[1997] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 6


[1997] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


May 15-June 14, 1997


James Christjohn
Barry Hensley
Dr. Mike Gorman
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/ Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, April 15-May 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 5


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Gay Pride Events ¯ 13710,. Shah.een, then a senator, voted for the bill. Avoiding"
anothdr"potential~.Sen~d~feat last year, the House ~oted last : shefirstbecamein-
¯ volved, the com- . year to study the issue further. . ¯ reunifywasmoreor ¯ Rep. William McCann, the bill’s prime sponsor, cited the ¯
OETAToAir ProgramOnGay Hero . church’s new backing and Shaheen’s stance as two keys in : less just the clubs.
TULSA ~ The Pride Center/Tttlsa :Oklahomans for ¯ .winning passage Tuesday. "When the comer office isn’t oppos- Around197! , some
Human Rights have announced a partial-schedule for " tng you, it makes a difference," he said. ."
people involved
the 1997 Pride Events. In Tulsa, there will be a Pride " This year, the diocese played a key role in turning the tide by " with a Metropoli-
March & Picnic on Saturday, June 14. The. March is ¯ offering a compromise that provides the same prot,,ections but ¯ Tay Clare, director of the tan Community
planned to begin at 1 l:30am from near the Homeland says th~ statedoes nOt:approveofany sexual lifestyle other than " Free Spirit Woman’s Center Church in Okla-
Store at Gilcrease Road &Edison St. to Owen Park " the traditional marriage-based family." Supporters in the gallery : and longtime Tulsa activist, homa City wanted
(Edison St. at Quanah)where the Pride Picnic will be : cheered when the vote was annoullced. ¯ - tOhelporganizeone
held from noon to 5pro. There will be brief opening : Shaheen’s signature will make New Hampshire the 10th state i idninTesulsbae.foCrlearseherecdaelclsidbedei,n~gegterlL~~edpghionngeldy, steovegraelt
ceremonies from 12-12:30. The picnic is BYOF (bring ¯ to offer such protections. Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Massachu- ¯
your own food) but as in the past, refreshments donated : set.ts, Connecticut, Hawaii, California, New Jersey, Vermont and :: involved ,with what became MCC-Greater Tulsa.
by Pepsi, Coors, Miller & Bud will be served. Commu- ; . Mmnesotaalsobardiscriminationagainstgays~Mainehaspassed: gEraorulypmweeenttintghrsowugehre~thheeldStaepths etorwhoaurdsebaescothmeinngewa
nity organizations are encouraged to set up booths (call ¯ a similar bill. for information about suggested donation: 743-4297) .¯ Thebill, which passed the House 205-125, :adds sexual often- ... dcoifnfgerreegnat tlioocna,tioAnfst:e. rOsnoemweastitmhee,ptuhbeligcrloiburparmy,eatnadt
Vollyball and tennis courts are available. It should be : tation to existing anti:discrimination protections based on age, . another was the old "street school:’ .whereappar-
"family fun" for all. sex, race~ color, ethnicbac.kground, physical0rmentaldisability, ¯ ently several other congregadom:also met. Clare
Several Tulsa congregations will be holdingPride marital stems, religious or political beliefs. It also protects state
Worship Services. At this time,.the following are con- : workers. Complaints would be filed with thestate Human Rights ! jokes that for a while it was the Catholics at 10am
firmtd: a service at Community Unitarian Universalist ¯ Commission. Existing exemptions for small family businesses . .aanndotlhdebHaormonosAexdumailrsaal tw1h1i.cLhatreeretkheedgorofubpe.erernatnedd
Congregation on June 1 st, 1 lam, see Pride, page 13 ." and some rentals would not be affected. See Rights, page 12 . cigarettes but~.: .see Clare, page 3
i arriage Updat.p i_,u!sa sG sWet i ’
Latest omRawaii i At Cracker Barrel ProjectGetTogetherlnsurance
HONOLULU(AP)-Thestateiscitingtradition:moral : TULSA= A few’months ago, Cracker Barrel-finally came to : Continuation Program, NOW
Values, propagation and recognition of the state s mar- : town. And at 5 pm on a Saturday, the place isjammed and looks
riage law by other-governments.m its appeal in the ." mighty like an AARP convention. Cracker B,,a~r~el serves up a : Events, HIV/AIDS Advocacy/
same-sex mamag~ case. Butthe state dropped its focus i homespun, Appalhchian image, complete with Country Store"
on children inits opening brief t0the :~t~’Supreme But less wholesom"e wa.s the.corpo.ratio.n s w.ritten.poli"cy a few" : Education + the Oklahoma
Court..nuring a trial last fall, the state focusedon the y~arsagooffLdnganywhoisLesbian, GayorBi Cracker Barrel : State Legislature, IAM Benefit well-being of e.hildren as the compelling reason to ban : specifically fired 28 individuals under this policy. The firm : .
same-sexmamage. CircuitJudgeKevinChangruledin " received tremendous negative publicity for its actions and one ..
December that the state had failed to offer a compelling : fired employee latertestified to Congress about the need forjobs : -
reason to continue its ban on mamag¢ for same-sex ~ protectiom. : ProjectGetTogether;alocal social services agency
couples. : Somedme after Cracker Barrel suffered not only bad press, but : is administering aTCAP, Tulsa Community AIDS
Deputy Attorney General Dorothy Sellers said the ¯ also boycotts and lunch counter sit-ins in the Aflanta area, the Partnership grant.to assist qualified HIV÷ indistate
was filing a 35-page appeal brief. Dan Foley, : firm issued this statement in early 1991: "in the past, we have i viduals in maintaining their existing healthinsurattorney
for the three same-sex couples who sued for the : ~ always responded to the values and wishes of our customers. Our : ance. The funds are limited and the recipients will
fight to marry, said the state’s brief doesn’t address the " recent position on the emp!oyment of homosexuals in a limited : be chosen by lottery. The first lottery will be held
facts in Chang’s ruling. He said it also dwells on " number of stores may have been a well-intentioned over reaction ¯ on May 30th. Further applications will be accepted
arguments previously rejected seeUpdate,page 13 : to the pereeived values of our customers see Cracker, page8 : as funding permits. For information, contact the Hope Candlelight Tou,r+ i Insurance. Continuafion Fund at Project Get To_
." ¯ gether, 2020 S. Maplewood, Tulsa 74112, or call
Foll es Revue Benefits WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton intends to ~o National Organization for Women, Tulsa
lobby for passage of legislation that would outlaw Chapter will be honoring their Feminist of the
employment discrimination against homosexuals. TULSA - June will see twomajor fundraisers that benefit orga_ ¯ Year, Barbara Santee on Friday, May 30 at the Clinton held a closed half-hour White House meeting Living Arts Center ofTulsa at 19E. Brady at 7pm. nizations which provide HIV/AIDS care and support. The first Santee who is executive, director of Oklahoma
Thursday with the bill’s sponsors and gay and civil event is the 7th annual Hope Candle Light Tour which raises :
rights advocates. "Individuals should not be denied a funds for St. Joseph Residence, a hospice facility run by Catholic ." NARAL, theNorthAmericanAbortionandRepro_ ductive Rights Action League, also:serves on the
job on the basis of something that has no relationship to Charities and for RAIN, the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network. ¯
their ability to perform their work," Clinton said in a Oklahoma American Civil see Soon, page 8 HopeCandleLightTourprovidesopportunities for several levels
¯ statement. "This is wrong." of patronage. Hope Candle Light Tour has raised more than one °
Conservative groups say they will fight the legisla- million dollars and was founded by Pat Gordon and Charles ¯
I N S i D .E.
tion, arguing that it unfairly forces employers to have Faudree. This year’s honorary chairperson is Alice Rogers.
lnappropliate, on-the~job discussions about sexuality All are welcome to attend the home tour on Saturday, June 7th,
and gives homosexuals an advantage in hiring. The bill 10-5pm and Sunday, June 8th, 1-5pm. For the $10 donation, " EDITORIAL/DIRECTORY P. 2
exempts small businesses, the military, religious orga- attendees can see the homes of Judy & Paul Kantor at 3040 S. US & WORLD NEWS P. 4 " HEALTH NEWS -~ ~15. S. nizations and schools or educational institutions run by Wheeling, Doug & Susan Pielsficker at 3032 S. Trenton, Larry & ¯ HEALTH & WELLNESS COLUMN P.7 religious groups. Myma Seale at 2624 E. 33rd St. and also see the homes of ARTS NOTES P. 8 The legislation bars employers fromusing aworker’s
community members, Jared Bruce and Bruce Schultz at 1915 S. " COMMUNITY CALENDAR P. 9 sexual orientation as a factor in decisions on hiring or .Xanthus and Tour co-founder, Charles Faudree at 2121 E. 32 St. " BOOK REVIEW P. 10
firing, promotion or compensation. The Senate rejected~ :: Tickets are available at any of these homes. RESTAURANT REVIEW P. 1,1
the .bill in September see ENDA, page 3 . A Donor Party will be held on June 5th see Hope, page 3 "
.... ._ : , ~ ~ . , -._...~ o : , ~ ..~;_ ~.~ .~ ~ ~...
publication are protected by US copyright 1997 by TJ.~/:~ Nc~u~ and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission
918.583.1248 from the publisher. Publicatfon of a n~me or photo does not indicate that
fax: 583.4615 Pdblisher + Editor: Tom Neal person’s sexual orientati0_~ ~,..~..
POB 414~3, Tulsa, OK 74159 Entertainment Writer: James [,.;orrespondence is assu~ed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,
e-maih Christjohn, Writers + contributors: must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All
TulsaNews@aol.com Barry Hensley, Dr. Mike Gorman correspondence should be sent to the address to the left. Each reader is
website: Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche entitled to One free copy of each edition at distribution points. Additional
http:llusers.aol.com/TulsaNewsl Member o! The AssociatedPress ce ties are available by calling 583-1248.
A week or so ago, I was in a mid-town Tulsa neighborhood to
drop off some papers to a friend. And as I left his house, I was
driving slowly because there was just a host of children enjoying
the warm, late afternoon sun, running in and out of the street.
These kids ranged from 1st or 2rid grade up to early teens and
were a mix of colors of beige, brown and black. They seemed to
all be playing together. Doesn’t it sound like a hopeful scene for
thefutureofthis city dividedby race, ethnicity, sexual orientation
and more?
That was my impression until as I turned the corner to head
: back to Lewis. Then I heard two little girls, one white, one black
¯ yelling at each other in play. Bu! ,w,,h,at one said to the other was,
"get away from me you ’faggit ! These two were among the
: youngest of the troupe, clearly not old enough to have any real
idea of what they were saying. Faggot wasjust a term of ultimate
¯ derision.
: Did this young child learn this .term of hate at home from her
parents? Since she happened to be the African-American girl, I
would like to think that her parents who likely have suffered
: through racist indignities would not have taught her another hate
¯ word - though I don’t think we can assume that. It’s just as
¯ possible that shelearned it from the school yard despite not being
: old enough to have been in school see Babes, this page
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Ddilah Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
*Borders. Books & Music, 2740 E. 21
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
*Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis
Community Cleaning~ Kerby Baker
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
Leanne M. Gross, Southwest Financial Planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
~Interuational Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kdly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Langley Agency, 1104 S. Victor 592-1800
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
Susan McBay, MSW: Earth-Centered Counseling 592-1260
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
*Nothing Shocking Salon, 2722 E. 15 712-1123
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock. CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Pet’Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming 584:7554
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743.-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
743 -5272
581-0902, 743-4117
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
*Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L!G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*Community ofHope UnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Church of the Restoration, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-144t
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free Spirit Womens Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org. (African-American mens group)
POB 8542, 74101, call c/o HOPE @ 712-1600
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education, 1307 E. 38, 2nd ft.
