[1995] Tulsa Family News, March-April 1995; Volume 2, Issue 4
[1995] Tulsa Family News, March-April 1995; Volume 2, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversations toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
March 15-April 14, 1995
James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett
Kharma Amos
Laurie Cooper
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 3
Online Text
Online Text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities- Our Families of the Heart March 1.5- April 14, 1995, Volu~e 2, Issue 4
Pat Robertson Meets
with MCC Rev. Mel White
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The Rev. Mel White,
Dean of Dallas’ Cathedral of Hope Metropolitan
Community Church met last week with anti-Gay
televangelist Pat Robertson to discuss Robertson’ s
statements against homosexuality, which White
says fuel intolerance and violence against gays.
On the 23rd day of his prison fast, Dr. Mel met
with Christian Broadcasting Network & 700 Club
founder, Robertson. White, 15 pounds lighter,
bearded and gaunt, met with Robertson and his
spokesman, Gene Kapp, in a visitors call at the
Virginia Beach Correctional Facility. The meeting
arranged by Virginia Beach City Sheriff, Frank
Drew, was "Brief, cordial and specific," said White.
"I asked Pat to acknowledge and condenm publicly
the hate crimes againstgays andlesbians specifically
and tomeetwith a delegationfromPFLAG (Parents
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) to hear the
human side of this tragic story."
After his surprise visit, Robertson dropped the
tres-passing charge againstWhite, whowas escorted
see White, page 10
Tulsa Police Dept. Seeks Help
TULSA~ Detective Verna Wilson of the Tulsa
Police Dept. is seeking any information readers
might have regarding the murder of the late Chris
Wilcutt, recently of Bartlesville. Wilcutt, who
frequently cross-dressed, went by the name of
"Roxy." He was last seen walking east on 1 lth St.,
see Police, page 11
AIDS & Disability Lawsuit
TULSA - When Congress pa~sed the Americans
with Disabilities Act a few.years ago, it extended
protections against wrongful firing not just to
persons with "traditional" disabilities but also to
persons living with AIDS (PLWA’s), to persons
living with HIV, and even to persons discriminated
againstbecause they areperceivedas "havingAIDS"
see Lawsuit, page 11
Rev. Alice Jones, US Rep. Steve Largent & TOHR Pres. Tim Gillean
Official Miss Gay Central City America Winner & Runners-Up
US Rep. Largent Open
to Jobs Protection Bill
TULSA, OK- Steve I_argent, Republican member
of the US House of Representatives since Nov.,
met with almost 60 Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual persons
and friends on Saturday morning, March 4 at the
Metropolitan Community Church ofGreater Tulsa.
The meeting was first time ever that any member of
the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation had met
with Lesbians and Gay men and friends, both
publically, and actually in Oklahoma rather than in
Washington, DC.
Largent began his remarks by alluding to a
Biblicalpassage, saying that he would be quick to
listen, slow to anger and careful to respond.
Largent, a former college and professional
football quarterback, had identified himself with
Christian Coalition activists and other Radical
Right "conservatives"in his campaign. In letters to
the opinion page of The Tulsa World, Largent had
see Largent, page 13
Mayor to Gays: Prove
An[i-Gay Bias by City
To Gay Press: Too Busyto Talk to You
TULSA - Last November, Mayor Susan Savage
accepted a report on anti-Gay discrimination from
Tulsa’s Human Rights Commission. FormerTOHR
president andmember of the committee that drafted
the report, Kelly Kirby notes that of the nine
recommendations to combat prejudice and
discrimination, only two required action by the
City Council. No.s 3-9 all were actions which the
Mayor can take by executive order. Tulsa’s City
Charter specifically provides that, "The Mayor
may by executive order.~..:.assignnewfunctions or
duties to any division or department."
Recommendations 3-9 of the report as described
by Kirby include an executive order banning
discrimination based on sexual orientation in city
hiring, implementing diversity training thatincludes
see Mayor, page 10
Supreme Court to Hear
CO Amendment2 Appeal
Supreme Court has agreed to
decided if Colorado’s anti-gay
Amendment 2 - or any such law
- violatesthe Constitution’ sequal
protection guarantees. With the
announcement that the court
would hear the Colorado appeal,
thehighcourt willnow be heating
two gay rights eases in the next
year. The court has already said
it would consider whether Irish
see Court, page 11
Greg Louganis Has AIDS
NEW YORK - Olympic goldmedalistGreg
Louganis revealed
on ABC-TV’s "20/20" with
Barbara _Waiters. ~ that,, as
newspapers reported earlier in
the week, he has AIDS. Asked
by Waiters in the interview if he
has AIDS, Louganis said,
"According to the CDC
standards ofAIDS versus HIV, I
do have AIDS." He said during
the interview that he:-was
revealing his health status tohelp
other .p~,o,ple. who have .the
disease/I wantedmy story to.
see Louganis, page 1I
Gay Man Killed After
Appearing on Talk Show
Police say that Scott Amedure
wasmurderedby 2shotgunblasts
in the chest at his home near
Detroit after appearing recently
on the Chicago-based TV
program, "The Jenny Jones
Show" where he identified
himself as h aving a "secret
crush" on another man. John
Schmitz was also on the show to
meet his "secret admirer."
Schmitz, however, had been
given no indication that the
admirer he was to meet was
another man. Schmitz later
turned himself in to police, and
authorities said a shotgun was
found in his car. Schmitz did not
appear tobe visibly upset during
the television show, which was
taped on Mar. 6. According to
police, however, Schmitz was
?deeply embarrassed" by the
revelation that he had a male
admirer and authorities say that
on Thursday evening, Mar. ,9,
Schmitz al~parently drove. to
Amedure’s mobile home and
Shot him. Police say Schmitz
see Talk Show, page I1
Hate Incidents Increase
NEWYORK-Attacks targeting
gays and lesbians around the
country continued to increase in
1994 as they have in the past in 9
key U.S. cities that monitor
violence. While the increase last
year was small compared to the
previous year - 2,064 attacks in
1994 - the number of victims is
increasing more rapidly, and the
number of assaults aimed at
lesbians escalated.
New York showed the largest
number with a total of 632 -
nearly athirdofall those reported
in the nine monitored cities that
also include Boston, Chicago,
Columbus (Ohio); Denver,
Detroit, Miuneapolis/St. Paul,
Portland (Oregon), and San
Francisco. The 632 incidents in
New York represented a
significant increase of 8% over
the reported 587 attacks there in
1993~ Nationally, it was unclear
why more lesbians were being
attacked, but the report shows
that assaults againstlesbiansnow
dCcount for a third of all the
,reported incidents inthe 9 cities.
Anti-~olence workers spm~te
see Hate, -page 11
Gay Marriage Ban Fails
in S. Dakota, Wins in Utah
PIERRE, S.D.- The South
Dakota state Senate failed by 1
vote to bring a measure to the
floor that would have barred
same-sex marriages and would
have .prohibitedrecognizing such
mamages even if legal elsewhere,
effectively killing the
measure. The bill had been
referred to a Senate committee
after passing the state House of
Representative by a 54-13 vote,
but a vote to place the measure
before the state Senate (17-13)
failed to get the 18 votes needed.
One side effect ofthe proposed
legislation, however, is that its
anti-gay intent has helped.
galvanize lesbians and gay men
in the state to battle it. National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force
(NGLTF) and Lambda Legal
Defense and Education Fund
organizers working with local
activists say the bill dearly is a
preemptive ~ strike against
Hawaii’s pending gay marriage
ruling. South Dakota Gay,
Lesbiimand Bisexual Federation...
(SDGLBF) has formed tobattle
see Marriage, page 11
Hungary OK’s Marriage
BUDAPEST -- The Hungarian
Constitutional Court, the
country’s highest tribunal, has
declared legislation prohibiting
gays and lesbians-from being
recognized as married under
common law unconstitutional.
The court ruled that it is
"arbitrary and contrary to human
diguity...[to] withhold recognition
from couples living in an
economic and emotional union
simply because they are samesex."
The court, however,
insisted, that gay and lesbian
couples are still excluded from
Civil marriage under the
country’s constitution, which the
courtsaid protects ... andclef’rues
as a union between a man.and.a_
woman." UnderHungarianlegal
statutes~ virtually n6 difference
exists between the legal fights of
civil andcommon-law marriage.
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publishei/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright l*)95~¢6y Tuls~i Farnily
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whrle or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos Uorrespondence is assumed to be for publication unless other-
Laurie Cooper w~se noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Maureen Curtin Family News. All correspondence should be sent to the address
Staff Photographer above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at
JD Jamett distribution locations. Additional copies are available atTomfoolery!
You sit there in City Hall and crimination? Even if we accept
tell us, our friends, and our
families, that there’s no need for
an non-discrimination policy
based on sexual orientation in
the City ofTulsa. You tell us that
you don’t know of any incidents
of discrimination.
Lady, what reality are you
living in? It sure ain’t Tulsa,
Oklahoma. Have you even read
your own HUman Rig,hts
Commission s
recommendations? Is it possible
that no one’s come forward
precisely because there’s no
protection and they don’t trust
you enough to risk their jobs?
Why do .we even need to
doctiifient a problem with disyour
dubious suggestion that the
city has no problems, wliy not
ban such discrimination just to
prevent any possible abuse?
Would it be bad to prevent a
problem, rather than fix it after
it’s too late?
This Thursday, three months
after you received the Human
Rights Commission Report,
Tulsa Police Dept. is providing
its "diversity" training to new
recruits without including seXual
orientation issues.-Why? Isn’t
three months long enough to
direct Tulsa Police to diversify
its "diversity" training? Why
wasn’t that process begun more
see Savage, thispage lower right
Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House of Representatives -- and the
"second most powerful man in the United States" -- has declared that
homosexuality is not a "reasonable lifestyle." Therefore, the pedantic
Speaker concludes, the subject simply has no place in the classroom.
Whatis truly unreasonable, ofcourse, is the homophobiccensorship
and heterosexist bias that characterize the millions of tax-supported
textbooks used in our public schools.
The silence in our schooh not only
fails to prevent homophoblc
discrimination, but actively
encourages tie violent oppression of
lesbian, gay and bisexual people.
The facts of our lives are, after all, precisely that -- facts. To insist
that these truths be hidden is intellectually dishonest and morally
reprehensible. The silence in our schools not only fails to prevent
homophobic discrimination, but actively encourages the violent
oppression of lesbian, gay and bisexual people. The climate of hatred
in which we live is sustained by the textbooks our children read.
In that regard, Newt Gingrieh couldn’ tbe more wrong. Our schools
are recruiting grounds for homophobes, not homosexuals.
* Register your concerns with Newt Gingrich, Office of the
Speaker of the House, H-204 Capitol Building, Washington,.DC
20515; tel. 202-225-4501, fax 202-225-4656, e-mail
georgia6@hr.house.gov. Copy correspondence to your own
Senators and Representatives; addresses and phone/fax numbers
for Congresspersons are available.by calling 202-224-3121; a list
of Congressional e,mail addresses is available from:
all.gradelevds, depicting significant events and figures throughout
history (individuals-are encouraged, to donate this poster and
similar.resources to their, local schools;which seldom take the
initiative to seek out such materials)..Request further information
from GLAAD/SFBA, Project 21.Poster, 1360 Mission St., Suite
200, San Francisco,. CA 94131,-tel. 415-861-2244, e-maih
This-column was written.by AIKielwasser and Erik Ferguson,
and produced by GLAAD/San Francisco Bay Area, 1360 Mission
Street, Suite 200~ San Francisco, CA 94103; (415) 861-2244.
GLAAD/SFBAis solely responsible forthe content of this column..
Carbon Copy
TFN received the following
..from LesEmmett,.editorofP-r~me. .
News, the newsletter for Prime
Timers, an organizatiOnfor Gay
& Bisexual men over 40. He
kindly gave us permission to
reprint them in toto (No, no that
Toto!), so that we can see our
"new government" in actt’on.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
- J. Christjohn
Dear Lester Emmett,
Thank you for contacting me
regarding H.R: 423, a bill to
amend the Civil Rights Act of
1964, which purports to give
".Civil Rights" to homosexuals. I
ampleased toknow that we share
thesame views on this matter.
At the present time, H.R. 423
is pending before the House
Committee on the Judiciary.
There is no Senate compaui~n
bill. As long as I am a united
States Senator~ I will work to
ensure such ill-conceived
legislation never becomes law.
!t is impossible to comprehend
the rationale for placing
homosexual behavior on a par
with race, gender, religion-, or
ethnic origin. Again, thank you
for contacting me.
Sincerely, " " "
Don Nickles, U.S..Senator. ’
Mr. Emmett’s reply: 7
Dear Senator Nickles,
I found in today’s mail a letter
from you dated February 10;
1995, thankingmeforcontacting
you regarding H.R. 423 and for
sharing your views on that
pending legislation.
Senator, Ihavenevercontacted
you regarding H.R. 423 saying.
that I agree with your view, for I
think your view is dead wrong.
The legislation is not illconceived,
but.- necessary.
Passing it will help homosexual
citizens attain equal fights under ~
the law and provide impetus
toward stopping the spread of
hatred & bigotry.
¯ Look beyond the popularmyths,
Senator, and you’ll find
that homosemtal behavior (your
phrase) inno wayharms society.
:ff;."as ~you seem fo .believe,
homosexnality is a behavior,
thenwhy shouldn’~t itbe afforded
the same protection as the
behavior of Pra_cti¢ing sectarian
religion? , "
I urge yOU, Senator, t0 work’
rather _than .toward fostering
them. Work:for the passage of
H.R. 423, rather than against it.
Sincerely, Lester.R. F;mmett.
Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys C!ub; 1229-S. Memorial
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peori,9~
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*Rex, 6101 E. Admiral
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
Tlme n Tlme.Agatn, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box,. 1338.E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
Kent Balch & Associates; Health & Life Insurance
. ~*Bam~ & N.obJ¢ B.qok~e!!ers, 8620,E.,71 ...........
Blue Moon Bakery "
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
Certified Moble Auto Repair 438-3393, pager:
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
*Elite~Book~::&~ideos, 821 S. Sheridan
First Franklin Financial, Bob Hardy
Floral Design Studio, 3404S. Peoria, Ste. 100
*Java Dave’s, Lincoln Plaza
International Tours
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E 15
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Major Affairs
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
Phoenix Mortgage Corp.
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. B6Ston
Puppy Pause II; llth & Mingo
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton
*Ross Edward Sai0n, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookgtore, 1942 Utica Square
Southwest Viatical~ 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza
B/IdG Alliance, University of Tulsa
749-63 01
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
Rainbow Business Guild, 4th Monday@ 7pro, call forloc: 254-2100
Rainbow Village, POB 50403, 74150~0403 599-8423
Save the Nation, Indian Health Care 584-4983
¯ .Shaati Hotline 749-7898
-. Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581.-0902, 743-4117
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800,742-9468
Leaune M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0.102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Mohawk Living Center, 3910 Park Rd. 425-t354
Jonathan& Dee Nicholas, Realtors 749-3000, 800-53%7767
Richard Reeder, MS., Psychotherapy_ 58i.0902, 743-4117
Religious & Educational Organizations
Bless The LordAt All Times Christian Ctr 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622~1441
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*C~antdrbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa.
*Tulsa City.Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor ’~ "
~Uuiversity’Center at Tulsa
Savage, cont’dfrom upper left
than a year ago when it was first
:raised by this reporter? ...
Meanwhile, fair treatment of
Gays by Tulsa Police is like
roulette. You’ might get.decent
treatment or you might get
who were stopped, merely for
*indicates a distribution Ix~int
being "white" in a "black" area
’These two were thenverbally
abused for an hour because they
were perceived to be .Gay
(rightly)by a white Tulsaofficer.
They received no citation
beeanse they’d done nothing
wrong except for being lost in
see Savage;page 10
Reporter March/April 1995 Volume 15 Number 3 ,
The views expressed elsewhere bt Tulsa Family News are not necesg’arih, dw views" ofTOltR. Permission ~
grm~ted to ~pr~nt t~o~tion contained wilhin the TOllR R~crpa~e along wilh olher irene. ~rthe
byline, "~bn~tted b), TOHR ". contained el~whe~ h~ lblsa b~dly News.
~Letter from the Pfesident~
~AS I reflect on this past month.I find myself breathless. Our organization is continuing to grow and expand the programs. This means a lot
of work and energy are required. As you can see the TOHR community Calendar is now a reality, we should all give Kharma Am os a great: big
THANK YOU for putting this together. She has worked tirelessly to achieve an all Inclusive calendar for the community.
Again, Thank YOU Kharma.
~ ~
The board has completed the grant proposals for the State, to continue the clinic and hopefully some rather ambitious expansion of services.
¯ I would like to thank everyone that helped us write the proposals~ *we areall indebted to you for your a.sslst~nCe in this p~0ce~s. " ....
we continue to pursue the Community Center an d should have some budget proposals ready soon. Make your list of what you would like to see
a Community Center do and let us know. Be prepared to volunteer as we will need a full staff of volunteers to open.
Again, I want to invite all of Tulsa’S Lesbian, Gay, Bi,sexual and Transgendered community to get involved. TOHR is your organization and
everything we do is for you. Please attend a meeting., send in a suggestion or volunteer for one of our many programs.
key Ingredient to the fulfillment of our goals. Your participation is a
see you at the monthly meeting,
Tim Gillean
April Meeting - April 4th at "The Oath~-’ring Place" 6:30 - 7:00 Social
7:00. M~ting will ib.atur¢ presentations by: Shoq,’i with R.A.I.N. and Jason with BLGA of T.U.
BASH - BACK !!!!!!!
TOHR is sponsoring a 2-hour seminar featuring Steve Taylor, a 4th degree black
belt in Hawaiian art of Elua Lima. This is not an exercise class, it is a self defense class. We will
learn how to disable the attacker before he has a chance to do the same. to us. The cost will be
$15.00, part of which will benefit TOHK We are taking registration and will set the date when
we have 10 or more registered. Everyone can benefit from this seminar in personal defense
Call the Heipline at 743-4297, leave your name and phone number along with the number of
people you would like to register. We will contact you when we have a date.
Heipline Seminar
April 8th, 10:00 -12:00
Training for all current and new Helpline volunteers.
This will be a very informative seminar teaching us h-6w to deal
with all kinds of callers and listening to current volunteers experiences
and questions. New volunteers that want to sign up fofHelpline, are
encouraged to attend.
March Meeting
6:30pm Social time 7:00pm mectm8 starts
4154 So. Itarvard
"’Gatherml~ Place"
By and for but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Membership Application
[] I would like to volunteer help with:
[] lily Counselor
[] i:.v~mt Planning and Party Preparations
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
gingerStick Method
Every Thursday Evening
7:00-8:30 p.m.
4 ! 54 So. Harvard
Suite H- 1
I-I Yes I want robe a onlributing member
ofTulse Oklahomans Ibr Human Rights.
. .~,~1~ aqC~ept ~)ment as described below:
[] $10 Lin~tefflnc.ome/Student Membership
I-1 $20 Regular Membership
[] $35 Orgunizational/l lousehold Membership
:, - -I~ $100 Sustaining Membership
[] i am currently receiving TOHR mailings
and the TulsaFamily News
[] I am not on the mailing list
[] Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual HelpLine
[] Executive Board Member
[] Monthly Meeting Support
M~k© ,h~k payabl~ to Tul~ OHahomam for Human Righla. Donations conm’buted to TOIlR over s~l m~mb~rship f¢~ arc T~.x "D~u~tibl©
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
KS Commissioners t- employees. The Greene proposal Timesreportsthatararep’ainting best-known play, The lmpor- advantage bill." The negative
Avoid Vote on Bias Bill is expected to come up for avote by Toulouse=lmu~rec, "In Bed: tanceofBeingErnest, Wildewas vote effectively kills themeasure
LAWRENCE, Kan. -- The
Lawrence City Commission
voted not to add a proposed antibias
measure protecting gays and
lesbians on its agenda, saying it
wouldbe a waste of time because
3 of the 5 commissioners had
publicly said they would vote
against it or abstain. Rights
activists criticized the commissionactionas
during an election year. Ben
Zimmerman, co-chair of Simply
Equal, said, "We are here today
to express our indignation at the
way this important issue of
human rights has been handled
by city hall."
Cincinnati Repeals Anti-
Gay Bias Protections
CINCINNATI- TheCincinnati
City Council has voted 5-4 to
delete anti-discrimination
protections for gays and lesbians
from the city’s human rights
ordinance. Councilman Dwight
Tillery, who had been endorsed
by gay rights organizations in
the city during his 1993 election
campaign and who voted for the
original measure that added
sexual orientation to the city
human rights protections, has
apparently changed his mind
about civil rights,for gays and
lesbians. "I never thought it was
the right thing to do," Tillery
told the Cincinnati Post
following his vote to remove the
protections. He added that he
was "beginning to regret I have
been supportive of their [gays’
and lesbians’] concerns."
