[1999] Tulsa Family News, April 1999; Volume 6, Issue 4
[1999] Tulsa Family News, April 1999; Volume 6, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
April 1999
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, March 1999; Volume 6, Issue 3
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
New Campaign for Federal
Hate Crimes Law Passage
WASHINGTON (AP) - Oregon Sens. Ron.Wyden and
Gordon Smith are renewing their campaign for an
expanded, federal hate crimes statute, hoping thatpublic
outrage over the torture and murder of black and Gay
men will spur passage. "This is about drawing a line in
the sand and saying America.is too good.., to look the
other way in the face of violent, hate-filled acts," said
Wyden, a Democratic cosponsor of the Hate Crimes
Prevention Act of 1999, a replica of last year’s bill.
Last month in Texas, John William King, a white
supremacist, was sentenced to death for chaining a
black man, James Byrd Jr., behind a pickup truck and
dragging him to his death. Two men have been charged
in the October slaying of Gay colleg.., student Matthew
.Shepard, who was pistol-whipped and’lashed to a fence
m Wyoming. Two men also have been charged with
beating to death aGay textile worker, Billy Jack Gaither,
in Alabamalast month and burning his body on a pile of
Sen. Gordon Smith, another cosponsor of the bill,
said that as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee he often travels abroad and deplores hate
crimes in other nations, see Federal, p. 3
Alabama Man Murdered
in Anti-Gay Hate crime
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - An overflow crowd of
mourners filled Covenant Metropolitan Community
Church, honoring the memory of Billy Jack Gaither
while also calling for an end to hatred against Gays.
There was no standingroom at the 225-seat church as 17
speakers mostly clergy - decried Gaither’s death. A
handful of anti-Gay protesters picketed outside.
Steven Eric Mullins, 25, and Charles Monroe Butler,
21,.confessed to beating the 39-year-old Sylacaugaman
to death with an ax handle last month and setting his
body on fire atop kerosene-soaked tires because, they
claimed, he made a pass at one of them. Gaither’s body
was discovered by apasserby Feb. 20in CoosaCounty,
a day after he was beaten and burned.
"Mullins and Butler stated the reason they killed him
was because he was ahomosexual," said Coosa County
sheriff’s deputy Al Bradley. "We believe this to be the
true motive." Mnllins and Buffer remain in the Coosa
County jail.
Gaither met with the two men in Sylaeanga, a
community about 40 miles southeast of Birmingham,
on the night he was killed, police said. Hehad last been
seeninabarhefrequented. According to the statements,
Mullins called Gaither and asked him to go to the bar,
where they met and.apparently left together, Johnson
said. Authorities said the men apparently took Gaither
to a remote location, where the murder took place.
The memorial service drew people of all races and
ages, from all across the state, seeAlabama,p. 13
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tuleans, Our Families + Friends
~Cir~cuistion Comm..un" Pa eravailable In More Than 75 C" Locations
Ok.lahom; iHou e K, IIs Hate ! Gay US Congres.sman
Crime Amendment, HB1.211 :: FranktoAttend Pr,de’99
by Tim Talley and Tom Neal : TULS,A -.~Wl~i,’le some details remain unresolved,
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP/TFN)- Hate crimes legislationis dead : Tulsa s Pride 99 organizers have announced that
in the Oklahoma Legislature this year following defeat of a bill : .openly .Gay US...Congress.man, Barney Frank of
that originally sought to add sexual orientation to the state’s list Mass,ach,nsetts will .attend this
of hate erimes, year s June 12th event.
An unprecedented number of supporters, including members ~ongressman Frank is _one of
of Gay and Lesbian groups and representatives of religious me most respected l)emoorganizations
such as TulSa Metropolitan Ministry, went to the _cra~cme..mbers of ~e,,United
Capitol early in March to encourage lawmakers to support House ~ tate.s Hou,s e ox,,~,epre-
Bill 1211. sentataves ana is well ~nown
But the bill’s sponsor, Tulsa Rep. Don Ross said there was not
enough bipartisan support to add sexual orientation to the
Oklahoma Hate Crimes Act. "I said from the beginning I would
not allow this issue to become a partisan wedge issue, used
exclusively against Democrats in the next election," Ross said.
The vote killing the bill followed more than an hour of
sometimes passionate debate between supporters, who said that
certain classes ofpeople deserve special protection, and opponents
who argued that all citizens should be treated equally under the
law. The bill’s final version would have made a first-offense hate
crime afelony and providedfor enhanced penalties when~iolence
was used but did not add "sexual orientation" to the existing law.
Rep. Leonard Sullivan said the measure was divxsive and
singled out certain groups for special treatment. The Oklahoma
Hate Crimes Act distinguishes offenses committed because of
race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin and disability. But
supporters said special status has been given to crimes against
children and women, and that similar recognition is needed for
other groups because of who or what they are.
"The law is an equalizing force," argued Ross, who is one of
three Black House members. "The idea of equal protection is a
very noble concept," but it is up to lawmakers to make it work,
said Rep. Russ Roach, D-Tulsa. "This legislation protects all
people," added Rep. John Sellers, D-Enid.
Ross’ substitute bill deleting ~exual orientation was drafted in
response to the Christian Coalition opposition. Toure said fear,
hatred and misunderstanding are to blame for dropping sexual
orientation from the measure. "I never knew the hatred toward
Gay people as I do now," Ross said.
TOHR’ Steve Horn shivers with Cimarron Alliance’ Terry
Gatewood andfriend at Equality Begins at Home Capitol rally,
Reverend Leslie Penrose
Resigns as Methodist Pastor
TULSA - On March 5,1999, the pastor of Community of Hope
Base Shalom Congregation, the Reverend Leslie Penrose
submitted a letter to Oklahoma MethodiSt Bishop, Bruce Blake
initiating her withdrawal from the Methodist Church: The
following is selections of her letter which circulated by e-mail in
the Tulsa community:
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with prayers for its future well-being, that I initiate the
. processofwithdrawingfromtheUnitedMethodistChurch. The
", primary reason for my withdrawal after 18 years offull time
¯ ministry is the increasing focus on complaints and charges
¯ regarding my ministry of blessing same-sex covenant
¯ to either withdrawing or preparing for trial. I simply will not
¯ participate inputting God’s grace- or myprivilege as apastor ¯
¯ to bless andcelebrateany andevery relationship where thefruits ofthe spirit bear witness to that grace - on trial. Nor will I hide
¯ or lie about the ministry I do.
¯ From the time six years ago when I was sent by the Oklahoma
¯ Conference to create a reconciling base community ministry in
Tulsa, see Penrose, p. 13
for his skilled and often
scathing debate.
Mitchell Savage, member
of Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center’s Pride ’99 planning committee,
also noted that in addition to attending the annual
Tulsa Pride Picnic, planned again.for Veterans
Park at 18th and Boulder, organizers are working
on a dinner at which the Congressman would likely
speak and possibly a Sunday morning event.
Congressman Frank was graduated in 1962 from
Harvard University andtaughtundergraduates there
while studying for a Ph.D. Before completing his
Ph.D. degree, Frank became Chief Assistant to
Mayor Kevin White of Boston. In 1972,
Congressman Frank was elected to the
Massachusetts Legislature, where he served for
eight years, until 1980. During that time, he entered
Harvard Law School in September, 1974 and
graduated in 1977. In 1980, Congressman Frank
was elected to the US House of Representatives. In
a recent evaluation of Congress, The Almanac of
American Politics said "Frank is one of the
intellectual and political leaders of the Democratic
Party in the House, political theorist :andpit bull at
the same time." Frank serves on the Judiciary and
the Banking Financial Services Committees.
For more information, contact the Community
Center at 743-4297.
BTW Boasts OK’s First
Gay-Straight Alliance
by Tom Neal
TULSA - Elsewhere in the United States, high
school Gay-Straight Alliances have often been met
withconsiderable controversy. In Utah, some school
districts got rid of all their campus organizations
¯ rather than allow a group which tries to supportGay
o young adults andfoster tolerance andunderstanding.
: However, Booker T. Washington High School,
¯ Tulsa’s magnet showpiece school, appears to have
¯ avoided much of that sort of uproar and is thought
: to be the first high school with such an organization
¯ in the state of Oklahoma.
¯ Former SapulpaHigh School student, Will Allen
¯ and Emily Sizemore began the work of creating a ¯
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) latein 1998, meeting
." withformerBTWprincipal Mr. Stevens andt’mding
¯ a faculty sponsor, Doug Gronberg.
¯ Then in January this year, after creating flyers
¯ and making an public announcement on the school
¯ intercom, they held their first meeting.
¯ Muchto the astonishmentofAllen and Sizemore,
¯ 40 students showedup. In fact, Allen stated that the
¯ turnout was notable especially since that that first
: meeting conflicted with a tryoutfor the Washington
¯ Drama Club’s production of West Side Story:
¯ Apparently BTW’s Gay population is well
¯ represented in theDramaClub and therefore, many
¯ who might otherwise have been expected to attend
¯ weren’t able. Allen also notes that similar groups in
Chicago and Boston frequently don’thave as many
¯ attending.
: Allen said that the GSA is comparable to other
studentchapters on thecampus, suchas theNAACP
¯ see BTW,.p. 13
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Care, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
"*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlinlc net
wobsito: http: [/users.aol.comiTulsaNews!
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308 "
Tulsa-Businesses, Services, & Professionals "
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital.Cellular 747-1508 ¯
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510 "
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor
746-4620 "
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 ."
Kent Batch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 ¯
~’Bames & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034, "
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
712d122 :
*Borders BoOks & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955 :
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 "
*CD Warehouse,. 3807c S. Peoria
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902,743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker " 622-0700
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco,.3212 E. 15th "- 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611-
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sberidan
838-8503 "
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379 .:
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. P~eori~a _~ ~,~
744-9595 ¯
Cathy Furlo~g_~ PIilD., 1980 Utica bq. lvte~. ~u.
62823709. :
*Gloria Jeati s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
742-1460 "
Leanne M. Grbss, Insurance &financial planning
459-9349 ¯
744-7440 ¯
Mark T. Ha~by,.Attorney : ¯
*Sandra Ji Hill, M~, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*international T_o.urs
341-6866 "
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th
712-2750 :
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
747-0236 "
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
599-8070 "
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466 :
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brad),
*MidtownTheater, 319 E. 3rd
584-3112 ".
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
663-5934 "
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
664-2951 ~
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard
747-6711 ~
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
747-7672 ~
Puppy Pause II, 1060. S. Mingo
*Peace of MindBookstore, 1401 E. 15
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor
Rainbowz on the River B+B,POB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
Teri Sehutt, Rex Realtors
834-7921, 747.4746
Christoph~ Spra_~g, attom__e_Y:~16 ~S. Main,#308
*Seribner s Bookstore, 1942 Utaca bquare 749-6301
Paul Tay, CarSalesman
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Fred.Welch, LCSW, Counseling ....... 743:1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies, Chumhes, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Communiw Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Counci! O~k Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1.
"~ NOW, Nat’! Org. forWomen, POB 14068, 74159
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
:riend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152
:riends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101
*HIV FaR Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd.
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month the entire contents of this
pgblication are protected by US copyright 1998 byT~ ~:..~.
N~,~ and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. ,Pub!ica.ti.o.n of~a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexua onentauon. ~,orrespon- .
dence ~s assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,.rpust .
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248. .
~Red Rock Mental ¯Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support.group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’UV~,N Jr suonort group for 14-17 LGBT youth .
St. Aidan’ s Eptscopal Church, 4045 N. Cmcaunat~ 425 78
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder
TNAAPP(Native American men). Indian Health Care
Tulsa County Health Departme_nt, 4616 E. 15 , 59,5-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays omy
Tulsa Okla. for HumanRights, c/o The Pride Center 743.4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses
: *Rogers University (formerly UCT)
: ,BartlesvillePublicLibrary,600S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
". *Borders Books&MusiC, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
~ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573.4907
: *Stonewall League, call for information:
’.- ~Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
’*G~een Coun AIDS Coalition, POB 1570
¯ NSU School of Optometry., I001N. Grand
; HIVtesting every Other Tues. 5:30t8:30, call for dates
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &,
’.’ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy: 23
: *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St."
:. *Emerald Rainbow; 45 &l/2 Spring St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring -
¯ Geek to Go[, PC Specialist, POB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
"- Positive Idea Marketing Plans
: Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*White Light, t Center St.
*Edna’s. 9 S. Schoo! Ave.
God Would Never
Advocate Hate
I am not pointing fingers. I am pointing
and pitching in.
¯It rained, and was quite cold and m~serable atSaturday’s ("EqualityBegins
At Home") rally on the capitol steps..The
graves of our Gay and African American
martyrs inAlabama,Jasper, andWyoming
are cold, lonely, andmiserable. Why were
there only aprox. 300 folks at the capitol
demanding that our innocent people’s
executions stop? Where were you?
I will speak for myself. When Mathew
Shepard died, Tulsa had a candlelight
vigil for him. It rained, and was nasty out
thatevening, therefore, I decided toremain
in the comfort of my warm home. After
seeing the number of folks from the
Westboro Baptist Church, that endured
the freezing rain at Mathew’s funeral - in
order to spew out hate and condemnation
to the coldbody ofaninnocent child- I felt
like aninsensitive, amoral, spineless snake
for staying.home. Where were you?
Howmany morefolks are going tohave
to die in order for you / us to see that we
need to attend these functions? The hate
crime law was turned down- even in the
state where Mathew Shepard was killed.
Arethe"moral majority" ofourlawmakers
hate mongers? I Thank God for MC
Smothermon, Keith Smith, Paul Barby,
and their likes. We need more folks like
them at our capitol, to defend the rights of
"minorities". We deserve better. Those
who have died because of ignorant hate
deserved better.
Perhaps the world does not fully
understand thathate crimes are committed
every day. Ourminority citizens are scared
to report attacks against themselves as
such, because offurther condemnation, or
for lack of concern by law enforcement.
¯ Folks are scared to speak up for equal ¯
rights - for fear of what few rights they
¯ currently have - will be torn away from
¯ them as a result. Receiving a pink slip
¯ from your employment, and adeath threat
: because of standing up for.equal rights !s
i reality. I know from experience. There ~s
~ plenty ofbehind the scene workthatnee~,s
¯ to be done, that will make a differencem
: your salvation - and the lives of those in
¯ danger of ignorant violence.
~ I know ofmany hate crimes committed ¯
in Tulsa alone- which have not received
¯ the attention they deserve. I am aware of
¯ "minority" children that were victims of
¯ violent I~ate crime - which cannot tell
~ their parents for fear of getting kicked out
¯ of their ho,,m_es. Obvi,o_nsly the general
" public says oh well,it s jt£st another fag,
¯ or blackie". Is the buckle of the bible belt
¯ so. tight.that it is r~.tri_cting blood flow to
; the brains of those who consider
¯ themselves "do-gooders"? God would
¯ never advocate hate. Never.
.’~ The general media image of the Gay,
Bi, Lesbian, and transgendered
community is out cruising River Park,
molesting littleboys, and spreading AIDS.
Wall, I have not used the parks for sex,
and see Letters, p. 3
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered Or on issues
you think need to be considered. You may
request that your name be withheld but
letters must be signed &hay e phone numbers,
or be hand delivered. 200 word lel-
¯ " " OB 701475 74170-1475 3_5.523_1.--42~. ; *~ ’ "t o~ Christ MCC ~2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 417-623-4696 ters are preIerrea~." "~’u~t.ters to other
Ep~scopahans, P , ., . Spin . ..... . ¯ " - will be rinteo as is a propna~e.
¯Fellowship Congreg. Ctxurch,2900 S. H~vard~ . ~ ~4,~-,~7~7, ,
, tswl~ere¢oucanrmaTFN-N°’~au~’eGa’’owne~~ s ap~prop_n[~.:
¯Free S~iht Women’ s Center, call for locauon ~~mo: ~o/-~,u~
theOklahomaStateCapitol as a local partofanational event,
Equality Begins at Home. The turnout really Wasn’ t that bad
considering that, in inimi table Oklahoma spring fashion, the
weather had turned very, very chilly and rainy. It also wasn’t
bad considering how the event’s Oklahoma City organizers
had failed thoroughly to get the word out to the statewide
Their failure actually is rather surprising because those
organizers, Paul Thompson of the self proclaimed statewide
OGLPC, the Oklahoma Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus,
and Paula Hand Brown, an editor and reporter for The Gayly
Oklahomanare easily two of the mostexperienced Gay civil
fights activists in Oklahoma City.
The event itself was only symbolic. The Capitol was
locked and our only audience was, wall, ourselves and afew
media types. Thereal lobbyingwas thatdoneatthebeginning
of the month under the direction of Keith Smith and Nancy
McDonald when the Capitol was unlocked and legislators
werein attendance. But atleastOklahomacould say we were
there; wewere one of those states around the country that did
an "Equality Begins at Home" (EBAH) event.
But the event was marred by a few parochial and petty
aspects which by themselves are not that important but
which point to flaws in our national and state movement.
Th~se are the sorts of flaws that, frankly, often make u~as
effective in hindering our movement as our enemies.
One problem to which this newspaper has particular
objectionis thefailure ofthese experienced andmedia savvy
organizers to provide this newspaper with the most basic
information about the event. While TFN earlier published
" informationaboutEBAHbasedon the press releases provided
by the national sponsors, the National Gay & Lesbian Task
Force and the Federation of Stat,ewide LGBT Political
Organizations, Thompson and. Brown apparently did not
provide even the simplest press release telling precisely
when the event was going to be held.
Now in fairness, they claim that they telephoned TFN but
oddly neither I nor any otherTFN staffever found amessage
onour office number, our wireless voicemail,our e-mail, our
fax machine, or even by that old fashioned method, by post!
Some might suggest that Ms. Brown, an employee of a
somewhat rival newspaper and Mr. Thompson, wall known
to be dosdy tied to that newspaper might have had an
interest in not sharing the information fully.
Certainly, we at Tulsa Family News also acknowledge
that if the only part of rtmning this business and getting a
issue put together was to track down information from
negligentcommunity organizers, then wecould have chased
the information down as wall. However, we do have some
other events we have to cover as well. For the record,
Thompson and Brown did later telephone TFN and actually
leave messages but only after we had gone to press and only
after we complained to NGLTF organizers.
But the real issue for Oklahomain the "Equality Begins at
Home" effort is notjust that ofpoor communications. Part of
the EBAH effort was a grant of to each participating state of
$5,000. In Oklahoma, this $5K went to the Oklahoma Gay
& Lesbian Political Caucus (OGLPC).
Now if you just go by their name, you might assume that
they are genuinely a statewide-organization. However, the
organization in practice only ha~~ad a real impact in.central
Oklahoma City. In that area, they have been fairly effective.
An active OGLPC member claims that they have about 150
members, though they claim to have a mailing list of 7,000.
He surprisingly was unable to provide any numberfor Tulsa
members. And what many Gay and Lesbian civil rights
activists believe, both in Tulsa and OKC, is that OGLPC
really is just a OKC group. It’s never had any impact on
Tulsa politics.
Let us compare this with the Cimarron Alliance which,
although much newer, hasboth Tulsa and other non~OKC
members, and a track record of doing significant work
outside of OKC.
The obvious question is why did NGLTF give $5K to an
organizationwhichhadlittle credibility as agenuine statewide
organization, and which for years has seemed to be little
more than an extension of the personality of Paul Thompson
overTheCimarronAlliance withits documentable successes
across the state?
Here’s where petty local politics meets petty national
politics. NGLTF knew quite wall that OGLPC was not
widely considered credible as a statewide organization.
see Equality, p.lO
~shocked many with his.suggestion that th~ solution to
¯ .famine in Ireland, then under English domination, was
" for the Irish merely to eat their children. Swift, an
¯ Irishman himself,, indeed was being just a wee bit
¯ sarcastic and his essay is still readin literature classes as
an example of that type of essay.
It is the spirit of Swift that I’d like to
¯ invoke for part of this essay but I realize
that these words taken out of context as
¯¯ they no doubt will be, will likely provoke
shock and dismay and anger. All that said,
¯ I’d like to talk about hate crimes and hate
¯ crimes legislation, specifically that which
¯ was considered last month in our ¯
¯ First, let us praise The Very Honorable
¯ Don Ross, one of Tulsa’s state
¯ representatives who introduced HB 1211.
He can be cranky but as he once told me
¯ (and proved it), he’s one of our few
_" dependable friends in the Oklahoma
¯ House. He’s also been supportive of
¯ increased funding for people living with
So, take some time to thank him - like
:’ your momma said, it doesn’t take that
¯ long to write a thank you note. Also don’t
¯ forget him when the next election cycle
¯ comes up. Send hima checkif you can, or ¯
volunteer. If we don’t take care of our
¯ friends, who will?
: And to highlight the positive, the
¯ progress HB1211 made is greater than ¯
anything that came before. That’s notjust
¯ my assessment but that of a Tulsa area
¯ Republican representative. He’ll be ¯
happier if I’ll leave him unnamed, but as
¯ he said, just getting the bill out of
¯ committee counts as progress. Headded that afew years
¯ ago,most of the people talking with us would not even ¯
have let us in the door.
¯ Again to recognize those whose work is making
¯ much of that difference, we need to thank Keith Smith
¯ who lobbies for our communities on his own while he ¯
does his other paid lobbying work. One day, if we are
¯ really smart as a community, we’ll figure outhow to pay
¯ Keith so that he can do even more.
¯ TulsaMetropolitanMinistry deserves great praise for
providing the initial leadership on this bill, particularly
¯ the Reverends Mildred Banks, Gary Blaine, Gaff Kecny-
¯ Mulligan and no doubt others whose names I don’t ¯
know. Attorney General Drew Edmondson and former
: DistrictAttorney Bill LaFortunealso were tremendousl)~
¯ helpfui.
Also, I would be remiss in not specifi.ca!,ly honoring
Nancy McDonald for spearheading Tulsa S efforts on
HB 1211. Standing 0utside thechamberoftheOklahoma
¯ House of Representatives with these two and~others, as
or nlzed ome
to lie in
wait outside of
some guy walking
to his ear alone,
jump him and beat
him senseless?
