[1995] Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 10


[1995] Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 10


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neil


September 15-October 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Shelly Roberts
JD Jamett


Tom Neil/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 9


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Memorial Quilt on October 13-15 at the Tulsa Fairgrounds
Expo Square Pavilion. For schedule, see p. 9.
Gay Tulsa "Yellow Pages"
Tulsa activists and entrepeneurs, Kharma Amos and
Debi Harding have formed Pride Publishing and have
launched Gay Tulsa, A Guide to Businesses Serving the
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &Transgendered Community of
Tulsa and surrounding area. The Guide will be free,
distributed in Tulsa clubs, other businesses, churches and
non-profit organizations. Amos & Harding will publish
tbe premiere edition of Gay Tulsa in October with an
initial run of about 2500 copies.
Amos added that Gay Tulsa will provide space for
Tulsa not-for-profit organizations to describe briefly
the,ir programs. She also noted that thus far non-Gay
businesses had been more enthusiastic about advertising
than some Lesbian and Gay ones. For more information
about Gay Tulsa, contact Pride Publishing at 9727 E. 1 lth
St. Ste. 128, Tulsa, OK 74128, or phone/fax to 838-2121
or e-mail to OKPridePub@aol.com.
ACLU-Oklahoma Seeks,to
Abolish OK "Sodomy" Law
On August 24, attorneys for the American Civil Liberties
Union of Oklahoma (ACLU-OK) presented arguments
that challenge Oklahoma’s "crimes against nature"
statute to the Oklahoma Courts of Criminal Appeals,
Oklahoma’s highest court for criminal law issues.
The case was an appeal of a guilty conviction of an
Oklahoma City man arrested by an undercover Oklahoma
City police man for describing his sexual predilections
at the policeman’s urgings. Michael Camfield,
develoment director for the ACLU-OK noted that although
the citizen was charged with a misdemeanor:
offering to engage in a lewd or lascivious act, the citizen
actually did not offer to engage but merely described
what he likes. Camfidd added that the OKC officer
presented himselfas aGay man, making references to the
See ACLU, page 11
Gay Volunteer Accepted in
Leadership Tulsa Program
TULSA, OK - For a number of years Leaderslfip Tulsa
has provided training for individuals interested in contributing
to Tulsa by serving on boards of not-for-profit
organizations. Individuals are selected competitively for
the costly program ($1200) and usually represent many
of the best and brightest in Tulsa business and professions.
In this year’s class~ for perhaps the first time, an
ope~lly Gay man, Steve Eberle, was chosen.
Eberle, a longtime volunteer with considerable experience
on the boards of a number of organizations, had had
the impression that Leadership Tulsa was primarily for
individuals without much experience - unlike himself.
But he was persuaded by Iris friend, Penny Painter (executive
director of Resonance) to apply and has found
that the program while great training for the inexperienced,
can take an experienced board volunteer to a
higher level. He adds that it’s broadened his exposure to
individuals and organizations across the city.
See Eberle, page 3
National News & More
Pres. Candidate Bob Dole
Rebuffs Gay Republicans
CINCINNATI ~ In an effort to find.~’common ground,"
the gays and lesbians of the Log Cabin Republicans
began their 6th national convention in Cincinnati, the
object of calls for a national boycott by many rights
activists because of the city’s passage of an anti=gay
ballot me asure in 1993. Instead, the gay GOPers got a
sharp rebuff from leading Republican presidential contender,
Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas.
In announcing the location of this year’s convention,
Abner Mason, president of the Log Cabin Federation,
said, "We are looking for common ground. A boycott is
not going to accomplish what gay activists are looking for
- greater awareness of gay individuals in America." But
as the convention opened on Friday, Aug. 25, Sen. Dole’s
presidential campaign office announced that it was returning
a $1,~contribution from the Log Cabin Republicans.
A spokesperson from Dole’s presidential campaign
said it was the GOP senator’s policy not to accept money
"from political groups that have an agenda that is not in
line with Senator Dole’s position on the issues." Rich
Tafel, executive director of the gay Republican organization,
said the group was "extremely disappointed" by the
Dole~ampaigu move. See relaied sto-ri-es: Dole, ]~. 12
Congressional Hearings
on ’Gay Agenda’ Delayed
.WASHINGTON-Aplan to conduct congressional hearlngs
on Sept. 12 on homosexuality in public education
has been at least delayed after rights activists called the
secretive way the hearings were scheduled a "sideshow
for right:Wing lobbyists:
A House Economic & Educational Operations subconmfittee
had quietly slated the hearings which will now
be delayed until sometime between the end of September
and the Thanksgiving recess. The hearings had been set
up at the request of Lou Sheldon, head of the anti-gay
Traditional Values Coalition of Anaheim, California to
hear testimony from educators, parents and students who
were concerned that the nation’s public schools were
"promoting homosexuality" among students in sex education
classes, counseling and other school activities.
"We are convinced that there is a clear a_~enda that the
See Sheldon, page 10
October 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 10
The Rev. Elder Troy Perry, founder of the Universal
FellowshipofMetropolitan Community Churches (MCC),
willpreach and ordain the Rev. Nancy Horvath at 11am,
Sunday. At 6pm, Pastor Horvath will be installed formally
as pastor ofFamily ofFaith MCC, 54th & Mingo.
Tulsa AIDS Walk ’95
HRCF’s Eiiz. Birch Speaks i Targets Native Americans
To Christian Coalition A new program, called the Tulsa Native American
Tulsans will kick off AIDS Awareness month with
Walk This Way, AIDS Walk Tulsa ’95 on Saturday,
September 30. Registration will begin at 9ana and the
Walk will step off at 10am from Boulder Park between
18th Street and 21st Street at Boulder. The walk will
follow the Riverparks path to cross the Pedestrian Bridge
and go along the west bank ofthe Arkansas River to retlma
to Boulder Park over the 21st Street bridge. Walk This
Way will benefit VNA - Visiting Nurse Association,
TOHR Testing Clinic, MTSAS - Metropolitan Tulsa
Substance Abuse Services, Inc. IndianHealth Care, IAM,
Rainbow Village, HIV Resource Consortium, Hospice of
Green Cotmtry, SJR, RAIN - Regional AIDS Interfaith
Network, Ahalaya and MAC.
For more info., call 587-7222.
CommUnity of Hope to
Celebrate & Bless Building
After weeks ofworkin gutting and remodeling donated
by members and friends and with donation of equipment
and supplies, the Reverend Leslie Penrose and members
of United Methodist Community of Hope, a Shalom Base
Conm~tmity, will hold a service at 6pro on Sunday,
September 17 to bless its new and larger facility at 1703
East 2nd Street. All are welcome. For more information,
call 585-1800.
AIDS Prevention Project
: MCC-Tulsa Pastor Resigns
TULSA, OK - The Reverend Alice Jones, longtime
pastor of the Metropolitan Cormnunity Church of Greater
Tulsa, announced her resignation from the pulpit in the
middle of August. Speaking to Tulsa Family News,
Pastor Jones said that she felt God was calling her
UnderJones leadership, MCC-GreaterTulsapurchased
and paid offits mortgage for its building using innovative
financing techniques which Pastor Jones notes have been
widely imitated in the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches.
Church sources indicate that Pastor Jones is providing
interim pastoral services while the congregation begins
its search for new spiritual leader. This process is expected
to take several months.
LONDON-The British Defense Ministry has announced
that it will begin reviewing the possibility of ending the
ban on gays and lesbians serving in the country’s armed
forces. The mimstry amlounced that all aspects of the
military’s policy on homosexuals will be examined,
including how the armed forces in other nations treat gays
and lesbians. The ministry panel reviewing the issue will
then hand its report and recommendations to the Defense
Select Committee in 1996. See Brits, page 10
UK to Review Military Ban
Washington- Some members of Pat Robertson’s Christian
Coalition today joined with progressive clergy and
other supporters of lesbian and gay equal rights to hear a
speech by Human Rights Campaign Fund Executive
Director Elizabeth Birch during the group’s amlual"Road
to Victory" conference at die Washington Hilton. More
than 300 people crowded into a ballroom tohear the head
of the largest national lesbian mid gay orgamzation deliver
an address in the form of an "open letter" to Christian
Coalition members. The speech was held next to a
Gramm for President luncheon, and just down the hall
from die conference’s main ballroom where most of the
1996 GOP presidential hopefuls were addressing the
two-day gathering. See HRCF. page 10
o AIDS Prevention Project (TNAAPP) has begun to provide
education, testing support groups and other services
to men who self-identify as Native American. The program
will use materials developed at San Francisco’s
° American Indian AIDS Institute and also used by the
American Indian Commtmity House in New York. A
certificate of degree of Indian blood (CDIB) card is not
required for this program. For more info., call Brian
Jackson or Jason Shamblin at 584-4983.
<) 18-583 - 1248
POB 4!40
Tulsa. Oldahoma
Publisher~di{or ~ss~md on or before the }.Sth of each month the ei~ire contents of
Tom Nea.~ tins publication are protecied by US copyright 1995 b} Tulr, a Family
Assistant Edito: News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the pubhsner. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate tha~ person’s sexual onentaho;,
Kharma Amos Correspondence is assumedto be for publication unless otherwise
Laurie Cooper noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family
Shelly Roberts News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. ]U.ach
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one iree copy of each edihon at distribution
JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available at Tomfoolery
bv Shelly Roberts
I1 was something in her eves
Or rather it was sometfiing
that wasn" t in the eyes anymore.
Terror Fury. Tears
For five decades, shehad beet~
speaking her story. So perhap<
the healing in tt~e telling had
surgically separated emouon
from her side of the podium
had not. however lessened her
A Polish Nazi pnson camp
surv~vor she had come to teach
us. Expecting tl~e worsL most
us learned more. The devil was
in these details in a far more
forceful way thm~ any book. or
movie or docu-footage, wtrich
conid never qtfite bnng you close
,enough to absorb the realitieso
The "knowledge that to stand in
lhe front of the soupline.was to
risk a bowl of thin, warm water
as your nonnstunent. That the
oppos~m end offered both the
prolmse of the !ife-~vtng~ sparse
vegetables from the bottom, but
also nsk of the empty pot. That
survival- might hinge on
fronfliners and backliners combining
meager portions so that
all might continue. Horror after
horror. Detailed after detailed
I had come as a volmateer for
traimng to join the Survivors of
Shoatr"lthe Hebrew word for
Holocaust) Video ProJect, begun
by Steven Spielberg, to capture
the testimony of holocaust
surv i v ors. These depositions will
be diuitallv transformed ~nto a
multi-- tnedaa computer archive
available to scholars and
searchers worldwide I’ d. held a
mJcrop~aone beiore So I signed
on to learn the delicate disciphne
of penmss~vc, noi)-intrusl’v(: 117[-
terv~ewm,, that assists the
remamecs it) express their expe.
nenoa,~,: And it was impossible
s~t throu~l~ the lecture about
fateful clkonology ~dnotttfi~
of you
’:Hov. was ~t possible asked
Professor of History. Aia~
Berger iniris onentatioh prescri-
Ption ’Tor,amodem nation-state
to ~y out the svsmmauc murder
of a whole population, not
for any crone, but for the mere
crime of the condition of
i~ow ~at he Spe~s ofpeople
born Jewish, but I Nso~ow ~at
he. now more th~ ever, spe~s
of people born homosexuN who
were once ~e most despised of
the bu~ates. And who, even
now, without order or cogent
org~7~on, ~e ~e most vulnerable
to &e ex~emes of
Muds of s~pegoafism ~at Nstory
h~ shown ~ result from
foundering ~ono~es, ~d extre~
sts o~upylng power.
