[1998] Tulsa Family News, May 1998; Volume 5, Issue 5


[1998] Tulsa Family News, May 1998; Volume 5, Issue 5


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


May 1998


James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Judy McCormick
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, April 1998; Volume 5, Issue 4


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Inhofe Still Blocking Gay
Ambassadorial Nominee
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate faces a decision
soon on whether America will have its first openly Gay
ambassador. Supporters of James Hormel are demanding
he at least get a vote while conservative opponents
insist that Republicans take a stand on a key "lifestyle"
Hormel, President Clinton’s choice ~to be envoy to
Luxembourg, was the only foreign ~elations nominee
not acted upon at the end of last year’s session. Three
Republican senators, expressing concern that he would
use the post to promote a "Gay agenda", put "holds" on
the nomination, effectively freezing it.
Democrats now-are demanding action. Before leaving
for the Easter recess, 42 Democrats sent Senate
Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., a lett~r supporting
the nomination and urging a vote. Democrats also took
: -Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, ,Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
Tulsa’s Gay You!h Progra,ms
Hurt by States Inact,on
: O’RYAN Program in Limbo Dueto Funding Lapse
¯ TULSA - Red Rock Behavioral Health Center is in a financial
: crisis with its Lesbian/Gay youth support program. The program
¯ which goes by the acronym, O’RYAN for Oklahoma Rainbow
¯ Young Adults’ Network, provides."developmentally appropri-
¯ ate" education, support and social activities for "Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgendered andquestioning" adolescents and young
: adults from 14 to 24.
~ According to Betsy Murphy, program director, a large portion
:’ of the program had been funded through a federal grant for HIV
¯ prevention and education from the CDC, Centers for Disease
¯ Control. However, the grants are administered through the Okla-
¯. homa State Dept. of Health (OSDH) which is running weeks
behind schedule in seeking grant proposals. While Murphy was
¯ extremely reluctant to criticize OSDH, she acknowledged that in
¯ the past OSDH has handled grants so that a new year’s grant if
¯ won, began close to the time the prior year’s grant ended. And ¯
although Red Rock pays for a substantial part of the costs of the
¯" O’RYAN program, theOSDHgrants typically have paid most of
¯ staff salaries. As ofApril 1 st, nomore funds are coming fromthe
CDC/OSDH and Murphy is appealing to theTulsa community to
¯ provide financial aid. "
¯ In a press release, Red Rock states, while in the past, we have
: been able to weather out these funding cycles, the situation now
¯ is dire and without outside help, we cannot continue.. "
¯ Red Rock notes that the program has helped hundreds of youth
: in Tulsa County and surrounding areas. O’RYAN. provides
: weekly support groups, individual and family counseling, HIV
¯ peer education and HIV testing and counseling, a informational
¯ library, and safe, alcohol-free and drug-free recreational and
social events. O’RYANhelps to providepositiverole models and
to the Senate floor to express concern that confirmation : helps to foster a sense of self-esteem and worth.
w,.aso..em..gn.e.ta.up.o.m.y.tw..,cau¯ se’t"iIorm,e,l"-,isVOay "r~rej"u.."... D.on.au.on.s c.an.be7m.a.de.t.o O..RYAN, c/oRedRockBeha ]oral :" : =
¯ nea~m ~ervlces, 1 24 Past mgnt Street, tulsa, uh/~1~4-, for mceoasenonsexumonenmuonsnomana enop!aceln :... ¯ ..... ’ .......-
thi~ debate" , ~aa .-lrl~rmal ~Oa ~ ¯ more nuprmg~0n, can ~etsyor ~en
Oklahoma Gay : ROdeo: ..........P[a-nning for Tulsa-Pride
Group Holds 13the.Event : March. &. Picnic Under Way
Red Ribbon Revue.& Concessions Carwash Slated
TTULSA - Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, in conjunction
with several co~umuaity businesses is preparing for this
June’s Pride Events. On June 6th, Concessions will be again
holding another Drag Queen Car Wash from 11-4 in the back
parking lot of the dub, 3340 S. Peoria. Organi,zers promise the
event will happen come rain or shine, and last year’s car wash did
have a little rain.
This year’s event will benefit TOHR and Tulsa’s Gay Pride
Picnic. Organizers say yon will see all your favorite Broo"kside
Divas and some of Oklahoma’s top title holders wash cars for
charity in full drag and there may also be a man or two in a string
bi"kini helping out. Donations will be collected for these charities
through out that weekend- notjust at the ear wash. Tickled Pink
will have ffome Pride items available for sale also. Organizers
added that last year they raised $1000 and that this year they hope
to double or triple that amount.
Later on that Saturday, Renegades/Rainbow Room will be
holding their annual Red Ribbon Revue which will also benefit
this year’s Pride events. Helga will host this event and call
Renegades at 585-3405 for details and times.
This year’s Pride events have moved again due to concerns
from the City ofTulsa’s Parkand Recreation Dept. about parking
problems at Owen Park~ This year’s site is Veteran Park between
18th & 21st Streets at Boulder. Rick Martin, Pride Events
coordinator noted that this park is larger than Owen and though
it doesn’t have much parking itself, it is surrounded by business
parking lots which should be available on a Saturday.
While a few community members, such as those in sensitive
professions, like public school teachers, have expressed concerns
about the more visible location, many others have welcomed the
new site - especially the owners of Renegades/Rainbow Room
which is 2 blocks north of the park. Details are not yet available
: but organizers indicate that Renegades will host a post picnic
¯ event. TOHR co-organizer Greg Gatewood said that plans are
¯ underway for the 2rid annual Pride March to be held just before ¯
and to the picnic but that details will be forthcoming. Organizers
note that community organizations and businesses are Welcome
¯ to have booths at the Picnic for a modest fee.
: Later in June, probably June 28th, Oklahoma City will ho~t the
statewide Pride parade. More details should be available in early
June on those events. Info. on Pride events, call 743~4297.
OKLAHOMACITY - OKC will host the annual Great "
Plains Regional Rodeo on Memorial Day Weekend, ."
May 22 -24. While the rodeo will take place in the newly ¯
remodeled and air-conditioned Barn Six of the Okla- "
homa State Fairgrounds in southwest Oklahoma City, ¯
registration, parties and the awards ceremony will be’at ¯
the Ramada Inn Airport Northwest. :
The Great Plains Regional Rodeo is One of a number :
of continent wide rodeos sponsored by 23 member
associations of the International Gay Rodeo Associa- ¯
tion. While many of these organizations are in the "
southwest, there are also groups in California, Wash- "
ington, DC and in Canada.
The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association (OGRA) was ¯
formed in 1984 to promote rodeo-ing and to raise funds
to fight HIV and AIDS. Since 1986, OGRAhas contrib- "
uted over $60,000 to Oklahoma AIDS organizations.
OGRA invites all who are interested to join the "
organization -neither riding nor competing are re- "
quired. Tickets f0r this year’s rodeo are $30 for the "
packet which includes both days rodeo events, the ¯
Friday evening party and the awards ceremony. Tickets "
to individual~events are available at the door. Room "
rates at the Ramada are $55 for up to four persons, and "
suites are $95/evening. Call 405-~47-2351 for reservations;
OtherDivisi0n III rodeos are: Omaha, NE, June 19- "
21; Wichita, KS, AUgust %9;. and Kansas City, MO, ¯
August 29-31, The Internatii~nal:iGay !~odeo..Association
Finals Rodeo .will beheld ~inPho~i~x-, ~AZ0n "
October 22-25. ¯ ’ "
For more informati.on; cal~405z842-08~9! "
i Oklahoma House
Attacks Gays Again
¯ TULSA, Okla. (AP)-Oneoftheresolutions adopted
in 1997 by the Democratic Party State Conventiofi
¯ says the party "opposes, deplores and disavows
¯ discrimination, extremism and hatred of every ¯
But state Democratic lawmakers raised no argu-
: ment recently when a bill to bar convicts from
¯ working in schools was amended to also bar "ho-
¯ mosexuals or lesbians": Nor did they say anything ¯ when legislation was amended to bar children
¯ being placed in the foster care of"someone who is
¯ a homosexual or a lesbian." ¯
Both amendments were offered by Republican
¯ lawmakers who are vocal about their opposition to
¯ homosexuality. But it was Oklahoma Democratic
¯ Party ExecutiveDirector PatHall who was taken to
task for the inaction of Democratic lawmakers, a
¯ story in Sunday’s Tulsa World said.
¯ In aletter toHall,TomNeal, editor and publisher
of Tulsa Family News, said it may be the Republi-
¯ cans who publicly bash Gays, but it is the Democrats
who are passing the legislation.
¯ "I genuinely believe that these nearly unanimous
votes help create a climate where physical assaults
¯ are considered perfectly acceptable," said Neal,
¯ citing Gay-bashing crimes, including an assault on
¯ two men in Tulsa. "Why is it, Pat, that Democrats ¯
only recognize my.community’s existence when
¯ they’re voting to compare us to convicted felons
¯ who should notbe allowed to teach, but when we’re
¯ being assaulted.., we don’t exist," Neal asked.
Hall tried to defend House Democrats and their
¯ failure to debate the amendments.’ If) ou debate it,
¯ it gives thos~ preaching hate a bully pulpit," he
~ ’ said. "If youjustmove it through with a voice vote,
¯ then you have eliminated, see House, page 3
Equality Begins at Home
:1999 March= on The
Oklahoma State Capitol
¯ April 29, 1997 - The Federation of Statewide
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and April 29, 1997 - The
; Federatiola of Statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
¯ and Transgender Political Organizations will spon-
: sor a historic, coordinated weekofactions focussed
: on state government and statewide organizang.
," After many national and statewide discussions and
¯ after conducting a state-by-state assessment from
its members, the Federation of Statewide Lesbian,
¯ Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Political Orgam-
¯ zations has decidedit is time to focus energy on our
¯ home states. Under the theme Equality Begins at
Home, each state is called upon toplan an activity
¯ - amarch, rally,lobby day, state conference, or any
other visibility campaign m their state capitol to
: occur during the week of March 21-27, 1999.
¯ Equality Begins at Home will provide an opportunity
to focus the national spotlighton the organiz-
: ing challenges and legislative battles faced by the
¯ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgender people in
¯ state houses across the nation. The goal is to build
¯ statewide orgamzing capability across the nation.
: The purpose of the Equality Begins at Home ac-
¯ tions will be to promote Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
¯ and transgender equal rights in every state.
: "The Equality Begins at Home actions enable us
¯ to focus our energy on orgamzing and educating at
¯ the state level. Clearly, more and more battles are
¯ fought in the states. With anti-Gay initiatives and
: referendums from Colorado to Maine, and the right
¯ wing organizing against our families; we must
¯ build,,a stronger grassroots movement in every state, explained Paula Ettelbrick, Co-Chair of the
: FederationandLegislativeDirectorofNew York’s
¯ Empire State Pride Agenda. ¯
"The Equality Begins at Home actions give us a
tremendous opportunity to strengthen our efforts in
: the states and create a more powerful network
¯ across our country," stated Dianne Hardy-Garcia,
co-chair of the Federation see March, page 15
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffe~ House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st 745-9899 :
*St. Michael’s. Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st 745-9998 ".
*Margaret’s German Restaurant,. 10 E. Fifth 583-.1658 .
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
585-3405 "
*TNT’s, 21.14 S. Memorial
660-0856 ¯
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
584-1308 ¯
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard
599-9999 ¯
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals ¯
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21
- 610-8510 "
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor
*Assoc inMed &Mental Health, 2325 S.Harvard 746-4620 ¯
Kent B~[ch & ~ssociates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71
250-5034 ~
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
712-1122 ¯
*Borders Books & Music~ 2740 E. 21
712-9955 "
Brookside Jewelry, 46d,9 S. Peoria
743-5272 :
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria
746-0313 :
Don Carlton,Honda, 4141 S. Memorial
622-3636 ¯
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117 "
Community Cleaning, Kerby Bak4r- 622-0700 :
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th
746-0440 ¯
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 :
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
749-3620 "
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady
587-2611 ~
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
744-5556 ¯
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
838-8503 "
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th
584-0337, 712-9379 ~
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria
744-~595 ¯
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E: 21st
742-1460 ¯
Learme M. Gross~ Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney
744-7440 ¯
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111 ¯
*International Tours
341-6866 "
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th
712-2750 "
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
747-0236 ¯
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210
747-5466 :
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th PI:
749-5533 ¯
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th
585-1555 ¯
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
584-3112 "
~krngo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors
834-7921, 747-4746
Chri.stoph,er Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308
*Scnbner s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Ddaware
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Ch~: ~ ,er of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*Church of the RestorationUU, 1314N’Greenw°°d 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Meth°dist, 2545 S" Yale 585-1800
*Community Uni,t,ar_i_’an-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men s chorale, rehearsals on Mondays, 585-8595
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlinlc net
website: http: /lusers.aol.comFFulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neai, Entertaifiment Writer: James
Christjohn, Writers + contributors: Jean-Claude de "
Flambeauchaud, Barry Hensley, Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche, .
Lament Lindstrom, Judy McCormick. Esther Rothblum, Mary
Schepers, Member o! The Associated Press
I ssued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
pgblication are protected by US copyright 1998 byT~ ~:..~.
Nt~u, and may not be reproduced either ii~ whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspon- ,
dence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,~nust
be signed & becomes the sole property of T~~~.t~.4. "
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at aistriDuuon
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248. ¯
¯Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Dela~’~re 712-1511 .
¯Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 3
742-2457 .
