[1999] Tulsa Family News, March 1999; Volume 6, Issue 3
[1999] Tulsa Family News, March 1999; Volume 6, Issue 3
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
March 1999
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, February 1999; Volume 6, Issue 2
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Call To Action!
Tues., M.arch 2, 8-5
HB 1211 Lobby D.ay
at OK State Capitol
TULSA - State and local community organizers led in
Tulsa by former national Parents, Families and Friends
of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) president, Nancy
McDonald, have called for an emergency lobby day at
the State Capitol on Tues., March 2 in support of HB
1211 amending Oklahoma’s "hate crime" statute.
At the Capitol, Keith Smith, a lobbyist with the
OklahomaACLU and Sierra Club is help~g to coordinate
lobbying. Keith can be reached through Peggy
Leininger in State Senator Bemest Cain’s office. Keith
may also be reached at 405-840-2219 and by e-mail at
Mrs. McDonald has noted that parents are particularly
effective in reaching state legislators. M.C.
Smothermon, who recently ran for US Congress is
herself the mother of a hate crime victim and is encouraging
any parents who’may wish to come to the Capitol
to contact her at 405-340-7015. see Lobby, p. 3
Despite Murder, Wyoming
Rejects Hate Crime Bill
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - Four months after Gay
college student Matthew Shepard was beaten to death,
amove to pass hate crimes legislation in Wyoming was
killed in committee. Wyoming is one nine states without
bias crimes laws, and lawmakers have rejected
similar measures four times since 1995.
After Shepard’s death, calls for a bias crimes law
increased - Republican Gov. Jim Geringer for the first
time supported it. Geringer said that he was disappointed
the legislation did not reach the Senate floor for
debate, but he added that no law can change how people
think about each other. Twomeasures died in the Senate
Judiciary Committee. Both would have increased the
maximum fine for a felony by up to $5,000 and raised
themaximumprison term by up to five years if prosecutors
could prove the crime was motivated by bias.
State Sen. John Schiffer, the Judiciary chairman, said
he hoped supporters of bias crime legislation would
come back in future sessions with legislation that would
have broader support. Opponents said they objected to
listing motivating factors, such as race, religion and
sexual orientation, saying the bills offered special protection
to certain groups. Others said no new laws are
needed, just strict enforcement of existing measures.
Wende Barker, state coordinator for theWyoming
Bias Crimes Coalition, said she was disappointed but
not surprised and planned to try to push for such laws
again next year.
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tuisans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
Oklahoma HouseCommittee
Approves Hate Crime Bill
by Tim Talley & Tom Neal
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP/TFN) - A proposal to add sexual
orientation to the list of hate crimes in Oklahoma is being
criticized by opponents who question whether it will deter anti-
Gay assaults.House Bill 1211 would add sexual orientationto the
list of groups in the state’s hate ~wimes law, which already
includes race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin and disability.
"I think we’re going in the wrong direction," Ken Wood,
executive director of the Oklahoma Christian Coalition, said
Wednesday after the House Judicial Committee voted 5-3 for HB
1211 y Rep. Don Ross, D-Tulsa. I think xt creates an inequality
of justice. This elevates particular groups to a higher status,"
Wood said.
Keith Smith, a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties
Union, said the measure is supported by many Oklahoma religious
organizations. The bill’s passage by the House committee
says "violence and hatred against certain groups is unacceptable,"
Smith said. But passage by the full Legislature "will be an
uphill battle," he said.
Opponents attacked the measure for "endorsing Gay lifestyles."
’¢l~ais is more about having a homosexual lifestyle as a normal
lifestyle in contravention of 6,000 years of history," Rep. Bill
Graves, R-OKC, said. "It goes against the Christian religion."
Ross saidthe bill is a response to the beating death of Matthew
Shepard, a gay college student in Wyoming who was pistolwhipped,
robbed and lashed to a fence in October. Police said
Shepard was attacked, in part, because he was homosexual.
’q’hey thought you were dangerous because you were different,"
Ross said as he read from a letter that Ross said he wrote to
Shepard’s spirit. "You didn’t parade your lifestyle," Ross said.
"Matthew, you were still in the closet.""I’m sorry for the misfits
in our society," said Ross, who closed debate by recmng the
Lord’s Prayer.
.Critics, including Rep. Ray Vaughn, R-Edmond, said the hate
crimes law has not stopped race- and religion-based attacks.
"How would it be effective in stopping hate crimes against ;
. homosexuals?’"Vaughn said. "r(seems to me we’~e creating "a :
special class of Oklahoma citizens. We’re all entitled to the same ¯
respect." see HB 1211, p. 3
Methodist Anti-Gay Marriage
Witchhunt Reaches Oklahoma
TULSA - Tulsa United Methodist pastor, the Reverend Leslie
Peurose of Community of Hope, has had formal charges brought ¯
against her for signing a statement of support for the Holy Union "
ceremony between two California women, Ellie Charlton and ¯
Jeanne Barnett in Sacramento on January 16, 1999. ¯
Penrose, along with the Rev. Susan Ross ofPerkins, Oklahoma
¯ signeddocumentsofsupportfortheceremonylistingtheirnames ¯
: asas"officiantsinabsentia."Nearly80Methodistelergypartici_ ¯
.. pated in the widely publicized service to support the couple and "
¯ toprotestreeentdecisionsoftheUnitedMethodistChurchtoban ¯
-" its clergy from officiating or performing such services or from ¯
¯ such services from being held in Methodist owned facilities. ¯
¯ Boyce Bowden, spokesperson for the Oklahoma Conference, "
United Methodist Church, acknowledged that charges had been "
," brought against Penrose but refused to provide any further
¯" information characterizing the issue as a "personnel issue" and
¯ therefore subject to employment confidentiality rules. Bowden
did notmention charges brought against Ross. The Rev. Peurose
." was unable to comment officially.
¯ However, the charges were brought against Peurose and Ross ¯
¯ by Jake P. Barker of First United MethOdist Church of Eufaula
Barker is apparently tied to anti-Gay elements in the Methodist
." Church and copies of his complaint, as well as official responses
¯ have appeared verbatim on the website of "The Confessing
¯ Movement" (http://shell.surfsouth.com/~jwarrene/news/
"_ So while the Oklahoma Conference office and Oklahoma
¯ Bishop Blake has no comment, the full text of the Conferenee’s
¯ response to Barker is available on the intemet.
¯ The heart of the response of Conference’s response is that
¯ participation in a banned same-gender union or relationship
¯ blessing requires the clergy to be physically present. Therefore ¯
the signatures of Penrose and Ross constitute only a permissible
¯ expression of their opinion rather than a violation of Methodist
ophne. Theletterwas signedby Paul Bowles, Tulsa District
Superintendent, and Grayson Lucky, Stillwater District Superintendent,
see Methodists, p. 3
Chastity Bono to Speak
atApril Red Ribbon Gala
TULSA- Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. (Center for AIDS Resources,
Education and Support), formerly known
as the HIV Resource Consortium, will hold its
second annual fundraising dinner; the Red Ribbon
Gala on Saturday, April 17th at 7:30 at the Downtown
Doubletree Hotel. The event will feature a
keynote address by Chastity Bono, author and
Lesbian and Gay media activist. Bono’s address
will emphasize the need for compassion and broad
community support in the fight against AIDS.
Proceeds from the event will support Tulsa
C.A.R.E.S. which is the principal care-giving consortium
for people living with HIV and AIDS in
northeastern Oklahoma. More than 500 clients
receive food, counseling, housing, medical prescription
assistance from the agency. Bono’s participation
in the Gala is co-sponsored by the Tulsa
Chapter of PFLAG.
Bono will also attend a booksigning in the early
afternoon (time tba) on April 17 at the Tulsa Gay
Community Services Center to benefit the Center.
Also on April 17, local divaAudra Sommers will
present Benefit 99, A Connection ofLove from 6-
8pm at the Parish Church of St. Jerome, 205 West
King. Featured artists include Ernestine Dillard,
Gregory Hyde, Link Filion, Rebecca Ungerman,
Jonathan Brown and the Council Oak Men’s Chorale.
Tickets are $25. Info: 836-5447.
Vandal Invades Center
Verbally Abuses Volunteer + Trashes Hail
TULSA - Late last month, aman entered the Tulsa
Gay Community Services Center, formerly known
as The Pride Center, shouting obsenities at the
volunteer, Shawn, who was staffing The Pride
Store that evening: The man, a white male was
described as being just over 6 foot tall and about
230 pounds with military style short red hair and a
full beard and mustache.
Shawn stated that the intruder stormed in the
store, waving a Pride flag that he’d grabbed from a
display near the stairs. She Said his message was
essentially, "how dare you f--king faggots come to
my town, you need to get the f--k out"and "I know
what you look like; I’ll be back to finish what I
started." Shawn then coolly asked him whether he
felt better now and then the intruder stormed down
the hall breaking a framed print and a floor lamp.
Shawn called 911 while the intruder was breaking
things in the hall. Tulsa Police responded
promptly and Shawn said the officers were very
professional and supportive but are not classifying
the incident as a hate crime:
Normally, Center volunteers workin teams; however,
the other volunteer had stepped out to bring
back fast food for dinner. Center board members
have begun fundraising to purchase a surveillance
system for the Center in response to the assault. ¯
Prime Timers to H.old
Gay Center Fundra,ser
¯ TULSA -The Tulsa Area Prime Timers, a local
: mens group, will hold its annual silent auction on
¯ Saturday, March 13 from 5-9pmin the Neal-Padgett
: Hall of the newly renamed Tulsa Gay Community
: Services Center, formerly known as The Pride
¯ Center. The event is held to raise funds for the
¯ Community Center and features a variety of ob-
¯ jeets from art, to collectables and even to services.
¯ Tulsa Area Prime Timers is the local chapter of
an international mens organization. Originally the
¯ group restricted membership to men 40 and above
and their partners. Now the organization is open to
¯ men 21 and above. For more information about the
¯ silent auction or Prime Timers or to donate an item
for the auction, call 627-2359.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Dell, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c.S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 331LS. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Learme M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor -
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
0 *Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & ,Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
"-Bl~ss The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale ~ 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
_Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa-Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congre,g. Church, 2900 S. Harvard
*Free SpiritWomen s Center, call forlocation &info: 587-4669
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140. Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink net
website: http://users.aol.com/TulsaNewsl
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Real
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lament Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
~4blicaantidonmaaryenportobteecrteedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihnt w19h9o8leboyrTin~partFw.i.~thou.t
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless~ot,herwjse n.o~ted,,r~ust
be signed & becomes the sole property of
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
.~riend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 "
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Men/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Nfinstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E Admiral P1. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, I 114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tnlsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
~f.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall; Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Columunity College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209 NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
: *Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
.. *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
!tlVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
¯ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
: DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring.St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery ¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
¯ *White Light, 1 Center St.
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave.
." *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
501-253-6807 -
* is where you canfind TFN. Notall areGay-owned but all are Gay.friendly.
Carbon Copy
Mary Easely, Member
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Dear Mrs. Easely,
As a man who happens to have been a
victim of hate crimes based on sexual
orientation, I would urge you to support
house Bill 1211, simply because it’s the
right thing to do. You may or may not
agree with certain issues surrounding the
subject, but surely you can realize that to
be killed or maimed simply because of
what others perceive you to be is wrong.
We need a means to combat that sort of
behavior in this city, and this bill is an
~mportant step in addressing that.
Since moving to this state in 1993, I
have been verbally attacked withepithets
ranging from "faggot" to "f***ing queer"
while simply-walking down the street
with a friend. We were doing nothing
untoward, simply walking and talking.
~nat has happened several times - unprovoked
In another instance, I was nearly forced
off a highway by a carfnl of kids yelling
anti-Gay slurs. It is not hard to imagine
that, considering the Mathew Shepard
case, I was lucky.
In school, I was the victim of several
assaults due to the fact I was perceived as
being Gay - long before I knew I was. I
have never been one to carry flags and
.proclaim my sexual orientation with a
bullhorn in a parade, so these attacks,
especially here in Tulsa, were a surprise -
and an unpleasant reminder of a very
difficult childhood.
I know several men who were physically
attacked, even as recently as this
year, in settings - urban neighborhoods,
daylight - that were surprisxng and upsetting
- and undeserved. If the bill passes,
then we can begin to effectively works
towards eradicating, or limiting this sort
of unacceptable violence.
Please help this bill make it through. Be
a part of the history that promoted a positive,
better; peaceful world, not a part of
history that ignored the hatred in this
world and allowed it free reign.
- name witheld by request, Tulsa
cc: Don Ross
Talking points for HB1211
It’ s not about "special rights ;"it’ s about
¯ stopping violence - Oklahoma’s current
laws arenotprotecting citizens adequately.
Many crimes, such as murder,vary the
penalties depending on the motive of the
perpetrator. A stronger hate crimes law is
no different.
No Oklahomans should fear violence
because of who they are. Hate crimes are
a form of terrorism: Hate crimes are intended
to frighten and silence not only the
actual victims, but all members of the
targeted group. Perpetrators ofhatecrimes
seek to "make examples" of their victims.
Oklahomans recognize the importance
¯ ofstanding strongagainstthosewhowonld
spread fear through violence.
Points provided by Gay Community
Services Center Advocacy Committee.
¯" Letters. Policy
". Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
: issues which we’ve covered or on issues
¯. youthinkneedtobeeonsidered.Youmay
¯ request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters mustbe signed&have phonenum-
: bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word leti
ters are preferred. Letters to other publications
will be printed as is appropriate.
However, as of press time, Barker had already posted on
the internet a further letter of complaint to the Oklahoma
Conference pursuing charges and a church trial against "
Penrose and Ross. In fact, a lay observer of these proceedings
alleged that Barker’ s complaints were being seen on the
internet for wide public viewing prior to even being received "
at the Oklahoma Conference and before Ross and Penrose "
even knew they were being accused. ¯
The text of the letter follows with only the deletion of the
charges against Ross. Those allegations are identical to
th0ge made against Peurose.
Reverend Paul Bowles and Reverend Grayson Lucky
Re: Reverend Susan Ross and Rev. Leslie Penrose
It is obvious we disagree in your comment "we can only
interpret their signatures as expressions ofpersonal opinion".
I believe thatyou err in this conclusion. In this case the
aforementioned clergy (Ross & Penrose) did infact violate
the statedposition ofthe Social Principles regarding same
sex unions as defined by the Social Principles, which as you
know, have been declared, in this instance, as having the
force of law, by the Judicial Council. By engaging in a
defiant challenge to the statedposition ofThe United Methodist
Church they have more than indicated their willingness
and ability to violate the covenant entered into at the
time of their ordination.
This breaking ofcovenant was evidenced by thefollowing
1. Attaching or causing to be attached their names and
professional titles to a document containing a list of indii
viduals engaged in a behaviorprohibited by a ruling ofthe
Judicial Council.
In addition to myprevious complaints, which still stand, I
am nowfiling these additional complaints againstRev. Ross
and Rev. Penrose:
Reverend Penrose: Allegation: 1. BOD Parag. 2624f:
"dissenination [dissemination] of doctrines contrary to
the established standard.ofdoctrine of the Church"
Rev. Penrose did, on or about January 16th, 1999 attach
or caused to be attached, her name andprofessional title to
a documentin supportofsame sex unions, this is in violation
of Paragraph 3043, quoted in part, "since the practice of "
homosexuality isgncompatible with Christian teaching..." °
and Paragraph 65g "... Although we do not condone the ¯
practice ofhomosexuality andconsider thispractice incom- °
patible with Christian teaching.., ". this action expressed,
diseminated [disseminated] and otherwise revealed to the ¯
church that her doctrines were contrary to the currently ¯
stated doctrine as Contained in the Book OfDiscipline and "
Social Principles. ¯
2. BOD Parag. 2624g: "Relationships or behavior that ¯
undermines the ministry ofanother pastor" ¯
Rev. Penrose did, on or about January 16th, 1999 attach "
or cause to be attached her name andprofessional title to a "
document that encourages breaking the ordination covenant
as defined by Paragraph 2624b. By her behavior she
undermined and renderedfor naught the teaching offellow "
United Methodistpastors seeking to befaithful to the disCi- ¯
pline ofThe United Methodist Church and their ordination ¯
covenant. :
These two clergy have defiantly and unrepentantly vio- "-
lated their vows of ordina~on. 1 am insisting that they be ¯
disciplined appropriately. Ifyou as the district superinten- ¯
dents are unable or unwilling to discipline these two clergy :
persons then I have no other recourse than to demand a ¯
church trial before ajury as defined by the BOD. ¯
Sincerely, Jake Barker
Rt. 4 Box 951A Eufaula, OK 74432
co: Bishop Bruce Blake "
Although the Rev. Peurose declined to comment, lay
individuals associated with Commtmity of Hope noted that
these charges were not unexpected, especially after the
Oklahoma Conference forced the Rev: Kathy McCally of
Oklahoma City to leave the denomination. Ms. McCally ~:
transferred her ordination to the United Church of Christ --"
(UCC), the only "mainline" Christian denomination that~
ordains openly Lesbian and Gay persons. ¯
Furthermore, Oklahoma Bishop Bruce Blake was one of
the leaders in the effort to "criminalize" Methodist clergy
who perform same-gender unions. Prior to his efforts, the
restriction on such ceremonieswas a part of the Methodist
Social Discipline, seen as guidance to the thinking of the
Churchbut notchurch law. Now those who dissentfrom this
view can be charged and prosecutedfor alleged violations as
is happening with the Revs. Peurose and Ross.
¯ See associated editorial, this page.
¯ A few weeks ago, a local woman wrote The Tulsa
World to protest a recent article about Lesbian and Gay
issues featuring PFLAG. She challenged a statement
claiming that her part of the Church, the Methodists,
was one of several Christian groups that have official
positions in support of civil rights for Gay people.
She is, ofcourse, wrong.
Twenty-seven years ago, in 1972, the United Meth¯
odist General Conference adopted a statement saying,
"homosexuals no less than heterosexuals are persons of
: sacred worth... [and] we insist that all persons are
¯ entitledto have their human and civil rights ensured."
¯ Her ignorance is not entirely the lady’s fault. The
Church, Methodist and other parts, in Oklahoma and
¯ many other places, have done little to honor this civil
¯ rights commitment, or to affirm the sacred worth ofGay
¯ and Lesbian persons.
For example, every year, the OklahomaHouse passes
¯ bills clearly attacking the fundamental civil rights of
¯ Lesbian and Gay Oklahomans. Yet not once since this
¯ newspaperbegan publishinghas theOklahomaConfer- ¯
ence of the United Methodist Church ever raised its
¯ voice against these state-sponsored assaults.
. That is not only our recollectionbut also thebegrudg-
¯ lng recollection of Bryce Bowden, communications
¯ directorand spokesmanfor theOklahomaUuited Meth-
~ odistConference. Notoncehas the Conference (OUMC)
¯ ever taken any proactive step towards supporting civil ¯
rights protections. Rumor is, however, that the OC may
¯ be supporting HB 1211, the "hate crimes" amendment.
