[1998] Tulsa Family News, June 1998; Volume 5, Issue 6


[1998] Tulsa Family News, June 1998; Volume 5, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


June 1998


James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Judy McCormick
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, May 1998; Volume 5, Issue 5


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Clinton Bans Job Bias
WASHINGTON (AP) - An executive order signed by
race, color, religion, sex (gender),national odgia,handL
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperA veilsble In More Than 75 City Locations
Tulsa Pride Picnic Threatened
With Radical Anti-Gay Protests
TULSA The Rev. Johnny Lee Clary, best known as an cx-
Klansman and for testifying agaimt former debutant and one
time neo Nazi Carol Howe, is orgaaizJrtg a protest of Ttdsa’s
annual Gay Pride Picnic and March scheduled to be at Veterans’
park 18th & Boulder on June 20th from 1 l:30am to 5pm.
Clary. apparently has invited the Rex’ Fred Phelps of Topeka
tojoha him. Clary has a telephone hofline,49~0004, on which he
defends Demos Mahon, white suprermdst and ulso, the FBI
suspect accused of bombing abortion providers and an Adan~a
NE OK HIV Prevention
Programs Lose Funding
HIV Chief Promises to Fast.track Refunding
TULSA - E-mall is flying and protest meetings are
being planned of the complete shut-off of all fund
ing for HIV/AIDS prevention th Northeastern Oklahoma.
And the bad guys are said to be the H1 \’~ STI)
Heahh (OSDIt), But arc they?
Tulsa Librar~ Pre~ents Ga-, Inl~ofe Compares Gay ~
p ..... ~ - :-~ ?-’ ~ ~ ..~,N~mi.nee tO lql~ ...... ride Month~~ w~s~,o~ ~_ ~ ~,~ .o,,se ~. ’,-~-~
Oklahoma Congressmen
SupportAnti-Gay Remarks
WASHINGTON (AP) - Religious fight and conservative Repubtic2m
leaders embraced Gree~ Bay Packers defensive lineman
Reggie White, who cngeudered controversy after slmaking
out a~ai.~t homosexuality a~d abortion, While praising White,
an ordained Bapfist mlnlster, at a Iuncheon in Iris honor Monday.
they also ctitidzed meml~ of Congress who declined invitatiom
to attend.
lon~ a~ the Senate majority leader doesn’t object,
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine 832-1269 ¯
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston 592-2143 ¯
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896 ~
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria 599-9512 ¯
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th 583-6666 ¯
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria 749-4511 :
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston 585-3134 :
*Jason’ s Dell, 15th & Peoria 599-7777 ¯
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th 749-1563 :
*’Iqae Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st 745-9899 :
*St. MichaeFs Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st 745-9998 :
"*Margaret’s German Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth 583-1658 ¯
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234 "
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main~ 585-3405 "-
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial 660-0856 :
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308 ¯
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard 599-9999
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals "
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508 "
*Affinity News; 8120 E. 21 610-8510 :
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620 ¯
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 "
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 "
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034 ¯
Body Piercing by Nicrle, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 2P 712-9955 "
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 "
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313 ¯
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636 "
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595 "
Cherry St. Psych0therapy,!515 S. Lewis 581-0902,743-4117 ¯
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700 :
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th ~-- 746-0440 ¯
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 "
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620 ¯
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611 ¯
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S~ Peoria 744-5556 "
*Elite Books& Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503 "
*RossEdward Saloti, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379 :
*Floral Desi,g~., Studio, 3404 S. Peoria " 744-9595
*Gloria~Jean’g GOUrinet Coffee, 1758 E. 21St....742-1460:
Leanne’!~i:’Grb~,InsuranC~ & finmici_al piing .....-459~9349 :-~
MarkT. Hamby; Attorney ~ .: .. . :. . 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 71.2-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th . 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Keu’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 74%5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th P1. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3" 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers; 9720c E. 31~ 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novd Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672"
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 74%5932
Pdchard’s Carpet Cleamng 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616S. Main, #308 582-7748 ’
*Scribner’s Bookstore. 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Tickled Pink,’33~0 S.’ Peoria ~ 697-0017 "
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743"-7687 .
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria .742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy C1._u.,~, 6906 S Lewis : 481-0558 " ¯
Tul~g~~iries, C:liurche~.~~hoolS & Universities :
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB.I~33%"72~t(~l ~ 579-9593 :
*AllSiJuls:~J~tariiin Cti~ch, ~9~2 S. Peoria 743-2363 ¯
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314 "
Ble~s The Lord at All Times Christian Center 2207 E. 6 583-7815 "
*B/L/G!T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780 ¯
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University. of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314 "
*Community 0f_Hope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’ s Chorale, rehearsals on Monday~, 743-4297
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140. Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink.net
website: http:~msers.aol.com/TulsaNews/
¯Publisher + fiditor: Tom Neal, Writers + contributors: James
Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud, Barry Hensley,
J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lament Lindstrom. Judy McCormick. Esther
Rothblum Mary Schepers, Member ot The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
~Lbl~ieaantidonmaarye nportobteectreedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihnt w19h9o8leboy~Tin~upa~rt~w.~i~ tyho?u~t
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
~s assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, ~ust
be signed & becomes th~ sole property Of T~u~ ~:~.’./qtm¢,
Each .readeris entitled tO 4 copie~ of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopall 298-4648 ¯
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. MAngo 622-1441
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777 .
*Free Spirit Women’ s Center, call for location&info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438 "
*HIV ER Center,-4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611 ."
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481~1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Men/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewo0d 838-1715
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Pilrenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
..... *t~:A’:I:NE.;" Regional AIDS InterfaithNetwork .... 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205.W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583’-7171
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582=7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Hunlan Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall; Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Commtmity College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
*Autuum Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
~*.kim & .Brent’s .Bistro,. 1~73 ~. ~lain, 501-253-7457
, DeVito; s t~e~t~ura~t~ ~’center ~i. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spring .... 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist,,POB 429 ~ 501-253-2776
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
* is where you can find TFN. Not all are Gay-owned but allare Gay-friendly.
Gay & Lesbian Pride Celebration, 1998
Warm greetings to everyong taking part
in the 1998 Gay and Lesbian Pride Cel~
As Americans, we can be proud of our
diversity. Striving together, people of different
etlmicities, backgrounds, races,
beliefs, and sexual orientation have contributed
to the success of our nation, reflecting
the profound truth that this rich
diversity is one of our greatest strengths.
But wemust face the reality that some--
times our differences divide us; sometimes
the voices of hatred and prejudice
drown out the harmony in our natio~ml
life. Events like the Pride Celebration
help us to recognize anew that working in
a spirit of community is not only a hope
but a necessity, and that our individual
dreams can only be realized by our shared
Our ideals and our history hold that the
rights guaranteed us as Americans are
inalienable. They are embedded in our
Constitution and amplified over time by
our courts and legislature, and I am bound
by my oath of office and the burden of
history to reaffirm them. Ournation stands
to lose if we let prejudice and discrimination
stifle the hopes or deny the potential
of a single American. And we stand to
lose when any person is denied or forced
out of ajob because of sexual orientation.
I commend each of youfor your dedication
to working for an America that celebrates
our diversity, builds on our
strengths, and fulfills our fundamental
values of mutual respect and compassion.
Working together, I am confident that we
can enter the 21 stcentury as OneArnerica.
Best wishes ,for a wonderful celebration..~
- Bill Clinton
The Religious Society of
Friends, (Quakers)
Dear State Legislator,
As a Meeting of the Religious Society
of Friends (Quakers), we are deeply
troubled by the spirit of two laws being
considered by the State Legislature. These
proposed laws would deny or restrict civil -
rights to gay and lesbian people. These
laws would deny homosexual men and
women the right to maintain or seek employment
in the public schools and the
custody of children.
We believe that legalized discrimination,
prejudice and bigotry is unacceptable
for our state and country today. We
have struggled against these challenges
before in the areas concerning slavery,
ethnicity, cultural; race, gender, religion
and immigration. Oppression shifts ~ts
focus, t9 discriminate again_st particular
groups but it is the same basic problem
that we face again and again. Not to rec-
"ogfii.~the prolrlem.hnd=to perpetuateit is
:n0f~aceelStableti5 t~. ~-~~’ ~-’~:~ .......... -
i:: ~ Biblical in.terpretation h~ been"~sed
~" .thi-oiighou~ ~-ag~s :t°O:dis÷minate "’ "
~. " ,.= o:,.,.: : ~etter,$:.,~oli..cy~.,, ,,
~" Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
; issues which we’ve covered or on issues
¯ you think need to be considered. Youmay ¯
request that your name be withheld but
letters mustbe signed&have phone num-
" bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
. ters are preferred. Letters to other pubIi-
~ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
by Kerry Lobel
Recently, my partner Mary and Ihad
dinner with Del Martin and Phyllis
Lyon. Both Del and I share the sign of
Taurus. Each year, I mark-my birthday
by recalling how long Phyllis and Del
have been palmers. They have been
together the entire 45 years I’ve been
alive. I’ve known them for more than
25 years. And at two key points in my
life, they provided the tools I needed to
create a life. As a young woman of 19,
their book "LesbiaWWoman" changed
my life. Tired of digging in scientific
and religious journals that described
homosexuals as sick or sinner, the publication
of their book in 1972 was a
breath of fresh air. By then they had
been partners for almost twenty years,
and had traveled many Lesbian roads.
Their book gave me the hope that I
could have a life, connected with other
.Lesbians. And, they taughtme thatalong
with my sisters, I should not expect
only tolerance, but rather demand liberation.
Theirlives have beenframedbymany
movements, chief among them, the’
feminist movement. They understood
early on thatby making coalitions for
socialjustice, we would not only bring
our Lesbian selves forward; but the re.st
of society as a whole. Andthey’ve been
unafraid to tackle the toughissues. Their
book "Battered .Wives" changed the
ways in which our country addressed
woman abuse. When I edited"Naming.
the Violence: .Speaking OutAboutLes~
bianBattering" Del was quick to offer
.her ~adv.ice and support. While some
were afraid to talk about abuse in our
.~ommunity, she knew that our commu~
nity could only be strengthened bythis
honest discussion.i ¯ -
Justas Phyllis and Del have helped us
navigate our 20s, 30s,40s, 50s, and 60s,
they are also helping lead us through
our issues as old Gay men, Lesbians,
Bisexuals and Transgendered people.
They served as participants intheWhite
House Conferenc,. on Aging and led
workshops at a recent SAGE conference
on aging issues. When NGLTF
was challenged onissues related to ageism,
Deland Phyllis, as well as Shevy
Healey and Ruth Silver from Old Lesbians
Organized for Change, trained
our staff and demanded more visibility
at NGLTF’s Creating Change conference.
A recent stop of our families tour in
Providence, Rhode Island, reminded us
that no discussion of family issues is
complete without the recognition that
our Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and transgendered
family is comprised of individuals
from each generation. Issues
related to schools, parenting, and children
are only one part of our life cycle.
Issues related to Medicaid, social security,
healthcare and social services are
As our colleagues at SAGE remind
us, in the world’s eye, the GLBT eommunity
appears to lack a family of all
ages, and in the imagination ofmany of
us, there is no furore beyond age 40.
