[1995] Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 3


[1995] Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 3


Politics, education, and social conversations toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


February 15-March 14, 1995


James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Kelly Kirby
Maureen Curtin
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, January 15-February 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 2


Online Text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart February 15- March 14, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 3
Barnes & Noble
Censors Paper
TULSA - Barnes & Noble’s
recently opened Tulsa store has
denied equal access to Tulsa
Family News as a distribution
point. Tulsa Family News
approachedBarnes &Noble after
observing a stand for Tulsa
People in the lobby of their 71st
Cynthia Carnahan, spokesperson
for that location, said that
store manager, Diane Elliott,
would not allow Tulsa Family
News ~FFN) because the store
hadalready had a few complaints
about the Lesbian & Gay rifles
they carry. Hliott,inconversation
with TFN publisher, Tom Neal,
said-that Tulsa People and Urban
Tulsa (both of which had been
given permission to distribute)
were "acceptable" because they
were of "general interest".
Camahan indicated that the
objection was based on the
Chance that non-Gays might
complain rather than on any
specific content issue (editor’s
note: TFN and the Tulsa Worm
are comparable in content).
Regional manager, Jim Van
Natter, at press time, had decided
to ban all free publications in the
stores over which he had
responsibility. He says was
motivated; in part, by the
problems in stores in locations
see B & N, page 11
Helms to Try to
Ban Homosexuality
Helms (R-NC) has introduced a
bill (S. 25) entitled"Prohibition
of Homosexuality as a Legitimate.
or Normal. Lifestyle" that
would bar any federal agency
from spending money "to
encourage its employees or
officials to accept homosexuality,"
The Helms-measure would
also bar federal agencies from
recruiting homosexuals for
employment. The measure has
no cosponsors, has not been
referredtoany Senate committee
and has not been scheduled for
anyfurther aetionyet. There is
....also no House counterpart.
Utah & So. Dakota
Want to Ban Same-
Gender Marriage
m Utah have introduced a
measure to prohibit same-sex
marriages and lawmakers in
South Dakota have quickly
passed a similar law in the state
House, sending it on to the state
Senate for approval.Activists
believe both measures have been
introduced now because of the
see Marrriage, page 9
Largent Mtg.
March 4, 10 am
Congressman Steve Largent
will attend a meeting with the
Lesbian/Gay communities on
Sat. March4, at 10 am. hostedby
the Metropolitan Community
Church of-Greater Tulsa and
Tulsa Family News. -
This meeting is an historic
event since it will be the first
time ever that an Oklahoma
Member of Congress has met
with Lesbian&Gay constituents
in state. Mr. Largent, who.has
record o£~ .making anti;;G~y.
expressed his desire to represent
all persons in his district.
TOHR Leadership: Kelly Kirby, Tim Gillean, & Miriam Childers
Leaders Organize in Tulsa &OKC
to Counter Anti-GayAmendment
Community organizers in Tulsa and Oklahoma City called
community meetings to warn of an anti-Gay amendment that State
Rep. Bill Graves of Oklahoma City has introduced into the current
legislative session. In a Oklahoma House of Representative press
release, the following is attributed to Graves, "this type of lifestyle
[homosexuality] must not be allowed to continue ff we are going to
’maintain a moral, orderly society. ’" Graves added, "...we have seen
pro:homosexual groups in other states obtain minority and protected
status from .discrimination...history has shown that in nations wher
such policies have succeeded, moral disintegration has soon
followed...it is~incredible that such programs would even be seriously
proposed in view of the fact that-homosexuals are the ones who have
brought us the deadly AIDS plague".
IfpassedbytheOklahomaHouseand Senate, HouseJointResolution
1018 would create a state ballot question to amend the Constitution
adding" the following."¯ "Section" 2.1 Neither" the State of. Oklah0ma,.
through any of its branches or departments, or any of ~ts agencaes,
political subdivisions, municipalities, counties or school districts
sl~:enact, adopt, or,enforce-any statute, rule, regulation, Ordinance
or policy whereby homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual orientation,
conduct, practices, or relationships shall constitute or otherwise be the
see HJR 1018, page 11
Gay Officials Going
to White House
DC -- In what many observers
say is clearly an effort by the
Clinton administration to mend
badly damaged fences with
lesbian and gay voters, some 30
gay and lesbian dected officials
have been invited to a meeting at
theWhite House in late February
or early March. "We want them
[administration officials] to give
us someindication that, yes, they
do care about us, that weare an
important community, an
important part ,of their
constituency," said San Francisco
Supervisor Susan Leal,
whowas asked toputthe meeting
together. ?At the same time, we
also want to hear that they’re not
going to be giving in to the far
right." Ideally, Lealthinks those
who should be present would be
Health & Human Services See.
Shalala, Atty. Gen. Reno &
AIDS policy coordinator Patsy
Fleming. But the administration
has madeno commilments about
who actually will attend the
meeting yet. "I think for
perception it’s important for the
President to be there," Leal said.
"We’re planning that he comes
and blesses the thing and says,
"This is my thing, and thanks for
coming, and here aremyideas.’"
"Gay" Books Most
Often Attacked
American Library Assn; says 2
lesbian and gay children s books
continue to be among the "most
challenged" at schools and
libraries around the country.
Michael Willhoite’s Daddy’s
Roommate headed the.ALA’s
list ofbooks drawing the greatest
number of attempts to have it
removed from bookshelves in
the U.S. - the 2rid year in arow
the book has topped the ALA
list.Tied in2ndplace on the book
suppression list was Leslea
Newman’s Heather Has Two
Mommies. Both books depict
gays and ,lesbians as heads of
families.Another gay~oriented
tiffed on the ALA’s list was
Charles Silverstein’s The New
Joy ofGay Sex.
Dallas Council
OK’s Anti-Bias Rule
DALLAS -- The Dallas City
Council voted 9 to 6 to include
marital status and sexual
orientation anti-bias protections
for city workers in a 2rid test of
the issue after the city attorney
ruled that the council’s 1st vote
earlier in January may not have
see Dallas, page 9
Gingrich to Hold
Anti.Gay Hearings
DC -- According to the Human
Rights Campaign Fund, Speaker
Newt Gingrich said at a town
meeting in ,Ga.., that the House
will hold hearings SoughtbyLou
Sheldon of the anti,gay
Traditional Values Coalition. "I
do think at somepoint this spring
or summer,ft.we.can have a on~
day hearing on whether or not
taxpayermoney is being spent to
promote things that are literally
grotesque;.tha.t, that’ s alegitimate
request, HRCF reported
Gingrich as saying.
Since the Republicans won
control of Congress in Nov.,
Sheldon has told reporters that
Gingrich-had pledged ~o. hold-.-
hearings on a array of proposals
-.including limiting AIDS
FeredVe ention programs, imposing
ral"controls on public school
curricula, and limits on counseling
& materials aimed at Gay
& Lesbian youth. Elizabeth
Birch, HRCF’s new executive
director, said, "The Republican
leadership is clearly coming
under pressure from anti-gay
extremists. The Speaker should
reject this extremism and keep
focused on issues important to
mainstream America."
Gay Basher
Gets Bashed
TULSA - A Gay Tulsa man
reported to TFN that he was
assaulted in mid-January at the
Tulsa Promenade Shopping
Center parking lot. His assailant,
a man in his 20’ s, sprang out,
yelling "hey queer-boy". The
intended victim (whom we’ll call
"Joe" since he spoke on
condition ofanonymity toprotect
his employment-editor’s note)
said that "of course, I turned
around." His assailant attempted
see Basher, page 9
Speaker at King
Service Slanders
Gays - No Apology
From Organizers
TULSA - On Sunday, January
15, the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Commemorative Society held an
interfaith memorial service in
honor of slain civil rights leader,
Dr. Martin Luther King. This
waspartofa series ofKingevents
in Tulsa. Bishop ,Ron Young,
former Tulsa City Commissioner,
and pastor of the
Pentecostal Bridegroom Church
of Philadelphia, ~vas the main
speaker for the event,, held at
Boston Ave. Methodist Church,
Young listed homosexuality,
with spouse and childabuse, drug
see ML King, page 9
Miss. Murder Trial
MISSISSIPPI -- February 13,
1995 -- Rejecting the HIV and
gay panic arguments Of the
defense, ajury convicted Marvin
McClendon, 17, Friday for the
slayingof two gay men near
Laurel, MS. Circuit Judge Billy
Landrum, who earlier had released
the HIV status of both
victimsto the jury, Sentenced
MeClendon to two consecutive
life prison terms for the murders
of Robert Waiters and Joseph
The defense attorney, J.
Ronald Parrish, whose legal defense
strategy included arguments
basedonthe the HIV status
¯ anti, Sexual orientation, of. the
victims, Continued his anti-gay
tirade after the triaE Parrish
decried the verdict, calling it a
defeat for "people who want to
keep their children safe from
people trolling the streets.’"
"NGLTF is pleased that the
see Murder, page 9
"Gays & Lesbians under attack,
what do we do?
Act up, fight back!
People with AIDS under attack,
what do we do?
Act-up, fight back!" -~ ACT UP
One look at page one of this
paper is enough to see that
indeed, Lesbians, Gay men,
Bisexuals, Transgendered
persons, people withAIDS are
under attack in Tulsa, in the
Oklahoma Legislature, in
Washington and around the
In Tulsa, a veteran is assaulted
fornoreason thanhehas rainbow
triangles on a chain (with his dog
.tags). Under Oklahoma law, this
ts not a hate crime. But not all
attacks are active. Some folks
just achieve similar results by
their passivity or inaction.
For example, Tulsa’s
Editor’s note: last month Kelly
Kirk, wrote an excellentstory of
which only halfgotprinted thru’
ou.r error. The bottom ofhis story
gottost somewhere on an dectronic
desktop. Our~tpologies to
Kelly. The complete story runs
below. - TN
In honor of International
Human Rights Day, the Human
Rights Commission and Human
Rights Department of the City of
Tulsa hosted a reception on
Monday, December 19, 1994.
Addressing the gathering,
Commission Chair Eddie Faye
Gates spoke of past accomplishments
and achievements in
the human rights arena globally.
International Human Rights
Day was started by the United
Nations to monitorhumanrights.
Ms. Gates noted that the United
States is still on the list ofhuman
rights violators in the area of
prisoner treatment, particularly
23 hourperdaylockdowns where
inmates aren’t exposed to
sunlight. She noted also a
monitored globally and civil
rights which are maintained by
national governments.
Ms. Gates noted that while
things are less than perfect, we
have adequate legislation and
agreement in the important areas
of discrimination based on race,
gender, religion, disability, and
ethnic origin, leaving the basic
rights of Gay men and Lesbians
as the last frontier to be crossed.
Tulsa Mayor Susan Savage
remarked on the irony of a
speaker in town recently to
address city employees on
sensitivity issues being quite
surprised when he met her,
expecting the Mayor to be male.
