[1999] Tulsa Family News, May 1999; Volume 6, Issue 5


[1999] Tulsa Family News, May 1999; Volume 6, Issue 5


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


May 1999


James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, April 1999; Volume 6, Issue 4


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Texas House Passes
Hate Crimes Bill
WASHINGTON-TheTexas HouseofRepresentatives
passed a bill late in March (vote count: 83 to 61,
including the support of 9 Republicans) that would
enhance penalties for hate motivated violence directed
against a person because of their race, gender, religion
or sexual orientation. In addition to the House vote, a
new poll shows that the vast majority ofTexas residents
support hate crimes legislation...
"Reason and principle triumphed in the Texas
legislature today," said HumanRights Campaign (HRC)
Executive Director Elizabeth Birch. ’‘Texas lawmakers
took a giant step towards combating hate violence
against all residents of the state." The Human Rights
Campaign is the largest national Lesbian and Gay
political organization.
A new Scripps Howard poll for The Dallas Mormng
News revealed that 72% of Texans support hate crimes
legislation. According to the newspaper, the poll said
that the public supports the inclusion of all groups
currently included in the legislation: 81% for race; 80%
for women; 78% for religious groups; and 76% for Gay
people, see Texas, p. 14
TU Hosts Women + AIDS
Regional Conference
TULSA-The Second Regional Conference onWomen
and AIDS will be held on The University of Tulsa
campus Monday,June 14,intheAllen ChapmanActivity
Center, located at 440 South Gary Avenue.
Theconferenceis a comprebensive, one-dayprogram
to raise awareness, promote discussion and provide
opportunities for new directions in HIV prevention,
care and treatment for women. "We will gather together
in the spirit of concern for our community," says Jauice
Nicklas, Senior Planner of the Commttnity Service
Council and Conference Spokesperson.
According to Nicklas, the conference will benefit
everyone - women living with HIV and AIDS, people
whodeal with women’sissues, educators, policymakers,
youth organizations,healthand social service providers,
family members, volunteers and concern.ed citizens.
"In theArms oftheAngels," a documentary produced
by the National AIDS Fund Americorps Team Tulsa,
will open the conference at 8:30 a.m. with a look at
women and AIDS. Patty Lather, author of "Troubling
the Angels," will give the keynote address at 8:45 a.m.
In addition to a series of workshops, the conference
will feature a panel of HIV positive women who will
share their stories. Judith Billings of the President’s
Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS will give the luncheon
address. Saiadra McDonald, the founder of Outreach,
Inc., will present the closing address on "WhatWe Can
Do to Be a Force for Change."
see Women, p. 11
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
Gay Businesses Open + Close
Lesbian-Owned Daycare and Gay-Owned
Restaurant Open But Concessions Closes
by Tom Neal
TULSA - Maybe it’s just spring but a couple of new Gay owned
and oriented businesses have, or are about to open this month.
Andone ofTulsa’ s most visible Gay businesses has unexpectedly
From Lesbian Baby Boom, Comes Gay Daycare
The origin of GLAD, Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare,
reflects the frustrations of two new moms, Teresa and Joan, 33
and 32 years old, trying to find good daycare for their 4 month old
son, Joseph (Joey) while they worked.
For Teresa, the final thing that convinced her to leave her 70-
80 hour a week managerial position to start a home based
business was a conflict about getting time off when their son was
sick. But for both, there was more.
After their son was bom, they explored many alternatives for
infant care. Some options using relatives or friends just didn’t
work out. Many of the day care operations which they reviewed
just didn’t seem to be very good. And most had inflexible rules
and were very expensive, with high deposits, inflexible contracts
and schedules.
For example, many day care operations require a year round
contract with perhaps only 10 days off allowed. Any more days
off have to be paid for regardless of whether the child is at the
center or not. For these morns, one of whom is a teacher and has
the summer off, it makes no sense to pay for care year-round.
However, if they don’t, they take the risk that no place will be
available in the fall again.
Furthermore, Joan and Teresa also were concerned about
raisxng their son in an enviroment wherehe will not be mistreated
because he has two morns. And they know that they are not the
only Gay parents who have these concerns. At some of the day
care centers they inspected they were asked, "where’s the father"
and were received with not very well disguised hostility. They
say that they’ve sometimes felt they had~o say they were"sisters"
in order to be treated fairly.
So finally, after thoroughly researching state requirements,
theyjust decided tO start their owndaycare in their cozy midtown
bungalow, see Businesses, p. 14
Red Ribbon Gala + SwanAwards
TULSA, Okla. (AP/TFN) - Some members of Tnlsa’s Gay
community say they were pleased Chastity Bono visited this
weekend because the author has helped mainstream Americans
become more tolerant. "Just by her coming to Tulsa, it means a
great deal to us. It helps people to come together," said Nancy
McDonald, who recently was national president of Parents,
Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG).
Bono was the keynote speaker Saturday night, April 17th at the
Red Ribbon Ball, an annual black-tie gala that benefits Tnlsa
CARES, the Center forAIDS Resources, Educationand Support.
The event attracted more than 250 to the Downtown Doubletree.
Bono, the Openly Lesbian daughter ofSonnyandCher, formerly
served as the entertainment media director of the Gay & Lesbian
Alliance’Against Defamation. She was involved in controversy
for suggesting that the television show of Lesbian comedian,
Ellen Degeneres, was "too Gay." Bono, 30, spent part of the day
autographing copies of her book "Family Outing," which details
how she and others revealed their sexual orientation to their
Also, at the Gala, the co-sponsoring organization, the Tulsa
Chapter of PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians &
Gays presented their annual Swan awards. Among those honored
were State Rep. DOn Ross, the Revs. Leslie Penrose and Gary
Blaine, The Tulsa World, represented by editorial board writer
David Averill, and PFLAG board member Tim Gillean.
The award to Gillean was met with consternation by two
former TOHR presidents attending the Gala,’Deb Starnes and
Tom Neal, as PFLAG credited him as ’~he founder" of the
Community Center. Both noted that Gillean helped start the
Center, particularly doing early fundraising but that after he was
voted out as TOHRpresident, he had dropped his member at the
time when the building was found and leased. "No single person
can claim the Center; Kelly Kirby was president when we began,
Tim certainly did a great deal but Deb Statues, Midge Elliott and
I sweated blood to get that building open, walls tomdown and the
place painted. Tim’s done enough other work that PFLAG
doesn’t have to rip anyone off to honor him," said Neal.
PFLAG president and Swan award presenter, Jan Allen, stated
that she was not aware of the history of the Center and that
PFLAG had not intended to slight any of the Center’s organizers.
Pride ’99 Shaping Up:
Picnic, Parade & More
US Rep. Frank to be Grand Marshall of
First Tulsa Parade + Community
Unitarians Host First Gay UU Pastor
TULSA - Tulsa’s Pride ’99
organizers have confirmed that
openly Gay US Congressman,
Barney Frank of Massachusetts
not only will attend this year’s
June 12th event but will serve as
grand marshall of Tulsa’s very
first Lesbian/Gay pride parade.
The parade will begin at 10 am at Tulsa’s Gay
Community Services Center at 38th & Peoria and
will go north on Peoria to 31st Street. From there it
will go west to Riverside Drive and will continue
north to Veterans (Boulder) Park, the site of the
Picnic as it was last year. The principle sponsors for
this year’s event are Bud Light and MCC United.
The picnic will be from noon until 5pm again. Bud
Light will be providing a large tent to provide some
shelter from the sun as wall the sound system.
Local drag diva Kris Kohl is organizing
entertainment. These range from a local band, an
appearance by the Council Oaks Mens Chorale,
various female impersonators and titleholders, and
more. Refreshments as always will be free.
Congressman Frank will also be the guest of
honorat adinner Saturday evening at the Greenwood
Cultural Center at 322 No. Greenwood near the
OSU-Tnlsa campus. Thedinner will be hosted
joindy byTOHR/Tulsa’s Gay Community Services
Center and by the Cimarron Alliance, Oklahoma’s
Gay and Lesbian political action committee.
Cocktails begin at 7pm and dinner will be at 8.
Dinner and a cash bar cocktail pre-party will be
$50/person anddinner and a complimentary cocktail
reception with Congressman Frank will be $125/
person, see Frank, p. 3
"One Fool" Play Coming
To Eureka Springs, AR
EUREKA SPRINGS, Ark. - As part of the May
Festival of the Arts, OneFool, a one-woman, oneactplay
will bepresentedTuesday andWednesday,
May25-26, 8 p.m. at Center Stage (on Spring Street
m the downtown Historic Distric0. The play,
featuring Orlando improv-actress, Catherine
Goodison, was written by Terry Baum and will be
directed by Lewis Routh. ’One Fool is a riotously
funny play about a woman’s search for the ’one
love’ withwhomshe canlive forever," says director
Routh. ’‘This wild odyssey takes her across the
world and into your heart."
Catherine Goodison began her acting career in
1994 under the direction ofLewis Routhin the play
BarDykes, where she played the role ofabig butch.
She and Routh have worked together on several
projects since that time, including the 1994showing
ofOneFool in Orlando. Goodison, whosecomedic
talenthas foundits way tomany ofFlorida’s stages,
including the famed Fringe Festival, has been a
featured performer with Act Out Theatre and the
Improvabilities comedy troupe. As part of the
troupe, her most memorable roles include Lucy in
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, and the roles
of the Nanny and the school teacher in Baby With
The Bath Water, both plays directed by Routh.
Playwright Terry Bantu is the founder of Lilith,
the San Francisco Women’s Theater, and was its
artistic director from 1975 to 1980. During that
time, sheco-wroteand/ordirectedeveryproduction.
Moonlighting, which she directed and co-wrote,
toured Europe to great acclaim in 1979. Baum
wrote Dos Lesbos with Carolyn Myers, which ran
for two years in San Francisco and was nominated
for several awards. She has created two other onewoman
shows, Ego Trip and Immediate Family,
both ofwhich were publishedinPlaces, Please, the
first anthology of Lesbian plays.
see Play, p. 14
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
Burger Sisters Restaurant, 1545 S. Sheridan
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd - 584:1308
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books& Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon .~,. 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1. 610-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
I.eaune M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Ted Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*TulSa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
*Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835-5563
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & ,Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of TulSa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHopeUnited Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
: 918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
¯ e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlinlc net
website: http://us6rs, aol.com/Tul saNews/
Publisher + Editor:
¯ Tom Neal
¯ Writers + contributors:
¯ James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauehaud
¯ Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
Member of The Associated Press
¯ issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
¯ - p~blication are protected by US copyright 1998 by TJ.€~ ~:...~,~.
¯ Ntw,and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
¯ written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspon-.
¯ dence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,_r~ust
be signed & becomes the sole property of T~
¯ Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
~ points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827 ¯ Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
¯° *HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
¯ *HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
¯ HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
¯ *House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admi.’ral P1. 748-3111 ¯
¯ NOW, Nat’IOrg forWomen, POB 14068,74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
: *Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
: *Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
: *The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
". Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
¯ O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
¯ St. Dtmstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
¯ *St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
: *Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171 ¯
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
¯ Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only ¯
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center .743-4297
T.U.LS.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses ¯
*OSU-Tulsa (formerly UCT, formerly Rogers U. whoever...)
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. John.stone 918-337-5353
¯ *Borders Books &Music, 3209 NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Nolanan Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
¯ *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church. 918-456-7900
¯ *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
: NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
: HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates ¯ EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS
¯ *Autnmn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
¯ ,Jim & Brent, s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501~253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332 ¯
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
¯ *White Light, 1 Center St. 501-253-4074
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
¯ *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 417-6232696
¯ * iswhereyoucanfindTFN.NotallareGay.ownedbutallareGay-friendly.
NGLTF Leader :Resigns
From Millennium March
It is with great regret that I resign as a
member of the Board of Directors of the
Millennium March on Washington,
effective immediately.
