[1999] Tulsa Family News, January 1999; Volume 6, Issue 1
[1999] Tulsa Family News, January 1999; Volume 6, Issue 1
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
January 1999
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flamneauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West
Jean-Claude de Flamneauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Adam West
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, December 1998; Volume 5, Issue 12
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Shepard Murder Update
Murder Accessory Pleads Guilty
LARAMIE, Wyo. (AP) - A woman whose boyfriend
was accused in the murder of Gay University of Wyoming
student Matthew Shepard has become the first
person to be convicted in the case. Chasity Vera Pasley,
20, pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact to
first-degree murder.
"The impetus behind this plea was Ms. Pasley’s
alone," said her lawyer, Maribeth Galvan, who also told
the court her client could testify about what she knew
about the attack.
Shepard, 21, suffered 18 blows to the head after he
was lured out of a downtown Laramie bar Oct. 7, tied to
afence androbbed. Earlier testimony indicated Shepard
was singled out party because he was Gay.
Ms. Pasley’s boyfriend, Russell Arthur Henderson,
21, and another man, Aaron James.iMcKinney, 21, are
accused of first-degree murder, kidnapping and aggravated
robbery. Both pleaded innocent and will be tried
separately next year.
McKiuney’s girlfriend, Kristen LeAnn Price, 19, was
¯ Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Location-~
i Tulsa Plans 1st Ever Pride
Parade, 18th Pride Picnic ¯ TULSA - For a number of years, Oklahoma’s only Gay Pride
¯" Paradehas beenin Oklahoma City. But this year that will change.
Organizers ofTulsa’s anmml Pride events have scheduled Tulsa’s
first Gay Pride parade for
¯ June 12.
¯ The parade is tenta¯
tively scheduled to begin
at the Pride Center, the
¯ Gay commuuity center at @KJ MA ¯ 38th & Peoria and will
¯ move up Peoria through
Brookside to 31st St. Then
theparade will follow 31st
to Riverside Drive and
continue to Veterans Park
for the 18th annual Pride PRIDE ’99 picnic.
Because of the higher
cost involved in organizing
a parade (fees for police
assisfance, street closings,
etc.) organizers are IT’S TIME FOR TULSA!
sponsorship beyond that IN SUPPOP£flNG THIS EVENI~.
which they’ve received CALL 743.4297 FOR. INFO!
(former corporate supporters
have included
American Airlines,
Coors, Budweiser and
Miller as well as Pepsi- Pride Activities Graphics
Cola). Sponsors are sought atthe $2000, S 1000 and $500 level as
well as at a $250 non-profit level. Major sponsors will receive
high visibility in all event materials (program, t-shirts, and other
promotional materials).
Withmore corporate support, organizers hope to provide a tent otherwise, have been quite successful in bringing
also charged with accessory after the fact to first-degree for better shelter from the heat ¢and
murder. !~Is. Pricepleaded innocent and will go on ~rial .. e ’ " " ...... ~:~:- ’ " ’~ - potentially, any rain).Also ¯ theCentertothe~attent~onofmor,epeople,localan&
Ma,, 24¯ Afithorities said "~’e w"<’~ ~’o~2~ a;~rZ’ ~x ~.~ "-’ xpa~ea-:..ente~tamment,~s-p~annea with lon~fim~ TUfsa dive, ~" ou~50f-towners. Oat~V~0~ ~dso S~id ~hat financial : fundraiser and community activist. Miss Kris Kohl helping to support for the Center is up though many more bloody clothing worn by Henderson. ¯ orgamze those efforts. For more information, call Ric Martin. members need to join in order to reach their goal of
At the hearing, posecutor Cal Rerncha told District
Judge Jeffrey A. Donnell that if Pasley’s case had gone
to trial, the state would have produced evidence to
indicateHenderson and McKinneyhad attacked Shepard
with "premeditated malice," and "inflicted pain and
torture On this individual." "Pleadings for his life fell on
deaf ears," Rerucha said. see Shepard, p. 10
Oregon Bans Workplace Bias
SALEM, Ore. (AP) - A December Oregon Court of
Appeals ruling has effectively outlawedjob discrimination
based on sexual orientation across the state, state
officials said.
The ruling involved a lawsuit by three lesbian employees
at Oregon Health Sciences University who
claimed their domestic partners were entitled to benefits.
Though the school began offering such benefits
last June, the court nailed down the university’s obligations.
State government also began offering gay partner
benefits to its 45,000 employees in June.
The "denial of insurance benefits to the unmarried
partners of its homosexual employees" violated the
equal protection provisions of the Oregon Constitution,
said a unanimous three-judge panel.
The state attorney general’s office said the ruling puts
sexual orientation on the same level as gendeT discriminat~
ion. ’q’his tells Oregonians that discrimination based
on sexual orientation in employment, public and private,
is illegal," said Deputy Attorney General David
Basic Rights Oregon, see Oregon, p. 10
¯ parade chair, or 2vfitchell Savage, picnic chair, at 743-4297.
¯ Law Group .To Offer Gay
Issues Sem,nar ,n OKC
¯ OKLAHOMA CITY-OLGLA, the Oklahoma Lesbian and Gay
Law Associauon will present a Continuing Legal Educatioh
seminar this next March (date and location to be announced),
"WhereAreWe &Vvqaere DoWeGo From Here- How to Handle
; Lesbian and Gay Law Issues", in Oklahoma City. Featured
speakers will be longtime Lesbian political and legal activist,
Paula Ettelbrick. Ettelbrick was formerly the Legal Director for
Lambda Legal Defense and Education" Fund, a national civil
¯ fights litigation organizauon. She now selwes as Legislative
Comisel for the Empire State Pride Agenda, a statewide Lesbian
." andGaypolitical organization in the State ofNew York. Ettelbrick
also teaches "Sexuality and the La~ at the Umversxty of Michigan
Law School and New York University Law School. She will
speak on "Legislatively Lawyering?"
: Also speaking will be Suzanne Goldberg, a staff attorney for
¯ Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund who has been
involved in numerous cases involving the legal rights of Lesbian
and Gay citizens. Currently she is representing several Arkansas
¯ citizens in a challenge to the Arkansas "’sodomy" law. She is also
¯" counsel in the case of Equality Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
¯ v. City ofCincinnati, to contest an anti-gayballotmeasure similar to Colorado,s Amendment 2, which was struck down by the U.S.
Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans. Ms. Goldberg’s CLE topic is
¯ "’Update on Legal Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gays".
¯ Other topics will include, "’EmploymentDiscriminationAgainst
Lesbians and Gays," "Jury Nullification of Legal Protections for
¯ Lesbians and Gays," and "Best Interest of the Child: Custody
¯ Issues for Lesbian and Gay Parents.’"
Jimmy Goodman of Crowe & Dunlevv’s Oklahoma City
office and Kerry Lewis from Rhodes, Hieron’ymus, Jones, Tucker
& Gable in Tulsa will moderate the sessions¯
The OLGLA is a statewide organization for attorneys who are
¯ supportive ofthelegal issues facing Lesbians and Gays.-Formore
¯ inlbmaation, call Kerry Lewis at 918-582-1173.
PrideCenter Served
With Eviction Notice
TULSA - The Pride Center, Tulsa’s Gay & Lesbian
Community Center, has been served with an
eviction notice by its landlord. TheCenter, which
is a program of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights, Inc. (TOHR) a tax-exempt, educational
not-for-profit corporation, was charged by the new
building owners with violating its lease by hanging
new vinyl signs on the south and west faces of the
upper floor, stated Center spokesperson, Greg
Gatewood. The signs read,"Gay Commumty Center
and Pride Store, Benefiting The Gay Communit)-".
Gatewood, who is a member of the TOHR board
of directors, indicated that the lease did require
getting .prior permission for any building signs
from the building owner, and that the owner alleges
that permission was not requested. Gatewood also
noted that the owner objected to the vinyl banner or
"temporary" quality of the signs. He says the owner
claims he has no objection to the content of the
signs, i.e. their "Gayness."
Gatewood did say that the organization has had
a similar vinyl sign up without objection from the
prior landlord until it was stolen and that other
tenants have had a variety of similar signs up.
However, on advice of their legal counsel, board
members have removed the signs until they can
hold a board meeting and determine a suitable
response to the building owner.
Some real estate observers have speculated that
the move on the part of the new landlord may be
motivated by the desire to move out a lower paying
tenan! and lease the space at a higher rate.
Gatewood said that the TOHR board will meet
within the next two weeks. He added that the signs,
1,000 supporters by the end of the year.
Red Rock Efforts for
Gay Youth Expand
TULSA - She has a familiar face but it’s in a new
location. Lisa Pottorf, seen by many in Tulsa’s
Lesbian and Gay co~mnunities as a guardian angel
for Gay and Lesbian youngsters, is now with Red
Rock Behavioral Health Services’ Tulsa office.
Her position was formerly held by Betsy Murphy
who came from Red Rock’s Oklahoma City programs
to open their Tulsa office.
The Tulsa office began a program for young
adults that became known as O’RYAN, Oklahoma
Rainbow Young Adult Network, an outreach organization
for Lesbian, Gay, Bi and questioning 18-
24 year olds.
The organization later created a program called
O’RYAN Jr. to provide support for youths from
14-18 years old. As part of the O’RYAN efforts, the
group IS now holding a drop-in time at the Pride
Center every Tuesday from 2:30 - 5pm.
Pottoff acts much like a surrogate morn to most
of those who attend the group, though she, as she
¯ ° puts it, is ably assisted by Ken Draper, who began
¯ working with the program as a volunteer.
¯ Red Rock also does free, confidential HIV test-
. ing at the Pride Center on Tuesdays from 5-8 pm
¯ and at their offices at 1724 Fast Sth on Wednesdays
¯ from 5-8pm. Their office which is adjacent to the
¯ Center for the Physically Limited also provided
¯ mental health support for that organization.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Ddi, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
¯ *TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd~ "
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743.-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksdlers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewdry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313-
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite BoOks & Videos, 821 S. Sheri,dan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th ’" 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744~9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980UticaSq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Learme M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra ~. Hill, MS~ Psychotherapy, 2865,E. Skelly 745-1111
*International .Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. [5th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582~3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236.
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E 3rd 584-3112
Miugo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Rainb0wz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & U niversities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Pe0iia 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Cir. 583-9780.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*Church ofthe Restoration UU, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Ddaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
" Episcopalians, POB 701475,74170-1475 355-3140
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’s Center, call for location&info: 587-4669
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mall: TulsaNews@ earthlink.net
website; http://users.aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + e0ntributors:
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry. Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
~4uc,~blication are protected by US copyright 1998
arid may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written pemaission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,_rpust
be signed & becomes the sole property of TJ.~
Each .reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unit3’ Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
¯ HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
¯¯ HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1. 748-3111 ¯
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
¯ OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
." *Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 ¯
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
¯ *The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯ *R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 " 665-5174
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724E. 8" ".~ .... 584-2325
¯ O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14z17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
¯ *St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
¯ *St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
¯ TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
." Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only ¯
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
: *Tulsa City Hall, GroundFloor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses ¯
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
: *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
¯ *Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
¯ *Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
¯ *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
¯ *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
: NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
: HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
¯ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurimt, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
: *White Light, 1 Center St. 501-253-4074
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
¯ *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639E. 32, Ste. U134 417-623-4696
¯ * is where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay-owned butall are Gay-friendly.
Remember Matthew Shepard
by Donating Books to the
University of Wyoming
A Different Light bookstore is offering
a unique way to honor Matthew Shepard.
Customers can purchase any new hardcover
book and donate it "In Memory of
The collection of books will then be
sent to the Universtiy ofWyoming, where
Shepard was a student. Each donated
book will have a bookplate stating, ’q’his
.book was donated inmemory ofMatthew
Shepard: 1976-1998."
A list of suggested titles is available at
the store, including books specifically requested
by the University of Wyoming
library. A Different Light is at 8853 Santa
Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood.
For more details, call 310.854.6601.
- via e-mail
Editor’s note: A Different Light is one of
the US’s oldest Gay & Lesbian independent
bookstores with locations in Los
Angeles and New York City.
Scouting for All
Dear Scouting For All Supporters,
So far over this last year Scouting For
All has collected dose to 28,000 signatures.
My goal is one million. I am asking
youall to standwithmeinmyeffort to end
discrimination by the Boy Scouts of
: America against Gay kids and adults.
¯ My dad and I, with the help of friends,
: collecteddoseto3,000 signatures inNew
¯" York and over 5,000 signatures in San
¯ Francisco in just 3 days. Alex, a tender-
: foot scout in the midwest who is support-
~ ing me, collectb,d 400 signatures himsdf.
: Alex is 12 years old!
¯ Every signature helps and represents’a
¯ voice of protest. If we really want to see
: this policy of discrimination change I am
] asking all of you to step up our efforts of
: getting signatures. I am asking each of
¯ you to collect at least 100 signatures.
~ By collecting signatures you also edu-
: cate thepublic thatagreat youthorganiza-
¯ tion in America, the Boy Scouts of
: America, has one thing wrong about it.
-" It teaches us scouts to discriminate
against people who they say are different
- who they say don’t have family values.
How can the Boy Scouts of America say
that?They mustnotknow any Gay people
like I do. If they did they’d change their
policy against Gays tomorrow.
I am asking your help to make the Boy
Scouts a better program that’s for all kids.
To getblank copies ofthepetition, go to
out website at:
and print out as many copies as you need.
There’s an address at the bottom where
you can mail completed petitions back to
I’m proud to be a scout. I’m just doing
whattheBoy Scouts ofAmericahas taught
me to do, to help make the earth a better
place for all people-notjustsomepeople.
Thanks. - Steven Cozza
13 year-old Life Rank Scout
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News wdcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
~ you think need to be considered. Youmay
¯ request that your name be withhdd but
¯ letters mustbe signed&have phonenum-
"- bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word letters
are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
by Tom Neal, publisher & editor
To those who’ve been watching Brookside’ s increasingly
upscale redevelopment, it should come as little surprise that
The Pride Center would be threatened with eviction. Since
it opened, one local developerandhis partners havemade the
old John Zink industrial site (about a mile south of the
Center) into moderately expensive homesites, office and
retail spaces. Across the street from the Center, an old
warehouse was renovated into a trendy bakery and fancy
medical offices. The success of Brookside’s north end
dearly is spurring developers to move south along Peoria.
Therefore, when the building in which the Pride Center is
located was sold recently to owners associated with the
Brook Restaurant, it struck some as ’~andwriting on the
wall". The current tenants, most of whom are on limited
budgets, were likely to get priced out as the new owner
sought to renovate the spaces and lease them for more
money. Few thought that this wguldhappenrightaway since
the Center has a three year lease that began in late 1997.
However, as the articleon page one indicates, the landlord
claims that the Center organizers hung signs (Gay Community
Center and Pride Store) in violation of their lease and
thereforeheis seeking to break the lease. Center spokesman,
Greg Gatewood says that the owner claims he is not troubled
by the content of the signs (i.e. Gay) but rather the quality of
the signs (vinyl versus some othe~material) and lack of prior
permission. Center organizers note that these signs were not
new but merely were replacements for earlier authorized
signs whichhad been Stolen. Center organizers also note that
other tenant businesses have similar vinyl signs.
Obviously, as a non-profit organization, the Pride Center,
and its parent organization, Tulsa Okl~i~omans for Human
Rights, Inc. has limited funds for rent. The notion of a
community center has been a challenge for Tulsa’s Gay and
Lesbian community which often seems very, very fragmented.
Support for the Center has, frankly, not been what
it should be. Fortunately, that has been changing. Slowly,
people have been realizing that .the Center is thtre. In fa~t;
the Signs~:liavebeen successful,in attracting new locals and
out-of-towners to the Center.
No doubt, Center organizers and their capable legal comasel
will do their best to resolve this matter in a manner that
is fair to all parties. Andhopefully, anti=Gay bias is not really
part of the issue. But the lesson we need to draw from this is
that weneed to startnow onabuilding fundendowment with
which we can own our space. Then any decisions to move
will be ours.
Some will say that is unrealistic- that we don’t have the
resources. They said much the same about the Pride Center
once. Frankly, there are individuals in our community who
could substantially underwrite such an endowment. I won’t
name names, though many of you know them wall enough.
In the larger community, there are also resources such as
the newly formed. Tulsa Community Foundation spearheaded
by banker George Kaiser. This new organization is
drawing on the resources and generosity of some of Tulsa’s
mostprominentfamilies andbusinesses, Schusterman, Bank
of Oklahoma, Williams, Zarrow, Bartmann, Bama Cos.,
Helmerich & Payne, etc. just to mention specifically the
families and businesses that have ties to Gay Tulsans.
Kaiser has said that he supports treating Lesbian and Gay
Tulsans fairly and implied that this foundation would likely
do.the same. Let us contrast this with Tulsa Area United
Way’s funding of organizations, like the homophobic Boy
Scouts ofAmerica, whichpromotes religiously-basedpreju-
At a national level, there are foundations that will specifically
assist Lesbian and Gay groups or projects, such as the
Kellogg Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Gill
Foundation. The latter should be high priority for Tulsans
since it specifically targets "rural" projects and Foundation
guidelines classify anything under 1.5 million as rural ! And
it can’t hurt that several prominent Tulsans now claim close
ties to Tim Gill, creator ofQuark software and founder of the
Gill Foundation.
However, to get from here to there, we are going to have
to start seeing a future. Too often we’ve just reacted to one
assault or another, whether it was a directly physical one, the
ongoing emotional battering that just being Gay in America
entails, or the bullying and/or cowardice of our elected
officials. Now is the time to build for our future.
If you want to help the Community Center, call 743-
GAYS (4297).
It’sasadcommentary on our fine state that the annual :
gathering of "our elected representatives" should be ¯
fraught with dread by Oklahoma’s Lesbian and Gay ."
citizens, our families and our friends.
We know we can count on at least one or
two virulently anti-Gay bills. These usually
are patently unconsfitutonal but they’ll get
the votes of all but one or two ofmembers of
the Oklahoma House because those members
are too cowardly to vote for anything
that resembles treating Gay Oklahomans
like equal human being. Fortunately, usually
the Oklahoma Senate behaves more
And Cimarron Alliance, despite having
entirely too many pretentious queens formy
taste (note that I’m not referring toits Tulsa
representatives), is beginning to do some
good at least with Democratic Party leaders.
Some of this is just the result of money - no
matter what the politicians say, political
donations do buy the ears of most politicians.
Don’t believe me? Look at the source
ofpolitical dollars, then look at who benefits
from majority of those votes.
Now here’s what you can do to make a difference:
Cimarron reports that Oklahoma House leadership has
Cimarron . . . is
beginning to do
some good at lca~t
w~tk Democratlc
Party leader~.
Some of tlds is
just the result ot~
money - no
matter what tke
the cars o~ most
pollt-ldans. Don’t
believe me~ Look
at tke source o~
political dollars,
then look at who
benefits., .
made several committee chair assignments
to fair minded individuals. In particular, one
committee which is often the gate through
which anti-Gay legislation passes, has been
assigned to Tulsan Betty Boyd. Mrs. Boyd,
known to many in Tulsa for her work as a
television journalist, needs to hear from us.
A few years ago, interviewing her after she
(and every other member of the House save
one) voted for an anti-Gay bill, she said that
the.call fromTFN was literally the first she’d
received about Lesbianand Gay issues. This,
despite the fact that I personally know a"
number ofher Lesbian and Gay constituents~
Bottom line: you won’t be represented unless
you call!!!
The other thing you can do is to send
Cimarron some money. Many of us have
little to spare and many of us wonder if
becoming a member of the Cimarron PAC
(political action committee) at.$20 a month
is "do-able." However, the Cimarron Foun-
But just as much a part of what’s helping dation, the tax-exempt group associated with
at the Capitolis the ongoing work of a Cimarron officer, the PAC sets no minimum on donations. It is the entity
Keith Smith who lobbies for several progressive orga- ¯ that sponsored the bus stop advertisements, "Gay or
nizations. Smith and I have disagreed on issues before, ~ Straight, Everyone Deserves a Job" both here and in
and may again, but it is his steady presence, quietly : Oklahoma City. Every bit helps. So when you’re thinkvoicing
the concerns of Lesbian and Gay Oklahomans ¯ ing about buying that new sweater, CD, or going out to
as he does his other work, that has won us some. ¯ eat again, consider w.hat price our freedom is worth.
by James Christjohn . " much later. I suddenly wasn’t able tO breathe, and the
ThisChrislmas Eve, somethinghappenedthatehanged~ ". cal~ .tiaras.t. had .gotten~me .tO ~that pointvevaporate& 1
my life~ Iwascelebrating the holiday with friends, and ." started hyperventilating. About this time, my phone
suddenly felt compelled to return to my rang - it was Tom, readytocomegetme, and
apartment. I didn’t have to; I could have I called 911. askingaslewofquestious.Inbetweengasps
stayed the night, but it was important to Looking back, of air, I told him "I’m fine, you don’t need
return to that place. I got home, noticed a I can laugh -"I’m (gasp) to come (gasp) get me. (gasp) I’ll be
strange smellin theentry hall. Acrid, almost in a smoRe ~illed over (gasp) after (gasp) while." So he said,
oily. I entered my abode, and thought "Boy,
apartment, at doubtfully, "OK... Grab what you need and
do I need to dean my glasses!" Then I come on over."
looked over the frames, and saw that the xxyy street." The fireman came out and said the
haze was not from dirty glasses, but smoke "You’re at xxyy guydownstairshadbeenusingaspaceheater
sothick, Icouldn’tseetotheothersideofthe Street.~" "Yes, (Was I the only one using my gas heater?)
apartment. I immediately went to the gas xxyy street." "Is tied into two extension cords; The cords
heater, shut it down. Well, that didn’t help- that in Tulsa.~’" were lightweight (heating appliances need
I called 911. Looking back, I can laugh - heavyweight extension cords, and its’s best
"I’m in a smoke filled apartment, at xxyy "Yes. it is in not to use any with them). They were coiled
street.""You’reatxxyyStreet?""Yes,xxyy~ Tulsa!!!" "So up (the heater was only 4 feet from the
street." "Is that in Tulsa?" "Yes, it is. in You’re at xx~D" outlet.) and overheated, which caused them
Tulsa!!!~’ "So You’re at xxyy Street. Tulsa,\ Street. Tulsa. to ignite.
and~ou reinasmokefilledroomg."’".Ye.st.tl;""
and you’re in a I went into the apartment after the
"Well, sir, if the room is smoke filled, oyou fire folk sucked out some of the smoke (yes,
might want to vacate the premises." "I am smoke obvious place of one of my trademark reready
to do just that, as soon as I get off the room.~’’ "Yes!!!" marks isn’t it?) and looked around. What to
phone with you!" She got the hint. "~v’ell, sir, ff tke take?How does one decide? I wanted to take
I left takingmycordless phone, andknock- room is smoke it all. Allthe gifts that are symbols of the
ing on all the doors. No one came out, or ~iled, you mi~kt love and people that gave them to us; the
even opened the door. I heard the sirens of prized possessions that we .surround ourthe
fire trucks approaching. I calmly called want to vacate
my landlord, and informed his answering tke premises." "I
selves with, all symbols really, but symbols
that remind us of who we are, and the ones
machine of the events. I then called my ex, am ready to do we love. I settled on a picture morn sent me
Tom, andleftamessageonhismachine.The just tlmt, as soon for Christmas - a photo ofme taken in 1970,
fire folk arrived. (One of whom was very holding my prize possession at the time - a
attractive funny wha! you notice under as I ~et off tke - diecastmodel ofChitty Chitty Bang Bang. It
suchcircumstances.)They went throughmy pkone w~tk you.p’ was all I could think of to take at the time,
apartment, and couldn’t find a fire-just lots Ske got tke ldnt. because I knew it was irreplaceable. And a
of smoke. They looked in the attic, noting memento of a rare time in my childhood
that the smoke was throughout the building. At that : when I was happy. So off I went.
point, I thought, "What am I doing in here’?" I decided ¯ I never knew how devastating something like this
to leave the building again, and then as I was going ¯ could be. Panic attacks are no small thing - I never
down, both I and the hunky firefighter heard smoke : understood them until now. A smell reminiscent of that
alarm, finally going off in the apartment below mine. ¯ smoke can tighten my chest to the point of not being
They busted in the door, and smoke billowed out. " able to breathe. Tears come unbidden, for no reason.
