[1995] Tulsa Family News, November 15-December 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 12


[1995] Tulsa Family News, November 15-December 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 12


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neil


November 15-December 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
JD Jamett


Tom Neil/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, October 15-November 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 11


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities Our Families of the Heart November 15-December 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 12
National News ¯ community center
¯ ~..S~’v,~,tL,-.~=_~-._,.,~~-,~~~_=.=.-,_=-_, ""ECmloesreg;eTnOcHyRMTeoeHtionldg
Clinton Backs Federal
Anti-Bias Measure
WASHINGTON ~- President Bill Clinton
has made history by becoming the first
U.S. chief executive to endorse federal
legislation that would bar. bias based on
sexual orientation, the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act. The act, sponsored
by Sens. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.),
James Jeffords (R-Vt.) and others,is aimed
at preventing employment bias against
lesbians, gay men and bisexuals.
see Clinton, page 10
Researcher Confirms
"Gay" Gene Study
NEW YORK - The scientist who made
headlines two years ago with research that
demonstrated a link between male homosexuality
and specific genetic markers
has now reported in new research that the
so-called"gay gene" influences the sexuality
of gay men, but not lesbians, confinning
the link that drew enormous national
interest when first reported in 1993.
see Genes, page 10
Radical Right Groups Thwarted
Portland, .Maine - Voters in Maine rejected
a discrirmnatory ballol measure
that sought to forever deny basic fights to
gay and lesbian Mainers. Question 1, the
only anti-gay measure on a state ballot
tiffs year, was the ill?st such initiative to
appear on a state ballot east of the Rocky
Mountains. Last year, voters in Idaho and
Oregon rejected anti-gay measures. Earlier
exit polls predicted the victory.
"Commonsense and decency tritunphed
over extremism. Today’s vote here in
Maine is in keeping with the national
trend. Americans are rejecting extremism,".
said Elizabeth Birch, executive director
of the Human Rights Campaign,
the largest national lesbian and gay political
organization. "But we must put this
campaign~n perspective. While this was a
wonderful victory, gay and lesbian citizens
of Maine have not moved one step
closer to having b~sic equal fights Gay
and lesbian people can still be fired from
their jobs, even in Maine, merely for being
gay." Birch noted that Maine is one of
the 41 states that does not protect its
citizens from discrimination based on
sexu~fl orientalaon, and that federal law
see Maine. page 15
Colorado vs. Gays
Supreme Court Update
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Supreme
Court heard oral arguments in what is
widdy considered themost important gay
fights case in more than a decade. The
outcome of that case could affect local
and state laws across the country. At issue
in th e case is the anti-gay Amendment 2
narrowly approved by Colorado voters in
a statewide referendum in 1992. The
amendment prohibits state agencies or
local govermnents from adopting la~vs or
regulations extending anti-discrimination
protections to cover sexual orientation.
see Colorado, page 10
¯ " Organizers of an effort by Tulsa Okla-
¯ Open Your Mind, ¯ humans for Human Rights (TOHR) to
¯ " establish a community center for Tulsa’s
. Open Your Heart! ¯ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, &Transgendered
¯ : communities have located a prormsing
¯ ¯ site with two buildings. Because the cur-
. PROJE~r 0Pl:H M|ND " rent building owner has expressed a de-
. " sire to movequickly, organizers are work-
¯ ing feverishly to do necessary structural
¯ A simulated Gay bashing is featured in this 30 sec. TV spot created for PFLAG. ¯ and mechanical, evaluations as well as :
" ’ " nti " paig "financialrequirements. PFLAG BeginsA -Hate Media Cam n " Because TOHR By-laws require any
¯ proposal of this sort authorization of the
¯ Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gay (PFLAG) began a national media : general membership, several boardmem- campaign to combat anti-Gay ,dolence and attitudes. Tulsa, with Atlanta and Houston, . bets expect that an emergency member-
"¯ is one of the trial cities where the two 30 second commercials were to air. The .spots ¯ interweave tv clips of televangelists,like Pat Robertson, expressing very negative views ." isnhTiphmanekestginivgiwngillwbeeecka.llCede,rtpaoinsslyibltyheeasriltye ¯
about Lesbians, Gay men and homosexuality with images of a young woman contem- ¯
: plating suicide and a man being beaten in a Gay-bashing. will be discussed at the next TOHR board
National vice president Nancy MacDonald with Bill ~ Kathv Hinkle, Tulsa leaders, " meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 21
¯ were joined at the 11/8 press conference by representatives of local groups supporting ¯" at 7 pm.
¯ the campatgn. Mrs. MacDonald spoke eloquently of bet experience with anti-Gay ¯ Typically thesemeetings are held at the
¯ TOHR office at 40th & Harvard, 2nd
violence against herchildren. KTUL, Ch. 2 accepted one of the spots for broadcast. Other
stations declined to air them, citing fears that the spots might have the opposite effect as : floor. However, since these meetings are
¯ intended and might actually incite violence. Several expressed suppork for the proiect : by the bylaws, open to members and by
¯ goals but stated that they simply found them not appropriate to this market. They noted ¯ tradition, to the community, it’s anuci- ¯ - also that they had shared these concerns with PFLAG while the spots were still in the pated that a larger meeting place will be
¯ script stage. PFLAG hopes to take this program national. . required. Info: 743-GAYS, (4297).
Budget o.r Bias.? Larg.ent Co-sponsor.s" World AIOSOay, 12/1
Ultra Radical Right Anti-Gay Dornan Bill Theme: Shared Rights,
¯ Shared Responsibilities
In July, Steve I_argent, member of Congress forO-ldahOma’s 1st District (mostlvTulsa "
€ounty) became a:eosp0nsof ofHR 862.This.bili ii~tr0dfiCed l~,Radi~Ri~,hi.,a~,.~l- n~ted ... ..... Tulsa organizations Will counnemorate
anti-Gay Rep. Bob Doman (R-So. California)forbidS theuse offederal funds to directly : \Vorld AIDS Day with events over a several
day p~riod. On Wednesday, Nov. 29,
o.r indirectly to promote, condone, accept, or celebrate homosexuality, lesbiamsm, or the Tulsa City-County Library System, bisexuality". The ~ ashington-based Human Rights Campaign, a national Lesbian: Gay
lobbying organization, selected I_argent for its Hall ofFame & Shame in the inaugural the HIV ResOurce Consortium, mad the
issu~ of their new quarterly magazine. Community Information Senice are spun-
" soring a panel discussion: WOrld AIDS
The impact of the legislation if it were to be passed is not clear because its language Day: A Tulsa Perspective at the Central ~s vague. However, since federal funds are widely distributed through even local and
state govennnent, the bill ~uight require public libraries, schools, and both public and Library, Aaronson Auditorinm from 7-
- private universities to remove any materials which could be seen as promoting or 8:45 pm. The panel of lo’cal experts will
accepting. The bill might also prevent even discnssion of civic i~sues in schools or be: Janice Nicklas, Sheryl Dagmig, Mary
universities; for example, the issue of Gays in the military nlight be untouchable. David Smith and TonmLv Chesbro, moderated by Claudette Peterson. The event is free
Buckel of Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund noted that such restrictions dearly
raise 1 st Amendment/free speech issuesand that ifpassed, they tend to have a "chilling" a~ad open to the public.
effect since adminstrators may over-react. " On Friday, December 1 st, Interfaith
Largent’s chief legislative d~rector, Marie \Vheat, suggested that Largent’s cosponsor- " .AIDS Ministries will sponsor a candleship
was not motivated by anti-Gay bias but rather by an concern to cut the federal budget : light .march and memorial service to be
as much as possible. Media spokesperson, Nick ThimmesCh, added that this cosponsor- " see World, page 10
ship may have been due more to the v~ews of Largent’s legislative assistant for civil " CommunityActivists rights, Paul Webster. Thimmesch expressed concern about the possible 1st Amendment
xssues and expressed a willingness of the office to reexamine the bill to Host Lesbian/Gay
MCC - Greater Tulsa " New Gay-Friendly ¯ Internet Program
Charter Pulled; Next: ¯ Church: St. Jerome’s ¯ Tim Gillean ~ ~elly mrby, commu-
District Investigation Ecumenical Cathofic: uityactivistsandretiring°ft~cers°fTulsa ~ o . . " Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR),
Tulsa’s oldest predominately Lesbian ¯ Saint Jerome Ecumenical Catholic : are moving on to talk radio - sort-of.
&Gay church, the Metropolitan Commu- " Church, will observe its inaugural Mass ¯ Taylor Subscription Talk fiST) is a new
nity Church of Greater Tulsa, has lost its ¯ on Saturday, December 2, 1995 at 6:00 see lnternet, page 3
charter amid-charges, of poor manage- ¯ p.m.. The Mass’will be celebrated at the "
: ment made by some members againstits Community of Hope, 1703 E. 2nd St."IN~IO
¯ formerpastor, AliceJones.Theannounce- " Tulsa Oklahoma.
ment of the decision of the denomination ¯ The Ecumenical Catholic Church is an ¯
: to downgrade the status ofMCC-Greater ¯ independent Christian denomination in EDITORIAt. " - ~~ " P. 2 ¯ Tulsa was made at the annual congrega- " the Catholic liturgical tradition. It is a
¯ tional meeting, Oct. 29th. Pastor Jones, ¯ denomination inclusive of all people, DIRECTORY P. 2
who resigned in August but who had .- where being Gay or Lesbian is accepted. ¯ continued as an interim pastor after her In this Church, ~od loves you uncondi- HEALTH BRIEFS ":~ P~’6
¯ remgnadon, commuting to Tulsa from " tionally as you were made and as .you ar~. CALENDAR
: Dallas, preached thatmorning but did not ¯ HOI~’0sCoPi= - .: The servicrs should appeal to Episcopa- ¯
: remain for the congregational meeting. ¯ lians, Lutherans and Roman Catholics as EUREKA PAGES " P. 16-17 ¯ see MCC, page 3 . see Saint, page 3 PERSONALS P. 19 .
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor i Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire~o~te~ts of,..
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1995 by’Pq.ils a i~amjly
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Phyl Boler-Schmidt Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Leanne Gross noted, must be signed & becomes the sole propert3~ of Tulsa Family
Pat Morehead News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett points Additional copies.are available.at Tomfoolery!
Korean War, $250 billion spent, 54,000 lives lost,
Vietnam War, $350 billion spent, 58,000 lives lost,
Gulf War, $28 billion spent, 213 lives lost and
AIDS research, $6 billion spent, 250,000 lives lost.
This information from a GLAAD newsletter originally came from an advertisement in The New York
Times placed by a AIDS awareness organization, Motturrs’ Voices.
Although I feel 1 shouldn’t be surprised by these figures, still I was stunned..To any one whose lived
through this horror now of ten years+ of the AIDS pandemic, it’s been dear that WE, as a society, as a
government, and many as individuals, as Oklahomans, have valued the destruction of war more than trying
to save the lives of our own countrymen and women, and others around the world.
That seems a safe conclusion if you assume that our actions, i.e. where we spend our dollars, speak to
our true values. Again to look at the figures, this means the cost of each life lost in those wars was:
Korean War, $4.6 million/one human life,
Vietnam War, $6.0 million/one human life,
Gulf War, $132.0 million/one human life, and
AIDS research, $24,000/one human life.
Now despite all the rhetoric about Judeo-Christian values we’ve heard from politicians from Reagan on,
these figures do not speak for those "traditional family values" of compassion, seeking justice and helping
those in need which are at the heart of traditional Jewish and Christian (and other religion’s) messages.
And our current Congress, in its alleged attempt to balance the budget and return our government to fiscal
responsibility (worthy goals), may cut Medicaid which provides a~x~ess to medical care for low-income
persons and persons with disabilities - for example, people living with AIDS.The Congress is also stalling
action on Rvan White CARE Act
So when v~’e participate in WorldAIDS Day, and whenwe help with theNAMES PROJECT Quilt, which
was’so powerfuily displayed last month, let us not forget that political action is AIDS work too. When we
sew a panel or when we ring our bells, as we grieve and remember, and as we help those suffering now,
let us also act on their behalf and in their memory. National politics has real life consequences here in
Oklahoma. Silence still equals death for ourselve~ and those whom we love.
Action equals lif~.
Do something°
- Tom Neal, publisher & editor
by Phil Bob.’r-Schmidt
Queer politics is a volatile game, a mix of inyour-
face direct action and behind-the-scenes maneuvering
for position. It is a game with which I am
familiar and a game I fondly hope we, one day, no
longer have to play.
Over the years, as my involvement in the queer
political scene has broadened, I’ve watched as we
make the same nustakes over and over again, and
only recently has this repetitive revelation dawned
on me. I believe there is a way to stop the pattern.
During my involvement in the anti-Amendment
Two campaign in Colorado in 1992, I watched my
friends and colleagues, and even me, become political
animals. We had to. There seemed no other
conceivable way to defeat our opposition, a formidable
opposition with too much support from national
organizations that was way ahead of us in
I watched as normally passive resistors became
rabid direct action experts. I watched, sometimes in
shock and horror, as my own way of dealing with
the world became a thing of the past, and I lived in
a constant state of political awareness, ready to
jump on any opportunity to garner even one more
vote for our side. I was out of.my dement.
My partner and I had adopted a philosophy years
before that had served us well. We consciously
chose to work on changing the world one person at
a time. The advent of Amendment Two took us out
of that philosophy and into the world of in-yourface
politics. Changing the world one person at a
rime became a luxury; it was no longer an option.
What I learned from that experience and my
continued involvement in the queer political scene
is that someone HAS to give if we are ever going to
get along in this.world and make it work. I am not
~uggestIng that we give up the fight for equality,
either in civil rights issues or the quest to lift the
gender restrictions on the several States’ marriage
laws. Quite the opposite is true.
I AM suggesting we back off a bit and allow
some breathing room. Someone has tO do it, and as
long as both sides of the debate are in rabid soapbox
mode, no one will ever win. All we will do is allow
ourselves to continue to be taken out of our own
element and into THEIR element. It is a position
from which we can never make any progress. We
need a breather. We need to take time to work out
a strategy, a p!an. We need to actually afford
ourselves the luxury of doing something pro-active.
As long as we continue to press the Radical
Right from our current vantage point, we will
continue to be on the defensive, and they will
continue to have the upper hand.
I believe in working from our strengths, not our
weaknesses. One of our strengths as a community
is that we have the advantage of allowing our
neighbors, our friends, our communities the pleasure
of getting to know us as people. It is my firmlyheldbelief
that it is-0nly when others see us as
people that we stand any chance of really changing
anything. We cannot accomplish this from our
current posiuon.
