[1997] Tulsa Family News, August 1997; Volume 4, Issue 9
[1997] Tulsa Family News, August 1997; Volume 4, Issue 9
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
August 1997
James Christjohn
Dr. Mike Gorman
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
The Associated Press
Dr. Mike Gorman
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
The Associated Press
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, July 1997; Volume 4, Issue 8
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
.Vermont Couples Bring
Marriage Ban Challenge
by Ross Sneyd
COLCHESTER,Vt. (AP)-For25 years, Lois Famham
and Holly Puterbaugh have built a life together, commired
in every way except one: legally. On Tuesday,
they and two other couples sought to fix that. They sued
the state and their hometown, of Milton, asking a
Chittenden Superior Courtjudge to declare legal marriages
between couples of the same gender.
Start Baker and PeterHarriganofShelbumeand Nina
Beck and Stacy Jolles of South Burlington joined the
lawsuit, which thrusts Vermont into the center of a
national debate over whether society should recognize
unions between Gays and Lesbians.
’q?.wenty-five years ago when wemet and fell in love
mamage was not something any of us that were samegender
couples thought about," see Vermont,page 13
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
,Tul~s~a!~’~rge~tC~oulationCommunityPa-perA vailable In More Than 60 City Local.ions
i PFLAG Pres,.Joins Gay
Activists at White House
-" WASHINGTON (AP) - President. Clinton met Tuesday with a
: dozen Gay and lesbian activists at a meeting .organized by
¯ Richard Socarides,White House liaison to the Gay, Lesbian,
: Bisexual and Transgender community. Nancy McDonald, na~
: tional president of the board of directors of Parents, Families and
: Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) and cofounder of the
¯ Tulsa Chapter of PFLAG attended at meeting where the Presi-
: dent pledged support for two employment concerns: anti-Gay
: bias in the workplace and high-ranking appointments in his
: administration. Thepresident spentmore than anhour discussing
: a range of issues from adoptions to homeless Gay youth and
¯ problems confronting Gays and Lesbians in rural areas, such as
: access to AIDS medicine.
: Clinton pledged his support for the Fmployment Non-Dis-
~ crimination Act, which bars firing or discriminating against an
¯ employee on the basis of sexual orientation. Andhe assured the
¯ group thathe has putforthfivenominations ofopeulyGay people
: for administration jobs that require Senate confirmation.
¯ "Each one of them will take work," said Elizabeth Birch,
" executive director of the Gay political advocacy group the
~ Human Rights Campaign. "We have a tough challenge ahead."
¯ Maria Echaveste, White Honsedirector ofpublicliaison, said the
¯ president wants Gay appointees so that his administration can
~ provide an example of how to reduce anti-Gay attitudes in the
: workplace. "Fhe more people work with them, the less preju-
¯ diced they are," Echaveste said. ’q’hat’ s why appointments are so
: pivotal."
: According to Kerry Lobel, executive director of the National
¯ Gay & Lesbian Task Force, "we found the President to be open
¯ and knowledgeable on issues affecting the LGBT community.
: This is a President who at heart seems to have a deep commitment
¯ O’RYAN’s New Home Private Conduct or Sex Crimes?
By Laurie Asseo
WASHINGTON (AP) - What lovers do in private still : ~~1 ¯ I/-’,~1,.~ ~.,~& 1/I ..~ ...~ ~=~....-Jcanland
~em!njail.- butin asteadily s,,h~nking n,~;,:~:!~ act.y ; IV!O|11$.~U~[,~.U
of states ¯ Earher this month’ Montana s ban on homo- ¯ TULSA - After two months of.cam.pin.g o.ut in loaned office
sexual sex was thrown out by the state Supreme Court ¯ space, Betsy MurphyJones and Melissa Champlin of the Tulsa
as a violation of the state’z constitutional right to privacy.
Sodomy laws in Kentucky and Tennessee also
were struck down by state courts in recent years.
Many other states have repealed laws that banned oral
and anal. sex for Gay people and heterosexuals as well.
"We’ ve made incredible headway," says Ruth Harlow
of the civil-fights Lambda Legal Defense and Education
But about 20 states, operating under a green light
from the Supreme Court, still have laws making sodomy
a criminal offense. Consenting adults have no
federal constitutional right to private homosexual conduct,
the court said when it upheld Georgia’ s sodomy
law in 1986.
Arkansas, Kansas, Maryland, and Missouri ban homosexual
sex acts. Sodomy is banned for Gays and
heterosexuals alikeinAlabama,Arizona, Florida, Georgia,
Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, North
Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia.
Penalties vary widely, with maximumjail terms
ranging from 30 days in Arizona to 20 years in Virginia
and Rhode Island, or even life in Idaho.
Laws banning sodomy also are on the books in
Oklahoma, Texas, Massachusetts and Michigan, but
they have been cast into doubt by court rulings.
Oklahoma’ s sodomy law was ruled unconstitutional in
1986 but the particular case involved heterosexuals and
legal experts disagree as to whether the law should be
seen as in force just for homosexuals or whether it’ s
been completely ov.ertumed. Sodomy laws in all other
states have been repealed see Sodomy, page 3
i US Statewide Groups
¯ Create. New Federation
¯ OK Represented by Oldest StateGroup
¯ Knoxville,TN-Animportant chapter in the move-
; meatforlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
¯ equality was marked on July 11-13 b~ activists
¯ from statewide political groups from 32 states. At
¯ the mdeting, activists officially launched the Fed-
" eration of Statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
¯¯ Transgender Political Organizations.
The Federation’ s purpose is to bolster the efforts
¯ of these statewide groups through a network that
¯ will foster strategizing across state lines, building
¯ stronger state organizations and developing good
¯ working relationships between state and national
¯ groups. The meeting was the result of an eight
¯ month collaboration between the National Gay and
¯ Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) and the Federation.
¯ Itwas thelargestgathering ever ofstatewide groups.
¯ States represented were: AR, CA, CO, CT, DE,
¯ GA, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MS, MO,
¯ TX, UT, VA, WA,~WV.
: The three day Federationmeeting was held at the
: renowned Highlander Center outside Knoxville,
¯ Tennessee. For over fifty years, the Highlander
: Center has been a training center for labor, civil.
: rights and other s~ocial justice movements. There,
¯ activists focused bn adopting the organizational
¯ structure for the Federation and debating strategies
’. on legislative issues. These issues included "sod-
" omy" law repeal, passage of civil rights bills and
¯ family recognition strafegies, as well-as building
¯ strategies see ,States, page 13
"New Coming Out .and
¯ Men’s Group Offered
: HIV Outreach, Pre-
¯ vention & Education,
office of Red Rock Mental Health Association finally have
adequate room for their work. But they really gained much more
thanjustdecent offices
for themselves, the
program now has several
rooms in which
O’ RYAN and
O’RYAN, Jr. can
meet. O’ RYAN stands
for Oklahoma Rainbow
Young Adults
Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
Transgendered and
O’RYAN’s George, Champlin & Marry questioning young
adults from 18 to 24
years old. O’RYAN, Jr. is a new program that will serve 14 to 17
year old young people. O’RYAN, Jr. will kick off in early
Red Rock Mental Health Association is primarily an Oklahoma
City based organization. Several years ago Betsy
MurphyJones returned to Tulsa and began the program that later
was named O’RYAN. At the beginning, theprogram was housed
in offices in the Youth Services of Tulsa building in downtown
Tulsa. Youth Services already had a program, TYDD,Tulsa
Youth Discovering Diversity which served Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
Transgendered and questioning youth.
However, over the year in which .the two organization were
working together, tension developed between Red Rock and
Youth Services over how public to be with these programs.
Diplomatically, Champlinindicates that Youth Services’ Board
of Directors was not willing to be public in suppori of these
programs,for fear of losing funding.
l’~ow O RYANis funded independently through an Oklahoma
State DepartmentofHealth (OSDH)grantwhichtargets "MSM’s"
- men who have sex with men under the age of 25 and a TCAP
(TulsaCommunity AIDS Parmership) grant targeting womenfor
HIV/AIDS prevention and education.
O’RYAN meets weekly as a support and social group. While
earlier the group was predominately young men, it’ s now about
half young women a~dhalfmen,..Two men, Marty, who’ s 23 and
G~orgeCcho’ s"2:l~joinedChamp!in~ ~. see O’RYAN, page 10
¯ a special program of ¯ TOHR,TulsaOklaho-
¯ mans for Human
¯ Rights, the oldest ex-
¯ isting civil rights and
: Gay health orgauiza-
¯ tion is beginning sev-
¯ eral new programs
¯ under the direction of ¯ new outreach educa-
¯ tor Johnnie Eilarts. ¯
Eilarts, who came to Tulsa after working with the
-" Triangle Foundation in Oklahoma City, has begun
." amen’s issues group called Men on Men that meets
¯ at Gold Coast Coffee House. And in response to
; calls’to the Pride Center, see Group, page 12
: Cunanan Finale
: MIAMI .BEACH, Fla. (AP) - When Andrew
¯ Cunanan’ s 1ong,murderous flightended, itbrought
¯" relieffromanxiety-butnotfrom sorrow. Omanan’ s
: suicidein a Miami Beach houseboat ended the fear
." that a killer was free. Five killings, including the
¯¯ shooting ofdesignerGiannl Versace, were blamed
on the 27-year-old man.
; "There’ s a sense of relief that they finally caught
¯ him and ’that people don’t have to be looking
behind their backs," Eric Velasco said in front of
: the South Beach gay bar Twist.
In Minnesota, Cunanan was charged in the death
; of a former lover, David Madson, and was sus-
¯ pected of killing a friend, Jeffrey Trail. Trail’s
¯ father, Stanley Trail of DeKalb, Ill., watched the
." televisionreports as the situationunfolded. ’q~hat’ s
¯ one of the bad things about him dying like this: ¯
Nobody will be able to ask him," Trail said. "No-
: body will be able to tell me why this happened.
: "I’m very glad that he’s been stopped and that
¯ nobody else gothurtwhen hegot stopped,"he said. ¯
¯ "But I take nojoy inhis death. That doesn’ t helpme at all." see Killer, page 12
TOHR/HOPE’ s Eilerts
Tulsa’Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7200 E. Pine I
*Blue Room, 606 S. b-agin
¯ *City Bites, 3348 S. Peoria
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Gold Coast Coffee House,3509 S. Peoria
*JJ’s Country &Western Dance Club, 6328 S. Peoria
*Lola’S, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial
*:Tool Box, 1338 13. ,3rd’ " , ": . ~ ..... ’. ~ " ~"’ ""
*Tucei’s Restaurant,. 134~ E 15 " ~
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 74%1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis ~C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747=9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nieole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Pec~ria 746-0313
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515.8. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books &’Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
"Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-8040
Lealme M. Gro~s, Southwest Financial Planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
David Kanskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747=5466
Langley Agency, 1104.S. Victor 592-1800
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15 585-1555
Susan McBay, MSW: Earth-Centered Counsdiug 592-1260
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
ZiRita Parish, Indoor/Outdoor Co. HomeRemodel"g 587-6717
*Peace Of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming 584-7554
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749=6301
*Sedona Health Foods; 8220 S. Harvard
*Sophronia’sAntiques, 1515 E. 15
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Comedy Club., 6906 S. Lewis
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
" 584-I308’
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 58%7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/IAG Alliance, Univ of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
¯ *Chamber of Commerce, 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Church of the Restoration, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
:¯ 918.583.1248, f~:’583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
~-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink net
¯ website: http://users, aol.com/TulsaNews/
¯ Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Writer: James Christjohn
Writers + contributors: Dr. Mike Gorman, Leanne Gross. Barry
Hensley & Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche "
Membor of The Associated Press
I~sued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire Contentsof’
~his, pub,licati,on a,rp protected by US copyright 1997 by
/d,m--~/’.~.’.. Nt,u¢ and may not be reproduced either in whole
or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publieation,of0a name ~r photo does not indicat¢ a nerson~s...... :~ ~-:
sexual orientation.. Correspondenc~ i~ assuhied to b~ fo~:
publication unless otherwise noted; must be~igned &
the s01e property of TJ,¢~ ~:~ Ntau¢, Each reader ls entitled
to four free copies of each edition at distribution points. Additional
copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Family of Faith MCC, 54511E So. Mingo
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard
*Free Spirit Women’s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0038
HOPE (TOHR), HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
1307 E. 38, 2nd ft. 712-1600, HOPE/TOHR Anonymous
HIV Testing Site; Mon/Thurs. eve. 7-9pm, call 742-2927
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068,74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A~I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
OrRYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Jerome’s PariSh Church, 3841 S. Peoria 742-6227
*Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
Trinity Episcopal Church, 501 S. Cincinnati 582.4128
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for HumanRights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L,S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Comrntmity College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Barflesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Borders Books&Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-458-0467
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVevery other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’ s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way 800-231-1442
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
~ indicates a distribution point. Listed businesses are not all Gay-owned
but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi &’ Trans communities. ~ ~.
Several years ago, Youth Services of
¯ Tulsa began a support group for Lesbian,
¯ Gay, Bi and questioning kids. The group
¯ -was desperately needed and ,was led by
¯ the Saintly Lisa Pottoff whose good work
: fionisbeginnifi~asimi]aigroupt~e~mple-
¯ ment their young adults group. This too is
¯ a good move - having more than one
¯ group will serve the population better.
¯ But what’s interesting is that Red Rock
has concluded that Youth Services’ lead-
: ership is still unwilling to acknowledge
: this programbecause offears about fund-
, ing, andperhaps, becanse ofhomophobia.
: Youth Services’ "closeted" approach has
: handicapped the outreach, for their pro-
, gram.
: RedRock’ s conclusion echoes thepoint
: TFN made editorially several years ago.
¯ Unfortunately, whatever small gratifica-
¯ tion thereis in being proven right is damp-
" ened by the fear that during these inter-
" vening years, some Gay kids who needed
¯ our help were lost just because Youth
¯ Services valued money more than lives.
¯ the local and national press, we’ve de-
" duced that murdered fashion designer
¯ Gianni Versace had a life partner named
¯ Antonio D’Amieo - that in fact, a horri~ ¯
fled D’Amico rushed tothe spot wherehis
~ partner lay dying, then chased the killer
¯ down an alley, only to be turned back by
the gun that had just murdered his long-
" time companion.
: Seeing one’s life partner gunned down
¯ by a maniac is surely among the worst
: tragedies imaginable, which is why the
: sorrowfulimages ofJacqueline Kennedy,
: Betty Shabazz, Yoko Ouo, and Coretta
: Scott .King are seared intothe. American
¯ consctonsness.
; ’ But we observed no such respect in the
¯ mesa for D’Amieo. The facts outlined
¯ above were scattered over several news ¯
stories, often buried or omitted entirely.
: Photographs of the family in mourning
often identified the sister of the deceased,
¯ but failed tO identify the man with whom
¯ he’d ’shared his life for more than a de-
" cade. Is it any wonder that gay andlesbian
¯" citizens are increasingly indignant when
¯ our most precious relationships are rou- ¯
finely trivialized not only by the media,
." but also by a lack of legal recognition?
¯ - Martha Barnette & Debra Clem
¯ Louisville, Kentucky via e-mail
Regarding ver,sace’s Murder
Reading between many, many lines in
: @ Black& White, Charities
Dancers to suitmany tastes sweatedfor several hundred
guests, including some of TUlgar~ finest. No problems
were reported, the officers werejus’t enjoying the views.
when all states had some type of ban on sodomy.
Sodomy, considered by some to be a crime against
nature, was outlawed for centuries in England. States in
this country followed Britain’s example, banning such
sex acts in 19th century criminal codes. There is some
supportforanti-sodomy laws today.:The Rev. Lou Sheldon
of the Traditional Values Coalition said, "The sodomy
law tells us that heterosexuality is a preferred status in
These days, hardly anyone is prosecuted for private,
consensual acts of sodomy, saysWilliam Eskridge Jr., a
Georgetown University law professor who is writing a
book on how laws affect Gay people. Instead, prosecutions
tend to be for public solicitation of sodomy or for
situations involving rape or coercion. But sodomy laws
are used indirectly in other cases involving Gay people,
such as custody or employment disputes. A Gay person
might bejudgedabad candidatetohave custody ofachild
because he or she is assumed to be breakin~ a state’s
Sodomy law.
In. Georgia, then-Attorney General Michael Bowers
withdrew a job offer to a Lesbian in 1990 after learmng
she planned to marry another woman in a religious
ceremony. The woman sued, but a federal appeal,s ~,oui~
ruled this spring thatBowers - who successfully defended
Georgia’s sodomy law before tli~’Supreme Court- was
entitled-to, think the public would I~’confused if he hired
someone m a same-sex marriage. The Georgia Supreme
Court upheld that state’s sodomy law last year, saying it
was a valid exercise of the state’sauthority to promote
moral well’are.
Courts that threw out sodomy laws in Montana, Kentucky
and Tennessee said they violated the right to
privacy under their state constitutions. The Kentucky
ruling also said the law violated a state ~uarantee ofeqtial
protection under the law.
Gay civil=riglits advocates hope an equal protection
argument may eventually be used to throw out sodomy
laws in the states that target only same-sex conduct. Last
year, the Supreme Court cited equal protection grounds
whenit invalidated a Colorado constitutional amendment
that forbade laws protecting homosexuals from discriminataon.
The Kansas law now is being challenged on equal
protection grounds in a case being handled by the American
Civil Liberties Union’s Lesbian and Gay rights
,, "It’s a tremendous, priority of ours," Harlow said.
Sodomy laws cast a dark cloud over Gay people getting
equal rights. Wewill keep making them apri0rity Until all
.of them are gone."
ditq~,~ note: Laurie Asseo covers the Supreme Court
Yes, We HavO No Bananas
: by Kevin Isom
We should have seen it coming. Everything was going
so well. First, there was Lesbian chic. Then there was
: "Ellen - The Episode." Then Mickey Mouse and Goofy
stood up to the caltoonish Southern Baptist boycott.
But then along came an alleged Gay spree killer- yes,
the authorities are calling him a spree killer - who swept
: into South Beach and casnally murdered Gianui Versaee,
: the talented,rich, and influential Gay fashion designer.
¯ A gasp of horror went up from fashionable Gay and
; r straight folk. all. around the, world,, and celebrities as
: dlverse a~ PrincesS Di, Naomi Campbell, Elton John, and
: Sylvester Stallone were grief stricken. And with good
¯ reason. Versaee wasan openly gay rolemodel of success-
: ful and caring living, whose senseless death narrows the
world a little for Gays and straights alike.
¯ Besides, without Versaee, who would create trends
¯ like those" ubiquitous white ieans9 Who would ~ive
Ehzabeth Hurley clothes that would make her stand out
." from the shadow of her actor/boyfriend/befriender of
¯ prostitutes., Hugh Grant?
." More importantly, where would we find homoerotic
¯ images of male beauty in straight magazines? Even for
¯ people who don’t buy into the whole d~signer cacheL
¯ Versace made a difference - and an improvement - in
body-conscious style, not to mention the buffed-up types
:. of bodies he promoted. I, for one, am all for eye candy.
: Will we now be left with only Calvin Klein?
: The mainstream news media was, of course, all over
: the case like Bruno Magli shoes on O.J. Simpson. Here
was an alleged spree killer who, in his mother’s words,
: was a "high class’Gay prostitute." What copy this made
¯ for the nightly news!
¯ Forget Ellen, forget Disney. Lesbian chic? What was ¯
that? Here’s an alleged queer Heidi Fleiss with murder on
: the mind! Hard Copy even came out of summer hiatus to
jump right on the case. And if Hard Copy ~s on the beat,
¯ you know it’s gotta be big.
¯ For days, there were alerts on nighfl.y news in every podunk.
town with even a smidgen of openly Gay culture.
: (’:B.ucksnort, Tennessee: Is the Killer Here?") In oart,
¯ because the F.B.I. neglected to get out information to’Gay
comm6nifies across the country when they first knew of
the very real threat. " -
¯ Cmiously; though, instead of just ’accepting a spree
killer for what he was - bananas- the mainstream media
: seemed obsessed with finding areason, an explanation,
for his killings. They suggested, without any evidence t~
¯ back up the assertion, that the alleged killer l~ad disc09-
". ered he had AIDS and just snapped. Sort ~0f like Mike
: Tyson, but without the ear goop. ¯
But isn’t it seem the least bit Strange thiit thousands
¯ upon thousands of Gay men have died ofAIDS, and none
: have gone on across country killing spree? Isn’t it worth
¯ noting that most Gay men instead have thrown their
"- efforts into a brave, and largely successful, community
¯ response,to AIDS? .
Doesn tit also seem strange that the mainstreammedia
¯ has tended to lump Versace and his alleged killer into the
¯ same "lifestyle" - youknow, the Gay one?While both the
¯ victim and his alleged killer might both have been Gay~
: their lifestyles were hardlyidentical. But themediahasn’t
seemed to think so. They must also think that Princess Di
¯ and Queen Latifah, both being royals, must live the same
¯ lifestyle, too.
." The saddest part of all this hoopla is that Versace’s
¯ !ongtime compamon, Antonio D’Amici, was rarely men-
. tioned, if at all. Instead, the focus was on"Poughkeepsie,
New York: Is the Killer Here?"
On the twisted road to equality, we seem to have taken
an ui},expected step. A step which, with the alleged
¯ kill,er s apparent suicide, will soon be forgotten.
I m looking forward to getting back to Disney, those
¯ zany Southern Baptists, and Lesbian chic. ¯
Kevinlsom is a syndicated travel writer and humor
" columnist. His short story The Brothers Mangrum ap-
. p.e..q~,s..!.n th~.~pr.ing!997 issue of~s Transcontihental.
At last count there were six or seven publications
serving the Lesbian/Gay/Bi and Trans communities of
Oklahoma. Of those actually based in state, the oldest is
The Gayly Oklahoman,now more than 12 years old. Next
is this newspaper at nearly 4 years. Then comes the baby
of the group, OMahoma City CommunityNews, an ambitious
"vanity" publication. In our media watch, we have
.been mos.t .amused for several montlm By the self-promotional,
allX~lt somewhat despetat~ sliemani~ans 5f Oklahoma
City Community News. ~
Primary among these has. been running "filler" ads
which tout some aspect of their publication which they
deem. superior to other newspapers. These ads have
mostly beenjust rather tasteless. But recently in response
to a format changeby The Gayly Oklahoman, Community
News ran an ad crowing about how The Gayly was now
imitating Community News!
Tulsa Family News wonders, how Community News
would feel if we ran a self-promotional ad saying how
Community News wasjust imitating Tulsa FamilyNews?
After all, most of whatdistinguishes their publication are
things we’ve been doing successfully for almost 4 years
In fact, shortly after Community ~lewsbegan, editor
Bruce Devault called us for "how-to" advice. And for all
their noise about being found in ,mainstream7 locations
because of their "dean content," that approach was done
first by Tulsa Family News to such ~uccess that when
Community News came over fromi~OKC to Tulsa, they
just used~0ur distribution list. "..
More seriously though, we reall~ have .to -wonder if
~ashing other Gay businesses in self,promotional advertasements
really helps to build our communities? This is
not to say that there isn’t a roll for debate anddiscussion
about issues and [eadership. TFN~does precisely that
Community News has alluded in iis ads to some issues
that deserve serious public debate - such.as therole of
sexually-oriented advertising incommumtypublications.
However, in reputable newspapers, this sort of debate
occurs in editorial pages, accompaniedhy,reasoned arguments,
not by snipes in advertisements.
¯ " But ire should have ~een it coming. After all, we’ll : sexIundaelleyd-o, wrieenatlewdaaydsshliakveetchhooseseonfnTohtetGo rauynlyi,nb-uyotaulrs-ofawcee
: never be truly equal to Straight folks until We re equal in i: havenever attacked The Gayly-for their deeibions-..Maybe
:- every way. Andthat means bad aswell as good. Strange : because we remember how,things on~ewere in Okia-
: as well as stylish. Straight folks have produced years and ¯ homa, we want to state our admiration for The Gayly’s
: y~s of serialkillers.-Remember Ted Bundy? ¯ pioneering work. For those who are tooyoung to remem:
¯ ber, there was a time not too long ago that theouly sources
of advertising for Gay newspapers were either bars or
¯ sexually oriented services.
~ ,, TFN has b~,roken new ground in this. state4n getting
,mamstre.am or non-Gay advertising, but we,recognize
mat once that was not possible, and that.TheGayly served
our commumtaes under much more difficult circumstances
in the past.
We would also caution the apparently happily coupled
¯ staff of OKC’s C&nmunity News not to be sex-phobic,
¯ and insensitive to the needs of those who are single.