My worst fear is dying by fire - due to probably : Fear of being alone leads you to surround yourself with
haviug been hiu-nt at the stake in a previous life. (Those :- people, to reassure yourself in some way that you are
of you who know me will probably agree.) I had never ¯ alive, that you didn’t end up dying after all. It’s irratiohad
a panic attack, so I didn’t know what hit me until " nal, you know it, see Viewpoint, p. 14
Utah to Look at
m~}., ~hat no one is doing ~:m’~ < o~.v pcopb~ :}~~ouid
i[ differenOy.’"
Most hare crime taws. Suazo sad.
es*ablish protected classes o~ people, saying m-~ o~-
fender faces e~ced penalties if the victim is targeted
due to ra~, et~q 06 gin, color, religious *’filia~
on or sexuN ofientanon.
But 6e SNt ~e Democrat stud prosecutors have
told ~m Ut~fs hate mine law - wNch went into
eff~t in 1992 - is too vague ~d lacks tee6 because
it does not define ~tegofies of prot~ted people.
Ut~’s law Nlows fore~dpenNfies on ~sdeme,
or offenses if ~e m~n~ intehds to imi~&te
or tegofize someone~ddeprive them of 6eir constimfion~
Su~o sNd ~at r~mres prosecutors to guess what
is m 6e offender’s ~nd. "I don’t~you shoMd
have to prove intent," he SNd. "It is ~fficMt m work
wi~ 6e wW it r~ds." S~o stud leNslafive ~dysts
have been reviewing 6e law to &leone what adjus~
ents coMd be made.
He sNd he does ~fidpate a fight on Capitol Hill.
StiR, ~nofity leaders like Willi~s sw a more defiN~
ve law is n~. She poifi)~ to sever~ lo~
ex~ples of hae tomes, including a cross bu~ng in
Sdt~eCity ~at prompt~ federN ch~ges ~d
filing of ch~ges agNnst a West Jor~ m~ for
h~l~g raci~ slurs at a black womb.
S~oa~d, saying people~nolonger ~ford to
i~ore hate tomes. "We have to fa~ reNities. There
~e hate ~oups out 6ere ~genng people for
e~cbackgro~d, cdor or lfestyle. Wen~d to face
~at fact." He sNd ~e reality is 6a U~~tomes
bring pe~e~a~ ag~nst ~oups of people. "We
~’t duck
Gay Mens’ Killer Gets
168 Year Sentence
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - A 20-year-old killer
smirked after being told through an interpreter that he
probably would spend the rest of his life in prison in
the deaths of three Gay men.
Ricardo Rodriguez was the first of four defendants
to go on trial in the 1997 slayings. He was sentenced
to the maximum term - 168 years - after he was
convicted in November on 13 counts, including firstdegree
murder and kidnapping.
With three consecutive life sentences, each 30
years without parole, and three consecutive 18-year
terms for tirst-degree kidnapping, "in ~1 likelihood
Mr. Rodriguez will die in prison," stag prosecutor
Jody Curran.
The bodies of Victor Monzon, 41, and Jesus
Contreras, 30, were foundbound, beaten and strangled
in an Albuquerque motel in February 1997. The
decomposed body of Osvaldo Travieso, 37, was
found dumped along Interstate 25 near Santa Fe two
weeks later. The four defendants were arrested m
Salinas, Kan., driving Monzon’s car.
Indian Police
Harass Gays
LUCKNOW, India (AP) - Police are preventing
Gays from going to a park in the north Indian city of,
LuCknow following protests from thepublic that they
were having sex there, an official said Thursdw.
Policemen have been posted at the GPO Park, a
popular rendezvous for the city’s Gays, said police.
spokesman R. S. Tomar. "Police will not allow male
couples into the park if they kmow they are GWs...
Pol icemen will ask them if they are Gay. If they hold
hmxds or are demonstrative about their affection:
we,ll suspect them of being Gay," he said in m~
State prosecutor S
of parks violates :ivi; ri~i~vs, m~,> :.[i police ;krc
pzoles[ the Dohcc
Publicdisplay of a~ Iection cvcn b::~wecn a mm~ m~d
a wom~m is rare in h:dia, where man} believe homosexuMs
exists ouly in Westen~ nations
Hawaii Marriage Update
HONOLULU (AP) No further legislation is needed
on same-sex marriage, according to the state attorney
general" s office. Attoniey General Margery Bronster" s
office submitted a brief to the state Supre~ne Court
swing the consntutional amendinent approved bv
voters last month validates the current state ban on
same-sex mamage and that no further action is required.
After the amendment was approved, the Supreme
Court, Which is considering an appeal in the case,
asked the state and attorneys for three Gay couples to
submit briefs on how the amendment affects the case.
Civil liberties attorney Dan Foley, who represents the
couples, said he will submit a brief with a different
Senate Judiciary co-chairman Matt Matsunaga said
le~slators will have to determine if approval of
additional legislation.would help or hurt the attorney
general’s case or make no difference.
The Supreme Co.urt earlier ruled that the state’s ban
on same-sex mamage ~s unconstatutional unless the
state can show a compelling interest in Continuing the
ban. During a subsequent trial, Circuit Judge Kevin
Chang ruled that the state had failed to show a
compelling reason for continuing the ban.
The Supreme Court was considering the state’s
appeal of that ruling, but put the case on hold pending
outcome ofthe vote on the constitutional amendment.
Two Banned
Gay Books Restored
BARRON, V¢is. (AP) - Two of four books banned
because of vulgar language have been temporarily
returned to school library shelves while educators
search for a less explicit book on the same subject,
homosexuality. The school board reached a compromise
to restore thebooks,’q’woTeen-agers inTwenty"
and "When Someone You Know Is Gay" for 90 days
at the Barton High School library.
School mediadirector Irene Cooley was directed tofind
areplacement book dealing with homosexuality,
but without profanity and vulgarity. The books and
two others were banned because school board members
said they contained profane language. At its
meeting, the board voted to continue the ban on the
other books, "Baby Be-bop" and "The Drowning of
Stephan Jones."
The books were removed permanently because of
"’pervasively vulgar language, educational unsuitability
and failure of the book to reflect the
community’s values," said Superintendent Vita
About 60 people turned out for the board’s meeting,
with the crowd about evenly divided on whether
to maintain the bookban. "If we allow books with this
language, should we allow our children to speak like
this?" said one supporter of the ban, Bill Balz. Opponent
Mike Urseth said the ban infringed on intellectual
freedom. "In tiffs case, the freedom to learn,"
Urseth said. "Please put the books back on the shelf."
Board members said their action on the books was
based on complaints of profane language, not be:
cause they deal with homosexuality. The American
Civil Liberties [;mon of \Vi~c(msi~ ~onndation said
~n a statement ~t amic,,pates fili:..-t~ a ~’edera! lawsuit
Want to ge~ involved?
Need to get tested for HIV?
Need a Coming Out Support Group?
Call 743-GAYS
the Pride Center
1307 E. 38th at Peoria, 2nd floor
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Paul Tay
Car Salesman
My friends crashed into a deer with their new EQ.rd Explorer. Theyjust
bought itfrom me less than 3 months ago. Neither the truck nor the deer
survived. But, my friends called at 2 a.m. I loaned them my ear for 3
days. Great excuse to fide my bicycle to work. They thanked me with
a yummy sugar cookie. Kewl. Try that on the ’Net.
Compassionate Service/Largest inventory in Oklahoma.
3 days/300 miles money back guarantee.
Announcing the new
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Greater Tulsa MCC
Join together as
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Come celebrate with us.
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Herman Handyman, Inc.
Home Remodeling and Repairs
Drywall - Painting - Decks - Fences
Tile - Shelving - Arbors- Etc.
qeferences MasterCard & Visa Herman "Tony" Becker
against the board’s book removal action after school
resumes in January.
Texas Sodomy Challenge
HOUSTON (AP) - A challenge to Texas’s 119-yearold
anti-sodomy law has been sent to a Texas appeals
court, the latest step in a privacy rights case that could
wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court. A decision by
that court could effect anti-sodomy laws on the books in
18 states, including Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri.
In the Texas case, John Lawrence, 55, and Tyrone
Garner, 31, were arrested Sept. 17 in Lawrence’s apartment
and charged with engaging in homosexual conduct,
a misdemeanor. Both pleaded no contest last
month, but appealed with a motion to quash the charges.
Judge Sherman A. Ross dismissed the motions. Under
an agreement reached with prosecutors, Lawrence and
Garner again pleaded no contest. The judge fined them
$200 each and allowed the immediate filing oftheir new
The case may end up before the Supreme Court
because Garner and Lawrence’s challenges are based
on state and federal constitutional questions involving
privacy rights. "I believe in the Constitution of the
United States and I believe in the rights of all citizens,"
Lawrence said. "Would you like someone busting into
your house?"
Harris County deputies entered Lawrence’s apartment
and found the men engaged in consensual sex. The
deputies were res.ponding to a false report that someone
was going crazy ~n the apartment and was armed with a
gun, according to court documents.
Although on the books for more than a century, the
Texas sodomy law is rarely enforced. Gay activists hav(
worked unsuccessfully for years to overturn the statute
there and in 17 other states that have sodomy statutes
barring consensual anal or oral sex. Five of those states,
includingOklahoma, Kansas and Missouri, specifically
ban sodomy between same-sex partners, according to
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Inc., a
Gay-rights group based in New York.
The Georgia Supreme Court in November struck
down that state’s sodomy law, following similar decisions
by courts in Kentucky, Montana and Tennessee,
and sodomy laws in Arkansas and Louisiana are under
currently attack in state courts.
Kansas" law was upheld as constitutional earlier this
year after a three-judge panel of the state Court of
Appeals refused to overturn a municipal court misdemeanor
convicuon involving a Topeka man.
Montana May Add Gays
to Hate Crimes Law
HELENA (AP) - Attorney General Joe Mazurek says
he will proceed with plans to ask the 1999 Legislature
to extend the state hate-crimes law to cover Gays and
Lesbians. But the proposal faces opposition from conservatives,
who say it would advance what they call "the
homosexual agenda".
Mazurek, a Democrat, is asking for two changes to
the current hate-crimes law. First, sexual orientation
would join the protected ranks of race, creed, religion,
color, national origin and involvement in civil rights.
And second, a harsher sentence would be allowed for
those who commit a crime and choose their victim for
those same reasons.
"We hope this would prevent people from commitung
what are already criminals acts against another
person, solely because that person is Gay or Lesbian,"
said Mazurek. %~rhat we’re trying to do is ensure that
people don’t become victims simply for something they
believe in or a lifestyle they lead.’"
The question of v~olence against Gays and Lesbians
was stirred up this year after the murder in Laramie,
Wyo., of Matthew Shepard, a University of Wyoming
student who was openly Gay. Several human rights
groups in Montana have said" the crime committed in
Laramie could easily have happened here and anti-hate
crime legislation is necessary to quash any notion that
such crimes are acceptable.
Similar attempts have failed in past legislative sessions.
But this group of lawmakers may be more willing
to make the change, one Republican leader said. "I want
to keep an openmind about that 1 egislation," said Senate
Majority Leader John Harp, R-K*dispel!. Harp said
nobody could condone what happened to Shepard.
Republican Gov. Marc Racicot has said he wonld
sign anti-hate crime legislation that protects homosexuals.
But the proposed changes will not come without
opposition. Arlette Randash, a Helena resident
who works as a lobbyist for the socially conservative
Eagle Forum, said her group will fight against
the measures. She said the changes are not needed
because such acts already are illegal, and she sees
the proposed change as a furtherance of a homosexual
"I believe that hate crime legislation, in large
part, is being used as a front to move the homosexual
agenda forward so It is accepted by people
as an accepted standard in our community," she
added. Also, Randash said, "We don’t give people
special status based on behavior alone."
On the other hand, Mazurek said, it’s essential to
let people know hate-driven actions aren’t acceptable.
"We as a society are saying we are tolerant of
people’s views and lifestyles," said Mazurek.
Gay Man Assaulted
in Rhode Island
PROVIDENCE,R.I. (AP)-Twomenwere charged
with a hate crime in the assault of a man leaving a
Gay and Lesbian bar in Providence. On Nov. 26,
19-year-old David E. Sheldon of East Providence
and 18-year-old Taylor Grenier of Warren allegedly
initiated the attack by yelling anti-Gay slurs at
Diana Obidowski, The Providence Journal reported.
Police report that the two teens had gotten bored
at a party in East Providence and had driven downtown.
When they saw Obidowski, they got out of
their car, ran to him, knocked him down and kicked
him in the head and ribs, police said.
When Obidowski tried to run, the teens allegedly
knocked him down agmn, kicked him and punched
him in the. face. The incident ended when two
Providence police cruisers arrived.
¯ Obidowski, a 44-year-old Air Force veteran, was
treated at the Veterans Administration Medical
Center in Providence. He had cuts that he said
required 12 stitches. He was released the same day.
Obidowski is a tall transvestite who wears ladies"
size 13 shoes, but was not dressed as a woman on
the night of the attack, television station WJAR in
Cranston reported.
The teens accused in the beating face simple
assault charges in District Court under the state
Hate Crimes Sentencing Act. The law, passed by
the state legislature in July, requires offenders to
receive sentences of at least 30 days in jail.
Obidowski said he "’very, very impressed" with
how police handled their investigation. ’qhey made
me very comfortable," he told WJAR.
There were 44 hate crimes last year, including 25
in Providence. According to Bay Windows, a Gay
newspaper, there were at least six anti-Gay attacks
in Providence last summer.
Internet Bank to Target
Gays and Lesbians
PENSACOLA, Florida (AP) - When banks refused
to finance his planned Gay and Lesbian
resort, Steven Dunlap scrapped that idea and decided
to start a financial institution that would
welcome homosexuals instead of spurn them. The
result is G and L Bank - the initials stand for Gay
and Lesbian - expected to open here in the spring.
Not only would it be the only bank in the United
S tates catering specifically to homosexuals, itwould
be one o,f the first operating primarily via the
Internet. q’he whole deal is to take banking away
from you having to go to the bank and let us bring
the bank to you," Dunlap said. He envisions Gays
and Lesbians as an entry market but not the bank’s
sole customer base. "Just like Federal Express is
doing to overnight delivery, I expect to be the No.
1 brandnamein the Interact banking arena," Dunlap
said. Bold talk, but Dunlap, 42, has some unique
business credentials to back it up. He went from
selling watermelons see Bank, p. 11
Reporting May expenditures on patients.
"Compared to what we spend on all Discourage Tests? ~nds of other things, it’s just not that
ATLANTA(AP) - Some Gay men are muchmoney"for the governmentto spend,
avoiding testing for theAIDS virus in part " said project co-director Dr. Samuel A.
because they don’t want their names re- Bozzette, a health care researcher at
ported to the federal government, accord- RAND, the Santa Monica, California,
ing to a new study from the Centers for think tank overseeing the government-
Disease Control and Prevention. sponsored research.
The CDC said the survey, released re- The $20,000 tab is roughly one-third of
cenfly, underscores the need to continue the estimates from the early 1990s, when
government funding for anonymous HIV firm figures were hard to come by, and
testing, even as the agency asks states to before the advent of AIDS drug cocktails
start keeping names of people who get that have proven powerfnlly effective in
treated for the virus that causes AIDS. fending off the disease and keeping pa-
Earlier, theCDCpublishednew recom- tients out of the hospital. The stud)’ was
mendafions in which it asked all states to
¯ conducted in 1996, just as the combinabegin
reporting HIV cases either with the tion therapy was coming into widespread
person’ s name or anidentifying code. The use. It found 55% of people being treated
CDCsaystheinformationwillhdphealth for HIV were taking one of the newer
officials track HIV cases before they be- AIDS drugs by December 1996. Doctors
come full-blown AIDS. But some activ-
¯ >elieve use of the new drugs has since
ists believe privacy concerns will steer risen sharply.
some away from being tested at all. The study estimated that only half of all
The CDC surveyed 556 people in nine American adults infected with the AIDS
states in late 1995 and 1996 who were
" virus saw their doctor at least once every
considered at high risk forHIV but said six months. Many of those not getting
they had not been tested, They included " are were unaware they were infected.
homosexuals, intravenoUsdrug users and However, an encoura~ng 85% of those
heterosexuals recruited from clinics for with full-blown AIDS were getting regusexually
transmitted diseases. 19% said lar care, with most of them seeing AIDS
not wanting their names reported was one specialists.
reason they had not been tested. Only 2%
Early treatment can slow the disease,
said it was their main reason. Gay men
extend’lifespan and save money by reducliving
in states that already report~names ing hospitalizations. The study was pubwere
more concerned about privacy. 35% lished in The New England Journal of
of that group said name reporting was one Medicine. It was based on interviews of
reasonthey avoidedtesting..Still, the.most 3,072 people treated in hospitals or doccommon
reason for not getung te.stext ~.vas
tots’ offices in dozens of urban and rural
that people were afraid of learmng they
-areas around the country.
were .IV-positive.
Arkansas Accused
Ukraine to Provide of Poor HIV Care
Free HIV Medicines LrrrLEROCKC’ P -Ifyouhav AIDS
ment has ordered the free distribution of
treatment for the deadly disease, Arkanmedicine
to those infected with the HIV sas is a less than ideal place to be. The
virus and AIDS, a news report noted. In a state is one of only ahandful that contrib~
recently released resolution, the Cabinet utes no money to help people with the
also introduced free medical examina-
AIDS virus buy thenew drugs for treating
tions for .people suspected of carrying
the disease, either through joint federal
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, the
¯ ~rograms or special state programs.
It is one of 13 states that contributes no
Interfaxnews agency reported. The report
didnotspecifywhichmedicineswouldbe money to the joint federal-state AIDS
Drug Assistance Program, according to
The number of people infected with
GaryRose, directorofpublicpolicyforan
HIV in Ukraine, a nation of 50 million AIDS national network. Rose says Atpeople,
has soared to 23,000 people, up kansas has the "worst ADAP program."
from 18,500 in mid-1997, according to It is one of seven states - Arkansas,
govemment statistics. 80%oftheinfeeted Alaska, Montana, North and South Dawere
intravenous drug users,
kota, Oregon and Wyoming - that con-
~l~ae official figure is larger than in any tributes no money specifically for the
otherformer Soviet republic. Russia, with treatment ofAIDS and those with the HI¥
three times as many people, has reported virus that causes AIDS. Of those seven
10,283 eases, though the actual figure is states, all but Oregon have significantly
thought to be higher, fewer AIDS patients than Arkansas, and
In its resolution, the Cabinet also or- Oregon offers a special high-risk insurdered
the Foreign Ministry.to-make sure ance program for AIDS patients, Rose
that foreign .citizens staying in Ukraine says. Boiled down, Arkansas’ situation is
for more than three months have docugrim,
he adds.
ments certifying they are not infected The Ryan White Center in Little Rock
with HIV. Some 642 Ukrainians have helps patients buy drugs, but the center is
contractedAIDS over thelast decade, and so strapped for money it has stopped takhalf
of them have died, according to goving
new cases. ’%Vhat can we do?" says
emment data. Susan Goggans, the center’s director of
client services. "We can’t afford to pay AIDS CaroCosts ¯ foreverybody-we’vereachedastopping
¯ point."
Less Titan Tlaouglat " Theagen~y gets amonthly $30,270in
AIDS Drug Assistance Program money
Care for AIDS padents in the United " from the federal government. Usually,
States is less expensive than generally : it’s gone on the first day of each month. In
believed - about $20,000 per person per : addition, the center offers counseling,
year, according to a new studY. The study ¯ supportgroupsandnutritionandwellness
estimated a total cost of $6.7 billion ~nnu- instruction, as well as dental and transporally,
or less than 1% of all U.S. medical :
John Serrot, MSW
Cherry Street
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(918) 743-4117
Sandra Hill,
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Excellence And
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Medical Excellence ¯ Compassionate Care
tation assistance.