: Twenty-sevenyearslater, that, atleast, wouldbeastart.
¯ However; while the OUMC has failed to honor this
longstanding civil rights commitment, no less than the
." Bishop of the Oklahoma Conference, Bruce Blake, led
." the efforts to turn the "guidance" of the Methodist
¯ Social Principles which opposed same-gender union
¯ ceremonies into prosecutable church law. It is this new
¯ law under which Tulsa pastor, the Reverend Leslie
¯ Peurose, is accused of wrongdoing. ¯
The actions of United Methodists indicate leadership
that seeks to punish those few brave Methodists who
would treat Lesbians and Gay men as equal human
beings. It is leadership that has not even tried to "ensure
human and civil fights" but worse hash’ t even bothered
to tell its general membfrship that they indeed have an
obligation to work for such civil rights.
" To judge fi:om their actions, their hollow rhetoric of
"loving the ’sinner’ and hating the ’sin,’ " should be
replaced with "we hate you people," and "we hate that
you make us confront the hypocrisy of our words and
actions." No, it’ s not in keeping with "Christian values"
and it makes them very uncomfortable but it sure looks
like the truth.
But to doso would require that these good Methodists
view themselves as less than righteous people - which
ain’t gging to happen. For me, I sometimes think I’d
rather deal with an honest Klansman than some of these
,,ood people. You might despise what the Klansman
values but at least you know his words and actions are
going to be consistent. With "good Christian folk," you
just never know.
- Tom Neal, editor/publisher
If you cannot go to Oklahoma City, you can write
your legislator at the following address:
The Honorable (then name of Representative)
¯ Eureka Springs Plans April
Diversity Celebration
¯ Featuring aQuiltdisplay, Dancing + Kite-Flying
EUREKA SPRINGS, AR - They’re doing it again in
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and you’re invited! The
¯ - fourth Diversity Celebration Weekend is scheduled for
¯ April 9-11, and several new events will make this the
biggest and best yet.
¯ Withgreat pride and respect, the Celebration organizers
are bringing three sections (24 panels) of the AIDS
: Quilt to Eureka Springs. After an opening ceremony on
Thursday evening, April 8, the quilt will be on display
at the Unitarian Clmrch Friday and Saturday, with the
closing ceremony and folding of the quilt taking place
at the .Sunday morning Unitarian service.
Friday night, the Celebration will kick off with a
" dance from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. in the Ozark Room
of the Basin Park Hotel hosted by MCC of the Living
Spring. On Saturday, you can walk the streets of this
¯ quaint village on a guided historic tour or hike on your
own in the spring air at Lake Leatherwood. If you have
a great kite that needs a workout, "Go Fly a Kite" at,
Pond Mountain Lodge from 4:30-7:30 p.m. And in the
afternoon, when you’re ready to slow down a bit for a
light bite to eat and some great coffee, head down to
Mud St. Espresso Cafe for continuous music by local
and visiting Gay/Lesbian/friendly artists.
Now remember when you really wanted to take your
boyfriend or girlfriend to your prom, but you had to
settle for an opposite sex date or stay home? Well, on
Saturday night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Ballroom
atop the Basin Park Hotel, you can bring whomever you
like to the "Pro~n of Your Dreams." Break out the
corsages and boutonnieres and dance to the music of DJ
Jon Caswcll. And be sure to capture this special moment
on film with the prom photographer. (Formal attire is
encouraged, but not required.) Or if you’re looking for
more of a club atmosphere, Center Street South will be
jumping with live entertainment frown 10pro- 2an~.
Sunday, you’ll have time to sleep in and catch some
brunch before the weekend wraps up with the Tea
Dance and Drag Show at Center S tage from 2-6 p.m. Jon
will spin tunes, and the Girls from Tnlsa will delight all
with their terrific performances.
That’s it in a nutshell. For a schedule of activities and
events, or to find a list of Gay-owned or friendly
businesses, check out the Eureka Springs Diversity
Cooperative and Celebration website at
www.shimaka.com/eureka/diversity, call The Emerald
Rainbow at (501) 253-5445 or e-mail emrain@ipa.net.
Make your reservations now!
Attorney General Drew Edmondson said the legislation
provides harsher punishment for individuals whose
attacks are based on who or what their victim is.
Edmondson also cited studies by medical and psychological
groups while stating that homosexuals "are
made to have the orientation they have."
Graves said sodomy is illegal in the state and questioned
whether Edmondson was trying .to legitimize
"Gay lifestyles." "I’m not talking about lifestyle. I’m
not talking about activity," Graves said. "We don’t
expect them to be arrested for what they are." Graves, a
frequent critic of Gays and Lesbians who has authored
many bills targeting homosexuals, revealed during debate
that windows in cars drivenby himand hi s son have
been shattered and his dog poisoned. He said he also has
Room (insert Representatives office number)
2300 N. Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4808.
To find the name of your legislator, you may call the
Tulsa County Election Board (or your county election
board) at 596-5780. If you give them the address at
which you are registered to vote, they will give you the
¯ names of your representatives. Also if you are not
registered to vote or have moved, they can assist yon in
¯ getting registered to vote.
: To speak with your representative or their assistants,
¯ call 800-522-8502 for the Oklahoma House of Repre-
¯ sentatives and ask for your representative’s office.
¯ Editor’s note: a special thanks to Ned Bruha of
¯ TOHR/Tulsa Gay Community Services Center’s Advo-
¯ cacy committeeforsomeofthe information listedabove.
: received obscene phone calls,.,"I can’t prove who did it,
_. whether homosexuals did it, Graves said.
¯ The bill now goes to the full House for debate.
¯" Lobby
i depends
like your life
on it- it does.
Say No to Hate Violence
Call, write, fax, or e-mail your support for
Oklahoma House Bill 1211
Call the House for your representative: 800-522-850:
Anti-Marriage Bill Moves
Forward in Colorado
DENVER (AP) -Thelatest effort to ensure Colorado
does not have to recognize gay and lesbian marriages
legalized elsewhere was approved by the Senate and
sent to the House of Representatives.
Other states havepassed similar laws as pre-emptive
strikes against efforts to legalize same-sex marriages.
Challenges to laws restricting marriage between a
man and a woman are pending in Hawaii, Alaska and
Senate Bill 159 would reaffirm the law defining
marriage as a licensed union between one man and
one woman. Even more important to proponents is
the section saying gay and lesbian marriages legalized
by other states would not be valid in Colorado.
This is the third try by Sen. Marilyn Musgrave, RFort
Morgan, to get a bill passed. Past measures were
vetoed by former Gov. Roy Romer. But Gov. Bill
Owens, who took office in January, has said he would
support the legislation.
Musgrave and others fear that if other states allow
same-sex marriages, Colorado would have to honor
the umons unless the state is specifically barred from
doing so.
States have traditionally recognized marriages performed
in other states. The so-called full faith and
credit clause of the U.S. Constitution directs states to
respect each others’ laws.
Congress also adopted a law allowing states to
ignore same-sex marriages legalized elsewhere. Opponents
predict the state and federal laws eventually
will be overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Controversial in India
BOMBAY, India (AP)-Theater owners who want to
screen a controversial film about lesbian love can
have police protection if they think they need it,
Bombay’s right-wing government said last month.
"I don’t think security will be necessary, but if they
ask for police protection it will be provided,"
Maharashtra Chief Minister Narayan Rane told reporters
a week after censors cleared the film "Fire"
without any cuts.
Rane’s 81~v 8ena had sent small groups of violent
protestersinto theaters into the Maharashtracapital of
Bombay and the national capital of New Ddhi to
disrupt screenings of "Fire" last year. Frightened
theater owners pulled the film, though it continued
showing to packed houses elsewhere in India. Shiv
Sena protesters had said the film, which explores the
sexual relationship of two women caught in unhappy
marriages, was an affront to India’s centuries-old
Hindu culture.
In an attempt to defuse the controversy after the
violence in Bombay and New Delhi, the government
sent "Fire" back to censors who must vet every film
shown in India and who had already passed "Fire."
Last week, the Bombay-based censor reiterated no
cuts were necessary.
With renewed approval from the censor, the film
will be screened in 17 theaters all over Bombay,
distributor Balkrishna Shroff stated.
Liberal California City
Supports Tinky Winky
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - A city famous for radical
politics is drumming up power to the purple with a
resolution backing Tinky Winky, the children’s TV
character attacked by the Rev. Jerry Falwell as a
purse-toting symbol of Gay pride.
"We take umbrage at the threat to personal style
and choices implicit in Mr. Falwell’s designation of
Tinky Winky as an inappropriate role model," dedares
the resolution, expected to be passed by the
City Council tonight. "Long live Tinky Winky and
long live freedom from self-righteousness!"
Councilwoman Polly Armstrong, who is sponsoring
the resolution, said she wanted tO make a point
and have some fun in a city known for taking stands
on everything from nuclear proliferation (against) to
human rights in Burma (for). "We jump on every
good cause in Berkeley and I thought what fun to do
one we could laugh at. Of course there is a very
serious subtext to the humor and that is that when you
see bigotry and self-righteonsness out there you really
need to stand up to it even when it’s absurd," she
A spokeswoman for Falwell did not rettm~ a telephone
call from The Associated Press Monday. But
the president of Itsy Bitsy Entertainment Co., which
licenses the Teletubbies in the United States, did have
a response: Leave Tinky Winky alone.
Kenn Viselman said lie appreciates the show of
support, but he doesn’t think political statements of
any stripe have a place in the gentle world of
Teletubbies. "He’s not Gay. He’s not straight. He’s
ust a character in a children’ s series," Visdman said.
Tinky Winky turbulence began earlier this month
with an article in the National Liberty Journal, edited
and published by Falwell, calling Tinky Winky a
homosexual role model. "He is purple - the Gaypride
color; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle
- the Gay-pride symbol," the story said, also noting
that Tinky Winky carries a purse (actually his magic
bag, show spokesmen point out).
Tinky Winky is one of the four stars ofTeletubbies,
a British show aimed at toddlers. The Teletubbies, a
bit like brightly colored oversized teddy bears with
benign baby faces, have antennas of sorts sprouting
from their fuzzy heads and television screens in their
tummies. They spend their days mainly dancing,
playing (falling down is a favorite pastime) and
watching short videos showing real children engaged
in various pursuits.
Lousiana Anti-Sex
Law Struck Down
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A state appeals court has
struck down a 194-year-old Louisiana law that made
oral and anal sex a felony, saying the law violated the
privacy rights ofconsenting adults. The decision adds
to the growing listof U.S. states thathave struckdown
sodomy laws based on rights to privacy granted in
state constitutions.
The Louisiana court on reversed the 1996conviction
of Mitchell E. Smith. He had been accused of
raping a woman but found guilty under the state’s
"crimes against nature" statute only of having her
perform oral sex. "There canbenodoubt that the right
of consenting adults to engage in private non-commercial
sexual activity, free from governmental interference,
is protected by the privacy clause of the
Louisiana Constitution," the court held. Courts in
Georgia, Kentucky, Montana and Tennessee previously
had reached the same conclusion in interpreting
their respective state constitutions and striking down
sodomy laws.
Since the U.S. Supreme Court held in 1986 in a
Georgia case that consenting adults have no federal
¯ constitutional right to private homosexual conduct,
activists have turned to individual state constitutions
to find protection from the sodomy laws. The U.S.
¯ Constitution does not mention the word "privacy,"
but the Supreme Court since 1965 has recognized that
such a right predates the 1787 document itself. However,
many state constitutions expressly grant a right
to privacy.
¯ Suzanne Goldberg, senior staff attorney with the
l_ambda Legal Defense Fund in New York City, was
¯ jubilant about the decision. "These-laws have no
: legitimate purpose and that’s what courts are starting
¯ to recognize," she said. ’°The government should not
be in the business of policing private sexual behav-
~ ior." The decision will be appealed, said prosecutor
¯ Tim McElroy.
: New Mexico May Ban
¯ Same Gender Marriages
: SANTA FE (AP)-A New Mexico Senate committee
: recently approved legislation that outlaws Gay mar-
" riages and penalizes anyone who performs them. The
¯ bill passed the Senate PublicAffairs Committee on a ¯
vote of 5-3. It goes to the Judiciary Committee. It
¯ defines marriage as a contract between"one man and
¯ one woman"and says a same-sex marriage wouldnot
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References MasterCard & Visa Herman "Tony" Becker
be recognized in New Mexico even if it were valid
elsewhere. Anyone who performed a same-sex marriage
ceremony could be fined $50, under the legislatiorL
Supporters said New Mexico should join 29 other
states that have passed similar bills: Its opponents said
itwas unnecessary, unconstitutional andpunitive. "This
bill was notbom out of fear and ignorance... Tbis bill
simply defines what a marriage is," replied its sponsor,
Sen. Leonard Lee Rawson, R-Las Cruces.
Mass. Religious Leaders
Support Gay Marriage
BOSTON (AP) - Carmen DeBenedictis is safe sleeping
in the arms of either of her two daddies. But the parents
of the newly adopted 6-week-old feel less secure about
the family situation.
That’s because, as a Gay couple, Don Picard and
Robert DeBenedictis aren’t legally married. And there
are lawmakers on Beacon Hill who want to keep it that
way. "It’s strange. Carmen is our next of kin, but we’re
not next of kin to each other," Picard said. The unconventional
Medford family attended a rally at the Statehouse
where dozens of religious leaders called for the
state to recognize same-sex marriages.
About 150 religious leaders have signed a declaration
of support for the right of Gays to marry. The group
includes Jews, Quakers, Baptists, Episcopalians, Unitarians,
Catholics and others. "The most fundamental
human right, after the necessities of food clOthing and
shelter, is the right to affection and the supportive love
of another person," the declaration begins.
But the movement faces opposition on Beacon Hill.
"I am not for Gay marriages," Gov. Paul Cellucci
bluntly declared recently. Rep. John Rogers, D:
Norwood, .is drafting a bill that would more clearly
define marriage in Massachusetts. The language in the
bill wouldrequire that a marriagebe between amanand
a woman, thereby prohibiting same-sex couples to
So far, Hawaii is the only state where Gay marriages
havebeenupheld in the courts. ButCongress responded
withthe Defense of Marriage Actin 1996, which denied
federal recognition of Gay marriage and allowed states
to ignore the unions of Gay couples married in other
states. So far, 29 states have banned homosexual marriage.
Tile Massachusetts religious leaders said they would
fight to make sure Gay marriages performed legally in
other states are recognized here. The declaration presented
by clergy compares the ban on Gay marriages to
previous bans on interracial marriages and laws prohibiting
blacks to marry.
Many of the ministers said they perform Gay marriage
ceremonies. "I am deeply troubled that...I as a
clergyman see the marriages that I officiate at are not
being legally recognized by this commonwealth," said
Rabbi Howard Berman.
Picard and DeBenedictis said they were united in a
spiritual ceremony. But a legal ceremony would give
them peace of mind. They said they face the same
obstacles as other Gay couples who want to be legally
married: spousal insurance benefits and being considered
next of kin if the other is injured or dies. "It’s
strange that the state is excited we are adopting a baby
but they are resisting letting us get married," Picard
Gays Protest Anti-Gay
Immigration Policies
NEW YORK (AP) - A Gay and Lesbian group protested
U.S. immigration policies, saying the govemment
discriminates against same-sex couples when
granting visas to foreigners. "Love knows no borders,"
dozens of protesters chanted behind police barricades
outside the Immigration and Naturalization Service in
lower Manhattan.
The demonstration was organized by the Lesbian and
Gay Immigration Rights Task Force, a New Yorkbased
advocacy group. The group claims green cards
are routinely granted to heterosexual foreigners who
marry U.S. citizens, while same-sex applicants are
"We often face an excruciating choice - our parmers
can either live an ocean apart or stay surreptitiously
in the U.S. without proper papers and under threat
of deportation," said Carl Goodman, an American
whose partner is Peruvian.
"I love an alien," said a sign hoisted by one
protester, and another man with an Australian
partner held up a red placard asking, "Can my
husband come over and stay?"
The INS called the protest misguided. "This is
not an immigration issue," said spokesman Russ
Bergeron. He said it’s a question of"the invalidity
of same-sex marriage under existing U.S. law. Any
person who is legally married has the right to file a
petition for their spouse to immigrate."
At least 10,000 Gay couples are affected, said
task force attorney SuTanne Goldberg. The task
force wants Congress to establish a special category
- such as a legally registered partnership -
that would qualify a foreigner with a longtime
partner to live in the United States, Goldberg said.
Ten countries recognize same-sex relationships for
the purposes of immigration, including Canada,
Britain and Austr~ia.
Ariz. Gov. to Legislature
Issues, Not Bedrooms
PHOENIX (AP) - Gov. Jane Hull wants lawmakers
to give more attention to matters of import and
less to bedroom issues such as medical benefits for
Gays. "I may morallyfeel one way, but I do not
believe that I need to pass laws to putmy beliefs on
the record," Mrs. Hull, a former House speaker,
said during her radio talk show.
Mrs..Hull had been asked about a bill (HB2524)
that would bar the state and universities from
extending medical benefits to "domestic partners"
of homosexuals. Cities and towns could extend
those benefits only if doing so were approved by
voters. Tucson and Pima County are the only two
government employers that offer domestic partners
benefits in Arizona. The bill sponsored by
Rep. Karen Johnson, R-Mesa, led to a heated and
personal exchange in the House last week as the bill
passed the Government Reform Committee narrowly.
Such efforts are an inappropriate expenditure of
lawmakers’ time and energy, and they should not
be limiting what benefits cities and towns may
provide, Mrs. Hull said. "I wish that we could get
down to talking about what’s really important,"she
said. "We ought to be looking at state responsibilities,
not worrying about what goes on in cities and
counties and towns and bedrooms. The legislators
are there to worry about the future of the state of
Arizona and I would prefer that that’s what they
Johnson said she was disappointed with the
governor’s remarks and will continue to push her
bib despite seeing little likelihood it will pass.
Lawmakers do have a role in laws dealing with
morality, especially when public tax dollars and
activities barred by Arizona law are involved, she
said. "I feel we’re here to support the nuclear
family,"Johnson said. "I don’ t think our tax money
should be used to subvert the nuclear family."
New Zealand Lesbian
to Pay Child Support
HAMILTON, New Zealand (AP) - A Lesbian
recently gaveup her legal fight against paying child
support after a High Court ruling. The former
Hamilton woman, who lives in Wellington, will
have to make child support payments to her former
partner after the High Court upheld an earlier
Hamilton Family Court ruling. The High Court
judges did not comment on whether same-sex
marriages should be recognized in law.
The Family Court had stated she must pay child
support for the children she helped bring up. The
landmark decision has wide-ranging implications
for other same-sex relationships and those where
the adults in parental roles have no biological link
to their children. The women’s names and details
have been suppressed, as are those of the children.
Common Chemical.
May Help Block HIV i
HERSHEY, Pa. (AP)-A substance found ¯
in many shampoos and toothpastes might :
hold the key to stopping the spread of :
sexually-transmitted viruses that cause ¯
AIDS, genital herpes and genital warts, :
researchers from the Pennsylvania State ."