712-1600, HOPE Anonymous HIV Testing Site, 742-2927
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT:4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.AII.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174-
*Red Rock Mental Center, 302 S. Cheyenne #108 584-2325
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 742z6227
*Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
Trinity Episcopal Church, 501 S. Cincinnati 582-4128
Tulsa Okla. for Human’Rights, c/o The _Pri.’de Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform!Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Barflesville Public Library, 600 S, Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norinafi C~nter 405-5~73-490";
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Stonewall League, call for information:
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
Kings Hi-Way Inn, 62 Kings Hi-way
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Rock Cottage Gardens
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
501-253-8659, 800-624-6646
What About Cracker Barrel?
I have noticed the recent opening of a
Cracker Barrel restaurant herein Tulsa.
Isn’t this the same Cracker Barrel that has
a company wide policy of firing employees
that they suspect are gay? Is there
some kind of organized boycott of this
chain? Concerned in Tulsa - DKR
Good questions! Please read our story
onpage i and let us know whatyou think.
Thank youfor writing. - TFN
Carbon Copy: Tiger vs. Fuzzy
The Tulsa World
Letus c0ntrast this: Fuzzy Zoellermakes
racistjokes, andall the worldknows about
it. Tiger Woods makes "fag" jokes, and
only the Gay press reports it. Both actions
are equally disrespectful to each man’s
fellow citizens but Zoeller is widdy criticized
and gets financial sanctions, while
Woods just gets away with it. And while
Zoeller at least apologizes, Woods refuses,
claiming this was .~ust youthful,
poor judgment. Is this a double standard?
Bigotry is still bigotry but while we are
now at least paying lip service to confronting
racism, anti-Semitism, sexism,
etc. it apparently remains quite acceptable
to attack Gay & Lesbian citizens. Tiger
Woods is really no better than Fuzzy
Zoeller. And if Zoeller did not have the
sense not to make a stupid remark in the
first place, at least he, unlike Woods, had
courage enough to apologize. - T. Neal
Babes cont’d from this page
more than a few years.
This is what makes me profoundly sad
about where we are in this city. We seem
to be making a little progress in issues of
race and ethnicity and gender. We actually
seem to have made a great deal of
progress xn accepting religious differences
(despite all the efforts of ORU students
and administration to undermine religious
harmony). But we just aren’t there on
Lesbian and Gay issues, let alone Bi and
Transgendered ones. The question is how
dowe getfromwhere we are to someplace
As we move into our Pride season, the
high holiday ofLesbian/Gay/Bi and Trans
communities around the world, perhaps
we can stop to review and to plan for
change. Our observation about social
ch~ifige is that it rarely, rarely has ever
haopened by being nice, patient citizen~,
believing that if we are just good enough
and polite enough that those who oppress
us will just wake one day and say, "golly,
why don’t we just give those nice people
their civil rights!" Hello?
It wasn’t because Dr. King was such a
nice guy that the legal manifestation of
racism was dismantled. Although he espoused
non-violence, Dr. King did not
avoid conflict and confrontation. He faced
down the bigots. And it was his courage
and fortitude, with that of those he mspired,
who changed this country.
We must take those lessons to heart,
and each of us see Babes, page 3
mustfind away to contribute to this effort. Grantedmany,
many cannot be in the from line for legitimate fear of
losing homes, livelihood or children. But that does not
mean not helping. If you can’t be out, then perhaps you
can give a dollar Or two to the Pride Center, or donate your
time to that organization or one of many other worthy
ones. If you don’t feel that you can associate with an
openly Gay group, then at least go volunteer at the HIV
Resource Center or at Shanti or RAIN or IAM. The poin!
is to get involved. And for those in positions of greater
influence or opportunity, the obligation is greater.
F0r.ex.ampl~e, one of the most critical issues for our
community is flJat: of ~n~p’lo~ifi~nt diSCrimination. It is
essential that we all work for the adoption of nondiscrimination
policies (usually the language: we do not
discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender, etc. but
adding, sexual or affectional orientation) wherever it is
possible. Sometimes employees of a corporation or nonprofit
can just ask for this. For example, the American
Red Cross has not pledged not to discriminate but in
practice, does not discriminate. That being the case, it
should not be a problem for the organization to start
talking what they say they’ve been walking. In other
firms, the requestmay have to comefrom outside because
it is not safe for the employees.
A number of significant Tulsa employers already do
have non-discrimination policies. Oklahoma’s largest,
American Airlines does. So do Kimberly-Clark and Central
and South West - the parent of Public Service Company.
Other firms with apresence here like IBM andATF
do as well. ButTnlsa’s non-profits are shamefully behind
in pledging not to discriminate. The godfather ofthem all,
Tulsa United Way, not only lacks a non-discrimination
policy but both funds a highly bigoted organization and
actively discriminates against Lesbian and Gay persons.
The.director of Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries just recently
publicly stated in a "Say No to Hate" meeting that
TMM would never pledge not to discriminate on the basis
of sexual orientation.
The National Conference (formerly the National Conference
Of Ctaristians and Jews) which allegedly exists to
fight "bias, bigotry mad racism in America" seems to
think that bias and bigotry don’t include Lesbians mad
Gay men. With a board of directors of ~nore than 60
people, they’ve managed not to include a single person
with any known ties to the LesbianiGayiBi communities.
When this was pointed out to one of their directors, he
gave the usual inane response: "we don’t ask (such
questions)!" Again, hello? Somehow they manage to get
remarkable diversity in the rest of the members of their
board. I mean, it?s not like you can tell from looking
who’s Christian or Jewish. And the diversity of their
board is so thorough, that not to have any Gay people, you
have to wonder if they actively worked to exclude us?
Small wonder that their man of the year was Robert
Lorton, publisher of The Tulsa WorM- an business that
actively discriminates against the Lesbian and Gay community
with its ban on advertising that uses the words
Lesbian or Gay, no matter how innocuously (like in
PFLAG’s or Community of Hope’s ads), and its refusal
to print same-gender "marriage" or Holy Union announcements.
That Lorton’s business was cited by the
Equal Fmployment Opportunity Commission for racist
employment practices a few years ago is just icing on the
cake. So it’s not surprising that the children m our
community are not learning not to hate, when the leadership
of the city can’t even pay minimal lip service to
fairness for us.
Butperhaps there is hope. Tulsa Public Schools, amazingly
enough, does have a non-discrimination policy that
appears to protect Lesbian, Gay and Bi students, staffand
the public! Now getting them to translate that into meaningful
action, like accurate teaching about Lesbian and
Gay lives, accurate information in science and health
curricula, like real support and protection for Lesbian]
Gay/Bi students and staff, and equal compensataon for
staff is another challenge. But maybe someday young
children will learn in Tulsa schools that screaming "faggot"
in the street is as wrong as using other epitaphs.
Maybe then we will see a day when to paraphrase Dr.
King, we will bejudged by the content of our characternot
by the accidents of gender or race or of sexual
orientation. Maybe it’ll even be sooner rather than later.
That’s my hope as we celebrate our Pride Month.
- Tom Neal, editor/publisher
Dr. JW Johnson of First Baptist Church No. Tuba and
Crisis conference where Dr. Joycelyn Elders, MDspoke.
Beverly Benton-Galbreath at the Facing the HIV/AIDS
which was home for several years before the congregation
moved into the building it has today nearPine and
In those days, MCC was one of just a handful of
community organizations. Another that Tay Clare remembers
was The Tulsa Gay Alliance which existed
around 1972-73. Clare says aman who’d moved to Tulsa
from California started the group which first met at a
Waldenbooks at Southland Mall after hours.
That group was followed by The Tulsa Gay Caucus
around 1975-76 which did not have a lot of members
according to Clare but whi~ch came very, very close to
getting the City of TulSa to pass a non-discrimination
ordinance which would have banned discrimination in
housing, public accommodations and public employment
and private employment where an employer had a
contractual relationship with the City of Tulsa.
Although this measure did not pass (it’s said that now-
Senator Jim Inhofe who became Mayor about that time
helped scuttle it), the City ofTulsa did pass a non-binding
resolution calling for non-discrimination based on sexual
orientation that remains on the books today. Clare notes
that the City of Tulsa was much more helpful in those
days. The City actually provided computer time and
support for the activists to tally a survey documenting
conditions for Lesbians and Gay men in Tul sa. Apparently,
such a study was all but unt~recedented for a US city
and Bantmn Books even considered publishing the stud~
Clare still has great praise for a fellow activist in this
effort, John, whom she characterized as "fearless" in an
era when just being knownto be Gay was enough to get
you fired.
One of the issues in those days was systematic police
harassment. Clare relates how Tulsa Police used to wait
outside the Queen of Hearts downtown in the middle of
the night and arrest patrons for jaywalking across an
empty street to a parking lot. Other times, police would
just come into bars and everyone would stop what they
were doing, so that the police would have no excuse to
harass patrons. Some clubs even had lights and buzzers to
warn peopl.e. Clare’s recalls that there was an early
women’s bar called Jessica’s Tiger Room. She says Tiger
was a lady wrestler and the place was ’straight’ out of an
Ann Baunon novel - to walk in was to be propositioned.
Tulsa Gay Caucus was followed in 1977-78 by a group
with an emphasis on educating the general community
about Gay issues: The Gay Awareness Project. This was
led by longtime commumty activists, Phil Wiley and
Vernon Jones. Clare notes that the group had an excellent
newsletter and had a speakers bureau that would go to
speak wherever they could get invitations.
After The Awareness Project, Clare says there really
wasn’t much in community orgamzing until the formation
of a Tulsa chapter ofOklahomans for Human Rights
whichlaterbecameTulsaOklahomans forHumanRights,
TOHR. TOHR, she notes,is distinctive, even on a nationwide
basis, for its longevity.
Still after more than 20 years, Tay Clare is committed
to educating and encouraging Lesbians to free themselves
from the restricted roles they saw in their parent’s
lives. Clare feels that Lesbians should take advantage of
the freedom from home, husband and children to travel,
or pursue their education, or wherever.they are called. In
short, to discover their own history, the traditions of
articulate, assertive women who can do great things.
Clare points to the emergence of more truthful history in
which the contributions of women, Lesbians, in particular,
to politics, the war efforts, etc. are honored. And with
the Free Spirit Woman’s Center, Tay Clareis doing what
she can to make that happen in Tulsa.
PFLAG, Tulsa Chapter, once again is educating in the
Public Library. This exhibit will be up through theend of
May at the West Regional Library on W. 51st Street.
on a 50-49 vote. The House never voted on it, and its
sponsors plan to reintroduce it soon. "I support it and I
urge all Americans to do so," Clinton said. "It is about our
ongoing fight against bigotry and intolerance, in our
country and in our hearts."
Currently, gay workers in 39 states could be fired or
deniedjobs or apromotion because of their sexuality, and
most cannot seek relief in state or federal courts. Nine
states have laws or other rules that extend to homosexuals
job protections similar to those offered on the basis of
age, race, religion or gender: "
with the opportunity to see threehomes that will not be on
the regular tour. Donors are asked to contribute $125/
person and will be served wine and hors d’oeuvres at Joan
&Bruce Robson’s, Julie &Warren Kruger’s and Priscilla
& Joe Tate’s homes. For those who are able, a Black Tie
Patrons Party will be held onJune 19.. Contribution level s
range from $4-50 to $2,500 and above...
Later on June 13-15. Follies Revue, .Inc. will present
this year’s musical review, "Your Hit Parade" at the
Warren Place Doubletree Hotel Grand Ballroom. It will
feature music from radio and tel~vision from the ’30’s to
’50’s. The performance will feature the Follies Revne
singers, Carol Crawford, artistic director of Tulsa Opera,
Marchello Angelini artistic director of Tulsa Ballet, Peter
Athens, Pare VanDyke, Patrick Hobbs, Isabelle Estes and
"The Happy Hoofers." Henry Primeaux will be guest
announcer for all performances.
Dinner or brunch will be served at each performance
with cash bars available. Those attending the Patron’s
evemng, June 13, will be served wine with dinner. Patron
chairpersons are Tracy and Joel Norvell.
