[1995] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 8


[1995] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 8


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


July 15-August 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 7


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart
Lesb, ian Couple
Appl=es for Tulsa
Marriage License
TULSA, OK - Kharma Amos & Debbie
Harding raised eyebrows and awareness
with their application for a marriage license
at the Tulsa County Courthouse.
AccompaniedbyTulsaFamily News publisher,
TomNeal andreporters from channels
2, 6 & 8 as well as radio KVOO,
KRMG and The Tulsa World, the two
women presented their blood tests and
requestedamarriagelicense. TulsaCounty
Clerk staffrefused the application, stating
that Oklahoma statutes limit marriage to
opposite gender couples.
see License, page 5
Black & White Inc,
Dining & Dancing
For Charity Dollars
TULSA, OK - Black & White Charities,
Inc. will again throw the parties of the
summer, all to raise funds for worthy
community charities. This year’s event
will gather dollars to benefit Project Open
Mind of Parents, Friends & Family of
Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG), The HIV
Resource Consortium and Tulsa’s Lesbian/
Gay Community Center project.
Project Open Mind is a public education
media campaign by PFLAG National
See Black & White, page 5
Britain May End Military
Ban on Lesbians & Gays
LONDON - The London Telegraph
reports that Britain’s ban
against homosexuals, in the
country’s armed forces, just upheld
by Great Britain’s High
Court, appears to be headed toward
an end nonetheless.
According to the paper, Armed
Forces Minister Nicholas
Soames has recommended to
Defense Secretary Malcolm
Rifkind that an independent
panel review the policy andwork
out some "compromise" of the
outright ban currently in place.
The Telegraph quoted an unnamed
senior Defense Ministry
source as saying, "Although in
theory the team wil!~ start with a
blank sheet, it will be the means
b~ which a compromise is
achieved. We need a way out of
this, mad commissioning the
smdy is the way.A possible com~
promise would be to end the ban
in support areas but mainiain it
where service personnel are operating
in close confines and in
dangerous circumstances." Defense
Ministry officials apparently
feel that the complete ban
against gays and lesbians in the
armed forces is no longer sustainable.
In June, the High Court upheld
the ban, but even so the
justices expressed discomfort
with the prohibition. "’It seems to
See British. page 10
OKC Parade, Tulsa
PhotoS: JD Jamett & Tom Neal
Rainbow Village
Housing for PLWA’s
TULSA, OK - Over 40 people worshiped,
planted a tree and worked in the
sweltering Oklahoma sturtmer heat to get
Rainbow Village, a 60+ year old house
ready for its first residents
Saturday, July 8 was the final"work
day" for volunteers, Lesbian, Gay, Bi and
Straight, who came together under the
leadership of volunteer co-ordinator,
see Village, page 5
Supreme Court Rains
on Boston’s Parade
Supreme Court has rnled that
private organizations that hold
parades have a constitutional
fight to exclude any group they
want to from participating in the
In a setback for gay and lesbian
rights activists, the unanimous
decision ruled that organizers
of private parades are allowed
under the Constitution’s
free speech guarantees of the
First ,amaendment to keep any
.group they wantfrom participating
m a parade. The decision
insists that parades are inherently
a form of free expression
and that states cannot require
sponsors to alter their message
by including any group thatwants
to participate.
The case the cottrt ru!ed on
started in !992 when the Irish-
American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual
Group of Boston was refused
permission to march in the
£1ty’s annnal St. Patrick’s’ Day
The Supreme Court’s ruling
on Monday, June 19, overturned
the lower court decisions, saying
that the veterans have the
right to select parade contingents
and to determine whether each
unit’s message is ]n agreement
with theoverall theme and aims
of the parade.
See Boston, page 10
July 15 - August 14, 1995, Volume,2, Issue 8
& Muskogee0 Pride
Green Country Human Rights League
TOHR Follies Draw
Crowd & Net $1700+
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
(TOHR) held its 15th Follies, a volunteer
revue to raise fnnds for the human rights
organization, see TOHR Reporter, page 8
Task Force Endorses
Proposed Anti-Bias Law
Gay & Lesbian Task Force released
the following statement
about the re-introduction of proposed
legislation barring dis-
’crimination in the workplace
based on sexual orientation.
The statement is attributed to
Melinda Paras, NGLTF’s executive
director, "On behalf of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force, I am pleased to endorse
the Emp!oyment Non-Discrimination
Act (ENDA) of 1995. The
bill would ban employment discrinnnation
onthe basis of sexual
orientation. Such a measure
would permit all Americans to
work without regard to sexual
"This long overdue legislation
would make illegal the discfinfination
present in the lives of
Americans everyday. The fight
to work is the co’rne~stone of the
American dream., yet far too
many hard working people are
refused work, fired, or harassed
because of theirperceived sexual
"Sexual orientation does not
effect a person’s ability to contribute
in the workplace yet gay,
lesbian, and bisexual people continue
to be’isolated, stigmatized
and persecuted in and out of the
workplace. Without this measure,
the threat of legal discrimi-
See Task Force, page lO
New Community
Group Organizing
RIGHTS - A community meetingfor Civil
Rights for Lesbians and Gays, was held
on Thtirsday, June 29 and attracted over
25 community activists to discuss the
stalled City of Tulsa HumanRights Committee
Report on Civil Rights based on
sexual orientation and more.
The gathering was remarkable for havingmuchmorediverse
representation than
is typical a.t meetings ofTulsa community
orgamzataons. Women and men were
nearly equally represented and members
ofFUSO, Tulsa’s African-American men’s
group and several Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay~
Bi youth attended as well.
The purpose of the forum was to create
.a venue wh.ere representatives from exist~
mg orgamzauons and members of the
Gay/Lesbian community at large could
meet to discuss publically goals and strategies
for the communities. Several action
areas emerged and participants volunteered
according to their interests. These
sub-committees included: political action
organizing (contact: Laurie Cooper),
speakers bureau (contact: Tom Neal),
youth issues (contact: Thomas Knott &
John Ayers) as well as several others:
These meetings are open to all who
share these goals. The next meeung is
July 20.7pro also at the Central Library.
For more information, call 838-2121.
Incident at White House
Prom pts Official Apology
House issued a letter from President
Clinton addressed to the 45
gay and lesbian officials who
had attended ameeting with high
level administration officials at
the Executive Offices in June,
The Clinton letter apologized for
what the president called "inappropriate
and insensitive treatment"
after White House guards
put on blue rubber gloves ~o admit
the guests.
Althoughit was somewhat tarnished
and overshadowed by the
glove flap, the meeting with administration
officials was an
unprecedented occasion. With
nearly half the country’ s elected
openly gay officials there, it was
the first time such a delegation
had been invited to the White
House to meet with top adininistration
officials President
Clinton himself was not present.
The 4-hour private discussion
included Housing Sec. Henry
Cisneros, Health & Human Services
Sec. Donna Shalala, White
House Counsel Abner Mikva,
and Clinton aide G~orge
Stephanopoulos. Officials promised
support for many issues but
said that change is slow.
Aside from the glove flap, gay
and lesbians leaders expressed
disappointment with the administration’s
failure to stand up
see White House, page 3
Safe Space on the
Internet for Gay Youth
by Chris Thomas
OutNOW.t- San Jose, California
The "Dmnien Starr case" has
called attention to some of the
pitfalls awaiting teenagers who
use computer networks to communicate
with faceles s strangers
around the world. For a young
person beginning to question
their sexual orientauon, such
anonymity can sometimes be a
liberating factor. Butcyberspace
is filled with diversions and traps
that can engulfa naive net- surfer,
and the challenge is to find those
spots which offer genuine help
and safety. One such place is the
Youth Assistance Organization,
see Youth Net. page 3
918-832-0233 Publisher/Editor Issued on Or before the 15th of each month, the~aNg,contents of
POB 4140 Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 19~’by ~’~alsa Famfly
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
Tulsa, Oklahoma James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
’74!59-0140 Writers/contributors ph,],ote does not indicate that persoffs sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos L;orrespondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Laurie Cooper noted, must be signed & becomes the sole propertv of Tulsa Farnil v
Maureen Curtin News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
TulsaNews@aol.com JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available at Tomfoolery~
Carbon Copy: S. Savage
200 Civic Center
Tulsa OK 74103
Mayor Savage:
Let me take the opportunity to.
introduce myself. My name is
Timothy J. Miller, & I am representing
myself along with many
others like myself in not only
Tulsa, but the metropolitan area.
In the past I have worked for a
very prominent Tulsa family in
the property management fields
as Director of Administration,
successfully managed a .distinguished
apartment community,.
& am currently a manager for a
large regional restaurant chain. I
consider myself to be fair, openminded,
& objective.
I am writing as a concerned
constituent, & feel I am not being
fully represented in City
.Government. About 5 to 6
months ago, a report was sent to
youwith recommendations dealing
with the Civil Rights of Lesbians
& Gays: As of yet, I have
seehlittle response to tiffs report,
not onlyby the City Council, but
the Mayor’ s office as well It is
time to see these issues as critical.
Executive orders must be
given to ban discri.mination of
any kind, including sexual orientation,
pertaining to city hirragas
well as those aireaay employed
by the city, including the
police & fire departments. The
time has also come to add the
words "sexual orientation" to our
human fights ordinance. I believe
this measure would easily
pass with you actively supporting
the issue.
With your active support of
these issues, I believe that not
only would Tulsa benefiL but
the metropolitan area as well.
.Othercity governments seeTulsa
as a guiding light. It is time tbr
Tulsa to move boldly ahead &
become the forenmn~r it has always
Timothy J Miller
The Savage response:
Dear Mr. Miller:
Thankyoufor your letter about
the recommendations from the
Human Rights Commission. As
you may know under the terms
of the Tulsa City Charter all
changes to the ordinance must
be approved by the council.
