[1998] Tulsa Family News, April 1998; Volume 5, Issue 4


[1998] Tulsa Family News, April 1998; Volume 5, Issue 4


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


April 1998


James Christjohn
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Judy McCormick
Mary Schepers
Josh Whetsell
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, March 198l; Volume 5, Issue 3


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


TU/BLGTA Presents
Annual Film Festival
Women at RiskVideo AIso Showing
q~,3LSA The University ofTulsa’s Bisexual/Lesbian!
New MCC-GT Pastor Brings
Radical Past + Present Grace
TUI~qA - After two years,
Tnisa’s oldest Lesbian and
Gay congregation, the Metropolltan
Corunauaity Church
of Greater Tulsa has a pastor
again. Tracy I. Barber came
to Tulsa about 2 moaths ago
from Los .Amgales. She’s only
recently ordained as a Metro
politan Conununity Church
pastor having [men originally
ordained as a Mennonite after
graduahag from the lfigMy
respo~ted Fulhi~ Theologieul
Seamnat~ in 1994. And
though she was born in Califomi~
L shehas ties to this ~’ea,
having studied at Evangel MCC-GT Pastor Tracy Barber
Collage hi Spr~gfield, MO. featuredonthe¢overoftheOet.
Barber, uldike some 26, 1990 la)s Angeles Roader2
who ve become clergy, has an unusual profess olml background.
WhJhi th Cafifomia, she worked in Hollywood film production:
commercials, music videos, and Entertaitmlent Tonight, serving
as Leeza Gibbons’ assistam. She Mternated between doing hatter
paying filial work and non profit work.
In one extraordinm-y stint featured in the Los Angeles Reader,
she infiltrated the radical and-abortion group, Operation Rescue
(OR). as an Unpaid spy for a coalition of feminist orgimlzadons.
This work was crucial to defense work and gave OR its first
substantial defeat.
But for MCC-GT, Barber and her congregation is m the thick
of preparing a rtfission statement, a statement of die vision of
where they want to go, and of their vahles. Barber. with
injoumniism,recafls that tbeulogian Carl Bart said that a nfihister
needs the Bible in one hand and a newspaapar in the other - you
have to know what is ~oin~ on in the world.
Lesbian Health Care : Mel WhiteSays to PFLAG:
NEW YORK (AP) - For 20 years. Nayla Rolle lived
with a paralyzing pain that dectors distthssed a.s stress
related, It wasn’t until the B~oldyn social worker
skarted seeing Joan Waitknvic,z - a spacialist ia Lesbiau
health issues - that her aliments were diagnosed cor
recfly, as lupus and asthma. "Other doctors saw me as a
young woman of color, a l~sbian and they couldn’t get
beyond what I was saying."says the 41 -year old Rolle.
Wailkevicz, who began seeing Rulle hine years ago
whihisha was in private practice, is now director ofBeth
lsrael Medical Center’s Gay Women’s Focus. Heulthcare
workers say it is the first hospitul-hasext health care
provider in the country fo~ 1 esbialxs. The connection to
the hospital, proponents say, conid give Lesbian patients
better access to SlX’Cth~sts and more comprehensive
insurance than they wonid otherwise have. "’We
want women to come in here and feel uulniubiled about
their lifestyle,’says \Vaitkevicz.
Gay Women’s Focus is a plimary care provider and
gives referrals. Since opathng in 1996, it has treated
more than 3,000 patients - 30 parcent of them Lesbians.
There have~similar hospital bosed clinics - often
AIDS-related that focas on Gay men’s health.
Experts say Gay women have spatial medical cow
ceres: They may be at higher risk of developing coro
nary disease, breast and colon callcer, and some ~ aginai
infections, research shows.
And sexual practices can have an effect. Teresa
Cuadsa, the cento"s gynecologist, says ma~y Lesbians
may go y~rs without vhatmg a gynecologist, for ex
,’maple, because they think they are not at risk for
Truth + Love, Relentlessly
TULSA - The Rev. Mel \Waite. former ghost,\alter to the likes of
the Gay-ba.~hing TV preaebers Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson
pregehed the gospel of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. Tlfis
message of r~n-violem
elal change was delivered to
about 200 who attended Pareats.
Families and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays. PFL~.G’s
re~onaiconferenee dth~erat
All Souls Uthtafian Church
on Sat. March 7.
~q’fite. who was formerly
associated with the Metropolitan
Communit.~ Church-
The Rev. L~el White, joined !Lv
Tulsan S ~e Knause, and White s
now works with his life partner
Gap, Nixon in an interpartner
Gary NLron at All Souls. faith justice minisl~, called
Soulforce based in Laguna Beach. California. see White, page 3
MinisterAcquited Church Trial
Over Lesbian Union Ceremony
major change !n church policy. "1 don’t know the implicatig,m~ of
tkni r dncision," Ct~ech said from the pulpit. "But I believe it s the
TOHR HIV Program
ChangesAmid Criticism
News analysis by 7T’N staff.
TIYLSA At March s general nembership n ecting.
a member of Tulsa Oldahomans for Htm~an
Right. Inc. who had joined ouly earlier dmt da)
made a motion that the membors o~ edde the vole
the orgathzadon’s board of directors and tfl g~c
away TOHR’s HIV prevention programs to
yet non existent nonprofit "l~is svas approved h
the hanth’ul of members present. Most of those
votin against the board of directors were emplo.’,
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
¯ *The Palate Care & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E, 31st
*Samson & DelilahRestaurant~ 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Pizzeria~ 21st west of Harvard
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 "
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, PUB 4140. Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlink-net
website: http://users.aol.com/Tul saNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Diva + Mac Guru: James Christjohn
¯ Writers + contributors: L~.anne Gross, Barry Hensley, Jean-Pierre
Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom, Judy McCormick, Mary
: Schepers. Josh Whetsell, Member o! The Associated Press
¯ Issued on or before the 1st of eachmonth, the ~t~e ~:nten~ of this
¯ . blication are protected by US copyright 19 y
¯ ~2and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
[ written permission from the publisher. Publication ofe,a name Or
¯ [ photo does not indicate a person s sexual orientation. L,orrespon¯
denee is assumed to be for pu.blication u.nles~rot~he.rw~s.e..n,.°~t.e.d’h~,u~,s~t be si~ned & becomes the sole property ox
¯ [ Each~reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distnouuon
~ points. Additional copies areavailable by calling 231-7372.
] *Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-059~,
] ,Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals on l~ondays, 585-8595
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
Carbon Copy
Homosexual Marriage and the
Assault on Your Family
by Jay Alan Sekulow~ Chief Counsel
American Center for Law & Justice
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23467 - 4429.
We stopped homosexual activists m
Hawaii last year, but now they are putting
together a desperate new assault. Wecant
: afford to lose this battle for the family.
¯ Please read this letter carefully. - Jay
Thehomosexual community is about to
; launch a massive assault on the family,
; and once again Hawaii is the focus of their
¯ attack. Militant homosexual groups from
~ across the nation are joining together to
: defeat a stare-wide referendum in Hawaii
¯¯ this fall. Itis all part of the gay andlesbian
community’s sweeping ag_end,2., fo.r 1.,99.8
that seeks to redefine the family m mexr
742-2457 ionwvnesmteidsgthuoiduesdanidmsagoef!hAouCrLs Jtoattgoemt et.ayn.ss
DennisC. Arnold, Realtor ........ 746-4620 ¯ *Democratic Headquarters, 393_0 .E,. 3,.1 ,~. al d ¯
¯Assoc. in Med. &Mental Health, 2323-~. narvar 743-1000 Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Camoncs~t~plscop ¯ 269282--41644418 ;; ipsesuoeploen_naosttaatfeewwijduedrgeefesr-ecndouu.mla,as~,o,a.thee.
KentBalch&Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 ’ ,F~filyofF~ithMCC, 5451-ES_o. ~Mi.n_go. , 747-7777 ~ t~i~ crucial matter I am please to say mat
¯Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 7i 250-5034 : ,FellowshipCongre,g,_Church,2,,9~0~ ~-n.a..rv..ar~.~_
ACLI su orters .played a key role,
Body Piercing by Nicole,2722 E. 15 . .-:.
712-1122 ¯ *FreeSpiritWomen sCenter, canxoriocauon~lmo: 587-4669 : ~"
" "
712-9955 : F’riend For A Friend, PUB 52344, 74152 747-6827 : "ettin~ ~hpep~erenaum °n this fall’ s ba~-
¯Borders BOOks & Music, 2740 .E. 21 ~1 :_: 743-5272 :
BrooksideJewelry, 4649S. Peona " ;-i:...
Friends in Unity Social Org. ,POB 8542, 74101
582~0438 ¯ [’~t ~’ " "
¯CDWarehouse,3807cS.Peoria. >:::: 746-0313 : ,HiVERCentbr,4138ChTas.PageB_lvd:..al
583-6611 : .~qowhomosexual.activistswantt,~St.e,.al
Don Carlton Honda, 414.1 S~.Mesa.o.ri,all..--~i~.~i ’,
622-3636 ¯ *HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 li AOmar 834-4194 ¯ what.youandlhaveworkedso.hara~or°y
665,6595 ~
481d 111 ; ¯ .thwarting this referendum. If me re~eren-
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th ~ Memonat *Holland Hall Schooi;5666 E: 81st
Chetry St Psychoth. erapy,1515aSk.etr-’x:wis¯ .:. :.::581:09’02,764232--40171070 ;¯ H¯ OHPIVE.,THeIsVtinOg,uMtreoanc/hT,hPtrtresv.e7n-9tip°rno,,FdAa.uy.tcigmtie°~oy appt. o8~y8378 " ¯ dseuxmuailnmHararwiaagiei wisildl e~fle~a.teeaqdl..l,l.K.thee~~ofI~I.o-e
Community Cleaning, _K.erby B " -; ~ "~:0440 ¯ : House of the Holy Spirit Minsiries, 3210e So. Norwood "
¯Daisy Exchange, E. 15m ~~;, 0¢ci~"~oo_742-9468 : Interfaith AIDS MiniStries 438-2437, 800-284-2437 acroSSimmediately,AmericanttheAcLjThis islSimplemenetninegcWttlV~ye’ a
Tim Daniel, Attorney ~’......... ~/49-3620 ¯ *MCC of Greater TUlsa, 1623 N. Maplewood
838-1715 ¯ comprehensive plan todefeathomosexual
¯Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 734685--35161518 " mamage in Hawaii and protect families
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady " . 58%2611 across America from the homosexual
*Elite Books & Viaeos, ~o. o_~y,..,~. :. ~-....~-~,~ ~r~o o379
Ross ~w~d S~on, 2~7 ~. 1
*Hor~ Desi~ Sm~o,3~ S. Peoria :.
*Gloria Je~’s Go~et Coff~, 1758 E..21st
P,R,gJECT, 41~ S. Harvard, Ste: H-.!~ __
NOW, Nat 10rg. foiW0men, PUB 14068, 74_1~5v
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), PUB 9165, 74157
*Our ~ouse, 1114 S. Quaker Vrt G, POB 52800,. .
*p!anned parenthood,.1007 S. P_eo.n~a r
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2ha noo, 74105
584-7960 " agenda.
First, I have established a special task
749-4901 ~ forcededieatedtomonitq_ring .a.n.d.respot~idr~
587-7674 ~ ingto developments in Hawaii. tam pe -
743~4297 ¯ soiaally spearheading this task force,
¯ which, wliich incl,u,d_es senior deputies in
749~4195 " the Chief Counsel s office, our research
ot~ff ~,dtheACLl’s on_the~groundteam
in Hawau: WE MUST APPLY CO -
~ N1TY. "- e
¯ Second, I am announcing an miens
"¯. pubh¯ceducatt"oncampaign hea.d..e.d.b.y..the
~ ACLJ to combat the flood of homoseX.~Uat
i propaganda that will soon blanket tia-
~vaii. So far, we have been successful in
: courts of law. Now, we. must .win. the
¯ battle in the court of pubhc optmon:
~ In addition, I must ensure that ACI.J
¯ attorneys are ready to respond to the
¯ mounting evidence that CHRISTIANS
ACROSS AMERICA - ¯ ¯ the enclosed
¯ situational report gives more details on
¯ how homosexuals are undermining the ¯
family. The fact is, no business, no family,
no schoohaged chi!d is safe from this
sweeping pu.qh see Anti-Gay, p.3
- : .~ Letters Policy
TulSd Family News ~.d~oines l~tters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
¯ youthink need to be considered.Y°umay
¯ request that youi name be withheld but
¯ letters mustbe signed&havephonenum-
" bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
¯ ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
~ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
Learme M: Gross, Insurance & financial planning 744-7440 ¯
MarkT. Hamby, AttorneY Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152 2865E. Skelly 745-1111 ¯ ,RAiN,RegionalAIDSInterfaithNetw°rk
¯Sandra J. Hill, MS, PsyChotherapy, 341-6866 R~]~w’Business Guild, PUB 4106, 74159
¯International Tours 584-2325
jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E- 15th
712-2750 " ,Red Rock Mental Center, 1724E. 8
¯Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th -
582-3018 ¯ O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young .a,dults
David Kauskey, Country Club Barberin~ " 747-0236 O’RYA,N, Jr. supp~ group for 1.4-17.LQBT .youm~52~~
¯Kerfs FlOwers, 1635 E. 15
-599-8070 i .St.Aidan s, Ep_i.s~o.l~,_cl~^~4~xSrI~°nnatt .
