[1995] Tulsa Family News, April-May 1995; Volume 2, Issue 5


[1995] Tulsa Family News, April-May 1995; Volume 2, Issue 5


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


April 15-May 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamet


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, March 15-April 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 4


Online Text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart
TFNwriter Cooper & Col. Cammermeyer,photo: Cooper
April 15 - May 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 5
Col. Cammermeyer at TU
by Laurie Cooper
Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer, an decorated member
of the US Armed Forces spoke in March at the University
of Tulsa to an audience of over 300 about her experiences
of being forced out of the US Reserve because of being
Lesbian. Her experience was dramatized in a recent
television fihn which diva Barbara Streisand produced.
TFN asked Laurie Cooper, a Lesbian and also amember
of the US Reserves, to interview Greta Cammermever.
Q: In your lecture you talked about the strategy of
"dehumanizing the enemy’" - making it easier to hate
them. With the visibili~,, ofyourfilm "Serving In Silence"
and "rehumamzing the enemy" andshowing people that
gays are human, does itfrustiateyou thatprogress seems
to be made so slowly?
see Cammermeyer, page 3
Montana: Police Were to
Register Convicted Gays
HELENA, Mont.-The Montana
state Senate gave m to a popular
outcry and stripped a provision
from a sex-offendermeasure tlmt
would have forced anyone
convicted of homosextml acts to
register with police officials for
the remainder of their lives. A
voice vote to remove the provision
without further debate
followed au outpouring from
constituents fnrious about the
proposed legislation.
The measure would have
placed consenting gay and
lesbian adults in the same
category as murderers and
rapists. The bill had initially been
approved by the Senate on only
the day before by a storming vote
of 41 to 8, even though both
supporters and opponents of the
measure agreed that it probably
would have hadno actual impact.
Although same-sex sex - even
mnong consenting adults - is a
felony m~der Montana law, there
are no indications anyone has
ever been convicted in the state
under thc statutes. The proposed
measure created a fitror~ter state
Senator A! Bishop- said
homosext~d acts are"even worse
than a violent Sexual act.’"
see Montana. page 3
Lesbian/Gay Community
Center Campaign Begins
Tim Gillean, president ofTulsaOklahomans forHuman
Rights (TOHR), announced the beginning ofa fundraising
campaign for a community center for Tulsa’s Lesbian,
Gay & Bisexual communities. Aftermonths of work with
donors, bankers and community activists and
organizations, Gillean noted that an appropriate building
has been located and that negotiations art Uiide~ way with
possible tenants and major donors. "We have secured a
promise of a matching funds ~ant- that would match
accumulated donations made by members of our
see Center, page 7
Youth at Risk: Understanding &
Supporting Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
Youths; Planned Parenthood
Hosts Workshop on April 28
Planned Parenthood of Eastern Oklahoma & Western
Arkansas, Inc. will present a one-day workshop on April
28, on understanding and supporting Gay, Lesbian &
Bisexual Youth. Joel W. Wells, Ph.D. professor of Family
and Consumer Sciences at the Univer_sity of Northern
Iowa, a noted author about homosexuality and
see Youth, page 7
Radio Host Ann Williams:
Talkshows & Censorphip Ann Williams fascinated members of Tulsa s Gay &
Lesbian business organizauon, Rainbow Business Gt~ild,
with her plans for "liberal," and possibly even Lesbian/
Gay talk radio in her new job as program director for
Taylor Satellite Talk (TST). This new service of Tulsabased
Taylor Communications is a direct-to-home satellite
network scheduled to begin in June.
Williams, who was joined by her spouse, photographer
Jim O. Williams, also spoke about what she felt were the
see Williams, page 7
Evangelist Robertson
Slams Anti-Gay Violence
Robertson, who has rarely had
anytlfing positive to say about
gays and lesbians, took a brief,
haJting Step during the broadcast
of his "700 Club" television
program to deuounce violence
against homosexuals.
"We abhor violence against
homosexnals," Robertson said.
"We would counsel strongly, in
relation to homosexuality, that
yon can hold vonr religious
beliefs withont beating people
up and being violent."
Mel White, a Metropolitan
Community Church miuister
who had fasted 23 days in jail
after being arrested for trying to
have a lueetmg with Robertson,
called Robertsou" s statement
small but very real victory.’"
When Robertson fiually
agreed to drop trespassing
charges against Wlfite and meet
the MCC pastor iu his jail cell,
one of the things Wlfite asked
was that Robertson, for ~vhom
he was once a ghost writer,
shonld publicly denounce antigay
violence. "I con~atulate Pat
on saying the words we’ve
~vaited so long to hear," \\qfite
said ,alter the broadcast.
Gingrich: Gays Should
Have No Rights in Court
WASHIN’GTON-After a public
meeting about Lesbian & Gay
issues with his sister, Candac’e
Gingrich, who is Lesbian, House
Speaker Newt Gingrich rm~kled
gay rights activists by saying the
next day that workers who are
fired because they are
homosexual should not’have a
right to file discrimination
lawsnits in federal courts.
When he appeared with Iris
sister immediately after their
meeting to answer reporters"
questions, the House Speakerhad
nrged tolerauce for homosexnals
in America. But at a press
conference ,alter being lobbied
by his sister, Gingrich suggested
the courts should apply their own
"kind of "don’t ask, don’t tell"
policy to such bias snits based on
sexual orientation, and that gaypositive
counseling programs in
public school were used to
"recrnit" homosexuals.
Saying that although employers
should not ask, Gingrich
said employees should-not have
any legal recourse in the courts if
they were fired because of their
sextml orientation. "I don’ t think
that" s grounds for federal legal
involvemem," Gingrich said.
see Gingrich, page 3
Tim Gillean, DavidLhevine& Kelly Kirby,photo: Cooper
Cty. Demo. Party Adds Gays
at Biennial Comm. Meeting
by Laurie Cooper
On April 1st at Hale High School, the Tulsa County
Democrats held their biennial Central Committee Meetinff.
The theme of the meeting was "Children, Compassmn
and Caring"; this theme provided a stark contrast to the
potentially brutal and destructive agenda of the Republican
"Contract with America". Included in the order of
business during the four hour meeting was:
* election of county party officers for a two year term;
* election of state central committee members, and
* passage of resolutions to be forwarded to the state and
congressional district meetings.
Elected to two year terms as Count)" officers were Dr.
David Lhevine, Chair; Laurie Phillips, Co-Chair; aud
Eric Bolusky, Secretary. Dr. Lhevine’s nomination as
Chair was offered by Gary Underwood. In January and
February, Mr. Underwood had shared with TiDHR
members the usefulness of becoming involved with the
political process As a continuauon of this outreach
effort, Dr. Lhevine attended the March monthly meeting
ofTOHR and shared his vision of the future of the Tulsa
County Democratic part3", continued on page 3
Anti-Gay Violence
Ho~nosexnals bore the brunt of
bias-lnotivated violence m the
U.S. last year, according to the
atmual study Klanwatch Project
of the Sonthem Poverty Law
Center. In its annnal report to
lmv e~fforcement agencies, the
Klanwatch Project also warned
that the white supremacist ~oup
Aryan Nation is expanding
ral~idly after years of decline
Klanwatch saidit determined that
and-gay bias lay behind 25% of
the hate-based assaults and
nearly two-thirds of the
homidides it tracked. The group
determines motivation by
exanfining a numbei of factor’s
including statements made by
the assailant, the de~ee of force
used, crime location, robber)," and
statemeuts made by friendg and
community leader~.
Utah’s Anti-Marriage Bill
Leavitt has signed a bill passed
recently by the Utah LeNslature
that bars recognizing same-sex
marriages, even if legally
performed elsewhere. Activists
in the. state have begun
orgamzlng to fight the bill
see Utah. page 11
Judge Says Pentagon
Policy Unconstitutional
NEW YORK - The Clinton
administration" s colnpromise
"’don’t ask, don’t tell’" military
policy on gays and lesbians ih
the armed forces has been
declared unconstitutional by a
federal district court judge ~:ho
ruled the policy violates the free
speech and due process rights of
homosexuals in the conntrv’s
military services. Federal Judge
Eugene Nickerson of U.S.
see Military, page 7
U.N. Asks About Civil
Rights for U.S, Gays
NEW YORK - The United
Nations Human Rights Committee
heard for the first time
representatives of the U.S.
Justice Department outline the
mixed civil rights status of
homosexuals in the United
States. Deval Patrick, Assistant
Attorney General in the Civil
Rights Division of the Justice
see UN, page 3
918-832-0233 ~ub~is !ditor
POB 4140 Tom Neal
Assistant Editor
Tulsa, Oklahoma Jmnes Christjohn
74159-0140 Writers/contributors
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
Staff Photographer
Tu]saNews@aol.com JD Jamett
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the,’entire contents of
this publication are protected by US copyright 1995 by Tulsa Famil v
News mid may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written pemfission from the publisher. Publication of a uame or
photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientauo~:
Correspondeuce is assumed to be for publicatiou unless otherwise
noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Family News. All correspondence should be sent to tile address
above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each editiou at
distribution locations. Addi tional copies are available at Tomfooleo.’ !
Steve Largent.- Full of It?
Dear Editor:
The headline "US Rep. I_argent Open to Jobs
Protection Bill" on the front page of the last Tulsa
Family News canght my eye, for it implies that Rep.
Largent lnay indeed have a social conscience. And
the last sentence of the article accomp,’mying the
headline states "that some observers i~fferred that
Largent ~night consider supporting a nondiscrimination
bill that protects Lesbians m~d Gay
men," once he researches it.
I doubt it. I have a letter from Rep. Largent dated
March 6, two days after meeting with Lesbiaus and
Gays in Tulsa, in which he makes the following
1. "\Vhile I am strongly supportive of each
individual’s Constitutional civil rights, I do not
believe that some segments of our society should
have greater rights thaa~ others based on their sex,
age, race, level of abilities, or behavior.’"
2. "’. . I do not believe ’sexual orientation"
qualifies as a criteria for special civil rights laws.
No one" s behavior should qualify them for special
protection by thglcourts.’"
3. "I am sa~fied that current civil rights
legislation prrYides a sufficient level of
constitutional protection to serve each and every
member of our society regardless of their sex, age,
race, religion or level of ability."
Frown these statements, cleaf-ly Mr. Largent will
see the Eanploy~nent Non-Discrimi-nation Act not
as providing fairness,but asproviding greater rights.
I do not take comfort in Mr. Largent" s seeming
concern that it is wrong to fire a Gax man for no
cause other than his sexual orientatirn, because I
tl~ak his concern is as shoddy as is Iris reasoning.
Sii~.cerely, Les Ennnett
Dear Mr. E~mnett:
Thank you for contacting me with your views. I
always al~preciate hearing from people I work for
and represent.
When I took the oath of office, I pledged to
"defend and uphold the Constitution." I firmly
intend to do so. While I ,’un strongly supportive
each individual’s Constitutional civil rights, 1 do
not believe that some segments of our society
should have greater rights thau others based on
their sex, age, race level of abilities, or behavior.
H.R. 382 attempts to make"sexnal preference" a
new protected minority-classification under the
nation" s civil fights laws. There are m,’mv reasons
to oppose such laws. First, I do not believ~ "’sexual
orientation" qualifies as a critefia for special civil
rights protection. No one" s behavior should quali~’
them for special protection by the courts. Allowing
such would violate the constitutional principle of
.equal protection under the law--opening a
pandora" s box for any type of behavior to qualify
for civil rights protection.
Second, large segments of the country hold deep
moral and religious beliefs regarding the
appropriateness of leNtimizing offensive behavior.
By protecting certmn types of behavior through
legislation, the federal governmen! lnav be
mandating associations mad practices that create
violations of conscience for many citizens.