Members of the Sexual Orientation
Committee of the Human
Rights Commission who have
spoken to council members do
not share your belief that the
changes would pass easily.
see next col. below Youth Speak
Youth Speak Out on Bias
All cultures or groups of
people have a stereotype. We’ ve
all heard how Blacks are lazy;
Jews are stingy; Women are too
emotional; and. especially how
Gays are perverts or pansies.
Well, while in some cases these
may betrue, not everyone is like
Stereotypes help perpetuate a
negative image. The images everyone
gets, even some Gays,
persuade them to avoid the fact
that we a re all human. We, as a
group, need to form a bond and
stick together, helping each
Something that the Gay youth
needs to understand is that they
can be anyone they want to be.
Anyone can be feminine or masculine;’
male or female; just as
long as they have a mentor gniding
them, giving sports tips,
make-up tips & mainly emotional
The main point is ~that we are
all a diverse group of people, &
this is why we need’ to value our
friends & family; yet not base
our lives on stereotypes alone...
Thomas Knott,
A.K.A. Terra Starr
Editor’s note: Thomas is a
youth activist in Tulsa.
Selective ID’ing at Bars?
As a semi-regular patron ofall
Tulsa bars, itbothers me greatly
that "selective carding" still
seems exists in 1995. I have no
problem at all producing my
driver’s license when asked to
do so, but I feel (out Of respect)
that all members ofmy party be
asked to do so. Furthermore, as a
courtesy to all bar patrons, everyone
should be required to
show identification.
There are times that I have
seen people who I know are underage
allowed into bars without
showing ID while I have
been asked to show mine. It really
angers me to be told by a
doorperson that "He looks 21 &
you don’t." Could you please
tell me what a 21-year-old looks
It is my hope that this letter
will bring an important issue to
the eyes of barmanagers &owners
before it gets out of hand.
Sincerely, K. Green
For those who would like to
receive discreet home delivery
of Tulsa Family News, please
send $15 for a 12 month subscription,
$8 for 6 months.
Theexisting City ofTulsapersounel
policies specifically ban
discrimination & encourage all
hiring to be on the basis ofmerit.
Our 4000 employees are a diverse
representative group &we
work diligently to encourage an
accepting workplace.
M. Susan Savage, Mayor
Editor’s note: the Mayor implies
current city policies provideprotections
basedon sexual
orientation - they do not do so.
Personnel policies do not require
action by the City Council
butcan bechangedby the Mayor.
Or at least that is what many right wing activists claim, and can we
blame them? being gay certainly is not immoral, however the Gay
community could definitely stand some xmprovement.
Take for instance Riverside drive, almost every night one can spot
at least three or four different men cruising the walk for a one night
trick. I have even had the unfortunate experience of seeing two men
engaged in sex with one another right there in the mens room. This
hardly speaks well for the commumty.
And how many men find themselves employing the term "fish"
when in reference to women. A lack of sexual attraction is not just
cause for such vile disrespect. Sexism isjust as wrong as homophobia,
yet it appears to be more prevalent in the Gay community than in the
general community.
Hear any good racist jokes recently? I have and they are absolutely
disgusting. I think that it is apalling that one can rant and rave about
how they want equal rights, and then make racial slurs that would put
KKK members to shame.
Members of our community are constantly demanding equal rights
for themselves, but it is very rare to see a Gay-or Bisexual male take
a strong and firm stand againstsexism; or to see someone who is white
stand up and fight racial predjudice And the thing that d~fines Gay
men is not tricking in the bathrooms of Riverside. If we don’ t want
critism from the general public, then we shouldn’ tgive them anything
to criticize in the first place. "It is hard to give respect to someone who
does not return it to others." - John Ayers
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial 835-5083
*Wild Nights, 2405 E. Admiral 582-4340
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th 749-1563
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*TNT~ s, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial 664-8299
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-!308
*Whittier Cafe, 416.S. Lewis 582-2400
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston 585-3134
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 74325272
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102 254-2100
*Columbia Place, 1519 E. 15 587-5803
Creative Collection, 1521 E: 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Devena’ s Gallery for Photography, 13 E. Brady 587-2611
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Leaune M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
*Heirloom Designs, 2814 E. 15 742-5665
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotheral~y, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
International Tours 341-6866
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747--5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Major Affairs 587-8108
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan 663-4884
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1 664-2951
*Mohawk Pride Center, 3910 Park .Rd. 425- !354
Mortgages by Design 342-4252
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston 587-8333
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton 496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribnef s Bookstore, 1942 UticaSquare 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S Sheridan 832-0233
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza 583-1500
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times Cluistian Ctr. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
B/L!G Alliance, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Friend8 in Unity, POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H:I 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P:O, Box 52118 74128
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild 254-2100
Rainbdw Village, POB 50403, 74150-0403 599-8423
Save the Nation, Indian Health Care 584-4983
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
TulsaOklahomans for HumanRights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
~King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*Purple Iris Inn, Route 6, Box 339
*Southern Rose Bed & Breakfast, 9 Benton
*The Woods, 50 Wall St.
*The Diner, 2124 NW 39th
*Jungle Red, The Habana Inn
*Oasis Community Center, 2135 NW 39th
*Triangle Associaiion, 2136 NW 39tb
~ q5-843-8378
White House cont’di omp. I
for several gay rights issues and bluntly
warned that millions of gay voters ~ay sit
out the next election unless the predident
takes concrete steps to show his support.
"We’re saying, give us areason to go back
and have our people vote for you," said
SanFrancisco Supervisor Susan Leal, who
organized the meeting."
Nearly an hour of the meeting time
involved a"heated dialogue" with Mikva
about the Clinton administration’s decision
earlier in June not to join in a legal
challenge of a Colorado anti-gay rights
measure now up for review by the U.S.
Supreme Court. The measure bans laws
and policies designedto protect homosexuals
from discrimination.
Bruce Lehman, commissioner of the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and
one ofthe Clinton admini stration’ s openly
gay officials, said he had urged the White
House to attack the Colorado measure.
Even¯ so, Lehman said, the meeting itself
was "just another one of the many firsts"
in the Clinton administration that benefit
the gay and lesbian community. Meanwhile,
the White House announced that it
had appointed Marsha Scott - a close
Clinton associate - to a new, first-ever
post as liaison to the gay community.
White House officials were both embarrassed
and exasperated by the glove¯
incident that marred the first-ever "goodwill"
meeting June 13 with the gay and
lesbian officials from around the country
at a time when President Clinton’s standing
among gays and lesbians is probably
lower than it has ever been.
~ Eljay Bowron, director of the Secret
5ev¢i~c~, apologized for a "regrettable"
mistake when _guards blue rubber gloves
to allow the delegation in for the meeting.
Bowron said AIDS education efforts in
the agency would be stepped up.
The guards put on the gloves after they
learned the gay group was scheduled to
pass through ~the eastern entrance of the
White House. Oregon state Rep. George
Eighmey later said a guard had told him,
when asked why the guards wore gloves,
that they were wearing them "to protect
ourselves" - apparently from HIV.
Reaction among the lesbian and gay
officials attending theWhite Housemeetrag,
which actually took place at the ExecutiveOfficenearby,
ranged frompolitical
perplexity to livid outrage. "It’s a
mixed bag,’" said Susan Leal, a county
supervisor from San Francisco, who
helped to arrange the meeting. She said
having the meeting with top-level administration
officials was a breakthrough in
itself, but added that she wasn’t overwhelmed
by any concrete results.
Tom Ammiano, another San Francisco
supervisor attending the .meeting, was
more blunt: "If the Clinton administration
can’t take care of its own people, if its
level of understanding is so low, how can
they take care of us? I’ve lost my own
lover to AIDS, and this is one of the
basest, ignorant, homophobic reaction to
AIDS I can imagine. A first-grader will
tell you that you’re not going to get AIDS
by putting someone’s camera through a
metal detector...."
The Rev. Leslie Penrose, Brad Mulholland & volunteers plant
a tree to honor the memory ofRainbow Villagefounder, Mark
Vickers. Photo: Neal
Metropolitan Community Church ofGreater Tulsa booth at
Tulsa’s Pride Picnic in Mohawk Park. Photo: JD Jamett
Family ofFaith Metropolitan Community Church at the statewide
Lesbian/Gay Pride Parade in Oklahoma City.
Photo: Neal
Black & White Charities, Inc. booth at Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay
Pride Picnic in Mohawk Park. Photo: JDJamett
Youth Net cont’dfromp. 1
a group with several Bay Area connections.
"We give youth questioning their sexuality
an option; rather than run away to a
city hoping to find others like themselves,
youth will have a safe place to turn to one
another," says Christian Williams, 19, a
co-founder ofYAOand a student intern at
SunMierosystems Inc. in Mountain View.
YAO, which also goes by the name
"youth.org" for its Intemet site, went online
in February with the donation ofthree
computer workstations from Sun.
YAO didn’thappen over mght; it was a
project long envisioned by co-founder
Reid Fishler, 19, owner of Long Island
Information Inc.,. a New York-based
Intemet services provider. "We are special
because of one thing," says Fishler.
"We are teens helping teens. We are not
adults who have decided that we should
"give some thing back to the community’;
we are teens who have all made it through
or are making it through, life as a gay,
lesbian, or bisexual teenager."
While recent media focus has been on
the negative aspects of what can happen
when gay youth roam the Internet, people
at YAO see a positive side to all the
"We feel such incidents only reinforce
theimportance of services like ours," says
Williams. "For youth who have been abandoned
by their families or, worse, thrown
out for who they are, YAO can serve as
both aresource ofagencies and services to
turn to for help, as an alternative to the
streets, and as a place to receive the emotional
healing and support - the understanding
that comes from another .young
Many of the YAO volunteers are involved
in other safe spaces for gay teens
on the Internet. Mary L. Gray, 25, is a
graduate student at San Francisco State
University and is a co-moderator of the
Usenetnewsgroup soc.support.youth.gaylesbian-
bi, which was formed in 1994
following the largest vote ever in support
of a new newsgroup in the more than 10-
year history of Usenet.
