[2000] Tulsa Family News, August 2000; Volume 7, Issue 8
[2000] Tulsa Family News, August 2000; Volume 7, Issue 8
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
August 2000
James Christjohn
Karin Gregory
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Hughston Walkinshaw
Karin Gregory
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Hughston Walkinshaw
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, July 2000; Volume 7, Issue 7
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
MCC +American Expre.ss
Offer Financial Planning
TULSA - Tulsa’s Metropolitan Community Church
United (MCC-United) with Theresa M. Barnard, a
financial planning advisor with American Express Financial
Advisors will present a series of financial planning
seminars at MCC United. One seminar will be
"Financial Strategies forGayMen&Lesbians" and will
be held onTuesday, September 5th and will be repeated
on Tuesday, October 10th. Barnard will present "Retirement
- Explore Your Options, Create your Retirement
Income," on Tuesday, .September 19th and ,Estate
Planning" on Tuesday, October 24th. All seminars
will be at 7pro at the church located at 1623 No.
Maplewood, just north and west of Sheridan and Pine.
Bamard and MCC United provided the following
statement from American Express Financial Advisors:
"We want to make our commitment to Gay men and
Lesbians clear. Just as we have ~ktended domestic
partner benefits to our Lesbian and Gay employees
worldwide, wearecommi tted to providing sound finan,
cial advice that specifically addresses the unique finandal
issues affecting our Lesbian and Gay clients."
see MCC, p. 3
Women Try to Change
Canada’s Marriage Law
VICTORIA, CANADA (AP.)- Two women at the
center of a constitutional court challenge exchanged
vows inJuly as friends andrelatives witnessed the union
ceremony. Judy Lightwater, 49, and Cynthia Callahan,
36, pledged to "cherish and sustain each other" for all of
their days with "passion, honor, patience and laughter."
Since Canadian law recognizes marriage only between
aman and awoman, it was legally impossible for
the Gay activism to get a marriage license. But the
British Columbia government has asked the provincial
Supreme Court on behalf of the couple to declare that
same-sex marriages are legal. The court challenge is
expected to reach the Supreme Court of Canada within
about seven years.
The provincial government issues marriage licenses
but is boundby federal rules as to who qualifies. "When
I see there are two people who are dearlyin love and
want to make a commitment to each other and want to
have the same access to laws that are available to others,
as a human being I ask myself why should ~ose people
not be able to make that commitment? said B.C.
Attorney General Andrew Petter.
"We’rein loveandwe want to tell everyone about it,"
........... said Lightwater: "It"s not that complicated.~ More love
in the world is something everyone supports."
The other couple named in B.C.’s court petition are
Murray Warren and Peter Cook, who filed a human
rights complaint after they were. refused a marriage
license 18 months ago. see Courts, p. 3
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans;Our.Families + Friends
" Building AEVER
A More Light Presb erMn Weekend
¯ TULSA - A local liberal protestant church, College Hill Presby-
¯ terian Church recently became a"More Light" church byjoining
¯ the More Light network, a group of Presbyterian affiliated
¯ organizations which are dedicated to welcoming Lesbians, Gay
men, Bisexuals and Transgendered persons into the church in all
roles, both as lay members and as ordained leaders and clergy.
Now in August, on the 25, 26, and 27, the congregation will
host a "More Light" event and organizer both to help educate
local religious groups and individuals, and to recognize and
¯ celebrate College Hill’s joining the More Light group.
The Session (the board of directors of the congregation) has
invited Michael Adee, Ph.D., who is a full time organizer for
More Light network, a weekend of workshops.
~ According to College Hill’s spokesperson, "these three days
¯ will be filled with opportunities for worship mad fellowship
¯ together, to learn more about ministry to and with Gay, Lesbian;
Bisexual and Transgendered persons, and to inform and welcome
¯ others to this ministry of compassion, inclusion and justice."
The opening event will be a lunch on Friday; August 25th,
¯ from noon to 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall of the church which is
¯ located at 712 So. Columbia Ave. The church is just west of the
¯¯ campus of theUniversityofTulsa and sinceTU has tomdown the
old Kendall School to build a Tennis Center, the church can be
seen from Delaware.
The lunch presentation is called, "Building a Church for
Everyone," and church professionals and elders from Presbyterian
Churches in the area are invited to attend this luncheon. Adee
will give a short presentation on the history and goals of More
Light Presbyterians, followed by a question and answer session.
The meal will be $5.00.
On Saturday, August 26th, Adee will lead a workshop "Caring
for All God’s People," from 8:30- 12:30 again in the Fellowship
Hall. According to organizers; those attending this event will
gain greater understanding of the pastoral care needs of GLBT
people and their families, see Light, p. 3
¯ Others May Follow
Vermont’s Lead On Unions
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP)- Legislators in Rhode Island and New
¯ York are hoping their states follow Vermont’s lead in granting
¯ same-sex couples the benefits of marriage. "From New Hamp- ¯
shire to California, politicians are intrigued by the civil unions
¯ statute Vermont created to grant Gay and Lesbian couples rights
¯ and benefits without wandering into the politically volatile ¯
thicket ofmarriage. But most advocates say Vermont will remain
." a pioneer on the issue for the foreseeable future while the public
¯ becomes more comfortable with the idea. ¯
A state senator in New York is drafting a bill based on
: Vermont’s statute and a Rhode Island state representative is
." pushingabill to expandhis state’s marriage laws toinclude same-
¯ sex couples. "I would not introduce anything but marriage;’ said
: Rep: Michael Pisamro, a Democrat from Cranston, R.I. "I don’t
: necessarily see something like civil unions or domestic partner-
. ships as a stepping stone to marriage." Pisaturo earlier this year
; said Rhode Islanders are still uncomfortable with the idea of
¯ recognized partnerships between Gay people. That’s why heheld
~ . off on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage and will try next year.
¯ In the New York state Senate, Manhattan Democrat Tom
: Duane is drafting a bill that his aide said would be "similar to"
." Vermont’s first-in-the-nation civil unions statute, although de-
." tails were still being worked out. "Our Legislature won’t be back
, ’ until January., ~s~ it wouldn’t be until then,", said Scott Mdvin. ~
: Advocates also see opportunities in New Hampshire, Con-
: nectient, New Jersey, Massachusetts and California for laws
¯ granting marriage benefits, either through marriage itself or
¯ through a civil unions compromise like Vermont, s. ¯
"I think the situation we’re in is Vermont will be there and will
." have to have the courage of its convictions for a while and then,
¯ I think, it will fall into place in a number of spots," said Beatrice ¯
Dohrn, a lawyer for the Lambda Legal Defense and Education
: Fund, which led the legal fight in Hawaii for Gay marriage.
¯ Although most advocates insist that full inclusion in marriage
¯ statutes is the only way for Gay and Lesbian couples to achieve
; equality, some see the civil unions statute as a good way to begin
." moving toward that goal.
¯ "Using Vermontas a model, other legislatures wishing to enact
¯ equal benefits,~ see Unions, p. 2
Boy Scou.ts Target.ed
For Ant -Gay B=as
TULSA - In conjunction with a National Day of
¯ Protest ofthe Boy Scouts ofAmerica~ Kerry Lewis,
¯ spokesperson for Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
¯ Rights (TOHR), has announced that TOHR and
: other local organizations will hold a protest at the
¯ local headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America on
August 21st. The time of the event will be available
¯ by contacting TOHR at 743-4297.
The protest is in response to a recent US Supreme
Court decision which overturned a New Jersey
court ruling that the Boy Scouts’ anti-Gay policies
were illegal under New Jersey non-discrimination
laws. According to Lewis, "the purpose of these
protests is to provide a visible and rational response
to their discriminatory and de-humanizing policies."
The Indian Nations Council of the BSA is located
at 3206 So. Peoria. Parking is limited at the
site but is available on the street a few blocks away
in the Brookside business area.
Lewis noted also that there are also several other
options for you to register your protest of the Boy
Scout policy. One is to write a letters of complaint.
Informational materials, including sample letters,
are available by contacting TOHR.
¯ And in discussions with Tulsa Family News,
¯ Lewis acknowledged that another aspect of the
¯ Boy Scouts’ discriminatory policies was Tulsa
¯ AreaUnitedWay’s (TAUW) funding for the BSA.
¯ Lewis acknowledged that some in the community
¯ favor designating TAUW as the target of protests ¯
or demonstrations, but that those discussions were
~ ongoing.
¯ Lewis also said that the next meeting of Tulsa’s
Diversity Council will beonTuesday, August 22nd
at 7pm at the Center.
: Further in the future is a visit to Tulsa by Dr.
: Laura Schlessinger, radio talk show host known for
her characterization of Gay people see BSA, p. 3
Barnes & Noble Boots
TULSA-In amove thatis being decriedby smaller
¯ newspaper publishers across the US, Barnes &
¯ Noble has thrown out most community publica-
dons out of its stores across the US.
¯ In Tulsa, Barnes & Noble representatives sent ¯
notice to TulSa Family News by letter in the last
week of June of the new policy which went into
: effect on July 1st. Newspaper reports from else-
. where in the US note that Barnes & Noble sent the
: letter to most publication in sometime in March.
: Local representatives could giveno explanation for
¯ the several month delay before informing Tulsa
: publications.
¯ Barnes & Noble stated in its letter that it was
: removing the publications in order to use the space
¯ forit own merchandise but after TFN publisher
: spoke with (the no~w former) manager of the 71st
: St. store, it became clear that while minority pub-
: lieatious were being removed, Barnes &Noble was
¯ creating a new space inside the store for two com-
" ¯ mtmitypublications; TulsaPeopleand Urban Tulsa.
¯ These two were retaining distribution privileges
¯ because they have the largest volume of copies
¯ ¯ distributed. Both- Tulsa People (TP) and Urban
: Tulsa (UT) are publications with histories of fail-
" ing to serve Tulsa’s Gay &Lesbian communities or
: of having anti-Gay policies (UT).
Tulsa Family News publisher Tom Neal said,
¯~ "this policy inherently discriminates against mi-
¯ nority community publications. By virtue of being
¯ minority, we simply cannot compete on a highest
," volume basis."
: Neal added that given a choice between making
¯ purchases at Barnes & Noble or at Borders, he
¯ encourages community members to buy at Borders
which consistently has been more supportive of
: Lesbians and Gay menin Tulsa. Neal also suggests
¯ that readers letMattMozzoni,manager of the 41st ¯
St. Barnes & Noble see Barnes & Noble, p. 3
Minority Newspapers
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33
*CW’s, 1737 S. Memorial
*Club Cherry Bomb, 1926 E. Pine
*Club Vortex, 2!82 S. Sheridan
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael"s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*The Star, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
"*The Yellow Brick Road Pub, 2630 E. 15th
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
*Cheap Thrills, 2640 E. 1 lth 295-5868
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th - 749-3620
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838,-8503
Encompass Travel, 13161H N. Memorial 369-8555
*Ross Edward Salon 584-0337, 712-9379
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main 592-0460
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoffa- 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1. 6!0-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International ~[ours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening 582-8460
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard. #210 747-5466
*Li~:ing A~tSpace, 308 South Kenosha 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place ....~-
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, "74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301,
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835-5563
Fred Welch, LCSW, Connseting 743-1733
*Wherehouse Music. 5150 S. Sheridan 665-2222
*Whittier News Stand. 1 N. Lew~s 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337.74101 579-9593
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & ~Vhite, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*]3 L/G/T Alliance. Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 5K3-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Horence
*Church of the Restoration UU, 1314N.Greenwo°d 587-1314
*Commtmity ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*CommunityUnitarian-Universalist Congregatmn 749-0595
Council Oak Men’s Chorale 748-3888
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
Free SpratWomen s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
918.583.12.zhS, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140. Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mail: Tu!saNews@ earthhnk.:~et
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Seal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn. Karin Gregory, Barry Hensley, J.-P.
Legrandbouche. Lamont Lindstrom. Esther Rothblum, Mary
Schepers. Hughston Walkinshaw
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the ! st of each month, the entire contents -:
of this publication are protected by US copyright 1998 by
T~,u~ ~:o~ Ndw~ and may not be reproduced either in "
wholeorin part without written permission from the publisher. "
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate a person’s ,.
sexual orientation. Correspondence is assmned to be for
publication unless otherwise noted, must be signed & be- ".
comes the sole property of rJ,4~ ~.’. Ncnu4~ Each reader
is entitled to 4 copies of each ediuon at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Plalmed Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
*Red Rock Mental Center, !724 E 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincim~ati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
*TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Co~tfidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c,~o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform~ Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*TulsaGay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105 743-4297
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
Borders Books & Music, 3209 NW Expressway 405-848-2667
Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
Stonewall League. c~J! for i~fformation: 9!8-456-7900
*Tahlequmh Uvjtarian-Uni vcrsalist Church 9182456-7900
Green Country A!DS Cozdition, POB !570 918-453-9360
NSU Schoo! of C,ptometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtestln,, e’ve~v other T~es. 5:30-8:30. cal! for dates
Autunm Breeze Restaurm~. L~w~.. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant. 5 Center g t.
Emerald Rainbow. 45 &l:2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
Geek to Go!, PC SpecialisL POB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
White Light, 1 Center St.
*Spirit of Christ MCC. 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
5~ 1-253-2776
* is where you can f’md TFN. Not all are Gay-owned but all are Gay-friendly.
Tulsa Family News wishes to correct an
error in our July issue. In an article about
GayTulsa.o,:g, we mistakevJy indentified
their Associate Webmaster, Scan, as Seth
and as a "partner" in the r,on-profit organization,
rather than by his correct title.
TFN regrets any all,stress this caused to the
staff and friends of GayTulsa.org. - TN
equal status for Gay and, Lesbian people
wi!l look at this," said David Smith ofthe !.
Humau Rights Campaign, the nation’s
the country that would look to this.’.’
Vermont’s law is parallel to mamage
but ~s a separate legal creation. It has
prompted a lot of debate around the country
about granting benefits to couples who
want legal recognition and protection for
their long-term relationships.
Vermont lawmakers have said repeatedly
that their law could be a model for
other states to emulate as they seek to
steer clear of the emotional debate about
marriage. Thirty-two states have adopted
statutes specifically outlawing Gay marriage.
Because civil unions aren’t marriage,
though, the Vermont authors of the
law say, they’re a way to take a step
without getting bogged down in emotion,
religion and morality.
But to people like California Assemblywoman
Rep. Carole Migden of San
Francisco, that’s demeaning. ’.’Thepremise
of civil union is still an insult, but nevertheless
we’re pleased that the state of
Vermont recognizes the quality of Lesbian
and Gay equality in a less-than-dignified
way," said Migden, whose state last
year outlawed Gay marriage in a referendum.
"We’re moving along. Each year we
add to it, It’s a step-by-step buildingblock
Some Gay civil rights advocates caudonthat
experiences in Hawaii and Alaska,
where courts said same-sex couples should
be allowed to marry and then lawmakers
and voters reversed them, should temper
any predictions that the idea of civil unions
will spread quickly beyond Vermont. "I
think it’s important to bear in mind that
Vermonti s aleader in notjust civil rations,
but in terms of hate crimes, second parent
adoption and nondiscrimination is sues for
the Lesbian and Gay community," said
Tim Sweeney, deputy executive director
of New York state’s Fanpire State Pride
Agenda. "I think that’s an important context
to keep in mind."
Political considerations appear to be far
from the minds of many of the people
entering into civil unions since they became
thelaw on July !. Ofthe 115 that had
been reported to the state vital records
division through Monday~ more th;m tw othirds
have b~eu between conples from
outside Vermont. That’ s even though civil
unions are not legally recognized anywhere
else in the country.
That "alone will make a difference in
other states, though, advocates say, be~
cause it is generating debate in practically
every state. "The whole mo~cement an
Vermonthas createda tremendous amount
of education and discussion about Lesbian
and Gay relationships and the kind of
discrimination we face," Sweeney said.
"It’ s been an extremely positive discusstun
and very helpful to humanize Lesbian
and Gay relationships and our families
by Tom Neal, editor/publisher
How disappointing that Colin Powell would lend his
credibility to the Republican scam of being a party of
inclusion at the recentGOPconvention. Since the days of
that deficit-creating monster Reagan, Republicans have
represented the worst in American character: hate-mongering,
religiously intolerant, and committed to undermining
constitutional rights of those unlike themselves.
In Philadelphia, we see Blacks, Latinos, women and
the disabled trotted out but we still read the same attacks
o~ Gay Americans. Gays can be soldiers ouly at the cost
offree speech. Gayrelationships,by federal law, can only
be end class.
In Oklahoma, Democrats aren’t much better. Republicans
talk nasty about Gay taxpayers. Democrats keep
quiet but both abuse the authority of the State to attack
Gay Oklahomans. God forbid we should get through a
legislative session without a vote by the majority to
remind us of the contempt in which we are held.
Whenboth parties treat all fairly, when the accidents of
birth: race, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation and the
choices of a free citizenry: political affiliation, religious
"lifestyles" or "preferences", all are of no more importance
than that of being left or fight-handed, then Americans,
Republican and Democrat, can say we are thenation
of fairness for all.
The statement continues, "whether you’re single, in a
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Bamard requests that those wishing to attend please
telephone in advance to her at 748-8191, ext. 121.
They have been in a relationship for 29 years. "The
community support has been really important to me
because I don’t have the support from my family," said
Callahan, whose parents did not attend her union ceremony.
as being "biological error[s]". TOHR is trying to work
with other groups to design an effective protest for her
visit this fall.
On Tuesday, Aug. 8th, TOHR will hold its general
membership meeting at the Tulsa Gay Community Services
Center at 7:30pm. The regular business session
(which is usually short) will be followed by a special
program presented by the Credit Counsding Center of
Tulsa, a Short presentation on financial responsibility,
etc. Members and those interested in the community are
invited and encouraged to attend.
And on Sunday, Aug. 13th, the"Lesbian Connection,"
a program of TOHR, is inviting EVERYONE in the
community to come out and have fun at Keystone lake.
Burgers will beprovided - youbring the rest! Swimming,
volleyball, fishing, boating, etc. will be available all day.
Call the Center for directions.
The initial planning meeting for "Diversity Celebration
2001" will be held at the Tulsa Gay Cominunity
Services Center beginning at 1 lain on Saturday, Aug.
know about their nnhappiness with the new policy.
Mozzoni seemed to be sympathetic to the situation but
has stated that since it comes down from corporate.
headquarters, hehas litflechoice. Mozzoni canbe reached
at 665-4580.
National Gay Organizations Comment on Cheney
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Human Rights Campaign
(HRC) and the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
(NGLTF) have issued comments on the record o’f Richard
B. Cheney, George W. Bush’s Vice-presidential
nominee, on Gay and AIDS issues.
Cheney, a former defense secretary in the administration
of Bush’s father, and a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from 1978-1989, has an extremely conservative
record, HRC noted. Like Gov. Bush, however,
Cheney seeks to package a conservative record with a
moderate image, the organization said. "The choice of
Secretary Cheney is in keeping with Governor Bush’s
strategy of staking out conservative pos!,tions and wrapping
them in a moderate package, said Wiunie
Stachelberg, HRC’s political director.