Gay Rights in Louisville
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Louisville
Alderman Scotty Greene
has introduced a measure that.
woul.d,modify the city’s antibias
.laws to include sexual
orientation, although the antidiscrimination
proposed in the measure would
only cover employment bias.
The city’s Board of Aldermen
rejected a 1992 proposal that
would have added anti-bias
protections for gays andlesbians
in employment, housing and
public accommodations. The
Greene measure has been scaled
back to cover only employment
in hopes that it will have a better
chance of passage this time. A
second measure, proposed by
Alderman Paul Bather, would
extend sexual orientation job
protections only to city
by March 28,
3rd Gay Congressman
at a Human Rights Campaign
Fund luncheon, Rep. Steve
Gunderson (R-Wisc.) assured
gay rights activists that just
because the Republican Party is
"anti-goverument does notmean
anti-gay." In the process of
reassuring activists about the
GOP, however, Gunderson also
for the first time publicly
acknowledged being gay,
"I happen to be chairman of
the livestock, dairy and .poultry
subcommittee, which may not
be important to all of you but
happens to be very important to
my constituency," he said. "On
the other hand, I happen to be
gay whichmay be very important
to you, but wbichmeans nothing
and shouldn’t be important to
anybody else outside of this
room." Although Gunderson
has been interviewed by gay
publications, including The
Advocate, andhas acknowledged
living with his "male companion,"
he had never before
publicly stated that he is gay.
Author Monette Dead
LOS ANGELES - Author and
poet Patti Mouette, whose 1992
memoir Becoming a Man: Half
a Life Story, was honored with a
National BookAward, aLambda
has died ofcomplications related
to AIDS. He was 49 yea rs old at
the time of his death at his West
Hollywood home. Born in
Lawrence, Mass:, Moriette also
offiction, nonfiction and poetry,
including: Borrowed Time: An
AIDS Memoir, Love Alone:
Eighteen Elegies for Rob, The
Carpenter at the Asylum, and
Taking Care ofMrs. Ca?roll. In
a 1993 essay in the New York
Times, Monette summed up his
views on writing during the
AIDS epidemic: "It is notenough
to be an artist," he wrote. "If you
live in cataclysmic times, if the
lightning rod of history hits you,
then all artis political, and all art
that is not consciously so still
partakes of politics, if only to
run away." He is survived by his
father and brother, Paul and
Robert, and his companion
Winston Wilde.
Paintings of Lesbians
NEW YORK - The New York
The Kiss," will be auctioned by
Sotheby’s this coming May. The
1892 painting, which has been in
the hands of a private collector,
is unlikemostofthe artist’ s better
known paintings of dance-hall
entertainers in Paris in the late
1800s. The painting is one of
four by Toulouse:Lautrec
depicting lesbian couples in
intimate settings. A
spokesperson for Sotheby’ s said
the auction house expects the
painting to sdl for somewhere
around $4.7 million.
Nicaraguan Gets Asylum
manfrom Nicaraguahas become
the third person to be granted
political asylum here since U.S.
officials established anew policy
toward recognizing gays and
lesbians as political refugees m
1990. The 31-year-old man, who
has asked that he not be
identified, was given political
asylum by the Immigration and
Naturalization Service in early
February. The man’s attorney,
Robert Jobe, said INS officials
here had recognized the 1990
administration policy that gay
men and lesbians who face
persecution in their native lands
because of their sexual
orientation should be granted
political asylum.
Mississippi Killer Will
Appeal Verdict
LAUREL, Miss. - An attorney
for Marvin McClendon, the 17-
year-old convicted earlier in
February of murdering 2 gay
men, says he will appeal
McClendon’s conviction. The
high school student was found
guilty of killing Joseph
Shoemake, 24, and Robert
Walters,34,in a closely-watched
trial. During the trial,McClend0n
claimed he had shot the~men
because they tried to sexually
attack him and he feared being
exposed to AIDS.
Oscar Wilde Honored at
Westminster Abbey
LONDON - ’There’s only one
thing in the world worse than
being talked about, and that is
not being talked about,"
playwright Oscar Wilde once
quipped. On Tuesday, Feb. 14,
theflamboyant writerwas finally
being talked about in a big way.
Commemorating the 100th
anniversary of the opening of his
finally honored in Poet’s Comer
in Westminster Abbey where a
window was dedicated to the
memory of his wit and writing.
Attending the ceremony were
actress Dame Judi Dench and
Sir John Gielgud, both of whom
read excerpts by the author.
Wilde was sent to prison for 2
years in 1895 for the affair he
had with Lord Alfred Douglas.
Straight from the Heart
Gets Oscar Nomination
HOLLYWOOD - Straightfrom
the Heart, a film by Dee
Mosbacher and Frances Reid in
response to anti-gay propaganda
by the far right, has been
nominated for an Academy
Award :inthe "Short Documentary
Film" category. The 24-
minute video focuses on the
parents of gays and lesbians and
how they have struggled to stand
by their sons and daughters. The
film is a production of Woman
Vision Productions of San
Canadian Broadcasting
Told to Extend Benefits
EDMONTON, Canada - An
independent arbitrator has
ordered the Canadian Broadcasting
Corp. to extend benefits
to the partner of one of its
employees, Dennis Chabot, a
broadcast reporter. Chabot had
filed a grievance late last year
after the CBC had rejected his
claims to get the benefits for his
partner. The labor ruling now
means the CBC must extend the
samebenefits it gives the spouses
of its married workers to the
partners of allits gay and lesbian
workers, unless it .appeals the
arbitration ruling to court.
CO Hate Crimes Bill Dies
in the Colorado legiflature that
would have included sexual
orientation in the ~state’s hate
crimes laws has failed to pass the
legislative committee. The
committee nixed the proposed
addition by a 7-6 vote. Earlier,
the judiciary committee of the
Colorado House of
Representatives approved the
measure by a 9-4 vote. The
proposal was co-sponsored by6
Republicans and 5 Democrats,
in an unusual show of bipartisan
support. Colorado for Family
Values, an anti-Gay group,, has
condemned the proposed
legislation as a "homosexual
in the current legislative session.
Domestic Partnership
Proposed in Albany, NY
ALBANY, N.Y. - Albany
Alderman Michael Hall has
introduced legislation to
authorize domestic partner
registration hi the city that would
allow same-sex and oppositesex
couples to register their
relationships, The proposed
ordinance extends no benefits to
registered couples or to city
employees, but oppo,n,ents say
the registration Would Condone
gay marriages." But Hall said, "I
think it’s the right thing to do.
It’s an effort by the city to
mitigate a discriminatory
element of state law. And it
recognizes reality."
Gay Attorney Honored
University has announced the
country’s first legal fellowship
for legal research and work with
public interest groups devoted
to gay rights. TheTom Stoddard
Fellowship is named for the
director of the Lambda Legal
Defense &Education Fund from
Light Sentence for Killer
SOUTH BEND, Wash-In what
law enforcement officials and
community members called the
"biggest miscarriage of justice"
in theregion, ajury found Daniel
Hodge, 32, guilty of 2nd degree
manslaughter in the executionstyle
shooting death of Morris
Smith, 26. Hodge, a Portland,
’Ore., construction worker, said
he had shot Smith to keep the
man from sexually assaulting
him after the 2 had driven to a
remote beach area to have sex.
Hodge, however, told thejury he
had changed his mind about
letting Smith perform oral sex
on hi.Ill.
Pacific County Sheriff Jerry
Banning called Hodge’s
explanation "a lie" and testified
that the bullet wound indicated
that Smith was either turning to
ward or away from Hodge when
shot, but could not have been
attacking him. Following the
verdict, which carries only a 14-
month sentence, Sheriff Banning
said, ’’It’s thebiggestmiscarriage
ofjustice I’ ve ever seenin Pacific
County in 23 years. It is a
complete travesty."
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News Briefs News Briefs
Black Gay Leaders Focus
on Community Problems
lesbians and gays often fred their
own neighborhoods the most
difficult because of church
leaders who condemn homosexuality
and youngsters who
seem impervious to HIV
prevention messages, said many
of the community workers
attending the 3-day Black Gay
& Lesbian Leadership Forum.
’q’he attitude is that it can’t
happen to me or to anyone I
know," said Latoris Jordan, a
medical assistant and physical
therapist from Chicago. Black
gay leaders acknowledged the
involvement of many churches
in the fight against AIDS, but
said that conservative pastors
who preached against homosexuality
still posed a considerable
hurdle. ’q’his whole community
is going to be dead by the time
you get them all away from’it’s
an abomination,’" said Mayor
Kenneth E. Reeves of Cambridge,
Denver Considering Sick
Leave for Employees
DENVER- The Denver Career
Services board, which determines
personnel policies and
rules for city workers, is studying
a proposed change that would
allow gay andlesbian employees
to have the same sick-leage to
care for their partners th at
. married workers now get. The 5-
member board has been hearing
testimony on theproposal, whi~a
wouldmakecity workers eligible
for up to 10 days of sick-leave
annual to care for an ailing
partner, the sameleave currently
available to married workers to
care for a sick spouse or other
family member. Opponents of
the proposed change said it
should be rejected to "protect
the family" and that approving
the measure would be "opening
up a box you won’t be able to
Teacher Quits Over
Speech Censorship
Christopher Lailey, an English
teacher at the Robert Land
Academy, has resigned from the
private military school inOntario
province because one of his
students, Albert Bissada, was
ordered by school administrators
to change a speech about the
rights of gays and lesbians or
stay out of a public speaking
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
~mPetition. Bissada’shamewas
withdrawn from the competition
after he refused to change the
speech, which had been given a
91% score byjudges inhis initial
presentation. Lailey said he saw
no harm in Bissada speech. "It
promotes neitherpromiscuitynor
homosexuality, only tolerance
and understanding," he told the
Canadian Press news service.
Partners Bill Tried in
California - Again
Assemblyman Richard Katz will
reintroduce a statewide domestic
partnership measure that Guy.
Pete Wilson vetoed a year ago
and promised to veto again if
passed by the legislature again.
The Katz bill, a duplicate of the
one that narrowly passed the
legislature in 1994, would give
registered same-sex and
opposite-sex couples hospital
visiting rights and certain
inheritance rights. A spokespersonfor
Wilson, however, said
existing state law already covers
inheritance issues, and that the
governor issued an executive
order in 1994 that permits people
in hospitals to designate visitors
who aren’t legally related to
Navy Backs Down On
CD-ROM of Shilts’ Book
down from threats to sue the
publisher of the forthcoming
multimediaCD-ROM version of
Randy Shilts’ book Conduct
Unbecoming, ; the U.S. Navy
says it will not take legal action
against the firm for use ofaNaval
Academy poster and logo. Navy
officials at Annapolis had
initially refused to give
ApolloMedia Corp. permission
to includ+ the poster among the
some 2,000 illustrations and 45
video clips in its CD-ROM
versions of Shilts’ book. The
1972 poster shows two
Annapolis midshipmen, one of
whom was later discharged
because he is gay, under the
headline "Be Something
Special..." ’q’here’s no reasonable
basis to prohibit usage of
the poster, which is in a CDRUM
which honors .service
members who have served their
country honorably," Apollomediapresident
Clinton Fein told
the San Jose Mercury News. "I
don’t think there’s any other
reason to deny the usage other
than prejudice." The finn says it
obtained the 197~ t~,ster from
Boyd E. Graves ~r~iniawho
was discharged in 1977 because
of his sexual orientation. Fein
announced on March 7 that the
company would go ahead with
its CD-ROM version of thebook
- with the poster - despite the
Navy’s threat. The next day, the
Navy said Mast-minute deal with
ApolloMedia would avoid a
possible trademark suit. TheCDRUM,
which should be available
in stores nationwide by the end
of March, will include letters
from the Navy indicating that
the Academy poster was
included without authorization.
Homosexuality Should
Not Bar Child Custody
CHICAGO - The American
Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers, the country’s leading
association of attorneys
specializing in marriage and
divorce law, has issued a policy
statement that homosexuality in
itself shouldn’t be an issue in
child custody cases. "’Any
presumption that a homosexual
parent is "unfit’ for custody
simply by virtue of his or her
homosexuality is a doctrine
based upon prejudice and
stereotypes which deprives a
parent of fundamental rights and
privileges guaranteed under the
Constitution, while simultaneously
ignoring the best interests
of the child," the academy’s
policy statement says. The group
adopted the policy statement as
part Of a friend of the court legal
betweenlesbian Sharon Bottoms
and her own mother, Pamela
Bottoms, over custody of
Sharonrs son. The case is now
before the Virginia Supreme
New Anti-Gay Measure
Filed in Wash. State
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Anti-gay
rights activists have filed legal
papers to begin gathering
signatures to put abailot measure
before Washington voters in
1996 that would bar gays and
lesbians from adopting children
and prohibit state-run schools
from Offering any material that
presents homosexuality in a
positive light. The proposed
measure is similar to one that
voters in the state rejected last
year. Backers of the proposed
ballot initiative, the Washington
Citizens Alliance, have until the
end of this year to gather the
needed signatures to qualify the
measure for the 1996 ballot.
Former Guardsman
Sues Over Discharge
CaliforniaAmay National Guard
1st Lt. Andrew Holmes has filed
a lawsuit in U.S. District Court
in San Francisco, claiming that
his discharge because he is gay
violates state and federal law.
Holmes’ suit charges that his
Oct. 1994 discharge after he
informed his_ commanding
officer of his sexual orientation
violated state job bias laws as
well as state and federal
constitutional guarantees of free
speech and equal protection.
Paul Wotman, the attorney
representing Holmes, called the
suit the "most far-reaching and
fundamental challenge" brought
so far against the Pentagon’s
"don’t ask, don’t tell" policy.
National Guardofficials declined
to comment on the lawsuit.
Gay Bank Exec Sues
Over Loan Refusal
Bagley, a California Federal
Bank vice president, has sued
his employer for discriminating
against gay employees inits loan
policies. Bagley applied 2 times
for the fee-waiver and lower
interestmtes onahomemortgage
that the bank usually gives its
married workers, but was turned
down because Peter Lavin, his
lover of 10 years and the cosigner
on the loan application
wasn’t a family member. An
attorney for the bank, Bill
Claster, argued that same-sex
partners should not be treated as
married as far as employee
benefits are concerned. "How
can two individuals claim they
have been. discriminated against
because they are not married,
when it’s legally impossible for
them to get married?" Claster
said in court.
Sydney Poll Shows
Su pport for Gays
SYDNEY - An overwhelming
majority of Sydney residents
have expressed support for equal
rights for gays and lesbians,
according to a poll by the
Morning Herald. The paper
reported that58% ofrespondents
said they thought it was OK for
adults to have homosexual
relationships; 31% said they
thought it was "wrong;" while
11% said they weren’t sure.
Some 82% said they would feel
comfortable living next door to a
gay or lesbian couple; 84% said
they would feel comfortable
working in an office with a
homosexual; and an overwhelming
93% said they
believed gays and lesbians
should have equal access to
employment. The paper also
reported that 55% of those
responding said Same-sex
marriages should be legally
Teacher Suspended
LONGMONT, Colo. - The St.
Vrain Valley School District
board has become the center of a
controversy after school
administrators placed a
Longmont High School coach,
Dave VanderMolen, on suspension
for conveying concerns of a
female student over the sexual
orientation of an unidentified
girl’s coaching staff member.
School districtadmini stmtors put
VanderMolen on administrative
leave earlier in February for what
they called conduct that "could
possibly be construed as
harassment of fellow staff
members." VanderMolen said
he only rdayed concerns of a
female student who said she felt
uncomfortableinthe lockerroom
with teachers "who have an
alternative lifestyle."
DistriCtoofficials said in a
remain on suspension, pending
the outcome of an independent
investigation. Although a
number of students and faculty
members showed support for
and staff members presented the
school board with a statement,
signed by 72 school colleagues,
opposing any "attack" onafellow
faculty member because of
sexual orientation.
’Hate Speech’ Ban
Ruled Unconstitutional
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Santa Clara
Cty. Superior Court Judge Peter
Stone has declared Stanford
University’s ban against ’]aate
speech," which prohibits slurs
based on race, sex or sexual
orientation, unconstitutional.
Stone said the 1990 school code
is illegal because it is based on
the content of speech rather than
on "fighting words," the usual
legal test courts have used for
determiniug such codes.
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Genetic Transformations of HI~V
WASHINGTON -- U.S, and BritiSh
scientists have found a reason why the
AIDS virus may be so hard to subdue.
They say different HIV strains can coexist
in an. individual and can exchange
geneticmaterial to create new hybrids of
the virus, c omplicating the search for a
vaccine enormously. HIV itself is an
extremely genetically diverse organism
and thereare in fact two viruses -HIV-1
and HIV-2 - which are inmmmade up of
2 distinct viral groups, 1 of which has 8
known sub-types, which are in turn also
divided further into various str ains.
Researchers at the University Of
Nottingham-in England, at the Walter
Reed U.S. Army Institute of Research in
Maryland and the University of Alabama
reported in the currentissue of Nature that
they have discovered that strains from
different sub-type s of the virus can.
commin~e in the same infected person to
create ever more complex genetic
diversity. According to the scientists, a
surprisingly large number of the strains -
about 10% of those they examined : Were
hybrids. Geneticist Paul Sharp-of the
University of Nottingham said this means
asubstantial numberofpeoplecanbecome
infected by more than One HIV sub-type;
"Until afew months ago; that wasn’t
thbught to be possible because nobody
had been found who was infeCted.with
more than one sub-type of the virus,"
Sharp said. "But in order for these hybrids
to-arise, you have to have a hituation
where a single indiv idual has more tl~
one sub-type of the virus, That’ s the only.
way that the virus can form ahybrid, ff ~
single individual is simultaneously
infected by two different strains." The
findings have immediateconsequences
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs.
for potential vaccine development.
Scientists believethatavaccineformulated
for one sub-type of HIV-1 may not be
effective against another sub-type - even
~one that’s closely related g~etically.
’Prospective v accines might, they say,
have to be be mixed together to offer
protection against various sub-types.
Treatment Advance Against HIV
WASHINGTON - A federal study
detailed in the Mar. 2 issue of the New
England Journal of Medicine reports that
interleuldn-2 (IL-2) significantly raised
the level of’~dller cells"in6of 10 patients
who were infected with HIV butw ho had
not yet been clinically diagnosed with
full-blown AIDS. The study, one of the
most promising on treating the AIDS
epidemic in the past few years, involved
25 volunteers with.the National Institutes
of Health’S National Institute of Allergy
andInfectious Diseases. Interlenldn-2 is a
protein produced uaturally by the body
and the genetically engineered form
¯ manufactured by Chir0n Corp. has been
used for years as a cancer-fighting drug~
The NIH researchers said the IL-2
treatmeut boosted the patients" CD4cells,
which fight infections like HIV, by 50%
.to 300% in the study.. The drug, h0wev.er,
only helped 2 of15 patients in the study
Whose CD4 cell eouiat~ had fallen bel6w
200.-~echnically, those who are clinically
diagnosed as having AIDS2 Patients als0
exp~rience.a number of side effects from
the ~fherapy, and researchers said more
studie~::w~re needed to +find the most
effective dosage level and frequency of
. therapytominimizeunwanted sideeffects.
AIDS Funds Restored in House
WASHINGTON - In a scarce win for
Democrats in Congress, the Republican
~,~ajodty on the House Appropriations
~ittee"voted to restore some $36
million in funding for AIDS prevention
programs that Republicans had earlier
voted to drop. The committee went along
with a proposal by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (DCalif.)
to restore the $36 million by
substituting cuts from an Energy
Department environmental program and
cutting funds for a new government
building inthe capital. ThePelosi proposal,
which still must be approved by ~e full
House, would restore $23 million in HIV
prevention funding and $13 million to the
Ryan White CAREAct, which provides a
wide rangeofservice topeople withAIDS.
Another House subcommittee is
weighing the possibility of wiping out the
entire $186millionbudgetforthefederally
runHOPWA (Housing Opportunities for
People With AIDS) program. Gay rights
and AI.DS activists say the new budgetconsemus
Republican majority in
Congress must be persuaded of the need
to keep the prograins at current funding
levels. "You can’t cut the deficit on the
backs Of people with AIDS," said Winnie
Stachelberg of the Human Rights
Campaign Fund.
Calif. Medical Assn. Calls for
Mandatory HIV Reporting
ANAHEIM, Calif. -- The California
Medical Assn. (CMA)has votedtoendorse
legislation requiring people who test
positive for HIV to be reported to local -
health officials. The CMA resolution
calls for the state legislature to enact laws
that would require health-care workers in
California toreportanyone testing positive
for the virus "for the purpose of partner
notification and disease control only."
AIDS activists denounced the CMA vote
and said suchlegislationwouldleadpeople
to avoid testing out of fears of exposure.
