[2010] Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 2
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 2
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
February 01, 2010
James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Steven Petrow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Steven Petrow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.
The Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 1
The Metro Star Magazine, March 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 3
The Metro Star Magazine, March 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 3
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 2 Twitterocom!MetroStarNews
Prop 8 federal trial continues in San Francisco
News analysis
By Rex Wockner
Famous atto~v,eys David Boies, le_~ and Ted Olson are infederal court in San Francisco t~sving to
kill Prop 8. Also picuwed: Olson’s wife, Lady Booth Olson. Photo by Diana Walker
At press time, the trial in the federal
lawsuit against Proposition 8 was continuing
in U.S. District Court in San Francisco before
Judge Vaughn \Valker.
Famous heterosexual attorneys Ted Olson
and David Boles are trying to convince
Walker that Prop 8, which amended
California’s constitution to re-ban same-sex
marriage, violates the U.S. Constitution’s
guarantees of due process and equal
protection under the law.
Leading gay-rights groups have been
sidelined in the case, limited to filing "friend
of the court" briefs, because they didn’t play
nice with Olson and Boles early on. They
publicly dissed the case as unwise and poorly
~e lawsuit, which likely will end up
before the U.S. Supreme Court, could lead to
the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50
Convemely, it also could possibly stall the
movement for same-sex marriage for a
generation, should the U.S. Supreme Court
uphold Prop 8.
Judge Walker had wanted to beam video
of the trial to other federal courthouses and
post it on YouTube, but the U.S. Supreme
Court, in a 5-4 ruling, put the kibosh on that
idea Jan. 13, saying officials in the federal
courts’ 9th Circuit hadn’t followed proper
procedure in lifting the ban on cameras in
federal courts.
Olson and Boles strongly supported
broadcasting the trial. The pro-Prop-8 side
vociferously opposed the plan, ultimately
filing an emergency appeal to the Supreme
Court to stop it.
Gay activists and commentators suggested
that Prop 8 defenders were horrified at the
idea of the trial being broadcast because they
lmow that their anti-gay rhetoric, which is
being analyzed in detail at the trial, is hateful,
false and, when exposed in f~l, so
........Continued See PROP 8 Page-5
® MetroStarNews.com FEBRUARY 1,2010
OkEq Celebrates "Wi d Hearts
Week nd" with p ans for ree Events
for Valentines -
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Oklahomans for
Equality, Oklahoma’s preeminent Gay Rights
Organization will host three separate events
beginning Friday February 12th, Saturday
February 13th and Sunday February !4th at
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center at 621 E.
4th Street in Downtown Tulsa.
FRIDAY, February t2th, from 7-9pro,
the first of the "Wild Hearts Weekend"
events: Relationship Recognition Reception
- an effort to mitigate the discrimination
against the GLBT Community due to a lack
of Equal Marriage Rights will be held in the
Great Hall of the Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center beginning with a lecture series by
Tulsa’s top legal and financial professionals
Saturday, February 13th, 2010, 7-11pm,
the second of the "Wild Hearts Weekend"
events: Wild Hearts Ball 10th Anniversary
Celebration and Dance - the annual fundraiser
and social event to benefit Otdahomans
for Equality will be held at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center with dance music by
DJ Zeke with video graphics set to the best
mobile light show in town. Also available are
Party Pictures with Cupid by Steven Michael
Hall Photography, party appetizers and
desserts along with raffles and door prizes plus
a silent auction. Cash Bar available for guests
21 mad older.
Sunday, February 14th, 2010, 1 lam-2pm
- The third of the "Wild Hearts W-eekend"
public. with Debby@okeq.org or call 918-743-4297.
State Representative AI McAffrey to introduce
Legislation for Domestic Partner Benefits for
Ol ahoma State Employees
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
OK In the upcoming
legislative session, State
Representative A1 McAffrey
plans to introduce legislation
to allow domestic partners of
Oklahoma state employees to
obtain health care benefits.
Mr. McAffrey, Oklahoma’s
only first and only openly gay
state legislator, a Democrat
who represents District 88,
stated that it would enable the
partners of state employees to
obtain the benefits currently
available to spouses and
dependents. A domestic
partner is defined as someone
whom on is involved in
and would include
heterosexual couples as well as those in same
sex relationships.
This is the first
time this has been
proposed in the
Oklahoma legislature.
He related that
this would not
only help provide
those eligible better
access to healthcare
coverage, it would
help attract and
retain talent among
Oklahomas workers
as well as raise
consciousness in
Oklahoma about
that issue. It will be
introduced when
the session begins
February 1, where it may or may not get out
of committee, and if it does it may or may
not pass. But he promised that if it doesn’t
succeed, "I’ll introduce it again next year"
~entine’s Day started in the time of
the Roman Empire: In ancient Rome, February
!4th was a holiday to honour Juno.
Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods
and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her
cancelled all marriages and engagements
in Rome. The good Saint Valentine (photo
above) was a priest at Rome in the days of
Claudius II, He and Saint Marius aided the
Christian martyrs and secretly married couples,
and for this kind deed Saint Valentine
was apprehended and dragged
as the Goddess ofwomen
and marriage. The following
day, February 15th,
began the Feast of Lupercalla.
The lives ofyoung
boys and girls were strictly
sep~ate. However, one of
the customs of the young
people was name drawing.
On the eve of the festival
of Lupercalia the names of
Roman girls were written
on slips of paper and placed
into jars. Each young man
would draw a girl’s name
from the jar and ~vould
then be partners for the
duration of the festival with
the girl whom he chose.
Sometimes the pairing of
before the Prefect of Rome,
who condemned him to be
beaten to death with dubs and
to have his head cut off. He
suffered martyrdom on the
14th day of February, around
the year 270. At that time it
was the custom in Rome, a
very ancient custom indeed,
to celebrate in the month of
February the Lupercalia, feasts
in honour of a heathen god.
On these occasions, amidst a
names ofyoung women
were placed in a box, from
which they were drawn by the
men as chance directed.The
pastors of the early Christian
Church in Rome endeavoured
to do away with the pagan
element in these feasts by substituting the
the children lasted an entire year, and often,
they would fall in love and would later
marry. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius
II Rome was involved in many bloody and
Unpopular campaignS: Claudius the Cruel
was having a difficult time getting soldiers
) join his military leagues. He believed that
reason was that Roman men did not
want to leave their loves or families. As a
result, Claudius,
celebrations include lots offeasting, partying
and parading on the big day, also kno~vn as
Shrove Tuesday - just before Ash Vdednesday
- when the Church rules offasting and sacrifice
take effect. It’s been that way in Christian
countries around the world sinCe the Middle
Ages. Today most of the world’s celebrations
occur during the week ofFat Tuesday, which
falls on February 16th this year.
Fat Tuesday in New Orleans
It’s been five long years since the devastation of
names of saints for those of maidens. As
the Lupercalia began about the middle of
February, the pastors appear to have chosen
Saint Valentine’s Day for the celebration of
this new feast.
So it seems that the custom ofyoung men
choosing maidens for valentines, or saints
as for ; year, arose in this
Hurricane Katrina, and the biggest party town
in America ~vill pick itselfup for the 2010 Fat
Tuesday celebration with even bigger crowds -
and more parades - expected this year. The New
Orleans Mardi Gras parade schedule began on
January 6, that is when the first King Cakes are
socially avafl~biel k ~onti~ues thr0tlgh to Fat
Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras and Carnival
Celebrations around the world
The biggest and loudest ofthem, as always,
are in Rio and New Orleans, although the
Karneval, or Fasching, festivities in Cologne
and Berlin get pretty wild, Carnaval in Nice
shows offthe ~vackier side ofthe trendy
Riviera scene, and the Italians in Venice are the
worldwide experts on the art ofstreet theater.
uptcv * Civil Rights Criminal
ment * FamilV Law Litigation
)ma cit% OK 73103
2 ~ETROSTAR February 2010
PFLAG OKC joins with Edmond
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
merger with PFLAG
Oldatloma City and
PFLAG Edmond has
been in the works
over the past fe~v
months. Officially, the
two ioined forces on
October 12th, joining
to make both a single,
stronger group. People
often come. to PFLAG
to find acceptance
and support for
GLBT issues and
understanding. Some
people just become
involved to offer Bobbie and Georgie co-facilitate the Transgender support group in
support. Oklahoma City. Townsendphoto
"We are now
PFI~G, OKC/Edmond under one name,"
said Louise Baker, President of the group.
"One of the reasons we became OKC/
Edmond PFLAG is that OKC has many
gay-straigi~t alliances and Edmond has none.
Those gays will have parents who want to
look for support. We feel it is a win-win and
a good move for both groups."
The combined groups ofPFLAG OKC/
promoting family involvement. The benefits
of membership; you get an email vote for
officers, you are a part ofPFLAG poll by
national quarterly. There are educational
programs and you help create a safe
environment for people.
The group is also actively working to
promote equality in schools. "We are very
dose in one of the three high schools in
Edmond will be hostinga ~ndraising event Edmond to ~:et a GSA (gav-strai~t alliance),"
to sppp0rt the cause. The event wilJ b~ ~e!d said B~er. One student said~they wanted
at ~he Boom (on the O~C strip); Saturday it. They wrote the bylaws and sent it to the
FebruaW 27th at 7 pm. Emcee will be student cotmcil~ There is dso a r~ need for
Heather Scott, PFLAG Secretary, ~raoke
by Shown Elmore, PFLAG Vice-President,
Stand-Up Comedy Louise Bakel; PFLAG
President. The group promises fun for
"It’s not i.ust about going to a comedy
act. We really want people to come out and
support PFLAG," adds Baker. "We need
to be here fore support and advocacy." The
group is also looking for members. Family
membership is $40 and single is $35, thus
GSA’s in the middle school also but ~ve are
taking this one step at a time."
.PFI_&G OKC/Edmond would also like to
add that they applaud the OKCPS board for
passing the passing the anti-bullying policy to
include GLBT’S.
PFLAG OKC/Edmond meets the first
Tuesday of each month. For questions, or if
you would like’ to attend a meeting, please call
(405) 525-3800 or write to pflagokc@yahoo.
ahoma Gay
Caucus, over ?
By Victor Gorin
Contrib[lting writer
current O.G.L.EC. male co-chair Patti
~hompson was first elected to that post
in 1992, he inherited what was then
an orgaafization on the move vibrantly
working for change against tough odds.
The Oklahoma Gay mid Lesbian Political
Caucus, ( kamwn better as O.G.L.EC.) had
been formed and incorporated in 1985, with
chapters in both Oklalmma City and Tulsa.