University and two other institutions said . ¯
on Thursday.
The discovery that sodium dodecyl sulfate,
or SDS, can kill such viruses, could
have major worldwide public_health implications,
said lead researcher Mary K.
Howett, professor of microbiology and
immunology at Penn State’s Milton S.
Hershey Medical Center.
Shewasjoinedin the studybyresearchers
from the University of Pennsylvania
and BiosynInc., aPhiladelphia-basedbiotechnology
research and development
company. The group published its findings
in the February issue of the journal
Antimicrobial Agents andChemotherapy.
"This is potentially very exciting,"
Daniel Malamud, professor of biochemistry
at Penn, told The Patriot~News in
Harrisburg. "We have to remember that
these are studies in the test tube and in
animal models. There.have been many
promising drugs in the laboratory thatjust
don’t make it to the marketplace because
humans are different."
Humantrials ofSDS couldbegin within
a year, Ms. Howett said, and within two to
five years could lead to the dc.velopment
of inexpensive over-the-counter products
that women could apply intravaginally
prior to intercourse to protect themselves
or their sexual partners from infection.
The research, conducted the past two
years, was funded through the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
and the Jake Gittlen Cancer Research
Institute. Researchers have applied
for a patent on the discovery, Ms. Howett
said. Such a product, if approved, easily
could be used in creams, gels; foams and
ointments or applied to condoms, sponges
or other types of contraceptives.
In addition to potentially curbing the
spread of AIDS, use of the substance
could stop the spread of the-human
papillomaviruses, orHPV, thatcause genital
Such warts can turn to cervical and
uterine cancer, which cause 5,000 deaths
among women in the United States each
year and 250,000 deaths annually around
the globe. Cervical cancer is the No. 1
cause of cancer-related deaths in women
in developing nations.
HPVs afflict one out of four women. In
addition to being a potential source of
cancer, they can cause physical lesions
and emotional stress.
Alkyl sulfates, the family of chemicals
to which SDS belongs, are found in high
concentrations inmosttoothpastes, shampoos
and skin product. That could bode
well for the product as it moves toward
possible approval by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration.
Genetic Testing For
AIDS Treatment
CHICAGO (AP) - Deciphering the genetic
code of each patient’s AIDS virus
appears to help doctors tailor treatments
to improve the chance of thwarting HIV’s
dogged ability to develop resistance.
One of the elements that makes HIV
such a difficult foe is the sloppy way it
makes copies of itself. Each new version
is slightly different from its predecessor.
Mutant forms quickly arise through randomgenetic
changes that are able to resist
the most powerful drugs.
In recent months, doctors have increasingly
turned to individual resistance testing.
A study released recently shows this
pays off: Analyzing patients’ viruses for
genetic signs of resistance seems to improve
treatment outcomes.
Estimates vary, but perhaps 30% to
60% of all people taking the AIDS drug
cocktails are considered treatment failures,
because HIV can still be found in
their blood. Either their virus never disappeared
completely or it rebounded.
Without the tests, doctors often must
rely on trial and error to put together fresh
combinations of medicines. Coming up
with these strategies, sometimes called
salvagetherapy, is an increasingly important
part of long-term AIDS care.
"It’s clear the test helps you choose
more active drugs for patients who are
failing therapy," said the study’s director,
Dr. John Baxter of Cooper Hospital in
Camden, N.J. He presented the latest data
Thursday at the 6th Conference on
Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.
- Dr. Douglas Richman of the University
of California, San Diego, estamated that
as many as two dozen of these tests are
now on the market, although they have
received little testing to make sure they do
any good. "Personally, I think it’s premature,"
he said.
In Baxter’s study, financed by the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, doctors performed genetic
analysis on the viruses of 78 patients who
had failed treatment, while a comparison
group of 75 received their usual care.
The test analyzed viral genes that produce
two essential proteins- protease and
reverse transcriptase. Both of these proteins
are targets Of standard AIDS drugs.
When the genes become mutated, they
produce forms of these proteins that elude
the effects of the medicines.
After analyzing the tests and determining
the specificmutations in eachpatient’ s
virus, Baxter and two other virologists
then made treatment suggestions to the
patients’ doctors.
The doctors precisely followed the virologists"
advice only about half the time,
although 83% said the information influenced
their treatment decisions.
At the study’s start, median viral levels
were 28,000 copies per milhliter ofblood.
All were switched to new drug regimens,
but those whose viruses were tested did
much better. Their viral levels dropped to
815, compared to 7,950in the comparison
group. After eight weeks, half of those in
the test group had no measurable virus in
their blood, compared with one-quarter of
the other patients.
Baxter said the testing may be useful to
¯ tailor first-time treatment for those who
¯¯ are newly infected with HIV. This could
become especially important if viruses
¯ thatareimmunetomultiple drugs become
¯ more widespread, as many fear.
AFrench study, conductedby Dr. Pierre
Dellamoniea of University Hospital Cen-
tet in Nice, was released at an AIDS
¯ conference in Glasgow, Scotland in No-
- vember. It produced similar results using
." agenetictestdevelopedby VisibleGenet-
¯ ics Inc.
Stopping Treatment
to Stop AIDS?
CHICAGO (AP)-The tentativeresults of
a small human experiment offer a glimmer
of possibility that the body’s own
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. in association with PFLAG presents
Chastity Bono
at the 2nd Annual
Red Ribbon Ball
Saturday, April 17th
7:30pro, dinner + entertainment, tickets
begin at $75/person/all proceeds benefit
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., Information 834-4194
John Serrot, MSW
Cherry Street
1515 S. Lewis
(918) 743-4117
Serving a Diverse Community
Are You Gay or Bisexual?
Are You Native America. n?/
rulsa’s Two:Spirited Indian Men’s
Support Group ~s here for you!
¯ Evening support group meetings
¯ Relationship workshops
¯ Short trips, outings and retreats
¯ Free HIV testing
For information call Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
at 582-7225 Ext. 208 or 218
Occupational &
Speech Therapy
in the Tulsa
Community since
Orthopedic and Work InJuries are our
specialty. Most ins ,r.ance accepted.
Appointments made 8 a.m..to 7 p.m. M-F.
Call us today at 58g-1233.
Excellence And
Care .Since
defense system can be trained to hold
down the AIDS virus.
The clearly risky approach attempts to
mimic the success of the much-talkedabout
"Berlin patient," a newly infected
German man who stopped and started
AIDS therapy and eventually quit it entirely,
only to discover that his virus had
inexplicably disappeared. Hehas remained
free ofHIV for two years,
"I don’t see why others cannot become ¯
the Berlin patient," said Dr. Franco Loft,
head of the Research Institute for Genetic
and Human Therapy at Georgetown University
in Washington.
Lori’s team is one of a few exploring
the idea that it may be possible to wean
people away from the demanding regimen
of AIDS medicines without actually
curing them of their infections. Lori presented
his findings at the 6th Conference
on Retrovirnses and Opportunistic Infections.
Some physicians are skeptical. They
fear AIDS patients who learn ofthese
attempts will stop taking the drugs on
their own-withpotentially deadly consequences.
"My concern is that this will be
overplayed," said Dr. Robert Schooley of
the University of Colorado, a conference
orgamzer. "It sounds good to patients.
Who wouldn’t want to stop treatment?
But the real question is whether you can
change the immune response. I worry
pataents will stop therapy. Whenever that
happens, inmyexperience, the vims comes
roaring back.’"
Loft calls the approach stop and go. The
idea: Treat people with standard AIDS
drugs until all signs of HIV vanish from
the bloodstream. Withhold the medicines
until the virus returns. Then give the drugs
again, Keep repeating the cycle until eventually
the virus never comes back,
It probably won’t be eradicated entirely,
so the theory goes, but the body’s
immune defenses will be able to keel~ it
from the explosive growth that is HIV’s
killing trademark.
Loft has tried the approach so far on
three patients. While it’s still too soon to
know whether it will work, Loft finds the
first few weeks’ results promising. The
interval before the virus returns is lengthening.
Furthermore, he said that in more
aggressive experiments on monkeys, the
only practical nonhuman substitute for
AIDS research, the approach seems to
keep the virus at bay for good. The next
step is amuchlarger study involving40 to
80 patients, he said.
Dr. Bruce Walker is conducting similar
early-stage experiments on patients at
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
"We really don’t have any data yet to
suggest that this (stopping and starting
therapy) is something we should be doing,"
he said.
"I would not put one of my patients on
this," said Dr. Roger Pomerantz of Thomas
Jefferson University in Philadelphia,
"Peoplehave talked about this, but it’s the
first time I’ve seen anyone have the guts
to try it."
In Loft’s study, three patients took a
combination of the drugs DDI,
hydroxyurea and indlnavir. The first time
.they stopped treatment, the virus returned
m one week. Doctors treated them again
and stopped. This time the virus stayed
awayfor21/2weeks. Againdoetors started .
and stopped the drugs. The virus disap- _"
peared for six to eight weeks. ."
No one knows how long this will go on ¯
or whether eventually these cycles will
put the virus into permanent retreat.
Glaxo Wellcome
Tries Combo Drugs
(AP) - Glaxo Wellcome is developing
new treatments for AIDS that combine
existing drugs into one-dosage medications.
The world’s second-largest drug
company is in the final stage of development
of a drug that would fuse Ziagen, a
new AIDS drug that won Food and Drug
Administration approval in December,
with Epivir, or 3TC, and Retrovir, or
Glaxo Wellcome - based in the United
Kingdom but with U.S. headquarters in
North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park
- expects to submit an application for
marketing approval to the FDA later this
The combination follows the footsteps
ofGlaxo’ s Combivir, a"cocktail therapy",
that allows patients to take a variety of
drugs in prescribed combinations.
Combivir, which combined3TCandAZT
into one pill, posted $443 million in worldwide
sales in 1998, including $325 million
in the United States. Glaxo is already
the leading producer of AIDS drugs.
No Extra Criminal
Charges for Spitter
WOODWARD, Okla. (AP) -A man who
allegedly spit intentionally into an open
knuckle wound on a police officer and
then told the officer he was HIV-posifive
has tested negative for the virus that causes
AIDS, authorities say. Prosecutors said
Dusfin L. Clower, 18,’wouldn’t face additional
charges because of the spitting incident.
The decision was made after a courtordered
test determined Clower wasn’t
HIV-positive. Clower appeared before
Associate District Judge ]~inson Barefoot
to present the preliminary blood test results
from the state Department of Health.
Clower was arrested following a fight
in a restaurant parking lot in Woodward
on Jan. 17. He struggledwith Officer Matt
.Lehenbaur and allegedly intentionally spit
into the split-open knuckle. Lehenbaur
said in an affidavit that Clower told him
after he spit on him that he was HIVpositive.
Clower still faces felony charges of
assault and battery on a police officer and
attempting to escape custody.
AIDS Ride Nets
Only 15% to Charity
DALLAS (AP) - Of $3 million in donations
to the Tanqueray Texas AIDS Ride
last year, 85% went toward expenses,
organizers confirm. The costs included
office space, advertising and the $280,000
fee of the for-profit producer, Pallotta
Teamworks of Los Angeles, The Dallas
Morning News reported. The 15%, or
$450,000, that went to beneficiaries was
far below both projections and industry
standards for such activities.i
Chris Cole, national director of
Pallotta’s AIDS rides, said Pallotta generally
projects that it will return about 50%
of proceeds to participating charities, as it
projected in Texas last year and has delivered
elsewhere. Even that rate is unimpressive
to Daniel Borochoff, president
of the National Institute of Philanthropy.
He urges a minimum of 65%.
Producers of the 575-mile jaunt are
promising to cut expenses and attractmore
participants so that the second-year event,
set for next October, is more successful.
Les Ballets Trockadero ¯ January is an exhibit, Symbols of Faith ¯
and Belief, Art of the Native American de Monte Carlo : Church. The show features paintings,
Dancing the fine line between high art ¯ drawings, photographs, objects and conandhighcamp,
Les Ballets Trockadero de ¯ temporary art from the Native American
Monte Carlo have delighted
around the world. In
parodies of famous
classical works, from
Swan Lake to Giselle,
and of the choreography
oflsadora Duncan,
George Balanchine,
and Martha Graham,
they offer performances
which both
dance afficionados and
complete dance novices
enLjoeys.Trockaderos began
in 1974 and have
performedin dancefestivals
from New York,
Spoleto, Italy, Vienna,
Paris to the Nether-..
lands. Their tours have
taken them across the
US, Europe, South
America andrepeatedly
across Japan.
And while the repertoire
and casts of Les
Trockaderos may
change, the .original
concept remains constant:
acompany ofprofessional
male dancers
performing the full
range ofballetandmodern
dance repertoire.
The humorous sight of
male bodies delicately
balancing in toe shoes
as swans, sylphs and
water sprites delight,
amuse and still serve
Les Trockaderos original
purpose: to being
the pleasure of dance
to the widest possible
For tickets or more
information, call 596-
7111. Outside Tulsa,
call 800-364-7111 or
online contact,
Now open at the City
of Tulsa’s Gilcrease
Museum, are two exceptional,
if divergent,
exhibits. Opening in
Tr ;kade
Les Ballets Trockadero
de Monte Carlo, March 16 only
Norman Rockwell: An American
Portrait at Gilcrease, 2/19-5/2
Alphonse Mucha, the Spirit of
Art Nouveau, 4/25 - 6/20
Churchtraditions. The
Native American
Church developed in
the late 1870’s with a
ritual basedon the consumption
of peyote
cactus. For thousands
of American Indian
people, theChurchhas
provided the spiritual
and social basis for
meaningful lives amid
the disruptions and dislocations
of 20th century
life. Grounded in
older tribal religions
from the plains region,
the Churchwas thef’Lrst
native religious movement
organized and
dessiminated on the
model of western
Christian denominations.
Just opening
at the end of February,
is a different aspect
of America: Norman
Rockwell: An
American Portrait.
This exhibitfeatures all
332 magazine covers
the artist didfor the Saturday
Evening Post
overaperiodfrom 1916
to 1963. Even as
Rockwell helped preserveAmericanmyths,
he recreated them and
made them new for following
After you’ve seen Les
Trockaderos de Monte
Carlo do their Swan
Lake, don’t you think
you ought to see Tulsa
Ballet do the original?
You have that chance,
April 9-11. Call 749-
6006 for tickets.
Also March 6, 11 &
13, Tulsa Opera will
present Dialogues of
the Carmelites, starring
the Metropolitan
Opera’s Rosalind Elias.
Call 587-4811 for tickets
and information.
T. U. L. S. A. Hosts Review + Fundraiser
The Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Association (T.U.L.S.A.) will host the
second annual charity fundraising event
called"After the Leather, the GreatLeather
Campout" on Friday, March 19. Making
special guest appearances will be ahost of
Tulsa and Oklahoma City entertainers
and tifle-holders from numerous pageants
and contests.
The event, which organizers hope will
be a ongoing effort, will take place at the
Silver Star Saloon, beginning promptly at
10pm and will benefit three local charities:
Our House, Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. Food
Chain and the Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center, formerly known as The
Pride Center.
Also this year a silent auction will take
place beginning at 9pm. The regular auction
will offer autographed portraits of
Patti LaBelle, Cher, Susan Lucci, Rosie
0’Donnell, Troy Aikman, Reba McIntire,
Travis Tritt, George Straight, Robin Williams,
Michael J. Fox, Diana Ross, Hulk
Hogan, Alec Balwin, Bruce Willis and
A highlight of the auction will be an
autographed CD of Sir Elton John.
T.U.L.S.A. officers hope that this year’s
¯event will outperform last year’s which
raised Over $2500 for charity.
For any additional information, please
call Randall at 1-918-762- 3212, or contactT.
U.L.S.A, atPostOffice Box 33076,
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 or
An American Portrait
May 2, 1999
3 Performances Only!
April 9-11
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Sponsored by
Bank of Oklahoma and the Tulsa World
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo
March 16 at 8 p,m.
Music Hall
Dancing the fine line between high art and high camp, Les Bdllets
Trockadero de Monte Carlo delights audiences around the world.
~- Les Bal ets Trockadero is the world’s foremost all-male comic ballet
Sponsored in part by:
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of ttope (United Methodis0, Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Family of Faith & MCCGT)
Service, 1 lain, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical AnglicanChurch in America)
Mass - 11am, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pro, Info: 585-COMC (2662)
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodi st, 7:30pro, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networkang group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more infommtion, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group, Call for info: Mary at 743-6740,
Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. ItLfO: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pro, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for winter schedule.
Ifyour orgamzation is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
reviewed by Barry Hensley . sister andpulls out a shotgun to finish him
Tulsa City-County Library . off. As he jumps into his pickup, never to
What happens when a Gay male couple ¯ be seen again, he yells back to his wife,"a
moves from New York City to
Aiken, South Carolina to re- "Some merctmnts,
man can only take so much
store a post civil war man- it seemed, couldn’t The religious aspect of rural
sion?Almostanythingyoucan sell a pael~ of South Carolina was an eye
¯ imagine! Subtitled "A Resto- cigarettes.., opener for this sophisticated,
rationComedy," this true story
wltl~out invol~in~
urban Gay couple. Aiken is a
is a wonderful memoir of two town that wears Christianity
guys determined to restore a t]~e deity. Jesus on its sleeve, "Some metdilapidated
work of art. was not only t]~elr chants,itseemed, couldn’tsell
After searching across the savlor, ]ae was a pack of cigarettes , rent a
country forjust the right piece tl~elr ~nanclal video, or launder a shirt withof
property, the guys decided
out invoking the deity. Jesus
that Joye was just the chat- was not only their savior, he
lenge they needed. Built by Tl~ey call tlds was their financial adviserand
robber baron William "talzln~ tl~e Lord’s marketing consultant." They
Whitney,Joyecottagehasover name in ~aln." call this ".tak~,ng the Lord’s
60 rooms, 146 windows and name in gain.
128 doors¯ After being abandoned for " After three years of agonizing renovaover
a decade, every room needed exten- - tion, Joye Cottage was finally ready for a
sive work, and the house quickly became " grand opening. It came in the format of a
a "money pit" and a "handyman special " ball, not unlike the kind Mr. Whitney
from Hell¯" ¯ gave earlier in the century. After all they
. We meet a tapestry of colorful charac- went through, the bookends with the guys
ters who populate the lazy town of Aiken. " setting their sights on a 120 room housein
Bubba, a construction engineer, took the Massachusetts!
guys on an early tour of their unrestor.ed The subject of their being Gay rarely
masterpiece. His comments along the way : arises, and the locals simply refer to them
offer a glimpse into the culture of Aiken. " as "the boys¯" However, their campy re-
As they pass the remains of a frog in the ¯ marks throughout the book remindus that
basement, Bubbaexclaims"wherethere’s " they are constantly aware that Aiken is an
frogs, there’s water!" In a effort to get " unusual setting for these longtime corncopies
of keys made, Steve encounters a " panions. The authors have written several
sweet lady in a hardware store who takes ¯ books together, and their masterpiece is
up his afternoon by elaborately detailing " the Pulitzer Prize winner and National
the exploits of her fourteen grandchil- " Book Award finalist, "Jackson Pollock".
dren. This ain’t New York! : Their writing style is fun and witty¯ After
Then, there’s a gardener, Ron, who ¯ your read this book, the idea of enclosing
explains to the guys how women keep " the screened porch won’t seem as intimicoming
on to him, but his religious beliefs " dating.
and family responsibilities keep him on ¯ Check for this title at your branch lithe
straight andnarrow. That is, of course ¯ brary, or call the Readers Services departuntil
his wife catches him in bed with her . ment at Central Library.at 596-7966.
by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D.
