[1995] Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 9


[1995] Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 9


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


August 15-September 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 8


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart
National News
Clinton Ends Anti-Gay
Security Restrictions
WASHINGTON - President Clinton on Friday,
Aug. 4, signed an executive order that bans bias
against homosexuals in issuing federal security
clearances. Clinton’s move is one that has long
been sought by gay rights advocates.
Under the Clinton executive order, which takes
effect immediately, a security clearance can not be
denied solel, on the basis of sexual orientation.
\~qaite House spokesman Mike McCurry said the
order standardizes criteria throughout the federal
See Order. page12
The directors ofBlack & White. Inc. celebrate their largest attendance
Washinton State Official yet at the 1995 Patrons Gala at Philbrook Museum, photo: Jamett
Condemned for Bias The NAMES Project Fundraisers
AUGUST 11, !995- Dr. Dexter Amend, Spokane
County Coroner in Washington State, has invoked
gays-and-child-molestation stereotypes by blaming
the sexual abuse and lnurder of a 9-year-o!d gift
on homosexuals because an autopsy showed the
victim had been sexually molested, including
"She’s been sodomized over and over and sodomy
i s a homosexual act. it is," said Dr. Amend. an
elected official. ’q’o have everybody ttfink ho~nosexuality
is OK is a bunch of baloney. I don’t care
see Official, page 3
Hawai’i Marriage Case Delayed
HONOLULU - Hawai’i Circuit Court Judge Kevin
Chang has put off for a full year the legal case that
may decide whether same-sex couples in Hawaii
can legally marry or not.
At the same time, however, Judge Chang refused
to change a state supreme court order that requires
the state to show a "compelling interest" in order to
deny marriage licenses to gays and lesbians - a
difficult tegal test to meet in most cases. The new
trial date is July 15, 1996.
U.S. Grants Asylum to Iranian Gay Man
NEW YORK - The U.S. Immigration & Naturalization
Service has determined that an Iranian gay
man now living in Brooklyn and identified only as
’~A.T.," has a %veil-founded fear of persecution" if
he is deported back to Ins native country. Granting
political asylum to themzabrought praisefromgay
rights activists.
’~Persecution of lesbians and gay men around the
world has escalated to epidemic proportions," said
Suzanne B. Goldberg of the Lambda Legal Defense
&Education Fund, wInchrepresented"A.T."
in the case. ’TIns ruling reflects our nation’s commitment
to providing refuge for all persecuted
persons~ including lesbians & gay men, who meet
the strict digibility requirements for political asy-
Ohio Activists Appeal to SupremeCourt
CINCINNATI - Ohio activists have appealed to
the U.S. Supreme Court in an effort toovermm a
federal appeals court ruling that allows a 1993
voter-approved city amendment prohibiting civil
rights protections from including homosexuals t o
The anti-gay amendment, which is similar to
Colorado’s Amend. 2, was approved by the city’s
voters after the city council had passed an anti-bias
measure barring discrimination based on sexual
orientation, race, sex, and other characteristics.
The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in May
that gays and lesbians were not an "identifiable
class" like other minority groups and could not
therefore be granted civil rights protections.
Feast for Friends - 8/26
The Sum of Us- 9/5+6
In preparation for the return of the Quilt in October, The NAMES
Project. Tulsa Chapter is holding two fundiaisers. Its mmual Feast for
Friends is a series of dimmers held at private homes around the city with
individuals inviting their guests to make contributions comparable to
what they would spend if they were to go out to dinner. The guests
from the many dinners come together for a dessert finale at the
Southern Hills Marriott.
see NAMES, page 3
Tulsa Could Host State Gay Conf.
Organizers of the Oklahoma Pride Conference ~vill hold their next
planning meeting on Saturday, August 19 at the University of Tulsa’s
~klan Chapman Activity~Center at 1 lain. Tulsa-orgamzers will bring
a proposal to the meeting that the next statewide conference be held
in Tulsa. Conference organizers have tentatively set the date for this
next conference to be Feb. 17-18, 1996. This meeting is open to all
who are interested in helping with the project.
The first OK Pride Conference was held at the University of
Oklahoma in the summer of 1994. Speakers included then-executive
director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), Peri
Jude Radecic, Mandy Carter, longtime activist now working with the
Human Rights Campaign Fund and the Black Gay & Lesbian Leadership
Conference and Robert Bray, media gnru for NGLTF. For
more information, call 832-0233.
Friends In Unity Labor Day Fete
Friends in Unity Social Orgamzation (FUSO), an organization for
African-American men of diverse sexual orientation, will hold its
annual picnic on Saturday, September 2, followed by its banquet on
Sunday, the 3rd. This picnic will honor the 4th anniversary of FUSO
but is the 16th picnic. This tradition began with a group of~riends but
has developed in to a community tradition. Invitations have been
extended to people in St. Louis, Dallas, Little Rock, Kansas City as
well as Oklahoma City.
FUSO has also announced a fundraising drive to support its efforts
to provide HIV care and services and education to the African-
American community. For more information, call 425-4905.
New Civil Rights Organization
Fight for Your Rights commiUee has taken the name Green Country
Pride and will hold its next meeting on Thursday~ August 24 at 7pm
at the Tulsa Central Library at 4th & Denver.
The organization adopted a mission statement at its July meeting:
toimprove the quality oflifein GreenCotmtry-(northeastemOklahoma)
- for LGBT people, our families and friends through,education, communication,
and organization within our community and the community
at large. Several action committees have been established: a
speakers bureau to help educate non-Gay people about Lesbian/Gay/
Bi and Transgendered issues, a Community Leadership committee to
try to create better communication among the various orgamzations
and part of the communities and a youth committee winchhas already
found a safe space for Gay youth to hold quarterly dances.
For more information, call 838-2121.
August 15 - September 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 9
Tulsa Organizers of
Human Rights Conf.
Leave Out Local Gays
TULSA, OK - IAOHtLa~, the International Associafon
of Official Human Rights Agencies brought
attendees from across the United States and abroad
to Tulsa for its 47th Almual Conference held at the
Southern Hills Marriott on August 5- t 1. Speakers
included Sanford Cloud, Jr. president of the National
Conference ffonnerly the Nat’l Conf. of
Christians & Jews) and Gov. Frank Keating.
Local orgamzations like the NAACP, the Tulsa
Urban League and the lo’cal office of the National
Colfference were invited and had exhibits at the
conference. Missing were any local Lesbian/Ga\
orgamzations, such as Tulsa Oklahomans for Hu’-
man Rights (TOHR). TOHRpresident.Tim Gillean
said that organization had not received any information
about the possibility of exhibition ;pace.
Claude Rogers, president ofIAOHRA. responded
defensively to questions that Gay issues and folk
were not represented. \~qaen asked abont the lack of
Gay topics in the conference agenda, he stated that
many issues, like hate crimes, were relevant to
Lesl~ians and Gay men. Rogers did provide a cop3
of the conference program which included copies
of pro-Gay resolutions from last vear’s conference
in Tampa. Bill Carlon. an openly ~ay ~nan from the
Austin, Texas Human Rights Co~mnission. said
Gay issues were discussed in the Tulsa workshOl;S
he httended pmnafily becanse he’said he made a
point to raise them.
The Tulsa Executive Coxmnittee which was responsible
for local organizing had no member
representing Tulsa Lesbian/Gay coxmnunities and
the larger advisory board had only one openly Gay
pel~son, Demlis Neill. Neill told TFN that while h~
was asked some months ago to be involved, he was
not a~vare that the advisory board ever met nor did
anything. Dept. ofHuman Rights director, Dymme
Mason who was involved in the conference planning
claimed that "everyone was invited" but could
name only Dennis Neill specifically as being involved
in the planning. City of Tulsa staff were
paid by the City winle helping with conference
organizing according tO Hilary Kitz, aide to Mayor
Susan Savage. Conference chair, Jerry Goodwin
of the Oklahoma Eagle, did not return phone calls
to TFN to explain the failure to involve local Gay
Several Gay Conference attendees stated that
they felt the problems at this year’s conference
would be better addressed at next year’s event
wInch will be held in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Holds ’Old Fashioned’ Carnival
Interfaith AIDS Ministries will hold an carnival
on Saturday, August 19 from 10am to 6pm at 1515
S. Lewis in the parking lot of Cherry Street Psychotherapy
Associates. The carnival will feature food,
entertainment, a "fortune teller" and games, notably
a dunking tank. Several community activists,
Janice Nicklas, Ric Kirby, Sharon Thoele and
others have agreed to risk dunking for the cause.
InterfaithAIDS Ministries provides spiritual support
and has provided a24-hourHIV/AIDS information
line. For more information, call 438-2437.
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/~dltor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the’d~tff~"~onten}s of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1995 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or ~n part withotit
James Ghristjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Laurie Cooper noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family
Maureen Curtin Ne~vs. All correspondence should be sent to the addres s above. Eac[a
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett poirits. Additional copies are avai lane at Tomfoolery!
by John D ’Emilio
The Republican Party’s Contract
with America--and its
younger sibling, the Contract
with the American Family
.have dominated political reportmg
for most of the ’year. Because
both have chosen to sidestep
head-on discussion of homosexuality,
gay issues have
slipped from the national
media’s radar screen.For many
gay men, lesbians and bisexuals
this must come as a welcome
relief, a moment of respite in a
hard political season. Who, after
all, could enjoy being the
target of the kind of rhetoric
generated in the lastfew years
at the Republican convention in
Houston, in the Senate hearings
on the military’s exclusion poll
cies, or in tire fight over the
The lull, howe~er, is more
apparent than reaL; Congress is
not the only bodythat legislates.
In the fifty states, there was no
Contract ~;¢ith America to discipline
local right-wing political
leaders, but in many of them
there is an infrastructure of gay
organizations eager to moveforward
their quest for respect and
equality. The rcsult is that state
capital,s rather than Congress
have become the battleground
upon ~,.hich the issue of equal
rights for gays is being fought.
The National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force Policy Institute recently
released a study of state
legislation. Because the survey
is the first of its kind, it is impo~-
sine to determine whether the
.action level is greater or less than
m recent years. But what can be
said with certainty is that legislative
debates about the place of
gay’, lesbian and bisexual citizens
in society are extensive. At
least 97 gay-related measures
moved forward in 33 states. In
30 states, anti-gay measures received
serious consideration,
while 18 states advanced nondiscrimination
bills of one sort
or another.
The news, both good and bad,
can tell us much about the political
strength of the gay community
and of its most outspoken
opponents. The brightest spot
was RhodeIsland, whichbecame
the ninth state to enact a statewide
civil rights measure banning
discrimination based on
sexual orientation. The clearest
pattern of gay-friendly activity
was the tendency, expressed in
fifteen states, to include sextml
orientation among a list of categories
needing protection
against discrimination. They
tended to cluster around two
broad areas of policy-making
legislation: health care and hate
crimes. In Massachusetts; for
instance, several bills whichprohibit
discrimanation in the delivery
of various kinds of health
services made it through committee.