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics!Episcopal. 298-4648
¯Family of Faith MCC, 5451"-E So. Mingo 622-1441
¯Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2,9,0~o0r~Hcaa~V.o~r~info" 747-7777
¯Free SpiritWomen S Center, can ~ . 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152
747-6827 ’
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101
¯HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd.
¯HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral
¯Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st
481-1111 ¯
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
HIV Testing, Men/Thurs. 7-9pro, daytime by appt. only .
¯House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H: 1
748-3111 .
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068,74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157 .
¯Our House, 1114 S; Quaker
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152
749-4901 ¯
¯Planned parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria
¯The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105
prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152 " : " ’ "
¯R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
¯Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8
584-2325 "
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults "
O’RYA,N, Jr. support group for 14-17 LG.BT .youth .
¯ St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King
¯Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care
Tulsa County Health Department, 46 16 E. 15
595-4105 "
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only .
TulsaOkla. for Human Righis, c/o Th~ Pride Center
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniforn~Leather Seekers Assoc.
838-1222 .
¯Tulsa City Hall; Ground Floor Vestibule
¯Tulsa Community College Compuses
¯Rogers University (formerlyUCT)
¯Bardes~ille Public Library,600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
¯Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
¯Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
¯Stonewall League, call for information:
¯TahlequahUnitarian-UniversalistChurch ¯ 918-456-7900
¯Green Country AIDS Cralition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
¯ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ 501-253-9337
MCC of the Living Spnng
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
". Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
¯ 501-253-6001
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave.
¯Ron’s Place, 523 W. Poplar
* is where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay.owned but all are Gay-friendly.
Carbon Copy:
Gay people should be
included, in Scouts
Letter to the Editor
Petaluma (California) Argus-Couri’er
I am 12 years old and a Life Rank Boy
Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. I like
Scouting alot. Iamwriting to youbecause
I wantpeople toknow that the Boy Scouts
of America is a great program but it excludes
Gay people. The Boy Scouts won’t
allow Gay.kids or grown-ups in Scouting,
The Boy Scouts of America discriminates
agaihst Gay people. Every time the
Scout Law is read at our troop meetings,
I don’t even say it because the Scout Law
is not followed by the Boy Scouts of
America when they discriminate against
Gay people.
¯ The Scout Law says a Scout is true to
his friends.., nation.., world commu.-
nity. This is not true when not everyone ~s
included in that community, when Gays
are excluded.
. The ScoutLaw says a Scout should be,
hdpful. A Scout should be concemeo
about other people. This is not true for the
Boy Scouts ofAmerica whenit bans Gays
or expels them when they are found out.
. The Scout Law says a Scout should be
friendly to all: He seeks to understand
others. He respects those with different
ideas and customs. This is not true w_hen
the Boy Scouts ofAmericaban Gays from
The Scout Law says.a Scout should be
kind. He should treat others as he would
want to be treated. I don’t know anyone
who wants to be discriminated against the
way the BoyScouts ofAmerica discriminateagainst,
Gays- My dad and I-were ¯
told we can t e~en bring this issue up at
ourmeeting with other Scouts in our troop.
I hope to change this one bad things
about the Boy Scouts of America. I hope
all of you who read this letter to the editor
will also want to help me in my efforts by
calling Scouting For All at (707) 778-
Gaykids shouldbe allowed to be Scouts.
And I know kids who have Gay dads
would want their dads to be able to be an
assistant Scoutmaster like my Dad.
- Steven Cozza, Life Rank Boy Scout
Appreciates Coverage
I wanted to say thank youfor the stones
Tulsa Family News does about different
commumty organizations. Many times I
don’t agree with your editorials but I do
like.that I get more Tulsa information
from Tulsa Family News than from other
Gay community newspapers.
Also please continue to look hard at
those who are revolved in HIV/AIDS
services. Some are doing a great job.
Others need more oversight to make sure
they treateveryone as good as they should.
Iknow youhaye received a 1ot of criticism
for this but please conunue. Thank you
but please don’t print my name - I don’t
want the grief I’d get.
- name withheld by request. Jenk~
Editor’s note: thank you for your kind
words - we’ll do the best we can.
¯ Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
¯ issues which we’ve covered or on issues
". you thinkneed to be considered. Youmay
¯ request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters mustbe signed &have ph°ne num-
~ bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
" ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
: cations will be printed as is appropriate.
¯ Do Tulsa Jews Hate Gays?
First they came for the Gays and ! didn’t
speak up because I was not Gay... finally
they came for the Jews, and by that time
there was no-one left to say anything at all
- aparaphrase ofGerman pastor Martin Niemoeller
who referred to the systematic persecution ofJews,
other Germans, including Gay men,
and non-Germans, by the Nazis.
Now that we are just a few weeks past Passover, the
ancient celebration of the liberation of Jerks from Egyp-
¯ dan slavery,-and right after Holocaust remembrance
ceremonies, perhaps it’s equally just to comment on the
ongoing silence of Tulsa’s Jewish leaders about recent
Oklahoma House of Representatives legislative attacks
on Gay & Lesbian Oklahoma citizens (see related story;
page one).
Ofcourse, to those who follow these issues, this silence
is nothing new. Last year when the legislature attacked
s,Tulsa s Jewlshleadership was silent too. And the year
before that. And back to those nasty, hate-filled public
hearings about the City’s Human Rights COmmission’s
Task Force report, Tulsa’s Jewish leaders were silent.
Yolanda Chamey, formerly community relations specialist
with the Jewish Federation, claimed that the Jewish
Federation did send aletter to Mayor Savage supporting
fair and equal treatment fo!~ Gay & Lesbian citizens
but no one ever saw this letter, or wouldeven haveknown
about it if not for this newspaper asking. And while such
a position could have set a standard for the greater
community had it been known, the secretive manner in
which the letter was sent guaranteed that no one would
know about it.
Some will ask why pick on the Jew~.~Why not ask why
other groups which should speak out for social justice
remain silent? It is a fair question. Indeed, the silence of
the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Disciples ofChrist,
even the Roman Catholics - most ofwhom haye 0fficial
denominational policies which call them toworkfor civil
rights protections for Lesbians and Gaymen (not just
oppose attacks) - is troubling. And of course, Tulsa
Metropolitan Ministry which hardly has met a social
justice issue it couldn’t embrace, seems to continue to
find Gay people not worthy of justice or even minimal
civil rights protections.
Even the voice of the courageous Rev. Russell Bennett
of the most Gay-friendly "main-line" Christian denomination
inTulsa, the UnitedChurch ofChrisL has not been
heard publicly on this matter as ofourpress time¯ To their
no place in the Senate andno#ace in America," said Sen.
Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
Hormel, a (>€-year-old San Francisco businessman,
philanthropist, Democratic Party contributor and heir to
theHormel Meat Co. fortune, receivedunanimous Senate
confirmation last May for another post, as an alternate to
the U.S. delegation to the U.N. General Assembly¯
He sailed through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
winning approval on a 16-2 vote last November,
after Secretary of State Madele’meAlbrightassured Chair-.
man Jesse Helms~R-N.C., that Hormel was highly qualified
and would not promote his personal interests. Helms
voted against Hormel but let the nomination advance to
the Senate floor¯
In a letter to Sea. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., a committee
member, in February, Hormel said: "I will not use, nor do
I think it is appropriate to use, the office of the ambassador
to advocate any personal views I may hold." He
pledged to resign from mostofhis board seats, limit his
charitable giving and prohibit use of his name in fund
But that has not satisfied Republican Sens. Tim
Hutchinson of Arkansas, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma and
Bob Smith of New Hampshire, who put holds on the
nomination. Conservative groups also continue to oppose
Hormel as a "radical Gay activist".
Gary Bauer’s Family Research Council cited Hormel’s
financial support for a documentary aimed at educators
that the group said promotes "Gay lifestyles"¯ It also
pointed to a Gay and Lesbian materials wing in the San
" crediL some Tulsa Unitarians and the Episcopal Diocese
¯" ofOklahoma, and I hope, Bennett, are doing workbehind
." the scenes to protest these hate-based actions.
¯ However, it is the Jews with whom Gay people share
~ the experience of systematic Nazi persecution. Gay men,
like Jews, were targeted by Nazi legislation which essen-
¯ tially made their existence illegal and which set the stage
: for deportation to Nazi concentration camps. And while
the persecution of Gay men may not havebeen part of a
: .systematic genocidal theory, the.experience of the camps
¯ m which Gay men typically suffered some of the worst
." conditions and were most despised of all the prisoners,
¯ leftthemjustas dead. AndwhilethoseJews who survived
¯ can speak of "liberation" from the camps, and even
-" received reparations with which to beginlife again, those
; Gay menwhodidsurvivewereimmediatelyreincarcerated
¯ as "criminals" - for the crime of loving - by the Allies.
¯ Soitis this sharedhistory as well as the observation that
: in the US, Jews have traditionally heldleadership roles in
¯ social justice movements, that makes this silence so
paiufU~. Jewish Americans were active in the civil rights
movement of the 50’ s and 60’s which sought to end legal
segregation. This was true in Tulsa as it was elsewhere.
It’s not that Tulsa’s Jewish community has not been
¯ asked to help¯ The day after the first piece of hate
-" legislation was passed (the amendment of Senate bill
; #1394 by Rep. Bill Graves, R-OKC), Rabbi Charles
¯ Sherman of Temple Israel who is also president of the
¯ National Couferenee of Community and Justice (for-
." merly of Christians and Jews), and David Bernsiein,
". executive director of the Jewish Federation were tele-
¯ phoned to ask for their help. To date, nearly four weeks
-" and several follow-up calls later, neither has responded.
." What does this mean? Are they scared? Is it that
; speaking up for Gay people would somehow threaten the
¯ security of Tulsa Jews? This is hard to believe. Tulsa’s
: Jewish community, though Small in numbers, has largely
been rather successful and now is represented on nearly
¯ everymajorinfluential community organi7ationfrom the
¯ Chamber of Commerce to TU’s Board ofTrnstees to the
: National Conference.
: Whetherit isjustplain old-fas_hionedbigotry, ormerely
: ¯ the catering to other’s pi’ejudice, it’s coming from those
¯ who ought to know better. Hebrew Scriptures, whichJew
: and Christian each revere, exhort us "to seek justice" -
; not "to seek justice - except for those socially inconve-
¯ nient Gay people over there". Hopefully, Tulsa’s Gay
¯ community will see Tulsa’s Jewish community take this
: exhortation more seriously someday, and the next time
; thelaws of the land are used to attack Gay citizens, there
¯ will be as much outcry as there was when a cross of
: Christmas lights was placed, wrongfully, on a public
: building. - Tom Neal, editor &publisher
:. Francisco public library supported by and named for
¯¯ Hormel that contains controversialliterature. Further, the
council said, Hormel presided over a 1996 Gay pride
¯ parade in San Francisco at which he was heard laughing
¯ at n/ale drag queens dressed as nuns. Bauer said Luxem-
¯ bourg is 97 percent Roman Catholic, and"appointmg an
; ambassador who shows no~hing but contempt for certain
¯ groups of believers should offend every American who ¯
believes in the Constitution."
¯ Hormd said he had no role in deciding the contents of
¯ either thelibrary collectio,n or the documentary. "I hardly
view myselfas a’radical. I amabusinessman and lawyer
withmore than30years ofcommitment to public service,
¯ social justice and human rights," he wrote Smith.
¯ InconsideringHormel’s n0mination,Republicansmust
deal both with general gripes by socialconservatives that
-" they haven’t done enough to advance pro-family pro-
_" grams, and conversely with concerns about being de-
¯. picted as hostile to Gays.
"I don’t see how the Republican Party wants to be
¯ known as the party that discriminates on the basis of
¯ sexual orientation," said Winnie Stachelberg of the Hu-
¯ man Rights Campaign, a leading Gay political organiza- ¯
tion. Hormd is on the board of the Human Rights Cam-
" paign Foundation, the group’s educational arm.
¯ "’It’s not his sexual orientation," countered Herb
Johnson, chief of staff to Inhofe, one of Hormel’s leading
Senate opponents..’q’he biggest problem is he has been
¯ inclined to use this to push an agenda that doesn’t neces-
.. sarily represent the agenda of the American people."
¯ a hate pulpit." Hall said Democratic leaders in the House
of Representatives don’t want "to let hate spill out on the
floor of the House." Hall also said House Speaker Loyd
Benson deserves credit for "literally making sure Oklahomais
not shown nationally as a state of hate mongers.’"
Both of the bills in question were sent on to conference
¯ committees for more work.
"I think the bottom line is you need to look at the final
vote on those measures and look at the final versions of
the bill. I think that will speak for itself," said Benson, DFrederick.
Rep. Bill Graves, R-Oklahoma City, author of the
¯ measure to prohibit"knoWn homosexuals and Lesbians"
¯ from working as contract or support employees in public
schools, acknowledged that similaramendments onother
bills have failed to survive conference committees.
¯ Whether the amendments are quietly removed in con-
-¯ ference is beside the point for Ncal, who maintains that
the failure to oppose such measures loudly creates bigger
problems for the Gay community.
Hall admitted that another reason the amendments
¯ were passed without protest is that this year is an election
¯ year. Those who openly oppose such measures could be
¯ branded by their political opponents as promoting homo-
" sexuality.
In fact, in 1996 Sen. Penny Williams, D-Tulsa, was
criticized by her Republican opponent for voting against
¯ an amendmentbamng same-sex marriages in Oklahoma.
Ms. Williams, who won re-election, was one of only two
state senators who voted against that amendment.
Republican lawmakers aren’t always behind such con-
" troversies. In 1995, Democratic state representatives
wrote resolutions opposing teaching about homosexuality
in public schools even though no public schools in the
state taught such subjects.
