[2002] TOHR Torch, Fall 2002; Volume 1, Issue 1


[2002] TOHR Torch, Fall 2002; Volume 1, Issue 1


Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights's Torch, Fall 2002; Volume 1, Issue 1


The 1st issue of the 1st volume of Torch, a newsletter published by Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), 8 pages.


Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)


Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)


September - November 2002


Greg Gatewood


Play pool
Tulsa GLBT Community Center offers FREE pool every weeknight! 6-9 PM 2114 S Memorial

The Quest for Equality!
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights has worked for equality for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgender (GLBT) community of NE Oklahoma for 22 years. See page 3 for related story

Rainbow Families
GLBT parent group provides support and
activities for adults and their children.

FALL 2002
tulsa oklahomans for human rights quarterly news / volume one / issue one

GAY DAYS at the Tulsa State Fair!
You may have never thought the Tulsa State Fair would have "Gay Days" - and officially you’re right, but there’s no better way to make it "Gay Days" than with these two concerts! "Gay Days" at the Tulsa State Fair are:
SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 29 - the Village People will be performing on the Oklahoma stage at 7:00 PM.
(Continued on page 6, see GAY DAYS)

TOHR is educating Tulsa city leaders on important GLBT issues and encouraging them to take actions to improve
More than 200 cities and towns across the U.S. include sexual orientation and/or gender identity in their employment and housing non-discrimination ordinances. Tulsa is not one of them.
That’s why TOHR has placed a renewed emphasis on education and advocacy on behalf of its members and the GLBT community.
TOHR recently established a new Advocacy Comrnittee. The committee’s first order of business: to determine which employers in the Tulsa area include sexual orientation and/or gender identity in their employment non-discrimination policies or offer domestic partnership benefits to their employees. But perhaps more importantly, the committee also plans to discover which major Tulsa employers have not adopted such policies.
"The good news is that many companies with branches in Tulsa have policies protecting the GLBT community," said Brent Ortolani, committee chair. "We plan to find out why they decided to adopt those policies and how they were able to gain management approval, then apply what we’ve
(Continued on page 7, see EMPHASIS ON ADVOCACY)

a home for ALL
6 years old and growing, the Tulsa GLBT Community Center provides something for everyone.
The Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender (GLBT) Community Center, a program of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), provides not only a visiblle, physical presence of & for the Tulsa/NE Oklahoma GLBT community - it also, and importantly so, provides leaders and role models, allies and mentors, partnerships and friends - for the entire GLBT community.
The Tulsa GLBT Community Center exists to form commou ground - not only between the GLBT and non-glbt communities but also for the GLBT community itself. The Tulsa GLBT Community Center is the one place in town that accepts everyone - young adults to seniors and everyone in between.
Thousands come through the doors of the Tulsa GLBT Community Center on an annual basis. Here are a few of the reasons why:
Young adults who feel isolated have a placeto feet they belong while having positive GLBT role models. Community organizations have a place to meet and call home. Countless individuals use the center as a gathering or meeting point for friends and allies.
TOHR is helping to build a community free of boundaries set out of differences or apprehension. The Tulsa GLBT Community Center is one of the best ways to build that community - by providing a home for all in the community.
All in the community are welcome and encouraged to use and support the Tulsa GLBT Community Center - forming common ground while building a stronger GLBT community.

tulsa gay, lesbian, bi & transgender community center
a program of tulsa oklahomans for human rights

Visltors to the Tulsa GLBT Community Center consider checking out a book from the Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library (above) while (below) TOHR President Brent Ortolani practices his skills. Free pool is available every evening.

The TOHR Board of Directors would like to thank each end every member of the Equality Fund and all Contributing members for supporting the work of TOHR through advocacy, education, leadership and unity. Equality Fund donors provide a home for the GLBT community - the Tulsa GLBT Community Center - a home for all GLBT and allied individuals and organizations. Equality Fund donors help secure legal equality and social acceptance for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Trensgender & allied community of Northeast Oklahoma.

tulsa oklahomans for human rights Equality Fund
Fundraising tomorrow’s equality today

