[1996] Tulsa Family News, April 15-May 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 5


[1996] Tulsa Family News, April 15-May 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 5


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


April 15-May 14, 1996


James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Pat Morehead
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, March 15-April 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 4


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay
Fight to Ban.
ROTC Re-Heats i
WASHINGTON - Little noticed in Feb- :
ruary was congressional passage of a bill, :
now signed into law by PresidentCfiiiion ¯
the "Campus Access Act" that prohibits :
all Defense Department funds to colleges :
and .um’versities which the ,,Secretary of ¯
DefenSe :judges., have, an,.~ anti~ROTC :
poii~y?’ "~lae legi~latiisn b,bfild have the ."
impact of barring Defense Department ¯
funds from going to any campus where :
anti-discrimination policies barfing bias :
based on sexual orientation limit or re- ¯
strict Reserve OfficerTraining Corps programs.
No exact figures are available on
the amount ofmoney the Defense Department
spends annually at U.S. colleges,
but at larger schools, such as Stanford, the
University of Pennsylvania, or the University
of California at Los Angeles, it
might easily amount to tens ofmillions of
dollars each year. The term "anti-ROTC
policy" is defined in the Act as prohibiting
either the Defense Department from
see ROTC, page 3
High School Gays.
Win & Lose Some
Dallas Bd. Includes Protections
DALLAS - Under pressure from local
rights activists, the Dallas school board
decided at theIastminute toinclude sexual
orientation in the anti-harassment policy
it adopted at its March 28 meeting. The
policy, which had not initially included
sexual orientationas a category, wasadded
after members of the Dallas Gay & Lesbian
Allianceand other communitymembers
complained that not including sexual
orientation in the newpolicy could actually
encourage anti-gay and -lesbian harassment
in the city’s schools. The new
policy bars "oral, written, psychological,
physical and other demonstrative actions
see School, page 3
.Marriage, Update
Colorado Gov. Roy Romer has vetoed
a measure :that would have explicitly
banned recognizing same-sex marriages
in the state, even if they were legally
performedinother states, however, Romer
said he would sign a bill that declared
opposite-sex mamages as the "strong
public policy of the state" while at the
same time authorizing a study of possible
ways same-sex couples could be given
legal recognition of their relationships
without violating that policy. He called
the legislation he vetoed, a "mean-spirited
and unnecessary" attack.
Idaho became the 3rdstate in the U.S.,
joining Utah and South Dakota, to bar
recognizing same-gender marriageS. The
Kentucky state Senate is now considering
a measure banning same,sex mamages
and activists believe the anti-gay bill has
a good chance of passing there. Illinois
has also now received a similar ban,
spurred on by leaders of the state’s antigay
Christian Coalitiou and Christian
Action Network. In Kansas, a bill that was
already on the floor of the state tlouse of
see Marriage, page 3
& Bisexual Communities-,Our Families of the Heart
¯ The Reverend Leslie Penrose, AIDS ac-
: tivist Mary Fisher and a youngfriend at
¯ Community ofHope United~thodist.
i Wo-men &AIDS
i 400.÷HearActivist
i Mom,,Mary Fisher
¯" When Janice Nicklas and her co-orga-
¯ nizerbegan planning for the first regional
." conference on Women and AIDS, they
." hoped tohave about 100 or so attend. On
¯ April 2, more than 400 people were registered
for the one day conference of work-
: shops at the-University of Tulsa’s
¯ Chapman Center.
: The workshops ranged from AIDS 101
¯ to HIV and Incarcerated Women or HIV
¯ tators were both local educators and ex-
¯ perts & those from around the US. The
¯" conference l~gan with a panel of those
: infected or affected by HIV.
! The keynote address was ~ven at lunch
byAIDS activist, Mary. Fisher, founder of
: the Family AIDS Network, Inc. which
: works to heighten commumty and ha-
¯ tional awareness and compassion in the
: fight against HIV/AIDS. Ms. Fisher, a
~ person/iving with HIViAIDS, came to
¯ national attention when she spoke about
~ AIDS to, the:Republican-National Con-
; vention’in.Houston in-1992..
~ Fisher’s Tulsa speech was a call to
: political arms. She began with quote from
¯ a US Senate chaplin who, when asked if
"- he prayed for the Senate;~said, no, after
i looking at the Senate, he prayed for the
¯ people. FishersaidthatwithWashington’s
¯ and America’s response to AIDS, prayer
: probably was_a good’idea. ~ ...................
¯ Fisher stated that-America.iacks -the. 3
; basicingredients to wina fight withAIDS:
¯ no national plan for researeh~ .car~e or pre-
: vention, nor visible, competent, or trusted
." leadership, nor sufficient funding.
¯ Fisher said we also must look for leadership
from the uninfected, ,We. are like
; .’ .ca fl nghtsmovement whose leaders die
; ev~t~"year.
: Inaninterviewwith.TFN, Fishernoted
¯ that she would have said we’re making
¯ progress in the AIDS fight prior to the
¯" 1994 Republican sweep. But now she
¯ says we haven’t followed who’s coming
: up in that party and we must hold our
~ leaders feet to the fire. "We must commu-
¯ nicate that tiffs fightis about human rights,
¯¯ not about moraljudgements....women,
especially, need to say I matter.’"
PFLAG at Central-Library
Editorial: Kudos to Tulsa Org.
Themembers&officers ofTnlsaChapter
of Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians
&Gays deserve high praise for their
exhibit currentlyat theTulsaCity,County
Library, as does the libraD’ staff. The
exhibit is good but you will appreciate it
even more when you know that PFLAG
had only a little more than a week to
prepare it. The exhibit, up-through April is
a snapshot of what PFL~G’s about & of
Lesbian & Gay life. Tulsa Family News
strongly encourages you to see the’exhibit
before it doses.
¯ StillwaterandendinginTulsaon Sunday,
May 19 at College Hill Presbyterian, 712
! S. Columbia. College"Hill will host a
: dinner and dialogue at 5pro, followed by
." worshipat 7pro. Her visit is sponsored by
¯ College Hill and Presbyterians for Les-
." bian,’Gay Concerns.
: Spahr is an evangelist with the special
¯ ministry ’q’hat .MI May Freely Sen’e’" of
: the Downtown United Presbyterian
-" Church (DUPC) ofRochester,NeW York,
: in parmership with Westminster Presby-
¯ terianofTiburon, CA.In 1991,Spahrwas
: by DUPC to serve as Co-pastor but was
¯ denied that position in an unprecedented i move by the ruling body of the-pre~bvterian
Church (USA), the.General Ass~m-
¯ see Spahr, page 10
G reatPlains Rodeo
"In OKC, May 24.26
: The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association
¯ (OGRA) will hold its tt.th-annual rodeo
: on Memorial Day Weekend, May 24-26.
: It features 2 days of rodeo at the OKC
¯ State Fairgrounds and 3 nights of parties
: and exhibits at the Hilton Inn. N\V~
: OGRA beganin 1984. TheGreat Plaius
: Regional Rodeo was formed through the
¯ efforts of Kansas, Missouri and Okla-
: homa and held its first rodeo in 1986 In
: 1993, Arkansas formed theDiamond State
: Rodeo Association and joined the Great
~ Hains organization. OG1L~t’s volunteers
¯ are dedicated providing rodeo ~vents for
_" Lesbians and Ga)’~menand als0 to sup-
" porting AIDS charities. Membership is
¯ noflimited to rodeo .compet.it0fs Formore
¯ info. "call 405-842-0849.
April 15 - May 14, 1996, Volume 3, Issue 5
¯ Run for YourLives, Part3
i LegislativeUpdate
¯ Anti-Gay Amendments Die ¯
OK Senate staff confirm that. HB 2554
¯ is "dead" for this session. HB 2554 ad-
¯ dressed divorce law changes but was
~ amended to ban same-gender marriage
_" even if those were legal elsewhere.
¯ ~ Anamendment to the"Ryan Luke" bill,
¯ HB 2053, would ban child custody by a
: "known homosexual,lesbian or bisexual."
." Rep. Laura Boyd, author ofHB 2053, told
¯ TFN that the anti-Gay amendment was
." "out for good." It appears that this session
~ will draw to a close in May without thc
." passage of any anti-Gay bibs or amend-.
ments, only the anti-Gay but merely svm.
! bolic resolution #1045. "
i Coming Soon!
: On May 23, the Tulsa Ice Arena will
." host at 7:30pro the first Red Ribbon lc~
." Revue. ’l’he evening will feature profes.
¯ sional skaters from Kansas City, OK("
: andTulsa All tickel proceeds will benefit
: Our House which provides support for
¯ those challenged by HI\," AIDS. Tickets
¯ are $8, balcon.v seats and S12.50 for on- ¯
ice seats at the .Arena at 71st & .~.hugo
¯ (behind the 1 2 Price Store). For~more
¯ info. ".call Shane Douglas at 254--7272. ¯
¯ Follies Revue, Inc. have announced tha! this \ear’s eveut. Follies Salute the .\hn’.
ies, Will be on Juue 21 & 22at the \Varrcn
¯ Place Doubletree Hotel. The Follies will
: showcase suchartists as Alexandr"Sacha’"
¯ Luiiev of the Tulsa Ballet Theatre, singers
¯ Deb Roberts and Steve Wright: For more ¯
info. call 437-0201. -
: Local HI\" AIDS support org~iniza~ion,
¯ ILMN, the Regional AIDS Interfaith Net-
" work is holding its volunteer training on
: April 27 and May 4 at Community of
, Hope from 10-Spin. And Debbie Waters,
: MSW announces a support group, Phoe-
¯ nix Group, for families & friends living
: with AIDS. The group meets on the Ist &
: 3rd Thurs. each month: Call 584-6460.
ilnterfaith AIDS
Ministries Hits 10
: This May, Interfaith AIDS Ministries
¯ (IAM) will celebrate its lOth-auniversarv
! of:providing education about HIV;AIDg
¯ and ofproviding support to persons living ¯
with HIV,,AIDS (PLWA’~s)~ S_t,.Peter’s
". Episcopal Church at 9100 East 21 st Street
¯ Will host a sen’ice commemorating !0
" years of work on Sunday, May 19 at 3pm.
," !AM will also be featured at the May 14th
meeting of the AIDS Coalition.
The oriDns of the organization were in
the 1986 Task Force on AIDS ol the
see I~-1, page 10
: NEWS BRIEFS .......... P. 4
EUREKA SPRINGS .,~ " ~ "P. 11
¯ -OUT + ABOUT WITH JD...........~ ’’~-~_-~: 14
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
Tom Neal . this publication are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Phyl Boler-Schmidt Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Barr¢ Hensley noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family
Pat ~orehead News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free Copy of each edition at distribution
JD JametL - points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Newly ordatned deacon oJ St. Jerome Gaylapalooza brought these FUSO’s Derrick Davis with
Ecun’wnical Catholic Church, the Rev. four,fabulouscomics to Tulsa’s Mark Knight, Chip Haines of
Deborah Starnes with her Archbishop. Performing Arts Center,for a OKC & FUSO’s RF Renfro at
Bishop. community clergy and other ~how benefitting Black& White the Nat’l. Black Gay & Lesbian
./rtends. [’hoto: T. Neal Charities. Photo: T. Neal Leadership Forun~ in Dallas.
by lom Neal. publisher/editor
Reccntl v. I received a message on my machine
that said. =tli Tom, t~s is Keit~ S~ from the
A(’I ,V offi~ in OMahoma City....’" Smith. who’s a
rc~dtor and ad s~esm~ for OKC paper The Perspec’t~
ve, was m~appy about ~ ~ficle that we
wrote. The article stated that he’d helped OMa.