~ae organization became a major
institution of the Okdahoma GLBT
community, usually present whenever there
was an opportunity for action to affect
change. Their purpose was to educate the
GLBT community about voting and taking
part in the politic~ process, and also to
educate dected officials about issues of the
GLBT community. O.G.L.P.C. held annual
dinners to celebrate accomplishments and
future hopes, issuing annual awards of merit
to deserving individuals as well as "Phobie
Awards" towards those who deserved that
O.G.L.EC. continued to grow, their
tables often seen registering voters, signing
up members and passing out literature at
community gathering places and events.
Amassing a mailing list of over 3,000 gay
or gay friendly Oldalloma households, they
issued voter guides during major elections
letting these voters know who their friends
When O.G.L.EC.’S Membership/Mailing
Chair John Calhoun moved to Canada in
2007 it was a major loss for the organization,
which was already strained from a lack
of active membership for the past several
years. This came to a head in 2009, when
Treasurer Diana Faulkner’s term expired and
there to nobody to take that office, which
is currently administered in the interim by
Paul Thompson. Consensus of the group at
the point was that the group must change
course or dissolve. A letter was sent out to
the general membership advising them of a
Final Meeting taking place Monday, February
8 at 7 p.m. located at Okdalloma City’s
Neighborhood Alliance Center, 1236 N.W
36th Street ( N.W. 36th Street and Classen
As Paul Thompson relates, "It’s gotten
to the point where so few of us are actively
engaged that it (O.G.L.P.C.) simply cannot
be sustained as it is. Without enough people
we cannot accomplish any meaningful work.
There’s no point in going on if we’re not going
to do a good job." Regardless of the outcome,
Paul stated that he will no longer serve as
male co-chair following the February meeting,
Also currently serving as officers are
Female co-chair Jeanne Flanigan and
Secretary Victor Gorin. Pending the outcome
of the February meeting, based on the
attendance, commitment and interest shown,
a decision will be made as to the future of
the organization, which has a long history
and legacy. For those interested in seeing
O.G.L.P.C. continue, it wil! be imperative
that they are at this final meeting.
AuthOr Rouse in
Tulsa for his neW book
s gnmg.
TULSA, OK (PR) On Tuesday,
February 2nd at 7:00pm, Oklahomans for
Equality and Booksmart Tulsa ~vill host a
literary event and book signing at the Dennis
R. Nell! Equality Center, 621 East 4th Street,
Tulsa Oldahoma with xYgade Rouse for At
Least in the City Someone Would HearMe
Finally fed up with the frenzy of city life
and a job he hates, Wade Rouse decided to
make either the bravest decision of his life or
the worst mistake since his botched Ogilvie
home perm. He uproots his life and tries as
Thoreau did some 160 years earlier, to "live a
plain, simple life in radically reduced
conditions." Wade and his partner, Gary,
leave culture, cable and consumerism behind
and strike out for rural Michigan-a place
with fewer people than in their former
spinning dass. AtLeast in the City Someone
Would Hear Me Scream is a sidesplitting and
heartwarming look at taking a risk, fulfilling
a dream, and finding a home-with very thick
and very dark curtains.
"Firs sday" Art
Opening and Exhibit of
Origina Works by Robb
TULSA, OK (PR) The February
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists ar the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street
in Downtown Tulsa), will feature an array
ofworks by artist Robb Conover. The
show begins with a reception on Thursday,
February 4th from 6-9pm and continues
throughout the month of February.
Robb Conover’s art is influenced by
some of the world’s greatest POP Artists,
Watercolorists, Realist and Sculptors plus
Film as an art media. His work is driven
by a method to his madness. He works out
a calculated plan to arrange expression and
soul into all forms that end up on his canvas.
After studying in New York, Los Angeles and
Phoenix, Robb states "there are no accidental
meetings, not even in art. There’s a reason for
every inch of paint that you see on my canvas.
Ifwe are to tmderstand art as an experience
we cannot fear what the artist brings back
with him from his journey~ to other planes
and planets". Robb’s art will be on display
through February 2010.
wwv¢,metrostamews.corn ;OETROSTAR 3
Compatible Odd
by James Nimmo
compatible with Sally Kern! Yup, you read it
right. ~hough Kern and I are polar opposites
religiously, politically, orientationally,
and educationally, I’m compatible with
Oklahoma GOPer Rep.~ Sally Kern and her
newly introduced HB 2279 which, if passed,
would not allow incompatibility to be used
a~ grounds for a divorce between opposite
gender (of course) adults.
Kern who has hyperventilated while
sniffng in gay and lesbian closets has nmv
turned her big nose m sniffing between the
sheets of the hetero marriage bed. ( http://
tinyutl.com/yc45mhh )
Pre-existing conditions such as minor
children in the household, a marriage of
ten years or longer, or written objection
by the other spouse would prevent using
incompatibility as grounds for an Oklahoma
I’m so compatible with Kern over her
non-divorce bill I could be the son she almost
had. Not only that, I’!1 see her bet and raise
her one.
Tlais being Oklahoma, the third hole
in America’s Bible Belt, I ~vouldn’t bet the
rent on this bill dying in committee, the
fate of most of the worst of Okie legislative
submissions. N~erefore, I’m proposing a bill
that would take Kern’s aspirations a step
Since a judge, in effect, examines the two
people engaged in a divorce proceeding to
see if at least one of the parties has suNcient
grounds for divorce, why not have a judge
examine the proposed bride and groom at the
beginning of the procedure when they apply
for an Oldahoma marriage license? Why not
head off any incompatible marriages before
they become incompatible divorces?
In Iny bill, the hopeful newlyweds would
have to prove to the examiner not only their
undying love for each other but also have
to prove that their financial prospects are
propitious, their religious beliefs are rooted
in the Christian Bible, their educational
backgrounds are conducive to a lifetime
of constructive pillow talk, and above all,
both parties are willing and able to produce
children as fast as physically possible. A
failing grade in any of these aspects would
disallow the issuance of the marriage license.
If Kern wants to meddle in straight
people’s private affairs just as she has in gay
people’s affairs shouldn’t she be willing to
fully insert the police power of the state right
from the beginning of a proposed marriage?
In fact, Kern should revise her divorce bill as
a state question needing approval from the
voters. If marriage is so important that it
must be denied to same-gender ta~xpayers, as
it is in Oklahomii, why not let straight voters
police themselves?
As a staunch and starchy "kernserwative",
as she bills herself, shouldn’t
she be strong enough to impose the state
government into all aspects of married life?
She claims her bill will alleviate many of
Oklahoma’s societal ills. ’She proclaims "If
~ve eould reduce divorce in Oklahoma we
would also reduce our prison population and
welfare rolls while
benefiting families and children. That’s a goal
xvorth pursuing." This link includes the text
of the Kern bill, http:/Itinyurl.com/ydq9fgd
She continues, "Ifwe can lower our
divorce rate, our quality of life will improve
and we will also reduce the need for many
state services in this time of budget shortfall,
freeing tip money to go to core services such
as schools and roads."
Who knew that keeping children in
a warring household with two unhappy
parents was the solution that would help
reduce Oklahoma’s budget deficit? Again,
Kern is using children as a shield for her
schizophrenic view of privacy. Remember
in 2009 she proposed and passed a legislative
resolution objecting to a United Nations
project to protect children from violence. If
she wants to protect children from the harms
of divorce, why is she against protecting
children from violence? ( http://tinyufl.
com/y8ujchv )
Remember the joke that was going
around concerning the mock acceptance of
same-gender marriage? It went something
like, "Why should gays and lesbians be spared
the pitfalls and expense of married life?" My
new version of that joke is, "Why should
straights be spared the intrusiveness of Sally
Kern poking her nose into their marriages or
Or here’s another joke, this time from
one of Kern’s heroes, Ronald Reagan. In one
of his speeches, he said poking maliciously
at government programs, "I’m from the
government and I’m here to help you." Isn’t
Sally Kern from the government? Is she here
to help you?
Among many religious fundamentalists
and political conservatives (Butt repeat
myself) there is the thinking that America is
an exceptional country. Now I know what
they mean by that. They’re saying "America
must play by the rules Iset down, but when
it’s convenient, I get an exception)’
In Kerffs case she claims an exception for
her divorce bill and its intrusive meddling in
the private matrimonial affairs of adults.
Transgender support
group meets in OKC
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
Each Monday of the month, the
TWOFOLD (Transgender With Out Fear
Of Lifestyle Disapproval) meets in NW
Oklahoma City. This peer support group is
designed to allow attendees the opportunity
to share their feelings, frustrations and coping
mechanisms for those experiencing common
identity changes that accompany gender
identity issues.
"We are pretty lucky here because I think
people are really accepting," said Bobby,
one of the co-facilitators of the group. "We
have had two particularly interesting people
recently come to our meetings. One was 19
and one was 9 years old. She [9 year old] had
the support of the morn, but not really the
dad or the school."
"The 19 year old and fought with her
morn about wearing dresses and not wanting
to grow her hair long," added Georgie,
another group co-facilitator. "Then she
realized and understood now that we have
this anti bullying law."
Transgendered people often live with the
fear of being lonely, unlovable and, more
practically, unemployed. According to the
traqsgendered news source, ’Topix,’ sixty
percent of transgender people in one 2006
study were unemployed, for example. Many
relationships end during and after transition.
Dating can be painful; several people
interviewed said it xvas nearly impossible to
find understanding partners.
"We want to be there to help the
counselors as Well as family members and the
transgendered person looking for help and
acceptance," added Georgie. "We ~vant to be
a resource for the public schools, PFLAG and
other of thgse types of organizations."
If you would like to attend the meetings,
you must call (405) 443-4131 or email info@
twofoldgroup.org. Visitors are screened for
authenticity to protect those truly seeking
Lifestyle Fitness column
by Ronald Blake returns
to Metro Star in next
months issue.
Photo: RonaM Blake, Cet~fied Fitness
Instructor through ISSA International Sports
Sciences Association
The best New Year’s resolution to have
is the one that works for you. Don’t have
a resolution just for the sake of having one
or just to keep up with the Joneses. Find
something that needs improvement and
take it to task. I have parted the Red Sea
and several health and fitness resolution
suggestions are malting their way to the
Promised Land.
Use social networking sites to find ten
other peoplethat are resoMng to do the
same thing as you. Use these people as your
support group to keep your resolution on
track. It is much better to have a group of
individuals striving for the same goal. Stay in
communication ~vith these team members as
frequently as possible for the best results.
Purchase a diary and start using it. Forget
about all the normal nonsense that authors
usually pen. inside these autobiographies.