Professor Berger det~led a
nationN logbook that on~ did,
~d could on~ agmn, have your
n~e ~ved on it. He refers to
"Jews." I ask you to ~spose
"The Jews," he smd~ "were
In many ways, the writers,
editors and publisher of Tulsa
Family News have rather traditional
goals. We hope to emulate
the better newspapers of our
country, providing a mix of
news, entertainment, financial
advice, and opimon, etc. albeit
tailored to our communities:
Lesbian, Gay; .Bisexual and
And while we thank our advertisers
for their support and
the opportunity to promote their
businesses and organizations,
unlike some other publications,
advertising is the means, not the
end. For us, content is more than
just something to fill the space
between ads. Frankly, this ~s
more work. It takes more time
and greater skills to seek out the
stories that affect our lives, our
fanrilies and friends.
Chin of the specific goals of
TuL%~..?:amily News is to provide
a forum for discussion about is-
" sues andideas. Again this is fairly
traditional for a newspaper. For
Our ehallenCe to those
who dlsa~ree with our
positions is thls: ~et off
your baeksldes and partlelpate
in the dlalo~ue.
All it takes to ~et your
vlew read is to submit it
via letter, fax or e-mail. If
you care enough about
where we’re ~oln~, if you
care enough to eomplaln,
eare enough to educate
and persuade your peers.
example, The Tulsa Wormregularly
takes positions on issues
andreaders, agreeing or disagreeing,
write to share their views.
diabolized, demomzed Judged
less than human. In demonizauon,
the v~ctim is bmu shed from
your world, the vicUm is outside
theum verse of mor~ obligati.on.
If you flnnk thin ~meone ~s not
hffmgm, subhum~ ami-hum~.
a v~ms, a vermin, tnm~ you owe
~ha~ ttung, noflung h,.fact, it
VOUr duly lO ~L~:’
~terheadded t~a~ "theactof
being bom.lew~sh was ~1 ~t took
to be eligible for extentnaaon."
i-.or the firs~ ume i, Nstory,
O~rm itself was considered
crime pumshable by death. At
Dachau ~’ter the w~)rd "~cfime’" "
was written ~e word ’Jew."
(And, we ~ow.,"homosexuN.")
The good DoctorNso outlined
for us. o&er th~ fate. the Muds
of factors ~at nright well have
meant~edifferen~betw~n exten~
nauon,~dprotecuon, support
~d survivN:
"~e prew~ status of Jews
dete~ned &eir fate under Namsm.
Acculturation, strong MnsNp
~es. ~ono~c toler~ce,
goodinterperson~ relatiomhips
with non-Jews, N1 of &ese were
factors in dete~imng if you
~eD~es, who gave up none
of ~eir Jewish dfizem, sNd,"We
help~ &e Jews bemuse ~ey we
~ew them as our fellow
Now, I wonder how ~ere c~
be a single soul of us left who
still prefers to live in N&ug? I
see Shoah, page 3
" Tins is one of the ways in which
¯ a public dialogue and debate oc-
¯ curs in a commumty. This is
¯ particularly important in coin-
¯ munities such as ours - which is
¯¯ by its nature non-cohesive in its
This is not, however, what’s
been happening in LGBT Tulsa,
¯ unfortunately. We have a spec-
tacular lack of dialogue about
the challenges our communities
face~ This is a problem. Some
: have objected to the positions
] we’ve taken. That’s OK
¯ Our challenge to those who
¯ disagree with our positions is
¯ this: get off your backsides and
participate openly in the dia-
¯ logue. All it takes to get yo.ur
¯ view read is to submit it vm ¯
letter, fax or e-mail, ff you care
: enough about where we’re go-
¯ ing, if you care enough to com-
, plain, care enough to educate
¯ and persuade your peers.
Tulsa Clubs & Ftestaurama
*Bad Bovz Club, 1229 S. Memonai 835-5081~
*Concessions, 3340, S Peoria 744-0896
Ground Zero. :3 ! ! E. 7ffi, (~emng soon where ~is w~s. 585-5622
*[.ola’s 2630 E !Stb 749-1563
*Silver Star SNoon~ 1565 Shend~ 834-4234
*Renegaaes, 1~9 S. Mmn 585-3405
*TNT’s. 2114 S. Memov’d 6~-0856
*Time’n’Time Agmn, 1515 S Memorial 6~-8299
*Tool Box. 1338 E. 3rd 5~-1308
*Wild Nignts. 2~5 E. Ad~ral 582-43~)
Wild Fork~ !~ti~ Sq~e. 21 st & Utica 742 .O7!2
*Intemmm~ 7!7 >. Housto,~ ~85. >- ~.-.,
Tulsa Busines~s, Se~i~s, & Profess=ona~a
Assocmms in Med~ ~ ~cn~ H~th, ~56~ ~. 2 l ~4~-I000
*B;~ms ~ ~oN~ Booksdmrs. 86~0 E. 7~ Z~0-503~
Budge~ ~:mdow l’reatmenb. 7116 So Mlngo~ Ste I€)2 2,~-21.0(~
Creative Collectmn -152! };, {5 592- ~. 52;
Che~y St. ~ ’sychotherapy Assoc !.5 t5S Lew~s q8 I.-0902_ 7,43-41 t’7
q"m~ Dmfid, Mtorney 352-95(~ 80(~-742--9~g
*Devena ~ GNlery for Photo~aphy, 13 [:, Bradv 587-261
*~ite Books & Videos, 821 S. Shenomt 838-8503
Fidd~ty ~ome Heath C~e. me. Coweta ~6-1 !74
l~e M. Gross, Fm~oN Piing 7~-0! 9Z
*S~dra J Hill. MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skefi3 745-1lll
- *hnamnatmns. Lincoln Pi~,. 15th & P~:o~5:-~ 5~-.~06
International l’o~{rq
Kerfs Flowers, 1635 E. 15 5~.-8076
Kdly ~rby, CPA, POB l~! 1. 74159 747-~6
t~u~-G~ou, 2747 E. 15 742- !992
MRi~r AftNrs 587-8108
Massoud’s Jewlery, The F~n 5lst & Shendm~ 663-~84
*Midmwn Theater. 319 E, a 5~-31 t 2
*Mohawk Music, 6157 .E .gl PI 6~-2951
Pounds & Fr~cs, 1706 S Boston 587-8333
~ppy Pause II, l lth & ~n~o 838-7626
Roy~ Travd, 6927 S. C~ton 496-2410
*Ross ~w~d SNon, 1438 S. Boston 5~-0337
*Scnbner’s Bookstore, 1942 Ufi~ Squ~e 749-6301
Southwest Vi.afi~, 41~ S. H~d, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*To~oolery Gifts & C~ds, at F~ly of F~th MCC 583-12~
Westcopa SMon, ~nmln Plea 583-1500
Tulsa OrO~ni~ation~, ~hureho~, &
*Bless ~e ~rd At All Times C~sfi~ Cg, 2627B E. 11 6~-0594
B/UG Alli~ce, Umve{sity of Tulsa 583-9780
*C~mrb~y Mims~y Cenmr, Umversity of Tulsa ~3-9780
*Chapm~ Student Center, Umversity of Tulsa
*Co~umty of Hope, 1347 N. Y~e 838-7232
~ty/~tegfity 2~-~
*F~ly of FNth MCC. ~51-E So. Mingo 622-1~1
Friend For A Friend, POB 523~, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity, POB 8~2, 74101 425-4905
ln~ H~th C~e, Save ~e Nation 5~-4983
~teffNth AIDS Mims~es 438-243% 800-2~-2437
*MCC of Grater Tdsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Reso~ Consortia, 41~ S. H~v~d, Sm H-I 749-4194
NAM~ PROJECT. 41~ S. H~v~d Ste. H-1 7~4111
-P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
R.A.I.N., ReNonN AIDS ~teffNth Network 749-4195
R~nbow Business Guild 2~-2100
R~nbow Village, POB 5~3, 74150-~3 599-~23
Sh~fi Hothne 749-78~
T~saON~om~sforH~~ghts, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HdpLine (~o.) 743-42W
Tool Box T~ci~s, 1338 E. 3rd 5~-1308
T.U.L.S.A. T~sa UNfo~/~a~er Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City HN1, C~etefia Vestibule, Gro~d >]oor
*Umversi~ Center at TNsa
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
*King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*Purple Iris Inn, Route 6, Box 339
*Southern Rose Bed & Breakfast, 9 Benton
*The Woods, 50 Wall St.
*The Diner, 2124 NW 39th
*Jungle Red, The Habana Inn
*Oasis Community Center, 2135 NW 39th
*Triangle Association, 2136 NW 39th
For those who wouldlike to receive discreeth~me delivery of Tulsa
Family News, please send 5 ~5 for a 12 months, 58 for 6 months.
wonder how she or he, knowing the rising
tide of current extreme religionists working
toward government domination, can
think that the pulled curtain is preferable
or even viable? Who doesn’t fathom that
to declare yourselfin the normal course of
your business or industry, without fanfare
orundueattention, and to work toward the
normalizationand legalizationofourlives,
creates a familiar safety that can never be
achieved in hiding. That it works directly
tO deflect the danger that could someday
again require our having to secret ourselves,
not in closets, but in holes under
floorboards or in cellars.
We say, frequently, in the Out Community,
thatno one can hate you if they know
you. The Jews say, "Never again." So
should we.
Let’s not be left out of history again.
If you are a Jewish gay or lesbian holocaust
survivor, and voti understand the
benefit of having your experience on
record, please contact the Shoah Foundation
at 1-800/661-2092 or 818/777-7802.
If you are a non-Jewish gay or lesbian
survivor, or know someone who wishes
she or he had a place to leave a record of
what happened, please contact the foundation
as well and strongly request that
your voice be added to the documenta-
Shelly Roberts is a nationally syndicated
columnist, speaker, and author of
TheDyke Detector, andHey, Mom, Guess
What! Paradigm Publishing.
Eberle notes that he knows of Gay men
who have been part of Leadership Tulsain
the past (and that he suspects a number of
women in this year’s class are Lesbians),
but he believes that they did not apply
openly. In contrast, he applied as an openly
Gay man as well as an HIV+ individtml.
He feels that Leadership Tulsa really was
seeking diversity in this class which is
also notable for its racial and ethnic diversity
as well as its gender balance.
At a retreat held recently, the conversations
were dominated by discussions about
¯ children, and Eberle was concerned about
how coming out as both Gay and HIV+
would be received. To his surprise, he
found acceptance from the members of
his sub-group, and later, a women came
out to him as the mother of a Gay son.
As is typical ofLeadership Tulsa, Eberle
was assigned to a board, both to learn
from them and to provide them with the
benefit of his experience, lie will be as-
¯ sisting the South Peoria Neighborhood
Association When asked, he noted that
Leaderstiip Tulsa does not send volunteers
to any non-profit orgamzation that
directly serves the Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans.
communities. The only organization with
historical ties to the Gay communiues is
the HIV Resource Consortium.
For more information, call Leadership
Tulsa at 582-1296.
On behalf of the AIDS Wa k Tulsa ’95 and the beneficiary agencies, thank you!
1. Collect contributions in advance of th e Walk. This saves you time. saves expenses
associated with collecting money after the Walk and allows for the proceeds to be distributed
more quickly.
2. Please make checks payable Io AIDS Walk Tulsa ’95-PFLAG: The canceled check will be the
sponsor’S receipt.