Fishier, Williams, and others also moderate
areal-time Relay Chat channel called
#gayteen. The channel is moderated to
ensure that "’net sex" doesn’t take place,
and that it remains asafe place for gay and
questioning youth. Over 500 us’ers have
registered on the channel, which is protectedby
several "bots," automatons which
help enforce the policies of the elaannel
and keep undesirable or disruptive individuals
from violating the space.
And YAO is teaming up with other gay
youth groups to make evenmore resources
available. OutProud is a San Jose based
youth service which recently established
an Internet presence after two years on
America Online. The group has developed
a database of over 3,500 contacts for
gay and questioning youth, and YAO has
indexed the database and made it availsee
Youth Net, page 13
Open Arms
Open Minds
Open Hearts
Saint Aidan’s
4045 No. Cincinnati, 425-7882
Saint John’s
4200 So. Atlanta PI., 742-7381
501 So. Cincinnati, 582-4128
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Anti-Bias Law in Florida
a heated 5-hour Broward
County Commission meeting,
the body voted to adopt an antibias
measure prohibiting discrimination
based on sexual orientation
in the county by a 6-1
margin. Anti-gay fundamentalists
immediately said they would
launch an effort to gatherenough
signatures to repeal the ordinance.
Britain’s Ch. 4 -
Premieres ’Dyke TV’
LONDON - The chief executive
of Britain’s Channel 4 TV,
Michael Grade, has defended the
station’s increasingly controversial
lineup ofprogramming after
it premiered the latest in a string
of programs dealing with sexual
issues that culminated in mid-
June with the debut of "Dyke
TV.’" a 15 hour-long late-night
show specifically aimed at the
country’s lesbian community.
Grade denied charges that the
independent network was prorooting
pornography or appealmgto
prurient interests inlaunchlug
the programs and said it was
all part of the station’s responsibility
to "’reflect society."
"’People are fascinated by sex,"
Grade said. "’It’s a question of
whether you take a healthy interes~
mad explore that in a seriousminded
way, or whether you do
it in an unhealthy way, which is
to exploit people."
Technicality Allows
2 BritishWomento Wed
IJONDON - The London tabloid
The People has reported on
what it called the country’s first
sanae-sex marriage sched’uled for
Junc 28
The paper reported that t’he
marriage between Tracie-Mme
Scott mad Tina-Louise Dixon was
possible because Scott, a former
merchant semnan mad the father
of 3 children, is still technically
male under British regulations -
even though he has had a sexchange
Victory Fund Gets New
Chief Announced
Clarenbach, a former Wisconsin
state representative who held a
seat in the state legislature for 9
tcrms, has been named to repl
acc William Waybourn as exc~
tivc director of the Gay &
Lcsbian Victory Fund.
In a press statement,
C arenbach said "One of my
goals as to bring an outsxde-the-
B’eltway wake-up call to the
nation’s .capitol. The rest of the
country is way ahead of Washington
in recognizing the contributions
of gay and lesbian citizeus.
In a related matter, the Gay &
Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
(GLAAD) announced
that Waybourn had joined the
mediawatchdog group as its new
managing director.
Lesbian Launches
Mayoral Bid
Achtenberg, who left a post as
undersecretary for civil rights in
the Department of Housing and
Urban Development in the
Clinton Administration earlier
this year, officially launched her
campaign to become the first
openly gay mayor of San Francisco.
Achtenberg, a lesbian rights
attorney and former county supervisor,
faces an uphill battle in
a crowded fidd that includes incumbent
Mayor Frank Jordan
andformer CaliforniaAssembly
Speaker Willie Brown, perhaps
the state’s most influential
"She will be the first lesbian
big-city mayor in the country,"
said Christine Kehoe, a San Diego
city councilwoman who
hdped kick off the campaign
drive here. "And that’s why
we’re here this morning. Roberta
shows whatwe can achievewhen
we participat e fully in the life of
our community."
Rights Measure in N.H;
CONCORD, N.H. - A measure
has been introduced in the New
Hampshire Legislature that
would prohibit discrimination
based on sexual orientauon in
the state. A similarmeasure failed
when introduced in the legislature
2 years ago after strong objection
from church leaders.
Hearings are not expected to
begin on the proposed legislation
until the end of this year.
One Aussie Leader:
Pro Gay Marriage
SYDNEY - Governor-General
Sir Bill Hayden, Queen
Elizabeth’s appointed Crown
officer in Australia, drew wildly
mixed reactions for a recent
speech in which he endorsed the
idea of same-sex marriages,
adoptions by gay and lesbian
couples, and legally allowing
euthanasia for terminally ill patients
who want it.
Some church 1e~leYg~md p61iticians
in the country denounced
Hayden’s suggestions, whichare
considered the most progressive
made by any major government
official anywhere in the world to
date. A government spokesperson
said Hayden’s speech reflected
his own views, and not
those of either the Australian
government or Queen Elizabeth.
Hayden’s recommendation
that gay men be routinely tested
for HIV, however, drew harsh
criticism from AIDS groups in
the country as unnecessary for
proper healthcare safety.
Other Aussie Leader:
Against Gay Marriages
SYDNEY - The Australian gay
publication Brother Sister reports
that Prime Minister Paul
Keating has rebuffed a recent
call by Australian Governor
General Bill Hayden to legally
recognize same-sex relationships
and to extend adoption rights to
gays and lesbians in the country.
Keating is quoted as saying in
Parliament,"I havemy own personal
views; social views on
these things, but these are not a
matter ofgovemmentpolicy.We
don’tmakelaws governing these
Hayden, who represents the
British Crown as the nominal
head of state in the Commonwealth
country, earlier endorsed
both same-sex mamages and
legal adoption rights for gays
andlesbians. "When society took
the decision to no longer regard
the practice of homosexuality as
a threat to established, monogamous
marriage, regarded as the
cornerstone ofsociety for so long,
certain inevitable consequences
followed." Hayden said during a
speech. "Certain rights flowed
to homosexuals in the wake of
that decision and unanticipated
changed to community Standards
The Governor General’s office
later made it clear, hrwever, that
Hayden was not speaking for the
government orQueen Elizabeth,
whom he represents in the €ountry.
Town Nixes ’Gay Pride’
ALAMEDA,Calif.-A normally
"routine" proclamation designating
June as Gay Pride Monthhas
been rejected in this community
on the east side,of the San Francisco
Bay after anti-gay conservatives
turned out in the hundreds
to pack a city council
meeting. The resolution, usually
anuncontroversial matter, failed
even to receive a second at the
council meeting The council
hearing on the proposed proclamataon
lasted nearly 4 hours.
Religious conservatives claimed
the rejected proclamation was
victory for "traditional family
Canadian Province May
Allow Joint Adoption
VICTORIA, British - Canadian
news sources report that the provincial
government in British
Columbia has introduced legislation
that would permit same
sex couples to adopt children the
same as heterosexual couples.
The proposed change in the
province’s adoption regulations
would let both partners legally
adopt a child, giving them joint
parental rights and responsibilities.
Quebec and Saskatchewan
provinces both permit gay and
lesbian couples to adopt children
already, and an Ontario provincial
court has declared that
province’s restrictaons against
same-sex couples adopting children
to be unconstitutional.
Coors Adds Domestic
Partners Benefits
BOULDER, Colo. - The University
of Colorado newspaper,
the Colorado Daily, has reported
that the Coors Brewing Company
of Golden, Colo., once the
objectof an intensenational boycott
by gays and lesbians, has
voted unanimously to extend
employee benefits to the samesex
domesticpartners ofits workers.
Since the widespread boycott
of the 1970s and 1980s, the
company has added non-discrimanation
protections based on
sexual orientation to its employment
guidelines, and the brewcry
also has a company-sanctioned
gay andlesbianemployee
"’There are still a lot of unanswered
questions about the relationship
between the Coors family,
the [Coors] Foundation, and
the company," Sue Anderson of
Equality Colorado. told the paper.
"But if we’re ’just talking
about the corporation, this is a
great move forward." Members
of the Coors family and its private
Coors Foundation have
backed a wide variety of archconservative
and anti-gay groups
and politiciahs for decades,
which led initially to the boycott.
The Coors Brewing Company,
however, has since gone
out of its way to distinguish itself
from the financial giving of
the family and the foundation.
Amnesty International
Cites Police Abuses
LONDON - The London-based
human rights watchdog group
Arunesty International has publicly
called on the govermnent
of Albania to live up to its obligations
and agreements under
international law and put a halt
to abuses of its citizens, including
political prisoners, Greeks
living in the country, and homosexuals.
"In certmn cases the ill-treatment
has been so severe that it
has amounted to torture," a statement
from AI said. "In at least
five cases the victim died, apparently
as a result of the injuries
they suffered." The organization
also called on the government to
set up methods of responding to
citizen complaints of police
abuse and brutality to deal with
the problem.
Guinness To Do Gay Ads
LONDON - The Financial
Times of London has reported
that Guirmess, the famed British
brewery best known for its stout
ales,, plans to begin using a gay
male couple in some of its future
TV ad campaigns in the United
Kingdom to promote its popular
alcoholic beverages. Although
the firm did not give details of
the TV advertising, it did indicate
that the TV spots would
make it clear that the 2 men in
them were gay men.
The finn also said it would use
the popular conntry-western tune
"Stand By Your Man" in the ads.
ILGA World Conference
world conference of the International
Lesbian & Gay Association
ended in Brazil on Sunday,
June 25, with a gay pride parade
along Rio’ s Copacabana beach.
