[1997] Tulsa Family News, July 1997; Volume 4, Issue 8


[1997] Tulsa Family News, July 1997; Volume 4, Issue 8


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


July 1997


James Christjohn
Dr. Mike Gorman
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/ Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, June 1997; Volume 4, Issue 7


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Pride in Tulsa +
Worldwide! TULSA- Tulsans celebrated Pride Month with a series
of events from church services, benefit play performances
to the annual Pride Picnic andTulsa’ s first Pride
March. Anumber ofTulsans also attended and marched
in the Statewide Parade that takes place in Oklahoma
A spokesperson for Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR) noted that organizers of the March were
hoping to get from 30-50 people to participate in the
March. TOHR spokesperson said he was delighted to
get. 65 marchers who represented organizations from
TOHR, PFLAG, the National Organization for Women
(NOW) to see Pride, page.. 13
Don’tAsk, Don’t Tell
Loses CourtAppeal
White Houseto Fig ht for Anti-Gay Policy
NEW YORK (AP) - The Clinton administration’s
"don’t ask, don’t tell" policy for Gays in the military is
unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Wednesday,
reaffirming his earlier ruling.
The 48-page ruling by U.S. District Court Judge
Engene Nickerson concludes that the policy violates the
U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment’s free speech
protections. A military "called on to fight for the principles
of equality and free speech embodied in the
United States Constitution should embrace those principles
inits own ranks," thejudge wrote. Thejudge also
argued that for the policy "to single out Gay and Lesbian
members denies them, without legitimate reason, the
right to openly participate as equals in the defense of the
Under the"don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue" policy,
Gays can serve as long as they keep their sexual orientation
to themselves and do not engage in homosexual
acts: Otherwise, they can be honorably discharged. In
addition, commanders may not ask a service member
his or her sexual orientation.
Nickerson first declared the policy unconstitutional
in 1995, calling it "nothing short of Orwellian" and a
violation of free-speech rights that barred people from
saying "I am Gay." But last year, a three-judge panel of
the 2nd U:S. Circuit Court ofAppeals sent the ease back
for review because it disagreed with thejudge’s reasoning.
"It is plzln to us that governmental restrictions on
speech that would run afoul of the Constitution if
imposedin civilianlifeean pass constitutional musterin
the military context," see Don’t, page 3
P. 2
P. 4
P. 6
P. 8
P. 9
P. 10
P. 11
P. 14
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families+ Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation CommunityPaperAvailable In More Than 60 Tulsa Location-~
Tuisa’s....Oldest Community Gro.up, TOH.N
Shifts Leade ’ship; Calls Commun,ty Summ,t
TULSA - Tulsa Oklahomao.s for Human Rights, Tulsa’s oldest " Trans communities and our allies."
non-religious’ Lesbian and Gay organization has announced a
change inits board ofdirectors. Deb
Statues who had served as TOHR
president in 1996 and for half of
1997, resigned citing the need to
spend more time with her spouse
and children, and the demands of
their non-profit management consuiting
firm. A TOHR spokesperson
noted that under Stames leadership,
the organization’s HIV prevention
programs, HOPE: HIV Outreach,
Prevention and Education,
grew substantially, and that Statues
brought a level of professional skill
to TOHR which greatly benefitted
Under TOHR bylaws, first vicepresident,
Tom Neal, became presidentfor
the balance of Starnes’ term.
Neal, TFN publisher and editor, issued the following comments:
"following in Deb’ s footsteps will be a real. challenge but with the
support ofthe excellent board of directors and staff, I trust we can
continue Deb’s good work." Neal added, ’~OHR became an
HIV/AIDS organization because that was what the community
needed in the first years of the AIDS epidemic. But our original
mission is as a civil rights organization. My goal as president is
to maintain HOPE in the great shape in which Deb has gotten it
and to recommit ourselves to civil rights work. The Pride Center
is part of that mission of strengthening the Lesbian, Gay, Bi and
Tulsa’s shady Owen Park was the sitefor the 11th
or 12th Pride Picnic (organizers are not sure - do
you know? Call TOHR at 743-4297.) Local.activist,
JimmyFlowers, stands infrontofTulsaPFLAG’s
booth. See page 3for more Tulsa & OKCpictures.
With a stated goal of getting a sense of the issues
and trying to develop an
agenda for a very diverse set
of communities, TOHR has
called a "community summit"
to be held on Saturday,
July 26 from 2-5pm at the
Pride Center. The topics for
the summit are: "where~ are
we, where do we want to be,
what do we need to do to get
from here to there, and what
will you do to get us from
here to there?"
TOHR’s spokesperson
stated that the event is open
to organizations andindividuals
who support fairness and
equality for Lesbians, Gay
men, Bisexuals and Transgendered
persons. The Reverend William Chester
: McCall III, pastor of the Unitarian-Universalist
~ Church of the Restoration is tentatively scheduled
¯ to serve as moderator.
TOHR’s spokesperson stated that the organiza-
; tion believes that this summit is the first time this
: idea has been tried in Tulsa but TOHR hopes that
¯ this event will be the first in at least an annual series
¯ of events. Those seeking more information may
: call 743-4297.
Gay & L.esbian Attorneys " Gay-ow.ned Ma.g.azine
Organize New Group Stand F,ghtsC,tyHall
:. Gay-owned Magazine Stand Fights City Hall
OKC :- A number of ’Le~bian-and Gay attorneys have:incorpo- TULSA - Local Gay businessmen, Lee Gregory
ratedThe Oklahoma Lesbian andGay Law Association (OLGLA) and David Haas, are indeed fighting City Hall. The
to achieve several goals. Among these are to act as a resource for
attorneys who are working with Lesbian and Gay legal issues and
for the legal system by providing amicus curtae briefs (papers to
support, or not, a particular legal position) and to dispel stereotypes
of Lesbians and Gay men in the legal professions. OLGLA
jo~ns 31 similar organizations in 18 states across the US and will
work with the National Lesbian and Gay Law Association
(NLGLA) which is affiliated with the American Bar Association
(ABA),NLGLA has formal representation in the ABA’s House
of Delegates.
The inaugural event forOLGLA was held inOklahoma City on
June 27. The dinner featured remarks by Jay Novick, a Miami
attorney, who is one of the founders of the Florida Lesbian and
Gay Law Association as well as a recent chairperson of the
NLGLA. see Atty. page 10
IAM Ice Cream Social
Black+White Shockwave!
TULSA- TULSA- TwoTulsa non-profit organizations will be
holding fundraisers to benefit organizations that help persons
living with HIV/AIDS or that do HIV/AIDS education and
prevention. Interfaith AIDS Ministries (IAM) with the St.
Matthew’s Episcopal Church Women’s. Auxiliary .will hold an
old-fashioned Bean Supper and Ice Cream Social indoors at St.
Matthe.w’s in nearby Sand Springs at 6pro. The "all you can eat"
supper is planned for 6pro on Saturday, July 19. The suggested
donation is only $5 for adults, $2.50 for kids and only $15 for a
"family" ticket. The event will feature music by local performers
and a raffle of prizes including some donated by Big Splash and
Bell’s Amusement Park. Donations of food or time to the event
are encouraged. For more information, call IAM at 438-2437.
Later that evening,"the kidz @ black + white charities" will be
holding two rather less traditional parties, First Volt for those 21
and older, nmning 8pm to midnight, and from 2 am until 5am,
Last Jolt, open to those who are 18 and above.
see B+W, page 2
owners of Affinity News Corporation, at 8120 East
21’st are caught in city "red tape" that threatens to
close them down. Although they went to the City of
Tulsa to get all the proper licenses for their news
and magazine and novelties store, now that they’ve
opened, the City has just informed them that they
may be in violation’of a zoning ordinance. At issue,
is the amount of the materials in the store which be
characterized as "adult" or sexually explicit. What
prompted the City of Tulsa was a complaint from a
nearby church, Fourth Church of Christ Scientist,
which is located behind the store. City zoning
requires that any business that is zoned as sexually
oriented be at least 500 feet from a church or
residential area. see Store, page 10
Tulsa Prime Timers
TULSA - Tulsa Area Prime Timers is a thriving
local organization whose primary purtx~e is to
provide mature Gay and Bisexual men--and their
admirers, with social, educational, and recreational
activities in a safe and supportive environment.
Prime Timers are mostly older men, andyounger
men who admire mature men. Other than-that
commonality, no single definition can describe all
Prime Timers, as they come from all walks of life.
These men involve themselves in the community
with volunteerism, politics, Gay community is-
:i sues, arts, entertainment, and every other facet of
¯ healthy.living. Many are fathers, or care-givers.
¯ Someare businessmen or entrepreneurs. Some
: work and others are now retired. Some are very
: activeandothers areless so. Butonethingis trueof
: all: they enjoy opportunities and friendships that
¯ they develop with other Prime Timers throughout
: the wOrld.
¯ The original Prime Timers organization was
¯ founded in 1987 by a retired professor in Boston,
: Woody (the organization typically lists only first
names in see Prime Timers, page 3
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Piner
*City Bites, 3348 S. Peoria
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*JJ’ S Country &Western Dance Club, 6328 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Tucci’s, 1344 E. 15
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cdlular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746~4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034-
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S, Lewis 58t-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9,504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’ s Gallery, 13 Brady 58%2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
Leanne M. Gross, Southwest Financial Planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Langley Agency, 1104 S. Victor 592-1800
Susan McBay, MSW: Earth-Centered Counseling 592-1260
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA,,4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
ZiRita Pailsh, Indoor/Outdoor Co. Home Remodel ~g 58%6717
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming 584-7554
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Ming0 838-7626
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main. #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore. 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria. 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce, 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI, & Florence
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 1703 E. 2nd
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation
*Church of the Restoration, 1314 N.Greenwood
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal.
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo
*FellOwship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location &info:
Friend.For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101
b) Kerry Lobel
As I travel the country I amboth heartened and impressed with
the level of energy and expertise of the activists I meet. At the
same time I am aware that weface an increasingly organized and
insidious opposition. We are witnessing an unprecedented wave
of organized and orchestrated intolerance perpetrated by leaders
of the right and targeting our commtmities.
Recently, three major movements have signaled a heating up
of anti-gay rhetoric and mobilization against the gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgendered communities signalinga step,up in,.
the "culture years." The actions and words coming out of these
,~0UI~’ are cause for real concern.
Just last week, the Southern Baptist Convention took the
unusual and extreme step in the name ofpreserving family values
of asking its members to participate in a national boycott of one
of the world’ s most family-oriented corporations. They ask for
the full-scale rejection of Tigger and Mickey because of the
company’s "gay friendly" policies, including domestic parmer
benefits and Ellen’s coming out. They cite Disney’s active
participation in America’s moral decline. Rev. Tom
Elliff,president of the Southern Baptist Convention, referred to
gays as "moral trash."
All summer Promise Keepers will be mobilizing for its massive
gathering of one million Christianmen at the foot of the steps
of the US Capitol this October. see NGLTF, page 3
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education, 1307 E. 38, 2ndfl.