Through the drug assistance program,
each of the center’s 272 clients take drugs
costingfrom $1,000-$2,000 every month.
But federal help doesn’t go far enough to
pay for the most expensive drugs, the
protease inhibitors, and the center often
relies on pharmaceutical companies’ patient
assistance programs to provide the
drugs for free.
Goggans says that because Arkansas
does not cover purchases of protease inhibitors,
the Ryan White Center is in a
"drug crisis." Patients taking the life-giving
but expensive protease inhibitors often
spend a large percentage of their time
chasing the drugs - trying to eke out
money from government agencies or get
drugs donated from pharmaceutical companies.
"It’s just not enough money,"
Goggans says. "We’re not doing what
other states are doing. We’re not giving
the best care we can."
Since April 1997, the Center’s caseload
has nearly doubled from 156 to 272 because
more AIDS-HIV patients are seeking
treatment and living longer. But the
$30,270 in federal funds the local center
receives through the Ryan White Care
Act has remained the same since early
SomeAIDS and HIV patientsotry to get
their medical treatment covered by
Medicaid’s medically needy program. But
many have incomes considered too high.
Patients must.reapply every three months
and often are left without coverage during
the weeks their applications are reviewed
Also, patients can’t reapply before the
¯ three-month coverage period is over. and
have to wait two week~ to-~a moffth -
sometimeslonger until theircoverageis
Dr. Henry Masters, fonner medical director
for the health department’s AIDS
and sexually transmitted diseases division.
now treats more than 250 AIDS and
HIV patients. Masters says the criteria to
qualify for Medicaid were designed for
people with one-time medical bills, not
those with chronicillnesses. "I believe the
Medicaid system that we are using to deal
with HIV is the worst that could have ever
been dremned up," Masters says. "It’s a
very cumbersome program that results in
people starting and stopping their HIV
medicines. This is a recipe for disaster."
If a patient on protease inhibitors takes
a break from the drugs, HIV can mutate
and re-establish itself in drug-resistant
strains, making protease inlfibitors ineffective.
Even if patients manage to get the
drugs the)’ need between coverage periods.
the not -knowing whether they’ll be
covered in the future can be an all-consuming
worry, Masters says¯ "It’s stressfnl
and I think it actually worsens their
immune function," Masters says.
Officials with the state Human Services
Department-acknowledge the pro~am
isn’t perfect. Roy Jeffus, assistant director
of the department’s Medical Services
Division, says Arkansas may seek a Medicaid
waiver that would all-ow patients
with chronic diseases, such as AIDS, to
qualify for Medicaid even if their income
level or assets are too high.
Also, Gary Horton, directorof the Health
Department’s AIDS-STD Division, says
the state next year expects to see a30% to
40% reduction in the price of drugs from
.pharmaceutical companies. The state plans
to reinvest the saved money in more drugs,
including protease imhibitors, for an AIDS
Dru/ Assistance Program, he says. In
a&~i~iop.. ,’.he state will receive abou~
q~";:"o"tV,,’.!..’.)(0,: ) :uore ,ro~4 ~he icdc3:a! gcwemmerit
for AIDS drugs next year, he says.
The1998 federal budget for Arkansas’
AIDS Drug Assistance Program was $2.5
Colombians Stress
Condom Use
¯ BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Size does
." matter- at least as far as ColombianAIDS
: activists are concerned. The activists pa-
¯ raded an enormous inflated condom
~ through the streets of the country’s third
largest city hoping to draw attention to the
¯ threat of AIDS. ’The idea is for people to
¯ realize that the disease exists, that it’s ¯
here, and that it represents a far greater
." threat than the condom we’re display-
. ing,"Dr. John Jairo Palacio told reporters.
¯ Themockprophylactic, which weighed
: roughly 3,000 pounds, stretched over a
: half-mile down a holiday street fair in
¯ Call acity of two million inhabitants.
¯ The huge plastic condom was the idea
¯ of doctors specializing in sexually-trans-
¯ mitted diseases at the Santiago de Cali
¯ ¯ University and workers from drug rehabilitation
programs. Palacio said the
¯ condom took two months to build at a cost
¯ $13,000, and was paid for by the univer-
¯ sity and a condom manufacturer.
¯ Homeless PLWA
Changes Policy
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) - It’s been a
tough 3ear for Patrick Biggers since he
was evicted from a homeless shelter in
Ellsworth two days before Clmstmas beca~
ise he has the virus that causes AIDS. ,4
chef who worked at some of the uation’s
finest restaurants, Biggers remains home-
" les s and has been unable to return to work.
He underwent triple bypass surgery three
months ago. But unlike last year, Biggers,
36, was not alone on Christmas. And he
takes comfort in knowing that somettfing
good has emerged from his ordeal in
Ellsworth: a policy to promote AIDS
awareness and education that he hopes
might become a model for shelters in
Maine and across the country.
The night of Dec. 23, 1997, when the
manager of the Emmaus Center ordered
Biggers to leave, remains etched in his
memory. He was told that his HIV status
posed a needless risk to residents and
staff. Biggers said his "dangerous behavior"
included talking about hi s condition,
handling a coffee cup, setting the table,
asking to pick up a baby and having sores
on the back of his hands, even though
there was no fresh blood in sight. The 22-
bed shelter arranged to put him up temporarily
in a hotel.
AIDS activists directed him to the
Mnerican Civil Liberties Union, which
concluded that the Ea-nmaus Center violated
the Americans with Disabilities Act
by discriminating against him because he
is HIV-posifive and has hepatitis C. The
ACLU filed a complaint on Biggers’ behalf
to the Maine Human Rights Commission,
asking H.O.M.E. Inc.~ the non-profit
operator of the Emmaus Center, to estab2
lish a non-discriminatory policy and be
required to pay Biggers $10,000 in damages.
The case was quickly settled.
H.O.M.E., which had replaced the shelter
manager even before the complaint
was filed, did not dispute Biggers’ assertions
and agreed to write a letter of apology,
adopt the new policy and begin education
and training. The agreemen~ set the
s~a,,e.., for devdopmer_,t of a_. five-session
I started to say that since it’s winter,
Tulsa’s arts scene is happening big time
but then if you think
about it, pretty much
ye.ar-round Tulsa is
blessed with arts events
of generally very good
quality. Already early
information is coming
"out about spring and
like Bartlesville’s annual
OK Mozart Festival,
now known for its
world class perf0rmances.
Light OperaOklahoma
is seeking 100 singers
for its June 9-July 4th
season presented in
TU’s Kendall Hall.
LOOKis holding auditions
on Sat. Jan. 16 & Sun. Jan. 17 from
2-5pro in TU’s Tyrrell Hall, room 302.
For more. information or to schedule an
audition, call 583-4267.
At the end of January,
Philbrook will open two new
exhibits, "Pure Vision: American
Bead Artists" and "Beads:
A Cross-Cultural Medium".
The first show .will present 60
works by 28 artists. Theworks
vary from moe traditional
necklaces and bracelet forms
to large-scale sculptures, constructions,
and shrines. The
exhibit was co-ordinated by
Chris Knop Kallenberger and
was curated by Sherry I~edy of the Leedy
Gallery in Kansas City and B.J. Shegaki,
director of the Rochester Arts Center in
Minnesota. Local support is from
Philbrook’s Contemporary Cousortium.
The companion show will explore the
use of beads in cultures from 15,000 BC
Egyptian to ones from 100-
200ADSyrian to SpiroMound
of 1,200 AD and 19th century
North American Native works.
Early in February, Tulsa
Ballet will present three
dances, The Green Table,
Equinoxe, Jardi Taneat (Feb.
5 &6 at 8pro and Feb. 7 at3pm
in the Chapman Music Hall of
Tulsa’s Performing Arts Center).
The Green Table, a critically
acclaimed dance drama
set in Germany during the rise
of Adolph Hitler, is the center-.
piece of the February program.
Kurt Jooss’ ballet is as he intended
it -- to show the world
that the only w~nner of war is
It opens With masked politicians
sitting around a table in
heated di scussion. Thereafter,
war breaks out and in the end,
the same politicians, wearing the same
masks, are seated at the same table forgetting
all the cruelties and casualties the war
has caused.
Paired with The Green Table will be
twomoreOklahomapremieres thatpromise
to provide an exceptional evemng of
entertainment. James Canfield’ s Equinoxe
recalls underwater images of sea creatures
which gracefully move with the
ocean’s ebb and flow and is set to a synthesizer
score byJan-Michael Jarre. Canfield,
¯ a former dancer with Joffrey, is the Artistic
Director at Oregon Ballet Theatre.
Rounding out the program
is Naco Duato’s
Jardi Tancatwhichwas
Duato’s first ballet,.
choreographed for
Nederlands Dans Theater
in 1983.
"Duato, the Artistic
Director for the National
Ballet of Spain,
is one of the brightest
stars in Europe and, in
my opinion, one of the
best choreographers in
the world today," Tulsa
Ballet’s .Artistic Director,
Marcello Angelini
related to TFN. "’He
brings a new intensity
to dance, a fluidity of
movement never seen
: before, and a new way to express emo-
¯ tions that is so deep, so powerful, it will
: change your vision of dance."
The ballet is a collection of Maye
who was dubed
Ella Fitzgerald.
"the greatest
white female
singer in the
will present
"A Tribute to
Frank Sinatra"
folk songs, based on ancient
Spanish folk tales in which
three couples are occupied
with the sowing, planting and
threshing of their barren land
while asking God for water to
make their crops grow. Jardi
Tancat won Duato first prize
at the International Choreographic"~
rorkshop inCologne.
He has received recognition
throughout Europe for his talents
as a dancer and choreographer.
Also early in February, extraordinary
jazz vocalist, MarilynMaye, will perform
at the PAC’ s JohnWilliams Theatre. Maye
who was called by Ella Fitzgerald, "th,e,
greatest white female singer in the world,
will present "A Tribute to Frank Sinatra"
in several shows Feb. 4-6 at
Les Ballets
Troekadero de
Monte Carlo has
delighted audlenees
around the
world. Parodying
elassleal works
from "Swan
Lake" to "Giselle"
and the choreography
of Isadora
Dunean, George
Balanehine and
Martha Graham,
Les Troekaderos
offer irresistible
entertainment for
dance afieionados
- and complete
8pm and Feb. 7 at 3pm. Maye
began her careerin small clubs
and cabarets but since has performed
with orchestras from
Tulsa to Phoenix to Philadelphia.
She first appeared on
television on the Steve Alien
Show hnd appeared onJohnny
Carson’s Tonight Show a
record 76 times. Tulsa has a
tradition of bringing the great
female vocalists of our time
and Maye’s appearance continues
Last but not least the famed
"drag" ballet, Les Ballets
Trockadero de Monte Carlo
will grace thePAC’s Chapman
Music Hall on March 16,
1999. Dancing the fine line
between high art and high
camp, Les Ballets Trockadero
de Monte Carlo has delighted
audiences around the world.
Parodying classical works from "Swan
Lake" to "Giselle" and the choreography
of Isadora Duncan, George Balanchine
and Martha Graham, Les Trockaderos
offer irresistible entertainment for dance
aficionados - and complete novices. The
troupe combines a knowledge of dance
with a wicked comedic sensibility -- a
buoyant and hilarious show.
Girls (and you real girls too), you don’t
want to miss this one at any cost!
- TFN entertainment editor
in Oklahoma.
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4021 S. Harvard, Suite 210, Tulsa 74135
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lam, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lam, 1314 No. Greenwood, 58% 1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Familyof Faith & MCCGT)
Service, 1 lam, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, [nfo: 585-COMC (2662)
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TF_~T (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
H_IV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
W0men/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDSCoalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 s. Boulder, 585-5551
Mu!ticultural AIDS.Coalition, call for next meeting date.
12rban League, 240 East Apache
Rainbow" Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Houseof the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210e So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 381h, 2rid fl.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support’social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young A.dults Social Group, 1st Fri/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, lnfo: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pro, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for winter schedule.
lfyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
A few years ago, author Liza Ketchum
wrote an award winning book for young
adults titled Twelve Days in
August. One character, Alex,
touchedmany readers, and the
author was swamped with requests
to continue his_ story.
Her new book, Blue Coyote,
follows the teenage Alex and
his family to yet another new
home, this time in Vermont.
Being a child of southern
California, Alex isn’t too
pleased with being stuck in
Vdrmont. He’s had a difficult
time making friends and
doesn’t just miss the beach,
but also his only tree, close
friend, Tito. He and Tito had
kept in touch with each other
for awhile, but, suddenly,
Tito’s letters stopped coming.
Alex attempts to track him down, but Tito
seems to have simply disappeared.
Luckily, Alex’s father, a writer, has
been offered work back in California, not
far from Where they had once liyed. Amid
some dissension Within the family, Alex
and his father move back to California.
¯ This gives Alex a chance to try to locate
Beln~ a child d
Alex isn’t too
pleased qth
beln~ stueh in
Vermont. He’s
a difficult
time mal~in~
friends and
doesn’t just mlss
the beach, but
alsohls only true,
dose friend, Tito.
his long, lost best friend.
This sets the stage for Alex to not only
getinto avariety ofsituations inhis search
for Tito, but also to realize that the trust
and affection he has for his
friend is actually infatuation.
Eventually, Alex comes to the
understanding that he is Gay,
and there is quite a bit ofattention
paid to the reaction of his
family. It is interesting to see
the different reactions of two
families whenconfronted with
Gay children, siblings and
friends. Alex’s sister is an
important character and positively
handles the realization
that both she and her brother
had, at one time, had a crush
on Tito.
This is agoodbookfor adults
and young adults alike. You
need not have read Twelve
Days in August before reading
Blue Coyote. Although it does continue
Alex’~ story, Blue Coyote stands
alone well. There isn’t any graphic sex
and only a few words that anyone could
find offensive. This is a tame but provocative
read. Check for Blue Coyote at your
local, branch library, or call i_he Readers
Services department at 596-7966.
Better Than
Ever, Pride
Magazines &
8120 East 21 st
next to Boot City)
We buy back good
used adult magazines.
the largest gay ri,g,,hts group in the state,
hailed the ruling. The state court gave us
a ban on discrinfination in employment
stronger than anything we could introduce
in the Legislature in 23 years," said
Jean Harris, executive director of the orgamzation.
"We love it. We’ll take it."
The court turned aside the university’s
argument that it made benefits available
on equal terms to all married employees.
Thejudges said that reasomng misses the
point because homosexuals cannot marry.
"Accordingly, the benefits are not made
available on equal terms. The~y are made
available on terms that, for gay and lesbian
couples, are a legal impossibility,"
the court said.
The court concluded that homosexualg
are a distinct class and that it’s beyond
dispute that they "have been and continue
to be the subject of adverse social and
political stereotyping and prejudice."
Rerucha said HendersonandMcKinney
asked their girlfriends if they would provide
an alibi for their whereabouts and
"initially they did that."
The alibi was "broken down by investigators"
and testimony would have shown
that the two women drove to Cheyenne 50
miles east - to dispose of clothing in a
trash container and that Henderson’s
bloody shoes were later placed in a
relative’s storage shed in Laramie,
Rerncha said.
Ms. Pasldy had pleaded innocent two
weeks earlier. At the end of the 17-minute
heating, she was led from the court, head
down, long hair hiding her face. No sentencing
date was set, but Donnell indicated
it would take about 45 days for a
presentence report to be completed. Ms.
Pa~e,’ faces up to three years in pr:~sou
for the shelter’s staff that seeks to dispel
myths about AIDS and clarify legal issues
and disclosure reqmrements.
"A lot of the discrimJnatiofi is based on
fear and misinformation surrotmding these
issues," said Mary Harney of the Down
East AIDS Network. who helped develop
the program. "There are still some people
who think (HIV) can be passed by mosquitoes
and that you can get it from a
teacup if someone who has it has been
drinking from that cup." Sister Lucille
MacDonald, director of the Emmaus Center,
acknowledged that the episode was
stressful for everyone involved but said
she was pleased .at how it was resolved.
"We think a lot of important things will
happen, education-wise, for residents and
staff. That benefits all of us," she said.
Biggers, who has struggled to get by on
Social Security benefits, decided to forgo
any financial recovery. ’’The goal was to
change the policy," he said. "That was my
goal from the very beginning.’"
The ACLU said the impact of the settlement
could spread beyond Hancock
County and Maine, and perhaps be adopted
by many shelters nationwide. "My guess
is that the response will be good," said
Matthew Coles, director of its AID!HIV
Project in New York. "People who run
homeless shelters are almostby definition
good people who are trying to do something
positive in the world and make it a
better place. The problem is usually ignorance,
not malice."
Biggers, whose resttme includes some
of Manhattan’s most acclaimed restaurants,
was informed of the settlement as
he prepared to spend Christmas Day alone
for the second year in a row However
after learning of his plight, the manager of
a local restaurant invited hJlTl to join employees
to help prepare the company’s
am~ual Christmas dimaer for the needy.
’q’hafl!l be eA ce." Biggs sz&~. a~ter receiving
the s~.~rpr~ s¢ ~,’eq-ue..;,:. ’q’d ike thaC
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by Mary Schepers, Do-lt-Yoursef-Dyke ¯ inspires you to continue the work once
Are you depressed, darlings, because ~ you’ve rested up from it. You’ll be so
your kitchen is as drab as that dishwater excited at what somepaintandnew hinges
you’ve got your opera-length latex Platex " and pulls did for your cabinets that you
gloves submerged in? Do you long for a ¯ won’t mind doing the floors next month.
fantasy kitchen that makes Martha’s look " This also can allow youto have a financial
like something, from - breather, ifyotH~’~eclit.
suburban New Jersey?
Then, after comparing
your dream against
your checkbook balance,
do you weep copious
tears of disappointment?
Weep not,
child; you are not alone.
YourDIYD shares your
frustration and offers
comfort. Not a miracle,
but comfort. Remember
that as we go along.
Yes, your fairy Do-
It-YoursdfDyke-y has
a trick or two in her
magic wand (minds out
of the toybox, children!)
that canhelp you
muddlealong with your
current kitchen until
you can save up and
move up to something
more delicious. It involves
our pesky old
friend, Elbow Grease,
and dreams deferred,
but the results of a
kitchen face lift can
Are you depressed,
d~rllngs, because your
kltehen is as drab. as that
dishwater you’ve got your
opera-!ength latex Platex
gloves submerged
Do you long for~ fantasy
kltehen that makes
Martha’s look llke
something from suburban
New Jersey? Then, after
eomparlng your dream
against your checkbook
balance, do you ~eep
eoplous tears of d~sappolntment?
~Veep not,
child; you are not alone...
Yes, your fairy Do-h-
Yourseff Dyke-y has a
trlek or two in her magle
actually satisfy your
.kitchenlust- rfioderately.: Not a rip and
tear project, but a nip and rock. An eye
wash, if you will.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again
(quite possibly every month) a little paint
can do wonders. That will be the coruerstone
of our project, which your DIYD
proposes to drag out shamelessly for the
next few months. But first, put away your
rose,tinted glasses and prepare for some
coldhearted evaluations of what you have
to work with.
Obviously, ff)’our cupboards are cheap,
flimsy and dilapidated, our success ~s going
t~ be pretty limited, so keep it all in
Also, match your budget with what can
be accomplished, and learn how to scour
the areaforbargains-outlets, resale stores,
architectural salvage, etc. Then, if a rehab
is in your relatively near future, you can
buy a few nice things and carry them over
on the redo. We are a creative lot, so let’s
use it to our advantage.
Don’ t be afraid to do the workin stages.
Actually, it prolongs the enjoyment, and
outside his father;s appliance store in
Jonesboro, Arkansas, at age 8 to retirement
in his early 30s after developing a
series of novelty products. He made his
real fortune, however, by sdling millions
of Moonies. The chubby doll-size figures
attach to car windows with suction cups
like the ubiquitous Garfidd-the-cat stickons,
but with a risque difference. "You
squeezed the b,~b and the little guy
mooned people, Dunlap said. "I got rich
off of it and I quit."
He movedin 1990fromMemphi s,Tennessee,
to Navarre Beach, about 20 miles
east of Pensacola, platming nothing more
than to siton the sugar-white beach. How-
Look at tak:t~g the
opportunity to h~prove
some essentials that
don’timmediately leap
to mind when y~u think
about fluffing up the
kitchen - it might be a
good time to learn a
little bit about wiring
and dectrical, to the
extent that you put in a
new light fixture or replace
the old outlets
with GFCI (ground
fault circuit interrupters),
which are truly a
safety must anywhere
you have water.
There are some good
do it yourself books,
complete with very
necessary illustrations,
to walk you through it,
and ifyouhave a friend
that is familiar with the
process, flatter, pitch
wand (minds out of the
toybox, children!)
rakes to enlisttheir help
¯ ¯ ¯ on the project.
¯ astainless steel sink 0r~iga~bage disposal.
~ Be wary about letting your fancy stray as
¯ far as a dishwasher - you’re heading into
" more complicated territory there. Think
about flooring options.
,and if your kitchen is in the darker
coruer of your house, as is the DIYD’g,
definitely thinklight. Notjust visual light,
which is where the fixtures come in, but
¯¯- light surfaces -walls, cabinets, appliances.
It might not be the right time to go withthe
¯ retro phase and install that avocado har-
¯ vest-tone range (but if you decide you
must, the DIYD has a deal for you! Take
my old range, please.)
~ Think about using a low-luster semi-
" gloss paint - it makes clean ups easier and
¯ resists water and mildew and other dis-
" tasteful things. And new finishing tech-
¯ niques open up a plethora of possibilities.
¯ Sleight of hand is very necessary in Eye
Wash jobs. Ask any drag queen.
¯ So dream easy dreams until next month,
¯ when your DIYD helps you spiffy up ¯
those horrid, depressingly dark kitchen
¯ cupboards.
