[1998] Tulsa Family News, March 1998; Volume 5, Issue 3


[1998] Tulsa Family News, March 1998; Volume 5, Issue 3


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


March 1998


James Christjohn
Leanne Gross
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Judy McCormick
Mary Schepers
Josh Whetsell
The Associated Press


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, February 1998; Volume 5, Issue 2


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Houston Bans Bias Based
on Sexual Orientation
HOUSTON (AP) - Mayor Lee Brown is banning discrimination
in ci.ty government on the basis of sexual
orientation in an executive order issued 13 years after a
similarordnance was repealedby voters. "I haveissued
this orderbeeause I truly believe that the city ofHouston
should~discriminate against anyone," Brown said in
a writt.e~:statement. "This is the right thing to do."
Brown’s directive Monday is allowed under his executive
order authority and does not require approval by
the City counCil. The new poli~y prohibits discrimination.
in all areas of city government, including hiring,
City attorney G,ene Locke said. "I think the order treats
Mayo~Brown s commitment to have a workplaceVoid
of die’ruination in all of its forms," Locke said.
s~e opponents, referring to the ordinance repealed
in 1985 by an overwhelming 4-1 vtler margin, said
Brown should put the measure to a counCil vote. The
mayor, however, insists Houston .has changed since
thenand says he’ s found widespreadsupportfor an antidiscrimination
policy see Houston, page 3
CommunityofHope UnitedMethodistwillmovesoon to
its new home at2545 South Yale, a 1953 building which
formerly was the home ofthe Philadelphia Assembly of
God. The dedication service willbe held on3/15at6pm.
June Red Ribbon Run
Benefit for IAM &TCAP
TULSA -Interfaith AIDS Ministries (IAM) has announced
the First ever running event as an HIV/AIDS
fundraiser. Scheduled for Saturday, June 13th at
LaForttme Park, the 5 kilometer nm will benefit IAM
and TCAP, the Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership.
There will also be a fun walk to go with the run.
When asked what is the difference from the annual
fall AIDS Walk and this event, IAMexecutive director
Diane Zike noted that theRedRibbonRunis sanctioned
by USATF/Oklahoma and targets serious runners and
race-walkers to its USATF certified course. The race
will be coordinated by Glen’s Road Race Service. Zike
noted that this event is intended to draw in supportfrom
outside the traditional HIV/AIDS and Lesbian/Gay
see IAM, page 14
¯ Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
¯ Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperA vailable In More Than 75 City Locations
i CommuniwtYiBtahttlKe LeiaddernDviseaeseL_°Ses.i JazzMusician BillyTipton
; TULSA - After 20 years of fighdng
¯ renal disease, longtime Tulsa com-
" munityleader and volunteer Richard
¯ T. Reeder, known to many as Dick, ¯
¯ died onFeb. 4th.Anative ofDuncan,
raised in Oklahoma City, Dick had
¯ livedinTulsafor25years andworked
¯¯ with many community groups from
the National Kidney Foundation of
¯ Oklahoma to lnterfaithAIDS Minis-
" tries and Follies Revue, Inc.
.- Dick Reeder had undergraduate
and graduate degrees in psychology The late Dick Reeder is
and counseling and was a clinical seen here with one ofhis
therapist with Brookhave~, Hospital,
favorite Disney characaenunselorwithChildren
s Medical
ter and his life-partner,
Center and Tulsa Regional Medical Steven Fendt.
: Center. He opened a private practice as part of Cherry Street
: Psychotherapy Associates late in 1993 which heshared with his
¯ friend and colle,,a,gue, Leah Hunt. ¯
Dick Reeder s many friends and family held a memorial
¯ service at All Souls Unitarian Church on February 7th where the
: Follies Revue Singers performed following Dick Reeder’s direc-
¯ tions to "make my funeral a celebration." Leah Hunt wrote in a
testimonial included in the order of service that "there. was
; nothing pale or indistinct about Dick. Nothing wishy-washy. He
: was bull-headed, opinionated, determined to have as much as he
¯ could of each day. It was moving to hear him talk to groups of
: people dealing with chronic health problems and tell his own
: story, challenging them to take no less than they possibly could
¯ of each day’s opportunities for living."
¯ DickReeder is’survivedby his life-parmer, Steven J. Fendt and
by other loving family members. Donations in his memory may
¯ bemade toTheAmerican Kidney Fund ofOklahoma,POB 1004,
¯ Tulsa 74103 or Follies Revue, Inc. POB 52862, Tulsa 74152.
He or She.?
Subject of OFH Lecture
." TULSA - Oklahoma jazz musician Billy Tipton
¯ grew up in a famil.y" where everyone played the
¯ piano. Born in Oklahoma City in 1914, Billy went
¯ to high school in Kansas City during the 1930s,
: during the heyday of Kansas City jazz. Upon re-
. turning to Oklahomaduring the depression, Tipton
: could not get ajob playing music. That is tmtil, she
: becamehe..Billy then.spent50 years living as aman
¯ and performing as a jazz and lounge musician.
¯ During these years, Tipton married five times.
"- Her/his life is the subject of the 1998 Oklahoma
." Lecture in the Humanities sponsored by the Okla-
. homa Foundation for the Humanities (OFH). The
¯ Lecture will take place Friday, March 6, at 7:30
: p.m. in Tulsa’s Rogers University auditorium and
¯ will be delivered by Dr. Diane Middlebrook, pro.-
. fessorofEnglishatStanfordUniversitysince 1966.
¯ Dr. Middlebrobk has written a biography of
: Tipton which is due out in April 1998 and also
: wrote a biography of poet Anne Sexton. The 1991
¯ Sexton work spent eight weeks on The New York
: Times Best Seller list and was a finalist for the
National Book Award, and for the National Book
¯ Critics Award.
Middlebrook will be in Oklahoma to deliver the
: Annual Lecture in the Humanities, and also in
¯" connection with a weeklong seminar under the
,. auspices of the Oklahoma Scholar-Leadership En-
¯ richment Program. The Oklahoma Scholar-Lead-
" . ership Enrichment Program is a statewide program
¯ of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
with additional support from Bank of Okla-
. homa. see Tipton, page 14
TULSA - Audra Sommers graCiouslyagrei~d to speak with TFN
about her upcoming benefit for the
HIV ResourceConsortium FoodPan-.
try to be held at the Silver Star on
May 1st at 10:30pro.
TFN: How long haveyou been doing
AS: I’ve been doing pageants for 24
years but in Tulsa for the last 3 years.
I did a benefitforRAIN last year and
the first was for Our House.
TFN: How have they done?
Fundraising diva Audra AWSe:raTihseedy$’v2e3b0e0eanttphreeft’itrystsouncceewshsfiuclh.
Sommers at the HIVRC’s wasmatchedandsoresultedin $4600
to benefitOurHouse. RAINreceived
$5300.last year. What wehope to do for the Food Pantry is to raise
$9600 before the event even begins.
TFN: How will that work?
AS: Last year we had 400 people come through the door.
see Audra, page 14
¯ Family of Faith MCC Begins
"New Children’s Ministry
’Lesbians Who Abuse’
TULSA - For years DVIS, (pronounced d’vis) the
Domestic Violence Intervention Services has been
one of Tulsa’s most successful nonprofit service
agencies, providing aid and refuge to women who
were victims of domestic violence. But for years
those services have been conceptualized only as
women abused by men.
Now DVIS is starting aprogram to assistwomen
whose abusers are other women. Specifically, the
organization will start its first support group for
women who fear that they might be abusive on
March 11 at the Pride Center.
In flyers that are going out around the community,
DVIS asks the following questions:
"Do you take your anger out on the person you
love?Do you criticize your parmer for little things?
Do you humiliate your partner in front of others?
Doyouangereasily whendrinking ordoingdrugs?"
see DVIS, page 3
" T,U,L.S,A,Benefit
." TULSA -Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
." (MCC), one of two MCC congregations in Tulsa started a new
¯ program for children. "Our children’s ministry was designed to
: give children a basic thorough exposure to the scriptures", said
: Stephanie Ward. "Our goal is to focus on playful activities that
.- lend a solid foundation to christian education. When your child
¯ associates fun and prayer, you have started a liftime of praying
: with delight."
¯ Ward added, "we strongly feel that ministry to children is a
: vital and necessary part of today’s church. Modeling behaviors
¯ and values that represent our faith is the best way to teach our
: children the principles of God’s word."
: The congregation welcomes children of all ages from infants
¯ on up and has three Sunday School teachers available. The hours
¯ for the Children’s Ministry are those of the regular Sunday
! service which begins at 5pm.
Family of Faith also will be having an Easter Egg hunt after
: service on Easter Sunday. For more information, call 622-1441.
TULSA -Tulsa Uniform Leather Seekers Association
will host their first annual charitable
fundraiser at 10:30pro, Fri. March 6th at the Silver
Star Saloon. The event, "After the Leather, The
Great Leather Campout" will feature as Master of
Ceremonies, Oklahoma Mr. Leather Roger
McConnell and rnat!y distinguished and titled performers
including: Porsche Lynn, Helga, Fanny
McCracken, Sluticia Swampussy, Larry Everett,
Kevin Eddings, John Beebe and Randal ginnear.
The event will also include an auction of an
autographed portrait of newly knighted Gay performer,
Sir Elton John. BenefiCiaries are the Tulsa
Food Pantry and the Pride Center. Info: 838-1222.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston.
*Jason’ s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah Restaurant, 10 E Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Hzzeria, 21st west of Harvard
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 74%1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Mad. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 74%9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902,743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th 746-0440
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 1,Sth 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse onBrookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria- 744-9595
*Gloria Jean’ s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744=7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skclly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’ s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th PI. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555
*Living ArtSpace, 1.9 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Haee 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, 11th & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
Ted Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling~ attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods,8220 S. Harvard .... -481-0201
*Sophronia’s Antiques, 1515 E. 15 592-2887
*Tickled Pink,3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tutsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*ChurchofthcRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMcthodist, 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
¯ 918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140. Tulsa, OK 74159 e-mall: TulsaNews@earthlink, net
¯ website: http://users.aol.com/TulsaNews!
"- Publisher + Editor: Tom Neai
¯ Entertainment Diva + Mac Guru: James Christjohn
¯ Writem + contributors: Leanne Gross, Barry Hensley, Jean-Pierre
~ Legrandbouche. Lamont Lindstrom, Judy McCormick, Mary
¯ Schepers, Josh Whetsell, M~mber of The Associated Press
." Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
¯ ~blicati,on are pro.tected by, US-,eo.p.,yright 1,99,8 by T~€, {:.,.~.
". ~€,w~ ana may not~ reproaueea eimer in wno~e or in part without
.- written permission from the publisher, Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexualOrientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,_~ust
: _be signed & becomes the sole property of T~ ~:,o~.’. hlta¢,~
". Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of eaeh edition at distribution
¯ points. Additional copies are available by calling 231-7372.
: *CouncilOak Men’ s Chorale, rehearsals on Mondays, 585-8595
: *Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1932
¯¯ *Democratic Hendquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
! *Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
~ *FellowshipCongre,g. Chureh,2900S.Harvard 747-7777
¯Free SpiritWomen s Center, call forlocation &info: 587-4669
¯" Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
: Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
: *HIV ERCenter,4138Chas. PageBlvd. 583-6611
¯ *HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
: HOPE (TOHR), HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
1307 E. 38, 2rid ft. 712-1600, HOPE/TOHR Anonymous
: HIV Testing Site, Mon/Thurs. eve. 7-9pro, call 834-8378
¯ *House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
: Interfaith AIDS .Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
¯" NOW, Nat’lOrg. forWomen, POB 14068,74159 365-5658
¯ OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
: *OurHouse, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 ¯
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
¯The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
¯ Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
¯ O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
¯ . O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
: St. Aidan’ s Episeopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
¯ St. Jerome’ s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
¯Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
; Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing -by appt. on Thursdays only
." Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯Tulsa Community College Campuses
¯ *Rogers University (formerlyUCT)
¯ *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
¯ *Borders Books & Music,. 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
¯ *Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
: *Stonewall League~ call-for information: " 918-456=7900
¯ *Tahlequah Unitarian-UniversalistChurch 918-456-7900 ¯
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
¯ NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
: HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for date
: *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
~ DeVito’ s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
: *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
: MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776 ¯
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
: Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
Steve Largent on Hate Crimes
RE: House Bill 3081
Thank you for contacting me... There
are several bills that have been introduced
this Congress that address the issue of
hate crimes.
For several decades, the federal government
had been attempting to achieve
social justice through public policies.