Seniors arenearly invisiblein theGLBT
community, shunned to the detriment
ofus all. In our work, as diligently as we
work for the lives and well-being of
youngpeoplewemustaddress.the needs
of seniors. We must challenge bias in
the healthcare system,
see Lobel, page 14
The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
The Hon. Scott Adki~s"
Siam Capitol BuiklLng
2300 N. Li~.ol~ Blvd.
Oklahoma City 73105
Eauly Alcxaad¢: Shinny.
The Eptseopal Diocese of
~4 ~. Rob~son
O~Ci~, OK 73102
~MI tihutle~,:
Thank you for your let~e.r resa~dmtl Senate Hills 1261 m~d 1394
arac~&ncnL~ rchuin~ to horaos~tmls,
fltis l~e wdl~~ ~ ~~~si~ of ~¢ btll
where we
Sta~ law pn)/~b=l~ I~r$on~ who have~€onnoted ofc~ m~ ~m ~m
1394 i* to e~cnd ~at proh~bi~on to suppo~ personnel ~d to ~ ~pJ~ of
p,~va~ ~mu~rs wot~ng ~~1pto~ in ~t eITO~ to~
tmponam p~eccs of legislation. Sending a ball to €ourt*came i~ tl~ I~il. wW to
Tkt~ mncat~hnc~t wotdd swt b~
this ~bcm has caused for ¯ producbve ses;m~nl of our
A TFN Update
by Tom Neal, publisher & editor
Usually I write a column about how
¯¯ this newspaper is doing and where we
think we’re going at the end of the year
¯ to coincide with the anniversary of our
¯ first issue. However, we’ve recently ¯
had some changes about which we’d
like to make you aware.
¯ We have had some.changes in writ¯
ers. We’re delighted to have added my
friend Mary Schepers, our Do-It- Your-
" self Dyke, and Esther Rothblum who
¯ writes Dyke Psyche from her New En-
¯ gland base.-TFN has always tried to be.
a newspaper for all parts of our very,
¯ very diverse community, from our self-
" appointed A-list to truckers and queer
¯ biker-dudes, fromdrag queens to dykes,
and from closeted to screamingly out -
¯ an inherendy challenging task. We’re
¯ delighted that these two writers are providing
a "dyke" sensibility, though I
believe you don’t have to be a Lesbian
¯ to enjoy or be enlightened by their work
; We sad to have lost, we hope Just
¯ temporarily, our entertainment writer,
Jim Christjohn. Many of you will know
¯ that Jim & I were spouses (partners-in-
: life, husbands?- language continues to
¯ fail us) for nearly six years. Jim is
concentrating on making a living and
¯ finishing his education, and as he puts
¯ it, has neither the time norinclination to
: write at this time. His work will be
¯ missed. TFN will try to contume to
; provide good entertainment coverage
though likely not nearly with the same
¯ wit - or with the regular Stevie Nicks/
Fleetwood Mac updates.
¯ Onapersonal andbusiness note, I’ve
: written before th,at publishing.a smal!
:. community newspaper like TFN:i~:a
¯ labor of love - that you can make a
¯ living but only if you’re willing to live
¯ very, verymodestly. This has been true
with this newspa~l~,,, even thoug_h,,it has
:- always operated in the bla~k . We
¯ understand .that several of our out-of-
¯ town competitors might not be able to
¯ claim even as much. But even living
¯ very, very modesdy is not always
¯ enoughandas I’ve suggested in thepast ¯
that I might do, I’ve gone to work part-
" time for a downtown home improve-
" ment center (once in retail, always in
¯ retail?). Since my avocation is garden-
: ing~ I asked for and am working in the
~ garden section - so please stop by and
¯ see me there!
~ However, lest anyone be concerned,
: we intend to continue publishing Tulsa
i Family News and providing our com¯
munity with quality newscoverage.
We’re proud that the serious news for-
" mat which we introduced to Oklahoma
_" has been imitated by The Gayly Okla-
¯. homan and by The Community News
Voice as was our introduction of main-
" stream distribution locations. Before
: we started, you could finda community
¯ newspaper only in about 7 dubs and 4
~ "bookstores". Today, Tulsa Family
¯ Newsis foundinmore than751ocations
¯" in Tulsa alone- from City Hall to Holland
Hall, as wall as in OKC and other
~ regional towns.
~ I particularly want to thank Tulsa
¯ Family News" advertisers because they
¯ are the ones who make it possible to
." publish this paper. A number of them
: have been withus from the very begin-
: ning and those courageous ones we
¯ especially thank. Also TFN has been
; blessedwith kind, generous and tal-
; ented writers without whom we would
: be alesser publication. To all these and
¯ to you, our readers, we give our thanks.
Anti-Abortion Radicals i
Now Targeting Gays;
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The signs read "Life." The "
100 or so protesters sang spirituals and shouted out
Bible verses, flouting a court order to keep the noise
down as they marched in front of an abortion clinic. ¯
Orlando, . the fantasy playland of rides, stories and "
animated characters, is host this week to a different "
kind of show: protests by Operation Rescue over ¯
abortion rights, gay rights and child pornography. ,
About 100 abortion opponents defied a court order ’
banning them from singing, whistling and.ch.anting "
within earshot of patients at the EPOC clime. The
tnjunction also allows police to search backpacks or
purses within 1,000 feet’of a clinic and requires .
abortionrights supporters and foes to be 10 feet ~part.
Thecity ofOrlando obtainedtheinjunctionagainst :
Dallas-based Operation Rescue last week. Police ¯
made no arrests for violating the injunction, which is
in effect through the end of the week.
Five people were arrested for blocking the street
next to the clinic by lying down on the ground. They
were charged with obstructing a roadway and resisting
arrest. :
As the group protested, a half-dozen supporters of
abortion rights and Gay civil rights stood in front of
metal barricades with signs that read "Mobilize, Defend
Abortion Providers," and about 75 police officers
watched. Later in the afternoon, the anti-abortion
protesters attended a city council meeting to object to
a plan to fly rainbow-colored.flags aro_und the city to
commemorate Gay Pride month in June. Protesters
carried signs that said "America Remember Sodom"
outside City Hall and inside told cotgmissioners they
shouldn’t promote homosexuality.
Gay activist Bob Kunst sai,d,, the gay community
won’t tolerate discrimination. Weare tired of being
misrepresentedbypeople who are so emotionally and
sexually hung up that.they exploi,t God, the~ e~xploit
gays and they exploit the country,’ Ktmst saia. t~ouncil
members decided to let the flags fly.
In almost its 10th year of targeting cities for abortion
protests, Operation Rescuefinds itself with dwindling
numbers and-hampered by recent federal- legislation
and court decisions. "Nobody knows what’s
legal and not legal anymore, stud Fltp Benham, th
group’s leader. .
Some abortion opponents tried to get their message
out Monday by surrounding a woman and her teenage
daughter as they arrived at the EPOC clinic. "We
have an appointment, let. us xn, th mother told
police. One protester, Maria Jordan, shouted at the
woman in Spanish, "This is a sin of God!"
Operation Rescue also plans demonstrations at
Barnes & Noble Booksellers to protest what the
group considers childpornography, andatWaltDisney
World to protest its gay-friendly policies.
Anti-Gay Groups Oppose ¯
City Anti-Bias Rule l
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) - Some local ministers
and other residents have begun a campaign to put to
a vote this fall a city r~solution banning discrimination
against Gays incity hiring. The City Council .t~,~s "
month overturned the mayor’s veto of the council s ¯
passage of the measure.
The resolution forbids discriminationin city hiring ’
based on sexual orientation andfamilial status, which "_
addresses marital statns and members of families not- ¯
bound by alegal marriage. It also addresses discrimi- ¯
nation in areas covered by federal law, such as race, "
sex, religion, ancestry and disability.
Critics oppose the.part of the resolution:regarding "
homosexuals. "We think werepresent the majority °f ~
peoplein Fayetteville," said the Rev. Charlie Brown, ¯
~iulster at Ridgeview Baptist Church. He said the ¯
measure may signal the beginning of a moveme,n,t ¯
toward Gays earning special status in Fayetteville. I
believe very strongly, as an individual, as a citizen, ~
that this resolution is dangerous because xt cracks the .
door open for special rights," Brown said. . ¯
State law requires the petitions seeking a referen- "
dum on a council-approved measure be submitted no :
later than 31 days after the Council’s May 5 vote. The :
group also must get 1,925 signatures to get the mea- ¯
sure on the November election ballot. The Rev. Gene
Fulcher of Calvary Baptist Church said the petition
drive was organized by ministers, business people
and others.
City officxalshave saldtheresoluttonwon tchang
- whatwas already unwrittenpractice. AldermanRandy
Zurcher, who proposed the resolution, said Gays
won’t be preferred for jobs over heterosexuals. He
said he believes he speaks for the majority. ’‘There is
a progressive majority in this town," he said Friday.
"I just hope they’re voting.’"
Black Preacher Warns
of "Gay Takeover"
ATLANTA (AP) - A black preacher stirred UP controversy
in an east Atlanta neighborhood when he
distributed a flier to save it from what he called the
"white takeover" and to discuss how to end a Homosexual
and Lesbian takeover. A meeting was’called
by the Rev. Amos Moore, pastor ofNew Mount Sinai
Baptist Church. About 85 people confronted the
preacher and a small group of black residents who
said they felt disenfranchised by the influx of white
residents in the past five years. The flier said: "Save
our neighborhood. If you are concerned about the
’white takeover’ of Kirkwood, come meet .... to
discuss how we can put an end to the Homosexual and
Lesbian takeover of our community. Kirkwood concerned
black neighbors."
"I don’t care who lives here," said David Jackson,
a black lifetime Kirkwood resident. "This neighborhood
is open." But Moore said, "The purpose of the
flier was to pull our people together as one in the
community, not as a hate group... I do believe in
loving my neighbors. But I have to s~t~n,d firm on
God’s wordabouthomosexuality and that s an abomi-
.nation under God." Several residents said it is more
important to confront the neighborhood’s drug dealers.
A white Gay couplewon a suit last year against
black neighbors for rurming an alleged crack house.
School Gives Domestic
" Partners Benefits
MADISON, Wis. (AP) = The Madison School District
extended health insurance benefits to the domestic
partners of teachers Monday, despite alegal effort
to block the move. About 30 teachers signed up for
the benefit, said Bob Nadler, the district’s benefits
manager. The policy allows teachers to extend their
insurance coverage to their unmarried partners, either
of the same sex or opposite sex. Those applying for
the domestic partner benefit must have more than a
casual relationship, and verify that they live together
and share finances. Teachers had until May 15 to
retmn ~e enrollment forms for the program.
Madison resident Mason Sproul filed a notice of
claifia against the district 1astmonthin an effort to stop
the plan, which teachers won during their last round
of collective bargaining. Sproul’s claim against the
district "is not going to stop our implementation,"
Nadler said. "We will do whatever we need to do to
answer the complaint." Sproul’ s claim asksthathealth
benefit coverage be extended only to employees,
their spouses
Florida Catholic Bishop
Starts Gay Ministry .
JACKSONVILLE, Ha (A.P) - Bishop John J. Snyder
celebrated Mass to launch a new ministry for Gay
men and Lesbians at Assumption Catholic Church,
saying PopeJohn Paul II himself approved the project.
The bishop said he brought up the idea of opening the
specialized ministry during a recent audience he h,ad
with the pope. But Snyder.said he made ~t dear ne
planned to keep with the church’s teachings, too. The
pontiff, he said, sat quietly for a few moments, then
said: "We all need redeeming, don’t we?
Still, Snyder said during a recent Mass that the
Roman Catholic church is not changing its position
and does notcondonehomosextml activity. "We want
brothers and sisters to be part of the church and to
have an active role," Snyder said.
