[1997] Tulsa Family News, November 1997; Volume 4, Issue 12a


[1997] Tulsa Family News, November 1997; Volume 4, Issue 12a


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


November 1997


James Christjohn
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Lamont Linstrom
Kerry Lobel
Judy McCormick
Josh Whetsell
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, October 1997; Volume 4, Issue 11


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Ohio Anti-Gay Case Wins
CINCINNATI (AP) - A federal appeals court cleared
the way for the city to deny anti-discrimination protections
based on sexual orientation. The 6th U.S. Circuit
Court 6fAppeals affirmed an earlierruling that allowed
CincJnnati to implement a 1993 voter-approved amendment
to the city charter barring enactment or enforcement
of any law aimed at ending bias based on sexual
orientation. The U.S. Supreme Court had ordered the
appeals judges to restudy the matter in light of a high
court decision striking down a Colorado civil rights
measure last year. "It’s a big win for us," said attorney
Karl Kadon III, for Cincinnati assistant city solicitor.
"Flee whole case is about the right of people to decide
what their government can do," he said.
Patricia Logue, a Chicago attorney for the Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund, which advocates
for civil rights for Lesbians and Gay men, called the
ruling indefensible, the result of "very specious reasonidg."
’q’his is a renegade decision approving a done of
the Colorado ballotmeasure thrown outby the Supreme
Court," she said.
Gay civil rights advocates sued over the charter
amendment, contending that the.~measure.unlawfulty
thwarted their political participation. U.S. District Judge
S. Arthur Spiegel ruled in 1994 that the amendment was
unconstitutionally vague and violated the free-speech
and equal-protection rights of homosexuals.
The following year, a three-judge panel of the appeals
court reversed Spiegel’s decision, saying Gays were not
an identifiable group and could not be entitled to specific
legal protection. The court said that unlike skin
color, Gays generally are not identifiable unless they
choose to be "by conduct, such as public displays of
homosexual affection."
Col. Cammermeyer May
Run for US Congress
LANGLEY, Wash. (AP) - Retired Army Col.
Margarethe Cammermeyer, who once called hersdf
"one of the most famous Lesbians in the country," is
thinking about a run for Congress. The Democrat, who
drew national attention with her successful fight to stay
in the Washington National Guarddespite themilitary’s
policy of discharging homosexuals, says she is mulling
a challenge of two-term Republican Rep. Jack Metcalf.
The 2nd Districl includes western Washington from
Everett, north of Seattle, to the Canadian border.
Cammenneyer, 55, recently retired from the military
and lives with her partner, Diane Divelbess on Whidbey
The decorated Vietnam veteran was fired in 1992
after disclosing her sexual orientation in a 1989 interview
for a top-secret security clearance, see Col.p. 3
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgender l Tulsane, Our Familie + Friends
Tulse’s Largest Circulation CommunityPaperAvailable In More Than 65 City Locations ¯¯ Nationally N oted Lesbian
Lawyer to Speak in Tulsa
Ruth Harlow
¯ TULSA - Ruth Harlow will be the featured speaker at the Nov.
: 6th Tulsa Kick-off and reception for the Oklahoma Lesbian and
¯ Gay Lawyers Association (OLGLA) to’be
held at the Downtown Doubletree Hotel
¯ beginning at 6:15 pro. Harlow is a nation-
" ally respected attorney for Lambda Legal
¯ Defense and Education Fund, one of the
~ oldest Lesbian~and Gay advocacy organi-
: zations in the US. The reception is open to
~ all free of charge. Attorneys are encouraged
to join OLGLA for an annual mem-.
i bership fee of $50
~ Lambda is heavily involved in helping
." to litigate the Hawaii same gender mar-
- riage court cases and has been involved in most major US legal
’. battles involving Lesbian and Gay civil rights issues, ranging
: from parenting to military to employment and housing cases.
." Harlow has served as managing attorney on cases such as
¯ Shahar vs. Bowers in which a Lesbian attorney~sued the Georgia
." State attorney general, Michael Bowers. Bowers had offered
: Robin Shahar a job and then withdrew the offer after it became
.- publically known that she and her partner were to have a private,
: religious marriage ceremony.
¯ Atty. Gen. Bowers cited the ceremony as an indication that
". Shahar would break the Georgia sodorny law which he defended
¯ successfully at the US Supreme~.Later Bowers admitted to
¯" having had an adulterous affair which is also illegal under
," Georgia statutes.
~ Harlow was graduated from Stanford University in 1983 and
¯ from Yale Law School in 1986. She also was the author of an
-" amicus briefwhoseconceptthe Courts used to overturn Colorado’ s
~ Amendment 2 in Romer v. Evans. Prior to joining Lambda,
¯ Harlow was staff counsel and then Associate Director for the
~ American Civil Liberties Union’s Lesbian and Gay Rights and
¯" AIDS projects.
: OLGLA which began~ last summer in Oklahoma City, is
: begimting a membership drive in Tulsa with this event, and is
,- promoting continuing legal education programs (CLE) on issues
. Concerning Lesbian~ ~it] Gay men ~ see Harlow, phge 3
i "Friend of Bill" David Mixner
: Wows OKC’s Cimarron Alliance
by Tom Neal
OKLAHOMA CITY - You know that you’re in the presence of
someone who’s lived and breathed politics for many years when
you overhear him say that the last time he was in Oklahoma City
w~ with Bobby Kennedy. But that’s what David Mixner, former
semor advisor to Pres. Clinton said. Mind you, you have to think
that Mixner must have gotten involved in politics very, very
young because he doesn’t seem old enough to have been that
active in 1968. However, when you listen to what he has to say
you realize that he’s been at the table with most of the major
Democratic leaders of the US since the late 60’s. Mixner was
active in the campaigns of former Los Angeles Mayor Bradley,
Sen. Gary Hart, and of course, Bill Clinton.
Mixner was in Oklahoma City on Oct~ 18 to speak to the
Cimarron Alliance, a political action committee designed to
bring about equal rights for everyone- see Mixner, page 14
TFN Publisher to Run for
City Council District 4
by Josh Whetsell
TULSA - In 1974, the first two openly
Gay persons were elected to public office.
To date, Tulsa has yet to elect an openly
Gay candidate, butTom Neal says that it is
time for that to change.
Neal, 40-year-old publisher of Tulsa
Family News and civil fights activist, has
announced his interest in running for the
District Four seat on the Tulsa City Council.
The seat is currently held by Gary
Watts who has announced he is not running again.
"I am not running as a"Gay candidate", but as a candidate who
is Gay, just as I’m also a candidate who goes to a North Tulsa
church, and I’m a small business owner" Neal said. His own
experience facing discrimination, however, is what has made
him sensitive to issues of discrimination see Neal. oa~e 13
:Benefits for Federal
Employees Proposed
¯ WASHINGTON DC - At a Capitol Hill press
¯ conference on October 29, 1997, Representative
¯ Barney Frank (D-M.A), together with 14 other lead
¯ co-sponsors, introduced legislation to make do-
- mestic partnership benefits available to federal
¯ employees. Some sponsors of the bill are Con-
. gresswomen NitaLowey (D-MA), Elizabeth Furse
¯ (D-OR), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) and Bob
¯ Filner (D-CA).
¯ Under Representative Frank’ s proposal, the do-
" mestic partner of a federal employee would be
¯ eligible for benefits in the same manner and to the
¯ same extent as the spouse of a federal employee.
; The term"domesticpartner"is defined to mean"an
¯ adultperson living with, but not married to, another
: adult person in a committed, intimate relationship."
¯" This eligibility would extend to retirement beni
efits, health insurance, life insurance and compen-
¯ sation for work injuries. To be eligible, same or
~ opposite sex couples wonldfile an affidavit certifysee
Frank, page 13
i HIVRC Moving
: TULSA-TheHIV Resource Consortium (HIVRC)
: spent the last part of October moving across town
¯ to its new home at 3507 East Admiral, just east of
~ Harvard. According to executive director, Sharon
¯ Thoele, the HIVRC had been at its South Harvard
~ location for 5 or 6 years, having moved there from
"- a Skelly Drive temporary office near the Visiting
Nurse Association.
Thoele noted that the organization was faced
with a significant increase m rent if it were to stay
in the same location. After looking all across the
city, the former AFL-CIO building seemed the best
fit. However, the building, required some renovation
to bring it up to current see HIVRC, page 3
ii iHnlV CWenestet r OTpuelnsas
¯ WEST TULSA, OK - Bruce Begley is standing in
: his dream come true- a support center for persons
~ affected or infected with HIV and living with
¯ AIDS. The tiny looking storefront which houses
." the HIV Education and Recreation Center near
." Mark Twain School in West Tulsa (almost in Sand
¯ Springs) actually is larger than it appears. The
~ Center, which has been open now for two months,
~ has a lounge with pool table, tiny work-out area as
¯" well as office, kitchen, bathing and sleeping spaces.
¯ Begley notes that there is one bedroom available
: for those who need short-term emergency housing.
: Much of the renovation on the space which for-
." merly housed Neighbors Along the Line, another
west Tulsa social services agency, was done by
Begley, and other volunteers.
Volunteers have come forward to help with a
number of needs. Marlene who helps as a receptionist
is often joined by .her morn, Frances who is
identifying compassionate see HIVER, page 3
World A.IDS Da.y March
Memorial Serwceto Be i&n
Brookside, at All Souls
InterfaithAIDS Ministries (IAM) will hold the 8th
annual Candldight March & Memorial service on
Mon., Dec. 1st. Marchers will gather at 6pro at
Southminster Presbyterian Church Parking Lot
.(35th & Peoria) and will march at 6:30 to All Souls
Unitarian, 2952 So. Peoria, for the service at about
7pm. Marchers are encouraged to bring bells and
group banners. Candles will be provided. I_AM also
needs phone volunteers to provide telephone supportfor
those affected by HIV/AIDS and to support
the 24 info. line: 438-2437.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants ~
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Blue Room, 606 S. Elgin
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*JJ’ S Country&Western Dance Club, 6328 S. Peoria
*Jason’s Dell, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial
*Tool BOX, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
~Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610:8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th 746-0440
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
*Gloria Jean’s GourmetCoffee, 17.58 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Southwest Financial Planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PUB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th PI. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind BookStore, 1401E. 15 - 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowzon the River B+B, PUB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
Christophe~Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S Harvard 481-0201
*Sophronia’s Antiques, 1515 E. 15 592-2887
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, PUB 1071., 74101-1071 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. PUB 14001, Tulsa 7415.9 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*CommtmityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, PUB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TuisaNews@earthlink~ net
website: http://users.aol.eom/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Diva + Mao Guru: James Christjohn
Writem + contributorS: Leanne Gross, Barry Hensley, Jean-Pierre
Legrandbouehe, Lamont Linstrom, Kerry Lobel, Judy
McCormick. Josh Whetsell, Meml~r o! The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1 st of each month, the entire contents Of this
~9blieation are protected byUS copyright 1997 by 7"~
Nc~u~ and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part withoilt
written permission from the publisher..Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Cor~espon-
:¯ dence is assumed to befor publication unless_otherwise noted, must
_be signed & becomes the sole property of Td~t ~:~.’.
.¯ Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at. distribution
¯ points. Additional eo.pies are available by calling 583,1248.