The president of the Oklahoma Education Association
said the resolutions were b~ed on a "blatantly misconstrued"
measure passed by the National Education Asso-
¯ ciadon that dealt With training programs for education
¯ employees."for~the purposerf identifying and eliminat-
¯ ing sexual orientation stereotyping in the education s~tting.’"
Hall said the finai resolution byRep. Jim Hamilton,
D-Poteau, was rewritten so that it was not offensive to
¯ Gay people.
¯ Editor’snote: there was considerable disagreement in
¯ OMahoma’s Gay communities about whether the final
¯ resolution was in any way "acceptable" as Hall claims.
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61st & Yale
Gay Couples Provide
College Leadership
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - The names Harvard
and Yale by themselves evoke decades of tradition
and conformity. Now these Ivy League bastions are
breaking new ground for universities, as homosexual
couples provide new models of domestic life for
undergraduates as dormitory leaders. And so far, the
ground-brealdng appointments have created little
This July,.a Lesbian couple will assume duties as
housemasters at Harvard’s Lowdl House, asix-story
brickbuilding with a grassy quadrangle anda bell
tower close to the fabled Harvard Yard. A Gay man
appointed dormitory dean is moving with his partner
into Yale’s Trumbull College, a Gothic structure of
seam-faced granite with limestone trim and arching
windows enclosing three courtyards.
"I think it’s a great new erain being able to provide
role models that have not been available at this level
before," said Peter Novak, 32, the Yale.appointee.
"We’ve been welcomed, and it says a lot about the
Yale community and how tolerant it is, especially
within the administration."
.. At Haryard, professor Diana Eck, 52, realizes that
she and her partner of 20 years may raise some
eyebrows. "We know what it’s like in the culture
generally: There are many people who are still very
uncomfortable with this issue, so I’m sure that will be
the case here," said Ms. Eck, a professor of comparafive
religion and Indian studies at Harvard.
The dormitories are not forsaking their traditions,
however. The housemaster’at Lowell House, for
example, has been host of a weekly afternoon tea
since 1930, a custom Ms. Eck plans*’to continue.
Novak~ who is-pursuing a master of fine arts in
dramaturgy anddramatic criticism at theYale School
of Drama, says he will h,e,!p students with aead.emics
and personal problems. This will allow me to be an
influence in people’s lives)’ Novak said. His partner
first leading homosexual character, butGays will still
¯ be seen elsewhere on American television.
: One year ago this month, "Ellen" made television
¯¯ history as the first series with a homosexual lead
character. It drew both praise and fire for its
¯ groundbreaking portrayal of a woman coming to
: terms with being Lesbian. What it didn’t draw was
¯ ratings on a consistent basis. After months of specu- ¯
lation, ABC confirmed late Thursday that Ellen
¯ DeGeneres’ last show would be a one-hour finale
: May 13.
¯ Both ABC and DeGeneres declined to comment ¯
recently. The conservative Southern Baptists Con-
" vention praised the decision, while Gay rights groups
¯. said theloss of amajor Gay character andperspective
: on television is a serious blow.
¯ The sitcom, which has been airing Wednesday
¯ : nights after thehigher-rated’qqae Drew Carey Show,"
¯ made its debut in 1994 with DeGeneres playing a ¯
¯ singleheterosexual with a,,Friends~’_like close group of pals. After the comedian and her character, Ellen
¯ Morgan, both came out as Lesbians last season,
¯ DeGeneres and the network fought over the show’s ¯
content, including story lines that concentrated on
: sexual orientation.
¯ More than 36 million people watched the April30,
: 1997, episode when Ellen came out. This year, the
: series averaged fewer than 11 million viewers - a 22
" percent drop over the previous year.
i Kansas "Sodomy"
: .- Law Upheld
: TOPEKA, Kan. (AP)-A state law that makes homo-
: sexual sex a crime has been upheld as constitutional.
: A three-judge panel of the state Court of Appeals
¯ refnsed Friday to overturn the muuicipal court misde-
¯ mean0r conviction of Max D. Movsovitz, a Topeka ¯
artist. Movsovitzwas arrestedinTopeka’s Gage Park
: in April 1995 after soliciting sex from an undercover
¯ police officer.
of four years, Curtis Lee, a store manager, will not x~.....it? rh.]]~noed the constitutionality of a
lntramura.l., sports ana being a part oI StiMd~HL/S "11.v¢~, :. arguing theY, v~ol"a.ted." h.is.rights, to p’nvacy;, e~.ual
- Novak sat& - ¯ treatment under the law and freedom of expression.
: He and the American Civil Liberties Union claimed
the law unfairly discriminates against homosexuals.
¯ The Court of Appeals panel, in a unanimous un-
In a Yale dorm, the dean and.the master act as
surrogate parents in the lix,esof the 440 students who
live there. Master Janet Henrich, amedical professor,
has lived in the durra for ayear with her husband,
Victor, a physics professor.
At Harvard, Ms. Eek and Dorothy Austin will
become housemasters overseeing daily life for 450
students. Ms. Austin will split her time between
Harvard and Drew University in New Jersey, where
she is an associate professor of psychology and religion.
"We knew that it would be an issue for the first
time to have a same-sex couple as masters," Ms. Eck
said. "I don’t know if we would have been appointed
10 years ago."
Administrators say sexual Orientation made no
difference in the appointments, which:were decided
by student-faculty committees. Dean of Harvard
College Harry Lewis saidmany peoplehad suggested
Ms. Eck for the position notknowing what her sexual
orientation was. "Our first criterion in looking at
people was the quality of the individual master and
what they would bring to the house," he said.
At Yale, Novak will succeed dean William di
Canzio, who lived alone in the dorm for eight years
and is leaving for California.. Ms. Eck and Ms. Austin
will replace professor William H. Bossert and his
wife, Mary Lee, who are retiring after 23 years.
Harvard students seemed to see the appointment as
little cause for concern. "People are more interested
in who she is, and what her dedication to the house is,
than her personal life, which isn’t our concern," said
Lisa Mignone, a senior from Bronxville, N.Y.
The same goes for many at Yale. "It’s really not a
big deal," said Tya Harris, a sophomore from Nashrifle,
Tenn. "There are a lot ofpe0ple who are openly
Gay on this campus."
Ellen Gone But
Gays Still on TV
LOS ANGELES (AP) L The cancellation of ABC’s
"Ellen" will leave prime-time television without its
: signed opinion, rejected all of the arguments.
¯ Movsovitz can appeal to the Kansas Supreme Court.
"As societal values evolve, the Legislature may fol-
¯ low some other state legislatures and decriminalize
: private sexual behaviorbetweenall consenting adults,"
¯ the court satd. Ho ever, these are issues that should
¯ be addressed by legislatures and not courts."
According to court records, two men approached
.. Movsovitz while he was parked in Gage Park, the
¯ city’s largest park and home of the Topeka Zoo.
~ During a conversation, Movsovitz agreed to engage
." in oral sex. The two men were undercover police
¯ officers.
: Canada Recognizes
i Same-Sex Spouses
TORONTO (AP) - Ontario’s highest court has ruled
¯ thatthe Canadian government’s definition of"spouse"
¯ is unconstitutional because it excludes same-sexpart- ¯
¯ ners.. A three-judge panel of the Ontario Court of
Appeal ruledthat the definitionof"spouse" shouldbe
¯ amended in the federal Income Tax Act to recognize
¯ same-sex couples as well as opposite-sex couples. ¯
¯ The ruling came in a case involving pension benefits
and technically applies only to the Income Tax Act.
: But Gay activists said it could set a precedent that
¯ would affect similar sections of other federal acts. ¯
"It opens the door for same-sex pension benefits,
¯ certainly, but it’s also a very significant statement by
¯ the courts thatdiscriminating against same-sexcouples
is not only immoral, it’s unconstitutional," said John
Fisher, executive director of Equality Ior Gays and
¯ Lesbians Everywhere.
: The case was broughtby Nancy Rosenberg andher
¯ employer, the Canadian Union of Public Employees,.
: regarding pension benefits which R0senberg sought
¯ to arrange for her Lesbian partner. The union in 1992
amended its pension plan to’extending spousal ben-
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efits to include Gay and Lesbian employees. But
Canada’s revenue department argued the amendment
violated the tax s opposite-sex definition of spouse.
The court ruling gave the union the right to include
same-sex partners in its private pension plan without
losing any tax benefits. Revenue department officials
said they hadn’t decided whether to appeal the ruling to
the Supreme Court of Canada.
Special Classes for Gay
Students Nixed
BAY SHORE, N.Y. (AP) - Gay and Lesbian students
who say they dropped out ofpublic high school because
of harassment almost got their own one-room schoolhouse,
but organizers forget one detail: getting permissi’on
from their bosses.
Top officials of the sponsoring government agency,
the Eastern Suffolk Board of Cooperative Education
Services, said they learned about the schoolhouse from
a Newsday reporter. Board president Bruce Brodsky
immediately halted plans to open the school, the newspaper
reported last month.
He was unaware that members of his own staff had
enlisted a teacher, arranged for a classroom at the Long
Island Gayand Lesbian Youth Inc. in BayShore, and
had been advertising to attract students for several
weeks. Three had signed up. The board Serves youngsters
with special needs, including those who are pregnant,
handicapped or seeking occupational training.
"I don’t believe there should be a separate facility for
Gay and Lesbian students. I don’t want to throw them
back into the closet;’ Brodsky said.
David Kilmnick, executive director of the Gay youth
agency, said he would still push for the separate classes.
"We want to make sure that this school happens, that
these kids are not harassed or subject to violence because
oftheir sexual orientation.-Theyneed a safer place
to-learn," he said.
Californian Trying
to Ban Gay Marriages
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Alawmaker who failed in two
attempts to get a law bauning Gay_m~ages through the
Legislature has received~the go-ahead to start collecting
signatures to submit his proposal direcdy to voters.
State Sen. Pete Knight, R-Palmdale, has until June 25 to
collect the 433,269 signatures needed to place his initiafive
on the November ballot. If he misses that date, but
collects enough signatures by Sept. 21, his proposal
willbeplacedonthe presidential primary ballot in 2000.
His proposal, which was certified to circulate petitions,
brings the number ofproposed initiatives seeking
a spot on the November statewide ballot to 47. Knight’s
proposal, tided the "California Defense of Marriage
¯ Act," adds just one sentence to the state Family Code:
"Only marriage between a man and a woman i s valid or
recognized in California."
Statelaw already says that any marriage pfrformed in
California must be between a man and a woman. But
that lgw also recognizes as valid any marriage performed
elsewhere. After a Hawaiian court riding in
1993 made recognition of Gay and Eesbian marriages
possible, Congress gave states the authority not to
recognize same-gender marriages performed in another
state. An earlier attempt to place aban on Gay marriages
on the June primary ballot failed to collect enough
Students Sentenced
for Anti-Gay Attack
CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) - Three teen-age boys have
been sentenced to eight days each on a work crew and
a year or more of probation in the intimidation and
assault of a Gay high school student in February. Paul
.Miller, a senior at Corvallis High School, said the boys
taunted him and then punched him, knocking out his
two front teeth.
Cyle Schroeder, 15, and Robert Huffaker and Michael
Nash, both 16, appeared before Benton County Circuit
Judge Robert Gardner. Miller did not attend the hearing.
Schroeder, who threw the punch, will serve two
years’ probation after his time on the work crew. He
:¯ earlier spent 16 days in juvenile d~tenfion at the
Oak Creek Youth Correctional Facility. Huffaker,
¯ who served five days at Oak Creek and 69 days of
¯ home detention, will be on probation for one year. ¯
Nash, who served five days at Oak Creek and 33
¯ days of home detention, will be on probation until
: his 18th birthday.
¯ All three must undergo diversity education, pay ¯
restitution to Miller for his dental bills and write a
¯ letter of apology, the judge said. While what was
done to Miller can’t be undone, Gardner said the
case can send a message to people in the commu-
: nity to think twice before taunting others. The
; judge said he got the impression that the boys have
: come to realize the seriousness :of what happened.
If people are assaulted because of their particular
status, the assault is notjust on that person, but also-
: on the group, he said. "That’s the reason I think this
¯ case had the publicity and had the attention I think
¯ it deserved," Gardner said.
Support for Gays
Provokes Death Threats
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - Gay-rights issues have
divided the United Methodist Church, but death
threats against a student who supported Gay rights
¯" at the church’s Nebraska Wesleyan Uni.versity
¯ have caused a deeper controversy. "Everyone is
¯ welcome at this university, regardless of how they
¯ live or how they love," the Rev. Bill Draper Finlaw ¯
told a crowd of about 300 people gathered on
¯ campus Thursday to show support for sophomore
: Jonathan Judge.
¯ The small, liberal arts Methodist school, which ¯
has about 1,500 students, was rocked last week
: when Judge received two messages on his answering
machine threatening him with death for supporting
a campus Gay rights group. Judge reported
’. the messages to police. Judge, who is not Gay, is a
¯ member of the student senate and has introduced a
bill on behalf of the Gay civil rights group, Plains ¯
Pride, to have it recognized as a legitimate campus ¯ organization.
¯" The rally camejust two days before the church’s
¯ national Council of Bishops is to meet in Lincoln.
The bishOps have been asked to call a special
: session ofthe General Conference, the church’s top
¯ legislative body, to discuss Gay civil rights.
¯ These rights became a hot-button issue among
: the church’s 9.5 million members when a Method-
" ist minister in Omaha was acquitted last month on
¯ charges of disobeying church rules for performing
; a Lesbian marriage. The Rev. Jimmy Creech per-
" formed the ceremony in September in defiance of
: anorderby Nebraska BishopJoel Martinez. Creech
: was suspended and put on trial before a jury of
¯ Methodist ministers.
