[1995] Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 7
[1995] Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 7
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
June 15-July 14, 1995
James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 6
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart June 15 -July 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 7
by Tom Neal
In the African-American
community, there are men who
have sex with othermenbut who
do not see themselves as Gay or
Bisexual. These men may never
be reached by messages target
Gay & Bi men about safer sex
and HIV/AIDS. Reaching these
men is part of the mission of
Friends in Unity Social
Organization (FUSO), a three
year old community based
organization (CBO) that is run
by and for African-American
men of diverse sexual
See FUSO, page 16
British Court Rejects
Military Ban Challenge
LONDON - Britain’s High
Court has reluctantly thrown out
a bid to allow homosexuals to
serve in the armed forces. The
court rejected a legal challenge
by four service members
dismissed for being gay.
However, the judge said the
Bfiti.shpol icy probably wotfldn’t
survive much longer because it
was "against the fide of history."
Jeanette Smith, Graeme
Grady, JohnBeckett and Duncan
Lustig-Prean challenged the
Defense Ministry in the High
Court, but lost the appeal -
although not without moral
support from the court. Lord
Justice Simon Brown said he
was refusing the application with
"hesitation and with regret" but
he said that the decision on the
future of the policy must lie with
others, specifically with the
government and with Parliament.
After the court ruling, the four
discharged service members and
their supporters held a press
conference where spokeswoman
Angela Mason said they were
considering an appeal of the twojudge
High Court ruling. The
imnistry saidit was satisfied with
the ruling. Defense Ministry
spokeswoman Ailsa McIntyre
said at a press conference
following the court ruling, "We
See British, page ]2
Rec~auy Tulsa lost one of its
most passionate activists to
complications of AIDS. Mark
Vickers, who had only recently
turned 38, left Tulsa and his
world a better place. Mark was
best known for his work as an
HIV/AIDS activist. According
to one of his friends, the Rev.
Leslie Penrose, Mark became
involved in HIV/AIDS issues in
the middle 80’s. Mark was
involved in the formation of the
HIV Resource Cousorfitwn even
"before it had that name.
seepage 6
Canadian Court OKs
Same-Sex Adoptions
TORONTO - An Ontario Court
has cleared the way for four
lesbian couples to adopt children,
in what may be a landmark
decision in the country. "There
is a huge emotional advantage to
a child to be adopted and not to
just be in thejoint custody, but to
have two people that they know
for absolutely sure are their
parents and will always be their
parents no matter what," said
Miriam Kanfman.
Kaufman is the biological
mother of 2 children, Jacob and
Abiva, but her partner Roberta
Benson of Toronto had no legal
fight to adopt the youngsters
before Judge James Paul Nevins
of the Ontario Court’ s provincial
division, declared adoption
limited to opposite-sex couples
was discriminatory. The judge
issued adoption orders for all the
couples in the case. Four lesbian
couples won similar adoption
rights in the case. All four cases
involved couples in which one
of the women was the biolo~cal
parent of the children. It remains
unclear how the court ruling
might affect gay and lesbian
couples trying to adopt when
that’s not the case. Brenda
Cossman, a family-law professor
at York University’s Osgoode
Hall Law School, said the ruling
becomes powerful ammmfition
See Canada, pare 12
See Awards, page 3
Pride Logo by Kelly Vandiver
Lesbian/Gay Pride Celebrations
kick off officially in Tulsa
with the annual Pride PiCnic held
at Mohawk Park Pavilion no. 6.
The picnic begins at noon. The
organizers of this year’s picnic
have designated the Gay &
Lesbian Commumty Center as
the beneficiary of any funds
raised. As in-the past, beverages
are free and there is no admission
fee except a $1 per car charged
by the park at the p~k entrance.
Organizers are requesting a $2
Over the Memorial Day
weekend, several Tulsa activists
journeyed to Dallas to brush.up
on leadership skills at the 2nd
Leadership Lambda Conference
held at the Anatole Hotel. Tulsa
Oklahomans ’for Human Rights
(TOHR) president, Tim Gillean,
Bud Wharton, co-chair of the
Rainbow Business Guild.
businessman Rick Phillips and
Tom Neat, Tulsa Family News
publisher attended a variety of
workshops, ranging from the nuts
& bolts of political campaign
organizing to time management,
and fundraising.
The keynote speaker was
former debutant, former CBS
news producer and ACT-UP
Lesbian activist, Ama Northrop.
Other nationally known work~
shop leaders were Evan Wolfson,
a top attorney withLambdaLegal
Defense and Education Fund.
Dallas board member of the
Human Rights Campaign Fun
(HRCF) Lori Masters and others
representing Dallas organidonation
for food which after zationsandWashingtOnoneslike
~seet~a~e 6 , ’~ the Gay &Lesbian Victory Fund.
Administration Won’t
Enter Amend, 2 Case
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
Administration has declined to
join in an important Supreme
Court case that is expected
determine whether states can
prohibit local legislation
protecting lesbians and gay men
against discrimination.
U.S. Attorney General Janet
Rent said the administration has
decided not to participate in the
Supreme Court case involving
Colorado’s Amendment 2
because the federal government
is not ~ party to the law in
question. Voters in Colorado
narrowly approved the ballot
measure whichwas subsequently
declared unconstitntional by the
state’s Supreme Court. The
measure passed by popular vote
in 1992 specifically bans laws
that prohibit discrimination
against gay, lesbian and bisexual
"There was nofederal program
orfederal statute involved,"Reno
said, "and so we determined thal
at this point the federal
government should not
Amendment 2, which has
spawned a handful of similar
state and local measures
prohibiting gay rights protections
around the country, would ban
all Colorado and local la~vs or
regulations that protec~
See Colorado. page 13
Anti-Gay Court Ruling
in Cincinnati’s Measure
CINCINNATI-Cincilmafi’ s onagain,
off-again anti -gay
measure is now back in place
following a federal appeals court
ruling. The U.S. 6th Circuit
Court of Appeals ruled that a
lower court erred when it
overturned a measure that city
voters approved in 1993 which
excludes sexual orientation as a
basis for civil rights protecnons.
Last year a U.S. District Court
declared the referendum
unconstitutional because it
attempts to deny civil liberties of
an identifiable group of people.
The appeals court ruling,
however, said homosexuals are
"an unidentifiable group or class
of individuals whose identity is
defined by subjective and
unapparent characteristics such
"as innate desires, drives and
Gay rights advocates were
stamaed by the ruling and said
they would appeal to the U.S.
Supreme Court, which is already
slated to hear a similar case
resulting from Colorado’s
Amendment 2.
Rhode Island OKs
Anti-Bias Law
Island has become the ninth state
in the country to approve
legislation prohibiting discrimination
based on sexual
orientation when the state Senate,
after 11 years of trying, narrowly
approved the measure on a 2~-
21 vote.
The "bill, which has already
been approved by the state House
of Representatives, now goes to
Gov. Lincoln Almond, a
Republican, who has already
indicated he would sign the
measure into law.
The bill bars discrimination in
the s tate in employment, housing,
public accommodations and
credit. Religious organizations
are exempt from the state law.
Opponents of the civil rights
bill attempted without luck to
add a series of amendments,
including one that would have
forced the issue to a state ballot
vote and another that would have
specifically excluded the Boy
Scouts of America.
Photos Inside:
Follies Revue&
Family of Faith
National Conf.
~i~rter~" Delegates,
¯ seepage 12
PUB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the’:.~nti*r~:~onten’ts of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1995 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors phi0 does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos U0rrespondence is assumed to be for publication unless other-
Laurie Cooper wise noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Maureen Curtin Family News. All correspondence should be sent to the address
Staff Photographer above. Each reader is entitled to on%free copy of each edition at
JD Jamett distribution locations. Additional copies are available atTomfoolery!
for Tuls~:~~am~)!y News: But this
uncharaE~ri~ti~iz bre~iity doesn’t
mean thatit!’s~not .heartfelt or
true. T~il ~a’~ :’Lesbian/Gay/Bi/
Transgendered Folks, Family &
Friends are!~r.~tty..remarkable and
wondel~t~~2’)~U-i 7:"/ " ¯
Whii~"~{~~h~nly perfect,
we have much about which to be
VIEL- . r sOlq
rnen~ ~tasc_alinitj~
depends on
three;- we, ~
lis folks w:hose
hard Work and dedication we’ve
seen andwantyoU all to know
abotit) They’ve accomplished.
much and there’s more being
planned.of which -to be proud.
Tulsa’s.a great town,that’s jus.t
going tO get bett~r with each of
us helping. - Tom Neal, editor
OOPS! Tulsa~Family News made a
mistake-in ourMay issue, v.2 #6.
We announced the date of the
Oklahoma City Pride Parade as
Saturday, June 24. It is ac.tgally
Sunday, June 25. We regret this
and hope you, our readers, were
not inconvenienced.
. Tulsa Fatnily News wouldlike
to assure our readers that the
inclusion of the announcement
of a Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights (TOHR) Civic
Affairs committee meetingat the,
end of the editorial, Civil Rights
for Tulsa Lesbians & Gay Men.
Who Decides What’s Best for
Us? in no way represented the
views of TOHR nor should
readers infer that the commi ttee
shared our editorial opinion.
While Tulsa Family News
hoped we had made this
distinction clear by identifying
the columnas the editor’s opxmon
and by a disclaimer at the end of
the column, we regret, that some
folks may have perceived it
Although I rarely agree with
vour opinions, I must applaud
your recent editorial regarding
"Civil Rights for Tulsa Lesbians
& Gay Men: Who Decides
What’s Best for Us?". Until the
Human Rights Commission’s
hearings last year, I was not
politically involved at all.
However, when I learned that
my rights and the rights of my
family were being talked about,
I felt it my obligation to become
involved. I find it hard to believe
that I was the only person who
got involved and worked up
about the Gay Rights issue only
to be left out of the decision
making. To those of us who are
not in the know, or who don’t
run in the circles of people that
are privileged enough to hear
about what is going on behind
the scenes, it seems as if the ball
has been dropped.
While I am sure that the same
people who have always been
fighting for Gay rights are still
doing their part and doing it to
the best of their ability, their
failure to inform the commtmity
at large and ask for more
involvement does not promote
involvement from those who
have not been previously
involved. In fact, when people
like me who are interested in
doing their part can’t even seem
to find out what is happening,
who to talk to etc., it nearly
promotes political apathy.
I understand that experience
and tact are useful characteristics
in people who are trying to
change things in the face of the
difficulty that comes from
politics. But, I believe that each
and every person in our
community has useful skills and
life experiences that will aid our
fight against discrimination. Not
necessarily do I want to be the
person sitting and chatting with
the Mayor, but I do feel like a
meaningful discussion between
the entire Gay/Lesbian
community of Tulsa and the
people who are leading the
struggle would benefit everyone.
Thank you for brining this
issue out of the closet. It is my
hope that this will indeed strike
up a dialogue. We’ve given the
Mayor and the City Council
plenty of time with which to
ponder the Human Rights
Commission’s recommendations.
Now, it’s time we talk
about what to do next.
Debbie Harding, Tulsa
Tulsa Family News has not
provided subscripuons directly
prior to this issue. We have
encouraged folks who wouldlike
to receive Tulsa Family News by
mail to join Tulsa Oklahomans
for HumanRights.(TOHR). This
has been our way of supporting
TOHR since a membership in
TOHR entitles the member to a
monthly delivery of this paper.
Recently, we have a complaint
aboutnotreceiving Tulsa Family
News quickly enough by mail.
Wemust direct those complaints
toTOHR. While stafffrom Tulsa
Family News do help as
volunteers with the TOHR
mailing, the organization
controls the timing. Messages
for TOHR president, Tim
Gillean, may be left at743-4297.
Tulsa Family News has also
received several complaints from
individuals who would like to
receive Tulsa Family News but
who do not care to support
TOHR. For those who would
prefer to receive discreet home
delivery directly from Tulsa
Family News (mailed within 3
days of our publication date),
please send $15 for a 12 month
subscription, $8 for 6 months.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Barraccuda’s Wild Nights/Douna’s Crazy Days
2405 E. Admiral
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S, Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston
. .Tulsa Businesses,.Services, & Professionals
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PUB 14011, 74159 747-5466
*Mohawk Pride Center, 3910 Park Rd. 425-1354
Jonathan & Dee Nicholas, Realtors 749-3000, 800-539-7767
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Blue Moon Bakery 492-4918
BroOkside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743~5272
Budget Window Treatments; 7116 S0~ Mingo, Ste. 102 254-2100
Certified Moble Auto Repair 438:3393, pager: 591-0597
*Columbia Place, 1519 E. 15 587-5803
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 " 592-1521
*Devena’ s GalleryTor Photography, 13 E: Brady 587-2611
~Elite Book~ & Videos, 821S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Heirloom Designs, 2814 E. 15 742-5665
*Imagination.s, Lincoln Plaza, 15th &Peoria 584~4606
International Tours. . .341-6866
Ken’s Flo~vers,’I635 E. 15 599-8070
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Major Affairs 587-8108
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
Mortgages by Design ...... 342~4252:
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston 587-8333.
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton 496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan 832-0233
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza 583-1500
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B~E. 11 628-0594
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Friends In Unit3’,
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, PUB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild 254-2100
Rainbow Village, PUB 50403, 74150-0403 599-8423
Save the Nation, Indian Health Care 584-4983
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) PUB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
*Chelsea’s Comer Cafe, 10 Mountain St. 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-5~45
*King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W 800-231-1+42
*Purple Iris Irm, Route 6, Box 339 501-253-8748
*The Woods, 50 Wall S t. 501-253-8281
*Oasis Community Center, 2135 NW 39th 405-525-2437
*Triangle Association, 2136 NW 39th 405-843-8378
Tulsa Family News Pride Awards
The editors of Tulsa Family News encounter many, many folks in the course of
covering news in and about the Lesbian/Gay/Bi communities. To commemorate Tulsa
Pride, Tulsa Family News would like to recognize a number of folks’and businesses with
our "Thumbs Up" and "Thumbs Down" awards. This list is not comprehensive of all the
folks doing good (or bad) deeds in Tulsa. If there are folks whom you think should be
recognized next year, please write us with their names and good/bad deeds. Thank you.
Thumbs Up Award:
Ric & Kelly Kirby - Service to community - TOHR & HIV AdvOcacy
Nancy & Joe McDonald - Service to community - PFLAG
Lisa Pottorf - Lesbian/Gay/Bi,Youth Outreach
Kharma Amos - Service to community - Family of Faith MCC
Derrick Davis & RF Renfro - Service to community - FUSO
- -- Dennis Nei,lt, BiltHinkle .&-Barbara Longwirth -
Service to community - Human Rights Commission
Alice Jones - Eongtime Service to community - MCC Greater Tulsa
Brian Jackson - Service to community - HI3/advocacy
Janice Nicklas - Service to community - HIV advocacy
Phil Wiley & Vernon Jones - Service to community - HIV advocacy & more
Alice Wilder Bates - Service to community - A .Friend for A Friend
Marty Newman.- Service to community - Black & White & more
The Tulsa Worm for its improved coverage of Lesbian & Gay issues.
Tulsa Congressman Steve Largent -
for a historic 1 st meeting with his Gay & Lesbian constituents.
Thumbs Down Award:
Java Dave’s & Dave Neighbors - for responding to bias against Lesbian/Gay
patrons by trying to get rid of Lesbian/Gay and other "alternative" patrons
and for censoring community newspapers.
City Councilor John Benjamin - for promoting prejudice
and for a general disregard for human rights in Tulsa
The Martin ,Luther King Jr. Commemorative Society - for failing to apologize
for’the anti-Gay comments of their speaker at the King ceremonies.
Thursday. June 29
7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Downtown Library
Room next to Aaronson Auditorium
Senators Don Nickles & James Inhofe -
This meeting is called b,y concerned. Gay/Lesbian citizens.
This is a meeting to facilitate communication between
every existing Gay & Lesbian Group in Tulsa. -
for refusing to meet with their Lesbian & Gay constituents. lfyou are livin-o in Tulsa and are parr of the Gay. /Lesbian communi~ the ~ulsa World for its anti-Gay advertising policies. YOU NEED TO BE AT THIS ;V~EETI.N(;.
li= ii-1/-,!3 ,/) II lil
l)pens June I~, I (~am-I Opnn,
June ~/4-,_-11), I~am-midni~ht,
I-4, ~am.midni~ht, July ~, I(~am-~pm
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Gramm Woos Religious
Right With Military Issue
LYNCHBURG, Va. - Sen. Phil
Gramm (R-Texas) told the
graduating .class at Jerry
Fal well’ s Liberty University that
hc would support overturning
the "don’ t ask, don’ t tell" policy
of allowing gays and lesbians in
the armed forces in an apparent
effort by the GOP presidential
hopeful to shore up support
among the religious right wing
of the party. ’~Let’ s overturn Bill
Clinton’s destructive and
unworkable policy on gays-in
the military," Gramm told the
Liberty University commencement
audience, although he did
not specify what policy he
The current policy, however,
was a compromise reached
between Clinton and Senate
- after Clinton said he wanted to
end the ban on homosexuality in
the country’ s military altogether.
Grmnm also said he supports
prayer in public schools,
restrictions on abortions, and
rejection of a UN treaty on
children" s rights because it does
not define a fetus as a child
Phil Gramm’s Blue
Movie Investment?
Grmmn. who als0"Said at Liberty
University that .the country is
facing a "moral’crisis," has
de~fied investing money 20 years
ago in a soft-pore film entitled
"’Truck Stop Women." Gramm’ s
former brother-in-law, George
Caton, told the New Republic
that Gramm had invested money
in the fihn in 1974. Caton also
said the film was never made
mad that he offered to return
Gramm" s money to him, but ttmt
the Texas conservative had i
nstead insisted that it be invested
in a film making fun of former
President Richard Nixon.
Gramm denied investing either
in the porn film or knowing
anything about an anti-Nixon
’Homos’ in the Military
"Duke" Cunningharn (R-San
Diego) turned the sometimes
acrimonious House of
Representatives floor debates
into a particularly nasty affair
Thursday, May 11, by saying
that the people who back an
environmental bill before
Congress are the same people
who "want to put homos in the
military." "Is there any shocking
doubt?" Cunningham said on the
House floor. "The same.people
that would vote to cut defense
$177 billion, the same ones that
would put homos in the military,
the same ones that would not
At this point Rep. Patricia
Schroeder, a Democrat from
Colorado, tried to object by
calling "Mr. Chairman, Mr.
Chairman" several times. But
Cunninghamcuther offabruptly,
saying, "No I will not sit down,
socialist." Rep. Barney Frank(DMass.)
said on the House floor,
"Trying to prove anything to the
Member from California goes
beyond the pale of my oath [of
office], and I won’ t try. I will say
that we are not here talking about
the merits .of that issue [gays in
the military]. We are talking
about the gratuitously bigoted
formulation of it by which it was
injected into this debate.’"
Later Cunningham showed up
at a press conference called by
the Human Rights Campmgn
Fund and was invited by
Elizabeth Birch, HRCF’s
executive director, to apologize
for his remarks. Cunningham
said, "If the term ’homos in the
military’ is offensive, I
apologize." He insisted, however,
that he has not changed his
mind about opposing gays and
lesbians in the armed forces.
General Motors Puts
Ads in Gay Magazine
DETROIT-General Motors has
become the 1st of the country’s
"Big Three" automakers to
advertise in the gay press in the
U.S. The May issue of Out
magazine includes a 2-page ad
ffr GM’s Saturn auto. It is the
. same ad layout GM currently
uses in otherpublications around
the country.
A spokesperson for the
automaker said the advertising
decision was based simply on
"another opportunity to ~each a
group within our market - that
is, people wh~ would Wobably
purchase an import."
British Police Force
Begins Gay Recruiting
BRIGHTON, England - The
pofice in the British south-coast
county of East Sussex have made
history in the United Kingdom
by becoming the first
constabulary in .the country to
solicit gays and lesbians to join
its force. Sussex police have put
ads in Brilain’ s gay Pink Paper
inviting gays and lesbians to
apply for some 350 vacancies
currently openin the force. Wlfile
Britain’ s military forces exclude
homosexuals, the country’s
police services have no such
prohibition. But the Sussex
police are the first in British
history to actively recruit gays
and lesbians as officers.
Mark Lamb, head ofpersonnel
with the Sussex police Said,
"Society is coming around to the
idea that the sexuality of an
individual is no big deal and we
share that view." East Sussex
includes several popularvacation
spots, such as Beachy Head, Rye
and Brighton, which has a large
and politically active community.
The move by the Sussex
police followed a meeting
between John Smith, head of the
Brighton Police, and gay and
lesbian activists.
Buddhists to Perform
Same-Sex Weddings
Tribune,. the newspaper of the
Soka Gakkai International
Buddhist Association, has
reported that the religious group
will now perform wedding
services for same-sex couples,
the same as it now does for
opposite-sex couples.
The newspaper quoted Fred
Zaitsu, SGI’s general director,
who said the change reflected
the Buddhist "spirit of nondiscrimination
and equality."
Soka Gakkai International is the
largest Buddhist religious group
in the United States.
Dyke March in New York
NEW YORK - New York’s
Lesbian Avengers is planning
another Dyke March, slated as
part of this year’s New York
Gay Pride events on Saturday,
June 24. Last year’ s International
Dyke March drew some 20,000
women. The theme of this year’ s
march is "Snatch the Power."
County Revokes Human
Rights Protections.
TAMPA, Fla. - The
Hillsborougia County Commission
has decided on a 4-3 vote to
repeal the "sexual orientation"
section of the county’s human
rights ordinance. Activists had
expected the repeal move after 2
new conservative members were
elected to the commission in last
year’ s elections. Rights activists
said they would challenge the
repeal in court.
Cammermeyer Honored
by Jewish Women
SEATTLE Col. Margarethe
Cammermeyer was one of 3
women given the Hannah
SolomOn Award by the National
Counfil of Jewish Women.
Cammermeyer, the highest
ranking officer to challenge the
military ban on gay and lesbian
service members, was selected
for the honor in recognition of
her work for the rights and
freedoms of others.
Justice Dept. Settles
Military Suit with Pruitt
WASHINGTON - The Justice
Department has settled a 1983
lawsuit filed by Dusty Prultt that
would change her status from an
involuntary discharge from the
U.S. Army because she said she
was a lesbian to a voluntary
retirement with therankofmajor.
Pruitt, a minister with the
Metropolitan Community
Churchin Lakewood, Calif., said
she was ."overjoyed" with the
proposed settlement, which
would allow her to be eligible
for retirement benefits.
North Carolina Film
Festival Controversy
DURHAM, N.C. - Headed by
leaders ofthe county Republican
Party and theChristian Coalition,
scores oflocal anti-gay protesters
showedup attheDurhamCounty
Commission Monday, May 22,
to demand that plans to hold a
gay film festival in June at the
Carolina Theatre should be
halted. Virginia Bunton,
secretary of the Durham County
Republican Party, told the
commissioners, "We would
prefer that the community notbe
exposed to this lifestyle.... We’re
supposed to be protecting our
citizens from some things they
need to be protected from, and
that includes pornography."