Corey wants to go home to Pine Bluff,
Arkansas. At the moment, he is living
with an aunt in Oakland. He makes a bit a
money as an impresario, running a stable
of male strippers and also stripping occasionally
I met Corey at Oakland’s one African-
Americangay bar during one ofhis shows.
Hewas kept busy picking uphis strippers’
tips as they dropped these onto the floor.
A wise precaution, I thought. The bar’s
neighborhood was none too good. Who
knows how many quick-fingered drunks
in need ofarefill mighthelp themselves to
a stray bill or two peeking out from gstring
or sock?
Deflecting a hustle, I nonetheless gave
Corey afide home to his aunt’s house on
Fruitvale Ave. We chatted about his two
children,mychildren, Arkansas andOklahoma,
his girlfriends, problems in California,
and his dream of opening a club in
Hne Bluff featuring the music tapes and
CDs he has collected.
Corey claimed that only oneofthe eight
guys who had bared all that evening was
gay. Yeah, right... I’m thinking. Actually,
I am wondering about the psychology
of straight-identified youngmen who
are willing to be transformed into objects
of homosexual desire for a thongful of
dollars. Or perhaps it’s sociology, not
¯ psychology- stripping being a quick way
: for the youthful, urban poor to make a few
¯ extra bucks. But it’s not just money.
¯ There’s something ,deeper than simple
¯ poverty thatmakes so-called straightboys
find satisfaction, and perhaps even pleasure,
in the desiring gaze of other men.
¯ Andmost of these were oldermen- the
bar’s clientele running a little long in the
¯ tooth. And why were we there? We, with
¯ those slippery dollar bills?
¯ Here, we need anthropology, not Sociology.
Cross-culturally, stripping is asso-
¯ ciated withrepression of sexuality and the
¯ human body. Salaciousness is impossible ¯
¯ tional Arab word, harem and purdah and
: female gowns and veils go along with
¯ belly dancing and other lubricious dis-
: plays where those women get unveiled.
: The body has long been a problem in
¯ America, too. Your great-grandma put
: ruffs on her piano’s ruddy naked legs;
¯ your great-grandpa referred to his cocks
." as "roosters." But by the 1920s, strict
: taboos onbodydisplayhad erodedenough
¯ so that people didn’t have to wear their
: longjohns at thebeach any longer,women
: lost their corsets, and Vaudeville per-
: formers baredincreasingamounts offlesh.
¯ And now the cultural descendants of
: Gypsy Rose Lee perform every Monday
: night see Anthro, p. 13
Red Rock Tulsa
Free Confidential
HIV Testing
Walk-in Clinics
Tuesday Testing, 5 -8 pm
Pride Center, 1307 East 38th
Wednesday Testing, 5-8 pm
Red Rock, 1724 East 8th
Daytime appointments available.
Call for more information:
of the Restoration
Unitarian Universalist
11 am, Sunday
1314 North Greenwood
Better Than
Ever, Pride
Magazines &
8120 East 21st
(2 lst+Memodal,
next to Boot City)
We buy back good
used adult magazines,
We knowyou’re
going to love this!
Restaurant & Cabaret
jf~rso~rt~*tD~ ~*
310 East First Street
9 ! 8-599-9949
Massage Therapy ServiCes
Edgar O. Cruz, L.M.T.
Pager: 918-889-5255
Voice Mail: 918-697-9282
Lic. #C4133
Country Club
Custom Styling
for Men & Women
David Kauskey
3310 E. 51st, 747-0236
Tues.-Fri., 8-5:30, Sat. 8-5pm
Timothy W. Daniel
Attorney at Law
An Attorney who will fight for
justice & equality for
Gays & Lesbians
Domestic Partnership Planning,
Personal Injury,
Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-9 68 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointments are available.
Kelly Kirby CPA, PC
Certified Public Accountant
a professional corporation
It’s time to start on those 1998 taxes!
As you know, Lesbians and Gay men
face many special tax situations
: whether single or ascouples.
We can help!
Elect~0nicfiling is available for faster refunds.
4021 S. Harvard, Suite 210, Tulsa 74135
Editors note: Mary is still on sabatical
this month butpromises thatshe will have
a new columnfor the April issue.
by Mary Schepers
Toilets - Liberace thought them
unglamorous, Edmund White finds them
seductive, and most of the straight men I
work with find them an inspirational device
(well, they say they go in there to
think deep thoughts, and it takes sooo
long...). But the Do It Yourself Dyke,
quite prosaically, sees only an afternoon
project that isn’t as daunting as people
make it out to be.
And no small wonder that toilet repairs
seem so mysterious - anything a plumber
values so highly mustbe awfully complex
and arcane. The DIYD merely replies
"Poop-ola!" A friend of mine said her
toilet ran all the time and that it was going
to cost $50.00 to have it repaired, so she
ought to just go ahead and buy a new one.
Well, for about $7.00 and a half hour of
time and with some of those tools you
rushed out and bought after my last column,
you can have a quiet, efficient toilet
¯ Now, that’s something to contemplate!
The plumbing section at Homo Depot
or Builder’s Queer or any other hardware
store Will have a universal repair kit that
includes afloat and a rubber stopper. Yes,
these are the mysterious working parts of
the toilet. You may now be nonplused.
Don’t worry that the float doesn’t look
like the one in your tank - you know, the
copper rod with the little floaty thing
attached. That was, quite honesty, called
the "ball cock", so if I say your ball cock
is dripping, don~t take it pei:sonally. They
are a thing of the past, at least as far as
plumbing is concerned. This should be all
that you need, but it does prompt me to a
standard warning - anytime you work on
your plumbing, you may need to make
extra trips for other parts you didn’t think
you’d need. That’s because pipe fittings
do rust, and those nice little chrome water
cut-offvalves under the tankhave abitchy
way of just twisting off when you try to
shut them off. But that isn’t always the
case, so dick your heels together three
times and wish real hard.
The first step is to get your tools together.
You’ll need an adjustable crescent
wrench and a pair of channel lock pliers,
and it doesn’t hurt to have a pipe wrench
on hand, either. If you don’t have these
tools or the task is too daunting already,
find a handy dyke, buy her some beer and
cook her something fabulous and turn her
loose. It’ll still be cheaper than the
plumber. Have some paper towels or rags
ready, because the toilet will leak, sometime
and somewhere. Next, turn off the
water. Most of the time, there is that
chrome shut off valve under the tank and
running into the wall. It probably hasn’t
been moved in years, so expect some
resistance (kind ofremindsme ofan ex...);
you might have to wrap a rag around the
handle and use your channel locks - genfl!!
- and turn the handle counter-dockwiseuntil
itcloses completely. Ifitdoesn’t
turn or, more likely, the handle twists off
but the valve doesn’t move, grab your
keys and head for the hardware store - but
we’ll address that in a little while.
Assuming youhave successfully dosed
the valve, flush the toilet to drain the tank
and mop up the water remaining in the
bottom ofthe tank. This will also get those
nasty deposits out of the bottom that can
cause problems later, so that’s a plus.
Undip the little hose that empties into that
tube in the center of the tank, remove the
ball cock (ifyou have one) or float assembly,
and then comes the fun part: removing
the vertical water supply line into your
tank. This is attached to the float assembly.
You have to loosen a threaded collar
on the bottom of the tank directly under
that vertical inlet tube. Use your channel
locks and remember that you’re working
upside down and that it will unscrew the
opposite of what you’d normally expect.
Well, it’ s still counterclockwise to loosen,
but only if you’re on your head. This is the
time you’ll appreciate whether or not your
toidy is in a tight spot or not. The cussing
is directly proportionate to the amount of
workspace you have. Welcome to
Plumber’s World.Take the collar off, remove
the vertical water supply tube and
mop up the water on the floor. Replace it
with the new float device and tighten the
collar over the bottom. It will have a new
rnbber or plastic tube that you clip onto
the outlet pipe - pretty much opposite ofthe
removal. You may have to adjust that
’~Fea enp"at the top of the float so youcan
put tlae toilet lid back on, but that’s simply
accomplishedby twisting itup or down as
needed. You can also control the water
levd this way, but don’t get too chintzy
with the water supply, or you’ll regret it.
Reattach the water supply from the shutoff
up to the tank and you’re ready for the
next step.
Now, remove the old rubber stopper
that’s attached to the handle. Take the
little chain loose and then remove the
flapper - it usually is attached to the stem
of the outlet tube by a couple of little
rubber or plastic ears and comes off easily.
The rubber on the flapper can be kind
of slimy, so use a rag to hold it when
you’re taking it off. Replace it with the
new flapper in the kit just the opposite of
how youremovedit. Thelittle chain needs
a bit of slack, but not too much or it winds
around the lever from the handle and the
water will still run and annoy the hell out
of you.
There are pretty good instructions on
the package, complete with illustrations,
so don’t fed too confused. However, the
first kit I used forgot to tell.me about that
locking collar on the bottom of the tank,
and was I one frustrated lezzie until I
figured it out! If you’re still uncomfortable
doing this job but are determined to
learn, find someone patient enough to
coach you while youdo the work. It’s a
great way to learn this stuff.
If youhave trouble with the shut offyou
have two options - yell for help or replace
it yoursdf. This is where the pipe wrench
come in handy. You have to be able to
shut the water off at the curb; the valve for
yourmain water supply is in themeterbox
by the curb and the bar on top of the valve
needs to be turned 180 degrees to shut it
off. You can use a large wrench, but you
can buy a device called a water key that
makes it easier; it has a long hand, which
is nice if your meter box is full of questionable
water. They 0nly costabout $8.00
and are priceless when you really need
them, so consider investing in one.
After turning off the water, flush the
toilet. If it fills back up, the main water
isn’t offand you’ll have to try again. If the
water is off, put some rags under the
valve, grasp the pipe going into the wall
with a pipe wrench and turn the collar of
the valve see DIYD, p.13
by Esther Rothblum . ¯
Recently a number of books have been "
published about the Lesbian identity or ¯
femalerelationships ofprominent women ¯
who lived in earlier historical periods. "
.Mary Eichbauer was living
in Paris when she became
aware that much of the work
of Natalie Barney (1876-
1972) hadnever before been
published in English. She
receivedpermission to translate
some of Bamey’s writing
and to find an English
audience for this work.
Eichbauer" described
Natalie Bamey’s life and
work to mein a recent correspondence:
Souvenirs Indiscrets (Indiscreet
Memories), Natalie
says that shehad always felt
drawn to women, from her
earliest days. In the first
chapter, ’Renre Vivien,’ she
describes an intense crush
she.had on a beautiful young cousin, how "
she loved to be close to her and comfort ¯
her (the young woman was pining for :
some young beau). Natalie fell in loee "
with a school friend when she was six- "
teen, at a time when her family lived in ¯
Washington, D,C. and she was being :
courted for her beauty (and her father’s "
money) by more than a few young men. ¯
She and her friend Eva Palmer (heiress to ¯
abiscuitfortune) spent a summer together :
in Bar Harborpla~ngnaked in the woods "
at nymph (Eva) and shepherd (Natalie).
Afterthatsummer, theirrespectablefanfi: ¯
lies made sure they were placed in sepa- ."
rate boarding schools. :
"Ironically, her father’s own egotism ¯
flna!!ygaveBamey the chance sheneeded :
to begin her preferred way of life. Albert :
Barney was so eager to get back to his ¯
beloved London (which Natalie always "
thought of as a male city, as opposed to
Paris, whichwas ruledby women), and so
bored with the business of parenting, that
heleft Natalie staying at a boarding house
under scant supervision, supposing her to .
be occupied, with shopping and ’fittings’ ¯
for a gown intended for her Washington :
’debut.’ Instead, Natalie visited Carmen, :
an artist’s model who had posed for her ¯
mother. The beautiful Carmen welcomed :
Natalie into her bed (Natalie’s first time) "
and educated her in some of the ways of ¯
the world. (According to Jean Chalon, ¯
Natalie wasn’t quite sure that she could
make love to a woman without getting "
pregnant!) She walked home from her "
first meeting with Carmen repeating to ¯
herself, spellbound: ’I have a mistress, I "
have a mistress.’ ¯
"Next, she fell madly in love with one ¯
Liane de Pougy, a celebrated courtesan.
Liane took Natalie for a ride in her car- [
riage through the Bois de Boulogne, and "
their affair was launched. Later, Liane ¯
wrote Idylle.Sap,.hique ( ~apphic ldyll), a "
novelabouther Flossie, thefirstofmany
literary tributes that wouldbe dedicated tO
Barney over the years (Ren~e Vivien, ¯
Djuna Barnes, Radclyffe Hall and Lucie "
Delarue-Mardrus wrote novels featuring :
Barney as a character, and quite a bit of [
poetry was dedicated to her). Bamey’s ¯
father never forgave her for causing such °
a scandal backhome. In fact, he boughtup :
Natalie’s affair
with Vivlen was
tempestuous and
involved frequent
Although they loved
each other dearly,
they were essentially
incompatible... She
and Barney are
hurled not far from
¯ inch other inthe
Passy Cemetery...
all the copies of Liane’s book he could
find, along with the printing plates, and
had them destroyed. Too late - the book
had already been circulated widely.
"The greatestpassion ofBamey’s youth,
however, was Ren~e Vivien
(born Pauline Tam), like
herself, an expatriate in Paris
(Tam was born in England).
The first chapter of Souvenirs
Indiscrets describes
their affair in detail. Natalie’ s
affair with Vivien was tempestuous
and involved frequent
separations. Although
they loved each otherdearly,
they were essentially incompatible.
Natalie refused to
pass upany chance for pleasure
that came her way, and
so Ren~e eventually left her
for another woman. In the
end, Ren~e died young, a
victim of anorexia and alcoholism.
She and Barney are
buried not far from each
other in the Passy Cemetery in Paris."
As Barney says in Souvenirs: "Our opposed
natures contrived to make us suffer
at each Other’ s hands for a long time. This
resulted for her in a fertile inspiration and
formyselfin aninstructive defeat. Unable
to live with her or without her, I do not
know which was most painful: our dangerona
meetings, our separations, or our
attempts at infidelity. Like so many other
lovers, wehad still more of those ’terrible
adieus one goes back on’ and those exalt-
.’ ing reunions that did not last. Apart, but
irresistibly attracted to each other, only to
lose each other once again, our persistent
love endured all the phases of a fatal
attraction that perhaps only death could
end. I still loved Ren~e, but with a vanquished
love, enslaved by the circumstances
that she had allowed to have their
¯ way with us... (Souvenirs Indiscrets)"
~ Eichbauer states: "Natalie’s .life was
¯ more important to her than her writing.
: She described the procxss of writing a
: book as one of cleaning out her desk
¯ drawers. Her writingis seldom sustained;
she expressed herself in sharp lightningbolts
of intelligence. In her introduction
to Souvenirs, she says, ’If too little of the
love I invoke appears in this book, it is
because I have better spent it elsewhere.
Here there remain only fragments.’"
Because of the importance of her salon,
Barney is mentioned, at least in passing,
in most accounts ofAmerican expatriates
in Paris. Here are the books by and about
Barney that Eichbauer recommends and
that are most readily available:
Natalie Barney. Adventures oftheMind.
Tr. John Spaulding Gatton. New York:
New York University Press, 1992.
Natalie Barney. The One Who is Legion,
or A.D. ’s Afterlife.
1930; Orono, Me.: U of Maine, National
Poetry Foundation, 1987.
Natalie Barney. A Perilous Advantage:
: The Best ofNatalie Clifford Barney. Ed-
; ited and translated by Anna Livia. Introduction
by Karla Jay. Norwich, Vt.: New
Victoria Pub., 1992. Karla Jay.
The Amazon and the Page: Natalie
Clifford Barney and Rende Vivien.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
see Barney, p. !3
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in tawdry Oakland gay bars. ~
We maintain enough taboo] on nudity
for strippers to make a living. The flesh
still titillates. Salacious gazingatunclothed
bodies remains an American form of
sexual pleasure. But there are (or were
until recently) somehumancultures where
people have escaped the kinkiness of
modesty. No one wears clothing or, if
they do, it’s for reasons of comfort. No
Peeping Toms, no hidden videocams in
restrooms, no voyeurs, no exhibitionists,
no pornography, no one works to snatch
an illicit glimpse at this or that body part.
The body, sexually, is a bore in places
whereit is never hidden- where exposure
causes neither guilt nor shame nor desire.
Or rather, body touch and smell may be
sexualized but nevermere looking, where
nudity is the norm.
The details ofmodesty and display vary
from one culture to another. Many have
commented on American fixation on the
female breast. Who knows if it’s childrearing
customs, our relations with mom,
or our marital relations that have supercharged
theAmerican breast, the epitome
being Barbie’s big and pointy boobs.
In much of the South Pacific, women’s
breasts traditionally were neither erogenous
nor hidden. Male desire focused
instead on meaty thighs. I’ve walked by
many bare-breasted women who modestly
busy themselves smoothing down
their grass-skirts.
On Tanna, where I lived for amunber of
years, tmditionalmale dress consisted simply
of a "penis-wrapper." Men wrapped
theirpenes in leaves and fixed these upright
to a barkcloth belt. Penis-wrappers
had disappeared for years until a roving
photographer from National Geographic
passed through the island one year and
convinced a number of guys to strip back
down into penis-wrappers to make his
South Sea photos appear more authentic
to his Americanviewers. Since then, some
ofthesemenhavemaintained the wrapper
as a political statement of their
traditionality vis-ii-vis their Christian
Nearly all malebody parts onTannaare
boring, and never eroticized. No one, certaiuly,
would toss dollars bills around to
catch a glimpse ofmale belly or butt. The
glans penis is the only body part that men
are ashamed to display. As soon as boys
are circumcised (between ages of5 and 10
or so) they begin covering themselves -
and uncircumcised boys are teased merci-
: lessly should their glans peek out of their
." foreskins. Stripping as a profession has
¯ little futurein much of the world.
¯ In Oakland, though, those flying dol-
." lars are sending Corey home to Arkansas.
Lamont Lindstrom is a Visiting Prof.of
". Anthropology at the Univ. of Cal~ornia,-
¯ Berkeley, during Spring Term, 1999
Mary Eichbauer lives and writes in northern
California. Her annotated translation
¯ of Bamey’s "Rente Vivien"’ will appear
¯ in a forthcoming issue of The Journal of
Lesbian Studies.