Following a two-day inquiry in Keamey, a panel
¯ of 13 ordained elders voted 8-to-5 to convictCreech
of violating the church’ s Order and Discipline. The
¯ vote fell one short of the nine required for convic-
¯ tion. Creech presented the first challenge to the
denomination’s 1996 decision in its Social Principles
to prohibit"ceremonies that celebratehomo-
. sexual unions." The United MethodistChurch is
¯ the second largest Protestant denomination in the
United States, after the Southern Baptists. It has
about 120 colleges nationwide, including Southern
Methodist, Duke and Emory universities in addition
to Nebraska Wesleyan.
: Dina Weisser, a 21-year-old junior at Nebraska
¯ Wesleyan, said she has several Gay and Lesbian
: friends whohavebeenharassedoncampus.Weisser,
¯ wh0is not Gay but belongs to Plains Pride, said two
¯ members of the group have been attacked on or
near campus in recent weeks. ’q?here’s been so
¯ much violence going on - so much hatred," she
¯ said. ’q’hey are trying to silence us by threatening
¯ senators in our student senate ~.. trying to take away
our First Amendment rights"
¯ Judge sat on a brick wall during the rally, stanng
¯ down at the sidewalk as he listened to the speakers.
¯ "It was very reassuring." he said. "It ¯renewed my
faith in this campus." Judge appeared nervous
¯ when asked how he was coping after the death
threats. "I’m here," he said.
Every 5 Minutes,
Another Young
Person’s Infected
MOSCOW (AP) - Every minute worldwide,
five people between the ages of 10
and 24 become infected with HIV, according
to a report released here inMoscoW.
The UNAIDS report also warned that
Eastern Europe is set to become "one of
the next epicenters" of the world AIDS
crisis, with HIV’ infection.rates having
increased at least sixfold .since 1994. It
said that 190,000 people in the region are
infected, a contagion rate driven by a
sharp rise in the use of injected drugs.
In conjunction with the report, thejoint
U.N. Programon HIV/AIDS launched a
yearlong campaign called "Force for
Change: World AIDS Campaign with
Young People." The report was released
in,Moscow to draw attention to the threat
facing Eastern Europe. "In.Russia, where
injecting drug use and unsafe sex are
fueling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, it is time
for young people to engage in HIV/AIDS
prevention efforts and make their voices
heard," said G4anni MtuTi~ UNICEF’s
Moscow representative. "They have the
right and responsibility to change the
course of the epidemic and the support of
adults is crucial to make it happen."
The report said that the young are particularly
hard-hit by the world epidemic,
with at least one-third of the 30 million
HIV carriers being 24 or younger. Each
day, 7,000 young people worldwide contract
HIV, adding up to 2.6 million new
-infections annually, it said. The report
warned Of an explosion in sexually transmitted
diseases across Eastern E~ope.
New syphilis cases have gonefrom 10 per
100,000people each yearin thelate 1980s
to - in some regions-- hundreds per
UNAIDS is a grouping of 5 U.N. agencies
and the World Bank.
More $ Could 1/2
New Infections
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - More spending
could halve the number of new HIV
infections worldwide, according to a
United Nations study presented at a San
Francisco AIDS conference. "We know
what works. We’ve shown it’ s effective.
What we need now is the money to implement
them," said Martha Bulter deLister,
director oftheDominicanRepublicAIDS
organization Fundacion Genesis. "We
can’t wait for a vaccine."
The result could be achieved if affluent
governments, corporations and individuals
dug deeper and spent 10 to 15 times
more on global preventionprograms, said
the UN study presented at this week’s
University of California, San Francisco
conference. HIV infection is rampaging
through Africa, the Caribbean, Latin
America and Southeast Asia, but many
countries are unable to afford something
as simple as a blood test to keep the blood
supply dean.
Nor can they afford testing, and counseling
of HIV-infected people to warn
against transmitting the infection to others.
Sexually transmitted diseases, known
to boost the risk of HIV infection, go
untreated. Furthermore, mothers pass on
the virus to their infants because they lack
access to theAZT drug regimen that could
interrupt deadly viral transmission.
While much of. the globe is riveted by
three- and four-drug anti-viral regimens,
costing $25,000 to $37,000 per person a
¯ year, an estimated 16,000 men, women
~ and children in developing countries are
¯ newly infected each day.
." Conference co-chair MargaretChesney
¯¯ of the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention
Studies, working with AIDS specialists
from 38 different nations, sought pmcti-
¯ cal and affordable solutions to the growing
Among the prevention costs estimated
by experts:
- 50 cents to test blood for theAIDS virus.
- Several dollars to cure a sexually trans-
" mitted disease.
-$50 to give an infected mother a short
course ofAZT to prevent transmission of
the virus to her baby.
Worldwide, about $1.5 billionhas been
spent each year on comic books, radio
spots and condom rallies in devdoping
.nations. But such prevention efforts have
proved to be mere speed bumps, not roadblocks,
in the path of HIV, the report
US HIV Infection
Rate Steady
ATLANTA (AP) - The rate at which
people arebecoming infected withHIV in
the United States has heldrelatively steady
despite a historic drop in AIDS cases,
suggesting thatmany people are not heeding
warnings about prevention. A study
released by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention estimated a2 percent
decline from 1995 to 1996 in.the number
ofnew HIV cases diagnosedamongpeople
13 or older.
"This is a case of the glass is half full,"
said CorneliusBakerof the National AS:
sociation of People with AIDS. "People
are living longer. That’s great. But with a
steady infection rate, it means the epidemic
isn’t going away."
"- The study Used statistics from the 25
~ states that report infection r~ites. AIDS
_" deaths dropped 21%in 1996, while the
¯ number of people with AIDS dropped ¯
6%, according to figures previously re-
: leased by the CDC. AIDS deaths were
¯ down an additional 44%in the firsthalf of
1997. People diagnosed with HIV are not
considered AIDS cases until they actually
: develop symptoms of the disease. So de-
" laying the onset of AIDS and prolonging
¯ the lives of AIDS patients can reduce the ¯
numberofAIDS deaths even while there’s
~ little changein the rate ofnew HIV cases.
¯ "We’renot seeinggoodnews in the fact ¯
that we are not seeing a substantial de-
" dine," in the H_IV infection rate, said Dr.
¯ Palricia Fleming, a CDC researcher. The ¯
¯ CDC estimated that HIV cases between
1994 and mid-1997 dropped slightly
among menbut increased among women.
The study also showed HIV infections
¯ among young people overall had leveled
off, but minorities now make up a greater
¯ portion of that group. Of the 7,200 cases
¯ of HIV reported among 13- to 24-y.ear¯
olds, 63% were black and 5% Hispamc.
Ms. Fleming warned that not all states
¯ were required to report infection rates.
~ The new figures don’t include California
¯ and New York, so the true national infec- ¯
tion rate could be higher or lower, she
¯ said. The CDCwants all states to create a
¯ name-based HIV reporting system.
~ "You need to know about the front end
¯ oftheepidemicifyou’retryingtofindout
¯ what’s going on With the disease," said
¯ Eve Mokotoff, chief of the HIV/AIDS ¯
epidemiology unit at the Michigan De-
" partment of Community Health in De-
" troit. Michigan is among the states that
Excellence And
Care Since
to benefit ,Saint Joseph Residence &
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Donors’ Event
Thursday, June 4th, 6 - 9 pm
Home Tour
Saturday, June 6th, 10
Sunday, June 7th, 1 -
5 pm
Patrons’ Event
Tuesday, June 16th
For tickets or for more information,
call Charles Faudree, Inc., Anti~ques at 747-9706
will the
person who is
still paying
too much for
please call
Kent Balch &
Sandra Hill, M.s.
Certified Counselor
Certified Hypnotherapist
Psychotherapy &
Clinical Consultation
Sensitive to the
ChaBenges of Gay,
LesNan, Bisexual &
Individuals, Couples
& Families.
2865 E. Skelly Dr. # 215
745~11.!1, ::~-:: ~ -
1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor
in the Pride Center, 743-4297
6-9 pm, Sunday - Friday
12-9 pro, Saturday
all sales benefit the Pride Center
Gifts ¯ Cards ¯ Pride Merchandise
http://members.aol .corn/
the person
who is still
too much
life insurance
please call
Kent Balch &
require their clinics and hospitals to report
the names of people infected with HIV.
House Bars Needle
Exchange Funds
WASHINGTON (AP) - Not satisfied with
what members called a halfhearted effort
by the administration, the House voted
Wednesday to bar federal money for
needle-exchange programs.
The 287-140 vote came during a week
when the parties were vyi.ng for the high
groundin anti-drug policies. Many Democrats
said the GOP-backed bill was political
posturing that would cripple programs
proven to stop the spread of AIDS. House
Majority Whip Tom DeLay, R-Texas,
said the action was needed to counter "a
deadhead president that supports a program
that gives free needles to drug addicts."
The House action came just days after
the White House announced that it would
continue to ban federal money for needle
exchange programs while recognizing that
suchprograms have been effectivein fighting
the spread ofAIDS without encouraging
illegal drug use. Linda Ricci, spokeswoman
for the White House Office of
Management and Budget, said the GOP
bill.was "unnecessary and unwarranted."
The Health and Human Services secretary
"should have the authority to determane
the merit of such programs and...
the decision on which HIV prevention
strategies to use should be in the hands of
state and local offidials,’.’ Ricci said.
The issue divided the administration.
HHS Secretary Donna Shalala encour-
. ~aged local ~Orn)nlmiti~st0,expandthe 1 i 0
.~e&tleexchar~ge~programs now operating
in 22 states while drug policy chief Barry
McCaffrey argued that theprogramsjeopardize
the administration’s war on drugs.
Clinton’s surgeon general, Dr. David
Satcher, said he was "disappointed" funds
wouldnotbe availablefor effective needle
exchange programs. Members of theCongressional
Black Caucus last week called
for McCaffrey’s resignation, saying lives
would be lost if needle distribution is
But Republicans said the administratiou
policy was consistent with its failure
to get tough on drugs. They disputed scientific
studies concluding that needle exchange
programs are working. "The
Clinton administration’s endorsement of
needle exchange programs is part of an
intolerable message to our nation’s children
sent by the White House that drug
use is a way of life;" Said Rep. Gerald
Solomon, R-N.Y., a sponsor of the legislation.
Democrats accused Republicans of
rushing a bill to the floor withom hearings
to make a political point. "This legislation
is a travesty and a blight upon true medical
science and it plays into the hands of
those who would" use the lives of our
children aud those addicted for political
purposes," said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee,
D-Texas. "You’d think we’re having a
meeting of the flat earth society," said
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "How can we
turn our back on science?"
The federal government since 1989 has
barred the use of federal funds to provide
hypodermic needles and syringes to intravenous
drug users. The legislation, which
still needs Senate consideration, would
repeal, language in a 1998 spending bill
that would allow funding if the HHS secretary
determines exchange projects are
effective in preventing the spread of HIV,
the virus that causes AIDS, and do not
encourage illegal drug use.
TheHouse votecameas the Republican
leadership prepared to unveil an dectionyear
package of anti-drug proposals, including
more money for border guards,
tougher penalties andgrants to small businesses
that fight workplace drug use.
House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt
of Missouri sought to get thejump on the
Republicans Wednesday by issuing aninepage
report critical of the GOP record in
fighting drug.s. "By making the war on
drugs a parusan war, Speaker (Newt)
Gingrich is drawing thebattle lines against
imaginary enemies. The onfy thing he
will accomplish is to reduce the prospects
for bipartisan anti-drug legislation in this
Congress," he said.
$1rn Offered for
Needle Exchange
NEW YORK (AP) - International financier
George Soros has offered $1 million
in matching funds to support needle exchange
programs around the country. The
move came in response to the Clinton
administration’s position that it does not
favor federal funding for the programs,
which are credited with helping slow the
spread of the AIDS virus.
The Sorts pledge "was in the works,
and we d~cided to announce it when the
federal government decided not to fund
programs," said Ty Trippet of the
Lindesmith Center, a drug policy research
organizanon that is part of the Sortssponsored
Open Society Institute.
Sorts said an estimated 35 percent of
all new HIV cases in the United States are
due to druginjectionwith unclean needles.
"It has been scientifically proven, and the
federal government agrees, that making
sterile syringes readily available to addicts
reduces the spread of HIV and does
not encourage drug use," he said.
Health and Human Services Secretary
Douna Shalala has urged state and local
officials to use their own funds to implement
such programs. Last 3ear, Sorts
donated S1 million to various needleexchange
programs. This year’s repeat
donation will be used to match the amount
that donors increase their donations over
last year. For exan~ple, if a foundation
don£ted $50,000 to a needle exchange
program last 3,ear and is donating $75,000
this year- then Soros will donate $25,000.
It is oifl.v the latest in a series of contributions
to various causes by the Hungarian-
born financier, who is ~ U.S. cidzen.
In 1997, Soros made charitabledonadons
of about $’540 million, according to Fortune
magazine. Much of his largess has
gone to benefit eastern Europe, including
Also Baltimore Mayor. Kurt Schmoke
said Clinton would agree to exchange
programs if he saw how well they worked
in Baltimore. Schmoke renewed his offer
to talk to officials throughout the country
in support of needle exchanges, including
to the nation’s" chief executive. "I’m convinced
if we can get the president over
here, we can change his opinion," he said.
Baltimore’s program, providing needles
to about 7,000 addicts at a cost of about
$300,000 a year, is the largest city-rim
program in the country, Schmoke said.