As a Wyoming congressman, Cheney opposed early
efforts to address the HIV/AIDS crisis. Most notably, he
was one of 13 House members who voted against the
AIDS Federal Policy Act of 1988, the first major bill to
provide funding for HIV/AIDS counseling and testing.
Cheney also supported an effort to reduce funding for
HIV/AIDS research. In addition, Cheney voted against
the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1988 and supported an
amendment that added anti-Gay language to the bill.
As defense secretary, Cheney supported Pete Williams,
the department’s chief spokesman, when The Advocate
magazine revealed his homosexuality. "I have
operated on the basi, s over the.years with respect tO my
personal staff that I don’t ask them about their private
lives," said Cheney. "As long as they perform their
professional responsibilities in a responsible manner,
their private lives are their business."
Cheney opposed President Clinton’s effort to lift the
ban on Gays serving openly in the military. Cheney told
CNNin 1993,"I am one of those people who believes that
people’s sexual preference and orientation are a private
matter. It’s something that is a personal matter for them,
and no one else’.s business. And that’s the way I ran the
civilian side of the Pentagon... On the military side,
though, you can’t pursue that policy."
Later in the interview, Cheney ffaid: "I basically don’t
believe in discrimination, but I did conclude, as secretary
of defense, that the ban on Gays in uniform was appropri-
Topics include: coming out, integration of sexuality and
faith, responding to homophobia in the church and society,
helping parents of GLBT children and children of
GLBT parents. This group is open to all. ’ It will be
especially helpful for GLBT people and their families,
their friends, and fellow church members, elders, teachers
and youth leaders. Continental breakfast and snacks will
be served.
Sunday morning, the Church School Mid-highs to
Adults will.begin at 9:35 in the Chapel. This event is rifled
"Bringing Body and Soul Together (Let’s Talk about
Faith and Sexuality)" This Church School Class will
feature’an interactive discussion on Christian sexual
ethics. Those choosing to attend will share in an hour
devoted to how Christians integrate faith and sexuality in
living the Christian life. The focus will be what makes
’good relationships’ for all God’s people.
Then on Sunday, August 27th, the regular worship
service at 11amin the Sanctuary will feature a sermon by
Michael Adee. The service entitled "Celebrating Diversity
and Inclusiveness" will honor "Christ’s call to be
inclusive." The chancel choir will offer special music for
the occasion and communion will be celebrated. This is
the formal event to mark College Hill’s declaration to be
inclusive and work as part ofMore Light Presbyterians to
bring the Presbyterian denomination to the inclusion of
GLBT people in ordination as well as membership..
Finally on Sunday afternoon from 5:30- 7:30, aYouth
Event, "On Being Gay & Being Christian" will be held.
The College Hill youth fellowship will be hosting
individuals and other youth groups for pizza and open,
informal conversation about sexuality andfaithfor youth.
Adee will be the facilitator on topics ranging from being
GLBT and Christian, coming out, harassment at school
and church, sexual sdf-esteem, dealing with family, and
Gay/Straight friendships.
This event hopes to help Gay and Straight youth underctand
themselves and each other better.
For more information about these events, contact "
College Hill Presbyterian Church at 592-5800.
: ate."
¯. HRC has endorsed Vice President A1 Gore for presi-
¯ dent. He has yet to name a running mate. Cheney is
: currently the chief executive officer of the Halliburton
: Co., a publicly traded company that supplies equipment
¯ to the oil industry. Halliburton does not have a non-
. discrimination policy thiat includes sexual orientation nor
: a domestic partner program for Gay employees.
¯ According to the NGLTF research, Cheney opposed
: the Equal Rights Amendment, opposes reproductive
¯¯ choice and supports prayer in public schools.
NGLTF notes like HRC that Cheney in 1993 opposed
¯ President Clinton’s effort to lift the military ban and
¯ openly Gay servicemembers. At the height of the debate,
¯ Cheney warned that defense cuts and the proposal to lift
: the ban "have led to a decline in the quality of military
¯ recruits."
¯ He added that "the whole reduction in defense spend-
: ing, the controversy over Gays in the military, has led to
: an unwillingness to serve and low morale."
¯ NGLTF adds that Cheney has served as a trustee of the
¯ arch-conservative American Enterprise Institute, where ¯
he was a former senior fellow. The American Enterprise
¯ Institute is home to many right-wing thinkers, such as
¯ former Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, former
¯ House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Charles Murray, ¯
author of "The Bell Curve," a book which suggests that
¯ differences inintelligence existbetweenblacks and whites
¯ and that these differences are genetic and immutable.
¯ American Enterprise Institute scholars have also been
~ outspoken in their opposition to equal rights for Gay,
: Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people.
: "George W. Bush has flubbed the most important
¯ decision in his presidential camp~gn," said Elizabeth ¯
Toledo, NGLTF executive director. "His compassionate
¯ conservatism holds out no compassion whatsoever for
¯ theGay, Lesbian,BisexualandTransgendercommunity. ¯
Furthermore, it sends a chilling signal to women, to
people of colo~: and to those concerned with fairness and
: equality that a major political party would offer up a
candidate with such a background to the voters. This
¯ selection demonstrates that right-wing, religious extrem-
¯ ists are still a powerful force on the political landscape."
¯ Openly Gay Republican ¯ Featured at Convention
. PHILADELPHIA -Rep: Jim Kolbe of Arizona made
¯ history when he became the first openly Gay member of
¯ Congress to address a Republican convention. The Ari-
¯ zona congressman had a prime-time speaking slot, ad-
¯ dressing the GOP on trade issues for three minutes.
¯ Kolbe, first elected in 1984, is the most senior openly
¯ Gay member of Congress andis the only openly Gay
¯ Republican in the House. Having Kolbe speak at the
¯ convention was an idea first raised by Washington city
¯ councilm_.an David Cataniain April, when the Log Cabin
] Republicans, themostprominent Gay GOPorganization,
." met with presidential candidate George W. Bush.
¯ Bushmetwith the group, a first for a candidate preparing
to pick up the GOP presidential nomination, despite
his opposition to many of the its issues, including Gay
." marriage. Log Cabin Republicans Pleased Members of
¯ the Log Cabin Republic,~ns are delighted by Kolbe’s
: place.in the convention lineup - especially considering
¯ that he backed Bush’s rival, Sen. John McCain, during
¯ the primary season.
¯ According to the group, this is the first lime a wall- ¯
known openly Gay person has gone to the podium at the
¯ GOP national convention. In 1996, a little-known Log
¯ Cabin Republican member from California, Steve Fong,
¯ gave alow-prof’ile, one-mi nute speech amidlittle fanfare.
[ But some socially conservative Republicans, who are
¯ opposed to civil rights for Gay people and have warned
¯ Bush about reaching out to the Gay community, were
" unhappy with the prospect of having Kolbe speak, One
leading conservative Republican told ABCNEWS he
¯ was "flabbergasted" by the decision, and called it a
~ "shock." "It is not going to be a happy time," said the
¯ Republican. "I think it is a really bad decision."
: Kolbe is a founding member of the National Advisory
¯ Board of the Log Cabin Republicans; the nation’s most
[ prominent Gay GOP group. In 1997, he gave the keynote
¯ address at the LOg Cabin Republicans convention. Kolbe
¯ was a strong proponent of the NorthAmerican Free Trade
i Agreement.
Pentagon Says Gay
Policy Is Working
WASHINGTON (AP) - The military’s much-criticized
policy on Gays in uniform is working, but
training must be improved to eliminate anti-Gay
behavior like the abuse that led to a soldier’s murder
in Kentucky last year, the Defense Department said.
"We think we’ve got it right this time," Carol
DiBattiste, the undersecretary of the Air Force, told a
news conference Friday to publicize anew Pentagon
program to re-emphasize in training that such behavior
is unacceptable.
Speaking at the same news conference, Bernard
¯ Rostker, the undersecretary of defense, said he disagreed
with President Clinton’s statement last year,
after the beating death of Pfc. Barry Winchell by a
fellow soldier at Fort Campbell, Ky., that implementation
of his policy on Gays was "out of whack."
"I don’ t agree with that characterization. I think the
policy is working reasonably wall to provide a degree
of safety’.’ for Gays in uniform, Rostker said. "The
days of witch hunts, the days of stakeouts, are really
gone." Even so, Rostker said, more needs to be done
to ensure that everyone in the military understands
the policy.
The Clinton administration’s policy on Gays in the
military is derived from a law passed in 1993 after
Clintonfailed topersuade Congress and the Pentagon
to allow Gays to serve openly. ~.The policy, known as
"don’t ask, don’t tell," holds that Gays can serve in
uniform so long as they don’t reveal their sexual
orientation. One problem, however, has been unwarranted
investigations of people suspected of being
homosexual. There also is a fear among discreetly
Gay service members that if they ,qomplain about
harassment, they will be discharged. ’"
The announced plan to eliminate anti-Gay behavior
was created by a panel of civilian and military
officials led by DiBattiste of theAir Force. It was in
response to a Pentagon inspector general’s report in
March that found anti-Gay behavior was commonplace
in the military. DiBattiste said the key to her
panel’ s plan is adoption of an"overarching principle"
meant to clarify to all in the military that unacceptable
behavior includes not just abuse of Gays but also
"inappropriate comments or gestures." "That’s the
high road that we need to take," she Said.
The DiBattiste panel’s 13-point "action plan" is
largely reiteration of previous expressions of deterruination
to stamp out anti-Gay behavior and to hold
military commanders responsible for policy infractions.
Last December, Rostker’s predecessor in the
undersecretary’s post, Rudy de Leon, issued a statement
that "harassment of service members for any
reason, to include alleged or perceived homosexuality,
will not be tolerated," and commanders must take
prompt action against violators.
Michelle Benecke, an executive director of the
Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund, an advocate
for Gay rights in the military and a frequent critic of
Pentagon policy; called the DiBattiste panel’s report
"’thoughtful and considered." ’.’Today’s recommendations,
if implemented, would be a very good start,"
Benecke said.
The spark that caused- the Pentagon to take a closer
look at the Gay policy’s implementation, and at the
extent of anti-Gay behavior in the field, was the
Winchell murder at Fort Campbell on July 5, 1999.
Two of Winchell’ s fellow soldiers were convicted in
the crime and are in prison.
Gen. Eric Shinseki, the Army chief of staff, released
the Army inspector general’s report Friday on
circumstances surrounding the Winchell murder. The
report concluded that some members ofDCompany,
2nd Battalion, 502rid Infantry Regiment, Winchell,’ s
unit in the 101st Airborne Division, violated the
military’s policy against anti-Gay behavior, but it
exonerated all commanders at Fort Campbell.
TheArmy report also concludedno general climate
of homophobia existed at Fort Campbell. With some
exceptions, "It was determined that the command
climate at Fort Campbell before 5 July 1999 was a
positive environment," the inspector general’s report
said. It also said the chain of command at Fort
Campbell "respondedappropriate1y"when confronted
with situations that appeared to violate the "don’t ask,
don’t tell" policy.
" Rep. Mart,y,. Meehan, D-Mass., questioned these
conduslons. ’Giving FortCampbdl arelatively dean
bill of health doesn’t square with recent reports of
prevalent anti-Gay harassment throughout the services,"
Meehan said.
Vermont Papers Will Print
Civil Union Notices
RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) - Aunotmcements for civil
unions are beginning to appear alongside wedding
announcements on wedding pages in newspapers
around the state. At many newspapers, editors said
they will treat announcements of same-sex unions the
same as traditional marriages, placing them in the
same section of their newspapers and in the same
format, although perhaps under a different heading.
The decision "took about 30 seconds of deep
thought," said Valley News editorJim Fox. "It wasn’t
very difficult." "Of course we would treat them the
same," said .amnette Sharon, managing editor of the
Manchester Journal. "ff they want to make that announcement
to their neighbors, the newspaper is the
place for that to happen."
Evennewspapers thathave editorialized against the
law granting marriage-like benefits to same-sex
couples appear likely to print civil union announcements.
Mark Smith, publisher of The Caledonian-
Record, said no one had.brought such a notice to his
St. Johnsbury paper, but if someone did, he would
probably publish it. "My personality is such that it
will depend on the attitude of the person who comes
through the door," he said. Smith said he would
comply with a polite request but dig in his heels if he
felt pressured.
So far,the reqtlests have been few. In Brattleboro,
where the first civil union was certified just after
midnight on July 1, no announcements have been
submitted to the local newspaper, the Reformer.
In August, that will likely change, though, when
John Calvi and Marshall Brewer of Putney, have a
civil union ceremony, and submit an announcement.
The couple- and the newspaperi- made national news
more than a decade ago when the Reformer became
the first mainstream newspaper in the United States to
publish a Gay wedding announcement.
Joseph Watson of Leicester, entered a civil union
with his partner, Michael Warner, on July 7. Watson
said he had no problem with sending out the notice,
which has appeared in the Addison County Independent
and was in the July 23 edition of the Sunday
Rutland Herald and Times Argus. It will also be in a
new "Milestones" section of the Gay newspaper "Out
in the Mountains" and is expected to be published
soon by The Burlington Free Press.
Addison . County Independent publisher Angelo
Lynn said his paper received only aletter of praise for
its publication of Watson’s civil union notice. At the
Newport Daily Express, however, managing editor
Susan Davis doesn’t expect such a smooth reception.
Davis said if she receives civil union notices, she
will print them as long as her publisher approves. But
she anticipates a backlash. "I don’t have a problem
with it, but I know a lot of people do," she said. "’This
is the Northeast Kingdom and everybody is running
anti-civil unions (for the upcoming dections).. It’s
a huge issue up here."
Man Charged With Hate
: Crime in Beating Death
BARRON, Wis. (AP) - A man charged with helping
murder a 22-year-old hearing-impaired, mentally dis -
: abled man now also is accused of a hate crime in the
: killing. Prosecutors contend Raymond C. Walton,33,
¯ of Barron, helped beat Michael J. Hatch to death with
¯ a tire :iron Oct. 20 because Walton thought Hatch was
: Gay, according to court records.
: Walton was charged with being party to first-
." degree intentional homicide and armed robbery in
¯ Hatch’s death. The hate-crime enhancer was added to
". the charges last week.
~ Barron County District Attorney James Babler dedined
comment on the hate crime filing, which says
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Child, Family, Individual & Couple Psychotherapy
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1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor
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Red Rock Tulsa
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The Episcopal Church We Icomes You
Walton intentionally selected the victim because of
his belief or perception regaa’ding Hatch’s sexual
Authorities say Walton a~d Corey L. Kralewski,
21, killed Hatch and left his body in a rural Barron
County corufield. A criminal complaint said
Kralewski, Walton and Mary Reed spend the evening
of Oct. 19 at several Barron bars. Kralewski played
pool with Hatch, whom he knew from high school.
Later, the group left the pool hall and drove to a
field near the Dunn County line. Reed told authorities
she sat in her truck while Kralewski beat Hatch with
a tire iron. Walton also hit Hatch several times, she
said. In a written statement, Kralewski told authorities
heknocked Hatch down with afew blows but that
Walton did most of the beating. Walton showed
authorities Hatch’s body. Kralewski pleaded innocent
to a homicide charge and goes on trial Aug. 7.
Reed, 34, pleaded guilty to aiding a feton and was
sentenced to t~vo years in prison.
Chicago Bishop Faces
Ecclesiatical -Charges
CHICAGO (AP) - A United Methodist lay member
has filed a complaint with the church, accusing his
Chicago-based bishop of using the office"as a public
relations and news media channel for promoting
homosexuality," among other things. John
Juergensmeyer, an attorney and member of a United
Methodist church inElgin, is calling for Bishop C.
Joseph Sprague to resign or be removed.
Sprague, formerly a United Methodist pastor in
Columbus, Ohio, heads the church’s Northern Illinois
Conference. He was one of several Methodists,
including at least one other bishop, arrested while
protesting anti-Gay measures adopted at the church’ s
general conference in Cleveland in May
Juergensmeyer said that Sprague’s arrest was a
"triggering point" for his complaint. But he said
Sprague’s overall political views have long troubled
him and other conservative United Methodists. "He is
reducing the church only to a political instrument
rather than a spiritual force." said Juergensmeyer,
rather than a spmtum io~c~, ~a~,., o~.~r,~,l.....av.,
who also ~s accusing Sprague of promotang writings
about Jesus Christ that luergensmeyer says violate
church doctrine.
Earlier this month, Sprague told the United Methodist
News Service that the letters of complaint
seemed to be "part of an organized effort of a small,
very vocal minority." He also said he made his views
clear when he stood for election as bishop four years
ago. Sprague was re-elected to his second four-year
term at the church s North Central Jurisdictional
Conference this month.
Man Gets Two Life
Sentences for Slaying
BALTIMORE (AP) - A man who told police he
attacked Gay men because he thought Gays were evil
was given two life sentences for the slaying of a h.otel
guest last June. Gary William Mick, 25, was gaven
one life sentence for first-degree murder and a concurrent
20-year sentence for robbery for the attack on
Christopher Williams Jones. He received a consecutive
life sentence with all but 30 years suspended for
first-degree attempted murder and a concurrent 20-
year sentence for attempted robbery for a separate
incident last September. Mick, of Baltimore, pleaded
guilty to the two attacks in May.
Jones, 37, of Metuchen, N.J., was attending a
pharmaceutical conference in Baltimore whenhewas
found bludgeoned to death at the Admiral Fell Inn.
"We loved our son and his partner in life as we love
all our children and their lifemates. The emptiness we
feel because of this loss is extreme," said Howard
Jones, the father of one of the victims, in a family
statement to the court.
Prosecutors said Mick accompanied Jones to his
hotel room after the two met. once.inside, Mick
struck Jones nine times on the right side of the head
with a claw hammer. He then stole Jones’ truck and
credit cards, which he used to buy clothes, jewelry,
food and a beard trimmer, prosecutors said.
The second attack occurred in September. Prosecutors
said Mick attacked another man he had met, but
the victim was able to fight him off.
Lesbian Recieves Headof-
Household Status
SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Board of Equalizationhas
voted to grant head-of-household tax status to
a Lesbian who is supporting her partner and nonbiological
child. The board voted 3-2 to allow the Los
Angeles family to file with one of the women as the
head-of-household, which will savethem about $2,500
a year in state and federal taxes.
Helmi Hisserich and Tori Patterson of Los Angeles
have been together 14 years and had a daughter in
1997. Patterson gave birth and has stayed home to
raise the baby since then. When Hisserich filed a tax
return for 1997, she checked the box for head of
household and calculated accordingly.
The Franchise Tax Board said she was not eligible,
saying head of household status covered situations
only where an unmarried person was paying more
than half the expenses of an adoptive or foster child,
or any blood relative. They said she owed $1,050,
Hisserich said.
Sbnnnon Minter, staff attorney for the National
Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco, argued
Hisserich’s case before the board June 30. "This is the
first time they’ve addressed this issue," he said. "It
recognizes the reality of our families and gives legal
validation to the reality that our client is a parent
regardless of the fact that she doesn’t have a biological
relationship to the child."
Hisserich said the board had to consider whether a
heterosexual couple would be treated in the same
manner. "But if we were a heterosexual couple, we
would be mamed. We’ve been together 14 years,
we’ve registered as domestic partners in our city, our
county and the state. We’ ve done everything we can,"
she said.