Follies Revue, Inc. has raised more than $140,000 for
Tulsa areaAIDS related agencies since 1989. Some of the
beneficiaries of this year’s event are Saint Joseph Residence,
Interfaith AIDS Ministries, Our House, Shanti-
Tulsa Storehouse, Visiting Nurse Association and Hope
Follies Revue, Inc. organizers note that last year’s
performances sold out and they encourage purchasing
tickets in advance. Tickets may be ordered by telephone
at 596-7111 or 584-2000. Outside Tulsa, call 800-364-
7111. Businesses interestedin program advertising should
call 437-0201 before May 25th.
Transgendered Support
-Group Forming
Is there anyone else interested in forming a transgendered
support group in Tulsa? The term transgendered encompasses
all aspects ranging from cross dressers, tranSvesrites,
drag kings and queens, and the transsexuals that are
in theprocess ofseeking the SRS for eithermaleto female
or female to male. Tulsa has had a couple of groups called
Desire and CDI (Cross Dressers International) for support.
In Oklahoma City, there is an organization Central
Oklahoma Transgendered Alliance (called COTA) for
those who are needing information.
However in Tulsa, there are many people in the Tulsa
community and surroundingareas who are transgendered
and who need a support group. For information or for
those interested in forming a support group, leave a
message for Jennifer Palmer at the Pride Center, 743-
4297. Or send e-mail to Jennifer at
Vermont Politician
Comes Qut
RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) - Vermont Democratic party
chairman Steven Howard is the latest public official
in the state to say publicly that he is gay. Howard, who
is also a state representative from Rutland, told the
Rutland Herald newspaper that he only acknowledged
his sexuality to himself two years ago. "I just
have felt for some time that it was time to be honest
- with myself, with my family, with the voters,"
Howard said. He said his family had been supportive
since he told them he was Gay.
Howard, alifelong resident of the town of Rutland,
is the third openly Gay Vermont politician. The late
Rep. Ronald Squires, a Guilford Democrat, made his
announcement in 1992. Vermont Auditor Edward
Flanagan announced his.sexuality in August 1995.
Howard, 25, has won three consecutive elections to
the Legislature. And he is the nation’s youngest state
party chairman. In the Legislature Howard has appeared
brazen as he takes on opponents and high
ranking members of his own party, most recently
Gov. Howard Dean.
"It takes .tremendous courage for Steve to do what
he did. I think Ed Flanagan took the first step so others
could follow," said Kathleen DeBold, deputy director
of the Washington-based Gay and Lesbian Victory
Fund. The orgamzat~on rinses money for openly Gay
Anti-Gay Congressman
Had Gay Chief of Staff
LOS ANGELES,(AP) - For 12 years, Brian O’Leary
Bennett was a loyal aide to former US Rep. Bob
Dornan, becomirlg a trusted confidant and eventually
the congressman, s.chief of staff. The entare time,
Bennett struggl6~l with hi’g own feelings that he might
be Gay, even as.his boss - a fiery rune-term Republican
from Garde~ Grove - angrily condenmed Gay
persons as molegters, sodomites and pedophiles.
Bennett left Dornan’s staff in 1989. Inthe last 18
months; however, he has disclosed to a selectfew that
he is gay. One of those was Dornan. "I said, I’m gay,"
Bennettrecalledin today’s Los Angeles Times. "There
was a pause that seemed like an hour and then he
reached over, put his arm aroundme and kissedmeon
the cheek and said, ’I’ve loved you like a son for 20
years. Did you think this would make any differ-
Bennett, 41, now an executive at Edison Co., is
making his story public in hopes it will diminish the
chances of someone else "outing" him and help other
gay conservatives who are struggling with their homosexuality.
This month, Bennett, 41, will join the
board of directors ofONEof Long Beach Inc., which
operates the Long Beach Gay &Lesbian Community
Center and AIDS Project Long Beach.
Bennett’s revelation hit Dornan "like a ton of
bricks," the former congressman said. In late 1995,
Bennett declined Dornan’s request to rim his failed
1996 presidential campaign because Bennett had
fallen in love and didn’t want the campaign exposed
to scandal. Democratic newcomer Loretta Sanchez
beat Dornan by 984 votes in the November election
for his congressional seat, but Dornan is contesting
the results.
Dornan said his protege has sacrificed a career in
politics: "You know he has no future in the Republican
Party in Orange County," he said. "It’s like Ellen
DeGeneres,’i Dornan said of the actress who recently
revealed she is gay. "She cannot continue to play an
all-American character. Everything she does now,
she has limited her options. Brian has also limited his
options in life.’" - ~ "
Bennett said he and Dornan still talk often,:but
more than once he has asked his former boss to tone
down the anti-homosexual rhetoric. One .of those
occasions happened on the night he told Doman he
was gay. "I said, ’Poppy, for all these years I’ve stood
by you and heard all these horrible things out of your
mouth aboutpeoplelike me’," Bennett said."’You’ve
called us pedophiles, sodomites, molesters. Those
things hurt, and I want you to stop it. I wouldn’t ask
you to change your views. I’m saying get rid of the
meanness. Get rid of the hurt in promoting your
position. ’"He said he would."
Doman, however, remains steadfast in his views.
’q’he cutting edge of homosexuality is not Brian
Bennett, who loves his religi6i~’a~l’his faith," Dornan
said. "It’s the others, who demand of us what they
cannot give themselves - dignity and self-respect.
Brian thinks this is a gift, and tthink it’s an ax. I
believe the twmn shall meet one day."
Anti-Gay California
School Bill Rally.
SACRAMENTO (AP) - Christian groups lobbied
hard at the Capitol for an anti-gay bill that faced its
first hearing in the Assembly Education Comrmttee
today. Claiming that public schools advocate and
promote homosexuality, about 250 conservatives rallied
for a measure that would prevent such advocacy.
The bill by Assemblyman George House would
prohibit the use of state funds in any public Or private
school through grade 12 to provide materials or
instruction that "promotes or advocates homosexuality
as a viable alternative lifestyle." It would also
prohibit referral of students to any organization that
~promotes or advocates a homosexual lifestyle. "It is
a sad time when we must remind the public that
parents owntheir children," House asserted, to lengthy
applause at the rally on the Capitol steps. Sen. Ray
Haynes accused school administrators of "actively
promoting, at all grade levels, homosexual activities."
Bill supporters claimed AIDS education classes,
school counseling programs and Gay student support
groups on public school campuses often serve as
promotion efforts by homosexuals. Teacher and student
training on sensitivity to gays and lesbians, they
declared, amount to endorsing or promoting acceptance
of a lifestyle they view as sinful.
"This bill is incredibly’ offensive," responded Ellen
McCormick, spokeswoman for the Gay and Lesbian
Life Lobby. "’There aren’t any programs that engage
in promot{on or advocacy of homosexuality. There
are programs engaged in saving lives, and also for
keeping Gay students from dropping out of school."
But San Diego second grade teacher Cheryl Thompson
complained that at a program aimed at teaching
public school teachers how to help students with
drug and alcohol problems, "we were indoctrinated
with some of the homosexual promotion." Teachers
were encouraged to tell students struggling with their
sexual identity to first talk to their parents, she said. If
parents were unsympathetic, the teachers were told,
the student should be referred to a Gay or Lesbian
organization that offers counseling. "I would not
want my child in a Gay support group without my
knowledge," Thompson said.
Anti-Gay Adoption
Law Challenged.,
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)- Florida’s law
against adoptions by Gay people is coming under
attack in a lawsuit by a woman who says she wants a
sibling for her little boy who was a result of artificial
insemination. "Please don’t prejudge us and decide
that all Gay men and Lesbians - one whole segment
of the population- is unfit," June Amer said Monday,
moments before the trial began. .
An attorney defending the 1977 law. set- the tone for
the state’s arguments when he objected to testimony
by other Gay parents. Only Florida and New Hampshire
have laws banning homosexual people from
ad0P~ng children. The state did not defend the law in
opemng arguments and said it is up to the other side
t~ prove, that the statut~ should be struck down.
The lawsuit was brought by Amer, a 45-year-old
Dade County corrections officer who has lived with
another woman for 13 years. ’q’here are many children
wanting to be adopted in Florida right now,.and
there are many people likeme who would adopt them
and love themit were not for this prejudiced law," Ms.
Amer said in her pretrial comments. She testified that
she has lived for 13 years for Gail D~Shon. DeShon
and Amer have raised together the son Amer con-.
ceived through artificial insemination.
The boy, who is now 6, calls the two women
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Mommy June and Mommy Gall, Ms. Amer said. His
life with the two womenis as normal as with heterosexual
parents, she said. ’%~re go to his recitals. Wego
to his baseball game~,, ~tie sazd. Asked how he
compares with children with heterosexual parents,
she said, "If I can be prejudiced, he’s a little better,
smarter, brighter." Ms. Amer said her son has frequent
contact with men, including friends, relatives,
his karate instructor, coaches at school, his singing
teacher and neighbors. "I believe I’m a good parent.
I’m aloving person, a caring person.., and I should be
able to adopt a child," she said.
State legislators feared that Lesbian and Gay parents
adopting children "would be able to... use them
in closets," said attorney Karen Coolman Amlong.
The state bans no other entire group of people from
being adoptive parents, she said. People who are
repeat felons, and those who have been child abusers,
spousal abusers, drug abusers and alcoholics are all
eligible, the attorney said.
Also testifying was Jim MacKellar-Hertan, a gay
man from Orlando who adopted a boy in Seattle,
Wash., before moving to Florida. The attorney arguing
for the state, Samuel C. Shavers, of the Florida
Department of Ctfildren and Families, objected to the
testimony, saying, "I don’t think we need a parade of
homosexuals" taking the stand. The judge at first
seemed inclined to deny the testimony, saying he
didn’t see thepoint, but then relented. MacKellar-
Hertan says that he adopted a boy, now 5 years old, in
Seattle, Wash., and that he and a man he described as
his domestic partner want the boy to have a brother or
sister. The couple both are employees at Disney
World and MacKellar-Hertan is active in the United
Church of Christ in Orlando where he is active. "We
have a very rambunctious 5-year-old. He’s very happy,
healthy, well adjusted. We just finished with T-ball
and are getting into soccer," the father said.
PFLAG Conference
A Success in Idaho
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) - Henrietta Boland had
one last thought as she watched people leave the final
session of perhaps one of.the most unusual conferences
ever heldin the city. Who would havedreamed
five years ago that we in Idaho Falls would host a
regional conference of PFLAG?" she said as departing
parents asked how they could develop chapters of
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays in their
hometowns ofMcCall, GreatFalls, Mont., andCasper,
Wyo. The national group of about 68,000 people is
dedicated to helping the loved ones of homosexuals
understand the social, religious and occupational
challenges that confront people who are Gay.
Besides the success of the weekend conference,
Boland was pleased that the meeting concluded without
an anonymous threat, a homophobic epithet or
even a cold reception. Instead, those attending got a
warm welcome, she said. A police cruiser provided
around-the-~10ck protection, but it might not have
been needed. "The area has become more accepting,"
said Boland, one of whose sons is Gay. "I think
everyone left here with the feeling that they’re not
alone, that there are people here with whom you can
have a dialogue." But Boland and other local members
know there is a long way to go, egpecially in the
organization’s Northern Rockies Region, of which
Bolandis chairman. Theregion, which includes Idaho,
Montana and Wyoming, still has its share of Gay
bashing, discrimination, isolation, depression and
"Youhaveita lot harder here than we do," SyZivan
of New York City, the group’s national vice president,
said in his keynote address. One mission of the
organization, Zivan said, "is showing the clear linkage
between hate talk and Gay bashing and teen
suicide." Some studies show as many as 30 percent of
teen suicides are committed by Gay youths. Zivan
said the group’s advertising campaigns "appeal to
decent people in the moveable middle who want
people treated with basic fairness." The organization
also is working to stop discrimination in the workplace.
Most states, including Idaho, still do not have
laws protecting Gays from being fired, Zivan said.
Finally, Zivan said, the group is "advocating. for the
same conditions we heterosexuals are allowed to
enjoy - the safety net of the canopy of marriage."
