[2010] Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 12
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 12
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
December 01, 2010
James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Ronald Blake
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Philip Green
Romeo San Vincente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Steven Petrow
Rex Wockneer
D'Anne Witkowski
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Victor Gorin
Ronald Blake
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Philip Green
Romeo San Vincente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Steven Petrow
Rex Wockneer
D'Anne Witkowski
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
The Metro Star Magazine, November 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 11
The Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2011; Volume 8, Issue 1
The Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2011; Volume 8, Issue 1
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
d "Arna Lee’ Smith
Go green while gettin’ down
witli Solar Soun{i 2, the new
and improved sun-powered
portabl~ speakers from
pioneering company Devotec. See page- 4 & 12
Twitter.com/MetroStarNews ~ MetroStarNews.com FREE ~ DECEMBER 1,2010
Passes Away Stop Hate in the Hallways 3rd Annua1
Conference- and more Relevant than
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
A legacy and legend left Behind
He was fondly remembered
as he owned a series of dubs in
Oklahoma City, beginning back
in the days when a GLBT night
on the town could be a scary
adventure. During the early
1960s America and Oklahoma
were quite different, where being
gay was officially still a mental
illness, sodomy laws were still
in the books, and gay rights (let
done marriage) weren’t even
discussed. Police raids on gay bars
were common, albeit on dubious
pretexts and very selective law
enforcement, much facilitated
"This is not a religious issue. It even goes beyond a basic human rights issue. It
is al! ab,,out the cl~ildren, es~pecially tkiose GLBT children who will I3e children
forever Scott Hamilton, ~xecutive Director of Cimarron Alliance
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Arnold Lee Smith 1.927-2010
"Truly we lost a pioneer. He paved the road
for the gay life we have in Oldahoma City
today, which is going strong now because of
him." Ginger Lamar
Arnold Lee Smith’s Memorial Service was
held at Bill Meritt’s Memorial Chapel
November 2 there were of course family
members, he was survived by 4 children
in addition to grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.
Born June 24, 1927 he served
in the military, and afterwards got married
and had a family. He was preceded in death
by his partner of over 37 years, Larry "Fuzzy"
Braker. His daughter, Debbie Hill, gave a
touching eulogy xvith lighthearted memories
of her dad, a man who taught her to love the
outdoors, people and life. Even in his final
days she remembered his sense of campy
humor. During his stay ar the Norman
Veteran’s Home she remembered a time when
a nurse sported a new big hairdo. When that
nurse asked Arnold ifhe liked it he replied,
"Oh honey, give me a comb and I can fix
or ashamed to fight back.
Bu{evenin ii~ik dark scenario
Arnbld~’ first club, Lee~ Lounge
which opened in the mid 1960s
in the Paseo District, was a brigh.t
spot for the GLBT community
that refused to back down.
Although the club endured
relentless police harassment, the
club proudly kept going. On many
occasions -#hen he was arrested
along with his customers, he
would bail himself and his customers out
and re-open the bar the same night. His drag
persona, Arna Lee, became famous during
this time, accompanied by his outrageously
fun costumes and tap dancing with a campy
wit to match. During this time he became
a "Drag Mother" to many budding female
impersonators, a passion that spanned over
40 years.
He was probably best known as the owner
of Oklahoma’s first major show bar, The
Roadhouse, located way out in a secluded
location near Frontier City. There many
major entertainers got their start, and the
community had a place to go even if it was
for most a lengthy drive. Even tong after
the bar closed in 1978, their customers and
performers held many Roadhouse Reunions
to celebrate the good times they had there,
and the movement it hdped create for GLBT
Following this venture Mr. Smith
purchased the Outrigger in 1979, located
in the Viva Motor Inn ( now the site of the
YWCA Women’s Crisis Center). Done up in
a.lovely south seas scenario with bathescaphe
speakers, ir was a lively party
........Continued See LEE Page-4
Left Scott Hamilton, Executive Director ofCimarron Alliance, and Oklahoma City Superintendant
ofPublic Schools I~rl Springe~ Gorin photo
time Cimarron Alliance sponsored a Stop
Hate in the Hallways Conference it was
a first in more ways than one. Although
school bullying had raised the concerns of
some school systems, and there had been
conferences about safer classrooms, Stop Hate
in the Hallways was the first time bullying
facing GLBT students, or those perceived to
be, was ever addressed.
For too many of those in the GLBT
commumty ~vho remember their school
days, the previous conferences may have
seemed like ignoring the gorilla in the
room, and their perception has merit. By
2007 the National School Climate Survey
indicated that over 86.2% ofGLBT students
had been harassed, and 22.1% had been
physically assaulted. GLBT youth are 7
times more likely to attempt suicide than
their heterosexual peers, and 1/3 of sexual
minority suicides occur before the age of 17.
Inaction by school authorities contributes to
the problem, wins action talien in only 44%
of the reported incidents, while 59% of the
incidents are never reported.
As with the previous conferences,
this event drew educators and school
administrators as well as others involved
together from throughout Oldahoma, -
this time held at the Moore -Norman
Technology Center. Headlining a workshop
about administrative policy issues was
Oklahoma City School Superintendant Karl
Springer and Millard House, the Assistant
Superintendant of the Tulsa Public Schools.
Both school systems have adopted anti
bullying policies which specify the category
of real or perceived sexual orientation, and
Oklahoma’s City’s policy goes further to
include sexual identity.
The two keynote speakers were Warren
Blumenfeld and Steve Wessler. Mr Bluemfeld,
today a professor of Multicultural and
International Curriculum Studies at Iowa
State University, told of growing tip
Jewish "and perceived as GLBT when he
was relentlessly bullied and faced severe
harassment from junior high to the college
level. After a series of workshops, the
conference ended with a presentation by Steve
Wessler, the Executive Director of the Center
for Preventing Hate, based in Maine which he
created in ! 999. He had worked in the Maine
Attorney General’s office and as a lawyer in
private practice, but now has a crusade he
has taken towards making schools safer for all
........Continued See HATE Page-6
2200 W I~ Se~ice Road OKC
2 December
Openly Gay Native
ONahoman inducted
into the Music Hall of
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
2010 World AIDS Day
celebrations promote
awareness, education
By Robin D-Townsend
Metro Star Team
:r 2 Election aftermathleas
some ofour Friends Survived
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Oklahoman Sam Harris inducted into the
Oklahoma dvIusic Hail ofFame.
"[ kind of feel like, are you sure? Really?
Do you have the right gw?"
Those were the senriments expressed by
Oklahoma native Sam Harris who at age
49 was inducted into the Oklahoma Music
Halt oirFame along with country singer Jean
Shepa/d la Pauls Valley native best lmown
tbr her 1953 duet with Ferlin Husky entitled
"Dear John), rock guitarist Jamie Oldaker
( who played in the bands of Bob Seger,
Eric Clapton, and was a founding member
of the Tractors, a country rock group) and
Les Gilliam, who was named as the Official
Oklahoma Balladeer by the Oklahoma State
Legislature in 1998.
Born in Cushing and growing up in Sand
Springs, Mr. Harris won recognition for his
winning performance of "Over the Rainbow"
on the televised talent show Starsearch, which
has become his signature song. His first hit
with Motown records, "Sugar Don’t Bite" was
a national hit peaking at #36 on Billboard’s
singles chart in 1984 that also become a
dance classic. Since then he has performed
at sold our concerts at venues including New
York City’s Carnegie Hall and London’s
Vc’est End. He has starred on Broadway
and numerous television appearances. He
is openly gay, and has been with his partner
Danny Jacobsen, who is a film producer, since
1994. They adopted a son, Cooper Atticus
Harris- Jacobsen, in 2008, and Sam and
Danny got married on November 1 that same
The Oklalmma Music Hall of Fame,
located in Muskogee began with a vision in
1996 fol!owed with an act by the Oldahoma
State Legislature. Their headquarters and
museum is a renovated Frisco Freight Depot
located at 401 S. 3rd Street. Past honorees
have included Merle Haggard, Woody
Guthrie. Patti Page, Carrie Underwood and
the _All American Reiects. N~eir website is
Mayflower Congregation in NWOKCholds
WorldAIDS Day celebration events eac,b year
in Oklahoma City. In~ont ofthe church, white
crosses with red ribbons areplaced to remember
those whose lives have been directly affected with
AIDS Day is December 1st each year,
drawing people from around the world
together raising awareness about HIV/AIDS.
The events help demonstrate international
solidarity in the face of this disease. The day
allows public and private partners to come
together to raise awareness and encourage
progress inHIV/AIDS prevention, treatment
and care in highprevalence countries and
around the world.
"HIV/AIDS is not just in our country but
worldwide," said Mary Arbuckle, Executive
Director of Other Options and Friends Food
Pantry in Oklahoma City. "World AIDS
Day brings attention to this catastrophic
disease creating unity in the ~vorld by all of us
coming together."
Other Options supports the OKC
HIV/AIDS community with the Friends
Food Pantry, an unduplicated program in
Oklahoma for people living with HIV/
AIDS. They provide a home ddivery
program of food for homebound clients,
case management of the HOPWA program
(Housing opportunity for people living
with HIV/AIDS) and their Humanitarian
Medication Program is now providing
eight, third world countries with recycled
medications from across the US.
Other Options and other ASP
organizations will help with the November
30th event at Mayflower Congregation.
With the help ofMAC AIDS "Viva Glam"
employees will be volunteering all day
at Other Options ro get involved in the
\Vgorld health officials report the number
of people infected with the virus that causes
AIDS seems to be mostly stable. According
to an epidemic update by the World Health
Organization (WHO) and Joint U.N.
Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the
figure (about 33 million) has remained
virtually unchanged for the past few years.
....... Continued See AIDS Page 7
Fo,wter Oklahoma Corporation Commissionerfim Roth with State Representative AIMcAdff~ey,
andAtto,wey & Oklahoma Regent Richard Ogden at afi¢ndraiserforAl shortly before the election.
Gorin photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ In a turn of
events that left progressives and Democrats
reeling, the nation and especially Oklahoma
experienced a drastic change of power. With
the election of Mary Fallin and our new
governor, we not only have our first female
governor but also the first time all of our
statewide offices are held by Republicans,
with conservatives now in even greater
control of both houses of our state legislature.
Among the allies of the Oklahoma
GLBT community who survived the tide
were Andrew Rice-Incumbent State Senator
District 46, Anastasia Pittman-Incumbent
State Representative District 99, State
Representative Al McAffrey-Incumbent
State Representative District 88 and our
first and only openly gay state legislator,
and Willa Johnson-Incumbent Oklahoma
County Commissioner District 1. Although
Brittany Novotny did make history as the first
transgendered person to run for elective office
in Oklahoma, she did not succeed in ousting
Sally Kern, the incumbent in District 84 well
lmown for her anti-gay sentiments.
In order to change the political scene for
the future the Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian
Political Caucus is worldng on expanding
their membership and mailing list, forming
a PAC ( Political Action Committee) and
improving their voter guide system. As for the
future Jeanne Flanigan, the female co-chair
of the Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Political
Caucus, still has some optimism and calls for
action. As she puts it, "The new leadership
shotfld know that right after they are sworn
in we will be keeping track of how they are
protecting our rights. If they ~vant to roll
back any civil rights we will be writing letters
to them and editors, and demonstrating at
the Capitol. We have had a wake up call, and
realize how serious our task is of educating
voters and getting them to vote."