Twenty-four states already require
reporting of people infected with HIV.
CMA delegates rejected a proposed
resolution callingforthe mandatory testing
of pregnant women for HIV. The same
day, the Los Angeles County Health Dept.
also called for mandatory reporting of
patients who test positive for the virus.
The health agency said contract tracing of
those infected with HIV should now be
done the same as "any other venereal
Clinton Supports Pentagon
AIDS & Cancer Programs
WASHINGTON- Responding to
published reports that the Pentagon might
drop AIDS and breast cancer medical
research programs, the White House
bluntly told Defense Secretary William
Perry that President Clinton was upset at
the possible dropp ing of the 2 researeli
In a pointed, letter to Perry, Clinton
Chief of Staff Leon Panetta noted that
46,000 women die from breast cancer and
40;000 Americans die annually from
AIDS, and told the Pentagon chief, ’q’he
president believes that we cannot afford
to allow these tragic losses to continue.
And that is why.breast cancer and AIDS
research, is a high priority for this
.News sources had reported that the
Pentagon was planning on not spending
some $30 million in A~DS research funds
and $150 million for breast cancer
programs because Defense Dept. officials
didn’t consider them vital parts of the
military’s medical research.
continued onpage 8
1.00% Service
(g18) 749-3000
Health Briefs iHealth Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs continuedfrom page 7 marrow transplant operation fr6~ a~ Conference predicted that by the year products between 1980 and 1987.
’Justifiable Homicide’ .Mo~asure baboon on an AIDS patient. The
announcement of the highly experimental Offered in AIDS Attacks
BATON ROUGE, La - A proposed
measure introduced by Louisiana state
Rep. Roy Brun, a Shreveport Republican,
would extend legal justification for the
use of violence to stop an offense that
might transmit HIV, making even killing
"justifiable homicide" in such cases.
AIDS activists, civil libertarians and
gay-rights advocates, however,
condemned the measure. ’‘This sounds
distinctly like an open hunting license on
gay men and AIDS patients," said John
Rawls, a New Orleans civil rights lawyer.
’‘The law already allows the use of force
against any form of rape. People who
murder gay men claim they had to do it to
repel sexual advances. Underthisproposal,
they can claim they were protecting
themselves from AIDS. "
WA State Legislator Has AIDS
SEATTLE- Washington state Senator
Cal Andersonhas announced that he has
been HIV-positive for about 10 years and
that he now has an AIDS,related
lymphoma, a complication of the disease,
Anderson, who is the Washington
Legislature’ s only openly gay lawmaker,
plans to continue working as long as his
healthallows. Anderson told reporters
that he is being treated for the lymphoma
and that his o.e.hances of recovery are
Baboon Marrow to be
Used in AIDS Patient
ATLANTA - In a sign of how far
°researchers are reaching in theirbatde
against HIV, physicians at San Francisco
General Hospital will soonperform abone
transplant procedure was made at a news
conference sponsored by the American
Assn. for the Advancement of Science.
"Given the fact that there is no treatment
for AIDS, people have been very
comfortable with moving ahead," said
Dr. Suzanne Ildstad of the University of
Pittsburgh, who is directing the treatment.
Collaborators on the experimental
procedure include Dr. Anthony Fauci,
head of the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Robert
Gallo, a pioneering AIDS researcher at
the National Cancer Institute.
HIV Testing for PregnantWomen
WASHINGTON - The federal government
has proposed that physicians should
counsel all pregnant woman about HIV
and urge them to be tested for the vires so
mothers who areinfected can try to protect
their unborn children from becoming infe
cted as well. Because each HIV test costs
$25, a major investment will be necessary
to catch the estimated 80,000 women of
childbearing age who are infected with
HIV, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention said. Doctors reeent!y
discovered, however, that AZT reduces
the risk of transmission from mother to
infant in about two-thirds of the cases.
The CDC says that mass HIV testing
should pay foritselfbothby savingbabies"
lives and reducing medical bills.
Approximately 2,000 babies annually are
born with HIV. -
Dire Predictions about
AIDS & Women
PHILADELPHIA - Researchers at the
1st annual HIV Infection in Women
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2000 AIDS will become the leading cause
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’‘There’ s no doubt that the epidemic will
grow for women into the millennium
unless there’s a more aggressive
prevention approach aimed directly at
women," Dr. Sten Vermund of the school
of public health at the University of
Alabama in Birmingham said. While
womenrepresented7% of the AIDS cases
diagnosed in 1985, the figure has grown
to 18% as oflast year, according to figures
from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. The CDC data indicates that
three-fourths of AIDS cases among
women in 1994 were among black and
Latina women.
Federal Relief Proposed for
Hemophiliacs with HIV
of Congress have introduced a measure
thatwouldcompensate hemophiliacAIDS
patients who were infected with the virus
from tainted blood-clotting products. Rep.
Porter Goss (R-Fla.), chief sponsor of the
bill, said about 8,000 American
hemophiliacs were afflicted with HIV
because the federal drug oversight system
didn’t work properly during the early
1980s. "The pmIxme of this [legislation]
is to try using dollars topay back a little bit
of the hurt, a little bit of the wrong,doing
that took #ace because,.apparenfly, the
federal government did not live up.to its
responsibilities:" Goss said.~
The measure, if approved, would create
a $1 billion trust fund for a 5-year period
each to individuals who could show they
contracted HIV from tainted blood
Acceptin~ Medicare, Medicaid,
private pay andp~im~e insurance.
Oklahoma owned and operat*zt.
Hormone Tested in Men for
HIV-Related Cancer Protection
LOS ANGELES - Kaposi’s sarcoma
(KS), a once-rare cancer that now strikes
a significm!..t percentage of men infected
withHIV,veryinfrequently strikeswomen
who are infected with the virus. Some
scientists believewomenmaybe protected
from KS because of hormones produced
by women, including HCG (human
chorionic gonadotropin). Dr. Parkash Gill
of the University of Southern California
has begun human trials of HCG among
meninfected with HIV to test whether the
hormone, which is already approved for
human use, does indeed protect against
the cancer.
Ex-Pro Hockey Player Has AIDS
ST. PAULMinn.-Areport in the SL Paul
Pioneer Press says one-time National
Hockey l_~ague player Bill Goldsworthy
has disclosed that he has AIDS.. The
newspaper reported that the man who
onceplayedfo~theMinnesota North Stars,
Bo ston Bruius and New York Rangers
was diagnosed in November while
hospitalized for treatment of pneumonia.
Russians OK HIV Testing Law
MOSCOW - The Russian Duma has
approved legislation that world require
the majority of foreigners entering the
country for more than a3-month period to
either provide documentation that they
are not infected with HIV or submit to
testing in the country. The legislation,
which requires the approval of Russian
President Boris Yeltsin, exempts only
foreign diplomats entering the country on
official business.
Where have people living with AIDS in the
Tulsa ~ea gone to receive skilled nursing
care in a homelike, loving setting?
Until now - no where......
Announcing the opening ofMohawk Living Center, a facility
specializing in caring for people living with MDS. Overlooking
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to caring for PLWA’s and improving their quality of life through
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The staff at Mohawk Living Center invite you to come & tour our new facility.
To arrange a tour or for more information, call ouroffices at 918-425-1354
Mohawk Living Center
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from the city jail by Sheriff Drew. White
paid no fine and posted no bail.
’Tmfree tocomebackto visitRobertson
.again," White said grinning, "and will be
back," he promised. "This is a victory for
everyone. Before today, Pat has never
agreed to meet with gay or lesbian
Christians. 1" mhopingthis is thebe~nning
of a constructive dialogue between us."
"Robertson said he was meeting with me
out of compassion formy parents for their
son," White explained. "That’ s okay by
me. Thousands of other parents now have
hope that Robertson will care about their
gay and lesbian children too."
White, a one-time ghostwriter for Pat
Robertson, Jerry Falwell and other anti-
Gay Christian evangelists, had been
arrested in an act of non:violent civil
disobedience earlier in February. After
months of writing to his former employer
and friend, Wbite had gone to Robertson’ s
Virginia Beach Christian Broadcasting
Network headquarters. White and the
dozenor so pastors with him hadrequested
ameeting with Roberts,onbut were refused
and told to leave CBN S offices.
White told the others to leave but
defiantly remained. ":As an act of civil
disobedi~ncein thenameofChristIchoose
to stay~": White said. He was then
handcuffed hy Virginia Beach police and
charged with t-respassifig. He told his
supporters not to post the $1,000 bond to
free him.:- ’!-
"How long will it take to convince
peopleIamsincere aboutthis thing [getting
R~obertson. to. meet]?" White asked,
promising to fast until Robertson met
with White. Officials_ at Robertson’s
Christian Broadcasting Network had
calledWhite’ s fastandjail stinta"publicity
stunt" to increase his position as a national
gay rights leader and to sell his recently
published autobiography.
Bearing Witness, the interfaith group
of gays, lesbians and their allies who
organized to support White’ s fast and to
maintain the daily vigil at CBN, will
monitor Pat’s 700 Club broadcasts, his
print material and his fund raising letters.
"We are going to be sure that Pat
ac.knowledges and condemns the hate
crimes against God’s gay and lesbian
children,, said Dawn Rankin-Phelps, a
Bearing Witness organizer. "And we’re
already putting together the PFLAG
delegationthat will meetwithPattodiscuss
with him the rise of hate crimes against
gays and lesbians in this country and how
the false rhetoric leads to these crimes."
During his 23 daysin isolation, White
and the Bearing Witness team received
over 12,,0~,~ letters, cards, telegrams of
support. ’There is no way of knowing
fa~esand letters Pat received urging him
to meet with us," said Ms. Rankin-Phelps,
"but it must have made a difference. Pat
wentto jail to visit Mel," she said
exuberantly. ~"No one but Mel actually
believed he would do it.,"
Following a brief press conference,
White lead Bearing WitneSs supporters
numbering, over 100 across Indian River
Road toCBN property where he presented
security witha.dozen white:roses and a
card of thanks for Pat Robertson.
Mayor cont’dfromp. 1
Sexual o~ientation for the Tulsa Police
~*’+Dept. as Well as other employees and an
order to the police to keep hate crime
statistics voluntarily.
OnMarch 14,issueda statementthrough
.aide Hfllary Kitz: "It is not necessary to
issue an executive order to ban
discrimination [based on sexual
orientation]." In earlier conversations,
Kitz said the Mayor did not believe that
discrimination basedon sexual orientation
occurred in city employment. Kitz
indicated that the Mayor wanted proof of
discrimination. Kitz was asked.whether
the Mayor thought it was likely that city
employees (who have no protections
currently) would be likely to risk
harassment or losing theirjobs by coming
forward to prove that discrimination
exists? Kitz said Mayor Savage refused to
respond to any further questions andwould
not make any time available for direct
Eddie Faye Gates, chairperson of the
HumanRights Commission, recalls of the
Nov. meeting that Savage promised to act
on several ofthe report’s ~et~.ommendations
- to issue a statement condemning
discrimination, in Tulsa and to begin
diversity training. Gates addh that ~he
Mayor specified that any statement by
. Savage wouldnotinclude the term, "sexual
According to Major Caroline Kmler, in ’
charge of the Tulsa Police Academy::’-
training said that as:far as she knew Tulsa++
Police ~ad+ritt.imtitU!~ any~c~ge.to its ::
diversitytrmining.Tlienext~session+ i~
begins this Thursday. Roger Ruth,
associated with Tulsa Youth Services,
provides the current "diversity" training.
Ruth indicated that his training only
addresses issues of race, etlmicity and
"culture" as associated with race. Ruth
was adamant about those limits for his
training because that was requested in his
contract. He repeated many times that he
wouldnot be interestedin including issues
of sexual orientation becanse he’s not
trained to do so and as he stated with some
vehemence, "that is not my professional
At press time, the dept. which is known
for it slow response to the press, had not
re.sponded .as to whether it is tracking hate
crimes against Lesbians and Gay men.
Savage cont’dfromp. 2=
the ’Ywrong" neighborhood. Gay officers
say that they’re afraid their peers onthe
force are .so prejudiced that those peers
might refuse to provide back-up, and thus
endanger the Gay officers’ lives.
Yonshould acton therecommendations
of your own.Human Rights Commission:
If not, you should publicly acknowledge
that the Commission is a seam. Order the
Police. Dept.¯ to begin diversity training
that truly reflects :Tulsa’s diversity and to
keep statistics on. hate crimes. Issue a
statement-condemning discrimination-~
specifically including sexual orientation.
.Issue,a. ban on discri+’mination based on
sexual orientation. If there’s really no
discrimination in city employmenL then
.youhavenothing toworry aboutbymaking
it official.
14~8 S. Boston, Tulsa
1635 E, 15th Street, 59.9-8070
Serving Tulsa’s
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the bill and build a movement in the state.
Besides working against the marriage
measure, the fledgling SDGLBF aims to
organize the gay commumty - virtually
from scratch - and create a safe
environment in which gay, lesbian and
bisexual South Dakotans can come out.
Barry Wick, founder of SDGLBF and
its ad hoc director, was one of the activists
.who testified at the recent Senate hearings
m Pierre, the state capital. "House Bill
1184 is a dangerous path filled with great
emotional, social and economic booby
traps that this state mustavoid," said Wick
at thehearing. "This bill will negate, nullify
and ridicule loving unions between
consenting adults ..... and will fuel
harassment and potential violence against
a class of South Dakotans.
For many of the lawmakers this was the
first lime they havehad to grapple publicly
with gay issues. A few lawmakers have
emerged as new-found defenders of gay
rights, includin~ Rep. Jack Billion, a
Utah Anti-Marriage Law May
Lead to Olympic Boycott
SALT LAKE CITY - Utah lawmakers
voted for. a measure barring the state from
recogm2ang same-sex marriages even if
they are legal elsewhere. However the
measure passed after the legislature itself
had teelmieally adjourned on midnight,
March 2.
Despite the late vote, the state’ s attorney
general has ruled that the legislation .is
legal and Gov. Mike Leavitt quickly said
he would sign the bill into law..Some
activists in the state have already indicated
that if the measure is signed into law, they
will launch a campaign to keep the 2002
winter Olympic Games out of Utah.
Talk Show cont’dfro,mp 1
has confessed to the killing and has been
charged with 1st degree murder. In a press
statement about the killing, Robin Kane
of the National Gay &Lesbian Task Force
in Washington, said, "This tragedy
highlights the deadly nature of
homophobia in our society. That anyone
should be killed simply for being gay is
deplorable. Sadly this is not an isolated
incident." Kane noted that at least 59
lesbians and gay men were killed in biasbased
murders during 1994.
Court , cont’dfrom p. 1
lesbian and gay marchers can be kept out
of Boston’s annual St. Patrick’s Day
parade. CO’s Attorney General, Gale
Norton, said, "Colorado voters want to
makethesedecisions for themselves. They
think that these kinds of decisions about
which groups are entitled to special
protections are decisions that should be
made by individual’s rather than by
Opponents of Amend. 2 - and similar
anti-gay initiatives in cities and states
across the US - see the case in a very
different light and warn that the case could
have constitutional implications for every
minority group in the U.S.
"This is not about "special rights’ for
oneidentifiablegroup- gays andlesbians,"
saidMary Celeste, aCOattorney who has
battled in the courts to overturn Amend. 2
since it was narrowly approved by voters
in 1992. ’Cliffs is an issue Of civil rights
that is so broadthat it e,,ncompasses every
citizen of die country.’ A key issue that
will be involved in the case/which will
notbe hearduntil next fall, will be whether
a state’s barring local governments from
extending anti-bias protections violatesa
basic constitutional principle.
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Police cont’dfrorn p. 1
leaving M&ropole at about 1 am early on
~_.~tmday, Feb. 26. Police describe Wilcutt
;as Caucasian, 5’-9", 220# with brown hair
& hazel eyes. When last seen he was
wearing a black dress with gold trim and
a blond/red wig. Any information about
his movements on Sat. Feb. 25 or early
Sun. Feb. 26 is sought by Tulsa Police.
You may call Detective Wilson at 596-
9142 or call anonymously at 596-COPS.
Louganis cont’dfromp. 1
motivate those people who are HIVpositive
to be responsible and also to
understand that life isn’t over yet, that
HIV and AIDS is not a death sentence."
Lougams said in the interview that he
knew he was infected with HIV when he
hit his head on a diving board during the
1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. He
suffered a minor head injury during that
accident that required 5 stitches, but he
did not tell the doctor treating him that he
was HIV-positive.
Lawsuit cont’dfrom p. 1
even if they are not infected.
A lawsuit t’fled recently in Tulsa, one of
the first brought, nationwide under this
new law, will define the impact of this
policy. A Gay Tulsaman, who’d worked
successfully for 8 years for a local
restaurant, was fired because his
companion is a PLWA. The plaintiff is
being assistedby attorneys associated with
the AIDS Legal Resource Project,
sponsored by Legal Aid of Eastern and
Western Oklahoma and the Oklahoma
State Bar Association. Forlegal assistance,
contact Tulsa’s HIV Resource Center or
Legal Aid of Western Oklahoma at 405-
Hate cont’dfrom p. 1
that a growing lesbian visibility may
account for part of the increase.
More victims were involved in the
attacks also. In San Francisco, for example,
Community United Against Violence
(CUAV) reported that there was a decrease
in the actual number of attacks - 324
reported in 1994, compared to 366 the
previous year. But the number of victims
involved in such attacks rose 37% - some
545 people in 1994, compared to 398
victims the year before. In. San Franosco,
62% of those attacked were injured, with
a third requiring medical treatment. Also
three people died in anti-gay attacks there.
In New York, 65% of the people attacked
were injured, according to the city’ s antiviolence
project. 79ofthe victims required
medical ~treatment and there were 9
homicides resulting from anti-, gay attacks.
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Red Earth Bear’s. Spring Activities
..........by Alan Nyitray
Red Earth Bears keeps adding bear
buddies each week. The REB mailing list
(only three months old) now boasts 99
people including several bear clubs in
states surrounding Oklahoma. We also
mail our newsletter to the Bear History
Project in Massachusetts.
Spring is approaching. And you know
where bear minds turn these days...it tunas
to some of the more basic and fundamental
of bear instincts. And there will be plenty
of opportunities as we emerge from a long
winter of hibernation. Remember, it was
only this last winter that birthed Red Earth
Bears. So this is our first spring rut. And
you know what they say about your fun’st
In this article we’ 11 tell you about March
and April’s activities already on the
drawing boards. Whatever you do, don’ t
miss April’s get together - we’re gonna
import a posse of friendly bears from out
of state. Remember, you don’ t have to be
amemberofRed Earth Bears to parlicipate
in our get togethers. We want everyone to
come out and have a good time.
State of the Club
Red Earth Bears continues to grow with
every growl we make. It seems that even
just a little bit of publicity is attracting lots
of folks from around the state. About
three-fourths of the 99 on our mailing list
are in Oklahoma, The restare individuals
in other states,_other bear clubs in this part
of the country, and magazines.
About two-thirds of the men on Our
mailing list are single. Half of the 99
reside in the OKC metro area, 15 from
Tulsa and close to a dozen from other
parts of Oklahoma.
Upcoming Bear Events!.
The REB officers along with help from
others in the club have been hard at work
planning spring’s activities.
At 7pmon St. Patty’ s Day (March 17th,
Friday night) we’ 11 all meet at Furr’ s (Ha!)
in Windsor Hill’s Shopping Center,
Meridian and NW23rd. Wehave our own
private dining area. $5.00 all you can eat
(sell your Furr’ s stock before March 17th).
In April, Show MeBears from St. Louis
are road-tripping to OKC and the Habana
Inn for a weekend of fur and frolicking
with REB! They’ll arrive Saturday, April
22. Early on Sunday afternoon, we’ ve
scheduled a cook out of hot dogs and
hamburgers. The boys from Missouri
will head home Monday.
May- and June are already looking full
with 1st Splash in Austin, a Bear Bust at
Levi’s May 21st, the gay rodeo, a Bear
Picnic/Bear Growl, and gay Pride Week.
More details on these later.
The REB has a monthly newsletter. It’ s
published with the help of an annual
membership fee of $10. To get on our
mailing list, write us at Red Earth Bears,
PO Box 57561, OKC, OK 73157-7561.
You can e-mail us at alanokc@aol.com or
jerome@telepath.com, or call us at 405-
732-9808. Happy bear hunting!
Help Fight AIDS!
Volunteer Opportunities
Help. others from your home. Interfaith
AIDS Ministries staffs NE OK’s only 24
hour HIV/AIDS info. line. Please attend a
volunteer meeting on Friday, March 24 a~t
6:30 pro. Call for location. 438-2437.
