[1995] Tulsa Family News, October 15-November 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 11


[1995] Tulsa Family News, October 15-November 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 11


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neil


October 15-November 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Shelly Roberts
JD Jamett


Tom Neil/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 10


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart October 15 - November 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 11
Largent Responds:
The NAMES Project will present a portion
oftheAIDS Memorial Quilton October
13-15 at the Tulsa Fairgrounds Expo
Square Pavilion. For schedule, see p. 9.
National Coming
Out Day in Tulsa
Several Tulsa orgamzations held National
Coming Out Day (NCOD) events.
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community
Church had 35 people attend its
Wednesday evemng service which commemoratedNCOD.
PastorNancy Horvath
noted that the service used a special liturgy
with eight candles to represent the
At the University ofTulsa, the Bisexual,
See NCOD, page ] 1
Nation’s Largest Coming
Out Event Held in Dallas
by Gip Plaster
The nation’s largest celebration of National
Coming Out Day (NCOD), featuring
Candace Gingrich and Chastity Bono,
was held at the State Fair of Texas in
Dallas onOctober 8. The celebration drew
larger than expected crowds, organizers
said. "This is exactly what we hoped for in
our wildest dreams," said Susan Gore, cochair
of NCOD in Dallas. Candace
Gingrich, the sister of Speaker of the U.S.
House of Representatives Newt Gingrich
(R-Ga.) and Chastity Bono, daughter of
actress and singer Cher and U.S. Rep.
See Dallas, page 10
Marriage Update
HONOLULU-A special commission set
up to evaluate the impact of excluding
gays and lesbians from legally marrying
in Hawaii has been considering the economicimpactofthe
issuerecently. Among
some 100 benefits and rights opposite-sex
couples currently enjoy under the state’s
marriage laws that same-sex couples are
see Marriage, page 11
US Supreme Court
Begins Amend. 2
A ppeal Hearings
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Supreme
Courtbegan its new session in early October
with the appeal by the state of Colorado
to reinstate the anti-gay Amendment
2, which was narrowly approved by voters
only to be later declared unconstitusee
Court, page 10
Oklahoma Edu,cational Association (OEA)
Attacks Lesbian/Gay History Proposal
The Oklahoma Eduacation Association (OF_A) has sought to distance itself from a
national resolution that proposed to recognize the historical contributions of Lesbians
and Gay men. In response to attacks on the National Educational Association (NEA)
resolution by Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women of America, the OEA released
statement declaring that its delegates to the conference this last summer had voted
overwhelmingly against the resolution. The resolution had been proposed as one means
of combatting the higher rate of teenage suicide among Lesbian and Gay youth.
OEA sent out a negative flyer toits membership on the NEA resolution. The OEA
claimed to be concerned about the issue of youth suicide but stated that this resolution
was not the appropriate means for addressing the issue. Officially, the OEA would
responded to all questions or requests for clarification with "no comment". An OEA
staffperson indicated that they had not yet spent any time developing a "more appropriate"
response nor could she provide a time line for such an effort. Tulsa Classroom
Teachers Association (TCTA) also sent a flyer to its membership disassociating itself
from the resolution.
Public Schools Chief Agrees to Meeting
Dr. John Thompson, superintendent of Tulsa Public Schools will speak to Tulsa’s
Lesbian/Gay communities and friends on Monday, Oct. 30 from 7-8pro at Family of
Faith Metropolitan Commtmity Church, 5451 e South Mingo. While Dr. Thompson will
speak primarily on the upcoming school bond dection, he expressed a willingness to
hear community concerns. All community, members are welcome but those with ties to
the educational system are especially encouraged to attend. For more information, call
Tulsa Family News at 583-1248 or Family of Faith at 622-1441.
Green Country Pride and TOHR Call
Community Wide Leadership Meeting
Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights (TOHR) and Green Country Pride, a grassroots,
action-oriented community organization are joining tO sponsor an open meeting to
discuss community-wide goals on Tues. Nov 7 in the Chouteau Room of the Alan
Chapman Activity Center at the University of Tulsa. see Meeting, page 10
TOHR -Nominates,-~Offi.cers for 1996
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), Tulsa’s oldest Lesbian/Gay community
organization, nominated officers at its Oct. 3 meeting. The following were selected
by the nominating committtee: Debi Starnes - president, Miriam Childers -lst vice
president, Rob Hill - 2rid vice president, Sue Minshall - secretary and Pam Pretz -
treasurer. No nominations were made from the floor. Under TOHR@laws, nominations
are closed and a vote will be taken at the Nov. 7th meeting.
AIDS Walk ’95 Has Highest Turnout Ever
Organizers of Walk This ~Vay, AIDS Walk Tulsa ’95 estimated that 150 to 200 people
participated in this year’s event on Sat. Sept. 30. Steve Eberle, one of the Walk
organizers, said the event raised about $6000 to benefit VNA - Visiting Nurse Association,
TOHR Testing Clinic, MTSAS - Metropolitan Tulsa Substance Abuse Services,
Inc. Indian Health Care, IAM, Rainbow Village, HIV Resource Consortium, Hospice of
Green Country, SJR, RAIN - ReNonalAIDS Interfaith Networt¢, Ahalaya and MAC.
Organizers noted that the first Walk had only about 50 participants and that this year’s
walkers were more broadly representative of the city - not just the "hard-core" HIV/
AIDS workers & volunteers. Eberle added that the event organizers hope to ~ncrease the
funds raised by seeking corporate donations. The event was recognized both by Tulsa
Mayor Susan Savage whose aide Hilary Kitz attended and by Oklahoma Governor Frank
Keating who issued a proclamation recognizing the Walk.
Red Ribbon Treefest Entries Sought
The Red Ribbon Treefest is decorating a tree, or purchasing
an annual event where dec¯-
rated holiday trees are auctioned
to raise funds for local HIV/ ~€7
AIDS organizations. This year’s ~1~
proceeds will-benefit the HIV .
Resource Consortium’s prescription
drug program and to
assist Interfaith AIDS Ministries
800AIDS information telephone
This year’s Treefest will be
held at the Spotlight Theatre at ]~i~ilOI!
1318 Riverside Drive on Sun- Treefest
day, Dec. 3, with a reception at
4pm and the auction at 5:30.
The Red Ribbon Treefest
Committee invites individuals and organizations
to participate by volunteering,
a tree. Direct donations are also
welcome with checks made to
Interfaith AIDS Ministries. To
decorate a tree or to volunteer,
-please contact the Committee
by Nov. 1statPOB 35844, Tulsa
74153. Tree set-up will be from
9-3pmon Sunday, Dec. 3. The
SpotlightTheatre has a number
of steps at the front entrance.
Handicapped access can be arranged
by calling 663-5372.
Specifications: trees must be
amaximum of six feet high and
artificial. No lights are permitted.
All trees should have a title
reflecting the theme of the tree - no red
ribbon theme, please.
No to General Job
Protections, But
No Discrimination
In His Office Hiring
During his campaign a year ago, member
of Congress for the 1st District, Steve
I_argent, promised to meet with Tulsa’s
Lesbian/Gay communities. In March, he
came to the Metropolitan Church of
Greater Tulsa and listened to community
concerns. At that meeting, he pledged to
consider a proposed bill, the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which
would prohibit work place bias based on
sexual orientation. Specifically, I_argent
promised to respond in writing to Tulsa
Family News editor/publisher Tom Neal.
(His letter is reproduced on page 3.)
see Largent, page 10
Say No to Hate Walk
The Say No to Hate Coalition is sponsoring
acommemorative ~valk at 11:30am
on Friday, Oct. 20 from 1st Street and
Cincinnati across the Martin Luther King
Bridge along Archer and ends at the Universtty
Center at Tulsa, 700 No. Greensee
No Hate, page 10
Nov. Performance
Supports Interfaith
AIDS Ministries
The Long Way ’Round to Ninevah, the
Jonah story in song & dance, will be
presented at All Souls Unitarian Church,
2952 S. Peoriaon Sat. Nov. 11 at 2pro and
at 7pro. This two act play appeals to all
ages and will help supportInterfaithAIDS
Ministries. Info: 438-2437 or 663-5372.
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
TulsaNews@ aoi.com
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the.:~atire.contents of
Tom Neal this publication are protected byUS copyright 1995 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors ph,.,oto does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos ~orrespondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Laurie Cooper noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property ofTulsa Family
Shelly Roberts News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available at Tomfoolery!
Comprehension-impaired reader?
Thefollowin~ letter is reprinted as i’eceived: "
I read your newspaperand accept your challenge
to disagree.
You claim to be traditional in your goals.
Basing your goals on what tradition? The tradition
of family cannot be carried out with the act of
homosexuality, their (sic) cannot be a completion
to the act of sexuality for the gift of life has been
It is contrary to natural law, you dose the future
of the human race.
For most homosexuals, they do not choose their
condition, itis a trial, as weall have our trials in life,
the cross we are given to carry; as christians (sic)
refer to it.
I may have a strong tendency to a quick temper,
I could even say I inherited it from my grandparents,
but that doesn’t make it right for me not to
control my temper.
All peoplemust have respect and compassion for
one another but that is not to confuse right from
We are all called to the virtues of self-mastery
that teach us inner freedom.
By prayer and sacramental grace we can reach
this goal. Your friend in Christ, - Kathie Jackson
Editor’s response: Thanks for writing. We do
welcomedialogueandthe exchangeofviews. However.
you appear to be confused about our challenge.
When we mentioned "traditional goals,’" we
were referring to our specific goalsfor this newspaper-
that is the "traditionar’ role ofnewspapers
tn minority communities, and newspapers in the
broader community. While we could have been
slightly more clear in stating this, we think you
failed to read the essay with enough care.
The challenge we offered was to our community:
Lesbians. Gay men. Bisexuals &’-~’ransgendered
folk. and ourfamilies andfriends, to discuss and
debate where we are and where we need to go.
Frankly, you a~rrelevant to that debate andyour
arguments are ancient, flawed and not worthy of
the newsprint. However, since you appear to have
acted in goodfaith, and to warn others ofyour ilk,
we are printing your letter. We are interested in
debate by members of our commumty about our
issues. We are not interested in providing space to
those who want to debate our very existance.
- Tom Neal
Thefollowing isfrom our assistant editor who’s
more inclined to try to educate:
Speaking for those of us involved with the paper,
and for most people in the Gay and Lesbian community,
webase our goals on. the traditions of love
for our family members, friends and lifemates. Our
traditions are not so different than yours. We all
seek love, a happy home, and someone to share it
with. Many have high morals standards ofhonesty,
integrity, and dignity. Many ofus are religious. We
have and are parts of families - mother, fathers,
-sisters,brothers, nieces,nephews. Gay people can,
and do have children. Gay folk have them because
they want them, not by accident, like so many
unplanned children. In the Gay families I have
seen, they are raised in a loving, supportive enviroument.