712-1600; HOPE Anonymous HIV Testing Site: 742-2927
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Interfaith AIDS Mimstries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center 663~7272
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cjncirmati.......425-7882
St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 3841 &,Peoria, " 742-6227
*Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
Trinity Episcopal Church, 501 S. Cincinnati 582-4128
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-458-0467
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVevery other Tues: 5:30-8:30, call for date
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way 800-231,1442
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624~6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501:253~6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442~2845
* indicates a distribution point. Listed businesses are not a~,,Gayzpw,,n.~d.
but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi & Trans communities,
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
~-mail: TulsaNews@aol.eom
w~b~ito: http://users, aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Meal
Entortainmont Writor: James Chfistjohn
Writors+ contributors: Dr. Mike Gorman
Leanne Gross; Barry Hensley &
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
M~mbor ot The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1St of each month.
the entire contents of this publication are
~,u~otected by US cgpyright 1997 by
~:~ /q~u,~ and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part
without written permission from the
publisher. Publication of a name or photo
does not indicate a person’s sexual
orientation. Correspondence is assumed to
be for publication unless otherwise noted.
must be signed & becomes the sole property
of T~u~ ~:~ N~u,u Each reader
is entitled to four free copies ofeach edition
at distribution points. Additional copies
are available by calling 583-1248.
The parties will be held in the Evans
Electric Co. warehouse located at 116
North Lansing, right at the edge of downtown
and near Rogers University.
First Volt features dancing, party pictures,
free beer and a cash bar. Tickets can
be pre-purchased through Carson attractions
for $20, or at the door for $25.00.
Last Jolt tickets are $5 at the door. First
Volt tickets include the after-party.
Entertainment will be provided by Matt
Myers, an Oklahoma City DJ, courtesy of
Angles, the prominent Oklahoma City
dance club. And at the ShockWave party,
"the kidz @ black + white charities" are
giving away a trip for two to New Orleans
for the two-day "Halloween in New Orleans"
event the weekend of 10/31/97.
The trip has been donated by Central Park
Luxury Residences. Other ShockWave
sponsors include Pepsi, and Budweiser.
ShockWave will provide security both on
site and in adjacent parking. Proof of age
will be required at the door.
Proceeds from ShockWave will benefit
the Planned Parenthood’s Facts of Life
Line, the HIV Resource Consortium, Int.
(HIVRC), and the RedRock Mental Health
Center’s Oklahoma Rainbow Young
Adults Network (ORYAN).
For more information on ShockWave
call 587-7314 or 800-458-4662 or e-mail
blkwhtprty@AOL.com. In addition, the
kidz @ Black & White Charities have a
web site under construction, check out
black/white.org for further updates.
Metropolitan Community Church-Greater Tulsa’s booth
was one ofabout ten booths at the Tulsa Pride Picnic.
Thesefine women and men, and splendid horses led the
Paul, Espeth andfriends were looking.good, promoting
the upcoming ShockWavepartiesfor Black& White, Inc.
PFLAG, from Bar~lesviile, Tulsa and Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City Pride Parade, Sunday, June-22..: werewell repreSentedinOklahomaCity.
_Although they claim to be a movement of Christian men
li~ing theirlives by biblical v~ilues,in fact their le.ad.er~.s~p
is closely linked to rightwing organizations. F0nnd~er B~!~
McCartney has gained national notoriety for his anti-gay
rhetoric, declaring that "homosexuality is an abomination
ofAlmighty God," and that gay people are "curable."
Promise Keepers’ literature itself reads, ’~homosexuality
violates God’ s creative design for a husband and a wife
and is a sin." McCartney made his plans clear when he
said, "Many of you feel like you have been in a war for a
long time, yet the fiercest fighting is just ahead. God has
brought us here to prepare us. Let’s proceed. It’s wartime!"
Finally just a few weeks ago, a conference of rightwing
political activists and academics came together in
Washington, DC at Georgetown University to demonize
the GLBT community in the name of science
andscholarship. The benign sounding conference "Homosexuality
andAmerican Public Life" included a who’s
who of right-wing homophobes including Robert Knight
of the Family Research Council who argues that "there is
a strong undercurrent of pedophilia in the homosexual
subculture." Ex-gay Anthony Falzarano claims that the
gay community "has been working for the last30 years
like an army of termites, secretly eating away the floorboards
of moral integrity inthis country."
Where is the silver lining? Our response to these acts
has been heartening. In rejecting to the boycott, many are
voicing support for Disney and its policies, including
President Clinton. Coalitions are coming together in
cities and towns across the country to expose the true
agenda of the Promise Keepers. And a broad range of
scholars, students, and organizations are coming forward
to challenge the bigotry Of pseudo science.
The more we orgamze our supporters, the more
marginalized the right wing becomes. We must be dear
about our vision.Our country must move into the future
guided on the principles of religious and political pluralism,
freedom, and equality.
The National Gay andLesbian Task Force has worked
to eliminate prejudice, violence and injustice against
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people at the
local, state and national level since its inception in ]973.
NGLTF is located at2320 17th Street NW, Washington,
DC 20009 and on the web at http://www.ngl~.org
order to respect the privacy ofindividuals). He felt a wide
gap existed in today’s society which seems to cater "
almost exclusively to youth- particularly in Lesbian and ."
Gay culture. Woodybegan theBoston Chapterbyplacing
see this page, second column to the right
’~-Ga~ & LesblanPrlde Celebration 1997
~ Warm ~reetln~s to all those participating ~n the
1997 Gay and Lesbian Pride Celebration.
ThrouChout America’s history, we have overcome
tremendous challenges by drawln¢ strenCth
from our Crest diversity. We must never hdleve
that our diversity is a weakness. The talents.
eontribntlons, and ~oodwill of people from so many
different haek~rounds have enriched our national
llfe and have enabled us to fidfill oureommon hopes
and dreams. As we stand at the dawn of a new
century, we all must rededleate ourselves to reaehin
€ the vital ~oals of acceptance and ineluslon.
Amerlea’s eontlnued success will depend on our
ability to understand, appreeiate, and care for one
We’re not there yet, and that is why our efforts
to end discrimination a~alnst Lesbians and Gay
men are so important. Like each of you, I remain
dedleated to endln~ dlserlrninatlon and preservln~
the elvll riChts of every eltlzen in our soeiety. We
have he~un to wa~e an all-out eampai~n a~alnst
hate erlmes in America - Crimes that are often
vieiously dlreeted at Gay men and Lesbians. I have
also endorsed and fouCht for elvll riChts le~islatinn
that would protect Gay and Lesbian Amerleans
from discrimination. The Employment Non- Diserimlnation
Act now beln¢ eonsldered in Con€tess
would put an end to discrimination a~alnst Gay
men and Lesbians in the workplace - discrimination
that is currently legal in a9 states. These
efforts reflect oar belief in the riCht of every
American to be ~d~ed on his or her merits and
abilifi~, and to be allowed to eantribute to soeiety
without raCine discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation. And they reflect our on¢oln~ fiCht
a~alnst bigotry and intolerance in our eountry and
in our hearts.
My Administration’s record of ineluslveness is a
stron~ one, but it is a record to build on. I am proud
of the many openly Gay men and Lesbians who
serve with dlstlnetlon in my Administration, and
their impact will eontlnue to he significant in the
years ahead. I pledge to you that I will eontlnue
strivin~ to foster eompasslon and ~-~lerstandln~,
workin~ not simply to tolerate our differences, but
to celebrate them.
Best wishes for a memorable edekratlon.
- Bill Clinton
JeffCowanjoins Father RickHollingsworth at the booth
for the Parish Church ofSaint Jerome.
A number of not-exclusively Gay Organizations, like
Amnesty International, shown here, also marched.
ads in local newspapers and soliciting hiS many friends.
He expected only a small handful ofmen to attend the first
meeting and was surprised when over40 showed up. This
indicated the need for a social and, cultural organization
to aid and support older Gay and Bisexual men. There are
now over fifty chapters throughom North America and
Europe. Oklahoma has two of these’chapters: Tulsa Area
Prime Timers and Central Oklahoma Prime Timers in
Oklahoma City.
Tulsa Area Prime Timers (TAPT) was started in August
of 1993. TAPT meets on the first Sunday of each
month at the Pride Center, 38th and South Peoria at 4 pm.
A newsletter, Prime News, is published monthly including
a calendar of that month’ s events.
Some activities the Tulsa chapter will enjoy this summerinclude:
a day trip to Spring Creek for swimming and
sun bathing followed by dinner at the Country Cupboard
in Locust Grove, and a fourth anniversary cocktail and
dinner party celebrating the chapter’s beginning. Other
monthly activities have included, dinning out, Prime
Diners, card night, video night, and day trips such as the
:. Morrow Mansion in Ponca City. During a cool fall
¯ evening thirty-five TAPT’ers.had dinner at the Amish
: farm in Choteau. Guests have visited during the monthly
: meeting speaking on subjects particular to Gay lives.
The opportunity to build friendships all across the USA
:. and the World is possible through attending activities
sponsored by other chapters and Prime Timers World
Wide. These activities include the bi-yearly World Wide
Cowcention (1997, Palm Springs, CA,) and the Labor
Day Weekend, (1997, Oklahoma City, OK).
Formoreinformation about the Tulsa chapter, call 743-
4297 or write: Tulsa Area Prime Timers at POB 52118
Tulsa, OK 74152-0118 or e:mail wesomer@gorilla.net.
the appeals court said. The New York case is one of
several around the nation challenging the policy, which
the Clinton administration adopted in 1993 as a compromise
between the views ofGay civil-rights advocates and
those flatly opposed to Gays in the military.
The Clinton administration will appeal the rejection of
its "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy. Asked recently if the
Justice Department would appeal the riding that the
policy violates the rights of Gays to participate equally in
nationai defense, Attorney General Janet Rent told reporters,
"Yes, it will." She did not elaborate.
Montana Court Voids
’Sodomy’L.0w ,
HELENA (AP)-The Montana Supreme Court threw
out the state’ s 24-year-oldban on homosexual sex.In
a unanimous decision, the court said the law violates
the constitutional right to privacy and that governmenthas
no business in the private sexual relations of
consenting adults - no matter what gender. The
majority acknowledged that many in society may
frown on homosexual acts. But it said that does not
give the state authority to infringe on a basic right of
citizens - to be left alone in their sexual behavior with
a consenting partner.
The court also said the government.can show no
interest in ontlawing.homosexual sex~th.at.outweighs
Montana’s right~o pfi’~acy: ChiefJusticeffeanTnhiage
concurred Jn the rest~,t blit~ not: in ~lie i~eas0ning,~ H’e
said the law should be overturned because the ban
does not provide equal protection for all Montanans
- not because it violates anyone’ s privacy.
Tennessee Students
Want Anti-Bias Policy
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Gay students at the
University of Tennessee say a personal statement
from the chancellor is fine, but they’d rather have a
change in the school’s anti-discrimination policy.
Since last year, the students have been petitioning the
school to include language in its policy that protects
them from prejudice. The policy includes race, sex,
color, religion, national origin, age, disability and
veteran status-as reasons for which the university
cannot discriminate against individuals. Sexual preference
is not mentioned.