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The Diocese of St. Augustine became the 36th in the
nation to start a Gay and Lesbian ministry. During his
homily, Snyder said the church is making an effort at
reconciliation. "We have taken steps. We are not yet
where we need to be," he said. "I believe that ultimate
judgment belongs to the Lord.’"
While an estimated 300 Gays and Lesbians attended
the Mass, a smaller group outside protested, praying
and holding aloft signs critical of the initiative. The
bishop acknowledged disagreement still exists among
Catholics over whether homosexuality should have a
role in church affairs. "I fully realize we are not going
to keep everyone happy," he said, "especially those on
either end of the spectrum."
The Diocese ofS t. Augustine, coveting 17 cotmties in
northeast and central Florida, already has begun reaching-
out to’ Gays and Lesbians, according to church’
SlJo.kesv~oman Kathleen Bagg-Morgan. "We’re not focusxng
so much on the sexuality of this as we’re focusing
on the human being," she said.
Outside the church, protesters carried signs reading:
"The Truth Does Not Validate Sinful Acts," "I’he
Catholic Church Does Not Condone Homosexual Activity"
and "The Bible Condemns Homosexual Acts."
About 40 people prayed but refused to discuss their
positions with reporters. Instead~ they issued a written
statement that said ministering to homosexuals contradicts"
the clear teachings of theRomanCatholicChurch
and many other faiths." The protestors also said special
Masses should not be held for people based solely on
their sexual orientation.
But those attending the Mass expressed support for
the move by the church. "I think it’s great," said Terry
Douglas of the Southside. "The Catholic Church sort of
wentbackwards before, i thinkthey’ velost morepeople
than they thought."
Archbishop Refuses
Communion to Gays
MELBOURNE, Ausmdia (AP) - The Catholic Archbishop.
of Melbourne Sunday refused communion to
about 50 homosexual protesters:~ho sought to receive
the Eucharist at Mass. The group attended the service to
challenge the church’s ban on practicing homosexuals
receiving communion, spokesman Michael Kelly said.
During Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Pell told
the congregation that homosexual acts were contrary to
natural law.and that the group was ineligible for communion
in the same way as was a heterosexual couple
who engaged in adultery.
Archbishop George Pell instead offered blessings to
the protesters, who worerainbow-colored sashes, and at
the end of the Mass told the congregation that he would
pray for them.
Outside the church, Kelly, aformer chaplain, accused
Pell of ~aarginalizing homosexuals. "For the first time
in my life, I saw my 74-year-old mother, who has been
a Catholic all her life, refused Holy Communion because
she went forward openly in support of her Gay
son," he said. Earlier, members of the Rainbow Sash
Movementjoined othermembers of the congregation in
walking up the aisle to receive communion.
Pell told the congregation his refusal to .give them
communion was "not a matter of rejecting homosexuals."
’‘The rule is the same for everyone. If someone is
practicing something cdntrary to the church’s doctrine,
they are not eligible to accept communion," Pell said.
’qqae same would apply to a couple living in adultery."
His statements were met with loud applause by
the congregation. -
Outside, Kelly said his group would not be "condemned
to silence or invisibility." "We claim our dignity
as people made in God’s image and our right to
freedom, justice and love, the right to live fully human
lives with the sexuality that God gave us," he said. He
accused the church of being a bastion of homophobia,
discrimination and abuse.
Candidates’ Sexuality
Not Relevant
SAN DIEGO (AP) - Education. Crime. The environment.
Congressional candidate Christine Kehoe insists
voters in California’s 49th District care more about
those issues than her homosexuality. "When people
understand what I am about, my sexual orientation
doesn’t matter," said Kehoe, a San Diego councilwoman
and the only Democrat in the race. "My
record shows I work for everyone."
Still, Kehoe’s sexuality could make history: If
elected, she would be one of the first openly Lesbian
candidate to be elected to national office.
Kehoe, 47, may downplay the importance, but as a
flier for a recent fund-raiser proclaimed: "History
is about to be made, and you can be part of it.’"
Kehoe is one of four Lesbians running for Congress
this year, as well as three Gay men. That
number represents the largest group of openly Gay
candidates to run for national office.
Rep. BarneyFrank, D-Mass., and Rep. Jim Kolbe.
R-Ariz., did not reveal their homosexuality until
after they were in office, but the other Congressional
candidates disclosed their sexual orientation
prior to this year’s elections.
They are Wisconsinlegislator Tammy Baldwin:
former Massachusetts legislator Susan Tracy; refired
Army Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer, who
was discharged from the military in 1992 after
revealing her homosexuality; and rancher and oilman
Paul Barby.
It isn’t that the current political climate is more
friendly to Gays and Lesbians - it isn’t friendly to
anyone, said Brian Bond, executive director of the
Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a group dedicated
to getting homosexuals elected. "These candidates
are not running as Gays or Lesbians," Bond said.
"They are candidates who happen to be Gay or
Lesbian. They have a track record inpublic service,
representing people on a wide range of issues, and
it’s only natural that they start moving up."
With the help of the Victory Fund, Kehoe has
raised about $370,000 since last year, compared to
$320,000 by her Republican challenger, two-term
incumbent Brian Bilbray. As the first openly Gay
member of the San Diego Council, Kehoe was
initially expected by some of her colleagues her to
pursue a particular agenda, fellow councilwoman
V.alerie Stallings :said. "They ~w~re all pleas..autl¥........
surprised to find she was well-rounded, wii~ ii~~
agenda or ax to grind," said Stallings.
Arkansas Sodomy
Law on Trial
LITFLEROCK(AP)-Anattorney argnmg against
an Arkansas law barring homosexual sex said today
that the courts would never tolerate such a law
ifit applied to sex betweenpeople of different races
instead of homosexuals. "ff there was a law that
said that interracial couples could not engage in
intimate sexual acts that everyone else in the state
cmfldengage infreely, the court would clearly have
the power to address that discrimination," lawyer
Suzanne Goldberg said.
Ms. Goldberg said that was one analogy she
offered Pulaski County Chancellor Collins Kilgore
in a heating this morning. The heating was on a
motionfiledby the state attorney general’ s office to
dismiss a lawsuit filed by the orgamzation Ms.
Goldberg represents, the Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund ofNew York. That group filed
suit to strike down Arkansas’ anti-sodomy law,
which outlaws homosexual sex and carries maximumpenalties
of one year injail and a $1,000 fine.
Kilgore took the motion under advisement.
¯ " Thestate argues that the law doesn’t need to be
struck from the books because it isn’t being enforced.
Homosexuals shouldn’t worry about being
prosecuted for what they do as consenting adults in
private because no one has been taken to court in
Arkansas for such conduct in 70 years. "In light of
the history of nonenforcement ... plaintiff’s alleged
’fear’ of future prosecution is unfounded," said
Timothy Gauger, an assistant attorney general
’qqlis law creates a second-class status for Lesbians
and Gay men, criminalizing intimate, sexual
behavior that is perfectly legal fornon-Gay people,’~
Ms. Goldberg said. "The Arkansas statute causes
terrible harm to Gay people, depriving parents of
cnstody of their children and putting people at risk
of losing their professional licenses, theirjobs, and
their homes, s~mply for intimacy with aloved one."
Teaching Condom
Use Works Better
CHICAGO (AP) - Safe-sex lessons for
children work best if condom use is emphasized
rather than abstinence, researchers
foundin a study oflow-income blacks.
A separate finding underscores a compelling
need for the grown-up subject matter:
although their average age was just 11,
25% of the youths were no longer virgins.
"We shouldn’t underestimate that and we
have to begin earlier to give children the
¯ kind of information they need to protect
themselves," said Princeton University
psychologistJolmB. Jemmott III, thelead
author. "We can’t wait because we may
be waiting until alter they’ve already had
sex for the first time."
The study of 659 inner-city Philadelphia
youths sought ways to stem the high
rate of sexually transmitted diseases
among black adolescents. Among 13-to-
19 year olds with AIDS, blacks comprised
57% and whites just 23% in 1996,
federal statistics show, while the gonorrhea
rate among 15-to-19 year olds was
about 24 times higher among blacks than
The authors evaluated which programs
workbest at curbing the riskiest behavior:
unprotected sex. ’~If the goal is reduction
of unprotected sexual intercourse, the
safer-sex strategymayhold themostpromise,
particularly with those adolescents
who are already sexually experienced,"
the authors wrote in the Journal oj the
American Medical Association. Conservative
groups like the Family Research
Council have pushed the abstinence approach,
and the federal government has
mandated that states use $50 million in
sex-educationmoney for abstinence-only
programs. ButinaJAMA editorial, Emory
University psychologist Ralph J.
¯ DiClemente said the findings "indicate a
need to reconsider the role of abstinence
programs" in safe-sex education.
The authors studied sixth- and seventhgraders
at three Philadelphia middle
schools. The students were divided into
three gronps, each receiving eight hours
ofhealth education. One focused on abstinence
as a means of avoiding sexually
translnitted diseases and pregnancy; one
focused on condom use; and a control
group addressed avoiding other diseases
unrelated to sexual behavior.
Results were measured at three months,
six months and a year afterwards. At three
months, just 12~5% of the abstinencegronp
students reportedhaving recent sex,
compared to 16.6% among the condom
group and 21.5% in the Control group. At
six months, slightly more of the abstinence-
group students were having sex
than the condom-group students. By 12
months, 20% of the abstinence group had
recent sex, compared to 16.5% of the
condom group and 23.1% of the control
Theabstinence group also reportedhaving
engaged inmore unprotected sex than
the condom group throughout the
followup. Condomuseamong thecondom
group was significantly higher than the
other groups at all measuring periods.
Jemmott said he was surprised by the
abstinence program’s early success, because"
ifyou’re teaching them abstinence,
you’ re battling against the norm." That its
failure rate grew over.time indicates the
students probably succumbed to peer pressure
to have sex, he said.
Jemmottalso theorized that thecondom
class had better, long-term success because
it taught students a positive message
about something they could do, rather
than anegativemessage about what not to
do. However, Gracie Hsu, a Family Research
Council policy analyst, said the
abstinence program likely would have
had more long-term success if the class
had lasted longer. "We recognize tha{
society is very sex,saturated, and in order
for these kids to resolve to abstain, they’ll
need a constant message," Hsu said.
Jemmott said more research is needed
to see if similar programs would have
similar results among other minority and
white students.
FDA Approves
.Urine HIV Test
WASHINGTON (AP)-Calypte Biomedical
Corp. says the Food and Drug Administrationhas
approved its urineHIV Westem
blot test. Calypte already had created
a test that screened for antibodies to the
AIDS virus in unne. But people who
tested positive still needed a more accurate
blood test called the Western blot to
confirm infection. The new approval announced
Monday allows confirmatory
testing in urine, too, which Calypte says is
safer and easier than traditional HIV
blood tests because it doesn’t require
needles or specially trained health-care
But the FDA cautioned that arine testmg
is not quite as accurate as blood testing.
In a study of 748 people who tested
HiV-positive with blood tests, the urine
test missed two patients, the FDA said.
Calypte says the misses occurred because
tho~e patients had begun taking AIDS
medications that lowered their HIV levels.
Still, labs must give people about to be
tested special brochures that warn that
blood tests are somewhat better at catd~-
ing HIV i~ffections, said Paul A. Mied,
FDA’s deputy director bf transfusion-related
The brochures also say the unne test
causes more false-positive results than
the blood test in certain people at high risk
for H1V or who have medical conditions
like kidney or liver disease, he said.