Or when some
%traight" couple
has the nerve to
flaunt their
sexuality publicly,
by holding hands
or kissing, what if
we drove up on the
sidewalk to run
them down or
pulled a gun and
shot at them.
myfather and I did, is quite the education. Butnext time
we need to get more of us there!
But back to the blasphemous and scandalous, I have
¯ to wonder how quickly hate crimes laws would pass if
" the situation were reversed?
¯ What if we organized some gangs of Gay men to get
alittle drunkand liein waitoutside ofnotorious "straight"
bars, and when we see some guy walking
to his car alone, jump him and beat him
senseless. Orwhensome straight couple
has the nerve to flaunt their sexuality
publicly, byholding hands or kissing, what
if we drove up on the sidewalk to run them
down orjnstpulled agunand shot atthem?
At the very least, we could scream
epithets at them so that they’ll know how
hated and repulsive they are. And if that’s
not good enough to intimidate those
"straight" guys, wemight prevail on some
of our lipstick Lesbians to chat them up in
a bar, pretending to be "straight" and then
lure them out to where they can be beaten
or murdered or tortured - whatever.
How long do you think it would take for
hate crimes legisl.ation which included
sexual orientation to pass? Though our
legislature wouldlikely0uly makeitillegal
for us to beat up "straight" boys but leave
it just fine for them to kill us.
Mind you I do not advocate any of the
violence mentioned above; we all know it
wouldbe wrong. I think it is a testament to
the decency of most Gay people that we
face the injustice and indignity with which
we are treated with as much patience and
kindness as we do. I can’t believe that it’s
just because we have no choice.
Consider this: in the early years of the
AIDS holocaust, we had little hope; there
were no or few effective treatments; we
" had a government that was damning even more to death
¯ through its actions that were indifferent at best, and
more often hostile, and yet we never saw any of our
¯ people resorting to violence - civil disobedience, yes,
¯ butmoredidnothappenas is the casewithdesperate and
oppressed people in much else of the world. Even the
~ Jews became terrorists as old Palestine went on its way
¯ to becoming Israel.
¯ My old friend Peter and I have wondered how it is that
¯ none of those who might well have seen the world as
without hope, sought vengeance or acted in violence?
After all, when faced with the evil that Jesse Helms and
others like that represent, why no one of us sought to
send him or the many in Congress like him to the hell
they surely deserve?
But in the words of an old Holly Near song, "we are
a gentle, angry people, and we fighting, fighting for our
lives..." and maybe our persistence, along with the
righteousness of our cause will move even the hardened
hearts of Oklahoma towards justice someday.
radio programming, the (seemingly)blackmailing
Christian c~alition, and other attractive sprinkles of
ignorance. Prejudice words such as "faggot, blackie,
nigger, colored~ and queer" should never be allowed in
hateful media - of any sort. This is the dawn of a new
century political correctness changes - are we still
Neanderthals? I think that we have evolved enough to
cease advocating senseless -hate towards our brothers
and sisters.
Please make plans to attend the Pride ’99 Gay pride
parade on June 12th. Perhaps we will be more inclined
to attend a function of such ~xtreme value - if the
weather is bright and sunny. Weneed to make it known
to our leaders that hate crimes are not acceptable. Pride
’99 will be a wonderful vehicle to portray the equality
we deserve and demand. Equal rights are just that -
equal, not special.
¯ Please become more involved in advocating equality
v~a organizations such as T.O.H.R., N.A.A.C.P.,
P.F.LA.G., and others. You will be, and feel like, a
better person for your efforts.
I am not pointing t’mgers. Just pointing and pitching
Conform and be dull. - Ned T. Bruha, Tulsa
Icert~ainly there are no more Gays interested in little
boys than the heterosexual community. AIDS has no
sexual preference. The words "Gay" and"black" arenot
needed as verbs. In media, when we talk about an
¯" "average" citizen, we do not say"andin thenews today,
~ a white, heterosexual groi~p of’Christians gathered in a
." local church to discuss how to stop theGays fromkilling
¯ straight folks". Please.
Why do we allow our radio stations to advocate hate
¯ via Gayjokes andracial slurs?Why does theFCC allow
." them that’’freedom of speech"? Why are websites such
¯ as the Gay Nazis, skinheads, KKK, Westboro Baptist, ¯
and Larry the Cable Guy allowed? They all seem to
." inciteignorantintolerance,hate, and sometimes violence
¯ - but when asked about what is inwriting- they refuse ¯
to admit it is hate. "We shouldbe outraged andalarmed,
¯ because theideas canlead to violent crimes"- as stated
¯ in the3/28/1999USAWeekendincludedin your Sunday
¯ papers. The minds of our innocent children are being
" soiled by seemingly innocent media: Crayons using
¯ peach as skin tone, bandages are peach- for skin tone,
Anti-Gay Stand Loses
Church Its Building
BROCKTON, Mass. (AP) - A dispute over Gay
Christians has put a priest and his parishioners who
oppose same-sex marriages on the street, so the
evicted congregation held services right on the
sidewalk. The Rev. Thomas Morris andabout adozen
members of his flock prayed outside on a recent
Sunday, despite their eviction by a judge in their
ongoing dispute with the Episcopal Diocese of
Morris and his congregation at St. Paul’s Church
opposed the diocese’s 1994 decision to sanction
same-sex unions and ordain noncelibate homosexuals
as priests. In opposition, the congregation began
withholding fees it was bound to pay the diocese.
Diocese officials maintained the dispute was not
about beliefs or issues. "What this is about is this
church needs a priest ingood standing with the bishop
and other churches in the diocese," said the Rev.
Donald Parker, the diocese vicar. The diocese is
overseen by Bishop Thomas Shaw. In the decision,
Judge Charles J. Hely said his ruling settled a legal
issue about property, not a religious issue.
In 1995, Morris’ predecessor at St. Paul’s, the Rev.
James R. HAles,was defrocked after the diocese found
him guilty of sexual misconduct. But many members
of the church stand by HAles, and say the charges
against him were concocted as punishment for his
stance against homosexuality.
Gay Irish Not Welcome
in Bronx Parade Either
NEW YORK (AP)= Members of a Gay organization
got a Bronx cheer when they tried to join the first St.
Patrick’ s Day-parade held in that borough in70 years.
Six people, including state Sen. Tom Duane and
City Councilwoman Christine Quiun, were arrested
Sunday after a.doze~! supporters of the Lavender and
Green’Al!ian.~ce stepped into the parade. "I’m an Irish
person, I’m a Gay person, I’m here to try to march,"
Duane sai& %
Lavender and Green Alliance founder BrendanFay
said his group"originally "got a call to say we were
welcome, but then we learned the welcome was being
rescindedY The ~Bronx parade’s chairman, patrick
Devine, d~d nrt ieturn telephone calls left at his home
scekin~o crniment and did not make himself fi)aifable
to reporters at.flae~ parade.....
Another gr.oup, the Irish Lesbian and. Gay
Organizafion,’hhs fifed unsuccessfully to join t13~ big
St. Patriek~sD~y??Parade down Fifth Avenue in
Manhattan f0t th(last half-dozen years criir~fruqfngs
have held ~that the.private organizauons thaVsponsor
parades may ch0.Os¢ which groups march
Quim~,Duane, Fay and the others were arrested
after the first marching band passed by and they
stepped into the parade behind the Lavender ~and
Green banner. They were stopped by a line of police
officers and informed they would be arrested if they
failed to l~ave. A few stepped aside, but others stood
fast and were led away to a police-wagon and
handcuffed before being charged with disorderly
conduct."Let themmarch!" shouted a few supporters.
"’Shame!" called outJimmy McNulty,who was among
those arrested. "Why are we not welcome?"
Several dozen spectators cheered when the parad~
resumed without the Gay group. "It’s an immoral
lifestyle," said spectator Martin O’Grady. "If they
wanted to march, the), could have marched without
their banner," said Fannie Sclafani. "t have nothing
against them, but it’s a community parade." Mary
McGarry also said they shouldn’t have tried to crash
the parade. "I have best friends who are Gay, but the
parade is not about sexual orientation. It’s about
being proud to be Irish," she said.
The parade had the feel of a small-town event,
featuring cheerleaders from parochial high schools,
kilted bagpipers, babies in strollers decorated with
Irish flags and groups like the Throgs Neck
Homeowners, which consisted of a dozen ladies
wearing off-white cable-knit fishermen’s sweaters.
Spectators were sparsdy scattered along the mileand-
a-half route along East Tremout Avenue. It was
in sharp contrast to the annual Fifth Avenue parade,
with its glitzy floats, booming drum corps and rowdy
Stanley Rygorwas among a half-dozen people who
stood on a sidewalk behind the Lavender and Green
banner after the arrests took place. "They want them
back in the closet. They want them to be anonymous,"
said Rygor, whose wife is Irish. He said his son died
of AIDS five years ago, and he dealt with his grief by
becoming an activist. "I’m here," he added, "in
memoriam to him."
Gay Vets Want to March
FERNDALE, Mich. (AP) - A group of Gay military
veterans are taking steps to march in this Detroit
suburb s Memorial Day parade.Agroup of Ferndale s
Gay veterans hope to join members of Friends and
Neighbors of Femdale (FANS), a Gay group that has
received tentative approval to enter the parade,
according to a parade organizer.
Femdale’s parade leaders have so far downplayed
the significance of including Gays. "As far as I know,
they are planning to meet all our reqmrements,"
Barbara Earl, a secretary with the Femdale Memorial
Association, told the Detroit Free Press for a story
The association puts on the annual parade, one of
theregion’ s biggest and oldest, dating to at least 1919.
Organizers say they will strictly enforce arequirement
limiting any show of a group’ s identity to a display of
its nagne. If enforced, that would mean FANS will
march with no explicit banner proclaiming it is an
orgamzation of Gays. "It’s not a day to promote your
own agenda," Ms. Earl said. "This is a day for the
Gay group leaders in Ferndale said they are
ctmfortable blending in with the parade’s usual array
ofhonor guards, scout troops, high school bands and
politicians. "We wouldn’t want to do anything to
incite controversy," said Chuck Simon, president of
FANS, whichhas about 80 dues-paying members and
a mailing list of several hundred.
Parade rules require participants to refrain from
displaying their own messages and instead stick to
OffiCial Slogans, which this year are "Lest we forget"
arid "’Fgt _those who gave their all."
Navy veteran Ken Warnock, 32, who co-owns the
Jn~ 4 ~’G~y. ~0oksto~e in F~rndale, told the Free
Pre~;’fimi he will march in Ferndale’s parade with a
¯ mix ofpridd and bft-terhess. In 1987, Warnock, then
- 20, was a hrgpital Corpsman aboard a Navy ship when
he was. broughL.hefore his commanding officer,
q~esfioned abouthis sexual orientation and th]:eafen,ed
"’ With~perjury iia~e, fie said. He resisted the Navy s
" in~esfigatirnfor months, Wamock said. Ultimately,
he.r¢cgived a lessZthan2honorable discharge - not
q~-t.e as bad as a ~dishon0rable discharge, he said.
On Memorial Day, Warnock probably won’t wear
¯ his sailor s umform- it s gettang a htfle t~ght - but
beplans to carry an American flag while keeping a
watchful eye for anyone angry at Gay participants.
Despite his wariness, he said the inclusion of Gay
marchers "speaks very well for Ferndale.’"
Femdale Mayor ChuckGoedert saidhewas unaware
of the Memorial Day plans but supports the inclusion
ofFANS members and Gay veterans. "There are a lot
of groups that participate in our parade to honor those
who served. I don’t know why this would be any
different," he said.
Ohio Diocese to Reach
Out to Gay Catholics
CINCINNATI (AP) - TheArchdiocese of Cincinnati
is creating a ministry for homosexual Catholics and
their families. "The church wants to support the
homosexual person but not homosexual activity,"
said spokesman Dan Andfiacco said. "There is a need
for pastoral care of homosexual persons. The
archdiocese wants to meet that need, and not cede
teiritory to ministries that don’t support the teaching
of the church."
In recent years, RomanCatholicgroups nationwide
have started Gay ministries such as DIGNITY, New
Ways Ministry, and Parents, Friends & Family of
Lesbians & Gays. Some conservative and traditional
Catholics have criticized the groups, saying they
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undermine church teaching on homosexuality.
The Rev. Michael Leshney, chaplain to a Cincinnati
chapter of DIGNITY in the 1980s, will be spiritual
director for the new ministry. Archbishop Daniel
Pil~czyk will inaugurate the ministry with three prayer
services in April.
Leshney saidhomosexual Catholics oftenfeel i solated
because their parents are caught between the church’s
teaching on homosexual relations as "objectively
disordered" and their 10vefor their children. Themini stry
is an outgrowth of community meetings that Auxiliary
Bishop Carl M0eddel led in October to discuss the U.S.
bishops’ document on homosexuality, "Always Our
Children." During those discussions, there was a"sense
of urgency" among parents that the archdiocese have a
ministryforGay ah~tLesbianCatholics and theirfamili es,
Leslmey said. The Catechism of the Catholic Church
holds thathomosexual activity is "contrary to thenatural
law" and,objectively disordered," but thathomosexuals
should be "accepted with respect, compassion and
Gay Dallas Church
To Televise Infomercial
DALLAS (AP) -A federal court settlement announced
Friday has cleared the way for Cathedral of Hope, the
nation’s largest Gay church, to air a controversial
infomercial onbroadcast superstationWGN-TV. Under
the settlement, Cathedral ofHope will pay the Chicagobased
cable station $35,000 for showing the program
five times. Thehalf-hour video includes testimonials by
members, scenes ofworship atthe3,000-memberchurch
and discussions with the families of church members.
Cathedral ofHope claimed the Chicago-based station
reneged on a contract to air the church’s program last
August. Church officials said the station pulled the
infomercial shortly before the air date for unspecified
reasons. WGN officials argued that they weren’t
obligated to air the program because the station did not
have binding contract with the church.
TheDallas church filed alawsuitin October, claiming
thatWGN accepted the a $13,000 check, made several
suggestions that the church followed and then broke its
contractandreturned the check after deciding the subject
was too controversial. The Rev. Michael Piazza said he
was pleased with the settlement. "Of course our desire
was for it to have been aired last year," said Piazza,
senior pastor at Cathedral of Hope. "But we’re very
grateful to be able to resolved it."
Pia77a told The Dallas Morning News that every
other broadcast outlet approached by the church had
refusedto air the program. ’qqaey don’t have to give you
reasons, but a couple of the media buyers told us that
stations were afraid the conservative religious
programming would be withdrawn if ours was shown,"
he said. The minster said Cathedral of Hope was
attracted to WGN because the station airs on cable
outlets in the rural areas surrounding Dallas and Fort
Maryland Gov. Supports
Civil Rights Bill for Gays
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Gov. Parris Glendening
testified for the first time before a legislative committee
last month, describing his late brother’s hardship hiding
his homosexuality and urging delegates to outlaw
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Glendening’s brother Bruce served 19 years in the
Air Force, including three tours in Vietnam. But as the
decorated veteran lay dying of AIDS - when the pain
was so great that it hurt to touch his skin - Bruce
Glendening said it was more painful to keep his sexual
orientation hidden for so long in order to keep his job,
Gleiadening testified.
"He lived in fear.. ," the governor told the House
Judiciary Committee. "This has weighed on me a long
tame... I’m here to ask ifwe couldmake this state amore
fair and just society."
Afterward, the audience applauded his three-minute
speech. One of several people in the audience who
shookGlendening’ s handas heleftwas SilviaRodriguez,
chairwomanofthe stateHumanRelations Commi ssion,
who said no other governor showed such courage in her
15 years with the group. "He knows this is just and fair
for all the people of Maryland," she said.
Delegates Sheila Hixson and Leon Billings, both
Montgomery County Democrats, havefailed to get
the bill approved for six years, but they have not
had such a prominent supporter before. Onlookers
packed the hearing room and one wall was lined
with television cameras.
The bill would add sexual orientation to a law
thatbans discriminationin housing and employment
because of aperson’s race, religion or gender. "The
issue is simply a matter ofintolerance and bigotry,"
Ms. Hixson said.
Baltimore City and Montgomery, Prince
George’s and Howard counties have similar laws
governing 49 percent of the state’s population.
Glendening said Prince George’s County hasn’t
suffered since it enacted the law in 1991 while he
was chief executive. "Western civilization hasn’t
collapsed because of the bill," he said.
Glendeningleftbefore delegates asked questions
about the bill. Several delegates appeared critical
ofit. Delegate Emmett Bums, a Baptist pastor, said
complaints from homosexuals would flood the
Human Relations Commission and create further
delays for Blacks and women who suffer
discrimination. In the hearing’s testiest exchange,
Billings retorted that everyone can suffer
Commission officials said 1 to3% of complaints
in counties that have the law concern sexual
orientation, Advocates argued that nobody should
be discriminated against for any reason. "We’re
trying to cast the net as broadly as possible,"
Billings said.
Teens Protest Gay
Story in Dawson’s Creek
WILMINGTON (AP) - More than 30 teen-agers
gathered outside Wilmington’s EUE Screen Gems
Studios to protest the homosexual subject matter of
thelocally filmed television show Dawson’s Creek.
Members of Youths Against the Promotion of
Homosexuality held placards Thursday reading
"Jack and Jill, Not Jack and Bill" and "Hollywood:
No More Gay Promo."
Screen Gems’ employees were greeted with
chants of "Don’t Holly-weird me!" as they drove
into the studios’ parking lots. "We’re sick and tired
of Hollywood trying to force its pro-homosexual
values down teen-agers’ throats on shows like
Dawson’s Creek," said Robert Hales, 17. "This
show is 100 times worse than Ellen because they’re
targeting high school kids with their ’pro-Gay’
propaganda." Ellen, which starred Lesbian
comedian Ellen DeGeneres, created a national stir
two years ago when the main character announced
she was a.Lesbian.
Theprotests aboutDawson’s Creek center around
a 16-year-old character who announced in a recent
episode thathe was homosexual. Kerr Smith, whose
character Jack was introduced on Dawson’s Creek
this season, said the show simply explores common
adolescent themes. "’Everybody knows that
Dawson’s Creek addresses prevalent issues about
teen-agers, and one of them is homosexuality," he
said. "It’s in the schools now. Ten years ago, it
wasn’t talked aboutbut now it is."
Killer Pleads Guilty
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A man accused of
murdering five Gay men because he thought it
would stop the spread of AIDS abruptly ended his
trial by pleading guilty to the charges, prosecutors
said. Juan Chavez, 34, avoided a possible.death
sentence in the capital case by unexpectedly
changing his plea about 1 1/2 weeks into trial,
prosecutor Mike Duarte said. He is scheduled to be
sentenced June 21.
Duarte told jurors during the trial that Chavez
lured themen to theirhomes supposedly for sex and
then robbed and strangled them Chavez coufessed
to the murders while serving a prison sentence for
an unrelated 1996 kidnapping. In September of that
year, he was charged with strangling the five men
in 1986 and 1989.
11 Year Old with
AIDS Speaks Out
CARSON CITY (AP) - Eleven-year-old
Michael Dowling wasn’t supposed to live
this long and he knows it. "I was born
HIV-positive. My morn was told that I’d
probably dieby the timeI was three years
old," Michael told the Assembly as they
designatedWednesday, March24as HIVAIDS
Awareness Day inNevada. Hestood
¯ next to his adopted mother’s friend,
Assemblywoman Barbara Cegavske, RLas
Vegas, as he addressed thelegislators.
The boy was born in Las Vegas to a
drug-addicted mother who passed her
disease along to him before she gave
birth. Now, l~fichael hasbeen adoptedand
is also living with full-blown AIDS.
Michael said he has to make a trip to
Washington,D.C., every couple ofmonths
so he can get two sho~ of a medication
called IL2 every day for a week. "I go to
the National Institutes of Health. The
doctors and nurses, there are the people
that have kept me alive. If not for them I
would be dead,? Mi.chael said,.
Despite his disease, the youngster says
heis planningto live afull andindependent
life. "I plan to. grow up.and be a doctor. I
do not plan to be disabled and live off
welfare and_have Medicaid pay my
doctor’s bills," he added. People.,~ith
AIDS need Nevada’s help to find "good
jobs and insurance to pay their medical
bills," he said.
After his speech, the entire 42-member
Assembly and dozens of observers in the
gallery stood~to applaud. "Mikie is not
supposed to be alive. He’s such a fighter,
he’s incredible," Cegavske said.
Surgeon General at
HIV/AIDS Meeting
Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders opened
the nation’ s annualHIV/AIDS conference
by urging the public to fight growing
complacency about the disease. "We all
have to be in this battle until it’s over, and
I want you to know it’s not over," Eiders
told about 2,000 people at the opening of
the National HIV/AIDS Update
Few doubted that among the hundreds
of veteranAIDS health care providers and
public health workers in the crowd. But
now, Elders reminded them, there’s anew
problem: growing public complacency.
Lulledby encouraging early results from
new drag therapies,many Americans have
decided AIDS is no longer much of a
threat, said Dr. Mervyn Silverman, the
former San Francisco public health czar
and chairman of the AIDS conference,
which runs through tomorrow. He cited
survey results that suggest people mustbe
tuning out to all the AIDS awareness
The deadly virus is nearly always
contracted through exchange of blood or
body fluids, often during unprotected
sexual activity or from sharing intravenous
drag paraphernalia. In a survey taken in
1991, 41% still wrongly assumed that
HIV could be contracted from sharing a
drinking glass with an infected person. In
1997, the same misconception was found
in 55% of those surveyed. Similarly, 34%
of those surveyed in 1991 won-ied about
catching the AIDS virus from a public
toilet seat, as compared to 41°/0 in 1997.
87% ofyoung Americans believe they are
at no risk of contracting HIV. Yet about
one in four of every new infection occurs
in the same age group, 17- to 22-yearolds.
"Either we’re really gettingd.u.m.b.er,
or some of us in this room are notdomgI
ourjobs, Sdverm said. ’ ’ ~
Eiders offered-a familiar litany of
su ,~gestions,inclUding universal access to
health care and free needle-exchange
AIDS Researcher
Struggles for $
¯¯ )rograms, both ofwhich seem as far from
reality as when she left office in 1994.
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Researcher
Peter Duesberg has become a scientific
outcast because of his unorthodox AIDS
theories. But he’s still in business, thanks
to a fund-raising approach as unconventional
as his beliefs.