She echoedCommi ssioner Gates
comments on the need to
see Human Rights, page 9
sometimes Gay-friendly mayor
& staff pretend that no city
!employees have told them about
!and-Gay discriminationby other
city employees. If the problem
were acknowleged, our mayor,
who’s clearly opposed to
discrimination based on gender
and other statuses, might have to
risk some of her political future
by issuing an executive order
banning anti-Gay discrimination
in city employment.
Now at a state-level, there’s
been little doubt that our
legislature has had little regard
for minority views. After all this
is a body whose first official act"
upon statehood was to pass
segregation ("Jim Crow’) laws.
Ours is a state where our
institutions (OU, agencies, etc.)
only do the "right thing" after a
court compels them to do so.
But the current proposal of
radical right loon, Rep. Bill
Graves, HJR 1018 (which would
amend our constitution to
institutionalize anti-Gay bias -
as though it needs any help here)
is just part of the same attack on
Lesbian & Gay citizens. The sad
On the evening of Dec. 18, I was
given a gift of love by several
peoplein ourcommunity. I would
like to opeuly thank them and the
businesses for their love and
support: Scott Johnson, Steve
Tucker, GreenCountry Cloggers,
Sensuous, Kris Kohl, Lola, Dana
Doyle, "Tigger" Taylor, Anita
Richards, Slutisha (Pat), Janalyn
Watt, "rl’iger" Rawlings, Winnie
O’Keeffe, Jane Rother, The
Silver Star,TNT’ s andmyfamily.
Lots of work goes into a great
benefit and making things nm
smooth. Thebusinesses give their
time, space and money for these
events to take place. The people
running these events are tireless
in their effort in keeping thing
happy and helpful. The many
volunteers work up acts, jokes,
beauty, signs and sayings to help
promote these events.
I really enjoyed the benefit. It
brought back may memories of
the entertainers’ fLrstappearances
and shows when I as more active.
I laughed and cried with joy and
delight at the many people war
are so willing to donate,
participate and keep our
community spirit together and
high with the purpose ofhelping
those of us in need.
I appreciate all of yo,u who in
the last 16 montfi~ ffli~ liii~e
prayed and sat with me, picked
me up, cheeredme up listened to
me, visited withme, and checked.
on me. For someone with long
term disabilities, it means a great
deal to the heart- the head always
follows - but the heart consumes
love from you and keep our tuner
sprite lifted so that we can make
it to the next day. It stays the
depression and gives youa smile.
It is really true friends that keep
you going. 1 love you, my true
Sincerely, Wanda Sumter
thing is that this resolution will
likely .pass if it’s not killed in
committee. There are only a
handful of Oklahoma.legislators
who have to courage not to join
an attack on us. And though I am
a native son, proud of my state
on those occasions when it lives
up to its promise, I have little
faith in our fellow .citizens not to
fall prey to the Nazi-like
propaganda about Lesbian and
Gay lives.
At the federal level,
Oklahoma’s entire Congressional
delegation is hostile to
their own Lesbian & Gay
constituents. The Human Rights
Campaign Fund, the nation’s
largest Lesbian & Gay
organization, began its national
effort to get Congress members
to sign a pledge not to discriminatein
their own hiring based
primarily on the prejudice of
TulSa’s Rep. Jim Inhofe (now
Senator) because of a Tulsa
World story. Tulsans, of course,
have known of Inhofe’s bias for
almost 20 years. Sen. Nickles
,goes around to small towns like
See Fight Back. page 11
Carbon Copy
US Rep, Steve Largent_
2424 E. 21st, Ste. 510
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dear Representative Largent:
As a representative of all our
citizens, I hope you will ease off
on the homosexuals. Tom Neal’ s
father is anMD [retired-editor]
- the other children are "normal".
Dr. McDonald’s daughter is
Lesbian - his other children are
"normal". My daughter and two
Aunts are Lesbian - the rest of us
are "normal". Youare apparendy
"normal". So I hope you realize
that all citizens need equal (not
special) opportunities.
Your humble constituent,
Phil Diggdon, MD
American College of Surgeons
American Board of Urology
PS: By the way, I did vote for
you; we all have certain, blind
Carbon Copy
Editors, Tulsa World
January 31
I, too, was shocked at Bishop
Ron Young’ s comments at the
Martin Luther King Jr. March
and Interfaith Memorial Service.
I was elated to be there, wished
the ’~,h’ol~ city could march
together, hear the beautiful mnsic
and the young man who so
..,e,!oquenflydeliver,e~t, Rev. King’ s
I I4ave A Dream.’ Many years
ago, my father took me to hear
Rev. King speak in Tulsa - before
he was well known. [ will never
forgethim. Inmyopinion, Bishop
Young’s derogatory remarks
about the Lesbian & Gay
Community m no way represent
what Rev. King or his family
stand for, work towards, or died
for. I certaiul,y agree that, at the
b’ee Letters, page 9
918:832-0233 Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the
POB 4140, Tulsa entire contents of this publication are protected by
OK 74159 US copyright 1995 by Tulsa Family News and
TulsaNews@aol.com may not be reproduced either in whole or in part
without written permission from the publisher.
Tom Neal
Asst. Editor
James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Kelly Kirby
Maur~en Curtin
Staff Photographer
JD Jamett
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate
that~ person’s sexual orientation.
tdorrespondence is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted, must be signed &
becomes the sole property ofTulsa Family News.
All correspondence should be sent to the address
above. Each readeris entitled to one free copy of
each edition at distribution locations. Additional
copies are available at Tomfoolery!
Clubs & Restaurants
*Bad Boys Club, 1229 S.. Memorial
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Metropole, 1902 E. 11
*Silver Star Saloon,, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades, 1649 S. Main
*Rex, 6101 E. Admiral
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 EJ3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S, Lewis
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance
Blue Moon Bakery
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
First Franklin Financial, Bob Hardy
Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria, Ste. 100
*Java Dave’s, LincolnPlaza
International Tours
Kerfs Flowers, 1635 .E. 15
Major Affairs
*Midtown Theater, 3i9 E. 3
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
Phoenix Mortgage Corp.
Pounds & Francs, 1706 S. Boston ~uppy Pause II, llth & Mingo
oyal Travel, 6927 S. Canton
*Ross Edward Salon, ’.1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
Westcopa Salon, Lincoln Plaza
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa
743 -5272
592-33 i7
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74128
Rainbow Business Guild, 4th Monday @ 7pm 254-2100
Rainbow Village, POB 50403; 74150-0403 599-8423
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans forHumanRights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
Associates in Medical & Mental Health, 1560 E. 21 743-1000
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581=0902~ 743-4117
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Lealme M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Jonathan & Dee Nicholas, Realtors 749-3000, 800-539-7767
Richard Reeder, MS, Ps¢chotherapy 581-0902, 743-4117
Religious & Educational Organizations
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*Community of Hope, 1347 N. YoIe 838-7232
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University Of Tulsa 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University. Center at Tulsa
II IIII I IIIII I I lliliill
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights. P.O. Box 52729 Tulsa, ~)K 74152
February/March 1995 Volume 15 Number 2
The ~,iews expre~ed elsewhere In Tulsa Family News are not necessarily the views ~TOHR. l’erml,~sion
Is grmtted to reprint Information contained within the TOHR Reporter page along with other itent~, muhrr
Tulsa Oklahomans FOr Human Rights is on the move and the excitement and activity is contagious. The participation of each and every one of
you is appreciated and embraced.° If you are still watching from the side, please jump on board, we need your hell:).
Our FOCUS Groups have come and gone and the programs as a result of these groups are being formed and put on the calendar now. Some of
the Ideas that were born of the FOCUS Groups are happening now. A COMMUNITY calendar is being put together, a lending library is scheduled to
start a book drive soon, womens support groups are forming now as well as a membership drive for women in the form of a dance. These are
only a few of the programs recommended by the Focus GrouPs, we need volunteers to lead others. If you.have an idea, let’s hear it.
The COMMUNITY CENTER needs $$$$$ and a space. A fund has been established for direct donations, make a note-on You[ Check., T_a~e a m_oment
.....to creato’a Vlsl~ri inyoutTieadof ~l~{~eht~[ hSe~tir~g~lSlace fO~all Gays, Lesbiarisl Bi-sexualSal~d Ttansgeridered people. Envision the fun,-fellowshi p
and sense of community we can and will create with the establishment of a COMMUNITY center. Help TOHR turn this vision into a reality now.
Join TOHR today as we move Into the future.
Tim E. Gillean
News Items...
1. G-at3’ underwood is running tbr Democratic Chairperson of Tulsa County He is requesting th_at anyone interested in
bg.jn_K_c_hai!y,~..r:s_op_in..t.heirdi___sJ .ri~L~_o_n_t_aet/]j!uj_tl_8.~6_=_2 ~13..-L
2. Thank you to everyone who ~ttended the Town HallMeeting. B"e are keeping an eye on this house resolution and
will be in contact. Another resolution has been introduced and we are watching it also. Thanks to Kelly Kirbyfor his
leadership in this work.
3. FEB. 18th THE METRO MENS CHORUS will be performinl~ at All Souls Unitarian located at 29th and
Harvard at 8:00pro. Thanks to PFLAG for bringing ~hem to Tulsa. Lets all attend and support this event.
Donations are $10.00 at the door.
Members’, Representatives
Tim Gillean - President
Tim Henry - 1st Vice President
Miriam Childers - 2nd Vice President
Aaron Martin - Secretary
Kelly Kirby - Treasurer
Lynn Smith - Fund Raising
Owen - Help Line Coordinator
Mike Sheldon - Reporter Editor
Brannon Crain - Activities Director
March Meeting
6:30pm Social time 7:00pm meeting starts
4154 So. Harvard
"Gafl~ering Place"
Daytime Testing
by Appointment
By and for bu t not exclusive to the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Finger Stick Method
Membership Application
City State
[] I would like to volunteer help with:
[] HIV Counselor
[] Event Planning and Party Prepamtious
[] Yes I want to be a contributing member
of Tulsa Oklahomaus for Human Rights.
Please accept payment as described below:
[] $10 Limited Income/Student Membership
[] $20 Regular MemberShip
[] $35 Organizational/Household Membership
[] $100 .Sustaining Membership ...............
[] I am currently receiving TOHR mailings
and the Tulsa Family News
[] I mn not on the mailing list
[] Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual HelpLine
[] Exocutive Board Member
[] Monthly Meeting Support
~¢l~ck payablc to Tu~ Okhhomm~ for Human Right& Donatiom €on~buted to TOHR ovtr~membcnd~ fee~ are Tax Deductible
Every Thursday Evening
7:00-8:30 p.m.
4154 So. Harvard
Suite H-I
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Initiative to Bar Gay
Adoptions in Wash. St.
OLYMPIA, Wash. - Organizers
of the Citizens’ Alliance of
Washington have filed petition
papers with the state to gather
signatures to put aballotmeasure
before state voters in November
that would bar gays and lesbians
from adopting children in the
state. Some 180,000 valid
signatures are need to put the
measure on the ballot. The same
group tried unsuccessfully last
year to put an anti-gay rights
measure before Washington
FL Anti-Bias Law Wins
Voters in West Palm Beach
rejected an attempt to repeal the
"’sexual orientation" clause from
its anti-bias ordinance, which
prohibits discrimination in
housing, employment and public
accommodation. Voters rejected
the repeal move by 54% to 44%
in the special election.