High Schoolers Go
for HIV Testing
KANSAS CITY, Kan..(AP) - More than
100 students at Turner High School were
tested voluntarily £or HIV this spring as
part of a program that some say indicates
a growing awareness about AIDS among
area teenagers. Students at the school in
southern Kansas City, Kan., were tested
in April andMay by the Kansas City Free
Health Clinic at the request of a student
organization. Noalarming trends atTurner
prompted the test. Members of a student
group called BeActive in Self-Education,
or B.A.S.E, simply wanted .their peers to
understand that pregnancy and herpes
aren’t the only consequences of unprotected
sex~ All the-students had to have
parental permission to be tested. "Nobody
made us do this," saidJason Schultz,
a 17,y,,ear~old junior. "We wanted it to
None of the 112 students tested positive
forthe virus that causes AIDS, saidRueben
Perez, the clinic’s director of HIV ,Prevention
Services. It was the first time that
the clinic, one of the largest HIV testing
centers in the area, had conducted tests in
a high school. The Kansas City, Mo.,
Kansas City, Kan., Shawnee Mission and
Independence, Mo., school districts have
not offered HIV tests in their schools,
officials said.
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"People, especially youngerpeople,just
don’t want to see that it can affect them,"
said Schultz. "They think that it’s a Gay
disease, a ’them’ disease, and not an ’us’
disease." Perez, the clinic’s director, was
surprised so many students agreed to be
tested. Last year, for example, only 169
people from 13 to 19 years old were tested
at the clinic for HIV, despite widespread
speculation that most teen-agers do not
use condoms regularly.
So why should teen-agers heed all the
warning+ about not using condoms? "It’s
reasonable to assume that if we’re having
a lot of cases in their 20s and 30s, some of
those folks may have been infected as
teen-agers," said Betsy Topper, exectmve
director of the AIDS Council of Greater
Kansas City.
The day of the first test, 16=year-old
Jessica Meditz,,a junior, reflected on the
importance of AIDS awareness. She said
it would be nice if students would practice
abstinence, but she doubts that would
work. "I’ll hear girls talking about their
first time (for sex) was 13," she said,
raising her eyebrows and shaking her head.
"You can’t just preach abstinence," she
said. "ff you’re going to experiment,
you’ve got to be smart." Thetesting shows
that AIDS awareness is growing in some
schools, officials said. "Until a few years
ago, AIDS education really depended on
an individual teacher thinking it was important
to do," said Steve Walker, community
set¯rues program manager at
Wyandot Mental Health Center Inc. "It
could be a science teacher talking about it
for one day to a whole unit."
The Kansas State Board of Education
now requires all .districts to offer a com~
prehensive program about human sexuality
that includes AIDS education. Walker
and othercommunity leaders are trying to
improve on that requirement. Three years
ago, the Heart of America United Way
CommunityAIDS Partnership approached
Walker about starting a program that
would use teen-agers to promote AIDS
awareness. Walker’ s programhas received
annual grants of $20,000 to $30,000 from
the partnership. Themoney is usedpfimafily
to pay for several student "AIDS
ambassador" positions and for AIDS
awareness projects at schools.
Tumer’s B.A.S.E. students received
about $750 for this year’s AIDS Awareness
Week, which included bringing the
Free Health Clinic to the school. The
testing at Turner achieved at least one
goal - getting students to talk about and
consider the consequences of unsafe sex.
When asked about the two-week wait
between testing and getting the results,
some students said that they had spent
more time than usual thinking about their
An 18-year-old said she had been having
unprotected sex for three years. This
wasn’t her first HIV test. She admitted
that she should make her, partner~ use
condoms, "But when you’re fight there in
the situation... "When asked whether the
test would encouragei~,er to change her
behavior, she replied: I mnot confident.
It’s difficult. I’m going to try,."
Experimental AIDS
Vaccine to Be Tried
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) - Researchers
in Trinidad and Tobago said
they will begin injecting volunteers with
an experimental AIDS vaccine that has
caused controversy in Uganda, another
test site for the formula. Doctors at the
Medical Research Foundation ofTrinidad
and Tobago said last week they will begin
testing ALVAC-HIV, a vaccine developed
at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, on 20
virus-free people to see if it will prompt
creation of antibodies to fight the disease.
Trials will begin in 2000.
Tests of the vaccine in Uganda last year
weredelayed aftersomepoliticians voiced
unfounded worries that the formula might
create another, stronger strain of the vires
that causes AIDS. Opponents of the trials
also accused researchers of using residents
of lesser-developed comatnes as
guinea pigs for the drug. To avoid such
problems in Trinidad and Tobago, a twinisland
country off the coast of Venezuela,
researchers will launch a two-year education
program before beginning the first
trials, said Courmey Bartholomew, a doctor
at the Medical Research Foundation
Preliminary trials in Europe showed the
vaccine is safe, Bartholomew said. Now
researchers are trying to see if it is effective.
"If we embark on the vaccine trials,
it will be with a safe vaccine already
proven to be safe in the first world countries,"
Bartholomew said. Testing will
eventually take place in 11 countries, he
said. If the vaccine works, the immune
systems of people injected with it would
have the virus antibodies, normally the
first sign of infection, but would not contract
the virus. "They ,would be anti-body
positive and virus negative," Bartholomew
Volunteers Aid
Search for Vaccine
SEATTLE (AP) - Hundreds of Puget
Sound-arearesidents areusing anunusual
weapon - their bodies - to help re,searchers
in their quest to develop a vaccine
against AIDS. The University of Washington
is among six U.S. universities - the
AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Group - that
have been conducting vaemine research
for several years, saidDavidBerger, clinic
coordinator andresearchnurse at the UW’s
AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Unit. The volunteers
are critical, and appreciated.
"Without the~e people, we don’t go forward,"
Berger said. "They are willing to
literally roll up their sleeve and take the
risk to see HIV eradicated in their lifetime."
One of them, Susan Cole, said she felt
compelled to help fight the disease that
killed a close friend, David Armstrong, in
January. "I still don’t know why David
(died), but I do know he’s the reason I’m
as involved as I am," said Cole, 37. "If
there was any way to go back in time, 10-
15 years ago, and know David would be
OK, I’d do this every day."
At this point, all the vaccines are experimental.
Since 1988, the UW has nm
42 trials examining whether the vaccines
are safe and whether they spark an immune
response in the body, Berger said.
The next step is to get enough information
to. warrant testing whether a vaccine is
effective, Berger said. "We still don’t
understand how much of a defense we
have to genenite in a body to get protection,"
he said.
One key to attracting volunteers is educating
the public that there is no risk of
contracting HIV ,through the v~ccines,
Berger said. That s because the vaccines
don’t use the complete HIV virus. Instead,
they contain snippets of the genetic
code for the virus, or pieces ofprotein that
makeup the coatingonthe virus. In theory,
those pieces should be enough to engage
the body’s natural attack system, creating
an immune response to the’ virus.
Light Opera Oklahoma ’98
TULSA - TheGilbert & Sullivan Sod- renowned cast of Ko-Ko, Pooh-Bah,
ety of Tulsa is a non-profit organization ~ Nanki-Poo and Pish-Tush, the three little
founded in 1983, whose mission is to ¯ maids Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing and Peepencourage
excdlence in musical theater " bo, the Mikado and his daughter-in-lawthroughits
own productions and by offer- ¯ elect, the formidable Katisha! Of all the
ing assistance to other
performance groups. Its
missionis also to stimulate
educational experiences
in the works of
W.S. Gilbert & Sir
Arthur Sullivan. The
1998 season, June 11-
28at theChapmanTheater
in Kendall Hall on
the University ofTulsa,
will feature threeblockbuster
They begin with
Sigmund Romberg.
This very popular love
~story takes place in.
.New Orleans andonthe
New Moon, a ship
bringing ladies from
Francefor wives for the c°mingprq,ducti°ns"
settlers. Amanwhohas incurred the wrath
of a French noble in.Paris fled the country
and a detective is sent to the New World
to find him. He is thought to be a member
of a group planning the overthrow of the
Frenchmonarchy andmustbe captured so
he can be executed as an example to the
public. He is of course in love with a
beautiful and prominent lady, so we can
thrill to the songs thatmade this show one
of the biggest hits of all time: songs like
Lover come back to Me, Wanting You,
Softly as in a Morning Sunrise, and Stouthearted
NEW MOON is followed by the regional
premiere of PINEAPPLE POLL.
This ballet, set by Sir Charles Mackerras
to music from G&S operettas, is one half
of this production. About40 minutes 1ong,
the story is based on Gilbert’s The
BumboatWoman’s Story,later to bemade
intoHMS Pinafore. This rarely performed
piece will be coupled with TRIAL BY
JURY, the collaborators’ only opera.
There is no dialogue, and it is an hilarious
story of a very unusual Judge and his
handing of a breach of promise of marriage.
Completing the ’98 season will beTHE
MIKADO, or theTown of Titipu, with its
Cast membersfrom several ofLOOK
’98, Light Opera Oklahoma’s up-
G&S operettas, this one
is the world’s favorite
and has been so since it
opened on the 14th of
March, 1885.
The Company received
a rave review in
the Tulsa World last
year; both thefree concerts
played to standing
room only crowds
and the films had an
audience to revisit the
world of filmed operetta.
The Suppers and
Cream Teas were very
popular and each night
that the Cafe LOOK
was open, itwas always
Membership is open
to.all .who support their
mlssion to preserve
¯ operetta and especially the collaborative
¯¯ works of Gilbert & Sullivan. You do not
have to be a performer, a singer or stage-
" hand tojoin, butLOOKurges all who are,
: and those to whom the genre is of great
¯ interest, to be sure to support the Society. ¯
Dues are $25 for single and $40 for fam-
: - ily.
Ticket sales to productions account for
only 36% of production costs so the remainder
must be found through fundraising
and the assistance of corporate
sponsors and foundations. Past sponsors
have included The Sun Company, The
State.Arts Council ofOklahoma, TheZink
Foundation, Doctors Hospital Foundation,
American Airlines, The University of
~ Tulsa, Thrifty CarRental, Henry Primeaux
and CrownAutoWorld,TCICablevision,
and Target. Texaco and Public Service
Company ofOklahomahave assisted with
printing and in-kind services.
Auditions are held early each year for
the summer production. The company
numbers 60 artist~ with a 21-member orchestra.
Chorus members are volunteers,
although solo artists, stage director, accompamsts
and orchestra, as wall as stage
and technical crew receive some compensation.
Info? Call 583-4267.
McNally Play to Go On With Gay Contdnt
NEW YORK (AP) - An off-Broadway
theater reversed itself and agreed to produce
a controversial play about a Gay
Christlike figure, despite several anonymous
death threats. "In our 25-year history,
we have never censored a play nor
turned a play down because of content,"
Lynne Meadow, Manhattan Theater
Club’s artistic director, said Thursday.
"The only issue for us has been safety and
The theater had canceled the production
of Terrence McNally’s "Corpus
Christi" in the face of anonymous threats
made against the building, its audience
and the playwright. Meadow said the theater
club reversed its decision after New
York City Police Commissioner Howard
Safir promised to ensure safety if the play
was produced. Meadow would not elaborate
on those measures.