Duesberg, who maintains that AIDS is
not caused by the human immunodeficiency
virus but by illegal drugs and
the AIDS medication AZT; has been
raising money from private sources for
some years, living from check to check.
Buthis fund-raising tookonaddedurgency
ast November when he.feared he was
about to lose his lab at the University of
California at Berkdey for lack of money.
Friends of Duesbergsprang into acuon,
soliciting donationsby way of the Internet
and an ad in the alumni magazine. The ad
brought in a stream of small contributions,
which along with $200,000 in foundation
money and some other big individual
donations amounted to $325,000, enough
to eke out another year of operations.
Duesberg is grateful for the kindness of
friends and strangers but said it’s a hard
way to make a living. "You also begin to
see how easy itis if youjust conform," he
Twelve years ago, Duesberg filled out
grant applications and the government
sent him checks. Back then, Duesberg
was a member of the elite National
Academy of Scienees, winner of a 1985
Outstanding Investigator Award from the
National Institutes of Health and aleading
authority on retroviruses, a family that
includes the AIDS virus.
But after he published his HIV theory,
his reputation tanked. The mainstream
AIDS community has rebuffed his
theories, saying it is clear that HIV does
cause AIDS and that arguing otherwise
dangerously undercuts the safe-sex
message. "Whatever inroads we have
made to help people to practice safer sex
or to exchange needles - that all goes out
the window," said David Evans of Project
Inform, an advocacy group in San
Since 1987, Duesberg has had 20 grant
applications turned down. A spokesman
for the NIH declined to comment. As a
tenured professor of molecular and cell
¯ biology, Duesberg still has his salary and
: position at Berkeley. But without grant
¯ money, he cannot operate a lab, which is
¯ crucial to continuing his research.
¯ The private donauons can t overcom
¯ another problem: no students. Duesberg
¯ said students visit early in the semester
¯ andseeminterested.Butafterafew weeks,
..th.ey.t.aa.e.a.wa.y. "TheY’re told bY the
¯ graduate advisers and by their peers they
¯ may not be able to get ajob, I may not be
¯ able to pay them,,,a,n_,_d it would be bad for
their reoutations, he said.
¯ Stuar’t Lynn, head of Duesberg’s
¯ division said the Berkeley ,c~_mmumty
¯ hasn’t o~tracized Duesberg. ’ Ev,eryb.o.dy~
kind of looks at him an amusea sort oz.
way," Lynn said. "Berkele,,y has alotmore
radical people than Peter.
¯ Duesberg said his lab and money
¯ problems reflect his one-man battle with
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scientists and drug companies who, he
maintains, have invested too much in the
HIV-AIDS connection to admit to an
alternative theory. "Most people don’t
realizehow an-freeweare to do sciencein
America," he said. ’q’hey can afford to
give mill.ions, but they cannot afford to
give me $100,000 or $200,000 to prove
them wrong."
Condom Program
in Cambodia Works
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -
Declaring a pilot program to increase
condom use in Cambodia a success, the
World Health Organization and the
Ministry of Health announced plans on
Friday foranationwide campaign to tackle
the impoverished country’s skyrocketing
AIDS rate.
Targeting commercial sex workers who
are the mainlinkin the spread of sexually
transmitted diseases in Cambodia, the
"100% Condom-Use Program" has
significantly increased condom use in
brothels in thepilot’s targetarea, according
to a preliminary report released ahead of
nextweek’s National Conference onHIV/
Prostitutes in the seaside town of
Sihanoukville, 185 km (115 miles)
southwestofPlmomPerth, wereinstmcto
byhealth workers in October to require all
their customers to wear condoms. Ifmen
refused to comply, the sex workers were
encouraged to report them to police.
"Many sex establishments are actively
participating and there has been a rise in
the distribution and use of condoms,"
Health Secretary of State Mare Bun Heng
said Friday. "We are pleased with these
results and.., this year we would like to
expand the program nationwide."
The condom program was inspired by a
similar campaign in Thailand that
increased condom use in sex
establishments from 15% in 1989 tomore
than90%in 1992, preventing an estimated
2 million HIV cases, according to the
Cambodiahas the highestHIV infection
rate in Asia, with 50 to 70 people believed
to become infected every day. Recent
studies have estimated that 3% of the
adult population in Cambodia is infected
with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
State Won.’t Require
HIV Marriage Test
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A Memphis
lawmakeris no longer pushing legislation
that would require couples wanting to get
married in Tennessee to be tested for the
HIV virus and other sexually transmitted
diseases. Rep. Henri Brooks said she
changed her mind after the Health
Departmentestimated the tests wouldcost
Tennessee taxpayers almost $5 million a
She amended the bill to require county
court clerks to make information about
venereal diseases - such as chlamydia,
syphilis, gonorrhea and hepatitis B -
available to marriage license applicants.
"We are not trying to be Big Brother or
say who should and should not marry. All
we want to do is be responsible as
policymakers," the Democrat said. "The
ones who have to pay for these healthrelated
illnesses end up being the
The bill,, approved by a House
subcommittee, also requires that a small
sign be conspicuously located in the area
¯¯ Wherepeopleapply formarriagelicenses.
It would read: "AIDS KILLS. HIV and
: other sexually transmitted diseases can
¯" occurwithoutyourknowledge. Don’trisk
¯ thelifeofsomeoneyoulove.BETESTED
: NOW."
: In addition, the bill requires the Health
: Department to make annual reports to the
¯ Legislature on the status of HIV and
-" sexually transmitted diseases by gender
: and ethnicity.
¯ Brooks said sheproposed thelegislation ¯
¯ because one of her constituents found out
her husband was HIV positive after they
: mamed. She said she may renew .her
¯ efforts for testing later.
Harvard to Study
AIDS in Africa
¯ BOSTON (AP) - The Harvard AIDS Institute has been given a $2.5 million
: grant to research the AIDS epidemic
¯ devastating southern Africa. The grant ¯
from the Oak Foundation will support a
¯ three-year program on research and
¯ vaccine development. The grant will also
¯ support a demonstration project to test
: drugs nsed to block mother-to-infantHIV
: transmission.
¯ The AIDS Institute’s basic research
¯ involves sequencing the genes found in
¯ theHIV strainprevalentinsouthernAfrica.
¯ No place in the world has been harder hit
: by AIDS than southern Africa. In
¯ Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and
: Zimbabwe, up to one-quarter of people
aged 15-49areinfected withHIV 0rAIDS.
AIDS has killed 10 million people in sub-
" Saharan Africa - 90% of the world’s
¯ AIDS deaths. Another 20 million are
: expected to die, Harvard researchers
¯ added.
¯ Max Essex, chairman of the Harvard
¯ AIDS Institute, and his colleagues have
." beenresearchingAIDS inAfricaformore
¯ than a decade. The Oak Foundation, an
international philanthropy, has offices in
¯ Boston, Geneva, London and Harare,
¯ Zimbabwe.
: Know Your Legal Rights
:A Seminar for People
¯ Living with HIV and AIDS ¯
¯ TULSA- TulsaOklahomans for Human
Right, theTulsaGay Community Services
¯ Center and the Oklahoma Lesbian and
¯ Gay Lawyers Association (OLGLA) are
hosting a seminar at 7pro on April 22 on
legal issues for people living with HIV/
¯ AIDS. Kathy Nelson, executive co-
. ordinator for the AIDS Legal Resource
¯ Project will conduct the seminar at the
Tulsa Gay Community Services Center at
: 38th and Peoria, 2nd floor.
¯ The AIDS Legal Resource Project was
¯ created three years ago to help provide
," people living with HIV/AIDS with the
¯ resources to meet the challenges in their
: lives. The Project provides free legal
¯ assistance to those who qualify through a
network of 150private attorneys statewide.
: The Project can assist those qualified in
receiving denied Social Security benefits
.and in addressing health, life or disability
¯ Insurance discrimination.
: Ms..Nelson is an alumna of Oklahoma
¯ State University and Oklahoma City
: University School of Law. She has had a
: private practice in oil and gas law, family
¯ law, estate planning and probate law. She ¯
also serves on the board of directors for
¯ CarePoint, Inc. a non-profit consortium
: for HIV/AIDS health care and support in
: Oklahoma City. Info: 743-4297.
by James Christjohn Broadway dance. And a relative-of mine,
"Spirit - A Journey in Dance, Drums Raymond Christjolm was one of the
and Song" combines the power of ° singers!
Broadway choreography and contem- ° The cast includes 20 dancers with both
porary music with the songs, chants and o modemand traditional training, including
dances born of Native Indian Nation dancers
Americanculture to tell Act I eontlnues with
the story of one
¯ person’s- andanation’s "An Ea~le Above." in
- search for renewal by wlaleh Ron Anquoe
exploring ancestral
roots. (Kiowa tribe, Oh|ahoma)
This multicultural per[orms t]ae ritual
performance event,
which debuted on PBS Ea~le Dance
as part of the March
1999 pledge drive and
to convey the le~eud d
will be released on the Ea$|e Feather.
video April 20, was
conceived by Peter provldln~ the youn$ man
Buffett, working in with [~uow|ed~e and
collaboration with
Chief Hawk Pope. courage [or the journey.
Buffett composed the
music for the pivotal
Fire Dance scene in Kevin Costner’s
Oscar-winning film "Dances with
Wolves." "Spirit - A Journey in Dance,
Drums and Song" features the
choreography and stage direction ofT,o.nywinner
Wayne Cilento, who blends his
demanding trademark "urban dance"
movement with traditional Native
American dance.
And by the~ way, the video is worth
getting just to view the dancers. They are
all beautiful, with appeal to Gay men,
Lesbians, straight folk.., something fol
everyone! And boy can they move! 01~
yeah, themusic’s great, too; the CD is
availablenow, and I highlyrecommendit.
Peter has been one of the few artists te
successfully blend ancient music with
modem. Usually, whenthatblendis made,
it comes out a mess, but he’s done an
excellentjob ofretaining the impact of the
ancient with the feel of the modem, rising
above time and space to create anew form
that is emotionally satisfying on a level
few reach. LoreenaMcKennitt is the only
other artist I would say that about in her
blending of ancient and modem Critic
influences on her CD’s. But I digress,
back to "Spirit: A Journey...".
Taped during the show’s premiere
performance weekend at the Weidner
Center inGreen Bay, Wisconsin,"Spirit -
A Journey in Dance, Drums and Song"
features more than 80 performers -
dancers, choir, percussionists and
orchestra - selected from the worlds of
Native-American performance and
by Allan Smithee, special contributor
Anyone see "Footloose" whileit wasin
town? It had all the appeal of a really bad
high school play. Bad script, awful
choreography and songs worthy ofmaybe
two verses stretched out till one thought
the record player had broken and was
skipping, all added up to an evening of
dreck, despite the cast’s sometimes overenergetic
performances -and especially
the nights when one cast member was off
key. It is usually against my principles to
walk out on a show, no matter how bad -
I hold that it’s rude to the actors and
people around you - but Footloose is one
I would have walked out on after the first
30 minutes.
I find it ironic that local homophobe
and religious bigot Larry Payton, famous
arrayed in fancy dress
of feathers, beads and
bones. The orchestra
features both modem
and traditional Native-
American instruments,
a string section and
percussionists playing
a variety ofdrums. The
40-voice Green Bay
and Oneida Nation
Girls’ Choir provides
additional vocals.
The program also
features soloists
Robert Mirabal (also
very handsome), a
renowned Native-
American flautist,
vocalist and percussionist; Ron Anquoe,
a traditionally trained Eagle Dancer who
is a member of the Kiowa Tribe of
Oklahoma; and Chief Hawk Pope, a
vocalist, lyricist and composer who is
Principal Chief of the Shawnee Nation,
United Renmant Band of Ohio. Chief
HawkPopenarrates. Joanne Shenandoah,
Oneida Nation of the Iroquois
confederacy, adds her beautiful voice to
the proceedings.
"Spirit - A Journey in Dance, Drums
and Song" opens Act I with "Urban
Overtures" as a group of city dwellers
reacts robotically to the stressful sounds
of daily life. Determined,to escape this
chaos, one young man decides in "Fire
Dance" to look back to his roots and
search for a new way to live. In
"Coashelleaqu (The Shawnee Letter)," a
Native-American grandfather encourages
him to begin this journey of renewal.
"Hidden Heritage" celebrates the 500
Indian Nations.
ActI continues with"AnEagleAbove,"
in which Ron Anquoe (Kiowa tribe,
Oklahoma) performs the ritual Eagle
Dance to convey the legend of the Eagle
Feather, providing the young man with
knowledge and courage for the journey.
"Passage," Robert Mirabal’s haunting
flute solo, continues the young man’s
quest to embrace the past. Act I ends with
Spirit Dance, bnngmg together dancers
from the traditional Native-American and
contemporary urban cultures for a
celebration, see Spirit, p. 10
for censoring shows andrewriting themto
make them safe for the good Baptist
families of Tulsa to see would bring in a
show that pretty much rips the views of
fundie-brand organized religion.
In case some of you are too young to
remember the film, it’s based on an
incident in Elmore, OK wherein dancing
was made illegal by virtue of a powerful
minister in town who held that dancing
would lead to all kinds of sinful behavior.
In the film and play, a kidfrom Chicago
challenges the dictatorial evil minister,
and wins the right to hold a school dance.
As a film, it was worth a couple hours at
the dollar movie. As a musical, well, it’s
not worth that much. But Tnlsans seemed
to like it - the shows were sold out. Maybe
it’s that even a bad touring show beats
anvthin~ on TV9 At any rate, the cast was
~mlfor~v cute,’so that hellxd a little.
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. in association with PFLAG presents
Chastity Bono
at the 2nd Annual
Red Ribbon Ball
Saturday, April 17th
7:30pm, dinner + entertainment, tickets
begin at $75/person/all proceeds benefit
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., Information: 834-4194
Spring Concert
May 7 & 8, 1999
7:00 PM
All Soul’s
Unitarian Church
2952 S. Peoria
For tickets contact a
chorale member or
call the COMC
Ticket Office.
Tel (918)585-COMC
American Theatre Company
presents in its 50th anniversary year
Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman
April 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 + 17 at 8 pm
April 11 at 2pm, $11-14
John Williams Theatre
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Lisa Wilson Directing, Ken Spence as Willie Loman
This ad donated by Tulsa Family News.
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pro, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Scrviee - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Family of Faith & MCCGT)
Service, llam, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St~ Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual!Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 585-COMC (2662)
¯ HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207-E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mort/each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live A~d Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pm, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group~ more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 381h, 2nd fl.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1st Fri/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope~1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group, Call for info: Mary at 743-6740,
Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. [nfo: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides: Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. 6:30pro, 4/21, Sand Springs ride
and 4/28, Riverside fide. Long rides: 4/17, 7am, 20 mi. ride, and 4/24, 9am 20 mi.
ride. Meet at the Community Center parking lot, 38th & Peoria.
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
It is a fabulous number to see. R makes
you want to stand up and cheer, even if it
is a video:
Act II of"Spirit- A Journey in Dance,
Drums and Song" begins with two
numbers - "The Place Where Crying
Begins" and "The Dream" - offering a
sensual exploration of the relationship of
man and woman in a more natural world.
"Aubenaubee(Prelude to Rebirth)" begins
the young man’s journey back to his own
world; m The Thunderbird, he returns
as anewly enlightenedmemberof society.
In the final number, the two cultures -
traditional andurbancontemporary - dance
in unison, recovering the true spirit of
The showitselfwas a seamless blending
of ancient and modem, combining to tell
a story that many of us can relate to today
of alienation from roots, a discontent
with where man in general is today in the
world, and a yearning for reconnection to
the earth in an age where the earth has
become one more commodity to exploit.
It held me spellbound. Seamlessly
integratingmusic, dance, ..and storytelling,
it moved me to tears-- something that
doesn’t usually happen at all, especially
withregards to avideotapedperformance.
It was beautiful. I have been in
communication with the composer/
creator, Peter Buffett, and, he has
mentioned the possibility of brfilging the
live show here in the fall. (ya heard it here
first, folks!)If that happens, don’t miss it.
It willbe an experience that will touch you
deeply, as theatre was meant to do. Andif
the video is able to move me to tears
(along with several others I spoke with
that saw i0,imagine whatanimpactseeing
the performance live wouldhave! Usually
I find videos of plays, especially musical
performances, lacking. Something is lost
in the translation from live to tape. Not so
in this case.
Peter’s other CD’s are well worth
picking up: "Spirit Dance", from which
many of the numbers in "Spirit: A
Journey..." were taken, is great, and the
soundtrack to "500 Nations" is another
winner. Joanne Shenandoahhas anumber
ofCD’s out, and "Matriarch" is one ofmy
favorites ofhers. RobertMirabal has CD’s
out as wall, and he is fantastic. Peter tends
to get lumped in the "New Age"
although his musicfar surpasses theimage
that particular labding conjures up, While
the other artists are found, at least in
Borders, under "Native American". Other
places might have them under "World
They knew so because for the last two
years, a representative of Tulsa
Oldahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)
had participated in the planning for this
eventand in the creation oftheFederation.
FromTOHR,NGLTFknew thatCimarron
was the only Oklahoma group genuinely
doing statewideorganizing, Sowhy would
they give $5,000, a huge sum for a small
and under orgamzed state like Oklahoma,
to those less likely to put it to good use?
Well, it turns out that a number of the
individuals who are involved with
Cimarron have also worked closely with
NGLTF’s semi-rival, the Human Right
Campaign (HRC). And rumor has it that
NGLTF didn’t want to help an "HRC"
organization. So, the money which conid
really, really have made a difference in
: Oklahoma went to OGLPC.
¯ WhatdidOGLPCdowiththosedollars?
: They rented a bus to bring Tulsans to the
: rally, and they rented portapots and got
: the necessary, permits for the event. But
¯ interestingly they also hired and paid Ms.
: PaulaHandBrown to help co-ordinate the
¯ event. And they used the funds to pay for
: advertising in various publications, albeit
¯ not this one. (For the record, TFN
: frequently donates ads completely free of
: charge to community non-profit
: organizations unlike our rivals who
¯ typically provide atmosta20%discount.)
¯ Also, OGLPC is permitted, according to
: NGLTF organizer, Dan Haws, to keep
¯ any leftover funds to subsidize their
organizational work.
¯ Perhaps, OGLPC will transcend its past
and prove worthy of the $5K they were
: granted. Butif the reasoning for choosing
: them over Cimarronis true, then OGLPC
: and Oklahoma’s communities have
¯ become once againpawns in the games of
: our"national" organizations.
The bottom line is the money should go
¯ to those who can most effectively use it.
; And you have to wonder if those who
: can’tevenissue a simplepress release, are
¯ the ones who can make the best use of the
¯ money.
" "I speak out abroad, I must not be silent at
home," the Republican said. In a positive
: sign for supporters, Senate Judiciary
¯ Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has
: scheduled hearings on the legislation for
next month.
¯ But it still faces a difficult road. Some
¯¯ co.ngr.es.sionalRepublicans have expressed
mxsgxvmgs that the legislation is
¯ unnecessary because dozens of states have
~ laws protecting the groups identified in
¯ the bill.
Backers are also concemed that social
: conservahves may construe thelegislation
¯ as extending special protections to ¯
homosexuals. "This is not a bill that will,
] in one way, advantage one group over
; another," said Wyden. "I can’t believe
¯ any members of the United States Senate ¯
want to be soft on violence."
Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Aden
Specter, R-Pa.., another bill cosponsor,
said he wasn’t as optimistic as some of his
colleagues. "A lot of opponents.., pick
out hate crimes legislation for a great deal
of criticism," he said. "This is a tough bill
to get very much support."
Under the bill, current law would be
expanded so theJustice Department could
prosecute crimes based on a person’s
sexual orientation, gender or disability.
Now, the statute only covers crimes based
on race, color, religion or national origin.
Also, the bill would make federal
prosecution ofhate crimes eas~er. Current
¯ law limits prosecution to situations whexe
¯ the victim is targeted for engaging in
: certain, federallyprotectedactivities,such
¯ as serving on a jury, voting or attending
public school.
: Over40 states havehate crimes statutes,
¯ but only 21 cover sexual orientation, 22
~ cover gender and 21 cover disability,
¯ according to the White House, which
¯ supports the bill.
: Senator Edward Kennedy, Democrat -
Massachusetts, the bill’s lead author, said
the measure wouldn’t undermine the role
¯ of the states in prosecuting hate crimes, ¯
jnstbringinvestigative andother resources
of the federal government to bear where
¯ necessary.
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by Mary Schepers, Do-It-Yourself-Dyke
Poor dears, your DIYD has neglected
you awfully - and she has missed you.
Honest! Sparing you the boring details,
suffice it to say that family situations
regrettably intervened, but your DIYD is
back, tmarchived and just as naughty as
ever. And isn’t that what you
really want? No, I suppose
most of you want me to get on
with that damned project you
werelefthanging withacouple
of months ago, and so I shall.
The DIYD is perfectly
confident that you have not
been squandering the intervening
months but have quite
diligently been scoping ideas
to steal and make your own in
our Kitchen remodel on the
shoestring. Now, being
Now, heln~
does not equate
with being.
cheesy, so wall
the rather "
dyke with the
~tn of
economical does not equa[e please
with being cheesy, so will the eooIher"jets.
rather enthusiastic .dyke with ,’i-,’I
the can of Rust-o-leum please....... t ne DIYD
cool ~her jets. The DIYD
promises that she shall get her
shining moment when we
discuss refurbishing the garage
sale find garden furniture. You
have 0aonesfly] assessed both
your finances and the state’of
yourcupboards? Decidedwhat
you can livewith stylistically’?
Then lef’s get cooking.
We will be working on the
assumption that your cabinets
are sturdy enough and laid out in amanner
that is endurable until the money for the
Dream Kitchen appears (The pessimistic
side of the DIYD cautions.that any time
you have spare money, either your house
or your car will find out about it, so be
sneaky! A friend of hers adds "girlfriend"
to this .corollary.). Given those two
assumpuons, you have options. And we
all love options, don’t we?
The easiest approach may be to repaint
your cupboards, put up new hinges, and
handles and a bit of tasteful shelf paper.
