[1995] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 6


[1995] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


May 15-June 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, April 15-May 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 5










United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart May 15 - June 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 6
400 Expected at So. Central
MCC District Conference
Precious in God’s Sight: Sacred Earth, Sacred People
The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community
Churches (MCC) will hold tlie 1995 annual conference
for its South Central District on May !8-21 at Tulsa’s
Southern Hills Marriott. 1902 East 71st Street, 493-7000.
During the conference, participants will elect a District
Coordinator at the District Business meeting as well as
worshiping together. The Reverend Elder Nancy Wilson,
pastor ofMCC Los Angeles will speak at the opening and
see Conference, page 3
Family of Faith Welcomes
New Pastor Nancy Horvath
The Reverend Nancy Horvath began as pastor ofMCC
Family of Faith Sunday May 7. Horvath, recently pastor
of MCC Joie de Vivre in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is
joined in Tulsa by her spouse, Barb Horvath-Zurn and
their3 year old son,Zach. TFNrecently had the opportunity
to discuss her background, her experiences in Baton
Rouge and hopes for and challenges of Tulsa with Pastor
see Horvath. page 3
Tulsa Gay Churches Honor
44th National Day of Prayer
TULSA, OK - The Metropolitan Community Churches
ofTnlsa, Family ofFaith MetropolitanCommunity Church
and°the Metropolitan Community Church of" Greater
Tulsa honored the 44th National Day of Prayer Thursday,
May 4 in a ceremony at Bartlett Square in downtown
Tulsa. Pastors Alice Jones and Nancy Horvath with a
small number of lay people prayed for greater tolerance
and respect for.all persons...... ;
Thefollowing is of the statement read to the participants
and onlookers: "We pray for an end to the hatred of which
the Oklahoma City bombing, the most recent massacre in
see Prayer, page 11
Pride ’95 Logo - Artist: Kelly Vandiver
Tulsa Pride Picnic- Sunday
June 18th, Mohawk Park
OKC Parade- June 24th
TOHR Follies- June 30th
The Tulsa Pride Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 18,
at Mohawk Park in Shelter #6 off of Cherokee Drive.
Beginning at noon, the picnic will offer free drinks, food
will be available at low cost and community organizations
and businesses will offer information and goods at booths
under the trees During the afternoon, volleyball and
softball games will be.held and atz2pm; Tulsa Family-
Chorale and the OklahOma city Gay Marching Band will
perform. Volunteers are needed to help with food and
with clean-up. Community organizations or businesses
see Pride, page 14
Lesbian Clinton Official
to Run For SF Mayor
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
administration has lost its highest
ranking openly gay official with
the announcement that Roberta
Achtenberg would resign her
post as an assistant secretary in
the Department of Housing and
Urban Development. In her letter
of resignation to Presiden!
Clinton, Achtenberg said she
would step down effective April
30. Achtenberg will return to her
home in San Francisco where
she is expected to run for mayor
see Lesbian Mayor, page 3
Researchers: AIDS
Education Efforts Work
to health researchers at the
University of California at San
Francisco, there is growing
evidence that a substantial
decrease in the rate of ttlV
infection can be and has been
achieved through intensive
prevention efforts aimed at those
most at risk in the AIDS
epidemic, and that the major
stumbling block to curbing the
spread of the virus among
vulnerable populations are
outmoded social policies. The
report, published,in the Journal
see Education, page 7
Civil Rights Protections
Proposed in Poland
WARSAW - Prompted by pressures
toconform to the mandates
of the European Union, which
the country wants to join, a
special commission that is
working on drafting a post-
Communist constituuon for
Poland has included legal
protections th at would extend
protections based on sexual
orientation. Sixteen of the 29
parliamentary deputies who are
drafting the constitution voted
to include the constitutional
see Poland, page 7
Major Victory in Oregon
SALEM, Ore. - The Oregon
Court of Appeals has ruled that
local and county governments
cannot pass laws that discriminate
against gays. The
ruling strikes down ann-gay
rights ordinances passed in some
27 Oregon cities and counties
during the past 2 years and
upholds alaw passed by the state
legislature prohibiting such local
The appeals court panel
unanimously ruled that the state
legislature has preemptive rights
over matters of "substantive
policy" issues such as civil rights
Ex-Klan Leader Wants
PWA’s to be Tattooed
LOS ANGELES - David Duke,
the former Ku Klux Klan leader
who also served as a Lomsiana
state representative, recently told
The Advocate that people
infected with AIDS should be
tattooed in the genital area,
"maybe even with glow-in-thedark
ink." Duke, ~vhois currently
of Louisiana, explained that the
AIDS tattoos would serve as a
warning to prospective sexual
partners. Duke also said he
see Duke. page 3
Work Equality Project
NE\V YORK - New York state
Assemblywoman Deborah
Glick, the state’s only openly
gay le~slator and the co-chair of
the International Network of
Lesbian & Gay Officials,joined
withNew York City Councilman
Tom Duane and San Francisco
Supervisor Carol Migden and
the Wall Street Project in
launching a program to promote
non-discrimination policies by
businesses and institutions
throughout the country. Known
as the "Equality Principles on
Sexual Orientation," the
guidelines are designed to
see Work Project, page 3
Hope Candle Light Tour:
Big Bucks for AIDS Care
& OK HIV/AIDS Conference
TULSA, OK - Organizers of the fifth Hope Candlelight
Tour hope to raise nearly $100,000 for two AIDS service
organizations: St. Joseph’s House and tLaAN, Regional
AIDS Interfaith Network of EaStern Oklahoma. Despite
heavy rains that lowered attendance on May 6 & 7.
respectable crowds made their way from several elegma~
homes that had been opened in one of Tulsa’s most elite
neighborhoods, see Hope, page 11
TOHR Endorses Lesbian/
Gay Marriage Resolution
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)
unanimously endorsed at its April membership meeting
a resolution calling for Lesbians and Gay men to marrx
legally. The resolution reads:
Because marriage is. a fundamental right under our
Constitution, and becasue the Constitution guarantees
equal protection of the law,
see Resolution, page 3
Rainbow Business Guild
Chooses 1995 Officers
Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay & Lesbian/Gay friendly business
organization, Rainbow Business Guild, elected new
officers at its April meeting. Founding officers, Tim
Gillean, Frank Going & Kevin Palmer turned over
leadership to Leanne Gross, and Bud Wharton, co-chairs,
Barbara Bellar, secretary, and Tom Neal, treasurer.
RBG will hold its next meeting on Monday, May 22 at
7pm at the. O!iveGarden Restmarant at Utica Square.
Dinner dues fi~e $10. Rainbow BuSiness Grild ig~open to
business owners, professionals, company empl~.~;e~~
students and others interested in business with a Lesbian
Gay perspective. For more info. call 832-0233.
Virginia High Court Rules
Against Lesbian Mom
Virginia Supreme Court split 4-
3 in ruling that Sharon Bottoms
could be denied custody of her
3-year-old son Tyler because she
is a lesbian and her sexual
orientation could lead to the child
facing social condemnation
growing up. The court overturned
a state appeals court ruling
that wouldhave allowed Bottoms
to get custody of her son, whose
custody is being challenged by
the woman’s mother. In the court
majority decision, Justice A.
Christian Compton said, "The
mother is an unfit custodian at
this time, and the child’s best
interests would be promoted by
awarding custody to the
Elizabeth Birch, executive
director of the Human Rights
Campaign Fund, said of the
decision, "’Anyone who truly
cares about families should be
morally outraged that the
government has taken a child
from his own loving mother
because of ether people’s pre
judices. This is an anti-famil v
decision that is clearly notin th~
best interests of the child."
Virginia activists are
see Mom, page 7
Military Update
Court Victory for Sailor
AI,EXANDRL~, Va. - Navy Lt.
Paul Thomasson has become the
latest member of the U.S. armed
forces to challenge the "don’t
ask, don’t tell" policy.
Thomasson’s lawyers argued in
court that the policy not only is a
violation of constitutional
guarantees of free speech, but
that the Navy by enforcing it
against Thomasson would be
kicking out "one of its finest"
service members.
Thomasson, in addition to his
stellar record first as a pilot and
later in a Washington, D.C. staff
post, has received glowing
commendations from former
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman
Gen. Colin Powell whom he
hel.ped prepare for congressional
testimony, among other Navy
brass. The Navy is trying to
discharge Thomasson, however,
because the day after the new
see Military, page 7
918-832-0233 Publisher~ditor
POB 4140 Tom Neal
Assistant E~litor
Tulsa, Oklahoma James Christjohn
74159-01z10 Writers/contributors
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
Staff Photographer
TulsaNews@aol.com JD Jamett
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
this publication are protected by US copyright 1995 by Tulsa F~mily
News and may not be reproduced either in whol~m’in@art wi.thout
written permission from the publisher. Public~ti0n of a name or
photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Family News. All correspondence should be sent to the address
above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at
distribution locations. Additional copies are available atTomfoolery!
Civil Rights For Tulsa Lesbians & Gay Men
Who Decides What’s Best for Us?
by Tom Neal. publisher i’diversity"training that includes followed up to see what Savage
Many of you remember the
raucous and bruising public
hearings held almost a year ago
by the City of Tulsa’s Human
Rights Commission and its
Standing Committee on Sexual
Orientation. Some of you may
know that these two bodies
revised their report and sent it to
our Mayor, M. Susan Savage
and to our City Council. Few of
you probably know what, if
anything, has happened since
The report had several
recommendations. One called on
the City Council to mnend our
current human rights ordinance
to add the words, sexual
orientation. This would protect
heterosexuals, homosexuals and
"bisexuals from invidious
discrimination. Court rulings
thus far have held that
discrimination based on actual
or perceived sexual orientation
is illegal only where the term,
sexual orientation or its
equivalent, affectional orientation,
etc. is explicitly used. At
this time, our City Council is
overwhelmingly hostile to such
protections. .
The other recommendations,
however, were not directed at
the City Council. These recommendahons
call for our Mayor
to issue executive orders banning
discrimination in c~ty hiring, to
order our police dept. to begin
Issues of sexual orientation and
to collect hate crime statistics
for attacks based on actual or
perceived sexual orientation
Officially, at least, none of these
actions have been taken now five
months later.
...we, as a community,
must learn how to
get involved in the
proeess....while we’re
waiting for the
[Sexual Orientation]
Committee sehmoaze
civil rights
protections into
being, call your
and the mayor...
You may be thinking of many
of the same questions Tulsa
Family News has been asking,
i.e., what progress has been
made, and if nothing, why not?
You may want to know who’s
representing us, and what kind
of job are they doing.
You may be surprised at how
little is going on. Afew members
of the Standing Committee on
Sexual Orientation met with the
Mayor, but apparently haven’t
has done. Apparently they didn’t
even ask her to do much, i.e.,
implement the reco~rmiendations
of the report that call for action
on the part of the Mayor, not the
City Council.
Savage has since refused to
protect city employees from
discrimination (seeTFN v.2 #4).
Savage also promised toissue a
generic condemnation of
discrimination. These sorts of
statements rarely do Lesbians
and Gay menany good, since the
statements are usually seen as
applying to "legitimate"
minorities and women. Where
we’re not explicitly included,
we "re usually excluded.
Committee members should
have rejected this idea as soon as
Mayor Savage said it.