Let’s consider a truce, a period of time off for
good behavior, even if our opposition chooses not
to participate. In the long run, I believe we will be
able to accomplish our goals more effectively and
with a lot less toll on us as people, on our relationships,
and our lives.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th
*Lola’s, 2630 E 15th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time’n’TimeAgain, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Wild Nights, 2405 E. Adiniral
Wild Fork, Utica Square, 21st & Utica
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dermis C.Amold, Realtor 746-4620
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble BoOksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102 254-2100
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th 592-5356
*Dusty Roads at the Silver Star, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan" 838-8503
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria 743-9994
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Harming 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
International Tours 341-6866
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate, 671-2010
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan 663-4884
*MediaPlay, 9121 E. 71st 250-5158
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 st 663-5934
*-Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton .496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 41’46 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery Gifts & Cards, at Family of Faith MCC 583-1248
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733,
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
B~L..G Alliance, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman S tudent Center, University of Tulsa
*Community of Hope (United.Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
,Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity (African-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV ResourceConsortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith. Network 749-4195
-Rainbg~.B~iness Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
: " .R~i~W-~ii]age, POB 50403, 74150-0403 599-8423
¯ "~’*Shanii Hotfine 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Technicians, 1338 E. 3i’d 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsg
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of Dam on Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W 800-231-1442
*MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
McClung Realtors 501-253-%82
Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
Southern Rose Bed & Breakfast, 9 Benton 501-253-2204
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 50L253-~6001
*The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
audio-on-demand subscription service via
the Internet.
TST company chairman, Edward L.
Taylor, states, "so often when it comes to
having a voice, the Gay and Lesbian community
gets left out. Commercial radio
stations seldom carry Gay shows....here
at TST, we hope to fill the gap..."
TST programming includes a weekly
radio show, The Gay 90’s by Buck Harris
that is produced out of state. On Dec. 1,
WorldAIDS Day, portions of the Harvard
AIDS Conference will be carried live and
the audio track of CablePositivewill be
available on demand.
Gillean & Kirby are hosting a program
called, Hear Us Out, focusing on "issues
from their viewpoint". TST also has set a
goal of20 "fresh" hours of Lesbian &Gay
programming a week. TST spokesperson,
Shellie Cook, said that the service will
consider providing "air-time" or access
for other programming though they cannot
provide studio support as they are for
Hear UsO.ut. According to Cook, extensive
experience may not required. She
stated that neither Gillean nor Kirby had a
background in radio and were chosen
because "someone knew someone..."
Program director, Ann Williams, formerly
with KWGS, radio station of the
University of Tulsa, spoke at a Rainbow
Business Guild meeting last spring about
the then in-development program and listened
to Lesbian and Gay community
b.usines s people about the lack ofcommunity
oriented programming.
~ommumty reaction has been positive.
However, one community observer, discussing
the announcement of the program,
expressed surprise at this new "visibility"
for Gillean since Gille’andedined
to serve as public spokesperson forTOHR
during the time he served as TOHR president.
Others have expressed regrets that
the impact of. the service may be limited
since it requires a somewhat expensive
computer equipment and paid access.
To hear the programming, listeners need
a "multi-media" computer and modem.
For more information:
website: http://www.tstradio.com
e-mail: mail@tstradio.com
or call ’481-0077 or 800-789-4506.
they are adapted from all three churches,
and to others who desire a more liturgical
form of worship. Membership is open to
all who would serve Christ without bigotry,
in truth and justice.
Saint Jerome ECC will be a parish
church in. the Diocese of the Mountains
and P1ains,joining 14 other parishes in the
US and in 3 other countries. Regular
Masses_will be celebrated on each Saturday
at 6:00pm at the Community of Hope.
For more information, contact Rick
Hollingsworth at (918) 742-7122.
Making Sense
TOHR Announces New
HIV Prevention Program
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
begins a new and innovative, four week
program for Gay & Bisexual’men for HIV
prevention. The progrmn uses concepts of
harmreduction that emphasize non-judgemental,
flexible and individualistic approaches
to HIV issues. Topics will include:
identity, intimacy, health, relationships
& sex. Info: call Jason at 742.2927.
Halloween at.... Wild Nights...&
Halloween at....Renegades...&
Halloween at....the Silver Star
Teleflora Brass
Hurricane $39.50
9720-C E. 31 sr Street
Tulsa, Ok 74146
(918) 663-5934
Daphane Cooper
Miracleglass Neil Ray
yo.r poof tla,, Life
(918) 743-9994
6310 S. Peoria
Tulsa, OK 74136
The change in status means the church
loses some of its autonomy. Major decisions
will now have to be reviewed bv
district authorities. One reason cited for
the downgrade was the failure to pay
required tithes to the district and to
UFMCC headquarters. Church members
who spoke on condition of anonymity
allege that the tithes were as much as 5
months in arrears and that Pastor Jones
had received several written and verbal
communications asking for compliance.
District Coordinator Ed Paul declined to
comment on the communications issue
because of concerns about litigation but
stated that the tithes were in arrears but
not as much as 5 months.
Church members have also raised con:
cerus about perceived irregularities in the
financial records forthe yearending. Vvqaile
the yearend report shows an ending balance
on Sept. 30th of $9,307.38, by the
congregational meeting on Oct. 29th, it
was reported that the church had less than
$700 on hand. At press time, inquiries to
the church’s bank showed that the church’s
-account appeared to have balance ofabout
$1000-2000.~ District Coordinator Paul
said he was not personally aware of the
financial status but said that the district
would perform a financial review as soon
as they are able. Paul noted that he typically
advises pastors and church leaders
not tO try to sweep things under the rug,
even if y. be painful.
held this year on the campus of the Uni-
.versity of Tulsa. Marchers should gather
~n the plaza between Sharp Chapel and
McFarlin Library at 6:30. Parking is available
on the street south of Sharp Chapel
and on the street and in the lot at .the
Chapman Activity Center.
The march will move around campus,
ending at the Great Hall of the Allen
Chapman Activities Center where the
memorial service will be held. Organizations
may bring bamaers and individuals
should bring bdls~ Candles will be provided.
Around the country at 1:50pro on Dec.
1st, congregations are asked to ring their
bells 15 times to recall the 15 years now of
the epidemic. Between 7:45 and 8pm,
across the country, communities are asked
to dim their lights to demonstrate the
commitment to fighting AIDS and in tribute
to those living with HIV,"AIDS and
those who have died from AIDS
Interfaith AIDS Ministries wants to line
the march route with lumnarnias displaying
the names of those who have died. For
more information or to submit a name,
call 438-2437 or 800-284-2437 by Monday,
Nov. 20th. Contributions are requested
but are not required.
On Sunday, Dec. 3, this year’s Red
Ribbon Treefest will be held at the Spotlight
Theatre at 1318 Riverside Drive
with a reception at4pm & auction at 5:30.
The Red Ribbon Treefest is an annual
event where decorated holiday trees are
auctaoned to raise funds for local HIV/
AIDS organizations. This year’s proceeds
will benefit the HIV Resource Consortium’s
prescription drug program and to
assist Interfaith AIDS Ministries 800
AIDS information telephone line.
Tree set-up will be from 9-3pm on
Sunday. The SpotlightTheatre has a number
of steps at the entrance. To arrange
handicapped access, call 663-53721~"
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
U.S. Rep. Gerry Studds
Announces Retirement
BOSTON IJ.S. Rep. Gerry
Studds (D-Mass.), who became
the first openly gay member of
Congress when he came out on
lhc floor of the ltouse after he
had bccn censured for having
had sex 10 years earlier with a
congressional page, has announc
cd that hc will not run for his
(’.ape Cod di strict scatagatn next
year. Following that censure
vote, Studds was nevertheless
re-elected by a solid margin to
become the first openly gay person
ever elected to Congress.
Studds has held his scat for 12
terms, a total of 23 years.
Georgia Sodomy Law
Challenged Again
ATI ,A NTA -The Atlanta Const[
rut[on reports that L. Chi-is
(?hfis~cnscn is chailcnging the
Georgia sodomy statute, wlfich
the ~ I.S. Supreme Court upheld
9 years ago. Attorueys reprcscnlmg
Chfistcnsen, who was
chargcd with soliciting an undcrcovcr
sheriff’s dcputy, will
argue that Chfistcnscn’s right to
privacy ~s grcatcr under the state
C.onstitution than it is under the
I;.S. Constiluuon and that the
sodomy slatutc infringes on that
Martina Debuts
Rainbow VISA Card
NI’;W YORK Tcunis great
Mart[ha Navratilova has stepped
inlo the corporate promotion area
bv inlroducing the "’Rainbow
(Sard,’" Visa’s credit card aimed
a~ the nation’s gay and lesbian
commnnity. Backed by
antomakcr Sub~L part of ~c
~d’s fccs will go to the R~nbow
Card Foundation, a nonprofit
organiz~tion ~at will help
fund gay and lesbian heath and
education groups in the U.S. The
Rainbow Card is available
throngh the Travelers Bank, and
domestic parmers ~n apply for
a.joint a~onnt.
"q’hc inspiration for the Rainbow
Card and the foundalion
calnc from thc incrcdiblc s~cng~
and unityso many ofus sh~ed at
the 1993 March on W~hington,"
Navratilova s~d. ’"l’~s
cxpericn~ promptedmy l~ends
m~d mc to evaluate ways to h~-
ncss the coo heroic power of the
gay community to achieve humanitarian
goals. "lk~ay, I’m
proud to inffodu~ the R~u~w
("ard as a fundraisiug tool that
will gcncralc a substantial
mnonnt of monc~ Ibr health ~d
eduction ~uscs rclcv~t to lesbi~
s ~dgays." The fund hopes
to r~se some $20 million for
v~ous ch~table groups wi0fin
¯e next5ye~s, Navmfilova s~d.
T~ find out more i~o~ation
about the R~nbow C~d, phone
Too Man~ ’Rainbows’
NEWARK, N.J.-Just ~ys ~ter
it made a ~g~y publicized debut,
the R~nbow C~d Fo~-
fen has been h~ded a "cease
~d desist" order from the R~nbow
Foundation, a New Jersey
charity that helps sick children.
A spokesperson from the Rainbow
Foundation said, "Their
causes are not our cause." Attorney
Mark Momjian, representing
the Rainbow Card Foundation,
which will distribute funds
raised for gay- and lesbian-oriented
groups, said hundreds of
charities use the word "rainbow"
in their names.
University Campus
Adds Lesbigay Institute
LOS ANGELES - Califonlia
State University’s Northridge
campus has OKed creating an
Institute on Gay, Lesbian &
Trausgender Studies. The institute
will conduct lectures and
seminars on the Southern California
campus, starting this semester.
In announcing the ne~v
institute, Donald Hall, an associate
professor of English at the
school, said it will serve as a
...Somner LeCroix,
an economist with
the University of
legalizing gay and
lesbian marriages
would increase the
number of tourists
visiting the state by
about 172,000
people annually..¯
resource for faculty members
who would like to include gay
and lesbian studies in their course
material. Hall said the campus
has a large gay and lesbian student
population, which the institute
will serve.
Hawaii Gay Marriages
Equals 172,000 Tourists
HONOLULU - A state committee
holding hearings on the differences
in benefits enjoyed by
married couples that same-sex
couples are ineligible for, was
told by Sumner LeCroix, an
economist with the University
of Hawaii, that legalizing gay
and lesbian marriages would increase
the numberoftourists vi s-
[tiny the state by about 172,000
people amiually.
"’Adding more tourists of any
stripe to the state would in general
be good for the state,"
LeCroix told the Conunission
on Sexual Orientation and the
Law, authorized by the legislature
as the staie tries to deal with
the complex political and legal
questions raised by a court challenge
to the state’s refusal to
give marriage licenses to samesex
Nat’l. Gay Organization
Changes Name to HRC
WASHINGTON - Noting that
it is "so much more than a fund,"
the Human Rights Campaign
Fund has formally changed its
name to theHuman Rights,,Canlpaign.
HRC has recently begun
publishing "H,RZY’Quartefly," a
journal of political news and
In announcing the namechange,
Elizabeth Birch, HRC"s
execuuve director, also announced
the organization’s latest
Internet addition, a World
Wide Web site that it says will
let Internet users keep track of
voting records for their members
of Congress and conlmumcate
with diem quicklyiThe -
WWW site is:
Tennessee Williams
Honored by USPS
CLARKSDALE, Miss. - Playwright
Teunessee Williams is
being honored by a U.S. Postal
Service co~umemorative stamp.
Williams, best kalown for his
complex and emotionally intense
plays such as A StreetcarNamed
Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
and Suddenly Last Summer, was
born in Columbus, Mississippi
in 1911. He died in 1983.
Possible Gay Spouse Not
Enough for Annulment
DUBLIN, Ireland -The Irish
Supreme Court has refused to
nullify the 16-year marriage of a
couple, mmamed in court documents,
who each believed the
other was homosexual or bisexual.
The couple, who have 3
children, wanted to annul their
marriage even though neither
presented any concrete evidence
about the sexual orientation of
the other.
The wife said she thought her
husband might be homosexual
or bisexual because of a "close
friendship" he had with another
man and because she said that at
times he preferred masturbation
rather than sexual intercourse.
Similarly, the husband said he
with the caption "Roll One On."
The pilot is considering filing a
civil rights complaint over the
Disney Offers Partners
Health Benefits
Disney Compauy has become
the latest member of the entertainment
industry to extend insurance
benefits to the domestic
partners of its same-sex workcrs.
A Dis~rey.spokesperson said
the new policy ."brings our health
benefits in line with our corporate
non-discrinfination policy."
The ncw benefitpackage applies
only to the s,’une-sex partners of
l)isncy employees and takes effect
in January 1996.
Fla. Lawmakers Attack
Disney Partners Policy
TAH.AHASSEE, Ha. - Fifteen
F’lorida state legislators have
written to Michael Eisner, chief
executive officer of the Walt
We wonder what
Walt Disney hlmseff
would think of your
decision if he were
alive today? We are
inclined to believe
he would be quick
to pull the Iplug on
such anti-tamily
eomPany Polieies¯
- Florida legislators
Disney Co., denouncing the
motion picture and theme park
giant’s decision to offer health
insurance benefits to the domestic
partners of its gay and lesbian
The 15 legislators charged
Disney with"belittling the Sanethought
the wife migh~ be a les- . : tity of mainage" and of forcing
bian because of a "long and very ° its customers to pay for treatclose
friendship" that she had
with a younger woman.
A lower court rejected the annulment
petition, and the Supreme
Court. upheld the lower
court ruling; noting that "an inadequacy
of the.ability to communicate"
was not justification
for an annulment and that despite
the difficulties the couple
faced "’the re must have been a
fair amount of full sexual intercourse"
simply to have had 3
Condom-Ad Blocked
Over Football Stadium
NEW YORK - An air tralTic
controller in the busy New York
City region blocked an airplane
that was towing an ad for
condoms from flying over the
nearby Giants Stadium during a
weekend football game. A
spokesperson for the Federal
Aviation Administration said it
was not FAA policy to prevent
such advertising fly-overs because
of the content of the ad.
The towed ad depicted a 25-foot
silhouette ofan unrolled condom
¯ ment for people with AIDS
¯ through the new health coverage ¯
that "will result in an increased
number of AIDS cases."