Conservatives Try to
Bar The Advocate
BATAVIA, Ohio - The
American Family Assn. and a
local Christian Coalition chapter
have asked the Clermont County
Library’s board to bar libraries
from circulating The Advocate,
clai.ming a recent issue of the
national gay magazine-depicted
male and female genitals on its
cover. Two years ago-several
local residents tried to force
library officials to bar The
Advocate at the libraries without
British Military Keeps
Lists of Gays on File?
LONDON - BBC television
news has reported that the British
government is investigating
charges that thenation’s Ministry
of Defense keeps a computer
database~ listing suspected
homosexuals in thearmedforces.
The charges of the secret computer
files were made by onetime
British Navy officer
Edmund Hall, who is about to
publish abook onhomosexnality
in the country’s military forces.
Hall also charged that police can
get access to the information in
the files, which includes
information on civilian acquaintances
of members of the
armed forces. The BBC quotes a
government security officer as
saying the dataproteclaonagency
was in the process of
investigating the charges.
British Study: ’Sexual
Attitudes & Lifestyles’
CHICAGO -A study of"Sexual
Attitudes & Lifestyles" in the
Journal oftheAmerican Medical
Association reports on sexual
behavior of Britons. Conducted
between 1986-94, the study
included face-to-face interviews
as well as an extensive
anonymousquestionnair~ about
more personal sexual behavior
that respondents completed
themselves in private. Th~
researchers found that the "safe
sex" education message being
enhanced by either a sexually
exclusive relationship orcondom
use seems to be getting through
to the British public. A total of
27% of the men and 36% of the
women endorsed exclusive
relationships, while 75% of the
men and 81% of the women
supported the use of condoms.
During the last year, unsafe sex
was reported by just 6% of the
men and 4% of the women.
As withU.S, efforts, theBritish
search for data concerning the
HIV epidemic was hampered by
political considerations. In 1989,
then-Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher vetoed the study
because of "its intrusiveness and
its unacceptability to the British
people." The study eventually
was funded by a large grant from
the Wellcome Trust.
Milk Institute Opens in
San Francisco
leaders, organizers and
commtmi~ty representatives held
formal ribbon-cutting
ceremonies launching the
Harvey Milk Institute, which will
begin its first term on Jan. 23.
The Institute will be the largest
adult education program devoted
to gay and lesbian studies with
more than 200 students already
enrolled in more than 50 class
offerings. Reflecting Milk’s own
sense of "street smarts," the
Institute’s classes cover such
topics as: "Lesbian Literature -
1700 to the Present," "Creative
Block and the Queer Artist,"
"Prostitution 101," and "Auto
Mechanics forWomen & Men."
BBC Bans Activist Group
LONDON - Worried that gay
rights activists in the British
group OutRage would publicly
identify famous and influential
closeted homosexuals in the
U.K., the BBC has barred
OutRage members from I
speaking live on its radio and I
television program~. OutRage
voted early in January to out
well-known but closeted
homosexuals in the country if
their public activities or inactivities
harm gays andlesbians.
In a press statement, OutRage
condemned the BBC’s ban as
"outrageous censorship" that it
said "effectively silet~ces a whole
section of lesbian and gay
opinion."A spokesperson for the
BBC, however, said the issue
isn’t censorship but a question
of whether the broadcasting
agency should risk being
involved in statements .OutRage
members mightmake that"could
neither be supported by facts nor
whichhave any particular public
Talk Show Host’s Anti-
Gay Obituaries Banned
DENVER- After reading
obittmries of gay men who have
died of AIDS and identifying
them repeatedly as "ex-sodomites"
on his daily cable TV
program, aired on a fundamentalist
Christian station, host
Bob Enyart has been told by
KWHD-TV to stop. Enyart’s
display of "sodomite" obituaries
exploded into controversy in
mid-January when showed a
photograph and obituary of
James Bybee, describing him as
"a former sodomite...exsodomite.
He’s dead." Members
of Bybee’s own church expressedoutrage
broadcasting channel, and
Bybee’s lover, Don Dias, told
reporters he intended to sue both
the station and Enyart. The
station has instituted a policy
forbidding such identifications,
saying "we didn’t want to seem
like we were harassing people."
Trade Center Suspect,
Also Gay Bar Bomber?
NEW YORK - In a bizarre
development, U.S. attorneys said
that one of the defendants
charged with plotting to blow up
theWorldTrade Centerin a 1993
explosion that killed 6 and
injured more than 1,000 people,
was responsible for an earlier
bombing. Federal prosecutors
said in a court statement said E1
Sayyid Nosair, one of the 11
defendants in the case, planned
and carried out the April 21,
1990, bombing of Uncle
Charlie’s Downtown, a popular
Greenwich Village gay bar. Two
bar patrons and an employeet The defendants hailed the
were hurt in the attack when a 6- [ European Commission decision
inchpipebombhiddeninametal a vindication of their claims
trash can in the club exploded.
Then Mayor David Dinkins
called the bomb attack "an antihomosexual"
act, but police at
the time said they had no
evidence the explosion was bias
"Freedom Riders" to
Head for Camp Sister
Spirit in Mississippi
LOS ANGELES - With the
backing of activist/producer
Robin Tyler and Metropolitan
Community Church founder the
Rev. Troy Perry, plans have been
announced for Gay & Lesbian
Freedom Riders to bus in up to
1,000 lesbians and gay men to
Ovett, Miss., wherethe lesbian/
feminist Camp Sister Spirit has
been the object of repeated
attacks by hostile locals. The
Freedom Riders will be
coordinated with local groups
around the country and are
scheduled to arrive in Ovett on
Memorial Day Weekend, May
26-30. The activists bussing in
will help finish building fences
around the camp to provide
greater security for the camp,
and other building projects at
Sister Spirit. "Instead of just
praying for these women, we are
putting legs on our prayers and
inviting people to join us in
Mississippi," Perry said. For
additional information contact
either the MCC Offices in Los
Angeles at (213) 464-5100, or
Robin Tyler’s L.A. offices at
(818) 893-4075.
SM Case Appealed to
Euro pean Court
application by 3 of the 16
defendants in a consensual sadomasochism
case known as
"Operation Spanner" have won
the approval of the European
Commission of Human Rights
for a full heating of their appeal
before the European Court of
HumanRights,probably in 1996.
Roland Jaggard, 47, along with
Tony Brown, 58, and Colin
Laskey, 52, were among 16 men
arrested by London police in
1990 and convicted of assault
for their SM activities despite
arguing they were consenting
adults acting in their homes. The
police brought the charges after
seemg a videotape the men had
made of their sexual activities.
throughout that consent should
bea defense to charges of assault
when the SM activity was
consensual and resulted in no
lasting harm. Attorneys for the 3
men argued that their arrest and
conviction violated their rights
to privacy under the European
Convention of Human Rights, to
which the United Kingdofia is a
2nd Conference for
Lesbigays in Criminal
Justice Set-
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. - The
2nd annual International
Conference of Lesbian & Gay
Criminal Justice Professionals
has been slated for Friday, Sept.
8, in Palm Springs, along with a
number of related events in the
greater Los Angeles area from
Sept. 1 to 10. Sponsored by the
Golden State Peace Officers
Assn., the conference itself will
cover topics including:
maproving workplace conditions
for gays & lesbians, coming out
on the job, organizing police
associations, the impact ofAIDS
on criminaljustice professionals,
working with the larger lesbian
& gay community, and using
computer technology. The 10-
day related events will include a
tour of the L.A. police academy,
ride-alongs with local on-duty
police officers, and a tour of the
Simon Wiesenthal Museum of
Tolerance. For additional
information in North & South
America, contact: GSPOA, PO
Box 45605, Los Angeles, CA
90046 USA;phone+ 1 (213) 739-
4121; or E-mail to
gspoa@aol.com. In Europe,
Asia, Africa or Australia,
contact: Lesbian & Gay Police
London, WC1N 3XX, United
Kingdom; phone +44 (0) 1426-
943011; or E-mail to
Survey of CA Activists
the economy and crime are the
major issues for lesbians and gay
men in California according to a
first of its kind survey ofpolitical
activists in the state. The poll of
500 gays and lesbians was
conducted byphone in July of
1994 by Drs. Eric Schockman
and Nadine Koch of the
University of Southern
Californiafor the statewide LIFE
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Lobby. The survey also found
that bias on the job, domestic
partnership, and health care
reform were also on the activists’
agenda. A majority says the
political positions of candidates,
not their sexual orientation, is
most important in casting their
votes. Some 91% of the activists
said they had given money to an
AIDS organization during the
past 4 years, 3/4ths said they had
contributed to a gay rights group
during thatperiod, and abouthalf
said they had given to a
candidate? s election campaign.
Although a majority (51%) said
they approve of more "radical"
tactics andalargemajority (68%)
said groups like Queer Nation
and ACT UPhad been effective,
the overwhelming majority of
the respondents (81%) identified
themselves as political
USC Gets Gay Archives
million historical and cultural
items chronicling 20th century
gay life and politics, one of the
largest such collections in the
world, is to be housed at the
University of Southern California.
The university agreed to
accept the archives - the result of
.merging two collections based
m Los Angeles. "One of our
problems as gay and lesbian
people is finding our roots," said
John O’ Brien of the One Institute
which supervises the collections.
"It’ s so important for people to
know who and what they came
from." The universi,ty will
provide space on campus for the
material ru exchange for
scholastic access to the material,
which consists of collections
from One Inc. and the
International Gay & Lesbian
Archives dating back to 1942.
Cincinnati Will Host
Annual Gay Repul~licans
CINCINNATI - The national
gay Republican Log Cabin
Federation has announced that
its 1995 convention will be held
Aug. 25-27 in Cincinnati, and is
expected to be the largest
gathering of gay and lesbian
Republicans in history. The Log
Cabin Club ofGreater Cincinnati
got the support of the Cincinnati
Convention & Visitors Bureau
in its bid to hold the national
convention in the city, beating
out Boston, Dallas, Las Vegas
and. Salt Lake Cityl LCC/
Cincinnati PresidentSam Collins
also said Delta Airlines has
signed on as the 1st corporate
sponsor of the Convention this
year. A boycott of Cincinnati
was initially called after voters
there in 1993 approved the repeal
of the city’s gay rights ordinance.