So who are the folks
- representing us? They i~n,c.lude
Dennis Neill and Kelly Kirby,
past presidents of Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights
(TOHR); Nancy McDonald of
local & regional PFLAG; Bill
Hinkle, also of PFLAG, and
others. These folks are individuals
of courage who have
histories of fighting for fair
treatment of Lesbians and Gay
men. It seems we have goodfolks
trying to represent our interests,
but are they?
Some of this group seem to
have selected a stealth strategy.
see Who Decides, page 3
by Robert Bray
Right aroun~l this time of year
I get my annual reminders that
my loving relationship with my
partner John is not worth much
in the eyes of society.
Perhaps it’s my income tax
returns, which givemeno opdon
except to file single because our
union is not "valid." Or maybe
it’s the mailbox of invitations
atmouncmg the June weddings
of my straight friends and
relatives. Or it could be all those
glowing bride and groom
advertisements just in time for
the upcoming nuptial season.
Marriage has been onmymind
a lot lately. To be honest, I’m
not certain if it’s my wedding
I’mpondering (wehaven’tbegun
those discussions ye0. But the
subject of same-sex marriage is
rapidly rising into the consciousness
of many Americans
and has already made national
headlines and front-page news
around the country. And it’s
clearly in the cross-sights of the
Radical Right.
Aggressive pre-emptive
strikes against same-sex marriage
have already been launched
in at least three states with more
attacks expected. Alaska, Utah
and South Dakota have or are
now facing pro-active bans on
same-sex marriage. They clearly
are designed to head off an
affirmative ruling expected later
this year or early 1996 on a
pending gay marriage casein
A Congressional threat may
be forthcoming, too. Newt
Gingrich rarely misses an
opportunity to demean gay
relationships. In 1992, the
Republican Party specifically
stated an oppositaon to same-sex
marriages in its Platform. The
issue is sure to be raised as we
enter a new election cycle.
The Radical Right plans to
capitalize on society’s vigorous
opposition to same-sex marriage
and use it as a fundraising and
political orgamzing weapon to
streng~en its "traditional family
values agenda. Expect more
attacks on not only same-sex
marriage but also gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender families,
including foster parenting,
adoption and child custody.
It’s time for our side to sound
the alarm. We are asking for the
equal right to marry the one we
love and care for, just as non-gay
Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Barraccuda’s Wild Nights/Donna’s Crazy Days
2405 E. Admiral
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
Blue Moon Bakery
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Ming~, Ste. 102
Certified Moble Auto Repair
Creative Collection, 152t E. 15
*Devena’s Gallery for Photo~aphy, 13 E. Brady
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
*Java Dave’s, Lincoln Plaza
International Tours
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Loup-Garou; 2747 E. 15
Major Affairs
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
Mortgages by Design
Phoenix Mortgage Corp.
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
Westcopa Salon; Lincoln Plaza
BiL/G Alliance, University of Tulsa
438-3393, pager: 591-0597
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152
Prime-Timers, P.O. BOX 52118
Rainbow Business Guild
Rainbow Village, POB 50403, 74150-0403
S~ve the Nation, Indian Health Care
438-2437, 800-284-2437
Shanti Hotline - 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Learme M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Mohawk Living Center, 3910 Park Rd. 425-1354
Jonathan & Dee Nicholas, Realtors 749-3000, 800-539-7767
Richard Reeder, MS, Psychotherapy 581-0902, 743-4117
Religious & Educational Organizations
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
*indicates a distribution point
Americans do. Many same-sex
couples share the same responsibilities
as married couples.
However, nowhere in the United
States do they receive the same
recognition or benefits, not even
in communities with domestic
partnership laws.
Of course, gay, lesbian and
bisexual people are as diverse as
non-gay people. Many would not
choose to marry even if they
could. However, virtually all gay
see Marriage, page 3
Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights, Who Decides?
They seem to propose that if we
all just keep quiet about these
issues, we can sneak them
through city government.
Interestingly, these same folks
said similar things prior to the
human rights commission
hearings last spring. They
suggested that if wejust kept the
public and the press uninformed,
that we could avoid conflict and
get this ordinance passed.
Obviously neither happened.
We would argue that this
approach is not only undemo~
cratic, but is politically naive.
Tulsa Family News recognizes
that the members of the Standing
Committee on Sexual Orientation
have no legal obligation to
meet with our community
organizations, nor to solicit the
breadth of opinion from those
whom they proport to represent.
j However, we suggest that the
Standing Committee has a
powerful ethical obligation to
discuss their strategies with those
whose rights remain denied.
Practically speaking, this
"behind the scenes maneuvering"
will not be enough at
some point and they will need
us. You would think that these
folks would be going to TOHR,
toour churches, to Prime Timers,
to the Women’s Supper Clubs
and other groups to let our
communities know where we
stand and what’w~ need to do to
Besides giving them the
support they need, we, as a
community, must learn how to
get involved in the political
] process.Wehave the opportunity
cont’dfrom p. 2
to show the city that we’re part
of this city. In the meantime,
while we’re wa~ for the
Committee schmooze civil fights
protections into being, call your
coun-cilperson and the mayor.
Ask to meet with your connselor
and the Mayor. It’s your right.
Mayor Savage: 596-7411, fax:
596-9010, City Council: 596-
For those interested in getting
involved in theseissues, TOHR
has established a Civic Affairs
committee to organize community
efforts. It will meet next
on Monday, June 5 at 7pm at the
Gathering Room of the HIV
Resource Consortium.
TFN editorials represent the
views of the writer- not those of
advertisers nor other contributors.
Letters are welcome.
Marriage cont’dfrom p. 2
people prefer that they -- and
not the state should have the
right to decide whether and
whom to marry. The subject of
same-sex marriage offers many
political challenges and
organizing opportunities and
numerous questions for gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender
activists. It’s time for that
dialogue to begin.
Questions that may need to be
considered as we move this issue
¯ Do we really need or want
the right to marry?
¯ Do bisexual activists have a
different view ofthis subject than
gay and lesbian people?
¯ Are there differences in the
way gay men and lesbians
analyze the institution of
¯ What about concerns that the
institution of marriage itself
gay or straight -- perpetuates a
moral hierarchy with different
economic and social privileges?
-- Those in couples (viewed as
"’monogamous") receive social
and economic rewards because
of their implied moral status.
Meanwhile, single people
(viewed as "’promiscuous") do
This community discussion
and dialogue must also include
an awareness of the orgamzing
and education efforts of
grassroots groups, including the
Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage
Project and NaMamoo Hawai’i.
Na Manlo, a new statewide civil
rights group of indigenous gay,
lesbian, bisexual aud transgender
people, is doing work around
homophobia, racism and
classism and how they connect
to the marriage issue.
As we advance the issue of our
right to marry, we must not
perpetuate themyththatmarriage
is the only way that "true"
families are organized. Weneed
To have and to hold.
It’s about havlnd
the rights andresponsibilities
leSM and soeietal
reeognltlon of our
loving unions.
to advance simultaneously both
our right to marry and a redefinition
of "family" that is an
honest reflection of the diversity
of family structures extended
families, step-families, single
par.e.nt households, grandparents
rinsing grandchildren, divorced
parents, adopted children, foster
families. Wemust nnite with-the
majority of others who do not fit
the model that is considered
What is your role in the samesex
marriage battle? There are
manyways togetinvolved. First,
help get the word out. Educate
the public. Tell your faniily,
friends and coworkers about
same-sex marriage issues.
Sponsor a community forum on
tllis topic. Write letters to die
editor and get the press to cover
the subject. Also, you can take
action. Consider organizing a
marriage license "’refuse-in" at
your local city clerk office. Get
an organization you are involved
in to sign on to the Lambda
Marriage Resolution a
document supported by
numerous national organizations,
including Lambda Legal
Defense and Education Fund, the
National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force (NGLTF), Latino/a
Lesbian & Gay Organization,
National Center for Lesbian
Rights, Gay & Lesbian Parents
Coalition International, and
many more.
Tohave andtohold. It’s about
having the rights and responsibilities
of legal and societal
recognition of our loving umons.
It’s about holding close not only
our loved ones, but also the
democratic principles of fairness
and equality often denied us
because ofwho we are and whom
we love. And most of all, it’s
about creating and strengthening
diverse families and forming
relationships free of discrimination
and prejudice.
Robert Bray is longtime staff
member of the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force.
TOHR co,,edfrom p.
Resolved, the State should
permit Gay cmd Lesbian couples
to marry and share fully and
equally in the rights and
responsibilities ofmarriage.
This resolution sponsored by
Lambda Legal Defense and
Education Fund, the National
Gay & Lesbian Task Force, Na
" " seenext column to right
Work. cont’dfrom p. 1
"provide a framework for an
ethical standard that all
corporations, universities, and
other institutions can voluntarily
-embrace in their business
practices." Businesses that sign
the principles would commit
themselves to not discriminating
on the basis of sexual orientation
orH1V status in sales, purchasing
or employmentpractices. The 8-
point non-discrimination policy
statement states:
"To become successful in the
ever-competitive world of
business, a company must strive
to create anenvironment in which
all employees are treated with
respect. Through the cultivating
of diversity in the wprkplace, a
company can draw fully upon
the potential, for creativity and
commitment represented by all
its employees. Implementation
of these Equality Principles on
Sexual Orientation are an
important step in that direction.
1. Explicit prohibitions against
discrimination based on sexual
orientation will be included in
the company’s written employment
policy statement.
2. Discrimination against HIV
positive employees or those with
AIDS will be strictly prohibited.
3. Employee groups, regardless
of sexual orientation, will be
given equal standing with other
employee associations.
4. Diversity training will
include sexual orientataon issues.
5. Spousal benefits will be
offered to domestic partners of
employees, regardless of sexual
orientation, on an equal basis
with those granted to married
6. Company adve.rtisi~ag policy
will bar negative sexual
orientation stereotypes and will
not discriminate in media
advertising on the basis of sexual
7. Companies will not
discriminate in the sale and
purchase of goods and services
on the basis of sexual orientation.
8. Written non-discrimination
policies on sexual orientation
must be disseminated throughout
the company. A senior company
official will be appointed to
monitor compliance corporate
Mamo o Hawaii mid the Hawaii
Equal Rights Marriage Project.
A Hawaii court decision may
legalize same gender marriage
by the end of this year or early
next vear.
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Mayor cont’dfromp. 1
in a race already crowded with a
number of candidates. In her
letter to Clinton, Achtenberg, a
former city supervisor, said she
was stepping down from her
HUD post in order to "become a
candidate for mayor of San
Francisco" to bring a "workable,
reform-minded city government
that recaptures. San Francisco’s
greatness." In 1993, Clinton
............... to oversee
the fair housing and equal
opportunity division of HUD.
She was confirmed to the post
afteralongandoften nasty debate
on the Senate floor, with
conservatives, led by Sen. Jesse
Helms (R-NC) portraying her as
a "’dangerous radical" and "dmnn
lesbian." In her letter to the.
President, Achtenberg thanked
Clinton for his support in "’a
challenging confirmation
process." But she went on to say
that "I feel the need to return to
the city I Call home.’"
Conf. cont’dfrom p. l
closing services onThu~sdav and
Sun.day. Others leading worship
services are the Reverend Sandi
Robinson, president, Samaritan
College, Judy Dale, district
coordinator, Great Lakes
District-UFMCC, the Reverend
Renee Phillips, pastor of MCC.
