of world literature, secretly homosexual? A
new "erotic Goethe biography" by German historian
and journalist Karl Hugo Pruys posits that the poet,
novelist and playwright most famous for his "Faust"
drama was at heart not a ladies’ man.
"The Tiger’s Caresses," which appeared in bookstores
last week, has already caused something of a
stir, and not just in literary circles. The country’s
most-read newspaper, the Bild am Sonntag tabloid,
devoted a whole page to the question: "Was Goethe
Gay. The answer, says Pruys, is to be foundin some
2,500 letters to; from and about Goethe, who married
late in life, fathered one child-and died in 1832.
"I wanted to write abookabout thelove thatGoethe
felt, aboutlovein general in Goethe’ s life," Pruys said
in an interview.i"Then I got onto a trail dominated by
homosexuality?’ For example, a letter written by Dr.
Johann Georg Zimmerman, in which he describes his
young friend: "To me, Goethe’s caresses are like the
caresses of a tiger. One always feels under his hugs
the dagger in the pocket."
Or Goethe’s own letters to philosopher Friedrich
Heinrich Jacobi, who Pruys says was probably
Goethe’s first lover. "You felt that it was bliss for me
to be the object of your love," the 25-year-old Goethe
wrote to "dear Fritz" on Aug. 21, 1774. It ends with
a warning - "Don’t let my letter be seen[" - more
proof, Pruys says, of their secret passion.
No one can say for sure if they ever slept together,
"but for me, the letters show the possibility that there
was a physical relationship," Pruys said. Prnys, a
former spokesman for the conservative Christian
Democratic Union, describes his current book, which
comes out in English next year, as "a labor of love."
But his colleagues at the Goethe Society in Weimar
were not impressed.-
"Complete nonsense," says Lothar Ehrlich, a literature
professor and Goethe expert. Previous researchers
have established that Goethe’s celebrated
courtships with the opposite sex were most likely
unconsummated until he was nearly 40, Ehrlich concedes.
"He shied away from intimate contact and
didn’t want to be tied down," Ehrlich says. Ehrlich
and other scholars say Prnys simply misunderstands
.die "S_tm-m und Drang" (storm and stress) spirit of the
umes, when young, intellectual dandies expressed
strong, even erotic emotion toward each other. "But
these relationships were of a purely spiritual nature,"
Ehdich says. "It had absolutely nothing to do with
physical love."
Pruys, however, says the letters point to something
more than that. The Goethe Society, he says, "simply
doesn’t like to see their idol as aman who persisted in
this ambiguous sexual behavior." Goethe, of course,
would hardly be the first gay literary giant. Walt
Whitman celebrated it, Thomas Mann suppressed it,
Oscar Wilde went to jail for it. Speculation persists
even about Shakespeare, wlio dedicated his sonnets
to "Mr. W.H." Goethe Society President Werner
Keller says Goethe’s sex life is irrelevant to appreciating
his work, which every schoolchild here reads
from an early age.
¯ _ "It’s not greater if he’s hetero(sexual), nor diminished
through homosexuality," Keller says. ’’Those
," are all categories expressed, today by our sex-ob-
¯¯ sessed s,ociety, and I have only contempt for such a
society. Pruys says he fe~s*~|oser to Goethe after
¯ uncovering the "masquerade" of heterosexual prow-
: ess surrounding him. "An unbelievable amount has
¯ been written, but they all copy each other," lie says. "I
hope that, after so long a time, we can finally get to
¯ know him better."
Gay’s Home Bombed
¯ ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) - An apparent fire bomb
was thrown at the home of a gay man who spoke in
favor of domestic partner benefits at anAlamedaCity
" Council meetii~g. ~Police are investigating theinci-
¯ dent as a possible hate crime, Police Chief Burny
Matthews said Thursday. No one was hurt, and the
¯ bottle, which had a burning rag stuffed into it, broke
: on the sidewalk. "We are investigating, and we have
¯ no suspects at this time," he said. ’’There was no
: accelerant in the bottle."
¯" Ben Felix, the apparent target, said there was a
¯ burned spot in his yard along with the smell of ¯
turpentine. Felix said he was so shaken he removed a
gay pride rainbow flag from the front of his house.
"My housemate has a 6-year-old son, and I thought
¯ protection of the child was more’ important than the ¯
flag," Felix said.
¯ He also said the house had been egged the previous
¯" weekend while he was out of town. "With the egging
and now this, I can’t help but think it was aimed at
me," he said. "I feel like the atmosphere in Alameda
¯ is getting darker and darker."
: City Council member Tony Daysog condemned
¯ the incident. I don t think this represents Alameda,
he said. "City officials should take a firm stand on
: behalf of civil rights, and make sure nothing like this
¯ happens again." ¯
Last week the city council voted to extend dental
benefits, as well as funeral and sickleave, to domestic
¯ partners of city employees. Felix spoke at the meet-
. ing, his first time addressing the council, and con-
" demned anti-gay rhetoric by other speakers.
Mom Can Keep Daughter
¯ LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -Ajudge who disagrees with
¯ granting a woman custody of her daughter after the
¯ woman had a homosexual relationship is imposing
hismorals onthefamily,saidthedirectorofNebraska’s
: American Civil Liberties Union.
¯ Matt LeMieux criticized the dissenting opinion of
¯ state Court of Appeals Judge Edward Harmon, who
said since homosexuality is against theparents’ moral
¯ code as Catholics, that conduct will impair the girl’s
moral training and the father should be given custody.
Hannon’s colleagues on the court did not agree.
¯ Nor did LeMieux. "He’s imposing his morals on
¯ thesefolks," LeMieux said. That wouldbetheeqmvalent,
LeMieux said, of a judge saying the children of
: a pro-choice Catholic family could be taken away
: because thefamily’ s lifestyle conflicts with the teach_
¯ ings Of the religion.
¯ The court ruled 2-1 Tuesday to allow Carol
¯ Hassenstab to retain custody ofher 11-year-old daugh-
¯ ter. The court upheld a lower court’s ruling denying.
." Thomas Hassenstab’s requestfor custody ofthe child.
¯ Hassenstab cited concems about what effect Carol’s
homosexuality would have on their daughter.
¯ The woman’s attorney, Edith Peebles, said "there
.. was never any showing that the childhad any adverse
¯ impact from the mother’s relationship."
¯ In his dissent, Hannon said Jacqueline Hassenstab
: eventually will be taught at school and home that her
¯ mother’s conduct was morally wrong. "With regard
to this family’s moral code, Carol has obviously set a
¯ horrible example,"Hannon wrote. "Therecord shows
: Carol’ s conduct will necessarily impair Jacqueline’ s
¯ moral training," he wrote. "Therefore, it is in ¯
Jacqueline’ s best interests that custody be modified."
¯ The majority ruling said that because there is no
¯ evidence of any harmful effect, there is no evidence ¯
¯ that itis in the child’s best interests to change enstody.
The girl also told the trial judge inhis chambers that
¯ she wanted to remain with her mother: When the
.. couple divorced, the mother received custody.
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Ellen Update
NEW YORK (AP) - "Ellen" is ~neither a cure for
cancer nor, as its fi..eragst..critics have charged, a
cancer good people fi~gd protection from. Inste~td,
with its fifth-season opener, "Ellen" has earned the
right to be judged as neither more nor less than a TV
series. Notarighteous crusade, nota video Gomorrah,
"Ellen" emerges as a sitcom that, after years of trialand-
error, mayfinally have found its Way- a way that
happens to distinguish it as the first TV series in
history with a gay lead.
"You sure look happy," a past boyfriend tells Ellen
Morgan after learning she’s come out as a lesbian.
"Yes," she quips in her goofy-deadpan fashion, "and
thebest part about it is, it’s taken five strokes off my
golf game?’ But she really does look happy .in the
season premiere€ tiffed "Guys or Dolls." Moreover,
star Ellen DeGeneres finally looks happy in the role
she’s been grappling with, unsuccessfully until now,
ever since "Ellen" premiered in March 1994. In sum,
"Ellen" has not so much "come out" as come in -
come into its own, at long last, as a funny, newly
grounded sitcom.
Of course, it ended last season not so much a TV
series as a lightning rod in a storm of public outbursts
over homosexuality. For months before, the show
and its star had been building toward that tndy mustsee-
TV moment when Ellen Morgan blurted "I’m
gay" over an ai’ rportpubli"c-address system. Thunderous
media coverage leading to that season finale
included a Time cover story where DeGeneres confirmed
that §he, too, was gay.
Thus had "Ellen" ridden a wave of controversy
that, in ram, drove a wider debate about being gay,
culminating in publicity overkill at a feverish pitch:
By "Ellen’s" Mr-time April 30, many viewers were as
weary of the whole thing as they were incapable of
talking about anything else. But even carrying all that
freight, the so-called "Puppy Episode" was generally
recognized as being genuinely funny (and would win
the Emmy for best-written comedy script). Then,
rather quickly, it was over. The world turned to the
next thing.
But whither "Ellen"? Come fall, could it pick up
where it left off so spectacularly in the spring?
DeGeneres, for one, didn’t seem to know, and apparently
wasn’t sure she even wanted to find out. She was
quoted as saying she hoped her series wouldn’t be
back. Then, to no one’ s surprise (surely least of all her
own), it was renewed. And now available evidence
suggests that, rather than reaching an end, "Ellen" has
scored a rebirth. "Guys or Dolls" positions "Ellen"
for the first time as a senes for us to watch faithfully,
or, at least, to keep our eye on.
In this episode, Ellen has run into her old boyfriend
Dan, who, learning that she’s gay, naturally frets that
he is somehow accountable forher sexual orientation.