¯ While we agree that there are discussions of specific ¯
sexual preferences and of particularities of anatomy that
¯ are preferably not conducted in print, we hope that
Community News will recognize the legitimate n~eds for
¯ members of our community .to.date, and ev.en .to have ¯ casual sex (though, of course, individuals should be
: sexually resp.onsible). They might also note that many in
¯ our commumty like the candor of The Gayly.
¯ Finally, e d ask the Community News to stop its silly.
¯ criticizing of 900 numbers. After all, even The Tulsa
: but Community News isn’t attacking them yet!
¯ Our point is to respect those who’ve come before us,
¯ and the work they did that lielped us all to get where we
¯ are now. The ads attackingTheGayly, andus too, arejust
¯ nasty. Anyway, if your work is good enough, that should
¯ speak for itself.
: -Tom Neal~ editor & publisher
¯ PS, we welcome letters ’ ofsexually,oriented ¯
advertising or ’. Letters by *~
White. Ho...u.se Chan,ges
Gays M,l,tary P0s,tion
WASHINGTON (AP) - Trying to shaooth over a
wrinkle in its relations with the gay commtmity, the
White House on Monday clarified its statement on a
federal judge’s ruling on the "don’t ask, don’t tell,
don’t pursue" policy for Gays in the military. Presidential
spokesman Mike McCurry said that, after
hearing "legitimate concerns" raised by activists, his
reaction to the ruling should have included that a
review under way at the Pentagon analyzing how the "
law is being implemented. "In retrospect,. I would "
have pointed that out if I had looked into the issue ¯
more," McCurry told reporters. "I had a typically :
McCurry off-the-cuff reaction.’? ...... r ~ "
Earlier this month in New York, U.S! DiStrict "
Judge Eugene Nickerson ruled that the policy violates ¯
free-speech fights of gay service members and sub- "
jects them to separate, discriminatory regulations. "
Activists told the White House thatmorehomosexual ¯
service members have been discharged since the ¯
policy was adopted by the Clinton ad~ainistration in
1993. Last year, 850 Gays were discharged from all "
branches of the armed forces except the Coast Guard, ¯
according to Pentagon data compiled by the Service ¯
Members Legal Defense Network, an independent "
legal advocacy group. In 1994, there were 597 dis- ¯
The Justice Department is appealing Nickerson’s
decision, and the issue is expected to ultimately be "
decided by the Supreme Court. There are several .
cases nationwide challengin~ the 1993 policy, adopted ¯
by the administration as a compromise. The policy
bars commanders from asking service members what ¯
theirsexual orientations are. It allows Gay troops to."
serve as long as they refrain from homosexual acts
and don’t reveal their orientation. "
When Nickerson _issued his ruling, McCurry said :
"wg continue to believe the policy is a good one" and .
was being implemented satisfactorily. McCurry said ¯
Monday he had neglected to mention that Defense :
Secretary William Cohen "has expressed some con- ¯
cern about the implementation of the law" and had
ordered a review group to study it. "The bottom line ¯
is, the law is still the law," McCurry said. "We must ."
continue the work of effectively administering the
law and making sure we do so with the kind of ¯
sensitivity that gecretary Cohen has said should ap- "
"The good news here is that Mike McCurry, in ¯
thinking alitflebit longer about his comments, recog- ¯
nized that ... there are some problems with enforce- ¯
ment Of this poficy," said Winnie Stachelberg, legis, "
lative director of the Human Rights Campaign, the
country’s largest Gay political organization. ¯
School Fails to Stop
Anti-Gay Harassment
PACIFICA, Calif. (AP) - A woman plans to sue her
son’ s school district for not protecting her son from
classmate’s gay slurs. The 12-year-old boy said fellow
students have insulted him ever since he was in
kindergarten, calling him"gay-gay," "girl" and "faggot"
dozens of times a week. The boy, unidentified to
protect his .privacy, lost 30 pounds after the taunting
escalatedlastyear. Hedevelopedmigraines, his grades
sank and he thought of suicide.
The seventh-grader, who said he is not Gay but
knows he is more feminine than other boys his age,
asked the Laguna Salada Union School Board this
~aastet fsuprlitnogmtoe,’.~P,,Uht ea sStoaipdlto,tIht-eauffneecntdshinogwepIitfheeetls.ab"Iotu’st
myself, my schoolwork, everytl~ing. I have been
called those names in all my schools for as long as I
can remember.., about my perceived sexual orientation,
and ithas to stop. I Wouldlike to go to school and
not have to worry about h~ethings that somebody’s
going to call me."
Since then, the district amended its sexual harassment
policy. It says no student shall be subject to any
kind of sexual harassment, "including harassment
because of sexual orientation." The most serious
penalties include expulsion. But months of working
with administrators at Ortega Middle School appar-
;ently have not stopped the slurs, so the boy’s mother
said she intends to sue the Laguna Salada district for
not protecting her son. She alsbpians t~ue a han’c[f01
of administrators and school c~unsel0rs.
Oakland attorney Sandra Sprin~¢who represents
the boy, said in the notice of intent to sue that the
district violated both its own and state-mandated
harassment policies. The boy’s mother said the little
taught in class about sexual liarassment pertains to
treatment of gifts, not boys.And no positive images
of homosexuality are taught, she said. The school
offered an in-class training session on sexual harassment,
but the boy said his Classmates thought it was
ajoke. The students were given 20 minutes to read a
booklet that contained one passing reference to boys
who harass other Ix)vs. "We went through all the
channels and hit bricl~ walls," the woman said. "For
my son it’ s morehate harassment, sexual-harassment,
homophobic.harassment. ~I came to Ortega-to say,
’Please help me, please help my son.’ The policy
needs to be clarified."
Increasingly, lawsuits have been filed to force
schools to stop sexual harassment, especially of girls.
But cases involving boys are rare. The boy has since
left Ortegafor an alternative school in Pacifica, where
the principal and teachers keep close tabs on him. He
has gained back all the weight he lost and his migraines
and asthma have vanished. "It’s been the best
year ofmylife- and it was only two months," he said.
Chrysler Now More
DETROIT (AP) - Ellen DeGeneres lost the Chrysler
Corp.’s approval when she announced she was a
lesbian, but the company’s gay and lesbian workers
are hoping for a better reception. The company drew
protests from gay support groups when it pulled
advertising from the episode of ABC-TV’s FJlen in
which the lead character, played by Ms. DeGeneres,
came out of the closet.
But since then, Chrysler has formally acknowl=
edged, for the first time, "People of Diversity," an
employee group formed early this year "to p~ovide
support fofqesbians, gays,, bisexuals and transgendered
people through business and social activities."
It’s part of a trend among the Big Three automakers
by employees who are pushing for, and receiving,
some recognition ofgay and lesbian workers’ rights.
Ford Motor Co. recognizes a Similar employee
grgup, and in November expanded its anti-discrimination
bylaws to include sexual orientation. General
Motors Corp. does not formally recognize gay employee
organizations but GM PLUS, a gay group, is
pushing the automaker for acceptance.
"The momentum is definitely picking up and moving
in the right direction," Alan Gilmour, a former
vice-chairman of Ford who retired in 1994 and last
year disclosed he is gay, told The Detroit News.
¯ While they hail the moves, critics say the Big Three
¯ are responding too slow to shifts to protect gay and ¯
¯ lesbian employees particularly blue-collarworkersfromharassment."
¯ but the reality is that they aren’t showing a true
¯ commitment to what they say they are doing in
¯ creating a hospitable workplace," said Jeff Mont-
" gomery, president of the Triangle Foundation, a De-
" troit gay and lesbian civil rights group.
¯ Alice McKeage, an openly gay computer pro-.
¯ gramer at Ford and co-founder of the automaker’s
¯ gay emp!oyee.group - GLOBE - still receives calls
¯ from Ford employees, mostly in factories, who are
¯ harassed on the job and looking for help. ¯
"Our biggest challenge is to promote a safe work
¯ environmentbecause themanufacturingbnv~6niii~nt
¯ is stillhostile to gays,’~McKeage said. "We’vemade ¯
progress because Ford Chairffian Alex Trotman is
committed todiVerSity, butit’s coming along slow ’"
Chrysler has quiedy resumed ad,~ettising onEli~n,
¯ but the spotlight-.on gay and lesbian issues won’t g6
¯ away. The company saidit’*changingwitha strihg of
moves designed to foste£ ~i: Workplace marked by
¯ tolerance for gays and lefibians. Bef0~e recogn~!~g
.- People for Diversity, ill January it revised forma!,.
¯ standards of conduct- that eautions employees against
: harassing any person based on that’person’ s sex’, race,
.’. religion, age or sexual orientation. It will soon rercise
¯ its code of ethical behavior to ~c,!~e.,.se&ua!...p~._e~ta-_.
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tion. This fall, Chrysler’s 114,000 worldwide era- :
ployees will have the opporttmity to participate in :
diversity training.
"We can’t create ai~eli~ironment ofinclusion over- :
night," said Monica Emerson, Chrysler’s director of :
workplace diversity. "We recomaize that diversity in ¯
the workplace is a journey.’-Michelle Wahers, a :
Chrysler worker and co-founder of People of Diver- -"
sity, says the "positive spirit of change at Chrysler" :
came about because of several recent developments .
that put pressure on the automaker. "We’ve now ¯
opened a formal dialogue to discuss other issues and "
goals,"Walters said. "Fheautoindustryhasno choice "
but to change. We are genuine assets to the corpora- "
ti°n and indus,.try and they recognize, flaat." "
Bias Results in Job Loss :
TUPELO, Miss. (AP) - The couple’s relationship
was on shaky ground. So they sought counseling
through an employee assistance program maintained
by North Mississippi Medical Center. But counselor
Sandra M. Bmff refused to see the couple. The
reason? They are both yeomen;
Mrs~ Bmff was fired Oct. 23, 1996. She is now
suing North Mississippi Health Services Inc., the
parent company of North Mississippi Medical Center,
for unspecified damages. Mrs. Bmff, of Marietta,
contends she was fired from her job as medical
services counselor because she cited her religious
beliefs "as the reason for refusing to see the homosexual
couple. She is asking in the lawsuit to be
reinstated with full benefits and seniority.
Herlawyer, GrantFox ofTupelo, said at issue in the
suit is whether she can be fired because of her religious
views. Fox said Mrs. Bmff worked in the
employee assistance program, in which outside em-
~olroyth.eersirpawyotrhkeerms.e,~Mcarsl.cBenmtefrfthoapdrobveiedne ccoouunnsseelliinngg
this woman, this patient for some time, when the
asked for help in working out problems with her
lesbian lover. When Mrs. Bruff said she could not, the
individual was not happy with that... "Fox said. Fox
said Mrs. Bmff told the patient that she could continue
counsding her on other issues "not contrary to
Mrs~ Bmff’s Christian faith."
Fox said Mrs. Bmff also explained her position to
the hospital in writing, adding that her beliefs also
would prevent.her from counseling someone about
adultery. He said the hospital responded that "that
was not acceptable ... (she) shouldbe terminated."
LenGrice, director ofmarketing services forNMHS,
said hospital officials had not seen the lawsuit. "Of
course, we have no comment. This is a personnel
matter," Grice said Tuesday. However, the hospital
had been through at least two proceedings involving
Mrs. Bruff. Mrs. Bmff filed a complaint with the
federal Equal F~nployment Opportunity Commission,
which ruled in May that it could not find any
violation of law, and the Mississippi Employment
Security Commission, where a hearing officer ruled
she was eligible for unemployment benefits.
the law, thejudge wrote. ’This court.., has failed to
find objective reasons to usurp the discretion, power
and authority of the legislative branch to enact this
Adoption Battle Loses
MIAMI (AP) - An effort by a lesbian Dade County
jail guard to overturn a state law banning child adoptions
by homosexuals was rejected Monday by a
Broward County judge. June Amer, who sought to
have the law declared uncon.stitutional, must wait for
the state Legislature to change the law, Circuit Judge
John A. Frusciante said in his ruling. Florida andNew
Hampshire are the only two states that ban adoptions
by homosexuals. ~
Ms. Amer, who has a son by artificial insemination
and wants to adopt another child; lives with a retired
prison gtmrd, Gail DeShon. Amer testified during the
week-long trial in early May that the 6-year-old boy
calls the women Mommy June and Mommy Gail
."We’re very disappointed," said Ms. Ame’r’ satt~rhey,
Karen Coolman Amlong, of the American Civil
Liberties Union. The attorney said her client is
undecided about appealing. Ms. Amlong said during
the trial that the law was unconstitutional because the
Legislature was trying to exclude an entire group of
Florida’s population from adoptions.
"There is no evidence.., that the law was passed for
the purpose of disadvantaging the group burdened by
Episcopal Church
Apologizes to Gays
PHILADELPHIA (AP)-As they closed their 10-day
national convention, leaders of the Episcopal Church
apologized to Gays and Lesbians for years of rejection
and mistreatment by the church. The House of
Bishops and House of Deputies, composed of clergy
and lay leaders, approved the measure Friday on
behalf of the 2.5 millionb~lieveks. ’ ......
A feared Episcopal Church split never happened,
¯ but leaders remained divided on sexuality issues. In
¯ efforts to reduce division, several leaders of the 2.5 ¯
million-member church vowed to keep open the
debates over ordaining homosexuals and forming a
¯ rite to bless same-sex unions. Conservative leaders
¯ said they will spend the next few years fighting these
¯ proposed changes. However, the 72rid General Con:
: vention, dosed without any significant changes to
¯ current church policy, But the 1,100 church leaders
¯ came close. A proposal to bless same-sex unions lost ¯
in a nearly even vote, and resolutions rdated to the
¯ ordination of homosexuals also narrowly failed.
¯ Gay and Lesbian advocates considered the votes
¯ signs that the church one day. may fully endorse
" ordination and blessings _for same-sex unions. And
¯ they enjoyed Some victories as well The convention
¯ narrowlyapproved a resolution to allow dioceses to
¯ extend health benefits to domestic partners of church
¯ employees, though a similar resolution that would
: have qualified domestic partner~ for the church pen-
" sion fund failed.
~ Church leaders also endorse0~:a plan to continue
¯ study on the theological implications of same-sex
: umons. A report on the topic will be presented at the
:" next general convention in 2000in Denver. However,
.. House of Deputies member Byron Rushing, a la~,
¯ person from Boston, Mass., said he believes the
¯ division ~vill be smaller by then and the church will
¯ become even more welcoming to gays and lesbians. ¯
One mission of the church is helping Gays and
¯ Lesbians become more included, Bishop Suffragan
¯ Catherine Roskam said. Bishop Joe Doss from the
¯ Diocese of New Jersey said he believes another part ¯
of the church’s mission will be teaching the kind of
: acceptance itlearnedfrom the sexuality debates to the
¯ worldwide Anglican community. But before that
¯ happens, Doss said, the church needs to consider how
its theology applies to Gays and Lesbians. Old inter-
:-~ pretations of scripture encouraged exclusion, he said.
." "We need to rethink how we’ve pushed baptized
people aside," Doss said of Gay Episcopalians.
¯ Presiding Bishop Elect Frank T: Griswold III of
¯ Chicago, chosen during the convention, saidhehopes
¯ the discussion on sexuality will continue. But he said
¯ he would like to see the factions also focus on. their
common beliefs.
Murderer of Gay Man
¯ Goes to Prison Finally
: HOUSTON(AP) -Aman convicted in the 1991 Gay
: bashing murder of a Houston banker has had his 10-
¯ year probation sentence revoked and is going to
prison for 10 years. State District Judge Brian Rains
: onThursdayrevoked the probation ofDefi’ikJ. Attard,
¯ one of 10 men convicted in the slaying of Paul
¯" Broussard, because he failed’to perform community
: service.
: On July 4, 1991, Attard and nine friends went to
¯ Houston looking for Gays to harass.. They .brought
; nail-spiked boards and rocks as weapons. The 10
; youths attacked Broussard and two of his friends as
.. the three were leaving a gay bar..Jon Christopher
.. Buice stabbed Broussard to death. Buiceis serving45
¯ years. Four others were sentenced to prison terms.
; Five, including Attard, were assessed probationary
.- sentences and sent to bootcamp. Broussard’s mother,
: Nancy Rodriguez said she was glad Attardis going to
¯ prison. "I’m glad Judge Rains gavehim the 10 years,"
: she said. "I wish it could be more."
AZT Just Doesn’t
Work Right
NEWYORK (AP) -Ten years afterAZT
hit the market, scientists say they’ve figured
out why it doesn’t work better:
Chemically, it’s a bad dance partner. The
discovery might lead to better weapons
against the AIDS virus, the researchers
said. But the company that makes AZT,
Glaxo Wellcome Inc., which has its U.S.
headquarters in Research Triangle Park,
N.C., was skeptical.
AZT, the first drug approved for attacking
HIV, sabotages the virus’s attempts to
reproduce itself. But it doesn’t work perfecfly,
and HIV eventually .spawns, mutant
strains thatresistthemedication. Many
more anti-HIV drugs have come along
since AZT, but the drug is still widely
Thenew research studied whathappens
to AZT once it gets into a person’ s body.
An AZT molecule goes through an intricate
dance in a user’s calls. It has to be
modified three times to become effective
against HIV, and to get that done, it has to
dance with three different molecular partners.
These partners are enzyme molecules
that latch onto AZT one at a time,
makea modification, and then let go.
The dance goes fine with the first partner.
The problem comes with the second.
When this enzyme and the AZT molecule
pair up, the enzyme is far less efficient at
making the crucial modification than it
should be. This creates a bottleneck in the
process, reducing the amount of activated
AZT that can.be built up to work on the
AIDS virus.
What;s the problem? The AZT molecuie
is basically-stepping on the second
partner’ s toes, German scientists report ~n
the August issues of Nature Medicine and
Nature StmctumlBiology. Moreprecisely,
theenzymemolecule has aloop-like structure
that’s important in making the modification,
and the AZT molecule has a
protruding finger that bends this loop out
of kilter. That makes it harder for the
enzyme to act, the researchers concluded.
So scientists might do well to design
drugs that,avoi:d bending this loop, they
said. or/hey .could provide AZT with a
new danc..e., .partner that’s more coopera- "
five. That would involve giving patients a
gene tb"m~l~ their cells pump out an
altered fortii of the enzyme, one that isn’t
binderieS,byAZT’ s protruding fmger, they
Ram~r~"’J~i~es, a spokeswoman for
Glaxo W~i~03h~ inc., said the new work
offers abetter explanation for the processing
glitch than scientists had before. "We
don’t think this one piece.of information
is going to really change drug development
that much," she said. "But certmnly
~y.,!nformation added to the mix is help~ -
Surge,ry Debated
for Positives
saw it, he had two options:iisk majtr
experimental surgery~rdie of congestive
heart failure, Nevermind that the surgery,
which includes slicing a wedge from a
-pailent’ s enlarged,weakenedhearttomake
it smaller~and more efficient, is far from
routine- or that he is HIV-positive. "I was
afraid my heart was going to give out
before they find a cure for AIDS," Young
Last month, a cardiac surgeon performing
the procedure for the first time "remodeled"
Young’s heart. He repaired its
valves and removed a section to make it
more compact, to beat faster and pump
more efficiently.
Dr. Alex Zapolanski says he had nS"
qualms about accepting Young as a surgery
patient, but the case has stirred debate
among colleagues. Some warn the
procedure is far from ready for widespread
use, especially on patients whose
defenses are weakened by other illnesses.
"Most of us in the field are .very skeptical,"
says Dr. Sharon Hunt, a transplant
cardiologist at Stanford Medical Center.
Stanford, a major heart facility that does
40 heart transplants and 1,000 other heart
surgeries each year,, has yet to perform
heart remodeling, even on patients without
Elsewhere, American doctors are only
beginning to try the procedure, an alternative
to transplantation. Since May 1996,
fewer than 100 remodeling surgeries have
been done in the United States, compared
with an average 2,300 heart transplants a
year. Doctors say the surgery fails in30
percent ofcases, makingimmediate transplants
To even themostexperienced surgeons,
the idea of cutting into the heart muscle is
foreign. But for Dr. Randas Batista, the
Brazilian heart surgeon who pioneered
the procedure, it was a last-ditch effort to
save dying patients in the Amazonjungle,
where donor organs are all but nonexi stent.
"Most of my patients would be dead
in a short time anyway," Batista said in a
telephone interview from Brazil "So I
have survivors."
Batista contends that the situation in the
United States - with hundreds of thousands
of congestive heart failure cases
each .year and fewer than 2,500 donor
hearts available - is.not so different. And
those odds don’t include .thousands of
patients likeYoung, forwhom transplants
are not an option because of serious systemic
ailments such as HIV, cancer, advanced
diabetes or active hepatitis.
Young, 46, now recuperating at a San
Francisco hospital, has known since he
was diagnosed with both HIV and congestive
heart failure in 1989 that his HIV
status made him ineligible for a transplant.
When his condition worsened early
this year, he felt "remodeling" was. his
only option.
.When Zapolanski first saw Young this
spnng, the former.cab drivcr, andhotel
clerk was constantly,short of breath and
bloated with fluid. Carryingaiaything substantiai
from one end-of the. room, to..the
other was outof the question.."He was
going downhill. Anyone .could see. that,"
says Zapolanski, who.believes ¥oung’s
heart disease may have been causedby his
~weakened immune system.
However, Young’s health was otherwise
reasonably sound and he showed no
symptoms ofAIDS, whichhe attributes to
the new drug combinations that. are pro-
. longing some lives. "When the patient is
willing to take the chance, then it doesn’t
¯¯ take a doctor to see what is the right thing
¯ to do,", says Zapolanski¯, who operated on
¯" Young, with -Batista assisting, at Seton
Medical Center in Daly City,just south of
¯ San Francisco.
.. That attitude alarms some but is good
¯ news for others, including a heart patient
’ who’sbeentumeddowntwiceforremod_
¯ eling because, like Young, he is HIV,
¯ positive. "I really felt that people weretelling
me, "What you’ve got is not worth
¯ our time because HIV is going to kill you
." dead,"’ says John, a 35-year-old Oakland
¯ man. John hopes Zapolanski can operate
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Stephen Peake, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Specialized in
HIV .Care
Primary Care Medicine
and Psychotherapeutic
We are currently enrolling
participants in HIV/AIDS
investigational drug trials.
Call us and ask for
Drug Study to see
if you qualify.
2325 South Harvard,
Suite 600, Tulsa 74114
Monday - Friday
9:30-4:30 pm, 743-1000
Serving Tulsan ’s
Since 1947
Major credit cards
accepted for your
3 locations to serve you:
Hillcrest Physician’s
1145 So. Utica
Utica Square Area
1560 East 21st, Ste. 104
The Plaza
8146-D South Lewis
T 0thy W. Daniel
Atto.rney at Law
AnAttorney who W ll fight for
justice& Equal,ity for
-. Gays & Lesbians
D0me~ti~ Phrtnership Planning,
Personal Injury,
crim~ol ~w & Bankruptcy .
1-800-72 i 9 8 or 9i8-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekefidand evening appointments are available.
Associates in MedicM and Mental Health, PC.
in Cooperation with
HIV Resource Consortium
AIDS Coafition of Tulsa
for HIV challenged persons, caregivers and family
September 3, 1997, 6pm - 8 pm
Central Library, Aaronson Auditorium
Downtown at 400 Civic Center
Come and get your questions answered about HIV/AIDS:
- protease inhibitors and other anti-viral drug treatments
-availability of investigational drugs in reserach
- direction of futre reserach for treatment
- nutrition and HIV
Open question / answer session with the experts
Free & Anonymous
¯Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday& .Thursday evenings, 7=9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HIV OUtreach, Prevention &Education
.. ,formerly TOHR ~lV Prevention Programs
4158 South-Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights,
on his heart .this summer; the surgeon is
reviewing the patient’s medical history.
’:~)ii~of the first U.S. surgeons to remodel
a heart was Dr. Patrick McCarthy
atthe Cleveland Clinic. McCarthylearned
the procedure from Batista but says he
would not use it on any patient who has a
major health problem beyond congestive
heart failure. "Before undertaking this
sort ofradical heart surgery, I would look
under every stone," McCarthy says. "If
patients are HIV-positive and they go
through surgery; they have a much harder
timerecovering... (and) arejust thatmuch
more susceptible to catch an infection."
To date, he and his colleagues have
performed 56 remodelings, with a failure
rate of just 10 percent - substantially
better than the national rate of30 percent.
McCarthy credits careful screening of.
surgery candidates. He rules out heart
remodeling even for patients with other
heart problems, such as dogged arteries.
A month after surgery, Young suffered
a stroke - a liability for some post-surgical
heart patients - that paralyzed part of
his left side~ A spokeswoman at Davies
Medical Center, thehospital whereYoung
is recuperating, says heis improving daily.