Mom Pleads for
Infected Child
ST. CHARLES, Mo. (AP) - The 7-yearold
boy already is slowly dying of a disease
that authorities say his own father
deliberately inflicted. The mother of the
¯ youngster, whose father is accused of
¯ injecting him with the AIDS virus, says
¯ her goal now is to prevent him from bei;ag
i victimized again.
The mother, identified on!y as Jennifer,
¯ said she was grateful for the compassion
¯¯ she had received. But she was obviously
shaken by the number of reporters and
¯ television cameras she faced at a news
¯ conference. She took no questions after
¯ making a brief statement. "I plead with ¯
you to respect the privacy and dignity of
¯ my son andmy family. He’s been through
¯ so much already," she said. "My main
¯ concern is to protect my son from any
: further victimization."
Her voice broke several times as she
¯ explained how her son’s illness - he was
¯ diagnosed with full-blown AIDS in 1996
- has affected their lives. She said her son,
who was once near death, ~s dome, better
¯ now" but that she realizes he will eventu-
¯ ally die of the disease. The boy must be
¯ fed small amounts of food frequendy and
¯ must take about 10 medications several
¯ times a day. He is trying to live as normal
: a life as possible, even going to school
¯ when he is able.
Brian T. Stewart is charged with firstdegree
assault, accused of deliberately
¯" injecting his infant son with AIDS-tainted
¯° blood six years ago. He haspleaded iuno¯
cent and is being held on $500,000 bond.
County prosecutor Tim Brann said he
could not comment on any of the evidencc
policemayhave gathered against StewarL
except to say that there was enough to
allow a judge to issue a ~varrant for
Stewart’s arrest on charges of first-degree
assault: - ¯ : ¯ 7
Police said Stewart once told the bo\"s
mother not to worry about trying to collect
child support because the boy ,votdda’t
live that long. His lawyer, Joe Murphy,
has said Stewart maintains that he is immcent.
Murphy has accnsed prosecutors of
trying and convicting his client in the
HIV Positive Kid in
Day Care Dispute
MADISON, Wis. (AP) - An agreement
with two day-care centers sets a precedent
by applying the Americans with Disabilities
Act’s protections to a child who has
the virus that causes AIDS, a govenmaent
prosecutor says. The Beloit centers were
accused of denying service to the bm
because ofhis HIV virus. They have agree~t
the v~rus is a disability under the act,
according to U.S. Attorney Peggy
Lantenschlager. "What this says is, because
someone is HIV positive doesn’t
mean that they can be discriminated," she
said. The lawsuits claimed the centers
illegal|y turned the boy, now 5, away in
1996 because of his disease. The centers’
lawyers had argued the boy was not protected
by the federal law, which requires
that people have an impairment that substantially
limits a major life activity. The
lawyers said the boy was well-adjusted
and functions normally, despite his suppressed
immune system.
Last week, U.S District Court Judge
John Shabaz allowed prosecutors to proceed
with the lawsuit against the centers.
Shabaz ruled that there was enough evidence
to let a jury find that the boy could
beconsidereddisabled under the act. Chris
Kinast, the lawyer for Kiddie Ranch, said
his client settled because federal prosecutors
have virtually unlimited resources
and the center could not afford to defend
Well, happy May day! For those who
don’tknow,inPagan terms, it~ s the ,d~,y.
celebrate fertility and creativity in au it s "
many forms. Maypoles, phallic symbols
and dancing are the Usual forms of celebration
as Spring returns.
Speaking of creative endeavors, the
Council Oak Men’s Chorale is pleased to
announce our first formal
concert! It will be
atAll Soul’s Unitarian
Church at8pmonMay
29. Hmm. I’d better
start practicing. ,,
"Song and Dance~ ,
my favorite of the
Lloyd-Webber musicals,
Opens here in
Tulsa for a 3 day performance
June 26 at
Tulsafest at the Performing
Arts Centerfor
Education,TCC South
Campus, 10300 E. 81st
Street. The musical is
unusual in that the first act is .to.ldfrom the
perspective of an English g~d newly arrivedinNewYorktobe
withherlovcr and
to pursue her hat making career..The r~est
of ~ct one follows her relationships as her
perspective and lovers change:’,The.first
acti~ done entirely in song. The second
act is told in dance; and follows a young
man who she falls inlove with, andworks
from his perspective. I saw the National
TourwittiMefissaManchester (Bernadette
Peters originated the role here in the
States), andfell inlov¢withthechar,a~c,t~s
and the show. And even if you don t like
dance, if their choreography is anything
even close to what I saw, you will be
.......enchanted and amazed: SEE IT!!!!
It is part of an arts festival which indudes
many other fine events, from orchestras
to dance to pop(call for info) and
"An EveningWith Patti Page", who is a
Claremore native, June 20th at the PACE.
For Ticket info, caI1.595~7777.
Opera buffs, rejoice! June holds lots_a
fun for fans of Gilbert and Sullivan, with
Light Opera Oklahoma p,r,o~_u.d,ng thre~,
shows: ’ffheNew Moon’ by Si..g.m,,una,
¯Romberg, an operetta with all kinds oi
romantic hijink~ of a French chevalier
fleeing royal fury, falling in love and
buckling I~is swish, swash. Sorry. That
opensJune 11; and June 1.2 brings Pineapple
Poll.. The description for this is
infi-iguing: Pineapple Poll and all her
friends are madly in 10ve with the Captain
Philbrook is bringing
old masters to light in
an exhibit entitled
"Old Masters brought
to Light". Catchy,
huh? The exhibit
features some really
beautiful works from
the National Museum
of Art of Romania...
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
comes to the rescue of an otherwise dull
month with ’q’he Importance of Being
Earnest" by Oscar Wilde May 8 --17. M.y
fav.orite classic comedy, Oscar turns society
upside down in this comedy.of manners.
Call 258-0077 for reservauons.
The Thomas Moran exhibition winds
down May 10 at
Gilcrease Museum, so
catch it while you can.
Philbrook is bringing
old masters to light in
Masters brought to
Light". Catchy, huh?
The exhibit features
some really beautiful
works from the National
Museum of Art
of Romania, where, by
the way, the real
Dracula made many
peasant’s lives rather
difficult. The real
¯ McCoyhad apenchant for punishing anY-
¯¯ one who violated his sense of re,orals by
impaling them on stakes. No, it s true -
¯ ro~ "In Search of Dracula" . He was a ¯ .cad .
convertedChristian, to boot. Andhis sense
". of morals changed on a whim - kind of
". like Pat Robertson, Robert Tilton, Jerry
¯ Falwell, and Jimmy Swaggart. But I di-
". gress, much I’m sure, to the eternal cha-
". grin of my editor, who never d...o~.s ~at.
-’. At any rate, the paintings will t~e hung
~ baroque eras from such diverse locales as
¯ Italy, Spain, Germany, and the Nether-
" lands. Masters such as ElG~eco,
[ Rembrandt, Veneziano, and Jordaens are
re1~resented. This is not to bemissed.
! " "On May 24, a lecture on ’~he Age of
ii BdiesrcnuasrsdinogSGtroenzzoie"sewpilalibnetinggivienntahte2eparrloy,
17th century. Another exhibition cel:
~ ebrates a recent acquisition by Philbrook
¯ of Strozzi’s "St. Francis in Ecstasy" ,
i subtitled"An Acquisition in Focus" ¯ rnnning
May 17 - July 12.
i ¯ Local news: vaudeville was all the rage
i when Doris Travis lied about her ageto
~ join the Ziegfeld Follies. Now 94, she’s
: pulled, out tier tap shoes for a return en-
¯ gagement "I dance the same as I did 79
i years ago," Mrs. Travis said. "Maybe not
~vith th~ same spring in my foot, but my
i style hasn’t changed. I haven’t tried any
of the ttMS Hot Cross Bun. Yes, folks, ". of these new jazz or rock moves!" She
tbheattteirs:~qh’haetythceopnrtersivsereallelamseeasnasyst.oI.Itxg~ear~a :~ hfoeramdeedr ZtoiegNfeewld gYirolrskfotroajnoAinIDfiSvebeontehfeirt
his ship". I bet they do. Seems to me the ¯ at the New Amsterdam Theatre, the remen’s
chorus could have fun with that "¯ storedvaudeville-erashowplaceoffTimes Square where the original Follies were
piece. Oh my, it’s getting warm here. ,, . st,~ged. Mrs. Travis was ju.st l~4,,w.hen~s_h_e.
And.the 3rd offering is "The Mikado , i lied a,.bout her age to join me uomes, t nat
which is a more well-knownwork. And
with character names like Nauld Poo, "- wasn t the last time she refused to be
Yum.Yum,andKo-Ko,it’ssur¢,toaw.ak¢,n : limited by her years: She gr.ad..ua2~ ~[~hm~
the appetite. Theperforman._ces wi.11 runat : theUniv~rsitv ofOklahomamlv’yzatm.
the University of Tulsa, in 3 week reper- ~ age of 88, as ~ history major and mem.b~.r
tory format. Formore info and reserva- : 0fPlaiBetaKappa. Wayt.ogo!,Ilove.tl~,s.
ti6us, call 583-4267. . story, becaus_eitgoesto.snowtlaeremtgmo
"Ohieetof Mv AffectiOus:~ ; a comedy ~ jus"tEblelehno;p’ tehfeotremleeviyseiot!n sitcom that was
about a stratght woman who falls mlove ¯
withhergayroonimate,iscurrently show- ~: the first with a Gay leading character, has
ing at Parklane, Eton, Easfland, and M°v- beencanceledafterfive seas’°~"TheA.BaCnC
ies 8. It comes higtdy recommended,and show will not remmfor a mxthlseason,
I would have had a review for you, but "- network spokeswoman said, declining
lfirfoem’s sleitetilneghtahnedfiglmreinnadtiemsepfroervtehnisteidssmuee, ~ fthuertshuebr jecoctmomfneantti.onTahledepbroagterawmh.e~n~beea~te,n,e,
There’s always Mayfest, and the ¯
played by comedian Ellen DeGeneres,
Renegade’ s answer to that, Gayfest.
" see Notes, page 11
PHILBROOK Visit Tuesday- Sunday
Adults $5, Seniors & Students $3
¢ous¢iL oak
meN’5 ¢i-IoKaLe
will present a flee performance on Friday,_
May 29th at All Souls Unitarian Church at 8
For more information, please call 743-4297.
TOHR/the Pride Center
1998 Tulsa Pride March &.Picnic
Saturday, June 20
Veterans-Park, 18th & Boulder
March: 11:30,.Picnic: Noon- 5pm
_ .Community Organization& Businesses Booths,
Games,-Music & Free Refreshments.
Information? Call TOHR/the Pride Center at 743-GAYS (743-4297)
This ad donated by Tulsa Family News.
Follies Revue,. Inc.
presents its l Oth anniversary benefit
The-Best of Follies ’98
John H. Williams Theatre
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Patron’s Night
Thursday, June 25, at seven o’clock
Champagne reception to follow, $~0
Benefit Performances
Friday, June 26 & Saturday, June 27
at eight o’clock, $2o
Tickets available at t~e PAC Box O ffice: :596-7111,
¯ 800-364-7111 or Carson Attractions~ 584-2000.
Beneficiaries are: Community of Hope, HIV-Resource Consortium,-Hope
Testing Clinic, Hospice of Green Country, O ur House, St.Joseph Residence,
Tulsa Community~ AIDS part.i~rshiP, and .the Visiting Nurse Association’.
1 st Annual
Red Ribbon Run
5k Run, Race Walk &.,Casual Walk
mbenefitHIV services ofInteffaithAIDS Ministries
& Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership
sponsored by Bank of Oklahoma, Stax/Circle K
Bama Companies, Interim Health Care, Joel, Tracey &
Clay Norvell, & Tulsa Family News
Saturday, June 13
Mens- 7am, Womens - 7:30 am
LaFortune Park, 61st & Yale
Registration SW Shelter, 6 am
Parking at south 10t only, USATF sanctioned event.& c.ertifie~
coordinated by-Glen’s; Ine Prereg.istratio.n: $1.2 wit~ }=sla!~, $~
withoutl Race Day Registration: $15 witla t-shirt, $1o wlmout.
Awards to top three men and women-in each USATF age group, as
well as top overall male& femalefinishers&top threerace walkers.
You dont have to run .to help! Join the Red Ribbon
Booster Club by making a donation to the Red Rib,b.on.
Run. Those donating $25 or more will receive a t-start.
Info: IAM.438-2437orPOB691438, Tulsa, 74169
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - .11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pro, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service - 5pm, Childrens Ministry - 5pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, .Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:~tSam, 3210e So. Norwood
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/GayfFransgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, 7 pm, leave message for more information: 743-4297
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm, 2207 E: 61h;583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each mo. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 7pm, call Shawn 491-2036.
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 3/2, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, 5/12, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
HIV+ Support Group~ HIV Resource,Consortium l:30pm
- 3507E Admiral(east ofHarvard), I~fo: Wanda@ 834-4194
Mnlticultnrai AIDS Coalition, 5/5, 12:30pro, Urban League, 240 East Apache
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIV!AIDS Support Group~ and Friends & Family HIV!AIDS
Support Group - 7 pm, Locatiom, call: 627-2525
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, 3rd Tues/each rot., 7pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer - 6:30pm, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210c So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, calI 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 ~- 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24"s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
From Our Hearts to Our House~ 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/cach mo. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, tat Fri/each rot. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Community Coffee House, varying dates, 7 pro, Pride.Center, Info: 743-4297
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womeus Supper Club, Call for info: 584-.2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call orfax 583-4615.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa Cir,-Count, Library
Author Isensee has ,’m interesting approach
to currentGay male culture. With
analogies to posttraumatic
stress syndro~ne, he explains
how events ,and society conspire
to create a d,’mgerous
enviromncut for Ga3 males.