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
." *ChurehoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood ’587-1314
." *Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
¯ Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
¯ *Family. of Faith MCC, .5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
¯Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
: *Free Spirit Women’s Center, Call forlocation &info: 587-4669
¯ Friend For A Friend, PUB 52344, 74152 747-6827 ¯
Friends in Unity Social Org, PUB 8542, 74101 582-0438
: *HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd: 583-661.1
¯ *HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 ¯
HOPE (TOHR), HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
: 1307 E. 38, 2nd fl. 712-1600, HOPE/TOHR Anonymous
¯ HIV Testing Site, Mon/Thurs. eve. 7-9pm, call 834-8378
¯ TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
: Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N: Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I 748-3111
¯" NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, PUB 14068, 74159 365-5658
: OK Spokes Club (bicycling), PUB 9165, 74157
¯Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG , PUB 52800, 74152 749-4901
: *Planned Parenthood, 1007 S, Peoria 587-7674
¯ *The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297 ¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
,¯ Rainbow BusinessGuild, PUB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
¯ O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
¯ St. Aidan’ sEpiscopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 3841 S. Peoria 742-6227
¯ *Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
¯ Trinity Episcopal Church, 501 S. Cincinnati 582-4128
¯ Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595:4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
: Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
: *Tulsa Community College Campuses
¯ .*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
¯ *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
¯ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
: *Borders Books&Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
¯ *Stonewall League; cailfor information: 918-456-7900
¯ *TahlequahUnitarian-UniversalistChurch 918-456-7900 ¯
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, PUB 1570 918-453-9360 ¯ NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
¯ HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
¯" *Autunm Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, PUB 429
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*Edna’ s, 9S. School Ave.
50 1-253-6807
indicates a distribution point. Listed businesses are not all Gay-owned
but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi & Trans communities.
by Kerry Lobel, executive director
¯ National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
¯ Recently, I traveled the middle of the
." country to discuss the state of violence
¯ directed against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
: and Transgendered people in America.
¯ These town meetings took me to seven
¯ cities in three weeks for a series offorums
¯ on hate crimes.
¯ FromWichita andLawren~Kansas to
¯ Nashville, Tennessee to Oklahoma City
¯ and Tulsa,-Oklahoma to Little Rock, Ar-
¯ kansas an~ilto Detroit,. Michigan, dozens
ofGay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trausgenderedactivists
and our allies gathered to
¯ tell stories of hate crimes and stories of
: survival.
Every town shared similar themes. As
¯ Gay, :Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered
¯ and questioning youth come to visibility,
¯ their, school districts have been ill-
: equipped to counsel them or ensure their
¯ safety. As communities become more or-
, ganized and open, violence is still never
¯ far from our lives.
- In Oklahoma City, fourteen-year Eli
¯ told the story of daily harassment that had
¯ led him to drop out of school. Now in an
alternative school, his new principal told
¯ him that he’ll be fine as long as he acts
: "normal." His hope comes from his asso-
¯ ciation with a youth group that provides ¯
comfort and offers strategies for survival..
¯ - In Little Rock, Carolyn Wagner told
¯ the story ofher son’ s abuse at thehands of ¯
¯ schoolmates and an indifferent school
administration. Her son is now bein~
: schooled at home, but the school district
: just recently changed its policy to make
¯ more options available to young victims
: of hate.crimes.
: - Emporia State University and Univer-
¯ sity 0f Tulsa students have organized a ¯
campus organizati6n for Gay, Lesbian,
¯ Bisexual and Transgendered students.
¯ Safety zone stickers mark the offices of
, faculty, staff, and the student newspaper.
¯ In trouble? Offices that bear the stickers
: provide safe haven and counsel. Many
¯" Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgen-
¯ deredpeopledon’tfeel thatthey cancount ¯
on thepolice to investigate and report hate
¯ crimes or city prosecutors to charge the
¯ crime to the fullest extent allowed by law. ¯
Police and prosecutors are often under
trained about hate crimes.
: - In Tulsa, two men were brutally vic-
: timized by three attackers. Their injuries
¯ required stitches and one man had facial
¯ bones broken. Whilethepolicewerequick
: to respond, city prosecutors filed the case
: as a simple misdemeanor. Local attorneys
¯ are attempting to intervene.
: - InLawrence, an egg was thrown at a
¯" woman standing in front of a gay club:
She was called a dyke by her attacker.
: Police on the scene recorded the incident,
but not as ahate crime because there was
"not enough evidence." The Police Chief
has asked for help getting training for his
In every town, nearly every participant
had been either the victim of a hate crime
or knew someone that had. Yet the number
of documented hate crimes is woefully
low. see Heartland, page 3
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
you think need to be considered. You may
request that your name be withheld but
letters mustbe signed &have phonenumbers,
or be hand delivered. 200 word letters
are preferred. Letters to other publications
Will be printed as is appropriate.
NAMES PRO~ECT vohbiiee~S’dwait the-clo~ing cer- " " Jonathan Stanley joins Kenneth Benton ofOKC’sFirst
emonyoftheOctobd~’sAiDSMemtrial (~filt:~hOwing at Unitarian Church after Benton spoke at Community
the Tulsa Fai~’~Grounds;, " ....... " " " Unitarian Universalist Church.
Stalwart dogs joined marchers.:braving th~ bhill,~dt~this:.
y,ear’~ AIDS Walk, Wal.k for IJfe:~DediaaibdJ~DOg
held hbr :own leash to me amiisementofrnany,~alk~:~
Thepowerful closing ceremonyfor The Quilt, although
lightly attended, featured native American drumming
and chanting as well as other singers and volunteers.
Frank Nowicki, Mid-Atlantic Leather ’93 mceed Oklahoma
Mr. Leather 1998 and is seen with two contestants.
Police and prosecutors are under trained and community "
members feel unsafe about reporting hate crimes to them. "
All too often, victims who spoke at these meetings
blamed themselves for the crime or felt that others in our
commtmity would judge them for being in the wrong "
place at the wrong time. Fortunately, community centers, ¯
anti-violence projects and other community orgamza- ¯
tions have stepped up to provide safety education as well "
as resources to victims of hate crimes. "
Hates crime laws provide some of our country’s best
hopes for coalition building across race, national origin, ¯
religion, gender and sexual orientation. Yet, each state on ¯
our tour lacked a hate crimes law altogether or one that ¯
includes sexual orientation. It is NGLTF’s hope that :
before the year 2000 every state will set publicpolicy that ¯
makes it dear that hate crimes will not be tolerated in any
city or any state.
Half-way: through.the trip~ I found myself~standing on. ".
the site of the Oklahoma City bombing. The city-blockis ¯
leveled now and surrounded by a tall chain link fence. :
The fence is lined with stuffed animals, poignant notes, "
and t-shirts and license plates bearing tributes from
around the country. It is amonument that pays respect to ."
lives lost as well as one that is filled with hope and "
courage. What touched me were the oaths, many from ¯
children, pledging to work for a better world.
We’ve each seen the price our society has paid for "
hatred. And it’s time for each of us to commit ourselves "
to a world that values safety and respects difference. For ¯
those in states without any hate crimes laws or laws that
do not include sexual orientation, we must work to pass :
inclusive hate crimes laws. For those in states that have
hate crimes laws we must engage in the political process,
we must continue to work for change so that these laws ¯
remain meaningful.
Kerry Lobel ofthe National Gay &Lesbian Task Force ts
flanked at a reception at the Pride Center by Center
volunteer, Tony and Center president, Tom Neal.
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church has
welcomed the Rev. Sherry Hilliard asinterim pastor.
standards and to fit the needs of the HIVRC. Much of the
renovation work was done after hours by HIVRC staff
and volunteers.
In this building, unlike the old site, all parts of the HIV
RC are under one roof and are entered through one door.
For Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights HOPE HIV
Testing Clinic this means greater privacy for those being
tested, since the waiting room is no longer outside the
testing rooms. Also, individuals who have been tested
and who may be distraught will have the ability to leave
discreetly from a rear entrance.
The new building will also house the HIV RC Food
Pantry which is run by volunteer Claudette Peterson, as
well as offices for the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
care programs for HIV treatment drugs.
B.egleymakes apoint to statethat theHIVERCdoes not
receive any state or federal funds. It’s supported just by
private donations, his and his partner’s and others. He
hopes that others will come to see the project and will
both share and support his dream. The center is seeking
sponsors who will make monthly donations Of $15, 20 or
25 a month.
Begley who has been publically critical of other HIV
care programs in the past, adds that he and his volunteers
are working with other organizations like the HIV Resource
Consortiumand Shanti to share information and to
do referrals as is appropriate.
The HIV Education and Recreation Center typically is
openfrom 12:30 to 9pro or 10 depending on the night. For
more information on the programs, call 583-6611.
Gaycivil rights andAIDSactivist, JimmyFlowers, shows
offhis new marching sign at Walk for Life. Local band,
Jiffy Trip is seen performing prior to the Walk.
The NAMES PROJECT volunteers joined marchersfor
Walk for Life along Riverside Drive.
A federal judge later ordered her reinstatement and the
government did not appeal. Her battle resulted in a bestselling
book and a TV movie starring Glenn Close.
Cammermeyer is co-chair of the campaign for Initiative
677, the state ballot measure to ban employment
discrimination based on sexual orientation. She said she
¯¯ willmake no final decision on her congressional bid until
after next month’s election. If elected to Congress next
¯ year, Cammermeyer said she would not be a spokes-
" woman just for Gays.
¯ "If you look at what I have focused on the last seven ¯
years, it is not Gays and Lesbians-it is discrimination. It
¯ is civil rights for individuals," she said. "If peop_l~e make
¯ you an icon, it is their stuff.- it is not mine. I have never
¯" been caught up with organizations. I am a person con-
" cerned withissues... I wouldgo to Washington, D.C.,not
: to represent me,-but the 2rid District."
~ She said she anticipates some hostile encounters. "My
¯¯ .lob ~s not to change anyone s rehg~ous behefs or stands,
she said. "People have an absolute right to their convic-
¯ ti0ns. Bu.t when their beliefs infringe 0n..anotherper.son~s
¯ civil rights, I must challenge that. Civil rights are fundamental
to America."
and their families, and hopes to conduct a survey ofTulsa
and Oklahoma City law firms concerning their nondiscrimination
and employment practices, among other
goals. Its mission is to promote equality in and through
the legal profession and our society. For more information,
contact Kerry Lewis at 582-1173 orOLGLA at 405-
Dad Can See His Kids
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - A circuit judge’s rulin~
prohibiting twoChildren fromvi~iting their-gay fathe~
if anyone with "homosexual tendencies" was present
was reversed.Wednesday by the Court of Special
Appeals. The order reversedby the appeals court also
had prohibited overnight visits and prohibited the
childrenfrom seeing their father in the presence ofhi s
Such restrictions on visitation in divorce eases can
be imposed only if there is evidence that visits would
be harmful to the children, the court said in an opinion
by Judge Arrie W. Davis. "The (circuit) court made
no finding of possible harm to the children ...."said
the unanimous opinion issued by a three-judge panel
of Maryland’s second highest court.
The appeals court ruling was hailed as a victory for
gay and lesbian parents by Beatrice Dohrn, legal
directorfor theLambdaLegal Defense and Educauon
Fund in New York.
She said the ruling is important because it applies
the same standards to gay and lesbian parents as to
heterosexual parents and says visitation can be limited
only if there is evidence ofharm to the children.
"What we are really seeking is a kind of sexual
orientation neutrality, and that’ s what we got in this
case," Ms. Dohrn said.