The Board of Equalization will vote again after its
staff prepares a written decision, and will comment
publicly on its reasoning when the vote is final,
according to spokeswoman Cristina Herrera. That
could take up to three mouths, she said.
-- ~i~-n~)g~s~i~d tile vote was the logical extension of
Califo~aua court rulingsin the past two years that had
granted parental status to Gay men and Lesbian
couples planning and having children. Because intent
was the basis of his winning argument in the tax case,
Minter said the decistonmostlikely woulon’t apply to
situations where someone moved in with a partner
who already had a child. The ruling affects only state
tax status, but I-Iisserich said the Internal Revenue
Service followed the state on head of household
Jury Votes Death to
Killer of Lesbian Couple
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -A Mnltnomah Countyjury
sentenced to death a Portland man who killed a
Lesbian couple in a karaoke bar. Eric Walter Running,
49, was fOund guilty of two counts of aggravated
murder in the February 1998 shotgun slayings
of Jaqueline J. A_ffderson, whom he had dated, and
Barbara J. Gilpin. Running killed the women after
Anderson, 29, a poet and writer, broke up with him
and returned to her 10-year-relationship with Gilpin,
44, a landscaper.
In an unusual split, the jury imposed the death
sentence only for Anderson’s murder, giving a life
sentence without the possibility of parole for Gilpin’.s
death. Ten of the 12 jurors voted to give a deat~
sentence in Gilpin’s murder, but a unanimous verdict
is needed.
"’Barbara Gilpin deserved the same verdict as my
daughter," said Jack Anderson. "But one death sentence
is all that it takes. I don’t care if he dies
tomorrow or never, I’m just glad he can’t be a threat
to anyone anymore." Running smiled as the verdicts
were read. Hewill become the 25thperson onOregon s
Death Row at the state penitentiary in Salem.
Almost 20 patrons at the Ambassador Restaurar.’-a
and Lounge in Portland witnessed Running kill
women Feb. 24, 1998. Rurming’s lawyers offered
insanity defense.
Se.n.a.te OK’s $600 ¯ $200 million interuational program to
Million for AIDS
batfleHIV/AIDS. Speaking ahead of the
. " ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian
WASHINGTON (AP)-Legislafioncom- " Nations) Regional Forum, Asia’s largest
mitring up to $600 million in U.S. aid for " security conference, Downer noted prefighting
HIV and AIDS in Africa and ¯ dictions that AIDS threatens to reduce or
developing countries elsewhere was " even reverse Asia’s economic growth. "I
passed at the end of July by the Senate. On
don’t think the Asia-Pacific region can
avoicevote, theSenateapprovedabillby turn,!ts back on this devastating prob-
Sens. Bill Ffist and Jesse Helms, both
lem, Downer told’anews conference.
Republicans, authorizing $300 million in " Most of the $200 million will be tar-
¯ geted at countries in the Asia-Pacific re-
" glen, Downer said, and Canberra expects
¯ to work dosdy with the Association of
¯ Southeast Asian Nations.
¯ Much of the funding remains uncom-
", mitted, but some will augment existing
¯. programs in Indonesia and Papua New
¯ Guinea, Australia’s immediate northeru
¯ neighbors.
Relations Committee, said the bill requires
that up to $220 million of all U.S.
bilateral funding forHIV-AIDS programs
over the next two years be spent on supporting
orphans in Africa. T,he United
Nations has predicted that the disease is
expected to wipe out half the teen-age
population in some poor countries in Africa.
Similar legislation passed in the House,
which voted earlier this month to fully
fund President Clinton’s request for $2’44
million next year for combating and treating
AIDS in poor counmes.
each of the next two years for AIDS
prevention and treatment and also for the
care ofAIDS orphans in developing countries.
Thebill directs the Treasury Department
to establish a trust fund with the
World Bankfor the prevention efforts and
the treatment of orphans.
Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign
HIV-Treatment Ctr.
Targets Blacks
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - A treatment
center for blacks who have AIDS or HIV
is planned in a county where only a third
ofblackAIDS patients gettreatment, compared
to half of infected whites. Rochesterhas
the second-highestnumber ofAIDS
cases in Ne~v York state, after New York
City. The number of local AIDS cases has
leveled off among whites but is climbing
among blacks, according to the Rochester
Primary Care Network.
Existing programs are not reaching t~
growing number ofblackmenanawom
who are HIV-positive, Art Collier, prestdent
of Primary Care Network, said. The
rateamong MonroeCounty’residents who
are black is over eight times the rate
among white residents, he added. Before
1991, 64% of reported AIDS cases in
Monroe County were among whites mad
27% were among blacks.
The center expects to have an initial
casdoad of about 150 patients. Besides
medical care, services will include mental
health counseling and treatment for substance
abuse. TheNational Black Leadership
Commisston onAIDS is helping plan
the center and recruit ablack staff, Collier
said. Coordinatbrs believe black patients
will respond better to treatment by black
medical personnel. Dr~Anson .,W;urapa.,~
black physician at strong Memon
Hospital’s AIDS Center, said blacks tend
Infections Growing
MOSCOW (AP) - The number of registered
HIV cases in Russia has soared in
the last six months and will continue to
grow, but the government doesn’t have
the money to fight the epidemic adequately,
a top health official said.
By tl~e middle of July, Russia had some
53,1~30 registered HIV cases, with almost
half ofthemcomingin the last six months,
said Vadim Pokrovsky, the head of the
Federal AIDS Prevention Center. But he
said that the actual number of Russians
infected with HIV, the virus that causes
AIDS, is probably more than 300,000,
since only about 10% of the population.
has been checked. "The regi,s,tered cases
are only the tip of the iceberg, Pokrovsky
said. "We must accept the fact that we are
facing avery quickly spreading epidemic."
Increaseddrug use andprostitution since
the collapse of the Soviet Union have
been two key reasons for the rise in HIV
cases? Still, a low incidence in HIV-ca.ses
in recent years as well as more pressing
economicproblems m.ean ~.e~g~ov~eru~,~t,
has been slow to combat AID~. in zu ,
only 46 million rubles ($1.65 million)
was set aside to combat HIV and AIDS,
Pokrovsky said.
If Russia doesn’t take new measures to
stop the spread of the virus, the country
could have some 1.6 million HIV cases by
2015, he said..and those who are infected
nrobablv won’tbeable to get the help they.
the government’s manmty to pay. wm
people probably shouldn t count on getting
treatment," Pokrovsky said. .
HIV is worst in the Moscow regto.n,
where some 5% of young people are infected,
Pokrovsky said.
Rise in HIV
Infections ih Gays
College Hill Presbyterian Church
announces a
"More Light" Weekend
with Michael Adee
National Field Organizer, More Light Presbyterians
August 25 - 27, 2000
Building A Church for Everyone
Friday, August 25th, Luncheon: Noon - 1:30, Fellowship Hall
History and goals of MoreLight Presbyterians, followedby a question and answer
session. Cost: $5.00 for the meal
Caring for All God’s People
Saturday, August 26th, Workshop: 8:30 - 12:30, Fellowship Hall
Pastoral care needs ofGLBT people and their families. Continental breakfast and
snacks will be served.
Bringing Body and Soul Together
Sunday, August 27th, Church School Mid-highs to Adults, 9:35am, Chapel
An interactive discussion on Christian sexual ethics.
Celebrating Diversity and Inclusiveness
Sunday, August 27th, Worship ll:00am, Sanctuary
A special worship to celebrate our diversity and Christ’s call to be inclusive.
Michael Adee will preach and we will share communion together.
On Being Gay and Being Christian
Sunday, August 27th, Youth Event 5:30 - 7:00pm
The ColleggHill youth fellowship will be hosting individuals and other youth
groups for pizza and informal conversation about sexuality and faith for youth.
College Hill Presbyterian Church, 712 S. Col~bia Avenue, 592-5800
(One block west of Delaware and the Uni;~sity of Tulsa Campus)
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series of Seminars given by
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Where: MCC United When: 7:00 P.M.
1623 N Maplewood Ave
TORONTO (AP) - Figures showing.a
to mistrust the medical sys.te.m, a~.d w.~en , rise of HIV infections amongG~Y., menm
everyone on the staff is whtte, tlae s~tua- " Ontario could be the fLrst sigu O~ mcreastion
is worse. - " ~.... " ing HIV levds for Gay men in Cam.a.dar
Natioo~!JY, one in .5~b,~abk.,m~,’~s,.m7 AIDS. activists note. A. recent prownce2 1. Create your Retirement Income
fectedw~HIV,’,andAiDSis’theleaamg i wide study conducted by University ot [Tuesday; September 19th
cause’of!~a,.~.~d~allblackAmerica~ Toronto and community gr6ups f°und an
between:th~.~g~of 25:and44:Thbdis-~. increasing number of HIV infections [e Estate Planning
ease i’s gr6wiiig fastest among -black among O~tario Gay men ~ter_ 19°~6,~ _ r [ Tuesday, October 24th
women, who a~.ount for 56% of HIT ~ In 1992, the infection rate was ,.~ 1~
cases in women. " - " 100 people tested, the ~tudy found. The
number dr°pped t° 0"87J 1"00 in 1"996; d
a]or HIV Initiative-’" -" "
risen to 2.07/100 people testea. llae stuaY
mirrors recent results in San Francisco
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Australian " which showed that HIV infections among
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer an- " Gay andBisexualmentherenearlytripled -
nounced thelaunchrecenflY of asix-year’ over the past two years.
-’inancial Strategies for Gay Men & Lesbians
Tuesday, September 5th and Tuesday, October 10th
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by Karin Gregory
I just love Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Really,
I do. I think she and I could be great
buds. You know how some girls make
plain girls their friends just to make themselves
look prettier? Or how some pal
around with fat girls just so they’ll look
thinner? Well, Dr. Laura could be my
girlfriend (eeeewwww, not that way!!!)
because every stupid thing I’ve ever said
in my life would sound intelligent next to
the things she says. And she’ll be saying
plenty, I’m sure, come October, when she
rides in on her broomstick to Tulsa.
Who is Dr. Laura, you ask? If you’re
Gay, you’ve been in a cave. Laura
Schlessinger, shock jock advice-giver of
the radio circuit, has called Gays and
Lesbians "biological errors", "sexual deviants",
and my personal favorite,
She says she does this out of compassion
for us, not out of hatred. Oh no, I
don’t feel hated and maligned by those
statements, do you? She spews her hatred
and bile via the airwaves, with complete
support from the Religious Right. You
know them- that group that has the inside
info on the "homosextml agenda"! As if
her radio show weren’t bad enough,
Schlessinger’s taking her "teach intolera-:
ze" rantings to the TV screen in September,
courtesy of that "giant" of great
television programming, Paramount.
"OK," you’re saying, "the Lesbian is
once more raging about something, but
what has that got to do with me? What’s
one more ignorant person in a long line?"
Funny you should ask. "Dr." Laura (she
has a Ph.D in physiology, not psychology)
has become svch a controversial
figure (much like Am., Bryant in the late
’70s when she tried to inflate anti-Gay
legislation) that the G/L/B/T commurnty
has united to protest her television show.
All over this country are planned protests
to keep her off the TV screen.
And debates have become so heated
that major advertisers such as Proctor &
Gamble, American Express and United
Airlines have pulled out, saying that they
don’t need any more controversy. And
Geico InsuranceCompany (my insurance
company!) tookits advertising away from
her radio show at the beginning of July.
The reason? The company could not, being
supporters of diversity, condone the
words and actions ofsomeone who clearly
sees diversity as wrong. These are not
their exact words, mind you, but .youmay
find out more by going to
Let’ s lookat this woman’s careerbriefly
and find out just what led her to this
homophobic phase in her life. Several
years ago I.first heard her radio program,
and I thought that she was telling people
the truth, even if they didn’t want to hear
it. Somehow I admired that, although I
didn’t always agree with everything she
said. She is a big proponent of parents
taking control in the home and not blaming
everyone else for how their’children
behave. That part hooked me since Iwas
a middle school teacher at the time and
saw parents who didn’t think they hadan]
responsibility for their child’s behavior.
So far, so good. And I even read reports
that she used to support theG/IJB/T community.
Two years ago, however, she
converted to Orthodox Judaism, adopting
intolerance as her Bible. Now she says she
can’t support the G/L/B/T community
because of religious teachings.
If you hate me, hate me. But don’t lie
: about it, saying you’rejust~following the
¯ Old Testament. Hell, if we followed all
the Old T0.~tament teachings we’d still be
¯ selling ot~ daughters into slavery; still
¯ buying s~ves from neighboring coma-
" tries; and~ould be allowed to kill, with-
" out impunity, anyone who worked on the
¯ Sabbath. Gee, I didn’tknow that the Jew-
¯ ish could also play pick and choose with
¯ religious teachings like some Christians.
How much does she really believe in
¯ these religious texts? Who knows? She
doesn’t even have a consistency when it
¯ comes to condemning homosexuality.
¯ Well, she does, but she tries to say that
¯ she’s not condemning anyone. The point
¯ is,shehas saidthingsinprintandonradio, ¯
takenthemback, backpedaled, madeother
¯ people speak for her so many times it’s
¯ ridiculous. Her stand is so ambivalent, so
¯ setin sand, thatno one canbelieve or trust
¯ anything that comes out ofher mouth. Her
¯ press agents said she apologized for her
¯ remarks about Gays being "errors", and ¯
¯ then the next day she said she wasn’t
¯ Dr. Laura has denounced the American
¯ Psychiatric Association and the National ¯
¯ Education Association for their - oh, I
suppose- compassk hate stance on equal
¯ rights for all, andinstead has sold her soul
¯ to Religious Right organizations like Fo-
¯ cus on the Family. She promotes, within
her own radio show, an intolerance to-
" ward Gay people on all levels, even to the
¯ point of denouncing hate crimes legisla-
¯ tion.
¯ I can see her leading cheers to teach
children who’ve just come home from
¯ school how to actively hate homosexuals.
"Gays are bad! Gays are fey! Let’s go
¯ bash ~ Gay today!" She says she is a
¯ moralist and has openly opposed the Ver¯
mont same-sex partners’ rights decision a
few months ago. But again, she’s not
¯ hatingus. She’sjustcompassionate.Yeah,
¯ this is why she takes an attitude of "I’m
right no matter what" on her radio show,
and will also, I’m sure, on TV. But let’s
¯ see how that could work against her, shall
¯ we?
Anyone who’s ever watched a few epi-
: sodes of"Frasier" knows how easy it is to
¯ just hit a button and get rid of pesky caller
¯ #1. How does this work on TV, when
¯ you’re faced with the pesky caller in per-
" son? Taping. has already begun on her
: show, andfrom the reports, it doesn’ tlook
¯ likeasuccess. Dr. Lauradidn’tknow how ¯
to ask the proper questions, or even know
¯ some rudimentary technical televison
¯ knowledge i~her first tapings.
¯ There’s n~question that Dr. Laura is ¯
used to the ~d~o. But she also wants an
¯ audience like the one on radio - one she
¯ can rant to ,and not have to.see. Because ¯
¯ for all her bravado and showmanship, she
really DOESN’T WANT to help anyone.
: She actually doesn’t seem to like people.
¯ You can bitch and moan to people all you
: wantif you don’tsee their faces. She’s on
: radio and~feels safe.
i Guess What? Rea[peopie~
! may had.e, more difneultyi~ing~p.le
0ff if she him to .fae~i. them, [f’.~votild be
interesting to seehow b~y!hla~ di~S if
¯ she has to face questions about her views
¯ on homosexuality, but I know I won’t be
~ watching. I think she should just quietly
¯ go away, like Anita Bryant. A career
¯ shriveled by her own hatred. ¯
¯ Gregory is a Texas based writer, who
lives near Ft. Worth. Sheformerly taught
¯ school and also was a newspaper re-
. porter.
by Jim Christjohn, entertainment queen as ffelll He speaks atleast threelanguages o trammg. And to do this you need that of doing the constant prePs/media events,
Happy summer, folks! Been a lot of fluently, and has a mischievous sense of o traimng. So it’s easy to injure your voice, being portrayed in press as living a life
changes since the last column- went on a humor. Welose alotofcastmembers, whohaven’t that wasn’t close to reality and the rumors
visit to Chicago where I discovered an Described as Versace on hyper speed, ¯ had the kind of vocal traimng that will based on the illusion. For instance,
artist I’m eager to tell you about, and Braehetti changes costumes at lightning ¯ sustain you through a show like this. And, "There’d be a photo op at a party. I’d go
closed the door on a ghost from the past; fast speed, transforming into more than " like I said, even if you have had it, there just long enough for the picture, then g~t
started a new job and more. 80 characters and giving life to legions of ¯ are moments you forget. And you defi- home to a cup of tea and bed. DoingS8
First, local news: Cyndi Vetter directs personalities. His show is a multi-media o nitely feel it later. Even the trained folks shows a week plus recording an~ alb~
Heller Theatre’s first production of the extravaganza, combining comedy, mu- . lose voices as they get caught up in the didn’t leave much time for a Wild
new season, "A Coupla White Chicks sic, magic, and emotions of the even if I’d wanted to live one. Thenthe~
Sitting Around Talking" by John Foi:d video in a unique show " I’d be, splashed across the C~adian
Noonan. Starring local favorites Julie collage of acting, ". , .Deserll~ed as Versace on Jc: What el- equivalent of the National Inquirer, with
Tattershall (an excellent actress) and storytelling, stunts layper speed, Braelaett] c]aan~es fect has doing this an article about what a party boy I was.
Maude Mix, it is the story of two women and caricature. He show had in terms Please."
who are complete opposites of each other, is thewinner ofthe costumes at li~latnin~ fast speed, of impacting your Feeling too tied to the show, he decided
and the unlikdy bond they form. They 2000 Moliere life and/or views to start over and move to NYC, where
discover that, together, they can over- Award(theFrench transformln~ into more tlaan 80 of the world? ironically, he ended up being recast in
come anything. The production runs Au- Tony, which has
el~araeters and ~ix,~n~ life to.