Bunton said she had seen none
of the films slated to be shownas
part of the film festival held in
conjunction with the annual
North Carolina Pride ’95
celebrationJune 9-12in Durham.
Even so, Bunton said she intends
to ask the state Attorney General
t o preview the films to determine
if they are pornography under
North Carolina law. The county
commissioners ducked a direct
attack of the film festival, and
instead passed a resolution
asking the Carolina’ s trustees to
provide "parental guidance" for
films that had no ratings and to
consider "downplaying’" its.
advertising for the festi val’s
offerings: - " " " -
Transsexuals Get 2 ID’s
LONDON-With typical British
sang-froid, the LondonTransport
system has announced that it will
begin issuing 2 ID cards to
transsexuals who are in the
processing of changing their
gender. One card will show the
eardholder dressed as a male, the
other as a female to help tickettakers
in the city’s subway
system. To qualify for the dual
ID cards, the individuals must be
under the care of a physician or
Amnesty Charges Rights
Violations in Romania
International, the human rights
watchdog group based m
London, has strongly criticized
whatit says are continuing rights
violations in Romania 5 years
after the overthrow of the
repressive regime of Nicolea
Ceausescu. Amnestycondemned
what it says are restrictions on
the rights of free speech, the illtreatment
or torture of prisoners
and thedetentionofhomosexuals
simply because of their sexual
orientation. Amnesty acknowledged
thatthings haveimproved
for many people in Romania
since Ceausescu was deposed,
but complained that government
assurance that human rights
would be protected had not been
honored and that abuses were
continuing in the country.
ALA Group Announces
1995 Book Awards
CHICAGO - The American
Library Association’s Gay,
Lesbian & Bisexual Book
Awards Committee has
announced the winners of its
1995 book awards. The top
winners were: "Am I Blue?:
Coming Out from the Silence"
by Marion Dane Bauer; "Skin:
Nathanael Mattingly
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¯ News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Talldng About Sex, Class & I~lealth studied 741 gay men in ntence simply:~for.......being state Senate rejected Hurley’s legalrights since it would almost
Literature" by Dorothy Allison;
"Uncommon Heroes: A
Celebration of Heroes & Role
Models for Gay & Lesbian
Americans" by Phillip Sherm an
and Samuel Bernstein. The
awards will be formally
presented at the 25th anniversary
ALA’ s Gay, Lesbian&Bisexual
Task Force conference in
Chicago on June 24.
GLAAD Takes on Mel
Gibson’s Latest Film
Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) took to
the streets to hand out leaflets
outside theaters in a half-dozen
cities protesting the opening of
the Mel- Gibson film
"Braveheart." Ellen Carton,
GLAAD’s executive directory
said, "We can’ t fmd any heart in
’Braveheart.’ There’ s nothing
brave about prejudice and
violence." GLAAD said the
portrayal ofthe gay EnglishKing
Edward II in the film was "a
throwback to the classic celluloid
’queer’ played for laughs." The
film. opened at theaters around
the country on May 24.
Lesbian Rights Group
Gets Huge Grant
National Center for Lesbian
Rights here has received a
whopping $450,000 grant from
the Joyce Mertz-Gilmore
FoundationinNewYork. NCLR
is a public interest law group that
fights discrimination against
lesbians thro.ughout the U.S. The
group says it will use part of its
new funding to beef up
membership, with a goal of
15,000 new members by 1997.
Part of the membership drive
will include setting up its own
home pages on the Internet’ s
.World Wide Web where it hopes
~t can reach thousands ofwomen
with access to few support
Discrimination Adds to
¯Health Problems
NEW YORK - According to a
report in the Journal of Health
and Social Behavior, gay men
who directly experience
homophobia, anti-gay violence
or discrimination are 2 to 3 times
as likely to suffer from
depression, anxiety, stressrelated
sexual problems, suicidal
thoughts and other negative
pressures. Researchers at the
Columbia School of Public
New York City and concluded
that the men who experienced
anti-gay discrimination or
violence suffered significantly
greatermental distress than those
whodonot. The s tudy also found
that those who also blamed their
own homosexuality as the cause
of the discrimination or violence
were even more likely to
experience emotional stress. The
researchers also found that gay
men who had gone through such
anti-gay experiences dealt with
the stress more effectively ff they
"felt connected to the gay
Museum’s Multicultural
Wedding Exhibit
OAKLAND, Calif. - The
Oakland Museum has just
opened a historical exhibit
covering wedding customs from
Native American traditional
ceremonies to contemporary
same-sex holy unions. The
multicultural exhibit includes
material from the Museum’s
large historical collection of
photographs, costumes and
memorabilia, as well as materials
onloanfrom othermuseums and
private collections. The exhibit
tracks how couples meet,
engagement customs, prewedding,
celebrations, nuptial
ceremomes and honeymoons,
with short histories of how the
customs evolved. Among the
wedding garments, ranging from
a Japanese kimono to a 19th
century embroideredladdalgown
from Turkey, are the matching
pair of colorful shirts worn by
two men during their wedding.
Gay Albanian Group Gets
Official Recognition
TIRANE, Albania - Injust over
one year after forming in 1994,
the Gay Albania Society has
moved from being a secretive,
illegal association in what was
once the hardest of the hard-line
Communist nations, to helping
convince the national parliament
to repeal its anti-gay laws earlier
this year, tonow winning official
recognition, the Open Media
Research Institute has reported.
Tlie Gay Albania Society was
secretly formed with an
anonymous membership in
March 1994. By the beginning
of this year, the society had been
instrumental in convincing the
Albanian Parliament to drop
Article 137, which carried a
maximum 10 year prison se
homosexual." When the new
penal code went into effect at the
beginning of June, the Albania
government also extended
formal recognition of the Gay
Albania Society as a registered
citizens’ associationrepresenting
the interests of a class of the
Lesbian Parental Case
Goes to N.Y, High Court
NEW YORK - The New York
Court of Appeals, the state’s
highest court, has begunhearings
that will decide whether one
partner of same-sex couples can
adopt the biological child of the
other partner. The case involves
a lesbian who is attempting to
adopt the 5-year-old biological
daughter of her mate. The 2
women, identified only as P.I.
and G.M. in court documents,
have been a couple for 19 years.
The women Want to have joint
parental rights to their daughter
because only a legal parent can
make certain decisions for a child
under state law. Beatrice Dohrn
of the Lambda Legal Defense &
Education Fund, which is
handling the appeal, said the case
was being appealed to New
York’s highest court because it
would "determine whether
children with 2 gay parents may
ever have a legally recognized
relationship with both their
moms or dads," Earlier this year,
alower court refused to grant the
adoption, insisting that if it
granted G.M. parental rights it
would have to deny P.I., who is
the biological mother, her rights
as the girl’ s mother.
Gay Conference Costs
Iowa University
DES MOINES, Iowa-The Iowa
le~slatur,e has stripped the state’ s
university system of some
$100,000 in funding which may
- or may not - have been the
result of a successful
international gay studies
conference held last year at the
University of Iowa. Earlier in
May, state Rep. Charles Hurley
sponsored an amendment to the
state’s $752 million university
budget that would have
prohibited any state funded
educational institutions ofhigher
learning from spending public
funds for "’encouraging or
supporting homosexuality as a
positive alternative lifestyle."’
The anti-gay amendment passed
the House by a 50-21 vote. The
amendment, but went on to cut
$100,000 that it had planned to
include in university budgets this
year. Hurley and other
legislators - said the funding cut
was a result of the University of
Iowa’ s "InQueery/InTheory/
InDeed" academic conference in
November 1994. Campuslesbian
& gay groups said they would
continue to sponsor the
conference despite the near
passage of the measure.
Country’s Largest Gay
Meg Hits the Internet
NEW YORK - Out magazine,
the country’s largest selling
lesbigay news publication, has
entered the cyber universe of the
Internet’s increasingly popular
World Wide Web that will for
the first time in gay publishing
history be sponsored by Apple
Computer. Out has set up its
"Web site" on the Internet in
time for June’s gay pride
celebrations around the country,
and will include regularly
updated pride information from
a score of lesbian and gay
publications in New York,
Washington D.C./Seattle, Los
An geles, San Francisco, and
other cities.
The World Wide Web site
address for the publication is:
http://www.out.com and wil!
include reader forums where
Internet readers can carryon
discussions with others on the
Mayor, City Attorney
Want Gay Couple to Get
Marriage License
ITHACA, N.Y: - The Ithaca
(N.Y.) Journal has reported that
Mavor Benjamin Nichols and
Cit~ Attorney Charles Guttman
both want the city council to
order thecity clerk to issue a
marriage license to 2 gay men
who plan on getting married late
in June. The couple, Toshav
Greene and Phillip Storrs,
applied for the license in May
and ended up. meeting with a
number of the city’s elected
leaders, many of whom say they
now agree the city should issue
the license. Nicholsin fact urged
the city council to pass a
resolution calling on the state to
!.egalize same-sex marriages. It
is uncertain whether the license
will actually be issued, and
perhaps more important, what
such a license would legally
mean in terms of the couple’s
inevitably lead t6 a court case in
the state. Green and Storrs say
they will go ahead with their
planned Jewish wedding
ceremony on June 22 whether
they get the license or not.
¯Annual Conference of
Gay & Lesbian-Jews
NEW YORK - The annual
International Conference of Gay
& Lesbian Jews will meet in
New YorkJuly 27-30 at the New
York Sheraton Hotel. Themed
"Gay & Lesbian Jews: Taking
Our Place in the 21st Century,"
the conference expects more ll~an
1,000 people to attend, and will
feature a keynote address of Yael
Dayan, a member of the Israeli
Knesset Or parliament. The
confab is being hosted by New
York’s Congregauon Beth
Simchat Torah and additional
informationis available byphone
at: (212) 929-9498.
West Virginia University
OKs Domestic Partners
University of West Virginia has
approved a school domestic
parmers policy that will, for the
first time in the state, include the
partners of regastered same-sex
staff, faculty and students.
Qualified couples who register
their relationship through the
university will be eligible for a
variety of benefits.
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Fight for Your
Rights Mee;ting.
TULSA, OK - Local activists begin
grassroots civil fights effort to address the
stalled City of Tulsa Human Rights
Cormnittee Report on Civil Rights based
on sexual orxentation. On Monday
evening, June 5, a steering cohamittee was
formed to call a community-wide meeting.
Steering Committee members, Bob
Ritz, Kharma Amos, Debbie Harding and
Tom Neal have called a meeting, FIGHT
FOR YOUR RIGHTS - A communttv
meetingfor Civil Rightsfor Lesbians an’d
Gays; for Thursday, June 29 from 7:00
pm until 9:00 pm at the Downtown Tulsa
City/County Public Library in the room
adjacent to Aaronson Auditorium.
Because Tulsa has so many community
organizations, steering committee
members feel that the most appropriate
way to organize is to have a forum where
representatives from each of the existing
orgamzations and members of the Gay;
Lesbian community at large can meet to
discuss publically goals and strategies.
community meeting for Civil Rights for
Lesbians andGays will begin withareview
of what’s happened since the emotional
Human Rights Commission’s public
hearings held in May 1994. The steering
committee hopes that out of this meeting
will Come goals and tasks that all parts of
the community can support.
The organizers hope that this meettng
will help pull the Gay/Lesbian community
together into a cohesive, action-oriented
group. Clubs, churches, organizations,
~,-zd businesses are encouraged to have
representation at this meeting. For more
information, call 838-2121.
Vickers cont’dfi’om p. 1
Mark also served on the board of
directors for Regional AIDS Interfaith
Network, the Oklahoma United Methodist
AIDS Task Force and the Tulsa AIDS
Coalition. He founded Rainbow Village,
a project focused on providing shelt, r to
persons living with AIDS. In 1993 his
work was recognized with the Richard
Shackleford HIV Memorial Award and
with the United Way Evergreen Spirit
Mark also helped to change profoundly
the response of the r~nite-d-Methodi~t
Church of Oklahoma to HIV/AIDS. He
met with Oklahoma’s bishop and with
leaders of the Oklahoma United Methodist
Conference. He also helped to found
Community of Hope, a worship
community" of the United Methodist
Church. At their recent conference,
Oklahoma Methodists honored Mark
Vickers with an extremely rare moment
of silence and prayer.
Mark is remembered by his spouse of7
years, Brad Mulholland. Last July, Brad
and Mark celebrated a Blessing of
Commitment with Community of Hope.
Many, many friends and family cherish
his life and good works which testify to
the strength of his commitment.
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Ginny Butler, RN MS
Specialized in HIV Care
Providing Comprehensive Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
that does not list us as providers,
call us and we will apply.
1560 East 21st Street, Suite 210
Monday - Friday, 9:30,4:30 pm, 743-1000
Tulsa Police Dept. Seeks Help on Case
TULSA- Detective Vema Wilson of the Tulsa Police Dept. is seeking any information
readers might have regarding the murder of the late Chris WilcuttYormerly of Bartlesville.
Wilcutt, who frequently cross-dressed, went by the name of "Roxy." He was last seen
walking east on llth St., leaving Metropole at about 1 am early on Sunday, Feb. 26.
Police describeWilcutt as Caucasian, 5’-9", 220# with brown hair & hazel eyes. When
last seen he was wearing a black dress with gold trim and a blond/red wig. Any
information about his movements on Sat. Feb. 25 or early Sun. Feb. 26 is sought by Tulsa
Police. You may call Detective Wilson at 596-9142 or call anonymously at 596-COPS.
Tulsa Pride, OKC Parade & TOHR Follies
expenses will go to the Bnildmg Fund.
Picnic goers are encouraged to bring some extra cash because a number of community
organizations and businesses will have booths with food, information or merchandise.
Sales at these booths benefits the individual organization/business.
On Sat. June 17, several Tulsa churches are having a gospel sgng-fest and on Wed.
June 21, the MCC’s are having a joint worship service. On Friday, June 23, fabulous
Dallas comic, Paul Williams, will perform at ConcessionS.
On the following Sunday, the State-wide Pride Parade will be held in Oklahoma City,
beginning at Memorial Park atNW 35 & Classen and ending at the Habana Inn. Several
Tulsa businesses are planning floats.
TOHR will hold its i5th annual Follies on June 30. A number of other events are
planned for the remainder of the June, please consult the community calendar for details.
Cherry Street Psychotherapy
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Are you looking for a relaxed, amicable,
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Home Office
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Health Briefs Health
Possible Major
Breakthrough in HIV Fight
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers with
the University of California at San
Francisco reported at the annual
convention of the American Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology that
a "designer drug" known as a protease
inhibitor may help keep HIV from
replicating and mutating in the body. Dr.
Charles Cralk told the convention that the
computer-designed drug, which has only
been tested in laboratories so far,
apparently blocks a crucial enzyme m
HIV, making it impossible for the virus to
reproduce itself and mutate. In laboratory
tests, the drug kept HIV from infecting
new calls in test tubes and prevented it
from duplicating itself in already-invaded
cells. If the protease inhibitor works as
effectively in humans as it has in the
laboratory, Craik and his colleagues
believe it could be the most important
breakthrough in fighting HIV and AIDS
to date.
Hospital Costs for AIDS Spiral
WASHINGTON - According to a study
by the National Public Healthand Hospital I
Institute, the hospital costs of individual
~atients with AIDS can be as high as
260,000 per year, and in some urban
hospitals can occupy more than 7% of the
available beds daily. The study also found
that patients with AIDS average 12
hospital days per stay, significantly above
the 7.2 day average stay for other patients,
Because many patients with AIDS depend
on Medicaid, Medicare or other public
funds to pay for their care, the study
concludes that if Congress makes large
cuts in Medicaid ’Medicare funding many
hospitals will have to restrict care ofAIDS
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
More Blacks/HispanicsWith HIV
ATLANTA - The Centers for Disease~
Control & Prevention has reported that;
the number of new AIDS cases among
white gay men has fallen off between 3%
and 20% in 3 U.S. cities most hard hit by
the epidemic - New York, Los Angeles
and San Fran cisco - during the past 5
years. The number of AIDS cases among
black gay men in those same cities,
however, has risen dramatically in the
same period. In San Francisco the number
of infections grew 53%, in New York
49%, andin Los Angeles 48% since 1989.
Nationally, the number of new cases
among gay men grew 31% during the past
5 years, the CDC data indicates, while the
national figures increased 79% among
black gay men and 61% among Hispanic
Infants with HIV May Live Years
CHICAGO - Babies born with HIV may
live for many years, even until they are
teenagers, without getting sick and it may
take that long before anyone realizes they
carry the virus, a new study published in
the journal Pediatrics says. Most
pediatricians have believed that AIDSinfected
newborns die by the time they’re
toddlers, researchers say. Dr. Samuel
Grubman led a study of 42 children ages
9 to 15 who were"born with HIV and
treated at Children’s Hospital of New
Jersey in Newark in June 1993. Ten of the
children showed no symptoms of the
infection, while 8 showed some minor
signs of illness - but not _enough to be
diagnosed. Thirty-six of the 42 showed no
signs of illness until they were at least 4
years old, Dr. Gmbman reported. One 14-
year-old ~d in her program was infected
Tulsa Office
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with HIV at birth and is still "not sick at
all." "
......... HIV Home Test Worthwhile
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers at the
University of California at San Francisco
haveurgedthe U.S. government to approve
a kit that allows people to test themselves
for HIV in their own homes - citing a new
study indicating that millions might be
likely to use it. According to the survey of
nearly 21,000 people by the UCSF
scientists published in the New England
Journal ofMedicine, 29% said they would
probably use the home test if it were
available. The survey also found that of
people considered "at risk" for infection,
42% said they would use the home test,
and31% indicated they wouldpreferusing
the home test rather than other options.
Dole to Co-Sponsor Ryan
White CARE Measure
WASHINGTON - The Log Cabin
Repubficans, the gay and lesbian lobbying
organization, has announced that Senate
Majority Leader Robert Dole of Kansas
has agreed to sign as a co-sponsor of the
Ryan White CARE Reauthorization Act.
Rich Tafel, LCR’s executive director, said,
"This is a major victory for gay
Republicans and the AIDS community.
I"m confident that Sen. Dole will remain
personally involved in the effort to pass
[the measure] quickly, and will be a
unifying influence among the Republicans
in the Senate."
CDC Ends Newborn HIV Testing
WASHINGTON - In a starding move,
U.S. officials have ended the anonymous
testing of newborns for HIV. The
Briefs Health Briefs
cancellation of the $10million HIV testing
program was announced ata congressional
hearing shortly before a congressman
urged Congress to require authorities to
inform all mothers of the results of the
tests. The tests have been conducted
anonymously in 45 states since 1988.
FBI Spied on AIDS Groups
WASHINGTON - Documents obtained
under the Freedom of Information Act by
the Center for Constitutional Rights
indicate that the FBI has kept a number of
AIDS and gay rights organizations under
surveillance since the early 1980s when
the g~oup ACT UPbegan. The FBI denied
spying on the groups and said it merely
passed information along to local
authorities about possible violence by
members of the groups. Among the
organizations the FBI kept records on - in
addition to ACT UP - were: the Gay
Men’s Health Crisis, the Coalition for
Lesbian & Gay Rights, and Senior Action
in a Gay Environment, a social services
agencyforoldergays andlesbians. Despite
the FBI’s denials, the agency released
0nly 22 of its 199 pages of files on ACT
UP, claiming the rest of the file was
confidential because of "ongoing lawenforcement
activity" involving ACT UP.
Anesthetic: Another Possible
HIV Transmission Route
SYDNEY - HIV can exist for as long as
4hours in anesthetic, according to a report
published in the Medical Journal of
Australia. The researchers who did the
report say their findings could explain
how 4 women in Australia became infect
ed with HIV in a single day in 1989 while
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Pride Special
Mention Ad to Get 10% off T°s
Sandra J. Hill, M.S.
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
being treated by a doctor there who ~as
not himself infected. The researcl~ers
concluded that the ability of the virus to
survive raises the possibility Of
transmission via multidose anesthetic
vials, which allow a doctor to administer
several anesthetic doses on different
patients. The Australian scientists
suggested that multidose anesthetic vials
should be discontinued and the reusing
syringes for anesthetic should be avoided
unless they have first been thoroughly
Medical Group Endorses
Needle Exchanges
CHICAGO - The annual convention of
the Illinois State Medical Society has
called for legislation that would legally
allow "responsible commumty groups"
to set up needle-swap programs in the
state. Dr. RaymondHoffman, the society’s
president, called needle-exchange
programs a "potentially useful tool to
curb the spread ofHIV" without increasing
the use of illegal drugs.
Needle-Swap Program ,Works
BALTIMORE - Baltimore’s needle
.exchange program has been so successful
an attracting IV drug users to swap used
hypodermic needles for clean ones that
Dr. Peter Beilenson, the city’s health
commissmner, wants to double thenumber
ofneed le-swap sites in the city. The city’ s
program, launched at the beginning of
this year, had expected to attract about
500 people during its first year of
operation, Instead, the program has drawn
some 2,300 people during its first5months
of operation. The city’s monitoring of the
programs also indicates that IV drug users
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
are now shanng needles half as often as
House Military Subcommittee
OKs Anti-HIV Measure
WASHINGTON - The national security
military personnel subcommittee of the
House of Representatives has voted to
approve anamendment sponsoredby Rep.
Robert Dornan (R-Calif.), the
subcommittee chairman, that would bar
abortions at armed forces hospitals and
authorize discharging military personnel
infected with HIV. The nation’s armed
forces currently prohibit individuals with
HIV from joining; but troops diagnosed
after.recruitment are permitted to continue
serving as long as their health allows and
are not allowed to serve outside tile U.S.
The Defense Department and the
Department of the Army both oppose
Doman’s measure, which would mandate
honorable discharge within 6 months of
Calif. Assembly OKs Medicinal
Marijuana Measure
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The California
Assembly has narrowly OKed legislation
by a 41-30 vote that would permit
p.hysicians to prescribe marijuana
cigarettes for patients who are terminally
or chronically ill, although a number of
conservative legislators objected that the
bill wouldpromote drug usein the state. If
the measure in fact does become law,
physicians would be able to prescribe
marajuana for their patients with AIDS,
cancer, glaucoma or multiple .sclerosis.
The bill still requires approval by the
Senate and the signature bf Gov. Pete
Wilson f0 become law. Last year Wilson
Timothy W. Daniel
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.~eLq.~d a similar measure because he said
’’at ~;~uld not work unless the federal
government also ended its ban on
prescribing marijuana cigarettes.
Hillary Clinton Launches
Pediatric HIV Campaign
WASHINGTON-Citing a study showing
that treatment can reduce the risk of
mothers transmitting HIV-to their
newborns, Hillary Rodham Clinton has
launched a campaign urging pregnant
women to get tested for the virus. The
campaign, designedby the Pediatric AIDS
Foundation, "will .reach out and give
women the information they need to
protect their own health and the health of
their children," she said. Clinton also said
that, according to the National Institutes
of Health study, almost 6,000 American
women infected with HIV give birth
annually and, without treatment, 20% to
25% of those babies are born infected..
