[2010] Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 4
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
April 01, 2010
James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Steven Petrow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Steven Petrow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.
The Metro Magazine, March 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 3
The Metro Star Magazine, May 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5
The Metro Star Magazine, May 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 4 Twi~er.com/MetroStarNews
to exempt Oklahoma
Ha e Cr mes Law protecting GLBTs
State Senate
It is very sad that any lawmaker in Oklahoma would introduce legislation that would
force Oklahoma law enforcement officials to violate ground brealdng Federal law that
would extend legal protections to LGBT Oklahomans who may become victims of
violence motivated by bigotry." Statement by State Senator Andrew Rice who was
one of the 6 Senators who voted no.
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
introduced by State Senator Steven Russell
( Republican-District 45) deals mainly with
the Fede~aI Hate Crimes expansion signed
into law by President Obama in October
22,2009, which added Federal Hates
crimes protection to include gender, sexual
oriei~tation, gender identity and disability in
addition to the already covered categories of
agencies from sharing evidence or providing
assistance ro Federal authorities if they are
im~esrigating a hate crime in Oklahoma. It
has passed the State Senate 39-6.
Oklahoma Hate Crimes laws (Section 850
Title 21) cover race, color, tel igion, gender,
disability, familial status and national origin.
As sexual orientation and gender identity are
not covered, hate crimes against GLBTs in the
state of Oklahoma could not be prosecuted as
such under state law, yet such a crime could
be punished as a hate crime under Federal
[axe; which passage of SB 1965 would attempt
m change. However Constitutionally Federal
Law supercedes state law.
As Tamya Cox of Oldaboma’s ACLU puts
it, "For example, if a bloody baseball bat was
used in an Oklahoma hate crime against a
gay person and it was held by state authorities
who are most likely to be first on the scene,
if this bill becomes law it could not be
given to Federal authorities as evidence for
prosecution." Since Oklahoma State Hate
Crimes laws don’t covering GLBTs, SB 1965
would make it virtually impossible for hate
crimes against GLBTs in Oklahoma to be
successftdiv prosecuted as hate crimes.
Scott J. Hamilton. Executive Director
of the Cimarron Alliance stated, "\g)~e are
appalled that the Oklahoma Senate would
pass legislation that, in effect, green lights
violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgendered citizens in this state. Not only
is it unconstitutional, it is unconscionable.
In the meantime our state vdll spend without
limit to defend this in court. Oklahoma is
in the midst of a budget crisis of historic
proportions. I find it hard to believe that
bigotry is so pervasive in our state that our
policymakers would rather pass hate filled
legislation than addressing failing schools and
reductions in services for seniors."
........Continued See BILL 1965 Page-5
T lsa M tary Veteran
Kelly rbv honored
by O ahomans for
By Michael xYZ Sasser
TULSA, OK Oklahomans for Equality
(OkEq) is set to h--~nor Tulsa accountant Kelly
~rby with a Lifetime Achievement Award on
April 24 at their 30th Anniversary Equality
"I have to say that at 56 years old the
word ’lifetime’ is a little daunting," says the
aftable longtime activist.
Kirby is being honored for 20 years of
major activism for the Oklahoma GLBT
"I appreciate the fact that they are
recognizin,g my accomplishments," Kirby
says. I think what I have done is important
and I would have done it without aW
recognition of it."
Kelly WKirby 1974 at age 20, United States
Air Force, honorguard dress uniform.
® MetroStarNews.com APRIL 1,2010
Pau Robert ompsor
A lifetime ofservice-forever a
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Oklahomans who take an interest in equality
and justice there are very fe~v who didn’t
know about Paul Thompson, and many
knew him xvell as he -worked hard to make
Oklahoma better until his life ended. At least
2 generations ofactivists worked beside him,
enduring the heartbreak ofsetbacks and the
joys ofvictories as history marched on. His
energy was tireless, chairing meetings, working
with bureaucracies, organizing events, making
speeches, doing mailings, and on and
on. Although he had his own
business, PRT Designs (interior
decorating), his true passion
was working with people for
justice. He was well known
for his outspoken pride clearly
shown by his trademark outfits,
which included xvearing a
different rainbow color with
matching socks every day. He
co-chaired the Oklahoma Gay
and Lesbian Political Caucus
from 1992 until 2010, and was
active for many years with the
Oklahoma Democratic Party.
He also played a significant
role in organizing Oklahoma
City’s first Pride Parade in 1988,
a true ~ilestone not only for
Oklahoma City but rather the
entire GLBT community of
That event was a major
turning point in Oklahoma,
with the KKK waiting in the Safexvay (now
Homeland) parking tot on N.-W. 39th Street
to stop the "queer parade." But that event had
a happy ending as fellow activist Jim Ninamo
put xt, "When they saw how many participants
were marching, they tucked their tails and left."
The rest was history, with that proud tradition
continuing today. Paul served as the Male Co-
Chair for the OKC Pride Parade and Festival
for many years until 2009, when he was given a
Chairmanship Emeritus Award for his service.
........Continued See THOMPSON Page-4
For more than two decades, Kirby has been a
visible activist for GLBT issues with an emphasis
on marriage equality and for gay
and lesbian service members. It
hasn’t always been an easy role to
On \Vorld A~DS Day in 1991,
Kirby participated in a smal!
demonstration in Tulsa on a wet,
rainy night. Unbeknownst to him,
his photo was taken and the next
day appeared in a newspaper.
"1 lost a relationship
that had been long
term when he was
discharged from the
Air Force for being
gay," Kirby says.
"I got a phone call from my biggest client the
next da)~" Kirby remembers. "q-he mvner of the
company asked me ifI had the opportunity to
make a statement for my cause, if I would do it. I
hadn’t really thought about it until then, but I said
that yes, I probably would. An hour later, I was
fired and lost two-thirds ofmy business. I basically
had to start over from scratch building my business.
I guess that was my activist wake-up call."
_*Kirby said that "he hasn’t shut up"" since then,
giving well over 100 interviews and malting
sure his clients know he might end up in the
"A lot of people in Tulsa
feel that they can’t speak
up because of family or
community or work," Kirby
says. "I had to get past that."
Still Kirby said he
believes different people
should be featured by
media as representative of the state GLBT
........Continued See KIRBY Page-7
Cimarron Alliance Moves Forward with new- O ces
and a Dynamic Director
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Margaret Cox proudly cutting the ribbon held by the new Executive Director Scott J. Hamilton, with
Lisa Ptsiri of the Oldahoma City Chamber of Commerce looking on. Gorin photo
Alliance Group was formed in 1995 as a
political action committee (PAC) focused
on equality for the GLBT community in
Oldaho,na. Although other groups existed at
that time, anaong them the Oldahoma Gay
and Lesbian Political Caucus, the Mliance
was a venture of successful business people
and professionals who would be able to
give serious financial backing to deserving
candidates seeking public office as well as
put on events for the GLBT community.
First chaired by the late Bill Rogers, the
organization became a major force for the
GLBT community and the Oldalxoma
political landscape.
In 1997 the Cimarron Alliance
Foundation was formed as a 501(c)(3)
organization, a nonprofit status which enables
an organization to, among other things,
accept contributions which are tax deductible
to the giver. While this type of organization
is prohibited fi’om most political activity,
including contributing to or promoting
candidates or political parties, the CAF was
focused on educational issues facing the
GLBT community, informing not only them
but also straights as well.
In this endeavor they have held events
such as their annual Leadership Summit,
which is a convention of leadership from all
GLBT groups. They made history in 2001
when their Gay Pride banners for Oklalmma
City light poles were oMered taken down
by then Mayor Kirk Humphreys. They took
the city 1:o Federal court and on September
13,2002 Judge Robin Cauthron ruled
that the banners were protected by Federal
free speech rights mandated by the U.S.
Constitution. Redesigned in 1997, the Pride
banners still fly on special occasions.
Now as we face a new decade with pride
facing prejudice, especially with opposition
to GLBT equality clearly shown to be alive
and kicking in Oldahoma, Cimarron is
facing challenge as they undergo change. For
the first time they have an office, !ocated at
729 N.gi. 17th Street in OHahoma City.
Likewise they now have their first fulltirne
Executive Director Scott J. Hamilton, a
native Otdahoman. A~er many years in New
York City with many ventures he has returned
home to fight for equality. Born inI960 in
south Oklalmma City, he graduated as a
valedictorian of Capitol Hill High School in
1978. He later graduated from OU with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, and his first
job was being a promoter for the Oldahoma
Opry, an Oldahoma City venue for country
and western musicians. He later took a far
better paying position with an oil company
but lost that job during the oil bust of
1983, actually driving to the unemployment
office in a Mercedes. What followed was a
variety of ventures to pay the bills, ranging
from teaching junior high school chorus to
painting garage doors to makJng doughnuts,
among other endeavors. Finally he flew to
New York City (the Mercedes long gone)
with 3 suitcases and $200 to meet a friend
awaiting he could stay vdth. Doing writing
and consulting for an import/export business,
he moved on to success with the advertising
agency Charron, Schwartz and Partners.
Walking through the subway one fateful
day beneath Grand Central Station he saw
Wayne Johnson, a gentleman that would
prove to be a soulmate. As the relationship
came together, Scott came out at work
(no problem) and they legally married in
Following this, he got involved working
with nonprofit organizations. Finding himself
laid off, he began checking around for other
....... Continued See ClMARRON Page 5
2 April 1, 2010
is T.E.N?
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
7he Equalily Network, or TEN. is comprised of
three organizational entities: TENPAC, TEN,
and TENInstitute. Pictured above is Laura
Belmonte. an activist who is also i4ce President
and Co-Founder ofTEN. Townsendphoto
TULSA. OK TEN, or "The Equality
Network" is a non-partisan statewide
organization working to achieve equality
and secure legal protection for tesbian.
ga)~ bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
Oklahomans through advocacy, coalition
building and individual empowerment in the
political process. Founded in 2009. TEN is
comprised of three organizational entities:
TEN PAC, TEN, and TEN Institute.
"Over the last decade or so that I’ve
worked for LGBT equalityin Oklahoma
I’ve become increasingly impressed with the
amazing progress statewide LGBT advocacy
groups are having elsewhere," said Laura
Belmonte, Vice President and Co-Founder of
TEN. "Last year a number of positive forces
converged and we concluded that the timing
xvas right to implement a three-pronged
strategy of ’educate, advocate, elect.’"
Belrnonte also has a PhD amd is currently
Director ofAmerican Studies and associate
professor ofArnerican History at Oklahoma
State University.