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PUB 14011, 74159
747-5466 ~ St. Jerome s t,afisncnurcn, z~aw. ,’~
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th:pl.
" 749-5533 ¯
edo CrOssing, 1519 E 15tla ’ -. . : 585-1555 :
Lar - :_~ ~.," . =:"-. 585-1234 :
¯Living ArtSpace, 1~.]~--~’yr~Oy .....
"i.~ !::’- "
¯MidtdwnThea~ter,.~~v~;~f~ 31 ’ ~: I::~’ ’ 663-5934 :
Ming0 Valley FloWer_s, v ~..t~ ~....:. ~M-2951 "
¯Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place .
¯ - ¯ . "
¯ ovel Idea Bookstore, 5ist & Harvard
" 747-6711 :
N ~ :-;’~" ~--’a Ste 633 747-7672 ¯
rid A Paddock, CPA, 4306 ~ reot, ,
¯ " Da " ..... ’ " 5 ’ 583-1090 ¯
¯Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 1 : 743-4297 ".
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 838-7626 "
Puppy Pause H, 1 lth & Mingo
Rainbowz on the RiverB+B,PUB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
Scott Robisoti’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors
834-7921, 747-4746
~¯CS~clr~isbtnopehr’esr SBporaodklsitnogr,ea,tt1o9r4n2eYU, t6i1ca6 SS"qMuaarien’ #308 582-7748
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
TTNulAsAaCPPou(NntaYtivHeeAamltehriDCaenpaamrtemn)e,,Inntd’ 4ia6n1H6 eEa" l1t=h,5Care,." --s558o2~~7~20255
Confidential HIV T~ting - oy appt. on. ~ ~urs.oay
Tulsa Olda. for Huma~Rights, e/.0 ~Th~€ P~i,deC,ent~
T U L S A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather ~eegers Assoc. o~o-
*Tulsa City Hall, G~u~.d ~7~e~stiebsule
*Tulsa Community t~oueg _ _ ap~u.
*Rogers University(formerlY Urn)
¯ .BartlesvillePublicLibrary,600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
~ *Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
¯ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
¯ *Stonewall League, call for information:
¯ ,Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, PUB 1570
; NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
¯ HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
*Antumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
¯ 501-253-7457
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard
*Sophronia’s Antiques, 1515 E. 15
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware
**TTuullssg~BCooomkeEdyxcChlaunbg,e6,9307649S.S_L. ePw~elgi~i-a
Fred ~dch~L~SW, ~ounseling
&" ¯ """ Universities
AIDS Walk T , , -
¯All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. PUB 14001, Tulsa 74159
ess The Lord at All Times Christian Center 2207 E 6
BI ’b Ctr 583 9780
¯ /L/G/TAlliance, Univ of Tulsa Canter ury ., -
B "~....~ c Boston 585-1201
¯Churchof theRestora.~o.n.U,U. :I~, l_4~L "545 S ¯Yale 585-1800
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. M~ain ¯
DeVito’s Restaur~ant, 5 Center ~t.
*.,_F~,,,,erald Rainbow; 45 All2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, PUB 429
Old jailhouseLodging, 15 Montgomery
501-253-5~45 " :
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans
k ’s, Hwy 62 East
Spar y ¯
¯Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave.
¯ is where you canfindTFN. Notallare Gay-ownedbutall are Gay-friendly.
Gay-Baiting + What
Well M. Susan Savage, our"pretty and nice" as well a~’
politically savvy mayor squeaked on through the election
despite her opponent’s last minute Gay-baiting tactics.
Our mayor’s advisors spent weeks worrying about
rumors that her Republican opponent, Terry Simonson,
would use "Gay issues" to attack Savage. They were
right. Simonson, with advicefrom Oklahoma’s "hate and
lyingAREChristian values’~ Congressmen Steve Largent
and Tom Cobum, and their "Oklahoma Values" Coalition,
did air TV advertisements that attacked Savage for
issuing a Gay Pride proclamation:
What they didn’t say is that the proclamation was from
1994, and that Savage has refused to issue another since.
Her reason: by allowing the "mainstream" media, i.e.
Channel 6, to see the proclamation, Pride Picnic organizers
were using the proclamation "for political purposes"
which is not allowed.
Hundreds of proclamations are given to non-profits
which routinely share these with the media but if a Gay
group does precisely the same thing, it is being ~’political".
Does this sound like doubletalk?
Wall, consider this is the same mayor Who claims that
she doesn’t issue proclamations for "commercial" purposes,
and yet, issued one for "Jackie Cooper Imports
Day" in honor of breaking ground for a new south Tulsa
dealership. Not to pick on Jackie Cooper Imports, since
other commercial enterprises have been similarly honored.
And with Cooper, the business really has done a
great deal of good civic work, especially around HIV/
AIDS issues in Oklahoma City.
The Gay-baiting ads, however;, may well have helped
our mayor get dected. Going into the race, some politicalobservers
thought she might lose, or at best, win by the
thinnest of margins despite being the incumbent, and
having more than one-hundred thousand in campaign
dollars. But the ads, which aired a few days before the
race, may have shifted some votes. ~-
My father, as rock-solid a Republican as you will find,
after he heard the Simonson ad, tore up his Simonson
sign, threw it in the trash and went to Simonson HQ to
express his anger- and changed his vote. His view is that
others didso as well. And that The Tulsa World article on
Tony Orr and Tim Beauchamp, (about whomTFN wrote
last fall when they spoke at th~ National Gay!& Lesbian
TaskForce/TOHRhate crirn~e~ forum) who had been-Gay-
Really Happened in the Mayor’s Race
bashed, may have made real for many non-Gay citizens
what can result from Simonson-style verbal attacks.
So now Mayor Susy’s back, and we, Lesbian and Gay
citizens and our friends and family need to hold her
accountable. It is no longer acceptable for her to act like
merely talking to us is enough. We need to see some
specific results like diversity training for our often Gayr
hating Tulsa police officers, though such traimng also
shouldbe extended to fire and other city departments. The
mayor should also ~ssue an executive order banning
discrimination in city employment - something she can
do under the city charter. And since proclamations are
essentiallypublic paper towels - important to those who
.want them but of little use for anyone else - our mayor
should treat her Lesbian and Gay consti:uents as well as
all others, and give us Lesbian and Gay Pride Week
proclamations, even Pride Month as we asked for in ’96.
After all, we supported her in this race, more than ever
before. Cimarron Alliance Group, Oklahoma’s Lesbian
and Gay political action committee donated $2,000 to
Savage (this is no secret I’m disclosing, donations of this
size are public by law). And several of our most prominent
commumty members worked themselves into a
frenzy helping her and my guess, resulted in further
donations to Savage of many times that $2k. Remember,
$5k is the legal maximum donation, so S2k should get our
items at least some consideration not that quidpro quo
ever has anything to do with Oklahoma politics
The real danger to these reasonable reforms: that public
employees should have the training to act appropriately
with all citizens and that our own government should
pledge not to discriminate against any of its own citizens.
is likely M. Susan Savage’s further political ambitions.
Our mayor says she’s not looking at higher office. But
some think she’s just waiting until her daughters are
college age to run. If so, she may still hold fairness to
Tulsa’s Lesbian and Gay citizens hostage, not because
she’s personally opposed but because she feels it’s politically
advantageous. But maybe,just maybe, this election
in which Gay-baiting likely’ helped her win, will give her
the courage to appeal to the decency mad intelligence of
Tulsans. Then she will say’, as-she did about the "94
proclamation in response.to Simonson in the debates,
"I represent all citizens" and-do’what"s right.
~ Tom Neal, publisher & editor
one other person not yet named at the last TOHR board
meeting), a .single proposed new board member was
interviewed. However, Neal noted that, ",after Frank
Ramirez began his presentataon by stating, seemingly
proudly, that he violates Oklahoma’s Open Meetings.,’
Open Records laws in ranning Morton, I have to question
the ethics some of the persons to whom HOPE is being
given. Hulsey and Thompson have good reputations, but
after hearing Ramirez’ comments, and after learning that
Fr~sbee was already accepting donations for the as-ofthen
yet non-existentnew organizationwhile she was still
working forTOHR, and that she was doing so in violation
of her board’s instructions, I am appalled by the misconduct
and unprofessionalism of Frisbee."
Indeed, in the often stormy membership meeting, Neal
accused Frisbee of unprofessional conduct. He toldTFN,
"I hired Kristi Frisbee after our board voted to fire
Mallory Degen Brown for cause. But I hired her to fix the
problems of TOHR’s HIV programs, not to redesign it
with by-laws she wrote, with a board of her own chosing.
A good non-profit professional certainly has the right to
try to persuade her board of her vision but ultimately she
works for the organization. An organization should not
rum itself inside out for her convenience?"
Neal continues, "The real loser here is the whole Gay
community. A program that was created because few in
Tulsa gave a datnn that Gay men wer~ dying has been coopted-
to deal mostly with HIV for non-Gay people.
That’s worthy but other ’health organizations could do
¯ that. And the consideration of whether this historically
Gay-focused program should address Lesbian and Gay
health needs hasfallen victim to Kristi Frisbee’ s ruthlesshess."
Neal also criticized Horn strongly, "when I was
president, we built consensus. The difficult vote to fire
Mallory was unanimous. You have to wonder about a
leader who forces through that which a majority of his
board voted against." Neal said he resigned because the
members were not given advance notice of this proposal.
Their business card features the likenesses of King and
Ghandi, and \Vhite told of his recent travels in India with
Ghandi’s grandson to see the site~ that were significant in
the life of the man who inspired King and also White to
his work challenging those in Christianity who attack
Lesbians and Gay men.
Throughout the dinner, \Vhite persuaded his overflowing
audience to repeat as a mantra, "truth and love
relentlessly"; that is that he~ and they, should do their
work inspired b~ the truth, full of love but working for
change relentlessly. This lesson, White noted, was taught
to him by Coretta Scott King, and her assistant, Gay
activigt Lynn Cothren, when White was despairing of
having any dialogue with his former friends and employers,
Robertson and Falwell.
And in remarks of praise for the work that PFLAG
does, White added a comment of local interest. He stated
that Tulsa evangelist Oral Roberts should be a PFLAG
parent, since his older son commited suicide because due
to being Gay. Tulsa’ s new Council Oak Mens Chorale
also performed for the dinner to a very warm reception.
to re-define marriage and force acceptance of the gay
lifestyle.., please add your voice to mine by signing the
enclosed statement of support. In the coming weeks I will
take our case to the media and key public officials in
Hawaii. Your signature on this statement of support will
allow me to say that tens of thousands of concerned
Christian citizens have written and askedme tomake sure
the pro-family voice can be heard above the shouts of the
militant homosexual... Next, please send of a gift of $50,
$75, $100 or more today so we can defend the family in
the court of public opinion as wall as courtrooms across
Your friend advocating Jesus, Jay Allen Sekulow
Omer Cowan andPrime Timers President John Madigan
present a check for a $1,000 donation to TOHR/Pride
Center President Steve Horn.
Grassroots vs. DC/LA Elite
March on DC-Who Decides?
by Billy Hileman
The current debate of a LGBT civil rights event in
Washington, D.C. in 2000 may look like "’politic~ infighting"
if one only takes a quick glance. But just below
the surface is one of the most important community
discussions to occur in decades. Our community is in the
process of redefining the movement.
If organizing for a national LGBT civil rights event an
Washington proceeds on its current course, then progressive,
grass-roots, democratic organizing in our co~mnunity
will suffer a serious iujury.
The tragedy of this situation is that the.Hmnan Rights
Campaign’s (HRC) executive director Elizabeth t3irch,
comedian Robin Tyler, and the Universal Fello~vsl~p of
Metropolitan Community Churches’ Troy Perry are the
willing architects of this attack on queer democracy.
Right now, Perry, Birch, and Tyler are frantically
lobbying the community to sup,tvort an event they decided
to produce. They are trying to prop up grass-roots support
for an event on] y they had input on. Perry hasjust sent out
a letter with "’six very specific steps, very definite steps"
¯.. to lobby congress?. . no, to lobby the president’?..
¯ no, to zap Jesse Helms? No. Troy Perry is asking you to
lobby the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the
¯ ’Natitnal Black Eesbi~n mad Gay Leadership Fornin to
: support the Mille~inimn .March! What s wrong with that?
in Troy Perry’s plea for help, he says, "’If you are a
contributor, member or supporter of these organizations,
be sure to mention that too." That is sickening.
The MillenmumMarch is about money. It is not about
whether 2000 is a good year to rally in Washington. It is
not about ENDA, or domestic partnership, or about
lesbians and gays in the military. Right now there is only
one organization in our community with the resources to
support a huge national action in Washington. And there
is only one organization that has vowed to have 1 million
members by the year 2000 - HRC.