"Well, no," she saucily assures him, "not unless you
played Catwoman on ’Batman." ""
Finding they still enjoy each other’s company, Dan
and Ellen pal around. Then a friendly good-night kiss
turns into somethingmorethanfriendly. Ellen, alarmed
that her hard-won self-realization is coming undone,
confides to her gay friend Peter her unexpected pull
in Dan’s direction. "You have to follow your heart,
and it will lead you to the truth of the matter," Peter
counsels, before tripping into his own disclosure: He
once had a liaison with a woman.
"You didn’t!" "Oh, Ellen," he hastens to explain, "I
was in college!. It was a crazy time! Devo was hot!"
The episode concludes in an amusing encounter with
Dan, as Ellen satisfies herself that she feels affection,
but no sexual spark, for this man - or any other. "I’m
gay, I’m a gay woman," she tells him. "and kissing
boys kind of violates the whole spirit of the thing."
Be true to yourself and be honest with others.
There, we have the episode’s message. Daring?
Groundbreaking? Shocking? Scandalous? On the
contrary. This "Ellen" vouches for some pretty oldfashioned
values. It’s funny how that works.
In & Out Rakes It In!
LOS ANGELES (AP) - "In and Out," a comedy
about a teacher whose life is turned upside down
when he is declared to be gay by a former student, was
the top film over the summer’s final weekend. The
¯ film starring Kevin Klin~ earned an estimated $15.3
¯ million. "InandOut"played on 1,992 screens and had
." the highest per-screen average of any weekend film.,
¯ according to figures released by Exhibitor Relations ¯ Co. Inc. "I think it’sbroadened alot of people’s
: opinions on these topics. Maybe five years ago you
¯ ouldn tseeafilmlikethis, saidRobertBucksbaum, ¯
publisher of the industry newsletter Reel Source. "If
you’ve got a funny picture it’s going to do well no
¯ matter what," added Art Rockwell, Yeager Capital
.. Markets analyst.
¯ P-town Due
: Visitor From Hell
: - PROVINCETOWN~ Mass. (AP) -T~wnofficials are
-bristling at a letter from ~ fundamentalist Kansas
church whose members say they intend to travel to
Cape Cod to protest pro-gay sentiments in a school
educational program. The Westboro Baptist Church
in Topeka outlined the protest plans in the letter,
faxed to the school system, announcing that its members
would travel across the country to protest the
town’s new Anti-Bias School andCommunity ProJect,
a system-wide educational project encouraging tolerance
towards gays and lesbians.
The Rev. Fred Phelps, head of the 200-member
church said he learned of the program from a Washington
Times article headlined: "Provincetown
preschoolers to learn ABC’s of being gay." An antihomosexual
activist, Phelps said approximately 25
.church members are planning to fly to Provincetown
~n October. "We will probably spend a day or two
picketing with signs," said Phelps, 67. "Every time
the gays have a big event, we go."For the past several
years, the church has spent more than $250,000
annually on travel expenses related to anti-gay protests
around the country, Phelps said.
Although the church distributes inflammatory
materials referring to gays as "sodomites" and "oererts
and members have been photographed at rallies
holding signs reading "No .Fags in Heaven" and
"AIDS Cures Fags," Phelps said the church has
peaceful intentions. "I hope to be able.to peacefully
and safely preach the message f truth, said ~Phelps
Town officials said they are drafting.,~.r_.e~sponse to
Phelps which disputes the facts of the article, while
affirming the church’s right to protest. "What they
on t findis aprogram where preschoolers are taught
the ABCs of being gay," Town Manager Keith
Bergman told the Cape Cod Times. "What they will
find is a community equipping itself with the tools to
combat racism, sexism, classism, homophobia and
all kinds of prejudice."
Jeannine Cfistina, the town’s Parent Teacher Association
president, said she believed the town would
rally against and-gay picketers. "I know they are a
very angry hateful group,.sa.ldC.nst.ma,.ale.sblanand
mother of a young daughter. "I think the town will
show its solidarity and that we aren’t interested in
what they have to say," she said,
The anti-bias project, started in March, is intended
to train teachers and students to handle issues of race,
gender, religion and other differences, Cfistina said.
,although Provincetown has attracted unwelcome
attention since launching the project, nearly 150
schools across the state already have such programs
in place.
Bob Parlin, a history teacher at Newton South High
School and a trainer with the state Department of
Education’ s Safer Schools program, saidhe has given
hundreds of training seminars on making schools
safer by teaching tolerance. "That’s what was so
unusual about the reaction," Parlin said. "The
(Provincetown) program is not that different or unusual."
Provincetown teachers and administrators
held a meeting Tuesday to discuss the possibility of a
protest and its implications for student safety.
The Times article also caught the attention of the
Christian Broadcast Network, which sent a crew to
Provincetown last week to cover the controversy.
CBN is part of televangelist and Christian Coalition
supporter Pat Robertson’s Family Channel. CBN
correspondent Randall Brooks distanced her network
from Phelps’ group, "There are a lot ofpeople who do
things in the name of Christ who are not Christ-like."
Vaccine to-be Tried
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A 52-year-old
grandmother participating in a new national
test of two possible AIDS vpccines
admits she has butterflies in her stbmach.
Gwen Robertson, a recovering’ heroin
addict whose boyfriend is HIV-positive,
is among 420 uninfected people, ineludhag30
in Philadelphia, recruited for a trial
sponsored by the National Institutes of
Health, The Philadelphia Inquirer re-
Twelvecities are taking partin the trial,
the latest effort in a lengthy search for a
vaccine for HIV, the humanimmunodefi~
ciency virus, which causes AIDS. The
study involves injections with two different
vaccines, one in each arm, The Inquirer
said. Researchers hope to know
within a year whether the vaccines are
safe and whether they show enoughpromise
to move ahead with tests involving
about 10,000 subjects.
’q’his is the first step in a long process,"
said David Metzger, a researcher at the
Risk Assessment Project at the Hospital
.of the University of Pennsylvania, which
*s overseeing the trial in Philadelphia.
Onevaccine testedinPhiladelphia,manufactured
by Pasteur Merieux Connaught
of France, is made with genetically engineered
copies of threeHIV genes and is
injected with a live canary pox virus,
whichis fatal to birds butnothumans. The
second vaccine is an improved version of
earlier vaccines made with a genetically
engineered HIV protein. Neither contains
the live virus, so testsubjects cannot contract
the disease from the vaccines. Both
vaccines have .been tested in other trials,
but this study targets people at high-risk
for contracting the AIDS virus.
New Drugs Fail for
1/2 of Patients
TORONTO (AP) - Widely heralded new
AIDS treatments that seemed to stop the
virus’ advance and revive patients from
near death are now beginning to fail in
about halfof all those treated, doctors said
Monday. The disappointing reports suggest
the tough virus is coming back after
being knocked briefly into submission,
just as many experts feared it would.
"Over the past year, we had a honeymoon
period," said Dr. Steven Decks.
"The epidemic will likely split in two, and
for half the people we will need new
therapeutic options." Decks presenteddata
from the University of California at San
Francisco’s large public AIDS clinic at
San Francisco General Hospital.
Prescriptions of so-called three-drug
cocktails -two olderAIDS drugs plus one
of the new class of medicines called proteaseinhibitors
- have dearly revolutionized
AIDS care. In many places, more
than 90 percent of AIDS patients are taking
these combinations, and typically
people start on them as soon as they learn
they are infected, even before they get
sick. Patients whose disease-fighting T
cells were ravaged by HIV have gotten
out ofbed, regained normal lives andeven
gone back to work. However, many worded
from the start that the virus would
eventually grow resistant to the protease
inhibitors and resume its insidious destruction.
Thelatest data, presented Monday at an
infectious disease conference sponsored
by the American Society of Microbiology,
suggests this is indeed happening
regularly. Decks and colleagues reviewed
the records of 136 HIV-infected people
¯ whostartedonproteaseinhibitors inMarch
." 1996, when Crixivan and Norvir, the first
¯ two powerful protease inhibitors, came
on the market.
~¯ Most patients responded
Their virus levels dropped so low
could not be found on standard tests. But
¯ since then, the virus has returned to de-
: tectable levels in 53 percent. Although
: this is ominous, no one knows exactly
¯ what it means. "All of our’ failures’ are
¯ clinically feeling very well," said Decks.
: "It’s very important to understand we
¯ have no idea of the prognosis of people
¯" who have resistant v,rus."" Decks said
: other large AIDS clinics are having simi-
! lar experiences., although his is the first to
¯ present the data publicly.
¯ "There is a whole mixture of explana-
." tions" for the failures, said Dr. David Ha
¯ of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research
.- Centerin New York City. Ha said that for
¯ peoplewhohadrelatively lowvirus 1.evels ¯
when they started taking the drugs and
: had not used other AIDS medicines, fail-
, ure almost always means they did not take
: their pills on schedule. Even missing a
: few doses can ruin thetreatment.
¯ Decks said Iris" data are far different
¯ from the carefully controlled drug experi-
¯ merits sponsoredby pharmaceutical cam-
: panics to demonstrate the medicines’ po-
¯ tential. These studies show far more en-
¯ couraging results. Among the longest- ¯
running of these is a study of 28 patients
i who have been taking Crixivan,~and
: 3TC. Dr. Roy Guliek of New York Uni-
¯ versity said Monday that after almost two
: years, the virus is still undetectable in 22
: of them, or 79 percent. Decks Said real-
. world experience is not as promising as
¯ the trials because patients in the studies
: are less sick to start with and more highly
¯ motivated to scrupulously follow their
¯ drug regimens. Also presented was the ¯
first large study of the use of protease
¯ inhibitors in children. Just over half ap-
¯ peared to be responding well after three
months of therapy.