However, measures to make up for past
discrimination are often misapplied. In
fact, many affirmative action efforts have
resulted in polarizing the diverse groups
of our country instead of lending to a
colorblind society.
In our country, a murder is committed
every 21 minutes, a rape every 5 minutes,
a robbery every 46 seconds, an aggravated
assault every 29 seconds, aburglary
every 10 seconds andalarceny theft every
4 seconds. I believe that a crime is a crime
no matter what the motive. I do not support
separate penalties for those where the
motive was because of the "actual or
perceived" race, color, religion, national
origin, gender sexual orientation, disability
of the victim.
I support getting toughon all crime. It’ s
time that criminals understand that their
behavior will notbe tolerated. Individuals
contemplating criminal activity must believe
that the chances of being caught and
punished are real. And once they are
caught, the punishment must be server
and criminals mustbemade to serve all of
their sentenced time....
-Steve Largent, member ofCongress
Oklahoma’s First District
Editor’s note: according to the Human
Rights Campaign, the Hate Crimes PreventionAct,
H.R. 3081, (aboutwhich Rep.
Largent was asked) wouldprotectAm.ericansfrom
most violent hate crimes based
on their real orperceived sexual orienta-.
tion, genderanddisability. H.R. 3081 was
introducedon Nov. 13, 1997 in the House
of Representatives by Reps. Bill
McCollum, R-Fla., andCharles Schumer,
TheFBI notes that hatecrim~S committed
because ofan individual’s sexual ori~
entation are already the third most common
type ofbias crime- and they are on
the ~ise. The National Coalition ofAnti-
ViolencePrograms documents more than
2,500 reported incidents in 1996, representing
a 6% increase over the.previous
year - while overall itistances of violent
crime are on the decline. Yet- unlike bias
crimes based on religion, race, color and
national origin - hate crimes based on
sexual orientation, gender and disability
are not against federal law. Therefore,
they cannot be investigated and prosecuted
by the Justice Department the way
other hatecrimes arecurrentlycombated.
Tulsa Family News staffwondershow
many ofSteve Largent’s Lesbian or Gay
constituents would have to die before he
would understand the nature of hate
crimes. No doubt, if his Christian Coalition
supporters were equally targets of
hate violence, our "representative" would
find the matter more compelling.
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
you think need to be considered. Youmay
request that your name be withheld but
letters mustbe signed&have phonenumbers,
or be hand delivered. 200 word letters
are preferred. Letters to other publications
will be printed as is appropriate.
i For Susan Savage
¯ Is the Best Thing We Can Say About Susan
¯ Savage Is That’s She’s Not Terry Simonson?
by Tom Neal, Tulsa Family News publisher & editor
~ Damnedifwe do anddamnedifwe d0n’t- that’s where
The goals of the group are to help participants to learn
how to identify and manage their anger, learn effective
Some conservative council members who oppose the
communication and stress management techniques and -. we find ourselves with Susan Savage. She’s really not
leamhowtocopewithfeelings,thoughtsandexperiences ." been a friend to Tulsa’s Lesbian and Gay communities.."
associated with anger. . In fact, she’s really not even been particularly fair to us.."
The support group will be facilitated by Amanda But the mantra of her supporters, Democratic leader- ¯
Duplantis, MA who is a doctoral student of counseling " ship and some prominent Gay community leaders, is
psychology at OSU. Duplantis noted that DVIS has n6t ’consider the alternative’. That is Terry Simonson.
had a large demand for help from same gender couples : Simonson is a former Tulsa County Republican Party "
but that the, agency suspects that the need in the general ." leader and is a protege of The Idiot lnhofe, otherwise ¯
commtmity is g~.eate.r than what they had been seeing. ¯ known as Oklahoma’s junior senator. Word on the street
¯ Duplantis says :that there, are some aspects of domestic ,’.. is that The Idiot Inhofe is out oimvin~ to Tulsa’s hie
violence in female couples that are similar to any other ’ money con~ervhti~,bs ~or d011ars~for=Si~bns0n It’s also
cases but that she suspects that there are some issues that ~ ~aid that susan is scared that she’~ really in trouble this
are specific to minority sexual orientation. For example, " time. She should be, since her arrogance (and that of her "
the discrimination that Lesbians and Gay men often " most intimate advisors) as wall as her non-responsive-: "
experience can lead to added stress and to angermanage- ¯ ness, particularlyonminorityissues, is now well known. "
ment challenges. ¯ So let’s look at this issue ofjusthow bad the alternative "
Duplantisnotedthatthisinitialsupportgroupisjustfor : would be. Would Simouson order Tulsa pglice to expand ¯
Lesbians in part because the existing support groups for : their academy and in-service diversity training beyond
women who have been battered can accommodate both ¯ issues ofjustrace, to include sexual orientation as wall as "
Lesbians and non-Lesbians into the same program, and ~ gender, religion, etc.? Likely not, but you know Susan’s - ¯
therefore, only anew support group for Lesbian batterers : refused to do that-fofat Ieast three years. ."
is needed. ." Would Simonson issue an executive order banning ,"
In contrast, the existing support groups for men who ¯ discrimination based on sexual orientation in city era- "
are abusive often have men who would be very hostile to " ployment? Hell no, but Susan was asked to do this more :
the participation of a Gay man...Nor would the women’s : than three years ago and has refused ever since. ."
support group be open to a Gay man who had been : Would Simouson appoint openly Lesbian and Gay "
abused. For now, Gay men who need help have just the ." people to Tulsa’s boards and commissions? likely not :
option of indiVidual counseling sessions. : buthere we can give Susan a point or two. She did appoint
Duplantis, who is married to a man, shared that she . KharmaAm0s, whoisopenlyLesbian(butwbonolonger :
became aware of the needs, of same gender couples ¯ lives in Tulsa), to the Mayor’s Commission on the Status ¯
because of a multiculturalism class she.took at OSU. She ¯ ofWomen. And several Gay men serve orhave served on
cites an opeuly Lesbian professor there who was very : someboards, such as the Arts Commission, the Historical "
open to answering questions and to dispelling myths " Preservation Board andtheHuman Rights Commission. "
about Lesbian and Gay issues. She also notes that most ¯ However, ai! of theseindividuals are eminently qualified, ¯
DVIS counseling courses runfrom 12 to 24 sessions. For : regardless of being Gay -.and all are conveniently low
more information about these programs, call 585-3163. " key about being Gay outside the community. But in the
¯ case of the Human Rights Commission, Susan’s refused Out &EqualConferenee ¯ toa o, oftherecommendatiousofher own commis-
¯ sion, so in the end, what difference does it’make to have
The 6th National OUT & EQUAL Conference will be these appointments?
held at the Hyatt Regency in Rochester on April 17-19, ," You could argue that having Simonson might actually
1998. This national conference on Lesbian, Gay, bi- ," even have a good effect in that it might scare our commu- ¯
sexual, and transgender (LGBT) workplace draws sev- " nities out of our laziness and complacency. After all, if "
eral hundred participants and is being heldin the Eastern ¯ you read the platform that Oklahoma Republicans have
United States for the first time. : come up with in the last few years, a platform which ¯
National speakers will present discussions and work- , Simonson, by association supports, you might suggest :
shops on a variety of issues during the three-day confer- " that the difference between Simonson and his primary
ence. The first day, Friday, is an all-day session focusing : opponent, white supremacist and anti-Gay bigot, Dennis "
on LGBT workplace issues for the human resource pro- Mahon, is more a matter of the candor with which they ¯
fessional. Topics will include same sex sexual harass- . state their positions, rather than the content¯
ment, employment law, benefits discrimination, human ; So what do we do? "
resource policies, helping to ere,ate awareness for LGBT ¯ Vote for Susan and hold our nose9 Yep :
employees, and learning from PFLAG. ~ " " ¯
Saturday and Sunday of the conference are more di- ~ ¯
retted towards LGBT employees themselves. Topics ¯
will include tips for creating and maintaining employee : ".
resource groups, working relationships with manage- : ¯
ment, sexualharassment, deaf-Gayemployees, employ- ¯ policyhavesaidtheyareagaiustdiserimiuationbutdon’t ¯
ment law, employee assistance programs, homophobia . want to create a new category of protection for Gays and "
and racis_m, diversity training upgrades, transgender ~ Lesbians. ."
employee issues, overcoming organizational resistance, ." Dan Patrick, general manager of radio station KPRC:
and more learning from PFLAG. ¯ AM and a conservative talk show host, urged listeners to ¯
There are a number of events taking place during the " call the mayor’ s Citizens’ Assistance Office and gener- :
Out and Equal ’98 National Conference, including a ~ ated about 700 calls, averaging 2-1 against Brown¯ "Here "
performance on Saturday,-April 18th by popular-comic we have Lee Brown moving forward without talking to ¯
KateClinton.This special one-night-onlyeventis opento : council, without talking tO voters, without public debate,- :
the general public and is not to be missed. " without even studying the issue," Patrick said. "The "
Kate is a self-described "fumorist" (that’s feminist + _" people are upset with this executive order." To counter
¯ humorist),andhasappearedacrossthecountryasastand- ’ his effort, the weekly Gay newspaper, Houston Voice, ¯
up comic. She started her professional stand-up career in : along with River Oaks Area Democratic Women, have ."
1981 using politics, Cathoalicinsm,d. her Lesbianism to : urgedBrown’ s supporters to contact the~rr ce~" tpy harlle-". :
compose a repertoire of topics. Her former one-woman ¯ sentatives. ¯
show "Out Is In" played to sold-out crowds in Los ¯ The Log Cabin Republicans, a Gay GOP political :
Angeles andranfor3 months off-Broadway. She was part : group, believes conservatives should support the "level :
ofComedy Central’s"OutThere II" stand-up special, and " playing field" inherent in Brown’s policy, a~.orcling to
hertelevisionappearancesinclude"Arsenio Hall","Good : Dale Carpenter, past state president of the organization. :
Morning America", "Nightline", and many others. She ¯ "I think the mayor’s order vindicates the principles of ¯
hosted "in the Life", a televised Gay news-variety show " nondiscrimination and merit in employment, which is a
andcollaboratedonasummerseries"TheWoddAccord- ¯ principle that all Republicans should support," Carpenter
ing to Us" which aired on the lifetime network. ¯ said. "This is now.the only protection Gays and Lesbians
For more information about the conference visit " have from discrimination in employment in the city of "
www.outnequal.org or call 1-888-924-4646. : Houston:" .’
Prepared by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, the national media watc,h, organtzation.
Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Covers. Up Suicide
Despite the suicide of aman whose name the Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette published on Janaury 30 for being
arrested in a public sex raid, the newspaper has ignored a
request from five major organizations to have a meeting,
failed to report on the snicide, and defended the selective
publication of the names of men arrested in same-sex
~ misdemeanors....
" -The suicide note left by thema~to his (male) parmer of
31 years, which was printed in a February 20 report in the
weekly newspaper Arkansas Times, made abundantly
dear his.motivation: "My name and everything is in the
paper this morning... Goodbye. I love you."
The man’s lawyer, Gary Sullivan, said that prior to the
newspaper’s printing of his identity his client gave no
indication he might consider suicide." ’I have to believe
that the Democrat-Gazetteis responsible for [his] death,’
"Sullivan told the Times.
A February 12 letter from GLAAD, ACLU of Arkansas,
the Women’s Project, PFLAG and the local Metropolitan
Community-Church to the Democrat-Gazette
requested a meeting, noting that "this is not the first time
someone has killedhimselfunder these circumstances. A
number of years ago your paper published the names of
men arrested on the same types of charges, and then also
a man killed himself. Surely, the time has come to
evaluate this policy."
In a terse February 16 response, Democrat-Gazette
Executive Editor Griffin Smith, Jr. said, "Wehave a duty
to report the news. We would be remiss if we withheld
from our readers public information of this nature...
Publication ofSuch items is governed by our established
news policy... We believe our policy is logical, consis-
: tent, proper, and in the interest of our readers. We do not
~- cqntemplate any change?~
1 The policy states: "Once-~-:r’amsdem’e..a.n.o.r."..s.e.x..o.ffense
¯ arrest has been deemed newsworthy, editors should then
¯ apply this three-pronged test in deciding whether to
publish a charge of deviant sexual activity, loitering for
the purpose of sex, indecent exposure and other related
Charges. The alleged crime: Must occur in a public place;
Must be sexual in nature; Must be overt (i.e. indecent
exposure; actual sexual contact, as opposed to just sigualing
intent, such as asking for ’some action,’ winking,
hand gestures, etc.)." The third prong, by providing the
"signaling intent" caveat, essentially lets heterosexual
men soliciting prostitutes off the hook while targeting
men who have anonymous consensual public sex with
The Democrat-Gazette does not print the identities of
others arrested in misdemeanor conseusual sex-related
offenses. In 1993, when the paper ran an article on a
heterosexual prostitution sting, it did not identify any of
the arrested men. When asked by the Times about the
discrepancy, the Demo.crat-Gazette spokesman said "he
didn’ t know why thenewspaper didn" t publish the names
of those arrested in [that] prostitution sting."