I louse M~0ont~ Leader Benson rewrite Benson’s
vcrx ant~-Gav resolution. #1~5. Sxmth clmms he
heisted chm~e the anti-gay lang~ge of the ongin~
version to l~guage that ~ght be ~i~- slightly
less ami:Gay. We ~so wrote that some OKC folks
had accused Smith of passing ~mselfoff~ spokesperson
for the OM~oma LGBT ~umties. I
promised Smith that I’d address ~s c0n~ms.
At one meeting with Benson, S~th says he was
with Jo Ann Bell of the ACLU. Ms. Bell swe~s that
Smith only represented ~mself. Smi~ says that at
a later meeting (where Bell w~ not present), he
helped Beuson m~e specific ch~ges in l~g~ge
of # 1 045: but that he told Benson &at he nevertheless
opposed the fin~ drMt (which hehelped write).
Seem confusing?
Smith appears to have b~n view~ by Benson,
by Rcp. I ~ura Boyd. by other legislators, and by
State l)emocratic P~tv Ex~ufive ~r~tor Pat
Ihdl. as an anthofized ~pokesperson for Gay ~d
I ~sbian counnunitv. As a result, some le~slators
votedagainst us, thinking ~at they had our blessrag.
Through mepmess or nmvete on ~s p~t ~d
possibly opportmfism on the p~t of some le~slators,
what hc clmms w~ ~ effort to m~e 100%
bad rcsolution into one that would~ ody~%bad
wound up being used against him and us.
And while Smith may feel he’s been beat up,
actually there’s enough blame to spread around.
Tulsan~ should strongly object to the failure of
OKC groups, who were having meeungs about
#1045, to commumeate regularly with any Tulsa
activists or groups. If it wasn’t Smith singlehandedly
representxng the entire state, it was the
OKC organizations acting as though they did. The
ACLU. which is a statewide organization, made no
effort to communicate, even with its Tulsa board
members. OGLPC’s Paul Thompson did commumcate
with TOHR when #1045 was first introduced,
but apparently not when this meeting was
.happening. Tulsa groups who were working on this
~ssue might also have called OKC groups. However.
it seems that the greater obligation falls on
those who have the advantage of proximity to the
Capitol and know better when action’s happening.
After stories like this, I sometimes think we are
our own worst enemy.-Smith has substantial experience
with the legislature, and we’d be foolish not
to take advantage of it. But it also appears that we
need to make sure that those who represent us at the
Capitol really represent all of us - in Tulsa, and
wherever else there’s an organized community in
the state, as well as in Oklahoma City.
Just one last thing about representation: Smith is
neither an officer nor an employee of the ACLU.
He volunteers but according to ACLU board president,
Mark Hendricksen, Smith should not identify
himself as though he’s staff or an officer.
Does make you kind-of wonder, doesn’t it.’?
Ilello, you don’t know me, but I certainly know
you. I live with you. I work with you. I may even be
involved with you. And yes, I’ve often masqueraded
,as v0u. I’ve had to: I’m practically invisible,
you see.’Or maybe you don’t....
I am a transsexual. But being a transie i~ this
town doesn’t add up to a great deal of visibility.
That’s funny, considering that scarcely a day goes
by when I DON’T hear somebody whispering
b~hindmy back,"Is that a boy or a girl ! Noit’s gotta
be a faggot! Well...maybe it’s a Dyke after all..."
Manya ume, I, and other transsexuals/transgender
persons, have taken the homophobic backlash for
our gay ,and lesbian brothers and sisters, stmply
because we are usually more visible than most.
Nobody loves a hermaphrodite. Androgyny makes
: most people really edgy. But I expect that from
most people (sadly enough). What hurts though, is
how Gays and Lesbians have taken little notice of
: us, in their silence, colluding to collapse our distinct
identities into theirs.
: Let’ s face it... how many of you gays andlesbians
¯ out there, in yourpersonal and political lives, focus
¯ on gender issues just as much as you focus on sex
and sexuality? In this society, gender is taken for
: granted. Gender deviance ~s taken as a personal
insult, see Letters, page 13
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*B,’unboo Lounge, 7204 E. Piue
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Reuegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Intenu’ban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
832- 1269
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Derails C. Arnold, Realtor 746-46~0
*Assoc. in Medical & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Batch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim D,’miel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Demme M. Gross, Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations. Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
*Iuternational Tours
JD hnages, Photography
Ken’s Flowers. 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Ann Macomber. Realtor Associate
*Midtown Theater. 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st
*Mohawk Music. 6157 E 51 PI
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Presc~ptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical. 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
Thomas Chiropractic Clinic, 4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C-1
Kellie J. Watts, attorney
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
743 -9994
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Agape’ Christian Fellowship, 2 l st& Sheridan 599-7688
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B E. I 1 628-0594
*B/LiG Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Community of Hope (United Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Fanfily of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*l~ree Spirit Lesbian Center call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity (African-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Indian Health Care. Save the Nation 584-4983
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
R.ATN.. Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria~ 646-7116
*ShanfiHotline 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Beaver Dam Store, 112 mi. N. of Dam on Hwy. 1’87 501-253-6154
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-544.5
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W 800-231-1442
*MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
McClung Realtors 501-253-%82
Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
with regard to race, creed, etl’afic origin,
religious preference or sexual orientation"
that is harassing.
Utah Gov. Vetoes Anti-Gay Bill
SALT LAKE CITY - Utah Gov. Mike
Leavitt has vetoed a measure, SB246, that
would have barred teachers 111 public
sdaools from encouragtng or condoning
any act that is illegal under state law. The
measure-wasspecifiCallyaimed at~pre~
venting teachers from serving as sponsors
fo~gay and lesbian clubs in public schools,
anassue that exploded earlier this year in
the state.: Even though Lea~iRt vet0ed;the
measure, he nevertheless said, "I support
the statement that was made in SB246, but
we cannot infringe on free speech." The
Utah Education Assn. had opposed the
measure and said the governor "absolutely
did the right tiring."
Calif. Trustees Wiggle Around
Outright Gay Club Ban
GLENDALE, Calif. - Trustees for the
Glendale, Calif., school district have decided
under pressure from civil rights
groups not to adopt a policy that would
require students to get parental perufission
in order tojotn gay and lesbian school
clubs specifically, and instead modified
the policy to make it apply to any "’controversial"
non-curricular clubs at the city’s
public schools. The school board had initially
intended to make the policy apply.,,.’
only to the gay and lesbian club that
students at Hoover High School had asked
to form, but decided to make the policy
apply generally to any "’controversial"
dubs so it wouldn’t appear to be discriminatory.
Civil fights advocates were not
satisfied with the broader parental permission
requirement and argue that the
adopted policy simply covers up the original
intention of the board to make it nearly
impossible for gay and lesbian students to
join the proposed club. Marc Elovitz, s taff
attorney for the ACLU’s Lesbian mad Gay
Rights Project, said the policy "’was a
thinly-veiled attempt ,:o silence gay
youths." "’Rather than making it more
difficult for iesbi,an and gay teenagers to
come out. the school board should be
meeting to discuss ways to create a friendlier
environment for gay youths," Elovitz
School Board Facing Backlash
ROCKVILLE, Md. - The Montgomery
County (Md.) school board’s decision to
include sexual~_orientation in its list of
an~i-bias~prOtections passed by a 6-0 vote
on Mar. 25, but it has also sparked a threat
by an ad-hoc group of Hispanic parents to
remove their children from the district’s
p’~blic sctiools: Som~’400 pa~eh~s qUidld~,
formed the ’Hispanic Paren~ of M~mgomery
Coamty in an effort to convince
the trustees to change their minds about
Seen to
with the umversiw’s, own anti-bias poll
~ ,:;ies. The }ssue of ROTC at colle2es and
~mversiues tth~oughout the conntrv has
t:.cen more or less on the back buruer fin
the past few years, following President
(i!inton’s initial promise to end the ban.
But with the so-called "don’t ask, don’t
tell" policy increasingly seen by manv
rights activists as no improvement over
the previous policy, ROTC programs are
again coming under fire.~
MIT Not Im pressed With-ROTC
CAMBRIDGE. M~ss: ’- ~’At the M’assachusetts
Institute of Technology, the final
report presented of a speciMtask force
study group on Reserve Office Training
:i ~ Cbi~s uifit~ ai ~e!s’d~601~t with a Chilly
: reception byMIT faculty Wh6 in April
¯ will decide what to do about the
¯ reawakened controversy. Several faculty
the newly adopted policy. Many of the ~ leaders complained thal the report was
tittle more than a compromise that resolved
nothing, while others said the report
recommendations, if adopted, would
themselves amount to a violation of M1T’s
anti-bias protections.
parents expressed concerns the new policy
would actually lead to homosexual activities
in the schools and expose their children
to HIV. But so far school officials are
not backing away from the policy, which
is simply a parallel to one already on the
books for the entire county, and Paul
Vance, the county’s superintendent of
schools, said the new policy doesn’t "promote,
encourage or approve of sexual
activity of any kind."
setting up or keeping an ROTC unit at the
school, or preventing any student from
enrolling in an ROTC program.
Univ. of Penn. Drops ROTC
PHILADELPHIA - Univ. of Penn. Provost
Stanley Chodorow has announced
that the school is dropping its Armv and"
Naval Reserve Officer Training ~orps
programs on campus because of the Defense
Department" s continued ban against
Gavs and Lesbians in the I’.S. military
The decision ends a 5-year conflict between
the military and the school over the
anti-gay protfibit]on, wtuch is in conflict
Representatives was amended without
notice or hearings to protfibit same-sex
marriages and passed by a4-to- 1 margin.
By a 16-3 vote. the Alaska state Senate
has also approved a bill that would restrict
man’iage in the state to male-female.
The Central Conference of American
Rabbis, representing rabbis in the Reform
movement, has voted to support the fight
of gays and lesbians to civil marriages in
the U.S. The resolution, which cites "’our
Jewish commitment to the fundamental
pnnciple that we are all created in the
divine image," endorses "’the fight of gay
and lesbian couples to share fullx and
equally in the fights of civil marriage,"
and opposes "’govermnental efforts to ban
gay and lesbian marriage."
Don Thornton F~rd, 83~-7.101
{f you take an honest look ai ga
lesbian attitudes towardsgcndet-bending
queers in the commuiuty youwill find a
good deal of resentment. The drag queens,
the fem-fairy boys, the bulld~’kes are routinelv
scorned (just take a look at
queer personals ad). Gays mad, Dzsbians
also are at great pmns to accept bisexuals.
who "fide the fence," unable to linut their
partners,.to asingle gender. And transies?
-:;" T~hh~eyy.’l’rl eaklwiddaiyn,sg’r, ethaelmlys"elbv~es,wtohoat,ebveecrausesxe
they were born & nothing more.
