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- Tags: gay marriage in Oklahoma
[2010] Rex Ball Obituary
Tags: 2010, AIA, AIA Tulsa, American Institute of Architects, American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Institute of Architects Tulsa, architect, art deco, Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Brent Ortolani, Chamber of Commerce Oklahoma City, Chamber of Commerce Tulsa, Commission of Fine Arts, Dwight Kealiher, Gay marriage, gay marriage in Oklahoma, HTB, HTB Inc, HTB Inc., HTB Inc. Tulsa, HTB Tulsa, in memoriam, Kemper Military School, Margie Crowley Ball, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), memoriam, Mike Tedrick, MIT, Ninde Brookside Funeral Home, Ninde Funeral & Cremation, Ninde Funeral and Cremation, Ninde Funeral Home, Obituaries, Obituary, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma State Council, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma State University (OSU), OSU, OU, Rex Ball, Stephen Edwards, Steve Aberson, TCC, Tulsa Art Deco, Tulsa Art Deco Society, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, Tulsa Community College, Tulsa Community College (TCC), Tulsa Historic Preservation, Tulsa Historic Preservation Commission, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, United Methodist Church, United States Commission of Fine Arts, University of Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma (OU), US Commission of Fine Arts, World Congress on Art Deco
[2014] Estimating the Economic Boost of Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in Oklahoma
Tags: 2014, Christy Mallory, Gay marriage, gay marriage in Oklahoma, Justin M. O'Neill, Justin O'Neill, legalization of same sex marriage, LGBT marriage, M. V. Lee Badgett, marriage, marriage equality, Oklahoma gay marriage, Oklahoma same sex marriage, same sex marriage, same sex marriage in Oklahoma, same-sex marriage, state revenue, Taxes, The Williams Institute, UCLA, UCLA School of Law, University of California, University of California Los Angeles, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California Los Angeles School of Law, University of California School of Law, Williams Institute
[2015] List of Oklahoma Counties that Issued Same-Sex Marriage Licenses within a Year of it Becoming Legal
Tags: 2015, Gay marriage, gay marriage in Oklahoma, legalization of same sex marriage, LGBT marriage, marriage, marriage equality, marriage licence, marriage licences, Oklahoma counties, Oklahoma gay marriage, Oklahoma same sex marriage, same sex marriage, same sex marriage in Oklahoma, same-sex marriage