[1996] Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1995-January 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 1


[1996] Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1995-January 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 1


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


December 15, 1995-January 14, 1996


Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Pat Morehead
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, November 15-December 14-1995; Volume 2, Issue 12


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities -Our Families of the Heart December 15, 1995- January 14, 1996, Volume 3, Issue I
National News
Oregon Lesbian
Activists Murdered :
"MEDFORD, Ore. - Police in Medford, :
Ore., report that they have located the ¯
bodies of Roxanne Ellis and Michelle "-
Abdill; long-time lesbian activists who ¯
have been deeply involved in fighting off
anti-gay ballot initiatives in the state for i
several years. The 2 women, who had :
been partners for 12 years, were found in :
the back of a pickup trnek belonging to ¯
Ellis. The couple were last seen on Dec. 4 :
see Murder, page 11 :
Hearings Feature
Anti-Gay Agenda
Washington, DC By the end of Dec.
6th, the "Parents, Schools and Values,"
Congressional hearing revealed itself-to
be precisely what youth advocates had
feared: a taxpayer funded platform for
anti-gay extremists. The two day hearing
came to a close today before the House
Economic and Employment Subcommittee
on Oversight and Investigations.. The
hearings became the focus of a national
outcry when Lou Sheldon, an anti-gay
extremistandChairman of the Traditional
Values Coalition, claimed the hearings
were scheduled at his request to discuss
the "promotion of homosexuality in the
public schools." see House, page 11
Hawaii Commission
Urges Gay Marriage
HONOLULU-The Honolulu Advertiser "
has reported that the state commission "
created to evaluate gay and lesbian mar- ,
riages will urge the legislature to "change ¯
Hawaii law toallow gay couples to marry." "
The Commission on Sexual Orientation "
and Law was created after the Hawaii
Supreme Court ordered alower court to
review a suit bylesbian andgay couples to "
get mamage licenses, saying that in order :
to refuse thelicenses the state had to prove ¯
a "corn pelling interest" to deny licenses
because of the gender of the 2 people "
involved. The commission has not yet ¯
released any actual recommendations, but
the paper reported that the commission’s ¯
report will be distributed for public comsee
Hawaii, page 12 "
Visitation Rights ¯
Case to Continue ¯
SayS-High Court 2
WASHINGTON- The U.S. Supreme "
Court has let stand; without comment, a ¯
Wisconsin statesupreme court ruling that ¯
would let .the former parmer continue ;
with her court battle to have visitation ¯
rights withher ex-lover’s biological son. ¯
After Etsbeth Knott, the biological mother- "-
of the boy, and Sandra Lynn Holtzman, "
ended their 10-year relationship, Knott ¯
attempted to prevent Holtzman from see: ¯
ing the 6-year-old boy. The Wisconsin "
Supreme Courtearlier tiffs year overturned ¯
a state lower court ruling denying ¯
Holtzman any rights, and ordered the case
Bill Stoskopf& Mark Lackey of Black &
White Charities present gifts to SharOn
Thoele of the HIVResource Consortium
One ofmany organizations at the World ($5000) &to Claudette Peterson ofTOHR
AIDS Day March at the Univ. of Tulsa, ($2500) from this year’s fundraisers.
see related stories this page and page 8. PFLAG was also a beneficiary ($2500). ¯ PFLAG, Thwarted In TV Effort, Turns To
Print Campaign For Anti-Hate Message
¯"" The Tulsa chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, in response
~ to the difficulties encountered in getting their Project Open Mind anti-hate commercials
~ on television inTulsa, have begun a campaign for a signature advertisement to run in The
¯ Tulsa World. The ad calls for Tulsans to stand against"hatred, hate speech and violence"
¯ against individuals based on their sexual orientation and "to recognize the strong link
~ between hate speech, teen suicide and violent physical attacks..." The Tulsa Worldis on
] record as having a policy banning the use of the words, Gay or Lesbian in advertising
¯ but apparently have chosen to allow an exception for this ad.The ad is scheduled to run
¯ sometime early this next year.
; Two Project Open Mind television commercials were to be tested in Tulsa, Houston
: &Atlanta. InTulsa, ouly Ch. 2,KTULbriefly aired one of the pair but stopped. Attorneys
¯ for the Christian Broadcasting Network, who objected to the use of footage of evangelist
¯¯ Pat Robertson &Jerry Falwell, had threatened legal action against stations broadcasting
the commercials. PFLAG is asking individuals and organizations, dubs, cong~:,e&atio~as,
¯ etc. to sign the anti-hate ad. There is no cost since funds that were to be iised ~6 buy TV
¯ air time will now oar for the-orint ad. Formore information call the PFLAG at 749-4901.
~r / ’
Tulsa & Elsewhere
NEW YORK - "Shared Rights, Shared
Responsibilities" was the theme of.World
AIDS Day, as the United Nations announced
a massive global mobilization
program to deal with the epidemic. From
UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-
Ghali to prominent Hollywood film personalities,
from the largest cities to smaller
communities, hundreds of thousands of
people and some 7,.000 groups in 190
localities around the world marked the
day in a varxety of ways.
In Tulsa, the event was marked by Interfaith
AIDS Ministries annual march
and memorial service held this year at the
University of Tulsa. Over 300 igeople attended
with many organizations carrying
banners. The service featured speakers,
Jason Smith of TOHR’s Testing Clinic
and attorney and longtime community.
activist., Bob Inglish. Choirs from Family
of Faith MCC, Tulsa Family Chorale
and FirSt Presbyterian Church performed.
TU Provost Dr. Lewis Duncan, the Rev.
Ken McIntosh, the Rev. Henry Knight
provided welcome or prayers, and Dr.
Doreen Wood read a World AIDS Day
proclamation from Mayor M. Susan Savage.
The American Foundation for AIDS
Research (AmFAR), a prominent nonprofit
U.S. group that has been headed by
actress Elizabeth Taylorannounced that it
is awarding.nearly a million dollars in
research grants to 14 scientists working
on the epidemic. The foundation also
named American actress Sharon Stone to
World 1/2M AIDS Cases
WASHINGTON-Somany young Americans
- one of ever." 92 young men and one
of every 33 young black men - are believed
infected with HIV that it threatens
to become a deadly "rite of passage" in
this country, said Philip Rosenberg of the
National Cancer Institute. Rosenberg’s
comments in the journal Science, coincide
with an announcement by the federal
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
that the AIDS epidemic has now
reached 501,310 cases in the U.S. since
1981 with 311,381 deaths. The sobering
statistics illuminate the government’s
warnings that AIDS is quickly turning
into more of a threat to the nation’s youth,
even as it tapers off among older people.
Using CDC. data, Rosenberg also estimated
that one in every 60 Hispanic men
see AIDS, page 3
White House. AIDS
Conf. Heard in Tulsa
WASHINGTON-"Wecan conquer this ,"
said President Clinton in convening the
first White House conference on AIDS in~
the 15 years of the epidemic’s history,
bringing together teachers, doctors, researchers,
people withHIV and their family.
In Tulsa, local HIV activists and specialists
gathered to listen to the conference
at the University Center at Tulsa.
After the broadcast, locals intended to
begin planning for current efforts to respond
to the epidemic. Outside the Executive
Office meeting in DC, however,
protesters and AIDS activists demonstrated,
charging that the conference
i Rob Hill To Run For
i School Bd. Seat 6
: Rob Hill, social services specialist with
¯ Helpline for 15 years, announces his
candidancy for Tulsa Public Schools Dis-
" trict 6. Hill is a graduate of Will Rogers
High Schogl and a 1968 graduate of North-
:: eastern.. State University in Tahlequah,
¯ with a Bachelors in Psychology.
; "I hope to bring my experience and
¯ knowledge of Tulsa’s community ser- ¯
vices and resources to Tulsa Public
¯ Schools," says Hill. "I have first hand
: knowledge to help our schools deliver
¯ high quality services as efficiently as pos- ¯
sine. I’m committed to combining fiscal
¯ conservatism with the best quality education
for our children." see Hill. p. 12
TOHR Votes for
¯ Community Center
Tulsa moved a little closer to having a
¯ community meeting place when mem-
¯ bers of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human ¯
Rights (TOHR) voted at an emergency
~ meeting Nov. 21 to authorize TOHR of-
¯ ricers to put together an offer on a prop-
- erty. As of press time, the deal with the
¯ current owner is still in negotiation but ~t
¯ is hopeful that the issues can be resolved
: so that renovation of the building might
¯ ..~ti~_,.~g~: ’,~ v ex,t y-eaL At tlaat time, tnere
~W’Wi~.I~"’e a~ -n"~~."’d’ for’"c"o~’ "~;" ty" volunteers
¯ to provide painting, ci~-up, and light
:,ocoi~structiOt~ work. Info: 743-GAYS,
New Pentecosta
Church Welcomes
Gays & Lesbians
The Rev. Clay Cody and Agape’ Christian
Fellowship, a new Pentecostal congregation,
have announced that they will
begin holding worship services at the
Sheridan Center, Suite H, at 21st and
Sheridan Road. The services will be held
at 10:30 am beginning on December 31.
Pastor Cody, formerly an Assembly of
GodPastor Evangelist, believes that there
are many Gay, Lesbian andTransgendered
Pentecostal Christians in the Tulsa area
who have had to worship in "mainstream’"
churches and who were unable to express
fully themselves as GayChristians. Agape’
Christian Fellowship "extends the fight
hand of fellowship" to everyone regardless
of race, gender or sexual orientation.
The Pentecostal movement had its origin
in the widespread desire in the hearts
of men and women for greater closeness
to God. It is a reaction to the formalism,
coldness and .unbelief Pentecostal Christians
perceive in modern churches. Pentecostal
Christians profess a belief in their
experience of the supernatural power of
God in their lives and their faith in the
Bible which they consider the infallible,
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued.on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate thal person’s sexual orientation.
Phyl Boler-Schmidt Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Barry Hensley noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tutsa Family
Pat Morehead News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff, Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
With this issue, Tulsa Family News begins our
third year. We give our thanks to you, our readers
& also to those who have-helped us; with stories&
with criticism. Especially, we thank, our writers,-
our advertisers & our enormously patient printers
whomakebringing qualitynews reporting toTulsa’s
Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender folk, families &
friends possible.
This is a labor of love, & sometimes, a little
profit. So, when we’re fending off censorship or the
flack that comes with having a viewpoint, it helps
to remember the praise we’ve received. We were
proud when distinguished former CBS News journalist,
Ann Northrup, lauded Tulsa Family News,
lamenting that she wished NYC had a paper like
this. And we’ve heard similar praise from others.
We promase you to continue bringing you the
best local & national news coverage of any Oklahoma
Gay paper. We have faith in Tulsa’s promise
&with your help, Tulsa wil1 get better and better for
us & our families. Happy holidays - Tom Neal
Suck & Blow Syndrome
by Pat ,.~lorehead
Merry Christmas andn~iLV the Ne~:Year bring
you a better yearth~ 1995. 95.hasbeen a weird
year. I’m not sure we ~3an view it as a "watershed"
year, but it has certainly pointed out the absolute
schizophrenia of our national culture. ~I learned a
long time ago of a psychological phenomenon
referred to as the "suck and blow" syndrome which
is where I think America is currently trapped.