During the week-long conference
of more than 300 delegates
representing countries from
around the globe, ILGA took the
following actions:
- Denounced anti-gay violence
in Latin America - including
Brazil itself - and condenmed
the execution of gays and lesbians
in some Islamic countries;
- Praised the decriminalization
of homosexual sodomy in the
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News Briefs News Briefs
Australian state of Tasmania;
- Announced plans to launch
campaigns to draw attention to
the continued criminalizing of
gay and lesbian sex in Chile,
Ecuador and Nicaragua;
- Said the organization had ratified
all the international treaties
and conventions of the United
Nations to help assure its recogration
as a consulting Non Governmental
Organization (NGO)
with the UN.
The organization also elected
Jordi Petit of Barcelona, Spain,
and Inge Wallaert of Antwerp,
Belgium, as its new secretariesgeneral.
D’Emilio Takes Over at
NGLTF Policy Institute
Gay & Lesbian Task Force has
almounced the noted historian
and author Dr. John D’Emilio
has joined the civil rights organization
as director of NGLTF’s
Policy Institute. D’Emilio’, ahistory
professor with the University
of North Carolina, has the
task of transforming the Policy
Institute imo a full-fledged research
organization by recruiting
gay rights theorists, academics,
researchers, activists and
others to the rese arch "think
In apress statement, D’Emilio
said: "I am committed to building
the NGLTF Policy Institute
into an indispensable source of
reliable, useful and necessary
information, on gay/lesbian/bisexual
public policy issues. We
want to use the wealth of expertise
in our community to build a
reservoir of materials for activists
in the fidd.’"
No. Cal. LesbiGay Prom
HAYWARD, Calif. - This unlikely
community, just east of
San FranciSco, was the spot on
Friday evening, June 30, of t!}..e
first gay and lesbian prom in
Northern California "Pride: A
Deeper Love" took place at the
Ceutemtial Hall here, replete with
with an espresso and soft drinks
bar, potted palms, anindoorfountain,
and a miniautre replica of
tile. Eiffel Tower to recreate the
ambiance of a Paris sidewalk
cafe. The youth prom was sponsored
by the I_ambda Youth
Group and drew several hundred
lesbian, gay and bisexual
youths - mostly high school studeuts
- from throughout the San
Francisco bay area.
Couples May Ado pt in DC
WASHINGTON - The District
of Columbia’s Court of Appeals
has ruled that unmarried couples
- including same-sex couples -
can legally adopt children the
same as married couples. The
court made its rifling in the case
of 2 gay men, identified in court
documents as BruceM. andMark
D., overturning a lower court
ruling that denied the men the
right to adopt a young girl.
The court found that "unmarried
couples living together in a
committedpersonal relationship,
News Briefs News Briefs News
whether of the same sex or of
opposite sexes, are eligible to
petition the cou~t for a decree of
adoption" and the capital’ s adoption
law "expressly authorizes
adoptions by any person without
Toronto Parade Largest
in North America
TORONTO - Demonstrating a
level of gay pride that most
Americans only associate with
cities like Los Angeles, SanFrancisco
and New York, Toronto"s
annual Gay Pride Parade this
year apparently became thelargest
such event in North America,
outstripping the gigantic gay
pride celebrations of its southern
neighbor for the first time.
Police estimated that between
500,000 and 600,000 spectators
showed up for the Sunday, July
2 parade that also drew more
than 50~000 participants. Police
estimates of the 3 largest gay
pride parades in the U.S. put
spectator numbers at between
300,000 a nd 500,000. The
Toronto parade first started in
1980 when it drew only 2,500
people. Politicos in this year’s
eventincluded openly gayMember
of Parliament Svend
Robinson and Toronto Mayor
Barbara Hall.
California Court Upholds
Hate Crime Law
SAN FRANCISCO - California’s
Supreme Court has upheld
the state’s hate crimes law
as constitutional and has ruled
thatit does not violatefree speech
rights. The unanimous court ruling
rejected the arguments by
the attorney of2 women charged
in the beating of 2 gay men in
San Francisco in 1990.
The appeal argued that the
state’s hate crimes law violated
the women’s free speech guarantees
because it was vague. The
state high court rejected the argument,
saying thatwords which
indicate an "intent to inflict evil,
injury or damage on another"
are not protected by constitutional
free speech guarantees.
"Violence and threats of violence
.. fall outside the protection
of the First Amendment because
they coerce by unlawful
conduct, rather than persuade by
expression," thecourtruled. "As
such, they are punishable because
of the state’s interest in
protecting individuals from the
fear of violence, the disruptio~
fear engenders and the possibil-
ity’the threatened violence will
Gay Marriages:
Tale of Two Cultures
polls {eleased on the same
date- onein the U.S., the other in
Holland - give an indication of
the difference in attitudes in the
2 countries. In Holland, 73% of
those polled said they thought
gay and lesbian couples should
be allowed to legally marry - an
astoundingly largeportion ofthe
population that surprised even
many Dutch activists.
The U.S. poll, conducted by
EPIC-MRA-Mitchell Research,
found that only 33% of Americans
thought same-sex couples
should be allowed to get married,
while 63% opposed gay
and lesbian marriages.
Lesbian Camp
Ruled Not a Nuisance
OVEIT, Miss.-Chancery Court
Judge FrankMcKenziehas ruled
thatCamp Sister Spiritwas not a
"private nuisance" in rejecting
the caseofa group oflocal townspeople
who had accused the lesbian-
feminist retreat of causing
disruptions an d trying to "recruit"
their daughters into a"lesbian
lifestyle." McKenzie said
in his ruling that seminars and
music festivals at Camp Sister
Spiritmayhave disrnptedneighbors
to a degree, but that the
retreat’s activities did not constitute
a "nuisance." The attorney
representing the townspeople
who brought the complaint
against the camp said all
the ruling meant was that the
camp just "hasn’t gotten out of
hand at this point."
’Gay Gene’
Hammer, the openly gay National
Cancer Institute researcher
who reported finding a genetic
marker associated with male
homosexuality, is apparently
under government scrutiny for
possibly manipulating datain the
study. Hammer confirmed for
news sources that his 1993 study
was being reviewed by the federal
Office of Research Integrity
and that he had been ordered not
to comment further.
Genetic scientists, however,
have reported that a colleague in
Hammer’s NCI lab had looked
through the data in Hammer’s
reports and found that the government
researcher had not included
some of the material in
his final report. Theomitted data
could we aken the statistical
significant of Hammer’s finding
or possibly have changed the
findings altogether.
The question of the reliability
of Hammer’s findings .could be
even more crucial because a
neurogeneticist at the University
of Western Ontario in
Canada finished a similar study
recently of more than 40 sets of
gay brothers and found no link
between the genetic marker and
sexual orientation.
Village cont’dfromp. 1
Rusty Langley Stumpff, to make
real the vision of Rainbow.Village
founder Mark Vickers.
Rainbow Village is a non-profit
dedicated to providing housing
for persons living with AIDS
(PLWA’s). After months of delays
and difficulties in raising
funds for the renovations of the
house, work was able to completed
because of donated materials
from Cowan Construction
and donated labor from many
folks,in particular, LeonKubian,
a professional contractor.
At mid-day, the work crew
stopped to join the Rev. Leslie
Penrose in a blessing of the
house, room by room and to plant
a tree in remembrance of Mark
Vickers who died just in May of
this year. Brad Mulholland,
Mark’s spouse, remarked on the
bittersweetness of finally seeing
Mark’s dream realized.
Midway though the ceremony,
aneighborhoodresident stopped
to complain abouthaving ahouse
for people with AIDS, which for
him equalled "Gays" in the neighborhood.
Ironically, the first residents
of this house happen to be
heterosexuals living withAIDS,
not Gays. Though the neighbor
refused to give his name, he
threatened to complain to the
city because he felt the house
would violate zoning restrictions.
Rainbow Village board president,
Cathy Mulholland, responded
that up to 8 unrelated
individuals could live in a single
family zonedhouse and that there
should be no problems.
Cathy Mulholland also noted
that Tulsa has a significant need
for housing for PLWA’s. There
may be as many as 90 persons
needinghousing and Mulholland
added that up to 84% ofPLWA’s
here are in danger of becoming
Nathanael Mattingly
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The Queen of the Galaxy presents
the best damn hair in town!
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homeless. Both Cathy
Mulholland and Rusty Langley
Stumpff mentioned that all the
funds to renovate Rainbow Village
have come in small amounts
from the community. Although
applications are continuing to be
made, no major grants have yet
to be secured. Donations of
money, materials and time/labor
are welcome. For information,
call 742-2201.
taffy cont’dfrom p. 1
to counter anti-Lesbian/Gay
prejudice. Some of the seed
money for the project was do~
nated by Barbra Streisand and
Tulsa is one of three test sites for
shaping the campaign.
The HIV Resource Consortium
is an umbrella organization
that seeks to provide
comprehesive HIV/AIDS services,
ranging from case management
to providing space for
other organizations, such as the
TOHR HIV Testing Clinic and
RAIN, Regional AIDS Interfaith
Network which organizes care
teams for persons living with
The Lesbian/Gay Community
Center is a project spearheaded
by Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR). The goal is
to rent or buy a facility where all
parts of the communities and
organizations can meet formally
or informally.
Black & White Charities, Inc.
will hold two events: a patrons
appreciation on Friday, July 28
at Philbrook Museum and the
Black & White Party itself on
Saturday, July 29 at the Pavilion
on Expo Square. Black & White
Charities, Inc. began as a private
party but was later incorporated
as a tax-exempt non-profit dedicated
to sponsoring social events
which celebrate the unity and
the diversity of the communities,
promote group&individual
self-esteem and create awareness
and. funding for our communities
issues andconcerns. For
more information, see page 16.