Never before has one of our organizations been xn a
position to unilaterally call for a March on Washington.
The Millemfium March is a test of HRC’s new power. It
is a test whether the community will allow HRC to
¯¯ o circumvent the progressive, grassroots, democratic principles
that were the basis of the three previous marches
and the heart of our movement.
At the end of Perry’s letter, he writes, "History’s
greatest movements have been grassroots movements.
~ And history’s greatest leaders have been those who
heeded the call of their grassroots members." But, there
¯ has been no "call." HRC and UFMCC didn’t allow the
forum for a"call."’ And now that people are voicing their
¯ concern about the process, Birch, Tyler and Perry are
putting a call out to the grass-roots instead of the other
¯ way around.
In March of 1991 the executive directors of NGLTF
¯ and HRCF, Urvashi Vaid and Tim McFeeley hosted a
meeting i~ Washington, D.C. for activists to discuss a
¯ third march on Washington. Minneapolis City
Councilmember Brian Coyle had pushed the idea at the
¯" 1990 Creating Change Conference. During the March
¯ (E91 meeting, and a second national meeting in .May,
dozens of proposals’~and -concerns were discussed by
." hundreds of activists.
~ Proposals for marches in 1992 and 1993 were dis-
.¯ cussed. Bi-annual MOWs with a permanent committee;
52 regional marches: states, DC and Puerto Rico; and a
MOW before every presidential election were all pro-
" posed, seeMarch,page15
Houston Judge Blocks
Civil Rights Protections
HOUSTON (AP) - A~judge has blocked the city, at
leasttemporarily,fromenforcing MayorI~eBrown’s
executive order banning discrimination against Lesbians
and Gays in city government. State District
Judge Patrick W. Mizell agreed with City Council
member Rob Todd and conservative businessman
Richard Hotze that Brown lacks authority under the
city charter to impose such an order.
After a briefing by city attorneys, Brown said he is
considering an appeal. "We are disappointed with
Judge Mizell’s ruling," Brown said. "We continue to
bdieve that our interpretation is correct, that the
mayor has the power to issue executive orders."
Brown signed the order in January, fulfilling a campaign
pledge to ban discrimination in city government
on the basis of sexual orientation.
Although criticized by some City Council conservatives,
Brown’s idea had the support of a council
majority if he decided to seek an anti-discrimination
ordinance..But Brown issued an executive order,
Mizell said the charter authorizes only the council
and the Civil Service Commission to.make rules
regarding discrimination, not the mayor. Todd has
denied that their lawsuit was intended to suppress
homosexuals. He and Hotze say their suit is aimed at
procedural concerns alone. .
But some in the Gay community remain
unpersuaded, including some Gay conservatives who
said eradicating discrimination is a goal all conservafives
should share. "It’s certainly ironic that Mr.
Hotze wants to perpetuate discrimination, and that in
all the years he has been involved in politics in
Houston he has never questioned the~ayor’s right to
issue executive orders until it comes dtwn to employment
equality for Gay city employees," said Clarence
Bagby, president of the Houston Gay and Lesbian
Political Caucus.
Judge Overturns Alaska
Anti-Marriage Law
JUNEAU; Alaska (AP)- A State judge hearing a
challenge to Alaska’s ban on same-sex marriage says
choosing a partner is a fundamental right that could
result in a"nontraditional" choice. Anchorage Superior
Court Judge Peter Michalski said that the state
must show why it should be able to regulate who
petple marry.
The court challenge, began last year when Jay
Brause and Gene Dugan of Anchorage challenged a
1996law banning same-sex marriage. TheGay couple,
who sought state recognition of their relationship of
20 years, said the marriage ban violates the Alaska
Constitution. Michalski threw out the state’s bid to
dismiss the case and ruled that choosing a partner is
a fundamental right.
"Itis the decisionitself thatis fundamental, whether
the decision results in a traditional choice o~ the
nontraditional choice Brause and Dugan seek to have
recognized," Michal’ski wrote. "The same Constitution
protects both." John Gaguine, the assistant attorney
general who argued the case, said the state probably
will ask the Alaska Supreme Court to review the
decision. Proving a compelling state interest in banning
same-sex marriage may be difficult, said Matt
Coles, director of the Lesbian and Gay civil rights
Project of the American Civil Liberties in.New York.
’The state is. going to have to have a very good
justification," he said.
Deat,h Sentence Holds for
Murderer of Gay Man
AUSTIN (A~) -~A death sentence .imposed against a
former~h;§b]a~bol football starwhbwas convicted of
abducting and Shooting to death a Gay man has been
upheld by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
According to court records, Demarco Markeith
McCullum and threecompanions targeted a Gayman
for robbery in 1994becauseMcCullumbelievedGay
men always carried a lot of cash.
According to the court, McCullum saw Michael
Burzinski, 29, walking to his car parkett" outside aGay
¯¯ bar. He attacked Burzinski, who the court said was
noticeably drunk, and threw him into the backseat of
Burzinski’s car. According to testimony, McCullum
¯ announced that Burzinski had to be killed because he
¯ knew his attackers’ names. He then shouted aloudhis ¯
own name and the name of the men with him -
¯ Decedrick Ganious, Terrance Perro and Chris Lewis:
¯ McCullum then drove Burzinski to a secluded loca-
¯ tion, forced Burzinski from the car and shot him once
." in the back of the head.
,Massachusetts Men
Sued for Gay Bashing
¯ WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - Two men accused of
¯ using an Internet chat room to lure a Gay man to a
¯ deserted field and then beating him have been sued
: for civil rights violations. The attorney general’s civil
¯ rights division filed a proposed preliminary injunc-
: tion against William D. Peters, 21, and Frank Labbe,
¯ 18, both of Webster. If successful, the injunction
¯ would mandate stiff punishments should the men
¯ commit additional civil rights crimes.
¯ Peters and Labbe allegedly attacked a 46-year-old ¯
Cambridge man in the early morning hours of Jan. 8
: after exchanging messages in a Gay-oriented online
¯ chat room. According to court documents, the defen-
¯ dants used anti-Gay language to taunt the victim and ¯
wamedhim,"Ifyougo to the cops, we’ll kill you. And
: if we ever see you online again or in a~!_.y (chat) rooms
: again, we will kill you!"
¯ Earlier this month, Labbe and Peters were indicted
"- . on charges ofarmed robbery, assault and battery with
: a dangerous weapon, civil rights violations, threaten-
: ing to commit a crime, intimidating a witness and
¯ conspiracy, according to the Worcester County dis-
: trict attorney’s office. Assistant Attorney General
¯ Richard ,Gordon said the civil rights action filed
: Thursday, whichis separatefrom the criminal charges,
¯ was brought because of the severity of the case.
: In the affidavit filed this week,the victim said he
remains terrified of his alleged attackers. "The defen¯
dants’ threats and intimidation towards me have
made mefearful for my safety, even in my own
¯ home," the testimony reads.
Bias Protections Under
Attack in Colorado
Maine Towns Consider
Civil Rights Protections
: FORT COLLINS,Colo. (AP)-Theday after the City
¯ Council voted to extend anti-discrimination protec-
: tion to Gays & Lesbians, opponents to the new law
said they will petition for a vote on the plan. Council
: members said two years of study and months of
¯ public meetings convinced them that discrimination
¯ is a legitimate problem for Gays and Lesbians.
¯ The new law, adopted recently, adds sexual often-
: tation, defined as actual or perceived heterosexuality,
¯ homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality, as a prohibitedbasis
6f discrimination. Opponents argued the
¯ ordinance gives homosexuals special rights by con-
¯. doning and protecting their lifestyle. One man accused
city leaders of "government tyranny"for endorsing
the measure. "I’m sure it’s going to be
: challenged,"said the Rev. Ken Stephens of Front
¯ Range Baptist Church. "We do not need the ordi-
¯ nance for a lifestyle which I believe is a chosen
lifestyle." ~
¯ Opponents said they are gearing up for a referendum’on
the controversial law. City Clerk Wanda
Krajicek said petitioners would have until mid-April
to collect 1,783 valid signatures from registered voters
who live in the city. The City Council could then
repeal the ordinance, submit the measure to voters in
a general election, or call for a special election to
settle the matter. A vote could be scheduled as early
as this summer, Krajicek said.
: BAR HARBOR, Maine (AP) - Supporters of Gay
: civilrights ordinances in two Maine tourist towns say
: they are motivated by economic considerations as
¯ well as by a desire to prevent discrimination. Chaini’family"
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Chris & Sharon
ber of Commerce officials in Camden and Bar
Harbor expressed fear that some would-be vacationers
may boycott all of Maine this summer
without realizing that both towns support Gay civil
Camden and Bar Harbor voted about 3-1 in favor
of the Gay civil rights legislation that was narrowly
defeated in the Feb. 10 referendum. After two of its
members raised the issue, the Bar -Harbor Town
Council voted in March to ask the town attorney to
draft an ordinance that would be a focus for debate
at a future meeting.
The night before, Camden real estate broker
Susan Dorr asked the Boar,d,. of Selectmen to adopt
a Gay civil rights measure. Itjust makes use of the
very clear message that Camden voters have said
twice on this matter,"said Dorr, who pointed to the
town’s strong anti-discrimination stance in two
statewide votes. ’¢Fhis is an important area to
explore, to say unequivocally that Camden won’t
discfiminate,"she said.
While expressing support for Gay civil rights,
selectmen instructed the town attorney to review
the legal ramifications and advised the town manager
to seek information on local anti-discrimination
ordinances. If the proposals pass, the two
¯ coastal towns wouldjoin Portland and Long Island
as the only Maine communities with Gay civil
rights ordinances on the books.
A leader in the Gay civil rights campaign, Karen
Geraghty of Maine Won’t Discriminate, said she
could understand the frustration of townspeople
that prompted the local efforts but reiterated that a
statewidelaw was theideal solution. "Every citizen
in Maine ought to have the same basic rights,"
Geraghty said. "I don’t think that ifyou grow up in
Bangor that you ought [o have to move to Portland
or Camden or any other place in order to have
~ayyour om~ara love be tt~b us, totd as~~t our bol~ inyoa"- Ps. 33:21 protection against discrimination."
qi nite, :G°dLo’vse ¯ l.esbian CityA CouncilOrin :Settles nto Job
~’~ Gv~’;~o~oda"~, ~’~’E;g~r~;~r;~’uran~ HOUS,TON (AP) - running joke Annise
J~7~X,. burdens. Come share in the bounty of Gods Parker s camp during her run for Houston City
~ love with us each Sunday at 10:45 ~a. Council eame from a caller’s r,,e~,~~tion to her televi-
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sion campaign commercial. She looks, just like
some suburban housewife," the viewer said. Parker
]~/I~Fol]tal1 Col]].l]lun]t~ 91~8/hs~U~171~5~
didu’tmind the comparison. "That’s what I wanted
to convey. I’m just like everybody else when it
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Parker, 41, said. "Because I happen to be Gay
doesn’t mean that I have a shaved head and wear
Doc Martens, either."
On a recent morning, this 20-year veteran of
corporate America happened to be wearing a white
turtleneck, brownjacket and tan pants. The muted
outfit and Parker’s low-key style certainly gave no
clue to the fact that she’s a trailblazer who has
broken a major barrier in becoming Houston’s first
openly Gay elected official.
That distinction became official on Jan. 2, when
Parker took the oath of office with her partner of
seven years at her side. She joined only 122 other
openly Gay elected officials in the U.S., according
to the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian
Victory Fund.
At City Hall, though, Parker says she’s just
another councilwoman. Parker is an at-large council
member, meaning she was elected by voters
across the city. "There’s no difference inside this
tive legislative work." Still, Parker doesn’t shy
¯ away from her role in Houston’s history or the
¯ responsibility that comes withit. "Somebodyhas to ¯
be first and you want the first to do a great job, so
: that the next one has it easier. And I feel that
¯ responsibility, but I’m very pleased that within ¯
these walls and when I~m at a civicforum that that’s
not the issue," she said.
¯ Houston’s Gay and Lesbian community cer¯
taiuly claimed Parker’s victory. "Voters care more
about what our representatives doin council chain-
: bets than what they do in their bed chambers and
¯ that’s a good sign for the future of this city," said
, Dale Carpenter, a Houston lawyer and past state
president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of
¯ Gay and Lesbian conservatives. Over the years,
: Houston’s Gay community has seen many disap-
¯ pointments, including the repeal 13 years ago of a
city ordinance Nving job protection to Gays
." During the firstfew council meetings of the year,
¯ a man showed up spewing what Parker termed
; "rather ugly" comments toward her and other mi-
nority councilmembers. Healso made obscene and
¯ threatening phone calls to her office. "It’s part of
¯ the job," Parker said. "You’re a public figure. ¯
You’re a target because you have to be accessible
and everyone has First Amendment rights."