Just keep tabs on all the exercise you get
throughout the year. Make a daily notation
even if you didn’t have any physical exertion
on a particular day. This Catholic guilt
method should keep you feeling the need for
some form of exercise each day.
After a years absence, fitness guru Ronald
Blake returns in the March issue.
Pucker Up and Take It
from TwoLips Burlesk
A Valentine’s burlesque performance
on matters of the heart.
TULSA, OK (PR) __ TwoLips Burlesk
will be performing their debut show, Pucker
Up and Take It, on Friday, February 5th,
2010, 9:00pm, with an encore performance
Saturda); February 6th, 9:00pro at the
Nightingale Theater, 1416 E. 4th Street,
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Brand new in 2010, two years-before
the apocalypse, Tulsa has a new kind of
performance troupe in town: ~¢¢oLips
Burlesk! This Valentine’s show, encompassing
the true spirit of burlesque, vaudeville,
cabaret, tease--and even a little drag to
sweeten things up~T~voLips Burlesk treat
you and your loved ones to the tastiest treats
to hit the streets since chocolates in a box.
Founded by Tulsans Amanda Storms,
Tarynn Archer, and Chris Dailey, TxvoLips
brings you a performance spectacle that will
dazzle, excite, and prove to be the finest of
its kind--raising the bar for local burlesque.
Featuring the talents of Poppy Pie, Honey
Du Jour, Sinna’ Bunnz, and Tangy Tart
along with other local favorites, the show is
¯ packed full of sugary goodness, and will have
you laughing hysterically and drooling vdth
Still hungry? There’s more: drag-lesque,
audience participation, topless antics---even
a kissing booth! And to top it all off, the
evening will be hosted by non5 other than
Tulsa’s own National Midwest Entertainer of
the Year, Drag Emcee Extraordinaire Nildd
Come and support Tulsa’s sweetest troupe!
Pucker Up and Take It from TwoLips Burlesk
runs February 5th and 6th at 9:00pm. Tickets
are $10 at the door. Intended for mature,
like-minded audiences only.
For more information:contact
Amanda Storms at TwoLip~Burlesk@gmail.
corn, call (918) 232-1448, or visit the
TwoLips Butlesk page on Facebook.
Free help 8 89
February 2010
U.S. HIV border ban
Bozeman protects gays
and transgenders
New policies that removed the United
States’ 22-year-old ban on HIV-positive
immigrants and foreign visitors took effect
Jan. 4.
Three days later, HIV-positive Dutchman
Clemens Ruland and his partner Hugo
Bausch arrived at New York’s Kennedy
Airport and were met by a representative
ofHuman Rights Watch and the Dutch
Embassy’s cultural attache.
"Travel restrictions on HIV-positive
people fundamentally affect their human
dignity," said Boris Dittrich from HRW’s
LGBT Rights Program. "Lifting the HIV
travel ban was a victory for human rights."
Bausch won the trip for himself and
Ruland in a Dutch AIDS Foundation contest
to celebrate the ban’s demise.
In announcing the change last October,
President Barack Obama said: "We talk about
reducing the stigma of this disease, yet we’ve
treated a visitor living with it as a threat. We
lead the world when it comes to helping stem
the AIDS pandemic, yet we are one of only
a dozen countries that still bar people with
HIV from entering our own country. Ifwe
want to be the global leader in combating
HIV/AIDS, we need to act like it."
In a joint statement at the time, the
Global Network of People Living With
HIV, the European AIDS Treatment
Group and Germany’s Deutsche AIDSHilfe
"congratulate[d] the United States
government on fulfilling its promise and
completing the legal procedure that was
started by former President Bush on World
AIDS Day 2007."
"This is a great victory for the fight against
the worldwide discrimination of people living
with HIV," said AIDS-Hilfe’s Peter Wiessner.
"I remember times where we never thought
that this ,vould happen. This is an emotional
moment and it feels a bit like the fall of the
Berlin Wall."
EATG’s David Haerry called the ban’s
demise "groundbreaking" and said it sends "a
strong message to other countries maintaining
stigmatizing restrictions today, such as Russia,
China, Australia and Canada."
The groups’ statement said that more than
60 nations, including some in Europe, have
sugmanzmg entry or residency restr,cnons
and that "27 countries deport people on the
grounds of having an HIV infection."
Xhe three organizations said they hope the
U.S. government will take one final step in
relegating the ban to the dustbin of hist0ry:
"Erase all information with regards to the
HIV status of people ftom its immigration
Trans priso to. open
About 30 inmates wilt be moved to a
prison near Florence, Italy, that will house
only transgender prisoners, local media
reported Jan. 12. The facility in the town of
Pozzale is nearly vacant at present, holding
two female inmates.
~e City Commission in Bozeman,
Mont., on Jan. 11 added ~sexual orientation"
and "gender identity" to a policy that protects
city" employees from discrimination. The vote
was 3-0.
The policy also will officially extend
spousal benefits to employees’ same-sex
Gay couple ’marries’ in
State media reported Jan. 13 that a
gay couple got "married" in a gay bar in
Chengdu, China.
Zeng Anquan, 45, and Pan Wenjie, 27,
tied tile knot before 200 gay friends.
"We are no !onger hiding anymore,"
Zeng told China Daily. "The wedding is our
happiest and most precious moment. We
don’t care how others consider us, as long as
we are together. (W)e are deeply in love and
will never desert each other."
Zeng’s brother responded to the wedding
by freezing Zeng’s capital in the company the
two own, he said, and Zeng’s sister told him
she won’t acknowledge him as her brother
again until he breaks up with Pan.
Mayor Sanders and gay daughter
talk to reporters after mayor’s
Prop 8 trial appearance
AFER Board President Chad Gdfli.n, Mayor
Sanders and a~ughter Lisa. Wocknerphoto
Republican San Diego Mayor Jerry
Sanders and his gay daughter Lisa talked to
reporters in San Francisco on Jan. 19 after the
mayor testified in the federal trial seeking to
overturn Proposition 8 as a violation of fl~e
U.S. Constitution. Here’s some ofwhat they
had to say.
Before I becan~e mayor I spent 26 years
on the San Diego Police Department, and
I’m very proud of the career that I had, and I
witnessed, in the early years, discrimination
in both the department and thee city and, as
I’ve said, I’ve seen discrimination and hate
crimes occur in the city of San Diego.
I think denying marriage equality is
just as ~vrong as telling blacks that they
couldn’t use white-only drinking fountains.
It’s government action that’s founded in
prejudice. The first step towards equalityin
society is equality under the law. So, I’m
.....Continued see MAYOR - page 6
Wockner News
Gay weddings to start in
D.C. March 5
Gay marriages will start in the District of
Columbia, the latest locality to legalize "samesex
marriage, on March 5.
That’s when the bill passed by the Council
and signed by the mayor xvill have completed
its mandated congressional review period and
any couples who obtained a license on the
first day possible, March 2, will have made
it through the mandatory three-day waiting
period between getting a license and getting
Same-sex marriage is legal in Belgium,
Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, South
Africa, Spain and Sweden; in Argentina’s
Tierra del Fuego province; and in the U.S.
states’of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire and Vermont. It will become
legal in Portugal in April.
unpalatable and embarrassing that it could
turn the public against them.
Information introduced during the trial
on Jan. 13, for example, revealed that one
defendant in the case, Hak-Shing William
Tam, wrote a letter to voters during the Prop
8 campaign saying that once gays have the
right to marr)~ they will pursue legalization of
"On their agenda list is: legalize having sex
with children," the letter said. Ir a!so claimed
that legal same-sex marriage in California
would cause "other states (to) fall into Satan’s
Prop 8’s lawyers claimed they didn’t ~vanr
cameras in court for, among other reasons,
fear that their witnesses could face nasty
retaliation from militant, if not violent,
homosexual thugs who saw the video feed.
~xe anti-same-sex-marriage side also
objected to the playing in court of their
successfully alarmist TV ads from the Prop 8
campaign, which suggested that gay marriage
could lead to schoolchildren being,aught
inappropriate, bad or wrong things.
Many analysts and commentators believe
the gay-marriage-will-harm-your-kids TV ads
may have tipped the balance against samesex
marriage in the minds of voters both in
California and, more recently, Maine, where
some of the California ads were recycled.
~e Prop 8 trial is being Iive-blogged,
tweeted and analyzed to within an inch of its
life by an army of bloggers, activists and news
Prop8trialtracker.com is a good place to
start. The San Jose Mercury News also has a
good live-blog of the case at mercurynews.
On Jan. 15, the Courage Campaign,
which operates prop8trialtracker, refused
to alter the site’s logo after the group was
hit with a cease-and-desist demand from
protectmarriage.com. The two sites’ logos are
identical except for one minor, huraorous
variation. See tinyurl.com/logosgate. Courage
Campaign said its logo qualifies as permissible
www.metrostarnews.corn ~{ET~OSTAR 5
The Bitch is Back
By Michael W. Sasser
But Bego said Hton is not going to be out
of the public spodight.
"He does not plan on retiring," Bego said.
"We can look forward to music from him
for die rest of his life. He is just one of those
kinds of artists."
Hton John: The Bitch is Back by Mark
Bego is available at booksellers nationwide.
In Memory ofDavid
Marshal1 Beavers
March 17, 1968.....December 19, 2009
Elton John biographer Mark Bego at 7~e Abbey in West Hollywood,. Photo by: John Klinger
ne of the first albums that
author Mark Bego bought was an Elton
John LP on viny!. Later, one of the first
album reviews that Bego wrote for his college
newspaper was on an Elton John release.
"In a wa)~ I’ve been writing about Elton
John for almost 40 years," Bego said. "I’ve
always been interested. I fed like I’ve been
£ollowinghim for my entire career.’,
It therefore comes as no surprise that Bego
refers to his latest book, Elton John: The
Bitch is Back as "a labor of love."
The book was long. in the planning.
"About six years ago I talked to my agent
about doing a book on Elton, he asked
around and at the time there wasn’t a lot
of interest," Bego said. Instead, Bego was
engaged to write a book on Billy Joel.
"Billy Joel and Elton John have a lot of
people in common," Bego said. That rene,ved
his interest and finally the unauthorized
biography of Sir Elton wa~s underway.
In Elton John: ~e Bitch is Back,
renowned celebrity author Bego has rounded
up a fascinating group of interview subjects
for this unique biography of one of the music
world’s biggest superstars.
"~ specifically wanted to talk to people
who personally know Etton," Bego said.
"Tnese people’s insights into Elton m~e this
quite e~citing."