Andhe remains hopeful and ever ready to
go home. "I still have faith," Young says
: serious concerns and high risks, a synipa-
: thetic physician has to do what’s right,"
he said. "If you would take it, you have to
: recommend it,,he added.
¯ But Saah was among those who in-
¯¯ sisted the timingisn’tright for the government
to rule on an issue that has so little
¯ proof of success. "A lot of us just don’t
¯ believe this works," he said. Some criticized
a CDC study that said health care
¯ workers in the United States. the United
¯ Kingdom and France who took the AIDS
drug AZT after being stuck with a needle
¯ cut.their risk of contracting HIV by 79
¯ percent. That study is the best evidence ¯
the CDC has that the post-exposure treat-
. ment works.
: Dr. Alastair McLeod, who has treated
¯ AIDS patients in Vancouver, British Co-
" lumbia, since 1984, added: "I don’t be-
" !ieve that 79 percent stuff either. The data
¯ is indeed a bit soft. This is potentially a
¯ quagmire for the agency."
Another concern was that some people
¯ might comeinfor treatment a second time
¯ after engaging again in risky behavior.
¯ "Do we give it to them the first time and ¯
then withhold it the second as punish-
" ment?" asked Kahn.
: Also, emergency rooms, which serve
¯ about 100millionpatientsayear, couldbe
between deep breaths. ’t..To me, this is : inundated because they are often the first
like half of a miracle. The other half will " place people go for medical care, said
be a cure of AIDS."
Treatment Debated
ATLANTA (AP) - In a debate over who
might benefit from a moruing-after treatment
for HIV, Michigan AIDS director
Randy Pope said he’s more concerned
about what to call it first. "Is it prevention
or is it treatment?" Pope asked a group of
experts who gathered in Atlanta to mull
the idea of a blast of AIDS drugs for
patients who fear they may have contracted
HIV from a night of risky sex or a
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention is i~ing to figure out whether
to endorse the controversial practice or
not. But first, they must dispense with the
name game. The government shuns the
"morning-after" title because it wrongly
implies one pill will do it. Then, there’s
"post-exposure prophylaxis." That didn"t
seem to work. Now, its wrestling over
"post-exposure treatment."
It may sound trivial, but it’s the root of
disagreement among doctors over whenit
should be used, who would receive it and
whether it will take money away from
prevention programs that already work.
The treatment, which would likely take
about a month, would give AIDS drugs to
people as quickly as possible after a potential
exposure to HIV. The idea is to
start fighting right away the development
of AIDS, even before people are certain
they have HIV.
An HIV-infected man has sex with his
wifeand the condombreaks. Aprisoner is
taped by a gang of men. A child is molested.
These are all cases experts debated
during a two-day conference in Atlanta
that ended Friday. There is little proof that
such a treatment works, although some
preliminary studies suggest it might. But
some doctors are already doing it.
Dr. James Kahn, an associate professor
of medicine at the University of California
in San Francisco, said he would offer
the treatment to anyone who needs it.
"When you’re ... sitting across an exam
tablefromsomebody whohas plainneeds,
¯ Richard Rothman of Johns Hopkins Uni-
¯ versity.
: The CDC initially said it was consider-
" ing the morning-after treatment for one-
¯, time use. But doctors at-the meeting said
¯ that should be reconsidered, since chil- dren can be abused repeatedly andprison-
: ers can be raped more than once.
¯ Saah called for more animal studies.
Twounpublished studies presentedThurs-
: day showed that giving monkeys the blast
of drugs within hours after they were
¯ infected with HIV kept some of them
virus-free after almost a year. Those stud-
: ies are still in progress~ however.
i¯ OSwtundRy:epHrIoVdSupc.tu=.orsn
: WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists have
¯ proved a long-expected trait of the AIDS
: virus:.It produces aprotein that stimulates
¯ cells to enhance its deadly reproducd0n.
¯ The protein is called Tat, and researchers
¯ from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
¯ willreportTuesday thatit essentially pro-
: .vides a wake-upcall that renders slumber-
, mg immune cells susceptible to HIV in-
" fection.
-" HIV works best in active immune cells,
¯ not quiescent ones. So for HIV to sustain
: its killer viral levels, it must continually
: replenish the active cells it kills, Dana-
" Farber research Chiang Li writes in a
: recent Proceedings ofthe NationalAcad-
¯ emy of Sciences. Tat secreted-from in-
: fected cells enters resting neighbor cells
_" and "activates" them, Li discovered in a
¯ series of test-tube studies.
: Li proved an HIV pathway that scien-
¯ tists were so confident existed that they
: already had hunted drags to attack Tat,
¯ said Dr. Anthony Fauci, an AIDS expert
" with the National Institutes of Health. So
: far, that research "didn’t work, to the
¯ point that at least one company has aban-
¯ donedtheirendeavorsfora Tatinhibitor,"
: Fauci said. But "that doesn’t mean that
¯: somebody won’tnow, withthis more con-
: firmatory evidence, try another approach
: to blocking Tat."
by James Christjohn : rock festival, became a m~mmoth under-
Onthe local front, RIVERDANCEissure : taking and received the attention of the
tobeaneventnextsnmmer.Ifyouhaven’t : most prominent female artists, the tour
seen the video, let me tell you it is a ¯ itself being billed as "a celebration of
magical show blending tap, traditional ." women in music."
and modem Celtic music
anddanceand gorgeous men
and women dancing their
feet off. The music is fabulous,
and the show is quite
beautiful. WhileIamtaking
the term "Advance Notice"
to an extreme, I would plan
to reserve seats as so~n as
the tickets go on sale for the
PAC August 18-23, 1998
Until then, the Broken
Arrow Community playhouse
will keep us tapping
with their season-opening
on August 23
at the Main Place, 1800 S:
Main in BA. A reception
and silent auction will be
held at 6:30pro, and the
show’ s curtain rises at 8pro.
Featuredentertainers are the
Bits & Pieces Theatre Chorus,
and The. happy Hoofers.
Please make reservations
by August 15 at 258-
0077. Special guests Teri
Bowers and Frank Mitchell
from Channel8 will be emceeing
the event.
Shades Of the triple Goddess!
My three favorite divas
are certainly getting a
lot of attention these days.
The most successful lineup
ofFleetwoodMac’s long
and winding career-featuring
Lindsey Buckingham,
With a rotadng
........ ~slst~ 6f
Traey Chapman,
Sheryl Crow,
Joan O~l,orne,
Fiona Apple,
Mary Chapin-
Emmylou Harris,
Indigo Girls,
Shawn Colvln,
Panla Cole,
Meredith Brooks
and more...
has been selling
out across the
eountry~ [It]
occurs in Dallas
August 4th.
STEVIE NICKS, Christine McVie, Mick
Fleetwood, andJohn McViehave reunited
and have recorded alive albumfor release
on Reprise September 23. The album ineludes
four new songs-two from
Buckingham and one each from Nicks
and McVie-plus live performances of
many classics, such as "Dreams" &
"Rhiannon. "Thealbum was recorded over
two nights in May. Those two concerts
marked the first time this version of
Fleetwood Mac had performed an entire
concert together in 15 years. Viewers will
be able to witness the event when MTV
airs its Fleetwood Mac concert special on
August 12.
Well, loyal readers, FLEETWOOD
MAC concert dates are flying around the
rumor mills. As of press time, rumor has
it that they will be playing .the following
nearby cities: October 25th and 26th -
Oklahoma City, October 29th and 30th -
Dallas. (Confirmation yet to come) If any
other MAC/NICKS fans out there would
like to get together for a road trip, I can be
reached via the newspaper and would be
glad to help organize. I’d love the company
of any other MAC/STEVIE NICKS
fan-arics. We could scream along with
Stevie on the way, and terrify thousands
of other travelers...
LOREENAMcKENN1TT’s new album
is due out end of September. Entitled
’~3OOK OF SECRETS", it isreported to
have an Italian influence, although I hear
that the Celtic influence she is known for
will also be evident. Put ~ogether by SARAH
McLACHLAN, her two managers,
andher agent, LILITH FAIR, thewomen’s
With a rotating line~up,
LIL1TH FAIR consists of
Tracy Chapman, Sheryl
FionaApple,Mary Chap~-
Carpenter, F.mmylou Har-
~.ris,-Indigo .Girls, Shawn
Colvin, Paula Cole,
Meredith Brooks andmore.
Having recently been .featured
on the covers of both
Time and Entertainment
Weekly and with SARAH
featured in magazines na-,
tionwide, 1 .l1.1THFAiRhas
been selling out across the
country. -I .H- ~.ITH°FAIR occurs
in Dallas August 4th.
SARAH?s new album,
’~URFACING", is doing
extremely well, having debuted
at number 2 on the
Billboard charts andhitting
#1in her native Canada. It
is an excellent album, full
of moody atmosphere and
interesting rhythms.
Ellen DeGeneres, who
made TV history by coming
out as a lesbian in her
series "Ellen," was nominated
for an F~nrny as best
actress in a comedy series.
Now that they’ve brought
her out of the closet, will
ABC let the star of its TV
sitcom "Ellen" actually
have a sex life this season?
¯ has told TV writers the network plans to
: moveslowlyindeveloping the Ellen char-
¯ acter as an open lesbian. I guess we’ll see
¯ just how slow a lesbian can move... With
¯¯ the heat the way it’s been, I don’t think
I’ve seen anyone moving too fast.
¯ (Whom I had quite the crush on once) has
¯ launched what could be his greatest trick
- prying $30 million damages from Pari~
Match magazine for alleging his romance
¯ with model Claudia Schiffer is bogus.
~ (Oh, I dunno if HE would say that’s his
¯ greatest trick Sorry, I had to. Even if it
: was too easy.) Copperfield filed a defa-
¯ marion suit in Lo~ Angeles against the
¯ French magazine’s pubfishers and a rival
¯ magician. According to the suit, Paris
¯ MatchspreadafalsestorythatCopperfield
¯ and Schifferperpetuated afraud, pretend-
" ing to be romantically involved, but that
¯ Copperfield pays Schiffer to accompany
¯ him and pretend to be his fiancee. ¯
Hmm Shades of Liberace. (Who, for
¯ those too young or not interested in trivia
: enough to know, popular pianist Liberace
¯ successfully sued a British tabloid in the ¯
’50’ s for claiming he was Gay. Andwe all
¯ know the end of that story.) Now why
: wouldDavid wanta"beard"? Can’t imag-
¯ ine. And if the job, goes up for grabs,
¯ what’s the salary? I could stand there and
¯ look beautiful. Stop laughing; it used to
¯ happen.., occasionally. Probably the best
: I could manage right now is vapid, but so
¯ often these days the two are interchange-
" able. Excuse me, I have to make a phone
¯ call. "Operator, can you get me David
Copperfidd’s manager on me nne ....
R A’ I N
Volunteer Training
.~Aug. 8, 6-10pm
Aug. 9, 9,Spm
Family of Faith MCC
5451 S. Mingo
Stor Michael’sl
Steaks, Seafood,
Chicken, Pasta,
Soups, Espresso,
¯ and Chalkboard
Monday- Thursday
llam- 10pm
Friday - Saturday
lla,m- llpm
Sunday Brunch
11am- 2pm
3324-L East 31st
Northeast side of
Ranch Acres
Established 1960
Celebrate Tulsa Opera’s 50th Annivcrsarv
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[:ca~"ring MARILYN HORNE
mort" a~ists singing great
moments m (;rand Opcra~ MARILYN HORNE
Picnic for Service
Providers & Clients
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2900 S. Harvard
RSVP: 585-5551
It’s Not
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For These Great
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in Atlanta:
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Womyn’s Rhythmfest
the name says it all
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Northalsted Market Days
IGTA member
Call 341. 6866
the River
Bed& B eakf t
POP 69~, Tulsa
Kelly Kirby
Certified Public Accountant
a professional corporation
¯ Lesbians. and Gay menfuce
many special tax situations
whether single or as couples.
¯ Thankyouforgiving us our
most successful tax season.
¯ Callusforhelp withyour
year round tax needs.
4021 S. Harvard, Suite 210
Tulsa 74135
hand:hewn’~k, stone, iron,
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1519 East 15th Street
¯.~, ~...~-fi J .~ Miquet,
Bali, Guaria]uarto, and
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Pool Party
AugUst 30, 4pro
Call for location.
In~o./RSVP: 665-517~
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,-~" "l~" SUNDAYS
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universahst Congregation
Service- llam, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Family- of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Adult Sunday School,. 9:15 Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church ofGranter Tulsa
..... Service,, ,10:45am, 1623 North M.ap.,le~.qod, Info: 838~ 17
PrimeTimers- : ,~
Social groupfor men~qst Sun/eachmo. ~-6pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gayfrransgendered Alliance
Not active this summer. Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each too. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussibn Group, Borders Bookstore
1st Mon/ea.mo., 7:30pm, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Aug: Obejas’ Memory Mambo, September: Gary Reed’s Pryor Rendering
Womeus Literature Discussion Group, Borders, 3rd Mon/ea: too., 7:30pro
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pm, Helmedch Park, 71st & Riverside, 587-65,57
Unity Lambda Al-anon, 7:30pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
Lesbian.Mothers Support Group, 2nd+4th Tues/ea. mo. 7pm; 1307 E. 38th
HIV+ Support Group, HIV ResourceConsortium 1:30 pm -
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749.4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIV/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & ~amily HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pro, Locations, call: 749-7898
BlessThe Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaithMCC PraisetPrayer-6:30pm, Choir-7:30,545 I-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for scheduled events.
Info: 631-7632 or Jeremy at 712-1600
Co-Dependency Support Group - 7:30 Family ofFaith~ 5451E S. Mingo, 622-1441
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro, Results: 7 - 9pro, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at-~63~7272
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pm~ Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 11pm, 3rd Thurs/each ran. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS 4154 S. Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, Info: 749.4194
SafeHaven~ Young Adults Social Group, 1st Fti/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Arts Coffeehouse, Poetry readings & art display, Pride Center
Call Mary for more information: 743-6740
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pro, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Fun Night at the Center, July 12th & 26th, 6-10pm, Pride Ctr. Info: 743-4297
SENSES, Society for Exploring New Sensations, Educating & Socializing.
July 19, 6-apm, Info, call Kathy at 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long and short rides.
Info: PUB 9165, Tulsa 74157, 8/20, 6:30pm, short tide; 8/23, 7am, long fide; 8/30,
7am, long ride. Alt rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center, 3903 W. 4th St.
Ifyour event or organization is not listed, please let us know.
Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa Ci&-County Library
Thepublic library has many wonderful,
older books of interest to the gay/lesbian/
bi/transgendered community. By searching
on the library computer catalog under
the subject ofhomosexuality, hundreds of
entries come up with subtopics (history,
fiction, humor, etc). While searching the
older fiction titles, I recently
came across a wonderful,little
novel, The Drowning of
Stephan Jones.
In the ficticious town of
Parson Springs, (a thinly disguised
Eureka Springs), antique
dealer FrankMontgomely
andhis longtimelover and
business partner Stephan
Jones have recently opened a
shop and are enjoying the
simple, small townlife. Away
from the crowded and oppressive
big cities, Frank and
Stephan can settle down and
enjoy the finer things in life.
Or so they think.
When choosing Parson
Springs as their new home,
the guys thought they had
found an artistic oasis where
peoplereally cared abouteach
other. They didn’t factor in
the overwhelming presence of
simplistic and absolute religious
beliefs that often blanket
small communities.
Stephan, a former seminary
student, convinces Frank to
attend a service at the dominant
church in town. The service
turns out to be a "family
." thetownlibrarian, befriends them.Trouble
.. begins when dashing, young Andy, high
¯ school jock and the object of Carla’s af-
¯ fection, prodded by his intolerant family
¯¯ and teammates, begins intimidating the
gay couple. The unprovoked harassing
¯ slowly escalates into violence and tour-
¯ der, as the horrified Carla tries, unsuc¯
cessfully, to avert tragedy. There is a
moderately successful surprise ending to
satisfy Stephan’ s grief stricken
Technically a young adult
novel, it is rather simply written
for maximum effect, and
does contain some violence
and mild profanity, although
no sex. While the story is
strong, the characters are
sometimes simplistically written
and occasionally fall into
Sensitive, confused Carla
realizes that her neff boyfriend,
(her first), is blinded to
trothbyhis unquestioning faith
in religious extremism, but is
too anxious to be "part of the
group" to recognize the danger
in his behavior until it is
too late. Car.!,a’ s mother i"s the
black sheep of the community,
fighting to keep challenged
books on the library
shelves after attacks by the
town’s influential Baptist
For a straightforward but
dismrbinglook athomophobic
extremism° check out The
.Drowning ofStep.hanJones. It
is an eye opemng read for
young adults and a timely re-
" minder to adults of what happens when
¯ goodpeople ignore intolerant and danger- ¯ ous behavior.
¯ Check for The Drowning of Stephan
¯ Jones at your local branch library or call
¯ the Readers Services Department at the
¯ Central Library at 596-7966.
: Dees. Champlin also anticipates speaking
:. more openly about the program and the
¯ need for the program tO high school coun-
¯ selors, teachers and principals as well as
." to mainstream media.
: O’RYAN memb~s ara not just con-
. cemedwiththemselves. Martyis theleader
¯ of the group’s Condom Crusaders who
¯ are .trying to educate their peers about
: HIVrisk. The group also wants to start its
." Own RAIN Care Team. Other goals indude
possibly fostering Gay/Straight
: Clubs in local high schools to provide
: support andinformation.
: And O’RYAN is actively seeking support
from the older Leshian and Gay corn-
: munity and friends,family and allies. The
" group has a "wish list" of things that
: they’_d like to have to make their meeting
¯ spacemore of a home-like drop-in space. ¯
Ultimately they’d like it to function al-
most like a coffee house, like Java Dave’ s
: even. However, they’re just not waiting
¯ around for the larger commtmity. They ¯
tentatively arranged to make 5,000 rain-
: bow bead keychains for PFLAG, Parents,
¯ Families and Friends of Lesbians and
¯ Gays to raise funds.
~. Champlinl Marty and George empha-
: size that the group is very careful to pro-
: tect the see O’RYAN, page 12
For a
forward but
at homophoble
cheek out
The DrownJnO
Step ,an Jo.es.
It.ls,an e~t
opemn$ reaa ~or
young .a.dults
and a timely
reminder to
adults of what
happens when
good people
intolerant and
values" lecture where homosexuals are
.uniformly denounced as lower than pornographers
or child molesters. Unfortunately,
the guys don’t get the hint.
A local girl, Carla, has become acquainted
with themen and, being raised in
a welcoming household by her mother,
to talk about &RYAN. Both who are
regulars in local clubs said that they really
,v’,paleuoeptlheehgarvoeupt:oM: baertryeSal~tuthnalitkien ginrotuhpe,
clubs wherehe characterizes relationships
as morejust acquaintances. In the group,
they’ re friendships.
Champlin, who’s been with the group
about a year, brings counselingand psychology
experience to the job. The 1994
TU graduate, along with MurphyJones
also provide free individual counseling
along with the group meetings. Sheestimates
that of the 15 to 20 meeting regulars,
about 10 also get individual counseling.
Champlin, along with Marty and
George, note that the group is not for all
Lesbian, Gay, Bi,Tramgenderedand questioning
young adults. Some are just too
closeted or find the groups too structured
if they are in a more rebellious stage. But
likely many in the city just don’t know
that the group exists.
Marty, George and.Melissa, however,
are working on changing that. O’RYAN
now has a web page, courtesy of Concessions
and noted Concessions dj, David
-,,. -,,, ..
utumn :eeze
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byJean-Pierre Legrandbouche " meats. A Utica salad features chopped
Nestled on a plot of land on 21st Street "
egg and bacon, the CaeSar comes with a
between Columbia and theBroken Arrow ¯: chom" e o¢f chi"cken; salmon, or shrimp, and
Expressway is the site of the popular old ¯ the Pacific Rim salad has cold sliced
Charlie Mitchell’s Midtown, which fi- .. chicken breast, chow mein noodles, thin
naily succumbed to bankruptcy last year. " strips of deep fried tortilla, and a "Thai"
While the food was always less than stel- ." peanut dressing, though when we tasted
lar, we enjoyed that place, if only to be it, we weren’t sure what made the dressable
to drink Watney’s Ale on "
tap and play in the red British
telephone booths. The entire
Midtown neighborhood has
been awaiting anxiously developments
at the location.
This past spring, the wait was
over and a new restaurant un--
Local diners can eat and
drink at the Milestone Grill,
now under completely different
ownership and management.
And, those who frequented
Charlie Mitchell’s
will not recognize the place
after themajor remodeling and
redecorating. The dining areas
have been Opened up into
one large, two level room, divided
by a working fireplace.
The bar now sits against the
west wall, andis stylishly conceived
with broad panels of
tortoise shell covered lighting.
Seating in the bar i s multilevel,
and includes a comfortable
sofa area. The decor is
starklymodern throughout the
restaurant, and oil pastel art
work is framed and hanging
onthe painted grey wails. Contemporary
light fixtures are crafted from
bareflame bulbs andmetallic coppermesh
shades, contributing to a dean, fresh look.
As one sits down to dinner, one quickly
discovers that this place Js no longer
Charlie Mitchell’s. Where once one ordered
a round of beers, now, one orders
ultrapremium cocktails. Milestone features.
a menu devoted stric.tly to cocktails,
includingnine different martinis. And they
¯are all delicious, We’ve tried them all
~’(th,ough not0n.the same visi t;mindyou! ),
and you can s~p andsample the various
gins and vodk~s,Anclud~ng Tangueray,
Sapphire, Skvy, i~inl~india~ ~dvedere, and
Stoli~hnaya.°(~e Of ou} favorites was the
:.-TUlSa Skyyline martini, with Skyy vodka,
Chambord (a raspberry Jiqueur),. and a
~.twist of lime. The bar als0 Ca~es an
’Impressive s..election ofsinglemait Scotcl~
’ ApiS~tizer selecfi’bns, are varied, and
display the almost schizophrenic menu
plaJming 0f the kitchen. Tl~e best are the
2705 East 91st
11am-llpm, Frl.
5pm-llpm, Sat.
5pm-10pm, Sun.
¯ Payment:
All major plastle.
Ahohoh F II
with premium
stock & wine llst.
Smokln~ in
the bar area.
A~mospkere: -
Dressy casual.
Prhes: Expensive.
A llst
ing ’q’hai."
Though only open a few~
months, a new menu was introduced
in July. The kitchen
is still experimenting, and trying
to find itself, so we hope
that they will soon be able to
establish their niche. A few
slight problems exist, such as
having both teriyaki ribeye and
teriyaki salmon, and having
both a filet mignon and a tuna
steak wrapped in bacon and
prepared like a filet mignon.
Nevertheless, the.entrees we
have tasted hagebeen flavorful
and wall done. Weparticularlylike
therotisserie chicken
($12.95), which .is tender and
juicy, served ona ~edof garlic-
laced "smaShed ’ potatoes;
and adorned like a party hat
with a big ~prig.of rtsemary.
The variou~past~of~the day
dishes are .also tasty~ full o~
additional 2vegetables and
mush~.oomg; and--delicately
sauced. All.bf the entrees are
served with:~a choice of soup
or salad.
Those not interested in
a full entree can also get a very
¯ nice, good sized Milestone burger ($6.75)
. or a great dub sandwich ($6:95) with
¯ roasted turkey and Arkansas bacon. At.
." lunch, a chicken salad sandwich ($6.25)
." and a meat loaf sandwich ($7:75) areaiso
¯ available. All of the sandwiches come
with matchstick fries.
¯ Dessert, always one of our favorite
courses, is $4.50, and varies: daily. Re-
: .cenfly, they have included: a~tasty indi-
~, vidual cobbleralamode made ononehalf
." of blackberries and on the 0ther ?half of
¯ raspberries~ which was ~gd~~as,
¯" had been microwaved to~*~~r ~o
:- serving. The ubiquitous flOuriess’ehoco._
~ late.gateaux is there, plus- the .stereotypi_
¯ cal cheesecake- this one with~chocolate,
¯~ pecans, and caramel. All of these are quite
¯: tasty. Yet, the presentation and combina-
." :tions,not onlyin the dessert courses but in
¯ the entire menu, still lack that subtle flair
which is the hallmark of a great restau-
~ rant. A good example is the roasted ha-
"- nana cream pie. We were offered the
!potato crustedlobster ,c,3kcs ($9.95). Ther¢
:is also a shrimp cockudl ($6.95), andfrom
there, the menu gets. odd. Spring rolls
($5.7~), an Oriental standard, are juxta-
:posed againstthe traditi0nai Fr~nch.~rilled
bile cheese ($7’.95): Artich0ke dip.(~5:95)
~emindS:us of.th~ spo~ts bar oi:igiils 6f the
’site. And~ like everyone else in town, they
are doing wraps -.this time, chicken
wrapped with a’ lettuce leaf ($4..95) instead
of a tortilla.