Lubbock and the Reverend
Dexter Brecht, pastor of Vieux
Carre MCC New Orleans.
Saturday night,afterabanquet,
there will be a dance. Both Tulsa
congregations, MCC Greater
Tulsa and MCC Family of Faith.
plan hospitality suites for
conference participants: The
Reverend Elder Nancy Wilson
will speak on Sunday evening,
May 21st at Family of Faith. For
more information about the
conference, call 838-1715 or
Duke cont’dfrom p. 1
believed HIV was first
transmitted when a human had
sex with a monkey in Africa.
All Breeds
llth & Mingo
Open Tuesday -
Saturday at 8am.
Call for
Walk-ins also
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
UK Gay Military Ban and controversial exception. Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Rep. anti-bias policies in their offices, tojunior and senior lfigh schools, Becomes Political Issue~
LONDON - A spokesman for!
the British Defense Ministry told
Parliament that the country’s
policy of excluding gays from
the British armed forces had the
full support of the Conservative
Party government and that
,allowing gays in the nation’s
military was "not compatible
with securing the ailns of the
armed forces." The Labor Party
had earlier called for ending the
ban on gays and lesbians in the
country’ s military as part of the
party’s official platform. David
Clark, the defense spokesman
lbr the Labor Party, called the
exclusionary policy an"infringement
on civil liberties" and
added, "’It is important in the
modern world that military law
is as near as possible in accord
with civilian law. ""
Bias Charged at N.M.
Job Corps Center
Despite complaints to
adininistrators of harassment,
threats and assaults aimed at gay
and lesbians students and staff,
acuvists in the Lesbian Avengers
.charge that the managers of the
U.S. Job Corps in Albuquerque
have refused to do anything to
put a halt to the anti-gay
activities. The National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force has ~lso
charged that administrators of
thc Job Corps center there have
not returned repeated phone calls
about the on-going troubles at
the center. The Job Corps is a
division of the U.S. Labor
Department and teaches young
people various employment
NEA Nixes Grant for
Lesbian-Themed Play
National Endowmentforthe Arts
has rejected the recommendation
by its peer advisory panels and
voted against funding a stage
adaptation of a novel by San
Francisco-based lesbian writer
Jewell Gomez. The $13,000
grant was to have gone to pay for
the African-American performance
troupe Urban Bush
Women’s production Of
Gomez’s "’Bones and Ash: A
Gilda Story.’" Peer review panel
recommendations are rarely
rejected. The case of the "NEA
Four"- Andreas Serrano, Holly
flughes, Tim Miller and Karen
Fiuel v - was a highly publicized
Gomez herself said she believes
the endowmentrejected the grant
because her story has a lesbian
protagonist. "We were pretty
much ~xpecting [approval of the
grant] because we had gotten
Phase.Two approval, and to not
get Phase Three is weird, unless
you really screwed up or
something,’" she said.
Waybourn Leaves
Victory Fund
WASHINGTON - Gay rights
activist William Waybourn,
founder of the Gay & Lesbian
Victory. Fund. has announced he
will retire as the head of the
Washington, D.C.-based PAC.
A long-time Dallas activist,
Waybourn said in a prepared
statement that he had no
irmnediate plans, but was leaving
the 4-year-old Victory Fund to
promote new ideas in the agency.
"It is my philosophy that
organizations tltrive .best when
new leadership and fresh ideas
are enconraged,’" lie said.
’Creating Change’
Conferen ce Announced
Gay & Lesbian Task Force has
annotmced that its 8th annual
Creating Change conference will
take place Nov. 8-12 in Detroit.
Among the issues slated to be
covered durin.g.the conference
are: orgamzlng in rural
communities, organizing people
of faith, same-sex marriage
rights, anti-violence work, and
organizing in the workplace. For
additional information and
registration, contact NGLTF at
(202) 332-6483, ext. 3329.
Lesbians at White
House Conference
WASHINGTON-Attending the
White House Conference on
Aging as delegates May 2-5 are
long-time lesbian activists Del
Martin and Phyllis Lyon, cofounders
of the Daughters of
Bilitis. The couple will introduce
a resolution during the
conference calling for for greater
vis!bility, for lesbian and gay
aging issues in future
conferences. The White House
conference agenda had originally
included lesbian and gay issues
when published in October 1994;
but when the final agenda was
published this February, the item
had been dropped. Martin and
Lyon were named as delegates
to the conference by Sen. Dianne
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Sexually ’Ambiguous’
UK Bishop Elevated
LONDON - David Hope, the
Bishop of London who recently
ackalowledged under pressure
from British activists that he is
sexually "an~biguous", has been
named by Prime Minister Jolm
Major as the next Archbishop of
York, the 2ndhighest clergy man
in the Church of England.
"People should not be
stereotyped sexually and sonle
may describe themselves as
being homosexual," Hope said
in March after being urged by
the fights ~oup Outrage to co~ne
out. "For some the area is slightly
grayer, and that is the sort of area
I find my self in." Following the
azmouncelnent of his elevation,
Hope said he would use his new
position to resolve differences
about homosexuality within the
church. "It is my business to
insure that all who are involved
are given a proper voice and a
proper ear, and there is a proper
process of listening to the
debate," he said. "At the present
_ time I am just a little concerned
that the debate is causing rather
mor e heat than light. "’
Members of Congress
Keep Anti-Bias Policies
Rights Campaign Fund
announced at a press conference
that 287 of the 535 members of
the U.S. Congress do not
discriminate against gays and
lesbians in employment in their
staff office positions. The HRCF
survey reported that 223 of 435
House members and 64 of 100
senators had signed nondiscrimination
Absent from the HRCF list were
House Speaker Newt Gingrich
(R-Ga.) and House Majority
Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas).
GOP presidential candidate and
Senate Majority Leader Bob
Dole of Kansas, however, was
included on the non-bias listing.
Speaking at a news conference,
Elizabeth Birch, HRCF’s
executive director, said it was
"encouraging that the critical
bloc of moderate swing votes in
this Congress supports the
concept ofequal treatment."Last
year a similar HRCF survey
reported that 296 members of
Congress - 225 House members
and71 senators - agreed to similar
Jury Rejects
AIDS Fear Defense
Jurors hearing a murder case
rejected the defense offered by
attorneys for Edgardo Arrona,
21, that he had shot a gay man,
Oscar Anderson, 53, to death
because he feared he had been
exposed to HIV ,and been forced
into years of sex and drugs by the
older ~nan. Arrona confessed to
shootinv Anderson last Auoust
bnt claruled lie had done so
beeause the older man, a teacher,
had lured lfim into sex and drug
use as a teenager and lie was
concerned about contracting
AIDS. Although Anderson in
fact was HIV positive, Arrona
has continued to test negative
for the virus. Prosecutors, whom
the jury a~eed with in finding
Arrona gnilty, had argued that
the younger man had continued
to return to Anderson’s
apartment for several years
withont showing any indic,~tions
he wasn’ t a willing participant.
Philly Woos Gay Travel
Assn. Convention
Philadelphia’s Convention and
Visitors Bureau has joined with
PrideFestin an effort to draw the
1997 annual convention of the
International Gay Travel
Association to the "City of
Brotherly Love." The IGTA
convention is expected to bring
more than 1,000 travel agents
and tourism specialists to
wherever it holds its annual
meeting. The city’s Convention
& Visitors Bureau is one of a
handful around the country -
including New York and San
Francisco - that have in the past
few years begun actively luring
gay and lesbian tourists and
travelers-. PrideFest, the city’s
annual gay pride celebration, is
slated for May 7-10 in 19~7.
Apple Settles Dispute
SANJOSE, Calif,-The SanJose
Mercury Newsreports that Apple
Computer has agreed to keep a
CD-ROM history textbook that
it will be distributing after a
public outcry that Apple wascensoring
material about
abortion and homosexuality. In
the reported agreement with the
VoyagerCompany ofNew York,
Apple with include the CD
textbook "Who Built America?"
in bundled software it distributes
but will not include it in bundles
it sells to elementary schools.
Apple got caught in the
embarrassingPRflap inFebnmry
when Voyager charged that
Apple had insisted it remove
"cOntroversial" material .about
abortion and homosexuality.
Spokespersons-for both Apple
and Voyager said they were
reasonably happy with the
agreement they had reached on
distributing the CD textbook.
Death Threat Against
Journalist Deb Price
SANJOSE, Calif.- OutNowL the
San-Jose gay and lesbian
uewspaper, reports that the
announcement of a scheduled
Jnne 24 visit by syndicated
columnist Deb Price for a
booksigmng has led to a
telephone death tlweat. The paper
reports that the death threat,
which has been handed over to
police, was called in to the
answering machine at the
Sisterspirit Bookstore in the
city’s Billy DeFrank Lesbian &
Gay Community Center after the
upcoming booksigning was
OutNow! quoted part of the
phone threat as saying, "I just
want to say, if Deb Price appears
at your bookstore on June 24th,
I’ll personally colne in and shoot
her. I tlfink fags are wrong. I
think this is the stupidest thing
that ever happened; feminist
rights groups, f ing gay rights
groups make me sick; f ing I’ll
shoot her; got that?" The paper
said Price had been informed of
the threat and had no intention of
altering her plans for the
booksigning for her new book,
And Say Hi to Joyce: America’ s
First Gay Column Comes Out."
Gingrich to Lead HRCF
’Coming Out Day’ Job
Gingrich, the lesbian half-sister
of House Speaker Newt
Gingrich, has been hired by the
Washington D.C.-based gay aud
lesbian lobbying group the
Human Rights Campaign Fund
to head up its National Coming
Out Project. The project
culminates Oct. 11 with National
Coming Out Day, an event that
got launched several years ago
in New Mexico and has since
become a popular event
nationwide to encourage gay and
lesbian visibility. Gingrich, 28,
kicks offhernewjob on April 25
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
with a town meeting in Seattle as rejection of ICA’s anti-gay I Sheila Kuehl that would have timber industry lobbyist just 4
part ofa34-city tour encouraging
participation in National Coming
Out Day.
School Board Member
Defeats Opponents
LOS ANGELES - Openly gay
Los Angeles school board
memberJeffHorton, targeted for
defeat by religious rightsupported
opponents, handily
won reelection, garnering 61%
of the vote, more than his 2
candidates combine d. His
opponents, Peter Ford who was
being backed by the Traditional
Values Coalition, and Linda
Jones, the Christian Coalition
candidate, had focused on
unseating Horton because of his
support for gay-positive
programs in the city’s huge
school system.
Students Protest
Mel White Speech
GREEN BAY, Wisc. -
Conservative student Republicans
at the University of
Wisconsin have objected to
school officials over using
student fees to payfor an
upcoming speech to be given by
the Rev. Mel White, a minister
with the Metropolitan Community
Church and one-time
ghost writer for Pat Robertson.
TheRepublican students charged
that the $4,000 fee for White’ s
speech was "’fiscally inappropriate"
because of tight budgets
at the school. But representatives
of the unive.rsity.’ s lesbian and
gay orgamzatlon said the
conservative students just didn’ t
"want the lifestyle discussed."
The school says it hasno plans to
cancel White’ s scheduled May 4
appearance on campus.
