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OHR and TOHR Logo History and History Highlights 1980-2006.pdf

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A transcript of a speech given by Dennis Neill at the 2003 Diversity Gala on June 13, 2003, 2 pages. Mainly regards the importance of donations and volunteer work.

Know Your Legal Rights.pdf
A letter from Kerry R. Lewis with Oklahoma Lesbian and Gay Law Association and Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) to Tom Neal, publisher and editor of Tulsa Family News, inviting him to a seminar on estate planning held at the Pride Center on…

Lynn Riggs Article in TOHR Reporter Sept-Oct 2006.pdf
TOHR Reporter article about the life and works of Lynn Riggs from the September - October 2006 issue, pages 6 and 12.

Frontrunners Brochure October 11, 2003.pdf
A brochure promoting the TOHR (Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights) chapter of the international Frontrunners association, "A Non-Competitive Running and Walking Club for the GLBT Community and Their Friends in the Tulsa Area", 2 pages. Dated July…

A photocopy of a poster titled "One Night for Change" advertising Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) 4th annual Diversity Gala at the Gilcrease Museum, 1 image.

TOHR Torch Logo.png
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) Logo for their Torch publication. The image shows the TOHR logo with a rainbow flag graphic above it.

Gay Pride 1999 - First Float.jpg
2 photos from the 1999 Tulsa Pride Parade and Pride Picnic: one of the Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) float and one of a banner promoting the event with U.S. Congressman Barney Frank as Grand Marshal.
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