As for the statement that Homosexuality is contrary
to nature, any biologist can tell you that
see next column
Are we our own worst enemies?
"GWNI, 28, 5’8", 150 lbs., straight acting/appearing,
lookingforsameforfun andpossible relationship.
Enjoy evenings out dancing as well as quiet
times at home. NOfats, fems, drugs. If interested,
please contact~"
This could be the typical personal ad placed in
many Tulsa Gay and Lesbian publications. This
could be the typical personal ad placed in placed in
Gay papers all over the U.S. One would think after
years of reading such ads, one would overlook or
dismiss them as, at the most, unimaginative.
cannot. Whenever I see these ads, I become angry
at the stereotyped attitudes shown.
"Straight acting and appearing, what is this supposed
to mean? If you want a relationship with a
man who is masculine and presents a masculine
appearance, say so. To call yourself "straightacting"
only perpetuates typical gay stereotypes of
the limp-wristed effeminate male. I would much
rather be involved with someone who is honest,
self-confident, secure, and proud ofwhomthey are,
than someone who feels a need to be "’straightacting".
"No fats, ferns, or drugs." Need I say more? Has
amoreover-used, cliched expressionbeen written?
Use height/weight proportionate, masculine, or
drug-free, but bury this tired, hackneyed expression
once and for all.
I recently read a personal ad that dosed with the
line, "No HIV+, trash, or weirdos." Perhaps I am
overly sensitive, but being an HIV+ gay male, I
take offense at being lumped together with trash
and weirdos. I respect anyone’s desire for an HIV+
or HIV- partner, and it is quite possible that the
author did not intend to convey this message.
Gay men and Lesbians can often be their own
worst enemy. To me, the use of stereotypes and
insensitive remarks, whether intentional or not, is
unacceptable. If we, as Gays and Lesbians, cannot
treat each other with compassion and be free of
stereotypical attitude, how can we possibly expect
heterosexuals and society as a whole to do the
same? - Stephen R. Edlich
homosexuality occurs in nature quite often, and in
many specxes. As for closing the future of the
human race, I think it’s a bit premature (or too late,
depending on how you look at it) to have a real fear
of this happening. Homosexuals make up about ten
percent of the population That leaves roughly
mnety percent of the population quite .capable of
repopulating the earth. We repopulate too, but
we’re more careful about it.
I am currently taking an environmental biology
course at a local university. According to the textbook,
’q’oday there are well over 5 billion humans,
and it is likely that our numbers will increase to
more than 8 billion in your lifetime. We are in
danger of overwhelming the earth with too many
people. The earth has limited resources and the
human population is using up,. encroaching upon,
fouling, and wasting them." ("Environment",
Raven, Berg, & Johnson) If the human race is to
disappear, it will be due to too many people, not the
fact that there are homosexuals. -James Christjohn
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boyz Club, 1229 S. Memorial
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow!Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time’n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Wild Nights, 2405 E. Admiral
Wild Fork, Utica Square, 21st & Utica
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102 254-2100
Creative Collection, 1521 E 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Devena’s Gallery forPhotography, 13 E. Brady 587-2611
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Lemme M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, PsyChotherapy, 2865 E. Skdly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza. 15th & Peoria 584-4606
International Tours 341-6866
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Major Affairs 587-8108
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan 663-4884
*MediaPlay, 9121 E. 71st 250-5158
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton 496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery Gifts & Cards, at Family of Faith MCC 583-1248
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
B/L!G Alliance, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Community of Hope (United Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 74%6827
Friends in Unity (African-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
R.A.I.N.; Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
Rainbow Village, POB 50403, 74150-0403 ~ 599-8423
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at -Tulsa
Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*MCC of the Living Spnng
McClung Realtors
Purple Iris Inn, Route 6, Box 339
Southern Rose Bed & Breakfast, 9 Benton
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*The Woods, 50 Wall St.
*The Diner, 2124 NW 39th
*Jungle Red, The Habana Inn
*Oasis Community Center, 2135 NW 39th
*Triangle Association, 2136 NW 390;
501-2534÷ 281
.... "~28-5 I33
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159
Thank you for contacting me with your views. I appreciate hearing from you.
’H.~.. 1863,tba Employment Non-Discrimination Act, prohibits employers from
discriminating against individuals based on that individual’s "sexual orientation." The Act
exempts the Armed Forces, religious organizations and businesses with under 15 employee~.
I strongly support each individual’s Constitutional civil rights including equal
opportunity. However, I do not believe that a person’s lifestyle or behavior makea them
eligible for bebav~io~r-sp~c~o_p.ro,.t~ons.
lawstha~ apply to moo, age, g~nder ~r~roilgious affdiafion’to individuals who bebav~ like, 6r
a~ perceived to be lesbian, homosexual or bisexual. I am satisfied with the level of
protection that eor~m anti-discfiminationJegislation provides all.individuals, including those
who are a pan of the homosexual commuaity.
Tom, any other definition of discrimination is problamatic. Any empioyer or
prope~’ty owner should be able to refuse to hire, rent or enter into a contructual agreement
with any person whose behavior is morally offensive to him.
I do not believe and it has not been demonstrated that a person’s "sexual prefuroace"
is biologically inherent. Evidence shows that "sexual preference" is nothing morn than a
choice of will. Extending civil rights protection based on behavior is inapproprla~.
Further, in our meeting earlier this year, I stated that _I would not fire someone based
on his or her sexual orientation. However, I believe people should have that right. I would
not fife or refuse to hire someone based on that issue alone; but, i~their behavior became
problematic such that it was disruptive to conducting business, I would reserve the right to
do so.
I support the Constitutional right of free association. Employment and association arn
engaged on a voinnta~ basis. The federal government has little business rngulating
voluntary association and needs to reduce its burdensome rngulations that attempt to affect
individual association.
Once again, I am satisfied that current civil tights legislation provides a sufficient
level of Constitutional protection to serve each and ever~ member of our society regardless
of their sex, age, race, or religmn.
Thank you again for contacting me with your views. I would appreciate your prayers
and further suggestions regarding this or other issues on your mind.
Member of Congross
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E d i t .0 r iAan
What’s R=ght
Wrong With Largent
Many of you will not be .surprised that
o.urcongressman declines to support ~equal
nghts for his Lesbian & Gay consti tuents.
To bring Lesbian and Gay citizens up to
the level of protections that Heterosexual
citizens take for granted is obviously at
odds with the rhetoric of his Republican
party, and especially with that of his core
constituency, the Radical Right- most of
whom clothe their reactionary positions
in the trappings of religion. However, at
risk of seeming Pollyauna-ish, it’s worth
noting that just having Largent engage in
dialogue with us is more than we’ve had in
this Congressional district ever. Radical
Right Senator Jim Inhofe~’ whose anti-
Gay bigotry is too well documented,
doesn’t even pretend to honor his constitutional
obligations to represent all Oklahomans.
Because Largent at least is listening....
there remains some hope that he can be
persuaded to recognize the illogic of supporting
civil rights protections for one of
themost profound behavioral choices, i.e.
the choic6 of religious beliefs and~ their
expression but then claiming it is "inappropriate"
to provide such protections for
another behavioral choice: the open expression
of sexual .identity.
Largent and his staff seem noi ~¢en to
realize that the position they’ve taken, that
see Editorial, page 9
Ait:T.. o¯mfoole. ry,~_.~.c°ming. out is what we:re all about. We’re Tutsa’s original: ga)::ii~i!i~-i:::
.....:i..-&,lesbian giftshop, nd we ve got the best selection of T,shirts,: rainbow gear. :
: :/:and novelty itemsin town. So what are you waiting for? Come on.out:today!
For discreet home delivery of Tulsa
iFamily News, please send $15 for a 12
.months, $8 for 6 months.
lews Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Gay Supreme Court
Justice in South Africa "i eventoaddresstheissueofequal ¯ tional agency. "Thedifficullylies Saint-Nazaire, a town in the union says denying it the right to rights for homosexuals, in the fact that it’s the first time " southern tip of Brittany at the extend the benefits is a private
- The most recent example
of the s.urge of civil rights
progress m South Africa is the
recent appointment of an openly
gay man to South Africa’s Supreme
Court - the first such
openly gay high court justice in
the world. Edwin Cameron, a
law professor at the University
of Witwatersrand and a longtime
gay rights advocate within
the country’s anti-apartheid
ino~,dnidtit, has been iihined to a
seatonthe SouthAfricaSupreme
Court. He had been under consideration
earlier this year for a
seat on the country’s Constitutional
Court. Prior to his appointment
to the Supreme Court,
Cameron also headed the muchpraised
Cameron Commission,
anational panel thatinvestigated
the country’s clandestine arms
deals with several other governments
under international arms
embargoes, including Iraq. During
the transition from apartheid
to full reconstruction in South
Africa, the country has adopted
an interim Constitution that indudes
provisions prohibiting
discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation- thefirst country
in the world to do so.
High Court Justice
Leaves Visitation Intact
Court Justice John Paul
Stevens has reviewed and left
unchanged aWisconsinSupreme
Court temporary order that allows
a lesbian to continue visiting
the biological son of her
former partner. Justice Stevens’
decision will allow Sandra Lynn
Holtzman to continue to visit the
6-year-old son ofher ex-partuer,
Elsbeth Knott, while Holtzman
appeals a court ruling the would
block her from having any visitation
rights with the boy,
Women’s Conf. Ends
Debating Lesbian Rights
BEIJING - The Fourth World
Conference on Women came to
a hair-breath dose following a
contentious debate over thefights
oflesbians. In the end, the United
Nations conference adopted a
set of guidelines that make no
mention of lesbians or sexual
orientation- a disappointment to
rights activists who nevertheless
considered the Beijing assemblage
a major step forward for
being the first UN~0nference
:’ The debate over whether to
include any reference to sexual
orientation in the conference’s
final doctnnent got off to a nasty
start as delegates from several
conservative, far-right and religions
organizations charged that
the UN gathering had a "secret
agenda" to impose Western culture
on emerging nations, to de-~
rail "traditional family values"
and to legalize pedophilia and
bestiality - all in the name of
assuring ci..vil rightsforlesbians.
Representatives ofmore than300
conservative groups went to
Beijing to lobby against what
they call an attack on "the traditional
family" inthe conference’s
draft Platform for Action.
Delegates from several countries
rose to object to including
sexual orientation in the draft
document. One delegate from
Bangladesh said, "If we allow
such an expression to appear in
such a serious document, my
delegation is afraid this will open
the floodgates for all .kinds of
behavior we cannot accept. It is
not innocent behavior." Another
ddegate - from Belize - compared
lesbianism to "prostitution
and strip-tease dancing."
Even with the continuing lesbian-
bashing by delegates, however,
at least 20 nations - including
South Africa, the United
States, Latvia and Israel - said
they had no objections to indudingsexual
inthe draft document, and in fact
bdieved the guidelines included
lesbians whether the phrase was
explicitly included or not.
