[1997] Tulsa Family News, June 1997; Volume 4, Issue 7


[1997] Tulsa Family News, June 1997; Volume 4, Issue 7


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


June 1997


James Christjohn
Dr, Mike Gorman
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 6


Online text








Unites States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Politician Who Says Gays
Are Criminals Admits To
Ten Years of Adultery
ATLANTA (AP) - A Republican gubernatorial candidate
who admitted he committed adultery concedes he
could now be considered a "moral hypocrite" for withdrawing
a job offer to a lesbian.
Meanwhile, GOP supporters rallied behind him. "He
did the only thing to do - be truthful and honest. And
that’s what Mike Bowers is, even to the point of pain,"
said William J. Steele, who was to introduce Bowers at
his first public appearance since the disclosure.
His wife, Bette Rose, said Georgia voters Should not
rush to judge her husband. "I don’t think that what has
occurred should wipe out 23 years of good public
service," Mrs. Bowers told reporters after appearing
with her husband at the meeting.
¯ Marr,age Update
Serving Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s LargestCircui~"tiOn CommunityPa~erA vailableln MoreThan 60 Tulsa Locations
Leadersh pOklahoma’s : Gay Pr dePicni¢
"Divers=" ty" Confer"ence¯.:: F"!r-st Pr" de March
i Gays Need Not ADDIVi Pr,de Week Proclamation
; ¯ ¯ " ¯ Beneflt Play For Pr,deCenter TULSA-Ina letter dated June 3, Tulsa s oldest Lesbian and Gay
civil rights organization, Tulsa Oklahomans for Humans Rights °
(TOHR), has made aformal protest of anti-Gay discrimination to : TULSA- The Pride Center/Tulsa Oklahomans for
th.e_ organiz,e,rs of Leadership Oklahoma’s "Together in our ; Human Rights have announced the final schedule
Differences a conference on "diversity" first announced to the " for1997 Pride Events. Tulsa’s first Pride.March
p~ubl,ic, o.n M~ay 31st and held on June 5 & 6 at the Downtown : will proceed the annual Pride Picnic on Saturday,
~)o~,ua,mo.,oleutgr~nHm,oetelc. om~erence topics inclU. .de.d..s.e..v.eral. of. direct .:" Jmueneeti1n4g. TinhethMe acrocmh iesrpolaflmtheedHtoobmeegliannadt sltlo:3r0ea(mat
relevance to Oklahoma’s LesbiaWGay/Bi communities, like a ¯ Gilcrease Road&Edison St.) toOwen Park (Edison
panel on hate crimes and one on the role of the media in creating ," St. at see Pride, page 3
a greater understanding of diversity, conference organizers did
lar ban last year, saying it had an element of "gay
bashing." Backers tried to draw up a bill he could sign,
but on Thursday, he rejected their effort on technical
and general grounds.
"First, experts in family law advise me that the final
language in this bill could threaten the thousands of
colnmon-law marriages that currently exist in Colorado,"
Romer said. "This was unintended, but if they are
correct in this interpretation, the consequences could be
very real in terms of the loss of such things as health
benefits, pensions, paternity rights and child support
enforcement." The governor also said a ban was unnecessary.
’q~he only real effect of this bill is to target gay
and lesbian people and to exclude and stigmatize this
not include any Gay persons to participate as speakers or panelists.
In contrast, racial and religious diversity was represent.ed by
members of Islamic and Jewish groups as well as Unitarians and
Christians, and representatives of the Oklahoma’s black press,
The Tulsa World and Clayton Vaughn of KOTV. Keynote
speakers included Tulsa Mayor Susan Savage and Dave Lopez,
president of Southwestern Bell Oklahoma, and State Attorney
General Drew Edmondson.
As part of its letter of protest, TOHR noted that principal
orgamzer, Steve Turnbo, had been asked several times over the
last year actively to include the Lesbian and Gay communities in
the work that his public relations firm does, and also that he does
as a volunteer with such organizations as The National Conference
(formerly "of Christians and Jews").
In the protest letter, TOHR also offered to help solve this
oversight by providing Lesbian and Gay individuals who were
qualified to participate in appropriate panels if invitations were
only extended, see Conf. page 13
¯ Presbyterian Church to. Host
Colo. Gov. VetoesAnti-Marriage Bill Speaker + Shower of Stoles
DENVER (AP) ~ Gov. Roy Romer again.v.etoed a bill -~ TULSA_- A progressive local Presbyterian.c0ngregation, Colaimed
at outla~ving gay marriages, calling it"ft~da- = lege Hill Presbyterian Church, 712 So. Columbia, has invited one
mentally negative and divisive." Romer vetoed a simi- " oftheleaders ofPresbyteriansforLesbian/GayConcerns (PLGC)
.- to preach in its pulpit on Sunday, June 29 at llam. Scott
- Anderson, who now is the executive director of the California
=" Council of Churches, formerly was a Presbyterian minister,
~ serving in several No. California churches. Anderson, stepped
,- down from the rmnistry when he came out as a Gay man since the
° Presbyterian Church no longer allows openly Gay persons to
" Serve as pastors, deacons or elders.
° College Hill along with First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater
and PLGC will host a display of the Shower of Stoles for at the
"- Tri-Presbytery Gathering which is being held at the Chapman
: Activities Center at the University of Tulsa on June 27 & 28. The
_" Shower of Stoles is a collection ofliturgical stoles (thelong scarf-
- likepiece ofcloth that pastors wearhanging from around the back
~ of their necks down the front of their robes) which came from
Community Unitarian i
offPride Month with its Gay Ptide Service on June
1st as did MCC-Greater Tulsa. Community of
Hope and Church of the Restoration held services
on June 8th. The Parish of St. Jerome, Family of
atth, St. Dunstan s and Fellowshtp Congregational
are honoring Prid~lonth in various ways.
iShockwave!. TULSA~Aftera yearoff, Black &White Charities
will present again its dance-benefit, ShockWave.
This year will feature two parties in one night with
proceeds to benefit three charities.
First Volt runs 8pm to midnight, Saturday July
19. The party will find its home in a near northside
warehousenow ownedby Evans Electric Co. which
inspired the high voltage theme. The warehouse is
l.ocated at 116 North Lansing~ right at the edge of
downtown and near Rogers University. On the
night of the event, it will be lit up like a jukebox,
visible from the nearby freeways. First Volt feagroup
in our society., ; Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgendered people see PLGC,page 10 ~. tures dancing, party pictures and a cash bar. AIontFor
" |i th°ugh air c°nditi°ning will be scarce’ 0rganizers
D ’ g tth F pr°mis~ildn:e~~f6rffa~6~;~r=21~iTi3~t~~
be pre~purchased through Carson attractions for An " y H " " e ollles, o, at the door for $25.00. But First Volt t,-Ga ate Cr,mes ::AIDSMasteryWorkshop attendees also have something else towhich tolook WASHINGTON- PresidentClinton drew praise today forward - there will be an after-party as well. -
from., the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the TULSA -On Pride weekend, June 13-15, Follies Revue, Inc. ~ From midnight to 2am, ShockWave will shut
National Gay &.Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) for his ~ will present this year’s musical review, "YourHit Parade" at the down and at two am, the event will reopen as Last
weekly radio.address, in which he called for an all-out : Warren Place Doubletree Hotel Grand Ballroom featuring music ~ Jolt. This time, the 18-21 crowd is also invited, and
assault onhate crimes -including those based on sexual
The president also announced that he has asked
Attorney General Janet Reno to study and recommend
le.gislative options for curbing the rise in bias-motivated
crimes, including hate violence targeting lesbians, gay
men and bisexuals. Clinton also announced he will
convene a White House conference Nov: 10 to study the
problem. At the conference, according to the President,
the White House will bring together victims of hate
crimes, and their families as well as law enforcement
experts and officials from Congress and the
JusticeDepartment. He also said that community and
religious leaders will beinvited to the conference to take
a look at existing laws against hate crimes and consider
ways to ~mprove and to Strengthen them. ’~
see President, page 3
from radio and television from the ’30’S to ’50’s. The Follies
Revue singers, Carol Crawford, artistic director of Tulsa Opera,
Marchello A!_)_gelini, artistic director of Tulsa Ballet, Peter Athens,
Pare V,_anD,,yke, Patrick Hobbs, Isabelle Estes and "The i Happy Hoofers. will be introduced by auto magnate Henry
Priilieaux Follies Revue, Inc. has raised more than $140,000 for
Tulsa area AIDS related agencies since 1989. Some of the
beneficiaries of this year’s event are Saint Joseph Residence,
Interfaith AIDS Ministries, Our House, Shanti-Tulsa Storehouse,
Visiting Nurse Association and Hope House.
The second annual AIDS Mastery Workshop will be held on
June 27-29 in Tulsa. The workshop is an intensive weekend
program designed to assist those affected by HIV/AIDS to come
to terms with its impact on their lives. TheMastery is open to
thos~ living with HI.V/AIDS, HIV/AIDS professionals, families,
friends and caregivers. It is free but donations are welcome.
Formoreinformation,please call Betsy or MelissaatRedRock
Mental Health Cemer at 663-7272:
ajuice bar will be open until 5am. Last Jolt tickets
are $5 at the door. First Volt tickets include the
~ Marty Newman With Black & White C,,,l~,’~es
says thehugeafter-party is a first for Tulsa. We re
really excited about Ldst Jolt," said Newman.
see Shock, page 3
by Tom Neal, publisher & editor ~
A good newspaper, traditionally, has! a number of functions.
One is to disseminate information about upcoming events and to
report on events that have taken place. But another function is to
comment on what’s happening in and to a comrounity,-with the
goal of helping to develop a vision of where we need to go.
Obviously this vision is, ofnecessity, the vision of the publisher,
editor, staff and advisors and will be just one view with others
possible. And as a newspaper that always has accepted and
printed "letters to theeditor" (even ones quite critical ofourviews
and actions) as wall as longer"viewpoint" essays, we continue to
provide a fornm for other visions to be heard- when and if those
with alternate views take the effort to make their views known.
The problem in Tulsa, though, is not that there is too much
¯ dialogue- it is that there,.~toolittle. Critical decisions that affect
many, many people continue to be made in private by a handful
." of people. These people are good-hearted and.devoted but those
¯¯ qualifies don’tmean automatically that their decisions are right.
This is the point this newspaper made several years ago in an
¯ editorial called who decides for us?
¯ The issue then was the ,w,isdom of the decision of those
hardworking volunteers who dhelped draft an amendment to the
: City of Tulsa’s Human Rights Ordinance. Half of the proposal
¯ required action by the City Council. Then and now, our Council
¯ is too hostile toLesbian andGay issues for us tohave success. But ¯
the other half of the proposal involved only executive branch
actions, i.e. things Mayor Susan Savage could do if she were
¯ willing, see Friends, thispage
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Hne
*City Bites, 3348 S. Peoria
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*JJ’s Country &Western Dance Club, 6328S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 3 Ist
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Tucci’s, 1344 E. 15
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Beyond Your Dreams Books, 8124 S. Harvard 491-2085
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Mtisic, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston
Leanne M. Gross, Southwest Financial Planning
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*International Tours
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159
Langley Agency, 1104 S. Victor
~Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate
Susan McBay, MSW: Earth-Centered Counsding
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
*Nothing Shocking Salon, 2722 E. 15
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
ZiRita Parish, Indoor/Outdoor Co. HomeRemodel’g
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations,
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Fred Wdch, LCSW, Counsding
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071,74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/IJG Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce, 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Church of the Restoration, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian]Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education, 1307 E. 38, 2nd fE
712-1600; HOPE Anonymous HIV Testing Site: 742-2927
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 74%4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 302 S. Cheyenne #108 584-2325
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 742-6227
*Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
Trinity Episcopal Church, 501 S. Cincinnati 582-4128
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library,600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way 800-231-1442
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-253-240 1
Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659, 800-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
*Ron’s Place, 523 W. Poplar 501-442-3052
* indicates a distribution poinL Listed businesses are not all Gay~owned
but welcome Lesbian/Gay/Bi & Trans communities.