Thesoup selection varies daily, and is
$3.95 per bowl. On the night we visited, it
was corn and red pepper, which we expected
to be a spicy cream soup, but which
was a surprisingly thin vegetable soup
with kernels of corn and strips of roaste~i
red bell pepper. Basic salads are also
$3.95, and jump $4 with the addition of
dessert, and anticipated.,a large wedge of
tasty pie. What arrived was a small indi-
¯ vidual tartlet shell filled, with roasted ha-
: nanapudding, topped withwhippedcream,
and garnished withalargewedge bf white
~ and dark chocolate protruding from the
: tarflet like a shard ofbroken glass.:Next to.
the tarflet was a bail of ice cream that had
a strong and delicious espressoflavor and
¯ included little chunks 61’ fudge brownie.
; The whole large serving plate was deco-
¯ rated with a swoosh of creme Anglaise, ¯
¯ drizzles of chocolate, and a few scattered fresh berries. Individually, each compo-
¯ nentwas delicious,but together, they were
¯ too much and not a pleasant match. The ¯
espresso-chocolate ice cream comp!etely
¯ overpowered the delicate sweetness of
the roasted banana, see Jean, page 12
ration techniques are all down, we look
forward to the kitchen staff developing
the culinary maturity in matching foods
that will makethis restaurant an outstanding
dining experience.
Similar problems arise in the service.
When we’ ve been seated in the dining
room, service has been attentive and adequate
(though not outstanding) for arestaurant
of this calibre. However, when
we’ ve been seated in the smoking section
in the bar area, the service has been woeful.
In fact; on our last visit, the handsome
pony~led bartender (worth a trip just to
gazeuponhim,by theway) tookpityupon
our table and volunteered to take over for
ourabsent waitress. Nevertheless, wehave
great expectations that management will
soon work out these minor flaws, espedally
since themenus advise that a seventeen
percent gratuity will be added to
tickets for groups.
On the whole, we enjoy going to the
Milestone Grill. As they grow- and become
more comfortable with their identity,
we think the staff will make a fine
team. And, we hope they’ll stir be in
business come winter time, so we can
lounge around that wonderful fireplace in
the dining room.
to moving every American forward. At
those places where we disagree with the
President, and there are many, we know
for certain now that he acts, not out of
ignorance, but out of his political analysis
for advancing his agenda."
Lobel added that the President spoke at
length about how the cultural map of
America must shift ifLGBT people are to
gain civil rights. "We look to the President
to speak out loudly and often on
issues affecting Gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender Americans. But we must
be realistic. The President will not move
unless activists at the local and state level
move him and the administration forward."
There also was discussion of Clinton’ s
upcoming White House conference on
hate crimes later-this year. The activists
said they want the conference to address
"widespread" violence against Gays and
would like to include Gay youths who
often are prone to violence on the streets
because of family rejection and
homelessness. "There is agreement that
violence against any group is something
that must be combated," Echaveste said.
The group expressed concern about the
implementation of the Clinton
administration’ s "don’ t ask, don’ t tell,
don’ t pursue" policy on Gays in the military.
A study by the Service Members
Legal DefenseNetwork showedthatGays
are being discharged from all branches of
the armed forces in greater numbers since
the policy was instituted in 1993.
"We made it dear there are a number of
instances in which the administration has
come down on the wrong side of issues
that are important to us, not the least of
which is the Gays-in4he-military issue,"
said Lorri Jean, executive director of the
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center.
The policy bars commanders from asking
service members to reveal their sexual
orientations, and allows Gay troops to
serve as long as they refrain from homosexual
acts and don’ t reveal their orienta-
Besides McDonald, LobeL Jean and
Birch, other participants at the meeting
were Kevin Jennings, executive directoe
of the Gay, Lesbian and StraightTeachers
Network; Tim Gill, founder of the Gill
Foundation; Gloria Nieto, executive director
of the People of Color AIDS foundation
of New Mexico; Brian Bond, executive
director of the Gay and Lesbian
Victory Fund; Martin Omelas-Qnintero,
executive director of the National Lation/
a Lesbian and Gay Organization; Jeff
Sorer, Co-Chair of the Empire State Pride
Agenda; Dale McCormick, Treasurer of
th~ State of Maine; Kevin Catheart, executive
director of Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund; and Vema
Eggleston, executive director of the
Hetrick-Marfin Institute.
confidentiality of those who attend, especially
outside the safety of the meeting
space. O’RYAN has also scheduled several
special events in August and Septem,
ber. On August 16, the groups is holding
its "Snmmer Fling" dance party. Later in
the month, by popular demand, the group
will have a slumber party-properly chaperoned
and alcohol, smoke and drug free,
of course. In early September, the group
will go on afloat trip on the Illinois river.
To donateor to volunteer for O’ RYAN,
call 584-2325.
Madson’s father, Howard Madson of
Barron, Wis., watched the developments
Wednesday night as well, but declined to
discuss them. "There will come a time
when we have something to say. I can’t
tell you now when that will be," he said.
Cunanan was suspected in the death of
Chicago developer Lee Miglin and
charged in thekilling ofNew Jersey graveyard
caretaker William Reese. Reese’s
widow, Rebecca, had no comment on
Cunanan’s death when reached by telephone
at her home in Upper Deerfield
Township, N.J..
Sorrow was unabated for Cunanan’s
family as well. In the Philippines, where
his father lives, his aunt Barbara Carlos
was resigned to her nephew’s death, but
still baffled by his life.
"He is a good boy. He can’ t do all those
things. I thinkhe is innocent," Mrs. Carlos
said, but added that his family "should
accept the truth. They should accept what
happened to them."
She had not seen Cunanan since he was a
child. ’‘we are saddened," she said. ~’Even
if we have not been together for a long
time,we are saddenedby whathappened."
Eilarts will begin an all ages coming out
group in cooperation with Melissa
Champlin of Red Rock Mental Health
Association. This group will meet at the
Pride Center and will be for all ages.
Eilarts, who has considerable experiencein
counseling around substance abuse
issues, will focus on communication and
negotiating skills as,well as ,triggermechanisms"
for high risk behavior to help men
to develop betterrelationships and to help
prevent HIV/AIDS.
For more information, call TOHR/
HOPE at 712-1600, 9-Spm, Mon. - Fri.
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Puterbaugh said. ’It just, was not in the
conversation, it was not ~the thinking."
She and Famham, who describe them- ¯
Selves as beingin their "early 50s,"thought ¯
about but never ended-up having a corn- "
mi.tment~ceremony in honor of their 20th
anmversary. Then two years ago, they
attended a conference devoted to the notion
of a civil marriage between couples .
of the same gender., "We walked out of ."
that conference, looked at ourselves and ¯
said,’ That’ 8 what we.~ant,’’. Puterbaugh
said. .
But the Milton town clerk, relying on a ¯
22-year-old opinion from the attorney ¯
general’s office, refused to issue them a
marriage license when they applied on
April 25. Baker and Harrigan applied in
Shelburne on June 13 and Jolles and Beck
applied in South Burlington six days after
that. All Were denied and lawyers decided
they had a case.
"Finding a partner, finding a mate and
getting married is a basic human right,"
said Middlebury lawyer Susan Murray.
’The state of Vermont should not be al- ¯
lowed to step in and tell two consenting
adults that they cannot marry one an- "
Attorney General William Sorrell,who
~v9a3~_aospkiendiobnu,t sdaeidclitnheedistosuoevsehrtouurlnd-tbhee
decided in the Legislature, not the courts:
Lawmakers already have extended civil
rights protections to Gays and Lesbians "
and included them among the classes protected
in a hate crimes statute, he said. If :
the Legislature. had intended to .include ¯
marriage among those ,rights, it would
have said so, he ~rguedi ’rhe Legislature
has done nothing that. we can find’ that
affirmatively extends the ri,g,ht to same-
,g,endermarriagein~Vermont; "S orrell said.
~’he Legislat-~re for 2:2~3;~s has had the
opportuni,,~ to change thatlaw. It has not
done that. ’
Gov. Howard Dean said he believed the
Legislature should avoid theissue for the
time being. "I Would prefer this not be
addressed in the Legislature until it’ s resolved
in the courts," he said. "I think it’ s "
a very personal matter. This is a very ¯
difficultissue and I think the courts are the ¯
place to.resolve it." :
Murray and the other lawyers said no
change in theIaw was necessary. Denying "
Gays and Lesbians marriagelicenses rio- :
lares not only state marriage statutes but
also Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 7, of the "
Vermont Constitution, the couples claim ¯
in their lawsuit. The first article states ¯
people are born equally free and indepen- ¯
dent; the seventh says the government
exists for the common benefit, and not for ¯
any particular set of people. .
"We are challenging the notion that a
couple in love can’t marry each other "
.simply because they made the ~mi_’,stake of ¯
falling in love withsomeone ofthe wrong’
gender," said Mary Bonanto of Gay &
Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, .a:New
England=wide Gay civil rights group.
Vermont statut~,s describe m~a~e as
aunion betweena ~bride and t,ro~m. "but
say not.m.n.g.:a.n.y.,:°.’;mO" re exp~l’-ic" it a’bout
gender~: ~orrdl s’~id~,~e ~l~dictibnary:
meaning of ~e phrase proved lawmaker~7
intended marriages to be between men
and women. ~.: ~ ....
The lawsuit asks only for:~ legalization
of civil marriages and does not ask
churches opposed to same-sex unions to
recognize them or perform ceremonies.
¯" "It’s not g~ng to affect any religious
: 9~anizationatall,"Murraysaid.Itwould,
however, offer them a wide range of civil
¯ benefits. "Married couples receive over
150 supports and protections under Vermont
law, which are not available to Gay
and Lesbian couples, no matter how long
they have been together, no matter how
committed their relationship is, and no "
matter how much they need those legal, ."
protections," Bonauto said. ¯
Among the benefits she listed were "
family leave; bereavement leave; retirement
and pension benefits; health insurance;
inheritance; and the right to ,make
medical decisions onbehalfofasame-sex
The issue of Gay and Lesbian marriage
: has been hotly contested around the coun-
¯ try, especially a groundbr_._e._a_,kii’,ng case in
Hawaii in which that state s Supreme
¯ Court rnled in 1993 thatitwas unconstitu-
¯ tional to deny marriage licenses to same-
" sex couples without a compelling public
¯ interest.
¯" Before a lower court could rule on
whether such an interest had been demonstrated,
the Hawaii Legislature passed a
bill granting such benefits as the rights to
share medical insurance, joint property ¯
ownership and inheritances to couples "
: who could not legally marry. Lawmakers "
: also proposed a referendum on whether ¯
the Hawaii Constitution should be
¯ amended to outlaw Gay marriage. That !
.’ referendum is scheduled for next year.
With the Hawaii case awaiting court
ruling,Gay civil rights activists have been ¯
lookiiag for another test case. Vermont
already has an active organization on the
¯ issue, known as the Freedom to Marry
¯ .Task Force, andit has worked with Lesbian
& Lesbian Advocates & Defenders,
¯ a group that has been active on same-sex
¯ mamages. A lawyer with,GLAD was
scheduled to be at Tuesday s news con-
: ference.
The issue also is pending in the Ver¯
mont Legislature, where a bill that would
¯ ban gay marriage remains alive in the
House Judiciary Committee. No action
¯ was taken on the bill when it was mtro-
¯ duced in January, but it remains alive for
the second year of the Legislature’ s sesfor
effective multicultural and coalition
organizing. The need for the Federation
grew out of meetings of statewide acti,vists
during the past two years at NGLT s
annual Creating Change Conference. The
Task Force coordinated the logistics of
the. Tennesseemeeting, providing scholarships
and staffing and assisting in the
"We have known for many years that
the real battles facing our communities
wouldbe foughtinthe State Houses across
the country," stud Paula Ettelbn¯ck of the
Empire. State Pride Agenda, who is a
fouhder and a co-chair ~f the Federation.
"It is essential that we create an orgainz-
¯ ing structure that helps us to Strategize as
¯ a hational network of lesbians and gay
i men in order to support each other, sh~re
resources, andf,i,ght our common enemy
of h0m0phobia.
Oklahoma wasrepresented by TOHR,
: Tulsa Oklah0mans for Human Rights
: which at 17 years old is the oldest non-
" religious organization in the state. TOHR
: .presidentTomNealnoted,"TOHRclearly
¯ ~s not a state-wide organization. Okla-
: homa, unfortunately,qaas no organization
¯ that is genuinely statewide. However,
TOHR has been for several years the only
went to the meeting in order to come back
and to try to foster state level organizing."
¯. Neal added that he hoped that Tulsa and
¯ Oklahoma City groups and individuals
will set aside their historical friction to
work for the benefit of the whole state.
The Federation will consist of 13 Executive
Committee members, selected
¯ from each region of the country, who will
set forth the mission of the Federation.
¯ The National Gay and LesbianTaskForce
¯ will ser~e as coordinatorof.theFederation
for the next three years: NGLTF will
coordinate and. support the Federation’s
¯ work through the dedication.of staff and
¯ resources including the creation and dis-
: semination of information and materials,
regular conference calls, cyber resources
¯ and more.
¯ "States are ground zero in the struggle
for equality andjustice, and it is essential
that these state groups become better
¯" resourced., and supported if we are to en¯
sureourultimate success as amovement,"
said NGLTF executive director Kerry
¯ Lobel.
,’I ¯ amthrilled that the stateLGBTgroups
have united to. form this Federation. The
Federation will focus on strengthening
state organizations so that we aJ’e better
equipped for the upcoming civil ,ri,’ghts
battles we are facing stat~l~y state, said
Dianne Hardy-Garcia of’~e Lesbian/Gay
Rights Lobby ofTexas an~t co:chair:bfthe
Federation. ’Theformation ofthe Federation
wouldnothave beenpossible without
~ the assistance of NGLTF. NGLTF has
¯ provided the resources needed to pull
¯ togetherthe Federation. The Task Force
.continues to illustrate a real understand-
" mg mat our movement must be a local,
¯ state an,d, national movement if we are to
¯ su~eed, ’ added Hardy-Garcia."
The Federation is p,lanning its next
meeting for November s NGLTF Creating
Change conference in San Diego,
¯ California. In addition to the. meeting,
there will be a series or workshops geared
: towards activists doing statewide work,
especially onlegislation. These workshops
, ~ill be open to all.
! SpiritWoman Contor
: Longtime Lesbian activist Tay Clare is
¯ the volunteer coordinator ofthe Frec Spirit
Woman Center, based in a private mid-
. town Tulsa.home. The Center provides
the following ongoing weekly programming
from 7-9 pm.
On Tuesdays, the Center sponsors a
¯ poetry writing workshop. Women with
¯ much or no experience are encouraged to
participate or just to observe.
Wednesdays, Charlotte Kasl’s famous
¯ 1~6 step,e,mpowermentprogram is the topic.
¯ according to Tay, Charlotte Kasl claims
women should never say they have no
¯ power; by doing the steps, they can find
their own powerful wom~n within. ,
¯ EveryThursday,Clareleads awomen s
spirituality workshop. Ihdividuals are en-
¯ couraged to bring their own materials as
part of their journey. ~ .....
¯ A support and discussion group i~ held
i .on Fridays. The current topi~ iS a studyof
¯ the journals of radical Gay women..~ "
¯ The Free Spirit Woman Center oper-
: ates by consensus without domination by
"anyone person. Facilitation is minimal
." and is used primarily to insure that all get
¯ a chance to speak. The Center has no ¯
funding but small donations are always
: welcome to pay for coffee and other sup-
" plies. Info: 587-4669.
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the no, of ffbt.d~".’.’ (A word is a group of
letters or numl~i:s separated by a space.)
Send your ad &payment to POB 4140,
Tulsa, OK.74.1’,~9 with your name, addresS,
tel. numbers (for us only). Ads
will run in the next issue after received.
TFN reserves the righit6 edit ~i" ~fuse
any ad. No refunds.
HIW:Worker Needed
Part-time HIV prevention outreach
specialist. Persons over 40
especially encouraged to apply.
~,iC0h)t~iMallory a~ 712-1600.
Parents, Family & Friends of
. Lesbians & Gays, Tulsa
-POB52800, Tulsa, OK 74152
H0fline: 749-4901
Parents, Family & Friends of
I~sbiiinS & Gays, Bartlesville-
Washington Cty, POB 485,
Bartlesville, OK 74005
FUSO - Friends in Unity
Social Organization, Inc.
FUSO is a community based
organization not-for-profit
501(c)3 agency providing
servicesto African-American
males + females who are
infected with HIV/AID$ in the
Tulsa community. FUSO also
helps individuals find other
agencies that provide HIV/
AIDS services.
POB 8542, Tulsa, OK 74101
" rVV-W.movo.coin
$2.49 per minute for certain optional features. © 1997~M.~oyo M0ma, !nc.
1,8~o~e~a, Inc. does not prescreen callers ~d ass~es no respo~for personal meetings.
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per minute. 1 8+. Customer Service: 41 5-281-3183
~,~. ¯ ;.~ ...~ ¢~ ~ ~~. ~ ~. , ......,. ..
1) To respond tothe~e ~:::
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
like-to meet other Gay males fo.,r fun,
friendship and, maybe, more. I m ,a.n
attractive, Gay, White male, 26, 6 2,
1801b,s, with light Brown hair and Blue
.eyes. I m Ionel~ sometimes and look
f6rward to hearing from you. (Claremore)
MANLY PASllMES I’m a good
looking, masculine, White male~ 5’7, with
a marine haircut and Hazel eyes. I like
hunting, fishing, and sports.. I’d like to
meet Differ men in the area to hang out
with. (Grand Lake) =28333
KEEP IT HONEST I’m looking for a nice
guy, and able communicator, with whom
I can spend time and build something
spe~:iaL I’m a 32 year old, Gay, White
male, interested in romance and quiet
times with my partner. I like long walks,
biking, and h6nest communication.
(Henrielta) =32520
,year,o,ld, Bi male is a sexy Transvestite.
I m 5 9, with Brown hair and Blue eyes.
I’m searching for a gorgeous Gay, or Bi,
male, 27 to 30, who is good, kind, and
friendly. Hurry! (Kiowa) =1471
MAN? Hungry male, 21,5’11, 1701bs,
with BI6nd ha-it and Blue eyes, seeks hot
guys willing to cook up good times.
(Tulsa) ~2549
WILD MAN I wanna get wild with
a younger, s.m,ooth, muscular,
White male. I m a buffed, 39 year
old, Bi, White male, 6fl, 1671bs,
with Brown hair, Blue eyes, and a
hairy body. (Tulsa) =2594
looking, 6 1, 1751bs, with Blond
hair, Green eyes, a great tan, hairy
build, and a big personality. Call
now. (Tulsa) =2640
f.r!endly, 19 year old, White male,
5 10, 1351bs~ with Bro.w,n hair and
Hazel eyes. Right now I m just looking
for friends but who knows what the
future might bring? Call me. (Tulsa)
QUICK DRAW I’d like to get to know
some other guys who like to have fun.
I’m a well built, White male, 6’2,
1901bs.. Ienjoy drawing and music,
especially alternative and industrial
music. If you’d like to make a new
friend, give me a call.
JUST US This drug
free, smoke.free, ~
Gay, ,
White male,
25, 5’8, with
Brown hair
Hazel eyes, seeks
a similar man,
21 to 30, for
life together.
I’m a nice, caring person
with a good sense of humor. I enjoy all
.music, movies, dancing, and quiet
nights at home. (Tulsa)~ =1896
old, White male, 5’9, 1401bs, is
looking for a sentimental guy, over 25,
with whom to share romantic evenings,
cooking, family, music, and cuddling.
(Tulsa) =1350
COUNTRY LOVE I was brought up on
a farm south of Dallas so I love country
life. I’m a goo,d looking, 31 year old,
White male,6 3, with Brown hair and
eyes. I’m easy going, caring, and loving
and I’m Iookin~ for the love of .m,y life. I
like young cowboys, 18 to 25. I m into
rodeo, and most music. (Tulsa)
I DESERVE IT I’ve decided that
d,eserve to meet the man of my dreams.
I m an honest, pr.o,,fessional, Gay, White
male, 38, 5 9, 1551bs, with Brown
hair, Blue eyes, a beard,
and hairy Ixx]y. I’m very
energetic, and get
from rood
trips, movies,
d ning out, and
home ife. (Tu so)
wanna go out
and do fun stuff with some
new friends. I’m a goD,d, looking; Gay,
Cherokee Indian male, 5 8, 1451bs,
with Black hair and Brown eyes. I’m into
all kinds of things. I like to swim, work
out, play basketball and tennis, and
en oy the company of my friends. I’m
most attracted to B ond haired, E~ ue
eyed, guys but would like to meet all.
(Tulsa) =33664
BRONCO RIDER I’m a 21 year old,
masculine, cowboy, seeking a ¯
soulmate. I’m 5’11, 1451bs, with short
Brown hair, Blue eyes, and a fit body.
110ve rodeos, hunting, fishing, sports,
country music, and ~outdoors.
(Tulsa) =32884 ~ ~’~ ~.
~NEW,FACES I’:m~:~d looking, -
White male, 6fl, 170Ibs, with Brown
hair and eyes. I go to school during
the da~ and won-der what’s going on
at night. Show me. (Tulsa)
IN TRANSITION I want to build a
relationship with another good ,
looking, Gay, Male, Transvestite. I m
26, 5 9. with B~’own hair and Blue
eyes. You should be clean, nice, and
fun. I hope we can have a long term
relationship. (Tulsa) =30728
a~active, 21 yearald, Black male,
.5 11-, 1801bs, with li~ght Brown eyes,
seeks ,other Black men to hang out
with. I m new to the scene and want
to make some good friends. (Tulsa)
needa woman’s touch? I’m a 40
year old, Transgender, hoping to
someday become a ~:omplete woman.
I love to play the feminine role and
am seeking men, over 40, in every
way. Race is unimportant. (Tulsa)
JUICY FRUIT This hairy, tan, good
looking, Gay, White man, with a big
personality, wants to tal.k, on ~e
phone with other studs, I m 6 1,
1801bs, with Blond hair and Green
eyes. Once we get acquainted,
maybe we can meet. (Tulsa) =2416
that a hard man is good to find. This
sensual~ sexy, sbbmissive, Bi male,
Transvestite, 42, 6fl, 1701bs, seeks
dominant; Bi men, 35to 70, of all
races. Let’s play. (Tulsa) =29954
around.town and teach me the West
Coast Swing. I’m a young !o,oking; 34
year old, Hispanic male, 5 ,4, 1251bs,
with Brown hair and eyes. I m pretty
new to town and want to make
friends. I love to dahce and can.hvo
step with the best of them. I’m a big
fan of country music, movies, and
love people. Let’s meet. (Tulsa)
want to get close to someone who is
able to have a relationship without
letting anyone else know about it. I’m
a good looking, 27 year old,
Married, Bi male. (Tulsa) =29225
GET CLOSER Togelhemess with another
.worn’in is what I’m after. This Gay, While
lemale, 34, 5’6, with O~ive skin, dark hair and
eyes, loves reading, watching softball, lang
walks, and having fun:Wanna be friends?
(Tulsa) e$145
BACK TO SCHOOL I’m into sports, movies,
and Ifle outdoors and J!d like Io meet a womyn
who can share~inlereds with me. I’m a 25
year rid, White female, 5’6,1701bs, with short
Brown hair and Brown eyes. I have a cdlege
degree but am about le go back to schod le get
another. You should be I~veen 25 and 35,
and fun loving. (Tulsa] e1456
TULSA TEMPIRES$ This 26 year old, While
f~nale, seeks an oulgoing, open minded, Single,
Bi female, 21 Io 38, ~or a possible live in
relationship. I’m e.~,pgciolly interested in a wgmyn
with Red hair and Blue eyes, Who’s a casual
drinker. ! lave le play pod, dance, bowl, go to
movies, malls, and parks. (Tulsa) =34531
SPARE TIME I’in a Manied, BI, female. My
husband is an executive so he is out o~ town
most.c~ the 5me. I want-to meet a womyn to have
fun with. I eniay going out dancing, dini~, and
Irave~ing. let’s ~nce the night away. (Tulsa)
SF.XY SWEL~HEART Hey, you sexy
,’weethearts, ! want to meet a ~,ey sf~ciol lady
~no’d like to have a wanderfel lime. I’m a Bi
brnale with a bt to give. ~s get logether right
~ay. (Tulsa) =30318
TIJLSA 11NOSOME This 35 year old span’s
enthusiast, is interesled in meeting other womyn
who enjoy the outdaa’s, movies, and embracing
life. let’s get Io know one andber. (Tulsa)
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it he e)
the Tulsa Area Chapter
The NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
announces the
AIDS Men~orial Quilt
Fifth Annual
Feast with Friends
An At-Home
Saturday, August 16
Dinner at your
Donations to. the
Dessert finale at the
Adams Ma~ Hotel
with entertainment more!