A Disney spokesman in
¯ Burbank; Calif., John Dreyer,
said the company ~has no intention
of reversing itself on the
¯ new policy and Saidit was consistent
with the finn’s non-dis-
~ crimination policies. "This is
about providing health benefits
for our employees and nothing
more," Dreyer said. "When we
¯ get the letter, we’ll decide how
¯ to respond to them, butwewon’t ¯
do it through the media." The
" full text of the letter from the
lawmakers to the Walt Disney
Co. follows:
" "An open letter to Michael
" Eisner and the Walt Disney
¯. Board: We are deeply disap-
¯ pointed in.your recent decision
to extend health benefits to the
~ domestic partners of your homosexual
employees. The me~
¯ dia and entertainment industry
¯ may consider this a ’politically
¯ correct’ and courageous change
in policy, but we - and others
who have looked to you as the
provider of wholesome, familyoriented
entertainment - consider
your decision a big mistake both
morally and financially.
We are surprised at your belittlement
of the sanctity of marriage.
By implying that vows no
longer need to be made in order
to gain marital privileges, you
are alienating the millions of
)eople in this country who take
,the marriage covenant seriously
and believe that it is ordained by
God. We strongly disapprove of
y~)ur inclusion and endorsement
of a lifestyle that is unhealthy,
unnatural and unworthy of special
treamlent. Those who practice
homosexuality are engaging
in a life style that should not be
given the same status as heterosexual
Financially speaking, how can
you give medical benefits to a
group of people with such a high
medical risk, "knowing full-well
that other Disney employees and
the American people will have
to pick up die tab for the inevitable
increased health insurance
premiums? With your decision,
you are alienating the vast majority
of fanfilie~ in this country.
Youmay be gaining the applause
of a vocal minority of your employees,
but you are jeopardizing
your finaucial base which
creates the need for those same
employees. We are also deeply
disappointed in the path that die
Disney .company has chosen to
follow. For more than 50 years
Walt Disney Co. has represented
all that is good and pure and
wholesome in our nation. Families
flocked to Walt Disney
World and Disneyland because
they knew that Walt Disney respected
and nurtured the traditional
American family and its
strong moral values. Disney
could always be counted on to
provide parents and children
alike with family-friendly, goodnatured
entertainment. Nowadays,
however, you are producing
and-fami!y films underother
labds,such as Miramax, and
moving even further away from
traditioual American values with
this policy decision.
Wewonder what Walt Disney
himself would think of your decision
if he were alive today?
We are inclined to believe he
would be quick topull.the plug
on such anti-family company
policies. We hope you will be
quick to reconsider your new
policy and work to reestablish
the Disney Co. as a family-oriented
Dole Waffles on Log
Cabin Contribution
WASH.INGTON - Republican
presidential hopeful, Sen. Bob
Dole of Kansas, abruptly
changed.his time about a $1,000
campaign contribution from the
gay and lesbian Log Cabin Republicans,
saying it was a mistake
to return the money and
blaming the whole incident on
N.ews Briefs Ne.wp ,Briefs News Briefs
his campaign staff. _’ ~ The suit charges that"if the College,
Republicans were compelled
to-accept homosexuals ...
this would change the message
communicated by the College
Republicans’ speech and other
First Amendment activities.’"
The suit asks the U.S. District
Court to force the schools to
sanction the College Republi-
D~ole, whose GOP presiden- ¯
tial bidhas been lagging recently, -"
said his campaign staff had not :
cleared the decision to return the ¯
Log Cabin PAC donation with :
lfim. Dole’s latest statement on :
the returned funds contradicts
statements he made last month :
when he said on a television in- :
terview: "I didn’t want the per- ¯ cans, which would include proception
that we were buyinginto " viding them with office spaceon
campus. Leaders of the College
Republicans said earlier this year
that they had no intention of actually
barring homosexuals but
that they object to the colleges’
decision to require all student
organizations to sign the pledge,
which states: "The club will:not
discriminate on the basis Of ,abe,
color, creed, religion, age, gender,
disability or sexual orientation."
"We really feel the school
is violating our freedom of association
by shoving someone’s
"We reafly fed the
school is violating
our freedom of
association by
shoving someone’s
down our throat,"
said Nate HalL.of
the Metropolitan
State C llege
sexual preference down our
throat," said Nate Hall. chairman
of the Metropolitan State
College Republicans. "If a person
is gay., so what’? Our biggest
concern is, are you. a Republican’?
But we don’t as a club condone
homosexual activity."
Sheila Kaplan, Metropolitan
State College president, said that
the school stands bY .t!~e antibias
reqnireme,nt "One of the
founding pfinci plUS 6~"Met~6 i~ a
cormnitment to maintaining a
campus environment free from
discrimination in any’ form,
where .all people are respected
and valued," Kaplan said. "We
believe Metro’s nondiscrimination
policies areLht~pl~r,O,p,ri- "
ate and legal." .
Santa Fe ProclaimsGhy
~&Lesbian History Month.
SANTA FE. NM - Debbie
Jarmnill.o, the lnavot of Sm~ta
’Fe, N.M., has :officially pros
~1 bd rited’ ~Oi:r~bef~ -’ as~, :::.]Le’Sbi~aiL
Gay’ &Bisexual Hist6~3: Mbfith’.
In makiug tli~’ 15f6~tanYation,
MayorJaranfillo’said it was necessary
’:’to make sure onr country
at least learns the lessons Of tolerance
mid faimess and accepts
the fact that we are all eqnal in
die eves of God." Lesbian, Gay
& BiSexual History Month was
originally the brai]lclfild of St.
Louis, Me., high school teacher
Rodimy Wilson after he found
that an 800-page history textsome
special rights for any group
or lifestyle or whatever it might
be with gays or.anyone else."
But a month later, Dole blamed
his campaign staff entirely for
the August incident, and implied
that he hadn’t known about the
deosion to realm the contribution
"I think if they had consulted
with me, they wouldn’t
have done that," Dole told reporters
in mid-October. "I just
didn’t agree with what happened."
Neither, obviously, did the gay
GOPers who have since handed
over their $1,000 campaign contribution
to Sen. Arlen Specter
of Pennsylvania, another Republican
presidential candidate. Rich
Tafel, executive director of the
Log Cabin Republicans, said he
believed Dole had figured out
during the past inonth of campaigning
that beating up on gay
supporters wasn’t a smart political
move. "~I think as he’s traveled
around the country he’s
found as we have that moderate
Republicmls, a lot of Dole supporters;
Werereally tumedOfflJy
tiffs .whole inddentY Dole said
he would not ask the gay Republicans
for the donation again because
"I don’t want to open it all
up again.
Temp Agency Sued for
Anti-Gay Bias
MINNF~A,POLIS - Marcus St.
Janacs has filed a lawsuit against
thc Dolphin Tcmporary Services"
Industrial Group, m~ emp!
tymcnt agency, charging diat
they fired him as an employee of
the company because he is gay.
In the suit, St. James also charges
thai the temporary agency
singled lfim out for retaliation
because he had refused to fabricate
data for some 500 job seekcrsin
order to meet equal opp0rtunity
employment requiremeuts.
Au attoruey for the finn
denied may ,reprisals against St.
Jmfies and insisted that his "job
~ pgrforLn.an,ce, ,.w,a~£k¢ sole.~eason
f‘or his. termination.’" St. James is
as’king ~tr,~0mc $50,000 in darnages
mid lost wages. .
COI.I~ege Repub!ieans Sue
Over~ Anti=Bias. Pledge
DENVER - A GOP student organization,
die College RepublicanS,
has filed a federal lawsfiit
,against Colorado State University,
the University of Northern
Colorado and the Metropolitan
State College in Denver, charging
that the 3 campuses violate
their First Amendment rights for
insisting that student groups sign
a nondiscrimination agremnent
that includes sexual orientation.
News, Briefs
book he was.usin~Vdidn’ t ha;ce a
single reference to the role of
gays and lesbians in history.
Papers Print Photo of
Greek PM’s Wife Nude
with ’Another Woman’
ATtIENS - Greece erupted in a
political uproar after 3 newspa7
pers in Athens published a frontpage
photo of Greek Prime MinisterAndreas
Papandreou’ s wife
Dimitra Liani in what purports
’to show her nude on a bea~hin
"an intimate pose with another
unidentified woman."Thephoto,
which Mrs. Papandreou has denounced
as faked, depicts the
unidentified woman fondling her
¯ Authorities arrested the publisher
of one of the papers on
misdemeanor charges his publication
made an "unprovoked insuit"
against Mrs. Papandreou,
who met and married the Prime
Minister when she was an airline
stewardess. Thepublishers ofthe
two other papers that published
the photo also face warrants for
their arrest but have gone into
hiding, police say. Mrs
Papandreou, who is 40, said the
photo was a fake representing a
"dirty campaign" to thwart her
increasing political ambitions.
Albuquerque Gay &
Lesbian-History Month
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -Albuquerque
Mayor Martin
Chavez proclaimed October
"’Lesbian & Gay His tory Month’"
in the city on Oct. 27, recognizing
the"important contributions
to our society" by gays and lesbians.
The proclamation also
notes that National Coming Out
Day~ whichis Oct. 11, was started
7 years ago by long-time Nmv
Mexico resident Robert
Eichberg~ who died earlier this
year. Earlier in the month, Santa
Fe Mayor Debbie Jaramillo also
issued a similar proclamation
recognizing "Lesbian, Gay’ &
Bisexual History: Month" in that
Iranian Man Sentenced
For Dressing AS Women
TEHRAN -An Iranian newspaper
has reported that a man in the
capital city ofTehran was beaten
up by outraged women and later
sentenced toi201ashes by’ a court
~b~fig~"h~’ ~’6t- ~)n a municipal
btigdr~ssed in the heavv veils
and billowing caftan-lik~ gown "
of a woman. " " "
The3 i-year:~idma~, who Was
not identified, told’the newspaper
that he had dressed as a
¯woman’ ,m~’d~ sat; i~l’ tli~;Women-
- O~fl~:;~e~ secti6n of the bus ias
"]Yar~"tf’a’S33 bet ~vifll his father.
"" A’pparenfly the man~s large frmne
mid feet di&l’t fool the women.
however, mid he told the paper
they" "got aiagry mid beat me up."
The man was later sentenced by
a religious court to 20 lashes for
what it called his "ugly and improper"
Sailor’s Case Dismissed
BALTIMORE-Federal District
Court Judge Joseph Young has
News Briefs. News Briefs ..News
dismissed a lawsuit by Navy Lt.
Richard Selland who has been
challenging the Defense
Department’s new so-called
"don’t ask, don’t tell" policy of
excluding openly gay and lesbian
service members from the
military. The court ruled that
Selland’s Firstand FifthAmendment
rights do not take precedence
over Congress’ and the
Defense Department’s right to
set military policies. Selland currently
i s a supply officer at a base
in Virginia, but when he came
out in 1993, he was stationed on
the submarine Hammerhead.
Gay Couple’s Joint
Bankruptcy Denied
ATLANTA - U.S. Bankruptcy
Judge A. David Kahn has rejected
the joint bankruptcy petition
of 2 gay men, ruling that
they were ineligible because they
aren’t legally married. Judge
Kahn agreed that the men’ s long-
¯¯¯Sheldon had made
*’a career out of
vilifying lesbians,
gays and persons
with AIDS" and
had called
people infected
HIV to be "confined
in eoneentratlon
.. eam?-like ,
tenn relationship had a number
of similarities to a heterosexual
mamage, but he :ruled that federal
bai"tkniptcy laws required
legal marriage or its equivalent
as "’more than a inere technicalitV.’"
The case is believed to be
the first of its kind in the U.S.
O.S. House of ReDs.
Opened by Prayer by
Radical, Anti-Gay Pastor
WASHINGTON Rights activists
and Democrats in the House
of Representatives expressed
disma? and outrage over having
far-right anti-gay milfister Louis
Sheldon of, the Traditional Values
Coalition deliver the daily
prayer that usually begin s the
legislative body’s ~lay on Thursday,
Nov. 2.
ReD. Lynn Wolsey, a CaliforniaDeumcrat
saidSheldon had
made "’a career out of vilifyiug
lesbimls, gays mid persons with
AIDS.’" and had called forpeople
.infected iwith:HIV. to~.be:?’con-
~finedinconcentration -camp.like.
establishrnents.’" ~ .......
Eli.zabeth Birch of.the I2iUman
Rights Campaign agreed. "’It is
outrageous that those in control
of this Congress would allow
that man, whose every waking
breath is spent attacking lesbian
and gay people in this country,
to lead the House in prayer,"
Birch said. "’Sheldon has created
a cottage industry out of polidcal
gay-bashing and hate, ..and:it
is insulting to every fair-mind&d
American." But a spokesperson
for House Speaker Newt
Gingrich said Sheldon’s invocation
was "perfectly appropriate."
Sheldon had been invited to deliver
the brief prayer at the request
of ReD. Ken Calvert (RCalif.).
NGLTF ’Creating
Change’ Conference
National ’Gay, & "Lesbian Task
Force held its 1995 Creating
Changeconference, on Nov. 10-
12 in Detroit.
The Task Force released the
following statement: "More than
a thousand gay,lesbian, bisexual
and transgender activists gathered
in Detroit, Michigan, for
what was, perhaps, the largest
ever national gay’ strategizang
conference. The 1995 Creating
Change Conference occurs at a
critical juncture in the gay’ and
lesbian movement when many
battles and far-reaching decisions
are coming together at
once, the U.S. Supreme Court’s
pending ruling on die Colorado
Amendment 2 case, the prominencc
of gay, lesbian and bisexual
issues in the 1996 Presidential
Ele&ions, Right Wing
anti-gay b~illot initiatives in
Maine and other states, workplace
discrimination, and samegender
marriages, ainong oilier
controversial issues.’"
The conference present some
’180 wOrkshops~ - plenaries.
brown-bag sessions, and cultural
events. Plenary’ speakers included
Urvashi \,’aid, nationally’
known activist and author of Virtual
Equally.’: The Mains?reaming
ofGay and Lesbiaftgiberation;
Second-term Wigconsin
State ReD. Tmnmv Bfildwin
Elias Farajaje-JoneS, -author,
teacher, theologian, bisexual activist
recently’ featured in
Newsweek; and Harry Britt,.pioneer
gay politician and former
member, San Francisco Board
of Supervisors. Numerous other
gay" movement ’luminaries attended,
including Dee
Mosbacher, Deb Price, Elizabeth
Birch, Scan Strub, Debra
Chasnoff, Scot Nakagawa, Phill
Wilson,-Derek Hodel, Tim
McFeeley, Paula Ettelbrick, Mab
Segrest, Robert Bray, Suzmme
Pharr. Suzanne Goldberg, and
¯activists from almost every State.