Beer Bust 9- I
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by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Any group of individuals wishing to
obtain complete andequal protection under
the law must first have a full knowledge of
past law and its precedence. This book
does not address the current, constantly
changing laws, but gives a historical
pe.rspective of how those laws came into
exxstence. It is part of the New Press’ s
Law in Context series, which is designed
to "offer new perspectives on existing
fields of legal study, and to open up those
evolving areas in which current law and
interpretation are out of sync with social
and cultural practices." Editor William
Rubenstein teaches a course on sexual
orientation and the law at Harvard Law
School. He has compiled dozens of legal
cases, historical documents and articles
chronicling pertinent American history
all the way back to 1636 when violation of
the PlymouthSodomy Law waspunishable
by death. The book is divided into six
general areas:
1) Basic Documents, which contains
entries that help define just who gays and
lesbians are and why persecution exists.
Included are, a contribution by John
Boswell, whose recent book "Same-Sex
Unions inPremodemEurope" causedquite
adebate, an interview withJames Baldwin,
and a sadly out of touch entry from the
New Catholic Encyclopedia. (Did you
know that ’l~abitual involvement in works
of charity" and "meditation for at least 20
minutes a day" will help cure homosexuality?)
2) Regulation of Lesbian and Gay
Sexuality, which explains, as much as
..."habitual involvement in
works of charity" and
"meditation for at least 20
minutes a day" wifl help cure
- New Catholle Eneyelopedla
possible, what sodomy laws really mean
and how lesbian sex is affected. The
infamous 1986 Supreme Court decision
in Bowers v Hardwick is detailed and its
implications examined. For you
youngsters, that was the case in which the
Court upheld the Georgia sodomy law,
after a police officer entered a citizen’s
home, without a warrant, and arrested two
adult men who were engaging in oral sex
behind a closed bedroom door.
3) Regulation of Lesbian and Gay
Identity includes an examination of
government regulation of meeting places,
organizations and freedom of assembly.
Censorship and the rights of lesbian and
gay students are also addressed.
4) Lesbians and Gay Men in the
Workplace examines the lack of
employment protection with regard to
Constitutional Provisions and statutory
protections in both private and public
employment. The tmique experiences of
lesbian and gay teachers and members of
the military are overviewed. If you think
that theMcCarthyites were only hunting
Communists, think again.
5) Legal Recognition of Lesbian and
Gay Relationships. This should be a short
chapter~ right? Cases regarding the
prohibition of same sex marriages prove
to be interesting. Domestic partnerships
and spousal benefits are also addressed.
6) Lesbian and Gay Parenting. The
courts hav( taken extraordinary steps to
prevent the formation of lesbian and gay
families. Adoption, foster care and the
implications of donor insemination are
.This book provides a good background
of information which will be valuable
when contacting your elected representatives
regarding current or upcoming
Check the Tulsa City-County Library
for this book or call 596-7966.
Some other recent library additions of interest include:
*Coping When A Parent is Gay (by Deborah A. Miller)
*Gardening in Clay: Reflections on AIDS
,(by Ronald O. Valdisen-i)
*Life Sentences: Writers, Axtists and AIDS
(edited by Thomas Avena)
*Revelations: Gay Men’s Coming Out Stories
(edited by Adrien Saks and Wayne Curtis)
Tulsa Area
Have the winter doldrums got you
down? "Thaw out" & come to the April
meeting of Prime Timers, a social group
for Gay/Bisexual men 40 & over. The
meeting will be on Sunday, April 2, at
4pro at the resource center, 4154 S.
Harvard. There will be a social hour,
followed by a planning session for the
group’s 2nd anniversary celebration &
the "anual" Labor Day Weekend
happening at the Habana Inn in OK City.
For more info on the group, call 747-
8121 or write: TAPT, POB 52118, Tulsa,
OK, 74152-0118. Other acitivities are in
the works now, so keep reading TFN for
further updates !
Rescuing the Bible
TOHR and Community of Hope in
conjunction withBLGA ofT.U. announce
and 8 week course "Rescuing the Bible".
We will be looking at the relevance of the
Bible in a modem context. The course
will be led by Reverend Leslie Penrose
beginning April 3rd at the T.U. Activities
Center. The class will begin at 6:30 p.m.
and end at 8:30 p.m.
For further information or to register
please contact Tim @ 254-2100. Pre-registration
is requested but not required.
Plan now to attend this fun and exciting
discussion group.
Lesbian or Gay
and Republican?
Contact Tulsa Log Cabin
Republicans care of this paper:
POB 4140, 74159 or at
,.ar t nt confdfrom p. ]
equated homosexuality to the crimes of
rape and pedophilia: Largent had
suggested that homosexuality "should not
be tolerated." Largent agreed to the
meeting request from Tulsa Family News
publisher, Tom Neat, at a private meeting
that Largent initiated on October 11,
National Coming Out Day.
Largent and his audience disagreed
strongly that homosexuality is "chosen."
While Largent believes that
homosexuality is chosen, all who
witnessed to him, both Lesbians and Gay
men, and PFLAG parents stated their
conviction that it is not a "choice." Voices
were raised also when Largent noted that
the debate in Congress is likely involve
comparisons between homosexuality and
pedophilia. Largent did not actually make
that assertion here but rather that that is
likely to be the tenor of a debate.
The most important comments Largent
made were in response to former TOHR
pres. Kelly Kirby’s story of his wrongful
firing for being Gay. Largent, with
seeming sincerity, said, "that’s wrong,"
echoingcomments madeprivately to Neal.
When asked about the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
sponsoredby theHumanRights Campaign
Fund (HRCF) currently before Congress.
Largentsaidhe didn’tknow anything about
it. He promised to research the bill and to
respond to the community by writing to
Tulsa Family News. Largent did ask
whether the bill banned quotas and
exempted religious institutions (ed.s note:
it does) and some observers inferred that
Largent might consider supporting a nondiscrimination
bill that protects Lesbians
and Gay men.
Pool Night.., $4.00 Beer Bust
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DANCJ~IS $4.00 Beer Bust
Dance Music All Night
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FB.v:v: Line-Dance Lessons 8pro - 10pm
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Benefit for Larry Everett, Mr. Okla. Leather ’95
on March 17, 10pm
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Wed - Sun 7 pm - 2 am / Mon - Toes Closed
Randy,. attr 35 married bi wm, iso
daytime fun, 25-40, discreet
friends- =28807
.:~Eric, recently divorced 6’2 200,
brn/blu~ like hairy men and
cowboys, like to ride hawgs to
like to getogether with yo~ too-
Oklahoma City MANY
INTERESTS: Marvin, WM 6’2,
225, many interests, get in touch
asap, like to talk to you! e30131
Oklahoma City PAT, 22, Ikg for
someone betw~,~n 18-25, 1 ~0,
blnd/blu grn 5 8, Ikg for honest
person, Iv a message- ~30162
am 5’11,185, blnd/blu, cln
shaven cln cut musc build, 23-35
ht/wt athl build into athletics,
wtlifling, I will call you back-
1 ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Calf: 1-800-546-MENN
(VV’e’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star.key (.)
Due to our large ~vo~ume of calls,
if you can’t get th~u~ simply try
your call later.
ROMANTIC: DWayne 32 5’9
195 brn/hzl, hopeless romantic
iso same for fun and friendship-
Jacksonville DANNY 20, soon
to be 21 iso same area, willing to
travel, varied interests give me a
call e31236
19 clean athletic masc iso WM
18-25 Iv a message- ~30287
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
TONIGHT: Bob, GBM 33, 5’7,
155, iso sim WM to date and
much~more I’m bright, honest
hands.~me ke ire and earning,
like most entertainment, give me a
call~ ~29444
Tulsd CALL ME: Mitch, 5’10,
170 brn/grey brn eyes young
looking, smooth, inexp,
smoker like to party iso
someone with the same int, if
ur interested give me a calle29894
Recording your
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down .what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for..Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
FRIEND: Mitch, 35,
brn/brngrey, 5’10 165, smoker,
like to party, iso someone as
inexp as me,, age not really
impt- ~22668
Westville BI OR GAY MEN:
Ken, bi, 6’, 165, brn/hzl,
med build, attr outgoing.
easygoing, smoker, drink
lightly, looking for other
bi or gay men, give me a
call- ~30841
iso some fun here in the area gve
me a call- ~31534
Oklahoma City MARVIN 28
WM 6’3. brn/blu, vers, need to
meet someone into role playing if
ur into it give me a call- ~30131
David, 5’10 160 dk/dk smooth,
29w, looking to meet other guys
for good tim~s, give me a call~
~31876 ~
out there
romantic having fun, like classical
literature, Poe, Lovecraft,
Shakespeare, open to new things,
if this sounds int give me a ca11-
Tulsa DISCREET BI GUY: bi attr
WM 5’3 130, 30s iso attr cln cut
guy ,discreet call me- ~e23017
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A FRIEND: Dennis WM 33
bm/bm 195, 6’, just moved here
mainly looking for friends- e23201
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A COWBOY: 25, 5’7 125,
brn/blu, Ikg for a cowboy 25-35
who has his act together- e23357
6’2 brn/hzl, iso
and kiss-
NW AR SKIP 34, 6’1, bm/blu
170, iso indiv in the Springfield/utile
Rock area b~, but in~exp, iso someone
eilher gay or bi, looks not impt, good
pers, c~nd wi.’llin~ to .e~oe~i.’ment,li-ke
to get togelher. I~11 get ~ck to youe23205
T,ulsa TALR TO ME: Tony, 27,
6, stocky 230, married WM bi,
iso other married or bi men who
are stocky like me, iso someone
discreet and alot of fun great
attitude, to talk with- e24320
DANCE, 30 fun, vers quiet nights
long walks and. movies....
Tulsa MED STUDENT: Scott, 24,
5’9, 180 2rid yr med-student, ski
rq,l,etball and tennis, discreet, like
all sports, movies and have a
good time give me a call!
’men 20-38,
Michael, 24 GWM iso
someone 24-30,
5’7 145, blu, bind
hair, mustache,
ive me
FUN: Mike,
24, NW area,
blnd/blu, 5’7
145, Ikg for
another GWM
masc, enjoy
walking hiking,
camping, outdoors, like
to spend time and get to know
give me a call e21632
T~lsa HOTMEN wanted, 29
5 11,185/1n cut bb, int incln
cut masc hot men,23-35 for
fun~.21997 .....,~
Oklahoma City CITY MEN:
like to meet men
int Iv a
to meet 18~36,
Tulsa TOM 21 Y/O, 6’2, dk
brn curly hair, eyes, semi musc,
wide shoulders, 32w, looking for
friends, get together and be
friends ~22575
Adolfo, like.
s~dent, hisp.
5 7 180 med
build, dk cxion,
olive, dk/dk, must
Ikg for other bi or gay
white or hisp males in the area for
fun, friendship poss tel- give me a
call- ~22622
SAME: Mitch, very young 35,
bm/brn 5’10, 165, very inexp,
smooth looking for similar- foi"
poss relationsl~ip- e22668
POPCORN: Eddie, 5’8, 155,
34, very hands, athl, musc, want
to meet other romantic men to
share a nice quiet romantic eve,
favorite movie, Iv a msg-
WANTED: Edward, Ikg for male
companions in the area, watch
some movies, pop popcorn,
spend some fun time together-
Sundays Mondays
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Sunday School 9:45, Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
Morning Worship Service 11:00. 2627-B East Info.
11th. Call 583-7815 forlnfo. LAMBDA BOWLING LEAGUE - Bowling
COMMUNITY OF HOPE (United Methodist) -. begins at 8:45. Sheridan Lanes 3121 South
Faith and Struggle Group> discussion group,- Sheridan.
subjects vary. 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship
-::;Service 6 00. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232for info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Morning Worship
Service 11:00. 5451-E South Mingo. Call
622-1441 for Info.
Worship Service 10:45 1623 North
Mapiewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
THE BANNED - Gay Band - Practice weekly
¯~in OKC. Call 838-2121 for Info.
MINISTER’S CLASS - Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Centen 7:30 p.m. 2627-B
East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for Info.
Weekly Meetings/Parties. Community of
HoPe: 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
TYDD - Tulsa Youth Discovering Diversity -
Youth Support Group. Call 587-1300 for Info.
Study 7:00. MCC of Greater Tulsa 1623
North Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Choir Practice 7:00
2627-B East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Potluck 6:30.
Bible Study 7:00. Choir Practice 8:00. 5451-
5451-E South Mingo Call 622-1441 for Info.
(Regular Meetings begin March 23)
HIV TESTING ¯ TOHR Clinic. Free and
Anonymous testing using fingerstjck method.
No appointment required Walk in test hours:
7:00- 8:30 pm. Results H0uiS: ~7:0d~’~:oo
pm. Call 749-4194 forlnfo. .- --.
PRAYER TIME,- 7:00 p, rn, MCC of Greater
Tulsa. 1623 North Maplewood. Call 838-
ESouthMingo. Ca11622=1441 forlnfo. " ¯ r1715forlnfo.
WOMEN- 7:00. Women’s support group.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call
838-7232 for Info.
Weekly meeting 7:30. Family of Faith MCC.
TULSA FAMILY CHORALE - Weekly practice
9:30, Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th Street
at 11:00 pm. Provides c0hfidential support
for recovering addicts. Community of Hope.
1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for Info.
I~’A R C H 16 3
9:00 pm. Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU)
- 440 South Gary- Sponsored by Students for
the Boundary: Feminists Inside and Out of
the University." Keynote Speaker Judy Grahn
600 South College. Call 631-3412 for Info.
IMA,C. 18 I
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope. 8:00
p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for Info.
Family of Faith MCC, 5451~E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 forlnfo.
TOWN HALL MEETING__With Steve Largent.
8:00am - 10:00 am Aaronsen Auditorium.
400 Civic Center. Call 749-4901 for Info.
sponsored.by PFLAG
BAKE SALE - MCC of Greater Tulsa.
Following worship. 1623 North. Maplewood.
838-1715 for Info.
short’ term group designed for those who
would like to marchin the Gay Pride P:~rade,
but cannot unless anonymous. Group. will
meet at 12:30 p.m:totake initial pictures for
makeup design. Family of Faith MCC 5451-
E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info:
8:00 pm. Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU)
.- 440 South Gary
Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-4297 .for
CLUB. 6:30 p.m. Chimi’s at 15th & Peoria.
" 8:00 pm. AI!e, Chapman ActivityCenter (TU) "
- 440’Sobth Gary. -sponsor~ by Amnesty
International -.
PLEASURE - A Woman Centered Discussion
’of Sensual and Safe-. Sex. 7:00 pm Allen
-Chapman Activity Center(TU) - 440 South
Gary. Sponsored by BLGA TU - .
Group will meet for makeup, design workshop
from 10:00 to 12:00 am. Family of Faith MCC
5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info.
WORK DAY - Work day for Project Get
Together. 10:00 a.m. Community of Hope.
1347 North yale. Call 838-7232 for Info.
of Greater Tulsa. 6:00 pm Potluck: 7:00
Meeting. 1623 North Maplewood. Call 838-
1715 for Info.
IM’"c’."- 27- I
PFLAG BOARD MEET NG - 7:00pm. Call
742-8565 fop
Meeting. Call 254-2100 for time and location.
,IM,, c, 28 I
ECOFEMINISM - 8:00 p.m. Canterbury
Center TU - 2839 E. 5th St. - sponsored by
Earth Matters ..........
"Serving in Silence" will appear at OSU
Student Union "Little Theatre". 7:00 pm. First
come, first serve seating. There will be a
reception and book signing following lecture.
Call 405-744-5215 for Info. Call Beeper 546-
5455 for carpool info,
WOMAN TO WOMAN’- 12:00 Noon meeting.
Designed for women with HIV. Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
IMA,C. 29 I
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center for the
Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info.
"Serving in Silence" 8:00 p.m. Allen
Chapman Activity Center TU - 440 South
Gary. .Sponsored by the TU Student
IM, c. I
Sponsorecl ~b~ ~OHR (membership ddve) 7:00
to 11:00 p.m0~ All Soul’s Unitarian Church’
(Emerson Hall) "2952 South Peoria. Call 743-
4297 for Info. $3 Single- ~;5 C(~ui~le:~
DANCE CLASS -Community of Hope. 8:00.
p,m. 1347 North’ Yale. -Call 838-7232 .for
Info. .
Resource Center. 4154 South Harvard,
Call 749-4901 for Info.
11:00 a.m. in OKC - Clark Church - 5808 I~N
23rd. Call Beeper 646-6455 for carpool info.
OKLAHOMA FLAMES - Women’s Semi-pro
Basketball opening game. 7:00 pm.
Fairground’s Pavillion. Call Beeper 646-6455
for Info.
CLUB - 6:30 p.m. Hong Kong Restaurant
4307-B South Sheridan
IA P R I L 3 I
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary
First of an eight week course, Sponsored by
TOHR/Community of Hope/BLGA (TU). Call
838-7232 for Info.
TOHR MEMBERSHIP - Monthly meeting 6:30
social hour 7:00 p.m. meeting. 4154 S.
Harvard, Ste. H, Call 743-4297 for Info.
6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154 South Harvard -
Lower Level. Call .749-4901 for Info.
12:30 p.m. 5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-
1441 for Info.
10 I
PFLAG 101/102 - Monthly meeting 6:30-
7:30p.m. 4154 South Harvard, Ste. H. Call
749-4901 for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary Second Of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/Community of
Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for Info.
SPOUSES For spouses of
Gay/LeslBi/Trans. 7:00-7:30 p.m. social
7:30-8:30 meeting. Call 749-4901 for Info.
Sponsored by PFLAG.
WOMAN TO WOMAN - 12:00 Noon meeting.
Designed for women with HIV. Community of-
IA P R I L 17
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. Third of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/Community of
Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for Info.
IA P R , L 18
Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-4297 for
6:30 4154 South Harvard - Lower Level. Call
749-4901 for Info.
IA P R, L 20
p.m. Golden Corral at 71st & Mingo,
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center;for the
Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info.
Meeting. Call 254-2100 for time and location.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8~.30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. Fourth of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/Community of
Hope/BLGA (TU). ’Call 838-7232 for Info.
WOMAN TO WOMAN - 12:00 Noon meeting.
Designed for women with HIV. Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00.pm 1347 North Yale. Ca11.838~7232.
IA. P-R I L 1 4 " : I LAGPAC -Lesbian and Gay Political Action
GooD FRIDAY Services at MCC-of Greater ~.~ ~ Committee Ca 1838-1222 for Info.
TulSa...1623 North Maplewood; Call 838-. LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS --Gay and
1715 for Info. Lesbian Republican Group. Call 832-0233 for
I¯ s
DANCE CLASS:, community of Hope. 8:00 PRIME-TIMERS
SWAN - Single Women’s Activity Network.
p;m..!347 North. Yale Ca 838-7232for Info, TOHRCUNIC- In addition to ThursdayClinic
.IA P..R~ I L- 1 6. J Hours (see Thursdays), offers daytime testing
EASTER. SUNDAY by appointment Monday -Thursday from 10
"HOPE IS ALIVE" - Easter Cantata, 11:00 am - 5 pro. Call 749-4194 for appointment.
a~m. Family.of Faith. 5451-E South Mingo. TOHR HELPLINE - Staffed dally 8:00 p.m -
Call 622.1441 for Info. 10:00 p.m. Call 743-4297. "
.... - . TULSA - Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Association. Call 838-1222 for Info.
. . Do you. have a g~-oup or event that should be listed in the TOHR Community Calendar? If so, please call us at 838-2121.
-Every effort was¯ made to ensure the acq;uracy and completeness of this calendar: however, neither Tu/sa Famil~ News or TOHR assumes responsibility for e~’rom 0r om ss=ons.
...the Save The Nation Project presents...
Ju,y ~9 I.|~ ~vr ~ . - ~,~,.#’=~| H iv .ducat,on ~-~.nd "treatment y
April19- SAi ib ~ And~ineties
~ex ~ating
May 17-
~ " ~elf ~steem & ~.\ttitudes
June 21 - ~~1~ ~~ex ~l~ith Intimacy for ~en
four free meetings
especially for
gay and bisexual men
For more information, call .the Save the Nation Project
at 918-584-4983. Attend one or all of the presentations.
Get Educated! Knowledge = Power!
For more information about the next series of LIFEGUARD
meetings, fill out an mail this form to:
Save the Nation Project
915 South Cincinatti
Tulsa, OK 74119-20009
City -
Zip Phone
I am specifically interested in:
Have one of the above presentations in your
Pat Robertson Meets
with MCC Rev. Mel White
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The Rev. Mel White,
Dean of Dallas’ Cathedral of Hope Metropolitan
Community Church met last week with anti-Gay
televangelist Pat Robertson to discuss Robertson’ s
statements against homosexuality, which White
says fuel intolerance and violence against gays.