That repeal has since been
declared unconstitutional by a
federal court. "Boycotts are about
anger, notabout setting apolitical
agenda," said Rich Tafel,
executive director of the
Washington, D.C.-based Log
Cabin Republicans. "We will
accomplish more through
education, not confrontation. By
stressing the values that we share
with the people of Cincinnati,
we are convinced that we can
make progress toward equality
and reconciliation." "We are
excited and honored," said
Collins. "We have 7 months of
hard work ahead of us as we
prepare for what will be a
showcase of Cincinnati
LAPD Anti-Gay Incident?
activists and civil libertarians
have told the Los Angeles Police
Dept. they would "not tolerate"
anti-gay harassment by city
police officers. The warnings
came after news accounts by an
eye,witness reporter and
photographer on a police ridealong
who said they saw a police
officer verbally abuse a young
homeless gay man who had
reported a robbery as 7 other
officers stood by and did nothing
about the incident. Lorri Jean of
the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
told reporters, "We have a
message: We will not tolerate
hate crimes being perpetrated
The ACLU of Southern
California has also called for an
investigation of 7 other alleged
anti-gay incidents involving L.A.
police officers. LAPD officials
said an internal affairs
investigation has already been
CO Hate-Crimes Law
DENVER - With the wounds
from the anti-gay Amendment 2
still fresh, Colorado Rep. Ken
Chlouber has introduced
legislation that would add sexual
orientation to the state’s hatecrimes
laws. The 1988legislation
already bars intimidation ok
physical harm based on race,
color, ancestry, religion or
national origin. Colorado for
Family Values, which backed
Amendment Two, termed
Chlouber’s proposed measure
"ridiculous." A CFV spokesperson
said the legislation might
be used in an attempt to silence
clergy who condemn homosexuality
in their sermons.
Associated Press
Refuses Job Protections
NEW YORK - The Associated
Press, the largest news wire
service in the world, has refused
a union proposal to formally bar
workplace discrimination based
on sexual orientation. The AP
announced ~that it would only
prohibit erfiployment bias based
on categories coveredby federal
law - age, sex, race, creed, color,
national origin, disability and
veteran’ s status. A spokesperson
for the Wire Services Guild
called AP’s policy "disingenuous."
In addition to being a
major news source of daily
newspapers and electronic
media, AP ironically has also
now become the main source of
national news for scores of the
country’ s larger gay newspapers.
Shocking Report on
Hate Crimes in Arizona
PHOENIX - The Arizona
HumanRights Fundhas released
the 1st study of anti-gay crimes
in the state, showing some
disturbing trends. The AHRF
reportfonnd that anti-gay attacks
were the major hate-crime in the
bias-based crimeinPhoenix. The
study also reports that a large
portion (39%) of the anti-gay
crimes reported were "extremely
violent," involving assaults,
arson and 5 reported homicides
in the state. AHRF also found
that according to police, reported
anti-gay bias crimes increased
dramatically - 300% in Tempe
and 88% in Phoenix in 1994
over the previous year. In a press
statement, AHRF’s Mark
Colledge said, "The murder of5
ga.y men in Arizona in 1994
points to the fact that gays and
lesbians are being murdered and
brutally attacked simply because
of who they are. These crimes
are not simply against individual
gays and lesbians, but are an
attack upon the entire communityy
Minneapolis Partners
Benefits Loses in Court
state appeals court has ruled that
the city of Minneapolis can not
extend health care benefits to the
partners of gay and lesbian
workers because state law
doesn’t officially recognize
same-sex couples. The court
ruled 2-1 that the city council
exceeded its authority in offering
the domestic partner health care
benefits in 1993. The ruling
upholds a lower court ruling
against the city’ s partners policy
which had been challenged by a
taxpayer who argued the policy
violates the state’s policy
"favoring marriage of heterosexual
couples." It was not
immediately known if the city
will appeal the decision to the
state supreme court.
N.Y. Attorney General
Omits Anti-Gay Bias
ALBANY, N.Y.- New York
Attorney General Dennis Vacco,
who came under fire for his
campaign last year against an
open lesbian candidate for the
office, has issued anorderbarring
hiring bias that pointedly does
not include sexual orientation.
The state’s two preceding
¯attorneys general had included
sexual orientation in their
executive orders even though the
state has no law prohibiting antigay
employment discrimination.
A spokesperson for Vacco said
the attorney general felt sexual
orientation was a "personal,
private issue that has nothing to
do with aperson’ s employment."
Mandatory Tests
Proposed for Injured
Residents in Utah
state House of Representatives
has approved and sent to the
Senate a measure that would
make injured state residents
rescued by public safety officers
or others obligated to take tests
to ensure they are notinfected
with HIV or other diseases.
Opponents of the legislation say
the bill is an unnecessary
intrusion and that police, fire and
emergency officers should
routinely take precautions
against infections while doing
their jobs.
Link Between Lesbianism
& Banned Drug?
NEW-YORK - A recently
published report in the journal
Developmental Psychology
indicates that the daughters of
women who took the synthetic
estrogen diethylstilbestrol
(DES), widely used by pregnant
women to help prevent
miscarriages, are m ore likely to
be bisexuals or lesbians than the
daughters ofwomenwho did not
take the drug. Researchers at
Columbia University, led by Dr.
Heino Meyer-Bahlburg, reported
in their work that eight of some
117 women whose mothers had
taken DES while carrying them
had bisexual or lesbian
tendencies. None of the 117 in a
separate control group whose
mothers did not take DES during
their pregnancies were bisexuals
or lesbians, however. The
also made similar comparisons
ofmen whose mothers had been
given DES during their
pregnancies. But that comparative
study found no
differences for males exposed to_
the artificial estrogen.
Police Raid AIDS Benefit
SanFrancisco police officers and
about 20 state Alcohol Beverage
Control (ABC) agents raided a
New Year’s Eve AIDS
fundraiser, arresting 11 people
and setting the stage for up to 3
official inquiries and possibly a
series of lawsuits. Party-goers
have charged that during the raid
police officers covered their
badges, roughed people up, used
unnecessary choke-holds,
punched people in theface, made
anti-gay remarks, andperformed
illegal searches. Police officials
have denied the charges, saying
the raid of the fundraising party
for Visual Aid, an organization
that helps artists with AIDS
preserve and promote their
works., Wash’ t anti-gay at all and
was just a "routine part" of
several raids of "illegal
nightclubs" conducted the same
night. Several party-goers,
however, have told reporters and
city officials that officers used
expressions like "fucking
faggots" during theraid,punched
at least two people at the event,
and refused to identify
themselves or hid their badges,
and seized money, lighting and
musical equipment illegally.
S.F. Film Festival Head
Presumed Dead
Finch, the well-liked and
respected director of the San
Francisco International Lesbian
&Gay Film Festival operated by
the organization Frameline, has
beenreportedmissing and isnow
considered an "unconfirmed
suicide" by the California
Highway. Patrol. Finch’s
briefcase was found by CHP
officers on a pedestrian walkway
on the Golden Gate Bridge
Saturday evening, Jan. 14,
although authorities have not
found any body as yet. Officials
characterized some of the letters
inside the briefcase as "suicide
notes." Last June’s film festival
attracted some 55,000 people to
see more than 300 films at three
locations in San Francisco,
Berkeley and San Jose.
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Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
Changing Portrait apparentl y are infected ~by AIDS. The scientists said their ’Blocking’ Protein
of the Epidemic
Jaffee of the Centers for Disease
Control & Prevention said at the
2nd National Conference on
Human Retroviruses that the
majority of the estimated
800,000 Americans believed to
beinfected withHIV areunaware
of their HIV stares. In reporting
a new statistical portrait of the
epidemic, Jaffee reported recent
CDC data that indicates that the
new infection rate among gay
and bisexual men has leveled off
after 13 years of relentless
Thedataindicates that: women
now account for more that 18%
ofall newlyreported cases during
recent years; nearly 60% of all
new cases are reported among
racial minorities; gay and
bisexual mean last year
represented43% ofall new cases
- down from47% the yearbefore.
Jaffee said, "Heterosexual
.contact is becoming increasingly
Important, especially for young
Hispanics and blacks in cities
and in small Southern cities and
Jaffee also noted a recent
national study of 2,500 people
newly diagnosed as HIV-positive
which found that nearly 60%
weren’t tested until they had
already becomeill with anAIDSrelated
disease and another study
of 222 infants infected with HIV
ehiCh found that only i in 6 was
tting appropriate treatment to
prevent AIDS-related pneumonia.
Complications of AIDS :
Leading Cause of Death
WASHINGTON - Recent data
from the Centers for Disease
Control & Prevention reported
at the 2nd National Conference
onHumanRetroviruses indicates
that HIV infection is now the
leading cause of death among
Americans between the ages of
2 5 and44. The new data means.
that AIDS has now surpassed
accidental injuries as the cause
of death for people in the age
group. AIDS is also now the
leading cause of death for all
people in 79 of the country’ s 169
largest cities, according to the
new CDC data.
Long-Term Survivors
BOSTON - Researchers report
that they have uncovered
significant new dues about why
some people infected with HIV
remain healthy for up to 15 years
after being infected - findings
that scientists say could lead to
important new approache s to
both treatment and research.
In reports in the New England
Journal ofMedicine, researchers
say that some of the "long-term
survivors" they study have
developed potent antibodies
against the virus, some have
elevated levels of specialized
cells that battle HIV, and some
unusually weakened strains of
the vires. While most men and
women infected with HIV
develop full-blown AIDS and
die within 6 to 12 years, some 5
percent have lived with
unimpairedimmune systems and
without disease for 15 years or
more. Dr. Ronald Desrosier, one
of the researchers in this study,
said the apparent immunity to
AIDS of some long-term
survivors offers fresh evidence
that using weakened strains of
the virus rather than dead ones
may offer a path to the
development of safe vaccines.
One study from a large team at
the National Institute of ALlergy
and Infectious Disease, the
government’s main AIDS
research center, focused on
survivors infected with a
genetically normal and highly
virulent strain of the virus but
who seem to possess supereffective
immune responses that
are able to hold the virus in check.
Another study involved
volunteer subjects who have
remained healthy for 10 to 15
years afterinfection. Researchers
at New York University found
that the levels of HIV in the
volunteers’ cells were unusually
low and that the CD8 cells of
their immune sy stems proved to
be powerful killers of the virus -
far more powerful, in fact, than
the same type of cells found in
patients who develop full-blown
findings suggest new paths
toward therapies and the
possibility of creating vaccines
to induce the same type of
immunity that the long-term
survivors apparently possess
Scientists Link
Kaposi’s & New Virus
WASHINGTON - Dr. Patrick
S. Moore and Dr. Yuan Chang,
researchers at Columbia
University, have reported they
have found strong evidence that
a newly identified virus in the
herpes group, which they’ve
tentatively named Kaposi
Sarcoma Ass ociated Herpes
Virus (KSHV), may cause
Kaposi’ s sarcoma, a cancer that
strikes some people with AIDS.
While Moore would not say
categorically that the new virus
actually causes KS, other experts
believe it does. Dr. Steven Miles
of the University of California at
Los Angeles said that his team
and others in the U.S. and
England had confirmed the
Moore’ s research team found
evidence ofKSHV in 95% of the
21 patients withKS they studied,
while only one of the 21 who did
not have KS showed signs of
KSHV - which he said was
probably the result of a technical
error. The scientists also found
evidence ofKSHV in tissue from
21 African adults & children.
Found in Saliva
reported on at the 2nd National
Conference on Human
Retroviruses indicates scientists
with the National Institute of
Dental Research have identified
a protein in human saliva that
blocks HIV from infecting cells.