AIDS Fundraiser Expects $5M
HOLLYWOOD - The 2nd annual
California AIDS Ride, a 550-mile bicycle
trek from San Francisco to Hollywood
that has just ended, is expected to raise
more than $5 milli on, making it the largest
AIDS fundraiser in the U.S. Among the
some 1,800 bike riders, about 10 have
AIDS and up to 250 are HIV-positive.
Celeb Judith Light of the TV comedy
"Who’s the Boss?" said after the 7-day
ride, "It looked impossible, but it was
possible because of everyone’s
Gelid Moves to Univ. of Maryland
BETHESDA, Md. - Dr. Robert C. Gallo,
one of the country’s best-known and most
controversial AIDS researchers, will set
up his Institute of Human Virology atthe
University of Maryland’s Medical
Biotechnology Center in the hopes of
attracting other prominent scientists and
biotechnology finns to contribute their
discoveries. Gallo said that the institute
will .workonbasic researchanddeveloping
vacones, gene therapies, and new drugs
to fight HIV - as well-as gain a deeper
understanding of the biology behind the
virus. Gallo had been with the National
Institutes of Health for 30 years.
HIV-Infected Women at Higher
Risk for Cervical Cancer
TORONTO- Early data-from the
Canadian Women’s HIV Study Group
indicates that women infected with HIV
are at greater risk of being stricken with
severe cervical cancer than uninfected
women. The study group’s preliminary
data found that half of some 300 women
infected with HIV that were examined
also had HPV - the human papilloma
virus associated with cervical cancer. Dr.
Catherine Hankins, one of the study’s
chiefinvestigators, also said that a fifth of
the women examined had squamous
dysplasia, an early indicator associated
with the cancer. The rates found in the
study were at least double those expected
in the general population.
AIDS Project-k.A. Looking for
Conservative PR Firm
LOS ANGELES - One of the first acts of
Allen Carrier after taking over as director
of communications for the AIDS ProJect-
Los Angeles is to try to find a public
relations firm in. Washington D.C. with
solid links to the Republican Party. Carrier
says APLA wants a GOP-cormected PR
firm to conduct an HIV education
campaign aimed at members of Congress.
APLA is the 2rid largest AIDS agency in
the U.S. with a $20 million yearly budget.
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One Show Only $5 Tickets 10 pm
Concessions Nightclub - 3340 S. Peoria - 744-0896
One Dollar of Every Tickel Sold is Douated to the TOHR Building Fuad
Advauce Tickets Available - Budget Wiudow Treat~nents. 7116 S. Miugo &
Floral Desiga Studios, 3404 S. Peoria & From TOHR Members
By and for, but not exclusive to the
lesbian, gay & bisexual communities
New Hoursfor Your Convenience!
Monday & Thursday Evening Daytime Testing
7 to 8:30pm for Testing Monday-Thursday
7 to 9:00pm for Results By Appointment
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
4154 South Harvard Suite H-1 Call for Directio/as
~ ~ .
.~ ..,~’~, ~. - ~~ ....A.Corn~~erviceB.ro.uQ.h.t.to You by..T~,OHR and Tui.~a Fatal1" New~ " ~ "
Weekly ~ting 7:30? E~{~ 0~ Ea[th MCC.
~51-E South Mingo. Ca1162~’~:~1 for Info.
HIV TESTING - TOHR~Ii~;’ "Free and
CHRISTIAN CENTER- Sunday School 9:45,
Morning Worship Service 11:00. 2627-B
East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info~
BLGA - University of Tulsa. 6:30 p.m.
Canterbury Center.
COMMUNITY OF HOPE (United Methodist) -
Evening Worship Service 6:00. 1347 North
Yale, Call 838-7232 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Morning Worship
Service 11:00. 5451-E South Mingo. Call
622-1441 for Info.
Worship Service 10:45 1623 North
Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
THE BANNED - Gay Band - Practice weekly
HIV TESTING :~.TOHR Clinic. Free and;;
Anonymous testing using fingerstick method.
No appointment required. Walk in test hours:
7:00 - 8:30 pm. Results Hours: 7:00 - 9:00
pm. Call 749:4194 for Info,
begins at 8:45. Sheridan Lanes 3121 South
MINISTER’S CLASS - Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center. 7:30 p.m. 2627-B
East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for Info.
Study 7:00/ MCC of Greater Tulsa 1623
North Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Choir Practice ~7:00.
2627-B East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH ’MCC - Potluck 6:30.
Bible Study 7:00. Choir Practice 8:00. 5451-
E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info.
WOMEN - 7:00. Women’s support group.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale, Call
Anonymous testing usingfingerst!pk method.
No appointment required. Walk in test.hours:
7:00 - 8:30 pm. Results Hours: 7:00 -.9:00
pm. Call 749:4194 for Info.
PRAYER TIME - 7:00 p.m. MCC of Greater
Tulsa. 1623 North Maplewood;~,. Call 838-
1715 for Info.
practice 9:30 pm. Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th St.
at 11:00 pm. Provides confidential support.~
for recovering addicts. Community of Hope,
IJ u N E 1 4 I FAMILY AIDS SUPPORT GROUP Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154- Ij u N E 3 o I !J u L Y 1 8 I WEDNESDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S
SUPPER CLUB - La Nortena. South Harvard - Lower Level Call 583- TOHR FOLLIES TOHR’s annual TOHR BOARD MEETING. 7:00 p.m. 6408 5147 for Info. entertainment extravaganza. Many new TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call South Peoria. 6:30 p.m.
performers. 8:00 p.m. All Soul’s 743-4297 for Info.
IJ.u N E 1 7
Kick off pride week with a gospel sing at
Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E South
Mingo. Will include MCC Tulsa, Bless
the Lord at All Times, Community of
Hope and other area churches. Call
622-1441 for more info.
- McLain High School. $5/ticket. 7:30
p.m Call beeper 646-6455 for more
DINNER - 5:30 p.m. prior to Gospel
Sing. Donations only. 5451-E South
Mingo. Call 622-1441 for info.
Unitarian Church. 2932 South Peoria
Call 743-4297 f0rTicket Information.
Dave’s. 3310 South Peoria. 6:30 - 9:00
p.m. Call Beeper 646-6455 for more
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG, 4154
South Harvard- Lower Level. Call 583-
5147 for Info,
IJ u N E 18 25
Pride Celebration held at Mohawk Park,
Shelter #6. Food/Drink/Entertainment.
Also booths and information distribution.
Minimal charges for food this year.
Beer still free. 12:00- 6:00. Ceremony
and exhibition softball/volleyball begin
at 2:00. Call 832-0233 for Info.
TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call
743-4297 for Info.
IJ.,u N~E 2 1 I
MCC of Greater Tulsa. Special for Gay
Pride Week.. Also includes Family of
Faith MCC and other ~area churches,
1623 North Maplewood. Call 838-1715
for Info.
Williams will appear to benefit TOHR.
$5 Cover - Advance tickets or at the
door. 10:00 p.m..at Concessions. 3340
South Peoria. Call 744-0896 for Info,
Faith members put on a very large
garage sale. Call 622-1441 for address,
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
IJ u N E 25 I
GAY PRIDE PARADE. Oklahoma City.
Assemble from 12:00 - 2:00 at the park.
Parade ends at Habana Inn with a
IJu N E 27
Meeting 7:00 p.m. Olive Garden - $10.
Call 254-2100 for Info,
IJ UN E 29
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
musical festiva (MCC’s from OK, TX,
LA). Lawton OK. 1:00 4:00.
Followed by weiner roast. For Carpool
information call 622-1441.
PFLAG 101/102 Monthly meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m. 4154 South Harvard,
Ste. H. Call 749-4901 for Info.
SPOUSES For spouses of
Gay/Les/Bi/Trans. 7:00-7:30 p.m. social
7:30-8:30 meeting. Call 749-4901 for
Info.. Sponsored .by PFLAG.
at 5:30 p,m, and caravan to Day Center TOHR
for the Homeless, Call 838-7232 for
Community meeting for Civil Rights for
Lesbians & Gays, Every organization
should have a representative and YOU
NEED TO BE THERE, 7:00 - 9:00 p,m,
Downtown Library, Lecture room next
tO Aaronson Auditorium, Call 838-2121
for more info,
Monthly Meeting. 6:30 Social 7:00 p.m,
Meeting. "l"he Gathering Place. 4154
{JULY 19 I
Meeting. 6:30 p.m, PFLAG. 4154
South Harvard - Lower Level. Call 583-
5147 for Info,
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
Meeting 7:00 p.m, Call 254-2100 for
GLAS Gay & Lesbian Student
Association - TJC Southeast Campus.
Call 631-7632 for info.
LAGPAC- Lesbian and Gay Political
Action Committee. Call 838-1222 for
Lesbian ~Republican Group. Call 832-
0233 for jnfo,
SWAN Single Women’s iActivity
TOHR CLINIC- In addition to.Thursday
Clinic HOurs (see Thurs~lays)~ offers
daytime testing by appointment Monday
- Thursday from 10 am - 5 p,m. Call
RIGHTS LEAGUE. Muskogee Library:. Info.
6:00-p.m. - 9:00 p,m. Write P.O. Box
614 - Muskogee, OK 74402 for more
SUPPER. CLUB - Meets at varying
Info. locations :~the 2rid or 3rd Wednesday of
each month.
Do you have a group or event that should be listed in the TOHR Community Calendar? If so, please c~ll us at 838-2121. I
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of th s calendar; however, neither Tulsa Family News nor TOHR assumes responsibility for errors or omissions.
Colorado cont’dfrom p. 1
are obviously very pleased that the policy
of excluding homosexuals from the armed
forces has been examinedin deptlj during
the judicial review and that the court has
concluded that it is lawful."
In argmng against the policy, attorney
for the four, David Pannick, told the High
Courtjustices that the main reason behind
the ban is simply that some service
members feel uncomfortable around
.homosexuals, a prejudice that’s been used
.m the pastaboutblack andJewishmembers
m the armed forces. "’I invite your
Lordships to conclude that this purported
justification is quite simply a disgrace,"
he told Lord Justice Simon Brown of the
court. "The armed forces are pandering to
the worst types of prejudice about wholly
irrelevant characteristics."
British Defense Ministry officials
maintain that homosexuals pose a problem
for the military because their presence
couldundermine moraleandeffectiveness.
The ministry also argues that gays and
lesbians pose a potential security risk - an
argument th at even U.S. military officials
have abandoned for lack of evidence.
Canada cont’dfrom p. 1
for activists fighting for equal rights in the
courts throughout Canada. "I think that
even thoughit strictly speakingisn’t going
to. be binding in other provinces," she
said, "it shows that the arguments are not
without legal precedent now and in fact
are qmte reasonable and I think will
certainly help them make their cases."
Mixed. Ruling from
Canada’s Supreme Court
OTTAWA-TheCanadian Supreme Court
has ruled that same-sex couples are not
eligible for the same public spousal
pension benefits as other cot!pies in the
country. The high court ruling, however,
also concludes that discrimination based~
on sexual orientation is prohibited unde~’
Canada’s Charter of Rights - the first time
the country’s Supreme Court has
d.efinitively ruled on the issue.
The court ruled 5-4 that James Egan
and John Nesbit, a British Columbia gay
couple whohave lived together since 1948,
are not entitled to receive spousal pension
benefits under Canada’ s Old Age Security
Act. The court concluded that the refusal
to extend the pension benefits to the couple
amounted to discrimination in violation
of the Charter of Rights, but that the
exclusion was justifiable discriminauon
because the legislature’s goal in setting up
the co untry’s pension system was to help
poorer elderly women. The court also said
that Parliament had decided to extend
certain financial support to married
couples, which the court concluded is by
its nature a heterosexual institution.
Canadian Appeals Court
Overturns Sodomy Law
TORONTO - An Ontario appeals court
has unanimously ruled that a law making
consensual anal intercourse illegal unless
the two people are mamed or above the
age of 18 is a violation of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The 3-
judge Ontario Court of Appeals ruled that
the criminal code provision violates the
Charter because it penalizes gay men.
Justice Rosalie Abella said in her opinion
that the law "arbitrarily disadvantages
gay men by denying to them until they are
18 a choice available at the age of 14 for
those who are not gay, namely their choice
of sexual expression with a consenting
parmer to whom they are not married."
Community Photos
Kharma Amos & the Rev. Nancy Horvath ofFamily ofFaith MCC have been chosen
and on the So. Central District Committee. respectively. Photo: Neal
,for leadership positions at the nan’onal Metropolitan Community Church conventz’on
Folks from Follies Revue ’95 which benefits H1WA1DS services. Photo: Jamett
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This groundbreaking project showed broad bipamsan support for the
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Call or write your Senators and Representative and ask ~em to join their collnagucs
and ban discrimination in their ernployment prances,
Call the Capitol Switchboard Today: 202-224-3121
Leading file Fight at the National Levd for Lesbian and Gay Equ,~lity.
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Financing the AllAmerican Dream
IIIColorado co.t, o=p. 1
homosexuals from discrimination. The
¯ state Supreme Court ruled last year ~at
the measure is unconstitutional becaus’e it
violates the fundamental right for a class
of individuals to participate equally in the
political process.
HRCF Reacts to Justice Dept.
Decision on Amendment 2
.WASHINGTON-Below is apress release
Issued by the Human Rights Campaign
Fund regarding the Justice Department’s
decision not to enter a brief in the U.S.
Supreme Court appeal of Colorado’s antigay
Amendment 2:
The Clinton Administration has refused
to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to strike
down Colorado’s anti-gay Amendment 2
as the high court prepares to decide on the
constitutionality of the discriminatory
measure. The Haman Rights Campaign
Fund (HRCF) and the Leadership
Conference on Civil Rights, the nation’s
leading civil rights coalition, hadrequested
that the Administration file a friend~ofthe-
court brief calling on the Supreme
Court to overturn Amendment 2.
"This was a bad legal and political
decision," said HRCF Executive Director
Elizabeth Birch. "Staying silent in this
case gives aid and comfort to extremists
who wouldn’t support the President under
any circumstances, and gravely
disappoints fair-mindedAmericans. Most
people support equal rights for lesbian
and gay people and oppose the kind of
discrimination embodied in Amendment
Amendment 2 is the ,ordy-statewide.-
anti-gay measure passed by voters. Last
year, voters in Idaho and Oregon defeated
anu-gay initiatives in the midst of the
Republican sweep. The 1992 Colorado
measure would overturn local laws
prohibiting discriminationand prevent
state and local governments from passing
similar laws in the future. Colorado’s
Supreme Court last year. struck down
Amendment 2 as unconstitutional,
declaring that the measure denied
supporters of equal rights for lesbian and
gay people the basic right to participate in
the democratic process.
"The issue before the court is one of
fundamental fairness, and whether any
group of Americans should be denied
access to the democratic process," Birch
said. "The federal government has a dear
interest in standing up for these
fundamental principles.We are extremely
disappointed in this decision, but in the
end the Supreme Court will decide on the
merits of the case."HRCF was the largest
single financial contributor to the legal
challenge against Amendment 2. The
nation’s largest lesbian and gay political
organization, HRCF works to end
discrimination, secure equal rights, and
protect the health and safety of all
NGLTF Statement on Reno’s
Amendment 2 Decision
WASHINGTON - The following is a
press statement issued by the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force after U.S.
Attorney General Janet Reno’s
According to Justice Department
officials, the Department does frequently
file briefs even in those cases where no
federal program or statute is involved.
~The Att0me~Geia~al i01d the press that
she did not consider the political issues
belfind the case, and instead focused on
constitutional questions and federal
intervention. However, published reports
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indicate that heated discussions regarding
the political, andlegal implications offiling
a brief were taking place within the Justice
,:tOepartment and between the Justice
Department and the White House, Reports
indicate that presidential advisor George
Stephanopoulos had expressed concern
about the political ramifications if the
Administration fried a brief.
President Bill Clinton last year
denounced ballot measures such as
Colorado’s Amendment 2 as
discriminatory and divisive, saying at the
time that "those who would legalize
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation or any other grounds are
gravely mistaken about the values that
make our nation strong."
"Clearly, we’re angry that this
Administration would refuse to take a
stand against discrimination," said Kerry
Lobel, Deputy Director at the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "The
President denounced these types of ballot
measures last year. It’s dismrbingto see
the President reject this chance to back up
those comments with decisive action,
especially when this is one of the most
important gay-related cases to ever reach
the Supreme Court. We look to the
President to actonprinciple, notjust speak
about it." Colorado’s Amend. 2
dangerously allows the majority of voters
to limit the civil rights and political access
of one group of citizens - in this case, gay
men, lesbians and bisexuals. Amend. 2
permits discrimination against certain
citizens, and then blocks those citizens
from using the established legislative
r process to seek relief from that
discrimination.These are the issues that
will be facing the Supreme Court as it
decides the fate of Amendment 2.’"
Calif. Attorney General
Supports Amend. 2
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California
Attorney General Dan Lungren has
stunned rights activiffts in the state by
joining 6 other attorneys general from
around the country in asking the U.S.
Supreme Court to uphold Colorado’s antigay
ballot measure. Lungren told reporters
that he was not endorsing Amend. 2 itself,
but had signed an amicus (friend of the
court) brief asking that the country’s high
court overturn the Colorado Supreme
Court ruling that declared Amend. 2
unconstitutional because it was overly
broad and vague.
He said he signed the amlcus brief
because the Colorado court had declared
that any "independently identifiable
group" is entitled to equal protection in
~eConstitution. This, Lungren said, could
g~ve constitutional protections to
"deadbeat dads,blue-eyed people, bald
people, fat people" and others.
Robert Bra~ of the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force said in a prepared
statement: "It is disingenuous for the
California Attorney General to imply that
by granting gay people protection from
discrimination, it opens the door for any
’special interest group’ to seek rights...’.
Lungren xs playing the politics of
scarcity:.. [and] implies that by expanding
protections to some, it-disprivileges
Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Tulsa
Where God Uplifts All People
Sunday Service, 10:45 am
Wednesday Service, 6:30 pm
Home Cell Groups, 2nd & 4th Sundays
1623 No. Maplewood, Tulsa 74115, 838-1715
¯ Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesdays 6~30 pm Potluck
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I To do justice, love:mercy & to walk humbly with our God... Micah 6:8 I
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
Sports From A Lesbian/Gay Perspective
NBA Star’s Candid Ta~ in
’Sports Illustrated"
NEW YORK - Dennis Rodman, the
flamboyant San Antonio Spurs player,
made the cover this Sports Illustrated- in
itself not particularly newsworthy, even if
the orange-haired Rodman is gussied up
in a bright tank top, metallic hot pants and
a dog collar studded with rhinestones.
More noteworthy - especially considering
the often up-tight macho world of
professional sports - are Rodman’s fairly
candid views on homosexuality. The pro
basketball hop,pster told the magazine that
he oftel~ goesTo gay bars, has no problems
hugging or kissing men friends and,
although saying he has never had sex with
another man, said, "I visualize being with
another man." Rodman is quoted in the
magazine as saying, "Everybody
visualizes being gay ~ they think, ’Should
I do it or not?’ The. reason they can’t is
because they think it’s unethical. They
think it’s a sin. Hell, you’re not bad if
you’re gay, and it doesn’t make you any
less of a person."
CBS Sportscaster Rankled by
Lesbians in Pro Golf
sportscaster Ben Wright has been ordered
to a meeting with the CBS Sports
department in New York and at least
temporarily pulled from reporting on the
Ladies Profe~,ssional Golf Assn.
championshipi~in Delaware after a
Delaware newspaper quotedhim as saving
that "lesbians.i~ the sport hurt women s
golf" and are:turning it into a "butch
game" which would cause sponsors to
drop women’s golf. Wright was also
quoted by the Wilmington N~ws-Joumal
as saying that women are "handicappe,~
by having boobs" because it makes it
difficult for them "to keep their left arm
straight... Their boobs get in the way."
LPGA officials said they knew of. no
problems with sponsors because of any
concerns over lesbians in tournamentplay.
RobinKaneof_the~__~National Gay &Lesbian
Task Force sai&, "Lesbians don’t hurt
women’s golf- BenWrighthurts women’s
golf, and his own profession as well. Such
outrageous and demeamng comments
certainly raise questions about Wright’s
ability to cover women’s sports fairly."
KOIN-TV of Portland, Ore., broadcast
coverage of the 1991 Masters Golf
Tournament that included an ethnic slur
in referring to a Japanese golfer. In the
footage aired by the station, Wright
remarks, "" former champions aplenty -
Watson and Nicklaus at 4-under, with the
Jap Ozaki, who is striking a blow for the
AIDS Takes High Five’
Baseball Player
OAKLAND, Calif. - Glenn Burke, the
openly gay former Oakland Athletics and
Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder, has died
of complications related to AIDS. Burke
was widely believed among teammates to
be gay whenhe startedplaying pro baseball
in 1976, and after quitting the game reader
duress in 1980 he said he believed he had
been shoved out of the game because of
homophobia in pro sports. In addition to a
short but impressive career with both the
A’s and the Dodgers, Burke is credited
with starting one of the most popular and
common signals of victory in professional
sports today - the "high-five" sign.
READ ALL ABOUT IT suggested readings, included in the book, are excerpts from books ("One. Teenager
by Barry Hensley in Ten," "Long Time Passing: Lives of
Circulation Supervisor Older Lesbians," "No Turning Back")
Tulsa City-County Library and periodicals ("Christian Century,"
One of the most sensitive topics facing "Christopher Street").
gays,lesbians andbisexualsinour society This book also includes examples of
is how religion deals with sexual Services for the gay positive church, which
orientation.Theconstant,negativerhetoric can be adapted to local Situations. These
that comes from some powerful leaders include Communion Services, Services
has led many gay people to dismiss of Healing for Those Affected by AIDS
organized religion, parti- and Services of Union for
cularly Christianity. Homo- One o[ the most homosexual couples. The
sexuality and Christianity final part of "The Welare
sometimes assumed to sensitive topics coming Congregation"is an
bemuttmlly exclusive. "The faeln~ Gays, elaborate bibliography
Welcoming Congregation" Leslalans and which has over 70 entries of
addresses this and other Bisexuals in our
books, films, sermons and
pertinent issues with a periodicals of interest.
structure of guidelines for soeiety is laow This bookis notjustfor
congregations attempting to religion deals organized churches. It will
include gay persons in their with sexual also be helpfnl for people,
churches, of any sexual orientation,
Although published by orientation. The who are searching for just
the Unitarian Universalist constant, ne~atlve the right spot to fulfill their
Association, ~airdy for use rlaetorie that commitment of faith. It
in UU churches, these includes many examiguidelines
can be used by comes,,,fr°m some nations of biblical passages
any group or denomination, powerlul leaders that are often used to deny
Beginning with suggestions laas led many homosex,aals equality, and
for determining where your how thosepassages are often
congregation stands On the Gay people to- used out--of context and
topic of sexual orientation, dismiss or~anlzed ultimately contradict other
this guide continues with ten religion.... passages. As a result, this is
detailed workshops to help good information to draw
understand the unique on when a biblical debate
problems and concerns of homosexuals, on sexual orientation arises.