: UT Charicellor Bill Snyder is revising his personal
statement on campu~ diversity to clarify that all types
oY discrimination, including that associated with their
sexual orientation, will not be tolerated. "We have a
commitment to enhancement, tolerance and accep,
tance of diversity of all forms. We’ re trying to change
¯ cate school children about differences among people,
: including Gays and Lesbians, which drew fire from
: much of the community. Newman’ S book, which tells
¯¯ of ayoung girl beingraised by tw~Eesbians, was part
of the curriculum’s suggested reading.
¯ Atameeting at the University ofArkansas,Newman
¯ said she was considered by some to be the "most ¯
¯ dangerous writer living inAmerica today" because of
the book. But she said parents shouldn’ t feel threat-
" ened by the book; it doesn’ t promote sex of any kind.
¯ She said the book is about families and wasn’t in-
" tended to "recruit" anyoneinto the gay commumty.
¯ "The most important thing about a family is that all
¯ the people in it love each other," the book concludes.
¯ Newman chastised groups who criticized this con-
" clusion. She sarcastically.referred tcr "outlandish"
;: behavior promoted in the book sudi~S-goingto the
"." park and eatingdinner together._Newman said schools
¯ .need to go further than just condemning violence.
¯ They need to stress cultural education to ensure that
." violence doesfft happen at all, she said. While par-
: ents of heterosexual children may feel it doesn’t
¯ affect them, Newman said, numerous children have
: been beaten before simply because they were thought
¯ to be. gay, but weren’ t. "It’ s everybody’ S problem,"
¯ she said of the violence.
¯ Anti-Bias Policy Debated
: YPSILANTI, Mich. (AP) - In the coming days,
: restaurants, stores, inns and other businesses where
¯ most gay people spend money will get cards from
customers. They are pink in color, and very pointed in
: theirmessage. "Thank youforservingme,"theyread.
: "Did you know that it is legal for your business in
Ypsilanti to discriminate against me?"
Scores of gay people in Ypsilanfi are getting ready
for another skirmish in the batde to enact an ordi-
¯ nance to protect them against discrimination. "We’re
going to blanket this city,’.’ gay activist Charles Duty,
~ 42, told the Detroit Free Press. "This is going-to be a
~ movement that involves every single person in
¯ Ypsilanti that believes discrimination is wrong."
attitudes, behavior," Snyder said.
Graduate student Dawn Becker Duncan is 0he.of ."
those: who pushed for an amen,.dment to the school’ s ¯
. policy. She said.the chancellor s personal statement :
is awatered-d0Gcn version of the ~inti-disCriminati0n :
policy,-but may serve its :ulti,mate purpose:’~Alot of :
peoplewho have been discnminated against on that-?
basis we:re not €omfortable filing a complai,n,t because: :
the), didn’t feel .they.. hadany protection, ~ Duncan ~:
said. "A student will see those words in wrldngfrom ¯
the chancellor and. may be more .likely .to come out ,
and file a complaint.’" .
Students like Duncan originally hoped UT would."
join theranks of Vanderbilt University inNashville, ¯
which offers.Lesbians and Gay men, along.with other :
mino,,fi,ty groups; formal protection from di~crimina- .
tion. Vanderl~ilt University is Committed to the prin- ."
ciple of non-discrimination on the basis of being, or
being perceived as, homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual,"
the -private university’ s policy reads.
Snyder said he tried to institute a policy like
Vanderbilt’s, but failed after UTlawyers advised him
to follow state precedent. "I know a lot of schools
have doneit, but I’m told by the legal people that if
there should be a lawsuit one day, the schools would
not prevail because there is not a legal standing of
protection against discrimination on the basis of
sexual~orientation. "Personally, I would have no
problem including the statement anyway." Snyder’s
personal statement is set to be published and circulated
across campus during the upcoming fall semester.
"2 Mommies" Author
Still On The Defensive
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) - Leslea Newman,
whose children’s book started a debate years ago over
homosexuality and school instruction, finds herself
still defending her work.
"Heather Has Two Mommies" became central to a
New York City School District controversy five
years ago when the district piloted the "Rainbow
Curriculum." The curriculum was intended to edu-
And when the Ypsilanti City Council meets on
Tuesday, gays and their supporters will be there,
clamoring for the council to adopt a pending proposal
on the. matter. Last week, Ypsilanti’ sHuman Rda:
tions Commission voted 5-4 to reject a proposal that
wouldhave piotected gay peoplefrom discrimination
in all: Of t~ieir dealings with the city. But ithe
commission’ s recommendations are nonbinding
The cit)’ alread.y has an ordinance that forbids
discrimination against gay people in housing and in
large city. contracts - but many bdieve that isn’t
enough. In February, Tri-Pride, a small dubof"gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgendered" social work
students at Eastern Michigan University, approached
a print shop to print raffle tickets. But Owners Loren
and Carole Hansen, devout Baptists, said taking the
job would violate their consciences as Christians.
Since then, the dispute has rippled through the city,
with demonstrations and counter-demonstrations.
Councilwoman S.A. Trudy Swanson told the Free
Press that someone will be vexed by the council’s
vote. "This is a no-win situation," Swanson said.
"They’re going to have to meet us halfway. We’re
going to have to come together and reach some kind
of middle ground."
Gay Asylum Case
: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A federal appeals court
¯ revived a lesbian’s, political asylum case, saying
Russian prosecutors’ ~fforts to forcibly "cure" her
: homosexuality amounted to persecution. The 9th
: U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a government
¯ might subject a particular group to persecution even
" if it asserts benign motives. Using an example from
¯ the 13th century, it cited the Spanish Inquisition,
¯ which claimed to save souls by burning bodies. ¯
"Persecution by any other name remains persecu-
: tion," said Judge Betty Fletcher in the 3-0 ruling
Tuesdayjoined by Judges Charles Wiggins and The-
¯ mas Nelson. ’’The fact that a persecutor believes the
¯ harm he is inflicting is good for his victim does not
¯ make it any less painful to the victim."
The court didnot decide whether Alia Pitcherskaia,
35, was eligible for asylum but told the U.S. Board of
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Immigration Appeals to reconsider her case. The
board had ruled that even if Pitcherskaia was confined
to psychiatric wards and threatened with shock
therapy, as she clffimed, she was not persecuted
because the government’ s actions were "intended to
treat or cure ~e supposed illness, not to punish."
The ruling, clarifies that persecution can possibly
include efforts to change a person’s sexual orientation,"
said Suzanne Goldberg of the Lambda Legal
Defense and Education Fund in New York, a lawyer
for Pitcherskaia.
While contesting Pitcherskaia’ s specific ease, U.S.
immigration authorities have recognized sexual orientation
as a possible grounds for political persecuti0,
n,an.d’ h~a.d ~an_.t,ed ~ylqLn,j~,,a..bp,u_t ~40~s~ugh~.c~s..e..s _as
of!a~tDecembe~ ,: " : - : ~ .. .... ~.~
Anti-Gay GroUps Fight to
Recall Anti-Bias Law
AUGUSTA,Maine (A£)-Twoanti-gay-rishts groups
officially ]ricked off a campaisn Friday to gather
enough siguamres to halt a bill pro~dbiting cecmin
forms of discrimination agarnst Gays. "We can do
this," said Paul Voile, e×ecutive director of the Christian
Coalition of Maine. ’%he organization has come
together. It’ s vet7 possible that we will get more than
52,000 siguatur~s."
The coalition is wor]dng with the Christian Civic
League of Maine to collect the sis~atures of more
than 5],000 ceYdfied voters wit~a 90 days. If the
Stoups succeed, the bill passed by the Le#slature
must go to a statewide vote. Lawmakers in May
approved a measure that prohibits discrimination
against gays in housing, public accommodations,
employment and credit. Gov. Angus King sisned it a
f~w days later with much farLfare.
The two CKdsdan orgamzations oppose homo=
se×uality on moral grounds. Michael Heath, e×ecutire
director of the Chi’Jstian Civic League, has called
homose×ualiW "a morally i~ppropdate versmn of
human se×ual~tythat is properly stismatized by civilized
Rouse Speaker F.]izabeth Mitcbd] called the refer=
e~dum effort "misguided ana wrons., i I am firudy
convinced that civil rights laws should protect, all
~eople, regardless of se×ual orientation," the
assalbor6 Democrat said "Our laws should not
permit somcoue to be ~red from ajob or refused a seat
iP.# restaurant or demed a barLk 10an merely because
of Lheir sexual oneatadon." t-{ca& said he has ac~eved
his goal of sig~ng up 1.000 vo]umeers who agreed to.
~6]iCit 60 signatures each.
Whitewaterl nvestigators
DoAnti-Gay Witch.Hunt?
WASHINGTON (AP) -Interior Department official
Bob H.attoy says his two-hour grilling with Whitewater
investigators was "something out of the McCarthy
era" when.questions swung to hisrecruitment Of gays
for government jobs. Hattoy said two Whitewater
prosecutors and an FBI agent probing payments to
fallen presidential friend Webster Hubbell questioned
Hattoy for two hours in April about whether he
attended any fund-raisers or helped Hubbell’s wife
get ajob at Interior. Hattoy is White House liaison for
the Interior Department and an activist who spoke
movlingly~ibOut livil~g withAIDS at the i"992 Democratic
Early in the interview, investigators switched gears
_ap_d asked Hattoy about his fo,.r~,,er job in the White
blouse personnel officc,;he Said/ All of&~uddenthey
said~ ’By the way, one of your jobs w~:t6 hire
homosexuals,,m, thehighestpos~laonsmgovernment,
Hattoy said. They said, "’Do you thiilk you were
successful?"’ Hattoy said the "question was way off
the subject. I was appalled. It chilled me.
Debbie Gershman, a spokeswomanfor Whitewater
Independent Counsel Kenneth Start, declined comment
Wednesday. Prosecutors found themselves in
the midst of an uproar Wednesday about their tactics
after reports about them questioning Arkansas troopers
about PresidentClinton’ s personal life and whether
he had extramarital affairs.
Minnesota: Anti-Gay
Hate Crimes On Rise
ST. PAUL (AP) - A gay rights organization says
reports ofhate crimes based on sexual orientation are -
on the rise in Minnesota, although its numbers are 5
times higher than those authorities have collected.
The Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council
documented 227 reports of hate crimes last year, a 4
percent increase from 1995, according to the report
released Wednesday. "The reports continue to be
more violent with each passing year and the number
of victims affected by these incidents continues to
dramatically rise," said Constance Potter, coordina-
I£r..fOro the~ gtot!p~ s anti.-yiolen~ program........
:j Thegn.urn_b~rs :werei ~0mpiled from~reports to the
organization~ s Minneapolis offic~e, it~ Anti=Violence
Program - which tracks crimes against Gays - its
helpline and its Legal Advocacy Program. Neither
the report nor officials were able to pinpoint why
reported crimes increased. Potter speculated more
incidents were reportedbecause ofanincreasedprominence
of Gays in the Twin Cities.