~ ever, after noticing thatthousands ofGays
¯ congregate on area beaches every Memo-
" rial Day, he decided the panhandle could
¯ support a small Gayresort. Dtmlap and a
motel developer took aplan to local bank-
" ers about six years ago. "You could just
¯ see the color runoutoftheir faces,"Dunlap ¯
¯ recalled. "My personal impression and
observation was that they did not want
[ anythiag to do with the financing solely
~ because it was a... ’Gay and Lesbian’
¯ business."
Dunlap, himself Gay, figured if that
was happening hereit also washap~g
to others elsewhere. Creating a b~ak~Jr
¯ such a geographicallywidespreadmarket ¯
niche would have been difficult at b~t
before the Interuet. ’The Interuet~
allows us to deliver see Bank,p~
by Esther Rothblum
I recently watched Janice Perry perform
during National Coming Out Week
at the University of Vermont. By the time
I asked her to describe her life and her
work, she was off performing
in Switzerland. So we
communicated over email.
Here are her responses to
my questions:
ER: tell me the story of
how you became a Lesbian
JP: Is this a trick question?
Because of course, there is
the story of how I became a
Lesbian, and then the story
ofhow Ibeganperforming. I
never intended to become a
"Lesbian comedian". I began
performing and because
my sexuality is part of my
life, itcomes outin the show,
undisguised¯ Audiences
don’t often see Lesbianism presented in
this way, it’s either ’%rOW, LOOK AT
ME, I’MA BIG DYKE!!" or very covert.
Mymissionis topresentchallenging work
in a way that is accessible.
Most, but not all, of my work is highly
exaggerated autobiography. I am always
trying to find common denominators, trying
to weave many different aspects into
each piece. The major theme of a piece
about an IRS audit was power and abuse
of power (this was pre-IRS refo.rm), and
the fact that the auditor was conung on to
me was the vehicle to exaggerate the
taxpayer’s fear and the auditor’s power. I
wanted to unequivocally show the equation
between sex and power and fear. That
the auditor i~-awoman adds another layer.
This piece also unequivocally describes
both the dedication required and the extremely
dire financial situation of artists
in general. So there are many levds that
are available to the audience. They can
take whatever they want from the performance,
While this is a theatrical exag-
¯ Satire"¯ When I first started working in
: Europe, Ifoundoutthatthereis awordfor
: it-"kabarett".
I use my .whole body to deliver the
: monologues, as wall as costumes, singing;
lighting and very strong
I never intended facialgestures. Iamperforming
pieces with what I see to
to ]~eeome a be the big themes - Greed,
"Lesl~ian Fear, Abuse of Power, Sex,
comedian". War, Death and Taxes. I’m
not so interested in just telll
l:le.~an ing jokes. I am presenting
performin$ and strong content from a Lesbian-
feminist perspective in
]~eeause my a highly comedic way. The
sexuality is part comedic aspect makes my
of my llfe, it
work much more accessible
to many more people.
comes out ER: is there a particuin
tlae slaow,
lar performance that stands
out as memorable?
undls~ulsed, jp: Last year (199~/) the
Swiss queers organized a
demonstrationinBem (the capitol) against
thenew constitution, and the refusal of the
government to include equal rights for
homosexuals as partofbasichumanrights.
The organizers of the demo invited me to
come and perform. There were Swiss,
French, German, Italian speakers and me.
I came out on stage wearing a Statue of
Liberty crown and carrying a big penis
and said, "I want to.thank the Swiss Government
for making me feel right at home
here. It’s so reassuring to "know that I will
be discriminated against wherever I go."
Then I did a piece from the early 80’s
about the constitution which says that the
preamble really should readlike this:’ "vVe,
the MEN of the United States, in order to
: form a more perfect union. . No, that
should be, ’We, the WHITE MEN of the
United States.. ’ No, that should be ’We
~ No, that should be ’We the RICH, CON-
2 that should be ’We the OLD,
geration of the truth, it is a true story. I .... " "" They really got it.
WAS audited by a woman, who D!D ER: is Janice Perry the performer difabuse
her power.
ER: What are the messages you are
bringing to Lesbians?
JP: I want Lesbians and gays to see that
it really is okay to be out. That we can
present ourselves in public and not be ki¯ lled for i" t. I ’m not hi"ding anything, I’m
not preaching anything, I’m just going
about my’business of performing in a
perfectly natural way (orimperfecfly natural).
When I play in some sin_all t.ow,.n, .an,d
the audience is mixed, as it often i s, I trunk
that it is empowering for all of us. Internalized
homophobia is the real killer.
I am also showing my total commitment
to my work. My pe,rformance, is
more theatrical than stana-up comeay.
This is "kabarett" with a small "k" in the
European tradition of powerful political
statements launched from the platform of
comedy, rather than"Kabarett" with a big
"K" or "Cabaret" with a "C" which is
usually women in glittery evening gowns
singing "Se~d in the Clowns".
This is why I am able to work so often
in Europe. In 1982, when I first started,
there was either theater or stand-up in the
USA, and nothing in-between. I had no
language to describe my work. I called it
"Comedy - Rock - Music - Theater -
ferentfrom Janice Perrry the individual?
Do youfindyourselfperforming tofriends
and lovers?
JP: I am really h~cky in that I get to let
out a lot of my desire for attention in my
Work. Before I startedperformingon stage,
I was performing all day long, because I
had no outlet for this creativity. It must
have been hell to be around. I thank my
friends for putting up with me. Now I am
much more relaxed in my personal life.
Sometimes when I arrive at a theater
where they don’t know my work, they
look a bit worried, like - "Uh-oh, this is
just a normal 48 year old woman, and she
isn’t even wearing make-up and what
kind of show will this be?" When I go on
stage, they are amazed by my energy,
which is very intense. They can’t believe
it’s the same person. There is a definite
difference between my work and my private
I lead a quiet life and I have many and
vailed interests. I love nature, hiking, gardening,
cross-country skiing, bird-watching.
I’m an avid reader, I love the classics,
English social comedies from the 20’s
and 30’s, fiction, history. I love music -
rock and roll, classical, heavy metal, opera.
see Psyche. p. 13
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a mec~,~ism t~at
we can employ
er~t~vely to
whh and eMllen~e
our ~ender roles.
Many Gay men
regularly apply
female pronouns
ehher to themselves
or to thelr
(or enemies...).
When talkln~ about
my f~ends who do
dra~, I no longer
hedtate to
or the ;ack d ~ereof (~ t). MaIU
Austronesian languages
(spoke~ from Hawm’i to
Madagascar), conversely,
possess 15 different subject
pronoun. When I liv~ on
T~a, V~tu, before I
could Mk about ~ybody, I
had to count~emfirst. ~ere
is a prono~ for "you", a
different one for you-two ,
~other one for "you-t~"
~d still ~other for "you-
Moreover, two sorts of
"we" must be distinguished
on~msl~d.Our we blur
together two logically different
groups. Sometimes,
when we say "we," we in- use "she" and "her."
dude who we’ve speaking
to; but sometimes "we" excludes the
speaker. For example, if I tell you that
"we’re going to kiss" this mightmean that
I about to plant one on you, or ~t could
mean that I’m going neck with someone
else. On Tarma, separate pronouns exist
dicuonanes before fadi~,
away. Other dc-.gende~ed
substitmes d~at have been
proposed include s~ m~ and
Gender in our pronoun system
may sustmn inanities
between men and
womenbutitis Nso am~ha-
Nsm ~at we ~ employ
creatively to play wi~ ~d
chNlenge o~ gender roles.
M~y Gay men regM~lj
apply female pronouns
ther to ~emselves or to ~eir
friends (or ene~es -"She’s
not N1 ~at~"). ~entNNng
about my friends who do
drag, I no longer hesitate to
use "she" ~d "her."
TNs is ~e in o~er c~tures whose
pronoun systems Nso encode gender.
~Nysis of ~e sp~h of a Gay ~uple
por~y~ in ~e first document~y film
about Gay life in Jap~ R~en no Sobyo
("Rough S~eteh of a SpirN") shows
that do not allow this ambigui.t},,;
,w.e’.’ includes vou;.the, other "we dales ~ more ~ermmne partner’re~ers to mmsm~
not. . with female or gender-neutral terms
set, peopte use tnese woros to tam aoout
the world and about themselves. If we
listen to how people do this, we can learn
something of their underlying concepts
about human identity. There is always
also a politics of pronouns. People use
pronouns creatively in order to demonstrate
or to assert certain claims about
themselves, and about others. My old
friend Rapi, who was the "big-man" or
leader of the village in which I lived,
surprised me one day with apronotm. He
was tdling the story of one of his great-
~andfathers, who was also named Rapi,
and he used the ’T" pronoun - "When I
smote the enemy back before Captain
Cook arrived..." (and this was in 1774!).
It became clear tome thatTannesepeople,
more so than we, incorporate into their
sense of self their ancestors, particularly
if these were ancestral namesakes. Part of
their personhoodincludes these forebears.
Whenrecounting history whichhappened
generations before they were born,, they
talk about "what I did"in that these events
are part of who they are today.
The pronoun system on Tanna, despite
its complexity, does not recognize gender.
He, or she, and it are all called "in."
Inequality between men and women on
the island runs fairly deep, but this social
ineqtmlity is not reflected in the pronominal
system. The relationship between linguist’ic
form and social structure has been
long and fiercely debated. Whatever the
facts about this might be, here in the US
there has been a fairly successful campaign
to de-genderize our first person
pronouns. In this politics of pronouns,
college students may get marked down ifthey
use "he" as the default in their essays.
~1~ polifical!y correct choice nowadays
is "Ec or she" or even the grammatically
uses mate-marKeo pronouns (ore, jtoun,
washi). Justlike Rapi and his ’T’ onTanna,
our self-construction depends on creative
use of the pronouns that our language
This appropriation of the other sex’s
pronoun may be a male thing. I have not
seen many studies of Lesbian use of "he."
(If anyone has come across he-women,
please email me.) Some feminists might
fault men for, once again, abridging
women’~s rights and experience by stealing
their "she." It seems to me, though,
that if one might attack gender hierarchy
by spaying language - replacing he/she
with thou-one can also undermine the
systemby messing with its rules. I can call
you he; or maybe this time I’ll call you
she. Remember, everyone must use her
Lamont Lindstrom teaches anthropology
at the University of Tulsa and my be
reached at lamont-lindstrom@utulsa.edu
I love to go to the theater. Dance. Visual
Arts. Architecture. Archeology. Yoga.
Fashion. I’m very, interested in both prehistory
and pop culture. I like to see what
is gomg on in "society," both regionally
and globally, to try to identify the trends,,
see what is universal and then use this
information inmy work. In some way I’m
always working, always noticing, observing.
But I can do it from the sidelines. I
don’t need to be the center. I get enough of
that onstage.
For further informauon and to schedule
a perfornlance, contact: Janice Perry RD
1 Femsburgh~ Vermont 05456
jpakagal @aol.com
but it doesn’t stop it from happening, and
it’s frustrating to you, and the people
around you. Some of it has passed, some
ofithasn’t and will take time, and some of
it will never go away or be forgotten.
Right after, if I was alone, the chest would
tighten, I couldn’t breathe and I would
feel overwhelmed. Evenin agrocery store,
whenTom and I went together, but separated,
as we usually did, I found’mysdf
alone on an aisle, and feltmy chest tighten
- it scared the 1x;jeezus out of me. We
passed a car emitting fumes with a similar
odor to the smoke in the apartment, and I
Was right back there. And in a panic attack.
I thought, .’ffhis is silly. Stop it".
Well, you can’t. I decided to stay at the
apartment two days later.
Tom was doubtful, again, but supportive.
I did try to go back and face down my
fear. Then, as I gotintomy smokybed (I’d
left windows wide open for the two days,
and it helped - a little. The smoke issomething
that doesn’t go away easily.)
Then the ’~vhat- ifs" started. What if I had
gone home earlier (whichI had thought of
doing) and gone to sleep? What if I hadn’t
gone home till later? No one else called
911. In fact, the neighbor that finally did
come out, said "Well, I smdled a funny
smell, but didn’tpay any attention to it..."
With neighbors like that, who needs enemies?
What if...
Then the big one hit: If I was in a smoky
smelling apartment, and another fire
started, how would I know another one
had started? I mightjust chalk it up to the
already smoky apartment I was in, and
then what? An~twhatelsemightbeplUgged
in...? So, I tookTom up on his very kind
offer that if I became uncomfortable, I
could come back to his place and stay.
So, on this new years, take stock. Look
at whoyourreal friends are. Tomhas been
Wonderful., going far above and beyond
the call of duty. Look at your extension
cords. Are they the right kind for tbejob?
Are they over loaded?
Funny what you notice after an event
like this - I was inRedLobsternot too long
ago, and noticed that their xmas lights
were connected by 3 extensions cords
wound around a wooden beam. I watched
them throughout dinner.
And no matter how much one may
grumble, I am aware of just how lucky I
am to be here to grumble. I am lucky to
still have my symbols, collected throughout
my life, of the people who love me,
and the people I love. I am lucky to have
a friend like Tom. I am lucky to be alive.
I’m not too thrilled at having so much
stuff to dean, but I realize that I amlucky
it’s there to be cleaned. It was time to
move anyway, the neighbors were too
noisy. I am lucky that an apartment came
free.at this time (I’d been looking for two
months, due to the aforementionedneighbors
and a less-than-responsive landlord)
that seems perfect in every way. A neat
landlady, and nice location, and built in
storage for days! So before grumbling
about how you hate to be somewhere -
which I used to do myself- just think: You
might not be here to be able to grumble. It
~ves you a whole new perspective. Have
a happy New Year!
Classifieds - how to work them:
First :30 words are $10. E~ch additional word is
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mailed - $2 Blind P.O. Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the words
word is a group of letters or numbers separated by
a space. TFN reserves the right to edit or refas¢ any
ad. No refunds, Send ad& payment to POB 4140,
Tulsa, OK 74159 with your name. address, telephone.
Ads will run in the next issue after receipt.
For Good Home
Friendly, honest, & very experienced
42 year young realtor seekssincere &
motivated buyers &sellers. Into MLS.
You won’t be disappointed.
John Kirk, Keller Williams, Realty
712-2252 or 745-2245
to this community without having bricks
and mortar," Dunlap said. Interact banking
remains in its infancy, however, so G
andLhas had to doextensiveresearchand
development. That effort is headed by G.
Kay Griffith.
Ms. Griffith,53,workedformajorbank
groups in California and Florida and was
president of Admiralty Bank in Palm
Beach County until 1994. "There were a
few moments when I candidly sat and
said, ’Hmrn’m, there are going to be questiong
asked about me,"’ said Ms. Griffith,
who is Heterosexual. "But that took only
about a second." She had always been
interested in civil rights and the opportunity
to be part .of such a pioneering effort
was too attracuve to pass up.
The bank’s ll-member staff is almost
equally split between Gays and Heterosexuals.
Staffing at its Pensacolaheadquarters
is expected to increase to about
25 after its estimated spring opening.
I LIKE’EM BIG WM. 5’11", 170 brown/blue,
k)oking for a hot, dominant top. Military or
body builder a I)lus. (Tulsa) ’~’fss26
A REAL GUY Attractive. down-to-earth
GWM. 20, 5’9". 175 Ibs. short brown/brown,
seeking honest, trustworthy GWM, 18-35.
5’6-5’10". with a stocky, muscular build.
Piercings and tattoos a plus! (Tulsa)
KISS ME BABYI Looking for s nice
B/WGM, who likes go out, having fun and
kissing, (Oakhurst] ’~’18458
21. 6’, light brown/hazeL butto~, enloys
cross-dressing, pfeeslng and having fun.
Seeking similar dominant top. (Tulsa)
5’10". blonde/blue, seeks really hot Men to
turn me on and to have some hot, passionate
sex, (’rulsa} ’~’16479
WILD SEX Sexual. easygoing Single Man,
into long walks on the beach and hanging
out, Seeking other sexual Men to have fun
with and more. (Tulsa) ’~16285
year-old GM, seeks other Guys to get
together with and date. (Tulsa) ~’15447
ARE YOU OUT THERE? Single Gay Male.
6’. 200 Ibs. brown/brown. Seeks another
Man. 30-50, who’s into outdoor sports,
cooking and just having fun. (McAlester)
Gay Male seeks Other Men. 45-55, who
likes the outdoors, hunting, fishing and havleg
good times. (McAlester) ’~15208
TOTAL TOP 25-year-ctd GM, 175 Ibe,
5’10", brown/brown, enjoys going out, diner
and having fun, Seeks bottoms for sadous
relationshio. (Tulsa) ’~14837
NO GAMES PLEASE Top M, seeks bottom
M. 18-30. for long-term-relationship. (Tulsa)
THE BEST TIME Body building M, 34,
SeeKS dominant, older M, over 50. wefthung
to get together with (Tulsa) ’~14115
FASCINATING. SGM. seeks a good4noking
GM to have a great time.add likes to
kiss a whole lot, (Tulsal ’~’13568
JUST WANT TO DANCE Well buiitl 33
year old Man looking for other well hung
Guys who are dominate, want to serve
you. (Tulsa) ’~11881
someone who loves me as much as I love
them. (Tulsa) ’B’11258
160 Ibs, Man who is new to the scone and
looking for other Men. for ffiendshic and
maybe a long term relationship. (Tulsa)
READY FOR FUN I’m a 5’7~, White Male.
140 Ibs. good !ooking,. tan and looking for
Guys in the area who are nice looking,
straight acting, with a good head on your
shoulders. (Tulsa) ’B’10759
tO date and have some fun. You must be a
non-smoker. (Tulsa) ~’10964
I LOVETO UNDRESS for a Man who likes
to give me pleasure with their lips. (Tulsa)
I’M A GAY WHITE MALE, 28, who enjoys
fishing, hunting and long walks.- I’m looking
for friends and maybe a little more, (Tulsa)
JUST TO TALK TO I’m a BM, 29, new to
tne area and looking for someone to talk to
and hang out with. (Tulsa) ’~’t 0527
HEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowboy
who loves the outdeers. I want a M with a
heart of gold and not into head games,
someone to give me 110 percent of their
love. (Tulsa) ’B’20221
GE’I’FING A LrVI’LE NASTY 23. 5’10",
160. I play soccer and I have a very nice
chest. I want a M who can show me some
fun times and get a little nasty. (Tulsa)
White male, 4S, 5’10. 2201be, with light,
Brown hair and Green eyes, seeks a blue
collar type who’s down to earth, caring, and
enjoys sports and the outdoors. I want to
have a one on one relationship. I don’t drink
or do drugs, but I do smoke cigarettes.
(Heodetta) ’B’9661
GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White male, 341
6’I, 1701bs, with Brown hair and Blue eyes,
seeks aggressive, fit guys, in their 20’s and
early 30’s, for hot times. (Tulsa) ’~’9687
BEDWARMER WANTED This hot stud in
Tulsa, needs a warm body to heat me up
on cold nights. (Tulsa) 1~’13077
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male is 31-
years of age. I’m looking for someone to
have a safe discreet time with, If your interested
in this message, give me a call
please. (Tulsa) ’~’16325
CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys, this 25
year old Gay White Male is looking for Gay
Men who are ready to have a good time. I
go out dressed like a Woman at times and
I am very feminine. If your man enough to
handle that. then please give me a sail.
(Tulsa) ’~’17623
White, hairy chested, top Man is 6’2", 175
Ibs, dark hair and blue eyes. I am seeking
a bottom with a nice firm ass so that we can
get together on a regular basis. (’l’~lsa)
SCRATCH "THE ITCH I’m looking for a Bicurious
Male like myself t6 h~ve my.first
exeerience with. I’m fit. athletio. 29, 6’. 190
Ibs, tan. with brown hair, gree~t eyes. muscular
legs, and a smooth chest. I’m seeking
the same type. (Grand Lake) ’~’12004
A LITTLE SANITY I’m a sane, intelligent,
honest Gay white Male, SSl 6’, 170 Ibs. a
very oral bottom. I’m seeking Gay or Bi
Males who are honest for friendship first
and a possible long-term relationship. NO
games. Give me a chance. You won’t be
disappointed. (Tulsa) ’~17178
White Male. 30. seeks a distinguished older
Gentleman. 30-45, who enjoys hiking, biking,
and nude sunbathing. I have a tight
butt and give great head. (Tulsa) ’~’16544
DAILY RITUAL When I get home. I like to
lay back, have a good drink, and think
about a hot Man and wish I had it in my
hand, "Then I start massaging myself. I’d
love to talk to you. (Tulsa) ’~16161
There’s no charge to
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SHARE MY TIME 22-yeer-od BiWF, 6’.
blonde/brown, enjoys the outdoom, dancing,
movies and the outdoors. Looking for
an active F, to start a lasting friendship and
reletlocohip. (Tulsa)~
22, looking for a delicious F, who loves cuddling,
dancing end movies, for hot good
times and lots of romance. (Tulsa) ’~’19118
PlOT AND BOTHERED 18-yeePold Single
Female, into dancing. Seeks someone-to
go out and have fun with, (Clairemore)
TAKE A CHANCE Attractive Single
Female. 32, soft butch, educated. Seeks
well built, feminine Females. to hang Out
and share a bottle of wine. (Tulsa) ’11"16454
into movies and the mall. Seeks someone,
under 35, to spend time with and get to
know for a possible long-term relationship.
(Tulsa) ~’15257
DOING THINGS I’m a GBF. 25 who likes
the outdoors, hiking, movies and long
walks. I’m looking for a SGWF, fu!l figured,
190+. 5’7" and up. who likes doing things.
(McAloster) ~’10109
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF I’m a. 27 year
old Hispanic Female. 130 Ibs. 5’4", who is
looking for a special Female that is single
and not into games. I enjoy movies, staying
at home and spending time with you, so
please give me a call. (McAlester) "B’18184
CURIOSITY GOT THE CAT I’m a very curious.
Married Woman. i am very open minded
and looking for a female who is also curious.
(Macalester) ’~’18464
year old, Bi-sexual White Female. with
brown eyes. love music, dancing and
going out. I want 1~ meet someone who
enjoys the same things as do; I am
Married. but want someone who wants to
be with me and maybe my Husband also.
