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- Tags: Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ)
[2016] Equality Gala Photos
[2013] Equality Gala Photo
[2012] Equality Gala Photos
Tags: 2012, 2012 Gala, Dennis Neill, Dennis R Neill, Dennis R. Neill, Dwight Kealiher, Equality Gala, Equality Gala 2012, gala, John Simmons, John Southard, Mike Green, newspaper, OkEq, Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), Pinky Paul, Steven Michael, Steven Michael Photography, Steven Michael's Photography
[2010] Equality Gala Photos
[2008] Equality Gala Photos
[2007] Equality Gala Photos
[2006] Diversity Gala Photos
Tags: 2006, 2006 Diversity Gala, 2006 Gala, 5 T Construction, 818 Martini Bar, Anita Randza, Bernice Cain, Bettye and Jim Knight, Bettye Knight, Charles Faudree, Class Act, Community Hero Award, Dan Burnstein, Dave Duncan, Dennis Neill, Dennis R Neill, Dennis R. Neill, Diversity Gala, Diversity Gala 2006, Dr. Greg Gray, Equality Gala, gala, Greg Gray, James Madill, Jeff Zumwalt, Jim Knight, Joe McDonald, Joel Norvell, John Southard, Jonathan Brown, Kimberly Loring, Kirk Holt, Lifetime Achievement Award, Lynn Jones, Marcy Smith, Marriott Southern Hills, Martin Martinez, Monty and Dave Duncan, Monty Duncan, Nancy and Dr. Joe McDonald, Nancy and Joe McDonald, Nancy McDonald, Neil Zink, OkEq, Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), Petal Pushers, Samson, Senator Bernice Cain, St. Jerome Church, Starbucks, Sue Welch, Tim Williams, Tracey and Joel Norvell, Tracey Norvell, Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills, Tulsa Opera, US Cellular, VIDOOP, Williams
[2023] OKEQ Weekly eNews, 14 August 2023
Tags: 2023, A.C.E., ACE, Aces Committed to Equality, ActionLink, ActionLink Center Action Network, Affirm, Alexandria Henfer, Allie Jensen, Allie Jensen Art Gallery, Allie Jensen Memorial Art Gallery, Alyssa Bryant, Amy McGehee, Art Gallery, asexual, Bingo, Board President Eric Wilson, Board Secretary Whitney Cipolla, Board Treasurer Julie Chase, Board Vice President Bob Hanson, Bob Glahn, Bob Hanson, Bonita James, Brian Jennings, Brought to You by Bi, Brought to You by Bi the Letter B, Caleb Jackson, Center Action Network, CenterLink, Chandra Valkyrie, Circle Cinema, Claire Combs, counseling, counseling services, Crista Patrick, Cynthia Phillips, Dan Burnstein, Dance of the Dead, Dance of the Dead Vampire Ball, Denise Reid, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, EBA, EBA Networking Mixer, Eddie Carreno, Empire Slice House, Empire Slice House Tulsa, Equality Business Alliance, Equality Business Alliance (EBA), Equality Center, Equality Game Night, Eric Wilson, fair housing, fair housing legal aid, Fern Galindo, Flyover Fest, Flyover Fest 2023, Free HIV Testing, game night, Gary Percefull, gender marker change, Gender Marker Change Clinic, Gender Outreach, Gender Outreach Support Group, Gender Support Group, Girl Scouts, Green Country Bears, H.O.P.E., health clinic, Heather Hornig, HIV Outreach Education Program, HIV Outreach Education Program (HOPE), HIV testing, HOPE, HOPE Testing, in memoriam, IndigiQueer, IndigiQueer Tulsa Two Spirit, IndigiQueer: Tulsa Two-Spirit, Ingredion, Ira Sachs, Jamm Outt, Jennifer Nolen, Jodi Rachel Green, Julia Fletcher, Julie Chase, Julie Goree, Kao Morris, Karma Eclectic, Katie Powell, Kaylyn Compton, Kevin Knight, Kirk Holt, Kris Wilmes, Kristy Vann, Kylie Vanderslice, Lawyer in the Library, Legal Aid Services, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Liz Ortiz, Love Yo Self, Love Yo' Self, Medicaid, memoriam, Michael James, Michelle Simmons, Monique Washington, Muscogee Nation, name change, Name Change and Gender Marker Change Clinic, Name Change Clinic, Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library, Non-Binary Support Group, OkEq, OKEQ Annual Board Meeting, OKEQ art gallery, OKEQ Board, OKEQ Board and Trustees, OKEQ Board of Advisors, OKEQ Board of