The suck and blow ,syndrome in essence states
that one can’t.simultaneously "suck andblow". In
other words it is not possible, in a healthy mental
State, to perform to conceptual opposites. Translation,
you are not in a healthy mental state when you
are obsessed with a "pro-life" crusade that sanctions
killing physicians who perform abortions as
the way to advance your cause..
But it is exactly this suck and blow syndrome
which seems to be driving almost every cultural
force in America today. It is schizophrenic tO foist
Off a life view of 1950’s and 60’s television programming
in an America where elementary students
carry guns. Ozzie and Harriet never had to
deal with that situation. Or for cable compames to
promote a KIDS CLICKER remote control to protect
children from accessing what the very same
cable provider carries on ft’s other channels.
It is suck and blow time when in order to
improve life in America for the "next generation"
politicians are prepared to unfnnd and dismantle
Environmental Protection laws. Or for those same
politicians to continually summon images of family
life and cultural values of an agrarian America
which no longer exists. And at the same time to sell
off the National Parks of this country in order for
businesses to rape and plunder those same park
As my uncle used to say, someone needs to just
slap some sense into us. I have hopes that 1996 will
be the year when that happens. The hate-mongers
see UPC, page 3
- MCC~Grehte~-TiJIsa- Responds to TFN
First, Rev. Alice Jones left voluntarily because
she felt God’s calling in anew direction. Rev. Jones
served as pastor of MCC of Greater Tulsa for over
16 years. She frequently defended the whole Tulsa
Gay/Lesbian community in situations, such as the
recent Human Rights Commission hearings. Anyone
who leads any group for over 16 years will have
detractors who disagree with some things. Rev.
Jones accomplished many things, and the congregation
of MCC of Greater Tulsa are proud to have
had her as our pastor.
Regarding implied problems with the District of
UFMCC, it is true that we were changed from a
chartered.church to a commissioned church. The
demands on a chartered church have changed in
recent years, and this change has some important
advantages for MCC of Greater Tulsa as we seek a
new pastor. The main change is in the pastor
compensation package, giving the local church
greater flexibility. To imply a conflict exists between
MCC of [(]reater] Tulsa and District leaders
is wrong and inaccurate. The Board of Directors are
working closely with the District on the pastoral
search. Although, like many churches from time to
time, we are behind in our tithes to the District.
-~ However, the Board of Directors and the congregation
are taking steps to correct this, and we will
become a Chartered Church again.
Regarding perceived irregularities in our Financial
Records, the finances ofMCC of Greater Tulsa
have always been open to any member or friend of
the Church. Open Board meetings and Congregational
meetings are held regularly, and anyone
attending may ask questions. AnAudit Committee,
of church members, are currently reviewing the
Church records to clarify any bookkeeping errors.
Volunteers handling church records may sometimes
make errors, but there is no question as to the
honesty and integrity of those involved.
As MCC of Greater Tulsa seeks anew pastor, the
members and the Board of Directors look forward
to many years ahead serving the needs of the local
church and the entire Tulsa Gay/Lesbian Community.
- The Board of Directors & Members
Editor’s response:
TFN would like to make this correction: Alice
Jones did notpreach on Sunday morning, Oct. 29
as we stated in .our last issue. We regret that error
and apologizefor our mistake. However, we stand
by the accuracy of the rest of the artgcle.
¯ TFN also applauds MCC of Greater Tulsa for
: resp~idihgpublicdlly tdfU~ article~ We agreew~th
~ several oftheir points. The concerns raised in our
: article are not, however, the ones they addressed.
~ The question is: what’s going onfinancially?
What makes this issue a matter ofpublic concern
are the size of thefinancial irregularities and the
’ appearance of no management overstght. The
¯ amountunaccountedfor,possibly as much as $6,000
¯ or more, is significant. This is about 10% of the
¯ annual income of this church. It is too much for
¯ members to dismiss with a comment, " volunteers
¯ make mistakes..." Also in the UFMCC, the pastor
¯ serves not only as staffbut also as moderator ofthe
board ofdirectors. And in that role, as "president"
¯ of the board, that person is resposibility for the
¯ proper functioning ofan organization, especially
¯ overseeingfinancial accountability, see MCC, p. 3
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Concessions, 3340 S Peoria
*Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time’n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Wild Nights, 2405 E. Admiral
Wild Fork, Utica Square, 21st & Utica
*Interurban, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1.560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Li-fe Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th 592-5356
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Dusty Roads at the Silver Star, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria 743-9994
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginanons, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
*International Tours 341-6866
Ken’s Flowers; 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan 663-4884
*MediaPlay, 9121 E. 71st 250-5158
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 st 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1 664-2951
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton 496-2410
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-3322
*Tomfoolery Gifts &Cards, at Family of Faith MCC 583-1248
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
B/L/G Alliance, Uuix~ersity of Tulsa 583-9780
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University ~of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Commtmity of Hope. (United Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
Friend For A Friend, .POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity (Afffcan-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
Interfaith AIDS Miui~tries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, .~154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800,74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106.74159 665-5174
Rainbow Village, PO.B 50403, 74150-0403 599-8423
*Shanti Hothne 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans foT Human Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLin6 (Info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Techuician~, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uuiform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
~TulsaCity Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground F!
*University Center at: Tnlsa
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of Dam on Hwy. 187
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*MCC of the Living Spring
McClung Realtors
Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
Southern Rose Bed & Breakfast, 9 Benton 501-253-2204
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
between the ages of 27 and 39 is infected
with HIV; that women are 4 times less
likely than men to become infected; and
that although the epidemic in the U.S. has
"officially" just passed the half-million
mark, the actual number of people in this
country infected with HIV is probably
.between 630,000 and 897,000, representmg
approximately 100,000 to almost
400,000 people whose infections have
not been reported or who themselves are
unaware they are already infected. "That’s
a very. disturbing future," Rosenberg said.
wasn’t about the disease at all, but was
"election year rhetoric." Inside, Clinton
underscored his administration’s commitment
to battling the .epidemic, saying he
had increased funding for AIDS research
and treatment during his term in office,
and promising to fight off efforts by the
Republican-controlled Congress to cut
AIDS spending next year. Clinton also
announced that early next year Vice President
AI Gore will host a conference of
scientists and representatives from drug
manufacturers to try to find ways to speed
up the development of promising AIDS
medications. "Our common goal must
ultimately be a cure," Clinton told the
some 300 people attending. "A cure for all
those living with HIV, and a vaccine to
protect the res t ofus from the virus. A cure
and a vaccine - that must be our first and
top priority." Although those attending
the conference generally applauded
Clinton, it was also dear that pressure on
even at our worst,
better than~the rest
Tulsa’s best Pride Store
at Family of Faith MCC
5451-e So. Mingo,
Sat. noon-6, 583-1248
New location coming in ’96
¯ the administration is far from easing up.
¯ Dr. Edward Morse, a research sociologist
¯ from Louisiana, also challenged the ad-
¯ ministration to make some tough deci-
¯ sions about the epidemic. "There is no
¯¯ point in beating around the bush," Morse
~aidin presenting Clinton with areport on
¯ IV drug abuse and HIV. "We must face
¯ the issue of needle exchange. A third of
¯ AIDS cases are based on substance abuse.
¯ That is a major key in the solution to this
¯ problem."
¯ When an activist shouted that Clinton
¯ hadfailed to keep his campaign promises
¯ about AIDS, Clinton vehemently rejected
¯ the charge. Clinton quickly replied, "We
¯ had a set of recommendations that. we
~ received whe~n w~got’here, m~st of w.hieh.
¯ have been i~mplemented. I am very sorry
¯ that thereis not a cure. I amvery sorry that
¯ there is not a vaccine. I regret that every-
" thing I have asked for has not been ap-
¯ proved by the Congress."
¯ have started stirring the pot and stuff is
; beginning to slop out over the edges.
¯ Things may well get worse before they
¯ get better. But I have faith that ultimately
¯ th~ basic decency and common sense of
ordinary people will take command. As
Mr. Lincoln said, you can fool some of the
: people all of the time, and all of the people
: some time, but you can’t fool all of the
¯ people all of the time.
I guess those two things are my mes-
; sage of positive hope for all of us for the
¯ coming new year. I believe in the basic
"- decency ofordinary people and their com-
¯ mon sense to react when things get to
¯ weird. I suggest we all start practicing
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I To do justice, love mercy & to walk humbly zoith Ollr God... Micah 6:8
8451-E South Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
those virtues for the coming year on a
daily basis. Drop in a little dol!op of
simple courtesy and civility and see if
things don’t begin to improve. Decency,
common sense, courtesy and civility, that
sounds like a pretty good recipe for anyone,
wouldn’t you think?
So from myself, my companion and our
dog, the best wishes of the season, to you
and all those in your life who make day to
day life a little sweeter and more palatable.
And one more suggestion for the
new year: always keep your powder dry,
otherwise it tends~to cake up when applied
around the eyes. HO HO HO!
Comments, responses and cheap shots
can be E-mailed to TulsaNews@aol.com
We hope that there is a good explanation
for the discrepancy between amount
presented in theyear~endfinancial report
and the much lower amount reported to
be in the church’s bank account(s) at the
congregational meeting. However, even
if there are explanations for every dime,
or even if this is an accounting error
repeatedforyears, the existance ofsuch a
large discrepancy in thefinancial report
speakspoorly ofAliceJones’ performance,
not as. pastor, but as moderator - the
person ultimately responsible. When this
discrepancy is combined with the issue of
back tithes owed and other outstanding
debts, some would say Alice Jones and
her board failed ~o do their job well
enough. Mismanagement is not dishonesty
and mismanagement doesn’t negate
the good Alice Jones has done but the
church and our communities do have a
right to expect accurate accounting.
head a 3-year fundraising campaign. Hundreds
of museums around the world
marked the day by observing "A Day
Without Art," an effort by art institutions
to dramatize the effect of the epidemic on
the creative community. Tulsa’s Philbrook
Museum draped the Rodin statue that
graces its entry to recognize the day.
On the Internet, scores of World Wide
Websites from Japan to Finland participated
in their own version of the event,
dubbed "A Day Without Graphics," by
going blank, removing graphics and pho-
::r tos :for the ’day. Singers from the’Metro-
:- p01itan Opera in New York performed at
the United Nations, while at the city’s St.
Mark’s Church, Dancers Responding to
AIDS performed 24 hours nonstop, featuring
dancers from the Paul Taylor and
Merce Cunningham dance companies.
And at least 165 cable systems and local
television stations had slated a variety of
AIDS-related programming, including
broadcasts of "’Philadelphia," "And the
Band Played On" and "Longtime Compamon"
on leading premium cable systems.
HIV/AIDS Education &
Volunteer Training Class
The HIV Resource Consortium will hold
a comprehensive but non-technica] program
on HIV & AIDS issues. The class
will be held on a weekend and five weekday
evenings beginning Jan. 13. Space ~s
limited - call for more info: 749-4194.
The Consortium serves as the center for
s.ervices for persons affected or infected
.@"...wi!~H:IV/.At.DS in northeast Oklahoma.
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Poet E. Hemphill Dead : ronym that stands for "double pigs." An open letter to Mugabe " areas as insurance and pension Key West MCC Excluded
PHILADELPHIA-Poet, author,
editor and rights activist Essex
Hemphill has died of AIDS-related
complications. Mr.