¯ EstherRothblum is Prof. ofPsychology
¯ at the Univ. ofVermont andEditor ofI’he
¯ Journal of Lesbian Studies. She can be ¯
reached at John Dewey Hall, Univ. of
". Vermont, Burlington, VT, email:
¯ esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
: with a crescent wrench. If the parts are
¯ rusted together, you can have a real wres-
: fling match. Once the val~ce is off, remove
¯ the tube from the valve from
¯ the bottom of the toilet with the crescent
wrench. Take everything to the hardware
¯ store, handittothehapless clerkinplumb-
¯ ing and tell them you want "this". Go
ahead and get a new water inlet hose -
¯ you’ll be sorry later if you don’t. Also
¯ pick up a roll of the Teflon tape they sell
¯ m plumbing. Check out and cuss some
: more, because this is costing more than
¯ the replacement kit, but remember that
¯ theplumber would be charging youlabor,
¯ and that hurts.
Back at home, wrap a couple of turns of
¯ Teflon tape clockwise around the threads
on the pipe sticking out of the wall. Use
your wrenches again to attach the shut-off
valve snuggly in place; wrap the threaded
end on the valve with Teflon tape and
attach the water inlet hose. Rule of thumb
in plumbing - if it’s threaded, use Teflon
tape on it. This helps give a good seal and
also makes it a lot easier if you have to
remove these parts again in the future.
Now you can proceed with your toilet
repairs as above. Once everything is attached
and snug, turn your water back on
and admire your handiwork!
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HB 1211 Lobby D.ay
at OK State Capitol
TULSA - State and local community organizers led in
Tulsa by former national Parents, Families and Friends
of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) president, Nancy
McDonald, have called for an emergency lobby day at
the State Capitol on Tues., March 2 in support of HB
1211 amending Oklahoma’s "hate crime" statute.
At the Capitol, Keith Smith, a lobbyist with the
OklahomaACLU and Sierra Club is help~g to coordinate
lobbying. Keith can be reached through Peggy
Leininger in State Senator Bemest Cain’s office. Keith
may also be reached at 405-840-2219 and by e-mail at
Mrs. McDonald has noted that parents are particularly
effective in reaching state legislators. M.C.
Smothermon, who recently ran for US Congress is
herself the mother of a hate crime victim and is encouraging
any parents who’may wish to come to the Capitol
to contact her at 405-340-7015. see Lobby, p. 3
Despite Murder, Wyoming
Rejects Hate Crime Bill
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - Four months after Gay
college student Matthew Shepard was beaten to death,
amove to pass hate crimes legislation in Wyoming was
killed in committee. Wyoming is one nine states without
bias crimes laws, and lawmakers have rejected
similar measures four times since 1995.
After Shepard’s death, calls for a bias crimes law
increased - Republican Gov. Jim Geringer for the first
time supported it. Geringer said that he was disappointed
the legislation did not reach the Senate floor for
debate, but he added that no law can change how people
think about each other. Twomeasures died in the Senate
Judiciary Committee. Both would have increased the
maximum fine for a felony by up to $5,000 and raised
themaximumprison term by up to five years if prosecutors
could prove the crime was motivated by bias.
State Sen. John Schiffer, the Judiciary chairman, said
he hoped supporters of bias crime legislation would
come back in future sessions with legislation that would
have broader support. Opponents said they objected to
listing motivating factors, such as race, religion and
sexual orientation, saying the bills offered special protection
to certain groups. Others said no new laws are
needed, just strict enforcement of existing measures.
Wende Barker, state coordinator for theWyoming
Bias Crimes Coalition, said she was disappointed but
not surprised and planned to try to push for such laws
again next year.
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Oklahoma HouseCommittee
Approves Hate Crime Bill
by Tim Talley & Tom Neal
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP/TFN) - A proposal to add sexual
orientation to the list of hate crimes in Oklahoma is being
criticized by opponents who question whether it will deter anti-
Gay assaults.House Bill 1211 would add sexual orientationto the
list of groups in the state’s hate ~wimes law, which already
includes race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin and disability.
"I think we’re going in the wrong direction," Ken Wood,
executive director of the Oklahoma Christian Coalition, said
Wednesday after the House Judicial Committee voted 5-3 for HB
1211 y Rep. Don Ross, D-Tulsa. I think xt creates an inequality
of justice. This elevates particular groups to a higher status,"
Wood said.
Keith Smith, a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties
Union, said the measure is supported by many Oklahoma religious
organizations. The bill’s passage by the House committee
says "violence and hatred against certain groups is unacceptable,"
Smith said. But passage by the full Legislature "will be an
uphill battle," he said.
Opponents attacked the measure for "endorsing Gay lifestyles."
’¢l~ais is more about having a homosexual lifestyle as a normal
lifestyle in contravention of 6,000 years of history," Rep. Bill
Graves, R-OKC, said. "It goes against the Christian religion."
Ross saidthe bill is a response to the beating death of Matthew
Shepard, a gay college student in Wyoming who was pistolwhipped,
robbed and lashed to a fence in October. Police said
Shepard was attacked, in part, because he was homosexual.
’q’hey thought you were dangerous because you were different,"
Ross said as he read from a letter that Ross said he wrote to
Shepard’s spirit. "You didn’t parade your lifestyle," Ross said.
"Matthew, you were still in the closet.""I’m sorry for the misfits
in our society," said Ross, who closed debate by recmng the
Lord’s Prayer.
.Critics, including Rep. Ray Vaughn, R-Edmond, said the hate
crimes law has not stopped race- and religion-based attacks.
"How would it be effective in stopping hate crimes against ;
. homosexuals?’"Vaughn said. "r(seems to me we’~e creating "a :
special class of Oklahoma citizens. We’re all entitled to the same ¯
respect." see HB 1211, p. 3
Methodist Anti-Gay Marriage
Witchhunt Reaches Oklahoma
TULSA - Tulsa United Methodist pastor, the Reverend Leslie
Peurose of Community of Hope, has had formal charges brought ¯
against her for signing a statement of support for the Holy Union "
ceremony between two California women, Ellie Charlton and ¯
Jeanne Barnett in Sacramento on January 16, 1999. ¯
Penrose, along with the Rev. Susan Ross ofPerkins, Oklahoma
¯ signeddocumentsofsupportfortheceremonylistingtheirnames ¯
: asas"officiantsinabsentia."Nearly80Methodistelergypartici_ ¯
.. pated in the widely publicized service to support the couple and "
¯ toprotestreeentdecisionsoftheUnitedMethodistChurchtoban ¯
-" its clergy from officiating or performing such services or from ¯
¯ such services from being held in Methodist owned facilities. ¯
¯ Boyce Bowden, spokesperson for the Oklahoma Conference, "
United Methodist Church, acknowledged that charges had been "
," brought against Penrose but refused to provide any further
¯" information characterizing the issue as a "personnel issue" and
¯ therefore subject to employment confidentiality rules. Bowden
did notmention charges brought against Ross. The Rev. Peurose
." was unable to comment officially.
¯ However, the charges were brought against Peurose and Ross ¯
¯ by Jake P. Barker of First United MethOdist Church of Eufaula
Barker is apparently tied to anti-Gay elements in the Methodist
." Church and copies of his complaint, as well as official responses
¯ have appeared verbatim on the website of "The Confessing
¯ Movement" (http://shell.surfsouth.com/~jwarrene/news/
"_ So while the Oklahoma Conference office and Oklahoma
¯ Bishop Blake has no comment, the full text of the Conferenee’s
¯ response to Barker is available on the intemet.
¯ The heart of the response of Conference’s response is that
¯ participation in a banned same-gender union or relationship
¯ blessing requires the clergy to be physically present. Therefore ¯
the signatures of Penrose and Ross constitute only a permissible
¯ expression of their opinion rather than a violation of Methodist
ophne. Theletterwas signedby Paul Bowles, Tulsa District
Superintendent, and Grayson Lucky, Stillwater District Superintendent,
see Methodists, p. 3
Chastity Bono to Speak
atApril Red Ribbon Gala
TULSA- Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. (Center for AIDS Resources,
Education and Support), formerly known
as the HIV Resource Consortium, will hold its
second annual fundraising dinner; the Red Ribbon
Gala on Saturday, April 17th at 7:30 at the Downtown
Doubletree Hotel. The event will feature a
keynote address by Chastity Bono, author and
Lesbian and Gay media activist. Bono’s address
will emphasize the need for compassion and broad
community support in the fight against AIDS.
Proceeds from the event will support Tulsa
C.A.R.E.S. which is the principal care-giving consortium
for people living with HIV and AIDS in
northeastern Oklahoma. More than 500 clients
receive food, counseling, housing, medical prescription
assistance from the agency. Bono’s participation
in the Gala is co-sponsored by the Tulsa
Chapter of PFLAG.
Bono will also attend a booksigning in the early
afternoon (time tba) on April 17 at the Tulsa Gay
Community Services Center to benefit the Center.
Also on April 17, local divaAudra Sommers will
present Benefit 99, A Connection ofLove from 6-
8pm at the Parish Church of St. Jerome, 205 West
King. Featured artists include Ernestine Dillard,
Gregory Hyde, Link Filion, Rebecca Ungerman,
Jonathan Brown and the Council Oak Men’s Chorale.
Tickets are $25. Info: 836-5447.
Vandal Invades Center
Verbally Abuses Volunteer + Trashes Hail
TULSA - Late last month, aman entered the Tulsa
Gay Community Services Center, formerly known
as The Pride Center, shouting obsenities at the
volunteer, Shawn, who was staffing The Pride
Store that evening: The man, a white male was
described as being just over 6 foot tall and about
230 pounds with military style short red hair and a
full beard and mustache.
Shawn stated that the intruder stormed in the
store, waving a Pride flag that he’d grabbed from a
display near the stairs. She Said his message was
essentially, "how dare you f--king faggots come to
my town, you need to get the f--k out"and "I know
what you look like; I’ll be back to finish what I
started." Shawn then coolly asked him whether he
felt better now and then the intruder stormed down
the hall breaking a framed print and a floor lamp.
Shawn called 911 while the intruder was breaking
things in the hall. Tulsa Police responded
promptly and Shawn said the officers were very
professional and supportive but are not classifying
the incident as a hate crime:
Normally, Center volunteers workin teams; however,
the other volunteer had stepped out to bring
back fast food for dinner. Center board members
have begun fundraising to purchase a surveillance
system for the Center in response to the assault. ¯
Prime Timers to H.old
Gay Center Fundra,ser
¯ TULSA -The Tulsa Area Prime Timers, a local
: mens group, will hold its annual silent auction on
¯ Saturday, March 13 from 5-9pmin the Neal-Padgett
: Hall of the newly renamed Tulsa Gay Community
: Services Center, formerly known as The Pride
¯ Center. The event is held to raise funds for the
¯ Community Center and features a variety of ob-
¯ jeets from art, to collectables and even to services.
¯ Tulsa Area Prime Timers is the local chapter of
an international mens organization. Originally the
¯ group restricted membership to men 40 and above
and their partners. Now the organization is open to
¯ men 21 and above. For more information about the
¯ silent auction or Prime Timers or to donate an item
for the auction, call 627-2359.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Dell, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c.S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 331LS. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Learme M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor -
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria
0 *Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & ,Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
"-Bl~ss The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale ~ 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
_Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa-Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congre,g. Church, 2900 S. Harvard
*Free SpiritWomen s Center, call forlocation &info: 587-4669
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140. Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink net
website: http://users.aol.com/TulsaNewsl
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Real
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lament Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
~4blicaantidonmaaryenportobteecrteedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihnt w19h9o8leboyrTin~partFw.i.~thou.t
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless~ot,herwjse n.o~ted,,r~ust
be signed & becomes the sole property of
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
.~riend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 "
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Men/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Nfinstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E Admiral P1. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, I 114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tnlsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
~f.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall; Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Columunity College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209 NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
: *Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
.. *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
!tlVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
¯ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
: DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring.St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery ¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
¯ *White Light, 1 Center St.
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave.
." *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
501-253-6807 -
* is where you canfind TFN. Notall areGay-owned but all are Gay.friendly.
Carbon Copy
Mary Easely, Member
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Dear Mrs. Easely,
As a man who happens to have been a
victim of hate crimes based on sexual
orientation, I would urge you to support
house Bill 1211, simply because it’s the
right thing to do. You may or may not
agree with certain issues surrounding the
subject, but surely you can realize that to
be killed or maimed simply because of
what others perceive you to be is wrong.
We need a means to combat that sort of
behavior in this city, and this bill is an
~mportant step in addressing that.
Since moving to this state in 1993, I
have been verbally attacked withepithets
ranging from "faggot" to "f***ing queer"
while simply-walking down the street
with a friend. We were doing nothing
untoward, simply walking and talking.
~nat has happened several times - unprovoked
In another instance, I was nearly forced
off a highway by a carfnl of kids yelling
anti-Gay slurs. It is not hard to imagine
that, considering the Mathew Shepard
case, I was lucky.
In school, I was the victim of several
assaults due to the fact I was perceived as
being Gay - long before I knew I was. I
have never been one to carry flags and
.proclaim my sexual orientation with a
bullhorn in a parade, so these attacks,
especially here in Tulsa, were a surprise -
and an unpleasant reminder of a very
difficult childhood.
I know several men who were physically
attacked, even as recently as this
year, in settings - urban neighborhoods,
daylight - that were surprisxng and upsetting
- and undeserved. If the bill passes,
then we can begin to effectively works
towards eradicating, or limiting this sort
of unacceptable violence.
Please help this bill make it through. Be
a part of the history that promoted a positive,
better; peaceful world, not a part of
history that ignored the hatred in this
world and allowed it free reign.
- name witheld by request, Tulsa
cc: Don Ross
Talking points for HB1211
It’ s not about "special rights ;"it’ s about
¯ stopping violence - Oklahoma’s current
laws arenotprotecting citizens adequately.
Many crimes, such as murder,vary the
penalties depending on the motive of the
perpetrator. A stronger hate crimes law is
no different.
No Oklahomans should fear violence
because of who they are. Hate crimes are
a form of terrorism: Hate crimes are intended
to frighten and silence not only the
actual victims, but all members of the
targeted group. Perpetrators ofhatecrimes
seek to "make examples" of their victims.
Oklahomans recognize the importance
¯ ofstanding strongagainstthosewhowonld
spread fear through violence.
Points provided by Gay Community
Services Center Advocacy Committee.
¯" Letters. Policy
". Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
: issues which we’ve covered or on issues
¯. youthinkneedtobeeonsidered.Youmay
¯ request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters mustbe signed&have phonenum-
: bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word leti
ters are preferred. Letters to other publications
will be printed as is appropriate.
However, as of press time, Barker had already posted on
the internet a further letter of complaint to the Oklahoma
Conference pursuing charges and a church trial against "
Penrose and Ross. In fact, a lay observer of these proceedings
alleged that Barker’ s complaints were being seen on the
internet for wide public viewing prior to even being received "
at the Oklahoma Conference and before Ross and Penrose "
even knew they were being accused. ¯
The text of the letter follows with only the deletion of the
charges against Ross. Those allegations are identical to
th0ge made against Peurose.
Reverend Paul Bowles and Reverend Grayson Lucky
Re: Reverend Susan Ross and Rev. Leslie Penrose
It is obvious we disagree in your comment "we can only
interpret their signatures as expressions ofpersonal opinion".
I believe thatyou err in this conclusion. In this case the
aforementioned clergy (Ross & Penrose) did infact violate
the statedposition ofthe Social Principles regarding same
sex unions as defined by the Social Principles, which as you
know, have been declared, in this instance, as having the
force of law, by the Judicial Council. By engaging in a
defiant challenge to the statedposition ofThe United Methodist
Church they have more than indicated their willingness
and ability to violate the covenant entered into at the
time of their ordination.
This breaking ofcovenant was evidenced by thefollowing
1. Attaching or causing to be attached their names and
professional titles to a document containing a list of indii
viduals engaged in a behaviorprohibited by a ruling ofthe
Judicial Council.
In addition to myprevious complaints, which still stand, I
am nowfiling these additional complaints againstRev. Ross
and Rev. Penrose:
Reverend Penrose: Allegation: 1. BOD Parag. 2624f:
"dissenination [dissemination] of doctrines contrary to
the established standard.ofdoctrine of the Church"
Rev. Penrose did, on or about January 16th, 1999 attach
or caused to be attached, her name andprofessional title to
a documentin supportofsame sex unions, this is in violation
of Paragraph 3043, quoted in part, "since the practice of "
homosexuality isgncompatible with Christian teaching..." °
and Paragraph 65g "... Although we do not condone the ¯
practice ofhomosexuality andconsider thispractice incom- °
patible with Christian teaching.., ". this action expressed,
diseminated [disseminated] and otherwise revealed to the ¯
church that her doctrines were contrary to the currently ¯
stated doctrine as Contained in the Book OfDiscipline and "
Social Principles. ¯
2. BOD Parag. 2624g: "Relationships or behavior that ¯
undermines the ministry ofanother pastor" ¯
Rev. Penrose did, on or about January 16th, 1999 attach "
or cause to be attached her name andprofessional title to a "
document that encourages breaking the ordination covenant
as defined by Paragraph 2624b. By her behavior she
undermined and renderedfor naught the teaching offellow "
United Methodistpastors seeking to befaithful to the disCi- ¯
pline ofThe United Methodist Church and their ordination ¯
covenant. :
These two clergy have defiantly and unrepentantly vio- "-
lated their vows of ordina~on. 1 am insisting that they be ¯
disciplined appropriately. Ifyou as the district superinten- ¯
dents are unable or unwilling to discipline these two clergy :
persons then I have no other recourse than to demand a ¯
church trial before ajury as defined by the BOD. ¯
Sincerely, Jake Barker
Rt. 4 Box 951A Eufaula, OK 74432
co: Bishop Bruce Blake "
Although the Rev. Peurose declined to comment, lay
individuals associated with Commtmity of Hope noted that
these charges were not unexpected, especially after the
Oklahoma Conference forced the Rev: Kathy McCally of
Oklahoma City to leave the denomination. Ms. McCally ~:
transferred her ordination to the United Church of Christ --"
(UCC), the only "mainline" Christian denomination that~
ordains openly Lesbian and Gay persons. ¯
Furthermore, Oklahoma Bishop Bruce Blake was one of
the leaders in the effort to "criminalize" Methodist clergy
who perform same-gender unions. Prior to his efforts, the
restriction on such ceremonieswas a part of the Methodist
Social Discipline, seen as guidance to the thinking of the
Churchbut notchurch law. Now those who dissentfrom this
view can be charged and prosecutedfor alleged violations as
is happening with the Revs. Peurose and Ross.
¯ See associated editorial, this page.
¯ A few weeks ago, a local woman wrote The Tulsa
World to protest a recent article about Lesbian and Gay
issues featuring PFLAG. She challenged a statement
claiming that her part of the Church, the Methodists,
was one of several Christian groups that have official
positions in support of civil rights for Gay people.
She is, ofcourse, wrong.
Twenty-seven years ago, in 1972, the United Meth¯
odist General Conference adopted a statement saying,
"homosexuals no less than heterosexuals are persons of
: sacred worth... [and] we insist that all persons are
¯ entitledto have their human and civil rights ensured."