:- First Combo Pills
WASHINGTON (AP) - The first combi-
¯ nation pill for AIDS therapy could allow
¯ patients to cut six tablets a day from their
¯ complicated drug regimen. Glaxo
". Wdlcome announced Monday that the
¯" Food and Drug Administration has approved
Combivir, combining two of the
¯ most common AIDS medicines - AZT
." and 3TC - into one tablet.
¯ Powerful anti-HIV drug cocktails often
¯ requirepatients to take asmany as 20 pills
aday at precisetimes. Combivir wouldlet
¯ patients take two tablets a day instead of
¯ the up to eight pills required when taking
¯, AZT and 3TC separately, the FDA said.
The drug will be on pharmacy shelves by
¯ mid-October, and the annual wholesale
¯ price of $5,240 will be similar toAZTand
¯ 3TC taken separately.
: Also, the government proposed new
: guidelines for treating HIV infection in
infants and children and recommend the
¯ same three-drug cocktails for kids that
-" adults get. Pediatricians have been nnsure
¯ of how to treat young HIV patients. The
¯ government has approved pediatric for-
: mulations for only twoofthemost power-
: ful AIDS drugs, called protease inhibi-
¯ tars, and many pediatricians give their
¯" smallest patients just a combination of
: two older AIDS drugs.
¯" The Department of Health and Human
¯ Services’ proposed guidelines say most
infected infants can be diagnosed by 6
: months ofage, and that full therapy should
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We are currently enrolling
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person who is
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Tulsa 74135
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Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HOPE HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
formerly TOH~ HIV Prevention Programs
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the. HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our. banner on testing nights.
T.W. Stewart, L.M.T., R.Hy.,
Sifu, Reiki Master
~~ 832-8105 ~~
5!to[tsttc t xdtng
Together We
Quilt Display
October 17- 20
’AIDS Memorial Qu~
Opening ceremonies: 7 pm, Oct. 17th
Sat. hours: 10- 7 pm, Oct. 18
Sun hours: 11 - 8 pm, Oct. 19
Closing ceremonies: 7:30 pm, Oct. 19
On Oct. 4, Barnes & Noble will host a mini-display of the Quilt, Val Bode
will discuss her involvement. Cal 250-5034 for more information.
Expo Square Pavilion
Tulsa Fairgrounds
This advertisement donated by Tulsa Famly News
in support ofTHE NAMES PROJECT.
start immediately because the virus worsens
more. rapidly in children. The guidelines
explain doses for different age
groups, and suggest how to mix those
drugs that don’ t come in liquid versions
so that children can swallow them, said
HHS’ AIDS chief Dr. Eric Goosby. The
government will accept comments on the
child guidelines through Oct. 30, before
taking final action.
Selenium Critical
for HIV Treatment
MIAMI (AP) ~-.Researehers~saydaey have
increasing evide~._ce, fl~a~t a deficiency 0f
the mineral sdcnium can have~a.dramatic
effect onthe survival rate ofHIV-infected
patients. Themineral, foundinmanyfoods
but especially whole grains, seafood and
liver, plays a key role in maintaining a
healthyimmune system, scientists believe.
A study at the Center for Disease Preven-.
tion at the University of Miami’ s School
of Medicine.showed that HIV-infected
patients with a deficiency of selenium
were almost 20 times more likely to die of
causes related to HIV.
The study of 125HIV-infectedmenand
women, published Tuesday in the Journal
ofAcquired Immune D’eficiency Syndrome,
demonstrated that~ selenium plays
a critical role in the progression of AIDS.
While other nutrients such as vitamins A,
B 12 and zinc affect survival, deficiencies
in those nutrients produce a much lower
risk of mortality, the study found. Selenium
has also been shown to play a key
role in fighting cancer. The Miami study
lasted for 3 1/2 years and measured nutritional
factors every 6 months.
"It is known that nutritional deficiencies
develop in the course of HIV infection,"
said the leader of the research,
MariannaBaum, assistant dean oftheUM
School of Medicine. "Sometimes that
occurs because of the lack of appetite,
sometimes people eat, but don’t absorb
nutrients." But she said those suffering
from infections like the HIV virus have
"increased requirements for some nutrients,
especially antioxidants, that cleanse
some toxic elements in the bloodstream
and the liver." Research in recent years
has indicated that HIV infection actually
depletes the body’s supply of selenium.
In another study noted in the same issue
o.f the Journal ofAIDS, Will Taylor, as socaate
professor at the University of Geor-
~a College of Pharmacy, said that a previous
study in 1994 predicted a link between
selenium and HIV progression. In
thenew Georgia report, researchers show
that anew protein ofHIV has the potential
to incorporate selenium, which could be a
factor in selenium depletion in HIV-infected
patients. The key new finding is
that the Georgia study showed this new
protein of HIV matches a known type of
selenium-containing protein. That supports
theories on the link between selenium
depletion and HIV, Taylor said.
’q’here is evidence that dietary selenium
levels have declined in the modern diet,"
Taylor said, noting a 1997 British study
that showed selenium in the British diet
had declined by half over a 20-year period.
He said the selenium deficiency in
the diet is causedby a shortage in the soils
that could be causedby acid rainandother
factors. Based on the Miami research,
Baum’s team is developing a study to
determinewhether seleniumtreatmentcan
slow disease progression and improve
survival over time in HIV-infected persons.
¯ ing a powerful cocktail of AIDS drugs
¯ called protease inhibitors.
¯ Brought back from the brink of death,
¯ McDonald, 3fl.,.i_s~l.an.ni.u.g for~a f_uL0xe he
"’ ffe.v’e~’thought he iw0uld have. Dreams of
¯ going to medical,school arereal again and
¯ his living will is tucked away in a drawer.
: There’ s only one problem - the cocktailis
¯ nora cure. The virus still lurks inhis body. ¯
AIDS advocates are alarmedby what they
¯ say is a growing public belief that the
¯ treatment cures AIDS.
¯ "People think the AIDS epidemic is
." over," McDonald said. "That’ sscary be-
_" cause it’ s not." The more people believe
¯ that, the more risks they may take - risks
¯ that could lead to a resurgence in the
¯ number of HIV cases. "We are a take-apill
society. People seem to think the
¯ drugs are a cure. I’in constantly amazed at
the level of ignorance. HIV never leaves
¯ the body," said Randall Russell, director
¯ of AIDS Task Force of Alabama.
¯ While the first-ever drop in the number
of new AIDS cases was reported this
¯ month, health offiCials say they do not
¯ have comprehensi#e information on the
¯ rate of HIV infection. The latest figures ¯
available, covering 1987 to 1992, show
: there were about 40,000 to 80,000 new
: HIV infections a year. All states report
¯ AIDS cases and deaths to.the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, but only
¯ 30 count HIV infection, too.
¯ "Youngerpeople think theycanpartici- ¯
pateinrisky behavior again: They haveno
: fear,.smdM.cDo.nald,w.hogaves speeches
: to school and businesses for the Colum-
¯ bus AIDS Task Force. "Heterosexuals
: still think this is a Gay disease and not as
: their disease, too."
: Education about AIDS is more impor-
¯ tant than ever, said Daniel Zingale, direc-
: tor of AIDS Action, a national organiza-
." tion that represents 2,000 AIDS groups.
." "It’ll be a tragedy if people start walking
¯ away from prevention," he said. ’q’he
: worst is not over. The drugs aren’t a cure
: anddon’tworkformanypeople." Zingale
." said protease inhibitors fail for at least 30
¯ percent of patients who take them. The
cost - $10,000 to $15,000 per year - is
¯ prohibitive.
: And it’s not easy to take so many pills.
¯ McDonald downs a total of 98 pills at. 10
; different times aday. Some require food,
: while others don’t. The side effects in-
,. dude diarrhea, heartburn and nausea.
: Another question is how long the drug
¯ cocktail will be effective. Russell said
," some patients show no sign of HIV for a
¯ year or two. But then for some unknown
: reason, the virus and infections return,
¯ killing them.
: McDonald knows all about that. "I still
¯ live with the fear in the back of mymind
i that tomorrow’I~could become sick again.
¯ That the virus will grow again," he said.
," "For the past 12 years, I have watched all
¯ my goals crumble in front of my eyes. I
: was on my way to osteopathic school but
didn’t gobecanse ofmyimpending death:
Now that I have hope, I’m thinking of
going to nursing school. I just have to
: make sure I don’t overdo it."
¯¯ Treatment. Success
Hinders Prevention
¯ COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - The killer in
: Michael McDonald’s body is silent. The
¯ AIDS-infected man has lived with the ¯
deadly HIV virus for 12.years. A year ago
: his viral load, the measure of HIV in the
¯ blood, was more than I million. Today, ¯
it’s undetectable. The reason is simple:
: McDonald is one of 150,000 people takby
James Christjohn : the foodstuffs - and it was incredibly
Well, I have some rants and raves to ¯ distracting.Totopitalloff,hethenchewed
share with you. First, arave: ff youmissed : with his mouth open, making rather loud
RomeoandJulian,er, Juliet,youmissed " smacking noises. Tom, who will usually
a fabulous show! I am not a ballet fan per ¯ put up with such nonsense, finally leaned
se, butIwasreallyawedby TulsaBallet’s . over and asked him not to cat during the
production. Usually, narrative Ballet sim- " performance. To his credit, he did stop.
ply doesn’t work for me - the dance is ¯ Meanwhile, the girl behindmespentmost
grcat, but the story is lost, or the " of the her knuckles
suffers at the hands of and biting her Lee
the flashy choreogra- Press-on fingernails
phy. Butthis balletwas (audiblymakingaloud
beautifully choreo- clacking noise) when
graphed, and the nar- she wasn’t scratching
rative was very wall her nylon hos.e loudly
done. You could al- with same. I refrained
most hear Shakes- fromeommenting,bepeare’
s lines, thedane- cause Iprobablywould
ers "told" the story so have been thrown out
well. I was astounded, with what I felt like
Choreographer saying. Most of the
Michael Smuincreated time, I was simply asanexcellenteveningof
tonished that manners
entertainment, and seemed such a thing 0f
communicated the
#16, refers to the horror of the AIDS the past. I was raised
epidemic in Philbrook Museum’s exstory
exceptionally hibit: Still Life: The Object in Ameri- to be considerate of
well. I have taken others who are watchcan
Art 1915-1995: Selections from enough Dance to be ing and trying tohear a
able to appreciate just the Metropolitan Museum of Art. performance.
how easy the dancers make their move- ¯ At Tulsa Ballet’s Romeo & Juliet, the
ments look. These folks were amazing. ¯ gentlemanbehindus was alsoeatingfood,
In particular, this production’.s " crinkling the wrapper loudly and chewing
Mercutio, Jiang Qui, stole the show. His ." with his mouth open. He made the first
movements were inhumanly precise, and gendemanseemmannerlyincomparison.