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@aol.com
website: http://users.aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Writer: James Christjohn.
Writers +’contributors: Dr. Mik~ Gorman
Leanne Gross, Barry Henslev &
Jean-Pierre L~grandbouche "
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month,
the entire contents of this publication are
~ruot~ected by US copyright 1997 by
~--t’,o~W N~and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part
without written permission from the
publisher. Publication of a name or photo
does not indicate a person’s sexual
orientation. Correspondence is assumed to
be for publication unless otherwise noted.
must be signed & becomes the sole property
ofT~ {:_~/qau~. Each reader
is entitled to four.free copies ofeach edition
at distribution points. Additional copies
are available by calling 583-1248.
The problem then was Savage is willing
: to do very little for our community. She
¯ may not personally be a bigot but she
¯ clearly is willing to cater to the bigots of
¯ this city for her own political benefit.
]. However., Savage also has been en-
¯ couraged to bdieve that her lack of action
¯ is acceptable by those who are supposed
to be our friends and advocates. Instead of
: pushing Savage to institute at least some
¯ part of the Human Rights Commj’ssion
recommendations, some of them have
acted as apologists for her behavior.
¯ Since that report was issued, not one ¯
single recommendation has been insti-
: tuted-noteven oneofrequiring theTulsa
police Department consistently to include
¯ issues of sexual orientation in its "diver-
" sity"trainingfornew and current officers.
." Savage.could easily require thatTPD also
¯ keep track of hate crimes based on sexual
¯ orientation which the department refuses ¯
todo. Othermajorcities in theregionhave
." done these things for years.
¯ And Savage will continue to do nothing
¯ until the people who are supposed to be
¯ our advocates stop colluding with her.
: They may say the time’s not right but it
¯ will never get to be the right time through
¯ just waitingaround for our city to become
less prejudiced. So this is where we, as a
." community, have to ask if our friends
aren’t really as bad as our enemies?
: Justrecently, atLeadership Oklahoma’s
¯ "diversity" conference (see page one
¯ story), one of these advocates for our
., communities, see Friends, page 2
Bowers, 55, the only announced candidate in next
year’s GOP primary, made the disclosure about the decade-
long affair on Thursday, "so that everyone involved,
everyone I’ve hurt, can heal." Bower~ did not
name the woman or say when the affair began or ended.
"I regret the pain that I caused," he said. "There is no
mistake that I have ever made which has caused more
pain to those I 1ore or which Iregretmore deeply. Further,
I have no excuse for my conduct."
Bowers was attorney general for 16 years before resigning
last month to prepare for the campaign. He said
he will remain in the race. Bowers Is still married to hi~
wife of nearly 34 years, but he said they were separated
for several years while he was seeing the other woman.
He said. the woman was married at the beginning of the
affair, but not for most of it. It continued after she got
another job.
While adultery is a misdemeanor in Georgia, Bowers
said he was unaware of anyone ever having being prosecuted
under that statute. Bowers, however, often raised
the ire of civil libertarians with his successful defense of
the state’s anti-sodomylaw before the Supreme Court in
1986. He also ruled that public college newspapers could
not refuse to publish anti-homosexual advertisements,
and that the city of Atlanta could not include domestic
partners in benefit plans.
In 1991, he withdrew a job offer from a lesbian who
planned to m,arry another won~an. He contended Robin
Shahar’s marriage would violate’Georgia’s anti-sodomy
laws. His decision was. upheld recently .by a federal
appeals court in Atlanta.
Askedifit was hypocritical forhim to withdraw the job
offer to Ms. Shahar, he said, "In a moral sense, yes. ~3ut
legally, I do not believe there was any choice with the
Shahar case but to do that. Did tha! make me a moral
hypocrite? Yes."
"It’s never been done on this~scale before, and We think
a lot of folks who haven’t come out to the big dance
parties in the past, might give ShockWave a shot. The
admission price is low and we prormse to deliver on the
entertainment end."
Newman says part of that entertainment will be provided
by Matt Myers, a prominent Oklahoma City DJ.
Myers began his DJ career some 17 years ago, and has
been spinning discs and working in the music video
industry ever since. This past Memorial Day Weekend,
Myers took charge of one of Pensacola’s largest "Gay
Beach" weekend events, "The BlockParty," and he was
a featured DJ at Razzle Dazzle Dallas ’97.
If good music isn’t enough, ShockWaveis giving away
a trip for two to New Orleans for the two-day "Halloween
in New Orleans" event the weekendof 10/31/97. The trip
has been donated by Central Park Luxury Residences.
OtherShockWave sponsors include OKC’s Angles, Pepsi,
and Budweiser.
ShockWave will provide security both on site and in
adjacent parking. Proofofage will be required at the door.
Proceeds from ShockWave will benefit the Planned
Parenthood’s Facts of Life Line, the HIV Resource Consortium,
Inc. (HIVRC), and the Red Rock Mental Heath
Center’s Oklahoma Rainbow .~.o..ung Adults Network
The Facts of Life Line is a program of Planned Parenthood.
Iris a24hours-a-day; automated; sex education and
family planning program designed to allow youngpeople
access to a wide variety of sexual topics on a completely
anonymous and confidential basis. Teens can access over
300 professionally recorded messages written by education
staffs of Planned Parenthood affiliates around the
country. The messages are medically accurate, detailed
and reflect Planned Parenthood’s support of everyone’s
right to sexual self-determination.
The HIV Resource Consortium’s mission is to provide
an effective and compassionate response to those affected
by HIV/AIDS through direct service and collaboration
with other community based organizations. In the
past year the HIVRC has served 443 clients living with
HIV/AIDS, including providing over $59,000 in prescription
assistance, $140,000 in rent/utility payments.
and preparing and delivering over 1,000 meals.
The Red Rock Mental Heath Center’s ORYAN pro-
¯ gram provides HIV Prevention Services for Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgendered and Questioning Ado-
" lescents and Young Adults_ages 14-24. Red Rock is
based in Oklahoma City wi~ satellite offices across the
¯ state. The Tulsa office also provides clinical services to
" indi.viduals affected by HIV/AIDS. The majority of these
¯¯ services are provided at no cost to clients. Red Rock is
funded through grants from both private foundations and
¯ government agencies.
¯ Tickets to ShockWave.are tax deductible to the extent
~ of current tax law for amounts above $5.00.
¯ Formore.information on ShockWave call 587-7314 or
800-458-4662 or e-mail blkwhtprty@AOL.com. In addi-
¯ tion, the kidz @ Black & White Charities have a web site
under construction, check out black/white.orgfor further
¯ ~update~.
was asked to listen to concerns about the exclusion of
Lesbian/Gay/Bi persons from the conference. (the primary
conference planner was asked more than 9 months
ago to be inclusive of the Lesbian and Gay communities.)
You would think that a national leader of an organization
that works to support our communities would be
willing at least to listen to a representative of the oldest
local Gay & Lesbian civil rights organization, and to help
if possible. But instead she refused to discuss the matter,
allowing personal conflicts to cloud professional judgment.
She then proceeded to hobnob with organizers of
the conference who’d excluded Lesbian and Gay Issues
and persons! Again is this where we have to ask if our
friends aren’t doing us as much harm as our enemies?
Social change in this city will not come about by
waiting around, playing best littleboys (or girls), hoping
that our inherent worth and rights will be recognized.
That clearly did not happen in the Black civil rights
movement, the women’.s movement, or any other struggle
for social justice in our country. Certainly, we advocate
working within the system to create positive change but
we recogmze that systems change only when pushed.
And we hope that those who would be our allies will
indeed stakid by us. But they must remember that their
role is not to speak for us. We are more than capable of
speaking for ourselves. They must remember that a
strategy where they speak for us - "since they are more
accepted/acceptable" and we are relegated to standing
silently behind, ultimately does us more harm than good:
If they can remember this, then, we will not have to ask
"what to do when our friends might as well be our
"We applaud President Clinton for speaking out against
therising tide ofhate-motivated violence in this country,"
said Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human
Rights Campaign. "President Clinton has the ability to set
a national tone that hate-violence will not be tolerated,
including violence directed at lesbian, gay and bisexual
Kerry Lobel, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
executive director, stated,"Weapplaud President Clinton
for raising the level of concern regarding bias crimes.
There is a persistent problem ofintolerance in our country
based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation,
gender and disability. We welcome his call for a special
White House Conference on Hate Crimes andlook forward
to a more vigorous effort to stamp out these acts of
violence that hurt ourimage as a nation and only separate
us from one another."
In his speech, the President mentioned several acts of
hate-related violence. He spoke about a recent incident in
Washington, D.C. in which threemenaccosted a gayman
in a park, forced him at gunpoint to go under a bridge and
beat him viciously while using anti-gay epithets. "Such
hate crimes, committed solely because the victims have
a different skin color or a different faith-or are gays or
lesbians, leave deep scars not only on the victims, but on
our larger community," said the President.
Hate crimes based on sexual orientation constitute a
significant portion of all hate crimes committed in this
country- a total of 12.8 percent in 1995, according to FBI
statistics. This is up significantly from 8.9 percent in
1991, the first year the FBI tracked such crimes.
"Under current federal law, hate crimes based on
sexual orientation cannot be investigated and prosecuted
in the samemanner ashate crimes based onrace, religion,
color ornational origin," saidWinnie Stachelberg, HRC’s
legislative director. ’€l’his is an enormous legal oversight
that must be fixed. We hope that will be one of the
outcomes of the president’s initiatives," she said. "Hate
crimes based on sexual orientation are as heinous as other
hate crimes and mustbeprosecuted as such," Stachelberg
Last. week, the FBI determined that the February
bombing of The Otherside Lounge, a predominantly
lesbian bar in Atlanta appears tohave been committed by
the same person or persons who bombed a women’s
health dinic in Sandy Spring, Ga., earlier this year.
For Several ye~s, HRC and NGLTF ha(,~ bee~iwork- " ’
ing with Congress to try to add sexual orientation to those
categories of hate crimes that can be prosecuted under
federal law. As a result of work by a civil rights coalition,
the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990 included crimes
based on sexual orientation.
"Charging the FBI with collecting the data was an
important first step," Stachelberg said. "It is now past
time for us to move to the next level and make it possible
to prosecute these crimes adequately and effectively."
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national
lesbian and gay political organization, with members
throughout the country. It lobbies Congress, provides
campaign support and educates the public to ensure that
lesbian and gay Americans can be open, honest and safe
athome, at workand in the community. The National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force is the oldest national gay and
lesbian group and is a progressive organization that has
supported grassroots organizing aod pioneered in national
advocacy since 1973.
where the Pride Picnic will be heldffrom noon to 5pm.