¯ Her ignorance is not entirely the lady’s fault. The
Church, Methodist and other parts, in Oklahoma and
¯ many other places, have done little to honor this civil
¯ rights commitment, or to affirm the sacred worth ofGay
¯ and Lesbian persons.
For example, every year, the OklahomaHouse passes
¯ bills clearly attacking the fundamental civil rights of
¯ Lesbian and Gay Oklahomans. Yet not once since this
¯ newspaperbegan publishinghas theOklahomaConfer- ¯
ence of the United Methodist Church ever raised its
¯ voice against these state-sponsored assaults.
. That is not only our recollectionbut also thebegrudg-
¯ lng recollection of Bryce Bowden, communications
¯ directorand spokesmanfor theOklahomaUuited Meth-
~ odistConference. Notoncehas the Conference (OUMC)
¯ ever taken any proactive step towards supporting civil ¯
rights protections. Rumor is, however, that the OC may
¯ be supporting HB 1211, the "hate crimes" amendment.
: Twenty-sevenyearslater, that, atleast, wouldbeastart.
¯ However; while the OUMC has failed to honor this
longstanding civil rights commitment, no less than the
." Bishop of the Oklahoma Conference, Bruce Blake, led
." the efforts to turn the "guidance" of the Methodist
¯ Social Principles which opposed same-gender union
¯ ceremonies into prosecutable church law. It is this new
¯ law under which Tulsa pastor, the Reverend Leslie
¯ Peurose, is accused of wrongdoing. ¯
The actions of United Methodists indicate leadership
that seeks to punish those few brave Methodists who
would treat Lesbians and Gay men as equal human
beings. It is leadership that has not even tried to "ensure
human and civil fights" but worse hash’ t even bothered
to tell its general membfrship that they indeed have an
obligation to work for such civil rights.
" To judge fi:om their actions, their hollow rhetoric of
"loving the ’sinner’ and hating the ’sin,’ " should be
replaced with "we hate you people," and "we hate that
you make us confront the hypocrisy of our words and
actions." No, it’ s not in keeping with "Christian values"
and it makes them very uncomfortable but it sure looks
like the truth.
But to doso would require that these good Methodists
view themselves as less than righteous people - which
ain’t gging to happen. For me, I sometimes think I’d
rather deal with an honest Klansman than some of these
,,ood people. You might despise what the Klansman
values but at least you know his words and actions are
going to be consistent. With "good Christian folk," you
just never know.
- Tom Neal, editor/publisher
If you cannot go to Oklahoma City, you can write
your legislator at the following address:
The Honorable (then name of Representative)
¯ Eureka Springs Plans April
Diversity Celebration
¯ Featuring aQuiltdisplay, Dancing + Kite-Flying
EUREKA SPRINGS, AR - They’re doing it again in
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and you’re invited! The
¯ - fourth Diversity Celebration Weekend is scheduled for
¯ April 9-11, and several new events will make this the
biggest and best yet.
¯ Withgreat pride and respect, the Celebration organizers
are bringing three sections (24 panels) of the AIDS
: Quilt to Eureka Springs. After an opening ceremony on
Thursday evening, April 8, the quilt will be on display
at the Unitarian Clmrch Friday and Saturday, with the
closing ceremony and folding of the quilt taking place
at the .Sunday morning Unitarian service.
Friday night, the Celebration will kick off with a
" dance from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. in the Ozark Room
of the Basin Park Hotel hosted by MCC of the Living
Spring. On Saturday, you can walk the streets of this
¯ quaint village on a guided historic tour or hike on your
own in the spring air at Lake Leatherwood. If you have
a great kite that needs a workout, "Go Fly a Kite" at,
Pond Mountain Lodge from 4:30-7:30 p.m. And in the
afternoon, when you’re ready to slow down a bit for a
light bite to eat and some great coffee, head down to
Mud St. Espresso Cafe for continuous music by local
and visiting Gay/Lesbian/friendly artists.
Now remember when you really wanted to take your
boyfriend or girlfriend to your prom, but you had to
settle for an opposite sex date or stay home? Well, on
Saturday night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Ballroom
atop the Basin Park Hotel, you can bring whomever you
like to the "Pro~n of Your Dreams." Break out the
corsages and boutonnieres and dance to the music of DJ
Jon Caswcll. And be sure to capture this special moment
on film with the prom photographer. (Formal attire is
encouraged, but not required.) Or if you’re looking for
more of a club atmosphere, Center Street South will be
jumping with live entertainment frown 10pro- 2an~.
Sunday, you’ll have time to sleep in and catch some
brunch before the weekend wraps up with the Tea
Dance and Drag Show at Center S tage from 2-6 p.m. Jon
will spin tunes, and the Girls from Tnlsa will delight all
with their terrific performances.
That’s it in a nutshell. For a schedule of activities and
events, or to find a list of Gay-owned or friendly
businesses, check out the Eureka Springs Diversity
Cooperative and Celebration website at
www.shimaka.com/eureka/diversity, call The Emerald
Rainbow at (501) 253-5445 or e-mail emrain@ipa.net.
Make your reservations now!
Attorney General Drew Edmondson said the legislation
provides harsher punishment for individuals whose
attacks are based on who or what their victim is.
Edmondson also cited studies by medical and psychological
groups while stating that homosexuals "are
made to have the orientation they have."
Graves said sodomy is illegal in the state and questioned
whether Edmondson was trying .to legitimize
"Gay lifestyles." "I’m not talking about lifestyle. I’m
not talking about activity," Graves said. "We don’t
expect them to be arrested for what they are." Graves, a
frequent critic of Gays and Lesbians who has authored
many bills targeting homosexuals, revealed during debate
that windows in cars drivenby himand hi s son have
been shattered and his dog poisoned. He said he also has
Room (insert Representatives office number)
2300 N. Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4808.
To find the name of your legislator, you may call the
Tulsa County Election Board (or your county election
board) at 596-5780. If you give them the address at
which you are registered to vote, they will give you the
¯ names of your representatives. Also if you are not
registered to vote or have moved, they can assist yon in
¯ getting registered to vote.
: To speak with your representative or their assistants,
¯ call 800-522-8502 for the Oklahoma House of Repre-
¯ sentatives and ask for your representative’s office.
¯ Editor’s note: a special thanks to Ned Bruha of
¯ TOHR/Tulsa Gay Community Services Center’s Advo-
¯ cacy committeeforsomeofthe information listedabove.
: received obscene phone calls,.,"I can’t prove who did it,
_. whether homosexuals did it, Graves said.
¯ The bill now goes to the full House for debate.
¯" Lobby
i depends
like your life
on it- it does.
Say No to Hate Violence
Call, write, fax, or e-mail your support for
Oklahoma House Bill 1211
Call the House for your representative: 800-522-850:
Anti-Marriage Bill Moves
Forward in Colorado
DENVER (AP) -Thelatest effort to ensure Colorado
does not have to recognize gay and lesbian marriages
legalized elsewhere was approved by the Senate and
sent to the House of Representatives.
Other states havepassed similar laws as pre-emptive
strikes against efforts to legalize same-sex marriages.
Challenges to laws restricting marriage between a
man and a woman are pending in Hawaii, Alaska and
Senate Bill 159 would reaffirm the law defining
marriage as a licensed union between one man and
one woman. Even more important to proponents is
the section saying gay and lesbian marriages legalized
by other states would not be valid in Colorado.
This is the third try by Sen. Marilyn Musgrave, RFort
Morgan, to get a bill passed. Past measures were
vetoed by former Gov. Roy Romer. But Gov. Bill
Owens, who took office in January, has said he would
support the legislation.
Musgrave and others fear that if other states allow
same-sex marriages, Colorado would have to honor
the umons unless the state is specifically barred from
doing so.
States have traditionally recognized marriages performed
in other states. The so-called full faith and
credit clause of the U.S. Constitution directs states to
respect each others’ laws.
Congress also adopted a law allowing states to
ignore same-sex marriages legalized elsewhere. Opponents
predict the state and federal laws eventually
will be overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Controversial in India
BOMBAY, India (AP)-Theater owners who want to
screen a controversial film about lesbian love can
have police protection if they think they need it,
Bombay’s right-wing government said last month.
"I don’t think security will be necessary, but if they
ask for police protection it will be provided,"
Maharashtra Chief Minister Narayan Rane told reporters
a week after censors cleared the film "Fire"
without any cuts.
Rane’s 81~v 8ena had sent small groups of violent
protestersinto theaters into the Maharashtracapital of
Bombay and the national capital of New Ddhi to
disrupt screenings of "Fire" last year. Frightened
theater owners pulled the film, though it continued
showing to packed houses elsewhere in India. Shiv
Sena protesters had said the film, which explores the
sexual relationship of two women caught in unhappy
marriages, was an affront to India’s centuries-old
Hindu culture.
In an attempt to defuse the controversy after the
violence in Bombay and New Delhi, the government
sent "Fire" back to censors who must vet every film
shown in India and who had already passed "Fire."
Last week, the Bombay-based censor reiterated no
cuts were necessary.
With renewed approval from the censor, the film
will be screened in 17 theaters all over Bombay,
distributor Balkrishna Shroff stated.
Liberal California City
Supports Tinky Winky
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - A city famous for radical
politics is drumming up power to the purple with a
resolution backing Tinky Winky, the children’s TV
character attacked by the Rev. Jerry Falwell as a
purse-toting symbol of Gay pride.
"We take umbrage at the threat to personal style
and choices implicit in Mr. Falwell’s designation of
Tinky Winky as an inappropriate role model," dedares
the resolution, expected to be passed by the
City Council tonight. "Long live Tinky Winky and
long live freedom from self-righteousness!"
Councilwoman Polly Armstrong, who is sponsoring
the resolution, said she wanted tO make a point
and have some fun in a city known for taking stands
on everything from nuclear proliferation (against) to
human rights in Burma (for). "We jump on every
good cause in Berkeley and I thought what fun to do
one we could laugh at. Of course there is a very
serious subtext to the humor and that is that when you
see bigotry and self-righteonsness out there you really
need to stand up to it even when it’s absurd," she
A spokeswoman for Falwell did not rettm~ a telephone
call from The Associated Press Monday. But
the president of Itsy Bitsy Entertainment Co., which
licenses the Teletubbies in the United States, did have
a response: Leave Tinky Winky alone.
Kenn Viselman said lie appreciates the show of
support, but he doesn’t think political statements of
any stripe have a place in the gentle world of
Teletubbies. "He’s not Gay. He’s not straight. He’s
ust a character in a children’ s series," Visdman said.
Tinky Winky turbulence began earlier this month
with an article in the National Liberty Journal, edited
and published by Falwell, calling Tinky Winky a
homosexual role model. "He is purple - the Gaypride
color; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle
- the Gay-pride symbol," the story said, also noting
that Tinky Winky carries a purse (actually his magic
bag, show spokesmen point out).
Tinky Winky is one of the four stars ofTeletubbies,
a British show aimed at toddlers. The Teletubbies, a
bit like brightly colored oversized teddy bears with
benign baby faces, have antennas of sorts sprouting
from their fuzzy heads and television screens in their
tummies. They spend their days mainly dancing,
playing (falling down is a favorite pastime) and
watching short videos showing real children engaged
in various pursuits.
Lousiana Anti-Sex
Law Struck Down
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A state appeals court has
struck down a 194-year-old Louisiana law that made
oral and anal sex a felony, saying the law violated the
privacy rights ofconsenting adults. The decision adds
to the growing listof U.S. states thathave struckdown
sodomy laws based on rights to privacy granted in
state constitutions.
The Louisiana court on reversed the 1996conviction
of Mitchell E. Smith. He had been accused of
raping a woman but found guilty under the state’s
"crimes against nature" statute only of having her
perform oral sex. "There canbenodoubt that the right
of consenting adults to engage in private non-commercial
sexual activity, free from governmental interference,
is protected by the privacy clause of the
Louisiana Constitution," the court held. Courts in
Georgia, Kentucky, Montana and Tennessee previously
had reached the same conclusion in interpreting
their respective state constitutions and striking down
sodomy laws.
Since the U.S. Supreme Court held in 1986 in a
Georgia case that consenting adults have no federal
¯ constitutional right to private homosexual conduct,
activists have turned to individual state constitutions
to find protection from the sodomy laws. The U.S.
¯ Constitution does not mention the word "privacy,"
but the Supreme Court since 1965 has recognized that
such a right predates the 1787 document itself. However,
many state constitutions expressly grant a right
to privacy.
¯ Suzanne Goldberg, senior staff attorney with the
l_ambda Legal Defense Fund in New York City, was
¯ jubilant about the decision. "These-laws have no
: legitimate purpose and that’s what courts are starting
¯ to recognize," she said. ’°The government should not
be in the business of policing private sexual behav-
~ ior." The decision will be appealed, said prosecutor
¯ Tim McElroy.
: New Mexico May Ban
¯ Same Gender Marriages
: SANTA FE (AP)-A New Mexico Senate committee
: recently approved legislation that outlaws Gay mar-
" riages and penalizes anyone who performs them. The
¯ bill passed the Senate PublicAffairs Committee on a ¯
vote of 5-3. It goes to the Judiciary Committee. It
¯ defines marriage as a contract between"one man and
¯ one woman"and says a same-sex marriage wouldnot
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be recognized in New Mexico even if it were valid
elsewhere. Anyone who performed a same-sex marriage
ceremony could be fined $50, under the legislatiorL
Supporters said New Mexico should join 29 other
states that have passed similar bills: Its opponents said
itwas unnecessary, unconstitutional andpunitive. "This
bill was notbom out of fear and ignorance... Tbis bill
simply defines what a marriage is," replied its sponsor,
Sen. Leonard Lee Rawson, R-Las Cruces.
Mass. Religious Leaders
Support Gay Marriage
BOSTON (AP) - Carmen DeBenedictis is safe sleeping
in the arms of either of her two daddies. But the parents
of the newly adopted 6-week-old feel less secure about
the family situation.
That’s because, as a Gay couple, Don Picard and
Robert DeBenedictis aren’t legally married. And there
are lawmakers on Beacon Hill who want to keep it that
way. "It’s strange. Carmen is our next of kin, but we’re
not next of kin to each other," Picard said. The unconventional
Medford family attended a rally at the Statehouse
where dozens of religious leaders called for the
state to recognize same-sex marriages.
About 150 religious leaders have signed a declaration
of support for the right of Gays to marry. The group
includes Jews, Quakers, Baptists, Episcopalians, Unitarians,
Catholics and others. "The most fundamental
human right, after the necessities of food clOthing and
shelter, is the right to affection and the supportive love
of another person," the declaration begins.
But the movement faces opposition on Beacon Hill.
"I am not for Gay marriages," Gov. Paul Cellucci
bluntly declared recently. Rep. John Rogers, D:
Norwood, .is drafting a bill that would more clearly
define marriage in Massachusetts. The language in the
bill wouldrequire that a marriagebe between amanand
a woman, thereby prohibiting same-sex couples to
So far, Hawaii is the only state where Gay marriages
havebeenupheld in the courts. ButCongress responded
withthe Defense of Marriage Actin 1996, which denied
federal recognition of Gay marriage and allowed states
to ignore the unions of Gay couples married in other
states. So far, 29 states have banned homosexual marriage.
Tile Massachusetts religious leaders said they would
fight to make sure Gay marriages performed legally in
other states are recognized here. The declaration presented
by clergy compares the ban on Gay marriages to
previous bans on interracial marriages and laws prohibiting
blacks to marry.
Many of the ministers said they perform Gay marriage
ceremonies. "I am deeply troubled that...I as a
clergyman see the marriages that I officiate at are not
being legally recognized by this commonwealth," said
Rabbi Howard Berman.
Picard and DeBenedictis said they were united in a
spiritual ceremony. But a legal ceremony would give
them peace of mind. They said they face the same
obstacles as other Gay couples who want to be legally
married: spousal insurance benefits and being considered
next of kin if the other is injured or dies. "It’s
strange that the state is excited we are adopting a baby
but they are resisting letting us get married," Picard
Gays Protest Anti-Gay
Immigration Policies
NEW YORK (AP) - A Gay and Lesbian group protested
U.S. immigration policies, saying the govemment
discriminates against same-sex couples when
granting visas to foreigners. "Love knows no borders,"
dozens of protesters chanted behind police barricades
outside the Immigration and Naturalization Service in
lower Manhattan.
The demonstration was organized by the Lesbian and
Gay Immigration Rights Task Force, a New Yorkbased
advocacy group. The group claims green cards
are routinely granted to heterosexual foreigners who
marry U.S. citizens, while same-sex applicants are
"We often face an excruciating choice - our parmers
can either live an ocean apart or stay surreptitiously
in the U.S. without proper papers and under threat
of deportation," said Carl Goodman, an American
whose partner is Peruvian.
"I love an alien," said a sign hoisted by one
protester, and another man with an Australian
partner held up a red placard asking, "Can my
husband come over and stay?"
The INS called the protest misguided. "This is
not an immigration issue," said spokesman Russ
Bergeron. He said it’s a question of"the invalidity
of same-sex marriage under existing U.S. law. Any
person who is legally married has the right to file a
petition for their spouse to immigrate."
At least 10,000 Gay couples are affected, said
task force attorney SuTanne Goldberg. The task
force wants Congress to establish a special category
- such as a legally registered partnership -
that would qualify a foreigner with a longtime
partner to live in the United States, Goldberg said.
Ten countries recognize same-sex relationships for
the purposes of immigration, including Canada,
Britain and Austr~ia.
Ariz. Gov. to Legislature
Issues, Not Bedrooms
PHOENIX (AP) - Gov. Jane Hull wants lawmakers
to give more attention to matters of import and
less to bedroom issues such as medical benefits for
Gays. "I may morallyfeel one way, but I do not
believe that I need to pass laws to putmy beliefs on
the record," Mrs. Hull, a former House speaker,
said during her radio talk show.
Mrs..Hull had been asked about a bill (HB2524)
that would bar the state and universities from
extending medical benefits to "domestic partners"
of homosexuals. Cities and towns could extend
those benefits only if doing so were approved by
voters. Tucson and Pima County are the only two
government employers that offer domestic partners
benefits in Arizona. The bill sponsored by
Rep. Karen Johnson, R-Mesa, led to a heated and
personal exchange in the House last week as the bill
passed the Government Reform Committee narrowly.
Such efforts are an inappropriate expenditure of
lawmakers’ time and energy, and they should not
be limiting what benefits cities and towns may
provide, Mrs. Hull said. "I wish that we could get
down to talking about what’s really important,"she
said. "We ought to be looking at state responsibilities,
not worrying about what goes on in cities and
counties and towns and bedrooms. The legislators
are there to worry about the future of the state of
Arizona and I would prefer that that’s what they
Johnson said she was disappointed with the
governor’s remarks and will continue to push her
bib despite seeing little likelihood it will pass.
Lawmakers do have a role in laws dealing with
morality, especially when public tax dollars and
activities barred by Arizona law are involved, she
said. "I feel we’re here to support the nuclear
family,"Johnson said. "I don’ t think our tax money
should be used to subvert the nuclear family."