Tulga activist, Tim Gillean, attended
the Conference as well as
native ONahoman and Dalras
Gay &’.Lesbian-A,tl’ianee.preSiConcerns
Over AIDS Funds in
Medicaid Changes
WASHINGTON - Government officials
and AIDS agencies say that potentially
hundreds of thousands of people with
HIV/AIDS could lose health care benefits
under legislation approved by Congress
that would give ~eater control of Medicaid
fun ds to states. Jesse Brown, secretary
of the Veterans Affairs Dept., and
Donna Shalala, secretary of Health &
Human Services, joined in criticizing the
legislative changes approved by the Republican-
controlled Congress. The legislation
would hand over a large part of the
federal Medicaid funds in block ~ants for
the states to administer, spar’king increased
concerns that people with HIV/AIDS illnesses
might suffer cuts in benefits as a
Research Links Transsexualism
And Brain Structure
LONDON - Researchers in the Nether-.
lands have reported in the journal Nature
that male-to-female transsexualism may
have a biological basis, based on a tiny
region of the hypothalamus in the brain.
Prof. Dick Swaab of the Netherlands Institute
for Brain-Research in Amsterdam
said in the report that the stria terminalis
region of the hypothalamus that is linked
to sexuality is larger inmen than inwomen,
regardless of their sexual orientation. But
Swaab reported that, after studying the
post mortem brain structures of6 male-tofemale
transsexuals, he found that alI had
the smaller "female" structure in this area
of the brain.
Swash said the results imply that maleto-
female transsexuals had this smaller
stria terminalis area from birth and that
the re,on of the brain may be linked to
gender identity as well as sexuality in
general. Swaab said that there was no
evidence that transsexualism is genefi:
cally inherited, but noted that it was not
possible to say" how much influence environmental
factors play compared to inherited
traits. Swaab and other researchers,
including Dr. Simon LeVay of the
Salk Institute, have found similar differences
in the size of another area of the
hypothalmnus between gay and straight
Straights Not Changing Sexual
Behavior Because of Epidemic
BOSTON - A report in the American
Journal of Public Health indicates that
heterosexuals surveyed in 1990 and again
in 1992 show no changes in their sexual
activities because of the AIDS epidemic.
The researchers noted that the 2 surveys
of some 9,000 people from around the
country indicate that the number of heterosexhals
who said they engaged in sex
with multiple partners had actually increased
slightly by 4% between 1990 and
1992. The researchers also reported that
the surveys indicate that straights showed
no increased likelihood of using condoms
or getting tested for HIV during the 2
years the)’ were surveyed.
Many Blacks Believe HIV a
Genocide Attempt
SAN" DIEGO - Researchers reported at
the annual meeting of the American Pub-
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
& for, but not exclusive
to the Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results.-
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
TOHR Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights._
lic Health.Association that about a third of
the peopl~ surveyed in African-American
;<~churches believe that HIV was produced
by the government ingerm warfare labs as
part of a genocide effort aimed at blacks in
this country.
Dr. Sandra Crouse Quilm of the public
health school at the University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, reported that another
third of the approximately 1,000
church-goers surveyed in 5 U.S. cities
indicated they were "unsure’" if the AIDS
epidemic was an a ttempt at genocide or
not. Quinn noted that black church-goers
are not representative of the larger African-
American population, but said the
"stnnfflng’" results nevertheless indicate
that a large portion of the country’s black
population doesn’t trust public health information.-
Quiun and Stephen Thomas of Emery
University said, however, that the finding
is backed up by similar studies of black
college students, housing-project residents
and African-Americans visiting clinics in
Washington, D.C. The researchers said
the other surveys also found that around
one-third of those survey believed HIV
was part of an effort to l~ill blacks in the
U.S., and another third indicated they
were unsure about the theory. The scientists
surveyed people who attended black
clmrches in Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., Detroit,
Kansas City, Me., and Tuscaloosa,
Asian, African HIV Strains
Migrating to the West
LONDON - According to the report in
the medical journal Ixtncet, U.S. and Uruguayan
military doctors are reporting that
Asian and African strains of HIV have
been introduced into the Western hemisphere,
brought back to their home countries
by military personnel returning from
foreign duty in those regions.
Military doctors at the Walter Reed
Army Institute and the Uruguayan Directorate
of the Armed Forces in Montevideo
said they isolated a common Southeast
Asian strain of HIV in 6 Uruguayan soldiers
and marines who served as part of a
U.N. peacekeeping f orce in Cambodia. In
a different study also reported in Lancet,
physicians at the U.S. Naval Health Research
Center in San Diego found the
same HIV strain in 3 U.S. sailors and
Marines who had been serving in Thailand.
They also found 2 African’strains of
the virus in 2 servicemen who had returned
from duty in Kenya and Uganda.
The scientists say" the findings could
complicate efforts to fight AIDS because
potential vaccines that might be devised
to protect against one strain of HIV may
be ineffective or inadequate for another of
¯ the 9 known strains of the virus. "We may
¯ need to worry about different genetic ap-
¯ pearances of the virus and changing pat-
" terns of the virus in order to get vaccines
¯ that protect people who might be travel-
" ling or who might live in different regions
¯ of the world," said Dr. Andrew Artenste
¯ in, one of the researchers at Walter Reed.
"It might require either multiple strains in
¯ the vaccine or multiple vaccines eventu-
¯ ally to protect people.’"
¯ Fired Nurse With HIV Sues
HOUSTON -A Houston nurse, known in
court doctnnents only as "Jane Doe," has
filed a lawsnit against Surgicare, a medical
center where she had worked until
earlier this year. Doe’s suit charges that
after learning she was HIV-positive in
. January she was told by her supervisor to
¯ take time off work if she wanted to "deal
with the shock.’" But after a 2 week leave,
Doe was informed that she had been fired
: for "excessive absenteeism" because she
had been off work for more than 3 days in
¯ the past 6 months. The suit charges that
Surgicare violated federal anti-bias laws
and fired her because of her infection.
China Begins Addressing
AIDS Epidemic
¯ BEIJING - According to a report in the ¯
Guangming Daily, Chinese health minis--
¯ try authorities have acknowledged for the
¯ first time that the 2,428 cases of AIDS
~ officially reportedin the country are probably
"significantly undercounted" and that
the ministry believes the actual number of
people infected with HIV in China is
probably about 100,000 people instead.
The health ministry officials also announced
that it would join in observing
World AIDS Day on December 1 and is in
the process of setting up a national agency
to address prevention and control of the
spread of HI\.’ in the country.
It ’Came’ In Outer Space
KANSAS CITY, Kan. - Dr. Joseph Tash
of the University of Kansas School of
Medicine has been given a contract by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) to conduct sexual experiments
in outer space. Little is known
about sex in the weightlessness of space,
but there is some evidence that male sperm
is more active and aggressive in orbit. But
before you start suiting up and heading off
to NASA headquarters in Houston with
visions of astronaut orgies, however,Tash
notes, that these experiments will only
involve studying the behavior of the sperm
of sea urchins - which is chemically close
to that of human sperm.
see next page
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Justice Dept. Sues Moving
Companies Over AIDS
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Justice Departmenthas
filed alawsuit against Bekins
Van Lines and Schloer Enterprises Inc.
Schloer, whichis Bekins’ agency in Philadelphia,
was sued for refusing to move the
household goods of two men because a
friend of theirs has AFDS. The federal
lawsuit was filed under the Americans
with Disabilities Act and charges that
.Bekins had agreed to move the furuishrags
of David Homan and Robert
Rosenbaum, who were relocating to Arizona.
But when the movers arrived at the
home of the men, a neighbor who has
AIDS was visiting Homan and
Rosenbaum, and the movers abruptly refused
to continue with the move, the suit
charges. The moving companies, have
denied any wrongdoing, but the Justice
Department says it filed the suit because
the 2 firms refused to .cooperate in its
initial investigation.
Antibodies May Not Disable Hiv
LONDON - AIDS researchers have. re-
HIV blood test as part of his application,
and asked to see his doctor’s records, both
of which LaBonte agreed to. But
LaBonte’s attorney says the company incorrectly
decided that the two men were
having unprotected sex, and in March of
this year r.ejl,e,c,ted LaBonte’s application,
saying that this type bf activity poses an
increased risk for mortality which we are
unable to price."
The suit charges that the insurancefirm’ s
rejection of the policy violates both California
and U.S. laws barring discriinination
against people who associate with
individuals infected with HIV. In a brief
.press release, Minnesota Mutual Life said
it does not discriminate and is in complete
compliance with Califomia’s insurance
Health Officials Confirm 1st
rus. Officials with India’s health ministry
agreed that theWHOfigures are probably
corLeg~t,~:noting ,,.that the number of repor(~
d cases in the country has nearly
doubled in the last 6 months and that 7 out
of every 1,000 people screened for HIV
are now testing poslt~ve.
Viatical Firm Says It
Meets SEC Rules
WASHINGTON- Brian D. Pardo, president
of the Waco, Texas-based Life Partners
Inc., has filed a sworn report in federal
court that the viatical insurance company
"has developed revised methods of
operation that it considers sufficient to
eliminate any claim that the securities
laws apply." Life Partners functions as
the buyers’ agent in viatical settlements,
which allow people with terminal illnesses
such as AIDS to sell their life insurance
Bite Transmission o! HIV policies prior to death.
WEST PALM BEACH,.FIa. -The U.S.: : TheU.S.SecuritiesandExchangeCom-
Centers for Disease Control &Prevention ¯ mission has not yet commented on the
has confirmed the first instance of HIV. :
being transmittedby ahumanbite. Health ¯
officials noted that an unusual set of cir- -"
cumstances would be needed for HIV to :
be passed from one person to another °
through-a bite, and noted that this case, ¯
which took place during the robbery of a ,"
91-year-old man, was the first such docu- ."
steps outlined in Pardo’s sworn statement,
but its court filings acknowledge
that viatiCal transactions are not inherently
securities, that the participation of
an agent does not necessarily-invoke the
securities laws, and that the preliminary
injuncuonissued by a federal court earlier
this year allows Life Partners to comply
mented ease in 15:years they have been : "by restructuring the transactions in such
tracking the AIDSepidemic. ¯ a way that they do not constitute securi-
HIV can continue to be infectious evenafter
the individual virus has been trapped
inside an envelope of antibodies, normally
the way the body neutralizes other
microbe~. The Virginia Commonwealth
University researchers said the finding
may partly explain why it has been so
difficult to stop the relentless spread of
the virus. Dr. Gregory Burton, one of the
researchers, said the antibodies that envelop
HIV, instead of disabling it may
actually help spread the virus to the body’s
disease-fighting T cells.
Man Sues Insurance Firm
Over Lover’s HIV
SAN FRANCISCO-Mark LaBonte, who
ts HIV-negative, has filed a S1 million
lawsuit against the Minnesota Mutual Life
Insurance Company, charging that he was
turned down for a policy after the insurance
firm learned he is gay and that his
partner has AIDS. LaBonte’s suit charges
that his application for insurance was refused
after Minnesota Mutual Life learned
his lover, Joe Aviles, is infected with
HIV. LaBonte claims the insurance finn
believed that he was therefore at risk for
infection from Aviles. MinnesotaMuttml
Life had asked LaBonte to undergo an
ported in the British journal Nature .that ,: Alarming Growth inGIobal AIDS., _,:..-ties.’? The SEC must file a response to the.-
GENEVA ~ "The-staggering~ impact of : report.by Nov; 2., after which time the.
AIDS in non-Western nations around the
g~obe has been underscored by recent
statements by health organizations and
officials. Timothy Stamps, Zimbabwe’s
health minister, said in a newspaper interview
that the country estimates that some
100,000 Zimbabweans will die of AIDSrelated
illness during the next year and a
half. Stamps said he wasn’t trying to be an
"alarmist," but noted that "At present 25
to 30 bodies of victims of AIDS are put
into mortuaries...and hospitals" every day
in the country. In neighboring Sout~a Africa,
a study by the Universltv of Natal
says that nearly a million people in
KwaZulu-Natal, the country" s mostpopulous
province, will be infected with HIV
by 19%. The researchers predicted there
would be 920,000 HIV cases in the province
of 8.7 million. The nation’s health
department also indicates its latest data
indicates that of the country’s 40 million
people 7.6% (about 3 million people) are
already infected with the virus.
The World Health Organization has
also announced that even though HIV was
almost unknown in India 10 years ago, it
now estimates that between 1.6 and 2
million Indians are infected with the vi-
Ken’s Flowers
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¯ , court will deliberate the case. The SEC is
¯" seeking to make the court injection permanent.
HIV Scientist Sues New York
ALBAN’Y, NY- A former New York
health department research worker has
filed a lawsuit against the state, charging
that department officials destroyed his
career because he complained abou! unsafe
standards and procedures at a staterun
laboratory. Joseph Youme, who had
worked with the state health department
for 16 years and had studied HIV with
Robert Gallo, included written complaints
he had made involving what he believed
were tmsafe laboratory procedures. Included
in the complaints Yourno had made
in the past few years were criticisms that
tubes of laboratory specimen blood had
been dropped in stairwells, hazardous
waste had been tossed out with regular
building rubbish, and that on one occasion
in 1991 a large bird flew through an
open window and knocked over unspecified
lab specimens and equipment before
if flew out agmn. After filing complaints
about the conditions at the lab with superiors,
Yourno says he was demoted to a
desk job, virtually putting an end to his
career in laboratory research.
Equal Employment Commission
Sues Over Firing of HIV÷ Driver
FRESNO, Calif. - A California-based
trucking company is being sued by the
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission for firing an HIV-infected
truck driver. DEF Express in Kingsburg,
Calif., has been charged with violating the
Americans with: Disabilities Act in as
dismissal of driver .James Marion. The
EEOC isaskingthat,Marion receiYe back
¯ -wages~ compensation for emotional suf-
; feting and punitive damages again DEF.
~ An attorney representing, the trucking
¯ firm said DEFExpress wasn’t even aware
¯ that Marion was HIV-positive until he
filed the complaint against the company
and accused the EEOC of filing the lawsee
Health Briefs, page 8
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suit for "political" reasons.
Biomathematics Looks at HIV
CHICAGO - Dr: Alan Perelson, an immunologist
with the Los Alamos National
Laboratory in New Mexico, and Dr. Thomas
B. Kepler, a biomathematician at
North Carolina State University, say they
think they’ve found out how the lymph
glands produce highly specificmolecules,
known as antibodies, that attack mic¢obes
an the body with such accuracy. In their
study, published recently in the Proceedings
ofthe National Academy ofScience,
the mathematicians" complex formulas
generate a model that scientists say "tells
us how the immune system can make
antibodies that are 100 times more effective
in just two weeks.’" Virologists and
other scientists say the mathematical modeling
could give"doctors important insights
into the most effective times in the
progression of HIV infection to prescribe
specific medications to fight off the virus.
Assertiveness May Help
Black Women Avoid HIV
CHICAGO - ,According to a study published
in the Journal of the American
Medical Association, African-American
women Who took classes in %exual
assertiveness" were two times more likeh’
to insist on theirmale sex partners using
condom s than a comparable group of
women who took a standard 2-hour AIDS
education class. Among other things, the
classes taught how to put condoms on a
partner, how to clearly express sexual
desires and how to deal with situations
where either the women or their partners
have been drinking. ,:~* .......