MH: "As I Rent. He took a week or so off to record
gust 3-6, at the Heller Theatre, 5328 S. never been one by said, I’ ve been vocals for the new album, which he pro-
Wheeling Ave. Reservations are rectA- anyone outside of le~ions of personalities, through years of duced and played instrument~ for.
mended at 746-5065. France), and a de- training, withsing- Heloves performing, dislikes pressjun-
While in Chicago, I had the chance to lighffully impish His slaow is a multl-media ing, and acting, kets and meeting hordes of people. He
meet some marvelous people, including fellow.Addalittle
extravaganza, eomblnln~
and dancing. I’d made an exception to come to Tulsa, for
TomMichael,whoIlaterlearnedisoneof Cirque De Soleil been so close to which the event was nice and relatively
the top cabaret artists across the nation, too that mixture comedy, music, marie, and v’ldeo getting parts so low key, in his eyes. At th~ time of the
consistently in the industr~’s top ten lists above, too. many times, only interview,hehadflownoutfromNYCity
amongthecompanyofMichaelFeinstein, Brachetti ar- in a uniclue colla~e of acting, to lose them to 6:30pm the prior evening, didpress, upat
Maureen McGovern, Betty Buckley, rivesinTulsaatthe peoplewhohadn’t 5:30am for more press, and was flying
Michael McAssey (who hosted the PAC courtesy of storytelling, stunts and earlea- had any training. I back an’hour after I spoke with him. Ah,
eveningatthepianobar-somethingTulsa Celebrity Attrac- was about to quit the glamorous life! ture. He is... a
desperately needs), Sally Mayer, Donna tions August6-13. show busines s Chad was kind enough to give me a CD
Murphy, and Amanda McBro(~fi. Tickets can be had deliChffully impish fellow, when the call came sampler of his new album, "No. 1 Fan,"
~He’s been actively singing in the Chi- by calling 596- from the Rent and it’s very good. Nice melodic rock,
cago nightclub scene for 12years, andhas 7111.Iwilltellyou Add a little Cirque De Soldl people. I’dbeenin and I love the first song -"Small Town
also performed with the Boston Pops and now, the costumes
too tlaat mixture above, too..,
so many situations Girl;" atl.~,ode to not giving up on dreams
Spokane symphonies. In 1995, he was that Brachetti de- where I’d been and p~venng with what life gives vou
invited to participate in the national Caba- signedandcreated through al! this Ng~i~2i~ really nice beach-boys n{eets
ret Symposium with such luminaries as rival any elaborate [and] training, and Fl’~i~,ood Mac kinda tune about break-
MargaretWqfiting, Julie Wilson. and Ann Bette Midler workedreallvhard ~ mg-!:~p¢ or ~vantiug to, by the title .of
Hampton Callaway. His album, "Sailing Cheridrag Queen onmy craft c~nly to ¯ "I~xmgton." After that is "Say Good-bye
On," is the perfect music for romancing extravaganza. Di ...RENT opens August 99 see people with no : t~hip-hoppy kinda rappish song
yournewguyorgal.TomMichael’svoice I mention he’s
and runs tlarou~la September 8
experieuce get wi~eat pop hook, withsomejazz~a~,d
wraps around you like a warm blanket on cute, designs a parts I was up for, rock bi-~:thrown in for good measure. It s
a winter’s night, and draws you in. mean frock, in his for 8 performances, and had just be- about growing up, growing old, selling
I was privileged to meet theman behind mid thirties (he’s come so disheart- out, doing what you’re told. "I know who
the voice, and spend-an afternoon with cagey about his RENT is only ttae ened with the biz. I wanna be..." The next ~s a ham~ting
him. He is as nice as the voice he sings age) and single?
~tla musical to win both
Sothis,gethngthat ballad/rocker, an ode to loneliness of a
those incredible love songs with. And RENT Opens call, really .rein- lostfriencFrelationshipanddrinkingalone.
he’sboyishlyhandsome, withblondehair August 29 and tlae Pulltzer Prize and forced my faith in On each, his voice handles the material
and incredibly intense eyes that dance runs through Sep- the business and and styles with aplomb, and he has a very
with light ’ every so often. His smooth tember3for8per- several qony Awards..." renewed that appealing tone. It seems there will be
" tenor voice and immaculate phrasing fin- formances. Tix go dream, something for everyone on the full CD,
mediately gave me a new perspective on on sale June 12th Also, I’ve be- and it will be worth picking up. I hope ~t
that style of voice, at 596 7111. RENT is only the fifth musi- come much more spiritual. I wasn’t spiri- gets radio play.
My favorite cut is the title song, which cal to win both the Pulitzer Prize and tual at all when I took this part. But Mimi Jeffrey Seller, the show’s producer,
I’ve heard done before, but not with such seve :al Tony ,Awards. Matinees are set is such a wonderful character and she’ s speaks of show with real enthusiasm, and
feeling that you feel the song flowing for Sat & Sunday, and there will be a grounded in faith, and to play that, every his eyes light up when speaking of the
around you. Beckie McKenzie, who un- special $25 per seat matinee on Wednes- night I have to believe it on stage. Since impacthe’s witnessedthe showhaveupon
fortunately was out of town the.Sunday I day, August 30. doing the show and portraying a charac- its audience. He sees "Rent" as a transforsaw
Tom perform, lent her voice and Presentatthepressconferenceannounc- ter, Mimi, who is very spiritual, I have mative experience. He hopes the show
arranged the music for the album, and ing this special addition to Celebrity At- become more open to that aspect of life will reach the younger Gay teens and
there’s not a tinker on it. When I asked tractions’ season were Marcy Harriell, where once I wasn’t, and I’ve heard from twenty-somethings and send a message
my host "Which local artists’ CD should MIMI on Broadway, and Chad friends and fans about their own searches that "Yes, you can be gay and successful,
take home with me as a souvemr. , the Richardson,ROGERonBroadway, flown for meaning, whichis one of the themes of that gay is more than OK and is cool. You
immediateresponsewasTomMichael’s’, in for the day to perform a couple of the show. And that has inspired me to can live ~oodlife, a rich life," and hopes
And he was right. Tom Michael’s "Sail- numbers from the show. They were both start searching. It’s so nice to bein a show they will be moved by the relevant expeing
On" is available from Amazon.corn, dynamate, and had incredible voices, that’s inspiring instead of traumatizang." rienees the show represents. The message
or Tower Records, Original Cast Records I was able to ask a few questions of Marcy Harriell has not done a CD yet, of inclusiveness is important to him for
(1-888-627-3993), Borders, Barnes and them, which they were most ~acious in but hopes ~t is in her future. And I can the audience to ’get."
Noble, Footlight Records, and answering. I spoke first with Ms Harriell, assure you, evenifshe sings the telephone Even today, he still has a passion for
CDNOW.com: who was as gracious as she was beautiful, book, it would be well worth listening to. this show evident in his speech and the
BrachettllS comang. No,~t s notaplece JC: This seems like an incredibly diffi- Chad Richardson is Canadian rock way his eyes light up. Having aecomof
tOast with herbs and tomatoes on ~t, it’s cult show to do, especially in terms of the singer, and has had two albums produced, plished quite a bit for his 35 years, he
ArturoBrachetti, the quick-change artist, vocals. His third is the upcoming "No. 1 Fan," chalks his success up to being a
Think "Greater Tuna" meets Robin Will- MH: (laughing) "Oh yes! Well, I’m a due out in May. He’s a handsome man, workaholic. He never tires of seeing the
Jams while doing David Copperfield’s classically trained singer - opera and so and he also has an incredible voice, much show s effect on audiences, its power to
act. Greater Tuna had two guys doing on, so doing this show was really different easier to listen to in many ways than embrace and connect with all people, and
quick changes to create the 22 characters in terms of it being arock show, basically. Anthony Rapp, the originator of the role. make them feel part of a family.
of a small mythical town; Arturo is one It places totally different stresses on your He also has incredible presence and very Of course, that does kind of clash with
man creating 88 characters during the vocalchords,andrequiresalotofstamina; piercing eyes. the show’s detractors, who feel that it
course of an evening - from cowboys to because when you get caught up in the Chad was a member of the Canadian glamorizes drug use and unsafe sex, but
geishas and barmaids to Royal Mounties, emotion of the show - which happens at cast ~f Rent, who reached rock-star fame you can’t please everyone.
he is a very channing man and handsome some point every night - you forget the .o as a member of the show. He quickly tired
by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D.
My sister just reported in from the annual
family reunion. Earlier this month,
the uncles, aunts, and cousins congregated
in apark on the suburban
slopes ofMt. Diablo,
California. Safe here in
Oklahoma, I’ve somehow
managed to .miss the last
decade ofthese family pic-
But news filters back.
This year my second
cousin Michael reappeared,
somehow on parole.
I am surprised because
it wasn’t too long
ago thathe attacked an elderly
couple in their car,
pulled up at a gas station.
He stabbed the oldwoman
dead. A .Vietnam War
flashback, Michael’s lawyer
said, which could wall
be true.
My family doesn’t talk
much. What facts I have
derive from the Oakland
Tribune lnternet newspaper
archives. Orrather, the
truth is that we happily gossip about each
other when those others aren’t listening.
Wejust don’t speak such things publicly.
And there at the picnic also were my
second cousins, once-removed, who are
autistic. Our gossip wonders if this condition
is their parents’ fault. The brothers,
who are now in their 30s, somehow make
a living repairing trails in Yosemite National
Park. We all know something about
them despite the fact that their autism is
never spoken of at our reunions.
My first cousin arson was at the picnic
too. arson is 46, unmarried, does something
with computers, and still lives with
my aging aunt and uncle. It makes one
think. It makes us gossip, too. Perhaps I
have a Gay cousin: Or perhaps arson is
just a happy solitary. Who knows? We
never talk about it:Opeuly, that is.
My family - likes yours, maybe - religiously
follows our own policy of "Don’t
ask, don’t tell." This peculiar sort of secrecy
is the framewt,rk of the closet. The
closet comes into being just because we
have agreed not to notice what is obvious.
arson’s sexual identity is an open secret.
He knows what he is, and we know what
he is too. But because we never admit
what we know, not publicly anyway, we
avoidhaving to deal withits consequences.
If we did acknowledge that we know,
we might have to do something. Dismiss
the newly uncloseted Gay from the Army,
for example. My family wouldn’t discharge
Orson.(or me either,.for that matter)
fromthe clan,butitwouldface having
to revalue Gayness. It would lose the
comfort of our open secret. This would
demand considerable emotional and political
transformationonall sides, It’s alot
easier just to go along to eat the hotdogs
and hamburgers and chat about kids and
the weather.
Eve Sedgwick, a literary critic and one
of the founders of "queer theory," proposedin"
TheEpistemology ofthe Closet"
that open secrets are fundamental within
modern American culture.
Part of her argument can be restated
simply. Homosexuality - which throughout
much of the 20th century couldnot be
recognized publicly - is nonetheless always
present within contemporary no-
My family doesn’t
talk much. What
f~ets I have derive
from the Oakland
Tribune Internet
newspaper archives.
Or rather, the truth
is that we happily
gossip about each
other when those
others aren’t
listening. We just
don’t speak such
things publiely.
¯ tions of sexuality. Gayness exists in order
: to maintain theboundaries of straightness.
¯ Wejust don’t admit it:
¯ Gayness has to exist as an open secret.
It is a shadowy, inverted,
and devalued reflection of
straight. When it emerges
from the closetand appears
clearly in public, it threatens
¯straightness if it becomes
a possible, alternative
normal sexuality.
Straight can’t exist withoutGay;
butitperhaps also
can’t exist-notin thesame
way, anyway - when the
open secret is revealed.
Likemurder and autism
in the family, the
unspeakability of secret
Gayness has maintainedits
shame. We’ve heard the
reaction: "Go ahead and
be Gay. Butkeepit to yourself.
Don’t thrust your
lifestyle in my face. We
don’t want to know about
it. How dare you Gays
flaunt k ? Can’t you keep it
¯ You can understand the worry. Flaunt-
" ing destroys open secrets. Public recogni-
¯ ,tion of Gayness erodes the normality and
"6ounds of straightness. Telling one’s se-
¯ crets unsettles the uncles and the aunts
¯¯ and their elemental notions about who
¯ and what they are. Who can blame them? Nowonderthey’dratherhappily smalltalk
¯ with arson abouthis job andhis car- and
¯ not about what he does when no one is
;" looking (or when they are pretending not
to be looking).
¯ So my family dogs its job, keeping our
¯ open secrets. And it’s not just my timo- ¯
¯ rous relatives. I have thirty-something Gay friends who avoid certain bars for
¯ fear they might run into family friends
¯ who’dtell thex" rmother. Li" kemomdoesn’t
already know. But, sometimes, she really
doesn’tknow- she honors the open secret
¯ by not admitting that she’s seen through
¯ her son years ago.
¯ One of these years I’m going to finally
¯ make it home to the family reunion.
¯ "Orson," maybe I’ll say,"So what do you
¯ think of those Back Street Boys?"
¯ Lamont Lindstrom teaches anthropology
at the University of Tu,lsa.
¯ It takes courage to scrutinize yourdefense structures, belief system, values, self-
" worth, self-doubt, behavioral patterns, and
¯ overall identity, and to shed the traits and
¯ beliefs thatno longer functionin your life.
It takes uncommon courage and integrity
~ to implement the insights of that scrutiny,
¯ and to live honesty and authentically. ¯
Anyone who enters and completes this
: process is a survivor, and deserves the
¯ rewards of liberation, identity autonomy,
¯ and happiness."
: While much of this book is geared to-
" ward use by straight therapists for their
¯ Lesbian and Gay clients, lay people will
¯ also find it valuable. It will help people to ¯
fully understand that the rituals they have
¯ gone through are not unusual and that
: their goal shou!.d be a vibrant, happy and
¯ healthy life.
Check for this title at your local library,
¯ or call Readers Services at 596-7966.
Timothy .W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney who will fight for
justice & equality for
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Eight o’clock
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by Ted Anthony, AP National Writer
N~V YORK (AP) - 715ose eyes. ~tNose
eyelashes. Those cheekbones. Those outfits.
She Is m~ American original, this
Tammy Faye Bakker - for better and for
worse, an utterly umque vessel that conrains
the strange stew of celebrity, spirituality
and sin we have come to expect from
our fallen 1cons in recent decades. Who
better, then, to explore, to figure out, to
focus in upon than the face that launched
1,000 quips? That’s the mission of a new
documentary, and "Tile Eyes of Tammy
Faye" doesn’t disappoint.
For those of you living on Jupiter’s
moons, Tammy Faye Bakker (now
Tammy Faye Messner) was/is the excruciatingly
mascaraed ex-wife of
tdevangelist Jim Bakker and former costar
of PTL, the North Carolina-based
television ministry that imploded in a pit
of accusations and recriminations in the
late 1980s.
He trysted with Jessica Hahn (who later
paraded in Playboy) and went to jail. She
got addicted to pills and ended up marrying
his best friend. Jerry Falwell got involved.
Things got nasty. Pop culture
references were born. Mascara companies
Now, more than a decade later, Tammy
Fgye paces-the halls of her California
gated-community house, trying to sti~lI
together the swatches of her life and fin__
out what’s important to her. This proves
to be a funny and tragic endeavor, and
filmmakers Randy Barbato and Fenton
Baily chronicle it as it unfolds. Narrated
by RuPaul, of all people, it’s a festival of
weirdness camed out on an impressively
documentarian level, and it offers a deadon
look at Tammy _ aye without ever
poking fun at her. It lets her do all the
work, and work she does.
- She gives us a tour of her makeup case
(the eyes come from L’Oreal Waterproof
- She is praised by relatives in strange
ways ("When she was born, she had perfecfly
manicured fingernails:’ says an
- She goes to a photographer to get new
head shots and smpri ses the makeup artist
by announcing that her lips, eyes and
eyebrows are permanently lined.
The film’s success, though, lies in assembling
a portrait of Tammy Faye that
transcends parody. She is an easy target
for a hip, sarcastic documentary. Instead,
we find out about a woman who was
reaching out to Gays and AIDS patients
long before anyone else in the Christian
broadcasting community Welearn about
awoman who endured cancer, thenjudged.
the experience worthwhile because ~t
brought her closer to her daughter. And
we discover, though she never says it
outfight, that she still respects Jim Bakker
- and may well still love him xn some
ways. Bakker, too, is interviewed here,
watched balefully by his new wife as he
talks - and sometimes reminisces fondly
- about his time with Tammy Faye.
In the end, you’re left with several
questions aboutTammy Faye: What DID
she and Bakker believe in? God? Ego?
Money? Themselve,’ 9 And what does she
really look like under all those layers?
Whatever she ultimately is, Tammy
Faye deserves some sympathy. She’ s been
through alot that wasn’t her ownmaking.
She’s going to church again, singing ~n a
local choir and trying to figure out just
who she is - an admirable trait in anyone,
and something not to be lampooned, no
matter what her past has held. "I don’t
know of any woman in our time who has
been so maligned," Pat Boone tells the
camera. "And yet she just keeps going."
And that trajectory makes for a fascinating
documentary - whether you end up
seeing it as a valid piece of journalism or
an entertaining celebrity car wreck.
Homosexual Rites of Passage: arises from lack of awareness that others
A Road to Visibility & Validation
by Marie Mohler, MA
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa Ciry-CounU Eibrary
Like e~eryone else, Lesbians and Gay
men go through a series of life events that
shape their personalities, morals and ability
to interact with other people. However,
because of sexual orientation, there
is often a different set of events and there
are different hurdles to jump. This book
analyzes these rites of passage to help
Lesbians and Gay men understand themselves.
Author ~ [thief approaches a variety of
topics, each with, a sep~ate chapter, inciudi~.
g ~,~nderstar,,ding Fear, Overcoming
c.~- Coming Out, Con-a~fitment
Rimai s ar,_d Aging Rites. Each topic builds
o~ the prevtous one.
Fern plays a big role for both straights
and Ga)’s. For Gay people, fear serves as
an obstacle to growth. For straightpeople,
fear of Gays "’smt’aces in antiGay bashing,
picketing, propaganda, hazing, attempts
at converting homosexuals and
discrimination in the workforce. Energy
is tied up in keeping the Lesbian and Gay
individual out of their world, consciousness,
and own ide.nti.ty,.b.y attemp.ting t,o,
keep homosexuahty mws~ble and stlent.
Mohler suggests that straights fear Gays
due to ignorance. "This ignorance often
may differ from one’s sdf. There is often
no motivation to learn about other cultures
or sexual orientations. Thus, anything
different from the self is considered
One thought provoking section in the
chapter on aging deals with the death of a
same sex life partner. A Gay or Lesbian
individual’s "truest support system, emotionally,
physically, sexually, and finandally,
may be flflfilled by this one person.
In light of’the fact that many heterosexual
peers and families may not mfite understand
the magnitude of homo~sexual fee!-
rags _~md. Gay!Lesbi,~ conuni~mem to !ife
parmers, ~t ma~ be devastating to not
rec~’~c ~N’.: much-needed suppn<i: dmSng
this a;~,::’~;v-g pefic,l. The heterosextml
majci:~.~? ~m,,y be blind to exiuatiL~g the loss
of one’s life partner to ’,he loss of a husband
or wife. While this lack of support is
a great tragedy, with great potenial for re-
~njuring and shaming homosexuals during
a time of great mourning, it is thevery
reason why Gay men and Lesbian women
needto stand together as a community
and validate the troth of their parmerships."
The chapter on coming out summarizes
the upbeat feel of the entire book: "(the
coming out) process affects homosexuals
physically, emotionally, and intellectuall)
- see Passages, p. 10
Offer Financial Planning
TULSA - Tulsa’s Metropolitan Community Church
United (MCC-United) with Theresa M. Barnard, a
financial planning advisor with American Express Financial
Advisors will present a series of financial planning
seminars at MCC United. One seminar will be
"Financial Strategies forGayMen&Lesbians" and will
be held onTuesday, September 5th and will be repeated
on Tuesday, October 10th. Barnard will present "Retirement
- Explore Your Options, Create your Retirement
Income," on Tuesday, .September 19th and ,Estate
Planning" on Tuesday, October 24th. All seminars
will be at 7pro at the church located at 1623 No.