I mn satisfied thai’current civil }ights leNslation
provides a sufficient level of constitutional
protection to serve each and every member of our
society regardless of their sex, age’, race, religion or
level of ability.
Thmak you again for 3our colmnents. I would
appreciat~ 3our prayers and further suggestions
regardiug this or other issues on your lnind.
Sincerely, Steve Imrgent
Thanks Again, Tulsa!
I’m writing to thank yon once again for your
support&generosity. "Ful~a has been on the fore[¥ont
for some time in supporting its titleholders &
charities statewide. On March 17th, you turned out
at the Silver Star & gave $435.00 formy travel fund
to compete in Chicago at International Mr. Leather
Memorial Day weekend.
Special Thanks to Amie Holder, Link, Pat Wilson
(Sluticia), Steve Tucker, Green, Country Cloggers,
& T.U.L.S.A. for putung on the event. Also, a very
special thamks to the owners of the Silver Star mad
my sponsors, Steve & John, for allowing the
fundraiser to go on at their club.
In addition to this fnndraiser, theTool Box
techificiaa~s have held 2 fun&’aisers at the Tool Box
in the past 6 mouths, including a garage.sale on
April 1 st that brought in over S265.00. Thank you
Roy \Vilcoxin & Tool Box Teclmicians for your
continued support as well
I will continue to serve you with honor & pride.
If there is anything you n~ed me to do to support
other causes or chariues, just ask.
Yours tufty,
Larry Everett
Mr OK Leather 1995
According to the Newsletter
of the Tulsa Chapter of PFLAG,
Youth Services of Tulsa is
holding a volunteer gaining for
its educational/social/support
gronp for Lesbian. Gay, Bisexual
or questiomng youth 15-20 on
Saturday, April 22, from 9am to
4pro in the colfference room of
Youth Services of Tulsa~ 302
So. Chevemae. For info: call Lisa
at 582-6061.
Gay & Lesbian young adults
may be interested in the 2rid
ammal Anytown, Oklahoma, a
hmnan relations camp that looks
at prejudice reduction. This
Anytown will be held July 23-29
at Cmnp Waluhili on Lake Fort
Gibson. The cost of the progrmn
is $190 but some scholarships
are available. Applications must
be received by May 15. For info.
call 583-1361.
Tulsa Area Prime Timers will
meet Sun. Mav 7 at 4pro at the
Resource Ctr. 4t54 S. Harvard.
After the meeting, this ~oup for
Gay & Bisexual men over 40
will Share a pot luck dimmer.
On April 23 the group will go
the the Azalea Festival in
~Muskogee Also "a gardening
group is forming.
For more iofo, call 747-8121
or write POB 52118, Tulsa
In closing, the Log Cabin
Corral, a Gav Republican
newsletter reprints the following
with credit to Mad magazine:
The Contract with America
(truthful post-election version)
WE promise to revive the
policies ofReaganomics (despite
the fact they tripled the national
debt) hoping that maybe they’ll
work this time around!
WEpromiseto throw everyone
in America to the mercy of the
Free Market System...E~XCEPT
for our friends the Defense
Contractors. Tobacco Growers
and S&L Operators !
WEpromise to pass a Balanced
Budget Amendment to the
Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club. 1229 S. Memorial
*Ban’accnda’s Wild NightsiDom~a’s Crazy Days
2405 E. Adnfiral
*Concessions. 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th
*Mela’opole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloou, 1565 Shefidan
*Renegades, 1649 S Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memofial
*Time n’Tiuae Again. 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Whittier Cal’e, 416 S. Lewis
*B,’ua~es & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 7l
Blne Moon Bakery
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Budget \Vindo~v Treatlnents. 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
Certified *loNe Auto Repair 438-3393, pager:
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
*Java Dave’s, Lincoln Plaza
International Tours
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Lonp-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Major Affairs
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
Mortgages by’ Desigu
Phoenix Mortgage Corp.
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo
Royal Travel, 6927 S Canton
*Ross E&vard Salon, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
\Vestcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza
B L;G Alliance, University of Tulsa
743 -5272
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
*HI\; Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118
Rainbow Business Guild
Rainbow Village, POB 50403, 74150-0403
Save the Nation, Indian Health Care
Shanti Hotline
Tulsa O"ldalmmans lbr Hmnan Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR (Jay HelpLine (hffo.) 743-429"7
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform,Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
438-2437, 800-284-2437
Associates in Medical & Mental ttealth, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Kent Batch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
Chem" St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Fideli’ty Home Health (are, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Leanne M Gross, Fina~]cial Plmufing 744-0102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Mohawk Living Center, 3910 Park Rd: 425-1354
Jonathan & Dee Nicholas. Realtors 749-3000, 800-539-7767
Richard Reeder, MS; Psychotherapy 581-0902, 743-4117
Religious & Educational Organizations
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1"441
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman ~tudent Center. U~fiversitv of Tulsa
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule-. Grouud Floor
*Universitx Center at Tulsa *indicates a distribution poiut
Constitution...so xve can avoid
dealing with the defict for years
while it’s out being approved by
the 37 states necessary to ratify
WEpromise to talk up a storm
about the need for health care
reform while simultaneously
accepting millions of dollars
from insurance lobbyists to keep
fl~c whole rotten system the way
It IS ....
WE promise above all to
accuse anyone who disagrees
with us of being unAmerica, to
blast the "!iberal" media for
reporting auything negative
about us... [and it goes on - TFN]
Cammermeyer cont’dfrom p. 1
A: I think what has been exciting to me
is to remember where we started mad
where I started five years ago. Myattordeys
saying, "Grete, there isn’ t asnowball’ s
chance that anywhere the courts are going
to rule in our favor or that anything is
going to happen and all we can hope for is
that enougl~ cases going through the courts
that the government will be forced to sort
oflook at this Issue again." Whathappened
instead was that it seemed to be the right
time and the right place an our point in
society... I spent about six weeks lobbying
and saw changes take place in Congress
over those six months [ofthe moratorium].
Tiffs issue of human sexuality had never
been talked about by old petple like us.
The-youth of today were talking about
human sexuality alfthe time... So, what
we have is an old population of people
who are setting the staudards andthe laws
who are out of touch with the reality and
morals of today’ s generation. Weare being
offered a forum because the kids of today
are saying "What’ s the problem?" I don’ t
expect that anything is going to change
overnight but there are some things that
have - the world recognizes that there are
gays and lesbians in the military. Like it or
not they are there.
Q: When all ofthese issues came about,
did you have a way of putting yourself
through what I call a "Lesbian 101" in
order to educate yourself about the
A: Some of that I am not going to
respond to. Some ofit I will. We will leave
the "’I01" out and talk about it in the
context when I first separated from the
military and the reception when I was
asked t’o speak at the gay rights, rally. It
~v.as over~vhelming to have 20,000 people
g~ve me a standing ovation for the first
tmie and this was days after my actual
scparatiou... I’m still learning and I read,
and I have gotten books from the 50’ s of
what fern and butch and all of these things
what they meant and what the culture was
at the time and women’ s friendships and
how those have changed over time. So, it
is like trying to mnnerse myself in culture
that, first, I never kaaew existed and, then
secondly, that I am a part of and realize
that there is a diversity in this culture as
well as the diversity as in any other and it
doesn’ t mean that you have to buy into all
of it.
Q: In recognition that this is Oklahoma,
the "’Buckle ofthe Bible Belt", is there a
specific role that religion or spirituali&
playsfor you?
A: l)iane and I are active in the Church
of Religions Science at tiffs time. I think
that it is through that spiritual basis that
onr lives have been totally changed. I used
to feel that my world was measured byexternal
validation and that it was
somehow a giving up of myself to the
coutrol of others. Wheu I had to shed my
rod form, part of what happeued was that
ao longer did I need that external validation
of who 1 was, and what becmne more
salient was that tuner meaning, that sense
of inner peace and feeling that there is
nothing that I cannot do if I mn supposed
to be doing it. I don’ t think that yon will
ever find me regretting even the toughest
decisions having to do with [such things
as] any divorce, that those were the best
decisions of the time and that there had to
be.a reason why I had to go through this
Q: There are some very powerful
comments and thoughts yot; shared [in
the book] about Vietnam. With those
feelings about Vietnam, have you in your
own mind resolved them?
A: You know, I was thinking just the
other day of how much I have resolved
them. I have come to the point of having
extraordinary respect for the resistors,
which speaks to how far I have come from
feeling that they were traitors and skipping
out of their responsibility to the American
way - and coming to understand, because
ofmy own experience of late of having to
challenge the military that I love and the
country that I love. And seeing that the
people who felt so strongly about the
horrors ofVietnam, theymade the decision
to leave the country rather than fight an
immoral war, immoral in theireyes. Being
where I am now, having to leave the
military and fight it because I believe that
it is unconstitutional - the law as it exists
now- that with every breath I will continue
to fight for overturning that particular
ban....it has given me a new respect for
the difficulties they [the resistors] had in
making those decisions to leave- and I
must say that I could never have imagined
myself saying that three or four years ago.
It’ s actually the first time I have ever said
it to anybody.
Q: Last night somebody had asked you
ifyou had thought aboutapolitical career.
Since integrity isso important to you, how
in the world can you be a politician?
A: I don’ t know rather or not there is a
match. I do believe inthe"Peter Principle"
and so there is a certain concern that I have
abouta mismatchbetweenwhateverfuture
careerImay have and the type ofleadership
style that I have and how I like to work a
system for the good of an individual...
that’ s why I’mnot really quite sure ofhow
I will move, whether it will be to first See
about a political appointment and see
whether or not I could tolerate it or whether
it would be so binding and against my
belief system, because I do have very
strong feelings about iL
Q: You commented last night that you
lost your military career but you gained
your freedom, as you coined it, "In Your
Face Freedom." Ifyou.had a message to
us what would your message be?
A: We do end up sort of compartmentalizing
people by the roles that they
are allowed to have in society and that
those roles are created by the dominant
society mad that part of learning about
other people and about other ways of
being, other non-traditional families, is to
opeu ourselves up to that. And What I have
decided that we ought to focus on is that
on October 1 lth, National Coming Out
Day, that something new is that the gay
community is to invite a heterosexual
couple home for dinner. With that we
open up that dialogue of"Our home is just
like yours" and be~n to break down the
wall of separation. And what we have
glory in, I think, is that the ufix of friends
that we have is from the breadth of all
combinations - that we are not bound in a
heterosexOal world, we are not boundin a
....homosexual world, butrather that wehave
both. It’ s more a matter of "We’ re all
here" - and it’s an acknowledgement of
the egalitarian position that we all share.
Gingrich cont’dfrom p. 1
don’t think you have a right of filing a
federal lawsnit or of getting the federal
government to protect you based on your
sexual behavior."
He went on to say, "You have had,
clearly, examples of what is, in effect,
recruitment ~n so-called counseling
programs. So I’m Very cautious about the
idea that you want to have active
h0mo~xuals in junior high school and
high school explaining to young people
that they have all these various wonderful
Ehzabeth Birch, of the Human Rights
Campaign Fund, said, "His remarks are
disingenuous after he appeared...with his
sister.~.and told the truth about American
Montana cont’dfrom p. 1
Hundreds of people flooded the Capitol
and the governor’ s office with phone calls,
faxes and letters denouncing the bill.
Despite its dramatic about-face, the state
Senate nevertheless rejected an
opportunity at the same time to suspend
the floor rules and debate repealing the
state’ s deviate sexual conduct statute, one
of the country’ s most draconian anti-gay
laws, carrying a possible lO-year prison
sentence and fines of up to $50,000.
UN cont’dfrom p. 1
Department, admitted to the committee
that bias because of race, ethnic origin,
gender and orientation continue to be
problems in the U.S.