Although lesbian rights advocates
admitted they were disappointed
by the removal of sexual
orientation protections from the
final draft document, many acknowledged
that they had not
expected to win this first batde
on the world stage and weren’t
entirely dissatisfied with the
progress they felt they had made
in the international arena. Even
with this toned-down,"soft-sdl"
languageon sexual rights, at least
a score of nations with predominantly
Islamic or Catholic populations
strongly objected to the
paragraph. UN conference
spokeswoman Therese Gastaut
said the often rancorous debate
hadn’t been entirely a surprise
because the question of the legal
rights of homosexuals was un-
¯ charted territory for the intemathis
Is being discussed at the UN
¯ level," Gastaut told reporters.
: "All the implicationshave to be
¯ takenintoaccount...They’revery
Zimbabwe Parliament
! BacksAnti-Gay Remarks
¯ HARARE, Zimbabwe - A1-
¯ though it took no formal action,_
.Zimbabwe’s Parliament erupted
¯ m a one-sided debate over ho-
¯ mosexuality as the country’s
elected representatives made it
Cl~the~ ~fip~rted’ PreSident
¯ Robert.M~al~d’s fecentanfi-gay
¯ campaign. One MP said gays
¯ shouldbequarantined"in aniso-
: lation hospital until they are
¯ .treated." AnotherMP urged that
¯ the country’s schools use antigay
¯ No ’Cou pies’ Questions
¯ in Canadian Census
TORONTO - According to a
¯ report in the Toronto Globe and
¯ Mail, the Canadian census report
in 1996 will not include
questions activists had wanted
that would have begun gather-
. ing information on same-sex
¯ couples in the country. In test
: questions, the agency .that
¯ handles the census found that
some Canadians were "Mien-
" ated"by questions about gay and
¯ lesbian couples and recom-
mouth of the Loire River, decided
to begin certifying gay and
: lesbian couples. Deputy Mayor
¯ Maxime Batard said at a press
," conference that "all we have
¯ sought to do is give homosexu-
¯ als the same rights as other citi- ¯
zens." Batardacknowledged that
the domestic partnership certificates
had little legal effect since
-" the French national government
controls most benefits enjoyed
¯ by spouses. "Ours is a symbolic
¯ gesture," Batard Said. ;’If it can
¯ get things moving on a national
level, thatwouldbepretty goOd."
The town ofsome70,000 people
¯ is believed tobe thefirstin France
to offer partnership certificates
to gays and lesbians.
Paris Mayors Endorse
¯ Partner Certificates
¯ PARIS-~!naj0intpress commu- ¯
uique, the six district mayors of
Paris said they wanted "to contribute
to equality between citizens,
whatever their personal
¯ situation." Gays and lesbians in
Paris have worked hard to get
recognitionfor their relationships
and they suffer discriminationin
¯ a number of areas as couples
¯ without some legal recognition
of their partnerships. The "com-
, mon life" certificates that the
¯ district mayors endorsed would
havenolegal authority, butrights
mended against the questions. ¯ -activists Said i.t would be a sig-
"Weknow fromtesting thatthere ¯ nificantbeginning to achieving
areCanadianswhofeeloffended, " full equal rights for gays and
uncomfortable with that living " lesbians.
arrangement," said a spokesper- :
son for the enumeration agency. Canadian Parliament
"TheobjectiveofthecenSusisto " Nixe~ Marriage Bill
: count everyone."
Shocking Gray
Files for Bankruptcy
¯ SAN ANTONIO, TeXas - The
: San Antonio Express has con-
," firmed that the lesbian and gay
¯ mail-order firm Shocking Gray ¯
has in fact filed for bankruptcy.
¯ The paper reports that the firm,
noted for its slick catalogs and
¯ sometimes upscale items aimed
¯ -at gay and lesbian consumers,
¯ filedpapers indicatedit was more
: than $250,000 indebt. Shocking
Gray was founded in 1991 andat
its peak, the company’s catalog
¯ was being mailed out to some 2
¯ million households.
¯ French Town Goes for
: Domestic.Partnerships
.France has entered, the.domestic
partnership campaign when
OTTAWA-Canada’s House of
Commons came back from its
¯ summer recess and launched its
¯ new legislative session by voting
against recognizing same¯
sex marriages. The Commons
voted 124-52 against a bill put
forward by openly gay MP Real
¯ Menard that would have ex-
’: tended legal recognition to gay
¯ and lesbian marriages. In a related
development, the Canadian
Union Of Public Employees said
¯ it would appeal anOntario court
ruing that.the union cannot extend
pension and other taxable
~ benefits to.the unmarried, same-
- sex partners of union members.
: The Canadian Supreme Court
had earlier ruled that anti-gay
discrimination is illegal, but that
¯ the government has the right to
withhold tax benefits from same--
" sex couples if it chooses to. Th2
matter that the government
¯ should not have any business
~ restricting.
¯ ’Celluloid Closet’ Wins
¯ at Toronto Film Festival
¯ TORONTO - The "Celluloid
¯ -Closet, the just-released doch-
¯ mentary film that examines .the
¯ Hollywood motion picture
¯ industry’s depictions oflesbians
¯ and gay men,.was awardeda2nd
¯ place award at theToronto Inter-
. national.Film Festival. ’.’Cellu-
: 10id Closet’.’ was made by Oscar
¯ winning film makers Rob
¯ Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman.
¯ Helms Upset Over
Lesbian Seminar
RALEIGH, N.C. - Sen. Jesse
¯ Helms (R-N.C.) seems currently
to have gotten his anti-gay nose
¯ in a suit over a workshop at the
recent UN-sponsored women’s
¯ conference in Beijing that covered
flirting techniques for lesbians.
In a letter to Bob Atwood,
¯ head of the U.S. Agency for In-
ternationalDevelopment, Helms
¯ wrote: "What, pray tell, does a
¯ "workshop’ on "flirting tech-
¯ uiques for lesbians’ have to do
with women’s rights? I beg you!
Please assure me that no U.S.
¯ money in the United Nations
¯ special trust fund belpedpay for
this outrageous program!’"
¯ Atwood succincdy told Helms,
¯ now chairman of the Senate For-
" eign Relations Committee, that
¯ none ofthe U.S. money that went
¯ helped pay for the UN confer-
¯, ence in Beijing went to support
the flirting seminar, which took
¯ place at a parallel gathering of
¯ representatives from non-gov-
¯ ernmentalorganizations (NGO).
Helms insisted, however, that
¯ U.S. funds had also been used to
¯ support the NGO conference.
"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell"
¯ To Go to Circuit Court
¯ WASHINGTON - Beginning
¯ Dec.4,the4thU.S.CircuitCourt ¯
of Appeals will hear arguments
¯ concermng the case of former
Navy Lt. Paul Thomasson. Only
: days after thecompromisepolicy
¯ wentinto effect,Thomassontold
his commander about his sexual
¯ orientation. Ironically, the com-
¯ m~nder was in charge of admin- ¯
istering the new policy. When
the Navy moved to discharge
¯ him, Thomasson took his case to
¯ federal court.Whenhe lost there,
he appealed to the 4th Circuit
¯ Court.
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News Briefs N=
Coroner in Trouble Over
"Gay Rape" Remarks
OLYMPIA, Wash. - Washington
Gov. Mike Lowry has called
on a state medical board to consider
disciplinary action against
Dr, DexterAmend, the Spokane
coroner who stunned locals by
saying that homosexuals wereresponsible
for the murder-rape
of a 9-year-old girl because she
had been sodomized. Gov.
Lowry told the state’s medical
board to take "any and all appro-
.pnate action.necessary’ in ,examini.
ng Amend’s case, The
commission has the authority to
take a variety of actions, up to
and including revoking the
coroner’s medical license.
Although the uncle of the girl
had already confessed to the
murder-rape of the girl and authorities
said the 9-year-old’s
parents had been under investigation.
on possible ehildmolestation
charges as wall before her
death earlier this year, Amend
told reporters that homosexuals
were really responsible for the
crime, although the girl’s uncle
is heterosexual. "She’s been
sodomized over and over, and
sodomy is a homosexual act - it
is," Amend said in a published
interview after his autopsy ofthe
child. ’¢Fo have everybody think
homosexuality is okay is abuneh
of baloney, I don’t care what the
political ramifications areonthis.
It’ s ahorrible, unbelievable thing
that this child went through, and
they (homosexuals) destroyed
her life.’"
Oregon Ex-Governor
Joins HRCF Board
WASHINGTON Former Oregon
Gov. Barbara Roberts.has
joined the board of directors of
the Human Rights Catnpaign
Fund, the Washington, D.C.-
based gay lobbying organization.
"’I am looking forward to participating
in the leadership of
HRCF," said Gov. Roberts in a
press statement. "Wemust enlist
the support of more and more
non- gay citizens to join this
effort to ensure that all Americans
without exception may live
free from discrimination." During
two attempts by anti-gay activists
in Oregon to pass ballot
measures that would have prohibited
civil rights protections
for gays and lesbians, Gov. Roberts
was aleading and outspoken
opponent of the anti-gay initia-
;ws Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
¯ ~European Human Rights
" ;Commission Rules for
Transsexual Dad
STRASBOURG, France - The
European Human Rights Commission
has ruled by a 13-5 vote
that the refusal of British offi-
¯ cials to register the female-to-
~ male transsexual father of his
wife’s child, which was conceived
by artificial insemination,
¯" is a violation of the European
HumanRights Convention. Brit-
" ish authorities hadrefnsed to reg-
¯¯ ister the unnamed transsexual as .-
the child’s father, arguing that
¯ only biological males could be
¯ considered the father of children
in birth registries. The case will
¯ now go to the European Human
¯ Rights Court which will make a
." final riding on whether the re-
. fusal to register the transsexual
¯ as.the child’s father breached the
¯ European convention and what
¯ possible remedies mustbe taken.
City ofAustin to Consider
¯ Gay Youth Policies
¯ AUSTIN, Texas - The Austin
_. City Council Said it will take
¯ under consideration a set of rec- ¯ ommendations from the city’s
¯ humanrights commissionaimed
¯ at reducing anti-gay discrimina- ¯
tion in public schools and other
¯ city-runinsfitutions. Among the
¯ 10-point recommendations the
¯ human rights commissioners ¯
have sent to the council for ac-
¯ tion: implementing policies to
¯ prevent harassment of gay, le,s-
¯ bian and bisexual students in ¯
public schools; offer school staff
¯ training about anfi- gay discrimi-
¯ nation; de~elop-social’andhealth- -
¯ related services to meet thespe- "
" cific needs of gay and lesbian
¯ .students; make more informa¯
tion about sexual orientation
available through the city’s public
libraries. The HRC recommendations
grew out of public
hearings it held last year on anti-
" gay harassment and bias in the
school system. James Hill, head
of the city HRC, said of the
commission’s recommendations,
"Wehave toremember the
¯ voice of young people.’"