Yes, you still have to prep things for
successful results. Sorry. Youwill need to
lightly sand the surfaces and clean them,
then put on a primer coat. NOT Water
based! That raises the grain of the wood or
separates the veneer..Oil based only. This
might be a good time to review the past
articles on painting and brush care. I will
always recommend that you "extinguish
pilot lights on the range if you have them
and to open windows and doors for good
ventilation. Solvents are just ugly. Then
use Kilz brand paint; it is trouble-free as
oil based paint goes, and dries in an hour
or less. The DIYD strongly recommends
taking one cabinet door at a time offwhen
repainting, and then adding thenew hinges
and handles when putting it hack on. Or
you can take the cabinets off all at once,
but mark them or handle them in some
other methodical way. Especially in older
homes, all things are not equal.
One coat of primer then, unless you get
somebleed-through, then apply two coats.
When that’s all dry, you can paint on your
finish paint. TheDIYDurges you to invest
in a semi-gloss or gloss formulated
especially for kitchens. These paints can
stand up to the moisture, and you’ll really
be grateful when you go to wipe off that
errant cake batter. Put in your shelf paper
and the you’re ready for those new hinges
promises that
she shall get
we discuss
th..e garage sale
find g.arden
and handles.
Regardless of which option you choose,
you will probably want new h,ardware on
the cupboards and drawers. It s amazing
how much it spiffs things up; it is also
amazing how much it costs when you add
them all up, so take a count of what you
need, then use your calculator
when you go shopping.
It is also wise, if
possible, to find hardware that
is similar to the old as regards
screw hole placement. If you
don’t have to drill anything
new, why bother? Put a little
woodfiller in the hole, orbreak
a match stick off in it, then
attach your new hardware.
Always remember to look at
how the hardware you are
removing was attached,
especially hinges. This is not
frivolous advice!
Another option you
have is resurfacing, and this
can yield some remarkable
results. If you are handy and
rather intrepid, you can handle
the job yourself. They have
supplies and instructional
videos at Homo Depot and
other stores of that ilk. If
you’ve a bit extra tucked back
in the cookie jar and a low
reserve of patience for chaos,
by all means look into having
the job done by professional
resurfacers. They can even take care of
that god awful formica counter-top while
they’re at it. As usual, get lots of quotes,
demandreferences, and check thembefore
making this choice.
The option of last resort would be
stripping and refinishing the cabinets. You
should choose this only if a)your cabinets
are fabulous butjust dark or dingy;b) you
have prior refinishing skills; c) You have
an infinite reservoir of patience; d) your
beloved has an infinite reservoir of patience.
Nodream ofglowing wood cabine.ts
is worth a week on the couch - alone. The
dog will be in your place in bed. It can be
that bad, darlings.
As usual, it all sounds so very easy in
print, but ~rd up your channing loins,
dare to be anal retentive and methodical
and you’ll find the work rewarding. I’ll be
back next month when we deal with the
walls - if you’ve finished climbing them
by then:
and confabulations of underwear
collectors - and they establish all those
thousands of websites and chatrooms on
the Intemet. Anthropologists call these
"special interest ~oups" and, despite
pessimistic impresszons that nobody in
the country anymore talks to their folks
and neighbors, the number of interest
groups in this country has expanded
astronomically since the 1950s.
Where once people hid their fetishes as
painfully embarrassing, now, like Jay, we
happily call ourselves fetishists and
proudly broadcast our fascinations. So I
feel like I’m in good company when I’ve
got Jay working onmy toes with a dreamy
look in his eyes. It’s my contribution to
the modem American Way.
by Esther Rothblum
The Antarctic is the coldest, highest,
and driest continent on earth. Unlike the
Arctic, which consists of frozen water
surrotmded by land, the Antarctic is land
surrounded by water. Land is colder than
water, so the Antarctic has Tkere
temperatures ranging from
." here are strong spirited to start with,.and
¯¯ stronger stilluponleaving. BeingaLesbian
was not a contributing factor, whereas
¯ persistence, flexibility, emotional and
physical strength are more important.
¯ There is ajoke that usually goes around
is a joke town toward the middle of
the season: How do you get
40 degrees Fahrenheit in the
warmestpartofthe continent
in summer to minus 100
degrees Fahrenheit (.not
including the wind chill
factor) in the winter. 98% of
the continentis covered with
ice, and in fact the Antarctic
contains 90% of the world’s
ice. The ice is several miles
thick in parts oftheAntarctic
interior, so that the altitude
is similar to high mountainous
regions. Even though
the Antarctic contains 68%
of the world’s freshwater
locked up as ice, the almost
total lack of precipitation
classifies it as a desert.
Frequent blizzards and high winds form
"white outs" that make it difficult to see,
and the view is often a monotonous sheet
of white snow and ice.
Why would anyone choose to go to this
barren continent? In 1913, explorerErnest
Shackleton placed an ad in a newspaper
. that stated: "Men wanted for haTardous
journey. Small wage, bitter cold, long
months of complete darkness . . . Safe
return doubtful.., and recognition in case
of success." He received about 5,000
Most people who have come "to the
ice" in recent decades engage in scientific
research or support those who do. About
a dozen nations have built permanent
research "stations" in the Antarctic.For
several years, I conducted research on
womenin the Antarctic. I wanted to study
women who take risks, and the Antarctic
seemed the ideal setting. This work
resulted in the recent book Women in the
Antarctic(HaworthPress, 1998), co-edited
with Jacqueline Weinstock and Jessica
Only one woman that we interviewed
for this book came out as a Lesbian, and
shewas part ofan all-women’s expedition
that skied to the South Pole. Our research
team did not feel we could ask our
participants about their sexual orientation.
In those days the U.S. Navy transported
personnel to the Antarctic (these days, it’ s
the Air Force) and as a result we were
concerned that our participants might not
want to come out to us as Lesbian or
But we speculated that there might be
some Lesbians among the women who
live and work in the Antarctic. So I was
intrigued to readan article entifled"Below
the Ice: An Antarctic Journal" by Peggy
Malloy in a recent issue of Weird Sisters,
a Colorado Lesbian newspaper. I emailed
Peggy in the Antarctic (the wonders of
technology!) and she responded as
For most people who come to work in
Antarctica, it is the sense ofadventure that
draws us to this extreme environment.
Most ofus wouldnever have themoney to
be a tourist-visitor; and we would not be
able to learn to love ffduring such a short
visit, as many of us have done over the
seasons. Those who get through a season
that usually goes
around town
toward the middle
of the season:
How do you
get a date with
a woman?
Answer: be one.
There are
30g females
working in the
Antaretle program.
a date with a woman?
Answer: be one. There are
approximately36% females
working in the Antarctic
program. Yes, there are other
Lesbians in town, and a very
small handful of Gay men.
The men are quite closeted.
This was a military base at
one time and there are still
plenty ofmilitary influences
since so many ex-military
currently workfor Antarctic
Support Associates, the
civilian contracting firm in
the Antarctic. The Lesbians
are generally out, but several
are not.
This is a generally
¯ accepting environment, mainly since we ¯
all have to work andlive together forlong
¯ periods of dme. If someone doesn’t agree
¯ with a lifestyle, it’s futile to fightit. I do
¯ not try to hide my sexuality, but I don’t
¯ flaunt it either. There is always a fear that
: one won’t get rehired because of it.
¯ However, this seems to be residual from
; living in northern society, and not well
¯ founded in the hiring practices of this
¯ company. If there are any prejudices, I
¯ would say it is against women in general, ¯
not just against Lesbians. There is no
: attempt by the U.S. Antarctic Program to
¯ be Lesbian-affirmative, of which I am
¯ aware.
: I have worked at the U.S. McMurdo
¯ StationontheAntarctic continentfor three
¯" seasons so far. Each year the circle of
: friends increases: friends of friends tell
: friends,andendupcomingworkherewith
¯ us. Each year there seem to bemoremales
: who gravitate to our circle. These are
: straight men who feel more comfortable
¯ striking friendships with us,mosdy since ¯
we are"safe." There is no concern thatwe
¯ will wantanythingmorethan afriendship.
¯ Email is the best way to keep in touch
: withcommuffityfromhome. I amgratefnl
to those who write and keep me informed
¯ of happenings, and gossip, and events
¯ such as the Rainbow Chorus concerts. I
: was quite involved with them before
¯ coming to work down here. This is such
¯ an isolated place, very little outside
¯ stimulation from color (th!ngs are brown
or white), smells (only the smell of fuel),
and life (nothing grows here naturally
: other than some algaes). We see some
¯ seals andmaybe somepenguins at the end ¯
of the summer season. News from home
". or small care packages from friends are
¯ treasured like a long lost love’s return.
¯ Anything, and everything, is a special ¯
gift. This is also the time when I have
¯ more contact with friends than usual, as I
." can sit at the computer and drop a quick
¯ note to say, "hi, how are you doing?"
: Peggy Malloy can be contacted via
¯ email: malloyma@hotmail.eom. Esther
¯ Rothblum is Professor of Psychology at ¯
the University of Vermont and Editor of
¯ theJournal ofLesbianStudies. Shecanbe
¯ reached at Dewey Hall, University of
¯ Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. ¯
email: esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
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They filled thepews, stood against church
walls and packed the steps leading to the
altar. "This is far beyond my wildest
dreams," said the Rev. Marge Ragona,
Covenant’s pastor. "We are amazed so
many felt you needed to be herejust as we
felt we needed to be here."
Speakers called onthe audience to speak
out against hatred and chastised people
who use the Bible to justify hate against
homosexuals. "We’re here to celebrate
this evening that God is not hate, but God
is love," said the Rev. Lawton Higgs St. of
United Methodist Church of the
Roger Lovette, pastor of the Baptist
Church of the Covenant, encouraged
people to remember Gaither as a person,
not a symbol. "He was like the rest of us
with hopes, dreams and needs," Lovette
Rodney Max, co-chairman of the
Coalition Against Hate Crimes, urged
legislators to pass alaw including offenses
motivatedbyhomosexuality on the state’s
list of hate crimes. "That should never,
ever happen again in this state," Max said.
After the two-hour memorial service
inside the church, people lit small candles
and stood outside singing ’~his Little
Light of Mine."
Across the street, a small group of
protesters from Westboro Baptist Church
in Topeka, Kan., held anti-Gay signs in
protest. "We are outraged at this violent
crime, but the issue is the homosexuals
are exploiting it," said Westboro’s pastor,
the Rev. Fred Phelps. "It is no longer
merely an event for the family and friends
to grieve." Protesters held signs saying
"Billy Jack Gaither bums in hell.’"
Max Griffies, 9, stood near the church’ s
step holdin,,g a sig,n declaring, "God loves
all people. Max smother, Leah Griffies,
but that still some homophobic remarks
were expressed by afew teachers to classes
after the announcement was made. and
flyers went up. However, since a large
part of the group’s mission is to educate
faculty and other students, Allen
characterized these negative remarks as
something to be expected, until Gay and
Lesbians students and is sues become more
BTW’s GSA typically meets during an
intermittent free period in the school
schedule and the group often discusses
issues or plans for upcoming events. One
such event is the "Day of Silence" on
April 7th which is intended to be a day of
protest in support of civil rights for Gay
and Lesbian persons. Washington’s
Sizemore is actually the key organizer for
the US and Canada. Also, the BTW GSA
is planning to participate in the upcoming
Tulsa Pride Parade.
And Booker T. Washington’s example
has paved the way for GSA’s in at least
two other Tulsa high schools. Smaller and
more informal groups have come together
at Central and East Central High Schools.
All of these groups have joined together
in an organization, S.A.F.E. - Student
Alliance for Equality which meets at the
Tulsa Gay Community Services Center
(the Pride Center).
For more information, messages may
be left for the BookerT. Washington Gay-
Straight Alliance or S.A.F.E. at the Tulsa
Gay Community Services Center, 743-
GAYS (4297).
said she wanted her son "to know you
don’t kill people, regardless of who they
are, and especially for what they believe
in." The message seemed to sink in as
Max watched the protestors across the
street. "Itmakes mefeel disgusted because
everybody is created equal and all people
are created by God," he said.
Police originally charged Mullins and
Butler with murder, which carries a
maximum sentence of life imprisonment
.with a chance for parole. However, grand
jurors upgraded the charge to capital
murder, which cames only two possible
penalties: electrocution or life without
In Washington, DC, the Human Rights
Campaignissued the following comments:
"in 1997, (the latest FBI statistxcs
available) Alabama reported no hate
crimes to the FBI for any category.
Reporting of statistics is voluntary under
to the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990.
Alabama’s hate crimes law does not cover
sexual orientation. ’This case in Alabama
shows the great inconsistency between
states in tracking and prosecuting hate
crimes We call on Congress to pass the
Hate Crimes Prevention Act, to set a
uniform federal response for hate
crimes and signal that anti-gay violence is
unacceptable in our society,’ said Human
Rights Campaign Political Director
Winnie Stachelberg."
Kevin Ivers, director of public affairs
.for Log Cabin Republicans added, ’’There
IS something wrong in society when gay
people are continually murdered in this
maimer, and our leaders have amoral duty
~o address it.., The leaders of both parties
must speak out with eqtml forceagainst
the anti-gay hatred and intolerance that is
feeding such crimes. . Every political
leader, especially those who seek-the
presidency, must reflect on why this is
happening, and what they can do to,.h,elp
stop it from continuing."
those who gathered to becomd~othe
Community of Hope have i~orked to be
honest about who we are and what our
ministry is. without insisting that others
agree with or embrace our ministry, We
have consistently insisted that ministries
of healing and hope, and not, Gay
advocacy, be ourfocus; while at the.same
time naming that homophobia and
inhospitality are antithetical to the Gospel,
and refusing to be silent in the face of
them. We have asked only for tolerance
and respect, and have tried to offer the
same. However. increasinly, the goodness
and dignity of Gay and Lesbian persons
and their loving, committed relationships
are so consistently and ’officially’
devalued and dishonored within in this
Conference and by this denomination,
thatI can no longer maintain myaffiliation
with integri&.
Secondly, I have decided to withdraw
because the ministries of justice and
compassion to which God’s church has
been calledand in which this congregation
is engaged, are too urgent and too
important for us to faithfully allow any
more time or energy to be diverted by
denominational arguments aboutwhether
or not Gay and Lesbian persons are part
of the body of Christ, Since the day this
congregation was called into being, Gay
and Lesbian persons have been BEING
the body of Christ - offering their gifts
and graces, their time and energy, their
hearts andhands, in loving service to God
and neighbor - see Peurose, p. 14
while the Church has debated their
acceptability. "Anyone who does the will
of God is my brother or sister"(Mark 3:
35), Jesus said. That debate was settled
long ago. And yet, women, men, and
children in Oklahoma, in the US, and
around the world continue to be robbed of
life every day by hunger, homelessness,
abuse, addiction, and violence, while the
UMC spends more and more of its time
andresourcesfight~ng over who is allowed
to love who. Internal struggles over control
and authority, have seduced our Church
intoforgetting its call to be the bearers of
God’sgospel ofhopeandlove to a hurting
worM. I am weary ofthe ’forgetting’ and
the fighting, and want my life and our
ministry as a community offaith to once
again be about ’remembering Jesus’ in
ways that honor the life he lived among
andfor us.
Therefore, on Thursday afternoon,
by Lamont Linstrom, Ph.D.
My feet are looking niighty fine these
days. I~have been seeing a new friend
named Jay, who calls himself a foot
fetishist. And he has been working these
toes down to hubs, almost. Jay describes
foot-worshipping parties he has attended
where shoes andboots and soqks goflying
in all directions. He has intro~oced me to
foot magazines. The personal ads are
remarkable. They come withphotographs
showing everyone thrusting his best foot
forward into the camera lens. And
websites, too. The intemet is one big
fetish supermarket: rubber and latex here,
feet over there, underwear at the back. Or
uniforms:-I have another friend with a
closet full of uniforms. I never know if
he’s going to show up dressed in Boy
Scout drag, or as Marine, or perhaps a
water meter reader.
While Jay was mass_aging my feet one
afternoon I thought abouttheword"fetish"
- a term oddly shared by anthropology,
psychology, and sexology. SigmundFreud
himself seems to have been the first to
borrow "fetish" from 19th century
anthrol~i0gy. Scholars of West African
religion had.firstused thewordto describe
religip~s..objects from Ghana - small
carvings, amulets, and’the like-thatpeople
bdieve&~were inspirited with divinity.
Feti~h deriYes from the Latin facticious
whi..k once.meant "handmade" or
"man~0~tU~ed" (e.g., see also "factory,"
and "factotum"). The word’s connations
of "artificial," in the original sense of
"made" or "constructed, "expanded to
absorb secondary meanings of "unreal"
or "fake"-or "false." Thus, the fetish
originally was a man-made, artificial
image of-God that African devotees
believed to have divine powers. The term
is still used occasionally in anthropology
and beyond to refer to sacred objects. My
Bay Area newspaper, for example, last
week contained an advertisement for an
upcoming sale of Pueblo Indian jewelry
whichfeaturedZuni fetishes- these small,
carved animal figures sold as both
decorative and spiritual.
I am not sure why Freud borrowed
fetish to describe sexual kinkiness. We
can guess, however, that he shared the
same sorts of. European cultural biases
that led to th~ earlier anthropological use
of the word. The savage religious devotee
focuses his attention on the artifical fetish
- the man-made object - and thus misses
¯ March 4, I submitted the following
statemen¢ to.Bishop Blake:
~ " Bishois.Bruce Blake
¯¯ Oklahoma Annual Conference
United Methodist Church
It is with a deep trust in God’s steadfast
¯ and unconditional love that 1 write to
¯ informyou thatlaminitia,ting theprocess ¯
ofwithdrawalfrom Zhe United Methodist
Church in order to transfer my ministerial
¯ orders to another denominate’on. 1 have
chosen to begin this process because I
¯ cannot remainfaithful to the Gospel and
¯ honor the requirement of the United
¯ Methodist Church not to celebrate and ¯
one who has been baptized to "resist.
¯ injustice and oppression" and ordained
: to"lookaftertheconcernsofChristabove
¯ all," I am called and charged to offer the
¯ full ministry ofthe church--including the
¯ blessing ofdovenant relationships- to all
: God’s people, including those who are
¯ Gay or Lesbian. I will do nothing less.
: - Rev. Leslie Peurose
the larger supernatural reality ofgod. The
: sexual fetishist similarly misdirects.his
¯ attention only to this or that body part or
: object, and also misunderstands the
¯ broader, complex whole of human
sexuality. The foot fetishist sucks toes,
: but ignores everything above the ankle.
¯ The hair fetishist gets tangled and stuck
: up there and never moves along towards
¯ "normal" sex.
The 19th century anthropologist and
¯ psychologist both shared the belief that
they could indeed define normal religion
¯ and natural sexuality. Whatever fell short
¯ of this standard could be defined away as ¯
artificial - just a fetish. Lucky for us,
maybe, things aremuchmorecomplicated
: nowadays. Some complications have
¯ come along with 20th century Hedonism. ¯
While hardly triumphant (especially in
¯ Oklahoma),latterday influentialhedonists
: like Dr. Ruth proclaim that all forms of
¯ sexual behavior are good, as long as ¯
nobody gets hurt. And even that can be
¯ good, too, as long as a person wants to get
: hurta,ndiftheboundaries andgroundrules
¯ (we Americans are so legalistic) are
negotiated beforehand.
¯ Jay finds sexuality in toes just as West
Africans discover divinity in beads and
: wood. So fixations .on feet, jocks,
: underwear, underarms, hair, rubber sheets
¯ - it’s all reoently wonderful.
¯ Well, perhaps not that kid living down
the street who’s discovered to have 2000
pairs ofwomen’s panties hiddenunderhis
~ bed thai he’s stolen from neighborhood
¯ clotheslines. Butmostly fetishes are good.
Isn’t the right toa feti~h protected in the
¯ Constitution? At least they contribute to
: the economy.
¯ Sex nowadays is also complicated by ¯
the duty our culture demands of us to
¯ cultivate our individuality. Fetishes here
¯ are extremely useful. They help
¯ differentiate ourselves as unique
individuals. If you remain stuck in plain
¯ old boring vanilla sex, you are just a
¯ cypher in the crowd. Youneed a focus, an
: angle. Somespecial way to define yourself
whenfilling outoneofthosebearortwink
¯ codes one sometimes sees flaunted in
¯ email signature files. But the American ¯
desireforindividuality and our cultivation
of sexual fetishes also eventually leads
¯ around to American sociability. Those
¯ fetishes are shared. Fetishists quickly go ¯
to work organizing societies of foot
fanciers, seeAnthro, p. 11
into body worship, looking
for a WM, 35-40, who’s
into body budding. (Tulsa)
Looking for a one-night
stand with a very muscular,
well-endowed top. If
interested, give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~r13401
NEED BEEF Looking for
a Guy, 35+, with lots of
muscle. If you’re Tulsa’s
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message. (Tulsa) ’~’13126
you’re Tulsa’s answer to
Larry Holmes or Hulk
Hogan, give me a call. I
think you’ll find this call
worth your while. (Tulsa)
TOP 65-year-old
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40, who’s into bodybuilding.
If interested in talking
to me, leave me a message.
I’m definitely worth
a call. (Tulsa) ’1~12785
Block Of Time
65-year-old WM, looking
for a very muscular, wellhung
WM, 35-40, for a
one-night stands. Give me
a call and find out that I’m
definitely worth it. (Tulsa)
Looking for someone who
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(Tulsa) ’~’10388
SGM, 21, 6’2", 185 Ibs,
likes having fun, movies
and quality times at home.
Looking for a top who
would like to get together
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Hate Crimes Law Passage
WASHINGTON (AP) - Oregon Sens. Ron.Wyden and
Gordon Smith are renewing their campaign for an
expanded, federal hate crimes statute, hoping thatpublic
outrage over the torture and murder of black and Gay
men will spur passage. "This is about drawing a line in
the sand and saying America.is too good.., to look the
other way in the face of violent, hate-filled acts," said
Wyden, a Democratic cosponsor of the Hate Crimes
Prevention Act of 1999, a replica of last year’s bill.