The Democrat-Gazette has made no indication that
they understand that societal forces of homophobia lead
deeply closeted men to seek out such furtive sexual
encounters. Printing the names will not stop men from
seeking out anonymous sex with other men. Smith has
failed to acknowledge either the request for a meeting or
the death of a citizen because of their"policy." Smith has
also failed to address why the suicideand controversy has
not been considered "newsworthy" enough to make it
into the newspaper.
Tell the Democrat-Gazette that the policy of singling
out and humiliating men who have public sex with other
men - frequently married men who are the most fragile
and closetedmembers ofour community-must go..Insist
that the newspaper acknowledge the suicide and the
ensuing controversy as legitimate news, and that the
newspaper’s leaders have a .meeting with concerned
organizations immediately.
Contact: WalterHussman, Publisher, Arkansas Democrat-
Gazette, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203,
phone: 501.378.3485, fax: 501.372.3908
Editor’s note: TheTulsaWorldhas a policy ofprinting
the names ofthose arrested in similar cases here.
Baptist ChurchWith
Gay Deacon Expelled
DALLAS (AP) - It isn’t the first time Austin’ s University
Baptist Church has found itself outside its
denominational mainstream. Because of the church’ s
active support of homosexuals, the 180-member executive
board of the statewide Baptist General Convention
of Texas voted Tuesday to disassociate itself
from the Austin church.
"We cannot approve of churches endorsing homo=
sexual practice as biblically legitimate," said Fort
Worth pastor Charles Davenport, head of the committee
that drafted the motion.
Members of the church compare it to past moral
fights. In 1948, the church was disavowed by the
Austin Baptist Convention when it allowed blacks to
sit in the same pews with whites. In the early 1970s,
it was criticized for ordziniug female deacons.
Hans Venable, a Gay man whose ordination as
deaconatUniversity BaptisthelpedleadtoTuesday’ s
action, saidbibfical arguments alsoweremadeagainst
blacks in the church. "I do see this as a very similar
issue;’ Venable said.
But Venable said he found hope in debate that
preceded the board vote. "I have to say that there are
a lot of positive outcomes," he said. "It’s just been
such a wonderful opportunity to talk about our ministry
and spread the debate further about how Gays
andLesbians canbe safe in church, wherethey can be
loved and participate fully."
Themotion supportedbythe board asks University
Baptist to remove any claim of afffiiation with the
convention from its literature and Interact site. The
convention also will no longer accept money donated
from the church for missionary programs. University
Baptist Pastor Larry Bethune said the congregation
will likely do as the convention ~ks.
The votearosewhen top groupofficials learned last
month that the University Baptist Web sirementions
its convention aff’diation, The church has had a tenuous
relationship with the convention sinceit ordained
Venable in 1994. The church also drew fire for
sponsoringandinviringhomosexuals toparticipate in
Open Circle, a mlnistry for Gays .and Lesbians. -
Convention leaders insisted..their vote was not a
condenmation of the Church’s acceptance of homosexuals.
"Wecommend the church for their ministry,
and we feel that churches should minister (to homosexuals),"
Davenport said. "But ministering to is
different than an affirmation of, and we interpret (the
church’ s activities) to be an affirmation of."
Bethune said he doesn’ t understand the distinction.
"I don’t feel very commended as a church for our
ministry to Gays and Lesbians today," Bethune said.
"The convention has an odd way of showing it."
Several conventionmembers decried the motion as
a threat to the traditional independence of Baptist
churches. Some church members think they’ll eventually
be welcomed back into the convent[on.’q’he
time will come when we will be invited back in
because the world will catchup with us and theworld
with catch up with our understanding of what is the
Chrisfan gospel," said deacon Carter Wheeland.
CT City May Recognize
Same-Gender Families
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (AP)-The towncouncil
is considering a policy that would allow Gay couples
to qualify for family rates at town recreational facilities.
The issue was raised by town residents Mark
Melauson and Michael Antisdale, who wrote.to the
council asking why they don’t qualify for a family
rate at the municipal-swimming pool.
The couple has been together for nearly 13 years.
They share ahome and consider themselves a family.
But they were told by town officials tobuy individual
memberships -- at nearly double the cost. ’ofhe definition
of a family today is different from thedefinition
in years past," said Holly Abery-Wetstone, a
council member. "It’ s notjust a married couple with
2.5 children anymore. Weneed to change our policies
to reflect that." Mayor Robert Bouvier said the council
will meet to craft apoliey "thatbetter describes the
households that exist in our community."
¯ Maine Lawmakers Back
Away from Civil Rights
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - Some lawmakers who
¯ supported aGay-rights billin the Legislaturelast year
say they won’t again if the issue returns to the State
: House.
¯ Rep. Michael McAlevey ofWaterboro signedon as
: a co-sponsor of last year’s bill But he says he will
¯ vote against the bill if he wins a third term and the
: issue comes up again. The reason: His .constituents
¯ opposed Gay rights by almost a 2-to- 1 margin in the
: Feb. 10 referendum. Duringthe referendum, voters
¯ statewidenarrowlyrepealedtheGay-rightslaw.’Tve
: made a decision to set my personal beliefs aside
: because the people inmy district said ’noway,’" said.
McAlevey, a Republican. "People send me mesi
sages, and I think ibis was a pretty dear message." If
: McAlevey’s remarks are any measure, the recent
: "people’s veto" that overturned the Gay-rights law
¯ has some lawmakers worried. After backing the bill
¯" in 1997, they are asking themselves if the voters who
: threw Out the law will throw them out too.
¯ To hedge their bets, they are not committing them-
¯" selves on future Gay rights votes. Bat others who
"- broke with their constituents on Gay rights are hold-
: ing firm. They say they still support civil rights
¯ safeguards for Gays and theydon’t fear a backlash at
:¯ thepolls. And they say they will vote the same way if
they are re-elected and the issue resurfaces in the
¯ Legislature..:There’ s adecent chance twhati.ll.h~.!.n
: Gay c~vll-nghts sup,porters may reantroduce a bill
¯ . similar to last year s during the next two years.
As they focus on their re-elections this year, many
: legislators who support civil rights for Gays and
¯ Lesbians express confidence, sayingmostvoters don’ t
¯ vote based on a single issue. And the referendum’s
: voter turnout was so low - about 30 percent of all
: registered voters statewide- that the results are not a
¯ meaningful measure of public opinion. -
:- ’q’here was very low turnout in the referendum,"
¯ said Sen. John Nutting, D-Leeds, who supports Gay
¯ rights,butwhosedistrict opposed theGay civil-rights
¯ law by a 69 percent to 31 percentmargin on Feb. 10.
,"Very, few people I know will-.vote for or agaiusta
candidate 1;asea on one issue.’" " "
; "People elect you to make decisions based oninput
¯ and your values," said Sen. Bruce MacKinnon, R-
Sanford, whose constituents opposed the Gay-rights
: law by a narrow, 25-vote margin. "I voted for (the
¯ bill) because I thought weneededit. The citizens said
¯ we don’t. I see no problem."
i Filmmaker Says Gay
Aspect Nixed Oscar Bid
¯ BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Alain Berliner looks
¯ dazed. The last few months have been a whirl ofjoys
: and disappointments. Now he is recovering from the
¯ unexpected treatment of his film, "Ma Vie en Rose"
¯ (My.Lifein Pink), that won aGolden Globebut failed
: to win an Oscar nomination. "I’m surprised and
¯ disappointed," admits the 34 year-old Belgian direc-
: tor. "Everyone around me was so sure it would be
¯ nominated, I ended up believing it too!"
i "Ma Vie en Rose" - first seen at the Cannes l~lm
¯ festival inMay-is apoignant tale of aboy who wants
: to be a gift. After winning the Golden Globe for best
: foreign language film in January, many people ex-
¯ pected an Academy Award nomination because, in
the past 15 years, 11 films that tookbestmoviehonors
at the Golden Globes got the same at the Oscars.
¯ Asked if he think.~ his film’ s underlying theme of
: homosexuality- the movie wonbest picture award at
¯ Seattle’s 1997 Gay and Lesbian film festival - dis-
: turbed thejury, Berliner says he has no doubt. But he
: says he isnot the kind to worry about something he
¯ can’t change. "When you enter a competition, you
: must accept the jury’ s verdict," he said in an inter-
: view. "in any case they can’t take the Golden Globe
¯ and the other awards away from me."
: Before the Oscar nominadous were announced,
: Berliner was ecstatic about the film’s "incredible"
: success. IncrediblebecauseattheBelgianIrilm school,
: where he studied, Berliner specialized in script writ-
. ing, and never imagined his first serious shot at
~’fami.."ly" friendly atmosphere
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directing would reap such applause. Since hitting "
Americanscreens in September, thefilm has grossed
more than $680,000 in sales, respectable for a
foreign film. .
One reason for that success may be that the story ¯
of Ludovic (Georges du Fresne) - a sweet, wide- ¯
eyed 7-year-old witha dimpledsmile who wants to :
be a girl - is a change from the usual glossy "
blockbuster fare. The film follows the trials and
tribulations ofLudovic’ s parents -he also has three
siblings and a grandmother- as they try to come to
terms with his marked preference for playing with
dolls and wearing girls’ clothes rather thannmning
around a football field.
~ ¯ The;film" ig b6th t’~my "a~d "sad
totlchiiig. It does not preach or givle in to ~e’nfimentalityi
q~he overriding theme is (amily closeness,
which in the end conquers all, even when Ludo’s
father (Jean-Philippe Ecoffey) loses hisjob and his
wife and children are ostracized by the whole
"A film has to be universal," Berliner says. He
says he has no patience for action films "where an
explosion takes place every five minutes." He says
he liked Chris Vander Stappen’ s script of"Ma Vie
En Rose" because it was about being different. "I ¯
love stories like that," he says. "Stories that are ¯
about people who have to cope with being different ¯
for one reason or another."
Of Ludovic’ s unrealistic dream of marrying his "
friend Jerome, Berliner says, "We all have unspo- ¯
ken desires, things we conceal and bury when we ¯
grow up. As a child, you don’t understand social "
taboos." "Ma Vie en Rose" offered Berliner a "
potential for a variety of scenes. "What I like best ¯
are films that combine humor, sadness, drama and ¯
comedy," the director says. Many actors in this "
French-Swiss-Belgian co-production are trained ."
comics. "I like comedy actors because they can ¯
react quickly from one scene or mood to the next,"
Berliner says.
" Lesbian Ex Gets
Visitation Rig.his
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -A family court judge’ s
decision Friday means .a Lesbian parmer will be
allowed to see the 4-year-old child she has helped
raise since birth, the woman’s attorney said.
Onondaga .County Family Court Judge Bryan
Hedges decided to .give the woman temporary
visitation rights over the objections of the child’ s
birth-mother, who had been involved in a longterm
Lesbian relationship with the other woman
until their breakup last October.
Hedges said the partner had the right to periodically
visit the child until a trial can be held in June
to determine permanent custody rights. Heleft itup
to the attorneys to work out the details of the visits.
"My client and the biological motherhadplanned
this child in that they both participated in the
artificial insemination," said Richard Alderman,
the partner’ s attorney. "Both were involved in the
pregnancy and the delivery, and then in the care of
the child after the child was born. "You’re dealing
with emotional issues," added Alderman, who
sought to down play the relevancy of the women’ s
relationship. "Youhave the sameproblems whether
it was a heterosexual relationship that existed or a
homosexual relationship that existed. I don’t think
there’s any real difference," he said.
The birth-mother’ s attorney said she would appeal
Hedges’ ruling. To protect the identity of the
4-year-old child, authorities have asked that the
two women’s names not be made public. The
women ended their relationship last year while in
adoption proceedings. According to court papers,
the two women were"life partners" for the last 17
years. The partner claimed she had a partial hysterectomy
based on her companion’ s promise to have
a child for both of them.
The partner has asked Hedges to recognize the
relationship as a "de facto" marriage. New York
does not recognize same-sex marriages, although
the courts have ruled that same-sex couples have
the right to adopt.