"The launching ofTEN is the fulfilhnent
of a personal dream and I feel very fortunate
ro have the opportunity to work ~vith such
a committed and talented group of people,"
adds Belmonte. "Each day, we are hearing
from people all over the state - most in places
where there is no organized effort for LGBT
equality - and we are quite encouraged by
the alliances that are developing. With time,
effort, and a lot of help we think that TEN
can help make some positive changes for
LGBT Oklahomans."
TEN is affiliated with the Equality
Federation (vrww.equalityfederation.org),
the national alliance of state-based LGBT
advocacy organizations. Collectively these
state groups have compiled a remarkable
string of pro-equality victories on a range of
issues including workplace fairness, antibullying
and relationship recognition. Even a
small group ofw!!l-prepared constituents can
make a powerful impression on a legislator.
Legislators need to hear from people who
support LGBT equality all the time, not only
at times when the LGBT community is being
"The board combines people with
professional and non-professional experience
in lobbying and advocacy at the state and
local levels on causes as varied as LGBT
rights, animal protection, HIV/A.IDS,
economic injustice, and gender equality," adds
Belmonte. "This wilt be a continua!, longterm
effort. It is going to take time and effort
to move Oklalaoma toward more inclusive
~nd just public policies for LGBT people."
For more information you may contact
Belmonte at lbelmonte@theequalitynetwork.
org or 918.906.2134. Our web site is ~wcw.
theequalitynetwork.org. You can also find
TEN on Facebook and Twitter (follow
Openly Gay Norman
City Councilman wins
re-election but now is
running for State House
NORMAN, OK (PR) __ When Tom
Kovach was first elected to the Norman City
Council in 2008, he wasn’t the first openly
gay person to do so. That milestone was
achieved by David Ray in 2002, but Tom did
have the distinction of being the second, and
of being re-elected unopposed this year. He
represents Ward 2.
However, as State Representative Bil!
Nations of District 44 is leaving office due to
term limits, Tom Kovach has announced he
is running for that office as a Democrat, His
stated reasoning, " Sometimes government
produces ideas that in the light of day lack
common sense. I have always been willing to
speak out on those occasions as the voice of
the people, and I remains so."
"Throughout my years in Norman I
have worked with people from all walks
of life, helping them find solutions to the
problems they faced. I have done so as a
union leader, a smal! business owner and now
as a local business executive. I accomplished
these things through honesty, respectful
communication and a willingness to hear
all sides of an issue, the same qualities that
will mark my service as your next state
He has lived in the district more than 40
years, graduating from OU with a degree in
Letters. He currently works as a Customer
Service Manager for Astromomics, a leading
U.S. dealer and producer of quality optics.
He and his partner Will Weir are active in
many social service agencies in the Norman
area, and look forward to doing more for their
fellow Oklahomans.
A Toast to Life
It’s time to Paint the Town Robert!
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing W-riter
Other Options andFriends Food Pantry board
president, Robert Painter tu,ws 40 in Apriland
isplanninga huge_f!~ndraising eventfor t,§e
organization to celebrate the occasion. Townsend
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK It’s a birthday
bash like none other. Turning 40 is Robert
Painter, famous for his ’best little tact stand
down by the tracks,’ (a.k.a., ~lhe Iguana
Mexican Grill). Painter is also the board
president of Other Options, Inc (OOI) and
has chosen to celebrate ’the big 4-0’ in a very
unique way.
"Our Toast to Life event is the signature
fundraiser for Other Options and it is
held annually in April?said Painter. ~Ttpril
also happens to be the same month as my
birthday. I really w~tnted to take advantage
of the name Ihave made for myself to help
an or,ga,~)ization who has done so much for
Painter became acquainted with OOI
when his dear friend, Tim Wade ~vas
diagnosed with HIV. The only place he could
find immediate help at no cost in Oklahoma
City was at Other Options. This is where
Painter met Mary Arbuclde, Executive
Director ofOOI and Friends Food Pantry.
Wade found assistance with medication, food
and other support services at OOI. Sadly,
Wade passed away in 2009 but Painter has
kep,t, his memory alive by giving back.
The bigge,,st thing we [O~I] need is our
own building, adds Painter. That is why our
goal is $40,000 for this event and
I think we can do it." Forty seems to be the
magic number.
Since 1989 Other Options in Oklahoma
City has provided professional, consistent
services to people who are HIV positive and
disabled individuals, focusing on the impact
HIV/AIDS has had in the lives of those they
serve. The mission of Other Options is to
create a better understanding of HIV/AIDS,
provide training, guidance and provide
educational directories that link the affected
community to services.
The venue will include live music,
various artists and entertainers, dancing, and
deadCenter will be showing films on the big
screen, there will be a fashion show and a
silent auction will be held. Another unique
part of this event will be the art gallery
featuring Oklahoma City artists Debbie
Curtis, Joe Slack, Ben Potter, Brent Weber
and Bryan Boone. Other surprises are also in
~Toast to Life; Paint the Town Robert,’
vdtl be held on April 10th at 7:40pm at 25
NW 9th (just \grest ofNae Iguana). Tickets
for the event are $40 and will include food,
drink, entertainment and parldng. For tickets
or to make a donation please call (405) 605-
8020. Reserve tickets are requested; the event
is free to clients of Other Options.
1st Annual Tulsa
Violence Symposium
In Memory of
Joseph Walker-Hoover Jaheem Herrera
TULSA, OK (PR) April 16, 2010
hosted by Youth Services ofTulsa. Nae event
will take place at Langston University Tulsa
starting at 9AM. Registration to attend this
event is not necessary.
The event will address national and local
concerns about the growing problems of
student-on-student abuse in our communities
- Bullying, Dating Violence/Date Rape, and
Domestic Violence.
Ifyou would like to schedule a booth for
your organization, please contact Michael
Merryman at 918.382-4429, or email to
’uPtcv - Civil Rights *Criminal
ment Family Law - Litigation
625 N.W. t S.th Street
a City, OK
www.metrostarnews.com [vIETROSTAR 3
Dear Editor, from hatred and discrimination? X~y is Sen.
I wanted to share the letter
Congresswoman Mary Fallin sent to me in
response to my letter regarding EDNA and
The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill and
the reaction of the Oldahoma Legislature.
Russell afraid of gay/lesbian equality under
the law?
Senator Russell just can’t stop fighting
wars and looking for enemies. He should reenlist
and put his life back on the line, for his
country of course.
Kendell Powers
Oklahoma Civ/
James Nimmo
Oklahoma City, OK
March 8, 2010 Dear Editor,
Mr. Kendel Powers
600 Northwest 23rd Street, Suite 101
Oklahoma City, OK 73103-1464
Dear Mr. Powers:
that still mean something to the people of
Oklahoma, the law is so vaguely defined and
so unenforceable that it seems to be more of a
handout to trial lavo,ers than anything else.
As your Representative, I stand for
religious liberty and people of all faiths
and oppose a convoluted, vaguely defined
and unenforceable set of new regulations
governing personal behavior and hiring
practices. Thank you again for taking the
time to share your ideas and concerns. As
the 11 lth Congress addresses the man),
challenges facing our nation, I hope you will
continue to share your thoughts and vie,vs
with me. However, due to increased security
measures, mail delivery may be delayed for up
to two weeks. Accordingly, I encourage you
to visit my website at ,aw~v.fallin.house.gov
to contact me via email in the future. While
visiting my site you may also sign up for my
e-newsletter as well as find usefu! information
about the 11 lth Congress.
Mary Fallin
Member of Congress
Dear Editor,
season is on for gays and lesbians as long as
the Oklahoma Legislature is in session. If
the rednecks don’t get us the suit-and-tie boys
Not content with passing SQ 71 ! in
2004 making marriage only bet~veen one
man and one woman as many times as they
like, the Senate has just passed 39-6 a bill
(SB1965) to opt out of the recentl~ passed
federal Shepard/Byrd Hate Crime~ I[aw.
~e bill nmv goes to the House side of the
Senate Bill 1965 seems optimistically
numbered in that I’m sure Sen. Russell,
the sponsor, and 38 of his colleagues on
both sides of the aisle would like to return
to the year 1965 ifno~ earlier, when gays
and lesbians knew that our place was not
alongside other Americans but rather in the
closet of narrow, scared shadows with the
door hinges well rusted. ~e voting record is
located here: http://tinyurl.com/ycgog86
It’s odd that many of these legislators
weren’t even born then or were very young.
Where did they learn such animosity towards
strangers that never did them any harm?
Surely not in their church pews or at their
dinner tables, do you think?
After all, African-Americans had just
achieved a legal victory in 1965 with the
’passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Acts
for which white bigots thought the sky would
fall in. The sky did not fal! in and it won’t
fall in when gays and lesbians achieve our
social and legal victory over the bigots of
Oldahoma. 2q~e only thing lost will be the
legal right bigots so jealously retain to impose
their ignorance over the rest of us.
According to Sen. Russell’s legislative
webpage he has a serious military record
and several medals. If medals are a mark
of bravery why is Sen. Russell so afraid of
gays and lesbians that he sponsors bills that
remove them from the protection of the law
and maintain their second-class status as
taxpayers--second-class in that gay/lesbian
money is ACcepted for payment of taxes yet
we are EXcepted when it comes to protection
Thank you for taking the time to
contact me about the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act. Understanding your
ideas and concerns is important to me, as it
helps me to better represent you and the Fifth
District of Oklahoma.
The Employment Non-Discrimination
Act, or ENDA, would extend existing
provisions of Federal law to prohibit
employment discrimination on the basis of
"actual or perceived" sexual orientation. The
bill expands civil rights protections on the
vague basis of perception, requiring courts to
determine an employer’s thoughts when an
employment action is taken. Currently Title
\HI prohibits workplace harassment that is
based on race, color, religion, sex, or national
This legislation is anotber example of
political correctness gone wrong. This bill
is constitutionally questionable, weakens
both state and federal marriage laws, and
creates a legal trap for businesses, schools,
and people of faith. I have long opposed the
government’s creeping assault on the faithbased
values our country was founded on, the
flaws in this bill are numerous and obvious.
ENDA is inconsistent with the rights
guaranteed by the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act (PdaRA), which prohibits
the Federal Government from substantially
burdening the free exercise of religion. It
nullifies the rights of some religious schools
which, although not "controlled, managed
or owned by a specific religion," may still
consider religious faith and traditional
moral values to be an essential part of their
curriculum. This opens some of Oldahomds
most successful faith-based institutions to
unconstitutional government involvement
and supervision. Without a blanket
exemption for all religious educational
institutions, nondenominational religious
schools will be forced to operate under
government review of curriculum and
constant fear of litigation.