Hemphill, author of highly acclaimed
"Ceremonies: Prose and
Poetry," also worked on the
documentaries "Looking for
Langston," "Tongues Untied"
and "Black Is ... Black Ain’t."
He was 38 years old at the time
of his death.
Nasty Reaction to ’Gay
Mortgages’ in Australia
" MEL’BOIJRNE,’~U~tr~fi~L~e
Australian gay paper Brother
Sister News has reported that an
announcement earlier in November
by Australian Mortgages that
it would start offering discounted
bank home loans to gay and lesbian
couples early next)’ear has
brought the lending institution a
number of hostile phone calls.
including abomb threat. Despite
the negative reaction from some
Aussies, however, a spokesperson
for the firm said it had no
intention of backing away from
the reduced mortgage rate offer.
"’We are not going to back off,"
Australian Mortgages" Ron
Guthrie told the paper. "I’m just
saddened and very disappointed
at the attitude of some people.’"
The company said the reduced
rates for lesbian and gaY couples
would probably be about 1.5%
lower than standard marketrates.
Australian Mortgage Saidit had
decided to offer the discounted
home loans partly because of the
history of antigay bias in the
mortgage .industry, but also because
same-sex couples represent
an excellent market segment
for the housing industry.
Guthrie’said that many gay
couples are fairy well-paid professiohals
with 2 incomes and
no children. "They are true
DINKS,’" he said, using the ac-
income, no kids, single.’"
¯ Partnership Ceremony
¯ Proposal in S.F.
Francisco Board of Supervisors
¯ has received a proposed mea-
sure that would authorize the
¯ county clerk’s office to perform
¯ domestic partnership ceremonies
similar to the marriage ceremonies
it performs for couples who
¯ get married at city hall. The city
has had a domestic partner regis-
tration ordinance for seve_ral
" ~ years, l~tit the d~unly cl~rk’~ 6ffice
has no authority tO officiate-
at any civil ceremony connected
with registration. The proposed
¯ measure to authorize performing
the ceremony, which would
convey no particular legal sta-
tus, was introduced by Supervi-
¯ sor Barbara Kaufman.
¯ Mugabe Rejects Critics
¯ AUCKLAND, New Zealand -
¯¯ According to the New Zealand
Herald, Zimbabwe President
Robert Mugabe said he was un-
¯ concerned about sharp criticism
¯ he has received for his verbal ¯
attacks againsthomosexuals. On
:,,,leaving the annual Common-
"¯ wealth Heads of Government
meeting, Mugabe brushed off
reporters questions about criticism
he has received from hu-
¯ man rights activists, saying the
topic was "abhorrent.’" Lesbian
and gay activists protested out-
" side the meeting of the Com-
¯ monwealth Heads of Govern-
" ment, to draw attention to the
anti-gay attacks by Mugabe.
Earlier this year, Mugabe’s gov-
¯ ernment barred the Gays & Les- ¯
bians of Zimbabwe from run-
¯ ning a literature booth at an in-
" ternational book fair in Harare,
¯ the nation’s capital. In a speech ¯
he called gays "’sodomists and
sexual perverts" and later said
gays were "worse than dogs and
Miracleglass Neil Ray
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from activists said, "We protest :
moststrongly against these statements
as we.believe that you
have seriously endangered the
lives and good health of a significant
minority of your citizens."
Federal Court OKs
Anti-Bias Protections
Circuit Court of Appeals’ governing
Judicial Council has voted
to include anti-bias protections
that include sexual orientation,
ifi~’fir’si ~d~r’al coh~t di~tfiCi io
adopt such a policy. The newly
adopted regulations apply to all
circuit employees, as well as to
workers under the supervision
of the federal courts in the large
9th Circuit, including federal
probation officers, marshals and
public defenders. The new employment
policy was adopted
after the federal Judicial Conference,
which is headed by Supreme
Court Chief Justice Will-
,am Relmquist, ordered all the
federal circuit appeals courts to
include anti-discrimination regulations,
although the Conference’s
recommendations only
extended to race, gender, religion,
age and disability. An initial
recommendation to include
sexual orientation protections
was dropped by a Judicial Council
committee earlier this year,
but when the Council reached
¯ the point of a vote on new em-
~ ployment protections xt put the
sexual orientation protections
back in with the approval of all 9
¯ Council members. The 9th Circuit
includes California, Wash-
" ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana,
Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii,
". Alaska, Guam and the Northern
¯ Mariana Islands.
: Canadian Gov’t. Adds
: Gay Couples Benefits
: OTYAWA - Canada’s govern-
¯ ment has taken a giant step and
extended at least some of the
¯" benefits enjoyed by mamed fed-
] eral employees to gay and les-
] bian partners of government
¯ workers as well. CanadianRights
¯ activists lauded the Treasury
: Board’s decision, which affects
: more than 200,000 government
workers, as a"great step forward
: for equality" in the country. The
new policy hardly represents
_" putting same-sex couples on an
¯ equal footing withmamedworkers,
however, and does not in-
" dude such ~mportant traditional
at all. But it does break dramatic
new ground, activists said, and :
does allow govenmlent employ-.
ees to take a leave of absence for
,an ailing partner, permits workers
to have bereavement leave in
the event of file death of a partner,
and extends to a worker’s
partner the same .flight and housing
allowances g~ven to spouses
of govenunent employees on
work asst~m~ents around the
cotmtry. Conservative le~slators
quickly attacked the move, saying
die government had made
the policy change "behind the
back" of Parlimnent. The Canadian
legislature recently rejected
a measure that wouldhave given
legal reco~fition to stone-sex
couples. The new benefits pro.-
granl does not apply to semiautonomous
government finns
(such as the Canadian Broadcasting
Corp.), to the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, to the
nation’s armed forces, or to Parliament
itself, which all regulate
their own employee policies and
So. Africa May End
Military Ban
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -
The defense committee of South
Africa’s Parliament has approved
a proposal that writes
into the nation’s military policy
a prohibition against discrimination
based on sexual orientation
in the country’s armed
forces. African National Congress
representative Lindiwe
Sisulu said following the committee
vote that the policy decision
wouldn’t be binding on the
government, but would nevertheless
carry considerable political
weight for any future administration.
Military Recruiters Face
Legal Challenge in CT
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The
Connecticut Supreme Court has
¯ finished hearing arguments in a ¯
gay rights case that challenges
: the right of state-supported
schools to permit military recrmters
on their campuses. The
case argues that the University
: of Connecticut violated state
¯ anti-bias laws by allowing mili-
: tary recruiters on campus be-
: cause of the U.S armed forces’
: policy of excluding lesbian and
: gay. service members. Discriminauon
based on sexual orientation
is illegal under state law.
From Christmas Parade
(EY WEST, Fla. - Christmas
arrived in this south Florida resort
community with a resounding
"bah, humbug" for gays and
esbians who make up a substantial
portion of the town’s population
when the Lower Keys
Mira sterial Associatton refused
to allow the local Metropolitan
Co~nmunity Church in its annual
Christmas parade, the first
time the predominantly, gay
church has asked to parttopate
in the event. The Rev. Gary
Redwine, who heads up the celebration,
denied the association’s
decision was anu-gay, but said
allowing MCC to join would be
contrary to "the image of biblical
morality and family that we
wish to project." On the day of
the event, several hundred protesters
clustered outside one of
the largest churches along the
parade route in silent protest and
were joined by ministers from a
number of local churches who
refused to participate because of
MCC’s exclusion. The number
of people participating in the
parade this year was reportedly
almost half what it usually is.
Reporter’s Anti-Lesbian
Remarks Confirmed
NEW YORK - In May, Valerie
Hehnbreck, a reporter with the
Wilmington (Del.) News-Jour-
¯ hal caused a major flap in the
". sports world when she quoted
¯ CBS-TV golf commentator Ben
: Wright in an interview as saying
that women aren’t as good at go
: Ifas men becanse they are"handi-
-" capped by having boobs" and
¯ that "lesbians in the sport hurt
: women’s golf"and were turning
¯ itinto a"butch game"that scared
¯ away sponsors. Wright ada-
~ mantly denied saying any of the
~ things Hdmbreck attributed to
: him. CBS accepted his denial
¯ and shortly thereafter renewed
Wright’s 4-year contract. But
now, in the Dec. 4 issue of the
subscribers-only "Golf Plus"
~ edition, no less a source than
". Sports Illustratedhas confirmed
~ that Wright did indeed make the
.- remarks. The "Golf Plus" edition
quotes DanJenkins, a sports
writer, who said he talked to
] Wright shortly after the flap
¯. erupted. "I asked him" Did you
¯ say it?’ And he said, "Of course
I said it. But I was granted com-
.- plete anonymity.’" The article,
¯ entitled"Living With a Lie,"also
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
quotes Ken Doig, a part-time
CBS-TV stafferanda golfcaddy,
who told the magazine he listened
to Wright being interviewed
by Helmbreck and. confirmed
the quotes. "I heard Ben
say boobs (get in the way of
women golfers’ swing). I heard
¯ such a respected theologian in
the church’s evangelical wing,
which generally opposes any
acceptance of homosexuals
¯ within the church. "The Bible
has been misinterpreted by
¯ evangelicals,"Vasey said. "They
¯ read anti-gay meanings into the
him say lesbianism h,,urts in get- ¯ Bible to explain theirfears. There
ting sponsorships, Doig is ." is no text on the lips of Jesus
quoted as telling the magazine. " Christ which condemns homo-
"I’m a golfer and golf is a game ¯
of integrity. I believe in telling ¯
the truth." The "Golf Plus" edition
is not sold on newsstands, _"
but goes out to some half-mil- ¯
lion subscribers of the maga- ¯
’Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Goes to Appeals Court "
RICHMOND, Va’. - In an un- _.
usual step, all 13 judges of the .
U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of
Appeals heard the appeal of Lt.
Paul Thomasson in his challenge ¯
to the Defense Department’s so- .
called "don’t ask, don’t tell"
policy ofexcluding homosexuals .
from military service. °
Thomasson’s case is the first
against the new policy to reach
the federal appeals court level.
Thomasson told his command- o
ing officer he was gayjust 5 days .
after the new policy went into
effect. The former Navy
lieutenant’s attorneys argued that
Thomasson’s discharge violated
his First Amendment rights of
free speech. But Justice Department
attorneys representing the
Defense Department argued that
.by acknowledging that he is gay,
it was reasonable to assume he
has a "propensity" to engage in
homosexual acts, whichmilitary
officials insist "undermines the
morale of t he U.S. armed services."
The appeals court is not
expected to rule on the case until
sometime next year,
No Support in Bible for
Anti-Gay Attitude
LONDON - British gay rights
activists found unusual supp6rt
in their quest to reform the view
of the Church of England on
homosexuality with a prominent
evangdical theologian’s book
that argues there is no biblical
support for church con
demnation of homosexuality.