At anews conference, Meadow played
a tape of one of the phone calls the theater
received. The raspy, possibly computerdistorted
voice was difficult to understand,
but Meadow read a transcript of the
message, which was addressed to
McNally. "Because of you we wil! exterminate
every member of the theater and
burn the place to the ground. This is a
message from National Security Movement
of America," part of it said.
The group’s background was not immediately
dear. qTne theaterreceivedmany
protests and five specific death threats,
beginning on May 11, said Barry Grove,
the theater’s egecutive producer.
Neither Meadow nor Grove would discuss
the play’s subject matter, which,
according to accounts in the New York
Post, deals with a Christlike young man
see McNally, page 14
The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Tulsa
in association with The [Iniversity ofTulsa presents-
,/Eight national artists making their Oklahoma debuts!
Brilliant sets and costumes! ,/20-piece LOOK orchestra!
Light Opera OKlahoma
All Shows at
Kendall Hall
University of Talsa
Th Mikado
18,20,21,26,27 & 28
11,13,19,20,25 & 27
Pineapple Poll
& Trial by Jury
12,13 &14
FdrTicke~s oo0. Call 298-7559 OPERETTA AT TIIE HOGTIE
The world of Operetta in objects, images & graphics
Jmle 6th - June 28th ¯ ’
Visit Tuesday- Sunday
Adults $5, Seniors & Students $3
The O klahoma Federal Club
The Human Rights Campaign’s
Executive Director
Elizabeth Birch
Ellen’s Mo.m,
Betty DeGeneres
National Coming Out Day Spokesperson
O klahoma City
Saturday, June 27th
This event is free to itew O klahoma Federal
Club members who join before June 26th.
O therwise, a $50 donation is suggested.
For more information, call 582-4673.
Tulsa Family News is proud to help sponsor this event.
Stand Up to the Hate
TOHR/the Pride Center presents
1998 Pride
March & Picnic, Saturday, June 20
Veterans Park, 18th & Boulder
March: 11:30, Picnic: Noon - 5pm
This ad donated by Tulsa Family News
Community Organization & Businesses BOoths, Games, Music & Free
Refreshments. Information? Call TOHR/the Pride Center at 743-4297.
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Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School -~P:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pro, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
S,ervice - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lam, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service - 5pm, Childrens Ministry - 5pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver),/afro: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, 7 pro, leave message for more information: 743-4297
HIT Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIT Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon~each mo. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
June 8th, Picnic at Whiteside Park, 41st & Pittsburgh
Mixed Volleyball, Hdmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 7pm, call Shawn 491-2036.
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 6/1, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, 6/9, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
HIT+ Support Group, HIT Resource Consortitma 1:30pro
3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard), Info: Wanda @ 834-4194
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, 6/2, 12:30pro, Urban League, 240 East Apache
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group, Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, 3rd Tues/each too., 7pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group(TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583:7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer - 6:30pro, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210e So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd fll
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each mo. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1 st Fri/each too. 8pm, Pride Ctr., t307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, l l pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, [nfo: 585-1800
Lambda ’A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pm: 6/3 & 6/10, Long rides, 7am: 6/6 & 6/20. Meet at Zeigler Park,
3903 West 4th. Pride Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria, Short ride: 6/24
@ 6:30pm. Long ride: 6/27 at 9am.
lfyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call orfax 583-4615.
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
With two plays and a new movie coming
out, Oscar Wilde’s popularity just
keeps on growing, almost 1.00 years after
his death. The author of such The Wilde
classics as "The Picture of
Dorian Gray" and "The Importance
ofBeing Eamest"led
an interesting double life and
this biography, with wonderful
illustrations and photos,
was written by his grandson.
Wilde was a well known
playright and novelist in England
in the late 1800’s. He
was quite a celebrity and his
fans managed to overlook his
outwardly Gayappearance and
behavior. As ostentatious as
he was, he still sought to cover
up his sexual orientation and
even married, and had chil-
AlBum is a
" wonderful overview
of the life d
one o[ the most
[amous persecuted
Gay men
in history... Hls
story ls lnt~uln~
and one t~at
shouldbe kno~
by all Gay
dren with, ayoung lady named Constance
Lloyd. She ended up taking care of their
children while he was busy giving lectures,
writing and seeing other men.
It doesn’t take long to realize that
Wilde’s ego was overwhelming. Upon
arriving in the US for a lecture tour m
1882, Wilde informed the customs official,
"I have nothing to declare but my
genius." America wasn’t quite ready for
this flamboyant gentleman with a gift for
speaking in sound bites.
In 1895, in England, Wilde was finally.
prosecuted for being Gay. and was sentenced
to two years hard labor. His plays
closed, his books were censored and his
friends deserted him.
Adamant that being Gay was not wrong,
Wilde saw himself as "crucified, Christlike,
by society." When released from
¯prison, his wife having changed’her last
name and refusing to allow him to see his
children, Wilde wandered aimlessly
around Europe, "poor but not pem~less,
alone but not without friends." He died of
meningitis in 1900, bankrupt
and forgotten.
The Wilde Album is a wonderful
overview of the life of
one of the mostfamous persecuted
Gay men in history. It is
short, easy to read and the
cartoons, manuscripts andpictures
are beautifulreproductions.
His story is intriguing
and one that should be known
by all Gay people.
Check for The Wilde
Album and other materials on
similar topics, at your local
branch library, or call the
Readers Services of the Central
Library at 596-7966.
The result seems to have been that DCS,
notOSDH,is now worldng by the strictest
letter of Oklahoma bidding statutes and
most of the agencies don’t know and
¯ didn’t meet those reqnirements. Pierson
¯ - also noted that the statutes were designed.
: more for bidding interstate highway con-
" struction contracts by large firms- not by
¯ understaffed non-profit agencies. Pierson
¯ also says that DCS has promised to ’~fasttrack"
the re,bid process and to meet with
each agency to assist them in meeting the
¯ requirements. He hopes that funding will
¯ be restored to the colnmunity based organizations
(CBO’s) by July 15th.
¯ see HIV, page 14
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Follies Revue, Inc.
presents its l Oth anniversary benefit
The Best of Follies ’98
John H. Williams Theatre
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Patron’s Night
Thur-sday, June 25, at seven o’clock
Champagne reception to follow, $30-
Benefit P r 6r~a~ices,_
Friday, June 26 & Saturday~;,J~ne 27
at eight o’clock, ,$2o
Tickets available at the PAC Box O ffice: 596-7111,
800-364-7111 or Carson Attractions: 584-2000.
Beneficiaries are: Community of Hope, HIV-Resource Consortium, Hope
Testing Clinic, Hospice of Green Country, O ur House, St.Joseph Residence,
Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership, and the Visiting Nurse Association.
Timothy .W. Daniel
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A central and South West Compan),
Editor’s note: obviously this review was
written in the winter but Ti Amo isjust as
good in the spring andsummer- andnow
is open in a 2nd location at the northwest
corner of61st &Sheridan.
by Jean-Pierre
TFN Food Critic
Days of snow and ice and
brisk prairie winds can make
even the most devoted
Oklahomaphile abit testy, and
this January has been one of
those more challenging times.
The people of Europe often
find the need toescape winter’s
grasp as well, and they most
generally go on holiday to the
sunny Mediterranean.
A Mediterranean cruxse
might not be in the budget for
an evening’s entertainment, so
we have to just pretend, and
look for a Mediterranean re-~
gional restaurant to get that je
ne sais qua atmosphere for a
relaxing, fun evening. When
we think ofMediterranean, we
think of Greece, Italy, Spain.
and France. We’re really not
in the mood for a gyros sandwich,
so there goes the Greek
opuon, andTulsa doesn’ thave
a Spanish restaurant (Mexican
isn’t the same, and, by the
way, for those of who going to
see Evita and then doing Mexican,
Argentine isn’t the same,
either). French would be a
wonderful comfort food in the
winter, but, alas, the talented
culinary triumvirate of Curt
Herrm~nn, Marjorie Alexander,
and Thomas Radcliffe
had their last weekend at
Montrachet. and have left the restaurant
to develop their own gourmet take-out
food concept. So, there isn’t a decent
French restaurant in town any more.
That leaves us with Italian. Shall we go
to the faux-Italian, market study driven,
Olive Garden for cardboard pasta and
wallpaper paste sauces (they do have good
salad and breadsticks)? Maybe a little
overcooked spaghetti at a pizzajoint? We
think not. But, voila!, there is a.rather
secret, unknownItalian restaurantinTulsa
which offers delicious, made to orderfood
with trained staff and elegant service.
And, surprisingly, it is hidden away in a
shopping center in east Tulsa.
Ti Amo hides on the end of a strip mall,
east of the Albertson’s grocery store at
21st and Memorial. It’s a bit hard to find,
but it’s wall worth.the effort.
With a menu having a wide variety of
styles "representing the whole of Italy,"
Ti Arno’s forteis Sicilian style cuisine. As
you know, the island of Sicilly is in the
Mediterranean, off the boot of Italy. Ithas
an ancient culture and cuisine, and due to
it’s island isolation, has preserved more
authentic old Roman style cookingtechniques
than the main country of Italy.
And, sitting in a major ancient shipping
lane, Silicianos have ofthadexotic spices,
such as saffron and curries, to incorporate
into their recipes. Seafood has also played
an important role in the Sicilian diet.
All diners are greeted with a complementary
dish ofbruscetta,, whichis a slice
of toast topped with a garlicky tomato and
olive oil salsa. Fresh soups are made.daily-
-the zuppa di giorno--and lovely fresh,
Ti Amo
8151 E. 21st
~[on.-Fri. 11-2
Mon-Thurs. 5-9
Fri-Sat. Gl 10
Sundays ll-9pm
advised on
Smokln_$ Area?
Not dlstlnet
enouOh from
Full and
wine list.
Cash, American
Diners’ Clnb,
green salads are served family style.
The biggest challengeis selecting one’s
entree. Just want a simple plate of spaghetti?
Well, which sauce? Pesto?
Napolitana? Bolongese? Marinara?
Carbonara? Aglio? These are
the authentic recipes. And, as
with any respectable Italian
restaurant, pasta isn’t limited
to spaghetti, the tortellini alia
panna is a delicious pocket of
pasta stuffed with ricotta
cheeseand sauteed in a creamcognac
sauce ($8.95). Particularly
mouth-watering in the
rigatoni con gorgonzola, big
tubes ofmacaroni sauteed with
fresh broccoli and served in a
creamy gorgonzola cheese
sauce ($9.50). You can get a
fettucine Alfredo ($8.95) or a
fettucine vongale ($8.95),
which is sauced with a red or a
white clam sauce. Keep in
mind that all of these sauces
are made the traditional way,
with fresh cream and butter
and freshly grated Italian
cheeses - none of the thickeners
and extenders you see in
lesser restaurants.
The lasagna al forno is a bit
controversial. It is dry. But,
it’s supposed to be dry, because
that is the Sicilian way.
So, don’t expect one of those
huge, gooey mounds like they
serve at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
While recognizing their
salute to lasagna tradition,
personally, wedon’t care for
the lasagna..Especially, since
there are so many other, trttly
wonderful dishes from which
to choose. ~vteat based entrees
also abound. The chickendella
casa ($10.95) is a flavorful chicken breast
with green peppers, mushrooms, and asparagus
in a white wine parnlesan cream
sance. Vitello alla TiAmo ($12.95) is n
fork-tender p~ece of veal sauteed xn a
cream sauce with artichokes and .walnuts.
Worth every calorie. The shrimp coriana
(S12.95) features figs and peppercorns.
