Browse Items (12 total)

Vernon Leon Jones - Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home & Crematory.pdf
Four pages of an obituary for Vernon Leon Jones, who lived May 3, 1935 to February 5, 2024, published by Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home. A service was planned for March 1, 2024 at Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home.

Michael Herbert Green.pdf
Six pages of an obituary for Michael Herbert Green, who lived November 20, 1946 to February 17, 2024, published by Crawford Family Funeral and Cremation Service. A service was planned for February 23, 2024 at Crawford Family Funeral and Cremation…

Jack Wagoner III.pdf
Six pages of an obituary for Jack Wagoner III, who lived August 13, 1961 to April 23, 2024, published by Ruebel Funeral Home, including comments left by guests. A memorial service was planned for June 15, 2024 at Murray Park in Arkansas.

One page of an obituary for Dwight Alan Kealiher uploaded by Gary Kelley's Add'Vantage Funeral Service. Dwight lived August 27, 1937 to August 15, 2024.

Marriage equality plaintiff Edith Windsor dies at 88 (John Madagin).jpg
1 photocopy of a newspaper clipping of the obituary for Edith Windsor (20 June 1929 - 12 September 2017), a LGBTQ rights advocate whose lawsuit challenging the federal Defense of Marriage act lead to nationwide legal reforms raising same-sex marriage…

Bill Charles Ferguson.pdf
1 page of an obituary for Bill Charles Ferguson (14 December 1937 - 14 September 2015) and an announcement for his Celebration of Life on October 15, 2015. Includes a list of organizations for memorial contributions and relevant people in Ferguson's…

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