Theoffenses were concentrated in theseven-county
Fwin Cities metro area and ranged from hate mail to
assaults. The number of victims increased 15 percem
from 268 in 1995 to 307 last year, the report said. But
the numbers contrast with the incidents noted by
police who said only 46 anti-Gay crimes’ were re--
ported last year. "We know the fear of social and
systematic revictimization prevents many gay community
members from coming forwardy Potter said.
France May Recognize
Same-Sex Unions
PARIS (AP) - France on Tuesday took a small step
toward legalizing unions between loving couples, be
they homosexual or unwed heterosexuals, with a
~oup of leftist lawmakers presenting a proposal to
put such unions on a par with marriage.
Socialist Premier .Lionel Jospin, appointed earlier
this month, had promised durinff the .campaign for
parliamentary elections to set aright what is.perceived
by many as an anachronism in the laW.books concerning
couples. The Socialists had filedz ~imilar proposal
Feb. 3, before a leftist coalition came to power
with their victory in June 1 parliamentary elections.
The proposed new status for couples is expected to be
taken up by the parliament this fall:
’q’hat is a commitment we made, andwe will keep
it." Justice Minister Elisabeth Guigou said in an
interview publishedin Tuesday’ s edid on.ofthe newspaper
Le Monde. "The homosexuals-have raised the
issue, but they are not the only ones concerned.. We
cannot lump together all unions between two people
under the single institution of mamage?
Deputy Jean-Pierre Michel submitted hi~,l~roposal
to the National Assembly on Tuesday. Itwas backed
by his Citizens Movement party and the Greens party.
The proposed "contract of civil and, social union"
covers everything from health insurance to inheritance
to, yes_, taxes. In 15 years, the number of marriages
per year has fallen by 30 percent, the number
of births outside marriage has doubled ,and homosexuals
increasingly seek the life ofa eouple, Michel
and colleagues said. "These evolutions reflect a profound
change ofattitudes and behavior... But, outside
o;f,mamage, the;re is no legal framew,ork for thesenew
forms of social bonds," the lawmakers said.
A group representing,homosexuals, Lesbian and
Gay Pride, saluted the proposed bill. "It’s a law for
every couple, homosexual or not;" said the group’s
president, Jean-Sebastian Thirard. "Its universality is
its feature.
c~th61ic Families A~ss:ocm": ta"’~on: ~ sa~" d i"n:~.a..s..t.a.tement,
the~proppsal would:~lead to "discouii~ m~a~s"
cre~itilig ,sham famili~s."’Only mamage 6an gi~e a
chii’d ’~the means to structure himself and become a
citizen," the group said. Homosexual couples can
transmit inheritances, in a private act in front of a
notary, it added. Likewise, the conservative Association
for the Promotion of the Family said it was
"totally opposed" to suchlegislation, whichit claimed
would have "heavy consequences" for traditional
Each Day 1 K More
Children with HIV
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - At le~t a
thousand childrgn are contracting the
AIDS virus each day, according to a U.N.
report that warns of sharp increases in
deaths among children unless immediate
steps are taken.
There were some 400,000 new HIV
cases involving children under 18 last
year, and some 350,000 children died of
AIDS, the disease caused by HIV, the
Geneva-based group UNAIDS said in its
report released Friday. The report did not
supply comparable statistics ,f.,o,rprevious
ye,~rs, but said tJdo~il~ imdLq" 18 a~e!dlie’ri~
[.l~e fastest-growing~ groups’bf AIDS vic-’~
rims. It warned of big increases ininfant
mortality due to the disease or rates of
death for children less than 5 years old -
especially in developing countries where
thereis alack ofmedicine and health care.
In some regions of the world~ those rates
would increase by as much as 75 percent
by the year 2000 unless there is immediate
medical intervention, UNAIDS executive
director Peter Pitt said.
AIDS is spread most often by sexual
contact, bycdntimainated syringes or exposure
to infected blood. But children
often contract the disease from their mothers
- either in the womb or through
breastfeeding, the rei~ort said. "Anything
that affects dhildren’hffects half of society,"
said Elizabeth’ Mataka, director of
the Zambia-based iidn-profit group Family
Health Trust. In’Zambia, about half of
infant AIDS victims i:tieby the age of two,
Mataka said. In E~ope, by contrast, 80
percent of chi_’ldren With AIDS reach their
third birthday.
Antibiotics Could
Reduce HIV Spread
LONDON (AP) - Antibiotics could help
reduce the spread of AIDS in Africa,
according to a U.S. study that showed that
they dramatically lower, the level of the
virus in tlie seraPh’of men also infected
with sexually transmitted diseases The
scientists reached their conclusion after
studying a group of 135 HIV:positive
men,mostofsufferingfrom sexually transmitted
diseases such as gonorrhea, in the
African nation of Malawi.
TheUniversity ofNorth Carolina study,
published Friday in the British medical
journal The Lancet, found that when
treated promptly with antibiotics to fight
the less serious diseases, the level of HIV
in the semen dropped considerably. The
results are significant because scientists
have known for some time that a lower
level of HIV, the agent that causes AIDS,
in semen reduces the likelihood that the
virus will be transmitted during sexual
The Malawi project was the first largescale
study to demonstrate quantitatively
that antibiotics sharply redqce the HIV
content in semen, said Dr. MyronS. Cohen,
ofthe University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel
Hill, Department of Medicine. "We are
never going to say to an individual," Now
you are at longer contagious,"’ Cohen
said in a telephone interview. "But if you
treat the whole popularion aggressively to
try and reduce the level of HIV in genital
secretions, the end result will be les s HIV."
AIDS is prevalent in Malawi and other
African nations, where the disease is transmitted
predorninanfly via heterosexual
sex. "Weare trying to understand why the
AIDS epidemic in Africa has been so
devastating," Cohen a~d.. Maybe~t sas
si.mple as that the concentration of the
v~rus in the genital secretions is higherthat’s
the hypothesis:"
Withresearchers at Malawi’ sLilongwe
Central Hospital, the American doctors
measured HIV levels in the semen of the
135 patients. Of the group, 86 suffered
gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted
diseases. Members of this group were
each given one dose of an antibiotic that
cures gonorrhea in four hours, while the
rest received nothing.
Before treatment, the HIV level in the
semen of the 86 men was eight times
higher than that in the sem~ep,of the 49., .the,
’ sta~dy: s~d.7~tdi"t~:’. w’~k~~ the HIV:
level in thd ~dinen ofthemen treated wifli
antibiotics hadfallen so dramatically there
was virtually no difference between the
two groups, said Cohen. At the same rime,
the level of HIV infection in the blood of
both groups remained the .same.
Company Boycott?
and city officials who claim Glaxo
Wellcome is holding back a promising
HIV drug are boycotting the company’s
biggest money-maker, the antacidZantac.
The dispute centers on a drug known as
1592, which both activists and Glaxo say
.appears far more powerful and less toxic
than AZT and 3TC, two HIV drugs also
made by the London-based drug giant.
Activists say Glaxo~ which has its U.S.
headquarters at Research Triangle Park,
N.C., has been slow to market 1592 to
protect its $441 million in annual AZT
sales - a charge the company denies.
"What I find repulsive is that as they’re
taking their time, people are dying," said
city Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who
authored a resolution that would put San
Francisco on record in support of the
boycott. "I lost my lover of 18 years to
AIDS ... To drag your feet is inexcusable.
~Jlaxospokeswoman RamonaJones
said there is "absolutely no truth" to the
group’s allegations about 1592. ’;We don’ t
have any data that this will have any effect
in people in advanced stages of the disease,"
she said-. "And there is a very lira!
!ted amount of the drug available. There’ s
just not enough to give it to everyone in
that category."
Glaxo will shorflymake 1592 available
to about 2,500 children and adults under
theFoodand DrugAdministration’s "compassionate
use" program. But that’s not.
enough, said Jeff Getty, an AIDS activist
who underwent a failed baboon bone
marrow transplant. An estimated 10,000
people who have built up resistance to
AZT or calmot take the drug should get
1592 under the FDA’s "expanded access"
program, he said. "Glaxo Wellcome takes
millions of dollars in profits from people
with AIDS yet doesn’t have the decency
to show adequate compassion by allowing
earlyaccess to drugs," Getty said.
Hoping to inflict maximum damage,
the activists targeted a drug that accounts
for nearly $3 billion of the company’s S 13
billion in sales. Zantac loses its exclusive
patent protection next month, but a legal
dispute between two generic drug makers
may leave Glaxo as the only manufacturer
beyond then.
The drug 1.592, known generically as
abacavir, was first isolated nine years ago,
Jones said. but wasn’t rigorously tested
until the end of 1995 because other compounds
looked moreprolmsing. Since then
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by Dr. Michael Gorman
Are you stressed out, feeling a little on
edge? Is the primal urge to kill something,
someone, poisedin yourfrontal lobe,ready
to pounce on the first victim to wander
haplessly by? Q: What causes stress?
A: Well, I’d say modem day existence
¯¯ spouse or yourself) seems to possess.
Being sick (low grade) and having tran-
¯ sient attacks ofhigh bloodpressure, there_
¯ fore, translateinto thepsychologicalmarti- ¯
festations of stress: bad mood and bad
¯ attitude!
¯ Q: What can be done to control or stop
and the everyday pressures that go along. ¯ A.: ~Boy howdy! Here’s where i come
wi~,~t, probably, firs~t on mosL peoples’. ¯
lists arei) job’and’fin~ices(~or hiCl~ 6~, 2) T :
family’ ntatfers, arid ~)ffieiidS~add ~6a’aJ :
life (or lack of). These are general topics
by nature - extrapolate these as you will.
Q: What does stress do to us (our bodies)
physiologically andpsychologically?
A: I must touch on the physiological
aspect first in order to help you understand
the psychological changes. As we
start to take on and accumulate stress (it
does build up, you know), our bodies
.react by altering cellular and blood ch.emlStry.
The chemical changes that occur
first are increases in blood cortisol levels,
Corlisol is released from the adrenal gland
and causes a decrease in the number and
activity of white blood cells. Hence, lowered
resistance to foreign invaders, i.e.
getting sick and staying sick with every
i’bug" that comes your way! The second
amportant-response occurs when epinephrine
and norepinephrine are released into
the blood from the adrenal glands. These
two body chemicals cause constriction of
the arteries raising blood pressure and
decreasing blood flow to vital tissues.
Hence, the short fuse that your boss (or
rm0~V l,,~ predclied fllig~mes£age befdre,
ad ha~liea~ ); you ~h~Ne t~ engdge in~
¯ physical activity, good nutritional habits,
and proper supple~aentation. Youcanram,
: but you cannot hid~ from your future
." health (or lack of). Your bad habits are
¯ goin,g to bite you in the patootee if you
don t get it right! Take breaks during the
: day to dear your thoughts, walk around
." the workplace and breathe deeply (often).