The researchers said the
discovery sheds light on why
kissing andoral sex donot appear
to be significant routes Of AIDS
spread. Only aboutadozenAIDS
cases have been traced to oral
contact since the epidemic began
nearly 14 years ago.
The anti-AIDS protein,
discovered by Dr. Tessie
McNeely and Dr. Sharon Wahl,
adheres to the surface of white
blood cells and blocks HIV from
infecting them. Despite its
adhesiveness, the scientists have
dubbed the substance SLPI
(pronounce "slippy"), for
"secretory leukocyte protease
inhibitor." One area of future
research will be whether SLPI
could be added to condoms or
douches to reduce the risk of
HIV transmission. The protein’ s
natural function is apparently to
protect mucous membranes
against the body’s own proteindestroying
U.S. Businesses & AIDS
WASHINGTON - According to
a poll of some 794 U.S.
see Health Briefs, page 7
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Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
companies by the American
Management Association, 38%
of the firms reportedhaving dealt
with at least one worker infected
with HIV or who had AIDS
during 1994. The figure
represents a 15% increase over a
similar poll the previous year.
The survey also reported that
26% of the companies that have
had an employeewithHIV/AIDS
had implemented a companywide
policy on the workers with
the disease, but of firms that had
had no infected workers only "
17% had set up employment
policies conce ruing the disease.
The association’s research
director said that apparently
businesses "wait until the first
instance of AIDS or HIV
infection before putting together
’Titanic Struggle’ of HIV
NEW YORK - New research
by 2 independent teams of
scientists indicates that the
immune system of people
infected with HIV is engaged in
a "titanic struggle" with the
body’ s defenses. Scientists at the
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research
Center in New York and a team
at the University of Alabama
and Oxford University reported
their findings in the journal
Nature. According to their study
o.f people infected with HIV, the
researchers estimated that
between 100 million and a billion
viruses are produced every day
during the initial stages of
~infection, while the body’s
~immtme system pours out as
many as 2 billion white blood
cells to fight off the infection.
This enormous battle between
the immune system and the
invading virus, the researchers
say, is one of the reasons the
vxrus so quickly develops
resistance to medications unless
it is treated early in the infection.
Study Questions Care
SAN FRANCISCO- Researchers
studying patient care for
AIDS patients with pneumoma
and other severe respiratory
ailments at the intensive care
unit of San Francisco General
Hospital have raised questions
about the cost-effectiveness and
medical efficacy of such care.
Between 1988 and 1991, only
24% of those who got intensive
care for severe respiratory
illnesses associated with AIDS
left the hospital alive, the
researchers found. During the
period from 1986 to 1988, that
numberhadbeen39%. Similarly,
the costof saving lives had grown
to more than $215,000 during
the 1988-91 period - more than
double the $94,500 cost for the
earlier years.
Dr. Robert Wachter, who led
the study, said it was unclear
why more patients were dying,
but said he suspected those who
came to the hospital’ s ICU were
in later stages of the disease.
Wachter said it was not time to
suggest that the hospital start
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
den~ing such expensive, ~.lowsuccess
ICU treatment, but he
did suggest th~i~"h’~itals’with
significant numbers of such
patients begin considering the
issue of when such care might be
best withdrawn.
AIDS Caregivers Study
by the University of California
at San Francisco indicates that
friends and family members of
people with AIDS can be a
crucial source of support and
strength for the ill person -
although, they can also
unintentionally be unhelpful and
Offensive. Often, friends and
family members are confused or
unsure about how bey can give
the most support to their loved
ones. The UCSFstudy identified
helpful and unhelpful behaviors
from the pointofview ofaperson
with the disease, and offers
guidance for those who care but
aren’ t sure how to offer support
to someone with AIDS.
Some of the unhelpful
behaviors identified in the study
include avoiding interaction,
acting embarrassed or ashamed,
breaking confidentiality, and
criticizing one’s medical care.
More helpful behaviors
identified by the study include
.expressi.ng love or concern,
interacting naturally, and
offering practical assistance. The
study followed 136 couples -
gay and non-gay - in the San
Francisco Bay Area for 5 years
Health Briefs
and was published in London
publication AIDS Care
Women in Drug Trials
WASHINGTON- The National
Task Force on AIDS Drug
Development has recommended
that the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration require
researchers to include more
women in all stages of clinical
trials for drugs for serious and
life-threatening diseases,
including AIDS. An FDA
spokesperson said the
recommendation had been
accepted and would be acted on
as soon as possible.
Women and advocacy groups
have complained that drug trials
to treat diseases such as AIDS
excluded women, or only
brought them in late, because of
concerns about the drug’s effects
on the female reproductive
system and child-bearing
functions. Without the
participation of women in the
trials, they complained, there
would be little or no data on
possible effects the drug might
have on them when the drugs
came up for FDA approval.
SEC Investigation of
Florida Viatical Firm
U.S. Securities & Exchange
Commission has gone to court to
force United Benefits Group of
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to hand
over records of its investors,
employees, financial results, tax
returns and other inform ation.
United Benefits Group, a viatical
settlement broker that arranges
the sale of AIDS patients’ life
insurance policies to investors,
has refused to tell regulators how
it sells the policies and what
becomes of the money. The
company’s attorney claims that
because the company is not
selling securities, it does not have
to obey the SEC’ s directives. The
SEC says it needs to review the
documents to determine whether
there have been violations of,
federal securities laws, according
to SEC regional director Chuck
Philadelphia HIV Bias
Suit Moves Forward
Court Judge John Padova has
refused to dismiss a lawsuit filed
by John Woolfolk, who claims
he was denied medical services
in the HealthPass program
because he is infected with HIV.
The judge decided that a jury
should decide whether a city
physician and the managers of
HealthPass, which is financed
by state and federal funds,
violated the Americans With
Disabilities Act and the U.S.
Rehabilitation Act. Judge Padova
said that a doctor "who receives
federal funds to provide healthcare
benefits may not withhold
medical benefits wi.thout
reasonable accommodation. ""
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
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We have many insurance provider affiliations
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Where have people living with AIDS in the
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care in a homelike, loving setting?
Until now - no where......
Announcing the opening of Mohawk Living Center, a facility
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The staff at Mohawk Living Center invite you to come & tour our new facility.
To arrange a tour or for more information, call our offices at 918-425-1354
Mohawk Living Center
3910 Park Road ¯ Tulsa, OK~ (918) 425-1354
~1995 - Design One Associates / Perspective Magazine
A viatical company.
now open right
here in Tulsa.
Wen you’re living with AIDS, you can’t afford
~ ~ to be without the money needed to pay your
day to day expenses. You can sell your life insurance
policy and easily acquire the kind of money that can
improve your life. We sit down face to face and help you
get the most from your policy quickly and confidentially.
We work with many financial sources, so your doctor and
insurance company are not flooded with requests for
records and paperwork.
We work for you.
A Quality ofLife Alternative
2919 Welborn
Dallas, Texas 75219
S. Hazard
E. 41 st St.
Tulsa Office
4146 So. Harvard, Suite F-5
Tulsa, OK 74135-2610
Human RightS, omp.2
celebrate our diversity, the changing facd,s
of the workplace, and the need to furth6r
understand and accomodate persons based
on their sexual orientation.
Other Human Rights Commissioners
present, along withDepartment staff; were
recognized for their work. The City of
Tulsa will be hosting the 47th Annual
Conference of the International
Association of Official Human Rights
Agencies next August. Event co-chairs
Maynard Ungerman, local philanthropist,
and Jerry Goodwin, publisher of the
Oklahoma Eagle, were also recognized.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
(TOHR) was represented by Tim Gillean,
Ric & Kelly Kirby.
Letters, frompage2
very least, an apology is due from ~he
Commemorative Society.
Discrimination is not what that
memorial service was to be about. My
friends, both homosexual and
heterosexual, and I were there to affirm
one another, to dispel intolerance and
prejudice. Bishop Young’s remarks did
-just the opposite.
Marilyn & Charles Murphy
Marriage, ompage 1
possibility that Hawaii’s Supreme Court
may rule same-sex marriages legal in that
state, making it possible for gays and
lesbians to legally marry in Hawaii and
return home where th eir weddings might
otherwise be legally valid." Clearly this is
a preemptive strike against recognition of
.our loving unions," said Robert Bray of
the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force.
Murder, frompoge l
jury saw past the AIDS-phobic and
homophobic rhetoric presented by the
defense in this case." said Beth Barrett,
NGLTF spokesperson. "The jury
recognized that HIV status is never an
excuse for murder."
,It is unfortunate that, even after the
trial, the defense attorney continues to use
outdated stereotypes and homophobia in
an attempt to defame the gay and lesbian
NGLTF will continue to monitor
developments in Mississippi. Organizers
point to the murder of a third gay man
under similar circumstances in Indianola
and the potential for continued tension at
the lesbian-feminist retreat, Camp Sister
Spirit, in Ovett, as reasons for their
concern. "Given the murders and the
history of harassment in Mississippi, we
continue to be deeply concerned for the
safety of gay men and lesbians in that
state," Barrett said.
The jury, including five black jurors,
convicted McClendon, who is black, of
the murders of the two white men which
occured on Oct. 8, 1994.
I~i;l~l lllg|, . from p,age 1
to grab the raihbow triangles necklace
wornby "Joe". "Joe", who Spent anumber
of years in an elite US military unit, reports
that his self-defense training kicked in
and the assailant was on the ground with
his arms twisted behind his back in just a
few moments.
Later, "Joe" contacted the Tulsa District
Attorney’ s office which was able to locate
the assailant through the emergency room
records whichmatched "Joe’s"description
of the assailant and his likely injuries.
ML from page 1
abuse, and I~lophilia, as some of the ills
h~,.sees in contemporary society. He
s~ecifically characterized these as
"slavery." Several persons were seen
leaving the service after Bishop Young
made his remarks.
Tulsa Family News staff attended the
service and immediately after the service
asked Young about including
homosexuality in a list of violent and
abusive crimes. Young’s response was
that his views werejustifiedby "the Word
of God". When asked how he would
compare Bible passages whichhe believes
condemn homosexuality to passages once
used to justify slavery, Young refused to
The reaction of other religious and
community leaders involvedin the service
varied. School Superintendent John
Thompsonrefused comment. Sister Sylvia
Schmidt, executive director of Tulsa
Metropolitan Ministry expressed dismay
not only at Young’s anti-Gay remarks but
also his sexist ones. After the service, the
Rev. David Wiggs of Boston Ave.
Methodist promised as a member of the
MLKing Commemorative Society to raise_
the issue at the next Society meeting.
Society board members, Yolanda
Charney, formerly of the Jewish
Federation and Nancy Day of the National
Conference of Christians and Jews,
promised to raise the issue of an apology
to the Lesbian & Gay communities for
Young’s remarks. The Society’s president,
the Rev. Andrew Phillips, remarked to the
Tulsa Wormthat he hoped that the Society
could give an apology.