¯ Ahalaya
¯ HIV Resource Consortium
¯ Hospice o¢ Green Country
¯ Indian Health Care
¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministrie~ "
, Metropolitan Tulsa Substance
Abuse Services
Address and Phone Total
l]onorary Chair "
AIDS.Walk Tulsa ’95
-.Saturday, September 30, 1995
Boulder Park
18th & Boulder
Tulsa, Oklahoma
¯ Multicultural AIDS Coalition
9:00 a.~. Check in and turn in ¯ ¯ Rainbow Village
¯ Regional AIDS Interfaith
¯ St. Joseph Residence
¯ TOHR Testing Clinic
¯ Visiting Nurse Association
Pledges of Support
9:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies
10:00 a.m. Step Off
1:00 p.m. Jaycees Battle of the Bands
For more information, to obtain extra brochures or lo mail in pledges, please contacl:
AIDS Walk ’95. (918) 587-7222, P. O. Box 1071, Tulsa, OK 74101-1071
AIDS Walk Tulsa ’95
Walk This Way
City state
Sponsor: am unable to attend the
AIDS Walk Tulsa ’95. Please a0cept
my pledge in the amount of :
would like lo volunteerl
Enclosed is my check for
I would like to order T-shirts @
$10.00 each.
Size: __ L, __ XL. XXL.
Waiver: I, the undersigned, agree to indemnify end hold
harmless all parties affiliated wfth AIDS Walk Tulsa ’eJS.
Walk This Way from all cost. expense and liability adsing
out of my or my child’s padicipation in this event. I hereby
waive all claims for damage ,or. loss: t9 my or my child’s
person which mev be caused by an act. or failure to act. by
the above said parties and affiliated persof~s arising.directly
or indirectly from my or my child’s participation In this event:
and I hereby assume liability for any toss, damage, or e~her
liability from such event. Important: Participants under the
age of .18 must have this form signed by a parent or
Participant’s Signature/Date:
Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature/Date
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs NeWs
NCOD Founder Dies
TF~qUQUE, N.M. - Psychologist
Robert H Eichberg, cofounderofNational
Coming Out
Day in 1988, has died of AIDSrelated
complications at age 50.
Eichberg also wrote Coming
Out: an Act of Love, which describes
how people reveal their
homosexuality. "His whole life’s
work was about bridging the gap
between gay and nongay communities,
allowing people to discover
who they are, and really
encouraging them to go out and
do something with that’knowledge,"
said Lynn Shepodd, president
of the Santa Fe Lesbian,
Gay, and Bi Pride Committee.
Eichbe,rg’s activism started 2
decades ago whenhe established
a political action committee for
gay and women’s rights in Los
Angeles. National Coming Out
Day is celebrated each year on
Oct. 11.
Lesbians at Conference
HUAIROU, China - At a news
conference at the NGO forum
going on parallel with the 4th
World UN Conference on
Women, lesbians attending as
NGOdelegates said they wanted
tomake contact with other lesbians
in China and throughout
Asia. Arjana Suvamananda, a
lesbian from Thailand, said she
and other members of the Asian
Lesbian Network were eager to
contact lesbians all over ASia.
"It would not be wise to be specific
if there are Chinese lesbian
activists here in the forum. I can
tell you, lesbians are everywhere,
including in China,’"
Suvamananda said.
"’The reason we are networking
with Chinese lesbians is to
be able to share information and
.strengthen the Chinese lesbian
movementhere, which onits own
will be able to make more and
more lesbians come out in fighting
for their rights," Palecia
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¯ Beverly Diski of the Gay Les-
" bian Organization of
¯ Witwatersrand in South Africa,
¯ said.
Anti-Gay Violence in
Washington Schools
SEATTLE - Among some 27
¯ anti-gay incidents in Washington
state schools during the past
5 years, 8 boys and gifts reported
! that they had been gang raped by
¯ fellow schoolmates in a survey
¯ prepared by the Safe Schools
¯ Two girls, ages 13 and 14,
¯ reported they had been forced to
have. sex with each other under
football bleachers and had then
¯ been raped by each of the boys.
In some of the assaults, the sin-
¯ dents reported they had been uri-
¯ nated on or vomited on by their
¯ attackers. Three of the anti-gay
incidents reportedly took place
¯ inelementary schools inthe state.
.. State schools superintendent
¯ Judith Billings said she would
r~ ~ew the coalltton s findings.
¯ No Gay Godparent in OK
LONDON - Simon Lawley, a
¯ 39-year-old man who was told
¯ he could, not be his nephew’s
: godfather because he is gay, has
called on the Archbishop ofCan-
¯ terbury to make a ruling on the
¯ issue that has outraged gays and
church activists in England,
¯ Lawley wrote to The Rev. Dr.
¯ George Carey about the treat-
. ment ofhis family and himself at
¯ St Peter’s Church in
: Famborough, west of London.
¯ Church of England guidelines
¯ on godparents stipulate only that ¯
they must be Christians.
: Lawley was asked by his sis-
" ter, Lizzie Toms, if he would be
¯ a godparent to her son Freddie
who was born in January. She
¯ asked the Rev. Beryl Phillips,
¯ one of St. Peter’s curates, about ¯
it but was told her gay brother
¯ was not be an acceptable godfa-
¯ ther. St. Peter’s officials stood
¯ behind their exclusion ofLawley,
¯ saying, "This church proclaims
thatGodloves all people but that
¯ he also sets boundaries on our
¯ behavior. The Church is always
being clobbered for not taking a
¯ moral stand. Now we are mak-
¯ ing our policy clear and being
¯ clobbered anyway."
$25 Million Suit Filed in
¯ ’Jenny Jones’ Killing
¯ SOUTHFIELD, Mich. - The
¯ family of Scott Amedure,.who
was killed after appearing on the
¯ TV talk program "The Jenny
: J,ones, Show," have filed a $25
million lawsuit against the §yndieated
show...AnAgx!ttre was,one
: of several guest~~vho told other
¯ guests on the show that they had
secret crushes on them, but in
: Amedure’s case, the object of
¯ his crush was Jonathan Schmitz,
¯ who said he was heterosexual.
Schmitzis currently being held
on charges of killing Amedure,
and claims he was led to believe
the person with a secret crush on
him was a woman, not a mail.
Geoffrey Fieger, the lawyer representing
Amedure’s family,
¯ said, "Jenny Jones is as negli-
: gent as Schmitz in creating the
¯ scenario in which Scott was
¯ gulmed down." The suit claims,
¯ among other things, that
¯ Amedure and other guests were
¯ given alcohol before the pro-
" gram to lower their inhibitions.
¯ School Board Bans
¯ Discussion of Gay Issues ¯
MERRIMACK, N.H. - Led by
new.ly-elected far-right conser-
¯ vataves, the Merrimack school
~ board has narrowly approved by
¯ a3-2 vote a proposal that would
¯ prohibit teachers and counselors
: from discussing homosexuality
in a neutral light. The ban would
¯ prohibit any neutral discussion
¯ of homosexuality in the schools,
¯ bar instructional materials that
¯ discuss homosexuality from a ¯
neutral viewpoint, and prohibit
." suicidepreyentioncounseling (or
: even referrals to counseling) for
gay and lesbian students.
: Austrian Cardinal Quits
: Accused of Molestation
¯ VIENNA - Austria’s Roman
¯ Catholicprimate, Cardinal Hans
Hermann Groer, has announced
¯ that he will step down from his
¯ post in September. Groer’s re-
" tirementcomes amidperhaps the
¯ greatest Crisis the church in the
¯ F’~dominately Catholic country
¯ has ever faced. Groer has re-
. fused to comment at all about
¯ accusations madeearlier this year
¯ that he had sex with a male stu-
¯ dent at a boarding school some ¯
20 years ago.
Josef Hartmann, who is now
¯" 37, said he had gone public with
¯ the accusations after Cardinal
Groer said that men who abuse
¯ young boys could never enter
¯ heaven. Groer remained silent
¯ on the charges, and since then ¯
rights activists have also named
¯ several other leading Catholic
¯ clergy in the country whom they
¯ say are closeted homosexuals.
Life Given NE Killing
OMAHA, Neb. Marvin Nissen,
who admitted killing Teena
Brandon -.a woman who had
posed as a man - along with 2 of
her friends, has been sentenced
to life in prison. Officials said
Nissen, 22, and John Lotter, 24,
raped Brandon afterlearning that
she was a woman, then stabbed
her to death to keep her quite
about the rape.
They said Nissen and Lotter
also killed Lisa Lambert, 24,and
Philip DeVine, 22, in rural
Humboldt, Neb., because they
were with Brandon at the time.
Lotter has already been found
guilty of 1 st degree murder in all
three killings and faces possibly
a death sentence.
Lesbian Trapeze
EDINBURGH, Scotland - The
Edinburgh International Fringe
Festival, which bills itself as the
largest arts festival in the world,.
has a reputation for outlandish
acts among its 14,000 performances
by groups from 700
troupes from 32 countries.
But among the groups - that
includes Alien Sex, Ian Coguito,
Jeffrey Dahmer Is Unwell, and
Strange Fruit Stageworks - the
performers causing the greatest
stir seem to be the Club Swing-
Appetite, alesbian trapeze troupe
from Australia. Club Swing-
Appetitewas given the festival’s
"’Moira" award - named after
arch-conservative Edinburgh
councilor Moira Knox - who
called the lesbian circus act a
"dirty-minded disgrace." The
trapeze-flying lesbians immediately
included Knox’s remarks
in their advertising fliers and
have been drawing record
crowds to watch the act that they
describe as "a feast of food, sex
and orgasmic trapeze."
Hawaii Bias Commission
HONOLULU - Hawaii Gov.
Ben Cayetano has named the
commissioners who will study
sexual orientationdiscrimination
resultingfrom same-sex couples
not being permitted to legally
marry in the state. The panel will
make recommendations on legislation
next year to overcome
the bias against same-sex
couples, although most rights
activists in the state insist the
solution is for the state to simply
allow gays andlesbians to marry.
The comlmss~oners are: Tom
Gill, former Lt. Governor and
Congressman; K. Gomes,
¯ American Friends Service Com-
. mittee (Quakers); R. Stauffer,
¯ AFSC; M. Britt, Hawaii State.
Teachers Assn.; N. Kreidman,
¯ anti-violence activist; J.
Hochberg, attorney with the antigay
Rutherford Foundation;
¯ Marie Sheldon, attorney.
¯ Internarl Conference of
Gay Police Officers
: PALM SPRINGS, Calif. - The
¯ first Law Enforcement Gays &
Lesbians International conference
gotunderway in this South-
" ern California resort city, drawing
several hundred police officers
from more than 100 different
¯ departments in 26 states and 6
countries. The conference was
cosponsoredby the Los Angeles
: Police Department with the
Golden State Peace Officers
: Assn., a California-based group
of gay and lesbian officers.
¯ Among the public officials at-
. tending a reception opening the
conference were California. Lt.
¯ Gov. Gray Davis, LAPD Chief
Willie Williams, Los Angeles
Deputy MayorMike Keeley, and
¯ L.A. Police Commissioner Art
¯ Mattox.
¯ Group Hopesto Increase
¯ Visibility of Straights
¯ WASHINGTON - A new orga-
¯ nization, called And Justice for
¯ All, has been formed in the
nation’s capital to increase the
¯ visibility of straights in the gay
¯ rights movement. Jonathan
¯ Zucker, the organization’s ex-
¯ ecutive director, said he hopes
the group will be able to bring
news. ofimportantdevelopments
in the progress of the gay rights
¯ movement to non-gays.