: .Pick a simple relaxation exercise (stretch_
¯ rng for at least five minutes) and perform
." it several times a day. EAT! Eat a snack -
¯ - an apple, orange, banana, etc. Talk to a
¯ pal or a co-worker about something other
: than work. Call your significant other and
: just tell them that you love them. Pray,
¯ however and to whomever, let the creator
¯ take the burden from your shoulders. Bet-
: ter yet, try a Chiropractic adjustment. It
: does wonders to release tension, both
: physically and mentally.~ To youand yours,
¯ may there be many heg!thy days ahead! ¯
Dr. Michael Gormanpraetices at4775
¯ S. Harvard Ste.C tell" 712.5514, fax:
742.8571. Call our office for a compli-
¯ mentary & private health assessment.
it has been clinically tested in 300 paraents.
"As medical researchers, we have
an obligation to make sure we understand
the safety and efficacy ofa drug before we
make it available to people in large numbers,"
she said.
The delay may be due in part to Glaxo’s
$14.8 billion buyout ofWellcome PLC in
1996, said James Rooney, who ran a
Wellcome clinical studies department
before the merger, and is now a vice
president of Gilead Sciences Inc. in Foster
City, Calif. Many Wellcome research
managers who shepherded the drug
through early trials lost their jobs in the
takeover. Scientists believe that 1592’s
chief valuemay be in the three-drug "cocktails"
now commonly used to treat the
AIDS virus, possibly as a replacement for
Southern Baptist
Pastor Hit By AIDS
AUSTIN (AP) - The_Rev. Jimmy Allen
saw his family devastated twice: First by
AIDS, then by the intolerance of the
churches they turned to for solace. His
daughter-in-law, who got AIDS from a
blood transfusion, died. His two grandsons,
infected before birth," died. One,
who lived to be 13, was turned away from
at least seven church Sunday schools during
his short life,.His son Scott, who said
he was fired from his job as a Christian
church rmmster in Colorado after telling
his semor pastor of his wife’s infection,
has turned to Eastern religion. Another
son, Skip, is Gay and has the AIDS virus.
Jimmy Allen remains a Southem Baptist.
Churches are changing for the better,
.he says. Not fast enough, but his missaon
is to help them along that learning curve
of compassion. "Fear is the great problem,
and fear.comes out of ignofaiice or
not knowing. Fear also comes out ofjudgmental
attitudes," said Alien; the preaching
chaplain for a mnlti-denominational
church in Georgia who retaifi~ i~is membership
in the First Baptist Church in
Arlington, Texas.
Allen spoke recently at a T~iis Conference
onsexually transmitted diseases. "We
have moved toward a self-centeredness in
our congregations across America. We’re
more interested in how many people we
get in the room, and how the activities are
going at the bowling alley and the basketball
games. All ofwhich are OK, but ...
we’re not giving oursdves away in the
way we ought to," he said. "I’m asking
churches to come back to that base of
-compassion" and go to the people who are
hurting most, he said. "Because I think if
Jesus were in our town, this day, right
now, that’s where he would be."
Allen recounts posative changes he’s
seen: He and Scott last year went to the
Colorado church that fired his son for an
AIDS awareness program. He recently
visited several Black churches that are
working to prevent AIDS and to support
those with AIDS. And, he said, "Every
congregation that rejected us now has an
AIDS program. Theyhave supportgroups.
¯ . . All of that has come out of that
Allen, who wrote the book "Burden of
a " ’ ¯ ’ ¯
~ Secret about his family s ordeal, as a
Iormer president of the Southern Baptist
by James Christjohn
Hello, folks. I’m baaaack! Lots more
views and reviews, of life, love, and music.
Not necessarily in that order. Mother
has survived her cancer and her surgery
and is just as rob.an and ornery as ever,
I’.vebeen collecting some
music to share - First off,
LINDA EDER has a new
CDoutcalled "IT’ S TIME",
and it is wonderful. It’s the
perfect CD to share WiLll
that significant other, or potential
significant other. If
you’re not into masochism,
listen to it alone and imagine.
the perfect Sig Oth. Her
voIceis similar to Streisand,
only better. Streisand is
great in terms of technical
perfection, but I find her
music lacks feeling, particularly
in her later albums.
Eder’s voice captures the
perfection and adds theemotional
punch that Streisand
lacks. Her songs .are well
selected standards to be, and
the perfect music for romance.
She mixes a little
jazz, a little cabaret, and a
little pop with a dose of
Broadway for good measure.
My favorite song is "I
Want More", an upbeat ode
to the fact that romance is
sometimes forgotten or ne-
.glected. "I want more relating
and less debating" has
become my new anthem.
The other songs are perfect
for starting a romance, commumcating
about feelings
you can’t quite verbalize
("Hear, dear, listen to
this..."), or rekindling an old
gives us the reliable beat of the dance
flOor mixed with intelligent lyricism (for
those who actually listen to the lyrics).
More love-oriented songs, with a different
beat. "RAIN", the first track, could
easily become an anthem for the equal
fights movement as well as a more personal
love song. For the cynics among us,
"Boy" decries the anger of love’s labor
lost, as Andy sings "These years of love
and giving surely must be something to
you/still you dare to change your mind,
you’ll be sorry when it’s over". Something
f~r everyone. And all extremely
"SONDHEIM, ETC.", a concert benefiting
the Gay Men’s Health Crisis at
Carnegie Hall, and it’s a hoot! She coyly
flirts, with the audience, toying with the
imagery of herself as a Lesbian. Her singing
of Sondheim’s "Johanna" from
SweeneyToddis given awholenew twist,
as she does not change the gender of the
song, which is originally about a man’s
love for Johanna. ,Making Love Alone",
and ode to the joys of masturbation is a
must-hear for its hilarity. And when she
.sings "Hello, Little Girl" (which the wolf
m "Into The Woods" sings as he is about
to devour Little Red Riding Hood - it’s
.full of double-entendres), without changing
genders, the result gives a whole new
spin to the song and it’s context in the
show. In all, one of the best concerts on
¯ CD with Ms. Peters reaching out and
¯" holding the audience in the palm of her
hand - so to speak...
¯ The soundtrack to POLTERGEIST has
: been remixed, remastered and re-released
¯ on CD and it is perfect for those dark
She _
, eoyiy flirts, with
the audlenee,
toyln with the
imagery or hersel
as a Leshlan.
He, sln i.n , or
Sondhelm s
"Johannd’ from
Sweeney Todd is
iven a whole
new ~s~, ~ she
does ehan e
son , whleh
o inally agou
"Mahln Love
Alone", an ode
m urgaGon is
a muse-hear
its hila~ty
stormy evenings when you
want to scare your parmer
into your arms. It’s one of
Jerry Goldsmiths most un-
. .d..e.rs~ t,ate.d,,~yqt powerful
scores. Quite frankly, it’s
the nlost memorable thing
about thatfilm. MAUREEN
MCGOVERN has a new
CD out entitled "The MUSIC
it’s comprised of standards
composed by Alan and
Marylin Bergman. It is wonderful
to hear her interpretation
of classics like "How
Do You Keep The Music
Playing", "It Might Be
You", "The Windmills Of
YourMind", and "TheWay
We Were". She gives a
slightly jazzy feding to
these classics, making old
songs new again.
has a new album coming
out July 15, and FLEETWOOD
MAC (Lindsey
Buckingham, Stevie Nicks,
Christine McVie, John
McVie, and Mick Fleetwood)
will have the CD recording
special available
on August 12.. They
will be touring in September.
Durmo about you, but
I’ll be in Dallas When they
swing through there.
a new album due out August
12 as well. "More Lovin’ From Our
Oven" i s the title. Andno, l’m not kidding.
And from the vaults, Rhino records is
releasing an Ethel Merman collection July
For those who are into obscure movie
musicals (Hey, I liked this one!), Rhino is
re-releasing the soundtrack to the 1973
musical version of "Lost Horizon" August
19. And there are rumors that"Young
Frankenstein" soundtrack will be remastered
and re-released on CD soon.
Broken Arrow Community playhouse
has announced their new season and it
looks like a winner. "The Rainmaker"
comes to Tulsa in September, "Once Upon
A Mattress" plays in December, "The
Owl and the Pussycat" make rhymes in
February, "The Dresser" helps dress up
the stage in March and April (Exactly
what is his relationship to the aging star,
eh?), and much is made of "The Importance
of Being Earnest" in
, May.One of
Oscar Wilde s best farces, in tile opinion
of this author, and a show that is not to be
missed. Li’l Abner yodels inJune, and the
bonus is a reenactment of the radio show
that scared the world in 1933 - "War Of
The Worlds". (You mean, you get to hold
the script during the show? Maybe I’ll
audition for that one!) For more info on
tickets, or better yet, season tickets, call
the BACP at 258-0077.
Last but not least, enjoy a true Tulsa
tradition of a picnic followed by classic
film on the lawn at Philbrook. It’s a fun
and affordable way to spend an evening!
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"ii-i~ ~~Central aMSouth West Company
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Communityof Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pro, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church ,of Greater Tulsa-
’ Service, !0:45am, 1623 North Maplewood,!nfo: 838-1~i5
Social group for men, 1st Sun/each mo. 4-6pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
University of Tulsa BisexuaULesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
Not active this summer. Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testang. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Guys
2nd Mon/each m0. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Gay &Lesbian Book Discussion Group, Borders Bookstore
1st Morgea. mo., 7:30pro, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955, Aug: Obejas’ Memory Mambo
Womens Literature Discussion Group, Borders, 3rd Mon/ea. mo., 7:30pm
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pro, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 587-6557
Unity Lambda Al-anon, 7:30pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
Lesbian Mothers Support Group, 2nd+4th Tues/ea. mo. 7pm, 1307 E. 38th
HIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium 1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc, HIV’AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pm, Locations, call: 749-7898
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pin 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaith MCC PraiseiPrayer-6:3Opm, Choir-7:30,5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
TNAAPP, Talsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
GayiBi Native American Mens Group, 6 pro, , 1703 E. 2nd, 582-7225, 584-4983
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for scheduled events.
Info: 631-7632 or Jeremy at 712-1600
Co-Dependency Support Group - 7:30 Family of Faith, 5451E S. Mingo, 622-1441
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm, Results: 7 - 9pm, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 663-7272
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pm, Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each mo. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons withHIV/AIDS 4154 S Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, Info: 74%4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1 st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Arts Coffeehouse, Poetry readings & art display, June 20th, 8-10pro, Pride Ctr.,
Call Mary for more information: 743-6740
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pro, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Fun Night at the Center, July 12th & 26th, 6-10pro, Pride Ctr. Info: 743-4297
SENSES, Society for ExploringNew Sensations, Educating & Socializing
July 19, 6-8pm, Info, call Kathy at 743-4297 ’-
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
WomensSupper Club, 7pro, July 23 at Jasons Deli, 15th & Peoria in Lincoln Plaza
Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay& Lesbian Bike Organization. Rides: Short Rides, 7/9 +
7/23, 6:30pro; Long Rides, 7/12 + 7/19, 7am. Info: POB 9165, 74157
All rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center, 3903 W. 4th St.,
Ifyour event or organization is not listed, please let us know.
Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Read All About It! ¯ America PFLAG members discussing
Reviewed by Barry Hensley ~ their journeys toward acceptance of their
Tulsa City-County Library ¯ children. Parents are told to forget every-
Here are two terrific ne~ books~to.he!p- : " thing, they learned growing up abou~masparents
-come t0:~i~s ~with~ ;: ~ ~ .:-:~ !-: . "-~ :- ’"/~ ..~ -~Uiifi~ ~d f~hih~:=~6’-’
their adult children who are ~ ~’W~bile lift a :ty~e’s: "~ ’ -
¯ fea~s of parents to rest, With middle
living"alternate lifestyles?’, book exeluslvely
While not a book exclusively
forGay or Lesbian situations,
Caplan’s book contains
valuable information for
parents of Gays and Lesbians
as well as children who have
joined unfamiliar religious
groups, become vegetarians
or chosen any other tmconventional
way of living. This
book attempts to "bridge the
gap of alienation and separation"
between parents and
children. Itis notamanual on
rescuing, deprogramming or
kidnapping a child from their
Helping parents to understand
that their relationship
with their child is more important
than being "right" is
-the major thread running
through this book. The chapters
guide parents through
their emotions, including
"’When You First Find Out",
"Approaching Your Son or
Daughter", "Social Stereotypes
and Cultural Conditionfor
Gay or
Caplan’s booh
information for
~rents of
as well as children
who have.~.olned
religious groups,
vegetarians or
ChOSen any
way of living.
ing", "How To Support When You Don’t
Agree", and "Letting Go and Looking
Ahead". In these days of "family values,"
this book encourages differing family
members to stay together and search for
common ground.
Griffin’s book, a revised edition of
Beyond Acceptance, attempts to put the
Tulsa attorney, Kerry Lewis, who attended
the dinner, applauded the formation
of the organization but raised concerns
about how better to involve legal
professionals outside the Oklahoma City
area. He noted that he was actively working
to get more attorneys in Northeast
Oklahoma involved.
For more information, call.OKC attorney
Jane Eulberg at 405-340-1957, or
Kerry Lewis at 582-1173.
Affinity News.’ back door is 450 feetfrom
the Church.
However, owner Lee Gregory is challenging
the City’s characterization of the
business as sexually oriented. He notes
that Affinity News sells many other items
which do not meet the "adult" definition.
He also clarifies that some magazines
that, such as Penthouse, or some Gay
men’s magazines which to a casually observer
seem "sexually oriented" are actually
classified by law as "risque." He
points out that many of those magazines
Variou~ true family narratives
address the common
myths that continue to pervade
society, such as "Homosexual
Seduction Causes Children
to be Gay", "Gays and
Lesbians Are Easy to Identify",
and "Gays and Lesbians
Live a Lonely Life and Contribute
Nothing to Society."
The rebuttals to these myths
are very educational.
For struggling parents, there
is an informative chapter ti fled
"’Communicating with Others."
It hdps parents understand
that there are friends,
groups and organizations to
help them through difficult
situations. Another |nspiring
chapter deals with "Religious
Thinking in Transition," which
will helps some parents deal
with theiradult childrenin light
of their religious beliefs.
When they first learn that
their children are leading unconventional
lifestyles, many
parents need somebasic reassm:
ance that both they and their
children can continue to live t~appy and
healthy lives. These two books are valuable
resources for concerned parents.
Checkfor these andother titles on simtlar
subjects at your local branch library
or call the Readers Services department
at the Tulsa Cio,-Coun~v Central Library
at 596- 7966.
are also commonly sold in convenience
¯ stores.
¯¯ Gregory particular complaint with the
City is one of no co-ordination between
¯ all the regulatory bodies, rules and ordi¯
nances. He feels that business persons
who go to the City in good faith to obtain
¯ the appropriate licenses should be guided
¯ through all possible regulations prior to ¯
opening a business.
Gregory is appealing the City’s current
ruling that Affinity News is not in compliance
with the required zoning. He and his
partner, Haas, hope for the best but if they
¯ have to pursue this matter to a public
¯ hearing, they hope that community mem- ¯
bets would be willing to attend a meeting
¯ in a show of solidarity. No one would
¯ need to speak on the issue. For more
¯ information about the status of the appeal,
call 610-8510.
Saint Aidan’s
4045 No. Cincinnati
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
683 7 S. MEMORIAL ¯ 254-1 61 1
Church of
the Restoration
The Rev. Chester McCall, pastor
Services: Sunday at 11 am
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Visit our New Pride Room
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1703 East 2nd,
Worship each
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by Jean-Pierre La Grandbouche, TFN Food Critic
Few subgroups of society are more discerning, more demanding, and less forgiving
when it comes to the culinary arts than the Gay and Lesbian community. Could that be
because so manyfamily members have restaurant experience? Does our Gay gene come
equipped with extra-sensitive taste buds? Or do wejust eat out more than the average
boring person?
Tulsa Family News is pleased to give its faithful readers the opportunity to express
their thoughts about food and drink in Tulsa. Please cast your ballots for your favorite
restaurants and chefs. Voting rules are simple. Please vote only once. Candidates must
be located in the city limits of Tulsa. All ballots must be received by Jean-Pierre La
Grandbouche at Tulsa Family News, POB 4140, Tulsa, Oklahoma74159, by August 10;
1997. Results will be announced in the September edition.. " ; ’ . .
Now, pencils ready? Here are the 1997 official Tulsa Family Favorites categories:
1. Cookingis.an artform that takes skill, training, talent, anddedication, not tomention
a keen business sense and the ability to please the customers with the foods they want
to eat. Who is your favorite chef in.Tulsa?
2. After a hard day at the office and an even harder night at the clubs, sometimes you
just have to find a great place to kick back and refuel before heading back to the old
hacienda. Where is your favorite late night place to eat?
3. Everyone knows that good food and great atmosphere can go a long ways inmaking
a date successful. Which restaurant would you choose to impress a potential boyfriend
or girlfriend on a first date?
4. St. Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries--all occasions to celebrate:with:that
special someone--demand a perfect locale to show how much you care.-What restaurant
m. town do you think is the most romantic place to take your sweetie?
5. Tulsa and Oklahoma are meat and potatoes country, and nothingt~eats a perfectly
grilled, thick, juicy steak. Who has the best steaks in town?
6. Gorgeous, buff bodies require maintenance both in the gym and in ~he dining room.
Vvqaere is ),our favorite place to eat for a healthy, low-fat meal?
7. Dining alone? What restaurant in town has the cutest waiters?
8. Whether it’ s a business associate or morn and dad coming to visit, you’ve gotto have
a perfect place to take important company. Where is the best place in Tulsa to take out
of town guests to dinner?
9. Sometimes the situation demands comfort food in a low key comfortable atmosphere.
Which Tulsa ~easy-spoon is your favorite diner?
10. Exotic foods can take you away on a short evening’s mini-vacation. Which is your
favorite Tulsa ethnic restaurant?.
11. We’re supposed to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day as a part of a
balanced diet for American rabbits. Where is your favorite salad bar?
12. With waiters expecting twenty percent tips these days, service is aerucial part of
the dining experience. What restaurant has the best and most attentiV~ ~¢tvice?
13. Alittle fruit of the vine makes both dinnerandconversation go down better. Which
restaurantin townhas the best bar?
14. After eating all of your vegetables and cleaning your plate like a g~-iit~e boy
or girl, you’re ready for dessert. What is the best dessert you’ve ever had in Tulsa and
which restaurant served it?
15. Same old, same old gets a little monotonous, but fortunately new restaurants are
opening up.all the time. Where is your favorite new restaurant?
16. Visiting friends in the hospital is aregularactivity formany ofus these days. Which
Tulsahospital has the bestcafeteriafood?
17. On the go? No time to eat? Which deli makes your favorite sandwiches?
18. W~.ere would we be without our late afternoonjolt ofcaffeine?Whomakes the best
cappuccmo in town?
19. Being so near Dallas and Santa Fe has its pluses. But, it also has its downside, and
we’ve been chili peppered to death. Nonetheless, a great enchilada or burrito is a cheap
and tasty way to dine. What Mexican restaurant makes your favorite Mexican
food? "
20. Jean-Pierre tries to make the rounds of all the restaurant in town on a regular basis,
but he is just a poor, working boy trying to exist on the slave wages paid by that mean
TFN publisher, Tom Neal, so Jean-pierre hasn’t had a chance to review every Tulsa
eatery. Which restaurant would you most like to see reviewed in an upcormng edition
of Tulsa Family News?
Statistical background:
Are you: male,
Are you Gay!Lesbian,
How old are you?
Have you ever worked at a restaurant?
How well can you cook?
¯ professionally trained
pretty good
able t6 do the bare essentials
or female?
or straight?
Yes No
~eat amateur
kitchen? what’s that?
individual activists like Jimmy Flowers.
Flowers led the event with a Rainbow-
.American flag and a large placard declaring
that "Gays are children of God too."
Flowers was followed by the Tulsa
PFLAG banner, carried by Chapter copresident,
Kathy Hinlde and by board
member Tim Gillean. Others marching
were NOW board member, Lea Anne de
Rigne andRAIN staffer, Kathy Bird, with
her puppies.
The 1/2 mile March received, only one
megative, commeat ~.,~.,-~passersby.~and
was accompanied byi.a~ Small~numberof
very enthusiastic and cheering supporters
driving and parked along Edison St. During
part of the March, the participants
chanted various Gay-positive slogans,
such as "hey, hey, ha, ha, homophobia’s
got to go!" When the marchers arrived,
chanting, at Owen Park, the picnic site,
they received a welcoming round of applause.
Event organizers also noted their pleasure
at the "sensitive and appropriate"
coveragethat the event received from The
Sunday Tulsa World on the day after the
event. Organizers also related that the
Pride Events Committee, after much discussion,
had purposefully not alerted talevision
stationSto the event because community
members have expressed fear of
being inadve~ently "outed." TOHR’s
spokesperson-°stated that the committee
regretted this approach but felt the need to
keep the event feeling "safe" for as many
as possible. However, the committee noted
that it didinvffe radio broadcasters since
that medium i~ unlikely to accidentally
expose anyone. Unfortunately, none of
the local radionews departments chose to
cover this year’s event.
200K Celebrate
Paris Pride
PAR~S. iA~) - Homosexuals and their
supporters in several world capitals participated
in marches to commemorate riots
in New york nearly 30 years ago that
galva!~.Z..edith,gay civil fights movement.
Aroun:ff~2OOXJO0 people from across Europe
danced and chantedtheir way through
the streets ofParis in the country’s biggest
Gay. rally ever.
"Equal rights without sexual discrimination
in France and in Europe," chanted
one group ofparticipants at the head of the
march, accompanied by the heavy beat of
technomusic. Colorful floats, represent:
ing gay and lesbian groups from Spain to
Denmark, were involved in the march. At
one poimthe rally stretched for more than
five miles from Place de la Republique on
Paris’s Right Bank to the Vincennes forest
in the city’s cast, where the march
finished: ..... :
The threatening rain clouds over Paris
did little to diminish the flamboyancy of
the marchers. One couple had painted the
European Union flag =. a circle of gold
stars on a blue background - on their
faei~s: A group~’of Swiss men dressed in,i
traditional:lederh0sen,.While a float repre-~
senting north .African homOsexuals :car-~
ried Cleopatra look-a-likes. - ’
The parade comes at time when homo-!
se.xual rights is receiving renewed interest
from the French parliament. Environment
minister Dominque Voynet, the only
ecologist member of the French cabinet,
joined the rally. She was among agroup of
Frenchleft-wing lawmakers whoproposed
a "contract of civil and social union" bill
earlier this week, giving new legal recognition
to homosexual couples or unwed
heterosexuals. The bill would put sudfi
unions on par with a married couple in the
eyes of the law.