Last month in Texas, John William King, a white
supremacist, was sentenced to death for chaining a
black man, James Byrd Jr., behind a pickup truck and
dragging him to his death. Two men have been charged
in the October slaying of Gay colleg.., student Matthew
.Shepard, who was pistol-whipped and’lashed to a fence
m Wyoming. Two men also have been charged with
beating to death aGay textile worker, Billy Jack Gaither,
in Alabamalast month and burning his body on a pile of
Sen. Gordon Smith, another cosponsor of the bill,
said that as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee he often travels abroad and deplores hate
crimes in other nations, see Federal, p. 3
Alabama Man Murdered
in Anti-Gay Hate crime
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - An overflow crowd of
mourners filled Covenant Metropolitan Community
Church, honoring the memory of Billy Jack Gaither
while also calling for an end to hatred against Gays.
There was no standingroom at the 225-seat church as 17
speakers mostly clergy - decried Gaither’s death. A
handful of anti-Gay protesters picketed outside.
Steven Eric Mullins, 25, and Charles Monroe Butler,
21,.confessed to beating the 39-year-old Sylacaugaman
to death with an ax handle last month and setting his
body on fire atop kerosene-soaked tires because, they
claimed, he made a pass at one of them. Gaither’s body
was discovered by apasserby Feb. 20in CoosaCounty,
a day after he was beaten and burned.
"Mullins and Butler stated the reason they killed him
was because he was ahomosexual," said Coosa County
sheriff’s deputy Al Bradley. "We believe this to be the
true motive." Mnllins and Buffer remain in the Coosa
County jail.
Gaither met with the two men in Sylaeanga, a
community about 40 miles southeast of Birmingham,
on the night he was killed, police said. Hehad last been
seeninabarhefrequented. According to the statements,
Mullins called Gaither and asked him to go to the bar,
where they met and.apparently left together, Johnson
said. Authorities said the men apparently took Gaither
to a remote location, where the murder took place.
The memorial service drew people of all races and
ages, from all across the state, seeAlabama,p. 13
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tuleans, Our Families + Friends
~Cir~cuistion Comm..un" Pa eravailable In More Than 75 C" Locations
Ok.lahom; iHou e K, IIs Hate ! Gay US Congres.sman
Crime Amendment, HB1.211 :: FranktoAttend Pr,de’99
by Tim Talley and Tom Neal : TULS,A -.~Wl~i,’le some details remain unresolved,
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP/TFN)- Hate crimes legislationis dead : Tulsa s Pride 99 organizers have announced that
in the Oklahoma Legislature this year following defeat of a bill : .openly .Gay US...Congress.man, Barney Frank of
that originally sought to add sexual orientation to the state’s list Mass,ach,nsetts will .attend this
of hate erimes, year s June 12th event.
An unprecedented number of supporters, including members ~ongressman Frank is _one of
of Gay and Lesbian groups and representatives of religious me most respected l)emoorganizations
such as TulSa Metropolitan Ministry, went to the _cra~cme..mbers of ~e,,United
Capitol early in March to encourage lawmakers to support House ~ tate.s Hou,s e ox,,~,epre-
Bill 1211. sentataves ana is well ~nown
But the bill’s sponsor, Tulsa Rep. Don Ross said there was not
enough bipartisan support to add sexual orientation to the
Oklahoma Hate Crimes Act. "I said from the beginning I would
not allow this issue to become a partisan wedge issue, used
exclusively against Democrats in the next election," Ross said.
The vote killing the bill followed more than an hour of
sometimes passionate debate between supporters, who said that
certain classes ofpeople deserve special protection, and opponents
who argued that all citizens should be treated equally under the
law. The bill’s final version would have made a first-offense hate
crime afelony and providedfor enhanced penalties when~iolence
was used but did not add "sexual orientation" to the existing law.
Rep. Leonard Sullivan said the measure was divxsive and
singled out certain groups for special treatment. The Oklahoma
Hate Crimes Act distinguishes offenses committed because of
race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin and disability. But
supporters said special status has been given to crimes against
children and women, and that similar recognition is needed for
other groups because of who or what they are.
"The law is an equalizing force," argued Ross, who is one of
three Black House members. "The idea of equal protection is a
very noble concept," but it is up to lawmakers to make it work,
said Rep. Russ Roach, D-Tulsa. "This legislation protects all
people," added Rep. John Sellers, D-Enid.
Ross’ substitute bill deleting ~exual orientation was drafted in
response to the Christian Coalition opposition. Toure said fear,
hatred and misunderstanding are to blame for dropping sexual
orientation from the measure. "I never knew the hatred toward
Gay people as I do now," Ross said.
TOHR’ Steve Horn shivers with Cimarron Alliance’ Terry
Gatewood andfriend at Equality Begins at Home Capitol rally,
Reverend Leslie Penrose
Resigns as Methodist Pastor
TULSA - On March 5,1999, the pastor of Community of Hope
Base Shalom Congregation, the Reverend Leslie Penrose
submitted a letter to Oklahoma MethodiSt Bishop, Bruce Blake
initiating her withdrawal from the Methodist Church: The
following is selections of her letter which circulated by e-mail in
the Tulsa community:
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with prayers for its future well-being, that I initiate the
. processofwithdrawingfromtheUnitedMethodistChurch. The
", primary reason for my withdrawal after 18 years offull time
¯ ministry is the increasing focus on complaints and charges
¯ regarding my ministry of blessing same-sex covenant
¯ to either withdrawing or preparing for trial. I simply will not
¯ participate inputting God’s grace- or myprivilege as apastor ¯
¯ to bless andcelebrateany andevery relationship where thefruits ofthe spirit bear witness to that grace - on trial. Nor will I hide
¯ or lie about the ministry I do.
¯ From the time six years ago when I was sent by the Oklahoma
¯ Conference to create a reconciling base community ministry in
Tulsa, see Penrose, p. 13
for his skilled and often
scathing debate.
Mitchell Savage, member
of Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center’s Pride ’99 planning committee,
also noted that in addition to attending the annual
Tulsa Pride Picnic, planned again.for Veterans
Park at 18th and Boulder, organizers are working
on a dinner at which the Congressman would likely
speak and possibly a Sunday morning event.
Congressman Frank was graduated in 1962 from
Harvard University andtaughtundergraduates there
while studying for a Ph.D. Before completing his
Ph.D. degree, Frank became Chief Assistant to
Mayor Kevin White of Boston. In 1972,
Congressman Frank was elected to the
Massachusetts Legislature, where he served for
eight years, until 1980. During that time, he entered
Harvard Law School in September, 1974 and
graduated in 1977. In 1980, Congressman Frank
was elected to the US House of Representatives. In
a recent evaluation of Congress, The Almanac of
American Politics said "Frank is one of the
intellectual and political leaders of the Democratic
Party in the House, political theorist :andpit bull at
the same time." Frank serves on the Judiciary and
the Banking Financial Services Committees.
For more information, contact the Community
Center at 743-4297.
BTW Boasts OK’s First
Gay-Straight Alliance
by Tom Neal
TULSA - Elsewhere in the United States, high
school Gay-Straight Alliances have often been met
withconsiderable controversy. In Utah, some school
districts got rid of all their campus organizations
¯ rather than allow a group which tries to supportGay
o young adults andfoster tolerance andunderstanding.
: However, Booker T. Washington High School,
¯ Tulsa’s magnet showpiece school, appears to have
¯ avoided much of that sort of uproar and is thought
: to be the first high school with such an organization
¯ in the state of Oklahoma.
¯ Former SapulpaHigh School student, Will Allen
¯ and Emily Sizemore began the work of creating a ¯
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) latein 1998, meeting
." withformerBTWprincipal Mr. Stevens andt’mding
¯ a faculty sponsor, Doug Gronberg.
¯ Then in January this year, after creating flyers
¯ and making an public announcement on the school
¯ intercom, they held their first meeting.
¯ Muchto the astonishmentofAllen and Sizemore,
¯ 40 students showedup. In fact, Allen stated that the
¯ turnout was notable especially since that that first
: meeting conflicted with a tryoutfor the Washington
¯ Drama Club’s production of West Side Story:
¯ Apparently BTW’s Gay population is well
¯ represented in theDramaClub and therefore, many
¯ who might otherwise have been expected to attend
¯ weren’t able. Allen also notes that similar groups in
Chicago and Boston frequently don’thave as many
¯ attending.
: Allen said that the GSA is comparable to other
studentchapters on thecampus, suchas theNAACP
¯ see BTW,.p. 13
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Care, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
"*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlinlc net
wobsito: http: [/users.aol.comiTulsaNews!
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308 "
Tulsa-Businesses, Services, & Professionals "
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital.Cellular 747-1508 ¯
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510 "
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor
746-4620 "
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 ."
Kent Batch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 ¯
~’Bames & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034, "
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15
712d122 :
*Borders BoOks & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955 :
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 "
*CD Warehouse,. 3807c S. Peoria
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902,743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker " 622-0700
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco,.3212 E. 15th "- 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611-
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sberidan
838-8503 "
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379 .:
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. P~eori~a _~ ~,~
744-9595 ¯
Cathy Furlo~g_~ PIilD., 1980 Utica bq. lvte~. ~u.
62823709. :
*Gloria Jeati s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st
742-1460 "
Leanne M. Grbss, Insurance &financial planning
459-9349 ¯
744-7440 ¯
Mark T. Ha~by,.Attorney : ¯
*Sandra Ji Hill, M~, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*international T_o.urs
341-6866 "
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th
712-2750 :
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering
747-0236 "
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
599-8070 "
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466 :
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brad),
*MidtownTheater, 319 E. 3rd
584-3112 ".
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31
663-5934 "
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place
664-2951 ~
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard
747-6711 ~
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
747-7672 ~
Puppy Pause II, 1060. S. Mingo
*Peace of MindBookstore, 1401 E. 15
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor
Rainbowz on the River B+B,POB 696, 74101
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning
Teri Sehutt, Rex Realtors
834-7921, 747.4746
Christoph~ Spra_~g, attom__e_Y:~16 ~S. Main,#308
*Seribner s Bookstore, 1942 Utaca bquare 749-6301
Paul Tay, CarSalesman
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis
Fred.Welch, LCSW, Counseling ....... 743:1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies, Chumhes, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Communiw Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Counci! O~k Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1.
"~ NOW, Nat’! Org. forWomen, POB 14068, 74159
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
:riend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152
:riends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101
*HIV FaR Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd.
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month the entire contents of this
pgblication are protected by US copyright 1998 byT~ ~:..~.
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photo does not indicate a person’s sexua onentauon. ~,orrespon- .
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points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248. .
~Red Rock Mental ¯Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support.group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’UV~,N Jr suonort group for 14-17 LGBT youth .
St. Aidan’ s Eptscopal Church, 4045 N. Cmcaunat~ 425 78
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder
TNAAPP(Native American men). Indian Health Care
Tulsa County Health Departme_nt, 4616 E. 15 , 59,5-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays omy
Tulsa Okla. for HumanRights, c/o The Pride Center 743.4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses
: *Rogers University (formerly UCT)
: ,BartlesvillePublicLibrary,600S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
". *Borders Books&MusiC, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
~ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573.4907
: *Stonewall League, call for information:
’.- ~Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
’*G~een Coun AIDS Coalition, POB 1570
¯ NSU School of Optometry., I001N. Grand
; HIVtesting every Other Tues. 5:30t8:30, call for dates
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &,
’.’ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy: 23
: *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St."
:. *Emerald Rainbow; 45 &l/2 Spring St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring -
¯ Geek to Go[, PC Specialist, POB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
"- Positive Idea Marketing Plans
: Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*White Light, t Center St.
*Edna’s. 9 S. Schoo! Ave.
God Would Never
Advocate Hate
I am not pointing fingers. I am pointing
and pitching in.
¯It rained, and was quite cold and m~serable atSaturday’s ("EqualityBegins
At Home") rally on the capitol steps..The
graves of our Gay and African American
martyrs inAlabama,Jasper, andWyoming
are cold, lonely, andmiserable. Why were
there only aprox. 300 folks at the capitol
demanding that our innocent people’s
executions stop? Where were you?
I will speak for myself. When Mathew
Shepard died, Tulsa had a candlelight
vigil for him. It rained, and was nasty out
thatevening, therefore, I decided toremain
in the comfort of my warm home. After
seeing the number of folks from the
Westboro Baptist Church, that endured
the freezing rain at Mathew’s funeral - in
order to spew out hate and condemnation
to the coldbody ofaninnocent child- I felt
like aninsensitive, amoral, spineless snake
for staying.home. Where were you?
Howmany morefolks are going tohave
to die in order for you / us to see that we
need to attend these functions? The hate
crime law was turned down- even in the
state where Mathew Shepard was killed.
Arethe"moral majority" ofourlawmakers
hate mongers? I Thank God for MC
Smothermon, Keith Smith, Paul Barby,
and their likes. We need more folks like
them at our capitol, to defend the rights of
"minorities". We deserve better. Those
who have died because of ignorant hate
deserved better.
Perhaps the world does not fully
understand thathate crimes are committed
every day. Ourminority citizens are scared
to report attacks against themselves as
such, because offurther condemnation, or
for lack of concern by law enforcement.
¯ Folks are scared to speak up for equal ¯
rights - for fear of what few rights they
¯ currently have - will be torn away from
¯ them as a result. Receiving a pink slip
¯ from your employment, and adeath threat
: because of standing up for.equal rights !s
i reality. I know from experience. There ~s
~ plenty ofbehind the scene workthatnee~,s
¯ to be done, that will make a differencem
: your salvation - and the lives of those in
¯ danger of ignorant violence.
~ I know ofmany hate crimes committed ¯
in Tulsa alone- which have not received
¯ the attention they deserve. I am aware of
¯ "minority" children that were victims of
¯ violent I~ate crime - which cannot tell
~ their parents for fear of getting kicked out
¯ of their ho,,m_es. Obvi,o_nsly the general
" public says oh well,it s jt£st another fag,
¯ or blackie". Is the buckle of the bible belt
¯ so. tight.that it is r~.tri_cting blood flow to
; the brains of those who consider
¯ themselves "do-gooders"? God would
¯ never advocate hate. Never.
.’~ The general media image of the Gay,
Bi, Lesbian, and transgendered
community is out cruising River Park,
molesting littleboys, and spreading AIDS.
Wall, I have not used the parks for sex,
and see Letters, p. 3
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered Or on issues
you think need to be considered. You may
request that your name be withheld but
letters must be signed &hay e phone numbers,
or be hand delivered. 200 word lel-
¯ " " OB 701475 74170-1475 3_5.523_1.--42~. ; *~ ’ "t o~ Christ MCC ~2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 417-623-4696 ters are preIerrea~." "~’u~t.ters to other
Ep~scopahans, P , ., . Spin . ..... . ¯ " - will be rinteo as is a propna~e.
¯Fellowship Congreg. Ctxurch,2900 S. H~vard~ . ~ ~4,~-,~7~7, ,
, tswl~ere¢oucanrmaTFN-N°’~au~’eGa’’owne~~ s ap~prop_n[~.:
¯Free S~iht Women’ s Center, call for locauon ~~mo: ~o/-~,u~
theOklahomaStateCapitol as a local partofanational event,
Equality Begins at Home. The turnout really Wasn’ t that bad
considering that, in inimi table Oklahoma spring fashion, the
weather had turned very, very chilly and rainy. It also wasn’t
bad considering how the event’s Oklahoma City organizers
had failed thoroughly to get the word out to the statewide
Their failure actually is rather surprising because those
organizers, Paul Thompson of the self proclaimed statewide
OGLPC, the Oklahoma Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus,
and Paula Hand Brown, an editor and reporter for The Gayly
Oklahomanare easily two of the mostexperienced Gay civil
fights activists in Oklahoma City.
The event itself was only symbolic. The Capitol was
locked and our only audience was, wall, ourselves and afew
media types. Thereal lobbyingwas thatdoneatthebeginning
of the month under the direction of Keith Smith and Nancy
McDonald when the Capitol was unlocked and legislators
werein attendance. But atleastOklahomacould say we were
there; wewere one of those states around the country that did
an "Equality Begins at Home" (EBAH) event.
But the event was marred by a few parochial and petty
aspects which by themselves are not that important but
which point to flaws in our national and state movement.
Th~se are the sorts of flaws that, frankly, often make u~as
effective in hindering our movement as our enemies.
One problem to which this newspaper has particular
objectionis thefailure ofthese experienced andmedia savvy
organizers to provide this newspaper with the most basic
information about the event. While TFN earlier published
" informationaboutEBAHbasedon the press releases provided
by the national sponsors, the National Gay & Lesbian Task
Force and the Federation of Stat,ewide LGBT Political
Organizations, Thompson and. Brown apparently did not
provide even the simplest press release telling precisely
when the event was going to be held.
Now in fairness, they claim that they telephoned TFN but
oddly neither I nor any otherTFN staffever found amessage
onour office number, our wireless voicemail,our e-mail, our
fax machine, or even by that old fashioned method, by post!
Some might suggest that Ms. Brown, an employee of a
somewhat rival newspaper and Mr. Thompson, wall known
to be dosdy tied to that newspaper might have had an
interest in not sharing the information fully.
Certainly, we at Tulsa Family News also acknowledge
that if the only part of rtmning this business and getting a
issue put together was to track down information from
negligentcommunity organizers, then wecould have chased
the information down as wall. However, we do have some
other events we have to cover as well. For the record,
Thompson and Brown did later telephone TFN and actually
leave messages but only after we had gone to press and only
after we complained to NGLTF organizers.
But the real issue for Oklahomain the "Equality Begins at
Home" effort is notjust that ofpoor communications. Part of
the EBAH effort was a grant of to each participating state of
$5,000. In Oklahoma, this $5K went to the Oklahoma Gay
& Lesbian Political Caucus (OGLPC).
Now if you just go by their name, you might assume that
they are genuinely a statewide-organization. However, the
organization in practice only ha~~ad a real impact in.central
Oklahoma City. In that area, they have been fairly effective.
An active OGLPC member claims that they have about 150
members, though they claim to have a mailing list of 7,000.
He surprisingly was unable to provide any numberfor Tulsa
members. And what many Gay and Lesbian civil rights
activists believe, both in Tulsa and OKC, is that OGLPC
really is just a OKC group. It’s never had any impact on
Tulsa politics.
Let us compare this with the Cimarron Alliance which,
although much newer, hasboth Tulsa and other non~OKC
members, and a track record of doing significant work
outside of OKC.
The obvious question is why did NGLTF give $5K to an
organizationwhichhadlittle credibility as agenuine statewide
organization, and which for years has seemed to be little
more than an extension of the personality of Paul Thompson
overTheCimarronAlliance withits documentable successes
across the state?
Here’s where petty local politics meets petty national
politics. NGLTF knew quite wall that OGLPC was not
widely considered credible as a statewide organization.
see Equality, p.lO
~shocked many with his.suggestion that th~ solution to
¯ .famine in Ireland, then under English domination, was
" for the Irish merely to eat their children. Swift, an
¯ Irishman himself,, indeed was being just a wee bit
¯ sarcastic and his essay is still readin literature classes as
an example of that type of essay.
It is the spirit of Swift that I’d like to
¯ invoke for part of this essay but I realize
that these words taken out of context as
¯¯ they no doubt will be, will likely provoke
shock and dismay and anger. All that said,
¯ I’d like to talk about hate crimes and hate
¯ crimes legislation, specifically that which
¯ was considered last month in our ¯
¯ First, let us praise The Very Honorable
¯ Don Ross, one of Tulsa’s state
¯ representatives who introduced HB 1211.
He can be cranky but as he once told me
¯ (and proved it), he’s one of our few
_" dependable friends in the Oklahoma
¯ House. He’s also been supportive of
¯ increased funding for people living with
So, take some time to thank him - like
:’ your momma said, it doesn’t take that
¯ long to write a thank you note. Also don’t
¯ forget him when the next election cycle
¯ comes up. Send hima checkif you can, or ¯
volunteer. If we don’t take care of our
¯ friends, who will?
: And to highlight the positive, the
¯ progress HB1211 made is greater than ¯
anything that came before. That’s notjust
¯ my assessment but that of a Tulsa area
¯ Republican representative. He’ll be ¯
happier if I’ll leave him unnamed, but as
¯ he said, just getting the bill out of
¯ committee counts as progress. Headded that afew years
¯ ago,most of the people talking with us would not even ¯
have let us in the door.
¯ Again to recognize those whose work is making
¯ much of that difference, we need to thank Keith Smith
¯ who lobbies for our communities on his own while he ¯
does his other paid lobbying work. One day, if we are
¯ really smart as a community, we’ll figure outhow to pay
¯ Keith so that he can do even more.
¯ TulsaMetropolitanMinistry deserves great praise for
providing the initial leadership on this bill, particularly
¯ the Reverends Mildred Banks, Gary Blaine, Gaff Kecny-
¯ Mulligan and no doubt others whose names I don’t ¯
know. Attorney General Drew Edmondson and former
: DistrictAttorney Bill LaFortunealso were tremendousl)~
¯ helpfui.
Also, I would be remiss in not specifi.ca!,ly honoring
Nancy McDonald for spearheading Tulsa S efforts on
HB 1211. Standing 0utside thechamberoftheOklahoma
¯ House of Representatives with these two and~others, as
or nlzed ome
to lie in
wait outside of
some guy walking
to his ear alone,
jump him and beat
him senseless?
Or when some
%traight" couple
has the nerve to
flaunt their
sexuality publicly,
by holding hands
or kissing, what if
we drove up on the
sidewalk to run
them down or
pulled a gun and
shot at them.
myfather and I did, is quite the education. Butnext time
we need to get more of us there!
But back to the blasphemous and scandalous, I have
¯ to wonder how quickly hate crimes laws would pass if
" the situation were reversed?
¯ What if we organized some gangs of Gay men to get
alittle drunkand liein waitoutside ofnotorious "straight"
bars, and when we see some guy walking
to his car alone, jump him and beat him
senseless. Orwhensome straight couple
has the nerve to flaunt their sexuality
publicly, byholding hands or kissing, what
if we drove up on the sidewalk to run them
down orjnstpulled agunand shot atthem?
At the very least, we could scream
epithets at them so that they’ll know how
hated and repulsive they are. And if that’s
not good enough to intimidate those
"straight" guys, wemight prevail on some
of our lipstick Lesbians to chat them up in
a bar, pretending to be "straight" and then
lure them out to where they can be beaten
or murdered or tortured - whatever.