Forclose observers ofgay politics,
these results should provide
some measure of comfort. The
AIDS crisis has propelled activists
out of their community and
into the center of the health-care
rid& Their work, and that of the
women’s andlesbian health care
movements, is reaping dividends.
In the same way, activists
since the early 1980s have fought
vigorously to call attention to
anti-gay hate violence. At the
state andnational level, theyhave
workedclosely in coalitions with
other targeted groups to have
hate crimes recognized as aform
of violence needing special remedies.
Meanwhile, the national climate
ofdivisiveness and intolerance
is playing itsdf out in state
politics. Even in states like New
York, Californiaand Massachu-
.seas, where the gay community
~s wall organized and has long
been visible, anti-g~, measures
were able to receive a hearing. In
other states, right-wing Republicans
had an eas~er time transsee
Politics. page 11
by Ira Glasser
° The merchants of virtue have
been very busy lately telling us
we are in a period of steep moral
decline. Comparedwith the "50s,
they say, America has lost its
moral compass. I disagree. I
think we are a more moral nation
today than we were then.
As evidence of moral decline,
the merchants of virtue cite a
variety ofbehaviors: the increasingly
explicit sex and violence
depicted in movies and popular
music: the growing tendency of
people to have sex and make
babies without the sacrament of
mamage; the recreational use of
disapproved psychoactive substtmces
like marijuana; and, yes,
the choice some women make
sometimes to terminate their.
pregnancies. They also like to
cite the growing legitimacy of
gay’ andlesbian relalionships and
the idea that family, love and
commitment can take many
Andof course there is the everpopular
issue of school prayer.
At the root of our moral decline,
we are told, is the U.S. Supreme
Court’s decision in 1962 that
state-sponsored prayers in public
schools were an unconstitutionaI
government intrusion on a
family’s right to determine their
children’s reli~ous upbringing.
The merchants of virtue want to
amend the Constitution to over-
A nation’s morality used to
be measured by its elvle virtue
- how soeiety treated its
eltlzens, whether justlee and
fairness prevailed, whether
]~eople were free to pursue
tml~plness in their own way
and whether it was sa~e to he
different from the majority.
turn that decision. They believe
that if children were exposed to
daily school prayer rituals, as
once they were, we might at least
take a first step back on the road
to national morality.
But are these behavioral phenomena
the appropriate criteria
to use in measunng a nation’s
morality? Significantly, every
one of these phenomena involve
personal behavioral decisions.
They don’t like some of the
choices filmmakers and record
companies are making and necessarily,
of course, they" don’t
like the choices consumers are
makingin deciding inlargenumbers
to_ see those movies and buy
those records. They don:t like
some people’s sexual choices or
their preference for marijuana
over martinis or their decisions
about whether to have a baby or
whom to love. And they would
prefer people to be more pious,
especially in public.
Anation’s morality used to be
measured by its civic virtue -
how society treated its citizens,
whetherjustice andfairness prevailed,
whetherpeople were free
to pursue happiness in their own
way and whether it was safe to
be different from the majority.
see Glasser, page 12
For those who would like to
receive discreet home delivery
of Tulsa Family News, please
send $15 for a 12 month subscription,
$8 for 6 months.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
Ground Zero. 311 E. 7th. Opening soon where Laffs was.
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time’n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Wild Nights, 2405 E. Admiral
*\Vhittier Care, 416 S. Lewis
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743- I000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102 254-2100
*Columbia Place, 1519 E. 15 587-5803
Creative Collection, 152I E. 15 592-1521
Cherry. St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Devena’s Gallery for Photography, 13E. Brady 587-2611
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning . 744-0102
*Heirloom Designs, 2814 E. 15 742-5665
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
International Tours 341-6866
Ken’s Howers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Major Affairs 587-8108
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan .663-4884
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
*Mohawk Pride Center, 3910 Park Rd. 425-1354
Mortgages by Design 342-4252
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston 587-8333
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton 496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan 832-0233
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza 583-1500
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times ChristianCtr. 262713 E. 11 628-0594
B/ISG Alliance, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury MiniStry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Commumty of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So..Mingo 622-1441
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity, POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild 254-2100
Rainbow Village, POB 50403, 74150-0403 599-8423
- Shanti Hotline 749-7898
TulsaOklahomansforHumanRights~(TOHR) POB52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa -
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
*King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*Purple Iris.Inn, Route 6, Box 339
*Southern Rose Bed & Breakfast, 9 Benton
*The Woods, 50 Wall St.
*The Diner, 2124 NW 39th
*Jungle Red, The Habana Inn
*Oasis Community Center, 2135 NW 39th
*Triangle Association, 2136 NW 39th
Official cont’df om p. 1
what the political ramifications are~ on
this. It’s a horrible, unbelievable tl~ing
that this ctfild went through and they (homosexuals)
destroyed her life.’"
His comments have outraged local human
rights commission members and gay
and lesbian citizens in Spokane and nationwide,
and have called into question
Dr. Amend’ s ability to perform his job as
a medical official. The controversy has
also stirred up scrutiny of homophobia
and AIDSphobia in the medical profession
in general.
The body of young Rachel Carver was
found near the Spokane River on June 15.
The gid’s disappearance and murder has
shocked the local community. Police arrested
heruncle, Jason Wickenhagen, who
confessed to the killing. The autopsy indicated
the girl had been beaten to death and
repeatedly sexually assaulted. KXLY
Television local news reported that court
records show Rachel’sfather, uncle and
her mother’s boyfriend are all suspected
of molesting her over the years.
Although there i~ no evidence whatsoever
that Rachel Carver was ever abused
by a homosexual, Dr. Amend took the
opportunity of releasing his autopsy report
to condemn gays and blame them for
th~ spread of AIDS.
Dr. Amend’s comments, as reported by
KXLY and the Spokesman-Review, inelude:
"It’s a crime that we don’t expose
the homosexual community, and it is not
just a simple...aberrant sexual activity. It
is significant when it takes in innocent
minds like this Carver gal~
:’I think it (homosexuality) is an aberrant
sex activity that is promoted by the
thoughts and sensations that are associated
with the sex act that drive people to
do...abaormal things and animalistic
things and as a result bring about cancers
and death on the part of the recipients and
the active individuals."
Until now, nobody has ever blamed or
linked the death ofRachel Carver to homosexUality
or AIDS. In follow-up interviews
in the Spokesman-Review and other
local media, Dr. Amend said, "AIDS is a
disease that comes from anal intercourse
and homosexuals have anal intercourse.
As a physician, my job is to try to control
’’It can’t be normal considering the impact
it has on the lifestyle and death of
people with AIDS...the bottom line, it
(AIDS) wouldn’t have started if there
wasn’t homosexual activity that brought
whatever causes AIDS...reactivity of
sperm in the rectum or whatever," said
Amend. There was no indication from the
autopsy report whether Rachel Carver
had HIV orAIDS, nor was there an explanation
from Dr. Amend of why he was
directly linking HIV to this murder case.
The Spokane Human Rights Commission
(SHRC) has called for Dr. Amend’s
resignation, saying, ."Dr. Amend has
scapegoated an entire group of people.
His comments are personal in nature and
devoid of fact. Most sex crimes are not
perpetrated by gays or lesbians, but by
heterosexual males. Homosexuality and
pedophilia are not the same thing. The
SHoRC welcomes the opportunity to help
the public distinguish between the myth
and reality regarding our gay and lesbian
neighbors." Members of the local gay
commumty are now considering a recall
campaign against Amend.
Robert Bray, spokesperson and field
organizer with the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force (NGLTF), the nation’s
oldest gay, lesbian and bisexual civil rights
group, released the following statement:
Party Pics: Black &White-Party & More
Dr., Amend’s bigoted mid unconscionable
comments are revolting; medically
unsound and dangerous. He is fueling an
environment of harassment and violence
and has endangered the lesbian, gay and
bisexual.citizens of Spokane. His p,.oiso~
ous prejudice and erroneous ’facts"
prevent him from serving the health and
medical wall-being of his community.
We call on citizens of Spokane, the soentificmidhealth
professions, and all people
of conscience to stop this medical monstrosity.
Dr. Amend makes two wildly inaccurate
assumptions. First, that sexual abuse
is only a gay phenomenon, and, second,
being gay equals AIDS.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control,
the World Health Organization, and.numerous
national and international medical
groups report that HIV affects men,
women and children regardless of their
sexual orientation. AIDS is the leading
cause of death for Americans between the
ages of 18 and 40. HIV does not discriminate,
Dr. Amend does.
The July 1994 issues of Pediatrics, the
jonmal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
and child welfare workers, reports
that a child’s risk of being molested
by a heterosexual may be more than 100
times greater than being abusedby a homosexual,
lesbian or bisexual. The report,
conducted by the University of Colorado,
states, "No evidence is available from this
data that children are at greater risk to be
i molested byidentifiable homosexuals than
by other adults," said the report.
Dr. Amend’s assertions about the victimization
of young Rachel are based on
loathsome and medically indefensible stereotypes
and mistruths. They are also seriously
insensitive. Althou~,,h he is enrifled
to his personal opinions, he cannot
use his public health position to spew
bigotry. Ima~neif you are the traumatized
parent of a person who has died of
AIDS, or of adeceased gay son or daughter,
and you must take the body to Dr.
Amend. It boggles the mind at how shockrag,
tragic and incompassionate Dr.
Amend’s statements are to the family of
Rachel Carver & the citizens of Spokane.
We support the call for his immediate
resignation. We also call on public offi-
Cials of Spo-kane particular the County
,Commissioners -- and clergy, elected
officials, the media, medical, child welfare
and educational leaders of the community
to condemn the doctor’s statements.
Silence equals complicity and allows
bigotry to perpetuate.
Photos: JD Jamett
Unfortunatdy, Dr. Amend’s comments
reveal a larger problem not endemic to
Spokane. He is ali~ensed doctor as well as
an elected Official. Despite the advances
inmedical and scientific research onAIDS
and homosexuality, prejudice and bigotry
still permeate the medical profession.
Blind prejudice allows physicians such as
Dr. Amend to practice medicine and matriculate
through the medical acadelmc
system. Therefore, we also call on the
American Medical Association and other
professional coroner, medical school and
health professional groups, especially
those in the state Of Washington~ to con’-
demnhomophobic andAIDSphobicrhetoric
of its practitioners such as Dr. Amend.
We urge them to implement ongoing
trainings that sensitize medical practitioners
to the facts about being gay.