But there have been some signs that the nation’s
¯ fourth-largest city is growing up. During last ¯
November’s election, incumbent city controller
¯ Lloyd Kelley lost to Sylvia Garcia after calling her
: his "Gay opponent." ’q’he atmosphere has dra-
¯ matically changed here for the better," Carpenter
: said. "Annise Parker’s election is certainly the
¯ most prominent example of that." Parker spent
¯ about 20 years working for Mosbacher Oil and
; Energy and in that time also owned two small
businesses. She’s also served on the Houston Po-
¯ liceDepartmentAdvisory Committeeand thecity’s
Citizen Review Committee. She has been a police
liaison for the Gay and Lesbian community.
Parker’s activism also has extended to the restoration
and preservation ofhistoric sites in Houston.
"I care about the architectural heritage in the community,"
she said. "Ijust care about old buildings."
Now she is navigating the transition from private
life as abusinesswomanand activist to city official.
Meeting the needs of her constituents, she said,
largely means dealing with their concerns about
everyday issues like street repairs and garbage
collection. Said Parker: "Potholes aren’t Gay or
Lesbian or black or Hispanic or Asian."
: Illinois Civil Rights Bill
." SPRINGFIELD, ill. (AP) - The state of Illinois
." forbids discrimination based on race, color, reli-
¯ gion, sex, marital status and six other characteris- ¯
tics. Now, sexual orientation might be added to the
: list. A bill advanced by an Illinois House commit-
. tee wouldltrohibitlandlords,employers and credi-
¯ tots from discriminating against Gays.
: Themeasure, sponsoredby Rep. Larry McKeon,
; D-Chicago, would amend the state’s human rights
¯ lawby addingthephrase%exual orientation" to the
list of categories protected against bias. McKeon,
." who is Gay, told the Human Services Committee
¯" that the bill "highlights Gays’ status as citizens
under Illinois law" but does not :’promote or con-
" done any lifestyle."
." Kelly Cassidy, of West Chicago, told the cornto
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mittee that she and her partner had been forced out
building," Parker said. "I’m a freshman council : of their aoartment because their landlady "~aid
member so I’m down on the totem pole with the " did not~’nt ,~,~,~i,-’lil~,~ t~~.,-;-~,,;-’~-~-i~,~ --;-’7;
otherfreshman councd,members. The difference ¯ ino’"~a~dlad,~tri~,:t~’:aa 1.
is outside. It’s important for the Gay, Lesbian and : et"~in an0th~’Sh~rt~"ne’~t~‘’~ %
Transgender community. It may be important to . tivelandl0rds ~idv s~Id
people who oppose advances for thosecommum- . o0t lucky" §l~kM~f ¢~,~ai’m, ;/6#~i7,~
~es, For ~e l~st of Houston,_~ey w~t m ~ow ¯ ’ ta-"~,v~ li’oA~.;i
whe~ef I~ffehv~ on &er p~ac~ nelgh~r ’ hav ’
..... " - :’ etogetlu~k~tbhaveajob:&apiactlblive."
hood issues." ¯ McKeon s~ess~ &at &e proposM wo~d not
Fellow councilman Jew Don Boney Jr., who
considers himself a staunch supporter of Parker’s,
said she’s a welcome addition to Houston government.
"She is a seasoned veteran who is a decisive
advocate on behalf of neighborhood interests," he
said. "She is fiscally responsible. She is a worker.
She is not here to profile. She is here to do substan-
: require religious institutions that regard homo-
: sexuality as immoral to hire or promoteGay people.
¯ It also would not require employers or unions to ¯
give preferential treatment or other affirmative
: action to Gays, he said. The committee approved
: the bill onan 8-2 vote. The House defeated a similar
¯ measure by McKeon last April.
Proteins Protect A
Few Hemophiliacs
NEWYORK (AP) - Fourteen hemophiliacs
whorepeatedly gotHIV-contaminated
infusions resisted infection because they
had high levels of certain immune system
proteins, a study suggests. .
The proteins are called chemokines.
Prior studies have shown they can block
HIV infection in ~he test tube, and scien- "
usts have been hoping to use them to :
develop AIDS drugs or a vaccine. ¯
TheAssociated Press reported the study :
of hemophiliacs in September when it .
was presented at a meeting. The work
now appears in a recent issue of the Pro- "
ceedings of the National Academy of Sci- :
It was presented by Daniel Zagury of :
the Pierre and Marie Curie University in :
Paris, Alessandro Gringeri of the Univer- "
sity of Milan in Italy, Dr. Robert Gallo of ¯
the Institute of Human Virology at the "
University of Maryland, and others. "
The hemophiliacs, from Italy, were ex- ¯
posed to theAIDS virus through contaminated
infusions of blood products. Blood "
cells taken from them Were found to pro- :
dace about twiceas muchofthree kinds of "
chemokines as didcells fromhealthy blood
donors, or from hemophiliacs unexposed
to HIV.
The study involved 128 hemophiliacs
who had repeatedly been expo~.d to HIV
from blood products between 1980 to .
1985, before a test to screen blood for the "
virus became available. Only three were .
infected by the first infusions. The total ¯
number of those infected rose to 59 in "
1982, 84 in 1983, 103 in 1984 and 114 in ".
1985. The pattern shows mosthemophili- ¯
acs had a natural but temporary resistatice ....
to HIV infection, the researchers said.
Faster HIV Test
ATLANTA (AP) - Tony Braswell’s staff
spends weeks, sometimes months, waiting
for people Who took anonymous HIV
tests to return for their test results. Many
never show. "It’s an anonymous testing
site. It’s not like you can call these people
up and say ’Hey, your test came back
positive. We need to talk to you,’ "said
Braswell, executive director of AID Atlanta.
The federal government recently recommended
the use of a new HIV test that
yields results instantly, making it possible
for health workers to cut down on cases
slipping through the cracks.
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention estimated the new test would
catch nearly 700,000 people a year, including
8,000 infected with HIV, who
take the test but never return for results,
said Bernard Branson, a medical epidemiologist
at the CDC.
Thereis a downside: A~additional 8,000
people would receive false-positive resuits,
~aid Branson, the chief architect Of
the CDC;s recommendation. "It’s clearly
a risk messing with people s psych~, telling
them the,y are HIV,pOsltlve, he sm .
"Bin ~b.:.u~h~i~O ask.whether the"beaefit
outweighs~ ~e risk." " ’
Both the new and the old tests look for
antibodies in the blood. But the traditional,
one-week test also looks for specific
protein bands that are considered the
absolute indicator of HIV. The CDC estimated
the false-positive rate of infections
using 1995 data.
The Bell Flower Clinic in Indianapolis
has been using the rapid test for about a
year, said Mary McKee, spokeswoman
for the Marion County, Ind., health department.
To combat false results, the clinic gives
three quick HIV tests. If one or more
comes back with a false-positive, a traditional
bloo.d test is taken and the results
are made available in about seven days,
she said. "Most people felt it would be
better to know.., because they could take
the precautions they need to take with
their partners", while they waited, Ms.
McKee said.
The’CDC said the use of the new tests
should be based on a combination of factors:
the prevalence of HIV in a community
and return rates for test results. In
cities where there is a high prevalence of
HIV and a low return rate, the new tests
should be used, Branson said.
The new test is not publicly funded and
costs S 10 to $25 at public clinics across
the country. TraditiOnal AIDS tests at
public clinics typically are free.
Currently, only one rapid test has been
approved by the FDA for use in clinics in
the United States. The test, manufactured
by Murex ofNorcross, Ga., takes about 10
minutes to determine whether the virus is
present. Several other tests are awaiting
FDA approval, Branson Said.
. ClintonAide Favors
:Needle Exchange
strong statement in favor of needle exchange
programs, President Clinton’s
AIDS adviser said 33 Americans contract
the HIV virus through drug injections
every day.
’q~hese are not numbers but real lives,’:
Saiadra Thurmah said Wednesday ih a
speech to the National AIDS UPDATE
Conference. "I have cradled them in my
arms, often in their last moments. I am.
haunted by the responsibility to use my
position,to do everything I can to stop this
A congressional moratorium onfederal
funding for local needle exchange programs
expires at the end of March. Health
and Human Services Secretary Donna
Shalala then could order release of funds
to commtmities that have programs exchanging
clean needles for contaminated
ones, a commonsource of the AIDS virus.
Thurman has been lobbying Shalala to
support such programs.
Barry McCaffrey, head of the White
House Office of National Drug Policy,
opposes the programs, contending they
promote drug use. Shalala has declined to
recommend funding in the past, saying it
needed more study. Shalala’s office did
not return a telephone call seeking reaction
to Thurman’s speech.
Thurman’s comments were welcomed
Thursday by Daniel Zingale of the advocacy
group AIDS Action. The speech
"sends a signal that the time is now to let
locals get the dirty needles off the street,"
he said. "It’s the strongest signal we’ve
Lastweek, Clinton’s Presidential Council
on HIV/AIDS unanimously expressed
noconfidencein the administration’ s commitment
to reducing the spread of the:
disease. The council said the refusal to
support needle exchanges "threatens the
public health and directly contradicts current
scientific evidence."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., saidThurs- .
day she would call on Shalala to lift the
funding ban after March 31. "The findings
are dear," she said. ’q~he only thing
standing in the way is politics."
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UN: AIDS Will Give ¯
3m Tuberculosis:
GENEVA (AP) - The spread of AIDS is "
expected to trigger more than 3 million ¯
new tuberculosis cases worldwide over -"
thenextfour years, the U.N. AIDS agency "
saidin March. UNAIDS said tuberculosis ¯
is on the increase because it spreads rap- :
idly to HIV-infected people. A person ¯
with HIV is 30 times more likely than a :
non-infected person to develop tubercu- ¯
The dual epidemic of tuberculosis and
HIV has become one of the most serious ¯
publichealththreatsintheworld,UNAIDS ¯
said. "One third of the world’s population ¯
has TB, but inmost peopleit is dormant," :
UNAIDS spokesman Gareth Jones said. ¯
’q’B is only dangerous when it becomes ¯
active; Ifyouhave the HIV virus and your ¯
immune system is down, the odds of dor- "
mantTB becoming activeis muchhigher."
The World Health Organization estimates
that more people will die from TB .
this year it than any other year in history. "
Tuberculosis, which attacks mainly the "
lungs, is a bigger killer than malari~ and ¯
AIDS combined. Last year over7 million :
people worldwidebecame sick andnearly "
3 million died of TB, the WHO said. ¯
Last year, AIDS killed 2.3 million ¯
people and infected 16,000 more people
daily. UNAIDS says more than30 million
people worldwide areinfected withAIDS.
Reparative Therapy
Slammed in Utah
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Some therapists
contend unhappy, homosexuals can "
_ ’abandon their lifestyle through so-called "
"reparative" or conversion treatment, but ."
a Utah social-work group says they ¯
shouldn’ t try. "
In aunanimous affirmation ofa 2-year- ¯
old stance by its parent group, the Utah
chapter of the National Association. of ¯
Social Workers has adopted a policy dis- "
couragingreparative therapy. Thegroup’s ¯
state board found there is insufficient scientific
data supporting the treatment. The ¯
American Psychological Association in "
August also passed a resolution opposing ¯
reparative therapy.
"Social stigmatization of lesbian, gay :
and bisexual people is widespread and is :
a primary motivating factor in leading ¯
some people to seek sexual orientation ¯
changes," the policy states. "Discomfort "
about working with this population may "
lead to inappropriate, ineffective and even ¯
damaging interventions by social work- ¯
ers." "
Board president Joanne Yaffe said the ¯
action came after it received an anony- ¯
mous complaint, redirected from the national
committee. "They toldus they knew "
of Utah social workers who were practic- "
ing reparative therapy and asked us what ¯
we were going to do about it," she said.
The state chapter’s action was criti- "
cized by such groups as Evergreen Inter- ¯
national and LDS Social Services. ’q’he ,
church’s licensed professional counselors
take the position that thereis substan- ¯
tial evidence that individuals can dimin- ¯
ish their unwanted homosexual attraction -"
and make changes in their lives," said "
Mormonchurch spokesmanDonLeFevre. ¯
"The church and these professionals are :
supportive of a person’s right to seek ¯
assistance in doing so." :
Reparative or conversion therapy at- ¯
tempts to change homosexuals to heterosexuals,
and has existed for more than a "
century. Earlypracticesincorpomtedelec- ."
tric shocks, castration, lobotomies and
aversion therapy. Today, therapists instead
use psychoanalytic, cognitive or
behavioral therapy techniques to diminish
or eliminate same-sex attraction.
Critics contend the therapies have a 60-
70 percent failure rate, but supporters
insist there is ampleproof thathomosexuals
can change, or at least curb their behavior.
NASW board member Shirley Cox, a
Brigham Young University social-work
professor and Evergreen Intemationa
board member, said there is a distinction
to be made between reparative therapy
and what she calls "lifestyle-change"
therapy. "Reparative therapy assumes
people are broken and in need of repair.
don’t believe that," she said. "But I will
help people who want to live as heterosexuals.
They have a right.to choose."
Egergreen Executive Director David
Pruden said NASW made itself "vulnerable
when, as an organization, they become
the arbiters of lifestyle decisions.