Patrick told the committee, which is
gathering information from U.S. officials
on the United States’ ratification of the
International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, that the problems ~’vereff t
simply the results of historical bias in the
country but "current, real life, pernicious
discrimination of the here and now."
Patrick assured the committee that the
Clinton administration remains committed
to the goal of expanding opporttufities for
all American citizens in education,
employment and the economy, and that
there would be ~’no retreat from that
Robin Kane, of the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force, praised Patrick as a
"’very articulate spokesperson...who
undei:stands the limitations that are placed
on the Justice Departu~ent because of lack
ofcivil rights laws [for Lesbians &G~ys]"
-Peter Travers. ROLLING.STONE
ES Movies 8, Opens April 19th
68th & Memorial, 250-4513
Utah cont’dfrom p. 1
legally, and many rights advocates have
begun what’s being called "Olympics Out
of Utah," an effort to convince Olympic
Game officials not to select the state,
widely considered a leading contender, as
the site of the 2002 winter games.
Democrats cont’dfrom p. 1
Kelly Kirby, Tim Gillean, Ken
Draper,Rob Hill, Laurie Cooper and Bruce
Lewis were among the precinct officers
who attended the Committee meeting.
Kelly Kirby and Rob Hill were also
nominatedand electedbyprecinctofficials
to serve on thestate Cer~tral Comm~:~iee.
The State Central Committee develops
the statewide political platform’l~r the
Democratic Party.
As one of the last items of the meeting’ s
agenda, fourteen party platform
resolutions were adopted. The text of
Resolution #7 is provided in its entirety:
"Be it resolved that the Tulsa County
Democrat party supports fairness and
justice for all individuals or groups
regardless of age, gender, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, religion, race or
disability. We support equal rights in
public accomodations, employment, and
housing for all Americans.’"
The Democratic Party is seeking the
involvement of people who believe that
equal rights extend to all individuals.
Volunteer opportunities with the Tulsa
Cry. Democratic Party and with the Young
Democrats can be investigated by calling
the Democratic headquarters at 742-2457.
A stinging comedy
of sex and politics!"
-Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE
A warm, sentimental
film from one of Cuba’s
major directors!"
Movies 8
Opens 4/28
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Louisville Leaders Held
for Civil Disobedience
I,OUISVILLE, Ky. - Police
arrested 25 activists on
trespassing charges in the
I Jouisville Board of Aldermen
chiuubers alter they refused to
leave when the aldermen voted 7
to 4 against a proposed antidiscrimination
measure that
would have added sexual
orientation to the city’s anti-bias
ordinance As soon as it was
clear that the aldermen had
rclected the racism’e, I protester
~l~ray~d a can of air freshener in
the ,air and yelled, "The stenchin
this morn is foul!" Some 50
people then stood in silent protest
holding signs reading, "’Waiting
for Justice" until police warned
them they would be arrested.
Aboul 25 of the demonstrators
refused to leave and were then
arrested. Carla Wallace of the
Fairness Campaign, wlfich has
pushed for the measure for the
past 4 years, said of the protest,
"’There comes a time in the life of
every civil rights movement.., to
stand before the body politic and
demand accountability for
crimes committed ~]nder
protection of law. Our refusal to
passively accept this assault to
our freedom is an affirmation of
our commitment to the high and
noble task before us."In addition
to Wallace, others arrested at the
protest included;: Everett
Hoffman, executive, director of
the ACLU of Kentucky;. Dr.
George Edwards of the Southern
Presbyterian Seminary; Dr. Hal
Warheim, a theology professor
also with the senfinary; Jane
lIope :rod Reba Coffman, board
members of P-FLAG in
Louisville, and attorney Eric
Gays Raise $2.5 Mil. for
San Francisco Library
Franosco’s new public library
is currently being constructed at
city expense. But because of
bu~tget constraints, the city added
no new funds to the librarY’s
budget for new acquisitions,
meaning the new library would
have to be filled with little more
than the material the old library
already had on its shelves. But
an enterprising citizens’ advisory
conunittee set up a special
fundraising effort directed at
-affinity groups" to help finance
new materials and resources at
the new facility - including a
.proposed new gay and lesbian
resources center. In a burst of
gay civic pride, gays and lesbians
in the city Contributed some
$2,596,822 toward the new "’gay
wing" at the library - the largest
amount raised among any of the
groups supporting various
specialized facilities in the new
library. The figure represents
about a third of the total
$7,938,504 raised for new
facilities at the library.
Lesbian Mayor of S.F.?
SAN FRANCISCO ~ Itlooks as
if the woman Sen. Jesse Hehns
likes to refer to as "’that damn
lesbian" is on the verge of
deciding whether or not to ~ake
what would be the first senous
bid by an openly gay politician
for the city’s mayoral seat.
Roberta ,~kchtenberg told
reporters from her office in
Waslfington, D.C., in early April
that she may leave the
increasingly hostile political
environment of the nation’s
capital, where she is ea~ assistant
secretary for civil rights in the
Department of Housing and
Urban Development, to possibly
enter the mayoral race this
November. "’I am very seriously
considering it and will make my
decision within a matter of a fe~,
days,’" Achtenberg sai.d.
Achtenberg madehistory in 1993
when the then city supervisor
faced U.S. Senate confirmation
to the HUD post. During the
televised Senate debate over her
confirmation, which normally
would have generated little
attention, anti-gay legislators
repeatedly attacked Achtenberg’s
nomination with Helms
leading the offensive, referring
to her as a "damn lesbian’"
because she rode in the city’s
gay pride march along with her
long-time partner, Judge Mary
Morgan, and their son.
Gingrich to Lead San
Francisco Pride Parade
Francisco’s Lesbian & Gay
Freedom Day Parade this June
took a sudden turn toward
becoming a "perfect family
thing" with the announcement
that the grand marshal for the
huge event will be Candace
Gingrich, the half-sis{erofHouse
Speaker Newt Gingrich. Robert
Allen, president of the parade
committee, said, "She was
selected primarily because of the
statement itmakes and the media
response.... I think it’S really a
treaf that she’s not afraid to say
he" s full of shit. ~[t’ s the perfect
family thing. Gingnch, who will
be one of four marshals-in the
25th annual event, becmne an
instant celebrity earlier tiffs year
when she went, on a highly
publicized lobbying mission to
her brother" s Capitol Hill offices
in behalf of the Human Rights
Campaign Fund.
’Tales of the City ’
Wins PeabodyAward
ATHENS, Ga. - The Britishproduced
television mini-series
of Amfistead Maupin" s ."Tales
of the City," which aired on the
.PBS network last year has won a
Peabody Award for its portrayal
of San Francisco in the mid-
1970s PBS pulled out of
producing the follow-up "’More
Tales ofCity"despite the oriNnal
nfiniseries" enormous popularity
and critical acclaim after "Tales’"
came under intense criticism by
conservative pressure ~oups and
Mayor Fined for Refusing
’Gay Pride’ Proclamation
HAMILTON’, Canada - Bob
Morrow, the mayor of Hamilton,
has been fined $5,000 by the
Ontario Human Rights
Commission for refusing to issue
a gay pride proclmnation in the
city in 1991. Morrow personally
will have to pay the fine because
such proclamations are in the
hands of the mayor, not the city
government in general.
Death Threats Against
Greg Louganis
Washington Post reports that due
to death threats against Greg
Louganis since disclosing that
he has AIDS, the Lambda Rising
bookstore in Washington said it
had to take added security
precautions for his book-signmg
appearance there. Some 2,000
people showed up and more than
300 people had to be turned away
due to the crowd. Louganis’
recently published autobiography,
Breaking the Surface, is
already in its 7th printing, the
publisher said.
Court Rules Against Gay
Couple for Bank Loan
LOS ANGELES -U.S. District
Judge Mariana Pfaelzer has ruled
that the California Federal Bank
was within its rights in refusing
to give a special discountedhome
loan to Jeffrey Bagley, a bank
vice president,_and his partner.
Judge Pfaelzer gave summary
-judgment to the bank in the
lawsuit filed by Bagley against
his employer. The bank
contended that Bagley did not
quality for the special discounted
loans, which are a standard
benefit the bank offers its mm-ried
employees, because he and Iris
partner are not legally married.
Maine Postpones
Rights Measure
AUGUSTA, Maine Gay rights
advocates ~n Maine have
announced that they will not
introduce a statewide antidiscmnination
measure in the
legislatm:e this yezr, concerned
that voters who are already faced
with an anti-gay ballot measure
wotdd find a competing measure
confusing. "This issue is too
important to risk confusing
matters by putting a partially
competing measure (the antidiscrimination
bill) on the ballot
as well," Patricia Ryan of the
Maiue Human Rights
Commission said. "We believe
voters will say that Maine, as a
state, won’ t discriminate, and we
want them to have a clear shot at
that issue." Attorneys for the
Maine Human Rights Commission
determined the gay rights
bill probably would be declared
a "competing measure" to the
anti-gay ballot referendum and
would therefore have to go before
the voters as wellifit was brought
before the legislature.
British Priests Blessing
Secret Gay Marriages --
LONDON The London Times
reports that a number of Church
of England priests - as many as
60 of them -have been secretly
conducting marriage ceremonies
for same-sex couples in churches
around England, even though the
priests face expulsion if they are
discovered by church officials.
The paper reported that the
priests have conducted hundreds
ofgay and lesbian unions despite
being officially prohibitedby the
Church of England. "I had no
idea they were having the
ceremonies in church," Ven
George Austin, the archdeacon
of York told the Times. "It’ s such
a perversion ofa church wedding
that you shouldn’t even have to
point out it is wrong."
St. Patrick’s Day Parades
NEW YORK - Making good on
a promise that they would indeed
march in the annual St. Patrick’ s
Day parade, some 70 gay rights
activists were arrested as they
attempted to have their own
march in New York. A U.S.
District Courtjudged had turned
down a request by the Irish
Lesbian & Gay Organization to
overturn a rule barring the group
from participating in the city
parade and the 2nd Circuit Court
ofAppeals uphddthe lowercourt
decision on Mar. 16. In
Cambridge, Mass., a large
contingent frmn the Irish-
American Gay, Lesbian &
Bisexual Group of ’Boston,
marched peacefully in the city’s
St. Patrick’s Day parade there.
BOSTON - South Boston’s
controversial "protest" St.
Patrick" s Day march, which has
already become the cause of a
case headed to the U.S. Supreme
Court because organizers refused
to allow Irish gays and lesbians
to participate, also turned down
a request by a group of former
military members with HIV or
AIDS to join the event as well.
When asked why the ailing
veterans were being excluded,
Jo!m Hurley of the South Boston
War Veterans Council, declined
to comment, saying only that the
organizers of the protest don’t
give reasons for who is and isn’t
allowed to march.
Classical CO for Gay Men
major recording company
explicitly being marketed to gay
men has been launched by
WarnerClassics - and Beethoven
will never be quite the same.
Described as "75 minutes of
musical passion for men." the
CD is called "Sensual Classics
Too," following up on the title of
an earlier - and heterosexualoriented
- popular disk Warner
released in 1992 and that is still
on the classical music charts.
Making it even clearer who the
intended audience for the disk is,
the cover shows two hairy-armed
men half-undressed and tenderly
holding each other. It’{ enough
to get your classical motor
running -which is exactly what
Warner wants.