How long do you think it would take for
hate crimes legisl.ation which included
sexual orientation to pass? Though our
legislature wouldlikely0uly makeitillegal
for us to beat up "straight" boys but leave
it just fine for them to kill us.
Mind you I do not advocate any of the
violence mentioned above; we all know it
wouldbe wrong. I think it is a testament to
the decency of most Gay people that we
face the injustice and indignity with which
we are treated with as much patience and
kindness as we do. I can’t believe that it’s
just because we have no choice.
Consider this: in the early years of the
AIDS holocaust, we had little hope; there
were no or few effective treatments; we
" had a government that was damning even more to death
¯ through its actions that were indifferent at best, and
more often hostile, and yet we never saw any of our
¯ people resorting to violence - civil disobedience, yes,
¯ butmoredidnothappenas is the casewithdesperate and
oppressed people in much else of the world. Even the
~ Jews became terrorists as old Palestine went on its way
¯ to becoming Israel.
¯ My old friend Peter and I have wondered how it is that
¯ none of those who might well have seen the world as
without hope, sought vengeance or acted in violence?
After all, when faced with the evil that Jesse Helms and
others like that represent, why no one of us sought to
send him or the many in Congress like him to the hell
they surely deserve?
But in the words of an old Holly Near song, "we are
a gentle, angry people, and we fighting, fighting for our
lives..." and maybe our persistence, along with the
righteousness of our cause will move even the hardened
hearts of Oklahoma towards justice someday.
radio programming, the (seemingly)blackmailing
Christian c~alition, and other attractive sprinkles of
ignorance. Prejudice words such as "faggot, blackie,
nigger, colored~ and queer" should never be allowed in
hateful media - of any sort. This is the dawn of a new
century political correctness changes - are we still
Neanderthals? I think that we have evolved enough to
cease advocating senseless -hate towards our brothers
and sisters.
Please make plans to attend the Pride ’99 Gay pride
parade on June 12th. Perhaps we will be more inclined
to attend a function of such ~xtreme value - if the
weather is bright and sunny. Weneed to make it known
to our leaders that hate crimes are not acceptable. Pride
’99 will be a wonderful vehicle to portray the equality
we deserve and demand. Equal rights are just that -
equal, not special.
¯ Please become more involved in advocating equality
v~a organizations such as T.O.H.R., N.A.A.C.P.,
P.F.LA.G., and others. You will be, and feel like, a
better person for your efforts.
I am not pointing t’mgers. Just pointing and pitching
Conform and be dull. - Ned T. Bruha, Tulsa
Icert~ainly there are no more Gays interested in little
boys than the heterosexual community. AIDS has no
sexual preference. The words "Gay" and"black" arenot
needed as verbs. In media, when we talk about an
¯" "average" citizen, we do not say"andin thenews today,
~ a white, heterosexual groi~p of’Christians gathered in a
." local church to discuss how to stop theGays fromkilling
¯ straight folks". Please.
Why do we allow our radio stations to advocate hate
¯ via Gayjokes andracial slurs?Why does theFCC allow
." them that’’freedom of speech"? Why are websites such
¯ as the Gay Nazis, skinheads, KKK, Westboro Baptist, ¯
and Larry the Cable Guy allowed? They all seem to
." inciteignorantintolerance,hate, and sometimes violence
¯ - but when asked about what is inwriting- they refuse ¯
to admit it is hate. "We shouldbe outraged andalarmed,
¯ because theideas canlead to violent crimes"- as stated
¯ in the3/28/1999USAWeekendincludedin your Sunday
¯ papers. The minds of our innocent children are being
" soiled by seemingly innocent media: Crayons using
¯ peach as skin tone, bandages are peach- for skin tone,
Anti-Gay Stand Loses
Church Its Building
BROCKTON, Mass. (AP) - A dispute over Gay
Christians has put a priest and his parishioners who
oppose same-sex marriages on the street, so the
evicted congregation held services right on the
sidewalk. The Rev. Thomas Morris andabout adozen
members of his flock prayed outside on a recent
Sunday, despite their eviction by a judge in their
ongoing dispute with the Episcopal Diocese of
Morris and his congregation at St. Paul’s Church
opposed the diocese’s 1994 decision to sanction
same-sex unions and ordain noncelibate homosexuals
as priests. In opposition, the congregation began
withholding fees it was bound to pay the diocese.
Diocese officials maintained the dispute was not
about beliefs or issues. "What this is about is this
church needs a priest ingood standing with the bishop
and other churches in the diocese," said the Rev.
Donald Parker, the diocese vicar. The diocese is
overseen by Bishop Thomas Shaw. In the decision,
Judge Charles J. Hely said his ruling settled a legal
issue about property, not a religious issue.
In 1995, Morris’ predecessor at St. Paul’s, the Rev.
James R. HAles,was defrocked after the diocese found
him guilty of sexual misconduct. But many members
of the church stand by HAles, and say the charges
against him were concocted as punishment for his
stance against homosexuality.
Gay Irish Not Welcome
in Bronx Parade Either
NEW YORK (AP)= Members of a Gay organization
got a Bronx cheer when they tried to join the first St.
Patrick’ s Day-parade held in that borough in70 years.
Six people, including state Sen. Tom Duane and
City Councilwoman Christine Quiun, were arrested
Sunday after a.doze~! supporters of the Lavender and
Green’Al!ian.~ce stepped into the parade. "I’m an Irish
person, I’m a Gay person, I’m here to try to march,"
Duane sai& %
Lavender and Green Alliance founder BrendanFay
said his group"originally "got a call to say we were
welcome, but then we learned the welcome was being
rescindedY The ~Bronx parade’s chairman, patrick
Devine, d~d nrt ieturn telephone calls left at his home
scekin~o crniment and did not make himself fi)aifable
to reporters at.flae~ parade.....
Another gr.oup, the Irish Lesbian and. Gay
Organizafion,’hhs fifed unsuccessfully to join t13~ big
St. Patriek~sD~y??Parade down Fifth Avenue in
Manhattan f0t th(last half-dozen years criir~fruqfngs
have held ~that the.private organizauons thaVsponsor
parades may ch0.Os¢ which groups march
Quim~,Duane, Fay and the others were arrested
after the first marching band passed by and they
stepped into the parade behind the Lavender ~and
Green banner. They were stopped by a line of police
officers and informed they would be arrested if they
failed to l~ave. A few stepped aside, but others stood
fast and were led away to a police-wagon and
handcuffed before being charged with disorderly
conduct."Let themmarch!" shouted a few supporters.
"’Shame!" called outJimmy McNulty,who was among
those arrested. "Why are we not welcome?"
Several dozen spectators cheered when the parad~
resumed without the Gay group. "It’s an immoral
lifestyle," said spectator Martin O’Grady. "If they
wanted to march, the), could have marched without
their banner," said Fannie Sclafani. "t have nothing
against them, but it’s a community parade." Mary
McGarry also said they shouldn’t have tried to crash
the parade. "I have best friends who are Gay, but the
parade is not about sexual orientation. It’s about
being proud to be Irish," she said.
The parade had the feel of a small-town event,
featuring cheerleaders from parochial high schools,
kilted bagpipers, babies in strollers decorated with
Irish flags and groups like the Throgs Neck
Homeowners, which consisted of a dozen ladies
wearing off-white cable-knit fishermen’s sweaters.
Spectators were sparsdy scattered along the mileand-
a-half route along East Tremout Avenue. It was
in sharp contrast to the annual Fifth Avenue parade,
with its glitzy floats, booming drum corps and rowdy
Stanley Rygorwas among a half-dozen people who
stood on a sidewalk behind the Lavender and Green
banner after the arrests took place. "They want them
back in the closet. They want them to be anonymous,"
said Rygor, whose wife is Irish. He said his son died
of AIDS five years ago, and he dealt with his grief by
becoming an activist. "I’m here," he added, "in
memoriam to him."
Gay Vets Want to March
FERNDALE, Mich. (AP) - A group of Gay military
veterans are taking steps to march in this Detroit
suburb s Memorial Day parade.Agroup of Ferndale s
Gay veterans hope to join members of Friends and
Neighbors of Femdale (FANS), a Gay group that has
received tentative approval to enter the parade,
according to a parade organizer.
Femdale’s parade leaders have so far downplayed
the significance of including Gays. "As far as I know,
they are planning to meet all our reqmrements,"
Barbara Earl, a secretary with the Femdale Memorial
Association, told the Detroit Free Press for a story
The association puts on the annual parade, one of
theregion’ s biggest and oldest, dating to at least 1919.
Organizers say they will strictly enforce arequirement
limiting any show of a group’ s identity to a display of
its nagne. If enforced, that would mean FANS will
march with no explicit banner proclaiming it is an
orgamzation of Gays. "It’s not a day to promote your
own agenda," Ms. Earl said. "This is a day for the
Gay group leaders in Ferndale said they are
ctmfortable blending in with the parade’s usual array
ofhonor guards, scout troops, high school bands and
politicians. "We wouldn’t want to do anything to
incite controversy," said Chuck Simon, president of
FANS, whichhas about 80 dues-paying members and
a mailing list of several hundred.
Parade rules require participants to refrain from
displaying their own messages and instead stick to
OffiCial Slogans, which this year are "Lest we forget"
arid "’Fgt _those who gave their all."
Navy veteran Ken Warnock, 32, who co-owns the
Jn~ 4 ~’G~y. ~0oksto~e in F~rndale, told the Free
Pre~;’fimi he will march in Ferndale’s parade with a
¯ mix ofpridd and bft-terhess. In 1987, Warnock, then
- 20, was a hrgpital Corpsman aboard a Navy ship when
he was. broughL.hefore his commanding officer,
q~esfioned abouthis sexual orientation and th]:eafen,ed
"’ With~perjury iia~e, fie said. He resisted the Navy s
" in~esfigatirnfor months, Wamock said. Ultimately,
he.r¢cgived a lessZthan2honorable discharge - not
q~-t.e as bad as a ~dishon0rable discharge, he said.
On Memorial Day, Warnock probably won’t wear
¯ his sailor s umform- it s gettang a htfle t~ght - but
beplans to carry an American flag while keeping a
watchful eye for anyone angry at Gay participants.
Despite his wariness, he said the inclusion of Gay
marchers "speaks very well for Ferndale.’"
Femdale Mayor ChuckGoedert saidhewas unaware
of the Memorial Day plans but supports the inclusion
ofFANS members and Gay veterans. "There are a lot
of groups that participate in our parade to honor those
who served. I don’t know why this would be any
different," he said.
Ohio Diocese to Reach
Out to Gay Catholics
CINCINNATI (AP) - TheArchdiocese of Cincinnati
is creating a ministry for homosexual Catholics and
their families. "The church wants to support the
homosexual person but not homosexual activity,"
said spokesman Dan Andfiacco said. "There is a need
for pastoral care of homosexual persons. The
archdiocese wants to meet that need, and not cede
teiritory to ministries that don’t support the teaching
of the church."
In recent years, RomanCatholicgroups nationwide
have started Gay ministries such as DIGNITY, New
Ways Ministry, and Parents, Friends & Family of
Lesbians & Gays. Some conservative and traditional
Catholics have criticized the groups, saying they
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undermine church teaching on homosexuality.
The Rev. Michael Leshney, chaplain to a Cincinnati
chapter of DIGNITY in the 1980s, will be spiritual
director for the new ministry. Archbishop Daniel
Pil~czyk will inaugurate the ministry with three prayer
services in April.
Leshney saidhomosexual Catholics oftenfeel i solated
because their parents are caught between the church’s
teaching on homosexual relations as "objectively
disordered" and their 10vefor their children. Themini stry
is an outgrowth of community meetings that Auxiliary
Bishop Carl M0eddel led in October to discuss the U.S.
bishops’ document on homosexuality, "Always Our
Children." During those discussions, there was a"sense
of urgency" among parents that the archdiocese have a
ministryforGay ah~tLesbianCatholics and theirfamili es,
Leslmey said. The Catechism of the Catholic Church
holds thathomosexual activity is "contrary to thenatural
law" and,objectively disordered," but thathomosexuals
should be "accepted with respect, compassion and
Gay Dallas Church
To Televise Infomercial
DALLAS (AP) -A federal court settlement announced
Friday has cleared the way for Cathedral of Hope, the
nation’s largest Gay church, to air a controversial
infomercial onbroadcast superstationWGN-TV. Under
the settlement, Cathedral ofHope will pay the Chicagobased
cable station $35,000 for showing the program
five times. Thehalf-hour video includes testimonials by
members, scenes ofworship atthe3,000-memberchurch
and discussions with the families of church members.
Cathedral ofHope claimed the Chicago-based station
reneged on a contract to air the church’s program last
August. Church officials said the station pulled the
infomercial shortly before the air date for unspecified
reasons. WGN officials argued that they weren’t
obligated to air the program because the station did not
have binding contract with the church.
TheDallas church filed alawsuitin October, claiming
thatWGN accepted the a $13,000 check, made several
suggestions that the church followed and then broke its
contractandreturned the check after deciding the subject
was too controversial. The Rev. Michael Piazza said he
was pleased with the settlement. "Of course our desire
was for it to have been aired last year," said Piazza,
senior pastor at Cathedral of Hope. "But we’re very
grateful to be able to resolved it."
Pia77a told The Dallas Morning News that every
other broadcast outlet approached by the church had
refusedto air the program. ’qqaey don’t have to give you
reasons, but a couple of the media buyers told us that
stations were afraid the conservative religious
programming would be withdrawn if ours was shown,"
he said. The minster said Cathedral of Hope was
attracted to WGN because the station airs on cable
outlets in the rural areas surrounding Dallas and Fort
Maryland Gov. Supports
Civil Rights Bill for Gays
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Gov. Parris Glendening
testified for the first time before a legislative committee
last month, describing his late brother’s hardship hiding
his homosexuality and urging delegates to outlaw
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Glendening’s brother Bruce served 19 years in the
Air Force, including three tours in Vietnam. But as the
decorated veteran lay dying of AIDS - when the pain
was so great that it hurt to touch his skin - Bruce
Glendening said it was more painful to keep his sexual
orientation hidden for so long in order to keep his job,
Gleiadening testified.
"He lived in fear.. ," the governor told the House
Judiciary Committee. "This has weighed on me a long
tame... I’m here to ask ifwe couldmake this state amore
fair and just society."
Afterward, the audience applauded his three-minute
speech. One of several people in the audience who
shookGlendening’ s handas heleftwas SilviaRodriguez,
chairwomanofthe stateHumanRelations Commi ssion,
who said no other governor showed such courage in her
15 years with the group. "He knows this is just and fair
for all the people of Maryland," she said.
Delegates Sheila Hixson and Leon Billings, both
Montgomery County Democrats, havefailed to get
the bill approved for six years, but they have not
had such a prominent supporter before. Onlookers
packed the hearing room and one wall was lined
with television cameras.
The bill would add sexual orientation to a law
thatbans discriminationin housing and employment
because of aperson’s race, religion or gender. "The
issue is simply a matter ofintolerance and bigotry,"
Ms. Hixson said.
Baltimore City and Montgomery, Prince
George’s and Howard counties have similar laws
governing 49 percent of the state’s population.
Glendening said Prince George’s County hasn’t
suffered since it enacted the law in 1991 while he
was chief executive. "Western civilization hasn’t
collapsed because of the bill," he said.
Glendeningleftbefore delegates asked questions
about the bill. Several delegates appeared critical
ofit. Delegate Emmett Bums, a Baptist pastor, said
complaints from homosexuals would flood the
Human Relations Commission and create further
delays for Blacks and women who suffer
discrimination. In the hearing’s testiest exchange,
Billings retorted that everyone can suffer
Commission officials said 1 to3% of complaints
in counties that have the law concern sexual
orientation, Advocates argued that nobody should
be discriminated against for any reason. "We’re
trying to cast the net as broadly as possible,"
Billings said.
Teens Protest Gay
Story in Dawson’s Creek
WILMINGTON (AP) - More than 30 teen-agers
gathered outside Wilmington’s EUE Screen Gems
Studios to protest the homosexual subject matter of
thelocally filmed television show Dawson’s Creek.
Members of Youths Against the Promotion of
Homosexuality held placards Thursday reading
"Jack and Jill, Not Jack and Bill" and "Hollywood:
No More Gay Promo."
Screen Gems’ employees were greeted with
chants of "Don’t Holly-weird me!" as they drove
into the studios’ parking lots. "We’re sick and tired
of Hollywood trying to force its pro-homosexual
values down teen-agers’ throats on shows like
Dawson’s Creek," said Robert Hales, 17. "This
show is 100 times worse than Ellen because they’re
targeting high school kids with their ’pro-Gay’
propaganda." Ellen, which starred Lesbian
comedian Ellen DeGeneres, created a national stir
two years ago when the main character announced
she was a.Lesbian.
Theprotests aboutDawson’s Creek center around
a 16-year-old character who announced in a recent
episode thathe was homosexual. Kerr Smith, whose
character Jack was introduced on Dawson’s Creek
this season, said the show simply explores common
adolescent themes. "’Everybody knows that
Dawson’s Creek addresses prevalent issues about
teen-agers, and one of them is homosexuality," he
said. "It’s in the schools now. Ten years ago, it
wasn’t talked aboutbut now it is."
Killer Pleads Guilty
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A man accused of
murdering five Gay men because he thought it
would stop the spread of AIDS abruptly ended his
trial by pleading guilty to the charges, prosecutors
said. Juan Chavez, 34, avoided a possible.death
sentence in the capital case by unexpectedly
changing his plea about 1 1/2 weeks into trial,
prosecutor Mike Duarte said. He is scheduled to be
sentenced June 21.
Duarte told jurors during the trial that Chavez
lured themen to theirhomes supposedly for sex and
then robbed and strangled them Chavez coufessed
to the murders while serving a prison sentence for
an unrelated 1996 kidnapping. In September of that
year, he was charged with strangling the five men
in 1986 and 1989.
11 Year Old with
AIDS Speaks Out
CARSON CITY (AP) - Eleven-year-old
Michael Dowling wasn’t supposed to live
this long and he knows it. "I was born
HIV-positive. My morn was told that I’d
probably dieby the timeI was three years
old," Michael told the Assembly as they
designatedWednesday, March24as HIVAIDS
Awareness Day inNevada. Hestood
¯ next to his adopted mother’s friend,
Assemblywoman Barbara Cegavske, RLas
Vegas, as he addressed thelegislators.
The boy was born in Las Vegas to a
drug-addicted mother who passed her
disease along to him before she gave
birth. Now, l~fichael hasbeen adoptedand
is also living with full-blown AIDS.
Michael said he has to make a trip to
Washington,D.C., every couple ofmonths
so he can get two sho~ of a medication
called IL2 every day for a week. "I go to
the National Institutes of Health. The
doctors and nurses, there are the people
that have kept me alive. If not for them I
would be dead,? Mi.chael said,.
Despite his disease, the youngster says
heis planningto live afull andindependent
life. "I plan to. grow up.and be a doctor. I
do not plan to be disabled and live off
welfare and_have Medicaid pay my
doctor’s bills," he added. People.,~ith
AIDS need Nevada’s help to find "good
jobs and insurance to pay their medical
bills," he said.
After his speech, the entire 42-member
Assembly and dozens of observers in the
gallery stood~to applaud. "Mikie is not
supposed to be alive. He’s such a fighter,
he’s incredible," Cegavske said.
Surgeon General at
HIV/AIDS Meeting
Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders opened
the nation’ s annualHIV/AIDS conference
by urging the public to fight growing
complacency about the disease. "We all
have to be in this battle until it’s over, and
I want you to know it’s not over," Eiders
told about 2,000 people at the opening of
the National HIV/AIDS Update
Few doubted that among the hundreds
of veteranAIDS health care providers and
public health workers in the crowd. But
now, Elders reminded them, there’s anew
problem: growing public complacency.
Lulledby encouraging early results from
new drag therapies,many Americans have
decided AIDS is no longer much of a
threat, said Dr. Mervyn Silverman, the
former San Francisco public health czar
and chairman of the AIDS conference,
which runs through tomorrow. He cited
survey results that suggest people mustbe
tuning out to all the AIDS awareness
The deadly virus is nearly always
contracted through exchange of blood or
body fluids, often during unprotected
sexual activity or from sharing intravenous
drag paraphernalia. In a survey taken in
1991, 41% still wrongly assumed that
HIV could be contracted from sharing a
drinking glass with an infected person. In
1997, the same misconception was found
in 55% of those surveyed. Similarly, 34%
of those surveyed in 1991 won-ied about
catching the AIDS virus from a public
toilet seat, as compared to 41°/0 in 1997.
87% ofyoung Americans believe they are
at no risk of contracting HIV. Yet about
one in four of every new infection occurs
in the same age group, 17- to 22-yearolds.
"Either we’re really gettingd.u.m.b.er,
or some of us in this room are notdomgI
ourjobs, Sdverm said. ’ ’ ~
Eiders offered-a familiar litany of
su ,~gestions,inclUding universal access to
health care and free needle-exchange
AIDS Researcher
Struggles for $
¯¯ )rograms, both ofwhich seem as far from
reality as when she left office in 1994.
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Researcher
Peter Duesberg has become a scientific
outcast because of his unorthodox AIDS
theories. But he’s still in business, thanks
to a fund-raising approach as unconventional
as his beliefs.
Duesberg, who maintains that AIDS is
not caused by the human immunodeficiency
virus but by illegal drugs and
the AIDS medication AZT; has been
raising money from private sources for
some years, living from check to check.
Buthis fund-raising tookonaddedurgency
ast November when he.feared he was
about to lose his lab at the University of
California at Berkdey for lack of money.
Friends of Duesbergsprang into acuon,
soliciting donationsby way of the Internet
and an ad in the alumni magazine. The ad
brought in a stream of small contributions,
which along with $200,000 in foundation
money and some other big individual
donations amounted to $325,000, enough
to eke out another year of operations.
Duesberg is grateful for the kindness of
friends and strangers but said it’s a hard
way to make a living. "You also begin to
see how easy itis if youjust conform," he
Twelve years ago, Duesberg filled out
grant applications and the government
sent him checks. Back then, Duesberg
was a member of the elite National
Academy of Scienees, winner of a 1985
Outstanding Investigator Award from the
National Institutes of Health and aleading
authority on retroviruses, a family that
includes the AIDS virus.