License cont’dfrom p. 1
After being turned away,
Amos and Harding spoke with
reporters about the effort. The
couple acknowledged that they
were not really surprised to be
denied the license, but that they
hoped people aware of the desire
of many Lesbian & Gay couple
for legal recognition and protection
of their relationships.
Kelly Kirby
Certified Public Accountant
Lesbians & Gays face many special tax
situations whether single or as couples.
We are proud to serve our communities
with sensitive & timely information.
747-5466, POB 14011, Tulsa 74159
Tulsa Office
800-999-3 . .2
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24 hourslday, seven days/week.
The range ofservices include:.
Skill ed nursing .. services (RN’s, LPN’s)
Home health aides, Physical Therapy
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Medical Social Services, In-home psychiatric care
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This list is not all inclusive.
Please contact our offices with specific treatment issues.
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
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Providing Comprehensive Primary Care
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! 560 East 21 st Street, Suite 210
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+Home HIV Test Kits May Become Popular
Baltimore GayPaper people, age 18 or older.
A significant number of people state
they would use a home test to determine if
they are infected with HIV, it the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) licenses
the diagnostic kits, according to a University
of California San Francisco (UCSF)
study published in the May 11 issue of the
New England Journal of Medicine
If thehomekits are approved, the easier
access and greater privacy they provide
wouldincrease thenumberofpeople tested
forHIV infection, says a UCSFresearcher
who co-authored a separate essay on this
subject published in the same NFJM issue.
The FDA currently is considering
whether or not to approve test kits that
would allow blood collection at home,
according to Kathryn Phillips, PhD, a
researcher at the UCSF Center for AIDS
Prevention Studies (CAPS) and lead author
of the UCSF study,
The over-the-counter test kits would
likely be sold atdrug stores and, or through
mail order. After pricking a finger and
putting a drop of blood on a filter paper,
users of the home test would mail the
sample to a laboratory and call to find out
their results They wouldreceive telephone
counseling after providing a codenumber
from the test kit. The entire process would
be anonymous.
UCSF researchers examined how the
availability of home-access HIV tests
.might change the numbers and character-
]st~cs of people tested for infection and
where they went to be tested. Data came
from a large household survey conducted
by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) of more than 20,000
Among other questions, respondents
were asked how likely they would be to
use home HIV testing and, if it were
available, whether they would choose to
use a home test, go to a doctor’s office or
clinic, or not be tested.
29% stated that they wouldbe "very" or
"somewhat" likely to use home tests. Of
this group,7%percent said they had never
been tested (excluding testing for blood
donation). 42% of the respondents with
HIV risk factors said they wouldbe"very"
or "somewhat" likely to use home tests;
63% of this group said they had never
been tested (excluding testing for blood
donation). 22% of all respondents and
31% of those at risk; said+they would
choose a home test over the alternatives.
In comparison, 18% of the respondents
and 34% of those at risk reported having
been tested for HIV infection (excluding
testing for blood donation)between 1985
and the time the survey was conducted.
The survey defined persons ’at risk’ as
.hemophiliacs, men who have sex with
men, intravenous drug users, those who
trade sex for money, sex partners of persons
at risk, those who had blood transfusions
between 1977-1985, and those who
have a self-perceived chance of having or
contracting AIDS.
Respondents more likely to .state they
would use home HIV tests were male,
younger, non-white or non-Hispanic, and
had less than a college degree, income
levels lower than the poverty index, risk
factors for AIDS+ a self perceived.risk of
AIDS, previously donated blood in order
to be tested, or no prior testing because
they did not know where to go, according
to the UCSF study, see Test, page 11
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Viatication is the process through which a person
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The value of your life insurance policy in a viatical
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Many factors influence whether viaticating 3’our life
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in plamfing the best outcome from your tmique financial
Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-800
numbers. They transfer ),ourinsurance andmedical records
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At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the best possible service
by working with us in person, face-to-face. We are
involved on a community level, and are responsible
directly to our local community.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And because of our established resources, we can
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
compaafies take by mail. t)pically in fewer than 30 days
We’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for you.
Home Office
Dallas,. Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Reporter .Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights ¯ P.O. Box 52729 Tulsa, OK 74152
July/August 1995 Volume 15 Number 7
The vhq~w expressed elsewhere in Tul,~a Family News are tltff nece.~saril)’ the vie*tw o.fTOl IR. Pet?nission is
granted to reprint in,f!)rmalion cotltaitted wilhin the TOI IR Reporler page along with other itent~’, tolthrr the
byline. "mtbmitted by TOI IR ". contained elsewhere in Tulsa Family News.
TOHR Follies Thank You’s
from the Executive Board
Lynn Smith - Chairperson
Renee Anthony - CO-Chairperson
Sheryl Dagang for being the fabulous Master/Mistress of
The Entertainers
A Special Thank you to Bill Lewis a!k/a/Lola, Russlyn
Moore, Paris Grey, Victoria Towers, Emma Zahn, Anita
Richards, Kelly Green, Diannah Nacole, Vivian & Tara TNeal
for their creative and fabulous costumes and renditions
that set the stage tbr our Priscilla themel
Thank you to Linda Stevens for bringing friends from the
Follies Revue. Jennifer Sanco, Kris Rittanaier & Tracy
Our addilional thank vous to other performers
t.tell’en Back, Jessie Scott. Beverly Ball, Jimnaie H0ose.
llelga, The Tulsa Family Chorale, Miriam Childers, Kevin
Barentine, Kharma Arnos, and friends Danny Hale. Steve
Eberle, David Parsons & Kathlene Golden.
Thanks to Raghena for making the trip from Dallas to
share her talents with her Tulsa Family.
The Volunteers
Without the tireless energy, of our volunteers this event
could not have been the success that it was. Thanks to:
Pamela Newberry and Terry, Rich Webb, Gemini, Joseph
Chavez, David Haynes, Wes Waggoner, Charles Campbell,
Kathlene Golden and Jill Hoyt. Tulsa’s own youth group
including Thomas, Edgar, Antwaine & John.
The Donors
John Rothrock and Steve Walley from the Silver Star,
Gregory and Wayne from Floral Design of Tulsa, Kathlene
Golden from Unity Center, Gourmet on the Go, Whittier
Care, Promenade General Cinema, Merle Norman Studios
and Anthony Klatt of the Perspective.
We would like to thank the businesses who sold advance
tickets for the Follies: Tomfoolery, Floral Design of Tulsa
and Budget Window Treatments.
All Soul’s Unitarian for the use of their facility.
To ever3., one \vho attended this years Follies you were a
great audience. Thank you.
Wanted: Persons who are interested in taking a six week Watercolor class taught
by local mtist Kelly Vandiver. The cost of the classwill be $75 not including
supplies. $15 dollars of the $75 tuition will be tax deductible as a donation to
T.O.H.R,. To register please call the helpline at 743-.4297 and leave your name
and nnmber with the volunteer or on the voice mail.
TOHR - August meeting will be on Bartlett Square. Bring a picnic basket and
)’our dancing shoes. August I st, i 995. IVlusic and beverages will be provided.
7:00pro Ill ?
Getin step with TOHR and Hillcrest step aerobic class to begin this fail. Watch
your TOHR Reporter for fiu-ther details.
Quick Note: 1 ~vould like to thank Tom Neal and the Tulsa Family News for
their support ofTOHR and the Reporter during this past year. A Newsletter that
has been established to serve TOHR’s community center and other non-profi|
organizations will be the ne\v home for the Reporter.
By and for, but not exclusive to the
lesbian, gay & bisexual communities
Monday & Thursday Evening
7 to 8:30pm for Testing
7 to 9:00pro for Results
Daytime Testing
By Appointment
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
4154 South Harvard Suite I-t-1 Call for Directions
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627-B East 1 lth.
Info: 583=7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodis0
Worship Service, 6 pm
1347 No. Yale, 838-7232
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Worship Service, 11 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 No. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
TheBanned,OKGay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
Meeting, 6:30 pm
Canterbury, 5th&Evanston
Info: 583-9780
HIT Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results Hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 749-4194
Lambda Bowling League
Bowling begins at 8:45.
Sheridan Lanes
3121 South Sheridan
Minister’s Class"
Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center
7:30 pm
2627-B East 1 lth
Info: 583-7815
Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC of Greater Tulsa
1623 North Maplewood
Call 838-1715 for info.
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Choir Practice 7 pm
2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Potluck 6:30 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Choir Practice 8 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
Women’s support group
Community of Hope
1347 North Yale
Call 838-7232 for info,
Support Group
Weekly meeting, 7:30.
Family.of Faith MCC.
5451-E South Mingo
Call 622-1441 for Info.
HIT Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick
No appbintment required.
Walk in test hours:
7 - 8:30 pm
Results Hours: 7 - 9 pm
Call 749-4194 for info.
Prayer Time
MCC - Greater Tulsa, 7 pm
1623 North Maplewood.
Call 838-1715 for info.
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th St.
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Provides confidential
support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope.
1347 North Yale
Call 838-7232 for info.
1995 Miss Gay Northeastern
Oklahoma USofA Pageant
Silver Star Saloon, 10 pm
1565 So. Sheridan, Info: 838-3701
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Board Meeting, 7 pm (open to members)
TOHR Office, 40th & Harvard, 2nd fl.
Info: 743-4297
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
4154 South Harvard, Gathering Room
Info: 583-5147
Community Civil Rights Meeting
7-9 pm, Downtown Library, ground
level meeting room, info: 838-2121
Community ofHope Dance Class, 8 pm
1347 North Yale, Info: 838-7232
Rainbow Business Gui/d, 7 pm
Olive Garden, Utica Sq. Info: 832-0233
Black & White Charities Patron Gala
Philbrook Museum, Info: 587-7314
Community ofHope Feed the Homeless
1347 North Yale, 5:30 pm
Info: 838:7232
Black & White Saturday Night Dance
Pavilion at Expo Square, Fairgrounds
$20 advance, $25 door, Info: 58%7314
TOHR Party on the Square
Picnic, 7-10 pm, Bartlett Square
Info: 743-4297
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
4154 So. Harvard, Info: 583-5147
Community ofHope Dance Class, 8 pm
1347 North Yale, Info: 838-7232
Log Cabin Republicans, 7 pm
Tulsa Centrai Library, Ground Floor
Info: 832-0233
Need Help Selling Your Artwork ?