’uptc¥ ® Civil RightS ®Criminal
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625 N.W. 13th Street
CitV, OK 73103
December 1, 2010 3
Dennis R. Nefll Equality Center to feature works
from Tulsa artist Liz Ingersoll of"Mia Bdla Art"
Sex), ladies have long had a love affair with motorcycles.
Seems unlikel); but examine the evidence; nobody’s
forcing those busty blonds and brunettes to bend over
the handlebars in every bike rag sitting on newsstands.
One could argue that the female species likes the feeling
of all that prover. Whatever the case may be, California
Scooter Co. has carved a niche in the market for.women
who have a need for speed with three styles - Classic,
Greaser and Babydoll - and a custom-built option. The
company claims on its website that you’re in for the ride
of your life, and if one of these is waiting for your honey
in the garage on Christmas morning, you probably will
be. ($4,995 and up; www.californiascooterco.com)
His bulbs will shine bright in
these festive trunlcs from Pact, an
eco-friendly and cause-conscious
underwear shop. A portion of
the proceeds will help charitable
organizations EarthSpark and Citizen
E~ct send handheld solar lanterns to
Haitians in need. ($22; wv#~v.wearpact.
Unless your dentist loo}cs like John
Stamos, you\q rather stay away, which
presents a problem ifyou covet bright
white chompers. Sure, there are overthe-
counter bleaching methods - and
they’re relatively inexpensive - but
they’re also messy and often painful.
Ramona Singer infamously called Kodak antiquated,
much to the chagrin ofJi!l Zarin, who was hosting an
event on the company’s behalf during a season three
episode of ~Ihe Real Housewives of New York. Points
go to Team Jill for that round, because Rarnona was
way off base. In fact, the iconic brand is as cuttingedge
as they come where affordable consumer
technolog7 is involved. Case in point: the EasyShare
M580, the world’s thinnest I4-raegapixei, five-timeszoom
digital camera. Thg pocket-sized point-andshoot
also features a Share Button, which allows users
to tag and upload pics to Facebook, YouTube, the
Kodal< Gallery and Flickr within seconds of plugging
it into a computer. Mmhmm. xXOaatcha got now,
Ramona? ($199.95; www.kodak.com)
Simple, safe and effective, Supersmile takes a
bite out of the competition with
MOR~ GIFT IDEB2S - Page 12
a clinically proven gift set that includes a
Professional Series II LS45 Advanced Sonic
Pulse Toothbrush (with patented 45-degree
angled bristles) and a three-month supply of
its professional whitening system. The system
safely whitens natural teeth and restores
bonding, veneers, caps and dentures to their
original splendor. It also strengthens enamel
and eliminates harmful bacteria, plaque and
gingivitis. The one thing it won’t do, however,
is cure morning breath; dude is still gonna
taste icky in the a.m. ($159; www.supersmile.
4 December 1, 2010
TULSA, OK __The December
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit oflocat artists at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature works from
Tulsa artist Liz Ingersoll of"Mia Bella Art".
Liz Ingersoll began her career as a part
time portrait/event photographer in 2004 and
established a name in the local community
as Mia Belta Images. Since October 2009 Liz
has participated in numerous art shmvs under
the new name of Mia Bella Art. To keep her
artwork fresh and exciting she releases a new
collection each month from July thru January
and prints only limited editions.
In October 2010 Mia Bella Art was
proud to receive the Best in Show Award
from Utica Square’s Art in the Square and
was honored to provide 9 large pieces for the
fihning of The Lamp.
For a complete list of upcoming shows,
venues and local shops that sell Mia Bella
Art, find her on facebook or visit www.
miabellaart.com. To contact Liz for
commission xvork or invite her to participate
in your venue, email contact@miabeltaart.
corn or call 918-693-2677.
The show begins with a reception on
Thursday, December 2nd from 6-9pm and
continues throughout the month, w~wv.okeq.
org ~
Arnold Lee Smit/a AKA Arna Lee
parties. As his health failed him he went into
the Norman Veteran’s Center, a nursing home
for veterans, where he remained until his
death on Oct0ber 31~ He left behind many
friends who will always remember what he
did to make Oklahoma a better place.
place until it closed in 1981. After a sojourn
in Florida for a few years, he r~turned and
began his last club venture, a bar complex
on Lincoln Boulevard nostalgically named
the Roadhouse, which had multiple bars
as well as various shops. However after the
loss of his partner in 1995, who passed away
the day after the Oldahoma City bombing,
that venture failed after only about a year of
operation, and Arnold went into retirement.
His house faced N.W. 39th Street, and his
outdoor birthday parties during the annual
OKC Pride Parade were a joyous tradition.
Even close to his final days Arna Lee
still performed at Tramps, the Hilo, and
other clubs, frequently at fundraisers for the
Oldahoma Gay Rodeo Association and AIDS
"Walk OKC, as well as performing in private
Supremes refi se to block
The Supremes are keeping Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell in force.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 12
refused to vacate an order from the 9th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals that suspended an
injunction from the federal District Court
in Riverside, Califi, that prohibited the U.S.
government from enforcing the Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell military gay ban.
Which means: DADT can be enforced
during appeal of the Riverside decision that
found it unconstitutional -- unless President
Barack Obama, Congress and the Pentagon
end the ban in the interim.
Plaintiff Log Cabin Republicans had
asked the Supreme Court to vacate the 9th
Circuit order, thereby allowing Riverside
Judge Virginia Phillips’ injunction to go back
into force. Supreme Court Justice Anthony
Kennedy, who hears such requests from the
9th Circuit, referred the matter to the full
Supreme Court, where Justice Elena Kagan
opted not to take part in the decision.
Phillips issued her injunction Oct. 12
after finding that DADT violates the U.S.
Constitution’s guarantees of free speech, due
process and right to petition for redress of
The injunction remained in place until
Oct. 20, when the 9th Circuit issued a brief
stay ~vhile it decided whether to issue a longer
stajg which it did Nov. 1.
During the eight days the injunction was
in force, the military stopped kicking gays
and lesbians our of the services and began
letting them re-enlist.
The Obama administration’s insistence
on appealing Phillips’ DADT strikedown has
been highly irritating to gay activists, given
that the president says he strongly opposes
DADT. Obama, however, says the policy
needs to be ended by Congress, which created
it, not the courts.
Xhe administration also has argued that
the Justice Department has an obligation to
defend federal laws that are challenged, and
that DADT should not be ended abruptly
because that will disrupt and harm military
The Pentagon recently conducted a
massive survey of members of the military
to help it decide how to end DADT. Leaked
versions of the findings, which will be
released officially in December, reportedly
reveal that most members of the armed forces
are fine with GLB people serving openly.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed
a measure this ),ear authorizing the military
to end DADT but the Senate did not follow
suit after Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., staged a
filibuster over the matter.
"It is unfortunate that an unconstitutional
law that is causing substantial harm to
military readiness and to tens of thousands of
troops is allowed to remain in effect for even
one more day," said Alexander Nicholson,
executive director of Servicemembers United.
"~is just underscores the need to
continue to put pressure on Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid to allow the defense
authorization bill (which includes DADT
repeal language) to come back up and take
its first procedural step before the Senate’s
Thanksgiving recess," Nicholson said.
"Servicemembers United, Servicemembers
Legal Defense Network, Stonewall
Democrats, and the Log Cabin Republicans
have all strongly and consistently called on
Sen. Reid to do just that. It is now time for
other organizations, as wel! as the White
House, to publicly do the same."
The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force urged supporters to call the Capitol
switchboard at 202-224-3121 and tell
both of their U.S. senators to authorize
repeal of DADT by voting for the defenseauthorization
bill this month.
"We can only be assured of having the 60
votes we need ifwe can change minds before
the new members of the Senate take their
seats," the group said.
But LCR attorney Dan Woods thinks that
ship has all but sunk.
"With the likelihood of Congress
repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell fading with
each passing day, judicial relief continues
to be perhaps the most viable avenue for
ending this unconstitutional policy," Woods
said. "We and Log Cabin Republicans
will continue to fight on to protect the
constitutional rights of all Americans who
want to serve in our military without regard
to their sexual orientation. Our next step
will be to ask the 9th Circuit to expedite the
government’s appeal from Judge Phillips’
judgment and ~nJuncnon¯
LCR Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper
commented: "We are committed to pursuing
every avenue in the fight against this failed
and unconstitutional polic~ Log Cabin will
continue working to secure the votes needed
for legislative repeal, and if necessary, we look
forward to seeing President Obama’s attorneys
in court next year to prove, once again, that
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell doesn’t work."
Gays sue reds over
marriage again
Edie lZ~ndsog right, and ~ea S~ye,: ACLUphoto
~ie New England legal group Gay
& Lesbian Advocates & Defenders filed
a multiplaintiff lawsuit challenging the
constitutionality of the federal Defense of
Marriage Act on Nov. 9.
In Pedersen v. Office of Personnel
Management, GLAD represents five married
same-sex couples and a widower, who live in
Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire.
The 11 plaintiffs all have been denied federal
rights and protections solely because they are
married to a person of the same sex.
The suit, filed in federal District
Court in Connecticut, addresses DOMA’s
nonrecognition of marriages in connection
with federal employee and retiree benefits
progranas, Social Security benefits, survivor
benefits under federal pension laws, work
leave to care for a spouse under the Family
and Medical Leave Act, and state retiree
health insurance benefits that are controlled
by federal tax law.
Additional plaintiffs ~vho pay excess
~ederal income tax because they cannot file
their federal returns as married couples will
join the suit once the IRS officially rejects
their requests for refunds.
"Every day that DOMA stands, it
arbitrarily divides married couples into two
categories," said GLAD Legal Director Gary
Also on Nov. 9, the American Civil
Liberties Union sued the feds in New York
over DOMA.
The group represents 81-year-old Edie
Windsor, who had to pay $350,000 in
additional estate taxes because the federal
government treated her as single, even though
she was married to Thea Spyer and their
marriage was recognized by the state ofNew
"(T)he federal government ... taxed Thea’s
estate as though we were strangers rather than
spouses," Windsor said. "(It’s) a tax on being
"These cases provide further evidence
that the so-called Defense of Marriage Act is
not simply an abstract insult to the dignity
of same-sex couples and their families --
although it is indeed a deeply offensive law,"
said Human Rights Campaign President Joe
Solmonese. "DOMA causes real harm to
people like Joanne Pedersen, Ann Meitzen
and Edie Windsor, denying them economic
security, health coverage and other critical
federal rights and benefits that other married
couples take for granted."
The section ofDOMA that prevents the
federal government from recognizing stares’
same-sex marriages already was struck down
as unconstitutional earlier this year in two
cases from Massachusetts, but the Obama
administration has appealed the rulings.
The section, which the federal District
Court in Boston found
unconstitutional in three ways,
states: "In determining the
meaning of any Act of Congress,
or of any ruling, regulation, or
interpretation of the various
administrative bureaus and
agencies of the United States,
the word ’marriage’ means only a
legal union between one man and
one woman as husband and wife,
and the word ’spouse’ refers only
to a person of the opposite sex
who is a husband or a wife."