The.proposed legislation makes a
protected class based on sexual behavim;
which will jeopardize our constitutional
rights to freedom of speech and religious
expression. ENDA is a direct attack on
individual religious freedoms and creares a
lega! tightrope for employers over which law
to follow and violate. Employers with rnoral
or religious beliefs opposed to homosexualiV
will be forced to lay down their rights and
convictions at the door, creating a hostile
work environment. In addition to ENDA’s
blatant disregard for traditional values, values
Hawaii’s Garden Isle: Kauai, In terms
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resorts to quaint B&B’s. A list of where
to stay and things to do now online in our
Travel Section @ www.MetroStarNews.com
TULSA, OK__ Senate Bil! 1965 has to be
defeated. This bill would restrict Oklahoma
law enforcement from complying with the
federal justice department during a hate biased
crime investigation.
The bill’s author, State Senator Steven
Russell, has suggested the Federal Hate Crimes
Prevention Act would restrict free speech (aka
ministers preaching against homosexuality).
So the Oklahoma Senate has refused to
hear bills that would assist victims ofliate
biased crimes but have tentatively approved
another bill that would remove any hope of
justice for LGBT victims ofviolence.
This is unacceptable and I strongly urge
everyone to contact their State Senator and
challenge them to not approve Senate Bill 1965
on it’s final hearing.
Visit this website and find out how to reach
your senator.
Oklahomans for Equality
Tulsa; OK .......... ......... : ...... ........
Metro Star Travel
Column Now Online
Kauai’sfamedNa Pali Coast, with its 4, 000-
foot cli~ rMng big,§ above the sea. Photo by
Andrew Collins
He was born in Oklahoma City on
November 19, 1939. AaCter growing up there
and graduating from Central High School
he worked maW jobs before creating PRT
Designs, His road to activism began when he
was arrested after leaving a gay bar over 40
years ago on bogus charges of lewd conduct.
Unlike almost any of his peers, he fought
the charge and won. He continued to fight
injustice wherever he saw it. In addition to
activism in the gay community he also helped
African Americans, serving on the board of
the Oklahoma City NAACP for over 15 ),ears
as well.
A memorialput up on the Nix/2. 39th Street Strip
Median at N.14z. 39th andPennsylvania by
NathanidBatchelder qfthe Peace House
Paul passed away March 8 at Baptist
Integris Medical Center due to a stroke and
subsequent heart failure. A memorial service
was held for him at the 1st Unitarian Church
March 14. Speakers included Laura Rhoads,
who knew him as "Unde Paul" when he
was her childhood friend, as well as former
Oklahoma Commissioner Jim Roth.
Followed by a potluck supper a multitude
of his friends and fellow activists shared
memories, lamented how far he’d brought us,
and how to make his legacy live on.
No ma#er who yot
are on life’s journ~
3131 ,R. Pennsylvania,Oklaho 405.525.9555
4 tsv{~£T~qOSTAR April 1,2010
jobs in a nationwide search. By chance he
found an executivedirector’s position open
with Cimarron Alliance and his first thought
was,, A gay organization in Oklahoma CitT,
how is that possible?"
He applied for the position and got it.
With the encouragement of his partner
’,Wayne (still in New York but who will join
him later) he has plans for a new direction fi~r
himself and for Cimarron. One of his major
concerns, as it is for all nonprofits, is how to
achieve objectives or even survive in this type
of economy. His answer, "You keep going
because the needs do not abate just because
money is tight. If you believe in social jnstice,
that doesn’t stop until there is justice. "
He has been pleasantly surprised at the
financial contributions people have made
recently to the organization, and those
volunteering their time and talents as well.
He also realizes that for a long time there was
a perception that Cimarron is an organization
primarily focused as being an elite group of
white,~ wealthy, handsome gay men. When it
was formed in 1995 a membership cost $250.
Today there are no dues to join the
organization, and the Cimarron Alliance PAC
no longer exists. Currently the Foundation
hosts an annual Stop Hate in the Hallways
summit, which has been a major factor for
school systems in Oldahoma considering
or implementing anti-bullying policies that
protect students who are GLBT or perceived
to be from harassment, q-he main objective
now is more outreach.
As Scott stated, " One of my goals for "
this year, besides raising enough money to
pay the bills, is to demonstrate with sincerity
and conviction that this is an organization
that is approachable and dedicated to serving
everyone in the community."
Beginning in April Cimarron Alliance
Foundation will begin a "411 Series" ofg0
minute presentations on various aspects of
problems facing the GLBT community.
Topics covered could include living with
a partner who is an addict, tax problems,
domestic violence, health issues, inheritance
laws, situations usually faced by people in
general with unique aspects for GLBTs.
How does it feel to be directing an
organization like Cimarron in the reddest
state in the country? Scott feels encouraged
stating, " ~ have found pockets of folks who
are progressive in their thinking, deeply
committed to social justice in a personal way.
W~ile this is m~ incredibly red state I think
there’s hope because I see work being done,
quietly moving forward. That lets me kmow
justice is not an insurmountable problem."
~fhere will be monthly meetings at the
office, encouraging networking with officers
from other GLBT organizations. ~Ihey will
happen at 5:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of every
month. Now located at 729 N.W. 17th
Street in Oklahoma City, they can be reached
e-mail at info@CimarronAlliance.org or by phone (405) 495 9300. Their website
tn addition to the obvious intention to
deny protection to GLBT Oklahomans,
Senator l~dce pointed out that the bill, ,-is it
was written, likewise prohibits Oklahoma
law enforcement from providing evidence to
Federal authorities investigating any category
of hate crime committed in Oklahoma,
including those committed due to the victings
race or religion as well as all categories
covered by Federal law. As of press time, the
bill was headed to the Oldahoma State House
of Representatives, but may undergo changes
before it is voted on there. Senator Rice
stated that he hopes the bill is stopped in the
House or vetoed by the Governor. Pat Sund,
a spokeman for Governor Henry, said the
governor is watching the bill but has not yet
made a decision as to whether he will sign it.
Memori , David
Henry Osthoff lost his battle with an
extended illness ~aursda~; February 25, 2010,
in Oldahoma City. He was born September
26, 1953, in Hopewell, Virginia to Charline
David had several jobs through the years,
but will mainly be remembered as a server at
Gusher’s Restaurant for many years before
returning to Cookson, OK to care for his
mother. He enjoyed reading, gardening and
playing pool in the Family Pool League.
David was a very caring and
compassionate person. He never judged
people, never met a stranger and never forgot
anyone’s birthday or anniversary.
He was preceded in death by his loving
mother and father Charline and Billie Ballew.
He is survived by two brothers and a sister;
six nieces and nephews, and many close
friends. Special thanks to the staff at North
Winds Living Center in .O,KC.
A celebration of David s life is planned for
Sunday; April 18th in The Finishline located
inside The Habana Inn at 4:30 p.m.
Londerm D, Raine
captures the title
ofMiss Gay Lawton
By Victor Gorin
Contributing Writer
~nner Londenn Raine with ~l[ie Laine, Miss
Gay Lawton 1982 andMiss Gay Oklahoma
1983. Gorin photo
OKd_AHOi~cb~ CITY, OK__ It was a
glamorous nigl~t at Angles March 5 when
the Londenne Raine was crowned the new
Miss Gay Lawton 2010, with 1st alternate
A_lanna Paige. As a preliminary to the Miss
Gay Oklahoma Pageant, they wil! go on to
compete in that event. Also performing at the
occasion was our current Miss Gay Oklahoma
Shantell Mandelay.
Miss G~ Lawton is one of the longest
running preliminary competitions to Miss
Gay Oklahoma, which began in 1978. Now
29 years young, the first Miss Gay Lawton
was Lady Paris in 1981.5 winners of this
pageant have gone on to win the title mCMiss
Gay Oklahoma, and one (.Jacqulyn DeVaroe)
has won the title of Miss Gay America. The
current promoter is Aubrey Stone, who is
Miss Gay Lawton of 2004.
Eureka Springs Diversity
the little city in the hills of the Arkansas .
Ozarks that has become the pride of diversity,
is gearing up for 2010. Spring Diversity will
be held on April 9 -11. The same weekend
as the annual U~EO. Conference. You’re
invited to come join the Gaylien invasion of
NOT just a few city blocks, NOT just a small
handful of business, but one entire city.
What’s to do? Say "I DO" and register
your love with a Domestic Partner Certificate.
The Courthouse is closed Saturday and
Sunday so come early Friday or hangover till
Monday. Tnere are over 150 unique shops
and galleries to browse or max out your credit
To start your weekend drop by the Pizza
Bar. The Pizza Sluts will host their third
Diversity X~¢elcome Mixer there at 13 N.
Main, on Friday, 6-8 PM. You can pickup
a complete schedule of Diversity Weekend
For more information visit wvc~v.
eurekapride.com or diversitTpride.com
Art Opening and Exhibit
ofOriginal Works by ’
Dennis R. Scott..
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Apri! exhibit at
the Dennis tL Neill Equality Center Gallery
will feature works by Dennis 1L Scott. If
there were a simple way to describe his art,
it would be called "accidental art" since art
is the accident of discovery - the unexpected
result of the meandering mind. Dennis Scott,
a retired English teacher, resides in Tulsa,
He is ~ writer, lyricist, poet, craftsman,
and artist. He has previously exhibited and
sold his art at Utica Arts in The Square
Show, Blue Dome Festival, Dennis R. Neill°
Equality Center Gallery, River Walk Arts
Festival, Cherry Street Arts Festival, Brook
Arts Festival and the Parsons, Kansas Art
Walk. His art has been sold to clients as far
away as Florence, Italy. Dennis Scott has been
creating in the medium of digital "art" for the
last six years. His work is unlike typical digital
or computer art because his art depicts his
own way of seeing life and interpreting what
he sees. One could easily peg Dennis Scott’s
art abstract, impressionistic, or surreal but
categories are of little concern to him.
The art exhibit at the Dennis R. O’Neil
Equality Center Gallery in April titled "Les
Belles Dames Nues" (Lovely Nal(ed Ladies)
,vill feature over 65 nude prints of Dennis
Scott’s art with over 40 of the works never
having been printed before. Dennis Scott’s
nude art is tasteful, yet evocative. Please join
us to visit with Dennis Scott at the Opening
Night Reception on Tnursday, April 1, from
6 to 9pro. Refreshments will be served.