Interviews include Mice Cooper, Bill
Wyman ofThe Rolling Stones, Mary Wilson
ofTne Supremes, Angela Bowie, Sarah Dash
of LaBelle, Randy Jones of the Village People,
Duncan Faure ofXhe Bay City Rollers, Gary
Brooker of Procol Harum and the colorfi~
and outrageous RuPaul.
"One interview really led to the next
one," Bego said. "I interviewed a lot of people
who aren’t normally sought out to talk about
Elton. So a lot of die stories in the book are
ones that fans of Elton won’t read anywhere
~Ihe book focuses on Elton’s public and
private life and the absolute intersection of
the two.
"Usually creative people use inspiration
from their personal lives in their work," Bego
said. "Elton has certainly lived a colorfi~
life and you can’t ignore that. He has been
through so many stages. Gay and not gay,
married, drugs. All of these changes had to be
John is widely embraced by the gay
community, even at stages of his public life
where he denied his homosexuality. Bego
said that he believes that John’s flirtation with
heterosexuality and his brief marriage to a
woman were a response to die early days of
the AIDS epidemic.
’7~ lot of people, induding Elton, freaked
out and I think he decided tie had to daange,
had to stop having sex with men or else he
was going to die," Bego said. "I think that was
the inspiration for his marriage."
Heterosexuality did not take, Bego said.
"He was having three-way gay sex the
same week he got married," the author added.
Bego was surprised to learn other things
about the estimable Sir Elt0n as well.
"He has always been so charitable so it
was surprising to discover that he and his real
father never got along wel! - even when his
father was dying," Bego said. ~lat contrasted
with Elton’s close relationship with his
stepfather and many other people and causes
of which he was supportive.
Bego was also surprised to learn j~at
the famed collaboration between Elton
and Bernie Taupin was a distant one
"q-hey were never in the same place at
the same time," Bego said. "One of them
would write the music, then send to the
other for lyrics. They collaborated but were
never together. W~nen they met, that’s how it
happened and it just became their formula for
Today, Hton is in a new phase of his
career - bum/composing music for movies
and for Broadway. He has also, Bego said,
settled down personally, free of drugs and
partnered with his true love.
Beavers passed away shortly before Christmas
at Deaconess Hospital after a batde with
pneumonia. Born in Mooresville, North
Carolina, he is survived by his naother Emily
and 2 brothers, Frankie and Mark. He spent
d~e last years of the life in Oklahoma City, a
well knmvn personality in the gay nightlife
He had been affectionately niclmamed
Uncle Fester due to an uncanny resemblance
and ability to imitate that electrifi!ing
charac{er of the Addams Family YV show of
the 1960s. He loved cooldng, computers and
Patti LaBelle. As he was born on St..Patrick’s
day, he loved the parties the bars held on
his birthday. During his life he had worked
for the State of Oklahoma, Levi’s and the
Habana, made many friends and touched a
lot of lives. A Memorial Service was held at
die Finishline January 24.
In Memoriam: Pdcky
Lee Miller
Miller passed away January 11, 20 I0 in
Holdenville, Oklahoma at Boyce Manner
Nursing Home after suffering from a long
illness. He was born in Oklahoma City
February 13, 1957 to Karl and Darla Miller.
Predeceased by lfis mother Darla, he is
survived by his father and stepmother, Lou
Mae Miller. Ricky was well known as an
expert in Ichthyology ( study of fish/marine
life). Memorial services were held on January
14 at Rose Hill Burial Park of Oklahoma
City. He will be missed by many longtime
proud to say that my daughter Lisa got
married to her wife Meaghan in Vermont
last month. I’m very proud of both of them
and I only wish that she could be recognized
as equal under California law. Hopefully the
court will do the right thing so that loving
couples like Lisa and Meaghan don’t have to
travel 3,000 miles to get their marriagglicense
-- away from family, away from friends and
away from coworkers."
"We need to boil this down to people
instead ofman and woman and everything
else. We have two people who have a loving,
caring relationship, who can have a family,
who can do all the same things that a married
couple have, and yet we have said, ’Since
you’re not heterosexual, we’re not going
to recognize you as being as important as
heterosexual relationships.’ I think that’s
fundamentally discriminatory and I think
that’s wrong."
February 2010
v~v.metrostarnews.com I~4;;4:~oSTAR 7
No matter who ~
.... are on life’s
o Cho
o ~ Un ~ A Metropo~ita~ Community Church
Out &About New Years Eve 2009
~dsa Eagle Staff:ready to serve the o’owd at thier New Years Eve Black & White Ball, and
did they ever[
These three were zoay out ofcontrol at the Bamboo Lounge, 7;alsa.
Clint ofthe Copa Resolution- Lose weight
and be better with my money For 2OlOWishfor
more gay marriages[
Jenna atAngles, OKC with group. Resolution- to getfit
and work out every day. To be happy and notgive af--k
what anyone thinks[
ChefSuzie Lopez @ the Boom, OKC. New
Year’s Resolution- ~y to loose some zoe~ght,
exercise and be morefit. 2010 wish-fbr the
economy to come back
Cheyenne andAmanda Daye at Tramps New Year’s
Res’oltution- ~ love my husband more than I have. Wishfbr
2010- For rny husband to love me more than he hast
KerL~ Susan & Casey@ Partners, OKC
Photo Jay
Murray with
his part~ter
Bill Greedier at
Phoenix Rising.
New Year’s
Resolutions- To
strivefor another
30years togethe~
Wishfor 2010-
Peace in the
Resolution- to Live life, Robert at the Park,
OKC with dancer Sam. Wishfor 2010- A/lore
civil rights, and special rightsforpeople like me[
page 12
~.metrostarnews.corn #~ETROSTAR 9
February 2010
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy
Out &About New Years Eve 2009
Derrick with his 3 gir~ends De~ tv’t"cks’ Resoluti"on: To be a betterperson and not
get too screwed up allyear long &201O-Worldpeace. @Alibi’s, OKC
Regina Ledotgv at the Park, owner of.PINKS New Koar"s
Resolution- To get my bigger store open a~ make it successfiaL ’
Wishj~r 2010- For evetTone to be more gayfiqendly!
@ Club 209, Tulsa
Garre#t at Finishline-blonde in center. Resolution- to be happier than I am now
Wishfor 2010- For everyone w get along and worldpeace.
Richard at the Park OKC. Resolution- have more
tim and make more mono,. Wishfor 2010- To be
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
"Tot Eq
bigger and better than 2009!
February 2010
by Jack Fertig February 2010
"DoWt take anything for granted,
An aspect between Venus in Aquarius
and Mercury in Capricorn is supposed
to promote charm and flirtation, but
carries the risk of trying too hard and
coming off as inauthentic. To make it
worse, Eris is aspecting both, offering
bitchy, competitive undertones. Be
careful where you pull out that Margo
Channing attitude! Just be your own
sweet self, darling.
ARIES (March 20-Apri~ !9): "Your
keen vision of future possibilities and
your competitive spirit can help you talk
out tough issues with your boss - or
as the boss. You may need to rein it in
a little to keep your inspiring speeches
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Knowing
better than those around you is no
challenge, but does that really matter?
The real trick is to excel in serenity. To
do that, you have to take time alone to
cultivate your cool with meditation and
inner exploration.
GEMIN~ {May 2% June 20): Speaking
in a foreign language or exploring new
ideas and possibilities could make
you even sexier. Your friends will play
along, up to a poin,.t. They have their
own agenda. Don t take ~nything for
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Being
adept in dealing with authority is not the
same as being a control queen! If you
need help distinguishing the two, your
partner’s insights - or any advice you
receive in bed - can prove very helpful.
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): A little
humility would help you develop those
teamwork skills. Just remember~
all your brilliance is really based on
effectivenes!! Making others look good
will reflect better on you than selfish
WRGO (August 23 - September 22):
A playful attitude at work can help boost
morale and productivity, but keep that
playfulness squeaky clean!Responses
to naughty provocation will backfire!
OK, a little double-entendre in the right
places is good, but be very careful with
LIBRA (September 23 - October
22): "Family fun" is supposed to be
just that - fiJn. Getting too competitive
can spoil it for everyone. Bringing your
clan together as a team can strengthen
bonds, but remember: friendship first, .
competition second!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Eager to learn new things, "
especially at work, you could
unintentionally come off as snippy or
provocative. Imagine you’re hosting
a party with your great-aunts present
(or your colleagues’), and behave
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): Money’s tight, but
getting out to play is necessary for
mental health. You can socialize on the
cheap! What you really have to offer
is your strong sense of values and
playfulness. Remember that, and you’ll
be rich in the things that count.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Before you say what
seems to matter, think about what really
matters. Kindness and truth are high
on that list. Work harder on kindness.
Being kinder to family members could
prove much to your advantage.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Your efforts at imitating Dorothy
Parker or Bette Davis could end up
hurting friends’ feelings. Those old
clever bitch imitations have been done
to death. You have it in you to be a
charming original.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Charity is not a competitive sport.
Give what you can, but remember the
airplane drill about putting on your own
air mask before helping others. Focus
on your own needs and take care of
yourself. Then you’ll be in a better
position to help others.
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Sunday6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
~ ,18 19
20 2"1 22
30 ! ;$1 32 33
55 56 57 59 60
Have a God filled and BlesSed Day!
www.metrostarnews.com ~(~t~’oSTAR 13
Sy&ey Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras
This massive celebration began in 1978 and takes
place over about four weeks and includes a huge
laun& party, a Mars Gras Film Festival, several
big parties, and the incrediblycolorfiA Mardi Gras
Parade. New this 2010, M~di Gras began holding
its massive Mardi Gras tk party aweek after the
parade (as opposed to directly after it, as it has in
the past). More than a half-million observers and
tourists have colne to watch the parade in past
years, and the party can draw another 15,000
revelers. Log on to w~w~.mardigras.org.au for a full
description of ~ents as well as tickets.
email: bittergirl~qsyndicate.com :
[~®troSTAR 14 February 2010
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For more information:
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Chuck greckenridge
Whether buying or selling
I’ll work hard for you.
"We are at a moment now when liberalism is poised to have
its biggest impact since Roosevelt, because the conservative
movement has been thoroughly repudiated through reality."
"What matters, as always, is not what we can’t do,
it’s what we can and must do."
Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
Oklahoma and national Democratic Party.
Working to educate voters and politicians about issues of the GLBT
community, we are working to make change and shape history.