The Rev. Michael Vasey, a lecturer
at St. John’s theological
college in Durham, expounded
his views on the scriptures in a
just-published book Strangers
andFriends. His arguments have
been made before, but not by
sexuality." Vasey’s book was
published as the church’s general
synod was winding up its
annual meeting. Activists also
made their point ~to church leaders
as members of the rights
groupOutRage! nailed ademand
for a "Queer Reformation" of
the Anglican Church entitled
"Four Theses Against Church
Homophobia" to the doors of
Westminster Abbey. "What’s
needed is a new Reformation to
eradicate homophobia from the
Church of England," said Peter
Tatchdl of OutRage! "Anglican
endorsement of anti-gay discrimination
is a corruption of
morality and a violation of the
dignity oflesbian andgay people.
We want the synod to overturn
church support for homophobic
Romanian Parliament
Keeps Anti-Gay Laws
BUCHAREST - The Romanian
Chamber of Deputies has rejected
a draft proposal modifying
the country’s penal code to,
among other things, at least partly
decriminalize homosexuality
among consenting adults. The
proposed change would have
made homosexual acts punishable
only if they created a "public
scandal" and was proposed in
part to help ease Romania’s entry
into the European Commuuity,
which requires member
nations to assure basic equality
for all citizens, including protections
for gays and lesbians. At
least 2 EC nations have already
indicated they will vote against
admitting Romania to the continental
union if the anti-gay laws
are not repealed,
Jenny Jones Won’t
Testify in Murder ~ase
DETROIT - A county court
judge has ruled that television
¯ talk show hostJemay Jones won’t
have to testify in the trial of
Jonathan Schmitz, who is
charged with killing Scott
Amedure, a gay man, after he
confessed to being a "secret admirer"
of Schmitz on the nationally
broadcast TV show. Attorneys
for Schmitz had wanted
Jones to testify during the trial,
but the judge heating the unusual
case ruled thatJones’ taped
statements and a sworn deposition
she is expected to give is all
that would be required of her.
Schmitz claims he was misled
into thinking the "secret admirer"
he would meet on the show was
a woman and says he was humiliated
when he discovered it
was Amedure. Three days after
the TV program, authorities say
Schmitz shot Amedure to death
in nearby Orion Township.
Gay Book Ban Not Legal
OLATHE, Kansas - A federal
district court has ruled that the
Olathe, Kansas, school board
acted from its own anti-gay bias
and not out of the best interests
in the education ofstndents when
it ordered the novel "Annie On
My Mind"removed from school
libraries. Itis unclearifthe school
board will appeal the ruling. The
book, which portrays a young
girl’s growing awareness of her
sexual orientation, has been
highly commended by the
American Library Association
and other groups, but also has
become a lightening rod for antigay
activists throughout the
UK Court Upholds Ban
LONDON The British Court
of Appeal has upheld a lower
court ruling supporting the Defense
Ministry’s prohibition
against homosexuals in the
country’s armed forces, ruling
that the ban "’cannot ... be sagmatized
as irrational at the time
these appellants were discharged."
Earlier this year a
lower court had ruled against the
3 gay men and 1 lesbian who
have sued because of their discharges
based on their sexual
orientation. The 4 ex-service
members vowed to appeal their
case to Britain’s House of Lords
- the highest judicial body in the
nation- and then to the European
Court if they lose in the Lords.
Detroit Plans for
Domestic Partnership
DETROIT- A Detroit task force
is in the process of wor-king on a
proposal that would, ifapproved
by the city council, allow gay.
and nongay couples to register
as domestic partners. The proposal
would also give live-in
partners of city workers health
and other benefits like those currently
enjoyed by the married
spouses of city employees. The
partnership registration would
give domestic partners the same
visitation rights as spouses or
parents at all city hospitals and
jails. Domestic partners of a parent
or legal guardians of children
would also have access to
their child’s school records. The
task force expects to present its
completed proposals to the city
council by the end of this year.
N.J. Judge Rules Against
Gays-in Boy Scouts
TRENTON, N.J. - N.J. Superior
CourtJudge Patrick McGannhas
ruled that a local chapter of the
Boy Scouts of America didn’t
violate state antl-bias laws when
it kicked out John Dale, who is
gay, in 1990. In his ruling,
McGann cited the biblical story
ofSodom and Gomorrah, saying
that "all religions deem the act of
sodomy a serious moral wrong,’"
adding that it was "unthinkable"
that the Boy Scouts would accept
gay men in leadership roles.
"The criminal law has changed,"
McGam~ wrote. "The moral law
- as to the act of sodomy - has
AI Gore - Not a "Beauty"
WASHINGTON -An unnamed
gqfite House aide has told gossip
columnists that although AI
& Tipper Gore showed up for a
Halloween party dressed as
"’Beauty and the Beast, "it.wasn’t
exactly what the. "second family"
had at first planned. According
to the aide, the Vice President
had iuitially wanted to go as
"’Beauty" accompauied by Mrs.
Gore as the "’Beast. "The reports
indicated that the Gores were
finally convinced to go in the
more conventional costumes
only after political advisors suggested
the public might not quite
be ready "for a vice president
who is a cross dresser.’"
Tasmanian Law Fight
SYDNEY - Rights activists in
Australia have filed a brief with
the country’s High Court in an
effort to formally have
Tasmania’s sodomy laws declared
unconstitutional and
stricken from the books. After a
Uuited Nations comnfission declared
the Tasmmfian law a violation
of interuational human
rights, the Australian Parliament
enacted legislation guaranteeing
the right of privacy in an effort to
nullify the laws, but the state of
Tasmania has refused to repeal
its local anti-gay legislation.
Activists say they will use the
federal privacy laws in their case,
but say it is important to have the
Tasmania law overturned officially
to remove the stigma associated
with the criminalization
of gay men in the state.
Baptists Slam Disney
TAlVIPA, Fla. -The Horida State
Baptist Convention, one of the
denomination’s largest, has
called on its 1 million members
to stop supporting Walt Disney
movies, products and theme
parks because of the finn’s recent
decision to extend insurance
benefits to same-sex domestic
partners of its employees.
The, resolution, which was
overwhelmingly adopted by the
state delegates, says in part that
"Disney’~ moral leadership has
been eroded by that decision, as
well as its practice of holding
homosexual theme nights at its
parks." A spokesperson for the
Walt Disney Co. said the finn
"’regrets" the Florida Baptists
have taken the stand they have,
but so far the entertainment giant
has refused to back away
from the new benefits. Some
Baptists indicated they would
call for a boycott.
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HIV Suppressor Found
LONDON - Reporting in the prestigious
British scientificjournal Nature, researchers
with the Paul Erlick Institut in Germany
say they have identified a naturally
occurring substance in the immune system
that acts as a natural defense ag ainst
HIV by slowing the reproduction of the
virus. While canuoning against seeing
their finding as a breakthrough, the scientists
said"they fOffr~d thaf i~nterleukifi:16
(IL- 16),which i’s producedby the body’ s
T-cells known as CD8 cells, slowed reproduction
ofHIV in laboratory tests. The
researchers say that if tests of IL-16 with
animals prove encouraging, they may
begin human testing of the substance in
about a year - a strong indication of their
excitement about the finding. Their hope
is that if the treatment can be effectively
used it could perhaps be effective in keeping
HIV from overwhelming a patient’ s
immune system indefinitely.
Effective HIV Inhibitor Drug
BOSTON - Two studies in the New England
Journal of Medicine report that an
experimental drug that dogs the operation
of a key HIV protein seems to keep it
at bay for at least a while. The drug
ritonavir, formerly known as A~T-538
and developed by Abbott Laboratories, is
one of a promising new class of AIDS
medicines known as protease inhibitors.
AIDS researchers are excited about these
new drugs because they. appear to both
reduce the level of the°virus and to boost
the immune system’ s strength. Although
the scientists from the Academic Medical
Center in Amsterdam and New York
University’ s school ofmedicine who conducted
the studies concluded that ritonavir
was quick and effective in fighting HIV,
resistance to the drug did develop over
time. Abbott Laboratories quickly announced
that it will make supplies of the
experimental drug available to some 2,000
people with late-stage AIDS diseases and
CD4 cell counts of 513 or less around the
world through a lottery. For inforuaation
about the Abbott Laboratories lottery, call
Mechanism of ’Long-Term
Su rvival’ Possibly Identified
CHICAGO-; In a.small’-geale sm’dy published
in the Proceedings ofthe National
Academy of Sciences, researchers report
that the’cellular response of a group of
’long-term survivors of HIV appears to
help delay the progression of the virus.
The team of researchers from the University
of California at San Francisco, led by
Dr. Jay A. Levy, compared the immune
cells of people who had developed fullblown
AIDS or had seriously compromised
immune systems with other people
infected with HIV butwho remained otherwise
asvmptomatic for 10 years ormore.
The CD~ immune cells of the long-term
survivors produced greater amounts of
proteins that help regulate "immune-system
responses, the researchers report. This,
the scientists say, helps keep the CD8
ceils active in fending off HIV, thereby
stavingoff most of the impact of the virus
longer. According tc the UC-SF researchers,
the findings suggest that extra doses
of the naturally occurring proteins,known
as cytoklnes, might hdp more infected
people stay healthier longer.
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FDA Committee Recommends
3 New AIDS Drugs
\VASHINGTON The Food & Drug
Administration’s Antiviral Drug Advisory
Committee has recon~nended that
the agency approve 3TC for both initial
tream~ent of AIDS as welt as for advanced
cases of the disease. Studies have indicated
that the experimental drug, when
used with AZT, reduced the spread of
HIV in patients’ systems and helped bolster
their immune response. The drug can
have serious side effects in children, including
possible pancreatitis, but appears
to produce no greater side effects among
adults than the AZT used alone does. The
¯ panel also recommended approv.ing the
AIDS drug stavudine (whichis also known
as d4T and Zerit), for people who are not
responding to treatment with AZT. The
¯ advisory committee also recommended
conditional approval of saquinavir, the
: first protease inhibitor the panel has recommended
approving to fight AIDS.
Unlike other AIDS drugs, protease in-
" hibitors work by preventing HIV i/self
¯ from replicating in the body and are con-
" sidered the most promising new class of
¯ drugs in the epidemic. The conditional
recommendation requires that saquinavir
not be used as a single-drug treatment, but
¯ be prescribed along with nucleoside analogs.
¯ Non-Lethal HIV Identified
: SYDNEY - A study based on a decade-
" old sample of blood donations known as
¯ the Sydney Blood Bank Cohort has found
¯¯ that the blood of one gay man infected
¯ with HIV and the 7 blood recipients who
became infected with the virus is infected
¯ with an entirely new - and harmless -
. strain of HIV. The finding, reported in the
journal Science, raises hopes that an AIDS
vaccine can be devcloped using the new,
benign virus s train. The researchers found
that the unidentified gay man’ s blood had
been used in transfusions between 1981-
84 before blood screening for HIV started
in 1985. The gay man, however, never
contracted AIDS. And when a Red Cross
,ocial worker began tracking people who
should have been infected as a result of
receiving the tainted blood, she found that
after 10 years, none of the 7 recipients had
become sick either although all are in fact
HIV positive. The newly discovered strain
has defects in its genetic elements, most
notably a gene called "nef," which other
studies have already shown is necessary
for HIV to replicate itself.¢’~This allows
the infected person’s immune system to
deal with the virus - in other words, to stop
it getung out of control," said Dr. Nicholas
Deacon, who led the Australian research
team. The discovery of the "neF"
defect is especially important for possible
vaccine development after studies on animals
at the New Englaud Regional Primate
Center showed that deleting "net"
from the sirman (monkey) cousin of the
virus, SIV, disarms the lethal microbe.