I felt rather sorry for one dancer who did ~ Perhaps the PAC should make an ana
duet with. him - Jiang made everyone ¯ nouncement (since no one seems to be
around him look clumsy, and they were ¯ tcaching their kids basic manners anyall
excellent dancers. Romeo, Andrew more) that people are not to cat drink or
Allagree, andJuliet, IrinaUshakova, spoke makeunwarrantednoiseor tohavelengthy
Shakespeare eloo~uentl,y through their discourses while productions are in
movements. The nurse, danced by ~ progress. It’soneofthereasonsldon’tgo
MosceleneLarkin, proved suitably comi- " to films much anymore. People trcat them
cal, AndJuliet’ s father,TimSnyder, made ¯ as they do a video at home - it’s "OK" to
for a very dashing and handsome Daddy. " talk over, during and loudly while it is
Oh, the temptation to write some bawdy " playing. It is a sad commentary on modbits
are profoundly strong, but I shall ¯ ern society. OK, I’m done. Just rememrefrain..,
a bit. Some very handsome men ¯ ber, if you sit next to me, don’t make any
and beautiful women are in the Tulsa " noise durin~theproduction.I’ll behappy
Ballet’s employ, and totalkdulingintermiseven
if you don’t like sion;orafterwards,but
ballet per se, you’ll ap- during a performance
preciate the view. And ofany kinditis rude to
oh, yes, thereis thecul- thepeoplearoundyou,
tural enhancement and to the pedormers
thingas well. Although as well, to disrupt the
for sheer aesthetic, I’m " performance or
really looking forward people’s enjoyment of
to the next production it in any fashion.
on October 17, 18, & Upcoming events:
19. Comprised of 2 A benefit for the
ballets - the all-male, American Theatre
half-nu,de "Troy Company,"AnEven-
Games , which is a ing with Joyce Martel
spoof ofhyper-mascu- Robert Reed is the handsome, new
Under The Stars" will
linity, and the all fe~ ExeentiveDirectorofthePhilharmonic be held in Manion
male "Concerto Park, 3003 E. 56th
Barocco" - the evenings should provide " Street on October 4 at 7 pin. Dinner and
something for everyone. There’s even a ," the show will be $50.00 apiece or $400.00
mixed couples thing call "Prawn Watch- ¯ to reserve a table. To reserve a space, call
ing’.ThatoneI’mduMousabout.There’s " 747-9494. Shouldbeafunevening, espenoreal
description, otherthaneveryoneis ," cially if the temperatures hold.
dressed in 50’s drag. Sounds ominous. ¯ For more hbme-grown artistes, check
Butcultural. " out the Living Arts of Tulsa’s (LAOT)
Now: A rant. Why is it that people feel " exhibits at 19 E. Brady Avenue, 585-
that it is appropriate in a formal thcatre, to ¯ 1234. (Lovethatnumber!) InOctober, we
cat food with incredibly noisy wrappers ," have the exhibit, "Mud Drawings", by
and with their mouths open, to boot? The : Texan David Nakabayashi, through Oct.
last two events we attended at the PAC ¯ 23. On the 11, get the rhythm of the
were practically ruined by such boors. At ¯ Pridelands going with the Urban Tribal
theOperaGala, thegenflemansittingnext " Drumming.C~rele at 7pro. On the 17th,
toTomapparently stashedamonth’s worth " Steve Liggett speaks about the Day of the
of food in his jacket. Throughout the per- : Dead, Oaxaca; acelebrationtohonorthose
formance, he would reach into his jacket, ¯ ancestors who have passed on.
looking rather like Napoleon, andunwrap : see Arts, page 12
Afda November 8, 13, & 15
March 7, 12, & 14, 1998
Hansel & Gretel sc. so Spcc,a 3:
November 28, 29, & 30, 1997
For the best seats in the house order your season tickets today~
Single tickets also on sale now
Call 587-4811 to substribe. Or buy your tickets online at
May 2, 7, & 9, 1998
Sophisticated Ellington
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Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Chapman Music Hall
Call 747-PHIL (7445)
Take a musical journey through Duke
Ellington’s life with a full-leng ht
symphonic program hosted .by his granddaughter.
The presentation is comprised
of 2 vocalists and 4 remarkable dancers.
on the R, er
A Bed & Breakfast
P.O. Box 696
Tulsa, OK 74101-0696
This beautifully decorated Brookside home and gardens is centrally
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Tulsa’s best shopping and entertainment. Guests may breakfast on
the deck overlooking the garden or enjoy the comfortable living room
or den. Evening meals available with advanced notice.
Ballets of the sexes. In Troy Game, the men of the Company dance to exhaustion
m a grueling tongue-in-cheek look at male hyper-masculinity in times of conflict.
You’ll never think of ballet as only "pretW ’n pink" again. In perfect contrast,
Concerto Barocco features the women of the Company and Balanchine
choreography that "makes the music seen and the dance heard." Finally, Prawnwatching
explores relationships using contemporary and classical techniques --
in short skirts and blue ieans!
Troy Game, Friday & Saturday, October 17 & 18, 8em
Sunday, October 19. 3pm
For Ti©kets, call: Tulsa Ballet Ticket Office 149-6006
or tne PAC: 1-800-364-7111. 596-7111; Carson Attractions: 584-2000
All shows at the Performing Arts Center, 3rd & Cincinnati
Sponsored By
Ernestine Dillard
in concert
to benefit
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Sunday, October 19, 6:30 pm
All Soul’s Unitarian Church
2952 South Peoria,
free admission, donations accepted
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pro, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 11am, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
University of Tulsa Bisexuai/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
Sundays at 6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous tesdng. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each too. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, i900 S. Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussion Group, Borders Bookstore
1st Mon/ea. mo., 7:30pm, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Sept: Gary Reed’s Pryor Rendering, October .to be announced
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pm, HelmeriCh Park, 71st & Riverside, 587-6557
Monday Night Football, 8 pro, Pride Center, Renfro Room, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd fl.
HIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium 1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIV/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pm, Locations, call: 749-7898
Rainbow Business Guild
Business & professional networking group, 10/21, 7;30 pm,
NGLTF!TOHR Hate Crimes Town Hall, TU Chapman Ctr.
PrimeTimers, mens group, 10/21.7:30 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
10/7 & 10/21, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaithMCCPraise/Prayer-6:30pro, Choix-7:30,5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for inf0: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
Ellen Watch Party, 8:30 pro, Pride Center, Renfro Room, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm, Results: 7 - 9pro, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Tulsa Family Chorale,Weekly practice - 9:30pro, Lola’s; 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each too. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS 4154 S~ Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, Iufo: 749-4194
SafeHaven, YoungAdults Social Group, 1 st Fri/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Community Coffee House ,10/10 & Community Movie Night, 10/24
7 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
_-Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838~1222
Womens Supper Club,.Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long ride,10/4, 7 am. Short
ride, 10/15, 6:30 pro. Long fide, 10/18, 7 am. All rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation
Center, 3903 W. 4th St. Members of the Spoke Club get access to the Club’s
hot line for updates on rides. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157
lfyour event or organization is not listed, please let ~s
Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
In 1988, psychologist and author Betty
Berzonwrote PermanentPartners, thefirst
book dedicated to helping Gays and Lesbians
create long-term relationships. Her
new book, Intimacy Dance,
builds 0n the~darlie~ title and
presents a series of topics that
impact relationships. This is
an important subject and is
dealt withhere in alogical and
easily readable way.
There are a handful of specific
areas that seem to be the
most difficult for couples to
overcome, including money,
different approaches to sex,
coping with aging and stress
from the outside world.
Berzon approaches these topics
sensibly and uses many
firsthand experiences to illustrate
her points. As a psychotherapist,
she tends to heavily
that it does work for some couples, and
even includes a shortlist of suggestions to
consider w-hen trying to make an open
relationship work: "no sex with mutual
friends," "sexual encounters are always
verbally shared with the lover," "sex is
permissable only whenoneis outof town,"
fine ofthe
major stumblln~
blocks in lon~-
term relationshlps
is thelnabflity
to see one’s
partner as an
imperfect ~rson.
~Ve tend to fall in
love with someone
and enter a
relationship with
a fantasy...
etc. She saves the most impb~
t ’fbr l~asi! ?alloutside
sex must follow safer sex
Berzon points out that one
of the major stumbling blocks
in long-term relationships is
the inability to see one’ s partner
as an imperfect person.
We tend to fall in love with
someone and enter a relationship
with a fantasy about that
person, andwhenreal life takes
over and that partner doesn’t
always act according to our
wishes, we are disappointed
and confused. The fact is, of
course, that we are all imperfect
partners, "flawed and inexamine
and aa.,~yze topics from their
psychological aspects, but, because ofher
writing style, thi~.is interesting and adds
another dimension to this book. This is
more than a collection of Dear Abby colunms!