The reasons for my resignation stem
from three basic issues, which have¯
continued to grow over time. First, I have
significant political disagreements with
the March call and planning, which ha~’e
not been addressed. Secondly, I have
grown increasingly skeptical of the value
of this event for the Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT)
movement at this time. And finally, I
cannot endorse certain decisions made by
theBoard. Although I have great trust and
affection for each of you individually, it
does not assuage my concerns and
questions. I now believe I will be most
helpful to thecommunityfrom outside the
Since the initial call for the March,
grassroots activists have consistently
challenged us as national leaders. Their
concerns address the credibility and
legitimacy of the March and they have
demandedanopening of the Marchprocess
for greater discussion. Thequestions have
been on whether to march, what agenda to
march for, and how best to use the
tremendous platform and visibility that
such marches provide.
Despitemypolitical disagreements with
the call and process, I agreed to serve on
the March Board, believing my
participation could change the course of
the process. I also felt that as a
representative of the oldest national
political organization, and one of the few
explicitly progressive national GLBT
groups,myvoice was needed in theMarch
planning process. I stated at the time that
I wouldremain onthe Board as long as my.
presence represented the best interests of
Task Force members, our constituents,
and the movement as a whole.
Since I joined the Board, my
participation has been challenged by
members and activists with whom we
have deep andlongstanding relationships.
Individuals from all perspectives have
intensively engaged me, the Task Force
staff, and our Board. I took their concerns
to heart and carried them in my work on
the March Board. During my tenure, I
voted in the minority on key resolutions
on personnel issues, the naming of the
March, andthebroadening of theplanning
effort to allow more people a seat at the
table. I helped lead the successful effort to
ensure that funds raised by the March
would go to statewide organizations,
people of color organizations and other
constituents underrepresented in our
movement. However, the Board has
¯ largely ignored the fundamental issues
that lead me into become involved: why
we should march, the agenda, and the
involvement of the entire GLBT
commnnity. I cannot serve onaBoard that
will not open itself to greater input and
see Letters, p. 3
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
you think need to be considered. Youmay
request that your name be withheld but
letters mustbe signed&have phonenumbers,
or be hand delivered. 200 word letters
are preferred. Letters to other publications
will be printed as is appropriate.
Talking with people inthe community, I was relieved to
learn that I was hardly the only one who was disappointed
with the celebrated Chastity Bono. Ms. Bono was "the
keynote speaker" at the recent Red Ribbon Gala benefiting
Tulsa CARES, our local co-ordinating organization for
HIV/AIDS services. The dinner was nice enough and the
attendance was about double that of last year’s inaugural
event. The organizers dearly deserve praise for their efforts.
But Ms. Bono was, to be kind, unimpressive, both as a
speaker and at her book signing at Tnlsa’s Gay Community
Services Center. To a number of observers at the Center, it
appeared that Ms. Bono had little interest in being there.
At the dinner, shefredy admitted that she’dmadenoeffort
to prepare any.remarks -and that degree of preparation
showed. Two things saved her performance. First, it was
mercifully short, and second, she did have a good, if
scatological, anecdote aboutconfronting the Rev. FredPhelps
of "godhatesfags" infamy in Topeka at a booksigning.
Her appearance may indeed have helped the event.
Attendance at the Red Ribbon Gala was about double but
then that might have happened just from being the second
year for the event. Her appearance does raise questions,
though, about America’s preocuppation with celebrity and
notoriety. AftermeetingMs. Bono, it’ s hard not to regard her
as a vcryho-hum ’~vonderbread dyke" (as one ofmy Lesbian
friends put it) who but for the accident of her birth would
hardly be getting a second hearing,!et alone a book contract.
Ms. Bono’s elevation seems to exemplify the worstAm~rican
tendency to Value notoriety over any shred of content.
But what really raises some concern about her appearance
was learning that despite her having reduced her appearance
feeby one-half, it still cost almost $10,000 for her irresistible
charms. Oursou~,,ce indicates thatMs. Bononormally charges
$15,000 for her appearances" but that du~ to her friendship
with the daughter of PFLAG’s Nancy McDonald, Bono
reduced it to only $7,500, plus expenses, of course.
This is what many wouM call a damnfine racket.
One wouldhope that the organizers came up with aspecial
donor to take on these expenses andno harm was-done to the
genuine financial needs of Tulsa CARES. And no doubt
organizers will argue that it wonld not have been nearly as
successful without her appearance.
But all I can think of is how much medicine or food that
$10,000 might have bought for persons living with AIDS -
Hello, the peop!e, this is supposed to be all about?
Maybe that $10k s money that would not have come into
this effort except for supporting Ms. Bono in the fashion to
which she’s become accustomed. But then, maybe, just
maybe, it could have been given to care-giving, and surely,
there are speakers, ones who actually prepare their remarks
andwhohave something worth saying, who’d speakfor, say,
only two or three thousand. Makes you wonder, don’t it?
- Tom Ne.al, editor &publisher
Several special ’levels. of participation in the event are
available with,the most cxdflsiCe being the Platinum table
($2500), whichincludes six seats at a table with Congressman
Frank. There will be only one Platinum table. Also Offered
is the Gold level, a table with 8 seats and an invitation to the
cocktail party with the Congressman ($1500), a SilVer level
($250) which is two seats and cocktails, and a Bronze level
($500), a table for 8 and the .cash bar cocktail party. For
tickets or for more information, call 743-4297.
Also, Sunday morning Congressman Frank will probably
be attending an interfaith prayer breakfast. Details for that
event will be announced soon.
Also in honor of Lesbian and Gay Pride, Community
Unitarian Universalist Cohgtegation (cuuc) has invited
the:Rev. DougStrong.of Community UU Church ~h ~iano~
T~xas to be guest minister attheir Sunday, May 16th, 1 lain
service. After the service, all are invited to’join CUUC and
Community of Hope ~for a potluck picnic cookout.~ The
service and picnic .will be at Community of Hope Church,
2545 So..Yale where CUUC meets regularly. Guests are
encouraged to bring both lawn chairs and food to share or t6
TheRev. Strong is a 6th generationUnitaftan-Universalist
and an openl~ Gay. man who has served congregations in
Maine, Massachusetts, Virginia, California, Wisconsin and
Arizona. Mr. Strong was the first openly Gay man to be
called to serve as a pastorAn the history of the Unitarian-
Universalism f~iith. Thiswas in 1980 inAugusta, Maine.-
by Tom Neal
Editor & Publisher
The Tulsa WorMreally is gettmg better. Whileit’s not
of the quality of TheDallas Morning News or other such
papers,itis shedding someofits moreparochial qualities.
Ofcourse, since the state’s only other major daily is The
Oklahoman, now officially recognized as
the worst paper an the United States as
¯¯ Oklahomans have long known, it’s never
been hard for The World to look better.
More investigative journalism is being
¯ allowed at The World. So instead of just
¯ supporting the status quo, an elected ¯
official like Dist. 4 City Councilor Anna
Falling is being held accountable for her
¯ liberal spending of public dollars on
¯ "working" vacations or for possible
" conflicts of interest she may have had
¯ when her spouse was applying for public
¯ monies which theCouncil would have to
¯ approve.
¯ This last month, The Wormalso printed
¯ a week series of in,depth stories about
¯ Tnlsa’s Latino communities. This series
is similar to ones doneaboutTulsa s Black
¯ communities. All this is very well and
¯ good. Tulsa’s "establishment," our
¯ wealthy, our influential have long taken
advantage of Tulsa’s minority com-
" munities without sharing the benefits,
; without sharing the decision-making
¯ process,-most often not acknowledging
even the existence of our communities.
¯ The fact that The WorM, the ultimate
¯ establishment mou~piece of Tiflsa, the
: country club paper par excellence, is now
¯ willing to acknowledge the existence of
Latino, Black, Indian and Asian
commlmil~es is.progress.
But the real proof of The World’s
commitmenttojournalistic fundamentals,
i.e. covering the community as it is. rather
advertise my gift shop, tomfoolery! which now has
The Tulsa World
really is Settln$
better. While it’s not
of the quality of
The Dallas
Morrdn¢ News
or other such
papers, it is sheddln$
some of its more
paroehlaJ qualities.
Of course, slnee the
state’s only other
major daily is
Tl~e Oldal~oman,
now offleially
reeoSnlzed as the
worst paper in the
United States as
Oklahomans have
lon$ known,
it’s never been hard
The World
to look better.
than as its ownership wants to present it, will come
when The World does a similar piece on Tulsa’s Gay,
Lesbian, Bi and Transgendered’communities.
¯ Ironically, more than five years ago, Worldreporters
¯ were set to do such a series. I discussed aspects of the
¯ proposalwithTulsaWorldreporters,JanetPearsonand
¯ David Fallis. The proposal was killed by-then executive
¯ editor, Bob Haring. And while I believe Joe Worley, ¯
current executive editor, is fundamentally a fair person,
in general, and in particular towards.Gay people, it
¯ appears that he is constrained by the prejudices of the
¯ paper’s ownership.
¯ The Tulsa World’s owners and top business
¯ management are responsible for the newspaper’s many
year’ s oldandquite official anti-Gay advertisingpolicies.
: I first encountered these policies in the middle 80’s
when a Lesbian businesswoman tried to advertise her
Gay oriented book and gift shop. I later encountered the
exact same policy almost 10 years laterwhen I tried to
: scrutiny from the communities we claim to represent.
¯ ° Thesecondreasonformyresiguationisthatlcontinue
: to doubt the value of this March at this time. I honor the
¯ valueofour previous nafi6nal Marches andacknowledge
them as having been political turning points in the lives
of many current leaders and activists. However, the
effectiveness of sflCh dn enormous commiimeiit ofiJme
and resources at a moment when more and more energy
is demanded of the GLBT movement at the state and
local level is questionable. Nothing so dramatically
reinforced this as the success of Equality Begins at
’Held one month ago and sponsored by the Federation
of LGBT Statewide Political Organizations and the
Task Force, EBAH was supported by national and local
groups, including the March Board. It demonstrated the
incrediblepowerofinveslinginstate and localmovement
building. It also exemplified the real possibilities for
political advancement of GLBT equality in eyery state~
Morefavorable bills wereintroducedin state legislatures,
transmuted into The Pride Store at Tulsa’s Gay
Community Center.
The World’s anti-Gay policy stung PFLAG, Parents,
Families andFriends ofLesbians andGays, morerecently
when the orgamzation placed an advertisement
supporting fair treatment for Lesbians and
Gays but was not allowed to spell out their
full legal name because, of course, it
includes the forbidden word: "gay".
In contrast, The Worm accepted an
advertisement from West Tulsa churches
attacking Gay people but The ~VorM
allowed the churches to use the word
"gay"! It’s bad enough that they have the
bigoted policy but worse that they enforce
it selectively.
And it only adds injury to insult that The
World, counter to the pohcies of the best
media corporations in the country, has no
non-discrimination policy that includes
"sexual orientation" to protect the Lesbian
and Gay reporters and staff. Nor has the
corporation seen fit to provide equal pay
for equal work by providing benefits for
the families of Lesbian and Gay workers.
In a day when health care is so expensive
and benefits become a significant part of
the "total employment package", this is no
little issue.
But maybe it shouldn’t be too surprising
that The Worm doesn’t recognize the
families of their Gay workers since part-0f
TheWorld’s anti-Gay policy also includes
arefusal to print engagement, anniversary
or tmion announcements for Gay and
Lesbian couples. Several years ago, v~fien
I asked Joe Worley about thi~ discriminatory
policy, he responded by asking
if all I had to do each day was to dreamup
hard questions for The Tulsa World. The
answer to thatis "no"but the issue remains.
Would The WorMban such ads frominterracial couples?
Those relationships were once not recognized as legal,
in many states.
All this might not be that surprising for a corporation
which has barely integrated its newsroom racially, and
which was cited for (and settled) an EEOC (Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission) complaint for
racist hiring practices (this according to their own
pages). It still doesn’t make it right.
So while we are making progress with The World,
they really have a still some way to go. And as daily
newspapers struggle to retain their relevancy in an
increasingly media-diverse culture, organizations like
The World will have to lose their country-club
narrowness, with its largely useless and clearly
pretentious regular columns devoted to who attended
what soiree, and their outdated view of how-minority
Tulsans, Gay as well as racial and religious groups, are
to be treated, and look at our world as it really is.
more allies were reached and involved, more media
coverage was generated in every state on GLBT issues
than had ever been achieved at the state level. Because
¯ . of its overwhelming success, the campaign is likely to
¯ be repeated in years to come, perhaps even annually.