The language overrides any
state’s determination that a
couple is married and says that
they are not married for purposes trait
federal laws and programs, even though the
federal government otherwise has always
deferred to state determinations of marital
The Boston court said DOMA violates the
Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment
.....Continued see MARRIAGE - page 6
December ~, 2010
DADT protesters
arrested at White House
By Rex Woclmer
Photo by Sean Cark’on, Talk About Equali~
Courtesy ofGetEQUAL
WASHINGTON, DC __ Thirteen
supporters of the direct-action group
GetEQUAL were arrested at the xYc~lite House
fence Nov. 15 after handcuffing themselves to
it and supergluing their handcuff locks.
They demanded that the Senate join the
House in authorizing ,repeal of the Dofft Ask,
Don’t Tell military ban on noncloseted GLBs
before the Senate adjourns this year.
Arrested were Dan Choi, Autumn Sandeen,
Evelyn Thomas, Mara Boyd, Geoff Farrow,
Robin McGehee, Miriam Ben-Shalom, Justin
Elzie, Ian Finkenbinder, Robert Smith, Dan
Fotou, Scott glooledge and Michael Bedwell.
"Included in the thirteen arrested are
veterans and advocates spanning three
generations of brave and courageous
Americans, who sacrificed their careers and
lives to see the day this discriminatory ban on
openly gay and lesbian service in the military
finally goes into the history books," said
GetEQUAL Director Robin McGehee. "Today
we have sent a loud and clear message to the
U.S. Senate and President Obama that we
expect them to make good on their promises
to end this inhumane law this year, during the
lame-duck session of Congress."
DADT was struck down as
unconstitutional by a federal District
Court earlier this year and for eight days an
injunction prohibited the military from kicking
out open gays or barring them from enlisting.
But the Obama administration appealed the
injunction all the way to the Supreme Court,
which upheld a stay of it issued by the 9th U.S.
Circuit Court ofAppeals. Tnat reinstated the
policy for the duration of the appeals of the
District Court ruling.
Obama has said he wants Congress, not
courts, to end the ban, and Justice Department
laxvyers argued in court filings that the ban
must not be lifted abruptly by a judge because
that would harm military operations.
The House of Representatives voted earlier
this year to authorize the armed forces to end
DADT, but the Senate failed to follow suit.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon has been
conducting a massive survey of troops and
their families, due to be released in December,
to help it decide how to end DADT. Leaked
reports of the findings suggest that a majority
of members of the military are not troubled by
openly gay servicemembers.
6 December ~, 2010 ~~R
But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.,
ranking member of the Senate Armed
Services Committee has, for all intents and
purposes, vowed to continue to block Senate
authorization ofDADT repeal, complaining
that the massive Pentagon survey didn’t ask
the right questions.
"All four service chiefs are saying we
need a thorough and complete study of
the effects -- not how to implement a
repeal, but the effects on morale and battle
effectiveness," McCain told MSNBC on
Nov. 14. "That’s what I ,want, and once we
get this (current) study, ~ve need to have
hearings and we need to exarnine it and
we need to look at whether it’s the kind of
study that we wanted. It isn’t, in my view,
because I wanted a study to determine the
effects of the repeal on battle effectiveness
and morale. What this study is designed to
do is to find out how the repeal could be
Photo by Sean Carlson, Courtesy of
The DADT repeal measure is part ofthe
bill that will fund the entire U.S. military in
2011. As a result, McCain’s obstructionism
has left the overall funding bill unpassed by
the Senate as well.
Surveys have found that neatly 80
percent of Americans are fine with letting
gays in the military come out of the closet
by ending the DADT policy.
3rd Annual Falalalala
Ball Saturday, December
18th: 7pro Dennis R
Neill Equality Center
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Don your gay
apparel and join us for the 3rd annual
Fatalalala Ball. ~e evening will include
pictures with Santa and Mrs Claus and the
naughty and nice elves, Cash Bar and heavy
hor d’oeuvres. Pull out ),our holdiay dress and
business casual and enjoy. Admission Price is
one of the following: pet food for A Friend
for A Friend, personal toiletries for Our
House Too, non perishable food items for St
Jerome Church Food Pantry.
For more information visit: vrw~v.OkEq.
Popular LGBT tourist
destination first in
Arkansas to offer health
insurance coverage to
domestic partners o city
only city in Arkansas with a Domestic
Partnership Registry has become the first city
in the state to provide health care coverage for
the domestic partners of municipal workers.
The cig;s insurance provider, the Arkansas
Municipal League, notified the city on
November 15, 2010 that beginning January
!, 2011 both same- and opposite-sex partners
of city wm-kers will have the same access to
health insurance as legal spouses.
The announcement culminated a yearlong
campaign by residents of this northwest
Arkansas tourist town which in June 2007
became the first city in the state to enact a
Domestic Partnership Registry ordinance
to ot~cially recognize unmarried couples in
committed relationships.
"Once again Eureka Springs is leading by
exan~ple, this time in the realm of workplace
equality," said Michael Walsh, who helped
lead the effort to expand health care coverage.
"Marital status shouldn’t be the deciding
factor in access to ’family plan’ insurance.
Legally wed or not, all city workers should
get the same employment benefits, including
access to health insurance for their partners."
Expanding the definition of"fan~ily
dependent" was "the right thing to do,"
Eureka Springs Mayor Dani Joy wrote to
the Municipal League in August, just xveeks
before the city council passed a resolution
endorsing domestic partnership insurance
"I am aware as well as you that some will
construe this as a ’gay issue’," said Joy. "But
the reality is that there are many heterosexual
couples who chose to live together in a
committed relationship - as a family - without
entering into the civil contract of marriage,.
These folks face the same ’family’ challenges
every day, not the least of which is providing
health care for themselves and for those who
are dependent on them.... the definition of
family is at the center of our concerns."
Joy and cityTransit Director Lamont
Richie met with the Arkansas Municipal
League Nov. 4 to lobby for a more inclusive
health insurance policy.
Monday’s announcement that their efforts
were successful "is a huge step forward," said
"And though only employees of the
City of Eureka Springs will be able to take
advantage of it for
now," he said, "other
communities in
the state may be
encouraged to adopt
their own Domestic
Partnership Registries
as a means of providing
health insurance
benefits to domestic
partners of their
to the U.S. Constitution by treating
married gay couples differently from married
straight couples without any rational basis
for doing so. It also found that DOMA
violates the 10th Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution by intruding in areas
of exclusive state authority, and violates
the Spending Clause in Article 1 of the
Constitution by forcing Massachusetts to
discriminate against its married gay citizens
in order to receive certain types of federal
President Barack Obama does not support
same-sex marriage, although he did in 1996
when he was campaigning for an Illinois
Senate seat. But in a recent xYvq~ite House
meeting with five progressive bloggers, the
president suggested he might be getting ready
to change his mind again.
"I do not intend to make big news sitting
here with tl~e five of you, as wonderful
as you guys are," Obama said at the Oct.
27 meeting. "But H1 say this .... I have
been to this point unwilling to sign on to
same-sex marriage primarily because of my
understandings of the traditional definitions
of marriage, but I also think you’re right that
attitudes evolve, including mine. I think
that it is an issue that I wrestle with and
think about because I have a whole host
of friends who are in gay partnerships. I
have staff members who are in committed,
monog~ous relationship.s, who are raising
children, who are wonderful parents, and I
care about them deeply, and so while I’m not
prepared to reverse myself here, sitting in the
Roosevelt Room at 3:30 in the afternoon, I
think it’s fair to say that it’s something that
I think a lot about. That’s probably the best
you’ll get out ofme toda): ... The one thing I
wil! say today is I think it’s pretty dear where
the trendlines are going ... the arc of history."
Most inspiring was OSU-OKC students
who participated in the Upward Bound
summer session, a preparation program
for first generation college students., xvho
have held rallies at Western Heights High
School and the Oklahoma State Capitol
raising awareness about school bu!lying. The
conference, although inclusive of the GLBT
community, also included other categories of
bullying including race, religion, and physica!
disabilities. Cimarron Alliance hopes the
conference will grow, with more teacher and
school administrators.
By Steven Petrow
&even Pelrow is the author of’The Essential
Book ofGay Manners &Etiquette. " Send
him your questions at queeries@live.com.
"We waist to help other kids fight bullying"
"Events like these help us remember,
in a good way, those we have lost and to
remember that there has been so much
progress for this disease," said Chuck
Longacre of Oklahoma City. "There is just a
marked change for a lot of folks living better
and living longer now." Longacre worl~ with
Red Rock and Expressions Outreach Center
(just offthe OKC strip) providing free HIV/
AIDS testing and counseling.
The first World AIDS Day was celebrated
on December 1, 1988 and officials say the
global epidemic of HIV/AIDS probably
peaked in 1996. WHO takes the lead in the
global health sector’s response to HIV/AIDS
and provides evidence-based information at
HRC scorecard:
Congress is polarized
The new edition of the Human Rights
Campaign’s "Congressional Scorecard" has
found an increase in both "highly supportive"
and "highly anri-LGBT" legislators.
HRC said the findings reveal a "stark
’~k strong and devoted group of anti-
LGBT legislators continues to stymie the
progress LGBT people deserve," said HRC
President Joe Solmonese. "The fact that the
first ever vote to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell in the House of Representatives was
countered by a filibuster in the Senate
illustrares the landscape."
In the House, 145 members received
a pro-gay score ofg0 percent or better,
compared to 128 members in the previous
Congress. Senators scoring 90 percent or
better this year rose from 32 to 36. However,
the number of senators receiving a zero
score from HRC climbed as well, from 16
to 32. The number of House zeros remained
As more and more American’s support
equality for LGBT people, some members of
Congress are showing real leadership while
others are digging in their heels to cater to an
anti-LGBT fringe constituency," said HRC
Legislative Director Allison Herwitt.
The scorecard is based on votes and cosponsorships
regarding hate crimes, gays in
the military, employment nondiscrimination,
tax equity, same-sex marriage, same-sex
partner immigration, HIV treatment, needle
exchange, and the Elena Kagan and Sonia
Sotomayor Supreme Court confirmations.
For full results, see hrc.org/scorecard.
No matter who yo*
are on life’s journt
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10 December1,2010
Creep ofthe Month
By D’Anne Witkowski
D’Anne WYtkowski has been gayfor pay since 2003.
She’s af!’eelance writer and Oct (beiieve it~.O. When shes
nOt taking on the creeps ofthe world she reviews rock
roll sh~ows in Detroit with her twin sister
"Clint McCance"
You know the old saying, "Ifyou
don’t have anything nice to say, say it on
Facebook?" Well, Arkansas Midland School
District vice president Clint McCance took
it to heart recently when he posted some vile
anti-gay hate speech to rival Fred Phelps and
his band of "God Hates Fags" loonies.
\Vhat set McCance off
was a cal! for supporters of
LGBT youth to wear purple in
memory of the young people
who recently committed
suicide after being bullied.
"Seriously they want me
to wear purple because five
queers committed suicide," he
posted. "The only way im wearin it for them
is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the
people of this world have gotten this stupid.