Dennis’s art will be on display throughout
Free help
www.rnetrostarnews.com ~1ET}~OSTAR 5
By Ronald Blake
Contributing writer
Haotv: Ronald Blake, Cerdfied Fitness
Instructor throz<gh ISSA International Sports
. SciencesAssociadon
My best fi’iend said I should do it. My
brother said t should definitely do it. My
co-worker said I don’t need to do it. My
neighbor has never done it. Everyone has an
opinion on taking supplements for health and
well being. Should you do it? I have an easy
but nebulous answer: I don’t knovd Let me
gather some information from you.
If you have a food allergy then you
might want to consider taking supplements.
Someone lactose intolerant will not drink
milk or eat dairy products. This aversion
to Betsy the Cow could cause a deficiency
in calcium. Someone with a gluten allergy
might miss out on the benefits of thiamine
and riboflavin. This too could require
Ifyou are very athletic and push
your body to the outer limits of sanity
then you’re a likely candidate for extra
nutrition. This would certainly include
triathaletes, marathoners, or bodybuilders.
A 40 hour work week, intense training, and
housecleaning when you get home might
lead to insipid intercourse intertwined
with irascibility in the evening. That isn’t
fun! These uber athletes should strongly
consider supplementation to get those needed
nutrients that lead to late-day copacetic
If the ornitho!ogy creatures gathered at
your birdfeeder are eating more than you
then it might be time to purchase meal or
drink supplements. It isn’t safe to take in less
than 1000 calories per day and it can zap
your energy xvhile depleting valuable mineral
reserves like iron from your body. Consult the
family doctor or a nutritionist for suggestions
on getting what your body needs to function
If you drink like Karen Walker, Captain
Jack Sparrmv, or Mayberry’s Otis Campbell
then you are an excellent candidate for
supplemental drinks or shakes. Alcohol can
adversely affect the body’s absorption and
metabolism of nutrients. Excessive alcohol
ravages the liver and pancreas too. This al!
means that the body doesn’t get the nutrients
it really needs.
tfyou take a blow torch to all your foods
and frequendy use adjectives such as charred,
burnt, crispy, or well done to describe your
meal it is a good bet that supplements on
a store shelf have your name on them.
Overcooking foods usually destroys B-group,
C, and E vitamins. Boiling vegetables can also
denude beneficial vitamins and minerals and
le,ave you needing rnore nutritional assistance.
Light steaming of vegetables can keep the
good stuffin and taste just as good.
Dieting can cause a need for supplements
too. Many dieters are now eliminating entire
food groups fi’om their plates. That means
these folks aren’t getting important vitamins
and minerals that would normally come
from these food groups. Eliminating all
carbs, all fat, or all protein just isn’t wise. Talk
with your medical experts about nutritional
replacements for these lost foods. You could
also just go back to being a regular human
being and sensibly eating carbs, fat, and
protein togethe~:
MI of this information should really
guide you toward a professional opinion
now. Consult your doctor, a certified fitness
trainer or a nutritionist to assist you with
deciding if supplements are necessary for
you. Your brother, your co-worker, and your
neighbor probably aren’t doctors, a certified
fitness trainer, or a nutritionist. With that
advice and lmowledge move your thimble five
spaces to GO and collect your nutrients and
vitamins for improved health and wellness!
¯ N~is health and fitness column is brought
to you by that guy ycho enjoys visits to
Hooters despite his non-breeder status. That
lover ofwings guy is Ron Blake and he can be
reached at www.myblakefimess.com.
Tony Kushner Pulitz&
Prize-Winning Playwright,
To Appear On Sunday,
April 18 .
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Renowned
screemvriter and creator ofAngels in America,
playwright Tony Kushner will make his first
live appearance in Tulsa on Sunday, April
18, 20!0 at the Synagogue: Congregation
B’nai Emunah. He willbe interviewed on this
occasion by noted actor and filmmaker Tim
Blake Nelson.
The Synagguoe is located at the corner
of Peoria and Seventeenth Street. Details are
available on the Synagogue xvebsite: www.
3rd Mr. Gay US ofA
Contest held at Angles
Amadeus York ofTexas
gets the tit]e
By Victor Gorin
Mr Gay US ofA MI in white Amadeus York
with theprevious winner Richard Cranium.
Gorin photo
aficianados of male impersonation it was a
night in heaven March 14 when the new
winner was crowned Mr.Gay US ofA M!
( male illusion). Beginning March 12 the
contest opened with 50 contestants, narrowed
down to 12 finalists on the Sunday night
conclusion. Promoted by Brenda Quayle,
the contest is part of the US ofA pageantry
system which is now in its 26th year of
operation. Accompanying the contest was
a silent auction benefitting Camp Kindle,
an organization providing free camping
programs for children and young adults
infected or affected by HIV.
Giving up his tide was Richard Cranium
ofTexas. The new winners were 2nd
runnerup Windz ofNew York, 1st runnerup
Chad Meridian ofArkansas, and the new Mr.
Gay US ofA M! Amadeus York ofTexas.
6 NETROSTAR April 1, 2010
"It would be good if readers and viewers
see a different face each time there is an issue
in the community," Kirby says. "The broader
community should see different people."
Kirby has always been willing to speak out
on issues. He and his partner of 11 years are
legally married in California and Kirby has
been a tireless advocate of marriage equalityan
issue that has gained momentum around
the country in recent years but not budged in
conservative leaning Oldahoma.
Ending the ban on out GLBT
servicemernbers in the US military has also
been a cause near, dear - and personal to
Kirby. He served in the Air Force at the end
of the Vietnam War and several of his friends
were discharged because they were gay. One
of those friends was particularly special.
"I lost a relationship that had been long
term when he was discharged from the Air
Force for being gay," Kirby says. "I don’t
lmow if it would have worked out for life, but
I felt a very personal pain."
Kirby became active in the military issue
after former President Bill Clintoffs efforts to
lift the ban on GLBT servicemembers evolved
into the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy
that stands today. Since then he has joined
in on lobbying efforts of the state delegation
and lobbied organizations to which be
belongs - the American Legion and the
Non-Commissioned officers Association -- to
support repealing the ban.
With the current debate on repealing
DADT, Kirby feels there is some progress
being made (~ward equal rights to serve.
’ Each time the issue comes up, there are
more and more people willing to support
repealing the ban," he says. "Whether or not
there are enough people now I don’t lmow. I
think right now there is as good a chance as
there has ever been. I wish the military
would look at the other countries who have
removed that ban - none of them have had
any problems."
Kirby says he is committed to continue
pushing for his causes and for the
advancement of the community. ,
For more information on OkEqs 30th
Anniversary Equality Gala, visit www.okeq.
Your life an open book
on Drag Race
The autobiography challenge sends the
latest queen packing on Ru-Paul’s Drag
By Bebe Zahara Benet
As I travel
all around
the country
to promote
my new
so many
people have
told me that
this season’s
Jessica Wild
them of me.
I told my
mija this
during our
this week,
many things I loved about watching her
on RuPaul s Drag Race. ticAll reca~ ~foweek
7andprevious shows ate online now. All 12
weeks will be posted on our website at: www.
’~,,~,~v. metrostarnews.corn ~(~t~°oSTAR 7
April 1, 2010
10 April 1, 2010
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
O~t &About in OKC & Tulsa
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
@ The Cop& Oklahoma City
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
@ The End Up, Tulsa
Club Maverick Hosts 19th Annual
Straley. Gorinphoto
, will be goin~ to the
this coming
The Leather Lifestvle has been around awhile in OHahoma, and
@Club 209, Tulsa
puf "
in Chri
@Club Majestic, Tulsa @ Ledo, Oklahoma City
12 ~®t~oSTAR April 1, 2010
by Jack Fertig April 2010
"Go back to basics, GeminW’
Saturn backing into Virgo reminds
us to clean up old business before
starting new relationships. Aspecting
Uranus and Neptune, she’ll dig up
complications that must be dealt with to
make progress. Go slowly and carefully.
You have until late July to get it right.
ARIES (March 2(}-Apri~ 19):
Recalculate the equation of any
partnership that’s troubling you. Can
or should it be saved? Strong instincts
and inspiration could lead you astray,
but probably contain a kernel of truth.
Friends can help you reconcile those
with reality.
TAURUS (April 2(} - May 2(}): Feeling
stuck at work can push you back to reexamine
your goals. Where do you feel
most creative, and what doyou really
have to offer? If professional goals feel
nebulous, frame the question in terms
of your social ideals.
GEMIN~ (May 21- June 20): While your
goals and ideals seem to be in flux,
go back to basics, The most relevant
questions about reaching out to the
world around you ar6 taught early in
life. Be nice, share and try to learn.
Community service can also help clear
your head:
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Discuss
longstanding family issues with
siblings, or community problems with
neighbors. Things probably aren’t as
dark and complicated as they feel. New
perspectives will help if you’re willing to
be _very_ open-minded.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): New
ideas and skills can help get you out of
financial trouble, but first understand
how and why you got into that trouble.
You won’t get that on your own. Your
partner or an advisor can help you
figure it out.
VIRGO (August 23 - September
22): Taking the weight of the world on
your shoulders is bad for your health.
Discussing problems with your partner,
or a trusted friend or counselor, is
necessary even if it’s aggravating. A
mild exercise program (swimming?)
and meditation help,
UBRA (September 23 - October 22):
It seems you can’t catch a break, so
make one for yourself. Take time off to
meditate and play. Settle your nerves
and charge up your batteries. You need
this. in the long run it’s the responsible
thing to do!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21}: Take a hard look at your future
and get ready to clear out the clutter in
your life. Mending fences could mean
quitting some friendships and groups,
but offers you a chance to make it clean
and amicable.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 2(}): Clean up any loose
ends and nasty rumors affecting your
reputation. Helpful inspiration comes
from your home and family. Advice
from siblings and neighbors can seem
confusing, but don’t take it too literally
and it could prove valuable.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Coming toward a peak
of your professional reputation, now is
the time to get the word out about your
achievements and services. Typos and
snafus lie in wait. Be very attentive to
those details!
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): You’re coming into a phase of your
life where your ideas and your mind will
be much challenged. Review what you
believe and why. Confusion about who
you are and what’s important can be a
healthy stage of growth.
PISCES (February 19 - March
19): Feeling unsure about sex and
relationships can be a good step
toward greater awareness. OK, it’s
uncomfortable now. Meditation and
other quiet secluded retreats - some
with your love, some without - will ease
the exploration.