HIV Infection Risks Among
Lesbians, Bi Women
CHICAGO Researchers with the San
Francisco health department have reported
in the American Journal ofPublic Health
that lesbians and bisexual women are at
small risk of HIV infection, a finding that
contradicts the general idea thatthese
women have no risk of contracting the
virus. Researchers reported that 6 out of
498 bisexual women and lesbians tested
in San Francisco and Berkdey during
1993 were infected with HIV, an infection
rate of 1.2%. The researchers re-
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
~ B~! &for, but not exclusive
to the Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results.
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
TOHR Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights¯
ported that they found no indication of
transmission from woman-to-woman
sexual contact among any of the 6 who
were infected, however. Four of the infected
women were both IV drug users
and also reported having had unprotected
sex with gay or bisexual men or male IV
drag users - all high-risk groups. The
other 2 infected women had had sex with
men of tmknown risk status, but had not
had sex with any female partners who
were infected. The researchers said that
educationand preventionprograms should
stop.indicating that lesbians and bisexual
women were at low risk of infection and
should instead emphasize the importance
of avoiding specific, high-risk behaviors.
AnOther AIDS Drug Approved
WASHINGTON - The Food & Drug
Administration has quickly approved the
use of lamivudine, also known as 3TC, in
combination with AZT. The FDA move
came just a few weeks after an advisory
panel recommended approval of the combination
treatment, and Glaxo, the manufacturer,
said the drug would be available
.quickly also - probably by the first week
m December. According to Glaxo, the
cost of3TC will be about the.same as that
of AZT, which can Cost:several thousand
dollars a year.
A!DS-Type Vaccine 100%
Effective in Monkeys
WASHINGTON - Scientists have reported
in the journal Science that an .experimental
drug called PMPA suecgssfully
prevented monkeys from becoming
infected with the sinnan immunodeficiency
virus (or SIV). In the study, none
Of the 25 monkeys who were given Gilead
Sciences’ experimental vaccine before or
up to 24 hours after they were inoculated
became infected with the simian version
of the virus, while all 10 of the monkeys
injected with salt water before inoculation
with SIV as a control group contracted
the disease. The researchers, led
by Dr. Che-Chung Tsai of the Regional
Primate Research Center at the University
of Washington in Seattle - cautioned
againstjumping to any conclusions about
preventing HIV-infection or treating individuals
who are already infected with
the human version of the virus, but they
did say they were greatly encouraged by
the findings. Publication of the findings
of the research were in fact delayed a full
year by the scientists because they were
worried there might be some mistake in
the results, which Tsai, describes as "almost
too good to be true." Human studies,
which are tentatively scheduled for next
year, would be required to determine if
PMPA is safe and effective in humans.
Cherry Street Psychotherapy
1 51 5 South Lewis
Are you looking for a relaxed, amicable,
private atmosphere for therapy?
Our office provides a level of confidentiafity
and comfort that enhances the therapeutic process.
For further information call 743-4117
Leah Hunt, .MSW.
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Weekly Gifts and Incentives
~for Attending a Closed Series of 12 Weekly Meetings
Offered by
Endorsed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health
46th & Memorial-
Entertainment Notes
by Jmnes Christjohn
This is a new feature, dependent on
whims, timing and whether or not this
Assistant Editor had time/money to actually
see anything new: Otherwise, I’ll be
reviewing videos, revisiting (Read: inflicting!)
music reviews and looks at old
shows you just might like if you’d ever
heard of them and other ramblings.
Lately, I’ve been watching "High Society",
- Mondays, 8:30pm. If you haven’t
seen it, .it is one of the most hilarious
shows I’ve seen on American TV. So
what if it’s a "knockoff of "Absolutely
fabulous"? We can’t see that here, ’cause
the local cable comp..any doesn’ t carry the
comedy channel ~ a:t~e crime~:Anyway,
I recognize a lot of myself in this show,
which has a DEFINITE queer sensibility
to it. Watch it, you’ll see what I mean.
¯ Anyway, back to the subject at hand, the
: new colunm:
¯ Rating system: Four snaps: Don’t miss it,
¯ in fact, get going now! Three snaps: Ok,
¯ so put the paper down first. And drive
¯ safely. Two Snaps: Ithas enough redeem-
¯¯ ing qualities to be of interest, but see the
matinee. One snap. Well, if you’re really
¯ bored and can’t find anything else to do...
¯ No snaps: You’ll be sorry..
Well, what a full season thus far:
¯ Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella,
¯ a wonderful concert with Marilyn Maye
¯ and theTulsa Philharmonic, &Toy Story,
¯ the new must-see movie from the’~gayfriendly
folk at Disney. If you misse~ the
: live shows, well,’I’ll tell you myopinion
¯ ~a~yway (like yisii’coulil’stOp me:~.) sb -that
: If th~y’come through town again, you’ll
¯ know whether to ante up for a ticket, or
¯ stay home with the telly and a cup of hot
: chocolate, see Notes, page 14
BroaOen Your Perspective at a celtic Music Concert.
Irish fiddle great Kevin Burke and his new world Celtic
enseml01e bring fiery instrumentals, dazzling footwork and
original songs.
8 p.m., John H. wilhams Theatre, Tulsa Performing Arts Center
CALL: 596-7111 TICKETS: $12
Eve Sunday_ December:
$howtime 11p.m. €~2 Cover
Beer Bust 9p.m. ~ laom~
Januaru 11 - 14
I yr. Anniversary/C6stomer Appreciation
Extravaganza Weekend
M~n of the Southv~est
A~ll-Male RevUe
10 p.m. $2 Cover
Dance & Party
with your favorite Bar Staff
Kirk, Tern/, Tommy, Scotty, Mike, Bill,
Chrls & DJ Davld Oees
Mr. Robbie Walker & the Sunday Slam
(Ivana B, Real, Kris Kohl, Michelle
~~tey, Domo~ueDarnels)
wiJh Special ~u~t To Be Announced
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope, _
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
~ 1703E. 2nd, 585d800,
Family of Faith ¯
Metro. Comm. Chureh-
AdultSunday School, 9:15 "
Worship Service, 11 am ."
5451-E South Mingo. ¯
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am ¯
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715 ¯
TheBanned, OKGay Band "
Practice weekly in OKC "
Info: 838-2121 ¯
Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay "
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa "
6:30 pm at Canterbury ¯
5th & Evanston
Info: 583-9780 "
: HIV Testing
¯ TOHR Clinic
¯ Free &.anonymous testing
¯ using fingerstick
¯ No appointment reqnired.
: Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results hours: 7-9 pm
Minister’s Class
Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center
7:30 pm
2627-B East 1 lth
Info: 583-7815
HIV+ Support Group
Info: 742-2927 ¯ HIV Resource Consortium ¯
: .,.,_ _: .~-~ ::-1,:30~pm~.,:J i . !~ "
Bowling League :,, 4t~S. Harvard, Ste.-H-1
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Support Group
2nd Monday of month,
6:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
HIV/AIDS Support Group
Friends & Family
HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Thi ’N6w Year
Drink Responsibly -
Have a Designated
Driver or Take a Cab
¯ Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC of Greater Tulsa
: 1623 N. Maplewood
: Info: 838-1715
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Choir Practice 7 pm
.~ 2627-B East 1 lth
: Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Bible Study, 6:30 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
(no class, Dec. 27)
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Faith & Struggle Dialogue Group
Community of Hope United Methodist
4:30pm, 1703 E. 2nd (ongoing group)
Info: 585-1800
Family ofFaith MCC
Christmas Concert & Silent Auction,
7:30pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Community of Hope United Methodist
6pro, held at Butler/Stumpff Funeral
Home, 3rd St. west of Lewis (ongoing)
Info: 585-1800
Family ofFaith MCC
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
10 pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Community ofHope United Methodist
Christmas Eve Peace Service, 6pm
ChristmasEve CandlelightService, 1 lpm
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Community of Hope United Methodist
6pm, held at Butler/Stumpff Funeral
Home, 3rd St. west of Lewis (ongoing)
Info: 585-1800
Feed the Homeless
Community of Hope United Methodist
Meet at church, 1703 E. 2nd, 5:30 pm
Info: 585-1800
Family ofFaith MCC, "Let It Go"
New Year’s Eve Service, 1 lain
5451-E S Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Faith & Struggle Dialogue Group
Community of Hope United Methodist
4:30pm, 1703 E. 2nd (ongoing group)
Info: 585-1800
Prime Timers Monthly Meeting
Write for info: P.O. Box 52118, 74104
Green Country Pride ~
Tulsa Oldahomansfor Human Rights
Community-wide Meeting, 7 pm
Alan Chapman Activity Center
University of Tulsa
5th St. west of Harvard, Info: 743-4297
Family ofFaith MCC
Reclaim & Recovery Workshop: It’s
Never Too Late to Have a Happy
Childhood, 9 am - 3 pm
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Rainbow Business Guild, 7 pm
Call for place and speaker.
Dinner Meeting, Info: 665-5174
Family ofFaith MCC
Reclaim & Recovery Workshop:
Forgiveness, 9 am - 3pro
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo
Call 622-1441 for Info.
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick method.
No appointment reqnired.
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
[nfo: 742-2927
Prayer Time
MCC - Greater Tulsa, 7 pm
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Tulsa-Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
Out & About With JD!
It’s that time of the year when you yearn
for time spent with friends, and visions of
fairies dance in your head. This month’s
featured establishment is a great place to
find both. GROUND
ZERO (formerly
Laffs-Underground) at
7th&Elan, in the heart
of downtown Tulsa, is
the place.
Steve Crow, a wellknown
promoter of
Tulsa’s night life, has
renovated this classic.
location into something
more than comfortable
and intriguing for that
first date (a dimly lit
table for two), or to find that first date,
(billiard and dart area), or for meedng a
group of friends (a conversation area and
well-lit bar). Watch for details about
Tulsa’s first Intemet party, linking up via
the info super hi-way to other bars across
PFLAG national vice president, Nancy
McDonald is joined by sevkral friends,
including Prime Timer, Wesley Bauer.
¯ Narcotics Anonymous
¯ Meets weekly at 11 pm
¯ Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
¯ Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
: NAMES Project
¯ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
¯ 3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
TJC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
¯ SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
¯ Call 832-2121
TOHR Helplinc
Daily 8-10 pm
¯ For info. or to volunteer:
¯ 743-GAYS
Tool Box Technicians,
Leather org.,
Info cio The Tool Box:
¯ Tulsa Uniform &
Leather Seekers Assdc.
¯ Info: 838-1222
¯ the country. Starting in January onThurs-
: day nights: chicks with d contests with
¯ cash prizes, and, as always, male dancers
¯ every Friday and Saturday nights. Be sure
: to join Steve and his wonderful manager
Mark on December 23
for a mini-Christmas
party with Reghenaand
company. Also, New
Year’s will be rung in
with male dancers
counting down the minutes
to midnight, and a
free champagne toast.
.Also Ladonna at Barracudas
sends a note of
thanks to all the new
Raghenna & Steve Crow faces thathave stopped
¯ in (see her ad about
¯ some new faces).