Cynthia Young, lawyer for the mother, said there
are a variety of options her client could follow,
including doing nothing, asking for a review by the
Court of Appeal.s and returning to circuit court to’seek
new restrictions. She said she does not know what her
client will do. ’qqae way I read it, it’ s just one more
step on the path toward determining what’ s in the best
interest of these children," Ms. Young said.
Dutch to Allow Adoption
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - Dutch society,
renowned for its tolerance of homosexuality, is pushing
for a federal law that would perrmt gays and
lesbians to adopt children. The legislation, which
would also sanction same-sex mamages, was approved
this week by a parliamentary panel. Believed
to have broad backing in Parliament and expected to
be enacted early next year, it also gives gay couples
the same pension, inheritance and social security
fights as married heterosexuals.
"The fights of children in homosexual relationships
must be better regulated," said Bas Kortmann,
chairman of the parliamentary panel. He called the
bill "an important symbolic step against the old idea
that homosexuality is heresy.’"
If the current version passes, the Netherlands would
become the first country to sanction homosexual
adoption at the federal level. In the United States,
matters of marriage and adoption are overseen by
states. Some U.S. states allow homosexual adoption
and a few forbid it.
There didn’ t appear to be any organized opposiUon
to the legislation. In fact, public opinion surveys have
shown that seven in 10 Dutch think gays can be good
parents. The Dutch Federation for the Integration of
Homosexuality hailed the new proposal, saying it
would stop gay couples from having to lie about their
sexuality in adoption papers. Dutch lawmakers had
planned to approve a similar bill this year but held off
because it didn’ t include adoption rights.
The committee, commissioned by State Justice
Secretary F_lizabeth Schmitz, said most of its members
concluded that "same-sex couples can only receive
equal treatment if they are permitted to enter
into civil marriage." Marriage "has always been a
flexible institution that has kept pace with social
change," the panel said in a report.
The Dutch panel conceded that legalizing gay
marriage and adoption in the Netherlands could lead
to "international complications" for Dutch gays and
lesbians who move with their adoptive children to
countries hostile to the idea.
ENDA Hearings
WASHINGTON (AP) - At the front of a crowded
Senate heating room, a confident young man from
Columbus, Ohio, talked authoritatively about antidiscrimination
policy at the 117-store chain he operates.
In the audience, a fragile-looking man from
Marion, Ohio, clutched an accordion file full of
medical affidavits and documehts frotu what he described
as years of harassment by co-workers. Both
made the trip Thursday to sulgp~Yi~ legislation outlawmg
sexual orientation as a basis for hiring, firing,
promotion or compensation. It would apply to businesses
with at least 15 employees, "and would not
apply to churches or any other tax-exempt organization.
Thomas Grote, chief operating officer of Donatos
Pizza, said he did not believe the bill would hurt his
business. "It is an unfortunate necessity that government
sometimes has to step in and set some of the
ground rules for business," he said.
As the son of the chain’s founders, Grote said
corporate retribution was never a concern but he still
was afraid of having problems with his employees
after revealing that he is gay. "I hhvejob security and
it was hard for me," he said "Unfortunately there are
many people who have to lie about who they are for
fear of losing their jobs."
Grote testified at a hearing unusual for its imbalance;
no opponent of the bill accepted Labor and
HumanResources CommitteeChairmanJimJeffords’
invitation to testify against it. Jeffords, the sponsor of
the bill, was the only Republican in attendance. The
othernineGOPcommitteemembers, including Ohio’ s
Mike DeWine, were no-shows.
Spokesman Charles Boese! said DeWine was at a
news conference promoting a national drunken driving
standard and then had another hearing to attend.
Staffers met with the bill’s supporters, and DeWine
previously met with a group lobbying for the bill,
Boesel said. DeWine voted against a different version
of the bill last year on the grounds ttmt it was "’an
increased mandate on business," the spokesman said.
Ohio’s other senator, Democrat John Glenn, voted
for the bill, which failed on a vote of 49-50.
Jeffords said he changed this year’ s bill to.meet the
concerns of senators who argued against it last year
on the groands that it could clog the nation’s courts
with new lawsuits or require preferential treatment.
He also released a study by the General Accounting
Office showing lawsuits have not increased signifi=
cantly in the 11 states that have passed their own gay
anti-discrimination laws.
The conservative organization Family Research
.Coma.cil distributed literature at the hearing explainlng
its v~ew that the legislation is a "homosexual
quota bill" granting special rights to gays. The Traditional
Values Coalition also issued a written statemerit
criticizing the hearing as "orchestrated care.-
fully to exclude this committee’s Republican majority
and those groups which are critical of preferential
treatment under law for homosexuality."
Gay Rabbi Welcomed
LOS ANGELES (AP) - When Temple Judea of
Tarzana installs Donald Goor as senior rabbi this
week, the 900-family Reform congregation will be
the largest mainstream synagogue to-have an openly
Gay man as its spiritual leader. "I’m a rabbi who
happens to be Gay," said Goor, 39, "but the congregation
and I have been able to build a relationship
where it isn’ t the primary issue." Although the liberal
Reform branch of Judaism allowed Gay and Lesbian
rabbis seven years ago, few have been chosen to fill
assistant or senior pulpit posts, rabbinical estimates
Goor insists his sexuality is secondary to his position,
yet he does not dodge Gay issues. ’Tmcomfortable
discussing homosexuality. There’ s nothing that’ s
hidden," said Goor, who has lived with his companion
for 12 years.
Officials of the Tarzana congregation said Goor,
whose father is a rabbi in New York, was an easy
choice to replace outgoing Rabbi AkivaAnnes. "He’ s
exactly what clergy should be - sensitive to older
congregants andinvolved with the youth," said temple
President Michael Rudman. "He is not a one-dimensional
More than a year-before Annes retired, Goor had
been chosen as the future senior rabbi by aunanimous
voice vote of the congregation. "TempleJudea should
be commended for looking beyond prejudice and
stereotypes to keeping an outstanding rabbi," said
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Rabbi Janet Marder, the regional director of Reform
Judaism’s Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
"He’s a very, very,_~4fted rabbi with strong
social-justice concerns and Torah knowledge who
happens to be Gay."
And when Reform rabbis hold their national convention
in Anaheim next year, Goor said he will urge
colleagues to approve same-sex, wedding-like ceremonies
for Jewish Gay and Lesbian couples. The
issue was controversial at last year’ s meeting. Orthodox
and other traditional Jewish leaders say homosexuality
violates Jewish law, and thus cannot be
integrated into the synagogue. Some moderate conservatives,
however, have pushed for a more sympathetic
view of homosexual Jews. At the Valley Beth
Shalom in Encino, for instance, a support group was
formed five yea~s ago for families of Gays and
Billy Graham:
Gays Welcome
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Rev. Billy Graham -
who has Parkinson’s disease and prostate cancer -
appears to be in faihng health again. Graham, who
concluded his three-day San Francisco crusade Saturday
night, has been so weak that he skipped a VIP
reception before Thursday’ s crusade.
He alsohas walked onto the stageat SanFrancisco’ s
COW Palace with obvious pain and difficulty. "’They
have me staying in bed much of the day. Mostly, I’m
just old," the 78-year-old evangelist told the San
Francisco Chronicle. He has, however, been able to
make it to the pulpit and has addressed the most hotly
contested issue of his trip to the San Francisco Bay
area: homosexuality.
"Whatever yourbackground, whatever your sexual
orientation, we welcome you tonight," he has told
crusade crowds in San Francisco. Responding to a
quesuon at the press conference, Graham said the
Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but quickly
added, "There are other sins. Why do wejump on that
sin as though it’ s the greatest sin?"
UK Labor Govt, Relaxes
Immigration Law
LONDON(AP) - The Labor government said Saturday
it is making immigration laws fairer by giving
foreign partners of Gay Britons residence rights after
a four-year relationship instead of the current 15
years. The relaxed rules, effective Monday, will also
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apply to unmarried heterosexual couples.
’q’his is a relatively minor change affecting about
100 people a year," Immigration Minister Mike
O’Brien said in a BBC radio interview. "Marriage
will retain its special position and people should
marry if they can... (but) Some people, such as Gays
and some common law couples are actually prohibited
from marrying by law. I think it’ s unfair to
destroy their relationships," he added.
Rank-and-file lawmakers from the opposition
Conservative Party criticized the move as undermining
marriage. They objected despite Conse,~ative
leader William Hague adv0catiiiga( the part~ S~annual
conference this week a indite liberal attitude
toward Gays and single motherS. - --
Hague made no immediate comment. A:n aide,
speaking on condition of anonymity, described the
government move as a "’political stunt." "It undermines
marriage and it undermines imtmgration control,"
said Tory lawmaker Ann Widdecombe. She
was a minister in the Home Office, whose responsibilities
includeimmigration, in the Conservativegoverument
which lost power in May 1 elections. Said
O’Brien: "They really did fltmk their first test for
becoming a compassionate party." He said common
law spouses not able to marry included some from
Catholic countries where divorce was difficult.
Stonewall, a national Gay rights movement, gave
higher estimates than the government of potential
applicants- notincluding hetrosexual couples. Stonewall
spokesman Mike Watson estimated 200 Gay
couples would apply immediately, with another 200
applications each year.
Lesbian Teacher Sues for
1st Amendment Rights
SALT LAKECITY (AP) - Gay civilrights advocates
weren’t surprised when high school officials fired
Wendy Weaverfrom herjob as volleyball coach after
she divorced her husband andmovedin with awoman.
But when Weaver received a written order not to
discuss her "homosexual lifestyle" with parents, students
or staff members at Spanish Fork High School°
gay-rights groups and the American Civil Liberties
Union got involved.
The ACLU on Tuesday filed a federal civil rights
lmvsuit on Weaver’ s behalf against Principal Robert
Wadley, Nebo School District and three of its officers.
The suit contends Weaver was illegally fired as
coach for being alesbian and that eventhoughshe still
has her teaching job, the district’ s gag order violates
her right to freedom of expression.
Gay teachers around the country deal with similar
treatment, gay rights advocates said. "But the school
authorities in Spanish Fork, Utah, had the temerity to
put these rules in writing and demand that Wendy
sign away her constitutional rights if she wished to
keep her job," said Kevin Jennings, executive director
of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
in New York.
"For 18 years, I’ve been a good coach and a good
teacher. I’ve never done anything that has infringed
on anybody," Weaver said. "Then, all of the sudden,
I was not living the lifestyle they wanted me to live or
being the role model I had always been." Wadley
fired Weaver this summer, saying his "perception" of
her had changed.
The 40-year-old mother of two was given a written
gag order from the Nebo School District, which has
more than 18,000 students, saying she would be fired
if she talked about her sexual orientauon with students,
parents or staffmembers. Weaver turned to the
ACLU when she was unable to find an attorney in the
conservauve, predominantly Mormon community.
Doug Bates, the attorney for the state Office of
Education, said speech may be protected, but ajob is
not. "If you engage in speech activities that undermine
the confidence of the public in your ability to
perform thejob, then the goveminent does not have to
retain you," he said.
Weaver is considered by many to be a role model
on the volleyball court and as a teacher. "Wendy has
never done anything that anyone could say was even
remotely shady," said Kayleen Kidman, whose two
daughters played for Weaver.
New Vaccine Effort
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - ScieNtists at St.