Lesbians Blocked from
Conference on Women
NEW YORK In an unusual
alliance, China and the Vatican
are blocking women’s groups
they disapprove of- including
lesbian organizations - from
attending amajor United Nations
conference on women slated for
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News Briefs News
later this year. Hundreds of
delegates and non-gov.ernmental
organizations (NGOs) havebeen
meeting at U.N. headquarters in
New York, reviewing the
credentials of delegates to the
conference to be held in Beijing
in September. China has used its
position as host ofthe conference
to denY credentials to women’s
groups from Taiwan and Tibet -
neither of:which China
recognizes as indepe-ndent
nations. The :Vatican also raised
objections inan effort to exclude
women’ s groups that don’ t agree
with the Catholic Church’s
positions on abortion, birth
control and homosexuality.
Delegates from China seconded
the Vatican’s objections to
lesbian groups, citing its own
laws against homosexuality.
Another Custody Battle
DETROIT - Carol Hess, a
lesbian who helped rear the 2
children of her deceased lover, is
fighting the children’s father,
Russel Overton, in court for
custody ofthetwo boys. Overton
won provisional custody of the 2
children earlier in March, but
Judge William Giovan has now
given Hess weekend visitation
rights and said he will shortly
decide if Hess has any legal
.standing to ask for custody of the
10- and 13-year-old sons o fher
partner of20 years, Leigh Porter,
who died in January..
Gays & Government
Security Clearances
Accounting Office review of 3
U.S. government departments
and 5 federal agencies has
concluded that the federal
government has stopped using
homosexuality as a reason for
refusing security clearances to
civiliml employees mid contractors.
The GAO reviewed
records from the U.S. State,
Defense and Energy Departments,
as well as the FBI, the
Office of Personnel Manage-
~nent, the U.S. Infornlation
Agency, the Secret Service and
the Customs Service. Ahnost ,all
feder,’d agencies in the past had
routinely refused to give gays
and lesbians security clearance,
~naintailfing that homosexuals
were snbject to being
Trouble Over Benefit
Plan at CalTech/JPL
PASADENA, Calif. - A number
of major U.S. universities -
Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
including Harvard, Stanford, and
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology - have extended
domestic partner benefits to their
gay andlesbian staffers withlittle
or no controversy. But plans by
the California Institute of
Technology (CalTech) to begin
offering same-sex partner
benefits beginning May 1 may
set off a firestorm,~The plan
would extend health insurance
benefits to the same-sex partners
of the school’ s staff and faculty~
although opposite-sex couples
would be not be eligible because
the university says such couples
have the option of legally
marrying. The controversy over
the plan, however, is arising
largely because CalTech, along
with its best-known facility, the
Jet Propulsion Laboratories, are
the largest employers in the
region andbecauseJPLis heavily
involved in both governmentrelated
research and the public
school system. Conservative
anti-gay critics of the move have
been bombarding members of
Congress in an effort to derail
the benefit proposal. Opponents
say they don’t want school
children in the area to see gay
and lesbian relationships as the
same as heterosexual marriage
and they are telling members of
Congress that they don’t want
federal tax money that goes to
CalTech andJPLused to provide
benefits to homosextml partners.
"’Our institutions should, in
whatever way possible, help
mmntain heterosexual Inarriage
as ,’m ide,’d," said one critic.
Best Actor Oscar
"Nominee Always Out
British actor Nigel Hawthorne,
~vho has been nominated for an
Academy Award for his role in
"’The Madness of King George,’"
told the Advocate that he is gay
mid that he has "’never been a
closet queen.’" The 65-year-old
Ha~vthorue, who is perhaps bestknowll
to Americans for Iris role
on the popular British-made TV
series "Yes, Minister," said he
will be attendiug die glitzy Oscar
ceremonies with his long-time
partner, writer Trevor Beathmu.
Interviewed in the British
newspaper Today, Beuthanl was
eqnally candid about their
relationship. "\Ve’ re just a dear
old married couple. It’s not a
qnestion of Nigel mid me coining
out we’ ve uever been in," he
"Heterosext/~L& Proud"
Campaign in Australia
BRISBANE, Australia - The
Australian newsmagazine
Brother Sister reports that an
organization calling itself the
International Heterosexual
Foundation is planning to ldunch
a $4 million anti-gay ad
campaign in the country. The
publication says the group’s
national advertising campaign
will be aimed at teena:gers’, ~ing
electronic and print spots,
because it is "deeply concerned
with the overt propagation of
deviant sexual practices." The
campaign reportedly is being
called "Heterosexual and Proud
Of It." A spokesperson for the
foundation said the campaign
was aimed to counter what it
says is pro-gay material being
put before the public by AIDS
agencies. "Enormous amounts
of public monies are being spent
to promote homosexu,~lity under
the gmse of HIV/AIDS
awareness," Kris Picketing 0f
the group said.
Drag Queen ’Ring’Foiled
LAS VEGAS - Police in Las
Vegas have charged two
transvestites with stealing
clothing from the Rare Breed
store, and said the 2 are part of a
ring of drag queen thieves who
authorities believe have stolen
thousands of dollars worth of
women’s clothes and jewelry.
Police said the 2, whom they
refused to identify because of
their on-going investigation,
were involved with up to 5 other
transvestites who shoplifted
merchandise from local stores
that they later ~old in order to
buy drugs.
Transsexual Brit Takes
Case to European Court
BRUSSELS, Belgium - A
woman identified in official
records as "’P" has filed a
complaint with die European
Court of Justice, charging that
she was fired from her job with
the Cornwall County Council in
Great Britain after she told
supervisors she was undergoing
a sex-change operation. A British
labor panel said "P’" was not
protected trader the countD,’ s sex
discrimination laws, mid the
county council said die woman
was not fired because of the
surgery but because it had too
many workers. In her complaint
before the European Court, how
ever, the woman claims the
council had offered h~r a salary
rinse and a new contract before
she said she was undergoing the
sex change. The womanis asking
the European C6urt to determine
whether transsexuals are
protected under European Union
statutes, even if national laws
don’ t extend such protections.
Swedish Sports StarGay
authorities announced that a nee-
Nazi skinhead had confessed to
the Mar. 11 brutal stabbing death
oficehockey star Peter Karlsson,
one of the reasons given by the
19-year-old for killing Karlsson
was that the 2 9-year-old hockey
pro had made sexual advances to
him. Police say Karlsson was
stabbed more than 60 times in
nearby Vasteras after he had left
a local discotheque to go home.
It is the 2nd brutal slaying of a
gay man in the Stockholm area
in the~past few months.
Bomb Threat at
Canadian Bookstore
VANCOUVER-Canada’ s gayoriented
Little Sister’ s bookstore
has been the object of a bomb
threat, that the store’s manager
believes is the work of an antigay
extremist religious fanatic.
The single-page hand-written
letter threatened "a day of
reckoning," with references to
Sodom and Gomorrah and other
religious allusions. Little Sister’ s
manager Janine Fnller denounced
the threat, which police
respondedto quickly, saying, "I
think people who are true
Christian~ would condemn that
kind of sentiment of hate.’" In
February, the store also received
a telephoned bomb threat. Police
checked the store thoroughly
then, but found no explosives -
but they did warn workers at
Little S~ster’s to be watctfful of
suspicious parcels and
cus toulers.
No One Can Get Rep.
Frank’s Name...Straight
WASHINGTON - Rep. Barney
Frank - or at least how politicos
pronotmce his name - has setoff
another flap. In Jmn|ary, die Rep.
Dick Armey, the 2nd. ranking
House Republican, referred to
the openly gay Frank as "Barney
Fag" during a radio interview,
which he later.said was a slip of
the ton~le. Now James Carville,
a prominent Democratic Party
consultant who helped
orchestrate President Clinton’s
1992 presidential bid, referred
to the Massachusetts Democrat
as "Barney Fife," the inept and
incompetent depmy in die Audv
Griffith television show.
Ironically, Carville was criticizing
Armey for his "Barney
Fag" mistake when he refen:ed
to Frank as "Barney Fife ""
Carville said he had an excuse
for his slip of the tongue,
:however, since h( is president of
ah Andy Griffith Show Fan Club
andh"ad be,eli thinkifiglabout the
r Bamey Fife characte~-~ffhen hc
made the :mistake. "Wbat did
Dick Armey have on his mind
when he said what he did’?"
Carville asked
Vive La Difference!
French Say Gay Pres. OK
PARIS - The Paris newspaper
Liberation has reported the
results of a poll of some 1002
registered French voters" views
of the upcoming presidential
campaign. The paper reported
that the Illico-Radio FG poll
indicated that 85% of the
respondents agreed that TV
campaigns aimed specifically at
gay men to help stem the spread
of HIV were needed. Perhaps
even more surprising, the poll
also found that 71% of those
mlsweri~ig pollsters’ questions
indicated,they would vote for a
presidential candidate, even if it
was disclosed he had had a gay
British Airline Goes
After Gay Market
Atlantic Airways. the imiovativc
mid enterprising British airline
noted for such amemties as mflight
massages and personal
video screens, is now offering
gay- and lesbian-themed tour
packages from the U.S. to
London, with fly-ons to Paris
and Amsterdmn. The three-night
four-day tours, which industr~
watchers say is a first for a majo’r
airline, start at $679 and are
promoted with such up-front
names as "’Out in London" s West
End" and"London Proper~G ay
Paree." The packages include
round-trip airfare, hotel
accolmnodations from tourist to
first class, transfers, theater
tickets in London, contiuenud
breakfasts mid other little perks.
Elizabeth. Hlinko of Virgin
Aflandc said "’Gays and lesbimas
are a wonderful group of people
who enjoy traveling..That’s a
group we want to attract to our
airline. ""
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Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
Fast HIV Test Found i
BRUSSELS - Belgian scientists s~y that
they have developed an HIV test that can
directly detect the presence of HIV in just
a few days of being infected instead of the
usual months-long wait required before
current tests are effective at detecting
antibodies produced by the body. "Usually
you have to wait about 3 months after
exposure before knowing whether you
are HIV-positive,’.’said Prof. Jose Rem~cle
of Namur University.."But.with this one
we ¢~a detect.the virus: a day, or:so later. 7:
The,ne.~ ~test,differs. from: o~ers in that it
check~specifically far HIV; ~rather than
antibodies which ’can 0nly be detected
several months following infection. The
manufacturer is seeking approval for sales
elsewhere in Europe and the U.S. The
tests are expected to cost about $10 each.
HIV Contact Tracing Suggested
ATLANTA - A study by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
underscored the way HIV can spread .to
insidiously. Researcl~ers at the University
of Pittsburghlinked a single prisoner with
HIV with 50 other people who were also
infected either through shared hypodermic
needles or sex. Even more worrisome, the
scientists found that of the 50 who had
been infected, 24 were unaware they were
infected. The researchers and CDC
officials said the study indicates that
contact tracing, especially of drug users
and prisoners infected with HIV, may be
of value in fighting ~e spread of HIV.
-Setback in Vac._cine Research
WASHINGTON- ,am experimental AIDS
vaccine that appeared to work in adult
monkeys kills newborn monkeys,
scientists report in the current issue of the
journal Science. Earlier studies with adnlt
monkeys were encouraging to researchers "!
who thought a weakened version of HIV
itself conld be used in the vaccine. But the
study - which used a weakened form of
the virus in monkeys - suggests that such
a strategy could actually lead to infection
instead "’This approach to un AIDS
vaccine is fnll of hidden danger,’" said Dr.
Ruth Ruprecht of Harvard University m~d"
the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Rupre.cht’s.team administered awacciue
of HIV with:key genes.removed-to:4
newborn,monkeys: Althongh none~v.ere
exposed, to full HIV, 2 ofthe monkeys
died of~the diseaseand 2 now, have severe.. ~
immune deficiency.
EPA StudyingParasite in Water
WASHINGTON - Carol Browner,
administrator of the Enviromnental
Protection Agency, has called for research
on how to protect drinking water supplies
in the U.S. from the cryptosporidium
parasite. The EPA has already set tip a
special study ~oup on the microbe which
has b~.en s.hown to be extremely infectious,
even ru rmnute amounts. The parasite can
cause severe diarrhea in healthy adults,
but it can be fatal to individu~s with
weakenedimmtme systems, such as people
with AIDS.