Man Files Bias Suit
Against Computer Firm ¯
g.ay man has filed a discriminanon
lawsuit against Adobe Systems,
the Mountain view, Ca-
" lif.-based high-tech computer
¯ firm. Dale Short worked as an
administrative assistant at the
¯ company for two years where he was givenexcelt:e-~tij~fform~nce
." reviews and bonuses before be-
" ing suddenly fired earlier this
¯ year after a new supervisor
¯ started in his division. The com-
" pany denies any wrongdoing in
¯ Short’s dismissal.
: Modest Step
¯" Forward in Romania
BUCHAREST-The Romanian
¯ Parliamenthas approvedchanges
in the nation’s laws that would
e,ase the~ ,f,e.d.eral, pe,nal~e,s for i hdmoseXual b~hav{or byl.making
it illegal onl~, When it creates
¯ a "public scandal," a modest
: move forward in the country’s
¯ draconian anti-gay laws. The
." new "public scandal"law would
¯ carry prison terms of as much as ¯
5 years in jail with jail terms up
¯" to 7 years if a minor is involved.
Members of the Chamber of
: Deputies saidthenewlaw would
penalize homosexual behavior
¯ only if it caused a "public out-
. rage." But international rights
¯ activists said thelaw makes little
¯ sense because any complaint to
¯ authorities about any alleged
¯ homosexual behavior - whether
¯ public or private- automatically
: is classified as a "public scan-
" dal" simply because someone
¯ has complained. Romania has
been the object of criticism from
: humanrights organizations such
." as Amnesty International over
¯ its anti-gay laws ever since the
¯ fall of the Communist regime in
¯ the Balkan nation. The country
¯ also wants to join the economi-
¯ cally impoltantEuropean Union,
which requires¢hat member nauons
not have laws with biases
against homosexuals if any EU
memberobjects. After DutchEU
representatives insisted that
Romania’s anti-gay laws violated
membership guidelines,
Romanianofficials said last year
that the proposed "public scan=
dal" law would meet the EU
Students Protest
Teacher’s Firing
of students walked out of classes
at Mascenic High School to protest
the firing of teacher Penny
Culliton by the Mascenic school
board for using books with gay
and lesbian characters in her
English classes, including the
E.M. Forster classic novel
Maurice. Cnlliton is fighting her
firing, with .the~ ~upport of the
National Education Assn. One
¯ of the students organizing the
¯ campus protest was Lori ¯
Malboeuf, whose father is the
¯ local police chief.
." Protest Over Verona
¯ Govt’sAnti-Gay Decision
VERONA, Italy-Thousands of
¯ gays and lesbians took to the
¯ streets of Verona, the setting for
¯ Shakespeare’s "Romeo and
Juliet," to protest a city council
¯ action earlier this year rejecting
: a European Union resolution
¯ suppor.".tmg equal righ ts of same- ¯
sex couples. In rejecting the EU
¯ resOlution, some council mem-
¯ bers had called instead called for ¯
castrating homosexuals. An es-
¯ timated 5,000 people turned out
¯ for the protest, one of the largest
¯ in the city’s recent history.
¯ NY Court to Consider
: Anti-Gay Prejudice
¯ ALBANY, N.Y. - The New
¯ York Court of Appeals: the
¯ state’s highestjudicial body, will
: . now consider the"sexual prefer-
" enee and behavior" of anyone
¯ condemned to death in the state
¯ to determine if their convictions
¯ were influenced by anti-gay biases.
The decision by the court,
¯ which will also weigh race, ¯
ethnicity, citizenship, education
¯ and other factors in evaluating
¯ possibleprejudiceinconvictions
¯ in lower courts, is a result of the ¯
state’s reinstituting the death
¯ penalty. The court will also con-
- sider similar information about
¯ murder victims in appeals it
¯ Teachersln TroubleOver
! Alleged Gay Sex Talk
¯ SANFRANCISCO-Twotcach- ¯
ers at a San Francisco middle
school have lost theirCalifornia
¯ teaching credentials for bring-
, ing in guest speakers in 1992
who allegedly gave 6th-graders
¯ an explicit description of gay
"This matter indeed represents
the first bullets fired in what we
can see as a growing campaign
to eradicate such grotesque violation
ofparents’ rights in public
schools," said Brad Dacus, a Sac-
: ramento attorney with the
Rutherford Institute, who repre-
¯ sented Bruce Budnick, a father
." whose daughter was.in the class.
¯ The Rutherford Institute is an
¯ arch-conservative legal group ¯
based in Virginia that has close
¯ ties with the religious right.
¯ The decision, was.,hailed as a
; victoryby parental rights advocates,
who say parents of schoolchildren
should have the chance
to preview classroom-materials
that may be considered offensive
or inappropriate. The Gay
& Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, San Francisco Bay
Area noted in its Media Advisory
that San Francisco schools
do have a parental notification
requirement. However, Budnick
claims he never received prior
GLAAD/SFBA also notes that
theclassroompresentation which
was given by the organization
Community United Against Violence
(CUAV) was 55 minutes
long, almost all of which focused
on hate violence and
homophobia. GLAAD claims
that the discussion of sexuality
was extremely brief and was in
direct response to unprompted
questions made by the students.
Thedecision to revoke the credentials
of the teachers was condemnedbyteaching
officials and
rights advocates whosaidit raises
serious questions about classroom
censorship and academic
freedoms. Judy Dellamonica,
vice president of the teachers’
union in San Francisco, said the
case raises censorship and freedomquestions
about "all ofthose
kinds of things that are very near
and dear to teachers’ hearts."
"This is avery unusual case,"
Dellamonica said. "To have a
credential revoked when the
teacher - or in this case, teachers
- did not directly do anything is
not at all a good precedent."-A
spokesperson for the c~ty’s
schools said the district may file
an~appeal in the case along with
the teachers’ union which is acting
in the unidentified .teachers
(Editor’s note : Tulsa Public
Schools typicallyprovide "sex"
education at grade six,)
Activist Redwing Ailing
PORTLAND, Ore. - Rights activist
Donna Redwing collapsed
during a gay rights workshop
shewas conducting in Indianapolis
on Sept. 30. She has been
diagnosed with operable brain
tumors. Redwing, who was a
leading organizer who helped
work against passage of an antigay
ballot initiative in Oregonin
1992 and other civil rights programs,
said "the initial episode
was very frightening" but added
that her. doctors "are confident
of a quick recovery" following
brain surgery.
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Lesbian Health Issues
STANFORD, Calif. - Dr. Kathenne
O’Haulan, a gynecological oncologist at
StanfordUniversity, reports in the current
issue of Current Problems in Obstetrics,
GynecologyandFertility that lesbians are
at greater risk for a number of health
problems - largdy because of ignorance,
neglect or outright hostility among physicmns
who treat them. O’Hanlan’s study
reviewed virtually all data.from all les=
bian health studies everdoneandincluded
information that covered a total of more
than 13,000 lesbians in seven different
surveys. "Given their demographic profile.
lesbians appear to be at higher risk of
breast, ovarianandendometrial carcinoma
[cancer], as well as heart disease,"
O’Haulan reported. The Stanford associate
professor also concluded that one possible
conlributingfactor to thehealth problems
faced by lesbians arises at least in
part because they feel alienated by the
medical establishment, causing them to
visit their physicians less often than other
women. "There is ample evidence that
lesbians have been alienated from medical
practice, either by accidental offense
by a well-meaning doctor or by prejudice,"
she said. "’It’s essential that we
welcome them back into the medical fold
in order to provide appropriate screening
and testing for these illnesses." O’Hanlan
said physicians can make even fairly minor
changes in their office routines, that
would make lesbians feel more welcome,
from forms that recognize relationships
like domestic partners, to involving the
patient’s parmer in m~ijor medical decisions
the same as a married spouse would
Red Cross Accused of
Censoring AIDS Info. Materials
NEW YORK - The New York Times has
reported that the American Red Cross is
trying to shift its AIDS prevention programs
away from explicit materials at the
urging of]~izabeth Dole, its national president
and the wife of Kansas Sen. Bob
Dole, a Republican presidential contender
who has recently been wooing conservatives.
The Times reported that its investigation
found no documented evidence that
the move was part of a political agenda,
but the papers quoted HIV/AIDS activists
who clearly believe the Red Cross policy
shift is rooted in the U.S. presidential
campaign. Shana Ross, who heads the
Houston Red Cross’ HIV/AIDS program,
told the Times, "It is unconscionable. I
have to take into account that this is because
of who our president is, who her
husband is and the fact that he’s involved
in a campaignnow forthe presidency, and
he is seemingly losing ground to oppo-
.he,n,tSo whq ar~e more co,nservati~e ~..a~,,he
A spokesperson for the Dole campaign
denied any connection between his wife’s
"personal views" and the Kansas
Republican’s presidential bid. The paper
reported that Red Cross officials had developed
an expanded AIDS prevention
program earlier this year, but, that the
agency board, at the prompting of Mrs.
Dole, had made substantial changes in the
recommended program, including extensive
changes in print and video materials
that wefe considered too explicit and
¯ graphic. AIDS activists, however, said
: that more explicit prevention materials
: are exactly what is needed to fight the
. spread of HIV in the U.S. .:~ -
¯ Inexpensive, Fast HIV Teat "
¯ Developed by Indian Scientists
NEW DELHI - The Press Trust of India
¯ reports that biochemists with Delhi Uni=
¯¯ versity have developed an HIV test tliat
takes only a drop of blood and just a few
¯ seconds to detect virus antibodies. The
o Indian news agency reports that the new
¯ test wasfound to be accurate in 99 out of ¯
100 random samples tested. The Delhi
¯ University researchers said however that
¯ they want to evaluate the reliability oLthe
¯ simple new test on thousands of samples
° before making it widely available. Ac-
: cording to the agency report, the test also
: has the advantage of requiring no more
¯ than a drop ofa chemical reagent added to
¯ a drop of the blood to be tested. The two
~ are mixed together on a glass Slide and in
¯ 5 or 10 seconds the blood will "clot" in
¯ globules ifHIV is present, but will remain
unchanged if it is not. Researchers say
: that the test, if it proves to be reliable,
¯ would be a boon in poor countries here ¯
high-technology tests are often prohibi-
¯ tive and in areas where electricity is absent.