Another Idaho Anti-Gay
Ballot Measure
BOISE, Idaho - The Idaho
Statestnan reports that the Idaho
Citizens Alliance will soon
introduce another anti-gay
initiative only 5 months after
voters in the state rejected the
organization’ s first anti-gay
measure. The paper quoted an
!CA spokesman who said the
new anti-gay ~neasure would not
deal with employment but would
aim at restricting how public
libraries and schools deal with
materials relating to
homosexuality. Rights activists
say such a ballot measure would
be a waste of time and money
after last November’s voter
’Morality Police" Attack
Gays in Palestine
NABLUS, West Bank - The
Reuter news service reports that
3 Palestiman men kidnapped a
51-year-old man from his shop
and shot him in the legs 6 times
because they believed him to be
gay. The news agency quoted
unnamed sources that said the
men were part of a group of
"morality police" who had
recently begun kidnapping gays
and prostitutes in the WestBank,
2 others of whom were also shot
in the legs.
Serial Killer’s Victims
May Have Been Gay
they believe a British man,
already suspected of crisscrossing
the globe under false
identities in a string of killings,
may have targeted victims who
were.gay or bisexual ina series
of grisly torture-murders with
links from Mexico to Thailand
to San Diego and San Francisco.
Authorities say John Martin
Scripps, 35, of Hertfordshire,
England, traveled around the
world after escaping from a jail
in Great Britain on drug charges
and is wanted in connection with
at least three murders - and
wanted for questioning about the
mysterious disappearances of
others. Singapore police say they
believe Scripps, who was
arraigned in Singapore on April
18 on charges of killing Gerard
Lowe, a South African man
whose dismembered remmns
were recovered from a harbor in
March, used a 10,000-volt stun
gun on his victims before killing
and mutilating them. Authorities
say Scripps is also a suspect in
the murders of Timothy
McDowall,32, in Mexico; Sheila
Damude and her 22-year-old son
Darin in Thailand; and Tommy
Wenger, 25, in San Francisco.
Gay Poet Immortalized
BOSTON- Earlier this year, the
opera. "Ha?r.vey Milk" had its
premiere ~n Texas, memorializing
the openly gay
politician’ s life. In April, another
opera got its world premiere ~n
Boston immortalizing another
gay icon - Civil War poet Walt
Whitman. ComposerPeter Child
says his new opera, "’Reckoning
Time: A Song of Walt
Whitman," represents the
struggle of an artist to live and
work with in3e~g.~ty during an
era of turmOl£.With librettist
¯ Alan Brody, Child has fashioned
Whitman’.s life intoanallegorical
opera written for the concert
stage, making generous use of
the poet’s own essays, letters,
poetry and other writings.
In "Reckoning Time: A Song
of Walt Whitman," the tide role
is sungbyabaritone. PeterDoyle,
Whitman’s longtime working
class lover, speaks his part, with
the exception of one simple love
song. The plot of the work
evolves through the dialogue
between the two performers.
Aussie ’Gaymes’ Hit By
Far-Right Protesters
ADELAIDE, Australia - The
Australian gay newspaper
Brother/Sister reports that anti--
gay protesters broke into a public
pool where the annual Australian
National Gaymes was slated to
hold a swimming event and used
a dye to stain the pool purple. An
anonymous caller phoned local
newspapers and television
stations and said the vandalism
was the responsibility of the farright
National Action
’Consumer Reports’
Rates Condoms
Issue of Consumer Reports
includes the findings of its test of
reliability of condoms. The
consumer magazine tested 6,500
latex condoms, representing 37
brands. The magazine reports
sbme surprising findings:
Several types of theTrojanbrand,
for example, frequently failed
the air-inflation test, a basic
check of condom elasticity. The
magazine also found that some
brands that advertise as being
"’stronger" were in fact not as
strong as others in its tests. Others
that promote themselves as
"thin" weren’t particularly thin,
the magazine reports, and some
of the thinnest broke more easily.
The best performing brands,
according to Consumer Reports,
were Sheik Excita Extra Ribbed,
Ramses Extra Ribbed and Sheik
Classic. The magazine named
Protex’s Touch condom as the
"’best buy.’"
Cal. Legis. Punts Gays
SACIL~kMENTO, Calif. - The
California Assembly" s education
committee refused on a party~
line split 8-8 vote to send to the
legislature a bill spousored by
lesbian Assembly Member
added sexual orientation to the
state’s educational anti-bias
laws. Opponents of the measure
objected that the measure would
give "special rights" to gays and
lesbians and denounced homo~
sexuals as "ungodly" and "dirty."
Kuehl urged the committee to
send the measure on to the
Assembly, declaring that the
"witnesses for the opposition
make our argument for us. Listen
to what they said here. This is
exactly the hatred we face every
day. This is the .reason we need
this bill. This is the moral decay
at the heart of our society, that
breeds hate and division.’"
Domestic Partners OK’d
Chapel Hill Town Council has
unanimously passed a domestic
partners measure covering
municipal employees. The
measure, the second of its kind
in North Carolina, provides for
family leave and sets up limits
on the work relationships of city
workers and their domestic
partners. The measure also
allows city residents to register
their domestic partnerships,
whether same-sex or oppositesex,
for a $50 fee but extends no
direct benefits.
Kansas City Considers
Gay Rights Measure
LAWRENCE,Kan. -Lawrence,
seat of the Umversity of Kansas,
has become the first city in the
state to extend anti-bias
protections based on sexual Orientation.
The Lawrence City
Commission voted 3-2 to ad~t
sextud orientation to the city’s
existing anti-discrimination
ordinance, which bars bias in
employment, housing and public
accommodation. The measure
must still pass a 2rid reading
before the commissioners, but
there have been no indications
the vote is likely to change when
the added language comes up
again in early May.
Calif. Lobbying Offices
Target of Bomb Threat
SAC1La,MENTO, Calif. - The
offices of the LIFE Lobby, a gay
and AIDS lobbying organization
in Califonfia’ s state capital, were
evacuated after an anonymous
caller telephoned a bomb tllreat
and warned the lobby’ s workers
to "’get out of the building unless
you want to die." Following
closely on the April 24 mailbomb
killing in Sacrmnento of a
blocks from LIFE Lobby’s
offices and the tragic bombing
in Oklahoma City, authorities
took no chances and evacuated
the entire building. No explosive
device was found. Laurie
McBride, LIFE’s executive
director, said the caller had
"wanted to let us kiaow that in
tiffs climate of political violence.
we are hated.’"
Kentucky Mayor Refuses
to Sign Anti-Bias Order
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Louisville
Mayor Jerry Abramson has
refused to sign an executive ordcr
extending anti-bias protectious
to city workers based on scxnal
orientation. Abramson said statc
law restricts control over
personnel policies and practiccs
in Kentucky to city councils.
boards of aldermen and other
legislative bodies, not chicf
executives of the cities. He citcd
a legal.opinion by the city" s law
director in refusing to sign the
executive order. But gay rights
activists disagreed and chargcd
that Abramson was ducking thc
issue. Eric Graninger, legal
counsel for the Fairness
Campaign~ said, "While thc
aldermen can set minimum job
requiremerits for city employees,
the mayor~legally add more."
Graninger.said the city’s law
director was "’building a legal
closet for the mayor to hide in.’"
Far-Right Group Wants
’Pro-Famil y Contract’
Action Network held a press
conference in the nation’ s capital
and proposed a "Pro-Family
Contract with America." The-
CAN "’Contract" calls for
reviving a total ban On ~ays mid
Iesbians in the armed forces and
would restrict federal funds from
going to school districts tlial
provide positive counseling for
gay or lesbian students. CAN
called on Congress to enact its
’:’Contract" or face the prospect
Of a 3rd ~arty being formed.
Rich Tafel, execunve
directory of the Gay lobbying
group Log Cabin Republicans,
warned the GaP leadership,
however, that the far-right wing" s
agenda would divide the party
and undermine the GaP’s
prospects for keeping its narrow
congressional majority. "If the
Christian Action Network is
trying to pick a fight, they’ll get
one," Tafel saidl
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Health Briefs Health
Researchers Find No HIV Risk
from Health Care Worl~ers
ATLANTA - In the largest study of
AIDS transmission from health care
workers to patients done to date, scientists
found.no evidence that the vires was passed
to pataents, according to a report in the
Annals oflnternal Medicine. Many people
in the U.S. have been concerned about the
possible risk of infection after the Centers
for Disease Control & Prcvenuon
determined 3 years ago that a Florida
dent[st., transmitied HIV to 6 ofhis patients.
The new study by the CDC covered more
than 221,000 ~a~ients of 64, physicians,
dentists and other health care.workers
who are infected with the virus. The
researchers found only 113 infected
patients out of the 22,000 examined, and
of those epidemiological and genetic
evidence showed that all came from other
sources, not from any of the health care
2 Pilots Sue United Airlines
LOS ANGELES - T~vo pilots have filed
an employment discrimination lawsuit
against United Airlines, charging that the
airline barred them from flying because
they are infected with HIV. The case is the
first of its "kind filed by commercial airhne
pilots under the" Americans With
Disabilities Act, according to the pilots’
lawyers and some AIDS organizations.
United, the largest airline in the U.S.,
!nsists.that, in the interest of public safety,
it acted correctly in grounding the pilots
under regulations set by the Federal
Aviation Administration. The suit, filed
infederal courtby R. Christopher Prilliman
of Dallas and PaulRafalowski of Laguna
Beach, Calif., c6ritends that the pilots
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
were grounded after the airline learned
they were HIV-positive, despite the fact
that they passed physicals given by United~.
and the FAA earlier in 1994. Uuited~S
medical director, Dr. Gary Kohn, said the
airline received information from the
pilots’ doctors last year "that led us to
believe they had a disqualifying condition"
under FAA standards. Although he
declined to comment on the case, an FAA
spokesperson said that being HIV-positive
does not preclude a pilot from being
approved for flying.
CMV Retinitis Drug Effective
CHICAGO -Small injected doses.of an
experimental drug. have proven to be
effective in checking the devastating eye
damage common among people with
AIDS, according to researchers at the
Uuiversitv of California. According to
reports i’n Ophthalmology and the
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 3
small diuical trials showed the anti-viral
drug cidofovir, which is also -known as
HPlVlPC, stopped the progress of CMV
retinitis for months. Dr. William R.
Freeman, an ophthalmologist at the
University of California at San Diego,
and his colleagues reported in thejournals
that the drug has proven so effective at
this stage in the limited diuical trials that
more than ~ hundred patients, in San Diego
are now receiving "maintenance"
injections regularly. What is not known
yet, however, is whether cidofovir will be
effective over a prolonged period of time
or if patients may begin to develop a
resistance to it.
Dentists and HIV Infection
CHICAGO - According to a survey
published in the Journal ofthe American
Dentcd Association, while more dentists
are willing~o treat patients whoare infected
~"with HIV, many are still reluctant to have
such patients. The survey reported that
67% of the dentists surveyed would treat
such patients, even if they could refer
them to other health care workers..A
similar survey in 1986 found only about
47% of the dentists said they would trea!
infected patients. But the survey alsofound
that32% said they wouldnot pick dentistry
again as a medical career because of fears
of being exposed to HIV. And 75% of the
dentists also said they were afraid to show
any willingness to treat HIV-positive
patients .out.of concerns they might lose
other patients.