We are honoring the fact that they sinned and
killed therselves because of their sin. REALLY
Yes, really. Did I mention he was a school
board member? Oh, to be a gay kid in
Midland. Those lucl~, devils.
, One ofMcCances friends commented,
Because hatred is always right:. 2
To which he responds, "No because being
a fag doesnt give you the right to ruin the
rest of our lives. Ifyou get easily offended
by being called a fag then dent tell anyone
you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I
dent care how people decide to live their
lives. They dent bother me if they keep it to
thereselves. It pisses me off though that we
make a special purple fag day for them. I like
that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact
that they often give each other aids and die."
D~d you catch that lastpart. He enj.ovs
when gays get AIDS and die. Ha ha. You
know, typical LOL stuff.
Another friend commented, "You kmow
this is somebodys kids here how would you
feel if they were talkin about your kids like
this. It would make you feel like SHIT."
No worries, McCance knows exactly how
," i’m not sure that
there’s an honorable
way to wish all gay
people dead even it=
he had used different I
words to do it.
he’d feel. "I would disown my kids if
they were gay," he posts. "They will not be
~velcome at my home or in my viciniry. I
will absolutely run them off. Of course my
kids will imow better. My kids will have solid
christian beliefs."
Where these "solid Christian beliefs" will
come from I don’t know. Certainly not from
their father.
Needless to say,
McCance’s comments
caused quite a stir with
many people calling for his
A visibly uncomfortable
and maybe even contrite
McCance appeared oh CNN with Anderson
Cooper and apologized for his comments
saying they were "too emotional" and "went
too far."
As for the terms "fag" and "queer" he told
Cooper, "I know those are hurtful words and
like I said, I picked the wrong words to use.
And used them poorly. I didn’t bring honor
to what I was about."
I’m not sure that there s an honorable way
to ~vish all gay people dead even if he had
used different words to do it.
He also stated that he doesn’t "wish death
on anyone" and that "it does look like I’m a
hatemonger or a horrible person’and that’s
not me at al!."
Urn, yes. It does look like that. Very
much like that, in fact. It’s kind of hard to
accept that a person who thinks, "Hey I have
a minute to post on Facebook before I head
off to this school board meeting and here’s
something totally appropriate to say" isn’t
a hatemonger. No matter how much they
apologize or resign from the school board on
Anderson Cooper 360.
So, yeal~. He resigned. And he’s sorry. But
the boot print of mistrust and feat on the
backs ofLGBT school kids, especially those
in the Midland school system, isn’t going to
wash out so easily. ~
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~T~S’~AR t December 1, 2010
Go green while
gettin’ down with Solar
Sound 2. the new and
improved sun-powered
portable speakers from
pioneering compaW
Devotec. Building
upon the success of the
original Solar Sound. this upgrade promises a
superior listening experience with the use of
specialty woven speaker cones; silver-plated,
oxygen-free copper cabling; an efficient power
circuit to provide even more juice to the amp;
and a larger integrated battery that increases
playing time to five to 10 hours, depending
on the volume levd. 3-hat’s where the sun
comes in. With its embedded solar panel
and quick charging system, the unit can play
continuously under UV rays - even when the
built-in battery is dead. Party on, parry boy.
($99.99; www.devotecindustries.com)
There are digital photo frames, and then
there’s the CEIVA digital photo frame.
What’s the difference? For starters, CEIVA
frames come preloaded with your favorite
pics, so when the recipient opens the box
your pearly whites are peering fight back.
But that’s not the best part. The frames are
connected, allmving anyone, anywhere to
send photos directly to the frame by camera
phone, e-mail, Facebook and more - a nice
surprise for grandma when she walks in to see
ne,v pictures from her favorite gay grandson.
Unless her favorite gay grandson hits the
wrong button, of course. But then, he really
shouldn’t have such scandalous content stored
on his Droid, now should he? ($127.99 and
up; wvvw.ceiva.com)
Paging Peg Bundy! Al’s trophy ~vife "
loved her some bonbons - but probably not
this ~nd. Moulton’s Bon Bons are truffleshaped
mounds of clay and organic compost
combined with seeds. The Garden pack
features two each of basil, parsley, chives and
thyme, while the herb tea selection includes
double quantities of borage, chamomile,
lemon balm and Stinging Nettle. Just toss the
handcrafted clay* balls into the garden or an
indoor container, add water, and watch them
grow. Perfect for that crazy uncle who "talks"
his plants. Misery loves compan}: ($14.95;
Turn up the heat with Scandle, a
shimmery candle that burns two degrees
above body temperature to produce a
soothing body oil in a relaxing aroma.
Perfect for massages, cuticle treatments or
as an everyday moisturizer. ($22.95; www.
’Ihis ain’t your daddy’s razor. The Philips
Norelco SensoTouch 3D uses GyroFlex 3D
technology to enable three-dimensional
contouring that pivots around, tilts inward
and flexes outward to adjust seamtessly
to every curve of the face and neck. The
UltraTrack heads include channels to catch
longer hairs, slots to catch normal hairs,
By Ed Sikov
Ed Sikov # the author ofDark lcqcto,7; 7he Life
ofBette Davis and ot?~er books aboutfilms and
" he Scarborough Fair"
It’s very loud in the city much
louder than any Fire Island sound system
blasting the recent archaeological discovery,
Barbra Streisand. But I’ve kept a bit of my
summer garden in preserved form, and it’s
literally a tonic.
Just before we left the beach house, I was
seized with an ovmwhelming need to take
something with me - something to get me
through the tough, cold northeast winter.
Dan had already put his suitcase outside
the gate when, stricken with this impulse, I
dropped my stuff, sprinted to the container
garden in the back, and ripped out bunches
of herbs. "What are you doing?" said Dan
when I reappeared carrying two fistfuls of
aromatics. "What are you doing?" I replied
as I stuffed them into my backpack. He
answered on cue: "What are you doing?!" It’s
a routine we do.
"I don’t know," I said as I picked up my
backpack. "It’s part of a Native-American
ha~est ritual." "Don’t be racist," Dan scolded.
We distracted ourselves by insulting each
other as we walked to the ferry.
By the time we got home, the herbs
looked pretty sad, so to refresh them I
wrapped them in a wet towel and stuck
them in the refrigerator. I decided to make
an herbal infusion, so the next morning, I
bought a fifth ofAbsolut.
After doing some cursory Internet
research, I decided I kaaew better. (I’m
obnoxious.) So I washed the ragged bouquets,
dried them in a salad spinner, and laid them
out on the counter. I hadn’t planned this
desperate harvest at all; the herbs I’d blindly
grabbed at twilight consisted of sage, thyme,
tarragon, lovage, parsley and rosemarT~
The infusion ingredients instantly chose
themselves: parsley, sage, rosemary and
thyme. Don’t you just love that song? I put
the iPod on its little donut and set it to my
Pau! Simon playlist, then gently bruised the
herbs to release their oils and juices, stuffed
them in a large, dean, Mason-type glass jar,
poured the Absolut in and sealed it.
I waited one day too long. On the third
day, the infusion was a gorgeous shade
of bright green; the next day it starting
browning, and I yanked the herbs out before
the thing started to look like peat moss runoff.
¯ne taste? Well, the Garfunlde herb mix
tasted very good, though in the future I might
just use rosemary (it’s got the best flavor) and
some parsley for color. Turning an herbal
infusion into a cocktail is easy: you can have
it straight up at room temperature, put it on
the rocks, stick the bottle in the freezer or add
some seltzer and a lime segment. Simple! And
ifa guest says your handcrafted infused vodka
is not ro her liking? Just tell her to go reap it
in a sickle of leather. That should shut her up.
(But what the hell does it mean?)
"~he Scarborough Fair"
Get some herbs. I’d try rosemary first,
with some parsley for color. Measurements
are useless here, since the whole point is to
make it handcrafted by you. Wash and dry
the herbs thoroughly, put them in a glass jar
with a lid that seals tightly, pour in enough
Absolut to cover the herbs, and seal the jar.
Taste often. When it looks and tastes right t.o
you, strain the infusion back into the Absolut
bottle or the bottle or jar of your choice.
Drink it straight, or mixed with some seltzer
or a small splash of tomato juice.
and holes to catch even the shortest stubble,
cutting every hair with fewer strokes.
Designed to be innovative and attractive in
function and design, this cordless, electric
shaver also features the SldnGlide system that
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Kyan would be proud. ($199-$349; www.
with The Original Disposable Flask, a
lightweight, durable, collapsible and freezable
portal of potency that fits perfectly in a
pocket or purse. Great for one-time use or
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By Jack Fertig
December 2010
"Be sensible, LibraP’
Mars in Sagittarius provokes us to
speak and act out in search of new
perspectives. He’s squared to Uranus,
though, provoking accidents, rash
statements and decisions we’ll regret
later. The greatest adventures are deep
inside. Meditation and introspection can
yield tremendous insights.
ARIES (Paarch 20- Apri~ 19): Your
ruler, Mars, is goading you to explore
new ideas and places. Even - or
especially - in quiet meditation in a dark
room you can hardly help but to make
important discoveries. Staying true to
yourself means accepting growth and
TAURUS (Apri~ 20 - P~ay 20): Finding
sexual adventure is easy enough, but it
could complicate friendships. The erotic
energy that’s making you so popular
could be harnessed into a more political
charisma. What to do? The answer is
deep inside you.
GEMIN~ (Paay 21- June 20): It’s harder
than usual to stay out of arguments.
"Your friends could help you if you can
keep the signals clear. Thinking ahead
is good; intuiting ahead is better. Accept
criticism from the boss, even if overly
harsh, as a challenge to improve.
CANCER (June 21o July 22): Talking
with your boss about your goals is
sure to highlight existing confusion,
but can lead toward resolution. Not
talking about the problem will just make
it worse. Just complaining about lack
of direction will undermine efforts and
LEO (July 23 - August 22): The call
to adventure may be irresistible, but it
does involve bigger risks than you can
anticipate. Look ahead and be careful
to cut down on dangers, but you will be
surprised - maybe for the better.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Domestic squabbles might make for
some crazy passion or lead to great
makeup sex. That won’t eliminate
the conflict, but it could reframe it
dramatically. That could lead to a
helpful breakthrough, but you still have
lots of work ahead of you!
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Worrying about accidents invites them
as much as carelessness does. Be
sensible, observe standard precautions,
but dithering and first-guessing yourself
is no good either. "Helpful" efforts,
whichever end you’re on, are also likely
to make things worse.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Hide the plastic. Any unnecessary
shopping can only end badly. Set
aside a carefully budgeted amount
for entertainment and have some fun.
You need to release some energy, but
there’s no need for it to be expensive.
14 December 1, 2010
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 20): Get out and have a little
fun, but even there, think ahead and be
careful. Home is a danger zone, and not
just for the preponderance of accidents
that happen there. Not a good time to
call the folks either!
CAPRICORN (December 2t -
January 19): Digging up family secrets
could prove explosive. How much are
you ready to learn? Revealing those
(or other) secrets could cause a lot of
trouble. You need to talk, but select your
confidante wisely.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Going out on a limb for political
principle can gain you points for
audacity and integrity, but leave you in
the lurch. Holding true to core values
is most important, but how they work in
reality should evolve with the times.