What happens if something goes wrong
because they have affirmed a certain
lifestyle7’ Pruden said about 40% of the
people served by his organization leave
homosexuality entirely and about 30%
diminish their homosexual behavior. ¯
US Supreme Court:
Are HIV+ Disabled?
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a major test of
disability rights, Supreme Court justices
sparred Monday over whether HIV-infected
people should be considered disabled
because of dangers involved in sex
The lawyer for Bangor, Maine, dentist
Randon Bragdonargued that Bragdon did
not illegally discriminate against anHIVinfected
woman by refusing to treat her at
his office. The patient, Sidney Abbott,
suffers no AIDS symptoms and therefore
is not protected by the Americans With
Disabilities Act, said attorney John
But Ms. Abbott’s lawyer said lower
courts correctly found that Bragdon violated
the law, which bars discrimination
against the disabled in jobs, housing and
public accommodations. The law - responsible
for such aids as wheelchair
ramps at countless public places - says
people are disabled if they have aphysical
or mental impairment that "substantially
limits one or more major life activlties."
HIV-infected people should always be
considered disabled because the contagious
andfatal nature ofacquiredimmune
deficiency syndrome severely limits their
ability to have sex and bear children, said
Ms. Abbott’s attorney, Beunet,t hi. Klein.
Some justices disputed whether HIV
infection really creates such a limit. Justices
David H. Souter and Antonin Scalia
suggested an HIV-iufected person faces a
"moral choice"rather than an actual physical
limit on his ability to have children.
"I’m not sure that’s what the statute is
talking about," Souter said.
However,JusticeAnthony M. Kennedy
said that if .a person with highly iufectious
tuberculosis stays away from other people,
-"we don’t just call it a moral choice."
Someone with bubonic plague would be
considered disabled, added Justice
Stephen G. Breyer.
Bragdon’s lawyer said the disability
law aims .to protect people whose disabilities
affect their "day-to-day indepen,,dent
living andeconomic self-sufficien~y, not
HIV-infectedpeoplewhosufferno symptoms.
¯ The disability-rights law says disabled
¯ people can be treated differently if they
: pose a"direct threat to the health or safety
: of others." "Dr. Bragdon believes that
¯ when he provides a service in the face of
the risk of death he should be allowed to
¯ take additional precautions" such as in-
¯, sisfing on filling Ms. Abbott’s cavity at a
hospital, McCarthy said.
¯ However, Breyer said that "after 15
¯ years andhundreds ofthousands ofdeaths"
¯ fromAIDS there appeared to be no docu- ¯
virus from a patient. "How can we say
: here that your client exercised reasonable
¯ medical judgment.’?" Breyer asked ¯
McCarthy replied that there were seven
¯ possible cases of HIV transmission in
; dental procedures.
¯ Klein said that unless HIV-infected
: people have clear protections under the
¯ law,many will hide the fact that they carry
¯ the virus.
¯ The court never has decided a case
involving an HIV-related issue or the dis-
" ability-bias law, signed in 1990 by Presi-
¯ dentBush. Adecisionis expected by July. ¯
Thejustices’rulingcouldprovidedues as
to whether the law covers other kinds of
¯ disabilities, such as cases of epilepsy or
¯ diabetes that are controlled by medica- ¯
¯ Titanic Necklace
¯ Raises $$ for AIDS
¯ BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) -A 170-
¯ carat sapphire and diamond necklace
¯ modeled after a piece of jewelry in the
movie ’q’itanic" sold for $2.2 miilion at a
¯ fundraiserheldinhonorofPfincessDiana.
¯ The black:fie Princess Ball was part of a
gala to raise money for the Diana, Prin-
. cess of Wales Memorial Fund and South-
" era Califomia~s Aid for AIDS. The two
charities will split the money. The neck-
"¯ lace was valued at $3.5millionbefore the auction. The buyer was not identified.
Volunteers Needed
:f_or TU Study of
¯ Anti-Gay Violence
.. Elana Newman, Ph.D., a clinical psy-
¯ chologist who joined the University of
¯ Tulsa faculty a year and half ago, is an
¯ expert in studying the impact of violence
¯ and post-traumatic stress disorder. In col-
. laboration with her students, she is con-
: ducting several studies regarding the psy-
." chological impact of sexual assault, as-
: sault, hate-violence, workplace violence,
¯ accidents and natural disasters.
¯ Currently Dr. Newmanis collaborating
¯ with studeiats Tim Studebaker and Bradley
Hunt on a study investigating the
: impact of hate violence on psychological
: heath and political beliefs. Gay, Lesbian,
~ Bisexual, Transgender, and Straight vol-
¯ unteers (both who have and have not
: experienced hate violence) are needed to
¯ complete an anonymous and confidential
¯ survey. Not much is understood about
¯ hate violence and the results may help
¯ develop psychological treatment and
¯ policy for potential victims. Volunteers
: can obtain a copy of this sensitive survey
¯ byleaving amessage with their name and
." address at 631-2031.
Several studies onhate violence, sexual
: assault and alcohol use are planned to
¯ begin in Fall 1998. Volunteers who are
¯, interested in participating in future stud-
," ies are encouraged to contact Dr.
¯ Newman"s research lab and leave their
: name, phone number and address.
by James Christjohn
If you missed Betty Buckley’s concert,
you missed a lot! She w~s in fine voice -
and what avoice! The stateside originator
of "Memory" from "Cats", she gave that
song moremeauing than any of ~hose who
have followedher. Andshe is one of afew
performers who could make the vast caverns
of the PAC seem
like an intimate cabaret.
She reminded me
very much oflocal performer
Susan McBay
in her deceptively
simple approach and
enjoyment of the musicians
playing with her.
Having run the
gamut from Broadway’
"eight Is Enough" to
"Cats" to her most recent
star turn as Norma
Desmond in "Sunset
Boulevard,, she had a
multitude of stories to tall. And "With
One Look" will never be the same for me.
No one can toUch her version.
Her stories were witty as well - I really
enjoyed the one in which she was in
Pippin, and one’of the writers wrote a
show called "’The Baket~.Wife" with her
in mind for the lead. "’A show written for
me! I was thrilled!". Unfortunately, the
producer was unfamiliar with her work,
so she had to audition. 9 times. She did not
get the part. After many therapy sessions,
in wfiich she acknowledged that she"was
somewhatresentful andbitter", the thera-
: genuinely get a sense of what itmust have
; been like to be on that ship.
¯ Having sailed on the Tomtanic, and
: bumped into all kinds of icebergs but
: miraculously never sinking completely, I
¯ could relate to the captain’s arrogant atti-
". tude that the ship was unsinkable and the
¯ White Star Line’s manager, Bruce Ismay,
who according to some
sources waved away all
warmngs of ice that
were coming in and
urged for more speed.
Not to mention that the
ship and her Captain
only had one day for
testing and maneuvers,
where six weeks was
After her Friday Pops performance
the norm. How ’could
with theTulsaPhilharmonic, thefabu- the captain or any of
the crew have "known
lous Betty Buckley graciously met
with Council Oak Men’s Chorale di- that the rudder was too
rector, Rick Fortner and TFN Enter- small to turn the ship in
tainment writer, James Christjohn.
¯ hit the iceberg head on,
the ship would have stayed afloat until
" help came? The film does a really good
~ job of showing how such small decision
¯ can forever alter the course of history, .
." sending ripples through time.
¯ I will say that Cameron borrowed a
". trick or thr~e from the time travel film,
," "Somewhere in Time", starting Christo-
", pher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Particu-
¯ larlv at the end, but I’ll l~t you figure out
~ wh~t I mean by that. And if you’ve not
; seen "Somewh’ere.. "’, it’s well worth
~ renting. And "Tita~fic’" deserved the Os-
¯ cars it took home. So if you’ve resisted
pist finally said "Claim the song from the : seeing ,it due~to the hyp~rinflated hype,
show written for you - and get over it!" : don’t. It’s wall worth seeing. But ~o while
And so, "The Meadowlark" became her ," you can still see it in surround sound
s~gnature tune. (And a beautifully haunt- ¯ ~heatre~. That really’ puts youin filemiddle
ing song itis, too.) After the Show, I was
fortunate to share a moment or two with
her, and to tell her how much I enjo.yed the
show. She was very gracious.
I went to "Titanic" late in. the game -
just a few weeks ago. I was prepared to
hate it and mock Jim Cameron for an
budgetarily overinflated flop¯ Instead,
what I saw amazed me. Despite my attitude
going in, I was drawn into the story,
and "’went down with the ship. "And even
though I knew how they did the effects, I
was still left with total astonishment at
what the thousands of people behind the
scenes worked so hard to create. In short,
they put you on the ship - no mean feat.
Now, I’m not a DeCaprio fan and tomy
eyes, he was the weakest link in the film.
He seemed too young to play the p~.t he
did - and yes, I know he’s 25 and the
character was 20. He still looks 15, and
could not adequately convey a character
who’d had a hard knock life and been all
over the world as the Jack Dawson character
Billy Zane portrays the villain of the
piece, though if he showed up in my
stateroom and showered me with jewels,
I’d ~e, hard pressed to say no. I understand
Rose s (Kate Winslet) repugnance all too
wall. His h~.dsomeness andmanners were
o~fly surface. And surface is’what the
world saw. The reality in private was
much different. Been there, dealt with
that. He’s an easy character to hate -
almost too easy, as the character tends
toward stereotype.
Although I’ve read about the Titanic
many times as an historical event, and
despite those flaws, the film does capture
you and suck you in (or down?). You
of the action. Blub.
Just had the first "Follies Revue" Rehearsal,
and it looks like it’ll be a ftm
show. The dates are June 25-27, and I
believe it’ll be at the-PAC again. Stay
tuned for mtre details...
TheCouncil Oak Men" s Choral~ (which
was Council Oak Chorale, until someone
pointed out that the acronym, COC, could
be cause for some consternation. I was
disappointed- imagine all the wonderftd
fodder for this colunm it could have provided
- pity.) performed to much applans~
at thePFLAG spaghetti supper last
month. Mel White was the guest speaker,
he also did well on the applause--o-meter.
He’s a very good speaker, and makes
some good points when it comes to what
the religions wrong is all about. Scary
stuff, that.
~ Anyway,COMCis in rehearsal now for
¯ a concert TBA. Rick Fortner, the fearless ¯
leader ofthislittlebandofvocalists,lhinks
~ perhaps May-endor June mightbe appro-
: pilate. Details comc-ing soon.
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
~ presents "The Dresser", abackstage ~anee
¯ at lifein a3rdrate Britishtheatrical troupe
¯ in 1942, just when most touting companies
(which took theatre all over Britain to
¯ small communities and grand dries in the
~ days. before film and television were as
commonplaceas they are now) were fold-
" ing due to the film industry’s takeover of
¯ entertainment. Performances run through
¯ April 5th at the BACP, 1800 Main St. For
¯ ticket info and reservations, call 258-
¯ 0077. ¯ Over at the Comedy Club, Jeff Dunham
¯ can be heard throwing his voice around.
see Notes, page 10
Visit Tuesday - Sunday
adults $6.25, children 12 & under free
Music on Exhibit IV
At Philbrook Museum
Woodwind Quintet
Brass Quintet
String Quartet
Music by Nielsen, Ewald, Brahms
For tickets, call 747-7445
The University of Tulsa’s
Bi sexual/Lesbian/Gay/TransgenderedAlliance
presents on April 16 - 19 in Lorton Hall, the
Tulsa Queer Film Festival
Thursday, April 16 Saturday, April 18 9 45 She’s Safe
9:00 Nitrate Kisses
10:30 Blooclsisters
Friday, April 17
7:00 Cruel
7:30 Boys’ Shorts
9:30 Wavelengths
10:00 Girl Talk
1:00-4:00 Feminist Films
Girls Like Us
Under the Skin Game
¯ My Feminism
Real Indian
6:00 Rules of the Road
6:30 Elevation
7:00 Shinjuku Boys
Sunday, April 19
1:00 Out at Work
2:00 Faggots Are For
Stop the Church
3:00 Thank God l’m a
8:00 Defying Gravity 4:00 Hide and Seek
All.tim,s.and details ofschedule are tentative. IZ~yers will be Fosted closer to tl~ event. Ad donated by Tulsa Family
Parish Church ofSt. Jerome
Evangelical Anglican Church in America
An Inclusive Anglican Community
Holy Week Services
Sunday - April 5th
Blessing of the Palms - 11:00AM
Maundy Thursday - April9th
7:00 PM
Good Friday - April 10th
Rosary - 6:30 PM
Service - 7:00 PM
Holy Saturday - April llth t
Prayer Service - 10:00AM
Liturgy of Light - 7:00PM~_
Easter Sunday - April 12th
205 West King
Tulsa, OK
(918) $82-308S
The Rev. Canon Rick Hollingsworth, Pastor
The Rev. Debbie Starnes, Deacon
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope. (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 2545 S: Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 11am, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service - 5pro, Childrens Minislry - 5pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 11am, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University~ of Tulsa BisexuaULesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, 7 pm, leave meSsage for more information: 743-4297
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonym6us testing.. No appointment required.
,Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Monieach mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 7pm, call Shawn 491-2036.