We meet the 1st Tuesday ofevery month at ~he
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 2 Twitterocom!MetroStarNews
Prop 8 federal trial continues in San Francisco
News analysis
By Rex Wockner
Famous atto~v,eys David Boies, le_~ and Ted Olson are infederal court in San Francisco t~sving to
kill Prop 8. Also picuwed: Olson’s wife, Lady Booth Olson. Photo by Diana Walker
At press time, the trial in the federal
lawsuit against Proposition 8 was continuing
in U.S. District Court in San Francisco before
Judge Vaughn \Valker.
Famous heterosexual attorneys Ted Olson
and David Boles are trying to convince
Walker that Prop 8, which amended
California’s constitution to re-ban same-sex
marriage, violates the U.S. Constitution’s
guarantees of due process and equal
protection under the law.
Leading gay-rights groups have been
sidelined in the case, limited to filing "friend
of the court" briefs, because they didn’t play
nice with Olson and Boles early on. They
publicly dissed the case as unwise and poorly
~e lawsuit, which likely will end up
before the U.S. Supreme Court, could lead to
the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50
Convemely, it also could possibly stall the
movement for same-sex marriage for a
generation, should the U.S. Supreme Court
uphold Prop 8.
Judge Walker had wanted to beam video
of the trial to other federal courthouses and
post it on YouTube, but the U.S. Supreme
Court, in a 5-4 ruling, put the kibosh on that
idea Jan. 13, saying officials in the federal
courts’ 9th Circuit hadn’t followed proper
procedure in lifting the ban on cameras in
federal courts.
Olson and Boles strongly supported
broadcasting the trial. The pro-Prop-8 side
vociferously opposed the plan, ultimately
filing an emergency appeal to the Supreme
Court to stop it.
Gay activists and commentators suggested
that Prop 8 defenders were horrified at the
idea of the trial being broadcast because they
lmow that their anti-gay rhetoric, which is
being analyzed in detail at the trial, is hateful,
false and, when exposed in f~l, so
........Continued See PROP 8 Page-5
® MetroStarNews.com FEBRUARY 1,2010
OkEq Celebrates "Wi d Hearts
Week nd" with p ans for ree Events
for Valentines -
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Oklahomans for
Equality, Oklahoma’s preeminent Gay Rights
Organization will host three separate events
beginning Friday February 12th, Saturday
February 13th and Sunday February !4th at
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center at 621 E.
4th Street in Downtown Tulsa.
FRIDAY, February t2th, from 7-9pro,
the first of the "Wild Hearts Weekend"
events: Relationship Recognition Reception
- an effort to mitigate the discrimination
against the GLBT Community due to a lack
of Equal Marriage Rights will be held in the
Great Hall of the Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center beginning with a lecture series by
Tulsa’s top legal and financial professionals
Saturday, February 13th, 2010, 7-11pm,
the second of the "Wild Hearts Weekend"
events: Wild Hearts Ball 10th Anniversary
Celebration and Dance - the annual fundraiser
and social event to benefit Otdahomans
for Equality will be held at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center with dance music by
DJ Zeke with video graphics set to the best
mobile light show in town. Also available are
Party Pictures with Cupid by Steven Michael
Hall Photography, party appetizers and
desserts along with raffles and door prizes plus
a silent auction. Cash Bar available for guests
21 mad older.
Sunday, February 14th, 2010, 1 lam-2pm
- The third of the "Wild Hearts W-eekend"
public. with Debby@okeq.org or call 918-743-4297.
State Representative AI McAffrey to introduce
Legislation for Domestic Partner Benefits for
Ol ahoma State Employees
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
OK In the upcoming
legislative session, State
Representative A1 McAffrey
plans to introduce legislation
to allow domestic partners of
Oklahoma state employees to
obtain health care benefits.
Mr. McAffrey, Oklahoma’s
only first and only openly gay
state legislator, a Democrat
who represents District 88,
stated that it would enable the
partners of state employees to
obtain the benefits currently
available to spouses and
dependents. A domestic
partner is defined as someone
whom on is involved in
and would include
heterosexual couples as well as those in same
sex relationships.
This is the first
time this has been
proposed in the
Oklahoma legislature.
He related that
this would not
only help provide
those eligible better
access to healthcare
coverage, it would
help attract and
retain talent among
Oklahomas workers
as well as raise
consciousness in
Oklahoma about
that issue. It will be
introduced when
the session begins
February 1, where it may or may not get out
of committee, and if it does it may or may
not pass. But he promised that if it doesn’t
succeed, "I’ll introduce it again next year"
~entine’s Day started in the time of
the Roman Empire: In ancient Rome, February
!4th was a holiday to honour Juno.
Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods
and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her
cancelled all marriages and engagements
in Rome. The good Saint Valentine (photo
above) was a priest at Rome in the days of
Claudius II, He and Saint Marius aided the
Christian martyrs and secretly married couples,
and for this kind deed Saint Valentine
was apprehended and dragged
as the Goddess ofwomen
and marriage. The following
day, February 15th,
began the Feast of Lupercalla.
The lives ofyoung
boys and girls were strictly
sep~ate. However, one of
the customs of the young
people was name drawing.
On the eve of the festival
of Lupercalia the names of
Roman girls were written
on slips of paper and placed
into jars. Each young man
would draw a girl’s name
from the jar and ~vould
then be partners for the
duration of the festival with
the girl whom he chose.
Sometimes the pairing of
before the Prefect of Rome,
who condemned him to be
beaten to death with dubs and
to have his head cut off. He
suffered martyrdom on the
14th day of February, around
the year 270. At that time it
was the custom in Rome, a
very ancient custom indeed,
to celebrate in the month of
February the Lupercalia, feasts
in honour of a heathen god.
On these occasions, amidst a
names ofyoung women
were placed in a box, from
which they were drawn by the
men as chance directed.The
pastors of the early Christian
Church in Rome endeavoured
to do away with the pagan
element in these feasts by substituting the
the children lasted an entire year, and often,
they would fall in love and would later
marry. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius
II Rome was involved in many bloody and
Unpopular campaignS: Claudius the Cruel
was having a difficult time getting soldiers
) join his military leagues. He believed that
reason was that Roman men did not
want to leave their loves or families. As a
result, Claudius,
celebrations include lots offeasting, partying
and parading on the big day, also kno~vn as
Shrove Tuesday - just before Ash Vdednesday
- when the Church rules offasting and sacrifice
take effect. It’s been that way in Christian
countries around the world sinCe the Middle
Ages. Today most of the world’s celebrations
occur during the week ofFat Tuesday, which
falls on February 16th this year.
Fat Tuesday in New Orleans
It’s been five long years since the devastation of
names of saints for those of maidens. As
the Lupercalia began about the middle of
February, the pastors appear to have chosen
Saint Valentine’s Day for the celebration of
this new feast.
So it seems that the custom ofyoung men
choosing maidens for valentines, or saints
as for ; year, arose in this
Hurricane Katrina, and the biggest party town
in America ~vill pick itselfup for the 2010 Fat
Tuesday celebration with even bigger crowds -
and more parades - expected this year. The New
Orleans Mardi Gras parade schedule began on
January 6, that is when the first King Cakes are
socially avafl~biel k ~onti~ues thr0tlgh to Fat
Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras and Carnival
Celebrations around the world
The biggest and loudest ofthem, as always,
are in Rio and New Orleans, although the
Karneval, or Fasching, festivities in Cologne
and Berlin get pretty wild, Carnaval in Nice
shows offthe ~vackier side ofthe trendy
Riviera scene, and the Italians in Venice are the
worldwide experts on the art ofstreet theater.
uptcv * Civil Rights Criminal
ment * FamilV Law Litigation
)ma cit% OK 73103
2 ~ETROSTAR February 2010
PFLAG OKC joins with Edmond
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
merger with PFLAG
Oldatloma City and
PFLAG Edmond has
been in the works
over the past fe~v
months. Officially, the
two ioined forces on
October 12th, joining
to make both a single,
stronger group. People
often come. to PFLAG
to find acceptance
and support for
GLBT issues and
understanding. Some
people just become
involved to offer Bobbie and Georgie co-facilitate the Transgender support group in
support. Oklahoma City. Townsendphoto
"We are now
PFI~G, OKC/Edmond under one name,"
said Louise Baker, President of the group.
"One of the reasons we became OKC/
Edmond PFLAG is that OKC has many
gay-straigi~t alliances and Edmond has none.
Those gays will have parents who want to
look for support. We feel it is a win-win and
a good move for both groups."
The combined groups ofPFLAG OKC/
promoting family involvement. The benefits
of membership; you get an email vote for
officers, you are a part ofPFLAG poll by
national quarterly. There are educational
programs and you help create a safe
environment for people.
The group is also actively working to
promote equality in schools. "We are very
dose in one of the three high schools in
Edmond will be hostinga ~ndraising event Edmond to ~:et a GSA (gav-strai~t alliance),"
to sppp0rt the cause. The event wilJ b~ ~e!d said B~er. One student said~they wanted
at ~he Boom (on the O~C strip); Saturday it. They wrote the bylaws and sent it to the
FebruaW 27th at 7 pm. Emcee will be student cotmcil~ There is dso a r~ need for
Heather Scott, PFLAG Secretary, ~raoke
by Shown Elmore, PFLAG Vice-President,
Stand-Up Comedy Louise Bakel; PFLAG
President. The group promises fun for
"It’s not i.ust about going to a comedy
act. We really want people to come out and
support PFLAG," adds Baker. "We need
to be here fore support and advocacy." The
group is also looking for members. Family
membership is $40 and single is $35, thus
GSA’s in the middle school also but ~ve are
taking this one step at a time."
.PFI_&G OKC/Edmond would also like to
add that they applaud the OKCPS board for
passing the passing the anti-bullying policy to
include GLBT’S.
PFLAG OKC/Edmond meets the first
Tuesday of each month. For questions, or if
you would like’ to attend a meeting, please call
(405) 525-3800 or write to pflagokc@yahoo.
ahoma Gay
Caucus, over ?
By Victor Gorin
Contrib[lting writer
current O.G.L.EC. male co-chair Patti
~hompson was first elected to that post
in 1992, he inherited what was then
an orgaafization on the move vibrantly
working for change against tough odds.
The Oklahoma Gay mid Lesbian Political
Caucus, ( kamwn better as O.G.L.EC.) had
been formed and incorporated in 1985, with
chapters in both Oklalmma City and Tulsa.
~ae organization became a major
institution of the Okdahoma GLBT
community, usually present whenever there
was an opportunity for action to affect
change. Their purpose was to educate the
GLBT community about voting and taking
part in the politic~ process, and also to
educate dected officials about issues of the
GLBT community. O.G.L.P.C. held annual
dinners to celebrate accomplishments and
future hopes, issuing annual awards of merit
to deserving individuals as well as "Phobie
Awards" towards those who deserved that
O.G.L.EC. continued to grow, their
tables often seen registering voters, signing
up members and passing out literature at
community gathering places and events.