$1,200+ annually / $100+ monthly
Mark Argo & David Rosebeary
Mark Bonney & Philipe Au
Dan Burnstein & Martin Martinez
Larry David
the Gill Foundation
Kerry Lewis
Joe & Nancy McDonald
Rick Martin & Daniel Schneider
Dennis Neill & John Southard
Brant Ortolani & Steve Aberson
J.J. Stogsdill & Alan Oktay
Kaye Smith
Sue Welch & Marcy Smith
Van Wilde
Williams Companies
$600+ annually / $50+ monthly
Karl Cooke
Anna Dodwell & Connie McCarley
Barbara & Bruce Langhus
Boofy Flint Seay
Cynthia Quick & Vicky Brown
Tim Williams
$300+ annually / $25+ monthly
Blake Rider
Jonathan Stanley
$120+ annually/$10+ monthly
George Baremore
Teresa Barnard & Tamara Thompson
Fred Bassett
Greg Davis Consulting, Inc.
Michael Eslick & John Myers
Melissa Fell & Travis Anderson
D.A. Smotherman
$30+ annually
L.B. Amos
Elise & Arthur Anderson
Shelton Baker
Bradley Burdette-Banks
Wil Bruner
Ray Chance
Rick Ducey
Erich Fillmore 
Jim Firth
Rick Fortner
Greg Gatewood
Bret Guillet
Gregg Hillier
Michelle Hoffman & Heather Harp
Rick Hollingsworth & John Voegele
Greg Johnston
Peg Jones
Carey Kilpatrick & Royal Ward
Lindy Kroenert
Lament Lindstrom & Devre Jackson
Russ McCarty
John McConnell
Laurie McCormick
Liz McNamara
Gerald Miller
Barbara Mitchell
Tom Neal
David Nickell
Robert Odle
Nancy O’Neil
Chuck Parsons
Chuck Pearce & Gary Meadows
the Purser Family
Jim Queen & Rueben Garcia
Melissa Renee
Keith Rickman
John Rudy
Rick Snyder
A. Patricia Spurgin & Carrie Fleharty
Clark Taylor
Shelly Urbonas
Mary Waidner
Fred Welch
Lauren Whitman & Shelley Curtis
Murrell B. Wilmoth
Martin Wing
Sharmilee Worley

Please accept our apologizes if your name is not listed as a donor or contributing member and it should. We are currently installing a new database system.
Please notify TOHR at 743-4297 to report discrepancies and/or additions. Thank you for you support of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR).

Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Progress is being made in the struggle for equality for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Trensgender (GLBT) individuals, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) has been fighting for equality and offering support to Tulsa and Oklahoma’s GLBT community, their family and friends for more than 20 years. As Tulsa and Oklahoma supports equsiity, it grows as a city and state, improves the weft-being of a significant portion of its population and increases its attractiveness to business and younger generations.
Advocacy, Education, Leadership & Unity

published by
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)
PO Box 2687
Tulsa, OK 74101
918-743-4297 (phone) / 918-384-0108 (fax)
email: community@tohr.org
Greg Oatewood ................. ggatewood@tohr.org
Writers and Contributors
Greg Gatewood ................. ggatewood@tohr.org
Kerry Lewis ........................... klewis@tohr.org
Michelle Hoffman ............... mhoffrnan@lohr.org
Brant Ortolani ...................... bortolani@tohr.org
Office location
Tulsa GLBT Comrnunity Center
2114 S Memorial
Tulsa, OK 74129
TOHR Board of Directors
Brent Ortolani ...................... bortolani@tohr.org
1st Vice President, Open
2nd Vice President, Open
Wil Bruner ........................... wbruner@tohr.org
Treasurer (acting)
Kerry Lewis ............................ klewis@tohr.org
President Emeritus
Kerry Lewis ............................ klewis@tohr.org
Director of Fundraising/Event
Greg Gatewood ................. ggatewood@tohr.org
Director of Board Development
Michelle Hoffman ............... mhoffman@tohr.org
Director of Volunteers
Ray Chance .......................... rohance@tohr.org
Director of Gender Outreach
Melissa Renee ........................ mrenee@tohr.org

TOHR’s Capital Campaign
the Pyramid Project
Kerry Lewis & Sue Welch
Committee Members
Theresa Bernard, Mark Bonney, Marc Frieden, Greg Gatewood, David Hoot, Rick Martin, Brent
Ortolani, Daniel Schneider, Marcy Smith and Tim Williams

TOHR is a 501(c)3 organization operated completely through donations and un-paid volunteers, Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of U.S. tax law.