There will be brief opening ceremonies from 12-12:30.
The picnic is BYOF (bring your ownfood) but as in the
:. past; refreshments donatedby Pepsi,Coors,Miller&Bud
will be served. Community organizations still may set up
booths (call for information 583-1248). Vollyball and
tennis courts are available. Pride Event organizers will
also read at the Picnic, a Mayoral Proclamation issued
earlier to honor Gay & Lesbian Pride Week.
On Wednesday, June 18 at 8pm, a special preview
performance of Six Degrees ofSeparation by John Guare
will benefit TOHR/The Pride Center¯ The play is presented
by Theatre Pops, directed by Randall Whalen, and
groduced by Ken Spence. Tickets are $8 in advance, and
10 at the door at the Liddy Doenges Theatre, Tulsa
Performing Arts Center Tickets will be available at the
Pride Picnic, and at the Pride Store, 1307 E. 38th St., 2nd
floor. Info: 583-1248.
Manymay be familiar with the film version of this story
which featured Donald Sutherland and Will Smith. This
Summerstage 1997 production is made possible through
the assistance of the Tulsa Performing Arts Center Trust,
and the Oklahoma Arts Council.
Local Lesbian poet, Mary Schepers has organized an
Arts Coffeehouse to be held at the Pride Center on June
20, from 8-10pm. This event will feature thework oflocal
artists, poets and writers. Ms. Schepers hopes that this
event will be the beginning of a regular series, providing
both social and artistic opportunities, She notes all are
welcome- both artists and those whojust appreciate their
work..For information, call 743-6740. - ~ ¯
¯ Several Tulsa congregations held Pride Worship Services.
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
and Metropolitan Community Church of Greater. Tulsa
held Pride services on June 1st. MCC-GT also honored
the Reverend Nancy Horvath’s last service as interim
pastor on that day. On June 8th, the Church of the
Restoration Unitarian had its Pride Service, We Shall
Walk Hand in Hand One Day, given by the Reverend
Chester McCall and TFN publisher, Tom Neal. Pastor
McCall recently formally received his credentials as a
fully licensed-Unitarian-Universalistpastor with thehighest
possible honors. Pastor McCall had already been
ordained as both a United Church of Christ and Disciples
of Christ pastor. On June 8th, Community of Hope also
held its Pride Worship service.
The following is a recap of Oklahoma City Pride
Events: there will be a NW 39th Block Party on Sunday,
see Pride, page 10
Maine Governor
Asks for Tolerance
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - Gov.!Angns King will
ask gay-rights opponents to back away from their
plan to challenge the civil rights bill he signed May
16. King asked if he could meet with leaders of the
.Christian CivicLeague ofMaineat theirheadquarters
m Augusta to make his case against the group’s plan
use the "people’s veto" to overturn the law.
’‘He obviously thinks (a referendum) is unnecessary
and it would be divisive," said Dennis Bailey,
King’s spokesman. "He obviously would like to do
anythinghe can to avoid that."Thegovernorwill urge
the civic league to drop its opposition to the law, or at
least delay an attempt to repeal it for several years, to
see how the law works. The bill to bar discrimination
based on sexual orientation in employment, housing,
credit and public accommodations takes effect 90
days after the Legislature adjourns. State law already
outlaws bias based on several other criteria, such as
age, race, gender and physical handicaps.
In order to keep the law from kicking in, opponents
would have to collect signatures of more than 51,000
registered Maine voters within 90 days of the
Legislature’ s adjournment, which couldbe this weekend.
If the signatures are certified, a referendum on
the law must be held. ’‘i appreciate the fact that he is
talking to us," said Michael Heath, executive director
of the civic league. But he said the group is unlikely
to abandon its opposition to gay rights because King
asks it to do so.
Oregon Senate OK’s
Marriage Ban
SALEM, Ore. (AP) - A bill to ban same-sex marnages
has been approved by the Oregon Senate ~espite Democrats~?arguments that it makes gays and
esbians the target .of discrimination. The measure,
SB577, passed with solid Republican backing after
sponsors said the state needs to do what it can to
defend the traditional institution of marriage as a
union between a man and a woman.
Senators voted 20-7 vote to send the "Defense of
Marriage Act" to the House, which recently had its
own gay rights debate when it passed a bill to outlaw
workplace discrimination against homosexuals.
SB577 was drafted in response to a Hawaii court
ruling that allowed same-sex mamages. However,
the sponsor of SB577, Sen. Marylin Shannon, said the
bill is needed to ensure that Oregon is never forced to
recogmze a gay marriage performed in Hawaii or
anyplace rise. "I make no pretense about my convictions
on this issue;" the Salem Republican said. "I feel
strongly that the family - with traditional marriage as
its foundation- i s unique in its design to offer strength
and longevity to any society."
Opponents of SB577 said gays and lesbians often
enter into committed relationships that are just as
strong as any heterosexual marriage, and should be
recognized in the same way. ’"We should be cherishing
these relationships instead of denigrating them,"
said Sen. Kate Brown, a Portland Democrat who is"
bisexual. Another critic of the bill, Sen. Avel Gordly,
said she thinks the Senate already is showing intolerance
by bottling up the House-passed bill to ban
discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace.
Now the Senate is taking aim at gay and lesbian
couples by approving SB577, Gordly said. "It will
foster ill will and bigotry," the Portland Democrat
Priest Comes Out
PORTSMOUTH, N.H, (AP) - Rev. Robert Stiefel
hadbecome known in the community as priest of "the
church of the open door," a priest who welcomed gay
men and lesbians and battled prejudice against them.
So Stiefel said it was only right that he be open with
his parishioners at Christ Episcopal Church and his
colleagues about his own homosexuality. So at services
on a recent Sunday, the 55-year-old priest told
his church community he was gay. "As I began to
speak out on matters of prejudice, my own preaching
led me to recognize the contradiction inherent in
becormng a Community champion of civil rights for
homosexual people and remaining in the closet," he
told the Portsmouth Herald last week. ".Life in the
closet is profoundly debilitating. I know because I
have endured it for some 50 ye~ra:"
Before the service, Stiefel and his. wife, Jennifer,
who is the church deacon, sent out a letter to the
congregation saying they. had built a good marriage
over 27 years. But the letter also spoke of the pain and
confusion Stiefel and his wife coped with as they tried
several methods offered by the church and modem
psychiatry to "cure" his sexual orientation.
’‘Before we decided to get married, I told Jel~ifer
I was gay," Stiefel said. "But we were young- what
did we know? I had been trying since early childhood
to be the best ’straight’ little boy in the world." Soon
after he married, Stiefel enrolled in an experimental
program offered by Harvard Medical School for men
who hoped, to be cured of their homosexuality: For
three years, he went to weekly sessions of individual
and group therapy, and one winter he underwent
electric shock treatments five times a week. It didn’t
work, and neither did anything else he tried over the
next 20 years. ’q~he resources that the society and the
church offered us were misguided and hurtful," Jennifer
Stiefel said. "through all of this, I came to
understand and to feel, more and more deeply, how
Robert was struggling, both to affirm our relationship
and to find and accept his own center." The Stiefels
said they will separate soon and divorce by next year.
.The Episcopal Church and the Covenant of Conscaence
- a group of local religious organizations
formed in 1994 to deal with race and gender issues -
have publicly stated their support for Stiefel. Chuck
Ott, assistant superintendent of Portsmouth schools
and a parishioner of Christ Episcopal Church, also
called him a loving, caring priest. "I think that’s what
people see," he said. "I don’t think they look at Robert
and see anything other than that." Despite the strong
support, Stiefel fears rejection. ’~I fear the loss of
some relationships with people who won’t understand,"
he said. ’qqae fear is very real. It’s scary: It’s
not a safe thing for anyone to "come out. ’ "Stiefel
said only his church’s history of social justice and
inclusion, and Portsmouth’s spirit of openness, inspired
him to seek the support of the community in
living openly as a gay man.
Help for Gay Teens
CHARLOTTE (AP) - Tamara Fry felt shut in. Coming
outmeant telling the world she’s lesbian. It meant
telling her father, a Baptist minister. It meant she
could lose school friends, be shunned by family
members and condemned by the church. "I knew r
was different from the other kids," Fry said. "I needed
to tell somebody."
In Mecklenburg County, one private agency provides
emotional support for homosexual teen-agers -
Time Out Youth. At their weekly meetings, gay teenagers
are free to speak their minds, get advice and, at
least for 90 minutes, be themsdves. In North Carolina,
individual school systems can develop their
health education cumculum, as long as it meets state.
requirements for heterosexual based "family living"
education. When the county’s health education curriculum
was approved by school officials in 1994-95,
an advisory grouprecommended that homosexuality,
masturbation and abortiOn be excluded from classroom
discussions and counseling sessions.
"It’s what the community wants," said Charlotte-
Mecklenburg Schools health specialist John Stoner.
"Most of North Carolina has taken a conservative
stance. "If a kid asks a question about one of those
three issues, we can give a simple definition and tell
them to talk to a parent. If talking to a parent doesn’t
help, we can refer the parent and child, if they ask, to
a school nurse. The parent should be the number one
resource for the child.’"
Time Out Youth Executive Director Tonda Taylor
has asked school officials to train guidance counselors,
nurses, social workers and psychologists to
work with homosexual students. She also wants information
about sexual orientation included in the
health education curriculum. ’The omission of homosexuality
from the public school curriculum just
adds to the pain,"Taylor said. "It’s saying these youth
don’t exist."
The Rev. Joe Mulligan of St. Luke Catholic Church
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chaired the Interfaith Advisory Committee two years
ago. Mulligan said Time Out Youth is filling the void
’~mtil more workis done. But thh tenor of the community
is such that it ..w~dl be a knock-down, drag-out
fight" to bring aboi~t ~"~easure of acceptance and
understanding. Mulligan said schools and churches
should takepart. "We’reat a crossroads in Charlotte,"
he said. "People need to have a better understanding.
How this gets done will take a fair amount of diplomacy
and wisdom."
When Fry realized at age 13 she was lesbian, she
coped by hiding behindher acerbic wit. "In the eighth
grade when girls were Chasing boys, I was be~ting
them up," said Fry, now a 22-year-old journalism
student at Central Piedmont Community College.
Her~.a~.’~ly .dismissed her behayior as tomboyish, Fry
tried hard to Conform. She cautiously nudged open"
the closet door at age 17. The first ray of light came
in theform of a flier aboutTime OutYouth. ’The first
time I said it out loud, that I was a lesbian, I was
sobbing on someone’s shoulder.., but the feeling
was wonderful," Fry said.
Time Out Youth members talked dunng a recent
meeting about physical violence and mental harassment
they face. A 17-year-old said he was suspended
for lashing out at a student who called him ’~faggot."
’The teacher said my presence in the class was
disruptive," he said. "I get pushed, thumped on the
head and called names when I walk down the hall.
Some teachers will stgp it and some will just look
away." An 18-year-old has a standard reply for those
who call him derogatory names. He stops, stares and
proclaims "Yes; I am gay. Do you have a problem
with that?"