Call 748-3111 for more information:
Namethe Heisman Winner Contest
Pick up Entry Forms Today!
Look for
at ,your
the Pride Center
A Home for Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Transgendered Community Continues
Pledge "97
Tlie dream of a Community Center isa reality! You can help it continue and
grow. The Pride Center has provided a meeting place for the Prime Timers,
Friends in Unity Social Organization (FUSO) , Safe Haven, Rainbow
Business Guild, the Parish Church of Saint Jerome, Mothers Support Group,
Poetry/Arts Coffee House, SENSES, Lesbian and Gay-oriented substance
abuse support groups, Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation,
TOHR, HOPE, Americorp, HIV training seminars and others. Your mem
bership and/or pledge helps to keep the doors open.
[] I want to join/rejoin. ~ Individual @ $20/year
Household!org @ $35/year
~ Sustaining @ $100/year
~ Ltd. income/student @ $10/year
[] I want to pledge. Please send me/us a pledge book for
$.~per month. Suggested pledge: $5 - 20/month.
Address: City, state, zipcode:
Day phone: Eve. phone:
The Pride Center is open 6 days a week. HOPE offices are open Monday -
Friday, 9 - 5pro. Volunteers staff The Pride Center on Tuesday - Friday nights
from 6-10, and Sat. 12-10pm. Volunteers are always welcome.
The Pride Store is open Wed. - Friday, 2 - 6pm and Sat. 12 - 6pro
Please return this-form to: 1307 East 38th, 2rid ft. Tulsa 74105, 918-7434297
Oklahoma Rainbow
Young Adult Network
A support. & educational group for
14.24 year old Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
.Questioning and Transgendered Tulsans
Needs. Your Help;
Donation Wish List-
Gay Video Library
Bean Bags
Wall Art
Pop Machine
Throw Pillows
1724 East Eighth Street, 584.2325
Marriage Ban Challenge
by Ross Sneyd
COLCHESTER,Vt. (AP)-For25 years, Lois Famham
and Holly Puterbaugh have built a life together, commired
in every way except one: legally. On Tuesday,
they and two other couples sought to fix that. They sued
the state and their hometown, of Milton, asking a
Chittenden Superior Courtjudge to declare legal marriages
between couples of the same gender.
Start Baker and PeterHarriganofShelbumeand Nina
Beck and Stacy Jolles of South Burlington joined the
lawsuit, which thrusts Vermont into the center of a
national debate over whether society should recognize
unions between Gays and Lesbians.
’q?.wenty-five years ago when wemet and fell in love
mamage was not something any of us that were samegender
couples thought about," see Vermont,page 13
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
,Tul~s~a!~’~rge~tC~oulationCommunityPa-perA vailable In More Than 60 City Local.ions
i PFLAG Pres,.Joins Gay
Activists at White House
-" WASHINGTON (AP) - President. Clinton met Tuesday with a
: dozen Gay and lesbian activists at a meeting .organized by
¯ Richard Socarides,White House liaison to the Gay, Lesbian,
: Bisexual and Transgender community. Nancy McDonald, na~
: tional president of the board of directors of Parents, Families and
: Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) and cofounder of the
¯ Tulsa Chapter of PFLAG attended at meeting where the Presi-
: dent pledged support for two employment concerns: anti-Gay
: bias in the workplace and high-ranking appointments in his
: administration. Thepresident spentmore than anhour discussing
: a range of issues from adoptions to homeless Gay youth and
¯ problems confronting Gays and Lesbians in rural areas, such as
: access to AIDS medicine.
: Clinton pledged his support for the Fmployment Non-Dis-
~ crimination Act, which bars firing or discriminating against an
¯ employee on the basis of sexual orientation. Andhe assured the
¯ group thathe has putforthfivenominations ofopeulyGay people
: for administration jobs that require Senate confirmation.
¯ "Each one of them will take work," said Elizabeth Birch,
" executive director of the Gay political advocacy group the
~ Human Rights Campaign. "We have a tough challenge ahead."
¯ Maria Echaveste, White Honsedirector ofpublicliaison, said the
¯ president wants Gay appointees so that his administration can
~ provide an example of how to reduce anti-Gay attitudes in the
: workplace. "Fhe more people work with them, the less preju-
¯ diced they are," Echaveste said. ’q’hat’ s why appointments are so
: pivotal."
: According to Kerry Lobel, executive director of the National
¯ Gay & Lesbian Task Force, "we found the President to be open
¯ and knowledgeable on issues affecting the LGBT community.
: This is a President who at heart seems to have a deep commitment
¯ O’RYAN’s New Home Private Conduct or Sex Crimes?
By Laurie Asseo
WASHINGTON (AP) - What lovers do in private still : ~~1 ¯ I/-’,~1,.~ ~.,~& 1/I ..~ ...~ ~=~....-Jcanland
~em!njail.- butin asteadily s,,h~nking n,~;,:~:!~ act.y ; IV!O|11$.~U~[,~.U
of states ¯ Earher this month’ Montana s ban on homo- ¯ TULSA - After two months of.cam.pin.g o.ut in loaned office
sexual sex was thrown out by the state Supreme Court ¯ space, Betsy MurphyJones and Melissa Champlin of the Tulsa
as a violation of the state’z constitutional right to privacy.
Sodomy laws in Kentucky and Tennessee also
were struck down by state courts in recent years.
Many other states have repealed laws that banned oral
and anal. sex for Gay people and heterosexuals as well.
"We’ ve made incredible headway," says Ruth Harlow
of the civil-fights Lambda Legal Defense and Education
But about 20 states, operating under a green light
from the Supreme Court, still have laws making sodomy
a criminal offense. Consenting adults have no
federal constitutional right to private homosexual conduct,
the court said when it upheld Georgia’ s sodomy
law in 1986.
Arkansas, Kansas, Maryland, and Missouri ban homosexual
sex acts. Sodomy is banned for Gays and
heterosexuals alikeinAlabama,Arizona, Florida, Georgia,
Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, North
Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia.
Penalties vary widely, with maximumjail terms
ranging from 30 days in Arizona to 20 years in Virginia
and Rhode Island, or even life in Idaho.
Laws banning sodomy also are on the books in
Oklahoma, Texas, Massachusetts and Michigan, but
they have been cast into doubt by court rulings.
Oklahoma’ s sodomy law was ruled unconstitutional in
1986 but the particular case involved heterosexuals and
legal experts disagree as to whether the law should be
seen as in force just for homosexuals or whether it’ s
been completely ov.ertumed. Sodomy laws in all other
states have been repealed see Sodomy, page 3
i US Statewide Groups
¯ Create. New Federation
¯ OK Represented by Oldest StateGroup
¯ Knoxville,TN-Animportant chapter in the move-
; meatforlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)
¯ equality was marked on July 11-13 b~ activists
¯ from statewide political groups from 32 states. At
¯ the mdeting, activists officially launched the Fed-
" eration of Statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
¯¯ Transgender Political Organizations.
The Federation’ s purpose is to bolster the efforts
¯ of these statewide groups through a network that
¯ will foster strategizing across state lines, building
¯ stronger state organizations and developing good
¯ working relationships between state and national
¯ groups. The meeting was the result of an eight
¯ month collaboration between the National Gay and
¯ Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) and the Federation.
¯ Itwas thelargestgathering ever ofstatewide groups.
¯ States represented were: AR, CA, CO, CT, DE,
¯ GA, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MS, MO,
¯ TX, UT, VA, WA,~WV.
: The three day Federationmeeting was held at the
: renowned Highlander Center outside Knoxville,
¯ Tennessee. For over fifty years, the Highlander
: Center has been a training center for labor, civil.
: rights and other s~ocial justice movements. There,
¯ activists focused bn adopting the organizational
¯ structure for the Federation and debating strategies
’. on legislative issues. These issues included "sod-
" omy" law repeal, passage of civil rights bills and
¯ family recognition strafegies, as well-as building
¯ strategies see ,States, page 13
"New Coming Out .and
¯ Men’s Group Offered
: HIV Outreach, Pre-
¯ vention & Education,
office of Red Rock Mental Health Association finally have
adequate room for their work. But they really gained much more
thanjustdecent offices
for themselves, the
program now has several
rooms in which
O’ RYAN and
O’RYAN, Jr. can
meet. O’ RYAN stands
for Oklahoma Rainbow
Young Adults
Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
Transgendered and
O’RYAN’s George, Champlin & Marry questioning young
adults from 18 to 24
years old. O’RYAN, Jr. is a new program that will serve 14 to 17
year old young people. O’RYAN, Jr. will kick off in early
Red Rock Mental Health Association is primarily an Oklahoma
City based organization. Several years ago Betsy
MurphyJones returned to Tulsa and began the program that later
was named O’RYAN. At the beginning, theprogram was housed
in offices in the Youth Services of Tulsa building in downtown
Tulsa. Youth Services already had a program, TYDD,Tulsa
Youth Discovering Diversity which served Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
Transgendered and questioning youth.
However, over the year in which .the two organization were
working together, tension developed between Red Rock and
Youth Services over how public to be with these programs.
Diplomatically, Champlinindicates that Youth Services’ Board
of Directors was not willing to be public in suppori of these
programs,for fear of losing funding.
l’~ow O RYANis funded independently through an Oklahoma
State DepartmentofHealth (OSDH)grantwhichtargets "MSM’s"
- men who have sex with men under the age of 25 and a TCAP
(TulsaCommunity AIDS Parmership) grant targeting womenfor
HIV/AIDS prevention and education.
O’RYAN meets weekly as a support and social group. While
earlier the group was predominately young men, it’ s now about
half young women a~dhalfmen,..Two men, Marty, who’ s 23 and
G~orgeCcho’ s"2:l~joinedChamp!in~ ~. see O’RYAN, page 10
¯ a special program of ¯ TOHR,TulsaOklaho-
¯ mans for Human
¯ Rights, the oldest ex-
¯ isting civil rights and
: Gay health orgauiza-
¯ tion is beginning sev-
¯ eral new programs
¯ under the direction of ¯ new outreach educa-
¯ tor Johnnie Eilarts. ¯
Eilarts, who came to Tulsa after working with the
-" Triangle Foundation in Oklahoma City, has begun
." amen’s issues group called Men on Men that meets
¯ at Gold Coast Coffee House. And in response to
; calls’to the Pride Center, see Group, page 12
: Cunanan Finale
: MIAMI .BEACH, Fla. (AP) - When Andrew
¯ Cunanan’ s 1ong,murderous flightended, itbrought
¯" relieffromanxiety-butnotfrom sorrow. Omanan’ s
: suicidein a Miami Beach houseboat ended the fear
." that a killer was free. Five killings, including the
¯¯ shooting ofdesignerGiannl Versace, were blamed
on the 27-year-old man.
; "There’ s a sense of relief that they finally caught
¯ him and ’that people don’t have to be looking
behind their backs," Eric Velasco said in front of
: the South Beach gay bar Twist.
In Minnesota, Cunanan was charged in the death
; of a former lover, David Madson, and was sus-
¯ pected of killing a friend, Jeffrey Trail. Trail’s
¯ father, Stanley Trail of DeKalb, Ill., watched the
." televisionreports as the situationunfolded. ’q~hat’ s
¯ one of the bad things about him dying like this: ¯
Nobody will be able to ask him," Trail said. "No-
: body will be able to tell me why this happened.
: "I’m very glad that he’s been stopped and that
¯ nobody else gothurtwhen hegot stopped,"he said. ¯
¯ "But I take nojoy inhis death. That doesn’ t helpme at all." see Killer, page 12
TOHR/HOPE’ s Eilerts
Tulsa’Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7200 E. Pine I
*Blue Room, 606 S. b-agin
¯ *City Bites, 3348 S. Peoria
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Gold Coast Coffee House,3509 S. Peoria
*JJ’s Country &Western Dance Club, 6328 S. Peoria
*Lola’S, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial
*:Tool Box, 1338 13. ,3rd’ " , ": . ~ ..... ’. ~ " ~"’ ""
*Tucei’s Restaurant,. 134~ E 15 " ~
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 74%1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis ~C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747=9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nieole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Pec~ria 746-0313
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515.8. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books &’Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
"Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-8040
Lealme M. Gro~s, Southwest Financial Planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
David Kanskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747=5466
Langley Agency, 1104.S. Victor 592-1800
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15 585-1555
Susan McBay, MSW: Earth-Centered Counsdiug 592-1260
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
ZiRita Parish, Indoor/Outdoor Co. HomeRemodel"g 587-6717
*Peace Of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming 584-7554
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749=6301
*Sedona Health Foods; 8220 S. Harvard
*Sophronia’sAntiques, 1515 E. 15
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Comedy Club., 6906 S. Lewis
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
" 584-I308’
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 58%7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/IAG Alliance, Univ of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
¯ *Chamber of Commerce, 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Church of the Restoration, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
:¯ 918.583.1248, f~:’583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
~-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink net
¯ website: http://users, aol.com/TulsaNews/
¯ Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Writer: James Christjohn
Writers + contributors: Dr. Mike Gorman, Leanne Gross. Barry
Hensley & Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche "
Membor of The Associated Press
I~sued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire Contentsof’
~his, pub,licati,on a,rp protected by US copyright 1997 by
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Publieation,of0a name ~r photo does not indicat¢ a nerson~s...... :~ ~-:
sexual orientation.. Correspondenc~ i~ assuhied to b~ fo~:
publication unless otherwise noted; must be~igned &
the s01e property of TJ,¢~ ~:~ Ntau¢, Each reader ls entitled
to four free copies of each edition at distribution points. Additional
copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Family of Faith MCC, 54511E So. Mingo
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard
*Free Spirit Women’s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0038
HOPE (TOHR), HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
1307 E. 38, 2nd ft. 712-1600, HOPE/TOHR Anonymous
HIV Testing Site; Mon/Thurs. eve. 7-9pm, call 742-2927
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068,74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A~I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
OrRYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Jerome’s PariSh Church, 3841 S. Peoria 742-6227
*Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
Trinity Episcopal Church, 501 S. Cincinnati 582.4128
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for HumanRights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L,S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Comrntmity College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Barflesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Borders Books&Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-458-0467
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVevery other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’ s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way 800-231-1442
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
~ indicates a distribution point. Listed businesses are not all Gay-owned
but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi &’ Trans communities. ~ ~.
Several years ago, Youth Services of
¯ Tulsa began a support group for Lesbian,
¯ Gay, Bi and questioning kids. The group
¯ -was desperately needed and ,was led by
¯ the Saintly Lisa Pottoff whose good work
: fionisbeginnifi~asimi]aigroupt~e~mple-
¯ ment their young adults group. This too is
¯ a good move - having more than one
¯ group will serve the population better.
¯ But what’s interesting is that Red Rock
has concluded that Youth Services’ lead-
: ership is still unwilling to acknowledge
: this programbecause offears about fund-
, ing, andperhaps, becanse ofhomophobia.
: Youth Services’ "closeted" approach has
: handicapped the outreach, for their pro-
, gram.
: RedRock’ s conclusion echoes thepoint
: TFN made editorially several years ago.
¯ Unfortunately, whatever small gratifica-
¯ tion thereis in being proven right is damp-
" ened by the fear that during these inter-
" vening years, some Gay kids who needed
¯ our help were lost just because Youth
¯ Services valued money more than lives.
¯ the local and national press, we’ve de-
" duced that murdered fashion designer
¯ Gianni Versace had a life partner named
¯ Antonio D’Amieo - that in fact, a horri~ ¯
fled D’Amico rushed tothe spot wherehis
~ partner lay dying, then chased the killer
¯ down an alley, only to be turned back by
the gun that had just murdered his long-
" time companion.
: Seeing one’s life partner gunned down
¯ by a maniac is surely among the worst
: tragedies imaginable, which is why the
: sorrowfulimages ofJacqueline Kennedy,
: Betty Shabazz, Yoko Ouo, and Coretta
: Scott .King are seared intothe. American
¯ consctonsness.
; ’ But we observed no such respect in the
¯ mesa for D’Amieo. The facts outlined
¯ above were scattered over several news ¯
stories, often buried or omitted entirely.
: Photographs of the family in mourning
often identified the sister of the deceased,
¯ but failed tO identify the man with whom
¯ he’d ’shared his life for more than a de-
" cade. Is it any wonder that gay andlesbian
¯" citizens are increasingly indignant when
¯ our most precious relationships are rou- ¯
finely trivialized not only by the media,
." but also by a lack of legal recognition?
¯ - Martha Barnette & Debra Clem
¯ Louisville, Kentucky via e-mail
Regarding ver,sace’s Murder
Reading between many, many lines in
: @ Black& White, Charities
Dancers to suitmany tastes sweatedfor several hundred
guests, including some of TUlgar~ finest. No problems
were reported, the officers werejus’t enjoying the views.
when all states had some type of ban on sodomy.
Sodomy, considered by some to be a crime against
nature, was outlawed for centuries in England. States in
this country followed Britain’s example, banning such
sex acts in 19th century criminal codes. There is some
supportforanti-sodomy laws today.:The Rev. Lou Sheldon
of the Traditional Values Coalition said, "The sodomy
law tells us that heterosexuality is a preferred status in
These days, hardly anyone is prosecuted for private,
consensual acts of sodomy, saysWilliam Eskridge Jr., a
Georgetown University law professor who is writing a
book on how laws affect Gay people. Instead, prosecutions
tend to be for public solicitation of sodomy or for
situations involving rape or coercion. But sodomy laws
are used indirectly in other cases involving Gay people,
such as custody or employment disputes. A Gay person
might bejudgedabad candidatetohave custody ofachild
because he or she is assumed to be breakin~ a state’s
Sodomy law.
In. Georgia, then-Attorney General Michael Bowers
withdrew a job offer to a Lesbian in 1990 after learmng
she planned to marry another woman in a religious
ceremony. The woman sued, but a federal appeal,s ~,oui~
ruled this spring thatBowers - who successfully defended
Georgia’s sodomy law before tli~’Supreme Court- was
entitled-to, think the public would I~’confused if he hired
someone m a same-sex marriage. The Georgia Supreme
Court upheld that state’s sodomy law last year, saying it
was a valid exercise of the state’sauthority to promote
moral well’are.
Courts that threw out sodomy laws in Montana, Kentucky
and Tennessee said they violated the right to
privacy under their state constitutions. The Kentucky
ruling also said the law violated a state ~uarantee ofeqtial
protection under the law.
Gay civil=riglits advocates hope an equal protection
argument may eventually be used to throw out sodomy
laws in the states that target only same-sex conduct. Last
year, the Supreme Court cited equal protection grounds
whenit invalidated a Colorado constitutional amendment
that forbade laws protecting homosexuals from discriminataon.
The Kansas law now is being challenged on equal
protection grounds in a case being handled by the American
Civil Liberties Union’s Lesbian and Gay rights
,, "It’s a tremendous, priority of ours," Harlow said.
Sodomy laws cast a dark cloud over Gay people getting
equal rights. Wewill keep making them apri0rity Until all
.of them are gone."
ditq~,~ note: Laurie Asseo covers the Supreme Court
Yes, We HavO No Bananas
: by Kevin Isom
We should have seen it coming. Everything was going
so well. First, there was Lesbian chic. Then there was
: "Ellen - The Episode." Then Mickey Mouse and Goofy
stood up to the caltoonish Southern Baptist boycott.
But then along came an alleged Gay spree killer- yes,
the authorities are calling him a spree killer - who swept
: into South Beach and casnally murdered Gianui Versaee,
: the talented,rich, and influential Gay fashion designer.
¯ A gasp of horror went up from fashionable Gay and
; r straight folk. all. around the, world,, and celebrities as
: dlverse a~ PrincesS Di, Naomi Campbell, Elton John, and
: Sylvester Stallone were grief stricken. And with good
¯ reason. Versaee wasan openly gay rolemodel of success-
: ful and caring living, whose senseless death narrows the
world a little for Gays and straights alike.
¯ Besides, without Versaee, who would create trends
¯ like those" ubiquitous white ieans9 Who would ~ive
Ehzabeth Hurley clothes that would make her stand out
." from the shadow of her actor/boyfriend/befriender of
¯ prostitutes., Hugh Grant?
." More importantly, where would we find homoerotic
¯ images of male beauty in straight magazines? Even for
¯ people who don’t buy into the whole d~signer cacheL
¯ Versace made a difference - and an improvement - in
body-conscious style, not to mention the buffed-up types
:. of bodies he promoted. I, for one, am all for eye candy.
: Will we now be left with only Calvin Klein?
: The mainstream news media was, of course, all over
: the case like Bruno Magli shoes on O.J. Simpson. Here
was an alleged spree killer who, in his mother’s words,
: was a "high class’Gay prostitute." What copy this made
¯ for the nightly news!
¯ Forget Ellen, forget Disney. Lesbian chic? What was ¯
that? Here’s an alleged queer Heidi Fleiss with murder on
: the mind! Hard Copy even came out of summer hiatus to
jump right on the case. And if Hard Copy ~s on the beat,
¯ you know it’s gotta be big.
¯ For days, there were alerts on nighfl.y news in every podunk.
town with even a smidgen of openly Gay culture.
: (’:B.ucksnort, Tennessee: Is the Killer Here?") In oart,
¯ because the F.B.I. neglected to get out information to’Gay
comm6nifies across the country when they first knew of
the very real threat. " -
¯ Cmiously; though, instead of just ’accepting a spree
killer for what he was - bananas- the mainstream media
: seemed obsessed with finding areason, an explanation,
for his killings. They suggested, without any evidence t~
¯ back up the assertion, that the alleged killer l~ad disc09-
". ered he had AIDS and just snapped. Sort ~0f like Mike
: Tyson, but without the ear goop. ¯
But isn’t it seem the least bit Strange thiit thousands
¯ upon thousands of Gay men have died ofAIDS, and none
: have gone on across country killing spree? Isn’t it worth
¯ noting that most Gay men instead have thrown their
"- efforts into a brave, and largely successful, community
¯ response,to AIDS? .
Doesn tit also seem strange that the mainstreammedia
¯ has tended to lump Versace and his alleged killer into the
¯ same "lifestyle" - youknow, the Gay one?While both the
¯ victim and his alleged killer might both have been Gay~
: their lifestyles were hardlyidentical. But themediahasn’t
seemed to think so. They must also think that Princess Di
¯ and Queen Latifah, both being royals, must live the same
¯ lifestyle, too.
." The saddest part of all this hoopla is that Versace’s
¯ !ongtime compamon, Antonio D’Amici, was rarely men-
. tioned, if at all. Instead, the focus was on"Poughkeepsie,
New York: Is the Killer Here?"
On the twisted road to equality, we seem to have taken
an ui},expected step. A step which, with the alleged
¯ kill,er s apparent suicide, will soon be forgotten.
I m looking forward to getting back to Disney, those
¯ zany Southern Baptists, and Lesbian chic. ¯
Kevinlsom is a syndicated travel writer and humor
" columnist. His short story The Brothers Mangrum ap-
. p.e..q~,s..!.n th~.~pr.ing!997 issue of~s Transcontihental.
At last count there were six or seven publications
serving the Lesbian/Gay/Bi and Trans communities of
Oklahoma. Of those actually based in state, the oldest is
The Gayly Oklahoman,now more than 12 years old. Next
is this newspaper at nearly 4 years. Then comes the baby
of the group, OMahoma City CommunityNews, an ambitious
"vanity" publication. In our media watch, we have
.been mos.t .amused for several montlm By the self-promotional,
allX~lt somewhat despetat~ sliemani~ans 5f Oklahoma
City Community News. ~
Primary among these has. been running "filler" ads
which tout some aspect of their publication which they
deem. superior to other newspapers. These ads have
mostly beenjust rather tasteless. But recently in response
to a format changeby The Gayly Oklahoman, Community
News ran an ad crowing about how The Gayly was now
imitating Community News!
Tulsa Family News wonders, how Community News
would feel if we ran a self-promotional ad saying how
Community News wasjust imitating Tulsa FamilyNews?
After all, most of whatdistinguishes their publication are
things we’ve been doing successfully for almost 4 years
In fact, shortly after Community ~lewsbegan, editor
Bruce Devault called us for "how-to" advice. And for all
their noise about being found in ,mainstream7 locations
because of their "dean content," that approach was done
first by Tulsa Family News to such ~uccess that when
Community News came over fromi~OKC to Tulsa, they
just used~0ur distribution list. "..