Rev Steve T. Uric
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Sunday 6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
69 Spread
70 Boston cager, briefly
771 Social customs
72 silence ~r Copland
role fbr fodie
63 Initial stake "
65 Plumb of The Brady Bunch
Solution page 15
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~s ~i~gesl i~pad since Roosevelt, ~ecause the conservative
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VOLUME 7 ISSUE 4 Twi~er.com/MetroStarNews
to exempt Oklahoma
Ha e Cr mes Law protecting GLBTs
State Senate
It is very sad that any lawmaker in Oklahoma would introduce legislation that would
force Oklahoma law enforcement officials to violate ground brealdng Federal law that
would extend legal protections to LGBT Oklahomans who may become victims of
violence motivated by bigotry." Statement by State Senator Andrew Rice who was
one of the 6 Senators who voted no.
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
introduced by State Senator Steven Russell
( Republican-District 45) deals mainly with
the Fede~aI Hate Crimes expansion signed
into law by President Obama in October
22,2009, which added Federal Hates
crimes protection to include gender, sexual
oriei~tation, gender identity and disability in
addition to the already covered categories of
agencies from sharing evidence or providing
assistance ro Federal authorities if they are
im~esrigating a hate crime in Oklahoma. It
has passed the State Senate 39-6.
Oklahoma Hate Crimes laws (Section 850
Title 21) cover race, color, tel igion, gender,
disability, familial status and national origin.
As sexual orientation and gender identity are
not covered, hate crimes against GLBTs in the
state of Oklahoma could not be prosecuted as
such under state law, yet such a crime could
be punished as a hate crime under Federal
[axe; which passage of SB 1965 would attempt
m change. However Constitutionally Federal
Law supercedes state law.
As Tamya Cox of Oldaboma’s ACLU puts
it, "For example, if a bloody baseball bat was
used in an Oklahoma hate crime against a
gay person and it was held by state authorities
who are most likely to be first on the scene,
if this bill becomes law it could not be
given to Federal authorities as evidence for
prosecution." Since Oklahoma State Hate
Crimes laws don’t covering GLBTs, SB 1965
would make it virtually impossible for hate
crimes against GLBTs in Oklahoma to be
successftdiv prosecuted as hate crimes.
Scott J. Hamilton. Executive Director
of the Cimarron Alliance stated, "\g)~e are
appalled that the Oklahoma Senate would
pass legislation that, in effect, green lights
violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgendered citizens in this state. Not only
is it unconstitutional, it is unconscionable.
In the meantime our state vdll spend without
limit to defend this in court. Oklahoma is
in the midst of a budget crisis of historic
proportions. I find it hard to believe that
bigotry is so pervasive in our state that our
policymakers would rather pass hate filled
legislation than addressing failing schools and
reductions in services for seniors."
........Continued See BILL 1965 Page-5
T lsa M tary Veteran
Kelly rbv honored
by O ahomans for
By Michael xYZ Sasser
TULSA, OK Oklahomans for Equality
(OkEq) is set to h--~nor Tulsa accountant Kelly
~rby with a Lifetime Achievement Award on
April 24 at their 30th Anniversary Equality
"I have to say that at 56 years old the
word ’lifetime’ is a little daunting," says the
aftable longtime activist.
Kirby is being honored for 20 years of
major activism for the Oklahoma GLBT
"I appreciate the fact that they are
recognizin,g my accomplishments," Kirby
says. I think what I have done is important
and I would have done it without aW
recognition of it."
Kelly WKirby 1974 at age 20, United States
Air Force, honorguard dress uniform.
® MetroStarNews.com APRIL 1,2010
Pau Robert ompsor
A lifetime ofservice-forever a
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Oklahomans who take an interest in equality
and justice there are very fe~v who didn’t
know about Paul Thompson, and many
knew him xvell as he -worked hard to make
Oklahoma better until his life ended. At least
2 generations ofactivists worked beside him,
enduring the heartbreak ofsetbacks and the
joys ofvictories as history marched on. His
energy was tireless, chairing meetings, working
with bureaucracies, organizing events, making
speeches, doing mailings, and on and
on. Although he had his own
business, PRT Designs (interior
decorating), his true passion
was working with people for
justice. He was well known
for his outspoken pride clearly
shown by his trademark outfits,
which included xvearing a
different rainbow color with
matching socks every day. He
co-chaired the Oklahoma Gay
and Lesbian Political Caucus
from 1992 until 2010, and was
active for many years with the
Oklahoma Democratic Party.
He also played a significant
role in organizing Oklahoma
City’s first Pride Parade in 1988,
a true ~ilestone not only for
Oklahoma City but rather the
entire GLBT community of
That event was a major
turning point in Oklahoma,
with the KKK waiting in the Safexvay (now
Homeland) parking tot on N.-W. 39th Street
to stop the "queer parade." But that event had
a happy ending as fellow activist Jim Ninamo
put xt, "When they saw how many participants
were marching, they tucked their tails and left."
The rest was history, with that proud tradition
continuing today. Paul served as the Male Co-
Chair for the OKC Pride Parade and Festival
for many years until 2009, when he was given a
Chairmanship Emeritus Award for his service.
........Continued See THOMPSON Page-4
For more than two decades, Kirby has been a
visible activist for GLBT issues with an emphasis
on marriage equality and for gay
and lesbian service members. It
hasn’t always been an easy role to
On \Vorld A~DS Day in 1991,
Kirby participated in a smal!
demonstration in Tulsa on a wet,
rainy night. Unbeknownst to him,
his photo was taken and the next
day appeared in a newspaper.
"1 lost a relationship
that had been long
term when he was
discharged from the
Air Force for being
gay," Kirby says.
"I got a phone call from my biggest client the
next da)~" Kirby remembers. "q-he mvner of the
company asked me ifI had the opportunity to
make a statement for my cause, if I would do it. I
hadn’t really thought about it until then, but I said
that yes, I probably would. An hour later, I was
fired and lost two-thirds ofmy business. I basically
had to start over from scratch building my business.
I guess that was my activist wake-up call."
_*Kirby said that "he hasn’t shut up"" since then,
giving well over 100 interviews and malting
sure his clients know he might end up in the
"A lot of people in Tulsa
feel that they can’t speak
up because of family or
community or work," Kirby
says. "I had to get past that."
Still Kirby said he
believes different people
should be featured by
media as representative of the state GLBT
........Continued See KIRBY Page-7
Cimarron Alliance Moves Forward with new- O ces
and a Dynamic Director
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Margaret Cox proudly cutting the ribbon held by the new Executive Director Scott J. Hamilton, with
Lisa Ptsiri of the Oldahoma City Chamber of Commerce looking on. Gorin photo
Alliance Group was formed in 1995 as a
political action committee (PAC) focused
on equality for the GLBT community in
Oldaho,na. Although other groups existed at
that time, anaong them the Oldahoma Gay
and Lesbian Political Caucus, the Mliance
was a venture of successful business people
and professionals who would be able to
give serious financial backing to deserving
candidates seeking public office as well as
put on events for the GLBT community.
First chaired by the late Bill Rogers, the
organization became a major force for the
GLBT community and the Oldalxoma
political landscape.
In 1997 the Cimarron Alliance
Foundation was formed as a 501(c)(3)
organization, a nonprofit status which enables
an organization to, among other things,
accept contributions which are tax deductible
to the giver. While this type of organization
is prohibited fi’om most political activity,
including contributing to or promoting
candidates or political parties, the CAF was
focused on educational issues facing the
GLBT community, informing not only them
but also straights as well.
In this endeavor they have held events
such as their annual Leadership Summit,
which is a convention of leadership from all
GLBT groups. They made history in 2001
when their Gay Pride banners for Oklalmma
City light poles were oMered taken down
by then Mayor Kirk Humphreys. They took
the city 1:o Federal court and on September
13,2002 Judge Robin Cauthron ruled
that the banners were protected by Federal
free speech rights mandated by the U.S.
Constitution. Redesigned in 1997, the Pride
banners still fly on special occasions.
Now as we face a new decade with pride
facing prejudice, especially with opposition
to GLBT equality clearly shown to be alive
and kicking in Oldahoma, Cimarron is
facing challenge as they undergo change. For
the first time they have an office, !ocated at
729 N.gi. 17th Street in OHahoma City.
Likewise they now have their first fulltirne
Executive Director Scott J. Hamilton, a
native Otdahoman. A~er many years in New
York City with many ventures he has returned
home to fight for equality. Born inI960 in
south Oklalmma City, he graduated as a
valedictorian of Capitol Hill High School in
1978. He later graduated from OU with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, and his first
job was being a promoter for the Oldahoma
Opry, an Oldahoma City venue for country
and western musicians. He later took a far
better paying position with an oil company
but lost that job during the oil bust of
1983, actually driving to the unemployment
office in a Mercedes. What followed was a
variety of ventures to pay the bills, ranging
from teaching junior high school chorus to
painting garage doors to makJng doughnuts,
among other endeavors. Finally he flew to
New York City (the Mercedes long gone)
with 3 suitcases and $200 to meet a friend
awaiting he could stay vdth. Doing writing
and consulting for an import/export business,
he moved on to success with the advertising
agency Charron, Schwartz and Partners.
Walking through the subway one fateful
day beneath Grand Central Station he saw
Wayne Johnson, a gentleman that would
prove to be a soulmate. As the relationship
came together, Scott came out at work
(no problem) and they legally married in
Following this, he got involved working
with nonprofit organizations. Finding himself
laid off, he began checking around for other
....... Continued See ClMARRON Page 5
2 April 1, 2010
is T.E.N?
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
7he Equalily Network, or TEN. is comprised of
three organizational entities: TENPAC, TEN,
and TENInstitute. Pictured above is Laura
Belmonte. an activist who is also i4ce President
and Co-Founder ofTEN. Townsendphoto
TULSA. OK TEN, or "The Equality
Network" is a non-partisan statewide
organization working to achieve equality
and secure legal protection for tesbian.
ga)~ bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
Oklahomans through advocacy, coalition
building and individual empowerment in the
political process. Founded in 2009. TEN is
comprised of three organizational entities:
TEN PAC, TEN, and TEN Institute.
"Over the last decade or so that I’ve
worked for LGBT equalityin Oklahoma
I’ve become increasingly impressed with the
amazing progress statewide LGBT advocacy
groups are having elsewhere," said Laura
Belmonte, Vice President and Co-Founder of
TEN. "Last year a number of positive forces
converged and we concluded that the timing
xvas right to implement a three-pronged
strategy of ’educate, advocate, elect.’"
Belrnonte also has a PhD amd is currently
Director ofAmerican Studies and associate
professor ofArnerican History at Oklahoma
State University.