Jude Children’s Research Hoslbital have
federal permission for an AIDS study
they say approaches the search for a vaccine
in a new way. The vaccine, developed
at St. Jude, is designed to show the
human body’s immune system how to
recognize diverse strains of HIV, the vires
that causes AIDS.
Most other studies on AIDS vaccines
have not had such a broad approach,
thought.the HIV. virus has many strains;
said Mark Grabowsky of"the National
Institum of Allergy and Infectious Disease:
’% lot of people have tried to solve
the variation of HIV problem by making
one vaccine that’ s broadly reactive against
all types. They’ re taken the unique approach
of saying, ’Let’s take as many
different types as we can and put it all in
the same vial,’" Grabowsky saidWednesday
from his office in Maryland.
The St. Jude vaccine was designed by
faculty researchers Julia Hurwitz a~d
Karen Slobod. Basically, it is similar to
test vaccines developed by other scientists
in that it carries proteins from the
outer shell or envelope of the HIV virus.
But Hurwitz said the St. Jude vaccine
carries 23 different HIV envelopes rather
than just one or two, as is common for
most vaccines now under study.
The DNA sequences of HIV envelopes
vary widely, meaning a vaccine thatwould
protect against one strain of the virus
might not do the same for another, she
said. "You’ve got to attack the diversity.
You’ ve got to acknowledge that you ha~;e
to attack it and use the strength of the
immune system to do that," Hurwitz said.
St. Jude got approval last month from
the Food and Drug Administration to begin
human safety trials, and the researchers
are looking for up to 18 volnnteers to
take the vaccine. It could be five to 10
years before it’s known the Vaccine acreally
works, but the researchers said early
animal tests have been encouraging. "Various
studies in the laboratory have shown
that it does elicit an immune response,’"
Slobod said.
Since its founding in 1962, St. Jude has
made an international name for itself in
research and treatment for leukemia and
other childhood cancers. The hospital
began an AIDS treatment program in the
late 1980s. Four years ago, the St. Jude
staffbegan working on the AIDS vaccine.
So far, the hospital has financed that research.
"They’ ve been able to accomplish
on their own what many of the largest
vaccine companies have not been able to
do, that is bring a vaccine to human clinical
trials," Grabowsky said.
Much oftheAIDS vaccine work aroundthe
country is financed by private industry,
and Grabowsky said St. Jude will
likely look for a partner as the Stud),
progres’se~. "At some point theywill do
the same thing that almost every developer
does, that is try to interest a company
to put it in a vial and market it," he said.
AIDS Book Helps :
Even withrecentmedical advances, AIDS
is still a disease without a cure. Getting
HIV, the virus that leads to full-blown
AIDS, is a virtual death sentence. Not
only that, but since the virus is often
associated with drug use and homosexuality,
HIV-positive men and women face
extra hardships such as rejection by society
and family, and loss ofjobs. They also
see their fellow patients die one by one as
their own health deteriorates. How do
they cope with this overwhelmingly difficult
Robert Klitzman, author Of two fine
books about his days in medical school ......
and his psychiatric training, lets 38 HIVpositive
patients pour their hearts out in
"Being Positive: The Lives of Men and
Women With HIV" (Ivan R. Dee, $26).
They tell their stories with intelligence,
sensitivity and frankness, painting a remarkable
group portrait of people facing
Klitzman, assistant professor of clinical
psychiatry at Columbia University,
has found that there are six main ways in
which patients handle the stress of HIV:
Finding camaraderie in the HIV community;
finding solace in religion; finding
meamng in work or volunteering; forging
closer bonds with family; denying the
seriousness of their eondition; and seeking
temporary relief in sex and substance
No matter which course they follow,
theirnarratives offermuch foodfor thought
to everyone because, as Klitzman notes,
"One day we will face our own death."
The strength of this book lies in the fact
that Klitzman chose to study individuals,
not just psychiatric symptoms, allowing
them tell their stories from theii: own
perspective. The author’s experience researching
the medical epidemiology and
medi.cal anthropology of kuru, a viral disease
an Papua New Guinea, obviously
enabled him to take this refreshing approach
to his research. Theresultis a book
that contains a wealth of material for
psychiatrists, social scientists, novelists
and the general reader. It is an outstanding
Molecule May Work
for HIV Therapy
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a basic discovery
that eventually could lead to powerful
new types of AIDS drugs or even a
vaccine, researchers have identified in the
laboratory a natural molecule that prevents
the AIDS virus from infecting cells.
The molecule was discoveredby a team
led by fumed AIDS researcher Robert
Gallo. A report today inthe journal Science
said the molecule works against HIV
by physically blocking the portal used by
the virus to invade lymphocytes and other
types ’of blood cells.
Three similar molecules, all called
chemokines, werefound earlierby Gallo’ s
team at the Institute ofHuman Virology at
the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
But Gallo said the new molecule is much
more effective because it protects all the
cell types attacked by HIV.
Periodic injections ofthese chemokines
could create a barrier between HIV and its
target cells, and prevent the virus from
spreading its deadly infection, Gallo said.
"Its .breadth of activity and its potency
will make it more important than any of
the other chemokines found so far," he
said in an interview.
He emphasized, however, that before
chemokines can-be tried against HIV in
humans, the molecules must be exten,
sively tested in monkeys against a related
virus called SIV, or simian immunodeficiency
virus, the monkey equivalent of
HIV, human immnnodeficiency virus.
Such testing could take several years.
Discovery ofthenew chemokinecomes
just as doctors report that some AIDS
virus is developing a resistance to the
three-drug combination that has successfully
suppressed HIV in thousands of patients.
That combination of reverse tran-
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scriptase and protease inhibitors works
against the virus inside the target,cell.
Chemokines would work against HIV
%~ preventing the virus from entering
those cells. The virus is thought to be less
able to develop a resistance against this
blocking action.
AIDS in Vancouver
VANCOUVER, BritishColumbia (AP) -
In Canada’s trendiest city, a short stroll
from chic harborside hotels and bistros, a
pocket of skid-row poverty is reeling
from one of the worst AIDS epidemics of
any wealthy nation.
The 15 blocks known as Downtown
Eastside form the poorest urban neighborhood
in Canada. The Eastside’s ~drug
addicts are contracting theAIDS~.ansing
HIV virus at such a rapid pace that health
officials havejust declared the Fwstmedical
emergency in Vancouver’s history.
Experts estimate more than 6,000 addicts
frequent the area, perhaps half of them
inf~ted with HIT because of pervasive
sharing of contaminated needles.
Dr. Martin Schechter, a University of
BritishColumbiaepidemiologist, saidthe
infection rote among Eastside drag users
is the highest in North America at nearly
20 percent annually. In other words, out
of every 100 addicts who were were free
ofHIV at the start of the year, 20would be
HIV-positive by year’s end.
The problem has been building forseveral
years, but came into the spotlight this
month when Bud Osborne, a community
activist and former addict, convinced fellow
members ofVancouver’ s healthboard
to declare a medical emergency. ’This
epidemic is kind of like the plague,’"
Osborne said in an interview, "It’s going
to spread."
Under the emergency, the province has
allocated dlrs 3 million (dlrs 2.2 million
U.S.) to combat the epidemic~, and pressure
is mounting for the federal government
to help. Vancouver’s coroner and
deputy police chief have joined AIDS
specialists in urging the government to
decriminalizepossessionof Smallamounts
ofillegal drugs forpersonal use. "It’ s time
to recognize that we have a public health
crisis and, take it out of a criminal context,"
Scheehter said.
The epidemic is raging.: despite
Vancouver’ s ambitious ne~lleT-exchange
program, which started in 1988. More
than 2.5 million clean needles are distributed
annually, but many addicts don’t
bother to participate and instead share
used needles. Schechter said HIT-infections
in the Eastside began multiplying.
about four ,years ago when many addicts
changed habits - switching to a dozen or
more injections a day of cheap cocaine
rather than two or three injections of
heroin. ’~Fhenumberofinjections per day
goes up - the ability to take precautions
goes way down," he said. "That’s how
you get this explosion."
The health board has asked its staff to
develop a comprehensive action plan by
the end of October. It will likely ~nclude
expanded needle--exchange and addiction-
treatmentprograms, andrecommendations
to improve living conditions in
the Eastside.
Real estate prices in many Vancouver
neighborhoods are among the highest in
Canada, and very tittle new low-income
honsing is being built. Osborne saidowners
of the Eastside’s cheap hotels are
content to let them deteriorate, hoping
gentrification will sweep into the area in a
few years and boost property values.
"If you don’t have a decent place to
¯ sleep, all the health care in the world isn’ t
: going to make a difference," said
: Vancouver’s chief medical officer, Dr.
¯ John Blatherwick.law would have pre-
: vented the activities of which Williams is
¯ accused, however. "It is like the death
¯ penalty and murders," he said Monday.
: "Maybe this will save one life, or five
: lives. It’s not going to turn everybody
¯ around."
¯ HIV Experts Resign
Over Editorial
BOSTON (AP), Two !0P AIDS experts
: haveresignedfromtheNewEnglandJour-
¯ hal of Medicine’s board to protest an
: editorial that likened AIDS studies in the
: Third World to the notorious Tuskegee
¯ experiment.
¯¯ Dr. David Ho, head of the Aaron DiamondAIDS
Research CenterinNewYork
: City, and Dr. Catherine M. Wilfert, a
: pediatric AIDS expert at Duke Univer-
¯ sity, said as board members they should
: have been consulted about the editorial
: before it was published last month.
¯ The editorial criticized several studies,
: mostly in Africa, that are intended to see
: if brief, inexpensive doses of the drug
: AZTwillkeepHIV-infectedmothcrsfrom
: passing the virus to their babies. Some of
¯ the women are receiving,dummy pills
¯ instead of AZT.
." Dr. MarciaAngell, thejournal’ s execu-
¯ five editor, said in the editorial that the
¯ studies are unethical. She likened them to
: the Tuskegee study in which poor black
: men in the South with syphilis were left
¯ untreated even after penicillin became ¯
¯ The editorial upset many AIDS re-
: searchers,including Ho and Wilfert, who
¯ believe the African studies are the only ¯
practical way to prove that a simple ap-
¯ proach works better than nothing at all.
¯ Wilfert and others worried that the influ-
¯ ential journal’s criticism could bring the
studies to a halt.
¯ In an opinion piece in the Sept. 29 issue
: ofTimemagazine,Hocalled theTuskegee
¯ comparison "inflammatory and unfair."
: He said it"could make a desperate situa-
¯ tion even worse."
¯ Dr. Jerome P. Kassirer, the journal’s
: editorinehief, fired off an angry e-mail to
." Ho, criticizing him for not talking to the
." journal before writing in Time, Kassirer
¯ saidWednesday thatHowrotebackoffer-
." ing to resign. "zI sat on it for a couple of
." days and then decided to accept his resig-
¯ nation," Kassirer said.
¯ Wilfert said she submitted her resigna-
: tiontotakeeffectaftertheeditorialboard’s
: next once-a-year meeting in December.
¯ There she said she hopes for "a very cool ¯
discussion about the role of the editorial
She said thejournal’ s decisionto present
: just one side of the controversy was a
¯ policy issue thatshouldhavebeen brought
: to the 25-member board. "I resigned be-
¯ cause ofthe way in whichit was handled,"
¯¯ Wilfert said.
Kassirer saidtheboardmem.bers, among i some of themost prominentphysicians in
~ research, are asked for advice on such
¯ policy questions as conflict ofinterest and
: Internet publishing but never on the
: journal’ s content.