"" The National Gay and Lesbiafi Task Fbrce has
¯ committedthevastmajorityofitsresources to deepening
¯ and growing political power in every state. The time I
have spent on the March Boardhas taken awayfrommy
¯ °iniportani work ~t( ~he state and i~tl level. I need to
¯ concentrate my energies on. NGLTF’s efforts to build
this state-by-state movement and on advocating for our
¯ grassroots constituents at the national level This is the
¯ heart and soul Of our work and it requires us to have the
¯ courage of our convictions. ¯
Finally as a Board member, I have had personal
financial responsibility and liability for the non-profit
¯ corporation producing the March. I am concerned that
¯ theMarch is notmoving forward in a strategicmanner. ¯
I am also concerned that neither the Boardmembers nor
] our GLBT community have full access to information
] about March management and finances.
¯ see Letters, p. 10
Arkansans Challenge:
Gay Foster Care Ban l
LITFLE ROCK (AP) - Six people are suing the
state, seeking to overturn a state policy that bans ,
Gays from serving as foster parents. TheArkansas :
Child Welfare Agency Review Board approved ¯
the banlast month. It also prevents heterosexuals
from serving as foster parents, if a homosexual
lives in their home. "This prohibition imposes a
significantburden on (the plaintiffs’).., intimate,
highly personal relationships with their partners,
as they will not be allowed to serve as foster
parents unless,they terminate those intimate
relationships," says the lawsuit€filed in Pulaski
County Chancery Court:
Department .of Human Services spokesman
Joe Quinn said the state expected the issue to go
to court. "I don’t think there was ever much
doubt," he said. The state averages 2,600 foster
children daily in about 700 homes, Quinn said.
He said the state doesn’t keep track of how many
foster parents are homosexuals.
Board memberWandaGooden said before the
ban was approved that it was "my strong
conviction that children thrive best in two-parent
homes where there is a father and mother." Ms.
Gooden said thenew rulewonld not significantly
reduce thenumberoffoster families in Arkansas.
According to the lawsuit, the plaintiffs are two
Eureka Springs men who adopted children ages
6 and 2 and want to be foster parents; two Little
Rock men who want to serve as foster parents; a
Fayetteville woman who wants,,to be a foster
parent and a Fayetteville man who has a
homosexual son living at home.
Fewer But More
Vicious Attacks
BOSTON (AP) - The number of hate cnmes
against Gays in Massachusetts dropped last year,
but the attacks thatdidhappenweremore vicious,
according to state figures. There was a36% drop
in the number of hate crimes against Gays and
Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgenders reported
to policeandother organizations, said theFenway
Community Health Center in Boston. But there
was a 13%increase in attacks that caused serious
injury, and a 5% increase in attacks with a
Nationally, the number of hate crimes against
Gays was down 4%last year from 1997, but
cases of violence increased 12%. The National
Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs said 33
Gay men and women were, killed in hatemotivated
attacks last year, twice the number in
1997. The coalition said two of those killed were
in Boston, but police said they were not certain
those killings were hate crimes.
Friends said a27-year-oldGay man committed
suicide last October, about one year after two
men beat him in Boston’s South End and carved
an "F" on his shoulder with a knife. "Let’S not be
fooled by the numbers" showing a decrease in
hate crimes, said Attorney GEneral Thomas
Reilly. "I see a very frightening increase in
violence.’" ¯
David Shannon of the Fenway center’s
Violence Recovery Program said that since the
killing in October of a Gay college student in
Laramie,Wyo., "therehas been ahigher visibility
of hate crimes against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals
and Transgenders." "There has also been
increased targeting and violence," he said.
Dentist Refuses to
Treat Lesbian
FRANKLIN, N.H. (AP) - Tricia Thompson had
been going to the same dentist for two years. Dr.
Jay Roper had done her fillings and cleanings
and repatred cracked teeth. He s always bee
nice," she said. Or he was until two weeks ago,
when Thompson came in for a root canal and
Roperquestionedherabouthersexual orientation.
After learning she was a Lesbian, he refused to
treat her and told her to leave his office, she told
the Concord Monitor.
Katharine Daley, executive director of the
state Human Rights Commission, said for a
dentist to refuse to treat someone because,of their
sexual orientauon is illega! in New Hampshire.
Thompson said she may file a civil rights
complaint against Roper. ~f the commission finds
he i!legally discriminated against her, he could
be fined up to $10,000 and ordered to pay
compensatory damages.
Thompson said when she first signed up as
Roper’s patient, she put a former partner’s name
on the"spouse" lineofher registrationform. The
name was clearly a woman’s. About a month
ago, when Thompson went "ln with a bad
toothache, she was asked to fill out a new card,
~he said. She put down the name of her new
partner; they had performed a commitment
ceremony in February. Roper then told her she
needed a root canal, put in a temporary filling and
told her to returnMarch 23. By the time she came
back, accompaniedby her partner, the temporary
filling had come out and her tooth was in pain.
Before taking herinto his office, Roper heldup
the registration card she’d filled out and told her
he had questions about it, she said. Thompson
and her partner said Roper asked whether
Thompson’s "spouse" was the woman with her.
She said yes. He asked whether she had been
married to her previous partner, then divorced
and remarried. When she said yes, he asked if she
had a marriage license.
She said she asked him, "What business is it of
yours?" He shot. back, "Do you have AIDS or
something?" she said. She said she didn’t, but
she also told him she did not like his questions.
Roper shook his head, told her, "I.don’t believe
in it," and insisted he had the right to refuse
anyone treatment, she said. Roper then put her
file, her registration card and chart on the counter
and told her to take it and leave the office.
Thompson said she reminded him she had
been his patient for years. But he said he hadn’t
previously realized thatherpartner was awoman,
she said. "Basically, he kicked me out of his
office and said have a nice life," Thompson said.
’He didn’t even ask me how my tooth was."
Roper confirmed that he denied Thompson
treatment: ’qZor my own personal reasons, yes,’’
he told the Monitor. ’~ecause ofmyownpersonal
philosophy, yes." Asked what his philosophy
was, Roper replied, "I’hat stays in the office."
Asked ifhe routinely informed patients about his
philosophy, he responded, "What philosophy?"
Roper said he told Thompson she could file a
complaint with the state dental board if she was
unhaplSy withhis decision. TheAmerican Dental
Association’s "Principles of Ethics," which
governNew Hampshire dentists, say they cannot
refuse to treat patients on the basis of race, creed,
color, sex or national origin. It does not mention
sexual preference, but does say, ’‘The dentist’s
primary obligations include dealing wi~ people
justly and delivering dental care without
prejudice." A spokesman at ADA headquarters
said the issue of withholding treatment because
ofa patient’s sexual preference had ne~er come "
up before.
However, New Hampshire law is dear, Daley
-" said. In New Hampshire, health providers are
: considered a "public accomodation;" and equal
¯. access to public accomodations for Gays and
¯ Lesbians is protected by state law, she said.
¯ Gay Priest Being
:: Considered As Bishop
¯ WEARE, N.H.(AP) - The Rev. Canon Gene
". Robinson again is a finalist for bishop and if he
~ becomes the spiritual leader of the Diocese of
¯ Rochester, N.Y., he will be the first openly Gay
: bishop in the 2.5 million-member Episcopal
: Church of America~
¯ Robinson oneoffive nominees from a field of
¯ 86 applicants for the bishopric, was cited by the
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A Voicefor
Freedom & Tolerance
search committee for his spirituality and outspokenness.
The committee said his sexual orientation is irrelevant.
"I’m hoping it doesn’t become a big issue," said Janet
Farnsworth, president of the Diocese of Rochester’s
Standing Committee. "We wanted a person who would
lead us spiritually and a person who was willing to speak
out on social issues. We wanted someone who would be
apastorto all our clergy and theirfamilies andhe’ s known
for his work in clergy wellness," she told The Concord
Robinson, assistant to Bishop Douglas Theuner of the
Diocese of New Hampshire and a priest for 25 years,
finished third last year in his bid to become bishop of the
Diocese of Newark, N.J. "As honored as I felt to be
nominated in Newark, I’m overwhelmed at the privilege
of being nominated in a diocese like Rochester and the
courage they have shown in nominating me," he said.
"The way I can help Gay and Lesbian people the most is
by being a good bishop, not a Gay bishop," he said.
Buthis sexuality will be alightningrodfor some. Atthe
international level, the church has taken a strong stand
against homosexuality. A majority of Anglican bishops
at the Lambeth Conference of Bishops in England last
year declared homosexuality contrary to scripture. While
that group has no authority over the Episcopal Church -
the Anglican communion in the United States, it has
pressured American bishops to conform.
Thatpressure alsocomesfromwithin. Theconservative
Episcopalians United takeissue with Robinson, believing
homosexuality sinful. The group worries his dection
could cause rifts in the church. ’’We expect a higher
standard of our leaders than our members," said its board
chairman, the Rev. Sandy Greene of Christ Church in
Denver, Colo., who supports ministries that encourage
peopl9 to renounce their homosexuality.
Robinson was married with two children when he
acknowledged he was Gayin 1986. Henow lives with his
partner, Mark Andrew. In early June, he and2Madrew will
meet with voting delegates throughout the diocese. On
June 19, the diocese’s clergy and three lay people from
each of the 54 congregations will vote on a candidate,
who needs a simple majority from both groups to win.
Should Robinson be elected, he faces an even bigger
hurdle. To be ordained bishop, he must be "consented to"
by a simple majority of the nation’s Episcopal bishops as
wall as standing committees, comprised of laity and
clergy. The church went through a similar controversy in
1994 when it elected the first female bishop, Barbara
Harris of the Diocese of Massachusetts. Yet it hasn’t
rejected a bishop electedby adiocese since thelate 1800s.
James DeKovan, rejected twice, now is a church saint.
New Haven Police
Targeting Gays
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Police here admit they are
targeting bJacks, Hispanics, women, Gays and Lesbians
- not as suspects, but as candidates to join the force. At a
time when images of police brutality have been seared
into the American psyche, the New Haven Police
Department is recruiting the very people who have often
been seen as their victims. The department began its
campaignrecently, printing advertisements in alternative
publications and distributing fliers to inner city
organizations, churches, and a commumty center for
Gays and Lesbians. The fliers say, "I want you" in bold
letters and feature photographs of minority and women
officers. ’’We wantpopulations thathave beentraditionally
underserved by police and underrepresented in police
departments," said Kay D. Codish, director of training
and education.
Similar recnfitment drives have had mixed results in
San Francisco, Boston and elsewhere, said Penny
Harrington, director of the National Center forWomen&
Policing in Los Angeles and former chief of the Portland,
Ore., police department. "A lot of women and minorities
do not see policing as a place for them. In the media, on
television, they’re frequently shown in subsidiary roles,"
Harrington said. "If an agency is serious, they have to go
out and target."
Hubert Williams, director of the Police Foundation, a
Washington, D.C.-based research organization, said
mistrust of police in some minority communities has
reached crisis proportions because of "racial profiling,"
allegations that police make traffic stops and detain
people based on race. "In order for the police officers to
dotheirjob, they musthavepublic support," saidWilliams,
f6rmer director of police in. Newark, N.J. "You have
" populations that see the police in hostile ways, that
they’re not there to protect and to serve, but to control and
¯ oppress."
." James Mclver of the National Orgamzation of Black
Law Enforcement Executives in Alexandria. Va., said
¯¯ studies show thatapolice force that reflects the community
it serves demographically is less likely to have accusations
¯ of police brutality lodged against it. He pointed to two
¯ recent cases inNew York City. Four police officers have ¯
¯ been charged in the fatal shooting ofAmadou Diallo, an unarmed West African, and four other city officers are
¯ charged with sodomizing a Haitian suspect.