One of the big topics is monogamy vs
"open relationships." While acknowledging
that different sexual arrangements
work in different relationships, Berzon
indicates that "with some exceptions, I
believe sexually exclusive partnerships
work best for most people.., even though
a couple may have an open relationship,
that doesn’ t mean both partners are having
an equally swell time in their pursuit
of outside sex. Though they usually deny
it, partners do tend to keep score." She
does explore nonmonogamy with the idea
consistent, often too sdf-absorbed and
capable of inflicting injury on those we
love, inadvertently and otherwise."
The bottom line for both Gay and Lesbian
relationships is that open communication
is the key. Most people communicate
poorly, which complicates the extremely
important avenues of inform,--
tion and understanding. Striving to commtmicate
toward a common goal takes
years and many couples g~ve up too soon.
Nobody said it would be easy! Keep your
eyes on the prize! Ifa stable, permanent
relationshipis the desired result, this book
will help you get there.
Check for Intimacy. Dance and other
similar rifles ofinterest at yourlocal branch
library, or call Readers Services at 596-
by Judy McCormick
Let’s talk about weed control. I am
seeing alot of crabgrass control in various
stores I frequent. Putting crabgrass prevention
down in the fall is totally useless.
Crabgrass only returns from seed, a hard
freeze will kill existing plants, if we have
enough warm weather to germinate crabgrass
seeds, the next freeze will kill them.
Apply crabgrass control in the spring, the
ideal time being immediately after the last
freeze. When will that be you say? Norreally
, the middle of March is a good
time. Balan, the most popular ~rabgrass
control, stays in the soil 6 to 8 weeks. Ifthe
forsythia is blooming (that bush that has
yellow blooms and blooms before anything
else) you have probably waited too
The early spring weeds that aggravate
people are henbit and chickweed. These
weeds germinatein the fall, probablyright
about now, and stay short and mostly
invisible all winter." There are weed and
grass prevention products you can put
down in your flower beds now that will
keep the weeding downnext spring. Then
you put your mulch down on top of it and
your spring preparation will be greatly
reduced. Don’ t use these products in bells
where yousow flower seeds, yourflowers
: are just weed seeds to these products.
¯ These different products have different
¯ watering requirements. You need to read
¯ the instructions on the labd (oh, no, not
¯¯ instruction reading!) On some of these, if
you just dampen it down, it won’t get
: down into the soil far enough. If the little
: seed is below the product, it can germi-
¯ hate and come up through your weed
¯ prevention. At which time it will stick its
: tongue out at you and give you aresound-
¯ ing raspberry.
." Right now I am thinking about planting
¯ pansies. First of all, I just love the plant
-: and secondly one of the advantages to our.
weather in Oklahoma (in case you didn’ t
: know, there are some disadvantages)is
¯ that we will get warm spells throughout
: the winter and the little pansies I have
¯ planted will bloom for me. This is a very
: big deal to me. Then in the really early
¯ spring, before we can safely plant annu-
¯ als, my pansies are looking spectacular. I
" also want my yard to look different just
: because I am easily bored and the season
: has changed. I don’t do this all over my
¯ yard (I’m not completely crazy), just a
: few select spots. It’s feeling great out
: there guys. Go yeforth & garden!
: Judy McCormickformerly owned and
¯ ran Cox Nursery.
1997 Diamonte LS
Executive Suite
Diamonte LS
$ 2 6, 9 9 5 sale price
Don Carlton
46th & S. Memorial
Bui It For Living..°
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney who will fight for
justice & Equality for
Gays & Lesbians
Domestic Partnership Planning,
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Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-9468 or 918"352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
A Dining Pleasure
coc &
hand-hewn teak, stone, iron,
mesquite objects of interest
1519 East 15th Street
... from Java, San Miquel,
Bali, Guarnajuarto, and
Visit Our New Pride Room
down~OOkS, Jewelry
il~--~Incense Candles
"-_._.._-77J Unique G~fts
s~a~rsL.L , _ ._
~ana I~rlae
45&1/2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, AR
Puppy Pause II
Allanna Davenport
Professional All ~o
Breed Grooming
1060-N South Mingo
Tulsa 74128
Announcing Eureka Springs
1 st Annual Diversity Celebration
Nov. 6-9th, Call for Details!
United Methodist
¯.. an inclusive
community that
seeks, values ana
welcomes all
to act a the
living body of
Christ by
seeking justice,
compassion and
1703 East 2nd,
Worship each
Sunday at 6. pm
by Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
...~, ~.Soine ofoureatin" anddrinkin’ buddies
will go to a restaurant, fred a dish they
like, and then order the same food, over
andover, every time they go there. Notus.
We prefer the adventure of trying everything
on the menu, and the variety of
selecting different entrees on different
occasions. If our waiter should happen to
remember a previous visit and suggest a
rclinqlia~nead/seaamtpslionmg, einthvianrgiadbilfyfe, rwenet.wEixllcdeep-t
¯at Phill’s.
Wehavethe waitresses wel!
trainedbynow,and theyknow
that any time we come in after
10 a.m.,they’dbetterputaside
a slice of the coconut creme
pie for us, because we always
eat a piece whenever we’re in
forluncheon. This coconutpie
is wonderful. Made from
scratch- none of that coconut-
flavored vanilla pudding
stuff- with a classic creme
patissede-style recipe, it’s
lovinglypouredinto adreamy,
flakey, flavorful, lard pastry
shell, and topped with clouds
of real whipped cream. It’s
not a snooty coconut tart from
aNew York City bistro cooked by a cook
with a bad French accent. It’s just a plain
old piece of good old Oklahoma pie.
Phill’s Diner, located just east of
Harvard on 32rid Street, serves up a lot of
plain old good Oklahoma cooking. In
fact, it’s such a classic, that when we’re
entertaining out-of-town performing artists
in for a gig with the Phil or the Ballet
or the Opera; and they want some "Oklahoma
food," this is where we end up.
Only open for brealffast and lunch,
Phill’s is a classic diner. Blue plate spe-
Phill’s Diner,
~10 East 32nd
6-2 l~m d~aily
Cash, Visa,
No ehe~ks.
Aleohoh none.
smokin~ ~nd
rials. Biscuits and gragy. Basic hamburgers
and fries. Chicken fried steak. Home-
: l!lade cinnamon rolls thatsell out almost
¯ every morning. Sirloin steak and egg
: breakfasts. And, unlike other popular din-
: ers in Tulsa, Phill’s hasn’t succumbed to
being trendy. It’s still a neighborhood
place,marketing mostlybywordofmouth.
But, you have .to remember that this is
alow key kind o~ place. Vinyl banquettes
havetheoccasional tapepatch. Sodafountain
bar stools face a functioning service
area. Glasses are.plastic. Dinnerware
is mismatched - and
includes the sundry remnants
of anIHOP going out of business
sale. Thereis nothingpretentious
about this place.
On a recent visit, we decided
to have the grilled liver
and onions, which, with a
simple Iceberg salad, two vegetables
(chosenfrom thechalkboard),
and a basketful of
freshlybakeddinnerrolls, only
cost $4.99. The liver, an easy
meat to overcook, was nicely
done, and our only complaint
was that we got a few onions
Rating: A llst from the outside stem-end of
the bulb which were a bit
papery. Our compamon opted for the
chicken fried steak, which costjust alittle
: more at $5.69. His steak f’dled the plate,
¯ and the aroma was wonderful. Phill’s ¯
recipe includes a bit more than a hint of
," garlic, and the steak was very satisfying.
: The green beans with bacon were heavily
¯ seasoned with black pepper, and that is
: almostatrademarkcharacteristic ofPhill’ s
: food. He likes things to have seasoning.
: Some may not like things so "spicy," but,
¯ with his tendency to use exotic ingredi-
: ents like salt, pepper, see Phill’s,page 13
Springs’ recently formed Diversity Cooperative,
along with several members of
the Gay/Lesbian community, are holding
the First Annual Eureka Springs Diversity
Celebration on November 6, 7, 8 &9.
The Co-op was created topromote Eureka
Springs to alternative communities
nationwide, and there are already over
100 members, consisting of both businesses
and individuals, who wish to welcome
everyone to Eureka Springs regardless
of race, creed or sexual orientation.
Their intention is to market what they
consider two of Eureka Springs’ most
important commodities, the diversity of
its people and the attitude of acceptance
found there.
The Eureka Springs Diversity Cooperative
is inviting the LesBiGay commuuity-
at-large to their town for some fun
and relaxation. Eureka Springs is a quiet
mountain town nestled in the Ozarks, not
like Key West or San Francisco, but a
great place to get away from the stress of
thebig city, feel safe, and enjoy thebeauty
surrounding you. With its diverse commtmity,
exquisite restaurants, quaint and
unique shops, excellentlodgingfadlities,
fine art galleries, beautiful Victorian tour
homes, antiques galore, and massage
therapists.abounding, Eureka Springs is a
delightful village that people return to
again and again.
Anumberofactivities arebeing planned
: including several benefit-dances, historic
: walking tours, receptions, a pool touma-
¯ ment, and a canoe float on the White
: River.Agallery walkonThursdayevening
: willkick off thefour-day celebration, and
: a tea dance and drag show will culminate
¯ theeventSundayafternoon.Theweekend
: will also coincide with Eureka’s Annual
¯ Food and Wine Fest. And there will be
: plenty of time to shop!!
¯ Weekend Schedule
"- 6 - 9pro, Out and About Gallery Walk
¯ 8:15-10:30pm,Mud StreetExpressoCafe
¯ - Live music & readings
: 9- lam, FamilyuightatCenterSt. South
10:30.- Noon, E.S. HistorieWalking Tour
: (free) Meet in Basin Park, BYO water.