Maplewood, just north and west of Sheridan and Pine.
Bamard and MCC United provided the following
statement from American Express Financial Advisors:
"We want to make our commitment to Gay men and
Lesbians clear. Just as we have ~ktended domestic
partner benefits to our Lesbian and Gay employees
worldwide, wearecommi tted to providing sound finan,
cial advice that specifically addresses the unique finandal
issues affecting our Lesbian and Gay clients."
see MCC, p. 3
Women Try to Change
Canada’s Marriage Law
VICTORIA, CANADA (AP.)- Two women at the
center of a constitutional court challenge exchanged
vows inJuly as friends andrelatives witnessed the union
ceremony. Judy Lightwater, 49, and Cynthia Callahan,
36, pledged to "cherish and sustain each other" for all of
their days with "passion, honor, patience and laughter."
Since Canadian law recognizes marriage only between
aman and awoman, it was legally impossible for
the Gay activism to get a marriage license. But the
British Columbia government has asked the provincial
Supreme Court on behalf of the couple to declare that
same-sex marriages are legal. The court challenge is
expected to reach the Supreme Court of Canada within
about seven years.
The provincial government issues marriage licenses
but is boundby federal rules as to who qualifies. "When
I see there are two people who are dearlyin love and
want to make a commitment to each other and want to
have the same access to laws that are available to others,
as a human being I ask myself why should ~ose people
not be able to make that commitment? said B.C.
Attorney General Andrew Petter.
"We’rein loveandwe want to tell everyone about it,"
........... said Lightwater: "It"s not that complicated.~ More love
in the world is something everyone supports."
The other couple named in B.C.’s court petition are
Murray Warren and Peter Cook, who filed a human
rights complaint after they were. refused a marriage
license 18 months ago. see Courts, p. 3
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans;Our.Families + Friends
" Building AEVER
A More Light Presb erMn Weekend
¯ TULSA - A local liberal protestant church, College Hill Presby-
¯ terian Church recently became a"More Light" church byjoining
¯ the More Light network, a group of Presbyterian affiliated
¯ organizations which are dedicated to welcoming Lesbians, Gay
men, Bisexuals and Transgendered persons into the church in all
roles, both as lay members and as ordained leaders and clergy.
Now in August, on the 25, 26, and 27, the congregation will
host a "More Light" event and organizer both to help educate
local religious groups and individuals, and to recognize and
¯ celebrate College Hill’s joining the More Light group.
The Session (the board of directors of the congregation) has
invited Michael Adee, Ph.D., who is a full time organizer for
More Light network, a weekend of workshops.
~ According to College Hill’s spokesperson, "these three days
¯ will be filled with opportunities for worship mad fellowship
¯ together, to learn more about ministry to and with Gay, Lesbian;
Bisexual and Transgendered persons, and to inform and welcome
¯ others to this ministry of compassion, inclusion and justice."
The opening event will be a lunch on Friday; August 25th,
¯ from noon to 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall of the church which is
¯ located at 712 So. Columbia Ave. The church is just west of the
¯¯ campus of theUniversityofTulsa and sinceTU has tomdown the
old Kendall School to build a Tennis Center, the church can be
seen from Delaware.
The lunch presentation is called, "Building a Church for
Everyone," and church professionals and elders from Presbyterian
Churches in the area are invited to attend this luncheon. Adee
will give a short presentation on the history and goals of More
Light Presbyterians, followed by a question and answer session.
The meal will be $5.00.
On Saturday, August 26th, Adee will lead a workshop "Caring
for All God’s People," from 8:30- 12:30 again in the Fellowship
Hall. According to organizers; those attending this event will
gain greater understanding of the pastoral care needs of GLBT
people and their families, see Light, p. 3
¯ Others May Follow
Vermont’s Lead On Unions
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP)- Legislators in Rhode Island and New
¯ York are hoping their states follow Vermont’s lead in granting
¯ same-sex couples the benefits of marriage. "From New Hamp- ¯
shire to California, politicians are intrigued by the civil unions
¯ statute Vermont created to grant Gay and Lesbian couples rights
¯ and benefits without wandering into the politically volatile ¯
thicket ofmarriage. But most advocates say Vermont will remain
." a pioneer on the issue for the foreseeable future while the public
¯ becomes more comfortable with the idea. ¯
A state senator in New York is drafting a bill based on
: Vermont’s statute and a Rhode Island state representative is
." pushingabill to expandhis state’s marriage laws toinclude same-
¯ sex couples. "I would not introduce anything but marriage;’ said
: Rep: Michael Pisamro, a Democrat from Cranston, R.I. "I don’t
: necessarily see something like civil unions or domestic partner-
. ships as a stepping stone to marriage." Pisaturo earlier this year
; said Rhode Islanders are still uncomfortable with the idea of
¯ recognized partnerships between Gay people. That’s why heheld
~ . off on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage and will try next year.
¯ In the New York state Senate, Manhattan Democrat Tom
: Duane is drafting a bill that his aide said would be "similar to"
." Vermont’s first-in-the-nation civil unions statute, although de-
." tails were still being worked out. "Our Legislature won’t be back
, ’ until January., ~s~ it wouldn’t be until then,", said Scott Mdvin. ~
: Advocates also see opportunities in New Hampshire, Con-
: nectient, New Jersey, Massachusetts and California for laws
¯ granting marriage benefits, either through marriage itself or
¯ through a civil unions compromise like Vermont, s. ¯
"I think the situation we’re in is Vermont will be there and will
." have to have the courage of its convictions for a while and then,
¯ I think, it will fall into place in a number of spots," said Beatrice ¯
Dohrn, a lawyer for the Lambda Legal Defense and Education
: Fund, which led the legal fight in Hawaii for Gay marriage.
¯ Although most advocates insist that full inclusion in marriage
¯ statutes is the only way for Gay and Lesbian couples to achieve
; equality, some see the civil unions statute as a good way to begin
." moving toward that goal.
¯ "Using Vermontas a model, other legislatures wishing to enact
¯ equal benefits,~ see Unions, p. 2
Boy Scou.ts Target.ed
For Ant -Gay B=as
TULSA - In conjunction with a National Day of
¯ Protest ofthe Boy Scouts ofAmerica~ Kerry Lewis,
¯ spokesperson for Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
¯ Rights (TOHR), has announced that TOHR and
: other local organizations will hold a protest at the
¯ local headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America on
August 21st. The time of the event will be available
¯ by contacting TOHR at 743-4297.
The protest is in response to a recent US Supreme
Court decision which overturned a New Jersey
court ruling that the Boy Scouts’ anti-Gay policies
were illegal under New Jersey non-discrimination
laws. According to Lewis, "the purpose of these
protests is to provide a visible and rational response
to their discriminatory and de-humanizing policies."
The Indian Nations Council of the BSA is located
at 3206 So. Peoria. Parking is limited at the
site but is available on the street a few blocks away
in the Brookside business area.
Lewis noted also that there are also several other
options for you to register your protest of the Boy
Scout policy. One is to write a letters of complaint.
Informational materials, including sample letters,
are available by contacting TOHR.
¯ And in discussions with Tulsa Family News,
¯ Lewis acknowledged that another aspect of the
¯ Boy Scouts’ discriminatory policies was Tulsa
¯ AreaUnitedWay’s (TAUW) funding for the BSA.
¯ Lewis acknowledged that some in the community
¯ favor designating TAUW as the target of protests ¯
or demonstrations, but that those discussions were
~ ongoing.
¯ Lewis also said that the next meeting of Tulsa’s
Diversity Council will beonTuesday, August 22nd
at 7pm at the Center.
: Further in the future is a visit to Tulsa by Dr.
: Laura Schlessinger, radio talk show host known for
her characterization of Gay people see BSA, p. 3
Barnes & Noble Boots
TULSA-In amove thatis being decriedby smaller
¯ newspaper publishers across the US, Barnes &
¯ Noble has thrown out most community publica-
dons out of its stores across the US.
¯ In Tulsa, Barnes & Noble representatives sent ¯
notice to TulSa Family News by letter in the last
week of June of the new policy which went into
: effect on July 1st. Newspaper reports from else-
. where in the US note that Barnes & Noble sent the
: letter to most publication in sometime in March.
: Local representatives could giveno explanation for
¯ the several month delay before informing Tulsa
: publications.
¯ Barnes & Noble stated in its letter that it was
: removing the publications in order to use the space
¯ forit own merchandise but after TFN publisher
: spoke with (the no~w former) manager of the 71st
: St. store, it became clear that while minority pub-
: lieatious were being removed, Barnes &Noble was
¯ creating a new space inside the store for two com-
" ¯ mtmitypublications; TulsaPeopleand Urban Tulsa.
¯ These two were retaining distribution privileges
¯ because they have the largest volume of copies
¯ ¯ distributed. Both- Tulsa People (TP) and Urban
: Tulsa (UT) are publications with histories of fail-
" ing to serve Tulsa’s Gay &Lesbian communities or
: of having anti-Gay policies (UT).
Tulsa Family News publisher Tom Neal said,
¯~ "this policy inherently discriminates against mi-
¯ nority community publications. By virtue of being
¯ minority, we simply cannot compete on a highest
," volume basis."
: Neal added that given a choice between making
¯ purchases at Barnes & Noble or at Borders, he
¯ encourages community members to buy at Borders
which consistently has been more supportive of
: Lesbians and Gay menin Tulsa. Neal also suggests
¯ that readers letMattMozzoni,manager of the 41st ¯
St. Barnes & Noble see Barnes & Noble, p. 3
Minority Newspapers
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Chasers, 4812 E. 33
*CW’s, 1737 S. Memorial
*Club Cherry Bomb, 1926 E. Pine
*Club Vortex, 2!82 S. Sheridan
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael"s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*The Star, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
"*The Yellow Brick Road Pub, 2630 E. 15th
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
*Cheap Thrills, 2640 E. 1 lth 295-5868
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th - 749-3620
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838,-8503
Encompass Travel, 13161H N. Memorial 369-8555
*Ross Edward Salon 584-0337, 712-9379
Events Unlimited, 507 S. Main 592-0460
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoffa- 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1. 6!0-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International ~[ours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening 582-8460
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard. #210 747-5466
*Li~:ing A~tSpace, 308 South Kenosha 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place ....~-
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, "74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301,
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835-5563
Fred Welch, LCSW, Connseting 743-1733
*Wherehouse Music. 5150 S. Sheridan 665-2222
*Whittier News Stand. 1 N. Lew~s 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337.74101 579-9593
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & ~Vhite, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*]3 L/G/T Alliance. Univ. of Tulsa United Min. Ctr. 5K3-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Horence
*Church of the Restoration UU, 1314N.Greenwo°d 587-1314
*Commtmity ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*CommunityUnitarian-Universalist Congregatmn 749-0595
Council Oak Men’s Chorale 748-3888
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
Free SpratWomen s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
918.583.12.zhS, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140. Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mail: Tu!saNews@ earthhnk.:~et
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Seal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn. Karin Gregory, Barry Hensley, J.-P.
Legrandbouche. Lamont Lindstrom. Esther Rothblum, Mary
Schepers. Hughston Walkinshaw
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the ! st of each month, the entire contents -:
of this publication are protected by US copyright 1998 by
T~,u~ ~:o~ Ndw~ and may not be reproduced either in "
wholeorin part without written permission from the publisher. "
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate a person’s ,.
sexual orientation. Correspondence is assmned to be for
publication unless otherwise noted, must be signed & be- ".
comes the sole property of rJ,4~ ~.’. Ncnu4~ Each reader
is entitled to 4 copies of each ediuon at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Plalmed Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
*Red Rock Mental Center, !724 E 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincim~ati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
*TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Co~tfidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c,~o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform~ Leather Seekers Assoc. 298-0827
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*TulsaGay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105 743-4297
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown 749-8833
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
Borders Books & Music, 3209 NW Expressway 405-848-2667
Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
Stonewall League. c~J! for i~fformation: 9!8-456-7900
*Tahlequmh Uvjtarian-Uni vcrsalist Church 9182456-7900
Green Country A!DS Cozdition, POB !570 918-453-9360
NSU Schoo! of C,ptometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtestln,, e’ve~v other T~es. 5:30-8:30. cal! for dates
Autunm Breeze Restaurm~. L~w~.. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant. 5 Center g t.
Emerald Rainbow. 45 &l:2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
Geek to Go!, PC SpecialisL POB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
White Light, 1 Center St.
*Spirit of Christ MCC. 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
5~ 1-253-2776
* is where you can f’md TFN. Not all are Gay-owned but all are Gay-friendly.
Tulsa Family News wishes to correct an
error in our July issue. In an article about
GayTulsa.o,:g, we mistakevJy indentified
their Associate Webmaster, Scan, as Seth
and as a "partner" in the r,on-profit organization,
rather than by his correct title.
TFN regrets any all,stress this caused to the
staff and friends of GayTulsa.org. - TN
equal status for Gay and, Lesbian people
wi!l look at this," said David Smith ofthe !.
Humau Rights Campaign, the nation’s
the country that would look to this.’.’
Vermont’s law is parallel to mamage
but ~s a separate legal creation. It has
prompted a lot of debate around the country
about granting benefits to couples who
want legal recognition and protection for
their long-term relationships.
Vermont lawmakers have said repeatedly
that their law could be a model for
other states to emulate as they seek to
steer clear of the emotional debate about
marriage. Thirty-two states have adopted
statutes specifically outlawing Gay marriage.
Because civil unions aren’t marriage,
though, the Vermont authors of the
law say, they’re a way to take a step
without getting bogged down in emotion,
religion and morality.
But to people like California Assemblywoman
Rep. Carole Migden of San
Francisco, that’s demeaning. ’.’Thepremise
of civil union is still an insult, but nevertheless
we’re pleased that the state of
Vermont recognizes the quality of Lesbian
and Gay equality in a less-than-dignified
way," said Migden, whose state last
year outlawed Gay marriage in a referendum.
"We’re moving along. Each year we
add to it, It’s a step-by-step buildingblock
Some Gay civil rights advocates caudonthat
experiences in Hawaii and Alaska,
where courts said same-sex couples should
be allowed to marry and then lawmakers
and voters reversed them, should temper
any predictions that the idea of civil unions
will spread quickly beyond Vermont. "I
think it’s important to bear in mind that
Vermonti s aleader in notjust civil rations,
but in terms of hate crimes, second parent
adoption and nondiscrimination is sues for
the Lesbian and Gay community," said
Tim Sweeney, deputy executive director
of New York state’s Fanpire State Pride
Agenda. "I think that’s an important context
to keep in mind."
Political considerations appear to be far
from the minds of many of the people
entering into civil unions since they became
thelaw on July !. Ofthe 115 that had
been reported to the state vital records
division through Monday~ more th;m tw othirds
have b~eu between conples from
outside Vermont. That’ s even though civil
unions are not legally recognized anywhere
else in the country.
That "alone will make a difference in
other states, though, advocates say, be~
cause it is generating debate in practically
every state. "The whole mo~cement an
Vermonthas createda tremendous amount
of education and discussion about Lesbian
and Gay relationships and the kind of
discrimination we face," Sweeney said.
"It’ s been an extremely positive discusstun
and very helpful to humanize Lesbian
and Gay relationships and our families
by Tom Neal, editor/publisher
How disappointing that Colin Powell would lend his
credibility to the Republican scam of being a party of
inclusion at the recentGOPconvention. Since the days of
that deficit-creating monster Reagan, Republicans have
represented the worst in American character: hate-mongering,
religiously intolerant, and committed to undermining
constitutional rights of those unlike themselves.
In Philadelphia, we see Blacks, Latinos, women and
the disabled trotted out but we still read the same attacks
o~ Gay Americans. Gays can be soldiers ouly at the cost
offree speech. Gayrelationships,by federal law, can only
be end class.
In Oklahoma, Democrats aren’t much better. Republicans
talk nasty about Gay taxpayers. Democrats keep
quiet but both abuse the authority of the State to attack
Gay Oklahomans. God forbid we should get through a
legislative session without a vote by the majority to
remind us of the contempt in which we are held.
Whenboth parties treat all fairly, when the accidents of
birth: race, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation and the
choices of a free citizenry: political affiliation, religious
"lifestyles" or "preferences", all are of no more importance
than that of being left or fight-handed, then Americans,
Republican and Democrat, can say we are thenation
of fairness for all.
The statement continues, "whether you’re single, in a
committed relationship, or caring for children, yotir
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control of your financial future. We can help you:
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Bamard requests that those wishing to attend please
telephone in advance to her at 748-8191, ext. 121.
They have been in a relationship for 29 years. "The
community support has been really important to me
because I don’t have the support from my family," said
Callahan, whose parents did not attend her union ceremony.
as being "biological error[s]". TOHR is trying to work
with other groups to design an effective protest for her
visit this fall.
On Tuesday, Aug. 8th, TOHR will hold its general
membership meeting at the Tulsa Gay Community Services
Center at 7:30pm. The regular business session
(which is usually short) will be followed by a special
program presented by the Credit Counsding Center of
Tulsa, a Short presentation on financial responsibility,
etc. Members and those interested in the community are
invited and encouraged to attend.
And on Sunday, Aug. 13th, the"Lesbian Connection,"
a program of TOHR, is inviting EVERYONE in the
community to come out and have fun at Keystone lake.
Burgers will beprovided - youbring the rest! Swimming,
volleyball, fishing, boating, etc. will be available all day.
Call the Center for directions.
The initial planning meeting for "Diversity Celebration
2001" will be held at the Tulsa Gay Cominunity
Services Center beginning at 1 lain on Saturday, Aug.
know about their nnhappiness with the new policy.
Mozzoni seemed to be sympathetic to the situation but
has stated that since it comes down from corporate.
headquarters, hehas litflechoice. Mozzoni canbe reached
at 665-4580.
National Gay Organizations Comment on Cheney
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Human Rights Campaign
(HRC) and the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
(NGLTF) have issued comments on the record o’f Richard
B. Cheney, George W. Bush’s Vice-presidential
nominee, on Gay and AIDS issues.
Cheney, a former defense secretary in the administration
of Bush’s father, and a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from 1978-1989, has an extremely conservative
record, HRC noted. Like Gov. Bush, however,
Cheney seeks to package a conservative record with a
moderate image, the organization said. "The choice of
Secretary Cheney is in keeping with Governor Bush’s
strategy of staking out conservative pos!,tions and wrapping
them in a moderate package, said Wiunie
Stachelberg, HRC’s political director.
As a Wyoming congressman, Cheney opposed early
efforts to address the HIV/AIDS crisis. Most notably, he
was one of 13 House members who voted against the
AIDS Federal Policy Act of 1988, the first major bill to
provide funding for HIV/AIDS counseling and testing.
Cheney also supported an effort to reduce funding for
HIV/AIDS research. In addition, Cheney voted against
the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1988 and supported an
amendment that added anti-Gay language to the bill.
As defense secretary, Cheney supported Pete Williams,
the department’s chief spokesman, when The Advocate
magazine revealed his homosexuality. "I have
operated on the basi, s over the.years with respect tO my
personal staff that I don’t ask them about their private
lives," said Cheney. "As long as they perform their
professional responsibilities in a responsible manner,
their private lives are their business."