More seriously though, we reall~ have .to -wonder if
~ashing other Gay businesses in self,promotional advertasements
really helps to build our communities? This is
not to say that there isn’t a roll for debate anddiscussion
about issues and [eadership. TFN~does precisely that
Community News has alluded in iis ads to some issues
that deserve serious public debate - such.as therole of
sexually-oriented advertising incommumtypublications.
However, in reputable newspapers, this sort of debate
occurs in editorial pages, accompaniedhy,reasoned arguments,
not by snipes in advertisements.
¯ " But ire should have ~een it coming. After all, we’ll : sexIundaelleyd-o, wrieenatlewdaaydsshliakveetchhooseseonfnTohtetGo rauynlyi,nb-uyotaulrs-ofawcee
: never be truly equal to Straight folks until We re equal in i: havenever attacked The Gayly-for their deeibions-..Maybe
:- every way. Andthat means bad aswell as good. Strange : because we remember how,things on~ewere in Okia-
: as well as stylish. Straight folks have produced years and ¯ homa, we want to state our admiration for The Gayly’s
: y~s of serialkillers.-Remember Ted Bundy? ¯ pioneering work. For those who are tooyoung to remem:
¯ ber, there was a time not too long ago that theouly sources
of advertising for Gay newspapers were either bars or
¯ sexually oriented services.
~ ,, TFN has b~,roken new ground in this. state4n getting
,mamstre.am or non-Gay advertising, but we,recognize
mat once that was not possible, and that.TheGayly served
our commumtaes under much more difficult circumstances
in the past.
We would also caution the apparently happily coupled
¯ staff of OKC’s C&nmunity News not to be sex-phobic,
¯ and insensitive to the needs of those who are single.
¯ While we agree that there are discussions of specific ¯
sexual preferences and of particularities of anatomy that
¯ are preferably not conducted in print, we hope that
Community News will recognize the legitimate n~eds for
¯ members of our community .to.date, and ev.en .to have ¯ casual sex (though, of course, individuals should be
: sexually resp.onsible). They might also note that many in
¯ our commumty like the candor of The Gayly.
¯ Finally, e d ask the Community News to stop its silly.
¯ criticizing of 900 numbers. After all, even The Tulsa
: but Community News isn’t attacking them yet!
¯ Our point is to respect those who’ve come before us,
¯ and the work they did that lielped us all to get where we
¯ are now. The ads attackingTheGayly, andus too, arejust
¯ nasty. Anyway, if your work is good enough, that should
¯ speak for itself.
: -Tom Neal~ editor & publisher
¯ PS, we welcome letters ’ ofsexually,oriented ¯
advertising or ’. Letters by *~
White. Ho...u.se Chan,ges
Gays M,l,tary P0s,tion
WASHINGTON (AP) - Trying to shaooth over a
wrinkle in its relations with the gay commtmity, the
White House on Monday clarified its statement on a
federal judge’s ruling on the "don’t ask, don’t tell,
don’t pursue" policy for Gays in the military. Presidential
spokesman Mike McCurry said that, after
hearing "legitimate concerns" raised by activists, his
reaction to the ruling should have included that a
review under way at the Pentagon analyzing how the "
law is being implemented. "In retrospect,. I would "
have pointed that out if I had looked into the issue ¯
more," McCurry told reporters. "I had a typically :
McCurry off-the-cuff reaction.’? ...... r ~ "
Earlier this month in New York, U.S! DiStrict "
Judge Eugene Nickerson ruled that the policy violates ¯
free-speech fights of gay service members and sub- "
jects them to separate, discriminatory regulations. "
Activists told the White House thatmorehomosexual ¯
service members have been discharged since the ¯
policy was adopted by the Clinton ad~ainistration in
1993. Last year, 850 Gays were discharged from all "
branches of the armed forces except the Coast Guard, ¯
according to Pentagon data compiled by the Service ¯
Members Legal Defense Network, an independent "
legal advocacy group. In 1994, there were 597 dis- ¯
The Justice Department is appealing Nickerson’s
decision, and the issue is expected to ultimately be "
decided by the Supreme Court. There are several .
cases nationwide challengin~ the 1993 policy, adopted ¯
by the administration as a compromise. The policy
bars commanders from asking service members what ¯
theirsexual orientations are. It allows Gay troops to."
serve as long as they refrain from homosexual acts
and don’t reveal their orientation. "
When Nickerson _issued his ruling, McCurry said :
"wg continue to believe the policy is a good one" and .
was being implemented satisfactorily. McCurry said ¯
Monday he had neglected to mention that Defense :
Secretary William Cohen "has expressed some con- ¯
cern about the implementation of the law" and had
ordered a review group to study it. "The bottom line ¯
is, the law is still the law," McCurry said. "We must ."
continue the work of effectively administering the
law and making sure we do so with the kind of ¯
sensitivity that gecretary Cohen has said should ap- "
"The good news here is that Mike McCurry, in ¯
thinking alitflebit longer about his comments, recog- ¯
nized that ... there are some problems with enforce- ¯
ment Of this poficy," said Winnie Stachelberg, legis, "
lative director of the Human Rights Campaign, the
country’s largest Gay political organization. ¯
School Fails to Stop
Anti-Gay Harassment
PACIFICA, Calif. (AP) - A woman plans to sue her
son’ s school district for not protecting her son from
classmate’s gay slurs. The 12-year-old boy said fellow
students have insulted him ever since he was in
kindergarten, calling him"gay-gay," "girl" and "faggot"
dozens of times a week. The boy, unidentified to
protect his .privacy, lost 30 pounds after the taunting
escalatedlastyear. Hedevelopedmigraines, his grades
sank and he thought of suicide.
The seventh-grader, who said he is not Gay but
knows he is more feminine than other boys his age,
asked the Laguna Salada Union School Board this
~aastet fsuprlitnogmtoe,’.~P,,Uht ea sStoaipdlto,tIht-eauffneecntdshinogwepIitfheeetls.ab"Iotu’st
myself, my schoolwork, everytl~ing. I have been
called those names in all my schools for as long as I
can remember.., about my perceived sexual orientation,
and ithas to stop. I Wouldlike to go to school and
not have to worry about h~ethings that somebody’s
going to call me."
Since then, the district amended its sexual harassment
policy. It says no student shall be subject to any
kind of sexual harassment, "including harassment
because of sexual orientation." The most serious
penalties include expulsion. But months of working
with administrators at Ortega Middle School appar-
;ently have not stopped the slurs, so the boy’s mother
said she intends to sue the Laguna Salada district for
not protecting her son. She alsbpians t~ue a han’c[f01
of administrators and school c~unsel0rs.
Oakland attorney Sandra Sprin~¢who represents
the boy, said in the notice of intent to sue that the
district violated both its own and state-mandated
harassment policies. The boy’s mother said the little
taught in class about sexual liarassment pertains to
treatment of gifts, not boys.And no positive images
of homosexuality are taught, she said. The school
offered an in-class training session on sexual harassment,
but the boy said his Classmates thought it was
ajoke. The students were given 20 minutes to read a
booklet that contained one passing reference to boys
who harass other Ix)vs. "We went through all the
channels and hit bricl~ walls," the woman said. "For
my son it’ s morehate harassment, sexual-harassment,
homophobic.harassment. ~I came to Ortega-to say,
’Please help me, please help my son.’ The policy
needs to be clarified."
Increasingly, lawsuits have been filed to force
schools to stop sexual harassment, especially of girls.
But cases involving boys are rare. The boy has since
left Ortegafor an alternative school in Pacifica, where
the principal and teachers keep close tabs on him. He
has gained back all the weight he lost and his migraines
and asthma have vanished. "It’s been the best
year ofmylife- and it was only two months," he said.
Chrysler Now More
DETROIT (AP) - Ellen DeGeneres lost the Chrysler
Corp.’s approval when she announced she was a
lesbian, but the company’s gay and lesbian workers
are hoping for a better reception. The company drew
protests from gay support groups when it pulled
advertising from the episode of ABC-TV’s FJlen in
which the lead character, played by Ms. DeGeneres,
came out of the closet.
But since then, Chrysler has formally acknowl=
edged, for the first time, "People of Diversity," an
employee group formed early this year "to p~ovide
support fofqesbians, gays,, bisexuals and transgendered
people through business and social activities."
It’s part of a trend among the Big Three automakers
by employees who are pushing for, and receiving,
some recognition ofgay and lesbian workers’ rights.
Ford Motor Co. recognizes a Similar employee
grgup, and in November expanded its anti-discrimination
bylaws to include sexual orientation. General
Motors Corp. does not formally recognize gay employee
organizations but GM PLUS, a gay group, is
pushing the automaker for acceptance.
"The momentum is definitely picking up and moving
in the right direction," Alan Gilmour, a former
vice-chairman of Ford who retired in 1994 and last
year disclosed he is gay, told The Detroit News.
¯ While they hail the moves, critics say the Big Three
¯ are responding too slow to shifts to protect gay and ¯
¯ lesbian employees particularly blue-collarworkersfromharassment."
¯ but the reality is that they aren’t showing a true
¯ commitment to what they say they are doing in
¯ creating a hospitable workplace," said Jeff Mont-
" gomery, president of the Triangle Foundation, a De-
" troit gay and lesbian civil rights group.
¯ Alice McKeage, an openly gay computer pro-.
¯ gramer at Ford and co-founder of the automaker’s
¯ gay emp!oyee.group - GLOBE - still receives calls
¯ from Ford employees, mostly in factories, who are
¯ harassed on the job and looking for help. ¯
"Our biggest challenge is to promote a safe work
¯ environmentbecause themanufacturingbnv~6niii~nt
¯ is stillhostile to gays,’~McKeage said. "We’vemade ¯
progress because Ford Chairffian Alex Trotman is
committed todiVerSity, butit’s coming along slow ’"
Chrysler has quiedy resumed ad,~ettising onEli~n,
¯ but the spotlight-.on gay and lesbian issues won’t g6
¯ away. The company saidit’*changingwitha strihg of
moves designed to foste£ ~i: Workplace marked by
¯ tolerance for gays and lefibians. Bef0~e recogn~!~g
.- People for Diversity, ill January it revised forma!,.
¯ standards of conduct- that eautions employees against
: harassing any person based on that’person’ s sex’, race,
.’. religion, age or sexual orientation. It will soon rercise
¯ its code of ethical behavior to ~c,!~e.,.se&ua!...p~._e~ta-_.
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tion. This fall, Chrysler’s 114,000 worldwide era- :
ployees will have the opporttmity to participate in :
diversity training.
"We can’t create ai~eli~ironment ofinclusion over- :
night," said Monica Emerson, Chrysler’s director of :
workplace diversity. "We recomaize that diversity in ¯
the workplace is a journey.’-Michelle Wahers, a :
Chrysler worker and co-founder of People of Diver- -"
sity, says the "positive spirit of change at Chrysler" :
came about because of several recent developments .
that put pressure on the automaker. "We’ve now ¯
opened a formal dialogue to discuss other issues and "
goals,"Walters said. "Fheautoindustryhasno choice "
but to change. We are genuine assets to the corpora- "
ti°n and indus,.try and they recognize, flaat." "
Bias Results in Job Loss :
TUPELO, Miss. (AP) - The couple’s relationship
was on shaky ground. So they sought counseling
through an employee assistance program maintained
by North Mississippi Medical Center. But counselor
Sandra M. Bmff refused to see the couple. The
reason? They are both yeomen;
Mrs~ Bmff was fired Oct. 23, 1996. She is now
suing North Mississippi Health Services Inc., the
parent company of North Mississippi Medical Center,
for unspecified damages. Mrs. Bmff, of Marietta,
contends she was fired from her job as medical
services counselor because she cited her religious
beliefs "as the reason for refusing to see the homosexual
couple. She is asking in the lawsuit to be
reinstated with full benefits and seniority.
Herlawyer, GrantFox ofTupelo, said at issue in the
suit is whether she can be fired because of her religious
views. Fox said Mrs. Bmff worked in the
employee assistance program, in which outside em-
~olroyth.eersirpawyotrhkeerms.e,~Mcarsl.cBenmtefrfthoapdrobveiedne ccoouunnsseelliinngg
this woman, this patient for some time, when the
asked for help in working out problems with her
lesbian lover. When Mrs. Bruff said she could not, the
individual was not happy with that... "Fox said. Fox
said Mrs. Bmff told the patient that she could continue
counsding her on other issues "not contrary to
Mrs~ Bmff’s Christian faith."
Fox said Mrs. Bmff also explained her position to
the hospital in writing, adding that her beliefs also
would prevent.her from counseling someone about
adultery. He said the hospital responded that "that
was not acceptable ... (she) shouldbe terminated."
LenGrice, director ofmarketing services forNMHS,
said hospital officials had not seen the lawsuit. "Of
course, we have no comment. This is a personnel
matter," Grice said Tuesday. However, the hospital
had been through at least two proceedings involving
Mrs. Bruff. Mrs. Bmff filed a complaint with the
federal Equal F~nployment Opportunity Commission,
which ruled in May that it could not find any
violation of law, and the Mississippi Employment
Security Commission, where a hearing officer ruled
she was eligible for unemployment benefits.
the law, thejudge wrote. ’This court.., has failed to
find objective reasons to usurp the discretion, power
and authority of the legislative branch to enact this
Adoption Battle Loses
MIAMI (AP) - An effort by a lesbian Dade County
jail guard to overturn a state law banning child adoptions
by homosexuals was rejected Monday by a
Broward County judge. June Amer, who sought to
have the law declared uncon.stitutional, must wait for
the state Legislature to change the law, Circuit Judge
John A. Frusciante said in his ruling. Florida andNew
Hampshire are the only two states that ban adoptions
by homosexuals. ~
Ms. Amer, who has a son by artificial insemination
and wants to adopt another child; lives with a retired
prison gtmrd, Gail DeShon. Amer testified during the
week-long trial in early May that the 6-year-old boy
calls the women Mommy June and Mommy Gail
."We’re very disappointed," said Ms. Ame’r’ satt~rhey,
Karen Coolman Amlong, of the American Civil
Liberties Union. The attorney said her client is
undecided about appealing. Ms. Amlong said during
the trial that the law was unconstitutional because the
Legislature was trying to exclude an entire group of
Florida’s population from adoptions.
"There is no evidence.., that the law was passed for
the purpose of disadvantaging the group burdened by
Episcopal Church
Apologizes to Gays
PHILADELPHIA (AP)-As they closed their 10-day
national convention, leaders of the Episcopal Church
apologized to Gays and Lesbians for years of rejection
and mistreatment by the church. The House of
Bishops and House of Deputies, composed of clergy
and lay leaders, approved the measure Friday on
behalf of the 2.5 millionb~lieveks. ’ ......
A feared Episcopal Church split never happened,
¯ but leaders remained divided on sexuality issues. In
¯ efforts to reduce division, several leaders of the 2.5 ¯
million-member church vowed to keep open the
debates over ordaining homosexuals and forming a
¯ rite to bless same-sex unions. Conservative leaders
¯ said they will spend the next few years fighting these
¯ proposed changes. However, the 72rid General Con:
: vention, dosed without any significant changes to
¯ current church policy, But the 1,100 church leaders
¯ came close. A proposal to bless same-sex unions lost ¯
in a nearly even vote, and resolutions rdated to the
¯ ordination of homosexuals also narrowly failed.
¯ Gay and Lesbian advocates considered the votes
¯ signs that the church one day. may fully endorse
" ordination and blessings _for same-sex unions. And
¯ they enjoyed Some victories as well The convention
¯ narrowlyapproved a resolution to allow dioceses to
¯ extend health benefits to domestic partners of church
¯ employees, though a similar resolution that would
: have qualified domestic partner~ for the church pen-
" sion fund failed.
~ Church leaders also endorse0~:a plan to continue
¯ study on the theological implications of same-sex
: umons. A report on the topic will be presented at the
:" next general convention in 2000in Denver. However,
.. House of Deputies member Byron Rushing, a la~,
¯ person from Boston, Mass., said he believes the
¯ division ~vill be smaller by then and the church will
¯ become even more welcoming to gays and lesbians. ¯
One mission of the church is helping Gays and
¯ Lesbians become more included, Bishop Suffragan
¯ Catherine Roskam said. Bishop Joe Doss from the
¯ Diocese of New Jersey said he believes another part ¯
of the church’s mission will be teaching the kind of
: acceptance itlearnedfrom the sexuality debates to the
¯ worldwide Anglican community. But before that
¯ happens, Doss said, the church needs to consider how
its theology applies to Gays and Lesbians. Old inter-
:-~ pretations of scripture encouraged exclusion, he said.
." "We need to rethink how we’ve pushed baptized
people aside," Doss said of Gay Episcopalians.
¯ Presiding Bishop Elect Frank T: Griswold III of
¯ Chicago, chosen during the convention, saidhehopes
¯ the discussion on sexuality will continue. But he said
¯ he would like to see the factions also focus on. their
common beliefs.
Murderer of Gay Man
¯ Goes to Prison Finally
: HOUSTON(AP) -Aman convicted in the 1991 Gay
: bashing murder of a Houston banker has had his 10-
¯ year probation sentence revoked and is going to
prison for 10 years. State District Judge Brian Rains
: onThursdayrevoked the probation ofDefi’ikJ. Attard,
¯ one of 10 men convicted in the slaying of Paul
¯" Broussard, because he failed’to perform community
: service.
: On July 4, 1991, Attard and nine friends went to
¯ Houston looking for Gays to harass.. They .brought
; nail-spiked boards and rocks as weapons. The 10
; youths attacked Broussard and two of his friends as
.. the three were leaving a gay bar..Jon Christopher
.. Buice stabbed Broussard to death. Buiceis serving45
¯ years. Four others were sentenced to prison terms.
; Five, including Attard, were assessed probationary
.- sentences and sent to bootcamp. Broussard’s mother,
: Nancy Rodriguez said she was glad Attardis going to
¯ prison. "I’m glad Judge Rains gavehim the 10 years,"
: she said. "I wish it could be more."
AZT Just Doesn’t
Work Right
NEWYORK (AP) -Ten years afterAZT
hit the market, scientists say they’ve figured
out why it doesn’t work better:
Chemically, it’s a bad dance partner. The
discovery might lead to better weapons
against the AIDS virus, the researchers
said. But the company that makes AZT,
Glaxo Wellcome Inc., which has its U.S.
headquarters in Research Triangle Park,
N.C., was skeptical.
AZT, the first drug approved for attacking
HIV, sabotages the virus’s attempts to
reproduce itself. But it doesn’t work perfecfly,
and HIV eventually .spawns, mutant
strains thatresistthemedication. Many
more anti-HIV drugs have come along
since AZT, but the drug is still widely
Thenew research studied whathappens
to AZT once it gets into a person’ s body.
An AZT molecule goes through an intricate
dance in a user’s calls. It has to be
modified three times to become effective
against HIV, and to get that done, it has to
dance with three different molecular partners.
These partners are enzyme molecules
that latch onto AZT one at a time,
makea modification, and then let go.
The dance goes fine with the first partner.
The problem comes with the second.
When this enzyme and the AZT molecule
pair up, the enzyme is far less efficient at
making the crucial modification than it
should be. This creates a bottleneck in the
process, reducing the amount of activated
AZT that can.be built up to work on the
AIDS virus.
What;s the problem? The AZT molecuie
is basically-stepping on the second
partner’ s toes, German scientists report ~n
the August issues of Nature Medicine and
Nature StmctumlBiology. Moreprecisely,
theenzymemolecule has aloop-like structure
that’s important in making the modification,
and the AZT molecule has a
protruding finger that bends this loop out
of kilter. That makes it harder for the
enzyme to act, the researchers concluded.
So scientists might do well to design
drugs that,avoi:d bending this loop, they
said. or/hey .could provide AZT with a
new danc..e., .partner that’s more coopera- "
five. That would involve giving patients a
gene tb"m~l~ their cells pump out an
altered fortii of the enzyme, one that isn’t
binderieS,byAZT’ s protruding fmger, they
Ram~r~"’J~i~es, a spokeswoman for
Glaxo W~i~03h~ inc., said the new work
offers abetter explanation for the processing
glitch than scientists had before. "We
don’t think this one piece.of information
is going to really change drug development
that much," she said. "But certmnly
~y.,!nformation added to the mix is help~ -
Surge,ry Debated
for Positives
saw it, he had two options:iisk majtr
experimental surgery~rdie of congestive
heart failure, Nevermind that the surgery,
which includes slicing a wedge from a
-pailent’ s enlarged,weakenedhearttomake
it smaller~and more efficient, is far from
routine- or that he is HIV-positive. "I was
afraid my heart was going to give out
before they find a cure for AIDS," Young
Last month, a cardiac surgeon performing
the procedure for the first time "remodeled"
Young’s heart. He repaired its
valves and removed a section to make it
more compact, to beat faster and pump
more efficiently.
Dr. Alex Zapolanski says he had nS"
qualms about accepting Young as a surgery
patient, but the case has stirred debate
among colleagues. Some warn the
procedure is far from ready for widespread
use, especially on patients whose
defenses are weakened by other illnesses.
"Most of us in the field are .very skeptical,"
says Dr. Sharon Hunt, a transplant
cardiologist at Stanford Medical Center.
Stanford, a major heart facility that does
40 heart transplants and 1,000 other heart
surgeries each year,, has yet to perform
heart remodeling, even on patients without
Elsewhere, American doctors are only
beginning to try the procedure, an alternative
to transplantation. Since May 1996,
fewer than 100 remodeling surgeries have
been done in the United States, compared
with an average 2,300 heart transplants a
year. Doctors say the surgery fails in30
percent ofcases, makingimmediate transplants
To even themostexperienced surgeons,
the idea of cutting into the heart muscle is
foreign. But for Dr. Randas Batista, the
Brazilian heart surgeon who pioneered
the procedure, it was a last-ditch effort to
save dying patients in the Amazonjungle,
where donor organs are all but nonexi stent.
"Most of my patients would be dead
in a short time anyway," Batista said in a
telephone interview from Brazil "So I
have survivors."
Batista contends that the situation in the
United States - with hundreds of thousands
of congestive heart failure cases
each .year and fewer than 2,500 donor
hearts available - is.not so different. And
those odds don’t include .thousands of
patients likeYoung, forwhom transplants
are not an option because of serious systemic
ailments such as HIV, cancer, advanced
diabetes or active hepatitis.
Young, 46, now recuperating at a San
Francisco hospital, has known since he
was diagnosed with both HIV and congestive
heart failure in 1989 that his HIV
status made him ineligible for a transplant.
When his condition worsened early
this year, he felt "remodeling" was. his
only option.
.When Zapolanski first saw Young this
spnng, the former.cab drivcr, andhotel
clerk was constantly,short of breath and
bloated with fluid. Carryingaiaything substantiai
from one end-of the. room, to..the
other was outof the question.."He was
going downhill. Anyone .could see. that,"
says Zapolanski, who.believes ¥oung’s
heart disease may have been causedby his
~weakened immune system.
However, Young’s health was otherwise
reasonably sound and he showed no
symptoms ofAIDS, whichhe attributes to
the new drug combinations that. are pro-
. longing some lives. "When the patient is
willing to take the chance, then it doesn’t
¯¯ take a doctor to see what is the right thing
¯ to do,", says Zapolanski¯, who operated on
¯" Young, with -Batista assisting, at Seton
Medical Center in Daly City,just south of
¯ San Francisco.
.. That attitude alarms some but is good
¯ news for others, including a heart patient
’ who’sbeentumeddowntwiceforremod_
¯ eling because, like Young, he is HIV,
¯ positive. "I really felt that people weretelling
me, "What you’ve got is not worth
¯ our time because HIV is going to kill you
." dead,"’ says John, a 35-year-old Oakland
¯ man. John hopes Zapolanski can operate
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Stephen Peake, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Specialized in
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Primary Care Medicine
and Psychotherapeutic
We are currently enrolling
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Call us and ask for
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128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekefidand evening appointments are available.
Associates in MedicM and Mental Health, PC.
in Cooperation with
HIV Resource Consortium
AIDS Coafition of Tulsa
for HIV challenged persons, caregivers and family
September 3, 1997, 6pm - 8 pm
Central Library, Aaronson Auditorium
Downtown at 400 Civic Center
Come and get your questions answered about HIV/AIDS:
- protease inhibitors and other anti-viral drug treatments
-availability of investigational drugs in reserach
- direction of futre reserach for treatment
- nutrition and HIV
Open question / answer session with the experts
Free & Anonymous
¯Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday& .Thursday evenings, 7=9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HIV OUtreach, Prevention &Education
.. ,formerly TOHR ~lV Prevention Programs
4158 South-Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights,
on his heart .this summer; the surgeon is
reviewing the patient’s medical history.