"The launching ofTEN is the fulfilhnent
of a personal dream and I feel very fortunate
ro have the opportunity to work ~vith such
a committed and talented group of people,"
adds Belmonte. "Each day, we are hearing
from people all over the state - most in places
where there is no organized effort for LGBT
equality - and we are quite encouraged by
the alliances that are developing. With time,
effort, and a lot of help we think that TEN
can help make some positive changes for
LGBT Oklahomans."
TEN is affiliated with the Equality
Federation (vrww.equalityfederation.org),
the national alliance of state-based LGBT
advocacy organizations. Collectively these
state groups have compiled a remarkable
string of pro-equality victories on a range of
issues including workplace fairness, antibullying
and relationship recognition. Even a
small group ofw!!l-prepared constituents can
make a powerful impression on a legislator.
Legislators need to hear from people who
support LGBT equality all the time, not only
at times when the LGBT community is being
"The board combines people with
professional and non-professional experience
in lobbying and advocacy at the state and
local levels on causes as varied as LGBT
rights, animal protection, HIV/A.IDS,
economic injustice, and gender equality," adds
Belmonte. "This wilt be a continua!, longterm
effort. It is going to take time and effort
to move Oklalaoma toward more inclusive
~nd just public policies for LGBT people."
For more information you may contact
Belmonte at lbelmonte@theequalitynetwork.
org or 918.906.2134. Our web site is ~wcw.
theequalitynetwork.org. You can also find
TEN on Facebook and Twitter (follow
Openly Gay Norman
City Councilman wins
re-election but now is
running for State House
NORMAN, OK (PR) __ When Tom
Kovach was first elected to the Norman City
Council in 2008, he wasn’t the first openly
gay person to do so. That milestone was
achieved by David Ray in 2002, but Tom did
have the distinction of being the second, and
of being re-elected unopposed this year. He
represents Ward 2.
However, as State Representative Bil!
Nations of District 44 is leaving office due to
term limits, Tom Kovach has announced he
is running for that office as a Democrat, His
stated reasoning, " Sometimes government
produces ideas that in the light of day lack
common sense. I have always been willing to
speak out on those occasions as the voice of
the people, and I remains so."
"Throughout my years in Norman I
have worked with people from all walks
of life, helping them find solutions to the
problems they faced. I have done so as a
union leader, a smal! business owner and now
as a local business executive. I accomplished
these things through honesty, respectful
communication and a willingness to hear
all sides of an issue, the same qualities that
will mark my service as your next state
He has lived in the district more than 40
years, graduating from OU with a degree in
Letters. He currently works as a Customer
Service Manager for Astromomics, a leading
U.S. dealer and producer of quality optics.
He and his partner Will Weir are active in
many social service agencies in the Norman
area, and look forward to doing more for their
fellow Oklahomans.
A Toast to Life
It’s time to Paint the Town Robert!
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing W-riter
Other Options andFriends Food Pantry board
president, Robert Painter tu,ws 40 in Apriland
isplanninga huge_f!~ndraising eventfor t,§e
organization to celebrate the occasion. Townsend
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK It’s a birthday
bash like none other. Turning 40 is Robert
Painter, famous for his ’best little tact stand
down by the tracks,’ (a.k.a., ~lhe Iguana
Mexican Grill). Painter is also the board
president of Other Options, Inc (OOI) and
has chosen to celebrate ’the big 4-0’ in a very
unique way.
"Our Toast to Life event is the signature
fundraiser for Other Options and it is
held annually in April?said Painter. ~Ttpril
also happens to be the same month as my
birthday. I really w~tnted to take advantage
of the name Ihave made for myself to help
an or,ga,~)ization who has done so much for
Painter became acquainted with OOI
when his dear friend, Tim Wade ~vas
diagnosed with HIV. The only place he could
find immediate help at no cost in Oklahoma
City was at Other Options. This is where
Painter met Mary Arbuclde, Executive
Director ofOOI and Friends Food Pantry.
Wade found assistance with medication, food
and other support services at OOI. Sadly,
Wade passed away in 2009 but Painter has
kep,t, his memory alive by giving back.
The bigge,,st thing we [O~I] need is our
own building, adds Painter. That is why our
goal is $40,000 for this event and
I think we can do it." Forty seems to be the
magic number.
Since 1989 Other Options in Oklahoma
City has provided professional, consistent
services to people who are HIV positive and
disabled individuals, focusing on the impact
HIV/AIDS has had in the lives of those they
serve. The mission of Other Options is to
create a better understanding of HIV/AIDS,
provide training, guidance and provide
educational directories that link the affected
community to services.
The venue will include live music,
various artists and entertainers, dancing, and
deadCenter will be showing films on the big
screen, there will be a fashion show and a
silent auction will be held. Another unique
part of this event will be the art gallery
featuring Oklahoma City artists Debbie
Curtis, Joe Slack, Ben Potter, Brent Weber
and Bryan Boone. Other surprises are also in
~Toast to Life; Paint the Town Robert,’
vdtl be held on April 10th at 7:40pm at 25
NW 9th (just \grest ofNae Iguana). Tickets
for the event are $40 and will include food,
drink, entertainment and parldng. For tickets
or to make a donation please call (405) 605-
8020. Reserve tickets are requested; the event
is free to clients of Other Options.
1st Annual Tulsa
Violence Symposium
In Memory of
Joseph Walker-Hoover Jaheem Herrera
TULSA, OK (PR) April 16, 2010
hosted by Youth Services ofTulsa. Nae event
will take place at Langston University Tulsa
starting at 9AM. Registration to attend this
event is not necessary.
The event will address national and local
concerns about the growing problems of
student-on-student abuse in our communities
- Bullying, Dating Violence/Date Rape, and
Domestic Violence.
Ifyou would like to schedule a booth for
your organization, please contact Michael
Merryman at 918.382-4429, or email to
’uPtcv - Civil Rights *Criminal
ment Family Law - Litigation
625 N.W. t S.th Street
a City, OK
www.metrostarnews.com [vIETROSTAR 3
Dear Editor, from hatred and discrimination? X~y is Sen.
I wanted to share the letter
Congresswoman Mary Fallin sent to me in
response to my letter regarding EDNA and
The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill and
the reaction of the Oldahoma Legislature.
Russell afraid of gay/lesbian equality under
the law?
Senator Russell just can’t stop fighting
wars and looking for enemies. He should reenlist
and put his life back on the line, for his
country of course.
Kendell Powers
Oklahoma Civ/
James Nimmo
Oklahoma City, OK
March 8, 2010 Dear Editor,
Mr. Kendel Powers
600 Northwest 23rd Street, Suite 101
Oklahoma City, OK 73103-1464
Dear Mr. Powers:
that still mean something to the people of
Oklahoma, the law is so vaguely defined and
so unenforceable that it seems to be more of a
handout to trial lavo,ers than anything else.
As your Representative, I stand for
religious liberty and people of all faiths
and oppose a convoluted, vaguely defined
and unenforceable set of new regulations
governing personal behavior and hiring
practices. Thank you again for taking the
time to share your ideas and concerns. As
the 11 lth Congress addresses the man),
challenges facing our nation, I hope you will
continue to share your thoughts and vie,vs
with me. However, due to increased security
measures, mail delivery may be delayed for up
to two weeks. Accordingly, I encourage you
to visit my website at ,aw~v.fallin.house.gov
to contact me via email in the future. While
visiting my site you may also sign up for my
e-newsletter as well as find usefu! information
about the 11 lth Congress.
Mary Fallin
Member of Congress
Dear Editor,
season is on for gays and lesbians as long as
the Oklahoma Legislature is in session. If
the rednecks don’t get us the suit-and-tie boys
Not content with passing SQ 71 ! in
2004 making marriage only bet~veen one
man and one woman as many times as they
like, the Senate has just passed 39-6 a bill
(SB1965) to opt out of the recentl~ passed
federal Shepard/Byrd Hate Crime~ I[aw.
~e bill nmv goes to the House side of the
Senate Bill 1965 seems optimistically
numbered in that I’m sure Sen. Russell,
the sponsor, and 38 of his colleagues on
both sides of the aisle would like to return
to the year 1965 ifno~ earlier, when gays
and lesbians knew that our place was not
alongside other Americans but rather in the
closet of narrow, scared shadows with the
door hinges well rusted. ~e voting record is
located here: http://tinyurl.com/ycgog86
It’s odd that many of these legislators
weren’t even born then or were very young.
Where did they learn such animosity towards
strangers that never did them any harm?
Surely not in their church pews or at their
dinner tables, do you think?
After all, African-Americans had just
achieved a legal victory in 1965 with the
’passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Acts
for which white bigots thought the sky would
fall in. The sky did not fal! in and it won’t
fall in when gays and lesbians achieve our
social and legal victory over the bigots of
Oldahoma. 2q~e only thing lost will be the
legal right bigots so jealously retain to impose
their ignorance over the rest of us.
According to Sen. Russell’s legislative
webpage he has a serious military record
and several medals. If medals are a mark
of bravery why is Sen. Russell so afraid of
gays and lesbians that he sponsors bills that
remove them from the protection of the law
and maintain their second-class status as
taxpayers--second-class in that gay/lesbian
money is ACcepted for payment of taxes yet
we are EXcepted when it comes to protection
Thank you for taking the time to
contact me about the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act. Understanding your
ideas and concerns is important to me, as it
helps me to better represent you and the Fifth
District of Oklahoma.
The Employment Non-Discrimination
Act, or ENDA, would extend existing
provisions of Federal law to prohibit
employment discrimination on the basis of
"actual or perceived" sexual orientation. The
bill expands civil rights protections on the
vague basis of perception, requiring courts to
determine an employer’s thoughts when an
employment action is taken. Currently Title
\HI prohibits workplace harassment that is
based on race, color, religion, sex, or national
This legislation is anotber example of
political correctness gone wrong. This bill
is constitutionally questionable, weakens
both state and federal marriage laws, and
creates a legal trap for businesses, schools,
and people of faith. I have long opposed the
government’s creeping assault on the faithbased
values our country was founded on, the
flaws in this bill are numerous and obvious.
ENDA is inconsistent with the rights
guaranteed by the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act (PdaRA), which prohibits
the Federal Government from substantially
burdening the free exercise of religion. It
nullifies the rights of some religious schools
which, although not "controlled, managed
or owned by a specific religion," may still
consider religious faith and traditional
moral values to be an essential part of their
curriculum. This opens some of Oldahomds
most successful faith-based institutions to
unconstitutional government involvement
and supervision. Without a blanket
exemption for all religious educational
institutions, nondenominational religious
schools will be forced to operate under
government review of curriculum and
constant fear of litigation.