"’A lot of useful information is
¯ produced every day by lesbian, ¯
gay, bisexual, and transgender
¯ rights organizations," Zucker
¯ said. "Unfortunately, much of
¯ this information never reaches ¯
¯ heterosexuals who would use it. AndJusticeforAll will focus on
¯ getting therein theloop and giv¯
ing them the tools they need to
support this movement." The
¯ groups can be contacted at: And
Justice for All, PO Box 53079,
¯ Washington, DC 20009; by ¯
phone at (202) 298-9362; or at
: Jst4All@AOL.com.
British Activists
¯ Protest Islamic Group
¯ LONDON-Brid sh rights activ-
¯ ists with the group OutRage dis-
¯ rupted a rally by Hizb ut Tahrir,
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an Islamic fundamentalist orga- :I "does not condone nor tolerate memberdenomination’s Church " has played gay or lesbian char- . receive the death benefits of his
nization that advocates the kill- ¯ discrimination based on race, Council has n,%w deeided~,to just " acters, are among the actors who ¯ long-time companion, a deing
of homosexuals and Jews
Sunday, Aug. 13, at London’s
Trafalgar Square. Twenty gay
men and lesbians were taken
away by police as they protested
the Islamic rally and disrupted
speakers from. the group. John
Jackson of OutRage said, "Our
protest was lesbian and gay selfdefense
against Islamic fundamentalists
who endorse the killmg
by Iran of an estimated 4,000
homosexuals since 1980, and
who threaten and intimidate gay
students on college campuses in
Italian Protest Called
Over Verona Action
VERONA, Italy - Verona may
have been the Setting for
Shakespeare’s"star-crossed lovers"
Romeo and Juliet, but the
city councilors have given a cold
shoulder to gay and lesbian lovers.
The Verona City Council, at
the promptings of the right wing
and of conservative Catholic
leaders .has approved a resolution
rejecting a European Parliament
statement opposing discrimination
against homosexuals.
The anti-gay resolution
adopted by the Verona council
states in part: "’Apart from indi-
"vidual moral and religious beliefs,
homosexuality contradicts
Natural Law itself. The application
ofthe above mentioned [European
Parliament] resolution,
among other things, would have
a negative effect upon the psychological
development of
young people who, in such promiscnous
heterosexual and homosexual
families, would see the
falling of one of the basic foundations
of the family,.that is: the
stable union of a man and a
The Verona resolution has no
legal impact, but it has become
the locus of Italian activists who
have called for a demonstration
against the Verona City Council
on Sept. 30 by activists and gay
aud lesbian travelers throughout
the country.
Veterans Affairs Dept.
Bars Anti-Gay Bias
Dept. of Veterans Affairs has
issued a policy statement prohibiting
discrimination based on
sexual orientation within the
agency. The Veterans Affairs
policy states that the department
color, national origin, sex, reli-
¯ gion, age, disability, or sexual
orientation in any of its person-
." nel policies, practices, and operations
¯ Episcopal Bishop to be
: Tried forGay Ordination
¯ NEW YORK - In a highly un-
¯¯ usual move, the Episcopal
Church in America has an-
nounced that retired Bishop
¯ Walter Righter of Iowa will face
¯ a trial by 9 bishops on ecclesias- ¯
tical charges that he ordained an
openly gay man in 1990. Righter
¯ ordained Barry Stopfel as an
¯ Episcopal deacon while Righter
¯ was servingas anassistantbishop
¯ in New Jersey. Stopfel was later
¯ ordained as a priest by Newark ¯
BishopShelby Spong.Inspiteof
attempts by Episcopal Church
¯ leaders to avoid a church trial,
¯ several conservativebishops got ¯
the required approval of 75 of
the church’s 2_97 bishops to force
¯ Righter to stand trial. Righter,
¯ who currently lives in New ¯
Hampshire, called the move
Dutch Gov’t
¯ Subsidizing Gay Games
¯ AMSTERDAM-TheDutchgay
¯ newspaper, De Gay Krant, re-
" ports that the country’s Ministry
of Health, Welfare & Sport has
announced a grant of $62,500 to
the Gay’Games slated to be held
¯ ~n Amsterdam in 1998. The
¯ Dutch governmentregularlysubsidizes
organizers who Work to
¯ bring!arge-scale sporting events
¯ to the country.
¯ A ministry spokesperson said
the governmenthopes that"more
than before, attention will be
¯ given to sport for homosexuals,
¯ whichintumwill promote sport-
¯ ~ngpardcipationin general."The
¯ paper quoted Marc Janssens, an
¯ organizer with the Gay Games
¯ in Amsterdam, as saying the
group hcped to raise some
$625,000 to mount to interna-
¯ tional sporting competition.
Lutherans Tired of Sex
¯ MINNEAPOLIS - After years ¯
of emotional, and often divisive
debate, tlieEvangelicalLutheran
¯ Church in America has decided
¯ to indefinitely postpone work on
¯ a policy statement on sexuality
¯ because of its inability to reach
¯ any consensus on qnestions such
¯ as the ordination of gays and ¯
lesbians or the blessing of samesex
mamages. The 5.2-million
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put off any statement on sexuality
in 1997 because of"substantive
differences" within the
church. The council said many
members of the churchwere simply
"tired of the issue" which its
members have wrangled withfor
several years without resolution.
Michigan Gay Resort
Nixes Rights Protections
SAUGATUCK, Mich. - The
town council of the tiny Lake
Michigan resort commumty of
Saugatuck, southwest of Grand
Rapids, has unanimously rejected
ameasure thatwouldhave
barred discrimination based on
sexual orientation.
The refusal to adopt the local
legislation incensed many activists
because the lakefront town
of just under 2,000 people is a
popular resort with gays and lesbians.
The issue arose after an
innkeeper in nearby Douglas,
Mich., across the Kalamazoo
River from Sangatuck, refused
to rent a room to 2 gay men. The
town council in Douglas then
promptly adopted an anti-bias
measure by 7-0, and raised the
issue in nearby Sangatuck.
’Celluloid Closet’
Ready for Premiere
SAN FRANCISCO -"The Celluloid
Closet," the star-studded
and long-awaited documentary
by San Francisco film makers
Rob Epstein and Jeffrey
Friedman, will have its world
premiere September 6 at the
Venice Film Festival, followed
by North American showings at
the Toronto International Film
Festival and the New York Film
"The Celluloid Closet" was
produced by HBO and is expected
to have a theatrical release
in addition to its cable airing,
Friedman said from Massachusetts,
where he and Epstein
are vacationing. ~The film also
has been "unofficially invited"
to the Sundance Film Festival
next January, he added.
Based on a 1981 book by the
late film historian, writer and
.media acdvist Vito Russo, "The
Celluloid Closet" illustrates the
history of gay imagery in Hollywood
films, and features clips
from more than 100 Hollywood
movies.-Tom Hanks, Whoopi
Goldberg, Susan Sarandon,Tony
Curtis, Farley Granger and
Shirley MacLalne, each ofwhom
¯ appearinfilmedinterviews. The
¯ film is narrated by Lily Tomlin
using a script aut bored by
¯ Armistead Maupin.
NEA Gives $20,000 to
¯ ’96 AIDS Quilt Display
WASHINGTON - The federal
¯ NadonalEndowmentfortheArts
¯ has given $20,000 to the San
Francisco-based NAMES
Project in support of an October
¯ 1996 display of the AIDS Me¯
morial Quilt in the nation’s capi~
tal. Anthony Turuey, executive
¯ director of the NAMES Project,
¯ said the display is timed to "re-
-’- cus the eyes of our leaders and
American citizens" on theAIDS
¯ epidemic during the 1996 decdon.
The display will be the first
time in 4 years the 45,000-panel,
.60-ton. quilt will be on display in
¯ ~ts entirety.
¯ Kentucky Beer Boycott
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Accord-
¯ ing to a report in The Letter, a
Kentucky lesbian and gay paper,
¯ 9 local gay bars and restaurants
¯ have begun a boycott of several
popular beers because of what
activists.there called the "right
¯ wing activities"ofDonna Shedd,
¯ whose husband David ~s presi-
¯ dent of River City Distributing
River City Distributing was
targeted for the boycott because
of Mrs. Shedd’s involvement in
Kentucky’s Eagle Forum, the
¯ and-gaygroupheadedbyPhyllis
Schlafly. Activists also noted that
Mrs. Shedd served on the state
Republican Party’s executive
¯ committee when last year it
unanimously passed aresolution
in favor of recriminilizing homosexuality
in Kentucky. In addition
to the popular bars and
restaurants involved in the protest,
die boycott is also being
supported by Kentucky’s Fairness
Campaign, the Pro-Choice
Coalition, the Metropolitan
Commtmity Churchand the Louisville
chapter of Parents-Friends
of Lesbians andGays (P-FLAG).
." Organizers say the boycottcould
cost the distribution company as
nmch as S15,000 per week in
lost sales.
Israel Refuses
Partner’s Death Benefits
JERUSALEM -The Israeli Ministry
of Justice has announced
¯ that anational court has rejected
the claim of Adir Steiner, 29,
who had petitioned the courts to
¯ ceased army colonel, after the
: Defense Ministry refused to extend
the benefits to him. The
court ruling, quoted by the min¯
istry, said that Steiner and Col.
Doron Maisel, who died of cancer
in 1991 while in the Israeli
army, did "not constitute a
nuclear family" and that Steiner
¯ was lherefore ineligible for
Maisel’s death benefits. The 2
menhadbeen partners for8 years
before Maisel died.
: Shocking Gray Closes
_. SAN ANTONIO, Texas - According
to the Columbia, S.C.,
: gay newsmagazine In Unison,
; the Texas-basedmail-order firm
Shocking Gray has shut down
and intends to go into bank-
; ruptcy. In Unison quoted Ed
Rhuebart, a New York buyer for
the mall-order catalog finn, who
said Shocking Gray had laid off
its workers, discontinued processing
telephone orders and
locked its offices.
GayNet News Service con-
: firmed that the catalog
company’s toll-free telephone
¯ number used by customers to
¯ order the finn’s up-scale and dis¯
had bee~ disconnected with no
: forwarding number. Rhuebart is
; quoted as telling In Unison that
¯ "’ShockingGray, the catalog, was
doing fihe. Shocking Gray, the
company, was not."
Anti-Gay Minister Phelps
¯ Alleges Bomb Attack
¯ TOPEKA. Kan. Fred Phelps,
: the leader of a small fundarnen
: talist church noted for anti-gay
picketing at funerals of people
~ who have died of AIDS, named
~ two men he charged had set offa
bomb at the home of;one of his
daughters in late August. Police
: have made no arrests in the
: bombing.
Authorities said they would
investigate Iris charges, although
: they also said by aunounc~ng the
; names before giving them to oL
ficials Phelps may have inter~
; fered with their ability to ~nvestigate
his accusations. No inju-
; ries were reported at the time of
the August 27 bombing.
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Lesbians Being Missed
by Health System
HUAIROU, China- Dr. Ellie Emanuel of
the University of Wisconsin’ s’ school of
education and health services, said lesbians
are being ignored or overlooked by
the L S. heal.th care system Leshians are
shppmg through tiie cracks, ’~ Emanuel
said at ttieNGOforum being conducted in
conjunction with the 4th UN World Conference
on Women. "Women think that if
they don’t have sex with men they don’t
have to worry about annual checksups
that would detect disease."
She also said that lesbians often don’t
believe they are at risk for sexually trans,
mitred diseases. "There is a growing recognition
that women and lesbians are at
risk of getting AIDS through sexual behavior
and needle-sharing," said one
woman from Sweden attending the con,
The forum was told that health experts
estimated that more than 20% of lesbians
in the U.S. had sex with a high-risk partner,
and that between I and 2% of all
women with AIDS were lesbians.