PISCES (February 19 - I~arch 19):
Daring risks and changes might get
you ahead, but the only guarantee is
that without taking a chance you’ll trip
yourself up badly. Meditate on what’s
important. In the end instinct and
intuition will serve better than apparent
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d "Arna Lee’ Smith
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Passes Away Stop Hate in the Hallways 3rd Annua1
Conference- and more Relevant than
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
A legacy and legend left Behind
He was fondly remembered
as he owned a series of dubs in
Oklahoma City, beginning back
in the days when a GLBT night
on the town could be a scary
adventure. During the early
1960s America and Oklahoma
were quite different, where being
gay was officially still a mental
illness, sodomy laws were still
in the books, and gay rights (let
done marriage) weren’t even
discussed. Police raids on gay bars
were common, albeit on dubious
pretexts and very selective law
enforcement, much facilitated
"This is not a religious issue. It even goes beyond a basic human rights issue. It
is al! ab,,out the cl~ildren, es~pecially tkiose GLBT children who will I3e children
forever Scott Hamilton, ~xecutive Director of Cimarron Alliance
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Arnold Lee Smith 1.927-2010
"Truly we lost a pioneer. He paved the road
for the gay life we have in Oldahoma City
today, which is going strong now because of
him." Ginger Lamar
Arnold Lee Smith’s Memorial Service was
held at Bill Meritt’s Memorial Chapel
November 2 there were of course family
members, he was survived by 4 children
in addition to grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.
Born June 24, 1927 he served
in the military, and afterwards got married
and had a family. He was preceded in death
by his partner of over 37 years, Larry "Fuzzy"
Braker. His daughter, Debbie Hill, gave a
touching eulogy xvith lighthearted memories
of her dad, a man who taught her to love the
outdoors, people and life. Even in his final
days she remembered his sense of campy
humor. During his stay ar the Norman
Veteran’s Home she remembered a time when
a nurse sported a new big hairdo. When that
nurse asked Arnold ifhe liked it he replied,
"Oh honey, give me a comb and I can fix
or ashamed to fight back.
Bu{evenin ii~ik dark scenario
Arnbld~’ first club, Lee~ Lounge
which opened in the mid 1960s
in the Paseo District, was a brigh.t
spot for the GLBT community
that refused to back down.
Although the club endured
relentless police harassment, the
club proudly kept going. On many
occasions -#hen he was arrested
along with his customers, he
would bail himself and his customers out
and re-open the bar the same night. His drag
persona, Arna Lee, became famous during
this time, accompanied by his outrageously
fun costumes and tap dancing with a campy
wit to match. During this time he became
a "Drag Mother" to many budding female
impersonators, a passion that spanned over
40 years.
He was probably best known as the owner
of Oklahoma’s first major show bar, The
Roadhouse, located way out in a secluded
location near Frontier City. There many
major entertainers got their start, and the
community had a place to go even if it was
for most a lengthy drive. Even tong after
the bar closed in 1978, their customers and
performers held many Roadhouse Reunions
to celebrate the good times they had there,
and the movement it hdped create for GLBT
Following this venture Mr. Smith
purchased the Outrigger in 1979, located
in the Viva Motor Inn ( now the site of the
YWCA Women’s Crisis Center). Done up in
a.lovely south seas scenario with bathescaphe
speakers, ir was a lively party
........Continued See LEE Page-4
Left Scott Hamilton, Executive Director ofCimarron Alliance, and Oklahoma City Superintendant
ofPublic Schools I~rl Springe~ Gorin photo
time Cimarron Alliance sponsored a Stop
Hate in the Hallways Conference it was
a first in more ways than one. Although
school bullying had raised the concerns of
some school systems, and there had been
conferences about safer classrooms, Stop Hate
in the Hallways was the first time bullying
facing GLBT students, or those perceived to
be, was ever addressed.
For too many of those in the GLBT
commumty ~vho remember their school
days, the previous conferences may have
seemed like ignoring the gorilla in the
room, and their perception has merit. By
2007 the National School Climate Survey
indicated that over 86.2% ofGLBT students
had been harassed, and 22.1% had been
physically assaulted. GLBT youth are 7
times more likely to attempt suicide than
their heterosexual peers, and 1/3 of sexual
minority suicides occur before the age of 17.
Inaction by school authorities contributes to
the problem, wins action talien in only 44%
of the reported incidents, while 59% of the
incidents are never reported.
As with the previous conferences,
this event drew educators and school
administrators as well as others involved
together from throughout Oldahoma, -
this time held at the Moore -Norman
Technology Center. Headlining a workshop
about administrative policy issues was
Oklahoma City School Superintendant Karl
Springer and Millard House, the Assistant
Superintendant of the Tulsa Public Schools.
Both school systems have adopted anti
bullying policies which specify the category
of real or perceived sexual orientation, and
Oklahoma’s City’s policy goes further to
include sexual identity.
The two keynote speakers were Warren
Blumenfeld and Steve Wessler. Mr Bluemfeld,
today a professor of Multicultural and
International Curriculum Studies at Iowa
State University, told of growing tip
Jewish "and perceived as GLBT when he
was relentlessly bullied and faced severe
harassment from junior high to the college
level. After a series of workshops, the
conference ended with a presentation by Steve
Wessler, the Executive Director of the Center
for Preventing Hate, based in Maine which he
created in ! 999. He had worked in the Maine
Attorney General’s office and as a lawyer in
private practice, but now has a crusade he
has taken towards making schools safer for all
........Continued See HATE Page-6
2200 W I~ Se~ice Road OKC
2 December
Openly Gay Native
ONahoman inducted
into the Music Hall of
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
2010 World AIDS Day
celebrations promote
awareness, education
By Robin D-Townsend
Metro Star Team
:r 2 Election aftermathleas
some ofour Friends Survived
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Oklahoman Sam Harris inducted into the
Oklahoma dvIusic Hail ofFame.
"[ kind of feel like, are you sure? Really?
Do you have the right gw?"
Those were the senriments expressed by
Oklahoma native Sam Harris who at age
49 was inducted into the Oklahoma Music
Halt oirFame along with country singer Jean
Shepa/d la Pauls Valley native best lmown
tbr her 1953 duet with Ferlin Husky entitled
"Dear John), rock guitarist Jamie Oldaker
( who played in the bands of Bob Seger,
Eric Clapton, and was a founding member
of the Tractors, a country rock group) and
Les Gilliam, who was named as the Official
Oklahoma Balladeer by the Oklahoma State
Legislature in 1998.
Born in Cushing and growing up in Sand
Springs, Mr. Harris won recognition for his
winning performance of "Over the Rainbow"
on the televised talent show Starsearch, which
has become his signature song. His first hit
with Motown records, "Sugar Don’t Bite" was
a national hit peaking at #36 on Billboard’s
singles chart in 1984 that also become a
dance classic. Since then he has performed
at sold our concerts at venues including New
York City’s Carnegie Hall and London’s
Vc’est End. He has starred on Broadway
and numerous television appearances. He
is openly gay, and has been with his partner
Danny Jacobsen, who is a film producer, since
1994. They adopted a son, Cooper Atticus
Harris- Jacobsen, in 2008, and Sam and
Danny got married on November 1 that same
The Oklalmma Music Hall of Fame,
located in Muskogee began with a vision in
1996 fol!owed with an act by the Oldahoma
State Legislature. Their headquarters and
museum is a renovated Frisco Freight Depot
located at 401 S. 3rd Street. Past honorees
have included Merle Haggard, Woody
Guthrie. Patti Page, Carrie Underwood and
the _All American Reiects. N~eir website is
Mayflower Congregation in NWOKCholds
WorldAIDS Day celebration events eac,b year
in Oklahoma City. In~ont ofthe church, white
crosses with red ribbons areplaced to remember
those whose lives have been directly affected with
AIDS Day is December 1st each year,
drawing people from around the world
together raising awareness about HIV/AIDS.
The events help demonstrate international
solidarity in the face of this disease. The day
allows public and private partners to come
together to raise awareness and encourage
progress inHIV/AIDS prevention, treatment
and care in highprevalence countries and
around the world.
"HIV/AIDS is not just in our country but
worldwide," said Mary Arbuckle, Executive
Director of Other Options and Friends Food
Pantry in Oklahoma City. "World AIDS
Day brings attention to this catastrophic
disease creating unity in the ~vorld by all of us
coming together."
Other Options supports the OKC
HIV/AIDS community with the Friends
Food Pantry, an unduplicated program in
Oklahoma for people living with HIV/
AIDS. They provide a home ddivery
program of food for homebound clients,
case management of the HOPWA program
(Housing opportunity for people living
with HIV/AIDS) and their Humanitarian
Medication Program is now providing
eight, third world countries with recycled
medications from across the US.
Other Options and other ASP
organizations will help with the November
30th event at Mayflower Congregation.
With the help ofMAC AIDS "Viva Glam"
employees will be volunteering all day
at Other Options ro get involved in the
\Vgorld health officials report the number
of people infected with the virus that causes
AIDS seems to be mostly stable. According
to an epidemic update by the World Health
Organization (WHO) and Joint U.N.
Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the
figure (about 33 million) has remained
virtually unchanged for the past few years.
....... Continued See AIDS Page 7
Fo,wter Oklahoma Corporation Commissionerfim Roth with State Representative AIMcAdff~ey,
andAtto,wey & Oklahoma Regent Richard Ogden at afi¢ndraiserforAl shortly before the election.
Gorin photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ In a turn of
events that left progressives and Democrats
reeling, the nation and especially Oklahoma
experienced a drastic change of power. With
the election of Mary Fallin and our new
governor, we not only have our first female
governor but also the first time all of our
statewide offices are held by Republicans,
with conservatives now in even greater
control of both houses of our state legislature.
Among the allies of the Oklahoma
GLBT community who survived the tide
were Andrew Rice-Incumbent State Senator
District 46, Anastasia Pittman-Incumbent
State Representative District 99, State
Representative Al McAffrey-Incumbent
State Representative District 88 and our
first and only openly gay state legislator,
and Willa Johnson-Incumbent Oklahoma
County Commissioner District 1. Although
Brittany Novotny did make history as the first
transgendered person to run for elective office
in Oklahoma, she did not succeed in ousting
Sally Kern, the incumbent in District 84 well
lmown for her anti-gay sentiments.
In order to change the political scene for
the future the Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian
Political Caucus is worldng on expanding
their membership and mailing list, forming
a PAC ( Political Action Committee) and
improving their voter guide system. As for the
future Jeanne Flanigan, the female co-chair
of the Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Political
Caucus, still has some optimism and calls for
action. As she puts it, "The new leadership
shotfld know that right after they are sworn
in we will be keeping track of how they are
protecting our rights. If they ~vant to roll
back any civil rights we will be writing letters
to them and editors, and demonstrating at
the Capitol. We have had a wake up call, and
realize how serious our task is of educating
voters and getting them to vote."
’uptc¥ ® Civil RightS ®Criminal
,ment ® Family Law ® Litigation
625 N.W. 13th Street
CitV, OK 73103
December 1, 2010 3
Dennis R. Nefll Equality Center to feature works
from Tulsa artist Liz Ingersoll of"Mia Bdla Art"
Sex), ladies have long had a love affair with motorcycles.