It’~s this disregard for gender isshes that
worries me the most. As queers we-all
experience gender-based discrimination
Yet, for all the similarities we share, there
is a great deal of ignorance and apath3
about the differences, & that’s dangerous.
I’m talking about the kind of ~gnorance
that separates transpersons from the res~
of the crowd, threatens us, distorts us, and
claims our accomplishments and experiences.
It’s about reading the "Crying
Game" as a gay flick rather than a film
about a transgendered person. It’s abou!
claiming Joan of.Arc solely as an histonc
Lesbian, not a transgend~r pioneer. It’s
about the Murder of Mr. Brandon Teena
and his girlfriend, for being "’lesbians,"
reducing Teena’s life and commitment to
living as a man. to a "lesbian’s" pathetic
attempt to "’pass" for a straight matt.
Well. I’m here to try and shed a little
light on the differences and similarities
among the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
trans colnmunities. M\ (trans)mission
clear. I have to let you "know I’m here. And
I’m listening .... Are you? - June Polk
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Attacks Drop Slightly significant increases included: " thestateSupremeCourthasagain . serviccsifhersexualorientation of energy for the day, mid you
but More Violent
against gays and lesbians in 11
of the country’s larger cities
decreased slightly overall last
year according to a report
compiled by the National
Coalition of Anti-Violence
Programs. But while some cities
showeddramatic declines in antigay
violence, ,an equal number
0fcities she.wed equally dramatic
increases m attacks aimed at
lesbians and gay men, according
to the report’s statistics.
More disturbing, anti-violence
activists say, even with the small
overall decline in attacks, the
offenses themselves are
becoming increamngly more
savage. Even though the total
number of all incidents reported
in the 11 cities dropped to 2212
las! year from the 1994 total of
240 [, about a quarter of those
incidents were assaults mid more
than a third of all the victilns of
these attacks suffered serious
iujnrics or died as a result of the
in Portland. Ore.. reported
anu-gay incidents dropped 56
percent last 3"ear frotn 106 in
1994 to just 47 in 1995 - the
largest decrease logged
nauonal report. Clficago wasn’t
much behind and showed a
decrease of 53 percent last year
with reported incidents falling
Item 177 to 83. Boston and Los
:\ngeles both showed comparable
decreases ~n reported
attacks last year (26 percent and
23 percent respectively). Most
of these decreases were offset by
cities that reported dramatl~
increases in anti-gay attacks. E1
P.aso. Texas. reported the largest
nsc with a42 percent increase in
mm-ga3 attacks, ajump from 92
incidents in 1994to 131 last year.
Other cities that showed
Phoenix, a 22 % increase;
Columbus, Ohio, with a 21%
rise in reported incidents; and
Minneapolis/St. Paul, up by 15
% last year.
Hate Crimes Data
Measure Before Senate
Senate has begun its first round
of hearings on reauthorizing the
federal Hate Crimes Statistics
Act, the 1990 le~slation that
requires the Justice Department
to compile and analyze hatebased
crimes, including an tigay
attacks. Activists have
expressed some concerns the
measure may have more trouble
in Congress than it did 6 )’ears
ago because of the increasingly
conservative make-up of both
Anti-Violence March at
Kentucky School
MOREH~D, Ky. -Nearly 200
students, faculty and staff
members marched through the
Morehead State Umverszty
campus ~n a "Take Back the
Night" campaign aimed atraising
awareness of anti-gay and -
lesbian violence at the school.
The march, the first of its kind at
the school, was sparked by the
Feb. 5 attack of Carrie O’Cohnor,
a lesbian enrolled at MSU.
According to MSU campus
police, 3 masked men grabbed
O’Connor as she was walking
back to her dormitory and
repeated ly punched and ~.icked
her. Officials say they still have
no suspects in that attack, but it
was reported to state police as an
anti-gay hate crime - the first
such official report filed by the
Georgia Sodomy Law
ATLANTA-In a legal challenge
to Georgia’s anti-sodomy law
- broughtby L. Chris Chrisuansen,
ruled that the statute does not
violate the Georgia constitution’s
privacy protections. Instead, the
court ruling says the law furthers
"’the moral welfare of the public."
Christiansen was convicted on
misdemeanor charges of
violating the sodomy law after
he propositioned an undercover
sheriff’s deputy.
Montana’s Sodomy Law
HELENA, Mont. - Montana
Attorney General Joe Mazurek
has appealed a state court ruling
that declared the state’s anti-gay
sodomy law unconstitutional as
a violation of privacy. The case
automatically goes.to the ~state
supreme court. Mazurek" s office
said he had decided to appeal the
Feb. 16 ruling because courts,
especially lower courts, should
be Vex3, cautious about striking
down laws made by the state
legislature. Gay rights activists
in Montana said they weren’t
surprised by the appeal and
expected the case to go before
the state supreme court.
Lesbian Tells Parliament
of Rape in Royal Navy
LONDON" - Parliament heard a
stunning admission from Karen
Greig, who described to a select
conmaittee on the armed forces
how she was raped by a male
sailor she served with in the
Royal Navy who threatened to
reveal her lesbianism to naval
officers ifshe protested. Greig,
33, said she arranged to be
transferred to a naval station in
Scotland to escape the man’s
sexual attacks, but that he later
tracked her down and raped her
with another male sailor. She
told the select committee
members that she had not
reported the attacks for years
because she was worried she
would be discharged from the
¯ crone to light. Greig said tlmt
¯ wheu she finally reported die
attacks, a superior officer
¯ suggested that perhaps the reason
she wasu’t dealing with the
¯ situation very ~vell ~vas"because
¯ you’re a lcsrian." She ",also said
~hat as soon as she reported the
attacks she was se nt to a
¯ psyclfiatric hospital for 3 days
¯ and that the mcu she says raped
¯ her were uever puuished.
¯ Brit Defense Minister
¯ Vows to Keep Ban
¯ LONDON - Nicholas Soames,
Britain’s defense minister, told
Parli,’uneut during a question-
" m~swer period that 309 service
members had been discharged
¯ between 1990and 1994because
they were homosexual. Somnes
was answering questions about
¯ a miuistry report that showed
¯¯ members of the uation’s armed
forces are strongly opposed to
ending the ban on gay midlesbian
¯ soldiers, sailors ~md marines.
So,’unes said lie was p~epared to
¯ "’fight every inch of the way:" to
¯ keep the anti-gay ban in place. ¯ Golf Champ Comes Out
NEW YORK- Muffin Spencer-
" Devlin, an 18-yearveteranofthe
LPGA Tour, has told Sports
Illustrated in an exclusive
¯ interview that she is a lesbian.
¯ "Confiug outis like an incredibly
huge ~veight being lifted from
my shoulders," Spencer-Devlin
told the magazine. "’No more
¯ living iu the shadows. No more
lies.’" The 42-year-old pro golfer
has won 3 tournament titles mad
¯ last year had 3 fiuishes in the
¯ top-10, winning more than
$100,000 from tournament play.
"I truly believe that keeping a
secret is an energy-consurmng
¯ act," Speficer-Devlin says in the
iuterview. "If every day when
you wake up you have 100 units
have secrets, they nfight take up
10 milts of that energy. After a
time you ufightnot even be aware
of it anymore, but you have that
much less cuergy to apply in
your life. And that’ suuliealthy."
Vickie Fergon, LPGA president,
mid Jim Ritts, the conunissioner,
both told Sports Illustrated they
support Spencer-Devlin’s
decision to come out. "’I applaud
Muffin," Said Fergon. ’Tm not
saying every player will be
thrilled about it, but we’re a
family and we respect each
other." Ritts is quoted as saying,
"I know there are still individuals
who have problems with diversity,
but we’ve come so far as a
society that I don’t see this as a
topic that really moves people."
Gay Clubs in Russia
The Tchaikovsky Fuud, one of
the few gay rights organizations
in Russia, has brokennew ground
with the opeuing late last year of
a new club, know as "’Victor i
Ya" ("Victor and I"), in the
former czarist .capital. Yuri
Yereyev, who heads the
Tchaikovsky Fun& said the club
offers not only social facilities,
like a cafe mid place where people
can dance, but also will be
holding seminars to educate the
Russian people about gays and
lesbians. Another major feature
of the club, Yereyev says, is an
extensive AIDS education and
prevention prograni. The club
hands out free HIV literature as
well as condoms, both of Milch
are in short supply in Russia.
Yereyev also said another barrier
was broken in February when a
lesbian club, "Safe" ("Sappho")
officially opened in St.
Petersburg as well, not far from
the "Victor i Ya."
Canadian Rights Report
OTI’AWA - Max Yalden, the
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Canadian human rights commissioner
has sharply criticized
the Liberal government of Prime
MinisterJean Chretienin a report
for not protecting the rights of
gays. In a parting shot, after 9
years heading the commission,
Max Yalden said the failure to
bar discrimination based on
sexual orientation in the country
is "little better than acquiescence
in intolerance." Yalden’ s annual
logic and a near-public
repudiatioff’ of the rightsoflawabiding
citizens mad sl~mmed
the Chretien government for
failing to amend the Canadian
Human Rights Act during the
past 2 years it has been in power
despite promises to extend full
civil rights to Canadian gays and
lesbians. The report generated
an immediate political storm in
the country and Chretien told
Parliament the government had
already enacted legislation
increasing legal penalties for
anti-gay attacks and other hate
crimes. He also promised that a
bill anending the federal human
rights laws "will be presented
before this House before we
move to an election." But Allan
Rock, thejustice minister, said it
would be "politically difficult"
to enact such an anendment
before the election because of
disagreements within the Liberal
Party. Liberal MP Grit Dan
McTeague of Ontario called
Yalden a "nut bar," and sever al
Conservative and Reform Party
members also attacked the
proposal to include gays and
lesbians under federal human
rights protections.
Canadian Commons
Gives Partners Benefits
OTFAWA - .Canada’s highlysecretive
Commons Board of
Internal Economy, which
oversees internal spending for
the House of Commons itself,
has approved limited benefits for
same-sex partners of Commons
employees. The board agreed to
extend bereavement and familyrelated
leave to the same-sex
partners of Commons employees.
The decision followed a
move by the country’s Treasury
Board last year to extend the
¯ same benefits to same-sex
¯ partners of employees in all fe
deral government departments.
¯ That measure followed a court
¯ ro!ing that. same-sex, partners
h’a~,E a righi :to ihose benefits. ¯
Gay Retires from Navy
SAN DIEGO, Calif, - In ,an
¯ exclusive interview in the Gay +
Lesbian Times, Keith Meinhold,
the openly gay sailor who
¯ successfully battled with the
¯ Na~vy’s attempt to discharge him
¯ after he came out on a national
¯¯ TV news broadcast, announced
he is retiring from the military.
Meinhold, 33, w,as stationed at
the Moffett Field Naval Air Sta-
¯ tion where he was a well-liked
: sonar instructor when he told
: Ted Koppel of ABC News in
¯ 1992 that he was gay. After he
fought discharge attempts for 2
¯ years, the 9th Circuit Court of
¯ Appe~.s finally ordered the Navy
not to discharge the 15-year
1st Annual Pride
¯ Paradein CapeTown
¯ CAPE TOWN, South Africa -
An estimated 1,000 gays and
lesbians turned out Saturday
night, March 24, to march in the
¯ first annual Gay & Lesbian
Festival parade. Two lone and-.
gay protesters showed up along
: the parade route, holding si~s
with biblical quotations
denouncing sodomy, but they
¯ were hardly noticed among the
thousands who lined the streets
to watch the landmark event.