Hormone May Curb KS Tumors
LONDON -Ahormone found inpregnant
women, known as human chorionic
gonadotropin, may have an important role
in treating Kaposi’s sarcoma, a skin and
blood vessel cancer that affects ma~.y
patients with HIV, according to a report ~n
the British journal Nature. Dr. Robert
GaHo and other researchers with the
National Cancer Institute report that the
hormone kills KS in the test tube, and that
in experiments with mice it reduced tumors
caused by injections of KS cells. The NCI
scientists found that the injected KS cells,
which normally cause tumors in mice,
were not able Xo do so if they had been
exposed to the hormone before being
injected. Mice that had been treated with
the hormone for a week prior to being
injected with KS cells also did not develop
tumors or developed small ones, the
researcher reported. The scientists also
presented cases of 2 women who had KS,
but whose cancer lesions inexplicably
disappeared during or after pregnancy.
"This is the first demonstration of an antirumor
property of (the hormone), and
offers a new strategy for treating patients
with Kaposi’s sarcoma," the scientists
Condom Breakage Questioned
WASHINGTON - Tests of the new
polyurethane Avanti condom have
produced conflicting results, and the Food
&Drug Administration, which approved
Avanti for sale in the U.S..in 1991, has
called for further testing: Regular latex
condoms break in about 2% of the cases,
according to FDA tests, and Avanti’s
manufacturer London International/
Schmid Labs had presented the FDA with
its o.wn studies that showed breakage rates
ran~ng between 0.4% and 2.1% when it
applied for approval to sdl the condom ~n
the U.S. But 5 subsequent studies by the
National Institute of Child Health &
Human Development and conducted by
the Los Angeles Regional Family Planning.
Council found failure ratesfor the Avanti
ranging from 4% to 15% with an overall
breakage rate of 9.6% - so high a rate that
the council stopped testing the Avanti in
1994 even though all its studies had
involved fairly small numbers of couples.
Dr. Susan Alpert of the FDA, however,
defended the agency’s approval of the
Avanti polyurethane condom, even if it
turns out to have a higher breakage rate,
because up to 7% of the American
population is allergic to latex.
Cancers Linked to Virus
BOSTON - A newly discovered type of
herpes virus causes 2 cancers associated
with AIDS according to a report in the
New England Journal of Medicine.
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¯1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
Health Briefs HeaLth
According to scientists from Columbia
University, both B cell lymphoma and
Kaposi’s sarcoma, are caused by a herpes
. vmas known as KSHV, 1st discovered in
skin lesions of patients with KS. Drs.
Yuan Chang and Patrick Moore report
that the newly identified virus causes all
KS cancers, not just those in people with
¯ AIDS. They.also report f’mding the cancer
virus cells in 8 patients who suffered from
AIDS,associated B cell lymphoma, a
canCer of the body’s immune system.
Requirement Dropped
WASHINGTON-TheNational Institutes
of Health (NIH) has dropped its~
requirement that U.S. drug manufacturers
charge a "reasonable" price for products
developed in conjunction with
government-sponsored research. NIH
Director Harold Varmus said the agency
found that "the pricing clause has driven
the industry away from potentially
beneficial scientific collaborations" with
government researchers "without
providing an offsetting benefit to the
public?’Under the clause, adoptedin 1989
amid protests over the price of the AIDS
drug AZT, the public was supposed to
benefit from drugs produced with the
advantage of taxpayer-funded research.
Once the policy was implemented,
however, companies held backfrom using
NIH research because they could not
guarantee that they would regain an
investment in product development, said
Carl Feldbaum, president of
Biotechnology Industry Organization.
HIV Protein Discovery
WASHINGTON - Researchers have
Briefs Health Briefs
discovered how an HIV protein, called
Vpr, forces its way into ceils. Vpr enters
the cell’s nucleus more quickly than other
proteins andmakes the cell help do itsjob,
found Univ. of Pennsylvania pathologist
David Weiner. Vpr hijacks a protein
naturally present in human cells, one that
moves specific steroid hormones through
calls: Tests showed that some of these
steroids activate HIV production and
suppress immune cells, Weiner reported
in the April 11 issue of Proceedings ofthe
NationalAcademy ofSciences. W~en Vpr
was, added, the protein used the steroids’
cellular pathway to getto the call nucleus
and prompted steroid overproduction to
help it produce HIV. Weiner found that
the abortion drug RU-486, which is known
to block steroid overproduction in other
diseases, also blocked Vpr. HIV-infected
cells treated with RU-486 produced 70
percent less virus than untreated cells, he
found. Weiner warned, however, that it is
still too early to know whether the drug
would work in humans. ~
Test to Predict AIDS Onset?
PITTSBURGH, Pa. - Scientists at the
University of Pittsburgh reported in the
Annals oflnternal Medicine that theyhave
developed a new HIV test that may help
doctors predict how soon people infected
with the virus will develop AIDS.
According to Dr. John Mellors, director
of the Pitt Treatment Evaluation Union
that developed the "branched DNA signal
amplification" test, it may also .help
physicians decide whatcourse oftreatment
is best for each patient. The new test
measures the amount of HIV in the blood
stream, a reliable indicator ofhow rapidly
the individual will become ill with AIDS.
Education cont~dfrom p. 1
’b~the American MedtcalAssoctatton, was
prepared by scientists at the Center for
AIDS Prevention Studies-at UC-San
Francisco, directed by Thomas Coates
and Jeff Stryker. "Carefully tailored,
targeted, credible, and. persistent" AIDS
education eampaigus; the report says, haveproven
highly successful in dramatically
reducing-the spread Of HIV. The report
says thai in San Francisco, an estimated
8,000 people were infected with HIV in
1982 when the epidemichad barely begun~
But 10 years Iater- with intehse preverition
efforts, particularly-among gay.and
bisexual-men, in ethnic communities and
among intravenous drug users - the annual
infection rate had dropped to 1,000,
according to the city’s health department.
As many as 40,000 to 80,000 new HIV
infections are reported annually in the
United States, and the numbers are rising
steadily inmostothercities because"AIDS
is largely a disease of behaviors" and few
communities have faced the problem
candidly, the report’s authors argue.
"Education and prevention efforts for.
AIDS continue to be limited by society’s
unwillingness to explore and discuss
frankly sexual and drug-use behaviors
that risk the spread of HIV infection,"
they say.
Military cont~dfrom p; 1
policy wentinto effect last year he notified
his c.ommanding officer in writing, "I am
Gay Sailor to Remain In Navy=
BALTIMORE’- U.S. District Judge
Joseph Young has ordered the Navy not to
discharge Lt: Richard Selland, who told
.his commanding officer in 1993 that he
was gay. Judge Young granted Selland
an injunction ~that orders the Navy allow
the gay sailor toremain in the Navy while
he continues his court battle againstthe
Pentagon,s "’don’t ask, don’t tell" policy
that continues to exclude gay and.l~sbian
military personnel.
Mom €ont’dfrom p. 1
collecting letters denouncing the decision.
In addition, the Metropolitan Connnunity
Church (MCC) had declared this Mother’s
Day, May 18, a "national day of prayer"
for Bottoms and her partner, April Wade.
Poland cont’dfrom p. l
protections; 6 opposed the prohibitions; 7
deputies abslained. The commission has
recently added a number of liberal
provisions aimed at bringing Poland’s 43-
year-old constitution up to date and more
in line with requirements of the European
Parliament, which already mandates
nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation.
Only one other nation - South
Africa - has included constitutional
protections specifically aimed at barring
bias agaxnst gays and l~sbians.
Accepting Medicare, Medicaid.
private pay andprivate insurance.
Oklahoma owned and operated.
Where have people living with AIDS in the
Tulsa area gone to receive skilled nursing
care in a homelike, loving setting?
Until now - no where......
Announcing the opening of Mohawk Living Center, a facility
specializing in caring for people living with AIDS. Overlooking
beautiful Mohawk Park in North Talsa, our facility is dedicated
to caring for PLWA’s and improving their quality of life through
skilled nursing care delivered by a staff of dedicated professionals.
The staff at Mohawk Living Center invite you to come & tour our new facility.
To arrange a tour or for more information, call our offices at 918-425~1354
Mohawk Living Center
3910 Park Road ¯ Tulsa, OK- (918) 425-1354
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Reporter Tulsa Oldahomans for Human Rights. P.O. Box 52729 Tulsa, OK 74152
May/June 1995 Volume 15 Number 5
The views e.~pressed elsewhere in Tulsa Fame.Iv News are not necessarily the views ofTOHR. Permission is
granted to reprint information contained within the TOHR Reporter page along with other itemv, under the
b.vh’ne. "submitted by TOHR ". contained elsewhere in Tulsa Family Ne~,s.
~ Letter from the President:
Another month has gone by and what a great one it has benn. I would like to thank everyone who has made a monthly pledge or donation to the Community
Center. We .are still working very hard to make this vision a reality. Remember the monthly pledges are an integral part of our financing package so please give it
some thought as we can all benefit from a Community Center.
T.O.H.R. is continuing to grow and our programs are expanding. We have appointed Claudette Peterson as directorof HIV Programs. Claudette will supervise the
additiona employees and administer Ihe grants currently in place as well as the ones we are still waiting to hear from. Let’s all welcome Claudette and give her a big
THANK. YOU for her hard work, Claudette has already proven herself to be an invaluable asset to T.O.H.R. through her previous position as Clinic Director,
I would like to thank Rob Hill for the educational Seminar presented to the Helpline volunteers. We plan to repeat thisseminar inthe very near future so that those who
were unable to attend will have the ability to participate. Thanks again Rob. ¯
picnicThperideever~picniCLet youjrUiSstpRiDEaroundshowthe comethrfiosarndfestiveWe needdayinV°luntepearSrkth.e to man the .T.O.H.R. booth and help clean up the park. Your participation will insure this to be the best
T.O.H.R; FOLLIES 1995 is well into the planning stage with the date setfor June 30th at All Souls in Emerson Hall. This will be one of our largest fundraisers of the year
so let’s all come out and support the 6rganization as well as the performers. The money from the Follies goes to supporting ortgoing programs of T.O.H.R.
Please attend the monthly meeting or a T.O.H.R. sponsored event, we rely on your participation to continue these programs.
By and for but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Pdghts
Finger Stick Method
Every Thursday Evening
7:00-8:30 p.m
4154 So. Harvard
Suite H- 1
Membership Application
City State
[] I would like to x~luntecr help with:
[] HIV Counselor
[] Event Planning and Party Preparations
[]Yes I want to be a contributing member
of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights.
Please accept payment as described below:
[] $10 Limited Income/Student Membership
[] $20 Regular Membership
[] $35 Organizational/Household Membership
[] $100 Sustaining Membership
[] I am currently ~¢¢iving TOHR mailings
and the Tulsa Famil~ News
[] I am not on the mailing list
[] Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual He!pLine
[] Executive Board Member
[] Monthly Meeting Support
ommunitp enter -
Monthly Pledges Center Stage
One Time Donations
,_.._ $100 Mo. Spotlight
$75 Mo. $2500 - $5000
. $50 Mo. Lead Actor
. $45 Mo. $1500 - $2499
.. $40 Mo. Supporting Actor
, $35 Mo. $750 - $1499
$20 Mo. Cast Member
$10 Mo. $300- $749
Mail to TOHR Audience
P.O. Box 52729 $100 - $299
Tulsa OK. 74152 Extra
Attn: Center $
Wish List For TOHR Clinic_
(We are adding staffbut have no more
$ for equipment)
9:45, Moming Worship Service 11:00.