Workshop topics include "Gender This:pra~tical"guide; While not foi:"use
Socialization and Homophobia," "Biblical in every religious situation, is a thought -
Perspectives on Homosexuality" and provoking attempt to create a positive
"How Homophobia Hurts Heterosexuals." religious environment for homosexuals.
Each workshop explanation includes what It is a welcome resource.
materials will be needed, how to structure Check for "The Wel coming
the workshop, how much time each part Congregation" in the Readers Services
of the workshop should take and what department on the 2nd floor of Central
readings participants need to read. The Library, or call 596-7966.
J O,fi,,~er recent library additions of interest include:
[ *, The Unofficial Gay Manual," by Kevin Dilallo and Jack Krumholtz I II-* ,,’Bx" sexuah’ty:AReaderandSourcebook,"edited byT,,h,omasGeller
I’ * ,,?IDS and HIV Progr,,a~,s and Services for Libraries,’ by W. Bernard Lukenbill I * Breaking the Surface,’ by Greg Louganis
Ask a bookseller about . -
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discounts in addition to Current NY Times
our other discount prices!! Papbrback Bestsellers %
Current NY Times All Hardcover Books*
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by Leanne Gross
The question I am asked most often is
"why doI, a single person withno children
need. life insurance?" Our community has
a vital need for life insurance !!
1. Even if we put both parties’ names on
property and/or assets, the partner left
behind will have to pay taxes on the half
of the property or assets she inherits. Ask
your lawyer. You will be surprised.
Life insurance proceeds are tax free. If
.you do nothing else, buy enough life
insurance to cover taxes and fees so your
partner can keep what you have both
worked so hard to acquire.
.2. A life insurance beneficiary has the
greatest chance of receiving the ~roceeds
than any other option on the market. There
are a few legal cases where the family
contested; however, thejudge usually tries
to honor the wishes of the deceased,
especially if there arejointassets involved.
Notei The owner of a life policy can".
change the beneficiary by simply signing
a form. So, should the relationship not
endure the bumpy road, a life policy
beneficiary can always be changed.
A life insurance p~licy is the best and
simplest way to assure your wishes are
carried out and your partner will be cared
forwhen you are gone.What a wonderful
honor to present to your mate. What
wonderful peace of mind for you.
3. Because Of the AIDS threat, a life
insurance policy could be the answer to a
stable financial lifestyle. Today, if one
contracts an incurable disease, there are
avenues to sell your policy or cashin your
policy to maintain your present lifestyle.
Life insurance is designed for the living as
well as the ones left behind.
There are too many misleading stories
about life ~nsurance and the benefits
available, so, on that note, let’s discuss the
facts about life coverage.
Nolonger are therejust two types oflife
insurance policies available. Companies
have discovered there is a need for a
var~.’ety of life coverage plans to fit the
.variety of lives. A person trained in life
insurance will be able to assist in selecting
the policy which best fits your needs.
However, to understand the basics, I will
discuss term life insurance and cash value
life insurance.
Term is like renting an apartment. Rent
¯ is cheaper. How.ever, you pay and pay,
never owning your own home, never
having an asset, never building your
financial standingl
A cash value life policy is like buying
your home. A little more expensive, but
you will buildupequity within your policy.
The cash value will be available to you or
, ,.y~u can~use one of the many options such
a~’ a) paid-up additional lille coverage b)
stop-payments and let the policy pay for
itself c) use the cash for personal use
through a draw and/or loan.
Note: When you use the cash in a policy,
this act will affect the value of your policy
(the amount your beneficiary would
Why would anyone purchase a cash
value plan?
1. The cash build up.in the policy is a
wonderful feature for the living. If cash is
needed, it is available for the asking. No
loan applications. No begging, at the bank.
2. Cash value policies are level
premiums. A very important feature. No
.surprise.s. Term poli~ies are available with
mcreasmg or decreasing premiums.
Increasing premiums continue to cost you
more andmore with each year. Decreasing
premiums will decrease through time.
However, no more premiums means no
more coverage. You may be in bad health
or too old to replace your plan. Be careful!
3. The cash whic~ builds within the
cash value plan.accumulates tax-deferred.
As your money earns additional cash
.through interest and ~v!dends paid by the
Insurance company, ~t ~s not taxed until
withdrawn. Therefore, aninsurancepolicy
can also help you to save for retirement or
college. You can kill two birds with one
stone.......Life Insurance and Retirement
Plan for one premium.
Don’t misunderstand me, life insurance
should not be your only retirement plan or
.savings avenue. You must first have the
insurance need (whichwehave discussed).
A cash value policy can just help with
retirement and/or savings, whereas a term
policy doesn’t allow you any options other
than life coverage. This leads to a cormnon
debate: Buy Term and invest the
difference. To make a long story short, in
10 to 15 years, a cash value policy will OU!
perform buying Term and investing the
difference, due mainly to tax advantages.
Run the numbers for yourself, I have.
HRCF Launches
Membership Drive
WASHINGTON - Pointing out how
dramatically far-right anti-gay
organizations like the Christian Coalition
have outstripped lesbian and gay rights
groups, theHumanRights Caml~aignFund
(HRC.F) has announced that it is launching
a massive membershi p drive during June
at gay pride events in more than 100 cities
in 47 states around the countr)i. With
100,000 members currently, HRCF
nevertheless notes that the Christian
Coalition has a claimed membership of
1.5 million people.
"Thelargest right-wing group has 10 times
as many members as the largest
organizafi,on fighting for Gay and Lesbian
equality,’ said Brian Albert, who is
heading up the hundreds of volunteers
who will be canvassing for new members
during June. ’qlae more people who come
out for equal rights and join HRCF, the
better ,we’ll be able to fight the battles
ahead. Membership rathe group is $20
per year. The group’s address is: Human
Rights Campaign Fund, PO Box 1396,
Washington DC 20013.
HRCF will have a representative at the
Tulsa Pride Picnic on Sunday, June 18 to
provide information and the opportunity
to become a member.
832.0233 ¯ ] 565 S. Sheridc~n, inside the Silver Stor S~loon ¯ ! 0pro - ] am Thursdays & Sundoys ¯ ] 0pro - 2ore Fridays & Soturd0ys
R.F. Renfro, public relations
officer.for FUSO, says that the
organization seeks to promote
unity, education, cultural
awareness, with a specific goal
"to buildbridges where gaps exist
and tear down the walls of bad
communication thathavedivided
us." Its mission statement adds
that the organization seeks to be
a progressive force within the
African-American commumty.
R.F. Renfro and Derrick Davis
work with Metropolitan Tulsa
Substance Abuse Services
(MTSAS). They do most of the
Tulsa HIV/AIDS outreach that
targets men of color of diverse
sexual orientation. Davis also
works with Morton Comprehesive
Services as a case
manager. Renfro expressed his
frustration with the many
obstacles to providing both
preventative education and
providing access to services for
persons living withHIV orAIDS.
These issues range from
racism in Tulsa generally, and
racism in Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay
communities specifically, to.
religiously based anti-Gay
prejudice Ln the African-
American commtmity tO a lack
of access to knowledge and
resources regarding HIV/AIDS
services and programs.
Renfro quotes a friend,
Ernestine Hill, formerly of the
Oklaho.ma State Dept. of Health,
as sayzng, "you have to meet
people where they are." He
elaborates that is the reason for
avoiding labels like Gay or
Bisexual which may be more
accepted in the non-Black
communities. In the African-
American community, especially
among younger men, the
attitude may be that they don’t
consider themselves homosexual.
A man having sex with
anothermanmight say to himself
or to others, "I’m just freaking"
or "I’m just getting off" while
considering himself to be
One particular difficulty in
providing education and services
in Tulsa’s African-American
cornmtmity is thelack ofprivacy.
With many members of the
community working in health
services in clinics or hospitals
all over the city, it is often
difficult to maintain confidentiality.
This potential for exposure
to loved ones, friends, family
and church creates such fear in
individuals that Renfro knew of
a number of cases where
individuals had avoided getting
life-saving/enhancing treatment
because of privacy concerns.
Many of the fears relating to
family and church are
compounded by attitudes of the
African-American church
toward homosexuality. Renfro
states that the,_c~rches,,seem
quite willing tO:~’cc~tithe~ from
homosexual members and to
accept their participation as long
as the church doesnrt have to
"know" about those members’
sexual orientation, or about HIV
or AIDS. Renfro knows of cases
It all boils down to
respeetlng cultural
dlfferenees, then
finding common
where not only a person living
with AIDS was forced to leave a
church, along with his family.
He also notes that a fdw
congregations, in particular,
Shiloh Baptist, have been very
open in dealing with HIV/AIDS
Renfro, who was ordained in
January at Bless The Lord at All
Times Christian Center, has
learned not to argue theology
With ministers who say
homosexuality is an abomination.
He relies personally on a
view that God knew him before
he knew himself, and counts on
God correcting anything which
God finds displeasirig in him.
In addition to current
educational efforts, FUSO is
seeking its Internal Revunue
Service tax-exempt status so that
it can expand its services. In the
longer term, it hopes to have its
own building on the north side of
Tulsa where it can provide
information, testing" and
counseling, a food pantry and
medical equipment. Presently,
many of those services are
available at the HIV Resource
Consortium. However, its
location is a problem and it can
be an intimidating place because
people of color don’t see
volunteers or staffmembers who
are of color or even posters or
magazines featuring people of
color, such as the "Protect the
Blood" campaign which targets
African-Americans. Right now,
FUSO is setting up a support
group for persons living with
HIV/AIDS, and also hopes to
host meetings where local
speakers, such as JeffBeal, M.D.,
can speak about local clinical
trials of experimental treatments
and new drug therapies.
Interestingly, Renfro finds that
the AIDS epidemic has opened a
door for Gay issues in the
African-American community,
as well as finding some common
ground beyond real, cultural
differences. The disease doesn’t
care if you’re White, Black,
Jewish, Catholic, Methodist, etc.
Another part of FUSO is
community building. An
informal tradition of "families"
or mentoring occurs. Renfro
notes that it is.hard to be young,
Black, male and Gay-. He adds it
is hard enough to be accepted in
the larger community (Tulsa),
and even harder to deal with
possible rejection in the African-
American community. One of
the benefits to mentoring is that
itgives olderfolks an opportunity
to let the younger ones know that
there is more to being Gay than
j.ust sex, that there are models for
love and relationships.
Friends in Unity Social
Organization also seeks to be a
leader for African-Americans in
the Lesbian/Gay communities.
Renfro states other Lesbian and
Gay organizations and their
leadership should not assume
they know the needs of African-
Americans, or presume to speak
for them. He adds that they are
willing to engage in discussion
about their needs and broader
community issues. He says that
he is proud to be a Black man
who loves Black men, that he is
proud of his culture and will not
compromise who he is. It all
boils down to respecting cultural
differences, then finding
common ground.
For more information about
Friends in Unity Social
Organization, write POB 8542,
Tulsa, OK 74101 or call 425-
J.D. Jamett
Wlnitti o ooe Q 416 S Lew~s s
Now serving Sunday breakfast, 7am-2pm
ROOMMATE , tll ,e ,.
GF looking for roommate, u Accommodations
Midtown Tulsa, 3/1.5/1
Central H&A, washer/dryer Frank Green, Jr. Host
Cable, all utilities for $300 50 Wall Street
a month. Please only Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
serious roo~nmate inquires,
646-3323. 501/253-8281
of Eureka Springs
Su an & James De Owners
(501) 253-6807 5 Center Street
Closed ~/ednesday Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Maureen & Joyce
The Purple Iris Inn
RR 6, Box 339
Eureka Springs.
Arkansas 72632
Jerry A. Wilson (sol) 2s3-73~
96 Kings H~,hway ¯ Hwy. 62 W. ¯ Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Left to right: Al Reese, Larry Everett, Peter Schoonheim, Photo: Ron Volanti, Jr.
Oklahoma’s Own Larry Everett
Wins International Mr. Leather
CHICAGO - Larry Everett of Collinsville was selected as International Mr. Leather
1995, outplacing over 50 other entrants in the 17th year 0f the popular leather contest.
Everett, who is also Mr. Oklahoma Leather this year, represented Tulsa’s Silver Star
Saloon and is the first Oklahoma resident to win the ritle. Larry, who is 34, is a member
ofTool Box Technicians and an honorary member ofTulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Associates. Larry is active in several community rights and HIV care organizations and
has worked in local and state Republican politics. He has traveled over 6,000 miles
representing the state of Oklahoma.
The contest was held in Chicago’s Congress Theater.- In addition to prize winning
leathermen from around the world (London, Amsterdam, Toronto, and the US), the
cohtest featured entertainment by video star, Jeff Stryker, Mark Davis and Michael
Griffith. Also, the 1st Intemarional Mr. Leather, David Kloss of San Francisco, who won
in 1979, walked down the rtmway sixteen years later to thunderous applause. First runnerup
was A1 Reese of San Diego & Peter Schoonheim of Amsterdam was 2nd rmmer-up.
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Sadie Brooks &
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Dallas Gay Comic
to Appear Junei 23
¯at Concessions
Paul J. Williams,"TheBest LittleHomo
in Texas" will perform his nationally
acclaimed stand-up comedy routine at
Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria on Friday,
June 23 at 10 pm. An openly Gay comic,
Williams has appeared at a number of
leading comedy dubs across the United
Humor with a Southern flair, Texasbased
comic Williams has a strong
following for his hilarious views on
growing up in the South. Formerly with
the wildly successful comedy group, Less
Miserable, Paul has created his own show
oforiginal characters and stand-upcomedy
entitled The Best Little Homo in Texas.
Paul’s stand-up covers everything from
his being a "creative" child in .a
conservative Southern Baptist home to
his experiences as a single, Gay white
male. In between, Paul introduces you to
several different characters who are based
loosely on people he has known.
Concessions, The Perspective and
!nfemo Productions teamed up to bring
Williams toTulsaforOldahomaGayPride
Week. Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR) has been selected by the
producers to receive $1 of each ticket sold
as adonation to theTOHRfundto establish
a Gay and Lesbian Community Center.
Tickets are $5. Advance tickets are now
on sale at ConcesSions Nightclub, Budget
.Window Treatments,and Floral Design
Studios and from TOHR Members.
Tickets will also be on sale at the TOHR
booth at Tulsa’s Pride Picnic, June 18.
March 21-April 20
If there are sensitive topics you’ve been
avoiding, now is the time to speak your
mind. Family relationships areparticnlarly
positive. Stand up for yourself on big
issues. Keep the peace flowing by letting
the little stuff go by.
April 20-May 21
You’re full ofenergy and, though you’re
working hardnow, you arebeing rewarded
for it too. People around you support your
efforts. !f you have been thinking about
taking a gamble, now is the time to begin
your venture.
May 21-June 22
You’ll have more money coming in
than usual this month, and cash flows out
just as fast. Partners can be a financial
drain. Help out; just don’t go overboard
with your generosity. Yes, your lover
really does understand you! Don’t fear the
June 22-July 23
Your present partner isn’t really there "
for you--probably because (s)he is going
through a personal crisis and needs the
help more .than you do. If you’re just
beginning a relationship, hold back.
There’s more baggage, than you need.
July 23-August 23
You’ve had some setbacks recently.
Though that phase is over, it’s lime to look
at the consequences of your actions and
make sense of it all. Don’t beat yourself
up; just decide where you to go from here.
August 23-September 23
You may be tempted to end a long
standing relationship, but it’s better to
talk it out. Your serious partnerships are
trying to shift to anew level; don’t chicken
out because it seems like too much work.
~1ou Sceapntemmabkeer 2g3r-eOatctsotbriedre2s3in your
career; but the gratification doesn’t come
fast enough. It may seem like you’re just
plodding along, but. the nose to the
grindstone approach is exactly what will
bring you to success.
October.23-November 23
A project you completed some time
ago finally pays off--just when you had
almost given up hope. Spend some of the
coming, coming, coming
vicious, vicious, vicious
vicious, vicious;, vicious
vicious, vicious, vicious
s~n, soon, soon
Thum,, June 22 $5 Cover
Male & Female Contestants
Sun,, June 25 $2 Cover
S~cial Guest. Mr, Tony Sinclair
urs.Sun 9.2 v3340S, Peoria Tulsa v 918.744.0896.
money on a vacation to a romantic locale,
preferably with a lover who shares your
exotic fantasies.
Nov. 23-Dec. 22
Existing relationships heatup and your
parmer’s good financial fortune rubs off
on you.A new relationship can start now,
mostly based on physical magnetism.
Have fun, as long as you don’t let your
hormones talk. you into anything
Dec. 22-January 21
The month begins with fatigue for you;
let yourself slack off a bit. You’ll get lots
of support when you express your needs
and your love for others verbally. By midmonth,
you’ll be highly energetic and
motivated by the success ofanew venture.
Jan. 21-February 20
It is critical that you maintain a positive
attitude. You’ve taken a lot of chances
lately butkeep the faith, and you’ll prevail.
Use your dreams to solve the problems
youreonseious mindcan’tseemto answer.
February 20-March 21 .
You have been looking at a friend
through rose-colored glasses and they’re
not as reliable as you hoped~ Let’s face it,
you’ve been had. Though you’re not
usually the assertive type, it’s time to quit
playing doormat and stand upfor yourself.
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write down your box number.
Mike, 40, brn/brn, gdlkg, int are
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interested in a rel- e38757
Oklahoma City OUTDOOR LOVER:
Greg 25, GWM iso fun and love
outdoors, 6’3, professional, give me a call,
looking for someone no games, like to go
out and have fun but not really into the bar
scene- ~38923
Oklahoma City SHE MALES: Tracy, int in
meeting TV’s She Males, in the area give
me a call- bye! ~39139
OK TONY 24 6 215 bm/brn, mustache,
goatee bind hair, hairy, love 3 stoogeslooking
for a father figure, Marlboro man,
very romantic, Iv a message and I’ll get
back to you as soon as I can, hoping Mr.
Right Ikg for monog rel only- ~39172
Oklahoma City BOB, like to have ..
fun, 47, looking for 18-50, give mea ca11-
Oklahoma City ANDRE 20 looking br a
gay man, in the area, give me a ca11-
OK DISCREET FUN: John, 6’, 172
bm/brn, Ikg for married guys who are
looking for discreet fun, give me a ca11-
Tulsa LIKE TO MEET: Mike, 35, 6’1,
bm/brn 195, like to meet talk to people, if
ur int, like to have fun and a good time,
give me a call- ~39587
Tulsa BRIAN 21, GWM, 6"i, 220,
like romance, vers, Ikg for long term
monde rel, someone to start one with, iso
prof~l GWM open minded, ages 20-40,
Ikg for someone who likes to have a good
time, would have intell conversation-
Oklahoma CityCAMPING AND
COMPUTERS: Robert 28 BIWM married
looking for someone int in a discreet rel, if
thafs you Iv a message-int are camping,
computers, really int in hearing from youe39721
Gene, WM, 50, 190~ blu/blnd, intin a
lasting rel, down to earlh, not into bars,
like video photography camping fishing
and quiet eves at home gardening, just
rel~ing and enjoying each other- u be
30-50- ~39758
Oklahoma .City LOOKINGFOR A
FRIEND: 35, looking for pass ml, friends,
¯ and.-j0~i"be hor~est, will reply to ablk/
gm reed bu d attr- Thanks!
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR A
rLOV~R~ Mark ooking for someone
to ~a~a rel with, 24, give me a
call- thanks- ~37392
.Bay PEN PAL:,~icki, 29, int in
males;i:18-30, 61 150;. nt n any
guy writing to me -write asap-
Tulsa FUZZY CUDDLER: looking
for a fuzzy cuddler, WGM 36 bin/
blu 155 v~rs (+) hlthy attr, iso fun
with another pos attitude person,if
-~this sounds good Iva message- ~
E. Tulsa GWM 19, 5"10,140,
dk blnd/grn; iso young cln cut
companion, 18-26- ~37612
Oklahoma City DISCREET FUN:
36 Brn grey hair 170 6’1 good
shape like to meet 18-30 for discreet
fun, give me a call- inexp a pluswanna
have some~n, call me-
Oklahoma City WANNA DATE?
Lance looking for someone in the area 28
145 sandy bind blu, med build, iso
someone between 18-30 nice looking like
to go out to movies, g0 do something, or
stay here and watch movies, give me a
call- e37738
Oklahoma City FRIENDS AND FUN:
WM, 40s Mas~: iso str acting guys with
slim musc builds for friendship fun,
AR FONE FUN : Kenny int in meeting
other guys, and doing interesting
things and lone fun, g~ve me a ca11-
Tulsa POSSIBLE LOVER: Alan, 6’2 175,
dk brn/blu hairy defined build, looking to
get together for good times, pass
relationship- ~37945
What better way to speod~vour "
Summer than (vith s’O.m~6~ei~pecial?
Personal ads. like these,-are orie of,
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ways to meet new people,
Place Your FREE~’No’~ ’
,~d get ready toin~oduce.yourself-~
-to a whole new summ~~i~
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Tulsa PARTY BOY: ~BM 313~ ~qsc bUild,
seeks masc men, 25:-~0"~!~r~pf~ party
boy, likes to porty~ .~,,.3~2~ i~ iii. ,:.~".,~
Tulsa NEW TO AI~A: 3:4,~_~ to meet
new guys~ new to the a.reo;.,fo~,friendship,
5’ I0. bmibrn, ~38~ :6.9..~ ~.~/~,.~;,~,~.~ -
build; professional
pri~a~ ai,~t~,;~e.~ 8~2~’ ~t.
..~’~::.~" ~ , . bm/.blu grn,.m~ ~v~.me,a ca I-~38255
N. U~e R~k
NIKIN~ Cliff brn/~,
around, camping hiking, i~ a g~ ~ have
~n or kiendship- ~38463
180, brn/brn, iso guys: b~tween 2] :30 for
friendship pass rel, a~, like outdoors,
mowes reading and dining Cur if ur .~ -
intereosted c lye me a call- ~38358
8 g 1-900-740-GUYS
I~-, $1~~41~-~1-~ :
by Tom Neal
In the African-American
community, there are men who
have sex with othermenbut who
do not see themselves as Gay or
Bisexual. These men may never
be reached by messages target
Gay & Bi men about safer sex
and HIV/AIDS. Reaching these
men is part of the mission of
Friends in Unity Social
Organization (FUSO), a three
year old community based
organization (CBO) that is run
by and for African-American
men of diverse sexual
See FUSO, page 16
British Court Rejects
Military Ban Challenge
LONDON - Britain’s High
Court has reluctantly thrown out
a bid to allow homosexuals to
serve in the armed forces. The
court rejected a legal challenge
by four service members
dismissed for being gay.
However, the judge said the
Bfiti.shpol icy probably wotfldn’t
survive much longer because it
was "against the fide of history."
Jeanette Smith, Graeme
Grady, JohnBeckett and Duncan
Lustig-Prean challenged the
Defense Ministry in the High
Court, but lost the appeal -
although not without moral
support from the court. Lord
Justice Simon Brown said he
was refusing the application with
"hesitation and with regret" but
he said that the decision on the
future of the policy must lie with
others, specifically with the
government and with Parliament.