¯ According to the U.S. Justice Department Bureau of ¯
Statistics, there are about664,000 full-timepolice officers
¯ in the country. At the municipal level, the latest figures
: available show that roughly 11% are black, 6% are
¯ Hispanic, and about 9% are women. The federal
¯" government does not keep track of officers’ sexual
"orientation. New Haven’s 447-member department
¯ already is diverse compared to national statistics, with
¯ 39% being minorities and 16% female. ¯
In a newspaper editorial earlier this month, Police
¯ ChiefMelvinWearingsaid thereis noquotaandminorities
¯ don’t get extra points on their applications just for being ¯
who they are. "Our goal is simply to increase the number
of applicants from those groups that, in the past, have not
¯ presented themselves for consideration in substantial
¯ numbers," he said.
¯ However, police union officials have questioned the recruitment effort and some have said they fear white
¯ male candidates will feel unwelcome to apply for the 40
¯ job openings. "Ifyoustartencouraging one certaingroup, ¯
others might feel slighted. We would like to see an open
¯ recnfitment. The key is that tlmy be qualified,’7 said Frank
¯ Lombardi, vice president of the local union. Most, if not
¯ all, police departments say they are "’equal opportunity
¯ employers,"butCodishbelieves lawenforcement agencies must go further by advertising in unlikely places such as
women’s health clinics and day care centers.
Catholics Attack Boston
Partners Benefits
BOSTON (AP) - City paramedic Kay Schmidt works
¯ hardand thinks she deserves healthinsurance benefits for
¯ her familyjust like any other city worker. Butthe Catholic
Action League of Massachusetts says its members don’t
¯ want the city to subsidize Lesbian relationships like ¯ Schmidt’s. The Supreme Judicial Court heard arguments
¯ in the Catholic Action League’s challenge to the city’s
¯ domestic parmer policy. The court’s ruling could affect
¯ Boston and other communities that offer benefits for
¯ domestic partners. Springfield, Northampton, Brookline
¯ and Cambridge also provide domestic partner benefits.
¯ Thequestionbefore the state’ s highest courtwaswhether
Boston had the authority to extendhealth benefits to those
¯ not stipulated by state law. "Providing these health
¯" insurance benefits complements the state law, it certainly
¯ doesn’t defeat its purposes," said Jennifer Levi, of the
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, who argued
¯ before the court on behalf of Schmidt.
¯ Vincent McCarthy, representing the Catholic Action
¯ League of Massachusetts, said the city needed to get
permissionfromthe Legislature, but failed last year when
¯ Gov. Patti Cellucci vetoed the measure. Mayor Thomas
." Menino then signedanexecutive orderputting themeasure
¯ into effect. ’"What they’re trying to do now is an end run
around the Legislature," McCarthy told the court.
¯ McCarthy, counsel for the American Center for Law
¯ and Justice, whichdescribes itsdf as a.nonprofit pro-
" family organization, said the city’s executive order was
¯ legally and morally wrong. "It encourages heterosexual
: and homosexuals to form what, in essence, are common
¯ law relationships which are illegal in Massachusetts, ¯
without the responsibilities of marriage, and really
¯ discourages people from getting married as well,"
¯ McCarthy said. The SJC took the arguments under
¯ advisement.
." Boston defines domestic partners as two people, of at
¯ least 18 years of age, who are not married, but who share
¯ living expenses so that one assumes responsibility for the ¯
¯ welfare of the other. It is not limited to Gay couples.
Schmidt, speaking outside the courthouse with her
¯ partner Diane Pullen and their 8-month-old daughter,
¯ said she was not looking for special privileges as a
: Lesbian, but the benefits her co-workers enjoy. She said
¯ they decided Pullen would stay home with the baby and
their 7-year-old child. They said it was perfect timing
: when the city began offering health benefits for domestic
¯ partners in November. Were they to lose that benefit, the
two women said Pullen would likely have to return to
¯ work and the two would pay for day care for the baby.
Responding to those critical of their"lifestyle," Schmidt
said, "We are two parents rinsing two children. I work,
: we’re a family. There’s no way anybody can deny we’re
a family. And why shouldn’t we have affordable health
insurance like any other family, like your family?"
¯ Federal Hate Crimes Bill Uncertain
¯ WASHINGTON (AP) - Legislation that would broaden
¯ the federal hate crimes law by including offenses based
¯ on sexual orientation faces an uncertain future despite ¯
President Clinton’s call forlawmakers to pass it this year.
: A similar bill, which Clinton also pushed, died in the last
¯ Congress. Neither the House nor the Senate or any of the
¯ appropriatecommittees voted onit. TheWhite Houseand
¯ other supporters hope public outrage over recent well-
" publicized hate crimes will help advance the measure tbis
¯ time around.
: But opposition, however, appears so strong that a lead
¯ sponsor, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., doubts whether
" Congress will approveit. "Wehave to face the reality that
¯ it’ s a very tough sell," Specter, a former local prosecutor,
¯ said in a recent interview. "After a while you can develop
¯ a majority (of votes)but I think we’re a long way from it."
¯ Senate Judiciary Committee hearings are expected later
this month.
At a recent White House ceremony, Clinton said
¯ Congress should pass the bill this year and "send a
: message to ourselves and to the world that we are going
into 21st century determined to preach and to practice
what is right."
The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would add disability,
gender and sexual orientation to federal anti-bias laws
andmakeit easierfor the Justice Department to inveslagate
and prosecute such offenses. Current law prohibits crimes
¯ based on race, color, religion or national origin. Eight
¯ state have no hate crimes laws. Laws in 21 states cover ¯
sexual orientation, 22 state laws include gender and 21
¯ cover disability.
¯ Richard Socarides, Clinton’s civil rights adviser, said
¯ the White House was more optamistic this time because ¯
of public sentiment over the killings and the upcoming
¯ Senate hearings ,The signs are better than ever before,"
¯ he said.
¯ David Smith, spokesman for the Human Rights
Campaign, a Gay and Lesbian political advocacy group,
¯ cited a Gallup poll, conducted in mid-Febrnary, that
¯ found that 70% of the public favors having a hate crimes
: law in their state. ’’We would be very happy for there to
be no need for this legislation," he said.
¯ Some opponents believe federal Intervention is
¯ unnecessary, because states already are prosecuting ¯
¯ allegations of hate crimes, and discriminatory. Social
conservatives,meanwhile, view thebill as creating speci~d
¯ protections for Gays. "By including hate crimes
: enhancement for some groups, the message is that the
¯ government cares more about those victims than other
¯ people," said Robert H. Knight, senior director for cultural
¯ studies at the conservative Family Research council.
¯ Among the recent hate-crime cases:
- In Texas, white supremacist John William King was
: sentenced to death in February for dragging James Byrd
; Jr., who was black, to his death behind a pickup truck in
June 1998. Two other men await trial in the slaying.
¯ - In Wyoming, Russell Henderson, one of two young
¯ men charged in the beating death of Matthew Shepard, a
¯ Gay college student, pleaded guilty Monday to murder
.. andwas se~itencedtotwoconsecudvelifetermsinprison.
¯ - In Alabama, two menface murder charges in the Feb.
¯ 19 killing of Billy Jack Gaither, who was Gay. Police say
¯ he was beaten with an ax handle and burned to death
because he allegedly made a pass at one of the men.
Coburn Calls For "¯ bMealiceGveusffieh,ew, htoohoa, disdecdiedaedd.toSboecowmheena
HIV ProgramAudits "- "medi missiona ,"touredthedis°ase- infested areas of western Kenya 12 years
OKLAHOMA C1TY (AP) - Questions " ago, sheunderstoodhow muchits residents
about spending pmctices and other aspects " were suffering. 1,,was appalled at what,
of federal AIDS/HIV programs have . they didn’t have, said the 75-year-old
prompted U.S. Rep. TomCobumand two plastic surgeonfromNew City,New York.
Republican colleagues to request an audit ¯ She returned home and founded the
of those programs. " Society for Hospital and Resources
Coburn, a practicing physician from Exchange to improve health care for
Oklahoma, House Majority Leader Dick
Armey of Texas and Commerce
Committee Chairman Tom Bliley of "
Virgima sent a letter requesting the audit "
to the General Accounting Office on ¯
Tuesday. They question spending ¯
practices and other aspects of the
"X2ongress has a moral obligation to
those suffering with AIDS/HIV to ensure
thatthenearly$9bilfion directed to federal
AIDS programs is s,p,ent for purpos.~ for
this it is intended, Coburn said m a
prepared statement. "Over the past five
years I have encountered too many
instances where federal AIDS/HIV funds
have been misused."
In addition to requesting any evidence
on misuse Of federal AIDS funds, the
letter requests a report on whether
disparities existinAIDS funding regarding
race or gender, what criteria are used to
determineAIDS Drug AssistancePro.gra~.
distributions and whether tkose criteria
favor any particular region, and
information regarding compliance with
federal laws within the programs..
Other requests madein theletterinclude
information on how much money fromfederal
AIDS programs is used to pay for
overhead and other non-care related
activities rather than on direct treatment
of patients.
Black Men 7x More " passioninitandputssomuchenergyint°
it, that probably impressed me more than
Likely For AIDS " anything," Violante said.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Public " Violanteesdmatedhehadtrainedabout
health officials are sounding an alarm, for
Alabamablack males,whoare seventtmes
more likely than white males (o contract
the virus that causes AIDS. The,
Department of Public Health, which held
a news conference last month to discuss
the problem, said the spread of the disease
has reachedcrisis proportions amongblack
The dan,g,er .lies in the f.ac,t that. m~any
blacksdon tknow they areimected, they
might believe the disease is still one of
homosexual white males, said Jane
Cheeks, AIDS director at the state Health
Department. A former public health
worker in Jefferson County, Ms. Cheeks
recalled working with the first people i,n
Birminghamto be affectedby HIV, which
causes AIDS. Most were homosexual
white males.
Thediseaseis now strikingmoreheax[ily
among blac.k.la.e.te.lu.~ezx-uals ¯ "We’re seeing
this as aleading causeofdeathfor African-
American males ages 25 to 44, and that’ s
got to stop," she said. She said the state
has spen{ $1.6 million On HIV/AIDS
education programs since 1993, but more
must be done. "It’s not working," she
said. "Weneed to join commumty efforts
to address this at a local level."
HIV Fight in Kenya
KISUMU, Kenya (AP) - Dr. Martha
,’Bobby"MacGuffiehas knownpain.Two
of her sons died of the AIDS they
contractedfromblood transfusions. Their
older brother, crushed by the deaths,
disappeared into a haze of drugs. She
¯ westemKenyaby sta_,aing clinics, donating
medical equipment and educating
residents how to avoid disease. Kenya’s
government provides little medical care
for many rural districts, leaving private
groups like SHAREto care,f0r the _ps~o.pl,e.
Inrecognition ofSHARE s work, Lion s
¯ Club International named MacGnffie its
1998 Humanitarian of theYear, anhonor
¯ previously given to Mother Teresa and
¯ Jimmy Carter. The award comes with a
$200,000 grant.
¯ On a recent trip, she and other SHARE
¯ volunteersfromNewYorktreatedpatients
and sprinkled donations throughout
" Nyanza province, about 160 miles (250
". kms) west of the capital, Nairobi. They
¯ gave money to expand a local hospital.
¯ They paid the school fees for AIDS
orphans. They donated drugs to treat
children wit.h, disfiguring Birkitts
Lvmphoma. "It s a greater need here than
~.,h....l~e" said Eleanore Schafer, a
N’~e~v~’~]t~y’;o~ial worker who set. up
¯ SHARE’s program for sponsoring
~ David Violante, a paramedic from
Wallkill, New York, was on his fifth visit
¯ to train Kenyans in emergency medical ¯
¯ techniques. HemetMacGuffie nine years
when she taught a course for his
¯ paramedics class, andthree years later she
¯ persuadedhimand threeotherparamedics
¯ to visit Kenya. "She just has so much
500 local paramedics and brought over
hundreds of thousands of doll.ars worth of
] donated backboards, stretchers, cervical
¯ collars and other trauma equipment.
MacGuffiehas spent millions here, she
~ said, wheedling donations from drug
¯. companies, civic groups and corporations.
¯ Shehas raised.tens of thousands ofdollars ¯ from her Rockland County neighbors and
¯ collected single dollars fromchildren she ¯
lectured to at schools. She remains
determined to continue working inKenya
¯ as tong as Americans support her.