2627-B East 11th. Call 583-7815. for Info.
BLGA - University of Tulsa. 6:30 p.m.
Canterbury Center.
Methodist) - Evening Worship Service
6:00. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
Worship Service 11:00. 5451-E South
Mingo, Call 622-1441 for Info.
Worship Service 10:45 - 1623 North
Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
THE BANNED - Gay Band - Practice
weekly in OKC. Call 838-2121 forlnfo.
begins at 8:45. Sheridan Lanes 3121
South Sheridan.
MINISTER’S CLASS - Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center. 7:30 p.m. 2627-
B East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info.
Study 7:00. MCC of Greater Tulsa 1623
North Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
7:00. 2627-B East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Potluck 6:30.
Bible Study 7:00. Choir Practice 8:00.
5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for
WOMEN - 7:00. Women’s support group.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale.
Call 838-7232 for Info.
meeting 7:30. Family of Faith
MCC. 5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-
1441 for Info,
HIV TESTING - TOHR Clinic. Free and
Anonymous testing using flngerstick
method. No appointment required. Walk
in test hours: 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Results
Hours: 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Call 749-4194 for
PRAYER TIME - 7:00 p.m. MCC of
Greater Tulsa. 1623 North Maplewood.
Call 838-1715 for Info.
practice 9:30 pro. Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th St.
weekly at 11:00 pm. Provides confidential
support for recovering addicts.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale.
Call 838-7232 for Info.
CAR WASH - To benefit Family of Faith
MCC. Quik Trip on 71st across from
Sam’s. Donations only.
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232
for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE -6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
.Community of Hope - 1347 North Yale.
Seventh of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHPJCommunity of
Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for Info.
TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-
4297 for Info.
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154 South
Harvard - Lower Level. Call 583-5147 for
IMAY 18-21 I
Central District IOK, TX, LA, AR) Southern
Hills Marriott at 71st and Lewis.
Workshops/Services/Banquet. Keynote:
Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson. Call 622-1441
for more Info.
IMAY ls-21 I
Retreat. Roman Nose State Park.
Sponsored by Heriand of Oklahoma City.
Call 405-720-0044 for Info.
IM,Y 21 I
SERVICE. Call 438-2437 for more info.
Service - 6:00 p.m. at Family of Faith MCC
- 5451-E South Mingo. Also featuring
Tulsa Family Chorale. Call 622-1441 for
IM, Y =2 I
Meeting 7:00 p.m. Call 254-2100 for
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale.
Final week of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/i3ommunity of
Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for Info.
Dave’s. 3310 South Peoria. 6:30 - 9:00
p.m. Call Beeper 646-6455 for more info.
IU,Y 26 - 28 I
State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. Call
405-943-0543 for more Info.
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232
for Info:
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center for
the Homeless. Call 838-7232 for lnfo.
IJ u N E 3
Restaurant - 4307 B South Sheridan Road.
6:30 p.m.
Call 742-8565 for more info.
LAGPAC - The Gathering Place.. ~,154
South Harvard. Meets directly following
TOHR Ad Hoc Meeting. Call 838-1222 for
more Info.
AFFAIRS - Organizational Meeting. Need
~volunteers from other organizations. 7:00
p.m. The Gathering Place. 4154 South
Harvard. Call 838-2121 for more Info.
Meeting. 6:30 Social 7:00 p.m. Meeting.
The Gathering Place. 4154 South
Harvard. Ste. H. Call 743-4297 for lnfo.
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154 South
Harvard - Lower Level. Call 583-5147 for
IJ u N E 8 !
RIGHTS LEAGUE. Muskogee Library.
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Call 682-8204 for
more Info.
IJUN. 10 I
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m, 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232
for Info.
Union High School. $5/ticket. 7:30 p.m.
Call beeper 646-6455 for more info.
iJ U N E 1 2 I
PFLAG PICNIC. 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Call 749-4901 for more info.
IJUN. 1= 14 I
Sponsored by HIV Resource Consortium.
Workshops, Speakers, etc. Space is
limited to first 300. Doubletree at Warren
Place. Call 74g-4194 for more info.
IJu. 14 I
SUPPER CLUB- La Nortena. 6408 South
Peoria. 6:30 p.m.
IJ u N E 21
of Greater Tulsa. Special for Gay Pride
Week. Also includes Family of Faith MCC
and other area churches. 1623 North
Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154South
Harvard - Lower Level: Call 583-5147 for
Info. ~
IJuN~ 24 --,-
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232
for Info.
I u.. 25
GAY PRIDE PARADE. Oklahoma City.
Assemble from 12:00 - 2:00 at the park.
Parade ends at Habana Inn with a party.
Meeting 7:00 p.m. Call 254-2100 for
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
IJ u N E 17
off pride week with a gospel sing at Family
of Faith MCC 5451-E South Mingo. WIll
include MCC Tulsa and other area
churches. Call 622-1441 for more info.
McLain High School. $5/ticket. 7:30 p.m.
Call beeper 646-6455 for more info.
Celebration held at Mohawk Park.
Also booths and information distribution.
Minimal charges for food this year, Beer
still free. 12:00 - 6:00. Call 832-0233 for
IJu. 20
TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-
4297 for Info.
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center for
the Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info.
LAGPAC - Lesbian and Gay Political
Action Committee. Call 838-1222 for Info,
Lesbian Republican Group. Call 832-0233
for Info.
SWAN - Single Women’s Activity Network.
TOHR CLINIC - In addition to Thursday
Clinic Hours (see Thursdays), offers
daytime testing by appointment Monday -
Thursday from 10 am - 5 p.m. Call 749-
41 94 for appointment.
.TOHR HELPLINE - Staffeddaily 8:00 p.m.
- 10:00 p.m. Call 743-GAYS.
TULSA- Tulsa Uniform and Leather
Seekers Association, Call 838-1222 for
SUPPER CLUB - Meets at varying
locations the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of
each month.
¯ . Do you have a group or event that should be listed in the TOHR Community Calendar? If
so, please call us at 838-2121.
Every. effort was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this calendar; however, neither Tulsa Family News nor TOHR assumes responsibility for errors or omissions.
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Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
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Tulsa Office
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Tulsa, OK 74135-2610
by Barry Hensley
Supervisor, Circulation Department
Tulsa City-County Library
Author Robert Donaghe’s first novel,
Common Sons, is just the thing if you’re
looking for some light, spring reading
with a message. In the
small town of Common,
New Mexico, in 1965,
Joel Ree~is going to high
school and workingon the
family farm. A strong,
bright boxer, Jot strikes
up a friendship with Tom,
the quiet son of the new
preacher. Eventually,
straight laced Tom makes
a very public, drunken
pass at Joel and they both
must come to terms with
feelings that they don’t
understand. Joel, an
agnostic, rather easily
accepts the realization of
his homosexuality as
normal, while Tom, after
years of very strict
indoctrinatxon, is torn
apart emotionally.
Eventually, through the
support of the school
coach, Joel’s family, a
Unitarian mimster and a
younger classmate, Joel
and Tom realize that their
dedication and love for
one another is more
important than what the
rest of the town thinks.
The pivotal characters
in this story are the boys’
fathers. Joel’s dad at first assumes that
Joel i~ just going through a phase, but
soon realizes the seriousness of the
relationship between Jot and Tom. He
also understands that his boy has not
changed, only the perception of his son
has changed, and Joel’s courage and
character are still intact. Tom’s father,
howeve{, is a rather simplistic stereotype
of a ruthless patriarch whose religious
belief controls every fiber of his being.
Tom is ultimately banned from his family
and virtually adopted by Jod’s parents.
The thought processes of these characters
may help readers understand what some
families go through when these situations
By c.hoosln~ to
Tom make the
statement that
runrdn~ to the
coasts is not the
way to chan~e
hearts and minds
and prove t~e
T~s is an
uplfftln ovel that
emph~zes the
im~rtanee o~
f mlhes and
reeo nlzln the
dfffergnt forms of
love and
In contrast to Tom’s
father, the Unitarian
minister is also an
important character. He
tries to convinceTomthat
the biblical references to
homosexuality refer to a
lack of commitment or
binding in relationships.
Tom soon realizes that
his relationship with Joel
does not fit this criteria,
since they are loyal and
dedicated to each other.
The interesting setting
of this book, not in an
urbanareaoragay ghetto,
but in a rural village,
makes this book unique
among current gay
fiction. At the end of the
book, a younger classmate
has moved to San
Francisco and writes Joel
andTom, chastising them
for staying in their "hick
town." By choosing to
remain in Common, Joel
and Tom make the
important statement that
running to the coasts is
not the way to change
hearts and minds and
prove the validity of their
This is an uplifting novel that
emphasizes the importance of families
andcommunities recognizing the different
forms of love:and commitment. Common
Sons is an old fashioned love story with
humor and some interesting plot twists
that make an entertaining read.
Other authors of Lesbian and Gay fiction available at the Tulsa City-County
Library include: JosephHansen, Katherine V. Forrest, Robert Ferro, Isabel Miller
and Paul Russell. Check for rifles by these authors at the ~ Readers Services
department of the Central Library, or call 596-7966.
These bookstores welcome Tulsa Family News & your trade:
Barnes & Noble, 71st near Memorial
Media Play, 71st near Mingo
Scribner’s, Utica Square
Can’t find us at your favorite bookstore? Ask them why.
Horvath cont’dfrom p. 1
Before g~ing to Joie de Vivre, Horvath
,kad .prayed; "send me anywhere, but not
the South, Lord." Originally from
Minneapolis, and coming into the
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches from a Presbyterian
background, Horvath had some culture
shock amving in South Louisiana, in the
heart of Jimmy Swaggart ministry. Joie
de Vivre’s congregation was diverse. Part
French Catholic, part Baptist with some
Pentacostal thrown in, Horvath found
herself merging traditions- empowering
Baptists and Pentacostals to genuflect and
Catholics to raise their hands in praise as
each felt moved to do so.
Horvath said that local Catholic priests
had fewer objections to their parishioners
being involved with a Gay/Lesbian
inclusive congregarion than to those folks
leaving the Catholic Church - Gay was ok
but if you leave the Catholic Church,
you’re going to hell! Pastor Horvath adds
that the Universal Fellowship of
Metropolitan Community Churches
(UFMCC) allows joint membership in an
MCC church as well as another - such
another Protestant or Catholic
Horvath is committed to a "strong
empowermentof the laity" and to growing
the churches she leads. In Baton Rouge, a
city of about 350,000, attendance rose
from an average of 19 per Sunday to 70
per Sunday.
While Horvath notes that MCC’s are
not a "Gay churches," they are open and
affirming of all, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgendered, and Heterosexual. She
adds that while the Church cannot be
closeted and fill its mission of a healthy
way to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or
Transgendered, individuals who cannot
be open can be part of the church.
?Sexuality and sex are gifts from God.
God created sex to be pleasureful though
it can be abused to hurt ourselves andto
hurt others..." Horvath and her spouse,
Barb hope to serve as role models of
healthy ways of being Lesbian and Gay.
Family of Faith services are held on
Sundays at l lain, on Wednesdays a
potluck dinner is held at 6:30, followed by
Bible study at 7pm.
Prayer p. 1
Rwanda, and the ongoing violence in
Bosnia are the most .horrible examples.