After the court ruling, the four
discharged service members and
their supporters held a press
conference where spokeswoman
Angela Mason said they were
considering an appeal of the twojudge
High Court ruling. The
imnistry saidit was satisfied with
the ruling. Defense Ministry
spokeswoman Ailsa McIntyre
said at a press conference
following the court ruling, "We
See British, page ]2
Rec~auy Tulsa lost one of its
most passionate activists to
complications of AIDS. Mark
Vickers, who had only recently
turned 38, left Tulsa and his
world a better place. Mark was
best known for his work as an
HIV/AIDS activist. According
to one of his friends, the Rev.
Leslie Penrose, Mark became
involved in HIV/AIDS issues in
the middle 80’s. Mark was
involved in the formation of the
HIV Resource Cousorfitwn even
"before it had that name.
seepage 6
Canadian Court OKs
Same-Sex Adoptions
TORONTO - An Ontario Court
has cleared the way for four
lesbian couples to adopt children,
in what may be a landmark
decision in the country. "There
is a huge emotional advantage to
a child to be adopted and not to
just be in thejoint custody, but to
have two people that they know
for absolutely sure are their
parents and will always be their
parents no matter what," said
Miriam Kanfman.
Kaufman is the biological
mother of 2 children, Jacob and
Abiva, but her partner Roberta
Benson of Toronto had no legal
fight to adopt the youngsters
before Judge James Paul Nevins
of the Ontario Court’ s provincial
division, declared adoption
limited to opposite-sex couples
was discriminatory. The judge
issued adoption orders for all the
couples in the case. Four lesbian
couples won similar adoption
rights in the case. All four cases
involved couples in which one
of the women was the biolo~cal
parent of the children. It remains
unclear how the court ruling
might affect gay and lesbian
couples trying to adopt when
that’s not the case. Brenda
Cossman, a family-law professor
at York University’s Osgoode
Hall Law School, said the ruling
becomes powerful ammmfition
See Canada, pare 12
See Awards, page 3
Pride Logo by Kelly Vandiver
Lesbian/Gay Pride Celebrations
kick off officially in Tulsa
with the annual Pride PiCnic held
at Mohawk Park Pavilion no. 6.
The picnic begins at noon. The
organizers of this year’s picnic
have designated the Gay &
Lesbian Commumty Center as
the beneficiary of any funds
raised. As in-the past, beverages
are free and there is no admission
fee except a $1 per car charged
by the park at the p~k entrance.
Organizers are requesting a $2
Over the Memorial Day
weekend, several Tulsa activists
journeyed to Dallas to brush.up
on leadership skills at the 2nd
Leadership Lambda Conference
held at the Anatole Hotel. Tulsa
Oklahomans ’for Human Rights
(TOHR) president, Tim Gillean,
Bud Wharton, co-chair of the
Rainbow Business Guild.
businessman Rick Phillips and
Tom Neat, Tulsa Family News
publisher attended a variety of
workshops, ranging from the nuts
& bolts of political campaign
organizing to time management,
and fundraising.
The keynote speaker was
former debutant, former CBS
news producer and ACT-UP
Lesbian activist, Ama Northrop.
Other nationally known work~
shop leaders were Evan Wolfson,
a top attorney withLambdaLegal
Defense and Education Fund.
Dallas board member of the
Human Rights Campaign Fun
(HRCF) Lori Masters and others
representing Dallas organidonation
for food which after zationsandWashingtOnoneslike
~seet~a~e 6 , ’~ the Gay &Lesbian Victory Fund.
Administration Won’t
Enter Amend, 2 Case
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
Administration has declined to
join in an important Supreme
Court case that is expected
determine whether states can
prohibit local legislation
protecting lesbians and gay men
against discrimination.
U.S. Attorney General Janet
Rent said the administration has
decided not to participate in the
Supreme Court case involving
Colorado’s Amendment 2
because the federal government
is not ~ party to the law in
question. Voters in Colorado
narrowly approved the ballot
measure whichwas subsequently
declared unconstitntional by the
state’s Supreme Court. The
measure passed by popular vote
in 1992 specifically bans laws
that prohibit discrimination
against gay, lesbian and bisexual
"There was nofederal program
orfederal statute involved,"Reno
said, "and so we determined thal
at this point the federal
government should not
Amendment 2, which has
spawned a handful of similar
state and local measures
prohibiting gay rights protections
around the country, would ban
all Colorado and local la~vs or
regulations that protec~
See Colorado. page 13
Anti-Gay Court Ruling
in Cincinnati’s Measure
CINCINNATI-Cincilmafi’ s onagain,
off-again anti -gay
measure is now back in place
following a federal appeals court
ruling. The U.S. 6th Circuit
Court of Appeals ruled that a
lower court erred when it
overturned a measure that city
voters approved in 1993 which
excludes sexual orientation as a
basis for civil rights protecnons.
Last year a U.S. District Court
declared the referendum
unconstitutional because it
attempts to deny civil liberties of
an identifiable group of people.
The appeals court ruling,
however, said homosexuals are
"an unidentifiable group or class
of individuals whose identity is
defined by subjective and
unapparent characteristics such
"as innate desires, drives and
Gay rights advocates were
stamaed by the ruling and said
they would appeal to the U.S.
Supreme Court, which is already
slated to hear a similar case
resulting from Colorado’s
Amendment 2.
Rhode Island OKs
Anti-Bias Law
Island has become the ninth state
in the country to approve
legislation prohibiting discrimination
based on sexual
orientation when the state Senate,
after 11 years of trying, narrowly
approved the measure on a 2~-
21 vote.
The "bill, which has already
been approved by the state House
of Representatives, now goes to
Gov. Lincoln Almond, a
Republican, who has already
indicated he would sign the
measure into law.
The bill bars discrimination in
the s tate in employment, housing,
public accommodations and
credit. Religious organizations
are exempt from the state law.
Opponents of the civil rights
bill attempted without luck to
add a series of amendments,
including one that would have
forced the issue to a state ballot
vote and another that would have
specifically excluded the Boy
Scouts of America.
Photos Inside:
Follies Revue&
Family of Faith
National Conf.
~i~rter~" Delegates,
¯ seepage 12
PUB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the’:.~nti*r~:~onten’ts of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1995 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors phi0 does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos U0rrespondence is assumed to be for publication unless other-
Laurie Cooper wise noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Maureen Curtin Family News. All correspondence should be sent to the address
Staff Photographer above. Each reader is entitled to on%free copy of each edition at
JD Jamett distribution locations. Additional copies are available atTomfoolery!
for Tuls~:~~am~)!y News: But this
uncharaE~ri~ti~iz bre~iity doesn’t
mean thatit!’s~not .heartfelt or
true. T~il ~a’~ :’Lesbian/Gay/Bi/
Transgendered Folks, Family &
Friends are!~r.~tty..remarkable and
wondel~t~~2’)~U-i 7:"/ " ¯
Whii~"~{~~h~nly perfect,
we have much about which to be
VIEL- . r sOlq
rnen~ ~tasc_alinitj~
depends on
three;- we, ~
lis folks w:hose
hard Work and dedication we’ve
seen andwantyoU all to know
abotit) They’ve accomplished.
much and there’s more being
planned.of which -to be proud.
Tulsa’s.a great town,that’s jus.t
going tO get bett~r with each of
us helping. - Tom Neal, editor
OOPS! Tulsa~Family News made a
mistake-in ourMay issue, v.2 #6.
We announced the date of the
Oklahoma City Pride Parade as
Saturday, June 24. It is ac.tgally
Sunday, June 25. We regret this
and hope you, our readers, were
not inconvenienced.
. Tulsa Fatnily News wouldlike
to assure our readers that the
inclusion of the announcement
of a Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights (TOHR) Civic
Affairs committee meetingat the,
end of the editorial, Civil Rights
for Tulsa Lesbians & Gay Men.
Who Decides What’s Best for
Us? in no way represented the
views of TOHR nor should
readers infer that the commi ttee
shared our editorial opinion.
While Tulsa Family News
hoped we had made this
distinction clear by identifying
the columnas the editor’s opxmon
and by a disclaimer at the end of
the column, we regret, that some
folks may have perceived it
Although I rarely agree with
vour opinions, I must applaud
your recent editorial regarding
"Civil Rights for Tulsa Lesbians
& Gay Men: Who Decides
What’s Best for Us?". Until the
Human Rights Commission’s
hearings last year, I was not
politically involved at all.
However, when I learned that
my rights and the rights of my
family were being talked about,
I felt it my obligation to become
involved. I find it hard to believe
that I was the only person who
got involved and worked up
about the Gay Rights issue only
to be left out of the decision
making. To those of us who are
not in the know, or who don’t
run in the circles of people that
are privileged enough to hear
about what is going on behind
the scenes, it seems as if the ball
has been dropped.
While I am sure that the same
people who have always been
fighting for Gay rights are still
doing their part and doing it to
the best of their ability, their
failure to inform the commtmity
at large and ask for more
involvement does not promote
involvement from those who
have not been previously
involved. In fact, when people
like me who are interested in
doing their part can’t even seem
to find out what is happening,
who to talk to etc., it nearly
promotes political apathy.
I understand that experience
and tact are useful characteristics
in people who are trying to
change things in the face of the
difficulty that comes from
politics. But, I believe that each
and every person in our
community has useful skills and
life experiences that will aid our
fight against discrimination. Not
necessarily do I want to be the
person sitting and chatting with
the Mayor, but I do feel like a
meaningful discussion between
the entire Gay/Lesbian
community of Tulsa and the
people who are leading the
struggle would benefit everyone.
Thank you for brining this
issue out of the closet. It is my
hope that this will indeed strike
up a dialogue. We’ve given the
Mayor and the City Council
plenty of time with which to
ponder the Human Rights
Commission’s recommendations.
Now, it’s time we talk
about what to do next.
Debbie Harding, Tulsa
Tulsa Family News has not
provided subscripuons directly
prior to this issue. We have
encouraged folks who wouldlike
to receive Tulsa Family News by
mail to join Tulsa Oklahomans
for HumanRights.(TOHR). This
has been our way of supporting
TOHR since a membership in
TOHR entitles the member to a
monthly delivery of this paper.
Recently, we have a complaint
aboutnotreceiving Tulsa Family
News quickly enough by mail.
Wemust direct those complaints
toTOHR. While stafffrom Tulsa
Family News do help as
volunteers with the TOHR
mailing, the organization
controls the timing. Messages
for TOHR president, Tim
Gillean, may be left at743-4297.
Tulsa Family News has also
received several complaints from
individuals who would like to
receive Tulsa Family News but
who do not care to support
TOHR. For those who would
prefer to receive discreet home
delivery directly from Tulsa
Family News (mailed within 3
days of our publication date),
please send $15 for a 12 month
subscription, $8 for 6 months.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Barraccuda’s Wild Nights/Douna’s Crazy Days
2405 E. Admiral
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S, Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston
. .Tulsa Businesses,.Services, & Professionals
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PUB 14011, 74159 747-5466
*Mohawk Pride Center, 3910 Park Rd. 425-1354
Jonathan & Dee Nicholas, Realtors 749-3000, 800-539-7767
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Blue Moon Bakery 492-4918
BroOkside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743~5272
Budget Window Treatments; 7116 S0~ Mingo, Ste. 102 254-2100
Certified Moble Auto Repair 438:3393, pager: 591-0597
*Columbia Place, 1519 E. 15 587-5803
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 " 592-1521
*Devena’ s GalleryTor Photography, 13 E: Brady 587-2611
~Elite Book~ & Videos, 821S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Heirloom Designs, 2814 E. 15 742-5665
*Imagination.s, Lincoln Plaza, 15th &Peoria 584~4606
International Tours. . .341-6866
Ken’s Flo~vers,’I635 E. 15 599-8070
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Major Affairs 587-8108
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
Mortgages by Design ...... 342~4252:
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston 587-8333.
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton 496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan 832-0233
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza 583-1500
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B~E. 11 628-0594
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Friends In Unit3’,
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, PUB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild 254-2100
Rainbow Village, PUB 50403, 74150-0403 599-8423
Save the Nation, Indian Health Care 584-4983
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) PUB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
*Chelsea’s Comer Cafe, 10 Mountain St. 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-5~45
*King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W 800-231-1+42
*Purple Iris Irm, Route 6, Box 339 501-253-8748
*The Woods, 50 Wall S t. 501-253-8281
*Oasis Community Center, 2135 NW 39th 405-525-2437
*Triangle Association, 2136 NW 39th 405-843-8378
Tulsa Family News Pride Awards
The editors of Tulsa Family News encounter many, many folks in the course of
covering news in and about the Lesbian/Gay/Bi communities. To commemorate Tulsa
Pride, Tulsa Family News would like to recognize a number of folks’and businesses with
our "Thumbs Up" and "Thumbs Down" awards. This list is not comprehensive of all the
folks doing good (or bad) deeds in Tulsa. If there are folks whom you think should be
recognized next year, please write us with their names and good/bad deeds. Thank you.
Thumbs Up Award:
Ric & Kelly Kirby - Service to community - TOHR & HIV AdvOcacy
Nancy & Joe McDonald - Service to community - PFLAG
Lisa Pottorf - Lesbian/Gay/Bi,Youth Outreach
Kharma Amos - Service to community - Family of Faith MCC
Derrick Davis & RF Renfro - Service to community - FUSO
- -- Dennis Nei,lt, BiltHinkle .&-Barbara Longwirth -
Service to community - Human Rights Commission
Alice Jones - Eongtime Service to community - MCC Greater Tulsa
Brian Jackson - Service to community - HI3/advocacy
Janice Nicklas - Service to community - HIV advocacy
Phil Wiley & Vernon Jones - Service to community - HIV advocacy & more
Alice Wilder Bates - Service to community - A .Friend for A Friend
Marty Newman.- Service to community - Black & White & more
The Tulsa Worm for its improved coverage of Lesbian & Gay issues.
Tulsa Congressman Steve Largent -
for a historic 1 st meeting with his Gay & Lesbian constituents.
Thumbs Down Award:
Java Dave’s & Dave Neighbors - for responding to bias against Lesbian/Gay
patrons by trying to get rid of Lesbian/Gay and other "alternative" patrons
and for censoring community newspapers.
City Councilor John Benjamin - for promoting prejudice
and for a general disregard for human rights in Tulsa
The Martin ,Luther King Jr. Commemorative Society - for failing to apologize
for’the anti-Gay comments of their speaker at the King ceremonies.
Thursday. June 29
7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Downtown Library
Room next to Aaronson Auditorium
Senators Don Nickles & James Inhofe -
This meeting is called b,y concerned. Gay/Lesbian citizens.
This is a meeting to facilitate communication between
every existing Gay & Lesbian Group in Tulsa. -
for refusing to meet with their Lesbian & Gay constituents. lfyou are livin-o in Tulsa and are parr of the Gay. /Lesbian communi~ the ~ulsa World for its anti-Gay advertising policies. YOU NEED TO BE AT THIS ;V~EETI.N(;.
li= ii-1/-,!3 ,/) II lil
l)pens June I~, I (~am-I Opnn,
June ~/4-,_-11), I~am-midni~ht,
I-4, ~am.midni~ht, July ~, I(~am-~pm
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Gramm Woos Religious
Right With Military Issue
LYNCHBURG, Va. - Sen. Phil
Gramm (R-Texas) told the
graduating .class at Jerry
Fal well’ s Liberty University that
hc would support overturning
the "don’ t ask, don’ t tell" policy
of allowing gays and lesbians in
the armed forces in an apparent
effort by the GOP presidential
hopeful to shore up support
among the religious right wing
of the party. ’~Let’ s overturn Bill
Clinton’s destructive and
unworkable policy on gays-in
the military," Gramm told the
Liberty University commencement
audience, although he did
not specify what policy he
The current policy, however,
was a compromise reached
between Clinton and Senate
- after Clinton said he wanted to
end the ban on homosexuality in
the country’ s military altogether.
Grmnm also said he supports
prayer in public schools,
restrictions on abortions, and
rejection of a UN treaty on
children" s rights because it does
not define a fetus as a child
Phil Gramm’s Blue
Movie Investment?
Grmmn. who als0"Said at Liberty
University that .the country is
facing a "moral’crisis," has
de~fied investing money 20 years
ago in a soft-pore film entitled
"’Truck Stop Women." Gramm’ s
former brother-in-law, George
Caton, told the New Republic
that Gramm had invested money
in the fihn in 1974. Caton also
said the film was never made
mad that he offered to return
Gramm" s money to him, but ttmt
the Texas conservative had i
nstead insisted that it be invested
in a film making fun of former
President Richard Nixon.
Gramm denied investing either
in the porn film or knowing
anything about an anti-Nixon
’Homos’ in the Military
"Duke" Cunningharn (R-San
Diego) turned the sometimes
acrimonious House of
Representatives floor debates
into a particularly nasty affair
Thursday, May 11, by saying
that the people who back an
environmental bill before
Congress are the same people
who "want to put homos in the
military." "Is there any shocking
doubt?" Cunningham said on the
House floor. "The same.people
that would vote to cut defense
$177 billion, the same ones that
would put homos in the military,
the same ones that would not
At this point Rep. Patricia
Schroeder, a Democrat from
Colorado, tried to object by
calling "Mr. Chairman, Mr.
Chairman" several times. But
Cunninghamcuther offabruptly,
saying, "No I will not sit down,
socialist." Rep. Barney Frank(DMass.)
said on the House floor,
"Trying to prove anything to the
Member from California goes
beyond the pale of my oath [of
office], and I won’ t try. I will say
that we are not here talking about
the merits .of that issue [gays in
the military]. We are talking
about the gratuitously bigoted
formulation of it by which it was
injected into this debate.’"
Later Cunningham showed up
at a press conference called by
the Human Rights Campmgn
Fund and was invited by
Elizabeth Birch, HRCF’s
executive director, to apologize
for his remarks. Cunningham
said, "If the term ’homos in the
military’ is offensive, I
apologize." He insisted, however,
that he has not changed his
mind about opposing gays and
lesbians in the armed forces.
General Motors Puts
Ads in Gay Magazine
DETROIT-General Motors has
become the 1st of the country’s
"Big Three" automakers to
advertise in the gay press in the
U.S. The May issue of Out
magazine includes a 2-page ad
ffr GM’s Saturn auto. It is the
. same ad layout GM currently
uses in otherpublications around
the country.
A spokesperson for the
automaker said the advertising
decision was based simply on
"another opportunity to ~each a
group within our market - that
is, people wh~ would Wobably
purchase an import."
British Police Force
Begins Gay Recruiting
BRIGHTON, England - The
pofice in the British south-coast
county of East Sussex have made
history in the United Kingdom
by becoming the first
constabulary in .the country to
solicit gays and lesbians to join
its force. Sussex police have put
ads in Brilain’ s gay Pink Paper
inviting gays and lesbians to
apply for some 350 vacancies
currently openin the force. Wlfile
Britain’ s military forces exclude
homosexuals, the country’s
police services have no such
prohibition. But the Sussex
police are the first in British
history to actively recruit gays
and lesbians as officers.
Mark Lamb, head ofpersonnel
with the Sussex police Said,
"Society is coming around to the
idea that the sexuality of an
individual is no big deal and we
share that view." East Sussex
includes several popularvacation
spots, such as Beachy Head, Rye
and Brighton, which has a large
and politically active community.
The move by the Sussex
police followed a meeting
between John Smith, head of the
Brighton Police, and gay and
lesbian activists.
Buddhists to Perform
Same-Sex Weddings
Tribune,. the newspaper of the
Soka Gakkai International
Buddhist Association, has
reported that the religious group
will now perform wedding
services for same-sex couples,
the same as it now does for
opposite-sex couples.
The newspaper quoted Fred
Zaitsu, SGI’s general director,
who said the change reflected
the Buddhist "spirit of nondiscrimination
and equality."
Soka Gakkai International is the
largest Buddhist religious group
in the United States.
Dyke March in New York
NEW YORK - New York’s
Lesbian Avengers is planning
another Dyke March, slated as
part of this year’s New York
Gay Pride events on Saturday,
June 24. Last year’ s International
Dyke March drew some 20,000
women. The theme of this year’ s
march is "Snatch the Power."
County Revokes Human
Rights Protections.
TAMPA, Fla. - The
Hillsborougia County Commission
has decided on a 4-3 vote to
repeal the "sexual orientation"
section of the county’s human
rights ordinance. Activists had
expected the repeal move after 2
new conservative members were
elected to the commission in last
year’ s elections. Rights activists
said they would challenge the
repeal in court.
Cammermeyer Honored
by Jewish Women
SEATTLE Col. Margarethe
Cammermeyer was one of 3
women given the Hannah
SolomOn Award by the National
Counfil of Jewish Women.
Cammermeyer, the highest
ranking officer to challenge the
military ban on gay and lesbian
service members, was selected
for the honor in recognition of
her work for the rights and
freedoms of others.
Justice Dept. Settles
Military Suit with Pruitt
WASHINGTON - The Justice
Department has settled a 1983
lawsuit filed by Dusty Prultt that
would change her status from an
involuntary discharge from the
U.S. Army because she said she
was a lesbian to a voluntary
retirement with therankofmajor.
Pruitt, a minister with the
Metropolitan Community
Churchin Lakewood, Calif., said
she was ."overjoyed" with the
proposed settlement, which
would allow her to be eligible
for retirement benefits.
North Carolina Film
Festival Controversy
DURHAM, N.C. - Headed by
leaders ofthe county Republican
Party and theChristian Coalition,
scores oflocal anti-gay protesters
showedup attheDurhamCounty
Commission Monday, May 22,
to demand that plans to hold a
gay film festival in June at the
Carolina Theatre should be
halted. Virginia Bunton,
secretary of the Durham County
Republican Party, told the
commissioners, "We would
prefer that the community notbe
exposed to this lifestyle.... We’re
supposed to be protecting our
citizens from some things they
need to be protected from, and
that includes pornography."
Bunton said she had seen none
of the films slated to be shownas
part of the film festival held in
conjunction with the annual
North Carolina Pride ’95
celebrationJune 9-12in Durham.
Even so, Bunton said she intends
to ask the state Attorney General
t o preview the films to determine
if they are pornography under
North Carolina law. The county
commissioners ducked a direct
attack of the film festival, and
instead passed a resolution
asking the Carolina’ s trustees to
provide "parental guidance" for
films that had no ratings and to
consider "downplaying’" its.
advertising for the festi val’s
offerings: - " " " -
Transsexuals Get 2 ID’s
LONDON-With typical British
sang-froid, the LondonTransport
system has announced that it will
begin issuing 2 ID cards to
transsexuals who are in the
processing of changing their
gender. One card will show the
eardholder dressed as a male, the
other as a female to help tickettakers
in the city’s subway
system. To qualify for the dual
ID cards, the individuals must be
under the care of a physician or
Amnesty Charges Rights
Violations in Romania
International, the human rights
watchdog group based m
London, has strongly criticized
whatit says are continuing rights
violations in Romania 5 years
after the overthrow of the
repressive regime of Nicolea
Ceausescu. Amnestycondemned
what it says are restrictions on
the rights of free speech, the illtreatment
or torture of prisoners
and thedetentionofhomosexuals
simply because of their sexual
orientation. Amnesty acknowledged
thatthings haveimproved
for many people in Romania
since Ceausescu was deposed,
but complained that government
assurance that human rights
would be protected had not been
honored and that abuses were
continuing in the country.