NAMES cont’dfromp. 1
In September, Movies 8 will host two
special screening of the film, "The Sum of
Us". The film is based on an Australian
play about the lives oftwomen, a "straight"
father and his Gay son. The Sept. 5 showing
will be followed by a reception at the
Holiday Ima Holidome and a second benefit
Screening will be held on Sept. 6. For
more info. call 748-3111.
News B.... riefs News Briefs. News. Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Zimbal~qb.,B6bk Fair allege they possess under the document as "nihilistic" and originalERAin guaranteeing the thinks are important to the com- ExcludesGa-ys . rubri(sofindividualfreedomand thredatened to urgethe comltry’s equal rights of women - and munity where she has lived for
HARARE, Zimbabwe-Thefu- !humanrights,indudingthefree- largerCatholicp~,p~tiontovote would assure a constitutional more than 10 years.
tureofsub-SaharanAfrica’slarg- dom of the press to write, pub- against the b"on~tJtution if right to abortion and the equal Prosoeutor Dumped
est publishing event, theZimba- lishandpublicizetheirliterature changes aren’t made. rights of gays and lesbians.
bwe International :Book Fair, onthem?" Gay-Friendly Baptist Patricia Ireland, NOW’s presi- After Anti-Gay Remarks
appears to.be.up in the air fol- In a press statement, GALZ
Churches May BePurged dent, said,"It’soneofthosetimes SAN FRANCISCO-Califorma
lowing the expulsion of a gay
said it was "deeply concerned by
when we’re going to try very Attorney General Dan Lungren
and lesbian rights group and PresidentMugabe’sstatementon SAN FRANCISCO - The hard to be leaders rather than hastakenAndrewLoomis,astate
opening day remarks., by Presi- homosexuals at theoffici,al open- American Baptist Church, the
followers.of our movement." deputy attorney general, off a
dent Robert Mugabe who de~ ing of the ZIBF’95. This year’s smallest of the Baptist denomi~ federal bias lawsuit case after
scribed homosex~alz. ~ as Book Fair was intended to pro- nations in the U.S. with only
..~T:he. new.., proposed ERA,
...... which is in draft form .within Loomis defended the discharge
¯,sodomists,,aiid,,Oerv~t~.~vh0 mote..dialbgiieab0uthum~an;i~ht som(~ 1.25 million members na-
NOW currently, says that "’atl of a gay man ~fr0m the.~ed
wah~:t~ h~v~ ~e~ ii~. ~ub~ic ~d i~uess0itisunfoi:tunat~fllatthe donWide, may be poised to bepersons
shall l~ve equal rights tbrces bexzause~’theConstifiition
are ’~extree,m,ly...o.u.trageo"us.-~~" and~~’ top government officials re- gin. a purge Of local congregaand
privileges without discrimi- does no,trecog~ize anything sperepugnmat.
’: ’ ’ S~c~lOl~nandfr~e discussion lions that accept gays mad lesbi.-~
nation on account of sex, race, cial ~bbut lfi~ owfffa~orite-~aasty
Ti~ tileme o~t~iS year;S bobk needed to reduce prejudice ans among their ranks.. Backers sexual .orientation, marital sta- habitS" and apparently comparfair
ironically is "human rights Phelps Kin Convicted of the move to oust the churches
ms, etlmicity, national origin, iug homosexuals to child mosay
they are "in direct opposiand
freedom Of expression" and EMPORIA, Kan. - A Lyon color or indigence." After de- lesters.
tion to the national principle
was expected to draw represen- County, Kansas, jury has found bate, the NOW delegates added "Uudisputably homosexual
adopted by the [American] Bap-
tative of some 450 publishers Benjamin Phelps, a grandson of 2more categories to thelist- age acts are despised by a great protist
Church" that "homosexualfrom
more than 40 countries, notorious anti-gay picketer Fred and disability. Ireland saidofthe portion of the voters," L0omis ity is a sin."
The Gay and Lesbian Associa- Phelps, guilty of battery for spit- _ new proposal, "We’re not naive wroteindefendingthedischarge
Four S an Francisco area
don of Zimbabwe (GALZ) had tingonJeroldBergerduringone There’s not one of us that of Lt. Andrew Holmes from the churches are the first targets of .... California National Guard. ,already been given a booth at the of the many demonstrations led does not know we are starting at
lair to distribute educational lit- an expulsion campaign by other ground-zero." The 1 st ERA was Those oters have acted through by Phelps and his family mem-
Baptist pastors that will be taken
erature, but in late July, under bets. The Phelps grandson is 20 passed by Congress in 1972, but their president and their ConupinSeptember
whenthe Amerigovernment
pressure, the orga- years old and is the first of the narrowly failed to be ratified by gress to rid themselves of those
mzers of the book fair canceled extremist family picketers to be enough states to be added to the acts. In truth, there is no further
its regular annual meedng. Out
the GALZ reservation. Interna- convictedofacrimesincePhelps Constitution. justificationformostchaptersof tional rights .organizations of that regional board meeting thecriminallaw. And therefore," begandemonstratingagainstho- could come a call for a national Pastor Fired for
sharply condemned the expul- mosexuals in 1991. Loomis wrote in a footnote to
s~on of GAI_Z, a protest letter convention of the denomination Mari~ing L~bian Couple the court document, "it is still While the conviction is likely
signed by hundreds of interna- to decide if gay-friendly Ameri- PATCHOGUE,N.Y.-TheCon- okay to be "prejudiced’ or ’bi- to be appealed by the family, the
- - - can Baptist churches can remain gregationalChurchofPatchogue ased" against crirmnals, such as tionalliterary and publishing fig- younger Phelps faces a possible
in the ABC or not. on Long Island has voted 84-67 molesters and pederasts, and to ures- including Nobel literature maximum $1,000 file and 6- l_e,aders of the churches that to fire the church’s pastor, the fire them forit." winners Nadine. Gordimer of month jail term on the charge,
South Africa and Wole Soyinka accept gays,who formed theAs- Rev. RenwickJackson. Jackson Lungrenalsosaidhewassend- Phelps followers and family
QfNigeria- was sent to the fair’s sociation ofWelcoming andAf- was dismissed by the congrega- ing a personal letter of apology members are being tried in 6
orgmtizers, and 4~ members of firming Baptists in 1992 which tion because he married a les- forLoomis’remarkstoU.S.Dis- other cases in the county resultnowincludes
some30ABCcon- bian couple in the church which trict Judge Saundra Brown the fair’s governing board re- ing from protest activities by.the
gregations in the U.S,, are pre- was first set up in this country Armstrong who is the presiding signedinprotest.Inaddition, the far-right minister,
pared to fight the effort to oust more than 200 years ago by judge hearing Holms’ challenge Pt.~blisliing Assn. of South Af- Polish Church: Anti-Gay themfrom the regional groupof American colonists who were to the so-called "don’ t ask, don’t nca (PASA), .the largest exhibi- WARSAW- In whatmay be its AmericanBaptistcongregatious. looking for a "free and open tell" policyexcludinghomosexu- for at the fair, broke off negotia- most aggressive move into Eu- The Rev. Jim Hopkins of the place" to worship, als fromthe military. Lungren’s lions for a.joint sub-continent ropean politics in decades, the Lakeshore Ave. Baptist Church Transsexual Runs for office =nade the announcement l~x~k fair being discussed for
Catholic Church in Poland is in- inOakland,Calif.,saidhewould of Loomis’ removal from the next.year and threatened to comcreasingly
becominginvolvedin fight the move to purge the 4 City Council
plete’ly withdraw from the Zim- case after stateAssembly =Memthe
government affairs of Po- churches in order "to keep that SAN BRUNO, Calif. ~- Alice ber JohnVasconcellos (D-Santa babwe,fairnext vear. land, according to a _report in the hallmark of Baptist religious Barnesannouncedhercandidacy Clara) demanded an apology In hi.s. openinff remarks at the New York Times. According to freedomfrombeingtakenaway." foroneof2openseatsontheSan from the state attorney general bookfair,Mugabesaid "Ifindit the paper, the church is even Lakeshore, along with New Bruno city council, saying she for what Vasconcellos called cxtrcmelyoutrageousandrepug- considering making an official Community of Faith Church in wanted to get on to "real cam- Loomis’ "hateful, homophobic nant to. my human conscience endorsement in the country’s SanJose, theFirstBaplistChurch paign issues" - which is why attack." that such i~mnoral and revulsive presidential elections later this of Berkeley and the San Leandro Barnes also-announced at the org,’ufivahons, like those of ho- year. During the lengthy process British Activists Protest Community Church, are the 4 same time that she is a transmoscxuals
who offend both ofhammeringoutPoland’scon- churches, sexual. Barnes said she wasn’t Bishop’s Address
against the law of nature and the stitution, church officials got NOW Proposes New ERA bringing"mytranssexualisminto LONDON - The British gay
nlorals of religious beliefs es- theirway ondefiningthechurch- this...but I’m being realistic, rightsgroupOutRage!disrnpted
poused by our society, should PHILADELPHIA - Flying di- That’s why I confronted it right the farewell sermon of the Rt. state relationship, and are now rectly against what many politi- up front." In a prepared state- Rev. John Taylor, the out-going have anx advocates in our midst insisting on anti-abortion provi- cal analysts see as a more conand
even elsewhere in the sions and specific constitutional ment, Barnes said, "My life’s Bishop of St. Albans at the ca- servative swing in America, the
world...If we accept homosexu- languageprohibitinghomosexu- challenge has been difficult and thedral northofLondon. The 10- alitvasaright,asisbeingargued National Organization for " alsfromteachinginthecountry’s Women at its annual convention personal. I makeno secret of it. minute demonstration was to It has not been a factor in my protest the bishop’s support of
by the association of sodolnists
public school system, has not only resurrected a proand
scxual perverts, what moral Proposals currently included contributing to San Bruno’s the so-called"ex-gay group," the
fiber sh~dlonr society ever have posed Equal RightsAmendment in the draft constitution would progress. It is not a campaign Courage Trust. In a press state~
deny o~gmtized drug addicts, to the federal Constitution, it is issue." In her campaign for a ment,GlennHaltonofOutRage! prohibitdiscriminationbasedon also suggesting a revised veror
even those given to bestialJty, sexual orientation, but church seat on the council, Barnes said said, "Today’s action sends a the rights they might claim and sion that goes far beyond the ,, leaders have denounced the she wants to focus on issues she message to the Church of En-
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News ,Briefs News Briefs-News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
gland that the lesbian and gay
commumty will not stand by as
the Chinch allows other gay
of their religion by’funda mentalist
bigots. Weare seeking an
unequivocal condemnation ofthe
actions ofthe ex-gay groups from
the church and will not stop our
campaign of disruption until the
church acknowledges its moral
Anti-Gay Measure
Ruled Unconstitutional
BOISE, Idaho - Idaho’s Attorney
General Alan Lance, a Republican,
has issued a formal
"certificate ofreview"including
his opinion that the latest proposed
anti-gay initiative by the
Idaho Citizens Alliance is unconstitutional.