¯ Study of Effectiveness of AZT-
& Other AIDS Drugs
WASHINGTON - The widely used
¯ AIDS-fighting drug AZT appears to be
¯ less effective than either ddI, ddI with
¯ AZT, or ddC with AZT. Nearly 2,500
." AIDS patients were given one or the other
¯ of the drugs or drug combinations in a
¯ study conducted by the National Institute
¯ of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for
¯ almost a 3-year period. Patients who re-
- ceived ddI, ddI with AZT or ddC with
¯ AZT were sick less often that those who ¯ received AZT by itself. There have long
] been doubts about how much good AZT
¯ reallydoes people WithAIDS and numer-
¯ ous studies have shown its effectiveness
wears off over time. But researchers say it
¯ is too early to abandon AZT.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID,
: said, "It is quite conceivable that AZT
¯ will have a role as one of a group of drugs
¯" used in combination" Most of the pa¯
tients in the studywere in themiddle stage
of the disease - relatively healthy when
¯ the study began - evidence researchers
say that treatment at that stage does make
¯ a difference. The study is also important ¯
becauseit is the first to show that a drug or
¯ combination of drugs can actually increase
survival or delay disease progression
among people.who have not yet de-
" vel0ped full-blown AIDS symptoms.
: Rape & HIV Used as
¯ Weapons in Global Conflicts
¯ BONN, Germany - A United Nations
~ study commissionhasconcludedthatrape
¯ of both males and females is increasingl,y
¯ being used as a "weapon of warfare"
¯ around the world, leading to increasing
risks oFthe spread of HIV. In some in-
:’~ "gfaflc,~s,’th~ co~ssi0n ft~tmd, purpose-
. ful sexual exposure to HIV of conquered
¯ civilians and military personnel was part
¯ ofmilitary operations in some global con-
: flicts. "Armed conflicts in Bosnia, Cam¯
bodia, Mozambique and Rwanda have
° of warfare to humiliate the enemy," said
: Grace Machel, who is the head of the UN
¯ study panel. Machel noted that during the
¯ 1994 fighting in- Rwanda, men from the
¯ Humtribe who were known to beinfected
¯ with HIV were allowed to systematically
rape captive members of the Tutsi tribe
¯ with"the objective being to inflict a slow
: and ’lingering, but certain, death on the
’:’’ TutsiJ’Thepanel willrecommend, among
: other things, the creation of a permanent
¯ UNwarcrimes tribunal to investigate and
¯ try such crimes.
¯ Getting ’Demographic’
¯ About AIDS on the Internet
CHICAGO- According to the Journalof
¯ the American Medical Association, the
: latest addition to the multimedia material
¯ available on-the Interact is an animated ¯
graphic illustrating mortality rates from
¯ AIDS,mapped outby counties on a week-
." .by-week basis, from 1-981~ through 1993.
¯ ’JAMA says the demographic multimedia
¯ mini-movie provides no new insights into
¯ the epidemic, but goes on to say that the
¯ dramatic presentation of the spread of ¯
deaths from AIDS could be a powerful
¯ educational tool: The graphic can be 1o-
¯ cated on the InterneEs World Wide Web
¯ at the.fo.Howing location: ht(p://
¯ www.clesm.org/datasets/cdc-nci/cdcnci.
html (Note that the lower case format
: throughout theWeb’address is essential.).
¯ Federal Science Panel: Needle
¯ Exchange Programs Fight HIV
WASHINGTON - A new study by the
: U.S. National Academy of Sciences has
¯ concluded that the spread of HIV is re-
" duced by programs that ensure people
¯ who inject illicit drugs have access to
_" cleanneedles.Thereportnotesthatneedle_
¯ swap programs are most effective when ¯
¯ combinedwith other services, including drugabuseandHIV counseling, HIV test-
" ing, treatment referrals, and condom distribution.:
Lincoln Moses, a retired health
policy professor at Stanford University
¯ who chaired the studypanel, says needle
¯ exchanges are an’inexpensive and effec- ¯
¯ tive way to help drug users avoid infection
through sharing needles.
"After careful and exhaustive Study,
my colleagues on the panel and I have
determined thatneedle exchangeprograms
work," Moses said. "They reduce the
spread of HIV. They do not increase either
the injection of illegal drugs among
program participants or the number of
new initiates to injection drug use. Additionally,
they often result in more referrals
to drug abuse treatment." The. panel
also concluded that the AIDS epidemic in
¯ theU.S.is now beinglargelydrivenbythe
] use of shared, contaminated needles by
¯ IV drug users - not by sexual activity as it
-" apparently was early on.
¯ The problem is even worse in other
¯ countries, according to pond member
¯ David Vlahov, an epldemiologist with
JohnHopkins Uni,v,ersity School ofMedi-
¯ cine in Baltimore. ’In countries of Europe
¯ - in particular Italy and Spain- HIVinfec-
¯ tion is rampant among injection drug us- ¯ ers," Vlahov said. "While in this country
¯ perhaps one-third of the AIDS eases are
¯ due to injection drug use, in Italy and
Spain, it’s closer to 70,percent. The panel
~ .has recommended that the federal gov-
¯ emmentliftits banonfunding suchneedle-
" ilswap programs’, a recommendation that
is sure to generate controversy in the
¯ capital’s current conservative political at-
¯ mosphere. It also has recommended that
¯ states and cities repeal any existing laws ¯
that might prevent the legal sale or pos-
¯" session of hypodermic injection equip-
. ment or require prescriptions for its pur--
¯ chase.
¯ AIDS Vaccine Trials
OK’d for Thailand
¯ SAN DIEGO, Calif. - The Immune Re-
sponse Corp. in San Diego has finalized
¯ an agreement with the Trinity Medical
¯ Group Co. of Thailand that will let IRC
¯ test its therapeutic AIDS vaccine with
¯ thousands of Thai volunteers in what is
¯ believ ed will be the largest ever test of ¯
such a vaccine so far in the epidemic. The
¯ Thai public health ministry has approved
¯ a one-year clinically controlled trial of the
¯ potential, vaccine on some 300 Thais who
are already infected with HIV. IRC says it
hopes the Thai trial will run concurrently
with a similar, larger clinical trial in the
U.S. that will involve some3,000 infected
¯ individuals, although the Food & Drug
Administration has yet to approve the
¯ U.S. trial. The vaccine, which was devel-
¯ oped by the late, Jonas Salk, has already
gone through preliminary safety trials.
¯ IRC hopes the proposed U.S.-Thai trials
will demonstrate the effectiveness of the
¯ vaccine in boosting the immune system
response among people who are already
infected with HIV.
Medical Bias in HIV Treatment
BALTIMORE- Johns Hopkins University
researchers have reported in the New
EnglandJournal ofMedicine that women
and minorities who are infected withHIV
¯ developfull-blownAIDS faster thanwhite
males because the health care delivery
¯ systemgives themunequal treatment. The
¯ study found that problems encountered ¯
¯ by women andminorities in.getting good
.health care outweigh other demographic
¯ ~ssues in how fast they progress to AIDS
¯ and how long they survive following in-
. fection.
UCLA Scientists Say They’ve
Found Crucial Gene in HIV
LOS ANGELES - Researchers at the
¯ AIDS Institute of the University of Call- ¯
fornia at Los Angeles (UCLA) report in
¯ the Journal of Virology that they have
¯ identified a gene in HIV that arrests CD4
¯ T-lymphocytereproduction. Theresearchers
report that the Vpr gene contains the
¯ plan for a protein that blocks CD4 cells,
¯ keeping them from reproducing. The dis-
. covery could aid in the development of
¯ new AIDS drugs that inhibit the gene’s
¯ growth in the body and permit immune
¯ cells to continuemultiplying and fending ¯
off the virus. Some scientists, however,
¯ warned that theUCLA work is still pre-
¯ liminary. "It’s a big leap to go from this
¯ observation in the laboratory to a state-
" ment that Vpr is what’s responsible for
¯ the depletion of the immune system in
¯ infected patiehts,’" said Dr. Daniel
¯ Kuritzkes of the University of Colorado ¯
Health Sciences Center.
Combined Drug ’Cocktail’
Reduces Death Rate
’ LONDON - Researchers in a joint ~uro-
: pean-Australian study have announced
: that they have found a "cocktail" of two
¯ approved drugs that significantly extend
¯ thelife ofpeople withAIDS, cutting death
rates.among patients who took the combi-
: nation by more than one-third. Dr Brian
¯ Gazzard, thepnncipalinvestigatorforthe ¯
trial in Britain, said, "It shows clear sur-
: -viral advantages for combination versus
¯ single agent therapy." Gazzard said researchers
were so impressedby their find-
" ings that they had stopped the years-long
: study .€~3r,ly in order to publicly announce
¯" itbecauseoftheimportantimplicationsof
¯ their results for peoplewiththe disease. "I
think it will be used very rapidly clinically
¯ because tbese drugs are used on their own
: at the moment," Gazzard said. The study
¯ compared survival rates between people ¯
who were treated with ~zidothymidine
(AZT) and those treated with AZT plus
didanosine or zalcitabine. Although 17%
ofpatients who tookAZT died during the
trial, only 10% treated with didanosine
and 12% with zalcitabine did not survive.
Overall the reduction in death rate was 38
per cent for patients who took the two
drugs compared with those treated with
AZTalone. Thestudyinvolved some3,000
Prime Minister: HIV/AIDS
Over the Peak in Australia
CANBERRA, Australia - Australian
Prime Minister Paul Keating said his
.country’ s levelofHIV infection has passed
Its peak, in large part because of an aggressive
education and prevention campaign
against the epidemic. "A decade of
hard and unremitting effort in this country
has resulted in a welcome reduction in the
rates and incidence of both HIV and
AIDS," Keating said, notinghoweverthat
the disease continues to increase in Britain
and the U.S.
Keating also announced that the government
would finance a 3rd five-year
campaign startingnext year, whenits $75-
million second five-year effort comes to
an end. Keating said that specific details
of the new strategy had yet to be worked
out but that it would focus on research,
.care and treatment, education and prevenuon,
and the international fight against
the epidemic. There have been nearly
19,000 HIV infections reported in Australia
since 1985, and government figures
now show the number of new infections
" has leveled off at about 600 annually.
HIV InNewborns Declining
¯ CHICAGO -Researchers with the Cen-
," ters for Disease Control and Prevention
¯ report in the current issue of the Journal of
: the American Medical Association that
fewer HIV-infected infants are being born
in the U.S. Dr. Susan F. Davis reported in
¯ the journal that it is unclear why the de-
. eline has occurred. CDC data however
¯ indicates that the number of newborns
: infected with HIV peaked in 1991 with
¯ 1,760 babies born with the virus, and fell
in both 1992 and 1993.
_" The researchers suggested that the rea-
¯ son for the trend could include decreased ¯
fertility among H!V-infected women, an
¯ increased number of abortions among
¯ women infected with the virus, or alevel-
¯ ing off of HIV incidence in women of
¯ childbearing age. The scientists said the ¯ numbers could fall even further if.preg-
: nant women are treated with the drug
¯ AZT, which dramatically reduces the risk
ofmother-to-child transmission from25%
to just 8%, Davis and her team said.
¯ Baboon MarrowTransplant HIV
¯ Procedure Moving Forward
SAN FRANCISCO - The University of
California-San Francisco has given the
¯ go-ahead to an experimental treatment
.. that will inject baboon bone marrow into
¯ a man who has AIDS in an effort to build
¯ his immune system. JeffGetty, a38-yearr
¯ old man ,w,ho volunteered for the proce¯
dure, saxd I m lucky to havemade it this
far. The wait has been unbelievable."