ALA Group Announces
1995 Book Awards
CHICAGO - The American
Library Association’s Gay,
Lesbian & Bisexual Book
Awards Committee has
announced the winners of its
1995 book awards. The top
winners were: "Am I Blue?:
Coming Out from the Silence"
by Marion Dane Bauer; "Skin:
Nathanael Mattingly
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¯ News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Talldng About Sex, Class & I~lealth studied 741 gay men in ntence simply:~for.......being state Senate rejected Hurley’s legalrights since it would almost
Literature" by Dorothy Allison;
"Uncommon Heroes: A
Celebration of Heroes & Role
Models for Gay & Lesbian
Americans" by Phillip Sherm an
and Samuel Bernstein. The
awards will be formally
presented at the 25th anniversary
ALA’ s Gay, Lesbian&Bisexual
Task Force conference in
Chicago on June 24.
GLAAD Takes on Mel
Gibson’s Latest Film
Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) took to
the streets to hand out leaflets
outside theaters in a half-dozen
cities protesting the opening of
the Mel- Gibson film
"Braveheart." Ellen Carton,
GLAAD’s executive directory
said, "We can’ t fmd any heart in
’Braveheart.’ There’ s nothing
brave about prejudice and
violence." GLAAD said the
portrayal ofthe gay EnglishKing
Edward II in the film was "a
throwback to the classic celluloid
’queer’ played for laughs." The
film. opened at theaters around
the country on May 24.
Lesbian Rights Group
Gets Huge Grant
National Center for Lesbian
Rights here has received a
whopping $450,000 grant from
the Joyce Mertz-Gilmore
FoundationinNewYork. NCLR
is a public interest law group that
fights discrimination against
lesbians thro.ughout the U.S. The
group says it will use part of its
new funding to beef up
membership, with a goal of
15,000 new members by 1997.
Part of the membership drive
will include setting up its own
home pages on the Internet’ s
.World Wide Web where it hopes
~t can reach thousands ofwomen
with access to few support
Discrimination Adds to
¯Health Problems
NEW YORK - According to a
report in the Journal of Health
and Social Behavior, gay men
who directly experience
homophobia, anti-gay violence
or discrimination are 2 to 3 times
as likely to suffer from
depression, anxiety, stressrelated
sexual problems, suicidal
thoughts and other negative
pressures. Researchers at the
Columbia School of Public
New York City and concluded
that the men who experienced
anti-gay discrimination or
violence suffered significantly
greatermental distress than those
whodonot. The s tudy also found
that those who also blamed their
own homosexuality as the cause
of the discrimination or violence
were even more likely to
experience emotional stress. The
researchers also found that gay
men who had gone through such
anti-gay experiences dealt with
the stress more effectively ff they
"felt connected to the gay
Museum’s Multicultural
Wedding Exhibit
OAKLAND, Calif. - The
Oakland Museum has just
opened a historical exhibit
covering wedding customs from
Native American traditional
ceremonies to contemporary
same-sex holy unions. The
multicultural exhibit includes
material from the Museum’s
large historical collection of
photographs, costumes and
memorabilia, as well as materials
onloanfrom othermuseums and
private collections. The exhibit
tracks how couples meet,
engagement customs, prewedding,
celebrations, nuptial
ceremomes and honeymoons,
with short histories of how the
customs evolved. Among the
wedding garments, ranging from
a Japanese kimono to a 19th
century embroideredladdalgown
from Turkey, are the matching
pair of colorful shirts worn by
two men during their wedding.
Gay Albanian Group Gets
Official Recognition
TIRANE, Albania - Injust over
one year after forming in 1994,
the Gay Albania Society has
moved from being a secretive,
illegal association in what was
once the hardest of the hard-line
Communist nations, to helping
convince the national parliament
to repeal its anti-gay laws earlier
this year, tonow winning official
recognition, the Open Media
Research Institute has reported.
Tlie Gay Albania Society was
secretly formed with an
anonymous membership in
March 1994. By the beginning
of this year, the society had been
instrumental in convincing the
Albanian Parliament to drop
Article 137, which carried a
maximum 10 year prison se
homosexual." When the new
penal code went into effect at the
beginning of June, the Albania
government also extended
formal recognition of the Gay
Albania Society as a registered
citizens’ associationrepresenting
the interests of a class of the
Lesbian Parental Case
Goes to N.Y, High Court
NEW YORK - The New York
Court of Appeals, the state’s
highest court, has begunhearings
that will decide whether one
partner of same-sex couples can
adopt the biological child of the
other partner. The case involves
a lesbian who is attempting to
adopt the 5-year-old biological
daughter of her mate. The 2
women, identified only as P.I.
and G.M. in court documents,
have been a couple for 19 years.
The women Want to have joint
parental rights to their daughter
because only a legal parent can
make certain decisions for a child
under state law. Beatrice Dohrn
of the Lambda Legal Defense &
Education Fund, which is
handling the appeal, said the case
was being appealed to New
York’s highest court because it
would "determine whether
children with 2 gay parents may
ever have a legally recognized
relationship with both their
moms or dads," Earlier this year,
alower court refused to grant the
adoption, insisting that if it
granted G.M. parental rights it
would have to deny P.I., who is
the biological mother, her rights
as the girl’ s mother.
Gay Conference Costs
Iowa University
DES MOINES, Iowa-The Iowa
le~slatur,e has stripped the state’ s
university system of some
$100,000 in funding which may
- or may not - have been the
result of a successful
international gay studies
conference held last year at the
University of Iowa. Earlier in
May, state Rep. Charles Hurley
sponsored an amendment to the
state’s $752 million university
budget that would have
prohibited any state funded
educational institutions ofhigher
learning from spending public
funds for "’encouraging or
supporting homosexuality as a
positive alternative lifestyle."’
The anti-gay amendment passed
the House by a 50-21 vote. The
amendment, but went on to cut
$100,000 that it had planned to
include in university budgets this
year. Hurley and other
legislators - said the funding cut
was a result of the University of
Iowa’ s "InQueery/InTheory/
InDeed" academic conference in
November 1994. Campuslesbian
& gay groups said they would
continue to sponsor the
conference despite the near
passage of the measure.
Country’s Largest Gay
Meg Hits the Internet
NEW YORK - Out magazine,
the country’s largest selling
lesbigay news publication, has
entered the cyber universe of the
Internet’s increasingly popular
World Wide Web that will for
the first time in gay publishing
history be sponsored by Apple
Computer. Out has set up its
"Web site" on the Internet in
time for June’s gay pride
celebrations around the country,
and will include regularly
updated pride information from
a score of lesbian and gay
publications in New York,
Washington D.C./Seattle, Los
An geles, San Francisco, and
other cities.
The World Wide Web site
address for the publication is:
http://www.out.com and wil!
include reader forums where
Internet readers can carryon
discussions with others on the
Mayor, City Attorney
Want Gay Couple to Get
Marriage License
ITHACA, N.Y: - The Ithaca
(N.Y.) Journal has reported that
Mavor Benjamin Nichols and
Cit~ Attorney Charles Guttman
both want the city council to
order thecity clerk to issue a
marriage license to 2 gay men
who plan on getting married late
in June. The couple, Toshav
Greene and Phillip Storrs,
applied for the license in May
and ended up. meeting with a
number of the city’s elected
leaders, many of whom say they
now agree the city should issue
the license. Nicholsin fact urged
the city council to pass a
resolution calling on the state to
!.egalize same-sex marriages. It
is uncertain whether the license
will actually be issued, and
perhaps more important, what
such a license would legally
mean in terms of the couple’s
inevitably lead t6 a court case in
the state. Green and Storrs say
they will go ahead with their
planned Jewish wedding
ceremony on June 22 whether
they get the license or not.
¯Annual Conference of
Gay & Lesbian-Jews
NEW YORK - The annual
International Conference of Gay
& Lesbian Jews will meet in
New YorkJuly 27-30 at the New
York Sheraton Hotel. Themed
"Gay & Lesbian Jews: Taking
Our Place in the 21st Century,"
the conference expects more ll~an
1,000 people to attend, and will
feature a keynote address of Yael
Dayan, a member of the Israeli
Knesset Or parliament. The
confab is being hosted by New
York’s Congregauon Beth
Simchat Torah and additional
informationis available byphone
at: (212) 929-9498.
West Virginia University
OKs Domestic Partners
University of West Virginia has
approved a school domestic
parmers policy that will, for the
first time in the state, include the
partners of regastered same-sex
staff, faculty and students.
Qualified couples who register
their relationship through the
university will be eligible for a
variety of benefits.
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Fight for Your
Rights Mee;ting.
TULSA, OK - Local activists begin
grassroots civil fights effort to address the
stalled City of Tulsa Human Rights
Cormnittee Report on Civil Rights based
on sexual orxentation. On Monday
evening, June 5, a steering cohamittee was
formed to call a community-wide meeting.
Steering Committee members, Bob
Ritz, Kharma Amos, Debbie Harding and
Tom Neal have called a meeting, FIGHT
FOR YOUR RIGHTS - A communttv
meetingfor Civil Rightsfor Lesbians an’d
Gays; for Thursday, June 29 from 7:00
pm until 9:00 pm at the Downtown Tulsa
City/County Public Library in the room
adjacent to Aaronson Auditorium.
Because Tulsa has so many community
organizations, steering committee
members feel that the most appropriate
way to organize is to have a forum where
representatives from each of the existing
orgamzations and members of the Gay;
Lesbian community at large can meet to
discuss publically goals and strategies.
community meeting for Civil Rights for
Lesbians andGays will begin withareview
of what’s happened since the emotional
Human Rights Commission’s public
hearings held in May 1994. The steering
committee hopes that out of this meeting
will Come goals and tasks that all parts of
the community can support.
The organizers hope that this meettng
will help pull the Gay/Lesbian community
together into a cohesive, action-oriented
group. Clubs, churches, organizations,
~,-zd businesses are encouraged to have
representation at this meeting. For more
information, call 838-2121.
Vickers cont’dfi’om p. 1
Mark also served on the board of
directors for Regional AIDS Interfaith
Network, the Oklahoma United Methodist
AIDS Task Force and the Tulsa AIDS
Coalition. He founded Rainbow Village,
a project focused on providing shelt, r to
persons living with AIDS. In 1993 his
work was recognized with the Richard
Shackleford HIV Memorial Award and
with the United Way Evergreen Spirit
Mark also helped to change profoundly
the response of the r~nite-d-Methodi~t
Church of Oklahoma to HIV/AIDS. He
met with Oklahoma’s bishop and with
leaders of the Oklahoma United Methodist
Conference. He also helped to found
Community of Hope, a worship
community" of the United Methodist
Church. At their recent conference,
Oklahoma Methodists honored Mark
Vickers with an extremely rare moment
of silence and prayer.
Mark is remembered by his spouse of7
years, Brad Mulholland. Last July, Brad
and Mark celebrated a Blessing of
Commitment with Community of Hope.
Many, many friends and family cherish
his life and good works which testify to
the strength of his commitment.
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Ginny Butler, RN MS
Specialized in HIV Care
Providing Comprehensive Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
that does not list us as providers,
call us and we will apply.
1560 East 21st Street, Suite 210
Monday - Friday, 9:30,4:30 pm, 743-1000
Tulsa Police Dept. Seeks Help on Case
TULSA- Detective Vema Wilson of the Tulsa Police Dept. is seeking any information
readers might have regarding the murder of the late Chris WilcuttYormerly of Bartlesville.
Wilcutt, who frequently cross-dressed, went by the name of "Roxy." He was last seen
walking east on llth St., leaving Metropole at about 1 am early on Sunday, Feb. 26.
Police describeWilcutt as Caucasian, 5’-9", 220# with brown hair & hazel eyes. When
last seen he was wearing a black dress with gold trim and a blond/red wig. Any
information about his movements on Sat. Feb. 25 or early Sun. Feb. 26 is sought by Tulsa
Police. You may call Detective Wilson at 596-9142 or call anonymously at 596-COPS.
Tulsa Pride, OKC Parade & TOHR Follies
expenses will go to the Bnildmg Fund.
Picnic goers are encouraged to bring some extra cash because a number of community
organizations and businesses will have booths with food, information or merchandise.
Sales at these booths benefits the individual organization/business.
On Sat. June 17, several Tulsa churches are having a gospel sgng-fest and on Wed.
June 21, the MCC’s are having a joint worship service. On Friday, June 23, fabulous
Dallas comic, Paul Williams, will perform at ConcessionS.
On the following Sunday, the State-wide Pride Parade will be held in Oklahoma City,
beginning at Memorial Park atNW 35 & Classen and ending at the Habana Inn. Several
Tulsa businesses are planning floats.
TOHR will hold its i5th annual Follies on June 30. A number of other events are
planned for the remainder of the June, please consult the community calendar for details.
Cherry Street Psychotherapy
1 51 5 South Lewis
Are you looking for a relaxed, amicable,
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Our office provides a level of confidentiality
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Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-800
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At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
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By working with you in person, but at the same time
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We’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for yOu.
Home Office
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Health Briefs Health
Possible Major
Breakthrough in HIV Fight
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers with
the University of California at San
Francisco reported at the annual
convention of the American Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology that
a "designer drug" known as a protease
inhibitor may help keep HIV from
replicating and mutating in the body. Dr.
Charles Cralk told the convention that the
computer-designed drug, which has only
been tested in laboratories so far,
apparently blocks a crucial enzyme m
HIV, making it impossible for the virus to
reproduce itself and mutate. In laboratory
tests, the drug kept HIV from infecting
new calls in test tubes and prevented it
from duplicating itself in already-invaded
cells. If the protease inhibitor works as
effectively in humans as it has in the
laboratory, Craik and his colleagues
believe it could be the most important
breakthrough in fighting HIV and AIDS
to date.
Hospital Costs for AIDS Spiral
WASHINGTON - According to a study
by the National Public Healthand Hospital I
Institute, the hospital costs of individual
~atients with AIDS can be as high as
260,000 per year, and in some urban
hospitals can occupy more than 7% of the
available beds daily. The study also found
that patients with AIDS average 12
hospital days per stay, significantly above
the 7.2 day average stay for other patients,
Because many patients with AIDS depend
on Medicaid, Medicare or other public
funds to pay for their care, the study
concludes that if Congress makes large
cuts in Medicaid ’Medicare funding many
hospitals will have to restrict care ofAIDS
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
More Blacks/HispanicsWith HIV
ATLANTA - The Centers for Disease~
Control & Prevention has reported that;
the number of new AIDS cases among
white gay men has fallen off between 3%
and 20% in 3 U.S. cities most hard hit by
the epidemic - New York, Los Angeles
and San Fran cisco - during the past 5
years. The number of AIDS cases among
black gay men in those same cities,
however, has risen dramatically in the
same period. In San Francisco the number
of infections grew 53%, in New York
49%, andin Los Angeles 48% since 1989.
Nationally, the number of new cases
among gay men grew 31% during the past
5 years, the CDC data indicates, while the
national figures increased 79% among
black gay men and 61% among Hispanic
Infants with HIV May Live Years
CHICAGO - Babies born with HIV may
live for many years, even until they are
teenagers, without getting sick and it may
take that long before anyone realizes they
carry the virus, a new study published in
the journal Pediatrics says. Most
pediatricians have believed that AIDSinfected
newborns die by the time they’re
toddlers, researchers say. Dr. Samuel
Grubman led a study of 42 children ages
9 to 15 who were"born with HIV and
treated at Children’s Hospital of New
Jersey in Newark in June 1993. Ten of the
children showed no symptoms of the
infection, while 8 showed some minor
signs of illness - but not _enough to be
diagnosed. Thirty-six of the 42 showed no
signs of illness until they were at least 4
years old, Dr. Gmbman reported. One 14-
year-old ~d in her program was infected
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with HIV at birth and is still "not sick at
all." "
......... HIV Home Test Worthwhile
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers at the
University of California at San Francisco
haveurgedthe U.S. government to approve
a kit that allows people to test themselves
for HIV in their own homes - citing a new
study indicating that millions might be
likely to use it. According to the survey of
nearly 21,000 people by the UCSF
scientists published in the New England
Journal ofMedicine, 29% said they would
probably use the home test if it were
available. The survey also found that of
people considered "at risk" for infection,
42% said they would use the home test,
and31% indicated they wouldpreferusing
the home test rather than other options.
Dole to Co-Sponsor Ryan
White CARE Measure
WASHINGTON - The Log Cabin
Repubficans, the gay and lesbian lobbying
organization, has announced that Senate
Majority Leader Robert Dole of Kansas
has agreed to sign as a co-sponsor of the
Ryan White CARE Reauthorization Act.
Rich Tafel, LCR’s executive director, said,
"This is a major victory for gay
Republicans and the AIDS community.
I"m confident that Sen. Dole will remain
personally involved in the effort to pass
[the measure] quickly, and will be a
unifying influence among the Republicans
in the Senate."
CDC Ends Newborn HIV Testing
WASHINGTON - In a starding move,
U.S. officials have ended the anonymous
testing of newborns for HIV. The
Briefs Health Briefs
cancellation of the $10million HIV testing
program was announced ata congressional
hearing shortly before a congressman
urged Congress to require authorities to
inform all mothers of the results of the
tests. The tests have been conducted
anonymously in 45 states since 1988.
FBI Spied on AIDS Groups
WASHINGTON - Documents obtained
under the Freedom of Information Act by
the Center for Constitutional Rights
indicate that the FBI has kept a number of
AIDS and gay rights organizations under
surveillance since the early 1980s when
the g~oup ACT UPbegan. The FBI denied
spying on the groups and said it merely
passed information along to local
authorities about possible violence by
members of the groups. Among the
organizations the FBI kept records on - in
addition to ACT UP - were: the Gay
Men’s Health Crisis, the Coalition for
Lesbian & Gay Rights, and Senior Action
in a Gay Environment, a social services
agencyforoldergays andlesbians. Despite
the FBI’s denials, the agency released
0nly 22 of its 199 pages of files on ACT
UP, claiming the rest of the file was
confidential because of "ongoing lawenforcement
activity" involving ACT UP.
Anesthetic: Another Possible
HIV Transmission Route
SYDNEY - HIV can exist for as long as
4hours in anesthetic, according to a report
published in the Medical Journal of
Australia. The researchers who did the
report say their findings could explain
how 4 women in Australia became infect
ed with HIV in a single day in 1989 while
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Sandra J. Hill, M.S.
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
being treated by a doctor there who ~as
not himself infected. The researcl~ers
concluded that the ability of the virus to
survive raises the possibility Of
transmission via multidose anesthetic
vials, which allow a doctor to administer
several anesthetic doses on different
patients. The Australian scientists
suggested that multidose anesthetic vials
should be discontinued and the reusing
syringes for anesthetic should be avoided
unless they have first been thoroughly
Medical Group Endorses
Needle Exchanges
CHICAGO - The annual convention of
the Illinois State Medical Society has
called for legislation that would legally
allow "responsible commumty groups"
to set up needle-swap programs in the
state. Dr. RaymondHoffman, the society’s
president, called needle-exchange
programs a "potentially useful tool to
curb the spread ofHIV" without increasing
the use of illegal drugs.
Needle-Swap Program ,Works
BALTIMORE - Baltimore’s needle
.exchange program has been so successful
an attracting IV drug users to swap used
hypodermic needles for clean ones that
Dr. Peter Beilenson, the city’s health
commissmner, wants to double thenumber
ofneed le-swap sites in the city. The city’ s
program, launched at the beginning of
this year, had expected to attract about
500 people during its first year of
operation, Instead, the program has drawn
some 2,300 people during its first5months
of operation. The city’s monitoring of the
programs also indicates that IV drug users
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
are now shanng needles half as often as
House Military Subcommittee
OKs Anti-HIV Measure
WASHINGTON - The national security
military personnel subcommittee of the
House of Representatives has voted to
approve anamendment sponsoredby Rep.
Robert Dornan (R-Calif.), the
subcommittee chairman, that would bar
abortions at armed forces hospitals and
authorize discharging military personnel
infected with HIV. The nation’s armed
forces currently prohibit individuals with
HIV from joining; but troops diagnosed
after.recruitment are permitted to continue
serving as long as their health allows and
are not allowed to serve outside tile U.S.
The Defense Department and the
Department of the Army both oppose
Doman’s measure, which would mandate
honorable discharge within 6 months of
Calif. Assembly OKs Medicinal
Marijuana Measure
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The California
Assembly has narrowly OKed legislation
by a 41-30 vote that would permit
p.hysicians to prescribe marijuana
cigarettes for patients who are terminally
or chronically ill, although a number of
conservative legislators objected that the
bill wouldpromote drug usein the state. If
the measure in fact does become law,
physicians would be able to prescribe
marajuana for their patients with AIDS,
cancer, glaucoma or multiple .sclerosis.
The bill still requires approval by the
Senate and the signature bf Gov. Pete
Wilson f0 become law. Last year Wilson
Timothy W. Daniel
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.~eLq.~d a similar measure because he said
’’at ~;~uld not work unless the federal
government also ended its ban on
prescribing marijuana cigarettes.
Hillary Clinton Launches
Pediatric HIV Campaign
WASHINGTON-Citing a study showing
that treatment can reduce the risk of
mothers transmitting HIV-to their
newborns, Hillary Rodham Clinton has
launched a campaign urging pregnant
women to get tested for the virus. The
campaign, designedby the Pediatric AIDS
Foundation, "will .reach out and give
women the information they need to
protect their own health and the health of
their children," she said. Clinton also said
that, according to the National Institutes
of Health study, almost 6,000 American
women infected with HIV give birth
annually and, without treatment, 20% to
25% of those babies are born infected..
AIDS Fundraiser Expects $5M
HOLLYWOOD - The 2nd annual
California AIDS Ride, a 550-mile bicycle
trek from San Francisco to Hollywood
that has just ended, is expected to raise
more than $5 milli on, making it the largest
AIDS fundraiser in the U.S. Among the
some 1,800 bike riders, about 10 have
AIDS and up to 250 are HIV-positive.
Celeb Judith Light of the TV comedy
"Who’s the Boss?" said after the 7-day
ride, "It looked impossible, but it was
possible because of everyone’s
Gelid Moves to Univ. of Maryland
BETHESDA, Md. - Dr. Robert C. Gallo,
one of the country’s best-known and most
controversial AIDS researchers, will set
up his Institute of Human Virology atthe
University of Maryland’s Medical
Biotechnology Center in the hopes of
attracting other prominent scientists and
biotechnology finns to contribute their
discoveries. Gallo said that the institute
will .workonbasic researchanddeveloping
vacones, gene therapies, and new drugs
to fight HIV - as well-as gain a deeper
understanding of the biology behind the
virus. Gallo had been with the National
Institutes of Health for 30 years.