The Torch, a publication of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, Inc. is published quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer) with an estimated annual readership of 10,000. Subscription rates are paid contributing member dues of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR). Advertising rates are: business card: $25/issue; I/4 page: $50/issue; 1/2 page: $75/issue and full page; $100/issue, A 25% discounted rate is available with a paid annual advertising plan. The Torch is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part except by permission obtained by contacting TOHR directly, Credit must be given to TOHR. The views of the Torch are expressed in editorial only. Views expressed in letters to the editor and other submissions are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the board of directors, contributing members or editors or leadership of TOHR. The Torch reserves the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. The Torch and/or TOHR is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors. Advertisements designed and created for publication in the Torch remain the property of TOHR. The Torch and/or TOHR cannot be responsible for claims by advertisers. The use of the name or likeness of a person or entity in the Torch in advertising or editorial content does not imply any particular sexual orientation or political affiliation. Copyright 2002, TOHR.

tulsa oklahomans for human rights NEWS
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) works to secure legal equality and social acceptance for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered (GLBT) and allied community in Northeast Oklahoma through advocacy, education, leadership, and unity.

Strategic planning provides roadmap for TOHR in 2003

Summer was a busy and productive time for the Board of Directors of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR).
After a highly successfully Diversity Celebration in June, which featured the largest Pride Parade and Diversity Festival ever, the Board of Directors turned to more serious issues: a strategic planning and budgeting process for the next fiscal year and major revisions of the organization’s bylaws.
One of the nation’s top non-profit management consultants, Dr. Carol Barbeito, president of CLB Associates of Denver, Colo., led the strategic planning and budgeting process. During a three-day visit to Tulsa, Dr. Barbeito conducted a board retreat and presided over meetings of the TOHR Strategic Planning Council and Human Resources Committee. Dr. Barbeito’s leadership was partially underwritten by the Gill Foundation (and your generous donations!)
During the retreat, we reviewed and revised the TOHR mission statement (stated above). In addition, members of the board presented detailed status reports on each component of the organization (governance, financial management, programming, and others.) After the retreat, the board spent the rest of the summer developing goals and objectives for incorporation into TOHR’s first comprehensive Annual Plan.
The new 2003 Annual Plan with accompanying budget was approved by the board of directors at its monthly meeting in September. The result: a well-planned and detailed roadmap for 2003.
The Annual Plan calls for the development of operating policies and procedures, strict budget discipline (with reserve funds), annual audited financial statements, enhancement of board and committee personnel, fundraising plans and goals, and a new emphasis on advocacy on behalf of our community. The overall intent of the plan is to strengthen the organization and secure its future in Tulsa.
In addition to the Annual Plan, the board designated broad, long-range goals through 2005.
(Continued on page 7, see PRODUCTIVE SUMMER)

We hope you enjoy this first issue of the Torch - TOHR’s new quarterly newsletter for the entire GLBT community in Northeast Oklahoma. The Torch is a renewed effort to communicate
with you and receive your feedback concerning TOHR and is a companion to the Pyramid Project News, our newsletter focusing on the progress of the TOHR capital campaign.

the Quest for Equality & Acceptance
TOHR has 22 years of experience to lead the way
Tulsa is an extremely giving and caring community. But there is one diverse element of our society, that must struggle for acceptance.
True equally, remains elusive for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) individuals in the Tulsa/NE Oklahoma area. Many still live their lives in secrecy and fear. Young adults and adults alike must cope daily in a world that largely does not understand or accept a very basic part of who they are.
Fortunately, progress is being made. For more than 20 years, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), has been fighting for equality and offering support to Tulsa’s GLBT community, their families and friends. As Tulsa supports equality, it grows as a city, improves the well-being of a significant portion of its population and increases its attractiveness to business and younger generations.
TOHR works for legal equally and social acceptance for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) and allied community in Northeast Oklahoma through advocacy, education, leadership and unity.
TOHR relies on you as a member of the GLBT allied community to be a part of the social change that is the mission of TOHR.
Equality Fund donors and Contributing Members play a vital role in achieving the mission. Donors and members provide the necessary, funds to operate mission related programs that will eventually achieve the mission.
Thank you for your support of TOHR.

Michelle Hoffman, Director of Board Development, revises TOHR by-lanw at one of two Cyber Café locations in the Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Tranagender (GLBT) Community Center, 2114 S Memorial. The Cyber Café is in high demand every night at the Tulsa GLBT Community Center.

TOHR members approve major by-law revision
Mention the word "bylaws" and most people will quickly nod off. But a well-planned and executed set of bylaws is the backbone of an organization – and the key to its successful and smooth operation.
Last spring, the TOHR board of directors began re-examining the organization’s bylaws in an attempt to guide its growth with a clear set of operational guidelines.
After several months of hard work, the board presented the revised bylaws to members at the monthly membership meeting in August. At that meeting, members presented several new amendments to the bylaws and voted 20-1 for their approval.
"We were gratified to see the tremendous interest in the bylaws on the part of our members," said Michelle Hoffman, the member of TOHR’s board of directors who led the bylaw revision process. "It showed us they really care about the organization and its future."