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 3/2, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, 3/10, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
.HIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium l:30pm
3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard), Info: Wanda @ 834-4194
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, 3/3, 12:30pm, Urban League, 240 East Apache
Shanti-Tuisa, Inc. HIV!AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family I-IiViAr~)S
Support Group - 7 pm,-Locations, call: 627-2525
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group, Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, 3rd Tues/each mo., 7pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer = 6:30pro, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210€ So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support!social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each mo. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group; 1 st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Community Coffee House, varying dates, 7 pm, Pride Center, Info: 743:4297
~ SATURDAYS ’ ......
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community ofHope,1703 E. 2nd’i tnfo: 585=1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E~ 38th, 2ndfl.. ¯
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222.
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call orfax 583-4615.
by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Incase youhaven’tchecked
out the library in the last decade
or so, it’s not just books
anymore! Besides magazines
(Advocate, Out, LambdaBook
Report) and CDs (Melissa
Etheridge,kdlang, EltonJohn,
lots of Cole Porter), the library
has some entertaining
videos that are of interest to
the gay and lesbian community.
Newer films include:
Philadelphia (1993): Ton~
Hanks won an Oscar for his
portrayal of a lawyer with
AIDS who is wrongly fired
from his prestigious law firm.
He sues, and wins, with the
help of homophobic Denzel
Celluloid Closet (1995):-
Narrated by Lily Tomlin, this
- is an overview of homosexualityin
themovies andincludes
interviews With Harvey
Fierstein, Whoopi Goldberg
andGore Vidal, among others.
The Sum ofUs (1996): Stamng Russell
Crowe (L.4. Confidential), this fun Aus-
¯ tralian filmrevolves around a well mean-
" ing father who tries to help his son find
In ease you
haven’t eheeked
out the
llhrary in the
last decade or
so, it’s not
just hooks
maffazlnes . . .
and CDs . ..
the library has
videos that are
of interest to
the Gay and
No, not screaming at the hecklers, but as
one Of the fiinnlest ventriloquists around.
Most of you might remember Peanut th~
Woozle, Walter the grumpy old man, and
Jose thejalapeno from appearances on the
Tonight Show and
other talk shows, as
well, as many of the
comedy shows
broadcast from comedy
clubs onTV. Just
named Stand-upComedian
of the Year,
again, at the American
Awards, he’ll be doing
4 showshere in
Tulsa at the Tulsa
Comedy Club, 6906
S. Lewis. For info,
call 481-0558.
Jerry Lee Lewis will be at Cain’s Ballroom
April 17. Tickets available at
Mohawk Music (51 & Sheridan, behind
Wendys, 644-2951, or by calling 747-
Barbara Ariadne will be one of the
featured photo~aphers in the npcoming
Tulsa Photography Collective’s exhibit at
Rogers University. These shows highlight
some really goodlocal artists, so I
would encourage you to take ajaunt out to
Rogers ,for a coffee and a viewing.
Barbara-~?photos are really beautiful images,
and each one tells a story and will
leave you thinking about what you’ve
seen. She’ll bea talent to watch in coming
Stevie’s tour dates just announced ! She
will perform in Dallas July 17 at the
Starplex, otherwise you can catch her in
St. Louis at the Riverport Amphitheater
on July 11, or in Kansas City at the SandstoneonJuly
11. Tickets available through
ticketmaster, from $40 to $80. I remember
paying $25 in 1982 to see Fleetwood
¯.. the Turner exhibit at
Philbrook Museum vAll be
ending on April 12.
Don’t miss this exhibit
whieh is the sole worldwide
venue. Turner is considered
the greatest British painter
of the 19th century, and one
of the monumental figures
of Western painting.
; song’s about.
When A Kid is Gay (1995):
Younglesbians and gays share
their thoughts and feelings
about their sexual orientation,
families and the church.
Classic older rifles include:
La ,Cage aux Folles (1978):
The original Birdcage, from
France, which inspired the
fabulousBroadway musical.
How can you force a flamboyant
drag queen to actlike John
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
(1971): Classic love mangle
with handsome Murray Head
caughtbetween Glenda Jackson
and Peter Finch. Director
John Schlesinger dared to include
a male-to-male kiss in
this groundbreaker.
Videos check out from the
library for three days and
they’re free! (Fines, however,
are $1 per day for videos.)
Check for videos and CDs at
die Media Center at the Cen-
¯¯ tral Library (596-7933) or contact your
local libra@.
Mac. The rimes, they have a-changed!
¯ The Stevie Nicks boxed set, EN-
¯ CHANTED, will be releaged on April 28,
followed by an appearance On Letterman
¯ April 30. Then, she will release a newly
¯ recorded album in fall, with perhaps m~- ¯
other tour to follow that effort. And
hopefully, all these
things will occur
when the publicists
say they will. To
quote Stevie, 1 Can’t
Wait. As of right
now, the first single
from the boxed set is
scheduled to be Reconsider
Me. Since
her music and lyrics
eerily coincide "with
happenings andcrises
in my life, I can’t
wait to hear what that
¯ Wayward Theatre Company will ¯
¯ April 2-19in collaboration with the Dela-
¯ ware Playhouse. For more information, ¯
call 712-1511.
¯ The Thomas Moran exhibition will be
¯ continues through May 10 at Gilcrease ¯
¯ Museum. But the Turner exhibit at Philbrook Museumwill be endingonApril
¯ 12. Don’t miss this exhibit which is the
sole worldwide venue. Turner is considered
the greatest British painter of the
19th century, and one of the monumental
figures of Western painting.
Tulsa Opera brings to a close its 50th
anniversary season with Madama Butterfly
onMay2,7 and9,1998 at the Perform-
. ing Arts Center. General Director Carol I.
¯ Crawfordmadeher conducting debut with
Butterfly when it was last performed in
¯ 1991. Maestra Crawford said "Madama
] Butterfly was the first grand opera the
¯ Companypresented (1953 -54), and seems
¯ a fit.ting conclusion t,,oTulsaOpera’s 50th anmversary season.
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For Living.TM
by Jean-Pierre Lagrandbouche
Tonight we dined with the Emperor.
Yes, we were in Tulsa, and no, their
Imperial Majesties, the Emperor Akiinto
and the Empress Michiko, were not in
town for an intimate little dinner party
with Jean-Pierre. The little hovel in winch
we live wouldhardly be suitable for entertaining
the descendant of the goddess of
the Sun and ins gracious partner.
When amongst Polite Society in Japan,
one can pay no greater compliment
to one’s host or hostess
than to compare the foodthe
art- presented, with a meal
fitfor the Emperor. And, while
we’ve always found the susin
at Fuji to be good, we were
unprepared for the magnificent
feast we were presented
Japanese cuisine descends
from an ancient and glorious
heritage, stretching back a
millennimn or two. Everything
is carefully planned and executed
with meticulous attention
to detail as only the Japanese
can do.
Upon arriving at the restaurant,
we were immediately
welcomed and escorted to ot~r
table in the large, open dining
room. No sooner had we gotten
settled in, then we were
greeted by our waiter, who
distributed hot washcloths to
each diner, permitting them to
cleanse their hands before dinner.
Anassistantamred, bearing
a small basket of warm
shrimp chips - very light and
airy cinps made of rice flour, flavored
wi[h shrimp, colored inassorted pastels-,
and fried to a crispy crunchiness.
The menus are lengthy and detailed,
and present offerings representative of
the major varieues of Japanese cmsine.
We had been to Fuji many, many tirnes
before, but, for some reason, we had always
made selections only from the long
list’of sushi, sushi rolls, and sashimi. So,
we asked our waiter to bring us ins choice
ofdimmer, highlighting thenon-sushi items
that we had not before tried in Tulsa.
Mist soup arrived immediately. MisO,
a soup made from fermented soybean
paste, is a staple of the Japanese breakfast
table and practically every other meal.
Fuji ser~’es a mild, light-colored mist
characteristic of the soups of Kyoto and
Osaka, that also contained small cubes of
tofu and bits of nori - sheets of dried
seaweed. The soup arrives in a pretty,
lidded bowl, and one partakes by sipping
directly from the bowl. It was followed in
qnick succession by the Japanese concession
to American tastes, a salad oficeberg
lettuce and a tomato wedge. It was garnished
with little fried noodles and shav-
!rigs of red cabbage, and dressed in an
interesting sauce of ginger, sesame paste,
and peanut oil
It was now time for the appetizers, mad
what an embarrassment of riches we received!
First came the Hiya-Yakko Tofu,
which was probably the only food we ate
requiring an "advanced" palate. Twolarge
wedges of cold, delicate, custard-like tofu
were garnished with sliced scallions and
grated ginger, and served with a gentle
ginger-soy sauce. Yakitoriis alittle skewer
of charcoaled cincken meat interspersed
with onions and bell pepper, and served
warm with tonkatsu sosu, a dark spicy
Fu~i Japanese
Cuisine and
Sushi Bar
8226 East 71st
Hours: Lunch
. Mon. - Fri.,,
11:30 to 2: dinner
5:30-10, until
10:30 on Fridays.
Sat. 11:30 to
10:30~ Sun. 11:30
to 9:30. Prices:
Expensive to
very expensive
Pa,~anent: NIajorcredit
Smohin~: Separate
smokin~ section
Alcohol: Fully
Japanese ~tems
Ratin~: A list
¯ sauce similar ~o soy enriched with toma-
¯ toes and fruit. We also had exquisite
~ Sunomono: crab leg, sin-imp, octopus,
" cucumber, and wakame (seaweed) lightly
¯ pickled in a sweet, bonito- flavored vinegar.
" The next course was sashinfi. Many
¯ Americans are squeamish at the thought
of eating "’raw fish" at a sushi bar, and
nothing takes sushi eating to an extreme
more than sashimi, winch is simply fish
without the rice. When the
Japanese eat seafood that has
not been cooked, they do not
eatjust any fish or sea creature
that comes along. Strict standards
of the highest quality
and freshness are required.
Fish and sea creatures for sushi
mad sashimi are very expensive,
and it is eaten uncooked
to accentuate the crisp freshness,
the delicate flavors and
the wonderful textures of the
dish. Our plate of sasinmi was
artfully arranged with three
slices each of wonderful,
bright red tuna and the tender,
.purple-tinged winte flesh of
octopus tentacles, plus a
mound of some of the most
fabulous squid dredged in
caviar that we have ever eaten.
Often times, squid is a bi~
chew),, but this sashimi was
so exquisitely delicate and
fresh, that we ~isk nmning out
of superlatives to describe the
experience. The plate was also
garnished with carved pieces
of carrot and cucumber, and
strewn with delicious young
radish sprouts.
Awordof education for thosewhohave
never done the sushi experience is ~varranted
for another item thatappears ou the
plate with sushi and sashimi. There will
almost always be a little ball or mass of
green paste the Japanese call wasabi. Beware.
Do not put the green paste into your
mouth ~vithout proper preparation, or it
will give you such an incredible rush that
your sinuses will clear, the top of your
head will feel as though it is coming off,
your eyes will water, andyou will want to
stop breathing. Wasabi is Japanese horseradish.
It is a delicious condiment, but
potentially fatal in novice hands ! On your
table, you will find a little tiny bowl or
plate. Put alittle of the wasabi on the plate
(using your chopsticks, of course), and
pour soy sauce into the bowl. Mix the two
together until you make a thin sauce,
winch you can make hotter or milder to
your own tastes. When you eat your piece
ofnigirisusin or your sasinmi, dip the fish
in.to the sauce before conveying the whole
pwce to your mouth.
By this point in the meal, we were quite
completely stuffed, but it was now time
for the main course to arrive. Our waiter
had selected two large salmon filets prepared
in the Sinoyaku style ~ charl~roiled
with sea saltand special spice,s, and served
with a:ginger sauce. Tins salmon was
unlike anything we had ever tast~l before,
with an amazing, full-bodiedflavor,
and it was so incredibly rich that we were
unable to eat the entire, enormous serving.
The salmon was accompanied by
vegetable tempura and an artfully carCed
anddissected fresh orange. Rice, ofcourse,
was present throughout the meal.
Truly, we had eaten so much,
see Fuji, page 12
by LarnontLindstrorn."
Nowadays everyone has his or her "culture."
This one-time anthropological term ’
used to mean the system of knowledge ¯
sharedby members of a society. For an- ¯
thropologists, thus, thereis only one corn- "
prehensive culture in the U.S. despite the :
fact that American understandings of the ¯
world may be contested, variable, contra- "
dictory, and negotiated. But for the rest of ¯
us, the term ’.~culmre" has become person- ¯
alized.Tormentedby 1990s worries about :
losing, finding, building, eroding, establishing,
proving, celebrating, andmarketing
identity, wehave fervidly grasped this
word to help make sense of who we are.
(There are good reasons why personal
identity in late 20th century America is
such aheadache, but we can save those for
another column.)
This all has led to "Let a thousand
cultures bloom." All over the country, we
hear new talk of youth culture, gang culture,
Chicano Culture,Black culture,White
culture (no trailer-trashjokes, please) and,
closer to home, Gay culmr~ and Lesbian
culture. One could argue that all these are
just minor components of an encompassing
albeit multifaceted American culture.