HIV-Infected Women at Higher
Risk for Cervical Cancer
TORONTO- Early data-from the
Canadian Women’s HIV Study Group
indicates that women infected with HIV
are at greater risk of being stricken with
severe cervical cancer than uninfected
women. The study group’s preliminary
data found that half of some 300 women
infected with HIV that were examined
also had HPV - the human papilloma
virus associated with cervical cancer. Dr.
Catherine Hankins, one of the study’s
chiefinvestigators, also said that a fifth of
the women examined had squamous
dysplasia, an early indicator associated
with the cancer. The rates found in the
study were at least double those expected
in the general population.
AIDS Project-k.A. Looking for
Conservative PR Firm
LOS ANGELES - One of the first acts of
Allen Carrier after taking over as director
of communications for the AIDS ProJect-
Los Angeles is to try to find a public
relations firm in. Washington D.C. with
solid links to the Republican Party. Carrier
says APLA wants a GOP-cormected PR
firm to conduct an HIV education
campaign aimed at members of Congress.
APLA is the 2rid largest AIDS agency in
the U.S. with a $20 million yearly budget.
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One Show Only $5 Tickets 10 pm
Concessions Nightclub - 3340 S. Peoria - 744-0896
One Dollar of Every Tickel Sold is Douated to the TOHR Building Fuad
Advauce Tickets Available - Budget Wiudow Treat~nents. 7116 S. Miugo &
Floral Desiga Studios, 3404 S. Peoria & From TOHR Members
By and for, but not exclusive to the
lesbian, gay & bisexual communities
New Hoursfor Your Convenience!
Monday & Thursday Evening Daytime Testing
7 to 8:30pm for Testing Monday-Thursday
7 to 9:00pm for Results By Appointment
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
4154 South Harvard Suite H-1 Call for Directio/as
~ ~ .
.~ ..,~’~, ~. - ~~ ....A.Corn~~erviceB.ro.uQ.h.t.to You by..T~,OHR and Tui.~a Fatal1" New~ " ~ "
Weekly ~ting 7:30? E~{~ 0~ Ea[th MCC.
~51-E South Mingo. Ca1162~’~:~1 for Info.
HIV TESTING - TOHR~Ii~;’ "Free and
CHRISTIAN CENTER- Sunday School 9:45,
Morning Worship Service 11:00. 2627-B
East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info~
BLGA - University of Tulsa. 6:30 p.m.
Canterbury Center.
COMMUNITY OF HOPE (United Methodist) -
Evening Worship Service 6:00. 1347 North
Yale, Call 838-7232 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Morning Worship
Service 11:00. 5451-E South Mingo. Call
622-1441 for Info.
Worship Service 10:45 1623 North
Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
THE BANNED - Gay Band - Practice weekly
HIV TESTING :~.TOHR Clinic. Free and;;
Anonymous testing using fingerstick method.
No appointment required. Walk in test hours:
7:00 - 8:30 pm. Results Hours: 7:00 - 9:00
pm. Call 749:4194 for Info,
begins at 8:45. Sheridan Lanes 3121 South
MINISTER’S CLASS - Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center. 7:30 p.m. 2627-B
East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for Info.
Study 7:00/ MCC of Greater Tulsa 1623
North Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Choir Practice ~7:00.
2627-B East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH ’MCC - Potluck 6:30.
Bible Study 7:00. Choir Practice 8:00. 5451-
E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info.
WOMEN - 7:00. Women’s support group.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale, Call
Anonymous testing usingfingerst!pk method.
No appointment required. Walk in test.hours:
7:00 - 8:30 pm. Results Hours: 7:00 -.9:00
pm. Call 749:4194 for Info.
PRAYER TIME - 7:00 p.m. MCC of Greater
Tulsa. 1623 North Maplewood;~,. Call 838-
1715 for Info.
practice 9:30 pm. Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th St.
at 11:00 pm. Provides confidential support.~
for recovering addicts. Community of Hope,
IJ u N E 1 4 I FAMILY AIDS SUPPORT GROUP Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154- Ij u N E 3 o I !J u L Y 1 8 I WEDNESDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S
SUPPER CLUB - La Nortena. South Harvard - Lower Level Call 583- TOHR FOLLIES TOHR’s annual TOHR BOARD MEETING. 7:00 p.m. 6408 5147 for Info. entertainment extravaganza. Many new TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call South Peoria. 6:30 p.m.
performers. 8:00 p.m. All Soul’s 743-4297 for Info.
IJ.u N E 1 7
Kick off pride week with a gospel sing at
Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E South
Mingo. Will include MCC Tulsa, Bless
the Lord at All Times, Community of
Hope and other area churches. Call
622-1441 for more info.
- McLain High School. $5/ticket. 7:30
p.m Call beeper 646-6455 for more
DINNER - 5:30 p.m. prior to Gospel
Sing. Donations only. 5451-E South
Mingo. Call 622-1441 for info.
Unitarian Church. 2932 South Peoria
Call 743-4297 f0rTicket Information.
Dave’s. 3310 South Peoria. 6:30 - 9:00
p.m. Call Beeper 646-6455 for more
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG, 4154
South Harvard- Lower Level. Call 583-
5147 for Info,
IJ u N E 18 25
Pride Celebration held at Mohawk Park,
Shelter #6. Food/Drink/Entertainment.
Also booths and information distribution.
Minimal charges for food this year.
Beer still free. 12:00- 6:00. Ceremony
and exhibition softball/volleyball begin
at 2:00. Call 832-0233 for Info.
TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call
743-4297 for Info.
IJ.,u N~E 2 1 I
MCC of Greater Tulsa. Special for Gay
Pride Week.. Also includes Family of
Faith MCC and other ~area churches,
1623 North Maplewood. Call 838-1715
for Info.
Williams will appear to benefit TOHR.
$5 Cover - Advance tickets or at the
door. 10:00 p.m..at Concessions. 3340
South Peoria. Call 744-0896 for Info,
Faith members put on a very large
garage sale. Call 622-1441 for address,
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
IJ u N E 25 I
GAY PRIDE PARADE. Oklahoma City.
Assemble from 12:00 - 2:00 at the park.
Parade ends at Habana Inn with a
IJu N E 27
Meeting 7:00 p.m. Olive Garden - $10.
Call 254-2100 for Info,
IJ UN E 29
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
musical festiva (MCC’s from OK, TX,
LA). Lawton OK. 1:00 4:00.
Followed by weiner roast. For Carpool
information call 622-1441.
PFLAG 101/102 Monthly meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m. 4154 South Harvard,
Ste. H. Call 749-4901 for Info.
SPOUSES For spouses of
Gay/Les/Bi/Trans. 7:00-7:30 p.m. social
7:30-8:30 meeting. Call 749-4901 for
Info.. Sponsored .by PFLAG.
at 5:30 p,m, and caravan to Day Center TOHR
for the Homeless, Call 838-7232 for
Community meeting for Civil Rights for
Lesbians & Gays, Every organization
should have a representative and YOU
NEED TO BE THERE, 7:00 - 9:00 p,m,
Downtown Library, Lecture room next
tO Aaronson Auditorium, Call 838-2121
for more info,
Monthly Meeting. 6:30 Social 7:00 p.m,
Meeting. "l"he Gathering Place. 4154
{JULY 19 I
Meeting. 6:30 p.m, PFLAG. 4154
South Harvard - Lower Level. Call 583-
5147 for Info,
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
Meeting 7:00 p.m, Call 254-2100 for
GLAS Gay & Lesbian Student
Association - TJC Southeast Campus.
Call 631-7632 for info.
LAGPAC- Lesbian and Gay Political
Action Committee. Call 838-1222 for
Lesbian ~Republican Group. Call 832-
0233 for jnfo,
SWAN Single Women’s iActivity
TOHR CLINIC- In addition to.Thursday
Clinic HOurs (see Thurs~lays)~ offers
daytime testing by appointment Monday
- Thursday from 10 am - 5 p,m. Call
RIGHTS LEAGUE. Muskogee Library:. Info.
6:00-p.m. - 9:00 p,m. Write P.O. Box
614 - Muskogee, OK 74402 for more
SUPPER. CLUB - Meets at varying
Info. locations :~the 2rid or 3rd Wednesday of
each month.
Do you have a group or event that should be listed in the TOHR Community Calendar? If so, please c~ll us at 838-2121. I
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of th s calendar; however, neither Tulsa Family News nor TOHR assumes responsibility for errors or omissions.
Colorado cont’dfrom p. 1
are obviously very pleased that the policy
of excluding homosexuals from the armed
forces has been examinedin deptlj during
the judicial review and that the court has
concluded that it is lawful."
In argmng against the policy, attorney
for the four, David Pannick, told the High
Courtjustices that the main reason behind
the ban is simply that some service
members feel uncomfortable around
.homosexuals, a prejudice that’s been used
.m the pastaboutblack andJewishmembers
m the armed forces. "’I invite your
Lordships to conclude that this purported
justification is quite simply a disgrace,"
he told Lord Justice Simon Brown of the
court. "The armed forces are pandering to
the worst types of prejudice about wholly
irrelevant characteristics."
British Defense Ministry officials
maintain that homosexuals pose a problem
for the military because their presence
couldundermine moraleandeffectiveness.
The ministry also argues that gays and
lesbians pose a potential security risk - an
argument th at even U.S. military officials
have abandoned for lack of evidence.
Canada cont’dfrom p. 1
for activists fighting for equal rights in the
courts throughout Canada. "I think that
even thoughit strictly speakingisn’t going
to. be binding in other provinces," she
said, "it shows that the arguments are not
without legal precedent now and in fact
are qmte reasonable and I think will
certainly help them make their cases."
Mixed. Ruling from
Canada’s Supreme Court
OTTAWA-TheCanadian Supreme Court
has ruled that same-sex couples are not
eligible for the same public spousal
pension benefits as other cot!pies in the
country. The high court ruling, however,
also concludes that discrimination based~
on sexual orientation is prohibited unde~’
Canada’s Charter of Rights - the first time
the country’s Supreme Court has
d.efinitively ruled on the issue.
The court ruled 5-4 that James Egan
and John Nesbit, a British Columbia gay
couple whohave lived together since 1948,
are not entitled to receive spousal pension
benefits under Canada’ s Old Age Security
Act. The court concluded that the refusal
to extend the pension benefits to the couple
amounted to discrimination in violation
of the Charter of Rights, but that the
exclusion was justifiable discriminauon
because the legislature’s goal in setting up
the co untry’s pension system was to help
poorer elderly women. The court also said
that Parliament had decided to extend
certain financial support to married
couples, which the court concluded is by
its nature a heterosexual institution.
Canadian Appeals Court
Overturns Sodomy Law
TORONTO - An Ontario appeals court
has unanimously ruled that a law making
consensual anal intercourse illegal unless
the two people are mamed or above the
age of 18 is a violation of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The 3-
judge Ontario Court of Appeals ruled that
the criminal code provision violates the
Charter because it penalizes gay men.
Justice Rosalie Abella said in her opinion
that the law "arbitrarily disadvantages
gay men by denying to them until they are
18 a choice available at the age of 14 for
those who are not gay, namely their choice
of sexual expression with a consenting
parmer to whom they are not married."
Community Photos
Kharma Amos & the Rev. Nancy Horvath ofFamily ofFaith MCC have been chosen
and on the So. Central District Committee. respectively. Photo: Neal
,for leadership positions at the nan’onal Metropolitan Community Church conventz’on
Folks from Follies Revue ’95 which benefits H1WA1DS services. Photo: Jamett
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This groundbreaking project showed broad bipamsan support for the
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Call or write your Senators and Representative and ask ~em to join their collnagucs
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Call the Capitol Switchboard Today: 202-224-3121
Leading file Fight at the National Levd for Lesbian and Gay Equ,~lity.
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Financing the AllAmerican Dream
IIIColorado co.t, o=p. 1
homosexuals from discrimination. The
¯ state Supreme Court ruled last year ~at
the measure is unconstitutional becaus’e it
violates the fundamental right for a class
of individuals to participate equally in the
political process.
HRCF Reacts to Justice Dept.
Decision on Amendment 2
.WASHINGTON-Below is apress release
Issued by the Human Rights Campaign
Fund regarding the Justice Department’s
decision not to enter a brief in the U.S.
Supreme Court appeal of Colorado’s antigay
Amendment 2:
The Clinton Administration has refused
to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to strike
down Colorado’s anti-gay Amendment 2
as the high court prepares to decide on the
constitutionality of the discriminatory
measure. The Haman Rights Campaign
Fund (HRCF) and the Leadership
Conference on Civil Rights, the nation’s
leading civil rights coalition, hadrequested
that the Administration file a friend~ofthe-
court brief calling on the Supreme
Court to overturn Amendment 2.
"This was a bad legal and political
decision," said HRCF Executive Director
Elizabeth Birch. "Staying silent in this
case gives aid and comfort to extremists
who wouldn’t support the President under
any circumstances, and gravely
disappoints fair-mindedAmericans. Most
people support equal rights for lesbian
and gay people and oppose the kind of
discrimination embodied in Amendment
Amendment 2 is the ,ordy-statewide.-
anti-gay measure passed by voters. Last
year, voters in Idaho and Oregon defeated
anu-gay initiatives in the midst of the
Republican sweep. The 1992 Colorado
measure would overturn local laws
prohibiting discriminationand prevent
state and local governments from passing
similar laws in the future. Colorado’s
Supreme Court last year. struck down
Amendment 2 as unconstitutional,
declaring that the measure denied
supporters of equal rights for lesbian and
gay people the basic right to participate in
the democratic process.
"The issue before the court is one of
fundamental fairness, and whether any
group of Americans should be denied
access to the democratic process," Birch
said. "The federal government has a dear
interest in standing up for these
fundamental principles.We are extremely
disappointed in this decision, but in the
end the Supreme Court will decide on the
merits of the case."HRCF was the largest
single financial contributor to the legal
challenge against Amendment 2. The
nation’s largest lesbian and gay political
organization, HRCF works to end
discrimination, secure equal rights, and
protect the health and safety of all
NGLTF Statement on Reno’s
Amendment 2 Decision
WASHINGTON - The following is a
press statement issued by the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force after U.S.
Attorney General Janet Reno’s
According to Justice Department
officials, the Department does frequently
file briefs even in those cases where no
federal program or statute is involved.
~The Att0me~Geia~al i01d the press that
she did not consider the political issues
belfind the case, and instead focused on
constitutional questions and federal
intervention. However, published reports
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indicate that heated discussions regarding
the political, andlegal implications offiling
a brief were taking place within the Justice
,:tOepartment and between the Justice
Department and the White House, Reports
indicate that presidential advisor George
Stephanopoulos had expressed concern
about the political ramifications if the
Administration fried a brief.
President Bill Clinton last year
denounced ballot measures such as
Colorado’s Amendment 2 as
discriminatory and divisive, saying at the
time that "those who would legalize
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation or any other grounds are
gravely mistaken about the values that
make our nation strong."
"Clearly, we’re angry that this
Administration would refuse to take a
stand against discrimination," said Kerry
Lobel, Deputy Director at the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "The
President denounced these types of ballot
measures last year. It’s dismrbingto see
the President reject this chance to back up
those comments with decisive action,
especially when this is one of the most
important gay-related cases to ever reach
the Supreme Court. We look to the
President to actonprinciple, notjust speak
about it." Colorado’s Amend. 2
dangerously allows the majority of voters
to limit the civil rights and political access
of one group of citizens - in this case, gay
men, lesbians and bisexuals. Amend. 2
permits discrimination against certain
citizens, and then blocks those citizens
from using the established legislative
r process to seek relief from that
discrimination.These are the issues that
will be facing the Supreme Court as it
decides the fate of Amendment 2.’"
Calif. Attorney General
Supports Amend. 2
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California
Attorney General Dan Lungren has
stunned rights activiffts in the state by
joining 6 other attorneys general from
around the country in asking the U.S.
Supreme Court to uphold Colorado’s antigay
ballot measure. Lungren told reporters
that he was not endorsing Amend. 2 itself,
but had signed an amicus (friend of the
court) brief asking that the country’s high
court overturn the Colorado Supreme
Court ruling that declared Amend. 2
unconstitutional because it was overly
broad and vague.
He said he signed the amlcus brief
because the Colorado court had declared
that any "independently identifiable
group" is entitled to equal protection in
~eConstitution. This, Lungren said, could
g~ve constitutional protections to
"deadbeat dads,blue-eyed people, bald
people, fat people" and others.
Robert Bra~ of the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force said in a prepared
statement: "It is disingenuous for the
California Attorney General to imply that
by granting gay people protection from
discrimination, it opens the door for any
’special interest group’ to seek rights...’.
Lungren xs playing the politics of
scarcity:.. [and] implies that by expanding
protections to some, it-disprivileges
Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Tulsa
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Sunday Service, 10:45 am
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I To do justice, love:mercy & to walk humbly with our God... Micah 6:8 I
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
Sports From A Lesbian/Gay Perspective
NBA Star’s Candid Ta~ in
’Sports Illustrated"
NEW YORK - Dennis Rodman, the
flamboyant San Antonio Spurs player,
made the cover this Sports Illustrated- in
itself not particularly newsworthy, even if
the orange-haired Rodman is gussied up
in a bright tank top, metallic hot pants and
a dog collar studded with rhinestones.
More noteworthy - especially considering
the often up-tight macho world of
professional sports - are Rodman’s fairly
candid views on homosexuality. The pro
basketball hop,pster told the magazine that
he oftel~ goesTo gay bars, has no problems
hugging or kissing men friends and,
although saying he has never had sex with
another man, said, "I visualize being with
another man." Rodman is quoted in the
magazine as saying, "Everybody
visualizes being gay ~ they think, ’Should
I do it or not?’ The. reason they can’t is
because they think it’s unethical. They
think it’s a sin. Hell, you’re not bad if
you’re gay, and it doesn’t make you any
less of a person."
CBS Sportscaster Rankled by
Lesbians in Pro Golf
sportscaster Ben Wright has been ordered
to a meeting with the CBS Sports
department in New York and at least
temporarily pulled from reporting on the
Ladies Profe~,ssional Golf Assn.
championshipi~in Delaware after a
Delaware newspaper quotedhim as saving
that "lesbians.i~ the sport hurt women s
golf" and are:turning it into a "butch
game" which would cause sponsors to
drop women’s golf. Wright was also
quoted by the Wilmington N~ws-Joumal
as saying that women are "handicappe,~
by having boobs" because it makes it
difficult for them "to keep their left arm
straight... Their boobs get in the way."
LPGA officials said they knew of. no
problems with sponsors because of any
concerns over lesbians in tournamentplay.
RobinKaneof_the~__~National Gay &Lesbian
Task Force sai&, "Lesbians don’t hurt
women’s golf- BenWrighthurts women’s
golf, and his own profession as well. Such
outrageous and demeamng comments
certainly raise questions about Wright’s
ability to cover women’s sports fairly."
KOIN-TV of Portland, Ore., broadcast
coverage of the 1991 Masters Golf
Tournament that included an ethnic slur
in referring to a Japanese golfer. In the
footage aired by the station, Wright
remarks, "" former champions aplenty -
Watson and Nicklaus at 4-under, with the
Jap Ozaki, who is striking a blow for the
AIDS Takes High Five’
Baseball Player
OAKLAND, Calif. - Glenn Burke, the
openly gay former Oakland Athletics and
Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder, has died
of complications related to AIDS. Burke
was widely believed among teammates to
be gay whenhe startedplaying pro baseball
in 1976, and after quitting the game reader
duress in 1980 he said he believed he had
been shoved out of the game because of
homophobia in pro sports. In addition to a
short but impressive career with both the
A’s and the Dodgers, Burke is credited
with starting one of the most popular and
common signals of victory in professional
sports today - the "high-five" sign.
READ ALL ABOUT IT suggested readings, included in the book, are excerpts from books ("One. Teenager
by Barry Hensley in Ten," "Long Time Passing: Lives of
Circulation Supervisor Older Lesbians," "No Turning Back")
Tulsa City-County Library and periodicals ("Christian Century,"
One of the most sensitive topics facing "Christopher Street").
gays,lesbians andbisexualsinour society This book also includes examples of
is how religion deals with sexual Services for the gay positive church, which
orientation.Theconstant,negativerhetoric can be adapted to local Situations. These
that comes from some powerful leaders include Communion Services, Services
has led many gay people to dismiss of Healing for Those Affected by AIDS
organized religion, parti- and Services of Union for
cularly Christianity. Homo- One o[ the most homosexual couples. The
sexuality and Christianity final part of "The Welare
sometimes assumed to sensitive topics coming Congregation"is an
bemuttmlly exclusive. "The faeln~ Gays, elaborate bibliography
Welcoming Congregation" Leslalans and which has over 70 entries of
addresses this and other Bisexuals in our
books, films, sermons and
pertinent issues with a periodicals of interest.
structure of guidelines for soeiety is laow This bookis notjustfor
congregations attempting to religion deals organized churches. It will
include gay persons in their with sexual also be helpfnl for people,
churches, of any sexual orientation,
Although published by orientation. The who are searching for just
the Unitarian Universalist constant, ne~atlve the right spot to fulfill their
Association, ~airdy for use rlaetorie that commitment of faith. It
in UU churches, these includes many examiguidelines
can be used by comes,,,fr°m some nations of biblical passages
any group or denomination, powerlul leaders that are often used to deny
Beginning with suggestions laas led many homosex,aals equality, and
for determining where your how thosepassages are often
congregation stands On the Gay people to- used out--of context and
topic of sexual orientation, dismiss or~anlzed ultimately contradict other
this guide continues with ten religion.... passages. As a result, this is
detailed workshops to help good information to draw
understand the unique on when a biblical debate
problems and concerns of homosexuals, on sexual orientation arises.
Workshop topics include "Gender This:pra~tical"guide; While not foi:"use
Socialization and Homophobia," "Biblical in every religious situation, is a thought -
Perspectives on Homosexuality" and provoking attempt to create a positive
"How Homophobia Hurts Heterosexuals." religious environment for homosexuals.
Each workshop explanation includes what It is a welcome resource.
materials will be needed, how to structure Check for "The Wel coming
the workshop, how much time each part Congregation" in the Readers Services
of the workshop should take and what department on the 2nd floor of Central
readings participants need to read. The Library, or call 596-7966.
J O,fi,,~er recent library additions of interest include:
[ *, The Unofficial Gay Manual," by Kevin Dilallo and Jack Krumholtz I II-* ,,’Bx" sexuah’ty:AReaderandSourcebook,"edited byT,,h,omasGeller
I’ * ,,?IDS and HIV Progr,,a~,s and Services for Libraries,’ by W. Bernard Lukenbill I * Breaking the Surface,’ by Greg Louganis
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by Leanne Gross
The question I am asked most often is
"why doI, a single person withno children
need. life insurance?" Our community has
a vital need for life insurance !!
1. Even if we put both parties’ names on
property and/or assets, the partner left
behind will have to pay taxes on the half
of the property or assets she inherits. Ask
your lawyer. You will be surprised.