"Basically, the revisions took TOHR from an association to a corporate model."
Michelle Hoffman
Director of Board Development

The changes to the bylaws were fairly substantial, Hoffman said. "Basically, the revisions took TOHR from an association to a corporate model, The revisions put the board in a much better position to make important decisions and take timely action. They also better prepare the organization to operate a major capital fundraising campaign, provide needed services to the community, and eventually maintain a million-dollar facility and endowment."
(Continued on page 7, see NEW & IMPROVED)

tulsa oklahomans for human rights


Women’s T-Dance "Celebrating the Diversity of Women" benefiting TOHR’s Capital Campaign - the Pyramid Project
3:00 – 7:00 PM
Greenwood Cultural Center

TPD Race Relations Committee meeting
Tulsa GLBT Community Center
12:00 PM
2114 S Memorial Drive

U.S. Conference on AIDS

Feast with Friends "Just Desserts" benefiting the Names Project - Tulsa
7:30 PM
University of Tulsa Allen Chapman Activity Center

Say No to Hate Coalition meeting
3:45 PM
Fellowship Congregational Church
2900 S Harvard

Diversity Celebration 2002 planning mtg.
6:00 PM
Tulsa GLBT Community Center
2114 S Memorial

"Women with HIV Fall Retreat"
Location & Time TBA

Strategies for Prevention of Harassment Against Children based on race, religion, gender, ability, sexual orientation and image.
FREE workshop for Administrator, Counselors and Teachers.
American Red Cross
10151 E 11th Street

State HIV Conference

10th Annual New Genre Festival
Nightingale Theatre
1416 E 4th Street

10th Annual Tulsa AIDS Walk
9:00 AM
Veterans Park
18th & Boulder
Call 749-6956 for more information

the Tiara Party - wearing of Tiara’s strongly encouraged benefiting HRC Tulsa
8:00 PM
10:00 PM judging
4107 S New Haven
$25 min donation at the door

Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) Annual Meeting
7:30 PM
Tulsa GLBT Community Center
2114 S Memorial Drive

National Coming Out Day
What can you do - Come Out!

Oklahoma Mr. Leather 2003 Kick-off party
Play-Mor Lounge

OML 2003
Bar tour around town & Uniform Ball
Silver Star
1565 S Sheridan Road

OML 2003
OML 2003 Contest & Black & Blue Ball
1729 S Memorial Drive

OML 2003
Victory Brunch
1729 S Memorial Drive

OCTOBER 19, 25 & 27
Tulsa Opera’s
La Boheme
Chapman Music Hall
Tulsa PAC
918-587-4811 for tickets

TEAM OK-USA leaves for the Gay Games in Sydney, Australia


Election Day - Vote!

Veterans Day

NOV. 22 / 23 / 24
Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival
Location & time TBA
benefiting TOHR’s Capital Campaign - the Pyramid Project

"An Evening of Giving" benefiting non- profit agencies & H.O.P.E.
Promenade Mall
41st & Yale
Call 834-8378 for tickets ($5)

Everv single week in the Tulsa GLBT, allied community

Community of Hope
6:00 PM

Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
11:00 AM

Diversity Christian Fellowship
11:00 AM & 6:00 PM

Fellowship Congregational Church
Church school; 9:30 &
10:30 AM

MCC United

St. Jerome’s
Holy Eucharist

Council Oak Men’s Chorale (COMC) and Women of Council Oak
6:50 PM

All Souls Unitarian Church
Anonymous HIV Testing; H.O.P.E. Clinic
6:00-8:00 PM

Lambda League
7:00 PM bowling

6:30 PM
Fellowship Congregational Church

General meeting with program
7:30 PM
Fellowship Congregational Church

Please accept our apologizes if your event or regularly scheduled activity is not listed in this issue of the Torch.
GLBT and GLBT friendly organizations are invited to submit their events and regularly scheduled activities for publication.
The deadline for the Winter issue of the Torch is Friday, November 1, 2002. Organizations are encouraged to use the insert included in this mailing.