Emanuel urged lesbians to be identified in
the community and to learn about issues
related to their personal health.
WHO Says Women
Increasingly Hit by HIV
BEIJING - At a press conference held by
the World Health Organization during the
4th UN World Conference on Women in
Beijing, women were told they face the
gloomy reality ofbecoming infected with
HIV more rapidly than men, in part because
of their economic dependence on
males. "Thebleakreality is that the sexual
and economic subordination of women
fuels the HIV/AIDS pandemic," WHO
said in a position paper at the conference.
The WHO document said that by the
year 2000, there will be 14 million HIVinfected
women and about 4 million
women will have died from the disease
worldwide. "The number of infected
women with HIV is increasing more rap
idly thanmenin Africa, in southernAsia,"
said WHO director-general Hiroshi
Economics Alone Not
Enough to Stem AIDS
HUAIROU, China - Giving women
greater economic clout isn’t enough to
stop the spread of HIV among them because,
of the complexities of different cultural
environments throughout the world,
the alternative NGO (non-governmental
organization) conference runningparallel
to the 4th UN World Conference on
Women was told.
Marina Mahathir, head of the Malaysian
AIDS Council, said even women in
highly educated and affluent societies often
find that their independence ends in
the bedroom. "This is when their hnsbands
regard affluence and success as
having many wives or mistresses,"
Mahathir said at a workshop on economics
and women’ s susceptibility to HIV at
the NGO forum, which had declared the
day "Women and AIDS Day."
Among the difficulties faced in different
cultures that were discussed:
- In Bangladesh, where polygamy is
permitted, the International Centrefor
Research on Women has only recently
begun a campaign to try to persuade
women not. to marry men who already
have one or more wives.
- In Canada, many African immigrants
and refugee women have to become prostitutes.
to earn a living because of limited
emplo.y.ment opportunities, especially for
- In Vietnam whereprostitution is commonplace,
Thi Hwa, who works withsex
workers, said many young prostitutes allow
unprotected sex for a little extra
money. "Many older men pay more for
unprotected sex because they feel itwould
not mak e much diffeience if theycontract
AIDS as they believe they do not
have long tO live anyway," Hwa said.
- In many. poor countries with high
unempl0yment,.:tike .Nepal and: Gu~yana
where men go away to work, they get
infected and return home to infect their
wives. Ginny Bourassa of Women Organized
to Respond to Life-Threatening
Diseases (WORLD) and other NGO delegates
agreed that the best way to deal
with the growing HIV infection rate among
women globally is through communitybased
programs that can respond acco
rding to local needs and problems.
No Appeal Filed in
Congressional AIDS Bias Case
WASHINGTON - Rep. Barbara-Rose
Collins (D-Mich.) missed the filing deadline
to appeal the claim of a former aide in
her office who said he was fired because
thelawmaker thought hehad AIDS. Since
" Collins did not appeal, Bruce Taylor will
¯ now receive compensation for more than
¯ 7 months’ back pay and attorney’s fees.
¯ Jim Davison, a media services adminis-
¯ trator for the House of Representatives,
¯ said heknew ofno other instance in which
¯ a member of Congress had had a case
¯ before the Office of Fair Employment
¯ Practices.
Taylor claimed his firing last Decem-
: bet - just 2 days after his malepartner died
¯ of AIDS - was in violation of the federal
¯ Americans with Disabilities Act. Thelaw
¯¯ protects individtmls who are perceived to
¯ beinfected or haveAIDS, as well as those who actually have the disease. According
¯ to Taylor, both Collins and her chief of
¯ staff repeatedly asked about his health
¯ before he was .fired. Although they deny
: the allegations, the judge ruled that Tay-
: lor was perceived to be infected and that
¯ Collins and her chief of staff had decid~’d
: he "would require time off for health
~ reasons."
." Grim Predictions about HIV
: GENEVA - Up to 40 million people will
~ be infected with HIV by the year 2000,
¯ according to an article published in the ¯
latest issue of the World Health Organi-
¯ zation Newsletter, and 90% of these new
infections with be in developing coun-
¯ tries. The latest WHO projections represent
a 105% increase in the number of
¯ HIV infections of 18 million adults and
¯ 1.5millionchildrenworldwide.TheWHO
¯ projections also noted that HIV infections
: among women will increase to about 15
¯ million within the next 5 years and that up
: to 10 million children globally will be
¯ orphanedas aresultoftheepidemicbythe
¯ year 2000.
: Studies On AZT’s Effectiveness
¯ BOSTON - Two seemingly conflicting
¯ studies of the drug AZT published in the
¯ latestissueoftheNewEnglandJournalof
¯ Medicine, in fact support the increasingly
¯ more common attitude among AIDS ex-
¯ perts that use of the drug alone i s ineffective
in fighting AIDS and that starting
¯ infected patients on multiple anti-HIV
-drug~ as qmcidy as possi01e is the best
~~edi~’cal course of action.
A team of researchers led by Dr. ~anl
Volberding Of the University of Califorma
m San Francisco and Dr. Stephen
Lagakos of Harvard University studied 2
groups of patients for more than 6 years,
comparing the progress of 549 HIV-positive
butasymptomat ic patients who were
given only AZT, and 547 who did not get
AZT until signs of approaching AIDS
appeared. The researchers found there
was no difference in the length of time it
took for the appearance of full-blown
AIDS or death. The results, consistent
with earlier studies, suggest that AZT by
itselfdoes little to delay the appearance of
the disease in pe op!e who~ar-e infected by
HIV but remain generally healthy.
But a European study published along
withitbyateam ledby Dr. Sabine KJnloch-
De Loes. of Geneva University, reported
that 39 people treatedwith AZT very
early kept theirCD4counts above 500- a
marker level used as an indicator in the
progress of t he infection - about6 months
1onger than38people nottreated promptl
The treated patients, typically got the drug
within a few weeks of infection. In an
accompanying editorial, Dr. Da,dd Ho of
the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
at New York University School of
Medicine said that treating HIV with a
single drug "is doomed to fail." Ho suggested
that the reason the European study
found a better response to AZT is that the
viruses in its subjects had not had time tc
develop many mutant varieties.
HIV-2 ’Flare’ in U.S. Blood
ATLANTA - The Centers for Disease
Control &Prevention has announced that
HIV-2 was found in only 2 blood donations
in this country last year and kept out
of the nation’s blood supply. In 1992,
blood banks began testing for both HIV-
1 and HIV-2, which is primarily found in
West Africa and rarely found in the U.S.
Dr.. John Ward, head of the CDC’ s AIDS
surveillance division, said that the U.S.
blood supply continues to be safe. There
have been no cases of HIV-2 infection
through a blood transfusion in the U.S.,
Ward said.
.AIDS Vaccine Tests Begin
BANGKOK - A combined U.S.-Thai
team of military doctors has begun drug
trials of a potential AIDS vaccine made
bv the U.S. finn Chiron Biocine, called
S]~2 gpl20/MF 59. So far, 2 Thai volunteers
have been injected with the drug, but
22 more will also receive the experimental
vaccine during the 1st phase of the
experiment, which will last 6 months,
according to Lt. General Kamrob
Saisuwm~ of the Armed Forces Research
In stitute ofMedical Sciences (AFRIMS).
U.S. Arnay Colonel Rodney Michael said
that the vaccine has already been tested in
the U.S. and that"it proved to be safe with
no side effects.’"
Experimental Thalidomide
Trials OKed for PWAs
WASHINGTON-Thalidomide, the tranquilizer
that caused birth defects throughout
Europein the 1950s, wil! be offered on
an experimental basis to U.S. AIDS_patients
whose bodies are wasting away, the
drug’ s maker has announced. The special
"expanded access" program, approved by
the Food and Drug Administration, represents
the broadest use of thalidomide ever
allowed in the U.S. Celgene Corp. is conducting
clinical trial s to see if its brand of
thalidomide, known as Synovir, counteracts
the severe weight loss and deterioration
that plagues 150,000 AIDS patients.
Questions about Effectiveness
of Dental Disinfectant
¯ WASHINGTON - A study published in
¯ thejoumalNatureMedicineindicatesthat
¯ a chemical disinfectant commonly used
¯ On some medical and dental devices may
: not kill HIV. In the laboratory, the scien-
: tists discovered that the germ-killer glut-
, araldehyde did not eliminate the virus in
: bloodlodgedin lubricants frequentlyused
: in dental equipment andin medical equip-
¯ ment calledendoscopes.
: Researcher DavidLewis of the Univer-
: sity of Georgia said, however, that none
¯ of the devices has ever been shown-to
¯ actually be the source of transmission of
: .HIV. According to Lewis, the study
: derscores theneed to sterilize dental equip-
- ment at very high temperatures and indi-
: cates that the standards for decontaminat-
’- ing endoscopes should be revised.
: Canadian Red Cross and Lab
¯ Battled Over Blood
¯ TORONTO-Twoex-officials ofa Cana-
: dian government-owned company testi-
¯ fled in court that the Canadian Red Cross
¯ and their company struggled for control
¯. over blood products as HIV entered the
¯ country’ s blood supply. ?dun Davies and
¯ William Cochrane, both ex-officials at
¯ Connaugh.t La.boratories Ltd., testified the
¯ two orgamzattons squabbled about who
¯ should make blood products for hemo-
:. philiacs. Lawyers representing HIV-in-
¯ fected Canadians have claimed that the
: CRC and. Connaught spent more time
arguing over who should manufacture
¯ blood plasma than increasing the national
blood supply’ s safety.
Studies Say Legal Needles Cut
HIV Infection Rate
STAMFORD, Ct. - New studies indicate
that needle-shanng among IV .drug addicts
dropped 40% after Connecticut approved
a law 3 years ago allowing pharmacies
to sell syringes over the counter.
The studies, published in the Journal of
AcquiredImmune Deficiency Syndromes,
concluded that the increased availability
of clean needles should, therefore, stem
the spread of HIV and make "a dramatic
change in behavior at no cost to the public,"
according to Beth Weinstein, director
of the AIDS unit of .the Connecticut
Department of Health, which conducted
the studies with the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
One year after the needle laws took
effect, 83%of the state’ s pharmacies were
selling needles over the counter, and injection
drug users were using them as
their primary source of needles, accordmg
to the studies. The 2nd study surveyed
drug users at HIV counseling progra~ns.
prisons and drug treatment centers in
Connecticut where the authors found that
less than a year after the law went into
effect, 78% of those surveyed had bought
syringes from apharmacy in th e previous
month, while just 28% had purchased
needles on the street.
HIV Found In Semen Samples
SEATTLE- According to a recent study,
HIV is found in more than one-fifth of all
semen samples from HIV-infected men,
making unprotected sex with such men
very risky. According to Dr. Ann Collier
of the University of Washington at Seattle,
a study of more than 100 semen
samples from 16 HIV-positive men over a
2-year period found live and infectious
virus 22% of the time. The presence of
HIV appears to be sporadic and was not
affected by whether or not the men were
taking anti-viral medications at the time.
Tulsa Office
We provide comprehensive ,home health services
24 hourslday, seven dayslweek.
The range ofservices include:
Skilled nursing services (RN’s, LPN’s)
Home health aides, Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy,. Occupational Therapy-
Medical Social.Services, In.home psychiatric care
Non-emergency transportation., Private duty nursing
and Companion sitter services.
This list is not all inclusive.
Please contact our offices with specific treatment issues.