"We don’t think one session of HIV
education is really goxng to change any
behavior - and in fact it did not," said Dr.
Gina Wingood of the school of public
health at the University of Alabama ~n
Birmingham and one of the co-authors of
the study. Black women in the U.S. are 16
times m~)re likely to become infected with
HIV than American white women, possibly
because their male sex partners are
less likely to use condoms or more likely
to u se IV drugs, Wingood and her fellow
researchers said.
Young People Hit Hardest by
HIV in China
BEIJING - China’s leading medical publication,
Health Daily, has reported that
the AIDS epidemic is striking the nation’s
younger people harder than auy other age
group. According to the paper, nearly
two-thirds of those infected with HI\" in
the country are under 30 years of age. The
paper’s da~a, however, w’as based on government
health agency figures, which officially
have recorded ouly 1,774 HIV
infections in the country..klan)" global
AIDS experts believe that more than
10,000 Chinese are actually infected with
the virus.
French Hospital to Test 5,000
Ex-Patients of MD with HIV
PARIS - Officials at the Saint-Germainen-
Laye Hospital have announced that
the medical facility will test more than
5,000 ex-patients for possible HIV infection.
The enormous hospital-funded testing
program was announced after it was
~ discovered that one of its surgeons had
¯ . been infected with HIV for at least 13
¯ years. Hospital officials said it was "’very
¯ ~" uulikely’~ that the physician had infecte~l
any of his patients but that it wanted to
reassure former patients of the surgeon.
Male IV Drug Users at
High Risk for HIV
ATLANTA - A study by the C~nters for
Disease Control & Prevention and published
in the agency’s MMWR Summary
indicates that AIDS education and prevention
programs may not be reaching
male IV drug users ffho also have sex
with other men. TheCDC study was based
on xnterviews with men who inject drugs
and who also have sex with other men -
whether they identified themselves as gay,
bisexual or heterosexual - in Dallas, Denver
and Long Beach, Calif. The researchers
concluded that this subgroup now accounts
for 7% of the total AIDS cases in
the U.S. and 21% of all the cases among
IV drug users in tiffs country.
.." " The men in this group, ~e study said,
are at "’extremely high risk" of becoming
infected, noting that the majority of those
interviewed shared needles, often traded
sex for drugs or money, and had unprotected
sex with multiple partners. The
study also noted that how these men identify
themselves sexually may have little or
nothing to do with whether they have sex
with other males, with a full third of those
interviewed describing themselves as heterosexuals
even though they all acknowledged
having sex with other men.
Study: Lesbians, Bi Women At
Higher Risk for HIV
CHICAGO - According to a report published
in the American Journal ofPublic
Health, wo~nen who have sex with other
women are at greater risk for HIV infe6-
tion than women who are exclusively
heterosexual. The researchers compared
attitudes,, characteristics and HIV statns
of women at a sexually transmitted disease
clinic in New York City. Of the 9%
who said they have sex with other women,
more than 90% said they also had sex with
men as well.
The scientists found that the women
who had same-sex contact were more
likely than the exclusively heterosexual
women to be infected with HIV, to trade
sex for drugs or money; and to use intravenous
drugs. The researchers .said, although
the women who have sex with
other women were more likely to be infected
with HIV, the study found no instances
of actual female-to-female transmission.
Clinton to Host White House
AIDS Conference
WASHINGTON-Theadministration has
announced that President Clinton will host
the first-ever White House Conference on
AIDS on Dec. 6 to underscore his commitment
to doing more about the epidemic.
Mike McCurry, White Housepress
secretary, said it will bring many experts
on the disease to the high-level conference.
"’It will feature more than 130 individuals
from across the country," M~Curry
said. "Conference participants will discuss
the. latest trends in the .AIDS epidemic,
epidemiological stgveys and studies
of the AIDS epidemic itself, and the
central issues of AIDS research, prevention,
care and discrimination, among other
issue,s." McCurry said Clinton would take
partmsome portion of the conference, but
didn’t specify exactly what.
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Needle-Swap Programs Save $
CHICAGO - According to a research
study published in ithe Journal of the
American MedicalAssociation, the spread.
.ofHIV among IV drug users could be kept
an check through needle-exchange programs,
which should not only dispense
clean ne edles but also educate drug addicts
about how the virus is spread and
how to avoid infection. Investigators from
the Chemical Dependency Institute at Beth
Israel Medical Center in New York studied
needle-swap programs in 5 cities -
Tacoma, Wash.; Glasgow, Scotland;
Lund, Sweden; Sydney, Australia; and
Toronto, Canada. The researchers found,
among other things, that clean-needle programs
cost about $20 per addict per year,
"but treatment costs for people with AIDS
were as high as $120,000 a year.
¯ The researchers also compared data
¯ from the 5 cities they studied with data
fromNew York City, which does not have
a legal needle-swap program. The scien-
¯ fists found that HIV infection rates among
IV drug users there rose from under 10%
to more than 50%injust 5 years, while the
¯ 5 study cities kept infection rates among
IV drug abusers at very low levels.
: HIVTesting for Expectant Moms
¯ SACRAMENTO,Calif.-CaliforniaGov_
¯ ernor Pete Wilson has signed into law a
¯ CA Gov. Vetoes Medicinal Pot
¯ SACRAMENTO, Calif. - To the surprise
of almost no one, California Governor
: Pete Wilson la~ vetoed a measure passed
¯ in September by the state legislature that
would have allowed people with AIDS
~ and some other illnesses to grow and use
: marijuana. Many AIDS activists and a
¯ number of physicians say the illegal drug
alleviates several debilitating manifesta-
¯ uons associated with AIDS,includingloss
of appetite, weight loss, and nausea. It is
the second such measure approved .by the
California Legislature that Wilson has
vetoed~’ "
HIV Isolation Works - At a Price
measure that requires health care pracu-. "
tioners offeringl~renatal ca~e tO offerHW
¯ testing to pregnant women. Expectant ¯
¯ mothers arenot,however, required to take " HAVANA - The Miami Herald has rethe
test. ¯ ported that Cuba has one of the lowest
HIV infection rates in all ofLatin America
- by forcibly quarantining those infected
with the virus. World Health Orgamzation
data shows that Cuba has only 0.8
cases of AIDS reported for each 100,000
citizens. Cuba has put people infected
with HIV inisolated sanatoriums for nearly
a decade. Dr. Reinaldo Gil, who runs
Cuba’s AIDS programs, told the Herald
that the isolation of people with HIV
AIDS was the main reason for the
country’s low infection rate. "People are
beginning to.see that what we did works,"
he said. The paper also quoted people
with AIDS who agreed that Cuba’s isolation
program had reduced possible infections.
But one patient told the paper, "’\Ve
have lost our freedom. That is the most
important thing there is."
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A White House letter from Clihton to the
Human Rights Campaign, a major backer of
the legislation and the country’s largest gay
lobbying organization, says that the president
considers the bill "important civil rights legislation."
The bill bans discrimination based on
sexual orientation in businesses with more
than 15 employees. Religious organizations
are exempt from the measure.
Clinton noted that the proposed le~slation
does not apply to businesses with 15 or fewer
workers, to the nation’s armed forces or to
i’eligious organizations or the schools they
operate, andthat 4t specifically excludes, an~"
quotas. The bill would not reqtfires businesses
to provide health or other benefits to domestic
parmers of gay or lesbian employees.
"’The bill, therefore, appears to answer all
the legitimate objections previously raised
against it, ~while ensuring that Americans, regardless
of their sexual orientation, can find
and keep their jobs based on their ability and
the quality of their work," the Clinton letter
says. George Stephanopoulos, a senior Clinton
advisor, said,"This is a reasonable response to
a real problem. It ensures that everyone receives
equal treatment and no one gets special
treatment." "Peopleshould not be fired from
their jobs for a reason that has nothing to do
wi th their abilities," said Elizabeth Birch, executiye
director of the Human Rights Campaign.
"Today in.America, it’s perfectly legal
to fire someohe for being gay or lesbiaJa. The
President stands with the vast majority of
Ameri cans in supporting equal rights in the
workplace for lesbian and gay citizens."
The bill laces opposmon on Capitol Hill,
"and has poor chances of passage at this time.
In the latest issue of Nature Gen¢,Jir~sv~,Dr.
Dean Hamer and his fellow researcli6rs at the
National Institutes of Health reported that the
expanded study confirms that there is a genetic
link between male homosexuality and the genetic
marker (known as X q28) il;herited from
X chromosome of the mother. The researchers
found that 22 of 32 pairs of gay brothers from
unrelated families (69%) shared the same version
of the genetic material, leading them to
confirm the genetic link. When the scientists
looked at the heterosexual brothers of gay
men, however, they found only 22% of the
heterosexual Siblings had inherited the Xq28
At the same time, researchers examined 36
pairs of lesbian sisters, but found no evidence
of any shared genetic marker in the same
re.on. "The finding in gay men but not lesbians
suggests that the mechanisms underlying
male and female sexual orientauons a~e at
least partially distinct," Hamer concluded in
the report. Earlier statistical studies have also
shown that gay men were more likely to have
gay" brothers than lesbians to haw lesbian
s~sters, he noted. Hamer said, "’It shows that it
is not impossible to map complex psychological
traits to genes. It is still a very large genetic
re,on. We have narrowed down which haystack
in the field it is, but it’s still a haystack."
Maki.n,q_ Sense
A New H IV Prevention Program from TOHR
HIV prevention is more than just, "a cat,dam
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HIV prevention is more than a slogan and a
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Following the Supreme Court hearings on Tuesday, Oct. 10, Colorado’s
Attorney General Gale Norton told reporters that gays and lesbians as a group,
do not merit "special protections." "The status quo, in almost the entire United
States, is that there are uo laws granting special protections on the basis .of
sexual orientation," Norton said.."And Amendment 2 just says .that,there will
not be those additional special protections on that basis."
On the other side, attorney Jean Dubofsky argued before the Court that the
Colorado amendment violated the U.S. constitutional guarantee of equal
protection under the law She said that if the Supreme Court Upholds the
Colorado measure, homosexuals will lose their basic right to challenge discriminatory
laws and regulations anywhere inthe country.
. "’!f,~v~Llp,s~ !ki.~ case arid Amend~nent 2,g0es into effect, it immedimely
repeals all the local ordinfiri~.es and all the general state laws and policies that
protect people from discrimination on the basis of gay orientation only"
Dubofskv said followin_o the Court hearino "’And it .W,hff,ao ~., tho ~,...... ~,~;
genera~ poucy or any protectlon.at any level ofgovernment from discrimination
on the basis of gay orientation or from the opportunity to seek any protection
from discrimination."
During the hearings, several Supreme Court justices questioned the validity
of theColorado amendment, expressing fears that it could allow hospitals to
deny medical treatment to gays or permit hotels and restaurants to turn
homosexuals away.
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Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service;~ 6 pm "
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
In/o: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
TheBanned,OKGay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston
" Info: 583-9780
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing. "
using fingerstick
method. ¯
No appointment required..
Walk in testing: 7:8:3.0pm
Results hours: i7-9pn~
Info: 742-2927 ¯
Lambda Bowling League; ."
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm ¯
3121 S. Sheridan . :
Minister’s Class
Bless the .Lord at All
Times Christian Center
7:30 pm
2627-B East 1 ith
HlV-g Support Group
HIVResource Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard,’Ste. H-1
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC ofGreater Tulsa
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-t715
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Choir Practice 7
2627-B East llth
Call 583-7815 for inio.
Support Group
1st & 3rd Wednesdays
4154 S. Harvard
In/o: 749-4901
Family Of Faith MCC
Poduck 6:30 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Choir Practice 8 pm
5451-E South Mingo,
Call 622-1441 for info.
16-Step Empowerment
¯ Group For Women
Community of Hope
¯ !703 E. 2nd, info: 585-1800
Support Group
¯ 7:30, Family of Faith MCC
¯ 5451÷E S. Mingo
¯ Call 622-1441 for Info. ..
: HIVTestingTOHRClinic
¯ Fr.ee & anonymous testing
¯ using fingerstick method.
¯ No appointment required.
¯ Walkin testing: 7 - 8:30pm
Results hours: 7 - 9pm
Info: 742-2927
Prayer Time
¯ MCC - Greater Tulsa, 7 pm
1623 N. Maplewood
In/o: 838-1715
Tulsa Family Chorale
¯ Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
¯ SATURDAYS Narcotics Anonymous
¯ Meets weekly at 11 pm
¯ Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
¯ Community of.Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
TJC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
TOHR Helpline
Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to volunteer:
Tool Box Technicians,
Leather org.,
Info c/o Tile Tool Box:
Tulsa Uniform &
Leather Seekers Assoc.
In!o: 838-1222
Broken Arrow Comnutnity Playhouse
Quilt - A A4usical Celet~ation
1800 So. Main, [nfo: 258-0077
Faith & Struggle Dialogue Group
Community of Hope United Methodist
4:30pm, 1703 E. 2nd (ongoing group) .
In/o: 585-1800
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Monthly Board Meeting, 7 pm
Call for location., In/o: 743-4297
Family ofFaith MCC,
Thanksgiving Service, 6:30 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, In/o: 622-1441
Community ofHope
The Rev. Scott Sharp Preaches, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd St., In/o: 585-1800
Rainbow Business Guild, 7 pm
Mazzio’s at The-Farm Shopping Ctr~
Private Dining Room
Dinner Meeting, In/o: 665-5174
WorldAIDS Day Panel."
A Tulsa Perspective, 7 pm
Aaronson Auditorium, Central Library,
In/o: 596-7977
WOrMAIDS-Day March, 6:30 pm
Sharp Chapel, TU, Inio~. 438-2437
DECEMBER 1-2, 7-9
: Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
Androcles & the Lion, 8pm
1800 So. Main, hffo: 258-0077
DECEMBER 2, 9 & 10
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
Androcles & the Lion, 2pm
1800 So. Main, Info: 258-0077
Red Ribbon Treefest, 4 pm
Spotlight Theatre
1318 Riverside Dr.
In/o: 663-5372
Prime Timers Monthly Meeting
Write for in/o: P.O. Box 52118, 74104
Community ofHope
Bishop Dan Soloman & Jby Sblomon
Reception, 4 pm,Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd St., Info: 585-1800
Women, Children & AIDS Committee,
1430 S. Boulder~ ~ollim!~R0~m
Making Sense ~HIV Prevention Group
Call for locadon & time.