Doubts About Early AIDS Case
NEW YORK - New medical evidence
suggests that what was believed to be the
earliest documented case of AIDS may
not in fact have been the disease.
EXamination of Stored tissue samples taken
from David Carr, a man who died in 1959
from mysterious symptoms, prompted 2
University of Manchester doctors in 1990
to attribute the symptoms to AIDS. But
.when Dr. David Ho, head of the Aaron
Diamond AIDS Research Ceuter in New
York, recently tested the samples, he cotdd
only isolate HIV in one smnple that had
been sent to trim. Further testing showed
the tissues sent .to Ho were from at least
two different people. In Ho’s opinion,
there is no longer proof that Carr died of
AIDS. Althongh Uuiversity ofManchester
officials reject Ho’s findings, the
university is planning further
Poor ~Prospects for AIDS Drug
LONDON "--New, highly resistaifi Strains
ofHIV ~re dirmning hop~ that aigroniising
new dhsg Of tltugs WilI be able to control
the deadly virus as effectively as
researchers’had hoped just a few months
ago. Researchers reported in the-British
medical journal Nature that some strains
of the virus are now able to simultaneously
ward off the effects of as many as six drug
compotmds. Although researchers say the
new findings aren" t the end of the road for
the potent class ofdrugs known as protease
inhibitors, the latest discovery, is a serious
setback for what had been considered an
encouraging strategy for combating the
deadly virus. Protease inhibitors, which
work by preventing the AIDS virus from
replicating, are under study by several
companies. Scientists at Merck Research
Laboratories in West Point, Pa., say it
now appears that extended use of such
drugs can create strains of the virus that
are a thousand times more resistant than
the original virus.
Case of Infant HIV Remission
LOS ANGELES - According to a report
in the New England Journal ofMedicine,
the white blood cells of a baby apparently
have succeeded where every drug and
potential vaccine against HIV have so far
failed. According to researchers reporting
in the journal, the tufidentified infant has
become the first thorouglfly documented
case of an individual whose own natural
body defense may have fought off the
infection. Dr. Yvom~e Bryson ofthe UCLA
AID~ Institute said, "It used to seem like
heresy to say that you could potentially
even eli~nin~te the virus. And now I think
that we caasay .that that is a possibility. ?’
Th~ repoi’t sh~ th~ 16~l~y kb(th’~: vi~u~
from his’ infected mothefaiad’~Xmnifiafi0ns
afte~ birth c01ffimiedflifit h~Was itffected.
Retesting again at age two months, the
baby still tested positive for the virus. Bu!
tests at age 13 months revealed that the
virus had disappeared. The infant is now
five years old and he continues, the
scientists say, to show no signs of HIV
and is tlwiving. Researchers said they were
initially skeptical of the test resul’ts and
suspected a clinical error. But they
retrieved all the child’s original blood
samples and did extensive doublechecking.
They found no mistakes, and no
virus in the little boy.
Screening for HIV Subtypes
BOSTON - Max Essex, chair of Harvard
University’s AIDS Institute, toldaregional
colfference on AIDS that the U.S. should
begin blood screening to determine if
extremely ilffectious subtypes of HIV that
are fueling spread of the virus among
heterosexuals in Africa and Asia are in
this country as well. "We don’t really
know if they are in the U.S.," Essex said.
"It’s logical to assume that they should
be." Essex said it is critical that the highly
infectious virus subtypes be identified
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because they may not become apparent
until an epidemic is full-blown.
HIV Infection in the Elderl~
ATLANTA - Two studies, both of them
small, published in AIDS Clinical Care
suggest HIV among people over 60 may
go undiagnosed longer because doctors
don’t consider the elderly at risk for
infection, and that how older Americans
get HIV may be very different than most
health .care, wqrkers ,think. One study of
patients~ages. 60 .to 83 with HIV. at.an
Atlanta h0spithl:f0und that ifi 15of the 20
cases~,where~ithe s6urc~ Oi~ transmission
was 16a6~ni-Hi~-w~ ~6ntractedddaer
through:Sex: or by Iv drug use. Blood
tran~filSi6iis, ~ffer~ .the r0Ui~ "~
tram.mission in ouly 3 of the cases. :In the
2nd study, researchers examined sernm
samples of 170 elderly patients who died
between 1992-93 at New York’s Harlem
Hospital. The researchers found that6%
-of themen and-:-9% of:~the women were
infected with HIV, although mostor all of
the infections .were um,uspected at time of
death. The studies authors suggested that
health care workers., should rake sexual
anddrug use histories of elderly patients.
House,Cuts AIDS Housing $
WASHINGTON -~ The House. of
RepreSentativeshas:approved some $17.1
billion in-federal Spending cuts, including
eliminating federal funding for Housing
Opportunities for People with AIDS
(HOPWA). An amendment offered by
Rep. Christopher Shays (RrConn.) to
restorethe $186 million inHOPWAfunds
was blocked by Republican lawmakers.
White HOuse Chief of staff Leon Panetta
promises apresidential Veto of the bill in
its present form,.
m,,,tary con,’d rom, p. 1
District Court in Brooklyn ruled that the
1993 policy that Congress forced the
administration to adopt violates the
freedom of speech of the sxx gay and
lesbian military personnel who brought
the suit and discriminates against
Matt Coles, an attorney with the
American Civil Liberties Union
representing the.6 service members, said
the guidelines, .which are part. of the:
National Defense Authorization Act of
1993, were based entirely, on prejudice
and-e~pecied-negative ~tions of
heterosexual members of the military. The
act violated gay and lesbian officers’
constitutional rights to free speech and
.equal protection under the law; he argued
m court. "Congress -betrayed the-
Constitutionby caving in to the prejudices
of others," Coles said.
Government attorneys-had arg,ued that
the unique~demands of~[Jaenatior;~:armed
forces rbxtuire Special rUles. The attorneys
" forthegovernment argued thatoverturning
the policy could damage military
Judge Nickerson agreed with lawyers
for the six that they. v~ere in effect being
forced to live a li:e in order to serve their
country. Judge Nickerson ruled that"the
policy.., is not only inherently deceptive,
it also offers powerful inducements to
homosexuals to lie." He added that the
current policy "craftily sought to avoid
the First Amendment" and "twisted the
English language in ways that are nothing
less than Orwellian."
In rejecting the government’s
arguments, Judge Nickerson wrote: "Even
if defendants do believe that heterosexual
service members will be so ups~et by a.co--
orker s mere statement ofhomosexuality
as not to #ork co-operatively in the unit,
..,suda a belief does not justify a
discriminatory policy."
Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said
after the decision that the government
would appeal the ruling. "We bdieve our
policy is constitutional and we intend to
defend the policy," he said. "The
Department [of Defense] has told the
Department of Justi~ that we want them
to appeal, the policy. ¯
Despite the ~meq~ivocal nature ofJudge
Nickerson’ s. ruling, it oul.y applies to the
two active duty service members and four
reservists in the case itself and does.not.
keep the military.from-continuing.to7
discharge other gays and lesbians who
come out. It is the first direct constitutional
challenge to the compromise Don~t Ask
Don’t Tell policy, accepted by Presl
Center - " ~ cOnt’dfromp: l "
communities up to $10,000," said Gillean.
"However, to make this ~zork, weneed
suppor’t .from everyone -in our.
communities. The d0nationof $10 from
100 people is important as is the $1000
from one-. We welcome one-time
donations butm0ntllly pledges, even of
$5 or $10 a month are critical to making
this dream a reality."
Gillean added that TOHRis discussing.
setting up a direct debit and credit card
debit system to make donating on a
monthly -pledge basis easier. Any
donations directed to the .Community
Center will be limited to that project, and
sinceTOHRis.a tax-exempt organization~.
:can .be tax-deductable. For more
information, call TOHR at 743-4297.
YOuth cont’dfrom p. 1
homophobia, and award-winning consultant
will lead the workshop. It is open
to health professionals, social service
providers, therapists and clergy.
The Planned Parenthood Training
Institute offers this workshop as aresponse
to the alarming rate of suicide in Lesbian/
Gay/Bisexual youth and to the experiences
of Planned Parenthood’s Lesbian mad-Gay
volunteers and workers who sought mid
found little support from their schools,
churches Or homes. The miss:ion of
Planned Parenthood hasat:its~hearvnot
;: only.fami!yplauning and reproducti~,e
choice, but:~ials6 the.empowerm.ent.~of
individuals tO ldad healthy; happy and
~se×ually fulfilling lives, regardless of
sexual orientation. Planned Parenthood
-hopes to be at the forefront of advocacy
for Lesbian/Gay issues.
Formoreinformation, call the Education
DepL at 587-1101, ext..4.
Williams : cont’dfrom p. 1
reali reasons, she was forced off the air
. ¯from KWGS. Williams noted.that she
received positive comments even when
she aired "controversial" programs (for
-example, Gay & Lesbian issues) but that
it appeared that station management had
censoredherdue topressure from a Radical
Right TU donor, perhaps also .with the
Christian Coalition targeung her
underwriters..Station manager Frank
Cristal also threatened her with immediate
censorship if Williams saidanything on
theair after.she was giyen notice.
I NeXt RBG meeting is Tues. April 25
] 7pmat the Whittier Cafe;
1. . ’ Call 254-2100, RSVP.
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~Letter from the Pm~ddent:
As I reflect on the last month I feel like I’ve been on a roller coaster ride. We began the period since our last reporter waiting to he~r about the 3 grant proposals
we had applied for: We waited and inquired to no avail. Then on March 24th the newscame, we had received all3 of thegrants. This made us.feel wonderful as
this really expands the outreach of TOHR. During our bdef moments of excitement we realized that the grant begin on April 1st. This meant we needed to start
implementation immediately. A Human Resource committee is now in place and job descriptions are being written. We will be hiring an additional full time person. During
this pedod we also heard fror~ the,local grant we. had wdtten 2 letters of interest for and thesehaVe to bO’totally repackaged.and submitted as full proposals by the!4th of
-- Apdl, Still, this is all good for TOHR. I will keep you updated.
.The Community Centeris go ng full steam ahead andwe are accepting donations now. What we will be requesting is monthly pledges as well as one timedonations. The
monthly pledges will be and integral part of the financing package. Please think about what would be comfortable for you and make the pledge or donation today. We
have located a building that will work very well for the Center and have put together a proposed monthly budget for anyone who is interested.
To continue my ride on the roller coaster, we had some lively debate at the April membership meeting that quite frankly left me confused and shell shocked. When I
accepted this position it was with the vision that the community needed to be more cohesive. I have worked very hard to achieve this goal and continue to do so daily.
This meeting made me question the effectiveness of my efforts. I found myself conducting a meeting with more than a fdendly debate taking place. Being a first time board
member, I was not equipped to diffuse this discussion. I simply ended it. I apologize to anyone I offended or that felt suppressed by my action. It was all I knew to do. Let
me say now that as President of TOHR my vision remains the same, to unify the community to resolve matters that affect us. There will be times when one of us does not
understand the actions of others. We are all working for a common goal and should stay focused on that goal.. Our goal will not be achieved until we all work together.
TOHR is a community based organization and every member is requested to participate in our meetings and events, but matters of personal conflict should remain just
that. Remember the vision is to unite, for united is the only way we can achieve our goals.
Please come to a meeting or TOHR sposored event, we rely on your participation and support to expand our programs.
Until next month.
Bash-Back Training
April 29th 10am to 12pm
$ i 5 per person
A great self defense class that can benefit each of
us. Come in your sweats and your tennis shoes,
"’The Gathering Place"
4154 South Harvard
Helpline Training
and Update
April 22nd, 10:00- 12:00
Training for all current and nexv volunteers.