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive
to the Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results¯
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
New Number: 742-2927
4158 South Harvardt Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights¯
Viatication ’is the process through wlfich a person
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Many factors i~ffluence whether viaticating your life
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Today, many companies offer viadcal settlements,
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At Southwest Viatical, webelieve you shotdd be assured
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By working with you iu person, but at the same time
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We’ll do what it takes
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Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627-B East 1 lth.
Info: 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodis0
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
TheBanned,OKGay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston
lnfo: 583-9780
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick
No appointment required.
W~dk in testing: 7-8:30pm"
Results hours: 7-gpm
Info: 742-2927
Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan I_anes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Minister’s Class
Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center
7:30 pm
2627-B East 1 lth
Info: 583-7815
HIV+ Support Group
HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Info: Wanda @ 74%4194
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Vicki Robinson Softball Tournament
info: TNT’s 660-0856
Family ofFaith MCC,
Marsha Stevens Concert. 7 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Family ofFaith MCC
Rev. Elder Troy Perry Preaches &
Ordains Rev. Nancy Horvdth, 11 am
Rev. Nancy Horvath Installed as
Pastor ofFamily ofFaith MCC, 6 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Vicki Robinson Softball Tournament
Info: TNT’s 660-0856
Community ofHope Blessing &
Celebration ofNew Space, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd St., Info: 585-1800
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Monthly Board Meeting, 7 pm
40th & Harvard, Info: 743-4297
Community ofHope NewMembers
Orientation, 2-4pm
1703 E. 2nd St., Info: 585-1800
Rainbow Business Gui/d, 7 pm
Chimi’s, Private Dining Room, 15th Street
.Dinner Meeting, Info: 665-5174
Womens Coffee House, 6:30pm
Gold Coast Coffee, 3509 S. Peoria
Info: page: 646-6455
Community ofHope
Feed The Homeless, 5:30pm
Meet at COH, 1703 E. 2nd St., Info:
TCAP Advisory Council, Malissa
Shepherd, Centers for Disease Control
noon-l:30pm, 1430 S. Boulder
Community Receptionfor Tulsa
Americorp HIV Services Volunteers
Collins Room, 1430 S Boulder
AIDS Walk Tulsa ’95,
"Walk This Way", 9am
Boulder Park, 18th & Boulder
Info: 587-7222
Jaycees’ Battle ofthe Bands, lpm
Boulder Park, 18th & Boulder
Friendfor A Friend, "Our House"
Yard Sale, 8am-5pm, 1114 S. Quaker
Pdme Timers Monthly Meeting
Write for info: P.O. Box 52118, 74100
NAMES Project Volunteer Training
3pm, All Soul’s Unitarian, 2902 S. Peoria
Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC of Greater Tulsa
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Choir Practice 7 pm
2627-B East llth
Call 583:7815 for info.
Support Group
1 st & 3rd Wednesdays
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
Family Of Faith MCC
Potluck 6:30 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Choir Practice 8 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo
Call 622-1441 for Info.
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30pro
Results hours: 7 - 9pro
Info: 742-2927
Prayer Time
MCC - Greater Tulsa, 7 pm
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Mntlicultural AIDS Coalition. 11:15
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa
Topic: Mandatory v, Voluntary Testing
noon- 1:30, 1430 S. Boulder
NAMES Project Volunteer Training
5:30pro, All Soul’s, 2902 S. Peoria
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Monthly Members Meeting, 7 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Gathering Place
Info: 743-4297
NAMES Project Volunteer Training
7pm, All Soul’s, 2902 S. Peoria
Friendfor A Friend, "Our House"
Bazaar, 9am-Spm, 1114 S. Quaker
Parents, Family & Friends ofLesbians
& Gays, PFLAG
PFLAG 101, 1st Timers Support
Group, 6:30pm
PFLAG 102, OngoingSupport Group,
PFLAG General Meeting, 8pm
4154 S. Harvard, Gathering Place
Info: 749-4901
MON/TUES., OCT. 9 & 10
Hoisting the Banner ofColor Conf.
HIV & the Communities ofColor
OKC Marriott, Info: 800-285-2273
Family ofFaith MCC National
Coming Out Day Sevice
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Green Countryfor Human Rights
League Monthly Meeting, Muskogee
Library, 7pro, POB 614, 74402, 682:8204
TOHRNationalComingOutDay Dance
Tentative date: call 743-4297 to confirm.
All Soul’s Unitarian, 2952 S. Peoria
NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt
Fri. 6:30-10:30, Sat. 10-7, Sun. 11-6:30
Expo Square Pavilion, Tulsa Fair Grounds
Opening: Fri. 6:30, Close: Sun. 6:30pro
Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians
5pm, St. Dunstan’s, 5635 E. 71st
Womens Supper Club Potluck Picnic
Noon-5pm, Zink Park, 31st & Trenton
Info: 298-4648
Gay &.Lesbian Student Association
TJC Southeast Campus, Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’sActivityNetwork
Call 832-2121
TOHRAnonymous HIV Testing Clinic
Daytime testing by appt. M-Th., 10-5 pm
Info: 749-4194
TOHRHelpline, Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to volunteer: 743-GAYS
Tool Box Technicians, Leather org.,
Info c/o The Tool Box: 584-1308
T.U.L.S~4,- Tulsa & r Uniform
Leather Seekers Assoc. Info: 838-1222
Britain’s military leaders have
their strong resistance to any monte to lift
the ban on homosexuals serving in the
count~. ’s armed forces, and earlier this
year the policy was upheld in the High
Court. But!n issuing its ruling that upheld
Parliament s right to say who could and
could not join the military, one of the
seniorjudges on the court said he rejected
the challenge by 4 former servicepersonnel
dischargedforbeinghomosexual "with
hesitation and regret" and that the "tide of
history"-was against the Ministry of Defense
andurged a review of the policy.
ha. a. press statement annou.neing the
review, the Defense Ministry said,"In the
light of this judgment the [ministry] has
decided it must examine and assess the
current policy with the aim of presenting
a paper .of evidence to assist: the select
committee on the subject ofhomosexuality
in the armed forces." The review will
be headed by a senior civil servant .and
staffed by officers from the Royal Navy,
Army and Air Force. The miuistry’s out-
.... line of thereview wouldinvolve the policy
being looked at from all levels. Commissioned
officers and non-commissioned
ranks will be asked to give evidence and
fellow members ofNATOand other countries
will be:visited to evaluate their own
-~ Stonewall, Britain’s leading gay rights
Organization, welcomed the announcement
and called for a moratorium on discharges
from the armed services until the
review had been completed. "Stonewall
¯ has always maintained that the ban is
based on prejudice and prejudice alone,"
a Stonewall news release stated.
gay and lesbian...groups want to promote
in the schools," Sheldon said. "And thi~
agenda has been accomplished through
the Centers for Disease Control with funding
under the Trojan horse of AIDS education."
In a fundraising newsletter, Sheldon
said House Speaker Gingrich had promised
him last year that the House would
address the issue and that Sheldon was
helping to’ organize the hearings. The
Human Rights-Campaign Fund charged
_thatRep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), chairman
Of the Oiiersightand Investigations
subcommittee of the Economic and EducationalCommittee
was"turning his committee
over to a lobbyist.:.to spread his
Elizabeth Birch, executive, director of
HRCF, said Sheldon was "shamelessly
distorting the purpose of. programs designed
to keep young people safe and
healthy, Congress should resistthe temptation
to stage sideshows for. right-wing
lobbyists and get on with the business of
.Hoekstra’s office confirmed that
Sheldon was in fact involved in planning
the hearings. The hearings, Hoekstra’s
office said, will address legitimate concerns
of parents who are concernedby
several reforms in public ~education, ineluding
distributing condoms and sex education
in schools:
Activists noted that the hearings were
scheduledbyHoekstm’s staffwithout even
notifying Democratic subcommitteemembers.
The date became public only after
the HRCF last week released a letter that
Sheldon had sent to supporters.
In ~e 20-minute address during the
°iunchbreak ofthe conference, Birchcalled
for a new ethic in the public dialog. "We
may work for different outcomes.... but
we can engage in an ethic of basic respect
and decency."
The Greening of Gay
by Pat Morehead
: Well, it has been a big week for public
: coverage of the "Gay 90’s". We got En-
¯ tertainment WeeNy, we got electronic
¯ coverage of the benefit presentation of
Birch s speech was delivered despite " "The Sum of Us", plus a review in the
being rebuffed by a Coalition spokesman : daily paper. The National networks have
after formally requesting,to SlZ~,ak at the ¯ us scattered round and about both in hard
Conference. Ihave had the opportunity to : news and in magazine.features. Entermeet
thousands of individuals from all ¯ -~tainment Tonight is focusing on WONG - ¯
walks of life who have grave concerns ¯ FOO and "Jeffery". Whewwww!
about misconceptions put forth by repre- : So where am I headed with this you ......
sentativesoftheChiistianCoalitionwhen ’ ask? All of this has lead me- to a rather’- "
addressing the hopes, dreams and aspira- ¯ startling supposition. Is it possible that -
tions-of lesbian and gay Americans and ~ ’Gay’ has become in some sense fashiontheir
families, Birch wrote in a July 5 able.-Are we m , even in Tulsa? Have
letter, to Christian Coalition Executive " we in effect become the flavor of the
Director Ralph Reed. I believe that it is : month like Birkenstock shoes, Santa Fe
-¯..time to address our differences face .to ¯ style cookery, ormountain bikes? Lordy,
face, she wrote. :. say it ain’t so!
¯ When the formal request was turned " I can see it all now. Wewill suddenly be
down, Birch decided to reserve a room in ¯ in demand by our ever so trendy straight
¯ the same hotel that would host the confer- ¯ associates. They will all want to accom-
ence, to deliver her message directly to ~ pany us into the nether world of Cowboy
¯ Christian Coalition members. "Although ~ styleGaybars. We will serveas thecenter
¯ yourpodiumwas not available tome, I am ¯ of focus at backyard barbecues, cocktail ¯
grateful for those who have come today .": gatherings and small informal dinners.
and will giveme the ’benefit of the doubt". -" We will be quizzed on exactly what it is
and be willing to consider what I have to o that two men can do together in bed.
say." ¯ Lesbians unfortunately will not receive
TheHuman Rights Campaign Fund .:.’this same kind attention, because the
(HRCF), the nation’s largest lesbian & " womenalreadyknowtheanswers tothose
gay political organization, works to end : kinds of questions.
discrimination, secure equalrights, &pro- ¯ The more daring straight men will sugtect
the health and safety of.all Ameri- : gest that if the proper precautions are
cans, HRCFlobbies the federal govern- : observed, they might be willing to
ment on lesbian, gay, & AIDS issues; ¯ "dabble" in our excesses. Simpatico feeducates
the general public; and partici- - ~ males will secretly caress our butts while
pates in election campaigns. " whispering inour ears see nextpage
Love is
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and the other
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Movies 8, 68th & Memorial, 250 4513
¯ Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesdays 6:30 pm Potluck
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j To do justice, love mercy & to walk humbly with our God... Micah 6:8 I
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Tulsa World Opening Masterworks Concert
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that they know just what we need. Ministers
will feel a need to call us forth befor~
the congregation and give us brotherli¢
hugs (while a few will secretly caress our
butts and whisper in our ears that they
know just what we need) along with announcements
of acceptance within the
Lord’s eyes. (These will be primarily
Episcopalian and Unitarian Ministers, nix
on the Baptists and most of the Methodists).
Politicians will drag their Gay staffers
out in front of press conferences to
extol the staffers dedication and the pol’s
openness to lifestyles of alternative natures.