San Francisco Library’s
Gay & Lesbian Wing
wing ofthe yet-to-be opened San
Francisco Main Library is being
called one of a kind. On March
23, hundreds of city officials,
community leaders and residents
gathered to preview the James
C. Hormel Gay and Lesbian Cen-
: ter inside the newly constructed
library. The Hormel Center will
serve as a research center for gay
and lesbian literature, culture,
- hisidry hnd’ ~r:~search. The
research ~center is the first of its
kind in a public institution
anywhere in the country.
"It’s principal benefactor,
James Hormel, said the center
will change the way everyone -
gay and straight- looks athistory.
"’It is time for us to receive the
recognition we deserve and to
take our place as equal members
of the community at large,"
Anti-Bias Albany
ALBANY, N.Y. - Lawmakers
have adopted an anti-bias
ordinance prohibiting discrimination
in employment, housing
and public accommodations
based on race, religion, national
origin, sex, age, disability and
marital status, as well as sexual
orientation. The countywide
measure was approved 24-13.
Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings
has signed a measure setting up
a city domestic partners registration
that will allow unmarried
same-sex and opposite-sex
couples to register their
relationship with city hall. The
measure, approved by the city’s
commoncouncil earlier the same
week, extends no specific
benefits, but does extend official
recognition to the domestic
Gay Cops Sue NYPD
NE\V YORK - The Gay
Officers’ Action League
(GOAL) has filed a lawsuit in
Federal District Court charging
that the New York Police Dept¯
denies the gay and lesbian police
officers orgamzation rights and
privileges that it routinely extend
s to other police fraternal groups.
Although GOAL is officially
recognized by the NYP1) as a
fratcr,nal o~ganization, the suit
charges that it has been refused
permission to set up displays at
police headquarters COlnmemorating
gay and lesbian cops, has
not beenallowed to use NYPD
vehicles ~n the city" s annual Gay
Pride Parade, and has been
denied permission to have the
force’s marching band participate
in the giant parade as well
The suit charges that Black, Irish
and Hispamc officers" fraternal
groups are routinely extended
such privileges while the
department continues to refuse
such requests by GOAL, which
has about 500 NYPD members.
NYPD officials declined to
coimnent on the lawsuit.
Notre.Dame’s Gay Org.
SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Responding
to recommendations by
an ad hoc Committee on Gay &
Lesbian Student Needs, Patricia
O’Hara, Notre Dame’s vice
president for student affairs, has
announced that the Catholic
aniversity will allow Notre Dame
Gay & Lesbian Students official
recognition at the school,
although it will be set up
differently from other student
groups on campus. The school
will not, however, recognize an
already existing gay and lesbian
group that it rejected last .’,ear.
According to O’Hara’s office,
NDGLS ~vill "stand in special
relationship to the Office of
Student Affairs (to) assist gay
and lesbian students in coufing
together to lind muttml support
and in exploring connnon issues
within the context of this
commumty and the teachmgs of
the Catholic Church." NI)GI ^S" s
advisors will also bc appointed
by O’ ttara, uulikc other stndcnl
groups on c~m~pns ~vhich sclccl
their own advi.sors. The
univcrsit~ will contlnnc.
however, to refuse to recognize
a~ unofficial student gronp, (]a\s
& Lesbians of Notre l)anc and
St. Mary’s College which ~vas
kicked off cmnpus last year even
though ~t continues to fraction
as a non-canpus orgali/21tlon
More Amer!eans
Approve of Gays
ATLANTA - Accordiug to a
CNN:’[’SA Today poll conducted
by the G~llnp organization,
44"% of those interviewed
said they thought homoscxualit.~
acceptable, a dranatic incrcasc
over a similar Gallup poll done
in 1982 which fom~d only 34%
said they thought being gay was
OK. This year’s poll also fotmd
that on13 27% said saint-sex
mamages should be legal, while
68% said gay and lesbian
maniages should not be legalized
in this country. Earlier polls had
not included questions abont
legalizing sane-sex marfiagcs.
Holocaust Museum’s
Gay & Lesbian Campaign
SAN FIL’-kNCISCO -A stellar
showing on the eve of a revival
production of Leonard Bemstein’s
"On theTown" here raised
some S150,000 for the [’.S.
Holocaust Memorial Muscum" s
Gay & Lesbian Canpaign. The
S 1,500-a-head event drew such
luminaries as conductor Michael
Tilson Thonms, librettists Betty
Comden and Adolph Grcf~{,
soprano Frederica yon Stadc,
baritone Kurt Olhuann, and
"Mod Squad" star Clarence
\\’illians IlI.
David A. Paddock, MT,
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Poll: Teach Kids About AIDS
WASHINGTON - The Kaiser Family
Foundation hasjust released a major public
opinion survey that indicates the
overwhelming majority of Americans -
95% in fact - think public schools should
teach kids about HIV and AIDS, and that
nearly two-thirds think students should
start learning about the disease by the
time they are 12 years old. The survey also
found tl{at some 66% of the 1,500 adults
polled think IV drug users should be given
clean needles to help prevent the spread of
HIV and that some 70% think television
networks should air condom ads.
Mollyann Brodie, who conducted the
survey, said Americans are actually faidy
wall informed about the epidemic, but
also noted that there are still some .
significant misconceptions. About half
those surveyed said people can get HIV
by donating blood, which, they cannot.
About half those polled also said people
who become infected begin to show
symptoms within 5 3"ears, although it is
usually more than 5 years before s3anptoms
become apparent. About 18% also said
they believed there was "’some truth" in
the idea that the virus was originally
produced as part of a govethment germwarfare
expemnent, while 12% said they
thought-. AIDS was "’God’s punishinent’"
of homosexuals.
AIDS Rate High in U.S. Prisons
ATLANTA - According to a report iu
Baltimore Sun. the federal Ceuters for
Disease Control & Prevention reports that
~inmates in the country’s largest
correctional institutions are nearlv 6 times
as likely as the general populatio~ to have
AIDS. The paper reports that according to
the CDC, the U.S. prison population has
an infection rate of 5.2 cases per 1,000
prisoners, while the general U.S.
population has less than 1 case (0.9) case
per 1,000. CDCofficials said most inmates
are already infected with HIV when they.
enter the prison system, but that ,they also
spread the virus ~ough shared IX, n~edles
and sexual acti~;’~ties 0rice behind bars).....
Calif. Medical Assn. Drops HI~
Reporting Recommendation ~i!
ANAHEIM, Calif. ~ The, Chli.forn~
Medical Associatiort ~M~lhag-cl~angffd
its mind about a policy it adopted ouly last
who are treated by doctors with a great
deal of experience with the disease
generally live significantly longer than
those who go to physicians with less
experience treating AIDS. AIDS experts
agree that keeping up with current
treatment modes is difficult for health
care professionals who don’t regularly
treat AIDS patients.
Study:i!iFederal AIDS Funding
i~ !! n~ppro~iately’ Spent
~¥~IN~T.~~L Tens of millions of
dollars allr~’~d by Confess for AIDS
research ..... i.n 1994 was spent
"’inappr0priatdt~"’ - either on stndies that
have ~ittl~ rele...~’ance to the disease or on
adm~ist~tH~~ costs that are almost
impossible to pin down - according to a
vear~Lhat enOor.sed mandatory reporting .~ -~el~drt~o~ssion.,~~ by the \Vhite House
~f individual:s who test positive for H,I~’ io ~.. ~ffied~fA~S. Thdrepo~headed bv Dr.
local health: officials. In March 1995 the ? ~krnold Le¢~ne of Yale}’iJniversity," was
CMA adopted a resolution that called for put together by some 114 scientists,
the state legislature to enact measures that
would require health-care workers in
California to report anyone testang positive
for the virus "for the purpose of partner
notification and disease control:only."
Last year" s decision drew stron~ criticism
from AIDS activists and many health care
professionals. Now the CMA says it was
wrong and that the possibility of people at
high risk for infection not getting tested
out of fears they will be reported to health
authorities outweighs other tracking and
notification considerations. Some 24states
in the U.S. require reporting of people
infected with HIV
Better Doctors = Better Patients
BOSTON" - To the surprise of almost no
one. researchers from the University of
Washington report Ul the New England
Journal @.ledicine that people with AIDS
scholars, activists, conmaumty leaders and
drug industry officials. Thereport is critical
of the National Institutes of Health’s $1.3
billion budget, and says some of the money
was used administratively to help keep
the individual health ~nstitutes,,,under the
NIH umbrella going, and some was used
to cover basic research that was related to
fighting AIDS. While the report focuses
on the 1994 budget, the most recent
available, many AIDS activists agree that
it reflects tren~ls that have been ongoing
for years. Derek Link of the Manhattanbased
Gay Men’s Health Crisis, the
nation’s largest AIDS advocacy group,
said he believes that funds for .-’kIDS
research, which have steadily increased
since the epidemic began, h~ve become
"the NCI’s cash cow. ....There’s all this
money that i s completely untracked3 smd
Link, who authored a little-noticed report
last year that was also highly critical of
federal AIDS research spending. The
report says, among other things, that the
accounting methods nsed by federal health
agencies connected to NIH are vague and
archaic, making it difficult or impossible
to also tell precisely what funds are actually
being spent on. "The different [committee]
panels and the working group were
unanimous that the NCI [National Cancer
Institute], and other institutes as well ...
presently support research classified as
AIDS-related that is not appropriately
classified This problem potentially
an~ounts to a very large level of funding,"
the report says.
Nat’l AIDS Update Conference
SAN FRANCISCO - The 8th annual
National AIDS Update Conference, the
largest in the country, opened with a
warmng by Republican AIDS activist
Mary Fisher that HMO-type managed care
is consigning millions of people infected
with HIV "to the least possible care, at the
least possible cost." Fisher electrified the
nation during a speech at the 1990 Republican
convention in Houston about how
she contracted the virus from her former
husband. "I ampampered bymyinsurance
company because I made a 13-minute
speech to a bunch of politicians in
Houston," Fisher told the opening session
here. "But there are nearly a million ofmy
brothers and sisters who are not so
pampered, who are consigned to the least
possible care, at the least possible cost."
HMOs and similar managed health-care
facilities that have swept the country in
the past decade have become "a fact of
life," Fisher and others agreed, and are
see Health, page 8
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The) transfer \our insurance mid medical records
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At Southwest Viatical, we believe )~m shonld be assured
of complete confidentMity and the best possible
service b\ working with us in persou, face-to-face. \\c
are involved on a cormnunity level, midare responsible
directly m our local connnumty.
By working with you in person, but at the san~e time
having access to uauonwide financial resources, ~vc arc
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today And becansc of our established resources, ~vc can
deliver a settlement m less than a third the time other
compames take b\ lnail. Lvpically in fewer than 30 da\s.
We’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for you.