(McAlester) ~’18649
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Murder Accessory Pleads Guilty
LARAMIE, Wyo. (AP) - A woman whose boyfriend
was accused in the murder of Gay University of Wyoming
student Matthew Shepard has become the first
person to be convicted in the case. Chasity Vera Pasley,
20, pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact to
first-degree murder.
"The impetus behind this plea was Ms. Pasley’s
alone," said her lawyer, Maribeth Galvan, who also told
the court her client could testify about what she knew
about the attack.
Shepard, 21, suffered 18 blows to the head after he
was lured out of a downtown Laramie bar Oct. 7, tied to
afence androbbed. Earlier testimony indicated Shepard
was singled out party because he was Gay.
Ms. Pasley’s boyfriend, Russell Arthur Henderson,
21, and another man, Aaron James.iMcKinney, 21, are
accused of first-degree murder, kidnapping and aggravated
robbery. Both pleaded innocent and will be tried
separately next year.
McKiuney’s girlfriend, Kristen LeAnn Price, 19, was
¯ Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Location-~
i Tulsa Plans 1st Ever Pride
Parade, 18th Pride Picnic ¯ TULSA - For a number of years, Oklahoma’s only Gay Pride
¯" Paradehas beenin Oklahoma City. But this year that will change.
Organizers ofTulsa’s anmml Pride events have scheduled Tulsa’s
first Gay Pride parade for
¯ June 12.
¯ The parade is tenta¯
tively scheduled to begin
at the Pride Center, the
¯ Gay commuuity center at @KJ MA ¯ 38th & Peoria and will
¯ move up Peoria through
Brookside to 31st St. Then
theparade will follow 31st
to Riverside Drive and
continue to Veterans Park
for the 18th annual Pride PRIDE ’99 picnic.
Because of the higher
cost involved in organizing
a parade (fees for police
assisfance, street closings,
etc.) organizers are IT’S TIME FOR TULSA!
sponsorship beyond that IN SUPPOP£flNG THIS EVENI~.
which they’ve received CALL 743.4297 FOR. INFO!
(former corporate supporters
have included
American Airlines,
Coors, Budweiser and
Miller as well as Pepsi- Pride Activities Graphics
Cola). Sponsors are sought atthe $2000, S 1000 and $500 level as
well as at a $250 non-profit level. Major sponsors will receive
high visibility in all event materials (program, t-shirts, and other
promotional materials).
Withmore corporate support, organizers hope to provide a tent otherwise, have been quite successful in bringing
also charged with accessory after the fact to first-degree for better shelter from the heat ¢and
murder. !~Is. Pricepleaded innocent and will go on ~rial .. e ’ " " ...... ~:~:- ’ " ’~ - potentially, any rain).Also ¯ theCentertothe~attent~onofmor,epeople,localan&
Ma,, 24¯ Afithorities said "~’e w"<’~ ~’o~2~ a;~rZ’ ~x ~.~ "-’ xpa~ea-:..ente~tamment,~s-p~annea with lon~fim~ TUfsa dive, ~" ou~50f-towners. Oat~V~0~ ~dso S~id ~hat financial : fundraiser and community activist. Miss Kris Kohl helping to support for the Center is up though many more bloody clothing worn by Henderson. ¯ orgamze those efforts. For more information, call Ric Martin. members need to join in order to reach their goal of
At the hearing, posecutor Cal Rerncha told District
Judge Jeffrey A. Donnell that if Pasley’s case had gone
to trial, the state would have produced evidence to
indicateHenderson and McKinneyhad attacked Shepard
with "premeditated malice," and "inflicted pain and
torture On this individual." "Pleadings for his life fell on
deaf ears," Rerucha said. see Shepard, p. 10
Oregon Bans Workplace Bias
SALEM, Ore. (AP) - A December Oregon Court of
Appeals ruling has effectively outlawedjob discrimination
based on sexual orientation across the state, state
officials said.
The ruling involved a lawsuit by three lesbian employees
at Oregon Health Sciences University who
claimed their domestic partners were entitled to benefits.
Though the school began offering such benefits
last June, the court nailed down the university’s obligations.
State government also began offering gay partner
benefits to its 45,000 employees in June.
The "denial of insurance benefits to the unmarried
partners of its homosexual employees" violated the
equal protection provisions of the Oregon Constitution,
said a unanimous three-judge panel.
The state attorney general’s office said the ruling puts
sexual orientation on the same level as gendeT discriminat~
ion. ’q’his tells Oregonians that discrimination based
on sexual orientation in employment, public and private,
is illegal," said Deputy Attorney General David
Basic Rights Oregon, see Oregon, p. 10
¯ parade chair, or 2vfitchell Savage, picnic chair, at 743-4297.
¯ Law Group .To Offer Gay
Issues Sem,nar ,n OKC
¯ OKLAHOMA CITY-OLGLA, the Oklahoma Lesbian and Gay
Law Associauon will present a Continuing Legal Educatioh
seminar this next March (date and location to be announced),
"WhereAreWe &Vvqaere DoWeGo From Here- How to Handle
; Lesbian and Gay Law Issues", in Oklahoma City. Featured
speakers will be longtime Lesbian political and legal activist,
Paula Ettelbrick. Ettelbrick was formerly the Legal Director for
Lambda Legal Defense and Education" Fund, a national civil
¯ fights litigation organizauon. She now selwes as Legislative
Comisel for the Empire State Pride Agenda, a statewide Lesbian
." andGaypolitical organization in the State ofNew York. Ettelbrick
also teaches "Sexuality and the La~ at the Umversxty of Michigan
Law School and New York University Law School. She will
speak on "Legislatively Lawyering?"
: Also speaking will be Suzanne Goldberg, a staff attorney for
¯ Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund who has been
involved in numerous cases involving the legal rights of Lesbian
and Gay citizens. Currently she is representing several Arkansas
¯ citizens in a challenge to the Arkansas "’sodomy" law. She is also
¯" counsel in the case of Equality Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
¯ v. City ofCincinnati, to contest an anti-gayballotmeasure similar to Colorado,s Amendment 2, which was struck down by the U.S.
Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans. Ms. Goldberg’s CLE topic is
¯ "’Update on Legal Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gays".
¯ Other topics will include, "’EmploymentDiscriminationAgainst
Lesbians and Gays," "Jury Nullification of Legal Protections for
¯ Lesbians and Gays," and "Best Interest of the Child: Custody
¯ Issues for Lesbian and Gay Parents.’"
Jimmy Goodman of Crowe & Dunlevv’s Oklahoma City
office and Kerry Lewis from Rhodes, Hieron’ymus, Jones, Tucker
& Gable in Tulsa will moderate the sessions¯
The OLGLA is a statewide organization for attorneys who are
¯ supportive ofthelegal issues facing Lesbians and Gays.-Formore
¯ inlbmaation, call Kerry Lewis at 918-582-1173.
PrideCenter Served
With Eviction Notice
TULSA - The Pride Center, Tulsa’s Gay & Lesbian
Community Center, has been served with an
eviction notice by its landlord. TheCenter, which
is a program of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human
Rights, Inc. (TOHR) a tax-exempt, educational
not-for-profit corporation, was charged by the new
building owners with violating its lease by hanging
new vinyl signs on the south and west faces of the
upper floor, stated Center spokesperson, Greg
Gatewood. The signs read,"Gay Commumty Center
and Pride Store, Benefiting The Gay Communit)-".
Gatewood, who is a member of the TOHR board
of directors, indicated that the lease did require
getting .prior permission for any building signs
from the building owner, and that the owner alleges
that permission was not requested. Gatewood also
noted that the owner objected to the vinyl banner or
"temporary" quality of the signs. He says the owner
claims he has no objection to the content of the
signs, i.e. their "Gayness."
Gatewood did say that the organization has had
a similar vinyl sign up without objection from the
prior landlord until it was stolen and that other
tenants have had a variety of similar signs up.
However, on advice of their legal counsel, board
members have removed the signs until they can
hold a board meeting and determine a suitable
response to the building owner.
Some real estate observers have speculated that
the move on the part of the new landlord may be
motivated by the desire to move out a lower paying
tenan! and lease the space at a higher rate.
Gatewood said that the TOHR board will meet
within the next two weeks. He added that the signs,
1,000 supporters by the end of the year.
Red Rock Efforts for
Gay Youth Expand
TULSA - She has a familiar face but it’s in a new
location. Lisa Pottorf, seen by many in Tulsa’s
Lesbian and Gay co~mnunities as a guardian angel
for Gay and Lesbian youngsters, is now with Red
Rock Behavioral Health Services’ Tulsa office.
Her position was formerly held by Betsy Murphy
who came from Red Rock’s Oklahoma City programs
to open their Tulsa office.
The Tulsa office began a program for young
adults that became known as O’RYAN, Oklahoma
Rainbow Young Adult Network, an outreach organization
for Lesbian, Gay, Bi and questioning 18-
24 year olds.
The organization later created a program called
O’RYAN Jr. to provide support for youths from
14-18 years old. As part of the O’RYAN efforts, the
group IS now holding a drop-in time at the Pride
Center every Tuesday from 2:30 - 5pm.
Pottoff acts much like a surrogate morn to most
of those who attend the group, though she, as she
¯ ° puts it, is ably assisted by Ken Draper, who began
¯ working with the program as a volunteer.
¯ Red Rock also does free, confidential HIV test-
. ing at the Pride Center on Tuesdays from 5-8 pm
¯ and at their offices at 1724 Fast Sth on Wednesdays
¯ from 5-8pm. Their office which is adjacent to the
¯ Center for the Physically Limited also provided
¯ mental health support for that organization.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Ddi, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
¯ *TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd~ "
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 747-1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743.-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksdlers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewdry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313-
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite BoOks & Videos, 821 S. Sheri,dan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th ’" 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744~9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980UticaSq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Learme M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra ~. Hill, MS~ Psychotherapy, 2865,E. Skelly 745-1111
*International .Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. [5th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582~3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236.
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E 3rd 584-3112
Miugo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Rainb0wz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & U niversities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Pe0iia 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Cir. 583-9780.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*Church ofthe Restoration UU, 1314 N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Ddaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
" Episcopalians, POB 701475,74170-1475 355-3140
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’s Center, call for location&info: 587-4669
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa. OK 74159
e-mall: TulsaNews@ earthlink.net
website; http://users.aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + e0ntributors:
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry. Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers, Adam West
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
~4uc,~blication are protected by US copyright 1998
arid may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written pemaission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,_rpust
be signed & becomes the sole property of TJ.~
Each .reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unit3’ Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
¯ HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
¯¯ HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pm, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1. 748-3111 ¯
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
¯ OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
." *Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901 ¯
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
¯ *The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯ *R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 " 665-5174
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724E. 8" ".~ .... 584-2325
¯ O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14z17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
¯ *St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
¯ *St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
¯ TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
." Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only ¯
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
: *Tulsa City Hall, GroundFloor Vestibule
¯ *Tulsa Community College Campuses ¯
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
: *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
¯ *Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
¯ *Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
¯ *Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
¯ *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
: NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
: HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
¯ *Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurimt, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
¯ Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
: *White Light, 1 Center St. 501-253-4074
¯ *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
¯ *Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639E. 32, Ste. U134 417-623-4696
¯ * is where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay-owned butall are Gay-friendly.
Remember Matthew Shepard
by Donating Books to the
University of Wyoming
A Different Light bookstore is offering
a unique way to honor Matthew Shepard.
Customers can purchase any new hardcover
book and donate it "In Memory of
The collection of books will then be
sent to the Universtiy ofWyoming, where
Shepard was a student. Each donated
book will have a bookplate stating, ’q’his
.book was donated inmemory ofMatthew
Shepard: 1976-1998."
A list of suggested titles is available at
the store, including books specifically requested
by the University of Wyoming
library. A Different Light is at 8853 Santa
Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood.
For more details, call 310.854.6601.
- via e-mail
Editor’s note: A Different Light is one of
the US’s oldest Gay & Lesbian independent
bookstores with locations in Los
Angeles and New York City.
Scouting for All
Dear Scouting For All Supporters,
So far over this last year Scouting For
All has collected dose to 28,000 signatures.
My goal is one million. I am asking
youall to standwithmeinmyeffort to end
discrimination by the Boy Scouts of
: America against Gay kids and adults.
¯ My dad and I, with the help of friends,
: collecteddoseto3,000 signatures inNew
¯" York and over 5,000 signatures in San
¯ Francisco in just 3 days. Alex, a tender-
: foot scout in the midwest who is support-
~ ing me, collectb,d 400 signatures himsdf.
: Alex is 12 years old!
¯ Every signature helps and represents’a
¯ voice of protest. If we really want to see
: this policy of discrimination change I am
] asking all of you to step up our efforts of
: getting signatures. I am asking each of
¯ you to collect at least 100 signatures.
~ By collecting signatures you also edu-
: cate thepublic thatagreat youthorganiza-
¯ tion in America, the Boy Scouts of
: America, has one thing wrong about it.
-" It teaches us scouts to discriminate
against people who they say are different
- who they say don’t have family values.
How can the Boy Scouts of America say
that?They mustnotknow any Gay people
like I do. If they did they’d change their
policy against Gays tomorrow.
I am asking your help to make the Boy
Scouts a better program that’s for all kids.
To getblank copies ofthepetition, go to
out website at:
and print out as many copies as you need.
There’s an address at the bottom where
you can mail completed petitions back to
I’m proud to be a scout. I’m just doing
whattheBoy Scouts ofAmericahas taught
me to do, to help make the earth a better
place for all people-notjustsomepeople.
Thanks. - Steven Cozza
13 year-old Life Rank Scout
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News wdcomes letters on
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
~ you think need to be considered. Youmay
¯ request that your name be withhdd but
¯ letters mustbe signed&have phonenum-
"- bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word letters
are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
by Tom Neal, publisher & editor
To those who’ve been watching Brookside’ s increasingly
upscale redevelopment, it should come as little surprise that
The Pride Center would be threatened with eviction. Since
it opened, one local developerandhis partners havemade the
old John Zink industrial site (about a mile south of the
Center) into moderately expensive homesites, office and
retail spaces. Across the street from the Center, an old
warehouse was renovated into a trendy bakery and fancy
medical offices. The success of Brookside’s north end
dearly is spurring developers to move south along Peoria.
Therefore, when the building in which the Pride Center is
located was sold recently to owners associated with the
Brook Restaurant, it struck some as ’~andwriting on the
wall". The current tenants, most of whom are on limited
budgets, were likely to get priced out as the new owner
sought to renovate the spaces and lease them for more
money. Few thought that this wguldhappenrightaway since
the Center has a three year lease that began in late 1997.
However, as the articleon page one indicates, the landlord
claims that the Center organizers hung signs (Gay Community
Center and Pride Store) in violation of their lease and
thereforeheis seeking to break the lease. Center spokesman,
Greg Gatewood says that the owner claims he is not troubled
by the content of the signs (i.e. Gay) but rather the quality of
the signs (vinyl versus some othe~material) and lack of prior
permission. Center organizers note that these signs were not
new but merely were replacements for earlier authorized
signs whichhad been Stolen. Center organizers also note that
other tenant businesses have similar vinyl signs.
Obviously, as a non-profit organization, the Pride Center,
and its parent organization, Tulsa Okl~i~omans for Human
Rights, Inc. has limited funds for rent. The notion of a
community center has been a challenge for Tulsa’s Gay and
Lesbian community which often seems very, very fragmented.
Support for the Center has, frankly, not been what
it should be. Fortunately, that has been changing. Slowly,
people have been realizing that .the Center is thtre. In fa~t;
the Signs~:liavebeen successful,in attracting new locals and
out-of-towners to the Center.
No doubt, Center organizers and their capable legal comasel
will do their best to resolve this matter in a manner that
is fair to all parties. Andhopefully, anti=Gay bias is not really
part of the issue. But the lesson we need to draw from this is
that weneed to startnow onabuilding fundendowment with
which we can own our space. Then any decisions to move
will be ours.
Some will say that is unrealistic- that we don’t have the
resources. They said much the same about the Pride Center
once. Frankly, there are individuals in our community who
could substantially underwrite such an endowment. I won’t
name names, though many of you know them wall enough.
In the larger community, there are also resources such as
the newly formed. Tulsa Community Foundation spearheaded
by banker George Kaiser. This new organization is
drawing on the resources and generosity of some of Tulsa’s
mostprominentfamilies andbusinesses, Schusterman, Bank
of Oklahoma, Williams, Zarrow, Bartmann, Bama Cos.,
Helmerich & Payne, etc. just to mention specifically the
families and businesses that have ties to Gay Tulsans.
Kaiser has said that he supports treating Lesbian and Gay
Tulsans fairly and implied that this foundation would likely
do.the same. Let us contrast this with Tulsa Area United
Way’s funding of organizations, like the homophobic Boy
Scouts ofAmerica, whichpromotes religiously-basedpreju-
At a national level, there are foundations that will specifically
assist Lesbian and Gay groups or projects, such as the
Kellogg Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Gill
Foundation. The latter should be high priority for Tulsans
since it specifically targets "rural" projects and Foundation
guidelines classify anything under 1.5 million as rural ! And
it can’t hurt that several prominent Tulsans now claim close
ties to Tim Gill, creator ofQuark software and founder of the
Gill Foundation.
However, to get from here to there, we are going to have
to start seeing a future. Too often we’ve just reacted to one
assault or another, whether it was a directly physical one, the
ongoing emotional battering that just being Gay in America
entails, or the bullying and/or cowardice of our elected
officials. Now is the time to build for our future.
If you want to help the Community Center, call 743-
GAYS (4297).
It’sasadcommentary on our fine state that the annual :
gathering of "our elected representatives" should be ¯
fraught with dread by Oklahoma’s Lesbian and Gay ."
citizens, our families and our friends.
We know we can count on at least one or
two virulently anti-Gay bills. These usually
are patently unconsfitutonal but they’ll get
the votes of all but one or two ofmembers of
the Oklahoma House because those members
are too cowardly to vote for anything
that resembles treating Gay Oklahomans
like equal human being. Fortunately, usually
the Oklahoma Senate behaves more
And Cimarron Alliance, despite having
entirely too many pretentious queens formy
taste (note that I’m not referring toits Tulsa
representatives), is beginning to do some
good at least with Democratic Party leaders.
Some of this is just the result of money - no
matter what the politicians say, political
donations do buy the ears of most politicians.
Don’t believe me? Look at the source
ofpolitical dollars, then look at who benefits
from majority of those votes.
Now here’s what you can do to make a difference:
Cimarron reports that Oklahoma House leadership has
Cimarron . . . is
beginning to do
some good at lca~t
w~tk Democratlc
Party leader~.
Some of tlds is
just the result ot~
money - no
matter what tke
the cars o~ most
pollt-ldans. Don’t
believe me~ Look
at tke source o~
political dollars,
then look at who
benefits., .
made several committee chair assignments
to fair minded individuals. In particular, one
committee which is often the gate through
which anti-Gay legislation passes, has been
assigned to Tulsan Betty Boyd. Mrs. Boyd,
known to many in Tulsa for her work as a
television journalist, needs to hear from us.
A few years ago, interviewing her after she
(and every other member of the House save
one) voted for an anti-Gay bill, she said that
the.call fromTFN was literally the first she’d
received about Lesbianand Gay issues. This,
despite the fact that I personally know a"
number ofher Lesbian and Gay constituents~
Bottom line: you won’t be represented unless
you call!!!
The other thing you can do is to send
Cimarron some money. Many of us have
little to spare and many of us wonder if
becoming a member of the Cimarron PAC
(political action committee) at.$20 a month
is "do-able." However, the Cimarron Foun-
But just as much a part of what’s helping dation, the tax-exempt group associated with
at the Capitolis the ongoing work of a Cimarron officer, the PAC sets no minimum on donations. It is the entity
Keith Smith who lobbies for several progressive orga- ¯ that sponsored the bus stop advertisements, "Gay or
nizations. Smith and I have disagreed on issues before, ~ Straight, Everyone Deserves a Job" both here and in
and may again, but it is his steady presence, quietly : Oklahoma City. Every bit helps. So when you’re thinkvoicing
the concerns of Lesbian and Gay Oklahomans ¯ ing about buying that new sweater, CD, or going out to
as he does his other work, that has won us some. ¯ eat again, consider w.hat price our freedom is worth.
by James Christjohn . " much later. I suddenly wasn’t able tO breathe, and the
ThisChrislmas Eve, somethinghappenedthatehanged~ ". cal~ .tiaras.t. had .gotten~me .tO ~that pointvevaporate& 1
my life~ Iwascelebrating the holiday with friends, and ." started hyperventilating. About this time, my phone
suddenly felt compelled to return to my rang - it was Tom, readytocomegetme, and
apartment. I didn’t have to; I could have I called 911. askingaslewofquestious.Inbetweengasps
stayed the night, but it was important to Looking back, of air, I told him "I’m fine, you don’t need
return to that place. I got home, noticed a I can laugh -"I’m (gasp) to come (gasp) get me. (gasp) I’ll be
strange smellin theentry hall. Acrid, almost in a smoRe ~illed over (gasp) after (gasp) while." So he said,
oily. I entered my abode, and thought "Boy,
apartment, at doubtfully, "OK... Grab what you need and
do I need to dean my glasses!" Then I come on over."
looked over the frames, and saw that the xxyy street." The fireman came out and said the
haze was not from dirty glasses, but smoke "You’re at xxyy guydownstairshadbeenusingaspaceheater
sothick, Icouldn’tseetotheothersideofthe Street.~" "Yes, (Was I the only one using my gas heater?)
apartment. I immediately went to the gas xxyy street." "Is tied into two extension cords; The cords
heater, shut it down. Well, that didn’t help- that in Tulsa.~’" were lightweight (heating appliances need
I called 911. Looking back, I can laugh - heavyweight extension cords, and its’s best
"I’m in a smoke filled apartment, at xxyy "Yes. it is in not to use any with them). They were coiled
street.""You’reatxxyyStreet?""Yes,xxyy~ Tulsa!!!" "So up (the heater was only 4 feet from the
street." "Is that in Tulsa?" "Yes, it is. in You’re at xx~D" outlet.) and overheated, which caused them
Tulsa!!!~’ "So You’re at xxyy Street. Tulsa,\ Street. Tulsa. to ignite.
and~ou reinasmokefilledroomg."’".Ye.st.tl;""
and you’re in a I went into the apartment after the
"Well, sir, if the room is smoke filled, oyou fire folk sucked out some of the smoke (yes,
might want to vacate the premises." "I am smoke obvious place of one of my trademark reready
to do just that, as soon as I get off the room.~’’ "Yes!!!" marks isn’t it?) and looked around. What to
phone with you!" She got the hint. "~v’ell, sir, ff tke take?How does one decide? I wanted to take
I left takingmycordless phone, andknock- room is smoke it all. Allthe gifts that are symbols of the
ing on all the doors. No one came out, or ~iled, you mi~kt love and people that gave them to us; the
even opened the door. I heard the sirens of prized possessions that we .surround ourthe
fire trucks approaching. I calmly called want to vacate
my landlord, and informed his answering tke premises." "I
selves with, all symbols really, but symbols
that remind us of who we are, and the ones
machine of the events. I then called my ex, am ready to do we love. I settled on a picture morn sent me
Tom, andleftamessageonhismachine.The just tlmt, as soon for Christmas - a photo ofme taken in 1970,
fire folk arrived. (One of whom was very holding my prize possession at the time - a
attractive funny wha! you notice under as I ~et off tke - diecastmodel ofChitty Chitty Bang Bang. It
suchcircumstances.)They went throughmy pkone w~tk you.p’ was all I could think of to take at the time,
apartment, and couldn’t find a fire-just lots Ske got tke ldnt. because I knew it was irreplaceable. And a
of smoke. They looked in the attic, noting memento of a rare time in my childhood
that the smoke was throughout the building. At that : when I was happy. So off I went.
point, I thought, "What am I doing in here’?" I decided ¯ I never knew how devastating something like this
to leave the building again, and then as I was going ¯ could be. Panic attacks are no small thing - I never
down, both I and the hunky firefighter heard smoke : understood them until now. A smell reminiscent of that
alarm, finally going off in the apartment below mine. ¯ smoke can tighten my chest to the point of not being
They busted in the door, and smoke billowed out. " able to breathe. Tears come unbidden, for no reason.