(No Oklahoma Politicians will take
this step but the rest of the c.ountry will.
The Oklahoma Pol’s will presume they
HAVEno Gay staffers!) , ....
Be fear not my Brothers. This too Shall
pass, and probably by Christmas. We will
be replaced by the newest wave of deep
muscle massage therapy or Santa Fe style
andmade pnnntlve Christmas decorations.
Yes, we will drift back into the
oblivion of the passe’, excluding, of
course, the decorators, hair stylists and
florists. No more invitations, insinuated
seductions or public displays of empathy
and solidarity.
Oh, the homoerotic advertising images
will remain for awhile. And Hollywood
will turn out the occasional Gay thematic
film, but not too Gay of course. We will
have our season ofever so appropriate and
politically correct Gay Television characters
who will live without real relationships
while beingbefriended by concerned
yet politically correct.straight associates.
At least until the ratings drop below the
32rid ~lot mark in the ratings sweeps.
Yes, our moment in the.glare of public
acceptance will have burnt itself out. And
I say, the better off we will be. My little
life with its trials and failures will be just
another little life. I prefer neither to be
placed on a rail and ridden out of town,
noron apedestal. Theflavors ofthemonth
can come and go. I don’t care to be a
flavor ofthe month, thank youvery much..
No, I want to be the ’bitter herbs’, not
often USed, but a mainstay in seasoning
the life of the world. Except for maybe all
that "secret butt caressing" part.
Pat Morehead is a Tulsan whose commentariesfocus
on art, politics & more.
NW 39th Street strip and this police offleer
admitted in court that the citizenhad
not made a sexual offer but had described
his preference in sexual activity.
ACLU-OKattorneys who include Mark
Henrickson, Shirley Wiegand and others
seek to challenge not only the OKC statute
(which appears to ban.all discussions
of sex except between married spouses)
but also Oklahoma’s "’crimes against nature"
statute which treats oral and anal sex
as a felony crime for both heterosexuals
and hOmosexuals. Because this law was
found to be unconstitutional for heterosexuals
in a 1.986 case, it’s felt that the
higher courts may find the statute unconstitutional
as it applies to homosexuals
too. The hopeis that if the "crimes against
nature" statute is invalid then also conversation
about private consensual non-commercial
acts cannot be criminalized either.
Camfield said that typically the Court
of Criminal Appeals moves quickly and a
rifling might have come at the hearing.
However, the Court has taken the case
under ad.visemem and timing of aruling is
not certain.
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by LeanneGross
Two twins, Jean and Jan, had different
ideas about saving. When Jean turned 30,
she started an IRA (Individual Retirement
Account). Each year, for 6 years, Jean
¯ contributed the maximum amount (for
: her) of $2,000 to her IRA. At age 36, Jean
: had put away $12,000. Then she stopped
contn.’buting - however her money kept
¯ growing.
Jan had other plans. She opened an
IRA, but she waited until she was 41. For
¯ 25 years, Jan contributed $2,000 each
¯ year. Her out-of-pocket investment, then,
: was $50,000.
: On their 65th birthday, the twins sat
¯ downtogetherandcomparedplans. Jean’ s
¯ IRA was worth $200,432 ’ nbt bad for an
¯ out-of-pocket investment of $12,000. Jan
checked her IRA statement and found her
account was worth only $170,401.
How could this be? Jan asked.
Compounding interest?Time to let your
dollars workfor you! Jean earned $30,031
more than Jan because Jr~n started to save
In this case, the cost of~ procrastination
was $30,031. Y,oumay not be30 yeaa s old
;however, don tput offshving any longer.
Talk to a professional today!!
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
Know Your Rights!
Estate Planning,
Personal Injury,
Criminal Law, Bankruptcy
& Workers Compensation
1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
Blasts Dole
Gunderson (R-Wisc.), one of
only three openly gay members
of Congress, asked Senate Majority
.Leader Bob Dole, a
leading contender for the GOP
presidential nomination, if the
Kansas Republican was rejectmg
his support after Dole returned
a.campaign contribution
to a gay Republican organization
last month. In the mean-
-time, the campaign contribution
from the Log Cabin Club was
instead given to Sen. Arlen Specter
Gunderson, who was one of
the first members of Congress to
publicly endorse Dole, said in a
causticletter to the Senateleader,
"Are you rejecting the support
of anyone who happens to be
gay? If this is so, do youintend to
now reject my support and request
those on your staff who
happen to be gay to resign?"
Dole return.-ed the $1,000 donation
fromhe Log Cabin Club,
which his campaign had originally
solicited, after it was publicizedin
August, saying he does
¯ not accept funds from groups
¯¯ not sharing his views.
In his letter, Gunderson, who
¯ was Wisconsin chairman of
¯ Dole’ s unsuccessful 1988 presi-
¯ dential campaign, said, "As one
: who has championed your political
career for years, you must
¯ know how muchthis disappoints
¯ me .... The Bob Dole I know
," does not support discrimination
¯ againstpersonsjustbecause they
¯ aregay."Dole’ s campaignhead-
: quarters acknowledged receiv-
¯ ing Gunderson’ s letter, but so far
: has not commented on it.
: Following the flap surround-
" ing Dole’ s rebuff of the gay Republicans,
the Log Cabin Club
gave the returned $1,000 contri-
¯ bution to the presidential cam-
. paign bid being mounted by
¯ Specter, who unhesitatingly ac-
.: cepted it. "I write to thank you
¯ for the contribution of the LOg
¯ Cabin Republicans to my presi-
¯ dential campaign," Specter said
¯ in aletter to the group. "As I said
; inmy openletter to the members
¯ of Log Cabin Republicans gath-
¯ ered for your national meetingin
¯ Cincinnati, I welcome the sup-
" port of all Americans who op-
¯ pose discrimination and who
¯ seek amore limited government,
¯ joining the principles of fiscal
¯ conservatism with social liber-
¯ tarianism."
: Rich Tafel, Log Cabin’ s ex-
¯ ecutive director, said Specter"is
¯ taking on the radical right, while
: otherGOPcandidates like Sena-
¯ tor Dole are bowing to them. He
knows the politics of exclusion
will ruin the chances for a Republican
victory in’ 96."
Far-Right Org.
Wants GOP to.
Return Gay $.
Research Council, a conservative
anti-gay fundamentalist organization,
has demanded that
the National Republican Coniressional
Committee return
5,000 it received in campaign
contributions from the Human
Rights Campaign Fund, the gay
rights lobbying organization. The
committeeraises campaignfunds
for Republican candidates ironing
for seats in the U.S. House
of Representatives.
"People don’t think about the
moral messages they send with
the money they take," said Kristi
Hamrick, a spokeswomanfor the
Family Research Council. "If the
Republican Party says that
lifestyle makes no difference
then they are undermining the
family," she said. "If Congressman
Gunderson holds out as the
cost of his involvement acceptance
¯of his lifestyle as being
equal to mamage, then that’s
¯ clearly a problem." The GOP
¯ congressional fundraising com-
: mittee made no comment on the
~ demand.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Head, Circulation Department
Tulsa City-County Library
Are you planning a vacation
this winter? If Miami, Florida or
London, England are on your
agenda, you may want to check
the travel gnides at the Tulsa
City-County Library, particularly
"Detour’s Miami" and
"Detour’s London." These are
alternative guides "forthosewho
don’t necessarily travel the
straight and narrow." They are
typical travel guides, but geared
toward the Gay/Lesbian traveler.
Each guide deals with basic
information (transportation, climate,
tourist sights)’ as well as
more specific sections of interest
to Gay/Lesbian visitors (local
newspapers and resources,
fun secuons of town, local laws
and safety considerations).
¯ Gay/Lesbian-friendly hotels,
stores, restaurants and clubs
make up the bulk of the listings,
since it is expected that travelers
would want to frequent hospitable
establishments. Surrounding
towns and cides are also examined
with maps, photographs
and suggested itineraries.
You’ll also learn some interesting
facts about these destinations.
It’ s amusing to find out
"- that one of Miami’ s most strik-
¯ ing examples of modern design,
¯ the Centrust Building, is flood-
" lighted nightly with colors ap-
: propriate to events and seasons;
¯ red and green for Christmas, or-
" ange and black for Halloween
¯ and pink for Gay Pride Day!
¯ You’ll learn that, in London, ¯
at the Women’s Pond in
¯ Hampstead Heath Park, "you’ll
¯ belucky to finda squaremetreof ¯
grass that is not teeming with
¯ Lesbians." Call yourtravel agent
¯ and start packing!
¯ Currently, the libr.ary carries ¯
these two "Detour’ s" guides for
¯ checkout. There is also a refer-
: ence copy which cannot be
¯ checked out of the "Damron ¯
Guide". Ithas.similar, butmuch
¯ more general information. Look
~ forthe"Detour" guides and other
¯ travel guides for check-out in ¯ the Reader’s Services Depart-
" ment,2ndfloor, Central Library,
¯ or call 596-7966.
"The Land Specialists"
Eureka Springs
501-253-9682 (days) OR 501-253-8969 (evenings)
Other offerings include: Bed & Breakfast Inns., Victorian Homes,
Hotels/Motels, Commercial Properties/Businesses,
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McClung Realty, Inc. has catered to the diverse GIL/B/TG
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listing brochure. Or better yet, stop in, and we 71 show you around.
We specialize in creative financing.
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Sunday Service, 10:45 am
Wednesday Service, 6:30 pm
Home Cell Groups, 2nd & 4th Sundays
1623 No. Maplewood, Tulsa 74115, 838-1715
Family Fun Time
in Eureka Springs
by Phil Boler-Schmidt
Family fun time takes on a
whole new meaning after the
childrenhaveretumed to school.
There is no better time of year to
take a real family vacation to
Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Family, of course, takes on a
new meaning of its own when
one talks about the gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgendered
communities. That’s what Imean
when I talk about family.
Autumnis uponus, the"other"
families are restingup from their
Summer vacations, there is less
competition for tourist attractions,
and the colors are about to
burst forth in the Ozarks. It’s a
great time to come play .in what
I call utopia.
Eureka Springs has long been
known for its eccentricities, and
it is no well-kept secret that our
kind offamily canbefounddamnear
While visiting in the Heart of
the Ozarks, you can stay at any
one ofanumberoffamily-owned
bed and breakfastinns, motels or
hotels. And, there are a number
of family-friendly places too.
Accomodations range from
plush cottages complete withinroom
jacuzzis to small, quaint
motel rooms. Plush, upscale hotel
suites are a possibility too as
well as luxurious, in-house
rooms. The entire range of
ammeuities can be found here.
Out-To-Eats can be a true
artform in Eureka Springs. Family-
owned eateries abound as do
the friendly places. You can partake
of fine dining on tree Italian,
home-cookedcuisine or high
class Ameican fare. Evenings
¯ with good music are easy to find
: at a number of fine places that
¯ serve cocktails and dinner. A
." quiet, romantic dinner is pos-
: sible with about every ethnic
¯ variety of food here.
Clubs tofrequent is a luxury in
: this utopia in the heart of the
¯ Bible Belt. Whenever family
¯ asks me, "Where can we go and
¯¯ be safe?", I have to laugh. Not
because it is all that funny, but I
usually relay a story a friend told
¯ me when I asked the very same
: question a year ago.
¯ As long as you stick to the ¯ Historic District, you can go in
: any club you like If you want to
¯ sit in the comer and hold hands
: or kiss, no one is going to give
¯ you grief. If some redneck from,
: you guessedit, Tulsa, gives you
¯ arough time, they will throw out
¯ the redneck, not you.