The June celebrations commemorate
the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York.
Almost 30 years after gays fought police
at the Stonewall Inn, the anniversary celebrations
showed just how far the movement
has come - and how far it has to go.
"We thought that everything was going
forward, but now it seems we can have a
backlash in Denmark too, even ifwewere
the firs.t to have civil marriage,".. Juda
i~s.eft ~6[ Demark:"said:. ~B.as~ i~?s~l, a
fece~n~ d~cisifn in Denm~k’io baff-ie~bians
from having children through artificial
insemination in state~nmmedical €lin-
-ics was a.backward step.
Several cities, including New York,
San Francisco and Toronto, had parades
scheduled for the same day. This year, for
the first time, dozens of European brganizations
joined Paris’ annual march supporting
homosexuality. Many were calling
for greater rights for the gay communities
in their country. "We come from
Italy and do not have the same rights as
Denmark or other countries," said
Maximilliano Rosselli from Milan, Italy.
Mexico City Pride
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Thousands of
gays andlgsbians marcheddownMexico’s
main boulevard on Saturday in a show of
pride and to demand rights in a society
better known for machismo. "There has
been a kind ofrelaxation" in official and
social treatment of homosexual s, said actor
Tito Vasconcelos, one of th~ marchers.
"Thereare more places for Gay gatherings."
But. he said Gays arrested for
unrelated crimes are sometimes mistreated
due to their sexual orientation or charged
with prostitution if police find a condom
in their possession.
Chants of"No political freedom without
sexual freedom !"rose from the marchers,
most of whomwere in everyday dress.
But the crowd was dotted with exuberantly.
dressed transvestites and with men
weanng g-strings or sexually oriented
leather gear. The march was sponsored by
a coalition of gay organizations from
around Mexico, ranging from the Leather
Club ofMexico to the Gay Bicycle and
Basketball Group.
San Francisco
Pride Parade
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- Thousands Of
marchers = straight and Gay alike -
marched down Market Street in the city’s
27th annual Pride parade. The parade,
with an estimated attendence of a halfmillion
people, culminated, a weeklong
series ofparties; film screenings and other
events. The official theme of this year’s
~arade, which,,h,.,as a budget of more than
500,000, is ’One,’Community, Many
Faces." ~q~nat was,chosen because it’s so
inclusiveand signifies the diversity of our
community," parade spokeswoman
Denise Ratliff said. "We truly are every
age, every race, every religxous background,
every economic and educational
background. We’re everyone’s brother
and son and sister and daughter."
The parade began at the-Civic Center
and proceeded down Market Street to a
huge street fair along the Embarcadero.
And as they have for two decades, the
th.e Pride Center
TUlsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Community Summit
Saturday, July 26, 2 - 5 pm
The Pride Center
1307 East 38th
Where are we?
Where do we want to be?
What do we need to do
to get from here to there?
What will you do to get us
from here to there?
Organ-izafions and individuals who support fairness
and equality for Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals
and Transgendered persons are invited
to participate~ in a moderated and civil discussion.
lnfo? Call 743-4297.
This aduenlsement is donated.to The Pncle Center by Tulsa Fon~ily News.
Kelly Kirby
Certified Public Accountant
a professional corporation
¯ Lesbians and Gay menfuce
many special tax situations
whether single or as couples.
¯ Thank youfor giwng us our
most successful tax season.
¯ Call us for help with your
year round tax needs.
4021 S. Harvard,.Suite 210
Tulsa 74135
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Women’s Motorcycle Contingent- unofficially
knownas Dykes on Bikes -kicked
off the parade.
For the second straight year, the street
fair began on day before to ease some of
the crowd pressure. A huge street party
known as "Pink Saturday" was held in the
city’s predominantly gay Castro Eft,strict.
Along with the Chinese New Year. s parade,
the gay pride parade is the largest
civic gathering in San Francisco.
ears-of. Civil
. Rights:MoVement
BERLIN (AP)-7 Hundreds of thousands
of gays and lesbians march each year
around the world in parades commemorating
the 1969 riots at New York City’s
Stonewall Inn that galvanized the gay
rights movement. Yet many historians
say the modem struggle for acceptance
and an end to discrimination actually
started 100 years ago - in Berlin.
A summer-long exhibit at the Academy
of the Arts, "Goodbye to Berlin.’? 100
Years of the Gay Rights Movement,"
documents the events sinceMay 15,1897,
when Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld founded
what many believe is the world’s first gay
rights organization in his Berlin apartment.
With 1,400 exhibits, the show
chronicles the early efforts of Hirschfeld’s
Scientific-Humanitarian Committee to
¯ have homosexuality decriminalized.
It also covers the flamboyance of 1920s
Berlin, followed by the "Terror and Persecution"
of theNazi era, the rebirth of the
movement in the United States and Europe
up to today’s AIDS crisis. Portraits
by gay artists David Hockney and Andy
.Warhol of gay writers Christopher
.... Isherw0od and Truman Capote mix with
newspaper clippings; police reports, old
photos and video clips. ’‘The exhibit gives
us a chance to:put this day (the Stonewall
riot) in a historical perspective," said exhint
director Andreas Stemweiler. "Without.
the past, you can’t define yourself
Marchers parading through the heart of
Berlin passed a stage with actors dressed
as historical figures, including a concentration
camp prisoner branded with the
pink triangle the Nazis forced homosexual
lumates to wear. James Stcaldey, a professor
at the University of Wisconsin and
author of ’‘The Homosexual Emancipation
Movement in Germany," estimates
tens of thousands of homosexuals died in
Nazi concentration camps. After the war.
the harsh Nazi law criminalizing homosexuality
remained on the books in West
Germany until 1969.
"People had to live in fear of being
arrested when they openly stated that they
were gay," says museum spokesman
Albert Eckert. "That meant that most of
whathadbeen in the secondWorldWaror
before tended to be forgotten." One gay
concentration camp survivor, who ke
the reason for his nnprisoument a secret
for decades after the war, came to Berlin
to speak about his experience and participate
in the weekend celebrations. "You
have to keep working so that it doesn’t
return - Nazism and fascism," said Pierre
Seel, 74, of Toulouse, France. "On the
one hand we have more .freedom today.
On the other, when you see how the politics
are going, then the work. isn’t finished."
27th Boston
Pride Parade
BOSTON(AP) -I~lbya squadofleathercladwomenonmotorcycles,
drag queens,
gay clergy and lesbian couples with toddlers
made their way through the streets
of Boston Saturday in the city’s 27th
annual gay pride parade. Organizers said
more than 200,000 people from around
New England took part, but police put the
number closer to 100,000.
Unlike last year’s parade, which included:
c_ontroversial nudity, this year’s
ev.en~.neluded,onl~y some,oaflandJsh~and
occaSional!,.y:skimpy costumes~ ,And that,
some participants said, was a good thing.
"It’s a public parade. There’s a time and a
place for everything and nude dancing
isn’t necessarily for a Saturday afternoon
in Boston," said Jeff Durkee, 29, who
came to watch.
Some of the floats, however, did border
on the risque. On one, perfectly sculpted
men with bulging pectorals teasingly
pulled down their shorts to reveal Gstrings.
Others were more tame, like the
O’Gay Corral float - a Western motif
flatbed truck followed by two-stepping
Dozens of young children on foot and
in strollers accompanied their gay and
lesbian parents through~the city’s Back
Bay neighborhood. Taped to the stroller
of one toddler: "I was ~hatched by two
chicks." Winograd and her partner, Betsy
McNamara, 37, brought~their 4-year-old
son with them to the festi~ilies. Ten years
ago, McNamara said, there were hardly
any children represented.,?There’ s been a
huge baby boom in the Gay and Lesbian
community," McNamara said.
Several Christian and Jewish Gay and
Lesbian clergy also were represented, as
were many students from New England
colleges. Michelle Samson, 29, was visiting
from California. She said she had
always thought of Boston as a conservative
city. "It’s fantastic to see the support
we have," she said. "It says Boston is in
the real world and sees things that are
happening and they are supporting it."
¯ Pride in Omaha
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - A parade to mark
this year’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgender Pride celebration included
balloons, dn~mmers and a drag queen
riding atop a Jeep. Organizers estimated
that more than 700 people participated in
the 13th annual celebration.
Les Meyers, 32, of Omaha Said he attended
the parade to support equal rights
for homosexuals. "Not special rights," he
said, "but equal rights that everyone
shares.". Deb Johnson, 28, of Lincoln said
the climate toward gays and lesbians in
Nebraska is tolerant. But she said the state
should pass legislation for same-sex marriages
and including gay lovers on insuranee
policies. An effort to deny recognition
to same-sex marriages performed in
other states stalled this year in the Nebraska
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Send your ad & payment to POB 4140,
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Hoflme: 749-4901
Parents, Family & Friends of
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Washington Cty, POB 485,
Bartlesville, OK 74005
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I: i............::.:.~.i:i~ahOma ~ :: :iii~ii.. i " TO THE SKY IN KIOWA This Transgender, FALCON VIDEO STAR i’m the star of TRANS TREAT IN TULSA I believe that a hot
............ ~~.............................~::~:~:~:~l~i: Bi, White male, 5’9, with Brown hair and Blue
TELE TRANS I’m interested in speaking on the
phonewith crossdressers, Transvestites, and
Transsexua S, and couples I’m 5’8, 145 bs, with
.... ¯ Blue eye=s, long Brown hair, and a muslache~ I’m
’ i~ s: Bi curioiss andmay evenlually want I~’meet ~n
:~ ~-, ~! person, but let’s start on the phone. (Ba~e~ville)
1 ) To respond to t
ads & browse ~
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2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call 1-800-546~MENN
print it here)
COOL CAT IN CATOOSA I seek friendship,
or more, with other young, Gay White ma es n
th~ a~l’m a 19 y~ar 01d Gay White m~Fe,
5’6, 1451bs, with very sho~ Blacl~ hair Green
eyes, and a mediumbuild. If you’re 18 to 25
ahd don’t use drugs I want to meet you.