Hate Crimes in LA Up
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The number ofr~_eported hate
crimes in Los Angeles County jumped 25.5 percent
last year over 1995, with dramatic increases reported
in crimes against blacks and Gays, figures showed.
There were 995 crimes based on race, ethnicity,
religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation in
1996, up from 773 theprevious year, according to the
county Commission on Human Relations. The commission
said the increases appear to indicate better
reportang of crimes by the public rather than an actual
jump. However, "this increase is significant," said
Lea Ann King, commission president.
Crimes involving race or sexual orientation accounted
for 88 percent of the total, the commission
said in its 17th annual report. More than half of the
crimes reported involved murder, attempted murder,
rape or other violence. Hate crimes against blackmen
increased 50.5 percent while attacks against homosexuals
and bisexuals were up 43.2 percent. The
increase "does not say it has become open season on
African Americans" butreflects increasedhostility as
blacks move to areas populatedby otherethnic groups,
the report said. Crimes against Hispanics and Asians
dropped slightly and the number against Jews remained
stable. The report called on the county Board
of Supervisors to grant the commission $500,000 to
target probl~em areas for conflict resolution efforts
and to establish human relations classes in schools.
Hewlett Packard’s
Progressive Policies
CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) - When J.oan Lease visited
five years ago to decide whether she would accept a
position at Hewlett-Packard Co., she was concerned
about how she would fitin at the local campus. After
all, she said, the state was embroiled in a debate over
an anti-Gay rights measure that was later defeated by
voters. As a Gay woman, Lease, who had been with
HPfor 10 years, had to wonderhow she’d be received
in Corvallis. "Coming up here was hard. My mother
said, ’Are you sure you want to go there?’ "’ said
Lease, who didn’t reveal to co-workers for two years
that she is a lesbian.
I_~ase credits HP’s diversity program with fostering
an atmosphere of inclusiveness. In general, managers
are responsive and open to discussing cultural
issues that arise in the workplace, she said. "A company
is foolish to not make the most of what people
have to offer," she said. "If I’m a more productive
employee, it’s a win-win situation: HP makes more
money, and I get bigger-profit-sharing."
Through its programs, HP has been working for
years to break down barriers for job applicants and
employees who fear that they may not belong at the
high-tech company became of their gender, nationality,
ethnicity, age, physical abilities or sexual orientation.
It’s an integral part of the company’s business
strategy, said Lew Platt, HP’s chairman, president
and chief executive. "Our customer base is increasingly
broad and diverse, and our worldwide market
continues to grow in geographical reach and cultural
complexity. If we’re going to be successful, we.need
a diverse work force," Platt says in a 30-minute,
Corvallis-made video that all new employees watch
on their first day of work. "That includes men and
women, people of all nations, races and lifestyles,
left-brain thinkers and right-brain thinkers, expressers
and analytics, technical geniuses and savvy marketers.
Everyone has something of value to offer.’"
The company has several sanctioned networks.
These include an African American Network, Gay,
Lesbian & Bisex_~u~_, Employee Network, and the HP
Corvallis Women s Network. Hewlett-Packard’s
Corvallis site has two full-time workers who staff the
company’s Diversity Department. They organize and
facilitate discussion groups, develop training programs,
distribute educational materials, work with
the network members and conduct recruitment consuiting.
KrisAnn Smith, diversity specialist, said attendance
at screenings of educational videos and
discussion groups that she arranges is voluntary. It’s
available to those who are interested in learning more.
Possible AIDS
Vacine Developed ALAMOOORDO, N.M. (AP)- Chimpanzee
tests ofan anti-AIDS vaccine show
preventive results promasing enough to
allow human trials and even show improvement
in animals infected before inoculation,
scientists said. The vaccine
developed by a team from the University
of Pennsylvania working with the
Coulston Foundation of Alamogordo and
Apollon Inc. of Malvern, Pa., is already
being used on selected human subjects.
Foundation chief executive Frederick
.Coulston said Wednesday that he expects
it could be further tested starting later this
year onhumanpatients confirmed to have
the human immunodeficiency virus, or
HIV. The vaccine uses no living HIV, so
it cannot cause infection, he said. Nature
says the tested vaccine used an "HIV-1
gene insert." If human testing goes as
hoped, a vaccine could be available commercially
within two to. three years~,
Coulston said. An account of the vaccine
testing was just published in the British
science journal, Nature.
Weiner, associate professor of pathology
and laboratory medicine at the University
of Pennsylvania, said: "We’re encouraged
but cautious." Harold McClure,
who studies AIDS at the Yerkes Regional
Palmate Research Center at Aflanta’s
Emory University, called the results very
promising. Coulston said thebreakthrough
was "worthy of the highest recognition."
"’It is the greatest discovery for the prevention
and treatment ofAIDS possible,"
the 82-year-old primate research pioneer
said. "Not only does it prevent the disease,"
he said, "but if the animal already
has viremia, particles floating in the blood,
it cures it - the same vaccine.’"
Coulston said his foundation expects to
participate in a followup paper after human
trials. Coulston re-emphasized the
chimpanzee restflts don’t necessarily mean
human trials will show similar success,
and he said scientists aren’t certain just
why the vaccine works. "We don’t know
the mechanism yet," he said. But he suggested
the odds may be 100 to i in favor
of success in humans. And while there are
many strains of HIV, he said hebelieves
the vaccine will prove universal for the
various strains.
The virus itself has always reacted differently
in chimpanzees than in humans,
with the disease seen thus far to progress
in only a limited number of chimps, comp.
ared with the more widespread progression
pattern in humans. But Javadian has
said chimpanzees share 98 percent of the
genetic traits of humans. The Food and
DrugAdministration approvedhuman trials
for the vaccine two months ago.
Coulston said it took less than two weeks
for approval, making it "the fastest or one
of the fastest tracks ever."
AIDS Drug Cure?
NEW YORK (AP) -.A new study of
powerful AIDS drugs shows they devastate
HIV in one of its favorite hangouts,
while another suggests that curing an infected
person would take at least two to
three years - if it can be done. A different
study earlier this year had shown that one
year wasn’t enough, and researchers estimated
it might take two tO 2.5 years. The
three-drug "cocktail" stops HIV from reproducing,
so it can’t continuously infect
new cells as previously infected cells die
off. As a result, HIV levels in the bloodstream
plummet about 99 percent within
two weeks.
Scientists wanted to know whether the
treatment has a similar effect on HIV in
tissues such as the tonsils andlymphnodes,
where the virus is produced and store~_..
Dr. Ashley Haase of the University of
Minnesota and other scientists sampled
the tonsils of 10 people during treatment
and, in a recent issue of the journal, Science,
reportgoodnews. Within s~x months,
the therapy eliminated more than 99 percent
of cells actively producing HIV. And
the amount of H1V stored on the surface
of other cells also fell by more than 99
percent. That shows the stockpile of stored
HIV "dears much more rapidly than we
would have expected," Haase said.
In the other study, scientists including
Dr. David tto of the Aaron Diamond
AIDS Research Center in New York
looked at the time it would take for the
drug treatment to rid the body of HIV. The
group reported the initial drop in blood
levels of. HIV is followed, by a second,
slower decline. By analyzing the trend
mathematically, they estimate that itwould
take 2.3 to 3.1 years of therapy to eliminate
HIV from the hiding places they
considered. But it might take longer to
eradicate the virus from the body because
HIV could linger in the brain or in unknown
hiding places, they warned. In any
case, Ho and colleagues wrote, "it would
be wrong to believe that we are close to a
cure for AIDS."
HIV reproduces by infecting cells and
forcing them to make more viruses. The
new paper calculates that within 3. i years
¯ - of the start of treatment, three "kinds of
HIV-producing cells in a person’s body
will die off. One kind, CD4 cells that
actively produce virus, disappear first.
Then come cells that don’t produce virus
at first, but eventually start production
and then die. Finally, long-lived cells in
tissues throughout the body that can produce
virns continuously for weeks will
disappear, the study suggests.
One wild card in the analysis is cells
that are infected with virus that has become
defective. The calculated timetable
¯doesn’t apply to these calls, which could
persist for. years or perhaps a lifetime. In
the lab, these cells can’t be made to produce
infectious virus. So in this condition
they aren’t a problem. But the risk is that,
through some genetic accident, the defect
in HIV will get fixed and the cells could
suddenly start producing infectious .virus,
said Dr. Jeffrey Laurence, an AIDS researcher
at Cornell Medical College in
New York. Such a fix might occur if two
defective HIVs mingle, for example, he
said. Ho said that’s oniya remote possibility.
Eventually, Ho said, the question of
how long drugs might take to eradicate
HIV will be settled in experiments where
people who’ve been taking the treatment
for long periods, and whose HIV levels
are undetectable, stop the therapy. Then
scientists can see if there’ s any HIV left to
reappear. Ho said he’s not sure when his
group will try that experiment.
AIDS= in Women
Quite Different
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - While new
drugs are helping men in the war against
AIDS, women are dying in increasing
numbers as doctors struggle to define the
unique way the disease progresses in female
bodies. Women often go undiagnosed
longer because doctors fail to recognize
that some of their yeast, vaginal
and throat infections, as well as cancer~,
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Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday& Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
H O P E HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
formerly TOHR HIV Prevention Programs
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Specialized in HIV Care
Providing Comprehensive Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
that does not list us as providers,
call us and we will apply.
"2325 South Harvard, Suite 600, Tulsa 74114
Monday - Friday, 9:30-4:30 pm, 743-1000
Volunteers Sought
Genital Herpes
Treatment Study
Volunteers are needed to participate in a medical research
study evaluation an experimental plant-derived antiviral drug
that is a topical gel for the treatment of recurrent .genital
herpes in conjunction with a standard of care oral antiviral
Interested individuals must be 18 year of age or older, have
AIDS and have herpes outbreaks in the genital area.
Involvement in this study will require visits to the clinic 3
days a week, a total of 8 visits.
There is no cost to subjects accepted iflto the study. All
study related examinations, laboratory test and study drug
will be free of charge. This study is being conducted by Dr.
Stephen T. Peake and Dr. Jeffrey A. Beai at 2325 South
Harvard, Suite 600, Tulsa 74114-3300
Individuals interested in knowing more about this study are
encouraged to call Dr. Peake or Dr. Beai at (918) 743-1000
for additional information.
Dealing (Naturally) With
Auto-lmm une Disorders
by Dr. Michael Gorman
Anyone who has an Auto-immune Disorder
(AD) knows the nature of the beast.
Depending on the severity and the stage,
one can feel normal energy levels to no
energy level.
Among the list ofAD’s fall HIV, ARC,
AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS),
etc. These diagnoses are distinct by different
characteristics, onset, and progressions,
but share some common symptoms.
The "run down" feeling, the decreased
resistance to sickness, viruses,
parasites, and bacterial invasions are common
to all AD’s.
There is a way to help combat some of
these associated problems. Most AD’s
use a great deal of the body’s resources
normally earmarked for other uses. AD’s
are very abusive to the body’s storehouse
of proteins, which is why weight loss
occurs via the disease process.
Proteins make up a great deal of our
bodies’ structural and enzymatic capabilities.
Structural proteins relate to bone,
muscle, skin, organs, the brain, and cellular-
level functioning such as antibody production
via the white blood cells. White
blo(~d cells themselves are 30-40% protein
in their composition. Thebody, therefore,
needs daily protein intake in the
form of food or supplements in order to
make new cells. Proteins arenothingmore
than amino acids chained together in a
sequence determined by our DNA
If we don’t eat protein (specific daily
requirements) in the form of 8-10 essential
amino acids found mostly in animal
products, our bodies will cannabalize
themselves in order to get what they need.
This is what helps to cause the weight loss
are signposts of HIV infection, experts
said at the third National Conference on
Women & HIV. Unlike men who survive
an average of about 23 months with
Kaposi’s sarcoma- the first malignancy
recognized with AIDS - women survive
just nine months with KS, Dr. Janet Blair
of the Los Angeles County health department
reported Monday. She said it’s possible
that the difference "’may reflect delayed
access to medical care," or doctors’
lack of recognition.