But after he published his HIV theory,
his reputation tanked. The mainstream
AIDS community has rebuffed his
theories, saying it is clear that HIV does
cause AIDS and that arguing otherwise
dangerously undercuts the safe-sex
message. "Whatever inroads we have
made to help people to practice safer sex
or to exchange needles - that all goes out
the window," said David Evans of Project
Inform, an advocacy group in San
Since 1987, Duesberg has had 20 grant
applications turned down. A spokesman
for the NIH declined to comment. As a
tenured professor of molecular and cell
¯ biology, Duesberg still has his salary and
: position at Berkeley. But without grant
¯ money, he cannot operate a lab, which is
¯ crucial to continuing his research.
¯ The private donauons can t overcom
¯ another problem: no students. Duesberg
¯ said students visit early in the semester
¯ andseeminterested.Butafterafew weeks,
..th.ey.t.aa.e.a.wa.y. "TheY’re told bY the
¯ graduate advisers and by their peers they
¯ may not be able to get ajob, I may not be
¯ able to pay them,,,a,n_,_d it would be bad for
their reoutations, he said.
¯ Stuar’t Lynn, head of Duesberg’s
¯ division said the Berkeley ,c~_mmumty
¯ hasn’t o~tracized Duesberg. ’ Ev,eryb.o.dy~
kind of looks at him an amusea sort oz.
way," Lynn said. "Berkele,,y has alotmore
radical people than Peter.
¯ Duesberg said his lab and money
¯ problems reflect his one-man battle with
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scientists and drug companies who, he
maintains, have invested too much in the
HIV-AIDS connection to admit to an
alternative theory. "Most people don’t
realizehow an-freeweare to do sciencein
America," he said. ’q’hey can afford to
give mill.ions, but they cannot afford to
give me $100,000 or $200,000 to prove
them wrong."
Condom Program
in Cambodia Works
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -
Declaring a pilot program to increase
condom use in Cambodia a success, the
World Health Organization and the
Ministry of Health announced plans on
Friday foranationwide campaign to tackle
the impoverished country’s skyrocketing
AIDS rate.
Targeting commercial sex workers who
are the mainlinkin the spread of sexually
transmitted diseases in Cambodia, the
"100% Condom-Use Program" has
significantly increased condom use in
brothels in thepilot’s targetarea, according
to a preliminary report released ahead of
nextweek’s National Conference onHIV/
Prostitutes in the seaside town of
Sihanoukville, 185 km (115 miles)
southwestofPlmomPerth, wereinstmcto
byhealth workers in October to require all
their customers to wear condoms. Ifmen
refused to comply, the sex workers were
encouraged to report them to police.
"Many sex establishments are actively
participating and there has been a rise in
the distribution and use of condoms,"
Health Secretary of State Mare Bun Heng
said Friday. "We are pleased with these
results and.., this year we would like to
expand the program nationwide."
The condom program was inspired by a
similar campaign in Thailand that
increased condom use in sex
establishments from 15% in 1989 tomore
than90%in 1992, preventing an estimated
2 million HIV cases, according to the
Cambodiahas the highestHIV infection
rate in Asia, with 50 to 70 people believed
to become infected every day. Recent
studies have estimated that 3% of the
adult population in Cambodia is infected
with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
State Won.’t Require
HIV Marriage Test
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A Memphis
lawmakeris no longer pushing legislation
that would require couples wanting to get
married in Tennessee to be tested for the
HIV virus and other sexually transmitted
diseases. Rep. Henri Brooks said she
changed her mind after the Health
Departmentestimated the tests wouldcost
Tennessee taxpayers almost $5 million a
She amended the bill to require county
court clerks to make information about
venereal diseases - such as chlamydia,
syphilis, gonorrhea and hepatitis B -
available to marriage license applicants.
"We are not trying to be Big Brother or
say who should and should not marry. All
we want to do is be responsible as
policymakers," the Democrat said. "The
ones who have to pay for these healthrelated
illnesses end up being the
The bill,, approved by a House
subcommittee, also requires that a small
sign be conspicuously located in the area
¯¯ Wherepeopleapply formarriagelicenses.
It would read: "AIDS KILLS. HIV and
: other sexually transmitted diseases can
¯" occurwithoutyourknowledge. Don’trisk
¯ thelifeofsomeoneyoulove.BETESTED
: NOW."
: In addition, the bill requires the Health
: Department to make annual reports to the
¯ Legislature on the status of HIV and
-" sexually transmitted diseases by gender
: and ethnicity.
¯ Brooks said sheproposed thelegislation ¯
¯ because one of her constituents found out
her husband was HIV positive after they
: mamed. She said she may renew .her
¯ efforts for testing later.
Harvard to Study
AIDS in Africa
¯ BOSTON (AP) - The Harvard AIDS Institute has been given a $2.5 million
: grant to research the AIDS epidemic
¯ devastating southern Africa. The grant ¯
from the Oak Foundation will support a
¯ three-year program on research and
¯ vaccine development. The grant will also
¯ support a demonstration project to test
: drugs nsed to block mother-to-infantHIV
: transmission.
¯ The AIDS Institute’s basic research
¯ involves sequencing the genes found in
¯ theHIV strainprevalentinsouthernAfrica.
¯ No place in the world has been harder hit
: by AIDS than southern Africa. In
¯ Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and
: Zimbabwe, up to one-quarter of people
aged 15-49areinfected withHIV 0rAIDS.
AIDS has killed 10 million people in sub-
" Saharan Africa - 90% of the world’s
¯ AIDS deaths. Another 20 million are
: expected to die, Harvard researchers
¯ added.
¯ Max Essex, chairman of the Harvard
¯ AIDS Institute, and his colleagues have
." beenresearchingAIDS inAfricaformore
¯ than a decade. The Oak Foundation, an
international philanthropy, has offices in
¯ Boston, Geneva, London and Harare,
¯ Zimbabwe.
: Know Your Legal Rights
:A Seminar for People
¯ Living with HIV and AIDS ¯
¯ TULSA- TulsaOklahomans for Human
Right, theTulsaGay Community Services
¯ Center and the Oklahoma Lesbian and
¯ Gay Lawyers Association (OLGLA) are
hosting a seminar at 7pro on April 22 on
legal issues for people living with HIV/
¯ AIDS. Kathy Nelson, executive co-
. ordinator for the AIDS Legal Resource
¯ Project will conduct the seminar at the
Tulsa Gay Community Services Center at
: 38th and Peoria, 2nd floor.
¯ The AIDS Legal Resource Project was
¯ created three years ago to help provide
," people living with HIV/AIDS with the
¯ resources to meet the challenges in their
: lives. The Project provides free legal
¯ assistance to those who qualify through a
network of 150private attorneys statewide.
: The Project can assist those qualified in
receiving denied Social Security benefits
.and in addressing health, life or disability
¯ Insurance discrimination.
: Ms..Nelson is an alumna of Oklahoma
¯ State University and Oklahoma City
: University School of Law. She has had a
: private practice in oil and gas law, family
¯ law, estate planning and probate law. She ¯
also serves on the board of directors for
¯ CarePoint, Inc. a non-profit consortium
: for HIV/AIDS health care and support in
: Oklahoma City. Info: 743-4297.
by James Christjohn Broadway dance. And a relative-of mine,
"Spirit - A Journey in Dance, Drums Raymond Christjolm was one of the
and Song" combines the power of ° singers!
Broadway choreography and contem- ° The cast includes 20 dancers with both
porary music with the songs, chants and o modemand traditional training, including
dances born of Native Indian Nation dancers
Americanculture to tell Act I eontlnues with
the story of one
¯ person’s- andanation’s "An Ea~le Above." in
- search for renewal by wlaleh Ron Anquoe
exploring ancestral
roots. (Kiowa tribe, Oh|ahoma)
This multicultural per[orms t]ae ritual
performance event,
which debuted on PBS Ea~le Dance
as part of the March
1999 pledge drive and
to convey the le~eud d
will be released on the Ea$|e Feather.
video April 20, was
conceived by Peter provldln~ the youn$ man
Buffett, working in with [~uow|ed~e and
collaboration with
Chief Hawk Pope. courage [or the journey.
Buffett composed the
music for the pivotal
Fire Dance scene in Kevin Costner’s
Oscar-winning film "Dances with
Wolves." "Spirit - A Journey in Dance,
Drums and Song" features the
choreography and stage direction ofT,o.nywinner
Wayne Cilento, who blends his
demanding trademark "urban dance"
movement with traditional Native
American dance.
And by the~ way, the video is worth
getting just to view the dancers. They are
all beautiful, with appeal to Gay men,
Lesbians, straight folk.., something fol
everyone! And boy can they move! 01~
yeah, themusic’s great, too; the CD is
availablenow, and I highlyrecommendit.
Peter has been one of the few artists te
successfully blend ancient music with
modem. Usually, whenthatblendis made,
it comes out a mess, but he’s done an
excellentjob ofretaining the impact of the
ancient with the feel of the modem, rising
above time and space to create anew form
that is emotionally satisfying on a level
few reach. LoreenaMcKennitt is the only
other artist I would say that about in her
blending of ancient and modem Critic
influences on her CD’s. But I digress,
back to "Spirit: A Journey...".
Taped during the show’s premiere
performance weekend at the Weidner
Center inGreen Bay, Wisconsin,"Spirit -
A Journey in Dance, Drums and Song"
features more than 80 performers -
dancers, choir, percussionists and
orchestra - selected from the worlds of
Native-American performance and
by Allan Smithee, special contributor
Anyone see "Footloose" whileit wasin
town? It had all the appeal of a really bad
high school play. Bad script, awful
choreography and songs worthy ofmaybe
two verses stretched out till one thought
the record player had broken and was
skipping, all added up to an evening of
dreck, despite the cast’s sometimes overenergetic
performances -and especially
the nights when one cast member was off
key. It is usually against my principles to
walk out on a show, no matter how bad -
I hold that it’s rude to the actors and
people around you - but Footloose is one
I would have walked out on after the first
30 minutes.
I find it ironic that local homophobe
and religious bigot Larry Payton, famous
arrayed in fancy dress
of feathers, beads and
bones. The orchestra
features both modem
and traditional Native-
American instruments,
a string section and
percussionists playing
a variety ofdrums. The
40-voice Green Bay
and Oneida Nation
Girls’ Choir provides
additional vocals.
The program also
features soloists
Robert Mirabal (also
very handsome), a
renowned Native-
American flautist,
vocalist and percussionist; Ron Anquoe,
a traditionally trained Eagle Dancer who
is a member of the Kiowa Tribe of
Oklahoma; and Chief Hawk Pope, a
vocalist, lyricist and composer who is
Principal Chief of the Shawnee Nation,
United Renmant Band of Ohio. Chief
HawkPopenarrates. Joanne Shenandoah,
Oneida Nation of the Iroquois
confederacy, adds her beautiful voice to
the proceedings.
"Spirit - A Journey in Dance, Drums
and Song" opens Act I with "Urban
Overtures" as a group of city dwellers
reacts robotically to the stressful sounds
of daily life. Determined,to escape this
chaos, one young man decides in "Fire
Dance" to look back to his roots and
search for a new way to live. In
"Coashelleaqu (The Shawnee Letter)," a
Native-American grandfather encourages
him to begin this journey of renewal.
"Hidden Heritage" celebrates the 500
Indian Nations.
ActI continues with"AnEagleAbove,"
in which Ron Anquoe (Kiowa tribe,
Oklahoma) performs the ritual Eagle
Dance to convey the legend of the Eagle
Feather, providing the young man with
knowledge and courage for the journey.
"Passage," Robert Mirabal’s haunting
flute solo, continues the young man’s
quest to embrace the past. Act I ends with
Spirit Dance, bnngmg together dancers
from the traditional Native-American and
contemporary urban cultures for a
celebration, see Spirit, p. 10
for censoring shows andrewriting themto
make them safe for the good Baptist
families of Tulsa to see would bring in a
show that pretty much rips the views of
fundie-brand organized religion.
In case some of you are too young to
remember the film, it’s based on an
incident in Elmore, OK wherein dancing
was made illegal by virtue of a powerful
minister in town who held that dancing
would lead to all kinds of sinful behavior.
In the film and play, a kidfrom Chicago
challenges the dictatorial evil minister,
and wins the right to hold a school dance.
As a film, it was worth a couple hours at
the dollar movie. As a musical, well, it’s
not worth that much. But Tnlsans seemed
to like it - the shows were sold out. Maybe
it’s that even a bad touring show beats
anvthin~ on TV9 At any rate, the cast was
~mlfor~v cute,’so that hellxd a little.
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. in association with PFLAG presents
Chastity Bono
at the 2nd Annual
Red Ribbon Ball
Saturday, April 17th
7:30pm, dinner + entertainment, tickets
begin at $75/person/all proceeds benefit
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., Information: 834-4194
Spring Concert
May 7 & 8, 1999
7:00 PM
All Soul’s
Unitarian Church
2952 S. Peoria
For tickets contact a
chorale member or
call the COMC
Ticket Office.
Tel (918)585-COMC
American Theatre Company
presents in its 50th anniversary year
Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman
April 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 + 17 at 8 pm
April 11 at 2pm, $11-14
John Williams Theatre
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Lisa Wilson Directing, Ken Spence as Willie Loman
This ad donated by Tulsa Family News.
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pro, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Scrviee - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Family of Faith & MCCGT)
Service, llam, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St~ Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual!Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 585-COMC (2662)
¯ HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207-E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mort/each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live A~d Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pm, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group~ more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 381h, 2nd fl.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, 1st Fri/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope~1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 381h, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group, Call for info: Mary at 743-6740,
Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. [nfo: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides: Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. 6:30pro, 4/21, Sand Springs ride
and 4/28, Riverside fide. Long rides: 4/17, 7am, 20 mi. ride, and 4/24, 9am 20 mi.
ride. Meet at the Community Center parking lot, 38th & Peoria.
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
It is a fabulous number to see. R makes
you want to stand up and cheer, even if it
is a video:
Act II of"Spirit- A Journey in Dance,
Drums and Song" begins with two
numbers - "The Place Where Crying
Begins" and "The Dream" - offering a
sensual exploration of the relationship of
man and woman in a more natural world.
"Aubenaubee(Prelude to Rebirth)" begins
the young man’s journey back to his own
world; m The Thunderbird, he returns
as anewly enlightenedmemberof society.
In the final number, the two cultures -
traditional andurbancontemporary - dance
in unison, recovering the true spirit of
The showitselfwas a seamless blending
of ancient and modem, combining to tell
a story that many of us can relate to today
of alienation from roots, a discontent
with where man in general is today in the
world, and a yearning for reconnection to
the earth in an age where the earth has
become one more commodity to exploit.
It held me spellbound. Seamlessly
integratingmusic, dance, ..and storytelling,
it moved me to tears-- something that
doesn’t usually happen at all, especially
withregards to avideotapedperformance.
It was beautiful. I have been in
communication with the composer/
creator, Peter Buffett, and, he has
mentioned the possibility of brfilging the
live show here in the fall. (ya heard it here
first, folks!)If that happens, don’t miss it.
It willbe an experience that will touch you
deeply, as theatre was meant to do. Andif
the video is able to move me to tears
(along with several others I spoke with
that saw i0,imagine whatanimpactseeing
the performance live wouldhave! Usually
I find videos of plays, especially musical
performances, lacking. Something is lost
in the translation from live to tape. Not so
in this case.
Peter’s other CD’s are well worth
picking up: "Spirit Dance", from which
many of the numbers in "Spirit: A
Journey..." were taken, is great, and the
soundtrack to "500 Nations" is another
winner. Joanne Shenandoahhas anumber
ofCD’s out, and "Matriarch" is one ofmy
favorites ofhers. RobertMirabal has CD’s
out as wall, and he is fantastic. Peter tends
to get lumped in the "New Age"
although his musicfar surpasses theimage
that particular labding conjures up, While
the other artists are found, at least in
Borders, under "Native American". Other
places might have them under "World
They knew so because for the last two
years, a representative of Tulsa
Oldahomans for Human Rights (TOHR)
had participated in the planning for this
eventand in the creation oftheFederation.
FromTOHR,NGLTFknew thatCimarron
was the only Oklahoma group genuinely
doing statewideorganizing, Sowhy would
they give $5,000, a huge sum for a small
and under orgamzed state like Oklahoma,
to those less likely to put it to good use?
Well, it turns out that a number of the
individuals who are involved with
Cimarron have also worked closely with
NGLTF’s semi-rival, the Human Right
Campaign (HRC). And rumor has it that
NGLTF didn’t want to help an "HRC"
organization. So, the money which conid
really, really have made a difference in
: Oklahoma went to OGLPC.
¯ WhatdidOGLPCdowiththosedollars?
: They rented a bus to bring Tulsans to the
: rally, and they rented portapots and got
: the necessary, permits for the event. But
¯ interestingly they also hired and paid Ms.
: PaulaHandBrown to help co-ordinate the
¯ event. And they used the funds to pay for
: advertising in various publications, albeit
¯ not this one. (For the record, TFN
: frequently donates ads completely free of
: charge to community non-profit
: organizations unlike our rivals who
¯ typically provide atmosta20%discount.)
¯ Also, OGLPC is permitted, according to
: NGLTF organizer, Dan Haws, to keep
¯ any leftover funds to subsidize their
organizational work.
¯ Perhaps, OGLPC will transcend its past
and prove worthy of the $5K they were
: granted. Butif the reasoning for choosing
: them over Cimarronis true, then OGLPC
: and Oklahoma’s communities have
¯ become once againpawns in the games of
: our"national" organizations.
The bottom line is the money should go
¯ to those who can most effectively use it.
; And you have to wonder if those who
: can’tevenissue a simplepress release, are
¯ the ones who can make the best use of the
¯ money.
" "I speak out abroad, I must not be silent at
home," the Republican said. In a positive
: sign for supporters, Senate Judiciary
¯ Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has
: scheduled hearings on the legislation for
next month.
¯ But it still faces a difficult road. Some
¯¯ co.ngr.es.sionalRepublicans have expressed
mxsgxvmgs that the legislation is
¯ unnecessary because dozens of states have
~ laws protecting the groups identified in
¯ the bill.
Backers are also concemed that social
: conservahves may construe thelegislation
¯ as extending special protections to ¯
homosexuals. "This is not a bill that will,
] in one way, advantage one group over
; another," said Wyden. "I can’t believe
¯ any members of the United States Senate ¯
want to be soft on violence."
Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Aden
Specter, R-Pa.., another bill cosponsor,
said he wasn’t as optimistic as some of his
colleagues. "A lot of opponents.., pick
out hate crimes legislation for a great deal
of criticism," he said. "This is a tough bill
to get very much support."
Under the bill, current law would be
expanded so theJustice Department could
prosecute crimes based on a person’s
sexual orientation, gender or disability.
Now, the statute only covers crimes based
on race, color, religion or national origin.
Also, the bill would make federal
prosecution ofhate crimes eas~er. Current
¯ law limits prosecution to situations whexe
¯ the victim is targeted for engaging in
: certain, federallyprotectedactivities,such
¯ as serving on a jury, voting or attending
public school.
: Over40 states havehate crimes statutes,
¯ but only 21 cover sexual orientation, 22
~ cover gender and 21 cover disability,
¯ according to the White House, which
¯ supports the bill.
: Senator Edward Kennedy, Democrat -
Massachusetts, the bill’s lead author, said
the measure wouldn’t undermine the role
¯ of the states in prosecuting hate crimes, ¯
jnstbringinvestigative andother resources
of the federal government to bear where
¯ necessary.
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by Mary Schepers, Do-It-Yourself-Dyke
Poor dears, your DIYD has neglected
you awfully - and she has missed you.
Honest! Sparing you the boring details,
suffice it to say that family situations
regrettably intervened, but your DIYD is
back, tmarchived and just as naughty as
ever. And isn’t that what you
really want? No, I suppose
most of you want me to get on
with that damned project you
werelefthanging withacouple
of months ago, and so I shall.
The DIYD is perfectly
confident that you have not
been squandering the intervening
months but have quite
diligently been scoping ideas
to steal and make your own in
our Kitchen remodel on the
shoestring. Now, being
Now, heln~
does not equate
with being.
cheesy, so wall
the rather "
dyke with the
~tn of
economical does not equa[e please
with being cheesy, so will the eooIher"jets.
rather enthusiastic .dyke with ,’i-,’I
the can of Rust-o-leum please....... t ne DIYD
cool ~her jets. The DIYD
promises that she shall get her
shining moment when we
discuss refurbishing the garage
sale find garden furniture. You
have 0aonesfly] assessed both
your finances and the state’of
yourcupboards? Decidedwhat
you can livewith stylistically’?
Then lef’s get cooking.
We will be working on the
assumption that your cabinets
are sturdy enough and laid out in amanner
that is endurable until the money for the
Dream Kitchen appears (The pessimistic
side of the DIYD cautions.that any time
you have spare money, either your house
or your car will find out about it, so be
sneaky! A friend of hers adds "girlfriend"
to this .corollary.). Given those two
assumpuons, you have options. And we
all love options, don’t we?
The easiest approach may be to repaint
your cupboards, put up new hinges, and
handles and a bit of tasteful shelf paper.
Yes, you still have to prep things for
successful results. Sorry. Youwill need to
lightly sand the surfaces and clean them,
then put on a primer coat. NOT Water
based! That raises the grain of the wood or
separates the veneer..Oil based only. This
might be a good time to review the past
articles on painting and brush care. I will
always recommend that you "extinguish
pilot lights on the range if you have them
and to open windows and doors for good
ventilation. Solvents are just ugly. Then
use Kilz brand paint; it is trouble-free as
oil based paint goes, and dries in an hour
or less. The DIYD strongly recommends
taking one cabinet door at a time offwhen
repainting, and then adding thenew hinges
and handles when putting it hack on. Or
you can take the cabinets off all at once,
but mark them or handle them in some
other methodical way. Especially in older
homes, all things are not equal.
One coat of primer then, unless you get
somebleed-through, then apply two coats.