¯, Editor’s Note: SHARE, c/o Martha
MacGuffie, 591 S. Mountain Rd., New
City, New York. USA, 10956.
Dentist Settles
HIV Bias Lawsuit
BOSTON (AP) -A dentist and his office
manager will pay a combined $60,000 for
allegedly committing Medic~’,"dfr,aud and
discriminating against people who were
HIV-positive, the attorney general’s office
said. Dr. Guillermo Recinos, 38, and
Yolanda Jereidini, 46, were sued in civil
¯ court in October 1998 by the attorney
¯ general’s office. They were accused of
~ violating federal discrimination laws by
refusing to treat patients who were HIV-
¯ They also allegedly told employees not ¯
¯ to take patients who wereHIV-positive at
their clinic in the city’s Jamaica Plain
¯ neighborhood. When one dentist in the
¯ office took a patient who was HIVpositive,
Recinos andJereidinididn’tgive
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Are You Gay or Bisexual?
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Tulsa’s Two-Spirited Indian Men s _
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¯ Evening support group meetings
Relationship workshops
¯ Short trips, outings and retreats
¯ Free HIV testing
For information call Tulsa Native Amencan AI DS Prevention Project
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1515 S. Lewis
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¯ Our Fees Are Negotiable ¯
Serving a Diverse Commum"ty
the dentist an assistant, and forced him to
clean his own instruments, Attorney
General Tom Reilly’s office said.
Recinos was also accused by Reilly’s
office of engaging in Medicaid fraud
between September 1994 and December
1998. He was accused of misrepresenting
his services, billing for services that
weren’t reimbursable through Medicaid
and engaging in duplicate billing.
Recinos and Jereidini have denied the
allegations and, inreaching the settlement,
did not admit wrongdoing. Their clinic
~emains open. The partners will split a
$20,000fmeapprovedby SuffolkSuperior
Court judge Diane Kottmyer in the
discrimination case. An $11,550 portion
of the fine will be distributed to 77
Medicare recipients in payments of $150
each. The remaining $8,450 will be
donated to the Battered Children and
Women’s program at the Elizabeth Stone
House in Jamaica Plain. Under the terms
ofthe Medicaidfraud settlementapproved
by Kottmyer, Recinos alone will pay
$40,000 in civil penalties and restitution.
So. African Women
Criticize Govt.
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) -
Women’s groups criticized the South
African government Thursday for failing
to provide medical treatment they say
could help prevent victims of rape from
contracting the AIDS virus from their
The activists are demanding the
government provide rape victims with a
three-drug cocktail of AZT, 3TC and a
protease inhibitor Crixovan. The threedrug
cocktail is available for $820 on the
¯ private market, which represents five
¯ months of wages for an average South
¯ African.
¯¯ The Centers for Disease Control and
¯ Prevention in Atlanta recommends the
three-drug therapyforhealthcare workers
¯ who have been exposed to HIV through
¯ contaminated needles because some ¯
studies have found AZT alone has
prevented themfromcontracting the virus.
"The state has removed the death
¯ sentence" for crime, said Johannesburg
: journalist Charlene Smith. "Now we are
: asking them to remove the death sentence
¯ for rape survivors." Smith, who wrote
¯ recently about being raped and her ¯
attempts afterward to obtainAIDS-related
¯ medical treatment, spoke at a news
conference sponsoredby women’s groups
: who represent rape victims.
: Doctors and others have also
¯ complained about a decision by South
¯ Africa’s Health Ministry last year to shut ¯
¯ down pilot projects to treat HIV-positive expectant mothers in the last month of
: pregnancy with AZT, which reportedly
can reduceby half the transmission rate of
: HIV to newborns.
¯ A womanin South Africa is three times
¯ morelikely to be raped than in the United
¯ States, and South African men are much
: more likely to be infected with HIV, the
¯ virus that causes AIDS, said Nthabiseng
Mogale, head of People Opposed to
WomenAbuse. SouthAfricanwomenare
: entitled to treatment as a human right,
¯ Mogale said.
¯ One in eight South African adults is ¯
infected with HIV. The rate is tWice that
." for pregnant women, the government has
said. Police say about 65,000 women and
¯ girls are assaultedevery year, but activists
insist the number is much higher.
Excellence And
Care S nce
I P Medical Excellence. Compassionate Care
¯ Botswana, South Africa’s wealthier
" neighbor to the north, has introduced free
¯ AZT treatment for infants born to HIV-
¯ positive mothers, said Vicki Ehrich ¯
spokeswomanfor Glaxo Wellcome, which
¯ produces AZT.
Glaxo Wellcome wants to supply the
¯ South African government with the drug
¯ for $65 perbirth, orone-third ofits market
¯ price. But the government says that’s too
: expensive. ’°We cannot afford this type of
intervention," said Khangelani
¯ Hlongwane, spokesman for the South
¯ African Health Ministry.
¯ Physicians at state-rim hospitals have ¯
clashed with the government on theissue.
¯ ’oWe’re trying to convincethegovernment
¯ that it’s actually cost effective," said Dr.
¯ Avy Violari, a pediatrician at Chris Hani
: Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto.
." The United Nations AIDS program
¯ estimates that about 600,000 HIV ¯
¯ infections are spread during childbirth
worldwide, butnofigures for SouthAfrica
." were available. Transmission of HIV
¯ through sexual assault has been less ¯
studied, partlybecause rape and AIDS are
¯ not as widespreadin Europeand the United
: States, wheremostresearchis carried out,
¯ Smith said.
:$ for HIV Falling
Behind Its Spread
¯ GENEVA (AP) - Spending by donor
: countries to combat AIDS in developing
~ countries is failing to keep pace with the
¯ spreadofthe disease, now infecting nearly
¯ 6 millionpeople worldwide each year, the
¯ United Nations said recently.
¯ "it is alarming that AIDS is expanding
three times faster than the funding to
control it," said Dr. Peter Piot, executive
director of UNAIDS, the Joint U.N.
Program on HIV/AIDS. Piot called on
industrialized nations to do more to fight
the disease in developing countries.
The agency said wealthy countries’
support for the global fight against AIDS
IS being vastly outpacedby the epldennc,
which has infected47 million people over
the past two decades. That figure includes
those who have already died from the
disease and those hying with HIV, the
AIDS-causing virus.
Funding to fight AIDS in developing
countries was $273 million in 1997, less
than double the $165 million spent in
1990, it said. During the same period, the
number of people living with HIV around
the worldmore than tripled to 30.3 million
from 9.8 million.
UNAIDS said a study by the Harvard
University School of Public Health found
the United States was "by far the largest
tnbutor to the lnternat~onal campaign,
giving $135.2 million-in 1997. But it said
that other countries ranked higher when
their contributions weremeasured against
the size of their economies. Norway gave
$93 for each $1 million ofits gross national
product; the Netherlands gave $92.
Denmark was third at $52 per 1 million of
its gross national product, followed by
Swedenat $49. Australiagave $31, Canada
$21, Britain $19, Belgium $18, United
States $17, Finland $10, Switzerland and
Germany $6 and Japan $2.
Industrialized countries are spending
less than 1% of their development aid on
the fight against AIDS, according to
UNAIDS. ’oWeighed against the global
catastrophe of the AIDS epidemic, the
level of spending for HIV prevention
around the world is minimal," Piot said.
He said in order for any aid to benefit
¯ developing countries, more money needs
to be given to fight AIDS.
UNAIDS says 95% of the people living
¯ with the AIDS virus are in developing
¯ countries, most of them in Africa. ¯
Agency officials said developing
." countries are also contributing to the
¯ campaign against AIDS. The study ¯
showed domestic spending varied from a
low of 8% in the Caribbean and 9% in
¯ Africa to 57% in Asia, 67% in Latin
America and 79% in Eastern Europe.
¯ Economics Making
:HIV Fight Harder
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Asia’s
economic crisis is worsening Thailand’s
¯ AIDS crisis, experts said, predicting that
¯ more than 100,000 Thai children will be
." orphaned by the disease by the end of the
¯ year 2000.
¯ Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai,
¯ opening Thailand’s annualNationalAIDS
¯ Seminar, told hundreds ofresearchers and
¯ health workers that the government will
¯ scrimp to findnow-scarce funding to keep
the AIDS epidemic under control.
¯ But Wirut Poolcharoen, a Health
." Ministry official, acknowledged that
¯ Thailand’s government does not know ¯
how to cope with an expected explosion
¯ in the number ofAIDS orphans. Most are
taken care of by their grandparents or
other family members. "The number of
¯ orphans whose parents die of AIDS will
¯ double by the end ofthe year 2000,"Wirnt
¯ said. "The government does not yet know ¯
how to carry such a huge burden to ensure
¯ the well-being of these children."
¯" Statisticians at Mahidol University
released a report showing that in 1997, the
¯ year that recession struck Thailand and
: much of Southeast Asia, the country had
34,349 AIDS orphans, about a quarter of
them under age five. By the end of 2000,
the report predicts the total figure will be
¯ 116,508childrenorphanedbyAIDS,with
30,845 of them under five¯
Acquiredimmunedeficiency syndrome
claimed 51,000 lives in Thailand in 1997
alone, according to research presented by
¯ Bangkok’s prestigious Chulalongkorn
University. Death figures were not
¯ available for 1998. "It takes years for
~ p.eople to realize they have contracted the
¯ virus, and its consequences are thereby
affecting quality of life of their family
¯ members and of society as a whole,"Wirnt
¯ In the early years after AIDS was
discovered, Thailand refused to
¯ acknowledge it had a single case of the
disease, fearing damage to the lucrative
¯ prostitution industry that is a mainstay both of tourism and the sex lives of many
¯ Thai men. A change of attitude coupled
¯ with aggressive condom distribution and ¯
¯ education programs brought the epidemic
somewhatundercontrolbythemid_ 1990s,
¯ but the gains are eroding due to cuts in the
¯ health budget in ’the recession-era
economy. The government’s spending on
¯ AIDS pre~iention has fallen about 25% to
¯ 1.4 billion baht ($39 miillion) Since 1997.
¯ Thailandneeds toprepareitselftohandle ¯
the social and economic consequences of
: AIDS and the HIV virus that leads to it,
¯ said Supachai Kunarattanapruek, an
¯ adviser to the Health Ministry.
Though Thailand spends little on long-
: term care for AIDS sufferers, the country
will pay a high price for the loss of
¯ economically active people, experts said.
About two-thirds of the country’s AIDS
¯ sufferers are 25-39 years old, their prime
¯ working years.
It’s the end of the season but things are ¯ relationship between the artist and patron,
hardly slowing down. Tulsa Opera will ¯ and includes the museum’s patron,
end its season with our favorite opera, " Thomas Gilcrease who with John D.
Mozart’s Magic Flute. Performances are : Rockefeller, Jr. was a patron of artist
May 1,6 &8 at 8pm, except onThursday, ¯ JosephHenry Sharp. Formoreinformation
the6thandare or directions
in the Chap- Designer Showcase to the
man Music museum, call
Hall. This 596-2700 or
work, in visit the
German with website at
translations www~
shown above T u 1 s a
the stage, has Philharmonic
not been seen will wrap up It
in Tulsa in Chamber
more thanl0 Classics
years and the season with
cast looks to pieces by
be excellent. Bizet, Ravel
It is, of course and Haydn on
a fairy tale, May 7th at the
complete with Waiters Arts
an evil queen, 319 East 21st Street Center at
and of course, Holland Hail
we can all relate to that, can’t we? Don’t " School. Three local Episcopal choirs are
miss it. ¯ featured, Saint John’s, Saint Dtmstan’s
Switchinggearsfromtheartstoreligion, ¯ and Trinity’s. For tickets and moreinfo.,
those radical, free thinking, wild eyed " call 747-7445.
liberals, those Presbyterians are going to ¯ Also, check out the Philharmonic’s
havethenationalconferencefortheMore ¯ DesignerShowcaseat319East21stStreet.