(Cateasa) ~1135
meet other Gay males for fun friendship and,
m~,be, more. I’m an altroctiv’e Gay White
male, 26, 6’2, 1801bs, with light Bro~,n hair and
Blue eyes. I’m lonely sometimes and look
fo~ard to h~aring from you. (Claremore}
AND OUT OF BREATH i’m a 36 year old,
White mole, former athlete, looking ~or
companionship. The following are some of my
traits compassionate Ged’fearin~q humorous
on perfect, lonely sensuous, hairy, stocky
10v ng, adventurous, careful, mystical, pla~l,
romantic, tender, masculine, sincere, committed,
and always self seeking¯ (Claremore) =12057
MANLY PASTrlMES I’~ a good looking,
masculine Wh te male, 5’7, with a marine
haircut, and Hazel eyes. I like hunting fishing
and sports. I’d like to meet other men in the ar’ea
ro hang outwith. (Grand Lake) =28333
KEEP IT HONEST ’m looking for a race guy,
and able communicator, with whom I can spend
time and build samething special I’m a 32 year
o d, Gay, White male. interested in romance
and auiet times wilh my oortner. I like lea
walks’, biking and hon’e~tcommunication,g
(Henrietta) ~32520
old, Bi male is a sexy Transvestite. i’m 5’9, with
Brown hair and Blue eyes. I’m searching for a
gorgeous Gay, or Bi, male 27 to 30 w~no is
good, kind, and friendly. ~urry! (Kio~va)
eyes, seeks a Transgender, Bi, or Gay, male,
belween 25 and 30. You should be loving,
kind, and good looking. (Kiowa) e28859
OKIE FROM MUSKOGEE This 21 year old
Gay, White male, 5’11 1751bs, with Blond
hair, and Blue eyes~ seeks hot men f~r fun.
times. I often travel to Tulsa and other areas.
(Muskogee) ~e12437
adventurous, 27, 6fi, 1501bs, with light Brown
hair, and Brown eyes. I want to. meet guys into
uninhibited action
THIS STOCK WILL RISE I’m a friendly,
19 year old, White male, 5’10, 1351bs
with Brown hair and Hazel eyes. Right "
now I’m just looking for friends but who
knows what the future might bring? Call
me. (Tulsa) ~1975
QUICK DRAW I’d like to get to know
someother guy~ who like to have fun I’m
a we built, White male, 6’2, 1901bs. I
enjoy&awing and music,.especially
alternative and industrial music f you’d
like to make a new friend, give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~2038
free, smoke free, alcohol Free, Gay, Wh te
male, 25, 5’8, with Brown hair and Hazel
leir~e’esto, gseeethkesra. Is’mimailanricmea, nc,ar2i1ngtope3r0s,onfor a
with a good sense of humor. I enjoy all
music, movies, dancing, and quiet nights
at home. (Tulsa) ~1896
TEDDY-BEARNIGHTS This 39 year~old,-
White male, 5’9, 1401bs, is looking for a
sentimental guy, over 25, with whom to share
romantic evenings cooking family, music, and
cudd ing. (Tu sol "~1350
COUNTRY LOVE I was brought up on a
farm south of Dallas so l love country life ’m a
good looking, 31 year old, Wh te male; 6’3;
with Brown hai~ and eyes¯ I’m easy g~i~.......
carina and Iovina andl’m look n ÷~
f ~’ ~ g
or the love of my life. I like young
cowboys, 18 to 25. I’m into
rodeo, and most music¯ (Tulsa)
decided that I deserve
to meet the man
of my
I’m an honest,
professional, Gay,
White male, 38,
5’9, 1551bs, with
Brown hair, Blue eyes,
a beard, and hairy
body. I’m veh/
energetic, and get
pleasure From
rood trips, movies, dining out, and
home life. (Tulsa)
and do fun stuff with some new friends. I’m a
good looking, Gay, Cherokee Indian male
5 8, I451bs, with Black hair and Brown eyes.
I’m into all kinds of things. I like to swim work
out, play basketball andtennis and en ay the
company of my friends. I’m m~st attracted to
Blond haired, Blue eyed, guys but would like to
~neet all, (Tulsa) ~33664
several hot videos by Falcon and other
studios. I’m visiting relatives and am bored
stiff. The natives want me to go fishing but I’ve
got other thin,Is on my mind. i’m 29, 6’1,
1901bs, with dirty Blond hair, Green eyes,
and savage tan, I’m in great sha~. Got any
ideas on I~
tWO FOR ONE IN TULSA We’re a sexy,
Gay, White couple, 25 and 26. We’ra
looking for a real man
(Tulsa) ~33378
BRONCO RIDER I’m a 21 year old,
masculine, cowboy, seekir~ a saulmate. I’m
5’11, 1451bs, with short Br~wn hair, Blue eyes,
and a fit body. I love rodeos, hunting, fishing,
sports, country music, and the outdoors. (Tulsa)
NEW FACES I’m a good looking,
male, 6fl, 1701bs, with Brown hair ana eyes. ~
go to school during the day and wonder what’s
going on at night. Show me. (Tulsa) ~32079
IN TRANSITION I want to build a relationship
with another good fookieg, Gay, Male,
Transvestite¯ I’m 26, 5’9. wilh Brown hair and
Blue eyes. You should be clean nice, and
fun. I hope we can have a Ion~’term
relationship. (Tulsa) e30728
attractive, 21
year old, Black
male, 5’11,
1801bs, with light
E~rown eyes, seeks
otherBlack men to
hang out with. I’m
fo the scene and
want to make some
good Friends. (Tulsa)
~3094 !
need a woman’s touch? I’m a 40 year old,
Tran.sgender, hoping to someday become a
complete woman. I love to play the Feminine role
and give pleasure to men, over 40, in every
way. Race is unimportant. (Tulsa) ~!0195
man is good to find. This sensual sexy, Bi male,
Transvestite 42 6fl, 1701bs, see~ Bi men, 35 to
70, of a races. Let’s meet. (Tulsa) ~29954
TULSA lWO STEPPER Show me around town
and teach me the West Coast Sw og. ’m a young
looking, 34year old, HispaniC~m~le, 5’4 1.251bs,~
wi~ Brown hair and eye.s. I’~n~i~/ new to town :i
and want to make friends. - i~;~ to dance dnd
can two step with the best of them. I’m a big fan
of counl~ music, movies, and love people. Let’s
meet. (Tulsa) ~29334
JUST BEllMEEN YOU AND ME I want to get
dose to someone who is able to have a
seeks a
... a.nd Hazel eyes. I’m new
to I’n s scene and ike to kiss, caress, and cudd e.
(Tulsa) ~28662
MAD FOR MASCUUNE MEN i’m looking to
get to know, and hove good times with, olher
ma.sculine .Gay, or Bi, White males, between 18
and 34, in th~ area. I’m a good looking, Gay,
White male, 33, 6’1, 16511~s, with short Brown
hair, and Blue eyes. We can’t talk before you
call so hurry. (Tulsa) ~28669
male in my late forties, rm looking for a very
discreet male to get together with. You should be
conservative, no older than me. I en oy
books and traveling. Let’s share our
goals and see where that leeds.
~ vital. (Tulsa)
I~ND MY WAIT This old fushioned, romantic is
leaking far companionship and love from you
Please call soon. (Tulsa). e14264
looking., 42 year old, White male, seeks virile,
masculine men. I have a good bui~ from frequent
workouts and daily jogs. (Tulsa) 28323
MY WIFE’S IN THE DARK I want ta have
some fun with another man but my wiFe can’t
know anythingabout it. I’m 27 and good look ng.
Call if you’re fun and can be discreet. (Tulsa)
TRUE IN TULSA I’m a masculine, muscular, 21
leer old, Black male, 5’7, 1951bs, with Black
air, and Brown eyes, looking for new friends to
hang out with. I don’t do drugs or Smoke, but
occasionally go out for drinks. I have lots of other
interests such as working out. Let’s meet and see
what happens. (Tulsa) ~13047
TAKE OFF MY SASH I’m Mr. Tulsa Renegade,
and I want to have some fun. I’m a very hot,
leather. I’ve been a runner up in the Mr.
Oklahoma Leather contest the last lwo years. Find
out wha~s so hot about me. Call now. (Tulsa)
MY FIRST EXPERIENCE I’m 28 years old
Single White male, 6’, 1951b, Brown hair, Hazel
eyes, muscular legs. Looking to meet someone
between the age 20 to 33. Must be Bisexual or
Straight to help me with my first experience with a
man. (Tulsa) e21939
BLUE COWBOY This 55 year old, Gay, White
male, cowboy, and businessman, would like to
meet a younger top man, between 35 and 55 to
live with me in rural southeast Oklahoma. I’m
5’6, 1401bs, with short, thick Silver hair, striking
Blue eyes, and a mustache. You should be well
put together and desire this ~pe of lifeslyle.
~96i 2
BACK TO SCHOOL I’m into ,sports,
movies, and the outdoors and I d like to
meet a womyn who can shara these
interests with me. I’m a 25 year old,
White female, 5’6,¯’1701bs, with short
Brown hair and Brown eyes. I have a
:allege degree but am about to go back
chool to get another. You should be
~etween 25 and 35, and fun loving.
(Tulsa) ~1456
tULSA TEMPTRESS This 26 year old,
White,Female, seeks an outgoing, open
minded, Single, Bi female, 21 to 38 for a
possible live in relationship. I’m especially
interested in a womyn with Red hair and
B lue eyes, who’s a casual dri"nker. I love to
~lay pool, dance, bowl, go to movies
~nalls, and parks. (Tu so) ’e34531
SPARE TIME I’m a Mdrried, BI, female.
My husband is an executive so he is out of
town most of the time. I want to meet a
womyn to have fun with. I en ay going out
dancing, dining and traveling. Let’s
dance the night’way. (Tulsa) ~31086
sweethearts, I want to meet a very specia
lady who’d like to have a wonderfuItime.
I’m ~ Bi female with a lot to give. Let’s get
tagether right away. (Tulsa) ~303| 8
For a womyn, 24 to 30 who is romantic
likes to dance, and enjoys sports and th~
outdoors. You should also be interested in
a 10ng term relationship. I’ma Gay, Whit~
Female, 5’1, 1201bs, with shoulder length
Red ha r and Green eyes. (Tu sa)
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it here)
e ge ’97
The dream of a Community Center is a reality! You can help it continue and grow!
The Pride Center has provided a meeting place for the Prime Timers, Friends in Unity Social Organization (FUSO),
Safe Haven, Rainbow Business Guild, the Parish Church of Saint Jerome, Mothers Support Group,
Poetry/Arts Coffee House, SENSES, Lesbian and Gay oriented substance support groups,
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, HOPE,
Americorp, HIV training seminars and others. Your membership and!or pledge helps to keep the doors open.
~ I want to join/rejoin. ~ Individual @ $20/year ~ Household/org @ $35/year
~ Sustaining @ $100/year ~ Ltd. income/student @ $20/year
~ I want to pledge. Please send me/us a pledge book for $..... per month. Suggested pledge: $5 - 20/month.
Day phone: Eve. phone:
City, state, zip code:
The Pride Center is open 6 days a week. HOPE offices are open Monday - Friday, 9 - 5pm.
Volunteers staff The Pride Center on Tuesday - Friday nights from 6-10, Sat. 12-10pm and Sun. 2-10pm.
Volunteers are always welcome. The Pride Store is open Wed. - Friday, 2 - 6pm and Sat. 12 - 6pm.
Please return this form to the Pride Center, 1307 East 38th, 2nd fl. Tulsa 74105, 918-743-4297

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, July 1997; Volume 4, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/537.