PFLAG Support Session
6:30 PM
Fellowship Congregational Church

Community of Hope
7:30 PM

Regional AIDS
Interfaith Network
(RAIN) Driver Training
1:00 - 4:00 PM
RAIN Office
221 S Nogales

Diversity Christian Fellowship
7:00 PM

Lambda AA
7:00 PM
Unity Center

Emotions Anonymous
Community of Hope
7:00 PM

Gay Veterans of America
7:00 PM
Unity Center

Alcoholics Anonymous
Community of Hope
7:30 PM

Lambda AA
Unity Center
5:30 PM

Narcotics Anonymous
Community of Hope
11:00 PM

Dignity / Integrity
5:00 PM
St, Dunstan’s

Tulsa’s Celebration of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender and Allied Community
presented by
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
in partnership with organizations and businesses creating legal equality and social acceptance for the GLBT and allied community
Have fun and help make it happen!
We want to hear from you. Do you have ideas? Give of yourself and help make Diversity Celebration 2003 another success!
email TOHR at community@tohr.org or call 918.743.4297 and become a part of Oklahoma’s largest pride event - Diversity Celebration 2003!

tulsa gay, lesbian, bi & transgender community center
a program of tulsa oklahomans for human rights

- Tulsa Area Primetimers; 2nd Sunday; 4:00 PM
- Sooner State Rodeo Association (SSRA); 2nd Sunday; 4:00 PM
- Driller Bears: 3rd Sunday every other month; 2:00 PM
- Genesis Ministries; every Sunday; 10:30 AM
- Soulforce in Oklahoma; 1st & 3rd; 6:00 PM
- Primetimers Board meeting; 1st Tuesday; 7:00 PM
- TOHR Board meeting; 2nd Tuesday; 6:00 PM
- H.O.P.E. Anonymous HIV Testing; 6:00-8:00 PM
- Gender Outreach OK Drop-in Day; 7:00 PM
- Rainbow Families; 1 st & 3rd Wednesdays; 7:00 PM
- Generations Connection; 1st & 3rd Thurs; 7:00 PM
- TOHR’s Capital Campaign; the Pyramid Project, Steering Committee Mtgs; call 743-4297 for dates and times
- Center Cinema; movies for everyone; 3rd Thursday; 7:00 PM
Bride of Frankenstein in Oct. / Planes, Trains & Automobiles in Nov. and A Christmas Story in December.
- Lesbian Connection Women’s Movie Night; 7:00 PM
- Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association (T.U.L.S.A). Board meeting; 1st Saturday; 4:00 PM
- T.U.L.S.A. general meeting; 1st Saturday; 5:00 PM
- H.O.P.E. Anonymous HIV Testing; 4:00-7:00 PM
- Gender Outreach OK Meeting; 2nd Saturday; 7:00 PM

Please contact TOHR at 743-4297 or community@tohr.org
if your organization or group would like to meet in the Tulsa GLBT Community Center.

"Just Desserts"
Feast with Friends to be held Sept. 21
The Tulsa Area Chapter of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt will hold it’s annual Feast with Friends Fundraiser on Saturday, September 21 at 7:30 PM.
"Just Desserts" will take place at the University of Tulsa’s Allen Chapman Activity Center in the Great Hall. A lavish dessert buffet, as well as a silent auction, awaits guest and patrons.
This event is free and open to the public with donations accepted at the door. Proceeds will continue the work of HIV prevention education in the Tulsa Public Schools. In the last year, the Tulsa Chapter has reached over 4,000 Tulsa area students with face to face displays of the Quilt and HIV/AIDS prevention education.

10th Annual Tulsa AIDS Walk
Elton John AIDS Foundation helps out
For the past nine years, the Tulsa AIDS Walk has brought together thousands of people to raise money and awareness for HIV and AIDS. Join the 10th Annual Tulsa AIDS Walk in Veterans Park, October 5th at 9:00 AM. After the Walk, stick around for closing ceremonies and enjoy local music, good food and friends. Honor loved ones living with HIV/AIDS or who have passed away by taking part in our Tree of Remembrance. This is your opportunity to make a difference in the fight for life.
You can pick up your Sponsor sheet at the Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender (GLBT) Community Center, 2114 S Memorial. Donations will be increased by 50% with matching dollars through the generosity of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Call 749-6956 for more info.

Tulsa GLBT & HIV/AIDS community works together to reach out with care.
According to estimates, one in ten Tulsa Hispanic males are HIV positive - a high number.
Tulsa GLBT & HIV/AIDS community leaders recently met to begin discussions on possible avenues of education, prevention and support for those affected with HIV/AIDS and GLBT issues within the Hispanic community.
TOHR Board member Greg Gatewood attended the meeting. As a result, TOHR is now beginning the process of translation of educational and marketing materials in a continuing effort to reach Hispanic individuals who are Gay, Lesbian, Bi or Transgender.
TOHR will also continue to work with HIV/AIDS organizations to provide free anonymous testing at the Tulsa GLBT Commtmity Center.