Coming out is always a hot topic. How one goes
about it varies, Fry said. For some, it’s being honest
with themselves. For others, it’s telling friends and
family, or going out in public with a partner. What
gay teens fear most, according to Charlotte psychotherapist
Jim Green, is the isolation. "They hear it at
home, at school, everywhere thatbeing gay is wrong,’"
Green said. "They become depressed and withdrawn.
Some turn to drugs and alcohol." Parents suffer too,
Green said. Desperate couples have gone to Green
with children who said they were gay. "Some parents
want me to change the child," Green said. "I tell them
it can’t be done. You can’t turn a gay person into a
straight one. Some parents accept this, others will
take their child to someone else. "People just don’t
realize how difficult it is to be a young, gay person,"
Green said. "In time, society will learn how to .deal
with its young, gay people"
Some teens can’t handle the pare and eventually
commit suicide, he said. Green "knows because of
letters left behind or confessions to friends. And there
are other painful results. Fry has barely spoken to her
parents in four years. She knows gay teen-agers who
dropped out of high school. Some found their way to
Time Out Youth. Founded by Taylor in 1990, the
group has about 40 members ages 13 to 23 It’s a
nonprofit organization funded by private donations.
The group h~ blended into a supportive family
unit. Many of the teen-agers plan to flee Charlotte
upon graduation. They want to live in cities like New
York and San Francisco where the gay communities
are more accepted. Fry says she won’t leave. ’‘To
leave would almost be a cop-out," she says.
United Air Refusing to
Obey Law on Benefits
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Gay activists are protesting
the airline’s refusal to comply with a law requiring
domestic partner benefits for companies doing
business with the city. Several companies - from
Bank of America to the San Francisco 49ers - have
complied with the city law, which applies to benefits
for gay or heterosexual couples who are registered as
domestic partners. United and a coalition of 24 other
airlines, through the Washington-based Air Transport
Association, have filed a lawsuit to protest the
Members of the Harvey Milk Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual
Democratic Club are calling for a boycott of
United. They say airline officials privately toldmembers
of San Francisco’s gay commumty they would
offer the benefits.
United officials say they promised to review the
city ordinance. In a statement issued Saturday, Chicago-
based United officials said they are deciding
whether to offer the benefits, separate from the San
Francisco law. ’‘The decision .to offer domestic partner
benefits, or any benefit, is based on what is right
for our employees, customers and shareholders - not
on a local ordinance," the statement said.
Arts Funding Targeted
Because of Gay Play
GREENSBORO (AP) - Guilford County residents
angry over a theater production with homosexual
themes urged county commissioners to halt funding
"to ti~b’~fs-trganizftfi6fi~. Mdkd thim ~00"peti~le
attended Thursday night’s meeting after last week’s
production of "La Cage Aux Folles," a musical focused
on a gay couple and attitudes toward homosexuality.
The play at the Carolina Theatre in Greensboro
was sponsored by the Community Theatre of
Greensboro, a member agency of the city’s United
Arts Council. Residents wereupset that county money
helps fund the arts agency. The county gave $30,000
to the United Arts Council in fiscal 1996-97.
’The production whichjust finished here.., depicts
a perverted form of sexuality in a positive light," said
Wayne Wright of Greensboro, at the meeting. "Why
can’t the arts council be held accountable?"
Commissioner Steve Arnold told the crowd he
would introduce a resolution that would tell the
county manager to eliminate arts funding in the
county budget. An additional $15,000 is allocated to
the High Point Area Arts Council. "I oppose (the
funding) for the simple reason that I don’t believe
government should be funding arts," Arnold said.
Mecklenburg County commissioners last month
approved a measure that eliminated funding to arts
agencies that offer "exposure to perverted forms of
sexuality.", The controversy began after last year’s
presentation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Angels in
America" by the Charlotte Repertory Theatre.
Gay National Guard
Officer Files Suit
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A state class-action lawsuit
accuses the California Nhtional Guard of violating
state law by discharging gay guard members. The
suit claims that because the CaliforniaArmy National
Guard is a state agency, it is bound by state law
prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.
First Lt. Andrew Holmes, who was discharged
in 1995 after he told his commanding officer he is
gay, just filed the suit in San Francisco Superior
Court. The suit said it represents all guard members
who are still serving but must hide their sexuality for
fear of discharge. It asks that a court order require all
National Guard officers discharged because they are
gay be reinstated with back pay.
Lt. Col. Doug Hart ofthe CaliforniaArmy National
Guard said he could not comment because he had not
seen the complaint. Holmes sued the state and federal
National Guards after he was discharged in 1995. A
U.S. District judge ruled in March 1996 that his
discharge as part of the military’s "don’t ask, don’t
tell" policy violated federal constitutional guarantees
of free speech and equal protection. It was the first
time a judge had overturned a discharge under the
Clinton administration policy. The decision is being
The state lawsuit was filed because the court which
ruled in his favor (at the federal district level) dedined
to rule on Holmes’ claims that depend on
Californialaws, attorney Elizabeth Scott said. Holmes,
now a technical writer in Sacramento, served in the
state National Guardfrom 1986-94 and was deployed
in the Gulf War and in Los Angeles during the civil
unrest after the Rodney King verdict.
AIDS Vaccine Too
Risky for Peopl(e
SOUTHBORO, Massachusetts (AP) -
Lockedinside the Level 3 biohazard lab at
Harvard’s New England Regional Primate
Center are a pair of 20-pound (9-
kilogram) macaquemonkeys code=named
71-88 and 255-88. They should be dead
by now. In November 1991, scientists
gave each a big injection of simian jmmunodeficiency
virus, or SIV, the monkey
version of the AIDS virus.
The shot was 1,000.times more SIV
than it usually takes to cause an infection.
Ordinarily, this starts an insidious disease
process that eventually destroys the monkeys’
immune systems and kills them just
like its cousin, HIV, does to people- only
,faster, usually withintwo years. Yet nothing
happened. By every measure, these
animals, and two others that got lower
doses, are entirely healthy. There is no
sign of SIV in their blood or anywhere
else. They simply did not catch the virus.
What saved the monkeys was an experimentM
vaccine. Two years earlier,
scientists had given them a weakened, or
attenuated, form of SIV. The virus was
n.ormal in every way except that one of its
rune genes was clipped out. Losing this
gene, called nef, throttles back the virus’s
ability to make new copies of itself.
Crippled, it caused a low-grade infection
but did not seem to-hurt the monkeys at
all And somehow it~rimed theirimmune
defenses to ward Off real SIV.
"After seeing this protection in monkeys,
I becamean--advocate," said Dr.
Ronald Desrosiers,~a microbiologist at
the primate center: Virtually everyone
agrees that Desrosiers’ experiment Is a
landmark in AIDS t~search. It is the first
- and still the best- proof that a vaccine to
protect people from catching HIV is even
This alone is a crucial discovery, since
a vaccine is the only sure way to.stop the
AIDS epidemic. It is the same strategy
that ha~ erased smallpox from the planet
and tamed many other big killers. Since
SIV and HIV are so similar, an AIDS
vaccine can be made with exactly the
same genes missing. Many believe this
should work as well for humans as it does
for monkeys. Moreover, nothing else in
development seems anywhere close to
being this effective.
But that’s where agreement ends.
Desrosiers and some colleagues would
like to begin testing this kind of vaccine in
people.. Many others are adamantly opposed.
Thereason: This vaccine may well
protect against AIDS, but no one knows
what else it might do. And there’s no easy
way to find out.
Just like ordinary HIV, the genetically
truncated form used in the vaccine would
cause a lifelong infection in otherwise
healthy people. Could the virus somehow
regain its lost genes and turn nasty, causing
the very disease it was meant to stop?
Could it trigger some other unforeseen
disease 10, 20 or maybe even 30 years
after vaccination? Could it harm newbarns
or people with weakened immune
systems - even if it is safe for everyone
else? "Safety is the first, second and third
issue with this," said Dr. Norman Letvin
of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
in Boston, one of those opposed to trying
the vaccine on humans.
Yet in a way, nature already has conducted
human experiments. At the University
ofMassachusetts, Dr. John Sullivan
has been following 183 hemophiliacs who
caught HIV from contaminated clotting
proteins in the early 1980s. Among them
were five who still showed no signs of
disease. Could weak viruses explain their
good fortune? Desrosiers analyzed their
viruses and found that one’s HIV was
indeed missing part of its nef gene - just
like the virus he crafted for the monkey
experiment. In essence, this manhad been
vaccinated. Here was the first tentative
evidence that it was safe.
In Australia, meanwhile, doctors were
puzzledbyan especiallyoddduster. Seven
people had caught HIV from blood donations
given by one infected man in the
early 1980s. Yet neither the original donor
nor any of those who got his blood
showed any signs ofAIDS. After hearing
ofDesrosiers’ discovery, the doctors found
they all carried a strain of HIV that was
missing part of nef.
While these serendipitous discoveries
suggest HIV without a nef gene does not
trigger AIDS, intentionally infecting
people to prove the point is another matter
entirely. In fact, the idea of using this as a
human vaccine seemed all but dead two
years ago, when Dr. Ruth Ruprecht of the
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston
found the SIV versioncaused simianAIDS
when given to newborn monkeys.
Desrosiers countered that no one would
vaccinate a newborn with this. His later
studies also suggested that only extremely
high doses of the vaccine were harmful to
the newborn monkeys, and that passing
the virus from mother to child does not
seem to be a hazard.
Still, talk of putting a live, mutant form
of HIV into uninfected people was dismissed
by the scientific establishment as
simply too dangerous. But that may be
changing. No absolutely safe alternative
is close. And as David Gold of the American
Foundation for AIDS Research notes,
"The need for a vaccine is more desperate
than ever.’"
Around the world, about 29 million
people have been infected with HIV. In
some African cities, more than 10 percent
of pregnant women already have it. And
80 percent of the world’s infected people
live in Africa, India and Southeast Asia -
places where new AIDS treatments are
simply too expensive ever to be much
Hi.story is on the side of live, attenuated
vaccines; it is a classic approach. Examples
include the Sabin oral polio vaccine
and shots to prevent smallpox,
mumps, rubella, measles and yellow fever.
Vaccines offer a kind of biological
mugshot for the body’s defenses. Alerted
by the hannless lookalike ofwhatit should
be on guard against, the immune system
kicks into high gear as soon as it spots the
real thing and immediately attacks it. Even
if the virus worms its way into some cells,
the quick response enables the body to
thwart a devastating full-blown infection.
HIV, though, is different from other
invaders. Once it gets a toehold, there
probably is no way to get rid of it. So an
AIDS vaccine has to prevent even that
first tentative infection - something the
body’s own immune defense system cannot
seem to do by itself. "If we say we
have to prevent infection, that is a new
criteria that has never been met in the
history of vaccines," said Dr. Robert Gallo
of the University of Maryland, the codiscoverer
of the AIDS virus.
Vaccine researchers have tried to do
this by injecting synthetic copies of fragments
of the virus. They are safe. But
unfortunately none seems to work very
see Health, page 12
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Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings, pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HOPE HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
formerly TOHRHIV Prevention Programs
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Stephen Peake, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Specialized in
HIV Care
Primary Care Medicine
and Psychotherapeutic
We are currently enrolling
participants in HIV/AIDS
investigational drug trials.
Call us and ask for
Drug Study 1o see
if you qualify.