In/o: Jason @ 742-2927
AIDS Coalition ofTulsa
Gathering of the Evergreens, noon
1430 S. Boulder, Collins Room
Womens Supper Club Dinner, 6:30 pm
Spaghetti Warehouse. 211 E. Brady
Info: 298-4648
Tulsa Oldahomansfor Human Rights
Holiday Gathering. 7 pm
All Soul’s Unitarian, 2902 S. Peoria
In/o: 743-4297
Dignity/Integrity Christmas Dinner
Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians
6:30 pm, private home
Info: 298-4648
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
Auditions for The Lion in WMter
5pro, 1800 So. Main, Info: 258-0077
Family ofFaith MCC "
Christmas Childrens’ Party, 5 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, In/o: 622-1441
Family ofFaith MCC
:~ Christmas Concert & Silent Atwtion,
¯ 7:30 pm
¯ 5451-E S. Mingo
: Info: 622-144
¯ Family ofFaith MCC
¯ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service ¯
10 pro, 5451-E S, Mingo, Info: 622-
Out &About with JD
Here is anew section that will help you
keep abreast, of what’s going on with
Tulsa’s night life. Each month will feature
a local establishment and give you a
listing of what is happing through out the
This month’s feature is an great little
bar on historic Whittier Square. Mosl
people have mistaken this bar for a an
exclusively Lesbian hideaway because of
the name,
is slowly becoming a great little show bar
and a nice stopping off point for a evening
.offun. Thefollowingmonthat Barracuda’s
~s just full of fun and benefits for the
OnNovember 17th, they will behaving
a benefit to help Interfaith Ministries of
Tulsain recognition of World AIDS Day;
December 1st. The evening will include
several different performers such as vocalist
Linda Rush, guitarist Harry Carroll,
entertainers suchas Sensuous, J.J. Gentrey,
Sugarbaker and many more. During the
beginning of December, Barracuda’s will
be hosting the first annual Ms. Whittier
Square please contact Ladonnafor further
information at 582-4340.
Over 0n.the east side, the gals at TNT’s
and Time’N’ Timehave got things going.
November 22, Time N Time is hosting a
Leather community meeting at 7:30. On
November 26, TNT’s will have a Carnival
at 8pm. December 10 TNT’s will have
a guest DJ at their annual Christmas Auction
for Needy Families. December 15,
Time N Time will have 5th Anniversary
Party. They also have a free brunch each
Sunday. Call for more information.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
In 1992, Dab Price made history by
launching a weekly, informational
newspaper column in the Detroit The phrase "...and
News. Hercommonsense say tl~~ to__-|°yce," "
approach to life is unusual lS
for a columnist only be- the o en repeated
cause Price is lesbian and
her column addresses life
experiences from a gay
perspective, The phrase
"...and say hi’ to Joyce,"
is the often repeated closing
line ofmany ofthe fan
letters she. receives and
refers to her longtime
partner, Joyce Murdoch.
This is the story ofhow
the columnbegan, includdosing
line of
many of the fan
letters she reeelves
& refers to her
longtlme partner,
Joyee Murdoeh,
ing the behind-the-scenesdiscussions and
ultimate decision to have this column in
Detroit’s"politically conservative" newspaper.
Predictably, after the colunm began,
some subscribers, outraged at the
column’s inclusion in a "family newspaper,"
canceled their subscriptions. The
number of cancellations, however, was
qnly a fraction of what had been anticipated.
The edffors stood firm, andnow the
columnis distributed nationwide, through
Gannett, the country’s largest newspaper
Much of the book consists of Price’s
columns, reprinted in their entirety, The
¯ wide variety of topics in the col~mm convey
her background as a journalist: poli-
¯ tiCS, religion, travel and history, but also
¯ love and relationships.Columm fltles in-
" clude "Gay Souls Find a True Sanctuary
in the Buckle of the Bible
Belt," "City Living Gay
Transplants Taking Root
in Smaller Places" and
"Ignorance is the Great-
-est Threat to Opening Up
the Military to Gays.’" It’s
interesting to read about
the thoughts and events
that go into deciding top-
¯its and the responses, in
person, by phone and
mail, from readers who
strongly agree or disagree
with the column. Many
lonely, closeted gays,
young and old, seem to
¯ find cause for optimism
in Price’s column and write her to express
¯ theirappreciation. Coming out stories and
¯ positive letters from parents, friends and ¯
politicians are all included. There are, of
¯ course, many negative letters reprinted as
well, which often ~ve keen examples of
where those oppo_sed to gay equality are
coming from.
¯ This is a very enjoyable book, filled
¯ with lo~c, usal31e advice and uplifting
~ stories, writtenby womenwho really have
¯ a way with words. Check for this book,
¯ and others on similar topics, at the Read-
. ers Services department, Central Library,
¯ 2nd floor, or call 596-7966.
Find your holiday getaway with the premier guide to
gay & lesbian inns. B&Bs. hotels, and more! l)amron Actommodafions
is packed with hundreds of lull-color photographs - and detailed
For a free catalog, call 1-800-46L6654.
and you techies check out the Damron~vWebpa~e! http://www.sirius.com/~damron
¯ GLAMA Honors Gay
...... And Lesbian Music
: by Lester Strong
"’It takes a particular kind of courage to
be an out musician. It takes a particular
~ kind of artist to express musically what is
¯ often silenced by either the outside world
¯ oravoice within ourselves that says some
~ things are meant not to be spoken."
: With these words, Dan Martin and
¯ Michael Biello, life partners and founders
: of the national gay music organization
: Outmusic, inaugurated the kickoff event
¯ -for the Gay/Lesbian American Music
Awards (GLAMA) intended to acknowledge
and honor the work of openly gay
and lesbian music artists. Held October 1
at The Supper Club in the heart of New
York City’s Theater District, "A Night of
GLAMA" was hosted by award-winning
playwright and actor Han,ey Fierstein
and :attended b,y a mix of:over 350 performers,
gaymusic supporters,and representatives
from the media and recording
companies like Atlantic Records.
GLAMA creator/producers Tom
McCormack and Michael Mitchell along
with the GL&MA advisory board are currently
in the process of defining-categoties,
eligibility, and nominating andjudging
procedures for the first annual performing
awards to be handed out next
categories are likely to include the year’s
best female and male performers, best
group, best ori~nal song, and best recorded
performance byan "out" performer
or group. But this year’s event saw the
introduction of two" special awards, presented
to individuals well known on the
music scene for their long-standing contributions
to the cause of openly gay music.
The Michael Callen Medal of Achievement
was given to Cris Willi0ms0n, a
pioneer ofthe women’s musicmovement,
cofounder of Olivia Records, and strong
community supporter in her work with
pediatric AIDS groups, while the
Outmusic Award was presented to Boy
George, the British popmusic star known
the world over for his gender-bending
music and style of performance.
In the words of Bob Guccione, Jr.,
Editor/Publisher of Spin magazine, who
presented the Michael Callen Medal: "The
¯ Callen Medal is given to an individual,
~ group, organization, or business cormnit-
~ ted to the courageous and important work
¯ of engendering, nurturing, and furthering
gay/lesbian music. Tonight the Callen
Medal honors Cris Williamson, a singer/
songwriter who has Used her music and
: good works as beacons ofhope and inspi-
¯ ration for lesbian, gay, and nongay audi- ¯
ences for more than twenty years."
¯ The Outmusic Award honors recording
¯ artists, groups, or songwriters who have
advanced gay/lesbian music through their
work as out musicians. As presenter
: Me’scheli Ndegeocello, recording artist
¯ onMadorma’s Mavericklabel, stated about
~ Boy George: "The recipients’ steadfast
; co~nitment to speak openly and specifi-
~ e,ally to the gay and lesbian experience
¯ through music qualifies them for this ¯
award. GLAMA has chosen to give this
~ inaugural award to a man who from the
~ beginning of his career in the early eight-
- ies has consistently called into questaon
: society’s perceptio’ns of gender roles."
: Adds Michael Mitchell about both
¯ awards. "There arepeople in the commusee
next page
Call 341.6866
International Tours
for more information about LA Studio tour
packages to see tapings of Ellen or Married With
Children.Gift certificates are availablefor air travel,
cruises & many other travel needs. IGTA member.
.nity who have made enormous contributeens
to openly gay and lesbi~an music.
They may not have a recordidg out this
year or be on the TopTen charts, but those
contributions deserve recognition. We
plan to present the Micha61 Callen Medal
and Outmusic Award on an annual basis:"
The diversity of music embraced by
GLAMA was indicated by the evening’s
entertainment. Performing were qtaeer
pnnkers Pansy Division, a cappella group
The Flirtations with their newest and first
woman meznber Suede, renegade folk/
rock band disappear fear with lead singer
Sonia Rutstein, and drag diva Joey Arias
"’channeling" Billie Holiday. Cris
Williamson sang a few of her ballads, and
Harvey Fierstein did a turn, performing
"This Is Not Going To Be Pretty" from his
newly released CD of the same name.
"A Night of GLAMA" was scheduled
to coincide with the opening of the
Outmusic 5th Annual Festival of Gay and
Lesbian Music, held each October in New
York City, and Manhattan Borough President
Ruth Messenger was.on hand to read
a proclamation officially designating October,
1995 as "Gay and Lesbian Music
Month" in New Y’ork. Outmusic dedicates
itself to creating opportunity for--
and increasing awareness of--lesbian and
gay composers, lyricists, performers,and
their supporters. GLAMA also espouses
those goals, but the two are organizationally
October 6,1996, has already been set as
the date for next year’s First Annual GaU
Lesbian American Music Awards ceremony,
to be held again in New York. For
more information, contact McCormack
and Mitchell at 267 Fifth Avenue, Suite
801-49, New York, NY 10016; tel. 212-
59,2-4455; e-mail GLAMAS@aol.com.
Enjoying the Momenff
by Pat Morehead
Now for something completely different....
where the hell did this snow come
from? Yesterday afternoon I was dodging
pecans inmy tee shirt as I tried to round up
leaves on my patio. Four hours later I was
towe!ing snow off the dog after his mid
evemng potty break. Oklahoma has to be
on.e ofweirdest places in the world weather
But the result this morning is unbeatable.
The entare north wall of my ’office’
looks out onto my patio and back yard.
Just beyond my monitor is a stretch of
shadowed blue and gray snow, then a
stretch of gleaming white-snow topped
and highlighted by brilliant golden yellow
leaves splattered across the trees in
the background which are interlaced with
swaths of cendean blue sky. It’s like one
ofthose images from the ubiquitous Christmas
Most of the time you look around Tulsa
and it all seems pretty blah, and that’s
being generous. Thenout ofnowhere some
little scene leaps out and you’re just
amazed at the accidental beat~ty. At least
I am. For me that accidenta] moment of.
something unique is the "JEEZ" moment.
The "JEEZ" moment is one of the best
things about Tulsa and life in general. _If
I’m waxing a bit too bucolic about the s,
please overlook my enthusiasm.
I want to enjoy this moment because
it’ll all get mined pretty quickly due to the
approaching holidays. No, I am not a
holiday grinch. But the COlrmiercial and
emotional overkill which I "know is coming
is about as offputting as anything you
Sandra J. Hill, M.S.
Ps.vchotherapy & Clinical
Sensitive to the Challenges of
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &
Transgendered Individuals,
Couples & Families.
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 215, 745-1111
can imagine. And yes we will all get
sucked up into the holiday insanity. At
least most of us will.
My companion and I have reached that
stage where we can sit back and enjoy the
season in a relaxed low key fashion. We
put some real joint effort into a great meal
which we can enjoy in peace and quiet.
Then a .movie on tape which we have
purposefully avoiding renting until the
holidays. Occasionally we arejoined by a
couple of friends, people about whom we
really care. It may sound dull, but after
years of having dealt with crappy family
holiday discords, it is.shear bliss.
Christmas works pretty much the same
way. Naturally we do have to take care of
family recognition, but again we try and
keep that to a minimum. We start with the
presumption that someone is going to say
or do something stupid or hurtful. So we
give them as little opportunity as possible.
We have also reached the stage where
wecankeep the ’gifting’ to aminimum. In
fact we have already done most of that.
We replaced some aging furniture and
added a new TV as our Christma~ gifts for
our house. Part of the old furniture .went to
Goodwill and some directly to a friend
who could Use it. All that re~nains now is
finding that certain something special
~which will express the depth of love and
affection between us. No easy task let me
[ "kno~v to you this probably seems about
as exciting ~s algebra. But for us it is a
refreshing break from all of the usual
turmoil, hurt feelings and anger which
have marked previous holiday seasons.
Answer tmtlffully, ho~v many of you are
already dreading the enforced family visitations?
Not to mention the other stuff
associated with the holidays which .you
really don’t want to be involved im but
feel compelled to do. "
I’ve developed a pretty simple approach
to life, which I offer as a recommendation.
ff there are people you don’t care for, and
who go out of their wav to make you
miserable, then avoid bei~g around them.
If there are situations whichget you crazy,
avoid them whenever you have the option.
If there is stuff that you really hate
doing (and which you don’t have to do to
live) just don’t-do it!
I used to waste a lot of time, energy and
fretting over doing stuff that I thought I
had to do even though I hated it. Gradually,
I have learned tha~ doing the right
!hing doesn’t mean doing what others
~mpose as "the right thing to do". Here’s
the secret. If you worry about what others
think, you’ll spend your entire life worrying.
If that sounds like the way to enjoy
life, more power to you, have ~t it!
As for me, I’ll sit here awhileqonger
with my coffee and enjoy the scene outsidemywindows.
The squirrels have come
out now. They are busy rooting_through
the snow and leaves looking those pecans
I dodged yesterday. The birds are hopping
through the snow looking for lord knows
what. The dog is lying here next to me
blissfully gnawing on his chew bone and
my companion / lover is messing around
in the "kitchen.. It’s a cozy pleasant Saturday
morning. Enjoy the holidays with the
people you really care about and who
really care about vou.
Pat Morehead ~s a Tulsa contributor.
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Arlen Spitler, Mr. Oklahoma Leather 1996 winner with
hisfellow contestants, VicReyes, EdSmith, Chris Cherry.-
Jones, & Danny Pelletier at the Silver Star Saloon.
Viola Johnson, winner of several lifetime leather
acheivement awards, bares her Halloween fangs.
Arlen Spitler WhO was I st runner-up tn Mr. Tulsa Leather
1995 & then Mr. Tulsa Leather 1995 is joined by Arnie
Holder. one ofthe event organizers.
: Leatherfolk enjoyed a bar tour as part of the wee’kend
¯ events.
Larry Everett. Mr. lnternationai Leati~er 1995, is caught
betweentwo ofTulsa’s ladies in leather, Viola Johnson &
Jill Carter while Larry’s partner. Leroy Ray, looks on.
David Walker, International Mr. Drummer 1995 attended
this event. All photos: JD Jamett, Images by JD
Positively Negativ6
¯ You feel lhol it is inevilabte LJOU will
b~corne IIIV positive.
¯ You think the holiest thing about
s~x" is lhe posler.
¯ You want support and a fresh look on
lhe new year lhroucjh the-holidocjs
¯ You wonder whkj rernoininc.:j uninl’ectecl
is imporlont.
Come and talk about it with us.
l"l~etings begin acjo~n December 141h.-
Call Jason to enroll. 742.2927
co-facilitated dialogue for t-IIV negative gay and bisexual m~n on love desire.
s~x. and h~allh. Sponsored by lh~ TOHR fllV Prevention Proj¢cl.
