[1999] Tulsa Family News, February 1999; Volume 6, Issue 2


[1999] Tulsa Family News, February 1999; Volume 6, Issue 2


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


February 1999


James Christjohn
JEan-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
MAry Scepers
Adam West


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, January 1999; Volume 6, Issue 1


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Gays in the Military Update
More "Gays" Leaving US Armed Forces
WASHINGTON (AP) -TheAir Force andArmyreport
sharp increases in the number of troops discharged for
homosexuality, and officials believe many are discontented
non-Gay recruits looking for a way out. In
releasing the figures, the Defense Department said it
was satisfied with its "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy on
homosexuality in the services. It asserted that the 1998
dischargenumbers "align" with those ofprevious years,
even though they reached an 11-year high.
A watchdog group, the Servicemembers Legal Defense
Fund, said the’figures were fresh evidence that
Gays still are being mistreated in the 1.4-million-member
active-duty military. "Commanders are still asking,
pursuing and harassing people," said Dixon Osbum, the
group’s co-executive director. ,,,~
The "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy, adopted in 1994, is
supposed to allow Gays to serve if they keep their sexual
orientation private. It punishes those who engage in
homosexual acts or take actions that call attention to
their orientation. But critics accuse the services of
hunting down Gays and driving them out of the service.
If a service member voluntarily states his or her
homosexuality, discharge is automatic.. In the.case oLa
recruit still in basic (raining, av0iuniary declaration of
homosexuality means an admjuistrative discharge that
does not carry a bad-conduct stigma. Under the Pentagon
policy there are three grounds for discharge: if a
service member voluntarily states that he or she is Gay;
if someone is determined to have engaged in a homosee
Military, p. 3
Maryland Judge Throws
Out Sodomy Law
BALTIMORE (AP) - A judge who rtded Baltimore’s
80-year-old anti-sodomy law does not apply to consensual
acts has expanded the ruling to include anal as well
as oral sex. The ruling by Circuit Judge Richard T.
Rombto settles a 1997 clas s-action suit by theAmerican
Civil Liberties Union. "This is saying the government
will not intrude in the bedroom," said Dwight Sullivan,
a staff counsel for the ACLU’s Maryland chapter,
which sued on behalf of several Gay men and Lesbians.
State officials, who did not object to tLe ACLU’s
efforts, said the ruling was largely symbolic because
few if any state residents have been prosecuted for
sodomy. ACLU officials, however, said the existence
of the law posed a threat to privacy rights and left
homosexuals vidnerable to job discrimination and unfair
attacks in child custody cases.
Thirty-one states have rep.ealed anti-sodomy laws,
while 17 still have them on the books, including Virgiuia.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a Georgia case
in 1986 that anti-sodomy laws are constitutional.
In 1990, the Maryland Court Of Appeals ruied the law
could not be used to prosecute consentual, nonpublic
acts of oral sex, see Maryland, p. 14
ST~ervin~g Lesb[ian~, Gay,~Bisex_ual +nT~ranPsa_gl~eenrdAevraeidlabTluelIsnaMnso,reOTuhraFna7m5iClieis +LoFcraietinodnss
Hate Crimes Amendment Has
A Chance in OK Legislature
TMM - Metropolitan Ministry Endorses Amendment
TULSA/OKLAHOMA CITY - Those who knew Matthew
Shepard say that he would have wished that some good come out
of evil. And it appears that, in Oklahoma at least, some good
might come out of the horror of his murder. That at least is the
conclusion drawn by some commumty activists who see the new
willingness of Oklahoma political leaders to address hate crimes
based on actual or perceived sexual orientation.
Speaking anonymously, one clergy participantinTulsa Metropolitan
Ministry, an influential local interfaith organization,
indicated that Shepard’s murder is what helped shake the organization
out of its unwillingness to address the concerns of Lesbians
and Gay men. As she put it, they could no longer remain
And moving amazingly fast for such a diverse group, TMM
adopted as one of its legislative goals for this 1999 session, the
amendment of Oklahoma’s Malicious Intimidation Statute, otherwiseknown
as the Hate Crimes law. In fact, abill (HB 1211) for
this amendment has been introduced by Tulsa legislator, Don
Ross. HB 1211 has a companion bill introduced in the Oklahoma
Senate by Sen. Ben Brown, and Democratic party rumors have it
that Speaker of the House, Loyd Benson has committed to
support the bill. Oklahoma Attorney G~neral Drew Edmondson
already has committed publicly to supporting this amendment as
has former Tulsa County District Attorney see Hate.p. 13
Activists kick off Eq~mlity Begins at Home at fall conference.
Thousands to Go to Capitols
First Ever National Week ofAction for Equality
WASHINGTON, DC - January 25, 1999 - In the 30th aunivers.
ary year of the S tonewall rebellion- the birth of the modern Gay
rights movement - thousands of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender people will launch an unprecedented national week
of action for equality. Equality Begins at Home, slated for the
week of March 21 - 27, is a major initiative to push state
lawmakers to support a platform of equality.
Planning for these by local activists is well under way. In
Oklahoma, Paul Thompson, of the Oklahoma Gay & Lesbian
Political Caucus is co-ordinating the Oklahoma event at the State
Capitol on Saturday, March 27. Paid can be reached at email:
Gayoglpc@flash.net, or 405-791-0202. Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights (TOHR) is working to help organize Tidsans to
From Montana to Maine, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender people will come out and speak up in simultaneous
events nationwide, most ofwhich will take place at state capitols.
These actions will, mnong other things, build support for laws
that counter hate violence, ban employment discrimination,
provide for safe schools for all students, ensure.the right to adopt
and become foster parents, and address health issues including
Equality Begins at Home is coordinated by the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force .and organized by the Federation of
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Statewide Political
Organizations. As part of its coordinating efforts, the Task Force
provided Federation member groups $5,000 each to support their
Equality Begins at Home organizing efforts and hired a national
coordinator for the event. Dozens of national organizations have
signed on in support of this week of action.
"Equality Begins at Home is not an end point but a beginning
point. We are going to make our statewide organizations stronger,
mobilize more people, register more voters, and demand
greater accountability from our state legislators and policy makers,"
stated Kerry Lobel, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
executive director, see EBAH, p..13
Pride CenterAnnounces
OneRecruitShortofa ToasterMembers
Drive and Gay Legal Rights Program
TULSA - How do you feel about winning a very
stylish toaster or toaster oven? That’s what Pride
Center organizers want to know. They’re hoping
that these possibilities will motivate you to join
Tulsa’s Gay & Lesbian community center, the
Pride Center and to persuade as many of your
friends, family and acquaintances to do the same.
Pride Center volunteers have organized a membership
drive from Feb. 1 to March 31 that was
inspired by Lesbian comedian, Ellen Degeneres,
and they’re offering prizes for "recruiting" new
community center members. Center spokesman,
Greg Gatewood stated that any current or new
member will receive "a toaster accessory" (what is
that???) for bringing in five new members. Ten
new members will win you a sleek new bagelcapable
toaster. And if you get 25 new memberships,
you’ll get, not just a toaster, but a toasteroven!
However, the grand prize is airfare to an exotic
seaside location so you can toast yourself in the
tropical sun. Sound good? To win this you need to
get at least 50 new memberships though the winner
will be the person who gets the most memberships
of 50 ormo~e by March 31 st. Tojoin or to get more
information, call the Center at 743-GAYS (4297).
Beginning in Feb. specifically Feb. 18 at 7:30,
the Oklahoma Lesbian and Gay Law Association
will begin a series of free legal seminars for Lesbians
and Gay men. These seminars are set up as
informal discussions drawing on the skills of attorneys
who specialize in areas of interest to the
community. Tulsa attorney Camille Quiun will
lead the first discussion on estate planning. The
discussion will be geared toward both couples and
individuals. Again for more information, call the
Center at 743-GAYS (4297)..
Other evenfs a( the ~enter include a Mardi Gras
costume party on Feb. 13 with dancing to music by
"Grandmaster DJ Tim."
see Center, p. 14
TULSA - More than fourteen women met recently
to plan monthly events for "Gal-A-Vanting, Ms.
Adventures for Women." Gal-A-Vanting is a social
and cultural organization for Lesbian women.
The group seeks to provide social, cultural and selfexploration
opportunities for women as wall as a
venue for meeting and for developing a sense of
The organization was the brainchild of two
friends, Mary (also known as the Do-It-Yourself
Dyke) and Joan, who decided that there was not
enough for women to do in the Tulsa area and who,
also, were tired ofdriving to Arkansas for women’s
activities. They believed there would be enough
interest in the Tulsa community to create an organization
to provide activities here.
Approximately 20 women have attended each of
the activities hosted by Gal-A-Vanting in the past
four months. There are now more than 65 women’s
names on the mailing list. The organization has
hosted a number of events, a "women and the arts
evening" which featured poetry and various artist’s
work, a dance, a drumming circle and a movie
Monthly activities are planned for the second
Samr.day ev.e.mng of each month. Also, community
service acttvltles, such as adopting a mile of road
for clean up or working with the elderly are also
planned, see Gal, p. 14
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restanrant,717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
¯ 749-1563
Tulsa Busine.~q~s, $¢ntiees,.& Professionals
Advanced Wirdess & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Baler & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902,743-41!7
Community Cle,qning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’ s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sherid~ii 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet COffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance &financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-I111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kanskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319.E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1300 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297,
Rainbowzon the River B+B, PUB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney,616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, PUB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. PUB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Cir. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*Churchofthe RestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopa]ians, PUB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*FellowshiiS-Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*FreeSpiritWomen’s Center, call for locati"on&m’ fo: 587-4669
." 918.583.1248, fax: 583.46 15, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
¯ e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlink_ net
¯ website: http://users.aol.com/TulsaNews/
~ Publisher + Editor:
¯ Tom Neal
¯ Writers + contributors:
¯ James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
¯ Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
Memtmr of The Associated Press
¯ Issued on or before the 1 st of each month, the entire contents of this
¯ Lg~blication are protected by US copyright 1998 byT~
. N~,and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspon¯
dence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must
¯ _be signed & becomes the sole property of T~,,~ {::~.’. Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
." points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friend For A Friend, PUB 52344, 74152 747-6827
¯ Friends in Unity Social Org., PUB 8542, 74101 582-0438
¯ *HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611 ¯
¯ *HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
¯ HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, EducatioN. 834-8378
¯ HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only ¯
¯ *House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2,437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111 ¯
NOW, Nat’lOrg. forWomen, POB 14068,7"4159 365-5658 ¯
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
: *Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 ¯
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674 ¯
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor, 74105 743-4297
¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯ *R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 7494195 ¯
Rainbow Business Guild, PUB 4106, 74159 665-5174
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N: Cincinnati 425-7882
¯ *St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area UnitedWay, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171 ¯
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
¯ Tulsa County Health DepartmenL 4616 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only ¯
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
" T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses ¯
¯ *Rogers University (formerly UCT)
"° *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Jotmstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209 NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-5734907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
¯ *TahIequah Unitarian-UniversalistChurch 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, PUB 1570 918-453-9360
¯ NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
: HlVtestingeveryother Tues. 5:30-8:30; call for dates
¯ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807 ¯
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
." Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, PUB 429 501-253-2776
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332 ¯
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501~624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
¯ *White Light, 1 Center St. 501-253-4074
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
*Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134 41%623-4696
* is where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay-owned but all are Gay-friendly.