. The The Artists’ Guide to Selling e is your answer
$17.95 (includes handling & OK taxe~)
Mail Check w return address info to:
Artht~’ Guide, C/O Slash Pine Publishing ®
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Developed from Fortune S00 Training and 15 year~ Saleg experience,
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1995 Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA
At-Large Pageant
Silver Star Saloon, 9 pm
1565 So. Sheridan, Info: 838-3701
PFLAG 1011102, 6:30-7:30 pm
4154 So. Harvard, Ste. H, Info: 749-4901
For spouses of Gay/Les/Bi/Transgenders
7:00 pm social, 7:30-8:30 meeting
Sponsored by PFLAG, Info: 749-4901
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Board Meeting, 7 pm (open to members)
TOHR Office, 40th & Harvard, 2nd ft.
kffo: 743-4297
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
4154 So. Harvard, Info: 583-5147
Community ofHope Dance Class, 8 pm
1347 North Yale, Info: 838-7232
Rainbow Business Guild, 7 pm
Dinner Meeting, Info: 832-0233
Prime Timers 2nd Anniversary/
Write for info: P.O. Box 52118, 74128
Feast with Friends
The NAMES Project Tulsa Area
Finale at So. Hills Marriott, 748-3111
Community ofHope Feed the Homeless
1347 North Yale, 5:30 pm
Info: 838-7232
Gay & Lesbian Student Association
TJC Southeast Campus, Info: 631-7632
Lesbian & Gay Pol. Action Committee
Info: 838-1222
SWAN-Single Women’sActivityNetwork
Call 832-2121
TOHR Anonymous HIT Testing Clinic
Daytime testing by appt. M:Th., 10-5 pm
Info: 749-4194
TOHR Helpline, Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to volunteer: 743-GAYS
Tool Box Technicians
Leather organization,
Info c/o The Tool Box: 584-1308
Tulsa Uniform &LeatherSeekersAssoc.
Info: 838-1222
Wed. Night Women’s Supper Club
Varying locations 2nd or 3rd Wed. each
month. Info: Helpline: 743-GAYS
Task Force co. diromp. 1
nation paralyzes us in our jobs and prevents
us from living as full and ,~qual
citizens. "At the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force, we often work with
activists lobbying their local and state
governments to pass anti-discrimination
legislation. While many states and muuicipalities
have banned discrimination
based on sexual orientation, some opponents
have pointed to the lack of federal
legislation when justifying their own inaction
or opposition to such measures.
Weseekfederal action through passage of
ENDA that would send a message across
the country that discrimination is unacceptable
and illegal. "Discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation violates the
American values of equality and fairness.
The Employment Non-Discrimination
Act of 1995 recognizes discrimination
and would alleviate the fear of many
Americans in the workplace. It is an important
step toward full equality for lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender
Editor’ s note:no Oklahoma Congressman
has endorsed ENDA, though Cong.
Largent is now reviewing the legislation.
Britain con d omp.
me improbable, whatever this court may
say, that the existing policy can survive
much longer," said Lord Justice Simon
Brown, one of the judges in that ease.
Boston cont’dfrom p. 1
The court’ s decision said that gays and
lesbians have a fight to march in parades
a;s individuals, but italso ruled thatno one
can force parade sponsors to alter their
message by including the views of another
by Pat Morehead that Ralphies’ world cuts into their own mess? So, save your money either at the
For those readers who are looking for
the standard fare of Political Correctness
relative to the Gay Community in TUlSa,
look elsewhere. Summer is here and it’ s
just too damn humid to worry with political
correctness. I was politically incorrect
when I failed to attend the Mohawk Pride
Picnic. But I spent a lovely afternoon on
the patio with several cool Bloody Bulls
and my latest copy of Field and Stream.
I did take a few minutes to scan theJune
Family News. I have to tell you I’m not
really concerned about the court ruling
regarding the Boston St. Patricks Day
Parade. So gays can tmarch, big deal. We
seem to have missed the point somewhere
along the way. If you’re not welcome
somewhere, then stay the hell away! I’ve
used that simple formula for decreasing
stress, I highly recommendit to everyone.
Besides, if we want to have a parade, we
may wantto exclude certain types, fight?
I’m not trying to be bitchey about this
but I mean really, give it a rest. Thanks to
Rush Tunbaugh and Newtie and Ralphie
Reed, common civility has gone the way
of the DODO. I was raised to at least
pretend to be civil to people I don’ t care
for or about. It was calledCommon Courtesy.
Everything has become so "in your
face" these days.
Every dog has his day, and today Rush,
Newtie and Ralphie are ha,v,ing,~eirs.
Unfortunately I expect their day to go
on for some while to come. We are not
going to stop these guys from making our
lives miserable for awhile. So, back off!
Let them make asses out of themselves
and their followers. As soon as people see
Timothy W. Daniel
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regularlives, people will get sick and tired
of him and his sort and dump them for
something different.
Speaking of something different, can
anyone explain "Legends of the Fall"? I
rentedit expecting to see something inter-
So, here’s my plan for our
eommunlty. Let’s start our
-own Ch~eh. We’ll do eorrespontienee
tie~rees anti
we can all become Ministers.
That Way we can ~et
every tax ~vantage aveable,&
we can du~ ~ple
out of v~t sums of ~o~ey
in the name of~n~ng our
m~ssxons . ~nee we all
have money, then ~e can
make the ~uled Let me
knowffyou have any ide~
for the ~hureh name.
esting from Brad Pitt. Ifnot acting wise, at
least his butt! Pitt has been very interesting
since I first noticed him in "Thelma
and Louise". But I haven’t the slightlest
idea about what was going on in Legends.
I don’t even think the Director had the
slightest idea about what was going on
I mean, at least if you’ ve got Brad Pitt,
use his sex appeal if nothing else. All we
got was a poorly composed 3 second
medium wide group shot of Pitt in the
middle of what I presume was supposed
to be a menage a tois. Jeez, at least give us
Pitt butt. Three seconds out that whole
video store or on TCI and give Legends a
pass. Unless you’ reintoAnthony Hopkins,
at least, he he did some acting. I suggest
you rent "Thelma and Louise" and eatch
Pitt in the motel scene.
WhichbringsmetoTCI. Whenitcomes
to TCI,just bend over and expect it rough.
Rather than worrying about parades in
Boston we ought to be spending time
getting any other cable outlet in here.
Why is it that there is no Cable Access
available to the public, but 158 religious
programmers can monopolize half the
damn channels? That’ s a rhetorical question.
Weall know why, the pray-a-vision
folks buy all the available time.
So, here’ s my plan for our community.
Let’s start our own Church. We’ll do
correspondence degrees and we can all
become Ministers. That way we can get
every tax advantage available, and we
candupepeople outOfvastsums ofmoney
in the name of funding our "missions".
Once we all have money, then we can
make the rules ! Let me know if you have
any ideas for the Church name.
On a serious note though, we could
invest some time in setting up a Non-
Profit Arts Group which is designed to
serve Gay and Lesbian area artists, writers
and performers. That would be something
that could actually have an impact
on the local communityin terms ofgiving
Gay and Lesbian Artists a fair shot. Let
me know your thoughts on that one also.
As for me, I’m heading to kitchen to
mix up some more Bloody Bulls, then get
naked in the hot tub and ponder the real
meaning of Pitts’ butt. Hummm, maybe
we could do a fund raiser based on a best
l~utt contest. Now there’ s an idea perfect
for summer in Tulsa. As soon as I find the
limes, I’ll put some more thought into
Pat Morehead is a Tulsan whose commentaries
focus on art, politics & more.
Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Tulsa
Where God Uplifts All People
Sunday Service, 10:45 am
Wednesday Service, 6:30 pm
Home Cell Groups, 2nd & 4th Sundays
1623 No. Maplewood, Tulsa 74115, 838-1715
Unique Gifts
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corner of 15th & Peoria
584-4606, M-S 10-8, Sun. 12-5
Aromatherapy for
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Test cant’dfrom p. d
Phillips says these findings are "counter
intuitive" because preventive services and
other home tests are usually morelikely to
be used by people with more education
and higher incomes.
"It’s striking that people who may have
the greayest need for testing but the least
access to HIV testing and medical care
may bemorelikely than someother groups
to use home tests," she says.
Theavailability ofhometests may cause
a shift.in the locations where HIV testing
is conducted in the United States, Phillips
says. About 20 percent of tests (excluding
tests before blood donations) are performed
at public clinics; 31 percent in
doctor’s offices, health maintenance organizations,
or employer clinics; and 25
percent athospitals and outpatient clinics,
according to the study.
"The use of home tests by people who
would otherwise have been tested at public
clinics may free up resources for other
activities," Phillips says. "However, testing
should still be available at public
It is estimated that users of the home
test would pay between $30 and $40,
whereas it costs the federal government
approximately $50 per test at public clinics
andprivate doctors may charge clients
$50 ormore for HIV testing. Counsding
and testing consumed the largest portion-
$103 million - of the HIV prevention
budget of the CDC in 1992.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Supervisor, Circulation Department
Tulsa City-County Library
One of the biggest controversies surrounding
the gay rights movement today
is the act known as outing- one person.
publicly identifying another, closetedperson
as homosexual, against their wishes.
Although this trend seems to be winding
down, there are still many people, young
and old, who are unable to identify .themselves
as lesbian or gay. Because they are
not prepared to acknowledge their orientation,
they lead double lives to disguise
the truth from friends, families and coworkers.