Conference co-chair Dr. Alexandra
Levine, directorofthe University of Southem
California’s Norris Cancer Center,
said she has detected unusual types of
breast cancer in young HIV-infected
women. Although breast cancer rates
haven’ t yet increased inwomenwith HIV,
other AIDS-defining cancers are on the
rise, such as melanoma, multiplemyeloma
and anal cancer, Levine said. She said she
s.uspects that HIV is reactivating other
v~ruses that can lie quiet in the body. It
seems to be awakening the human herpes
type 8 virus to bring onKaposi’ s sarcoma,
the Epstein-Barr virus behind lymphoma
and thehuman papilloma virus that causes
cervical cancer. With antiviralAIDS drugs
leaving the immune system of HIV-infected
women "not quite normal, we may
be seeing ever=increasing epidemics of
cancer," Levine predicted. The breast cancer
results were among the first presented
from the Women’s Interagency HIV
Study, begun in 1992 and funded by the
seen in AD’s. People with AD’s need
¯ more protein because the need for more
¯¯ cellular-level replacement (due to more
destruction) is necessary AD’s diseases
" gobble up protein leaving stores depleted.
¯ Some scientists say that people with
AD’s need extra quality proteins to re-
" plenishbody cells; especially wtfiteblood
¯ cells which fight off viruses, parasites. ¯
and bacterialinfections whichchronically
¯ plague AD sufferers. Arguments exist on
¯ how much protein is needed daily. Au- ¯
thorities suggest 0.8-1.8 grams per kilo-
" gram ofbody weight. For example, if you
¯ weigh 200 lbs., you need about 90-160
¯ grams of protein per day. This amount is
increased if exercise, stress, exhaustion,
¯ etc. is present~
.Having the proper daily amount of protern
on hand is your body’s insurer that
~ cellular processes can take place. You
¯ will obtain and maintain higher resistance
¯ against foreign invasion at optimum pro-
. tein intake. There are several good meth-
¯ ods and forms of supplementation that are
¯ extremely helpful for those with AD’s.
¯ Are you doing all you can to increase ¯
and maintain yourresistance? Would you
¯ like to know more about the latest in
¯ n.atural nutraceuticals? Aren’t you and
your quality of life worth it? Do you think
¯ you are sick because you haven’t taken
¯ enough medicine yet?
¯ I would love to help you find the an-
¯ swers to as many of these questions as
¯ possible. Stay. tuned, stay healthy, and
¯ please call me with your questions. I am
¯ here to help and would enjoy hearing
from you.
¯ Dr. Michael Gorman practices in the
¯ Tulsa area at 4775 S. Harvard, Suite C,
712-5514. He i8 a Board Certified Chiro-
¯ praetor and Accupuncturist, has a B.S.
¯ degree in Nutrition, is an active body-
; builder, and does Btness, nutrition, and
¯ supplement counseling.
National Institutes of Health. It’s designed
to study the natural course of HIV in
The four-day conference drew more
than 1,500 scientists, infected women and
health policy experts. More than 120 activists
interrupted a news conference to
demand a national plan to address unique
problems they say that women, particularly
blacks and I-Iispanics,have with HIV.
Activists have long complained that educational
materials, medic~ research and
treatment plans are all targeted too much
toward white males. "What is the govern¯
ment doing forme?Where is the plan and
the funding to save my life?" asked
Jeatmine M. Scott, amother of three from
: Philadelphia. AIDS is the third-leading
¯ killer ofAmericanwomen ages 25-44and
the No. 1 killer of black women that age.
Women constitute the fastest-growing
¯ segment of the U.S. population to become
¯ HIV-infected. While the rate of AIDS
deaths in men declined 15 percent in the
¯ first six months of last year, the rate for
¯" women increased 3 percent, according to
CDC figures.
and their comfort levels with these individuals.
We have re-visited oui thinking
on the subject and feel it only makes good
business sense to continue toemploythose
folks who provide the quality service our
customers havecometo expectfromus..."
However, Atlanta activists claim that
none of those who were fired have been
re-hired and that others were fired because
of their sexual orentafion even after
the policy was officially rescinded.
Nor have several other demands made by
activists been honored by Cracker Barrel.
However, in Tulsa, manager Tom
Fletscher, stated that sexual orientation
was "’not an ~ssue at this location." He
noted that they had hired 192 persons of
the almost 1500 who applied, and that
neither "’race, color, creed or sexual preference"
influenced their hiring. Andwhile
Fletscher declined to say on the record if
he had any Gay or Lesbian employees, he
stated that if he did, "it would not bother
me." As for Lesbian and Gay patrons, he
noted, "money’s money" and that he’d
hate toalienate any guests.
While Tom Fletscher may not want to
say whether he has any Gay employees,
there were a couple of faces which those
who are out in Tulsa clubs might recognize.
And of 192 employees, ifouly3%or
so are Lesbian and Gay, that is still about
5 individuals.
Liberties Board and has been recognized
as a playwright.as wall.
After the awards ceremony, two videos,
UnboundandDiana’s HairEgo: AIDS
Info Up Front will be shown. Tickets are
$8 in advance, $10 at the door. Send
checks payable to NOW to Tulsa NOW,
POB 14068, Tulsa, OK 74159.
"HIV/AIDS Advocacy/Education+ the
O"klahoma State Legislature" is the rifle of
the June 10 AIDS Coalition meeting at the
Uuited Way building at 15th & Boulder.
Lobbyist Keith Smith and a representative
from the League of Women Voters
will provide insight into the "do’s and
don’t’s" for non-profit organizations at
the Capitol.
The American Theatre Company is
donating aperformance of its latest production,
Sunriseat Campobello, to benefit
IAM, Interfaith AIDS Ministries on
Thursday, May 22 at 8pro at the Williams
qaaeatre in the Performing Arts-Center.
Tickets to the dress rehearsal are $10. Call
IAM at 438-2437 for more info.
Gossip: all about the community, the
question is where is Community of Hope
United Methodist going to relocate this
June? TFN hears that College Hill Presbyterian
is a likely bet since the building
is bigger than its congregation and it’s the
most progressive ofall the local Presbyterian
churches. Also, it’s still in the Kendallv~
qfittier areas to which Coil has ties.
Parents, Families & Friends of
Lesbians and Gays
PFLAG,Tulsa Chapter
POB 52800, 74152, 749-4901
Saturday, June 7th, 10’5pm
Sunday, June 8th, 1-5pm
$10 donation
To Benefit St. Joseph Residence & RAIN
Judy & Paul Kantor
3040 S. Wheeling
Doug & Susan Pielsticker
3032 S. Trenton
L~Yi~:Myrna Seale
2624-E. 33rd St.
Jared Bruce & Bruce Schultz
1915 S. Xanthus
Charles Faudree
2121 E. 32 St.
available at any of these
benefiting Tulsa Area AIDS Agencies
June 13, 14 & 15
Warren Place Doubletree Hotel
Dinner or Brunch, Cash Bar & Performance
Tickets on sale at 596-7111 or 584-2000. Outside Tulsa, call 800-364-7111.
Saint Aidan’s
4045 No. Cincinnati, 425-7882
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
Orlando Gay Days
Sea World, Universal
Studios ÷ Disney World
Orlando, Florida
June 6 - 8
Ellen Live!
Now that you’ve seen
Ellen come outwant
to go see.her
tape a show?
Hollywood, California
4 days/3 nights in August
Call now -
limited space/flights available
IGTA member "
Call 341. 6866
Toursformore, information.
Bu ines Guild
Dinner Meeting at
China Dragon
6219 E. 61st
(formerly Tao-Tao)
Tuesday, May 27, 7pro
Irffo.IRSVP: 665-517~
POB ~106, Tulsa 7~159
Parish Church of
St. Jerome
: will have a
Garage Sale
at 5360 S. Owasso
Fri. May 16,8-4pm
Sat. May 17, 8-noon
Building Fund
Is Proud to Welcome
Joshua Henkin
author of
Swimming Across
the Hudson
Monday, May 26th
7:00-8:00 P.M.
2740.E, 21st Street ¯ 21st Street @ The BA Expressway ¯ 712-9955
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Community Unitarian, Universalist Congregation
. Service - 1 lam, 1703 E 2nd, 749-0595
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplcwood, Info: 838-1715
Social group for men, 1st Sun/each too. 4-6pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
University of Tulsa Bisexuai/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm at the Canterbury Center, 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-9pro, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Gay & Lesbian Book Discussion Group, Borders Bookstore
Ist Mon/each month, 7:30pm, 2740 E. 21st, 712-9955
Womens Literature Discussion Group, Borders,Bookstore
3rd Mon/each month, 7:30pm, 2740 E., 21st, 712-9955
Mixed Volleyball, 6:30pro, Hdmerich Park, 71st 8~ Riverside, 587-6557
UnityLambda Al-anon, 7:30pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd
Lesbian Mothers Support Group, 2nd+4th Tues/ea. mo. 7pm, 1307 E. 38th,
HIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium 1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIViAIDS Support Group, and Friends & Fatuity HIV/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pm, Locations, call: 74%7898
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Cen~er
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family OfFaithMCC Praise Prayer-6:30pm, Choir-7:30,5451-E S. Mingo. 622-144 l
TNAAPP, Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
Gav/Bi Native American Men S upport Group, 6 pro, 1703 E. 2nd, 582-7225, 584=4983
TCC’Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for scheduled events.
Info: 631-7632 orJeremy at 712-1600
CO-Dependency Support Group - 7:30 Family of Faith, 5451E S, Mingo, 622-1441
HOPE, HIV Outreach~ Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing,Testing: 7 - 8:30pro, Results: 7 - 9pm, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adults Network (ORYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental, Health at 663-2727
(~,.;,,~., Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9 30pm, Lola s, 2630 E. 15th
:From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each mo. Lola’s, 2630 E 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS 4154 S.Harvard,
Ste. G, 3-4:30pm, [nfo: 749-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/eaCh mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Arts Coffeehouse, Poetry readings & art display, June 6th, 8-10pm, Pride Ctr.,
Call Mary for more information: 743-6740
St. Jerome’s Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapd, 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Fun Night at the Center, Board games, video, June 7th, 8pro, Pride Ctr.
Call Kathy for more information: 749-2883
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info:.584-2978
SENSES, Society for Exploring New Sensations, Educating & Socializing
Leave message for Kathy, 743-4297
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Rides: 5/21,6:30pm; 5/24,
7am; 5/28, 6:30pro; 5/31, 7am. All rides start at Ziegler Park Recreation Center,
3903 W. 4th St., Info: POB 9165, 74157
lfyour event or organization is not listedplease let us know, Call 583-1248 or fax
~R ~-/IN 1 q
Read All About It
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Aiming mosdy for the young adult :
crowd, Gay Rights is part of a
series tiffed Current Controversies.
Ideal for school reports,
this booklooks at a few,
basic issues and examines
them through a variety of entries
that either support or oppose
the topic. Contributors
include well known figures
such as Barry Goldwater and
Andrew Sullivan, and even
includes both sides of last
summer’s Supreme Court deorion
on Colorado’s Amendment
2, which would have
barred anti-discrimination
laws based on sexual orientation.
Gay Rights is divided into
four broad chapters. The first
topic, "What Rights Should
Gays and Lesbians Have?"
includes eight passages dealing
with employment and domestic
partnership benefits,
foreign gays seeking asylum
in the U.S., and whether gay
partners should be recognized
as.family members:
Chapter 2 i_s a spirited debate
on Gay marriage. There
are predictable entries from
authors passionately defending
their positions from a political
standpoint, but also an
Gay Rights is
a won~[erful
re$ollree for
on the Gay
elvll rights
movement for
youn~ adults
and adults
alike. It ineludes
a short
and an updated
llst of national
from the
National Gay
and Lesbian
Ta~k ForCe to
the Traditional
interesting essay by Alison Soloman, a
Lesbian in a longterm, committed relationship,
who maintains that the governby
Lynn Elber, AP Entertainment Writer
LA, CA (AP) - They aren’t homosexual,
but Tom Hanks, William Hurt and Meryl
Streep found audience acceptance playing
gay or lesbian characters on screen.