Military Anti-Gay
’Witch Hunts’ on Rise
WASHINGTON (AP)- Four years after the Clinton
administration introduced its "don’ t ask, don’ t tell"
policy for homosexuals in the military, harassment
of Gays is again on the rise in the armed services,
says a group that advocates for Gay civil rights.
. "Commanders asked, commanders pursued, corn-
¯¯ manders harassed," said C. Dixon Osbum, an executive
director of the Servicemembers Legal De-
" fense Network.
¯ In itsannual rep,o,rt, the group said service mem-
¯ bers r,eported 563 ’comm,and vioihti0ns" to it last
3~ea~’, mdii~g instahc~s ~here’~er~ic~ niembdr~
=said the~ wer.e asked about their Sexual brientatio,n
¯ orhar~sediildirect9iolationof the administration s
policy, which sets limits on such investigations.
¯ Themunber was up from 443 violations reported
¯ in 1996, the Washington-based group said. The
.. report attributed the upsurge to a lack of commit-
. ment to the policy by top military and civilian
¯ authorities. Commanders in the field never re-
~ ceived specific instructions on the limits on investigations,
and service members were left with no
recourse when their rights were violated, it said.
"Lack of leadership, lack of training, lack of
accountability. All are to blame for the military’s
¯ persistent failure to abide by its own laws," said
Michelle Benecke, a former Army captain and codirector
of the legal aid group. "A pervasive, hostile
atmosphere has been allowed to flourish."
The group also criticized the Pentagon for not
releasing this year’s tally of Gays dismissed from
the military, saying the number was likely to be
significantly higher than last year when 850people
were kicked out for alleged homosexuality. Pentagon
spokesman Kenneth Bacon declined to comment
on the report Thursday, saying he had nothad
a chance to study it. He said the Department of
Defense is preparing its own report aboutlimplemen~
fiOn~6f t~e policy. " "
The compromise, adopted SOoii after Prdsident
Clinton entered office, is supposed to allow Gays to
serve if they keep their sexual orientation private,
andptmish those who engageinhomosexual acts or
take actions that call attention to their orientation.
Commanders are not to ask about sexual orientation
or launch investigations without credible evidence.
The Gay civil rights group report said that even
service members with no record of homosexual
conduct could be discharged if a complaint was
lodged against them. It cited the case of Sonya
Harden, a former semor airman, .who was falsely
accused by a roommate of being a Lesbian.
Although the woman later retracted the allegations
and witnesses testified about Harden’s heterosexual
relationships, the discharge board still
decided to endher career in theAir Force, thereport
said. "Once a command has made up its mind that
such allegations are true, your days in the military
are numbered," said Harden, a native of Baton
Rouge, La., who attended thenews conference.
The group’ s.recommendations included placing
strict limits on investigations, disciplining commanders
who disobey them, and providing recourse
to personnel involved in improper investi-
: _ gations.........
!New Transsexual Play
¯ NSW YORK (AP) - Hedwig Schmidt is not your ¯
average transsexual. She, er, he never quite ,com-
." pleted the operation that would have transformed
] him into her. There was a little bit left over, so to
¯ speak, which is where "Hedwig and the Angry ¯
Inch," a wild and wonderful "neo-glam, post-punk
: rock musical," gets its rifle.
¯ Weare talkingidentity crisis here, ofbothHedwig,
~ a self-styled "girlie boy," and of the American
¯ musical, stretched into a provocative evening of
: ditsydecadence,punctuatedbyaterrifierockscore.
¯ Both survive.the transformation. What author and ¯
star John Cameron Mitchell has done is create
." something that defies easy categorizing, although
." its vibrant theatricality is not in doubt.
¯ see News, page 15
AIDS Demands
Global Response
DALLAS (AP) - Ninety percent of the
people with AIDS live in Third World
countries. Anduntil U.S. health researchers
approach the disease as a global problem,
they’ 11 never find a solution at home.
That was the message from Dr. Jonathan
Mann, dean of the Harvard School of
Public Health, who was the keynote
speaker Monday at the World Health Forum
in Dallas. The forum, which takes
place every two years in Dallas, allows.
health care experts from around th~World
togather andmakepolidy decisions about
the spread of infections diseases.
Mann says the globalization of the U.S.
economy has come at a cost- increased
international contact-has brought an increase
in the spread of diseases.
Medical researchers also must look internationally
tohelp each other find cures.
"In the end, the danger in others is becoming
the danger to us," he said. ’q?he idea
that we can protect ourselves and not the
others is wrong and dangerous."
Sixteen thousand people a day become
infected with the human immunodeficiency
virus worldwide.Mostofthem are
in Africa, and an estimated one million
people are infected in Asia.
Mann described a common scenario he
found in Uganda. If a woman refuses to
llave sex with her HIV-positiv,e husband,
he beats her or leaves her. When she tells
police - who are men - about the abuse,
they don’t believe her.
But Mann says a desire among researchers
to be "scientifically pure" has
slowedprogress toward creating an AIDS
vaccine. Researchers are reluctant to try
new vaccines before they know everything
about the drugs, even if the treatments
are proven safe on patients:
"It’s clear that only a vaccine will redress
the global imbalance. A vaccine
could be used all over the world," he said.
"We can’ tjust wait for the poor countries
of .the world to watch more and more
people get AIDS."
Mann said the disparity is basically a
human rights issue - poor people and
ethnic minorities with limited access to
education and health care services are the
most vulnerable. "I’m confident if HIV
andAIDS were causing hundreds of thousands
ofnew infections in upper class
people in the United States, we’ dbemuch
closer to a vaccine," he said.
HIV Ignorance
GENEVA (AP)-The United Nations has
publish a set of guidelines intended to
help governments andotherorganizations
improve their approach toward those, infected
with or affected by the AIDS virus,
the organization said recently.
UNAIDS and the U.N. human-rights
officejoined forces to produce the guidelines
that advocate laws against discrimination
and the removal of any existing
laws, which legislate against HIV-posifive
people~ Ignorance and apathy are the
biggest hurdles to overcomein the fight to
prevent-the spread of AIDS. People who
are HIV-positive face discrimination in
housing, education, employment and
medical treatment, officials said. Some
are even denied the right to marry. "Unless
we address the issue of discrimination
againstpeople living withHIV,we’ re
not going to address the epidemic," David
Patterson, a human-fights adviser for
UNAIDS, told reporters. "It should be
¯ treated like any other serious disease."
: People are less likely to admit to being
¯ infected if there .is such discrimination,
: leading to an increased danger of infec-
: tion spreading, said Miriam Maluwa, of
," UNAIDS. Access to AIDS tests is impor-
¯ taut, but coercive measures such as corn-
: pulsory testing should be avoided, said
¯¯ human-rights official John Pace.
In a report released in November,
UNAIDS saidmorethan30millionpeople
¯ worldwide are infected - one-third more
¯ thanearlier estimated. Only 1 in 10 is
: aware that he or she is infected.
i Tulsa AIDS Patient
¯ Denied Trial Drug
¯ TULSA, Okla (AP)-SandSpriugsAIDS
¯ patient Robert Cowan has lost another
: round in his court battle to gain access to
: an unapproved drug his doctor says will
¯ extend his life.
¯ U.S. Senior District Judge Thomas R.
¯ Brett has concurred with an earlier ruling
¯ byU.S. Magistrate SamJoyner thatCowan
: should not be allowed to get a temporary
: restraining order toprevent the U.S. Food
¯ and Drug Administration from interfer-
¯ ing in his treatment. Such action would
have allowed Cowan to ~ a goat serum
: antibody Tulsa Dr. Gary Davis believes
¯ could help keep Cowan alive. The serum
: has not been approved by the FDA. inhis
: ruling, Brett said that Cowan’s claim that
the serumis not subject toFDA regulation
¯ is not supported.
¯ Assistant U.S. Attoruey PeterBernhardt
: said that because two of Brett’ s supple-
: mental findings were not part Of Joynefs
¯, January rifling, Cowan’ s case is still alive.
~ R. Scott Scroggs, one of Cowan’s attor-
: neys, said that Davis is expected to file a
¯ new emergency applicationwiththeFDA
: soon. Cowan, 42, has said his body won’t
¯ tolerate standard drug therapies that can ¯
help other people sick with the fatal dis-
¯ ease,
:CO Senate OK’s"
Needle Exchange!
: DENVER (AP) - A plan to slow the
¯ spread of AIDS among drug users won : ¯
initial approval.inthe Senate despite argu-
: ments that it sends the wrong message. ,
~ Thebill by Sen. DottieWham, R-Denver, ¯
¯ wouldallow communities to setupneedle- ¯
: exchange programs for intravenous drug "
¯ users, whose AIDS rate is increasing. "
¯ They could exchange a dirty needle and
:.., syringe for a clean one. ¯
¯ ’q’his is a public health issue, one that "
¯ we think needs to be done in Colorado,"
¯ Wham said of Senate Bill 99. The legisla- ¯
¯ tion wouldexempt the programs from the
state drug-paraphernalia law, which out-
.: laws the use ofneedles for illicit drugs. :
¯ - The bill, approved 20-15 on apreliminary
: vote, was set for final action soon. ¯
¯ Supporters said needle exchanges have "
: hell~d Stem the spread ofAIDS andtiIV, :
¯ the virus that causes it, among drug users. ¯
: One of the ways the disease is spread is "
: through exposure to infected blood, and "
¯ drug users often share needles. Wham "
¯ . said the sexual partners of infected drug ¯
¯ users are endangered, as are children born
: to women who become infected.
: Only 3.3 percent of Coloradans with
¯ AIDS in 1986 were intravenous drug ms-
: ers, according to the state Department of
: Public Health. Thepercentage was nearly :
¯ 11 percent last year. "ff we can control it, :
¯ we can help stop the spread of ttlV to ¯
¯ women, and we can have fewer HIV- "
¯ Do you take your anger out on the
person you love?
¯ Do you criticize your partnerfor little
Do,you: humiliate yourpartner in front
ofothers ?
¯ Do you anger easily when drinking or
doing drugs?
If you answered yes, to any of these questions then consider attending the
Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Inc. (DVIS) support group:
"Lesbians Who Abuse."
When: Wednesdays, March 11 - May 6
Time: 6-8 p.m,
Where: Pride Center
38th & Peoria
The goals of the support group include:
¯ learn how to identify and manage your anger.
¯ Learn effective communication and stress management techniques.
¯ Learn to cope with feelings, thoughts and experiences associated with anger.
Ifyou are interested injoining the support group, call the DVIS office at (918)
585-3163. Group members must schedule an intake interview and have afee
assessment(fees are based on ability to pay) beforejoining the group.
Group facilitator: Amanda Duplantis, M.A. doctoral student of Counseling Psychology at Oklahoma State
Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Stephen Peake, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Specialized in HIV Care
Providing Comprehensive
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Monday - Friday
9:30-4.:30 pm, 743-1000
Sally A.
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Personal consultations
for men & women.
will the
person who is
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please call
Kent Balch &
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Psychotherapy &
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Sensitive to the
Challenges of Gay,
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An Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of
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Call for free information.
918,627,9665 1.888.567.6664
Frcc & Anonymous Finger Stick Method
Mon. & Thurs., 7-9 pm, Daytime testing: Mon-Thurs. by appt.
HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
part of Tulsa Oklahomans for HumanRights HIV Prevention Programs
834-TEST(8378), 3507 E. Admiral Place
Excellence And
C mpass ona
Care Since
Medical Excellence ¯ Compassionate Care
infected children," Wham said.
But to opponents, the bill’ s good intentions
did not outweigh what they said
would be the negative effects. "We’re
sending the wrong message to our youngsters,"
said Sen. Ken Arnold, RWestminster.
"We’re saying, "We don’t
want you to do drugs; but here’s a dean
needle. Go out and shoot up.’"
Others said the bill was a step toward
legalizing drugs and argued that strungout
addicts would not take time to find a
dean needle. "The people most likely to
get sick from using dirty needles are the
least likely to go get a dean one," said
Sen. Mike Coffman, R-Aurora.
The legislation would-require communities
to consult with law enforcement
agencies and hold public hearings before
starting a needle-exchange program. The
programs, to be funded privately, would
have to offer drug users counseling and ."
referral to treatment programs. ¯
Wham said her bill would not condone "
drug abuse. Participants would have to
carry a special identification card. They :
could be arrested if found with drugs on
them. "The reality welive with is, people
use drugs," she said. "Until we can cut .
demand, we’re not going to manage this :
Shorter Treatment¯
Reduces Mother-
Child Transmission
ATLANTA (AP) -Therate ofmother-tochildAIDS
transmissionwas cutin halfin
Thailand by treating HIV-infected mothers
with the drug AZI" for lessthan a
month, U.S. health officials saidWednesday.