"Outing Yourself," by
Michelangelo Signorile, recognizes the
difficulty of these situations and provides
a step-by-step program for making the
journey from "Identifying Yourself" to
"Not Thinking About It at All."
Signorile outlines 14 steps, under six
general parts whichinclude"OulingYourself
to Yourself," "Outing Yourself to
Other Gay People," "Outing Yourself to
Your Straight Friends," "Outing Yourself
to Your Fanfily," "Outing Yourself to
Your Coworkers," and, finally, "Coming
Out Every .Day," which includes ways to
help others undertakethe same journey.
Signoril’e examines the most difficult
steps in the first chapter, where he presents
the thoughts of other authors, including
film historian Vito Russo, who
said, "The truth will set you free, but first
it will bea pain in the neck," and Mark
Thompson, who commented, "Basically,
coming out is a death and rebirth experience.
To come out, something has to diewhatever
itwas you thought your were...In
a sense, you’reldlling aformer constructed
identity and creating a new one." Also in
this chapter are exercises to do whichmay
seem simplistic to some, but helpful to
others,, depending on how comfortable
one is with the coming~out process.
"Basicafly, coming out is
a death and rebirth
To come out, something
has to die- whatever it
was you thought your
were...In a sense, you re
killing a form.er construeted
identity and
creating a new one.
As the journey continues, the author
documents ~ue experiences which reveal
the common frustrations related to
homophobia and the act of
"deprogramming yourself" from stereotypes
and the myths that cause lesbians
and gays to feel out of place in a straight
society. In "Meeting Other Gay People,"
the reader is .reminded that today, with
gay community centers, organizations,
newspapers and computerbulletin boards,
the gay baris no longer the primary gathering
place. Thereis alist ofrelated books,
many of which are in the library, which
should be consulted to further explain the
sometimes complex and contradictory
fedings that many people experience.
In’What First Talk," Signorile prepares
readers for the inevitable questions and
concerns that arise when having that important
chat’with parents orother family
members. He acknowledges that it is not
always wise to come out to parents immediately.
Timing is everything, and i.t may
be best to postpone your conversalaon.
As you get near the end of the book,
which dea~s with coming out at work and
helping others to come out, it is apparent
that a common thread has been woven
through chapter after chapter: maintaining
a positive approach. Regardless of
who is being addressed, people coming
out are urged to ignore neg~itive comments
and concentrate on having a truthful,
uplifting and educational conversation.
Signorile has also authored "Queer in
America" and numerous colnmns for national
periodicals.Afew years ago,hehad
a notorious reputation for outing public
figures, but he has mellowed considerably
and.this book is a patient and understanding
guide, free from harsh judgements
or urgings to Sacrifice oneself for
"the cause.+’ Check for"Outing Yoursdf"
and other related books in the Readers
Services, 2rid floor, Central Library, or
call 596-7966.
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ARIES ’~’ .....
March 2J-April 20
Passion runs high and you are tempted by -
a sexy new lover; or you are tempted to
pick fights with your present lover, just so
you can have the pleasure of making up.
Business travel is both likely and rewarding
this month.
April 20-May 21
Partners and family members seem unusually
bossy this month, and their disapproving
attitudes can really get on your
nerves. A good time for do-it-yourself
projects around the house. It’s better to
work on your home than to work on the
people in it.
May 21-June 22
You’ re always a bit of a party animal, but
now you have the opporttmity to go into
social overdrive. You may have some
minor battles with co-workers and employees,
but your recreational activilaes
will definatdy make you forget any jobrelated
June 22-July 23
You have been involved with an odd
bunch ofpeoplefor quite awhilenow, and
this has maderelationships a struggle. It’ s
time to take an honest look at your beliefs
about romance, love and sex. If you’ re not
getting what you want and it can’t be
fixed, time to say "bye bye."
July 23-August 23
You are likely to experience power
struggles with family members and with
anyone who shares your home. You want
to be your flamboyant, generous self;
they’ d apparently prefer you to be a dull
and stifled slave. Try not to be an unreasonable
drama queen. With a little sdfcontrol,
you’ll win out.
August 23-September 23
You’re great at being the power behind
the throne because you intuitively know
how to provide just the right kind of
support. However, now is the time for you
to stand in the limelight yoursdf. Tremendously
creative ideas can come to you
now..Just lighten up, let them in, and put
them to use.
September 23-October 23
You may receive a financial offer you
can’ t refuse, but look at the situation with
an honest and critical eye. Someone is
likely to be playing hot and heavy with
your emotions. If you act without think=
ing carefully first, you’re liable to do
things you’d never consider otherwise
and you’ll regret it.
October 23-November 23
Passion rears its head at work, and you
may be Crazed with desire for the sweet
thing who shares your shifL Think it over
before you lunge. It may not be a great
idea to mix business with pleasure. Working
with friends on a money-making venture
can bring success; divert your obsession
into your work.
Nov. 23-Dec. 22
Existing relationships have an eerie quality
of familiarity to them. Yes, you’re
being manipulated in the same old way
and no, it’ s not your imagination. A new
relationship started now is likely to turn
out the same way. Think about why you
keep attracting this mistreatment. Isn’ t it
getting boring?
Dec. 22-January 21
Life has not exactly been easy for you
lately, but you only have to pass one more
hurdle before you get a break. Someone is
likely to appear’with a "fool prool~’ investment
scheme thatplays onyour desire
for status. Don’ t get crazed with greed
and say "yes." You’ll only be starting a
new drama.
Jan. 21-February 20
Old conflicts may reappearnow, but don’ t
worry; they’re only resurfacing so you
can have the chance to resolve and diminate
them once and for all. It’ s a good
time for you to get rid of all your hidden
fears and addictions. You’ re about to start
a new cycle; you may as well do it on a
level playing field.
February 20-March 21
Now is the best possible time to use visualization
to achieve your goals, but how
much thought have you given to what you
actually want? Come out of the fog and
create your long,term wish list. You have
a natural gift for creative thought. Add a
little structure and put your gift to use.
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International Tours
On the Road with
Melissa Etheridge
by L. Cooper, roving groupie
In May of 1989, I attended a concert at
the Cain’s Ballroom - the singer’s name
was Melissa Etheridge and her debut album
was a self titled work which was
released in 1988 on Island Records. Rumor
had it that she had been discovered
while playing in the Lesbian bars of Los
Angeles. The issue of her sexuality has
finally been resolved to many women’s
satisfaction (particularly after her fans
suffered through the femme phase of the
"’Never Enough" album). Since the Cain’ s
experience, I have had the privilege of
seeing four additional MEperformances.
Her Grammy nominations, four albums
and an appearance at Woodstock II have
resulted in media exposure and main
stream visibility. As acknowledgement of
her popularity, Etheridge serves as the
cover girl for the June 1995 issue of Rolling
Stone. It is a rare opportunity for our
generation to watch the development of
such a talented and, now, out artist.
I wondered whether Etheridge could.
gracefully survive the transition to large
capacity arenas. Her ability to intimately
connect with her audience in smaller venues
has been legendary. On June 25th,
Etheridge did not disappoint her fans as
she provided her usual kick ass, high
energy performance during an appearance
at the Nissan Pavilion located in
Stone Ridge, Virginia. The threat of rain
did not dampen the spirit of the audience
who travdled from MD, VA, WVA, DE,
NJ, NY, DC, PA, and, of course, OK. In
J.D. Jamett
fact, Mother Nature’ s thunder and lightning
served as an additional special.effects
background for the evening’s performance.
Opening for Etheridge was Paula Cole,
a talented, unusual and quirky performer.
Cole, whose 1994 debut album "Harbinger"
provides a good listen, primed the
Pavilioncrowd with support from her two
memberband. Her30 minute, six song set
Alexander Graham
Bell could not have
possibly pereelved
what a hot, seduetlve,
sexually ehar ed
woman could do with
his invention.
ended with a tribute to all the women in
the audience. "Watch the Woman’s
Hands", written by Cole, brought the audience
to its feet and resulted in a standing
ovation for the singer.
After a fifteen minute intermission and
equipment swap, the main show actually
started on time. This disproved common
wisdom that concerts and lesbians cannot
meet intended schedules. At the stroke of
9 pm, Melissa burst onto the stage and
charged into arousing rendition of "All
American Gift’. The Pavilion stage is
flanked by a big screen on either side. A
memorable sight is ME’ s sly smirk and
bedroom eyes magnified about a thousand
times. Ably backed by John Shanks
on guitar and keyboard, Mark Browne on
bagg~tttar, aiid Dave Beyer on drums,
ME used a well mixed play list which
included songs from all fouralbums spiced
with a sampling of new material.
One of these new songs, "All the Way
to Heaven" is a cut from her next album
which is due to be released in November
of this year. Etheridge also covered AC.
DC’s classic hormone pounding "You
Shook Me All NighrLong" and, with the
line, " ...she knocked me out with those
American thighs....", the Pavilion female
factor howled and screamed in umson.
Her song "You Used to Love to Dance"
segued into an extended play which utilized
a telephone as a prop. Alexander
Graham Bell could not have possibly perceived
what a hot, seductive, sextmlly
charged woman could do with his invention.
Our butts barely touched the seats
during the foot stomping 2 1/2 hours.
Etheridge ended her 18 song performance
with "Bring Me Some Water"; we were
not ready to let her go and we brought her
back for two encores. The first encore was.
a rocking "Like the Way I Do" from the
1988 album MeliSsa Etheridge and her
second encore was the more gentle and
almost lullaby-like ’Walking to My Angel"
from the 1993 album Yes I Am. Her
energy and her connection with her fans
has certainly not decreased with time nor
has it been reduced by the larger venue -
Melissa Etheridge is a proven performer
who continues to stimulate, captivate and
mesmerize her audience. (Her current tour
ends in Houston on July 9th.)