Cheney opposed President Clinton’s effort to lift the
ban on Gays serving openly in the military. Cheney told
CNNin 1993,"I am one of those people who believes that
people’s sexual preference and orientation are a private
matter. It’s something that is a personal matter for them,
and no one else’.s business. And that’s the way I ran the
civilian side of the Pentagon... On the military side,
though, you can’t pursue that policy."
Later in the interview, Cheney ffaid: "I basically don’t
believe in discrimination, but I did conclude, as secretary
of defense, that the ban on Gays in uniform was appropri-
Topics include: coming out, integration of sexuality and
faith, responding to homophobia in the church and society,
helping parents of GLBT children and children of
GLBT parents. This group is open to all. ’ It will be
especially helpful for GLBT people and their families,
their friends, and fellow church members, elders, teachers
and youth leaders. Continental breakfast and snacks will
be served.
Sunday morning, the Church School Mid-highs to
Adults will.begin at 9:35 in the Chapel. This event is rifled
"Bringing Body and Soul Together (Let’s Talk about
Faith and Sexuality)" This Church School Class will
feature’an interactive discussion on Christian sexual
ethics. Those choosing to attend will share in an hour
devoted to how Christians integrate faith and sexuality in
living the Christian life. The focus will be what makes
’good relationships’ for all God’s people.
Then on Sunday, August 27th, the regular worship
service at 11amin the Sanctuary will feature a sermon by
Michael Adee. The service entitled "Celebrating Diversity
and Inclusiveness" will honor "Christ’s call to be
inclusive." The chancel choir will offer special music for
the occasion and communion will be celebrated. This is
the formal event to mark College Hill’s declaration to be
inclusive and work as part ofMore Light Presbyterians to
bring the Presbyterian denomination to the inclusion of
GLBT people in ordination as well as membership..
Finally on Sunday afternoon from 5:30- 7:30, aYouth
Event, "On Being Gay & Being Christian" will be held.
The College Hill youth fellowship will be hosting
individuals and other youth groups for pizza and open,
informal conversation about sexuality andfaithfor youth.
Adee will be the facilitator on topics ranging from being
GLBT and Christian, coming out, harassment at school
and church, sexual sdf-esteem, dealing with family, and
Gay/Straight friendships.
This event hopes to help Gay and Straight youth underctand
themselves and each other better.
For more information about these events, contact "
College Hill Presbyterian Church at 592-5800.
: ate."
¯. HRC has endorsed Vice President A1 Gore for presi-
¯ dent. He has yet to name a running mate. Cheney is
: currently the chief executive officer of the Halliburton
: Co., a publicly traded company that supplies equipment
¯ to the oil industry. Halliburton does not have a non-
. discrimination policy thiat includes sexual orientation nor
: a domestic partner program for Gay employees.
¯ According to the NGLTF research, Cheney opposed
: the Equal Rights Amendment, opposes reproductive
¯¯ choice and supports prayer in public schools.
NGLTF notes like HRC that Cheney in 1993 opposed
¯ President Clinton’s effort to lift the military ban and
¯ openly Gay servicemembers. At the height of the debate,
¯ Cheney warned that defense cuts and the proposal to lift
: the ban "have led to a decline in the quality of military
¯ recruits."
¯ He added that "the whole reduction in defense spend-
: ing, the controversy over Gays in the military, has led to
: an unwillingness to serve and low morale."
¯ NGLTF adds that Cheney has served as a trustee of the
¯ arch-conservative American Enterprise Institute, where ¯
he was a former senior fellow. The American Enterprise
¯ Institute is home to many right-wing thinkers, such as
¯ former Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, former
¯ House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Charles Murray, ¯
author of "The Bell Curve," a book which suggests that
¯ differences inintelligence existbetweenblacks and whites
¯ and that these differences are genetic and immutable.
¯ American Enterprise Institute scholars have also been
~ outspoken in their opposition to equal rights for Gay,
: Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people.
: "George W. Bush has flubbed the most important
¯ decision in his presidential camp~gn," said Elizabeth ¯
Toledo, NGLTF executive director. "His compassionate
¯ conservatism holds out no compassion whatsoever for
¯ theGay, Lesbian,BisexualandTransgendercommunity. ¯
Furthermore, it sends a chilling signal to women, to
people of colo~: and to those concerned with fairness and
: equality that a major political party would offer up a
candidate with such a background to the voters. This
¯ selection demonstrates that right-wing, religious extrem-
¯ ists are still a powerful force on the political landscape."
¯ Openly Gay Republican ¯ Featured at Convention
. PHILADELPHIA -Rep: Jim Kolbe of Arizona made
¯ history when he became the first openly Gay member of
¯ Congress to address a Republican convention. The Ari-
¯ zona congressman had a prime-time speaking slot, ad-
¯ dressing the GOP on trade issues for three minutes.
¯ Kolbe, first elected in 1984, is the most senior openly
¯ Gay member of Congress andis the only openly Gay
¯ Republican in the House. Having Kolbe speak at the
¯ convention was an idea first raised by Washington city
¯ councilm_.an David Cataniain April, when the Log Cabin
] Republicans, themostprominent Gay GOPorganization,
." met with presidential candidate George W. Bush.
¯ Bushmetwith the group, a first for a candidate preparing
to pick up the GOP presidential nomination, despite
his opposition to many of the its issues, including Gay
." marriage. Log Cabin Republicans Pleased Members of
¯ the Log Cabin Republic,~ns are delighted by Kolbe’s
: place.in the convention lineup - especially considering
¯ that he backed Bush’s rival, Sen. John McCain, during
¯ the primary season.
¯ According to the group, this is the first lime a wall- ¯
known openly Gay person has gone to the podium at the
¯ GOP national convention. In 1996, a little-known Log
¯ Cabin Republican member from California, Steve Fong,
¯ gave alow-prof’ile, one-mi nute speech amidlittle fanfare.
[ But some socially conservative Republicans, who are
¯ opposed to civil rights for Gay people and have warned
¯ Bush about reaching out to the Gay community, were
" unhappy with the prospect of having Kolbe speak, One
leading conservative Republican told ABCNEWS he
¯ was "flabbergasted" by the decision, and called it a
~ "shock." "It is not going to be a happy time," said the
¯ Republican. "I think it is a really bad decision."
: Kolbe is a founding member of the National Advisory
¯ Board of the Log Cabin Republicans; the nation’s most
[ prominent Gay GOP group. In 1997, he gave the keynote
¯ address at the LOg Cabin Republicans convention. Kolbe
¯ was a strong proponent of the NorthAmerican Free Trade
i Agreement.
Pentagon Says Gay
Policy Is Working
WASHINGTON (AP) - The military’s much-criticized
policy on Gays in uniform is working, but
training must be improved to eliminate anti-Gay
behavior like the abuse that led to a soldier’s murder
in Kentucky last year, the Defense Department said.
"We think we’ve got it right this time," Carol
DiBattiste, the undersecretary of the Air Force, told a
news conference Friday to publicize anew Pentagon
program to re-emphasize in training that such behavior
is unacceptable.
Speaking at the same news conference, Bernard
¯ Rostker, the undersecretary of defense, said he disagreed
with President Clinton’s statement last year,
after the beating death of Pfc. Barry Winchell by a
fellow soldier at Fort Campbell, Ky., that implementation
of his policy on Gays was "out of whack."
"I don’ t agree with that characterization. I think the
policy is working reasonably wall to provide a degree
of safety’.’ for Gays in uniform, Rostker said. "The
days of witch hunts, the days of stakeouts, are really
gone." Even so, Rostker said, more needs to be done
to ensure that everyone in the military understands
the policy.
The Clinton administration’s policy on Gays in the
military is derived from a law passed in 1993 after
Clintonfailed topersuade Congress and the Pentagon
to allow Gays to serve openly. ~.The policy, known as
"don’t ask, don’t tell," holds that Gays can serve in
uniform so long as they don’t reveal their sexual
orientation. One problem, however, has been unwarranted
investigations of people suspected of being
homosexual. There also is a fear among discreetly
Gay service members that if they ,qomplain about
harassment, they will be discharged. ’"
The announced plan to eliminate anti-Gay behavior
was created by a panel of civilian and military
officials led by DiBattiste of theAir Force. It was in
response to a Pentagon inspector general’s report in
March that found anti-Gay behavior was commonplace
in the military. DiBattiste said the key to her
panel’ s plan is adoption of an"overarching principle"
meant to clarify to all in the military that unacceptable
behavior includes not just abuse of Gays but also
"inappropriate comments or gestures." "That’s the
high road that we need to take," she Said.
The DiBattiste panel’s 13-point "action plan" is
largely reiteration of previous expressions of deterruination
to stamp out anti-Gay behavior and to hold
military commanders responsible for policy infractions.
Last December, Rostker’s predecessor in the
undersecretary’s post, Rudy de Leon, issued a statement
that "harassment of service members for any
reason, to include alleged or perceived homosexuality,
will not be tolerated," and commanders must take
prompt action against violators.
Michelle Benecke, an executive director of the
Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund, an advocate
for Gay rights in the military and a frequent critic of
Pentagon policy; called the DiBattiste panel’s report
"’thoughtful and considered." ’.’Today’s recommendations,
if implemented, would be a very good start,"
Benecke said.
The spark that caused- the Pentagon to take a closer
look at the Gay policy’s implementation, and at the
extent of anti-Gay behavior in the field, was the
Winchell murder at Fort Campbell on July 5, 1999.
Two of Winchell’ s fellow soldiers were convicted in
the crime and are in prison.
Gen. Eric Shinseki, the Army chief of staff, released
the Army inspector general’s report Friday on
circumstances surrounding the Winchell murder. The
report concluded that some members ofDCompany,
2nd Battalion, 502rid Infantry Regiment, Winchell,’ s
unit in the 101st Airborne Division, violated the
military’s policy against anti-Gay behavior, but it
exonerated all commanders at Fort Campbell.
TheArmy report also concludedno general climate
of homophobia existed at Fort Campbell. With some
exceptions, "It was determined that the command
climate at Fort Campbell before 5 July 1999 was a
positive environment," the inspector general’s report
said. It also said the chain of command at Fort
Campbell "respondedappropriate1y"when confronted
with situations that appeared to violate the "don’t ask,
don’t tell" policy.
" Rep. Mart,y,. Meehan, D-Mass., questioned these
conduslons. ’Giving FortCampbdl arelatively dean
bill of health doesn’t square with recent reports of
prevalent anti-Gay harassment throughout the services,"
Meehan said.
Vermont Papers Will Print
Civil Union Notices
RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) - Aunotmcements for civil
unions are beginning to appear alongside wedding
announcements on wedding pages in newspapers
around the state. At many newspapers, editors said
they will treat announcements of same-sex unions the
same as traditional marriages, placing them in the
same section of their newspapers and in the same
format, although perhaps under a different heading.
The decision "took about 30 seconds of deep
thought," said Valley News editorJim Fox. "It wasn’t
very difficult." "Of course we would treat them the
same," said .amnette Sharon, managing editor of the
Manchester Journal. "ff they want to make that announcement
to their neighbors, the newspaper is the
place for that to happen."
Evennewspapers thathave editorialized against the
law granting marriage-like benefits to same-sex
couples appear likely to print civil union announcements.
Mark Smith, publisher of The Caledonian-
Record, said no one had.brought such a notice to his
St. Johnsbury paper, but if someone did, he would
probably publish it. "My personality is such that it
will depend on the attitude of the person who comes
through the door," he said. Smith said he would
comply with a polite request but dig in his heels if he
felt pressured.
So far,the reqtlests have been few. In Brattleboro,
where the first civil union was certified just after
midnight on July 1, no announcements have been
submitted to the local newspaper, the Reformer.
In August, that will likely change, though, when
John Calvi and Marshall Brewer of Putney, have a
civil union ceremony, and submit an announcement.
The couple- and the newspaperi- made national news
more than a decade ago when the Reformer became
the first mainstream newspaper in the United States to
publish a Gay wedding announcement.
Joseph Watson of Leicester, entered a civil union
with his partner, Michael Warner, on July 7. Watson
said he had no problem with sending out the notice,
which has appeared in the Addison County Independent
and was in the July 23 edition of the Sunday
Rutland Herald and Times Argus. It will also be in a
new "Milestones" section of the Gay newspaper "Out
in the Mountains" and is expected to be published
soon by The Burlington Free Press.
Addison . County Independent publisher Angelo
Lynn said his paper received only aletter of praise for
its publication of Watson’s civil union notice. At the
Newport Daily Express, however, managing editor
Susan Davis doesn’t expect such a smooth reception.
Davis said if she receives civil union notices, she
will print them as long as her publisher approves. But
she anticipates a backlash. "I don’t have a problem
with it, but I know a lot of people do," she said. "’This
is the Northeast Kingdom and everybody is running
anti-civil unions (for the upcoming dections).. It’s
a huge issue up here."
Man Charged With Hate
: Crime in Beating Death
BARRON, Wis. (AP) - A man charged with helping
murder a 22-year-old hearing-impaired, mentally dis -
: abled man now also is accused of a hate crime in the
: killing. Prosecutors contend Raymond C. Walton,33,
¯ of Barron, helped beat Michael J. Hatch to death with
¯ a tire :iron Oct. 20 because Walton thought Hatch was
: Gay, according to court records.
: Walton was charged with being party to first-
." degree intentional homicide and armed robbery in
¯ Hatch’s death. The hate-crime enhancer was added to
". the charges last week.
~ Barron County District Attorney James Babler dedined
comment on the hate crime filing, which says
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Child, Family, Individual & Couple Psychotherapy
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2121 South Columbia, Suite 420
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114-3518
The Pride Storey
1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor
Tulsa Gay Community Services Center
743-GAYS (743-4297)
~-9 pm, Sunday - Friday
12-9 pm, Saturday, all sales benefit the Center
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Certified Public Accountant
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4021 South Harvard Avenue, Suite 210, Tulsa 74135
Red Rock Tulsa
Free Confidential HIV Testing
Walk-in Clinics
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4045 N. Cincinnati, 425-7882
Saint John
4200 S. Atlanta Place, 742-’7381
Saint Dunstan
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The Episcopal Church We Icomes You
Walton intentionally selected the victim because of
his belief or perception regaa’ding Hatch’s sexual
Authorities say Walton a~d Corey L. Kralewski,
21, killed Hatch and left his body in a rural Barron
County corufield. A criminal complaint said
Kralewski, Walton and Mary Reed spend the evening
of Oct. 19 at several Barron bars. Kralewski played
pool with Hatch, whom he knew from high school.
Later, the group left the pool hall and drove to a
field near the Dunn County line. Reed told authorities
she sat in her truck while Kralewski beat Hatch with
a tire iron. Walton also hit Hatch several times, she
said. In a written statement, Kralewski told authorities
heknocked Hatch down with afew blows but that
Walton did most of the beating. Walton showed
authorities Hatch’s body. Kralewski pleaded innocent
to a homicide charge and goes on trial Aug. 7.
Reed, 34, pleaded guilty to aiding a feton and was
sentenced to t~vo years in prison.
Chicago Bishop Faces
Ecclesiatical -Charges
CHICAGO (AP) - A United Methodist lay member
has filed a complaint with the church, accusing his
Chicago-based bishop of using the office"as a public
relations and news media channel for promoting
homosexuality," among other things. John
Juergensmeyer, an attorney and member of a United
Methodist church inElgin, is calling for Bishop C.
Joseph Sprague to resign or be removed.
Sprague, formerly a United Methodist pastor in
Columbus, Ohio, heads the church’s Northern Illinois
Conference. He was one of several Methodists,
including at least one other bishop, arrested while
protesting anti-Gay measures adopted at the church’ s
general conference in Cleveland in May
Juergensmeyer said that Sprague’s arrest was a
"triggering point" for his complaint. But he said
Sprague’s overall political views have long troubled
him and other conservative United Methodists. "He is
reducing the church only to a political instrument
rather than a spiritual force." said Juergensmeyer,
rather than a spmtum io~c~, ~a~,., o~.~r,~,l.....av.,
who also ~s accusing Sprague of promotang writings
about Jesus Christ that luergensmeyer says violate
church doctrine.
Earlier this month, Sprague told the United Methodist
News Service that the letters of complaint
seemed to be "part of an organized effort of a small,
very vocal minority." He also said he made his views
clear when he stood for election as bishop four years
ago. Sprague was re-elected to his second four-year
term at the church s North Central Jurisdictional
Conference this month.
Man Gets Two Life
Sentences for Slaying
BALTIMORE (AP) - A man who told police he
attacked Gay men because he thought Gays were evil
was given two life sentences for the slaying of a h.otel
guest last June. Gary William Mick, 25, was gaven
one life sentence for first-degree murder and a concurrent
20-year sentence for robbery for the attack on
Christopher Williams Jones. He received a consecutive
life sentence with all but 30 years suspended for
first-degree attempted murder and a concurrent 20-
year sentence for attempted robbery for a separate
incident last September. Mick, of Baltimore, pleaded
guilty to the two attacks in May.
Jones, 37, of Metuchen, N.J., was attending a
pharmaceutical conference in Baltimore whenhewas
found bludgeoned to death at the Admiral Fell Inn.
"We loved our son and his partner in life as we love
all our children and their lifemates. The emptiness we
feel because of this loss is extreme," said Howard
Jones, the father of one of the victims, in a family
statement to the court.
Prosecutors said Mick accompanied Jones to his
hotel room after the two met. once.inside, Mick
struck Jones nine times on the right side of the head
with a claw hammer. He then stole Jones’ truck and
credit cards, which he used to buy clothes, jewelry,
food and a beard trimmer, prosecutors said.
The second attack occurred in September. Prosecutors
said Mick attacked another man he had met, but
the victim was able to fight him off.
Lesbian Recieves Headof-
Household Status
SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Board of Equalizationhas
voted to grant head-of-household tax status to
a Lesbian who is supporting her partner and nonbiological
child. The board voted 3-2 to allow the Los
Angeles family to file with one of the women as the
head-of-household, which will savethem about $2,500
a year in state and federal taxes.
Helmi Hisserich and Tori Patterson of Los Angeles
have been together 14 years and had a daughter in
1997. Patterson gave birth and has stayed home to
raise the baby since then. When Hisserich filed a tax
return for 1997, she checked the box for head of
household and calculated accordingly.
The Franchise Tax Board said she was not eligible,
saying head of household status covered situations
only where an unmarried person was paying more
than half the expenses of an adoptive or foster child,
or any blood relative. They said she owed $1,050,
Hisserich said.
Sbnnnon Minter, staff attorney for the National
Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco, argued
Hisserich’s case before the board June 30. "This is the
first time they’ve addressed this issue," he said. "It
recognizes the reality of our families and gives legal
validation to the reality that our client is a parent
regardless of the fact that she doesn’t have a biological
relationship to the child."
Hisserich said the board had to consider whether a
heterosexual couple would be treated in the same
manner. "But if we were a heterosexual couple, we
would be mamed. We’ve been together 14 years,
we’ve registered as domestic partners in our city, our
county and the state. We’ ve done everything we can,"
she said.