When that’s all dry, you can paint on your
finish paint. TheDIYDurges you to invest
in a semi-gloss or gloss formulated
especially for kitchens. These paints can
stand up to the moisture, and you’ll really
be grateful when you go to wipe off that
errant cake batter. Put in your shelf paper
and the you’re ready for those new hinges
promises that
she shall get
we discuss
th..e garage sale
find g.arden
and handles.
Regardless of which option you choose,
you will probably want new h,ardware on
the cupboards and drawers. It s amazing
how much it spiffs things up; it is also
amazing how much it costs when you add
them all up, so take a count of what you
need, then use your calculator
when you go shopping.
It is also wise, if
possible, to find hardware that
is similar to the old as regards
screw hole placement. If you
don’t have to drill anything
new, why bother? Put a little
woodfiller in the hole, orbreak
a match stick off in it, then
attach your new hardware.
Always remember to look at
how the hardware you are
removing was attached,
especially hinges. This is not
frivolous advice!
Another option you
have is resurfacing, and this
can yield some remarkable
results. If you are handy and
rather intrepid, you can handle
the job yourself. They have
supplies and instructional
videos at Homo Depot and
other stores of that ilk. If
you’ve a bit extra tucked back
in the cookie jar and a low
reserve of patience for chaos,
by all means look into having
the job done by professional
resurfacers. They can even take care of
that god awful formica counter-top while
they’re at it. As usual, get lots of quotes,
demandreferences, and check thembefore
making this choice.
The option of last resort would be
stripping and refinishing the cabinets. You
should choose this only if a)your cabinets
are fabulous butjust dark or dingy;b) you
have prior refinishing skills; c) You have
an infinite reservoir of patience; d) your
beloved has an infinite reservoir of patience.
Nodream ofglowing wood cabine.ts
is worth a week on the couch - alone. The
dog will be in your place in bed. It can be
that bad, darlings.
As usual, it all sounds so very easy in
print, but ~rd up your channing loins,
dare to be anal retentive and methodical
and you’ll find the work rewarding. I’ll be
back next month when we deal with the
walls - if you’ve finished climbing them
by then:
and confabulations of underwear
collectors - and they establish all those
thousands of websites and chatrooms on
the Intemet. Anthropologists call these
"special interest ~oups" and, despite
pessimistic impresszons that nobody in
the country anymore talks to their folks
and neighbors, the number of interest
groups in this country has expanded
astronomically since the 1950s.
Where once people hid their fetishes as
painfully embarrassing, now, like Jay, we
happily call ourselves fetishists and
proudly broadcast our fascinations. So I
feel like I’m in good company when I’ve
got Jay working onmy toes with a dreamy
look in his eyes. It’s my contribution to
the modem American Way.
by Esther Rothblum
The Antarctic is the coldest, highest,
and driest continent on earth. Unlike the
Arctic, which consists of frozen water
surrotmded by land, the Antarctic is land
surrounded by water. Land is colder than
water, so the Antarctic has Tkere
temperatures ranging from
." here are strong spirited to start with,.and
¯¯ stronger stilluponleaving. BeingaLesbian
was not a contributing factor, whereas
¯ persistence, flexibility, emotional and
physical strength are more important.
¯ There is ajoke that usually goes around
is a joke town toward the middle of
the season: How do you get
40 degrees Fahrenheit in the
warmestpartofthe continent
in summer to minus 100
degrees Fahrenheit (.not
including the wind chill
factor) in the winter. 98% of
the continentis covered with
ice, and in fact the Antarctic
contains 90% of the world’s
ice. The ice is several miles
thick in parts oftheAntarctic
interior, so that the altitude
is similar to high mountainous
regions. Even though
the Antarctic contains 68%
of the world’s freshwater
locked up as ice, the almost
total lack of precipitation
classifies it as a desert.
Frequent blizzards and high winds form
"white outs" that make it difficult to see,
and the view is often a monotonous sheet
of white snow and ice.
Why would anyone choose to go to this
barren continent? In 1913, explorerErnest
Shackleton placed an ad in a newspaper
. that stated: "Men wanted for haTardous
journey. Small wage, bitter cold, long
months of complete darkness . . . Safe
return doubtful.., and recognition in case
of success." He received about 5,000
Most people who have come "to the
ice" in recent decades engage in scientific
research or support those who do. About
a dozen nations have built permanent
research "stations" in the Antarctic.For
several years, I conducted research on
womenin the Antarctic. I wanted to study
women who take risks, and the Antarctic
seemed the ideal setting. This work
resulted in the recent book Women in the
Antarctic(HaworthPress, 1998), co-edited
with Jacqueline Weinstock and Jessica
Only one woman that we interviewed
for this book came out as a Lesbian, and
shewas part ofan all-women’s expedition
that skied to the South Pole. Our research
team did not feel we could ask our
participants about their sexual orientation.
In those days the U.S. Navy transported
personnel to the Antarctic (these days, it’ s
the Air Force) and as a result we were
concerned that our participants might not
want to come out to us as Lesbian or
But we speculated that there might be
some Lesbians among the women who
live and work in the Antarctic. So I was
intrigued to readan article entifled"Below
the Ice: An Antarctic Journal" by Peggy
Malloy in a recent issue of Weird Sisters,
a Colorado Lesbian newspaper. I emailed
Peggy in the Antarctic (the wonders of
technology!) and she responded as
For most people who come to work in
Antarctica, it is the sense ofadventure that
draws us to this extreme environment.
Most ofus wouldnever have themoney to
be a tourist-visitor; and we would not be
able to learn to love ffduring such a short
visit, as many of us have done over the
seasons. Those who get through a season
that usually goes
around town
toward the middle
of the season:
How do you
get a date with
a woman?
Answer: be one.
There are
30g females
working in the
Antaretle program.
a date with a woman?
Answer: be one. There are
approximately36% females
working in the Antarctic
program. Yes, there are other
Lesbians in town, and a very
small handful of Gay men.
The men are quite closeted.
This was a military base at
one time and there are still
plenty ofmilitary influences
since so many ex-military
currently workfor Antarctic
Support Associates, the
civilian contracting firm in
the Antarctic. The Lesbians
are generally out, but several
are not.
This is a generally
¯ accepting environment, mainly since we ¯
all have to work andlive together forlong
¯ periods of dme. If someone doesn’t agree
¯ with a lifestyle, it’s futile to fightit. I do
¯ not try to hide my sexuality, but I don’t
¯ flaunt it either. There is always a fear that
: one won’t get rehired because of it.
¯ However, this seems to be residual from
; living in northern society, and not well
¯ founded in the hiring practices of this
¯ company. If there are any prejudices, I
¯ would say it is against women in general, ¯
not just against Lesbians. There is no
: attempt by the U.S. Antarctic Program to
¯ be Lesbian-affirmative, of which I am
¯ aware.
: I have worked at the U.S. McMurdo
¯ StationontheAntarctic continentfor three
¯" seasons so far. Each year the circle of
: friends increases: friends of friends tell
: friends,andendupcomingworkherewith
¯ us. Each year there seem to bemoremales
: who gravitate to our circle. These are
: straight men who feel more comfortable
¯ striking friendships with us,mosdy since ¯
we are"safe." There is no concern thatwe
¯ will wantanythingmorethan afriendship.
¯ Email is the best way to keep in touch
: withcommuffityfromhome. I amgratefnl
to those who write and keep me informed
¯ of happenings, and gossip, and events
¯ such as the Rainbow Chorus concerts. I
: was quite involved with them before
¯ coming to work down here. This is such
¯ an isolated place, very little outside
¯ stimulation from color (th!ngs are brown
or white), smells (only the smell of fuel),
and life (nothing grows here naturally
: other than some algaes). We see some
¯ seals andmaybe somepenguins at the end ¯
of the summer season. News from home
". or small care packages from friends are
¯ treasured like a long lost love’s return.
¯ Anything, and everything, is a special ¯
gift. This is also the time when I have
¯ more contact with friends than usual, as I
." can sit at the computer and drop a quick
¯ note to say, "hi, how are you doing?"
: Peggy Malloy can be contacted via
¯ email: malloyma@hotmail.eom. Esther
¯ Rothblum is Professor of Psychology at ¯
the University of Vermont and Editor of
¯ theJournal ofLesbianStudies. Shecanbe
¯ reached at Dewey Hall, University of
¯ Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. ¯
email: esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
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They filled thepews, stood against church
walls and packed the steps leading to the
altar. "This is far beyond my wildest
dreams," said the Rev. Marge Ragona,
Covenant’s pastor. "We are amazed so
many felt you needed to be herejust as we
felt we needed to be here."
Speakers called onthe audience to speak
out against hatred and chastised people
who use the Bible to justify hate against
homosexuals. "We’re here to celebrate
this evening that God is not hate, but God
is love," said the Rev. Lawton Higgs St. of
United Methodist Church of the
Roger Lovette, pastor of the Baptist
Church of the Covenant, encouraged
people to remember Gaither as a person,
not a symbol. "He was like the rest of us
with hopes, dreams and needs," Lovette
Rodney Max, co-chairman of the
Coalition Against Hate Crimes, urged
legislators to pass alaw including offenses
motivatedbyhomosexuality on the state’s
list of hate crimes. "That should never,
ever happen again in this state," Max said.
After the two-hour memorial service
inside the church, people lit small candles
and stood outside singing ’~his Little
Light of Mine."
Across the street, a small group of
protesters from Westboro Baptist Church
in Topeka, Kan., held anti-Gay signs in
protest. "We are outraged at this violent
crime, but the issue is the homosexuals
are exploiting it," said Westboro’s pastor,
the Rev. Fred Phelps. "It is no longer
merely an event for the family and friends
to grieve." Protesters held signs saying
"Billy Jack Gaither bums in hell.’"
Max Griffies, 9, stood near the church’ s
step holdin,,g a sig,n declaring, "God loves
all people. Max smother, Leah Griffies,
but that still some homophobic remarks
were expressed by afew teachers to classes
after the announcement was made. and
flyers went up. However, since a large
part of the group’s mission is to educate
faculty and other students, Allen
characterized these negative remarks as
something to be expected, until Gay and
Lesbians students and is sues become more
BTW’s GSA typically meets during an
intermittent free period in the school
schedule and the group often discusses
issues or plans for upcoming events. One
such event is the "Day of Silence" on
April 7th which is intended to be a day of
protest in support of civil rights for Gay
and Lesbian persons. Washington’s
Sizemore is actually the key organizer for
the US and Canada. Also, the BTW GSA
is planning to participate in the upcoming
Tulsa Pride Parade.
And Booker T. Washington’s example
has paved the way for GSA’s in at least
two other Tulsa high schools. Smaller and
more informal groups have come together
at Central and East Central High Schools.
All of these groups have joined together
in an organization, S.A.F.E. - Student
Alliance for Equality which meets at the
Tulsa Gay Community Services Center
(the Pride Center).
For more information, messages may
be left for the BookerT. Washington Gay-
Straight Alliance or S.A.F.E. at the Tulsa
Gay Community Services Center, 743-
GAYS (4297).
said she wanted her son "to know you
don’t kill people, regardless of who they
are, and especially for what they believe
in." The message seemed to sink in as
Max watched the protestors across the
street. "Itmakes mefeel disgusted because
everybody is created equal and all people
are created by God," he said.
Police originally charged Mullins and
Butler with murder, which carries a
maximum sentence of life imprisonment
.with a chance for parole. However, grand
jurors upgraded the charge to capital
murder, which cames only two possible
penalties: electrocution or life without
In Washington, DC, the Human Rights
Campaignissued the following comments:
"in 1997, (the latest FBI statistxcs
available) Alabama reported no hate
crimes to the FBI for any category.
Reporting of statistics is voluntary under
to the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990.
Alabama’s hate crimes law does not cover
sexual orientation. ’This case in Alabama
shows the great inconsistency between
states in tracking and prosecuting hate
crimes We call on Congress to pass the
Hate Crimes Prevention Act, to set a
uniform federal response for hate
crimes and signal that anti-gay violence is
unacceptable in our society,’ said Human
Rights Campaign Political Director
Winnie Stachelberg."
Kevin Ivers, director of public affairs
.for Log Cabin Republicans added, ’’There
IS something wrong in society when gay
people are continually murdered in this
maimer, and our leaders have amoral duty
~o address it.., The leaders of both parties
must speak out with eqtml forceagainst
the anti-gay hatred and intolerance that is
feeding such crimes. . Every political
leader, especially those who seek-the
presidency, must reflect on why this is
happening, and what they can do to,.h,elp
stop it from continuing."
those who gathered to becomd~othe
Community of Hope have i~orked to be
honest about who we are and what our
ministry is. without insisting that others
agree with or embrace our ministry, We
have consistently insisted that ministries
of healing and hope, and not, Gay
advocacy, be ourfocus; while at the.same
time naming that homophobia and
inhospitality are antithetical to the Gospel,
and refusing to be silent in the face of
them. We have asked only for tolerance
and respect, and have tried to offer the
same. However. increasinly, the goodness
and dignity of Gay and Lesbian persons
and their loving, committed relationships
are so consistently and ’officially’
devalued and dishonored within in this
Conference and by this denomination,
thatI can no longer maintain myaffiliation
with integri&.
Secondly, I have decided to withdraw
because the ministries of justice and
compassion to which God’s church has
been calledand in which this congregation
is engaged, are too urgent and too
important for us to faithfully allow any
more time or energy to be diverted by
denominational arguments aboutwhether
or not Gay and Lesbian persons are part
of the body of Christ, Since the day this
congregation was called into being, Gay
and Lesbian persons have been BEING
the body of Christ - offering their gifts
and graces, their time and energy, their
hearts andhands, in loving service to God
and neighbor - see Peurose, p. 14
while the Church has debated their
acceptability. "Anyone who does the will
of God is my brother or sister"(Mark 3:
35), Jesus said. That debate was settled
long ago. And yet, women, men, and
children in Oklahoma, in the US, and
around the world continue to be robbed of
life every day by hunger, homelessness,
abuse, addiction, and violence, while the
UMC spends more and more of its time
andresourcesfight~ng over who is allowed
to love who. Internal struggles over control
and authority, have seduced our Church
intoforgetting its call to be the bearers of
God’sgospel ofhopeandlove to a hurting
worM. I am weary ofthe ’forgetting’ and
the fighting, and want my life and our
ministry as a community offaith to once
again be about ’remembering Jesus’ in
ways that honor the life he lived among
andfor us.
Therefore, on Thursday afternoon,
by Lamont Linstrom, Ph.D.
My feet are looking niighty fine these
days. I~have been seeing a new friend
named Jay, who calls himself a foot
fetishist. And he has been working these
toes down to hubs, almost. Jay describes
foot-worshipping parties he has attended
where shoes andboots and soqks goflying
in all directions. He has intro~oced me to
foot magazines. The personal ads are
remarkable. They come withphotographs
showing everyone thrusting his best foot
forward into the camera lens. And
websites, too. The intemet is one big
fetish supermarket: rubber and latex here,
feet over there, underwear at the back. Or
uniforms:-I have another friend with a
closet full of uniforms. I never know if
he’s going to show up dressed in Boy
Scout drag, or as Marine, or perhaps a
water meter reader.
While Jay was mass_aging my feet one
afternoon I thought abouttheword"fetish"
- a term oddly shared by anthropology,
psychology, and sexology. SigmundFreud
himself seems to have been the first to
borrow "fetish" from 19th century
anthrol~i0gy. Scholars of West African
religion had.firstused thewordto describe
religip~s..objects from Ghana - small
carvings, amulets, and’the like-thatpeople
bdieve&~were inspirited with divinity.
Feti~h deriYes from the Latin facticious
whi..k once.meant "handmade" or
"man~0~tU~ed" (e.g., see also "factory,"
and "factotum"). The word’s connations
of "artificial," in the original sense of
"made" or "constructed, "expanded to
absorb secondary meanings of "unreal"
or "fake"-or "false." Thus, the fetish
originally was a man-made, artificial
image of-God that African devotees
believed to have divine powers. The term
is still used occasionally in anthropology
and beyond to refer to sacred objects. My
Bay Area newspaper, for example, last
week contained an advertisement for an
upcoming sale of Pueblo Indian jewelry
whichfeaturedZuni fetishes- these small,
carved animal figures sold as both
decorative and spiritual.
I am not sure why Freud borrowed
fetish to describe sexual kinkiness. We
can guess, however, that he shared the
same sorts of. European cultural biases
that led to th~ earlier anthropological use
of the word. The savage religious devotee
focuses his attention on the artifical fetish
- the man-made object - and thus misses
¯ March 4, I submitted the following
statemen¢ to.Bishop Blake:
~ " Bishois.Bruce Blake
¯¯ Oklahoma Annual Conference
United Methodist Church
It is with a deep trust in God’s steadfast
¯ and unconditional love that 1 write to
¯ informyou thatlaminitia,ting theprocess ¯
ofwithdrawalfrom Zhe United Methodist
Church in order to transfer my ministerial
¯ orders to another denominate’on. 1 have
chosen to begin this process because I
¯ cannot remainfaithful to the Gospel and
¯ honor the requirement of the United
¯ Methodist Church not to celebrate and ¯
one who has been baptized to "resist.
¯ injustice and oppression" and ordained
: to"lookaftertheconcernsofChristabove
¯ all," I am called and charged to offer the
¯ full ministry ofthe church--including the
¯ blessing ofdovenant relationships- to all
: God’s people, including those who are
¯ Gay or Lesbian. I will do nothing less.
: - Rev. Leslie Peurose
the larger supernatural reality ofgod. The
: sexual fetishist similarly misdirects.his
¯ attention only to this or that body part or
: object, and also misunderstands the
¯ broader, complex whole of human
sexuality. The foot fetishist sucks toes,
: but ignores everything above the ankle.
¯ The hair fetishist gets tangled and stuck
: up there and never moves along towards
¯ "normal" sex.
The 19th century anthropologist and
¯ psychologist both shared the belief that
they could indeed define normal religion
¯ and natural sexuality. Whatever fell short
¯ of this standard could be defined away as ¯
artificial - just a fetish. Lucky for us,
maybe, things aremuchmorecomplicated
: nowadays. Some complications have
¯ come along with 20th century Hedonism. ¯
While hardly triumphant (especially in
¯ Oklahoma),latterday influentialhedonists
: like Dr. Ruth proclaim that all forms of
¯ sexual behavior are good, as long as ¯
nobody gets hurt. And even that can be
¯ good, too, as long as a person wants to get
: hurta,ndiftheboundaries andgroundrules
¯ (we Americans are so legalistic) are
negotiated beforehand.
¯ Jay finds sexuality in toes just as West
Africans discover divinity in beads and
: wood. So fixations .on feet, jocks,
: underwear, underarms, hair, rubber sheets
¯ - it’s all reoently wonderful.
¯ Well, perhaps not that kid living down
the street who’s discovered to have 2000
pairs ofwomen’s panties hiddenunderhis
~ bed thai he’s stolen from neighborhood
¯ clotheslines. Butmostly fetishes are good.
Isn’t the right toa feti~h protected in the
¯ Constitution? At least they contribute to
: the economy.
¯ Sex nowadays is also complicated by ¯
the duty our culture demands of us to
¯ cultivate our individuality. Fetishes here
¯ are extremely useful. They help
¯ differentiate ourselves as unique
individuals. If you remain stuck in plain
¯ old boring vanilla sex, you are just a
¯ cypher in the crowd. Youneed a focus, an
: angle. Somespecial way to define yourself
whenfilling outoneofthosebearortwink
¯ codes one sometimes sees flaunted in
¯ email signature files. But the American ¯
desireforindividuality and our cultivation
of sexual fetishes also eventually leads
¯ around to American sociability. Those
¯ fetishes are shared. Fetishists quickly go ¯
to work organizing societies of foot
fanciers, seeAnthro, p. 11
into body worship, looking
for a WM, 35-40, who’s
into body budding. (Tulsa)
Looking for a one-night
stand with a very muscular,
well-endowed top. If
interested, give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~r13401
NEED BEEF Looking for
a Guy, 35+, with lots of
muscle. If you’re Tulsa’s
answer to John Holmes or
Hulk Hogan, leave me a
message. (Tulsa) ’~’13126
you’re Tulsa’s answer to
Larry Holmes or Hulk
Hogan, give me a call. I
think you’ll find this call
worth your while. (Tulsa)
TOP 65-year-old
WM, looking for a WM, 35-
40, who’s into bodybuilding.
If interested in talking
to me, leave me a message.
I’m definitely worth
a call. (Tulsa) ’1~12785
Block Of Time
65-year-old WM, looking
for a very muscular, wellhung
WM, 35-40, for a
one-night stands. Give me
a call and find out that I’m
definitely worth it. (Tulsa)
Looking for someone who
likes to have fun, chill,
movies and who wants to
start a long-term relationship.
(Tulsa) ’~’10388
SGM, 21, 6’2", 185 Ibs,
likes having fun, movies
and quality times at home.
Looking for a top who
would like to get together
with me. (Tulsa) ~r10006
WM, 41,6’, average build,
seeking young, smooth
WM, with an average build
who doesn’t like to dominated
or submissive.
(McAlester) ~’21629
brown/brown, looking for a
mature, discreet, fun-loving
Guy who’s also
dependable. If interested,
give me a call. (Tulsa)
Athletic BiWM, 40, 6’4",
175 Ibs, smoker, drinker,
naturalist with a winter
beard. Looking for
younger Guys, 18-25, with
a smooth chest for private
encounters and possible
long-term relationship. If
I’m what you’re looking
for, give me a call. (Tulsa)
There’s no charge to
create an ad!
RESPECT Seeking a feminine-
soft butch WF, 30-
43, who’s not into games,
respects another person’s
~oint of view, loves animals
and fishing. If you’re
that Lady and you’re looking
for amonogamous
relationship, then call me.
(Tulsa) "~’22318
WATCH OUT! Shy Bi-curious
SWF, 25, 5’3", 270 Ibs,
blonde/blue, aggressive,
cute, Io~/es music, movies
and walks by the river.
Looking for that special
someone for friendship
and possible relationship.
(Tulsa) ~’21095
year-oid BiWF, 6’,
blonde/brown, enjoys the
outdoors, dancing, movies
and the outdoors, Looking
for an active .F, to start a
lasting friendship and relationship.
(Tulsa) ’z1’20889
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Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, April 1999; Volume 6, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/586.