My worst fear is dying by fire - due to probably : Fear of being alone leads you to surround yourself with
haviug been hiu-nt at the stake in a previous life. (Those :- people, to reassure yourself in some way that you are
of you who know me will probably agree.) I had never ¯ alive, that you didn’t end up dying after all. It’s irratiohad
a panic attack, so I didn’t know what hit me until " nal, you know it, see Viewpoint, p. 14
Utah to Look at
m~}., ~hat no one is doing ~:m’~ < o~.v pcopb~ :}~~ouid
i[ differenOy.’"
Most hare crime taws. Suazo sad.
es*ablish protected classes o~ people, saying m-~ o~-
fender faces e~ced penalties if the victim is targeted
due to ra~, et~q 06 gin, color, religious *’filia~
on or sexuN ofientanon.
But 6e SNt ~e Democrat stud prosecutors have
told ~m Ut~fs hate mine law - wNch went into
eff~t in 1992 - is too vague ~d lacks tee6 because
it does not define ~tegofies of prot~ted people.
Ut~’s law Nlows fore~dpenNfies on ~sdeme,
or offenses if ~e m~n~ intehds to imi~&te
or tegofize someone~ddeprive them of 6eir constimfion~
Su~o sNd ~at r~mres prosecutors to guess what
is m 6e offender’s ~nd. "I don’t~you shoMd
have to prove intent," he SNd. "It is ~fficMt m work
wi~ 6e wW it r~ds." S~o stud leNslafive ~dysts
have been reviewing 6e law to &leone what adjus~
ents coMd be made.
He sNd he does ~fidpate a fight on Capitol Hill.
StiR, ~nofity leaders like Willi~s sw a more defiN~
ve law is n~. She poifi)~ to sever~ lo~
ex~ples of hae tomes, including a cross bu~ng in
Sdt~eCity ~at prompt~ federN ch~ges ~d
filing of ch~ges agNnst a West Jor~ m~ for
h~l~g raci~ slurs at a black womb.
S~oa~d, saying people~nolonger ~ford to
i~ore hate tomes. "We have to fa~ reNities. There
~e hate ~oups out 6ere ~genng people for
e~cbackgro~d, cdor or lfestyle. Wen~d to face
~at fact." He sNd ~e reality is 6a U~~tomes
bring pe~e~a~ ag~nst ~oups of people. "We
~’t duck
Gay Mens’ Killer Gets
168 Year Sentence
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - A 20-year-old killer
smirked after being told through an interpreter that he
probably would spend the rest of his life in prison in
the deaths of three Gay men.
Ricardo Rodriguez was the first of four defendants
to go on trial in the 1997 slayings. He was sentenced
to the maximum term - 168 years - after he was
convicted in November on 13 counts, including firstdegree
murder and kidnapping.
With three consecutive life sentences, each 30
years without parole, and three consecutive 18-year
terms for tirst-degree kidnapping, "in ~1 likelihood
Mr. Rodriguez will die in prison," stag prosecutor
Jody Curran.
The bodies of Victor Monzon, 41, and Jesus
Contreras, 30, were foundbound, beaten and strangled
in an Albuquerque motel in February 1997. The
decomposed body of Osvaldo Travieso, 37, was
found dumped along Interstate 25 near Santa Fe two
weeks later. The four defendants were arrested m
Salinas, Kan., driving Monzon’s car.
Indian Police
Harass Gays
LUCKNOW, India (AP) - Police are preventing
Gays from going to a park in the north Indian city of,
LuCknow following protests from thepublic that they
were having sex there, an official said Thursdw.
Policemen have been posted at the GPO Park, a
popular rendezvous for the city’s Gays, said police.
spokesman R. S. Tomar. "Police will not allow male
couples into the park if they kmow they are GWs...
Pol icemen will ask them if they are Gay. If they hold
hmxds or are demonstrative about their affection:
we,ll suspect them of being Gay," he said in m~
State prosecutor S
of parks violates :ivi; ri~i~vs, m~,> :.[i police ;krc
pzoles[ the Dohcc
Publicdisplay of a~ Iection cvcn b::~wecn a mm~ m~d
a wom~m is rare in h:dia, where man} believe homosexuMs
exists ouly in Westen~ nations
Hawaii Marriage Update
HONOLULU (AP) No further legislation is needed
on same-sex marriage, according to the state attorney
general" s office. Attoniey General Margery Bronster" s
office submitted a brief to the state Supre~ne Court
swing the consntutional amendinent approved bv
voters last month validates the current state ban on
same-sex mamage and that no further action is required.
After the amendment was approved, the Supreme
Court, Which is considering an appeal in the case,
asked the state and attorneys for three Gay couples to
submit briefs on how the amendment affects the case.
Civil liberties attorney Dan Foley, who represents the
couples, said he will submit a brief with a different
Senate Judiciary co-chairman Matt Matsunaga said
le~slators will have to determine if approval of
additional legislation.would help or hurt the attorney
general’s case or make no difference.
The Supreme Co.urt earlier ruled that the state’s ban
on same-sex mamage ~s unconstatutional unless the
state can show a compelling interest in Continuing the
ban. During a subsequent trial, Circuit Judge Kevin
Chang ruled that the state had failed to show a
compelling reason for continuing the ban.
The Supreme Court was considering the state’s
appeal of that ruling, but put the case on hold pending
outcome ofthe vote on the constitutional amendment.
Two Banned
Gay Books Restored
BARRON, V¢is. (AP) - Two of four books banned
because of vulgar language have been temporarily
returned to school library shelves while educators
search for a less explicit book on the same subject,
homosexuality. The school board reached a compromise
to restore thebooks,’q’woTeen-agers inTwenty"
and "When Someone You Know Is Gay" for 90 days
at the Barton High School library.
School mediadirector Irene Cooley was directed tofind
areplacement book dealing with homosexuality,
but without profanity and vulgarity. The books and
two others were banned because school board members
said they contained profane language. At its
meeting, the board voted to continue the ban on the
other books, "Baby Be-bop" and "The Drowning of
Stephan Jones."
The books were removed permanently because of
"’pervasively vulgar language, educational unsuitability
and failure of the book to reflect the
community’s values," said Superintendent Vita
About 60 people turned out for the board’s meeting,
with the crowd about evenly divided on whether
to maintain the bookban. "If we allow books with this
language, should we allow our children to speak like
this?" said one supporter of the ban, Bill Balz. Opponent
Mike Urseth said the ban infringed on intellectual
freedom. "In tiffs case, the freedom to learn,"
Urseth said. "Please put the books back on the shelf."
Board members said their action on the books was
based on complaints of profane language, not be:
cause they deal with homosexuality. The American
Civil Liberties [;mon of \Vi~c(msi~ ~onndation said
~n a statement ~t amic,,pates fili:..-t~ a ~’edera! lawsuit
Want to ge~ involved?
Need to get tested for HIV?
Need a Coming Out Support Group?
Call 743-GAYS
the Pride Center
1307 E. 38th at Peoria, 2nd floor
Your Gay Communi~ Center
Reptiles ¯ Birds ¯ Small Mammals
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Tulsa 74145
fax: 663-5834
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Civil Matters
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1500 Nations Bank, 15 West Sixth
Tulsa, O klahoma 74119 Fax
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tel: 712-2750, fax: 712-2760
Now Featuring Dog Grooming, Mon. - Fri.
Paul Tay
Car Salesman
My friends crashed into a deer with their new EQ.rd Explorer. Theyjust
bought itfrom me less than 3 months ago. Neither the truck nor the deer
survived. But, my friends called at 2 a.m. I loaned them my ear for 3
days. Great excuse to fide my bicycle to work. They thanked me with
a yummy sugar cookie. Kewl. Try that on the ’Net.
Compassionate Service/Largest inventory in Oklahoma.
3 days/300 miles money back guarantee.
Announcing the new
formerly Family of Faith &
Greater Tulsa MCC
Join together as
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Come celebrate with us.
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Herman Handyman, Inc.
Home Remodeling and Repairs
Drywall - Painting - Decks - Fences
Tile - Shelving - Arbors- Etc.
qeferences MasterCard & Visa Herman "Tony" Becker
against the board’s book removal action after school
resumes in January.
Texas Sodomy Challenge
HOUSTON (AP) - A challenge to Texas’s 119-yearold
anti-sodomy law has been sent to a Texas appeals
court, the latest step in a privacy rights case that could
wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court. A decision by
that court could effect anti-sodomy laws on the books in
18 states, including Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri.
In the Texas case, John Lawrence, 55, and Tyrone
Garner, 31, were arrested Sept. 17 in Lawrence’s apartment
and charged with engaging in homosexual conduct,
a misdemeanor. Both pleaded no contest last
month, but appealed with a motion to quash the charges.
Judge Sherman A. Ross dismissed the motions. Under
an agreement reached with prosecutors, Lawrence and
Garner again pleaded no contest. The judge fined them
$200 each and allowed the immediate filing oftheir new
The case may end up before the Supreme Court
because Garner and Lawrence’s challenges are based
on state and federal constitutional questions involving
privacy rights. "I believe in the Constitution of the
United States and I believe in the rights of all citizens,"
Lawrence said. "Would you like someone busting into
your house?"
Harris County deputies entered Lawrence’s apartment
and found the men engaged in consensual sex. The
deputies were res.ponding to a false report that someone
was going crazy ~n the apartment and was armed with a
gun, according to court documents.
Although on the books for more than a century, the
Texas sodomy law is rarely enforced. Gay activists hav(
worked unsuccessfully for years to overturn the statute
there and in 17 other states that have sodomy statutes
barring consensual anal or oral sex. Five of those states,
includingOklahoma, Kansas and Missouri, specifically
ban sodomy between same-sex partners, according to
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Inc., a
Gay-rights group based in New York.
The Georgia Supreme Court in November struck
down that state’s sodomy law, following similar decisions
by courts in Kentucky, Montana and Tennessee,
and sodomy laws in Arkansas and Louisiana are under
currently attack in state courts.
Kansas" law was upheld as constitutional earlier this
year after a three-judge panel of the state Court of
Appeals refused to overturn a municipal court misdemeanor
convicuon involving a Topeka man.
Montana May Add Gays
to Hate Crimes Law
HELENA (AP) - Attorney General Joe Mazurek says
he will proceed with plans to ask the 1999 Legislature
to extend the state hate-crimes law to cover Gays and
Lesbians. But the proposal faces opposition from conservatives,
who say it would advance what they call "the
homosexual agenda".
Mazurek, a Democrat, is asking for two changes to
the current hate-crimes law. First, sexual orientation
would join the protected ranks of race, creed, religion,
color, national origin and involvement in civil rights.
And second, a harsher sentence would be allowed for
those who commit a crime and choose their victim for
those same reasons.
"We hope this would prevent people from commitung
what are already criminals acts against another
person, solely because that person is Gay or Lesbian,"
said Mazurek. %~rhat we’re trying to do is ensure that
people don’t become victims simply for something they
believe in or a lifestyle they lead.’"
The question of v~olence against Gays and Lesbians
was stirred up this year after the murder in Laramie,
Wyo., of Matthew Shepard, a University of Wyoming
student who was openly Gay. Several human rights
groups in Montana have said" the crime committed in
Laramie could easily have happened here and anti-hate
crime legislation is necessary to quash any notion that
such crimes are acceptable.
Similar attempts have failed in past legislative sessions.
But this group of lawmakers may be more willing
to make the change, one Republican leader said. "I want
to keep an openmind about that 1 egislation," said Senate
Majority Leader John Harp, R-K*dispel!. Harp said
nobody could condone what happened to Shepard.
Republican Gov. Marc Racicot has said he wonld
sign anti-hate crime legislation that protects homosexuals.
But the proposed changes will not come without
opposition. Arlette Randash, a Helena resident
who works as a lobbyist for the socially conservative
Eagle Forum, said her group will fight against
the measures. She said the changes are not needed
because such acts already are illegal, and she sees
the proposed change as a furtherance of a homosexual
"I believe that hate crime legislation, in large
part, is being used as a front to move the homosexual
agenda forward so It is accepted by people
as an accepted standard in our community," she
added. Also, Randash said, "We don’t give people
special status based on behavior alone."
On the other hand, Mazurek said, it’s essential to
let people know hate-driven actions aren’t acceptable.
"We as a society are saying we are tolerant of
people’s views and lifestyles," said Mazurek.
Gay Man Assaulted
in Rhode Island
PROVIDENCE,R.I. (AP)-Twomenwere charged
with a hate crime in the assault of a man leaving a
Gay and Lesbian bar in Providence. On Nov. 26,
19-year-old David E. Sheldon of East Providence
and 18-year-old Taylor Grenier of Warren allegedly
initiated the attack by yelling anti-Gay slurs at
Diana Obidowski, The Providence Journal reported.
Police report that the two teens had gotten bored
at a party in East Providence and had driven downtown.
When they saw Obidowski, they got out of
their car, ran to him, knocked him down and kicked
him in the head and ribs, police said.
When Obidowski tried to run, the teens allegedly
knocked him down agmn, kicked him and punched
him in the. face. The incident ended when two
Providence police cruisers arrived.
¯ Obidowski, a 44-year-old Air Force veteran, was
treated at the Veterans Administration Medical
Center in Providence. He had cuts that he said
required 12 stitches. He was released the same day.
Obidowski is a tall transvestite who wears ladies"
size 13 shoes, but was not dressed as a woman on
the night of the attack, television station WJAR in
Cranston reported.
The teens accused in the beating face simple
assault charges in District Court under the state
Hate Crimes Sentencing Act. The law, passed by
the state legislature in July, requires offenders to
receive sentences of at least 30 days in jail.
Obidowski said he "’very, very impressed" with
how police handled their investigation. ’qhey made
me very comfortable," he told WJAR.
There were 44 hate crimes last year, including 25
in Providence. According to Bay Windows, a Gay
newspaper, there were at least six anti-Gay attacks
in Providence last summer.
Internet Bank to Target
Gays and Lesbians
PENSACOLA, Florida (AP) - When banks refused
to finance his planned Gay and Lesbian
resort, Steven Dunlap scrapped that idea and decided
to start a financial institution that would
welcome homosexuals instead of spurn them. The
result is G and L Bank - the initials stand for Gay
and Lesbian - expected to open here in the spring.
Not only would it be the only bank in the United
S tates catering specifically to homosexuals, itwould
be one o,f the first operating primarily via the
Internet. q’he whole deal is to take banking away
from you having to go to the bank and let us bring
the bank to you," Dunlap said. He envisions Gays
and Lesbians as an entry market but not the bank’s
sole customer base. "Just like Federal Express is
doing to overnight delivery, I expect to be the No.
1 brandnamein the Interact banking arena," Dunlap
said. Bold talk, but Dunlap, 42, has some unique
business credentials to back it up. He went from
selling watermelons see Bank, p. 11
Reporting May expenditures on patients.
"Compared to what we spend on all Discourage Tests? ~nds of other things, it’s just not that
ATLANTA(AP) - Some Gay men are muchmoney"for the governmentto spend,
avoiding testing for theAIDS virus in part " said project co-director Dr. Samuel A.
because they don’t want their names re- Bozzette, a health care researcher at
ported to the federal government, accord- RAND, the Santa Monica, California,
ing to a new study from the Centers for think tank overseeing the government-
Disease Control and Prevention. sponsored research.
The CDC said the survey, released re- The $20,000 tab is roughly one-third of
cenfly, underscores the need to continue the estimates from the early 1990s, when
government funding for anonymous HIV firm figures were hard to come by, and
testing, even as the agency asks states to before the advent of AIDS drug cocktails
start keeping names of people who get that have proven powerfnlly effective in
treated for the virus that causes AIDS. fending off the disease and keeping pa-
Earlier, theCDCpublishednew recom- tients out of the hospital. The stud)’ was
mendafions in which it asked all states to
¯ conducted in 1996, just as the combinabegin
reporting HIV cases either with the tion therapy was coming into widespread
person’ s name or anidentifying code. The use. It found 55% of people being treated
CDCsaystheinformationwillhdphealth for HIV were taking one of the newer
officials track HIV cases before they be- AIDS drugs by December 1996. Doctors
come full-blown AIDS. But some activ-
¯ >elieve use of the new drugs has since
ists believe privacy concerns will steer risen sharply.
some away from being tested at all. The study estimated that only half of all
The CDC surveyed 556 people in nine American adults infected with the AIDS
states in late 1995 and 1996 who were
" virus saw their doctor at least once every
considered at high risk forHIV but said six months. Many of those not getting
they had not been tested, They included " are were unaware they were infected.
homosexuals, intravenoUsdrug users and However, an encoura~ng 85% of those
heterosexuals recruited from clinics for with full-blown AIDS were getting regusexually
transmitted diseases. 19% said lar care, with most of them seeing AIDS
not wanting their names reported was one specialists.
reason they had not been tested. Only 2%
Early treatment can slow the disease,
said it was their main reason. Gay men
extend’lifespan and save money by reducliving
in states that already report~names ing hospitalizations. The study was pubwere
more concerned about privacy. 35% lished in The New England Journal of
of that group said name reporting was one Medicine. It was based on interviews of
reasonthey avoidedtesting..Still, the.most 3,072 people treated in hospitals or doccommon
reason for not getung te.stext ~.vas
tots’ offices in dozens of urban and rural
that people were afraid of learmng they
-areas around the country.
were .IV-positive.
Arkansas Accused
Ukraine to Provide of Poor HIV Care
Free HIV Medicines LrrrLEROCKC’ P -Ifyouhav AIDS
ment has ordered the free distribution of
treatment for the deadly disease, Arkanmedicine
to those infected with the HIV sas is a less than ideal place to be. The
virus and AIDS, a news report noted. In a state is one of only ahandful that contrib~
recently released resolution, the Cabinet utes no money to help people with the
also introduced free medical examina-
AIDS virus buy thenew drugs for treating
tions for .people suspected of carrying
the disease, either through joint federal
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, the
¯ ~rograms or special state programs.
It is one of 13 states that contributes no
Interfaxnews agency reported. The report
didnotspecifywhichmedicineswouldbe money to the joint federal-state AIDS
Drug Assistance Program, according to
The number of people infected with
GaryRose, directorofpublicpolicyforan
HIV in Ukraine, a nation of 50 million AIDS national network. Rose says Atpeople,
has soared to 23,000 people, up kansas has the "worst ADAP program."
from 18,500 in mid-1997, according to It is one of seven states - Arkansas,
govemment statistics. 80%oftheinfeeted Alaska, Montana, North and South Dawere
intravenous drug users,
kota, Oregon and Wyoming - that con-
~l~ae official figure is larger than in any tributes no money specifically for the
otherformer Soviet republic. Russia, with treatment ofAIDS and those with the HI¥
three times as many people, has reported virus that causes AIDS. Of those seven
10,283 eases, though the actual figure is states, all but Oregon have significantly
thought to be higher, fewer AIDS patients than Arkansas, and
In its resolution, the Cabinet also or- Oregon offers a special high-risk insurdered
the Foreign Ministry.to-make sure ance program for AIDS patients, Rose
that foreign .citizens staying in Ukraine says. Boiled down, Arkansas’ situation is
for more than three months have docugrim,
he adds.
ments certifying they are not infected The Ryan White Center in Little Rock
with HIV. Some 642 Ukrainians have helps patients buy drugs, but the center is
contractedAIDS over thelast decade, and so strapped for money it has stopped takhalf
of them have died, according to goving
new cases. ’%Vhat can we do?" says
emment data. Susan Goggans, the center’s director of
client services. "We can’t afford to pay AIDS CaroCosts ¯ foreverybody-we’vereachedastopping
¯ point."