Dallas~ Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
one reasonable way of trying to address a
health-care system that "has gotten
financially outbf control." But Fisher and
others urged activists and public policy
officials to find ways to work with
managed-care facilities in responding to
treating people with HW and ,AIDS.
Others addres sing the conference include
Dr. Sandra Hernandez, director of the San
Francisco Health Department: Patsy
Fleming, director of the White House
Office of National AIDS Policy, and
researcher Dr. Max Essex. chmrman of
the Harvard AIDS Institute.
D~g Distribution Comroversy
LOS ANGELES - A battle is erupting
ove_r the distribntion of Crixlvan, the
protease ialtibitor deve!oped by Merck &
Co. ihat nlmlx consider the n:ost promising
therapy’ in fighdng tim infection to date.
Because large-scale production of the drag
isnh expected to get going nnti! late this
year. Merck says it decided to distribute
~rixivan exciusiveix through the
Pittsburgh, Pa.-based mail-order
Stadtlm~der’s Pharmac~ Merck says n
?bled for the initiai single-source
4isvibvt~.o;7 because the d~m must bc
con_m~o.... x :)n, cse tremmem is
supplier. Ed Bubar, who runs FAdie’s
Pharmacy in West Hollywood and a
staunch opponen! of Merck’s decision,
called the move "’totally unfair" to
independent pharmacists in the country.
"’Everybody wants to get their hands on
tiffs drug,"’ he said. "If between now mad
October half of nay patients are slfifted to
mail-order for Crixivan, I can end tip
losing half of my patient base." Merck
says that when supplies of the dm~o increase
it will broaden its distribution to include
independent m~d chain pharmacies as well.
SOt. Perry Watkins Dies
TACOMA, Wash. - Sgt. Perry’ Watkins,
who entered the U.S. Army as an openly
gay mm: and remained despite tfi s sexual
onemauon, has died of AIDS. Wmkins
was 47. I :nlike other gay service members.
Watkins. checked "yes" on an enlistment
form in 1967 that asked about homosexuali{
y and was enrolled in the Ann,,
even so. Only when the Pentagon adopted
forma~ reg:,flations in 1981 barring
homosexuals did the Army begin
disct:arge proceedings which the 14- veto:
veteran challenged in federal court. [n
1989. the U.S. 9th Circmt Court of
m{ed timt the Army could not dischm’ge
\Vat kins for being g’ay since it had i ni ti
accepted him :rod aJ Jowed him to re-e::list
3 times, Ti:u ::.S. Supreme Court :_,q !990
:.hat ~c ~CF COl.trt F
\ \
tag]l) ~. ll)IST E. AVE
$12.50 t;,N I...E
TLTLSA ICE ARE:’<A 254-7272
Sponsored by Miller Lite
Memorial Day Weekend
May 24-26
Oklahoma City State Fairgrounds
Advance Ticket Package only $25
Includes both rodeo performances & both parties.
Send check or money order to
OGRA, POB 12485, OKE 73157
Orders ~eceived after 5/17 will be held for pickup
at the Fri. night party.
Agape’ Christian
Worship Service, 10:30 am.
Sheridan Center, Suite H
21st & Sheridan, 599-7688
Bless the Lord At, All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service. ! 1 am
2627b East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service. 6 pm
!703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sundav School, 9:’15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
hffo: 622- t~-i
6:5’0 ou,. at Canterbury
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
312i S. Sheridan
Support Group
2rid Monday of month.
6:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard
info: 749-4901
The Technicians. Leather
org. info cio 621-5597
7.U.LoS.A, Tulsa Uniform
~ L.~adbr Seekers" A~’soc,
>racuc.: week!v in OKC
in b S38-212~
HIV+ Support Group
HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste H-1
Info: Wanda ~ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
HW/AIDS Support Group
Friends & Famii y
HIV,AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Community of Hope
Grief Group, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Grief Group
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC of Greater Tulsa
1623 N. Maptewood
In/o: 838-!71~
Bless The Lord At All
T~mes Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Stud),
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth
Call 593-78!5 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praase & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Pracuce 7:30 pm
5451 -E South Mingo
Call 622-1441 for info.
Commnnky of Hope
~ United Methodist)
Service for Peace. 6:30 om
Bible Stud)’. 7 pm
1703 i! 2nd, 585-1800
]6-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, In/o: 585-1800
Snpport Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
HIV TestingTOHR Clinic
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm
Results hours: "~ - 9 pm
In/o: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Wee"kly practice. 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4h-~ S. Harvard. 74924901
V,’eekiv social events for
LGBT’men & women, 7 Dm
info: 646-5503
Substance Ab>sv
Support Grou,_
for ~ersons wifi~ H!’,-
415A-S. Harvard Sic
3-4:30 pro, I~o: 749-4!%4
St. Jerome’s Ecumenical
Catholic Church
Mass, 6 pill
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
In/o: Father Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weeld y at ! I pm
Confidential gnpport for
recovering addicts.
Cormnunitv of ! lcpc
1703 E. 2nd, Ir~fo: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS MemoHa~ Qui~
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each inonth
Info: 7dg-3 t i
Gay & Lesbian Sn~dem
hio: (£;? 762 ’
7].3-(].- "-
Womens Supper Club
6:30pro, r-Fippin’s Pie P~mtry, 7828 E. -1
Pride Picnic Planning Meeting
7 pro. Central Library. Preview Room,
4fl~ & Denver. In/o: 583-1248
Planning Meetingfor Gay &
Lesbian Action AlertPhone Tree
6 pm, TOHR office, 40th & Harvard,
2nd ft. All welcome. In/o: 582-7548
APRIL 26-28
HIVIAIDS & SpiritualitylWholeness
Retreatfor Men, In/o: 488-9215
Rainbow Business Guild Spring Picnic
4 pro, Zink Park, In/o: 665-5174
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Volunteer Training (1 of2 sessions)
10-5 pm, Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd Info: 749-4213
Womens Supper Club ....
i6f30pm, Olive Garden, Utica Square
iInfo: 584-2978
MAY 3-5
Texas Lesbian Conference
Dallas Grand Hotel
Info: Naomi @ 214-520-8108
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Volunteer Training (2 of2 sessions)
10 - 5 pm, Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd hffo: 749-4213
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Right~’
7 pm. Chouteau Rin_ Chapmm~ Ctr.
In/o: 743-GAYS (4297)
Dignity/Integrity Mass
5 pm, St. Dunstan’s, 5635 E. 71st
In/o: 745-2363
Parents Families & Friends of
Lesbians & Gays
Family AIDS Support Group. 6:30 pm
Social and Refreshntents, 7 pm
General Meeting, 7:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Info: 7494901
MAY 17-19
Herland Sister Resources Retreat
Roman Nose State Park
Registration deadline: 5/15
Info: 2312 NW 39th, OKC 73112
HIV/AIDS & Spirituality/Wholeness
Retreatfor Women, hffo: 488-9215
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights,
PFLAG & Rainbow B,tsiness GUIM
present Cece Cox, pres. ofthe ’
Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance
7 pm, ChouteaU Rm, Chapman Ctr, TU
In/o: 743-GAYS (4297)
TOHR Ci~wide Pride Prom
Location to be announced.
Info: 743-GAYS (4297)
Tulsa Pride Picnic
Noon - 6pm. Location to be ammunced.
In/o: 743-GAYS (4297)
= The University of [ulsa StudentA.*:..’,-.)’,,~’",,’~~,’v",.,r’"
~ ~is~’:<t:al. Lesbian and ~av ~t.[ance _,..c ~_n:,vc;-sitx 1)_
[] /)re.senz the
[] : 2rid Annual World Cinema Festivat
[] Gay & Lesbian Cinema :
¯¯ Friday, April 19
[] ¯
[]~ Gav & Lesbian History [][]
[] The Homosexuals. 7 pm
[] Before Stonewalh The Making of a Gay and
¯ Lesbian Comtnunirv, 8pm ¯
¯ Last Call at Maud’s, 9:30 pm []
¯ Saturday,., April 20
[] American Gay & Lesbian Experience ¯"
¯ [] [] Postcards From America, lpm
¯ A Comedy in Six Unnatural Acts, 2:30pm ¯
¯ Homoteens, 3pm ,
¯ The Blankpoint: What is Transexualism, 4pm
¯ ¯ ¯ Break for Dinner ¯
¯ Super 8 112, 7pm ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ Sunday, April 21 .
-" Gay & Lesbian International Film -"
Wild Reeds, lpm ¯
¯ ¯
¯ Khltsh, 3pm
¯" El Diputado, 3:30pm
¯ Break for Dinner "
¯ ¯ ¯ Boys Shorts: The New Queer Cinema, 7pm ¯
¯ Urinal, 9pm ¯
¯ ¯
¯ Screenings are free and in Lorton Hall//207 (enter from 8th & ¯ Evanston. Lorton faces the Oval & is north of Twin Towers Dorm) ¯
¯ Sponsored by the TU Student Assoc~"att"on, BLGA, Office of the¯
"Provosl, School of Art, Hen~. Kendall College Division of Fine & ¯
~-Performing Arts, Office of the President .and Tulsa Family News.~-
I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I i I lilillll Illil I I.iil i i ii ’
IAM o,t’d om p. 1
Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. Both
OKC and Tulsa members of the Task
Force felt the ne2xl to provide services to
PLWA’s, such as hospital visits, memorial
services and education.
Out of this, grew IAM which incorporated
and applied for its IRS tax-exempt
status in 1990. IAM was begunby Doreen
Wood;Phil Wiley, Don Satterthwaite and
Chaplin Diane Zike, who serves as executive
Although IAM is an interfaith orgamzation,
its origin with the Episcopal Church
resulted in a grant in 1990 to run a 24hour
volunteer HIV/AIDS hotline. This line
was for several years the only source of24
hour information in the state. Calls to the
hotline range frombasic HIV information
and referrals, such as to testing sites, to
providing "real" listening to those who
want toknow if their actions may have put
them at risk for HIV infection. IAM’s
state certified volunteers and staff also
provide education seminars for churches,
and organizations such as the US Army
Corp of Engineers, Kimberly-Clark, and
booths at health fairs, conferences and
IAM’s goal is to provide HIV.AIDS
information from a spiritual dimension,
especially for young people. According
to Diane Zike, "IAM is about saving
lives...w e believe in abstinence but also in
giving good information so people can
make good choices."
Zike has recently finished a couf~e in
clinical pastoral care which will allow
IAM to add a new dimension to its services.
IAM also offers "’trained visitors"
who are available to see folks who are
max be too ill to get out or x~l~o are lonely.
¯ IAM’s currentboardis Richard Reeder,
¯ Phil Wiley, Joe Myles, Lauren Green,
¯ Steven Fendt, Bill Green and Nancy Tiger.
Their vision for the future hopes to
add ameditation series, and various work-
.- shops to their current services of provid-
¯ ing spiritual, emotional and practical sup-
" port for people.