The Board of Equalization will vote again after its
staff prepares a written decision, and will comment
publicly on its reasoning when the vote is final,
according to spokeswoman Cristina Herrera. That
could take up to three mouths, she said.
-- ~i~-n~)g~s~i~d tile vote was the logical extension of
Califo~aua court rulingsin the past two years that had
granted parental status to Gay men and Lesbian
couples planning and having children. Because intent
was the basis of his winning argument in the tax case,
Minter said the decistonmostlikely woulon’t apply to
situations where someone moved in with a partner
who already had a child. The ruling affects only state
tax status, but I-Iisserich said the Internal Revenue
Service followed the state on head of household
Jury Votes Death to
Killer of Lesbian Couple
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -A Mnltnomah Countyjury
sentenced to death a Portland man who killed a
Lesbian couple in a karaoke bar. Eric Walter Running,
49, was fOund guilty of two counts of aggravated
murder in the February 1998 shotgun slayings
of Jaqueline J. A_ffderson, whom he had dated, and
Barbara J. Gilpin. Running killed the women after
Anderson, 29, a poet and writer, broke up with him
and returned to her 10-year-relationship with Gilpin,
44, a landscaper.
In an unusual split, the jury imposed the death
sentence only for Anderson’s murder, giving a life
sentence without the possibility of parole for Gilpin’.s
death. Ten of the 12 jurors voted to give a deat~
sentence in Gilpin’s murder, but a unanimous verdict
is needed.
"’Barbara Gilpin deserved the same verdict as my
daughter," said Jack Anderson. "But one death sentence
is all that it takes. I don’t care if he dies
tomorrow or never, I’m just glad he can’t be a threat
to anyone anymore." Running smiled as the verdicts
were read. Hewill become the 25thperson onOregon s
Death Row at the state penitentiary in Salem.
Almost 20 patrons at the Ambassador Restaurar.’-a
and Lounge in Portland witnessed Running kill
women Feb. 24, 1998. Rurming’s lawyers offered
insanity defense.
Se.n.a.te OK’s $600 ¯ $200 million interuational program to
Million for AIDS
batfleHIV/AIDS. Speaking ahead of the
. " ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian
WASHINGTON (AP)-Legislafioncom- " Nations) Regional Forum, Asia’s largest
mitring up to $600 million in U.S. aid for " security conference, Downer noted prefighting
HIV and AIDS in Africa and ¯ dictions that AIDS threatens to reduce or
developing countries elsewhere was " even reverse Asia’s economic growth. "I
passed at the end of July by the Senate. On
don’t think the Asia-Pacific region can
avoicevote, theSenateapprovedabillby turn,!ts back on this devastating prob-
Sens. Bill Ffist and Jesse Helms, both
lem, Downer told’anews conference.
Republicans, authorizing $300 million in " Most of the $200 million will be tar-
¯ geted at countries in the Asia-Pacific re-
" glen, Downer said, and Canberra expects
¯ to work dosdy with the Association of
¯ Southeast Asian Nations.
¯ Much of the funding remains uncom-
", mitted, but some will augment existing
¯. programs in Indonesia and Papua New
¯ Guinea, Australia’s immediate northeru
¯ neighbors.
Relations Committee, said the bill requires
that up to $220 million of all U.S.
bilateral funding forHIV-AIDS programs
over the next two years be spent on supporting
orphans in Africa. T,he United
Nations has predicted that the disease is
expected to wipe out half the teen-age
population in some poor countries in Africa.
Similar legislation passed in the House,
which voted earlier this month to fully
fund President Clinton’s request for $2’44
million next year for combating and treating
AIDS in poor counmes.
each of the next two years for AIDS
prevention and treatment and also for the
care ofAIDS orphans in developing countries.
Thebill directs the Treasury Department
to establish a trust fund with the
World Bankfor the prevention efforts and
the treatment of orphans.
Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign
HIV-Treatment Ctr.
Targets Blacks
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - A treatment
center for blacks who have AIDS or HIV
is planned in a county where only a third
ofblackAIDS patients gettreatment, compared
to half of infected whites. Rochesterhas
the second-highestnumber ofAIDS
cases in Ne~v York state, after New York
City. The number of local AIDS cases has
leveled off among whites but is climbing
among blacks, according to the Rochester
Primary Care Network.
Existing programs are not reaching t~
growing number ofblackmenanawom
who are HIV-positive, Art Collier, prestdent
of Primary Care Network, said. The
rateamong MonroeCounty’residents who
are black is over eight times the rate
among white residents, he added. Before
1991, 64% of reported AIDS cases in
Monroe County were among whites mad
27% were among blacks.
The center expects to have an initial
casdoad of about 150 patients. Besides
medical care, services will include mental
health counseling and treatment for substance
abuse. TheNational Black Leadership
Commisston onAIDS is helping plan
the center and recruit ablack staff, Collier
said. Coordinatbrs believe black patients
will respond better to treatment by black
medical personnel. Dr~Anson .,W;urapa.,~
black physician at strong Memon
Hospital’s AIDS Center, said blacks tend
Infections Growing
MOSCOW (AP) - The number of registered
HIV cases in Russia has soared in
the last six months and will continue to
grow, but the government doesn’t have
the money to fight the epidemic adequately,
a top health official said.
By tl~e middle of July, Russia had some
53,1~30 registered HIV cases, with almost
half ofthemcomingin the last six months,
said Vadim Pokrovsky, the head of the
Federal AIDS Prevention Center. But he
said that the actual number of Russians
infected with HIV, the virus that causes
AIDS, is probably more than 300,000,
since only about 10% of the population.
has been checked. "The regi,s,tered cases
are only the tip of the iceberg, Pokrovsky
said. "We must accept the fact that we are
facing avery quickly spreading epidemic."
Increaseddrug use andprostitution since
the collapse of the Soviet Union have
been two key reasons for the rise in HIV
cases? Still, a low incidence in HIV-ca.ses
in recent years as well as more pressing
economicproblems m.ean ~.e~g~ov~eru~,~t,
has been slow to combat AID~. in zu ,
only 46 million rubles ($1.65 million)
was set aside to combat HIV and AIDS,
Pokrovsky said.
If Russia doesn’t take new measures to
stop the spread of the virus, the country
could have some 1.6 million HIV cases by
2015, he said..and those who are infected
nrobablv won’tbeable to get the help they.
the government’s manmty to pay. wm
people probably shouldn t count on getting
treatment," Pokrovsky said. .
HIV is worst in the Moscow regto.n,
where some 5% of young people are infected,
Pokrovsky said.
Rise in HIV
Infections ih Gays
College Hill Presbyterian Church
announces a
"More Light" Weekend
with Michael Adee
National Field Organizer, More Light Presbyterians
August 25 - 27, 2000
Building A Church for Everyone
Friday, August 25th, Luncheon: Noon - 1:30, Fellowship Hall
History and goals of MoreLight Presbyterians, followedby a question and answer
session. Cost: $5.00 for the meal
Caring for All God’s People
Saturday, August 26th, Workshop: 8:30 - 12:30, Fellowship Hall
Pastoral care needs ofGLBT people and their families. Continental breakfast and
snacks will be served.
Bringing Body and Soul Together
Sunday, August 27th, Church School Mid-highs to Adults, 9:35am, Chapel
An interactive discussion on Christian sexual ethics.
Celebrating Diversity and Inclusiveness
Sunday, August 27th, Worship ll:00am, Sanctuary
A special worship to celebrate our diversity and Christ’s call to be inclusive.
Michael Adee will preach and we will share communion together.
On Being Gay and Being Christian
Sunday, August 27th, Youth Event 5:30 - 7:00pm
The ColleggHill youth fellowship will be hosting individuals and other youth
groups for pizza and informal conversation about sexuality and faith for youth.
College Hill Presbyterian Church, 712 S. Col~bia Avenue, 592-5800
(One block west of Delaware and the Uni;~sity of Tulsa Campus)
’Financial Pla.nning With A
Clear Comm,tment.
~t American Express Financial Advisors, we want to make our
3ommitment to gay men and lesbians clear. Just as we have extended domestic partner
oenefits to our lesbian and gay employees worldwide, we are committed to providing
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our lesbian and gay clients.
Nhether you’re single, in a committed relationship, or caring for children, your Americar
~xpress financial advisor can help you take control of your financial future. We can help
Establish savings and investment plans
Protect your assets from unnecessary taxation
Av.oid financial restrictions placed on unmarried couples
Avoid costly delays in the recei pt of life insurance proceeds
series of Seminars given by
"heresa Barnard, American Expeess Financial Advisor
Where: MCC United When: 7:00 P.M.
1623 N Maplewood Ave
TORONTO (AP) - Figures showing.a
to mistrust the medical sys.te.m, a~.d w.~en , rise of HIV infections amongG~Y., menm
everyone on the staff is whtte, tlae s~tua- " Ontario could be the fLrst sigu O~ mcreastion
is worse. - " ~.... " ing HIV levds for Gay men in Cam.a.dar
Natioo~!JY, one in .5~b,~abk.,m~,’~s,.m7 AIDS. activists note. A. recent prownce2 1. Create your Retirement Income
fectedw~HIV,’,andAiDSis’theleaamg i wide study conducted by University ot [Tuesday; September 19th
cause’of!~a,.~.~d~allblackAmerica~ Toronto and community gr6ups f°und an
between:th~.~g~of 25:and44:Thbdis-~. increasing number of HIV infections [e Estate Planning
ease i’s gr6wiiig fastest among -black among O~tario Gay men ~ter_ 19°~6,~ _ r [ Tuesday, October 24th
women, who a~.ount for 56% of HIT ~ In 1992, the infection rate was ,.~ 1~
cases in women. " - " 100 people tested, the ~tudy found. The
number dr°pped t° 0"87J 1"00 in 1"996; d
a]or HIV Initiative-’" -" "
risen to 2.07/100 people testea. llae stuaY
mirrors recent results in San Francisco
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Australian " which showed that HIV infections among
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer an- " Gay andBisexualmentherenearlytripled -
nounced thelaunchrecenflY of asix-year’ over the past two years.
-’inancial Strategies for Gay Men & Lesbians
Tuesday, September 5th and Tuesday, October 10th
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by Karin Gregory
I just love Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Really,
I do. I think she and I could be great
buds. You know how some girls make
plain girls their friends just to make themselves
look prettier? Or how some pal
around with fat girls just so they’ll look
thinner? Well, Dr. Laura could be my
girlfriend (eeeewwww, not that way!!!)
because every stupid thing I’ve ever said
in my life would sound intelligent next to
the things she says. And she’ll be saying
plenty, I’m sure, come October, when she
rides in on her broomstick to Tulsa.
Who is Dr. Laura, you ask? If you’re
Gay, you’ve been in a cave. Laura
Schlessinger, shock jock advice-giver of
the radio circuit, has called Gays and
Lesbians "biological errors", "sexual deviants",
and my personal favorite,
She says she does this out of compassion
for us, not out of hatred. Oh no, I
don’t feel hated and maligned by those
statements, do you? She spews her hatred
and bile via the airwaves, with complete
support from the Religious Right. You
know them- that group that has the inside
info on the "homosextml agenda"! As if
her radio show weren’t bad enough,
Schlessinger’s taking her "teach intolera-:
ze" rantings to the TV screen in September,
courtesy of that "giant" of great
television programming, Paramount.
"OK," you’re saying, "the Lesbian is
once more raging about something, but
what has that got to do with me? What’s
one more ignorant person in a long line?"
Funny you should ask. "Dr." Laura (she
has a Ph.D in physiology, not psychology)
has become svch a controversial
figure (much like Am., Bryant in the late
’70s when she tried to inflate anti-Gay
legislation) that the G/L/B/T commurnty
has united to protest her television show.
All over this country are planned protests
to keep her off the TV screen.
And debates have become so heated
that major advertisers such as Proctor &
Gamble, American Express and United
Airlines have pulled out, saying that they
don’t need any more controversy. And
Geico InsuranceCompany (my insurance
company!) tookits advertising away from
her radio show at the beginning of July.
The reason? The company could not, being
supporters of diversity, condone the
words and actions ofsomeone who clearly
sees diversity as wrong. These are not
their exact words, mind you, but .youmay
find out more by going to
Let’ s lookat this woman’s careerbriefly
and find out just what led her to this
homophobic phase in her life. Several
years ago I.first heard her radio program,
and I thought that she was telling people
the truth, even if they didn’t want to hear
it. Somehow I admired that, although I
didn’t always agree with everything she
said. She is a big proponent of parents
taking control in the home and not blaming
everyone else for how their’children
behave. That part hooked me since Iwas
a middle school teacher at the time and
saw parents who didn’t think they hadan]
responsibility for their child’s behavior.
So far, so good. And I even read reports
that she used to support theG/IJB/T community.
Two years ago, however, she
converted to Orthodox Judaism, adopting
intolerance as her Bible. Now she says she
can’t support the G/L/B/T community
because of religious teachings.
If you hate me, hate me. But don’t lie
: about it, saying you’rejust~following the
¯ Old Testament. Hell, if we followed all
the Old T0.~tament teachings we’d still be
¯ selling ot~ daughters into slavery; still
¯ buying s~ves from neighboring coma-
" tries; and~ould be allowed to kill, with-
" out impunity, anyone who worked on the
¯ Sabbath. Gee, I didn’tknow that the Jew-
¯ ish could also play pick and choose with
¯ religious teachings like some Christians.
How much does she really believe in
¯ these religious texts? Who knows? She
doesn’t even have a consistency when it
¯ comes to condemning homosexuality.
¯ Well, she does, but she tries to say that
¯ she’s not condemning anyone. The point
¯ is,shehas saidthingsinprintandonradio, ¯
takenthemback, backpedaled, madeother
¯ people speak for her so many times it’s
¯ ridiculous. Her stand is so ambivalent, so
¯ setin sand, thatno one canbelieve or trust
¯ anything that comes out ofher mouth. Her
¯ press agents said she apologized for her
¯ remarks about Gays being "errors", and ¯
¯ then the next day she said she wasn’t
¯ Dr. Laura has denounced the American
¯ Psychiatric Association and the National ¯
¯ Education Association for their - oh, I
suppose- compassk hate stance on equal
¯ rights for all, andinstead has sold her soul
¯ to Religious Right organizations like Fo-
¯ cus on the Family. She promotes, within
her own radio show, an intolerance to-
" ward Gay people on all levels, even to the
¯ point of denouncing hate crimes legisla-
¯ tion.
¯ I can see her leading cheers to teach
children who’ve just come home from
¯ school how to actively hate homosexuals.
"Gays are bad! Gays are fey! Let’s go
¯ bash ~ Gay today!" She says she is a
¯ moralist and has openly opposed the Ver¯
mont same-sex partners’ rights decision a
few months ago. But again, she’s not
¯ hatingus. She’sjustcompassionate.Yeah,
¯ this is why she takes an attitude of "I’m
right no matter what" on her radio show,
and will also, I’m sure, on TV. But let’s
¯ see how that could work against her, shall
¯ we?
Anyone who’s ever watched a few epi-
: sodes of"Frasier" knows how easy it is to
¯ just hit a button and get rid of pesky caller
¯ #1. How does this work on TV, when
¯ you’re faced with the pesky caller in per-
" son? Taping. has already begun on her
: show, andfrom the reports, it doesn’ tlook
¯ likeasuccess. Dr. Lauradidn’tknow how ¯
to ask the proper questions, or even know
¯ some rudimentary technical televison
¯ knowledge i~her first tapings.
¯ There’s n~question that Dr. Laura is ¯
used to the ~d~o. But she also wants an
¯ audience like the one on radio - one she
¯ can rant to ,and not have to.see. Because ¯
¯ for all her bravado and showmanship, she
really DOESN’T WANT to help anyone.
: She actually doesn’t seem to like people.
¯ You can bitch and moan to people all you
: wantif you don’tsee their faces. She’s on
: radio and~feels safe.
i Guess What? Rea[peopie~
! may had.e, more difneultyi~ing~p.le
0ff if she him to .fae~i. them, [f’.~votild be
interesting to seehow b~y!hla~ di~S if
¯ she has to face questions about her views
¯ on homosexuality, but I know I won’t be
~ watching. I think she should just quietly
¯ go away, like Anita Bryant. A career
¯ shriveled by her own hatred. ¯
¯ Gregory is a Texas based writer, who
lives near Ft. Worth. Sheformerly taught
¯ school and also was a newspaper re-
. porter.
by Jim Christjohn, entertainment queen as ffelll He speaks atleast threelanguages o trammg. And to do this you need that of doing the constant prePs/media events,
Happy summer, folks! Been a lot of fluently, and has a mischievous sense of o traimng. So it’s easy to injure your voice, being portrayed in press as living a life
changes since the last column- went on a humor. Welose alotofcastmembers, whohaven’t that wasn’t close to reality and the rumors
visit to Chicago where I discovered an Described as Versace on hyper speed, ¯ had the kind of vocal traimng that will based on the illusion. For instance,
artist I’m eager to tell you about, and Braehetti changes costumes at lightning ¯ sustain you through a show like this. And, "There’d be a photo op at a party. I’d go
closed the door on a ghost from the past; fast speed, transforming into more than " like I said, even if you have had it, there just long enough for the picture, then g~t
started a new job and more. 80 characters and giving life to legions of ¯ are moments you forget. And you defi- home to a cup of tea and bed. DoingS8
First, local news: Cyndi Vetter directs personalities. His show is a multi-media o nitely feel it later. Even the trained folks shows a week plus recording an~ alb~
Heller Theatre’s first production of the extravaganza, combining comedy, mu- . lose voices as they get caught up in the didn’t leave much time for a Wild
new season, "A Coupla White Chicks sic, magic, and emotions of the even if I’d wanted to live one. Thenthe~
Sitting Around Talking" by John Foi:d video in a unique show " I’d be, splashed across the C~adian
Noonan. Starring local favorites Julie collage of acting, ". , .Deserll~ed as Versace on Jc: What el- equivalent of the National Inquirer, with
Tattershall (an excellent actress) and storytelling, stunts layper speed, Braelaett] c]aan~es fect has doing this an article about what a party boy I was.
Maude Mix, it is the story of two women and caricature. He show had in terms Please."
who are complete opposites of each other, is thewinner ofthe costumes at li~latnin~ fast speed, of impacting your Feeling too tied to the show, he decided
and the unlikdy bond they form. They 2000 Moliere life and/or views to start over and move to NYC, where
discover that, together, they can over- Award(theFrench transformln~ into more tlaan 80 of the world? ironically, he ended up being recast in
come anything. The production runs Au- Tony, which has
el~araeters and ~ix,~n~ life to.