Voters in the state
rejected a similar ICA anti-gay
amendment last year, which the
attorney general at the time also
considered unconstitutional.
Brian Bergqnist, who led the
organization against the 1994
ICA measure, said, "This opinion
is devastating to the ICA
because now two attorney generals,
a Democrat and a Republican,
have both advised them
that their anti-gay initiative proposals
are unconstitutional."
Louganis’ New Role
NEW YORK - The New York
Times reports that Olympic diving
champion Greg Louganis
will be starring soon in the off-
Broadway play by Dan Butler,
"The Only Thing Worse You
.Could Ha~e Told Me.’"The pi;iy
is described as a "view of contemporary
gay life as shown
through several characters in 14
vignettes." Lougams has appeared
in other theater productions,
including mostnotably the
hit "Jeffrey."
Austria Activists to Out
Catholic Bishops
VIENNA - The Austrian gay
rights organization, Vienna Homosexual
Initiative (HOSI), has
said it would out 4 of the
country’s Catholic bishops at a
press conference on Aug. 1 in
what would be the first case of
outing clergy in the overwhelmingly
Catholic country. HOSI
spokesperson Kurt Krickler said,
"We’re not having a go at anyone,
,we’re just trying to show
that bishops can be gay too."
The HOSI activists say they decided
on the more drastic measure
of outing 4 of the country’s
16 bishops after Parliament delayed
aproposal to lower the age
b~ consent for homosexual acts
from 18 to 14 years ofage, equalizing
the consent laws with heterosexuals.
The Catholic Church in Austria
has been wracked with controversy
since April.when an ex-
Catholic schoolboy chargedthat
Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer,
the Archbishop of Vienna and
the Austrian church’s primate,
sexually mOlestedhim years ago.
U. Of Texas May Offer
Partners Benefits
AUSTIN, Texas - When the
Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple
Computers took steps to open a
facility in the suburbs near the
Texas state capital last year, the
company’s domestic partners
policies erupted in months of
controversy that eventually led
to city voters repealing Austin’s
domestic partner ordinance.
Now, the Student Advisory
Groupat the University ofTexas
at Austin says it is considering
recommending that the
university’s board ofregents add
partners benefits, perhaps as
early as this September. Student
leaders have said the benefits
could range from library and
sports passes for spouses to student
family housing and health
insurance benefits.
Canadian Gov’t Admits
Anti-Gay Discrimination
OTrAWA - According to a
report in the Toronto Globe &
Mail, atforneys fighting a court
case by the Canadian Union of
Public Employees to extend survivor
benefits to partners of
same-sex couples, admitted in
court that the government does
in fact discriminate against gay
and lesbian couples in benefits.
But Brian Saunders, a government
attorney, said the issue
should be settled gradually by
Parliament and notby the courts.
"Parliament must be allowed to
take an incremental approach to
equality issues," Saunders told
thejudge hearing the union case.
Lesbians Win Bias Case
Vancouver gynecologist Gerald
Korn has been ordered to pay
$3,000 in fines plus damages to
a lesbian couple for refusing to
artificially inseminate one of the
women because they are lesbians.
Dr. Tracy Potter and her
partner, attorney SandraBenson,
filed a complaint with the BritishColumbialmmanrights
after Kom refu_s,e~,insemination
services Because of the
couple’s sexual orientation. Kom
had originally claimed he had
refused his services because he
didn’t want to get involved in
any .possible child custody disputcs
if the couple later separated.
But the council ruled that
he had refused to gi."ve the couple
the kinds of serv|ces routinely
available to heterosexuals solely
because they are lesbians.
Gay Em ployee Groups
Gaining Ground
.ing to a report in the Salt Lake
Tribune, gays and lesbians are
organizing in the workplace not
only nationally buteven in conservative
Utah. While such gay
and lesbian employee groups ,are
fairly common in major urban
areas with large and active gay
populations, the paper reports
that late last year, when American
Express Travel Related Services
in New York authorized
minority employee groups at the
firm,, the Utah branch was the
first to organize a gay workers
group - Gay & Lesbian Organization
to Build Equality
(GLOBE). Despite the state’s
stannchly conservative image,
govenmaent workers with Salt
Lake County have also formed
the Gay & Lesbian Employees
Assn. (GLEA), and last year
workers with AT&T’s Lesbian
and Gay United Employees
(LEAGUE), alsofornaally organized
~at the ’tdephone giant’s
offices in Utah. in May, US
West’s EmployeeAssn: forGays
& Lesbians (EAGLE) also
hosted a regional conference of
other EAGLE groups. Ultimately,
the gay and lesbian employee
groups say it is the company
itself that benefits from such
worker organizations since they
help generate a sense of loyal~ty.
"It’s much easier now for employees
to be out in the work
force mid not worry about repercussious
from the boss," says
Richard Cottino at US West.
"They know file company is behind
them ""
Compromise on Rights
Revision in Salt Lake City
pressure from local mid national
gay rights activists, the Salt Lake
County Board of Cormnissloners
voted not to remove protections
against discrimination
based on sexual orientation in
county governmentand services.
The Gay and Lesbian-Utah
Democrats in Salt LakeCity had
threatened to lead:a nationwide
boycott if the commissioners
gutted the county’s anti-bias ordinance:
County officials said
they wanted tomakethechanges
to avoid potentially costly lawsuits
byunmamedcounty workers’sdeking
insurance benefits
under the anti-discrimination
code. Under political pressure,
the commisSibn decided not to
adopt broader revisions that
would have removed all references
to protected classes, including
sexual orientation, and
instead made changes that re~
strict some county worker benefits
and services not specifically
required by state or federal
law. Because domesdc partner
benefits aren’t mandated by either
Utah or U.S. law, the compromise
measure would exclude
the county from. being required
to provide partner benefits to
unmarried or gay and lesbian
couples. But it would not remove
existing explicit protections
based on sexual orientation
or marital status.
Ill a news statement, Michael
Aaron, chair of GLUD, said,
"We’re pleased that the board
has agreed to keep the protection
of equal-employment rights for
bisexual, gay and lesbian people
~n county government. But, it’s
discouraging to us that ,this action
further destabilizes samesex
partnerships andfamilies.by
making it morse difficult for:bisexual,
gay and lesbian.county
employees to receive the same
benefits like health care for their
same-sex partners.’"
Sports Bar Bias Lawsuit
CHICAGO - A popular sports
bar in the Chicago suburb of
Harwood Heights, the Sidelines,
has settled a discrimination lawsuit
filed by 4 gay men - Steven
Kleinedler, Robert Castillo,
Craig Teichen and John
In March 1994, the owner of
Sidelines had the 4 men arrested
because they were dancing with
each other at the bar. The disorderly
conduct charges against
the 4 men were later dismissed,
but they filed a complaint with
the Cook County Commission
on Human Rights, charging discrinlination
based on sexual orientation.
The bar will have to
pay the 4 men aal undisclosed
amount in damages and attorneys’
fees, a $2,000 fine to Cook
County, and put upnotices in the
popular, predominately straight
bar promising to abide by the
county’s anti-bias code, which
prohibits disc rimination based
on sexual orientation.
State Official Comes Out
Flanaga~2 Vermont?s state attditor,
has Come out during an interview
with the Burlington (Vt.)
FreePress. Flanagan has held
the auditor’s post for more than
2 years, turning the usually donothing
post into a high-profile
office that’s criticized many of
the state’ s toppoliticians for what
Flanagan sees as a failure ofsome
state officials to serve the public
interest adequately.
Flanagan said he had decided
to take the step of going completely
public after marching in
this year’s gay pride parade in
Burlington and because of what
he sees as growing anti-gay bias
nationally. "I think .public bigotry
creates a moral obligation
to respond publicly," he said.
Ex-Congressman From
Mississippi Dies of AIDS
Hinson, the.former Mississippi
member of,~ongress mad conservadve
Republican; has died
of an AIDS-related illness.
Hinson resigned hisHouse seat
during hi.s 2nd term, ’of office
after he was arrested on charges
of having sex with another mma
in a federal office building in
1981: Hinson acknowledged that
he was in.fac~ gay’after his resignation
and went oh to Work for
the gay rights moV(m~nt. He
helped found the statelrbbying
group Virginians for Ju’sffce and
Fairfax Lesbian &Gay°~itizens
Lesbian Sunday ’Si~hool
Teacher Forced to Quit
GLASGOW, Scotland - Le~ley
Craise, an openly lesbian Sunday
school teacher, has been
forced to leave the Presbyterian
Church of Scotland after telling
teenagers in her Bible classes
that Goddidn’t have to be viewed
as a male.
Craise?s supporters said she
was beihg forced out of the
church because of the
homophobic views of some
members of her congregation.
Two other Sunday school teachers
in the church have also resigned
in protest.
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Health Briefs Health
Company to Give Away
Experimental AIDS Drug
WASHINGTON - Merck & C~. has
agreed to giveits experimental AIDS drug
Crixivan away topeople in the later stages
of the diseasefollowingdemands byAIDS
activists who believe the ’still clinically
unproven drag can help keep people alive
longer. Hoffman-La Roche announced a
similar program for its experimental drug
Invirase earlier. Both drugs arein afamily
of medications known as protease inhibitots,
which are being tested by about a
dozen drug companies. Early studies indicate
the drugs can remove a significant
amount of HIV from the bloodstream,
although the virus that remains appears to
devdop resistance to them~ Merck & Co.
notified some 130,000 doctors that it will
give Crixivan to about 1,400 patients in
later stages ofAIDS without charge. Supplies
are limited, Merck officials say, because
of the difficulty ofmaking the drug,
so the company is restricting the distribution
to those with extremely impaired
immune systems.Those interested in the
Merck program can call 1-800-497-8383.
Study Raises Questions About
Early Medical Intervention
LONDON - A study published in the
British Medical Journalindicates that the
limited array of AIDS medications appears
to delay the onset of symptoms
early in the infection, but may actually
shorten the survival time of people with
the disease in the long term. The Study
examinedthehealthhistories of436people
-.339 who began taking anti-AIDS medicines
shortly after first learning they were
infected with HIV, and 97 who didn’t
begin taking medications until they had
already developed full-blown AIDS and
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
become gravely ill. Dr. Mark Poznansky,
the lead researcher in the study, reports
that people who started treatment early on
in the infection experienced fewer ailments
related to AIDS. But the study also
found that once they became seriously ill,
they lived on average a year less than
patients whohad not begin treatment until
they were severely sick with AIDS-related
illnesses. The study raise~ questions
ofwhetherthe short-termbenefits ofwarding
off symptoms outweighs the shortened
life span.