New Zealand Lesbian
to Pay Child Support
HAMILTON, New Zealand (AP) - A Lesbian
recently gaveup her legal fight against paying child
support after a High Court ruling. The former
Hamilton woman, who lives in Wellington, will
have to make child support payments to her former
partner after the High Court upheld an earlier
Hamilton Family Court ruling. The High Court
judges did not comment on whether same-sex
marriages should be recognized in law.
The Family Court had stated she must pay child
support for the children she helped bring up. The
landmark decision has wide-ranging implications
for other same-sex relationships and those where
the adults in parental roles have no biological link
to their children. The women’s names and details
have been suppressed, as are those of the children.
Common Chemical.
May Help Block HIV i
HERSHEY, Pa. (AP)-A substance found ¯
in many shampoos and toothpastes might :
hold the key to stopping the spread of :
sexually-transmitted viruses that cause ¯
AIDS, genital herpes and genital warts, :
researchers from the Pennsylvania State ."
University and two other institutions said . ¯
on Thursday.
The discovery that sodium dodecyl sulfate,
or SDS, can kill such viruses, could
have major worldwide public_health implications,
said lead researcher Mary K.
Howett, professor of microbiology and
immunology at Penn State’s Milton S.
Hershey Medical Center.
Shewasjoinedin the studybyresearchers
from the University of Pennsylvania
and BiosynInc., aPhiladelphia-basedbiotechnology
research and development
company. The group published its findings
in the February issue of the journal
Antimicrobial Agents andChemotherapy.
"This is potentially very exciting,"
Daniel Malamud, professor of biochemistry
at Penn, told The Patriot~News in
Harrisburg. "We have to remember that
these are studies in the test tube and in
animal models. There.have been many
promising drugs in the laboratory thatjust
don’t make it to the marketplace because
humans are different."
Humantrials ofSDS couldbegin within
a year, Ms. Howett said, and within two to
five years could lead to the dc.velopment
of inexpensive over-the-counter products
that women could apply intravaginally
prior to intercourse to protect themselves
or their sexual partners from infection.
The research, conducted the past two
years, was funded through the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
and the Jake Gittlen Cancer Research
Institute. Researchers have applied
for a patent on the discovery, Ms. Howett
said. Such a product, if approved, easily
could be used in creams, gels; foams and
ointments or applied to condoms, sponges
or other types of contraceptives.
In addition to potentially curbing the
spread of AIDS, use of the substance
could stop the spread of the-human
papillomaviruses, orHPV, thatcause genital
Such warts can turn to cervical and
uterine cancer, which cause 5,000 deaths
among women in the United States each
year and 250,000 deaths annually around
the globe. Cervical cancer is the No. 1
cause of cancer-related deaths in women
in developing nations.
HPVs afflict one out of four women. In
addition to being a potential source of
cancer, they can cause physical lesions
and emotional stress.
Alkyl sulfates, the family of chemicals
to which SDS belongs, are found in high
concentrations inmosttoothpastes, shampoos
and skin product. That could bode
well for the product as it moves toward
possible approval by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration.
Genetic Testing For
AIDS Treatment
CHICAGO (AP) - Deciphering the genetic
code of each patient’s AIDS virus
appears to help doctors tailor treatments
to improve the chance of thwarting HIV’s
dogged ability to develop resistance.
One of the elements that makes HIV
such a difficult foe is the sloppy way it
makes copies of itself. Each new version
is slightly different from its predecessor.
Mutant forms quickly arise through randomgenetic
changes that are able to resist
the most powerful drugs.
In recent months, doctors have increasingly
turned to individual resistance testing.
A study released recently shows this
pays off: Analyzing patients’ viruses for
genetic signs of resistance seems to improve
treatment outcomes.
Estimates vary, but perhaps 30% to
60% of all people taking the AIDS drug
cocktails are considered treatment failures,
because HIV can still be found in
their blood. Either their virus never disappeared
completely or it rebounded.
Without the tests, doctors often must
rely on trial and error to put together fresh
combinations of medicines. Coming up
with these strategies, sometimes called
salvagetherapy, is an increasingly important
part of long-term AIDS care.
"It’s clear the test helps you choose
more active drugs for patients who are
failing therapy," said the study’s director,
Dr. John Baxter of Cooper Hospital in
Camden, N.J. He presented the latest data
Thursday at the 6th Conference on
Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.
- Dr. Douglas Richman of the University
of California, San Diego, estamated that
as many as two dozen of these tests are
now on the market, although they have
received little testing to make sure they do
any good. "Personally, I think it’s premature,"
he said.
In Baxter’s study, financed by the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, doctors performed genetic
analysis on the viruses of 78 patients who
had failed treatment, while a comparison
group of 75 received their usual care.
The test analyzed viral genes that produce
two essential proteins- protease and
reverse transcriptase. Both of these proteins
are targets Of standard AIDS drugs.
When the genes become mutated, they
produce forms of these proteins that elude
the effects of the medicines.
After analyzing the tests and determining
the specificmutations in eachpatient’ s
virus, Baxter and two other virologists
then made treatment suggestions to the
patients’ doctors.
The doctors precisely followed the virologists"
advice only about half the time,
although 83% said the information influenced
their treatment decisions.
At the study’s start, median viral levels
were 28,000 copies per milhliter ofblood.
All were switched to new drug regimens,
but those whose viruses were tested did
much better. Their viral levels dropped to
815, compared to 7,950in the comparison
group. After eight weeks, half of those in
the test group had no measurable virus in
their blood, compared with one-quarter of
the other patients.
Baxter said the testing may be useful to
¯ tailor first-time treatment for those who
¯¯ are newly infected with HIV. This could
become especially important if viruses
¯ thatareimmunetomultiple drugs become
¯ more widespread, as many fear.
AFrench study, conductedby Dr. Pierre
Dellamoniea of University Hospital Cen-
tet in Nice, was released at an AIDS
¯ conference in Glasgow, Scotland in No-
- vember. It produced similar results using
." agenetictestdevelopedby VisibleGenet-
¯ ics Inc.
Stopping Treatment
to Stop AIDS?
CHICAGO (AP)-The tentativeresults of
a small human experiment offer a glimmer
of possibility that the body’s own
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Excellence And
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defense system can be trained to hold
down the AIDS virus.
The clearly risky approach attempts to
mimic the success of the much-talkedabout
"Berlin patient," a newly infected
German man who stopped and started
AIDS therapy and eventually quit it entirely,
only to discover that his virus had
inexplicably disappeared. Hehas remained
free ofHIV for two years,
"I don’t see why others cannot become ¯
the Berlin patient," said Dr. Franco Loft,
head of the Research Institute for Genetic
and Human Therapy at Georgetown University
in Washington.
Lori’s team is one of a few exploring
the idea that it may be possible to wean
people away from the demanding regimen
of AIDS medicines without actually
curing them of their infections. Lori presented
his findings at the 6th Conference
on Retrovirnses and Opportunistic Infections.
Some physicians are skeptical. They
fear AIDS patients who learn ofthese
attempts will stop taking the drugs on
their own-withpotentially deadly consequences.
"My concern is that this will be
overplayed," said Dr. Robert Schooley of
the University of Colorado, a conference
orgamzer. "It sounds good to patients.
Who wouldn’t want to stop treatment?
But the real question is whether you can
change the immune response. I worry
pataents will stop therapy. Whenever that
happens, inmyexperience, the vims comes
roaring back.’"
Loft calls the approach stop and go. The
idea: Treat people with standard AIDS
drugs until all signs of HIV vanish from
the bloodstream. Withhold the medicines
until the virus returns. Then give the drugs
again, Keep repeating the cycle until eventually
the virus never comes back,
It probably won’t be eradicated entirely,
so the theory goes, but the body’s
immune defenses will be able to keel~ it
from the explosive growth that is HIV’s
killing trademark.
Loft has tried the approach so far on
three patients. While it’s still too soon to
know whether it will work, Loft finds the
first few weeks’ results promising. The
interval before the virus returns is lengthening.
Furthermore, he said that in more
aggressive experiments on monkeys, the
only practical nonhuman substitute for
AIDS research, the approach seems to
keep the virus at bay for good. The next
step is amuchlarger study involving40 to
80 patients, he said.
Dr. Bruce Walker is conducting similar
early-stage experiments on patients at
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
"We really don’t have any data yet to
suggest that this (stopping and starting
therapy) is something we should be doing,"
he said.
"I would not put one of my patients on
this," said Dr. Roger Pomerantz of Thomas
Jefferson University in Philadelphia,
"Peoplehave talked about this, but it’s the
first time I’ve seen anyone have the guts
to try it."
In Loft’s study, three patients took a
combination of the drugs DDI,
hydroxyurea and indlnavir. The first time
.they stopped treatment, the virus returned
m one week. Doctors treated them again
and stopped. This time the virus stayed
awayfor21/2weeks. Againdoetors started .
and stopped the drugs. The virus disap- _"
peared for six to eight weeks. ."
No one knows how long this will go on ¯
or whether eventually these cycles will
put the virus into permanent retreat.
Glaxo Wellcome
Tries Combo Drugs
(AP) - Glaxo Wellcome is developing
new treatments for AIDS that combine
existing drugs into one-dosage medications.
The world’s second-largest drug
company is in the final stage of development
of a drug that would fuse Ziagen, a
new AIDS drug that won Food and Drug
Administration approval in December,
with Epivir, or 3TC, and Retrovir, or
Glaxo Wellcome - based in the United
Kingdom but with U.S. headquarters in
North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park
- expects to submit an application for
marketing approval to the FDA later this
The combination follows the footsteps
ofGlaxo’ s Combivir, a"cocktail therapy",
that allows patients to take a variety of
drugs in prescribed combinations.
Combivir, which combined3TCandAZT
into one pill, posted $443 million in worldwide
sales in 1998, including $325 million
in the United States. Glaxo is already
the leading producer of AIDS drugs.
No Extra Criminal
Charges for Spitter
WOODWARD, Okla. (AP) -A man who
allegedly spit intentionally into an open
knuckle wound on a police officer and
then told the officer he was HIV-posifive
has tested negative for the virus that causes
AIDS, authorities say. Prosecutors said
Dusfin L. Clower, 18,’wouldn’t face additional
charges because of the spitting incident.
The decision was made after a courtordered
test determined Clower wasn’t
HIV-positive. Clower appeared before
Associate District Judge ]~inson Barefoot
to present the preliminary blood test results
from the state Department of Health.
Clower was arrested following a fight
in a restaurant parking lot in Woodward
on Jan. 17. He struggledwith Officer Matt
.Lehenbaur and allegedly intentionally spit
into the split-open knuckle. Lehenbaur
said in an affidavit that Clower told him
after he spit on him that he was HIVpositive.
Clower still faces felony charges of
assault and battery on a police officer and
attempting to escape custody.
AIDS Ride Nets
Only 15% to Charity
DALLAS (AP) - Of $3 million in donations
to the Tanqueray Texas AIDS Ride
last year, 85% went toward expenses,
organizers confirm. The costs included
office space, advertising and the $280,000
fee of the for-profit producer, Pallotta
Teamworks of Los Angeles, The Dallas
Morning News reported. The 15%, or
$450,000, that went to beneficiaries was
far below both projections and industry
standards for such activities.i
Chris Cole, national director of
Pallotta’s AIDS rides, said Pallotta generally
projects that it will return about 50%
of proceeds to participating charities, as it
projected in Texas last year and has delivered
elsewhere. Even that rate is unimpressive
to Daniel Borochoff, president
of the National Institute of Philanthropy.
He urges a minimum of 65%.
Producers of the 575-mile jaunt are
promising to cut expenses and attractmore
participants so that the second-year event,
set for next October, is more successful.
Les Ballets Trockadero ¯ January is an exhibit, Symbols of Faith ¯
and Belief, Art of the Native American de Monte Carlo : Church. The show features paintings,
Dancing the fine line between high art ¯ drawings, photographs, objects and conandhighcamp,
Les Ballets Trockadero de ¯ temporary art from the Native American
Monte Carlo have delighted
around the world. In
parodies of famous
classical works, from
Swan Lake to Giselle,
and of the choreography
oflsadora Duncan,
George Balanchine,
and Martha Graham,
they offer performances
which both
dance afficionados and
complete dance novices
enLjoeys.Trockaderos began
in 1974 and have
performedin dancefestivals
from New York,
Spoleto, Italy, Vienna,
Paris to the Nether-..
lands. Their tours have
taken them across the
US, Europe, South
America andrepeatedly
across Japan.
And while the repertoire
and casts of Les
Trockaderos may
change, the .original
concept remains constant:
acompany ofprofessional
male dancers
performing the full
range ofballetandmodern
dance repertoire.
The humorous sight of
male bodies delicately
balancing in toe shoes
as swans, sylphs and
water sprites delight,
amuse and still serve
Les Trockaderos original
purpose: to being
the pleasure of dance
to the widest possible
For tickets or more
information, call 596-
7111. Outside Tulsa,
call 800-364-7111 or
online contact,
Now open at the City
of Tulsa’s Gilcrease
Museum, are two exceptional,
if divergent,
exhibits. Opening in
Tr ;kade
Les Ballets Trockadero
de Monte Carlo, March 16 only
Norman Rockwell: An American
Portrait at Gilcrease, 2/19-5/2
Alphonse Mucha, the Spirit of
Art Nouveau, 4/25 - 6/20
Churchtraditions. The
Native American
Church developed in
the late 1870’s with a
ritual basedon the consumption
of peyote
cactus. For thousands
of American Indian
people, theChurchhas
provided the spiritual
and social basis for
meaningful lives amid
the disruptions and dislocations
of 20th century
life. Grounded in
older tribal religions
from the plains region,
the Churchwas thef’Lrst
native religious movement
organized and
dessiminated on the
model of western
Christian denominations.
Just opening
at the end of February,
is a different aspect
of America: Norman
Rockwell: An
American Portrait.
This exhibitfeatures all
332 magazine covers
the artist didfor the Saturday
Evening Post
overaperiodfrom 1916
to 1963. Even as
Rockwell helped preserveAmericanmyths,
he recreated them and
made them new for following
After you’ve seen Les
Trockaderos de Monte
Carlo do their Swan
Lake, don’t you think
you ought to see Tulsa
Ballet do the original?
You have that chance,
April 9-11. Call 749-
6006 for tickets.
Also March 6, 11 &
13, Tulsa Opera will
present Dialogues of
the Carmelites, starring
the Metropolitan
Opera’s Rosalind Elias.
Call 587-4811 for tickets
and information.
T. U. L. S. A. Hosts Review + Fundraiser
The Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers
Association (T.U.L.S.A.) will host the
second annual charity fundraising event
called"After the Leather, the GreatLeather
Campout" on Friday, March 19. Making
special guest appearances will be ahost of
Tulsa and Oklahoma City entertainers
and tifle-holders from numerous pageants
and contests.
The event, which organizers hope will
be a ongoing effort, will take place at the
Silver Star Saloon, beginning promptly at
10pm and will benefit three local charities:
Our House, Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. Food
Chain and the Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center, formerly known as The
Pride Center.
Also this year a silent auction will take
place beginning at 9pm. The regular auction
will offer autographed portraits of
Patti LaBelle, Cher, Susan Lucci, Rosie
0’Donnell, Troy Aikman, Reba McIntire,
Travis Tritt, George Straight, Robin Williams,
Michael J. Fox, Diana Ross, Hulk
Hogan, Alec Balwin, Bruce Willis and
A highlight of the auction will be an
autographed CD of Sir Elton John.
T.U.L.S.A. officers hope that this year’s
¯event will outperform last year’s which
raised Over $2500 for charity.
For any additional information, please
call Randall at 1-918-762- 3212, or contactT.
U.L.S.A, atPostOffice Box 33076,
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 or
An American Portrait
May 2, 1999
3 Performances Only!
April 9-11
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Sponsored by
Bank of Oklahoma and the Tulsa World
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo
March 16 at 8 p,m.
Music Hall
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Sponsored in part by:
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of ttope (United Methodis0, Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Family of Faith & MCCGT)
Service, 1 lain, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical AnglicanChurch in America)
Mass - 11am, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pro, Info: 585-COMC (2662)
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodi st, 7:30pro, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networkang group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more infommtion, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group, Call for info: Mary at 743-6740,
Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. ItLfO: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pro, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for winter schedule.
Ifyour orgamzation is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
reviewed by Barry Hensley . sister andpulls out a shotgun to finish him
Tulsa City-County Library . off. As he jumps into his pickup, never to
What happens when a Gay male couple ¯ be seen again, he yells back to his wife,"a
moves from New York City to
Aiken, South Carolina to re- "Some merctmnts,
man can only take so much
store a post civil war man- it seemed, couldn’t The religious aspect of rural
sion?Almostanythingyoucan sell a pael~ of South Carolina was an eye
¯ imagine! Subtitled "A Resto- cigarettes.., opener for this sophisticated,
rationComedy," this true story
wltl~out invol~in~
urban Gay couple. Aiken is a
is a wonderful memoir of two town that wears Christianity
guys determined to restore a t]~e deity. Jesus on its sleeve, "Some metdilapidated
work of art. was not only t]~elr chants,itseemed, couldn’tsell
After searching across the savlor, ]ae was a pack of cigarettes , rent a
country forjust the right piece tl~elr ~nanclal video, or launder a shirt withof
property, the guys decided
out invoking the deity. Jesus
that Joye was just the chat- was not only their savior, he
lenge they needed. Built by Tl~ey call tlds was their financial adviserand
robber baron William "talzln~ tl~e Lord’s marketing consultant." They
Whitney,Joyecottagehasover name in ~aln." call this ".tak~,ng the Lord’s
60 rooms, 146 windows and name in gain.
128 doors¯ After being abandoned for " After three years of agonizing renovaover
a decade, every room needed exten- - tion, Joye Cottage was finally ready for a
sive work, and the house quickly became " grand opening. It came in the format of a
a "money pit" and a "handyman special " ball, not unlike the kind Mr. Whitney
from Hell¯" ¯ gave earlier in the century. After all they
. We meet a tapestry of colorful charac- went through, the bookends with the guys
ters who populate the lazy town of Aiken. " setting their sights on a 120 room housein
Bubba, a construction engineer, took the Massachusetts!
guys on an early tour of their unrestor.ed The subject of their being Gay rarely
masterpiece. His comments along the way : arises, and the locals simply refer to them
offer a glimpse into the culture of Aiken. " as "the boys¯" However, their campy re-
As they pass the remains of a frog in the ¯ marks throughout the book remindus that
basement, Bubbaexclaims"wherethere’s " they are constantly aware that Aiken is an
frogs, there’s water!" In a effort to get " unusual setting for these longtime corncopies
of keys made, Steve encounters a " panions. The authors have written several
sweet lady in a hardware store who takes ¯ books together, and their masterpiece is
up his afternoon by elaborately detailing " the Pulitzer Prize winner and National
the exploits of her fourteen grandchil- " Book Award finalist, "Jackson Pollock".
dren. This ain’t New York! : Their writing style is fun and witty¯ After
Then, there’s a gardener, Ron, who ¯ your read this book, the idea of enclosing
explains to the guys how women keep " the screened porch won’t seem as intimicoming
on to him, but his religious beliefs " dating.
and family responsibilities keep him on ¯ Check for this title at your branch lithe
straight andnarrow. That is, of course ¯ brary, or call the Readers Services departuntil
his wife catches him in bed with her . ment at Central Library.at 596-7966.
by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D.