Carbon Copy
KMOD Gay Bashing?
¯ Dear Phil and Brent,
¯ As a regular listener of your show, I am ¯
concerned about the words of intolerance
¯ directed toward theGay community. Your
¯ Thursday shows seem especially filled
¯ with the promotion of hate as an acceptable
behavior. Being reasonable people,
; and I assume residents of the Tulsa com-
-¯ mumty, I cannot understand your continued
promotion of hate towards a large
¯ segment of-the Tulsa community. Hate
¯ speech equals hate crimes- aproven fact.
: Your success as morning show hosts
¯ can only mean that there are a great num-
" ber ofpeople listening. The words youuse
¯ can drastically change the world of those
¯ who listen. Your words could be respon-
- sible for the next bashing or killing of a
Gay person. Is this a responsibility you
_" are ready to accept and bear for the re-
, mainder of your life?
¯ I, as you by now expect, will no longer
¯ be tuning into your show, and will encour-
¯ age my friends and acquaintances to turn
¯ the dial as well. After all, you are "the
¯ rainbow station." The rainbow has been
: mmedinto aflag. That flag represents the
¯ pride of the Gay community.
¯ I wouldhope thatKMODwouldchoose
¯ not to continue the verbal assault on our
¯ Gay citizens. I would offer that two orga-
¯ nizations I belong to, teach tolerance
; classes, and perhapsKMOD would liketo
have some of this information. Your re-
" quest may be directed to me, or to the
¯ organizations directly.
- Ned T. Bruha, Tulsa
¯ ce: TOHR
Great Issue
Thelatest edition [January] ofTFN was
really a great issue. Thanks for the important
work that you do. Keep it up. Our
communityneeds it. This recentissue was
a great example of the kind of quality our
community is capable of. Anyone can be
proud with that kind ofleadership. Bravo.
And thanks.
- M.S. Tulsa
In Memorium
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights
Campaign mourned the death of activist
John Thomas, 51, who died on January
Mr. Thomas served on the HRC Board
from 1982 to 1985 andplayedamajorpart
in HRC’s expansion in the Dallas area.
His contributions withHRCincludedhelping
start the Dallas Black-Tie Dinner
Committee. He helped found numerous
organizations including the Gay & Lesbian
Victory Fund.
Additionally, Mr. Thomas was former
executive director.of the Foundation for
HumanUnderstandingandthe Dallas Gay
& Lesbian Community Center, now
known as the John Thomas Gay & Lesbian
Community Center.
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
you think need tobe considered. Youmay
request that your name be withheld but
letters mustbe signed&have phone numbers,
or be hand delivered. 200 word letters
are preferred. Letters to other publications
will be printed as is appropriate.
sexual act; and in the case of same-sex marriage.
"In virtually every self-initiated disclosure, the second
statement made is, ’I’d also like to be discharged,"’ said
David Smith, a spokesman at Randolph Air Force Base,
Texas. He said this led officials to conclude that a growing
number of recruits are using a Gay declaration to get out.
Smith said commanders are legally prohibited from ques-
.tioning Air Forcemembers about such voluntary statements.
"You kind of have to take them at their word,".he said.
T’jae Gibson, anAir Force spokeswoman at the Pentagon,
said an official review of discharges and personnel policies
at Lacklandlast year found that most instructors and trainees
there believed the acknowledgments ofhomosexuality were
made to cut short an enlistment. Armyofficials said they "also
suspect many Gay discharges in their service involve soldiers
looking for a quick way out, but they do not consider
the trend to be a major source of worry.
Supreme Court Lets Military Policy Stand
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court once again left
intact the military’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy today,
rejecting a challenge by two former servicemen discharged
after declaring their, homosexuality. The court, without
comment, turned away arguments by the men that the policy
is based on prejudice agaiust homosexuals and violates their
free-speech rights. This action, while not a definitive ruling,
marked the fifth time in recent years that the highest court
has rejected efforts to invalidate the policy. Every federal
appeals court that has considered the issue has upheld the
This appeal was filed by National Guard 1st Lt. Andrew
Holmes ofSacramento, Calif.,andNavy Lt. Richard Watson.
Holmes declared his homosexuality to. his commanding
officer in 1993. Watson was serving in Bremerton, Wash.,in
October 1994 when he submitted a written statement to his
commanding officer that said, "’I have a homosexual orientation."
Both men were discharged and sued in federal
courts. A judge in San Francisco ruled for Holmes and
declared the military policy unconstitutional. But ajudge in
Seattle ruled against Watson. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals combined the cases andupheldthe "don"t ask, don’t
tell" policy.
US Law Professors Fight .Military Policy
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Hundreds of law professors are
joining the fight to get Gays and Lesbians an equal place in
the U.S. armed forces. The battlefield is a 1996 law thatlets
the government take all federal student aid from schools
which refuse to let military recruiters on campus. Scores of
universities had barred recruiters to protest the "don’t ask,
don’t tell" policy, but let them back after President Clinton
signed the law by former U.S. Rep. Gerald Solomon.
"If we had a recruiter who said, ’We won’t hire anyone
who’s black,’ there’s no doubt about us kicking them off
campus," said David V. Chavkin, director and associate
professor at American University’s Washington College of
Law. "The notion that we should treat discrimination
against our Gay and Lesbian and bisexual and trans~gender
students as different is an outrage. The law school agreed in
1997 to let military recruiters return after attorneys decided
that not only its 1,200 students, but all of the university’s
undergraduates could lose their federal aid, including lowinterest
loans and work-study money.
At the meeting, Chavkin was working a~ a table set up
outside the Association of American Law Schools’ biggest
meeting rooms to sign up people willing to work for repeal
of the law. When theAALS meeting ends, organizers hoped
to have 100 law schools represented.
U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., who plans to lead the
repeal fight, thinks the law is very vulnerable, said Alan
Minuskin, a Boston College Law School professor. At one
point, 138 campusesbarred military recnfiters. By late 1997;.
the list had dwindled to 18. 17 were in Connecticut, where
the policy against discrimination was part of state law. The
federal law applies to all colleges and universities. The
repeal push is starting in law schools because most either
have longstanding rules of their own against discrimination
or belong to the AALS, which had a rule since 1990 against
dealing with any organization that discriminates. It changed
that rule last year, under protest, because of the Solomon
EdwinJ. Butterfoss, deah andprofessor oflaw at Hamline
University in St. Paul, Minn., said, "...we have a lot more
work to do. It [the Solomon law] undermines a law school!s
ability to enforce its own policies - not by attacking the
schools, but they’re attacking the students."
¯ The Associated Press
AtMartin LutherKing Day parades and prayer break-
, fasts, in their offices and in homes, many Blacks said
¯ they have a particular stake in the impeachment trial of
s~dent Clinton- the best thing thathas happened for
¯¯ Blacks in a long time."
"If Clinton is removed from "Dr. Kin~ ¯ office, that’s a slap in the face would be ¯ forBlack America," said Mikel
¯ Holt, editor of the Milwaukee suspect Of the ¯
¯ CommunityJournal, a Black impeael~ment newspaper. ’.’That’s inessence,
derailing the civil fights free- process l~eeause
¯¯ domtrain." he would be
Clinton has long enjoyed
¯ Black support, both from the suspect of tl~e
¯ public and in Congress, be¯
cause he socializes and prays impeaclters,"
¯ with Black people, appoints the Rev. Jesse
¯ them to high positions and un- Jackson said ¯ derstands the struggle of rac-
¯ ism, Black leaders said. a~ter a
: " As the trial entered its secondweek,
some summonedthe breal~ast
: name and message of the slain l~onorin~
¯ civil rights leader in Clinton’s
¯ defense - saying the two men in C]~iea~o.
¯ shared a common dream of Jackson
¯ equality, specffleally
¯ "Dr. King would be suspect
¯ of the impeachment process mentioned
~ because he would be suspect
¯ of the impeachers," the Rev. Senate ¯
JesseJacksonsaidafterabreak- 1MIajorlty leader
fasthonoringKinginChicago. Trent Loft... ¯ Jackson specifically men-
, tioned Senate Majority leader reee_ntly linked.
Trent Lott,who was recently
: linked by his uncle to an ultra- . . . to an ultra-
: conservatl/ve group accused of conservative
¯ promoting white supremacy. ~roup accused
i Lwoastt adfefniliieadteldaswt iwtheethkethgartouhpe of promo~in~
¯ and said he is opposed to rac:
ismand white supremacy. white
: Richard Bailey a historian supremacy¯
¯ and author from Montgomery,
Alabama, said he too was suspect of some of Clinton’s
: critics. "I think (Blacks) are most uncomfortable with
: the way matters are being handled and with the key
¯ players," he said. ¯
¯ "If the conservativepeoplewho are trying to impeach
the president come into power, it will be a tumbaek of
¯ the dock for Afro-Americans," said Edward Lewis Jr.,
i president of the NAACP for Idaho, Nevada and Uiah.
¯ Any current alternative to Clinton could be worse
," said Vicki Washington, director of Equal Opportunity
¯ and Diversity at theUniversity of Wisconsin-Extension
¯ in Madison, Wis. "Of all of our presidents in the recent
¯ past, Clinton seems to be more in tune with the impact
¯ of historic discrimination and how it continues to have
¯ bothapolitical and economic impact onAfriean Ameri_
.. cans and other people of color today," Washington said.
¯ To some, the impeachment itself is being driven by
- :~ fear of-minority power. "My question is, are they real[
hounding him for his personal transgressions, or (to
punish) him for making his administration the most
diverse that the country’s ever known? That, to me,
seems the undeit0ne," said Victoria Mares Hershey,
¯ first vice president of the NAACP in Portland, Maine.
Nan Stovall, another NAACP member from Port-
" land, said Clinton is "the best thing that has happened
: for Blacks in a long time," she said.
¯ Via the Internet
¯ Q - What do Howdy Doodie, the Muppets and Steve
Largent have in common?