The treatment - which costs only $80,
compared with $800for the26-week treatment
used in the Western world - offers
hopefor developing countries wheremost
of the world’s HIV-infected babies are
born. The study in Thailand, which included
391 women, found that 9 percent
of those given AZT near the end of their
pregnancy passed HIV on to their babies,
compared with 19 percent of those given
dummy pills.
Critics of the U.S. government studies
in Thailand and other poor nations say the
use of dummy pills for some participants
unethically withholds AIDS drugs from
some women. The CDC has argued that
the studies are essential to find alternative
therapies for countries that can’t afford
costlier treatments.
"Until now, the only regimen proven
effective for perinatal HIV prevention
was essentially out of reach for the countries
in which over 90 percent of HIV
infections occur," said Dr. Helen, D.
Gayle, director of the Centers for Disease
Control andPrevention’ s National Center
for HIV, STD and TB Prevention.
The Thai women were given AZT for
three to four weeks at the end of their
pregnancy, plus an oral dose duringdelivery.
Their infants, who werenot given any
of the drug, were tested for the HIV virus
at birth and at two months.
Thetreatment widely usedin theUnited
States calls for 26 weeks of AZT treatments,
an intravenous dose of AZT during
delivery and six weeks of treatments
for the infant. It has been shown to reduce
HIV transmission by 67 percent.
In the developing world, where the annual
health budget is as low as $10 per
person, the cost of such a treatment is
prohibitive. The longer treatment also relies
on women pursuing early prenatal
: care, which is infrequent in the develop-
: ing world.
¯ Public Citizen, an advocacy group that
¯ has criticized the studies, has been argu-
: ing since last year that shorter AZT-treat-
¯ ment should be compared with longer
: treatment, instead Of using dlimmy pills.
¯ "The tragedy is that precious time and
money have been wasted, dozens of in-
" fants in theCDCtrial arenow nnnecessar-
¯ ily HIV-positive and we still arch’ t sure if
¯ shorter regimens are as good as longer
: ones," said Dr. Peter Lurie, a Public Citi-
" zen research associate.
¯ Thrilled with the Thailand study’s re-
~ suits, the CDC has halted a similar study
~ in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and has given all
" the womenin that study the shorter course
¯ of AZT, Ms. Gayle said. "Given the fact
: that we have shown that a short course is
safe and effective, a study to prove the
same thingwouldnotbeappropriate," she
Massachusetts to
Report HIV Cases
BOSTON (AP) - The state will require
doctors and other health care providers to
report cases ofHIV infection as soon as a
system is devised for listing the victims
by number, rather than name, to protect
" confidentiality, according to published
¯ reports recently. The state now requires
: thatall cases ofAIDS, whichis causedby
: HIV, be reported to the Department of
: Public Health.
¯" State Public Health Commissioner
: HowardK.Kohwaspreparedtoannounce
: the new policy on HIV. reporting a.t a
: meeting of the Public Health Council;
¯ according to Boston newspapers.
Some 30 states require the reporting of
HIV and AIDS cases, but only Maryland
¯ and Texas now use numbers instead of
names to list HIV victims. Numbers as-
" signed to HIV victims in Massachusetts
¯ might include birth date, some figures
." from the victim’ s Social Security number
¯ and numbers that stand for demographic
: information. Reports ofAIDS cases inthe
" state use the names of victims, but laws
¯ protect against release of that information
¯ and similar information about victims of
." other reportable diseases.
." Federal health officials would prefer
¯ using names for HIV victims because it
"- wouldmake the system easier to adminis-
¯ ter. However AIDS activists said the use
" of names would discourage people from e
¯ getting tested, andmakeit harder to main-
." rain confidentiality.
" Some AIDS activists had objected to
: any reporting of HIV victims, but many
changed their minds because of the ben-
." efits of early treatment with new drugs.
" OtheractivistswantedHIV cases reported
¯ so officials could respond faster to trends
" in the spread of the infection.
". "Tmproud that Massachusetts is going
" to play a leadership role in enacting a
¯ strong public health approach to address-
: ing HIV," said Robert Greenwald, direc-
: tot of public policy and legal affairs for
: the AIDS Action Committee of Massa-
¯ chnsetts. "The need for HIV surveillance
: is very important;’ he said. "This pre-
". serves confidentiality as much as pos-
: sible,"
" Free HIVTreatments Seminar
: Drs. Jeffrey Beal &Stephen Peake, along
" with the HIV Resource Consortium will
¯ hold a free seminar reviewing new HIV/
¯ AIDS treatments at Aaronson Audito-
¯ rium, Tulsa Central Library on Tuesday, ¯ March 31,7-9pm. Info: 743-1000.
by J. Christjohn, entertainment editor
As I write this, Fleetwood Mac have
just made their Grammy appearance. As
we were watching, the publisher of this
paper,TomNeal, remarked that the group
sounded horrible - except, for Stevie -
which is no small compliment, since he’s
been force-fed a steady diet of Stevie
Nicks for 6 years. Actually,
the group was awful - worse
by far than when I saw them
in Dallas. Lindsey was way
off key and it sounded like
his guitar (whichwas mixed
far too highon volume, per
usual) was tuned to a completely
different key from
what everyone else was
playing. TruetoTom’s opinion,
Stevie sounded the best
of all 3 singers - Christine
sounded as horrible as
Lindsey. It was disappointing,
to say the least. However,
to hear Stevie without
the off-key folks, the
STEVIENICKS boxed set,
ENCHANTED, is set for
release on April 28. The set
includes 3 CDs of greatest
hits, movie songs, B-sides
and some live versions,
along with a 68 page booklet.
She will tour in the
spring, and release a newly
recorded albmn in the fallo
those singing voices!
Speaking of the BACP, more auditions
are in the news. The BACP is producing
OFBEING EARNEST,andauditions for
EARNEST are going to be held at the
BACP March 15 at 5pro. Performances
will be Ma~’ 8-17. And for those wishing
Self-portrait by John
Lennon. Yoko Ono &Lasco
Productions will present
The Artwork of John
Lennon, 3/20-22 at the
Adams Mark Hotel. The
pieces range from delightful
to dreadful, and include
images from personal
sketchbooks as well as the
Bag One works which were
exhibited to great controversy
in 1969. A $2 door
donation is ed~marked for
Feed The Children.
To quote
to get in touch with the inner
hick within themselves,
auditions for L’ ILABNER
are set for April 5, to be
performed June 12-21.
Wayward Theatre
KNOT, an interesting look
at the lives of two brothers,
one of whomis white and
the other black, through
March 8 at Springdale Recreational
center 2223 E.
Pine. For more info, call
WALTZ is their
next show, April 2-19.
Tulsa Opera’s "Oklahoma
Premiere .of
David Carlson runs Saturday,
March7,8p.m., Thursday,
March 12, 7 p.m., Saturday,
March 14, 8 p.m., at
the state of Utah’s Centennial
celebration by the Utah
: Opera, Dreamkeepers received its world
Stevie, I Can ’t Wait. Thefirst singlefrom ¯ premierein1996.Thestorycentersonau
~e boxed set will be Reconsider Me. ¯ Indian woman’ s return to the reservation
Sincehermusic andlyrics eerily coincide. :, ~o visit her dying grandmother. Her en-
(alwayshave)witlihappeuingsandcrises : counter With ~in Anglodoctor she once
in my life, I can’t wait to hear what that
song’s about.
I am, however, quite ecstatic to report
that Sarah McLachlan and Paula Cole
walked away with a couple of awards
each, and they werewell-deserved. Speaking
of one aspect of the Goddess, Sarah
McLachian performs with Lisa Loeb in
OklahomaCity at the Civic Centre Music
Hall on March 17. She is one of my
favorite artists, andI can tell you from
experience that she is worthany effortyou
go to in order to get tickets. So what are
you waitingfor? And if you haven’ t done
so, grab a copy of her album, SURFACING.
It’s well worth listening to. To be
quite honest, I didn’t like it upon first
hearing it, but it has become one of my
favorites, especially the song ’Sweet Surrender’.
That one is kind of my anthem
right now.
SUNSET BOULEVARD, will be performing
March 27 & 28 at the PAC: Dust
offthe turbans and sunglasses, cake onthe
pancake makeup, and get ready for the
Diva! Everyone’s favorite Lesbian musical
diva, K.D. LANG has a brand new
video coming out (so to speak) on March
10, entitledLIVEIN SYDNEY. Recorded
during her 1996 world tour, and featuring
90 minutes of songs fencapsulating her
catalogue up to her last album, it should
go be good.
FOLLIES REVUEisholding auditions
on March7th at 2pro in the Broken Arrow
Commtmity Playhouse. Auditions are
open to children and adult singers and
dancers. A cassette tape deck and pianist
will be available. FOLLIES REVUEis an
annual eventbenefiting local AIDS charities.
Curtains rise June 25-27 at the.PAC.
For more info call 627-6032. Brush off
those tap shoes and start warming up
¯ lovedfollowedby alife-or-death accident
plunges her into the Spirit World, where
she must .confront her Native American
¯ heritage. For reservations and info, call
¯ 587-4811.
TCC Theatre presents CRIMES OF
¯ THE HEART, a hilarious comedy,
¯ Ml~arch 12-15. Info: 595-7777. THE
¯ DIARY OF ANN FRANK by Frances ¯
Goodrich and Albert Hackett is presented
: by Theatre Tulsa, March 20 - 28 at the
¯ John H. Williams Theatre.in the PAC.
¯ This dramatization of the famous diary is
: the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the Tony
¯ Award, the Critic’s Circle Award and
¯ virtually every other coveted prize of the ¯
theatre. Described as awon,derfully sensi-
; tire narrative from a true-to-life story,
." The Diary of Anne Frank pays tribute to
¯ the spirited Jewish gift and the millions
: like her who witnessed, survived or per~
ished in The Holocaust.
¯ THE STARS WITHIN rims March 19-
¯ " 26 at Heller Theatre. The play details
¯ what might happen were an astrologer
; (yay!) and ambidfundie preacher were to
¯ : cross paths on a radio talk show. The
¯ results might not be what one would ex-
: pect. For info on tix, call 746-5065. And
~ don’t miss Laughing Matter Improv on
¯ March 6!
¯ Holland Hall Players presents Lemer&
Lowe’s BRIGADOON March 5 & 6 at
¯ 7:30pmin the BranchTheatreoftheWalter
¯ Arts Center on Holland Hall Campus~ ¯
5666 E. 81 street. For reservations/info,
~ call 481-1111, ext. 512. The Players have
: been chosen to be one of a handful of US
¯. high school groups to perform at the
¯ Ameiean High School Theatre Festival at
: Edinburgh, Scodand’s famous Fringe
: FestivalthisAugust.
¯ Fortheliterati, theOUCenterforPoets ¯
and Writers see Notes, page 10
Tickets $ 6.25
Carson Attractions, 58.4.2000 or Philbrook
the action and athletics. And
adults will snicker at the dash
and daring. Either way, The Three Musketeers is a wild time that will have eve~one en garde!
Dumas’ famous literary classic goes dancing with so many laugh-out-loud antics that no one is
expected to sit quietly, not even the kids! It’s your last chance this season for an all-for-one and
one-for-all treat. Bring the family. And friends.
~ke l~ree Musketeers, Friday & Saturday, April 3 & 4, 8Din
Sunday, April 5, 3pm ¯
For Tickets, call: Tulsa Ballet Ticket Office 749~006
or the PAC: 1-800-364-7111, 596-7111; Carson Attractions: 584-2000
R)X 23/Mix ~6 Faily Nigl~ -$2 off all childrens tickets for
April a performance
For Internet ticket orders: www.webtek.comitulsaballet.
All shows at the Performing Arts Center, 3rd & Cincinnati
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Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodis0, Service - 6pro, 1703 E. 2rid, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - Ham, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service - 5pro, Childrens Ministry - 5pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
House of the H01y Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Metropolitan Community Chtlrch of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - llam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
Sundays at 6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Cir., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIT Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7:8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIT Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon]each mo. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Mixed Volleyball, on hold for winter, call 587-6557 for info.
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 3/2, noon, UnitedWay Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, 3110, noon. United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
HIT+ Support Group, HIT Resource Consoaium l:30pm
3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard), !afro: Wanda @ 834-4194
Multicultural AIDS Coaiition,.3’/3, 12:30pm, Urban League, 240 East Apache
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. HIT/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family HIT/AIDS
Suppo~ Group - 7 pro, Locations, call: 627-2525
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group, Info: 665-~174
PrimeTimers, mens group, 3rd Tues/each too., 7pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Alternating Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer - 6:30pm, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210e So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group
For more information, call 582-7225, John at ext. 218, or Tommy at ext. 208
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid t.