On the 23rd day of his prison fast, Dr. Mel met
with Christian Broadcasting Network & 700 Club
founder, Robertson. White, 15 pounds lighter,
bearded and gaunt, met with Robertson and his
spokesman, Gene Kapp, in a visitors call at the
Virginia Beach Correctional Facility. The meeting
arranged by Virginia Beach City Sheriff, Frank
Drew, was "Brief, cordial and specific," said White.
"I asked Pat to acknowledge and condenm publicly
the hate crimes againstgays andlesbians specifically
and tomeetwith a delegationfromPFLAG (Parents
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) to hear the
human side of this tragic story."
After his surprise visit, Robertson dropped the
tres-passing charge againstWhite, whowas escorted
see White, page 10
Tulsa Police Dept. Seeks Help
TULSA~ Detective Verna Wilson of the Tulsa
Police Dept. is seeking any information readers
might have regarding the murder of the late Chris
Wilcutt, recently of Bartlesville. Wilcutt, who
frequently cross-dressed, went by the name of
"Roxy." He was last seen walking east on 1 lth St.,
see Police, page 11
AIDS & Disability Lawsuit
TULSA - When Congress pa~sed the Americans
with Disabilities Act a few.years ago, it extended
protections against wrongful firing not just to
persons with "traditional" disabilities but also to
persons living with AIDS (PLWA’s), to persons
living with HIV, and even to persons discriminated
againstbecause they areperceivedas "havingAIDS"
see Lawsuit, page 11
Rev. Alice Jones, US Rep. Steve Largent & TOHR Pres. Tim Gillean
Official Miss Gay Central City America Winner & Runners-Up
US Rep. Largent Open
to Jobs Protection Bill
TULSA, OK- Steve I_argent, Republican member
of the US House of Representatives since Nov.,
met with almost 60 Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual persons
and friends on Saturday morning, March 4 at the
Metropolitan Community Church ofGreater Tulsa.
The meeting was first time ever that any member of
the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation had met
with Lesbians and Gay men and friends, both
publically, and actually in Oklahoma rather than in
Washington, DC.
Largent began his remarks by alluding to a
Biblicalpassage, saying that he would be quick to
listen, slow to anger and careful to respond.
Largent, a former college and professional
football quarterback, had identified himself with
Christian Coalition activists and other Radical
Right "conservatives"in his campaign. In letters to
the opinion page of The Tulsa World, Largent had
see Largent, page 13
Mayor to Gays: Prove
An[i-Gay Bias by City
To Gay Press: Too Busyto Talk to You
TULSA - Last November, Mayor Susan Savage
accepted a report on anti-Gay discrimination from
Tulsa’s Human Rights Commission. FormerTOHR
president andmember of the committee that drafted
the report, Kelly Kirby notes that of the nine
recommendations to combat prejudice and
discrimination, only two required action by the
City Council. No.s 3-9 all were actions which the
Mayor can take by executive order. Tulsa’s City
Charter specifically provides that, "The Mayor
may by executive order.~..:.assignnewfunctions or
duties to any division or department."
Recommendations 3-9 of the report as described
by Kirby include an executive order banning
discrimination based on sexual orientation in city
hiring, implementing diversity training thatincludes
see Mayor, page 10
Supreme Court to Hear
CO Amendment2 Appeal
Supreme Court has agreed to
decided if Colorado’s anti-gay
Amendment 2 - or any such law
- violatesthe Constitution’ sequal
protection guarantees. With the
announcement that the court
would hear the Colorado appeal,
thehighcourt willnow be heating
two gay rights eases in the next
year. The court has already said
it would consider whether Irish
see Court, page 11
Greg Louganis Has AIDS
NEW YORK - Olympic goldmedalistGreg
Louganis revealed
on ABC-TV’s "20/20" with
Barbara _Waiters. ~ that,, as
newspapers reported earlier in
the week, he has AIDS. Asked
by Waiters in the interview if he
has AIDS, Louganis said,
"According to the CDC
standards ofAIDS versus HIV, I
do have AIDS." He said during
the interview that he:-was
revealing his health status tohelp
other .p~,o,ple. who have .the
disease/I wantedmy story to.
see Louganis, page 1I
Gay Man Killed After
Appearing on Talk Show
Police say that Scott Amedure
wasmurderedby 2shotgunblasts
in the chest at his home near
Detroit after appearing recently
on the Chicago-based TV
program, "The Jenny Jones
Show" where he identified
himself as h aving a "secret
crush" on another man. John
Schmitz was also on the show to
meet his "secret admirer."
Schmitz, however, had been
given no indication that the
admirer he was to meet was
another man. Schmitz later
turned himself in to police, and
authorities said a shotgun was
found in his car. Schmitz did not
appear tobe visibly upset during
the television show, which was
taped on Mar. 6. According to
police, however, Schmitz was
?deeply embarrassed" by the
revelation that he had a male
admirer and authorities say that
on Thursday evening, Mar. ,9,
Schmitz al~parently drove. to
Amedure’s mobile home and
Shot him. Police say Schmitz
see Talk Show, page I1
Hate Incidents Increase
NEWYORK-Attacks targeting
gays and lesbians around the
country continued to increase in
1994 as they have in the past in 9
key U.S. cities that monitor
violence. While the increase last
year was small compared to the
previous year - 2,064 attacks in
1994 - the number of victims is
increasing more rapidly, and the
number of assaults aimed at
lesbians escalated.
New York showed the largest
number with a total of 632 -
nearly athirdofall those reported
in the nine monitored cities that
also include Boston, Chicago,
Columbus (Ohio); Denver,
Detroit, Miuneapolis/St. Paul,
Portland (Oregon), and San
Francisco. The 632 incidents in
New York represented a
significant increase of 8% over
the reported 587 attacks there in
1993~ Nationally, it was unclear
why more lesbians were being
attacked, but the report shows
that assaults againstlesbiansnow
dCcount for a third of all the
,reported incidents inthe 9 cities.
Anti-~olence workers spm~te
see Hate, -page 11
Gay Marriage Ban Fails
in S. Dakota, Wins in Utah
PIERRE, S.D.- The South
Dakota state Senate failed by 1
vote to bring a measure to the
floor that would have barred
same-sex marriages and would
have .prohibitedrecognizing such
mamages even if legal elsewhere,
effectively killing the
measure. The bill had been
referred to a Senate committee
after passing the state House of
Representative by a 54-13 vote,
but a vote to place the measure
before the state Senate (17-13)
failed to get the 18 votes needed.
One side effect ofthe proposed
legislation, however, is that its
anti-gay intent has helped.
galvanize lesbians and gay men
in the state to battle it. National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force
(NGLTF) and Lambda Legal
Defense and Education Fund
organizers working with local
activists say the bill dearly is a
preemptive ~ strike against
Hawaii’s pending gay marriage
ruling. South Dakota Gay,
Lesbiimand Bisexual Federation...
(SDGLBF) has formed tobattle
see Marriage, page 11
Hungary OK’s Marriage
BUDAPEST -- The Hungarian
Constitutional Court, the
country’s highest tribunal, has
declared legislation prohibiting
gays and lesbians-from being
recognized as married under
common law unconstitutional.
The court ruled that it is
"arbitrary and contrary to human
diguity...[to] withhold recognition
from couples living in an
economic and emotional union
simply because they are samesex."
The court, however,
insisted, that gay and lesbian
couples are still excluded from
Civil marriage under the
country’s constitution, which the
courtsaid protects ... andclef’rues
as a union between a man.and.a_
woman." UnderHungarianlegal
statutes~ virtually n6 difference
exists between the legal fights of
civil andcommon-law marriage.
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publishei/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright l*)95~¢6y Tuls~i Farnily
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whrle or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Kharma Amos Uorrespondence is assumed to be for publication unless other-
Laurie Cooper w~se noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa
Maureen Curtin Family News. All correspondence should be sent to the address
Staff Photographer above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at
JD Jamett distribution locations. Additional copies are available atTomfoolery!
You sit there in City Hall and crimination? Even if we accept
tell us, our friends, and our
families, that there’s no need for
an non-discrimination policy
based on sexual orientation in
the City ofTulsa. You tell us that
you don’t know of any incidents
of discrimination.
Lady, what reality are you
living in? It sure ain’t Tulsa,
Oklahoma. Have you even read
your own HUman Rig,hts
Commission s
recommendations? Is it possible
that no one’s come forward
precisely because there’s no
protection and they don’t trust
you enough to risk their jobs?
Why do .we even need to
doctiifient a problem with disyour
dubious suggestion that the
city has no problems, wliy not
ban such discrimination just to
prevent any possible abuse?
Would it be bad to prevent a
problem, rather than fix it after
it’s too late?
This Thursday, three months
after you received the Human
Rights Commission Report,
Tulsa Police Dept. is providing
its "diversity" training to new
recruits without including seXual
orientation issues.-Why? Isn’t
three months long enough to
direct Tulsa Police to diversify
its "diversity" training? Why
wasn’t that process begun more
see Savage, thispage lower right
Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House of Representatives -- and the
"second most powerful man in the United States" -- has declared that
homosexuality is not a "reasonable lifestyle." Therefore, the pedantic
Speaker concludes, the subject simply has no place in the classroom.
Whatis truly unreasonable, ofcourse, is the homophobiccensorship
and heterosexist bias that characterize the millions of tax-supported
textbooks used in our public schools.
The silence in our schooh not only
fails to prevent homophoblc
discrimination, but actively
encourages tie violent oppression of
lesbian, gay and bisexual people.
The facts of our lives are, after all, precisely that -- facts. To insist
that these truths be hidden is intellectually dishonest and morally
reprehensible. The silence in our schools not only fails to prevent
homophobic discrimination, but actively encourages the violent
oppression of lesbian, gay and bisexual people. The climate of hatred
in which we live is sustained by the textbooks our children read.
In that regard, Newt Gingrieh couldn’ tbe more wrong. Our schools
are recruiting grounds for homophobes, not homosexuals.
* Register your concerns with Newt Gingrich, Office of the
Speaker of the House, H-204 Capitol Building, Washington,.DC
20515; tel. 202-225-4501, fax 202-225-4656, e-mail
georgia6@hr.house.gov. Copy correspondence to your own
Senators and Representatives; addresses and phone/fax numbers
for Congresspersons are available.by calling 202-224-3121; a list
of Congressional e,mail addresses is available from:
all.gradelevds, depicting significant events and figures throughout
history (individuals-are encouraged, to donate this poster and
similar.resources to their, local schools;which seldom take the
initiative to seek out such materials)..Request further information
from GLAAD/SFBA, Project 21.Poster, 1360 Mission St., Suite
200, San Francisco,. CA 94131,-tel. 415-861-2244, e-maih
This-column was written.by AIKielwasser and Erik Ferguson,
and produced by GLAAD/San Francisco Bay Area, 1360 Mission
Street, Suite 200~ San Francisco, CA 94103; (415) 861-2244.
GLAAD/SFBAis solely responsible forthe content of this column..
Carbon Copy
TFN received the following
..from LesEmmett,.editorofP-r~me. .
News, the newsletter for Prime
Timers, an organizatiOnfor Gay
& Bisexual men over 40. He
kindly gave us permission to
reprint them in toto (No, no that
Toto!), so that we can see our
"new government" in actt’on.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
- J. Christjohn
Dear Lester Emmett,
Thank you for contacting me
regarding H.R: 423, a bill to
amend the Civil Rights Act of
1964, which purports to give
".Civil Rights" to homosexuals. I
ampleased toknow that we share
thesame views on this matter.
At the present time, H.R. 423
is pending before the House
Committee on the Judiciary.
There is no Senate compaui~n
bill. As long as I am a united
States Senator~ I will work to
ensure such ill-conceived
legislation never becomes law.
!t is impossible to comprehend
the rationale for placing
homosexual behavior on a par
with race, gender, religion-, or
ethnic origin. Again, thank you
for contacting me.
Sincerely, " " "
Don Nickles, U.S..Senator. ’
Mr. Emmett’s reply: 7
Dear Senator Nickles,
I found in today’s mail a letter
from you dated February 10;
1995, thankingmeforcontacting
you regarding H.R. 423 and for
sharing your views on that
pending legislation.
Senator, Ihavenevercontacted
you regarding H.R. 423 saying.
that I agree with your view, for I
think your view is dead wrong.
The legislation is not illconceived,
but.- necessary.
Passing it will help homosexual
citizens attain equal fights under ~
the law and provide impetus
toward stopping the spread of
hatred & bigotry.
¯ Look beyond the popularmyths,
Senator, and you’ll find
that homosemtal behavior (your
phrase) inno wayharms society.
:ff;."as ~you seem fo .believe,
homosexnality is a behavior,
thenwhy shouldn’~t itbe afforded
the same protection as the
behavior of Pra_cti¢ing sectarian
religion? , "
I urge yOU, Senator, t0 work’
rather _than .toward fostering
them. Work:for the passage of
H.R. 423, rather than against it.
Sincerely, Lester.R. F;mmett.
Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys C!ub; 1229-S. Memorial
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peori,9~
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*Rex, 6101 E. Admiral
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
Tlme n Tlme.Agatn, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box,. 1338.E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis
Kent Balch & Associates; Health & Life Insurance
. ~*Bam~ & N.obJ¢ B.qok~e!!ers, 8620,E.,71 ...........
Blue Moon Bakery "
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
Certified Moble Auto Repair 438-3393, pager:
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
*Elite~Book~::&~ideos, 821 S. Sheridan
First Franklin Financial, Bob Hardy
Floral Design Studio, 3404S. Peoria, Ste. 100
*Java Dave’s, Lincoln Plaza
International Tours
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E 15
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Major Affairs
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
Phoenix Mortgage Corp.
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. B6Ston
Puppy Pause II; llth & Mingo
Royal Travel, 6927 S. Canton
*Ross Edward Sai0n, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookgtore, 1942 Utica Square
Southwest Viatical~ 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza
B/IdG Alliance, University of Tulsa
749-63 01
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
Rainbow Business Guild, 4th Monday@ 7pro, call forloc: 254-2100
Rainbow Village, POB 50403, 74150~0403 599-8423
Save the Nation, Indian Health Care 584-4983
¯ .Shaati Hotline 749-7898
-. Tulsa Oklahomans forHuman Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581.-0902, 743-4117
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800,742-9468
Leaune M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0.102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Mohawk Living Center, 3910 Park Rd. 425-t354
Jonathan& Dee Nicholas, Realtors 749-3000, 800-53%7767
Richard Reeder, MS., Psychotherapy_ 58i.0902, 743-4117
Religious & Educational Organizations
Bless The LordAt All Times Christian Ctr 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. Yale 838-7232
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622~1441
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*C~antdrbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa.
*Tulsa City.Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor ’~ "
~Uuiversity’Center at Tulsa
Savage, cont’dfrom upper left
than a year ago when it was first
:raised by this reporter? ...
Meanwhile, fair treatment of
Gays by Tulsa Police is like
roulette. You’ might get.decent
treatment or you might get
who were stopped, merely for
*indicates a distribution Ix~int
being "white" in a "black" area
’These two were thenverbally
abused for an hour because they
were perceived to be .Gay
(rightly)by a white Tulsaofficer.
They received no citation
beeanse they’d done nothing
wrong except for being lost in
see Savage;page 10
Reporter March/April 1995 Volume 15 Number 3 ,
The views expressed elsewhere bt Tulsa Family News are not necesg’arih, dw views" ofTOltR. Permission ~
grm~ted to ~pr~nt t~o~tion contained wilhin the TOllR R~crpa~e along wilh olher irene. ~rthe
byline, "~bn~tted b), TOHR ". contained el~whe~ h~ lblsa b~dly News.
~Letter from the Pfesident~
~AS I reflect on this past month.I find myself breathless. Our organization is continuing to grow and expand the programs. This means a lot
of work and energy are required. As you can see the TOHR community Calendar is now a reality, we should all give Kharma Am os a great: big
THANK YOU for putting this together. She has worked tirelessly to achieve an all Inclusive calendar for the community.
Again, Thank YOU Kharma.
~ ~
The board has completed the grant proposals for the State, to continue the clinic and hopefully some rather ambitious expansion of services.
¯ I would like to thank everyone that helped us write the proposals~ *we areall indebted to you for your a.sslst~nCe in this p~0ce~s. " ....
we continue to pursue the Community Center an d should have some budget proposals ready soon. Make your list of what you would like to see
a Community Center do and let us know. Be prepared to volunteer as we will need a full staff of volunteers to open.
Again, I want to invite all of Tulsa’S Lesbian, Gay, Bi,sexual and Transgendered community to get involved. TOHR is your organization and
everything we do is for you. Please attend a meeting., send in a suggestion or volunteer for one of our many programs.
key Ingredient to the fulfillment of our goals. Your participation is a
see you at the monthly meeting,
Tim Gillean
April Meeting - April 4th at "The Oath~-’ring Place" 6:30 - 7:00 Social
7:00. M~ting will ib.atur¢ presentations by: Shoq,’i with R.A.I.N. and Jason with BLGA of T.U.
BASH - BACK !!!!!!!
TOHR is sponsoring a 2-hour seminar featuring Steve Taylor, a 4th degree black
belt in Hawaiian art of Elua Lima. This is not an exercise class, it is a self defense class. We will
learn how to disable the attacker before he has a chance to do the same. to us. The cost will be
$15.00, part of which will benefit TOHK We are taking registration and will set the date when
we have 10 or more registered. Everyone can benefit from this seminar in personal defense
Call the Heipline at 743-4297, leave your name and phone number along with the number of
people you would like to register. We will contact you when we have a date.
Heipline Seminar
April 8th, 10:00 -12:00
Training for all current and new Helpline volunteers.
This will be a very informative seminar teaching us h-6w to deal
with all kinds of callers and listening to current volunteers experiences
and questions. New volunteers that want to sign up fofHelpline, are
encouraged to attend.
March Meeting
6:30pm Social time 7:00pm mectm8 starts
4154 So. Itarvard
"’Gatherml~ Place"
By and for but not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
Membership Application
[] I would like to volunteer help with:
[] lily Counselor
[] i:.v~mt Planning and Party Preparations
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
gingerStick Method
Every Thursday Evening
7:00-8:30 p.m.
4 ! 54 So. Harvard
Suite H- 1
I-I Yes I want robe a onlributing member
ofTulse Oklahomans Ibr Human Rights.
. .~,~1~ aqC~ept ~)ment as described below:
[] $10 Lin~tefflnc.ome/Student Membership
I-1 $20 Regular Membership
[] $35 Orgunizational/l lousehold Membership
:, - -I~ $100 Sustaining Membership
[] i am currently receiving TOHR mailings
and the TulsaFamily News
[] I am not on the mailing list
[] Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual HelpLine
[] Executive Board Member
[] Monthly Meeting Support
M~k© ,h~k payabl~ to Tul~ OHahomam for Human Righla. Donations conm’buted to TOIlR over s~l m~mb~rship f¢~ arc T~.x "D~u~tibl©
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
KS Commissioners t- employees. The Greene proposal Timesreportsthatararep’ainting best-known play, The lmpor- advantage bill." The negative
Avoid Vote on Bias Bill is expected to come up for avote by Toulouse=lmu~rec, "In Bed: tanceofBeingErnest, Wildewas vote effectively kills themeasure
LAWRENCE, Kan. -- The
Lawrence City Commission
voted not to add a proposed antibias
measure protecting gays and
lesbians on its agenda, saying it
wouldbe a waste of time because
3 of the 5 commissioners had
publicly said they would vote
against it or abstain. Rights
activists criticized the commissionactionas
during an election year. Ben
Zimmerman, co-chair of Simply
Equal, said, "We are here today
to express our indignation at the
way this important issue of
human rights has been handled
by city hall."
Cincinnati Repeals Anti-
Gay Bias Protections
CINCINNATI- TheCincinnati
City Council has voted 5-4 to
delete anti-discrimination
protections for gays and lesbians
from the city’s human rights
ordinance. Councilman Dwight
Tillery, who had been endorsed
by gay rights organizations in
the city during his 1993 election
campaign and who voted for the
original measure that added
sexual orientation to the city
human rights protections, has
apparently changed his mind
about civil rights,for gays and
lesbians. "I never thought it was
the right thing to do," Tillery
told the Cincinnati Post
following his vote to remove the
protections. He added that he
was "beginning to regret I have
been supportive of their [gays’
and lesbians’] concerns."
Gay Rights in Louisville
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Louisville
Alderman Scotty Greene
has introduced a measure that.
woul.d,modify the city’s antibias
.laws to include sexual
orientation, although the antidiscrimination
proposed in the measure would
only cover employment bias.