We also pray to end the more subtle forms
of hate that poison our communities. We
condemn the anti-Arab sentiment thai
began to show its ugliness just after the
Oklahoma City bombing. We are grateful
that our Lesbian and Gay communities
were not falsely accused because we know
that such an accusation would provide the
excuse for violence based on the hate that
already exists. While we pray for fair
treatmentforall people, wepray especially
for an end to the prejudices of
heterosexism, sexism and racism in the
Church. We pray that the Church will no
16nger allow itself to be used as men’s and
women’s means of oppressing others who
are different from themselves."
The National Day of Prayer was
coordinated by Focus on the Family, a
radical right religious/political
organization. Tulsa Congressman Steve
Largent serves on the advisory board for
the effort. Other groups in Tulsa marked
the day With a lunch at a downtown hotel
attended by Cathy Keating, wife of
Oklahoma’s governor and Terry Largent,
the wife of Congressman Largent.
¯ Save 50% & More
on New Books.
¯ Choose from thousands
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1130 South Harvard
Open M-F 10-7, Sat. 1,0-6
Sun. 12-5
Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Tulsa
Where God Uplifts All People
Sunday Service, I0:45 am
Wednesday Service; 6:30 pm
Home Cell Groups, 2nd & 4th Sundays
1623 No. Maplewood, Tulsa 74115, 838-1715
¯ Sunday Services 1 I:00 am ¯ Wednesdays 6:30 pm Potluck
7:00 pm.Bible Study ¯ 8:00 pm Choir Practice
] To dojusttce, love mercy & to walk humbly with our God... Micah 6:8
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
Your Credit Record
by Leanne Gross
Cash worked just fine for our
ancestors. They would go to the
market, select what they needed,
& hand their dollars, rubles, or
plasters over to the merchant. In
some societies, barter was the
practice: a bushel of corn for a
bucket of fish. A receipt or a
paper trail for tax purposes was
not part of the transaction.
Today, it’s not unusual to carry
just enough cash to make it to the
next automated teller machine.
Credit has evolved into the
currency of choice. Between gas,
groceries, department stores and
major credit grantors like VISA,
Master Card & American
Express, most of us are toting an
ever-growing ~senal of shiny
plastic debit car~.s in our wallets.
That, no matter how you feel
about the phenomenon, makes
your credit ’history more
important than ever.
Because creditors are in the
business of making money, they
issue cards only to people
deemed worthy credit risks.
Before granting approval, your
application is always screened
by a commercial credit bureau.
There are three major national
companies with offices in most
large cities: Equifax Credit
Information Services, Trans-
Union Credit Information Corp.
& TRW Corp.
All creditors have slightly
different criteria for granting
credit. Generally, it’s based on a
point-scoring system keyed to
factors such as income, level of
education,how long you’velived
at your present address, what
kinds of assets & checking/
savings accounts you have, your
promptness in paying bills and
similar socio-economic information.
CCCS, a non-profit
organization supported by major
credit grantors & corporations,
offers free counseling service and
budget planning through office
across America. Call 800-388-
CCCS to find out where the
nearest office is.
If it looks like you’re going to
fall behind to the point where
you may not be able to meet you
monthly minimum payments,
you should immediately notify
the credit grantor. If you have a
good reason & you expect to be
able to solve the problem in a
reasonable amount of time, most
~orantors are open to working
mething out. Thecredit grantor
wants to collect his/her money at
the least cost possible. If he/she
knows up front what the problem
. tlbe
Frank Green, J.r. Host
50 Wall Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
"for a Taste ofLocal Flavor"
Jim & Brent Invite.You to
Cafe &
Care: Gay-owned Bar: Gay-friendly
253-7457 273-6723
#10 Mountain at Center
Historic Downtown Eureka Springs Arkansas
Serving Lunch & Dinner, Noon to 10pm
Eclectic Menu * Moderate Prices
is & when he/she can reasonably
expect to be paid, hetshe.won’t
have to invest ~ap.~ore time or
money into g~d~"’that ~count
The U.S. Federal Trade
commission cautions against
relying on commercial credit
repair companies that offer to
miraculously clear up any
financial troubles you might run
into. The only thing that can
repair a credit history is time &
the reconciliation of your debts.
Credit repair companies may be
able to help you to manage your
debts (for a fee), but so can nonprofit
groups like CCCS, credit
unions, & community extension
services affiliated with local
Though they utilize massive
data banks & sophisticated
computer systems, creditbureaus
are run by human beings. An
occasional mistake in your credit
historyis possible. Ifyou’vebeen
denied credit for no apparent
reason, you have the right, under
the fair credit reporting act, to
ask the bureau for an explanation
& a copy of your file if you act
within 30 days. ffyou choose to
dispute the accuracy of anything
~n your file, you need to notify
the bureau in writing, explaining
the diso:epancy. The credit
bureau then investigates the
matter. If their claim cannot be
verified or is found to be
inaccurate, the information
you’ve challenged will then be
deleted from your report. On the
other hand, if you disagree with
the results of their investigation,
you have the right to have a brief
statement explaining your side
of the story added to your file.
For this reason,many financial
counselors recommend that you
examine your credit bureau
report every 3 - 4 years. All credit
bureaus are required to forward
a copy of the consumer’s file
upon request. If the request isn’t
tied to a specific appeal, there is
usually a $10 - $15 charge.
Like it or not, the mountain of
junkmail credit card solicitations
we receive every week is
evidence thatthe credit culture
is here to stay. In many ways,
cash&barter systems weremuch
simpler. Stuffing a fish in those
envelopes would be impractical.
A Piano Powerhouse.t
Friday, June 9
7 p.m.
Chapman Music Hall
Tulsa PAC
Tickets: $10-$12 adults
¯$10-$8 chil&’eniseniors
Call: 596-7111
Winner, 1992 International Nautnburg Piano Competition
His sold-out Tulsa debut last year was among the
most talked about performances of the season.
RAIN-Oklahoma, an interfaith AIDS service organization, is
seeking an Executive Director (position based in Oklahoma
City). Successful applicant will have a demonstrated ability
to work within and across cultural lines and within the
religious community. Otherrequirements include aBachelor’s
Degree, three years experience in the field of HW/AIDS,
experience in personnel management in the human services
setting, Oklahoma certification as an AIDS Educator (or the
ability to obtain same). Salary range - $30,000-35,000 and
benefits, depending on experience. Resumes to ED Search
Committee, 924 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City OK 73102.
RAIN is an equal opportunity employer.
Tropical Caribbean
Feb. 11-18,1996, $795-1950
Deep Caribbean
Feb. 18-25,1996, $795-1950
Mexican Riviera
March 17-24,1996, $795-2495
French Canada
June 30 - July 7,1996, $895-2295
International Tours
The Homefront I
Author of SellTrac 2000, a
¯sales training programfor loan
officers and Realtors, Bud
Wharton is a national speaker,
sales trainer and mortgage
banker. Bud addresses thousands
of industry professionals
each year, training in the areas
of business development,
technical expertise and motivation.
Buying a home is something
mostofus look forward to. All to
often, the "looking forward to"
ends in a reluctance to pursue the
dream based on our assumed
knowledge ofhow bad our credit
.report looks. This is so prevalent
in American thinking that
consumers continue to believe
their credit rating will be the #1
reason for credit denial. The gay
andlesbianculture is notimmune
from this notion either and it is
often compounded by the ~’vSinCgOnbcaedpticornetdhiattabreeinsgogmaeyhaonwd
synonymous terms.
Nothing could be further from
the truth. Yes, credit is important
but it is not all-important! In fact
the real problem in dealing with
credit issues in the mortgage
process is not so much how bad
the creditis, but rather the lenders
inability to help the borrower
understand just how to address
.the problem successfully. This
~s somewhat philosophical in
nature, the difference being
attitude: why vs. why not or basic
solution orientation.
A good analogy as to how to
deal with credit issues (or at least
our perception of what equals
unacceptable credit) is to understand
the common denominator
between some forms of religion
and credit. An excellent analogy
as both subjects yield a reward
based on the assumption of
goodness, acceptance or
approval. Becausewe sometimes
screw-up, we find ourselves in
need of forgiveness. Religion
advocates prayer and contrition
to reconcile ourselves, thus
fulfilling the forgiveness
equation and the slate is wiped
clean. Credit on the other hand
offers a similar concept as
absolution for bad credit can be
achieved using similar principles,
except the prayer part
must be written as opposed to
spoken. Who are we writing to?
The underwriter (God) of course
who has the power to grant
understanding and c’onciliatibn
based on circum~anees, ones
pattern of credit use or abuse and
what is being done or has been
done since the last incident to
correct the problem. The power
is really in your argument!
Easy-does-it! Simply pray in
writing vs. orally. Your ability
to articulate in writing is
important, but not to the degree
that you need to be a Pulitzer
"Rdi~ion advocates prayer
and contrltlon_Credlt
on the other hand offers
a similar concert, as
absolution for ba~l eredlt
can be aehleved..."
Prize winning author. This.is
where your lender can help.
Think of them as your attorney
presenting your case before a
judge. They should know how to
do flaeir job and represent you;
articulatingin terms andmethods
of argument acceptable to reason
and logic compelling the
underwriter to understand and
accept your viewpoint.
Why bring it up? Your goal is
home ownership. Standing
between you and that goal may
be your credit report or your
perception of your credit
standing. If there is an obstacle,
any obstacle, it’s important to
understand that the obstacle,
whatever it is, does not mean an
automatic no. When confronting
this situation it is important to
think in terms of over, under,
around or through! That’s how
problems are solved. Andif your
loan officer doesn’t understand
that ~e you need another loan
officer. After all, who do they
think you are anyway, the
If you’ve been staying away
from exploring the opportunity
of owning your own home
because of what you think your
credit looks like; stop and get it
together. Here’s what you need
to do. First of all, contact your
mortgage lender and ask to be
prequalified for a home loan
Make an appointment to meet
with them. If they want to do it
all over the phone, they obviously
don’t care enough about you, the
customer, to invest the time in
meeting with youpersonally. The
personal meeting is important.
You’ve got a sales job to do and
part of that is being comfortable
that this loan officer is capable
of understanding your circumstances
and needs and your
developing confidence in them.
Not all loan tracers are created
Second, you want them to pull
a credit report and there are two
types of reports. The first is a
basic credit profile pulled from
three different bureaus and
should be done for you at no
cost. The second type of report is
more extensive and involves the
reporting agency verifying
employment, checking public
records and interviewing you the
borrower for accuracy of data.
This report costs about $60.00.
Anyone who’s up to speed in
today’s business environment
can have your full credit report
(the first type mentioned) in a
matter of a minute or two and
again, there should be no cost for
this service. If the lender wants
to charge you, again it’s time to
find a service oriented lender
willing to invest in you as their
prospective customer.
As you review the report with
your loan officer be open and
candid about whatever might be
disclosed. This will allow you
both to brainstorm strategies in
structuring your explanation of
any derogatory information. If
you have experienced a
bankruptcy, don’t worry about
it, just explain it. Solutions to
this are commonplaceand it
doesn’t take an entire lifetime to
Included in this prequalification
will be an analysis of
your income and employment
history. Combined with your
credit profile, you may qualify
formore than youever imagined;
and sooner too[ But then there’s
the cash requirements. How
much do you need and do you
really have to save it up? This is
the subject ofournext discussion
(Editors Note: Bud Wharton
is Vice President ofMortgages
By Design, Inc., Claremore. OK;
serving all ofGreen Country.)