Since the event, the Society has met but
so far has not responded to Tulsa Family
News’ complaints. Nancy Day, not
speaking officially for the Society, said
that ithad decidednot toapologize because
they did not want to set a precedent. She
related that it was decided that the Society
would set up a committee to establish
guidelines for future speakers. The
Society’s president, the Rev. Andrew
Phillips, however, when contacted by the
Tulsa World, refused comment.
Tulsa’s Family of Faith Metropolitan
Community Church issued a statement
condemning Young’s remarks: %..Family
of Faith takes great offense at the inclusion
of such prejudice in an "interfaith" service
which includes those churches that believe
as we do, that homosexuality is a Godgiven
orientation....it seems unthinkable
that a service dedicated to a civil rights
leaderwhoadvocated’non-violent’ protest
and equal rights for all would be a place
people gather to hear a message
advocating...the oppression of Gay and
i~al i~;1~1 from page 1
been legal.
Councilwoman Donna Bloomer, a
supporter of the Eagle Forum, said the
-group would join with organizers from
Operation Rescue and the state’s Christian
Coalition chapter in an effort to force the
new job protections to the ballot. The
measure adopted by the Council, however,
got support not only from city and state
gay rights organizations, but also highprofile
backing from Dallas Mayor Steve
Barlett, a conservative Republican, and
from Coretta Scott King, who wrote in
support o f the ordinance.
William GFaham as
Timothy W. Daniel
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"Cole Porter-- One of a Kind"
Tuesday, February 28
2 and7p.m, shows
John H. Williams Theatre -- Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Tickets: $12 Matinee. $15 Evening
Enjoy conversation and song with one of AmericaZs premier
composers. Songsfromthe following musicals will be featured:
Panama Hattie, Paris, Red Hot and Blue, Rosalie, Silk Stockings,
Something to Shout About, The Gay Divorce, The New Yorkers,
You Never Know, You’ll Never Get Rich and Wake Up and
Dream. Make plans to see this superb one-man musical drama!
by Beverly Haney ofMCC-Greater Tulsa
Editor’s note: this is the balance ofthe
column begun in last month s paper. The
topic is the writings of St. Paul &
Verse 26 is the only place in the Bible
that can be used to. refer to Lesbian sex
because it refers to "’unnatural" sexual
relations and, as the term is used today,
unnatural sex means homosexuality. As
we have seen, however, Paul uses para
physin to mean something out of the
ordinary an not something unnatural or
immoral as it has been translated. So the
reference to female sexual relations that
are "’beyond the ordinary" could mean
many things. We know that it was considered
unclean to have sex with a woman
during menstruation, or for a woman to
have sex with an uncircumcised man.
Actually there is not reason to read
homosexuality in the passage at all because
in all of the ancient texts, this is a subject
that is not discussed and there is no reason
to think that Paul would bring it up now.
It is also believed that the word "likewise"
set up a parallel between what women do
and what the men do. This parallel could
also mean that the women and the men are
having sex that is "’out of the ordinary".
There is not reason to conclude that this
passage means-Lesbian sex. The burden
ofproof rests ~ith those making the claim.
Paul uses the words. "degrading
passions" and "shameless acts" to describe
the sexual acts he is referring to. The
Greek word translated as "degrading" is
atimia. It means something not held in
honor, not respected, or not highly valued.
There is no moral condemnation in this
word and when he uses the same word
elsewhere, there is never any moral
condemnataon in his meaning. He uses the
word when he talks of chamber pots and
long hair.
The other Greek word that is translated
as "shameless acts" is aschemosyne:
Literally, the word means not according
to form, not nice, or unseemly. In other
places, Paul Uses this work to describe a
man who refuses to give his daughter in
marriage and also to describe genitals.
Never does the word imply moral
condemnation but only social disapproval.
During the time of Patti, homosexuality
between men was common in Greek and
Roman societies They thought it was
perfectly natural for men to be attracted to
other men..It is obvious that Paul didn’t
really disapprove of homosexuality, so
why did he bring it up at all? This will be
the topic for next month’s article.
Homosexuality was never brought up by
Jesus Himself, so it is necessary to find
out why Paul brought it up.
Religion Briefs Prime Timers
New Bishop Does Holy Unions Prime Timers of Tulsa and Eastern
LOS ANGELES The Rev. Pant ~.~,.OklahomawillwelcomeDanielleShreve,
Egertson, newly installed as a Lutheran
bishop in Southern California, told his
congregation that he has performed 3
same-sex holy unions at his North
Hollywood church even though such
ceremomes violate the policies of the
parent Evangelical Lutheran Church of
America against "blessing of a
homosexual relationship." Egertson said
the ceremonies were done "with dignity
and reverence" and that 10 other Lutheran
pastors and 4 bishops in the area also
conducted the rites for same-sex couples.
Gay Pastor to Stay
OAKLAND, Calif. With the overwhelming
support of members of his
congregaaon at St. Paul Lutheran Church
in defiance of an order that he be fired
because he’s gay, the Rev. Ross Merkel
has been allowed to keep his post as pastor
by officials of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church ofAmerica. Merkel was defrocked
in February 1994 after telling his
cong.regation that he is gay on the 15th
anmversary commemorating his
relationship with his lover. The ELCA’s
official policy is to allow gay clergy only
if they remain celibate. But because of the
overwhelming support from his
congregataon at St. Paul’s, the regional
governing church synod has allowed
Merkel to remain in his post, although it
barred him from appointing anyone to fill
posts at the 18 other congregauons in the
area which he had had authority over.
Interfaith AIDS Ministry
TheAmericanTheater Co. has dedicated
its Wednesday, March 8th "preview"
performance ofThe Crucible to Interfaith
AIDS Ministry as a benefit. Tickets m:e
$10 with discounts for students and groups.
Persons under 16 years are 1/2 price. Call
438-2437 for more info. and tickets.
Tickets are also available at Tomfoolery!
The performance will be at 8 pm at the
Williams Theater in the Perf. Arts Center.
co-ordinator of volunteers for the H’IV
Resource Consortium, as speaker for their
Sunday, March 5th meeting at 4pm at the
Gathering Place, 4154 S. Harvard.
Ms. Shreve will discuss volunteer
opportunities and training available at the
Resource Consortium and in the general
A committee will also be formed to
plan their 2nd anniversary dinner. Other
upcolmng events include the Orlando,
Florida CR Convention in May and one
for the International Primetimers in Dallas
in October. For more info. call 437-2878.
Rainbow Business Guild
The Rainbow Business Guild will meet
Feb. 26 at 7 pm at Tao Tao Restaurant at
6219 E. 61st. RGB is an organization for
Lesbian/Gay & Gay-friendly businesses.
For more info. call 254-2100
Women’s Sadie Hawkins Dance
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
(TOHR) will hold a women’s dance atAll
Soul’s Unitarian Dance. This smoke-free,
alcohol-free event will double as a
menabership drive for TOHR. The cover
charge of $5 individual or $5 couple can
be applied to TOHR membership. Child
care will be provided.
This eventis part of a series of women’ s
TOHR events planned by TOHR women
at a recent focus group.
Condo for leasewalkto
River Parks
2 bed, 1 bath, central HVAC, ceiling
fans through-out, washer/dryer, all
appliances, landscaped, fenced patio
with storage. Exterior maintenance,
yard service, water, trash pick-up,
etc. provided. 2 pools available.
$550/month+deposit. Call 745-0358.
For lease: nice two bedroom house at
the lake near Wagoner. Scculity walled/
fenced. Double care garage, laundry &
storage room. Swimming pool
privileges (seasonal). This house is
10cated on our home property. Prefer
males. Clean, trustworthy, discreet &
proof of affordability required. $375/
month,first,last&$200 depositrequired
at beginniug of contract.
Hey guys or girls, like your own
retreat or live-in year around place at
the lake?Weare totally remodeling one
now. If you want to try your hand on
this one and save mucho bucks, take
over this one for only $17,500. Lots of
room for boats, etc.
Call Glenn or Bill at 918-462-7265.
New Records for
Oklahoma Leather
TULSA Last October 22, the SilverStar
Saloon hosted the Mr. Oklahoma Leather
1995 Contest with over 400 leather
supporters in attendance and $3000 raised
for Oklahoma charities record numbers,
according to T.U.L.S.A. president, Amie
Holder. T.U.L.S.A. (Tulsa Uniform &
Leather Seekers Association) has
produced the contest since its inception
six years ago.
Larry Everett won the title of Mr.
Oklahoma Leather 1995. This contest is a
preliminary to the International Mr.
Leather (IML) contest in Chicago this
May. Judges for ~he contest includedNLA
International 94, Mark Frazier; International
Ms. Leather 94, Cindy Bookout;
International Mr. Drummer 94-95, Keith
Hunt; Mr. Gulf Coast Drummer 94, Pant
Jaques; Mr. Oklahoma Daddy 94, Mark
Touchstone; Mr. Tulsa Leather 93, Ron
Greenwood; and Mistress Mir.
According to Holder, "Interest in leather
is at an all time high in Oklahoma. Across
the country, we have become the state to
watch for serious leather contenders.’"
Cindy Bookont and Paul Jaques are both
from Oklahoma. In additirn, MS. Gulf
Coast Leather 95, "Shadow" and the first
nmner up to International Mr. Leather 94,
Terry Gatewood, are alsofrom Oklahoma.
Twocharities were selected as this years
beneficiaries: Raint)ow Village, Inc. of
Tulsaand Other Options, Inc. ofOklahoma
City. T.U.L.S.A. presented a $1500 check
to each at the Miss Oklahoma Pageant on
Jan. 29.
Rainbow Village helps persons living
with AIDS/HIV to control their own lives.
They help to provide education and
counseling to intervening in day-to-day
hardships. Other Options provides AIDS/
HIV education through resource books,
seminars and networking professional
"1994 was the best year ever for the
leather community in Oklahoma. We are
looking forward to 1995 with great
anticipation, "added Holder.
For more information contact
T.U.L.S.A., PO Box 33076, Tulsa, OK
74153-1076, (918) 838-1222.
1623 N. Maplewood
Tulsa, OK 74115
Church of Greaver Tulsa
Where God Uplifts All People
Sunday service, 10:45 am
Wednesday service, 6:30 pm
Home Cell Groups,
2nd & 4th Sundays, 6:00 pm
(918) 838-1 715
Bless The Lord At All Times
Sunday School, 9:45 Tues. Minister’s Class, 7:30
Sunday Service, 11 am Wed. Choir Rehearsal, 7 pm
2627-B East llth, 583-7815, messages, Eddie Cook, pastor
Because everyone has a right to be blessed by God!
¯ Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesdays 6:30 pm Potluck
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To to humbly our God... Micah 6:8 II
do justice, love mercy& walk with
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
Fight Back co.,’ om p. 2
Drumwright talking regularly about how
homosexuals are a threat to our very
culture. Hello - is this really a burning
issue for small town or rural Oklahoma?