Vitamin A May Help HIV Babies
WASHINGTON - A report published in
the current issue of the American Journal
ofPubtic Health by researchers in South
Africa suggests there may now be hope
for giving newborns infected with HIV a
better lifeby ~vingthemmoderately large
doses of vitamin A. The Natal University.
doctors studied 118 infants born to HIVpositive
mothers. Half the babies were
~ven vitamin A, while the other half were
given placebos. All the infants who received
the vitamin A supplements - regardless
of their HIV status - had fewer
illnesses. According to Dr. Anna
Coutsoudis, a Natal University pediatrics
professor and lead author of the study, the
vitaminA made a much larger difference
among the infants infected with HIV. If
other researchers confirm the effectiveness
of vitamin A, it could substantially
reduce hospital and health-care costs for
infants infected with the virus.
Senate Rebuffs Helms on AIDS
WASHINGTON- The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly
approved continued funding
for the Ryan WhiteCAREAct,which had
been delayed by Sen. Jesse Helms (RN.
C.) for month~. AIDS, Helms had said,
is a disease perpetuated by "the offensive
"madrevolting conduct of gay men." Helms,
one of the most homophobic members of
Congress, tried unsuccessful to turn the
reauthofizafion of the bill into a referendum
on homosexuality, charging that
"Congress is falling all over itself to do
~vhat the homosexual lobby is almost hysterically
demanding that Congress do."
Helms also insisted that the federal government
spends more money on AIDS
than it does on,cancer and heart disease.
But even fellow Republicans disputed
Helms figures. "HIV/AIDS receives $5.4
billion, cancer $15 billion, and heart disease
$34billion," said Kansas Sen. Nancy
Kassebaum (R.) on the Senate floor. As
chair of the Labor and Human Resources
Committee her figures apparently impressed
the senators moie than Helms’
attacks on gays and lesbians. In the end,
Helms could get only 2 other Senators -
Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Robert Smith (RN.
H.) - to side with him in the 97-3 lopsided
vote to refund the act.
President Clinton lashed out at Sen.
Jesse Helms, saying it was "luSt wrong"
for the North Carolina Republican to advocate
curlingfederal AIDS researchfunds
for the deadly epidemic because he believes
that people who have it are immoral.
"The gay people who have AIDS
are still our sons, our brothers, our cousins,
our citizens. They’re Americans, too,"
Clinton said in a speech at Georgetown
University. "They’re obeying the law and
workinghard. They’re entitled to be treated
like everybody else.’"
Russia Stalls HIV Testing Law
MOSCOW-Claiming that the necessary
paperwork and administrative procedures
had not yet been worked out, the Russian
Briefs Health Briefs
foreign and health mimstries have announced
that the country’s new ~nandatory.
HIV testing law had not gone into
effect o n Aug. 1 as it had been slated to.
The legislation would require all foreign
visitors staying in the country for more
than 3 months, along with some Russian
citizens, to certify that they are not infected
with HIV. The 2 government nnnistries
have had ongoing troubles working
out the details of the complex and somewhat
vague law between them.
Flu Shots May Stimulate HIV
LOS ANGELES Scientists at the University
of California’ s Los Angeles AIDS
Institute report in the current issue of the
journal Blood that even the mild stimulauon
to the body’s immune system that
results fromaninfluenza vaccinationmay
stimulate the growth of HIV in infected
individuals. Dr. William O’Brien of
UCLA, who headed the research team,
said the people infected with HIV should
_ still get flu shots because"actual infection
with influenza may be more damaging."
But he added that patients with advanced
AIDS may not be good candidates to
receive flu vaccinations. "’Perhaps these
patients should not be vaccinated." he
said, noting that they do not respond well
to the flu shots.
FDA OK’s Baboon Marrow Swap
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers at the
University of California at San Francisco
and the University of Pittsburgh have
received approval from the Food and Drug
Administration to go, ahead with a bonemarrow
transplant from a baboon to Jeff
Getty, a38-year-oldman with AIDS. The
untested mad potentially dangerous transplant
procedure is intended to help rebuild
see Health Briefs, page 13
Tulsa Office
800-999-3 . .2
Weprovide comprehensive home health services
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The range ofservices include:
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a bus, catch a plane, rent a car, borrouJHour mother’s Ilarleg,
but don’t miss th~ ~[’1)EfllITH HEHIII’ first annual
[;eptember lt;, 16,17,1999
"$44 is pre-re~stration price, alter Aug. 15, lgg5 price is ~54. Hote! accomodat~ons not include.
~ Positiv~lg Negative
¯ You f~el that it is in~vitobl~ ujou
o You think lh~ hottest thing about ’safesex"
is th~ poster.
¯ -You unck~star~l protected s~x. b,~t
sorn~lin~s partidpat~ in unprotected
¯ You wonc~ whg remaining uninf~ct~.cl
is important.
talk about it with us.
I~tings start Se.pte.nnb~r 7th. 7:15
Call Jason to enroll. 74Z2927
Q co-facilitated ~xju~ for f~V r~gativ~ gag and bisexual rr~n on love. d~sire~
rex. and h~alth. Sfx~nsor~d b~ th~ TOHI~ t’gV Prgv~nlion Pro~ct.
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
By &fox but not exclusive
to the Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results.
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
New Number: 742-2927
4158 South Harvardr Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School., 9:45 am
~Worship Service, 11 am
2627-B East 1 lth.
Info: 583-7815 .
" ~’~ Worship Seryice, 6 pm
1347 No. Yale, 838-7232
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Worship Service, 11 am
545I-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 No. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
TheBanned,OKGay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
Meeting, 6;30 pm
Caoterbury, 5th&Evanston
Info: 583-9780
HIT Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results Hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 7494194
-Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Minister’s Class
Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center
7:30 pm
2627-B East llth
Info: 583-7815
ItIV+ Support Group ’
HIT Resource-Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H.I
Into: Wanda @ 7494194
AuthorityOfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC Of Greater Tulsa
1623 North Maplewood
Call 838-1715 for info.
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Choir Practice 7 pm
2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Poduck 6:30 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Choir Practice 8 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
- 16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
Women’s support group
Community of Hope
1347 North Yale
Call 838-7232 for info.
Support Group
Weekly meeting, 7:30.
Family of Faith MCC.
5451-E South Mingo
Call 622-1441 for Info.
HIT Testing
TOIIR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick
No appointment required.
Walk in test hours:
7 - 8:30 pm
Results Hours: 7 - 9 pm
Call 74%4194 for info.
Prayer Time
MCC - Greater Tulsa, 7 pm
1623 North Maplewood.
Call 838-1715 for info.
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th St.
¯ Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Provides confidential
sup.port for
recovenng addicts.
Community of Hope.
1347 North Yale
Call 838-7232 for info.
AUGUST 15-27
Community ofHope Building Fix-up
Voluuteers needed! Info: 838-7232.
HIT Prevention Community
Planning Group, 1-4 pm
Collins Room, 1430 S. Boulder
Info: Tommy Chesbro, 582-7225
OK Pride Summit Meeting, 11 am
Alan Chapman Student Center, TU
Info: 832-0233
Tulsa Musicians at Herland Ctr, 7 pm
2312NW39th,OKC,Info: 405-521-9696
Community ofHope Dance Class, 8 pm
1347 North Yale, l.fro: 838-7232
ACLU-OK Gay Rights Project
Tulsa Brunch, Suggested Donation, $35
Info: 405-524-8511
Family ofFaith Metropolitan
Commun~ Church
Membership Class #2, 6 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Rainbow Business Gui/d, 7 pm
Olive Garden Restaurant, Utica Square
Dinner Meeting, Iflfo: 832-0233
Green CountryPrideMonthlyMtg, 7pm
The Question ofEquality video preview
Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Traus Civil Rights Org.
Tulsa Central Library, 4th & Denver
Groundft. Preview Room, Info: 838-2121
HIT Prevention Community
Planning Group, 1-4 pm
Collins Room, 1430 S. Boulder
Info: Tommy Chesbro, 582-7225
Womens Coffee House, 6:30-8:30 pm
Gold Coast Coffee, 3509 S. Peoria
Info: p~ge: 646-6455 "
Mr. Gay Oil Capital
Concessions, Info: 744-1177
Prime Timers 2nd Anniversary!
Write for info: P.O. Box 52118, 74128
Feast with Friends Fundraisers
The NAMES Project Tulsa Area
Finale atSo. Hills Marriott, 748-3111
Community ofHope Feed the Homeless
1347 North Yale, 5:30 pm
Info: 838-7232
Commun~ ofHope Moving Day, 9 am
1347 North Yale, Info: 838-7232
Friends in Unity Social Organization
FUSO: African-American Men of Diverse
Orientation, 16th Annual Picnic
Call for location andmore info: 425-4905
Friends in Uni~ Social Organization
4th Anniversary Banquet, 8 pm
Doubletree Downtown, Info: 425-4905
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Monthly Members Meeting, 7 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Gathering Room
Info: 743-4297
The Sum ofUs Patrons Benej~
Premiere & Reception, 7 pm
The NAMES Project Tulsa Area
Movies 8, $15 donation, Info: 748-3111
Green Country Pride
Speakers Bureau Meeting, 7 pm
Tulsa Central Library, 4th & Denver
Groundft. Preview Room, Info: 838-2121
Sum of Us Benefit Screening, 7:30 pm
The NAMES Project Tulsa Area
Movies 8, S10 donation, [nfo: 748-311t
Positively Negative - Dialogue, 7:15 pm
lnfo: Jason at 742-2927
Dignity/Integri~ (RCIEpis. Ministry)
Monthly Meeting & Pothwk, 5pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 298-4648
Family ofFaith MCC
6th Anniversary Dance, 7 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Mr. Tulsa Leather
The Silver Star Saloon, Info: 834-4234
Family ofFaith MCC, 6th Anniversary
Celebration Service, 11 am
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Prime Timers Monthly Meeting
Write for info: P.O. Box 52118, 74128
Community ofHope
Commu~ Gift Shower & Meal, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd St., Info: 585-1800-
HIV & AIDS in the Womens
Community, .7 pm
City of Tulsa Mayor’s Commission
on the Status of Women, Info: 596-7411
Lambda Bowling League
Organization Meeting, 8 pm
Sheridan Lanes, 3121 S. Sheridan
HIT Prevention Community
Planning Group, 1-4 pm
Collins Room, 1430 S. Boulder
Info: Tommy Chesbro, 582-7225
Green Countryfor Human Rights
League Monthly Meeting, 6 pm
Muskogee Lib., P.O. Box 614, 74402
Vicki Robinson Softball Tournament
Info: TNT’s 660-0856
Family ofFaith MCC,
Marsha Stevens Concert. 7 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Family ofFaith MCC
Rev. Elder Troy Perry Preaches &
Ordains Rev. Nancy Horvath. 11 am
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Vicki Robinson Softball Tournament
Info: TNT’s 660-0856
Community ofHope Blessing &
Celebration ofNew Space, 6 pm
1703 E. 2rid St., Info: 585-1800
Rev. Nancy Horvath Installed as
Pastor ofFamily ofFaith MCC. 6 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Monthly Board Meeting, 7 pm
40th.& Harvard, Info: 743-4297
Gay &.Lesbian Student Association
TJC Southeast Campus, Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’sActivityNetwork
Call 832-2121
TOHR Anonymous HIT Testing Clinic
Daytime testing by appt. M-Th., 10-5pm
Info: 749-4194
TOHR Helpline, Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to volunteer: 743-GAYS
Tool Box Technicians, Leather org.,
Info c/o The Tool Box: 584-1308
Tulsa Uniform &LeatherSeekersAssoc.