: "I regret this happened," Kassirer said.
¯ "On the other hand, we can’t be ham-
: strung by trying to have decisions made
: y conmnttee. Dr. Richard P. Wenzel of
the Medical College of Virginia, another
i AIDS expert on the editorial board, has
¯ not resigned.
by James Christjohn, entertainment diva
BernadettePeters arrives freshfrom the
woods to perform at the Performing Arts
Center (PAC) with the Tulsa Philharmonic
on.November 21 and 22 at 8pro for
the Pops Series. I can’t wait to see this
show! Ms. Peters is sure to make the wait
worthwhile, and I encourage youto check
out her "Sondheim, Etc."
CD, recorded live at
Carnegie Hall. The show
was a benefit for Gay
Men’s Health Crisis
(GMHC), and includes
songs from all her
Sondheim shows - "Into
The Woods", "Sunday In
The Park With George"
as wall as many other delightful
and risque tunes.
I would love to hear her
sing "Making Love
Alone", an ode to mas- Broadway’s Bernadette Peters
turbation, but since this is
Tulsa, I suppose that will be droppedfrom
her repertoire. Atleast this time, the symphony
will have someone worthy of their
talent to perform with. For dx, call 747-
7445. They range from $10 - $37.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. and
Rykodisc have announced a co-venture to
produce, launch, and promote a new series
of high-quality original soundtracks,
many of which will be released on compact
disc for the first time, ’The Deluxe
-MGM Soundtrack Series" will feature
previously unavailable orlong-out-of print
soundtracks from the legendary library of
United Artists Pictures, a subsidiary of
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
In addition to pristine remastered recordings,
each compact disc is enhanced
with extras, including extensive liner
notes, exclusive photographs, and CDROM
capabilities featuring film clips and
original theatrical trailers.
Select rifles also will be released in
’.’Superlative Editions" that combine the
CD, and where available, the home-video
release, and will include original onesheets
and lobby cards, filmographies of
casts and composers, and alternate
takes from the recording Sp~l~ng
sessions, among many other
The "Deluxe MGM
Soundtrack Series" will unveil
the recordings of many landmark
United Artists films, including
200 Motels, Chitty
Chitty Bang Bang, Octopussy,
Rancho Deluxe, and It’sAMad,
Mad, Mad, Mad World. These
¯ recording sessions andpreviously unavail-
¯ able tracks; Dialogue and sound effects ¯
excerpts from the film; Biography and
: filmography ofcomposer, cast, and direc-
¯ tor; Gallery of original one-sheets and
: lobby cards.
¯ Editor’s note: the writer now can drive
: his spouse mad byplaying over and over
and over:
BANG BANG has music
by Irwin Kostal & lyrics
by Robert and Richard
Sherman (1968) (RCD
10702). Based on Ian
Fleming’s original story,
this children’s musical
classic is MGM’s most
requested soundtrack.
The rifle track was nominated
for an Academy
Award® for Best Song,
whileunforgettable tracks
sung by Dick Van Dyke,
Lionel Jeffries, and Sally Ann Howes
(among others) round out this delightfully
charming collection. The arrangements
are performedby a90piece orchestrawho
add the zany flourishes so perfect for the
Irwin Kostal, who is highly regarded
among soundtrack aficionados, produced
hits for well-known films like The Sound
of Music, Mary Poppins, and West Side
Story. The Sherman Brothers ("Mary
Poppins", numerous Disney films) were
masters of the tongue-twisting lyric, and
coined the word ’$antasmagorical" especially
for this movie. CHITTY CH1TIN
BANG BANGis making its compact disc
debut with this release and will also be
available on cassette.
It’s my favorite childhood movie, and I
wore out the LP copy I had (still have)
long ago. You can almost make out the
musicunder thewear&scratches - barelv.
It still has the scrawl of my name froha
when I took it to school for show & tell.
Myother childhoodfavs, Willie Wonka
and Dr. Doolitflehadbeenreleased onCD
(I’m still waiting for "Pufnstut" & ’The
Little Prince"), so I had long
otr Peter hopedfor this. I cannot tell you
Pan... Disney is
releasing the video
in March ’98. Relive
that tlme when
all yo~ needd for
¯ome marie is a bit
of fairy dust. We
got it in spades,
didn’t we?
how great it is tohear the music
without .scratches and noise
from a worn LP. It’s amazing
they can make a 1969
.soundtrack soundgoodas new,
but such is the technology of
today. Rykodisc has done an
incredible job.
The disc contains all
the music from the original aldries,
andmany more, include some of the
biggest names in the recording industry
today. All deluxe rifles include the following
features wherever possible:
The complete original soundtrack recording,
remastered for the best-possible
audio reproduction; Extensive liner notes
covering the film, the score, and the composers/
vocalists; Captivatingphotographs
from theMGM archives, including some
never-before-seen images and candid behind-
the-scenes stills; CD,Rom features,
including theatrical trailers and/or film
clips in both Quicklime and MPEG formats,
a Web rink, and more; additional
tracks that feature key dialogue from the
poster and original LP cover art.
Superlative Editions will include the
following additional features: Videocas-
° sette of-film; Alternate takes from the
¯ bum, remastered for CD and a CD-rom
¯ track that shows the original trailer on
: your computer. The trailer is, well, laugh-
" able. The announcer is the same guy that
"¯ did narration on the ’60’s Barman TV ¯
series, and over-emphasizes the "r’s in
." "Chitty". And at one point, he says: "Re-
. member the name of this film: It’s not
¯" Chitty Chitty Boing Boing, but..." They
." musthavebeen behind schedule, because
: I wouldhave fired that ad agency then and
¯ there. ¯
The film itself is fun, but disjointed. I
: just found out that Roald Dahl, the
¯ children’s book author ("James & The
"¯¯ Giant Peach", ’L’-’harlie and theChocolate
Factory" - also known as "Willie Wonka
¯ and...", "Matilda", ’The Witches", etc.)
o was towritethe screenplay,butgotmiffed ¯
whea they decided to restructure the f’flm.
: see Chitty, page 13
Holiday Sale
30% off storewide!
1515 East 15th Street, Tulsa 74120 592-2887
!Going Out of Business!
Brookside Jewelry
4649 So. Peoria, 743-5272
Comer of 48th & Peoria
9:30 - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
9:30- 3 pm, from the Saturday
before Thanksgiving thru Christmas
Strongest car you can buy
without a prescription!
1998 3000GT wtih leather & CD
$ 2 7, 6 9 0 cash price
Don Carlton
46th & S. Memorial
Built For Living.TM
Bernadette Peters
Nov, 21 & 22, 8 pm
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Chapman Music Hall
Call 747-PHIL (7445)
Torch-song diva, beloved
actress and Tony-award
winner, Bernadette Peters
sings all your favorite
Broadway hits and more.
9 8-742-1971
o~ Toll~1-800-~9-1~8
Tulsa & Nationwide Relocation
Real Estate Services
Associated with Riverside Realty, lac,, Realtors
Let’s Send M. C. to Washington!
M. C. Smothermon
Candidate for Congress from
Oklahoma’s 5th District
will be honored at a
fund raising reception
in Tulsa, Thursday, November 20
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
$25 per person
Please call 743-4354 for information.
M.C. was the founder and first Executive Director of
RAIN (Regional AIDS Interfaith Network) in
M. C. is a Truman Scholar and served as a White
House Fellow.
M. C.’s opponent has a history of attacks in
Congress on our First Amendment rights and civil
Please visit our Web site at htttp://www.smothermon.org
Donations may be mailed to
P. Oo Box 7258, Edmond OK 73083-7258
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pro, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - l lain, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - llam, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service, 5pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gayfrransgendered Alliance
Sundays at 6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 834-TEST (8378)
aIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families &.Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mor~ieach too. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussion Group, Borders Bookstore
1st MonJea. too., 7:30pro, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pm, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 587-6557
Monday Night Football, 8 pro, Pride Center, Renfro Room, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium 1:30 pm
3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard), Info: Wanda @ 834-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIV!AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pm, Locations, call: 749-7898
Rainbow Business Guild
Business & professional networking group, call for info: 665-5174 -
PrimeTimers, mens group, 11/18, 7:30 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Alternating Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, in~o: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer-6:30pm, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
Tulsa Native American Meus Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
Ellen Watch Party, 8:30pro, Pride Center, Renfro Room, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, I’HV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro, Results: 7 - 9pm, Info: 834-8378
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pro, L01a’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each too. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS 3507 E. Admiral
(east of Harvard), Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Yoang Adults Social Group, I st Fd/eachmo. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Community Coffee House, varying dates, 7 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info:
St, Jerome’s Church, Ma~s - 6 Inn Garden Ch~el, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pro, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lamlxla A-A, 6 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
T.U.L.S.A~ Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, into: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organizatio~L Long and short rides. All
rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center, 3903 W. 4th St. Members of the Spoke
Club get access to the Club’s hot line for updates on rides. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa
¯ . lfyourevent or organization is not listed, please let us know.
Cal1583=1248 orfax 583:4615:
by Barry Hensley, Tulsa City-County Library
For information regarding HIV/AIDS topics, the Tulsa City-County Library is an
excellentresource. Thereare books, videos, audio cassettes, government documents and
periodical articles full of updated information. Many branch libraries have books and
other materials, although the Central Library, at 4th and Denverin downtown Tulsa, has
more detailed information. Here are some of the current items available through Central
Library departments:
4th floor, phone: 596-7988 (Dewey area 616.9792)
AIDS and HIV in Perspective (by Barry Schoub)
Immune,Power: The Comprehensive Healing Program for HIV (by John Kaiser)
Dictionary of AIDS Related Terminology (by Jeffrey Huber)
Rethinking AIDS (by Robert Root-Bermtein)
Everything You Need to Know When a Parent Has AIDS (by Barbara Draimin)
AIDS and the Law of Workplace Discrimination (by Jeffrey Mello) (344.7301)
2nd floor~ phone: 596-7966 (Dewey area 362.1969)
People, Sex, HIV and AIDS (by Pierre Andre)
Everything You Need to Know About Being HIV Positive (by Amy Shire)
D_I Not Go Quietly (by Mary Fisher)
We Are All Living With AIDS (by Earl Pike)
Women’s HIV Sourcebook (by Patricia Klosser)
Search for an AIDS Vaccine (by Christine Grady) ( 174.2 G)
Recovering From the Loss of a Loved One to AIDS (by K. Donnelly) (155.937)
Diary of a Lost Boy (by Harry Kondoleon) (fiction)
Labour of Love (by Doug Wilson) (fiction)
Such Times (by Christopher Coe) (fiction)
Promise of Rest (by ReYnolds Price) (fiction)
2rid floor, phone: 596-7971
Magic Johnson (by Martin Schwabacher)
AIDS: How it Works in the Body (by Loma Greenberg)
Daddy and Me (by Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe)
David Has AIDS (by Doris Sanford)
Know About AIDS (by Margaret Hyde)
1st floor, phone: 596-7933
Living Proof: HIV and the Pursuit of Happiness (video)
Heart of the Matter (video, HIV+ women)
HIV Test: Who Should Take It? What Does it Show? (video)
AIDS: Why We Won’t Look (audio cassette)
Let’s Talk: C. Everett Koop (audio cassette)
AIDS QuiR Songbook (compact disc)
There are also various Government Documents available in both the Reference
Department and the Business and Technology Department. Please call the Central
Library at 596-7977 or any branch library for more information.