After all, we know how small town
Oklahoma is just being over-run by
Both senators have been stalling a
meeting with Lesbian/Gay constituents
for over a year now. Maybe the theory is
that if you never meet with folks you’ ve
decided to hate, then you never have to
reconsider your views. It’ s similar to Nazi
techniques for dehumanizing Nazi victims
so that it’ s easier to murder them. If they
met with us they might find we all have
something in common.
The one bit ofhope in all this is that Rep.
Steve Largent appears to be keeping a
promise made in the campaign to come to
the Metropolitan Commuaity Church of
Greater Tulsa. Whoknows what will come
of this but just meeting with us here in
Oklahomaismore than has everhappened.
Wemay have to agree to disagree onmany
things but Mr. I_argent may be serious in
wanting to represent zll Tulsans.
So after this mostly gloomy assessment,
whatcanwedo?Wemustbegin toorganize
seriously, as though we are fighting for
our fives - which we may be doing. Only
a handful of you are members of and
involved in TOHR. Whatever its .faults,
it’ s a good starting place.
We must start thinking about politics,
no matterhow tedious and frustrating they
are. We will only really get decent
representation when we are organized
enough to deliver dollars and votes. It’s
possible. Dallas has 3 of 14 Gay city
councilors which is the result of years of
Wewill begin to have a chance when we
elect a Lesbians and Gay men to the Tulsa
City Council and to our state legislature.
Art Justis, newly elected to district 6 only
got 575 votes on Feb. 14. There are
probably more than 575 queens m the
Silver Star and Concessions alone on a
Sat. night.
The answer is: get involved, give a
damn, fred a place where your donation of
time (maybe more important than money)
can make a difference. Register to vote
and then, vote! Call your state legislator.
Call Inhofe and Nickles, even if it feels
like an exercise in frustration. Numbers
make a difference. Get involved with the
new Lesbian and Gay Political Action
Committee. If you’re Republican, join
Log Cabin Republicans and work for our
lives and well-being as well as your
pocketbook. If you don’t like politics,
then help PWLA’s or Lesbian & Gay
youth or TOHR’s community center
project, or fill a need yet unfilled.
Just do something.
N, cont’dfrom p. 1
such as Boulder, CO where there are so
many papers there is not room enough.
TFN publisher Neal pointed out to Van
Natter that Tulsa has fewer free
publications. Neal added that it seems that
banning all free publications seemed at
odds with the mission of booksellers, as
well as appearing to be a cover for
discriminatory behavior since Barnes &
Noble did not seem to have any problem
with space for free papers until a Gay one
asked for access. Neal stated, "Barnes &
Noble’ s decision to sell Lesbian and Gay
books and magazines but to refuse a
community newspaper equal access says
that Barnes & Noble wants to take money
from the Lesbian & Gay communities
while discriminating against us."
Tulsa Family News has forwarded its
complaint of discrimination to Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights, Parents,
Friends & Families of Lesbians & Gays,
Tulsa’s Human Rights Commission as
well as to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation. At press time, TFN
continues to work with Barnes & Noble’ s
New York corporate offices to resolve
this conflict. Comments may be directed
to CynthiaCamahan, community relations
co-ordinator at 250-5034,r fax: 250-0576.
HJR 1018, cont’dfromp. 1
basi~of 6t enti[le any person or class of
persons to have or claim any minority
status, quota preferences, protected status
or claim of discrimination." "Section 2.2
No board of educaton in this state shall
allow the teaching of homosexuality,
lesbianism or bisexuality as natural
lifestyles." "Section 2.3 No person who is
a homosexual, bisexual or lesbian shall be
permitted to adopt or provide foster care
to any child in this state."
Lambda Legal Defense and Education
Fund, a non-profit organization based in
New York, issued a review of the Graves’
resolution. Attorney Suzaune Goldberg
states that HJR 1018 "suffers fatal legal
flaws". Goldberg suggests that the
amendment if passed by the voters would
be quickly challenged and such a challenge
would probably succeed.
Kelly Kirby and Tim Gillean (past
president and current president
respectively) of Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights (TOHR) led a meeting of
about 50 persons at the Metropolitan
Community Church of Greater Tulsa on
January 30. Kirby urged those attending
to contact their representatives and
members of the Rules Committee to
discourage support for the resolution and
to remain alert to future developments
while the Legislature is in session. Kirby
explained that the resolution had to given
a hearing by the committee to which i.t has
been assigned in order to be voted on by
the full House ofRepresentives. However,
even if the resolution is kept in committee
without a hearing, Graves can attempt to
add it as an amendment to other bills. Pat
Reaves of Simply Equal OKC said that a
similar, meeting was held in Oklahoma
City recently.
Oklahoma House of Representatives
leadership was non-commital when
contacted about HJR 1018 but it is wall
known that Rep. Graves is not well thought
of by many of his peers. However, some
political observers worry that this
resolution might pass if it gets to a "floor"
vote just because few Oklahoma
legislators have the courage to vote in any
way except what might be seen as anti-
Gay. For more info, contact TOHR at
743-4297 or TFN at 832-0233.
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become disabled. Within three years, you
will have recouped your expenses and, in
most cases, will continue to draw a benefit
check. Three years is nothing, people,
should you become disabled.
-85% of failed mortgages are due to the
owner becoming disabled and un@Je to
- 1 out of 3 people will become disabled
or contract an incurable disease and will
not be able to earn their income.
- Actuaries tell us: a person has a better
chance ofbecoming disabled between the
ages of 35 and 65, than of dying before
that age.
Questions to ask when shopping for
Disability Income Insurance:
* How disabled must I be to collect the
benefit ?
A policy’ s definition of disability is the
Your ability to earn an
income is something most
people take for granted....
many people tend to forget,
however, is that it’s also a
person’s most valuable
single most important provision. Some
policies require total disability or define it
as the inability to engage in any gainful
occupation (stay away from these type of
policies). Look for plans which will cover
partial disability.
* What if I was able to return to my own
profession, butmyearnings werereduced?
Ideally, your benefit - or a portion of it
- should be payable, even if you return to
your own occupation at a reduced income.
* Can I continue my disability.coverage
if my health declines ?
Some disability policies allow the
insurance company to terminate the policy
or to refuse renewal in the event of an
insured’s ailing health. To avoid these
(918) 497-0165
problems and the inconveniences they
.create, be sure that the policy youpurchase
is noncancelable and guaranteed to be
renewable to age 65. This means the
insurance company can’ t cancel or refuse
to renew the policy, change the terms of
the policy or increase the premium after
the policy is issued.
* What does the policy exclude from
coverage ?
No exclusions is the best (of course).
Do make a point to check-in on each and
every exclusion, they may not pertain to
* How long must I be disabled before I
start receiving benefits ?
Most insurance companies require a
self-insuring period of at least 30 days
after a disability occurs. During this
"elimination period", no benefits are paid.
Therefore, to avoid financial hardship,
it’s important to coordinate your
elimination period with your emergency
funds and any employer-provided salary
continuation plans.
* Will I be protected against inflation ?
Make sure you can add a rider that will
increase your disability benefit to protect
you against the erosion of your disability
Your ability to earn an income is
something most people take for granted.
Whatmanypeople tend to forget, however,
is that it’s also a person’s most valuable
asset. Disability income insurance offers
one of the most reliable, practical ways to
protect your financial health when your
physical health is ailing. It provides a
continued, regular income until you’re
able to return to work. To ensure the plan
you choose is right for you and your
financial situation, consult with your
financial advisor or insurance
A Friend for a Friend
Art Show & Sale
A Friend for a Friend, a non-profit
organization dedicated to serving the HIV/
AIDS community and their pets will hold
an Art Show & Sale on April 29 & 30.
Artists and craftspersons, and aspiring
ones, are encouraged to donate works for
the cause. All proceeds from this sale are
used for AIDS support.
A Friend for a Friend serves the HIV/
AIDS communities by caring for the
boarding, feeding and veterinary care of
PWLA’s pets, as well as making hospital
visits and other support. For more
information and to help, please call Alice
Wilder Bates at 747-6827. All artwork
donations are needed by April 15th.
AIDS is a preventable
disease! You
can provide prevention
Get the training,
Save a life,
The Minority Task Force is sponsoring
an HIV/AIDS training program on Feb.
17, 6-9pm and Feb. 18, 9-5 pm at Antioch
Baptist Church, 2123 No. Frankfort. For
more information, call Tessie at 749-4194
or 800-474-4872, or Reggy at 744-1000.
Lesbian or Gay
and Republican?
Contact Tulsa Log Cabin
Republicans care of this paper:
POB 4140, 74159 or at
Available at
Quilted Bear, Eastland
Also, birthday cakes
and special orders
Eating Disorders Co-Dependency Issues
Same Sex Relationships Trauma Recovery.
Chemical Dependency/Relapse Prevention
Leah Hunt, MSW
Della Blackburn, CADC
Serving a
J. Seymour-Taylor, CADC
Richard Reeder, MS
1515 South Lewis
Tulsa, OK
Diverse Community
Tulsa HIV & AIDS
Anthology Begun
Words and pictures on; about and by
persons in the Tulsa area are being
collected for use in a book to benefit
Rainbow Village. This anthology will
showcase the strength, courage, humor
and talents of the many people here in the
heartland who are fighting the battle
agmnst AIDS.
Choose your weapon: pen, pencil, taperecorder,
paintbrush or camera! Honor a
friend or family member; bring a smile or
a tear; unlock the window of the soul!
Showcase a talent!
Theanthology will include: shortstories,
poetry, journal entries, humor, 1 st person
or biographical sketches, artwork and
photography. In other words, anything
that can be set down on paper. Whether
you want to write about AIDS from your
pet’ s point-of-view, draw a cartoon, tear a
poignant page from a journal, write a
segment from your own life or share a
letter or a prayer, all submissions are
welcome. Family and friends may want to
honorlovedones by submitting theirworks
so their talents will live on.
Submissions can be hand-written, typed
or on tape. Since we would like to include
as many works as possible in the book, we
ask that submissions be limited to five (5)
typewritten pages. Artwork from pen and
ink to photographs are also being considered.
Do not send original artwork.
Send copies or color photocopies as the
work cannot be returned. Complete
confidentiality will be respected. Submissions
may be anonymous. Names will
only be ihcluded with the authors’, artists’,
or in the case ofposthumous submissions,
family member’s consent.
All materials received will be given the
same consideration. Every submission
may not appear in the anthology, but all
will be read and preserved.
All submissions must be received by
April 1, 1995. Materials may be sent care
of Tulsa Family News, POB 4140, Tulsa
74159. For more info., call 832-2333.
by Barry Hensley,
Circulation Department Supervisor
Tulsa City-County Library
You saw themovie, now read the book!