Amassing a mailing list of over 3,000 gay
or gay friendly Oldalloma households, they
issued voter guides during major elections
letting these voters know who their friends
When O.G.L.EC.’S Membership/Mailing
Chair John Calhoun moved to Canada in
2007 it was a major loss for the organization,
which was already strained from a lack
of active membership for the past several
years. This came to a head in 2009, when
Treasurer Diana Faulkner’s term expired and
there to nobody to take that office, which
is currently administered in the interim by
Paul Thompson. Consensus of the group at
the point was that the group must change
course or dissolve. A letter was sent out to
the general membership advising them of a
Final Meeting taking place Monday, February
8 at 7 p.m. located at Okdalloma City’s
Neighborhood Alliance Center, 1236 N.W
36th Street ( N.W. 36th Street and Classen
As Paul Thompson relates, "It’s gotten
to the point where so few of us are actively
engaged that it (O.G.L.P.C.) simply cannot
be sustained as it is. Without enough people
we cannot accomplish any meaningful work.
There’s no point in going on if we’re not going
to do a good job." Regardless of the outcome,
Paul stated that he will no longer serve as
male co-chair following the February meeting,
Also currently serving as officers are
Female co-chair Jeanne Flanigan and
Secretary Victor Gorin. Pending the outcome
of the February meeting, based on the
attendance, commitment and interest shown,
a decision will be made as to the future of
the organization, which has a long history
and legacy. For those interested in seeing
O.G.L.P.C. continue, it wil! be imperative
that they are at this final meeting.
AuthOr Rouse in
Tulsa for his neW book
s gnmg.
TULSA, OK (PR) On Tuesday,
February 2nd at 7:00pm, Oklahomans for
Equality and Booksmart Tulsa ~vill host a
literary event and book signing at the Dennis
R. Nell! Equality Center, 621 East 4th Street,
Tulsa Oldahoma with xYgade Rouse for At
Least in the City Someone Would HearMe
Finally fed up with the frenzy of city life
and a job he hates, Wade Rouse decided to
make either the bravest decision of his life or
the worst mistake since his botched Ogilvie
home perm. He uproots his life and tries as
Thoreau did some 160 years earlier, to "live a
plain, simple life in radically reduced
conditions." Wade and his partner, Gary,
leave culture, cable and consumerism behind
and strike out for rural Michigan-a place
with fewer people than in their former
spinning dass. AtLeast in the City Someone
Would Hear Me Scream is a sidesplitting and
heartwarming look at taking a risk, fulfilling
a dream, and finding a home-with very thick
and very dark curtains.
"Firs sday" Art
Opening and Exhibit of
Origina Works by Robb
TULSA, OK (PR) The February
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists ar the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street
in Downtown Tulsa), will feature an array
ofworks by artist Robb Conover. The
show begins with a reception on Thursday,
February 4th from 6-9pm and continues
throughout the month of February.
Robb Conover’s art is influenced by
some of the world’s greatest POP Artists,
Watercolorists, Realist and Sculptors plus
Film as an art media. His work is driven
by a method to his madness. He works out
a calculated plan to arrange expression and
soul into all forms that end up on his canvas.
After studying in New York, Los Angeles and
Phoenix, Robb states "there are no accidental
meetings, not even in art. There’s a reason for
every inch of paint that you see on my canvas.
Ifwe are to tmderstand art as an experience
we cannot fear what the artist brings back
with him from his journey~ to other planes
and planets". Robb’s art will be on display
through February 2010.
wwv¢,metrostamews.corn ;OETROSTAR 3
Compatible Odd
by James Nimmo
compatible with Sally Kern! Yup, you read it
right. ~hough Kern and I are polar opposites
religiously, politically, orientationally,
and educationally, I’m compatible with
Oklahoma GOPer Rep.~ Sally Kern and her
newly introduced HB 2279 which, if passed,
would not allow incompatibility to be used
a~ grounds for a divorce between opposite
gender (of course) adults.
Kern who has hyperventilated while
sniffng in gay and lesbian closets has nmv
turned her big nose m sniffing between the
sheets of the hetero marriage bed. ( http://
tinyutl.com/yc45mhh )
Pre-existing conditions such as minor
children in the household, a marriage of
ten years or longer, or written objection
by the other spouse would prevent using
incompatibility as grounds for an Oklahoma
I’m so compatible with Kern over her
non-divorce bill I could be the son she almost
had. Not only that, I’!1 see her bet and raise
her one.
Tlais being Oklahoma, the third hole
in America’s Bible Belt, I ~vouldn’t bet the
rent on this bill dying in committee, the
fate of most of the worst of Okie legislative
submissions. N~erefore, I’m proposing a bill
that would take Kern’s aspirations a step
Since a judge, in effect, examines the two
people engaged in a divorce proceeding to
see if at least one of the parties has suNcient
grounds for divorce, why not have a judge
examine the proposed bride and groom at the
beginning of the procedure when they apply
for an Oldahoma marriage license? Why not
head off any incompatible marriages before
they become incompatible divorces?
In Iny bill, the hopeful newlyweds would
have to prove to the examiner not only their
undying love for each other but also have
to prove that their financial prospects are
propitious, their religious beliefs are rooted
in the Christian Bible, their educational
backgrounds are conducive to a lifetime
of constructive pillow talk, and above all,
both parties are willing and able to produce
children as fast as physically possible. A
failing grade in any of these aspects would
disallow the issuance of the marriage license.
If Kern wants to meddle in straight
people’s private affairs just as she has in gay
people’s affairs shouldn’t she be willing to
fully insert the police power of the state right
from the beginning of a proposed marriage?
In fact, Kern should revise her divorce bill as
a state question needing approval from the
voters. If marriage is so important that it
must be denied to same-gender ta~xpayers, as
it is in Oklahomii, why not let straight voters
police themselves?
As a staunch and starchy "kernserwative",
as she bills herself, shouldn’t
she be strong enough to impose the state
government into all aspects of married life?
She claims her bill will alleviate many of
Oklahoma’s societal ills. ’She proclaims "If
~ve eould reduce divorce in Oklahoma we
would also reduce our prison population and
welfare rolls while
benefiting families and children. That’s a goal
xvorth pursuing." This link includes the text
of the Kern bill, http:/Itinyurl.com/ydq9fgd
She continues, "Ifwe can lower our
divorce rate, our quality of life will improve
and we will also reduce the need for many
state services in this time of budget shortfall,
freeing tip money to go to core services such
as schools and roads."
Who knew that keeping children in
a warring household with two unhappy
parents was the solution that would help
reduce Oklahoma’s budget deficit? Again,
Kern is using children as a shield for her
schizophrenic view of privacy. Remember
in 2009 she proposed and passed a legislative
resolution objecting to a United Nations
project to protect children from violence. If
she wants to protect children from the harms
of divorce, why is she against protecting
children from violence? ( http://tinyufl.
com/y8ujchv )
Remember the joke that was going
around concerning the mock acceptance of
same-gender marriage? It went something
like, "Why should gays and lesbians be spared
the pitfalls and expense of married life?" My
new version of that joke is, "Why should
straights be spared the intrusiveness of Sally
Kern poking her nose into their marriages or
Or here’s another joke, this time from
one of Kern’s heroes, Ronald Reagan. In one
of his speeches, he said poking maliciously
at government programs, "I’m from the
government and I’m here to help you." Isn’t
Sally Kern from the government? Is she here
to help you?
Among many religious fundamentalists
and political conservatives (Butt repeat
myself) there is the thinking that America is
an exceptional country. Now I know what
they mean by that. They’re saying "America
must play by the rules Iset down, but when
it’s convenient, I get an exception)’
In Kerffs case she claims an exception for
her divorce bill and its intrusive meddling in
the private matrimonial affairs of adults.
Transgender support
group meets in OKC
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
Each Monday of the month, the
TWOFOLD (Transgender With Out Fear
Of Lifestyle Disapproval) meets in NW
Oklahoma City. This peer support group is
designed to allow attendees the opportunity
to share their feelings, frustrations and coping
mechanisms for those experiencing common
identity changes that accompany gender
identity issues.
"We are pretty lucky here because I think
people are really accepting," said Bobby,
one of the co-facilitators of the group. "We
have had two particularly interesting people
recently come to our meetings. One was 19
and one was 9 years old. She [9 year old] had
the support of the morn, but not really the
dad or the school."
"The 19 year old and fought with her
morn about wearing dresses and not wanting
to grow her hair long," added Georgie,
another group co-facilitator. "Then she
realized and understood now that we have
this anti bullying law."
Transgendered people often live with the
fear of being lonely, unlovable and, more
practically, unemployed. According to the
traqsgendered news source, ’Topix,’ sixty
percent of transgender people in one 2006
study were unemployed, for example. Many
relationships end during and after transition.
Dating can be painful; several people
interviewed said it xvas nearly impossible to
find understanding partners.
"We want to be there to help the
counselors as Well as family members and the
transgendered person looking for help and
acceptance," added Georgie. "We ~vant to be
a resource for the public schools, PFLAG and
other of thgse types of organizations."
If you would like to attend the meetings,
you must call (405) 443-4131 or email info@
twofoldgroup.org. Visitors are screened for
authenticity to protect those truly seeking
Lifestyle Fitness column
by Ronald Blake returns
to Metro Star in next
months issue.
Photo: RonaM Blake, Cet~fied Fitness
Instructor through ISSA International Sports
Sciences Association
The best New Year’s resolution to have
is the one that works for you. Don’t have
a resolution just for the sake of having one
or just to keep up with the Joneses. Find
something that needs improvement and
take it to task. I have parted the Red Sea
and several health and fitness resolution
suggestions are malting their way to the
Promised Land.
Use social networking sites to find ten
other peoplethat are resoMng to do the
same thing as you. Use these people as your
support group to keep your resolution on
track. It is much better to have a group of
individuals striving for the same goal. Stay in
communication ~vith these team members as
frequently as possible for the best results.
Purchase a diary and start using it. Forget
about all the normal nonsense that authors
usually pen. inside these autobiographies.
Just keep tabs on all the exercise you get
throughout the year. Make a daily notation
even if you didn’t have any physical exertion
on a particular day. This Catholic guilt
method should keep you feeling the need for
some form of exercise each day.
After a years absence, fitness guru Ronald
Blake returns in the March issue.
Pucker Up and Take It
from TwoLips Burlesk
A Valentine’s burlesque performance
on matters of the heart.