’:~)ii~of the first U.S. surgeons to remodel
a heart was Dr. Patrick McCarthy
atthe Cleveland Clinic. McCarthylearned
the procedure from Batista but says he
would not use it on any patient who has a
major health problem beyond congestive
heart failure. "Before undertaking this
sort ofradical heart surgery, I would look
under every stone," McCarthy says. "If
patients are HIV-positive and they go
through surgery; they have a much harder
timerecovering... (and) arejust thatmuch
more susceptible to catch an infection."
To date, he and his colleagues have
performed 56 remodelings, with a failure
rate of just 10 percent - substantially
better than the national rate of30 percent.
McCarthy credits careful screening of.
surgery candidates. He rules out heart
remodeling even for patients with other
heart problems, such as dogged arteries.
A month after surgery, Young suffered
a stroke - a liability for some post-surgical
heart patients - that paralyzed part of
his left side~ A spokeswoman at Davies
Medical Center, thehospital whereYoung
is recuperating, says heis improving daily.
Andhe remains hopeful and ever ready to
go home. "I still have faith," Young says
: serious concerns and high risks, a synipa-
: thetic physician has to do what’s right,"
he said. "If you would take it, you have to
: recommend it,,he added.
¯ But Saah was among those who in-
¯¯ sisted the timingisn’tright for the government
to rule on an issue that has so little
¯ proof of success. "A lot of us just don’t
¯ believe this works," he said. Some criticized
a CDC study that said health care
¯ workers in the United States. the United
¯ Kingdom and France who took the AIDS
drug AZT after being stuck with a needle
¯ cut.their risk of contracting HIV by 79
¯ percent. That study is the best evidence ¯
the CDC has that the post-exposure treat-
. ment works.
: Dr. Alastair McLeod, who has treated
¯ AIDS patients in Vancouver, British Co-
" lumbia, since 1984, added: "I don’t be-
" !ieve that 79 percent stuff either. The data
¯ is indeed a bit soft. This is potentially a
¯ quagmire for the agency."
Another concern was that some people
¯ might comeinfor treatment a second time
¯ after engaging again in risky behavior.
¯ "Do we give it to them the first time and ¯
then withhold it the second as punish-
" ment?" asked Kahn.
: Also, emergency rooms, which serve
¯ about 100millionpatientsayear, couldbe
between deep breaths. ’t..To me, this is : inundated because they are often the first
like half of a miracle. The other half will " place people go for medical care, said
be a cure of AIDS."
Treatment Debated
ATLANTA (AP) - In a debate over who
might benefit from a moruing-after treatment
for HIV, Michigan AIDS director
Randy Pope said he’s more concerned
about what to call it first. "Is it prevention
or is it treatment?" Pope asked a group of
experts who gathered in Atlanta to mull
the idea of a blast of AIDS drugs for
patients who fear they may have contracted
HIV from a night of risky sex or a
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention is i~ing to figure out whether
to endorse the controversial practice or
not. But first, they must dispense with the
name game. The government shuns the
"morning-after" title because it wrongly
implies one pill will do it. Then, there’s
"post-exposure prophylaxis." That didn"t
seem to work. Now, its wrestling over
"post-exposure treatment."
It may sound trivial, but it’s the root of
disagreement among doctors over whenit
should be used, who would receive it and
whether it will take money away from
prevention programs that already work.
The treatment, which would likely take
about a month, would give AIDS drugs to
people as quickly as possible after a potential
exposure to HIV. The idea is to
start fighting right away the development
of AIDS, even before people are certain
they have HIV.
An HIV-infected man has sex with his
wifeand the condombreaks. Aprisoner is
taped by a gang of men. A child is molested.
These are all cases experts debated
during a two-day conference in Atlanta
that ended Friday. There is little proof that
such a treatment works, although some
preliminary studies suggest it might. But
some doctors are already doing it.
Dr. James Kahn, an associate professor
of medicine at the University of California
in San Francisco, said he would offer
the treatment to anyone who needs it.
"When you’re ... sitting across an exam
tablefromsomebody whohas plainneeds,
¯ Richard Rothman of Johns Hopkins Uni-
¯ versity.
: The CDC initially said it was consider-
" ing the morning-after treatment for one-
¯, time use. But doctors at-the meeting said
¯ that should be reconsidered, since chil- dren can be abused repeatedly andprison-
: ers can be raped more than once.
¯ Saah called for more animal studies.
Twounpublished studies presentedThurs-
: day showed that giving monkeys the blast
of drugs within hours after they were
¯ infected with HIV kept some of them
virus-free after almost a year. Those stud-
: ies are still in progress~ however.
i¯ OSwtundRy:epHrIoVdSupc.tu=.orsn
: WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists have
¯ proved a long-expected trait of the AIDS
: virus:.It produces aprotein that stimulates
¯ cells to enhance its deadly reproducd0n.
¯ The protein is called Tat, and researchers
¯ from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
¯ willreportTuesday thatit essentially pro-
: .vides a wake-upcall that renders slumber-
, mg immune cells susceptible to HIV in-
" fection.
-" HIV works best in active immune cells,
¯ not quiescent ones. So for HIV to sustain
: its killer viral levels, it must continually
: replenish the active cells it kills, Dana-
" Farber research Chiang Li writes in a
: recent Proceedings ofthe NationalAcad-
¯ emy of Sciences. Tat secreted-from in-
: fected cells enters resting neighbor cells
_" and "activates" them, Li discovered in a
¯ series of test-tube studies.
: Li proved an HIV pathway that scien-
¯ tists were so confident existed that they
: already had hunted drags to attack Tat,
¯ said Dr. Anthony Fauci, an AIDS expert
" with the National Institutes of Health. So
: far, that research "didn’t work, to the
¯ point that at least one company has aban-
¯ donedtheirendeavorsfora Tatinhibitor,"
: Fauci said. But "that doesn’t mean that
¯: somebody won’tnow, withthis more con-
: firmatory evidence, try another approach
: to blocking Tat."
by James Christjohn : rock festival, became a m~mmoth under-
Onthe local front, RIVERDANCEissure : taking and received the attention of the
tobeaneventnextsnmmer.Ifyouhaven’t : most prominent female artists, the tour
seen the video, let me tell you it is a ¯ itself being billed as "a celebration of
magical show blending tap, traditional ." women in music."
and modem Celtic music
anddanceand gorgeous men
and women dancing their
feet off. The music is fabulous,
and the show is quite
beautiful. WhileIamtaking
the term "Advance Notice"
to an extreme, I would plan
to reserve seats as so~n as
the tickets go on sale for the
PAC August 18-23, 1998
Until then, the Broken
Arrow Community playhouse
will keep us tapping
with their season-opening
on August 23
at the Main Place, 1800 S:
Main in BA. A reception
and silent auction will be
held at 6:30pro, and the
show’ s curtain rises at 8pro.
Featuredentertainers are the
Bits & Pieces Theatre Chorus,
and The. happy Hoofers.
Please make reservations
by August 15 at 258-
0077. Special guests Teri
Bowers and Frank Mitchell
from Channel8 will be emceeing
the event.
Shades Of the triple Goddess!
My three favorite divas
are certainly getting a
lot of attention these days.
The most successful lineup
ofFleetwoodMac’s long
and winding career-featuring
Lindsey Buckingham,
With a rotadng
........ ~slst~ 6f
Traey Chapman,
Sheryl Crow,
Joan O~l,orne,
Fiona Apple,
Mary Chapin-
Emmylou Harris,
Indigo Girls,
Shawn Colvln,
Panla Cole,
Meredith Brooks
and more...
has been selling
out across the
eountry~ [It]
occurs in Dallas
August 4th.
STEVIE NICKS, Christine McVie, Mick
Fleetwood, andJohn McViehave reunited
and have recorded alive albumfor release
on Reprise September 23. The album ineludes
four new songs-two from
Buckingham and one each from Nicks
and McVie-plus live performances of
many classics, such as "Dreams" &
"Rhiannon. "Thealbum was recorded over
two nights in May. Those two concerts
marked the first time this version of
Fleetwood Mac had performed an entire
concert together in 15 years. Viewers will
be able to witness the event when MTV
airs its Fleetwood Mac concert special on
August 12.
Well, loyal readers, FLEETWOOD
MAC concert dates are flying around the
rumor mills. As of press time, rumor has
it that they will be playing .the following
nearby cities: October 25th and 26th -
Oklahoma City, October 29th and 30th -
Dallas. (Confirmation yet to come) If any
other MAC/NICKS fans out there would
like to get together for a road trip, I can be
reached via the newspaper and would be
glad to help organize. I’d love the company
of any other MAC/STEVIE NICKS
fan-arics. We could scream along with
Stevie on the way, and terrify thousands
of other travelers...
LOREENAMcKENN1TT’s new album
is due out end of September. Entitled
’~3OOK OF SECRETS", it isreported to
have an Italian influence, although I hear
that the Celtic influence she is known for
will also be evident. Put ~ogether by SARAH
McLACHLAN, her two managers,
andher agent, LILITH FAIR, thewomen’s
With a rotating line~up,
LIL1TH FAIR consists of
Tracy Chapman, Sheryl
FionaApple,Mary Chap~-
Carpenter, F.mmylou Har-
~.ris,-Indigo .Girls, Shawn
Colvin, Paula Cole,
Meredith Brooks andmore.
Having recently been .featured
on the covers of both
Time and Entertainment
Weekly and with SARAH
featured in magazines na-,
tionwide, 1 .l1.1THFAiRhas
been selling out across the
country. -I .H- ~.ITH°FAIR occurs
in Dallas August 4th.
SARAH?s new album,
’~URFACING", is doing
extremely well, having debuted
at number 2 on the
Billboard charts andhitting
#1in her native Canada. It
is an excellent album, full
of moody atmosphere and
interesting rhythms.
Ellen DeGeneres, who
made TV history by coming
out as a lesbian in her
series "Ellen," was nominated
for an F~nrny as best
actress in a comedy series.
Now that they’ve brought
her out of the closet, will
ABC let the star of its TV
sitcom "Ellen" actually
have a sex life this season?
¯ has told TV writers the network plans to
: moveslowlyindeveloping the Ellen char-
¯ acter as an open lesbian. I guess we’ll see
¯ just how slow a lesbian can move... With
¯¯ the heat the way it’s been, I don’t think
I’ve seen anyone moving too fast.
¯ (Whom I had quite the crush on once) has
¯ launched what could be his greatest trick
- prying $30 million damages from Pari~
Match magazine for alleging his romance
¯ with model Claudia Schiffer is bogus.
~ (Oh, I dunno if HE would say that’s his
¯ greatest trick Sorry, I had to. Even if it
: was too easy.) Copperfield filed a defa-
¯ marion suit in Lo~ Angeles against the
¯ French magazine’s pubfishers and a rival
¯ magician. According to the suit, Paris
¯ MatchspreadafalsestorythatCopperfield
¯ and Schifferperpetuated afraud, pretend-
" ing to be romantically involved, but that
¯ Copperfield pays Schiffer to accompany
¯ him and pretend to be his fiancee. ¯
Hmm Shades of Liberace. (Who, for
¯ those too young or not interested in trivia
: enough to know, popular pianist Liberace
¯ successfully sued a British tabloid in the ¯
’50’ s for claiming he was Gay. Andwe all
¯ know the end of that story.) Now why
: wouldDavid wanta"beard"? Can’t imag-
¯ ine. And if the job, goes up for grabs,
¯ what’s the salary? I could stand there and
¯ look beautiful. Stop laughing; it used to
¯ happen.., occasionally. Probably the best
: I could manage right now is vapid, but so
¯ often these days the two are interchange-
" able. Excuse me, I have to make a phone
¯ call. "Operator, can you get me David
Copperfidd’s manager on me nne ....
R A’ I N
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.~Aug. 8, 6-10pm
Aug. 9, 9,Spm
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Stor Michael’sl
Steaks, Seafood,
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Kelly Kirby
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,-~" "l~" SUNDAYS
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universahst Congregation
Service- llam, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Family- of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Adult Sunday School,. 9:15 Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church ofGranter Tulsa
..... Service,, ,10:45am, 1623 North M.ap.,le~.qod, Info: 838~ 17
PrimeTimers- : ,~
Social groupfor men~qst Sun/eachmo. ~-6pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gayfrransgendered Alliance
Not active this summer. Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each too. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussibn Group, Borders Bookstore
1st Mon/ea.mo., 7:30pm, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Aug: Obejas’ Memory Mambo, September: Gary Reed’s Pryor Rendering
Womeus Literature Discussion Group, Borders, 3rd Mon/ea: too., 7:30pro
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pm, Helmedch Park, 71st & Riverside, 587-65,57
Unity Lambda Al-anon, 7:30pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
Lesbian.Mothers Support Group, 2nd+4th Tues/ea. mo. 7pm; 1307 E. 38th
HIV+ Support Group, HIV ResourceConsortium 1:30 pm -
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749.4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIV/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & ~amily HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pro, Locations, call: 749-7898
BlessThe Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaithMCC PraisetPrayer-6:30pm, Choir-7:30,545 I-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for scheduled events.
Info: 631-7632 or Jeremy at 712-1600
Co-Dependency Support Group - 7:30 Family ofFaith~ 5451E S. Mingo, 622-1441
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro, Results: 7 - 9pro, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at-~63~7272
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pm~ Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 11pm, 3rd Thurs/each ran. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS 4154 S. Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, Info: 749.4194
SafeHaven~ Young Adults Social Group, 1st Fti/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Arts Coffeehouse, Poetry readings & art display, Pride Center
Call Mary for more information: 743-6740
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pro, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Fun Night at the Center, July 12th & 26th, 6-10pm, Pride Ctr. Info: 743-4297
SENSES, Society for Exploring New Sensations, Educating & Socializing.
July 19, 6-apm, Info, call Kathy at 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long and short rides.
Info: PUB 9165, Tulsa 74157, 8/20, 6:30pm, short tide; 8/23, 7am, long fide; 8/30,
7am, long ride. Alt rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center, 3903 W. 4th St.
Ifyour event or organization is not listed, please let us know.
Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa Ci&-County Library
Thepublic library has many wonderful,
older books of interest to the gay/lesbian/
bi/transgendered community. By searching
on the library computer catalog under
the subject ofhomosexuality, hundreds of
entries come up with subtopics (history,
fiction, humor, etc). While searching the
older fiction titles, I recently
came across a wonderful,little
novel, The Drowning of
Stephan Jones.
In the ficticious town of
Parson Springs, (a thinly disguised
Eureka Springs), antique
dealer FrankMontgomely
andhis longtimelover and
business partner Stephan
Jones have recently opened a
shop and are enjoying the
simple, small townlife. Away
from the crowded and oppressive
big cities, Frank and
Stephan can settle down and
enjoy the finer things in life.
Or so they think.
When choosing Parson
Springs as their new home,
the guys thought they had
found an artistic oasis where
peoplereally cared abouteach
other. They didn’t factor in
the overwhelming presence of
simplistic and absolute religious
beliefs that often blanket
small communities.
Stephan, a former seminary
student, convinces Frank to
attend a service at the dominant
church in town. The service
turns out to be a "family
." thetownlibrarian, befriends them.Trouble
.. begins when dashing, young Andy, high
¯ school jock and the object of Carla’s af-
¯ fection, prodded by his intolerant family
¯¯ and teammates, begins intimidating the
gay couple. The unprovoked harassing
¯ slowly escalates into violence and tour-
¯ der, as the horrified Carla tries, unsuc¯
cessfully, to avert tragedy. There is a
moderately successful surprise ending to
satisfy Stephan’ s grief stricken
Technically a young adult
novel, it is rather simply written
for maximum effect, and
does contain some violence
and mild profanity, although
no sex. While the story is
strong, the characters are
sometimes simplistically written
and occasionally fall into
Sensitive, confused Carla
realizes that her neff boyfriend,
(her first), is blinded to
trothbyhis unquestioning faith
in religious extremism, but is
too anxious to be "part of the
group" to recognize the danger
in his behavior until it is
too late. Car.!,a’ s mother i"s the
black sheep of the community,
fighting to keep challenged
books on the library
shelves after attacks by the
town’s influential Baptist
For a straightforward but
dismrbinglook athomophobic
extremism° check out The
.Drowning ofStep.hanJones. It
is an eye opemng read for
young adults and a timely re-
" minder to adults of what happens when
¯ goodpeople ignore intolerant and danger- ¯ ous behavior.
¯ Check for The Drowning of Stephan
¯ Jones at your local branch library or call
¯ the Readers Services Department at the
¯ Central Library at 596-7966.
: Dees. Champlin also anticipates speaking
:. more openly about the program and the
¯ need for the program tO high school coun-
¯ selors, teachers and principals as well as
." to mainstream media.
: O’RYAN memb~s ara not just con-
. cemedwiththemselves. Martyis theleader
¯ of the group’s Condom Crusaders who
¯ are .trying to educate their peers about
: HIVrisk. The group also wants to start its
." Own RAIN Care Team. Other goals indude
possibly fostering Gay/Straight
: Clubs in local high schools to provide
: support andinformation.
: And O’RYAN is actively seeking support
from the older Leshian and Gay corn-
: munity and friends,family and allies. The
" group has a "wish list" of things that
: they’_d like to have to make their meeting
¯ spacemore of a home-like drop-in space. ¯
Ultimately they’d like it to function al-
most like a coffee house, like Java Dave’ s
: even. However, they’re just not waiting
¯ around for the larger commtmity. They ¯
tentatively arranged to make 5,000 rain-
: bow bead keychains for PFLAG, Parents,
¯ Families and Friends of Lesbians and
¯ Gays to raise funds.
~. Champlinl Marty and George empha-
: size that the group is very careful to pro-
: tect the see O’RYAN, page 12
For a
forward but
at homophoble
cheek out
The DrownJnO
Step ,an Jo.es.
It.ls,an e~t
opemn$ reaa ~or
young .a.dults
and a timely
reminder to
adults of what
happens when
good people
intolerant and
values" lecture where homosexuals are
.uniformly denounced as lower than pornographers
or child molesters. Unfortunately,
the guys don’t get the hint.
A local girl, Carla, has become acquainted
with themen and, being raised in
a welcoming household by her mother,
to talk about &RYAN. Both who are
regulars in local clubs said that they really
,v’,paleuoeptlheehgarvoeupt:oM: baertryeSal~tuthnalitkien ginrotuhpe,
clubs wherehe characterizes relationships
as morejust acquaintances. In the group,
they’ re friendships.
Champlin, who’s been with the group
about a year, brings counselingand psychology
experience to the job. The 1994
TU graduate, along with MurphyJones
also provide free individual counseling
along with the group meetings. Sheestimates
that of the 15 to 20 meeting regulars,
about 10 also get individual counseling.
Champlin, along with Marty and
George, note that the group is not for all
Lesbian, Gay, Bi,Tramgenderedand questioning
young adults. Some are just too
closeted or find the groups too structured
if they are in a more rebellious stage. But
likely many in the city just don’t know
that the group exists.
Marty, George and.Melissa, however,
are working on changing that. O’RYAN
now has a web page, courtesy of Concessions
and noted Concessions dj, David
-,,. -,,, ..
utumn :eeze
A Dining Pleasure "
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Breed Grooming
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Visit Our New Pride Room
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45& 112 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, AR
United Methodist
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byJean-Pierre Legrandbouche " meats. A Utica salad features chopped
Nestled on a plot of land on 21st Street "
egg and bacon, the CaeSar comes with a
between Columbia and theBroken Arrow ¯: chom" e o¢f chi"cken; salmon, or shrimp, and
Expressway is the site of the popular old ¯ the Pacific Rim salad has cold sliced
Charlie Mitchell’s Midtown, which fi- .. chicken breast, chow mein noodles, thin
naily succumbed to bankruptcy last year. " strips of deep fried tortilla, and a "Thai"
While the food was always less than stel- ." peanut dressing, though when we tasted
lar, we enjoyed that place, if only to be it, we weren’t sure what made the dressable
to drink Watney’s Ale on "
tap and play in the red British
telephone booths. The entire
Midtown neighborhood has
been awaiting anxiously developments
at the location.
This past spring, the wait was
over and a new restaurant un--
Local diners can eat and
drink at the Milestone Grill,
now under completely different
ownership and management.
And, those who frequented
Charlie Mitchell’s
will not recognize the place
after themajor remodeling and
redecorating. The dining areas
have been Opened up into
one large, two level room, divided
by a working fireplace.
The bar now sits against the
west wall, andis stylishly conceived
with broad panels of
tortoise shell covered lighting.
Seating in the bar i s multilevel,
and includes a comfortable
sofa area. The decor is
starklymodern throughout the
restaurant, and oil pastel art
work is framed and hanging
onthe painted grey wails. Contemporary
light fixtures are crafted from
bareflame bulbs andmetallic coppermesh
shades, contributing to a dean, fresh look.
As one sits down to dinner, one quickly
discovers that this place Js no longer
Charlie Mitchell’s. Where once one ordered
a round of beers, now, one orders
ultrapremium cocktails. Milestone features.
a menu devoted stric.tly to cocktails,
includingnine different martinis. And they
¯are all delicious, We’ve tried them all
~’(th,ough not0n.the same visi t;mindyou! ),
and you can s~p andsample the various
gins and vodk~s,Anclud~ng Tangueray,
Sapphire, Skvy, i~inl~india~ ~dvedere, and
Stoli~hnaya.°(~e Of ou} favorites was the
:.-TUlSa Skyyline martini, with Skyy vodka,
Chambord (a raspberry Jiqueur),. and a
~.twist of lime. The bar als0 Ca~es an
’Impressive s..election ofsinglemait Scotcl~
’ ApiS~tizer selecfi’bns, are varied, and
display the almost schizophrenic menu
plaJming 0f the kitchen. Tl~e best are the
2705 East 91st
11am-llpm, Frl.
5pm-llpm, Sat.
5pm-10pm, Sun.
¯ Payment:
All major plastle.
Ahohoh F II
with premium
stock & wine llst.
Smokln~ in
the bar area.
A~mospkere: -
Dressy casual.
Prhes: Expensive.
A llst
ing ’q’hai."
Though only open a few~
months, a new menu was introduced
in July. The kitchen
is still experimenting, and trying
to find itself, so we hope
that they will soon be able to
establish their niche. A few
slight problems exist, such as
having both teriyaki ribeye and
teriyaki salmon, and having
both a filet mignon and a tuna
steak wrapped in bacon and
prepared like a filet mignon.
Nevertheless, the.entrees we
have tasted hagebeen flavorful
and wall done. Weparticularlylike
therotisserie chicken
($12.95), which .is tender and
juicy, served ona ~edof garlic-
laced "smaShed ’ potatoes;
and adorned like a party hat
with a big ~prig.of rtsemary.
The variou~past~of~the day
dishes are .also tasty~ full o~
additional 2vegetables and
mush~.oomg; and--delicately
sauced. All.bf the entrees are
served with:~a choice of soup
or salad.
Those not interested in
a full entree can also get a very
¯ nice, good sized Milestone burger ($6.75)
. or a great dub sandwich ($6:95) with
¯ roasted turkey and Arkansas bacon. At.
." lunch, a chicken salad sandwich ($6.25)
." and a meat loaf sandwich ($7:75) areaiso
¯ available. All of the sandwiches come
with matchstick fries.
¯ Dessert, always one of our favorite
courses, is $4.50, and varies: daily. Re-
: .cenfly, they have included: a~tasty indi-
~, vidual cobbleralamode made ononehalf
." of blackberries and on the 0ther ?half of
¯ raspberries~ which was ~gd~~as,
¯" had been microwaved to~*~~r ~o
:- serving. The ubiquitous flOuriess’ehoco._
~ late.gateaux is there, plus- the .stereotypi_
¯ cal cheesecake- this one with~chocolate,
¯~ pecans, and caramel. All of these are quite
¯: tasty. Yet, the presentation and combina-
." :tions,not onlyin the dessert courses but in
¯ the entire menu, still lack that subtle flair
which is the hallmark of a great restau-
~ rant. A good example is the roasted ha-
"- nana cream pie. We were offered the
!potato crustedlobster ,c,3kcs ($9.95). Ther¢
:is also a shrimp cockudl ($6.95), andfrom
there, the menu gets. odd. Spring rolls
($5.7~), an Oriental standard, are juxta-
:posed againstthe traditi0nai Fr~nch.~rilled
bile cheese ($7’.95): Artich0ke dip.(~5:95)
~emindS:us of.th~ spo~ts bar oi:igiils 6f the
’site. And~ like everyone else in town, they
are doing wraps -.this time, chicken
wrapped with a’ lettuce leaf ($4..95) instead
of a tortilla.