Youth Net eont’d omp. 3
able on the World Wide Web, searchable
by both ZIP code and area code.
YAOis also working with the Lavender
Youth Recreation and Information Center,
a gay youth resource group based in
San Francisco, to bring them onto the
Internet and to make LYRIC’ s staff of 25
trained peer counselors available for
YAO’ s own peer support service.
"Two years ago, this was all a dream,"
says Fishier, "a place where I would feel
welcome on the Interact, where I would
not feel as though I was different or that I
was a piece of meat. Now, youth.org is a
Coming to terms with one’ s sexual orientation
is always difficult, and Williams
says it can become a matter of life or death
for teens, as evidence suggests that as
many as 30 percent of the youth to emigrate
to urban areas such as San Francisco
and New York are attempting to escape
persecution because of their sexual identity.
"Just one step of intervention could
make all the difference in the world," he
says. "Together, we can drown out the
destruction of society’s hatred and
YAO can be reached on the World
Wide Web at the URL http://
Gay and questioning .youth can receive
counseling through e-mail by sending to
OutProud! "Can be reached at http://
www.outproud.org/outproud/ (all one
line) or at P.O. Box 24589, San Jose, CA
Whittier Care 41(3 S Lew s Tulsa. OK - 582-2~00
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Jerry/L Wilson (5011 253-7311
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Sunday, July 16
1995 Miss Northeastern Oklahoma
USofA Pageant
lopm, $3 cover
Featuring Raghenna & Fallon Scott
Sunday, August 13
1995 Miss Gay Oklahoma
USofA At-Large Pageant
9pm, $4 cover
Featuring Maxine Houston
Carmella Marcella Garcia & Cherry Monroe
Sundays - No Cover - Out of State Entertainers
Show Nite at the Star
with Fallon Scott & Friends
~hi~e!~ r~ ...........i...... dan
3u~ly 22nd, 10:30 pm
July. 26nd, 8:30
Pump It Up
Open Dart Tournamen, ¯ $100 Purse!
~5 Entry fee, entrants must wear at lleast 3 in. pumps
1229 S. NJ[ernoz~a~, 835~5083
Sunday, July 23- 10 o.m.
1995 Miss Central State
Female Impersonator of the Year Pageant
$5 General Admission
Reserved Seating Available
An Official Miss Gay Oklahoma America Preliminary
FridaY, AU_aust 1 1 - 9 D.m.-2 a.m.
Inferno ’95
$5 Cover
Guest DJ - The Legendary Tony Dean
Dancers from Dallas & KC
Dazzling Lighting & Spectacular Sound
FridaY, Au_aust 25 - 10_o.m.
1995 Mr. Gay Oil Capital Pageant
$500 Awarded
A Direct Preliminary To Mr. Gay All American
Sunday. September 3 - 10 o.m.
1995 Miss Gay Tulsa USofA Pageant
An Official Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA Preliminaq
Thurs- Sun 9,-2 * 3340S. Peoria. Tulsa ¯ 918-744-0896
To respond to these
ads & browse others
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Tulsa TAKE CHARGE:30 y/o 6’4 2151b
WM Ikg2 meet aggressive masc. men
who know what they want and how to
take charge, call me! ~44401
Tulsa,BIG AND TALL:I 8 yio 6’6 2751b
GWM Ikg2 meet other guys in the area
to get together and have fun with,call
me! =44455
I Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say~ Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
Tulsa PHONE CHAT:my name is Tim.
Im a WM 6’ 1 1601bs tan and VGL. Im
into phone chat only. call me! =44795
STUD:todd, 6’4 2701bs 20y/o Ikg4
handsome masc. GWM 18-30. call me,
lets.talk! ~44870
Tulsa MARRIED MAN:this is Bob, Im an
inexperienced married bi WM 30 y/o
6ft 2201bs Ikg4 a smooth, clean discreet
guy to show me-how! call me! =44922
Shawnee MY HERO:my name is David,
Im Ikg4 my black superman! Im a 28 y/o
WM proff’l and Ikg2 meet a ~roff’l BM,
call me =45075
5’11 1851bs bln/blu clean cut/shaven
well built guy Ikg2 meet same! call me!
Tulsa HEY GUYS:Ira Ikg2 meet guy’s 27-
40 for fun and friendship. Im a 27 y/o
masc. well built guy. Im into most outdoor
activities~ call me! =45347
Oklahoma JOIN
US:Sam ana
Michael Ikg4 a 3rd
or more to iotn us
for movies, dinner
and more. we are
both 25 y/o. call
us! ~45342
Bartlesville HEY
GUYS:28 y/o
GWM Ikga hard
working guy’s 25
and younger for a
relationship, call
me! ~45306
INEXPERIENCED:my name is Mike and
Im inexperienced. I like to swim and
camp. and Id like to meet a young nice
Ikg guy 18-35 to have fun with. if you
are inexperienced to or would like to be
with me, call! ~45313
Tulsa QUIET TIMES:Steven, 26 y/o I’m
tall and slender. Im Ikg2 meet guys who
enjoy quiet nights on the town or at
home. Im Ikg4 friendship and poss.
more. roll me! ~45429
6ft 1991bs bm/bm Ikg4 a GWM 55-85
for a lifetime of love and devotion. I’m not
into the bars or parks. I’m Ikg4 a fiR.
Tulsa DIVE IN:Jake, Im Ikg2 meet guy’s
27-40 Im a GWM 27 y/o and well built.
I like.4 wheeling, scuba diving and
more. call me! e45347
Tulsa HEY GUYS:Lance, I am 28 y/o
_bln/blu 6’2 1501bs iso guy’s 18-28 to
go out on dates, call me! ~45452
=Tulsa HI GUYS’Jeff, Im a 46 y/o 6fl
1751b proff’l GWM Ikg2 meet guy’s 30-
40’s with varied interest. Im Ikg4 friends
and poss. relationshipl call me! ~45573
Tulsa TOP THIS:19 y/o 6fl.bm/blu Ikg4
fun and friendship. Call me! =45846
Southern LETS TALK:6’2 bln/blu 1731bs
Ikg4 company and someone to talk to
and do things with. call me! =45722
BLACK GUYS:Jerry, 40 y/o bi WM
proff’l Ikg4 young BM 18+ in my area
for a good time. call me! =45900
Tulsa All’ILEllC GUYS:25 y/oWMtkg4
saccer pla~ ando~~hl~c guiswho
aR:~:iate a geod massage afara game! fo0t
massage is my spe::ial~. =42079
Tulsa DANaNG TILL DAWN:SIeve, 23 y/o
6’2 guy into dancing till dawn, cuddling &
kissing Ikg4 friends and da~! ~42361
Tulsa STOCKY STUD:6’1 2351b guy with
a hairy, stocky build. Im Ikg4 men 18-25
that are also stocky and hairy, call me!
Tulsa Dean, 6ft 1551b brn/brn smooth
build,clean shaven,lkg4 ’d hiv- guys to
show me a good time. ~43310
Tulsa NEW AT THIS:Mike, 35 y/o 5’8
1651b novice, Ikg4 friends intrstd in
swimming, weight lifting or ?, Im new at
this, call me =43352
Tulsa HUSKY DUDE:Todd, 5’11 2151b
husky dude w/Iongbrn hair Ikg4
someone who will try anything once,
maybe twice, interested in LTR. no 1 night
stands! ~42523
Tulsa WE CAN WORK IT OUT:34 y/o
5’8 1801b bi WM into the outdoors, I love
swimming and working out, Im disease
and drug free and into meeting new
friends, call me! =43981
Oklahoma City
Carolyn, subm
bi TV iso BM
wha is well
built, wardrobe
I know you’ll
love, 6~2, like to
and have lots of
fun- e15186
Tulsa LONG
int in athl music
wttfiting movies
staying home and pass long term
relationships- =26107
like to have a good time Ikg to meet olher
men. if ur interested give me a ca11-
~’41380 -
Mike, 26, like to play foolball soccer, like
to work out likes to have a good time
young pref, race not an issue, if u like give
me a call- ~41488
Tulsa BI WM: Michael, 25, WM bi
married, 6’2 210 iso clean daytime fun,
Ikg for male friends 20-35, no heayie~ pls-
Iva message- ~41433
David, 35 y/o GWM tall. slndr, cute, shy
top Ikg4 petite for frndshp and
more! ~41544
Richard, GWM
50 y/o prfsnl
Ikg4 someone
25-35 for sincere
frndshp and psbly
more. ~41552
FRIENDS: Steve, GWM 30
y/0 into travel, movies, quite eve’s at
home, Ikg4 frnds to hang out with.
Tulsa TWO-STEPPER: Craig, hiv+ attr
bm/brn 1891bs into movies, dancing
2step, swmng, bkng, Ikg4 altr. masc non
smoking btm for romance and psble LTR
Ray, 24 y/o 6’1 2621bs new to scene, into
sports, I’m hoping to meet someone for LTR
¯ ’e41724
Tulsa BODY BUILDER: Jim, Im a bo6y
builder wm 5’11 1701bs Ikg4 wm 25-45
in gd shp for dtnshp ~41830
Steve, 5’6 1551bs bm/hzl I’m an artist,
into fshng, outdoors,travel Ikg2 meet guys
with a wide variety of intrst. ~’41841
40, brn/brn, gdlkg, int’are dining out
movies fishing, Ikg for guys between 18-
25, tp Ikg for well end’d guys e40122
BREEDER: GWM, 40s, nw port of OK,, "
isa GWM w/caltte/horse experience,
happy in levis as well as tuxedo, isa str
acting, facial hair, alot of hair a plus, if ur
interested in a gd life gve me a call, non
drinker/smoker ~’402
Robert, GBM, 26, Ikg for GM to be my
friend and companion- ~38530
Kerry $28/hour
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/500.