Corey wants to go home to Pine Bluff,
Arkansas. At the moment, he is living
with an aunt in Oakland. He makes a bit a
money as an impresario, running a stable
of male strippers and also stripping occasionally
I met Corey at Oakland’s one African-
Americangay bar during one ofhis shows.
Hewas kept busy picking uphis strippers’
tips as they dropped these onto the floor.
A wise precaution, I thought. The bar’s
neighborhood was none too good. Who
knows how many quick-fingered drunks
in need ofarefill mighthelp themselves to
a stray bill or two peeking out from gstring
or sock?
Deflecting a hustle, I nonetheless gave
Corey afide home to his aunt’s house on
Fruitvale Ave. We chatted about his two
children,mychildren, Arkansas andOklahoma,
his girlfriends, problems in California,
and his dream of opening a club in
Hne Bluff featuring the music tapes and
CDs he has collected.
Corey claimed that only oneofthe eight
guys who had bared all that evening was
gay. Yeah, right... I’m thinking. Actually,
I am wondering about the psychology
of straight-identified youngmen who
are willing to be transformed into objects
of homosexual desire for a thongful of
dollars. Or perhaps it’s sociology, not
¯ psychology- stripping being a quick way
: for the youthful, urban poor to make a few
¯ extra bucks. But it’s not just money.
¯ There’s something ,deeper than simple
¯ poverty thatmakes so-called straightboys
find satisfaction, and perhaps even pleasure,
in the desiring gaze of other men.
¯ Andmost of these were oldermen- the
bar’s clientele running a little long in the
¯ tooth. And why were we there? We, with
¯ those slippery dollar bills?
¯ Here, we need anthropology, not Sociology.
Cross-culturally, stripping is asso-
¯ ciated withrepression of sexuality and the
¯ human body. Salaciousness is impossible ¯
¯ tional Arab word, harem and purdah and
: female gowns and veils go along with
¯ belly dancing and other lubricious dis-
: plays where those women get unveiled.
: The body has long been a problem in
¯ America, too. Your great-grandma put
: ruffs on her piano’s ruddy naked legs;
¯ your great-grandpa referred to his cocks
." as "roosters." But by the 1920s, strict
: taboos onbodydisplayhad erodedenough
¯ so that people didn’t have to wear their
: longjohns at thebeach any longer,women
: lost their corsets, and Vaudeville per-
: formers baredincreasingamounts offlesh.
¯ And now the cultural descendants of
: Gypsy Rose Lee perform every Monday
: night see Anthro, p. 13
Red Rock Tulsa
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HIV Testing
Walk-in Clinics
Tuesday Testing, 5 -8 pm
Pride Center, 1307 East 38th
Wednesday Testing, 5-8 pm
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Daytime appointments available.
Call for more information:
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Editors note: Mary is still on sabatical
this month butpromises thatshe will have
a new columnfor the April issue.
by Mary Schepers
Toilets - Liberace thought them
unglamorous, Edmund White finds them
seductive, and most of the straight men I
work with find them an inspirational device
(well, they say they go in there to
think deep thoughts, and it takes sooo
long...). But the Do It Yourself Dyke,
quite prosaically, sees only an afternoon
project that isn’t as daunting as people
make it out to be.
And no small wonder that toilet repairs
seem so mysterious - anything a plumber
values so highly mustbe awfully complex
and arcane. The DIYD merely replies
"Poop-ola!" A friend of mine said her
toilet ran all the time and that it was going
to cost $50.00 to have it repaired, so she
ought to just go ahead and buy a new one.
Well, for about $7.00 and a half hour of
time and with some of those tools you
rushed out and bought after my last column,
you can have a quiet, efficient toilet
¯ Now, that’s something to contemplate!
The plumbing section at Homo Depot
or Builder’s Queer or any other hardware
store Will have a universal repair kit that
includes afloat and a rubber stopper. Yes,
these are the mysterious working parts of
the toilet. You may now be nonplused.
Don’t worry that the float doesn’t look
like the one in your tank - you know, the
copper rod with the little floaty thing
attached. That was, quite honesty, called
the "ball cock", so if I say your ball cock
is dripping, don~t take it pei:sonally. They
are a thing of the past, at least as far as
plumbing is concerned. This should be all
that you need, but it does prompt me to a
standard warning - anytime you work on
your plumbing, you may need to make
extra trips for other parts you didn’t think
you’d need. That’s because pipe fittings
do rust, and those nice little chrome water
cut-offvalves under the tankhave abitchy
way of just twisting off when you try to
shut them off. But that isn’t always the
case, so dick your heels together three
times and wish real hard.
The first step is to get your tools together.
You’ll need an adjustable crescent
wrench and a pair of channel lock pliers,
and it doesn’t hurt to have a pipe wrench
on hand, either. If you don’t have these
tools or the task is too daunting already,
find a handy dyke, buy her some beer and
cook her something fabulous and turn her
loose. It’ll still be cheaper than the
plumber. Have some paper towels or rags
ready, because the toilet will leak, sometime
and somewhere. Next, turn off the
water. Most of the time, there is that
chrome shut off valve under the tank and
running into the wall. It probably hasn’t
been moved in years, so expect some
resistance (kind ofremindsme ofan ex...);
you might have to wrap a rag around the
handle and use your channel locks - genfl!!
- and turn the handle counter-dockwiseuntil
itcloses completely. Ifitdoesn’t
turn or, more likely, the handle twists off
but the valve doesn’t move, grab your
keys and head for the hardware store - but
we’ll address that in a little while.
Assuming youhave successfully dosed
the valve, flush the toilet to drain the tank
and mop up the water remaining in the
bottom ofthe tank. This will also get those
nasty deposits out of the bottom that can
cause problems later, so that’s a plus.
Undip the little hose that empties into that
tube in the center of the tank, remove the
ball cock (ifyou have one) or float assembly,
and then comes the fun part: removing
the vertical water supply line into your
tank. This is attached to the float assembly.
You have to loosen a threaded collar
on the bottom of the tank directly under
that vertical inlet tube. Use your channel
locks and remember that you’re working
upside down and that it will unscrew the
opposite of what you’d normally expect.
Well, it’ s still counterclockwise to loosen,
but only if you’re on your head. This is the
time you’ll appreciate whether or not your
toidy is in a tight spot or not. The cussing
is directly proportionate to the amount of
workspace you have. Welcome to
Plumber’s World.Take the collar off, remove
the vertical water supply tube and
mop up the water on the floor. Replace it
with the new float device and tighten the
collar over the bottom. It will have a new
rnbber or plastic tube that you clip onto
the outlet pipe - pretty much opposite ofthe
removal. You may have to adjust that
’~Fea enp"at the top of the float so youcan
put tlae toilet lid back on, but that’s simply
accomplishedby twisting itup or down as
needed. You can also control the water
levd this way, but don’t get too chintzy
with the water supply, or you’ll regret it.
Reattach the water supply from the shutoff
up to the tank and you’re ready for the
next step.
Now, remove the old rubber stopper
that’s attached to the handle. Take the
little chain loose and then remove the
flapper - it usually is attached to the stem
of the outlet tube by a couple of little
rubber or plastic ears and comes off easily.
The rubber on the flapper can be kind
of slimy, so use a rag to hold it when
you’re taking it off. Replace it with the
new flapper in the kit just the opposite of
how youremovedit. Thelittle chain needs
a bit of slack, but not too much or it winds
around the lever from the handle and the
water will still run and annoy the hell out
of you.
There are pretty good instructions on
the package, complete with illustrations,
so don’t fed too confused. However, the
first kit I used forgot to tell.me about that
locking collar on the bottom of the tank,
and was I one frustrated lezzie until I
figured it out! If you’re still uncomfortable
doing this job but are determined to
learn, find someone patient enough to
coach you while youdo the work. It’s a
great way to learn this stuff.
If youhave trouble with the shut offyou
have two options - yell for help or replace
it yoursdf. This is where the pipe wrench
come in handy. You have to be able to
shut the water off at the curb; the valve for
yourmain water supply is in themeterbox
by the curb and the bar on top of the valve
needs to be turned 180 degrees to shut it
off. You can use a large wrench, but you
can buy a device called a water key that
makes it easier; it has a long hand, which
is nice if your meter box is full of questionable
water. They 0nly costabout $8.00
and are priceless when you really need
them, so consider investing in one.
After turning off the water, flush the
toilet. If it fills back up, the main water
isn’t offand you’ll have to try again. If the
water is off, put some rags under the
valve, grasp the pipe going into the wall
with a pipe wrench and turn the collar of
the valve see DIYD, p.13
by Esther Rothblum . ¯
Recently a number of books have been "
published about the Lesbian identity or ¯
femalerelationships ofprominent women ¯
who lived in earlier historical periods. "
.Mary Eichbauer was living
in Paris when she became
aware that much of the work
of Natalie Barney (1876-
1972) hadnever before been
published in English. She
receivedpermission to translate
some of Bamey’s writing
and to find an English
audience for this work.
Eichbauer" described
Natalie Bamey’s life and
work to mein a recent correspondence:
Souvenirs Indiscrets (Indiscreet
Memories), Natalie
says that shehad always felt
drawn to women, from her
earliest days. In the first
chapter, ’Renre Vivien,’ she
describes an intense crush
she.had on a beautiful young cousin, how "
she loved to be close to her and comfort ¯
her (the young woman was pining for :
some young beau). Natalie fell in loee "
with a school friend when she was six- "
teen, at a time when her family lived in ¯
Washington, D,C. and she was being :
courted for her beauty (and her father’s "
money) by more than a few young men. ¯
She and her friend Eva Palmer (heiress to ¯
abiscuitfortune) spent a summer together :
in Bar Harborpla~ngnaked in the woods "
at nymph (Eva) and shepherd (Natalie).
Afterthatsummer, theirrespectablefanfi: ¯
lies made sure they were placed in sepa- ."
rate boarding schools. :
"Ironically, her father’s own egotism ¯
flna!!ygaveBamey the chance sheneeded :
to begin her preferred way of life. Albert :
Barney was so eager to get back to his ¯
beloved London (which Natalie always "
thought of as a male city, as opposed to
Paris, whichwas ruledby women), and so
bored with the business of parenting, that
heleft Natalie staying at a boarding house
under scant supervision, supposing her to .
be occupied, with shopping and ’fittings’ ¯
for a gown intended for her Washington :
’debut.’ Instead, Natalie visited Carmen, :
an artist’s model who had posed for her ¯
mother. The beautiful Carmen welcomed :
Natalie into her bed (Natalie’s first time) "
and educated her in some of the ways of ¯
the world. (According to Jean Chalon, ¯
Natalie wasn’t quite sure that she could
make love to a woman without getting "
pregnant!) She walked home from her "
first meeting with Carmen repeating to ¯
herself, spellbound: ’I have a mistress, I "
have a mistress.’ ¯
"Next, she fell madly in love with one ¯
Liane de Pougy, a celebrated courtesan.
Liane took Natalie for a ride in her car- [
riage through the Bois de Boulogne, and "
their affair was launched. Later, Liane ¯
wrote Idylle.Sap,.hique ( ~apphic ldyll), a "
novelabouther Flossie, thefirstofmany
literary tributes that wouldbe dedicated tO
Barney over the years (Ren~e Vivien, ¯
Djuna Barnes, Radclyffe Hall and Lucie "
Delarue-Mardrus wrote novels featuring :
Barney as a character, and quite a bit of [
poetry was dedicated to her). Bamey’s ¯
father never forgave her for causing such °
a scandal backhome. In fact, he boughtup :
Natalie’s affair
with Vivlen was
tempestuous and
involved frequent
Although they loved
each other dearly,
they were essentially
incompatible... She
and Barney are
hurled not far from
¯ inch other inthe
Passy Cemetery...
all the copies of Liane’s book he could
find, along with the printing plates, and
had them destroyed. Too late - the book
had already been circulated widely.
"The greatestpassion ofBamey’s youth,
however, was Ren~e Vivien
(born Pauline Tam), like
herself, an expatriate in Paris
(Tam was born in England).
The first chapter of Souvenirs
Indiscrets describes
their affair in detail. Natalie’ s
affair with Vivien was tempestuous
and involved frequent
separations. Although
they loved each otherdearly,
they were essentially incompatible.
Natalie refused to
pass upany chance for pleasure
that came her way, and
so Ren~e eventually left her
for another woman. In the
end, Ren~e died young, a
victim of anorexia and alcoholism.
She and Barney are
buried not far from each
other in the Passy Cemetery in Paris."
As Barney says in Souvenirs: "Our opposed
natures contrived to make us suffer
at each Other’ s hands for a long time. This
resulted for her in a fertile inspiration and
formyselfin aninstructive defeat. Unable
to live with her or without her, I do not
know which was most painful: our dangerona
meetings, our separations, or our
attempts at infidelity. Like so many other
lovers, wehad still more of those ’terrible
adieus one goes back on’ and those exalt-
.’ ing reunions that did not last. Apart, but
irresistibly attracted to each other, only to
lose each other once again, our persistent
love endured all the phases of a fatal
attraction that perhaps only death could
end. I still loved Ren~e, but with a vanquished
love, enslaved by the circumstances
that she had allowed to have their
¯ way with us... (Souvenirs Indiscrets)"
~ Eichbauer states: "Natalie’s .life was
¯ more important to her than her writing.
: She described the procxss of writing a
: book as one of cleaning out her desk
¯ drawers. Her writingis seldom sustained;
she expressed herself in sharp lightningbolts
of intelligence. In her introduction
to Souvenirs, she says, ’If too little of the
love I invoke appears in this book, it is
because I have better spent it elsewhere.
Here there remain only fragments.’"
Because of the importance of her salon,
Barney is mentioned, at least in passing,
in most accounts ofAmerican expatriates
in Paris. Here are the books by and about
Barney that Eichbauer recommends and
that are most readily available:
Natalie Barney. Adventures oftheMind.
Tr. John Spaulding Gatton. New York:
New York University Press, 1992.
Natalie Barney. The One Who is Legion,
or A.D. ’s Afterlife.
1930; Orono, Me.: U of Maine, National
Poetry Foundation, 1987.
Natalie Barney. A Perilous Advantage:
: The Best ofNatalie Clifford Barney. Ed-
; ited and translated by Anna Livia. Introduction
by Karla Jay. Norwich, Vt.: New
Victoria Pub., 1992. Karla Jay.
The Amazon and the Page: Natalie
Clifford Barney and Rende Vivien.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
see Barney, p. !3
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in tawdry Oakland gay bars. ~
We maintain enough taboo] on nudity
for strippers to make a living. The flesh
still titillates. Salacious gazingatunclothed
bodies remains an American form of
sexual pleasure. But there are (or were
until recently) somehumancultures where
people have escaped the kinkiness of
modesty. No one wears clothing or, if
they do, it’s for reasons of comfort. No
Peeping Toms, no hidden videocams in
restrooms, no voyeurs, no exhibitionists,
no pornography, no one works to snatch
an illicit glimpse at this or that body part.
The body, sexually, is a bore in places
whereit is never hidden- where exposure
causes neither guilt nor shame nor desire.
Or rather, body touch and smell may be
sexualized but nevermere looking, where
nudity is the norm.
The details ofmodesty and display vary
from one culture to another. Many have
commented on American fixation on the
female breast. Who knows if it’s childrearing
customs, our relations with mom,
or our marital relations that have supercharged
theAmerican breast, the epitome
being Barbie’s big and pointy boobs.
In much of the South Pacific, women’s
breasts traditionally were neither erogenous
nor hidden. Male desire focused
instead on meaty thighs. I’ve walked by
many bare-breasted women who modestly
busy themselves smoothing down
their grass-skirts.
On Tanna, where I lived for amunber of
years, tmditionalmale dress consisted simply
of a "penis-wrapper." Men wrapped
theirpenes in leaves and fixed these upright
to a barkcloth belt. Penis-wrappers
had disappeared for years until a roving
photographer from National Geographic
passed through the island one year and
convinced a number of guys to strip back
down into penis-wrappers to make his
South Sea photos appear more authentic
to his Americanviewers. Since then, some
ofthesemenhavemaintained the wrapper
as a political statement of their
traditionality vis-ii-vis their Christian
Nearly all malebody parts onTannaare
boring, and never eroticized. No one, certaiuly,
would toss dollars bills around to
catch a glimpse ofmale belly or butt. The
glans penis is the only body part that men
are ashamed to display. As soon as boys
are circumcised (between ages of5 and 10
or so) they begin covering themselves -
and uncircumcised boys are teased merci-
: lessly should their glans peek out of their
." foreskins. Stripping as a profession has
¯ little futurein much of the world.
¯ In Oakland, though, those flying dol-
." lars are sending Corey home to Arkansas.
Lamont Lindstrom is a Visiting Prof.of
". Anthropology at the Univ. of Cal~ornia,-
¯ Berkeley, during Spring Term, 1999
Mary Eichbauer lives and writes in northern
California. Her annotated translation
¯ of Bamey’s "Rente Vivien"’ will appear
¯ in a forthcoming issue of The Journal of
Lesbian Studies.
¯ EstherRothblum is Prof. ofPsychology
¯ at the Univ. ofVermont andEditor ofI’he
¯ Journal of Lesbian Studies. She can be ¯
reached at John Dewey Hall, Univ. of
". Vermont, Burlington, VT, email:
¯ esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
: with a crescent wrench. If the parts are
¯ rusted together, you can have a real wres-
: fling match. Once the val~ce is off, remove
¯ the tube from the valve from
¯ the bottom of the toilet with the crescent
wrench. Take everything to the hardware
¯ store, handittothehapless clerkinplumb-
¯ ing and tell them you want "this". Go
ahead and get a new water inlet hose -
¯ you’ll be sorry later if you don’t. Also
¯ pick up a roll of the Teflon tape they sell
¯ m plumbing. Check out and cuss some
: more, because this is costing more than
¯ the replacement kit, but remember that
¯ theplumber would be charging youlabor,
¯ and that hurts.
Back at home, wrap a couple of turns of
¯ Teflon tape clockwise around the threads
on the pipe sticking out of the wall. Use
your wrenches again to attach the shut-off
valve snuggly in place; wrap the threaded
end on the valve with Teflon tape and
attach the water inlet hose. Rule of thumb
in plumbing - if it’s threaded, use Teflon
tape on it. This helps give a good seal and
also makes it a lot easier if you have to
remove these parts again in the future.
Now you can proceed with your toilet
repairs as above. Once everything is attached
and snug, turn your water back on
and admire your handiwork!
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Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, March 1999; Volume 6, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/585.