Ellen Watch Party, 8:30pro, Pride Center, Renfro Room, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
HOPE, HIT Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIT Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pm, Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
From Our Hearts to Our House, 1 lpm, 3rd Thurs/each mo. Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIT/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/each mo’. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Community Coffee House, varying dates, 7 pm, Pride Center, Info: 743-4297
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, kffo: 585-1800
Lambda A:A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay.& Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: PUB 9165, Tulsa 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call orfax 583-4615.
By Barry Hensley
Tulsa City County Library System
Helping Gay youth through the tough
years of adolescence is an important priority.
Like last month’ s column, this one
concentrates on another entry
in the long line of books designed
to show young Gays
and Lesbians that they are not
"Growing Up Gay" differs
from other, similar books by
concentrating on only two
young Gaypeople, and examinmg
their situations in depth.
One girl and one boy, both
high school age, allowed the
author and photographer to
follow therefor several weeks,
capturing the joy and pain in
their lives.
The girl, Amy, had been
frustrated and confused about
why she was attracted to
women. After she came out to
herparents,who weresurprisingly
supportive, she calme0
down and began to grow up.
Senior year, she moved out of
her parents house and roomed
with a Lesbian friend, but
dropped out of school. We follow Amy
through her first love and the typical difficulties
of getting a job and paying the
rent.WhensheFinally completesherGEl3
and starts to’be sdf sufficient, the reader
will rejoice at her newly found maturity.
The boy, Jamie, started being harassed
as early as seventh grade because he
Up Gay"
od~er, s~n~]ar
on only two
youn~ Gay
~ple, and
e~mlnln~ their
slt~tlons in
presents the Celebration of Books March
27-28 at Rogers University. Opening cermonies
will be held at the Greenwood
Cultural Center Friday evening from 7-
10; panel discussions with celebrated anthors
will be held Saturday at Rogers’,
and Brady Theatre hosts a tribute to N.
Scott Momaday, Alice Walker and the
AmericanIndianBallerina.~ Saturdaynlght
7-9. Info, call 594-8215.
The Thomas Moran exhibition continues
through May 10 at Gilcreas.e Museum.
Morati was highly influenced by
J.M.W. Turner, andthis exhibitis the first
retrospective of the late 19th century artist.
The National Gallery organized the
exhibit with assist~ce from Gilerease
Museum which has the largest single collection
ofMoranworks, some2500pieces.
The Philbrook Museum will be exhibiting
the work of J.M.W. Turner, ’the
greatest of landscape painters’ with watercolors
FromLondonMuseums through
April 12. This exhibit will be the sole
worldwide venue. Turner is considered
the greatest British painter of the 19th
century, and one of the monumental figures
of Western painting. This 42 piece
exhibit draws on the holdings of three
greatBritishcollections, theTareGallery,
the Victoria and Albert Museum and the
University of London’s Courtauld Institute
Gallery. This exhibit is the kick-off
event of Philbrook’ s Year of Europe to be
followed by exhibits from the National
Museum of Art of Romania and the
Hillwood Museum. Tulsa Family News is
proud to be one of The Year of Europe
: "walked like a girl." His parents shipped
¯ him off to a very strict and religions aunt
: to straighten him out which, of course,
¯ didn’t work, and Jamie ran back home.
: As the harassment at school continued,
year after year, Jamie felt that
life was hopeless, and tried to
commitsuicide, several times.
Things didn’ timprove, andhe
ran away to Minneapolis,
where he went to Metropoli-
~m Community Church and
met, and stayed with, a stable,
olderGaycouple. Theyhelped
him and tried to teach him the
value of responsibility.
Jamie, however, did not understand,
and actually preferred
being homeless to following
simple rules. Like
Amy, we follow him as he
f’mally starts to mature. The
interesting partofJamie’ s story
is that he sued his Wisconsin
public school district for not
stopping the harassment when
he was a student, and he won!
These two stories show how
these teens dealt with their
sexual orientation, and how
their decisions impacted their
: lives. This is a good resource for teens
¯ questioning their sexuality. They willbe
," able to relate to many ofAmy and Jamie’ s
¯ thoughts and events.
," Check for "Growing Up Gay" at your
: local branch library, or contact the Read-
, ers Services department at Central Li-
," brary at 596-7966.
: media parmers.
¯ Singer EltonJohn, whomovedthe world
his rendition of "Candle in the Wind" at
: Princess Diana’s funeral, received a
¯ knighthood today from Queen Elizabeth
-" II, and declared,"They don’t come much
:. bigger than this." As the new Sir Elton,
¯ the often-flamboyant pop star was so-
"- berly dressed in a formal suit. He took his
: parents and hispartner, David Furnish, to
¯ Buckingham Palace to watch him kneel
¯" before Queen Elizabeth II while she
¯ dubbed him on each shoulder with the
: investiture sword. "I’ve had along career
and worked hard," the 50-year-old rock
: icon said outside the palace after the pri-
," vate ceremony. "But I think the turning
: point came in 1990 when I got sober and
¯ started to do some charity work, particu-
~ larlyfortheAIDS problem. Aknighthood
¯ is the icing on the cake."
¯ And what did the queen say to him?
: "Her Majesty said she hoped being here
: today didn’t interfere too much with my
: arrangements," said Sir Rlton. "She said I
,, must be terribly busy - but this is not the
¯ sort of thing you put off."The Queen was
: right. He flew in from Los Angeles on a
: Monday for the ceremony and took off
,, againThursday forAustralia. Now,Ihave
¯ a few questions about all this. Onen is:
: will Htonnow be singing ’Thereis Noth-
: ing Like A Dame’ to his partner; David?
¯ THREE MUSKETEERS will be pre-
: sentedbyTnlsaBalletTheatreat thePAC,
¯ April3-5. Choreography is by Prokovsky
¯ and the music is by Verdi. Kids will thrill
-" to the action and athletics while adults
¯ will snicker at the Musketeers’ dash and
: daring. Dance brings a fresh new element
¯ to Dumas’ famous literary classic.
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by Jean-Pierre La Grandbouche
TFN Food Critic
’T.was another of those late night work
sesstons, when we grew dred of research-
!ng historical background for ourupcoming
cookbook, and, to theaccompaniment
of the soothing voices of the BBC news
readers on KWGS, we turned to our omnipresent
friend, AOL, ~only to fred a
flurry.of panicked emails from our editor
inquiring as. to the topic of.our
March restaurant column (he
tends to do that ever since that
day several years ago when,
after visiting a certain ’soci-
¯ ety’ eatery, weopined that one
shouldneverleta Lesbianinto
the kitchen to do aman’sjob).
’Where to eat this week?’
we thought, and then the BBC
launched into a commentary
about the expulsion of Shin
Fein from the Ulster peace
talks. Suddenly, it dawned on
us: it’s March.There’s a little
Irish pub and restaurant way
down in south Tulsa we,ve
never reviewed, and, in fact,
we,ve never even visited.
Then, we were flooded with
memories of ourhalcyon days
as a student at Oxford University,
where Harp was the
’cheap’ :beer on tap in the college
beer cellar, and the Harp
- not to mention Guiuness -
brewery was just a short train
ride and ferry trip away. And
those weekend excursions
were so memorable and pieturesque
that we risk clicheby
pointing out that the ! and of
Eire is so incredibly, incredibly
green, that even calling it
the Emerald Isle somehow
fails to eaptureits beauty. Out
came our Gaelic cookbooks,
resplendentwithluscious recipes
of steak and kidney pies,
roast mutton, haggis, corned
beef, gingerbread, puddings
and savories, oatmeal cakes,
cabbages, leeks, turnips, and
hundreds of recipes for potatoes.
Thusly .reinforced, we
sought out to brave the warm
winter winds and the even
more terrifying south Tulsa
traffic in ~luest ofTulsa’s only
Irish restfiurant.
Paddy’s Restaurant and Irish Pub is
tucked away in the corner of a shopping
center at the northwest corner of 81 st and
Memorial. Immediately the oldwoodpancling
and small, dark, cozy spaces of the
British pub. Paddy’s is a small place, with
a long, narrow dining room composed
mostly of individual table niches, almost
all having a bare, wooden,-pew-like banquette,
and then in the adjacent section, a
large wooden bar with some additional
seating on bar stools at high tables. So far,
so good. All this place needs are some
dartboards and some handsome, redheaded..,
but we.digress.
The sign at the door said to seat yourself,
so we found a spot and proceeded to
soak up the ambience. We visited midweek,
slightly after the dinner rush, and
were pleased to see a goodly crowd still
dining and quaffing pints, noticing,
though, that it was a largely middle-aged
crowd. Our poor waiter; who seemed to
be the only staff member in the dining
Idsh P I,
8056 South
llto 10 daily;
til 11 Frldays and
[mr stays open
hter. Clos l
All mnjor pla~th.
. Mo~lerate
C ual
Not really
but we didn’t
see anything
but beer. ¯
B List
: room the whole evening, was literally
," running to and fro tending to his custom-
, -ers, needs, and he soon greeted us with a
: friendly Oklahoma smile and presented
: menus.
¯ Alas. At this point, we knew our day-
: dreams of Irish bliss had been but
pipedreams. Sure enough, themenus were
printed in green ink, but the selections
seemed to be the same old run-of-themill,
menu, oulywitheutesie, contrived
Irish names for standard
items like teriyaki
chicken, shrimp anddeepilaf,
chicken fried steak, turkeyavocado-
bacon sandwiches,
nachos, and hamburgers, the
original recipes for which, as
we know, all came from Ireland.
So, we began to scour
the menu for items faintly resembling
the comfortable and
flavorful cuisine we remembered.
On the first page, we
found one item: Irish stew
($2.15 cup, $2.95 bowl). We
ordered it. It arrived, hot and
fragrant from the kitchen, but
what we got was really more
soup, not the lamb- ormuttonbased
stews we remembered
from Dublin. It was accompanied
by some yummy cheese
Page two wasn’t much
better. A long laundry list of
sandwiches featured only an
Irish corned beef sandwich
($4.75) and a Rueben (sic)
sandwich ($5.50), the Jewish
deli version and a Philly
cheesesteak sandwich ($5.50).
Page three, which carried
the big money items, was
devoid of Irish entries, unless
one gives extra credit for a
Ne~ York S,m~p steak ($11.95)
ora Boston Delmonicosteak
($12.95). (We don’t know
what makes this steak~ named
for the late New York Italian
restaurateur~ Lorenzo
Delmonico, either’Boston’ or
Irish, unless it’s because a lot
of Irish people livein Boston:)
Ourdinnerpartner ordered the
country ham steak dinner ($7.95), which
was a nice, thick slice of ham, grilled and
topped with Irish pineapple slices, and
accompaniedbyabakedpotato. This lady,
whois such afabulous cook she is reputed
to be able to bum water, when asked her
opinion of the entree, expounded that she
’liked it.’
Our waiter mentioned that corned beef
and cabbage is a dinner special every
Wednesday night. The back page of the
menu is devoted to ’pub grub,’ with fried
cheese ($4.75), potato skins ($4.25), fried
mushrooms ($3.75), nachos ($4.50) and
even chips and salsa ($1.95), amongst
other things.
And then, we saw something special:
Irish fries. Wehaven’t had those in nearly
adecade. Inlidu ofthe standard Frenchfry
cut, Irish fries are made by hand-enfting
the potatoes into round slices that are then
deep fried, kind of like unpuffed potatoes
souflees. With this inspiration, we ordered
a corned beef sandwich with Irish
fries see Paddy’s,page 14
by Lamont Lindstrom ¯ that men were even more willing to sacri-
American military leaders argue that ° rice their lives both for their boyfriends
overthomosexualsamongtheirmenwould ¯ and for the greater good. In particular,
undermineumtsolidarity and age-structuredhomosexualcamaraderie.