: A - They all have cute faces with painted-on grins,
¯ empty heads and someone else’s hand up their ass
¯ making their mouths move.
Too vulgar, but too, too funny not to print. What’s
"- dangerous about Largent is that he’s .not stupid at
all.We don’t dispute the hand business though. - TN
by Tom Neal. editor &publisher
As a child, I learned much to my amazement that
some families actually tried to avoid discussing controversial
topics, especially at dimmer. Not mine. When
friends wonder about my interest in discussing ethics
and politics, all I need to do is to invite them to dinner
and.turn my father loose on them. They’ll never wonder
agmn. Note that I regard this familial inheritance of
debate and discussion as a wonderful, wonderful legacy
but it is, perhaps, an acquired taste. I share this bit of
personal history in order to put the following in context.
Since May, I’ve been.arguing at my family’s Sunday
night dinners that Bill Clinton, based merely on the
appearance of inappropriate conduct (that old lawyerly
standard), shouldresign. That is, ifhe were a gentleman.
Of course, we all know that if he had ever been a
gentleman, or even were vaguely acqtminted with the
notion, he wouldn’t be in this nasty PaulaJMonica/
Gennifer/whatever mess in the first place.
But regardless of Bill’s spectacular lapses in judgment,
many Gays and Lesbians, both of color and those
with less color, are going to understand the sentiments
of the adjacent editorial.
If the ultra conservatives, "wing-nuts" as Tul sa Republican
mayoral wanna-be, Terry Simonson, characterized
them, get completely back into power, it will be
a turning back the clock for Gay and Lesbian Americans
as well as for African Americans.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott not only is dosdy
tied to ultra racist organizations like the Concerned
Citizens Council but has had his anti-Gay views well
documented. And I suspect that the ccc is just about as
anti-Gay as it is racist. And while Lott is now denying
that he shares the CCC’s racist and white supremacy
views, he’s not bothering to deny his heterosexist supremacy
stances. Clearly, we Gay folks really haven’t
gotten as far along in the fight for equality as non-Gay
I think it is safe to sa$ that the folks who hate Clinton
because he treats Blacks more fairly than any previous
president, also hate him because he’s treated Gay folks
more fairly than any other too.
Granted his record’s not perfect. He reneged on his
promise to end our military’s ban on Gay soldiers. And
his talk about AIDS is better than his walk has been
much of the time. But he’s appointed more openly Gay
individuals to significant governmental positions than
ever before and he’s used his executive power to ban
discrimination in civilian parts of our government.
And look who’s out to get him: the slimiest of the
slime: Bob Barr, Newt Gingrich, Helen Chenowith,
Bob Livingston (something of a gentleman at least for
resigning), and Henry Hyde, adulterers, fornicators and
hypocrites all.
Note also that all of these folks were big, big supporters
of the Defense of Marriage Act that banned samegender
marriages, if and when they should happen. Let
me see, when did cheating on your spouse become part
of supporting "traditional" marriage? Bill, of course,
also signed this patently unconstitutional law.
Andone hears from time to time a runaor or two about
our saintly First District representative, Steve Largent.
One wonders what he’d say about his sex life under
oath. After all, even if he’s been utterly faithful to his
spouse, he was a great college athletic star and who
hasn’t heard of a fomieating football player? Maybe at
Brigham Young, and then only maybe. Last I checked,
fornication was still illegal in Oklahoma though it is
hardly one of our frequently enforced laws.
However, I do have to give Henry Hyde some credit
for redefining the notion of"youthful indiscretion." Mr.
Hyde cheated onhis wife at the age of 41. This 41 yearold
editor is delighted to learn that anything I do at this
point in my life still has some hope of being declared a
"youthful indiscretion."
I do digress. The bottom line: I don’t like Bill,’s
dishonesty, but I don’t like the behavior of most of the
Congress. I don’t like Congress’ "witch hunt." The $50
million Stair spent could have bought a whole lot of
drugs or food or housing to keep people living with
AIDS alive, or done any number of genuinely worthy
things for our country.
Maybe we could just impeach them all.
Hormel Renominated
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton has renominated
James Hormel as ambassador to Luxembourg,
and a White House official said Tuesday the
administration hopes "fairness will prevail" in the
new Congress so he can be approved for thejob. The
Senate last year refused to vote on the nomination of
Hormel after several conservative Republicans accused
him of promoting homosexual views: The
White House accused lawmakers of prejudice.
Hormel, who is Gay, was appro,ced by the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, but Senate Majority
Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., didn’ t allow his nomination
to come to the floor in the face of scattered GOP
objections. White House spokesperson, Barry Toiv
said Hormel was among a number of.renominations
Clinton submitted to the new Congress, which began
its work this month. If approved, Hormel wonld be
the first openly Gay U.S. envoy.
Chiistian right groups had’attacked Hormel, a
vocal supporter of Gay rights and AIDS causes, over
his sponsorship ofaGay and Lesbian center at the San
Francisco Public Library that bears his name. Republican
critics called some of the material obscene and
feared Hormel might promote a "Gay agenda" as
ambassador to the tiny European nation.
Hormel must go through the entire nomination
process again, including approval at the committee
level before a Senate vote.
Florida County May Add
Partner Benefits
FORTLAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)-Broward County
may be on its way to extending to domestic parmers
of county employees the same ,benefits that married
couples now receive. A proposed ordinance would
provide medical coverage to Gay, Lesbian and unmarried
partners of county employees to the same
extentas other employees and allow unmarriedcouples
to legally register as domestic partners. The measure
also would require contractors that handle at least
S50,000 in business with the county to offer health
benefits to partners of their own workers.
If adopted later this year, Broward would join one
other Florida county, more than 100 other state and
local governments across the country and some corpora.
tions that have given similar allowances to domestic
Some business owners in Broward, Florida’s secon&
largest county, object to being told how to run
their companies. However, the commission, which
has already 6utlawed discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation, appears receptive to the proposal.
CornmissionCha~rwoman Ilene Lieberman said she
supports most sections of the ordinance but had
doubts about imposing the mandate on private comparties
that do business with the county,
County attorneys said the proposal may conflict
with the state’s broad Defense of Marriage Act, the
1997 law that says same-sex marriages are not recognized
in Florida. Supporters said domestic partnerships
are not identical to marriages and the county’ s
proposal says nothing about child custody, divorce,
inheritance or other rights held by spouses.
Robin Bodiford and Dean Trantalis, two lawyers
and Gay civil rights activists, prepared the proposal
with the Lambda Legal Defense Fund, a national Gay
and Lesbian group.
In Florida, the Monroe County Commission agreed
in February 1998 to allow county workers to share
Lheir employee benefits with their domestic partners.
In Miami-Dade County, the state’ s largest county, the
commission approved an ordinance last month barfing
discrimination of homosextmls in the workplace
and housing.
Holocaust Coverup
ATLANTA (AP) - Material about Nazi persecution
of homosexuals, edited out of a teachers’ guide about
the Holocaust, will be sent to Georgia schools in a
separate letter.
The Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, which
had previously deemed the material too sexually
graphic for fifth- and sixth-grade students, agreed to
the change after a meeting with civil rights activists.
It was too late to reprint the guides, which were to be
mailed out to schools across the state by this week.
lut the commission decided to send the deleted
material to schools in a separate letter. Harry Knox,
director of the Georgia Equality Project, a civil rights
group said the new mailing also will include four
extra teachers’ guides from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum in Washington.
The 15-member Holocaust comrmssion, fornted in
1986, is a state agency. It objected to passages in the
92-page guide "Triangles, Badges, & Stars: Remembering
the Mosaic of Victims of the Holocaust." Gay
civil rights groups were upset when the commission
asked a law firm sponsonng the gnides to delete the
material. The law firm reluctandy agreed and removed
the passages from the Georgia version of the
guide. Versions of the guide were’also produced for
teachers in California and Florida.
HOmosexuals are mentioned in at least four places
in the 6,000 copies printed for Georgia middle school
and high school teachers, said SylviaWygoda, director
and chairwoman of the Holocaust commission.
Vice chairman Alex Gross said commission members
wanted only a few objectionable words removed,
not entire paragraphs.
Here are the para~aphs on Nazi treatment of homosexual
Holocanst victims which the GeorgiaCom:
unssion on the Holocaust asked to be deleted:
"German male homosexuals were targeted and
arrested because they would not breed the master
race: they were an affront to the Nazi macho image."
"’The doors of the third (cattle) car open and the
homosexuals spill forth, males only, because as
Hirnmler concluded, ’Lesbians can give birth.’ The
taunting jeers, and blows of the guards stun the men.
They will stay a night and then be rerouted to
Sachsenhausen mad Buchenwald to be with their
kind. The pink triangle they will soon wear is a result
of ajudgment that they have broken Article 175A, by
sexual act, by kissing, by embracing, by fantasy and
thought. Some will be given an opp_ortunity to recant
by successfully completing sexual activity with a
woman in the camp brothel. Most others will find
themselves tormented from all sides as they struggle
to avoid being assaulted, raped, worked and beaten to
Right-Winger Seeks to
Ban Gay Student Clubs
PHOENIX (AP) - A group of conservative Republican
lawmakers is backing a bill that would ban
support groups for homosexual students from public
school grounds.
The measm’e would require school districts to ban
any student orgamzation that promotes a specific
sexual orientation, sexual activity or any kind of
criminal activity, t’We don’ t allow Playboy clubs on
,c,~tmpus to promote heterosexuality," said Rep. Linda
Gray, R-Glendale, one of the bill’s backers. "Why
should we have Gay clubs to promote homosexuality."
A 3-year-old Gay student group at Desert View
High School in the Suunyside Unified School District
has not caused any problems, said Alan Storm, the
district’s director of student services. The group’s
five members have helped educate students, teachers
and others about discrimination, Storm said. "There
arCh’ t even discussions about sex," Storm said. Storm
added the bill was a bad idea because it jeopardizes
federal funding for schools. Thefederal Equal Access
Actrequires school s to allow all extracurricular groups
to use their facilities. Backers of the federal law said
it was meant to keep schools from banning meetings
of Bible-study and other Christian groups.
Gay Teen Sues Hospital
Over ’Outing’
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A Gay Bradford County
teen-ager who attempted suicide last February is
suing the hospital that treated him, claiming news of
his sexual orientation was leaked by an employee,
Cindy Smith, and eventually spread to his high school.
Smith could not be reached by press time, but Troy
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Community Hospital president Mark Webster issued a
statement denying the allegations.
Greg Congdon, 18 and a former football player and
wrestler, said the disclosure made him an instant pariah,
forcing him to forego his senior year at Troy High-
School and study at home by himself.