Seems unlikel); but examine the evidence; nobody’s
forcing those busty blonds and brunettes to bend over
the handlebars in every bike rag sitting on newsstands.
One could argue that the female species likes the feeling
of all that prover. Whatever the case may be, California
Scooter Co. has carved a niche in the market for.women
who have a need for speed with three styles - Classic,
Greaser and Babydoll - and a custom-built option. The
company claims on its website that you’re in for the ride
of your life, and if one of these is waiting for your honey
in the garage on Christmas morning, you probably will
be. ($4,995 and up; www.californiascooterco.com)
His bulbs will shine bright in
these festive trunlcs from Pact, an
eco-friendly and cause-conscious
underwear shop. A portion of
the proceeds will help charitable
organizations EarthSpark and Citizen
E~ct send handheld solar lanterns to
Haitians in need. ($22; wv#~v.wearpact.
Unless your dentist loo}cs like John
Stamos, you\q rather stay away, which
presents a problem ifyou covet bright
white chompers. Sure, there are overthe-
counter bleaching methods - and
they’re relatively inexpensive - but
they’re also messy and often painful.
Ramona Singer infamously called Kodak antiquated,
much to the chagrin ofJi!l Zarin, who was hosting an
event on the company’s behalf during a season three
episode of ~Ihe Real Housewives of New York. Points
go to Team Jill for that round, because Rarnona was
way off base. In fact, the iconic brand is as cuttingedge
as they come where affordable consumer
technolog7 is involved. Case in point: the EasyShare
M580, the world’s thinnest I4-raegapixei, five-timeszoom
digital camera. Thg pocket-sized point-andshoot
also features a Share Button, which allows users
to tag and upload pics to Facebook, YouTube, the
Kodal< Gallery and Flickr within seconds of plugging
it into a computer. Mmhmm. xXOaatcha got now,
Ramona? ($199.95; www.kodak.com)
Simple, safe and effective, Supersmile takes a
bite out of the competition with
MOR~ GIFT IDEB2S - Page 12
a clinically proven gift set that includes a
Professional Series II LS45 Advanced Sonic
Pulse Toothbrush (with patented 45-degree
angled bristles) and a three-month supply of
its professional whitening system. The system
safely whitens natural teeth and restores
bonding, veneers, caps and dentures to their
original splendor. It also strengthens enamel
and eliminates harmful bacteria, plaque and
gingivitis. The one thing it won’t do, however,
is cure morning breath; dude is still gonna
taste icky in the a.m. ($159; www.supersmile.
4 December 1, 2010
TULSA, OK __The December
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit oflocat artists at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature works from
Tulsa artist Liz Ingersoll of"Mia Bella Art".
Liz Ingersoll began her career as a part
time portrait/event photographer in 2004 and
established a name in the local community
as Mia Belta Images. Since October 2009 Liz
has participated in numerous art shmvs under
the new name of Mia Bella Art. To keep her
artwork fresh and exciting she releases a new
collection each month from July thru January
and prints only limited editions.
In October 2010 Mia Bella Art was
proud to receive the Best in Show Award
from Utica Square’s Art in the Square and
was honored to provide 9 large pieces for the
fihning of The Lamp.
For a complete list of upcoming shows,
venues and local shops that sell Mia Bella
Art, find her on facebook or visit www.
miabellaart.com. To contact Liz for
commission xvork or invite her to participate
in your venue, email contact@miabeltaart.
corn or call 918-693-2677.
The show begins with a reception on
Thursday, December 2nd from 6-9pm and
continues throughout the month, w~wv.okeq.
org ~
Arnold Lee Smit/a AKA Arna Lee
parties. As his health failed him he went into
the Norman Veteran’s Center, a nursing home
for veterans, where he remained until his
death on Oct0ber 31~ He left behind many
friends who will always remember what he
did to make Oklahoma a better place.
place until it closed in 1981. After a sojourn
in Florida for a few years, he r~turned and
began his last club venture, a bar complex
on Lincoln Boulevard nostalgically named
the Roadhouse, which had multiple bars
as well as various shops. However after the
loss of his partner in 1995, who passed away
the day after the Oldahoma City bombing,
that venture failed after only about a year of
operation, and Arnold went into retirement.
His house faced N.W. 39th Street, and his
outdoor birthday parties during the annual
OKC Pride Parade were a joyous tradition.
Even close to his final days Arna Lee
still performed at Tramps, the Hilo, and
other clubs, frequently at fundraisers for the
Oldahoma Gay Rodeo Association and AIDS
"Walk OKC, as well as performing in private
Supremes refi se to block
The Supremes are keeping Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell in force.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 12
refused to vacate an order from the 9th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals that suspended an
injunction from the federal District Court
in Riverside, Califi, that prohibited the U.S.
government from enforcing the Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell military gay ban.
Which means: DADT can be enforced
during appeal of the Riverside decision that
found it unconstitutional -- unless President
Barack Obama, Congress and the Pentagon
end the ban in the interim.
Plaintiff Log Cabin Republicans had
asked the Supreme Court to vacate the 9th
Circuit order, thereby allowing Riverside
Judge Virginia Phillips’ injunction to go back
into force. Supreme Court Justice Anthony
Kennedy, who hears such requests from the
9th Circuit, referred the matter to the full
Supreme Court, where Justice Elena Kagan
opted not to take part in the decision.
Phillips issued her injunction Oct. 12
after finding that DADT violates the U.S.
Constitution’s guarantees of free speech, due
process and right to petition for redress of
The injunction remained in place until
Oct. 20, when the 9th Circuit issued a brief
stay ~vhile it decided whether to issue a longer
stajg which it did Nov. 1.
During the eight days the injunction was
in force, the military stopped kicking gays
and lesbians our of the services and began
letting them re-enlist.
The Obama administration’s insistence
on appealing Phillips’ DADT strikedown has
been highly irritating to gay activists, given
that the president says he strongly opposes
DADT. Obama, however, says the policy
needs to be ended by Congress, which created
it, not the courts.
Xhe administration also has argued that
the Justice Department has an obligation to
defend federal laws that are challenged, and
that DADT should not be ended abruptly
because that will disrupt and harm military
The Pentagon recently conducted a
massive survey of members of the military
to help it decide how to end DADT. Leaked
versions of the findings, which will be
released officially in December, reportedly
reveal that most members of the armed forces
are fine with GLB people serving openly.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed
a measure this ),ear authorizing the military
to end DADT but the Senate did not follow
suit after Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., staged a
filibuster over the matter.
"It is unfortunate that an unconstitutional
law that is causing substantial harm to
military readiness and to tens of thousands of
troops is allowed to remain in effect for even
one more day," said Alexander Nicholson,
executive director of Servicemembers United.
"~is just underscores the need to
continue to put pressure on Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid to allow the defense
authorization bill (which includes DADT
repeal language) to come back up and take
its first procedural step before the Senate’s
Thanksgiving recess," Nicholson said.
"Servicemembers United, Servicemembers
Legal Defense Network, Stonewall
Democrats, and the Log Cabin Republicans
have all strongly and consistently called on
Sen. Reid to do just that. It is now time for
other organizations, as wel! as the White
House, to publicly do the same."
The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force urged supporters to call the Capitol
switchboard at 202-224-3121 and tell
both of their U.S. senators to authorize
repeal of DADT by voting for the defenseauthorization
bill this month.
"We can only be assured of having the 60
votes we need ifwe can change minds before
the new members of the Senate take their
seats," the group said.
But LCR attorney Dan Woods thinks that
ship has all but sunk.
"With the likelihood of Congress
repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell fading with
each passing day, judicial relief continues
to be perhaps the most viable avenue for
ending this unconstitutional policy," Woods
said. "We and Log Cabin Republicans
will continue to fight on to protect the
constitutional rights of all Americans who
want to serve in our military without regard
to their sexual orientation. Our next step
will be to ask the 9th Circuit to expedite the
government’s appeal from Judge Phillips’
judgment and ~nJuncnon¯
LCR Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper
commented: "We are committed to pursuing
every avenue in the fight against this failed
and unconstitutional polic~ Log Cabin will
continue working to secure the votes needed
for legislative repeal, and if necessary, we look
forward to seeing President Obama’s attorneys
in court next year to prove, once again, that
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell doesn’t work."
Gays sue reds over
marriage again
Edie lZ~ndsog right, and ~ea S~ye,: ACLUphoto
~ie New England legal group Gay
& Lesbian Advocates & Defenders filed
a multiplaintiff lawsuit challenging the
constitutionality of the federal Defense of
Marriage Act on Nov. 9.
In Pedersen v. Office of Personnel
Management, GLAD represents five married
same-sex couples and a widower, who live in
Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire.
The 11 plaintiffs all have been denied federal
rights and protections solely because they are
married to a person of the same sex.
The suit, filed in federal District
Court in Connecticut, addresses DOMA’s
nonrecognition of marriages in connection
with federal employee and retiree benefits
progranas, Social Security benefits, survivor
benefits under federal pension laws, work
leave to care for a spouse under the Family
and Medical Leave Act, and state retiree
health insurance benefits that are controlled
by federal tax law.
Additional plaintiffs ~vho pay excess
~ederal income tax because they cannot file
their federal returns as married couples will
join the suit once the IRS officially rejects
their requests for refunds.
"Every day that DOMA stands, it
arbitrarily divides married couples into two
categories," said GLAD Legal Director Gary
Also on Nov. 9, the American Civil
Liberties Union sued the feds in New York
over DOMA.
The group represents 81-year-old Edie
Windsor, who had to pay $350,000 in
additional estate taxes because the federal
government treated her as single, even though
she was married to Thea Spyer and their
marriage was recognized by the state ofNew
"(T)he federal government ... taxed Thea’s
estate as though we were strangers rather than
spouses," Windsor said. "(It’s) a tax on being
"These cases provide further evidence
that the so-called Defense of Marriage Act is
not simply an abstract insult to the dignity
of same-sex couples and their families --
although it is indeed a deeply offensive law,"
said Human Rights Campaign President Joe
Solmonese. "DOMA causes real harm to
people like Joanne Pedersen, Ann Meitzen
and Edie Windsor, denying them economic
security, health coverage and other critical
federal rights and benefits that other married
couples take for granted."
The section ofDOMA that prevents the
federal government from recognizing stares’
same-sex marriages already was struck down
as unconstitutional earlier this year in two
cases from Massachusetts, but the Obama
administration has appealed the rulings.
The section, which the federal District
Court in Boston found
unconstitutional in three ways,
states: "In determining the
meaning of any Act of Congress,
or of any ruling, regulation, or
interpretation of the various
administrative bureaus and
agencies of the United States,
the word ’marriage’ means only a
legal union between one man and
one woman as husband and wife,
and the word ’spouse’ refers only
to a person of the opposite sex
who is a husband or a wife."
The language overrides any
state’s determination that a
couple is married and says that
they are not married for purposes trait
federal laws and programs, even though the
federal government otherwise has always
deferred to state determinations of marital
The Boston court said DOMA violates the
Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment
.....Continued see MARRIAGE - page 6
December ~, 2010
DADT protesters
arrested at White House
By Rex Woclmer
Photo by Sean Cark’on, Talk About Equali~
Courtesy ofGetEQUAL
WASHINGTON, DC __ Thirteen
supporters of the direct-action group
GetEQUAL were arrested at the xYc~lite House
fence Nov. 15 after handcuffing themselves to
it and supergluing their handcuff locks.