2325 South Harvard,
Suite 600, Tulsa 74114
Monday - Friday
9:30-4:30 pm, 743-1000
Mark Bizjack
Digital Cellular Service
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney who will fight for
justice & Equality for
Gays & Lesbians
Domestic Partnership Planning,
Personal Injury,
Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are aw
Volunteers Sought
Genital Herpes
Treatment Study
Volunteers are needed to participate in’a medical research
study evaluation an experimental plant-derived antiviral drug
that is a topical gel for the treatment of recurrent genital
herpes in conjunction with a standard of care oral antiviral
Interested individuals must be 18 year of age or older, have
AIDS and have herpes outbreaks in the genital area.
Involvement in this study will require visits to the clinic 3
days a week, a total of 8 visits.
There is no cost to subjects accepted into the study. All
study related examinations, laboratory test and study drug
will be-free of charge. This study is being conducted by Dr.
Stephen T. Peake and Dr. Jeffrey A. Beal at 2325 South
Harvard, Suite 600, Tulsa 74114-3300
Individuals interested in knowing more about this study are
encouraged to call Dr. Peake or Dr. Beal at (918) 743-1000
for additional information.
What’s it all about, Alfie?!
by Dr. Michael D. Gorman
Since I have been writing these columns
on physical health, fitness, nutrition
supplementation, etc., youfolks have been
calling me up and thanking me for the
information. However, a lot of you have
asked, "Why are there no colunms on
your specialty, Chiropractic?" Well, here
I come, Baby!!
Let’s look at the literal meaning of the
word "Chiropractic." Chiro means "by
hand" and practie means "to practice,"
thus, practice by hand or the "adjustment."
Many folks simply call it "getting
popped" or "cracked." Whatever you call
it, simply put, it simply works. I have
never seen amore effective way of reliev -
ing nerve, bone, and muscle painthan
Chiropractic...BAR NONE.
I have many friends who are either
Medical Doctors or Doctors of. Osteopathy
who practice in the field from Family
Practice to Neuro Surgery. They refer
patients to me and come to get adjustments
themselves. We are no longer at
war with one another, but now work together
as a bett~r healthcare team. This
cooperation allows us to get our patients
into "tip-top" shape as soon as possible.
The interdisciplinary battlefield began
to dissipate in the late 70’s when the
Chiropractic’Colleges (post-graduatelevel
programs) went to four-year programs.
The prerequisites for entrance into a
Chiropracticprogram areexactly the same
as those for medical schools, with B.S.
degrees .preferred.
The Chiropractic post-graduate programs
contain similar curricula as the
medical programs with the exception that
the Chiropractic programs lack intense
study of medicine (prescription drugs)
and surgical procedures. Interns of
Chiropractic then practice for one year in
an outpatient clinic setting (operated
through the college, e.g.O.S.U. Medical
Clinic on Southwest Blvd.), and then go
on to complete a one-year preceptorship
(or residency). After this preceptorship is
complete, theindividual is eligible to "sit"
for national and state board examinations.
Ifhe or she passes them (many do not, but
I did!!), he or she is allowed to go into
either private or group practice as a Licensed,
Board Certified Chiropractor.
Basically, Chiropractors are instructed at
a Family Practice-type level with extreme
emphasis on the neuro-musculo-skeletal
Well, Doe, you still haven’t answered
the question of, "What is Chiropractic?"
Well, I’m getting there... Chiropractic is
so simple that people just have a difficult
time understanding it. Our world today
likes to make things so complex. Complex
makes for heartburn and heart attacks.
Simple means a long, good life free
ofpain(s): Do you really think our creator
so hated us that he would put the cure for
cancer in an alien life-form’s urine that
only exists on the surface of Jupitor??
Your body (and. mine, too) takes in all
the information from the environment
around you. It makes all the drugs and
decisions in order to respond, adapt, and
survive. Our brain, through our nervous
system via the spinal cord and nerves that
exit the cord through the bony vertebrae,
control everything. When these nerves
get pinched off by the bones in our backs
and necks moving out of proper position,
the brain’s signals get cut offboth coming
and going, sensory in and motor control
out. That’s why a "muscle spasm" in your
back takes so. long to go away.
The muscles attach to the spine, and
when they get out of proper position, they
pinch the nerve that goes to the muscle,
throwing it into spasm and causing it to
furtherpull the spine out ofposition which
further pinches the nerve that goes to the
muscle furthering the muscle spasm ad
infinitum... Well, my friends, this just
messes up your day, royally (as myfriend,
Dr. Mike Royal, says). "Well,how do I fix
it, Doc? Can I really expect results, and
can I afford it?"
My duty as a Doctor of Chiropractic is
to specifically adjust the out of place
spinal bones back into proper position.
That’s it! Kinda simple, but it took eight
years ofpost-secondary education tolearn
how to do it properly. A Chiropractic
adjustmentcan causeproblems ifnotdone
correctly. Myaverage treatmentrtms about
$35.00, and an average course of treatment
is twelve treatments. People always
ask, ’"What’about the treatments 3, 4, or 5
times a week, can’t I just take a pill?"
Chiropractic treatments are like muscle
conditioning at the gym. We work with
the muscular and skeletal components.
You can’t go one time to the gym or take
one pill and come out looking like Arnold
Schwarzenegger or Cindy Crawford.
When I put the spine back into proper
alignment, sometimes it has been "out" so
long that it takes several adjustments to
get relief.
~’Well, Doe, what kind of problems besides
muscle spasms and low back and
neck pain does Chiropractic work on?"
The list is long and can help solve many
surprising problems that plague modernday
society. Chiropractic has helped to
stop headaches (including migraines),
asthma and allergies, heartburn, irritable
bowel syndrome and bladder problems,
prostate and female problems to name a
few. It doesn’t work oneveryone, but then
medicine doesn’t either. Be skeptical, be
careful, choose your doctor(s) wall, but
give it a try.
I don’t just use Chiropractic. I also use
accupuncture and the latest exercise, nutrition,
nutraceutieals, and supplementation
in order to help the body heal. In
addition, I also workin concert withmany
of my M.D. and D.O. friends to get my
patients the help they need. What bothers
me the most is that many of the patients I
treat havehad prior surgeries andmedical
treatments for their back and neck problems.
They never consulted a Chiropractor
before they had the invasive treatments.
Yet, here they are, still in pain in
my office for conservative Chiropractic
What’s wrong with this picture? Well,
I’m not a junior Einstein, but it seems I
would try the Chiropractic approach before
I let someone stick a 10-inch needle
intomy spine or cut out someofmy spinal
bones. This, again, seems too simple. What
if Chiropractic is just what youneed to get
well, and you don’t try it?? Grasp it!!
Dr. Michael Gorman practices in the
Tulsa area at 4775 S. Harvard, Suite C,
712-5514.He is a Board Certified Chiropractor
and Accupuncturist, has a B.S.
degree in Nutrition. He also is an active
bodybuilder, and does fitness, nutrition,
and supplement counseling.
There was a day when summers were _"
slow times for the arts but that can no ¯
longer really be said. From June 13 - 22, "
Bartlesvitlc, Oklahoma becomes one of ¯
the best places in the country for classical ."
music. That town’s
Community Center,
designed in the manner
of famous architect,
Frank Lloyd
Wright, may be ugly
but it has great acoustics.
It is the primary
site for performances
of the OK Mozart International
Festival at
which you can hear,
Mozart, of course, but
many other composers
presented by worldclass
performers. This
year, Itzhak Perlman
and English actress,
Claire Bloom are perhaps
the most famous
names but all performers are worthy of :
your attention. For ticket and other infor- ¯
marion, call: 918-336-9800. "
Later in the month, Philbrook Museum ¯
will open its show on contemporary Venezuelanart:
Nortedel Sur. 16 artists work- "
ing in almost every medium will display ¯
some Of the richness of this other Ameri- ¯
can culture. A number of lectures and "
guided tours (in Sp~sh as wall as in ¯
English) will be given as well. Call for :
details: 748-5309. Philbrook will also be "
continuing its summer tr~adition of films :
on the lawn. The gates open at 7pm for :
picnics and the films begin at 9pro ($3/ ¯
Angelitos, 1995, Philbrook Museum
of Art, Norte del Sur: Venezuelan Art
Today, June 22th throughAugust 17th
members, $5/non-members). The first in . youth. For information, call: 49.2-8863.
the series, "Broadway Hits That Became
Hollywood Home Runs!" is Arsenic and
Old Lace, directed by Frank Capra and
starring the ever gay and charming Cary
Beginning in June,
Philbrook will display
College, a native
-American institution
founded in Muskogee
.tin.1881. Since-1935
wi~h the beginning of
Bacone’s Art Departmerit,
the college has
been animportantcenter
for native Ameri-
Summerstage 1997
whichusually happens
later in the season is
being held in June because
the Tulsa Performing
Arts Center
.neededrenovations. MostofSummerstage
is reruns: Always...Patsy Cline and Forever
Plaid (again) but Six Degrees of
Separation is new tO Tulsa, unlike Grease
broughtbackby thenot-very-Gay-friendly
Celebrity Attractions.
Last but not least, longtime Tulsa art
teacher and artist, Opel Thorpe is having
a retrospective show of works from 1917
to 1997 at the Oklahoma Art Workshops,
6953 So. 66th E. Ave. through June &
July. The show not only honors a remarkable
person but also benefits Youth Services
of Tulsa which has programs to
assist Lesbian, Gay, Bi and questioning
Sponsored by OTGO Petroleum Corporation -
Contemporary Consortium- Oklahoma A~ts Council.
Organized by CALARA Foundation, Caracas, Venezuela.
$5/GUEST @ THE GATE, 18+
benefiting Tulsa Area AIDS Agencies
June 13, 14 & 15
Warren Place Doubletree Hotel
Dinner or Brunch, Cash Bar & Performance
Tickets on sale at 596-7111 or 584-2000. Outside Tulsa, call 800-364-7111.
SixDegrees ofSeparation
by John Guare, Presented by Theatre Pops, Randall Whalen, director
Preview Performance to Benefit
TOHWThe Pride Center
$8 advance, $10 at the door
Wednesday, June 18th, 8pm
Liddy Doenges Theatre, Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Tickets available at the Pride Picnic, at the Pride Store, 1307 i=. 38th St.,
2nd floor, and at the door. Info: 583-1248.
This Summerstage 1997 production is made possible through the assistance of
the Tulsa Performing Arts Center Trust, and the Oklahoma Arts Council.
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th,583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pro, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 1703 E. 2rid, 749-0595
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 Service;~ 1:1 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Cbmmunity Church ofGreater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood; Info:838,~1715
Social group for men, 1st Sun/each too. 4-6pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/GayiTransgendered Alliance
Not active this summer. Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIT Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-9pro, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussion Group, Borders Bookstore
1st MoWeach month, 7:30pro, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955, July Book is Mcrcedcs
Lackey’s Magic’s Pawn
Womens Literature Discussion Group, Borders Bookstore
3rd MoWeach month, 7:30pm, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pm, Helmerich Park, 71st &~Riverside, 587-6557
Unity Lambda Al-anon, 7:30pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
Lesbian Mothers Support Group, 2nd÷4th Tues/ea. mo. 7pm, 1307 E.