All volunteers need to attend
"The Gathcring Place" 4154 South
Call for Committee
Anyone interested in.serving on a committee
for creating conversation and exploring
ways TOHR can help with implementation
and passage of the Report from the Human
Rights Committee, Please call the Help Line
and leave your name and number.
It’s Follie time again !
An.vone interested in volunteering for the
Follies Committee or interested in
sharingthier talent with the rest ofour
Tulsa Family, please call L.v~n at
By and for but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Finger Stick Method
Membership Application
State Zipf-
I I would like to volunteer help wi~:
[] HIV Counselor
[] E~nt Planning and Pare. Preparations
Every Thursday Evening
7:00-8:30 p.m.
4154 So. Harvard
Suite H-1
[] Yes I want.to be a oontributing member
of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights.
Please accept pa)~x~cnt as described below:
[] $10 Limited lnoome/Student M~mbership
[] $20 Regular Memb~hip
[] $35 Organizational/Household
I-I $100 Sustainin8 Membership
[] I am currently reaei,dn8 TOHR mailings
and the Tulsa F,amib" Nest,s
[] I am not on tl~ mailing list
[] Lesbhn/Gay/Bisexuai HolpLin¢
[] Executive 8mrd Member
[] Mon~.v Mcain~ Suppoa
The Sadie Hawkins Women’s Dance was a blast. TOHR would like to
thank everyone who made the dance possible. The turnout was great
and we got some nc~" member & made some new friends. TOHR ~ill
continue to support these events so ifyou have an idea let us "know.
Additional thanks go to: Carol & Sue for the great music. Renee for
taking tickets, Miriam for being the boss, Marvita for the balloons,
chairs, tables, Dee for the balloons, Joan for tickets, Laurie for
¢ver~.C.hing, Melanie for all her help, Jim & Don for serving drinks,
Tim & Ken for manning the TOHR booth, Pam for the soda,
R~’. Alico Jones for the coasters, the Black & \Vhite Committee for
providing child care & general support, Aaron for child care and all of
you who participated in the dance. Thanks.
¢ommunitp enter
Monthly Pledges Center Stage
One Time Donations
$100 Mo.
$75 Mo.
$50 Mo.
545 Mo.
$40 Mo~
$35 Mo.
$20 Mo.
$10 Mo.
Mail to TOHR
P.O. Box 52729
Tulsa OK. 74152
Altn: Cehter
$2500 - $5000
Lead Actor
$1500- $2499
$750 - $1499
Cast Member
$300- $749
$100 - $299
CHRISTIAN CENTER - SUnday School 9:45,
Moming. Worship::Service 1-1:00." 2627-B
East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info.
BLGA - University of Tulsa. 6:30 p.m.
Canterbury Center.
COMMUNITY OF HOPE (United Methodist) -
Faith and Struggle Group - discussion group,
subjects vary. 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship
Service 6:00. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Morning Worship
Service 11:00. 5451-E South Mingo. Call
622-1441 for Info.
Worship Service 10:45 1623 North
Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
THE BANNED - GayBand - Practice weekly
in OKC. Call 838-2121 for Info.
IMONDAYS " " " : I
BIBLE STUDY- 6:30:p.m. Comm0nity of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
begins at 8:45. Sheridan Lanes 3121 South
MINISTER’S CLASS - Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Center. 7:30 p.m. 2627-B
East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for Info.
Study 7:00. MCC of Greater Tulsa 1623
North Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
BLESS .THE LORD AT ALL TIMES 7:00 - 8:30 pm Results Hours: 7:00 - 9:00
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Choir Practice 7:00, pm, Call 749-4194 for Info,
2627-B East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for Info,
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Potluck 6:30, PRAYER.TIME-7:00.p,m, MCC~ofGreater
Bible Study 7:00, Choir Practice 8:00, 5451- Tulsa.¯ 1623 .North Maplewood~ Call 838-
E.South Mingo, Call 622-1441 for Info, 1715 for Info.
16-STEP EMPOWERMENT GROUP FOR practice 9:30. Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th Street.
WOMEN - 7:00, Women’s support group,
Community of Hope, 1347 North Yale, Call
838-7232 for Info,
Weekly meeting 7:30, Family of Faith MCC,
5451-E South M[ngo, Cal! 622-1441 for Info,
(Regula[ Meetings begin Mamh 23)
HIV TESTING - TOHR Clinic, Free and
Anonymous testing using fingerstick method.
No appointment required, Walk in test hours:
at 11:00 pm, Provides confidential support
for recovering addicts, Community of Hope,
1347 North Yale, Call 838-7232 for Info,
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
"HOPE IS ALIVE" - Easter Cantata. 11:00
a.m. Family of Faith. 5451-E South
Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info,
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary - Third of an eight week
course. Sponsored by TOHR/Community
of Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for
TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-
4297 for Info.
Monthly meeting. 6:30 4154 South
Harvard - Lower Level. Call 749-4901 for
IA P R I L 2 1 .I
FEED THE HOMELESS -. Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 and caravan to Day Center for the
Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary
Fourth of an eight week course.
Sponsored by,.,. ~ TOHR{Community of
Hope/BLG~,(TU). ,Call 838-7232 for Info.
IA.e p, L 29 I
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale, Call 838-7232
for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. Fifth of an eight week
course. Sponsored by TOHPJCommunity
of Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for
TOHR MEMBERSHIP - Monthly meeting
6:30 social hour 7:00 p.m. meeting. "The
Gathering Place" - 4154 S. Harvard, Ste.
H. Call 743-4297 for Info.
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154South
Harvard - Lower Level. Call 749-4901 for
of the Christian Right’s Nat’,l Day of Prayer.
Gay and Lesbian community will meet to
pray for an end to prejudice and
discrimination in the church. Call 622-
1441 for more Info.
GAY MAYDAY - Celebration in Oklahoma
City. Featuring musical entertainment by
THE BANNED, Oklahoma’s Gay Band,
For Carpool Info. call 838-2121.
CLUB - 6:30 p.m. Hong Kong Restaurant
4307-B South Sheddan,
PRIME TIMERS - Monthly Meeting 4:00
p.m. - "The Gathering Place" 4154 South
Harvard, Ste. H. Call 747-8121 for info.
PFLAG 1011102 - Monthly meeting 6:30-
7:30’p.m:- 4154 South Harvard, Ste~.H.
Call 749-4901 for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p:m.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. Sixth of an eight week
course. Sponsored by TOHR/Community.
of Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for
SPOUSES For spouses of
Gay/Les/Bi/Trans. 7:00-7:30 p.m. social
7:30-8:30 meeting. Call 749-4901 for Info.
Sponsored by PFLAG.
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232
for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Alien Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. - Seventh of an eight week
course: Sponsored by TOHPJCommunity
of Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for
TOHR Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-
4297 for Info.
Meeting. 6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154 South
Harvard - Lower Level. Call 749-4901 for
IMAY 1 8-21 I
Central District(OK, TX, LA, AR) Southern
"Hills Mardott at 71st and Lewis.
Workshops/Services/Banquet. Keynote:
Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson: Call 622-1441
for more Info.
[MAY 19-21 I
Retreati Roman Nose State Park.
Sponsored by Hedand ofOklahoma City.
Meeting 7:00 p.m. Call 254-2100 for
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. - Final week of an eight
week course. Sponsored by
TOHR/Community of Hope/BLGA (TU).
Call 838-7232 for Info. "~
IMAY 26 28 I
State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. Call
405-943-0843 for more Info.
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00 p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232
for Info.
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center for
the Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info,
LAGPAC - Lesbian-and Gay Political
Action Committee. Call 838-1222 for Info.
Lesbian Republican Group. Call 832-0233
for Info.
- SWAN’~ Sirigle Women’s Activity Network.
TOHR CLINIC - In addition to Thursday
Clinic Hours (see Thursdays), offers
daytime testing by appointment Monday -
Thursday from 10 am - 5 p.m. Call 749-
4194 for appointment.
TOHR HELPLINE - Staffed daily 8:00 ,p.m.
- 10:00 p.m. Call 743-GAYS.
TULSA - Tulsa Uniform .and Leather
Seekers Association. Call 838-1222 for
Call 405~720-0044 for Info.
IM , , 2 1. i REV. ELDER NANCY WILSON - Evening
Service - 6:00 p.m. at Family of Faith MCC
- 5451-E South Mingo: Also featuring
Tulsa Family Chorale. Call 622-1441 for
!.nfo. ,,
SUPPER CLUB Meets-at varying
locations the 2rid or 3rd Wednesday of
each month.
. Do:you.have a.group ,or event _that should be listed in the TOHR Community Calendar? Ifso, please Call us at 838-2121; "
Every effort Was made to ensurethe accuracy and completeness of this calendar, however, neither Tulsa Family News nor TOHR assumes responsibility for errors or omissions.
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by Beverly H¢zey, MCCofGreater Tulsa
In February, I talked about Paul’ s letter
to the Romans. This is the text used most
frequently by Christians who argue against
homosexuality and the article discussed
the words in the text. I would like to
discuss why Paul felt it necessary to talk
about homosexuality at all.
At this time, homosexuality between
men was an accepted part of life in Roman
and Greek cultures. In Romans, Paul
indicates that homosexuality was socially
unacceptablejust as long hair was socially
unacceptable. In two passages in this
chapter, Paul uses strong language to
discuss sin. They occur before and after
the section on homosexuality but not in it.
In Verse 18 of the first chapter, Paul talks
about the "ungodliness and wickedness"
of people who suppress the truth.
"Ungodliness" and "wickedness" are the
translation of the Greek words asebeia
and adibia. Adibia occurs again in verse
29. This verse lists several things that are
ethically wrong, but no sexual offenses.
Paul refers to cleanliness or purity laws in
Leviticus are still part of Jewish life. It is
obvious that Paul is making an issue.of
Jewish purity laws here. Jesus was never
concerned about purity laws and the
Gentile Romans had no such concerns -
so w.hy is Paul bringing it up?
In verses 22-25, Paul accuses the
Christians inRome ofidolatl~. His concern
was that they still had their idols and were
worshipping them as well .as God. Paul
then states two results of their idolatry:
one is uncleanness, mad the other, real sin.
Paul calls their sexual deeds degra~ting,
shameful, dishonorable. He calls their
other deeds wickedness, evil, malice. The
terminology itself shows a deliberate
contrast between what is socially
unacceptable and what is ethically wrong.
Three times Paul repeats this phrase, "God
gave them up." This phrase separates
Paul’s lecture into different sections. He
begins verse 24 with, "therefore God gave
them up in the lusts of their hearts to
impurity." Paul is introducing the first
effect of their idolatry. Paul digresses in
praise of God but .......;~ ,:
brings himself "~J~" nf-fs.:ta~dm¯ ~
back in verse 26
by repeating his
phrase, "for these
reasons God gave
them up to
passions." In verse
28, Paul starts
talking about the second effect of idolatry,
"God gave .them up to a base mind and
things that should not be done." This list
is what Paul really considers sin but there
is nothing sexual in the list.