Congdon’ s lawyer, Jeffrey P. Osmond of Towanda,
said he believes the suit to be the first of its kind in
Pennsylvania. ’‘This has been a springboard for a bunch
of health-care providers in the area to doubly safeguard
their policies so that this doesn’t happen to them,;;
Osmond said.
Congdon said he realized he was Gay about a month
before the suicide attempt. He told no one, terrified of
the consequences of coming out to his parents and to a
rural, conservative community. Severely depressed,
Congdon ingested 33 Tylenols in the early morning
hours of Feb. 1, 1998, went to school, and took 10 more.
Congdon told the treating physician at Troy Community
Hospital that he tried to kill himself because he was
Thelawsuit alleges that Smith- the mother of one of
Congdon’s football teammates -examined Congdon’s
medical records and then told "third persons" that he
was Gay.
Returning to school later, "Everybody just stared at
me,". he said. "I’d get approached by several students
and they would say, ’We heard you’re a faggot, is that
true?’ I would just say, ’Believe whatever you want,’
because I was afraid I’d get beat up." Congdon left
school less than a month after returning.
Troy High School Principal Bob Grantier said he did
not know Congdon was being harassed. "If that was
reported, which it was not, it would have been dealt
with. Bottom line," he said.
Congdon expects to take his high-school equivalency
exam in the summer and attend college next fall as a
criminal justice major. Congdon’s story was featured
last month in an ESPN documentary on Gay athletes.
He also wrote about his experience for a San Francisco-
based magazine for Gay teen-agers. "I’m being
very public with it to raise awareness. We do have a
problem in today’s society and there is hate out there
toward us and other ethnic and religious backgrounds,"
he said. "Something has to be done."
Maryland Governor
Offers Anti-Bias Bill
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Gov. Parris Glendening,
prompted by memories of a brother who died of AIDS
after hiding his homosexuality throughout a long military
career, will sponsor legislation this y~ar to ban
discrimination against Gays and Lesbians. Glendening
has endorsed similar legislation in the past, but this year
it will be part of his official administration legislative
package. His bill would add sexual orientation to a law
that already bans discrimination in housing and em-
.ployment because of sex, age, race and religion.
Kathleen Nieberding-Ryan, who has lobbied for the
bill the past few years, said the governor’ s decision to
make it part of his program "will help break down some
of our barriers." "I’ve worked on this bill for a long
time," said Ms. Nieberding-Ryan, lobbyist for MarylandNOWand
former lobbyist for the Free State Justice
Campaign, an organization representing Gays and Lesbians.
"Each year we’ ve inched closer and closer, but
could not secure the one or two votes needed for
passage," she said.
Richard Dowling, head of the Maryland Catholic
Conference, said the church has opposed the bill in the
past and probabl y will do so again. "In our tradition,
discrimination against any person in regard to basic
human fights is a sin," Dowling said. He said that
includes people whose sexual orientation is homosexual,
"but orientation and practice are not the same.’"
"Whether intended or not, this legislation would have
.the eff~t oflegitimating homosexual practice, and that,
m our view, is something government Should not do,"
Dowling said.
Glendening said it was difficult for his brother to live
with the knowledge that his’ career in the Air Force
would be ruined if his homosexuality had been discovered.
"No one should be in fear of their job, no matter
what their occupation, because of their sexual orientation,"
he said.
But ~fracy Conaty, communications director for the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in Washing-
, ton, said discrimination "is a fact of life for many
Gay and Lesbian people." "This law is needed
¯ because it is still legal in the state of Maryland to
; fire somebody simply because they are Gay, Lesbian,
bi-sexual or trans-gendered," she said. "Gov.
Glendening is showing real leadership, in not only
recognizing that fact but addressing it," Ms. Conaty
: said.
:¯¯ Anti-Bias Vote May.Lead to Voter Retaliation
¯ CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) - City Commis-
: sioner Nancy Evans knows there mightbefallout at
¯ the voting booth after the City Council decided to ¯ offer protection to homosexuals under the Cedar
¯ Rapids civil rights ordinance. The City Council
¯ ,~oted 3-2 early to make the addition, protecting
¯ homosexuals from discrimination in education,
: honsing, credit, employment and public accommo-
¯ dation.
¯ "This could very well cost an election. I under-
. stand that,’" Evans said. "But cost is not what’s
¯ important. If I believe this stands for intolerance, if
I believe this is injustice, then I have an affirmative
¯ duty toact,nomatterwhatitcosts." Evans and Dale
Toddboth mentioned the Novemberelections when
¯ they discussed their votes in favor of the ordinance.
Mayor Lee Clancey joined them in the majority.
¯ Commissioners Don Thomas and Ole Munson
¯ voted against the change. The Rev. Larry Johnson,
¯ a spokesman for conservative Christiar~s in Cedar
: Rapids, saidhewill try to rally political support for
¯ a new set of candidates. Johnson said, "This thing is very offensive to a lot of people. We want to
¯ investigate to see what we can come up with as far
¯ as overturning this."
Anti-Gay Adoption
Law Reconsidered ¯
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - Elizabeth Janeway and
¯ her husband wanted to become foster parents, but
: said they couldn’ t stomach the state’ s ban on Gay
¯ adoptive and foster parents. When they applied in
1991, the state asked them if they had any homo-
" sexuals in their family, Mrs. Janeway told a House
¯ committee. "I felt sick answering the question,"
i She said. "Not sick because we have a Gay son and
¯ a Lesbian daughter, but because of what the ques-
¯ tion implied about our children."
¯ Rep. Raymond Buckley, D-Manchester, wants
¯ that to end. Hehas sponsored a bill to repeal a 1987
law that bans Gays and Lesbians from adopting and
¯ serving as foster parents. "This law was enacted
¯ during a time of great fear," Buckley said. "Thank-
" fully, we know much more today than we did a
¯ decade ago." The ban was passed at "the height of
." the season of hate," he said. New Hampshire is one
¯ of only two states with such restrictions; Floridais
: the other.
¯ A crowd of more than 80 doctors, ministers,
foster parents, Gay civil fights activists and others
¯ gathered to urge the committee to send the bill to
the House for a vote.
: Buckley blames the passage of the ban on fears
¯ fed by the surge of AIDS during the 1980s and
mistaken belief that homosexual parents would
molest their adopted or foster children. During the
legislative debate in 1987, one supporter of the ban
argued that Gay people wanted to "raise their own
meat" to sexually molest. "This law was enacted
despite the lack of a single complaint, not one shred
¯ of evidence, without a single incident of concern,"
¯ Buckley said.
¯ Thelaw also requires heterosexual couples wish-
. ing to adopt or be foster parents to sign a form
stating no adult in the household is homosexual.
~ "This law does more thanmerely prohibit Gays and
¯ Lesbians from adopting or serving as foster parents,"
Buckley said. "It intrudes into the homes of
¯ heterosexual couples as well."
¯ Buckley would not say whether he thought the ¯
bill was likely to pass, only that he hopes the
: Legislature has progressed since the original mea-
¯ sure passed.
Dr. ML King Would
Have Fought AIDS
LAS VEGAS (AP) - Martin Luther King
Jr. did not live to see the scourge ofAIDS,
but ifhe had, he would have been a leader
in the battle against the disease, health
care experts and religious leaders believe.
"Of course he would have been out
there talking about AIDS and advocating
programs to help stop the spread Of HIV ,"
said the Rev Lionel Starkes, an HIVi
AIDS counselor for the Clark County
Health District. Starkes was a member of
a panel that discussed the subject "AIDS:
WhatWouldBe Dr. King’ s Involvement?"
The panel was part of activities in observance
of the national holiday honoring
King’s birthday.
Ulysess Palrose, HIV/AIDS care coordinator
for Sierra Health Services, said
that nationwide, the number of people
dying from AIDS has declined, as have
the number of people infected with HIV.
But the number of blacks contracting the
vires has increased.
’Tmnot an expert on Dr. Martin Luther
King, and I don’ tknow all thereis to know
aboutAIDS, but all I doknow tellsme that
he would be a drum major" in the fight
against HIV, particularly in regard to the
African American commumty, Palrose
According to national statistics, 43 percent
ofnew HIV/AIDSpatients are black.
Blacks constitute about 13 perccgt of the
population. More than 50 percent of all
babies and women infected with HIV are
Scientist Develops
New HIV Treatment
LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) -A University
of Kentucky (UK) scientist holds patents
on two new methods for treating AIDS
and cancer with drugs that have been
around for years. Trials of the cancer
therapy are at least two years away, but
the AIDS therapy could be tested on human
patients later this year in South Af-
Dr. Vincent Gallicchio, a cell biologist
and associate dean of research in UK’s
College of Allied Health Professions, developed
and patented the AIDS treatment
Gallicchio came up with the cancer
therapy in partnership with Milton Yatvin,
professor of radiation oncology at the
Oregon Health Science Center. They
jointly hold the patent on this treatment.
In combatting AIDS, Gallicchio proposes
a combination ofAZT or DDI- two
anti-viral drugs now prescribed for the
disease - and lithium, a drug used for
decades to treat manic depression. Research
has shown that lithium, in addition
to its beneficial effects on mental illness,
stimulates the human immune system.
AIDS kills people by destroying their
immunity. Therefore, Gallicchio thinks
that an AZT-lithium "cocktail" might stabilize
AIDS patients by charging up their
immune systems.
Gallicchio and Yatvin plan to attack
cancer with a new kind of drug-delivery
system, putting standard chemotherapy
agents inside naturally occurring human
immune cells called "macrophages."
Theoretically, the macrophages would
carry thehighly toxic chemotherapy drugs
directly to the site of the cancer, leaving
healthy tissue unharmed.
Lithiumwas first suggestedformedical
use 50 years ago, and approved by the
FDA for use in manic depressive patients
about 1970. "We’ re sort of the first to put
two and two together," said Gallicchio
who, in addition to his UKpost, heads the
International Society for Lithium Research,
a.scientific group devoted to learning
more about the drug.
One reason lithium’ s potential in AIDS
hash’ t been researched before, Gallicchio
said, is economics. Lithium is cheap. So,
there’ s been little economic incentive for
pharmaceutical finns to explore its potential
in AIDS because profits wouldn’t be
great. Lithium’s toxicity also has been
problem, but Gallieehio says that’s been
Gallicchio plans to test his idea in South
Africa, where selected AIDS patients will
be given his lithium cocktail. South Africa
was chosen as the test site, he said,
because its AIDS incidence rate is one of
the world’s highest.
In battling cancer, Gallicchio and his
pamier,Yatvin, envision a system in which
.powerful drugs would zip straight to the
site of the disease, like homing pigeons,
ignoring healthy tissue. To achieve that,
they would use macrophages.