The city’s Board of Aldermen
rejected a 1992 proposal that
would have added anti-bias
protections for gays andlesbians
in employment, housing and
public accommodations. The
Greene measure has been scaled
back to cover only employment
in hopes that it will have a better
chance of passage this time. A
second measure, proposed by
Alderman Paul Bather, would
extend sexual orientation job
protections only to city
by March 28,
3rd Gay Congressman
at a Human Rights Campaign
Fund luncheon, Rep. Steve
Gunderson (R-Wisc.) assured
gay rights activists that just
because the Republican Party is
"anti-goverument does notmean
anti-gay." In the process of
reassuring activists about the
GOP, however, Gunderson also
for the first time publicly
acknowledged being gay,
"I happen to be chairman of
the livestock, dairy and .poultry
subcommittee, which may not
be important to all of you but
happens to be very important to
my constituency," he said. "On
the other hand, I happen to be
gay whichmay be very important
to you, but wbichmeans nothing
and shouldn’t be important to
anybody else outside of this
room." Although Gunderson
has been interviewed by gay
publications, including The
Advocate, andhas acknowledged
living with his "male companion,"
he had never before
publicly stated that he is gay.
Author Monette Dead
LOS ANGELES - Author and
poet Patti Mouette, whose 1992
memoir Becoming a Man: Half
a Life Story, was honored with a
National BookAward, aLambda
has died ofcomplications related
to AIDS. He was 49 yea rs old at
the time of his death at his West
Hollywood home. Born in
Lawrence, Mass:, Moriette also
offiction, nonfiction and poetry,
including: Borrowed Time: An
AIDS Memoir, Love Alone:
Eighteen Elegies for Rob, The
Carpenter at the Asylum, and
Taking Care ofMrs. Ca?roll. In
a 1993 essay in the New York
Times, Monette summed up his
views on writing during the
AIDS epidemic: "It is notenough
to be an artist," he wrote. "If you
live in cataclysmic times, if the
lightning rod of history hits you,
then all artis political, and all art
that is not consciously so still
partakes of politics, if only to
run away." He is survived by his
father and brother, Paul and
Robert, and his companion
Winston Wilde.
Paintings of Lesbians
NEW YORK - The New York
The Kiss," will be auctioned by
Sotheby’s this coming May. The
1892 painting, which has been in
the hands of a private collector,
is unlikemostofthe artist’ s better
known paintings of dance-hall
entertainers in Paris in the late
1800s. The painting is one of
four by Toulouse:Lautrec
depicting lesbian couples in
intimate settings. A
spokesperson for Sotheby’ s said
the auction house expects the
painting to sdl for somewhere
around $4.7 million.
Nicaraguan Gets Asylum
manfrom Nicaraguahas become
the third person to be granted
political asylum here since U.S.
officials established anew policy
toward recognizing gays and
lesbians as political refugees m
1990. The 31-year-old man, who
has asked that he not be
identified, was given political
asylum by the Immigration and
Naturalization Service in early
February. The man’s attorney,
Robert Jobe, said INS officials
here had recognized the 1990
administration policy that gay
men and lesbians who face
persecution in their native lands
because of their sexual
orientation should be granted
political asylum.
Mississippi Killer Will
Appeal Verdict
LAUREL, Miss. - An attorney
for Marvin McClendon, the 17-
year-old convicted earlier in
February of murdering 2 gay
men, says he will appeal
McClendon’s conviction. The
high school student was found
guilty of killing Joseph
Shoemake, 24, and Robert
Walters,34,in a closely-watched
trial. During the trial,McClend0n
claimed he had shot the~men
because they tried to sexually
attack him and he feared being
exposed to AIDS.
Oscar Wilde Honored at
Westminster Abbey
LONDON - ’There’s only one
thing in the world worse than
being talked about, and that is
not being talked about,"
playwright Oscar Wilde once
quipped. On Tuesday, Feb. 14,
theflamboyant writerwas finally
being talked about in a big way.
Commemorating the 100th
anniversary of the opening of his
finally honored in Poet’s Comer
in Westminster Abbey where a
window was dedicated to the
memory of his wit and writing.
Attending the ceremony were
actress Dame Judi Dench and
Sir John Gielgud, both of whom
read excerpts by the author.
Wilde was sent to prison for 2
years in 1895 for the affair he
had with Lord Alfred Douglas.
Straight from the Heart
Gets Oscar Nomination
HOLLYWOOD - Straightfrom
the Heart, a film by Dee
Mosbacher and Frances Reid in
response to anti-gay propaganda
by the far right, has been
nominated for an Academy
Award :inthe "Short Documentary
Film" category. The 24-
minute video focuses on the
parents of gays and lesbians and
how they have struggled to stand
by their sons and daughters. The
film is a production of Woman
Vision Productions of San
Canadian Broadcasting
Told to Extend Benefits
EDMONTON, Canada - An
independent arbitrator has
ordered the Canadian Broadcasting
Corp. to extend benefits
to the partner of one of its
employees, Dennis Chabot, a
broadcast reporter. Chabot had
filed a grievance late last year
after the CBC had rejected his
claims to get the benefits for his
partner. The labor ruling now
means the CBC must extend the
samebenefits it gives the spouses
of its married workers to the
partners of allits gay and lesbian
workers, unless it .appeals the
arbitration ruling to court.
CO Hate Crimes Bill Dies
in the Colorado legiflature that
would have included sexual
orientation in the ~state’s hate
crimes laws has failed to pass the
legislative committee. The
committee nixed the proposed
addition by a 7-6 vote. Earlier,
the judiciary committee of the
Colorado House of
Representatives approved the
measure by a 9-4 vote. The
proposal was co-sponsored by6
Republicans and 5 Democrats,
in an unusual show of bipartisan
support. Colorado for Family
Values, an anti-Gay group,, has
condemned the proposed
legislation as a "homosexual
in the current legislative session.
Domestic Partnership
Proposed in Albany, NY
ALBANY, N.Y. - Albany
Alderman Michael Hall has
introduced legislation to
authorize domestic partner
registration hi the city that would
allow same-sex and oppositesex
couples to register their
relationships, The proposed
ordinance extends no benefits to
registered couples or to city
employees, but oppo,n,ents say
the registration Would Condone
gay marriages." But Hall said, "I
think it’s the right thing to do.
It’s an effort by the city to
mitigate a discriminatory
element of state law. And it
recognizes reality."
Gay Attorney Honored
University has announced the
country’s first legal fellowship
for legal research and work with
public interest groups devoted
to gay rights. TheTom Stoddard
Fellowship is named for the
director of the Lambda Legal
Defense &Education Fund from
Light Sentence for Killer
SOUTH BEND, Wash-In what
law enforcement officials and
community members called the
"biggest miscarriage of justice"
in theregion, ajury found Daniel
Hodge, 32, guilty of 2nd degree
manslaughter in the executionstyle
shooting death of Morris
Smith, 26. Hodge, a Portland,
’Ore., construction worker, said
he had shot Smith to keep the
man from sexually assaulting
him after the 2 had driven to a
remote beach area to have sex.
Hodge, however, told thejury he
had changed his mind about
letting Smith perform oral sex
on hi.Ill.
Pacific County Sheriff Jerry
Banning called Hodge’s
explanation "a lie" and testified
that the bullet wound indicated
that Smith was either turning to
ward or away from Hodge when
shot, but could not have been
attacking him. Following the
verdict, which carries only a 14-
month sentence, Sheriff Banning
said, ’’It’s thebiggestmiscarriage
ofjustice I’ ve ever seenin Pacific
County in 23 years. It is a
complete travesty."
Pager 621-5597
2747 E. 15th St.
Tulsa, Okla, 74104
Beauty Center for the Body, Soul & Mind 742-1992
News Briefs News Briefs
Black Gay Leaders Focus
on Community Problems
lesbians and gays often fred their
own neighborhoods the most
difficult because of church
leaders who condemn homosexuality
and youngsters who
seem impervious to HIV
prevention messages, said many
of the community workers
attending the 3-day Black Gay
& Lesbian Leadership Forum.
’q’he attitude is that it can’t
happen to me or to anyone I
know," said Latoris Jordan, a
medical assistant and physical
therapist from Chicago. Black
gay leaders acknowledged the
involvement of many churches
in the fight against AIDS, but
said that conservative pastors
who preached against homosexuality
still posed a considerable
hurdle. ’q’his whole community
is going to be dead by the time
you get them all away from’it’s
an abomination,’" said Mayor
Kenneth E. Reeves of Cambridge,
Denver Considering Sick
Leave for Employees
DENVER- The Denver Career
Services board, which determines
personnel policies and
rules for city workers, is studying
a proposed change that would
allow gay andlesbian employees
to have the same sick-leage to
care for their partners th at
. married workers now get. The 5-
member board has been hearing
testimony on theproposal, whi~a
wouldmakecity workers eligible
for up to 10 days of sick-leave
annual to care for an ailing
partner, the sameleave currently
available to married workers to
care for a sick spouse or other
family member. Opponents of
the proposed change said it
should be rejected to "protect
the family" and that approving
the measure would be "opening
up a box you won’t be able to
Teacher Quits Over
Speech Censorship
Christopher Lailey, an English
teacher at the Robert Land
Academy, has resigned from the
private military school inOntario
province because one of his
students, Albert Bissada, was
ordered by school administrators
to change a speech about the
rights of gays and lesbians or
stay out of a public speaking
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
~mPetition. Bissada’shamewas
withdrawn from the competition
after he refused to change the
speech, which had been given a
91% score byjudges inhis initial
presentation. Lailey said he saw
no harm in Bissada speech. "It
promotes neitherpromiscuitynor
homosexuality, only tolerance
and understanding," he told the
Canadian Press news service.
Partners Bill Tried in
California - Again
Assemblyman Richard Katz will
reintroduce a statewide domestic
partnership measure that Guy.
Pete Wilson vetoed a year ago
and promised to veto again if
passed by the legislature again.
The Katz bill, a duplicate of the
one that narrowly passed the
legislature in 1994, would give
registered same-sex and
opposite-sex couples hospital
visiting rights and certain
inheritance rights. A spokespersonfor
Wilson, however, said
existing state law already covers
inheritance issues, and that the
governor issued an executive
order in 1994 that permits people
in hospitals to designate visitors
who aren’t legally related to
Navy Backs Down On
CD-ROM of Shilts’ Book
down from threats to sue the
publisher of the forthcoming
multimediaCD-ROM version of
Randy Shilts’ book Conduct
Unbecoming, ; the U.S. Navy
says it will not take legal action
against the firm for use ofaNaval
Academy poster and logo. Navy
officials at Annapolis had
initially refused to give
ApolloMedia Corp. permission
to includ+ the poster among the
some 2,000 illustrations and 45
video clips in its CD-ROM
versions of Shilts’ book. The
1972 poster shows two
Annapolis midshipmen, one of
whom was later discharged
because he is gay, under the
headline "Be Something
Special..." ’q’here’s no reasonable
basis to prohibit usage of
the poster, which is in a CDRUM
which honors .service
members who have served their
country honorably," Apollomediapresident
Clinton Fein told
the San Jose Mercury News. "I
don’t think there’s any other
reason to deny the usage other
than prejudice." The finn says it
obtained the 197~ t~,ster from
Boyd E. Graves ~r~iniawho
was discharged in 1977 because
of his sexual orientation. Fein
announced on March 7 that the
company would go ahead with
its CD-ROM version of thebook
- with the poster - despite the
Navy’s threat. The next day, the
Navy said Mast-minute deal with
ApolloMedia would avoid a
possible trademark suit. TheCDRUM,
which should be available
in stores nationwide by the end
of March, will include letters
from the Navy indicating that
the Academy poster was
included without authorization.
Homosexuality Should
Not Bar Child Custody
CHICAGO - The American
Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers, the country’s leading
association of attorneys
specializing in marriage and
divorce law, has issued a policy
statement that homosexuality in
itself shouldn’t be an issue in
child custody cases. "’Any
presumption that a homosexual
parent is "unfit’ for custody
simply by virtue of his or her
homosexuality is a doctrine
based upon prejudice and
stereotypes which deprives a
parent of fundamental rights and
privileges guaranteed under the
Constitution, while simultaneously
ignoring the best interests
of the child," the academy’s
policy statement says. The group
adopted the policy statement as
part Of a friend of the court legal
betweenlesbian Sharon Bottoms
and her own mother, Pamela
Bottoms, over custody of
Sharonrs son. The case is now
before the Virginia Supreme
New Anti-Gay Measure
Filed in Wash. State
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Anti-gay
rights activists have filed legal
papers to begin gathering
signatures to put abailot measure
before Washington voters in
1996 that would bar gays and
lesbians from adopting children
and prohibit state-run schools
from Offering any material that
presents homosexuality in a
positive light. The proposed
measure is similar to one that
voters in the state rejected last
year. Backers of the proposed
ballot initiative, the Washington
Citizens Alliance, have until the
end of this year to gather the
needed signatures to qualify the
measure for the 1996 ballot.
Former Guardsman
Sues Over Discharge
CaliforniaAmay National Guard
1st Lt. Andrew Holmes has filed
a lawsuit in U.S. District Court
in San Francisco, claiming that
his discharge because he is gay
violates state and federal law.
Holmes’ suit charges that his
Oct. 1994 discharge after he
informed his_ commanding
officer of his sexual orientation
violated state job bias laws as
well as state and federal
constitutional guarantees of free
speech and equal protection.
Paul Wotman, the attorney
representing Holmes, called the
suit the "most far-reaching and
fundamental challenge" brought
so far against the Pentagon’s
"don’t ask, don’t tell" policy.
National Guardofficials declined
to comment on the lawsuit.
Gay Bank Exec Sues
Over Loan Refusal
Bagley, a California Federal
Bank vice president, has sued
his employer for discriminating
against gay employees inits loan
policies. Bagley applied 2 times
for the fee-waiver and lower
interestmtes onahomemortgage
that the bank usually gives its
married workers, but was turned
down because Peter Lavin, his
lover of 10 years and the cosigner
on the loan application
wasn’t a family member. An
attorney for the bank, Bill
Claster, argued that same-sex
partners should not be treated as
married as far as employee
benefits are concerned. "How
can two individuals claim they
have been. discriminated against
because they are not married,
when it’s legally impossible for
them to get married?" Claster
said in court.
Sydney Poll Shows
Su pport for Gays
SYDNEY - An overwhelming
majority of Sydney residents
have expressed support for equal
rights for gays and lesbians,
according to a poll by the
Morning Herald. The paper
reported that58% ofrespondents
said they thought it was OK for
adults to have homosexual
relationships; 31% said they
thought it was "wrong;" while
11% said they weren’t sure.
Some 82% said they would feel
comfortable living next door to a
gay or lesbian couple; 84% said
they would feel comfortable
working in an office with a
homosexual; and an overwhelming
93% said they
believed gays and lesbians
should have equal access to
employment. The paper also
reported that 55% of those
responding said Same-sex
marriages should be legally
Teacher Suspended
LONGMONT, Colo. - The St.
Vrain Valley School District
board has become the center of a
controversy after school
administrators placed a
Longmont High School coach,
Dave VanderMolen, on suspension
for conveying concerns of a
female student over the sexual
orientation of an unidentified
girl’s coaching staff member.
School districtadmini stmtors put
VanderMolen on administrative
leave earlier in February for what
they called conduct that "could
possibly be construed as
harassment of fellow staff
members." VanderMolen said
he only rdayed concerns of a
female student who said she felt
uncomfortableinthe lockerroom
with teachers "who have an
alternative lifestyle."
DistriCtoofficials said in a
remain on suspension, pending
the outcome of an independent
investigation. Although a
number of students and faculty
members showed support for
and staff members presented the
school board with a statement,
signed by 72 school colleagues,
opposing any "attack" onafellow
faculty member because of
sexual orientation.
’Hate Speech’ Ban
Ruled Unconstitutional
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Santa Clara
Cty. Superior Court Judge Peter
Stone has declared Stanford
University’s ban against ’]aate
speech," which prohibits slurs
based on race, sex or sexual
orientation, unconstitutional.
Stone said the 1990 school code
is illegal because it is based on
the content of speech rather than
on "fighting words," the usual
legal test courts have used for
determiniug such codes.
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Genetic Transformations of HI~V
WASHINGTON -- U.S, and BritiSh
scientists have found a reason why the
AIDS virus may be so hard to subdue.
They say different HIV strains can coexist
in an. individual and can exchange
geneticmaterial to create new hybrids of
the virus, c omplicating the search for a
vaccine enormously. HIV itself is an
extremely genetically diverse organism
and thereare in fact two viruses -HIV-1
and HIV-2 - which are inmmmade up of
2 distinct viral groups, 1 of which has 8
known sub-types, which are in turn also
divided further into various str ains.
Researchers at the University Of
Nottingham-in England, at the Walter
Reed U.S. Army Institute of Research in
Maryland and the University of Alabama
reported in the currentissue of Nature that
they have discovered that strains from
different sub-type s of the virus can.
commin~e in the same infected person to
create ever more complex genetic
diversity. According to the scientists, a
surprisingly large number of the strains -
about 10% of those they examined : Were
hybrids. Geneticist Paul Sharp-of the
University of Nottingham said this means
asubstantial numberofpeoplecanbecome
infected by more than One HIV sub-type;
"Until afew months ago; that wasn’t
thbught to be possible because nobody
had been found who was infeCted.with
more than one sub-type of the virus,"
Sharp said. "But in order for these hybrids
to-arise, you have to have a hituation
where a single indiv idual has more tl~
one sub-type of the virus, That’ s the only.
way that the virus can form ahybrid, ff ~
single individual is simultaneously
infected by two different strains." The
findings have immediateconsequences
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs.
for potential vaccine development.
Scientists believethatavaccineformulated
for one sub-type of HIV-1 may not be
effective against another sub-type - even
~one that’s closely related g~etically.
’Prospective v accines might, they say,
have to be be mixed together to offer
protection against various sub-types.
Treatment Advance Against HIV
WASHINGTON - A federal study
detailed in the Mar. 2 issue of the New
England Journal of Medicine reports that
interleuldn-2 (IL-2) significantly raised
the level of’~dller cells"in6of 10 patients
who were infected with HIV butw ho had
not yet been clinically diagnosed with
full-blown AIDS. The study, one of the
most promising on treating the AIDS
epidemic in the past few years, involved
25 volunteers with.the National Institutes
of Health’S National Institute of Allergy
andInfectious Diseases. Interlenldn-2 is a
protein produced uaturally by the body
and the genetically engineered form
¯ manufactured by Chir0n Corp. has been
used for years as a cancer-fighting drug~
The NIH researchers said the IL-2
treatmeut boosted the patients" CD4cells,
which fight infections like HIV, by 50%
.to 300% in the study.. The drug, h0wev.er,
only helped 2 of15 patients in the study
Whose CD4 cell eouiat~ had fallen bel6w
200.-~echnically, those who are clinically
diagnosed as having AIDS2 Patients als0
exp~rience.a number of side effects from
the ~fherapy, and researchers said more
studie~::w~re needed to +find the most
effective dosage level and frequency of
. therapytominimizeunwanted sideeffects.
AIDS Funds Restored in House
WASHINGTON - In a scarce win for
Democrats in Congress, the Republican
~,~ajodty on the House Appropriations
~ittee"voted to restore some $36
million in funding for AIDS prevention
programs that Republicans had earlier
voted to drop. The committee went along
with a proposal by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (DCalif.)
to restore the $36 million by
substituting cuts from an Energy
Department environmental program and
cutting funds for a new government
building inthe capital. ThePelosi proposal,
which still must be approved by ~e full
House, would restore $23 million in HIV
prevention funding and $13 million to the
Ryan White CAREAct, which provides a
wide rangeofservice topeople withAIDS.
Another House subcommittee is
weighing the possibility of wiping out the
entire $186millionbudgetforthefederally
runHOPWA (Housing Opportunities for
People With AIDS) program. Gay rights
and AI.DS activists say the new budgetconsemus
Republican majority in
Congress must be persuaded of the need
to keep the prograins at current funding
levels. "You can’t cut the deficit on the
backs Of people with AIDS," said Winnie
Stachelberg of the Human Rights
Campaign Fund.
Calif. Medical Assn. Calls for
Mandatory HIV Reporting
ANAHEIM, Calif. -- The California
Medical Assn. (CMA)has votedtoendorse
legislation requiring people who test
positive for HIV to be reported to local -
health officials. The CMA resolution
calls for the state legislature to enact laws
that would require health-care workers in
California toreportanyone testing positive
for the virus "for the purpose of partner
notification and disease control only."
AIDS activists denounced the CMA vote
and said suchlegislationwouldleadpeople
to avoid testing out of fears of exposure.
Twenty-four states already require
reporting of people infected with HIV.
CMA delegates rejected a proposed
resolution callingforthe mandatory testing
of pregnant women for HIV. The same
day, the Los Angeles County Health Dept.
also called for mandatory reporting of
patients who test positive for the virus.