The.proposed legislation makes a
protected class based on sexual behavim;
which will jeopardize our constitutional
rights to freedom of speech and religious
expression. ENDA is a direct attack on
individual religious freedoms and creares a
lega! tightrope for employers over which law
to follow and violate. Employers with rnoral
or religious beliefs opposed to homosexualiV
will be forced to lay down their rights and
convictions at the door, creating a hostile
work environment. In addition to ENDA’s
blatant disregard for traditional values, values
Hawaii’s Garden Isle: Kauai, In terms
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TULSA, OK__ Senate Bil! 1965 has to be
defeated. This bill would restrict Oklahoma
law enforcement from complying with the
federal justice department during a hate biased
crime investigation.
The bill’s author, State Senator Steven
Russell, has suggested the Federal Hate Crimes
Prevention Act would restrict free speech (aka
ministers preaching against homosexuality).
So the Oklahoma Senate has refused to
hear bills that would assist victims ofliate
biased crimes but have tentatively approved
another bill that would remove any hope of
justice for LGBT victims ofviolence.
This is unacceptable and I strongly urge
everyone to contact their State Senator and
challenge them to not approve Senate Bill 1965
on it’s final hearing.
Visit this website and find out how to reach
your senator.
Oklahomans for Equality
Tulsa; OK .......... ......... : ...... ........
Metro Star Travel
Column Now Online
Kauai’sfamedNa Pali Coast, with its 4, 000-
foot cli~ rMng big,§ above the sea. Photo by
Andrew Collins
He was born in Oklahoma City on
November 19, 1939. AaCter growing up there
and graduating from Central High School
he worked maW jobs before creating PRT
Designs, His road to activism began when he
was arrested after leaving a gay bar over 40
years ago on bogus charges of lewd conduct.
Unlike almost any of his peers, he fought
the charge and won. He continued to fight
injustice wherever he saw it. In addition to
activism in the gay community he also helped
African Americans, serving on the board of
the Oklahoma City NAACP for over 15 ),ears
as well.
A memorialput up on the Nix/2. 39th Street Strip
Median at N.14z. 39th andPennsylvania by
NathanidBatchelder qfthe Peace House
Paul passed away March 8 at Baptist
Integris Medical Center due to a stroke and
subsequent heart failure. A memorial service
was held for him at the 1st Unitarian Church
March 14. Speakers included Laura Rhoads,
who knew him as "Unde Paul" when he
was her childhood friend, as well as former
Oklahoma Commissioner Jim Roth.
Followed by a potluck supper a multitude
of his friends and fellow activists shared
memories, lamented how far he’d brought us,
and how to make his legacy live on.
No ma#er who yot
are on life’s journ~
3131 ,R. Pennsylvania,Oklaho 405.525.9555
4 tsv{~£T~qOSTAR April 1,2010
jobs in a nationwide search. By chance he
found an executivedirector’s position open
with Cimarron Alliance and his first thought
was,, A gay organization in Oklahoma CitT,
how is that possible?"
He applied for the position and got it.
With the encouragement of his partner
’,Wayne (still in New York but who will join
him later) he has plans for a new direction fi~r
himself and for Cimarron. One of his major
concerns, as it is for all nonprofits, is how to
achieve objectives or even survive in this type
of economy. His answer, "You keep going
because the needs do not abate just because
money is tight. If you believe in social jnstice,
that doesn’t stop until there is justice. "
He has been pleasantly surprised at the
financial contributions people have made
recently to the organization, and those
volunteering their time and talents as well.
He also realizes that for a long time there was
a perception that Cimarron is an organization
primarily focused as being an elite group of
white,~ wealthy, handsome gay men. When it
was formed in 1995 a membership cost $250.
Today there are no dues to join the
organization, and the Cimarron Alliance PAC
no longer exists. Currently the Foundation
hosts an annual Stop Hate in the Hallways
summit, which has been a major factor for
school systems in Oldahoma considering
or implementing anti-bullying policies that
protect students who are GLBT or perceived
to be from harassment, q-he main objective
now is more outreach.
As Scott stated, " One of my goals for "
this year, besides raising enough money to
pay the bills, is to demonstrate with sincerity
and conviction that this is an organization
that is approachable and dedicated to serving
everyone in the community."
Beginning in April Cimarron Alliance
Foundation will begin a "411 Series" ofg0
minute presentations on various aspects of
problems facing the GLBT community.
Topics covered could include living with
a partner who is an addict, tax problems,
domestic violence, health issues, inheritance
laws, situations usually faced by people in
general with unique aspects for GLBTs.
How does it feel to be directing an
organization like Cimarron in the reddest
state in the country? Scott feels encouraged
stating, " ~ have found pockets of folks who
are progressive in their thinking, deeply
committed to social justice in a personal way.
W~ile this is m~ incredibly red state I think
there’s hope because I see work being done,
quietly moving forward. That lets me kmow
justice is not an insurmountable problem."
~fhere will be monthly meetings at the
office, encouraging networking with officers
from other GLBT organizations. ~Ihey will
happen at 5:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of every
month. Now located at 729 N.W. 17th
Street in Oklahoma City, they can be reached
e-mail at info@CimarronAlliance.org or by phone (405) 495 9300. Their website
tn addition to the obvious intention to
deny protection to GLBT Oklahomans,
Senator l~dce pointed out that the bill, ,-is it
was written, likewise prohibits Oklahoma
law enforcement from providing evidence to
Federal authorities investigating any category
of hate crime committed in Oklahoma,
including those committed due to the victings
race or religion as well as all categories
covered by Federal law. As of press time, the
bill was headed to the Oldahoma State House
of Representatives, but may undergo changes
before it is voted on there. Senator Rice
stated that he hopes the bill is stopped in the
House or vetoed by the Governor. Pat Sund,
a spokeman for Governor Henry, said the
governor is watching the bill but has not yet
made a decision as to whether he will sign it.
Memori , David
Henry Osthoff lost his battle with an
extended illness ~aursda~; February 25, 2010,
in Oldahoma City. He was born September
26, 1953, in Hopewell, Virginia to Charline
David had several jobs through the years,
but will mainly be remembered as a server at
Gusher’s Restaurant for many years before
returning to Cookson, OK to care for his
mother. He enjoyed reading, gardening and
playing pool in the Family Pool League.
David was a very caring and
compassionate person. He never judged
people, never met a stranger and never forgot
anyone’s birthday or anniversary.
He was preceded in death by his loving
mother and father Charline and Billie Ballew.
He is survived by two brothers and a sister;
six nieces and nephews, and many close
friends. Special thanks to the staff at North
Winds Living Center in .O,KC.
A celebration of David s life is planned for
Sunday; April 18th in The Finishline located
inside The Habana Inn at 4:30 p.m.
Londerm D, Raine
captures the title
ofMiss Gay Lawton
By Victor Gorin
Contributing Writer
~nner Londenn Raine with ~l[ie Laine, Miss
Gay Lawton 1982 andMiss Gay Oklahoma
1983. Gorin photo
OKd_AHOi~cb~ CITY, OK__ It was a
glamorous nigl~t at Angles March 5 when
the Londenne Raine was crowned the new
Miss Gay Lawton 2010, with 1st alternate
A_lanna Paige. As a preliminary to the Miss
Gay Oklahoma Pageant, they wil! go on to
compete in that event. Also performing at the
occasion was our current Miss Gay Oklahoma
Shantell Mandelay.
Miss G~ Lawton is one of the longest
running preliminary competitions to Miss
Gay Oklahoma, which began in 1978. Now
29 years young, the first Miss Gay Lawton
was Lady Paris in 1981.5 winners of this
pageant have gone on to win the title mCMiss
Gay Oklahoma, and one (.Jacqulyn DeVaroe)
has won the title of Miss Gay America. The
current promoter is Aubrey Stone, who is
Miss Gay Lawton of 2004.
Eureka Springs Diversity
the little city in the hills of the Arkansas .
Ozarks that has become the pride of diversity,
is gearing up for 2010. Spring Diversity will
be held on April 9 -11. The same weekend
as the annual U~EO. Conference. You’re
invited to come join the Gaylien invasion of
NOT just a few city blocks, NOT just a small
handful of business, but one entire city.
What’s to do? Say "I DO" and register
your love with a Domestic Partner Certificate.
The Courthouse is closed Saturday and
Sunday so come early Friday or hangover till
Monday. Tnere are over 150 unique shops
and galleries to browse or max out your credit
To start your weekend drop by the Pizza
Bar. The Pizza Sluts will host their third
Diversity X~¢elcome Mixer there at 13 N.
Main, on Friday, 6-8 PM. You can pickup
a complete schedule of Diversity Weekend
For more information visit wvc~v.
eurekapride.com or diversitTpride.com
Art Opening and Exhibit
ofOriginal Works by ’
Dennis R. Scott..
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Apri! exhibit at
the Dennis tL Neill Equality Center Gallery
will feature works by Dennis 1L Scott. If
there were a simple way to describe his art,
it would be called "accidental art" since art
is the accident of discovery - the unexpected
result of the meandering mind. Dennis Scott,
a retired English teacher, resides in Tulsa,
He is ~ writer, lyricist, poet, craftsman,
and artist. He has previously exhibited and
sold his art at Utica Arts in The Square
Show, Blue Dome Festival, Dennis R. Neill°
Equality Center Gallery, River Walk Arts
Festival, Cherry Street Arts Festival, Brook
Arts Festival and the Parsons, Kansas Art
Walk. His art has been sold to clients as far
away as Florence, Italy. Dennis Scott has been
creating in the medium of digital "art" for the
last six years. His work is unlike typical digital
or computer art because his art depicts his
own way of seeing life and interpreting what
he sees. One could easily peg Dennis Scott’s
art abstract, impressionistic, or surreal but
categories are of little concern to him.
The art exhibit at the Dennis R. O’Neil
Equality Center Gallery in April titled "Les
Belles Dames Nues" (Lovely Nal(ed Ladies)
,vill feature over 65 nude prints of Dennis
Scott’s art with over 40 of the works never
having been printed before. Dennis Scott’s
nude art is tasteful, yet evocative. Please join
us to visit with Dennis Scott at the Opening
Night Reception on Tnursday, April 1, from
6 to 9pro. Refreshments will be served.
Dennis’s art will be on display throughout
Free help
www.rnetrostarnews.com ~1ET}~OSTAR 5
By Ronald Blake
Contributing writer
Haotv: Ronald Blake, Cerdfied Fitness
Instructor throz<gh ISSA International Sports
. SciencesAssociadon
My best fi’iend said I should do it. My
brother said t should definitely do it. My
co-worker said I don’t need to do it. My
neighbor has never done it. Everyone has an
opinion on taking supplements for health and
well being. Should you do it? I have an easy
but nebulous answer: I don’t knovd Let me
gather some information from you.