They demanded that the Senate join the
House in authorizing ,repeal of the Dofft Ask,
Don’t Tell military ban on noncloseted GLBs
before the Senate adjourns this year.
Arrested were Dan Choi, Autumn Sandeen,
Evelyn Thomas, Mara Boyd, Geoff Farrow,
Robin McGehee, Miriam Ben-Shalom, Justin
Elzie, Ian Finkenbinder, Robert Smith, Dan
Fotou, Scott glooledge and Michael Bedwell.
"Included in the thirteen arrested are
veterans and advocates spanning three
generations of brave and courageous
Americans, who sacrificed their careers and
lives to see the day this discriminatory ban on
openly gay and lesbian service in the military
finally goes into the history books," said
GetEQUAL Director Robin McGehee. "Today
we have sent a loud and clear message to the
U.S. Senate and President Obama that we
expect them to make good on their promises
to end this inhumane law this year, during the
lame-duck session of Congress."
DADT was struck down as
unconstitutional by a federal District
Court earlier this year and for eight days an
injunction prohibited the military from kicking
out open gays or barring them from enlisting.
But the Obama administration appealed the
injunction all the way to the Supreme Court,
which upheld a stay of it issued by the 9th U.S.
Circuit Court ofAppeals. Tnat reinstated the
policy for the duration of the appeals of the
District Court ruling.
Obama has said he wants Congress, not
courts, to end the ban, and Justice Department
laxvyers argued in court filings that the ban
must not be lifted abruptly by a judge because
that would harm military operations.
The House of Representatives voted earlier
this year to authorize the armed forces to end
DADT, but the Senate failed to follow suit.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon has been
conducting a massive survey of troops and
their families, due to be released in December,
to help it decide how to end DADT. Leaked
reports of the findings suggest that a majority
of members of the military are not troubled by
openly gay servicemembers.
6 December ~, 2010 ~~R
But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.,
ranking member of the Senate Armed
Services Committee has, for all intents and
purposes, vowed to continue to block Senate
authorization ofDADT repeal, complaining
that the massive Pentagon survey didn’t ask
the right questions.
"All four service chiefs are saying we
need a thorough and complete study of
the effects -- not how to implement a
repeal, but the effects on morale and battle
effectiveness," McCain told MSNBC on
Nov. 14. "That’s what I ,want, and once we
get this (current) study, ~ve need to have
hearings and we need to exarnine it and
we need to look at whether it’s the kind of
study that we wanted. It isn’t, in my view,
because I wanted a study to determine the
effects of the repeal on battle effectiveness
and morale. What this study is designed to
do is to find out how the repeal could be
Photo by Sean Carlson, Courtesy of
The DADT repeal measure is part ofthe
bill that will fund the entire U.S. military in
2011. As a result, McCain’s obstructionism
has left the overall funding bill unpassed by
the Senate as well.
Surveys have found that neatly 80
percent of Americans are fine with letting
gays in the military come out of the closet
by ending the DADT policy.
3rd Annual Falalalala
Ball Saturday, December
18th: 7pro Dennis R
Neill Equality Center
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Don your gay
apparel and join us for the 3rd annual
Fatalalala Ball. ~e evening will include
pictures with Santa and Mrs Claus and the
naughty and nice elves, Cash Bar and heavy
hor d’oeuvres. Pull out ),our holdiay dress and
business casual and enjoy. Admission Price is
one of the following: pet food for A Friend
for A Friend, personal toiletries for Our
House Too, non perishable food items for St
Jerome Church Food Pantry.
For more information visit: vrw~v.OkEq.
Popular LGBT tourist
destination first in
Arkansas to offer health
insurance coverage to
domestic partners o city
only city in Arkansas with a Domestic
Partnership Registry has become the first city
in the state to provide health care coverage for
the domestic partners of municipal workers.
The cig;s insurance provider, the Arkansas
Municipal League, notified the city on
November 15, 2010 that beginning January
!, 2011 both same- and opposite-sex partners
of city wm-kers will have the same access to
health insurance as legal spouses.
The announcement culminated a yearlong
campaign by residents of this northwest
Arkansas tourist town which in June 2007
became the first city in the state to enact a
Domestic Partnership Registry ordinance
to ot~cially recognize unmarried couples in
committed relationships.
"Once again Eureka Springs is leading by
exan~ple, this time in the realm of workplace
equality," said Michael Walsh, who helped
lead the effort to expand health care coverage.
"Marital status shouldn’t be the deciding
factor in access to ’family plan’ insurance.
Legally wed or not, all city workers should
get the same employment benefits, including
access to health insurance for their partners."
Expanding the definition of"fan~ily
dependent" was "the right thing to do,"
Eureka Springs Mayor Dani Joy wrote to
the Municipal League in August, just xveeks
before the city council passed a resolution
endorsing domestic partnership insurance
"I am aware as well as you that some will
construe this as a ’gay issue’," said Joy. "But
the reality is that there are many heterosexual
couples who chose to live together in a
committed relationship - as a family - without
entering into the civil contract of marriage,.
These folks face the same ’family’ challenges
every day, not the least of which is providing
health care for themselves and for those who
are dependent on them.... the definition of
family is at the center of our concerns."
Joy and cityTransit Director Lamont
Richie met with the Arkansas Municipal
League Nov. 4 to lobby for a more inclusive
health insurance policy.
Monday’s announcement that their efforts
were successful "is a huge step forward," said
"And though only employees of the
City of Eureka Springs will be able to take
advantage of it for
now," he said, "other
communities in
the state may be
encouraged to adopt
their own Domestic
Partnership Registries
as a means of providing
health insurance
benefits to domestic
partners of their
to the U.S. Constitution by treating
married gay couples differently from married
straight couples without any rational basis
for doing so. It also found that DOMA
violates the 10th Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution by intruding in areas
of exclusive state authority, and violates
the Spending Clause in Article 1 of the
Constitution by forcing Massachusetts to
discriminate against its married gay citizens
in order to receive certain types of federal
President Barack Obama does not support
same-sex marriage, although he did in 1996
when he was campaigning for an Illinois
Senate seat. But in a recent xYvq~ite House
meeting with five progressive bloggers, the
president suggested he might be getting ready
to change his mind again.
"I do not intend to make big news sitting
here with tl~e five of you, as wonderful
as you guys are," Obama said at the Oct.
27 meeting. "But H1 say this .... I have
been to this point unwilling to sign on to
same-sex marriage primarily because of my
understandings of the traditional definitions
of marriage, but I also think you’re right that
attitudes evolve, including mine. I think
that it is an issue that I wrestle with and
think about because I have a whole host
of friends who are in gay partnerships. I
have staff members who are in committed,
monog~ous relationship.s, who are raising
children, who are wonderful parents, and I
care about them deeply, and so while I’m not
prepared to reverse myself here, sitting in the
Roosevelt Room at 3:30 in the afternoon, I
think it’s fair to say that it’s something that
I think a lot about. That’s probably the best
you’ll get out ofme toda): ... The one thing I
wil! say today is I think it’s pretty dear where
the trendlines are going ... the arc of history."
Most inspiring was OSU-OKC students
who participated in the Upward Bound
summer session, a preparation program
for first generation college students., xvho
have held rallies at Western Heights High
School and the Oklahoma State Capitol
raising awareness about school bu!lying. The
conference, although inclusive of the GLBT
community, also included other categories of
bullying including race, religion, and physica!
disabilities. Cimarron Alliance hopes the
conference will grow, with more teacher and
school administrators.
By Steven Petrow
&even Pelrow is the author of’The Essential
Book ofGay Manners &Etiquette. " Send
him your questions at queeries@live.com.
"We waist to help other kids fight bullying"
"Events like these help us remember,
in a good way, those we have lost and to
remember that there has been so much
progress for this disease," said Chuck
Longacre of Oklahoma City. "There is just a
marked change for a lot of folks living better
and living longer now." Longacre worl~ with
Red Rock and Expressions Outreach Center
(just offthe OKC strip) providing free HIV/
AIDS testing and counseling.
The first World AIDS Day was celebrated
on December 1, 1988 and officials say the
global epidemic of HIV/AIDS probably
peaked in 1996. WHO takes the lead in the
global health sector’s response to HIV/AIDS
and provides evidence-based information at
HRC scorecard:
Congress is polarized
The new edition of the Human Rights
Campaign’s "Congressional Scorecard" has
found an increase in both "highly supportive"
and "highly anri-LGBT" legislators.
HRC said the findings reveal a "stark
’~k strong and devoted group of anti-
LGBT legislators continues to stymie the
progress LGBT people deserve," said HRC
President Joe Solmonese. "The fact that the
first ever vote to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell in the House of Representatives was
countered by a filibuster in the Senate
illustrares the landscape."
In the House, 145 members received
a pro-gay score ofg0 percent or better,
compared to 128 members in the previous
Congress. Senators scoring 90 percent or
better this year rose from 32 to 36. However,
the number of senators receiving a zero
score from HRC climbed as well, from 16
to 32. The number of House zeros remained
As more and more American’s support
equality for LGBT people, some members of
Congress are showing real leadership while
others are digging in their heels to cater to an
anti-LGBT fringe constituency," said HRC
Legislative Director Allison Herwitt.
The scorecard is based on votes and cosponsorships
regarding hate crimes, gays in
the military, employment nondiscrimination,
tax equity, same-sex marriage, same-sex
partner immigration, HIV treatment, needle
exchange, and the Elena Kagan and Sonia
Sotomayor Supreme Court confirmations.
For full results, see hrc.org/scorecard.
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are on life’s journt
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10 December1,2010
Creep ofthe Month
By D’Anne Witkowski
D’Anne WYtkowski has been gayfor pay since 2003.
She’s af!’eelance writer and Oct (beiieve it~.O. When shes
nOt taking on the creeps ofthe world she reviews rock
roll sh~ows in Detroit with her twin sister
"Clint McCance"
You know the old saying, "Ifyou
don’t have anything nice to say, say it on
Facebook?" Well, Arkansas Midland School
District vice president Clint McCance took
it to heart recently when he posted some vile
anti-gay hate speech to rival Fred Phelps and
his band of "God Hates Fags" loonies.
\Vhat set McCance off
was a cal! for supporters of
LGBT youth to wear purple in
memory of the young people
who recently committed
suicide after being bullied.
"Seriously they want me
to wear purple because five
queers committed suicide," he
posted. "The only way im wearin it for them
is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the
people of this world have gotten this stupid.
We are honoring the fact that they sinned and
killed therselves because of their sin. REALLY
Yes, really. Did I mention he was a school
board member? Oh, to be a gay kid in
Midland. Those lucl~, devils.
, One ofMcCances friends commented,
Because hatred is always right:. 2
To which he responds, "No because being
a fag doesnt give you the right to ruin the
rest of our lives. Ifyou get easily offended
by being called a fag then dent tell anyone
you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I
dent care how people decide to live their
lives. They dent bother me if they keep it to
thereselves. It pisses me off though that we
make a special purple fag day for them. I like
that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact
that they often give each other aids and die."
D~d you catch that lastpart. He enj.ovs
when gays get AIDS and die. Ha ha. You
know, typical LOL stuff.