The health agency said contract tracing of
those infected with HIV should now be
done the same as "any other venereal
Clinton Supports Pentagon
AIDS & Cancer Programs
WASHINGTON- Responding to
published reports that the Pentagon might
drop AIDS and breast cancer medical
research programs, the White House
bluntly told Defense Secretary William
Perry that President Clinton was upset at
the possible dropp ing of the 2 researeli
In a pointed, letter to Perry, Clinton
Chief of Staff Leon Panetta noted that
46,000 women die from breast cancer and
40;000 Americans die annually from
AIDS, and told the Pentagon chief, ’q’he
president believes that we cannot afford
to allow these tragic losses to continue.
And that is why.breast cancer and AIDS
research, is a high priority for this
.News sources had reported that the
Pentagon was planning on not spending
some $30 million in A~DS research funds
and $150 million for breast cancer
programs because Defense Dept. officials
didn’t consider them vital parts of the
military’s medical research.
continued onpage 8
1.00% Service
(g18) 749-3000
Health Briefs iHealth Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs continuedfrom page 7 marrow transplant operation fr6~ a~ Conference predicted that by the year products between 1980 and 1987.
’Justifiable Homicide’ .Mo~asure baboon on an AIDS patient. The
announcement of the highly experimental Offered in AIDS Attacks
BATON ROUGE, La - A proposed
measure introduced by Louisiana state
Rep. Roy Brun, a Shreveport Republican,
would extend legal justification for the
use of violence to stop an offense that
might transmit HIV, making even killing
"justifiable homicide" in such cases.
AIDS activists, civil libertarians and
gay-rights advocates, however,
condemned the measure. ’‘This sounds
distinctly like an open hunting license on
gay men and AIDS patients," said John
Rawls, a New Orleans civil rights lawyer.
’‘The law already allows the use of force
against any form of rape. People who
murder gay men claim they had to do it to
repel sexual advances. Underthisproposal,
they can claim they were protecting
themselves from AIDS. "
WA State Legislator Has AIDS
SEATTLE- Washington state Senator
Cal Andersonhas announced that he has
been HIV-positive for about 10 years and
that he now has an AIDS,related
lymphoma, a complication of the disease,
Anderson, who is the Washington
Legislature’ s only openly gay lawmaker,
plans to continue working as long as his
healthallows. Anderson told reporters
that he is being treated for the lymphoma
and that his o.e.hances of recovery are
Baboon Marrow to be
Used in AIDS Patient
ATLANTA - In a sign of how far
°researchers are reaching in theirbatde
against HIV, physicians at San Francisco
General Hospital will soonperform abone
transplant procedure was made at a news
conference sponsored by the American
Assn. for the Advancement of Science.
"Given the fact that there is no treatment
for AIDS, people have been very
comfortable with moving ahead," said
Dr. Suzanne Ildstad of the University of
Pittsburgh, who is directing the treatment.
Collaborators on the experimental
procedure include Dr. Anthony Fauci,
head of the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Robert
Gallo, a pioneering AIDS researcher at
the National Cancer Institute.
HIV Testing for PregnantWomen
WASHINGTON - The federal government
has proposed that physicians should
counsel all pregnant woman about HIV
and urge them to be tested for the vires so
mothers who areinfected can try to protect
their unborn children from becoming infe
cted as well. Because each HIV test costs
$25, a major investment will be necessary
to catch the estimated 80,000 women of
childbearing age who are infected with
HIV, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention said. Doctors reeent!y
discovered, however, that AZT reduces
the risk of transmission from mother to
infant in about two-thirds of the cases.
The CDC says that mass HIV testing
should pay foritselfbothby savingbabies"
lives and reducing medical bills.
Approximately 2,000 babies annually are
born with HIV. -
Dire Predictions about
AIDS & Women
PHILADELPHIA - Researchers at the
1st annual HIV Infection in Women
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2000 AIDS will become the leading cause
of death among women between the ages
of 18-44 in the U.S., outstripping cancer.
’‘There’ s no doubt that the epidemic will
grow for women into the millennium
unless there’s a more aggressive
prevention approach aimed directly at
women," Dr. Sten Vermund of the school
of public health at the University of
Alabama in Birmingham said. While
womenrepresented7% of the AIDS cases
diagnosed in 1985, the figure has grown
to 18% as oflast year, according to figures
from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. The CDC data indicates that
three-fourths of AIDS cases among
women in 1994 were among black and
Latina women.
Federal Relief Proposed for
Hemophiliacs with HIV
of Congress have introduced a measure
thatwouldcompensate hemophiliacAIDS
patients who were infected with the virus
from tainted blood-clotting products. Rep.
Porter Goss (R-Fla.), chief sponsor of the
bill, said about 8,000 American
hemophiliacs were afflicted with HIV
because the federal drug oversight system
didn’t work properly during the early
1980s. "The pmIxme of this [legislation]
is to try using dollars topay back a little bit
of the hurt, a little bit of the wrong,doing
that took #ace because,.apparenfly, the
federal government did not live up.to its
responsibilities:" Goss said.~
The measure, if approved, would create
a $1 billion trust fund for a 5-year period
each to individuals who could show they
contracted HIV from tainted blood
Acceptin~ Medicare, Medicaid,
private pay andp~im~e insurance.
Oklahoma owned and operat*zt.
Hormone Tested in Men for
HIV-Related Cancer Protection
LOS ANGELES - Kaposi’s sarcoma
(KS), a once-rare cancer that now strikes
a significm!..t percentage of men infected
withHIV,veryinfrequently strikeswomen
who are infected with the virus. Some
scientists believewomenmaybe protected
from KS because of hormones produced
by women, including HCG (human
chorionic gonadotropin). Dr. Parkash Gill
of the University of Southern California
has begun human trials of HCG among
meninfected with HIV to test whether the
hormone, which is already approved for
human use, does indeed protect against
the cancer.
Ex-Pro Hockey Player Has AIDS
ST. PAULMinn.-Areport in the SL Paul
Pioneer Press says one-time National
Hockey l_~ague player Bill Goldsworthy
has disclosed that he has AIDS.. The
newspaper reported that the man who
onceplayedfo~theMinnesota North Stars,
Bo ston Bruius and New York Rangers
was diagnosed in November while
hospitalized for treatment of pneumonia.
Russians OK HIV Testing Law
MOSCOW - The Russian Duma has
approved legislation that world require
the majority of foreigners entering the
country for more than a3-month period to
either provide documentation that they
are not infected with HIV or submit to
testing in the country. The legislation,
which requires the approval of Russian
President Boris Yeltsin, exempts only
foreign diplomats entering the country on
official business.
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from the city jail by Sheriff Drew. White
paid no fine and posted no bail.
’Tmfree tocomebackto visitRobertson
.again," White said grinning, "and will be
back," he promised. "This is a victory for
everyone. Before today, Pat has never
agreed to meet with gay or lesbian
Christians. 1" mhopingthis is thebe~nning
of a constructive dialogue between us."
"Robertson said he was meeting with me
out of compassion formy parents for their
son," White explained. "That’ s okay by
me. Thousands of other parents now have
hope that Robertson will care about their
gay and lesbian children too."
White, a one-time ghostwriter for Pat
Robertson, Jerry Falwell and other anti-
Gay Christian evangelists, had been
arrested in an act of non:violent civil
disobedience earlier in February. After
months of writing to his former employer
and friend, Wbite had gone to Robertson’ s
Virginia Beach Christian Broadcasting
Network headquarters. White and the
dozenor so pastors with him hadrequested
ameeting with Roberts,onbut were refused
and told to leave CBN S offices.
White told the others to leave but
defiantly remained. ":As an act of civil
disobedi~ncein thenameofChristIchoose
to stay~": White said. He was then
handcuffed hy Virginia Beach police and
charged with t-respassifig. He told his
supporters not to post the $1,000 bond to
free him.:- ’!-
"How long will it take to convince
peopleIamsincere aboutthis thing [getting
R~obertson. to. meet]?" White asked,
promising to fast until Robertson met
with White. Officials_ at Robertson’s
Christian Broadcasting Network had
calledWhite’ s fastandjail stinta"publicity
stunt" to increase his position as a national
gay rights leader and to sell his recently
published autobiography.
Bearing Witness, the interfaith group
of gays, lesbians and their allies who
organized to support White’ s fast and to
maintain the daily vigil at CBN, will
monitor Pat’s 700 Club broadcasts, his
print material and his fund raising letters.
"We are going to be sure that Pat
ac.knowledges and condemns the hate
crimes against God’s gay and lesbian
children,, said Dawn Rankin-Phelps, a
Bearing Witness organizer. "And we’re
already putting together the PFLAG
delegationthat will meetwithPattodiscuss
with him the rise of hate crimes against
gays and lesbians in this country and how
the false rhetoric leads to these crimes."
During his 23 daysin isolation, White
and the Bearing Witness team received
over 12,,0~,~ letters, cards, telegrams of
support. ’There is no way of knowing
fa~esand letters Pat received urging him
to meet with us," said Ms. Rankin-Phelps,
"but it must have made a difference. Pat
wentto jail to visit Mel," she said
exuberantly. ~"No one but Mel actually
believed he would do it.,"
Following a brief press conference,
White lead Bearing WitneSs supporters
numbering, over 100 across Indian River
Road toCBN property where he presented
security witha.dozen white:roses and a
card of thanks for Pat Robertson.
Mayor cont’dfromp. 1
Sexual o~ientation for the Tulsa Police
~*’+Dept. as Well as other employees and an
order to the police to keep hate crime
statistics voluntarily.
OnMarch 14,issueda statementthrough
.aide Hfllary Kitz: "It is not necessary to
issue an executive order to ban
discrimination [based on sexual
orientation]." In earlier conversations,
Kitz said the Mayor did not believe that
discrimination basedon sexual orientation
occurred in city employment. Kitz
indicated that the Mayor wanted proof of
discrimination. Kitz was asked.whether
the Mayor thought it was likely that city
employees (who have no protections
currently) would be likely to risk
harassment or losing theirjobs by coming
forward to prove that discrimination
exists? Kitz said Mayor Savage refused to
respond to any further questions andwould
not make any time available for direct
Eddie Faye Gates, chairperson of the
HumanRights Commission, recalls of the
Nov. meeting that Savage promised to act
on several ofthe report’s ~et~.ommendations
- to issue a statement condemning
discrimination, in Tulsa and to begin
diversity training. Gates addh that ~he
Mayor specified that any statement by
. Savage wouldnotinclude the term, "sexual
According to Major Caroline Kmler, in ’
charge of the Tulsa Police Academy::’-
training said that as:far as she knew Tulsa++
Police ~ad+ritt.imtitU!~ any~c~ge.to its ::
diversitytrmining.Tlienext~session+ i~
begins this Thursday. Roger Ruth,
associated with Tulsa Youth Services,
provides the current "diversity" training.
Ruth indicated that his training only
addresses issues of race, etlmicity and
"culture" as associated with race. Ruth
was adamant about those limits for his
training because that was requested in his
contract. He repeated many times that he
wouldnot be interestedin including issues
of sexual orientation becanse he’s not
trained to do so and as he stated with some
vehemence, "that is not my professional
At press time, the dept. which is known
for it slow response to the press, had not
re.sponded .as to whether it is tracking hate
crimes against Lesbians and Gay men.
Savage cont’dfromp. 2=
the ’Ywrong" neighborhood. Gay officers
say that they’re afraid their peers onthe
force are .so prejudiced that those peers
might refuse to provide back-up, and thus
endanger the Gay officers’ lives.
Yonshould acton therecommendations
of your own.Human Rights Commission:
If not, you should publicly acknowledge
that the Commission is a seam. Order the
Police. Dept.¯ to begin diversity training
that truly reflects :Tulsa’s diversity and to
keep statistics on. hate crimes. Issue a
statement-condemning discrimination-~
specifically including sexual orientation.
.Issue,a. ban on discri+’mination based on
sexual orientation. If there’s really no
discrimination in city employmenL then
.youhavenothing toworry aboutbymaking
it official.
14~8 S. Boston, Tulsa
1635 E, 15th Street, 59.9-8070
Serving Tulsa’s
!~esblan & Gay Commumtles W~th Pride
- Look for our Rainbow Flag
The Lord At All Times
Sunday,Sch0ol, 9:45. Tues:!Mini:~ter!s Class, 7~30 .
11 a~&.6:30 ipm,::. Wedi.i.Inte~essiohary P~yer, 7 pm
11th;1.583+7815~ mess~+s;.Eddie Cook, pastor
eve~onehas a ri;ght~O~ be blessed by: God~
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I Todojustice, love mercy & towalk humbly with our God::. +Micah 6:8 I
" S451-m S. Mingo. Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918)622~i4zH
Metropolitan Commu ty
Church. of Greater,Tulsa
~ Where, GodUpliflsAi,
Sunday Seryice, 10:45:~
H0ine cel~. Cffoups, 2n~il
1623 No Maplewoodi TulsaTa~j
the bill and build a movement in the state.
Besides working against the marriage
measure, the fledgling SDGLBF aims to
organize the gay commumty - virtually
from scratch - and create a safe
environment in which gay, lesbian and
bisexual South Dakotans can come out.
Barry Wick, founder of SDGLBF and
its ad hoc director, was one of the activists
.who testified at the recent Senate hearings
m Pierre, the state capital. "House Bill
1184 is a dangerous path filled with great
emotional, social and economic booby
traps that this state mustavoid," said Wick
at thehearing. "This bill will negate, nullify
and ridicule loving unions between
consenting adults ..... and will fuel
harassment and potential violence against
a class of South Dakotans.
For many of the lawmakers this was the
first lime they havehad to grapple publicly
with gay issues. A few lawmakers have
emerged as new-found defenders of gay
rights, includin~ Rep. Jack Billion, a
Utah Anti-Marriage Law May
Lead to Olympic Boycott
SALT LAKE CITY - Utah lawmakers
voted for. a measure barring the state from
recogm2ang same-sex marriages even if
they are legal elsewhere. However the
measure passed after the legislature itself
had teelmieally adjourned on midnight,
March 2.
Despite the late vote, the state’ s attorney
general has ruled that the legislation .is
legal and Gov. Mike Leavitt quickly said
he would sign the bill into law..Some
activists in the state have already indicated
that if the measure is signed into law, they
will launch a campaign to keep the 2002
winter Olympic Games out of Utah.
Talk Show cont’dfro,mp 1
has confessed to the killing and has been
charged with 1st degree murder. In a press
statement about the killing, Robin Kane
of the National Gay &Lesbian Task Force
in Washington, said, "This tragedy
highlights the deadly nature of
homophobia in our society. That anyone
should be killed simply for being gay is
deplorable. Sadly this is not an isolated
incident." Kane noted that at least 59
lesbians and gay men were killed in biasbased
murders during 1994.
Court , cont’dfrom p. 1
lesbian and gay marchers can be kept out
of Boston’s annual St. Patrick’s Day
parade. CO’s Attorney General, Gale
Norton, said, "Colorado voters want to
makethesedecisions for themselves. They
think that these kinds of decisions about
which groups are entitled to special
protections are decisions that should be
made by individual’s rather than by
Opponents of Amend. 2 - and similar
anti-gay initiatives in cities and states
across the US - see the case in a very
different light and warn that the case could
have constitutional implications for every
minority group in the U.S.
"This is not about "special rights’ for
oneidentifiablegroup- gays andlesbians,"
saidMary Celeste, aCOattorney who has
battled in the courts to overturn Amend. 2
since it was narrowly approved by voters
in 1992. ’Cliffs is an issue Of civil rights
that is so broadthat it e,,ncompasses every
citizen of die country.’ A key issue that
will be involved in the case/which will
notbe hearduntil next fall, will be whether
a state’s barring local governments from
extending anti-bias protections violatesa
basic constitutional principle.
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_ __ 438 3393, 591 0597 pager ,j
Police cont’dfrorn p. 1
leaving M&ropole at about 1 am early on
~_.~tmday, Feb. 26. Police describe Wilcutt
;as Caucasian, 5’-9", 220# with brown hair
& hazel eyes. When last seen he was
wearing a black dress with gold trim and
a blond/red wig. Any information about
his movements on Sat. Feb. 25 or early
Sun. Feb. 26 is sought by Tulsa Police.
You may call Detective Wilson at 596-
9142 or call anonymously at 596-COPS.
Louganis cont’dfromp. 1
motivate those people who are HIVpositive
to be responsible and also to
understand that life isn’t over yet, that
HIV and AIDS is not a death sentence."
Lougams said in the interview that he
knew he was infected with HIV when he
hit his head on a diving board during the
1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. He
suffered a minor head injury during that
accident that required 5 stitches, but he
did not tell the doctor treating him that he
was HIV-positive.
Lawsuit cont’dfrom p. 1
even if they are not infected.
A lawsuit t’fled recently in Tulsa, one of
the first brought, nationwide under this
new law, will define the impact of this
policy. A Gay Tulsaman, who’d worked
successfully for 8 years for a local
restaurant, was fired because his
companion is a PLWA. The plaintiff is
being assistedby attorneys associated with
the AIDS Legal Resource Project,
sponsored by Legal Aid of Eastern and
Western Oklahoma and the Oklahoma
State Bar Association. Forlegal assistance,
contact Tulsa’s HIV Resource Center or
Legal Aid of Western Oklahoma at 405-
Hate cont’dfrom p. 1
that a growing lesbian visibility may
account for part of the increase.
More victims were involved in the
attacks also. In San Francisco, for example,
Community United Against Violence
(CUAV) reported that there was a decrease
in the actual number of attacks - 324
reported in 1994, compared to 366 the
previous year. But the number of victims
involved in such attacks rose 37% - some
545 people in 1994, compared to 398
victims the year before. In. San Franosco,
62% of those attacked were injured, with
a third requiring medical treatment. Also
three people died in anti-gay attacks there.
In New York, 65% of the people attacked
were injured, according to the city’ s antiviolence
project. 79ofthe victims required
medical ~treatment and there were 9
homicides resulting from anti-, gay attacks.
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Red Earth Bear’s. Spring Activities
..........by Alan Nyitray
Red Earth Bears keeps adding bear
buddies each week. The REB mailing list
(only three months old) now boasts 99
people including several bear clubs in
states surrounding Oklahoma. We also
mail our newsletter to the Bear History
Project in Massachusetts.
Spring is approaching. And you know
where bear minds turn these days...it tunas
to some of the more basic and fundamental
of bear instincts. And there will be plenty
of opportunities as we emerge from a long
winter of hibernation. Remember, it was
only this last winter that birthed Red Earth
Bears. So this is our first spring rut. And
you know what they say about your fun’st
In this article we’ 11 tell you about March
and April’s activities already on the
drawing boards. Whatever you do, don’ t
miss April’s get together - we’re gonna
import a posse of friendly bears from out
of state. Remember, you don’ t have to be
amemberofRed Earth Bears to parlicipate
in our get togethers. We want everyone to
come out and have a good time.
State of the Club
Red Earth Bears continues to grow with
every growl we make. It seems that even
just a little bit of publicity is attracting lots
of folks from around the state. About
three-fourths of the 99 on our mailing list
are in Oklahoma, The restare individuals
in other states,_other bear clubs in this part
of the country, and magazines.
About two-thirds of the men on Our
mailing list are single. Half of the 99
reside in the OKC metro area, 15 from
Tulsa and close to a dozen from other
parts of Oklahoma.
Upcoming Bear Events!.
The REB officers along with help from
others in the club have been hard at work
planning spring’s activities.
At 7pmon St. Patty’ s Day (March 17th,
Friday night) we’ 11 all meet at Furr’ s (Ha!)
in Windsor Hill’s Shopping Center,
Meridian and NW23rd. Wehave our own
private dining area. $5.00 all you can eat
(sell your Furr’ s stock before March 17th).
In April, Show MeBears from St. Louis
are road-tripping to OKC and the Habana
Inn for a weekend of fur and frolicking
with REB! They’ll arrive Saturday, April
22. Early on Sunday afternoon, we’ ve
scheduled a cook out of hot dogs and
hamburgers. The boys from Missouri
will head home Monday.
May- and June are already looking full
with 1st Splash in Austin, a Bear Bust at
Levi’s May 21st, the gay rodeo, a Bear
Picnic/Bear Growl, and gay Pride Week.
More details on these later.
The REB has a monthly newsletter. It’ s
published with the help of an annual
membership fee of $10. To get on our
mailing list, write us at Red Earth Bears,
PO Box 57561, OKC, OK 73157-7561.
You can e-mail us at alanokc@aol.com or
jerome@telepath.com, or call us at 405-
732-9808. Happy bear hunting!
Help Fight AIDS!
Volunteer Opportunities
Help. others from your home. Interfaith
AIDS Ministries staffs NE OK’s only 24
hour HIV/AIDS info. line. Please attend a
volunteer meeting on Friday, March 24 a~t
6:30 pro. Call for location. 438-2437.
