Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Mardi Gras
[2007] OKEQ Weekly eNews, 22 January 2007
Tags: 20 Something, 20'something, 2007, Aaron B. Charney, Aaron Charney, ABC, ABC's of Advocacy, ABCs of Advocacy, All Souls Choir, Andrew Harvey, Art Gallery, Art Opening and Exhibit, Be All You Can Be, Center Cinema, City of Tulsa, Congregation B'nai Emunah, David Bohnett Cyber Center, David Bohnett CyberCenter, David H. Braff, DBAT, Debbye Zanerhaft, Democratic Leadership Council, Dennis Neill, Dennis R Neill, Dennis R. Neill, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Dina Matos McGreevey, Diversity Business Association, Diversity Business Association Tulsa, Diversity Business Association Tulsa (DBAT), Dr. Jim Garrison, Ecstacies of Sacred Activism, Ekklesia, Ekklesia The Gathering, email, eNews, Equality Center, Equality Center Opening, Equality Ride, Fair Wisconsin, Fat Tuesday, Fellowship Congregational Church, Fellowship Congregational Church UCC, Free HIV Testing, Gay Bingo, GayBingO, Gender Outreach, George Kaiser Family Foundation, GLAAD, Grace Ann Productions, Greg Gatewood, H. Rodgin Cohen, Harold Ford Jr., History Project Workroom, HIV Outreach Education Program, HIV Outreach Education Program (HOPE), HIV testing, HOPE, HOPE Testing, HOPE Testing Clinic, HRC, Human Rights Campaign, Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Isaiah Washington, James Dobson, Jared Tyler, Jim Garrison, Joanne Wyrick, Joel Langston, John McCain, John Southard, John Wooley, Jon Glazer, Kenosha Suite, Laura A. Belmonte, Laura Belmonte, Legal Clinic, LesDine, LesDine Supper Club of Tulsa, LGBT Community Expo, LGBT Expo, Log Cabin Republicans, Love The Higher Law, Love: The Higher Law, Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras Madness, Meth 360, Mike Pahsetopa, Nancy and Dr. Joe McDonald, Nancy and Joe McDonald, Nancy McDonald, Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library, OkEq, OKEQ Board of Directors, OKEQ Capital Campaign, OkEq Equality Center, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma State University (OSU), Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), Oklahomans for Equality Board, Opening Doors Art Competition, Opening Doors Art Exhibit, Opening Doors Art Exhibit and Competition., OSU, OSU SODA, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Parish Church of Saint Jerome, Parish Church of St. Jerome, Partnership for a Drug Free America, Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Party Smart, Peace Academy Children's Choir, PFLAG, PFLAG Tulsa Chapter, press release, Pride Store, Prime Timers, Primetimers, Robert S Cisar Jr Lobby, Robert S. Cisar Jr. Lobby, Ronnie Childers, Sexual Orientation and Diversity Alliance (SODA), Sexual Orientation Diversity Alliance, SODA, SODA OSU, Soulforce, Soulforce Equality Ride, Soulforce Equality Ride 2007, Soulforce Equality Riders, Sound and Spirit, Sound and Spirit: Home, Sound and Spirit: Home - One Hundred Years and More, Stonewall Democrats, Sue Welch, Sullivan and Cromwell, T.R. Knight, TestFest, TestFest 2007, The Higher Law, Tulsa Area Prime Timers (TAPT), Tulsa Area Primetimers, Tulsa Community Foundation, TULSA GLBT HISTORY PROJECT, Tulsa Interfaith Alliance, Tulsa PFLAG, Tulsa Police Department, Tulsa Two Spirits Society, Tulsa Two-Spirit Society, Two-Spirt Society, Wellness Center, Wild Hearts Ball, Wild Hearts Ball 7, Wisdom University
[2009] Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 2
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT…
Tags: ACLU, activist, adoption, AIDS, Arkansas adoption ban, art, Barney Frank, Bathroom Bingo, California, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, church, crossword puzzle, Dennis R Neill, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, dining, entertainment, Fat Tuesday, Gay chorus, Gay mayor Portland, Gay Rights, government, Harvey Milk, HIV testing, If I Only Had a Heart, international news, Kyle's Bed and Breakfast, lesbian, LGBTS church, Log Cabin Republicans, Maegan Kauffman, Mardi Gras, Obama, OKC LGBT Community Center, OKC Pride Parade, Oklahoma News, Oklahomans for Equality, prison, Qscopes, RAIN, rape, Saint Valentine's Day, Star Scene, STDs, swastika, Teach In, travel
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 2
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT…
Tags: "At Least Someone in the City Will Hear Me Scream", "Wild Hearts Weekend", Advertisment, Al McAffrey, Australia, Bitter Girl, Bozeman Montana, China-Same Sex Marriage, classifieds, Comic Strips, David Marshall Beavers, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Domestic Partner Benefits, Don't shop-Adopt, Elton John, Fat Tuesday, First Tuesday Art Opening, heath care, History of Saint Valentine's Day, HIV border Ban, Italy, Jerry Sanders, Kyle's Bed and Breakfast, Lifestyle Fitness, Mardi Gras, Metro scene, national-world news, Nightclubs and Bars, Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, Oklahoma News, PFLAG, PFLAG OKC, Prop 8, Pucker Up and Take it, QPuzzle, Qscopes, Rainbow Pages, religion, Ricky Lee Miller, Ronald Blake, same sex marriage, Supreme Court, Sydney, The Bitch is Back, The Little Black Book, Trans Prision, Transgender With Our Fear Of Lifestyle Disapproval, travel, TWOFOLD, TwoLips Burlesk, US HIV border ban lifter, Wade Rouse, work discrimination
[2008] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 4
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil…
Tags: After Dark, Amie Montedoro, Bailamos, Bars, Deep Inside Hollywood, demographics, fitness, health, HIV/AIDs testing, HOPE, HOPE 10 year anniversary, horoscopes, Iran-execution, LGBT history, Mardi Gras, mixology, Mozart Festival, Night clubs, Our House, paparazzi, Past Out, Q Scopes, Sally Kern, Star Advertisers, Star classifieds, Star Scene, Too, travel