Light Presbyterians (the official,ly Gay- : It’s a great way to see what the latest in
friendly ones) in Oklahoma’City at " high "foofI3"’ and decorating is and to
OklahomaCityUniversity’sAngieSmith ," support a great organizatxon. This is the
Memorial Chapel, NW 23rd and 26th year for the showcase and the 50th
Blackwelder, onMay21-23. Theprogram : year for the Philharmonic. Tickets are $10
begins with a dinner and worship service ¯ and it’s open Tues. to Sat. from 10-4pro
at 6pm on Friday. Workshops are : and Thurs. from l0-8pm, Sundays l-4pm
scheduledfrom8amto 10pmonSaturday ¯ but don’t get ther after 3pm or 7pm on
and Sunday will be devoted to a"ministry ¯ Thurs. if you want to get in. FYI, no
of presence." Speakers include Chris ¯
cameras and it’s not handicapped
Glaser, Janie Spahr, Scott Anderson and accessible.
more.Info:JohnMcNeese,405-848-2819 " Finally ourregular entertaiment writer
or john33 @ix.netcom.com , shares the following with credit to "News
Moving to the arts but still with a " oftheWeird"andofcourse, Rolling Stone:
religious theme, Philbrook Museum opens : "Prominent ’Christian’ radical right
an Italian Old Masters drawing exhibit in psychologist Patti Cameron told Rolling
May.TheexhibitfeaturesworksbyCrespi, Stone magazine that he feared Gay sex
Luti, Cambiaso andCantafiniandTiepolo would supplant heterosexual sex unless a
and will hang from May 9 to Sept. 12. vigilant society repressed it. ’Marital sex
Philbrook is at 2727 Rockford Rd. tends toward the boring,’ he said.
Gilcrease Museum continues to ’Generally, it doesn’t deliver the kind of
eelebrateits50thanniversarywithashow sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual
opening on May 16th. ’q’aos Artists and sex does.’ ’If all one seeks is an orgasm,’
Their Patrons,1898 -1950" was organized he said, ’the evidence is that men do a
by the Snite Museum at Notre Dame U. betterjobonmen, andwomenonwomen.’
but draws on the collections at the Metro- ’Homosexuality,’ he said, ’seems too
politan, the Museum of Fine Arts in Santa powerful to resist.’ "
Fe, the Harwood Museum of the Amazing. Time to set up more
University of New Mex-ico in Taos, recruitment stations. With publicity like
Chicago’s Art Institute and more. The this,ourplantorulethewofldwillproceed
show parti-cularly explores the much faster... - TFN editors
TOHR & Cimarron Alliance
A Black Tie Optional Dinner
US Congressman
Barney Frank
4th District, Massachusetts
Saturday, June 12, 1999
Greenwood Cultural Center
322 North Greenwood
Dinner and cash bar cocktails: $50
Dinner and cocktails with the Congressman: $125
Information: 743-4297
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art
410 W. Boyd
The University of OklaSoma
TULSA-TheCouncil OakMen’s Chorale
will present it’s spring concert "MUSIC"
to be held on May 7 and 8, 1999, at All
Soul’s Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria.
Concerts on both evenings will begin at 7
Advance tickets are available from The
Pride Store, chorale members or by
contacting the COMC Ticket Office at
585-COMC. Tickets will alsobeavailable
atthedoor. Tickets areS 10.00andadvance
purchase is recommended due to sdl-out
audiences at previous events.
The program will feature a variety, of
musicfrom"Swell the Full Chorus"by G.
F. Handel, to 60’s sensation’q’umArotmd,
Look at Me". "Our audiences have come
to expect the Standard choral repertoire
¯ with an occasional twist of humor that
¯ only the men of Council Oak can do so
¯ eloquently.., trust me, concert-goers will
not be disappointed," said Rick Former,
¯ Jr., Artistic Director.
¯ Recently, members of Council Oak
Men’s Chorale performed on the floor of
¯ the Oklahoma State House of
¯ Representatives as a lobbying effort for
¯ passage of House Bill 1211. The work
performed there, ’Wile Voice," was an
¯ original composition by chorale member
: Greg Davis, and will also be given its
¯ concert premiere on May 7 & 8.
-" . Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy an
¯ evening of beautiful and exciting music
¯ performed by Tulsa’s all-male chorus, ¯
Council Oak Men’s Chorale.
Jg t,
3pm toSpm
1247 Si Harvard, Tulsa, NearTO
BEGINS@ 10:00 AM @ 38th & PEORIA
Sing Out, Sing Out,
Wherever You Are!
Our voices comfort those in pain
Our voices combat oppression
Our voices educate the ignorant
Our voices inspire
Our voices win freedom
The Council Oak Men’s
Chorale is a dedicated
group of gay men
united to present a
positive image
for ourselves,
our community
and society as a whole
through excellence in
the performance
of choral music.
Open Rehearsal Monday, May 17, 7 PM
Hope Unitarian Church
-For information on becoming a member
call (918) 585-COMC
Now it is time for our voices to be heard.
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pro, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - llam, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restorhtion Unitarian Universalist
Service - 11am, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United
Service, llam, 1023 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa BisexuaULesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pro, Info: 585-COMC (2662)
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 6pm, call Shawn at 243-5190.
I!IV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous tesdng. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date~ 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pro, 2545 S. Yale
Multienltural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd fl
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIT Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, tst Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope, 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd fl.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group
Call for info: Mary at 743-6740, Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization.
Long and short rides. Write for info: PUB 9165, Tulsa, OK 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Reviewed b2 Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Major publishers are finally beginning
to recognize the importance of lavender
money! Thepopular series ofJ. K. Lasser’s
financial guides now includes Gay and
Lesbian topics, and none too
soon. It is often mentioned, by
political friends andfoes alike,
that Gays and Lesbians have a
lot of expendable income.
Here is a book to help you
put together a rosy financial
future, regardless ofhow much
money you’re making right
Through aseries of charts
and sample worksheets, you’ll
learnhow toprepareforbuying
a house, starting a business,
saving for a vacation and, yes,
retirement. Although many
people share similar financial
goals, Lesbians and Gay men
need to approach the topic
differently than straight
¯ people. The most obvious
concerns are the legal barriers
that prevent Gay andLesbian
couples from participating in
the financial benefits of
.marriage. In addition, most
rnsurance and benefit
programs do not yet include
same sex couples.
Although some people are
not planning to retire, some of
us are! There~sagoodchapteronpreparing
for retirement. (Hint: As youalready know,
the earlier you start, the easier it will be.)
The scary part of this is estimating how
long you’ll live after retirement, and how
much income you will need. The charts to
determine these figures are fairy simple,
I can no longer accept the personal risk
my participation on the Board requires. I
hope that my colleagues, many of whom
are working very hard and responsibly,
will push for information and
accountability in the planning process.
In dosing, I want to assure you that the-
Task Force will be visible at the
Millennium March on Washington to
encourage Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgendered people from around the
country to continue their work through
state andlocal organizing. They will come
to Washington to experience thepower of
gathering in their nation’s capital, to feel
strength in numbers, and to create a show
of force for the GLBT community. We
will be persistent in our efforts to ensure
that the energy and momentum of the
March cames to local communities. The
fmancial commitments madebythe March
.Board to organizations dedicated to
statewide organizingand people of color
organizing could:be the finest legacy the
March will leave to our movement.
If significant changes are made in the
March planning and organizing, the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
will gladly considerrejoining theplanning
efforts for the Millennium March on
Washington. In the meantime, we will
advocate for the inclusibn of our entire
community in the March process and for
the linking ofour agenda to those of other
movements for social justice. We hope
¯ although you will need to check with the
¯ Social Security Administration to
¯ determine your probable Social Security
¯¯ benefits during retirement.When youplug
the numbers in, you’ll probably be
¯ horrified toseehow muchmoney, adjusted
¯ for inflation, you will need for a
Although many
similar f’inanelal
goals, Lesbians
and Gay men
need to
approael~ t]ae
topic dffIerently
tha. straiSht
~ple. The
concerns are
that prevent
Gay and
"~ouvl~ from
the flnanelal
benefit~ .o~
comfortable retirement. Start
saving right now !
Achieving your financial
goals is never easy, and rarely
fun. There is a chapter on
investing money in mutual
funds, stocks,moneymarkets,
etc., thatis sure to please all of
you business majors and
numbercrunchers. For therest
of us, however, it is
astonishingly boring, but
necessary reading.
Different insurance situations
(life, property, auto,
disability) are also addressed,
as is the inevitable topic of
estate planning. As difficult as
it may be, it is necessary for
every individual to have a
valid, up to date will. The
possible legal disputes that
arisefrompoorestate planning
canquickly wipe out any assets
you may have built. Don’t let
it happen to you, or your
significant other!
Although the topic is never
muchfun, it is vitally important
that everyone, regardless of
orientation, age or marital
: status, address their financial planning
needs. This is a good, basic book to help
you start thinking about the unthinkable.
." Cheek for this title and others on similar
¯ topics at your local library, or call the
Readers Services departmentatthe Central
~ Library at 596-7966.
: theseissues will be reflected in the March
: planning and agenda.
¯ - Kerry Lobel, Executive Director
MaineTown Passes
Rights Protections
¯ FALMOUTH, Maine (AP) - The Town
¯ Council has unammously adopted an
¯ ordinance that bars discrimination based
¯ on sexual orientation, but a conservative
¯ activists says he will try to overturn the
: decision in a June referendum. The 7-0
¯ vote followed remarks by speakers on
¯ both sides of the civil-rights issue.
¯ Mark Finks, a leader of the opposition,
: vowed to continue a petition campaign
¯ that would seek to overulrn the ordinance ¯
in a June election.
¯ Councilor Jacob Manheimer said he
¯ wouldnot be intimidated by Finks’ threat. ¯
"Let’s adopt the ordinance, but put it
¯ squarely to the people if they want to
¯ repeah"t,"he stu" d. CouncM" orJohnHobson
¯ said the vehemence of the ordinance’s
¯ opponents convinced him the law was
." necessary. Councilor Dolores Vail told
." the crowd ofnearly 50people that she has
¯ a grown Gay son who straggled with his
¯ identity as a teen-ager. She said shehoped
¯ the ordinance will help families accept
." Gay members and stop "people beating
¯ upontheirchildrenanddisowuing them."
¯ The ordinance prohibits discrimination
." based.on sexual orientation in areas of
¯ employment, housing, credit, education
¯ and public accommodations.
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by Mary Schepers, Do-It-Yoursdf-Dyke
EditoJ"s note: last month the Do-It-
Yourself-Dyke advised us on refurbishing
your kitchen cabinets. This column looking
at updating your kitchen counters.
Now that you’ ve gotten ),our cupboards
in the kitchen all spruced up, it’s amazing
how, well. dingy the counter
tops look now. And the sink
looks about as stained as
Redneck Bubba’s teeth, what
there are of them. That’s the
down-side of a drawn out,
stage by stage renovation -
until you’re finished, youjust
have to putup with it. Hm, that
sounds like a straight girl’s
commentary on sex, but we
just won’t go there.
Instead, we’ll go to the old
drawing board and look at our
options for counter tops. As
usual, it will be time to review
the budget and sharpen the old
pencil when it comes down to
making your choice. The
constraints of this column
don’t allow me to teach you
about installing prelaminated
counter tops or tiling, but
fortunately, there are several
large home improvement
stores who will help you out
with classes and videos, so for
the skilled and intrepid, your
¯ options- and savings- will be
greater. And strictly from an
aesthetic view point, there are
usually lots of other ’Tamily" there, so
happy cruising. Honey, they don’t call it
"Homo" Depot for nothin’.The DIYD
blushes to admit that more than tool lust
carries her thither on a regular basis.
But yourDIYD digresses. Yes, you can
call in Surface Doctor or a resurfacing
company of that ilk, butby the time it’ s all
said and done, you might just as wall pay
for a new surface. Of course, check it out
anyway, but please review your options
before buying.Dating should be the same
way, but hopefully, you’ll show a bit
more discipline - if you’re the impetuous
sort. So that leaves you with the option of
removing the oldcounter top andreplacing
it with prdaminated counters, or tiling
over the old laminate, if it is only ugly but
not warped or popping up. You can also
remove the old counter top, replace the
surface and tile from scratch, but why
don’t we save that kind of labor for later?