In case yofi missed the recentNBC movie,
here are the basics: Margarethe Cammermeyer
was the highest ranking officer in
the U.S. military to
challenge the military’s
anti,Gay policy. She was
a decorated Army nurse,
24 years into her satisfying
career, when, in
1989, she was interviewed
for admission to
the Army War College
and asked about her
sexual orientation. After
pausing foramoment, she
said, "Iamalesbian." She
was formally discharged
in 1992, solely because
Cammermeyer was
the highest ranking
officer in the U.S.
military to
challenge the
anti-Gay polley...
of her sexual orientation, after being given
several opportunities to change heranswer.
Her book reveals a personal life not
unlike many people who realize their
sexual identity after being married and
having children. Juggling a career while
holding together a "traditional family
unit", in the process of acknowledging
her true sexual orientation makes quite a
Her husband, Harvey, proves to be a
fascinating character as he gradually
changes from a loving, supportive husband
to a confused and divisive man as
his wive’s career advances and her inner
turmoil surfaces. His complete disintegration
into bitterness is illustrated by
Cammermeyer’s recollection of the period
following their divorce when, "after
my weekly visits with my sons, Harvey
would line up the boys
and make them join him
in jeering at me. They
would chant ’Dyke,
queer.’ These little men,
ages 4 to 11, yelling, their
faces twisted in pain and
confusion." Fortunately,
time often heals, and
Cammermeyer’s children
have become unwavering
in their support for her.
Along with her devoted
companion, they now
form a family which is, in
many ways, very conventional.
Cammermeyer’s military ordeal is
harrowing. After reading about her logic,
courage and honesty, one soon realizes
that there are, indeed, heroes and role
models in the Gay community. She is an
important figure as she continues her
advocacy for human rights. Her book is
timely, inspiring and written in an easyto-
read style.
Check the Tulsa City-County Library catalog for this book, or call the Central
Library’s Reader’s Services department at 596-7966.
Some other recent library additions of interest include:
*Girlfriend Number One: Lesbian Life in the 90s (edited by Robin Stevens)
*Hearing Us Out: Voices from the Gay and Lesbian Community (by Roger Sutton)
*The Burning Library: Essays (by Edmund White}
*Men on Men 5: Best New Gay Fiction
Play Gear Enterprises, Ltd.
at Tomfoolery!
1565 So. Sheridan
Wembl~y Center
7116 S. Mingo #102
60% off 2" Wood Blinds
Custom Chairs from $299.00
Framed Prints & Accessories
~-~:]C:omplete Design
New CDs $18,99-I 1.99
pre-owned CDs $7,99-8,99
W.e’ll give you $4.88
lot your used Cds
¯"~-~:~: Pool Night.... $4.00 Beer Bust
Fi~I~. ~vo-Step Lessons 8pm - 10pm
M~T.R DANiEl,S $4.00 Beer Bust
Dance Music All Night
Country and Dance Mix
$4.00 Beer Bust
The Best Night Out in Tulsa
~’1<~:~: T,ine-Dance Lessons 8pro - 10pro
$4.00 Beer Bust
Miss Gay Tulsa, March 9-10
Benefit for Larry Everett, Mr. Okla. Leather ’95
on March 17, Razzle Dazzle in May
Come see Glen on Wednesdays!
(918) 834-4234 / 1565 S. Sheridan - Tbl~a, OK
Wed - Sun 7 pm - 2 am / Mon - Tues Closed
Miss Gay Oklahoma USA Pageant
Winner Cherry Morgan, (ca’.) with Coca, Laura Brooks, Ivana Bereal & Fallon Scott
Miss Sadie Brooks One contestant strikes a pose.
Festive & fabulous - Concessions, 3340 So. Peoria was full of talent, fashion and fun at
David Bridgrnan’s 1995 Miss Gay Oklahoma USA Pageant. Photos: JD Jamett
~[ll St. P.atty’s Party
Fri. March 17
Thurs- Sun 9-2 v 3340 S. Peoria Tulsa v
~-~ NO COVER \ /
II \ & /
~l BeerBust~-I D.~CE PA~Y!
NIl _Shot Spec,als i~
Tulsa DISCREET BI GUY: bi attr Tulsa MED STUDENT: Scott, 24,
M 5 3 t 30, 30s ~so attr cln cut 5 9, 180 2nd yr reed student, ski
guy ,discreet Call me- 923017 rq.!.etball and tennis, discreet, like
all sports, movies and have a
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR good tim~ give me a call~
A FRIEND: Dennis WM 33 .
brn/brn i 95, 6’, just moved here 924591
mainly looking for friends-
Oklahoma City LOOKING FOR
A COWBOY: 25, 5’Z 125,
brn/blu, Ikg for a cowboy 25-35
who has his act together- .
1 ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
"Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (,)
A busy sign~l.=iMen ~n
the line. Call again later.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
6’2 brn/hzl, iso romantic 18-25
loves attention to cuddle and kiss-
NW AR SKIP 34, 6’1, bm/blu
170, iso indiv in lhe Springfield/Liltle
Rock area bi, but ingxp, iso someone
either gay or bi, looks not impt, good
pers, and willing to e,T,per ment,li-ke
to get togelher 171 get ~ck to you-
T,ulsa TALK TO ME: Tony, 27,
6, stocky 230, married WM bi,
iso other married or bi men who
are stocky like me, iso someone
discreet and alot of fun great
art tude, to ta k W tt~; ~24320 ~.
DANCE, 30 fun, vers qu et ~n ghts
long walks and n~ovies !"~ :-~!
27 (+) looking for sexy men 20-
38~ weightlifling and [un-
EYES: Michael, 24 GWM iso
someone 24-30, 5’7 i45, blu,,
bind hair, mustache~ think you d
like to talk, give me a ~:a11-
OK city OUTDOOR J:UN: Mike,
24, NW area, blnd/blu, 5’7 145,
kg for another GWMmasc, enjoy
walking hiking, campihg,
outdoors, like to Spend t me and
get to know give me acall
Tulsa HOT MEN warited, 29
5’11, 185 cln cut bb, int in cln cut
masc hot men, 23-35 for fun-
Oklahoma City CITY MEN: 36,
6’1, 175, like to meet men in the
city for good tih~es, intlv a
message like to meet i8-36,
masculine, of course- 917126
Tulsa TOM 21 Y/O~:6’2, dk
bm curly hair, eyes, semi musc,
wide sh0ulders,32w, looking for
friends,~ get together and be
friends ~22575
Adolfo, like swimming, reading,
dancing~ student, hisp 5’7 180
reed b~ild, dk cxion, olive, dk
/dk, must Ikg for other bi or gay.
white or hisp males in the area for
fun, friendship poss re- give me a
SAME: Mitch, very young 35,
b~n/brn 5’10, 165, very inexp,
Smooth looking for similar- for.
poss relationship- 922668
POPCORN: Eddie, 5’8,1,55,~
34; very hands, athl, musci want
to meet.other romantic men to
Shbre 6 nic~ quiet romaritic eve,
favorite movie, eating popcorn
and getting to know each other- Iv
a msg- 922251
WANTED: Edward, Ikg for male
companions in the area, watch
some movies, pop popcorn,
spend some fun time together-
Midwest City LOOKING
FOR LOVE! Steve, new
to area; Iookin.q for love!
pref single G~M betw
18-25, 6’3, 25,
brn/hzl, smokers pref,
like Dur~geons and
Dragons, Bars, int Iv a
message~ ~20023
Oklahoma City FONZIE
LOOKALIKE: 46, 179,
5’10, work out 3x wk,
brn/grri look like the
fonz, like to meet a TV
or TS forrlunch dinner
fun, for posslong rel
want a ~el with a TV or
TS- 921102
friendship fun and poss
relationship if this sounds good Iv
a message- 918048
Tulsa FIT AND FURRY: Jerry
,GWM mid 40s, phys fit, 5’5,-
160, hairy, iso GWM for g,reat
times, Iv a message and we II get
together- 918764
Oklahoma City EVERY
TUESDAY: 36, 6’1,175, 33w,
like to meet 1.8-25 inexp a plus~
int Iv a message, in Oklahoma
°~City every Tuesday- 919287
Stillwater BRAD GWM 26, 5’9
175 brn/blu, Wide vat of int,
looking for guys in my area-
Tulsa DINNER DATE: Nick, 26,
int are swimming, horseback
riding,shopping dinner and
movies, int in meeting nice people ~
178 brn!blu Iv a message-
Recording your ad:
Jonathan, 19 6’5,.tall and slender,
long bind hair, greyish ~reen eyes,
iso someone,-18-25 t0 dance,
have fun poss rel with- 919144
Tom, 25, 6’2 250, brn/hzl, is0
fun friendship and poss more in
the area, Iv a message- ~19290
Tulsa DISCREET FUN: Cute bi
cd, 35 5’3 135 iso aggr stocky
male for discreet fun 919566
UNIVERSITY Adam, 22, go to
OU 6’2 200 34 w brn/bm iso
someone 21 ~45, if ur int give me
a call- 915608
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and OK HEALTHY BODYBUILDER:
simple. Just describe yourself and 6’2, 213, bodybuilder, like music
what you’re looking for. Our prof’l iso male- 20-40, like
cornp0t~6zed system.will~~walk you staying at home, like non
...... smokers- healthy- 916439
through the rest. Have a pen ready to _
wr te down your box number " OK FOOTBALL PLAYER:
-. : ’ -. i~ ~::..; . Rodney18 6’2 215, sandy
’ ! ~.~ ..... ~. bind/bin like to play football,
Tulsa,F,RIENDSHIP/FUN.~ Tom, sports, like music-like to Swimmen,
20-30 masc gdlkg, for
OK CLEAN FUN: James, latin
male, iso GWM 18-21 for clean
fun give me a calb 916423
OK PAT 22 145, blu/blnde, iso
the same around the same age,
not really exp, if u like, Iv a
message- 917403
Oklahoma City BEAR .SEEKS
SAME: Bill, WM bear 3.3
6’2 230, brn/grn, into
western hathe~-and boots
same from 28-40
rel- ~15624
Oklahoma City LOVING
47, heavy built, Ikg for
younger who will care as
much for me as for them,
want a loving long lasting
rel- int give me a call ~
Oklahoma City STEVEN
arn, enioy
hearing fro~n~ ~ny(:;n~-
915744 ,~.=-
Oklahoma Cit~PARTY
WITH A BEAR:~,Sam~,-44,
hairy chest and ba~k iso someone
to go to gay parties. 916011
Stillwater COUPLE OF HOT
GUYS-GWMC 23 & 24, 5’10,
170, 135, both brn/brn-semi
students @ OSU Ikg 4 SWM 21-.~!
27 couples 2 4 entertainment in
the area dancing, dinners,
movies, like to meet 914388
There’s no charge to leave a greeting:
,,.the Save the Nation Project presents... \ /
March 15
May 17
June 21
HIV Education &
Sex & Nineties
Self Esteem &
Sex With Intimacy
for Men
fouri, free meetings
especially. -for
. .,.- gay and
¯ . bisexual
for more information call the
Save the Nation Project at 918-584-4983
Aflend one or all of the presentations.
Get Educated! Knowledge = Power!

Original Format




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Tulsa Family News, “[1995] Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1995; Volume 2, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 18, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/494.