¯ Researchers at San Francisco General
¯ Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh
had to get,approval of the Food & Drug
Administration for the untried procedure.
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Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627-B East 1 l th.
Info: 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
TheBanned,OKGay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston
Info: 583-9780
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm
Results hours: 7-gpm
Info: 742-2927
Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Minister’s Class
Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center
7:30 pm
2627-B East llth
Info: 583-7815
ItIV+ Support Group
HIV Resource Consortitun
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC of Greater Tulsa
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Choir Practice 7 pm
2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Support Group
1st & 3rd Wednesdays
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
Family Of Faith MCC
Potluck 6:30 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Choir Practice 8 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
16-Step Empowerment
." Group For Women
¯ Community of Hope
: 1703 E. 2rid, Info: 585-1800
¯ Co-Dependency
Support Group
." 7:30, Family of Faith MCC
¯ 5451-E S. Mingo
C~all 622-1441 for Info.
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
Walkin testing: 7 - 8:30pm
Results hours: 7 - 9pm
Info: 742-2927
Prayer Time
MCC - Greater Tulsa, 7 pm
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2rid, lnfo: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
¯ Association
TJC Southeast Campus,
lnfo: 631-7632
¯ SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
: Call 832-2121
¯ TOHR Helpline ¯
Daily 8-10 pm
: For info. or to volunteer:
¯ 743-GAYS
Tool Box Technicians,
Leather org.,
Info c/o The Tool Box:
¯ Tulsa Uniform &
Leather Seekers Assoc.
¯ Info: 838-1222
Community Events
NAMES ProjectAIDS Memorial Quilt
Fri. 6:30-10:30, Sat. 10-7, Sun. 11-6:30
Expo Square Pavilion, Tulsa FairGrounds
Opening: Fri. 6:30, Close: Sun. 6:30pro
Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians
5pm, St. Dunstan’s, 5635 E. 71st
Womens Supper Club Potluek~Picnic
Noon-Spm, Zink Park, 31st & Trenton
Info: 298-4648
Broken Arrow. Community Playhouse
Auditions for Androcles & the Lion
5pro, 1800 So. Main
Info: 258-0077
Faith & Struggle Dialogue Group
Community of Hope United Methodist
4:30pro, 1703 E. 2nd (ongoing group)
Info: 585-1800
OCTOBER 27 & 28
NOVEMBER 5 Matinee
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
Much Ado About Murder
8pm, 1800 So. Main, 2pro Matinee
Info: 258-0077
Bioethical Issues ofHIVIAIDS
Religious, Legal & Medical Conference
Spann Conf. Ctr. at Doctor’s Hospital
8am, Info: 258-0077
Editorial fromp. 3
employers or property owners should be
able to discriminate basedtheir view that
at~ employee or renter, etc. engages in
"morally offen~v~"*b~havi6i: ~illd lead
to Catholics discriminating against Jews,
Protestants againSt Catholics, Whites
against Blacks about whom racist arguments
traditionally were disguised in
"moral" terms. Thisat~osition contradicts
our constitution and laws which Largent
claims to uphold. This is hardlyjust "Gay"
There is one other issue. Steve Largent
regularly states thathebelieves that sexual
orientation is a matter of choice. It seems
likely that he would not presume as a
white man to try to tell someone who is
Af,..fic~American~.-what’it’s like to be
Bi-~k= ~st~ iti’S:i~El~,. that he would as a
man respectwomen’s perspectiveon what
it is like to be a woman, or as an selfprofessed
Christian not presume to speak
to Jewish experience. So why is it that he
listens to Lesbians and Gay men and then
tell us he knows our experience better
than we do?. Overwhelmingly we have
noted that we can hide or ignore our
sexual and gender identities but that there
is no real choice in who we are - only in
our expression. Sure, there are a few tortured
souls, who having internalized anti-
Gaypropaganda, put themsdves intonowwall
discredited "redirection" programs.
Those few do not represent us.
Largent should know this - after all he
should be able to draw from his own
experience of knowing what his orientation
is. And that is the heart of the matter.
The only way he can have any credibility
saying being Gay is a choice is if he is
willing to say he was Gay or Bi and has
chosen not to be. If he’s just heterosexual,
then he needs to hush up and listen to
those whose lives and rights are at stake.
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Sonny Bono (R-Ca.), headlined !the celebrataon
of family and coming out called
"A Family Outing." There was also a
barbecue buffet, speechesby member of
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians
and Gays (PFLAG), as well as comedians
and entertainers, including the gay and
lesbian cheerleading group Cheer Dallas.
"By focusing on family, we hope to
increase awareness that discrimination
based on sexual orientauon is not just a
gay issue, but one that impacts parents,
siblings, relatives and friends, who often
feel it necessary to lie about people they
love who are gay for fear of rejection or
retaliation by co-workers or acquaintances,"
Gore said. "The purpose of National
Coming Out Day is for lesbians, gay men,
and bisexuals to be open and honest about
who they arewith their families; friends,
and co-workers." The tent that played
host to the daylong activities drew overflow
crowds for the speeches by Gingrich
and Bono.
"Both Chastity and Candace courageously
stepped forward and set an example
for gay people everywhere," Gore
said. "We are delighted to have these two
prominent women celebrating National
Coming Out Day with us in Dallas."
"This type of event and coming out are
the most important things we can do,"
Bono said in a brief speech. "Finally, I’m
able to make a statement and make a
difference withmy ownpeople." Chastity
Bono’s sexual Orientation has been the
subject of entertainment industryrumors
since it was first reported inthe Star in
1990. Another aiaide appeared in the National
Enquirer soon after the 1994 death
of Bono’s companion to cancer. Bono " The event at the fair was only a part of
came. out publicly in April 1995 on the " Dally’ week-long celebration ofNCOD
pages of The Advocate, the national gay ¯ A slghature advertisement featuring the
andlesbian newsmagazine. Bono said sh,.e~ .....names~ of people who support the NCOD
firstknewshewasalesbianwhenshesaw’ cause ran on October 11 in The Dallas
the love scene in the movie Personal Best.
She was 13. Bono credits her easy time
coming out to the many positive gay and
lesbian role models in the entertainment
community in which she grew up. She
¯ said that well-known entertainers like
¯ Elton John do a service to the community
¯ when they come out. Bono’s parents have
long known of Chastity’s orientation.
¯ "What she’s doing today-- taking the
¯ initiative-- makes me very proud ofher," ¯
Cher told The Advocate.
¯ Candace Gingrich initially came into
¯ the spotlight because of her brother. Soon
¯ after U.S. Rep. Newt Gingrich became
Speaker of the House, Ms. Gingrich rec-
¯ ognized an opportunity to help. "I recog-
¯ uized that I had an opportunity and obli-
¯ gation to get involved in the movement
for gay and lesbian equality in a meaning-
" ful way," Candace Gingrich said.
Gingrich, 29, has been open about her
sexuality to her family and friends for
years. Her public coming out, however,
¯ came when, at the end of an interview, an
¯ Associate Press reporter asked ifGingrich
¯ was a lesbian. She said simply, ’.’Yes, I
am. Gmgnch to,d the fair-goers that she
¯ believes the majority of Americans are in
¯ favor of employment protection for lesbi-
¯ ans and gays, and she cited several statis-
: tics in support. "They know like we do
¯ that everyone in our country deserves the
¯ samerights under thelaw," Gingrich said.
: Gingrich said this gathering in Texas was
¯ thelargest group to which shehad spoken.
¯ She received a standing ovation at the end
, of her remarks.
¯ Morning News. Special church services
celebrating NCOD were also held this
: week. "Almost 50 percent of Americans
¯ claim they don’t know anyone who is gay
: or lesbian," Jim McBride, co-chair of
: NCOD in Dallas said. ’’This invisibility
¯ results from the fact that, counter to ste-
: reotypes, people who are gay, lesbian or
: bisexual are virtually indistinguishable
: from the rest of the population. National
: Coming Out Day demonstrates that we
¯ representall races, nationalities, religions,
: and economic and occupational catego-
¯ wood. At 12:15 in room 151of the North ¯
Hall, a panel of individuals will provide
¯ their perspectives on racism and hate
¯ crimes. This event is the final event in the ¯
Week Without ViolenCe, a Tulsa
¯ commeration of a national observance
¯ sponsored by the YWCA.
¯ The Say No to Hate Coalitton beganin ¯
1988 to oppose hate crimes, and racial,
: religious and sexual orientation bigotry.
¯ Last year, the Coalition sponsored an anti-
¯ hatemessage that was included in City of ¯
Tulsa utilities bills. Participating organi-
¯ zations include Tulsa Oklahomans for
¯ Human Rights (TOHR), Jewish Federa-
¯ tion of-Tulsa, Islamic Society of Tulsa,
¯ Tulsa Public School s, Tulsa Police Dept.
: and the Tulsa chapter of the American
: RedCross. FormerTOHRpresidentKelly
¯ Kirby is a co-chair of the Coaltion.
Largentrefuses to supportENDA. How-
" ever, he does pledge explicitly not to fire
¯ someone based on her/his sexual orientatiOn.
This contrasts with the public post-
¯ tions of other members of the Oklahoma
¯ congressional delegation, many ofwhom
indicated that they would refuse to hire or
¯ wouldfire individualsbasedontheirsexual
¯ orientation. These views, which werefirst
; revealed by Tulsa World reporter Jim
¯ Myers, created a national scandal and
. resulted in a non-discrimination pledge
campaign bytheDC basedHuman Rights
Campaign Fund.
This coincides with TOHR’S regular
monthly meeting. TOHR will meet at
7pm to conduct its business. At 7:30, a
frank and opendiscussionis planned with
members and leaders of all community
orgamzations, businesses and individuals
invited to participate.
tional by the Colorado Supreme Court.
The case is of intense interest to fights
activists becausehow the courtrules could
determine the fate of similar measures
around the country to excludelesbians
and gays from civil rights protections
along with other minorities. Some believe
the increasingly conservative high court
may sustain Amendment 2, although initial
questioning by some justices indicated
serious constitutional concerns.
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A smart way to,reduce the size of an
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Andwhile annual exclusion gifts arebased
on calendar year totals and are typically
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¯ regarded as year-end tools, they actually
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¯ "~ A donor may give up to $10,000 every
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exclusionamountfor amarriedindividual
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consents to "gift splitting," a practice in
which one spouse agrees to let the other
use his or her annual exclusion.
Big tax savings can occur .when you
take advantage of the annual exclusionon
a consistent basis. For example: A 55-
year-old mangives $10,000 to each of his
two children until he:reaches his normal
life expectancy of 77 years. If,the aftertax
return on the gifts is 6 percent, the
combined projected value of the two gifts
in 22 years is nearly $920,000. Because
the two children own the investment, it is
not subject to federal estate taxes when
the father dies.