It is remark- It is no surprise ityinwhichyounger,junior
able that many peoples, here that the once youths took !overs among
.and there in world history, older, superior men was
have come to exactly the all-male commoninavarietyofsociopposite
conclusion. I was military, eties wheremenhad to go to
",,thh~i_"ng about this when I war. Enlistedmen here, one
wehtto visitmy friendHenry like, the could say; really !oved their
inSan Diego after New
Y~ar’ s. Da}. Henry i~ into priesthood, officers. M0~tbf u~ :ha,~e
his second tour of duty for the Boy Scouts,
theNavy-andHenryisGay. readtionsabOUtbetween~UStomarYolder rel~-and and the younger men among the an-
As do many small town eient Greeks. The story of
North Carolina boys, he college Achilles and his lover
joined the Navy to see the fraternity, Patroclus, killed at the battle
world and escape the " ofTroy, explored how love
boonies. He was stationed continues to betweenmeninspiredamilion
O’ahu and like a lot of taristic ardor of bravery, fe-
Navy persOnnel aroused by attract rocity, and sacrifice. Cross-
Hawai’i’s blaring sunsets numbers of cultural evidence indicates
and thick tropical twilight, that Gay at war
he eventually found his way men who lille
men have
been as brutal, bloodthirsty,
down to Hnla’s. Hula’s is to han~ out and cruel as anyone else,
Waikiki’s main Gay club, particularly when their bOybnllt
around a magnificent, w~th men. friends arc endangered.
gigantic banyan tree. The Henry Samurai wamors during
club enjoys an eclectic cli- Japan’s Tokugawa era also
enteleofhungrytourists,rau- currently lives often took lovers among
cons locals, and wayward
,.. under that theirpagesandmilitarysubservicemen.
Henry now
works at a naval installation
curious re~ime
ordinates (see Male Colors,
Gary Leupp’ s 1995 book on
in San Diego and he tookme " Of Tokugawa homosexuality).
on a tour ofhis favorite dives These lovers were together
in the Hillcrest District. "Don’t Asll, bothinbed andonthebattle-
It is no surprise that the Don’t Tell" field. Even when the
once .all:male military, like
the priesthood, the Boy . . .This policy TokugaWamanagetdoSh°gunSsuppress atfeudallaSt
Scouts, and the college fra- only malles warfare after 1605, and retemity,
continues to attract quired the majority of the
numbers ofmen who like to of~ieial what samurai clans to leave their
hang out with men. Henry
has lon~ been fortresses and castles and
currently lives under that move into the cities, men
curious regime of "Don’- t " standard from this claSs retained their
Ask, Don’t Tell" (which, as
customary homosexuality.
weleamedrecently, does not Quarrels - over boyfriends
entirely apply to AOL per- procedure in were a major cause of street
sonal profiles). This policy the military, crimeandunrestin 17thcenonly
makes official what has tury Japanese towns and cit- long been standard operat- Henry is ]tiller ies. Samurai men were aling
procedure in the mill- lowed to wear two swords -
tary. Henryis killer cute, and cute, and both one long and one short- and
b.oth r.emarkably gentle and remarllably theymew how to use them.
vivacious. It occurred to me When Henry and I were in
thatouly the dullest andmost Sentle and the Hillerestbars, I observed obtuse of his superior offic- vlvaeious, the crowds drinking, players
could remain unaware of ing pool, and flirting and
his sexuality. But,. dearly, It occurred to talking together, trying to
whiletheYpretenpdrehteendsn°t tohe noticecould me that only guess just who else was in
the Navy. UnlikeTokugawa
be straight. In this odd mili- the dullest and Japan, whenthesemenleave
tary world of make-believe,
most obtuse of the bars they have to revert
he joins thousands of other to passing as straight- or at
Gay andLesbianserviceper- his superior least to that curious military
sonnd who, if not always officers could worldwhereineveryoneprecomfortable,
areproudofand tends massive ignorance.
committed to.flieir military remain That evening, I went out to
careers. Most of us have come unaware of ]tls an Italian restaurant with
Henry, Henry’s wife,
across Gay or Lesbian sol- sexuality. But~ Henry’s wife’s child, and
diers, eadets~ or sailors in dearly, they He~’s wife’s girlfriend.
one place or another. It is The military, and Hollyobvious
that the numerous pretend not to wood, are the two instltuuniformedhomosexuals
have always b~en in the notlee while he tious in American s~ety
that are doing the most to
armed forces are not work- pretends he promote homosexual maring
everydayhavocupon the riage: thedefensivealthough
military’s eRios of brother- could be nonetheless often happy
hood or corps unity. Indeed, strMght, tmions of thousands of Gay
in some cultures, homo- men and Lesbian women.
sexualrelationsamongmilitarymenfnnc_ ¯ Lamont Lindstrom is a professor of
tioned to intensify male camaraderie so ~ anthropology at the University of Tulsa.
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Welcomes You
by Mary Schepers, DIYD expert
Everyone needs a toolkit. Our editor
laughs lasciviously and offers his own
suggestions, which I won’t dignify by
repeating. Whether your ambitions e~-
tend no further than installing miniblinds,
or whether it involves
"projectfantasies" onaregular
basis, some basic tools
should be standard in any
To begin with, afew ofthe
DWD’s basicmles: first,buy
the best tools you can afford.
Trust me on this one; it does
make a difference, and it’ s a
worthwhilemaxim tofollow,
even if you must occasionally
resort to layaway or de~
layed gratification. Second,
honor your tools and save
yourself a lot of frustration:
keep your tools togetherand
organized. Theydeservebetter
than to be chucked unceremoniously
into your standard
junk drawer, or under
the seat of your car, or -
horrors! - propping up a potted
plant. Third, think about
the tasks you do most often
and buy the necessary tools
A screwdriver set is almost
a given. If you don’t
think it is essential to have
more than jnst one, used indiscriminately
for everything,
please bear with me.
Bare minimum, four screwdrivers:
large and small each
of a fiat blade and a Phillips
head (cross shaped) screwdriver. Myself,
I like four of each type as a minimum,
frommonstrous to minute; mosttasks will
fall somewherein the middle, butits great
tohave the extremes (no, notthe Supremes)
on hand when you need them.
Using the proper type and size screw- "
driver helps-prevent the frustration of :
cam-out(or"wallerin’ out",aslwasraised :
to say) when you are halfway finished ¯
driving a screw and can neithergo further ."
¯ nor back it out. When selecting screwdrivers,
it is easy to ignore Rule no. 1.
: Darlings, don’t doit! Cheap drivers bend,
." break and lose head integrity, which also
contributes to cam-out. You didn’t save
: much money if you blow through a setof
screwdrivers every year. Finally,
use your drivers to
drive screws only. They are
neither cold chisels nor ice
picks nor hammers.
A proper hammer should
also be in your basic tool
box anyway. There are all
sorts of hammers - finishhag,
framing, ball peen, etc.
If you only have one hammer,
make it a carpenter’s
hammer. It can drive or pull
into place, even demolish
that tacky Pepto pink tile tub
surround. Once again, review
Rule no~ 1. A cheap
hammer will beat you like a
length of time. A hammer
shouldfeel well-balancedin
your hand and comfortable
to grip. Stanleymakes agood
hammer, but tryafew out, as
there is some slight varialion
even within a similarlot
of hammers.
A tape measure is handy
to have as well, since accurate
measurements help ensure
successful projects. My
advice is to buy nothing less
than al6 ft and preferab!y a
25 ft. There is a measming[
tape called the "E-Z Rule"
-" that not only has the cryptic hash.marks
¯ between the inches but also the actual
: measurementinnumber (i.e. 1/8,1/2,5/8,
: etc.)for a quick and easy fix onjust where
you are. I confess that, prior to owning an
E-Z Rule, I sometimes had to count out
the hash marks to veri,f~y my measurement.
Home repairs don t have to be that
painful - oh, memories of Sister Mary
Agnes’ s math classtAlways try to use the
measuring tool see Dyke, page 14
Always try to
use the
measurln~ tool
each time; this is
really erltleal if
yOU al~
found out to my
dismay in my
early handy~iyke
days. Seems
there there’s
always, some
varlatlon even
w~t]~ somethlng
as standard as
~ueens have
Imown this
~or years.
by Judy McCormick
I just came in from a wonderfui stroll
around our yard. I spentsome time talking
with all those plants who are wide awake
and convinced it is spring. My conversation
included thefact that this whole thing
could be a very nasty trick. They were in
no mood to listen and the 60* plus temperature
and bright sunshine didn’t help
my argument. Mydwarf quince is blooming,
some of my jonquils have set buds
andmyrosebushes arefull ofnew growth.
This is not good. There isn’ t a whole lot
I can do about this. Putting down heavy
mulch when it is warm only magnifies the
dangerous situation. I can watch the
weather and be ready to apply extramulch
at the sign of a drastic~’~old snap and that
is about the extent of the control I have
over this deal. I don’ t like that sort ofthing
but life continues to remind me that my
word is not the "final word.’"
Any other year I would take it to the
bank thatwewould have at least two more
spells of well below freezing temperatures
before that "last freeze". This year,
with El "you know", I just can’t ima~ne
what might happen. I refuse to talk about
"you know" anymore. I have decided that
all this publicity is only encouraging bad
behavior. One thing is for sure, some of
our plants are doing a spring dance with
their bermuda shorts on and they didn’t
bring their warm jacket.
I think we are going to have another
hard freeze, after which I am going to
apply a pre-emergence that will kill the
seeds of the spurge we have in the front
lawn. This plant has an oval shaped leaf
and is very low growing, it chokes out our
grass and then dies with the first frost in
the fall, leaving large bare places in our
feseue. It only comes backfrom seed so if
I apply the prevention immediately after
the last freeze, it should eliminate this
unwelcome visitor. This is also true of
I trimmed my roses, removed the dead
foliage from my mums and held good
thoughts for a gentle cooling off before
any drastic drop in temperature. HappyEl
"you know" to us all.
Judy McCormickformerly owned Cox
These programs are sponsored by the
26th year old Oklahoma Foundation for
the Humanities (OFH). The OFH is an
independent nonprofit organization dedicated
to the promotion of an understanding
and an appreciation for the humanities.
OFH public affairs director, Chris
Dillon noted-that the Tipton lecture may
be the first ever by OFH to discuss a
Lesbian or Transgendered Oklahoman.
The Tipton lecture is part of the 10th
AnnuaI s~mposium in the Humanities
entided"Friends’and N,~!ghbors: Oklaho- ¯
roans and Their Music,’.~!~ani~z~dby the :
Oklahoma FoundatiOff’fo~ the-Humani- "
ties and Rogers University, Tulsa. ¯
This year’s Symposium offers a unique " "-
format to examine the varying musical
traditions that represent Oklahoma’s
divers peoples. In addition to discussion~
and analysis, the music will come alive
for participants through sound recordings,
video presentations, displays of
memrobilia, and live performances.
Registration for the Symposiumbegins
at 8:30am in the Rogers University auditorium
lobby, and sessions begin at 9:00.
Cost per person to attend the Symposium
is $25.00, which includes a buffet lunch.
Sessions end at approximately 4:30. At
5:15p.m., aBarbequeReceptionwill take
#ace at the historic Greenwood Cultural
Center. Cost for the reception is seperate
from sympositma registration and is $12
per person. Info: call 405.235.00-80.
What we hope is that 400 this year will
save $2/week starting in Feb. and then
will bring $24 with :them to the benefit.
Unlike prior years, there won’t be an
auction at the event. And all funds raised
will bd matched on a one-to-one basis by
a grant from the Philip Morris Co.
TFN: Who else is going, to be involved in
the benefit?
AS: There’s a number of well known
Tulsa performers, most of whom are tide
holders: Porsche Lynn, Catia Lee Love,
Notasha Hall, Mia Adams, Richelle Lee,
comedy dragster Sluticia Swampussy,
who’s been crowned for this event, Miss
Po,g,o Pogo American Samoa ’98, Tara
’T Nell and the Green Country Cloggers
as well as Steve Tucker and others to be
TFN: Anything else?
AS: everyone should know that there are
absolutely noballads going to be performed
at this event! And that they will
need3 cans of quality canned food to get
in-somethlng that they’d cat themselv~,
not someleftover stuff. Anyonewhocan t
attend can still donate by bringing their
food and dollars to the Food Pantry, or to
Nate Mattingly at Salon 41 or to me at the
cach time; this is really critical if you are
mcasuring things that need to fit together,
as I found out to my dismay in my early
handy-dyke days. Seems there there’s always
some variation even with something
as standard as mcasurement. Of course,
size queens have known t~is for years.
A few wrenches are also handy to have
about. My recommendations: one pair of
normal pliers; one pair of slip joint pliers
(channel locks); and one pair of adjustable
locking pliers (vise grips). This is a
bare minimum. If you are going to get
serious about home repatrs, I’d also.suggest
a small set of combination box end/
open end wrenches in the. Standard (not
metric) size, a pair of needle nose pliers,
: some wire cutters (aka "Dykes". Hm),
: and at least one pipe wrench. However,
¯¯ the bare minimum will take care of most
basic jobs. ¯
Referring back to Rule no. 2, do your-
" self and your tools a favor and keep them
: together. I’mnotjustbeing abit anal here;
¯ I’m still looking for tools I used to rehab
my house. Suggestions: a tool drawer in
: the house; a peg board with hooks in the
¯ garage; a plastic bucket or trays with
: handles or a gatemonth bag. The there’s
: my favorite, the tool belt. I always keep a
_" hammer, acouple of screwdrivers,amca=
, suring tape and a small pair of vise grips
: in mine, along with a carpenter’s pencil. I
: can just grab that little darling and get
: started on any basic tasks right away. It
¯ also holds the nails, screw, drill bits, etc.