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney_ who will fight for
justice & equality for
Gays & Lesbians
Domestic Partnership Planning,
Personal Injury,
Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
IGTA member
Call 341. 6866
Damrons & Womens Traveler
Out of State Newspapers
Magazines for All Interests
Mens & Womens Lingerie
New Pride Items
Movie Sales & Rentals
Novelties, Gifts & Candles
Now featuring 10% Cards
Home of the 2Ist Street Social Board
Open 24 hours a day
Gay owned & operated
8120 East 21 st
(21 st+Memorial across from Albertsons)
The non-gardener might imagine that
November, with its frosts and freezes,
brings an end to garden work. For the
gardener, however, there is still plenty to
do at this time.
Fall brings anendto mostlawnmowing
but brings down many leaves! Many
people bag those leaves but a thrifty gardener
can mm those leaves into soil-enriching
compost with little effort. Acircle
of wire fencing is enough to corral leaves
which will slowly break down with little
more work than being wet down regularly.
It does help if you use a blower/
vacunm to vacuum up the leaves since
shredding the leaves helps them breakdown
Moreelaborate eomposting systems are
commercially available as are plans for
handy-person versions in many garden
guides. Just find a comer of your yard oi~
¯ garden for the compost pile. Actually,
¯ some gardeners use their compost piles to
¯¯ recycle quite a bit of their green clippings
(like from the lawn) and wind up with
: moresoil-enriching material. Manyhouse-
¯ hold scraps can go in also though it’s not
¯ recommended that dairy or meat or weed
¯ seeds go into compost for sanitary rea-
¯ sons and to avoid reseeding if the tern-
¯ peratureinacompostpiledoesn tgethigh
; enough to kill the seeds.
¯ And for the thrifty gardener, fall can be
: a great time to get bargains! Especially at
: the large discount chains, perennials are
¯ usually siguificanfly discounted now. At
¯ one super center, butterfly bush, scabiosa
: (lovely flowers with an ugly name) and
: more were selling for 1/4 of their summer
¯ price. If you get them into the ground and
¯ mulch them well, these plants, true to
: their names, will return next spring.
What’s happening in the commtmity?
What services are available?
Looking for a Rainbow Sticker or
Community Newspapers?
Need a Coming Out Support Group?
Need to get tested for HIV?
Want to get involved and help?
Call 743-GAYS (743-4297)
Your Community Center
the Pride Center
1307 E. 38th at Peoria, 2nd floor
Lookfor theRainbowFlag on the roof!
Visit Our New Pride Room
down~OOkS, Jewelry
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45& 1/2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs~ AR
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Announcing Eureka Springs
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15 Montgomery
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Voted Number One in Arkansas!
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5 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
by Jean-Pierre La Grandbouche
TFN Food Critic
Aficionados of Mexican food in the
Tulsa area have long been familiar with
the small Alfredo’s franchise here in town
and in other Green Country cities~ and
may have visited the store at the comer of
30th and Harvard. Last spring, the owner
of that store wentprivate, and changed his
restaurant’s name to Sefior Perez
Restaurante Mexican0.
Thedecorremains much the
same, and situates diners in a
pleasant fiesta setting reminiscent
of a small Mexican
Menus remain much the
same as when Sefior Perez’
was Alfredo’s, the major difference
being that the cute,
but.meaningless,names for the
various plate dinners have
changed. Theyhavealso added
several new "huevo," or egg,
dishes to the menu, including
huevos ranchero, which is two
fried eggs presented on a fried
tortilla and topped with a
Mexican style saucefor $4.50, machacado
con huevo and chorizo con huevos, consisting
of scrambled eggs mixed with
shredded beef or with ground Mexican
sausage, respectively, both $5.50, and a
torta de huevo, which is the Mexican
name for a Spanish omelette, for $4.50.
Entrees here are very inexpensive, as
seen from the eggs entrees. Most of the
simple dinners are $4.95, and the larger
plate, dinners are in the $6 range. Only
four Mexican items are more than $7.45.
The tacos al carbon, ribeye steak soft
tacos, are $8.95, came asada, strips of
beef steak, is $10.95, a ribeye steak Ranchero,
topped with ranchero sauce and
melted cheese, is $12.95, and the
Alambres, a Mexican-flavored steak ka:
bob, is $11.95.
One thing about themenu that struck us
as oddis theheavy dependenceuponbeef,
with only the random chicken dish. No
pork is on the menu, and with the-exception
of the non-Mexican shrimp scampi
and orange roughy, seafood didn,t make
the cut, either. Interesting, considering
how much of Mexico has a seashore.
On our recent visit to Sefior Perez, we
were greeted at the door by a friendly
hostess and immediately shown to our
window-side booth. Almost magically,
another staff member appeared beating a
complimentary basketofhottortillachips,
and a bowl of excellent salsa. The fresh
salsa was a thick paste, with a hint of
garlic and cilantro, and a slightly sweet
We began our meal with the very tasty
queso flatneado, or "flaming cheese"
($3.95). A sprinkling OfMexican chorizo,
or ground sausage, on the bottom of an au
gratin dishwas covered in a thick layer of
melted Monterey Jack cheese, and served
with several warm, but commercially prepared,
flour tortillas. We were a bit disappoimed,
though, since when we’ve had
this dish south of the river (the Red River,
thatis), the cheese has always been doused
with liquor and presented tableside in
flames -hencethe name, quesoflameado.
Ourcompaniontried theMexicanpizza,
$4.95. A major disappointment that we
didn’t completely eat, the "pizza" was a
flour tortillatoppedwith amild chili sauce,
aratherblandranchera sauce, somemelted
Jack cheese, and slices of jalapefio pep-
¯ per. Other appetizer choices included sev:
¯ eral varieties of nachos, stuffed fried
¯ jalapefio peppers, guacamole salad, and
¯ quesadillas.
¯ For our entrees, our companion opted
¯ for the chile relleno dilmer, $6.75. Achile
relleno is a large, long, greenish-yellow
¯ Mexican pepper that is stuffed with a ¯
¯ meat tilling (in-thi~~case~ ’beef), then
breaded and deepfried. The stuffed pepper
itself seem~i’ (~,t~"fl~off,~, but it
Senor Perez
3023 So. Harvard
11 am -.10 pm daily
Prlees: Moderate
All major plastic;
no eheek~
Serrate s~tlons -
poorly diffe~tlat~
Alcohol: F~I ~r
Ambi~ee: Casnal
Rating: C lls*
was topped ~ith ;that bland
ranchera sauce and melted
Jackcheese, whichgotscraped
off and not eaten. The dinner
was accompanied by frijoles
refritos (vegetarians, beware:
the beans were very tasty, and
we would almost bet that they
were seasoned with the traditional
lard), a rather too-moist
and tomatoey Spanishrice, and
a mound of shredded Iceberg
One of the great tests of.the
Mexican kitchen is the artful
preparation ofso simple acomfort
food as a light, fluffy,
¯ steamed tamale. SO, we put the place to
¯ the test, and ordered the five tamale plate,
~ $3.95. Let us assure you that that was five
~ tamales too many. They should never
have been allowed to leave the kitchen. In
¯ fact, when they arrived, wethought atfirst
: that they were tive enchiladas, made with
¯ corn tortillas, instead of the hand formed ¯
masa cornmeal dough that makes up the
¯ tamale. The masa coating was thin to
¯ begin with, but they very obviously had
been allowed to stan~lin thekitchen warm-
; ing table and desiccate for far too long.
¯ Even the splash of mediocre chili could
not resurrect these tamales. Now, in de-
" fense of the kitchen, it was late on a slow
¯ night when we dined- about 8:30 -but,
¯ given the Mexican tradition of dining at ¯ 10 or 11 at night, this can be no real
¯ excuse. We decided to forgo the limited
¯ choices for dessert. ¯
Now that Sefior Perez has decided to go
"- his own way, independently of the fran-
¯ chise, the very survival ofhis restaurantis
¯ going to dependupon the improvement of ¯
his kitchen product and him finding his
¯ "niche" amongst Mexican eateries in the
: Tulsaarea. Theblandness ofthefranchise
¯ product just won’t work in an indepen-
¯ dent restaurant in Tulsa. We Oklahomans
¯ have grown up. with Mexican friends, not
¯ to mention their mother’s fantastic and
¯ piquant cooking. We’ve far too many
good "morn and pop" restaurants, not to
¯ mention the ubiquitous, but consistently
¯ hig.h quality, local Chimi’s chain and the
¯ various national franchises with lots of ¯
marketing dollars, to have.to,patronize
¯ mediocrity.
~ Right now, the Perez menu reflects the
¯ Mexican "theme food" of the appeal-to-
" all-Americans-franchise. There is no re-
." gional character or personal flare to the
¯ food. Wecould find such nondescript fare
¯ at a Yankee restaurant up north. Here, so
¯ near Mexico and Baja Oklahoma (Tejas),
¯ we demand more authenticity and more ¯
¯ flavor. But, fortunately for Sefior Perez,
Mexican ties of familia are strong, so
~ when he puts out the distress .call to his
." grandmothers, aunts and sisters, we have
¯ every confidence that they will come for-
: ward with the old family recipes, and he
: thencanpresentadislinctiveandculinarily
: interesting product that will pack in the
¯ crowds to the Perez family restaurante.
by Lamont Lindstrom ." After two weeks I went into a place
Kagoshima, like all Japanese cities, is named, I hoped propitiously, The Down
both ugly and beautiful at the same time. " Under. It turned out that this specialized
It lies along the eastem shores of a superb " in Australian beers, the proprietor having
harbor in the far south of the southern " livedseveralyearsinQueensland. Hewas
island Kyushu. Sakurajima (’Cherry Is- ¯ there tending bar. After the usual small
land’) squats down just offshore in the talk about why I was in Kagoshima, I
center of the bay. This is a massive, hulk- nervously asked the question: "Uh, are
ing volcano; 3500 feet tall, that erupts " there any Gay bars in town?" "Why of
continuously sending course," he replied quickly
plumes of ash skywards into 1Mly flrst two grabbing a napkin to sketch
the stratosphere. With every weel~s in town~ a map that would lead me
west wind, a sprinkling of
nearly every night through the unnamed streets
black, crystalline volcanic
I went bar-hopof
the city.
ash covers everything in ’%Vell, that was easy," I
town. Whenever I was de- Pi~g.¯ Herewasmy thought. I managed to find
pressed, I could always look challenge: could I thebuilding indicated onthe
up at Sakurajima and imag- {in(l a qay bar.~ In map, locating the bar up on
ine the city laid ruin, smoka
eltlr ot 500,000~ the 4th floor by comparing
I l:igured, there
signs with the kanji characing,
creeping lava.
