Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Al McAffrey
[2006] The Star Magazine, September 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 9
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil…
Tags: Advice Column, Al McAffrey, Bamboo Lounge, Bitter Girls, Chelsea Boys, Club Majestic, Comic Strips, Diversity Pride, Ewan McGregor, fitness, Heart to Heart, HIV/AIDs, HOPE, International Gay Bowling Organization, Jolie Justus, K'rli Adams, Lesbian Notions, Little Rock Capital Pride, Mica Barnes, Miss Gay Oklahoma, Oklahoma Tax Commission, Our House, Past Out, Pomegranate Martini, Q Scopes, Quotable Quotes, recipes, Snakes on a Train, Star business center, star classified, Star Distributors, Star entertainment, Star Scene, Star travel, The Night Listener, Too, Truman Capote, Tulsa Community Center, Uncle Mikey, Walmart
[2008] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 7
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil…
Tags: After Dark, Al McAffrey, Bob Bar, Deval Patrick, horoscopes, Katherine Patrick, Leslie Jordan, marriage equality, mixology, Night club, Obama, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Our House, Paparazzi on the Prowl, pride Parade, project runway, Quotable Quotes, recipes, Star Advertisers, star classified, Star Scene, The National Gay and Task Force, The Phantom of the Opera, Too, travel, wine
[2009] Metro Star Magazine, August 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 8
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT…
Tags: adoption, Al McAffrey, art, ballet, bar raid, Bingo, bowling tournament, Christine Plante, church, cocktail chatter, Comics, cross dressers, DADT, Democratic party, dining, Dr. Tom Guild, Drag Queen, Enid, Eureka Springs, fashion, First Thursday, gay sex ban, H.O.P.E, hate crimes, India, international news, Kyle's Bed and Breakfast, Metro scene, National news, Nicholas K. Clark, Obama, OKC pride, Oklahoma News, Portland, Pride celebration, Qscopes, Sally Kern, same sex marriage, snap shots, stage, Stonewall, TABC, travel, Ukraine, violence, World Gay Rodeo finals
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, February 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 2
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT…
Tags: "At Least Someone in the City Will Hear Me Scream", "Wild Hearts Weekend", Advertisment, Al McAffrey, Australia, Bitter Girl, Bozeman Montana, China-Same Sex Marriage, classifieds, Comic Strips, David Marshall Beavers, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Domestic Partner Benefits, Don't shop-Adopt, Elton John, Fat Tuesday, First Tuesday Art Opening, heath care, History of Saint Valentine's Day, HIV border Ban, Italy, Jerry Sanders, Kyle's Bed and Breakfast, Lifestyle Fitness, Mardi Gras, Metro scene, national-world news, Nightclubs and Bars, Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, Oklahoma News, PFLAG, PFLAG OKC, Prop 8, Pucker Up and Take it, QPuzzle, Qscopes, Rainbow Pages, religion, Ricky Lee Miller, Ronald Blake, same sex marriage, Supreme Court, Sydney, The Bitch is Back, The Little Black Book, Trans Prision, Transgender With Our Fear Of Lifestyle Disapproval, travel, TWOFOLD, TwoLips Burlesk, US HIV border ban lifter, Wade Rouse, work discrimination