Photos, JD Jamett, 621-5597
Open Arms
Open Hearts
Saint Aidan,s
4045 No. Cincinnati, 425-7882
Saint John’s
4200 So. Atlanta PI.. 742-7381
501 SO. Cincinnali. 582-4128
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesday Services 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm
Choir Practice ¯ Thurs. 7:30 pm Codependency Support Group
I To do justice, love mercy & to walk humbly with our God... Micah 6:8
5451-E South Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
Mr. Oklahoma Leather ’96
TULSA The Silver Star SalooninTulsa,
Oklahoma was the place to be November
4 as a standing room only crowd watched
Aden Spitler win the title of Mr. Oklahoma
Leather ’96.
Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Association (T.U.L.S.A.) president Arnie
Holder produced this year’s event, pooling
talent from the Technicians and Tribe
an auction mad special entertainment provided
by Carmen del Rio of NLA Dallas/
Dallas Eagle fame. As always, Carmen
brought the house down!
While contestants sweated out the results
backstage, IML Larry Everett, who
was also Mr. Oklahoma Leather ’95, gave
the traditional stepping aside address to
the crowd. Cash and prizes donated by
International Mr. Leather
’95, Larry Everett, was Master
ofCeremonies, while the
judging panel included International
Mr. Drummer
David Walker, International
Ms. Leather ’94 Cindy
Bookout, International Mr.
Fantasy JD Buchert, Queen
of Kink Jill Carter, Fantasy
and Great Plains Drummer
co-producers Bob Ewing
and Dustin Logan and IML
Finalist Lance Brittain.
Look for Aden
to shine bright
in Chiea .o as he
wkeels his way
into town as
offieial IML
T.U.L.S.A., Leatherworks
by Johnna, Shades of Grey
Dallas, the Leather Rack
DC, Utica Tri’s, NY, Silver
Star Saloon, JD Images,
IML, Inc., Viola Johnson
valued atalmost $3000 were
readied as the five contestants
were brought back for
the final results. Second
Runner-up was Danny
Pelletier. First Runner-up
was Victor Reyes, and
crowd favorite, Arlen
Spitler, was given the
The weekend’s events began Friday
evening with a shuttle bus bar crawl, sampling
a wide variety of clubs throughout
the city. The tour ended up at the Silver
Star where judges and contestants were
introduced to the crowd and contestant
numbers were drawn.
Interviews were conducted Saturday
morning while the host cout~try and W~Stern
bar stage was transformedintoa.cruisy
alleyway for the much anticipated event.
Starti,ng on time (as well organized events
do) the contestants competedin Streetwear
with Speech, Swimwear and Full Leather
Image with a Random Question and Answer.
Entertwined with the contest were
winner’s sash.
Aden is an Assistive Technology Specialist
with special interests in Advocacy
and Fnndraising for Children with disabilities,
sports and gay and lesbian youth
issues. Aden was First Runner-up to IML
larry Everett at the Mr. Tulsa Leather
contest last year losing to him by only one
po_in~. He then took over_the tit.!e as Mr.
Tulsa ’95 after Larry went on tO win Mr.
Oklahoma Leather and IML, respectively.
Aden also won Mr. Barechest in Washington,
DC earlier this year. Look for
Aden to shine bright in Chicago as he
wheels his way into town as Oklahoma’s
official IML preliminary entry.
also offers no such protection.
Question 1 asked voters to limit "protected
classifications" in current and future
state and locai laws to ten specific
categories. The measure asked, "Do you
favor the changes in Maine law limiting
protected classifications in future, state
and local laws to race, color, sex, physical
and mental disability, religion, age, ancestry,
national origin, familial status, and
marital status, and repealing existing laws
which expand these classifications as proposed
by citizen petition?" The measure
effectively would have repealed two local
non-discrimination laws that include gay
people, and would have prohibited commumt~
es from passing such laws in the
future. Question 1 was written by Bruce
Fein, a right-wing lawyer based in Virginia,
to circumvent court decisions saying
that gays should not be singled out for
discrimination. Question 1 also would
haverepealed any anti-discrimination protections
in the state’s university and college
system, and gutted the state hate
crimes law by removing sexual orientation.
Unlike earlier anti-gay measures, the
language of Question 1 avoided mentioning
lesbian and gay people. The National
Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)
"suggested that Question 1 was drafted to
be intentionally confusing. More than 70
state business, religious, educational and
political groups and leaders opposed the
measure, including the Catholic Diocese
of Maine. National extreme right groups
actively pushed for a"yes" vote on Quesuon
1. Bob Knight of the Family Research
Council toured the state calling on voters
to approve the measure, as did Beverly
LaHaye of Concerned Women for
America. Focus on the Family aired radio
advertisements in favor of the initiative.
A statement from the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force noted, "’the victory
over Measure One offers us a tremendons
potential to seize the momentum and pass
a statewide non-discrimination law in
Maine. The law was recently introduced
in the state legislature by Dale McCormick.
Originally passed in 1993 but vetoed by
then conservative governor Kieman, the
bill can capture the new-fonnd awareness
of the extent of real discrimination and
persecution suffered by the gay and lesbian
citizens of Maine. Governor Angus
King, a huge supporter of the No On 1
campaign, is expected to sign such legislation."
NGLTF campaign consultant Susan
Hibbard, in the field in Maine, reports an
unparalleled grassroots educational and
visibility campaign in all 16 counties has
changed the way the state views its gay,
lesbian and bisexual citizens. NGLTF
added, "the isolation and fear of being
gay, especially in rural places, has been
altered by new-found and strengthened
visibility and support for gays and our
allies at the forefront of this battle. So -
many people came to our side to help.
They proclaimed, ’This issue brought me
out.’ Indeed, the ballot measure may have
even backfired against the?Radical Right.
Intended to push gays and lesbians back
into the closet, it instead galvanized us
and our supporters."
Fred Welch
Brookside Counseling
Individual & Couple
Family & Group
ARIES, March 21, April 20
Not that you ever want people to boss you
around but, this month, even a sideways ..
glance from an authority fi.gure can send
your blood pressure soanng. You can
make great career progress now, especially
if you throw your energy into your
work instead of into fighting off every- :
imagined threat. Convert your anger into
passion, No, your lover really isn’t trying
to control you.
TAURUS, April 20 -May 21
Now is the perfect time to go new places,
learn new things and open up your views
of the world. You may be tempted to think
that nobody is as smart as you are. You
may be tempted to beat people over the
head with your opinions. YOU may even
be tempted to hire a lawyer to do the
beating for you; but don’t do it. The world
and its inhabitants are only trying to teach
you a thing or two.
GEMINI, May 21 - June 22
A month of crazed passion and deep desires.
Good news? Sure, if you work your
passions out in the bedroom, or in the
elevator on the way to work if that’s what
you prefer. The bad news? This is the vibe
that creates deep passion about everything
you share with others, from your
body to your bank account. Not a good
time to ask for a loan and if your parmer
picks fights over money, well, you "know
what to do.
CANCER, June 22 - July 23
You have been ’holding back grievances
for quite a while now, and this month
provides a great,opportunity to clear the
air. You’re energetic and assertive, and
the peopledoseto youmay wonderwhere
Cancer ever got the reputation of being
sweet, domestic and submissive. You’re
in a prime position to work hard with a
partner on a mutually satisfying goal.
Don’t waste the energies on pointless
LEO, July 23- Aug. 23
Your discipli,n,e and self-control is amazing
and you 11 take great pride in the
amount of work you can accomplish.
You’d like it better if you got all the credit
for what you do, but your boss and your
coworkers are more
interested in taking
advantage of your
skills. Try to work
on your ownprojects
as much as you can;
and don’t hold back
on your frustrations
or your health may
suffer. If someone
steps on your paw,
go ahead and roar.
Sa~ittarlus - You also have
deep desires to_.buy
expensive, pointless, e¢o-
Cratffyln~ thlnCs...iyou
know that fast, red sports
ear won’t make you a better
person. Don’t you?
VIRGO, Aug. 23 - Sept. 23
This is the month for fun and games, and
your self-discipline will be at an all time
low. Existing relationships get a passionate
boost and you look particularly cute at
all the holiday parties, though the new
love interest youmeet now is likely to lose
your phone number for a month or two.
Have a good and pleasurable wallow tiffs
month and don’t feel guilty about it. You’ re
not reqmred to be dutiful and responsible
all the time. Really.
LIBRA, SepL 23- Oct. 23
Try to live by the saying,"A closed mouth
gathers no foot." It may s~emlike people
are trying to,pick fights ~ith you but, the
truth is, you re dredging:up old, unconscious
issues with deep roots in the past.
Unless you’re very conscious of whom
you’re dealing with, you’ll be prone to
saying silly things that have nothing to do
with the situations that really exist. Clean
out.your psyche, clean out your closets;
get rid of all the old junk. It’s time.
SCORPIO, Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 23
You’re always a very incisive communicator
but, this month, ~our words and
ideas have such intensily
that people
may quake in fear
when you pass
_judgement on the
weather. It’s a good
month to sell )’ourself
and );our ideas
because you will impress
everyone with
your intellectual
power. An equally
good month to start learning about something
new. Just try to avoid the tendency
to be argumentative mfiess a real, serious
issue is at Stake.
SAGITTARIUS, Nov. 23-Dec. 22
You’re obsessed with money and possessions,
a very weird feeling for someone
who likes to’travel as fast and light as you
ordinarily do. You have plenty of energy
and motivation to work hard for what you
want. You also have deep desires to throw
your monex around and buy expensive,
pointless, ~go-gratifying things. Staple
)’our money to the inSide of your pockets;
you know that fast, red sports car won’t
make you a beuer person. Don’t you?
CAPRICORN, Dec. 22- Jan. 21
This is a very positive time for resolving
old problems and accomplishing new
goals. Does that sound too good to be
true? Of course it does. You’re a Capricorn,
and that means you’re cosmically
required to be cynical and suspicious.
You also want to know how long it will
last, don’t you? Two months. Spend December
and J,anua~,,y going hardafter what
you want and you 11 get it. You even get to
set the terms. This is good. Lighten up
AQUARIUS, Jan. 21 - Feb. 20
Aquarians are famous for two things: a
great capacity for friendship and humanitarian
impulses, and a great tendency to
do weird things that shock other people.
You’ll have to use one trait to overcome
the other this month. You seem te create
the wrong impression every time you open
your mouth and your ego can suffer as a
result. Hide out in the basement and invent
something, or throw your energies
into a good, whale saving cause.
PISCES, Feb. 20 - March 21
Youare read), to make the plans today that
will improve your life tomorrow. You
also need to actually do something to put
your goals in motion. Don’ t let your natural
optimism degenerate into an, "Oh,
well. It will all work out somehow,"frame
of mind. You’ll need a little help from
your friends to make things work out in
your favor. If you don’t already have a
supportive group of friends and collaborators,
go out and find them.
Green & Yellow Night
The First Thursday of Each Month
6:00 pm to Midnight
Dine, Drink & Relax Among Friends
Featuring Jim & Gwendolyn’s ::/-;:
Select Dinner Entrees & Brent’s Superb Desserts
Jim & Brent ’s
17a South Main On-Pihner Hifi
i/: Histr~icEurrka Springs, AR~01-253-7457
....." ~II-" .... ~ ~;:~~...... " " Wlib FarnilyIn Mind"
Gay-owned, Operated 8, Rainbow Proud
20% of all proceeds will go to
Amnesty International’s
"Break The Silence" Campaign
For a. iTaste ofLocal Flavor
Gay Owned & Operated
Serving Lunch: Noon to 3pm, Dinner: 5 to 1 lpm, Closed Thurs..
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MCelungI ealty, Inc. EUREKA SPRINGS
~’l’he Land Specialists"
501-253-968; (days) "
OR. 50~12~:53~8~69:~.~veni
offe~-i,ng~,/.i:~tafle@j~d & i3r~kfast
Comme~eia!; Properties/Businesses,
Quiet Country. Estates, & much more.
McClung Realty, Inc. has catered to the
diverse G/L/B/TG community in Eureka
Springsfor over 20 years. Call or write
for a listing brochure. Or better yet, stop
in, and we’ll show you around.
We specialize in creative financing.
Eureka’s Newest Kids in ToWn
b~i Phvl Boler-Schmidt
""The thing that really sold us on the
place was the bumper stickers!" Such
was the main selling point for Linda and
Susan, two of Eureka Springs" newest
residents. A recent influx of new lesbians
in town has added to the already substantial
lesbigay population here. The reasons
for their relocation adventures were many,
but all resounded with a single, "I’m supposed
to be here," when it came right
down to it.
Linda had the most unusual answer to
the question about the defining moment in
the decision-malting process: "We’d studied
subsoils, studied taxes, studied temperatures,
organic growing seasons, all
this stuff. And basically, it boiled down to
thebumper stickers." Such is life in smalltown
middle America.
With between 30 and 40% of our population
being gay and lesbian, we live in a
bit of utopia here, but you’ve heard that
before. Wqay did all these new women
move here? Why did they choose Eureka
Springs, a small Victorian town in the
heart of the Bible Belt? And more to the
point, what keeps them here?
"’I was called by the Universe." So says
Rev. KermieWohlenhaus, pastor ofMCC
of the laving Spring. "I was looking for a
placewith spiritual diversity...The:e is so
much life here...It was really st irittm]
diversity versus conservatism.’"
And there is much more diversity than
onlS that of a spiritual nature. We have
Systems &
Software Specialist
POB 429
Eureka Springs 72632
lots of gays and lesbians. We have lots of
fundamentalist: Christians. We have numerous
artists of one type or another. We
have quaint Victorian homes, and wehave
large developed music theatres. Preservauonists
abound, yet so do the developers.
It’s a wonderful contrast of opposites.
Linda points out, "...there is a really
high creative genius here. There is an
artist~,,c genius here, ajoy and bliss that we
felt... Linda and susan]ust recently relocated
from Wash. State via New Jersey.
Connie and B~ili~ re......
eei~tly movedbere from
Tucson and San Diego
by way of Mountain
Home, Arkansas. Billie
notes,"I read an article
in the papers about what
the percentage of the
population is in Eureka
Springs that’s gay, and
it’s a pretty large percentage
for a small
town, like one third of the population. I
thought, Yeah, that’s wonderful. Finally,
a place where you don’t have to hide."
Susanechoed that feeling,"There’s ahigh
population of gays and lesbians here, and
it feels like you’re really welcome." When
asked about the diversity m lifestyle
choices and religious viewpoints in our
town, Connie had this to sav: "My philosophy
has ahvays been mrre inclusive
than exclusive of any group of people....I
love the diversity here."
I am one of those relativenewcomers to
How come they can have
Jesus on East Mountain...
The Great Passion Play,
such a high percentage of
& still all ~et alon~?
.:F~k.a Springs,just now approachingmy
~ne-y~ar anniversary of packing up my
parmer, myself, our pets and belongings
and making thejourney from the Western
slope of Colorado. One of my main reasons
for wanting to make the move was
that I wanted to see why it works here. 1
remember talking to a friend and saying
something like,"How come they can haye
Jesus on East Mountain, and The Great
Passion Play, such a high percentage of
queers, and still all get along?" Sometimes,
I still wonder.