: Noon - 5pro, Pool Tournament at Inga’s
: Vunderbar, 75 S. Main St.
: 4-6pm, Tours atThe Gables TourHome
¯ - 44 Prospect Ave. (discount for Coop) ¯
8 - Midnight, M.C.C. Dance at The Barn
: onHolidayisland. Smoke-freedancefloor
¯ (smokingareaonpremises) BYOL,$3.00
: BenefitforMCC &MCC R.A.I.N: Team.
: 10:30- Noon, E.S. HistoricWalkingTour
¯ Meet at Sweet Springs next to Rogue’s
: Manor-at 124 Spring St. BYO water.
: i 1 - 2pm, Canoe Float on the White River
: (brown bag lunch) $25.00 per canoe ($25
per couple, $12.50 per single) Call (50.1)
: 253-6154.
Onthe 18& 19,
clay figures workshop, and on the 25 &
26, A pi,ma,~, and suger skulls workshop.
On the 30, Altared Spaces" will be on
Philbrook Museum of Art continues
topresent"Sti11Life: TheObjectinAmerican
Art 1915-1995: Selections from the
MetropolitanMuseum ofArt". Inanimate
objects on parade. I wonder if they all
come to life a la Disney when everyone
leaves the museum. Check it out.
RobertAlanReed hasjoined the Tulsa
Philharmonic as Executive Director. A
musician as well as one who can get the
donations it takes to keep an orchestra
performing, Mr, Reed has the in-depth
knowledge 6fall aspects of an orchestra’s
artistic needs. An extremely personable
and approachablegentleman,wewelcome
Mr. Reed to the city ofTulsa. This follows
the installation of Kenneth Jean as the
new Music Director. Can’t wait to see
what they cook up!
In the meantime, catch Sophisticated
Ellington: Symphony and Swing, amusical
portait of Duke Ellington’s life with
a full-length symphonic program hosted
byhis granddaughter, Mercedes Rllington.
This presentation is comprised of two
vocalists and four remarkable dancers.
Tulsa Philharmonic will present 2 performances,
Oct. 10and 11 at8pm. Call the
PAC for tickets at 596-7111. Bernadette
Peters arrives in Nov. for a trip into the
musical woods. Should be fun.
. Speaking of the Philharmonic (Nice
seque, eh?), the orchestra’s "Bravo
Broadway" with Randal Keith, Baritone;
Michael McGuire, Tenor; and Jan
Horvath, Streisandwaunabee (seriously!)
was a disappointment. To be quite blunt,
the symphony was the best part of this
performance. Pity they weren’t soloing.
OKC- Members of the TulsaArea Prime
Timers (TAPT), a chapter of the Prime
Timers WorldwideOrganization withover
40 chapters across the globe, enjoyed their
three-day weekend this past Labor Dayat
the Habana Inn, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
They greeted over 120 attendees
from other chapters for this fifth annual
Woody Baldwin and his lifemate, Sean
O’Neill, Austin, Texas, attendedthe event.
These men are accredited for the creation
of the idea of an organization dedicated to
.the mature gay, bi-sexual, or straight male
in which they could enjoy a safe and
comfortable environment for socializing
and exchanging information. Since its
inception twelve years ago, the organization
has rocketed in popularity. The chapter
in Palm Springs,CAboasts over 1,000
The "Habana Weekend Getaway" was
created by the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas
Chapter when they chose to "do something
different for the holiday". When the
Tulsa Chapter chme into being, they were
invited to join in the festivities. The invitation
was extended to the chapters in San
Antonio and Houston. Word of mouth
spread the news of the event further and
further. This year attendees came from
such diverse locations as Mexico City,
Canada, and from the four corners of the
United States, all seeking a quality, leisure
time socializing with other members.
The first half of the show was comprised
of dated and cloying Rodgers & "
Hammerstein tunes. The sound system!
sound operator utilized by the singers was
absolutely horrible.
The second bit was filled with Andrew
LloydWebberrepertoire. Most ofthecast
had .been in Webber productions. Randal
was m the touring company of" Phantom...",
playing the titlerole as well as one
ofthe theatremanagers. Michael McGuire
was the original Enjoiras in Les Miz,
receivingaTonyforhis portrayal. Horvath
was one of the original "Cats". Her main
problem, as far as I was concerned was
that she had spent a few too many hours
watching Streisandfilms. Shecontinually
did Streisand Mugging- making the same
spastic head shaking movements while
.speaking, evenmovingherjaw while singrng
in the same manner as Streisand. And
I’m sorry, but how could anyone buy
theseguys singing"Thereis Nothing Like
a Dame"? McGuire was pretty, especially
when he swished across the stage at the
last bow. I kept straining to listen to the
symphony, as they had the most talent.
Onahappiernote, Iamlooking forward
to Nov. 5th, and my trip to Dallas to see
Fleetwood Mac at Starplex. Reviews of
their current tour are in, and it looks like
it’ll be a great show. Their new album,
"The Dance" is on sale at Borders, so
check it out. They’ve never sounded better.
Andif you’ve never heard them (hard
to imagine, but there are more folks out
therewho think Stevie Nicks is amanthan
I care to imagine), "Dance"’ ts a great
introduction to thegroup’s catalog ofwork.
: It is not a secret that these guys know
¯ .how to put together a party! First and
: foremost, they insist on a limited struc-
¯ tured schedule so members can enjoy the
many different options available. Various
[ attending chapters sponsor separate events
like: "Early Bird Coffee & Pastries,
¯ Poolside"; "Picnic At The Pool"; "An
Evening At Gusher’s Restaurant"; or the
: very popular "Evening Hospitality Room".
¯¯ In addition there are numerous other options
such as sight-seeing; antique shop-
: ping; flea-marketing etc. Those members
¯ with vehicles generously provide needed
¯ (ransportation to others. The main focus ¯
of this annual gathering is to provide
¯ quality and accessibility to many enjoy-
" able options and as inexpensively as can
¯ be done.
¯ TAPT meets at 7 pro, every third Tues.,
: at the Pride Center and offers an open
¯ invitation to those persons over the age of ¯
21 who would like information concern-
-" ingour chapter. Information aboutTAPT
[ is located at the Pride Center in Tulsa and
¯ listed elsewhere in this publication.
¯ TAPT is actively involved in a current
¯ project at the Pride Center which is to
: install new floor coverings in the Neal-
¯ Padgett Room. They heartily challenge ¯
"any and all" area gay and lesbian groups
¯ to adopt work projects at the Pride Center
¯" so we ALL can truly show PRIDE to the
local community and create a safe and
¯ pleasant environment to gather in.
1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
in the Pride Center
Open at 4-6, Wednesdays
2 - 6, Saturdays
Gifts ¯ Cards ¯ Pride Merchandise
Business Guild
Town Haft Meeting
on Hate Crimes
Tues. Oet. 7:30 pm
Gallery, Chapman Ctr.
University of Tulsa
In~o./RSVP: 66~-g17~
POB 4106, Tulsa 74159
IGTA member
Call341. 6866
ToursSormor o, o,,’na on.
If you’ve ever
just wanted to drift away!...
trlr a relaxing massage
Lincoln Plaza
1310 E, 15th, 583-1500
See the Eyewear
"Stars Celebrities
Oliver Peoples,
Gaultier, Mikli, Matsuda, etc.
Cool, Unique & Exclusive
Found Nowhere Else
in Eastern Oklahoma
Trade in your old glasses & we will
donate them to the needy, plus gwe you
$75 off the purchase of a new pair
(Must include 2 yr. Warranty Anti-
Reflective High Index Vision Lens &
Frame). Restrictions apply.
Saint Aidan’s
¢045 No. Cincinnati, 425-7882
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
Damrons & Womens Traveler
Out of State Newspapers
Magazines for All Interests
Mens & Womens Lingerie
New Pride Items
Movie Sales & Rentals
Novelties, Gifts & Candles
Now featuring 10% Cards
Home of the 21st Street Social Board
Open 24 hours a day
Gay owned & operated
8120 East 21 st
21st+Memorial across from Albertsons)
Mark Bizjack
Digital Cellular Service
St. Michael’s
Steaks, Seafood,
Chicken, Pasta,
Soups, Espresso,
and Chalkboard
Monday - Thursday
llam- lOpm
Friday- Saturday
llam- llpm
Sunday Brunch
11am - 2pm
3324-L East 31st
Northeast side of
Ranch Acres
Established 1960
Black & White Charities, Inc.
Center for United Ministry
Community of Hope United Methodist
Community Unitarian-Universalist
HOPE: HIV Outreach, Prevention &
PFLAG, Parents, Family & Friends of
Lesbians & Gays, Tulsa Chapter
PFLAG, Parents,_Family & Friends of
Lesbians & Gays, Bartlesville Chapter
Free Spirit Woman Center
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
NOW: National OrganizationforWomen
O’RYAN, Oklahoma Rainbow Young
Adult Network
The Pride Center
Rainbow Business Guild
Red Rock Behavioral Health Services
Say No To Hate COalition
¯ Tulsa Oldahomans for Human Rights
Church of the Restoration
Unitarian Church
Fellowship Congregational Church
The Parish Church of Saint Jerome
The town hall.meeting is free. For more
information, call 743-4297; Prior to the
town hall meeting, there will be a reception
for Ms. Lobel from 5:30-7 pm. This
event is a fundraiser to benefit NGLTF
and TOHR/HOPE/the Pride Center. A
$10 donation is suggested and hors
d’oeuvres and other refreshmentswill be
served. For an invitation, call 743-4297.
With the combined efforts of TOHR &
PFLAG,Coalitionmembers dropped their
objections to more inclusive language.