Info: 838-1222
Wed. Night Women’s Supper Club
Varying locations 2nd or 3rd Wed. each
month. Info: Helpline: 743-GAYS
Out Pizz6ria & Espresso
1344 e. 15th 58203456
Developing a College Savings
Plan Shouldn.’t Require a PhD
by Leanne Gross
Acollege education continues to be one
ofthe smartestinvestments youcanmakefor
you and your children. College enriches
a young person’s life in may ways,
generatingimportant intangible benefits -
new ideas, broader experiences, cultural
awareness and self-confidence- as wall as
the tangible ones that accompany higher
earning power.
In fact, it’s hard to find an investment
that delivers better value than a good
education. Studies show that people with
at least four years of college have the
potential to earn hundreds ofthousands of
dollars more over their lifetimes than those
who never attend college.
While most parents realize the value of
a good education, hdping their children
pay for college is a different matter. Over
the past 10 years, college costs have increased,
faster than the rate of inflation,
whilefunds availablefor scholarships and
financial aid have decreased.
¯ How do college bills get paid?
......... Motiiating college costs have forced
parents and students to become more creativein
their search for funding. There are
three main ways to pay for college:
Grants and/or scholarships.
Financial grants are an unpredictable
source of funds. Grants are usually based
on financial-need tests that exclude many
middle-income families. Also, it’s difficult
to know whether or not your child
will be eligible for scholarships in the
Banks, civic organizations, colleges,
and federal and state governments sponsor
loan programs. There are, however,
two main drawbacks to borrowing for
college: The amount of the loan is limited
by thefamily’s (or the student’s) ability to
repay and the loan (plus interest) becomes
a long-term financial burden.
Family Resources
This category includes family savings,
life insurance and student earning. Of
course,family contributions vary, depending
on the earmng of the parents and on
the fees chargedby the school in question.
Getting Started
If you have college-bound children,
start a savings plan as soon as possible.
The best time to begin is when your child
is born. But even if the child is already in
school, it’s not too ]ate. No matter how
little or how much you put aside, the
sooner you develop a systematic savings
plan, the more time you’ll have to accumulate
the funds you.need,
When you set up your funding plan,
make sure that it’s:
Realistic. You’ll need toknow-roughlythe
total amount ofmoney your child will
need to attend college. This information
can be obatained from your local library,
your financial advisor or the college in
question (if known).
Flexible. A good plan offers a choice of
funding vehicles (e.g., life insurance,
mutual funds, bank products) to accommodate
your risk tolerance, time frame
andfinancial goals. Someare tax-deferred,
offering you even more attractive benefits.
It also should allow you to choose
how you want to contribute money to the
plan-monthly, quarterly, annually or in a
lump sum.
Inflation-adjusted. Your college funding
goal may be a moving target-moving
beyond your reach-unless your plan takes
inflation into consideration.
Do Your Homework
A lot has been written about college
funding over the past few years, so do
your homework. Go to the library and
check out what the experts have to say.
Weigh the alternatives against your needs
and your financial situation. Once you
have anideaofyourrequirements, give us
a call.Wecanhelp you devise a plan that’ s
geared to your needs, and finances. We
even have a computerized software program
that will help you save as painlessly
as possible. But, be sure to keep in mind
these five important tips:
1. Know your goal. As with any financial
plan, determininghow muchmoney you’ll
need will hdp determine the parameters
of your plan,
2. Start early. The key to successfully
saving enough money is to begin as early
as possible. No matter how little or how
much you put aside, the sooner you desee
Finances. page ]4
Timothy Daniel
Attorney at Lax 7
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128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
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Heirloom Designs
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2814 Easl 15lh Slreel, 742-5665, Across from Carpel Cily
Politics cont’dfromp. 2
~ forming .their agenda into policy. In Arizona,
where the Radical Right has a wo~kingmajority
ofthe state Republicanpart~’s
governing body, the governor signed into
law a measure prohibiting school districts
from implementing any course of study
that "promotes" a homosexual lifestyle or
portrays homosexuality as a "positive alternative
life-style." And Utah became
the first state to impose an explicit ban on
recognizing same-gender marriages that
may be performed in other states.
As these last examples suggest, the
right wingis choosingits targets shrewdly.
From a proposal in Oregon that would
effeciively prohibitdoctors from performing
alternative insemination on unmarried
women--including lesbians - to a
bill in Vermont that would ban adoption
by unmarried couples and second-parent
adoption, the Far Right is attempting to
construct a barbed-wire fence of law and
public policy. !ts purpose: to keep lesbians,
gay men and bisexuals out of the
territoly marked "children and family."
The strategy speaks both to the history
of gay oppression and to the contemporary
state of lesbian and gay concerns. In
the past, medical, legal, and religious discourse
defined homosexuals in opposition
to the heterosexual nuclear family.
Inflammatory stereotypes definedqueers,
.whether male or female, as predators seeking
to invade the sanctum of thehome and
to steal the young.
For previous generations, the price of
adopting a gay, lesbian or bisexual identity
has often been to live outside the
faniily. When a gay political agenda took
shape after Stonewall, basic goals such as
sodomy law repeal, civil rights protections,
and the removal of the stigma of
mental illness took precedence. But now,
the gay community across the country is
reclaiming family. Lesbians are choosing
to have children, gay men are seeking to
become foster parents, both men and
women are insisting that their intimate
partnerships be recognized by law. Lesbian,
gay and bisexual parents want their
children--and their children’s peers to
be taught tolerance in school, while the
parents and advocates of gay youth are
insisting that the schools respond to the
needs of their sexual minority students. In
almost every area of public policy that
impinges onfamily and youth, gay voices
are being heard.
These voices .are new, and not yet well
orgauized.; And so the Radical Right has
rushed into the void, playing-upon the
emotional’ flashpoints that run through
American :culture, and fomenting fear. It
is not hard to do. With the crisis of family
and community that Americans are living
through, gay men, lesbians and bisexuals
are easier, simpler-targets than a changing
labor market with wage structures that
compromise family stability, or school
systems without the resources to educate.
This year’s legislative record suggests
that battles over family are likely to remain
frontline conflicts. It also suggests
that the gay community needs to apply to
the arenaof family the lessons it has
learned in its fight for health care and
againsthate-motivated violence patient,
deliberate, and sustained organization;
broad-based education of sympathetic al -
lies; and the careful articulation of an
agenda rooted in the real needs of its
Historian John D’Emilio is director of
the Policy Institute at the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force in Washington, DC.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Supervisor, Circulation Department
Tulsa City-County Library
Currently,in our society, theword ’Tami!
y" has a very specific meaning which
includes a father, mother, children andthe
extended, related family. This definition
ofafamily follows a standard
format during the
family life cycle: courtship,
marriage, children
and anniversaries. Recently,
lesbian and gay
male couples have begun
to create their own role
models and traditions
within the contextof their
relationships, developing
a broadened understanding
of the word ’~famil y".
In "The Lesbian- Family
Life Cycle," author
Suzatme Slater has produced
a helpful guide to creating and
maintaining a lesbian family.
The first half of the book, which is an
examinanon of ’~aaduring Realities of
Lesbian Family Life," addresses stress,
strengths and coping mechanisms, and
lesbian families with children. The rest of
the book is a stage-by-stage analysis of
the lesbian life cycle.
Stage One: Formation of the Couple,
acknowledges that there are obstacles to
overcome, such as isolation, lack of role
models or mentors, the possibility of social
stigma and, sometimes, a lack of
compatibility. This chapter helps lesbians
...lesbian &
male couples ~aaYve
begun to create
tl~eir own role
models & traditions
...developing a
- standl,n,~ of the
word family"
learn to create a persistent expectation
that 10rig-term, devoted relationships are
productive and possible.. Stage Two:
Ongoing Couplehood, focuseson getting
both partners to agree on commitment,
living together, and the problems of distance..
Stage Three: The Middle Years,
assumes that both partners
persevere. The lesbian
couple then experiences
the unprecedented
security and joy that
deepened commitment
has to offer. Stage Four:
Generativity, looks beyond
the earlier storms
that partners have weathered
and concentrates on
other things, including,
perhaps, children. Stage
Five: Lesbian Couples
Over Sixty-Five, describes
a period.that can
tast twenty years or more and includes
retirement, financial and heal.th concerns
and lesbian widowhood.
’The Lesbian Family Life Cycle" is a
telpful guide, in a very readable format,
which can help ’lesbian partners dare to
redefine the very concept offamily and to
design especially personalized approaches
to their own family lives."
Other new titles of interest include:
’Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History
from 1869 to the Present" by Neil
Miller ’$:reedom, Glorious Freedom" by
John J. McNeill ’Queer Spirits: A Gay
Men~s Myth Book" by Will Roscoe
SALE! Enjoy the ultimate in technology with
Mitsubishi autos & electronics. Buy any
Mitsubishi car before Sept. 11 & get. a
20" stereo TV or 4-head hi-fi VCR!
Come in to register for big screenTV give-away!
50wS cont’dfrqm p.- 2
Measured that way, the ’50s wer~ a time
of moral depravity transformed ’by the
’60s, a time of moral advance.
Think about it: During the 1950s, racial
segregation was the law of the land, enforced
by state-sanctioned terror. People
of dark skin color, for that reason alone,
were not permittedto i~0te, Serve on-juries,
enjoy, mainstream public accommodations
like restaurants,movie theaters.,
,h,otels and: swimfiiing ~pools,~euroll in
’white" public schools b~ e.Ven t~se certain
public toilets. And they were not infrequently
beatenorkilled ffthey tried. While
all this w~ going on, children prayed
every day in Southern schools.