In 1995, I went to live in had to be one or
ters he had drawn on my
napkin. I opened the door
Kagoshima for seven two.Ihardlyspol~e and edged inside. Theplace
months.Imovedintoagaijin any Japanese... wasemptyexceptforagroup
shukusha (foreign-style Wors% my hnowl- of guys dressed as waiters
lodging) built on the rim of
edge of tke tkree
lounging at a table. They.all
the old caldera. Kagoshima,"
jumped up and one, who
as is typical of Japanese cit- spoke some English, came
ies, has a concentrated enter- that Japanese use over to me. "Did I "know
tainment district. Ten- was rill so I where I was?" he asked.
monkan is about 10 square couldn’t read any "Yes," I said, "Isn’t this a blocks of hundreds of tiny d the tho.sands Gay bar?" I showedrm my
bars, clubs, movie theaters,
of neon signs that map.’"vVell,yes,"hereplied,
restaurants, food stands, and ’"out did I really want a Gay
pachinko (Japanese pinball) llt the night bar?Whatexactly didllike?
parlors. Men, or men dressed as
TheAmericans bombed Kagoshimaflat woman?"
duringthePacificWarandmostbuildings It dawned on me that a ge ba (’Gay
in town are ugly cement mid-rises thrown bar’), atleast in Kagoshima, is a bar where
up in the 1950s. Drinking establishments straight businessmen, the hip, and the
of all sorts squeeze into every corner of adventurous come to be entertained by
these five and six story buildings, guys in drag- mostly dressedin exquisite
My first two weeks in town, nearly kimono.Tablesbeginatabout$100which
everynight I went bar-hopping. Here was buys part of a botde of whiskey and a
my challenge: Could I find a Gay bar? In beautiful boy-girlin silkkimono and clasa
city of 500,000, so I figured, there had to sical wig who fills your glass with ice and
be one or two. I hardly spoke any Japa- tops it off with whiskey after every sip.
nese, although I had diligently practiced I should have been asking for homo ba
some useful words and sentence struc- (homo bar) since this is where the guys
tures. Worse, my knowledge of the three ~hang out. The waiter, who admitted to
orthographiesthatJapaneseusewaslfilso being a student at the university I was
I couldn’t read any of the thousands of visiting, kindly took me by the ann and
neon signs that lit the night. Japanese led me around the block to where three
urban streetscape is a confusing riot of poky homo ba were located, stacked one
color and sound. And, although all Japa- above the other in a tall, narrow building.
nese take at least six years of Falglish in There are five homo ba in Kagoshima,
school, hardly anyone - in Kagoshima at all of which are similar. All are snaku -
least- would admit to knowing any Eigo. the sort of establishment whose standard
And I was a bit hesitant to ask. Who cover charge ($10-$15) includes a small
might I shock or insult by inquiring, ’Mh, plate of snacks that accompanies one’s
do you know any Gay bars?" And I’m drinks. ~Each boasts powerful karaoke
enough of an American to have absorbed machines and clienteles of eager but very
our masculine cultural imperative: indifferent singers.
NEVER ASK DIRECTIONS. T’nese homo ba do not sort thematically
So I walked around. I checked out the in the American way. Rather, locals claim
environs of the train and bus stations. I only that they are age-graded: one is for
consulted the Spartacus guide (no the younger crowd, one is "mixed," and
Kagoshima). I telephoned a bar listed one toshi yuri - older gentlemen only.
therein in the larger city, Fukuoka, across They all looked mixed to me. I felt sorry
the island and had an unhappy conversa- for I~agoshima’s Lesbians. If they want to
tion in pidgin Japanese. I followed (sur- drink, they probably have to go to Tokyo.
reptitiously, I hoped) guys around who Until I left Kagoshima, I watched everylooked
Gay. But could I tell? what was day at the university for that studentthe
Gay-look in Japan anyway?. Still, I waiter who led me to the city’s hidden
hoped they w6uld lead me somewhere. I homoba.Iwantedtothankhimbutlnever
.gave up. met him again.
Puppy Pause II
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." They must have been behind schedule,
because I would have fired that ad agency
then and there.
The film itself is fun, but disjointed. I
just found out that Roald Dahl, the
children’s book author ("James & The
Giant Peach", "Charlie and’the Chocolate
Factory" - also known as "Willie Wonka
and...", "Matilda", "The Witches", etc.)
was to write the screenplay, but gotmiffed ’
when they decided to restructure the film.
He refused to write any more, and the
director, Ken Hughes, ended up writing
the script the day of shooting. Trivial
Pursuit, anyone?
I recall arguing with a classmate over
how they got the car in the air and water.
Myposition was that Chitty was indeed a
real car. His theory was that the filmmakers
used invisible piano wires to make the
car fly. I just thought that was utterly
ridiculous. And, as it turns out research
proves me right - sort of. There were
several cars blfilt: One that actually was a
working car - it’ s in England, and for the
right price, available for rental. (Tom has
long taunted me with the promise of a trip
to England upon my graduation from TU
I told him, after finding the previous info,
that if he REALLY wanted credit for
making a dream come true...) There was a
"car" built on pontoons - so that it was
basically a boat with a car body. Chitty
was indeed a floating car! There was
another car for flying. OK, it didn’ t really,
but the propellers worked! With the help
of a hydraulic lift, and a crane, it did get
into the air. One of those is in an auto
museum in Ohio, I believe. But"invisible
piano wire.s", really! How childish!
I’ve even found other Chittyfans here in
Tulsa, amazingly enough. (Hi Peter &
Robert! ) Yes, it’s silly, but childhood treasures
take me back to that feeling of
innocence that I once had as a child - even
if for a moment. Once lost, innocence is
impossible to regain, but every so often
something might trigger thatfeeling again.
Those "someflfings" are life’s treasures.
For.me, it’s music & fill: Chitty, Willie,
Oz, Peter Pan, Doolittle & Pufnstuf. And
Petula Clark’s "Downtown". I guess they
remy escape from the mundane, mto
the realm of hope and dream. Symbols of
the possible. What are yours?
Speaking of Peter Pan, (My first Crush
was on the Disney cartoon character. I
wanted to be a lost boy so bad.) Disney is
re-releasing the video in March ’98, with
a remastered soundtrack, (first time on
CD). Re-live that timewhenall youneeded
for some marc is a bit of.fairy dnsL We
got itin spades, didn’t we? Magic tends to
get more complicated as we get older.
(It’s why I’ve always hung on to mine, no
matter what. Onecanneverhave too much
magic - unless you’re the sorcerer’s apprentice.
(Just Checking to see how many
will "get" that reference.)
¯Andfmally, for those dealing with Pride
and Prejudice (I deal with it daily myself,
in theformofa certainLeo I’macquainted
with), authors Ted and Marylin Bader
will appear at Border’s Books November
6th from 12 - 1:30 pm in period costume
for a discussion of their book, "A Sequel
to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice". A
.19th century style "tea" will be held, during
which the Baders will prevail in a
discussion of the literature of"their day".
At 1:30, Darth Bader will appear and zap
them into the present. (Joke! It’s a joke!)
Oh, I missed my calling. I should have
been a comedy writer. Or not.
ing, among otherfacts, that they are living
together in a committed, intimate rela- ¯
tionship, thattheyareresponsibleforeach -"
other’s welfare and financial obligations :
and that they are not related in a way that :
would prohibit legal marriage in the state ¯
in which they reside. The proposed bill "
sets forth the process of eligibility for :
domestic partnership benefits and for the
estimated that up to 40% of a worker’s
remunerationcomes in theform of"fringe"
benefits. Clearly, some federal employees
are getting paid more than others
whenfringebenefitpayments areincluded.
It is time to stop this discrimination in
how we treat similarly situated federal
employees. The proposal by Representative
Frank would, for the first time, provide
equity in pay, including benefits
received, for all eligible federal employees.
NGLTFlauds Representative Frank’ s
cutoff of such benefits if a partnership is " introductionofthislegislation, whichrepdissolved,
resents another step forward in the fight
"The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force (NGLTF) applauds Representative
Barney Frank and the other 14 lead co-
.sponsors of this legislation which could
just as easily be entitled ’The Workplace
Equality Act.’ " responded Helen
Grn~ales, Public Policy Director of
’"Pne proposal introduced today gives
recognition to the diversity of families in
our country. According to a 1991 U.S.
Census Bureau report, fewer than 30% of
American families fit the traditional defiuition
of family- that is, two heterosexual
parents living with children under-18.
Yet, it is this definition of family which is
the key factor in determining the type and
amount of benefits a federal worker and
his or her family receives.
"A married heterosexual federal employce
with a spouse and child can be
eligible for a host of benefits, including
health insurance, life insurance, and participation
in a federal employees’ retirementprogram.
Yet, anotherfederal worker
with a partner and a child who does
exactly the samejob wouldnot qualify f6i:
the same benefits. That’s the same as
advertising a job m a newspaper saying
"salespeople wanted: salary for married
heterosexuals, $12 an hour, salary for
unmarried heterosexuals and gays, lesbians,
bisexual and transgendered persons,
$7.20 per hour. We would all recognize
that as unfair, illegal and discriminatory.
"The U.S Chamber of Commerce has
for equality for all.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
echoed the words of NGLTF. HRC Executive
Director Elizabeth Birch stated,
"As a former executive of a Fortune 100
company, I have seen firsthand the effects
of equitable treatment of gay and lesbian
employees in the workplace. . Put simply,
it not only promotes fairness and
great values, it is good business."
Birch pointed out that an increasing
number of the most successful and fastest-
growing U.S. corporations haveimplementeddomesticpartner
coveragefor their
gay employees, including such household
names as IBM, American Express,
Eastman Kodak and Nike.
"They took this stepnot only because it
ensures the ability to attract the best talent
from the broadest pool, or because the
commitment and loyalty of every emp!
oyeeis enhanced, but because suchpolioes
honor and celebrate the values of
fairness and equality on which tiff s nation
was founded," she said.
She also noted that no company thathas
ever instituted such.:benefits has withdrawn
them, that there has never been a
documented case of fraud surrounding
such policies and that the cost of extending
domestic partner benefits is minimal.
Among the benefits extended under this
legislation: Participation in the civil service
or federal employees’ retirementpr0-
gram; life insurance; health insurance;
and workers’ compensation.
The Many Marches of Aida
Aida is one of thOse operas people usually
see more than once, and there is good
reason for that. The grandest ofall Verdii~
operas,itis at once heroic, seductive, tragic
and an epic of huge proportions. It was
composed to commemorate the btfil~ng
and opening of the Suez Canal. And of
course thereis the gut-rending music.
Since the 1920’s, the opera has proved to
be a favorite with Tulsa audiences.
Yet when Tulsa Opera opens its 50th
Anniversary season November 8, 13 and
15, this Aida will boast more artists, chorus
and supers in front of a smashing set
fromL’Opera de Montreal, with animals
- boa constrictors specifically, from
Safafiis Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary ofBroken
The story of Aidais a deliciously complicated
struggle between at least three
major factions - the Egyptians and the
Ethiopians, the priests and the royalty,
and the romantic triangle between the
Egyptian princess Amneris and the General
Radames and the princessi Ethiopian
slave, Aida.
Although the story remains constant,
every Aida that has been performed in
Tulsa has some distinctive element.
The Chicago Civic Opera first brought
Aida to the Tulsa Convention Hall (the
old Lady on Brady) in the 1920s.
As many opera companies were curtailing
activities or ceasing to exist when the
¯ Great Depression hit the nation, opera
" continued in Tulsa. The next production
¯ of Aida, noted for its mammoth propor-
¯¯ tions, came July 13 and 15,1933,at Skelly
Stadium. About six thousand people at-
" tended the first performance, making it to
¯ date the largest single Tulsa audience for
¯ opera.
~ On November 1 and 3, 1956, Tulsa
¯ Opera Inc. presented its first production ¯
of Aida with Gerald Whitney as Conduc-
¯ torandChorus Master, AnthonyStivanello
¯ as Stage Director and Marguerite Bailey
¯ as Choreographer. The stage band was
¯ from Central High School and the extra
¯ trumpeteers were from Will Rogers High
School. On November 6 and 8, 1964,
¯ Aida was again performed at the Old
¯ Lady. Jauice Yoes made her opera debut
_" as the High Priestess in this production.