¯ IAM is a membership/volunteer sup-
" ported organization. Membership is only
¯" $5/year/individualor$10/year/household
¯ and $1/year/student/low income. Volun¯
teers are especially needed for the 24 hour
hofline whichis staffed in4hour blocks at
¯ the volunteer’s home. One day training is
¯ provided in HIV!AIDS information and ¯
in "active listening". For more info. or to
"- volunteer, call 438-AIDS (2437).
i Spahr ~on,’d~om p. 1
¯ bly because Spahr is Lesbian. Following
¯ that ruling, DUPC and Westminister, 2 ¯
More Light (welcoming of Lesbian and
¯ Gay persons) congregations, set up the
¯ special ministry so that she could travel
¯ the US educating and informing Presbvterians
and others on behalf of greater
¯ inclusiveness in the Church.
Spahr also will be the featured speaker
¯ at a workshop entitled "Claiming God’s ¯
Grace" in OKC on Sat.:May 18th. The
~vorkshop is beiug called "a day of healing,
learning and community as we work
toward wholeness in our lives as children
Of God & as Gay, Lesbian, Bi &
Transgendered peoples’" 9am to 4pm at
St. Andrew’s. 2712 NW 23. Preregistration
encouraged, although walk-ins are
welcome. Fee: S15, with scholarships
available. For more izffo, call 745-9922 in
Tulsa, 377-9174, Stilhvater or 840-4849
in OKC.
enjo)" being ourselves. A funeral seems ostentatious
and can cost a lot of money. A simple, ~lign~ed
cremation just seems to fit our lifestyle.
Cremation Society®
of Oklahoma
2103 East Third, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104-1842
918-599-7337 or toll-free, 800-994-7337
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For Free Literature, Withou| Cost or Obligafion,
Mail this coupon today!
Please contact me. I would like to learn more about
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Name: Age:
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Play cont’dfromp. 13
John Weller for their incredible performances
in the production I "directed" -
HIVariations, consisting of Cater Waiter
& Andre’s Mother. Special thanks to
Vivica, & the rest of the cast - your suggestions
& insights were extremely helpful
& appreciated. I am very proud of
them. They performed perfectly, & the
technical aspects of the show went off
without a hitch - there wasn’t a dry eye in
the house when they were done. Thank
you for the many hours ofwork youall put
in, & for putting up with a sometimes
temperamental director. Special thanks to
Aaron Mooney, who worked the lights
with almost no preparation, no rehearsal,
& did a stellar job. A special thanks to
Professor Cook, for his belief in this
project, & his conviction that everyone
should have a voice in theatre.
I hope you’ll support the 2nd Annual
World Cinema Festival of Gay" & Lesbian
Cinema at the TU, which occurs Friday,
April 19 - Sunday, April 21. All films will
be screened in Lorton Hall, room #207, on
the TU campus. For the complete schedule
see the ad on page 9. See you there?
Onthe local front, BA Cornn{lmi’(~Playhouse
was named "Oklahoma Theatre of
the Year" by the OK Community Theatre
Association. According to Don Tabberer,
"For a community theatre, this is equivalent
to receiving the Best Picture Oscar; it
is very gratifying to be recognized for the
work we do here.’" BACPalso received an
award for "’Excellence in Marketing".
Congratulations, BACP! Their production
of "’The Cemeterx: Club", a story
about friendship, loss, healiug & facing
life with humor, opens April 26.
$ondheim’s "Company" opens June 14.
BACPis also looking for directors for the
upcoming season. For more info., call the
BACP at 258-0077.
Elvis is alive, &will probably be incognito
at the Philbrook. The Philbrook Museum
of Art will play host to a traveling
exhibit, "Elvis + Marilyn: 2x Immortal".
The exhibit examines Presley’s &
Monroe’s enduring effect on American
culture, & will be showing April 14- June
2, 1996. Keith Haring is one oftbe artists
featured. A special event on April 28 at 2
& 4 pm, will be a concert given by J.D.
Sumner & the Stamps Quartet, who performed
regularly with Elvis during the
height of his success. Tickets for the concert
are $15, & include admission to the
exhibit. Tix are available at the museum,
or call 748-5307. see Play, page 15
Rainbow cont’dfromp. 11
tain state, particularly inColorado Springs.
Colorado Springs’ loss is our gain. The
Emerald Rainbow has always been a tremendous
resource for g/l/b/tg folk, and
the beat goes on. The place has a little
different look, new & different siddines,
and most of the familiar remains as wall.
Come and see for yourself. You can
meet M.C. &Linda, maybe swap or create
some God stories of your own. You might
pick up some incense, buy a Rainbow
flag, some Freedom Rings, a gay or lesbian
novel, ~nake a statement with a button
or bumper sticker, mid you will deftnitely
enjoy your time in the place we call
paradise - Enreka Springs.
(NOTE: The Fanerald Rainbow can be
reached at emrain@rog.ar.ispnet.com, or
visit their home page on the WorldWide
Web:http: www pimps.conreurekaibizi
Tales of
The Emerald Rainbow
by Phil Boler-Schmidt
Linda Williams and M.C
Delahanty are not unlike many
visitors to pass this way. They
read that Eureka Springs hoots-a
large lesbigay population in a
guide about great gay places to
: live,~and tiring of thebigotryand
: ~hatred-erRlemi&in
Springs, they decided tO ch~ckI
us out.....hehe.
The now proud owners ofThe
Emerald Rainbow (45-1/2
Spring Street in Eureka Springs,
501-253-5445) left Colorado on
a whim in early Febnmry. They
had plane reservations and were
planning to vacation here in
March, but they decided to get a
sneak preview. They knew they
¯ could stay less than two days
¯ before making the trek back to
theirjobs at casinos in the Cripple
¯ Creek resort area. So sure were
they that this was a quick trip,
just to give us the once over, that
the couple of five years did not
bother to bring their checkbook
along for the ride.. - ..
trieve parts of herself from along
some highway in Oklahoma. Jan
& Kim Ridenour, the founders,
and now former owners of The
Emerald Rainbow, referred to
this particular event as just an-
Other good laugh at the Angel
Bar, where some macho dyke
angel said, "Hey look, we need a
couplemore in Eureka Springs,"
In less than half a day;.~M.C..&~: ]....then, with a swift puff of air into
warmth, and humor to their new
venture, and the place didn’ t skip
a beat. By the nme we go to
press, their Grand Opemng will
be past, and the official passing
of the torch will be a memory.
These ladies are ready to settle in
for the long haul.
This move was fraught with
ironies for Linda & M.C. They
only lived in Colorado for three
Linda.~ contraeted~ to::pufeh’a!se’; .::;:hef~.blow gun, she landed the".; ye,hrsTThree years exactly to the
their n~w~bfisiri~s~ an@le~e ~an~,:~" d~d,dub right on’target: ¯
apartments- all without benefit-::: All joking aside, this has been
ofaLnythingothertharithemagic : quiteaseries0feventstowimess. .. money machine at alo,..~cal_~bank. .- Like most folks in our little
~’ Oh ye~;Eu’:r~k~iSpri~s~be’ ~; " t~t6pi;a;,t ,wear a, number.of katsa
downrightdangerous place: r0 ! arrund town. One I have filways
visitifyouhavenotalreadygiven : enjoyed is the-one I don when
thought to an abbot move. We..... work-in,g, part-time at The
have several- names,’~,l~or,~tli~se F Eme-rald~Rai.nbow. I feel like I
kinds of occurrences ~n Eureka ; get pMd to play, and that role
Springs. At MCC of the Living : continues forme as l get to know
Spring, we called it another God the new Emerald Rainbow
Story. Linda& M.C. consistentl~ : "morns."
refer to It as a whirlwind, and
each feels like she needs to reday.
Both are nanve to the Baltimore,
MD area. Though they
moved toColorado Springs m
the aftermathof the Amendment
Two vote. th’e~; initially felt good
about that mo~’e. They wanted a
sabbatical from-the hustle and
bustle of life-in th~ big city, ,’rod
they weren:~t rs~ly,prepared lbr
the overt:nile that ~vangelicals
exert in the-once liberal uloullshe
Rombow. page 10
A dull Accommodations
In Eureka Springs, Arl~nsas
M.C. & Linda are delightful
people. They bring enthusiasm,
Craftsman-style cottages with beautiful .views
of the woods and wildlife -.Tucked on top of the
Ozark Mountains, just a few minutes .walk to the
Historic Village ofEureka Springs.
Frank Green Jr.. Hosl - 50 Wall $treet - Eureka Springs. Arkansas 72632
ofEureka Sprtngs
Recommended by The New York Times
(501) 253-6807 5 (enter Street
Closed Wednesday Eureka Springs. ~R 72632
Books, Incense,
Candles and Rainbows/
Plus lots more/
(510) 253-5445
45&1 2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs
Arkansas 72632
Eureka Springs 9th Annual May Fine Arts Festival
Jim & Brent’s Bistro Calendar of Events
’ Location, location, location
For Sale By Owner
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Income Properties
Flexible terms - owner willing to ~rry paper.
Take advantage NO\V of this rapidly growing market!
Call 501-253-7729 or \vrite
POB 341, Eureka Springs, AR 72632 for further details.
Real Estate is a great investment. Bring us an offer!
Thurs. May 2nd, Silence With A Voice
Gay & Lesbian Art Exhibit 5-10 PM, Dinner Will Be Served 6-10 PM
Sat. May 4th, Listen] Look At Me! Visual Performance Art On The Passion, Pain
Politics & Power of Lesbian Women. Soap & Vick Events.
A uniquely artistic show where art performs & poetry dances.
Sun. Mother’s Day 12th, A Mother’s Love
An eclectic art collection of mothers’ lives, loves & dedication to their children.
9-11 PM. Gwendolyn’s Superb Sunday Brunch Will Be Served 9 AM - 3 PM.
Jim’s Dinner Served 5-11 PM
Tues. May 14th, Poetry On Platter Hill, Open Mic. 6-8 PM.
Thurs. 30th & Fri. 31st, Bistro Beat Etc.
Live Music On The Deck, Lunch 11:30 - 2:30 8( Dinner 5-11 PM.
...Jim & Brent have opened the ultimate intimate local eatery.
A special, eclectic dining experience...
Stop by our house for a taste of local flavor. Dine outside on the patio & porch or
in our three beautiful dining rooms. Fine food at an affordable price.
MCClu"Thne gL~nd tSepead~lEtsyts~, Inc. ~-~
501-253-9682 (days)
OR 501-253-8969 (eveni ngs)
Offerings include: Bed & Breakfast
Inns, Victorian Homes, Hotels Motels,
Commercial Properties Businesses,
Quiet Country Estates, & much more.
McClung RealO’, Inc. has catered to the
diverse G/L/B/TG community in Eureka
Springsfor over 20 years. Call or write
for a listing brochure. Or better yet, stop
in, and we’ll show you around.
We specialize in creative financing.
A Friendly Place to Stay
96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(501) 253-7311
Jerry A. Wilson. owner
MCC of the
Living Spring
...a community of friends...
Rev. Kermie Wohlenhaus
We welcome you to attend!
Services held
Sunday evenings at 7 o’clock
17 Elk Street
(at the Unitarian Church)
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
by Leanne Gross
¯Thr~ Rulos for Rc~lueing Risk...
Diversification, diversification.
diversification...as any experienced investor
knows, markets don’t go up forever.
Inevitably, there will be periods of
decline when investor assets shrink along
with~m.arket. The question is, how can
we rmmrmze the impact of a market decline
on our investments. While you can’t
avoid risk entirely, you can ~educe it
through diversification.