It is dear, though~ that we have taken to
phrasing our individual distinctiveness
and why we are special in a language of
cmtur , and we struggle to defend the
righteousness and honor of this particularized
"~culmral" uniqueness.
But I am not complaining about this
recent popularization of anthropological
jargon: The more cultures out there, the
more wor,.k there is for us an,t,h,r,opologists!
Thei’bi~~il6~ 6fadffon around academia as
scholars debate whether or not some distinctly
Gay culture, language, and lifestyle
exist and, ifthey do, what exactly they are.
Politically, too, there is the debate between
those who believe that Gays are (or
ought to be)just the same as everyone else
with oneminor erotic difference, and those
who argue that there.is a unique Gay
sensibility.that should be celebrated, p.rotected,
and passed along to upcotmng
generations x, y, and z.
I was thinking about difference - cultural
or otherwise - when I stopped in
Philadelphialastsnmmerto visitmy friend
Lenny. Lenny is African-American, Gay,
and deaf. If he wanted to talk that way, he
surely could claim to have a few more
cultures than most of us do. And there is
somejustification to admit a distinct deaf
culture, if one associates cultural boundaries
with language difference. Lenny’s
native language, like most deaf people, is
American Sign Language (ASL). ASL
has its own set of morphological and
syntactic rules that are independent of
English. Unlike most fashionable warnings
ofmulticultural bewilderment, Lenay
that watt,ere_.~apable ev~en to b~temptegt bythe~
eleeti0~.of~de.ssert’~, ~whidii~iuded
tea~g~L~tg.gq~.a-~attered~an~d~- ~i
cheesecake; ice. eream,~or banal_~.~:,/~
Several other noteworthy meniacategories
are on Fuji’s long menu, including
various teriyakied meats, nabemono dinners
- stews for two cooked tableside -
including sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, and
yosenabe (thekitchenrequests eighthours
advance notice for these fabulous specialties),
and various meats prepared in the
would be right if he wore a t-shirt marked
with the ASL signs for, "You wouldn’t
understand. It’s. a Deaf thing."
Lermy’s command of written English
grammar is spotty, but he is brilliant at
negotiating the boundaries between deaf
and hearing as wall as all the other boundaries
(Gay/Straight; male/female; black’
white) that most of the rest of us also
encounter daily. I first met Lenny several
years ago as he made the rounds of a
downtown Philadelphia dub with small
notebook and pencil stub in hand. His bartalk
took the form of short notes that he
rapidly scrawled in his own version of
English. (Lenny could scribble impressively
fast.) He then handed over the notebook
and pencil, and waited for a written
response. Last summer I ran into Lenny
again in a bar in New Hope, PA. He was
the only deaf person there but was having
a great time socializing with his hearing
friends and,perhaps, arranging some more
intimate date for that evening. It would be
a challenge for many of us, I imagine, to
scribble and make love at the same time.
Lenny’s cross-cultural skills in navigating
the deaf/hearing divide are much
better than mine. He took me along to a
club where Philadelphia’s deaf Gay community
meets every second week or so.
The room was crowded with people all
vigorously signing among themselves.
This was one of the oddest bar experiences
I ever have had. No noise. No talk.
No wild laughter or greetings yelled from
across the room. Just a rich, silent chore- -
ography of hand and ann gestures, a
hushed language of bodies and the quiet
motion- of faces." Unlike tae; the two or
three other hearing people there knew
ASL. One of them complained, though,
that hewas getting a headache trying to
make sense of the conversations around
him since most people were holding drinks
and were signing one-handedly. ’Although
in unfamiliar territory, I still knew enough
about Gay-American "bar culture" successfully
to order a drink ("read.my lips,
bartender, wwhiittte wwiirme") and otherwise
not make a fool out of myself.
As Americans living in the same society,
even when our "cultural" differences
are greatest (as between the Engh.sh-speaking
hearing and the ASL-sigmng deaf),
¯ we still have a 1.ot in common. In fact, the
various personal differences that we pur-
¯ sue, maintain, and today protect as cul-
¯ rural-like those asserted to exist between ¯
¯ Gay and Straight-only can be recognized and made sense of as parts of the larger,
¯ American cultural whole. Lenny is deaf,
¯ but he is also Gay. He is black, but he is
also African-American. Like all of us
¯ nowadays, Lenay is "multicnltural" (Gay
plus whatever else), but only in the singu-
~ larly American sense of this word.
¯ agemono technique, which dusts themeat
with special Japanese bread crumbs be-
~. fore deep-frying and serving with tonkatsu
¯ sauce. And, of course, there is a large
selection of sushi and sashimi.
¯ Fuji also features several tradition.a!
¯ Jap~~esd- be~,dragesi,,such a~ ,~e~ve~
popUi’~ 2~’-6Z.. carl 6f"12:i~bmt"Sapifoi?o
: beer, sweet plum wine served cold, and
: hot sake- rice wine- served at the precise
¯ 110 degree temperature (any hotter, and
: the alcohol would evaporate away).
: This imperial dining experience is one
¯ which we shall not soon forget. Ofcourse,
:’ such quality and such art does have its
: expense, and Fuji is not cheap.
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w~lcome.s You
by Mary Schepers, D1Y.D expert
Toilets - Liberate thought them ¯
unglamorous, Edmund White finds them
seductive, and most of the straight men I,"
work with find them an inspirational device
(well, they say they go in there to °
think deep thoughts, and it
takes sooo long...). But the.
Do-It-Yourself Dyke, quite
prosaically, sees only an afternoon
project that isn’t as
daunting as people make it
out to be.
And no small wonder that
toilet repairs seem so mysterious
- anything a plumber
values so highly must be
awfully complex and arcane.
The DIYD merely replies
said her toilet ran all the time
and that it was going to cost
$50.00 to have it repaired, so
she ought to just go ahead
and buy a new one. Well, for
about $7.00 and a half hour
of ti~ne and with some of
those tools you rushed out
and bought aftermy last colunto,
you can have a qmet,
efficient toilet. Now, that’s,
something to contemplate!
The plumbing section at
Homo Depot or Builder’s
Queer or any other hardware
store will have a universal
repair "kit that includes afloat
and a rubber stopper. Yes,
these are the mysterious
~vor’kihg parts of the toilet.
You may now be nonplused.
Don’t worn that the float
The plumbing
section at Homo
Depot or Bu~/der~
~eer or any other
hardware store will
have a universal
repair kit that
includes a float and
a rubber stopper.
Yes, these are the
mysterious working
parts d the toilet...
Dolt worry that
the float doesn’t
look llke the one in
your tank - you
know, the copper
rod with the little
~loaty thing
attached. That was~
quite honestly,
called the
"’ball cock", so if I
say your ball eoek
is dripping. ~o~’t
tahe it persona~|y.
doesn’t lool~like the onein your tank- you ~
know, the copper rod with the little floaty
dfing attached. That was, quite honestly, ~
called the "’ball cock", soif I say your ball ~
cock is dripping, don’t take it personally. ;
They are a thing of the past, at least as far
as plumbing is concerned. This should be
all that you need, but it dqes prompt me to
a standard warning - anytime you work
on your plumbing, you may need to make
extra trips for other parts you didn’t think
you’d need. That’s because pipe fittings
[to rust, and those nice little chrome water
cut-offvalves under the tank have a bitchy
way of just twisting off.when you try to
shnt them off. But that isn’t always the
case, so dick your heels together three
tittles and wish real hard.
The first step is to get your tools together.
You’ll need an adjustable crescent
wrench and a pair of channel lock pliers,
and it doesn’t hurt to have a pipe wrench
on hand, either.
If you don’t have these tools or the task
is too daunting already, find ahandy dyke,
buy her some beer and cook her something
fabulous and turn her loose. It’ll still
be cheaper than the plumber. Have some
paper towels or rags ready, because the
toilet will leak, sometimeand somewhere.
Next, turn off the water. Most of the time
there is that chrome shut off valve under
the tank and running into the wall, It
probably hasn’t been moved in years, so
expect some resistance (kind. of reminds
m~ ofan ex. : .); you might have to wrap
a rag around the handle and use your
channel locks - gently! - and turn the
handle counter-clockwise until it closes
completely. If it doesn’t turn or, more
likely, the handle twists off but the valve
.doesn’t move, grab your keys and head
for the hardware store - but we’ll address
that in a little while.
Assumang youhave successfully dosed
the valve, flush the toilet to drain the tank
and mop up the water remaining in the
bottom of the tank. This will also get those
nasty deposits out ofthe bottom
that can cause problems
later, so that’s aplus. Unclip
the little hose that empties
into that tube in the center of
the tank, remove the ball
cock (if you have one) or
float assembly, and then
comes the furl ~art: removing
the vertical water supply
line into your tank.. This is
attached to the float assembly.
You have to loosen a
threaded collar on the bottom
of the tank directly under
that vertical inlet tube.
Use your channel locks and
remember that you’re working
upside down and that it
will unscrew the opposite of
whatyou’dnormally expect.
Well, it’s still counterclockwise
to loosen, but only if
you’re on your head.
This is the time you’ll appreciate
whether or not your
toidy is in a tight spot or not.
The cussing is directly proportionate
to the amount of
workspace you have. Welcome
to Plumber’s World.
rake the collar off, remove
the veaical water supply tube
and mop up the water on the
floor. Replace it with thenew
float device and tighten the
collar over the bottom. It will have a new
rubber or plastic tube that you clip onto
the outlet pipe - pretty much opposile of
the removal. You may have to adjust that
"Tea cup" at the top of the float so you can
put the toilet hdback on, but that s sxmp 3
accomplished by twisting itup or down as
needed. You can also control the water
level this way, but don’t get too chintzy
with the water supply, or you’ll regret it.
Reattach the water supply, from the shutoff
up to the tank and you re ready for the
next step.
Now, remove the old rubber stopper
that’s attached to the handle. Take the "
¯ little chain loose and then remove the
¯¯ flapper - it usually is attached to the stem
of the outlet tube by a couple of little
¯ rubber or plastic ears and comes off eas-
¯ ily. The rubber on the flapper can be kind
¯ of slimy, so use a rag to hold it when ¯
you’re taking it off. Replace it with the
~ new flapper in the kit just the opposite of
¯ how youremovedit:Thelittlechainneeds
¯ abit of slack, but not toomuch or itwinds ¯
around the lever from the handle and the
¯ water will still run and annoy the hell out
: of you.
¯ There are pretty good instructions on
¯ the pac,~ka~e, complete with illustrations,
¯ ~6don t feel too confused. However, the
¯ first kit I used forgot to tell me about that ¯
locking collar on the bottom of ther tank,
and. was I one frustrated.lezzie until I
: figured it out! If you’re still:uncomfort-
¯ able doing this job but are determined to
] learn, find someone patient enough to
¯ coach you while you do the work. It’s a
¯ great way to learn this stuff.
¯ If youhave troublewith the shutoffyou ¯
have two options - yell for help or replace
~ it yourself,
This is where the pipe wrench come in
handy. You have to be able to shut the
terms of health care issues,"says Kate.
Kendell, executive director of the National
Center for Lesbian Rights.
Advocates have made gains in recent
~akears in getting the _m__edical,co~_n~_un~ty, to
enotice. AtGayWomen s t~ocus, helping
women who have been afraid to see a
doctor or acknowledge their sexuality !s
the priority. Robert G. Newman, premdent
of the Greater Metropolitan Health
Systems Inc., who proposed the clinic in
1994, says Lesbians have had "spe~.ial
"difficulty accessing sensitive,compassionate
A small sign reading "GWF"is theonly :
marker outside the office at Beth Israel
where Waitkevicz treats patients. ".We
don’t want to label people coming in if
that would be a barrier to getting
treatment,"says Waitkevicz, who was a
founding member of New York’s St.
Mark’s Clinic, one of the first community-
based clinics for Lesbians. "Wehave
to be non-judgmental,"she says.
Pat Troy and her partner began seeing
Wai~evicz more than 16 years ago, after
Troy s previous gynecologist molested
her. "I was afraid to go to a male doctor
after that,"she says.
Experts say such stories are common.
In addition, Lesbians may avoid doctors
for fear they will be denied insurance
coverage orbeforced to reveal their sexual
orientation at work. "For some women it
is still not completely safe to come out,"
says Marj Plumb, director ofpublicpolicy
for San Francisco’s Gay and Lesbian
- Medieval Association.
According to a 1994 survey of members
of the American Association of Physicians
for Human Rights, 67 percent of
doctors and medical students said they
knew of a Lesbian, Gay or bisexual patient
who had received substandard care
or been denied care because of sexual
In the 1970s, independent Lesbian
health clii~,cs began popping up in cities.
But in the 80S, with the AIDS epidemic,
activists’ focus shifted to AIDS advocacy,
and interest in Lesbian health care
The bonds created in the fight against
AIDS have helped, however."One thing
the AIDS movement dirt was to expand
from the self-help experience to an interaction
with the health establishment;"
Plumb said. "We said we are going to
fightyouto treatus better,~learned the
language and held our own.
In addition to Beth Israel’s program,
other recent de,v_elopments are! .