: I would like take a moment to wish
¯ everybody a joyful holiday season, and a
¯ v.ery warm and happy new year. I appre-
¯ caate all the support throughout the last
¯ year.
Community activists, Ken Draper, Lisa
Pottorf& Tim Gillean braved the cold at
TOHR Holiday Dinner & Silent Auction.
Eureka Springs Honors
World AIDS Day - Dec. 1
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Living in the heart of the Bible Belt, one
would not expect to find an ecumenical
service dedicated to World AIDS Day m
a small community. Yet, Eureka Springs
held one of the most moving celebrations
of unity in the fight against AIDS I have
ever witnessed.
On the evening of December 1, we
gathered at the United Methodist Church,
about 75 people in all, from all walks of
lifeand all faithS. The theme of the service:
was "Because God Cares," and the service
was co-sponsored by the Regional
AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN) and
Ozark AIDS Resources and Services
(OARS). A total of ten local and area
clergy were scheduled to participate in the
ev.ent, andfive were calledaway at the last
rmnute to attend to other events or emergencies.
Those who did participate came from
varying backgrounds, to be sure. Rev.
Stan Adams came from the United Methodist
Church, Rev. Jack Hammond is affiliated
with the First Christian Church,
and Rev. Mark Leuneville came from the
First Presbyterian Church, all in nearby
Berryville. Rev. Marilyn Webb participated
from the host church in Eureka
Springs. And, the m~in speaker was Rev.
Kermie Wohlenham~ Pastor of MCC of
the Living Spring.
It was a celebration of life and healing,
love; hope, and stories of miracles. Sonny
Mosley, the longest living AIDS survivor,
who last week graced the front page
¯ of the local newspaper, told his story. A
Grandmother read a letter of love, grace,
: and about her own 17-year, same-sex relationship,
a letter that had been written
¯ that same day to her HIV+ grandson. We
~ all shared, prayed, sang, hoped, and cried
¯ together.
Sonny’s admonition to us all was very
¯ moving. "It is my hope, and I believe that
¯¯ itis God’s hope that when you leave this
piace tonight, you will go to someone and
¯ tell them you have seen a miracle. You
¯ have seen a miracle standing before you
¯ tonight.... " Sonny
] has survived 14years
and seven months
¯ living with AIDS.
¯ One young man
told the story of los-
" ing his partner of
: eight years some two
¯ years ago. He shared
¯ withus his partner’s
¯ last words to him:
¯ "Never miss an op-
¯ pornmity to love.’"
¯ It was a rare treat to experience an area-
: wide service in which the official coming
¯ out of Rev. Kermie Wohlenhaus to the ¯
religious community.was enacted through
¯ aninvitation toher to give the main talk of
¯ the evening, a sermon if you will. Her
¯ time at the pulpit was preceded by a mu- ¯
sical duet by twoMCC regulars, a request
¯ made due to past performances by the
¯ MCC choir at World AIDS Day services.
¯ Pastor Wohlenhaus gave a message of ¯
healing and-an admonition to the assembled
churchgoers that "This is
¯ everyone’s disease. Men, women and children
are all afflicted. Each one of us."
She told moving stories of Ryan White,
the Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt,
Randy Shilts, and A Day Without Art.
"The loss to the world is amazing! "This
was Rev. Wohlenhaus’ assessment of the
loss to the art world because of AIDS.
But, "there is a healing part of this
disease." She talked of Joan Rivers and
the first AIDS benefit she put together.
Ms. Rivers could get no major stars to
participate in the benefit, and she received
hate mail and death threats. Yes, we truly
have come a long
Saglttarlus You also ]]ave way toward healing.
And there
deep desires to....huy were stories of the
expenslve, pointless, e~o- healing of families
gg~ra~t’aLr in" thln~s....you
and relationships,
how Disney wentout
l~n~w that last, red sports on alimb for its emear
won’t make you a better ployees,evemnspite
of pressure from the
person. Don’t you? pro-familygroups. It
was a moving talk
¯ indeed. "’What has happened is we are
¯ coming out as a nation. Weare healing
¯ AIDSphobiaas well as homophobiaas we
: have to deal with this disease."
¯ "The voices of people th~it are HIV+
¯ and (have) AIDS have tremendous spiri-
¯ tual messages for us. One of those mes-
¯ sages is living one day at a’fime to the
fullest. They are our teachers, aren t they.
¯ This was an admonition to most of the
¯ congregation. ¯
And; to those who are HIVe- and living
¯ withAIDS,"Call upon your higherpower
- whatever that is. Ask those very impor-
¯ tant questions, and be open to hear the
answers. One of the answers that you may
hear is to be of service, ff you are HIV+ or
living with AIDS, you have a tremendous
gift that you can pass on to someone.
You’ve gone throughprocesses that someone
else that just found out the other day
needs to hear from you."
’q’he wounded healer is probably one
of our most important healing persons.
Avail yourself to those people."
An offering was received to support
RAIN and OARS, and we heard from
Rev. Mark Leuneville that the Ryan White
Care Act will not have any more funding
until August of 1996 so, more than ever,
local organizations need our support, financial
as well as personal.
Welearned that Carroll Regional Medical
Center in Berryville has donated a fulltime
counselor to staff the AIDS clinic at
the hospital’s expense. A doctor also donates
medical services. Testing, quality
care, education and counseling are all
available. And this is the Bible Belt!
This reporter will not soon forget December
1, 1995. This event had a profound
effect onme, and it ismyfond hope,
that the same effect was felt by the rest of
the assembled people at the commemoration
of World AIDS Day 1995 in Eureka
Springs, Arkansas,
"Relieving the ostracism-of gay Ameri-
¯ cans would strengthen family values, no
¯ matter what the prevailing political di-
~ mate may dictate." -- Robert MacNeil, tv
: anchor & father of a Gay son, courtesy
¯ GLAAD, The Gay &Lesbian Alliance
~ Against Defamation & Seattle Gay News
"’ Jim & Brent have opened the ultimate intimate
local eatery. A special, eclectic dining exp.erience.:."
Stop by our lqouse for a taste of local flavor. Dine oUlslde
on the patio & porch or in our three beautiful dining
rooms. Fine+ food.al an affordable price.
Green & Yellow Night
FAMILY NIGHT Private Dinner Party
First Thursday ofEach Month, 6pm - Midnight
Dine, Drinf~& Reta.,x Among Friends
Featuring Jim & Gwendolyn s Selecl Dinner Entrees &
Brenl’s Superb Desserts
"With Family In Mind"
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20% of all proceeds will go to the support of family causes
.fabulous fun for gay gals ~ guys
January 23 - February 3, packages available¯
Call 341.6866
International Tours
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& many other travel needs. IGTA member.
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Offerings include: Bed & Breakfast
Inns, Victorian Homes, Hotels/Motels,
Commercial Properties/Businesses,
Quiet Country Estates, & much more.
McClung Realty, Inc. has catered to the
diverse G/L/B/TG community in Eureka
Springsfor over 20 years. Call or write
for a listing brochure. Or better yet, stop
in, and we’ll show you around.
We specialize in creative financing.
Activist Pharr Briefs
Eureka Springs
by Phil Boler-Schmidt
DeVito" s restaurant in Eureka
Springs was the si te of an annual
meeting with Suzanne Pharr and
activists f.rom the Eureka Springs
co~nmunity on December 5th.
The setting was appropriate as
Jim andSusan DeVito had just
been named Volunteers of the
Year by The Women’s Project.
¯Ms.. Pharr was accompanied
by Linda Coyle ofThe Women’s
Project, and it was Ms. Coyle ¯
whofirst spoke to the group aleut
the activities of hate groups in
northwest Arkansas. Various "
hate groups have been active in
our part of the state for some
time, and the most noticeable "
has been the Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan. It was noted that this ¯
group has recently split due to
somedifferences ofopinion, and "
because of the split, the KKK "
has actually grown in size and
strength. .
Also noted by Ms. Coyle were "
the militia groups that have °
formed in several areas of Ar- ¯
kansas and that activity has in- :
creased in southeast Oklahoma °
as well. Other groups, mostly of ¯
the white supremacist nature, to ¯
watch out for are: the Aryan "-
Nations, the White Aryan Resis- "
tance, neo Nazi skinheads, the ¯
Identity Christian Church, the "
Holy Alamo Christian Church, "
the Populist Party, and none other °
than the Elna Smith Foundation, ¯
located right here in Eureka ¯
Springs. The Smith Foundation
hosts The Great Passion Play °
and houses the Christ of the ¯
Ozarks statue. .
Both Ms. Coyle and Ms. Pharr "
expressed concern that many of °
the militia groups, which they °
noted are made up of mostly .
disgruntled wlfitemen, havebeen "
infiltrated by theKKKand other :
hate groups in an attempt to recruitnew
members to their cause.
Ms. Pharr is well know for her
work with Gay leaders in those
states where anti-gay statues
have been placed before the electorate,
and her vast work with
women’s issues is well documented.
Her main thrust of the
evening was to show those assembled
what majormovements
have been presented in the U.S.
Ms. Pharr is well
know for her work
w .th Gay leaders
in those states
where anti-Gay
statues have been
placed before the
over the past 30 years and how
those intermingle and confuse
the people when issues are presented
for a vote.
She defined three majormovements:
the liberation movement
(of which we are all a part),
globalization of the economy,
and the rise of the religious right
wing fundamentalists. At issue
in the liberation movement are
reproductive rights, affirmative
action, children’s rights, removal
of sodomy laws-, and environmental
action, among others.
The issues for globalization of
the economy are the anti-tax
movement, .deregulation,
NAFTA,privatization, and ahost
of others. It is Ms. Pharr’s contention
that the rise of the religious
right came upon the heels
of economic globalization, and
due to this, many people do not
.understand that they areresponding
to problems in the economy
rather than moral issues. The
religious right has done a tre-
mendous job of demonizang entire
segments of the economy
and making them (us) villains
when, in fact, it Is the
globalization of the economy that
has taken jobs away and decreased
corporate investment in
Ms. Pharr strongly suggested
that we all become versed in
economic issues and use this
knowledge in our discussions
with people who feel that gays
and lesbians, people of color.,
rand women ha~¢~ contributed to
the moral decline of America.
She aptly proved to those of us
present at her talk that when
people see that they are respondmg
to economic issues and their
ownfinancial needs, not the need
to demonize us, we have more of
a chance ofconvincing them that
we are not the enemy.
The religious right has done
its job well, for sure. After President
Reagan began the move toward
economic globalization,
religious leaders jumped on the
bandwagon and began to work
at the grassroots level to convince
average Americans that
they should blame groups that
the religious right saw as immoral
for the decline in available
jobs, the rise in the number
of welfare recipients, the decrease
in the average American’ s
paycheck and companybenefits,
and the movement away from
keeping jobs at home.
Ms. Pharr suggested that
nearly every ill the religious right
seeks to use to its political advantage
has its root in racism
and sexism.
For more information on
Suzanne Pharr’s work, to receive
membership information, or to
find outmore about how you can
be involved, contact The
Women’s Project at 2224 Main
Street, Little Rock, AR 72206.