Diversification - Level 1, In its simplest
form, diversifications can be
achieved by investing in: a mix of investment
categories including stocks, bonds,
real estate and money markets; a variety
of compames; both large & small com’-
pany stocks; different geographical areas;
U.S., domestic, and international securities;
a range of investment maturities;
different investment philosophies (Wowth,
You cotdd diversify your conunon stock
holdings by pttrchas~n’g stocks representmg
many different industries. That would
bc safer than concentrating.in a single
industry. And. to further mJmufize your
cxposure to risk, you might put some
funds into a money market account, or a
similar type of low risk investment
Diversification - Level 2, Many people
do not have enough money to sufficiently
diversify on their own. This is where
mutual funds come in.. Mutual funds pool
investors’ money to buy securities from a
variety of companies. They enable-both
large & small investors to invest in a
wider range of companies and investment
classes that they could working alonel
Different fund families have different
characteristics. In the mutual fund marketplace
today, you can find funds of
every kind of investment style, investing
in all areas of the economy.
Diversification , .Level 3, The next
level of diversification ~s asset allocation.
This is achieved with purposeful weighting
in the different investment categories,
to match an underlying strategy such as
growth, income, or tax relief.
With asset allocation, you mix both
conservative & growth-oriented investments
and arrive at a blended portfolio
which is not as risky as it Would be if you
were to put all your money into gro~,th
instruments. This strategy offers youmore
upside potential than if you were to go
totally conservative. It’also offers the
poter~tial advantage of.~ving you something
positive to work with in nearl v every
kind of market scenario. Whild one
~nvestment is performing poorly, another
may be doing well.
How you allocate of diversify your personal
portfolio is determined I~v" your individual
Investment profile - v~tir goals,
your risk temperament, 3our t~.x situation
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may need to change over tlllle in
orderto ~’it your changing financial needs
mad goals
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City/County Public Library
. Twenty-six years after Stonewall and
s~xteen years into the AIDS crisis, gay
men are just now starting to figure out
how tomakelong-term relationships work,
and, more importantly, why they are significant.
Author Craig Nelson takes us on
a stage by sta’ge journey ~b0ut how to get,
and keep, a man.
In eleven readable and entertaining
chapters, Nelson explores "Modem Love,"
"Where to Meet Men,"
"Date Tips for Guys"
and "Keeping it Together,"
among other
topics. Since some guys
seem to find romantic
success via personal
ads and dating services,
Nelson supplies lists of
questions that help both
you and )’our potential
mate understand who
you are and what you
want. Also, under’standing that a very
small percentage of people are extremelY,
physically attractive, Nelson reminds th~
reader to loosen up, don’t beat up on
yourself, or a potential mate, for not looking
like Rod Jacksou-Paris. There is much
more to life & relationships than just
ha~.mg a pretty face.
Nelson cites many factors that combine
to sabotage long-term relationships, in-
cluding poor self esteem, intemalized
¯ homophobia, lack of fidelity and the idea
that the other guy is just plain nuts! The
¯ bottomline seems to be lack of communication.
Everyone has quirks, so dream on
¯ if you’re looking only for Mr. Perfect, or
¯ if you think that you are Mr. Perfect! All
¯ .relationships are based on communicat-
¯ mg needs and desires.
¯ " ’There is an interesting chapter, "Fidel-
; ity, What’s Fidelity?," dealing with the
apparent difficulties that many gay men
¯ have being faithful to their partner. AIDS
many factors...sabotage
long-term relationships...
poor self-esteem,
internalized homophobia,
lack of fidelity and
the idea that the other
guy is just plain nuts[
is the obvious reason
that this may be the
most important chapter
in the book. It’s time
gay men realize that the
1970s are long gone,
and now is the time to
create a new standard
for gay relationships.
After spending the
entxre first ten chapters
trying to get couples
together for the long
haul, Nelson’s final chapter is titled "When
It Falls Apart." Some relationships are
simply not going to work and this chapter
g~ves advice on making a breakup as
painless as possible. If there was ever a
time for a book like this, this is it!
Please contact your local branch library,
or call the Readers Services department
at the Centr,’d Library at 596-7966,
for dfis book & others on si]nilar subjects.
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Cemetery - Funeral Home - Crematory
At Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home, you and
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Our journey through life should be done with
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with no health questions asked)
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Polo Grill: cutewaiters
decent food
by Jean-Pierre, TFN Food Critic
Sometimes one has to consider the artistic
aspects of fine dining from a more
hedonistic aspect, somewhat removed
from a strict analysis of the preparation
and presentation of the food itself. There
are restaurants which decorate with fine
art or with collections of sports memorabilia,
but one Tulsa establishment decorates
with its wait staff.
The Polo Grill, hidden away on the far
east side of Utica Square but still a long
time and well-known favorite of Tulsa’s
social elite, has by far the most gorgeous
and handsome waiters ofany restaurant in
town. In fact, at least three of the waiters
are positively stunning (and they know
it!) and could grace the pages of most any
catalog or print ad. Unfortunately, we
don’t have first hand information on
whether or not they would qualify for
International Male. And, believe it or not,
these attractive waiters are very capable at
doing their jobs.
If one is able to get one’s mind back on
the menu, one will find a good variety of
tasty, well prepared items at this popular
restaurant. The decor here is very clubby,
including a welcoming fireplace near the
bar, and the menu reflects a man’s tastes
by the emphasis on heartier entrees and
the lack of trendy items. Our major complaint
with the establishment is that the
smoking and non-smoking sections are
not fully separated, and on a busy night,
no area of the restaurant is trul y free from
obnoxious mid unhealthy smoke.
The food here is basic; straight forward
,and no-nonsense in preparation, .you can
dine on haute cuisine entrees or the ever
popular $7 Polo burger.
Appetizers include fried calamari
(squid), shrimp cocktail, some tasty crab
cakes, escargot (snails) served in mushroom
caps, a tomato vegetable soup, and
an assortment of soups dujour.
Several big entree salads, such as a
traditional Cobb, appear on the menu, and
the dressings include an excellent fruit
flavored poppyseed vinaigrette, one of
our favorites. Caesar salads, both with
Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square.
Prices: expensive. Service: formal,
bistro atmosphere.
Hours: 11-10 pro; ’tll 11 pm on
Fri. & Sat.; closed Sun. Payment:
Visa, ]~laster-card,
American Express, Diner’s
Club, Carte Blanche; no
eheel~s. Non-smol~n~ seeGon:
Yes. Alcohol: Full bar.
Opinion: A List.
and without grilled chicken or shrimp, are
also popular items.
Main courses include beef, veal, lamb,
duck, chicken, shrimp, and fish, with prices
ranging from S 14.95 for the roast split of
duckling to S 19.95 for grilled lamb chops
to S22.95 or so for the fresh fish of the day.
Steaks are popular with the sometimes
older crowd, and the tenderloin fillet costs
S16.95 for the six ounce and S18.95 for
the eight ounce size, with the strip sirloin
going for S 18.95
We ate the excellent veal osso bucco
and our companion ordered the fish of the
" day, which was a baked halibut served in
Cherry Street Psychotherapy
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Are you looking for a relaxed, amicable,
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¯ a champagne cream sauce. The halibut
¯ was very fresh with no hint of fishy taste,
and the sauce was a light and pleasant
accompaniment. The halibut was pre-
¯¯ sented along side angel hair pasta, which
we thought was cooked a touch beyond al
~ dente. Our osso bucco was delicious and
¯ fork tender. A traditional Italian stewing ¯
of the veal leg served with cross sections
¯ of bone and attached meat, osso bucco is
¯ beloved not so much for the meat, but for ¯
the wonderful marrow inside the bone.
¯ Therefore, we were shocked and appalled
: when our osso bucco was presented, not
¯ with a marrow scoop, but with a totally
useless seafood fork! We hate to admit it
in public, but we were forced to extract the
marrow witha...butter spreader. Mon dieu.t
Desserts are substantial._ The creme
brulee and Key lime pie, both $3.50, are
typical of Tulsa restaurants. Even better
are the baked fudge and the cinnamon
raisin, bread pudding, both $3.95. On the
evemng we dined, a Grand Marnier
souffle, $4.95, was apleasant finale to our
meal. While the souffle was not quite as
tender as what we make at home, we could
hardly complain in view of the very reasonable
price of this often-difficult dessert.
After dinner coffees, demitasse, and
drinks are available from the full bar.
A fairly small wine list contains both
nice drink’able wines and a few embarrassing
selections that are so sadly all too
popular in Tulsa. Several of the better
wines are available by the glass.
The Polo Grill has always been one of
the consistently go~d restaurants in Tulsa.
Formal and gourmet it is not, bnt management
and the kitchen are very ~vell
grounded in their concept of ident’itv and
do a fantastic job of serving their ~iclle
with well trained staff and excellent food.
Marilyn Monroe,.at Philbrook’s l~vis +
Marilyn: 2 x Immortal,photo: Sam Shaw
by James Christjohn
The University of Tulsa’s Weekend of
One .Acts has come & gone. Many ontstanding
productions were perfonncd, &
almost everyone in the directing class is
now dealin~ with a great deal of strcss
reduction. However, there are three productions
upcoming. Diaries, writtcn by
TU students about college life from a gay
perspective, will go up 4.: 29, at 7pro in
Theatre 2 in Kendall Hall. On 4 30, at
7pro, Laundry & Bourbon & The lx,sson
(directed by Vivica \Valkenbach) will bc
performed in Theatre 2. Lisa \Vilson’s
version of Bus Stop opens 4 24.
I would like to take tiffs opportunity to
express my th,’ulks to Michael Kippcr,
Karin Sandmel, Vivica \Valcbeubach, &
see Play, page lO
Worship Service, 10:30 am
Sheridan Center, Suite H,
21st & Sheridan, 599-7688
where pets are treated like people
* Bakery Treats
* Bed 8: Breakfast (boarding)
" Salon
* Pet Supplies: Science Diet, IAMS. Nutro Dog Food
3311 S. Peoria. 744-5556 [D[CC TO DISCO Wed,-Sat, 10-5
Sun, 1
The fabulous T-Town Dreamers. Photos: JD Jamett
by, J.D. Jame~t " " - int~rest ~,s known as a great neighborhood
It’s spring and boy, are there a lot of bar (or two bars) - that’s right, New Age
Atthe Silver Star, Fallon Scott
new Miss Gay South USofA
tlfings to do out and about. This next
month holds a broad spectrum of events
from a turn-about show at the Silver
Star (April 19), followed by the 4th annual
Miss Silver Star Pageant
(April 21). You’ll be sorry if you missed
Robbie Walker’s 2rid am~tm] Birthday
Show wtfich was April. 7th at Concessions.
Don’t nfiss the Miss Gay C)klahoma
America Pagent (April 20) at the
Peffornfing Arts Center or the Bear Bash
(April 27). Contact Steve or Dick at 918-
663-5372 for more
*larch came in like a lamb but went out
like a drag queen with bad hair and broken
heels (just-kidding). There was a lot of
excellent entertaimnent last month,
from .a spectacular arfiversarv show at
I~ola’s which featured a new°entertainment
group, The T-Town Dreamers, to
the first mmual Gay South USofA
pageant at the Sih’~r Star.