The question arises whether Paul really
disapproves of homosexuality. Paul’s
letter addresses two groups: gentile
Christians and Jewish Christians. Paul
was about to journey to Rome to vi sit the
Church and he was paving the way for his
visit. Keep in mind, whether Christians
should keep Jewish purity laws was a hot
debate. The "Council of Jerusalem" as
recorded in Acts 15, decreed that Gentiles
converted to Christians need not be
circumcised nor keep other Jewish laws
Just like the church today with its
denominations fighting over doctrine, the
church then fought over doctrine. Jewish
Christians believed that they were superior
kcomes with 1 moonroof, 2 airbags,
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because of their purity laws and were
t~Nt~g~,to i,mpose them Oll Gentile
~hrist~ans. Paul was known to side with
the Gentile Christians but he had to be
tactful to try not to offend anyone. Part of
his letter to the Romans addresses Jewish
Christians, playing on their sense of
superiority. He wants to win their good
will, so he seemingly takes their side by
putting down the Gentiles for their
homosexual acts. By chapter 2, Paul has
:. gently turned th~"conversation arotmd and
.- is rebuking those,,who judge others. His
~ language gets
and naive rg~adl.n~ ot~ stronger as he
3900 S. Memorial ¯ Tulsa, OK 74145
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the Scripture has led many sincere
~ollower~ dJesus astray. They oppose
and oppress lesbian and gay people in
the name of the Apostle Paul."
- Father Daniel A. Helmlnlah
points out their
real sil~~ of the
Theg-- steal
commit adultery,
and rob temples.
Paul calls for
purity of the heart.
Likewise, Paul doesn’t let the Gentile
Christians off the hook. In chapter 9, he
rebukes them for feeling they are superior
to the Jewish Christians.
In actuality, Paul’s reference to
homosexuality serves as a rhetorical
function alone. He chose homosexuality
because it was not a sensitive issue. The
debate over clean and unclean food was a
hot issue as well as whether circumcision
was required for conversion to
Christianity. Homosexuality was a point
of differenCe, but apparently there was no
argument over it. The Gentiles were well
aware of the Jews’ attitude toward
homosexuality, but they shrugged the
whole thing off. In chapter 2, verse 22,
Paul even condenms.the .Icws for judging
the Geutiles lbr their idolatry. Thc wholc
pu~ose of Romans is a lcct;,’c on thc sin
ofjud~ng others. Ronmns 14: 13-14 says.
"let us ~eretbre no longer pass judgcmcnt
on one mlother, but resolve instead never
to pnl a stumbling block or laindrancc m
the wav of another. I know and am
persuaffed in the Lord Jesus that nothing
~s unclean in itself; but it is unclcm~ I’or
anyone who flfi~s it nnclean. ""
In his book entitled, What the Ihbh,
Really Says About Homose.ruali~, b~ l)r.
D~el A. HelmiNg, a Roman {?a~mlic
priest, wfites:"A long-standing and naivc
reading of the Scripture has led man~
sincere followers of Jesus astray. Thcv
op~se~doppress lesbian~dgay peoplc
in ~e nmne of ~e A~sfle Paul. Bolstcrcd
by sociN prejudice and zeNous iu thcir
sex~ self-fighteotmness, C~sfians havc
been misreading Paul’s letter to lhc
Romps ~d rejecting members of the
C~sfi~ co~u~tv because of it. ""
Yet, to ins~e ~e t~fity of ~lievers was
a major reason for Paul’ s writings. Paul
insisted on fM~ andlove as ~e dfings that
really matter ~n Christ. By nusunderstanding
Paul’s argument, people
unwittingly rely on tastes and customs
.instead of the Word of God. They ~guc
about what"s dirty or unclean,.disputc
who’s pure and impure, aud pll
heterosexuM against homosexuM. Tiros.
they divide and splinter the church ovcr
what does not matter in Cl~st. In God’s
name they foment hatred mid [’ncl
oppressio~ ~d disrnpt ,sodiety at largc.
They comet a grave injusfi~ - the very
offehse that Patti’ s letter meant to cotmter.
Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Tulsa
Where God [rplifts All-People
Sunday Service. 10:45 ~nn
Wednesday Service. 6:30 pm
Home Cell"Gronps, 2nd & 4th Suuda\ s
1623 No..X Iaplewood, Tulsa 74115. 838-1715
¯ Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesdays 6:30 pm Potluck
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I To do justice, love mercy & to walk humbly With our God... Micah 6:8 ]
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK74146 . (918) 622-1441
Bless The Lord At All Times
Sunday School, 9:45 Tues. Minister’s Class, 7:30
Sunday Services, 11 am & 6:30 pm Wed. tntercessionary Prayer, 7 pm
2627-B East 11th, 583-7815, messages, Eddie Cook, pastor
Because everyone has a right to be blessed by God!
bv Barry Henslev
Tulsd Ci&-Co’un~. Library
The results of the November 1992
elections included the passage of an
unprecedented piece of legislation "known
as Amendment 2, in Colorado. It
effectively banned any city or town in the
state, including the three which already
.had gay rights laws,, from including the
:words sexual orientation in auv antidiscrimination
!aws. This amendment
passed by 53% of the vote after a divisive
campmgn led by the group Colorado for
Fmnily Values.
In "Gas" Politics vs Colorado and
America,:" author Stephen Bransford
explains ONE side of the story of the
origins of this law and the impassioned
people who focused most of their daih"
lives during the election can~paign to fife
passage of this amendment. Bransford
explains his theory that this law was really
just a necessary correction of unfairand
restrictive gay fights laws which he alleges
preveuted average citizens from fully
realizing their rights to religious freedom.
He believes that protecting gay citizens
from tmreasonable haras_sment, firings and
denial of housing, places an excessive
burden ou other c~tizens who may have a
personal or religious right to discmninate.
In short, gay rights laws infringe on
personal freedo~ns more than Amen&nent
2 infringes on the rights of gay citizens to
equal treatment under the law.
Br~asford’ s writing sUle is elementary,
with many one mad two-word sentences.
He often slants his arguments by using
[the. author says about
Colorado’s Amendment 2]: "It
had yielded a polltleal vletory for
fairness & justlee, not a moral
Vletory for the reli4ous tight "
His next sentence: "’Th~ "
Colorado approach reeo$nlzed
the fact thdt. llke h or not.
Amerlea has retreated from its
Judeo-Chrlstlan roots." He is
apparently unable to see the
incomplete information and iaflannnatolx
language. Situations are superficiallY,
explained to appeal to basic fear~.
Sympathetic readers will nod in
agreement. Others will easily note
contradictions throughout the book. An
example of this is when Bransford claims
that neither morals uor religious bias had
an3 part of Alnendment 2’ s passage: "It
had yielded a political victory for faimess
mad justice, not a moral victory for the
,religious right." His next sentex~ce: "The
Colorado approach recognized the fact
that, like it or not, America has retreated
from its Judeo-Christian roots." He is
appareutly tmable to see the contradiction.
Bransford’s astonislnuent at a Colorado
judge blocking enforce~nent of 2 results in
tiffs: "Like the assumption of ixmocence,
why cau’ta good law be constitutional
until proven otherwise?". His criteria for
determining what is a "’good" law, other
than majority rule, is not explained.
The U.S. Supreme Court recentlya~eed
to decide tiffs case, and the result will have
a widespread impact. This book is an
important exmnple of the mindset and
logic of the people who calnpaigned so
vehemently to pass Amendment 2. Should
tiffs subject arise locally, this book will
provide a valtmble eyeopener for you to
share with relatives, coworkers and
Check the Central Library Readers
Service departmeut at 596-7966 for tiffs
title mad books on the other side of tiffs
debate, such as "Created Equal: Why Gay
Rights Matter to America" by Michael
Nava, and "’A More Perfect Union: Why
Straight America Must Stand Up for Gay
Rights" by Richard Mohr.
Other recent.titles of interest include: *"Uncharted Lives: Understanding the Life Passages of
*"Science of Desire: The Search for the Gay Gene" by Dean Hanaer Gay Men" by Stmfley Siegel
*"Soldier Of the Year" by Jose Zuniga *"Queer mad Loathing" by David Feinberg
*"Dance Against Time"’by Diane Sohvav
Elder Nancy Wilson
at Family Of Faith
The Reverend Elder Nancy L. Wilson
will be presenting a special message at
. Fatnily of Faith Metropolitan Commmffty
Church, 5451-E South Mingo, on Sunday,
May 21st at 6:00 p.m. Rev. Wilson, who
will be in Tulsa for the South Central
District Conference hosted at the Mamott
Southern Hills from May 18 - 21, is
: currently the Vice MOderator of the
Univers~ Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches and €he Senior
Pastor of Metropolitan~-C0mm~nity
Church of Los Ang¢l~s. ; - ~: - :~ .
Nancy Wilson has been active in the
Universal Fellowship siuce 1972. She was
first elected to the Board of Elders of the
Universal Fellowslfip of Metropolitan
Community Churches in 1976, and has
subsequently been re-elected to four
consecutive terms. Rev. Wilson has
recently completed work on gay and
lesbian theology and her book, Outing the
Bible, will be publishedby Harper/Collins
in the sunlmerof this year.
Elder Wilson has been the UFMCC
representative in front of the National
Council of Church~s at the General
Assembly mad the Central Committee of
the World Council of Churches. She
remains in the forefront of human fights
Family of Faith welcomes the Reverend
Elder Nancy Wilson as she comes to
present a message to the gay and lesbian
religious community of Tulsa Tulsa
-Family Chorale, Tulsa’ s gay and lesbian
chorus sponsored.by Lola’s, will be
performing at the service. Everyone is
welcome to attend. For more information,
please call 622-1441.
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Bud Wharton, Mortgages By Design, Inc.
AuthorofSellTrac2000. asales training"
program for loan officers and Realtors,
Bud Wharton is a national speaker, sales
trainer and mortgage banker. Bud
addresses thousands of industry
professionals each year, training in the
area~, ofbusiness development, technical
expertise and motivation.
The American Dream has been
expressed in mlmerous ways over time,
but nolle has come to have more meamng
or to provoke more action than that of
home ownership. A sense of prid~ and
security, of permanence and belonging,
as well as having invesunent, eqtuty, tax
shelter & retirement benefits - all
contribute to the desire and motivation to
own one’s own home.
As a commtmity ofGay men & Lesbians,
we find ourselves to be as diverse as the
general population in seeking to attain
balance in our
lives. Often confronting
the personal
struggles of
fitting in, transition
or knowing where
we belong, we
hesitate to establish
ourselves in
traditional ways. Is
this because we don’t want to’? Not
necessarily! More.times than not it, is a
matter Of being equipped with sufficient
knowledge and information from which
to base an intelligent decision or form a
positive direction. In other words, when
we or anyone can come to grips with
"how" we can achieve any goal, be it
home ownership, career advancement or
a satisfying personal relationship, the
ability to realize that goal increases 100%.
Home ownership is something each of
us can experience. Yet within the
American Gay culture, there exists a
considerably lower percentage of home
ownership "compared to other social
~oups. Understanding why this occurs is
as simple as understanding traditional
American values of how and when home
ownership plays into the life eqtmtion.
For many it is when they find themselves
involved in a committed relationship.
Raising a fanfily,hedging against inflation,
saving tax dollars or building equit) vs
payi,ng rent’can also be sufficient to
p_r~voke the decision - it’s time to enjoy
h’~ine ownership. Interestingly, ag~,
position in life, or economic status have
little or nothing to do with one’s ability to
own their own home. Usually it is those
other value oriented factors aforementioned.
Perhaps your goal is to build that perfect
dream home or
....Choosing a Realtor can become ~noveuptoalarger
almost as stressful as findln, tl~t home situated in a d i f f e r e n
perlTeet property....Who are they? neighborhood.
Are they working for me? Will- Maybe it’s a
they understand the needs, values matter of diversifying
security issues of Gay people? tment potential
and rental pro-.
perty is your goal.
Whatever it is, from first time homebuyer
to property baron, nothing happens until
action is taken. Where does the process
begin? In today’s econolmcenvironment,
with your mortgage lender! Doesn’t it
make sense to start with where the money
comes from in order to establish what
can realistically buy and borrow? ]~his
procegs is referred to as prequalification.