The easiest optionmaybe replacing the
counter tops. If you have a relatively
uncomplicated lay out, with counters no
more than 10 foot long at a run, then you
can go and buy the counter top from a
largehomeimprovement store. Some will
do themitercut and cutouts for sink,range
or whatever; others won’t, but can
recommend someone who will do two
miters [one comer] and a sink cutout for
about $40,whichisn’tbad:Itis remarkably
easy to install these counters yourself if
YcoachOUhave a simple L, and the store will
youonwhatto do. The backsplashes
come pre-rolled inmost cases, so you can
finish them off with a smart little bead of
If your counter top layout is more
complicated or longer, you will have to
have the counter tops custom made, and
possibly even installed by a contractoI
butthat will bepartof yourreview process.
: Tiling over is an option if the counter is
¯ basically sound - the base must be
: absolutely sound and solid to work.
: Darlings, I know some of us prefer to be
more loose and fluid, but save that
viewpoint for the finer things in life. Once
again, yourhomeimprove-ment store will
bemore than happy to help out And strletly
from an
aesthetle v~ew
point, there are
usually lots of
other "fatally"
there, so
happy erulsln~.
Honey, they
don’t call it
"Homo" Depot
for nothln’.
blushes to
admit that
more than tool
lust earrles her
tldther on a
regular basis.
with classes, advice and other
resources - they want to sell
you the materials, remember?
Keep in mind when buying
the tile that if you go with
lower-end, cheaper tiles fethe
most part and then use the
horrendously expensive
accent tiles, the job will be
more economical overall, and
quite attractive, to boot. You
will be applying a thinset
mortar, then your tiles and
then grouting the next day.
Consider using a darker grout,
or avoid white all together,
because darlings,itjustdoesn’, t
age well, even after sealing
the grout. And if you tile, you
will seal the grout, won’t you?
The DIYD does not tolerate
whining from those who
choose not to follow her sage
wisdom. The DIYD cannot
recommend highly enough
that you buy a long level and
using it for setting up your
lines. Also, lay out the tiles
dry and see if a little
rearranging of the cross lines
, won’t make for an easier job. Sometimes
¯ working off of true center is not best,
: especially if you’re cutting tiny pieces of
¯ Realizing she hasn’t been of much
: practical help at all, the DIYD wishes you
: a fond bon voyage on your trip to the
¯ home improvement center until she
: astounds and amazes youagainnextmonth
: when she has you on your knees on the
floor. The mere thought of it makes her
¯ purr with anticipation...
¯" Hispanic and Native American Women
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~ HIV Programs for Women: A Fdnder’s
¯ Perspective. ’This conference will allow
~ us a chance to look at the progress thathas
~ been made over the years, and the
¯ challenges which still confront us when
~ dealing with women and AIDS," says
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¯ Call 585-5551 ext. 231 to receive an
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¯ 585-5551.
Workshop topics will include: Breaking
the Silence - White, Mrican American,
by Esther Rothblum. Ph.D. . Research begins to happen when the
There has been some speculation about : governmentputs funds behindit, andright
whether Lesbians are at higher or lower ¯ now the Institute of Medicine of the
riskforbreastcaneerthanareheterosexual : National Academy of Science has
women. Buttherehasbeenlittleresearch. ;. publishedareportOnLesbianhcalthwhich
Now Dr. Deborah Bowen, a
psychologist at the Fred
Center and a member of the
Lesbian Health Research
¯ Institute, is conducting
includes Lesbians.
"Five years ago, this was
guess-work; there was no
data," shetoldme in a recent
interview. "At my Cancer
Center, we do a lot of
research about the causes of
breast cancer and how to
prevent breast cancer. There
are many experts on breast
cancer, so I had a lot of
colleagues I could talk to
about my ideas about
Lesbians andbreast cancer."
In talking with Lesbians,
Dr. Bowen realized that the
commonperception was that
breast cancer was more
frequent among Lesbians
and that perception was
frightening to Lesbians. As
a scientist, she knew there
was no proof yet one way or
the other. "That’s when I
beganthinking thatwecould
make some in-roads into
this," she said, "either by
collecting new data on
Lesbians or else by including questions
about sexual orientation into existing
studies." Dr. Bowen has done both - she
has written research grants to fund studies
specifically onLesbians andbreast cancer
and also begun to examine sexual
orientationin somelarge-scale community
surveys on hundreds of thousands of
"Thebiggestriskfactorforgetting breast
cancer is being a woman," Dr. Bowen
said, "and the second biggest risk factor is
age. Even though we hear a lot about
younger women getting breast cancer, it
is really a disease of older women. And
the problem is that very few people have
studied older women who are past
menopause. So wedon’ t evenknow much
about breast cancer in womenin general."
Other risk factors for breast cancer are
having a family history of breast cancer.
"Having a close or even a distant relative
who has had breast cancer is now known
to ~put women at higher risk for breast
c~._cer, but we don’t know much about
why this is so," Dr. Bowen continued.
"Much of the research has focused on
women Who have multiple relatives with
breast cancer~ but that only accounts for
abOut 4% of all women. What about the
womanwhohada great-atmtMatildawho
had breast cancer? How does Aunt
Matilda’ s breast cancer transfer to her?"
Cancer researchers are also. beginning
to learn more about environmental
exposures, "the toxins, chemicals, and
maybe even the radiation that we
experience, some ofit naturally occurring
and some it put there by technology" as
Dr. Bowen described it, "but we don’t
how andwedon’ tknow whenthe exposure
to these environmental factors has to occur
inorder tobecomeariskforbreastcancer."
The theory goes
that ff Lesbians
have a harder
tlme finding
affordable and
then they may he
less likely to have
or to interact with
a health provider
in a Way that
would help with
early diagnosis.
So it may be that
Lesbians aren’t at
hi’her risk for
breast eaneer, just
that Lesbians
don’t get good
health eare . . .
will stimulate research on
Lesbian health issues. Dr.
Bowen said: "It’ s expensive
to do this kind of research.
You have to have lots of
money to call up 20,000
women, and with breast
cancer you have to call a lot
of women in order to reach
somewhohave thedisease."
Dr. Bowen’s research team
now asks about sexual
orientation inboth paper and
pencil surveys and in
telephone interviews. They
ask this in two ways - by
asking about identity (do
women identify as
heterosexual, bisexual,
Lesbian, or other) and also
by asking about sexual
behavior. "ffwe only ask the
former, we lose women who
have sex with women but
don’t identify as Lesbian,
and .if we just ask about
sexual behavior we lose
womenwho are notcurrently
sexually active," she
Dr. Bowen thinks there
are two camps of thoughts in
the Lesbian community
about breast cancer. ,One
has to do with reproductive
¯ factors. FewerLesbians have children than
¯ do heterosexual women. The ’fewer’ can
¯ range from about 36% to about 60% of
Lesbians whohave had children. Whereas
¯¯ with heterosexual women it’s actually
quitehigh-between 80-90% of all women
¯ havehad children. Nothaving had children
: or having had children late aright be a
¯ factor in developing breast cancer.
¯ Pregnancy might cease certain hormones
¯ that are linked to the development of
¯ breast cancer."
~ "The other camp of thought has to do
with access to reliable, good, open, access
¯ to health care," Dr. Bowen said, "and
¯ Lesbians may not have such access. We ¯
know that if cancer is caught at a later
¯ stage when it has had more chance to
¯ growandspreadtootherpartsofthebody,
¯ it’ s harder to treat and can’t be treated as
~ wall. The theory goes that if Lesbians
: have a harder time finding affordable and
," affirmative check-ups, then they may be
¯ less likely to have m~mmograms or to ¯
interact with a health provider in a way
¯ that wouldhelp with early diagnosis. Soit
¯ may be that Lesbians arCh’ t at higher risk ¯
for breast cancer, just that Lesbians don’t
get good health care and are likely to be
¯ diagnosed with breast cancer at a later
¯ stage when it is harder to treat."
¯" I asked Dr. Bowen what she would
¯ reconamend that health care professionals
¯ do to increase the comfort of Lesbian
¯ patients. Her suggestions: "The person
: who comes to a doctor has to trust that
¯ doctor and she has to feel comfortable
¯ bringing scary problems to that doctor.
¯ And I’m hypothesizing that one of the
~ problems bringing up sexual orientation
: in a health care setting is that you aright
¯ feel okay saying you have a cold or a
: stomach ache, see Psyche, p. 13
Calmlem3b4er1.686’6[ .~~.~~
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by Lamont Lindstrom. Ph.D. ¯ romantic attraction and love is indeed an
Ahinad is looking for a boyfriend in " alien idea in societies where families
¯ originateonlythrougharrangedmamages.
rural farnilv he immigrated to the US a ¯ Like Parivaraj’s Gay schoolboys,
few years Ego. Ahinad telephones home " Ahrnad, some-how, has also learned to
regularly to talk with his desire a boyfriend. Sex on the
parents and sisters. He misses
his family but he’s not going
back. His parents expect him
to marry and if he returns to
Pakistan he knows he ..would
find tfimself quickly caught up
in an arranged mamage with
some woman selected by his
father. So he remains in San
Francisco, despite his homesickness,
hoping to arrange his
ownmamage- but withaman.
Ahmad’ s problem is shared
by the characters of a recently
publishednovel that deals with
Gay lifein India, P. Parivaraj’ s
~restern stories
of romantic
love, and the
emergence of a
separate Gay
identity are
notions that
have spread
Shiva and Arun. In this book, a group of
Hindu and Muslim schoolboys face
difficult challenges related to their
homosexuality. They can only be honest
with each other about their desires that
they hide from family and even their
closest friends.
After leaving school, one is fired when
his boss discovers his sexual orientation.
All of them are pressured by family to
marry and have children. One is rejected
by his father when he refusesto do so.
Another gives in and is only able to have
awkwardsex withhis new wifeby thinking
-. of his boyfriend. He soon kills himsdf.
Marriage has failed to quell his
homosexual desire.
I discussed Shiva and Arun with a Gay
colleague who has lived in India. Based
on his experience (some of thi.s rather
intimate), .my colleague argued that the
novel’ s tragic suicide is unbelievable. He
has met hundreds of happily married
homosexual Indian men who juggle
parallel lives with wife and children in
public, and discrete sexual encounters with
men in private. Almost all Indian and
Pakistani men - whether they desire
womenormen- marry without complaint
as the normal, human thing to do. Those
who want sex withmen can easily pick up
partners by cruisi,ng in appropriate places.
Stephen Murray s 1997 book, Islamic
Homosexualities, describes street corners
in Karachi where men drive by to find
I asked Ahmad why he just didn’t give
in and go home, make his dad happy by
getting married, and find an occasional
lover on the highway roundabouts. He
replied gloomily that he couldn’ t do this.
He wants instead to live as what he really
is, a Gay man. He is exiled in California,
torn between family duties and personal
Shiva andArun taps into this sentiment
- a model of Gayness that is recently
"diffusing" (as anthropologists put this)
from West to East. Parivaraj seemingly
rejects the conclusion that Indians have
borrowed Western patterns of sexuality.
None of his characters identifies himself
as"Gav,." Pather, they are "menwho love
men." Still,he clearlyhas adoptedWestern
concepts of individuality and romantic
love. Two of his boys manage to find
happiness in the end. They fall in love,
leave their families, and move in with
their boyfriends to establish at least quasipublic
homosexual households.
The notion of long-term household
relations between two men founded in
corner before going home to
wife and kids is no longer
good enough. .
Previously, in many
societies, even if you were a
man-loving-man, there was
no obvious alternative to what
¯ all men did. You accepted the
woman that your parents
arranged for you and you
served your family by
fathering children.
In future, however,
there may be more and more
Ahmads who are unwilling to
go along with traditional
¯ " expectations. Western stories of romantic
: love and the emergence of a separate Gay
identity are powerful notions that have
¯ spread globally.