Less Titan Tlaouglat " Theagen~y gets amonthly $30,270in
AIDS Drug Assistance Program money
Care for AIDS padents in the United " from the federal government. Usually,
States is less expensive than generally : it’s gone on the first day of each month. In
believed - about $20,000 per person per : addition, the center offers counseling,
year, according to a new studY. The study ¯ supportgroupsandnutritionandwellness
estimated a total cost of $6.7 billion ~nnu- instruction, as well as dental and transporally,
or less than 1% of all U.S. medical :
John Serrot, MSW
Cherry Street
1515 S. Lewis
(918) 743-4117
Sandra Hill,
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Psychotherapy &
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Excellence And
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Medical Excellence ¯ Compassionate Care
tation assistance.
Through the drug assistance program,
each of the center’s 272 clients take drugs
costingfrom $1,000-$2,000 every month.
But federal help doesn’t go far enough to
pay for the most expensive drugs, the
protease inhibitors, and the center often
relies on pharmaceutical companies’ patient
assistance programs to provide the
drugs for free.
Goggans says that because Arkansas
does not cover purchases of protease inhibitors,
the Ryan White Center is in a
"drug crisis." Patients taking the life-giving
but expensive protease inhibitors often
spend a large percentage of their time
chasing the drugs - trying to eke out
money from government agencies or get
drugs donated from pharmaceutical companies.
"It’s just not enough money,"
Goggans says. "We’re not doing what
other states are doing. We’re not giving
the best care we can."
Since April 1997, the Center’s caseload
has nearly doubled from 156 to 272 because
more AIDS-HIV patients are seeking
treatment and living longer. But the
$30,270 in federal funds the local center
receives through the Ryan White Care
Act has remained the same since early
SomeAIDS and HIV patientsotry to get
their medical treatment covered by
Medicaid’s medically needy program. But
many have incomes considered too high.
Patients must.reapply every three months
and often are left without coverage during
the weeks their applications are reviewed
Also, patients can’t reapply before the
¯ three-month coverage period is over. and
have to wait two week~ to-~a moffth -
sometimeslonger until theircoverageis
Dr. Henry Masters, fonner medical director
for the health department’s AIDS
and sexually transmitted diseases division.
now treats more than 250 AIDS and
HIV patients. Masters says the criteria to
qualify for Medicaid were designed for
people with one-time medical bills, not
those with chronicillnesses. "I believe the
Medicaid system that we are using to deal
with HIV is the worst that could have ever
been dremned up," Masters says. "It’s a
very cumbersome program that results in
people starting and stopping their HIV
medicines. This is a recipe for disaster."
If a patient on protease inhibitors takes
a break from the drugs, HIV can mutate
and re-establish itself in drug-resistant
strains, making protease inlfibitors ineffective.
Even if patients manage to get the
drugs the)’ need between coverage periods.
the not -knowing whether they’ll be
covered in the future can be an all-consuming
worry, Masters says¯ "It’s stressfnl
and I think it actually worsens their
immune function," Masters says.
Officials with the state Human Services
Department-acknowledge the pro~am
isn’t perfect. Roy Jeffus, assistant director
of the department’s Medical Services
Division, says Arkansas may seek a Medicaid
waiver that would all-ow patients
with chronic diseases, such as AIDS, to
qualify for Medicaid even if their income
level or assets are too high.
Also, Gary Horton, directorof the Health
Department’s AIDS-STD Division, says
the state next year expects to see a30% to
40% reduction in the price of drugs from
.pharmaceutical companies. The state plans
to reinvest the saved money in more drugs,
including protease imhibitors, for an AIDS
Dru/ Assistance Program, he says. In
a&~i~iop.. ,’.he state will receive abou~
q~";:"o"tV,,’.!..’.)(0,: ) :uore ,ro~4 ~he icdc3:a! gcwemmerit
for AIDS drugs next year, he says.
The1998 federal budget for Arkansas’
AIDS Drug Assistance Program was $2.5
Colombians Stress
Condom Use
¯ BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Size does
." matter- at least as far as ColombianAIDS
: activists are concerned. The activists pa-
¯ raded an enormous inflated condom
~ through the streets of the country’s third
largest city hoping to draw attention to the
¯ threat of AIDS. ’The idea is for people to
¯ realize that the disease exists, that it’s ¯
here, and that it represents a far greater
." threat than the condom we’re display-
. ing,"Dr. John Jairo Palacio told reporters.
¯ Themockprophylactic, which weighed
: roughly 3,000 pounds, stretched over a
: half-mile down a holiday street fair in
¯ Call acity of two million inhabitants.
¯ The huge plastic condom was the idea
¯ of doctors specializing in sexually-trans-
¯ mitted diseases at the Santiago de Cali
¯ ¯ University and workers from drug rehabilitation
programs. Palacio said the
¯ condom took two months to build at a cost
¯ $13,000, and was paid for by the univer-
¯ sity and a condom manufacturer.
¯ Homeless PLWA
Changes Policy
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) - It’s been a
tough 3ear for Patrick Biggers since he
was evicted from a homeless shelter in
Ellsworth two days before Clmstmas beca~
ise he has the virus that causes AIDS. ,4
chef who worked at some of the uation’s
finest restaurants, Biggers remains home-
" les s and has been unable to return to work.
He underwent triple bypass surgery three
months ago. But unlike last year, Biggers,
36, was not alone on Christmas. And he
takes comfort in knowing that somettfing
good has emerged from his ordeal in
Ellsworth: a policy to promote AIDS
awareness and education that he hopes
might become a model for shelters in
Maine and across the country.
The night of Dec. 23, 1997, when the
manager of the Emmaus Center ordered
Biggers to leave, remains etched in his
memory. He was told that his HIV status
posed a needless risk to residents and
staff. Biggers said his "dangerous behavior"
included talking about hi s condition,
handling a coffee cup, setting the table,
asking to pick up a baby and having sores
on the back of his hands, even though
there was no fresh blood in sight. The 22-
bed shelter arranged to put him up temporarily
in a hotel.
AIDS activists directed him to the
Mnerican Civil Liberties Union, which
concluded that the Ea-nmaus Center violated
the Americans with Disabilities Act
by discriminating against him because he
is HIV-posifive and has hepatitis C. The
ACLU filed a complaint on Biggers’ behalf
to the Maine Human Rights Commission,
asking H.O.M.E. Inc.~ the non-profit
operator of the Emmaus Center, to estab2
lish a non-discriminatory policy and be
required to pay Biggers $10,000 in damages.
The case was quickly settled.
H.O.M.E., which had replaced the shelter
manager even before the complaint
was filed, did not dispute Biggers’ assertions
and agreed to write a letter of apology,
adopt the new policy and begin education
and training. The agreemen~ set the
s~a,,e.., for devdopmer_,t of a_. five-session
I started to say that since it’s winter,
Tulsa’s arts scene is happening big time
but then if you think
about it, pretty much
ye.ar-round Tulsa is
blessed with arts events
of generally very good
quality. Already early
information is coming
"out about spring and
like Bartlesville’s annual
OK Mozart Festival,
now known for its
world class perf0rmances.
Light OperaOklahoma
is seeking 100 singers
for its June 9-July 4th
season presented in
TU’s Kendall Hall.
LOOKis holding auditions
on Sat. Jan. 16 & Sun. Jan. 17 from
2-5pro in TU’s Tyrrell Hall, room 302.
For more. information or to schedule an
audition, call 583-4267.
At the end of January,
Philbrook will open two new
exhibits, "Pure Vision: American
Bead Artists" and "Beads:
A Cross-Cultural Medium".
The first show .will present 60
works by 28 artists. Theworks
vary from moe traditional
necklaces and bracelet forms
to large-scale sculptures, constructions,
and shrines. The
exhibit was co-ordinated by
Chris Knop Kallenberger and
was curated by Sherry I~edy of the Leedy
Gallery in Kansas City and B.J. Shegaki,
director of the Rochester Arts Center in
Minnesota. Local support is from
Philbrook’s Contemporary Cousortium.
The companion show will explore the
use of beads in cultures from 15,000 BC
Egyptian to ones from 100-
200ADSyrian to SpiroMound
of 1,200 AD and 19th century
North American Native works.
Early in February, Tulsa
Ballet will present three
dances, The Green Table,
Equinoxe, Jardi Taneat (Feb.
5 &6 at 8pro and Feb. 7 at3pm
in the Chapman Music Hall of
Tulsa’s Performing Arts Center).
The Green Table, a critically
acclaimed dance drama
set in Germany during the rise
of Adolph Hitler, is the center-.
piece of the February program.
Kurt Jooss’ ballet is as he intended
it -- to show the world
that the only w~nner of war is
It opens With masked politicians
sitting around a table in
heated di scussion. Thereafter,
war breaks out and in the end,
the same politicians, wearing the same
masks, are seated at the same table forgetting
all the cruelties and casualties the war
has caused.
Paired with The Green Table will be
twomoreOklahomapremieres thatpromise
to provide an exceptional evemng of
entertainment. James Canfield’ s Equinoxe
recalls underwater images of sea creatures
which gracefully move with the
ocean’s ebb and flow and is set to a synthesizer
score byJan-Michael Jarre. Canfield,
¯ a former dancer with Joffrey, is the Artistic
Director at Oregon Ballet Theatre.
Rounding out the program
is Naco Duato’s
Jardi Tancatwhichwas
Duato’s first ballet,.
choreographed for
Nederlands Dans Theater
in 1983.
"Duato, the Artistic
Director for the National
Ballet of Spain,
is one of the brightest
stars in Europe and, in
my opinion, one of the
best choreographers in
the world today," Tulsa
Ballet’s .Artistic Director,
Marcello Angelini
related to TFN. "’He
brings a new intensity
to dance, a fluidity of
movement never seen
: before, and a new way to express emo-
¯ tions that is so deep, so powerful, it will
: change your vision of dance."
The ballet is a collection of Maye
who was dubed
Ella Fitzgerald.
"the greatest
white female
singer in the
will present
"A Tribute to
Frank Sinatra"
folk songs, based on ancient
Spanish folk tales in which
three couples are occupied
with the sowing, planting and
threshing of their barren land
while asking God for water to
make their crops grow. Jardi
Tancat won Duato first prize
at the International Choreographic"~
rorkshop inCologne.
He has received recognition
throughout Europe for his talents
as a dancer and choreographer.
Also early in February, extraordinary
jazz vocalist, MarilynMaye, will perform
at the PAC’ s JohnWilliams Theatre. Maye
who was called by Ella Fitzgerald, "th,e,
greatest white female singer in the world,
will present "A Tribute to Frank Sinatra"
in several shows Feb. 4-6 at
Les Ballets
Troekadero de
Monte Carlo has
delighted audlenees
around the
world. Parodying
elassleal works
from "Swan
Lake" to "Giselle"
and the choreography
of Isadora
Dunean, George
Balanehine and
Martha Graham,
Les Troekaderos
offer irresistible
entertainment for
dance afieionados
- and complete
8pm and Feb. 7 at 3pm. Maye
began her careerin small clubs
and cabarets but since has performed
with orchestras from
Tulsa to Phoenix to Philadelphia.
She first appeared on
television on the Steve Alien
Show hnd appeared onJohnny
Carson’s Tonight Show a
record 76 times. Tulsa has a
tradition of bringing the great
female vocalists of our time
and Maye’s appearance continues
Last but not least the famed
"drag" ballet, Les Ballets
Trockadero de Monte Carlo
will grace thePAC’s Chapman
Music Hall on March 16,
1999. Dancing the fine line
between high art and high
camp, Les Ballets Trockadero
de Monte Carlo has delighted
audiences around the world.
Parodying classical works from "Swan
Lake" to "Giselle" and the choreography
of Isadora Duncan, George Balanchine
and Martha Graham, Les Trockaderos
offer irresistible entertainment for dance
aficionados - and complete novices. The
troupe combines a knowledge of dance
with a wicked comedic sensibility -- a
buoyant and hilarious show.
Girls (and you real girls too), you don’t
want to miss this one at any cost!
- TFN entertainment editor
in Oklahoma.
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Electronic filing is available for faster refunds.
4021 S. Harvard, Suite 210, Tulsa 74135
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lam, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lam, 1314 No. Greenwood, 58% 1314
Metropolitan Community Church United (formerly Familyof Faith & MCCGT)
Service, 1 lam, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lam, 205 W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, [nfo: 585-COMC (2662)
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TF_~T (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
H_IV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon/each too. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
W0men/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
AIDSCoalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 s. Boulder, 585-5551
Mu!ticultural AIDS.Coalition, call for next meeting date.
12rban League, 240 East Apache
Rainbow" Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group.
Meets typically the last Tuesday of each month. Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Houseof the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pro, 3210e So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 381h, 2rid fl.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support’social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young A.dults Social Group, 1st Fri/eachmo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, lnfo: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pro, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for winter schedule.
lfyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
A few years ago, author Liza Ketchum
wrote an award winning book for young
adults titled Twelve Days in
August. One character, Alex,
touchedmany readers, and the
author was swamped with requests
to continue his_ story.
Her new book, Blue Coyote,
follows the teenage Alex and
his family to yet another new
home, this time in Vermont.
Being a child of southern
California, Alex isn’t too
pleased with being stuck in
Vdrmont. He’s had a difficult
time making friends and
doesn’t just miss the beach,
but also his only tree, close
friend, Tito. He and Tito had
kept in touch with each other
for awhile, but, suddenly,
Tito’s letters stopped coming.
Alex attempts to track him down, but Tito
seems to have simply disappeared.
Luckily, Alex’s father, a writer, has
been offered work back in California, not
far from Where they had once liyed. Amid
some dissension Within the family, Alex
and his father move back to California.
¯ This gives Alex a chance to try to locate
Beln~ a child d
Alex isn’t too
pleased qth
beln~ stueh in
Vermont. He’s
a difficult
time mal~in~
friends and
doesn’t just mlss
the beach, but
alsohls only true,
dose friend, Tito.
his long, lost best friend.
This sets the stage for Alex to not only
getinto avariety ofsituations inhis search
for Tito, but also to realize that the trust
and affection he has for his
friend is actually infatuation.
Eventually, Alex comes to the
understanding that he is Gay,
and there is quite a bit ofattention
paid to the reaction of his
family. It is interesting to see
the different reactions of two
families whenconfronted with
Gay children, siblings and
friends. Alex’s sister is an
important character and positively
handles the realization
that both she and her brother
had, at one time, had a crush
on Tito.
This is agoodbookfor adults
and young adults alike. You
need not have read Twelve
Days in August before reading
Blue Coyote. Although it does continue
Alex’~ story, Blue Coyote stands
alone well. There isn’t any graphic sex
and only a few words that anyone could
find offensive. This is a tame but provocative
read. Check for Blue Coyote at your
local, branch library, or call i_he Readers
Services department at 596-7966.
Better Than
Ever, Pride
Magazines &
8120 East 21 st
next to Boot City)
We buy back good
used adult magazines.
the largest gay ri,g,,hts group in the state,
hailed the ruling. The state court gave us
a ban on discrinfination in employment
stronger than anything we could introduce
in the Legislature in 23 years," said
Jean Harris, executive director of the orgamzation.
"We love it. We’ll take it."
The court turned aside the university’s
argument that it made benefits available
on equal terms to all married employees.
Thejudges said that reasomng misses the
point because homosexuals cannot marry.
"Accordingly, the benefits are not made
available on equal terms. The~y are made
available on terms that, for gay and lesbian
couples, are a legal impossibility,"
the court said.
The court concluded that homosexualg
are a distinct class and that it’s beyond
dispute that they "have been and continue
to be the subject of adverse social and
political stereotyping and prejudice."
Rerucha said HendersonandMcKinney
asked their girlfriends if they would provide
an alibi for their whereabouts and
"initially they did that."
The alibi was "broken down by investigators"
and testimony would have shown
that the two women drove to Cheyenne 50
miles east - to dispose of clothing in a
trash container and that Henderson’s
bloody shoes were later placed in a
relative’s storage shed in Laramie,
Rerncha said.
Ms. Pasldy had pleaded innocent two
weeks earlier. At the end of the 17-minute
heating, she was led from the court, head
down, long hair hiding her face. No sentencing
date was set, but Donnell indicated
it would take about 45 days for a
presentence report to be completed. Ms.
Pa~e,’ faces up to three years in pr:~sou
for the shelter’s staff that seeks to dispel
myths about AIDS and clarify legal issues
and disclosure reqmrements.
"A lot of the discrimJnatiofi is based on
fear and misinformation surrotmding these
issues," said Mary Harney of the Down
East AIDS Network. who helped develop
the program. "There are still some people
who think (HIV) can be passed by mosquitoes
and that you can get it from a
teacup if someone who has it has been
drinking from that cup." Sister Lucille
MacDonald, director of the Emmaus Center,
acknowledged that the episode was
stressful for everyone involved but said
she was pleased .at how it was resolved.
"We think a lot of important things will
happen, education-wise, for residents and
staff. That benefits all of us," she said.
Biggers, who has struggled to get by on
Social Security benefits, decided to forgo
any financial recovery. ’’The goal was to
change the policy," he said. "That was my
goal from the very beginning.’"
The ACLU said the impact of the settlement
could spread beyond Hancock
County and Maine, and perhaps be adopted
by many shelters nationwide. "My guess
is that the response will be good," said
Matthew Coles, director of its AID!HIV
Project in New York. "People who run
homeless shelters are almostby definition
good people who are trying to do something
positive in the world and make it a
better place. The problem is usually ignorance,
not malice."
Biggers, whose resttme includes some
of Manhattan’s most acclaimed restaurants,
was informed of the settlement as
he prepared to spend Christmas Day alone
for the second year in a row However
after learning of his plight, the manager of
a local restaurant invited hJlTl to join employees
to help prepare the company’s
am~ual Christmas dimaer for the needy.
’q’hafl!l be eA ce." Biggs sz&~. a~ter receiving
the s~.~rpr~ s¢ ~,’eq-ue..;,:. ’q’d ike thaC
We knowyou’re
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by Mary Schepers, Do-lt-Yoursef-Dyke ¯ inspires you to continue the work once
Are you depressed, darlings, because ~ you’ve rested up from it. You’ll be so
your kitchen is as drab as that dishwater excited at what somepaintandnew hinges
you’ve got your opera-length latex Platex " and pulls did for your cabinets that you
gloves submerged in? Do you long for a ¯ won’t mind doing the floors next month.
fantasy kitchen that makes Martha’s look " This also can allow youto have a financial
like something, from - breather, ifyotH~’~eclit.
suburban New Jersey?
Then, after comparing
your dream against
your checkbook balance,
do you weep copious
tears of disappointment?
Weep not,
child; you are not alone.
YourDIYD shares your
frustration and offers
comfort. Not a miracle,
but comfort. Remember
that as we go along.
Yes, your fairy Do-
It-YoursdfDyke-y has
a trick or two in her
magic wand (minds out
of the toybox, children!)
that canhelp you
muddlealong with your
current kitchen until
you can save up and
move up to something
more delicious. It involves
our pesky old
friend, Elbow Grease,
and dreams deferred,
but the results of a
kitchen face lift can
Are you depressed,
d~rllngs, because your
kltehen is as drab. as that
dishwater you’ve got your
opera-!ength latex Platex
gloves submerged
Do you long for~ fantasy
kltehen that makes
Martha’s look llke
something from suburban
New Jersey? Then, after
eomparlng your dream
against your checkbook
balance, do you ~eep
eoplous tears of d~sappolntment?
~Veep not,
child; you are not alone...
Yes, your fairy Do-h-
Yourseff Dyke-y has a
trlek or two in her magle
actually satisfy your
.kitchenlust- rfioderately.: Not a rip and
tear project, but a nip and rock. An eye
wash, if you will.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again
(quite possibly every month) a little paint
can do wonders. That will be the coruerstone
of our project, which your DIYD
proposes to drag out shamelessly for the
next few months. But first, put away your
rose,tinted glasses and prepare for some
coldhearted evaluations of what you have
to work with.
Obviously, ff)’our cupboards are cheap,
flimsy and dilapidated, our success ~s going
t~ be pretty limited, so keep it all in
Also, match your budget with what can
be accomplished, and learn how to scour
the areaforbargains-outlets, resale stores,
architectural salvage, etc. Then, if a rehab
is in your relatively near future, you can
buy a few nice things and carry them over
on the redo. We are a creative lot, so let’s
use it to our advantage.
Don’ t be afraid to do the workin stages.
Actually, it prolongs the enjoyment, and
outside his father;s appliance store in
Jonesboro, Arkansas, at age 8 to retirement
in his early 30s after developing a
series of novelty products. He made his
real fortune, however, by sdling millions
of Moonies. The chubby doll-size figures
attach to car windows with suction cups
like the ubiquitous Garfidd-the-cat stickons,
but with a risque difference. "You
squeezed the b,~b and the little guy
mooned people, Dunlap said. "I got rich
off of it and I quit."
He movedin 1990fromMemphi s,Tennessee,
to Navarre Beach, about 20 miles
east of Pensacola, platming nothing more
than to siton the sugar-white beach. How-
Look at tak:t~g the
opportunity to h~prove
some essentials that
don’timmediately leap
to mind when y~u think
about fluffing up the
kitchen - it might be a
good time to learn a
little bit about wiring
and dectrical, to the
extent that you put in a
new light fixture or replace
the old outlets
with GFCI (ground
fault circuit interrupters),
which are truly a
safety must anywhere
you have water.
There are some good
do it yourself books,
complete with very
necessary illustrations,
to walk you through it,
and ifyouhave a friend
that is familiar with the
process, flatter, pitch
wand (minds out of the
toybox, children!)
rakes to enlisttheir help
¯ ¯ ¯ on the project.
¯ astainless steel sink 0r~iga~bage disposal.
~ Be wary about letting your fancy stray as
¯ far as a dishwasher - you’re heading into
" more complicated territory there. Think
about flooring options.
,and if your kitchen is in the darker
coruer of your house, as is the DIYD’g,
definitely thinklight. Notjust visual light,
which is where the fixtures come in, but
¯¯- light surfaces -walls, cabinets, appliances.
It might not be the right time to go withthe
¯ retro phase and install that avocado har-
¯ vest-tone range (but if you decide you
must, the DIYD has a deal for you! Take
my old range, please.)