Directors, OKEQ Board President, OKEQ Board Vice President, OKEQ donations, OKEQ donors, OkEq Equality Center, OKEQ Executive Committee, OKEQ Health Clinic, OKEQ Seniors, OKEQ trustees, OKEQ Weekly eNews, OKEQ weekly news, OKEQ Youth Talent Show, Oklahoma Equality Law Center, Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), OSU, OSU Counseling Services, OSU Tulsa, OSU Tulsa Counseling Services, Passages, Paula Shannon, Pride Bingo, Pride St, Pride Street, Prime Timers, Primetimers, Queer Walking Group, Queer Women's Collective, Rainbow Library, Really Really Free Market, Regis McDaniel, Relationships Outside the Box, Ron Brady, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Scrappy Legacy, Self Defense Class, seniors, Shawna Baker, Shawna Baker Esq., Shay Brewer, Shelta Sneed, Sin Fronteras, SNAP, Stephen Haney, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Support Group for Partners of Trans People, Support Group for Partners of Transgender People, support groups, Tamecca Rogers, Trans Men Support Group, trans partners, trans spouse, Trans Women Support Group, TRANSformation, TRANSformation for Family Growth and Connection, Transgender, Tulsa Area Prime Timers, Tulsa Area Prime Timers (TAPT), Tulsa Area Primetimers, Tulsa Equality Game Night, Tulsa Equality Gaming, Tulsa Pride Bingo, Tulsa Really Really Free Market, Tulsa Responds, two spirit, two-spirit, Vampire Ball, Veteran Support Group, veterans, Whitney Cipolla, WitchWorx, WitchWorx Tulsa, Youth Services of Tulsa, Youth Services of Tulsa (YST), Youth Talent Show, YST, Zoe Brett, Zora Cates Lamb
[2018] Imperial Court System
Tags: "Just" Inga, 2018, A Friend for a Friend, Adrian the Second, Akasha Knight, Bamboo Lounge, Bars, Blogger Bill Francisco Legacy Endowment Fund, businesses, Canada and Mexico, Carla Renee's Bar-ritos and Sauces, Carolyn "Cougar Anne" Savon-Ewing Wiley, Central Liquor, Chasity Rebel Armstrong Peoples, Chelsea Ray Star, Clarion Hotel - Elk City, College of Monarchs, Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, Coronation, Coronation XI, Council of Monarchs, Craig Sommers, Dave McQueen, Delilah DeVasquez, Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Devon Devasquez, Dominique St. Johns Kohl LaRue, Drunken D'Lites, Emperor Mongo, Empress Evian, fundraisers, GLBT Civil Rights Network USA, Health Outreach Prevention and Education (H.O.P.E.), HOPE Testing, Imperial Court of Arizona, Inc., International Imperial Court Council of United States, J&B Trophy Company, Jake Dean Riviera St. Stone, James Saint Johns Murray Rae Lee Love, Jean Kai Panda, Jim Wilson, Jinnie Horta, Joe Joe Shayde DuFlagan Aspire Jackson Demerol Bitter, Johnathan St. Clare Peru Tackett, Jolt Tulsa, Jon Bustamante de Palma Price McGuire, Jose Sosa, Joseph Carter, JR Duran, Kris Cheri Rae Kohl, Martinique Bouvier, Michael G. Clayton, Miranda Powers Ray Lee Love, Nightlife, Oklahoma Mr. Leather, Oklahomans for Equality, Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), Other Options Inc., Pheonix Labelle Powers, Philip "Scrappy" Gaffney Saint John, Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains, Ray Roxxstar Stone, Ray Roxxstarr Stone, Red Rock Girls of Leather, Roxxie Ray Starr, Rusty Clyma, Scotty Dormont, Simone Jewel Riviera St. Stone, Sovereign and Imperial Court f the Alamo Empire, Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Central Texas Empire, Sponsors, Texas Riviera Empire, The American Red Cross, The Foundation for Exceptional Warriors, The Imperial Court de'Fort Worth/Arlington, The Imperial Court of Iowa, The Imperial Court of Nebraska, The International Court System, The Matthew Shepard Foundation, The Royal, The United Courts of Texas, Trevor Ray Howe Devereaux Meadows, Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa Lambda Bowling League, Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers Association (T.U.L.S.A.), United Court of the Lone Star Empire