An orange roughy fillet ($12.95) is prepared
meuniere and topped with pesto
butter. One can also have the exquisite
filletto bordelaise ($14.50), a gendy prepared
beef tenderloin witkmushrooms,
burgundy, sundried tomatoes, and herbs
and spices.
For dessert, several selections are always
available, but the signature item is
strawberries alla TiAmo. Much like a
cherries jubilee, the strawberries are
cookedin a variety ofliqueurs and poured
overa big scoop of vauillaice cream, then
topped with whippedcream. Always save
room for the strawberries.
Service at Ti Amo is generally pretty
good. They strive for an efficientand well
trained work staff appropriate to a"white
tablecloth" restaurant. The ambiance is a
little on the I_as Vegas side, with large,
round, red vinyl booths lining the. walls of
the main dining room, but regular tables
are available, as well. There is a full bar~:
and a decent wine list, though one not
featuring as many Italian wines as one
Ti Amo is a restaurant well-deserving
of it’s name, which in English, is translated,
"I love you." Once you find and
experience this place, you’ll love it. It’ s an
Italian adventure well-worth the search.
by Esther Rothblum : own femininity. Whenever women put
Until recently, there was little open . energy into that, they’re taking energy
discussion about Lesbians in sports:. The ° away frombeing strong womenand being
mediafocuSedonBillieJeanKing’s"pali- ¯ the Uest athletes and coaches they can be.
mony" suit, MartinaNavratilova’s break- " "I wish there were more Lesbians that
up with her romantic part- could come out," Pat conner,
andthe"Lesbianpres- tinued. "Some ofitis inter-
"I wls]~ tlaere were nalized homophobia. ence" in professional golf. _
Of course, Lesbian sports more Lesbians Some of it is the nature of
fans could give you the that couldcome athletics - athletes and
names ofLesbians atheltes, coaches are often not parcoaches,
and media sports out . . . Some of it ticularlypolitical. Coaches
reporters - but these
is internalized don’t want.to do anything
women were very, very thatis controversial, especloseted.
]lomoo]lobia. cially at the Division I col-
Now Pat Griffin has Some otzt=’--zs tide lege level where it could
written the book Strong hurt their recruiting ef-
Women, Deep. Closets: nature of at]aletles forts." Pat finds that Divi-
LesbiansandHomophobia -- at]aletes and sion II or III coaches are
in Sports. ’TvebeenaLes- oftenmoreopenabout their
bian athlete ,and coach eoaelaes are o~en Lesbianism. "They don’t
myself so a big part of tliis not particularly have that public scrutiny
book comes from my own
experience" she toldmein pol~tlcal. Coaclaes
athnedrYecorunitingl."erses dependent
a recent interview, "and
over the last 15 years or so don’t want to do Even Lesbian fans are
invisible. A recent article
I’vetakenonthistopicasa anyda~ng tll.at, is in The Advocate was ensemi-
tiffed "Phantom fans: No-
Patherselfplayedsports body wants to admit
inhigh school and college, espeeially at tl~e they’re there, but the Lesand
then went onto coach Division I college bian presence- at profeshigh
school and college sionalwomen’sbasketball
students. Shelived withher "level vi]aere it games is obvious." Of the
Lesbianloverbutdatedthe could hurt tlaelr
high school wrestling basketball leagues, Pat
coach for "cover." As she reerultln~ Griffin has found the ABL
writes in her book: "I re- efforts."- tobemoreope~ywelcommember
a teacher evalua- ing to Lesbian fans than.
tionmeeting Ihadwiththe the WNBA. She says this
principal ofthehigh school where I taught " reflects the fact that the WNBA is_ conand
coached. He complimented me be- " trolled by the male NBA.
cause "I pre~ented such a good image for ¯ Increasingly; th0ugh, Lesbiansin sports
physical education, not like some of the ° are coming out. In its November 1997
other womenP.E. teachers and coaches in " issue, OUT magazine reported on Divithe
country.’ Though he never explicitly : sion I coachKarenWeaver; who was fired
mentioned being a Lesbian, I knew ex- ¯ as field hockey coach from Ohio State
actly what he meant and cowered further " University. Now she is suing for antiback
in my closet." .¯ Lesbian discrimination. Lesbian film-
Lateron, Pat began to come out, firstby ¯ makerandOscarnomineeDeeMosbacher
attendifig Lesbian events and then by " has produced the film OUT FOR A
speaking openly about homophobia at " CHANGE (WomanVision Productions)
women athletic conferences. After a life- : about Lesbians in sports. As Pat writes in
time as ah athlete and coach, she is cur- ¯ theconclusionofherbook: "Inmy vision,
rently professor at the University of Mas- : women will take pride in our athleticism
sachusetts in Amherst in a program on " without apology. Women will not be con=
social justice education. "I see myself as ¯ strained by socially constructed notions
an educator/activist," she told me, "and a " of femininity 9r compulsory heterosexulot
of that comes frommy sport andphysi- ° ality. There will be no need to apologize
cal education background. I have coaches ¯ about muscularity, physical competence,
inmy classes now, and some ofwhat I say ¯ or passion for and commitment to sport.
blows their minds, particularly when I ..inmyvisionofsport, womenwillvalue
talk about heterosexism. In athletics, this " our relationships with other women. We
topic is so silent." . will not be self-conscious about loving
Strong Women, Deep Closets focuses ° teammates and competitors as friends or
onthefactthathomophobiadoesn’tjust " lovers." Strong Women, Deep Closets can
affect Lesbians, but all women athletes ° be obtained from Human Kinetics, 1607
and coaches. The "Lesbian label" is used ¯ North Market St., P.O. Box 5076,
to intimidate women. ’q’he main message Champaign, IL 61825-5076.-
that I’dlike women to get is how Lesbians . Books about Lesbians in Sports:
are demonized in sports, and how that -: Ifit’sarainyday, or your favorite sport,
workstothedetrimentofwomen’sathlet- ° isoverfortheseason, herearesomebooks
ics in general," said Pat. ’q’here is so : with a Lesbian sports theme to enjoy:
muchdi~,isivenessamongwomeninsports " General Fiction about Lesbians in
-heterosexual women are afraid of being " Sports:
called Lesbians and they resent Lesbians ¯ Sportsdykes: Stories From On and Off
and blame them for having caused -this " theField, editedby Susan Fox Rogers. St.
’image problem.’ I want women in sports " Martin’s Press, 1994.
to realize that it’s to their advantage to : Sweat, edited by Lucy Jane Bledsoe. Seal
work together against that kind of intimi- ¯ Press, 1995.
dation ,.that’s how women’s sports is ". A Whole Other Ballgame: Women’s Litgoing
to grOW. It’s not going to grow by " erature and Women’s Sport, edited by
women being embarrassed by the Lesbi- : Joli’Sandoz. Noon Day Press, 1997.
ans and insisting that the Lesbians be ¯ Lesbians in Basketball:
closeted, or being defensive about their " see Psyche, page 15
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by Mary Schepers ¯
My, how time flies when you are antici- ¯
pating a grand painting project. Just c,olor, "
me pink - dckled pink. yes, go ahead and ,
mutter about the DIYD’s warped nature,
but after a successful and
beautiful - paint project is
completed, you too may become
a house painting fanatic.
Confession: I offered
to start painting for Morn
and the Oracle. However,
they seem somewhat reluctant
to take advantage of the
DIYD’s good graces; not, I
must emphasize, because of
my. skills. I rather suspect
that it may be related to to
myinspired, youthful crayon
murals instead. Parents, like
elephants, never forget, and
they make sure you don’t
either. It’s part of their job.
But you, patient reader,
are here for painting advice,
not atherapy session, so let’s
proceed. This month we’ll
get our work area prepped.
The anal retentiveinthereading
audience may now rejoice;
all thepreparations for
painting can be texlious and
time-consuming but they insure a quality,
professional look thatyour straightfriends
will envy. The other, less tangible reward
is that the actual paindng will seem like a
piece of cake in comparison. No darlings,
don’t run away when we have gotten this
far together; things arenot as evil andugly
as they sound. - ’ : . . -
FirSt make a list Of ~wtiat you will heed:
palm, brushes putty -knife, and spackling
compound (if you have cracks or nail
holes), masking tape, drop cloths, paint
rollers and roller covers, a roller pan; a
roller extension, a six pack of your favorite
beverage - this isthirsty work! If you
are only painting a small area, borrow
what you can from others; if not, start
assembling the items on your list well in
advance ofcommencingyour.project since
they can add up to a sizable purchase.
This discussion will assume a prey
straight forward paint job - if you want
" any of the Specialty finishes now available,
your local mega-hardware store can
provide information and sometimes even
seminars to guide you.
For new walls, and dark color coverup,
I recommend a coat of white, water-based
primer. In the bathroom, you might consider
using an oil based primer, such as
Kilz (it dries in 60 minutes); this give you
more protections from moisture and mildew.
Irecommend amatte white ceiling paint
(or you can have it tinted); these paints are
ultra flat and actually help your room
appear larger. The white reflects light
nicely, too. Wall can be painted in flat,
eggshdl, satin, semi-gloss or gloss finishes
Generally, youwoulduse anY of the
former three in you general living areat]’
depending on the level ofsheen youwan ;
the semi-gloss and glosses are reserved
for moisture areas such as bathrooms,
kitchens and utility rooms because they
repel moisture, discourage mildew and
easier to keep clean. Derkins, my puppy
terrier=ist, has made me grateful for
scrubbable paints. Buy as good a p,ai."nt as
you can afford; cheap paint don t last,
usually requiremore coats, anddon’tdean
¯.. Buy as good a
palnt as you e.an
afford; el~eap palnt
don’t last, usually
r~ulre more coats,
and don’t clmn well.
You’re not going to
want to prep, paint,
and move ~urnlture
every year or two
unless you are a
High Grand
And ff you’re one
those why aren’t you
palntllag someone
else’s house?
There’s an "S"
every "M."
well. You’re not going to want to prep,
paint, and move furniture every year or
twotmless you,are a High.Grand,Masoch,-
ist. And if you re one of uaose why aren t
you painting someone else’s house?
There’s an for every
I recommend washing the
Iftherehas been aheavy
smoker or grubby hands
present, you’ll need to do so
anyway, and the paint adheres
better to cleaned walls.
You can useTSP (trisodium
phosphate) powder purchased
from a paint or hardware
store., but 1/4 cup of
Spic’n’Span and 114 cup of
bleach in 2 gallons of water
works just as well. Break
o~tthose operalength Platex
gloves and work it girl! A
quick wash and rinse is just
fine; it doesn’t have to be an
all day project. After all,
you’re getting ready to cover
it with paint.
Move your furniture - the
DIYD gently urges you to
find a friend to help. Use
masking tape to protect
floors, trim, windows, etc. Theblue painters
tape works best but cost more. There is
also a new product that has masking tape
attached to 6 inches of kraft paper on a
roll. This is great for trim where paint can
spatter or spill. Unless you are a terrific
trim painter ,pleasego to the extra _trouble
of maskingoff hght s.w.itche.s .a~..d 9u.ttet.
plates. Painting around them tn sire is JUSt
tacky, tacky, tacky. The DIYD expects
higher standards from her proteges Use a
light, weight spackling compound and a
putty knife to repair small cracks .and
holes; when dry sand lightly and dean on
the dust. Larger cracks -not the kind
Jerry Falwell find so offensive; those on a
wall - require a slightly more sophistieated
repair that the DIYD promises to
teach in a future column. Lay down your
dustcloths and cover your furniture and
prepare to paint.