While understanding that
mm~v Gay men come l~om
dvsf{mcfi~md or abusi ve fromlies
~md ~e trying to overcome
the effects of our
homophobic culture, it is important
to realize that. in
Iscuscc’s approach, tiffs is a
book about, m~d for, victims.
Divided lUtO two scctmns.
Reclaiming Your ldJ~ begins
by cxamimug homopho~m.
abusive f~nilies, shmne
self-destructive behavior.
Iscnscc sees a direct ton’elation
between posttraumatic
stress (uustmsl. uightmarcs.
analogies to
syndrome, he
explains how
events and
conspire to
create a
for Gay
m]xict\ ) mid the problems that kc.cj~ some
Gay u’mlcs from living full m~d "happy
lives. Guilt. shmnc, withdra~v~d, m~d isolation
arc cxmnincd, thrlv scxwfl abuse
nla31 cause the adult Gay m[dc to engage m
scxuall3 compulsiv c behavior, often pracuqing
uns~d’c sex. "’Associating sex with
sh;mm, a sexuM abuse snrvivormav seek
out sexmd contact in wlfich he is li~ely m
feel degraded."
Overwork is mmfl~cr area of compulsive
behavior. %Vhen xour sense of sellis
dependent ou overacl~ming, it is vulnerable
to the shifting fortunes of success or
-failure -just as your self-esteem was
dependent on how your parents felt about
themselves at any particularmoment. You
cma never do or accomplish
enongh to gain the approval
that you never had from your
pare~’~ts. Instead you can ~:ieve
for thig loss. This will enable
you to b,’dmace work that expresses
yonrmminterests wifl]
rest. recreatmn, mid intinlate
The sccoud half of this
book ex,’uniues the stages of
healiug, including acknowledging
abuse, recoguizing
sclf-desmmtive behavior, nurturing
yoHrself ,’rod asserting
\onr-o~\n needs. Being a so-
[’ial \yorker mid psychotlacrapisl.
Iscnsce has ma interest in
iudi\iduld m~d group fllerapy.
Because of his background.
nmch of his knoMcdgc about
(];.ix lllell COllieS fronl his patients.
Solnctn’ncs the reader gob the incorrect
imprcs.,ion that ~dl Ga.v Ulell
vicums of abuse lind iuc incapable of life
without tlierap3.
X luch of tiffs book is ps3 cholog3 101.
.but it will be of v~fluc to 3 oung adults grad
older Gay men ~ 1~o just
their lives togclher..kn upqo-datc list of
resources and refere~lces is provided.
Check for tCeclaim:n~ })~ur 1.(/~’ at xour
loctd brmich librz~x or c~dl the Readers
Services dep~ncnt at Tulsa (’itx -( "otlnlx
Centr~ libr~v at 596-’9~.
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!~y .ludy .\ lcCormick, s±~ecial contributor
This week has been a week of l)rtilizmg
Grass, trees, slm~bs,just about cver3-
thing except m3 a/aleas.
Some of then]
haven’t finished
blooming )el, so I mn
waiting until 1 can
fertilize them ~dl at
tim smnc time. This
is i~l oplllllUln lime
for feeding because
cvcoflfing is acovch
growing. Xlan~.
plmlls go into a scmidonnm~
t stage in the
hot summer and they
don’t imll as inuch~ml of the soil at that
lime. Now you get the best use Of your
Itcrc ~s a scene that was played oul
mmiv mncs when I had a lawn and g~den
touter; a customer would come in m~d
sayS’My plm~ts just ~en’t growing like
they should." "They are Mire, they just.
aren’t doing ~at wall.’" Then I would say,
"’llow oftcu do you fertilize them." There
would be a lon~ silen~ mid the customer
would get a gipsy look in their eve ~d
say, "’Fertilize the~." TNs is probably not
SOlnetlfing you could relate to at ~1, but it
is common. Feeding your plm~ts is m~
importmlt p~t of spnug mid now is the
time. Arc you tired of me nagging you
about l)rdfi~ng yet?
Plm~t yo~ ~adimns m~y time now, it is
warm enough I saved some bulbs over
from last year It \viii be fun to see their
return pcri’om]~mcc
My pansies look so ~ood that
I haven’t planted the ammals
¯ that $o in their spot . . .
ma:,be I’ll Set one of those ¯
[sugar erystallzin~ kits] so
I can preserve all nay ~ansies
in sugar and decorate desserts
with them. Now all I have to
do i~ find ~omeone
else to flx the de~ert~.
My t)m>acs look
~o good flint I haven’t
pllmtcd the
thai go in their spot
vet. I )ust doll’t have
ihc hc~t to get rid of
thcnl x cl. I Mt~ a
cry ~t~d~izJng kit in a
caudog dm o~]cr
maybe I’ll get one of
th~;se so I cm~ preserve
Ml my pm~sies
in sug~ mid decorate
desserts with
them. Now all I have to do is find someone
else to fix the desserts.
If you havcu’t tfimlned your crepe
myrtl~.vet, it isn’t too late. We had ~m oak
with fungus last vc~ and I should have
sprayed our tree When it first ledcd out
but I didn’t. Oh well. maybe ins year
won’t be as ~vct m~d we won’t have the
problem. I wish this tree would let mc pay
a fine or solnething mid then do what I
shouldhavc done t~vo weeks ago, maybe
I’ll tMk to Nm aboul it’ m~d see what we
~work out. If you have been working in
your g~dcn this last few weeks ~d it
didn’t m~e you fecl better, go back out
there - you ~:eren’t paying enough attention.
Go Ye Forth mid Fcrtilize~
Judy McCormick formerly w~ the
owne; of Cox Nursery m 7~dsa.
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
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Weekend and eveningappoinlments are available.
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by Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
It eez I, le cousin de Jean-Pierre! He is
on the sabatical- under the circumstances,
how do you say, mysterieux, et Iamdrafted
to fill in. Bien-sur, he will be back,
probablement. Mats maintenant, je ne
parlerai pas en francais - I will use the
This Sunday, I had the pleasure of dining
at Philbrook Museum’s brunch buffet
The atmosphere was lovely, as we
arrived just as the rain fell in
droves, and were seated near
the window by the striking
maitre d’. And as I had noted
some particularly handsome,
er, scenery in the restaurant in
addition to the loveliness of
the verdant grounds be~nd a
veil of rainfall, I odjusted my
seating position so I could enjoy
the best of both worlds.
The tableful of handsome
gentlemen provided a lovely
v~ew m one direction,not to
mention the fact that the waiters
were cute, too.
And the sen’ice was excellent.
My glass of iced tea was
never empty very long, which
~s one of my barometers of
good sela’ice.’Leave me thirst).
and go without a tip -well,
other than this verbal one: "’you
really should keep the patron" s
glass full.’" The ambience was
lovely, and the player piano
tinkling gaily in the background
added just the right
touch. Dress ranged from suit and ties to
leather jacket and jeans, so informal is ok.
The buffet, which looked gorgeous,
included something for everyone.Various -
salads, grilled veg~es (squash, zucchini,
and carrots), rosemary potatoes, veg~e
lasagna (they must of had one heck-of-a
deal on the squash and zucchini), roast
beef, grilled chicken over wild rice, cheese
grits (which I found unusual - more later),
ham, and for those more inclined towards
brealffasty-things, an omelette bar and
Bet~an waffles to order.
And the dessert table.., ah the dessert
table. Westarted offatthe salads ofcourse.
I had mixed greens though afew pieces of
which were brown, and a vinegar and oil
concoction. T’was a bit tart, but good. A
CaeS.ar and pasta salads were also featured.
They servedpoppy seedmuffmettes
and also biscuits, which unfortunately
were your average, everyday ones. My
dining companion was daring, and tried
the cole slaw, which he left untouched
after the first bite since it looked much
more interesting than it was - lovely preannouTnced
her sexual orientation a year
Since then, however, the show’s ratings
have been disappointing. This year,
"Ellen" averaged fewer than 11 million
viewers, a 22 percent drop over the previous
year. The sitcom, which airs at 8:30
pm Wednesdays, made its debut in 1994
with DeGeneres’ character, Ellen Morgan,
playing a young heterosexual. But
the actress and her character both came
out as Lesbians last season.
DeGeneres and the network have since
disagreed over the show’s content, including
whether a kiss between women
could be aired.
[ sentation but an ordinary sugary mayon-
¯ naise dressing.
They also offered a thick cheese-broc-
~ colt -I hesitate to call it soup, but there’s
¯ not really another word that fits. It was
¯ luke-warm, with crunch.), broccoli florets
." that could have used some more blanching.
Where’s Bette Davis when you need
¯" her?
: The main courses - I had the chicken
(dry and cold) and rice (cold),& a small
Sunday Brunch
la Villa
2727 So. Rockford
Tu~. - S~n.. llto 9
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bit of veggie lasagna. I use the
term lasagna loosely. It was
basically scorched lasagna
noodles, tomato sauce and zucchini
and squash, cut to look
like potato chips. In fact, I
hesitated to get some because
of that - so did my companion.
It looked like potato chip lasagna.
And it too, was cold to the
taste. I think I tasted sun-dried
tomatoes, but I couldn’t be
sure. The roast veggies ~ver
also tepid.
My dining colnpamon had
pretty much the same thing,
with the addition of rather glutinous
cheese grits that had
solidified as soon as the)" hit
the plate. Mnm~!
On to the denserr table, which
~vas ~vondrous to behold. Carrot
cake, the most succulent (I
love that word!) chocolate
cheesecake I’ve ever tasted,
regular cheesecake, and
chocolate cake with mousse
filling and dark chocolate ic-’
¯ ing and pecan sprinkles. The latter was
¯ good, but the mousse had a slight bitter-
-¯ ness to it, which was unexpected and not
too pleasant -though my companion
¯ thought other~vise. We were too stuffed
¯ by then to try the other selections, but they
¯ were very tempting.
¯ My advice: go straight (so to speak) for
." the dessert table. The rest was a disap-
¯ pointment and a waste of appetite. Hope-
" fully, this will be corrected, or perhaps,
¯ this wasjust aparticularly bad day, but till
¯ then: caveat emptor. And at $15 per person,
you can get a much better meal for a
¯ great deal less at Piccadilly Cafeteria.
Editor’s note: Jean-Claude de
¯ FlambeauchaudwillcontinueTulsaFam- ¯
ily News and Jean-Pierre Legrand-
bouche’s tradition ofrestaurant reviews
¯. which are distinguishedfor theD" candor.
¯ Unlike most other Tulsapublications, we ¯
do not use our reviews as an advertising
¯ tool. In.fact, we’ve lost advertising be-
". cause we did not cater to the egos ofsome
¯ restaurateurs. With us, you get the truth as
¯ we see it. If they don’t like it, tant pis.
~ Joan Garry, executive director of the
¯ Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,
said the cancellation was a disap-
¯ pointment but not a surprise.
¯ "We’re all disappointed ABC made a
decision based on ratings. We really wish
¯ that they had seriously considered the
¯ impact of Ellen’s work and looked at it ¯
from a broader perspective," she said.
:. "The show may have been canceled, but I
¯ think she gave a gift to Gay and straight ¯
Americans and that’s a legacy that the
¯ cancellation cannot take from her," Garry
¯ said.
¯ The show’s one-hour finale is sched- ¯ uled for May 13 and will take viewers
¯ through a satirical retrospective of her
¯ career. Guest stars will include Jennifer ¯
Aniston, Glenn Close and Phil Donahue.
Lesbian mothers ¯
¯ Lesbians that we interviewed even a few
and their children: ¯
¯ years later had begun to use known do-
Interview with Nanette Gartrell ," nors. We actually stopped inviting new
by Esther Rothblum ¯ participants in 1992 because the ’old’
In the early 1980s lots of Lesbians were ¯ Lesbians differed so much from the’new’
beginning to figure out
ways to have children by
donor insemination.
Nanette Gartrell, a Lesbian
psychiatrist, was interested
in studying these pioneer
Lesbians. "We had no
money," she said in a recent
interview, "but of
course none of the work
I’ve ever done has been
funded. It’s usually too
controversial to be funded
by any of the traditional
sources, such as the National
Institutes of Health.
It’s years ahead of its time
in terms ofwhensuchagencies
would fund this kind
of research. We decided if
we waited for funding
agencies to get over their
homophobia to fund this
study, we’d be waiting another
decade. So we went
ahead and funded it our-
"We had no money,"
she said in a recent
interview, "but of
course none of the
work I’ve ever done
ha~ been funded.
It’s usually too
eontroverslal to be
funded by any ofthe
traditional sources
¯.. It’s.years ahead
of its time in terms
of when such
agendes would fund
this kind of
research. ~¢e deelded
ff we walt~d for
selves." Nanette’s studyis- ,’~.funding ageneles to
now the longest-running
study of Lesbians who had
children via donor insemination.
"It’s already been walldocumented
that kids of
Lesbian morns are
healthy," Nanette told me,
"so we’re not trying toreestablish
that. What we’re
interested in is how they
get over their
homophobla to fund
this study, we’d be.
wa;t;ng another
decade. So we w~nt~
ahead and funded it
hav~copedwi.thhomopho- ,
bia. At the time, Nanette s major collaborator
was living in Washington, D.C.
and Nanette was living in Boston, sothey
began the research with Lesbians in those
two cities. Then Nanette moved to San
Francisco and included Lesbians from the
Bay Area.
Thefirst step was finding Lesbian mothers
to participate. Nanette’ s research team
advertised in bookstores and Gay and
Lesbiannewspapers. Theymade upflyers
to distribute at Lesbian films and community
events. They went to all the workshops
on choosing children and told par:
ticipants about the study. The original
study began with 154 mothers.
