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OHR and TOHR Logo History and History Highlights 1980-2006.pdf

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Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September of 2001 (Vol. 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law,…

Thousands celebrate pride.jpg
Newspaper article covering Tulsa Pride 2007. 2007 was the 25th anniversary of pride. Between 15,000 and 18,000 people attended the parade and festivities held at Veterans Park. Tim Williams, OKEQ public relations coordinator, is quoted about the…

Episcopal church joins splinter group.jpg
Newspaper article covering the Church of the Holy Spirit and their defection to a splinter Episcopal group over the approval of an openly gay bishop.

Out of the closet cover (1).jpg
Newspaper article covering pride 2004. Protestors were present but outnumbered by supporters. An important issue was a proposed statewide ban on same-sex marriage. Contains photos of marchers.

2015 Audit Statement Briscoe Burke  Grigsby LLP.pdf
4 pages of audited financial statements from public accountants Briscoe, Burke, and Grigsby LLP, including an annual trial balance from a period ending on August 30, 2014. Independent audit sent September 1, 2015.

Bruces Wedding Stuff.pdf
Documents and items relating to the first wedding after Oklahoma's adult adoption statute was modified.

Vernon Leon Jones - Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home & Crematory.pdf
Four pages of an obituary for Vernon Leon Jones, who lived May 3, 1935 to February 5, 2024, published by Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home. A service was planned for March 1, 2024 at Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home.

On March 19, 1976, Mr. John Faires, of the Tulsa Gay Community Caucus, appeared before the city's Board of Commissioners to speak on the matter of gay civil rights. Mr. Faires said "on behalf of the gay population of Tulsa (we) respectfully ask that…

Michael Herbert Green.pdf
Six pages of an obituary for Michael Herbert Green, who lived November 20, 1946 to February 17, 2024, published by Crawford Family Funeral and Cremation Service. A service was planned for February 23, 2024 at Crawford Family Funeral and Cremation…

Marriage equality plaintiff Edith Windsor dies at 88 (John Madagin).jpg
1 photocopy of a newspaper clipping of the obituary for Edith Windsor (20 June 1929 - 12 September 2017), a LGBTQ rights advocate whose lawsuit challenging the federal Defense of Marriage act lead to nationwide legal reforms raising same-sex marriage…

A transcript of a speech given by Dennis Neill at the 2003 Diversity Gala on June 13, 2003, 2 pages. Mainly regards the importance of donations and volunteer work.

A transcript of Dennis Neill's acceptance speech for the Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ) Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2007 Equality Gala, 2 pages.

June 15, 2010 letter to City Councilors on non-discrimination ordinance.docx
Letter written by Dennis Neill to Bill Christiansen, City Councilor, District 8, regarding the city's non-discrimination ordinance.

Letter to OK Legislatures on same gender cu Feb 2004.doc
Letter from Dennis R. Neill to Oklahoma Legislatures on Same-Gender Civil Unions. The letter is addressed to Oklahoma State Senator Penny Williams.

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