MH: "As I Rent. He took a week or so off to record
gust 3-6, at the Heller Theatre, 5328 S. never been one by said, I’ ve been vocals for the new album, which he pro-
Wheeling Ave. Reservations are rectA- anyone outside of le~ions of personalities, through years of duced and played instrument~ for.
mended at 746-5065. France), and a de- training, withsing- Heloves performing, dislikes pressjun-
While in Chicago, I had the chance to lighffully impish His slaow is a multl-media ing, and acting, kets and meeting hordes of people. He
meet some marvelous people, including fellow.Addalittle
extravaganza, eomblnln~
and dancing. I’d made an exception to come to Tulsa, for
TomMichael,whoIlaterlearnedisoneof Cirque De Soleil been so close to which the event was nice and relatively
the top cabaret artists across the nation, too that mixture comedy, music, marie, and v’ldeo getting parts so low key, in his eyes. At th~ time of the
consistently in the industr~’s top ten lists above, too. many times, only interview,hehadflownoutfromNYCity
amongthecompanyofMichaelFeinstein, Brachetti ar- in a uniclue colla~e of acting, to lose them to 6:30pm the prior evening, didpress, upat
Maureen McGovern, Betty Buckley, rivesinTulsaatthe peoplewhohadn’t 5:30am for more press, and was flying
Michael McAssey (who hosted the PAC courtesy of storytelling, stunts and earlea- had any training. I back an’hour after I spoke with him. Ah,
eveningatthepianobar-somethingTulsa Celebrity Attrac- was about to quit the glamorous life! ture. He is... a
desperately needs), Sally Mayer, Donna tions August6-13. show busines s Chad was kind enough to give me a CD
Murphy, and Amanda McBro(~fi. Tickets can be had deliChffully impish fellow, when the call came sampler of his new album, "No. 1 Fan,"
~He’s been actively singing in the Chi- by calling 596- from the Rent and it’s very good. Nice melodic rock,
cago nightclub scene for 12years, andhas 7111.Iwilltellyou Add a little Cirque De Soldl people. I’dbeenin and I love the first song -"Small Town
also performed with the Boston Pops and now, the costumes
too tlaat mixture above, too..,
so many situations Girl;" atl.~,ode to not giving up on dreams
Spokane symphonies. In 1995, he was that Brachetti de- where I’d been and p~venng with what life gives vou
invited to participate in the national Caba- signedandcreated through al! this Ng~i~2i~ really nice beach-boys n{eets
ret Symposium with such luminaries as rival any elaborate [and] training, and Fl’~i~,ood Mac kinda tune about break-
MargaretWqfiting, Julie Wilson. and Ann Bette Midler workedreallvhard ~ mg-!:~p¢ or ~vantiug to, by the title .of
Hampton Callaway. His album, "Sailing Cheridrag Queen onmy craft c~nly to ¯ "I~xmgton." After that is "Say Good-bye
On," is the perfect music for romancing extravaganza. Di ...RENT opens August 99 see people with no : t~hip-hoppy kinda rappish song
yournewguyorgal.TomMichael’svoice I mention he’s
and runs tlarou~la September 8
experieuce get wi~eat pop hook, withsomejazz~a~,d
wraps around you like a warm blanket on cute, designs a parts I was up for, rock bi-~:thrown in for good measure. It s
a winter’s night, and draws you in. mean frock, in his for 8 performances, and had just be- about growing up, growing old, selling
I was privileged to meet theman behind mid thirties (he’s come so disheart- out, doing what you’re told. "I know who
the voice, and spend-an afternoon with cagey about his RENT is only ttae ened with the biz. I wanna be..." The next ~s a ham~ting
him. He is as nice as the voice he sings age) and single?
~tla musical to win both
Sothis,gethngthat ballad/rocker, an ode to loneliness of a
those incredible love songs with. And RENT Opens call, really .rein- lostfriencFrelationshipanddrinkingalone.
he’sboyishlyhandsome, withblondehair August 29 and tlae Pulltzer Prize and forced my faith in On each, his voice handles the material
and incredibly intense eyes that dance runs through Sep- the business and and styles with aplomb, and he has a very
with light ’ every so often. His smooth tember3for8per- several qony Awards..." renewed that appealing tone. It seems there will be
" tenor voice and immaculate phrasing fin- formances. Tix go dream, something for everyone on the full CD,
mediately gave me a new perspective on on sale June 12th Also, I’ve be- and it will be worth picking up. I hope ~t
that style of voice, at 596 7111. RENT is only the fifth musi- come much more spiritual. I wasn’t spiri- gets radio play.
My favorite cut is the title song, which cal to win both the Pulitzer Prize and tual at all when I took this part. But Mimi Jeffrey Seller, the show’s producer,
I’ve heard done before, but not with such seve :al Tony ,Awards. Matinees are set is such a wonderful character and she’ s speaks of show with real enthusiasm, and
feeling that you feel the song flowing for Sat & Sunday, and there will be a grounded in faith, and to play that, every his eyes light up when speaking of the
around you. Beckie McKenzie, who un- special $25 per seat matinee on Wednes- night I have to believe it on stage. Since impacthe’s witnessedthe showhaveupon
fortunately was out of town the.Sunday I day, August 30. doing the show and portraying a charac- its audience. He sees "Rent" as a transforsaw
Tom perform, lent her voice and Presentatthepressconferenceannounc- ter, Mimi, who is very spiritual, I have mative experience. He hopes the show
arranged the music for the album, and ing this special addition to Celebrity At- become more open to that aspect of life will reach the younger Gay teens and
there’s not a tinker on it. When I asked tractions’ season were Marcy Harriell, where once I wasn’t, and I’ve heard from twenty-somethings and send a message
my host "Which local artists’ CD should MIMI on Broadway, and Chad friends and fans about their own searches that "Yes, you can be gay and successful,
take home with me as a souvemr. , the Richardson,ROGERonBroadway, flown for meaning, whichis one of the themes of that gay is more than OK and is cool. You
immediateresponsewasTomMichael’s’, in for the day to perform a couple of the show. And that has inspired me to can live ~oodlife, a rich life," and hopes
And he was right. Tom Michael’s "Sail- numbers from the show. They were both start searching. It’s so nice to bein a show they will be moved by the relevant expeing
On" is available from Amazon.corn, dynamate, and had incredible voices, that’s inspiring instead of traumatizang." rienees the show represents. The message
or Tower Records, Original Cast Records I was able to ask a few questions of Marcy Harriell has not done a CD yet, of inclusiveness is important to him for
(1-888-627-3993), Borders, Barnes and them, which they were most ~acious in but hopes ~t is in her future. And I can the audience to ’get."
Noble, Footlight Records, and answering. I spoke first with Ms Harriell, assure you, evenifshe sings the telephone Even today, he still has a passion for
CDNOW.com: who was as gracious as she was beautiful, book, it would be well worth listening to. this show evident in his speech and the
BrachettllS comang. No,~t s notaplece JC: This seems like an incredibly diffi- Chad Richardson is Canadian rock way his eyes light up. Having aecomof
tOast with herbs and tomatoes on ~t, it’s cult show to do, especially in terms of the singer, and has had two albums produced, plished quite a bit for his 35 years, he
ArturoBrachetti, the quick-change artist, vocals. His third is the upcoming "No. 1 Fan," chalks his success up to being a
Think "Greater Tuna" meets Robin Will- MH: (laughing) "Oh yes! Well, I’m a due out in May. He’s a handsome man, workaholic. He never tires of seeing the
Jams while doing David Copperfield’s classically trained singer - opera and so and he also has an incredible voice, much show s effect on audiences, its power to
act. Greater Tuna had two guys doing on, so doing this show was really different easier to listen to in many ways than embrace and connect with all people, and
quick changes to create the 22 characters in terms of it being arock show, basically. Anthony Rapp, the originator of the role. make them feel part of a family.
of a small mythical town; Arturo is one It places totally different stresses on your He also has incredible presence and very Of course, that does kind of clash with
man creating 88 characters during the vocalchords,andrequiresalotofstamina; piercing eyes. the show’s detractors, who feel that it
course of an evening - from cowboys to because when you get caught up in the Chad was a member of the Canadian glamorizes drug use and unsafe sex, but
geishas and barmaids to Royal Mounties, emotion of the show - which happens at cast ~f Rent, who reached rock-star fame you can’t please everyone.
he is a very channing man and handsome some point every night - you forget the .o as a member of the show. He quickly tired
by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D.
My sister just reported in from the annual
family reunion. Earlier this month,
the uncles, aunts, and cousins congregated
in apark on the suburban
slopes ofMt. Diablo,
California. Safe here in
Oklahoma, I’ve somehow
managed to .miss the last
decade ofthese family pic-
But news filters back.
This year my second
cousin Michael reappeared,
somehow on parole.
I am surprised because
it wasn’t too long
ago thathe attacked an elderly
couple in their car,
pulled up at a gas station.
He stabbed the oldwoman
dead. A .Vietnam War
flashback, Michael’s lawyer
said, which could wall
be true.
My family doesn’t talk
much. What facts I have
derive from the Oakland
Tribune lnternet newspaper
archives. Orrather, the
truth is that we happily gossip about each
other when those others aren’t listening.
Wejust don’t speak such things publicly.
And there at the picnic also were my
second cousins, once-removed, who are
autistic. Our gossip wonders if this condition
is their parents’ fault. The brothers,
who are now in their 30s, somehow make
a living repairing trails in Yosemite National
Park. We all know something about
them despite the fact that their autism is
never spoken of at our reunions.
My first cousin arson was at the picnic
too. arson is 46, unmarried, does something
with computers, and still lives with
my aging aunt and uncle. It makes one
think. It makes us gossip, too. Perhaps I
have a Gay cousin: Or perhaps arson is
just a happy solitary. Who knows? We
never talk about it:Opeuly, that is.
My family - likes yours, maybe - religiously
follows our own policy of "Don’t
ask, don’t tell." This peculiar sort of secrecy
is the framewt,rk of the closet. The
closet comes into being just because we
have agreed not to notice what is obvious.
arson’s sexual identity is an open secret.
He knows what he is, and we know what
he is too. But because we never admit
what we know, not publicly anyway, we
avoidhaving to deal withits consequences.
If we did acknowledge that we know,
we might have to do something. Dismiss
the newly uncloseted Gay from the Army,
for example. My family wouldn’t discharge
Orson.(or me either,.for that matter)
fromthe clan,butitwouldface having
to revalue Gayness. It would lose the
comfort of our open secret. This would
demand considerable emotional and political
transformationonall sides, It’s alot
easier just to go along to eat the hotdogs
and hamburgers and chat about kids and
the weather.
Eve Sedgwick, a literary critic and one
of the founders of "queer theory," proposedin"
TheEpistemology ofthe Closet"
that open secrets are fundamental within
modern American culture.
Part of her argument can be restated
simply. Homosexuality - which throughout
much of the 20th century couldnot be
recognized publicly - is nonetheless always
present within contemporary no-
My family doesn’t
talk much. What
f~ets I have derive
from the Oakland
Tribune Internet
newspaper archives.
Or rather, the truth
is that we happily
gossip about each
other when those
others aren’t
listening. We just
don’t speak such
things publiely.
¯ tions of sexuality. Gayness exists in order
: to maintain theboundaries of straightness.
¯ Wejust don’t admit it:
¯ Gayness has to exist as an open secret.
It is a shadowy, inverted,
and devalued reflection of
straight. When it emerges
from the closetand appears
clearly in public, it threatens
¯straightness if it becomes
a possible, alternative
normal sexuality.
Straight can’t exist withoutGay;
butitperhaps also
can’t exist-notin thesame
way, anyway - when the
open secret is revealed.
Likemurder and autism
in the family, the
unspeakability of secret
Gayness has maintainedits
shame. We’ve heard the
reaction: "Go ahead and
be Gay. Butkeepit to yourself.
Don’t thrust your
lifestyle in my face. We
don’t want to know about
it. How dare you Gays
flaunt k ? Can’t you keep it
¯ You can understand the worry. Flaunt-
" ing destroys open secrets. Public recogni-
¯ ,tion of Gayness erodes the normality and
"6ounds of straightness. Telling one’s se-
¯ crets unsettles the uncles and the aunts
¯¯ and their elemental notions about who
¯ and what they are. Who can blame them? Nowonderthey’dratherhappily smalltalk
¯ with arson abouthis job andhis car- and
¯ not about what he does when no one is
;" looking (or when they are pretending not
to be looking).
¯ So my family dogs its job, keeping our
¯ open secrets. And it’s not just my timo- ¯
¯ rous relatives. I have thirty-something Gay friends who avoid certain bars for
¯ fear they might run into family friends
¯ who’dtell thex" rmother. Li" kemomdoesn’t
already know. But, sometimes, she really
doesn’tknow- she honors the open secret
¯ by not admitting that she’s seen through
¯ her son years ago.
¯ One of these years I’m going to finally
¯ make it home to the family reunion.
¯ "Orson," maybe I’ll say,"So what do you
¯ think of those Back Street Boys?"
¯ Lamont Lindstrom teaches anthropology
at the University of Tu,lsa.
¯ It takes courage to scrutinize yourdefense structures, belief system, values, self-
" worth, self-doubt, behavioral patterns, and
¯ overall identity, and to shed the traits and
¯ beliefs thatno longer functionin your life.
It takes uncommon courage and integrity
~ to implement the insights of that scrutiny,
¯ and to live honesty and authentically. ¯
Anyone who enters and completes this
: process is a survivor, and deserves the
¯ rewards of liberation, identity autonomy,
¯ and happiness."
: While much of this book is geared to-
" ward use by straight therapists for their
¯ Lesbian and Gay clients, lay people will
¯ also find it valuable. It will help people to ¯
fully understand that the rituals they have
¯ gone through are not unusual and that
: their goal shou!.d be a vibrant, happy and
¯ healthy life.
Check for this title at your local library,
¯ or call Readers Services at 596-7966.
Timothy .W. Daniel
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by Ted Anthony, AP National Writer
N~V YORK (AP) - 715ose eyes. ~tNose
eyelashes. Those cheekbones. Those outfits.
She Is m~ American original, this
Tammy Faye Bakker - for better and for
worse, an utterly umque vessel that conrains
the strange stew of celebrity, spirituality
and sin we have come to expect from
our fallen 1cons in recent decades. Who
better, then, to explore, to figure out, to
focus in upon than the face that launched
1,000 quips? That’s the mission of a new
documentary, and "Tile Eyes of Tammy
Faye" doesn’t disappoint.
For those of you living on Jupiter’s
moons, Tammy Faye Bakker (now
Tammy Faye Messner) was/is the excruciatingly
mascaraed ex-wife of
tdevangelist Jim Bakker and former costar
of PTL, the North Carolina-based
television ministry that imploded in a pit
of accusations and recriminations in the
late 1980s.
He trysted with Jessica Hahn (who later
paraded in Playboy) and went to jail. She
got addicted to pills and ended up marrying
his best friend. Jerry Falwell got involved.
Things got nasty. Pop culture
references were born. Mascara companies
Now, more than a decade later, Tammy
Fgye paces-the halls of her California
gated-community house, trying to sti~lI
together the swatches of her life and fin__
out what’s important to her. This proves
to be a funny and tragic endeavor, and
filmmakers Randy Barbato and Fenton
Baily chronicle it as it unfolds. Narrated
by RuPaul, of all people, it’s a festival of
weirdness camed out on an impressively
documentarian level, and it offers a deadon
look at Tammy _ aye without ever
poking fun at her. It lets her do all the
work, and work she does.
- She gives us a tour of her makeup case
(the eyes come from L’Oreal Waterproof
- She is praised by relatives in strange
ways ("When she was born, she had perfecfly
manicured fingernails:’ says an
- She goes to a photographer to get new
head shots and smpri ses the makeup artist
by announcing that her lips, eyes and
eyebrows are permanently lined.
The film’s success, though, lies in assembling
a portrait of Tammy Faye that
transcends parody. She is an easy target
for a hip, sarcastic documentary. Instead,
we find out about a woman who was
reaching out to Gays and AIDS patients
long before anyone else in the Christian
broadcasting community Welearn about
awoman who endured cancer, thenjudged.
the experience worthwhile because ~t
brought her closer to her daughter. And
we discover, though she never says it
outfight, that she still respects Jim Bakker
- and may well still love him xn some
ways. Bakker, too, is interviewed here,
watched balefully by his new wife as he
talks - and sometimes reminisces fondly
- about his time with Tammy Faye.
In the end, you’re left with several
questions aboutTammy Faye: What DID
she and Bakker believe in? God? Ego?
Money? Themselve,’ 9 And what does she
really look like under all those layers?
Whatever she ultimately is, Tammy
Faye deserves some sympathy. She’ s been
through alot that wasn’t her ownmaking.
She’s going to church again, singing ~n a
local choir and trying to figure out just
who she is - an admirable trait in anyone,
and something not to be lampooned, no
matter what her past has held. "I don’t
know of any woman in our time who has
been so maligned," Pat Boone tells the
camera. "And yet she just keeps going."
And that trajectory makes for a fascinating
documentary - whether you end up
seeing it as a valid piece of journalism or
an entertaining celebrity car wreck.
Homosexual Rites of Passage: arises from lack of awareness that others
A Road to Visibility & Validation
by Marie Mohler, MA
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa Ciry-CounU Eibrary
Like e~eryone else, Lesbians and Gay
men go through a series of life events that
shape their personalities, morals and ability
to interact with other people. However,
because of sexual orientation, there
is often a different set of events and there
are different hurdles to jump. This book
analyzes these rites of passage to help
Lesbians and Gay men understand themselves.
Author ~ [thief approaches a variety of
topics, each with, a sep~ate chapter, inciudi~.
g ~,~nderstar,,ding Fear, Overcoming
c.~- Coming Out, Con-a~fitment
Rimai s ar,_d Aging Rites. Each topic builds
o~ the prevtous one.
Fern plays a big role for both straights
and Ga)’s. For Gay people, fear serves as
an obstacle to growth. For straightpeople,
fear of Gays "’smt’aces in antiGay bashing,
picketing, propaganda, hazing, attempts
at converting homosexuals and
discrimination in the workforce. Energy
is tied up in keeping the Lesbian and Gay
individual out of their world, consciousness,
and own ide.nti.ty,.b.y attemp.ting t,o,
keep homosexuahty mws~ble and stlent.
Mohler suggests that straights fear Gays
due to ignorance. "This ignorance often
may differ from one’s sdf. There is often
no motivation to learn about other cultures
or sexual orientations. Thus, anything
different from the self is considered
One thought provoking section in the
chapter on aging deals with the death of a
same sex life partner. A Gay or Lesbian
individual’s "truest support system, emotionally,
physically, sexually, and finandally,
may be flflfilled by this one person.
In light of’the fact that many heterosexual
peers and families may not mfite understand
the magnitude of homo~sexual fee!-
rags _~md. Gay!Lesbi,~ conuni~mem to !ife
parmers, ~t ma~ be devastating to not
rec~’~c ~N’.: much-needed suppn<i: dmSng
this a;~,::’~;v-g pefic,l. The heterosextml
majci:~.~? ~m,,y be blind to exiuatiL~g the loss
of one’s life partner to ’,he loss of a husband
or wife. While this lack of support is
a great tragedy, with great potenial for re-
~njuring and shaming homosexuals during
a time of great mourning, it is thevery
reason why Gay men and Lesbian women
needto stand together as a community
and validate the troth of their parmerships."
The chapter on coming out summarizes
the upbeat feel of the entire book: "(the
coming out) process affects homosexuals
physically, emotionally, and intellectuall)
- see Passages, p. 10
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[2000] Tulsa Family News, August 2000; Volume 7, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 9, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/603.