During the ’50s, women throughout the
country were expected to be stay-home
wives and mothers, denied equal
opportunity in education andemployment
and usually forced to risk degradation and
death to terminate a pregnancy. It was not
until 1965 that laws prohibiting even
married couples from obtaining contraceptives
were struck down.
During the ’50s, gay men and lesbians
lived secret lives, terrorized by the fear of
revelation. Their most intimate, personal
relationships were considered criminal in
more than half the states. The disabled
were hidden away as wall, their physical
impediments disabilities compounded by
imposed social and economicrestrictions.
And free speech wasn’t so free either in
the 1950s. Loyalty oaths prevailed, the
attorney genera[~pt alist of disapproved
political organi,~,~tions, the FBI infiltrated
them and harass~d~p~ople whose views J.
Edgar Hoover di~lh t like, and congressional
committ~ summoned citizens to
account for thei?:political beliefs and associations,
recant and rat on their friends.
Those who refused often lost theiijobs
and some even went to jail: Signing the
wrong petition or going to the wrong
meeting was riskY business, despite what:¢
the First Amendment appeared to say.
The ’60s changed muchof that. Jim
Crow laws were dismantled and equal
opportunity was guaranteed by enforceable
laws for both women and racial nilnotifies.
Other minorities were encouraged
and emboldened by these startling
gains and begantheir ownmovements for
equal:¯rights. The government’s spying
apparatus was dismantled .and discredited.
Theroad to freedom and equal rights is
arduous, and much of it still remains to be
traveled. New road-blocks have been
erected, threatening the progress made in
the ’60s. Both the Supreme Court and
congress are in full retreat on affirmative
action remedies for race and gender discriminations.
A purge of black members
of Congress from the South is under way.
Th6 separation of church and state, which
protects religious freedom, ~s seriously
threatened. The retreat back to the ’50s is
certaluly under way.
But were we a more moral nation when
legalized racial segregation prevailed;
when women were denied equal opportunity
and forced to submit to back-alley
butchers; when people were punished
because o_f their polifical beliefs and associations?
Abolishing these gross abuses
of individual rights in so short a time was
arguably the greatest moral advance this
nation or any other nation has ever expe~
rienced. The notion that we are a less
moral nation today than we were in the
’50s is a monument to historical revision-
Ira Glasser is the executivedimctor of
the American Civil Liberties Union.
Cherry Street Psychotherapy
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Are you ¯looking for a relaxed, amicable,
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Methodist Comes Out
ST. P,~UL, Minn. - The Rev. Jeanne
PowerS, the associate general secretary of
the 8-million-member United Methodist
Church’s general commission on Chtistianunity
andinterreligious concerns, told
a meeting of UMC officials at Augsburg
College that she has been a lesbian all her
adult life and has served in the church
despite rules against "selfavowed, practicing
homosexuals." Powers, who is 63,
made the revelation just one year before
she is slated to retire as a "political act" to
encourage church debate about ordaining
gay & lesbian ministers.
Powers is the highest ranking United
Methodist Church official to reveal her
homosexuality. ,I have been lesbian all
my life," Powers said. ’~’ve never known
my identity as otherwise." Powers Said
she won’t resign as an ordained minister,
nor will she turn overher ordination papers.
If terminatedr as a minister,.Powers could
lose some of her retirement benefits.
Powers stopped short ofactually saying
she is sexually active, a key point in the
UMC prohibition, but she lives with her
life partner and promised to answer any
questions UMC officials may have. "If
you’re called to do something, you take
the risks," Powers said. ’~If I waited a year,
until after my retirement, it would be too
easy to discount me. What I need is a year
to help the church struggle with this. If
this act of resistance keeps the church
restless about its understanding of homosexuality
and the Christian faith, then I
believe I will have continued my own
commitment to working for justice and
being a change agent in the church and the
Order cont’dfrom p. ]
governmentfor deciding who should have
access to state secrets. McCurry noted in
amaouneing the executive order that under
the previous system, anindividual’s
sexual orientation was often grounds for
launching extensive background checks.
The federal government, in fact, has a ~
long history of denying clearances to gays
and lesbians: ...
" Activists, :.many of whom backed
Clintonwhenhe raft forpresidentin 1992,
and whosesupport world help him in ~s
expected re-election bid next year, ha;€~
long urged the administration to take
tion to end discrimination against gay
people in granting the important clearanceS.
The order states simply, ’The United
States government does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, disability or sexual orientation
in granting access to classified information."
Leonard Hirsch, president of GLOBE
(Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Employees of
the Federal Government), saidin thepress
statement that the Clinton order "takes a
very large step in removing the legal bartiers
to equal treatment in the federal
workforce. By explicitly including sexual
orientationin thenon-disctimination statement,
he finally expurgates decades of
legal harassment and discrimination."
The impact of the executive order goes
beyondjustfederal employees sincemany
private firms with government contracts
may require workers at tbeir firms to have
security clearances in order to work on
sensitive or secret government jobs.
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Health Briefs Health Briefs.Health Briefs
cont’d f~om page 7.....the patient’s im-
¯mune system in an effort to fight off fl~e
disease. FDA regulators had scrutiniz~ed
the transplant proposal because Of concerns
that mixing baboonand human cells
could introduce new diseases into the
human population. Officials insisted that
researchers take special precautions such
as keeping Getty isolated for 2 to 4 weeks
after the operation, saving tissue samples
and close monitoring of the patient. The
~masplant would involve removing some
~GettY’s bone marrow to make room for
.~.e baboon marrow, which doesn’t de-
~lop AIDS. The researchers are hoping
tI~t l~tienew combinationw0uldhelp l~ulld
anew immune system to fight the disease
being challenged locally.
Drug Task Force Under Fire
WASHINGTON - The medical technology
newspaper BioWorld Today reports
that several key Clinton administration
officials are increasingly frustrated with
the work of the National Task Force on
AIDS Drug Development, a federal panel
set up 2 years ago to advise the government
on AIDS drug treatment policies.
The paper reports that Phil Lee, Assistant
Secretary for Health, David Kessler, the
FDA Commissioner, andHarold Varmus,
director ofthe National Institutes ofHealth,
and all members of the task force, have
raised questions about whether the panel
should be renewed When its current authorization
expires in October. Non-administration
members of the task force
expressed frustrations with the panel as
well. "In 2 years, we have nothing to point
to,",Peter Staley of New York’s Treatment
Action Group told the paper. But
Staley said the fault wasn’t with the task
force, but with the Clinton administration.
"We had inadequate staff, a minuscule
budget, a slow schedule, and not
enough support from Kessler, ~ and
Varmus," Staley said.
More Condoms Needed in India
NEW DELHI - The World Bank has
urged the Indian government and health
officials to emphasize malecontraception
practices in the nation. The World Bank
recommendation is aimed at both reducing
the population gro.wth rate in the
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world’s 2nd most populous nation.and at
curbing the spread of HIV. The World
Bank said there was a "pressing need to
promote the use of condoms" in India
where the "growing HIV epidemic makes
greater use of condoms an urgent priority."
AIDS Postman Fired
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - The postal.letter
carrierwho refused tQ d¢liyer,mail:to a
couple who have AIDS won’t be deliverlng
any moreU.S., mail for a while.’Tim
Snodgrass says he was afraid of contract~
ing HIV from stamps.or envelopes Fred
and Pat Grounds had licked. Snodgrass
went throughan AIDS educational seminar
at the main post office in the West
Virginia capital, but when he had finished
the course, Snodgrass insisted he had not
changed his mind about his fears of being
exposed to the virus. Hehas been fired for
refusing to deliver the couple’s letters.
Needle-Swap Program Works
BOSTON - A state-funded study of the
Boston-Cambridge based needle-exchange
program, Project-A-HOPE, indi-
.cates the project has lowered needle sharing
among IV drug users, thereby reducing
the risks of transmitting HIV. The
study also found no indication that either
drug use or crimes related to drugs had
increased because of the exchanges.
Frisco Giants Fight AIDS
SAN FRANCISCO - The Giants have
announced that its Aug. 13 game against
the Chicago Cubs will be the pro baseball
team’ s 2nd annual "Until There’s a Cure
Day" fundraiser to fight the AIDS epidemic.
The Giants are the only major
league team to designate a regular season
game to fighting the epidemic.
,!~Y Pat Morehead
Life is like a box of chocolate, sticky
and messy. If you don’t believe me just
ask Hugh Grant! While I was looking for
my limes, Hugh was looking for something
else. What is going on out in LA LA
Land? I mean we know what was up with
Hugh Grant, nudge nudge, wink wink.
Now weknow thatCharli~ Sheen spent 53
grand.fo~? hogkers.,First off, credit ~oes to
Hugh .f0~ ~ompa’~ftive shopping~. But
what’s With these guys? Did they miss the
orientation class on the benefits of Hollywo0dfamemad
are my picks for Dumb and Dumber, Part
And speaking of Dumb and Dumber,
somebody in the County Commissioners
office should be in the running as well.
You don’t fund an operating budget (i.e. a
jail of all things ) with a Sales Tax. What
happens when theeconomy takes a header
and we all quit spending? Evidently the
Comm.issioners have already forgotten the
recess~onary period in the eighties. Besides,
I’m not supporting any added tax
when we can’t even get recognition from
the Human Rights Commission. So when
the September Jail vote comes along, everyone
in our commumty should go vote
"NO". And you thought the only thing I
thought about was Brads" butt.
Hooooo, Brads’ butt....sorry, momentarily
So, while I’m on political news I can’t
let Ms. Vicki Cleveland get off without a
word. And believe me, after her successful
MY NEIGHBORHOOD deal, she really
got off. Course that’s about the only way
she could get off. In an e~fort .to appear
Politically Correct she is rumoured to be
planning an additional ordinance. This
will be a Community Block Grant Development
Fund to foster Miflti-Cultural un:
derstanding, In effect CBGD funds (read
tax dollars) will be awarded to families in
qualifying income brackets to help with
multi-cut~ral unders,t?),n~ding.
., t-f Iunders~tand th(~r0gram,C0rre~tl.y, it
will w~ork some.~)ng like this. Ira family
in her neighiaorhood hire~ fin Asian
Gardner, tlae f~ifiiy wiil re~i~,e $30~000
in CBGD money. AnHisp~aiC hired, as. a
domestic will be worth $20,000 andan
English Nanny will be worth $22,500. An
additional CBGD amount of $10,000 will
go to the same family if they hire a French
Au Pair after filling one of the above
mentioned catagories.
To apply for this Federal money you
must meet the following requirements: I)
Live within 5000 feet of Southern Hills
Country Club, 2) contribute $5,000.00 or
more to the Republican party and 3) be
personal friends with Ms. Vicki. And you
thought she wasn’t doing her part to advance
multi-cultural understanding.