Ifthefatherdid notmake those gifts and
instead accumulated the cash inhis estate,
his estate would incur additional federal
estate taxes at the time of.his death. Assuming
amarginal estate tax bracket to 50
percent, the taxes on that accumulation
would be about $460,000--an amount
that could be saved and literally reinvested
with wise annual exclusion gifts.
¯ deniedare tax deductions, accidentai death
: payments, inheritance and burial rights,
¯ and business and land transfer benefits. In
¯ considering the issue, Dan Foley, thelaw-
" yet who is representing the three same-
: sex couples suing the state for legal mar-
. dages, told the commission that gays and
¯ lesbians have the right to these benefits
¯ justas heterosexualcouples do."Therights
¯¯ and benefits that are contingent onmarital status must be given to same-sex couples
." via marriage license, unless the state can
¯ demonstrate compelling state interestthat ¯
it be withdrawn," Foley told the commis-
sion. But Steven Michaels; the state’S
¯ deputy attorney general, said most situations
thatinvolve denyingbenefits to same-
" sex couples can be resolved under exist-
" ing laws. "In Very many instances, butnot
¯ all instances, the differences in treatment
are quite small and could be resolved, for
¯" example, through the law of contracts, a
: probate and through other kinds of ar-
¯ rangements that are authorized under extmg
law, Michaels insisted. The com-
. nnssion is expected to haverecommenda-
." tions on the contentious issue for the state
¯ legislature by the end of this year.
Lesbian and Gay Alliance presented programs
onTuesday, Wednesday andThursday,
ranging from a panel of speakers
¯ from Parents, Familieg. and Friends of
¯ Lesbians and Gays to a discussion of
¯ Gays & Lesbians and the Church by Pastor
Horvath. "
Timothy W. Daniel
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ARIES, March 21 - ApPi120
Yournatural love ofhaste and recklessness
goes into overdrive now. You’re
quick tojump onwhatever, or whomever,
when your emotions dictate a leap. This
can be a fun month for "try anything"
Ariens;just keep a wee bit ofa grip so you
won’t end up with lots of regrets.
TAURUS, April 20 - May 21
You belong to a sign that’s famous for
sweet and accomodating behavior, but
this month, you’re likely to blow your
temper and your reputation, with it. It
seems thatyou’ ve been oppressedby great
and powerful forces, but envy is your real
enemy. Relax. You’re imagining things.
GEMINI, May 21 - June 22
You could always be described as a
"silver tongued devil," but your charm
goes off the meter now. You can sdl
anyone anything you like; you can sdl
yourself effectively too. The only problem
is, you’re temporarily more prone to
talk than action. Try not to bark unless you
intend to bite.
CANCER, June 22 - July 23
You’re not exactly, famous for high
self-esteem and rampant ego but you’re
nowhere near as inadequate as you think
you are: It seems like it would help to talk
about yourself and your needs with significant
others, but you won’t get the
response you want for another month.
Obsess over your work instead.
: If you re an athlete of any sort, yot~-]l
¯¯ have a winningmonth of graceful, physical
mastery. This is a great time for pota-
¯ toes to get off the couch andjoin in. Your
¯ parts work together better than usual, and
¯ the grandstand loves to watch. Want lots
: of strokes and attention? Here’s your
¯ chance.
¯ VIRGO, Aug. 23-Sept. 23
: A good month to putter around the
¯ house or cleanup theneighborhood. Your ¯
¯ car.e~taking side becomes hyperactive, and that s saying something for a confirmed
¯ world-saver like you. Any task that at- ¯
lows you to show your concern for others
¯ brings alot of satisfaction now. Go ahead
¯ and help; the rest of us need it..
: LIBRA, Sept. 23-00t. 23
¯ If you’re a typical Libran, you’ve been
-" worrying lately that you’ll never have
¯ enough money to buy all the pretty toys
¯ you know you deserve. This month, your
¯ financial concerns fade into the past as
: your social schedule heats up. Running
: around and working the crowd replaces
¯ checkbook agonies. Life gets fun again.
SCORPIO, Oct. 23-Nov. 23
You always make a bigger impression
-" than you realize and your birthday month
: is prime time for some drop dead
¯ Scorpionicglamour. Youhave a great and
valid need to express yourself on your
: own terms. Let the peasants mutter that
you’re sdf-involved’ if they must. It’s
¯ your rime to think "me first," so go for it.
Open Arms
Open Minds
Open Hearts
Saint Aidan’s
4045 No. Cincinnati, 425-7882
Saint John’s
4200 SO. Atlanta PI., 742-7381
501 SO. Cincinnati. 582-4128
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
Sandra J Hill, M,S:
fsychother;py & Clinical
Sensitive to the Challenges of
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &
Transgendered Individuals,
Couples.& Families¯
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 215,745-1111
Zo,... SAGITTARIUS, Nov. 23-Dec. 22
¯ A bit competitive, are we? Not that
¯ you’re out to pick a fight, but you won’t
" back away from a battle if someone at-
: tacks you first. Your normally abundant
energy gets a power surge this month.
: You’ll either get a lot of work done or
; you’ll get a lot of speeding tickets. Better
¯ to focus and avoid fines.
: CAPRICORN, Dec. 22-Jan. 21
¯ People and their messy passions are ¯
often distasteful to you. But this month,
you really want to check out when things
; heat up. This is an excellent rime to be
¯ alone as much as you can. If your work
drags you into the public eye, spend your
off hours in a secluded place. Plan quietly
¯ for next month’s return to the fray.
: AQUARIUS, Jan. 21- Feb. 20
¯ If you have a mate, (s)he may consider ¯
shopping for a leash this month.-Your
~ ever present need for independence gets
¯ obsessive, and you’re just not very polite
¯ about telling people you need space and
: plenty of it. You’re hot, you’re cold; your
: temper is erratic. Try to remember that
¯ "love" is not synonymous with "prison."
¯ PISCES, Feb. 20 - March 21
You attract all sorts of favorable atten-
¯ tion at work; partly because you show
: your willingness to work with others,
¯ partly because you’re just so darned seri-
¯ ous. Your ability to express affection and ¯
sensuality is abit depleted now, but it’s a
~ good time to focus on career success.
¯ Love gets it’s kick start soon enough.
¯ MCC of the Living
Spring Calls Pastor
The Metropolitan Community Church
¯ of the Living has called the Reverend
KermieWohlenhouseto beits Pastor. Ms.
¯" Wohlenhaus cometo EurekaSprings from
¯ MCCof theRockies inDenver, Colorado. ¯
Ms. Wohlenhaus was licensed to preach
i at the Universal FellowshipofMetropoli-
¯ tanCommunity Churches (UFMCC) Gen-
: eral Conference this year. Raisedin Colo-
. rado, Ms. Wohleahaus is a graduate of
: Colorado Art Institute and received her
_" Master in Divinity fromlliff School of
¯ Theology. Shehas traveled the Southwest
MCC of the Living
spiritual and
lifestyle diversity
: painting over 60 murals and had had one-
¯ woman shows in Colorado.
: Ms. Wohienhaus says, "my theology is
: Christian, with a sprinkling of New Age,
¯ Eastern Religion, Native American,
¯ Wimmin’S Spirituality, and 12 step re-
: covery. Her first Sunday was September3
¯ and her Installation as Pastor was Satur- ¯
day, September 16 and was followed by a
¯ reception.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring is a church
¯ that not only accepts but celebrates spiri- ¯ tual and lifestyle diversity. We welcome
¯ all Seekers, Pilgrims, and Advance Spir-
¯ its, Gay, Lesbian, Trans and Bisexuals,
¯ leather and drag to come and share with
¯ us. Everyone is welcome. For more infer-
¯ marion, Call 253-9337 to leave a message.
Your call will be returned promptly.
For a Taste ofLocal Flavor
Gay Owned & Operated
Serving Lunch: Noon to 3pm, .Dinner: 5 to 1 lpm, Closed Thurs.
t ealty, Inc.
’q’he Land Specialists"
501-253-9682 (days) OR 501-253-8969 (evenings)
Offerings include: Bed & Breakfast Inns, Victorian Homes,
Hotels/Motels, Commercial Properties/Businesses,
Quiet Country Estates, and much more.
McClung Realty, Inc. has catered to the diverse G/L/B/TG
community in Eureka Springs for over 20 years. Call or write for a
listing brochure. Or better yet, stop in, and we’ll show you around.
We specialize in creative financing.
Dinner & Theatre Combo at Fat Tuesdays
Fat Tuesdays, in the downstairs of the :
New Orleans Hotel is proud to announce ¯
the newest, "edgiest" theatrical romp to "
hit the Ozarks in a long time. Any Tues- ¯
day or Wednesday during the month of "
October come and dine from the magical ¯
menu created and
prepared by Chef
Charles Clark, re,
centl~ featured in
the June issue of
Ben Appetit. And
then see the Off-
Broadway smash,
Parall. el
Lives,written .by
Me Gaffney and
Kathy Najimy.
The showis performed
by three
women, Pamela
Jones, Janet Alexander,
and Poco
Carter, whoplay8-
10 characters each
in a series of skits
which, capture the
humor of humanity~
Each of these
actors brings extensive
in theater and performance
to this
SBased on Parhallel laves:oThe Kathy &~Me
:" THE PAMELa, =’
Parallel Lives is directed by Lewis
Routh, formerly of Eureka Springs, currenfly
the owner of the Orlando, Floridabased
Act Out Theatre. Routh recently
won that city,s prestigious entertainer Of
the year award for presenting pertinent
plays withGayand
Lesbian themes.
-. Routh. says
that this prodiJctien
h,,as b~n one
ofhis mostjoyfull
and rewarding
working experiences."
The dinner/
show package is
$30, with show-
.only tickets available
for $10.
Call FatTuesdays
for reservations,
Tuesday -
¯O t Sunday, 4 pm- "
Directed by Lewis Routh t
midnight: (501)
: ° Featuring...
2 5 3 - 8 2 6 4 .
¯ " ................................. ¯ Showtime is 9pro
: PametaJones. JanetAl~xander. PocoCa,er :
on Tuesday and
¯ "" ................................. " ¯ Wednesday.Afull
¯ ¯ bar is available.
¯ Benefit Fo,
¯ The Lane House The run of the
¯ Wednesday, October25 ¯ show may be ex-
¯ ¯ tended into No-
Raven/Redhawk E~ nterpr!ses
i Schl
/are ,~
POB 429
¯ Phyl:Boler,Schmidt
Software Specialist
Eureka Springs 72632
The Annual Eureka Springs Gay Family Reunion was held on Sept. 10 at Beaver Dam
Site Park. Upper rightphoto: Charlotte & Ken, event organizers &state/local activists.
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ eee ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ e ¯ ¯ e eo e_eeoeeeeoe ~e.eee eo eee
Jerry A. Wilson
¯ A Friendly Place to Stay O
¯ .