¯ When Tulsa Opera staged first its pro-
" duction at the new Tulsa Performing Arts
¯ Center in 1977 it was - you guessed it -
¯¯ Aida. Next in 1985 - The Nile Goes
Neon. Tulsa Operais fifth production of
Verdiis renownedmusical dramabrought
~ thestellarvoiceofsopranoLeonaMitchell
¯ back to the Tulsa stage in the tire role. ¯
¯ Now, more than a decade later, Aida -
in the largest production yet, starring
¯ Priscilla Baskerville as Aida, Tichina
¯ Vaugllas Amneris and John Keyes as
Radames. For tickets and more informa-
¯ tion, call the Tulsa Opera Ticket Office at
¯ 587-4811.
particularly focusing on ending discrimination
based on sexual orientation
through elections, legislation,
public awareness and education. The
event was presented with the Gay &
Lesbian Victory Fund which works
to elect openly Lesbian and Gay public
Mixner’s speech was both funny
values inspire his courage.
And he cited the example of a lady,
Fannie Lou Hamer, who suffered
.multiple beatings, to the point of bemg
o’ippled; until she finally was.
allowed to register to-vote. She told
Mixner she dfditso that one day, her
grandschild could hold office and
today, one grandson is a county supervisor.
Mixner exhorted his listeners
to workfor thosewhoareyounger,
to make it better for them. The crowd
of 150 were in the palm of his hand.
Cimarron Alliance will holdaTulsa
event soon. For more information,
write POB 18794, OKC, 730154.
How To Do It:
First 30 words are $10. Each
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Please type or print your ad. Count
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Send your ad & payment to POB 4140~
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W/M to share Lg. 3 bed, 2 ba in So.
Tulsa. PT Work available. Computer
work to pay all or part. $250.00
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FUSO - Friends in Unity
Social Organization, Inc,
FUSO is a community based
organization not-for-profit 501(c)3
agency providing services to
African-American males +
females who are infected with
HIV/AIDS in the Tulsa
community. FUSO also hel ps
individuals find other agencies
that provide HIV/AIDS services.
POB 8542, Tulsa, OK 74101
18+ Movo Media, Inc. does not prescreen callers and assumes no responsibility for personal meetings.
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per minute. 18+. Customer Service: 41 5-281-3183
to the area. This Bi White male, 24,
would like to meet someone to show
me around. If you’re a Bi or Gay~
White male, 18 to 24, take me on a
guided tour. Smoke and drug free,
please. (Port St. Lucie) =4889
1 ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: .1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
" Call: the 900 number &
¯ Press the star key (,}
FEED ME TALK I’m easy to look at,
6’2, 1801bs, with light, Brown hair
and Blue eyes. rm open minded, into
different scenes, and hungry for
conversation and companionship.
(Inverness) =7993
looking for a partner who, like me,
enjoys being on the river, canoeing,
camping, horseback riding, and
enjoyin,g the nature o~ it. I’m a White
male, 6 3, 1901bs. I also like folk and
blues music, quiet, candlelit, evenings
at home, and getting to know you.
(Miami) =2470
BOOT STAMPER This nice, average
guy, is looking for the rig.h,t person to
have a ,relationship with. I m a White
male, 5 9, 2101bs, With Brown hair,
Bi’own eyes, and average looks. I’d
like to share romantic evenings, walks
along Riverside Drive, and going out
for an occasional drink. I’m also
interested in bingo and country and
western dancing. (Tulsa) =7833
male, 37, seeks a feminine guy,
maybe even a crossdresser, to be my
friend. I’m especially interested in a
Transsexual, pre-op or post-op
(Tulsa) =7568
TROPICAL ISLAND Very active, 30
year.old, White male, into the
outdoors, hiking, biking, and
sOhbathing, seeks a distinguished
gentleman, 30 to 45, whc~ has similar
interests. I work for a major airline and
wobld love to whisk you away on a
tropical.trip. (Tulsa) =TSS3
teacher. This White male, 29, needs to
learn the ways of being a good
student. I can’t wait to serve you
and your friends. Call right away.
(Tulsa) =7398
GYMNAST BUILD I’m a dancer
and gymnast, so you can imagine
what a nice body I have. I’m o
White male,, 5’2, very outgoing and
fun loving. I m looking for someone
to get toknow for a possible
relationship: (Tulsa) =7401
masculine, Straight male, 31,
doesn’t have much experience with
men but wants to reap some of,the
benefits of the Gay lifestyle. Let s do
some stuff. (Tulsa) =7449
loving, White male, 5’8, 1451bs,
with Brown hair and Bl~e eyes, ,
seeks buddies to hang out with. I m
seeking friends an~l ~ relati0nsh;p.
(Tulsa) =7260
bodied, Gay, White male, 31, 5’9,
1451bs, with Red hair and Green eyes,
seeks a masculine man who has a
hairy body. (Tulsa) =7153
DOING TIME l’m looking for another
Black man to spend time with and get
to know. (Tulsa) =7247
I’M IN THE MOOD I’m in the mood
to have a good time. This n!ce looking,
20 year old, White male, 5 9, 1451bs,
seeks friends to hang out with. A
relationship is possible after some time.
(Tulsa) =7257
BULLSEYE AIM I’m looking for
~’iendship,and fun with other guys in
the a~ea. I m a 33 year old, White
male, 5~’10, 1651bs, with Brown hair,
Blue eyes, and a mustache. I like
listening to music, going out, playing
darts, and bowling, among other
things. (Tulsa) =7007
sexy, gooo Iooking,ltalian male, new
tothe area, has heard that cowboys
can be very hot.
looking, White male, 40~ 6ft, with
Blond hair, Blue eyes, and a smooth,
muscular, swimmer’s build, seeks a
hairy man for good times, laughs,
and, ’1 hope, a 10ng term relationship.
I enjoy camping, swimming, dancing,
cooking, playing cards with friends,
and a whole lot more. (Tulsa)
an. attractive, 43 year old, White
male, 6’2, 2151bs. I’d like to meeta
guy to spend time with. I’m into
movies, going out to dinner, running,
cycling, bowling, dancing, spending
quiet times at home, and whatever
our imaginations can conceive of.
(Tulsa) =6538
Transgendered, Bisexual male. I’m
seeking a Gay or Bisexual,
Transgender male, between the ages
of 25 to 35, for relationship or
friendship. (Tulsa) =1471
friendly, White male, 35, 5 10, with
Brown hair and eyes, seeks other nice
guys for friendship and fun. (Tulsa)
s.,m.oke free, 21 year old, White male,
5 10, 140ibs, with Brown hair and
seeks a similar who takes
mes and friendship. I’m interested in
guys who are college educated or
are in college now. I like travel,
music, concerts and more. like the
clubs now and then but don’t want to
meet someone who hangs out there.
(Tulsa) =4010
NATIVE NEEDS Good looking,
Native American, 23, seeks a man,
18 to 30. I’m open to good times,
or a relationship. I’m
’ interested in a biracial
sa) =3883
male, 20, seeks long term
relationship with a straight acting
man, 18 to 24. Like me, you are also
in the closet. I love music, quality time
with friends, watching movies, or
simply hanging out and having fun.
So, leto’s hang out in the closet
together. (Tulsa) =5947
is Michael. I’m from Tulsa. I’m a man
Of few words, looking to meet single
men. If you qualify, give me a call.
(Tulsa) =5282
inexperienced, White male, 5’9,
1601bs, with Blond hair and Blue
eyes, seeks a Bi male, or a couple
with a Bi male, to show me how it’s
~4571 later. (Tulsa) =4795
~UNGRY MAN? Hungry man, 21,
5 11, 1701bs, with BIon~d hair and
Blue eyes, seeks hot guys for good
times. (Tulsa) =2S49
g,o.od looking, discreet, White male,
6 2, 1751bs, with a sexy, deep voice,
seeks fun loving guys for great times.
I’m a dark haired, Blue eyed, hairy,
well defined man, hungry for action.
Call for a quality~ sexual friendship.
(Tulsa) =2776
WILD MAN I wanna get wild and
nasty with a.young, smooth, muscular,
White male. I’m a buffed, very
intelligenh 39 year old, Bi, White
male, 6ft, 1671bs, with Brown hair,
Blue eyes, and a hairy body. (Tulsa)
,B~NANARAMA I’m good looking,
6 1, 1751bs, with Blond hair, Green
eyes, a .qreat tan, hairy build
Callnow. (Tulsa)
QUICK DRAW I’d like to get to
know some other guys whofike to
have fun. rm a well built, White male,
6’2, 1901bs. I enjoy drawing and "
music, especially alternative and
industrial music. If you’d like to make
a new friend, give me a call. (Tulsa)
BLONDE AND BI Attradive, Bi,
White female, 6ft, with Blonde hair,
seeks.another Bi female, who likes to
pa~, go out dancing, see movies,
and have fun. (Tulsa) =7095
Feminine, Bi curious, White female,
new to the area, wants to hook up
with other Bi, or Bi curious womyn,
for fun. Lel’s get to know each other.
(Tulsa) =7030
inde~ndent, Black female, 21, I!kes
to work and have a no0d time. I d
like to get to know airier womyn in
the are~. (Tulsa) =6289
GET CLOSER Togetherness with.
another womyn is what I’m after. This
~.ay, White Female, 34,.5’6, with
Olive skin, dark hair and ~y.es, loves
reading, watching softball, long
walks, and having fun. Wanna be
h’iends? (Tulsa) =3145
BACK TO SCHOOL I’minto ,s.p.~.rts,
movies, and the outdoors.and I d like
to meet a womyn who can share
these interests with me. I’m a 25 year
old, White female, 5’6, 1701bs, with
short Brown hair and Brown eyes. I
have a college degree but am about
to go back to school to get another.
You should be between 25 and 35,
and fun loving. (Tulsa) =!456
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it here)-
World AIDS Day 1997
Candlelight March & Memorial Service
sponsored by
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
6 pm Gather at Southminster Presbyterian
Church Parking Lot.
6:30* March begins.
7 pm* Memorial Service at
All Souls Uttitarian Church.
Reception to follow in
Emerson Hall, All Souls.
*Time approximate
Bring bells & banners -candles & matches provided.
(All Souls will provide shuttle transportation for the March)
For more information, call 438-2437 or 800-284-2437
ATda November 8, 13, & 15
March 7, 12, & 14, 1998
Madarna Butterfly
Mav2 7,&’),
For the ~t seats ~n ~hc house, order .vour season tickets today:
Single tickets aiso on sale now
Call 587-4811 to subscribe. Or buy your tickets online at
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Red Ribbon
Holiday Bazaar
at the Pride Center
1307 East 38th Street, 2nd floor
Opening reception: Friday, Dec. 5, 7-10pm
Saturday hours: Dec. 6, n0on-6pm
The Bazaar will feature all types of holiday
decorations and gifts, including trees, wreaths,
centerpieces, ornaments and gift items.
All funds from this event will support the HIV/
AIDS services of Interfaith AIDS Ministries.
Donations of items to be sold are welcome as well
as donations of cash or volunteer time.
For more information,
call Ray, 628-0468, or IAM at 438=2437.

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, November 1997; Volume 4, Issue 12a,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/541.