But, I can tell you this:
it really does work. I
attribute much of that
working to the balance
here. It would be difficult
to ignore the importance
of such alarge
percentageofthe population,
if not in public
issues, at the very least,
in terms of economics.
All of the women that were interviewed
specifically for this article had heard about
Eureka Springs from other people and had
visited prior to deciding to make the move.
So, I would suggest that you be aware of
this when visiting the place we call "’the
hole the buckle goes through in the Bible
Belt." After all, of the 16 or so new women
in town, not one felt she really had a
choice but to move here after visiting on
vacation orjust passing through. There is
a real magnetism here.
But, be ready for a shock, as Billie puts
it: "It’s almost too comfortable here. It’s
almost too safe here, and we son,crimes
forget that there still is a fight out thcre.
: There is still work to be done.’"
Connie tempers this observation with
one of her own: "...one of Eureka Spnngs"
strongest virtues is I have yet to run into
: apathetic people. They are very involved
¯ in their community, and whether I am in
¯ agreement with them and what they want
~ to seein terms of the future of the commu-
¯ nity is actually rather irrelevant."
I tend to agree with Conme On this one.
¯" Eureka has a population, of just under
: 2,000. Nowhere else have I seen so many
unique individuals, each doing his or her
own thing, respecting other people’s right
; to be just as unique, and all the while,
¯ caring deeply about this community and
." its future.
I could go on and on. But, it’s some-
~ thing youjust have to experience for your-
." self. Be prepared to pack up and move
¯ though. When two friends of ours left our
: small town ~n Colorado some two-plus
; years ago to relocate to Eureka Springs, I
¯ remember standingin their driveway while
¯ the moving van was being packed. One
: looked at me, and said, "’phyl, just go
; home and get your stuff. There’s plenty of
room on the truck, and we "know you’re
gonna be there eventually anyway."
~ We didn’t listen. We had to see for
: ourselves, and visited last September. Six
weeks later, we were the newest kids in
town. It’s a recurring theme in Eureka
: Springs. Come see for yourself.
MCC ofthe Living Spring
...a community of friends...
Rew Kermie Wohlenhaus, Pastor
We welcome you to attend!
Services held SUnday evenings at 6 PM
17 Elk Street (at the Unitarian Church)
Eur.eka Springs, AR 72632 501-253,.9337
Jerrx A. Wi-lson (501) 253-7311
* A Friendly Place to Slay 1-800-231-1442
¯" INN ¯
¯ 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Hwy. 62 East
Eureka Springs,
Open Through
Adu/t Accommodmior~
In Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Craftsman-style cottages with beautiful views
of the woods and wildlife -.Tucked on topof the
Ozark Mountains. iust a few minutes walk to the
Historic Village of Eureka Springs.
Frank Green Jr.. Host - 50 Wall Street - Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
of Eureka Springs
Recommended by the New York Times
(501) 253.6807 5 Center Street
Closed kVednesday Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Fishing Headquarters for N.W. Arkansas
Fly Tying * Fly Fishing * Equipment & Classes
Open Year ’Round
Located 1/2 mile N. of Beaver Dam on Hwy 187
Eureka Springs, AR * 501-253-~154
Groceries * Gas * Ice * B~er * Licenses * Lodg£~g
A ~d 8t Bre.altFast
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
Friday’so..Party Night at the Star
Dec. 1, Flashlight Party
1st xxx People Get a Free Flashlight
or Bring Your" Own.’
Wednesday Night Showcase
Starting Dec. 6th, hosted by
Courtney Farrell
Featuring Open Talent
Dec. 22, Christmas Show Featuring
Sid Spencer
Green Country Cloggers
& Some of Tulsa’s Best Talent
Starting Dec. 3,
Sunday Night Dancers, 8~Midnight
834-4234, 1565 S. Sheridan W-Sun. 7-2am
How To Do It
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American Civil Liberties
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600 NW 23rd, Suite 104
OKC 73106, 405-524-8511
HIV+ Singles Magazine
Safe & confidential. Free
copy, 36 word personal ad,
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forwarding! Local and
nationwide! All lifestyles.
Gay, HIV+ owned &
Intropoz+, 564 Mission St.
Box 415, SF, CA 94105,
Friday, December 1st, World AIDS Day Candlelight March Begins at Sharp Chapel at T.U. at 6:30
Men of the Southwest
Two Dynamite Male Dancers Every Thursday NO COVER
Friday & Saturday Dance Party
Dance & Sweat with DJ David Dees, $2 cover
Robbie Walker & The Sunday Slam
Dominique Daniels, Paris Grey, Kris Kohl, Ivana B. Real, Michelle Ross
Voted the #1 Show in Tulsa and Northeastern Oklahoma, Every Sunday, 1 lpm, $2 cover
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9-2,3340 S. Peoria Tulsa, 918.744-0896
31, 5’11 ", 180, brown hair, green eyes,
HIV-, seeks a HIV- Daddy for a serious
relationship. Relocation is most definite if
Daddy wants. Please leave a message.
GWM, Leather submissive seeks a very
aggressive Leather aggressive, for serious
encounters. No holds barred preferred.
Please leave a message. =2827
1 ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
:2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We,ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (,)
Du~ to our large volume of calls
if you can’t get thru, simply try
your call later.
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
Oklahoma BIG BOY: GWM, 5’6", 250,
brown hair, blue eyes, seeks others far
friendship and more. Please leave a
message. =11041
28, 165, hard worker, out doors man and
active, seeks other GWM’s far friendship
and possibly more. Please leave a
message. =14249
inexperienced, 30, 6’, 150, brown hair,
green eyes, professional, smoke/alcohol
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
b~fore calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
Write down your box number.
free, seeks inexperienced GWM’s. 18-25
for special encounters. Please leave a
message. Must be discrete and drug free.
5’10", 175, brown hair, masculine and
discrete, good looking, non smoker,
athletic, seeks other inexperienced males,
21-301 for friendship and possibly more.
Please leave a message. =14178
OTHER: Bi Curious WM, 27, 6’, 195,
tanned, seeks other males, 18-30, bi
curious preferred, far learning
experiences. Please leave a message.
new to area, not into bars, Dave, 20 6’
185 brn/red/hzl, goatee, eyebrow
earring, love volleyball, good music, good
food great conversation, meditate,
spiritual, give me a call- =9385
Tulsa AMERICAN PRIDE: 5’9, 140,
trim physique, hairy chest, sincere and
honest person, like this in a person, give
me a call- =9464
Oklahoma BRAND NEW: GWM, 27,
150 5’8", brown hair, hazel eyes~ will try
anything once, varied interests, seeks
other guys for friendship and much more.
Please leave a message. =17465
FUN: GWM, Oklahoma State University
student, 20’S, 5’9", 150", good body,
varied interests, seeks others for fun and
more. I am very discrete. Please leave a
message. =16686
Bi Curious Married WM, very attractive,
good body, 6’1", 180, blonde hair, blue
eyes; seeks other white males far first time
experience. Please leave a message. No
need to be discrete. =16302
5’7", 145, good looking and in shape,
seeks others, 18-27, for friendship and
fun.Please lea~e a message. =.17238. -
6’2", 185, biown hair, green eyes, seeks
GWM’s, 35-45, average build and weight
for friendship and possibly more. Please
leave a message. =13357
5’6", seeks, GWM’s, 25-50, into getting
acquainted instead of fantasizing about
our looks. We’rg not all Greek God’s or
are we built like horses. Some of us are
just average. Call me. =12799
BI,I~I BLUES: BiCurious WM, 27, 175,
.6’, attractive, seeks other attractive m~les,
20-30, who are patient and
understanding. Must be drugidiseose
free. Please leave a message. =13020
brown hair, hazel eyes, ’stache, 5’6",
165, seeks companionship of mature
GWM, 23-40, who are aggressive, :
masculine and gentle. Furry cowboys a
plus. Call me! =13859
Tulsa LOADED: 27, 6’, 180 iso men 18-
30 for some fun, give me a call- =9298
6’ 180 blk brn, iso slim musc 18-41 for
ruband friendship-leave a message-
Oklahoma City GOOD TIMES ARE
WAITING: I’m 27 y/o, 5’11, 2151bs,
athletic build: Vmlkg4 someone to share
good times with I like dancing, I’m a light
drinker and a non smoker. =1663
Texarkana I’M YOUR MAN: I’m a 39
y/o WM, 5’8, 1401bs. I’m disease free
and I’m Ikg4 someone 18-45 who is well
built, call me, please be discreet. =9582
Oklahoma City PRIME TIME: I’m a 38
y/o WM "IV. I’m a total TV and I’m Ikg4
men who would like to spend some time
with me. I’m clean, drug and disease free.
brn/brn, 1901bs. I’m Ikg4 gay men 18-25
far good times, call me. =10271
Oklahoma City READY OR NOT: I’m
20 y/o, 5’6, 2151bs, WM. I’m Ikg4 a
relationship minded man 18-30’s with a
medium to slim build. I like singing,
bowling, golf, movies and cuddling. If you
are interested, please call me. =47265
well built, looking for GLM/GWM far hot
fun in the sun. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Leave me a message and let’s get together
soon. =10596
GWM, 6’, brown hair, blue eyes, very
versatile, seeks new friends in the area far
fun and friendship with relationship
possibilities. Let’s get together and
celebrate life. =6571
Texarkana WILD BOYS: GWM, 26,
6’1 ", 185, blonde hair, blue eyes, very
hairy, seeking sub 18-35.GWM’s for
mutual fun and satisfaction. You won’t be
disappointed. Please leave a message.
Oklahoma City SHOOT THE
BREEZE: GWM, 22, brown
hair/eyes,. 5’6", seeks fun and
relationship oriented GWM’s under
30. Smoker/Light Drinker OK. Must
be disease/drug free =11041
Tulsa GAY OR BI: AI, 32, very mosc
prof~l, GBM iso Gay or bi male, masc,
race not Impt, into sports, outdoors, if u
like Iv a message thanks! = 7580
Tulsa LET’S PLAY: orofessional, 42
WM, iso other Gay or bi male, 30s -
40s, in the area, let’s play! = 7392
BM, kinda looking for someone to love,
tired of being by myself, love to sing,
read, like to go to the movies, have fun,
love all types of music, if this interests
you give me a call- = 7435
BIWM, mid 40s iso BIWM 30-40, ht/wt
prop, very discreet, expect same, like
share some time, i! you are interesteo,
give mea call, VII returnall calls-
= 7822
Tulsa NEW TO AREA: Mike, new to the
area, 35, BIWM, bind/blue, work out
alot, phys fit, Ikg far a str to BI BM 35-65
to have a good time with, go out with give
me a call- = 7842
Eastern AR CUDDLE BY li’IE FIRF4 Jack,
GWM, 37, It. bmibm, mus~he,~masc, ~
appearing/acting, iso friends po~s rel in ~he
area, like all music, dining, Jhealer, silting by a
fir~, ould0a~, animals, you name it- give
me a call- = 7873
Oklahoma City JASON, 24, 5’10, 170,
Ikg to meet other hot guys, around my
age, if you’d like, give me a call- = 7885
Mike, like to meet people under 40,
just safe, discreet honest, 18 young
preppy, new to this, a little nervous, if
you are interested give me a call- =
Malvern FANTASY FUN: Jack, 33 WM,
Ikg far guys into fantasies, give me a call
leKs get together. = 8031
Oklahoma City BI OR BI CURIOUS?
36, in the city the first wk of the month,
looking far bi or bi curious, gdlkg, 6’1,
175, 33w, give me a cal!- = 8514
Tulsa HEY GIRLS:athletic ath’. SWF early
30’s 5’4 1101bs bm/bm Ikg4 open minded
women for discreet hot fun. call me! ~45795
Dallas/Ft. Worth LEZ TALK: my name is
Usa, I’m Ikg4 someone to have great phone
fun with. I love talking on the phone. Im 42
y/o and I hope you call me. e45492
Arlington LESBIAN SISSY:my name is Miss
Michael. Im a sissy and I believe in lesbian
power. Im Ikg2 meet a lesbian who wants to
show me her power. =45901
Dallas DALLAS DOU4 36 y/o F into
reading, poetry and all types Of music. I love
doQs and’im r~al shy, not into’the club scene
and Im Ikg4 a friendin the Dallas area. call
me. ~38212
Dallas BI BI LOVE: my name is Kay, I’m a
married woman Ikg2 meet a bi wbman for
fun, dancing, dining for poss. long term rel.. I~
you are sen_sual and romantic, car!! ~46491
Dallas AFRICAN QUEEN: I’m a 37 y/o
African American Ikg4 the same 30-40. I’m
shy and I’m drug and disease free. I have.lwo
dogs and I’m sincere and honest. If you are
I~onest and sincere, call me. =38212
BUTCH/FEM: i’m a 23 y/o female and
like poetry, cycling and music. I’m Ikg4 a
friendship and a poss. relationship. I’m a ttle
butch and a little fern. all calls wil/be
returned. ~47521
Dallas SPECIAL FRIENDS: I’m a single
Woman with no kids Ikg4 a special female
friend to love and care for. call me. =1614
Arkadelphia, AR STAR GAZER: my name
is Angela, I’m a 21 y/o stbdent interested in
trying new things, stor gazing and more. I
would like to meet a nice woman for fun and
friendship, call me! =46392
PLAYFUl4 GWF 32 y/o attr. affectionate,
playful and fun. I’m Ikg2 meet fun, honest,
ath’active women for fun and friendship.
Viatication is the process through which a person
living with an terminal illness can receive a cash payment
from the face value of their insurance policy.
Generaliy, to be eligible for a viatical settlement you
must have a documentable terminal illness, and life
insurance coverage in either an individual term, whole
life, or a group policy.
The value of your life insurance policy in a viatical
settlement is determined by the specifics of )’our polic)
and )’our tmique medical situation. Not ever), policy is
suitable for viatication, but settlement offers typically
range from 60% to 90% of a policy’s face value,_depending
on the specifics of your,:policy and medical history.
With )’our written permissibn~ we gather medical and Today, malay companies offer viatical settlements,
insurance records with which to determine )’our policy’s doing business Olfly by bulk advertising and 1-800 nuinvalue.
Then, a settlernnt offer is presented to vou. You bers. The)’ transfer your insurance and medical records
may always decline the offer with no obligation whatso- by mail, and do business from another state.
ever. Should you accept the offer, payment is made..-
directly to you. You pay nothing else on ),our policy, and
you owe us nothing.
Many factors influence whether viaticating your life
insurance is the best financial alternative available for
you. Southwest Viatical can discuss all of the factors with
you and )our family in person, in detail and can recommend
an experienced Certified Financial Plamaer to assist
you in planning the best outconie from your unique
finmacial situation.
At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the.best possible
service by working with us in person, face-to-face. We
are involved on a commtmity level, aud are responsible
directly to our local community.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And.because of our established resources, we cat]
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
companies take by mail, typically in fewer than 30 days.
We’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for you,
Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011.

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, November 15-December 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 12,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/504.