Macrophages are large immune cells,
which are manufactured in the bone marrow
and then migrate to the body’ s orgaus.
Each organ has its own macrophage,
and each macrophage somehow
knows which organ it is assigned to. A
liver macrophage knows it’ s supposed to
go to the liver; a brain macrophage knows
it’ s supposed to travel to the brain, and so
Gallicchio and Yatvin propose to use
this macrophage "homing instinct."To
treat, say, liver cancer, you could pm
chemotherapy drugs inside liver macrophages,
whichthen would carry them straight
to the cancer.
The plan would be to grow macrophages
in an artificial environment, combine
them with cancer drugs, then deliver
the mixture into cancer patients intravenously.
But Gallicchio says it will be
about two years before trials in humans.
First, researchers mustprove the approach
works in animals, and that it poses no
hazards to patients.
Charity to Help
Children with AIDS
tCAMPALA, Uganda (AP)-Funds raised
by Rotary International will pay for
projects devoted to children affected by
polio and AIDS-related diseases, the
organization’s president said recently.
Speaking to reporters before the opening
of Rotary’ s International Summit on Africa,
James Lacy of Cookeville, Tenn.,
said the organization would also fund
facilities that offer corrective plastic surgery
and finance micro-credit facilities,
job training and educational programs.
More than 400 Rotary members from
23 nations have gathered for the three-day
conference opened by Prime Minister
KintuMusoke, whoread a statement from
President Yoweri Museveni. "I’m glad
¯ that President Lacy has chosen poverty as
¯ the main theme of the conference,"
¯ Museveni said in his statement. "Poverty
: is a great problem in Africa, andwehope
; you will offer practical solutions to it."
¯ Lacy, 68, said Rotary’s efforts would
: focus this yearonchildren and their health.
: "I came here to see the problems faced by
: children and to see exactly where we can
¯ help," he said.
: Rotary has committed more than $313
: million since 1985 to the goal of eradicat-
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ing polio worldwide. The organization
said more than 80 million children under
the age of five have received oral polio
vaccine as part of the vaccination program
in sub-Saran Africa.
HIV+ Soldier Guilty
of Assault by Sex
ABERDEEN, Md. (AP) - An HIV-posifive
Army private from New York City
was sentenced to three years in military
prison after pleading guilty to aggravated
assault for having unprotected sex.
Gerland Squires, 21, also will receive a
bad-conduct discharge from the Army
and forfeit all pay and benefits. Her rank
was immediately reduced from private
first class to private.
After a 1997 blood test revealed Ms.
Squires had HIV, her commander at Aberdeen
Proving Ground ordered her to use
condoms and tell her sexual partners that
she carried the AIDS virus. But Ms.
Squires did not tell eight men she was
HIV-positive and had unprotected sex
with four of them, prosecutors said. She
told a ninth man she had the virus but did
not insist he use a condom. None of the
ninemen- six enlisted and three civilians
- has tested positive for the virus.
Ms. Squires,cryingonthe witness stand,
told jurors she had sex to escape her fear
and confusion about having HIV and
passing it on to-her daughter, who is now
9 months old. She said she feared rejeclion
if she told her sex partners she has
Aberdeen Proving Ground, about 40
miles north of Baltimore, was the site of
the biggest sex scandal in U.S. mililary
history in 1997. Twelve drill instructors
were accused of forcing female subordinates
to have sex. One instructor was
cleared, and the remaining 11 either were
convicted or re’signed.
India’s Challenge:
AIDS Treatment
NEW DELHI, India (AP) - On paper at
least, India is ready to cope with the consequences
of increasing AIDS cases. It
hopes to avoid being overwhelmed by not
just the disease, but byfear and ignorance.
P.L. Joshi, deputy director of the
government’s National AIDS Control
Organization, confidently fingers a thick,
plastic-bound sheaf of tables and prose
that detail how nearly 1 million medical
workers, from hospital janitors to surgeons,
will be trained to care for AIDS
patients. But Joshi acknowledges the training
has barely begun, and those patients
today face being alined away by hospitals
or, when they are admitted, find that doctors
and nurses refuse even to touch them.
"’There is an element of fear," Joshi
said. "People think that if they handle
these patients, they will get the disease.
Discrimination can only be taken care of
by a strong training program."
Experts say India’s nearly 1 billion
people are in only the early stages of an
AIDS epidemic that already has swept
over Europe and America and decimated
Africa, where in some places a quarter of
the population is infected with the AIDS
.Joshi and his colleagues in India’ s campmgn
against AIDS have focused on education
and prevention, hoping to keep the
infection rate down. Now they acknowledg.
e they also must face the challenge of
canng for people with full-blown AIDS
and those infected with the virus.
The World Bank predicts that already
snuggling medical systems in developing
countries like India will be so swamped
by AIDS it will be impossible for people
with other diseases to get care.
India’ s government estimates 5 million
people, less than 1% of Indians, are infected
with the AIDS virus. That is considered
low by many experts because it is
based on very limited testing, but even
that figuremeans one of the world’ s poorest
countries has more infected people
than any other nation.
The estimate of infected Indians has
increased steadily from 2.5 million in
1996, spreading mainly through heterosexual
sex into the general public from
high-risk groups like prostitutes and intravenous
drug users. Joshi’s agency says
the number of full-blown AIDS cases has
soared from six in 1986 to 3,167 in 1996
to around 5,000 in 1998.
Knowledge about the disease is lacking
amongmostIndians,including health professionals.
Four years ago, India’ s largest
and most prestigious hospital, the All-
India Institute of Medical Sciences, surveyedits
morethan7,000 employees about
AIDS. Dr. Bir Singh, head ofAIDS training
at the institute, said he found many
staffmembers did not follow even simple
procedures like using needles properly to
ensure they did not prick themselves with
tips contaminated with a patient’s blood.
Worse, Singh found doctors and nurses
infected with the prejudices about AIDS
that are common in the rest of India. A
disease linked to sex and drugs in this
conservative society is deeply shameful,
and those infected with the virus are often
treated as if they deserve to die.
"The moment it becomes known that a
person on a ward is HIV-positive, fear
engulfs the ward. That fear is still rampant.
That shows theignorance among the
medical community," he said. "If the time
comes, God forbid, when one in four
patients is HIV+, what will we do?"
Sahara, a private residential drug treatment
program supported by international
aid groups, already faces that problem.
Director Neville Selhore estimates a third.
of the 120-130 recovering drug addicts
living at Sahara’s house in south New
Delhi are infected. "In 1990, a lot of the
people here started to fall ill," said
Selhore’ s wife and co-director, Elizabeth.
They soon learned the increasing cases of
tuberculosis and shingles pointed to the
spread of the AIDS virus and took on the
task of treating that as well as addiction.
Over the years, the Selhores have developed
a matter-of-factness about AIDS
that would be striking anywhere. The
couple and their young sons live at Sahara
along with the recovering addicts. The
boys "know about the disease, and they’ re
cool," Selhore said. "They see how we
deal with it. They know there are onlv so
many ways it can be transmitted."
At the 16-bed clinic that Sahara opened
earlier this year, attendants pat patients’
hair or help them walk with casual affection.
They counsel the patients not to
share medications like ointment, to use
condoms, to stay healthy.
Pop music plays in the background.
With books and board games on a shelf in
a room that doubles as parlor and nurse’ s
office, the atmosphere is that of an unusually
calm and orderly college dorm. The
message is simple: People with the AIDS
v~rus can live a normal life if they are
armedwithinformation. "Weteachpeople
to take care of themselves. Because how
many people can the government and
orgamzations like this take care of?"
Tulsa is blessed with quite afew excel- " eration just hasn’t seemed to work.
lent arts organizations
good fortune of this
newspaper to-be able to
work with most of
them. Tulsa Family
News was honored especially
to have been a
media sponsor for
Philbrook’s Year of
Europe in 1998. We’ve
also had the pleasure of
working with
Gilcrease, the Philharmonic,
Tulsa Ballet,
Tulsa Opera and again
the Tulsa Performing
Arts Center Trust
All of these orgamzations
recognize that,
stereotypes not withstanding,
Tulsa’s Lesbian
and Gay commuand
it’s been the "
Philbrook’s new Beads exhibit
promises to be interesting
Villain no. 1: American Theatre Company.
Repeated calls to
Kitty Roberts have resulted
in no response.
Ms. Roberts apparently
reaches everyone with
whom she needs to
bother. I mean if someone
calls repeatedly to
say they’ll give you
some free press if you
only will send a press
release, ’why not?
Surely this is not a case
of bias since a prominent
member of this
company is aGay man.
Perhaps once they
couldnothave afforded
the extra stamps but in
these days of faxes and
e-mail, what gives?
nities do support the arts, perhaps even
beyond our numbers. As the lovely
Camille Sartain, formerly ofTPACT and
now working at Gilcrease has stated, it
just doesn’t make sense for arts organizations
not to reach out to the Gaycommu-
So itmakes you wonder about the folks
who just don’t seem to get it! Ani]’they
mostly seem to be theater types, amazingly
enough. Tulsa Family News continues
to have difficulty with several organizations
whom,we will name in hope that
we .might shame them into treating Gay
people fairly. It doesn’t seem that it could
hurt since politely asking for their coop-
¯ Villain no. 2: Theatre Tulsa! run by a
¯¯ wall-known Gay man whom you can see
at Renegades’ pool tables regularly. Re-
" peated visits in person have not persuaded
these folks to share info. about their per-
" formances. Now some with more wicked
¯ tongues than I might say that no self-
" respecting Gay would want to see some of
the ponderous theatrical warhorses this
¯ company produces- still tastes do vary in
¯ ourcommtmity. Notealso, thateveaacall
." toTFboard president Dan Call stillhasn’t
¯¯ moved the mountain.
Villain no. 3: Celebrity Attractions. We
¯ save the worst for last.
¯ see Celebrity, p. 13
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Now it is time for our voices to be heard.
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community ofHope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm; 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lam, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lam, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Family of Faith & MCCGT)
Service, 1 lam, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 11am, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa BisexuaULesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 585-COMC (2662)
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: %8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon~ 585-5551
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pro, 2545 S. Yale.
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, callRed Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
Safe Haven, Young Adults Social Group, 1 st Fri/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd fl.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group, Call for info: Mary at 743-6740,
Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pm, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for winter schedule.
Ifyour orgamzation is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
by Adam West
Toby Sligh is one of those characters,
heroes really, who comes along only once
a generation or so. Like Ishmael or Pip or
Hamlet, he brings out all of
0urfears anddreams andhopes
and desires. Don’t get me
wrong, Daniel Vilmure, the
author of Toby’s Lie is not yet
a Melville or Dickens. He’s
nowhere near Shakespeare.