Beer Bust 9- I
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9-2 v 3340S. Peoria Tulsa v 918-744-0896
by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Any group of individuals wishing to
obtain complete andequal protection under
the law must first have a full knowledge of
past law and its precedence. This book
does not address the current, constantly
changing laws, but gives a historical
pe.rspective of how those laws came into
exxstence. It is part of the New Press’ s
Law in Context series, which is designed
to "offer new perspectives on existing
fields of legal study, and to open up those
evolving areas in which current law and
interpretation are out of sync with social
and cultural practices." Editor William
Rubenstein teaches a course on sexual
orientation and the law at Harvard Law
School. He has compiled dozens of legal
cases, historical documents and articles
chronicling pertinent American history
all the way back to 1636 when violation of
the PlymouthSodomy Law waspunishable
by death. The book is divided into six
general areas:
1) Basic Documents, which contains
entries that help define just who gays and
lesbians are and why persecution exists.
Included are, a contribution by John
Boswell, whose recent book "Same-Sex
Unions inPremodemEurope" causedquite
adebate, an interview withJames Baldwin,
and a sadly out of touch entry from the
New Catholic Encyclopedia. (Did you
know that ’l~abitual involvement in works
of charity" and "meditation for at least 20
minutes a day" will help cure homosexuality?)
2) Regulation of Lesbian and Gay
Sexuality, which explains, as much as
..."habitual involvement in
works of charity" and
"meditation for at least 20
minutes a day" wifl help cure
- New Catholle Eneyelopedla
possible, what sodomy laws really mean
and how lesbian sex is affected. The
infamous 1986 Supreme Court decision
in Bowers v Hardwick is detailed and its
implications examined. For you
youngsters, that was the case in which the
Court upheld the Georgia sodomy law,
after a police officer entered a citizen’s
home, without a warrant, and arrested two
adult men who were engaging in oral sex
behind a closed bedroom door.
3) Regulation of Lesbian and Gay
Identity includes an examination of
government regulation of meeting places,
organizations and freedom of assembly.
Censorship and the rights of lesbian and
gay students are also addressed.
4) Lesbians and Gay Men in the
Workplace examines the lack of
employment protection with regard to
Constitutional Provisions and statutory
protections in both private and public
employment. The tmique experiences of
lesbian and gay teachers and members of
the military are overviewed. If you think
that theMcCarthyites were only hunting
Communists, think again.
5) Legal Recognition of Lesbian and
Gay Relationships. This should be a short
chapter~ right? Cases regarding the
prohibition of same sex marriages prove
to be interesting. Domestic partnerships
and spousal benefits are also addressed.
6) Lesbian and Gay Parenting. The
courts hav( taken extraordinary steps to
prevent the formation of lesbian and gay
families. Adoption, foster care and the
implications of donor insemination are
.This book provides a good background
of information which will be valuable
when contacting your elected representatives
regarding current or upcoming
Check the Tulsa City-County Library
for this book or call 596-7966.
Some other recent library additions of interest include:
*Coping When A Parent is Gay (by Deborah A. Miller)
*Gardening in Clay: Reflections on AIDS
,(by Ronald O. Valdisen-i)
*Life Sentences: Writers, Axtists and AIDS
(edited by Thomas Avena)
*Revelations: Gay Men’s Coming Out Stories
(edited by Adrien Saks and Wayne Curtis)
Tulsa Area
Have the winter doldrums got you
down? "Thaw out" & come to the April
meeting of Prime Timers, a social group
for Gay/Bisexual men 40 & over. The
meeting will be on Sunday, April 2, at
4pro at the resource center, 4154 S.
Harvard. There will be a social hour,
followed by a planning session for the
group’s 2nd anniversary celebration &
the "anual" Labor Day Weekend
happening at the Habana Inn in OK City.
For more info on the group, call 747-
8121 or write: TAPT, POB 52118, Tulsa,
OK, 74152-0118. Other acitivities are in
the works now, so keep reading TFN for
further updates !
Rescuing the Bible
TOHR and Community of Hope in
conjunction withBLGA ofT.U. announce
and 8 week course "Rescuing the Bible".
We will be looking at the relevance of the
Bible in a modem context. The course
will be led by Reverend Leslie Penrose
beginning April 3rd at the T.U. Activities
Center. The class will begin at 6:30 p.m.
and end at 8:30 p.m.
For further information or to register
please contact Tim @ 254-2100. Pre-registration
is requested but not required.
Plan now to attend this fun and exciting
discussion group.
Lesbian or Gay
and Republican?
Contact Tulsa Log Cabin
Republicans care of this paper:
POB 4140, 74159 or at
,.ar t nt confdfrom p. ]
equated homosexuality to the crimes of
rape and pedophilia: Largent had
suggested that homosexuality "should not
be tolerated." Largent agreed to the
meeting request from Tulsa Family News
publisher, Tom Neat, at a private meeting
that Largent initiated on October 11,
National Coming Out Day.
Largent and his audience disagreed
strongly that homosexuality is "chosen."
While Largent believes that
homosexuality is chosen, all who
witnessed to him, both Lesbians and Gay
men, and PFLAG parents stated their
conviction that it is not a "choice." Voices
were raised also when Largent noted that
the debate in Congress is likely involve
comparisons between homosexuality and
pedophilia. Largent did not actually make
that assertion here but rather that that is
likely to be the tenor of a debate.
The most important comments Largent
made were in response to former TOHR
pres. Kelly Kirby’s story of his wrongful
firing for being Gay. Largent, with
seeming sincerity, said, "that’s wrong,"
echoingcomments madeprivately to Neal.
When asked about the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
sponsoredby theHumanRights Campaign
Fund (HRCF) currently before Congress.
Largentsaidhe didn’tknow anything about
it. He promised to research the bill and to
respond to the community by writing to
Tulsa Family News. Largent did ask
whether the bill banned quotas and
exempted religious institutions (ed.s note:
it does) and some observers inferred that
Largent might consider supporting a nondiscrimination
bill that protects Lesbians
and Gay men.
Pool Night.., $4.00 Beer Bust
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Randy,. attr 35 married bi wm, iso
daytime fun, 25-40, discreet
friends- =28807
.:~Eric, recently divorced 6’2 200,
brn/blu~ like hairy men and
cowboys, like to ride hawgs to
like to getogether with yo~ too-
Oklahoma City MANY
INTERESTS: Marvin, WM 6’2,
225, many interests, get in touch
asap, like to talk to you! e30131
Oklahoma City PAT, 22, Ikg for
someone betw~,~n 18-25, 1 ~0,
blnd/blu grn 5 8, Ikg for honest
person, Iv a message- ~30162
am 5’11,185, blnd/blu, cln
shaven cln cut musc build, 23-35
ht/wt athl build into athletics,
wtlifling, I will call you back-
1 ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
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2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
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from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star.key (.)
Due to our large ~vo~ume of calls,
if you can’t get th~u~ simply try
your call later.
ROMANTIC: DWayne 32 5’9
195 brn/hzl, hopeless romantic
iso same for fun and friendship-
Jacksonville DANNY 20, soon
to be 21 iso same area, willing to
travel, varied interests give me a
call e31236
19 clean athletic masc iso WM
18-25 Iv a message- ~30287
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
TONIGHT: Bob, GBM 33, 5’7,
155, iso sim WM to date and
much~more I’m bright, honest
hands.~me ke ire and earning,
like most entertainment, give me a
call~ ~29444
Tulsd CALL ME: Mitch, 5’10,
170 brn/grey brn eyes young
looking, smooth, inexp,
smoker like to party iso
someone with the same int, if
ur interested give me a calle29894
Recording your
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down .what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for..Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
FRIEND: Mitch, 35,
brn/brngrey, 5’10 165, smoker,
like to party, iso someone as
inexp as me,, age not really
impt- ~22668
Westville BI OR GAY MEN:
Ken, bi, 6’, 165, brn/hzl,
med build, attr outgoing.
easygoing, smoker, drink
lightly, looking for other
bi or gay men, give me a
call- ~30841
iso some fun here in the area gve
me a call- ~31534
Oklahoma City MARVIN 28
WM 6’3. brn/blu, vers, need to
meet someone into role playing if
ur into it give me a call- ~30131
David, 5’10 160 dk/dk smooth,
29w, looking to meet other guys
for good tim~s, give me a call~
~31876 ~
out there
romantic having fun, like classical
literature, Poe, Lovecraft,
Shakespeare, open to new things,
if this sounds int give me a ca11-
Tulsa DISCREET BI GUY: bi attr
WM 5’3 130, 30s iso attr cln cut
guy ,discreet call me- ~e23017
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A FRIEND: Dennis WM 33
bm/bm 195, 6’, just moved here
mainly looking for friends- e23201
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A COWBOY: 25, 5’7 125,
brn/blu, Ikg for a cowboy 25-35
who has his act together- e23357
6’2 brn/hzl, iso
and kiss-
NW AR SKIP 34, 6’1, bm/blu
170, iso indiv in the Springfield/utile
Rock area b~, but in~exp, iso someone
eilher gay or bi, looks not impt, good
pers, c~nd wi.’llin~ to .e~oe~i.’ment,li-ke
to get togelher. I~11 get ~ck to youe23205
T,ulsa TALR TO ME: Tony, 27,
6, stocky 230, married WM bi,
iso other married or bi men who
are stocky like me, iso someone
discreet and alot of fun great
attitude, to talk with- e24320
DANCE, 30 fun, vers quiet nights
long walks and. movies....
Tulsa MED STUDENT: Scott, 24,
5’9, 180 2rid yr med-student, ski
rq,l,etball and tennis, discreet, like
all sports, movies and have a
good time give me a call!
’men 20-38,
Michael, 24 GWM iso
someone 24-30,
5’7 145, blu, bind
hair, mustache,
ive me
FUN: Mike,
24, NW area,
blnd/blu, 5’7
145, Ikg for
another GWM
masc, enjoy
walking hiking,
camping, outdoors, like
to spend time and get to know
give me a call e21632
T~lsa HOTMEN wanted, 29
5 11,185/1n cut bb, int incln
cut masc hot men,23-35 for
fun~.21997 .....,~
Oklahoma City CITY MEN:
like to meet men
int Iv a
to meet 18~36,
Tulsa TOM 21 Y/O, 6’2, dk
brn curly hair, eyes, semi musc,
wide shoulders, 32w, looking for
friends, get together and be
friends ~22575
Adolfo, like.
s~dent, hisp.
5 7 180 med
build, dk cxion,
olive, dk/dk, must
Ikg for other bi or gay
white or hisp males in the area for
fun, friendship poss tel- give me a
call- ~22622
SAME: Mitch, very young 35,
bm/brn 5’10, 165, very inexp,
smooth looking for similar- foi"
poss relationsl~ip- e22668
POPCORN: Eddie, 5’8, 155,
34, very hands, athl, musc, want
to meet other romantic men to
share a nice quiet romantic eve,
favorite movie, Iv a msg-
WANTED: Edward, Ikg for male
companions in the area, watch
some movies, pop popcorn,
spend some fun time together-
Sundays Mondays
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Sunday School 9:45, Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
Morning Worship Service 11:00. 2627-B East Info.
11th. Call 583-7815 forlnfo. LAMBDA BOWLING LEAGUE - Bowling
COMMUNITY OF HOPE (United Methodist) -. begins at 8:45. Sheridan Lanes 3121 South
Faith and Struggle Group> discussion group,- Sheridan.
subjects vary. 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship
-::;Service 6 00. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-
7232for info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Morning Worship
Service 11:00. 5451-E South Mingo. Call
622-1441 for Info.
Worship Service 10:45 1623 North
Mapiewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
THE BANNED - Gay Band - Practice weekly
¯~in OKC. Call 838-2121 for Info.
MINISTER’S CLASS - Bless the Lord at All
Times Christian Centen 7:30 p.m. 2627-B
East 1 lth. Call 583-7815 for Info.
Weekly Meetings/Parties. Community of
HoPe: 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
TYDD - Tulsa Youth Discovering Diversity -
Youth Support Group. Call 587-1300 for Info.
Study 7:00. MCC of Greater Tulsa 1623
North Maplewood. Call 838-1715 for Info.
CHRISTIAN CENTER - Choir Practice 7:00
2627-B East 11th. Call 583-7815 for Info.
FAMILY OF FAITH MCC - Potluck 6:30.
Bible Study 7:00. Choir Practice 8:00. 5451-
5451-E South Mingo Call 622-1441 for Info.
(Regular Meetings begin March 23)
HIV TESTING ¯ TOHR Clinic. Free and
Anonymous testing using fingerstjck method.
No appointment required Walk in test hours:
7:00- 8:30 pm. Results H0uiS: ~7:0d~’~:oo
pm. Call 749-4194 forlnfo. .- --.
PRAYER TIME,- 7:00 p, rn, MCC of Greater
Tulsa. 1623 North Maplewood. Call 838-
ESouthMingo. Ca11622=1441 forlnfo. " ¯ r1715forlnfo.
WOMEN- 7:00. Women’s support group.
Community of Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call
838-7232 for Info.
Weekly meeting 7:30. Family of Faith MCC.
TULSA FAMILY CHORALE - Weekly practice
9:30, Lola’s. 2630 E. 15th Street
at 11:00 pm. Provides c0hfidential support
for recovering addicts. Community of Hope.
1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for Info.
I~’A R C H 16 3
9:00 pm. Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU)
- 440 South Gary- Sponsored by Students for
the Boundary: Feminists Inside and Out of
the University." Keynote Speaker Judy Grahn
600 South College. Call 631-3412 for Info.
IMA,C. 18 I
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope. 8:00
p.m. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for Info.
Family of Faith MCC, 5451~E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 forlnfo.
TOWN HALL MEETING__With Steve Largent.
8:00am - 10:00 am Aaronsen Auditorium.
400 Civic Center. Call 749-4901 for Info.
sponsored.by PFLAG
BAKE SALE - MCC of Greater Tulsa.
Following worship. 1623 North. Maplewood.
838-1715 for Info.
short’ term group designed for those who
would like to marchin the Gay Pride P:~rade,
but cannot unless anonymous. Group. will
meet at 12:30 p.m:totake initial pictures for
makeup design. Family of Faith MCC 5451-
E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info:
8:00 pm. Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU)
.- 440 South Gary
Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-4297 .for
CLUB. 6:30 p.m. Chimi’s at 15th & Peoria.
" 8:00 pm. AI!e, Chapman ActivityCenter (TU) "
- 440’Sobth Gary. -sponsor~ by Amnesty
International -.
PLEASURE - A Woman Centered Discussion
’of Sensual and Safe-. Sex. 7:00 pm Allen
-Chapman Activity Center(TU) - 440 South
Gary. Sponsored by BLGA TU - .
Group will meet for makeup, design workshop
from 10:00 to 12:00 am. Family of Faith MCC
5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for Info.
WORK DAY - Work day for Project Get
Together. 10:00 a.m. Community of Hope.
1347 North yale. Call 838-7232 for Info.
of Greater Tulsa. 6:00 pm Potluck: 7:00
Meeting. 1623 North Maplewood. Call 838-
1715 for Info.
IM’"c’."- 27- I
PFLAG BOARD MEET NG - 7:00pm. Call
742-8565 fop
Meeting. Call 254-2100 for time and location.
,IM,, c, 28 I
ECOFEMINISM - 8:00 p.m. Canterbury
Center TU - 2839 E. 5th St. - sponsored by
Earth Matters ..........
"Serving in Silence" will appear at OSU
Student Union "Little Theatre". 7:00 pm. First
come, first serve seating. There will be a
reception and book signing following lecture.
Call 405-744-5215 for Info. Call Beeper 546-
5455 for carpool info,
WOMAN TO WOMAN’- 12:00 Noon meeting.
Designed for women with HIV. Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
IMA,C. 29 I
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center for the
Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info.
"Serving in Silence" 8:00 p.m. Allen
Chapman Activity Center TU - 440 South
Gary. .Sponsored by the TU Student
IM, c. I
Sponsorecl ~b~ ~OHR (membership ddve) 7:00
to 11:00 p.m0~ All Soul’s Unitarian Church’
(Emerson Hall) "2952 South Peoria. Call 743-
4297 for Info. $3 Single- ~;5 C(~ui~le:~
DANCE CLASS -Community of Hope. 8:00.
p,m. 1347 North’ Yale. -Call 838-7232 .for
Info. .
Resource Center. 4154 South Harvard,
Call 749-4901 for Info.
11:00 a.m. in OKC - Clark Church - 5808 I~N
23rd. Call Beeper 646-6455 for carpool info.
OKLAHOMA FLAMES - Women’s Semi-pro
Basketball opening game. 7:00 pm.
Fairground’s Pavillion. Call Beeper 646-6455
for Info.
CLUB - 6:30 p.m. Hong Kong Restaurant
4307-B South Sheridan
IA P R I L 3 I
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary
First of an eight week course, Sponsored by
TOHR/Community of Hope/BLGA (TU). Call
838-7232 for Info.
TOHR MEMBERSHIP - Monthly meeting 6:30
social hour 7:00 p.m. meeting. 4154 S.
Harvard, Ste. H, Call 743-4297 for Info.
6:30 p.m. PFLAG. 4154 South Harvard -
Lower Level. Call .749-4901 for Info.
12:30 p.m. 5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-
1441 for Info.
10 I
PFLAG 101/102 - Monthly meeting 6:30-
7:30p.m. 4154 South Harvard, Ste. H. Call
749-4901 for Info.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary Second Of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/Community of
Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for Info.
SPOUSES For spouses of
Gay/LeslBi/Trans. 7:00-7:30 p.m. social
7:30-8:30 meeting. Call 749-4901 for Info.
Sponsored by PFLAG.
WOMAN TO WOMAN - 12:00 Noon meeting.
Designed for women with HIV. Community of-
IA P R I L 17
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. Third of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/Community of
Hope/BLGA (TU). Call 838-7232 for Info.
IA P R , L 18
Office. 41st & Harvard. Call 743-4297 for
6:30 4154 South Harvard - Lower Level. Call
749-4901 for Info.
IA P R, L 20
p.m. Golden Corral at 71st & Mingo,
FEED THE HOMELESS - Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Meet at church at
5:30 p.m. and caravan to Day Center;for the
Homeless. Call 838-7232 for Info.
Meeting. Call 254-2100 for time and location.
RESCUING THE BIBLE - 6:30 - 8~.30 pm.
Allen Chapman Activity Center (TU) - 440
South Gary. Fourth of an eight week course.
Sponsored by TOHR/Community of
Hope/BLGA (TU). ’Call 838-7232 for Info.
WOMAN TO WOMAN - 12:00 Noon meeting.
Designed for women with HIV. Community of
Hope. 1347 North Yale. Call 838-7232 for
DANCE CLASS - Community of Hope.
8:00.pm 1347 North Yale. Ca11.838~7232.
IA. P-R I L 1 4 " : I LAGPAC -Lesbian and Gay Political Action
GooD FRIDAY Services at MCC-of Greater ~.~ ~ Committee Ca 1838-1222 for Info.
TulSa...1623 North Maplewood; Call 838-. LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS --Gay and
1715 for Info. Lesbian Republican Group. Call 832-0233 for
I¯ s
DANCE CLASS:, community of Hope. 8:00 PRIME-TIMERS
SWAN - Single Women’s Activity Network.
p;m..!347 North. Yale Ca 838-7232for Info, TOHRCUNIC- In addition to ThursdayClinic
.IA P..R~ I L- 1 6. J Hours (see Thursdays), offers daytime testing
EASTER. SUNDAY by appointment Monday -Thursday from 10
"HOPE IS ALIVE" - Easter Cantata, 11:00 am - 5 pro. Call 749-4194 for appointment.
a~m. Family.of Faith. 5451-E South Mingo. TOHR HELPLINE - Staffed dally 8:00 p.m -
Call 622.1441 for Info. 10:00 p.m. Call 743-4297. "
.... - . TULSA - Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Association. Call 838-1222 for Info.
. . Do you. have a g~-oup or event that should be listed in the TOHR Community Calendar? If so, please call us at 838-2121.
-Every effort was¯ made to ensure the acq;uracy and completeness of this calendar: however, neither Tu/sa Famil~ News or TOHR assumes responsibility for e~’rom 0r om ss=ons.
...the Save The Nation Project presents...
Ju,y ~9 I.|~ ~vr ~ . - ~,~,.#’=~| H iv .ducat,on ~-~.nd "treatment y
April19- SAi ib ~ And~ineties
~ex ~ating
May 17-
~ " ~elf ~steem & ~.\ttitudes
June 21 - ~~1~ ~~ex ~l~ith Intimacy for ~en
four free meetings
especially for
gay and bisexual men
For more information, call .the Save the Nation Project
at 918-584-4983. Attend one or all of the presentations.
Get Educated! Knowledge = Power!
For more information about the next series of LIFEGUARD
meetings, fill out an mail this form to:
Save the Nation Project
915 South Cincinatti
Tulsa, OK 74119-20009
City -
Zip Phone
I am specifically interested in:
Have one of the above presentations in your
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, March-April 1995; Volume 2, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 13, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/495.