96 Kings H~ghway ¯ Hwy. 62 W.
¯ Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(501) 253-7311
Hwy. 62 East
Eureka Springs,
Open Through
Adult Accommodations
In Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Craftsman-style cottages with beautiful views
of the woods and wildlife -.Tucked on top of the
Ozark Mountains, just a few minutes walk to the
Historic Village of Eureka Springs.
Frank Green Jr., Host - 50 Wall Street - Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
of Eureka Springs
Recomtnended by the New York Times
(501) 253.6807 5 Center Street
Closed F~ednesday Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Romantic, quiet & secluded
Family-owned & operated
Guest Cottage with
A Jacuzzi for two,
And private parking,
All only 1/2 block to downtown.
9 Benton Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
" 501.253.2204
Review by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-Co~nty Library
In our constantly changing world, social
graces continue to be redefined. Now
thatmany gay citizens are
morepublicly open about
their-lives and relationships,
some fine tuning is
necessary. "TheEssential
BookofGay Manners and
Etiquette" is subtitled "A
HandbookofProper Con-~
duct and Good Behavior
for the Gay Gendeman."
Don’t let that fool you;
this guide is definitelynot
stuffy. It is a practical
manual designed to include
homosexuals in the
everyday social interactions
of Americans.
There are six chapters:
1) THE ESSENTIALS, which includes
introductiOns (such as how to introduce
your ex tO your newboyfriend), Gay Time
(A.K.A. tardiness), and how to answer
someone who asks "Are you gay?"
SEX covers "How toTumFirst Dates into
Second Dates" &"Neg0tiating Safe Sex."
which goes from "Ceremonies of Commitment’"
to "When Baby Makes Three."
. 4) HOME LIFEincludes ntles of entertaining
and the proper ways to send letters
and invitations t9 couples.
¯¯ proper dress and good grooming.
". some logical guidance on taking the HIV
A Handbook of
Proper Conduct&
G.~i Behavior
for the Gay
Gentleman¯ Don’t
let that fool you;
tl~s guide is
definitely not
test and "What to Say
WhenaFriendTests Positive."
Included in each chapter
are sporadic quotes of
wisdom: "Rudeness is the
weak man’s imitation Of
strength" and "Politeness
is the art of choosing ~
among one’s real
thoughts" are two of the
best. Also covered are
some basic rules that everyone
should already
know, but many people
obviously don’t: "Don’t
interrupt a conversation
to introduce yourself,"
~ "Learnthe artofreciprocation" and "Don’ t
¯ make a date if you don’t intend to go
-." through with it." While these are often
¯ used in straight society, there are other
." rules,more specifictogay situations, such
¯ as"Showingaffecrionpubliclyis thesame ¯
for.gays as it is for straights."
¯ Although it is obvious that the authors
¯ live On the coasts, gays inmiddleAmerica
¯ will also find this to be a logical, helpful ¯ guide. Check for this rifle, and others of
¯ similar interest, in the Readers Services
¯ department of the Central Library, 2nd ¯
floor, or call 596-7966.
Brian Jackson & Claudette Peterson recognize
top walkers at AIDS Walk ’95.
Divas Fallon Scott & Monica Munro
graced the Silver Star Saloon on Sept. 24.
Photos, JD damett, 621-5597
Localactivist&Stonewall veteran, Jimmy
Flowers, with Pride sign - AIDS Walk "95
The Rev. Nancy Horvath, spouse Barb
Zeller-Horvath and son, Zach after
Horvath’sinstallation aspastor ofFamily
ofFaithMetropolitan Community Church.
.Out Pizz&ria & Espresso
1344 e. 15th 582°3456
June 26 - July 3, 1996
July 28 - Aug. 4, 1996
April 8-15, 1996
Sonora Bay
Oct. 5~12, 1996
International Tours
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10, Each
additional word is 25 cents.
You may bring addihonal
attention to your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Adin bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box- g2
Ad reversed- $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad.
Count the number of words.
(A word for our purposes is a
group of letters or numbers
separated by a space.)
Send your ad & payment to
POD 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with your name, complete
address, day & evening
phone numbers (for our
records only). :
Ads will run in the next issue
after they are received~
Tulsa Family News reserves
the right to edit or refuse any
ad. No refunds will be made.
American CiviF,~.’l~ties
Union of Oklahoma
600NW 23rd, Suite 104
OKC 73106, 405-524-8511
HIV+ Singles Publication
Safe & confidential. Free copy,
36 word personal ad, voice
mail,.and mail forwarding!
Local and nationwide! All
lifestyles. Gay, HIV+ owned &
operated. Write: Intropoz+
Magazine, 564 Mission St.
Box 415, San Francisco, CA
94105, or call 1-800-820-2948
Cards by 10%
exclusively at
Tulsa’s best
Lesbian & Gay
Gift Store
Noon - 6 pm
Saturdays at
Family of Faith
54th & Mingo
Info: 918-583-1248
(card packs
available by mail)
To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2)’To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
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Call: the 900 number &
Press the Star key (,)
Due to our larae volume of calls,
if you can’t ge~ thru, simply try
your call later.
900 blocked,e TW 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
BI BI BLUES: BiCurious WM, 27, 175,
6’, attractive, seeks other attractive males,
20-30, who are patient and
understanding. Must be drug/disease
~ree. Please leave a message. =13020
brown hair, hazel eyes, ’stoche, 5’6",
165, seeks companionship of mature
GWM, 23-40, who are aggressive,
masculine and gentle. Furry cowboys a
plus. Call me! =13859
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you wantto say
before calling in. Write down what
¢ou want_t0 say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest, Have a pen ready to
write down your box nUmber.
new to area, not into bars, Dave, 20 6~
185 brn/red/hzl, goatee, eyebrow
earring, love volleyball, good music, good
food great conversation, meditate,
spiritual, give me a call- =9385
Tulsa AMERICAN PRIDE: 5’9, 140,
trim physique, hairy chest, sincere and
honest person, like this in a person, g~ve
me a call- =9464
bin/bin, 1901bs. I’m Ikg4 gay men 18-25
fo~r good times, call me. =10271
Oklahoma City READY OR NOT: I’m
20 y/o, 5’6, 2151bs, WM. I’m Ikg4 a
relationship minded man 18-30’s with a
medium to slim build. I like singing,
bowling, golf, movies and cuddling. If you
are inter6s~:~d, please call me. =47265
well built, looking far GLM/GWM far hot
fun in the sun. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Leave me a message and let’s get together
soon. =10596
GWM, 6’, brown hair, blue eyes, very
versatile, seeks new friends in the area for
fun and friendship with relationship
possibilities. Legs get ~gether and
celebrate life. =6571
Oklahoma City SHOOT THE
BREEZE: GWM, 22, brown
hair/eyes, 5’6", seeks fun and
relationsh ip oriented GWM’s under
30. Smoker/Light Drinker OK. Must
be disease/drug free =11041.
Tulsa GAY OR Bh AI, 32, very masc
pmf’l, GBM iso Gayor bi male, masc,
race not Impt, into sports, outdoors, if u
like Iv a message thanks! = 7580
Tulsa LET’S PLAY: professional, 42 WM,
iso other Gay or bi male, 30s- 40s, in the
area, let’s play! = 7392
kinda looking for sameane to love, tired of
being by myself, love to sing, read, like to
go to the movies, have fun, love all types
of music, if this interests you give me a
call- = 7435
mid 40s isa BIWM 30-40, he/we prop,
very discreet, expect same, like ~hare
some time, if you are interested, give me a
call, VII return all calls- = 7822
Tulsa NL~/TO AREA: Mike, new to the
area, 35, BIWM, bind/blue, work out
aloe, phys fit, Ikg for a str to BI BM 35-65
to have a good time with, go out with give
me a call- = 7842
GWM, 37, ~. bm/kx,, mus~d~e, ~ymasc, ~r
ap~earing/ading, iso frlends puss rd in the
c~a, like all n~sic, dining, ’~ealer, ~ng bye
Walton t&ARRIED OR Bh Rodney,
married WM 25 5’5, 1,50, attr, Ikg for
25-35 married or bi male, far friendship
pass rel, inexperienced and want
someone to learn with honesty and
discretion req’d- = 8671
Oklahoma NATIVE: I’m a Native
American Indian. I’m a big guy with a big
heart. I’m 25 y/o and !’m Ikg4 a
companion and a friend. I’m a virgin, are
you the one? red heads a+ =4701
Tulsa HL~ NOW: my name is Steven.
I’m31 y/o~and I’m Ikg4guy’s 18-50 [or
fishing, swimming and camping. I enjoy
the company of slightly aggressive men.
Jamar, student like reading,
writing, creative things, like to
go out, like Hispanic men, 19-20,
Caucasian men 19-26, work and
go to school now, like-to meet
some new people like to get to
know you- =5703
for a str ~\, to have a goed 5me out in Tulsa.
g~ me a call. =5974
Tulsa DAVID, 19, 6’6, 275 bind/blue
looking to meet in the area, interested in
lots of things, give me a call. =6009
Henrietta ONE ON ONE: Jack, GWM
42 5’10 220, looking far someone down
to earth, looking for a rel, like outclears,
football, bball on 1V, Ikg far an avg.
down to earth guy who wants a one on
one- =6274
50, 5’8, 165, slim and trim, into BB, have
a solid body, tan, looking far a person in
the area, that’s slim and trim male under
50for a friend, to go out with and see
where things go. Hope you can call!
! -800-326-MEET
Men of the Southwest
Two Dynamite Male Dancers Every Thursday NOCOVER
Friday & Saturaav Dance Party
Dance and~weat with DJ’David Dees $’~ Cover
R0bbie Walker & The Sunday Slam
Oomonique Daniels, Paris~Grey, Kds K~, Ivono B, Real, M~chelle
Voted the #1~owin Tul~a and Norlhe~stem Ok~homa
EverySunday 11p.m. $2 Cover
~4 Beer Bust 8~ Special Shots
9. I Every Thurs., Fri., andSun.
9.2 v 3340S, Peoria Tulsa ~’ 918-744.0896
Shanti Benefit, Fri, Oct. 20
Green Country Cloggers
9pm $3 cover
3rd Annual Boo Bash
Sat. Oct. 28, hosted by
Carmella Marcella Garcia
Benefitting RAIN, $5 cover
Buffet, Door Prizes, Raffle & Costume Contest
Saturday, November 4th
Mr. Oklahoma Leather Contest
Male Dancers, every Thur. & Sun.
834-~4234, 1565 S. Sheridan W-Sun. 7-2am
4pm till 2pm, seven days a week
Casey from Dallas Dancing, Fri. Oct. 27
2nd Annual~Halloween Bash & Show
Sat. Oct. 28 - No Cover!
Open 2pro M-F, from Noon, Sat/Sun
1229 S. Memorial, 835-5083

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, October 15-November 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 11,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/503.