Hanks and Hurt even struck
Oscar gold. Now,AnneHeche
may discover if turnabout is
fair play. Will the actress who
declared she’s in a lesbian relationship
with Ellen
DeGeneres be accepted in
straight romantic roles or will
her career suffer?
While some Hollywood insiders
express confidence that
Heche and those who may follow
her will get equal treatment,
others - while lauding
Heche’s candor - are pessimistic.
"I have no explanation
for it, but it’s one thing to see
me kiss a man and say, ’Well,
he’s playing a part’," said Jason
Alexander ("Seinfeld"), a
straight actor witha gay role in
the upcoming film "Love!
Valourt Compassion!""’It’s another thing
to see a gay actor in a heterosexual romantic
scene and buy into it, for most people,"
Alexander said.
Working againstHecheis the industrf s
traditional timidity and fear of that great
unknown: publicreaction. In her favor are
her talent mid, some contend, the difference
in how gay men and lesbians are
ment has no place in either Gay or straight
The old "Gays in the Military" debate
rages in Chapter 3. Commonly used arguments
about perceived morale
and health problems are offset
by Goldwater’s article citing
tmfounded concerns by the
military as women and racial
minorities wereintegratedinto
the military in the past.
The final section, "Do Gays
and Lesbians Need Antidiscrimination
Laws?," is a good
overview of commouly held
beliefs on both sides of the
issue. The text of the Supreme
Court’s ruling on Colorado’s
Amendment2 is includedhere,
as is the text of the dissenting
opinion, authored by an indignant
Antonin Scalia.
Gay Rights is a wonderful
resource for general information
on the Gay civil rights
movement for young adults
and adults alike. It includes a
short bibliography and an updated
list of national organizations,
from the National Gay
and LesbianTask Force to th~
Traditional Families Coali-
Other new titles at the library
include: Inventing Lesbian
Culture in Americ~ (edited
by Ellen Lewin) and HIV,
AIDS and the Law (1997) by
Mark Senak. Check your local
branch or call the Central Library Readers
Services (596-7966) for these and other
books of interest.
: perceived.
¯ Common sense also counts, say the
: optimists. "Gay actors have been passing
: in straight roles for centuries: I mean,
¯ c’mon, they’re actors," said Alan Klein of
actors get to
~b.ry in
are limited
by their
or forced to
hide it...
the Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation in New
York. 1
Hollywood’s got to let it
happen," said lesbian activist
Chastity Bono, whose mother
is Cher. "And if anybody can
do it, I think that Anne certainly
can. She’s an excellent
actress and has done very
sexual scenes with men and
had strong connectious with
The.first test will come relatively
soon: Heche, 27, currenfly
co-stamng in "Volcano"
and "Donnie Brasco,"
will be paired with Harrison
.,F,.ord in the romantic, comedy
6 Days, 7 Nights. Filming
begins in July. Why should
moviegoers be willing to suspend
disbelief for Hanks in "Philadelphia"
(1993), Hurt in "Kiss of the Spider
Woman" (1985), Streep in "Manhattan"
(1979) and not for Heche, ask Klein and
And why should straight actors get to
glory in playing gay while homosexual
performers are limited by their orientation
or forced to hide it, see LA, page 12
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Miss the Blues Festival, May 29.- June 1
by Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
le marquis de Salade, TFN Food Critic
Early June is that wonderful time of
year when music lovers from literally all
over the world set their sites on the quiet
borough ofBartlesville,just40 shortmiles
north of Tulsa, for the widely
acclaimed OK Mozart International
Foundedin 1983 by the cute
and very eligible flutist/conductor,
Ransom Wilson, and
his Solisti New York chamber
orchestra, artists of stratospheric
staturehave sincejour---
neyed to Bartlesvilte for a
week-long orgy of incredible
music making. This year’s
headlineris the violinist, Itzhak
Perlman, andpast seasons have
seen such stars as Joshua Bell,
Jean-Pierre Rampal, the Canadian
Brass, and Leontyne
Price. The whole town of
Bartlesville decks out in period
Viennese drag, and Austrian
delicacies pop up on
menus all over town. In between
all of the concerts, art
tours, and community showcase
events, we know you’ll
be anxious to refuel and try
out the culinary offerings of
B-ville. So, where can one go
in a town where many of the
locals think the ultimate dining
experience is the breakfast
buffet at Golden Corral?
For decades, the first place
to come to mind for tourists
and Bartians alike has been
Murphy’s Original Steakhouse,
1625 West Frank
Phillips Boulevard, way out
on the west side of town. Most
any night of the week (save
Mondays, when they are
closed), locals from all walks
oflifefrom Phillips Petroleum ¯
to cattlemen and roustabouts, rub shoul- "
ders and literally stand in line waiting for "
a booth at this quaint diner. ¯
The classic Murphy’s entree is the Hot "
H.amburger, a large hamburger patty with "
omons fried into it, presented drenched in ¯
a healthy dose of rich, brown gravy. All ."
entrees come with a shredded iceberg "
lettuce salad and the choice of either a "
mountain of big, thick, greasy, wonderful
French fries or an absolutely enormous ¯
baked potato, easily bigger than two of the "
~pOtatoes seen at most restaurants. The big "
leasant) surprisehereis the price. Would ¯
you believe that this huge meal costs less °
than $5,00? ¯
Steaks, of course, are also available, ¯
cooked precisely to please, and all extremely
reasonably priced. In fact, the
most expensive item on the menu is the °
Sirloin for Two at $16.95, and it is easily ¯
big enough to ser.ve three adequately. ¯
Expect the waitresses to call all of their
customers. "Hon," and to have mastered ¯
the amazang skill of balancing an entire ¯
table’s order of hot plates on one arm. ¯
This is a family place where everybody .
knows everybody, and during a visit last "
December, we were given a little Christ- ¯
mas baggie of peanut brittle by our wait- ¯
ress, which she personally had made at "
home for her best customers: That tells ¯
you what kind of a place Murphy’s is. ¯
But, sometimes one is not in the mood "
to consume several tons of seared cow
" flesh, and there are alternatives. One of
¯ our reliable standbys is the Hunan Chi-
: nese Restaurant 1350 Southeast Washington
Boulevard (U.S. Highway 75),just
¯ north of the Holiday Inn. Hunan is situated
most upi+"quely in a structure
originally built to house a
Dutch pancakehouse, and that
decor has not been modified.
A $6.95 dinner buffet is available,
and features a fine assortment
of high quality Chinese
dishes, but we recommend
one order from the
menu, if time permits.
Hunan’s dishes are prepared
with exceptional artistry, and
the melange of flavor~ ereated
in the kitchen is exquisite.
Many of the familiar Chinese
dishes which have gotten
so boring at other estab=
lishments take on a wonderful
freshness and interest here,
and this is a places where we
enjoy allowing our waiter to
select all of the foods.
Another statewide favorite
in Bartlesville for both
dining and. catering is Dink’s
Pit Bar-BrQue, 2929 East
Frank Phillips Boulevard,just
a few blocks west of Washington
Bfulevard (Highway
75). Those who visited
Bartlesvil[¢.years ago may
remember that Frank Phillips
Boulevard is the old route of
U.S. Highway 60, before the
new road was built a half mile
south. Dink’s is another very
casual place, but there is no
other option when one ,digs
into a big rack of ribs, dripping
an flavorful sauce, that
soon covers face, fingers, and
clothes. This place is so mforreal,
that one often has to ask the waitress
for afork with which to eat the cole slaw!
One warning: Order conservatively. The
portions here are large, and reorders (if
there’s room) are quick in coming to the
Next door to I)ink’s is Bartlesville’s
entry in the elegant dining category,
Sterling’s Grille, 2905 East Frank Phillips
Boulevard. Sterling’s is another popular
night spotand local caterer. Considered to
be "very expensive" by the locals, their
prices are really much more in line with
what we see in Tulsa at places like
T.G.I.Friday’s or Grady’s American Grill.
Sterling’s also serves steaks as a specialty
of the house, and touts several pasta and.
fresh-frozen seafood dishes. While it is
¯ probably the bestBarflesville has to offer,
itis not, alas, up to Tulsa standards for this
category of restaurant. Nevertheless, this
will probably be your first choice if you
have your elderly maiden aunt in tow
A word of advice about dirang out in
Bartlesville: mostrestaurantkitchens close
up tight before 9 p.m. And, the places
mentioned in this review are all popular
spots with the locals, crowded on a normal
night. So, with all of the throngs of
tourists and visitors during the festival,
reservations will be a must at Steding’s
(call at least a week in advance). Neither
Murphy’s nor ])ink’s accept reservations,
so go to those places very early.
During the Festival, see B’ville, page 14
In between
concerts, art
tours, and
we know
you’ll be
anxious to
refuel and try
B-:,d.lle. So,
w]~ere can one
go in a town
wl~ere many
of th+ local+
t nk the
the brea t
b fet at
they argue. "It’s a very strange dbuble
standard," said Jeffrey Friedman, co-director
and co-producer of "The Celluloid
Closet," a documentary on Hollywood’s
treatment of homosexuality. There is an
unquestionable allure in gay roles m recent
years. Some 40 actors, for example,
competed for the drag queen part that
Patrick Swa~ze won in ’‘To Wang Fad,
Thanks for Everything! Love, Julie
Newmar." "The actors were beating down
our doors," recalled producer Bruce
Audiences have, at times, been equally
enthusiastic. Although ’%Vong Fad" did
only moderately well ($36.4 million),
"Philadelphia" grossed an impressive
$77.3 million.’’The Birdcage," with Robin
Williams and Nathan Lane, did even better
with $124 million.
Expecting a similar reaction to films
featuring gay actors in straight roles may
be wishful thinking, said Doug Chapin, a
manager and producer of "Love! Valour!
Compassion!" Chapin, himself gay, says
he would advise clients thinking of coming
out to, "Be prepared. This could have
a negative impact."
Joey Lauren Adams, a straight actress
playing a bisexual in "Chasing Amy,"
notes that actors fret about how many
issues, not just sexual orientation, might
affect their careers. "I knew an actress
whose agent toldher she couldn’t tell
anyone she had a daughter, because then
she would only be:cast in mommy roles,"
s.aid Adams.
Heche’s own h’0nesty might have less
impact because oPher gender, some suggest.
"The culture’ is much more used to
selling the romatltic fantasy of sex between
two women, and men don’t find it
as threatening; they find it somewhat titillating,"
said Chapin. "And I don’t think
women are as threatened by gay women
as men are by gay men."
"Wang Fad’" producer Cohen agrees
that homosexual women are better positioned
for acceptance, but he believes that
is because of the gumpraon they’ve already
shown. "When you look at k.d.
lang, Melissa Etheridge and Ellen
DeGeneres and Anne now, there’s sort of
this whole line of brave women pioneers
and the boys are still in the closet quiverrag,"
he said. When a actor finally does
make the leap, "if they’re accepted, everybody
might say, ’Guess what? The
public doesn’t have any harder time with
men than with women’," he said.
There is a kind of retro example available:
Rock Hudson, whose homosexuality
became known shortly before his 1985
AIDS-related death, seems to be accepted
as a straight romantic star. "I’ve never
heard commentary from viewers suggesting
otherwise," said Ken Schwab, vice
president ofprogrammingforTurner Classic
Movies. The cable channel shows such
ttudson films as "’Pillow Talk" and "Lover
Come Back." "It’s the movies themselves
that our viewers assess, and they don’t
uecessarily take into account the star’s
lifestyle," said Schwab.
GLa,AD’s Levine notes that several
top male stars repeatedly have been the
subject of gay gossip and yet haven’t seen
their careers disrupted. He predicted the
same for an actor who comes out. "If
they "re cast correctly and they’re talented,
you will get drawn into the story and it
will resonate for you. Are you really going
to say [of a film], ’I’m not going to
believe this Story, he’s really gay’?"
Supporters argued the bill doesn’t approve
or disapprove of homosexuality,
but simply assures that gays have the
sameprotections as everyone else at work,
renting a room or going out to dinner.