September meeting at Tulsa GLBT Community Center
The September Tulsa Police Department Race Relations Committee meeting was held at the Tulsa GLBT Community Center.
The TPD Race Relations Committee deals with minority issues including sexual orientation. TOHR Board member, Kerry Lewis, secured the meeting location with the committee in an effort to educate the TPD on GLBT issues.
TOHR Board members gave a short educational presentation to committee members on the GLBT community as well as suggestions on possible ways to work together.
The TPD Race Relations Committee includes the TPD Chief and Deputy Chief, officers dealing with hate crimes and representatives of minority communities including African-American, Hispanic, Asian and GLBT groups.

TOHR's Capital Campaign
the Pyramid Project
TOHR’s Capital Campaign, the Pyramid Project, has a purpose of raising funds to purchase and sustain a permanent, visible presence and safe and affirming home for the Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender Community Center.
The campaign is well on the way to it’s goal. The TOHR Board of Directors and Pyramid Project steering committee would like to thank the GLBT allied community for contributing over $200,000 to date. That’s 1/5 of the goal!
While we work on the goal for a permanent home, the existing Tulsa GLBT Community Center, 2114 S Memorial, serves the purpose. You’re invited to visit the center and discover the difference you can make immediately with your time or contribution to the Equality Fund.

Diversity Celebration 2002: Tulsa’s celebration of the GLBT allied community was a success thanks to you.
Three expressed purposes sum up Tulsa’s annual celebration of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender (GLBT) & Allied community - Diversity Celebration.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) presents Oklahoma’s largest pride events to celebrate, save lives and educate.
The events celebrate and unify the GLBT allied community. Progress has been made in the struggle for equality. This is the time of year we remember how it all started - and what
more we must do to achieve equality.
Diversity Celebration saves lives by reaching out to those within the GLBT community - but forced in the closet due to societal pressures. Friends, family, religious institutions and government sometimes try to convince closeted individuals they are less than equal. Diversity
Celebration shows those in the closet they don’t have to live in fear.
Most importantly, the week of events educates the public on the need for equality regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. People fear what they don’t know. Diversity Celebration educates those who fear and hate by demonstrating that while we all may be different - we all want and deserve the same thing - equality
Diversity Celebration 2002 celebrated, saved lives and educated thanks to the dedication and hard work of the steering committee, sponsors, and the community. An estimated 7,500 individuals participated in the various events - proof the events accomplished the purposes of celebrating, saving lives and educating.
Space does not permit a list of everyone involved - but please know your fmancial resources, hours of volunteer work and yes, your sacrifices, are worthwhile and greatly appreciated. Without any of you, it simply would not get done. Thank you.
Greg Gatewood
Chair, Diversity Celebration 2002 and for the TOHR Board of Directors

Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights - a mission for you!
TOHR’s mission of legal equality and social acceptance through advocacy, education, leadership and unity is for you - a member of the GLBT allied community. TOHR works for the entire community through it’s many mission oriented programs, all funded through donations and completely volunteer based, with no part-time or full-time paid staff. TOHR programs for the community are:
- Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender (GLBT) Community Center - 2114 S Memorial. Six years old and the focal point for the GLBT community. See pages 1 and 5 for more information.
- Diversity Celebration - Tulsa’s annual celebration of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender and allied community. Presented by TOHR to celebrate, save lives and educate - something for everyone.
- Tulsa GLBT Information Line - 918-743-4297 is the number for information, referrals and more.
- TOHR Pride Store - Located in the Center, the store is the place in Tulsa for pride merchandise.
- Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library - Located in the Center with over 3,500 titles for check-out.
- Queer CyberCafe - Located in the Center - free internet access for all in the community.
- Advocates in Action - working for legal equality with the leaders of Tulsa.
- Rainbow Families - a TOHR Partner Program for GLBT individuals and couples with children.
- Generations Connection - a TOHR Partner Program for seniors. See page 8 for more information.
- 2nd Sunday - a TOHR Partner Program for GLBT young adults with an emphasis on advocacy.