- TheWomen s Health Initiative, a longterm
study by the National Institutes of
Health, will include-a question about
sexual orientation on its questionnaire.
The study of about 164,000 women is
aimed at determining the effects of. diet
andhormonereplacement therapy onheart
disease, breast and colorectal cancer, and
bone disease.
- The National Academy of Science’s
Institute of Medicine is preparing arep~,.rt
addressing theneedforresearchonLesmans’
he~l~, and will review methods for
studying the Lesbian population.
- The American Medical Association has
written policy.papers outlining the need
for physicians to pay attention to Lesbians’
health issues.
Such moves, says Waitkevicz, gives
"those of us who want to teach professionals
ontheimportance ofLesbianhealth
the encouragement weneed to keep doing
our jobs."
water off at the curb; the valve for your
main water supply is in the meter box by
the curb and the bar on top of the valve
needs to be turned 180 degrees to shut it
off. You can use a large wrench, but you
can buy a device called a water key that
makes it easier; it has a long hand, which
is nice if your meter box is full of questionablewater.
They only costabout $8.00
and are priceless when you really need
them, so consider investing in one.
After turning off the water, flush the
.oilet. If it fills back up, the main water
isn’ t off and you’ll have to try again. If the
rater is off, put some ra~s under the
valve, grasp the pipe going into the wall
with a pipe wrench and turn the collar of
the valve with a crescent wrench. If the
parts are rusted together, you can have a
real wrestling match. Once the valve is
off, remove the tube from the valve from
the bottom of the toilet with the crescent
wrench. Take everything tO the hardware
store,handit tO thehapless clerkinplumbing
and tell them you want ’q’his". Go
ahead and get a new water inlet hose -
you’ll be sorry later if you don’t. Also
pick up a roll of the Teflon tape they sell
in plumbing. Check out and cuss some
more, because this is costing more than
the replacement kit, but remember that
the plumber wouldbe charging you labor,
and that hurts.
Back at home, wrap a couple of turns of
Teflon tape clockwise around the threads
on the pipe sticking out of the wall. Use
your wrenches again to attach the shut-off
valve snuggly in place; wrap the threaded
end on the valve with Teflon tape and
attach the water i...nl,et hose. Rule of thumb
in plumbing - if it s threaded, us.e T.eflon,
tape on it. This helps give a good sea] ana
alsb makes it a lot easier if you have to
remove these parts again in the future.
Now you can proceed with your toilet
repairs as above.
Once everything is attached and snug,
turn your water back on and admire your
handiwork. Yonrll be flush with pride!
Before thedecision, activists onboth sides
agreedthatthepanel’s f’mding co.uld shape
how 9.5 million Protestants interpret
policy affecting Cmys and Lesbians.
Creech presented the first challenge to
: the denomination’s 1996 decision in.its
¯¯ Social Principles to prohibit"ceremomes
that celebrate homosexual unions." Ac:
cording to church procedure, nine of 13
¯ panelists had to agree to sanction Creech.
¯ One vote short, the close decisionintensi-
¯ fied debate.
"Eight jurors, a majority, thought in
this ease that conducting a homosexual
¯ ceremony was wrong, andwe agree that it
is sinful," said the Rev. Bob Kniper of
¯ Bakersfield, Calif. But, he also added: "I
¯ just hope this kind of decision will at least
¯ keep us away from witch hunts to find
those who have conducted these ceremo-
¯ nies." Kniper is a spokesman for Trans-
" forming Congregations, a group of
churches, primarily Methodist, that iden-
tifyhomosexuality as anillness thatneeds
¯ to be treated.
¯" They are opposed by Reconciling Con-
: gregations, aprogramledby gay Method-
" isis to encourage churches to welcome
: GaysandLesbians. seeCreech,page15
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- word is a group of letters or numbers
separated by a space. TFN reserves the right
to edit or refuse any ad. No refunds. Send ad
& payment to FOB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
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ONLY ONE HERE I’m a good
I~king 19 year old, White male,
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Let’shave some fun. I’m able to
drive to you if you’re far away.
(Cushing) =11928
~ueeasrst. IT’mhisaanttorarmctaivlec,oWunetlrlybubiolt,y at
White male, 5’8, 1601bs, likes
going to the gym. running,
cooking, eating, fishing, a,n,d
doing other o~Jdoor stuff. I m
waiting to meet someone to spend
some special times with. (Ft.
G bson) =10384
I’ve always considered m~s.elf
Stra ght butJately I haven tbeen
able to stop thinking about sex
with another man: I need someone
Straight acting, discreet, healthy,
and ~]rug fre~. I’m a good
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(Grand Lake) =12004
White maleinto crossdressing and
pa nt ng my toenails. I love getting
my toenails and everything else,
na nted if you’re in ihe area and
turned on, cd~ me. I m 35, w~th
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(Tahlequah) =!1743
HEAD OFFICE Professional
bus nessman, 6’1; 2151bs, into
dancing, meeting new people,
and having fun, wants to hook up
with some new friends.
(Tahlequah) =1:1398
passionate, versat e, 40 year old,
k.Vhite male, with’good looks,
seeks very intelligent, Bi or Gay
males, libra 40, interested in
erotic evenings. I~d like to b~in
by.massaging yourbody, ancTgo
f~m the~ I ~on’t think you’ll Be
disappointed. (Tulsa) =13001 .
hot stud in Tulsa, needs a warm
bo.dy to heat.me
nigl~ts. (Tulsa) = !
Healthy, attractive, HIV
pos tive, White male, 37,
1701bs, with Brown hair, Hazel
eyes, and a mustache, seeks a
sincere, honest, well endowed
guy, 25 to 55, who likes to be
a man. Race is open and looks
are unimportant, as long as
you’re clean cut. (Tulsa)
= 12249
looking, White male, 22, 6fl,
1401bs, with Brown hair and.
eyes. I’m intelligent and I’d like
to me,e,t other .quys to have fun
with. I m veryl~ot. (Tulsa)
=I 1917
NEW BUDDY Friendly, 36
y,ear old~ uncut, White male,
5 10, 1601bs, with Brown hair,
Brown eyes, and a great butt,
seek~ friends to hang out with.
(Tulsa) =11860
FLY, FLY AWAY This good
looking 30 yet~ old, Gay,
White male, int~ the outdoors,
hiking, biking, and sunbathing,
seeks a disti0guished
gentleman, 38 to 45, with
similar interests. I work for a
major airline and would love to
take you away somewhere. "
(Tulsa) =! 1349 "
40 yearo d, White,
Transgen~ler~maie, seeking a
talll masculine male, for
friendshlp. Age and race are
unimportant. L’m v.ery ~adyli.ke,
very domestic, and extremehy
feminine. I enjoy pleasing a
man in every way and I need
~omeone who can respond to
the woman in me. (Tulsa)
=I 1330
IN THE AIR Clean shave~,
attractive, drug free, White
male, 35~ with Brown hair and
Blue eyes, seeks other guys, for
friendship_ and a possil~lelong
term relationship. I enjoy quiet
evenings; anytliing Outdoors,
dancing, and. hanging out with
friends. (Tulsa) =11015
Most evenings, | kick back,
open a nice~oeerl watch some
tv, and start massaging myseff.
’d love to talk to you so we can
get off together. (Tulsa)
outgoing, fun loving, 19year
o d, White male, 6fi, 1651bs,
with B ack hair.and Blue eyes,
seeks other guys for friendship
or a long term relationship.
(Tulsa) =10572
f.r!endly but shy, Tulsa boy, 36,
5 10_, 1601bs, wants to meet
some new people in the area.
(Tulsa), =10087 .
built, athletic, Black male, 28, 6’3,
1691bs, with short, Black hair,
Brown eyes, and good looks, is new
to town and seeks a masculine,
attractive, White male, 21 to 28, to
hang outwilh. (Tulsa) =10147
NO PI~SSUI~ This feminine, Bi,
White h~nale, 5’4,115[bs, with
B~’own hair and Blue .eyes seeks
nother feminine, Bi f~e, who
’endship or more. I like to go..out,
st 101s~ enjoy stgyi~g in,.~ing
video. I’m into fne buick. I
~’t smoke but I have a drink
occasionally. (Sdina) ’n9470
MIDWEST TIES I’m a Lesbian
~vriter and journalist wha’s lied to
~he midw~t for a while. I’m
intere*ted in meeting other womyn
~il~ whom to d scuss lilerature ago
Ihe wodd. Who knows what might
develop? (Tulsa) ~10163
year rid, Gay, White f~nale, 5’5,
120~bs, just .reaved here h~om Ft._
Landerd~ie. I haven’t met many~
and Bi womyn yet, but am anxious
to make some friends/. ~ prefer
~omyn belween 18 and 30, of any
race. Some of my in.teresls, indude
dlerblading,~ movies, and going to
a~,s. (Tulsa) ~10151
moved here from California and
need same friends to shaw me what
Oklahoma is all about. I enjoy o
¯usic, dancing, sports, go)ng out tar
~n~ and gogd’people to share it
with. {Tulsa) ’e9651
BLONDE AND BI Attractive, Bi,
White female, 6ft, wilh Blonde hair,
seeks another Bi female, who likes
and have a fat d fun. {Tulsa)
To re ordyour Personnl ed FSOO-SAOIAEHN (We’ll here)
Some 140 of the denomination’s 37,000
congregations throughout the world have
adopted the program, but not Creech’s
church. Mark Bowman, executive director
of Reconciling Congregations, called
the decision "some measure of welcome
from the church" and reassuring to homosexual
members "that not all of the
church’s doors are dosed to them."
The panel of Nebraska ministers, four
women and nine men, denied that the
finding served as a positive signal about
homosexuality. "Just because this jury
~ church, does not believe that Gay rites
¯ will become policy anytime soon. The
", Methodists’ General Conference; alegis-
¯ lative body that can change policy, does .:
¯ notmeet againunti12000. Two years ago,:i~:
voting 577-378, these Methodist clergy’
: and lay members endorsed church policy
¯ that declared homosexuality incompat- ¯
ible with Christian teaching.
¯ Not all Gay Methodists think same-sex..~
¯ unions are worth fighting for, Lawrence :/.
¯. said. As he noted, other issues of hate
crimes and job discrimination may be
." more important.
... During Creech’s two-day inquiry in
vo.t~d this way doesn’t mean the next one
Keamey, even those presenting the
church’s case exp.ressed overtones ofsupwill:’
one panelist, the Rev. M. Maniek :., port.!n an. 0Pemng.smtem_ent, the Re.v.
Herald. " lated current church policy-even though
The decision, he added, is no authorization
for more Methodist ministers to perform
same-sex ceremonies. During the
inquiry, Creech said he wouldcontinue to
officiate at unity ceremonies, if asked.
Butdespite whathe called"activetalk;’
the Rev. Bill Lawrence, a professor at
Duke University studying the Methodist
Stonewall 25 organizers pleaded that no
national action take place before 1994..A
call for indnsion of youth in the orgamz2
ing was made and a request tobe aware of
the dates of the many women’s music
festivals was voiced. Native American
gays andlesbians explainedthat they could
not participate in the fall of 1992 - the
500thauniversary ofthe survival ofindigenous
cultures. And that is a very small
In 1998, all that expression and creativity
has been silenced in one meeting between
Perry, Birch, andTyler. They want
to control the timing, message, andmoney
associated with the Millennium March.
They may achieve that. Butin the process,
they’ll lose the movement. Arrogance is
not the word. Only sheer contempt for
democracy can describe their organizing
Several national leaders authored letters
distributed at the !991 meetings explaining
why a march before 1994 was
misguided. Where are their voices now?
Some of the very same people have privately
expressed their concerns about the
Millennium March, but won’t do so publidy.
Why?They’re afraid that in the year
2000, they’ll be on the outside looking .in..
- There shouldn’t be an outside. Orgamzpolicy
may someday accept Gay unions.
Support for Creech came from a retired
bishop, who admitted that the church may
need to reconsider its policy regarding
homosexuals. "As I get older," observed
the Rev. Kenneth Hicks of Little Rock,
Ark., "it.burdens me to know that maybe
the church needs to make a change."
ing a national civil rights event without a
grassroots "call" is exclusive no matter
how much multicultural rhetoric they try
to pour over it.
But its worse than that. Birch is smart
enough toknow that Barney Frank is right
when he says that big marches do nothing
politically for the community. All that
stuff about the political benefits of being
in Washington before the dection is a lie.
Birch wants her Millennium March so she
can get her 1,000,000 members and the
associated loot. Grassroots democracy
mightproduce 50 state marches. Bigbummer
for Birch.
In a recent Out magazine article, Birch
responds to her critics by saying, "Imagine
what you would have done if three
years ago you woke up and found that
someone had handed you the movement.
.. I’ll bet that you would have made most
of the decisions I made."It’ s time to wake
up again. It’ s not your movement~.We can
help. :
Billy Hileman is a Pittsburg-based activist
and was one offour national cochair"
sfor the ’93 March :on~Washt~zgton.
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Tulsa Family News, “[1998] Tulsa Family News, April 1998; Volume 5, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/546.