~ Think about using a low-luster semi-
" gloss paint - it makes clean ups easier and
¯ resists water and mildew and other dis-
" tasteful things. And new finishing tech-
¯ niques open up a plethora of possibilities.
¯ Sleight of hand is very necessary in Eye
Wash jobs. Ask any drag queen.
¯ So dream easy dreams until next month,
¯ when your DIYD helps you spiffy up ¯
those horrid, depressingly dark kitchen
¯ cupboards.
~ ever, after noticing thatthousands ofGays
¯ congregate on area beaches every Memo-
" rial Day, he decided the panhandle could
¯ support a small Gayresort. Dtmlap and a
motel developer took aplan to local bank-
" ers about six years ago. "You could just
¯ see the color runoutoftheir faces,"Dunlap ¯
¯ recalled. "My personal impression and
observation was that they did not want
[ anythiag to do with the financing solely
~ because it was a... ’Gay and Lesbian’
¯ business."
Dunlap, himself Gay, figured if that
was happening hereit also washap~g
to others elsewhere. Creating a b~ak~Jr
¯ such a geographicallywidespreadmarket ¯
niche would have been difficult at b~t
before the Interuet. ’The Interuet~
allows us to deliver see Bank,p~
by Esther Rothblum
I recently watched Janice Perry perform
during National Coming Out Week
at the University of Vermont. By the time
I asked her to describe her life and her
work, she was off performing
in Switzerland. So we
communicated over email.
Here are her responses to
my questions:
ER: tell me the story of
how you became a Lesbian
JP: Is this a trick question?
Because of course, there is
the story of how I became a
Lesbian, and then the story
ofhow Ibeganperforming. I
never intended to become a
"Lesbian comedian". I began
performing and because
my sexuality is part of my
life, itcomes outin the show,
undisguised¯ Audiences
don’t often see Lesbianism presented in
this way, it’s either ’%rOW, LOOK AT
ME, I’MA BIG DYKE!!" or very covert.
Mymissionis topresentchallenging work
in a way that is accessible.
Most, but not all, of my work is highly
exaggerated autobiography. I am always
trying to find common denominators, trying
to weave many different aspects into
each piece. The major theme of a piece
about an IRS audit was power and abuse
of power (this was pre-IRS refo.rm), and
the fact that the auditor was conung on to
me was the vehicle to exaggerate the
taxpayer’s fear and the auditor’s power. I
wanted to unequivocally show the equation
between sex and power and fear. That
the auditor i~-awoman adds another layer.
This piece also unequivocally describes
both the dedication required and the extremely
dire financial situation of artists
in general. So there are many levds that
are available to the audience. They can
take whatever they want from the performance,
While this is a theatrical exag-
¯ Satire"¯ When I first started working in
: Europe, Ifoundoutthatthereis awordfor
: it-"kabarett".
I use my .whole body to deliver the
: monologues, as wall as costumes, singing;
lighting and very strong
I never intended facialgestures. Iamperforming
pieces with what I see to
to ]~eeome a be the big themes - Greed,
"Lesl~ian Fear, Abuse of Power, Sex,
comedian". War, Death and Taxes. I’m
not so interested in just telll
l:le.~an ing jokes. I am presenting
performin$ and strong content from a Lesbian-
feminist perspective in
]~eeause my a highly comedic way. The
sexuality is part comedic aspect makes my
of my llfe, it
work much more accessible
to many more people.
comes out ER: is there a particuin
tlae slaow,
lar performance that stands
out as memorable?
undls~ulsed, jp: Last year (199~/) the
Swiss queers organized a
demonstrationinBem (the capitol) against
thenew constitution, and the refusal of the
government to include equal rights for
homosexuals as partofbasichumanrights.
The organizers of the demo invited me to
come and perform. There were Swiss,
French, German, Italian speakers and me.
I came out on stage wearing a Statue of
Liberty crown and carrying a big penis
and said, "I want to.thank the Swiss Government
for making me feel right at home
here. It’s so reassuring to "know that I will
be discriminated against wherever I go."
Then I did a piece from the early 80’s
about the constitution which says that the
preamble really should readlike this:’ "vVe,
the MEN of the United States, in order to
: form a more perfect union. . No, that
should be, ’We, the WHITE MEN of the
United States.. ’ No, that should be ’We
~ No, that should be ’We the RICH, CON-
2 that should be ’We the OLD,
geration of the truth, it is a true story. I .... " "" They really got it.
WAS audited by a woman, who D!D ER: is Janice Perry the performer difabuse
her power.
ER: What are the messages you are
bringing to Lesbians?
JP: I want Lesbians and gays to see that
it really is okay to be out. That we can
present ourselves in public and not be ki¯ lled for i" t. I ’m not hi"ding anything, I’m
not preaching anything, I’m just going
about my’business of performing in a
perfectly natural way (orimperfecfly natural).
When I play in some sin_all t.ow,.n, .an,d
the audience is mixed, as it often i s, I trunk
that it is empowering for all of us. Internalized
homophobia is the real killer.
I am also showing my total commitment
to my work. My pe,rformance, is
more theatrical than stana-up comeay.
This is "kabarett" with a small "k" in the
European tradition of powerful political
statements launched from the platform of
comedy, rather than"Kabarett" with a big
"K" or "Cabaret" with a "C" which is
usually women in glittery evening gowns
singing "Se~d in the Clowns".
This is why I am able to work so often
in Europe. In 1982, when I first started,
there was either theater or stand-up in the
USA, and nothing in-between. I had no
language to describe my work. I called it
"Comedy - Rock - Music - Theater -
ferentfrom Janice Perrry the individual?
Do youfindyourselfperforming tofriends
and lovers?
JP: I am really h~cky in that I get to let
out a lot of my desire for attention in my
Work. Before I startedperformingon stage,
I was performing all day long, because I
had no outlet for this creativity. It must
have been hell to be around. I thank my
friends for putting up with me. Now I am
much more relaxed in my personal life.
Sometimes when I arrive at a theater
where they don’t know my work, they
look a bit worried, like - "Uh-oh, this is
just a normal 48 year old woman, and she
isn’t even wearing make-up and what
kind of show will this be?" When I go on
stage, they are amazed by my energy,
which is very intense. They can’t believe
it’s the same person. There is a definite
difference between my work and my private
I lead a quiet life and I have many and
vailed interests. I love nature, hiking, gardening,
cross-country skiing, bird-watching.
I’m an avid reader, I love the classics,
English social comedies from the 20’s
and 30’s, fiction, history. I love music -
rock and roll, classical, heavy metal, opera.
see Psyche. p. 13
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a mec~,~ism t~at
we can employ
er~t~vely to
whh and eMllen~e
our ~ender roles.
Many Gay men
regularly apply
female pronouns
ehher to themselves
or to thelr
(or enemies...).
When talkln~ about
my f~ends who do
dra~, I no longer
hedtate to
or the ;ack d ~ereof (~ t). MaIU
Austronesian languages
(spoke~ from Hawm’i to
Madagascar), conversely,
possess 15 different subject
pronoun. When I liv~ on
T~a, V~tu, before I
could Mk about ~ybody, I
had to count~emfirst. ~ere
is a prono~ for "you", a
different one for you-two ,
~other one for "you-t~"
~d still ~other for "you-
Moreover, two sorts of
"we" must be distinguished
on~msl~d.Our we blur
together two logically different
groups. Sometimes,
when we say "we," we in- use "she" and "her."
dude who we’ve speaking
to; but sometimes "we" excludes the
speaker. For example, if I tell you that
"we’re going to kiss" this mightmean that
I about to plant one on you, or ~t could
mean that I’m going neck with someone
else. On Tarma, separate pronouns exist
dicuonanes before fadi~,
away. Other dc-.gende~ed
substitmes d~at have been
proposed include s~ m~ and
Gender in our pronoun system
may sustmn inanities
between men and
womenbutitis Nso am~ha-
Nsm ~at we ~ employ
creatively to play wi~ ~d
chNlenge o~ gender roles.
M~y Gay men regM~lj
apply female pronouns
ther to ~emselves or to ~eir
friends (or ene~es -"She’s
not N1 ~at~"). ~entNNng
about my friends who do
drag, I no longer hesitate to
use "she" ~d "her."
TNs is ~e in o~er c~tures whose
pronoun systems Nso encode gender.
~Nysis of ~e sp~h of a Gay ~uple
por~y~ in ~e first document~y film
about Gay life in Jap~ R~en no Sobyo
("Rough S~eteh of a SpirN") shows
that do not allow this ambigui.t},,;
,w.e’.’ includes vou;.the, other "we dales ~ more ~ermmne partner’re~ers to mmsm~
not. . with female or gender-neutral terms
set, peopte use tnese woros to tam aoout
the world and about themselves. If we
listen to how people do this, we can learn
something of their underlying concepts
about human identity. There is always
also a politics of pronouns. People use
pronouns creatively in order to demonstrate
or to assert certain claims about
themselves, and about others. My old
friend Rapi, who was the "big-man" or
leader of the village in which I lived,
surprised me one day with apronotm. He
was tdling the story of one of his great-
~andfathers, who was also named Rapi,
and he used the ’T" pronoun - "When I
smote the enemy back before Captain
Cook arrived..." (and this was in 1774!).
It became clear tome thatTannesepeople,
more so than we, incorporate into their
sense of self their ancestors, particularly
if these were ancestral namesakes. Part of
their personhoodincludes these forebears.
Whenrecounting history whichhappened
generations before they were born,, they
talk about "what I did"in that these events
are part of who they are today.
The pronoun system on Tanna, despite
its complexity, does not recognize gender.
He, or she, and it are all called "in."
Inequality between men and women on
the island runs fairly deep, but this social
ineqtmlity is not reflected in the pronominal
system. The relationship between linguist’ic
form and social structure has been
long and fiercely debated. Whatever the
facts about this might be, here in the US
there has been a fairly successful campaign
to de-genderize our first person
pronouns. In this politics of pronouns,
college students may get marked down ifthey
use "he" as the default in their essays.
~1~ polifical!y correct choice nowadays
is "Ec or she" or even the grammatically
uses mate-marKeo pronouns (ore, jtoun,
washi). Justlike Rapi and his ’T’ onTanna,
our self-construction depends on creative
use of the pronouns that our language
This appropriation of the other sex’s
pronoun may be a male thing. I have not
seen many studies of Lesbian use of "he."
(If anyone has come across he-women,
please email me.) Some feminists might
fault men for, once again, abridging
women’~s rights and experience by stealing
their "she." It seems to me, though,
that if one might attack gender hierarchy
by spaying language - replacing he/she
with thou-one can also undermine the
systemby messing with its rules. I can call
you he; or maybe this time I’ll call you
she. Remember, everyone must use her
Lamont Lindstrom teaches anthropology
at the University of Tulsa and my be
reached at lamont-lindstrom@utulsa.edu
I love to go to the theater. Dance. Visual
Arts. Architecture. Archeology. Yoga.
Fashion. I’m very, interested in both prehistory
and pop culture. I like to see what
is gomg on in "society," both regionally
and globally, to try to identify the trends,,
see what is universal and then use this
information inmy work. In some way I’m
always working, always noticing, observing.
But I can do it from the sidelines. I
don’t need to be the center. I get enough of
that onstage.
For further informauon and to schedule
a perfornlance, contact: Janice Perry RD
1 Femsburgh~ Vermont 05456
jpakagal @aol.com
but it doesn’t stop it from happening, and
it’s frustrating to you, and the people
around you. Some of it has passed, some
ofithasn’t and will take time, and some of
it will never go away or be forgotten.
Right after, if I was alone, the chest would
tighten, I couldn’t breathe and I would
feel overwhelmed. Evenin agrocery store,
whenTom and I went together, but separated,
as we usually did, I found’mysdf
alone on an aisle, and feltmy chest tighten
- it scared the 1x;jeezus out of me. We
passed a car emitting fumes with a similar
odor to the smoke in the apartment, and I
Was right back there. And in a panic attack.
I thought, .’ffhis is silly. Stop it".
Well, you can’t. I decided to stay at the
apartment two days later.
Tom was doubtful, again, but supportive.
I did try to go back and face down my
fear. Then, as I gotintomy smokybed (I’d
left windows wide open for the two days,
and it helped - a little. The smoke issomething
that doesn’t go away easily.)
Then the ’~vhat- ifs" started. What if I had
gone home earlier (whichI had thought of
doing) and gone to sleep? What if I hadn’t
gone home till later? No one else called
911. In fact, the neighbor that finally did
come out, said "Well, I smdled a funny
smell, but didn’tpay any attention to it..."
With neighbors like that, who needs enemies?
What if...
Then the big one hit: If I was in a smoky
smelling apartment, and another fire
started, how would I know another one
had started? I mightjust chalk it up to the
already smoky apartment I was in, and
then what? An~twhatelsemightbeplUgged
in...? So, I tookTom up on his very kind
offer that if I became uncomfortable, I
could come back to his place and stay.
So, on this new years, take stock. Look
at whoyourreal friends are. Tomhas been
Wonderful., going far above and beyond
the call of duty. Look at your extension
cords. Are they the right kind for tbejob?
Are they over loaded?
Funny what you notice after an event
like this - I was inRedLobsternot too long
ago, and noticed that their xmas lights
were connected by 3 extensions cords
wound around a wooden beam. I watched
them throughout dinner.
And no matter how much one may
grumble, I am aware of just how lucky I
am to be here to grumble. I am lucky to
still have my symbols, collected throughout
my life, of the people who love me,
and the people I love. I am lucky to have
a friend like Tom. I am lucky to be alive.
I’m not too thrilled at having so much
stuff to dean, but I realize that I amlucky
it’s there to be cleaned. It was time to
move anyway, the neighbors were too
noisy. I am lucky that an apartment came
free.at this time (I’d been looking for two
months, due to the aforementionedneighbors
and a less-than-responsive landlord)
that seems perfect in every way. A neat
landlady, and nice location, and built in
storage for days! So before grumbling
about how you hate to be somewhere -
which I used to do myself- just think: You
might not be here to be able to grumble. It
~ves you a whole new perspective. Have
a happy New Year!
Classifieds - how to work them:
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For Good Home
Friendly, honest, & very experienced
42 year young realtor seekssincere &
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You won’t be disappointed.
John Kirk, Keller Williams, Realty
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to this community without having bricks
and mortar," Dunlap said. Interact banking
remains in its infancy, however, so G
andLhas had to doextensiveresearchand
development. That effort is headed by G.
Kay Griffith.
Ms. Griffith,53,workedformajorbank
groups in California and Florida and was
president of Admiralty Bank in Palm
Beach County until 1994. "There were a
few moments when I candidly sat and
said, ’Hmrn’m, there are going to be questiong
asked about me,"’ said Ms. Griffith,
who is Heterosexual. "But that took only
about a second." She had always been
interested in civil rights and the opportunity
to be part .of such a pioneering effort
was too attracuve to pass up.
The bank’s ll-member staff is almost
equally split between Gays and Heterosexuals.
Staffing at its Pensacolaheadquarters
is expected to increase to about
25 after its estimated spring opening.
I LIKE’EM BIG WM. 5’11", 170 brown/blue,
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GWM. 20, 5’9". 175 Ibs. short brown/brown,
seeking honest, trustworthy GWM, 18-35.
5’6-5’10". with a stocky, muscular build.
Piercings and tattoos a plus! (Tulsa)
KISS ME BABYI Looking for s nice
B/WGM, who likes go out, having fun and
kissing, (Oakhurst] ’~’18458
21. 6’, light brown/hazeL butto~, enloys
cross-dressing, pfeeslng and having fun.
Seeking similar dominant top. (Tulsa)
5’10". blonde/blue, seeks really hot Men to
turn me on and to have some hot, passionate
sex, (’rulsa} ’~’16479
WILD SEX Sexual. easygoing Single Man,
into long walks on the beach and hanging
out, Seeking other sexual Men to have fun
with and more. (Tulsa) ’~16285
year-old GM, seeks other Guys to get
together with and date. (Tulsa) ~’15447
ARE YOU OUT THERE? Single Gay Male.
6’. 200 Ibs. brown/brown. Seeks another
Man. 30-50, who’s into outdoor sports,
cooking and just having fun. (McAlester)
Gay Male seeks Other Men. 45-55, who
likes the outdoors, hunting, fishing and havleg
good times. (McAlester) ’~15208
TOTAL TOP 25-year-ctd GM, 175 Ibe,
5’10", brown/brown, enjoys going out, diner
and having fun, Seeks bottoms for sadous
relationshio. (Tulsa) ’~14837
NO GAMES PLEASE Top M, seeks bottom
M. 18-30. for long-term-relationship. (Tulsa)
THE BEST TIME Body building M, 34,
SeeKS dominant, older M, over 50. wefthung
to get together with (Tulsa) ’~14115
FASCINATING. SGM. seeks a good4noking
GM to have a great time.add likes to
kiss a whole lot, (Tulsal ’~’13568
JUST WANT TO DANCE Well buiitl 33
year old Man looking for other well hung
Guys who are dominate, want to serve
you. (Tulsa) ’~11881
someone who loves me as much as I love
them. (Tulsa) ’B’11258
160 Ibs, Man who is new to the scone and
looking for other Men. for ffiendshic and
maybe a long term relationship. (Tulsa)
READY FOR FUN I’m a 5’7~, White Male.
140 Ibs. good !ooking,. tan and looking for
Guys in the area who are nice looking,
straight acting, with a good head on your
shoulders. (Tulsa) ’B’10759
tO date and have some fun. You must be a
non-smoker. (Tulsa) ~’10964
I LOVETO UNDRESS for a Man who likes
to give me pleasure with their lips. (Tulsa)
I’M A GAY WHITE MALE, 28, who enjoys
fishing, hunting and long walks.- I’m looking
for friends and maybe a little more, (Tulsa)
JUST TO TALK TO I’m a BM, 29, new to
tne area and looking for someone to talk to
and hang out with. (Tulsa) ’~’t 0527
HEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowboy
who loves the outdeers. I want a M with a
heart of gold and not into head games,
someone to give me 110 percent of their
love. (Tulsa) ’B’20221
GE’I’FING A LrVI’LE NASTY 23. 5’10",
160. I play soccer and I have a very nice
chest. I want a M who can show me some
fun times and get a little nasty. (Tulsa)
White male, 4S, 5’10. 2201be, with light,
Brown hair and Green eyes, seeks a blue
collar type who’s down to earth, caring, and
enjoys sports and the outdoors. I want to
have a one on one relationship. I don’t drink
or do drugs, but I do smoke cigarettes.
(Heodetta) ’B’9661
GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White male, 341
6’I, 1701bs, with Brown hair and Blue eyes,
seeks aggressive, fit guys, in their 20’s and
early 30’s, for hot times. (Tulsa) ’~’9687
BEDWARMER WANTED This hot stud in
Tulsa, needs a warm body to heat me up
on cold nights. (Tulsa) 1~’13077
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male is 31-
years of age. I’m looking for someone to
have a safe discreet time with, If your interested
in this message, give me a call
please. (Tulsa) ’~’16325
CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys, this 25
year old Gay White Male is looking for Gay
Men who are ready to have a good time. I
go out dressed like a Woman at times and
I am very feminine. If your man enough to
handle that. then please give me a sail.
(Tulsa) ’~’17623
White, hairy chested, top Man is 6’2", 175
Ibs, dark hair and blue eyes. I am seeking
a bottom with a nice firm ass so that we can
get together on a regular basis. (’l’~lsa)
SCRATCH "THE ITCH I’m looking for a Bicurious
Male like myself t6 h~ve my.first
exeerience with. I’m fit. athletio. 29, 6’. 190
Ibs, tan. with brown hair, gree~t eyes. muscular
legs, and a smooth chest. I’m seeking
the same type. (Grand Lake) ’~’12004
A LITTLE SANITY I’m a sane, intelligent,
honest Gay white Male, SSl 6’, 170 Ibs. a
very oral bottom. I’m seeking Gay or Bi
Males who are honest for friendship first
and a possible long-term relationship. NO
games. Give me a chance. You won’t be
disappointed. (Tulsa) ’~17178
White Male. 30. seeks a distinguished older
Gentleman. 30-45, who enjoys hiking, biking,
and nude sunbathing. I have a tight
butt and give great head. (Tulsa) ’~’16544
DAILY RITUAL When I get home. I like to
lay back, have a good drink, and think
about a hot Man and wish I had it in my
hand, "Then I start massaging myself. I’d
love to talk to you. (Tulsa) ’~16161
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SHARE MY TIME 22-yeer-od BiWF, 6’.
blonde/brown, enjoys the outdoom, dancing,
movies and the outdoors. Looking for
an active F, to start a lasting friendship and
reletlocohip. (Tulsa)~
22, looking for a delicious F, who loves cuddling,
dancing end movies, for hot good
times and lots of romance. (Tulsa) ’~’19118
PlOT AND BOTHERED 18-yeePold Single
Female, into dancing. Seeks someone-to
go out and have fun with, (Clairemore)
TAKE A CHANCE Attractive Single
Female. 32, soft butch, educated. Seeks
well built, feminine Females. to hang Out
and share a bottle of wine. (Tulsa) ’11"16454
into movies and the mall. Seeks someone,
under 35, to spend time with and get to
know for a possible long-term relationship.
(Tulsa) ~’15257
DOING THINGS I’m a GBF. 25 who likes
the outdoors, hiking, movies and long
walks. I’m looking for a SGWF, fu!l figured,
190+. 5’7" and up. who likes doing things.
(McAloster) ~’10109
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF I’m a. 27 year
old Hispanic Female. 130 Ibs. 5’4", who is
looking for a special Female that is single
and not into games. I enjoy movies, staying
at home and spending time with you, so
please give me a call. (McAlester) "B’18184
CURIOSITY GOT THE CAT I’m a very curious.
Married Woman. i am very open minded
and looking for a female who is also curious.
(Macalester) ’~’18464
year old, Bi-sexual White Female. with
brown eyes. love music, dancing and
going out. I want 1~ meet someone who
enjoys the same things as do; I am
Married. but want someone who wants to
be with me and maybe my Husband also.
(McAlester) ~’18649
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Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, January 1999; Volume 6, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 18, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/583.