¯ ¯
¯ Jerry A. Wilson (501) 253-7311 ¯
¯ 1-81 ¯
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HI °
¯" INN ’" ¯ ¯
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¯ A Friendly Place to Stay 1-800-231-1442
96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Open ’til
Groundhog Day
Reopen Saint
Patrick’s Day 501-253~9337
Hwy. 62 East
iServi~es" laeid Sundayevenings at 6. PM -
;17 Elk:Street. (at the Unitarian Ctmrch)
House cont’dfromp. Murder /
Opening the hearings, Chair- ¯ and rights activists in Oregon
man Peter Hoekstra (D-MI) said : have been concerned that their
the ten witnesses would explore ¯ disappearance ~nay have been
theroleofparentsinschoolsand ¯ because of the wo men’s high
values in the"big picture." Nev- ~ activist visibility during the carnertheless,
by the second day as ; palgns. Authoritiesdidn’trelease
witness after witness lashed out ¯ any information about how the2
against sex education, HIV pre- women died, saying they ~vould
vention and youth support pro- wait for the results of an angrams
in schools, the true nature topsy, but police initially deof
the hearings became appar- . scribed the killing as "brutal"
ent. Perhaps due to the national ~ and "violent." Police said they
outcry, the subcommittee called had no specific information to
on four of the ten witnesses to ° connect the deaths of the 2
address the impact of violence ." women with their political acand
harassmer~t ag~i:~ youth .’. ~vis.m, but said they would uot
grappling.withis.sues~:9.f sexual "discount those fears. "’ At press
orientation. No gay, lesbian, bi- time, The Associated Press resexual
or transgender youth ported that an arrest had been
were called upon to testify at the made in this case.
hearing. Govt. Asked to Supervise
"LouSheldon’sextremeviews Washington, D.C - Citing the
came across loud and clear,"said murders, and a tragic history of
Helen Gonzales, Public Policy violence agmnst Gays in other
Director- for the National Gay states with anti-gay ballot initiaand
Lesbian Task Force. "Even tives, the National Gay and Lesthough
the comm|ttee did not bian Task Force (NGLTF) has
completelystackthedeckagainst asked U.S. Attorney General
us: intolerance ofdiffering views Janet Reno to lend federal assisand
an anti-democratic approach tance in investigating homicides.
to education were the themes of "’We are writing to inform you
the day." of a situation which unfortu-
During the first day of hear- nately is becoming too commonings,
witnesses William Bennett place in our country and to seek
and Patricia Ann Baltz spoke in your assistance in helping progeneral
terms about the need to tect the lives of, gay, lesbian,
infuse values into public schools, bisexual and-., transgender
Homosexuality was only men- people," said the,three-page lettioned
briefly. During the sec- ter, firxedtoReno’sofficetoday.
ond day, witnesses discussed "Our concern is that however
school services and programs the facts in this case turn out,
which address prevention of hate crimes against Gays, l_~sbi-
HIV, hate-violence in schools ans, Bisexuals and Transgender
andthehighincidenceofsuicide persons continue to be an epiamong
gay,lesbian,bisexual and demic in this country...In the attransgender
youth. Several wit- mosphereofhatredandgay-baitnesses
misrepresented these ing which are expected to be
community efforts as attempts waged by the Far Right during
to "recruit and promote homo- next year’s anti-gay ballot and
sexuality.’" At least one witness legislative state initiatives, it is
complained about schools "pro- clear that such crimes will inmotinghomosexual
lifestyles as crease.’" The letter went on to
normal," while another witness detail the rise in anti-gay vioclaimed
that "homosexuality is lence, especially in states with
sinful.’" homophobic initiatives.
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Reviewed by Barry Hensley what Sullivan sees as the four political
Tulsa City-County Library armies "on the homosexuality battlefield
The gay rights debate will surely rise to ] of the culture war:" 1) Prohibitionists,
a new level with the publication of this ¯ who refuse to discuss homosexual intebook.
Sullivan, the gay editor of the New gration into society because of biblical
Republic magazine, has written an impor- ; beliefs; 2) Liberationists (at the other end
tant addition to the growing
number of books that
argue, in a straightforward,
readable and educated
way, that there is a
new politics of homosexuality.
It blends "liberal
equality in the eyes
of the state with conser-
[t]aere ~s] "a new pol;t~cs
of ]aomosexualaty...
[1,1e.d~] "l;1,eral
e~ual;ty ~n t~e eyes of t]ae
state vc~t]a conservative
social stability"
vative social stability in a program whose
twin tenets are open, un-impeded gay
military service and legal gay marriage.
Sullivan begins by asking, "What Is a
Homosexual?" By describing his childhood
experiences that he now realizes
were really gay oriented situations,
Sullivan makes a dear case for the inclusion
of gay themes throughout our culture.
Once, at the age often, heremembers
being"...happily engagedinreading. Then,
a girl sitting next to me looked at me with
a rmxture of curiosity and disgust. "Why
aren’t you out with the boys playing football’?"
she asked. Because "I hate it," I
replied. "’Are you sure you’re really not a
girl under there?" she asked, with the
suspicion of a sneer." With no mention of
homosexuality in his family, ]’i~ the newspaper,
at school or on television, he, like
most gays gr6_wing up, had no guidance,
discussion Or role models to help explain
the confusion he was gorng through.
The main part of this book is focused on
of the political scale)
which includes groups
such as Queer Nation and
ACI’-UP; 3) Conservatives,
the authors of"don’t
ask, don’t tell", and 4)
Liberals, who are often
simply piggybacking the
gay rights movement on
the back of the civil rights movement.
With the first two groups intractable,
Sullivan argues that a combination of the
best of conservative and liberal beliefs
can create a new consensus on homosexuality.
His idea "affirms a simple and limited
principle: that all public (as opposed
to private) discrimination against homosexuals
be ended and that every right and
responsibility that heterosexuals enjoy as
public citizens be extended to those who
grow up and find themselves emotionally
different." He means ALL rights and responsibilities,
including marriage and
military service.
Sullivan is remarkably eloquent, and it
is hard to disagree with his logic, although
he is often accused of being too conservative.
He has presented the best book to
date on how and why the gay rights debate
must move from the base of emotion and
fear to fact~ and logic. Check for "Virtually
Normal" on the Tulsa City-County
Library catalog, or call 596-7966.
ment shortly and will probably then be
voted onagain by the commission in early
December. The newspaper reported that
the commission’s recommendations will
also include an alternative proposal to
create a statewide domestic partnership
registration that would effectivdy extend
to same-sex couples all the benefits under
state control th at married opposite-sex
couples enjoy. The Advertiser, the state’s
largest-circulating daily, also editorially
endorsed the commission’s anticipated
action, sayang it was taking "a reasonable
stand that should be adopted by the legislature"
and that "gay couples should have
the legal right to marry in Hawaii."
Hill brings extensive experience as a
trainer in suicide imervention and has
served as a teacher of living skills -for
legally blind citizens for the State Visual
Services agency and has served on the
Advisory Committee for the Assistive
Technology Center. He is chair of the
Para Transit Sub-committee of the Special
Transportation Advisory Committee
(STAC) to the Indian Nations Council of
Governments (INCOG) and Tulsa Transit
Hill also volunteers with Youth Services
of Tulsa’s TYDD Program and is a
life-long member of 1 st Lutheran Church
of Tulsa where he is a member of the choir
and has served twice as a member of the
church board. He sings with the Tulsa
Oratorio Chorus and also worships with
Community of Hope congregation.
reviewed, saying that the state could give
visitation rights to an individual who had
a"parent-likerelationship"with the child,
whether the individuals were heterosexual
or a non-traditional couple. Knott appealed
that state high court ruling to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
Court Rules For Gay Adoptions
NEW YORK - New York’s Court of
Appeals, the state’s highest court, has
ruled that couples do not have to be married
in order to adopt, a ruling that, while
it also applies to unmarried heterosexuals,
is strongly welcomed by same-sex
couples. "There’s been a collective holding
of our breath around the state," said
Paula Ettelbrick of the Empire State Pride
Agenda. Although the high court’s ruling
does notmean that gay and lesbian couples
will automatically be given adoption
rights, it does mean that state courts can
not use marital status in determining adoption
applications. In late October, a New
Jersey court ruled that a lesbian could
adopt the son and daughter of her lover
because i t was in the "best interests"of the
2 children.Alower state court had blocked
the adoption, saying it was not allowed
under state law.
OK Lesbian & Gay Soccer
A car pool is being sponsored by the OK
Spoke Club to go from Tulsa to OKC for
Sat. morning soccer practices of the OKC
Wildcats team. The Wildcats team is seeking
novice and advanced playo;~.
Jerry, aTulsamember of the team hopes
to form a Tulsa team if there is sufficient
interest. For information, call 582-3212.
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! the hottest r~ale dancers in town
- Body X-Press Inc..
Favorite Female Impersonators
in One B.ig Show
A Chr~stm.as
Canned Food Dr.ve Show
to Benefit
Friday, December .2,2 - 10:30 Showtime
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"We guarantee a Hot & Wild Show"
New Year’s Eve
with us!
We tap a Free Keg at 7:00 pro, then
It’s Karaoke Time
8pm-2am, We’ll include a wonderful
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$5 cover
Barraccuda says:
Don’t forget our Jan. 28th
2nd Annual Super Bowl Party
Free Keg at Kickoff- Free chili dogs
$1 longnecks during game -.$2 cover
The first Saturday of every ~month is
’ Showlr Night .Saturday
Showtime 10:30 $3 cover
Every Sunday is Beer Bust "
Choose your own time: 2 hours - $3/all day
Haven tgone down lately. ~s~:-Cvhenra~oos
. - --.--- .,~ay Ground Zero The Cockpit of Tulsa
Join us
New Years Eve champagne toast at m,dnight
and our hot dancers
Be sure to stop by for.the m~n~
Christmas show, Dec. 23, with
, Raghenna
& her dancers .
Beer Bust, Beer Bust, Mon.-Fri. 9-1
$1 Domestic Longnecks til 10 everyday
Hot male dancers every Fri. & Sat. night
Starting in January, the Thursday night
Chiks with d....more! contest
Cash prizes for winners - watch for details
Watch for details on
Tulsa’s First Internet Party
Customer access to the Internet
Open to close everyday
New Year’s Eve
Parer at the Star
Buffet~ Champagne T0ast, Party Favors, $5 cover
Christmas Show
Dec. 22, Featuring
Sid Spencer
Green Country Cloggers
Wednesday Night Showcase
Drag Rodeo
hosted by Courtney Farrell
Friday’Night Party Night
Jan. 5th, Music Giv~awa~
834-4234, 1565 S. Sheridan W-Sun. 7-2am
On Jail. 28, two of this country’s most
prestigious entertainers Maya Douglas,
Miss Gay USofA 1995 and Chelsea Pearl,
Miss Gay USofA At-Large 1996, along
with Cherry Monroe, Miss Gay Oklahoma
USofA 1995 will be in Tulsa for the
1996 Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA Pageant
at Concessions, 3340 So. Peoria.
Doors open at 8pm with a $5 cover and the
pageant begins at 9 sharp.
Cherry Monroe will be crowning the
winner of the 1996 Miss Gay Oklahoma
USofA Pageant and contestants will be
competing for over $1500 in cash and
prizes. Competition catagories are Personal
Interview, Evening Gown and Talent.