HIT+ Support Group, HIT Resource Consortium 1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I, Info: Wanda @ 749-4i94
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIT/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family HIT?AIDS
Support Group- 7 pm, L~cations. call: 749=7898
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaithMCC PraiseiPrayer-6:30pm, Choir-7:30,5451-E S. Mingo. 622,1441
TNAAPP, Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
Gay/Bi Native American Mens Group, 6 pm, , 1703 E. 2nd, 582-7225, 584-49K3
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for scheduled events.
lnfo: 631-7632 or Jeremyat 712-1600
Co-Dependency Support Grou.pf 7:30 Family of Faith, 5451E S. Mingo, 622-1441
HOPE, HIT Outreach’ Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIT Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm, Results: 7 - 9pro, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
SupportJsocial group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 663-7272
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pro, Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each too. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIT/AIDS 4154 S. Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, Info: 749-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, l st Fri/eachmo. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Arts Coffeehouse, Poetry readings & art display, June 20th, 8-10pro, Pride Ctr.,
Call Mary for more information: 743-6740
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pro, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info:--585-1800
Fun Night at the Center, Board games, videos, June 28th, 6-10pro, Prid~Ctr.
Call Kathy for more information:~ 749-2883
T.U.LS.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
SENSES, Society for Exploring New Sensations, Educating & Socializing
l_~ave message for Kathy, 743-4297
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Rides: Short Ride, 6/25,
6:30pro; Long Ride, 6/28, 7am; Short Rides, 7/2+ 7/9, 6:30pro; Long Rides, 7/5 +
7/12,. All rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center, 3903 W. 4th St.,
revtewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Here is anew approach: instead
of clogging the bookshelves
with another coming
out book, AIDS drama or title
thatpits gays against religious
political extremists, author
MichaelThomas Ford has created
a book to help people
who have just acknowledged
that they are gay. It could easily
be called Gay 101, and is a
simple, basic guide to items
of interest to gays of either
There are many short chapters,
withheadings like "Finding
the Gay Community,"
"What Does Being Gay
Mean?" and "Do I Have to
Like Judy Garland?"- In between
these chapters, there are
brief profiles of famous gays
and "portraits" of gay life in a
handful ofmajor NorthAmerican
The format is meant to be
used in an informal way. The
author advises the reader to
skip around, reading sections
of interest, instead of reading
thebook cover to cover. Turning
to almost any section, a
fun and interesting world will
open to those readers who are
exploring their sexual orientation.
Fordincludes "top ten"
lists for a variety of subjects,
including "10 Cities with Significant
Gay and Lesbian
Populations," "10 Things You
CanDoto FightHomophobia"
and "10 Colleges and Universities
Popular with Gay Students.’"
One interesting chapter is ’%Vhy Do
Some People Hate Us?: Homophobia."
¯ Here, Ford gets down to the basics: "Hundreds
of gay women and men are beaten
Hundreds of
gay women and
men are beaten
up and killed
every year, just
because someone
doesn’t llke
them. More are
injured in far
less obvious
ways. There are
entire polltleal
backed by millions
of dollars
just to get laws
passed that say
~ay people
cannot have
equal !~roteetlon
and equal
We have to
learn how not
to let
prevent us from
living proudly
and happily as
gay people.
June 15th, from 4ish to sunset. The statewide
Pride Parade will be preceded by
several events on Sunday, June 22 at
Memorial Park, NW 35th & Classen.
There will be an Ecumenical Pride Worship
Service, followed by a Holy Union
Ceremony at lpm conducted by The Rev.
Kathy McCallie. At 1:45, apolitical rally
is plannedby OGLPC, theOklahomaGay
& Lesbian Political Caucus, with Paul
Barby, Candidate for US Congress, 5th
District andMaryKatherine Smotherman,
Candidate for US Congress, 6th District
Oklahoma, speaking. Sen. Bemest Cain
of OKC will read a Senate Proclamation
honoring the Gay Pride Parade. Then the
Parade Line-up (first come, first lined up)
will start at 3pro, and the Parade itself will
kick off at 4pm (more or less). For more
information, call the Pride Center Helpline
at 743-4297.
Saint Aidan’s
4045 NO. Cincinnati, 425-7882
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
up and killed every year, just
because someone doesn’t like
them. More are injured in far
less obvious ways. There are
entire political campaigns
backed by millions of dollars
just to get laws passed that say
gay people cannot have equal
protection and equal
fights...We have to learn how
not to let homophobia prevent
us from living proudly and
happily as gay people." Ford
highlights "important reasons
why all of us have to be aware
of homophobia and how to
confront it."
Ford tosses in some etymology
in the chapter "What
Does Being Gay Mean?"Most
people know that ’lesbian"
comes from Sappho’s Greek
island Lesbos, but it’s a bit
unsettling to realize that "faggot"
actually refers to ’~he
bundles of wood used as kindling
to get fires burning. In
medieval times, gaymenwere
often burned to death by tying
them to a stake surrounded by
a pile of wood."
"The World Out There" is
primarily targeted at young
adults who are adjusting to
their sexual orientation. Those
world-weary readers will
yawn through much Of this
book, but if they search, they
too will find some absorbing
facts and bits of interest.
Check for ’The World Out
There" and other books of interest
at your local branch library,
or call the Readers Ser-
¯ vices department at 596-7966
of faith from around the country. The
¯ collection is a visible representation of
those persons who have been barred from
¯ serving their faith communities because
of their sexual orientation.
¯ Presbyterians for Lesbian!Gay Con-
" cems (PLGC) will host a luncheon ($10)
on June 27 at 11am at the Chapman Actlwlaes
Center North Patio at the University
of Tulsa which will feature Scott
Anderson.speaking about the latest developments
in PLGC efforts to act as advocates
for Gay & Lesbian Presbyterians.
The organization will also have a booth at
the Tri-Presbytery Gathering. PLGC,
Oklahoma Chapter began in February
1996. They brought to Tulsa, Stillwater
and OKC, last May, the Rev. Janie Spahr,
a Lesbian evangelist and Virginia
Davidson, former Vice Moderator of the
Presbyterian governing body, the General
Assembly. For more information about
PLGC Oklahoma, write to POB 54606,
OKC, 73154.
Church of the Restoration
1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
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Leah Hunt, MSW Richard Reeder, MS
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Serving a Diverse Community
byJean-Pierre Legrandbouche " throughout the meal.
TFN Food Critic : A wide variety of appetizers are avail-
With Father’s Day just around the cor- ¯ able for the tntly hungry, from sauteed
ner, one need not steel oneself for the " mushrooms ($2.50)andfriedchickenlivannualonslaughtofdreadfultiesgivenby
¯ ers ($3.95) to a traditional shrimp cocktail
gleefultoddlers(orspitefulex-wives)and ($5.25), and even a small rack of baby
the traditional trek to Denny’s
for the ritual family meal.
There’s a popular place in
Tulsa where one can comfortably
take thewholefamily and
still get a decent-meal out of
the bargain. Whether it’s the
kids’ treat or a place to take a
more mature dad, everyone
will behappy with the Spudder
Hidden away in an old, convetted
Sirloin Stockade on
50th Street just one block east
of Sheridan, long time Tulsa
favorite Spudder takes its oil
field theme seriously, and a
tall drilling rig is assembled
outside the front entrance. The
aromas of grilling meats wafting
tantalizingly through the
air will quickly entice the undecided
to enter the unpretentious
Upon entering the dining
room, one is immediately hit
with a sensory overload of
colorful oil field and gas station
memorabilia. The kids
will love the old gasoline staffonpumps,
lights, andoil company
signs from around the
state and the wortd. Walls are
also filled with old photographs
of the oil patch, and
even the tables have photos
and newspaper clippings
decoupaged on their top surfaces.
And, for some unexplained
reason (a great garage
sale bargain perhaps??), the
occasional marlin is mounted
and hanging on the walls. Back by the
open charcoal grill is a large refrigerated
case displaying the meats soon to become
Diners are greeted by youthful and
friendly waiters attired in blue overalls
With bright red shirts underneath, who
efficiently provide the dinner service during
the evening. On our recent visit, we
approvingly noticed several waiters tendin:
to tables where things needed doing,
regardless as to whether or not that table
as that waater s responsibility. So, while
not trained in the art of degant service,
cheerful service comes from every angle,
and a patron need not go long for drink
refills, having plates removed, or other
necessary tasks. Another service surprise
was the pre-set flatware--two knives, two
forks, and three spoons. Had they only
laced them on the tables instead of wraping
them up in a napkin, we would have
been orgasmic with glee!~
This restaurant wants all of its diners to
be well fed and go away stuffed. None of
that a la carte thing here,-every entree
comes with the house potato soup (a thin
soup with chunks of potato and celery, a
distinct chive taste, and a mild, peppery
bite), house salad, and baked potato with
all of the trimmings. After taking the
dinner orders, the waiters come back to
the table beating an old, black tin lunch
pail, which serves as the bread basket
6530 E. 5oth
5:30 - lOpm,-
Mon Thurs
until 9 on Sun
5 to llpm,
Fri- Sat
All major
Full bar, minor
wine l~st.
non- moldn
and smol~n~
A li t
back ribs ($6.95).
Spudder, in true Oklahoma
style, is basically a stealdaouse.
So, the entree choices are filled
with all types and cuts ofbeefsteak
ranging from the ribeye
at $13.95 to a 22-ounceTbone
at $22.95. For an additional
$1.50, a choice of santeed
mushrooms and onions,
cognac sauce, or cracked peppercorns
can be added to the
steak. Other animals make
their way on to the menu as
well, such as the pork chops,
$12.95, lamb chops, $20.95,
and grilled chicken, $11.95.
There are also a couple of fish
and shrimp selections available,
but as we wandered
through the dining room on
the night of our visit, we did
not see a single plate of seafood.
Spudder’s non--vegetarian
patrom~hre there for the
steak. "
When our :sirloin strips and
rib-eyes arrived hot and sizzling
at the ~tble, we were all
quite pleasant with what we
found. EachCcut of beef was
very thickl3~ cut and glistenin_
g with_juices, and, as we
sliced and tasted our way into
the tender meat, we were so
pleased to find the taste of
aged beef, simply charcoaled
and grilled well. No hickory
smoke, no mesquite smoke,
and none of those Lebanese
marinades which overpoweringly
pervade the meat at so
many of Tulsa’s local stenkhouses.
Not forgetting the kiddies in the 12 and
under set, a Junior Oilman dinner for
$4.95 gives the children their choice of
fried shrimp, chicken fingers, ground sirloin,
or a pork chop.
Stuffed and happy as we were at the
conclusion of our meals, wehad to try out
the dessert selections. At Spudder, the
choices are simple and inexpensive--all
$2.95--and include two types of fruit cobbler,
the ubiquitous cheesecake, and a
rocky road chocolate mousse cake. Our
cute, dimpled waiter said his favorite dessert
was the mousse cake, so we suecumbed
and ordered one slice to share
amongst the whole table. It arrived, frozen
solid, and full of marskmallows and
peanuts, obviously a commercially prepared
dessert. We weren’t overly fond of
it, but reminded ourselves that it was only
$2.95, so we didn’t complain.
A small wine list is available, mostly
consisting of the popular Californialabels
and some minor French appellations. Imported
beers seemed to be more of what
the largely male clientele chose to drink.