Another friend commented, "You kmow
this is somebodys kids here how would you
feel if they were talkin about your kids like
this. It would make you feel like SHIT."
No worries, McCance knows exactly how
," i’m not sure that
there’s an honorable
way to wish all gay
people dead even it=
he had used different I
words to do it.
he’d feel. "I would disown my kids if
they were gay," he posts. "They will not be
~velcome at my home or in my viciniry. I
will absolutely run them off. Of course my
kids will imow better. My kids will have solid
christian beliefs."
Where these "solid Christian beliefs" will
come from I don’t know. Certainly not from
their father.
Needless to say,
McCance’s comments
caused quite a stir with
many people calling for his
A visibly uncomfortable
and maybe even contrite
McCance appeared oh CNN with Anderson
Cooper and apologized for his comments
saying they were "too emotional" and "went
too far."
As for the terms "fag" and "queer" he told
Cooper, "I know those are hurtful words and
like I said, I picked the wrong words to use.
And used them poorly. I didn’t bring honor
to what I was about."
I’m not sure that there s an honorable way
to ~vish all gay people dead even if he had
used different words to do it.
He also stated that he doesn’t "wish death
on anyone" and that "it does look like I’m a
hatemonger or a horrible person’and that’s
not me at al!."
Urn, yes. It does look like that. Very
much like that, in fact. It’s kind of hard to
accept that a person who thinks, "Hey I have
a minute to post on Facebook before I head
off to this school board meeting and here’s
something totally appropriate to say" isn’t
a hatemonger. No matter how much they
apologize or resign from the school board on
Anderson Cooper 360.
So, yeal~. He resigned. And he’s sorry. But
the boot print of mistrust and feat on the
backs ofLGBT school kids, especially those
in the Midland school system, isn’t going to
wash out so easily. ~
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Go green while
gettin’ down with Solar
Sound 2. the new and
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Devotec. Building
upon the success of the
original Solar Sound. this upgrade promises a
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specialty woven speaker cones; silver-plated,
oxygen-free copper cabling; an efficient power
circuit to provide even more juice to the amp;
and a larger integrated battery that increases
playing time to five to 10 hours, depending
on the volume levd. 3-hat’s where the sun
comes in. With its embedded solar panel
and quick charging system, the unit can play
continuously under UV rays - even when the
built-in battery is dead. Party on, parry boy.
($99.99; www.devotecindustries.com)
There are digital photo frames, and then
there’s the CEIVA digital photo frame.
What’s the difference? For starters, CEIVA
frames come preloaded with your favorite
pics, so when the recipient opens the box
your pearly whites are peering fight back.
But that’s not the best part. The frames are
connected, allmving anyone, anywhere to
send photos directly to the frame by camera
phone, e-mail, Facebook and more - a nice
surprise for grandma when she walks in to see
ne,v pictures from her favorite gay grandson.
Unless her favorite gay grandson hits the
wrong button, of course. But then, he really
shouldn’t have such scandalous content stored
on his Droid, now should he? ($127.99 and
up; wvvw.ceiva.com)
Paging Peg Bundy! Al’s trophy ~vife "
loved her some bonbons - but probably not
this ~nd. Moulton’s Bon Bons are truffleshaped
mounds of clay and organic compost
combined with seeds. The Garden pack
features two each of basil, parsley, chives and
thyme, while the herb tea selection includes
double quantities of borage, chamomile,
lemon balm and Stinging Nettle. Just toss the
handcrafted clay* balls into the garden or an
indoor container, add water, and watch them
grow. Perfect for that crazy uncle who "talks"
his plants. Misery loves compan}: ($14.95;
Turn up the heat with Scandle, a
shimmery candle that burns two degrees
above body temperature to produce a
soothing body oil in a relaxing aroma.
Perfect for massages, cuticle treatments or
as an everyday moisturizer. ($22.95; www.
’Ihis ain’t your daddy’s razor. The Philips
Norelco SensoTouch 3D uses GyroFlex 3D
technology to enable three-dimensional
contouring that pivots around, tilts inward
and flexes outward to adjust seamtessly
to every curve of the face and neck. The
UltraTrack heads include channels to catch
longer hairs, slots to catch normal hairs,
By Ed Sikov
Ed Sikov # the author ofDark lcqcto,7; 7he Life
ofBette Davis and ot?~er books aboutfilms and
" he Scarborough Fair"
It’s very loud in the city much
louder than any Fire Island sound system
blasting the recent archaeological discovery,
Barbra Streisand. But I’ve kept a bit of my
summer garden in preserved form, and it’s
literally a tonic.
Just before we left the beach house, I was
seized with an ovmwhelming need to take
something with me - something to get me
through the tough, cold northeast winter.
Dan had already put his suitcase outside
the gate when, stricken with this impulse, I
dropped my stuff, sprinted to the container
garden in the back, and ripped out bunches
of herbs. "What are you doing?" said Dan
when I reappeared carrying two fistfuls of
aromatics. "What are you doing?" I replied
as I stuffed them into my backpack. He
answered on cue: "What are you doing?!" It’s
a routine we do.
"I don’t know," I said as I picked up my
backpack. "It’s part of a Native-American
ha~est ritual." "Don’t be racist," Dan scolded.
We distracted ourselves by insulting each
other as we walked to the ferry.
By the time we got home, the herbs
looked pretty sad, so to refresh them I
wrapped them in a wet towel and stuck
them in the refrigerator. I decided to make
an herbal infusion, so the next morning, I
bought a fifth ofAbsolut.
After doing some cursory Internet
research, I decided I kaaew better. (I’m
obnoxious.) So I washed the ragged bouquets,
dried them in a salad spinner, and laid them
out on the counter. I hadn’t planned this
desperate harvest at all; the herbs I’d blindly
grabbed at twilight consisted of sage, thyme,
tarragon, lovage, parsley and rosemarT~
The infusion ingredients instantly chose
themselves: parsley, sage, rosemary and
thyme. Don’t you just love that song? I put
the iPod on its little donut and set it to my
Pau! Simon playlist, then gently bruised the
herbs to release their oils and juices, stuffed
them in a large, dean, Mason-type glass jar,
poured the Absolut in and sealed it.
I waited one day too long. On the third
day, the infusion was a gorgeous shade
of bright green; the next day it starting
browning, and I yanked the herbs out before
the thing started to look like peat moss runoff.
¯ne taste? Well, the Garfunlde herb mix
tasted very good, though in the future I might
just use rosemary (it’s got the best flavor) and
some parsley for color. Turning an herbal
infusion into a cocktail is easy: you can have
it straight up at room temperature, put it on
the rocks, stick the bottle in the freezer or add
some seltzer and a lime segment. Simple! And
ifa guest says your handcrafted infused vodka
is not ro her liking? Just tell her to go reap it
in a sickle of leather. That should shut her up.
(But what the hell does it mean?)
"~he Scarborough Fair"
Get some herbs. I’d try rosemary first,
with some parsley for color. Measurements
are useless here, since the whole point is to
make it handcrafted by you. Wash and dry
the herbs thoroughly, put them in a glass jar
with a lid that seals tightly, pour in enough
Absolut to cover the herbs, and seal the jar.
Taste often. When it looks and tastes right t.o
you, strain the infusion back into the Absolut
bottle or the bottle or jar of your choice.
Drink it straight, or mixed with some seltzer
or a small splash of tomato juice.
and holes to catch even the shortest stubble,
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Designed to be innovative and attractive in
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with The Original Disposable Flask, a
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portal of potency that fits perfectly in a
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By Jack Fertig
December 2010
"Be sensible, LibraP’
Mars in Sagittarius provokes us to
speak and act out in search of new
perspectives. He’s squared to Uranus,
though, provoking accidents, rash
statements and decisions we’ll regret
later. The greatest adventures are deep
inside. Meditation and introspection can
yield tremendous insights.
ARIES (Paarch 20- Apri~ 19): Your
ruler, Mars, is goading you to explore
new ideas and places. Even - or
especially - in quiet meditation in a dark
room you can hardly help but to make
important discoveries. Staying true to
yourself means accepting growth and
TAURUS (Apri~ 20 - P~ay 20): Finding
sexual adventure is easy enough, but it
could complicate friendships. The erotic
energy that’s making you so popular
could be harnessed into a more political
charisma. What to do? The answer is
deep inside you.
GEMIN~ (Paay 21- June 20): It’s harder
than usual to stay out of arguments.
"Your friends could help you if you can
keep the signals clear. Thinking ahead
is good; intuiting ahead is better. Accept
criticism from the boss, even if overly
harsh, as a challenge to improve.
CANCER (June 21o July 22): Talking
with your boss about your goals is
sure to highlight existing confusion,
but can lead toward resolution. Not
talking about the problem will just make
it worse. Just complaining about lack
of direction will undermine efforts and
LEO (July 23 - August 22): The call
to adventure may be irresistible, but it
does involve bigger risks than you can
anticipate. Look ahead and be careful
to cut down on dangers, but you will be
surprised - maybe for the better.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Domestic squabbles might make for
some crazy passion or lead to great
makeup sex. That won’t eliminate
the conflict, but it could reframe it
dramatically. That could lead to a
helpful breakthrough, but you still have
lots of work ahead of you!
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Worrying about accidents invites them
as much as carelessness does. Be
sensible, observe standard precautions,
but dithering and first-guessing yourself
is no good either. "Helpful" efforts,
whichever end you’re on, are also likely
to make things worse.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Hide the plastic. Any unnecessary
shopping can only end badly. Set
aside a carefully budgeted amount
for entertainment and have some fun.
You need to release some energy, but
there’s no need for it to be expensive.
14 December 1, 2010
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 20): Get out and have a little
fun, but even there, think ahead and be
careful. Home is a danger zone, and not
just for the preponderance of accidents
that happen there. Not a good time to
call the folks either!
CAPRICORN (December 2t -
January 19): Digging up family secrets
could prove explosive. How much are
you ready to learn? Revealing those
(or other) secrets could cause a lot of
trouble. You need to talk, but select your
confidante wisely.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Going out on a limb for political
principle can gain you points for
audacity and integrity, but leave you in
the lurch. Holding true to core values
is most important, but how they work in
reality should evolve with the times.
PISCES (February 19 - I~arch 19):
Daring risks and changes might get
you ahead, but the only guarantee is
that without taking a chance you’ll trip
yourself up badly. Meditate on what’s
important. In the end instinct and
intuition will serve better than apparent
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Poo~ Tournament:
Prizes nightly!!!!!
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a~ywhere as ~ong as yo
~ with
Blake’s Buying!!!
Buy two Liquor Drinks,
Blake buys the third!!
(please see bar for details)
Dancers @ 10pm
75¢ Bud and Bud Light Drafts!!
Dancers @ 10pr!!
Pool Tournament
Dancers @ 10prn!
Bingo Night 7:00prn!!
Dancers @ !0prn
Dancers at 8:00pr!!!
Dancers at 8:00prn!!
$6 Beer Bust and PJ Parbj!
3 years bitches going to stop
December 1, 2010 15
Meeting is Tuesday, December
at Oklahoma Democratic Party H
N Lincoln Blvd, OKC, 73105
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 12,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 4, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/187.