TULSA, OK (PR) __ TwoLips Burlesk
will be performing their debut show, Pucker
Up and Take It, on Friday, February 5th,
2010, 9:00pm, with an encore performance
Saturda); February 6th, 9:00pro at the
Nightingale Theater, 1416 E. 4th Street,
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Brand new in 2010, two years-before
the apocalypse, Tulsa has a new kind of
performance troupe in town: ~¢¢oLips
Burlesk! This Valentine’s show, encompassing
the true spirit of burlesque, vaudeville,
cabaret, tease--and even a little drag to
sweeten things up~T~voLips Burlesk treat
you and your loved ones to the tastiest treats
to hit the streets since chocolates in a box.
Founded by Tulsans Amanda Storms,
Tarynn Archer, and Chris Dailey, TxvoLips
brings you a performance spectacle that will
dazzle, excite, and prove to be the finest of
its kind--raising the bar for local burlesque.
Featuring the talents of Poppy Pie, Honey
Du Jour, Sinna’ Bunnz, and Tangy Tart
along with other local favorites, the show is
¯ packed full of sugary goodness, and will have
you laughing hysterically and drooling vdth
Still hungry? There’s more: drag-lesque,
audience participation, topless antics---even
a kissing booth! And to top it all off, the
evening will be hosted by non5 other than
Tulsa’s own National Midwest Entertainer of
the Year, Drag Emcee Extraordinaire Nildd
Come and support Tulsa’s sweetest troupe!
Pucker Up and Take It from TwoLips Burlesk
runs February 5th and 6th at 9:00pm. Tickets
are $10 at the door. Intended for mature,
like-minded audiences only.
For more information:contact
Amanda Storms at TwoLip~Burlesk@gmail.
corn, call (918) 232-1448, or visit the
TwoLips Butlesk page on Facebook.
Free help 8 89
February 2010
U.S. HIV border ban
Bozeman protects gays
and transgenders
New policies that removed the United
States’ 22-year-old ban on HIV-positive
immigrants and foreign visitors took effect
Jan. 4.
Three days later, HIV-positive Dutchman
Clemens Ruland and his partner Hugo
Bausch arrived at New York’s Kennedy
Airport and were met by a representative
ofHuman Rights Watch and the Dutch
Embassy’s cultural attache.
"Travel restrictions on HIV-positive
people fundamentally affect their human
dignity," said Boris Dittrich from HRW’s
LGBT Rights Program. "Lifting the HIV
travel ban was a victory for human rights."
Bausch won the trip for himself and
Ruland in a Dutch AIDS Foundation contest
to celebrate the ban’s demise.
In announcing the change last October,
President Barack Obama said: "We talk about
reducing the stigma of this disease, yet we’ve
treated a visitor living with it as a threat. We
lead the world when it comes to helping stem
the AIDS pandemic, yet we are one of only
a dozen countries that still bar people with
HIV from entering our own country. Ifwe
want to be the global leader in combating
HIV/AIDS, we need to act like it."
In a joint statement at the time, the
Global Network of People Living With
HIV, the European AIDS Treatment
Group and Germany’s Deutsche AIDSHilfe
"congratulate[d] the United States
government on fulfilling its promise and
completing the legal procedure that was
started by former President Bush on World
AIDS Day 2007."
"This is a great victory for the fight against
the worldwide discrimination of people living
with HIV," said AIDS-Hilfe’s Peter Wiessner.
"I remember times where we never thought
that this ,vould happen. This is an emotional
moment and it feels a bit like the fall of the
Berlin Wall."
EATG’s David Haerry called the ban’s
demise "groundbreaking" and said it sends "a
strong message to other countries maintaining
stigmatizing restrictions today, such as Russia,
China, Australia and Canada."
The groups’ statement said that more than
60 nations, including some in Europe, have
sugmanzmg entry or residency restr,cnons
and that "27 countries deport people on the
grounds of having an HIV infection."
Xhe three organizations said they hope the
U.S. government will take one final step in
relegating the ban to the dustbin of hist0ry:
"Erase all information with regards to the
HIV status of people ftom its immigration
Trans priso to. open
About 30 inmates wilt be moved to a
prison near Florence, Italy, that will house
only transgender prisoners, local media
reported Jan. 12. The facility in the town of
Pozzale is nearly vacant at present, holding
two female inmates.
~e City Commission in Bozeman,
Mont., on Jan. 11 added ~sexual orientation"
and "gender identity" to a policy that protects
city" employees from discrimination. The vote
was 3-0.
The policy also will officially extend
spousal benefits to employees’ same-sex
Gay couple ’marries’ in
State media reported Jan. 13 that a
gay couple got "married" in a gay bar in
Chengdu, China.
Zeng Anquan, 45, and Pan Wenjie, 27,
tied tile knot before 200 gay friends.
"We are no !onger hiding anymore,"
Zeng told China Daily. "The wedding is our
happiest and most precious moment. We
don’t care how others consider us, as long as
we are together. (W)e are deeply in love and
will never desert each other."
Zeng’s brother responded to the wedding
by freezing Zeng’s capital in the company the
two own, he said, and Zeng’s sister told him
she won’t acknowledge him as her brother
again until he breaks up with Pan.
Mayor Sanders and gay daughter
talk to reporters after mayor’s
Prop 8 trial appearance
AFER Board President Chad Gdfli.n, Mayor
Sanders and a~ughter Lisa. Wocknerphoto
Republican San Diego Mayor Jerry
Sanders and his gay daughter Lisa talked to
reporters in San Francisco on Jan. 19 after the
mayor testified in the federal trial seeking to
overturn Proposition 8 as a violation of fl~e
U.S. Constitution. Here’s some ofwhat they
had to say.
Before I becan~e mayor I spent 26 years
on the San Diego Police Department, and
I’m very proud of the career that I had, and I
witnessed, in the early years, discrimination
in both the department and thee city and, as
I’ve said, I’ve seen discrimination and hate
crimes occur in the city of San Diego.
I think denying marriage equality is
just as ~vrong as telling blacks that they
couldn’t use white-only drinking fountains.
It’s government action that’s founded in
prejudice. The first step towards equalityin
society is equality under the law. So, I’m
.....Continued see MAYOR - page 6
Wockner News
Gay weddings to start in
D.C. March 5
Gay marriages will start in the District of
Columbia, the latest locality to legalize "samesex
marriage, on March 5.
That’s when the bill passed by the Council
and signed by the mayor xvill have completed
its mandated congressional review period and
any couples who obtained a license on the
first day possible, March 2, will have made
it through the mandatory three-day waiting
period between getting a license and getting
Same-sex marriage is legal in Belgium,
Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, South
Africa, Spain and Sweden; in Argentina’s
Tierra del Fuego province; and in the U.S.
states’of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire and Vermont. It will become
legal in Portugal in April.
unpalatable and embarrassing that it could
turn the public against them.
Information introduced during the trial
on Jan. 13, for example, revealed that one
defendant in the case, Hak-Shing William
Tam, wrote a letter to voters during the Prop
8 campaign saying that once gays have the
right to marr)~ they will pursue legalization of
"On their agenda list is: legalize having sex
with children," the letter said. Ir a!so claimed
that legal same-sex marriage in California
would cause "other states (to) fall into Satan’s
Prop 8’s lawyers claimed they didn’t ~vanr
cameras in court for, among other reasons,
fear that their witnesses could face nasty
retaliation from militant, if not violent,
homosexual thugs who saw the video feed.
~xe anti-same-sex-marriage side also
objected to the playing in court of their
successfully alarmist TV ads from the Prop 8
campaign, which suggested that gay marriage
could lead to schoolchildren being,aught
inappropriate, bad or wrong things.
Many analysts and commentators believe
the gay-marriage-will-harm-your-kids TV ads
may have tipped the balance against samesex
marriage in the minds of voters both in
California and, more recently, Maine, where
some of the California ads were recycled.
~e Prop 8 trial is being Iive-blogged,
tweeted and analyzed to within an inch of its
life by an army of bloggers, activists and news
Prop8trialtracker.com is a good place to
start. The San Jose Mercury News also has a
good live-blog of the case at mercurynews.
On Jan. 15, the Courage Campaign,
which operates prop8trialtracker, refused
to alter the site’s logo after the group was
hit with a cease-and-desist demand from
protectmarriage.com. The two sites’ logos are
identical except for one minor, huraorous
variation. See tinyurl.com/logosgate. Courage
Campaign said its logo qualifies as permissible
www.metrostarnews.corn ~{ET~OSTAR 5
The Bitch is Back
By Michael W. Sasser
But Bego said Hton is not going to be out
of the public spodight.
"He does not plan on retiring," Bego said.
"We can look forward to music from him
for die rest of his life. He is just one of those
kinds of artists."
Hton John: The Bitch is Back by Mark
Bego is available at booksellers nationwide.
In Memory ofDavid
Marshal1 Beavers
March 17, 1968.....December 19, 2009
Elton John biographer Mark Bego at 7~e Abbey in West Hollywood,. Photo by: John Klinger
ne of the first albums that
author Mark Bego bought was an Elton
John LP on viny!. Later, one of the first
album reviews that Bego wrote for his college
newspaper was on an Elton John release.
"In a wa)~ I’ve been writing about Elton
John for almost 40 years," Bego said. "I’ve
always been interested. I fed like I’ve been
£ollowinghim for my entire career.’,
It therefore comes as no surprise that Bego
refers to his latest book, Elton John: The
Bitch is Back as "a labor of love."
The book was long. in the planning.
"About six years ago I talked to my agent
about doing a book on Elton, he asked
around and at the time there wasn’t a lot
of interest," Bego said. Instead, Bego was
engaged to write a book on Billy Joel.
"Billy Joel and Elton John have a lot of
people in common," Bego said. That rene,ved
his interest and finally the unauthorized
biography of Sir Elton wa~s underway.
In Elton John: ~e Bitch is Back,
renowned celebrity author Bego has rounded
up a fascinating group of interview subjects
for this unique biography of one of the music
world’s biggest superstars.
"~ specifically wanted to talk to people
who personally know Etton," Bego said.
"Tnese people’s insights into Elton m~e this
quite e~citing."
Interviews include Mice Cooper, Bill
Wyman ofThe Rolling Stones, Mary Wilson
ofTne Supremes, Angela Bowie, Sarah Dash
of LaBelle, Randy Jones of the Village People,
Duncan Faure ofXhe Bay City Rollers, Gary
Brooker of Procol Harum and the colorfi~
and outrageous RuPaul.