Life insurance proceeds are tax free. If
.you do nothing else, buy enough life
insurance to cover taxes and fees so your
partner can keep what you have both
worked so hard to acquire.
.2. A life insurance beneficiary has the
greatest chance of receiving the ~roceeds
than any other option on the market. There
are a few legal cases where the family
contested; however, thejudge usually tries
to honor the wishes of the deceased,
especially if there arejointassets involved.
Notei The owner of a life policy can".
change the beneficiary by simply signing
a form. So, should the relationship not
endure the bumpy road, a life policy
beneficiary can always be changed.
A life insurance p~licy is the best and
simplest way to assure your wishes are
carried out and your partner will be cared
forwhen you are gone.What a wonderful
honor to present to your mate. What
wonderful peace of mind for you.
3. Because Of the AIDS threat, a life
insurance policy could be the answer to a
stable financial lifestyle. Today, if one
contracts an incurable disease, there are
avenues to sell your policy or cashin your
policy to maintain your present lifestyle.
Life insurance is designed for the living as
well as the ones left behind.
There are too many misleading stories
about life ~nsurance and the benefits
available, so, on that note, let’s discuss the
facts about life coverage.
Nolonger are therejust two types oflife
insurance policies available. Companies
have discovered there is a need for a
var~.’ety of life coverage plans to fit the
.variety of lives. A person trained in life
insurance will be able to assist in selecting
the policy which best fits your needs.
However, to understand the basics, I will
discuss term life insurance and cash value
life insurance.
Term is like renting an apartment. Rent
¯ is cheaper. How.ever, you pay and pay,
never owning your own home, never
having an asset, never building your
financial standingl
A cash value life policy is like buying
your home. A little more expensive, but
you will buildupequity within your policy.
The cash value will be available to you or
, ,.y~u can~use one of the many options such
a~’ a) paid-up additional lille coverage b)
stop-payments and let the policy pay for
itself c) use the cash for personal use
through a draw and/or loan.
Note: When you use the cash in a policy,
this act will affect the value of your policy
(the amount your beneficiary would
Why would anyone purchase a cash
value plan?
1. The cash build up.in the policy is a
wonderful feature for the living. If cash is
needed, it is available for the asking. No
loan applications. No begging, at the bank.
2. Cash value policies are level
premiums. A very important feature. No
.surprise.s. Term poli~ies are available with
mcreasmg or decreasing premiums.
Increasing premiums continue to cost you
more andmore with each year. Decreasing
premiums will decrease through time.
However, no more premiums means no
more coverage. You may be in bad health
or too old to replace your plan. Be careful!
3. The cash whic~ builds within the
cash value plan.accumulates tax-deferred.
As your money earns additional cash
.through interest and ~v!dends paid by the
Insurance company, ~t ~s not taxed until
withdrawn. Therefore, aninsurancepolicy
can also help you to save for retirement or
college. You can kill two birds with one
stone.......Life Insurance and Retirement
Plan for one premium.
Don’t misunderstand me, life insurance
should not be your only retirement plan or
.savings avenue. You must first have the
insurance need (whichwehave discussed).
A cash value policy can just help with
retirement and/or savings, whereas a term
policy doesn’t allow you any options other
than life coverage. This leads to a cormnon
debate: Buy Term and invest the
difference. To make a long story short, in
10 to 15 years, a cash value policy will OU!
perform buying Term and investing the
difference, due mainly to tax advantages.
Run the numbers for yourself, I have.
HRCF Launches
Membership Drive
WASHINGTON - Pointing out how
dramatically far-right anti-gay
organizations like the Christian Coalition
have outstripped lesbian and gay rights
groups, theHumanRights Caml~aignFund
(HRC.F) has announced that it is launching
a massive membershi p drive during June
at gay pride events in more than 100 cities
in 47 states around the countr)i. With
100,000 members currently, HRCF
nevertheless notes that the Christian
Coalition has a claimed membership of
1.5 million people.
"Thelargest right-wing group has 10 times
as many members as the largest
organizafi,on fighting for Gay and Lesbian
equality,’ said Brian Albert, who is
heading up the hundreds of volunteers
who will be canvassing for new members
during June. ’qlae more people who come
out for equal rights and join HRCF, the
better ,we’ll be able to fight the battles
ahead. Membership rathe group is $20
per year. The group’s address is: Human
Rights Campaign Fund, PO Box 1396,
Washington DC 20013.
HRCF will have a representative at the
Tulsa Pride Picnic on Sunday, June 18 to
provide information and the opportunity
to become a member.
832.0233 ¯ ] 565 S. Sheridc~n, inside the Silver Stor S~loon ¯ ! 0pro - ] am Thursdays & Sundoys ¯ ] 0pro - 2ore Fridays & Soturd0ys
R.F. Renfro, public relations
officer.for FUSO, says that the
organization seeks to promote
unity, education, cultural
awareness, with a specific goal
"to buildbridges where gaps exist
and tear down the walls of bad
communication thathavedivided
us." Its mission statement adds
that the organization seeks to be
a progressive force within the
African-American commumty.
R.F. Renfro and Derrick Davis
work with Metropolitan Tulsa
Substance Abuse Services
(MTSAS). They do most of the
Tulsa HIV/AIDS outreach that
targets men of color of diverse
sexual orientation. Davis also
works with Morton Comprehesive
Services as a case
manager. Renfro expressed his
frustration with the many
obstacles to providing both
preventative education and
providing access to services for
persons living withHIV orAIDS.
These issues range from
racism in Tulsa generally, and
racism in Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay
communities specifically, to.
religiously based anti-Gay
prejudice Ln the African-
American commtmity tO a lack
of access to knowledge and
resources regarding HIV/AIDS
services and programs.
Renfro quotes a friend,
Ernestine Hill, formerly of the
Oklaho.ma State Dept. of Health,
as sayzng, "you have to meet
people where they are." He
elaborates that is the reason for
avoiding labels like Gay or
Bisexual which may be more
accepted in the non-Black
communities. In the African-
American community, especially
among younger men, the
attitude may be that they don’t
consider themselves homosexual.
A man having sex with
anothermanmight say to himself
or to others, "I’m just freaking"
or "I’m just getting off" while
considering himself to be
One particular difficulty in
providing education and services
in Tulsa’s African-American
cornmtmity is thelack ofprivacy.
With many members of the
community working in health
services in clinics or hospitals
all over the city, it is often
difficult to maintain confidentiality.
This potential for exposure
to loved ones, friends, family
and church creates such fear in
individuals that Renfro knew of
a number of cases where
individuals had avoided getting
life-saving/enhancing treatment
because of privacy concerns.
Many of the fears relating to
family and church are
compounded by attitudes of the
African-American church
toward homosexuality. Renfro
states that the,_c~rches,,seem
quite willing tO:~’cc~tithe~ from
homosexual members and to
accept their participation as long
as the church doesnrt have to
"know" about those members’
sexual orientation, or about HIV
or AIDS. Renfro knows of cases
It all boils down to
respeetlng cultural
dlfferenees, then
finding common
where not only a person living
with AIDS was forced to leave a
church, along with his family.
He also notes that a fdw
congregations, in particular,
Shiloh Baptist, have been very
open in dealing with HIV/AIDS
Renfro, who was ordained in
January at Bless The Lord at All
Times Christian Center, has
learned not to argue theology
With ministers who say
homosexuality is an abomination.
He relies personally on a
view that God knew him before
he knew himself, and counts on
God correcting anything which
God finds displeasirig in him.
In addition to current
educational efforts, FUSO is
seeking its Internal Revunue
Service tax-exempt status so that
it can expand its services. In the
longer term, it hopes to have its
own building on the north side of
Tulsa where it can provide
information, testing" and
counseling, a food pantry and
medical equipment. Presently,
many of those services are
available at the HIV Resource
Consortium. However, its
location is a problem and it can
be an intimidating place because
people of color don’t see
volunteers or staffmembers who
are of color or even posters or
magazines featuring people of
color, such as the "Protect the
Blood" campaign which targets
African-Americans. Right now,
FUSO is setting up a support
group for persons living with
HIV/AIDS, and also hopes to
host meetings where local
speakers, such as JeffBeal, M.D.,
can speak about local clinical
trials of experimental treatments
and new drug therapies.
Interestingly, Renfro finds that
the AIDS epidemic has opened a
door for Gay issues in the
African-American community,
as well as finding some common
ground beyond real, cultural
differences. The disease doesn’t
care if you’re White, Black,
Jewish, Catholic, Methodist, etc.
Another part of FUSO is
community building. An
informal tradition of "families"
or mentoring occurs. Renfro
notes that it is.hard to be young,
Black, male and Gay-. He adds it
is hard enough to be accepted in
the larger community (Tulsa),
and even harder to deal with
possible rejection in the African-
American community. One of
the benefits to mentoring is that
itgives olderfolks an opportunity
to let the younger ones know that
there is more to being Gay than
j.ust sex, that there are models for
love and relationships.
Friends in Unity Social
Organization also seeks to be a
leader for African-Americans in
the Lesbian/Gay communities.
Renfro states other Lesbian and
Gay organizations and their
leadership should not assume
they know the needs of African-
Americans, or presume to speak
for them. He adds that they are
willing to engage in discussion
about their needs and broader
community issues. He says that
he is proud to be a Black man
who loves Black men, that he is
proud of his culture and will not
compromise who he is. It all
boils down to respecting cultural
differences, then finding
common ground.
For more information about
Friends in Unity Social
Organization, write POB 8542,
Tulsa, OK 74101 or call 425-
J.D. Jamett
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Now serving Sunday breakfast, 7am-2pm
ROOMMATE , tll ,e ,.
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Central H&A, washer/dryer Frank Green, Jr. Host
Cable, all utilities for $300 50 Wall Street
a month. Please only Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
serious roo~nmate inquires,
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of Eureka Springs
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Left to right: Al Reese, Larry Everett, Peter Schoonheim, Photo: Ron Volanti, Jr.
Oklahoma’s Own Larry Everett
Wins International Mr. Leather
CHICAGO - Larry Everett of Collinsville was selected as International Mr. Leather
1995, outplacing over 50 other entrants in the 17th year 0f the popular leather contest.
Everett, who is also Mr. Oklahoma Leather this year, represented Tulsa’s Silver Star
Saloon and is the first Oklahoma resident to win the ritle. Larry, who is 34, is a member
ofTool Box Technicians and an honorary member ofTulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Associates. Larry is active in several community rights and HIV care organizations and
has worked in local and state Republican politics. He has traveled over 6,000 miles
representing the state of Oklahoma.
The contest was held in Chicago’s Congress Theater.- In addition to prize winning
leathermen from around the world (London, Amsterdam, Toronto, and the US), the
cohtest featured entertainment by video star, Jeff Stryker, Mark Davis and Michael
Griffith. Also, the 1st Intemarional Mr. Leather, David Kloss of San Francisco, who won
in 1979, walked down the rtmway sixteen years later to thunderous applause. First runnerup
was A1 Reese of San Diego & Peter Schoonheim of Amsterdam was 2nd rmmer-up.
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Dallas Gay Comic
to Appear Junei 23
¯at Concessions
Paul J. Williams,"TheBest LittleHomo
in Texas" will perform his nationally
acclaimed stand-up comedy routine at
Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria on Friday,
June 23 at 10 pm. An openly Gay comic,
Williams has appeared at a number of
leading comedy dubs across the United
Humor with a Southern flair, Texasbased
comic Williams has a strong
following for his hilarious views on
growing up in the South. Formerly with
the wildly successful comedy group, Less
Miserable, Paul has created his own show
oforiginal characters and stand-upcomedy
entitled The Best Little Homo in Texas.
Paul’s stand-up covers everything from
his being a "creative" child in .a
conservative Southern Baptist home to
his experiences as a single, Gay white
male. In between, Paul introduces you to
several different characters who are based
loosely on people he has known.
Concessions, The Perspective and
!nfemo Productions teamed up to bring
Williams toTulsaforOldahomaGayPride
Week. Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR) has been selected by the
producers to receive $1 of each ticket sold
as adonation to theTOHRfundto establish
a Gay and Lesbian Community Center.
Tickets are $5. Advance tickets are now
on sale at ConcesSions Nightclub, Budget
.Window Treatments,and Floral Design
Studios and from TOHR Members.
Tickets will also be on sale at the TOHR
booth at Tulsa’s Pride Picnic, June 18.
March 21-April 20
If there are sensitive topics you’ve been
avoiding, now is the time to speak your
mind. Family relationships areparticnlarly
positive. Stand up for yourself on big
issues. Keep the peace flowing by letting
the little stuff go by.
April 20-May 21
You’re full ofenergy and, though you’re
working hardnow, you arebeing rewarded
for it too. People around you support your
efforts. !f you have been thinking about
taking a gamble, now is the time to begin
your venture.
May 21-June 22
You’ll have more money coming in
than usual this month, and cash flows out
just as fast. Partners can be a financial
drain. Help out; just don’t go overboard
with your generosity. Yes, your lover
really does understand you! Don’t fear the
June 22-July 23
Your present partner isn’t really there "
for you--probably because (s)he is going
through a personal crisis and needs the
help more .than you do. If you’re just
beginning a relationship, hold back.
There’s more baggage, than you need.
July 23-August 23
You’ve had some setbacks recently.
Though that phase is over, it’s lime to look
at the consequences of your actions and
make sense of it all. Don’t beat yourself
up; just decide where you to go from here.
August 23-September 23
You may be tempted to end a long
standing relationship, but it’s better to
talk it out. Your serious partnerships are
trying to shift to anew level; don’t chicken
out because it seems like too much work.
~1ou Sceapntemmabkeer 2g3r-eOatctsotbriedre2s3in your
career; but the gratification doesn’t come
fast enough. It may seem like you’re just
plodding along, but. the nose to the
grindstone approach is exactly what will
bring you to success.
October.23-November 23
A project you completed some time
ago finally pays off--just when you had
almost given up hope. Spend some of the
coming, coming, coming
vicious, vicious, vicious
vicious, vicious;, vicious
vicious, vicious, vicious
s~n, soon, soon
Thum,, June 22 $5 Cover
Male & Female Contestants
Sun,, June 25 $2 Cover
S~cial Guest. Mr, Tony Sinclair
urs.Sun 9.2 v3340S, Peoria Tulsa v 918.744.0896.
money on a vacation to a romantic locale,
preferably with a lover who shares your
exotic fantasies.
Nov. 23-Dec. 22
Existing relationships heatup and your
parmer’s good financial fortune rubs off
on you.A new relationship can start now,
mostly based on physical magnetism.
Have fun, as long as you don’t let your
hormones talk. you into anything
Dec. 22-January 21
The month begins with fatigue for you;
let yourself slack off a bit. You’ll get lots
of support when you express your needs
and your love for others verbally. By midmonth,
you’ll be highly energetic and
motivated by the success ofanew venture.
Jan. 21-February 20
It is critical that you maintain a positive
attitude. You’ve taken a lot of chances
lately butkeep the faith, and you’ll prevail.
Use your dreams to solve the problems
youreonseious mindcan’tseemto answer.
February 20-March 21 .
You have been looking at a friend
through rose-colored glasses and they’re
not as reliable as you hoped~ Let’s face it,
you’ve been had. Though you’re not
usually the assertive type, it’s time to quit
playing doormat and stand upfor yourself.
Oklahoma City BI "IV: Carolyn, subm bi
TV iso BM who is well built, wardrobe I
know you’ll love, 6’2. like to dance, and
have lots of fun- ~15186
David, 35 y/o GWM tall, slndr, cute, shy
top Ikg4 petite for frndshp and more!
Brian, int in athl music wttfiting movies
staying home and pass long term
relationships- ~26107
Richard, GWM 50 y/o p~nl Ikg4
someone 25-35 for sincere frndshp and
psbly more. ~41552
! ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
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Tulsa ’Family Personal ad
Call: t-800-546-MENN
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from your existing ad
Call:the 900 number &
Press the star key (,)
Due ~o our large volume of cal ~,
if you can’t get thru, s mp y try
your call lateK
900 blockedg. TW 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
GWM 30 y/o into travel, movies, quite
eve’s at home, Ikg4 frnds to hang out with.
Tulsa TWO-STEPPER: Craig, hiv+ attr
bm/bm 1891bs into movies, dancing
2step, swmng, bkng, Ikg4 attr. masc non
smoking btm for romance and
psble LTR e41608
RELATIONSHIP: Ray, 24 y/a 6’1
2,621bs new to scene, into sports, "
I m hoping to meet Someone for LTR
. ~41724
Tulsa BODY BUILDER: Jim, Im a
body builder wm 5’11 1701bslkg4
wm 25-45 in gd shp for rltnshp
OUTDOORS: Steve, 5’6 1551bs
bm/hzl I’m an artist, into fshng,
outdoors,travel Ikg2 meet guys wilh
~a Wide varietyof intrst ~-call me!- ~’.......
like to have a goodtime Ikg to meet Other ~41841
men, if ur interested give me a call-
Mike, 26, like to play .football soccer, like
to work out likes to have a good time
young pref, ra~:e not an issue, if u like give
me a call- "e41488
Tulsa BI WM: Michael, 25, WM bi
marrie~.. 6’2 210 iso clean daytime fun,
Ikg for male friends 20-35, no heavies pls-
Iv a message- ~41433
Wichita ENJOY LIFE WITH: Larry, 40
y/o generous,p~nl Ikg4 young man 18-
20 to enjoy life with. I enjoy travel and
financial frdm. call me! ~3329
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
sin~ple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
Mike, 40, brn/brn, gdlkg, int are
diningout movies fishing, Ikg for
guys between 18- 25, tp Ikg for
well end’d guys give me a call-
NW Oklahoma COWBOY
nw part of OK,, iso GWM W/
cattle/horse experience, happy in
levis as well as tuxedo, iso str acting,
facial hair, alotOf hair a plus, if ur
interested in a gd life eve me a call, non
drinker/smoker =402
Robert, GBM, 26, Ikg for GM to be my
friend and companion- ~38530
Oklahoma City DANNY, 22, 6’2,
blk/brn, looking for GWM 20-30, for
friendship pass rel if ur interests, like
swimming going out having fun- give me a
call- ~38627
Oklahoma City DAVID 27, stable,
secure, looking for a basic honest guy
interested in a rel- e38757
Oklahoma City OUTDOOR LOVER:
Greg 25, GWM iso fun and love
outdoors, 6’3, professional, give me a call,
looking for someone no games, like to go
out and have fun but not really into the bar
scene- ~38923
Oklahoma City SHE MALES: Tracy, int in
meeting TV’s She Males, in the area give
me a call- bye! ~39139
OK TONY 24 6 215 bm/brn, mustache,
goatee bind hair, hairy, love 3 stoogeslooking
for a father figure, Marlboro man,
very romantic, Iv a message and I’ll get
back to you as soon as I can, hoping Mr.
Right Ikg for monog rel only- ~39172
Oklahoma City BOB, like to have ..
fun, 47, looking for 18-50, give mea ca11-
Oklahoma City ANDRE 20 looking br a
gay man, in the area, give me a ca11-
OK DISCREET FUN: John, 6’, 172
bm/brn, Ikg for married guys who are
looking for discreet fun, give me a ca11-
Tulsa LIKE TO MEET: Mike, 35, 6’1,
bm/brn 195, like to meet talk to people, if
ur int, like to have fun and a good time,
give me a call- ~39587
Tulsa BRIAN 21, GWM, 6"i, 220,
like romance, vers, Ikg for long term
monde rel, someone to start one with, iso
prof~l GWM open minded, ages 20-40,
Ikg for someone who likes to have a good
time, would have intell conversation-
Oklahoma CityCAMPING AND
COMPUTERS: Robert 28 BIWM married
looking for someone int in a discreet rel, if
thafs you Iv a message-int are camping,
computers, really int in hearing from youe39721
Gene, WM, 50, 190~ blu/blnd, intin a
lasting rel, down to earlh, not into bars,
like video photography camping fishing
and quiet eves at home gardening, just
rel~ing and enjoying each other- u be
30-50- ~39758
Oklahoma .City LOOKINGFOR A
FRIEND: 35, looking for pass ml, friends,
¯ and.-j0~i"be hor~est, will reply to ablk/
gm reed bu d attr- Thanks!
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR A
rLOV~R~ Mark ooking for someone
to ~a~a rel with, 24, give me a
call- thanks- ~37392
.Bay PEN PAL:,~icki, 29, int in
males;i:18-30, 61 150;. nt n any
guy writing to me -write asap-
Tulsa FUZZY CUDDLER: looking
for a fuzzy cuddler, WGM 36 bin/
blu 155 v~rs (+) hlthy attr, iso fun
with another pos attitude person,if
-~this sounds good Iva message- ~
E. Tulsa GWM 19, 5"10,140,
dk blnd/grn; iso young cln cut
companion, 18-26- ~37612
Oklahoma City DISCREET FUN:
36 Brn grey hair 170 6’1 good
shape like to meet 18-30 for discreet
fun, give me a call- inexp a pluswanna
have some~n, call me-
Oklahoma City WANNA DATE?
Lance looking for someone in the area 28
145 sandy bind blu, med build, iso
someone between 18-30 nice looking like
to go out to movies, g0 do something, or
stay here and watch movies, give me a
call- e37738
Oklahoma City FRIENDS AND FUN:
WM, 40s Mas~: iso str acting guys with
slim musc builds for friendship fun,
AR FONE FUN : Kenny int in meeting
other guys, and doing interesting
things and lone fun, g~ve me a ca11-
Tulsa POSSIBLE LOVER: Alan, 6’2 175,
dk brn/blu hairy defined build, looking to
get together for good times, pass
relationship- ~37945
What better way to speod~vour "
Summer than (vith s’O.m~6~ei~pecial?
Personal ads. like these,-are orie of,
the most effeGive and aEordable
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Place Your FREE~’No’~ ’
,~d get ready toin~oduce.yourself-~
-to a whole new summ~~i~
,,. ’i- ,,~- ;.,, . :~ ,~ ......
Tulsa PARTY BOY: ~BM 313~ ~qsc bUild,
seeks masc men, 25:-~0"~!~r~pf~ party
boy, likes to porty~ .~,,.3~2~ i~ iii. ,:.~".,~
Tulsa NEW TO AI~A: 3:4,~_~ to meet
new guys~ new to the a.reo;.,fo~,friendship,
5’ I0. bmibrn, ~38~ :6.9..~ ~.~/~,.~;,~,~.~ -
build; professional
pri~a~ ai,~t~,;~e.~ 8~2~’ ~t.
..~’~::.~" ~ , . bm/.blu grn,.m~ ~v~.me,a ca I-~38255
N. U~e R~k
NIKIN~ Cliff brn/~,
around, camping hiking, i~ a g~ ~ have
~n or kiendship- ~38463
180, brn/brn, iso guys: b~tween 2] :30 for
friendship pass rel, a~, like outdoors,
mowes reading and dining Cur if ur .~ -
intereosted c lye me a call- ~38358
8 g 1-900-740-GUYS
I~-, $1~~41~-~1-~ :
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/499.