Referring back to last month’s article,
assemble yourbrushes andpaint the edges
of your work area. Do ceilings first, then
walls, then trim if you’re painting that.
Clean your brush, then put a damp roller
cover on your roller, put some paint in the
roller pan, andload theroller withpaintby
rolling it back an forth in the pan of paint.
Work in as much paint without it dripping,
but don’t squeeze it dry. Roll the
paint on in the shape of a large "M", then
roll to fill it in. Don’tbe too stingy with the
paint, or that one coat paint will turn into
¯ a two coat paint; roll out any drips or lap
marks. Workyour way across the ceiling
: or wall until it is coated, rolling paint just
¯. into the outer part of your brush painted
~ Let the paint dry about an houL With
~ lots of good light, look for thin or missed
~ spots and touch them up. Remove you
¯ masking tape. Don’t wait more than 12
hours to remove tape, or you’ll probably
¯ remove paint on the wall, too, which will
¯ make you cranky. Clean any wayward ¯
drops or spatters ofpaint withawet, soapy
sponge. Paint brushes should be cleaned
: as described last month. The DIYD buys
¯ a package of moderatdy priced roller
covers and just discards them when fin-
~ ished; see DIYD, page 14
President’s Statement on Executive
Order 11478, entitled "Further Amendment
to Executive Order 11478, Equal
Employment Opportunity in the Federal
Today I have signed an Executive Order
endfled Further Amendment to Executive
Order 11478, Equal Employment
Opportunity in the Federal Government.
The Order provides a uniform policy for
the Federal Government to prohibit discrimination
based on sexual orientationin
the federal civilian workforce and states
that policy for the first time in an Executive
Order of the President.
It has always been the practice of this
Administration to prohibit discrimination
in employment based on sexual orientation
in the civilian workforce, and most
federal agencies and department have
taken actions, such as the issuance of
policy directives or memoranda from the
agency heads, to memorialize that policy.
The Executive Order I have signed today
will ensure that there is a uniform
policy throughout the Federal Government
iby adding sexual .ti-ientation to the
!istof categories for which discrimination
xs prohibited in Executive Order 11478
(i.e. race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, handicap, or age).
This Executive Order states,.Administration
policy but does not antl cannot
create any new enforcement rights (such
as the ability to proceed before the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission).
Those rights can be granted only by legislationpassed
by the Congress, such as the
l~-.mplbyment Non-Discrimination Act. I
again call upon Congress .to pass this
important piece.of ci:vil.rights legislation
which wo~ldextend these basic-~mploy~
mentdiscrjmination protections to all Gay
and Lesbian Americans. Individuals
should not be denied ajob on the basis of
something that has norelationship to their
ability to i~erform their work.
and wounds us; .. stand fast, my brother.
¯ ." Largent wrote,"I want toaddmy voice
to those..: who’ve gathered in supixa’t of
Reggie-White... America desperately
needs more men of courage like Reggie
White, who won’t allow the ’politically
correct’ culture to keep him from speaking
the truth..."
During the lunch, White urged fellow
Christians. to stand up for their beliefs,
saying too many are intimidated by antireligious
seem: ’Tmtired of the devil
pushing us around," he said. "God is trying.
to give people some guts to speak out
on truth."
In March, White told the Wisconsin
state Assembly that abortion and homosexuality
are sins, andAmericahas turned
away from God, partly by allowing homosexuality
to "run rampant." He also
said the activities ofGay rights advocates
shouldn’t be compared to the black civil
rights movement. White said he does not
hate Gays and that the mediadistorted his
remarks~ "I’ve been viewed as someone
who hates, and the people who know me
know I don’t," he said.
DavidSmithoftheHumanRights Campaign
said,~te has every fight to speak
hisnfind. We are Simply expressing our
dismay atthe toneandtenorofMr. White’ s
remarks against Gay. people and are simply
expressing ourFirstAmendmentfights
in speaking out against those remarks."
They also represent the library’s goal to
maintain a high standard of quality for
this collection."
All showings are free and open to the
public. For more information, call 596-
who has sex withhis disciples. Grove said
no details about the play’s plot would be
released beyond a description in a brochure
sent to potential subscribers’earlier
this year. "From modem day Corpus
Christi, Texas, to ancient Jerusalem, we
follow a young Gay man named Joshua
on his spiritual journey, and get. to know
the 12 disciples who choose to follow
him," the brochure reads.
McNally, author of the Tony Awardwinning
,"Love! Valour! Compassion.
and "Master Class," was traveling and
unavailable tbr comment. "Wait for the
production to be finished and on stage
and, we assure you~ theplay will speak for
itself," Grove said. "You can come and
judge for yourself when the play is on
stage." Exact dates were not announced.
The Catholic League for Religious and
Civil Rights, which disavows violence,
beganaletter-writing campaignafterread:
ing the initial Post article. "We will simply
continue to publicly challenge their
moral right to put on something that is this
offensive to Christians," league spokesman
Rick Hinshaw said after learning of
the theater club’s latest decision.
it is just about impossible to get all ,the
paint out; and the nap, or fluffiness, of the
roller is never the same again. Wash out
the rollerpanwith warm, soapy waterand
turn it over to dry,
If at all po~sibl’e, find a painting partner
to help out -maybe not your spouse,
unless your communication skills a~e quite
good. For neophyte painters, pairing up
with an experienCed.painter is invalu~able
- you’ll learn a lot and the job will go
quicker. With a,b,it of patience and good
prep work, you 11 have a first-rate paint
job thatwill dramatically improve.the
looks of your home. Let the good times -
and the paint - roll!
Pierson also adds that OSDH is not
required to award any contracts but
chooses to work with CBO’s - feeling
that they are more effective in reaching
the target populations. However, when
asked what OSDH would do if it did not
work with the .CBO’s, Pierson seemed
stymied and then suggested that OSDH
might Work with county health departments.
HOPEis continuing to provide walk-in
testing every Monday and Thursday evenlngs
from 7:00 to 9:00, as well as by
appointmentTuesday andThursday from
Noon-4:00. Volunteers a~e alsoproviding
walk-in testing every other Saturday 4:00
to 8:00 at the Pride Center and every
Wednesday from 1:00 to 3:00 at the OSU
College of !vledicine.
A meeting to discuss how the existing
ageneiescan continue to provide services
will be held June 10, at 5pro at 3503 E.
Admiral. Call 918-834-8378 for info.
Record b
Listen to Ads
Eure’,sk"aty,, Sprin’ " g"s Iwordis 25cents. Options for ad: -
[ Bold headline- $1, all capital letters -
Fundraiser I $1, all bold & capital letters- $2, ad in
[ box -$2~ Ad reversed - $3, tear sheet
{ mailed - $2 Blind P.O. Box - $5 - "
] Please _type or print yourad. Count the words
/- word isa igrouplof’letters oi numbers
I separated by a Space, TFN reSerVeS the fight
|toeditorrefuseanyad. No refunds, Send ad
]& payment to POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with your name, address, telephone (for us).
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
Diversity Celebration
Spend the July 4th weekend in Eureka
Springs this year! .Celebrate with "family"
Sunday, July 5th at Center Stage from
2 - 6 p.m. at a tea dance/show featuring DJ i
duo Sisters lI. Some great door prizes will’
be given away, and the cover charge is
only $5.00. Ads will run in the next issue after received.
Since there will be not one, but TWO For Good Home
weekend Diversity Celebratiom in Eu- Friendly, honest, & very experienced
reka Springs in 1998, this dance/show
42 year young realtor seeks sincere &
will be a fundraiser for those events. motivated buyers &sellers: Into MLS.
Mark your calendars forAugust 28, 29, You won’t be disappointed. 30 AND November 6, 7, 8. Gay/Lesbian John Kirk, Keller Williams, Realty
film rests and art exhibits, a canoe float, 712-2252 or 745-2245 dances, golf, karaoke, entertainment and
much more will be Waiting for you in Retail Business Opportunity
Eureka Springs during these two special Soyou’dliketoliveinEurekaSprings!!
weekend celebrations. Successful, growing business for sale
Make your reservations now and watch in downtown historic district.
the Diversity web page for more details Metaphysicad/Gay/Lesbian.
(http://www.shimaka.comieureka/diver- Affordable turnkey opportunity.
sity). Serious inquiries only. 501-253-5797
Or call The Emerald Rainbow at (501)
253-5445. Coffee & Conversation?
Attractive GM (almost 41) seeking simi- oay ~’~ioroiaS; lax fsotrimcouflfaetee&micnodn,vbeordsayti&ons.oFurli.eAndpsphreipr
~y J~.~ ~l~,|~)-(~
ciate healthy attitudes about life, work~
etc. Don’tneedtobe an activistbutclosettypes
need not bother. Interested? Write
to #36, c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa 74159
Tulsa’s onlyprofessional
bodypiercing. ¯
IN THE AIR Clean shaven, attractive,
TRIP YOUR TRIGGER This good looking,
happily Married, Bi, White male, 34,
6’2. 2301bs, is new to this scene¯ I’d like
to meet other Bi males. 18 to 28, who
are petite, smooth, and preferably feminine.
for eroti( entertainment only. Your
endowment doesn’t matter to me, but
you must be discreet and very clean.
(Tulsal "~13211
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male ~s
31-years of age. I’m looking for someone
to have a safe discreet t~me with. If
your interested in this message, give
me a call please. (Tulsa) ~16325
HEAD OFFICE Professional businessman,
6’1, 2151bs, into dencing, meeting
new people, and having fun, wants to
hook up with some new friends.
(Tablequah) ~’11398
FLY, FLY AWAY This good Iogking, 30
year old, Gay, White male;into the outdoors,
hiking, biking~ and sunbathing,
seeks a distinguishedgentleman, 38 to
45, with similar interests. I work for a
major airline and wouldlove to take you
away somewhere. (Tulsa) ~11349
considered myself St’r~ight, but lately I
haven’t been able to stop thinking about
sex with another man. I need someone
Straight acting, .discreet; healthy, and
drug free. I’m a good looking, pretly well.
built, Single, White male,-,29, 6ft,
1901bs, with Brown hair and~Greeo
eyes. (Grand Lake) ~’12004
BELLS ON MYTOES I’m a White male
.znto crossdressing and pa nting my toenails.
I love getting my toenails’and
everything else, sucked on. If you’re in
the area and turned on, call me. ~’m 35.
with Blond hair and Blue eyes.
(Tahlequah) ’~11743
ONLY ONE HERE I’m a good looking,
19 year old, White male, 5’10, 2351bs,
with Brown hair, seeking a friendly,
rugged guy, 18 to 39, who enjoys camping,
going out, and lots of laughter. Let’s
have some fun. I’m able to drive toyou
if you’re far away. (Cushing) "~’11928
seeks aggressive master. Call for
details or give your first order in my
mailbox. I’m ready to serve. (Tulsa)
BUTT BUDDY Friendly, 36 year old,
uncut, White male. 5’10, 1601bs, with
Brown hair. Brown eyes, and a great
butt. seeks friends to hang out with.
(Tulsa) ~’11860
BURNING LOVE I’m a good looking,
White male. 22, 6ft, 1401bs. with Brown
naF and eyes. I’m primarily a top and I’d
like to meet other guys to have fun with.
I’m very hot. (Tulsa) ~11917
LIKE OLDER GUYS Healthy, attractive’,
HIV positive, White ma=e, 37.