’q2tis is not a radical bill," said Sen.
Debora Pignatelli. "It is supported by
mainstream people because it is a mainstream
bill for fair treatment. It is a bill
about treating others as we would want
people to treat us and our children."
Pignatelli said the bill only addresses
the stares of a person, not his or her
conduct. "Its aim is to prevent people
from being deprived of housing, a job, or
public accommodations solely onaccount
of their sexual preference," she said. It
would help ensure that homosexuals
"share in the American dream of a safe
and peaceful home, a good job for those
willing to work and a seat, any seat, on the
bus." "This Legislature isn’t here to create
special rights, but it is here to create
equal protection under the law," added
Sen. Edward Gordon.
Opponents said the bill is flawed and
will open employers to lawsuits by disgruntled
employees claiming they were
fired-or weren’t promoted because they
are gay. Sen. Gary Francoeur said the bill
would mean "any bizarre sexual behavior
would be protected." "America favors
equal rights, not special rights in the workplace,"
he said. Hepredicted it wouldlead
to workplace laxvsuits and would prevent
employers from hiring, firing and promoting
whom they choose based on their
religious bdiefs:
But Sen. Burt Cohen pointed out that
Gays have no legal recourse now when
someone discriminates against them. ’‘This
is about equal rights for all;" he said. "No
more, no less." Claire Ebel of the New
Hampslfire Civil Liberties Union was
elated. "It is the most overwhehning sense
of relief to finally achieve something so
needed," she said.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force commended ,.~ew Hampshire legislators
for passing the bill. "Today’s vote
sends a signal that New Hampshire values
and respects all its citizens," said Kerry
Lobd, the group’s executive director.
Maine Too!
The Maine House passed a comprehensive
bill to extend basic civil rights protections
to its Gay and Lesbian citizens,
two days after New Hampshire did the
same. The Maihe House voted 84-61 last
week to provide civil rights protections to
gay people in employment, housing, public
accommodations and credit. The state
Senate passed the measure a day beforeby
a 28-5 vote. After a procedural vote by
both chambers, Gov. Angus King, an independent,
is expected to sign the measure.
Once these bills are signed, 11 states --
including all of New England -- will have
laws to prohibit discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation. "These votes
demonstrate anew momentumin the quest
for gay civil rights," said Elizabeth Birch,
HRC’s executive director. "Maine and
New Hampshire stand ready to join the
nine states that already treat their gay and
lesbian citizens equally." However, she
noted that in all the other states, gay
people have no legal recourse if they are
discriminated against merely because of
their sexual orientation. No federal law
protects Americans from discrimination
based on sexual orientation.
Did you know that Coors Brewing
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by the Supreme Court and offered opinions
without fact. Foley said he expects all
briefs to be filed by Jt]ne.
The Legislature has approved a proposed
constitutional amendment to limit
marriage to opposite-sex partners..The
proposed amendment will be submitted t<
voters in the November 1998 general election.
It is not known if the Supreme Court
will withhold its ruling in the case until
after that election
Same-Gender Marriage
Bill in Louisiana
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - Sen. Phil
Short did not get to usebis latest argument
on the subject of same-sex marriages because
he realized, after looking around
the Senate floor, that he still didn’t have
the votes to pass a constitutional amendment
banning such unions. Short, one of
the members of the Christian Right in the
Senate, did not quote from the Bible during.
Tuesday’s debate as he did earlier.
But., Sen. Tom Greene said that the law
must be fashioned along the lines ofGod’s
plan. "I don’t mean to preach to you, just
share with you," said Greene. "God created
man and woman and gave us an
instruction book, the Bible, alove letter to
us....The most important thing is that the
laws and constitution must be in concert
with God’s plan." God’s plan does not
condone homosexuality, said the proponents.
The opposition pointed out that the stat=
utes currently outlaw same sex marriages
and that the prohibition has been in place
since Louisiana became a state. "I’his bill
~s not necessary," said Sen. Jim Cox who
said the only thing that can come from it
is heightening tensions and dividing
Sen. Ken Hollis noted that he was not
present for the first debate earlier in the
session when the bill failed to get the
necessary votes, but needed to state his
opinion. "It is my conviction that those
who do lead alternate lifestyles do so
because of genetics," said Hollis. "I don’t
condone it but I will not sit up here and
condenm it. If we had gay bashing in the
past, don’t you think this is going to highlight
Proponents quoted heavily from the
Bible in the first debate, irritating a number
of senators who complained privately
that the Christian right was forgetting the
doctrine of separation of church and state.
Colorado Bans Same
Gender Marriage
DENVER (AP) - A bill intended to outlaw
homosexual marriages in Colorado
has been approved by the Legislature, but
some lawmakers said it Conld iuadvertenfly
ban common-law marriages. Opponents
said the problem is the part that
defines marriage. It says a marriage is
valid only when itis between a man and a
woman and is "licensed, solemnized and
Supporters, though, said the intent of
HB 1198 is to ban same-sex mamages in
the Colorado. Legislative staffers told the
committee that Colorado courts longhave
re~coguized common-law marriages. A
couple can be considered legally married
if they live together and present themselves
as husband and wife. The bill, in
plain English, defmes marriagebutdcesn’ t
address common-law unions,Arnold said.
"As an old plain English teacher, I’d
like to tell you what it says," Sen. Pat
Pascoe said. "In plain English, commonlaw
marriages would be illegal because
they aren’t licensed, solemnized and registered."
Sen. Dick Mutzebaugh said he
had advice for people worried about the
legality of their common-law relationships.
"Get married," he said.
Senate Minority Leader Mike Feeley
argued the bill wasn’t needed. "None of
us have ever seen a same-sex marriage in
Colorado. We don’t need to live in fear. It
has never been legal in Colorado," he
said. Gov~ Roy Romer vetoed similar legislation
last year. He threatened to do the
same this year if language explicitly forbidding
marriage between homosexuals
wasn’t changed. That language was
dropped in favor of the definition of a
legal marriage. Arnold said he wasn’t
concerned Romer would veto the bill because
of the contested language. The governor
suggested thefinal wording, he said.
with a reception afterwards, 1703 E. 2nd.
On June 8th, the Church of the Restoration
Unitarian will have its service at
l lam, at 1304 No. Greenwood.
¯ In Oklahoma City, there will be a NW ¯
39th Block Party on,~unday, June 15th,
from 4ish to sunset. :T~e statewide Pride
¯ Parade will be prece~,~ed by several events
¯ on Sunday, June 22~at-Memorial Park, ¯
NW 35th & Classen. There will be an
¯ Ecumenical Pride Worship Service, fol-
.. lowed by a Holy Union;Ceremony at lpm
¯ conducted by The RdV. Kathy McCallie.
¯ At 1:45, a political r,ally is planned by
¯ OGLPC, the Oklahoma Gay & Lesbian
¯ Political Caucus, with Patti Barby, Candidate
for US Cong~.ess, 5th District and
¯ Mary Katherine Smotherman, Candidate
for US Congress, 6th District Oklahoma,
¯ speaking/Sen. Bernest Cain ofOKC will
¯ read a Senate Proclamation honoring the
¯ Gay Pride Parade. Then the Parade Line-
: up (first come, first lined up) will start at
¯ 3pm, and the Parade itself will kick off at
¯ 4pm (more or less). For more informa-
¯ tion, call the Pride Center Helplineat 743-
¯ 4297. ¯
Also, in what might be regarded as a
¯ concession to the Pride season, OETA,
¯ the Oklahoma Educational Television
: Authority is airing a Masterpiece Theatre
¯ performance, Breaking theCode.Tlfis was
aired in the rest of the country last winter
but was replaced with a rerun-of Mystery
here. Some observers felt thatOETA may
." have made the substitution because of the
¯ Gay issues in the piece. The performance
¯ dealt with the life of Alan Turing, a Gay British mathematician who deciphered
¯ the message code used by the Nazis in’the
¯ Second World War. His work contributed
¯ substantially to Allied successes. After ¯ the War, Turing experienced substantial
: harassment because of being Gay and
¯ committed suicide. While OETA Pro¯
gramming Director Bill Thresh denied that the OETA substitution was moil-
. vated by anti-Gay bias or by fear of budgetary
punishmentby thein-session Okla-
" homa Legislature (the Legislamrewill be
¯ nearly done and unlikely to be able to
attack OETA in June), Thresh did note
¯ that the station had received a significant
¯ this program.
¯ Breaking the Codewill air onTuesday,
June 3 at 10:30pm on Channel 11 in
¯ northeastern Oklahoma. For more infor-
¯ mation, call 800-TRY-OETA.
Sterling’s and the Villa Italia at the
Phillips Hotel schedule special "late
night" seatings on some nights, but
otherwise, after-concert dining may
well be limited to the Kettle.
The Festival itself also has a number
of advance-ticketed Austrian
meals at the Community Center,
wonderful desserts and coffees are
served on the balcony during the inte~
s, outdoor food stands are open
d~:iig the day, and there are often
post-concert showcase events, such
as dessert in the penthouse of .the
Price Tower. These meals and events
are all worth a special look.
So, now that you are armed with a
list of places to see and foods to eat in
Bartlesville, have a wonderful time
at the Festival. And, keep these restaurants
in mind for those special
summertime treks with the kids to
WoolarocMuseum, Keepsake Candle
Factory, theTallgrass Prairie, and the
Sutton Avian Research Center.
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Please type or print your ad. Count
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Send your ad & payment to POB 4140,
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HIV Education Worker
HIV prevention outreach worker,
full time, experience needed; fax
resume to (918) 712-2440 or mail
to HOPE, 1307 E. 38th St. 2rid fl.
Tulsa, OK 74105
Parents, Family & Friends of
Lesbians & Gays, Bartlesville-
Washington Cty, POB 485,
Bartlesville, OK 74005
.....~.~...+........~..V...O.. Media, Inc. does not prescreen callers and assumes no responsibility for personal meetings.
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, brow.~e unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per minute. 1 8+. Customer Service: 41 5-281-31 83
TELE TRANS I’m interested in speaking on the
phone with crossdressers, Transvestites, and
Transsexuals, and couples. I’m 5’8, 1451bs, with
E~lue eyes, Ion~ Brown hair, and a mustache. I’m
E~i curious andmay, eventually want to meet in
person, but let’s start on the phone. (Barflesville)
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:i:::.ii:: Call:: me 900 number &
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AND OUTOF BREATH I’m a 36 year old,
White male, former athlete, looking for
companionship. The following are some of my
traits: compassior~ate, God fearing, humor6Lss,
non perfect, lonely, sensuous, hairy, stocky,
loving, adventurous, careful, mystical, playful,
romantic, tender, masculine, sincere,
comm fred, and always self-seeking.
(Claremare) =12057
MANLY PASTTIMES I’m a good looking,
masculine White male. 5’7, with c marine
haircut, and Hazel eyes. I like hunting, fishing,
and sports. I’d like to meet other men in the
area to hang out with. (Grand Lake)
KEEP IT HONEST I’m looking for a nice guy,
and able communicator, with whom I can
spend time and build something special, t’m a
32 year old, Gay, White male, interested in
romance and quiet times with my partner. I like
long walks, biking, and honest communication.
(Henrietta) =32520
TO THE SKY IN KIOWA This Transgender,
Bi, White male, 5’9, with Brown hair and Blue
eyes, seeks a Transgender, Bi, or Gay, male,
between 25 and 30. You should be loving,
kind. and good looking. (Kiowa) =28859
OKIE FROM MUSKOGEE This 21 year old,
Gay, White male, 5’11,175ibs, with Blond
hair, and Blue eyes, seeks hot men for fun
times. I often travel to Tulsa and other areas.
(Muskogee) =12437
adventurous 27, 6ft, 1501bs, w~tn
light Brown hair, and Brown eyes. I want to
meet men into uninhibited action. ~ like groups,
and am interested in being videotaped,
especially during a group scene. (Muskogee)
=1 1834.