The first interviews took place when
the mothers were pregnant. Then the mothers
and co-mothers were interviewed again
when the chil&en were a year and a half
old and when they were five. Nanette’s
team is currently interviewing the families
now that the children are 10, and this
for the first time includes interviews with
the .children themselves. Then the families
will be interviewed next when the
children are 17 and when they are 25.
"When we interviewed the mothers at
first, when they were pregnant, they anticipated
being out as Lesbians," said
Nanette. "For the most part they used
unknown donors, because there was a lot
more fear at that time that somehow the
state would come in and take the children
away. By the lime of the next interviews,
when the children were toddlers, many of
them regretted this and wished they had
used a known donor who could have participated
in the child’s life as a father.
ones interms ofdonoridentity."
Not surprisingly, the
children were very. much
desired. When" the Lesbians
were first interviewed
while pregnant, about half
the women werelncoupled
relationships, andhad been
with their parmers from a
few months to a decade or
more. Others were single
When Nanette’s team
re-interviewed the mothers
when the children were
a year and a half, they were
not surprised to find completely
exhausted, harried
mothers whohadvery litile
time for their own lives
other than childrearing and
paid employment. One of
the areas of difficulty was
the little contact with their
partners, and this was often
a source of tension. By
the time of the interviews
when the children were
five, a number of the
couples had broken up.
Those couples where the
mothers had spent time
. away from the children,in
order to have more time
with each other, weremore
likely to still be together
than the couples that had
been most child-focused.
¯ Now the team is interviewing the ten-
" year old children. "It’ s very exciting to be
¯¯ interviewing the kids for the first time,"
said Nanette.-"Because we have these
: very articulate kids who are highly edu-
: cated around issues of diversity, racism,
¯ and homophobia." ¯
Doinglongitudinal research is not easy.
: WhenNanettehad a floodinher basement
: a few years ago, some of the file cabinets
¯ got wet. "I was frantically using a hair
¯ dryer to dry the pages of the interviews so
¯ the data wouldn’t be lost," she recalls.
¯ Nanette phones all the families each year
: to see if they have moved, so she won’t
¯ lose touch with them. A couple of women
¯ who once identified as Lesbians are now
¯ involved with men; a few women have
died. ButNanettehas stayedintouchwith
¯ just about all the women from the original
¯ sample. As couples break up and then get
¯ involved with new parmers, Nanette in-
" corporates all these "step-m0ms" in the
¯ study. ’This means we may be the only
¯ study that has more participants at the end
of the study than at the beginningU’ she
¯ said.
¯ More information about the study re-
-¯ sults can be read in: Nanette Gartrell et at.
(1996), The National Lesbian Family
¯ Study: InterviewsWithProspectiveMoth-
: ers.AmericanJoumalofOrthopsychiatry,
¯ volume 66, number 2, pp. 272-281.
: Esther Rothblum is Professor of Psy-
¯ chology at the University ofVermont and
¯¯_ She has been chair of the Committee on
Lesbian and Gay Concerns of the Ameri-
¯ can Psychological Association.
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by Mary Schepers, Do-It=Yourself-Dyke
My .friend J. was so delighted that her
leaky toilet was featured in last month’s
column that she set her girlfriend on the
project right away. The DIYD is happy to
report the repair was a success, much to
her friends’ mutual satisfaction.
J is so happy, in fact,
that she promises to bfiy her
girlfriend a tool belt very
.soon -since a pair of silk
boxers will be tucked in one
of the pockets, the DIYD
can only assume the nature
of the first project...
A continuation of the toilet
theme was originally
planned for this month, but
after further consideration, I
have decided to defer unmasking
the mystery of the
wax ring for a later date.
Tttming a toilet over is not
forthe timidorfaint-hearted!
Instead, we will begin a
journey together in developing
that most versatile and
most necessary of all skills -
painting. Dear ones, do not
groan and run away so
quickly! Certainly, unguided
paintingprojects have almost
spelled out D:I-V-O-R-C-E
for too many ofmy brethern
... we will begin a
journey together
in developing that
most versatile and
most necessary
d all stalls -
painting. Dear
ones, do not groan
and run away so
painting projects
have almost
spelled out
¯.. but it doesn’t
have to be so
and sistern, but it doesn’t have to be so
traumatic. Indeed, follow the advice proffered
in the next few colunms, and perhaps
your delighted love will buy you a :
tool belt with all the accessories, too. ¯
The DIYD begs your indulgence; a ,"
whole colunm devoted to the selection :
and.care of paintbrushes is not as bizarre ¯
as youmayinitially think. Over ,theco~se ."
ofyour Do-It-Yourselflife, youmaypaint
every room in your house as well as some
or all of the exterior at least once. ff
you’ve ever paid a paint contractor, you
can see the economy of widding a (good)
paintbrush yourself. And the grim fact is,
the type and quality and care of your
paintbrushes is directly related to the finished
quality of your paint job.
Yes, ducklings, wereturn to theDIYD’s
recurring theme o" tools : Always Buy the
Very Best That You Can Afford. You
may choke at the prospect of paying $13
- $24 for a brush, and certainly they canbe
had for cheaper (although I don’t recommend
buying even a small brush for less
than $5), but this is definitely a case of
.getting what one pays for. And please
don’t look at brushes as a limited use,
throw-away commodity; my father, the
original DIY Oracle, has brushes that are
about my age, and they are as marvelous
looking and functional as I am, too! Well,
maybe more so. I will teach you that
lesson in longevity, too, so that you can
get the most out of your investment.
In selecting brushes, you will want a 1
l/2 inch or 2 inch brush and a4 inch brush
as a minimum. When you buy a good
paintbrush, you don’t need a smaller one
for the anal retentive job of cutting in
(painting around trim, molding, etc.); if
you have a real steady hand and good eye,
you won’t even need to use masking tape
very often, and that’s a great time saver.
You will seldom use a 4 inch brush indoors,
but it’s very handy when you do
need it, and absolutely necessary if you
are painting outside. As you go up the
quality and cost ladder, the brushes will
be marked specifically for external or
¯ inside paint jobs, and {hat should be re-
, spected. However, if you are in the upper
middle range, the brushes can, with care,
: be used interchangeably..DO NOT BUY
TheDIYDcaunotbediscreethere: reader,
they are crap. Natural bristle
brushes are the sine qua non
ofpaintjobs; yours will probably
read "Natural China
Bristles" and they are made
of hogs hair; if you have
ethical objections to this,
skip down a paragraph.
After you have sucked up
and bought your precious
brushes, takethemhome and
continue to treat them with
the loving respect they deserve.
Before usingyournew
brushes, dip them in what-
. ever solvent is related to the
type of paint you are using
(paint thinner for oil-based
paint, water for water based
paint); this moistens areservoir
located up at the top of
the bristles, and is essential
to the longevity of the brush
as well as the quality Of your
paintjob. Tap off the excess
moisture (please, no crass
comments) so that the brush
is just damp. Repeat this if
." your brush starts to dry out oryou stop for
: lunch or whenever you are going to use a
¯ clean and dry brush to paint with.
As youpaint, dip yourbrushhalfway up
the bristles into the paint, the tap the side
of the brush on the side of yourpaint can.
This is called loading your brush; if you
scrape most of the paint off on the side,of
the bucket, you are completelydefeating
the purpose of loading the brush. That is,
a dry brush is not a) going to apply much
paint and b) is not going, to last very long.
A loaded brush is going to apply the paint
smoothly and with little friction; as soon
as it sounds a little raspy, load up again
(more on painting technique next month).
Please do not squish the brush downor get
thebrisdes all bentand broken and crooked
as you paint; you’re not trying to kill the
poor thing. Smooth and gentle and flowing
is the technique you’re after. Painting
is a Tao thing, if you please.
You may have read the helpful hint of
putting abrushin aplastic bag and storing
it in the freezer if you will be continuing
¯ your paint job later; the DIYD strongly
discourages you from doing so, with all
¯ duerespect to Heloise. Using the Oracle’s
¯¯ techniques, it doesn’t take long to clean a
brush and it will prolong the life of your
¯ expensive tool. For water based paints,
¯ rinse the brush under a tap of.running
¯ lukewarm water, gently working the ¯
bristles from side to side to get the paint
out of the reservoir. Workin a dab of dish
¯ soap on the bristles and rinse some more;
¯ tam the brush on its side and work the ¯
water in from that angle too; it’s ok to use
¯ your hands, and it’ll help you clean up a
¯ bit, too. When all traces of the paint are
: gone and the rinse water is clean, squeeze
; off the water, put the brush head on a
; paper towel androllitup flat (don’t squish
¯ the bristles tightly together). It keeps the ¯
bristles safe and dust free
An oil based paint is more finicky to
: clean up after, but is not a chore to be
¯ dreaded. You’ll need paint thinner (It’s
: .flammable, so don’t useit near a flame
¯ source and see Dyke, page 14
by Lamont Lindstrom ¯ is a challenge for you: Reflect anthropo-
A few years ago, at a dinner party, my " logically on Oklahoma culture and why
friend Andrew dropped his pants to show ¯ this shouldfear tattoos. Nonetheless, some
me two piercings. Or rather, he showed " of you may have come across a tattoo
me one (a t-bar) and some ripped skin " eslablishmentthatsetupshopintheBrady
where the second had been. He somehow District late last year. Delighted, I took
had lost this on a flight from the UK to " advantage of this local opportunity to
NewZealand. (Ididn’tthen have tattooed on me my
want much to go into the No one l~,nows Japaneseinkan-thesmall,
details, halfway through where and wlaen round name stamp that all
my salad, of just how this banks inJapandemand one
loss could have occurred.) laumans ~rst uses in order to deposit or
Andrew since has some- transformed t~elr withdraw anymoney. Next
how arranged a replace- time I am in Japan, I plan
ment. He likes to fiddle bodies into worlds Of just to pull up my sleeve
with hisjewdry, so he tells art. T]als eertalnly instead.
me, duringlongandtedious No doubt I will horrify
business meetings at the occurred tlaousands thebankladies. Tattooing
London architectural firm - per]aaps tens of in Japan (like Oklahoma)
where he works. These is scandalous. This despite
piercings, there inside his thousands - of years the fact that Japan has an
pinstriped trousers, com- a~o. En~llsh internationally renowned
pensates for the boring
businessman’s garb he has speahers, in tl~e late
tradition of brilliant fullbody
tattooing. Japanese
to wear. 18th century, bor- tattoos,however, arediffi-
Andrew is less happy cult to find and admire.
with some of his other rowed the word Many of the public-baths I
piercings. He complains, "tattoo" from the frequented had signs proin
a recent email message:
Polynesian ’tatu’..
claiming "NO tattoos al-
"I have JUST ABOUT de- ¯ lowed." This reflects aseider
to remove my nipple Tattooln~ qulehly sociations of tattoos with
rings... Amobile phonein -
the top pocket also causes became a fad amon~ mafiathe yakuzagangs thatJapaneSecontrol
considerabledamagewhen "-both urbanites and much of the underground
running across the office.
Noonehaseveraskedwhy the avant-~mrde r~eb economY.thoughI, hadOneclimbedday’
I suddenly collapse in a (muela as it is today, Sakurajima volcano and
heap swearing,., so I think "
they will have to go." He two centuries later), itsWasbackside.makingmYi WaYranintod°Wna
hopes, though, to get him- . party ofWell-dressed sightself
a tattoo by way of compensation for " seers sporting black patent leather shoes.
the sacrifice of his nipple d~cor. They off&ed me a ride back to the city in
I am a fan oftattoos mysdf, so I hope
their van. Squeezed into the back seat
Andrew does decide to undergo the inky " with two ofmy hosts, I noticed a tattooed
needle. No one knows where and when ¯ wristjustshowingfromnnderashirtsleeve
humansfirsttransformedtheirbodiesinto ¯ cuff. Soon, my new companions had hapworksofart.
Thiscertainlyoccurredthou- " pily pulled off their clothing to’reveal
sands - perhaps tens of thousands - of : magnificent kaleidoscopic tattoos coveryears
ago. English speakers, in the late ¯ ing every inch of their bodies, except
18th century, borrowed the word"tattoo" : head, hands, and feet. Bygone yakuza
from the Polynesian ’~atu’. James Cook, - ¯ sometimesarrangedforthemselves,when
and his fellow explorers, came across: ¯ theydied, to be partly skinned, and the
richly decorated male Polynesian bodies " skin tanned, in order to preserve their
in Tahiti, the Marquesas, Hawai’i, and " luxuriant tattoos.
New Zealand. Eager sailors pulled up ¯ Fewof us would be so willing to betheir
shirts to offer their skin to the bone ¯ come altogether a body-art canvas. Still,
needles of Polynesian artists. They thus ¯ tattooing allows us to remodel our bodies
imported Pacific tattoo designs back to " and thereby our senseand presentation of
Europe. Tattooing quickly became a fad ¯ self..IrecentlywanderedaroundHouston’s
amongbothurbanitesandtheavant-garde " Gay ghetto, the Montrose district - it
rich (much as it is today~ two centuries " could have been ancient Tahiti. Many of
later). This actually was a reintroduction - : us, too, will make handsome, decorated
of forgotten body art to Europe. Ancient , corpses. I am suggesting to Andrew that
peoples from across Europe once also had this time he just have a ring tattooed onto
decorated themselves by needling dyes " his nipple. That way those troublesome
under the skin. ¯ cell phones won’t get inthe way.
Oklahoma is one of only three of the ¯ Lamont Lindstrom is a professo? of
United States that outlaw tattooing. Here : anthropology at the University of Tulsa.