That’s all the time it takes to say "We Understand"
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PRIDEoyo mp
Renting and considering Buying? Moving up or
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i t~ ~" Mortgages By Design will
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For each10an closed, we will donate $100.00
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Serving Tulsa and
Sat. 5/13, 11pm Bad Girls Are Back!
Robbie Walker, K~is Kohl, Natasha Hall & GuesL,
Sun. 5/14, Tim’s 8th Annual 36th Birthday
Taurus, Mother’s Day & Full Moon Blowout
Sat. 5/27, Hollywood Creations
(5 hot guys!)
1229 So, MEMORIAL, 835-5083
" New CDs $16.99-I 1.99 "
pre-owne.d. CDs $7.99-8.99
W.e II give you $4,88
TOr your used Cds.
Pride cont’dfrom p. 1
interested in having a booth should contact
Tomfoolery! at 832-0233.
....Follies~ A TOHR tradition continues. The
plans for the 1995 TOHR follies are well
under way. Follies has been one of
TOHR’s largest fund-raisers. This year’s
theme is "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert",
& it will mark the follie’s 15th year.
The Follies will be held on Friday, June
30th, at All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952
S. Peoria. The doors open at 7:30pm with
the show starting at 8:00pm. Advance
tickets are $8.00, & they can be purchased
at Tomfoolery (in the Silver Star Saloon
at 1565 S. Sheridan); Floral Design
Studios, 3404 S. Peoria; & Budget
Window Treatments, 7116 S. Mingo.
Tickets will also be available the day of
the Gay Pride Picnic at the TOHR booth.
It’s not too late to be a part of this
wonderful event. For more information,
call the TOHR helpline at 743-4297.
...,_,o~e cont’dfrom p. 1
Several of Tulsa’s most well known
community volunteers, Joan Flint, Terry
Williams, and Peggy Helmerich lent their
names and energy to the event.
Businessman Charles Faudree came up
with the idea originally and was joined by
P.S. "Pat" Gordon, Judy Fisher, Francis
Fisher, Julie Kruger, Ouida Merrifield,
Sally Minshall, Monnie Mooberry, Patty
Orbison, Nancy Renberg, Francesanne
Tucker and Nancy Vaughn on the
organizing committtee.
Patrons were entertained at a May 4
event held in several homes that were not
on the general tour. The final patrons
event will be held at George Kravis’ new
home on June 21. Many, many businesse
contributed to this event but Michael
Bennett, Steve Wright, Rusty Brumble,
and Mark Lackey (Lackey of Cuisine by
Design) were recognized for their
The 1995 Oklahoma .HIV/AIDS
Conference will be presented by the HIV
Resource Consortium. on June 12-14 at
the Doubletree Hotel, Warren Hace. The
conference title is "Caring...for each other,
sharing...our stories, and nurturing...our
spirit." Space is limited. Call Beverly
Stanley at 749-4194 formore information.
Gay Mothers’ Support Group
A self-led support group for Gay morns is
meeting to deal with the ma~y challenges
and issues facing Lesbian mothers.
The group is free and open to all Gay
morns. It meets Thursdays at 7pro at
member’s homes. Call for info. 742-1313.
Sat. dune 3, Pride Pteni¢ #enefit Show, IO:3O#m
$3 cover includes beer bust, $I dud Dry Dottles all nitel
2405 E. 4dmlral O.oeu Tues.-Sun. $g2-434# Parking in #~¢k
South Tulsa
GWM has
room to rent in
large 3
preferably to
same. Must be
trustworthy and
first month’s
rent & deposit
required. $250
per month,
cable TV, all
utilities & basic
Call 493-2868.
Robert, GBM, 26, Ikg for GM to be my
friend and companion- =38530
Oklahoma City DANNY, 22, 6’2,
blk/brn, looking for GWM 20-30, for
friendship, pass tel if ur interested, like
swimming going out having fun- give me a
call- =38627
Oklahoma City DAVID 27, stable,
secure, looking for a basic honest guy
interestecl in a tel- =38757
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Call: 1-900-786-4865
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Oklahoma City OUTDOOR LOVER:
Greg 25, GWM iso fun and love
outdoors, 6’3, professional, g~ve me a call,
looking for someone no games, like to go
out and have fun but not really into the bar
scene- =38923
Oklahoma City ANDRE 20 looking for a
gay man, in the area, give me a ca11-
Oklahoma Cily SHE MALES: Tracy, int in
meeting 1V’s She Males, in the area give
me a call- bye! =39139
OK TONY 24 6 215 brn/brn, mustache,
goatee bind hair, hairy, love 3 stoogeslooking
for a father figure, Marlboro man,
very romantic, Iv a message and VII get
back to you as soon as I can, hopingMr.
Right Ikg for monog tel only- =39172
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down ,what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
Oklahoma City BOB, like to have same
fun, 47, looking for 18-50, give me a ca11-
OK DISCREET FUN: John,i6’, 172
bm/bm, Ikg for married guys who are
looking for discreet fun, givelme a ca11-
Tulsa LIKE TO MEET: Mike, 35, 6’1,
brn/bm 195. like to meet talk to people, if
ur int, like to have fun and a good time,
give me a call- =39587
Tulsa BRIAN 21, GWM, 6’I, 220,
like romance, vers, Ikg for long term
monog tel, someone to start one with, iso
profq GWM open minded, ages 20-40,
Ikg for someone who likes to have a good
time, would have intell conversation-
Oklahoma City CAMPING AND
COMPUTERS: Robert 28 BIWM married
looking for someone int in a discreet rel, if
that’s you Iv a message-int are camping,
computers, really int in hearing from you-
Gene, WM, 50, 190, blu/blnd, int in a
lasting rel, down to earth, not into bars,
like video photography camping fishing
and quiet eves at home gardening, just
relaxing and enjoying each other- u be
30-50- =39758
Oklahoma CityLOOKING FOR A
---FRIEND:-35, looking for pass rel;-friends,~ -
and just be honest, will reply to allblk/
gm reed build attr- Thanks! =37313
Oklahoma Ci~/LOOKING FOR A
LOVER: Mark looking for someone
to have a rel with, 24, give ~ a
call- thanks- =37392 ~
Bay PEN PAL: Ricki, 29, int in
males, 18-30, 6’I 150, int in
any guy writing to me -write asap-
Tulsa FUZZY CUDDLER: looking for a
fuzzy cuddler, WGM 36 bm/blu 155
vers (+) hlthy attr, isa fun with another pas
attitude person,if this sounds good Iv a
message- =37586
E. Tulsa GWM 19, 5’!0, 140, dk
blnd/grn, isa young cln cut companion,
18-26- =37612
Oklahoma City DISCREET FUN: 36 Brn
grey hair 170 6’1 good shape like to
meet 18~30 for discreet fun, give me a
call- inexp a plus- wanna have some
fun, call me- =37691
Oklahoma City WANNA DATE?
Lance looking for someone in the area
28 145 sandy bind blu; med build,
iso somearie be~veen 18~30 nice
looking like to go out to movies, go do’
something, or stay here and watch movies,
give me a call- =37738
Oklahoma.City FRIENDS AND FUN:
WM, 40s Masc iso str ading guys with
slim musc builds for friendship fun,
AR FONE,FUN: Kenny int in meeting
other guys,~ and doing interesting things
and lone fen, give mea call- =37906
Tulsa POSSlB~ LOVER: Alan, 6’2 17.5,
dk bm/blu hairy defined build, looking to
get together for good times, pass
relationship- =37945
Tulsa PART~ BOY: GBM 33, musc
build, seeks masc men, 25-40 race
unimpt, party boy, likes to pan’y- =38092
Tulsa NEW TO AREA: 34, want to meet
new guys, new to the
area, for
Ikg for
first, Ikg for
good caring
people to share
times with give me
a call- =38169
Tulsa DISCREET FUN: 27, 6’ 180 med
build, professional looking for same
private discreet fun,w/someane 18-29 fit,
bm/.blu grn~ int give me a call- =38255
HIKING: Cliff bm/bm, WM, fun to be
around, camping hiking, isa a guy to have
fun or friendship- =38463
180, bin/bin, iso guys between 21-30 for
friendship loss tel, attr, like outdoors,
movies reading and dining out if ur
intereasted give me a tall- =38358
Tulsa INUJ~RIENCED: Mitch, bmgrey/bm
35, ve~ smooth, inexperienced, eager to
meet similar, smoker, thats abeut iF =22668
GWM, isa a tel, 50, 190, blu/blnd, Ikg
for someone 30-50, love photography,
camping, fishing, gardening, qual time
with my lover, only those ~incere need
apply- =36350
FRIEND: Donfiy, int are spending time
with my companion, dinner,
shopping,looking for a friend, I’m 20 isa
18-40, long sh6rt brn hai~’, 5’6, attr, Ikg to
have a good time and spend time
together- =36404
SAME: GWM Ran, 6’,
blnd/gn, 185 44c 30w,
so GWM non
smoker, 25-40 Iv a
message- =36407
Oklahoma City
5’0 bm/hzl, vers
likes bowling
movies tired of bar
scene iso GWM
for friendship
maybe more-
Stillwater BI WM:
Virgin WM iso other bi
wm to have fun with, give me
a call Bill- ~36630
Oklahoma City DON 47, want a hot
guy, give me a call- =36792
Tulsa MITCH: 35 5’10, 165, bm/bm,
Smoker, very smooth and very inexp
and Ikg to meet with someone for
friendship loss rel, g~ve me a ca11-
Ft. Smith NEWLY SINGLE: Joe, just
ended a 6 yr tel, looking to meet new
friends, 37, bm/blu, 6’, 175, if ur
interested, give me a call- work nights,
home days- =36985
What be~ter way to spend your
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Muskogee JB, if u would like Iv a message
I’m professional 6’1 190, Ikg for someone
to have some good times with, =37018
AR SHARE MY UFE: Kenny, looking for
a man to share my life with, talk to and get
to know, give me a call- =37263
Tulsa DISCREET FRIENDS: Randyl attr
35 married bi wm, iso daytime fun, 25-
40, discreet friends-=28807
recently divorced 6"2 200~ brn/blu, like
hairy men and cowboys, like to ride
hawgs to like to get~gether with you too-
Bob, GBM 33, 5’7, 155, iso sim WM to
date and much more Fm bright;honest
handsome like life and learning, like most
entertainment, give me a call- =29444
Tulsa’s Lorgesl & H~esf Dance Club
Live DJ & Light Show
Mr. Robbie Walker & The Sunday Slam
(Pa~ris Grey, Kris Kohl, Ivana B. Real & Michde Ross)
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No Cover Thurs.
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Sunday, 5/21
Gay Pride Picnic Benefit
Variety Show
Sunday, 5/28 10:30pro
Miss Silver Star Pageant
Show Night at the Star
Beginning Sunday, 6/4
With FaHon Scott & Friends
No Cover, Out of State Entertainers
$4 Beer Bust 9pro-lain, $1 Rattlesnakes
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4345 N. L~COLN BLOt)
1-800-741-2741 or (405) 528-2741
(405) 521-1378
1-800-880-1053 or (405) 737-5353
(405) 478-4820

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/498.