This month’s featured establishment of
Renegades and the Rainbow Room. These
bars offer a little bit for everyone, a from
a sit-down cruise bar to a show bar to a
nice big patio with fireplace.
This bar is trnly a familv affair. Dermis
and lfis other half. i~arry, not only are the
owners but regular bartenders. And who
could ever forget Derails’ sister, Veronica,
the v~vacious and light-hearted bartender
in the Rainbow Room? Some of their
~nonthly events are Leather Night (Ist
Friday of the month in the Rainbow
Roon~), Girls Nite Out (the date varies
each month but the date is always posted).
May will be a particularly busy month
for th’em starting with the Red Ribbon
Revue (May 4) which will benefit Our
House. followed by Miss Renegades ’96
(May 17), Girls Nit’e Outwith a wetjockey
shorts contest (May 18) mad ending with
one of the rites of spring, the GAYFEST
CARNIVAL & carwash featuring Dark
Shadows II, see JD, next page
Coming Soon! Don’t Miss It!
Special entertainers:
Amanda Love
Anita Richards
Helen Holliday
Scott Pendergrass, from Nashville
An event you won’t want to miss.
The most prestigious preliminary to
Miss..GaY OMahoma America
Tickets on sale at the P.A.C.or at most
Carson Attractions outlets. $5.00 ~er person or $6°00 per
couple= Phone orders ~y credit cards accepted.
Liddy D.oenges Theater - use the 2rid St. entrance 1~r
this event.‘ Don’t ~it~’t0 pur~h~se tickets; seating is
limiteci. Thanks to the P.A.C. ~’or helping to make ~his ever~t
one Tulsans of all walks of life will be proud of.
For more information, call: 918.428.5330
Portions of proceeds to benefit Shanti, Inc. & Our House
JD, continuedfrom page 14
also benefiting Our House (May 19).
PS, speaking of drag queens, to keep all the fabulous drag
divas of Tulsa happy (and so they stop pestering me about
getting their names mentioned in the column), I’m now
starting our Queen ofthe Month dub. This month’s winner is
Katherine - ’cause she begs so sweetly. Queen ofthe Month
dub rules Vary according to my whim, so be patient, sooner
or later, everyone wins.
Play, continuedfrom page 14
Gilcrease museum is offering an intriguing program during
this month called Art WithA Tart: No, I’m not making this
up; that’s the name of the event, honest! A speaker will give
a tour about bits of the Gilcrease collection, & the museum
restaurant makes up a box lunch comprised of a tart &a salad.
I don’t think they mean the tart serves the salad, it seems a
pastry tart is included in the lunch: Pity. Could have been
really amusing, don’tcha think?The tour is free; the tart costs
$5~00. Reservations? 596-2700: Tell ’em you saw it here!
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each
additional word is 25 cents.
You may bring additional
attention to your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad
Count the number of words.
(A word for our purposes is a group
of letters or numbers separated
by a space.)
Send your ad &
P41a4y0m, eTntultsoa,POOKB
74159 with your
name, complete address,
day &
eve. numbers "
(for our records
Ads will run in
the next issue
after they are
TFN reserves the
right to edit or
refuse any ad. No
$18/deck, choose beginner,
intermediate or advanced.
Ozark Orchid Society, Rt. 2 Box 130C
Elkins, Arkansas 72727
I’m new in town from California. I ~n
looking to meet hot, cool, str8 act. guys
18-28. Me: 6’, 210, bl/bl. All responses
answered. Latinos/Asians+++ Write mc:
c/o TFN, POB 4140
Tulsa, OK 74159.
HI, I’M ROGER GWM, 18, 6’5", 180, red
hair, blue eyes, seeks others, 18-22, into
cuddling and romance, for fun andpleasure.
Give me a call. (Broken Arrow) =8649
I’M OUT, ARE YOU? GWM, 6’1 ", 265,
23, brown hair, blue eyes, varied interests,
seeks other GWM’, open and honest for
friendship and possib)y more. Please leave a
message. (El Dorado) =26245
EUN GUY GWM, 28, 5’10", brown hair
and eyes, smooth bdy, seeks younger guys
for fun and pleasure. I’ll call you back!
(Muskogee) =17409 "
To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (,)
Due to our large volume of calls,
if you can’t get thru, simp y try
your ca ater.
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions call: 1-415-281-3183
NO NONE NITERS GWM, 25, toll, lean
and altractive, masculine and inq.xperieaced,
variety of interests, sm0ke/drug/disease
free, seeks others, 20=30, for f~n, friendship
and hopefully mare. Pleas=be sincere and
not into one night affairs. Give me a call.
ffulsa) =34529
140, dark hair, blue eyes, clean cut and
shaven, seeks local guys for fun~ friendship
and more. Call me:(l"ulsa) =49331
area and this lifestyle, 5’11", 140, dark
hair, seeks others, 24-34 and dominant.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma City) =21422
READ ME GBM, 5’11 ,, 175, very
masculine, seeks others for fun and more.
Once you meet me you’ll never let me go.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma City) =21904
WM, 39, married; excellent shape and well
end’wd, not into cruising, games, CD’s, TS’s
or "iV’s, seeks mature executives, 25-35,
straight acting and masculine. If you’ve had
more partners than -you have fin.qers, do not
respohd to this! (Oklahoma City~-
blonde hair, green eyes, restaurant
manager, seeks others into movies, romance
and lit= fulfillment. If you’re ready to pursue
a Iongterm relationship give me a call.
(Okdhoma City) =19508
5’7", good build, brown hair, green eyes,
seeks same for you know what! Give me a
call. (Oklahoma City) =17161
YOUNG LOVE GWM, 19, 6’, brown
hair, blue eyes, variety of interests, seek
same, for f~’n~ friendship and more. You
bust be straight acting. Leave me a
message. (Oklahoma City) =19160
NO CLUBS FOR ME GWM, 28, 6’4",
260, new to this, seeks others to show me
more abaut being submissive and more.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma City) =6.584
ARE YOU THE ONE? GWM, 24, 5’I0",
blonde hair, brown eyes, into fishinfl and
outdoor activities, seeks other guys for fun
and possibly more. Call me. (~)klahoma
City) =18155
Recording your ad:
Figure out what.y0u want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple: Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
throggh ifle rest. Havea pen ready to
write ~wn your box number.
I LIKE IT=, GWM black hair brown eyes
29, 170 into alot of things seeks others ~ 8-
25, col!~e guys preferre~ for fun and ~ore.
Call me. (Ok-lahoma City)
32, 6’, 160 inexperienced seeks others,
mascu ine and attractive, to teach me more
and possibly learn these things together.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma ~*ity) =7550
sghaOOvdenb,upildro,febsrosiwonnahl,asireen~sreoetnheerysefso, rcfluenan,
friendship and more. Let’s get together soon.
(Oklahoma City) =7657
BOll"OM’S UP GWM, average looks with
a swimmer’s build, seeks men only f6r"
fun and pleasure.(Oklahon:~a City) =6444
NAME IS LARRY GM, 6’, dark features,
medium build, into music and romance
seeks top men only. Call me. (Oldahoma
City) =49966
6’1", 175, dark hair, blue eyes, good
looking, clean cut, inexperienced~, seeks
same, 21-30, for friendship and more.
Please leave a message. (Tulsa) =25993
YEE HA! GWM, 19, 6’, 135, brown hair
and eyes, seeks others who are masculine,
dominant, hairy, toll and looks like a
cowboy, ~r fun, friendship and lots more.
P~easele~e a message. (Tulsa) =27190
good sha~, brown hair and eyes, seeks
others for friendship and more. I am not into
the bar scene. Please leave a message.
(Ponca City) =26514
MY NAME IS STEVE GWM, 6’1", 160,
32, short brown hair light blue eyes, seeks
masculine and straight acting GWM’s, 18-
35, for fun and friendship. Leave me a
detailed message. (Tulsa) =20475
HI, I’M LEONARD GWM, 195, 6’3",
brown hair and eyes, new to area, seeks
others, 21-30, hairy
preferred, for hot fun and more. C~II me
soon. (Tulsa) =18265
180, good build blonde hair, hazel eyes,
clean cut and shaven, professional, seeks
others, 20-30, for fun, friendship and more.
Please leave a message. (Tulsa) =17715
blonde hair, green eyes, 110, into alot of
things, seeks others 18-30 for non game
playing fun. Life is too short to waste time.
Callme soon. (Tulsa) =7823
young and attractive, seeks others who know
what they want and how to take it. Call me
now. (Tulsa) =10082
50’s, varied interests, seeks discreet fun and
more. Call me. (Tulsa) =7728
I HAVE A CUTE SMILE GWM, attractive,
36, 6’, 145, dark hair, green eyes, versatile,
seeks same, 18-36, for ~riendship and
possibly more. Smooth body and all natural
end’wd is a big plus! Lecwe me a message.
(Tulsa) =6779
LOOKING FOR YOU GBM, seeks others
in the local area for fun and more. Please
give me a call. (Tulsa) =~771
versatile, seeks local guys for adventure. Are
you game? (Tulsa) =49980
TOP ME OFF GWM, new to area, 28,
5’11", blonde hair, blue eyes,
seeks slrong and mascuhne.guys
for passion and m~re. Call me .~:san. (Tulsa)
LET’S PLAY GWM, new into Lea~her, seeks
others for safe, sane and consensual fun.
Give me a call. (Tulsa) =34324
5’6", black hair, brown eyes, new ro area,
very romantic, seeks others for fun
romance and ossibly more. If thi~
interests you, lease give me a call.
(Broken Array =4~1158
GIRL TALK Bi Curious WF, 5’11",165,
24, blonde hair, hazel eyes, variety of
interests, out doors woman, seeks I~i WF’s
or Curious WF’s, for friendship
exploration and maybe more. Leave a
message. (Oklahoma) =26249
HEY GIRLS! GWF, into all sports and ’
more seeks others to hang out with. Give
me a ca . (Tu sa) =48 i 44
31, seeks other females for fun romance
and more. (Tu sa) ~27256
[=W,,,,O,MAN TO WOMAN Bi WF, 29, ,
5 3,150, auburn hair, 9reen eyes, seeks
others who are honest and sincere, local
preferred, for a Ion.q )asting friendship and
relationship. (Jones~ro) =3447’0
A final resting place in. peace, unity and pride...
located in Washington Memorial.~Gardens Cemetery
4300 E. 91st Street South
On 91st Street between Yale & Harvard
or re,
We off
Gardens has been
Gay and Les
will al!ow co
is noplace the
lS no
as a o
?n as an in~ Lividual?
the first ce: in the United States
section of our cemetery just for
& Lesbians, and their family and friends.
burial_spaces, columbarium for cremated remains,
¯ ~.g:gardens with a :memorial wall,
newly expanded and renovated section of
ngton. Memorial Gardens~ Cemetery.
The Pride flag will proudly fly in the center of Unity Gardens
to always remind us of our struggle in life for unity and pride.
If you have purchased a plot elsewhere,
you may be able to transfer or trade your burial plots.
For more information, please call Russell Langley-Stumpff at 918-587-7000.
***Owned and operated by Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home***

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, April 15-May 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/509.