¯ more. Your brush should be nice and
¯ dean now, so use a paper towel to absorb
: the excess thinner, then store as above.
get lots of ventilation going), an empty ¯ Storetheusedthinnerinyourcontainerin
paint can or bucket, and a sealable con- ¯ a wall ventilated spot away from ignition
tainer and a couple of paper towels. Pour " sources. The next time you use an oilsome
thinner in your dean bucket, and " based paint, you can reuse the thinner
work the bristles firmly but gently back ¯ from that container. The paint settles out
and forth against the bottom and side of " and the thinner and oil can gently be
the bucket. This will get the majority of ° decanted from the top. The Oracle swears
the paint out of the bristles. Pour the used ¯ that this product is even better than virgin
thinner into your sealable container and " thinner, and you’re recycling.
replace the lid; be a good eco scout and " Now that you are savvy with brush
mark"used paint thinner" on the lid. Pour basics, we’ll get prepped for the big paint
another inch or two of dean thinner into ¯ job: "Gird your lions" as Aunt Carmen
your bucket and work your bristles some " used to say; we’ll beback next month.
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word is 25 cents. Options for your ad:
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DATEWHO PUTS OUT This fun loving,
White male, 5’8, 1451bs, with Black hair
and Brown eyes, Ipves doing everything.
Call me and have a great night.
(Tulsa) ~r8380
HUNG? COOL! This 31-year-old Male,
6’, 245 Ibs., brown hair and blue eyes
seeks well-endowed men for hot times.
NEW DUDE IN TOWN Well built, athletic,
Black ma~e. 28, 6’3, 1691bs, with
short, Black hair, Brown eyes, and good
looks, is new to town and seeks a masculine,
attractive, White male, 21 to 28,
to hang out with. (Tulsa) ~10147
year old, Bi male, wants to meet other
guys interested in making the scene.
You must be masculine and well hung.
(Tulsa) ~9879-
~.LWAYS HOT FOR IT I love hooking
up with dark complected, Black and
Hispan=c men, especially tops, with
hairy bodies. I’m a good looking, very
well built, White male. in my mid 30’s,
6’1, 1951bs, with short, dark, Red hair,
Green eyes, and a smooth, sculpted
body. (Broken Arrow) ’1~’9692
GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White male,
34. 6’1. 1701bs, with Brown hair and
Blue eyes, seeks aggressive, fit guys, in
their 20’~ and early 30’s, for hot times.
(Tulsa) ~9687
White male, 45, 5’10, 2201bs, with light,
Brown hair and Green eyes, seeks a
blue collar type who’s down to earth,
caring, and enjoys sports and the outdoors.
I want to have a one on one relationship.
I don’t drink or do drugs, but I
do smoke cigarettes. (Henrietta) ~9661
NOT A BEDHOpPER I’m not interested
in umping in bed, right off the bat. I’d
I ke to start a friendship and see where
things go. I’m an attractive, little guy,
5’4, 1351bs, with short, Brown hair, Blue
eves, and a nice tan. I’m into most
s~orts, especially basketball, and workin’g
out at the gym. (Tulsa) ~9336
ON THE UP AND UP Handsome, Gay,
Seminole Indian, 27, 5’6, 1301bs, seeks
an honest, trustworthy person, 27 to 35,
who shares my =nterests in movies,
music and dancing, for friendship leading
to a long term relationsh p. I don’t
smoke and am a social drinker.
(Stillwell) ~9241
a normal country boy at heart. This
attractive, well built, White male. 5’8
1601bs, likes gping to the gym, running,
cooking, eaang, fishing, and doing
other outd6or stuff. I’m waiting to meet
someone to spend some special times
with. (Ft. Gibson) ~10384
hairy, tanned, good looking, White
male. 33..6’1, 180ibs, with a goatee. I
want some good times on the phone or
in 0erson. (Tulsa) ’~8674
RUNNING AROUND Very outgoing, fun
loving, 19 year old, White male, 6ft,
.1651bs, with Black hair and Blue eyes,
seeks other guys for friendship or a
long term relationsfiio. (Tulsa) ~10572
year old, Gay, White male, 5’10, 1551bs,
into light music, blues, bike riding, playing
tennis, hiking, and camping. I’d like
to meet another Gay, White male, 25 to
40, with similar interests, for friendship
or more. (Tulsal ~8381
THINK KINK I like all kinds of kinky sex
and want to meet guys, 18 to 45, who
have some creative ideas, rm a good
looking, 30 year old, White male, 5’9,
1501bs. rm well built and prefer the
same. (Fort Smith) ’118308
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male is
31-years of age. rm looking for.someone
to have a safe discreet time with. If
your interested in this message, g~ve
me a call ple.ase. (Tulsa) "~16325
I LIKE OLDER GUYS Healthy, attractive,
HIV positive. White male, 37,
1701bs, with Brown hair, Hazel eyes,
and a mustache, seeks a sincere, honest,
well endowed guy, 25 to 55, WhO
likes to be a top. Race ~s open and
ooks are unim0ortant, as long as you’re
clean cut. (Tulsa) ~’12249
DAILY RITUAL When I get home, I like
to lay back, have a good drink, and
think about a hot Man and wish I had it
in my hand. Then I start massaging
myself. I’d ove to talk to you. (Tulsa)
THE DOOR IS OPEN I’m a 23-year-old
college st0dent, 5’10", 135 Ibs., slender,
good-looking, with brown hair and
green eyes. rm on my way out of the
closet but not quite there yet. My hob,
bies are ust about everything, but I
especially en oy reading, history, travel,
and socializing with lots of different
fdeods. I’m alot of fun to be with and
am looking for someone similar.
(Norman) "~ 15342
warn3, soothing massages? rm a Gay
Male, clean-shaven and very submis-
...., 5’1~~’ 130 Ibs., 30" waist, with
black hair and hazel eyes. I’m looking
for an aggressive, hot top or a master
for light S/M. I guarantee you’ll enjoy
every moment. (Oklahoma City)
seeks aggressive master. Call for
details or gi~e. your first order in my
mailbox. I’m ready to serve. (Tulsa)
Male, 28, 5’8", 145 lbs, good-looking. I
just want to meet some Guys out’there.
TONED BUT TIMID Attractive. Gay,
White male, 38, 5’9, 1721bs, with Brown
hair Hazel eyes, a mustache, goatee,
and well defined body, is HIV positive
but very healthy. ~’m shy, sincere, and
masculine. I’d like to meet a good looking,
Gay or Bi male, 20 to 45, who’s versatile
or a top, who has an above average
endowment, for casual fun. Body
hair and facial hair are plusses. (Ft.
Smith) ’~8893
NICE AND EASY This friendly, 58 year
old White ma~e seeks a n=ce guy to
have pleasant conversations w th, and
to enjoy during relaxing evenings
ttgether. (Tulsa) ~14641
BELLS ON MY TOES I’m a White male
into crossdressing and painting my toenails.
I love getting my toenails and
everything else, sucked on. If you’re in
the area and turned on, call me. I’m 35,
with Blond hair and Blue eyes.
(Tahlequah) ~11743
RUGGED AND RANDY This good looking
rugged, cowboy type, blue collar
worker, 30, 6’4, 200ibs, wth Blond hair.
Blue eyes and a hairy body, seeks
other cowboy types for fun, I like go ng
out, watcblng tv at home, taking long
drives, and being very romantic, I’d like
a permanent relationship but we should
be friends first. (Henrietta) ’~14467
what! have no plans tonight, This
attractive, 20 year old, White male,
wants to go out and do something with
you. Give me a call. (Tulsa) m’14309
considered myself Straight, but lately I
haven’t been able to stop thinking about
sex with anomer man. I need someone
Straight acting, discreet, healthy, and
drug free. I’m a good looking, pretty well
built’Single. White male, 29, 6ft,
1901bs. with Brown har and Green
eyes. (Grand Lake) ~12004
TRIPYOUR TRIGGER This good looking,
happily Married, Bi, White male, 34,
6’2, 2301bs, is new to this scene. I’d like
tc meet other Bi males. 18 to 28, who
are petite, smooth, and preferably feminine,
for erotic entertainment only. Your
endowment doesn’t matter to me. but
tTOuU must be discreet and very clean.
Isa) ~13211
in Tulsa, needs a warm body to heat me
up en cold nights. (Tulsa) ’1~13077
LIKE A LADY want to get together
with Cross-Dressers or She-Males. I
ust want to meet you and treat you
rice. ~15427
MAN OF ACTION This good looking,
masculine, 34 year old, White male, 6ft,
1751bs, with a good build, seeks similar
guys, 21 to 35, into sports, fun times,
traveling, and relaxing at home.
(McAllister) ~13473
IT’S THIS SIMPLE This White Male, 6’,
240 Ibs.. with brown hair and blue eyes
seeks Black Males. ages 25-40.
BUTT BUDDY Friendly, 36 year old,
uncut, White male, 5’10, 1601bs, with
Brown hair, Brown eyes, and a great
butt, seeks friends to hang out with.
(Tulsa) "~1 t860
There’s no charge to
create an ad!
old, White female, with a 24 year old
girlfriend, seeks friends for us to hang
out with. (Tulsa) ~13323
KEEP ME COMPANY rm a Bi Married
Female, 32, 5’4", 120 Ibs., with auburn
hair and green eyes. My husband’s out
of town a lot, and rm lonely. I’m looking
for a nice Female who likes to go out, or
just stay nome and watch movies.
(Tulsa) ~15293
BUSY NEWCOMER ’m an attracbve~
petite, Black female, 25, 4’11, 1201bs,
with one child. I’m new to this area and
this scene so I hope you’ll be patient
with me. I have three jobs ano am very
busy but have time to meet some
womyn, 25 to 30, of all races, for friendship
or more. (Tulsal ’~14485
TEACH ME, PLEASE I’m not very
experienced n this and I’m hoping ro
meet someone who can talk to me, give
me pointers, or tell me how it is. I’m 23
years 01d and have been attracted to
women, but have never acted on it.
(Tulsa’~ ~13687
MIDWEST TIES I’m a Lesbian writer
and journalist who’s tied to the midwest
for a while, rm interested =n meet=rig
other womyn with whom tc discuss hterature
and the world. Who knows what
might develop? (Tulsa) ’~10163
NEW TO THE SNOW This 20 year o~o,
Gay, White female, 5’5, 1201bs. just
moved here from Ft. Lauderdale
haven’t met many Gay and Bi womyn
yet, but am anxious to make some
friends. I prefer womyn between 18 and
30, of any race. Some of my interests
include rollerblading, movies, aria going
to corks. (Tulsa) ~10181
CALl TRANSPLANT I recently moved
here from California aria need some
friends to show me what Oklahoma is ~,
about, i enjoy music, dancing, scorts,
going our for fun, and good peop~ -’~
share it all with. (Tulsa) ~9651
To respond, browse o~"
check your messages, catl
$1.99/Min. 18+
Discreet * Confidential o Easy
andexecutive director of the Lesbian Gay
Rights Lobby ofTexas. "More states than
ever before are facing anti-Gay measures
and/or are fightingforpro-Gay civil rights
protections. Nearly every state has faced
abill banning the recognition of same-sex
marriages in the last two years. Over thirty
states have groups activdy working on
pro-Gay pieces of legislation."
"In Oklahoma, the logical lead organization
for this action is the Cimarron
Alliance," noted community activistTom
Neal who had represented Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights in last year~s
Federation meetings. "Hopefully a consortium
of organizations, like TOHR,
OGLPC, PFLAG and others, will come
together for such an event," he added.
The Equality Begins at Home actions
will be organized by. each of the existing
36 political organizations active in the
Federation. Each state will desig-n an ac~
tion that best fits with their state and their
political goals. Each state will develop a
plan for integrating local groups and our
allies into the Action.
The National Gay Lesbian Task Force
will help to organize the states that do not
have e:dsting statewide political groups.
The Equality Begins atHome actions has
been g~ven office space in the National
Gay Lesbian Task Force office.
Kerry Lobel, executive director of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
said, "The political center of gravity is in
the states. Equality Begins at Home will
allow organizers to focus their energy on
building the movement in all fifty states.
At this critic~ time in our movement,
NGLTF is fully committed to the Federaraon
and the state actions. We urge our
colleague or~ mizations to join us in suppo,-
txng this critical political work.
Several national and local groups have
jointed in supporting the Equality Begins
at Home Actions by helping with re-
5~udraising, publicity-, organiz-
,.~ ~’,~ ~w-~.ic.~ and expertise. There will
also 0e a pc,~ .~i’~d effort to make sure that
both the Equality Begins at Home actions
and the Millenium March compliment
each-other and share resources.
"The Equality Begins at Home actions
enjoys the full support and enthusiastic
supportofthe organizers of the Millenium
March," said Elizabeth Birch, executive
director of the Human Rights Campaign.
"It is imperative that we focus our energies
as a movement at both the state and
federal level. These two events will cornpliment
each other as together we build
the momentum to achieve equality in the
next century."
"Each state capitol must hear voices of
every color thatmakes-up theLGBTcommtmity.
LLEGO will make sure that
Latina/os are active in this event and looks
forward to making a forceful manifestation
ofunity and inclusiveness. Ourmovement
will be raised to anew level with the
success of Equality Begins at Home, said
Martin Omelas-Quintero, Executive Director
of LLEGO, The Nadonal Latinwo
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
For more .information about Equality
Begins a~ Home, contact Tom Neal at
583-1248 or tulsanews@earthlink.net.
1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor
in the Pride Center, 743-4297
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12-9 pm, Saturday
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1998] Tulsa Family News, May 1998; Volume 5, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/547.