All in all, an evening at Spudder is a
pleasant experience, and is suitable for
family dining all times of the year. Alas,
they don’t take reservations, so look for a
bit of a wait on Father’s Day; nevertheless,
this is a place where we wouldn’t
mind waiting.
This failure makes an attenuated!vaccine
worth studying, say federal health officials,
if only for the dues it may offer for
creating other, safer vaccines. But they
show little interest in giving a crippled
form of HIV to people. "That will be a
very hard sdl," said Dr. Carole Heilman,
associate director ofthe Division ofAIDS
at the National Institute of Allergy Infectious
Those who believe in this approach -
and Desrosiers says thenumbers are growing
- aclcmowledge the need to be extremely
cautious, but they are frustrated
that safety worries have blocked its development
almost entirely. They agree that
even a small chanceofan adversereaction
may make this vaccine too hazardous for
the general U.S. population, which is at
little risk of AIDS. But for those at high
risk - young gay men and drug addicts in
the United States and millions of adults in
other parts of the world - the benefit of
evading AIDS may well outweigh any
"Our concern is five years down the
road, what if none of the current vaccine
candidates work, but we continue to have
a raging epidemic?" said Dr. Margaret
Johnston, head of the Rockefeller
Foundation’s international AIDS vaccine
initiative. "We need to be able to make a
decision about whether thi s will go into
humans based on data."
To help get this information, her organization
plans tO finance a $1 million-ayear
study, involving perhaps 200 monkeys,
to look at the long-term health effects.
Others would like to start giving the
human version of the vaccine to small
groups of volunteers right mvay. Sullivan
proposes trying it out first on terminally
ill cancer patients. While this would not
prove it prevents AIDS, the experiment
would at least offer some initial information
about how the body responds to it.
Dr. Charles Farthing, medical director
of the AIDS Healthcare Fomadation in
Los Angeles, is talking about recruiting a
group of doctors who would take it them-
.selves., without bothering with regulatory
agenoes or hospital committees. "We’ve
got to be courageous," Farthing said. "If
20 or 100 doctors are willing to give this
to each other, certainly we can do a trial
with young gay men at risk in this coun-
Another idea is to convince a country in
Africa Or Asia, where the need .is dearly
much greater, to manufacture the vaccine
and carry out large-scale testing with outside
help. Desrosiers and others plan to go
to Africa this spring to talk it over with
scienusts and government officials. Supporters
concede this, too, may be a hard
sell. Africans will naturally wonder why
they should inject themselves with a vaccine
that is deemed too dangerous for
Americans to take,
Once human experiments start,
Desrosiers estimates it will take another
decade to prove the vaccine safe and effective.
"Even the most vocal opponent
would argue this is the best vaccine you
could make," he said. "The big issue is
safety, safety, safety.’"
Blasts Doctors
DETROIT (AP) - Heiress Mary Fisher,
who galvanized the past two Republican
National Conventions by describing her
fight against AIDS, is accusing the medical
profession of apathy toward the epidemic.
The daughter of Michigan multimil.~ ~,.
lionaire Max Fisher and longtime GOP
activist contracted the virus from her late
ex-husband. Ms. Fisher has spentmuch of
the past five years campaigning for AIDS
awareness and the aggressive pursuit of a
But in remarks delivered on her behalf
Thursday to graduates of the Wayne State
University School of Medicine in Detroit,
Ms, Fisher said her dealings with the
medical profession have left her "frnstr~
ited to the point of rage"
"MaiT’Fisher, the girl next door, the
blond Republican, the woman who produces
encouraging photographs and delivers
inspiring speeches - Mary Fisher is
struggling to care about whether she lives
or dies," she wrote in a letter read aloud to
the graduates by Deborah Dingell, president
of the General Motors Foundation.
Ms. Fisher, 49, attacked doctors "’whose
primary purpose in life is to secure enough
money to perfect ... long putts and slippery
chip shots." Too many physicians
hav~ refusedto treat AIDS patients out of
fear their practices will be harmed, and
too many have failed to keep abreast of
new developments in AIDS research, she
wrote. "I’ve visited far too many physicians
in recent years who passed their
finals but failed to keep learning," wrote
Ms. Fisher, who lives in Nyack, N.Y. "As
a result, I knew more about myhealth than
they did... What such physicians cured
was not my disease, but my confidence in
Her spokesman, James Heynen, said
Ms. Fisher is not dying. "She’s OK.... She
iust hurts," Heynen toldThe DetroitNews
m a report published Friday. "She’s sad,
she’s sick, she’s emgry.’"
Teenage HIV/AIDS
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - Christopher
Blount is no stranger to the dangers of
AIDS. He’s known three people who died
from it. He works for a program that sends
a mobile home into Newark’s housing
projects and other communities to offer
literature, condoms and free HIV testing.
He gets tested regularly. Christopher
Blount is 17 years old.
That puts him in an age group increasingly
at risk of contracting the disease.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
figure that as many as half the
estimated 40,000 to 80,000new HIV cases
each year are in people under 25. This is in
spite of the fact that they are growing up
m an era when AIDS prevention messages
are all around them, on billboards
and television and in the schools.
Part of the problem, medical experts
and young people say, is the natural inclination
of young people to believe in their
own invincibility. "There are too many
kids that are hardheaded, nonchalant,"
Blount said. "They’re not willing ’to accept
what’s going, on.’"
And they say that while the message is
out there it is not being taught well enough
to reach the people who need to hear it.
"’Prevention can work, but we don’t have
the will fiscally and politically to do what
it takes. Thepreventionmessages wehave
are ineffective," said Dr. Robert Johnson,
director of the division at the University
of Medicine and Dentistry of NewJersey
that runs the mobile testing program.
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"Clearly, we are not doing a good
enough job," said Dr. Marcia Sokol-
Anderson, assistant professor in the Division
of Infectious Diseases and Immunology
at the St. Louis University Medical
School. "We don’t know the best way to
approach this group." Although 39 states
offer training on how to address everything
from Condom use and HIV testing to
sexual behavior, only 31 percent of those
who teach AIDS prevention in schools
were trained, the CDC said in September.
TheCDCalso found thatmore ilian half
ofAIDS-preventionprograms were taught
as part of another class, such as biology,
rather than a health education course. In
most of those cases teachers only covered
basic facts about the disease. Many teachers
tiptoed around the issue of how to use
a condom, with only 37.1% of health
education teachers offeringinstruction and
15.2% of other teachers talking about it.
A White House report in March said
that although most school systems provide
some AIDS education, many prohibit
discussion of sexual intercourse,
homosexuality and condom use. "We are
offering abstinence as an opraon, but that’s
not the realistic option," said Dr. Mark
Katz of Kaiser Permanente of Southern
California, a health maintenance orgauization.
"We’re hampered by the religious
and. political obstruction to the idea that
kids have sex."
Workers in the UMDNJ mobile testing
program hand out condoms and try to
educate young people, but Johnson says
he focuses on getting those who are at
high risk tested. CDC figures show the
Newark metropolitan area has the seventh-
highest AIDS rate in the country,
with73.9 new cases per 100,000 peoplein
1996. In the state, that figure is second
only to the neighboring Jersey City-
Hudson County area, which had 97.7 new
cases per 100,000 people last year, third
in the nation. The national average is 34.1
Want to Go See
Ellen in LA?
Local travel agent, Vanessa Welch, of
International Tours of Claremore has
openings on a long week-end trip to LOs
Angeles to attend a taping of Ellen
DeGeneres’ Ellen program. The trip is
planned for mid-August (the exact dates
depend on the availability of tickets for
tapings) and will allow enough lime for
seeing parts of Hollywood, and greater
LOs Angeles.
Accommodations will be centrally locate.
d in very Gay West Hollywood, convement
to major Lesbian and Gay oriented
businesses, restaurants and dubs.
Good airfares have been available lately
and International Tours canprovide assistance
with all aspects of travel arrangements.
For more information, talk with
Vanessa or Rhonda at 341-6866.
When contacted, Turnbo stated to aTOHR
representative that itwas possible tomake
changes in the conference, but that he
(Tumbo) was unwilling to do so. He also
flatly refused to discuss his.reasons for
not including Lesbians and Gay men.
However, in statements made to The
Tulsa World, Turnbo said that "the issue
of human relations and diversity is of
: cases per. i00,000 people.
¯ There are no firm figures for AIDS
." cases among Newark teens, but Johnson
¯ -estimates there are between800 and 1,000
¯ HIV-positive teenagers in the city. "We
: have to find the kids who are infected and
: treat them," Johnson said. "If a kid is
: sexually active, get him tested. That is
¯ sound from a health point of view."
: Mustafa Harper, a 19-year-old worker
¯ in Johnson’s program, says it’s easier to
persuade people his own age to get tested
i than to preach to them. "It’s hard to tell
¯ teen-agers about abstinence," he said. "If
¯ they’vebeenhavingsexforyears, they’re
¯¯ going to stop now.’?" But director James
Anderson says the 9-month-old program
¯ has had some success in getting young
: people to think about safe sex, by using
¯ teen-agers to speak to teen-agers. ¯
On a recent trip though the city’s hous-
¯ ing projects on a rainy afternoon, the dark
¯ red mobile home was surrounded by ¯
people at each stop. The workers spent as
¯ much time in everyday conversation as
¯ theydidaskingpeopletogettested, some-
. thing Anderson says had led those in the
¯ community to trust them. "You’re look-
" ing at someone wholooks like you, who’s
¯ involved with the same stuff. You think,
¯ ’Maybe there’s some validity to this,""
Anderson said. "You need to utilize the
¯ proper messenger with the proper rues-
¯ sage, one that’ s culture sensitive and real-
¯ ity sensitive," he said. "~ou need to build ¯
¯ The first step is bei0g honest about
¯ young people and sexuality, said Paul
¯ Hampton Crockett, a Miami Beach, Na., attorney who has written~abook about the
: legal rights of HIV-posifive people. "We
don’twantto talk about sex. Parents are so
~ reluctant-to discuss it that they’re throw-
: ing their kids to the wolves," Crockett
¯ said. "The disease has taken roots in our
¯ blind spots, leaving our.young people at ¯
risk," he Said."We need to deode’ we wall"
not put the health of our ygung people as
a second priority to our embarrassment
about sex."
¯ crucial importance toall of us; that’s why
we felt it was important to address the
¯ issue this year." He. added that "better
¯ understanding creates an environment of
¯ respect among all races, religions and
¯ cultures."
TOHR responded in part to his com-
. ments to The Tulsa Worm with the fol-
¯ lowing: "’We find it utterly beyond any
: possible comprehension that an orgamza-
¯ tion would use a theme of ’diversity,’
." ’Together in Our Differences,’ while ignoting
the existence of Gay and Lesbian
¯ citizens andcommuaities across the state.
¯ Your goal of gaining better understanding
of human relations and diversity in
¯ order to create an environment of respect
¯ among all races, religions and cultures is
¯ admirable. However, since we are clearly
¯ one Of the many cultures that make the
¯" diversity of our state and city, and since
¯ we ~eparticularly anmnority culture that
¯ is the target of hate, violence and system-
: atic legal and social discrimination in
: TulsaandinOklahoma, we cannot under-
¯ stand why you would not want us to be
¯ enjoy equal respect and safety as other
: members of our state and city commu-
¯ nity," TOHR particularly criticized the
¯ hate crimes panel for not including Gay
¯ representation since the organizationcon_
: tinues to getreports ofpossiblehate crimes.