But when this promising
young author decided to make
a worthwhile character, he really
overshot his mark.
Toby is in love with Ia~., the
one-eyed rich kid that has the
"most popular" spot at their
Jesuit-run Catholic school.
Toby wants to take Ian to the
prom. This causes quite a stir,
which gets Toby even more
confusedthanhis mothermoving
out of the house for mysterious reasons.
It confuses him morethan the beautiful
Latin priest who may or may not be the
child molester ofyoungToby’s dreams. It
confuses him more than his theoretically
drug-dealing best friend. It confuses him
almost as much as his relationship with
the AIDS-stricken priest that’]ae visits at
lan’s behest in the local hospital.
Toby’s life gets thrown around in a
whirlwindofstrangefriends, strangerfamily
and familiar strangers. It is how Toby
¯grows tofignreeverything out, andaceept
the strangeness, that makes him a hero.
And make no mistake - to the young
people growing up Gay in this world
l’oby Sligh should be a hero.
What struck me most about Toby’s Lie
was the fact that it’s a cleverly disguised
AIDS novel. Don~t be put off. We’ve all
had enough of our emotions beingjerked
around by badly written, overly soap opera-
ish, ’woe-is-me’ plays, movies, books,
articles, poems, and television specials.
But we should not become disinterested
by a work that truly captures what AIDS
has done to our community (by ’community’
I mean Earth, not the local ’ghetto’).
This problem is not over, and Toby’s
Lie reminds us of that. Finally, an author
reminds us, touches us, in a way that
provokes thought instead of stifling it.
]’oby’s problems are many. He’s bombarded
onall sides by the schemes and lies
of everyone he knows. He’s not innocent.
But he is honest.., in a way that few of us
are ever tndy so: Toby is willing to say
what he fears. And in the end when the
fear ofAIDS piles on top of all the others,
l’oby greets it with true courage.
What Toby’s Lie tinally brings us is a
unique novel in Gay literature. Vilmure
has not succumbed to the need to whine
that our supposed classics (like E.M.
Forster, Edmund White or Andrew
Ric Poston, OklahomaMr. Leather will
host a multi-family garage sale to help
with his titleholder travel fund.
This event will be held in Jenks at 420
West Eighth .on Saturday and Sunday,
Feb. 20-21, from 7am to dark. Donations
of furniture, clothes, magazines, etc. will
be accepted and can be picked up by
calling 299-6442.
Tol~ Sli~h is one
of those
heroes really,
~ho come alon~
only once a
~eneratlon or so.
Like Ishmael or
Pip or Hamlet, he
brin~s out. all of
our fea~s and
dreams and hopes
and desires.
Holleran) have. Vilmure is aware of the
dangers Of being Gay and being young.
He’s aware of everything that scares us.
However, unlikemostofus who are afraid,
this author faces the fear with
introspection and grace and
dignity. Toby does not run
away fromhis fears in the end,
and that is what saves his life.
This is a coming of age novel,
but Toby grows up like most
of us do not - Toby learns to
stand up for himself. This is a
quality that is sadly lacking in
the Gay community, no matter
how many snappy queens
you know.
I’d like to digress a little
here, soforgivemeinadvance.
This is after all my last review
for you (I’m moving to New
York!). Do you remember
dous movies, books and television shows
¯¯ (Yes, Shaftwasjustas awful as Blacula!)
that poured onto the market when enter-
." tainment moguls realized that Black
¯ people liked TVtoo?
¯ I’d like to send you a warning. Beware
¯¯ of Queer-ploitation. The signs of its arrival
arehere (was In andOutor To Wong
¯ Foo really for us, even if they were much
¯ loftier than Blacula?). I came across it
¯ most recently when I started a book for
¯ this very review. The book is called Eye ¯
Contact and it is a mystery with a Gay
¯ protagonist. After my years of schooling
¯ and intelligent discourse about literature, ¯
Icouldonly thinkofonewordthatsummed
¯ up this book: stupid.
¯" Don’t be fooled by the attractive half-
¯. nakedman on the cover- his picure is not worth the price. Or the support a purchase
¯ shows to the publisher who would put out
: a badly-written, ill-conceived novel, just
¯ because they discovered Gay people read
¯ Be careful what you buy. Just because a
: book has a Gay protagonist, does not
¯ mean it is good to buy. Don’t let them
¯ think they can sell us Good Times when
¯ we could be purchasing Will and Grace.
¯ Buy Toby’s Lie or Blue Coyote (reviewed ¯
last month), rather than something that
¯ has a pretty chest on the cover and no
muscle inside.
¯ Thank you for reading my reviews and
take care of us.
¯ Adam West is no longer a resident of
¯ Tulsa or Oklahoma, having relocated the
¯ Batcave to the state of New York. He ¯
practically has no credentials, and he
¯ certainly no longer has ajob.
¯ Editor’s note: Tulsa Family News would ¯
like to thank Adamfor his work as a book
¯ reviewer and to wish him good luck and
¯ much warmth as he moves to the frozen
Poston, as Oklahoma Mr. Leather, has
¯ traveled to 14 community events in the
¯ last H weeks. He’sbeentotheDistrictof ¯
¯ Columbia twice, San Francisco and the
Mid:Atlantic redon. Poston wants corn-
¯ munity members to know that he is avail-
: abletoassistinbenefitsandalsohasgiven
¯ seminars on Gay family structurerecently
¯ to Red Rock and to PFLAG. He will be
¯ going to IML, Intemational Mr. Leather
¯ inMay, hoping to continue theOklahoma ¯
tradition of Leather leadership.
We knowyou’re
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Editor’s note: our DIYD expert is in an " try a few out, as there is some slight
alternative universe this month, at least . variation even within a similarlot ofhamaccording
to her answering machine. She ~ mers.
promises to return to earlh orbit with a o A tape measure is handy to have as
new column next month. In the meantime, well, since accurate measurements help
we repeat this useful column from last ensure successful projects. My advice is
March. to buynothing less than
by Mary Schepers Everyone al6 ft and preferably a
Everyone needs a needs a t0oll~it. 25 ft. There is a meatoolkit.
Our editor suring tape called the
laughs lasciviously and Our editor laughs "’E-Z Rule" that not
offers his own sugges- laselvlously and only has the cry.ptic
dons, which I won’t hashmarksbetweenthe
dignify by repeating, o~ers ]~is own inches but also the ac-
Whether your ambisuggestions,
whleh I tual measurement in
tions extend no further number (i.e. 1/8, 1/2,
than installing mini- won’t dignify 5/8,etc.)foraquickand
blinds, or whether it easy fix on just where
involves "project fan- by repeating, you are. I confess that,
tasies" on a regular ba- Wl~etber your prior to owning an E-Z
sis, some basic tools Rule, I sometimes had
should bc standard in ambitions extend no to count out the hash
any home. ~urtl~er than marks to verify my
To begin with; a few measurement, ttome
of the DIYD’s basic installing mlni-bllnds, repairs don’t have to
rules: first, buy the best
- or wl~etl~er it involves be that painful - oh,
tools you can afford, memories of Sister
Trust me on this one; it "project fantasies" Mary Agnes’ s math
does make adifference, class!Always try to use
and it’s a worthwhile on a regular basis, the measuring tool
maxim to follow, even some basic tools each time; this is really
if you must occasion- critical ff you are meaally
resort to layaway should, be standard suring things that need
ordelayedgratffieation, i~i any borne, to fit together, as I
Second, honor your found out to my distools
and save yoursdfalot offrustration: may inmy early handy-dyke days. Seems
keep your tools together and organized, there there’s always some variation even
They deserve b~tter than to be chucked with something as standard as measureunceremoniously
into your standardjunk ment. Of course, size queens have known
drawer, or under the seat of your car, or - this for years.
horrors! - propping up a potted plant. A few wrenches are also he~udy to have
Third, think about the tasks you do most about. My recommendations: one pair of
often and- buy the necessary tools first, normal pliers; one pair of slip joint phers
A screwdriver set is almost a given. If (channel locks); and one pair of adjustyoudon’t
thinkitis essential tohavemore able locking pliers (vise grips). This is a
than just one, used indiscriminately for bare minimum. If you are going to get
everything, please bear with me. Bare serious about home repairs, I’d also sugminimum,
four screwdrivers: large and gest a small set of combination box end/
small each of a fiat blade and a Phillips open end wrenches in the standard (not
head (cross shaped) screwdriver. Myself, metric) size, a pair of needle nose pliers,
I like four.of each type as a minimum, some wire cutters (aka, "Dykes" -Inn),
frommonstroustominute;mosttaskswill and at least one pipe wrench. However,
fall somewhere in the middle, but its great the bare minimum will take care of most
to have the extremes (no, not the Supremes) basic jobs.
on hand when you need them. Referring back to Rule no. 2, do your-
Using the proper type .and size screw- self and your tools a favor and keep them
driver helps prevent the frustration of together.I’mnotjustbeingabitanalhere;
cam-out (or"wallerin’ out", as I was raised I’m still looking for tools I used to rehab
to say) when you are halfway finished my house. Suggestions: a tool drawer in
driving a screw and can neither go further the house; a peg board with hooks in the
nor back it out. When selecting screw- garage; a plastic bucket or trays with
drivers, it is easy to ignore Rule no. 1: handles or a gatemouth bag. The there’s
Darlings, don’t do it! Cheap drivers bend, my favorite, the tool brit. I always keep a
break and lose head integrity, which also ¯ hammer, a couple of screwdrivers, ameacontributes
to cam-out. You didn’t save : suring tape and a small pair of vise grips
much money if you blow through a set of : in mine, along with a carpenter’ s pencil. I
screwdriverseveryyear.Finally,useyour ¯ can just grab that little darling and get
drivers to drive screws only. They are
° started on any basic tasks right away. It
neither cold chisels noricepicks norham- ¯ also holds the nails, screw, drill bits, etc.
mers. that I’ll be using specific to that task.
A proper hammer should also be in ° Tins brings me to a cautionary tale. My
your basic tool box anyway. There are all " friend C. was on a ladder nailing some
sortsofhammers-finishing,framiug,ball ¯ sidingrecenfly;shecarfiedhernailsinthe
peen, etc. If you only have one hammer, ¯ time-honored yet dangerous method -
make it acarpenter’s hammer. It candrive " between her lips. She and the ladder took
or pull nails, nudge a stubborn board into " a tumble, a nail went down her throat,
place, even demolish that tacky Pepto ¯ resulting in a $3500 trip to the ER. In that
pinktile tub surround. Once again, review ¯ Light, a tool belt is also very economical.