That’s it for now, campers. Me, I’m
headed back to rmx up another batch of
Bloody Bulls, get naked and relax in the
hot tub there to ponder the greater questions
of life, like where do I find that
Internet File with the pictures of Brad Pitt.
Have a nice August aa.d don’t for_oct to
vote NO on the Jail S~ Tax. ~
"Pat Morehead is a T~i~an whose commentaries
focus on arti~olitics & Brad
Pitt’s derriere. These vi~_s are notnecessarily
those of Tulsa Family News.
At Tomfoolery, coming out is what we’re all about. We’re Tulsa’s. original gay" "........ ~:~!::
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March 21-April 20
You’reusually the assertive.type
and often known for having a
"me-first" attitude. But, this
month, you get sweet, sensitive,
and positively accomodating. A
great 6me to make deals of any
sort. People respond to your
caring ways, and you get what
you want in the process too.
April 20-May 21
You’ll be tempted to plant your
hooves this month and say,
"Enoughis enough;" though the
better approach would be to ask
politely for what you want, then
compromise to get your wish.
Focus on your work and your
healthnow; both can cause problems
if you ignore them.
May 2]-June 22
Relationships become an issue
and, though you’re interested in
intimacy, you’d rather be inti- .
mate with a different lover every
night of the week. Itmay be time
for old, restrictive obligations to
end. Think it over before you
drop the axe, then do it as gently
as possible
June 22-July 23
Your home and the people in it
become a big deal in a wonderful
way. A good time to start a
home-based business, or to clear
the air and end old disputes with
family, lovers and roommates.
Things run so smoothly in your
nest, you’ll be tempted to curl up
and stay home as much as you
July 23-August 23
One more month of clearing up
old issues with family members
and the people who share your
home. The good news is that it’s
almost over, and you can get rid
of old unconscious habits and
childhood issues once and for
all. Bad news? Time to stop depending
financially on the people
you live with.
August 23-September 23
Time to use your famous planning
and organizational skills for
developing a long-term financial
strategy. You have plenty of
ideas and opportunities to build
a secure foundation for your
goals. Also a busy month of
work, so try not to overheat on
all the trivia. Use some of your
time for strategy too.
September 23-October 23
You’re tempted to spend a lot of
money on improving your appearance.
A little bit of glamour
is fine, but it is a better time to
throw those dollars at something
that hasmore potential for financial
return. Think of the old saying,
’Nometimes "you have to
spend money to make money."
This month, it’s true for you.
October 23-November 23
Another passionate month and,
if you’re not trying to seduce
anyone, it’s certain that someone
has their eyes on you. Old
emotional ties come back to the
surface. It may be hard to put a
past relationship out Of your
mind, but now is an excellent
time to release those ancient
memories and get on with your
Nov. 23-Dec. 22
You want instant gratification,
but you may have the opportunit),
to learn the virtue of patience
instead. Use your legendary
optinusm to keep your spirits
up instead of fretting over
delays. You can inspire everyone
in your circle by a live demonstration
of the power of positive
thinking. By month’s end,
you’ll get what you’re waiting
Dec. 22-January 21
Casual acquaintances ate ready,
willing and .able to help you
achieve a long-cherished goal.
Try to overcome your natural
tendency to think, "But what do
they wantfromme?" It’s no time
for suspicion. You’vebeen working
hard enough for long enough;
now it’s time to use your social
skills to push you over the top of
the mountain.
Jan. 21-February 20
You’re usually the most expert
team-player there is, butnow it’ s
time to hog the limelight yourself.
September brings a golden
opportunity to show your stuff
on the career front. It may seem
like there aren’t enough hours in
the day to fulfill all your obligations.
to, and make sure the boss no-
February 20-March 21
You’re ending a ten-year period
ofintellectual growth this month,
a time when you have gathered
the kind of important ideas that
will likely lead to a whole new
career. You may be tempted to
cram your "insights" down the
throats of everyone around you.
Use the time to figure out how to
put your ideas to practical use
J.D. Jamett
621-5597 Now serving Sunday breakfast, 7am-2pm
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50 Wall Street
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of Eureka Springs
Recommended by the New York Times
(501) 253-6807 5 Center Street
Closed ~tednesdar Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Maureen & Joyce
The Purple Iris Inn
RR 6, Box 339
Eureka Springs
Arkansas 72632
Jerry A. Wilson (so’q 253-7311
96 Kings Highway ¯ H~y. 62 W. ¯ Eureka Sprite, AR 72632
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Tulsa HEY NOW: my name is Steven.
I’m 31 y/o and I’m Ikg4 guy’s 18-50 for
fishing, swimming and camping. I enjoy
lee company of slightty aggressive men.
Oklahoma ATTENTION: I’m 6ft, 1901bs,
body builder type and very well built. I’m
Ikg4 men. call me =5448
Oklahoma City WE CAN WORK IT
OUT: I’m 27 y/o, 5’I 1, 2151bs. I like to
work out and spend time outdoors. If you
are 25-35, physically active and fit and
enjoy !ife, call me. =46634
Tulsa NO PRESSURE "Gene, 6’2, 175,
bre/bm, like the lake, movies, just being
with another guy, in a relaxed
atmosphere, like long walks and riding
bikes, just being with a good friend, if
you’re interested, give me a call. "=3390
WM BI, 34, bind/blue attr, very good
shape looking for a sh" BM, to have a
good time out in Tulsa. give me a call.
Tulsa DAVID, 19, 6’6, 275 bind/blue
looking to meet in the area, interested in
tats of things, give me a call. =6009
Henrietta ONE ON.ONE: Jack, GWM
42 5’10 220, looking for someone down
to earth, looking fora rel, like outdoors,
footbell, bbalt on 1V, Ikg for an avg.
down to eadh guy who wonts a one on
one- =6274
50, 5’8, 165, slim and trim, into BB, have
a solid body, ton, looking for a person in
the area, thaCs slim and him male under
50 for a f~iend, to go out with and see
where things go. Hope you can call!
Ardmore FOOT FAN: 25 Gay
native American, just on the twisted
side, into feet, if you share the same
interests, give me a call. llke to hear
from you! =6211
College shsdent, 5’8 15 bm/blue athl
build, ISO ! 8-30 for hot.times. =6360
Tulsa BI CUEIOUS: 27, 6’ 180,
bm/blugm, looking for guys 18-30 fit, bi
curious, kx:~king for same clean safe, good
times, give me a call. =6405
Metro Area COUNTRY BOY 6~2, 22,
215 bm/gm mustache looking for some
other buckaroos to meet and sere down~
Liffle Rock INTO EVERYTHING: John,
I’m 32 5’10, 220, like everything, give me
a call. =6419
Lowton NEW TO AREA: Todd, 6’,
bin/blue, new to area looking to meet
and visit with new people give me a call,
Westport BUILT 13/: 34, 5’8, 170, welt
built, TV, like lingerie, like for you tell me
what I Iook good in, dom or subm, I:ke
music, movies, animals, literature and
having a good ffme. =5721
Joplin/South West MAN IN MO: I’m 39
y/o, brn/gm, 5’10, 1651bs. I would like
to meet’some new people and get together
for some good times. =23955
James, 37 GWM 6’t 185 bind blue, Ikg
for hot guys, like to camp fish, anything
outdoors, boeing for a life male, give me
a call willing to relaca~e- =6761
OK LETS DO IT "Jeff, 31, 6’2 185, non
smoker, brn/blue, like movies, at home or
out, dancing, like to iob, outdoors,
swimming, skiing snowboarding, looking
for a fTiend to do things with, give me a
call." =3139
OK RED IN THE HEAD? "Hi, looking
for a parfner to hove a good time with,
24 native Amer., 190, looking for
someone in tee same area, prefer GWh~
with red hair, if you’d like to get together,
leave a message. "=3259
race not important, love to talk on the
phone!. =3445
"Jason, new to area, looking to make new
friends, 6’1 235, give men call, like to
get to know same people!, =3450
OK City HEU.O BOY’S "34 TS, looking
for a man, 29-39, hope to hear from you,
and hove a good day! "=4100
Shawnee Brace, 33 y/o bmfdu 6’3 215 like
intea~s )~u pleaseg~men call. =1438
Oklahoma City Mark, 27 y/o
pro~sional WM, well built 5’I 1 215
seeking same. =1464
Tulsa L~rry, hiv+ very healthy and
adive, seeking mature masculine male
chest hair & beard a major + we’ll be safe
but not boring. =37586
Oklahoma Cily 22 y/a Hispank male,
light smoker social drinker Ikg4 Asian or
Hispanic men 18-35 with slim, med.
builds. Adrian, light social drinker, smoker
22y/o 5’6. =47265
Tulsa SNUGGLS BUDDY: my name is
Fred, I’m 5’8, 2001bs and 48 y/o. I’m
Ikg4 someone to cuddle with. =47283
Oklahoma City ARE YOU SURE?: I’m
27 y/o, 5’11, 2151bs. I like to work out,
bike ride, fish and camp. I’m a
professional male Ikg4 the same. If you
are sure of yourself, call me. =1663
[ulso HEYGIR~:alhlefic attr. SWF eady
13ffs 5’41.t0 bs bm/brn Ikg4 open minded
~womenfor discreet hot fun. call me! =45795
Dallas/Ft. Worth LEZ TAU(: my name is
Usa, i’m tkg4 someone ~o have great phone.
fun wiifl: I ~e talking on Ihe phone. Im 42
y/o and hope you call me. =45492
BUTCH/FEM: i’m a 23 y/o female and I
like poet~, cycling and music. I’m Ikg4 a
frie~dshil~ and a poss; ~ationship. rm a lille
butch and a li~e ~/em. allsalls will be
returned. =47521
Dallas SPECIAL FRIENDS: I’m a single
,w.~a.n wile no kids Ikg~, a special female
kiend to love and care for. call me. =1614
Arkadelphia, AR STAR GAZE~ my name
is Angela, I’m a 21 y/o s’~dent interested io
~/in,g,~lflings, s~ar gazing and more. I
~vould like ta meet a nice woman for fun and
Western OVER THE WIRE: my name is fr.ie~dship, call me! =46392 ~
Jason. I like to tolk with hot guy’s on the
phone. =46811
Oklahoma AAAAAAHHH: 40 y/o bi
WM Ikg4 bi married guys. call me, kick
back and enjoy. =2489
Tulsa GOING BI WAY?." I’m a mid 30’s
bi curious married WM. I’m Ikg4 a bi or
marriedWM to give me a taste of the
other side. discretion is a must. =2725
How To Do It Count the number of words. STEVIE NICKS HELP WANTED: First 30 words are $I0. Each
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Do you like the music of
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McKennitt, & Sarah McLachlan;
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Northeastern Oklahoma for the
better.GreenCo.untry Pride,next
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 9,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/501.