Leadership Oklahoma is a non-profit
¯ organization that seeks to train up and
conung community leaders to be effective
board members for non-profits.
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~ I, o. ~ .
TOBi,WhiteTHE SKYmale,INs,9,KlOWAwBitrhownThis hairTransgendBerl’auned FALCON VIDEO STAR I’m the star of TRANS tREAT IN TULSA I believe that a hot
TELE TRANS I’m interested in speaking on fhe
phone with crossdressers, Transvestites, and
Transsexuals, and couples. I’m 5’8, 145 bs, with
Blue eyes, long Brown hair, and a mustache. I’m
Bi curious anamay, eventually want to meat n
~rson, but let’s start on the phone. (Barltesville)
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
COOL CAT IN CATOOSA I seek friendship,
or mare, with other young, Gay, White males in
Ihe a~a. I’m a 19 year old Gay White male,
5’6, 1451bs, with very sho~ Blad~ ~ir, Green
eyes, and a mediumbuild. If you’re 18 to 25,
and don’l use drugs, I want to meet you.
(Catoosa) =1135
meat other Gay males br fun, friendship and,
maybe, more. I’m an attractive Gay,White
male, 26 6’2, 1801bs with light Brown ha r and
Blue eyes. I’m lonely sometimes and look
forward to hearing from you. (Claremore)
AND OUT OF BREATH I’m a 36 year old
White male, former athlete, leaking for
companionship. The following are some of my
traits: compassionate, God fearing, humorous,
non perfect, lonely sensuous, hairy, stocky
loving, adventurous, careful, mystical, playful
romantic, tender, masculine,sincere, committed,
and always self seeking. (Claremare) =12057
MANLY PASTrlMBS I’m a good leaking,
masculine White mole, 5’7, with a marin~
haircut, and Hazel eyes. I like hunting, fishing,
and sports. I’d like to meet other men in the area
to hang out with. (Grand Lake) ~2553~
KEEP IT HONEST I’m leaking for a nice guy,
and able communicator, with whom I can s~nd
time and build something special. I’m a 32 year
old, Gay, White male, interested in romance
and quiet times wilh my pa~er. I like long
walks, biking, and honest communication.
(Henrietta) =32520
old, Bi male is a sexy Transvestite. I’m 5’9, with
Brown hair and Blue eyes. I’m searching fer a
gorgeous Gay, or Bi, male, 27 to 30, who is
good, kind, and friendly. Hurry! (Kiowa)
eyes, seaks a Transgender, Bi, or Gay, male,
between 25 and 30. You should be loving,
kind, and good looking. (Kiowa) e2Sg59
OKIE FROM MUSKOGEE This 21 year old,
Gay, White male, 5’11, 1751bs, with Blond
hair, and Blue eyes, seaks hot men for fun
times, often travel to Tulsa and other a~as.
(Muskogee) =12437
adventurous, 27, 6fi, 1501bs, with light Brown
hair, and Brown eyes.. I want to meat guys into
uninhibited action
THIS STOCK WILL RISE I’m a friendly,
19 yeai" old, White male, 5’10, 1351bs,
with Brown hair and Hazel eyes. Right
now I’m just looking for friends but who
knows what the future might bring? Call
me. (Tulsa) =1975
QUICK DRAW I’d fike to get to know
some other guys who like t~ have fun ’m
a well built, White male, 6’2, 1901bs. I
enjoy drawing and music, especia y
alternative and industrial mus c f you’d
like to make a new friend, give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~2038
fr~, smoke flee, alcohol flee, Gay, White
male, 25, 5’8, with Brown hair and Hazel
eyes~ seeks a similar man, 21 to 30, for a
life together. I’m a nice, c~ring person
with a good sense of humor. I en oy all
music, movies, dancing, and quiet nights
athome. (Tulsa) =!896
TEDDY BEAR NIGHTS This 39 yea~ old,
White male, 5’9, 1401bs, is looking for a
sentimental guy, over 25, with wh~m to share
romantic evenings, cooking, family, music and
cuddling. (Tulsa) =1350 ’
COUNTRY LOVE I was brought up on a
}arm south of Dallas so I love country life. I’m a
good looking, 31 year old, White male, 6’3,
with Brown hair and eyes. I’m easy going,
caring, and loving andl’m looking
for the love of my life. i like young
cowboys, 18 to 25. I’m into
rodeo, and most music. (Tulsa)
decided that I deserve
to meat the man
of my
I’m an honest,
professional, Gay,
White male, 38,
5’9, 1551bs~ with
Brown hair, Blue eyes,
a beard, and hairy
body. I’m very
energetic, and get
pleasure from
road trips, movies, dining out, and
home life. (Tulsa)
and do fun stuff with some new friends. I’m a
good looking, Gay, Cherokea Indian male
5’8, 1451bs, with Black hair and Brown ~s
I’m into all kinds of things. I like to swim, work
out, play basketball andtennis, and enjoy the
company of my friends. I’m most attracted to
Blond haired, Blue eyed, guys but would like to
meat all. (Tulsa) =33664
several hot videos by Falcon and other
studios. I’m visiting relatives and am bored
stiff. The natives want me to go fishing but I’ve
got other things on my mind. I’m 29, 6’1,
1901bs, with clirty Blond hair, Green eyes,
and savage ton. I’m in great shape. Got any
ideas on how I should spend my time? (Tulsa)
TWO FOR ONE IN TULSA We’re c sexy,
Gay, White couple, 25 and 26. We’re
looking for a real ’man -
(Tulsa) ~33378
BRONCO RIDER I’m a 21 year old,
masculine, cowbc~y, seeking a soulmate, i’m
5’11,1451bs, wilh short Brown hair, Blue eyes,
and a fit body. I love rodeos, hunting, fishing,
span’s, country music, and the outdoors. (Tulsa)
NEW FACES I’m a good Io~king,
male, 6ft, 1701bs, with Brown hair ana eyes.
go to school during the day and wonder what’s
going on at night. Show me. (Tulsa) ~e32079
IN TRANSITION I want to build a relationship
with anolher.gead looking, Gay, Male,
Transvestite. I’m 26, 5’9. with Brown hair and
Blue eyes. You should be clean, nice, and
fun. I hope we can have a long term
relationship. (Tulsa) =$0728
attractive, 21
year old, Black
male, 5’11,
want to make some
good friends. (Tulsa)
need a woman’s touch? I’m a 40
Tron.sgender, hoping to someday become a
complete woman. I love to play the feminine role
and give pleasure to men, over 40, in every
way. Race is unimportant. (Tulsa) ~!019S
man is good to find. This sensual, sexy, Bi male,
Transvestite, 42, 6ft, 1701bs, seeks B men 35 to
70, of all races. Let’s meet. (Tu so) =29954
TULSA TWO STEPPER Show me around town
and teach me the West Coast Sw ng. I’m a young
leaking, 34year old, Hispanic male, 5’4, 1251bs,
with Brown hair and eyes. I’m pretty new to town
and want to make friends. I love to dance and
can two step with the best of them. I’m a big fan
of coun~ music, movies, and love people. Let’s
meat. (Tulsa) ~29334
close to someone who is able to hove a
relationship without letling anyone else know
about it. I’m a flood looking, 27 year old
Married, Bi ma’[e. (l"ulso) =29225 ’
year old, recenlty Divorced, cowboy, seeks a
man who might be interested in a relationship.
i’m a good leaking bull rider with a nice build,
5’11, with Brown hair and Hazel eyes. I’m new
TO this scene and like to kiss, caress, and cuddle.
(Tulsa) e28662
; and have good times with, other ~’e’ or Bi, White moles~ between 18
e area. I m a good Fooking, Gay,
¯ 33, 6’1, 1651bs, with short Brown
k before you
male in my late forties. I’m looking for a very
discreet male to get tegether with. You should be
clean cut, conservative, no older than me. I enjoy
collecting books and jraveling. Let’s share our’
values and goals and see where that leads.
DisCretion is vitel. (Tulsa) =28803
END MY WAIT This old fashioned, romantic i~
looking for companionship and love from you.
Please call soon. (Tulsa) =14264
leaking, ~2 year old, White male,.seeks ~irile,
mascufine men. I have a good build tom frequent
workouts and daily jogs. (Tulsa) e28323
MY WIFE’S IN THE DARK I want to have
some fun with another man but my wife can’t
know anythingabout it. I’m 27 and good leaking
Call if you’re [un and can be discreet. (Tulsa)
TRUE IN TULSA I’m a masculine, muscular 21
year old~ Block male, 5’7, 1951bs, with BlocJ~’
hair, and Brown eyes, looking for new friends to
hang out with. I don’t do drugs or smoke, but
occasionally go out for drinks. I have lots of other
interests such as working out. Let’s meat and see
what happens. (Tulsa) =13047
TAKE OFF MY SASH I’m Mr. Tulsa Renegade,
and I w~nt to have some fun. I’m a very hot,
leather. I’ve been a runner up in the Mr.
Oklahoma Leather contest the last two years. Find
out what’s so hot about me. Call now. (Tulsa)
MY FIRST EXPERIENCE I"m 28 years old
Single White male, 6’, 1951b, Brown hair, Hazel
~es, mu~ular legs. Looking to meat someone
Iween the age 20 to 33. Must be Bisexual or
Straight to help me with my first experience with a
man. (Tulsa) =21939 ~
BLUE COWBOY This 55 year old,~ Wh te
male, cowboy, and businessman, would like to
meat a younger top man, betwean 35 and 55, to
live wilfi me in rural southeast Oklahoma. I’m
5’6, 1401bs, with short, thick Silver hair, striking
Blue eyes, and a mustache. You should be well
put together and desire this type of lifestyle.
BACK TO SCHOOL I’m into sports,
*navies, and the outdoors and I’d like to
meet a womyn who can share these
interests with me. I’m a 25 year old, "
While female, 5’6, 1701bs, with short
Brown hair and Brown eyes. I have a
:allege degree but am about to go back tc
~choal to get another. You should be
~etwean 25 and 35, and fun loving.
(Tulsa~ ~|4~6
TULSA TEMPTRESS This 26 year old,
White femaJe, seaks an outgoing, open
minded, Single~ Bi fema e, 21 to 38 for a
l~ssibfe liv~ in ~-elationship. i"m ~sl~cia~
interested in a wamyn witfi Red hair and"
Blue eyes who’s a casual drinker. I love to
play pool, dance, bowl go to movies
malls, and parks. (Tulsa) ~34531 ’
SPARE TIME I’m a Married¯ BI, female.
My husband is an executive so he is out of
town most of the time. I want to meat a
womyn to have fun with. I en ay going out
dancing, dining~ and traveling. Let’s
dance the night away. (Tulsa) ~31086
sweathearts, I want to meat a very specia]
I,ady who’d llke to have a wonderful time.
I re a Bi female with a lot to give. Let’s get
together ~ight away. (Tulsa) e30318
For a womyn, 24 to 30, who is romantic,
likes to dance, and enjoys sports and the
outdoors. You should also be interested in~
a long term relationship. I’m a Gay White
Female, 5’1, 1201bs, with shoul~r’iength,
Red hair and Green eyes. (Tulsa)
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, June 1997; Volume 4, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 5, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/536.