Furthermore, since TOHR’s name is not
clear in being a LeSbian and Gay organization,
Nancy McDonald pointed out that
the additionof PFLAG’s full name will
help reinforce that hate crimes against
Lesbian and Gay citizens are also part of
the Coalition’s mission.
At the same meeting, the Tulsa Police
Dept. whichis amember of the Coalition,
reported that they have begun voluntarily
to report hate crimes based on sexual
orientation (actual or perceived) to the
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
(OSBI). This had been soughtbycommunity
activists for number of years. OSBI
had stated its willingness to forward any
numbers it receives to federal authorities..
However, the initial information gathering
must take place by the local law enforcement
In contrast to this news, which activists
are hailing, Tulsa has recently experienced
several hate crimes ranging from
the bearing of two Gay men in the
Brookside area to other crimes of malicious
intimidation ofvarious seriousness.
The case of the two men involved an
unprovoked assault without other motive
(although the incident took place at an
ATM, robbery was not a morive). After
one of the men was asked if he was a "f-
--ing faggot," he was assaulted. Both he
and his companion, who went to his aid,
had to go to receive emergency medical
care. Ironically, the assailants who were
three men, agedfi20/20 & 21, were arrestedin
The victim reported also thattheir assailants
were particularly large men.
Tulsa Police at the Coalition meeting
were familiar with this incident and said
they had logged it as a hate crime.
by Lamont Lindstrom ,
Eddie Murphy (the "nutty Samaritan," ¯
-somebody called him) made the news ¯
recently by giving a transvestite a ride in
his ToyotaLandCruiser. Trudging through
that West Hollywood night without ¯
wheels, clearly she was a charity case.
We can appreciate Mr. Murphy’ s corn- ¯
passion and magnanimtty. Many of us
didn’t notice, perhaps, that the 20-year- "
old object ofhis good deed was identified
as Atisone Seiuli. And Atisone is a fine ¯
old Samoan name. :
Here indeed is a sign of American :
multiculturalism - this brief encounter ¯
between a millionaire African-American
actor and a Samoan working boy along :
the darkened streets of post-modem LA. ¯
While the press identified Atisone as a ¯
"transvestite," she also is afa’afafine, or :
a man who acts like a woman. .
There is a long tradition of "female" ¯
men throughout the Polynesian islands - ¯
mahu in Tahiti and Hawai’i, faka leiti :
( ’lady’ )inTonga, andSamoa’ sfa "afafine. "_
Once these men would have lived quietly :
inisland villages, takingmalelovers. Many ¯
were skilled at weaving and other femi- ¯
nine craft and some specialized in mas- ."
sage and the healing arts. ¯
Nowadays, many fa’a ratine have
moved to socially less confined Pacific :
towns and port eiries. And as Islanders :
have migrated overseas to Sydney, ¯
Auckland, Honolulu, and Los Angeles, ¯
they have brought their transvestite tradi- "
tions along with them. :
In the Pacific, as inmany places around ¯
the world with customary cross-dressing, :
there now is an opposition - even a com- "
petition - between local tradition and an ¯
expanding global "Gay culture" gener- ¯
ated mostly in North America and Europe.
Cross.-dressingboys inSamoaorTonga ¯
can variously identify themselves as ei- ¯
ther fa’a ratine or Gay or both. Each of "
these labels is associated with a certain .
personal style and gender identity. One
popular Western import to Polynesia is
the drag show, especially drag contests
that determine the crowning of "Miss
Tonga" or"Miss Apia" (the capital city of
Western Samoa). These shows parallel,
and parody, women’ s beauty contests -
also recent imports from the West.
butter, onions, garlic, and bacon, we find
the spicing charming - kind of like visiting
a friend’ s mother’ s house for supper.
Another great time to visit Phill’ s is for
a late breakfast on a Saturday or Sunday
morning. The chalkboard specials almost
always haveaninteresting"brunch" food,
such as Malibu French toast (French toast
with orange marmalade), an avocado,
bacon, and cheddar cheese omelette, and,
for those who like corned beef, a hefty
serving of eggs and hash. Prices vary,
generally in the $4-5 range. Huge, fluffy
hot cakes are also apopularmomingitem,
with one ample cake going for $1.29, and
two for $2.29. If you really think you can
eat it all, they also have a triple stack for
$3.29 (but eating like that is not going~o
help youfitinthosenew bicycling shorts).
And, in the best Southern tradition, one
can also order a breakfast side order of
.sliced tomatoes forjust99 cents. After all,
it isn’ t breakfast without tomatoes.
As the autunm weather beginsto get
One summer, my friend Niko Videotaped
one of these contests in Tongatabu
following around a gang of raucousfaka
leiti who competed vigorously in both
Western and island dress. He Wanted to
understand how Tonga has become increasingly
"gay" - the Westernization of
its older, traditional practices of crossdressing
and homosexuality.
I’ ve only known one fa’a fafine - a
sweet guy who had an office next to mine
at Canterbury University in Christchurch,
New Zealand. Vailoa was 43 and softly
plump; although not nearly as much as his
straightbrothers and sisters. (Somephysical
anthropologists believe that one-time
seafaring Polynesians possess a "thrifty
gene"- the ability to put offalot ofweight
Whatever, all those humpy muscles of
20-something island boys usually melt
down into butter by their 30s.) Clearly,
though, Vailoa had once been beautiful.
Anexcellent seamstress,hehadsupported
himself by fixing sewing machines.
Now, he was back at university for a
degree in Pacific Studies. His lofty goal
was to return to Samoato help educate the
young. But one frosty, morning, Vailoa
was found dead in a city park beat. (Beat
is New Zealandish for cruisy public toilet.)
Always sho~of cash, Vailoa often
walked the five miles between university
and his small room in the city center,
passing through alargepublicgreen space.
The official story was heart attack. This
is entirely possible. Young, male, educated
Pacific migrants die ofheart disease
in alarming numbers. But, sitting in the
church at his funeral surrounded by several
hundred of Vailoa’ s friends and relatives,
I prayed that he might have died of
pleasure: glory, glory, gloryholeia, amen.
The funeral was fantastic. Two enormous
choirs of solid Polynesians singing
19th-century Congregationalist hymns in
high .Samoan; stodgy university professors
m gloomy gown and mortarboard;
and, at the back, a small cluster of, a little
nervous, tattooed, buzz=headed, ~hite
guys all geared-up in black leather. Anymore,
you see, New Zealand is just as
multicultural and post-modern as West
Lamont Lindstrom is a professor of
anthropology-at the University of Tulsa.
more of a nip in the air, we’ll be looking
forward to .several other Phill’s staples.
especially his homemade Irish stew and
his pinto beans with ham. A big bowl of
one of these ($1.99 cup, $2.99 bowl) and
a basketful of his cornbread is more than
enough to refuel on a chilly afternoon.
Phill’ s slogan is, "home of good food."
Go to Phill’ s. You’ 11 feel athome. And the
food is certainly good.
1 - 4pm, Photo exhibit and booksignmg at
The Emerald Rainbow, 45 1/2 Spring St.
4 - 7pro, Woman’s Work - Artventure
10 - 2am, Benefit Dance at Center St. So.
$3 benefit for local youth programs.
¯ 2:00p.m.- ?TeaDanceandDragShowat
-" Center Stage. $3 to Ozarks AIDS Re-
", sources and The Women’ s Project.
: BOTH FRI., NOV. 7 & SAT., NOV. 8
¯¯ EurekaSprings’ Food&WineFest. Event
schedule available at The Chamber of
Commerce and The Emerald Rainbow.
How To Do It:
First 30 words are $10. Each
additional word is 25 cents. You may
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Pleasetype 9t
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Send your ad& payment to PbB :4140,
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tel. numbers (for .us only). Ads
will run in the next issue after received.
TFN reserves the right to edit or refuse
any ad. No refunds.
Housemate Wanted
Lesbian Housemate wanted to
share a 2 bedroom Brick home in
Cherry Street area. Well furnished
bedroom with stereo cable hookup
and excellent mattress. Second living
room with woodbumer, TV &
VCR, laundry room. Sheltered park-.
ing. $350 a month .covers all ex--
penses. Call.Tay at 587-4669.
Call: David 918:749-6568
W/M or F to share-house near 61st
&Lewis. Completelyfurnished. Own
Room & seperate bath. House privileges.
Mtist be neat. $i25/mo. plus 1 /
2 utilities. "
Housemate Wanted
W/M to share Lg. 3 bed, 2 bain So.
Tulsa. PT Work available. Computer
work to pay-all or part. $250.00
Call 918-461-9162
Loyal Companion Wanted
I’m always interestedin what’s new
& different. I read a lot, love to drink
tea & coffee; decorate rooms. I’m
very social, .enjoy people & have
extended family. I~n a Virgo, looking
for a woman in her 50’s with all
the old-fashionedvalues. Ihopeyou’re
fun-loving too. Call 587-4669.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers needed forHIV testing
site andcommunity center, call Kathy
at 712-1600, M-F, 9-5 pro.
FUSO - Friends in Unity
Social Organization, Inc.
FUSO is a community based
organization not-for-profit 501(c)3
agency providing services to
African-American males +
females who are infected with
HIV/AIDS in the Tulsa
community, FUSO also helps
individuals find other agencies
that provide HIV/AIDS services.
POB 8542, Tulsa, OK 74101
Just $2.49 per minute for certain optional features. © 1997 Movo Media, Inc.
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. C)nly $1.99 per minute. 18÷. Customer Service: 415-281-3183
friendship, or more, with other young,
Gay, Wl~ite males in the area. I’m a
19 year old, Gay, White male, 5’6,
1451bs, with very short Black hair,
Green ~yes, anda medium build. If
~,ou’re 1B t~) 25, and don’t use drugs,
/wantto meet. (Catooso) =! 135
~nking new to the area. This Bi
ire male, 24, would like to meet
someone to show me around. If
you’re a Bi or Gay, White ma e, 18
to 24, take me0n a guided tour.