, When one of Parivaraj’s young men
breaks with his parents by confessing that
¯ he loves men, they think he must be a ¯
transvestite prostitute -the only local
¯ gender category they have available to try
¯¯ tounderstandhim. Buthe snot. Although
¯ hemay not call it thus, he has adopted the Western identity "Gay" that is
: fundamentally defined by a romantic
¯ desire for boyfriends. ¯ Those ofus who celebrate individuality
¯ andlovemight applaud Abroad’ s coura.ge
¯ at defying his father, abandoning his
mother and sisters, and casting himself
: into Gay-dating hell - that horribly lonely
¯ search for romance.
¯ In my more paranoid moments, ¯
however, I worry about the recent
¯ proliferation and spread ofall sorts ofnew
social identities, including "Gay." The
¯ global economic system in large part
depends on the cultivationof multiple and
¯ splintered identities that serve-as niche
¯ markets for its goods.
: So, in addition to all the foods, and
clothing, and furniture, and art, andmusic
¯ that Ahmad seems to need to buy in order
¯ to demonstrate his Gayness, I pray thathe
can manage to snag a boyfriend. But he
: already knows that they can cost a lot.
¯ Lamont Lindstrom is a professor of
¯ anthropology at the University of Tulsa. ¯
However, this semester he is teaching at
"~ the University ofCalifornia, in Berkeley.
¯ but not that you want the provider to feel
your breast, for example. Lesbians might
also worry that the provider might force
them to use high-tech solutions for their
¯ problem when they would prefer to begin
¯ with alternative solutions. Lesbians often
¯ have good reason got to trust ’the system’
¯ and right now the solutions we have for
¯ breast cancer have to with technology,
: such as chemotherapy, radiation, or
¯ surgery." She also recommends that
¯ Lesbians look for open, trustworthy
¯ providers if these exist’ in their
¯ communities.
: Esther Rothblum is Professor of
Psychology at the University of Vermont
i and Editor Of the Journal of Lesbian
: Studies.ShecanbereachedatJohnDewey
: Hall, UniversityofVermont, Burlington,
: VT, email: esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
If the hate crimes bill passes the Senate,
where it has been in committee, it will
¯come before Bush who can either veto it
or sign it into law.
"Wehope the state Senate and Governor
Bush will follow the leadoftheHouseand
the people of Texas and pass hate crimes
legislation," said Birch.
At aWashington press conference last
month, family members of twohate crimes
victims announced their supportforfederal
and state hate crimes legislation. Both
Judy Shepard, mother of University of
Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, and
Darrell Verrett, nephew of Jasper, Texas
resident James Byrd Jr., urged Bush to
pass the Texas legislation.
As reported in The Dallas Morning
News, in 1997 - the most recent year for
available statistics-360 hate crimes were
reported in Texas. The Department of
Public Safety reported that 167 crimes
were directed againstAfrican-Americans;
64 against Gays and Lesbians; 22 against
Hispamcs; and 21 against Jews.
Theeffort to pass hate crimes legislation
is led by Dianne Hardy Garcia, executive
director of the Lesbian and .Gay Rights
Lobby of Texas and state Rep. Senfronia
Thompson, D~Texas, Chair, Judicial
Affairs Committee.
’q~he incredible leadership of Dianne
Hardy Garcia and Representative
SenfroniaThompsonhas madeit po,s.sible
for the House to-take this great stride
forward," said Birch. ’q’his is a textbook
example of how effective engagement in
thepolitical process throughlobbying and
education can have a significant societal
impact. Today, millions ofTexans are one
step closer to receiving protection from
hate violence."
Only 21 states have hate crimes laws
that include sexual orientation and eight
s.tates havenohate crimes laws. Nationally,
since 1981, hate crimes have nearly
doubled. In 1997 - the FBI’s most recent
reporting period-race-related hate crimes
were byfarthemostcommon,representing
nearly60% ofall cases. Hate crimes based
on religion represented 15% of all cases.
And hate crimes against Gay, lesbian and
bisexual Americans increased by 8% - or
about 14% of all hate crimes reported.
The Scripps Howardpoll of 1,003 adults
was conducted by telephone, March 30-
April 17. It has amargin of error ofplus or
minus 3 percentage points.
The home can hold up to 6 or 7 kids from
infants to older, and is filled with plenty, of
toys. and a nice, little backyard for play.
The operation will belicensed andbonded,
and one of the morns is qualified to work
with special education and hearing
impaired children. And in a very 90’s
touch, they are considering adding an
internet camerawhichwouldallow parents
who have web access at work to log into
a web site and checkon~ their kids!.
GLAD, Ga)~. & ~bian-Daycare ~il1
als0 ~b~a [~t[¢: 1:~§~ ;expensi.ve~ than~
comparable:qUality opera.tions. The
~riollgrcahmar.gwehi$c1h0i0s dpueer two eoepkenvemrsidu-sMtahye
$125phis which Teresa andJoan found to
be more common. And they are willing to
provide evening and weekend care by
special arrangement. GLAD,’s orgamzers
will be having a special garage sale on
May7th&8thto help kickofftheprogram.
For more information, call 808-8026.
Good Food, Good Service,
No Anti-Gay Attitude
Tulsa’s neverhad that many choices for
late night dining but now, with Burger
Sisters,just opened the last week ofApril,
Tulsa’s Gay community not only can get
good food but be treated right in the
John Rothrock and Steve Walley,
owners of the Silver Star, just down the
way in the same shopping center, have
opened a "comfortable, clean" restaurant.
Rothrock notes that the restaurant
welcomes all, Gays, straights, young and
old but especially, it will be a place where
Gay people can be free and comfortable to
hold hands or to come in late from the
clubs in drag or leather and not be hassled.
In other words, straight people are
welcome - as long as they behave
themselves !
Rothrock notes, "it’s time for Gays to
grasp the respect we’ve earned.., not tO
be ashamed..." and he adds, "when you
eat here, you don’t have to hide who you
Burger Sisters, which opens at 6am
offers a typical, "downhome" breakfasts,
hamburgers, fries, salads as wall as a daily
dinner special. Monday to Thursday, the
cafe will be open till 10pro. OnFriday and
saturday, they’ll stay open till 4am and
Sunday, the hours will be 10am - 3pro (all
subject to some change, after all they’ve
been open only a few days when this goes
to press). At this point, the cafe accepts
only cash, no credit cards but their prices
are very reasonable. Burger Sisters is
located at 1545 So. Sheridan, just north a
few doors from the Silver Star. Tel: 835-
Four Years They’re There,
One Night They’re Gone
According to some of their now exstaff,
Concessions, for more than four
years one of Tulsa’s largest dance clubs
closed precipitously the last Saturday of
April. Andindeed, the business signs have
been removed from the building.
One local bar observer said that rumors
in the club crowd suggested that the
business was plagued by legal costs
associated with an ongoing lawsuit. A
member of the former bar staff stated that
they were givenjust one hour notice of the
loss of their jobs.
Other members of the Gay community
suggest that the owners of Oklahoma
City’s Angles have been said to be trying
to expand their operation into Tulsa for a
number ofmonths. Theirnames also have
been mentioned as possible buyers of
Concessions’ equipment or lease.
However, other real estate watchers
wonder if the gentrification of Brookside
may result in that space being leased to
other uses.
Under the direction of Lewis Routh,
OneFoolis fast-paced and wildly original.
Though Lesbian-themed, the play
humorously and aptly demonstrates the
.. universality of every person’s quest for
~ the perfect love.
¯ Decidedly ’ adult-oriented; admission
¯ will be limited to those 21 years and older.
$10 per person at the door, with all
: proceeds benefiting the Eureka Springs
¯ Diversity Celebration being held Nov. 5- ¯
¯ For further information, please contact
: the show’s producers, The Emerald
¯ Rainbow, at 501-253-5445.
sane, dominant top in Tulsa looking
for Boys into humiliation, hazing,
discipline, S&M and B&D.
(Tulsa) ff10353
HEY COWBOYS! 31-year-old
WM cowboy, 6’4", 250 Ibs, professional,
looking for a handsome,
hairy cowboy bottom, 30-50, for
fun going out and quality times. If
you’re interested, (Wat0nga)
Gay Couple - Hispanic and White. "
Bear is 42, 5’9", 2151bs,
brown/blub-eyes, very hairy. Cub
is 33, 5’8", black/brown-eyes,
toned body. Bear likes young inshape
males, Cub likes big burly
males. Looking for extra person or
other couples who are HIV negative
for a little fun but no commitment.
(Marietta) e22247 ~
years old, brown hair and blueeyes.
Enjoys music, movies, am
drug free, and going to the bars
occasionally. Likes a mocha once
a week. Looking for top. (Tulsa)
LOOKING WM, 24, 6’.4", 155 -
1601bs, brown/brown-eyes, very
boyish looking. I’m a bottom
who’s very submissive. I’m looking
for friends also, ISO sincere,
honest, and open-minded men.
(Elk City) ~12514
FIRST White Male looking to have
sex first, and then maybe a relationship
later on. I’m looking for a
WM, 5’10" or so with brown hair.
Prefer guys without mustaches or
beards. (Ada) ~’14584
Block Of :Ti~e
:.or, ~rH~ ~or~ YOU save;I
SPANK ME! 31-year-old GWM,
loves all kinds of sex. I’m a bottom
who loves to be bad with one Guy
or a group. (Ada) ’e14344
Looking for a few Guys who really
like sex and having fun. I’m 31
and like to do almost anything, but
I’m not into long-term relationships.
(Ada) ff14298
WM, black/green, 5’9", 175
Ibs, ISO someone who likes fun,
travel, movies and nature. I’m
looking for someone who would
be good to me and who would let
me be good to him. If you know
how to enjoys the simpler things
in life, give me a call. (Stillwater)
for someone who likes to live on
the edge. I’m tired of all the
games and if you are too, leave
me a message. (Oklahoma City)
WM, 5’10"~ 175 Ibs, n/s, likes
homeback riding, fishing, nature
and fooling around in the woods. I
want to find someone who wants
to have some fun. If you’re looking
for a good time, give me a call.
(Weewoca) ff10117
body worship, looking for a WM,
35-40, who’s into body building.
(Tulsa) ’~10314
for a romantic WM, 18-35,who
likes movies, ball games, video
games, having fun and who lives
in the area. (Ada) ’1t’13780
for a one-night stand with a very
muscular, well-endowed top: If
interested, give me a call. (Tulsa)
I NEED BEEF Looking for a Guy,
35+, with lots of muscle. If you’re
Tulsa’s answer to John Holmes or
Hulk Hogan, leave me a message.
(Tulsa) ff13126
Tulsa’s answer to Larry Holmes or
Hulk Hogan, give me a call. I think
you’ll find this call worth your
while. (Tulsa) ’~’12814
TOP 65-year-old WM, looking for
a WM, 35-40, who’s into bodybuilding.
If interested i:, talking to
me, leave me a message. I’m definitely
worth a call. (Tulsa)
year-old WM, looking for a very
muscular, well-hung WM, 35-40,
for a one-night stands. Give me a
call and find out that I’m definitely
worth it. (Tulsa) "z1’12606
6’2", 185 Ibs, lilies having fun,
movies and quality t!mes at home.
Looking for a top who would like
to get together with me. (Tulsa)
WM, late 20s, enjoys dancing, the
arts, long walks and meeting new
people, Looking fora Guy, 18-30,
for a serious, long-term relationship.
(Oklahoma City)ff10294
There’s no charge to
create an ad!
WITH ME Woman 27years
old, 5’4", brown hair and
brown-eyes. Very open and
likes to do just about anything.
Really enjoys softball,
dancing, and going out with
friends. (Oklahoma City)
40-year-old BF, young-looking,
enjoys biking, the arts,
shopping, music, thinking
positive and hanging out with
positive people. I’m interested
in meeting a Woman, 19-50,
with goals. (Tulsa) ~’12772
Seeking a feminine-soft butch
WF, 30-43, who’s not into
games, respects another person’s
point of view, loves animals
and fishing. If you’re that
Lady and you’re looking for a
monogamous relationship,
then call me. (Tulsa) ’~’22318
JUST HAVING FUN 21-yearold
BiBF, 5’5", 160 Ibs,
brown/brown, likes shopping,
movies, quiet dinners, cudT
dling and being romantic.
Looking for a Woman who’s
interested in having some fun
times. (Oklahoma City)
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, May 1999; Volume 6, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/587.