Thesoup selection varies daily, and is
$3.95 per bowl. On the night we visited, it
was corn and red pepper, which we expected
to be a spicy cream soup, but which
was a surprisingly thin vegetable soup
with kernels of corn and strips of roaste~i
red bell pepper. Basic salads are also
$3.95, and jump $4 with the addition of
dessert, and anticipated.,a large wedge of
tasty pie. What arrived was a small indi-
¯ vidual tartlet shell filled, with roasted ha-
: nanapudding, topped withwhippedcream,
and garnished withalargewedge bf white
~ and dark chocolate protruding from the
: tarflet like a shard ofbroken glass.:Next to.
the tarflet was a bail of ice cream that had
a strong and delicious espressoflavor and
¯ included little chunks 61’ fudge brownie.
; The whole large serving plate was deco-
¯ rated with a swoosh of creme Anglaise, ¯
¯ drizzles of chocolate, and a few scattered fresh berries. Individually, each compo-
¯ nentwas delicious,but together, they were
¯ too much and not a pleasant match. The ¯
espresso-chocolate ice cream comp!etely
¯ overpowered the delicate sweetness of
the roasted banana, see Jean, page 12
ration techniques are all down, we look
forward to the kitchen staff developing
the culinary maturity in matching foods
that will makethis restaurant an outstanding
dining experience.
Similar problems arise in the service.
When we’ ve been seated in the dining
room, service has been attentive and adequate
(though not outstanding) for arestaurant
of this calibre. However, when
we’ ve been seated in the smoking section
in the bar area, the service has been woeful.
In fact; on our last visit, the handsome
pony~led bartender (worth a trip just to
gazeuponhim,by theway) tookpityupon
our table and volunteered to take over for
ourabsent waitress. Nevertheless, wehave
great expectations that management will
soon work out these minor flaws, espedally
since themenus advise that a seventeen
percent gratuity will be added to
tickets for groups.
On the whole, we enjoy going to the
Milestone Grill. As they grow- and become
more comfortable with their identity,
we think the staff will make a fine
team. And, we hope they’ll stir be in
business come winter time, so we can
lounge around that wonderful fireplace in
the dining room.
to moving every American forward. At
those places where we disagree with the
President, and there are many, we know
for certain now that he acts, not out of
ignorance, but out of his political analysis
for advancing his agenda."
Lobel added that the President spoke at
length about how the cultural map of
America must shift ifLGBT people are to
gain civil rights. "We look to the President
to speak out loudly and often on
issues affecting Gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender Americans. But we must
be realistic. The President will not move
unless activists at the local and state level
move him and the administration forward."
There also was discussion of Clinton’ s
upcoming White House conference on
hate crimes later-this year. The activists
said they want the conference to address
"widespread" violence against Gays and
would like to include Gay youths who
often are prone to violence on the streets
because of family rejection and
homelessness. "There is agreement that
violence against any group is something
that must be combated," Echaveste said.
The group expressed concern about the
implementation of the Clinton
administration’ s "don’ t ask, don’ t tell,
don’ t pursue" policy on Gays in the military.
A study by the Service Members
Legal DefenseNetwork showedthatGays
are being discharged from all branches of
the armed forces in greater numbers since
the policy was instituted in 1993.
"We made it dear there are a number of
instances in which the administration has
come down on the wrong side of issues
that are important to us, not the least of
which is the Gays-in4he-military issue,"
said Lorri Jean, executive director of the
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center.
The policy bars commanders from asking
service members to reveal their sexual
orientations, and allows Gay troops to
serve as long as they refrain from homosexual
acts and don’ t reveal their orienta-
Besides McDonald, LobeL Jean and
Birch, other participants at the meeting
were Kevin Jennings, executive directoe
of the Gay, Lesbian and StraightTeachers
Network; Tim Gill, founder of the Gill
Foundation; Gloria Nieto, executive director
of the People of Color AIDS foundation
of New Mexico; Brian Bond, executive
director of the Gay and Lesbian
Victory Fund; Martin Omelas-Qnintero,
executive director of the National Lation/
a Lesbian and Gay Organization; Jeff
Sorer, Co-Chair of the Empire State Pride
Agenda; Dale McCormick, Treasurer of
th~ State of Maine; Kevin Catheart, executive
director of Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund; and Vema
Eggleston, executive director of the
Hetrick-Marfin Institute.
confidentiality of those who attend, especially
outside the safety of the meeting
space. O’RYAN has also scheduled several
special events in August and Septem,
ber. On August 16, the groups is holding
its "Snmmer Fling" dance party. Later in
the month, by popular demand, the group
will have a slumber party-properly chaperoned
and alcohol, smoke and drug free,
of course. In early September, the group
will go on afloat trip on the Illinois river.
To donateor to volunteer for O’ RYAN,
call 584-2325.
Madson’s father, Howard Madson of
Barron, Wis., watched the developments
Wednesday night as well, but declined to
discuss them. "There will come a time
when we have something to say. I can’t
tell you now when that will be," he said.
Cunanan was suspected in the death of
Chicago developer Lee Miglin and
charged in thekilling ofNew Jersey graveyard
caretaker William Reese. Reese’s
widow, Rebecca, had no comment on
Cunanan’s death when reached by telephone
at her home in Upper Deerfield
Township, N.J..
Sorrow was unabated for Cunanan’s
family as well. In the Philippines, where
his father lives, his aunt Barbara Carlos
was resigned to her nephew’s death, but
still baffled by his life.
"He is a good boy. He can’ t do all those
things. I thinkhe is innocent," Mrs. Carlos
said, but added that his family "should
accept the truth. They should accept what
happened to them."
She had not seen Cunanan since he was a
child. ’‘we are saddened," she said. ~’Even
if we have not been together for a long
time,we are saddenedby whathappened."
Eilarts will begin an all ages coming out
group in cooperation with Melissa
Champlin of Red Rock Mental Health
Association. This group will meet at the
Pride Center and will be for all ages.
Eilarts, who has considerable experiencein
counseling around substance abuse
issues, will focus on communication and
negotiating skills as,well as ,triggermechanisms"
for high risk behavior to help men
to develop betterrelationships and to help
prevent HIV/AIDS.
For more information, call TOHR/
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Puterbaugh said. ’It just, was not in the
conversation, it was not ~the thinking."
She and Famham, who describe them- ¯
Selves as beingin their "early 50s,"thought ¯
about but never ended-up having a corn- "
mi.tment~ceremony in honor of their 20th
anmversary. Then two years ago, they
attended a conference devoted to the notion
of a civil marriage between couples .
of the same gender., "We walked out of ."
that conference, looked at ourselves and ¯
said,’ That’ 8 what we.~ant,’’. Puterbaugh
said. .
But the Milton town clerk, relying on a ¯
22-year-old opinion from the attorney ¯
general’s office, refused to issue them a
marriage license when they applied on
April 25. Baker and Harrigan applied in
Shelburne on June 13 and Jolles and Beck
applied in South Burlington six days after
that. All Were denied and lawyers decided
they had a case.
"Finding a partner, finding a mate and
getting married is a basic human right,"
said Middlebury lawyer Susan Murray.
’The state of Vermont should not be al- ¯
lowed to step in and tell two consenting
adults that they cannot marry one an- "
Attorney General William Sorrell,who
~v9a3~_aospkiendiobnu,t sdaeidclitnheedistosuoevsehrtouurlnd-tbhee
decided in the Legislature, not the courts:
Lawmakers already have extended civil
rights protections to Gays and Lesbians "
and included them among the classes protected
in a hate crimes statute, he said. If :
the Legislature. had intended to .include ¯
marriage among those ,rights, it would
have said so, he ~rguedi ’rhe Legislature
has done nothing that. we can find’ that
affirmatively extends the ri,g,ht to same-
,g,endermarriagein~Vermont; "S orrell said.
~’he Legislat-~re for 2:2~3;~s has had the
opportuni,,~ to change thatlaw. It has not
done that. ’
Gov. Howard Dean said he believed the
Legislature should avoid theissue for the
time being. "I Would prefer this not be
addressed in the Legislature until it’ s resolved
in the courts," he said. "I think it’ s "
a very personal matter. This is a very ¯
difficultissue and I think the courts are the ¯
place to.resolve it." :
Murray and the other lawyers said no
change in theIaw was necessary. Denying "
Gays and Lesbians marriagelicenses rio- :
lares not only state marriage statutes but
also Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 7, of the "
Vermont Constitution, the couples claim ¯
in their lawsuit. The first article states ¯
people are born equally free and indepen- ¯
dent; the seventh says the government
exists for the common benefit, and not for ¯
any particular set of people. .
"We are challenging the notion that a
couple in love can’t marry each other "
.simply because they made the ~mi_’,stake of ¯
falling in love withsomeone ofthe wrong’
gender," said Mary Bonanto of Gay &
Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, .a:New
England=wide Gay civil rights group.
Vermont statut~,s describe m~a~e as
aunion betweena ~bride and t,ro~m. "but
say not.m.n.g.:a.n.y.,:°.’;mO" re exp~l’-ic" it a’bout
gender~: ~orrdl s’~id~,~e ~l~dictibnary:
meaning of ~e phrase proved lawmaker~7
intended marriages to be between men
and women. ~.: ~ ....
The lawsuit asks only for:~ legalization
of civil marriages and does not ask
churches opposed to same-sex unions to
recognize them or perform ceremonies.
¯" "It’s not g~ng to affect any religious
: 9~anizationatall,"Murraysaid.Itwould,
however, offer them a wide range of civil
¯ benefits. "Married couples receive over
150 supports and protections under Vermont
law, which are not available to Gay
and Lesbian couples, no matter how long
they have been together, no matter how
committed their relationship is, and no "
matter how much they need those legal, ."
protections," Bonauto said. ¯
Among the benefits she listed were "
family leave; bereavement leave; retirement
and pension benefits; health insurance;
inheritance; and the right to ,make
medical decisions onbehalfofasame-sex
The issue of Gay and Lesbian marriage
: has been hotly contested around the coun-
¯ try, especially a groundbr_._e._a_,kii’,ng case in
Hawaii in which that state s Supreme
¯ Court rnled in 1993 thatitwas unconstitu-
¯ tional to deny marriage licenses to same-
" sex couples without a compelling public
¯ interest.
¯" Before a lower court could rule on
whether such an interest had been demonstrated,
the Hawaii Legislature passed a
bill granting such benefits as the rights to
share medical insurance, joint property ¯
ownership and inheritances to couples "
: who could not legally marry. Lawmakers "
: also proposed a referendum on whether ¯
the Hawaii Constitution should be
¯ amended to outlaw Gay marriage. That !
.’ referendum is scheduled for next year.
With the Hawaii case awaiting court
ruling,Gay civil rights activists have been ¯
lookiiag for another test case. Vermont
already has an active organization on the
¯ issue, known as the Freedom to Marry
¯ .Task Force, andit has worked with Lesbian
& Lesbian Advocates & Defenders,
¯ a group that has been active on same-sex
¯ mamages. A lawyer with,GLAD was
scheduled to be at Tuesday s news con-
: ference.
The issue also is pending in the Ver¯
mont Legislature, where a bill that would
¯ ban gay marriage remains alive in the
House Judiciary Committee. No action
¯ was taken on the bill when it was mtro-
¯ duced in January, but it remains alive for
the second year of the Legislature’ s sesfor
effective multicultural and coalition
organizing. The need for the Federation
grew out of meetings of statewide acti,vists
during the past two years at NGLT s
annual Creating Change Conference. The
Task Force coordinated the logistics of
the. Tennesseemeeting, providing scholarships
and staffing and assisting in the
"We have known for many years that
the real battles facing our communities
wouldbe foughtinthe State Houses across
the country," stud Paula Ettelbn¯ck of the
Empire. State Pride Agenda, who is a
fouhder and a co-chair ~f the Federation.
"It is essential that we create an orgainz-
¯ ing structure that helps us to Strategize as
¯ a hational network of lesbians and gay
i men in order to support each other, sh~re
resources, andf,i,ght our common enemy
of h0m0phobia.
Oklahoma wasrepresented by TOHR,
: Tulsa Oklah0mans for Human Rights
: which at 17 years old is the oldest non-
" religious organization in the state. TOHR
: .presidentTomNealnoted,"TOHRclearly
¯ ~s not a state-wide organization. Okla-
: homa, unfortunately,qaas no organization
¯ that is genuinely statewide. However,
TOHR has been for several years the only
went to the meeting in order to come back
and to try to foster state level organizing."
¯. Neal added that he hoped that Tulsa and
¯ Oklahoma City groups and individuals
will set aside their historical friction to
work for the benefit of the whole state.
The Federation will consist of 13 Executive
Committee members, selected
¯ from each region of the country, who will
set forth the mission of the Federation.
¯ The National Gay and LesbianTaskForce
¯ will ser~e as coordinatorof.theFederation
for the next three years: NGLTF will
coordinate and. support the Federation’s
¯ work through the dedication.of staff and
¯ resources including the creation and dis-
: semination of information and materials,
regular conference calls, cyber resources
¯ and more.
¯ "States are ground zero in the struggle
for equality andjustice, and it is essential
that these state groups become better
¯" resourced., and supported if we are to en¯
sureourultimate success as amovement,"
said NGLTF executive director Kerry
¯ Lobel.
,’I ¯ amthrilled that the stateLGBTgroups
have united to. form this Federation. The
Federation will focus on strengthening
state organizations so that we aJ’e better
equipped for the upcoming civil ,ri,’ghts
battles we are facing stat~l~y state, said
Dianne Hardy-Garcia of’~e Lesbian/Gay
Rights Lobby ofTexas an~t co:chair:bfthe
Federation. ’Theformation ofthe Federation
wouldnothave beenpossible without
~ the assistance of NGLTF. NGLTF has
¯ provided the resources needed to pull
¯ togetherthe Federation. The Task Force
.continues to illustrate a real understand-
" mg mat our movement must be a local,
¯ state an,d, national movement if we are to
¯ su~eed, ’ added Hardy-Garcia."
The Federation is p,lanning its next
meeting for November s NGLTF Creating
Change conference in San Diego,
¯ California. In addition to the. meeting,
there will be a series or workshops geared
: towards activists doing statewide work,
especially onlegislation. These workshops
, ~ill be open to all.
! SpiritWoman Contor
: Longtime Lesbian activist Tay Clare is
¯ the volunteer coordinator ofthe Frec Spirit
Woman Center, based in a private mid-
. town Tulsa.home. The Center provides
the following ongoing weekly programming
from 7-9 pm.
On Tuesdays, the Center sponsors a
¯ poetry writing workshop. Women with
¯ much or no experience are encouraged to
participate or just to observe.
Wednesdays, Charlotte Kasl’s famous
¯ 1~6 step,e,mpowermentprogram is the topic.
¯ according to Tay, Charlotte Kasl claims
women should never say they have no
¯ power; by doing the steps, they can find
their own powerful wom~n within. ,
¯ EveryThursday,Clareleads awomen s
spirituality workshop. Ihdividuals are en-
¯ couraged to bring their own materials as
part of their journey. ~ .....
¯ A support and discussion group i~ held
i .on Fridays. The current topi~ iS a studyof
¯ the journals of radical Gay women..~ "
¯ The Free Spirit Woman Center oper-
: ates by consensus without domination by
"anyone person. Facilitation is minimal
." and is used primarily to insure that all get
¯ a chance to speak. The Center has no ¯
funding but small donations are always
: welcome to pay for coffee and other sup-
" plies. Info: 587-4669.
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Send your ad &payment to POB 4140,
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(We’ll print it here)
like-to meet other Gay males fo.,r fun,
friendship and, maybe, more. I m ,a.n
attractive, Gay, White male, 26, 6 2,
1801b,s, with light Brown hair and Blue
.eyes. I m Ionel~ sometimes and look
f6rward to hearing from you. (Claremore)
MANLY PASllMES I’m a good
looking, masculine, White male~ 5’7, with
a marine haircut and Hazel eyes. I like
hunting, fishing, and sports.. I’d like to
meet Differ men in the area to hang out
with. (Grand Lake) =28333
KEEP IT HONEST I’m looking for a nice
guy, and able communicator, with whom
I can spend time and build something
spe~:iaL I’m a 32 year old, Gay, White
male, interested in romance and quiet
times with my partner. I like long walks,
biking, and h6nest communication.
(Henrielta) =32520
,year,o,ld, Bi male is a sexy Transvestite.
I m 5 9, with Brown hair and Blue eyes.
I’m searching for a gorgeous Gay, or Bi,
male, 27 to 30, who is good, kind, and
friendly. Hurry! (Kiowa) =1471
MAN? Hungry male, 21,5’11, 1701bs,
with BI6nd ha-it and Blue eyes, seeks hot
guys willing to cook up good times.
(Tulsa) ~2549
WILD MAN I wanna get wild with
a younger, s.m,ooth, muscular,
White male. I m a buffed, 39 year
old, Bi, White male, 6fl, 1671bs,
with Brown hair, Blue eyes, and a
hairy body. (Tulsa) =2594
looking, 6 1, 1751bs, with Blond
hair, Green eyes, a great tan, hairy
build, and a big personality. Call
now. (Tulsa) =2640
f.r!endly, 19 year old, White male,
5 10, 1351bs~ with Bro.w,n hair and
Hazel eyes. Right now I m just looking
for friends but who knows what the
future might bring? Call me. (Tulsa)
QUICK DRAW I’d like to get to know
some other guys who like to have fun.
I’m a well built, White male, 6’2,
1901bs.. Ienjoy drawing and music,
especially alternative and industrial
music. If you’d like to make a new
friend, give me a call.
JUST US This drug
free, smoke.free, ~
Gay, ,
White male,
25, 5’8, with
Brown hair
Hazel eyes, seeks
a similar man,
21 to 30, for
life together.
I’m a nice, caring person
with a good sense of humor. I enjoy all
.music, movies, dancing, and quiet
nights at home. (Tulsa)~ =1896
old, White male, 5’9, 1401bs, is
looking for a sentimental guy, over 25,
with whom to share romantic evenings,
cooking, family, music, and cuddling.
(Tulsa) =1350
COUNTRY LOVE I was brought up on
a farm south of Dallas so I love country
life. I’m a goo,d looking, 31 year old,
White male,6 3, with Brown hair and
eyes. I’m easy going, caring, and loving
and I’m Iookin~ for the love of .m,y life. I
like young cowboys, 18 to 25. I m into
rodeo, and most music. (Tulsa)
I DESERVE IT I’ve decided that
d,eserve to meet the man of my dreams.
I m an honest, pr.o,,fessional, Gay, White
male, 38, 5 9, 1551bs, with Brown
hair, Blue eyes, a beard,
and hairy Ixx]y. I’m very
energetic, and get
from rood
trips, movies,
d ning out, and
home ife. (Tu so)
wanna go out
and do fun stuff with some
new friends. I’m a goD,d, looking; Gay,
Cherokee Indian male, 5 8, 1451bs,
with Black hair and Brown eyes. I’m into
all kinds of things. I like to swim, work
out, play basketball and tennis, and
en oy the company of my friends. I’m
most attracted to B ond haired, E~ ue
eyed, guys but would like to meet all.
(Tulsa) =33664
BRONCO RIDER I’m a 21 year old,
masculine, cowboy, seeking a ¯
soulmate. I’m 5’11, 1451bs, with short
Brown hair, Blue eyes, and a fit body.
110ve rodeos, hunting, fishing, sports,
country music, and ~outdoors.
(Tulsa) =32884 ~ ~’~ ~.
~NEW,FACES I’:m~:~d looking, -
White male, 6fl, 170Ibs, with Brown
hair and eyes. I go to school during
the da~ and won-der what’s going on
at night. Show me. (Tulsa)
IN TRANSITION I want to build a
relationship with another good ,
looking, Gay, Male, Transvestite. I m
26, 5 9. with B~’own hair and Blue
eyes. You should be clean, nice, and
fun. I hope we can have a long term
relationship. (Tulsa) =30728
a~active, 21 yearald, Black male,
.5 11-, 1801bs, with li~ght Brown eyes,
seeks ,other Black men to hang out
with. I m new to the scene and want
to make some good friends. (Tulsa)
needa woman’s touch? I’m a 40
year old, Transgender, hoping to
someday become a ~:omplete woman.
I love to play the feminine role and
am seeking men, over 40, in every
way. Race is unimportant. (Tulsa)
JUICY FRUIT This hairy, tan, good
looking, Gay, White man, with a big
personality, wants to tal.k, on ~e
phone with other studs, I m 6 1,
1801bs, with Blond hair and Green
eyes. Once we get acquainted,
maybe we can meet. (Tulsa) =2416
that a hard man is good to find. This
sensual~ sexy, sbbmissive, Bi male,
Transvestite, 42, 6fl, 1701bs, seeks
dominant; Bi men, 35to 70, of all
races. Let’s play. (Tulsa) =29954
around.town and teach me the West
Coast Swing. I’m a young !o,oking; 34
year old, Hispanic male, 5 ,4, 1251bs,
with Brown hair and eyes. I m pretty
new to town and want to make
friends. I love to dahce and can.hvo
step with the best of them. I’m a big
fan of country music, movies, and
love people. Let’s meet. (Tulsa)
want to get close to someone who is
able to have a relationship without
letting anyone else know about it. I’m
a good looking, 27 year old,
Married, Bi male. (Tulsa) =29225
GET CLOSER Togelhemess with another
.worn’in is what I’m after. This Gay, While
lemale, 34, 5’6, with O~ive skin, dark hair and
eyes, loves reading, watching softball, lang
walks, and having fun:Wanna be friends?
(Tulsa) e$145
BACK TO SCHOOL I’m into sports, movies,
and Ifle outdoors and J!d like Io meet a womyn
who can share~inlereds with me. I’m a 25
year rid, White female, 5’6,1701bs, with short
Brown hair and Brown eyes. I have a cdlege
degree but am about le go back to schod le get
another. You should be I~veen 25 and 35,
and fun loving. (Tulsa] e1456
TULSA TEMPIRES$ This 26 year old, While
f~nale, seeks an oulgoing, open minded, Single,
Bi female, 21 Io 38, ~or a possible live in
relationship. I’m e.~,pgciolly interested in a wgmyn
with Red hair and Blue eyes, Who’s a casual
drinker. ! lave le play pod, dance, bowl, go to
movies, malls, and parks. (Tulsa) =34531
SPARE TIME I’in a Manied, BI, female. My
husband is an executive so he is out o~ town
most.c~ the 5me. I want-to meet a womyn to have
fun with. I eniay going out dancing, dini~, and
Irave~ing. let’s ~nce the night away. (Tulsa)
SF.XY SWEL~HEART Hey, you sexy
,’weethearts, ! want to meet a ~,ey sf~ciol lady
~no’d like to have a wanderfel lime. I’m a Bi
brnale with a bt to give. ~s get logether right
~ay. (Tulsa) =30318
TIJLSA 11NOSOME This 35 year old span’s
enthusiast, is interesled in meeting other womyn
who enjoy the outdaa’s, movies, and embracing
life. let’s get Io know one andber. (Tulsa)
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it he e)
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A Home for Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Transgendered Community Continues
Pledge "97
Tlie dream of a Community Center isa reality! You can help it continue and
grow. The Pride Center has provided a meeting place for the Prime Timers,
Friends in Unity Social Organization (FUSO) , Safe Haven, Rainbow
Business Guild, the Parish Church of Saint Jerome, Mothers Support Group,
Poetry/Arts Coffee House, SENSES, Lesbian and Gay-oriented substance
abuse support groups, Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation,
TOHR, HOPE, Americorp, HIV training seminars and others. Your mem
bership and/or pledge helps to keep the doors open.
[] I want to join/rejoin. ~ Individual @ $20/year
Household!org @ $35/year
~ Sustaining @ $100/year
~ Ltd. income/student @ $10/year
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Day phone: Eve. phone:
The Pride Center is open 6 days a week. HOPE offices are open Monday -
Friday, 9 - 5pro. Volunteers staff The Pride Center on Tuesday - Friday nights
from 6-10, and Sat. 12-10pm. Volunteers are always welcome.
The Pride Store is open Wed. - Friday, 2 - 6pm and Sat. 12 - 6pro
Please return this-form to: 1307 East 38th, 2rid ft. Tulsa 74105, 918-7434297
Oklahoma Rainbow
Young Adult Network
A support. & educational group for
14.24 year old Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
.Questioning and Transgendered Tulsans
Needs. Your Help;
Donation Wish List-
Gay Video Library
Bean Bags
Wall Art
Pop Machine
Throw Pillows
1724 East Eighth Street, 584.2325
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, August 1997; Volume 4, Issue 9,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/538.