Rule no. 1. A cheap hammer will beat you If this st0ry doesn’ t convince of the merits
like a stepchild if you useit for any length ¯ of a tool belt, please consider its aesthetof
time. A hammer should feel well-bal- ¯ ics: a tool belt has a certain butchly charm
anced in your hand and comfortable to : that almost defies description. Just ask the
grip. Stanley makes a good hamm,er, but " men and women who know.
by Esther Rothblum ¯ publishers. One publisher said they had
Irecentlyhadaconversation~vithElana : too many Jews on their list already!"
Dykewomon about her latest book Be- " When Elana was doing a reading of a
yond the Pale, a novd about the lives of ¯ section of the book, an editor who hap-
RussianJewishLesbianswhoimmigrated " pened to be in the audience knew of antoNorthAmericanattheturn
"~rhen I was 12 or
other woman who was
of the century. Elana searching for Lesbian mate-
Dykewomontmsalwaysbro- 18,I tried tol~ll rial to adapt for her
ken new ground. Her book myself. I was one of storytelling performances.
Riverfinger Womanwas one "My
of the first Lesbian novels, those statistics of
section was then dramatized,"
Elana told me. "I
Beyond the Pale won the adolescent Les[rians saw this woman, Helen
1998 Lambda Literary
who attempt su~elde.
Mintz, performing it once
Award for Lesbian fiction, and I was floored. It’ s amaz-
I asked her how she be- "~hen I was . ing to see someone act your
came a writer. "I was always institutionali~d, work. She performed it in
writing. I was a writing Vancouver where the edichild,"
she said."When I was I realked tlmt tors of Press Gang Publish-
12 or 13, I tried to kill my- writers didn’t kave ers heard it and wrote to me
self. I was one of those statistics
of adolescent Lesbi- to be 0endered in the
askingmeif they could consider
publishing the book."
ans who at[empt suicide, same way that 01rls As Elana continued
WhenI was institutionalized, -. and boys did. work on the book, shehad to
I realized that writers didn’ t researchmany aspects oflife
have to be gendered in the same way that at the turn of the century. "I had toread the
. girls and boys did. That is, I could choose really dry stuff," she said, "like the history
to be neither a traditional girl nor boy; I of the grain trade in Odessa. I couldn’t go
could be a writer." Elana.found that she to Russia, so I was looking for descripcould
be eccentric and free in that m.le as tions of streets and figuring outwhat daily
a writer, life was like. My girlfriend Susan
In college at the California Institute of Levenkind is a librarian and she was very
Arts, Elanamet anumber of experimental good at finding tbings out for me. I would
poets and became active in Gay libera- read a book and then use their bibliogration.
One of her teachers knew someone phy as a starting point. I learnedhow to be
in publishing. ’¢Fhis was 1971, and they an historian." A friend gave her a book
were starting a slightly pornographic se- about the Women’ s Trade Union League,
ties for housewives to cash in on the new which turned out be quite a Lesbian orgafeminist
sexuality," Elana remembered, nization. She went to labor libraries, and
laughing, "and told me to write up my even looked up the transportation system
experiences. I wrote the first third of the in New York City at the turn of the cenbook
in !8 straight hours. I wanted to tury.
write a Lesbian novel with a happy end- At book readings, Elana prefers seeing."
But the publisher said it was not tlons of her book that describe the powhat
they were looking for. groins in Russia. "I also like to read the
By this time Elana had moved to the sectionsthathavealittlesexinthem,"she
women’ s community in Northampton, said. For example, when Chava and Rose
Massachusetts. The feminist publisher fall in love:
Daughters Inc. had sent flyers around "Rose leaned towards me, put her hand
townand afriendrecommended thatElana on my cheek to turn my face so we could
send her book to thatnew company. They see each other... ’So if you want to and I
accepted Riverfinger Woman whichcame want to, who starts?’
out in print in 1974, one year after they I pulled the tenement air down to the
published Rubyfruit Jungle. The Naiad bottom of my lungs. This was harder than
Press reprint of Riverfinger Woman con- goingout on strike. I moved my lips onto
eludes with an essay detailing Elana’s Rose’ s. Together. We had been lying in
process in getting this book published, bed together for more than two years.
Elana went on to publish three more ¯ Careful.Cousins. Leftside, rightside, I’m
books before her current novel. They Will worn out, me too, goodnight.
KnowMeByMy Teeth was a colleclion of No, I changed my mind as the kissshort
stories which she self-published in engulfed our faces and my hands found
1976. She also published abook ofpoems the soft flesh of her shoulders and pressed
entitled Fragments From Lesbos. In 1995 her close. This was easier than going on
Onlywomen Press published her book of strike. This was easier than anything."
poems Nothing Will BE As Sweet As The The response from readers has been
Taste. Elana also had a long stint as an wonderful. ’T ve gotten lots ofletters sayeditor
of the feminist periodical Sihister ing ’This is my grandmother’s Story’ or
Wisdom. ’now I understand my history’ or hetero-
Beyond the Pale began over ten years sexualwomenintheir70s or80s wholove
ago as a poem. After she had written that this story," said Elana.
poem, Elana felt that there was a longer . The "Lammies" (Lambda Literary
story there. "So I started to think who ¯ Awards) are to Lesbian writing what the
these two women would be and who their ¯ Oscars are to Hollywood. Elana’ s award
familieswouldbe, whatwouldmakethem " for Lesbian fiction is the eqnivalent of the
migrate. I started to read old books about " best actress award in the Oscars. She was
travellors in Russia at the turn of the : awarded the most recent Lammy for Lescentury.
The depths of the anti-Semitism ¯ bian fiction.
in these books was stnnning to me." For further information, contact Elana
"I wrote what became the midwife’s " Dykewomon at dyke@sfsu.edu. Beyond
story, and decided this could be a novel. ¯ the Pale was published in 1997 by Press
When the first half of the book was done, " Gang Publishers, 225 East 17th Ave.,
I got someunencouraging responses from " Vancouver, B.C. VSV IA6, Canada.
IGTA member
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The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
"It is this organizing at the state level that
will ultimately counter the hostility and
gridlock we have come to know from our
nation’s capital," she added.
Never before in the history of the Gay
rights movement has there been a coordinated
political campaxgn of actions in all
50 states as well as the District of Columbia
and Puerto Rico. Equality Begins at
Homerepresents anew phase of the movement
- a focus on state orgamzing and
legislatures. The vast majority of debates
and decisions about Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
and Transgender equality occur in
state legislatures. Equality Begins atHome
will bolster the infrastructure of the Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual, andTransgendermovement
within the states - where the heart of
the struggle for equality lies - and lead to
greater success in the overall struggle for
Each state organization will develop
events to highlight priority issues:
* In California, activists will focus on
defeating an anti-Gay ballot measure to
be put before voters next year. Events will
include a rally and youth lobby day.
* In New Hampshire, activists will hold
a rally at the state capitol to focus attention
on the need to repeal a state law
banning Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender people from adopting children.
* In Nebraska, organizers will target
workplace discrimination. They will hold
a lobby day and circulate a "Workplace
Fairness Petition" to business owners
Early on, Tulsa Family News was’told not
to expect fair treatment from this operation
due to the religious prejudices of the
owner, Larry Payton. And true to that
warning, Payton never has taken Tulsa’s
Gay community seriously as part of his
They do send out press releases sometimes
but at least on one occasion only
after the deadlines for every monthly pul~-
lication had passed. There’s not much
point in writing about this sort of event
two weeks after it’s over.
It would be one thing if their decisions
were made on serious business rationale
such as reach of a publication or the cost
for a particular market segment. But
Payton openly admits that he is motivated
by religion; that is, as a Southern Baptist
he feels it’s his religious duty to discriminate
against Gay readers. Now what was
it that Jesus said? Love your neighbor as
yourself, wasn’t it? Is that how he would
want to be treated?
Note, however, that he doesn’t hesitate
to use Gays when it is to his advantage,
say, like many of the people with whom
he does business: the actors, the theatrical
companies, even a member of his own
The one time he advertised with this
newspaper for The Phantom ofthe Opera
was because we contacted The Phantom
company who -~magine, were mostly
Gay men. It seems they thought reaching
out to us was a good idea.
Oh well, don’t look to see info. about
these companies anytime soonif wejudge
from past performance. But we always
hold out hope for redemption, that these
hard hearts might be softened.
Meanwhile don’t miss the new shows
at Philbrook. Drop by Gilcrease too when
throughout the state.
"The battleground for equality has
moved to the states, and so have we," said
Paula Ettelbrick, Equality Begins atHome
national coordinator. "We are throwing
down the gauntlet and demanding that
state officials resist the right wing’s efforts
to deny us our basic fights as citizens,"
Ettelbrick added. Equality Begins
at Home is part of a campaign to counter
the growing muscle of the right wing and
its anti-Gay attacks. In the last few years,
the right has passed dozens of anti-Gay
laws in dozens of states.
In addition, 1998 was one of the most
vicious years in recent memory. Senate
Majority Leader Trent Lott likened homosexuality
to kleptomania and sex addiction.
Congress introduced a number of
mean-spirited anti-Gay measures. Rightwing
groups launched a major advertising
campaign attacking Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
and Transgender people. In addition,
voters approved anti-Gay ballot
measures in Alaska; Hawaii; Fayetteville,
Arkansas; Fort Collins, Colorado; and
Ognnquit, Maine
"Our demands are simple and in line
with basic American values: the right to
be safe, to have a family, to hold ajob, and
to participate fully as citizens. It’ s exactly
what every American wants anddeserves,"
said Gina Reiss, co-chair of the Federation
of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Statewide Political Orgamzations
and executive director of New
Jersey Lesbian and Gay Coalition.
For a calendar of events for Equality
Beg ins atHome, please view our web site
at http://www.equalitybeginsathome.org
Note also that February will be quite the
month for dance with the Tulsa Ballet
seemingly getter better with ev cry performance
(2/5-7 The Green Table. Equinoxe
and Jardi Tancat) and Les Ballets
Trockadero de Monte Carlo in for just
one, mind you, just one fabulous "men in
tights" performanceon March 16th. Don’t
miss it! - TFN entertainment editor
Bill Laforttme. In Republican circles, it’s
said that Gov. Frank Keating has suggested
that he would not oppose the
Also the following bills were introduced
in the Oklahoma House:
HB1224- An Act relating to children;
amending 10 O.S. Supp. 1998, Section
7503-1.1, which relates to eligibility to
adopt a child; making persons in certain
cohabitation relationship ineligible to
adopt a child. Author - Pope, Tim.
HB 1707 - An Act relating to children:
amending 10 O.S. Supp. 1998, Section
7503-1.1, which relates to eligibility to
adopt; prohibiting certain persons from
adopting children. Author - Graves, Bill
HB 1314 - An Act relating to the Oklahoma
Department of Libraries; mandating
certain policies related to identification
and separation of sexually explicit
materials. Author - Graves, Bill
HB 1703 - An Act relating to state government;
prohibiting certain discrimanation;.