: that I’ll be using specific to that task.
¯ This brings me to a cautionary tale. My
¯ friend C~ was on a ladder nailing some
".- sidingrecenfly; she carried her nails in the.
time-honored yet dangerous method -
between her lips. She and the ladder took
a tumble, a nail went down her throat,
resultiag in a $3500 trip to the ER. In that
light, a tool belt is alsovery economical.
If this story doesn’t convince of the merits
of a tool belt, please consider its aesthetics:
a tool belt has a certain butchly charm
that almost defies description. Just ask the
men andwomen who know.
IAM is inviting local corporations to
sponsor the event at various levels as well
as individuals, churches and organizalions.
Runners can pre-register for afee of
$12 (inCluding a t-shirt) and $8 (without
the t-shirt). Registration the .day of the
event will be $15 (including a t-shirt) and
$10 (without the t-shirt) and begins at
6am with the men’s race beginning at 7
am and the women’s race beginning at
7:30 am. Info: call IAM at 438-2437.
: (at a slight substitution charge, but it was
¯ worth i0: The corned beef was sliced and
¯ grilled, and was messy, spicy, juicy, and
¯ salty - all the. things comed beef sand-
: wiches are supposed to be.
¯ Wedecidedto drink dessert, andhcaded
: to the lovely bar for an after-dinner pint-
¯ ortwo. Paddy’s fcatures the popular but
¯. hard to find Killian’ s Red on tap, and well
as the American standards, Budweiser
: and Bud Light. They also have a large
: selectionofbottleddomestic andimported
beer, including Irish beers, Harp,
: Guinness, and Bass.
¯ While not worth a special trip across
town, if one is in the neighborhood,
¯ Paddy’s provides a, well,"exotic" dining
¯ experience perfectly suited to the typical
Tulsa palate. More importantly, though,
¯ Paddy’s is the site for one of the more
." ’festive’ annual St. Patrick’s Day obser-
¯ vances in the area, rivaled only by the
: oceans of green beer at O’ Connell’s Pub
¯ in Norman.
Jean-Pierre LaGrandhouche is a local
: attorney and epicure who, obviously,
: writes under a pseudonym, for equally
¯ obvious reasons. He is not to be confused
¯ with the editor ofTFN who is frequently
: quite, happilyfed at Taco Bell, an estab-
¯ lishment which Jean-Pierre abhors.
Classifieds - how to work them:
First 30 words are $10. ~ach additional
word is 25 cents. You may bring
attention to your ad:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2, Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the no.
of words. (A word is a group of letters or
numbers separated by a space.) Send your
ad & pay[n,ent to FOB 4140, Tul.sa, OK
74159 w~th your name, address, tel. numbers
(for us only). Ads will run in the next
issue after received. TFN reserves the right
to.edit or refuse any ad. No refunds.
Inexpensive Apartment Sought
Quiet, non-smoking/drinldngGWMseeks
garage apartment, efficiency, or one-bedroom
apartment or studio for rent at a
reasonable rate. Please call Jim at 583-
Tulsa ’s onlyprofessional
What’s happening in the community?
Need a Coming Out Support Group?
Need to get tested for HIV?
Want to get involved? Call 743-GAYS
the Pride Cenler
1307 E. 38th at Peoria, 2nd floor
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Retail Business Opportunity
So you’d like to live in Eureka
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FUSO - Friends in Unity
Social Organization, Inc.
FUSO is a community based
organigation not-for-profit 501 (c)3
agency providing services to African-
American males + females who are
infected with HIV/AIDS in the Tulsa
community. FUSO also helps
individuals find other agencies that
provide HIV/AIDS services.
POB 8542, Tulsa, OK 74101
Call The 900 number to respond to ads.
3nly $1.99 per minute. 18+. Customer Service: 415-281-3183
ONLY ONE HERE I’m a good
looking, 19 year old, White male
,5’10, 2351bs, with Brawn hair, ’
¯ seeking a friendly, rugged guy,
18 to 39, who enjoys camp ng,
going out, and lots of lau.qhter.
Let’shave same fun. I’m able to
drive to you f you’re far crvvav
(Cushing) =! 1928 --"
~ueeasrts. IT’mhisaanttorarmctaivlec,oWuneltlnb/ubi~lt,y at
White male, 5’8, 1601bs, likes
going to the gym, running,
cooking, eating, fishing, and
doing other ouk~:)or stuff. I’m
waiting to meet someone to spend
some special times with. (Ft
Gibsan) =10384 ’
I’ve always considered myself
Straight, but lately I haven’t been
able to stop thinking about sex
with another man. I need someone
Straight acting, discreet, healthy,
.and. c]rug free. I’m a good
looking, pre~ well built, Single,
White male, ’)9, 6ft, 1901bs, with
Brown hair and Green eyes.
(Grand Lake) =12004
White male into crossdressing and
painting my toenails. I love geit ng
my toenails and everything else,
painted. If you’re in the area and
turned on, call me. I’m 35, w th
Blond hair and Blue eyes.
(Tahlequah) =! 1743
HEAD OFFICE Professional
businessman, 6’1, 2151bs;into
dancing, meeting new people,
and having fun, wants to hook up
with same new friends.
(Tahlequah) =11398
passionate, versatile, a0 year old,
White male, with good looks,
seeks very intelligent, Bi or Gay
males, li) to 401 interested in
erotic evenings. I’d liketo berlin
~by massaging, your~and’go
from there. I don’t think you’ll ~e
disappointed. (Tulsa) =13001
hot stud in Tulsa, needs a warm
bo.dy to h.eat me up on cold
nights. (Tulsa) =13077
Healthy, attractive, HIV
positive, Wh te male, 37,
1701bs, with Brown hair, Hazel
eyes, and a mustache, seeks a
sincere, honest, well endowed
guy, 25 to 55, who likes to be
a man. Race .s open and looks
are unimportant, as long as
you’re clean cut. (Tulsa)
= ! 2249
BURNING LOVE ’m a good
looking, White male, 22,
1401bs, with Brown hair and
eyes. I’m intelligent and I’d hke
to me,e,t other .quys to have fun
with. I m very~hot. (Tu sa)
NEW BUDDY Friendly, 36
year old, uncut, Wh te male,
5’10, 1601bs, with Brown hair,
Brown eyes, and a great butt,
seeks friends to hang out with.
(Tulsa) = ! 1860
FLY, FLY AWAY Th s good
looking, 30 year old, Gay,
White male,.into the outdoors,
hiking, biking, and sunbathing,
seeks a dis~’inguished
gentleman, 31~ to a5, w th
simi a~" interests. I work for a
major airline and would love to
take you away somewhere
(Tu sa) =11349 ~
a0 year old, White,
Transgender male seek ng a
tall, masculine male, for
friendsh ip.Age and race are
unimp.ortant. I’m very ladylike,
very oomestic, and extremely
feminine, i enioy p~easing a
man in every Way and I need
someone who can respond to
_the woman in me. (Tulsa)
=! 1330
IN THE AIR Clean shaven,
attractive, drug free, Wh te
ma e, 35, With Brown hair and
Blue eyes, seeks other guys, for
friendship dnd a possiE~le long
term relationship. I en oy quiet
evenings, anything outdoors,
dancing, andhanging out with
friends. (Tulsa). =11015
Most evenings, I kick back,
open a nicebeer, watch s~me
Iv, and start massaging myself.
I’d love to talk to you so we can
get off together. (Tulsa)
outgoing, fun loving, 19 year
old, White male, 6if, 1651bs,
with Black hair and Blue eyes,
seeks other guys for friendsh p
or 9 long term relationship.
(Tulsa) =10572
friendly, but Shy, Tulsa boy, 36,
5’10, 1601bs, wants to meet
some new people in.the area.
(Tulsa) =10087
built, athletic, Bla& male, 28, 6’3o
1691bs, with short, Black hair, "
Brown eyes~ and good looks, is new
to town and seek~ a masculine,
attractive, White male, 21 to 28, tO
hang outwith. (Tulsa) =10147
NO PRESSUR~ This feminine, B,
White female, 5’4, 1151l)s, with
Brown hair and Blue eyes, seeks
another ~ninine, Bi female, who
shams same o~ my intemsls for
Friendship or mare. I like to go out,
but I also en oy st~/ing in watching
a video. ’m into the outdoors. I
don’t smoke but I have a drink
occasionally. (Salina) =9470
MIDWEST TIES I’m a Lesbian
~vdter and oumalist who’s tied to
~e rn dwest fora while. I’m
inte(ested in meeting other womyn
w’th whom to d~scuss literature an"d
~world. Who knows what might
devefep.e (Tulsa) e!0163
~’2e0a1rbosl,d,juGstamy,oWvehditheefmem~a’olem, F5t’.5,
Lauderdole. I haven’t met meny Gay
and Bi womyn yet, but am onxious
Io make some friends. I prefer
womyn belw~een.18 and 30, of .any
race. Some of my inten~ls include
rollerblading movies, and going to
m&s. (Tu ~a) eI018! _
moved here from Califomia~
Oklahoma is a~l about. I enjoy
music, donci~, sports, going out for
Fun, and g~pe~ple to sham itall
with. (Tulsa) =9651
BLONDE AND BI Attractive 13
White t~omale, 6ft; with Blen~’~r,
seeks another Bi female, who likes to
To record your FREE Personal ad Call: 1-800.546 ENN (We’ll here)-
Mitchell’ s Teutonic title character- an
~ntemattonally-~gnored’ song styhst -
delivers what is essentially an 80-minut,
cabaret show in the faded ballroom of the
real-life Hotel Riverview on the far west
fringes of Greenwich Village. It’s hilarious
mock-confessional autobiography,
chock-fidl of political and show business
asides and a liberal dose of raunch.
Hedwig’ s story certainlyis exotic. Born
in what was then East Berlin, our hero -
then called Hansel -f’mds fleeting happiness
with an American serviceman who
suggests marriage and then a sex-change
operation, in that order. The operation
doesn’t quite succeed, but Hansel, now
Hedwig, finds himself in a Kansas trailer
Hedwig finds relief with Tommy
Gnosis, a young rocker on his way to
superstardom. Tommy later abandons
Hedwig, too; in fact, as "Hedwig and the
Angry Inch" opens, he is performing just
across the Hudson River at a major stadium
concert in New Jersey’s Meadowlands.
Is Hedwig bitter? You bet, which
leads to much lamenting, alot ofit hostile
and a lot of it very, very funny.
Mitchell, looking like the offspring of
Farrah Fawcett and Rum Tum Tugger
from"Cats," handles thepulsating, heavyduty
s.c~.re written by Stephen Trask, with
surprising ease. He is a strong singer and
an accomplished actor. The dynamic per-
.former turns "Hedwigand theAngryInch"
into a tough-talking and hard-driving tour
: deforce.
MO School Band
i Cancel Disney Trip ¯ STOCKTON, Mo. (AP) - The Stockton
: ’High School band’s trip to Walt Disney
¯ World was canceled amid complaints
about what one school board member
TCalwled Disney’s "pro-Gay" philosophy.
o ~ozen anti-Gay protesters from Topeka,
Kan., lined the sidewalk outside the
gymnasium where the meeting was held.
Passersby exchangedinsults with the Rev.
Fred Phelps and his supporters. One sign
depicted Mickey Mouse with the words
"Rat fag." Most of the 1130oeovle in
attendance supported the bandCs plans tO
visit Disney World. "I think it was the
saddest thing I’ve ever seen"
ymond Winsett, whose daughter is in
the band.
Board member Tom Landers had cited
Disney’s"Ellen," andits companypolicy
of providing same-sex partners benefits
as his reasons for opposing the trip.
"That ain’t got nothing to do with letting
these kids go to Disney World,"
Winsett said. "Mostofthebusiness people
in Stockton would sdl merchandise to
those people (Gays)." Freshman Danielle
Dotson was near tears and dismissed the
criticism of Disney. "We have Gays in
Stockton, Wherever you go, there are
going to be Gay people there," she said.
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Tulsa Family News, “[1998] Tulsa Family News, March 1998; Volume 5, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/545.