Special awards include the Amii
Dyshea Talent award and Sasha Loren
MostBeautiful Awardhonoring these two
Notes continuedfrom page 8
First off: R & H’s Cinderdla: Starting
off as the only musical Rodgers and
Hammerstein wrote specifically for television,
and one of the first ever written for
TV, 1! was pleasant enough to see on
stage, but just didn’t quite make the leap
all the way across the chasm. The show
did have a gay sensibility to it as directed
by John Ruocco, who was assistant to the
director of Terrence McNally’s very gay
play, "Love! Valor! Compassion!". The
King, as portrayed by David Boughn,
was definitely wed to the queen as a
matter of convenience. He was definitely
more interested in the manservants (who
were quite beautiful as well) than his wife.
Like many "old-fashioned" gay man/
very missed entertainers and former Miss
Gay Oklahoma USofA’s. The winner and
first runner-up will represent Oklahoma
in the 1996 Miss Gay USofA Pageant in
May. Miss Gay USofA Pageant is the
largest pageant for female impersonators
in the country.
The Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA Pageant
has been honored by the National
Pageant with the Best New Preliminary
Pageant.award and the Hospitality award
and the Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA Pageant
owner, David Bridgrnan, was given
the Owners Award for Business Person of
the Year in 1995.
Interested contestants may pick up info.
packets at dubs and businesses across the
state or may contact the pageant promoter,
David Bridgman at 918-838-3701.
woman marriages, the queen is a"beard".
Probably best friends, and fond of each
other, but quite an interesting direction
for the father of Prince Charming. And
they worry quite frantically over finding a
woman to make him happy! Throughout
the play, he seemed much more comfortable
with his manservants. Speaking of,
he was quite a sight to behold. There were
certain attributes, visible from a seat
slightly towards the rear orchestra, that
were quite breathtaking to behold. What a
scepter! And visible even to my nearsighted,
astgmafic eyes! Needless to say,
the costumes were well executed, showing
off the best of the actors. The singing
was very beautiful - Matt Clemens, as
see Notes, page 15
9.2,3340S, Peo Tulsa, 918-744-0896
Notes cont’dfrom p. 14
Prince C, had quite alovely tenor
volce, and Miss Cindy was very
well sung by Leslie Lorusso.
However, this production was
meant for amoreintimate venue,
no doubt about it. No splashy
showtunes,just nice quite melodies.
The stepmother and sisters
were the high point of the show,
being played like really mean
drag queens havin~ a bad hair
day. The "Stepsister’s Lament"
really showcased their comedic
"talents excellently, and the
soundtrack (available in both
Julie Andrews or Lesley Anne
Warren versions) is worth having,
and the show worth seeing
for this song alone. It seems to be
the only song R & H put any
effort into. As for the rest of the
show, I found it rather bland.
The main problem was that the
actors were "playing down" to
the audience in the worst
"children’s theater" manner -
making sure every joke was extremely
over-the-top, so all the
kiddies would get it. This, I’m
sure, was not the intent of R & H
when they wrote the piece. In
order for the show to work, it has
to be treated as an adult show -
much of the humor is certainly
meant for adults - while retain-
" ing the fairy-tale elements as
¯ well. Pacing was a crucial ele-
¯ ment as well, and unfortunately,
in this aspect, the show did not
¯ succeed. Ithadmoments,butnot
enough to fill two hours. Two
: snaps and a yawn for the show in
¯ general, four snaps for theprince
and the stepsisters.
¯ Marilyn Maye, however, puts
on a terrific show - everything
¯ from standards of the ’30’s to
¯ current songs. I’d not heard of ¯
herbeforeI was told I’dbegolng
to the show, but I am now a
¯ dedicated fan. After the dedication
of a song "To lovers every-
" where.... no matter who they
love", and a wry look at to the
¯ audience- I realized this woman ¯ knew her audience included gay
¯ folk, andwas very inclusive. And
¯ what a stager/actres!! Some
: people can sing prettily, but miss
¯ the wholemessage/emotionofa
¯ song. Not so, Ms. Maye. She can
¯ make you feel a song. When she
¯ comes back to Tulsa, I would
¯ urge you strongly tO see this gay-
. friendly performer. Her stage
persona is delightful, and the
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per
135, 5’5", blonde hair, hazel eyes, 35,
varied interests, seek GWM’s, 18-40,
For friendship and more. Please leave a
message. ~25103
GWM, 5’8", brown hair and eyes, 21,
seeks other males, good looking and
well built cowboys preferred, for
friendship and more. Please leave a
message. ~23376
GWM, 27, 155, 5’8", hazel eyes,
brown hair, seeks others for friendship
and possible relationship. Please leave
a message. ~17465
31,5’11", 180, brown hair, green
eyes, HIV-, seeks a HIV- Daddy for ~:
serious relationship. Relocation is most
definite if Daddy wants. PleaseJeave a
message, e15358
28, 165, hard worker, out doors man
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friendship and possibly more. Please
leave a message. ~14249
~nexperienced, 30, 6’, 150, brown
hair, green eyes, professional,
smoke/alcohol free, seeks
inexperienced GWM’s, 18-25 for
special encounters. Please leave a
message. Must be discrete and drug
free. ~14856
25, 5’10", 175, brown hair, masculine
and discrete, good looking, non
smoker, athletic, seeks other
inexperienced males, 2t-30, for
friendship and possibly more. Please
leave a message, n14t 78
OTHER: Bi Curious WM, 27, 6’, 195,
tanned, seeks other males, 18-30, bi
curious preferred, for learning
experiences. Please leave a message.
much more. Please leave a message.
~ 17465
(~klahoma LOOKING FOR
State Universib, student, 20’s, 5’9",
150", good body, varied interests,
seeks others for fun and more. I am
very discrete. Please leave a message.
Bi Curious.Married WM, very
attractive, good body, 6q ,, 180,
blonde hair, blue eyes, seeks other
white males for first time experience.
Please leave a message. No need to be
discrete. ~16302
Tulsa TULSA TWO SlY: GWM, 26,
5’7", 145, good Iookingand in shape,
seeks others, 18-27, for friendship and
fun. Please leave a messa.ge. ~17238
31,5’6", seeks, GWM’si 25-50, into
getting acquainted instead of
fantasizing about our looks. We’re not
all Greek God’s or are~built like
horses. Some Of us are j~st average.
Call me. ~12799
BI BI BLUES: BiCuriou~WM, 27,
175, 6’, attractive, seeksi0ther
attractive males, 20-30, ~’ho are
patient and understanding. Must be
drug/disease free. Please leave a
message. ~13020 :
brown hair, hazel eyes, ’~.tache, 5’6",
165, seeks companionshi~p of mature
GWM, 23-40, who are aggressive,
masculine and gentle. Fwry cowboys a
plus. Call me! n13859 ~
Tulsa LOADED: 27, 6’, 180 iso men
18-30 for some fun, give me a ca11-
Tulsa AMERICAN PRIDE: 5’9, 140,
trim physique, hairy chest, sincere and
minute. 18+. C/S: 415-281-3183
honest person, like this in a
person, give me a call- ~9464
Oklahoma City GOOD TIMES
ARE WAITING: I’m 27 y/o,
5’11,2151bs, athletic build.
Ikg4 someone to share good
times with. I like dancing, I’m a
light drinker and a non smoker.
Texarkana I’M YOUR MAN:
I’m a 39 y/o WM, 5’8, 1401bs.
I’m disease free and I’m Ikg4
someone 18-45 who is well built, call
me, please be discreet. ~9582
Oklahoma City PRIME TIME: I’m a 38
yio WM "W. I’m a total TV and I’m
Ikg4 men who would like to spend some
time with me. I’m clean, drug and
disease free. ~9808
6’3, brn/brn, 1901bs. I’m Ikg4 gay men
18-25 for good times, call me. ~10271
Oklahoma City READY OR NOT: I’m
20 y/o, 5’6,-2151bs, WM. I’m Ikg4 a
relationship minded man 18-30’s with
a medium ~to slim build. I like singing,
bowling, golf, movies and cuddling. If
you are in!erested, please call me.
5’7", well built, looking for GLM/GWM
for hot fun in the sun. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Leave me a message and
le~s get together soon. ~’10596
GWM, 6’, brown hair, blue eyes, very
versatile, seeks new friends in the area
for fun and friendship with relationship
possibilities. Le~s get together and
celebrate life. ~6571
Texarkana WILl) BOYS: GWM, 26,
6’1", 185, blonde hair, blue eyes, very
hairy, seeking sub 18-35 GWM’s for
mutual fun and satisfaction. You won’t
be disappointed. Please leave a
message. ~11036
Tulsa GAY OR BI: AI, 32, very masc
prof’l, GBM iso Gay or bi male, masc,
race not Impt, into sports, outdoors, if u
like Iv a message thanks[ ~ 7580
Tulsa LET’S PLAY: professional, 42
WM. iso other Gay or bi male, 30s-
40s, in the area, let’s play! ~ 7392
BM, kinda looking for someone to love,
tired of b~ing by myself,- love to sing,
read, like to go to the movies, have fun,
love all types of music, if this interests
you give me a call- ~" 7435
BIWM, mid 40s iso BIWM 30-40, ht/wt
prop, very discreet, expect same, like
share some time, if you are interested,
g~ve me a call, I’ll returnall calls-
~ 7822
Tulsa NEW TO AREA: Mike, new to
the area, 35, BIWM, bind/blue, work
out alot, phys fit, Ikg fora strto BI BM
35-65 to have a good time with; go out
with give me a call- ~ 7842
Jack, GWM, 37, It. brn/brn, mustache,
very masc, sir appearing/acting, iso
friends poss rel in the area, like all
music, dining, theater, silting by a
fireplace, outdoors, animals, you name
it- give me a call- n 7873
laughs between the songs were
plentiful. A lovely evening.
Maybe my partner, the h,~rdest
working man in Tulsa, c,~m actually
take time to join me uext
time! (He’d planned to, but type
AAA personality that he is....)
And if you haven’t seen Toy
Story, don’t delay! You will be
bowled over by the sheer technical
genius. This is helped along
by a very strong script that balances
well between kiddie humor
and adult guffaws. There
were definitely some queer folk
behind this one. It is a hoot from
beginning to end. Four snaps.
Tulsa HEY GIRLS: athletic attr. SWF
early 30’s 5’4 1101bs brn/brn Ikg4
open minded women for discreet hot
fun. call me! ~45795
great phone fun with. I love talking on
the phone. Im 42 y/o and I hope you
call me. n45492
Dallas AFRICAN QUEEN: I’m a 37
y/o African American Ikg4 the same
30-40.-t’m shy and I’m drug and
disease free. I have Iwo dogs and I’m
sincere and honest. If you are honest
and sincere, call me. ~38212
BUTCH/FEM: I’m a 23 y/o female
and I like poetry, cycling and music.
I’m Ikg4 a friendship and a poss.
relationship, rm a little butch and a
little fern. all calls will be returned.
single woman with no kids Ikg4 a
special female friend to love and care
for. ~all me. ~’1614
Arkodelphia, AR STAR GAZER: my
name is Angeta, I’m a 21 y/o student
interested in flying new things, star
gazing and more. I would like to meet
a nice woman for fun and friendship.
call me! ~46392
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1995-January 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/505.