Essentially it is a process of analyzing
income, d~bt, and your credit history to
determine a maximum loan amount and
property value suited to your financial
Tiffs consultation service is typically
providedat no cost and should deliver to
you a wealth of information, options mad
choices (including a cost estimate mad
breakdown specific to projected purchase
price) from which to base your decisions.
Knowing what you can then achieve, it’s
time to visit with a Realtor. All too often
tlfis process is mistakcnly rcvc~:scd
Choosing a Realtor can bccoulc almost
as stressflil as finding that perfcct propcrty.,.
mad a flood of questions cross your ufind.
Who are they? Are they worki’ng lk)r mc?
Do they ki~ow how to truly negotiate on
my behalf? \\’ill they laldcrstand thc uccds.
values or security issncs of gay pcoplc?
Are they a property specialist m thc arca
or neigl~borhood I ,’an intcrcsted iu? Arc
they more interested in making the salc or
mb~d"ng a satisfied customer? Ifyou cannot
. put these.questions to rest in making one
of the biggest economic decisions of vonr
life, it’s time tostep.back: Going into a
bad situation would be like-receiving an
improper medical diagnosis from a lcss
than competent practitioner - vou’rc
uncomfortable! This is anotli’e~ good
reasou to start with your mortgage lender,
as they work with Realtors every &U and
have a keeu perception, based on
experience, who can best represent your
Over the COlmng tuonths in this cohunn.
TheHomefront, ~ve will cxplorc various
aspects of the home ownership process
and experience. The next subject will be
credit and yore" rating. More people think
their credit is worse than it really is by
mortgage lending standards, hi many cas~s
it is easier to get a home mortgage than it
is to get a VISA card! No credit does not
equal bad credit, and bad credit Is morc
appropriately defined byits severity. \Vc
will discuss how for~vi]lg a lender can bc
and those special alternate’loan programs
designed to overcome credit challenges.
(editors #tote: Bud Wharton ts vice
president ofMortgages By Design. hw.
Claremore, OK - serving all of Green
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’for a Taste
Red Earth Bears
Spring Activities
Red Em-th Bem’s was ofliciallv
bona on DecefliSai: 11.1994. Anal
being less thm~ four monflls old
still qualifies us for cub slams
(besides, if you feel like a cub.
you m’e a cub). But we" re a very
big cub& we" re getting large’r
by dm month. We have close to
5b paid members and over a
lnmdred on our mailing list uow.
The steeriug committee
decided daere" s uo mason to have
only one REB event each moud].
April & May will bear muldple
opportmfi tie~ for bears, cubs and
their adufirers to get together.
And remember, you don" t have
to be a member of Red Earth
Bem’s (REB) to participate in
may of our outiugs.
ofLocal Flavor"
& Brent Invite You to
On Saturday, ~i\pril 22. the
Show Me Bears (SMB) re’five in
OKC. The next day REB will
host ,’m al’temoon B5~()B cookout
for the St Louis Club. This.
potluck cookout is set for lfigh
uoon to 3pm. This event is ,also
the deadliue for folks to turn in
their ideas for the REB logo.
Ou Sat.. April 29. REB plans
to lffke in the Wichita Mouutains
in SW OK. The trail head is
about 1,Q hours from OKC so
we" 11 leave at 7:30am in order to
savor some quality mountaiu
moruiug time. We’ll hike
d~rot|gh forests, grasslmlds mad a
beautiflfl water-filled canyon
Afterwards, we’ll eat al the
fmnous Meets restaur,’mt.
We’ll arrive back in OKC
around eight or mue o" clock.
The next day. Sun. April 30,
REB will go bowling. Tiffs is fine
make-up event originally
plmmed in Marcia. We’ 11 meet at
Brmlswick Heritage Bowl just
south of N’W 122nd mid Pem~ in
OKC at lpln. The finals of a gay
bowling toummneut coiucides
with our bowliug so the 1,’rues
Serving Lunch & Dinner. Noon to 10pro
Eclectic Menu * Moderate Prices
FOR SALE: Beautifully
remodeled lake home.
~end $.~.95 eheek or money order Approximatel.v 4 miles north of
Wagoner, near entrm~ce to
recreation park. Ideal for
weekenders or year ’round 6528 D-I E ]Ol~,l
Adult Acco/nnlodalions tranquil living. Features include
large rec room, living-bedroom Tul~,~, OK 741~I,3-675-1
Frank Green, Jr. Host combo with fireplace, 2 bedrooms,
2 baths, kitchen plus
dining room. Patio. Large 10t; Must enelo~.~ )’our signatur~ and
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 chain-link fence. Mature trees statement staling: that ~u~21.
Priced at only $26,500 for quick _,._~...~__~__j_._.~_~._~_~_.€.__.~_._.€.___~___,,_.~
sale. Come see for 3,ourself’.
Phone 462-7265
¯art ~’ontest ~ Pool Shootout
Manual Drive Train & Axles
Engine Performance Electrical Systems
Suspension & Steering Motor Home Rental & Repair
Heating & Air Conditioning Fleet Service Available
Free or low-cost towing
OU Sat. May 6, First Splash in
Austiu always attracts a healflay
bear contingent. A low-priced
package tliat includes tent
accolnmodations mid food is
available. Call Jerolne Scheer at
the REB phone number - 405-
732-9808. On Suu. afternoon,
May 21, a Bear Bust is plmmed
for ]Levis in OKC.
During the Memorial Day
weekend. REB heads to the very
woofy gay rodeo in OKC wifla a
pool party on Monday.. Fiually,
a cmnping trip ts plammd for
Lake Tlmnderbird ou Jmm 10th,
mid the Gay Pride.festivities will
end the month. Other summer
activities include a weekeud trip
to Tulsa (Tulsa REB folks: tell
us what to do tlfis weekend) mad
a Bear Hug at the Habmaa hm in
Aug. or Sept.
The REB Newsletter is
published with your help of ma
manual lnembership fee of ten
dollars. REB’s address is Red
Earth Bears, PO Box 57561,
OKC, OK 73157-7561. You
cma call us at 405-732-9808 or email
us at almaokc@aol.com or
brngrey/brn 35, very smooth,
inexperienced, eager to meet similar,
smoker, thats about it- ~22668
Mcallister CAMPING AND
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time with my lover, only those
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companion, dinner;
shopping,looking for a friend, I’m
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5 6, attr, Ikg to ha~,e a good time
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SAME: GWM Ron, 6’, blnd/gn,
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smoker, 25-40 Iv a messager
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simple. Just describ.e yourself .and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system wilt walk you
through the rest. Have a 0en ready to
write down your box number.
Oklahoma City FRIENDS OR
MORE: GWM 26 5’0 brn/hzl,
vers likes bowling movies tired of
bar scene iso GWM for friendship
maybe more- ~36590
Stillwater BI WM: Virgin WM
iso other bi wm to have fun with,
give me a call Bill- ~36630
Oklahoma City DON 47, want
a hot guy, give me a ca11-
Tulsa MITCH: 35 5’10, 165,
brn/brn, Smoker, ve.ry smooth
and very inexp and Ikg to meet
with someone for friendship poss
rel, give me a call- ~22668
Ft. Smith NEWLY SINGLE: Joe,
just ended a 6 yr rel, looking to ,
meet new friends, 37, brn/b]u, 6,
175, if ur interested, give me a
call- work nights, home days-
Muskogee JB, if u would like Iv a
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] 90, IJ~g for someone to have
some good times with, ~37018
looking for a man to share my life
with,talk to and get to know, give
me a call- ~37263
Randy, attr 35 married bi wm,
iso daytime fun, 25-40,
discreet friends- e28807
RIDERS: Eric, recently
divorced 6’2 200,
brn/blu, like hairy men
and cowboys, like to ride
hawgs to like to getogether with
you too- ~29005 :
TONIGHT: Bob, GBM 33, 5’7,
155, iso sim WM to date and~
much more I’m bright, honest
handsome like life and learning,
like most entertainment, give me a
call- ~29444
Tulsa CALL ME: Mitch, 5’10,
170 brn/grey brn e~,es young
looking, smooth, inexp,
smoker like to party
someone with the same int,
if ur interested give me a
call- ~29894
Oklahoma City BOB, 47, let’s
see what we can get into- let’s talk
- ~36845
Oklahoma City MANY
INTERESTS: Marvin, WM 6’2,
225, many interests, get in touch
asap, like to talk to you! ~30131
Oklahoma City PAT, 22, Ikg for
someone be~een 18-25, 150,
blnd/blu grn 5’8, Ikg for honest
person, Iv a message- ~30162
am 5’11,185, blnd/blu, cln
shaven cln cut musc build, 23-35
ht/wt athl build into athletics,
DWayne 32
5’9 195
iso same
for fun and
Jacksonville DANNY 20, soon
to be 21 iso same area, willing to
travel, varied interests give me a
call ~31236
19 clean athletic masc iso WM
18-25 Iv a message- ~30287
FRIEND: Mitch, 35,
brn/brngrey, 5’10 165i smoker,
like to party, iso someone as
inexp as me,, age not really
impt- ~22668
Westville BI OR GAY MEN:
Ken, bi, 6’, 165, brn/hzl, med
build, attr outgoin.q easyfloing,
smoker, drink-lightly, lobbing for
other bi or gay men, give me a
call- ~30841
Tulsa FUN IN TULSA: BM, iso
some fun here in the area gve me
a call- ~31534
Oklah,o~a City MARVIN 28
WM 6 3 brn/blu, vers, need to
meet someone into role playing if
ur into it give me a call- ~30131
SMOOTH: David, 5’10
160 dk/dk smooth,
29w~ looking to
meet other guys
for good time~,
give me a call-
Mark, 6’~,
200, brn/.hzl,
tremaire like
to find
kindred out
there,also like tv,
romantic having fun,
like classical literature, Poe,
Lovecraft, Shakespeare, open to
new things, if this sounds int give
me a call- ~28131
attr WM 5 3 130, 30s iso attr
dn cut guy ,disc~reet call me-
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A FRIEND: Dennis WM 33
brn/brn 195, 6’, "ust moved here
ma~nty looking fo~: fnends- ~23201
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A COWBOY: 25, 5’7 125,
brn/blu, Ikg for a cowboy 25-35
who has his act together- ~23357
6’2 brn/hzl, iso romantic 18-25
loves attention ~to cuddle and kiss-
NW AR SKIP 34, 6’1, bm/blu
170, iso indiv in.the Springfield/Lithe
Rock area bi, but inexp~ iso someone
either gay or bi, looks not impt, good
pers, and willin~ to experiment,l~e
to get together III get back to youe23205
T,ulsa TALK TO ME: Tony, 27,
6, stocky 230, married WM bi,
iso othe~ married-or bi men who
are stocky like me, iso someone
discreet andalot of fun great
attitude, to talk with- ~24320
Gay Pride Picnic June 18 Mohawk Park
Thurs- Sun 9-2 v~ 3340 $. Peoria Tulsa v 918-744-0896
Easter Weekend
Special Food for Sunday
Now Open at Noon on Sat. & Sun.
Cash Drawing M-F, 6-8pm
1229 S. MEMORIAL DR. o..TULSA - 918-835-5083 ~:
Tulsa’s Huge Patio Bar
FItR~. Pool Night.... $4.00 Beer Bust
FRRR Two-Step Lessons 8pro.- 10pm
M~T.~, DANClgl~S $4.00 Beer Bust
Dance Music ,All Night
Country and Dance Mix
$4.00 Beer Bust
The Best Night Out in Tulsa
FREE I-dne-Dance Lessons 8pm - 10pm
$4.00 Beer Bust
(918) 834-4234 / 1565 S. Sheridan - TuLsa, OK
Wed - Sun 7 pm - 2 am / Mon - Tues Closed

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, April-May 1995; Volume 2, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/497.