(Continued from page 1)
Gay Days at the Fair
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts play the Oklahoma Stage at 7:00 & 9:00 PM.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) encourages all in the GLBT allied community to go out to the fair and support the first "Gay Days" at the Tulsa State Fair. If you haven’t been to the fair in a while, then get out and "come out" - you’ll have a great time and the people watching is fantastic. (not an opinion, but simply a fact)
The TOHR Pride Store in the Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender (GLBT) Community Center, 2114 S Memorial, is the place to get your T-shirt, bracelet, necklace, cap, etc. before you head out to "Gay Days" at the fair.
See you at the TOHR Pride Store and then the Tulsa State Fair for "Gay Days" Saturday, September 29th and Friday, October 4th.

(Continued from page 3)
Productive summer leads to roadmap for FY2003
The board also completed the substantial task of revising the organization’s bylaws. The revised bylaws were approved by the TOHR membership in August. In short, the new bylaws changed the organization’s method of operation from an association to a corporate model, and established a new fiscal year that begins on October 1st. (See story on new bylaws on page 3).
Finally, we hope you enjoy this first issue of the Torch – TOHR’s new quarterly newsletter for the entire GLBT community in northeast Oklahoma. The Torch is a renewed effort to communicate with you and receive your feedback concerning TOHR and is a companion to the Pyramid Project News, our newsletter focusing on the progress of the TOHR capital campaign.
TOHR Board of Directors

(Continued from page 1)
Emphasis on Advocacy
learned to encourage other major Tulsa employers to follow suit."
And what about equal rights and legal protection for our community within the City of Tulsa’s ordinances regarding discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations?
"That’s another matter altogether," Ortolani said. "We would like to help educate members of the City Council and the mayor’s office on important GLBT issues and eventually, encourage them to take action."
In August, members of the Advocacy Committee met with top aides of Tulsa Mayor Bill LaFortune, the leadership of the Tulsa Housing Authority, and the administrations of several area universities to discuss equal rights and protection for GLBT citizens.
Unless changes are made, America’s 59th largest city (in terms of media markets) will be surpassed by dozens of much smaller communities that have chosen to extend equal rights and protection to GLBT citizens.

(Continuedfrom page 3)
New & Improved by-laws approved
Here’s a summary of some of the major by-law changes:
- The organization’s new fiscal year will begin on October 1st.
- There will be two groups of members: 1) Board Members and 2) Contributing Members.
- Contributing Members will vote on changes in membership dues and bylaw revisions affecting membership fights. All other decisions will be made by the Board of Directors.
- Nominations for members of the Board of Directors will be submitted to Contributing Members by the Board Development Committee 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting (first Tuesday in October).
- Nominations for the members of the Board of Directors may be submitted by Contributing Members at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting by a petition to the Secretary that is signed by at least 10 members.
- Nominations for Board Members may not be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
- All members will vote on nominations for the Board of Directors at the Annual Mtg.
- Officers will be elected by the Board of Directors at the first board meeting after the Annual Meeting.
(Contributing members are those who have paid annual dues.)
Other bylaw revisions addressed standing committees, entering into contracts, indemnification, and conflict of interest.
Full-text copies of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) revised bylaws are available free of charge at the Tulsa GLBT Community Center at 2114 Memorial Drive.

National Coming Out Day is an international event which gives gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GTBT) people the opportunity to "come out" to others about their sexuality. It also provides a means of increasing the visibility of gay people.
The first National Coming Out Day was held on October 11, 1988. This date was chosen for the annual event in commemoration of the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay
Rights. It also marks the anniversary of the first visit of the AIDS Memorial Quilt to Washington, D. C.
Many communities and college campuses sponsor activities such as dances, film festivals, workshops, literature booths, and rallies on National Coming Out Day
Tulsans can do their part in this years National Coming Out Day. Simply stop by the TOHR Pride Store, located in the Tulsa GLBT Community Center, 2114 S Memorial and pick up a bumper sticker or T-shirt. Then slap that sticker on your car or wear that T-shirt.
Come outl It’s what you should do. Period.

TOHR Annual Meeting
7:00 PM / Tuesday, October 8
Tulsa GLBT Community Center

PFLAG Muskogee
3531 E 93rd Street South
Muskogee, OK 74403
Join PFLAG Muskogee; the 1st Monday of each month
6:00 PM
Muskogee Public Library; 800 W Okmulgee Avenue
Email us at PFLAG4Muskogee@aol.com

the TOHR PRIDE store


TOHR Annual Meeting
Tuesday, October 8
7:30 PM; Tulsa GLBT Community Center
2114 S Memorial