1701bs, with Brown hair. Hazel eyes,
and a mustache seeks a sincere, honest
well endowed guy, 25 to 55. who
likes to be a top..Race s open and
ooks are unimportant, as long as you’re
clean cut. (Tulsa) ~’12249
OPEN WITH MASSAGE This passionate,
versatile, 40 year old, White ma~e,
with good looks, seeks very well
drug free, White male, 35, with Brown
hair and Blue eyes, seeks other guys,
for fdendship~anda, possible long term .-
: relatienship~t enjo~quie~, evenin~]sf~anything"
outdoors,.dancing, ahd hanging
out wit~ fdends. (Tulsa)’~ 11015
what! I have no plans" tonight. This "
attractive, 20 year old,. White male,
wants to go o~t and do someth eg with
Y0U..Give me & call. (Tulsa)i~I’14309 ’
RUGGED AND RANDYThis good looking,
rugged~ cowboy type, blue.#ollar
worker, 30; 6’4, 2001bs, with Blond hair,
Blue eyes, and a hairy body, seeks
other cowboy types for fun. I like going
out. watching tv at home. taking long
drives, and being very romantic¯ I’d like
a permanent relationship but we should
be friends first. (Henrietta) "~14467
NICE AND EASY This friendly, 58 year
old, White male seeks a nice guy to
have oleasant conversations with. and
to enoy during relaxmg evenings
together. (Tulsa *~14641
Male, 28, 5’8", 145 Ibs., 9odd-looking. I
just want to meet some Guys oul there.
LIKE A LADY I want to .get toflemer
withGross-Dressers or She-M:~=~s. I
ust want to meet you and treat you
rice. "~15427
DAILY RITUAL When I get home, I like
to lay back have a good drink and
think.ab0ut a hot Man and wish I Jit
=n my hand¯ ¯ Then I start mass, glng
myself. I’d love to talk to you. (Tulsa)
White Male, 30, seeks a.distinguished
older-Gentleman, 30-45, who enjoys
hiking, biking€and nude Sunbathing. I
haven tight butt and give great head.
(Tulsa) "~16544
SCRATCH THE ITCH I’m Iookihg for a"
Bi-cudous" Male like¯ myself to have my
fii’St expefieoce with. I’m fit, athletic, 29,
6’,-190 bs, tan, Wth brownhair~g’reen
eyes." miJscular legs, anda smooth
chest. "l~ra seeking the same~type.
(Gra~f .Lake) ’~12004 .
A LITTLE SANITY I’m a sane, intellige7n0tIbhso,
anevsetryGoaryal wbohtittoemM. aI’lme, s5e3e,kin6g’,
Gay or Bi Males who’are.hohest’for
friendship first and a possible long-term
relationship. No games. ,Give ~e a
chance. You won’t be disappo!pted.
(Tulsa) ~17178
White, hairy chested, top Man is 6’2",
¯ 175 lbs, dark hair and blue eyes. I am
seeking a bottom with a nice firm ass so
that we can get together on a regular
basis. (Tulsa) ~17350
CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys, this
25 yea~: "old Gay White Male is looking
for Gay Men who are ready to have a
good time. I go out dressed like a
Woman at times and I am very feminine.
If your man enough to handle
that, then please give me a call, (Tulsa)
MAN OF ACTION This good looking;
masculine, 34 year old, White male, 6ft,
1751bs. with a good build, seeks similar
guys, 21 to 35, into sports, fun times,
traveling, and relaxing at home.
(McAIlister1 "1z’13473
hairy, tanned, good looking, White
male, 33, 6’1, !801bs, With a g( ~tee. I
want some good times on the phone br
~n ~erson. (Tulsa) "~’8674
THINK KINK I like all kinds of kinky sex
and want to meet guys, 18 to 45, who
have some creative ideas. I’m a good
looking, 30 year old, white male, 5’9,
1501bs. I’m well built and orefer the
same. (Fort Smith) ~8308
TONED BUT TIMID Attractive, Gay,
White male, 38, 5’9, 1721bs, with Brown
hair, Hazel eyes, a mustache, goa[ee,
and well defined body, is HIV positive
but very healthy. I’m shy, smcere, and
masculine, t’d like to meet a good looK-
=rig, Gay or Bi male. 20 to 45. who’s
versatile or a top, who has an above
average endowment, for casual fun
Body hair and facial hair are plusses.
(Ft. Smith) "~8893
ON THE "i~P AND UP Handsome, Gay,
Seminole Indian, 27, 5’6. 1301bs. seeks
an honest, trustworthy person. 27 to 35.
WhO shares my interests in movies.
music, and dancing, for friendship leading
to a long term relationship. I don’t
smoke and am a social drinker
(Stillwell) ~’9241
There’s no charge to
create an ad!
curious, Married Woman. I am very
open minded and looking for a female
,who ~.is. a so cur ous. (.Mcalester)
(~ALI TRANSPLANT recently move9
here from California and need some
fdends.~o show me what Oklahoma is all
about) I en 0y music, dancing, sports,
go ng Out "for {un. and ~,o~od people to
share t all with. (Tulsa! 96~1~ . " ~
NEW TO THE SNOW ~his 20 year old
Gay, White female 515 1201bs just
moved here from Ft. Lauderda e.
haven’t met many Gay-and Bi womyn
~/et, but am anxious to make some
friends. I prefer womyn between 18 and
30, of any. race.¯ Some of my interests
ncude rollerb adir~, moves, and going
to parks (Tulsa) ~’10181
MIDWEST TiES fm a Lesbian writer
and journalist who’s tied to the~midwest
for a while. I’m interested in meeting
}ther womyn with whom to discuss liter-
~ture and the world. Who knows what
might develop? (Tulsa) ~10163
TEACH ME, PLEASE I’m nol very
experienced in this and I’m hoping to
meet someone who can talk to me, give
me pointers, or tell me how it is. I’m 23
years old and have been attracted to
women, but have never acted on it.
(Tulsa) ~13687
"DNO FRIENDS IN ONE This 24 year
old, White female, with a 24 year old
girlfriend, seeks friends for us to hang
out with. (Tulsa) ~13323
BUSY NEWCOMER rm an attractive.
petite, Black female, 25, 4’11, ~1201bs,
with one child. I’m new to this area and
th=s scene so I hope you’ll be patient
with me. I have three jobs and am very
DUSy but have time to meet some
womyn, 25 to 30, of all races, for friendship
or more. (Tulsa) ~’14485
e¯ ndowed, .Bi or G. ay ma. les, 1,8 t.o 40, _TI..a.=.w..~.M.&.N IN ME I’m a 40,_ar od, EXPRESS YOURSELF Do you have
interested in erot=c evenlngs~ id hke to White Transaender mad seeking a thoughts you’d like to express? This
begill ~b~i massegiFg your bode/&nd go ta , d~minan~ale, for friendship. ~ge Blac~ female in her 20’s wants tb hear
from’there. I’don~t think you’ll be disap and r~ce are unimportant. I’m very sub- them. I enjoy reading, writing mowes,
pointed. (Tulsa) ~13001 missive, very domestic, and e~remety music, and stimulatmg conversation.
feminine. I enjoy pleasing a ma~ in Let’s be friends first, but leave the door
MY "=EVENING ~Q,UTINE ~ M0~t-- .every Way and /need someone who open for something deeper. (Tulsa)
evanin~; l~ick back,’~p~ a ~ic~ b~r,-: "’€~~ Pespond to the woman in me. =14734
~.w..a.t~.h..s~o..~..tv..a.n.~.~.s.t.~r.t.m...~.i.~..g............... TO ~s~ond, browse~,~ myself. ] a love to talRto~1~13s~oywo~ucan.k~~,~’" ~
chec~y6br message~,dall ~ ~,~-g00-786-4865
$1.99/Min. 18+
Confidential ¯ Easy
The Necessary Hunger, by Nina Revoyr.
Simon and Shuster, 1997.
Lady Lobo, by Kfisten Garrett. New
Victoria Publishers, 1993.
Lesbians in Tennis:
Courted, by Cdia Cohen. Naiad Press,
Forty Love, by Diana Simmor~ds. Naiad
Press, 1997.
Lesbian Swimmers:
The Sea ofLight, by Jennifer Levin. Penguin
Books, 1993. © Esther Rothblum
Esther Rothblum is Professor of Psychology
at the University ofVermont and ~#itor o[the. Journal ofLesbian Studies,
d,Ca~,~ntae~ed~ht the~Depariment
email to: e_rothbl@dewey.uvm.edu;
Professor Esther Rothblum
demand fair treatment in mainstream senior
housing,: work towartl-bUildin~:~.ur
own senior housing, challenge the invisibility
in the greater LGBT community,
and :uitimatel:y .bring seniors into our
community’s family portrait, so that.zth~
world knowh Us ~hS: afamily of -~1] ~’ges
with a~future to celebrate.
Founded in 1973. the NationalGay and
~bian - Task FO~’ce: (NGLTF) Works to
~liminate prejudice, Violence and injustice
against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgendered people at the local, state
and national level. As part of a broader
socialjustice movementfor~eedorn, justice
and equality, NGLTF is creating a
worM. that respects and celebrates the
diversity ofhuman expression.
In his interview with Roll Call, Inhofe
said Hormel "has made statements that
¯ have convinced me and others that he’s
: much more concerned about his own Gay
." agenda than heis inrepresenting the inter-
¯ ests of the U.S." Of blocking the noa~inalaon,
Inhofe sat& I would feel tlie same
¯ way if it were David Duke or anybody
." whose agenda is more important than the
¯ country."
Hormel has promised to avoidGay poli-
: tics on the job. "I will not use, nor do I
¯ think it is appropriate to u~e, the office of
the ambas.sador to advo~’any,,p~,,rsonal
views I may hold on any.’i~e, Hormel
" wrote to Sen. Gordon Smith, R~Ore, who
¯ now supports him.
¯ Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said she believes Hormel’s nomination would
¯ easily be confirmed if it reached the floor
¯ and there are close to enough votes -60 -
¯ to halt any Republican filibuster. As for Inhofe’s comments, she said,"This really
mffor.~Rmatereference reveals the depth of,
bigo.~.that is pursuing, this nominee..
Se~’P.-aul Wellstone, D-Mian~ .said he is
planning a push after.theMemorial Day
¯ recess to get a vote on Hormd in the
against various groups of people, resulting
in coundess abuses and atrocities, all
in the name of God and all "justified" by
scripture. The Bible does NOTjustify the
denial and restriction of civil rights. Quite
to the contrary, our faith asks us to love
: each other and have compassion for one
] another.
: Regardless of what one believes about
¯ homosexuality, gay and lesbian people
i make up 10 to 20% of.our society and
¯ have made, a~d C0ntin~ to m~e, imp~-
¯ tant contributions to our schools, cities,
~ state and nation. Homosexual.people are
: ou~.~ister~ a~d.b_rothers,f..aZ-h,er~
¯ ers~s~n~,~ddaugh.te..rs.+:spouses;~fi,~o.d.~
and teaeher,s... All A~ei~c~s des~
: same proi~,~tionS,:. ~r~.e~i~~oms,,~fight~ ,..~,~_~
¯ responsibilities. Denying these fights
: any American damages the fabric of our
~ entire society. - Co-clerks: Armin Saeger
". and Don Satterthwaite
Parents, Family & Friends
of Lesbians & Gays
Tulsa Area Chapter
POB 52800, 74152,749-4901
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Tulsa Family News, “[1998] Tulsa Family News, June 1998; Volume 5, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 9, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/548.