Smoke and drug free, please. (Port
St. Lucie) =4889
mal~ 2(
man~ i8
also in tl
qual!ly t
and hay
in the Ch
HANGER Young, Gay
eeks long term
~wlth a straight acting
24. Like me, you are
i)~et. I love music,
with friends, watching
reply hanging out
’Uh~ So, let’s ~ang oul
together. (Tulsa)
name is Michael. I m from Tulsa.
2) To record your FREE I’m a man’0f~w words, looking
Tulsa Family Personal ad to meet ~ingle’-~hen. If you qualifi/,
Calh 1-800-546-MENN give mea:.~alL¯ (Tulsa) =5282
a Transgendered, Bisexual male.
I’m seel~ing a!Gay or Bisexual,
Transgen~r male, between the
ages of 25 to 35, for relationship
or friendship~ (T~ sa) =1471
TULSA TRAINEE Very inexperienced,
White male, 5’9,
1601bs, with Blond hair and Blue
eyes~ seeks a Bi male, or couple with
~-~,-e -^me ,,, ~, .~,~,,~, ,,.s a Bi male~to show me how ills done.
like’~bom~,,t~’~_~.~,ma~al~ ~7~nn’ U I’m m0st.~i~ter~sted in performing
~. , ,. ,+ ~’I~ ,, ’ oral servi¢e right now but may want
3;~t~vn~ ~ra,,rnw~ite ~[~" ~. ~,n2 to ~xPand; ~rizons later. (Tulsa) "~.~.l,
, , ,
,~ ’:"+ ’,.
¯ ¯ ¯ 4795:..¯ ..... 801bs, w~th I,ght Brown hmr and B ue
.eyes. t’m lonely+sometimes and look " NEW TOOL]N TULSA This very
f6rward to he6ring from you. sexy~ good looking, Ita Jan ma e,
(Claremore) =2209 . nev~ t~th++iaP++~ has heard that "
~.~-, cowboys~an.~ very hot. If you
n~,~p~ ~ m,oogng’ mr a..,. show me h+~b0t you are, fill g ve
m~ce g,uy, ana am.e commun.Lca.,~,r, wm you acces~ rt0"~y huge tool. Y+u’ll
wnom ~ can spend time and bu Id . love it +Tdlsa++~" =4571
someihing special. I’m a 32 yearoldl
Gay, Wl~ite male, interested in romance FRIENDLY ROUNDUP ~utgoing,
ant1 +U et t mes With m~, ~-,rlner I like friendly; +Whitemale, 35, 5 10, wit~
Ion,~valks bikin+ angriest " Brown hat~ ahd eyes, seeks other
com+mu_n"Lca’h"on. ,+._~...nn"elta,~ =~_2520 ,n.i~c,egu, ys f,o~r_fn_endship and fun,
|~uisaJ =4~U4
Iookin~ fo.r a partner who, like me,
enjoys oeing on Ihe river, canoeing,
camping, horseback riding, and
enjgying Ihe nature of it. I’m a White
male, 6’3, 1901bs. I also like folk and
blues music, quiet, candlelit, evenings at
home, and you. (Miami) =2470
attractive, 43 year old, White male,
6’2, 2151bs. I’d like to meet a guy to
spend time wilh. I’m into movies, going
out to dinner, runn ng, ~cl ng, b~wling,
dancing, spending quiet times at home,
and whatever our imaginations can
conceive of. [Tulsa) =6538
looking, White male, 40, 6fi, with
Blond hair, Blue eyes, and a smooth,
muscular, swimmer’s build, seeks a
hairy guy for good times, laughs,
and, I’hope, a long term relationship.
I enjoy camping, swimming,
dancing, cooking, playing cards with
friends, and a whole lot more. (Tulsa)
NATIVE NEEDS C-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-~ looking,
Native American, 23, seeks a man, 18
to 30. I’m open to good times,
friendship; or a relationship. I’m
particularly interested in a biracial guy.
(Tulsa) =3883
WILD MAN I wanna get wild and
nasty with a young, ~mooth,
muscular, White male. I’m a buffed,
39 year old, Bi, White male, 6fi,
1671bs, with Br~wn hair~ Blue eyes,
and a hairy body. (Tulsa) =2iS94
a sexy, Gay, White couple, 25 and
26L We’re looking for real men for
steamy sessions. (Tulsa) ~r3337~
Masculine, good looking, discreet,
White male, 6’2, 175tbs, with a
sexy, deep voice, seeks fun loving
guys for great times, i’m a dark
I~aired, BTue eyed, hairy, well
defined, man, hungry for action.
Call for a quality, sexual friendship.
(Tulsa) =2776
QUICK DRAW I’d like to get to
know some other .quys wh0"like to
have fun. rm a well built, White
male, 6’2, 1901bs. I enjoy drawing
and music, especially alternative and
industrial music. If you’d like to
make a new friend, give me a call.
(Tulsa) =2038
smoke free, 21 year old, White
male, 5’10, 1401bs, with Brown hair
and eyes, seeks a similar guy, who
takes ~ood care of his bocly~for
good times and friendship. I’m
interested in guys who are college
educated or are in college now. I
like travel, music, concerts and more.
I like the clubs now and then but
don’t want to meet someone who
hangs out there. (Tulsa) =4010
old, White male, 5’9, 1401bs, is looking
for a sentimental guy, over 25, wilh
whom to share romantic evenings,
coq.king, family, music, and cuerdling.
(Tulsa) =1350
f..r!endly, 19 year old~ White male,
5 10, 1351bs, with Bro,w,n hair and
Hazel eyes. Right now I m just
looking for friends but who knows
what the future might bringS. Call
me. (Tulsa) ~19~’5 "
COUNTRY LOVE I was brought up
on a farm south of Dallas so I love
country life. I’m a good looking, 31
year old, White male, 6’3, wil~
Brown hair and eyes. I’m easy
going, caring, and loving an~l I’m
looking for tFie love of my life. I like
young cowboys, 18 to-2~S. I’m into
~’ode~, and most music. (Tulsa)
I DESERVE IT I’ve decided that l
deserve to meet the man of my
dreams. I’m an honest,professional,
Gay, White male, 38, ,~’9, 1551bs,
with Brown hair, Blue eyes, a ~
beard, and hairy body. I’m very
energetic, and get pleasure from
road-trip~, movies, dining out, and
home life. (Tulsa) ~33t~82
wanna go out and do fun stuff with
some new friends. I’ma good
looking, Gay, Cherokee Indian
male, ~’8, l~,51bs,, with Black hair
and Brown .eyes. I m into all kinds
of things I like to swim, work out,
play basketball and tennis, and
enjoy the company of my friends. I’m
most attracted to i~lond haired, Blue
eyed, guys but.would like to meet
all. (Tulsa) ~33664
star of several hot videos by Falcon
and other studios. I’m visiting
relatives and am bored stiffl The
natives want me to go fishing but ..
I’ve got otheP things on my mind ’m
29, 6’i, 1901bs, with dirty Blond
hair, Green eyes, and savage tan.
I’min great shape and have a huge
Rersorlality. Got any ideas on how i
should spend my time? (Tulsa)
dnsg free, smoke free, a!cohol free,
Gay, White male, 25, 5 8, with
Brown hair and Hazel eyes, seeks ~
similar man, 21 to 30, f’or a life
together. I’m a nice, caring person
with a good sense of humor. I enjoy
all music, movies, dancing, and
quiet nights at home. (Tulsa)
= 1896
BRONCO RIDER I’m a 21 year
old, masculine, cowboy, seeking a
soulmate.. I’m 5’11, 1451bs, with
short Brown hair, Blue eyes, and a fit
body. I love rodeos, hunting, fishing,
sports, country music, and the
outdoors. (Tulsa) =32884
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it here)
5th Annual
Walkfor Life
Sunday, October 26th
Veteran’s Park, 21st Street & Boulder
BYO Picnic at noon.
Warm-up at 1 pm, kick-off at 1" 15 pm
Funds. from this year’s event will go to
Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership.
TCAP funds help agencies that provide direct care
and education about HIV/AIDS issue
All dollars raised will be increased by 50% with
matching dollars from the National AIDS Fund. Won’t
you help raise funds by asking f~ien~s, neighbors and
others to pledge a dona~i~9 ~chxt.,W~ Pledge
forms are available at’~’ea HIV/AID~S dgencies.
Please walk or sponsor .a walker!
Call 579-9583 for more information.
This advertisement donated by Tulsa Family News in support of Walkfor Life ’97.
SqOP ~ ~=E
How do we stop anti-gay
violence? In November,
President Clinton is hosting
a national summit on hate
crimes. The National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force and
the Oklahoma Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
community will hold its own
town forum on anti-gay
violence. Joie us for a
presentation on the state of
hate crimes in the nation
and in Oklahoma and a
discussion on strategies for
stopping the violence. You
will be also be invited to
share your own experience
with anti-gay violence.
NGLTF will deliver these
stories to Piesident Clinton.
Please don’t miss this
opportunity to help make
Oklahoma safe for ALL of us.
Kerry Label
Executive Director, National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force
Tom Neal
Tulsa OHahomans for Human Rights
Bill Hinkle-
National Organization for Women,
And YOU!
~Allan Chapman Activity Center
University of Tulsa
5th Place at South Gary Place
Tuesd;,y, Oct. 21st, 7:30 pm
Admission is free
KATHY A1 918-743-4297
TRACEY CONATY, NGLTF AT 202-332-6483 x3303

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, October 1997; Volume4, Issue 11,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 11, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/540.