"One interview really led to the next
one," Bego said. "I interviewed a lot of people
who aren’t normally sought out to talk about
Elton. So a lot of die stories in the book are
ones that fans of Elton won’t read anywhere
~Ihe book focuses on Elton’s public and
private life and the absolute intersection of
the two.
"Usually creative people use inspiration
from their personal lives in their work," Bego
said. "Elton has certainly lived a colorfi~
life and you can’t ignore that. He has been
through so many stages. Gay and not gay,
married, drugs. All of these changes had to be
John is widely embraced by the gay
community, even at stages of his public life
where he denied his homosexuality. Bego
said that he believes that John’s flirtation with
heterosexuality and his brief marriage to a
woman were a response to die early days of
the AIDS epidemic.
’7~ lot of people, induding Elton, freaked
out and I think he decided tie had to daange,
had to stop having sex with men or else he
was going to die," Bego said. "I think that was
the inspiration for his marriage."
Heterosexuality did not take, Bego said.
"He was having three-way gay sex the
same week he got married," the author added.
Bego was surprised to learn other things
about the estimable Sir Elt0n as well.
"He has always been so charitable so it
was surprising to discover that he and his real
father never got along wel! - even when his
father was dying," Bego said. ~lat contrasted
with Elton’s close relationship with his
stepfather and many other people and causes
of which he was supportive.
Bego was also surprised to learn j~at
the famed collaboration between Elton
and Bernie Taupin was a distant one
"q-hey were never in the same place at
the same time," Bego said. "One of them
would write the music, then send to the
other for lyrics. They collaborated but were
never together. W~nen they met, that’s how it
happened and it just became their formula for
Today, Hton is in a new phase of his
career - bum/composing music for movies
and for Broadway. He has also, Bego said,
settled down personally, free of drugs and
partnered with his true love.
Beavers passed away shortly before Christmas
at Deaconess Hospital after a batde with
pneumonia. Born in Mooresville, North
Carolina, he is survived by his naother Emily
and 2 brothers, Frankie and Mark. He spent
d~e last years of the life in Oklahoma City, a
well knmvn personality in the gay nightlife
He had been affectionately niclmamed
Uncle Fester due to an uncanny resemblance
and ability to imitate that electrifi!ing
charac{er of the Addams Family YV show of
the 1960s. He loved cooldng, computers and
Patti LaBelle. As he was born on St..Patrick’s
day, he loved the parties the bars held on
his birthday. During his life he had worked
for the State of Oklahoma, Levi’s and the
Habana, made many friends and touched a
lot of lives. A Memorial Service was held at
die Finishline January 24.
In Memoriam: Pdcky
Lee Miller
Miller passed away January 11, 20 I0 in
Holdenville, Oklahoma at Boyce Manner
Nursing Home after suffering from a long
illness. He was born in Oklahoma City
February 13, 1957 to Karl and Darla Miller.
Predeceased by lfis mother Darla, he is
survived by his father and stepmother, Lou
Mae Miller. Ricky was well known as an
expert in Ichthyology ( study of fish/marine
life). Memorial services were held on January
14 at Rose Hill Burial Park of Oklahoma
City. He will be missed by many longtime
proud to say that my daughter Lisa got
married to her wife Meaghan in Vermont
last month. I’m very proud of both of them
and I only wish that she could be recognized
as equal under California law. Hopefully the
court will do the right thing so that loving
couples like Lisa and Meaghan don’t have to
travel 3,000 miles to get their marriagglicense
-- away from family, away from friends and
away from coworkers."
"We need to boil this down to people
instead ofman and woman and everything
else. We have two people who have a loving,
caring relationship, who can have a family,
who can do all the same things that a married
couple have, and yet we have said, ’Since
you’re not heterosexual, we’re not going
to recognize you as being as important as
heterosexual relationships.’ I think that’s
fundamentally discriminatory and I think
that’s wrong."
February 2010
v~v.metrostarnews.com I~4;;4:~oSTAR 7
No matter who ~
.... are on life’s
o Cho
o ~ Un ~ A Metropo~ita~ Community Church
Out &About New Years Eve 2009
~dsa Eagle Staff:ready to serve the o’owd at thier New Years Eve Black & White Ball, and
did they ever[
These three were zoay out ofcontrol at the Bamboo Lounge, 7;alsa.
Clint ofthe Copa Resolution- Lose weight
and be better with my money For 2OlOWishfor
more gay marriages[
Jenna atAngles, OKC with group. Resolution- to getfit
and work out every day. To be happy and notgive af--k
what anyone thinks[
ChefSuzie Lopez @ the Boom, OKC. New
Year’s Resolution- ~y to loose some zoe~ght,
exercise and be morefit. 2010 wish-fbr the
economy to come back
Cheyenne andAmanda Daye at Tramps New Year’s
Res’oltution- ~ love my husband more than I have. Wishfbr
2010- For rny husband to love me more than he hast
KerL~ Susan & Casey@ Partners, OKC
Photo Jay
Murray with
his part~ter
Bill Greedier at
Phoenix Rising.
New Year’s
Resolutions- To
strivefor another
30years togethe~
Wishfor 2010-
Peace in the
Resolution- to Live life, Robert at the Park,
OKC with dancer Sam. Wishfor 2010- A/lore
civil rights, and special rightsforpeople like me[
page 12
~.metrostarnews.corn #~ETROSTAR 9
February 2010
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy
Out &About New Years Eve 2009
Derrick with his 3 gir~ends De~ tv’t"cks’ Resoluti"on: To be a betterperson and not
get too screwed up allyear long &201O-Worldpeace. @Alibi’s, OKC
Regina Ledotgv at the Park, owner of.PINKS New Koar"s
Resolution- To get my bigger store open a~ make it successfiaL ’
Wishj~r 2010- For evetTone to be more gayfiqendly!
@ Club 209, Tulsa
Garre#t at Finishline-blonde in center. Resolution- to be happier than I am now
Wishfor 2010- For everyone w get along and worldpeace.
Richard at the Park OKC. Resolution- have more
tim and make more mono,. Wishfor 2010- To be
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
"Tot Eq
bigger and better than 2009!
February 2010
by Jack Fertig February 2010
"DoWt take anything for granted,
An aspect between Venus in Aquarius
and Mercury in Capricorn is supposed
to promote charm and flirtation, but
carries the risk of trying too hard and
coming off as inauthentic. To make it
worse, Eris is aspecting both, offering
bitchy, competitive undertones. Be
careful where you pull out that Margo
Channing attitude! Just be your own
sweet self, darling.
ARIES (March 20-Apri~ !9): "Your
keen vision of future possibilities and
your competitive spirit can help you talk
out tough issues with your boss - or
as the boss. You may need to rein it in
a little to keep your inspiring speeches
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Knowing
better than those around you is no
challenge, but does that really matter?
The real trick is to excel in serenity. To
do that, you have to take time alone to
cultivate your cool with meditation and
inner exploration.
GEMIN~ {May 2% June 20): Speaking
in a foreign language or exploring new
ideas and possibilities could make
you even sexier. Your friends will play
along, up to a poin,.t. They have their
own agenda. Don t take ~nything for
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Being
adept in dealing with authority is not the
same as being a control queen! If you
need help distinguishing the two, your
partner’s insights - or any advice you
receive in bed - can prove very helpful.
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): A little
humility would help you develop those
teamwork skills. Just remember~
all your brilliance is really based on
effectivenes!! Making others look good
will reflect better on you than selfish
WRGO (August 23 - September 22):
A playful attitude at work can help boost
morale and productivity, but keep that
playfulness squeaky clean!Responses
to naughty provocation will backfire!
OK, a little double-entendre in the right
places is good, but be very careful with
LIBRA (September 23 - October
22): "Family fun" is supposed to be
just that - fiJn. Getting too competitive
can spoil it for everyone. Bringing your
clan together as a team can strengthen
bonds, but remember: friendship first, .
competition second!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Eager to learn new things, "
especially at work, you could
unintentionally come off as snippy or
provocative. Imagine you’re hosting
a party with your great-aunts present
(or your colleagues’), and behave
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): Money’s tight, but
getting out to play is necessary for
mental health. You can socialize on the
cheap! What you really have to offer
is your strong sense of values and
playfulness. Remember that, and you’ll
be rich in the things that count.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Before you say what
seems to matter, think about what really
matters. Kindness and truth are high
on that list. Work harder on kindness.
Being kinder to family members could
prove much to your advantage.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Your efforts at imitating Dorothy
Parker or Bette Davis could end up
hurting friends’ feelings. Those old
clever bitch imitations have been done
to death. You have it in you to be a
charming original.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Charity is not a competitive sport.
Give what you can, but remember the
airplane drill about putting on your own
air mask before helping others. Focus
on your own needs and take care of
yourself. Then you’ll be in a better
position to help others.
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Sunday6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
~ ,18 19
20 2"1 22
30 ! ;$1 32 33
55 56 57 59 60
Have a God filled and BlesSed Day!
www.metrostarnews.com ~(~t~’oSTAR 13
Sy&ey Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras
This massive celebration began in 1978 and takes
place over about four weeks and includes a huge
laun& party, a Mars Gras Film Festival, several
big parties, and the incrediblycolorfiA Mardi Gras
Parade. New this 2010, M~di Gras began holding
its massive Mardi Gras tk party aweek after the
parade (as opposed to directly after it, as it has in
the past). More than a half-million observers and
tourists have colne to watch the parade in past
years, and the party can draw another 15,000
revelers. Log on to w~w~.mardigras.org.au for a full
description of ~ents as well as tickets.
email: bittergirl~qsyndicate.com :
[~®troSTAR 14 February 2010
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Service Sunday 10:45 AM
637 S. 131st East Ave
Tulsa, OK
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Tulsa, OK
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Service Sunday 6pm
1623 N. Maplewood, Tulsa, OK
203 N. Nogales Ave
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Oklahoma City, OK
621 E. 4th Street
Tulsa, OK 74120
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Oklahoma Ci~, OK
Located inside Habana Inn
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Northwest Arkansas
Center For Equality
"Linldng Together as One"
For more information:
179 Church Ave, Fayetteville, AR72703
Chuck greckenridge
Whether buying or selling
I’ll work hard for you.
"We are at a moment now when liberalism is poised to have
its biggest impact since Roosevelt, because the conservative
movement has been thoroughly repudiated through reality."
"What matters, as always, is not what we can’t do,
it’s what we can and must do."
Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
Oklahoma and national Democratic Party.
Working to educate voters and politicians about issues of the GLBT
community, we are working to make change and shape history.
We meet the 1st Tuesday ofevery month at ~he
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 4, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/188.