If you have a food allergy then you
might want to consider taking supplements.
Someone lactose intolerant will not drink
milk or eat dairy products. This aversion
to Betsy the Cow could cause a deficiency
in calcium. Someone with a gluten allergy
might miss out on the benefits of thiamine
and riboflavin. This too could require
Ifyou are very athletic and push
your body to the outer limits of sanity
then you’re a likely candidate for extra
nutrition. This would certainly include
triathaletes, marathoners, or bodybuilders.
A 40 hour work week, intense training, and
housecleaning when you get home might
lead to insipid intercourse intertwined
with irascibility in the evening. That isn’t
fun! These uber athletes should strongly
consider supplementation to get those needed
nutrients that lead to late-day copacetic
If the ornitho!ogy creatures gathered at
your birdfeeder are eating more than you
then it might be time to purchase meal or
drink supplements. It isn’t safe to take in less
than 1000 calories per day and it can zap
your energy xvhile depleting valuable mineral
reserves like iron from your body. Consult the
family doctor or a nutritionist for suggestions
on getting what your body needs to function
If you drink like Karen Walker, Captain
Jack Sparrmv, or Mayberry’s Otis Campbell
then you are an excellent candidate for
supplemental drinks or shakes. Alcohol can
adversely affect the body’s absorption and
metabolism of nutrients. Excessive alcohol
ravages the liver and pancreas too. This al!
means that the body doesn’t get the nutrients
it really needs.
tfyou take a blow torch to all your foods
and frequendy use adjectives such as charred,
burnt, crispy, or well done to describe your
meal it is a good bet that supplements on
a store shelf have your name on them.
Overcooking foods usually destroys B-group,
C, and E vitamins. Boiling vegetables can also
denude beneficial vitamins and minerals and
le,ave you needing rnore nutritional assistance.
Light steaming of vegetables can keep the
good stuffin and taste just as good.
Dieting can cause a need for supplements
too. Many dieters are now eliminating entire
food groups fi’om their plates. That means
these folks aren’t getting important vitamins
and minerals that would normally come
from these food groups. Eliminating all
carbs, all fat, or all protein just isn’t wise. Talk
with your medical experts about nutritional
replacements for these lost foods. You could
also just go back to being a regular human
being and sensibly eating carbs, fat, and
protein togethe~:
MI of this information should really
guide you toward a professional opinion
now. Consult your doctor, a certified fitness
trainer or a nutritionist to assist you with
deciding if supplements are necessary for
you. Your brother, your co-worker, and your
neighbor probably aren’t doctors, a certified
fitness trainer, or a nutritionist. With that
advice and lmowledge move your thimble five
spaces to GO and collect your nutrients and
vitamins for improved health and wellness!
¯ N~is health and fitness column is brought
to you by that guy ycho enjoys visits to
Hooters despite his non-breeder status. That
lover ofwings guy is Ron Blake and he can be
reached at www.myblakefimess.com.
Tony Kushner Pulitz&
Prize-Winning Playwright,
To Appear On Sunday,
April 18 .
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Renowned
screemvriter and creator ofAngels in America,
playwright Tony Kushner will make his first
live appearance in Tulsa on Sunday, April
18, 20!0 at the Synagogue: Congregation
B’nai Emunah. He willbe interviewed on this
occasion by noted actor and filmmaker Tim
Blake Nelson.
The Synagguoe is located at the corner
of Peoria and Seventeenth Street. Details are
available on the Synagogue xvebsite: www.
3rd Mr. Gay US ofA
Contest held at Angles
Amadeus York ofTexas
gets the tit]e
By Victor Gorin
Mr Gay US ofA MI in white Amadeus York
with theprevious winner Richard Cranium.
Gorin photo
aficianados of male impersonation it was a
night in heaven March 14 when the new
winner was crowned Mr.Gay US ofA M!
( male illusion). Beginning March 12 the
contest opened with 50 contestants, narrowed
down to 12 finalists on the Sunday night
conclusion. Promoted by Brenda Quayle,
the contest is part of the US ofA pageantry
system which is now in its 26th year of
operation. Accompanying the contest was
a silent auction benefitting Camp Kindle,
an organization providing free camping
programs for children and young adults
infected or affected by HIV.
Giving up his tide was Richard Cranium
ofTexas. The new winners were 2nd
runnerup Windz ofNew York, 1st runnerup
Chad Meridian ofArkansas, and the new Mr.
Gay US ofA M! Amadeus York ofTexas.
6 NETROSTAR April 1, 2010
"It would be good if readers and viewers
see a different face each time there is an issue
in the community," Kirby says. "The broader
community should see different people."
Kirby has always been willing to speak out
on issues. He and his partner of 11 years are
legally married in California and Kirby has
been a tireless advocate of marriage equalityan
issue that has gained momentum around
the country in recent years but not budged in
conservative leaning Oldahoma.
Ending the ban on out GLBT
servicemernbers in the US military has also
been a cause near, dear - and personal to
Kirby. He served in the Air Force at the end
of the Vietnam War and several of his friends
were discharged because they were gay. One
of those friends was particularly special.
"I lost a relationship that had been long
term when he was discharged from the Air
Force for being gay," Kirby says. "I don’t
lmow if it would have worked out for life, but
I felt a very personal pain."
Kirby became active in the military issue
after former President Bill Clintoffs efforts to
lift the ban on GLBT servicemembers evolved
into the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy
that stands today. Since then he has joined
in on lobbying efforts of the state delegation
and lobbied organizations to which be
belongs - the American Legion and the
Non-Commissioned officers Association -- to
support repealing the ban.
With the current debate on repealing
DADT, Kirby feels there is some progress
being made (~ward equal rights to serve.
’ Each time the issue comes up, there are
more and more people willing to support
repealing the ban," he says. "Whether or not
there are enough people now I don’t lmow. I
think right now there is as good a chance as
there has ever been. I wish the military
would look at the other countries who have
removed that ban - none of them have had
any problems."
Kirby says he is committed to continue
pushing for his causes and for the
advancement of the community. ,
For more information on OkEqs 30th
Anniversary Equality Gala, visit www.okeq.
Your life an open book
on Drag Race
The autobiography challenge sends the
latest queen packing on Ru-Paul’s Drag
By Bebe Zahara Benet
As I travel
all around
the country
to promote
my new
so many
people have
told me that
this season’s
Jessica Wild
them of me.
I told my
mija this
during our
this week,
many things I loved about watching her
on RuPaul s Drag Race. ticAll reca~ ~foweek
7andprevious shows ate online now. All 12
weeks will be posted on our website at: www.
’~,,~,~v. metrostarnews.corn ~(~t~°oSTAR 7
April 1, 2010
10 April 1, 2010
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
O~t &About in OKC & Tulsa
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
@ The Cop& Oklahoma City
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
@ The End Up, Tulsa
Club Maverick Hosts 19th Annual
Straley. Gorinphoto
, will be goin~ to the
this coming
The Leather Lifestvle has been around awhile in OHahoma, and
@Club 209, Tulsa
puf "
in Chri
@Club Majestic, Tulsa @ Ledo, Oklahoma City
12 ~®t~oSTAR April 1, 2010
by Jack Fertig April 2010
"Go back to basics, GeminW’
Saturn backing into Virgo reminds
us to clean up old business before
starting new relationships. Aspecting
Uranus and Neptune, she’ll dig up
complications that must be dealt with to
make progress. Go slowly and carefully.
You have until late July to get it right.
ARIES (March 2(}-Apri~ 19):
Recalculate the equation of any
partnership that’s troubling you. Can
or should it be saved? Strong instincts
and inspiration could lead you astray,
but probably contain a kernel of truth.
Friends can help you reconcile those
with reality.
TAURUS (April 2(} - May 2(}): Feeling
stuck at work can push you back to reexamine
your goals. Where do you feel
most creative, and what doyou really
have to offer? If professional goals feel
nebulous, frame the question in terms
of your social ideals.
GEMIN~ (May 21- June 20): While your
goals and ideals seem to be in flux,
go back to basics, The most relevant
questions about reaching out to the
world around you ar6 taught early in
life. Be nice, share and try to learn.
Community service can also help clear
your head:
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Discuss
longstanding family issues with
siblings, or community problems with
neighbors. Things probably aren’t as
dark and complicated as they feel. New
perspectives will help if you’re willing to
be _very_ open-minded.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): New
ideas and skills can help get you out of
financial trouble, but first understand
how and why you got into that trouble.
You won’t get that on your own. Your
partner or an advisor can help you
figure it out.
VIRGO (August 23 - September
22): Taking the weight of the world on
your shoulders is bad for your health.
Discussing problems with your partner,
or a trusted friend or counselor, is
necessary even if it’s aggravating. A
mild exercise program (swimming?)
and meditation help,
UBRA (September 23 - October 22):
It seems you can’t catch a break, so
make one for yourself. Take time off to
meditate and play. Settle your nerves
and charge up your batteries. You need
this. in the long run it’s the responsible
thing to do!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21}: Take a hard look at your future
and get ready to clear out the clutter in
your life. Mending fences could mean
quitting some friendships and groups,
but offers you a chance to make it clean
and amicable.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 2(}): Clean up any loose
ends and nasty rumors affecting your
reputation. Helpful inspiration comes
from your home and family. Advice
from siblings and neighbors can seem
confusing, but don’t take it too literally
and it could prove valuable.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Coming toward a peak
of your professional reputation, now is
the time to get the word out about your
achievements and services. Typos and
snafus lie in wait. Be very attentive to
those details!
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): You’re coming into a phase of your
life where your ideas and your mind will
be much challenged. Review what you
believe and why. Confusion about who
you are and what’s important can be a
healthy stage of growth.
PISCES (February 19 - March
19): Feeling unsure about sex and
relationships can be a good step
toward greater awareness. OK, it’s
uncomfortable now. Meditation and
other quiet secluded retreats - some
with your love, some without - will ease
the exploration.
Rev Steve T. Uric
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Sunday 6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
69 Spread
70 Boston cager, briefly
771 Social customs
72 silence ~r Copland
role fbr fodie
63 Initial stake "
65 Plumb of The Brady Bunch
Solution page 15
:~Nw.metrostarnews.com ~®troSTAR 13
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7:00.p.m. Dancers at 10:00 p.m.
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Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 4, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/186.