Authors - Graves, Bill
HB 1703 - An Act relating to state government;
prohibiting certain discrimination;
to any individual ol group on the
basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or
national operation in public employment,
education, or contracting.
Author - Graves, Bill
Plans for 1999 include a creative arts
night in .February both for the artistically
inclined and the not so artistically indined,
a bingo night in March, dance
lessons in February, a Sadie Hawkins
dance in May, a camping and float trip in
June, a spirituality and healing arts night
in July, a Casino night in August, a,.weekend
in Eureka Springs in October, movie
night in November, and a hiatus in December
(since so much else is going on
anyway) and then in January 2000, a progressive
potluck dinner. Additionally the
group has planned a Memorial Day alternative
picnic and softball game for May.
"We tried to create a wide diversity of
ideas and activities knowingthat not every
one enjoys the same kind of things,"
said Joan. "It was also suggested to have
mid-month bike rides, walking groups,
bowling nights and other sports related
activities ."
Joan added, "we hope to attract singles,
couples and break down some of the barriers
womenhave for attending. All of our
activities have a small fee to help offset
printing and postage and site rental costs.
We are also planning fund raisers for
different organizations."
To learn more about Gal-A-Vanting or
to get the mailing list, call Mary at 743-
6740, Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-
but specifically shielded only heterosexual,
and nothomosexual, activity. The
decision prompted protests by Gay civil
rights activists, who said the ruling denied
them eq]aal rights. The Court of Appeals
also was silent on anal sex, which
remained illegal for everyone in the state.
The ACLU asked Rombro to declare
the law unconstitutional, but the judge
instead ruled the Court of Appeals’ decision
on oral sex should extend to homosexual
activity as well. In the final ruling,
Rombro agreed that private, consensual
anal sex also cannot be prosecuted under
the law.
AlthoughACLU leaders had originally
planned to lobby the Maryland General
Assembly to rescind or amend the old
law, Sullivan said the organization is now
satisfied with the judge’s ruling. Andrew
H. Baida, an assistant attorney general,
said state officials want to keep the old
law to help prosecute cases of sexual
.assault,prostitution or sex inpublicplaces.
Center spokesman, Greg, adds that the
Center also is hosting regular Pride Dances
every other Saturday at 8pro. The Center
¯¯ now has a pool table to supplement the ping-pong and foosball tables it had be-
" fore.
Also, Centerlegal counsel, Kerry Lewis,
shared that the board of directors of Tulsa
: Oklahomans for Human Rights, the par-
¯ ent organization of the Pride Center, had
: responded to the eviction notice of the
: Center’s landlord.
¯ - Without delving into the legal partieu- ¯
larities, the board responded to the notice
: saying that the Centerwas withinits rights
¯ under thelaw to post its signs and that the
¯ landlordhadWrongfully terminated their ¯
lease. The gist of the matter, according to
¯ Lewis is that all rights go to the tenant
: unless specifically restricted by the landlord.
¯ Lewis stated too that the landlord and
his attorney had failed to show up at a
: meeting that was scheduled to try to re-
. solve the conflict.
: Lewis added that the landlord had been
: asked to respond in a timely fashion, or
: else, the board would seek legal redress
¯ for the damages already suffered by the
: Center.
¯ Editor’s note: TFN will provide our
¯ readers an update to this conflict in our
¯ March issue.
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TOTAL TOP 25-year-old GM. 175 Ibs.
5’10", brown/brown, enjoys going out, diner
and having fun. Seeks bottoms for sedous
relationship. (Tulsa) ~14837
NO GAMES PLEASE Top M, seeks bottom
M, 18-30, for Ioog-term-relationship. (Tulsa)
THE BEST TIME Body building M, 34.
seeks dominanL older M. over 50. wellhung
to get together with (Tulsa) ~’14115
FASCINATING SGM, seeks a good-looking
GM to have a great time end likes to
kiss a whole’lot. (Tulsa) ~’13568
someone who loves me as much as I love
them. (Tulsa) ~’11258
JUST WANT TO DANCE Well built. 33
year old Men looking for other well hung
Guys who are dominate. I want to sewe
you. (Tulsa) "t1’11881
160 Ibs, Man whd is new to the scene and
locking for other Men, for friendship and
maybe a long term relationship, (Tulsa)
READY FOR FUN I’m a 5’7", White Male.
140 Ibo, good locking, tan and looking for
Guys in the area who are nice looking,
straight acting, with a good head on your
shouldem. (Tulsa) ’1~’10759 ""
I LOVE TO UNDRESS for a Man who likes
to give me Measure with their lips. (Tulsa)
I’M A GAY WHII~ MALE, 28, who enjoys
fishing, hungng a~d long walks. I’m locking
for fdends and maybe a little more. (Tulsa)
to date and have some fun. You must be a
non-smoker. (Tulsa) ’~10964
JUST TO TALK TO I’m a BM, 29, new to
the area-and looking for someone to talk to
and hang out wilh. (Tulsa} ’=’10527
GETnNG A uI"rLE~23, 5’10.
160. I play soccer and I have a very nice
chest. I want a M who cen show me some
tun times and get a little nasty. (Tulsa)
HEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowboy
who loves the octdoore. I want a M with a
head of gold and not into head games,
someene to give me 110 pement ol their
love. (Tulsa) "~20221
GO FOR IT Attractive. fit, White male, 34,
6’1,1701bs, with Brown heir and Blue eyes,
seeks aggressive, fit guys, in their 20’s end
earty 30’s, for hol times. (Tulsa) ’~9687
White Male: 30, seeks a distinguished older
Gentleman. 30-45. who enjoys hiking, biking,
end nude sunbathing. I have a tight
butt and give great head. lTulsa) "1z’16544
DALLY RITUAL When I get home, I llke to
lay back. have a good ddnk. and think
about a hot Man end wish I had it in my
hand. Then I start massaging myself. I’d
love to talk to you. (Tulsa) "tz’16161
build, seeking young, smooth WM, with
an average build who doesn’t like to dominated
or submissive. (McAlester) 1~21629
SMOOTH UP TOP WM, brewn/brown.
looking for a mature, discreet, fun-loving
Guy who’s also dependable. If interested.
give me a call. [Tulsal ’~21257
40. 6’4". 175 Ibs, smoker, drinker, naturelisl
with a winter beard. Looking for younger
Guys, 18-25, with a smooth chest for private
encounters ant possible long-term
relationship. II I’m what you’re locking for,
give me a ca!l. (Tulsa) ’~21181
LIKE’EM BIG WM. 5’11". 170 brown/blue,
looking for.a hot, dominant top. Military or
body builder a plus. (Tulsa) ’~19326
A REAL GUY Attractive, down-to-earth
GWM, 20, 5’g’. 175 Ibs, shod brown/brown,
seeking honest, trustworthy GWM; 18-35,
5’6-5’t0", with a stocky, muscular build.
Piercings and tattoos a plus! (Tulsa)
KISS ME BABY! Looking for a nice
B/WGM, who likes go out. having fun and
Idssing. (Oakimrst) ~18458
21, 6’, light brown/hazal, bottom, enjoys
crsss-dressing, pleasing and having fun.
Seeking similar dominant top. (Tulsa)
5’10", blonde/blue, seeks really hot Men to
turn me on and to have some hot, passionate
sex. (Tulsa) ’~16479
WILD SEX Sexual, easygoing Single Man,
into long walks on the beach and hanging
out Seeking other sexual Men to have tun
with and more. (Tulsa) 1~’16285
year-old GM seeks other Guys to get
together with and date. (Tulsa) ’~’15447
ARE YOU OUT THERE? Single Gay Male,
6’, 200 10S, brown/brown Seeks another
Man, 30-50, who’s into outdoor sports,
cooking and just having fun. (McAlester)
Gay Male seeks other Men. 45-55, who
likes the outdoors, hunting, fishing and having
good times. (McAlester) "~15208
White male, 45, 5’10. 2201bs, with light,
Brown hair and Green syes, seeks a blue
collar type who’s down to eadh, ca~ing, and
enjoys sports and the outdoors. I want to
have a one on one relationship. I don’t ddnk
or oo dregs, but I do smoke cigarettes.
(Henrietta) ’~9661
BEDWARMER WANTED This hot stud ir~
Tulsa, needs a warm body to heat me up
on cold nights. (Tulsa) ~’13077
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male is 31-
years of age. I’m looking for someone to
heve a safe discreet time with. If your intereste~
in this message, give me a call
please. (Tulsa) ’~16325
CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys, this 25
year old Gay White Male is looking for Gay
Men who are ready to have a gocd time. I
go out dressed like a Woman at times end
I am very feminine. If your man enough to
handle that, then please give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~f17623
White, hairy chested, top Man is 6’2", 175
lbs, dark hair and blue eyes. I am seeking
a bottom with a nice firm ass so that we can
get together on a regular basis. (Tulsa)
There’s no charge to
create an ad!
WATCH OUTL Shy Bi-cudous SWF, 25,
5’3", 270 Ibs, blonde/blue, aggressive, cute,
loves reualc, movies and walks by the dver.
Looking for that special someone for friendship
and possible relationship. (Tulsa)
SHARE MY TIME 22-yesr-old BIWF, 6’,
blondo/brown, enjoys the outdoors, dancing,
movies and the outdoors, Looking for
an active F. to stad a lasting friendship and
rolaUonshlp. (Tulsa) "n’20889
22, looking for a delicious F. who loves cuddling,
dancing and movies, for hot good
Umas and lots of romence. (Tulsa) ’~19118
HOT AND BOTHERED 18-year-old Single
Female, into dancing. Seeks someone to
go out and have lun with (Clairemore)
TAKE A CHANCE Attractive Single
Female. 32. soft butch, educated. Seeks
well built, feminine Females, to hang out
and share a bottle ol wine. (Tulsa) ~’16454
into movies end the mall. Seeks someone,
under 35, to spend time with and get to
know for a possible long-term relationship,
(Tulsa) ~15257
DOING THINGS I’m a GBF, 25 who likes
the outdoors, hiking, movies and long
walks, rm looking lot a SGWF, full figured,
190+. 5’7" and up, who likes doing things.
(Mc..aJester) ’B’10109
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF I’m a, 27 year
old Hispanic Female, 130 Ibs, 5’4", who is
looking for a special Female that is single
and not into gareas. I enjoy movies, staying
at home end spending time wit~ you, so
please give me a call. (McAlester) ~’18184
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Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, February 1999; Volume 6, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/584.