Agenda = Leadership
TOHR Board of Directors to be presented and elected
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) will hold its annual meeting to elect the incoming Board of Directors on:
October 8, 2002
7:30 PM
Tulsa GLBT Community Center
21!4 S Memorial
The Board Development Committee presents the following nominees to the 2003 & 2004 TOHR Board of Directors:
Ellen Averill
Ellen works for the Public Relations department of Williams Companies.
Jason Caniglia
Jason is Director of Development for the OSU College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Stillwater, OK.
Kelly Carter
Cindy is a Quality Control Inspector with a Transportation Company in Broken Arrow, OK.
Thom Golden
Thorn is the managing editor of Okla-homa Magazine.
Pat Hobbs
Pat is Chief Financial Officer of Long Term Care Authority, Tulsa, OK.
The following individuals currently serve as TOHR Board members and will remain for 2003.
Ray Chance
Ray is a Technical Assistant with American Airlines, Tulsa, OK.
Greg Gatewood
Greg is a Tulsa, OK based free-lance graphic and residential designer.
Michelle Hoffman
Michelle is Executive Director of the Center for Health Care Concepts, Tulsa, OK.
Kerry Lewis
President Emeritus
Kerry serves as legal counsel for TOHR and is a partner of Rhodes, Heirnonymous, Jones, Tucker & Gable, Tulsa, OK.
Brent Ortolani

Brent is Director of Public Relations of Rogers State Univer-sity (RSU), Claremore, OK.
Melissa Renee
Melissa is a Tulsa, OK based commercial pilot with American Airlines.
Nominations to the TOHR Board of Directors may be made by Contributing members (individuals with paid dues) at least 14 days prior to the annual meeting by a petition to the Secretary that is signed by 10 contributing members in support of the nomination.
Please see the article on page 3, New and Improved, for additional election processes.
You are invited to the TOHR annual meeting. The TOHR annual meeting will be held Tuesday, October 8, 2002 at the Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bi, & Transgender (GLBT) Community Center, 2114 S Memorial at 7:30 PM.

President George W. Bush has encouraged all Americans to make a difference in the next few years and volunteer in your community. The GLBT allied community sometimes does not get along with current administration, however, this is an area where W. and everyone should agree.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) is a volunteer based non-profit organization. There are no part-time or full-time paid employees. All TOHR programs for the community rely on the community to secure legal equality and social acceptance. Here’s a few examples of how you can do your part and be a part Tulsa’s largest GLBT organization.
Advocates in Action: TOHR is working with city and local officials and businesses in order to obtain the mission of legal equality and social acceptance.
Store & More: Do you have retail experience? Like to help people? The TOHR Pride Store can use your expertise. Volunteers operate the store and answer the Tulsa GLBT Information Line - and get a 10% discount off purchases! We work with your schedule to use your valuable time wisely.
Bar-Fly-R: Spread the word on TOHR programs and upcoming activities and events - and have some fun while doing it.
Diversity Celebration 2003: Tulsa’s annual celebration of the GLBT allied community is nearly a year long process. Get involved with Oklahoma’s largest pride event - you’ll be glad you did!
Simply stop by the Tulsa GLBT Community Center, 2114 S Memorial, today, or call 743.4297 or email us at community@tohr.org to fred out how you can help. You’ll be giving back to your community - and helping to secure legal equality and social acceptance.

A Bit Wiser
Generations Connection, a TOHR Partner Program, address issues of the elderly GLBT community
- At least one to three million Americans over 65 years of age are gay, lesbian, or bisexual
The number and proportion of GLBT elders will increase significantly over the next few decades, along with the overall elder population. By 2030, one in five Americans will be 65 or older. Roughly four million will be GLB. About five percent of elder women, and four percent of elder men, have never married in their lifetime. It is likely that many of them are gay or lesbian and that many GLBT people are not counted I this statistic because they had been legally married to an opposite-sex partner at some point in their life. National voter exit polls in 1998 report that 8.3 percent of the GLB electorate is 65 years and older. The population estimates above do not include transgender people because there are no national date available on transgender people in the U.S.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) is addressing these issues with "Generations Connections." The group was formerly known as GLBT Aging Generations, and is a TOHR partner program.
Generations Connection is for individuals of all ages concerned with issues of aging GLBT generations. The group meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at of the month at 7:00 PM at the Tulsa GLBT Community Center.
The evening will feature a discussion about the needs of aging generations and the future course of action for this TOHR Partner Program designed to assist them. Refreshments and coffee will be served with donations accepted.
For additional information, call the Tulsa GLBT Information Line at 918-743-4297 or Ms. Clare at 587-4669.



Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), “[2002] TOHR Torch, Fall 2002; Volume 1, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/881.