UFE US SWan I’m looking for Ihe man, or men,
o~ my dreams. I’m a 19 year old, Single, Black "
male. Once I find you, your cbthes, and house,
will always be dean. Dinner will always be on
time. Dessert will be in the bedroom. (Muskogee)
I DESERVE IT I’ve decided that I deserve ta meet
the man of my dreams. I’m an honest,
professional, Gay, White male, 38, 5’9,1551bs,
with Brown hair, Blue eyes, a beard, and hairy
bed’/. I’m very e~ergetic, and get pleasure from
rood trips, movies, dining out, and home life.
(Tulsa) =33882
TRANS TREAT IN TULSA I believe that a
hard man is good to find. This sensual, sexy,
submissive Bi mate Transvestite, 42, 6fl,
1701bs, seeks Bi men, 35 to 70, of all races. Let’s
play. (Tulsa) =29954
TULSA I~NO STEPPER Show me around towr~
and teach me the West Coast Swing. I’m a
young Io~king, 34 year old, Hispanic male, 5’4,
1251bs, with Brown hair ahd eyes. I’m pretty
new to town and want to make friends. I love to
dance and can two step with the best of them.
I’m a big fan of eaunt0~ music, movies, and love
people. Let’s meet. (Tulsa) =29334
and do fun stuff with some new friends. I’m a
good looking, Gay, Cherokee Indian male,
5’8, ] 451bs, with Black hair and Brown eyes.
I’m into all kinds of things. I like to swim, work
out, play basketball and~nis, and enjoy Ihe
company of my friends. I’m most attrad~ to
Blond h0ired, Blue eyed, guys but would like
to meet all. (Tulsa) =$~€ .
several hot videos by Falcon and other
studios. I’m visiting relatives and am bored
stiff. The nalives want me to go fishing but I’ve
got other things ou my mind. I’m 29, 6’1,
190bs, with dirly Blond hair, Green eyes,
and savage tan. I’m in great shape. Got any
ideas on how I should spend my time? (Tulsa)
"PgVO FOR ONE IN TULSA We’re a sexy,
Gay, White couple, 25 and 26. We’re
looking far steamy sessions. (Tulsa)
BRONCO RIDER i’m a 21 year old,
masculine, cowboy, seeking a soulmate, t’m
5’11, 1451bs, with short Brown hair, Blue
eyes, and a fit body. I love rodeos, huntir!~,
fishing, sports, coun~ music, and the outcsoor~.
(Tulsa) =32884 .
NEW FACES I’m agood looking, horny, Whi~e
male, 6ft, 1701bs, with Brawn hair and eyes. I go
to school during the day and wonder wha~s going
on at night. Show me. (Tulsa) =32079
IN TRANSITION I want to build a relationship
with another good looking, Gay, Male,
Transvestite. I’m 26, 5’9. ~th Brawn hair and Blue
_eyes. You should be clean, nice, and
h~n. I hope we can have a long tem~
relationship. (Tulsa) =30728
a~active, 21 year old,
Black male, 5’11, 180]bs,
with light Brawn eyes,
seeks other
Black men
to hang out
with. I’m new ta
the scene and want
to make same Bead
friends. (Tulsa)
TOUCH Do you
need a woman’s
touch? I’m a 40 year old, Transgender, .hoping to
someday become a compbte woman. I love to
play the feminine role and give pleasure to men,
over 40, in every way~ Race is unimpertont. (Tulsa)
JUICY FRUIT This hairy, ton,~looking,
Gay, White man, wants to
have hot phone fun w~n orner s~uas. ~ m 6’1,
1801bs, with Blond hair and Green eyes.
Once we aet acauainted, maybe we can
meet (Tulsa)
get close to someone who is able to have a
relationship without letting anyone else know
about it. I’m agood looking, 27 year old,
Married, Bi male. (Tulsa) =29225
here but I come to Tulsa often. I’m a very
athletic, attractive, White male, 5’6, 140lbs.
with Brown hair, Hazel eyes, a washboard
stomach and great legs and butt. Entertain me
when I’m in town and ~’11 make you glad you
did. (Tulsa) =28623
year old, recently Divorced, cowboy,
seeks a guy who might be interested in
a relationship. I’m a good
looking bull rider with a nice
build, 5’11, with Brown hair
and Hazel
eyes. I’m new
to this scene
and like to kiss,
caress, and cuddle.
Tulsa) =28662
I’m looking to get to
know, andhove
good times with, other masculine
Gay, or Bi, White males, between
18 and 34, in the area. I’m a good looking,
Gay, White male, 33, 6’1, 1651bs, with short
Brown hair Blue eyes, and large endowment.
We can’t talk before you ca so hurry. (Tu sa)
SHOW ME THE WAY I’m a masculine,
Bisexual curious guy, and I’m a little nervous
about this. I’m 21, 5’7", ] 951bs, with a
worked out body, Black hair, and Brown eyes.
I need you to show me the way. (Tulsa)
male in my late forties. I’m looking for a very
discreet male to get together with. You should be
clean cut, conservative, no older lhon me. I enjoy
collecting bookstand traveling. Let’s share our
values and goals and see where that leads.
Discretion is vital. (Tulsa) =28803
END MY WAIT This old fashioned, romantic is
leaking for companionship and love h’om you.
Please ~:oll saon. (Tulsa) =14264
SERVICE IS MY BUSINESS This young looking,
42 year old, White male, seeks virile, masculine
men. I have a good build from frequent workouls
and doily jogs. (Tulsa) =28323
MY WIFE’S IN THE DARK I want t6 have some
run with another man but my wife can’t know
anything about it. i’m 27ond good looking. Call if
you’re ~n and can be discreet. (Tulsa) =28503
TRUE IN TULSA I’m a masculine, muscular, 21
,ear old, Black male, 5’7, 1951bs, with Black hair,
~nd Brown eyes, looking ~ new friends to hang
)ut with. ~ don’t de drugs or smoke, but
~:casionally go out for drinks. I hove lots of other
nterests such as working out. Let’s meet and see
what happens. (Tulsa) =13047
TAKE IT SLOW I like soft music, romantic
evenings and spending time with my family and
friends. This Gay, White male, 38, 5’9, 1441bs, is
HIV positive, but heelthy, and is seeking a non
smoking fi’iend to share with. i’m most interested in
other Gay, White males, between 21 and 45, who
are willing to go slowly. (Tulsa) =23748
IF WE TRY This attractive, Gay, While male,
seeks companionship, and a relationship, with o
sincere, Gay, Black male, between 18 and 30. I’m
5’9, 1651bs, with Brown hair, and Blue eyes. You
should be honest, loving, caring, and drug ~ree, as
I am. We can make it happen if we try. (Tulsa)
HUNTING NEW GAME I want to make ~ome
new plans and indude you in them. I’m a 28 year
old, Gay, White male, 6’1, with Brown hair and
eyes. I like to cook and enjoy all outdear spo~,
especially hunting and fishing. Let me know when I
can plan to see you. (Tulsa) =23916
GOODBYE, CITY UFE I wonna meet some of ~ivall. This 28 year old, Gay, Black male, enjoys
ing in the caun~. I like all outdoor aclivities, like
hunting, and fishing. Call me and get away from it
all. (Tulsa) =26522
FLEX FRIEND You’ve got a h’iend right here. I’m a
42 years old, G~ male, 5’8", 1701bs. I’m into
sports, music, and am very b~xible. Let’s have some
~un. (Tulsa) =26409
TULSA TIME i’ve got time on my hands. Would.
you like to spend it with meg. This Gay male, enioys
reading, sports, and music. Adjust lhe volume, and
let’stolk. (Tulsa) =2S617
WANNA BE MY MENTOR? Maybe you can
help nudge me out of Ihe closet. I’m a 19 year old
Gay male, 6fl, 1501bs, with Brown hair, and Blue
eyes ke mov es, sports, and anything athletic. I’m
not yet "out" to the world, but I want to t~y a
relationship with a guy between 18 and 25. (Tulsa)
JUST FRIENDS It’s a good time for same good
times in Tulsa. I want to meet same new guys. I’m
5’9, 1701bs. Give me a call and let’s hang out.
(Tulsa) =25403
Trans~nder, Bi Male, 26, 5’9, with Brown hair,
and B~ue eyes. I’m very beautiful. I’d like to meet
another Bi or Gay, T~’ansgender mole~ 26 to 30,
who is good looking, c ean, kind, and nice.
(Tulsa) =25080
SPARE TIME I’m a Married, BI, female.
M~’ husband is an executive so he is out
of town most of the time. I want to meet a
wom)m to have fun with. I enjo~ going
out dancing, dining, and traveling. Let’s
dance the night c~ay. (Tulsa) ~31086
sweethearts, I want to meet a very
special lady who’d like to have a
wonderbl time. I’m a Bi female with a lot
to give. Let’s get together right away. "
(Tulsa) e30318
looking br o butch womyn, 24 to 30,
who is romantic, likes to dance, and
en o~,s sports and the outdoors. You
should also b,e interested in a long term
r.e,lationShip. I m a Gay, White female,
5 1, 1201bs, with shoulder length, Red
hair and Green eyes. (Tulsa) =30358
TULSA MOSOME This 35 year old
~ports enthusiast, is interested in meeting
~ther wom~ who enjoy the outdoors,
~ovies, and embracing life. Let’s get to
ChOW one another. [Tulsa) =27624
FRIENDS FIRST I need a womyn’s
touch. This 35 year.old Lesbian, e,n, joys
the outdoors, sports, and movies. I d like
to share them with another Lesbian that is
relationship oriented. (Tulsa) e27469
Tulsa womyn is bored. I wou~d like to ta~
with other womyn. If you are interested
in meeting me please respond. (Tulsa)
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it here)
Pride, Center
A Home for Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered Community Announces
’97 Pri-de Events Schedule
Tulsa .March & Picnic
Saturday, June 14
Pride March: at 11:30am from Gilcrease Road &
Edison St. to Owen Park (Edison St. at Quanah)
Pride Picnic: Noon to 5pm,
Opening ceremonies, 12:12:30
BYOF (bring your own food.), refreshments
donated by Pepsi, Coors, Miller & Bud.
Booths for Community organizations (call for
info. 743-4297)Vollyball, tennis, music.
Family fun for all.
Pride Worship Services
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
June 1st, llam, reception after, 1703 E. 2nd
Church of the Restoration Unitarian
June 8th, 11am, 1304 No. Greenwood
OKC Events
Sunday, June 15th
NW 39th Block Party, 4ish to dark
Sunday, June 22
Memorial Park, NW 35th & Classen
Ecumenical Pride Worship. Service, lpm
Holy Union Ceremony conducted by The Rev.
--~ :~Kat~Y~MCCall!e~ 1:45
Political Rally by OGLPC, the Oklahoma Gay &
Lesbian Political Caucus, Speakers: Paul Barby,
Candidate for US Congress, 5th District
Marv Katherine Smotherman, Candidate for US
Congress, 6th District
Oklahoma Senate Proclamation honoring the Gay
Pride Parade .by Sen. Bernest Cain of OKC
Parade Line-up (first come, first lined up), 3pro,
Parade Kick-off, 4pm
Pride Center
A Home for Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered Community Continues
Ple.dge ’97
A Pledge Campaign to Support,.Your.Center
The dream of a Community Center finally came true - and you can help it continue and grow!
The Pride Center provides a.meeting place for the Prime Timers, Friends in Unity Social Organization, Safe Haven,
Rainbow Business Guild, Lambda Unity A1-Anon, Lambda AA, the Parish Church of Saint Jerome,
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights and others, with
new groups everyday. Your membership pledge helps to keep the doors open.
[] I want to help. Please send me/us a pledge book for $
per month. Suggested pledge.: $5 - 20/month.
Day phone: Eve. phone:
City, state, zip code:
The Pride Center is open 7 days a week, week nights from 6-10, Sat.. 12-10pm and Sun. 2-10pm.
Volunteers are always welcome.
Please return this form to the Pride Center, 1307 East 38th, 2nd ft. Tulsa 74105, 918-743-4297

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/535.