¯ So, suffice it to say that eve-
" uings out on the town are a treat
¯ in Eureka Springs.
: As fordaytime activities, there
: are a lot to choose from. You
could dress up in turn-of-the-
¯ century garb and have your pie-
" ture taken for posterity at The
¯ You could try your hand at fly
fishing in one of our rivers or
¯ lakes. All the equipment you
: couldpossiblyeverneedisavail-
¯ able at the Beaver Darn Store. ¯
Professional guides are also
¯ standingby shouldyoubeanov-
¯ ice and want instruction or a
¯ seasoned fisherman/womanand
¯ want a tuneup or someone to
¯ show you the area’s best spots.
¯ If you are into shopping, you
: could make a trip downtown and
." shop ’til you drop. Looking for
¯ family gifts? Everything you
¯ want or need, plus all kinds of
¯ metaphysical, pagan, and
: magickal supplies, are a short
¯ descent of the stairs away atThe
: Emerald Rainbow, the only shop
: in town that carries gay/lesbian
¯ memorabilia.
¯ Shopping for real estate?
~ Come upstairs from The Emer-
¯ aid Rainbow to McClung Realty
-" (family-friendly) andhavealook
; at what,s available in residential
: While visiting in the
: Heart of the Ozarks,
¯ you can stay at any one
~ of a number of family-
: owned bed and break-
: fast inns, motels or ¯
hotels. And, there are
i a number of familyi
friendly places too.
: Aeeomodations range
i from plush cottages
i complete with in-room
¯ jaeuzzis to small,
i quaint motel rooms.
or commecial property, businesses
or land.
There are plenty of tours of the
area too. Some show you around
the Historic District by van or
bus, and one shows you through
the US 62 area in a unique and
fun way. If you take the Duck
Tours (family-friendly), you will
ride a World War II reconditioned
amphibeous military assault
vehicle through town then
onto Lake Leatherwood with a
Eureka Springs is known for
it’s country m~ic shows and
The Great Passion Play. These
are two of the main attractions to
the area, mostly to the "other"
type of family. But, if you want
to take in some of this type of
entertainment, most attractions
are open through the end of October.
I wouldn’t suggest holdmghands
orkissing there though.
You might get a pretty chilly
Other area attractions that are
must-sees are. the various caves
that offer self-guided tours and
Eureka Gardens, a splendor to
behold with botanical gardens
that go on and on. Thomcrown
Chapel is a wonder Of modem
architecture that must be witnessed
to bebelieved. And, don’t
forget St.-Elizabeth’s Church,
the only Roman Catholic church
in the country where you enter
through the bell tower.
While in Eureka Springs, there
are a number of family-owned
sevice businesses of which you
may want to take advantage. If
you are looking for dog grooming,
while here, stop in and visit
Greenwood Hollow.
A complete range of body
piercing sev~ces is available locally
through Bill Croft at Ozark
Primitives. There are a number
of qualified massage therapists
in town, and I suggest either the
Palace Hotel & Bath House or
Healing Benefits Massage
Therapy to soothe your tired,
aching muscles.
Kim Ridenour, a professional
astrologer accredited with the
American Federation ofAstrologers,
offers the full range of astrological
services and will do
either individual or composite
readings. She also offers Tarot
readings at The Emerald Rainbow.
And,just in case you are looking
to put together a computer
system, upgrade your existing
one, or just learn a little more
about computers, that’s what I
Whatever else you plan to do
whilein Eureka Springs,remember
to bring your camera or
camcorder. Autumn in the
Ozarks is Something to behol&
and our area has numerous lookouts
from which to take memorable
snapshots or videos.
I first st,~trted putting together
information for this article more
than a month ago, and I have to
admit, I was stuck for away to
adequately present our familyownedandfamily-
friendly businesses
in a way that made sense
without having to clutter up
newspaper space with addresses
and phone numbers.
Then, I realized that I was forgetting
one importanflocal family-
owned business that could
make myjob easy. Positive Idea
Marketing Plans (PIMP, of
course, for short) specializes in
putting together family vacation
packages for the discriminating.
PIMP also offers retreats for
groups in the beauty oftheOzark
My suggestion to all wanting
to have a great family fun time in
Eureka Springs is to call PIMPat
501-253-2401 and let the professionals
put it all together for
you. If you’re not sure where to
stay or eat, PIMP will have the
answers and will even make the
arrangements for you.
I like it when people make my
job easy! See you in Eureka
Hwy. 62 East
Eureka Springs,
Adult Accommodationa
’the In Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Craftsman-style cottages with beautiful views
of the woods and wildlife -,Tucked on top of the
Ozark Mountains, just a few minutes walk to the
Historic Village of Eureka Springs.
Frank Green Jr.. Host - 50 Wall Street - Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
of Eureka Springs
Recommended by the New York Times
(~01) 253-6807 5 Center Street
Closed ~’ednesday Eureka Springs, AR 72632
.Romantic, quiet & secluded
Family-owned & operated
Guest Cottage with
A Jacuzzi for two,
And private parking,
All only 1/2 block to downtown.
9 Benton Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
Jerry A. Wilson (501) 2S3-7311
96 Kings Highway ¯ Hwy. 62 W. ¯ Eureka Springs, AR 72632
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Eacfl
additional word is 25 cents.
You may bring additional
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Please type or print your ad.
Count the number of words.
(A word for our purposes is a
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separated by a space.).
Send your ad & payment to
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with your name, complete
address, day & evening
phone numbers (for our
records only).
Ads will run in the next issue
after they are received.
Tulsa Family News reserves
the right to edit or refuse any
ad. No refunds will be made.
American Civil Liberties
600 NW 23rd, Suite 104
OKC 73106, 405-524-8511
Lesbian/Gay &
Log Cabin Republicans seek
other Republicans to return to
true Grand Old Party values.
Write to: Box C-I, c/o TFN,
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Free & Anonyrnous
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic, Call 742-2927
111229 8. Hemor al, 835 5083
Open 2pro 2VI,,F, Noon SaffSun
Tulsa LOADED: 27, 6’, t 80 iso men 18-
30 for some fun, give me a call- e9298
new to area, not into bars, Dave, 20 6’
185 brn/red/hzl, goatee, eyebrow
To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (.)
Due to our large volume of calls,
if you can’t get thru simply try
your ca ater.
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
earring, love volleyball, good music, good
food great conversation, meditate,
spiritual, give me a call- ~9385
Tulsa AMERICAN PRIDE: 5’9, 140,
trim physique, hairy chest, sincere and
honest person, like this in a person, give
me a call- e9464
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it shod and
simple. Jus,t describe yourself and
what you re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number. " ’ ~
brn/brn, 1901bs. I’m Ikg4 gay men 18-25
for good times, call me. ~10271
Oklahoma City READY OR NOT: I’m
20 y/o, 5’6, 2151bs, WM. Vm Ikg4 a
relationship minded man 18-30’s with a
medium to slim build. I like singing,
bowling, .golf, movies and cuddling. If you
are interested, please call me. ~47265
well built, looking for GLM/GWM for hot
fun inthe sun. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Leave me a message and let’s get together
GWM, 6’, brown hair, blue eyes, very
versatile, seeks new friends in the area for
fun and fi:iendship with relationship
possibilities. Let’s get together and
celebrate life. n6571
Tulsa GAY OR Bh AI, 32, very masc
prof’l, GBM iso Gay or bi male, masc,
race not Impt, into sports; outdoors, if u
like Iv a message thanks! ~ 7580
Tulsa LET’S PLAY: professional, 42 WM,
iso other Gay or bi male, 30s : 40s, in the
area, let’s’play! e 7392
kinda looking for someone to love, tired of
being by myself, love to sing, read, like to
go to the movies, have fun, love all types
of music, if this interests you give me a
call- ~ 7435
mid 40s iso BIWM 30-40, ht/wt prop,
very discreet, expect same, like share
some time, if you are interestet~, give me a
call, VII return all calls- ~ 7822
Tulsa NEW TO AREA: Mike, new to the
area, 35, BIWM, bind/blue, work out
dot, phys fit, Ikg for a str to BI BM 35-65
to hqye a good time with, go out with give
me a call- e 7842
dining,. Iheater, sitting by a fireplace,
outdoors, animals, you name it- give me a
cc I- ~ 7873
Oklahoma Cily JASON, 24, 5’10, 170,
Ikg to meet other hot guys, around my
age, if you’d like, give me a call- ~ 7885
Mike, like to meet people under 40, just
safe, discreet honest, 18 young preppy,
new to this, a little nervous, ifyo~ are
interested give me a call- ~ 8029
Malvern FANTASY FUN= Jack, 33 WM,
Ikg for guys into fantasies, give me a call "
let’s get together. ~ 8031
Walton MARRIED OR BI= Rodney,
married WM 25 5’5, 150~ attr, Ikg for
25-35 married or bi male, for friendship
pass rd, inexperienced ana want
someone to learn with honesty and
discretion req’d- ~ 8671
Oklahoma ATTENTION: I’m 6fl, 1901bs,
body builder type and very well built. I’m
Ikg4 men. call me ~5448
BI, 34, bind/blue attr, vey good shape looking
for a sir BM, to have a go0d 5me out in Tulsa.
grve me a call. ~5974
Tulsa DAVID, 19, 6’6, 275 bind/blue
looking to meet in the area, interested in
lots of things, give me a call. ~6009
Henrietta ONE ON ONE: Jack, GWM
42 5’10 220, looking for someone down
to earth, looking for a tel, like outdoors,
football, bball on IV, Ikg for an avg.
down to earth guy whowants a one on
one- ~6274
50, 5’8, 165, slim and trim, into BE,, have
a solid body, tan, looking for a person in
the area, that’s slim and trim male under
50 for a friend, to go out with and see
where things go. Hope you can call!
Ardmore FOOT FAN: 25 Gay
native American, just on the Misted
side, into feet, if you share the same
interests, give me a Call. like to hear
from you! ~6211
College student, 5’8 15 brn/blue athl
build, ISO 18-30 for hot times: ~6360
Tulsa BI CURIOUS: 27, 6’ 180,
brn/blugrn, looking for guys 18-30 fit, bi
curious, looking for some clean safe, good
times, give me a ~all. e6405
Metro Area COUNTRY BOY 6’2, 22, 215
bm/gm mu~che baking for some o~er
Tulsa HEY NOW: my name is Steven.
I’m 31 y/o and I’m [kg4 guy’s 18-50 for
Fishing, swimming and camping. I enjoy
the company of slightly aggressive men.
Tulsa HEY GIRLS:athletic attr. SWF early
30’s 5’4 1101bs bm/brn Ikg4 open minded
women for discr~t hot fun. call me! e45795
Dallas/Ft. Worth LEZ TALK: my name is
Lisa, I’m Ikg4 someone to have great phone
fun with. I feve talking on the phone. Im 42
€/o and I hope you call me. e45492
Dallas AFRICAN QUEEN: I’m a 37 y/o
African American Ikg4 the same 30-40. I’m
shy and I’m drug and disease free. I have
dogs and I’m sincere and honest. If you are
honest and sincere, call me. n38212
BUTCH/FEM: I’m a.23 y/o female and I
like poetry, cycling and music. I’m Ikg4 a
friendship and a poss. relationship. I’m a liltle
butch and a little fern. all calls wil/be
returned, e47521
Dallas SPECIAL FRIENDS: I’m a single
woman with no kids Ikg4 a special female
friend to love and care for~ call me. e1614
AN D/vkORE....
¯(918-) . 84-4.98

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/502.